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No. 375960
>previously a punk kid who became a pansexual buddhist lolita lifestyler>quit because of bullies and LACE drama (>history of self harm, ED and severe anxiety>has a legitimate shopping problem which she justifies by making an ungodly amount of haul videos>broke up with 2-year boyfriend to date their best friend (and her other best friend's ex) whom she 'loved all along' and 'makes her believe in love at first sight' (Who broke up with her)>can't participate in jfashion communities because 'muh rules & restrictions'>creates her OWN japanese street fashion called Party Kei>Went to Japan to prove to herself she wanted to study fashion design>was basically a two week shopping spree>home again and struggling to keep up with making videos>quitting her jobs to follow ~dream~ of being a fashion designer in Japan>still lying about making 'enough money to pay rent' (while asking Louise for $$) and about being supportive to her followers>interviewed by about internet popularity in her basement room>"would call herself lesbian if she wasn't dating someone with a dick">started streaming on younow for money>Colin broke up with her, now dating girls only through tinder>Got a tattoo of her cat after getting told her wand plan was a bad idea and throwing a fit about it>>>/pt/108478>>>/snow/93376>>>/snow/25169>>>/snow/154765>>>/snow/215023>>>/snow/258245>>>/snow/271275>>>/snow/285759>>>/snow/303929>>>/snow/318441>>>/snow/338259>>>/snow/358781LINKS
youtube insta:
No. 375971
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>>375966This was one of the posts related to that
No. 375984
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No. 375986
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>>375966Here's a cap from one of the old threads, I think this was also in reference to that part
No. 376054
>>375984Sage for nitpick but
I can't be the only one side eyeing Jillian for suddenly being interested in her friends like Tracey, Kenzie, Wendy etc. Before she'd briefly see them at cons (mostly Kenzie) and get their names wrong or show them away when they say they hope they see her again before the next animaritime. Also the girl who cosplayed Cure Miracle wasn't Kenzie was it?
I just find it weird she's doing all this stuff with her friends now when she wouldn't before. Inb4 Jill tries to say Colin or Tristan "held her back".
No. 376099
>>376054I think sometimes break ups make you realise the people around you are important, I think everyone can get a bit overly focused on their partner if they are in love/happy with them.
I hope Jill doesn't act like Collin was holding her back or shutting her away from the world because overall he's always seemed nice despite beings odd
Sage for rambling about nothing
No. 376159
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She's removed her 5 star review from Facebook, so looks like she's accepting that it's not a good tattoo
No. 376164
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She's also put up the rest of her old Lolita stuff for sale
No. 376175
>>376164Why she doesn't wear these clothes? they are more cute that the same garbage she wears everyday.
Also she could lose weight, stop being so lazy, and eating more healthy foods.
No. 376176
>>376161Actually she has a super strong glasses prescription, she really is almost blind without glasses or contacts.
Regardless, Jill can see well enough that we know her awful aesthetic choices have more to do with poor fashion sense than bad eyesight.
Can't correct bad taste to 20/20.
No. 376341
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She posted the photos from their photoshoot to her cosplay facebook page
No. 376358
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>>376341This is what they're supposed to look like
No. 376393
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rewatching the tattoo video with a friend and we happen to pause and…? What the fuck is with their nasty ass fish tank?
No. 376451
>>376393It's so bad just the outline looks good in comparison
I bet she cheaped out and got an inexperienced or apprenticed artist
That she's iffy about spending money to get it fixed too speaks volumes
Dumb cunt put in no thought, research or investment on something permanent
She's going to be fat and covered in superficial garbage - an asexual charms lmao
No. 376461
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No. 376465
>>376159I do feel bad for her you know. I mean yeah it's her fault for not doing more research but still, that shit is on you FOREVER.
I hope she fixes it :S
No. 376474
>>376466Yeah I squinted there for a sec too. I'm assuming she means her YouTube channel?
I would call YouTube a career if you have a bigger channel, but it's strange that Jill would call her channel a career when most of her videos are lazy, uninspired hauls or lookbooks featuring the same filthy pink shoes/unwashed Bonne Chance dress we've seen a million times before, she's lazy as fuck about editing her videos, she rarely replies to any of her fan's comments for such a small channel and really doesn't seem to put very much effort into her "career" at all.
She genuinely seems to think that a part-time job at Claire's and a halfassed YouTube channel where she shows off clothes she bought with mummy's money is super hard work that requires several naps to recover from yet wants to be a fashion designer (while also not bothering to develop her sewing skills at all) and I don't know whether to feel bad for her or secretly hope she'll post her meltdown online when reality hits her.
No. 376492
>>376465>>376482Yeah I gotta agree, this is Jill's own fault and now she has to live with it.
In her "When are you too old to dress like this" or whatever video she said herself that 'Who knows, maybe I'll be dressing punk or goth in 10 years!!', it feels quite stupid to me that she went out of her way to get a tattoo to go with her ~kitschy~ aesthetic when she's still so young and changes styles so much.
Plus yeah, she didn't do enough research to find a better tattoo artist, she's too cheap to get it fixed by someone better now, and she was too arrogant to commission someone/have someone fix up her original drawing.
No. 376524
>>376507FFS, looks like she quite literally picked shit up off the floor of her dirty room and is trying to sell them. People are buying these granny clothes up. That macaron dress is completely wrinkled because she was too much of a lazy ass to iron it before posting. The purple heart skirt has nasty brown stains on it she hasn't bothered to wash out.
Someone even paid $24 total for a used Forever 21 skirt made of hoodie material, these people…
No. 376530
>>376510I assume it's a combination of fit issues and her weird passive aggressive hatred towards lolita.
In this unboxing video of the two Ank Rouge skirts she complains that one of them is quite tight, and she was a lot smaller back then. So it doesn't seem too weird that she wouldn't fit into most of it now.
No. 376576
>>376566No you don't understand she has a SUCCESSFUL CAREER making shitty hauls and taking money from fifteen year olds during streams and selling poorly designed shirts she's doing JUST FINE living in her parents basement rent free
Yknow unless she is trying to grub more money from her fans, then she's a poor starving artist who can't afford to do things and go places and money is tight and life is hard :'(
No. 376582
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No. 376618
>>376608man does she need to call everything a baby or a bad boy or whatever?
during her last liverstream she was referring to herself and Kenzie as ~little pink baby uwu & little goth baby~ and it really weirded me out, does she not realize how creepy that stuff sounds
No. 376622
>>376393that. is. horrid.
as a previous shop worker that's unhygienic as fuck, plus lousy on the fish obviously.
like, this is a tattoo shop, where do they even expect to clean the tank and hygienically dispose of the dirty water to begin with tbh
No. 376624
>>376461"doing just fine"
mental breakdown after mental breakdown, still not moving out, no stable financial plans, no proper job, complains about struggling for money
I agree with the article in that you can wear whatever you want and it doesn't necessarily reflect your personality but man she doesn't make a great point by using herself as an example (which of course she has to do because everything needs to relate to her)
No. 376647
>>376624There was a more positive article written in ressponse: ironically the fantasy-inspired clothes that the negative one linked to like blackmilk or others are just graphic tees, or interestingly or thematically cut and print items like dresses and leggings. Like, since when are hibiscus print dresses toddler clothing? Hot Topic's Lilo and Stitch stuff is typical of Disney collections and it's also a store for teens and young adults. And how is BlackMilk's mermaid collection immature or childish? The Harry Potter one even looked pretty much like preppy casual outfits. It's all young adult clothing in thematic prints and stuff. I can see why people interested in alternative fashion might be upset in general when the accusations being made by the article imply that women should be shamed or judged if they're not wearing power suits.
Jill isn't a manchild basement dweller because she likes pastel and neon weeb kitsch. She's an insufferable shit because of her grating, spoiled, self-infantilizing personality. Those cutesy things are just things she's clung to because she has no sense of identity and needs something to make her feel important and special.
The way she dresses is a reflection of all of the negative aspects of her personality: poor taste, brand whoring impulse buys on things she doesn't like to try and make herself seem better than she is, fashion that isn't fashionable and unaccepting of constructive criticism or anyone being better than her.
There's a correlation between alt fashion and attention whoring efamous babies, but everyone who dresses differently is not an adult refusing to grow up and desperately clinging to childhood and dependency on their parents the same way Jill is.
No. 376655
>>376461Her career? Lmfao are you serious the lazy bitch has barely designed anything beyond subpar clown dish rag garbage with a poor fit and shitty, cheap tacky textiles. She's a joke. I went to design school and graduated with a degree in apparel design and worked as a professional tailor and pattern maker. I had to work hard and dedicate 4 years of my life to being educated in the modality of apparel design and construction and concept development. As well as working in fashion internships for well over 3 years after graduating. It
triggers me so bad, that this lazy cunt has the fucking raw nerve to say she has a career she's NEVER worked for, when other people like myself have worked so damn hard at building our professional careers. Then comes along talentless hacks like Jillian Vessey trying claim that she has a career, when she is just a delusional poser. Sage for
trigger No. 376715
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No. 376726
>>376715Isn't that a clow card?
>>376712When has she ever been able to color coordinate tho? Her outfits always look like a colorblind clown put them together
No. 376738
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>>376723Apologize for the shitty attempt used mouse, but omfg why did she arrange it in such an ICONIC pattern
No. 376819
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Looks like she has a sore on her tongue.
No. 376834
>>376530What's wrong with Ank Rogue? It's not even lolita, and it is supposed to have good quality. I guess Jill has gained weight.
I decided to watch the video to see vintage Jill, and it is really annoying to hear her talk about how much she ordered right off the bat. I don't mind hearing how much each item costs, because I'm curious, but putting out your total order cost is tacky.
No. 376861
>>376834Vintage Jill just reminded me of how much less fat and more tolerable she used to be.
There was even one video where she had natural blonde and brown half and half dyed hair that looked different but still cute and not special Ed.
Her thumbnails, video music, and fashion all mirror the slow devolution of her personality into the depressing adult baby we see today.
No. 377078
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Her fans are delusional
No. 377092
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>>377082I-Is she trolling? Why is her baby talk shit just getting that rapidly worse?
No. 377094
>>377078 kek, the fanart version of the tattoo looks nicer than Jill's
Also it makes Jill's arm look
wayyy smaller. IRL the tattoo doesn't wrap around her arm, it just floats in the middle of that sea of flab.
No. 377144
>>376726Nah it's a sakura card, it's a movie only one that never appeared as a clow card and therefore doesn't even really have any meaning? Not into it myself but the clow deck is set up so you can do fortunes with it and the cards each have a meaning like tarot cards do.
Trust Jill to do the bare minimum and a shallow meaningless card for her magic, probably because she likes the design.
No. 377397
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Jfc Jill calm down, if you're trying to be funny it's not working.
No. 377412
>>377397Wtf? Plural exes? As in, because she's single she's now bitter at all of them?
Does she really think it's normal to vocalize her whining about not getting her way or effectively manipulating people? Whatever happened to moving on with the new tinder girl anyway..
No. 377414
>>377397Why tho? She dumped two of them and is at fault for the last one not wanting to date her anymore. What a bitch.
I hope the new tinder gal finds her social media accounts and sees how immature she is dragging her exes and disrespecting their privacy.
No. 377450
>>377423 They were perfect for Jill. Tristan really liked and knew her well and supported her fashion choices and wanted to do Ouji, was educated, from a nice family, was active in her videos. Colin was a perfect cuck for a year or however long they were together, was so laid back or agreeable that he could put up with Jill and was still very affectionate and caring and he was nice enough to be gentle in the way he dumped her despite Jill being a cunt.
If you're someone as shitty as Jill, boyfriends like Tristan and Colin at least are as good as they get.
No. 377787
>>377397wow this bitch…
just imagine if one of her exes made a post like that about Jill, she'd be playing victim so hard and probably try to publicly destroy them…
I really hope that neither Tristan nor Colin ever check her social media because that shit is just upsetting. I still feel really bad for them because Jill paints them in such a bad light… ~Throw kindness around like confetti~, huh?
No. 378044
>>378029So is she trying to have a less offensive make up style now? It looks like recently she's been toning down the sticker and glitter shit, she still has those godawful pink eyebrows but otherwise her makeup isn't that ~party kei-ish~ anymore.
The palette is actually pretty nice, but I'm afraid that she bought it only because it has a birthday theme…
No. 378050
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>>378045Yeah, you're probably right anon. Guess it's just painful to think about yet another nice $50 palette disappearing in Jill's hoard.
No. 378063
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>>377397But guys she's so gentle and kind to other people
No. 378066
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>Gives someone a 5 star review
>"Yeah I'm tots so mad I hate it I totally knew this was bad without people pointing it out to me"
No. 378149
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>>378144she wanted to upload the goth transformation today but I guess she messes up on keeping her schedule every other week so I guess it's no surprise
No. 378172
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>>378107She deleted her response too. Jill is just too kind and soft uwu guys just yelling at people and kicking their shins and trying to hide her own stupidity and ignorance
No. 378250
>>378178Thanks mod
>>378149I'm waiting with bated breath
No. 378314
