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No. 540457
>Previously a "pansexual" lolita lifestyler who quit due to LACE drama and ~muh restrictive rules~>Known lurker>Is known to change phases very often, looking worse in every new one>History of ED, mental illness and self harm>Her weight continues to balloon as she refuses to eat anything but fast food, mc nuggies and peeps tea>Spends a lot of (her parents) money in every new phase, including $300 lolita dresses and cheap-looking, ill fitting lazy oaf clothes because "muh designer stuff" and "muh aesthetic">Tried to formulate a new "Japanese Street Fashion" (while living in Canada) called Party Kei that she never followed her own rules to>Gained a lot of landwhale and skinwalkers followers who not only copy her mannerisms and buy the exact same clothes and accessories, but also excuse her shitty behaviour. They are the Confetti Club, and have their own thread (most recent thread: >>>/snow/531204)>Tries to gain sympathy between her fans no matter how, including:>Having "mental health days uwu" in which, like usual, does absolutely nothing>Doesn't take showers, instead she takes ~special bath bomb baths~ and lays in her own filth>Pretends to be "queer", says that she would be "a lesbian if she wasn't dating someone with a dick" and has stated multiple times that she has a preference for men in her streams. When someone confronts her about it, she cries "bisexual!!!" She states she goes through 'phases of being a lesbian.'>She also claims to be ethically responsible about her clothing and makeup purchases, but continues to buy unnecessary plastic shit from fast fashion websites and other problematic sellers, all while feeling proud because she uses "a tote bag to shop">She feels the need to be the best at everything and the biggest fan of things, but half asses every single thing>Literal hoarder who keeps buying kid's toys, clothes, bags and decor that she doesn't need and only wears/uses once, all because of her "aesthetic">Buys expensive makeup palettes to only use one shadow. She also marks them as "work expenses" and showcases broken makeup even when she was sent a replacement>Has drama in every single relationship she gets in, from leaving a years old relationship to date their best friend to her latest relationship with a girl who used as clickbait for a "what I got for my GF on Christmas" video>She dumped said girl because Jill said "she was no longer attracted to her" and kept the Christmas presents for herself>She says she wants to be a fashion designer but does literally nothing for days and days to achieve that dream and hasn't improved her sewing at all, always coming out with badly sewn trainwrecks>Wants to go to a fashion design college near home because muh mommy issues but said fashion college is nothing but craft playschool for people who don't know how to sew>Cannot go anywhere without her mommy and treats her as her "bestie">Claims that she needs a two bedroom apartment all for herself when she goes to college because she's a ~full time youtuber~>Quit her job because of colored hair, is a full time youtuber now>Cries for demonetization and uses copyrighted music on her vids. Doesn't make enough money from YouTube but she still claims she does while using mommy's money>Goes on and off meds because "she feels better uwu" and mixes them with alcohol>Has a current obsession with drinking and getting drunk and mentions it in front of her underage fans on stream and twitter, then says "If you're 11 cover your ears">Also mentions her dildos while claiming her content is family friendly>Baby talks in her videos, says shit like rainby baby backy packy big boy and then cusses or mentions adult stuff>She also copies other youtubers, their mannerisms and video ideas>Went to Japan only to shop there, while saying it was a fashion designer trip>Proceeded to eat Western fast food instead of learning from the culture>Was elected "kawaii leader" in NHK Kawaii's popularity contest because her fans are crazy enough to vote multiple times a day for her>Went to New York to meet fans. Said fans paid $60 to be breathed on by her queen. Jill got drunk at the event. Fans also stole merch.Her phases so far:
>Punk kid (influenced by her then current relationship)>Band groupie>Theater club>Pastel goth and general cute clothes>Ita>Semi-decent lolita coords>Larme Kei>"Party Kei">Pagan "Witch" (muh mahou shoujou aesthetic) -only pretends to play with cristals->Hyper feminine and queeeeeeerrr >Decent into Rainbow Vomit>"Sharpay Evans" and Sexy Clown>RuPaul Bioqueen (newest addition)>>>/pt/108478>>>/snow/93376>>>/snow/25169>>>/snow/154765>>>/snow/215023>>>/snow/258245>>>/snow/271275>>>/snow/285759>>>/snow/303929>>>/snow/318441>>>/snow/338259>>>/snow/358781>>>/snow/375960>>>/snow/393066>>>/snow/408269>>>/snow/428929>>>/snow/445432>>>/snow/455122>>>/snow/477079>>>/snow/490876>>>/snow/515612>>>/snow/531526LINKS
youtube insta:
Cosplay Page No. 540471
File: 1522278651467.jpg (118.58 KB, 1024x678, aji.jpg)

>>540457Just to let you know, you didn't make the summary any better, it isn't more concise or easier to understand. You just stated more repetitive garbage and I swear to god it's even longer now. You could have taken the time to edit it down, you know, there was still another 100 posts to go on the last thread, i'm sure we could have waited but whatever, the OPs have sucked for the last dozen threads I guess there's no reason to bitch now.
As for her fashion phases, your forgot she was also a self-proclaimed roller derby girl, was into gyaru, himekaji and obsessed over princess themes for the longest time. She described her lolita wardrobe as a "classical sweet" hybrid and so on. No hate tho, she's impossible to keep up with.
Anyways here's a photo of Jill around her roller derby days.
No. 540472
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>>540471Ana jill in a replica of sugary carnival, very early lolita days
No. 540479
>>540471Not OP but maybe just be happy someone made the thread?
You're not helping either by posting these old irrelevant pictures. Post some relevant shit if you're going to bitch.
No. 540480
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No. 540481
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>>540472The midst of her princess/lolita days, early recovery. Just leaving this here for comparison sake.
No. 540485
>>540481Why are you posting old news when there's so much current milk?
These were years ago, they don't really matter anymore.
No. 540491
>>540481>>540472>>540471You complain about the op summary but you keep posting old photos kek
Someone should add the roller derby and gyaru phases though
No. 540502
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What's up with her fanart being so weird
No. 540504
>>540485>>540491Because if you haven’t noticed, every thread turns into newbies making comments over her style devolution and weight gain, and asking questions about these eras in specific. The point of posting them at the beginning of the thread is so conversation doesn’t focus on this and newfags who refuse to read old threads get the visual timeline they need. I thought that’s why other anons were complaining about the summary, because no one could make sense of it and they weren’t interested in reading through the old threads.
I’m not the one who complained about the old summary in the last thread, nor do I ask questions in every thread about Jill’s past and weight progress.
No. 540509
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Does it piss anyone else off when she does this? A decent portion of the YouTube community has been struggling with demomitization for months and she makes a post kissing YouTube’s ass because she hasn’t had any problems~~~ “uwu thankyou YouTube daddy ❀”
Not like there’s other people suffering at the expense of the system or anything.
No. 540513
>>540502Most of her fans are autists
>>531204lurk more
No. 540578
File: 1522285428814.png (971.21 KB, 1442x1080, Untitled81_20180328220103.png)

