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No. 325508

Jillian Vessey is a DID (Dissociative Personality Disorder) LARPer who trivializes mental health and compartmentalizes every single bad trait of hers while hyping up a dubious diagnostic impression that she paid copious amounts of money for.
She eagerly accepted her ~life changing~ diagnostic impression with a "Congrats on the DID Diagnosis" celebratory cake, but struggles to maintain the LARP. The number of alters keep piling up and she doesn’t seem ready to stop anytime soon.

>Early Years:

>began her lolcow run as a "pansexual" lolita lifestyle who dropped from the community due to LACE and "restrictive rules"
>gained fame for the creation of the J-fashion-inspired "Party Kei" fashion, a fashion she no longer wears nor backs
>known lurker
>formerly covered fashion and magical girl anime in her videos, was a pivotal figure in the LACE drama prior to her transition to the Party Kei years
>has a running track record of inconsistent uploaded despite pushing a "full-time Youtuber" career; used barely-productive incentives for support on Patreon; both have plateaued if not decreased in income entirely following recent events
>previously spent money frivolously (either from YT profit or from parents), like on wasteful plastic or fast fashion, and also claimed to make enough from YT and at the same time complain of demonetization
>has prior history of “severe mental illness” in the forms of a brief stay in a mental hospital in her early teens due to ED and self-harm
>often inflates her skills and knowledge in various subjects, leading to a very narcissistic view of herself

>Current relevant info:

>loves the idea of toying with the idea of having multiple mental illnesses; her main target is currently DID due to a diagnostic impression, and claims up to 9 alters right now with very shaky substance as to her alters' creation and the origin of her trauma which caused the DID; despite this, she has taken root in the DID community and has been involved or tried to insert herself into DID-related videos as an "expert" despite carrying the diagnostic impression for at least a year or more now
>is still extremely thin-skinned; has history of deleting comments critical to her and has preached getting along with people while also blasting critics and concern in a very rude and passive-aggressive manner; has gotten into pissfights online as of late with users that have spoken out of concern for her or wanting to help or talk in some degree
>her sexuality has been a sliding scale, from pansexual to queer to lesbian to back to currently pansexual (and nonbinary due to alters); current partner is Steven Clarke, who has enabled her delusions and has racked up his own questionable reputation; has a long history of drama with relationships, claiming abuse to some degree in most of them
>formerly had a fashion brand called Five Petal Flower before graduating from her college fashion class, but seems to be no longer active if not just slowly dying; has also gotten into drag with a persona known as Villany Swells; has cancelled two drag gigs so far and claims an online person is stalking her due to a publically-filmed video of a drag show being linked in a previous
>has a shaky history of substance misuse regarding her meds; now takes in various degrees of alcohol and weed leading to possible clashes in medication or mental/physical state
>privated her personal twitter due to bullying
>once again heavily filtering/editing pictures
>her friend sof got engaged
>says she is trying to launch fivepetalflower
>currently making a falulu cosplay


>Pixie: The collective name of all the alters. Is a "genderfluid they/them".

>Jillian: Rainbow emoji. 25, but "age slides" from 4-25. This is actually just herself, but she herself is both an alter and the host. Desperately wants to have autism.
>Jerrick: Snake emoji. 14-16 year old emo trans guy. "He mentioned feeling 17." Was labeled as being a co-host. Conveniently holds all her BPD traits. Entire personality is being angry and liking green. Like all the alters, is into drag.
>Veronica: Flame emoji. 21 year old horny alter. She is a “protector of sexual trauma”. Says she had to become a "fuckable plaything" because she was “raped for months”. Was going to be intersex, but Jill didn't want to deal with the backlash and decided against it.
>Berry: Strawberry emoji. 4-6 year old. Talks and acts like a baby. Is always “co-fronting” in some way. Had her name previously withheld for “safety reasons”. Is for some reason triggered out by positive things like holidays and presents and is "trauma-free".
>Cliffe: Club emoji. 35 year old old man. Her "homosexual assistant". A mix between her dad and Sasha Velour. Looks like Mr. Bruce. Somehow too old for social media, but responsible enough to come out when she does taxes.
>Flora: Cherry blossom emoji. 18 year old fictive. Used to be a fragment, but became a full alter. She is supposed to be Cure Flora and all the pink PreCures. She is a blonde, sweet lolita.
>Jax: Test tube emoji. 19 year old “character salad” that speaks and types with a Brooklyn accent. She's a fictive of Harley Quinn (Batman), Jinx (Arcane), and Spinel (Steven Universe). Apparently was born from watching Arcane while having major trauma. Jillian called her “hypersexual”.
>Sandwich: Sandwich emoji. Cat alter. Represents how lost she felt moving to a new city. Not much else is currently known about it.
>Amanda: Not much has been said about her. Note that Jillian’s middle name is actually Amanda.
>Ramona: An alter that was only announced after she fused with Jillian. After doing so, Jillian suddenly wanted to start playing the piano again.
>Sunny: Shooting star emoji. 14. She's "energetic" and positive in a way that's "crazy". A protector that likes yellow. Basically just Flora, but hyper.
>Amber: Partly cloudy emoji. 25. She's edgy and has freckles. Also a protector that likes yellow. Formed at the same time as Sunny in response to the McLean video drama. Supposed to look the most normal.

Last thread: >>>/w/322787

Social Media & Other Links:
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCpi2P_y-wXa7q84C-46U6ZA/featured
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/pixieelocks/
Instagram 2: https://www.instagram.com/villainyswells/ (used to be @pixieespam)
Twitter (Main): https://twitter.com/pixieeelocks/
Twitter #2 (“Jerrick” alter): https://twitter.com/villainyswells
Twitter #3 - Now Private (“Sweetie” alters, previously @xcherrybombica): https://twitter.com/pixie_petals
Current Tiktok: https://www.tiktok.com/@multipetalpixie
Second Current Tiktok: https://www.tiktok.com/@pixieelocks
(Past) TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@pixieelocksCosplay
(Past) Second Tiktok for her alters: https://www.tiktok.com/@pixieeesystem
Facebook Page #1: https://www.facebook.com/pixielockss/
Facebook Page #2: https://facebook.com/cosplaypixie/
Threads: https://www.threads.net/@pixieelocks
Moonmist Girls Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/moonmistgirls/
Moonmist Girls Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/moonmistgirls/
Old Deviantart: https://www.deviantart.com/xhellodecemberx/journal/
Old Blog: http://pixie-locks.blogspot.com
Drag Facebook page: https://facebook.com/pixieandvillainy/

No. 325509

Her newest video. I hope the thread is okay, I just thought I'd go ahead and make one since it had been two days since the old one filled.

No. 325510

No. 325511

so is she trying to copy Sarah Spaceman now? Doesn’t Sof make cosplay videos too? Kek

No. 325515

Kek love the op pic
Nitter for those who need it:

No. 325516

This is the best she has ever styled herself, she looks cute!
She hasn't changed the drag profile pic she supposedly hates a lot for her YouTube icon though.

No. 325517

Current meet the alters:

>Pixie: The collective name of all the alters, but is also used interchangeably with the name Jillian. Is a "genderfluid they/them".