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No. 378363
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Real talk, this is the first time seeing or hearing of this girl and she already looks like my stoner friend/drug dealer if she was fat with an unemployable hair color
No. 378445
>>378314They're gonna say "okay night"
Get some real anxiety bitch
No. 378606
>>378591ughhh wish she found a goth friend that can actually do makeup…
she looks SOO much better as a goth jesus. That wig looks amazing (I think). Ugh getting back to that rainbow roots mess…
No. 378607
>>378591this bitch doesn't know rotary cutters are for fabric/you can't use it for everything or the blade will get dull.
Also it doesn't matter what tools she has, the bitch can't sew
No. 378616
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>>378591Kek at Jill confirming she rarely removes makeup from her skin.
No. 378630
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No. 378631
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No. 378642
>>378637fr. I feel like she's been watching ABDL videos or something. The baby talk is getting out of hand. Why does this grown woman think she's being cute?
I usually am pretty okay with Jillian but this vid is the most obnoxious thing I've witnessed in a long time…
No. 378663
>>378661I didn't even notice; she overreacted so much you'd think it'd be a natural impulse to say thank you.
Man, she's such an ungrateful cunt.
No. 378680
>>378623It is so terrible
>>378642Agree. People aren't kidding when they say that Jill's baby habits are annoying.
No. 378691
>>378591This is the cringy-est jill has been in a video imo. Calling herself a "sparkle baby" not even a minute in was a great start kek
Sage for irrelevant but this might of annoyed more than usual bc videos like this make goth out to be just a look when its a music based subculture but w/e
No. 378725
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>>378716The original is actually from Angelic Pretty, it's the Horror Bat bag.
And yeah, I think it's quite scummy of Jill to display a replica bag like that, especially since only a couple months ago she was all about "Harajuku designers are dying out!! uwu We have to support small indie brands!!".
She's just such a disingenuous, hypocritical person…
No. 378737
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>>378591Jill's talk about her 'baby face'
triggers me every time
to be fair I think this look is the most youthful and her age looking she's been in quite a while though
her friend just looks like an eccentric auntie though lol
No. 378749
>>378591Idk what you anons are talking about when you say she looks more youthful and better in this style. That """"model"""" pic of her face is terrible.
Her friend is acting much more mature and serious in the video so it makes Jill's personality more embarrassing than usual.
No. 378751
>>378749yeah i agree. she legit looks like a 40 year old at the end in that makeup and frown face. the outfit and wig just look like shit, worse than whatever the hell's going on with her rainbow pink bullshit.
>>378604her friend cant do makeup for shit but she's much more tolerable than jill. shes the only likable thing in the video
No. 378754
>>378623yeah it was really creepy, but that part still made me laugh since the headband she broke was one she made herself kek
she even sold one like that for $13 on her etsy before, great craftsmanship
No. 378771
>>378716>>378725She has always been like this!! I remember in a video she had her rainbow purse she got at the mall (probably ardenes or some cheap place like that) and she said she "insisted" that her viewers go out and support the brand names who originally designed the bags, even if it is more expensive.
She has literally never practiced what she preaches.
No. 378788
>>378725Oops, I thought the cross between the letters was a small "at" for AatP.
Either way it's still a knock off and still really hypocritical of her.
No. 378804
>>375960>>378631"Ooowww I broke it on my forehead!!"
cue stupid baby voicedamn.. such a hard video to watch, I cringed every freaking second
I can't believe she thinks her stupid voice and "little wordies" she makes up are cute…
plain retarded tbh
No. 378812
>>378661I noticed that too. Like really bitch? That was a sweet gesture from her dad.
>>378716>>378725I didn't even realize it was a knock-off, but I couldn't see it that well in the vid, either. Did she say it was somewhere? (I do believe you guys I'm just curious since she's always been such a brandwhore).
No. 378813
>>378591god her friend looks like she wearing a fucking muumuu. she looks like some juggalo's mom.
jill looks better goth but her usual style makes her look older. i call bullshit when she says people think shes 12. maybe cause she acts like a 12 year old.
No. 378923
Looking at
>>378737 it looks like it really is the original AP bag
That and Jill likely doesn't know or care about the difference even if it was fake, because it's too goffick for her
Not to defend Jill because I whole heartedly agree she only cares about the status aspect of brand, but at the same time it's not her bag nor does it look fake so??
No. 378935
>>378923Let's be real, if the bag wasn't a knock-off, Jill wouldn't shut up about how much she spent on it
tbh, I don't know much about the bag but after a quick Google search I could tell that a lot of the replicas are shiny and sparkly, whereas the original has a more leathery look to it
original: No. 378939
But like
>>378923 said it's not her bag, it's Kenzie's, and Jill doesn't care about ethics so she's not really gonna give a fuck about wearing her friend's possible replica bag for one video.
No. 378941
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>>378661I noticed that too… tbh, I think it would be nitpicky as an isolated incident, but given her history it just seems like another testament to her greedy and unappreciative tendencies. Same with the bit in her tattoo video where she denies her mother one of her four 'emergency' granola bars.
I lowkey liken her to some weird ~alternative~ version of Ja'mie King.
No. 378996
>>378945It doesn't really look like the other bootleg versions of the bag I've seen. Maybe the camera doesn't pick up the glitter well idk
Plus Kenzie seems like she has money as well so who knows
Sage because none of this shit really matters anyways
No. 379157
>>379131The maritimes are full of fatties. Kenzie is average size for a young adult in PEI or Nova Scotia (where the rest of the comm lives). There's only maybe 30 or so active members of the jfashion community (between the three provinces) and the vast majority are huge land whales, including the leaders/mods. They're all itas and actually look up to Jill for her coordinates/brand hoarding/efame.
This is why I laugh when this thread tears Jill apart for being "fat" when I know maritimers probably tell her she's too thin or needs to add some meat on her bones since skinny shaming is common in that area.
Honestly what do farmers expect from these hicks? lmao
No. 379158
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What kind of pose is this???
No. 379170
>>378941>>378944I lol'd
>>378959>>379088>tongue shit and bouncing, moaning and humming That's enough to make me vomit, thanks. Jill is so gross.
>>379158She reminds me of mollysoda here.
No. 379221
>>376647Here here. You explained that very well! While I do get cringey sometimes when I see older people dressing in things meant for someone much younger than them (not counting ABDLs they're just cringeworthy always), I feel like people should dress how they like and what they're most comfortable in. Because if you're comfortable, you're confident and that shows through and really does make a difference. "You wear the clothes, they don't wear you" and all that.
Like you said, it only gets cringey when someone is alternating between styles for attention rather than trying to find a look that suits them. And it's also always obvious when someone is experimenting with a style and when someone is using a style to call attention to themselves and feel like a unique snowflake.
Sage for having nothing of value to add. I just really liked this comment and wanted to let them know.
No. 379240
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No. 379351
>>379240God she only had the tattoo for 1&1/2 weeks now and she's already being so fucking obnoxious about it
Why do tattoos/tattooed girls suddenly matter so much to her?? Shouldn't she be more concerned about finding someone who can handle all of her ~great ambitious~?
No. 379372
>>379240People like Jill are the reason I went from loving, to despising anime.
Sage for blog
No. 379422
>>379372I don't get why you would stop liking something just because other people you don't like also enjoy it. Especially with something as relatively big as anime. Why can't you watch the anime you like without worrying about anyone else?
>>379240She had another date?
>>379221>And it's also always obvious when someone is experimenting with a style and when someone is using a style to call attention to themselves and feel like a unique snowflake.Just curious, how can you tell?
No. 379425
>>379406this is tumblr™ goth. Because for those people means: everything in black = goth.
And yeah, the make-up is just tragic.
No. 379437
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No. 379452
>>379451Yeah, I think so
I think Jill's dreams while sleeping would be equally as boring as her ambitions
No. 379487
>>379464She's live streaming now, has been for about 15 mins
currently discussing how she thinks Tinder is better than IRL dating for "queer people"
No. 379495
>>379487Well a lot of people on the queer spectrum do prefer online dating and apps since it's harder to meet people in person.
>>379491I doubt she would scam people outright but expect your package to be late
No. 379535
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Off topic but I remember anons wondering where Jill got her pink checkered shirt, she mentioned during the livestream that it's from Ardene. No. 379542
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>>379535>anons were wondering thisof course they were
No. 379547
>>379542Huh? There were at least two anons asking about it in the last thread.
I'm sorry for posting about it, wasn't trying to be annoying.
No. 379584
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>>378591i'm scared of all the anons saying she looks better like this, because i definitely think she lurks this place. knowing Jill in like two weeks she's gonna pretend to be an actual goth and start posting shit like "uwu all my clothes are black like my soul"/"fuck me in edgar allan poe's grave!!"/"makeup for vampire looks!" and i already hate her so much, i don't think i could deal with it. fake punk jill was enough to make me vomit.
No. 379585
>>378737babyface??????? that's a fat face, girl. different things. she used to have sort of a babyface back in the day, but now she looks standar fat. its lost.
any other hairstyle would have made her look better than her actual hair tbh.
No. 379650
>>379638Magical girl is the only kind she probably feels is ~aesthetic~ enough for her
That and it seems obvious she likes precure and lesser known (or what she deems as) magical girl anime so she can be so original
She might like love live because it's about friendship and girls banding together but again she probably won't give it a chance because it's not cheeky kawaii kirakira harajookoo enough for her
Then again she talked about eromanga sensei and praised that which is pretty funny
No. 379774
>>379679Wasn't meant to be taken literally but ok
It's more colorful than a lot of anime and the colors are totes aesthetic [insert that gross cackle she does]
Besides she's trying to appeal to the girls in jfashion who like precure which is actually a decent amount.
No. 380488
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She's too sad to film her video today
No. 380622
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>>380488I'm thinking she must have done something/something happened that will cost her quite a bit as she's now posting about her redbubble which she's never done before
No. 380757
>>380493Basically. For me, there are 3 types:
1. People wearing fashion for attention. These people you can you just tell by how they go thru popular trends and how they show it off.
2. People trying out fashion to see if it's their style. These people are usually uncomfortable bc it's a new style they've never worn, so they're hyperaware of attention they may recieve.
3. People who wear the style bc that's what they've always worn. They just don't care if it draws attention or not, it's what they're comfortable in.
I guess Jillian is a 2 by that anecdote. And probably partially a 1? I mean, she could always dress up for her videos and dress down other times… but I guess that wouldn't fit with the fashion and lifestyle she tells her fans she lives. Which is stupid.
No. 380849
>>380757Jill isn't trying out a new style though lol. She's dressed alternative/kawaii-inspired for almost 5 years now. Sure she had the hardcore punk and lifestyle Lolita phase but outside of that she's always worn mish-mashed outfits based on Japanese fashion. If you watch her "reacting to old outfit pics" video or look up her old look book coordinates you'd see how long this has been going on.
Honestly the only time she was truly consistent with a style that was flattering was her hime sweet Lolita phase and when she briefly took inspiration from Larme and himekaji Gyaru. That was from autumn 2014 to spring/early summer 2015. That was truly her peak but outside of that she's always been an absolute mess.
No. 380862
>>380849not that anon and I don't think you can just look at someone and tell if they're 'posing' or trying something new. And I won't say Jill doesn't enjoy her cutesy aesthetic, but she is an attention seeker and being what she considers popular and well-liked
because of her aesthetic and her constant need to title or define it is probably a result of both young and sheltered and also being an attention whore.
She wants every aspect of herself to be praised, including her clothes, mediocre cosplay, purebred cats, brand name purchases, 'genderless' significant other, etc. I can see how the way she dresses is her way of wanting to be different and noticed, but she probably really does enjoy dressing the way she does as well cause she's always liked the 'kawaii' aesthetic, to the extent that she felt the need to give her 'fashion style' a japanese inspired name and call it a 'harajuku street fashion' even though she's a Canadian hick from PEI with no significant connection or contribution to that culture to warrant it.
Her clothes are just an extension of the stuff that makes Jill insufferable and cringey, not the only thing. That anon is reaching by saying you can just look at someone and tell they're posing though.
No. 380975
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No. 381152
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No. 381156
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No. 381209
>>381154I like how no one ever draws Jill wearing clothes from their imagination, she wears the same shit irl 24/7 as in her fan art
>>381156The chola clown makeup is aging her terribly
No. 381227
>>381156the carebears bag looks so cheap it's annoying
everything about this outfit is annoying me nothing works together
No. 381315
>>378959jesus christ what the hell is wrong with her. im gunna vomit shes so fucking cringe
>>381156why didnt she tag this as party kei? if youre trying to brand something on social media wouldnt you try to pimp it at every turn?
No. 381637
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No. 381647
>>380764But Anon, why would Jill ever need to work hard, actually plan a schedule or be mature in any way when it comes to her 'career' when all of her fans will just lick her ass and tell her to ~take it easy & self care, it's ok if you don't have a video today!! uwu~ as long as she just makes some ambiguous post about feeling bad lol.
Seriously, both her fans and her family coddle her so much… She'll have a bad time once she actually has to take on some real responsibility.
No. 381687
File: 1503937268947.png (572.43 KB, 872x476, Untitled.png)