Turns out they are still friends.
I wouldn't be surprised if they do end up moving in together because rent is expensive in Fredericton and jilly still needs to buy only the best and most expensive supplise for collage.
No. 540587
>>540579Wendy isn't as rich as jill but was still able to get brand name stuff using her parents money. So idk.
I don't care if I expose myself at this point and don't like jill and I don't care if she knows that or not.
I live in fredericton the place she's moving too. And I'm going to the craft collage in the fall (for financial reason kek poor fag) I went to her poorly planned j-fashion meet up at aninaritime And I was there when she met wendy. I've also met xia (who is a pretty decent person). I don't like wendy either (she's not as bad of a person as pixie but a huge e-fame whore wannabe)
I hated the meet up so much. Except for the few who were there for j-fashion and not just to see pixie.
No. 540604
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>>540472Hold up, a fucking replica?!? gross
No. 540608
>>540602I wasn't she avoided me because I didn't fit her "aesthetic"
(Based on that it wouldn't be hard to figure out who i am from the photos from the meet. Lol)
No. 540625
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Looks like our favourite ~bio Queen~ is gonna get her first proper drag experience uwu
No. 540634
>>540630Thanks anon. Do you mind answering some more questions?
Why did you attend the event / why was it worth 60$ to go?
How horrible did it smell in the space?
How many times did Jill pat her black fans on the head?
No. 540666
>>540658If you say she's a bit of an efame whore it's not too surprising that she'd cling to Jill I suppose.
I'm curious to know who was there more to see or kiss up to Jill instead of being there for the point of the meet being jfashion. Jill loves to make everything about herself so I wonder if that happened too.
No. 540692
>>540558so odd it could be tru
No. 540782
>>540509"I just wanna thank YouTube that I haven't been demonitized yet this month!!!!"
That's like thanking a serial killer for not murdering you yet
No. 540790
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lol possible baking videos in the future
No. 540837
>>540658>>540630I was like 99% sure she met Wendy at the con but convinced myself that couldn't be the case because they were such ~best friends~ immediately and started talking about moving in together so soon. I knew tracey and kenzie were borderline creepy groupie status for years but since they already worshiped the ground Jill walked on before she started youtube, it seems more likely that she would eventually befriend them. It's still sad and weird that Jill didn't consider them actual friends until Colin broke up with her and she was going through an emergency crisis to befriend just about anyone. Also weird that she asked Kenzie to drive 4 hours to PEI instead of just getting off her lazy ass to drive to the city where her friends live.
Then to find out she was so desperate as to pretend she was tight with Wendy when again, it was just a fan from a meet up. It's just so bizarre. I don't think Jill has any conception of what actual friendship is. She's been an e-fame whore for so long, she's started to confuse fans for friends and doesn't know how to socialize outside of romantic relationships that she constructs for her online aesthetic.
On the other hand, I really hope Wendy isn't making her life plans and education choices based off going to the same school as Jill in hopes that they become roommates. Because that's concerning on a whole other level.
No. 540873
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These just dropped on Lazy Oaf. I’d be willing to bet money that Jillian will have these by the end of next week, they’re pink and clunky and ugly as shit (and retail for almost 200 bucks), perfect for her. Sage for speculation
No. 540886
>>540873>>540884Lmao second anon is right. They're a DM collab as well which is a pretty solid punk/goth brand, definitely not kawaii rainby uguuu.
NGL I actually like the shoes, and would hope they're designed by Lazy Oaf but constructed by Dr Martens. They're kinda pricey but not that far off usual DM limited edition collaborations.
If she did get them it'd be interesting to see how quickly she ruins them, given that with correct care a pair of DM's can be kept in excellent condition for like twenty years.
No. 540895
>>540790Didn’t bake because kitchen wasn’t aesthetic
That’s just stupid, normal people would do something because they want and like to do it regardless of how it looks
Also, I hope someone steals her rainbow door mat
No. 540903
>>540895It’s also stupid because I know for a fact Louise is really into interior deco and she recently did a house reno in the last few years, so not only is she shitting on her mom’s taste, but also pretty much anyone would be happy to bake in a newly done kitchen, like how many people are stuck doing cooking tutorials in their run down kitchen that was built in the 80’s?
She’s so spoiled and dramatic.
No. 540904
>>540903but how could our Jillybean ever bake anything in a kitchen that isn't a complete rainbow vomit eyesore?? :(((
whenever she takes an outfit photo outside she has to shittily recolor the background because apparently she just really can't live with anything that isn't rainby colors, what a weirdo
No. 540907
>>540697That's really reaching. There are a lot of entitled people out there besides CWC, and he has a legit mental disorder and is retarded. The only thing they really have in common is that they post a lot of videos of themselves online.
>>540873Eh, these look fine. Not really sure what you expect DMs to look like anon.
>>540886DM is a pretty normie brand these days lol. Also they outsourced to China so the quality isn't as good anymore.
No. 541097
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Possibly Jill's new girl?
No. 541185
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I was trying to find the new mystery girl on Facebook and saw that Jill and ex mystery girl are still friends on fb
No. 541199
>>541097If she is dating her, Jill needs to know that it’s ok to be single and that the only reason why she’s single is bc she decided to dump mystery girl bc “lack of attraction” after leading her on.
Just get a bf again Jill, we know that you prefer men you won’t have to use those dildos in your drawer anymore.
No. 541204
>>541201well it's not hard to pretend to be in to women when you claim to be a bottom, and think bottoms don't have to reciprocate.
And with those nails of hers, I'd certainly hope no woman would want those near her tender bits.
No. 541225
>>541218I feel like Jill is one of those people who forces their ex to remain friends with them because “I’m on good terms with all my exes!!!” Could also be that Alyssa isn’t aware she’s still fb friends with Jill.
>>541097if by soft she means fat and by pastel she means colorblind then I could see it.
No. 541341
>>541097Is there any real reason to believe they're dating other than that they took a picture together? Because if there isn't, then I'm not buying it.
Also Jill looks terrible here. The combination of her jowls and bun make her head look like a fucking cube kek
No. 541390
>>541387I honestly think she just wants to date a guy who isn't too 'stereotypically' masculine.
As in, for some reason she herself seems to think that all men are muscly, beer drinking, dirty jockey guys and she isn't into that, so she thinks she can't say she's into guys because of that?
I mean even if Colin was NB he was still quite boyish, he looked like a guy, was into nerdy guy stuff and perfectly functioned as a guy, it's not like he was even androgynous at all.
I'm not into typically 'masculine' guys either but I also know that the majority of guys aren't like that so it doesn't change the fact that I'm a straight girl.
So yeah, I think Jill is just into ~soft bois uwu~ and thinks she isn't straight because of that lol.
No. 541405
>>541390>>541398I also think she just likes boys that are interested in/willing to do stereotypically "feminine" things like wear pink or dye their hair pastel colors. She wants a matching "soft pal uwu", rather than an actual partner.
>>541097Probably just her friend. But if that's her girlfriend I feel really bad for Alyssa for being a dirty secret and new gal is being paraded all over her instagram already lmao.
No. 541422
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>>541097lol in response to this
so even her fans agree she looks like a grandpa?
No. 541523
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It's odd that a pixie fan page would be following maggie? Either the page reads here, or the page is run by someone who knows jill irl?
No. 541566
>>541523if you check this girl's IG she dressed pretty 'normal'/grunge-y up until recently, but now suddenly she's full on Lazy Oaf pastel kawaii baby uwu?
I wonder if she became a Jill fangirl and that's why they met up, or maybe she's been spending time with Jill for a while and she influenced her?
No. 541575
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>>541570you mean this tweet, right?
>>541523girl looks like an even uglier version of Jill in bottom left pic lmao
No. 541599
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A friend she'll use for views and likes.
>>541566Not uncommon for young people to go through phases now that they have their own money vs parents controlling how they look. I'd say she probably fell into the Lazy Oaf, Dollskill trend and Jill snatched her up to be the "pretty and more well dressed" of them.
No. 541669
>>541523Wow, she really is dog ugly. She legit looks like a man in a dress on the bottom left.
>>541599Can't wait to see how this unfolds
No. 541778
>>541523Y’all keep calling her an uglier version of Jill and idgi. Her style is ugly af, I hate tattoos and septum piercings, but I think her face is way prettier than Jill’s. All of her features are in proportion to each other, she doesn’t look like a grandpa, and her smile is cute and endearing. Jill’s face is horrifying to look at even with photoshop. At least I don’t have to live in fear of seeing this girl in my nightmares. Nobody looks good in that style, it has nothing to do with the girl.
>>541575Tbh I feel like Jill wrote that about an anime character.
No. 541794
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>>541523It's not just that fan account
No. 541816
>>541523Not that odd, she posted a pic of them together. A lot of these fan accounts are ran by 13 year olds who just follow everyone their ~idol~ associates with.
She looks average to me though, hate the dye job but I don't see how she's so ugly.
No. 541849
>>541669I think she just likes to lie back and be fucked, no effort of her part
Doesn’t matter what/who is doing it
No. 542065
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idk man they look pretty similar
No. 542066
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It’s the jowls, mouth, nose (especially), fat face, and colored hair.
No. 542238
>>542093Not WK but as a kid with abusive parents who took away my door, you get used to it. Major TMI but I did it when no one was home, and she has an entire basement to herself now that her brother's moved out
>>542066Oh god thanks for pointing out that jill's nose is also completely fucked.
No. 542285
>>542269This is beyond repulsive anon! Seriously she must wreak like a fish market on a hot day Kek
No. 542292
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>>542066K I’m sorry for reposting this again and being such a sperg but it’s extremely weird at how she managed to befriend someone who looked very similar to herself. The only major difference is the nose shape. Done clogging up the thread now I swear.
No. 542306
>>542303 Shut up dude. I was just saying how you could easily do this shit without a door. we all know her parents spoil the fuck out of her and never abuse her.
saged for irrelevant/you being an idiot
No. 542309
>>542306Is over spoiling your kids abusive? Because they never learn anything ever? If Jill wasn't such a horrible conceited person, I'd almost feel bad for her for being so stupid and useless, and her parents never pushing her to change…
saged for not wanting people to get into another argument about Jill's parents ACTUALLY being abusive
No. 542382
>>542373I know, I just wish her parents would actually have her change her ways. Like cut her off or something. It's almost sad how much of a woman child she is…
Saged for no contribution
No. 542458
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>>542455She looks middle aged in this. I swear her skin's condition keeps declining rapidly.
No. 542471
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>>542455>>542458I know the lighting isn't the most flattering one here but the combination of that light, her make up and hair color isn't working for her…
No. 542473
>>542471christ. I'm like 13 years older than her, and my forehead only looks like that if I seriously furrow my brows.
Guess moisturizer does work, afterall.
God damn.
No. 542485
>>542458>>542471Grandma Jill trying to mingle with the youths again I see
>>542473The woman is aging like milk in the sun
I didn't know you could get crow's feet or a forehead like that so early on and I'm older than Jill too
No. 542505
>>542455“I would recommend a reservation because it was like a 20 minute wait”
Only 20 on a Sunday morning? I can’t believe she’s complaining about such a short wait. I’m lucky if any local restaurant around me has anything below 45 on a Sunday morning
No. 542518
>>542458Of course it does, hasn't she only recently started to wash her face every day? Now imagine all that heavy foundation plus other products, like glitter glue, sitting on her skin, for days, so many skincare benefits…
Aside from her awful habits, this makeup is super unfortunate. The upper lid is just too heavy and looks muddy, yellow on the lower makes her look sick. Then there's gold glitter under brows, which looks like flaking skin. And that's just eyes, then we have lipstick that maybe matches one of eyeshadows, but still looks ugly paired with everything else.
Jill for someone who wants to be a bio queen really could benefit from watching a makeup tutorial or two.
No. 542551
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>>542455>have 3 (4?) Purebred(tm) cats at home because mama vessey is allergic to pleb cats>jill drags louise to cat cafes in japan and nyc despite all of thisit is genuinely bizarre how the only places she went to are those that have ~aesthetic~ sounding names or colorful interiors. you can get the same ice cream at literally any other place but she had to go somewhere called Big Gay Ice Cream. once again, this entire trip is just a visit to gimmick locations. her mom looks bored the entire time being dragged around to stores that only jill wants to go to, like she cant even look at any clothing for herself because its all ugly alt garbage. ONLY JILL CAN HAVE SOUVENIRS!!!!
also, once again, nothing cultural is done on their trip and all they eat are ~cheezieburgies~, pizza, and mac and cheese (literal toddler palette). amazing
No. 542564
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>>542455the way she always needs to point out how much things cost grates me so much
No. 542590
>>542588Nayrt but her skin has always been pretty clear despite being a wrinkly mess and packing on the crusty makeup.
She even said it only recently got kinda bad which is why she's FINALLY washing her face. Probably too late at this point though
No. 542600
>>542595>>542589It seriously amazes me that the Vesseys, at last Jill and Louise, are not addicted to Disney World vacations. So many opportunities to brag about the cost of things nobody gives a shit about. Devoid of culture. Countless opportunities to buy useless overpriced shit. And tendies/burgies/macncheezies at every corner for jillybean
does anyone else ever think about this? or is it just me
No. 542641
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No. 542659
>>542303Not what anon said honey, they said their parents were abusive, not Jill's.
>>542655Agreed, her mom is just a pretentious pos.
No. 542661
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>>542499Agreed. I know we rip on her, and I don't think Jill is the cutest girl I've ever seen, but she's really not unfortunate looking. It's just that her makeup and hair do nothing to enhance her natural features and hide her imperfections, and in fact everything she does the opposite.
We've seen how nice she can look with more toned down makeup and hair. I'm not saying she shouldn't have fun with bold colored makeup or anything like that. But she's just so intent on being the MOST colorful ALL the time that she makes herself uglier than she actually really is.
She needs to stop focusing on piling on the cutest and trendiest products that are making her look worse than she really does. And get bangs, because jesus.
No. 542684
>>542676if Louise was actually allergic to cats she'd be allergic to her ~uwu~ special purebreds, too. there's no such thing as hypoallergenic cat breeds. that's literally just Louise's excuse so she's not instantly demonized for not adopting cats.
Also. ALSO. The only cats that are considered "less likely" to cause allergies? fucking persians and maine coons aren't on that list.
Louise most likely just wanted to leave so she didn't have to be around "icky" stray mongrel cats. The cats in Japanese cat cafes tend to be purebreds which is probably why we didn't hear anything about her being allergic there.
sage for cat sperg and yeah Jill's a selfish bitch, but Louise is just a pure bitch who didn't wanna be around former stray cats
No. 542685
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No. 542692
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Jill being thirsty on Maggie's fb
No. 542697
>>542685it seems like every other day she's just complaining about meanies on the internet/youtube money crap/how hard video editing is and how it cuts into her nap time
like no one's forcing you to do this shit, just get a regular job like everyone else if being a ~famous youtube star uwu~ is so exhausting
No. 542748
>>542659It’s sarcasm dumbass
No one cares about anons abusive parents, that was besides the point of Jill’s no-door issue, they could’ve just said they didn’t have a door, honey :*
No. 542762
>>542687To be fair, everyone also believes that Jill had an ED just because Jill said so
So For all we know Louis really does have allergies to cats but just didn’t take allergy medication or something
No. 542786
>>542676my mom's done stuff in the past she's not particularly in to to make me happy/celebrate/whatever… but I'd feel way too bad to go out of my way to choose something I knew she outright hated, would affect her health etc.; it's just outright selfish and entitled.
I'm sure Jill loves her mum,
but, she doesn't seem to be at all capable of being considerate to others, putting her needs/wants second or being selfless.
Her parents done fucked up raising this chick.
No. 542805
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Tindr dates?
No. 542811
>>542805Imagine being a bored kid in PEI who gives Jill a shot at being a chill friend because why not and then realizing she can't ever leave her house or befriend anyone or have an intimate relationship without bragging and oversharing online.
>>541097Do y'all remember how Alyssa was sad that Jill didn't want to show her face online (naturally anyone would be heartbroken if their significant other hid them away) and yet the very second she even meets a girl with colorful hair/clothing style, she's more than happy to share on insta?
Doesn't this explain exactly why everyone she's ever dated adapted to her styles (Walker was punk, Tristan was Ouji Boy accessory, Colin was alternative/androgynous/nb) and then when she started dating a fat normie girl, she "wasn't attracted" to her and broke up with her immediately after realizing there was only so much clickbait and queerbaiting she could manage on social media without revealing Alyssa's non-aesthetic appearance?
Jill is one coldest-hearted son of a bitch. Absolutely the worst kind of person.
No. 543195
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No. 543196
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>>543195is this really how far Jill's social life has gone downhill?
doing some extremely basic and boring social outing thing is now worth blogging about? jeez I'm glad this weirdo is finally leaving her basement for a bit though
No. 543231
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No. 543237
>>542805Why would they be? That sounds like she's just meeting friends.
>>542986Cristine can see this because she is a grown-ass adult that has an education and a career, I think the problem with Jill's breed of YouTubers are people that have no education beyond highschool or higher ambition and just happened to gain a following online as a teenager. Even among full-time YouTubers, those that aren't completely delusional usually have a degree and had a job that wasn't minimum wage retail.
Jill probably won't get her life together as long as she gets a paycheck for buying stuff and giving gross petnames to household items on The Internet.
No. 543285
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The bday party was her nail techs
No. 543289
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No. 543293
>>543234 It's Kenzie who is the goth one. She doesn't mention her much anymore.
Also the thought of Jill at a party mowing down on garlic fingers with a bunch of other stupid looking kids dressed up as mall goths is cracking me up
No. 543312
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No. 543318
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No. 543349
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>>543318I'm going to repost old caps from Jill's 2nd or 3rd thread for those who need an introduction to Chelsea.
Quick recap:
>Wackjob Chelsea operates a boutique called Papercakes Pretty without government funding or bank loans because she has no capital/credit>Jill works there part time for about 6-8 months>A staff member gets sick and suddenly the entire business is in jeopardy (which is a sketchy excuse)>Chelsea starts a Go Fund Me and Jill promotes it to her online following, asks people to donate to save her job>A journalist or blogger in PEI writes an article about Chelsea allegedly using the donations to fund legal support for her assault case or domestic violence case (which is against policy)>Locals are concerned that Chelsea is an unfit mother and should have her kids removed because she constantly overshares about domestic issues, drug use etc.>Chelsea loses her fucking mind and ends up in the mental ward of the local hospital No. 543352
File: 1522602618531.jpg (176.82 KB, 505x267, lingling2.jpg)

>>543351This is after she claimed her ex threw their child through a wall and there was a "police investigation" but magically he still had custody of the children?
No. 543354
>>543351>>543349>>543352holy shit
honestly this just further proves how much of a giant piece of trash jill is. she defends the worst possible people because of ~aesthetic~ and basically lies to her fans by minimizing these types of things… i mean, asking for gofundme donations from her fans for an incompetent, drug-abusing, child-neglecting lady?? promoting shitty chinese sweat shop clothes on her channel? defending jstar running around the street calling women cunts?
and why? because they have
dyed pink hair or sell ugly tacky clothing kek
like, does she relate to these people on some personal level because shes a lying, manipulative scumbag herself, or does she think that people who dress in alt fashion or whatever deserve some extra level of empathy and understanding? idgi.
No. 543380
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Her Facebook is open. Incoming spam happening
No. 543382
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No. 543383
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No. 543386
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No. 543387
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>>543386This was left as a comment on the post.
No. 543390
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No. 543608
File: 1522620582929.jpeg (489.85 KB, 586x919, 3E5A0CB7-DD66-4003-B286-794AE9…)

Here you can really gage what kind of people were at this meet
No. 543612
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>>543608man her face looks so weird here
No. 543640
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No. 543645
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No. 543651
>>543640Doesn't she drink curtled milk in her tea and load it up with sugar and sprinkles? There was something about that in a past thread. About the type of tea she uses makes her milk go bad.
What makes her fat could be all the fast food and never exercising.
No. 543669
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No. 543678
>>543677Except plenty of people celebrate it secularly
No. 543705
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>>543676Here's all the food she posted or shared in her NYC/Jp/other vlogs or on twitter/IG. As yall can see, she literally inhales sugar drinks and the only non frozen/non greasy food she ate here was the sausage and eggs breakfast and cheese sticks. I wonder if she ever drinks plain water.
No. 543713
File: 1522627332370.png (21.12 KB, 236x378, askarsjvnjvgff.png)