>Jillian: Rainbow emoji. 25, but "age slides" from 4-25. This is actually just herself, but she herself is both an alter and the host. Desperately wants to have autism.
>Jerrick: Snake emoji. 17, formerly 14-16. Emo trans guy. Used to be a co-host. Conveniently holds all her BPD traits. Entire personality is being angry and liking green. Like all the alters, is into drag.
>Veronica: Doing nails emoji, formerly flame emoji. 21 year old horny alter. She is a “protector of sexual trauma”. Says she had to become a "fuckable plaything" because she was “raped for months”. Was going to be intersex, but Jill didn't want to deal with the backlash and decided against it.
>Berry: Strawberry emoji. 4-6 year old. Talks and acts like a baby. Is always “co-fronting” in some way. Had her name previously withheld for “safety reasons”. Is for some reason triggered out by positive things like holidays and presents and is "trauma-free".
>Cliffe: Sprout emoji, formerly club emoji. 35 year old old man. Her "homosexual assistant". Combo of her dad, sweetie angel therapist, and Ian Bruce. Formerly a mix between her dad and Sasha Velour. Somehow too old for social media, but responsible enough to come out when she does taxes.
>Flora: Cherry blossom emoji. 18 year old fictive. Used to be a fragment, but became a full alter. She is supposed to be Cure Flora and all the pink PreCures. She is a blonde, sweet lolita.
>Jax: Test tube emoji. 19 year old “character salad” that speaks and types with a Brooklyn accent. She's a fictive of Harley Quinn (Batman), Jinx (Arcane), and Spinel (Steven Universe). Apparently was born from watching Arcane while having major trauma. “Hypersexual”.
>Sandwich: Sandwich emoji. Cat alter. Represents how lost she felt moving to a new city. Not much else is currently known about it.
>Amanda: Not much has been said about her. Note that Jillian’s middle name is actually Amanda.
>Ramona: An alter that was only announced after she fused with Jillian. After doing so, Jillian suddenly wanted to start playing the piano again.
>Sunny: Shooting star emoji. 14. Another PreCure fictive for all the yellow ones. She's "energetic" and positive in a way that's "crazy". Basically just Flora, but hyper. Can't "mask".
>Amber: Partly cloudy emoji. "20?" Formerly 25. She's edgy and has freckles. Also yellow. Formed at the same time as Sunny in response to the McLean video drama. Supposed to look the most normal.

No. 325518

File: 1714106546629.jpeg (773.33 KB, 1125x1373, IMG_1807.jpeg)

There’s so many toxic lolcows that love Sanrio stuff LOL. Stereotypes exist for a reason.

No. 325519

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No. 325520

Jillian, you're mentally ill yourself. Can't wait for the video, wonder how it'll be received. Also, isn't the sanriocore girls the ones that would buy from her store if she ever opened one?

No. 325521

Doesn't the stereo type stem from the fact that most of the Sanrio fans are either trend hopping or just BPD-chans trying to relive their childhood? Jill fits the stereotype to a T though, since she's doing nothing to help her BPD and instead fills the void buying cheap plastic shit.

No. 325523

>Jillian, you're mentally ill yourself.
The funny thing is if you accept her larp and say she's mentally ill for having DID she's deeply offended, and yet will turn around like "how dare you be mean to a mentally ill person like me"

No. 325524

Kek remember when Jax and Cliffe were a thing. I bet Jax is on the alter chopping block since the whole retarded thing died down when she stopped watching/talking about Arcane. This entire thing really is just a BPD "reliving cringe childhood" phase.

No. 325526

Thank you for the new thread nona!

No. 325531

Thank you for making the new thread anon!

I recently found this study from 2021 about imitative DID and the case studies in it remind so much of jill kek. They found 6 BPD women out of a group of 85 with DID that didn't meet criteria and pulled them in for interviews. All of the girls in the study are like mini-Jills and it's a hilarious read.
>Participants discussed their dissociative parts, their names and features, exhibiting neither avoidance nor fear or shame. On the contrary, they seemed to draw pleasure by smiling, showing excitement and eagerness to produce more examples of their unusual experiences. At the beginning of the interview, Karina was very enthusiastic and said, “My heart is beating so fast, as if I were in fight-or-flight mode.”
>Four participants were openly disappointed that their DID diagnosis was not confirmed. They doubted if their descriptions were accurate enough, or they challenged the interviewer’s understanding of the symptoms.
>Two participants in this study (Dominique and Karina) tried to present ‘alternate personalities’ and they actually announced this would happen, so that the interviewer did not miss them. Later on, they could relate to what happened during the alleged switch (no amnesia), maintaining the first-person perspective (I was saying/doing).
>Participants in this study often used clinical jargon (e.g., flashbacks, switches, and feeling depersonalized) which indicates they had read about dissociative psychopathology or received psycho-education. However, they often had lay understanding of clinical terms. A good example in this study was having ‘flashbacks’ of neutral or pleasant situations which had once been forgotten.

No. 325532

Interesting how the drag alter and arcane alters disappear when she stops engaging with drag and arcane, and new precure alters appear when she gets back into precure, really fascinating how that works.

No. 325533

If only the baby angel therapist had seen it before meeting Jill kek I wish they did studies like this on autism and ADHD as well

No. 325534

>This presents a risk of making a false positive diagnosis, which is unfavorable for the patient, because using treatment developed for DID with patients without autonomous dissociative parts may be inefficient or even reinforce their pathology.
Look at that, Jill. Maybe don't fake your BS.

No. 325536

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Someone also did procreate art of Jill in her dress. Looks like they took some creative liberties on the face.

No. 325539

This also matches behaviors seen in the new wave of cluster B autism fakers, and Jill displays these exact kinds of behaviors in regards to her alleged "autism" too now.

No. 325540

It's also interesting that all the girls in the study had actual diagnosis and were working with professionals. The therapists they saw encouraged the behavior and in 4-5 of the cases were the ones who suggested the diagnosis to the girls.
The only girl that was happy to find out that she did not have DID was glad because it meant that she didn't have horrible trauma. Her therapist was PUSHING her to find and uncover trauma that didn't exist.
Angel Baby therapists are everywhere, and they are a menace.

No. 325543

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Shein sucks but… Jillian started her whole "brand" out of mommy buying her expensive Japanese clothes. her entire shtick was expensive mommy gifts and toys and expensive mommy trip to Japan. nowadays that she cant be so transparent about being a spoiled rich kid anymore she has moved into buying expensive retarded decor for the house mommy got her. shes still a retarded consoomer, she just focuses on toys and shit for the rainbow dungeon.
who gives a shit about her opinions on buying anything, EVER? the late disclaimer of "I'm sorry if shein is your only accessible option" like she gives a shit. she never had to buy fake shit in her entire life she just added that tweet to pretend to understand what poors buy

No. 325544

>What happened to the joy of scrolling through mercari

She literally admitted she never used mercari until she bought Sof some keychains recently lmao She never bought any secondhand lolita other than a couple of things from Lacemarket

No. 325545

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exactly. the criticism shes always been getting is that she talks out of her ass about shit she doesn't know about. i guess shes still mad mommy spent so much money on her lolita larp but no one took her seriously. now shes changing the story kek.