when she zoomed in on the ceramic candy shop thing i died
No. 381691
>>381669So she thrifted a purple shirt she lost, a blanket, and a ceramic thing.
The rest of the stuff was either found for her or from the dollar store.
No. 381754
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>>381665her naps
>>381669HEE HEE HEE
No. 381760
>>381754what the fuck am i reading in that picture
who describes themselves/someone this way
what the fuck
No. 381783
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>>381669> she won't watch Rainbow Brite, because it was an "old show" that was aimed towards children. e_e sure jill, but precure isn't?
No. 381904
File: 1503959783183.jpg (120.96 KB, 600x903, 6DokiDoki-Popples-Room-02-2010…)

>>381783fuckin poser for going for the obvious mlp/rainbow brite/carebears but not the radiant and everlasting popples. 80s nostalgia poser and harajuku poser.
No. 381906
>>381902Y'all is not a black thing. It's mostly a southern US/general rural area like the midwest sort of thing and usually goes with those accents, but lots of people say 'y'all' instead 'you guys'.
She is kind of a hick being from a tiny place in the middle of nowhere and unaware of stuff normal large cities and stuff have (it was noted a few threads back after the Japan trip that she thought certain things were Japan exclusive but are common in most metropolitan areas) so it's not that surprising, unless she's never used it before and this is a new addition to her 'Jillspeak'
No. 381919
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>>381910sorry heres some pics for reference. Looking again she very clearly wore this backwards lol.
No. 381959
>>381922Yeah exactly most people just get into haul videos for their own sake to mindlessly watch. Plus if you're a reseller/thrifter you COULD check out thrift hauls from youtubers in your area to see if that thrift store is worth checking out. Not the average viewer though obviously.
>>381947It's also just the english version of vosotros and often useful. "you guys" isn't quite the same.
No. 382065
>>382049Me to. I havent replied to any of whats going on but I always picture a white southern old lady saying "y'all." Like the Paula Deen type. I havent ever associated any of whats being said with "black slang.'
HOWEVER I do think that sometimes pixie says certain things in a way thats like "sassy black lady" How thats very "in" right now and shit heads like Jeffree Star do it too. I cant give any specific examples without rewatching a video but I dont believe its anything specifically she says, just the /way/ she says it.
>also in the same vein I really hate the word "gal" or "gals" idk why but it irks me so much>also worth mentioning I'm not from the states at all so these opinions are coming from a fellow Canadian No. 382132
>>382090Yeah, she does adopt 'sassy black girl' language at times but her accent doesn't change from what I hear. Typing and talking like a sassy poc drag queen is just the thing tons of young sjw people do nowadays.
I was just saying y'all specifically isn't a black only word. Sage because OT and slight blog but I'm black and from the American South and talk nothing like that/don't even use y'all and it's kind of annoying to say she's a poser or faking just because she does unless there's evidence she is doing it to be on trend. People sometimes speak differently than those around them or than people expect and that's not totally abnormal.
And like I said, if she has always talked that way, it's nitpicking to complain about that when Jill literally says things like "rainbees", "zippie", and "puppy supruppy". Of course call her out on it if she only just started saying it but there's more than enough word cringe to choose from, why hyper focus on a dialect when she literally obliterates the English language on a daily basis in so many other ways?
No. 382256
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the edgy cussing really reminds me of kids who learn new 'bad words' and think its badass to say them constantly
No. 382374
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No. 382478
>>381904she better not touch popples
>>382147the people she supports are literally terrible. shows her true colours. throw kindness around like confetti, jill! lort
No. 382613
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>>382498I'd say the difference is them being successful brand creators who worked hard as pioneers of their particular 80s inspired mismatched bright style with its own stores, clothing and jewelry line which included things that were considered must-have j-fashion items because of their unique, cute appearance, good quality and versatility, and Jill just being a self-centered imitator with no real drive other than to proclaim how lofty her goals are while only churning out middleschool-tier art for redbubble and gluing shit to dollar store headbands
More specifically in other photos of the 6% dokidoki store owners you can see that while their outfits have a very decora-inspired over-the-top feel, they usually have a much more cohesive style and color scheme, keep their hair well-maintained, etc., all things that Jill fails at.
No. 382893
>>382725this is reaching lol
>>382613>>382693this is ugly
>>382885do you know which one it was?
No. 383893
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Wow she's boring
No. 383910
>>383893lmao this really goes to show how far removed she is from regular life stuff/having to do any chores
like who the fuck gets excited about an iron?
imagine if she ever actually moves out, will there just be endless posts introducing her 'uwu babies' aka regular household items?
No. 383918
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She posted some progress pics onto her cosplay Facebook page
No. 383939
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>>383934Cure Whip from KiraKira… not seeing it myself tho
No. 383951
>>383918I actually thought her Cure Flora cosplay was alright. Not super accurate and nowhere near good enough to justify her gigantic ego, but not bad.
This one is almost fucking Asherbee-tier though.
No. 383961
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can we just take a minute to think about how extra this reply was
like get a grip it ain't personal and you aren't funny or inspirational for getting faux offended at a joke
safe for nitpick
No. 383964
>>383918I could see this maybe being better if she made the white part longer and not that god awful shiny fabric.
It's like her cosplays are getting progressively worse
No. 383971
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No. 383988
>>3839611. >safe
2. You didn't sage
3. This is a reach, she seems like she's joking too
No. 384067
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Going to be posting stuff from when the site was down
No. 384070
>>384069Summery of her stream from last Thursday
>Quit job because youtube was treating her so well>Liked working there because she wanted the discount and it made it get out of her house>”I’m a full time youtuber now”>Scared to not have a schedule/ Have to much free time and get depressed>Can film two videos and edit them in a day >Bought a new planner>Might try and do three videos a week, or just put more effort into editing videos>Is sick, but also sore from going on a bowling date>Okay with using stuff that Tristen bought her now (Is totally over him)>”The music video for look what you made me do is the best thing of all time”>Has a zit that won’t go away, upset because people always tell her she has perfect skin and doesn’t know how to cover it up>Had plans to merry Colin/live “forever” with himShe also complained about being sleepy the entire time and only streamed for 45 minutes
No. 384082
File: 1504985764018.png (225.64 KB, 400x300, tumblr_olphg3O54A1tovmb9o2_400…)