>>543708Except it does work if you have the right powers, I know a lot of salty bitches here don't like to hear that but it's true. Most people can't harness it which is the beauty of it though, so rejoice in basic cunts failing. Have a sexy picture for your troubles.
>>543694Easter has been widely accepted as a commercial holiday for a while (chocolate bunnies, eggs, peeps, etc.) so no it’s not gross to post aesthetic things about it because it’s a shell (no pun intended) of a religious holiday if you aren’t a devout Christian- td;lr no one curr
>>543693Pizza & burgers may be “an American staple” but the thing is that Jill is from Canada and has constant access to these foods no matter where she is, so the fact that she is exposed to a place with diverse foods and just retreats to burgies and mac & cheezies shows how she has the pallet of a child and isn’t willing to go out of her comfort zone (despite being in one of the most uniquely diverse cities in the world)
No. 543716
>>543612Anon, you have made my night
I'm sobbing
No. 543763
>>543700Jill needs to stop caring bc she’s a pagan. She eats peeps every day anyway.
No. 543777
>>543765Easter was stolen just like every other jesus fucking holiday, your bitch boy isnt special
"Well, it turns out Easter actually began as a pagan festival celebrating spring in the Northern Hemisphere, long before the advent of Christianity.
"Since pre-historic times, people have celebrated the equinoxes and the solstices as sacred times," University of Sydney Professor Carole Cusack said.
Following the advent of Christianity, the Easter period became associated with the resurrection of Christ."
sage for OT obviously
(derailing) No. 543832
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>>543669look at the gross ass brown stain on her pant leg oh my god
No. 543851
>>543832This really just looks like an unfortunate shadow…
Milk must be dry
No. 543905
File: 1522641214076.png (863.6 KB, 1080x1920, Untitled82_20180402005125.png)

She commented on one of my friends post? I never thought her to be the kind to be into kigurumi because it would be "owo to creepy and sexual" for her or something like that. ??
No. 543935
>>543923That's not what everyone is saying you dumbass. They're saying who gives a fuck about someone "appropriating" a holiday that is and of itself fundamentally appropriated. Who cares if someone is "Disrespectful" towards Christian traditions when Christians stole the holiday in the first place.
Also no one here is pagan and you're an idiot for even entertaining the idea that there are let alone them being butthurt, there are just a lot of people who have a better idea of the scale of history and these traditions. You sound like the most butthurt, culturally ignorant American Christian.
(derailing) No. 543942
>>543608Sage for tinfoiling but am I the only one that thought Jill might've had botox before going to NYC? She had her hair done and her party photos were just weird.
>>543705Bless this post, underrated compared to that holiday derailing >.>
No. 543954
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outtake from jill's easter shoot
No. 543973
>>543923Good post.
>>543935Our holiday isn’t like their’s and if you’re not pagan then you shouldn’t care if it’s “stolen” if our’s has a different meaning than their’s does.
>>543942I doubt it she’s always taking about her “baby face” and getting “id at bars”. She doesn’t realize how old and aged she looks.
No. 544004
File: 1522653864487.jpeg (635.75 KB, 750x756, 9C62F9A1-39CA-477B-8E0D-6754AE…)

Jillian WISHES that she could do something like this.
No. 544021
>>544002isn't she prescribed xanax? and she really likes to drink. doing either in excess (and we know how Jill is with everything) and/or combining those two things will age someone fairly harshly.
but tbh I think her never taking off her makeup or washing her face until like a month ago has more to do with it than anything. she's probably never worn sunscreen in her life. and she wipes her makeup off really vigorously, at least in one video she did - assuming she always does that her appearance doesn't surprise me
No. 544044
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I just came across this really impressive work by a fashion student in Jill’s home country, and am just gobsmacked that she believes she can have any sort of success as an international designer with her work ethic and choice of education. She is beyond delusional and I cannot wait for her to actually start school, because her rants when she finds out how the real apparel business works will be Grade-A milk. Sage for apparel construction nerd talk, here’s the article for other design nerds - No. 544090
>>544058A couple alcopops and her baby dose of Ativan (that she probably doesn’t take daily because benzos don’t work that way) are hardly ~
problematic worrisome behaviors ~ this thread must be chock full of sheltered weeb teens.
No. 544100
>>544090Have you ever mixed alcohol and benzos? Even a drink or two can get you seriously messed up and it's very easy to black out. I've done it myself and seen it happen to other people. Ativan and alcohol perform a similar function in brain and potentiate each other, making a person taking both feel much stronger effects of both the medication and the alcohol. Fatigue and sleeping too much is also a side effect of Ativan/other benzos.
It's ridiculous to me that she has access to anxiety medication that strong when she has the most coddled and sheltered life possible and refuses to see a therapist.
No. 544110
>>544090She's also on seroquel (which you shouldn't drink on) and prozac (which amplifies the effects of alcohol). She shouldn't be drinking.
I know most people don't take benzos daily, but the fact that in her NYC vlog, she mentioned having to take ativan because of being stressed out by getting stuck on a train, I have a feeling she takes it at the drop of a hat.
No. 544159
File: 1522676940447.jpg (834.23 KB, 1080x1848, Screenshot_20180402-144739.jpg)

Possible tin foil but Jill liked a lot of single quiet posts whilst not doing one herself. She normally loves jumping on the queer train, so I'm thinking she's not single?
No. 544181
>>543832That looks like a shadow, not a stain.
>>544159I don't think it's that, she seems pretty insecure about anything queer beyond "uwu smooch girls!!"
No. 544198
>>544196I always found that weird. My short haired cat sheds a helluva lot more than my long haired cat could ever dream to.
Will eternally piss me off anyone who breeds and/or buys ragdoll cats. The breeders deliberately breed half crippled animals for fun and profit. But they're an expensive novelty, so of course Louise and Jillian would want them.
No. 544206
>>544202Truth. Although a funny thing is my severely allergic cousin who also has asthma was unaffected by hairless ones. You'd think that would be constant release.
Sage for cats
No. 544244
>>544241No, they haven't. They've talked about her bad drinking habits which she def has and how she seems to brag about them to her very young viewers which is irresponsible.
You need to stop thinking that getting drunk alone in your basement regularly while on meds is a normal thing.
No. 544246
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No. 544259
>>544238hwelp. I was a raging alcoholic for about 14 years. Regularly drinking alone to the point you get drunk is universally considered a bad sign.
I've lost multiple friends solely from drinking on their meds. Passing out sitting upright can cause your head to slump forward in to a position you cut your own oxygen off.
Is she an alcoholic? Not likely. But she's off to a bloody bad start.
Yeah, a lot of young people like to drink. Jill makes herself a public figure, and has hordes of underaged and mentally ill fans. Whether she likes it or not, she's an example to them, and she's a ruddy fucking
bad example, at that.
No. 544284
>>543705And dont forget what she eats off camera is just microwaved rice lmao
10/10 diet
No. 544286
>>544244Do we have any sort of evidence that she mixes alcohol and meds or even drinks excessively when alone? Has she mentioned the number of drinks she had or anything like that? At least I really doubt she takes larger than the prescribed dose of ativan with alcohol because she doesn't really show any signs of that kind of use.
If she just takes the prescribed amount of meds the same day she is drinking then what is the big deal? Not probably the smartest thing to do but very common and it doesn't influence the effects of alcohol too much.
No. 544288
>>544274I swear SO MANY people who are depressed, have anxiety and/or other mental issues and take medication for it, have such bad habits otherwise there is no way the medication is going to help them.. your medication isn't going to magically cure your depression, anxiety or other mental issue when you also drink alcohol heavily, eat nothing but bad foods, is super lazy and isolated and otherwise just do nothing at all to try to improve your health.
I wish more people could see that those types of medication is supposed to be a booster to help you get out of the worst stages, it's not a magic pill you take and everything goes away on its own out of nowhere…
Sage for off topic
No. 544302
>>544294If by self care you mean regular exercise and a healthy balanced diet and not pinku bathiebombs then yes, it would.
>>544244Every time people talk about her drinking habits it sounds like she's just getting hammered every night by herself and washing down handfuls of benzos with alcohol, most of her posts about drinking seem to be when she's with friends/other people though? Jill definitely has some unhealthy tendencies but it just seems like reaching at this point.
No. 544309
>>544302And people seem to want to refuse to acknowledge that you don't have to be eating benzos by the handful for drinking on them to be dangerous. Because taking the couple you're prescribed, and then drinking, effectively doubles the prescribed dose into potentially dangerous levels.
THAT is why you're not supposed to drink on meds. Because the dose you're prescribed will not be dangerous, but alcohol will significantly intensify that dose.
And that is what myself and other anons keep fucking saying, and what continuously goes over the heads of the anons who are determined to not understand why said behaviour is not only
problematic to her own health, but potentially to her idiot followers health as well.
No. 544345
>>544341yeah, I wonder why she's taking so long to work on that
hope it doesn't end up like that birthday party vlog she never posted
No. 544349
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>>543739>>544234>>544238Interesting how this thread has been derailed so many times. First with Easter and now alcohol… I know the milk is dry but can we get back to Jill? Also, topkek
>>543954 No. 544358
>>544309Thank you, I literally explained
>>544100 why benzos and alcohol are a dangerous combo, but it's like no one wants to wrap their head around the idea that she is on medication that can be addictive by itself and is adding alcohol to the mix. She casually mentions the medication she takes and whenever she drinks. It's so irresponsible.
Like didn't she at one point say she has a glass of wine or two with her mom every night? You don't need to drink excessively to be setting yourself up for problems while drinking on benzos. They are not your average antidepressants or anti anxiety medication. Ativan is chemically similar to rohypnol, aka roofies.
It is kind of a big deal to drink on that kind of medication on a regular basis. It's not pearl clutching or making a big deal out of normal young person drinking.
No. 544451
>>544225Fuck yeah, Hatchetface!
Sage but am excited
No. 544453
File: 1522700666498.jpeg (452.44 KB, 750x987, D4D89FA8-7186-4ECC-8A18-55FF56…)

New post, piling onto the shit peep obsession
No. 544492
>>544329Have you never seen a prize figure? The paint jobs are never really good considering they're mass produced as gatchapon and crane machine prizes. theyre worth like 10-20 bucks which is super cheap.
This one looks like a gatchapon figure. Not bootleg. Safe for figure sperging.
No. 544548
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>>544534She's commented on the post discussing this in the Lazy Oaf Facebook page, as if she's ever actually cared about any of her former "favourite stores uwu" stealing from independent designers.
No. 544589
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>>544473I'm not a lazy oaf fan, but this whole schtick, from both designers, is just a rip of cheapie midcentury carnival-prize style stuffed animals. It's hard for her to claim that she invented the face.
No. 544645
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No. 544706
File: 1522715914727.png (1.54 MB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_20180402-193136.png)

So it looks like someone brought up the whole lazy oaf theft on Jill's new post and how ethical they are got brought up. Another girl questioned if they're actually ethical, and this looks like it was Jill's response. Looks like the whole thread is deleted now though kek guess jillybean can't handle someone questioning her precious brand.
No. 544716
File: 1522716255894.jpg (373.7 KB, 1440x2339, Screenshot_20180402-194218.jpg)

This is what showed up when I clicked on the actual comment. Going to the pic through her actual instagram page shows none of the comments either kek
No. 544723
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>>544473I'm sorry, but… how the fuck does this qualify as 'stolen art'? Literally all the soviet stuffed animal toys I ever had looked exactly like that.
No. 544768
>>54445314 peeps plush toys.
originally counted 13, but theres a blue one the cat is sleeping on. who the fuck needs this many. i could understand two or three but 14??? what the fuck girl get a grip.
No. 544775
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>>544771OK but the creator obviously took inspo from a design which already existed. so how can she be mad at LO for doing the same thing.
No. 544799
>>544777>>544775>>544771Holy crap! This actually seems like a Deja Vu of Momokunt Red Riding Hood™ and MyOppa design.
I think what concerns me more on this topic is that Jill doesn't really care to search more about fast fashion industry and that she is going to try to "survive" on this type of line.
No. 544814
File: 1522723446852.jpg (232.49 KB, 1439x761, Screenshot_20180402-203748.jpg)