No. 325548

>what happened to the joy of scrolling through mercari
This fat, flabby fucking bitch never knows anything about anything she talks about. A greedy fucking CEO is what happened to the joy of scrolling through mercari. Now every item is about $20-25 bucks more expensive than it is shown as because they pulled a comedian fart moment and are forcing buyers to pay retarded selling fees and etc. A fat, privileged bitch living on mommy and daddy's dime and retarded viewer pity bux talking shit about sustainability KEK she should focus on the sustainability of being a porky slacking stoner bitch instead.

No. 325549

It has nothing to do with any CEO lol Mercari (and the secondhand Japanese market in general) is dead because of resellers. People are buying things for $10 and reselling them on Depop for $50. Have you seen what people are scalping Mezzo Piano for these days? It's insane

No. 325551

Assuming she's talking about actual gyaru brands, we all know those brands were about the least flexible in size. Tons of one size only. Even outside of her hypocrisy, you'd think she'd consider the fact that most girls interested in gyaru will never fit real gyaru brands.

No. 325552

Are you don't know what you're even talking about kek. Mercari stock went down like crazy because of the "buyer fees" they introduced and they put a temporary hold on deleting accounts because so many people deleted once they learned about the buyer fees. I'm not a lolitafag and I don't care about Mezzo Piano, which is a children's clothing brand kek.

No. 325553

No. 325555

What culture? The culture of mommy buying you shit from Asia?
>What happened to consooooming
Both of these things are correct

No. 325563

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Stream on YouTube tomorrow.
>This entire thing really is just a BPD "reliving cringe childhood" phase.
Agreed. She's trying to recapture the times where she was considered special.
She will forever mald over this.

No. 325567

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No. 325568

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No. 325569

oh god another awful "drag" look we will get 5 videos and 1000000 posts about because she did something other than edibles for once

No. 325574

I think this is Sof's wig and it literally looks like she's sabotaging it

No. 325575

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Yes, Sof is going as Laala and Jill is going as Falulu.

No. 325576

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Yeah looks like the character’s curls aren’t complex enough to warrant such effort in the wig. Maybe a slight flip with a hair straightener idk.

No. 325579

>Wig styling is going amazing!!
>Wig looks like garbage
>She's using garbage materials to style it
>She breaks shit
Why aren't sof and steven tired of her shit?

No. 325580

Be the change you want to see, Shein and Temu are in the top 5 most downloaded apps like…people need to stop buying from them if they don't want Shein to completely replace every other fashion outlet. Of course they will sell things people are looking for and buying. The problem is the economy, everything doubled or tripled in price in 4 years (except wages, and the job market is dire, people often searching and applying for 1-2 years for a basic job) and unsurprisingly the girlies can't afford retail shopping anymore.
Jill is a bit out of touch to be criticising this really. People should buy secondhand, thrift or upcycle but that does require effort, time, taste, and sewing/fashion skills and it's unreasonable to expect the majority to have all that. If people can't afford a $40 tee they are gonna spend $3 on Shein, them's the breaks.
Jill should really research this thoroughly rather than judging, she could actually post an insightful video for once analysing the economy, the economic need to shop second hand and upcycle, and the contrasting huge increase in consumers puchasing direct from Chinese slave labour brands like Shien, where often the clothing only has a few wears in it, and how this affects the fashion and retail industry as a whole. Free video idea Jill.

No. 325581

no one needs knockoff j-fashion clothes, nonna. shein is especially wasteful because their $3 shirts will fall apart after two uses, instead of just getting one of better quality at the thrift or saving up to buy a $30 shirt of good quality in a clothing store. $40 really isn't that much for a shirt, shein and online shopping has rotted your brain and concept of garment prices. cool clothes is not a human right. by all means, jill is privileged, but she even specified that it's not about people who can't afford more (i doubt anyone who can access shein and shop online with shipping and taxes can't afford buying second hand at a thrift or charity store…), this is not a stance unique for jill. everyone knows fast fashion, and especially shein/temu, is horrible, but people who shop for specific styles and usually only do so to follow trends always use the "b-b-but they don't have the clothes i like in normal stores!!!" instead of just realising it's not a human right to buy from the worst of the worst. shein isn't even that cheap anymore, especially not if you buy anything but basic white t-shirts. jill's (and others') channel grew because she could afford clothes others could not, now they buy shit quality child slave labour clothes instead of enjoying other's content or appreciating the work behind garments.(derailing)

No. 325586

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She’s calling out some girl for saying the guy that stole her credit card is “retarded”. People freaking out in additional screencaps. This is retarded because she’s yet again inserting herself in convos that have nothing to do with her.

No. 325587

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No. 325589

>she could actually post an insightful video for once analysing the economy
Please no, I don't think I could handle this
All of the "Jill discusses Real Issues" videos actually hurt my brain with her ignorance and stupidity. I'm not confident this woman knows what the economy even is. Please stop suggesting these.

No. 325590

Imagine trying to gatekeep the word retarded, my god

No. 325592

Kek this. Idk what anon is smoking

No. 325594

>TW: r slur!!
I wish this was satire kek. She's so fucking funny the jokes write themselves.

No. 325595

I mean I think it's embarrassing to be calling things retarded or gay in 2024 when you don't like them but also what does this have to do with AUTISM???

No. 325598

what's embarrassing about it? sometimes something or someone is just plain retarded. it's funny that jillian takes offense to the dreaded r-slur when we've seen her use faggot without issue

No. 325600

It just makes people sound immature and uneducated imo. Like the people I've met irl who use it are the kind of people who haven't read a book since high school. I don't think most people who use those words are actually being ableist or homophobic or anything. They just sound dumb to me

Jillybean is always contradicting herself when it comes to her values and she usually only ever cares about something when it directly affects her. I wonder if she's only freaking out about retard because she's self-diagnosing as autistic now

No. 325601

It has nothing to do with autism unless there’s an accompanying intellectual disability, but I’m sure it’s just a matter of time before Jill self diagnoses that too.

No. 325602

The only people moralfag about saying retard are self diagnosed "autistics" and genderspecials.

No. 325603

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Love the one suggesting you should say idiot when that's an even older slur for mentally disabled people kek

No. 325611

File: 1714259759655.jpg (58.27 KB, 500x540, 7scx4h.jpg)

Here you go Jillian. Since you are so opposed to the word.

No. 325612

>calling things retarded or gay in 2024
How is that embarrassing? Literally everyone does it on imageboards

No. 325613

>>325612 yeah, that's why imageboard cunts sound like hivemind edgy dweebs. It's like they need to punctate every damn sentence with faggot and retard lmao and it makes them sound like loser pissbabies. Now, that's not gonna change so it's not like anyone should give a fuck enough for these loser bitches to change their language but that doesn't make it any less embarrassing.(derailing)

No. 325614

Back when "Sunny" first formed, Jill tried to use the fact that we call her a retard here on lc as evidence that she has true and honest autism. She loves taking it personally because it validates her autism larp.

Of course, Jill always calls people "deranged," "unhinged," "crazy," and "idiotic" when they call her out on her bs, so it's only a matter of time before that gets her cancelled in her self-policing chronically online circles.