>just quit her job>immediately starts wasting money on the ugliest expensive clothing possible>pedophile coat alone was 265 dollarswhat could possibly go wrong? no but seriously fuck this spoiled child. fuck this.
i know people with alternative styles that have to make all of their own clothing. they have little interest in fashion but they get good at it because they practice making so much clothing (since its too expensive to buy the designer shit). than this bitch who swears that "My dream is too make my own clothing!!" never seems to be doing shit. she has no creativity, she barely ever posts about her projects, she never seems to be wearing her
own creations. its always the cheap shit she got at forever 21 and some 300 dollar coat/shoes she got for no reason. she's never ever going to get good at her "dream". she never seems to be working on it!! she's too busy buying fucking 200 dollar bags and shit. i can't stand it.
jill really makes me think about the phrase "Great Art Comes From Adversity". she NEEDS it. like nothing ever happens with her, she's too busy shopping and posting "kawaii" pics. its so frustrating cause she has all the resources in the world to be making her own projects but she's never doing shit.
like, get a job jill. can't wait for when she's like in her 30s and still living with her mother and asking her for money and shit…. in fact, doesn't his brother already live like that? fucking parasites, dog
No. 384092
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>sneeky peeky
No. 384097
>>384082tbh I really hope that one day she'll actually get on Project Runway
she keeps calling herself a designer but what has she even created on her own this year?
I know there was that cringey birthday outfit which she never ended up wearing, and then Pretty Cure cosplay?
a lot of her fans actually seem interested in seeing her sewing stuff yet she never listens to them despite wanting to be a ~pro youtuber~ so badly
her reasoning for it before was that 'she doesn't want to share any of her secret techniques :^)' but she never shows any finished garments either
it reminds me of a little kid pretend playing to be an astronaut or something lol
No. 384107
>>384071Jillian impulsively spends $265 on an ugly coat that won't suit her body type in the slightest and then tries to rationalize it by bringing up lolita for no reason
She's starting to bum me out a little and I don't know why
No. 384117
>>384071everything she bought is so ~90s kid~ try-hard and it's all going to look like shit on her.
Especially those pants and that coat.
No. 384122
>>384117I don't know Anon, I think those sweatpants will look extremely flattering on her short stumpy legs.
Really though, those seem quite different from her usual 'style', can't imagine that they'll be worn often.
No. 384152
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Jillian makes a cameo in Bojack!
No. 384296
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So queer. Featuring mascara on her eye lid
No. 384390
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Stop getting angry at media for literal kids Jill
No. 384431
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No. 384435
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She is really avoiding doing any sewing related videos, and looking at her progress pics it's really likely because she doesn't have a clue what she's doing and doesn't want to get called out on her shitty sewing skills. (Also she doesn't have a cosplay Instagram it's a Facebook page 10/10 job pixie)
No. 384438
>>384431Aren't more and more of her subscribers noticing that her haul videos are overdone and boring? I see a lot of people asking for sewing videos who she conveniently ignores.
I think all of us have the impression that Jill constantly buys clothes because she's hoarding new shit biweekly, but she actually doesn't have that many clothes… I am certain she has 0 basics in her closet. She buys so many stupid trendy statement pieces that are the most expensive she could find, then wears them for a few weeks, and no one ever sees them again. She sucks at fashion so much.
No. 384447
>>384431Watch her use that poll as an excuse to buy even more useless shit.
There is more to fashion than haul videos jill. How uncreative can you be.
No. 384453
>>384447Gotta love that in her feedback poll she only had the option of "fashion videos" (which could really mean sewing
or haul videos) and when that option was the one that won she used it as an excuse to buy more tacky dollskill shit she'll wear for a week and then dump on her bedroom floor. Very sly, Jill.
No. 384458
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>>384436this is looking awful what the fuck
No. 384464
>>384458Yeah it actually looks like shit, her sewing skills are getting worse with every costume wtf.
The proportions look completely off, the skirt doesn't even look like it could fit a petticoat, I wouldn't even have recognized the 'strawberries' on her skirt if I didn't see the original design.
Can't wait to see the full group cosplay, considering that last time Jill's costume was by far the best lol…
No. 384467
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>>384458why did she do a red chest bow and strawberries too?
No. 384471
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>>384436If you compare this to the character outfit from the live shows it looks really awful. I don't know how she's going to save this and I really wonder if she seriously thinks it looks okay. The skirt is way too narrow a long compared to the overskirt part
No. 384473
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>>384467Lol is that the strawberry that's supposed to go on her chest bow? All of the colors are gonna clash so badly, when she showed a wip of the bunny ears before it looked like she picked pink sparkly fabric for them, it's gonna look awful together with the rest.
Also it only takes one sec to google a reference sheet and see how wrong those strawberries on the skirt look, what was Jill thinking??
No. 384474
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>>384473She had to draw her own reference because she's such a ~fashion designer~
No. 384475
>>384474Lmao are you kidding me?
Jill is so fucking full of herself, it's painful
No. 384495
File: 1505063098068.jpg (106.96 KB, 797x569, Cure.Twinkle.600.1832253.jpg)