Jill's comment on lazy oaf's insta. Of course she's "Anxiously waiting" so she can buy from them again without a guilty conscience.
No. 544824
>>544778The Artist even admitted that they weren't sure and it was sketchy because they based off something else.
The fact Jill was so butthurt about it makes me want to question how she's going to try to be a designer herself even more. If this girl keeps hopping on bandwagons to look without having her own values in check, how is she ever going to design something original without other people calling her a hypocrite and saying she's copying designs for using her mass produced flowers or some shit. It's not original, they may have started a TREND by putting those eyeballs on clothes. But it's not a copyrightable illustration. It's the color like an anon said that is really the indicator that they didn't modify the inspirations design enough to be different. So for Gemma to say that it's a complete stretch is a poor excuse at best.
No. 544847
>>544824The biggest annoyance to me about this stuff is that Lazy Oaf could clearly just pay her. When they found the design and liked the colour+combo, why not reach out to her for a collab or offer to compensate her for the design? Even if what she did wasn't 100% original, LO still wanted EXACTLY what she did, so why not just throw a few bucks her way?
>>544846"Ethical" my ass.
No. 544908
>>544899I’m autistic and I thought she might be like ADHD or some other “cousin” disorder but I’ve been thinking more and more that she’s autistic, especially after that video where her mom listed all her special interests.
It could also explain her difficulty in keeping up hygiene (we know she only takes baths and only sometimes), and why she seems to not be able to control her emotions (as shown by her constant depression tweets)
No. 544944
>>544899No, stop it with the armchair diagnoses
>>544908Not taking baths is a pretty common symptom of depression. Also it's very trendy to make depression tweets these days.
No. 544998
>>544453>>544768I think her Peep obsession is rather quirky and cute. There's nothing wrong with collecting things or being a fan of a product so long as it doesn't become a clusterfuck hoard. Believe it or not, a dozen plushies isn't hoard tier yet (see episodes of Hoarders for that). Getting dupes of the same color items seems unnecessary but I can see why people would do it, kinda makes more of a "I'm crazy and I know it" statement like itabags and waifu/husbando merch shrines. However, for what Jill claims to be she should turn this quirk to a wacky creative outlet like
>>544004. I wouldn't wear that type of shit, but there's nothing wrong with liking or creating weird stuff.
[If she plays her cards right after making a decent fashion portfolio after graduating she could pitch a Peep theme alt fashion line to Peeps & Co., or start a vague marshmallow fashion line herself] <Note everything in this bracket is shit that will not happen because she is lazy.
No. 545027
>>544908I'm autistic too so this was basically my train of thought
>>544956this makes sense though and I agree, she would make autism her entire identity
No. 545086
>>545080Honestly this whole incident is a blessing lol.
We all now Jill can't stop buying shit & showing off her newly bought shit, so if LO doesn't give a public apology she'll look like a dickhead if she keeps buying from them.
Maybe she'll keep buying from them but then try to be like "u-uh I bought this on depop uwu", though then she wouldn't be able to keep showing off screenshots of how much money she spent kek.
No. 545122
File: 1522754256397.png (418.1 KB, 1080x935, 20180403_081511.png)

This spoiled bitch seems to think she needs a whole fucking townhouse to herself!!!
No. 545143
>>544846Just. Make. Your. Own. Clothes. You claim you want to be a fashion designer and have a hard time coming up with kitschy clothing ideas? There's a back-log called fashion history to gain inspiration from. Jill has all the time and money she needs to hone her sewing skills and create unique pieces for herself. She's insufferable. Also, I highly doubt she cares about the ethics concerning fast fashion.
I know she'd pass it off that she's making a case for others who can't create if someone said this to her, but it's so obvious she's one of those people.
No. 545173
>>544799it's not though. both parties just copied the fucking stuffed animal face. neither of them did anything unique, it was based on a pre-existing item that looks a very specific way.
the MO thing was moo directly copying MO's original design that she created from her head. copying a stuffy isn't even close.
No. 545188
>>545183She's not crazy, she's just incredibly spoiled.
>>545125 $1000+ per month rent is something that's incredibly difficult for one single person, even one person working full time and making a bit more than minimum wage, to manage. Even a lot of working couples can't quite manage and need to look for something less expensive.
The shitty part about Jill is that she'll literally never admit that she comes from a place of EXTREMELY EXTRAORDINARY privilege
>>545174I wouldn't feel bad for her parents considering they literally enable all of this. It wouldn't be that hard to demand that she get herself a 1 bedroom or have roommates.
No. 545215
>>545192How the fuck does Jill even want to keep up her youtube schedule when she goes to college though?
I mean she quit her job(s) and even when she has all the free time in the world she's barely been sticking to her schedule because ~uwu mental health days~ or some shit. Her jobs were just lousy part time ones too, college usually gives you way more of a workload than that (unless her school really is that shitty).
I wouldn't be surprised if she's already planning on quitting college one month in or something because "I don't need education, I'm already a real entrepreneur!! :)"
No. 545231
>>545122Anyone remember when Jillybean's car broke down and she didn't even have the money for repairs so her parents had to chime in?
She clearly has nothing in savings and has no idea how to handle money, yet her parents still want to sponsor such a lifestyle for her instead of actually getting her used to living a responsible life now… She's forever going to stay as a giant woman child like this.
No. 545369
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No. 545370
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No. 545371
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No. 545378
>>545192I seriously doubt her youtube money is going towards any living expenses.
>>545122As if furnishing and decorating a 2 bedroom apartment wasn't expensive and extravagant enough for community college, she needs an entire house? I've been to art school with a few extremely privileged kids, including the daughter of a fashion designer and the son of a movie and music video director, and even they lived in apartments and had roommates, even in senior year!
It's not even just about saving money, she has no idea how to take care of herself or be alone. Yes, I'm broke and jealous, but I at least know how to be an adult and am not playing house with my parents bankrolling me.
No. 545400
>>545122hate to play devils advocate, but i don't really see te big deal here.
She has the money herself, and her parents are well off enough to help her out.
this is literally what every youtuber does – gets a bigger place than they actually need.
my brothers girlfriends parents are buying them a house because she just graduated. If parents got the money, generally they want to do these things for their kids.
No. 545420
>>545400It's not like people I went to school with didn't have the means to live on their own or parents who would pay for that. It's not practical to move out for the first time into a house, that's so much upkeep for someone who has never had any real responsibility.
It's also socially isolating to live alone, especially the first time you're moving away from home AND going back to school after being out of school for years. They're setting her up for failure by being unwilling to say no to her ridiculous expectations and wasting a lot of money in the process.
Also like
>>545174 pointed out
Your parents having some money doesn't mean you should feel entitled to having as much space as an entire family. She's a small time youtuber, it's not like someone with a million subs getting a house.
No. 545471
>>545427She didn't get two apartments for herself though; there was the one her and her ex-husband lived in, and the bachelor apartment she filmed in or whatever, and now lives in.
That's… actually practical, and not an elaborate, frivolous expense.
No. 545504
>>545371…does anyone else think it's a little weird that she made an anniversary out of him not dying?
I mean I get that last year she was like "oh one year ago there was this big event" but it seems a bit strange to just mention that every year now..?
No. 545515
File: 1522790932489.jpg (120.57 KB, 1064x541, Screenshot_20180403-222650.jpg)

Her inability to reply to busines messages is hilarious (remember the arctic fox situation?)
No. 545518
File: 1522791088920.jpg (442.74 KB, 1080x1641, Screenshot_20180403-223021.jpg)

From a ~~~20 inch waist!!!! To a large. It's interesting she's admitting this.
No. 545578
File: 1522792977702.jpg (957.64 KB, 1080x1848, Screenshot_20180403-230208.jpg)

Next impulsive buy?
No. 545584
File: 1522793056917.jpg (615.79 KB, 1080x1380, Screenshot_20180403-230356.jpg)

No. 545588
>>545584was just about to post this
No. 545594
File: 1522793504530.jpg (385.8 KB, 1080x1593, Screenshot_20180403-231013.jpg)

I don't recall her posting about other shootings, but obviously she has to post about this one because she's a ~~famous youtooober
No. 545605
>>545587A townhouse isn't any less of a house than a single family home. They might be smaller on average but it's still enough room for a family to live in.
Why does she need two stories? And more space means more indoor upkeep, like cleaning and buying paper products for multiple bathrooms, vacuuming or sweeping multiple rooms, having to buy furniture, curtains, and other furnishings for an entire house. In what universe does a 20 year old going to community college need a house to themselves?
No. 545628
File: 1522795238293.jpg (78.59 KB, 1080x388, Screenshot_20180403-233811.jpg)

>>545584Also kek at this comment on the post
No. 545645
>>545605It all really depends, the ones I've lived in were very narrow, my friends and even laughed about one because it was the exact same layout and size as our previous apartment but cut in half and vertical. The stairs might give her some exercise at least lel.
>>545630Huh, maybe that was just the case for places geared towards students not other residential ones or just the area.
She's not going to have to deal with any serious upkeep if she's renting, though. She's not foolish enough to buy one there…right?
No. 545666
File: 1522799909717.png (272.94 KB, 933x1540, SmartSelectImage_2018-04-03-17…)

No. 545680
>>544816Because she has no idea how to interact with anyone who isn't her mother or weeb friends. She is only seeking validation to wear her shitty overpriced, stolen artwork jacket to mcdonalds again.
>>544846Wow, her response is literally as expected. Since when was Lazy Oaf ever ethical??
No. 545687
>>545666I'm really glad to see others calling out her. like, why is she even posting a photo of her?! like, she is really such a special retard to not see how this is disrespectful as fuck??
Make a text only post with a pink background.. but why a photo of herself?
No. 545707
File: 1522803883226.jpg (160.04 KB, 1074x708, Screenshot_20180404-020414.jpg)

No. 545708
File: 1522803897598.jpg (205.14 KB, 1080x777, Screenshot_20180404-020355.jpg)

No. 545709
File: 1522803956021.jpg (95.82 KB, 1074x389, Screenshot_20180404-020550.jpg)

No. 545715
File: 1522804435231.jpeg (337.46 KB, 1242x1414, 5CFDEEBE-C565-40AF-A137-AFFA43…)

“I’m just sooo egotistic that I didn’t think about not using a photo of me about a situation that isn’t about me!! Teehee!! My mistake! U w U”
No. 545718
>>545706My thought process:
She didn't post a picture looking really happy at a Youtube Space with her condolences?Scrolls up
Yes, yes she did No. 545719
File: 1522804571983.jpg (150.19 KB, 1056x657, Screenshot_20180404-021542.jpg)

No. 545780
>>545584Since no one really recapped the YouTube shooting: 3 people shot and injured. 1 woman dead (the suspected shooter). Motives unknown.
Sadly im not surprised that Jill is so apathetic. Also in America, gun violence and gun law reform is a major, heated topic right now (not at all trying to derail). I dont know how gun laws are in Canada but Jill still handled the situation horribly.
>>545704 Gun violence isnt uwu kawaii and may be too
triggering for her special snowflake followers on her main account.
No. 545851
>>545584Well this pissed me the hell off. She's ~devastated and praying uwu~ but can't be bothered to click a news article to see where the shooting actually was? To post a message of condolences without her posing at again, a completely different and irrelevant location?
I'm an SF local and some of my friends were terrified and on lockdown in their workplaces today. Go fuck yourself for this pathetic attempt at capitalizing on a shooting Jillian.
>>545706>my love for Youtube!!!uwujesus Fuck it's a corporate space with real people working at it not some cutesy fandom, what's with this fucking freak.
No. 545903
>>545639I'm definitely not a big IC fan or fond of pastels but I feel you, anon. Maybe I just have shit taste but they're pretty fucking cute.
Not practical at all though. Imagine how badly caked in gross red PEI dirt they'd be if Jill bought them.
No. 546059
>>545712It's everything wrong with this generation who is growing up on the internet. No mistakes can be made because a swarm of white knight or hand maidens will come in and tell you that you did nothing wrong. She is already coddled by her mom, but now her fanbase. Bitch will die in the real world if she ever has to leave her basement.
What she did was genuinely gross; taking a story about a shooting and making it about herself, but now she'll never learn that.
No. 546212
File: 1522864302789.jpeg (172.39 KB, 750x348, 7EF07DCA-5189-442E-B591-403BF9…)

She’s at home all day doing nothing it shouldn’t be this hard to keep up on your schedule. She’s only “doing vlogs whenever I feel like it teehee” and she didn’t stream last Saturday. If she’s a full time youtuber now then she should be more up to date with this since putting up vids and interacting with fans is all she has.
Wasn’t the meetup a week or two ago? Ik that she was going to go to New York anyway, but wouldn’t she open with the New York meetup vlog-it’s the only thing that involved her fans, and is way more interesting then seeing her buy things and eat food.
No. 546247
>>545584god I feel like she must've heard the news somewhere but didn't pay any attention and then her whole thought process was just "omg something happened at youtube… a youtube space..? I was at a youtube space recently, I could have gotten killed!! :("
she's unbearable
No. 546311
>>546303Yes. Being a spoiled, obnoxious little shit does not a personality disorder make. Let's
please not start this armchair psychology discussion again.
No. 546329
File: 1522872343338.jpg (302.95 KB, 1080x1517, Screenshot_20180404-210401.jpg)

Someone asked about the YouTube situation on the group and these were Jill's responses
No. 546551
File: 1522883356634.jpg (169.33 KB, 1080x877, Screenshot_20180405-000848.jpg)

Could you imagine
No. 546970
File: 1522935742868.jpg (70.98 KB, 640x1280, FB_IMG_1522935699170.jpg)

Now Jill can go back to sucking lo's dick
No. 547009
File: 1522938707605.jpg (232.37 KB, 1080x1048, Screenshot_20180405-153050.jpg)

No. 547067
>>547032The original piece is bright pink and so are the purse and jacket. The overalls are a different colour, yes.
The eyeshadow is the same colour and the nose is the same shape, clearly meant to be the same animal.
But whatever.
No. 547075
>>547067> clearly meant to be the same animal.yes anon the same animal they
both copied. it was posted up thread. neither of them thought up the design. it's as reaching as if the design was a flower. you can't copyright something if you base it directly off of something in the public domain unless you make it distinctly your own, which neither of them did. LO copied the face which oddly directly copied from the stuffed animal.
>>544589>>544775both of these have the same face and different shadow color, so no oddly did not create the design and her design is not distinctive enough from the original to count as her own.
No. 547081
>>547075Can you not see that the green one is a dog and the other two are bears? They have entirely different face shapes. What are you on?
>>547076Besides the overalls, the LO nose is triangular, like the other art. The green dog has a very wide nose. The two bears do have similar noses to the newer designs, that's true, which makes sense because the LO bag is marketed as a bear bag.
No. 547121
File: 1522949689188.jpg (29.38 KB, 463x142, 2464585323.JPG)

from the LO sales group
No. 547161
File: 1522951973797.jpg (654.5 KB, 1080x1470, Screenshot_20180405-191217.jpg)