No. 325615

Lmao and yet you've punctuated this post with cunt, bitch, and loser like they're going out of style(infighting)

No. 325617

Wow she actually looks decent here- not as fat and blonde hair instead of that rainbow shitstain on her head. She’s wasn’t a good lolita but seeing this shocked me at how much better she looked.

No. 325618

File: 1714272253232.mp4 (4.26 MB, 1280x720, uti.MP4)

Clip from Jill's stream. She talks about UTIs and PTSD. Be warn if you are a headphones wearer as she does get loud towards the end.

No. 325619

File: 1714272500626.mp4 (11.14 MB, trich.MP4)

She talks about trichotillomania.

No. 325620

File: 1714272728113.mp4 (2.4 MB, 1280x720, sarcasm.MP4)

Talks about being bad at discerning sarcasm lately and her mom coming over to visit.

No. 325621

File: 1714272854823.mp4 (10.86 MB, 1280x720, sarcasm II.mp4)

More sarcasm talk. Being around friends who are pretty literal.

No. 325622

Did she create that pixel art background herself? It's simple but pretty cute. If it wasn't for her personality and unwillingness to improve I agree with anons that say she could be a more successful artist, a lot of people love cutesy stuff like that. She isn't amazing but has basic skills that could be improved with a little work

No. 325623

This isn't a thing lmao what is she going on about? She is saying that having PTSD gives you UTI-like symptoms without actually having UTIs and there is nothing about that that's true. She says "look it up" but typing "ptsd uti" into Google gives no results about what she's talking about, but no one is ever going to question her mental jillness

No. 325625

File: 1714275176434.png (43.39 KB, 720x676, b.png)

If any nonnie wants something clipped, let me know.
Not sure. I only skimmed the transcription page so I was not paying very close attention. I'll look a little harder later. Picrel is the description.

No. 325626

With that it sounds like she did in fact draw it herself because if she didn't then it would potentially mean she's using someone else's art without credit

No. 325628

File: 1714277155245.jpg (45.93 KB, 720x720, FB_IMG_1714277056859.jpg)

I think she must have read about how CSA victims get UTIs and decided she wanted to be a victim too. But she didn't realize the UTIs are from the physical act itself, not the trauma. 2024 Craft college fashion show was tonight. Can't find the student work on their website though.

No. 325629

She just wants to get away with announcing her UTIs to her younger fans.

No. 325631

Her chronic UTIs are such an odd thing because she's blatantly not peeing after sex or she still takes baths with lush bath bombs. There's absolutely no correlation between PTSD and UTIs and she can't even argue that a Dr told her because she's not in therapy nor does she have a GP.

No. 325632

Highly doubt it. It looks like something she found on pinterest. We've never seen her do pixel art before and this one is extremely detailed and well-shaded.

No. 325634

If that's true then she's stealing and using someone else's art (you could argue for monetary gain since it's for streaming) which would be interesting. Even if she commissioned someone for it she should have clear credit to the artist in the description. I was unable to find that exact art online which led me to believe it could be her work, as well the colors and style seem similar to hers, but you make a good point

No. 325635

I feel like pixel art is beyond her skill level, this layout with the textbox as well looks too good to be made by Jill imo (unless she has really levelled up)

No. 325636

She probably got it from etsy or fiverr or something. Lots of people sell somewhat premade stream layouts on there for cheap

No. 325637

That would make sense I didn't even think of that! Still odd that she doesn't link it in the description though if that's the case, it's proper etiquette to credit who you purchased it from is it not?

No. 325638

She probably forgot to credit them because of her "amnesia"

No. 325640

File: 1714288257089.mp4 (17.64 MB, 1280x720, new overlay.mp4)

Jill says she made the layout

No. 325641

Jill should get her retard alter to make a video call-out post!

No. 325642

File: 1714288827983.mp4 (11.54 MB, 1280x720, copyrighted.mp4)

Beware: Jill makes a loud gasping sound in the beginning. Apparently her other stream got copyrighted due to in her words shittly singing Vocaloid. I grabbed a copy of the transcript so I'll look to see if there's more things to clip.

No. 325644

Did she "make" it? Or simply steal it from the internet and photoshop it?

No. 325645

>Can't find the student work on their website though
They still have Jillian's and her classmate's collections up, maybe as an example for other alumni? It's weird that they haven't showcased more since. Maybe they do play into Jillian being the most famous influencer they've had or something.

No. 325646

So "loser bitches" is fine but not "retarded and gay"? Come on
>Of course, Jill always calls people "deranged," "unhinged," "crazy," and "idiotic" when they call her out on her bs
It's yet another instance of her not applying the same values she has for others to herself. She can tell "suck a cock" to a teen with no accountability but don't you dare use the word retarded in her presence

No. 325647

Why is she so happy about getting UTIs and having PTSD? "ITS A TRAUMA THINGGGUWU" it could be anything else like poor hygiene or Steven's dick but she has hold on into "ITS A TRAUMA THINGGGGGGGGGUWU" with the most obnoxious high pitched voice.
Again getting happy about her own trauma signs or whatever. I do believe she used to pull out her hair based on some pictures where she has bald spots but she also said cutting her splitted hairs was trich so who knows.
>Omg I just noticed you're joking I'm so bad at noticing sarcasm lately uwu
That's not how autism works
If she made the background then that was a completely wasted opportunity to make a video or post about it. She usually posts this stuff on social media congratulating herself.

No. 325649

So instead of going to the doctor and doing things that could prevent UTIs, Jill's going to keep getting them for her PTSD larp. She's so fucking nasty.

No. 325650

If she truly made that then I give her kudos for it! Maybe she referenced other art but it still seems like she put in effort and it looks nice. Imagine how different things could be if she had put energy into creating things like this instead of larping mental illnesses. Even creating ugly art is better than the path she has chosen. Alas it seems far too late for her now, you don't easily come back from faking horrific childhood trauma

No. 325651

So she's just now starting to discover what sarcasm is?
I bet someone can go through the threads on here and find examples from the past of her being sarcastic, or even just saying "I was being sarcastic". I'm just suprised her fan base can't put 2 and 2 together. You can't have supportive loving parents that noticed your suffering enough to get you psychological treatment in your teen years, AND have them of ignored your suffering/autism. ALL WHILE YOUR FUCKING BROTHER WAS DIAGNOSED. Make it make sense.

No. 325652

>Talks about being bad at discerning sarcasm lately
Why are all the autism larpers like this, I fucking can't deal with it anymore

No. 325653

This fat bitch is still hellbent on comparing her UTIs from having a nasty snatch and horrible diet to the UTIs children get from being raped. She’s already overshared this info on Twitter and it’s been posted before in previous threads

No. 325654

Her brother is diagnosed?