In her last stream Jill mentioned that she's going to cosplay Cure Twinkle next year, so I guess there's even more awful cosplay to look forward to as well…
No. 384498
>>384495Oh fuck no.
For info, this character is a model who dreams of becoming a world class top model, and does fashion designing as well.
This reminds me this whole season of precure is very much about working hard towards your dreams… Jill is so fucking blind, she pretends to idolize a show about working hard and then sleeps all day.
No. 384636
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No. 384653
>>384636this is actually painful to look at
probably the ugliest 'aesthetic' I've ever seen
No. 384728
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Do this while I was out. Jill is so creative. (They were also printing it onto bags and such)
No. 384768
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No. 384772
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>Hate’s eating in front of peoplehonestly i imagine that people
do stare at her when she goes out to eat, but mainly just because she dresses like shit. she has an ED though so i can't blame her for feeling insecure about this.
>Gets scared by some episodes of pretty curei don't buy it. she wants to be a child so badly, its beyond creepy. jill, you don't have a babyface, you don't look young, and you don't get scared watching kid stuff. stop it. its fake. you're an adult.
>>Thinks you have to speak French if you live in CanadaAgain with this french shit? Jill YOU don't know french. you lied about this. you've never spoken french in your channel because you can. its fine. let it go. we know you can't speak french or japanese for that matter. stop.faking.shit.
>Her mom said she looked like a dyke when she got her mohawk shaved (seven years ago)i imagine she's only mentioning this right now because she's being pushing really hard her lesbian image. sorry, you broke up with a man less than six months ago, please stop acting like you died for lesbian rights. no one has persecuted you and you've never gotten into trouble because of your sexuality. you get stared at because you have sitty haircuts, move the fuck on.
she's so forced and fake its exhausting.
also fuck all of her fans for always telling her "Please talk more about Pretty Cure! i don't watch it but its nice to hear you talk about it". now she's never going to shut the fuck about it. she thinks people actually care, its the worst.
No. 384777
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>>384772Don't worry anon, both her supposed interest in only women and her speaking french (and japanese) are on her facebook so they must be true
No. 384781
>>384777>>384768oh fuck off and grow up jill, you willingly chose to quit your job in order to get an extra 8 hours of naps in every week, and everyone knows youtube isnt a stable source of income. she will never take responsibility for anything she does and will whine about shit endlessly when she doesnt get her way, forever.
and jfc, the forced mentions of her being totally 100% lesbian are so embarrassing and kind of enraging, and i'm not even gay myself. this bitch is really trying to be the biggest special snowflake around and can't resist joining the ~aesthetic~ rainbow lgbt club on a whim because a dude hurt her feefees once. the gay label is just another excuse for her to be a bigger attention whore and get on her high horse when people offend her… also probably to buy more useless junk.
No. 384872
>>384724She still had her yellow teeth kek
But yeah, she generally looked (and acted) better.
No. 384918
>>384777The Wiccan thing is cracking me up, bc like…when does she ever do witchcraft. Most Wiccans I know make it a large part of their lives - she just wants the points for it. I'm saying this as someone who doesn't give a shit about that, it just comes off as so tryhard, like everything else.
Also, I really wish she would just go back to one color for her hair. I don't think it'd matter too much what it is, but I think it'd help pull her look together. I feel like she should try doing more colorblocking if she still wants all this bright shit.
No. 384974
>>384777We have the same birthday. I can't believe I'm a year older (she's 19 right?) She looks waay older but acts 8.
Sage for pointless
No. 385008
>>384724To be honest I found her pretty annoying even back then, especially in this Lolita quiz video she did with Tristan. She seems kinda bratty and childish but back then she was 16 years old so that stuff was still easier to look past.
It's pretty depressing to see she hasn't matured at all or rather even regressed, especially with all of her recent baby talk shit/annoying noises she makes…
No. 385013
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No. 385027
>>384921Felix is one of the biggest creators on the site though, he's representative for everyone and after his huge WSJ fiasco last year YT ads basically imploded and a lot of advertisers pulled out, so a lot of creators lost a ton of their income.
Sage for OT YT talk
No. 385186
File: 1505174768289.png (594.82 KB, 750x1334, IMG_8975.PNG)