New selfie
No. 547227
>>547161how can someone buy so much fashion shit and yet basically always wear the same 3 outfits?
for the past few months it's always been:
-shitty pastel lazy oaf piece
-gross fur earrings + tacky kids earrings
-either some bow in her bun or a bow headband or some shit
No. 547343
>>547123More like "I make a lot of shitty oopsies and I just made one within the last 24 hours, I also had this same problem with a skirt. I'm probably not one to condemn."
Even if she did condemn them it's a double edged sword. Hypocrisy doesn't look good on anyone no matter who wears it. It's better to side step it than step directly in the path of all that blowback. Jill can barely handle herself with all the praise and pressure for videos as is.
No. 547360
File: 1522961898719.jpg (46.44 KB, 1080x240, Screenshot_20180405-215451.jpg)

Someone posted the lazy oaf apology in the confetti club and this was Jill's response. It's so obvious she doesn't actually care about the supposed theft, but only about the fact she can now continue to buy from them without harm to her reputation
No. 547424
>>547418well in this post she said she'd be uploading the meet up vlog today
>>546212 but she probably got lazy and didn't finish it after all
No. 547777
File: 1522987957471.png (1.37 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20180406-051143.png)

Jill is in Maggie's Insta story
No. 547810
File: 1522990933479.jpeg (377.94 KB, 2048x2048, 60D1004E-27EC-48F2-B241-F389D5…)

>>547777Yeah, they were out shopping all day today. So no vlog.
No. 548002
File: 1523026291202.png (21.22 KB, 581x178, gg.png)

wait so is her NY haul one of those sit down videos? I thought she was done with that
>still hasn't finished editing that vlog
>just spends the day lazing around with her new ~gal pal~ instead of working on it
I'm glad she's so dedicated to her job
No. 548008
>>548002Imagine having to actually pay your bills and following an upload schedule to make sure you make end's meet by the end of the month.
This is why her youtube hobby isn't a real job, why she should never have quit retail, and why living with her parents for years after high school is toxic for her development.
No. 548011
File: 1523027264140.jpg (215.79 KB, 1080x1060, 20180406_120632.jpg)

How the fuck did she only upload 7 vids in March and still get over 11,000 new subscribers!
No. 548013
File: 1523027331493.jpg (193.09 KB, 1080x822, Screenshot_20180406-160714.jpg)

Her fans are delusional
No. 548016
File: 1523027432965.jpg (182.87 KB, 1080x710, 20180406_120916.jpg)

Mama Vessey totally enabling and excusing her lazy slacker daughter ~that's almost two a week uwu~
No. 548022
>for years after high school What, you mean 2 years? If that were true there'd be a ton of Jills everywhere.
Unless you mean living at home with your parents without any real job, education or routine, which I agree fucks with your mental health pretty horribly.
No. 548236
File: 1523040121519.jpeg (163.04 KB, 750x744, 4F26B81A-B2F2-493F-AF4C-BB463F…)

No. 548254
>"I don't like the actions of this company but I have no self control so I'll keep throwing money at them"the worst part is that Jill wants to become a professional fashion designer, she could literally just create her own LO-esque clothing
it would be great practice and her fans cream themselves every time she sews anything so it could even help with her YT channel (plus she would be ~so inspirational uwu~ for not supporting LO anymore)
but nope, even though she will start school in a few months she still makes absolutely no effort to create anything
No. 548267
>>548261I don't think Jill has any creativity in her. She doesn't think like an artist and she's just way too lazy. Her pompom outfit was a basic cutesy idea, her last outfit was inspired by "green anime fields" which seems random. And she executed it in the most half ass way with terrible fabric.
And she seems like someone who follows the trends instead of going her own way. Despite trying so hard to be special and different she just latches onto the latest Lazy Oaf and thinks she's a crazy fashion influencer because most people on her island don't dress like her. She'd rather spend money and lowkey follow trends instead of thinking for herself and learn how to do anything on her own.
No. 548276
>>548051It's her full time job though? Does she deserve pats on the back for doing the bare minimum and rarely sticking to the schedule that she created?
Shooting and editing sit-down videos should be fast and easy for her at this point. Especially when she is doing the filming and the formula is "look at this thing I bought!" There's no reason that her haul videos should be overwhelming, unless she's talking way too much about every item. Some basic planning and notes ahead of time could solve that problem.
Getting footage from two whole different cameras shouldn't be a massive undertaking. If she had a smart or professional approach to shooting, she would be more selective about what she records and she could delete or trim clips as she goes so as not to get completely overwhelmed by footage.
It's also a good idea to plan what shots you'd like to get or know the kind of story you want to tell or mood you want to create. Her vlogs are boring because they have no real purpose or focus, and they turn into a bunch of shots of her chin and nostrils with some of whatever she's seeing thrown in. Sage for videography sperg.
No. 548369
File: 1523051338209.jpg (519.67 KB, 1080x1010, Screenshot_20180406-224804.jpg)

alternative view of the peeps couch. What a waste of money.
No. 548450
>>548369Watch Jill get a tattoo of a fucking peep down the road. Kek or maybe even the lazy of eyes logo.
All her tattoos are shitty and poorly executed. I never will understand the allure of tattoos the make people come across uneducated and unoriginal…wait Jill is both of those.
No. 548505
File: 1523064925541.png (1.63 MB, 640x1136, BC51A76E-755B-4A29-8930-A7813E…)

Jill is out clubbing with Maggie and some of her friends. It’s on Maggie’s insta story and her live story too.
No. 548555
File: 1523069781884.jpeg (100.11 KB, 750x992, 3DD858AD-8307-4DC3-A7BE-4D9467…)

Jill was live on insta for a minute she’s with Maggie I’m assuming that it was just an accident?
No. 548594
>>547960lmao u r so wise
she is still just eating breaded chicken and rice even outside the home
>>548000Of all her hair transformations I've seen, this is my fave (but its mostly just that I want to try a subtle half/half hair)
>>548276 True, sometimes people don't end up vlogging the most exciting parts of the day, just the inbetween parts when they remember theyre supposed to be vlogging. Usually they end up combining the bits into another vlog tho instead of uploading a 4 minute vlog of chain restaurants and being tired in their hotel room ….
No. 548647
>>548505here's Maggie's full story of the night out.'s no audio because I can't be fucked
No. 548665
>>548647>>548512Maggie's live stream of them "clubbing" with bunny hop: this one has audio but is shite quality because it's under a black light. drunkielocks incoming, at least she isn't alone this time though
No. 548737
>>548700Didn’t we uncover that Maggie has a long term boyfriend though?
Also I don’t know that many girls that end up fucking simply cause they drink and hang out together. That being said, Jill is definitely desperate and this is the longest she’s ever been single, she’s always mentioning it frustratedly. So I wouldn’t put it past her to put the moves on Maggie, and from there I guess it depends how much Maggie also wants efame and lgbt brownie points.
No. 548740
>>548737But an anon replied to that post saying that Maggie’s profile lists her as single. Jill maybe honest in saying that Maggie is ‘just a friend’ but we all know Jill is just saying that to remind herself that she’s dating someone else. But knowing Jill she’ll probably go through some moral complex of “is it wrong to be with someone in a relationship, even though they are in a relationship and I’m not?” And knowing her dumbass fans they’d try to justify it kek.
Sage for speculation
No. 548800
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No. 548802
>>548800ah yes, working hard by going out with her friend; shopping and getting wasted
~please dunt overwork urself mama pixie!!! uwu~
No. 548848
File: 1523117517122.jpeg (287.38 KB, 750x746, F66C8171-70A0-4118-98C2-3E697C…)

She likes shit like this on Twitter. Hey Jill, maybe you shouldn’t have quit your real jobs for a career you’re too lazy/ uncreative to maintain.
No. 548884
File: 1523121946490.jpg (288.22 KB, 1080x1975, 20180407_142447.jpg)

>>548740Maggie's fb profile lists her as single but nothing stating her orientation
No. 548932
File: 1523124918590.png (209.92 KB, 600x390, d2d.png)

>>548848OK, so let me just quickly clear this up:
Jill's struggle in life right now is that she just came back from a 1 week long vacation in NYC that was entirely paid for by her mom.
For the past 2 weeks she has just been needing a break after that stressful vacation, so she's been incapable of filming and editing a video in which she shows of all the frivolous things she bought in NYC, and another one which documents a meet-up where about a 100 fans paid money just to be in her presence.
I can really, truly imagine just how drained and unmotivated Jill must be feeling right now.
I mean being paid to buy things and show them off on the internet? Being expected to upload about 8 videos a month and doing absolutely nothing the rest of the time? Anyone would be overwhelmed with that.
When will Jill finally create that Patreon so I can donate to her for struggling with this incredible workload?
No. 549132
File: 1523139066477.jpg (356.19 KB, 564x982, Screenshot_20180407-230922.jpg)

All of these pics were taken from a fan page. Just more of Jill for her night out with maggie.
No. 549141
File: 1523139280965.png (83 KB, 585x269, Screen shot 2018-04-07 at 6.41…)

If Jill's not gonna keep a schedule she should at least stop making promises that she can't keep
No. 549169
File: 1523141841545.jpg (188.55 KB, 720x1041, 201847_185438358.jpg)

>>549157The fan page literally says pixie updates which is creepy
No. 549194
>>549169I don't get this. Fanpages take screencaps, it's normal. Confetticlub is her fanpage so they will post updates about her? How is that creepy? It's what fans of every social media person do. I've seen people take stills and @ the person with the still, or take a photo of their tv screen showing the video, or take clips of themselves happy or crying in response to what _internet_celeb_ did. Make edits from snap chat screencaps. Etc.
It's weird behavior in general but not in the sphere of fandom.
No. 549327
>>549132>>549140Jill wearing gray and black?!
Heading into a new phase maybe
>>549133Also, LOML
How long have they known each other for her to be saying ‘love of my life’
No. 549539
>>548810>stop saying kek lmaoTop kek
>>549132>>549140The hair color is irredeemable but she should do neutrals more often. Although it's kinda ironic that she whined so hard about the black items in her WC Luckybag but now that she has a reason to she's perfectly fine wearing black fishnets.
No. 549632
>>549619Fuck. Was All that screaming necessary?
Get given a present and squawk into the person face!?
No. 549644
>>549618If this was the best footage what the hell did she cut out?
This was just obnoxious screaming/her describing stuff like a toddler/shitty audio/weird drunk(?) moments
No. 549666
File: 1523198430825.png (858.85 KB, 1282x720, Screen Shot 2018-04-08 at 11.3…)

Of course the Vesseys would show off this one gift.
No. 549691
>>549642thanks! it was honestly a pretty shit last minute coord. i’m not going to explain why i like her here obvisouly since i’m in the wrong place lel
>>549686>>549653yeah i’m an awkward fuck sorry. i’m surprised i didn’t make a bigger fool out of myself tbh but i had fun.
>>549687i work at pandora so the employee discount makes things practically free. that’s why i didn’t want her to be like “you’re so nice!” because i only paid a quarter of the price. but i’m happy she liked it!
>>549699They always out themselves on the confettifag thread and it’s obnoxious as fuck. No wonder there’s so much derailing ITT, the confettifags are here shitting it up.
>>549703Oh how naive, I guess you haven’t seen the other thread where every time a confettifag self-posts they get their Facebook exposed. And if you’re in any of the confetti communities, you’re gonna get booted once someone out you here.
No. 549739
I was disappointed with the lack of milk in this vlog… I feel like it had the same content as
>>534833 and
>>534426 (fan videos of the meetup) with some extra clips. We can all harp on how autistic the fans are but that doesn't take away from how disappointing this was. Maybe Jill will start making all of her videos this boring and devoid of personality so everyone loses interest.
No. 549745
File: 1523208134163.png (1.1 MB, 1152x720, Screen Shot .png)

>>549739Samefag but I think part of it is that the entire meetup isn't grounded in reality. It makes it feel like all of these people are normal because everyone there is a uwu ~pastel cutie~ . I wish there were more shots like this in the vlog where it's just people in New York reacting to Jill and her mom.
No. 549747
File: 1523208156963.gif (4.09 MB, 706x434, wao.gif)

>>549619tl;dw for everyone:
>'baby brekkie' talk right off the bat>autistic screeching every 10 seconds>extremely awkward fan interactions and loud venue, jill overreacting to everything>a ton of fans actually traveled out of state to come to this>jill only showcases fans who gave her gifts in the video>weebs singing and dancing to jpop >fans staring and giggling at jill from afar as she gets drunk overall really boring, just snippets of jill accepting gifts from fans and lots of screaming. she barely left any video in of other ""famous"" people who attended like her fellow vloggers or the tokidoki guy
>>549653she sounded like she ran off to cry after talking to jill
No. 549750
File: 1523208288973.jpeg (28.79 KB, 352x350, 3C093CCC-7E8A-4755-AEF0-5AC398…)

>>549619She was definitely drunk, after they sang happy birthday to her and started doing that random dancing she was acting so weird.
No. 549774
>>549703I honestly dont think youre well if you have to insist how awful you are after every compliment like that, its not right
Legit please speak to someone, living with that mentality isnt healthy
No. 549789
File: 1523211146265.png (2.89 MB, 2231x1229, preciousmoments.png)

a collage full of questions
No. 549819
File: 1523213743136.jpg (478.95 KB, 1080x1848, Screenshot_20180408-194911.jpg)