No. 325658

The way that, if you smoke weed too much and almost every day, can make you forget things. The way that smoking too much weed every day can make you miss "jokes" and sarcasm. The way that smoking weed every day will make you anxious around people. The way that smoking weed every day will make you regress in social situations. The way that smoking weed every day can literally mimic a retards understand of "autism"…. I hate these stupid tumblypoo alt bitches claiming autism. Plus she's a retarded Pisces and she also thought she was nonbinary too. It's always some weed addicted retarded Pisces doing weed addicted retarded Pisces shit. Plus the way that she was hunting for a diagnosis while also no doubt smoking weed and drinking alcohol too. So fucking irresponsible and attention seeking. My drug consumption makes me act retarded so I'll keep doing that when I go and get evaluated for DID!!! I hate this stupid bitch.
I want Steven to lock her in the bathroom and make her detox the weed and alcohol. I wonder if she'll still think she's autistic then.(Weed/Astrology derail)

No. 325659

Does weed actually make you not understand sarcasm? Lmao

No. 325661

I believe it. My uncle is a chronic weed user and he sits there zonked out and reactions are delayed.(no1curr)

No. 325663

Any medical professional worth their certification would never diagnose anyone with a dissociative disorder if they weren't sober

Being high makes it impossible for most people to have/follow an actual conversation, so they will miss jokes or details, but they are prone to agreeing or just laughing along, so they don't think they're missing anything until they're actually made to pay attention. This is what is probably happening to Jill when she thinks she's dissocating - she's just spacing out and when someone makes her come back to earth, she doesn't know what they were talking about

No. 325665

truly shocked she hasn't shared any pixel art before this if this is her skill level? this stuff would pop off on social media. I seriously doubted she had the ability since she's never shared pixel art before and it's a completely different art form than the art she has shared.

No. 325667

Funny that you bring up Doctor Spaceman, at 12:15 in >>325509 she mentions she watched Sarah's corset video twice in preparation to make her own corset. I'm assuming she means this one >>286512

No. 325669

Oh she 100% KNOWS she isn't autistic. All of her breadcrumbing has been super-calculated (Although it's obvious to anyone with comment sense how obvious it is). All of her little mentions of it are filled with medical jargon and just a repeat of what all the fakers say online. Plus mimicking the developmentally disabled autists instead of the high functioning ones. Also, she is a good example of Duper's Delight, she is so giddy about pretending to have all these problems. She knows she is lying, she knows she is neurotypical, she is just a cunt that wants to hop on the "I'm a disabled babbyyy I am not accountable for anything" train with the other larpers.

No. 325671

She is so painfully non photogenic. It goes beyond resting bitch face and into like, permanent shit smelling scowl face.

No. 325673

If she made it she would had posted it, and a wip too, like every drawing she posts online

No. 325683

File: 1714364082570.mp4 (17.75 MB, wig.MP4)

Volume warning. Jill talks about wig styling. Jill says she used a tester wig.

No. 325684

File: 1714365197267.mp4 (4.24 MB, 1280x720, rip.MP4)

Shows steamer head that melted

No. 325685

File: 1714365533459.mp4 (16.68 MB, 1280x720, echolalia.mp4)

Talks about echolalia.

No. 325686

File: 1714365705662.mp4 (13.36 MB, 1280x720, monster.mp4)

Talks about her daily monster energy drink and how earlier this week she drank 2 in 1 day. Says she's 26 and needs to start caring about her body.

No. 325688

She bleaches her hair which can cause hair loss due to chemical mishap. Highly doubt she does good aftercare too. She cares too much about aesthetics than giving her hair the rest it needs. If she can spin something as a mental jillness, she will do it like how she glommed onto the arfid label.

No. 325690

She always screams like this when talking about such mundane stupid aspects of her life like she’s the most special interesting person on earth.

No. 325691

>I'm 26!! I need to start caring about my body!!!
She'll never quit the monster and nuggies diet. Being narcissistic and self-absorbed is far easier and more entertaining than actually growing up and taking care of the body first. Sooooo many fat ass munchies kek.

No. 325692

“Getting used to Echolalia originals” thats… not how that works..? The whole echo literally means your echoing something you’ve heard, how could it be “original.” Its not a freestyling session

And she keeps forgetting autistic people with these tendencies just do them, its not something you try out/“GET USED TO”, she’s being so obvious that she knows nothing and that this is just all an act

No. 325693

>singing a popular song to pass the time while doing an activity is MUH AUTISM now

No. 325694

>Says she's 26 and needs to start caring about her body.
Only now? Kek a bit too late Jill
She said the same thing when she was 23

No. 325695

I'm 100% sure she didn't make that background, she simply edited it but like every other thing she's saying she "made it" herself

No. 325696

Also when she was like 18/19 and said she was going to start using the treadmill while watching PreCure and did it once lol

No. 325697

Maybe it’s an AI rendering that she edited for purpose

No. 325698

Is AI even that good? Some ai nonna needs to come and see if they can get a similar result.

No. 325699

File: 1714402700296.png (101.76 KB, 300x206, IMG_20240429_085642.png)

What the fuck is this b screaming so much for? God she's annoying

No. 325700

AI pixel art is pretty good if you know what you're doing. It's not like she doesn't have all the time in the world to spam commands in an ai prompt

No. 325704

File: 1714407718085.png (11.16 KB, 450x240, 713484ef347f274dd13a80abe1f1e0…)

I think she referenced this art and changed some things around.

No. 325706

Please tell me there’s a filter or something over this she looks awful!!!

No. 325708

File: 1714415730779.png (210.43 KB, 474x317, IMG_20240429_085658.png)

No it's literally a screenshot from the video kek. Here's another one.

No. 325709

Those granny dreams of hers coming into fruition.

No. 325718

File: 1714425603207.jpeg (201.74 KB, 828x935, IMG_4786.jpeg)

Some Jill tweets I didn’t see posted yet. She’s riding really hard on the autism thing

No. 325719

File: 1714425711076.jpeg (60.04 KB, 828x299, IMG_4787.jpeg)

The irony of this after what Jill posted after Sof announced her engagement

No. 325720

AI generated pixel art is that good and it has the added benefit of being incredibly easy to edit because it’s just pixels.

No. 325723

>Buh I'm just some humble little retarded robot uwu and I must rest after doing basic adult responsibilities
She is being so egregious with the autismface kek.

No. 325724

Typical bpd attention whore split shit. Of course she wants friends who make her feel important because how dare Sof (her favorite person) steal the spotlight from her.
It really disgusts me when she comes up with the "im blendy and dissociative todayuwu" shit. Interesting that these posts now go on the private account though. "Waaaaaa:c" shut the fuck up. And she ain't autistic if there's no diagnosis.

No. 325726

Complaining about taxes with no mention of Clint? The DID larp slips further away with every day

No. 325728

I wouldn't even trust her with a diagnosis, she would do anything in her power in order to get a precious golden ticket to being an asshole and receiving asspats for doing so.
And doctors are so ready to coddle losers like her that she would get her diagnosis even though she's clearly not an autist, she was never an autist and she will never be an autist no matter how much she studied autistic people.

No. 325737

From what I have heard nowadays autism diagnoses from autism specialty places are pay2play. You're basically guaranteed a diagnosis, like how it is at gender clinics.(sage your shit)

No. 325738

I don't think she did but if it came out that she used ai it could result in one of the biggest meltdowns we've seen kek I wonder what mental gymnastics she would pull to justify it

No. 325741

As someone who has made pixelart and follows pixelartists, I know she didn't draw this, but she might have cobbled together stolen or dubiously sourced assets, which many do. She has never shown pixel art before and this is too advanced for a first effort.