i was watching a noodlerella video and came across this putrid comment from jill. she's such a sperg, god
No. 385442
>>385435The English word "clow" and the "clow" in Clow Cards have absolutely nothing to do with each other.
It's pronounced "clo" in the Japanese show. She never watched the American dub growing up. Why would you expect her to pronounce it a different way?
No. 385505
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Trying to sell her redbubble designs
No. 385507
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>>385505But admits she messed up the design
No. 385509
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>>385507>it's off center for "some reason"lol Jill you're the person who made the fucking design, how about fixing it then?
No. 385514
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No. 385533
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No. 385578
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No. 385591
>>385534The plastic also holds heat which helps the dyeing process (should only be done with deposit only dyes).
>>385584It looks like she did not bleach before she dyed.
No. 385687
>>385578It's a slight improvement from the godawful eyesore pink she had before, but still pretty shitty. I think of all the colors she's dyed her hair, the blue was the most flattering. Cool tones suit her nicely.
I think Jill would genuinely look cute if she grew out her hair past her shoulders, ditched the blunt bangs, and stopped straightening her hair. And obviously, no pastel vomit dye, but that's not special or ~aesthetic~ enough for her.
Sage for nitpicking.
No. 385831
>>385717I think she considers herself a beauty guru or some shit with all the makeup and hair color vids she has, so I assume she thinks shes too good for a stylist (the japan trip was an exception). Shes got no issues acting high and mighty about shit she has no clue on frequently so i dont think its a stretch to say
>>385828i was expecting either this or something poutine related
No. 385939
>>385578Ignoring how awful the dye job is and how haggard those colors make her look, I just feel really sorry for her poor hair.
She should really give it a break with the constant dyeing and bleaching sometime, especially since her natural hair color looks way cuter.
Getting an actually nice professional haircut would help a lot too…
No. 385960
>>385578Reminds me of when I'd fuck up trimming my own bangs. Looks dreadful.
>>385918Box bleach isn't inherently bad in itself but damn she has no idea what she's doing here
No. 386099
>>386091I don't think I ever spent that much money in one sitting at her age, especially not on such hideous stuff.
I wish she'd invest in some decent, non-loud staples and not tacky clothes she's going to forget about in a month.
No. 386113
>>386091i'm a tacky person, so i actually didn't mind some of the stuff she bought (if the jacket were shorter and didn't have the face i'd probably buy it tbh) but i think it looks bad because jillian isn't a good stylist and doesn't own any basics, plus her hair and makeup are always clashing. there's a way to do this sort of look and jillian just isn't really there.
also she looks autistic when she dances.
No. 386116
>>386091Holy shit I can't believe she admitted the clothes cost her 600$ and another 40 bucks at the door.
Goes to prove her 3k shopping spree in tokyo wasn't really a one off kinda thing.
No. 386119
>>386091Seriously where does she get the money for this stuff. She dropped almost my entire months rent on four items…There's no way her youtube is paying out this much??
I really wish she'd lose those glasses too ugh.
No. 386123
>>386091> "if you follow me on twitter at pixieelocks, with three es or two"found it bad that she doesn't even remember her own handle
> material is some kind of satin, silk or something…for a fashion designer, she needs to read up on her fabrics
question- if jill wasn't so switchy switchy with fashion, what would have made her less of a cow?
anon asks because anon's lifestyle was similar to jill but didn't make it public?
>>386119she could have a credit card paid by her parents.
No. 386139
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No. 386142
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No. 386145
>>386091how do y'all watch her vids? i only watch a few of them to keep up with threads, but i can't stand them.
its the most mundane shit. its just
seeing the shitty clothes she bought. and those amazing look books where you see more of the clothes she bought. and hey look at this precure shit that i bought. and look at this shoes i bought. and the makeup i bought. and look at the things i bought in July or whatever. like fuck. how boring can you be. you base your entire persona on being this colorful unique girl. but you're actually the least creative or interesting person on the planet. she bores me to tears, i cannot imagine being subscribed to this bitch and actively getting excited when she uploads.
No. 386149
>>386147why do all of these tumblr weebs have such a problem with personal hygiene…
I think taking regular showers and keeping your clothes clean should be your top priority as a beauty guru/fashionista
No. 386158
File: 1505334583937.png (244.63 KB, 750x1024, mrs thicc but only on her boot…)

>"i got them in a large because i have a booty nervoulsy looks somewhere else"What? Where? When? Jill is built like a sack of potatoes, girl please. You don't have a booty.
>"its weird cause… i got the coat in a small"well obviously,
its meant to be huge. its a novelty item, jill, sizing is irrelevant.
>"the tops in a small and uh… small… yeah i got everything in a small!"oh fuck off. she's all about body positivity and what not but she cannot admit the fact that she's getting chubbier. i don't think she looks fat, mind you, but she could eaaasily be a medium. she can keep yelling at us "I'm a small i swear i swear" but i think we can all agree that a medium wouldn't hurt her… she always uses coats and high waisted shit to hide her gut, but if you look at her arms you can tell she's getting bigger.
i wouldn't notice, but it was hard not to because she was so clearly insecure about it. it was awkward to watch imo. you don't need to tell us your size jill, move along. i don't see why she bothered.
pic realted, the booty queen herself. small petite princess with an ass! hide your men, gurls!!
No. 386160
>>385717Lots of people try to avoid bleaching their roots as frequently as needed when they have non-traditionally coloured hair to mitigate damage, the longer your roots the less likely you are to overlap and accidentally double process hair you've already bleached.
Most people, myself included back when I had it, use a dye that's dark/pigmented enough to partially cover their roots so you get more of a dark to light ombre effect, until they bleach them to match the rest. It can look purposeful and good if done correctly.
Jills hair is a poofy mess though, she's overprocessed the fuck out of it and it needs cutting off, her waiting to bleach her roots has not helped at all.
No. 386166
>>386091Probably because she's short, but that coat looks like a child wearing their tacky aunt's coat or something. The shirts are cute though. Way to leave the whole "take them off whenever you want to fuck, easy access" bit in though, way to be advertiser friendly lmao.
That unif dress needs to go to the dry cleaner's, what the fuck. It's not old enough to look this gross.
No. 386174
File: 1505336280732.jpg (65.11 KB, 601x600, unif.jpg)

>>386171Seems like it was off-white to start with. It can't be the lighting though, because the other shirt looks white. Guessing it has yellowed at bit.
No. 386184
>>386099Just curious, what staples would you like to see her buy?
>>386113What do you think would make her makeup and hair clash less?
No. 386185
>>386147>>386149Eh, pit stains like that are gross but it's not really due to her dirtiness. Some people have issues with the aluminum in deodorant causing yellow stains on white clothing items. It's got nothing to do with actually being dirty.
It is embarrassing though, and I don't know why she would want to show that.
No. 386193
>>386091Random highlights
>Calls her package a "thicc boy">Also calls the coat a "thicc boy">Says the "man eater" plastered over the butt of her pants must be "ironic">>386123I feel like Jill's lifestyle is a lot more normal than people here make it out to be. Not everyone at age 20 is really adventurous, globe-trotting, and independent. Plenty of people just live at home with their parents after high school and bum around and not get much done. But with Jill's family being as rich as she is, she could have tried school by now, she's just choosing not to go.
No. 386198
>>386183to be fair, dolls kill's size guide can be off because it doesn't account for differences between brands. but i'm not sure why jill thought she needed a large if she was buying smalls in other clothes.
>>386184the rainbow hair and rainbow makeup means she will always sort of clash with something (except neutrals). it also doesn't go with her skin undertones. personally, i'd love to see her with a more natural hair colour (ideally something close to her natural hair colour so she can give her hair a break from dyeing it) and some more classic looking makeup (she can still use bright colours, but she'd have to understand HOW to use them). her current look is way too overwhelming.
No. 386229
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>>386139Thanks Jill now I can't enjoy lazy oaf
No. 386259
>>386255I completely agree with your first statement. I have like 6 pieces but I find quite a bit of their clothes unwearable tbh.
Regarding your second point, she just needs like at least one thing that she's wearing to not be so LOUD. The way she styles things now is just way way too much. Loud clothes are fine, she just needs to learn to balance it out. Like that coat wouldn't be so horrific if the rest of the outfit was all black imo.
No. 386287
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No. 386310
>>386287gross and also punchable facial expression
>>386091>velvet sweatpants that look like theyre part of a halloween outfit, for $80>"ive never worn anything like this!"this moron
also cringe at her trying to say she has a big ass, gurl please. stop with the 'im so thicc' shit.
she honestly could have made any of these unflattering clothes herself. they seem very basic and have shitty materials, it's not like she's buying anything with a lot of hand embroidery or interesting structures… just saggy sweatpants and a shapeless fake fur jacket.
>>386100being a walking fashion faux paus is a source of pride for jill, lbr. she wants to be ultra unique and special this way.
>>386193i disagree, and i think 99% of the rest of the world would too. only in the US or other majority english speaking countries is it ok with lousy parents to let their kids leech off them without providing anything in return past high school. its pure degeneracy.
No. 386323
>>386310do you know what you're talking about? how do you think so many Japanese people in their early 20s afford expensive Japanese fashion? it's because so many of them live at home.
the US is unique in having so many parents kick their kids to their curb after high school. everywhere else it's the norm to live with your parents for a while after high school.
and lol "degeneracy", i guess you're cool af for using /pol/ language
>>386259>>386255Why did you buy the pieces from them in the first place? Lazy Oaf seems incredibly expensive and not worth it to me personally.
No. 386324
>>386323The only Lazy Oaf pieces that are wearable are also so fucking simple they can literally be made at home in a day (babydoll dresses, t shirts, shirtdresses).
Except Jill has zero sewing skill. Even Yumi King, though equally as low class and leechy Jill, can at least make a basic circle skirt and dress.
No. 386326
>>386323I feel like a lot of it you can't really find easily anywhere else. The quality of them is good, they're well made pieces. Afaik they are made ethically. The fit of a lot of their pieces is really nice. They do oversized items very well, I especially like the shape/fit of their dresses. Also very comfortable.
Overall it is unique and well made and I just really love their clothes. They're my favorite pieces in my wardrobe tbh!
No. 386343
>>386334i agree 100%. its overpriced, cheap quality, and nothing worth the trouble. especially if you're oustide the us. you can get things similar to their shit on forever 21 and hot topic and it will be like half the price.
but this is jill we're talking about. i truly think she prefers it that way.
No. 386344
>>386323…except most people have the common sense to keep a job or remain productive in some way whilst living at home with their parents, instead of leeching and treating them like servants. all jill does is spend money on frivolous items and take naps.
and FYI, 'degeneracy' is originally part of regular english language. keep defending jills laziness and degeneracy tho
>>386341yeah dollskill looks like a really trashy version of asos. just scrolled through some stuff and everything looks tacky/forever 21-ish but for unreasonable prices.
No. 386346
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>>386287the face! she thought her face looked good!! lmao .
also wheres the booty that she was talking about??? can we see it, jill? the only thiccc thing that i'm seeing are your arms and your face.
here, a picture of a woman with a big booty. the resemblance is uncanny, guys…
No. 386424
File: 1505374776415.png (871.53 KB, 574x674, badroootsbruh.png)