>>549703A nobody online, but I'm still going to doxx you. Why do confetti club members keep doing this to themselves.
No. 549858
File: 1523217530090.png (339.21 KB, 479x599, 765827.png)

lol are all of Jill's 'fans' just secretly lurking and posting here? how strange
also got this from Jon's IG, I guess they all went out drinking together
No. 549955
File: 1523222240285.png (331.88 KB, 302x419, 5.PNG)

This poor woman questioning what went wrong to be accompanying her child to such an event. Though I must say her coord is on point.
No. 549977
File: 1523223890584.jpeg (123.92 KB, 750x288, B71908E9-A88E-42E3-88FD-68AA85…)

in Jill’s twitter thread for the new vlog. good luck “apple” Jill only shows the gifts that are ❀~expensie uwu~❀ kek
No. 549992
>>549977damn how pathetic
is that
Kek also I bet its probable jill could have showcased all the gift givers, cause more than likely there weren't that many.
Why are all her fans so self deprecating?
"Upload me in your video too, I gave you a gift gimme a shout-out"
No. 550126
File: 1523234187298.jpg (70.37 KB, 1133x484, attentionwhore-dollfie.jpg)

>>549619Holy crap, i just realized that Toshi Salvino (aka dollfille) is there. She really has to attend every kawaii type meeting in nyc, doesn't she?
No. 550212
File: 1523242693806.png (632.5 KB, 620x590, lisafrank.png)

I cant tell if this guy is a fan or someones parent but its cute he's wearing a Lisa Frank sweater for the occasion
but also
>dont u know mama pixie HATES lisa frank please leave the party
No. 550220
File: 1523243256488.png (1.3 MB, 1649x782, nips.png)

No. 550526
File: 1523270660116.png (2.7 MB, 1636x1198, Screen Shot 2018-04-09 at 6.40…)

>>549909sage for ot but the green lady goes by @heirofglee and seems to be centered towards alternative/outlandish makeup rather than party kei and probably just went to the event to get attention & followers just like toshi
No. 550541
>>550526He looks very uncomfortable
So pretty much only landwhales and skinwalkers are the pixie fans
No. 550618
File: 1523283957169.jpg (156.39 KB, 1080x570, Screenshot_20180409-152321.jpg)

Jill is so lazy she can't even respond to emails promptly..this is the 3rd admission of her shitty work ethic
No. 550626
File: 1523285650987.jpg (454.34 KB, 1080x978, Screenshot_20180409-155116.jpg)

Alyssa posting a possible dig at Jill?
No. 550678
>>550664Samefag but after checking the post it also says:
>She hasn't asked me to stay the night in three years.So I'd imagine it's probably about someone else or completely fabricated
No. 550816
File: 1523300942898.jpg (126.1 KB, 1080x598, Screenshot_20180409-200833.jpg)

Here we go
No. 550825
>>550816I fucking hate these kind of polls, she always does them.
No real opinions, just forced validation.
I bet she still feels hurt when people pick "ok" though.
No. 550854
>>550626I was hesitant to relate until I saw the "I convince myself tonight is the night she kisses me sober"
This is definitely about Jill
No. 550872
File: 1523303139785.jpg (841.98 KB, 1080x1848, Screenshot_20180409-204516.jpg)

No. 550882
>>548002Idk why she needs validation for something she already said she was doing.
No. 550911
File: 1523304886513.png (1.41 MB, 936x1422, 876543354565544.png)

Looks like her favorite over-priced makeup store is going to be opening soon in the town she is moving to. I think she got a VIP membership or something by dumping hundreds in the Halifax store?
No. 551125
>>551095Maybe because of the ~*controversy*~ she edited it out.
Like the past anons were speculating about her putting off posting because of Lazy Oaf stuff
>>547374>>547418>>547472That or its filthy and she doesn't want to show it, but girl was brave enough to flash that yellow, stained mood shirt.
No. 551202
>>551060Just all the mention of how her first place for college is going to have a coffee table covered in magazines and a dining table with fucking table cloth weights pisses me off
She’s so fucking entitled, ungrateful and wasteful, it’s sickening
No. 551219
>>551131 said, it's not actually that hard to be Rouge if you buy all your soap/skin care stuff there along with your makeup. But since this is Jill it could be mindless consumerism too.
No. 551231
>>551219She has never once bought any hair care, body care or skin care at Sephora lol. Unless you count too faced’s terrible peach spray as “skin care”… which it isn’t.
All her purchases are palettes, mascara/eyeliner and lip products. 90% is Too Faced. She recently bought actual complexion products for the first time, like a foundation and pressed power, again it was Too Faced though.
No. 551233
File: 1523325485656.png (1.55 MB, 1582x830, Screen Shot 2018-04-09 at 9.56…)

classic jill not cleaning the shit off of the bottom of her expensive shoes
No. 551242
>>550911Damn it I hope Jill gets at least gets some basic instruction on how to correctly apply her makeup! I love Sephora like another anon but I shudder at the thought of Jill potentially getting hired at Sephora. I bet we will get more hauls from her ~*VIB douche status*~. Kek
No. 551354
File: 1523335669044.jpg (194.99 KB, 1388x777, ss (2018-04-09 at 09.42.55).jp…)

>"it seems like yui from Pripara is based on this design…? I hope its not a total ripI wanted to shoot myself in the face. I like the original artist of the plush, for anyone wondering
But jesus christ they did not invent the dreamy sparkle shoujo eye. She is clearly inspired by vintage manga illustrators like Takahashi Macoto
No. 551412
>>551403Like…people here aren't being unkind or cherry-picking, everyone looks like a clown disaster what is going on?
But they all seem very happy which is good. Just wish they were encouraged into a style which is actually challenging, skilful and can be applied to real life rather than pastel vomit like this
Sage for
have been casually browsing the threads without realizing it was really that bad No. 551475
>>551060I'm not a huge Jillian hater and never actually comment but anytime I catch one of her haul video is flaring up my old consumerist personnality, if that makes sense.
I was very much like her before, that I NEEDED to buy. It was important to my happiness, I needed to collect every tiny useless trinket and pink cute gadget.
I have no shame and admit for example that I'm kind of jelly of her wand collection.
I also don't think she's malicious when she mentions prices of her stuff, that's something I'd do. I think in my mind I was like "It's useful information. When I see someone has something interesting I want to know how much it is so I can go and buy it eventually". It's hard to explain but it's very tied to the "I need to buy buy buy" mentality.
It's no wonder that she was a lolita too because at this point my dresses and bags are more of a collection than a real wardrobe. I see the same attitude with women who collect Disney trinkets, tsumtsums or mugs. It makes me believe it's all tied to a need to keep a grasp on your childhood because 90% of her stuff is kid's stuff she doesn't even use or play with. Like the trinket she shows briefly, the noisy flamingo heart, what is she even going to do with it ?
It was honestly really hard but freeing to get rid of all of my crap when I had to move out. Accumulating stuff does stress you out and I can't imagine living in a room full of screaming colors. I had to move to a new country and could only bring a suitcase of stuff so I went with one pair of shoes and maybe 4/5 outfits. Man it was freeing.
It would do wonders for her anxiety if she started getting rid of useless crap and reduce her collection to a shelf only.
>Sage because blogspot No. 551529
File: 1523362234552.jpeg (503.22 KB, 734x976, 5065038A-E391-4AF9-8FE6-D942BB…)

No. 551618
>>551354Kek, girl is so stressed about thievery of basic concepts since she got called out on her pleated skirt and LO got called out for a face.
She's gonna tank in fashion school without a backbone.
No. 551622
>>551060A bit irrelevant but does anyone else find it incredibly lazy that she ALWAYS uses the same music in every single video?
If YT is your only job… couldn't you be bothered to try to find some royalty free music that actually suits the theme of each video? jfc it's like a nursery from hell
No. 551686
File: 1523377169405.jpg (574.16 KB, 1080x1848, Screenshot_20180410-171831.jpg)

She tries so hard to look sexy and it's repulsive
No. 551729
File: 1523380806276.gif (9.32 MB, 560x560, Jilllllll.gif)

>>551686the mess in motion
>and not so small as previously posted No. 551737
>>551729oh god make them stop
she fancies herself so much
No. 551738
File: 1523381475563.png (828.56 KB, 827x788, itsasign.png)

>>551544the world is trying to tell her
No. 551742
File: 1523381596421.jpeg (278.25 KB, 750x418, 8EA9FD3D-98D8-46CB-B505-0C8318…)