No. 325743

Samefag after zooming in and studying the pixels there are some mistakes, for example the edge of the roof on either side is a horribly jagged line, the top of the little attic window is not symmetrical and is also a bit jagged, and the way it joins is strange and random, the heart isn't centred, and the tiles on the main roof part cut off in a weird way, like it shows a tiny bit of tile rather than the complete tile ending and there being a space (like a pattern rather than a logical tile) and there are some dodgy random mistakes like wrong pixel colour on one tile outline. So now I'm thinking she did make it, or used ai.

No. 325744

Pls don't bring your astrology in here girlie, starsigns aren't real. But you're right about all her "symptoms" being caused by weed (and energy drinks, and alcohol) she would hate to detox because then she'll just be a healthy person with no special sicknesses to talk about
>I want Steven to lock her in the bathroom and make her detox the weed and alcohol.
That would be her first real trauma and she would rinse it for a decade, but let's be real this man has zero backbone and probably never even raises his voice with her. Absolute panderer. Imo mommy vessey is the only one brave enough to intervene, because Jill always rageposts and vagueposts when she spends time with her or afterwards.

No. 325745

Steven is such an enabler, I doubt he would ever help her

No. 325746

sorry but every pisces I know is the same sort of sensitive, bitch-ass attention seeker type(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 325747

This really just comes off as so petty and passive aggressive especially after her Facebook post. Did she ever publicly congratulate Sofia? If not that's not very "making friends feel important and loved" of you Jillian.

It's not her first effort since she made the pixel art emotes for her members. But it is odd that she didn't gloat about making it. Like you said she probably mixed assets and she's not claiming it just in case one of her fans stumble on the originals.

No. 325748

He probably would say “why ruin a good thing?” if someone confronted him. Kek he’s had a pretty sweet ride for the past few years with a free roof over his head and whatever allowance Jill got. Not a lot of people can say they haven’t had to worry about rent during covid/college. I just hope Jill’s mom doesn’t financially help whatsoever when the patreon bucks tap out.

No. 325749

It’s a huge issue that people like Jill study the disorder they want to be diagnosed with and then show up saying a huge list of all the “correct” things. It’s always been a phenomenon, but post-internet is now insanely common in all kinds of malingerers, histrionics, hypochondriacs and the like.
She did this for her DID “diagnosis” after watching DID creators extensively and deciding to make her own OCs.
Quite frankly the biggest and most obvious red flag is her constant jargon usage for day to day normal human behavior. She’s overexcited to fit everything she does into diagnosis boxes even though it doesn’t match up with the list she’s trying to present.

No. 325754

Let us not forget her abandoned schizo breadcrumbing too. I think it's very telling how she fixates on these disorders that normie people might fearmonger about (DID, schizophrenia, autism) that have no viable solution (like a BPD/NPD can go to therapy and try hard enough and eventually no longer meet the qualifications for that personality disorder). DID, as debated as it is, can have the alters "fuse", as that is pretty much the endgoal of getting treated for DID, however it has reached total meme status now with retarded middle schoolers coming up with retarded rules for this disorder like it's some kind of DnD LARP group or something, so now the rules say she can be born with DID and be a split personality schizo forever because "being multiple is valid!!!!". But because the general internet public realizes how retarded the "I was born with multiple personalities" shit is, it's obvious she is wanting to give up the DID LARP for autism because with DID, if she acts like a retarded bitch people will hit her with the "go to therapy" IE, "get rid of your treatable disorder (because it's possible)". The idea that she could solve her problems does not please Jill. I bet in a few months or by the end of the year she will fully abandon the DID LARP and come out and say she was actually JUST autistic the entire time. Autism = get out of jail free card because there is no viable cure for autism.

Tl;dr, Jill is not satisfied until she can have a foolproof excuse to not grow the fuck up and shape up.(tinfoiling)

No. 325756

he has a job. why does everyone think Jill is the breadwinner, parental assistance or not?

No. 325757

File: 1714502122085.png (641.3 KB, 650x622, pixielart.PNG)

>>325747 adding picrel. this was 6 months ago.

>>325756 i think she definitely was the breadwinner at the start of their relationship because stevie was struggling to get hired in his field after graduation. Now he seems to have been employed full time in retail for a minute now (he mentioned being a retail manager when he was messaging that cure flamingo teenager on twitter) and does occasional gig-work in his field. some nonnies seem to think their situation is the same as it was 6 years ago but in reality her earnings have plummeted while his have risen.

No. 325760

I simply do not believe that she is 100% responsible for creating this pixel art. Her hand-drawing skills are no where near at this level, she cannot be at this level in pixel art.

No. 325761

>when the patreon bucks tap out.
Man this is what I don't get. She did pretty well on Patreon by doing almost absolutely nothing. What a comfy life she had.

Then she had to ruin it with her DID shit, constant twitter fights, and not being able to keep up with her content. So much so that now Steven works retail just to keep HER afloat without her having to move a finger. She really thought it all would work out but she ruined her chances so hard and has yet to prove she has potential to do anything else but jack shit.

No. 325762

I agree. She wouldp have had teased it on Twitter if she really was working on them but she didn't. My best guess is that this is a Fiverr commission.

No. 325767

Yeah, Jill is an alright artist but I've never seen her produce anything at this level. The girl can barely stop smoking long enough to half ass a cosplay. I'll believe she can be decent at pixel art when she live streams her process from beginning to end.

No. 325769

>Jill is an alright artist
Not really, she draws but she's no artist

No. 325777

She needs to start caring now because she’s 26 and drinks 50 monsters a week and not because of the huge amount of weight she’s put on? Why does she insist on acting like a spoiled rebellious teenager when she’s almost 30? I don’t know a single woman that isn’t a developmentally arrested gendie who is addicted to monster/soda/junk food at 26, even the most mentally ill women will kick sugar and energy drinks past like 20 if they’re not working night shifts. It’s such moid behavior
Let’s not start this who’s an artist and who’s not infighting, she makes stuff regardless and it’s usually either ok or shit

No. 325779

This sounds like she's literally just way too stoned, kek! How has she not made the connection that weed makes her feel spaced out and dissociated?

No. 325782

>Let’s not start this who’s an artist and who’s not infighting, she makes stuff regardless and it’s usually either ok or shit
No one was starting this infight but ok

No. 325783

What a weird nitpick, there's plenty of women over 30 that have sugary caffeine drinks addictions. Ask all the Starbucks moms

No. 325786

Keyword in your argument nonna moms. Jillian is an unemployed layabout pothead. She’s not a breadwinner or a mother that runs a household.

No. 325789

File: 1714532631867.png (3.79 MB, 2146x2204, bruh.png)

people itt need to recognize that pixel art is a million times easier than normal art. picrel is from the same person. besides jill's pixel art is not even any good.

No. 325790

agreed nona, pixel art just needs to be an approxmiation of what it represents. of course jill would succeed ~naturally~ at an artform that requires less detail.