Omg her roots, god they kill me
The contrast against her colorful vomit of hair is beyond bad, how did she think this was okay enugh to film? When I dye my hair and realize I've missed spots when I'm done, I go back with any excess formula to color the areas and like… I feel like she was literally too lazy to do this tbh.
No. 386427
File: 1505374886318.png (460.53 KB, 509x482, badtattoobruh.png)

Her tattoo looks worse every time I see it tbh She's so proud of it for whatever reason
No. 386457
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>>386259I feel like their pieces are statement ones so you keep it classic for most other things or it looks bad.
Pic related is how I feel Jill could make her look less awful, wearing black with singular coloured bottoms/shoes would honestly improve the whole rainbow aesthetic. Completely agree she needs to tone something down.
>>386323I got what I have from the sale and they're simple pieces. I especially feel it's not worth it if you're Jill and often said to be "struggling" for rent you have to borrow money.
No. 386486
File: 1505388279183.png (1.82 MB, 1366x768, Screenshot 2017-09-14 at 9.20.…)

>>386184More heavy pattern and texture pieces.
Load up on patterns, sequins and tulle pieces. If she wants people to stop staring at her then she needs to be a complete eyesore so no-one can look at her for longer than 10 seconds. It'll be called magiku me kei (which is ~totes japanese for magic eye uguu~) and it'll be an offshoot of partykei so she can transition into her witchy glitter phrase
No. 386487
File: 1505388325000.png (243.4 KB, 626x623, 1505349363968.png)

>>386479Bad attempt but I tried. It looks much better imo with her style.
No. 386510
>>386344It's not about Jill, I just thought you were wrong for singling out Anglophone countries.
Like in Italy there's a huge unemployment rate for young people, so you know the guys living at home sure as fuck aren't doing any of the chores. Like it's not even about Jill, it's about you having an irrational hate for people who speak English.
>"whilst"lmao you're pretty pretentious you know that?
No. 386518
>>386510yeah it's so pretentious to, like, use words, anon
stop derailing
No. 386519
>>386427This is legitimately awful. She should get a full refund for this absolute wreck of a tattoo. Nothing about it is done correctly.
But leave it to Jill to be lazy and sloppy about everything including choosing an artist to permanently draw in her skin.
No. 386550
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No. 386554
>>386518whilst is pretentious af, just own it lol
>>386326i see. maybe i would buy something if i had more money. $100 is ok for a dress but too much for a top imo
No. 386610
>>386604She talked about seam-ripping the embroidery out. Out of crushed velvet lol. If you hate it that much don't even buy it, maybe I'm too picky but I don't understand spending money on something that's not exactly to your taste
and fits you well.
No. 386619
>>386610Not picky at all, any sane person probably would have just returned those pants once they realized they didn't like part of it/probably wouldn't wear them.
The thing is though, I think to Jill 'clothing she hauls' and 'clothing she wears' are too separate things. Basically all we see her wear on the daily is just Forever21/H&M stuff which she hasn't hauled, and all the things she showed in hauls before is stuff we never see again after.
It's pretty clear that Jill cares way more about being a YouTuber than about being an actual fashion designer. I do think that she genuinely enjoys fashion to some degree, but I also don't think that cares about it as much as she'd like people to believe. I mean with the poll and all it genuinely seems like her way of thinking now is "oh people want to see hauls, I'll just buy more clothes now which I probably won't wear but which will look flashy enough to get me more views!", instead of actually hauling clothes which she will end up wearing.
No. 386672
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No. 386679
>>381922Tbf, you never know if they can find something similar to what's shown in those haul videos.
>>382570Eh, to each their own.
>>385435Take it easy, it's just a cartoon.
No. 386722
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>>386672I can't believe I'm saying this but the pink hair and brows were actually ok looking compared to the fucking purple.
Also, how the fuck can she look like a legit grandma at the age of 19? I've never seen any other young person look this fucking old.
No. 386790
>>386672uh is it just me or is her face getting chubbier?
she does that same gross face on every selfie. the tongue and the eyebrow thing and its so baad. but i feel like this looks a lil different because she looks bigger.
No. 386791
>>375960>>386427I'm not even saying this to be a bitch:
it's truly the worst tattoo I have ever seen.
No. 386793
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No. 386795
>>386193>ironicIronic in the sense that she chewed up both of her ex boyfriends and spat them out? lol
I get major Dolores Umbridge from her at this point. Shitty, tacky pink clothing, unhealthy obsession with her cats, stuck up and obnoxious…
I'm not one to scoff at dropping major money on nice clothing, but damn she really blew it on ill-fitting eyesores.
Between that and how she channels a special needs teenager, no wonder she can't keep a job.
No. 386810
File: 1505440963844.jpg (110.64 KB, 720x960, boots?.jpg)

She put up more progress pics
and a tweet that shows the ears No. 386816
>>386810Why are these so wide??
Did she just take a pair of hideous boots, spray paint them, and cut the top of them off?
No. 386834
File: 1505446293039.jpg (363.63 KB, 1800x2400, IMG_2502.JPG)

I find it really cringy that she's so willing to spend so much on designer clothing, but not to support the youtubers that she actually likes despite the fact that that's how she's making her money right now
No. 386852
>>386487I never actually believed fixing her hair would solve the problem but damn.. this is pretty close. Just a little help with the color matching and she would almost be cute.
>>386722Her eyebrows are painful to look at. She must not even be trying to get them to look that bad… Does she just smear crayola all over them? Someone get that girl a spoolie
No. 386956
File: 1505476415245.jpg (56.71 KB, 514x648, ss (2017-09-15 at 04.53.02).jp…)