>>551544(SKSKSK had to repost sorry)
NHK Kawaii International vid summary:
>Fashion makes her happy and full time kawaii YouTubed>Talked about PEI and being the only person who dresses like that there. She gets stared at.>Showed her elementary school, highschool, Claire’s and Freak.>Said that she lives far away from all of her friends and that she’s going to cosplay with two of them at a con.>Tracey and Wendy appears (Wendy is still going to Jill’s college)>Louise makes a appearance and says that Jillian’s always been ~unique~ especially in PEI going to school in lolita, and punk clothes with her mohawk. Always evolving and changing in her fashion.>Jill says that she’s going to be doing fashion blogging and fashion designing soon full time. Wants to be supported as the 2018 Kawaii Leader. No. 551935
>>551493didnt she buy shoes in japan that didnt fit her as well?
what a waste of fucking money, but imagine how pathetic she'll look wearing shoes in public that her fat calves spill out of
No. 551965
>>551742Hearing the announcer for the nhk video was
triggering it sounds like a commercial for babies. Sage for OT
No. 552263
>>552183Her feet are smaller than an 8. I have no idea why she thinks that's her shoe size. Her shoes are constantly slipping off the back of her feet, and she mentions this problem a lot.
>>552237I've met her, and I'm 5'2, and she's shorter than me.
No. 552265
>>551729you can just tell she thinks she's the cutest thing ever, and that the cc autists are probably telling her they're gay for her and shit. so fucking gross. all her pictures look the exact same, seeing those disgusting poses in motion kill me.
its so dumb, the way she's leaning and trying to do cute-sy faces …like we can see any of your youtube videos with how you actually are and see how chubby and ugly you actually are irl. don't bother.
>>551060 No. 552315
>>552203I was wondering about how long some of these people have actually been posting in these threads to keep following her for years or if the only reason they keep going is because newfags keep spawning.
I'm no exception, her channel was all fun until you realize more than half her personality is consumerism based. She seemed a little down to earth when it came to her series on how to become a youtuber, like "oh some actual behind the scenes talk about what it's really like" and then her channel got worse. Her personality is more clearly a persona too. Like suddenly we hear nothing about MG with no explanation at at all? The same way her feed was flooded with drag for like two weeks and then nothing? Or her to seem like she forgot she even entered the kawaii.i contest while others were constantly plugging it in their stuff? It's just too much.
>>552237 Pretty sure it's more like a good chunk of her fans are in middle school.
No. 552331
>>552237I met her at the meetup in nyc, and I'm very short (shorter than 5') and most of the fans were in the 5' range.
I was very surprised that most of the people were very tiny as well as it is not very common to see so many short people in one area of nyc.
So I wouldn't doubt that she was in the 5 - 5'2 range
No. 552353
being as wide as they are tall doesn't make her fans 'tiny'
No. 552365
>>552331Ahh thanks for the inside info. Maybe those glitter booties gave her some height too.
>>552265God yeah, she looks like such a smug twat here, it's so gross. Made worse by the fact that she looks downright repulsive with that hideous hair and makeup. That tongue biting thing she does when smiling never fails to enrage me as well.
No. 552376
>>552353Tiny means very small, so I meant tiny as in, they were very short. Not that they were very skinny. There were some tall fans yes, but a majority were tiny. (Not skinny.)
>>552360Sadly no, I did want to bring my camera but I stupidly forgot it's charger. Nothing really to report, she was meeting people the entire day so she was mostly very smiley and friendly as I doubt she'd act any other way when people were lining up to take a photo with her. (and there was also a bit of young fans/children which I imagine were the children of some of the people who went, young fans.)
>>552365Np, and perhaps, my friend is 5' and pixie was only about an inch taller
No. 552596
>>552582>Is that even a thing in Canada? it's not in the UK in my experience.Uni halls don't unless you're mega rich but every flat/appartment I've lived in in the UK has had a full bathroom. Not a very nice bathroom, but with bath. Depends on how old the city is, the older it is the more likely baths with a shower attachment are. Stand alone showers are only really a thing in newbuilds and most flats aren't new they're converted, your experience is pretty unusual tbh.
The level of entitlement Jill has regarding going to uni makes me angry irl not just fun internet recreational outrage.
No. 552630
>>552615They're the same tier of qualification though right? I use the term uni because over here college and uni are separate tiers of education - You have to get some kind of college level qualification in order to progress to university. You can't go to one instead of the other, there's a strict order. Where as in the US and Canada they seem to refer to different institutions within the same tier of education?
When you say it's not even university is that more of a technical distinction or is community college actually something different and lower? Like, would going to the best community college still be worse than attending the worst university?
No. 552636
>>552630No, they aren't the same. She won't be getting a degree. She will have a diploma. It's basically a trade school.
>Like, would going to the best community college still be worse than attending the worst university?They aren't even comparable because they aren't providing the same quality or tier of education.
For you Brits in here that don't seem to get it: you can go to EITHER college or university in Canada. They aren't sequential. The US uses these terms interchangeably, but Canada does not. At a college (often what the US calls a "community college"), you will only receive a diploma. Some colleges' diplomas aren't even recognised in different parts of the country. Some schools' diplomas are only valid within the province they were given, and these often come from private colleges (i.e. not government-funded). Universities in Canada offer degrees, like bachelors/masters/PhD. These are accepted everywhere, even worldwide. But they don't require you to go to college first. You go here right after high school/secondary school (with the one exception being Quebec, where they have CEGEP, which is basically sixth form).
No. 552641
>>552570"I just made a video for this because…"
Because if you didn't, it would just set in stone further how much you take for granted and aren't thankful for.
No. 552687
>>552615OCAD isn't a fashion school nor is it a college - OCAD turned into a uni like 2011-2012, trust me I'm not doing all these liberals for a fucking diploma… The closest thing they have is Wearable Tech. and that's more of a course based around making art pieces out of textiles or things you can wear on the body. Ryerson is the closest thing to an intense fashion program and it's still a university.
George Brown, Humber and Seneca all offer fashion courses of various kinds of fashion - I only really know that George Brown's diploma teaches you actual sewing and drafting.
Saged for sperg
No. 552697
>>552641On one hand I get that it was in fact mostly held for her as a meet and greet thing but GOOD LORD "me me Me me ME Sebastian Masuda cane to see ME at MY MEETUP for ME and the kawaii society didn't want the spotlight to be taken away from ME how thoughtful!! Did I mention this was all about me???"
Girl your 6% lucky pack opening was ass, you couldn't even say his name right in your video and Sebastian looked uncomfortable as hell in every shot of him at the event. He really was probably expecting a decent jfashion meet and not the clusterfuck it was with Jill's doughy ass
No. 552714
>>552596It really fucks me off too, she’s so entitled and completely clueless
I don’t know of anyone who gets their own private fucking house for uni, even if they’re really well off
She’s gone from a little clueless to completely insufferable
No. 552741
>>552739Her school doesn't offer them because her school basically exists as a place for bored housewives to sign up for something to do. Most people who go to a college in Canada just go to the one close to them, and it's more as a way to just do
something rather than actually get a quality education.
No. 552758
>>552636Sorry anon I don't think you understood what I mean by tier. If you can go to college instead of university then they're the same tier of qualification. I'm not talking about the value of the qualification relative to others, just where it sits in the educational progression timeline. A-levels and BTECs are the closest example we have - same tier, but a-levels are indisputably worth more. You only choose to do BTECs if your subject is vocational or you couldn't get the grades for A-levels.
So basically what it comes down to is that diplomas are intended as substitutes for degrees for people who can't make university grades, (Or afford it or whatever) but they don't carry as much clout and are therefore worth less? It seems like there's no point in attending a college if you could attend a university instead, and Jill is dumb because she has no valid reason not to attend a university and is instead choosing the easy/lazy path?
No. 552782
>>552758Oh, I get what you mean now. Sorry! I was using it to gauge quality rather than the steps you could take in education.
Yes, BTECs are very similar to college in Canada. And yes, the only reason she's going to this school is because she wants to be close to home. It's a complete waste, and it won't give her a proper degree that would actually teach her anything.
>>552779Her whole life has been a gap year.
No. 552860
>>552835In the US, community colleges give out AAs/ASs after 2 years and regular universities give you BAs/BSs after 4.
>>552830Most Americans don't even have bachelor degrees so it's not normal for most people.
No. 552959
>>552888Agreed, especially the way the economy has been for the last 10 years. I don't think it's necessarily shameful to still live with your parents at 20 or into your 20s. I'm more distrubed by how much she clings to her mommy and has no desire to do things independently.
Unless it was to visit family, there is no way in hell I would have dragged my mom along every time I traveled at her age. I was taking buses and trains out of state at 17. And there's no way my mom would have tolerated me sleeping all day, spending all of my money hoarding useless junk, refusing to get a stable job or save money or do anything around the house for years, and then pay for me to have my own house to go to fake fashion school.
No. 553032
>>552707Simmer down anon, English clearly isn't their first language.
>>552582Halls for universities in the UK (i.e. generic student accommodation) usually have a shared bathroom between multiple rooms, or an ensuite per room with a shower. Never have I heard of halls offering baths unless they're for super rich internationals. Outside of student accommodation, most (if not all) homes/flats/apartments have baths and I would say most have the shower-in-the-bathtub kinda gig.
Now after googling apartments/townhouses for rent in Fredricton, it's looking like Jillybean is seriously going to end up spending $1300+ of mummy's money per month on rent just so she can have the ~creative~ space she needs and a BIG tubby wubby boy.
No. 553181
>>552739what a weird thing to be mad about. why would you want to share a stinky 10x10ft room with at least one stranger and a hair
trigger smoke alarm if you don't have to?
No. 553322
>>552739lol I’m guessing this is the same anon as
>>552830 . Jill has issues because she is emotionally dependent on her mom— sure, this is emphasized by her financial dependence but that also ties into her being coddled. it seems like you’re just pidgeon-holing Jill for not having a path that you’re convinced is normal, or ideal (going from HS straight to a 4 year, having roommates as a freshman). maybe gain more insight before pushing university propaganda onto a board of poorfags that probably can’t affort to go straight to college or go at all. we are making fun of a rich bitch on here so you can connect those dots. sage for irrelevance and sperging. if we keep derailing we can make a thread for this on /ot/
No. 553348
>>553091If you have social anxiety you get better by challenging it
Shutting yourself in away from the world is a ridiculous thing to do
No. 553389
>>553322Not the same anon. No one is pigeon holing Jill. Simple fact is that most people actually do something with their lives by 20 years old. That's just basic knowledge. No not everyone can afford college, totally aware of that. But Jill can and she's neglected that privilege most poorfags don't have. There's what irks me the most. She has enabler parents who treat her as if she was a child. It's toxic asf for anyone to be that mentally crippled at that age. No one is pushing In propaganda FYI. Jill just fails to mature enough to take any accountability for her self as an adult. I can't imagine any anon here being this immature and enabled. Jill is indeed a rich bitch who is a source of entertainment for all.
No. 553465
>>553413What planet are you living in anon? Salty, under achieving bitch much? Yes,going to college is doing something with your life. It's precisely that, it means a person has put forth the effort into bettering their life and are working towards a goal. I can't imagine what your twisted definition of doing something with one's life even is. Then again being a lazy, marginalized poorfag must count for something, right?
Sage for sperge
No. 553467
>>553413I guess anon forgot that Jill is already so successful and fulfilled. She's doing so much with her life amirite?
So many of you are derailing about your personal experiences and nitpicking other posts that accuse Jill of being maladjusted/spoiled/out-of-touch when SHE IS. She is fucking ridiculous with her moving into a townhouse that's meant for a family of 4 in that area. She is going to a trade school that's funded by the government which is meant to help lower-class folks receive an education. All of this American/UK sperging is for nothing. If you compare Jill's situation relative to other Canadian families and students, she is absolutely far from the norm and guaranteed it's off-putting to the locals in Fredericton or PEI. The maritimes have a very high-cost of living, yet they're some of the most uneducated and perpetually unemployed provinces. Their economy has 0 prospects, even their health care system is one of the worst in the country (which is why Jill uses that as an excuse to avoid mental health professionals, while cancer patients are being neglected and the obesity rate rises faster than anywhere else).
That's why Louise had to explain and try to justify why Jill needs a huge apartment when a friend of hers offered to rent a room to Jill. The norm is 4 or more students sharing a house. There's no less than 12 universities around the maritimes (not counting all the colleges), so it's normal for the neighborhoods to have streets lined with homes that are shared between students. Bigger homes (like 4-5+ bedrooms) usually have upwards of 8-10 students rooming together.
No. 553472
>>553467>>553465sorry some of you are so
triggered. college is just not a big deal at all and is expected. it's like saying high school is doing something with your life, plus most people who go to school end up in jill's shoes right after.
also it's pathetic that you'd think everyone needs to rent rooms and shit. i got my own apartment during college and the only person i shared with is my fiance.
sorry you guys are so salty and poor that you think college is some sort of achievement.
No. 553476
>>553472considering a lot of people don't get to go to college, until a much later date if at all, yes, it certainly can be an achievement.
you sound just as self-involved and shitty as Jill does.
No. 553477
>>553472What does being poor and/or in college have anything to do with being considered an achievement? Fuck anon your must stupid as hell.
I'm most definitely no poorfag.
You must be though to project and presume so hard.kek You must be a fat, sweaty entitled basement dweller like Jill.
No. 553483
>>553472>sharing with a partner>apartment, not a townhouseDo you even live anywhere near the maritimes? Otherwise it's irrelevant. And you're delusional if you think this is about our situations, and not Jill's.
I'm sitting in my two bedroom apartment with my partner and our cats as I type this. Yes, i'm a college student. And yet this has absolutely nothing to do with Jill and her poor life choices. I explained why everything is RELATIVE to others in her area. But you still want to compare living in an apartment with your fiance to Jill living alone in a house. At this point you just want to argue and that's the problem with all the fucking derailing about school/dorms/moving out.
No. 553625
>>551060You would think going into a flunky design school that she would stock pile her hoard with fabrics for her future projects, if she was so intent on being a ~*fashun designnurr*~. What a lazy bitch.
Especially when you have access to Mood and every textile imaginable available to you! She's going to crash and burn sooo hard!
Sage design fag
No. 553653
I think this next year will make or break Jill. I will be more worried about Jill when she reaches Charlotte Charm's situation.
>>553208There's a lot of rich people out there. No need to be angry.
No. 553748
File: 1523569526687.jpg (719.69 KB, 1080x1504, 20180412_184411.jpg)

I can't remember the character this is supposed to be but that gradient is painful
No. 553752
File: 1523569945494.jpg (560.12 KB, 1080x1039, 20180412_185129.jpg)

>>553750I thought she had too but apparently she's gotten the brilliant idea that sponging fabric paint onto fabric is the way to go instead
No. 553756
File: 1523570223339.jpg (1.08 MB, 1080x1612, 20180412_185446.jpg)

Found the previous skirt she'd spray painted which looked much nicer than that rainbow sponge vomit
No. 553761
File: 1523570456037.png (1.27 MB, 1083x2000, Render1.png)

>>553752Isn't this the character she's doing? Why has she used an entire rainbow for this when the gradient on the skirt is only 3 colours?
No. 553762
>>553752>>553756>>553761OK at this point I'm just starting to believe that Jill has an actual mental deficiency.
How the hell do her cosplays/sewing projects get worse with each year? How did she get that skirt so wrong now when it seemed way more passable before? Did she hit her head or something?
No. 553778
>>553752How is she expecting a different result blending with a giant sponge? There are wide sponge brushes, and even those aren't great for fabric painting without a stencil or some sort of masking. And if she's not using a ton of textile medium, that fabric is going to be stiff as hell when it dries. And the colors look nothing like
>>553761How can she mess this up so badly when the internet is a thing??
No. 553779
File: 1523571345544.png (2.73 MB, 750x1334, D7C6D06A-2242-428F-B808-39FD9F…)

Confetti club members now interested in drag? Hmmm
No. 553807
>>553777Oops lmao sorry, I'm not a pripara fan and on my computer it looked like it was just pink, blue and yellow, but on my phone I see that it actually is rainbow, just a lot paler than Jill's version.
Yeah I'm hoping the paint is meant to fade in the wash or something because it looks pretty terrible right now.
No. 553922
File: 1523578048235.jpg (110.75 KB, 905x650, trish.jpg)

Trisha Paytas is coming for Jill's brand.
No. 553949
>>553922I'm really sick of these "I spent (more money than you peasants can spend on one order) on (shitty brand)" videos that seem to be super trendy right now. Like a haul but with more bragging. Like this is literally 3 months of rent for me and she's spending it on the most revolting ugly brand on the market for one fucking video.
Saged for poor fag bitching and irrelevancy
No. 554063
>>553922Damn Trisha Fatass is even grosser and tackier than Jill. She's beyond retarded and attention seeking. I can't believe it she out cowed Jill. Then again only a fool pays full price.
Sage not poorfag
No. 554164
>>553777fam if u flip it upside down its the right order…
>>553778yeah she seems to have opted to abandon the gathered rectangle for a circle skirt but I feel like shes gonna at least need some gathering to get the fullness. Though I think it was the right idea to abandon the rectangle because that would be aloooot of gathering for an underlayer of a skirt. But wow the color is so different! At first I was like is this just a diff project altogether?
No. 554458
>>554445??? Read the post, it's her previous attempt that looks better color-wise.
>>554449This. Most cosplayers that are decent at sewing are happy to keep cosplay and sewing as a hobby and aren't going to focus their career around sewing/costuming/design unless they are extremely talented or dedicated to learning their craft. Watching a lot of project runway, having a shopping addiction, and making a few mediocre to awful cosplays and garments does not make you a designer.
No. 554482
File: 1523631277643.jpg (66.76 KB, 606x228, new.jpg)

guess we know what the next thing Jill will be wasting money on will be
too bad that she won't fit any of the clothing, guess she's stuck buying accessories lol
No. 554522
>>554482I wonder if this will motivate her to ditch the fucking marshmallow tea and actually lose weight.
I mean, it won't, but I can dream.
No. 554676
>>554656wow just checked it and I guess it's a (spam) NSFW account now?
I would say that she deleted it and someone else claimed the url but why does it still have the same title as her old tumblr then?
maybe it got hacked?
No. 554704
File: 1523650942594.jpg (Spoiler Image,185.2 KB, 900x621, pixielockstumblr.jpg)