No. 325791

Exactly as >>325786 said, those women are likely hustling kids around every day or work an actual job. A good amount of women above 30 watch what they eat/drink because they’re not 18 anymore and diabetes is a real thing. I think an overweight 26 year old without a job saying “wow I need to watch my health and stop drinking multiple monsters a day” is insane, I feel like that’s something she should’ve realized a long time ago and before the weight piled on, not to sound like an anachan. Knowing Jill she’ll probably read this and claim she didn’t know monsters were bad due to autism or some dumb shit

No. 325792

Jill is way too busy larping having 20 people inside of her head to ever truly make it with her art. It's not the quality of her art that is the issue because if she actually made more things she'd get better. It's just that she won't because she's busy feeling disassociat-y and blendy

No. 325796

I wonder if someone could make a timeline and see how sofs relationship evolution correlates with this DID mental jillness

No. 325797

You are vastly overestimating Jill's understanding of color palettes and how it works in pixel art. Yeah, the sketches are rough, but the harmonies of the colors in the completed imagines are far beyond Jill's ability.

No. 325798

File: 1714575101067.png (827.46 KB, 3010x1849, lospec.PNG)

Not that I think Jillybean actually made these but there are tons of premade pixel art palettes online, like picrel from https://lospec.com/palette-list. She wouldn't have had to come up with that on her own.

No. 325799

Tbh doubt she even used a palette, she's somehow too dumb for that. Maybe she just winged it somehow

No. 325801

File: 1714577763623.png (386.71 KB, 578x466, jillemotes.png)

I totally buy that jill made these and the pixel house herself. It's really not that complex and if you look closely the lines are wonky and asymmetrical. It's easy to roughly copy some cute art but "make it your own" and she does have SOME art skills.
Look at her own face emotes. What the heck are those ears? Does she have two sets of them? Is the pink blob supposed to be ear hair coming out of her loooong ears? And what is that hair shape, it's so ugly and misshapen! It looks super beginner-level and little details like where she "clumps" up the lines proves it's not made by a true pixel artist but was winged by an amateur.

No. 325803

To be fair some of those errors look like AI generation errors (extra ears, clumping lines) and the weird stylization also pings as AI. Seems weird for her to keep the errors unless she wasn’t sure what she was looking at and decided to just leave it. If she did make them where’d she get the energy and where is the video because that would’ve been easy content.

No. 325806

>million times easier
Do you think because the image is simple it was easy to make? Using a limited canvas and palette is a lot more difficult (but fun) than normal drawing, just because the final result is simple doesn't mean the process was. There's a reason not many people do pixel art compared to illustration, despite it being #aesthetic and popular.

No. 325807

Right, if Jill is this good at pixel art she should add it to her content rotation

No. 325808

I think the extra ears are supposed to be her gauges

No. 325809

thank you, I was feeling crazy seeing all these nonas say pixel art is easy. like, tell me you've never done it without telling me you've never done it. it just doesn't seem like a skill Jill would have honed at any point since the first time we saw it was her emotes

No. 325811

>>325622 she probs drew it and used a pixel filter on it, you don't need pixel art skills for that and seems coherent with her artstyle

No. 325812

I really do think she has enough focus on certain aspects of the aesthetic without baseline skill and understanding of art forms that it organically ends up looking like AI sludge. Sort of like when kids get really into photoshop anime art and overrender and airbrush an anatomical abomination and make it really sparkly. And the inconsistency in style and skill level between different images is also due to the variety of references used.

No. 325816

sorry nonna i misworded it and made it hyperbolic. what i meant to say is that you don't need to be amazing at traditional art to make decent looking pixel art. i agree, pixel art is an entirely different skill set but jill most definitely doesn't have it.

No. 325819

File: 1714602354231.png (82.63 KB, 720x386, bb.png)

No. 325821

File: 1714602697076.png (42.27 KB, 720x217, jj.png)

This was the tweet the person replied to that Jill retweeted the reply.

No. 325822


this fake bitch always shows her ass isnt any of what she claims with tweets like these. Always with her uwu bullshit

No. 325824

File: 1714603732365.png (35.25 KB, 720x199, jo.png)

Always does in one way or another. Says she has a hard time discerning sarcasm yet understood this was a joke.

No. 325826

So tired of this shit.

No. 325828

I’m so over “moid behavior” being used to describe anything negative.(off-topic/derailing)

No. 325832

Being addicted to energy drinks and nuggies and not realizing it’s genuinely bad for your health until you’re well into your 20s is behavior that you can consistently witness in men. I’m not using the phrase loosely I’m literally describing typical moid behavior and Jill is engaging in it in my opinion(derailing)

No. 325850

no that’s fat people's behavior. look at jill now. and shes getting fatter every month.(replying to derail)

No. 325866

File: 1714745111692.png (1.69 MB, 1518x1434, Screenshot 2024-05-03 at 7.03.…)

Maybe she isn't the one to be breaking this stereotype. She is so un-self-aware it's crazy…

No. 325868

Kek how is she going to go against Sanrio bitches when she's a fakeposi kawiwi rainbow bitch herself?

No. 325869

Most "Sanrio girls" that created this stereotype are BPD-chans just like her lmao They think they're all cute and baby-like, but they're just full of mental illness

No. 325870

i love how her fans beg for less mental illness content and more fashion. so she makes a video about about how sanrio girls are mentally ill

No. 325873

Kek this. She will never learn, nobody ever cared about her takes

No. 325874

I'm so ready to watch her alienate and beef with half of the people who still follow her. She already did this with precure

No. 325875

Wait so she's trying to make a video to dispell the stereotype that all people who dress in pink kawaii fashion are "mentally I'll Sanrio lovers"… But mental illness and kawaii pink stuff is her entire brand?

It makes me think she might just hate Sanrio (also based on how she treated the wet n wild pr package) or dislikes someone who likes Sanrio and doesn't want to be lumped with them. Another case of wanting to be the most special snowflake ever, not at all like those unhinged Sanrio bpd retards of course.

No. 325877

File: 1714755410409.jpeg (85.23 KB, 735x695, IMG_1916.jpeg)

I literally googled “bpd sanrio” and found Jill kek.
I think so too. Sanrio stuff is so massively popular that my friend at hot topic says it’s their #1 seller. Jill will essentially kick herself out from the kaweewee community with this video.

No. 325881

Video is out

No. 325882

Kek this is literally Jillian

No. 325888

She should’ve opened the video with
> hi lolcow
Lukewarm defensive take, she says a whole lot of nothing and essentially just runs cover for toxic behavior (just because they’re cute or like cute things doesn’t mean they don’t have bad days too). She’s also back to claiming to be neurodivergent somehow, bread-loafing autism. Maybe it’s just not my taste but she could’ve made this video half as long and actually written a script to keep it succinct and to the point rather then using it as an opportunity to discuss how she’s not at all toxic because unlike the others she was just having a bad day. As if being judged for our worst days isn’t a fair assessment on compatibility in a relationship.

No. 325889

Skimmed through. I can enjoy an anyalzysis video of internet niche groups, which I think is what Jillybean is trying to navigate her channel toward including. Too bad her shit opinion with "I've seen memes" and broad non judgment opinion of "everybody is a whole person with bad and good traits don't generalize" says nothing. She doesn't have the brain powder to anayalzy and form a real opinion.

No. 325891

I don't want to watch it, but now I feel like I have to, cause the way you said this makes it sound like she really took the broad kawaii/sanrio critique and said
>this is actually @ me guys and it's so unfair

No. 325893

Another 20-minute video on a subject she doesn't understand but saw a few tweets? Does she think accidentally paying Better Help for a year means she's knowledgeable in mental health? She literally drops any therapist that doesn't coddle her and only sees doctors when shes shopping for a new diagnosis. Tiktok fakers is not real knowledge of mental illnesses.

No. 325894

Could barely finish the video because it was just self insert. I thought she was going to actually have an objective take but it's just another attempt to manipulate her audience into seeing her as a primarily good person.

No. 325895

>using it as an opportunity to discuss how she’s not at all toxic because unlike the others she was just having a bad day.
Kek as always it's just Jillian inserting herself in shit she doesn't know anything about to make herself look good again
This. Why the need to manipulate her audience this much? She must be scared shitless of everyone finding her thread.
She wants to be Izzyzz or whatever she's called so bad

No. 325896

The first 10mins really do feel like that.

No. 325929

File: 1714861515950.jpeg (1.18 MB, 1179x9604, IMG_2684.jpeg)

Yeah its just jillian talking about herself with a very nonsensical explanation in the middle about b&w anime andrainbow anime profile pics (had to leave that out or this wouldve been so much)

No. 325930

The examples she gives for toxicity are also super benign. Like people have falling outs all the time, people whinge about friends/family, none of that is toxic. If she’s trying to say that people mistakenly think those are toxic behaviors it’d make sense but instead she’s just using those as a cover. Real toxic behavior is threatening at its weakest and physically harmful at its worst. Things like stealing, getting into physical altercations, shouting obscenities to get someone to stfu, lying needlessly about the dumbest shit or lying about someone in an attempt to undermine them. None of what she described struck me as toxic.

No. 325939

>not on the recommended page
She's becoming self aware

No. 325941

When is she going to be self aware enough to know that nobody gives a shit about kaweewee girls anymore because they’re a dime a dozen?

No. 325944

It is almost astounding how she went from meeting and networking with Sebastian Masuda to posting shit like this kek

No. 325957

The part you marked with flora definitely feels like a shout out to lc, with the whole "people don't believe in my live laugh love persona, they think I'm larping an anime character"

No. 325958

Or that maybe her self absorbed mental illness content is what drove everyone away.
She has no idea how good she had it tbh

No. 325960

Is this why ahe keeps having breakdowns? Does she occasionally remember that she fucked up her chances to make good money?

No. 325961

Right she was handed the good life on a silver platter, had money, loving supportive parents, every opportunity the rest of us can only dream of. And she threw it all away in favor of pretending to come from a life of abuse and trauma so she doesnt have to work. Make it make sense.

No. 325993

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YouTube vid views
>how she’s not at all toxic because unlike the others she was just having a bad day
Having a bad day? What a piss poor excuse. This must be part of the garbage she spews to get herself out of trouble instead of taking accountability for her words and actions. She's pathetic.
Kek, these are great, nonnie. Really showcases Jill's priorities. The only real subject she can talk about is herself. How incredibly boring. She has no real intellectual curiosity.
Life isn't going the way she expected. Remember according to Jill's mom, Collin was intimidated by Jill's ambitions. Yeah real ambitious daughter you got there, Louise. Larps as the main character in an anime at 26 years old. Real impressive.
Spoiled brat told she was special since day one therefore always thought she would be hand given opportunities. Shocked when she needed to put effort in so cue the hard spiral into where she is now. She's going out with a whimper.

No. 325999

Jfc, she isn't doing good.

No. 326007

She's like a snake eating its tail like the narcissism isn't even covert at this point
>reacting to toxic hello kitty girls knowing full well she fits into that stereotype
>cosplay vlog
>reacting to teen me talk about aging and alt fashion
2/3 videos are talking about herself and her fashion/asthetic, when it isn't even particularly unusual in 2024, this type of fashion pretty much became mainstream past about 2018 with egirls/gamer girls and then tiktok girls. Imagine having a reasonable size audience and this is all you can muster up to share with them, just you navel gazing about your fashion, and on Twitter navel gazing about your "fascinating" mostly weed induced mental health issues

No. 326010

These talking style videos are never substantive or interesting. I'm starting to think soapchan has a point and it would be better to do DIY projects to hide her lack of sewing talent than whatever this era of content is.

No. 326011

She's just so late to the commentary/drama YouTube bandwagon, the only ones that must be making money are the people talking about animation cows, or the clearly autistic YouTubers talking about some retard like that one faggot obsessed with Chris Chan.
Everyone is so careful about what they post on the internet nowadays that she's honestly the few people with lots of followers (more than 1000) that still overshares online.

No. 326015

Alt fashion isn’t edgy anymore if everyone is doing it. Would be crazy if she went in the same direction as Kelly.

No. 326019

Her "alt" fashion after lolita was always very normie friendly anyway.

No. 326025

She stood out because she lived on a tiny island in a town of about 35K people (which is the biggest one on the island) so it was so easy for her to stand out there

Once she started the confetti club and realized that 99% of them could cop her style just by going to their local mall, she pivoted to her sustainability arc

No. 326074

You can tell she's flopping hard because not even her thread cares.

No. 326075

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No. 326076

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No. 326077

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No. 326079

She really doesn't give a shit about other people
>brand yourself as mental health influencer, most of your followers are mentally ill
>tweet unnecessary shit like this

No. 326087

is she was more genuine it wouldnt be a problem posting jokes like that. but, for some reason, she decided to box herself in a "mental illness" influencer and cant even keep up the act.

No. 326090

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Sage for no real milk from her private account but her retweeting in favor of age regression and “unmasking” her totally real and legit autism.

No. 326092

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No. 326093

First rank symptom (FRS) is for schizophrenia, retards

No. 326095

Can someone explain the logic here? You're excited for your eventual hypothetical estate sale. Those typically occur after death. Wouldn't it be a reason TO kill yourself?

No. 326100

Age regression WITHOUT PSYCH SUPERVISION is literally an unhealthy coping mechanism and plenty of mental health professionals have talked about how it is just re-traumatizing yourself most of the time

No. 326108

A janny banned me for tinfoiling about her abandoning the DID LARP but why is she liking age regressing tweets when she has a 4 year old alter? That wouldn't technically be "age regression" if we follow the retarded rules about DID. She's a typical bippie about to get ready to shed the old phony personality for a new "authentic" self.

No. 326109

Samefag, just saw this >>326092 but she's not being subtle at all. She throws away old personalities/jillnesses and focuses on the shiny new ones like they're toys. I give it til the end of this year.

No. 326112

her whole youtube channel is about "spreading awareness" of mental jillness all while joking about killing herself and pretending to be a baby instead of going to therapy

No. 326122

if someone she didn't like said something like this she would blow the fuck up and make 10 seething medfag mento health tweets about it

No. 326126

what the hell does that even mean? that she doesn't want people to fight over her plastic hoard?? lol

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