>>554696huh? weird, pic related is what shows up for me when I type in her URL
No. 554706
>>554704samefag but I assume that she deleted her tumblr and someone else took the URL then?
maybe she didn't want there to be recordings of her streams anymore lol
No. 554716
>>554712lol it's really stupid of her to not keep the tumblr address for herself though
just imagine her kiddy fans looking for her tumblr and finding nsfw/porn content instead now
No. 554729
>>554712Either she didn’t want us to archive her streams or find old screen caps of her ddlg posts when she was 16.
Has anyone checked her deviantart and other old accounts?
No. 555270
File: 1523691751135.jpg (125.69 KB, 1080x426, 20180414_043851.jpg)

Apparently jilly-bean is apartment hunting today. Not sure why shes talking about someone selling an apartment. Isn't she just planning to rent?
No. 555272
File: 1523692002272.jpg (206.1 KB, 1080x545, 20180414_044541.jpg)

She's been working on that monstrosity of a skirt for 6 hours! Kek!
No. 555405
File: 1523714443473.gif (616.07 KB, 500x336, eyerollgif.gif)

>>555272Does she want a medal or what? Most cosplayers who actually make their own shit spend a very long amount of hours even on simple stuff because they want to iron, line, or hem it properly. She is making a shitty circle skirt (wrongly btw) with sponging colors instead of using an easier and better method.
Most cosplayers can spend weeks on a costume, but she's bitching about this? It's legit the easiest part of the outfit. All those individual star details and stocking details are going to make more time, but we all know Jill will go the lazy Ali Express route again…
No. 555433
>>555389It might because she’s an awful human being. I live in the same state as her and we call her factory the rainbow gulag because of what a horrible woman she is.
Then again Jill doesn’t care too much about shitty business owners so maybe it’s an aesthetic thing.
No. 555480
File: 1523721267362.png (677.51 KB, 635x750, f227e.png)

She interacts more with us than with her fans!
No. 555504
File: 1523724206803.jpg (82.44 KB, 1080x321, Screenshot_20180414-174301.jpg)

No. 555561
>>554445Anon, a rectangle skirt is one of the first things you learn how to sew.
>>554704This idiot, she should have saved the url instead of letting someone just take it.
No. 555581
File: 1523731712844.jpeg (55.99 KB, 427x571, DatXxhUV4AEE5Cf.jpeg)

She purchased MORE shoes
No. 555586
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It appears Jill went to the doctor maybe she finally got that blood test she was supposed to do months ago lmao
No. 555633
>> 553752Since Jill reads here, I would like to show her how to get a decent multicolor gradient on fabric
>>555359It is still up for me
No. 555903
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Her explanation for changing skirt ideas
No. 555938
>>555903Why doesn't the bitch goes and get pastel pink, blue and yellow iridescent organza and color block the skirt in such a way they appear to become a gradient into one another? Seriously how unimaginative and talentless is she?
No. 556054
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On top of buying the Liz Lisa x Doremi collaboration that Jill will never fit into, she also wants to buy more Swankiss stuff that she’ll barely squeeze into to brag about how much she ~*loves Japanese fashion*~ and supports ~*supports small brands uwu*~ which will end up on her floor and stained with food and lipstick
No. 556175
>>556107If you've never had swankiss I could see that, but it's more durable than lolita imo. even their chiffon is pretty high quality. Not sure about their satins and embroidery.
Saged obviously
No. 556193
>>556175Literally 80% of my swankiss items have had bows fall off bs they're stiched on with one tiny loose thread, or have had rips. Crap quality. Way over priced and awkward fit sometimes unless you have midget legs. I stop myself from buying it no matter how cute it "looks"
Of course Jill will buy it though because she loves wasting money on crappy expensive clothes she'll wear once. Stresses me out just thinking about how much money she's spent on crap. Probably enough to live off of for a year or two for a regular person
No. 556718
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No. 556733
>>556516Haven't heard anything. Thought she was suppose to go to Canada and give it to her personally? I'd imagine Jill would add it to her monthly favorites video or randomly at the very end of a new one if she did get it.
>>556718I've never been to college but don't freshmen usually want to make friends and have a room mate/friend there to help out in general? If she's not moving in with Wendy and living in a townhouse alone, she's fucking herself. She'll just sit at home watching YouTube videos, drinking, and eating meatballs and cry about homework on twitter. Why does she think she's grown and independent when in reality she depends on everyone else?
No. 556736
>>556718Eh, I'm highkey jelly… I think her going to college is really stupid, though. Not so much the living alone part. She'll most likely find a boyfriend or a girlfriend who wants to move outta their parents' house, but also not have to pay bills, who will stay with Jill just for her house. But honestly Jill might enjoy being a sugar mama with an SO that is bought and paid for.
She should honestly just work on her social media presence. She will never ever be a successful designer.
No. 556764
>>556736I'd let this spoiled bitch be my sugar mama kek better than paying my own shit!
No. 556792
>>556718I was looking at prices of town homes in Fredricton and I'm surprised at how cheap they are.
I wonder what they'll see when looking up her name lol
No. 557092
>>556718I find it so cringy that she refers to herself as a baby. She's old to be moving out of her parents house. I was 17 when I moved out of my parents house and got my own place with a roommate. I never refered to myself as a baby at that age. She just seems to love behaving like a mentally handicapped womanchild. It's embarrassing. Time to grew up Jill, your too old to be so retarded.
Hope she gets a roomie for milk sake.
No. 557104
>>556764And have to see her ugly unwashed face up close and personal every day? Anon, have some shame. You'd become her personal maid and clown dress up doll.
>>557060Not sure if I'd call it confirmation but one of her mom's friends posted to her mom's fb saying her kid had a big nice place in the area and needed a roomie, and her mom said jill needed her own place with a minimum of two rooms or some long winded garbage like that. So it seems pretty clear that the concept of a roomie was tossed out the window. Good dodge for Wendy.
No. 557110
>>557092I know some people have already stated this, but I don't think she's "too old" to be living at home. I personally moved out at 18, but a ton of people stay in their parents house while attending college - in many cultures it's normal to stay at home for longer than we do in Canada or America. I just think that in particular is a silly thing to pick on. I think what
is ridiculous is that her parents haven't really taught her a thing about being independence and are virtually setting her up for failure when she
does move out.
No. 557149
>>557092I know Jill legitimately does infantilise herself but "baby's first" or "baby's first" is kind of an internet figure of speech for a first attempt at something.
>>557110Not to derail with this shit again but I agree, I don't think it really counts as "moving out" if mummy is paying for everything and she gets her mum to come over to do everything for her instead of learning how to be independent, which I'm sure is what will happen.
No. 557187
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>>557162For anyone who doesnt want to waste there time:
- freaks out over ~*kawaii rainby packagey*~
- Reads letters sent from the CC ; "you saved my life blah blah ty for making the CC"
- Jilly gets "weepy" but never cries
- fan art
- a whole bunch of peeps - "i have so many peeps right now i could throw an easter party for my entire province"
- random ~*kawaii*~ junk; i.e hairpins, earbuds, bracelets (from forever 21!), large cuppycakey pillow, stickeys, Betsy Johnson shoeys, B.J toaster purse,
No. 557192
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>>557187apologies for same fagging/spamming
this is pretty much all that note worthy.
it was literally all peep shit
No. 557238
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>>557162She immediately checked the price of the bag. Stay classy, Jill.
No. 557286
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These seem more like Jill's taste
then the wedding shoes they sent her.
No. 557300
>>557274LMAO anon never underestimate the power of attraction. Jill's never had that hard of time finding a man for herself. She maybe gross but some guys might find her attractive
shudders. Especially if it's some rich rainbow hipster douche bag with a trust fund willing to marry her ass!
No. 557348
>>557187did she really gotta mention it was $70 to ship the package….
but also her voice was less grating when she was reading the letters and not doing the fake annoying voice
No. 557416
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>>557238sage for nitpicking but i found it weird/insensitive that she was like…smiling while reading about this stuff idk. you can tell she doesn't genuinely care
No. 557426
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This gift sure does fit the name of the latest thread
No. 557469
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>>557162When she opens up the peeps stuff shes arguing that stores like to carry the bunny peeps more than the chick peeps because bunnies are Easter…
Is she implying that chicks arent an easter motif…? The way she talks about it makes it sound like baby chicks are not an easter imagery lmao.
No. 557472
>>557416Bit of a reach imo.
>>556718What happened to her living with her friend? Considering how attached she is to her mom she'll probably crash and burn if she moves out completely by herself.
No. 557494
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If her hair wasn't dyed so horribly this hairstyle could actually be pretty cute
No. 557533
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>>557494Christ anon that picture is fucking nightmarish
No. 557535
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No. 557549
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>>557531Well she is closing her PO box atleast
No. 557551
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No. 557620
Usually I think that people are being way too harsh on Jill when I feel like there are a lot of upper middle class kids who have similar lifestyles. (Like Charms or Keeks or a lot of the people I go to school with) But I think her parents getting her a townhouse of her choosing is way too far. She's not grateful in the slightest wtf. When my parents let me lived in a separate house they happened to own, they at least made me get a roommate.
>>557092"Baby's first x" is a pretty common phrase though.
No. 557648
>>557551>shake the earth to it's coreThis delusion. She cares more about having a cute house tour video than the reality of maintaining an entire house and the cost of furnishing it.
I doubt she even cares about making the most of her pathetic arts and craft school or learning useful skills. I don't think she even understand the concept of working towards a goal.
Her getting everything she wants handed to her for barely lifting a finger and then bragging about it constantly is beyond insufferable at this point.
No. 557725
>>557663It's because she doesn't understand the value of a dollar or budgeting. She's used to a comfy life with her parents without ever having to think about the cost of towels, plates, lamps, gas, groceries, cleaning products, or anything that's a part of daily life. She's never had to find a balance between spending money on the essentials and fun stuff.
Spending $100+ on tacky shoes doesn't really mean anything when the cash keeps flowing. She's probably stingy about money going to "boring" things unless she can get them to fit her uwu aesthetic, show them off, and talk about how expensive they are.
No. 557767
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This fan art really captured Jill's nose
No. 557822
>>557274>>557244Jill did talk about marriage with Colin. He got her a promise ring. But I get the impression that those conversations were probably forced by her and he probably wanted to get her a nice gift, which she exaggerated the meaning of. She kept mentioning the "promise" ring after the breakup and how they had ~deep~ talks about that sort of thing.
I think she wants to marry young because her parents were high school sweethearts, they married and bought a house after graduating (clearly there was inheritance money). It's so bizarre how she wants this vanilla nuclear family structure yet she also wanted to be with a genderqueer person who clearly had a lot of soul searching to do. She would of had a better chance of marrying Tristan, who was the perfect boyfriend to her in every way and came from a successful family with financial security. He was generally a more traditional romantic and carried himself confidently.
Jill's obsession with lesbian/queer attention is going to make her so miserable in the long term. She already fucked over two long term relationships of hers and then realized she couldn't last more than 2 months dating an actual woman. She isn't going to marry a woman, she's not attracted to them, she's attracted to herself. If she ever comes to terms with that fact, it'll be the ultimate broken heart.
No. 557869
>>557832She isn’t attracted to girls though, she’s practically said she won’t have sex with girls (just lying there and have someone touch you is just a lazy wank)
I doubt she’d manage to stay with a girl longer than a couple of months, she treats being queer so grossly with all her fake shit, real queer people wouldn’t put up with that
She’s so disrespectful
No. 557948
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No. 557951
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No. 557961
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No. 557980
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No. 557984
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>>557980The only filter that can save this mess.
No. 557999
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No. 558002
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No. 558018
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Updates on her cosplay page
No. 558054
>>558002>>558014Christ this really shows how her every reaction to not getting something she wants is "b-but I have money!"
I know it sounds bitter but I hope she doesn't get it. It's about time she learns that she can't just coast about on her parents' money. The eventual milk when she leaves her shitty craft college and tries to get a job will be worth the wait.
>>558018>>558045Holy fuck I'm so excited for this Woodstock PriPara cosplay
No. 558089
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>>558018i guess she realizes the color is shit
No. 558104
>>557474>we've had like five people say this exact thing alreadyAnd? I still haven't seen any explanation.
>>558103Maybe she thinks doing things efficiently means it's cheating or whatever.
No. 558111
>>558089She should have dyed the fabric. She could have painted the dye on the fabric in stripes then carefully washed it out, but that would involve too much work and some brains for our Jillybean.
Or, alternatively, she was in fucking New York and you cannot tell me Mood or any of the fabric stores did not have anything that could passably work. "I didn't need anything" She could've looked for something better than this. Also could make exactly what she wanted on Spoonflower and she has the kind of money, she could afford a yard or two of their fabric.
I mean if you were unhappy with paint making your clothes stiff why would you immediately paint it again. Wouldn't you try something different?
No. 558157
>>558130 My vote's for any of these:
>>542471>>542564>>557494>>557187Or a screenshot of her smiling in front of the YT Space with the "sorry about the shooting :(" caption sh posted
No. 558248
>>558244This isn't what her fans want. They don't want to sew. They want to emulate and look like her.
All she needs to do is put some balloons on a shirt with a phrase like "soft confetti bitch" and she will be able to sell it.
No. 558312
>>558248I'm saying that
Jill could sew those things and sell them as merch with an obnoxious mark-up, since they want to emulate her.
No. 558460
>>557980She looks fucking awful, like a real grandma
Someone please update the description with the YouTube space drama and townhouse shit and how frivolous her "house items" are
No. 558555
Don't be like this idiot
>>558416 and bump the thread just to brag about ban evasion. Check the rules for more info.