>>386287why didnt you include the cringy caption lol
No. 386958
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>>386957these post breakup lines tho
No. 386960
File: 1505476649418.png (353.4 KB, 495x567, sss.png)

skirt seems slightly less bad
No. 387058
>>387027Totally agree with this
What do you think she could do to improve her makeup?
No. 387152
>>387100i just can't believe im the same age as her, and actually studying fashion in university. i really hope she starts uni asp, and gets some styling experience
it makes me sad to see her spend so much money on clothes that she doesnt use, or that clash with her neon hair
she speaks so much about fast fashion yet wont stop buying clothes out of want, if she really was against fast fashion and really trying to get to uni, she should sew her on capsule closet (it would work as a portefolio starter) and stop buying so many clothes
i havent seen any of the clothes she bought in japan being worn, where the fuck does she keep all the clothes?
(sorry for the broken english, non native speaker here)
No. 387160
>>387152I totally agree anon, I think that going to college would help her a lot, not just with fashion but simply with learning a bit more about the world.
It's really painful to me how sheltered she is, how little she knows about basically anything outside of her province.
One of the things that bugs me the most about her is that she genuinely seems to believe the whole ~poor starving artist uwu~ thing she's pulling, talking about how her family isn't rich at all.
The average family truly doesn't have the money to pay for a 'catio' for their four purebred cats, being able to take their kids on Japan trips etc.
And she is by no means poor. She doesn't even seem to understand how incredibly well off she is. There are incredibly talented and dedicated people out there that still aren't able to attend college because they don't have the financial means, and there are a ton of people her age that have to work to support themselves because their families won't or can't. I just wish she would be a little more self-aware instead of talking about 'the poor artist life' cuz she can't randomly buy yet another $300 pair of shoes.
No. 387161
>>387100Wasting your money on useless shit, being lazy and spoiled is bad but not rare or as bad as many of the people on this site. She needs a reality check, and her mom or the yes-men around her certainly aren't going to give it to her. She also seems to know this which is probably why she's making excuses about why she's not at uni yet because she wants to focus on her YouTube ~career~, even though she only uploads easy to film videos that she could probably make on the weekends while going to school.
sage for empathy
No. 387171
>>387152I don't think Jill should study fashion in university. I understand university is cheaper in Canada than the US and the Vessey's have plenty of money. But I don't think she has any talent for it, and it would be a waste of time. Not really sure what she should be doing instead. I guess she should have tried to work full-time at Claire's for the work experience instead of quitting.
>>387100I don't get why people are antsy over Jill. Yeah, she's a dweeb, so are a lot of people in the world. It's not something to get mad over. I guess a lot of people here are magical girl fans or something and take her behavior personally. Narcissism of small differences and all that.
>>387159lol, I'm not Jill. Just curious, especially for specific examples
>>387160I think college/uni would be wasted on Jill right now. She would sleep through her classes.
No. 387172
>>387160it will really open her mind, i guess she pulls the starving artist card to be relatable since the people that normally watch hauls cant afford the clothes
i feel like she is really confortable in her own niche where people encourage her behaviour, the childishness, baby talk, financial stability
and has the its a very big scary world out there mentallity since she hasnt been run with any real problems, so she chooses to put off constantly pursuing higher education and goals that involve getting out her comfort zone
No. 387174
>>387171i guess my reasoning for getting into fashion school is that u can be talentless and still give your all throu research, practice etc
and since her kistchy aesthetic is not new but different from what average designers work with (black simplistic, rick owens kinda wear) it might give her a slight advantadge before teachers get bored of the same aesthetic
No. 387178
>>387171>>387159My b, she's lurked before and you never know.
I think uni is a worthwhile experience for her (and anyone who can afford it), she might never get off her damn island otherwise. There are also other jobs in fashion besides being a designer, and I know some people just take a random class and find something they really love. She'll have a hard time, but that could be a good thing.
No. 387185
>>387172>>387178College/uni can really open your mind but it's pointless if you don't put yourself out there. If you go to a community college/commuter school, then often you will just go to class and opportunities for meeting people are pretty limited.
I was pretty social and a top student in high school, and even I had a lot of problems with college. To keep things on topic, not everyone is ready for college at 18/19.
If Jill goes to college now, I am pretty sure she will drop out after 1-2 semesters. She doesn't seem ready to handle the schoolwork and definitely not the work required for a fashion degree.
I'm not sure what would fix Jill but plenty of people can't be fixed. Look at Kiki, who is still chugging along on her parents' money after all of these years. Or Pixyteri, who was just living at home not doing much of anything even after getting a bachelor's degree.
I think the Vessey's are going to be fine with Jill staying at home until they die, and even after then there will be money for her and her dumb habits. It's unfair but plenty of people have lived like this, they just haven't put their lives up on Youtube. I just think it's for the better since we'll have milk for a long time.
No. 387279
>>387251I only caught a little bit of it, stuff that I remember:
-Jill definitely wants to get the tattoo retouched sometime, she said that some parts of it really bother her and that the tattoo artist didn't do a good job, despite giving him a 5 star review before?
-in a couple of months she wants to make a video on how to get over a break up, she says she's healing really well but she frequently has nightmares about Colin/the break up so she isn't all that great yet
-she would like to go to London with her mom for that con, but doesn't actually want to do it because she's afraid people would make fun of her online (for taking her mom with her)
No. 387283
>>387251Watching it now, here is a recap of the first half hour:>Goes over what precure to watch first again (Why won’t she just make a video about this already she talks about it every stream)
>has watched every precure but splash star and is having a “rough time with it” after watching the first half of the first episode>Says she’ll do a mega precure review video once she’s done with all of them>Didn’t really like maho girls despite cosplaying from it, did it just for character designs>Admits she has to get her tattoo fixed and that it “has a lot of issues”. Aka the blow out, its “patchy”, and some little parts were colored in. >Isn’t going back to the same artist to get it fixed even though they would do it for free>”I don’t know why this would happppennnn. Maybe he just didn’t like me” (Side note, in a previous stream she said the tattoo artist saw the comments on her video (Likely including the one where she said she would yell at him) and contacted her about it and she said it’s all good and he was worried, so that’s likely why some of the comments got deleated on that video)
>Planning on doing a video about getting over breakups (In a couple months)>Has dreams about her breakup/relationship>Was planning on going to England/Hyper Japan with Colin but now doesn’t want to go because she doesn’t want to go because she thinks people will make fun of her if she goes with her mom (apparently won’t go alone)>Mom is going to England on a whim in a few weeks>Wants to meet all the “cool youtubers and stuff”>Wants J-fash friends to travel with >Plans on going to the next Animaritime despite how much she complained last time>Wants to cosplay Cure Twinkle “elegant mode” (A ballgown) >Worried everyone at animaritime will hate her for her vlog about it but will hold “her head high about it” >Admits most things were her own fault, and only reason she wants to go back is for the masquerade >Hal Con is next week>Almost done with her cosplay, dress and wig are entirely done>Estimates it’s cost her $300 so far>Middle school was a blur of “trama and madness” for her>Wanted to be a comic book artist but doesn’t have patience >Doesn’t know why she wanted to be a designer, just “Loves it” No. 387323
>>387283>Wanted to be a comic book artist but doesn’t have patienceHuh. She barely does any art, how?
The travelling to England with her mom is kinda sad, her vlog hanging out with Sharla with her mom was so awkward.
Also typical that she'd claim to love the tattoo just to avoid conflict until she couldn't deny how crappy it was anymore.
No. 387333
>>387324>embroidery machinewhat for Jillian, you can't even sew. Those things are expensive as shit.
This seems really candid though (except for her waist size), especially the stuff about her sexuality. She's clearly confused and overcompensating and ~totally over men~ after Colin.
No. 387338
File: 1505515600527.jpg (65.52 KB, 422x552, _20170915_153937.JPG)

This is terrible.
No. 387361
>>387338It's not just the color that looks like trash – I've never understood why she has her hair slope from shorter in the front to longer in the back. It looks so bizarre. Get a blunt cut, girl.
Also lmao @ "27 inch waist." Sure Jill.
No. 387372
File: 1505523909389.png (214.58 KB, 504x680, cure_twinkle___elegant_mode_by…)

this is what she wants to cosplay. Cure Twinkle's elegant mode. There are slight variations of this outfit though so she could be doing one of those instead.
No. 387404
>>386184Not that anon, but I'll answer
Everything is loud and that's why it doesn't work. Tacky statement pieces are great if you incorporate them with neutral basic clothing- adding black would help a lot.
You can't have loud hair and makeup if your outfit is loud too. It just clashes. I think her hair with neutral, light makeup would be better with a plain outfit and reduced brash accessories.
Like her tacky skirts and shorts would work if she paired it with a nice button up shirt and appropiate shoes. The aesthetic would still come across, just in a more coordinated and specific way instead of a messy wreck of tacky, unflattering, and illfitting clothes shoved together to make a outfit.
No. 387406
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>>387397Some anon did the math threads back based on what she said about her clothing from her christmas haul not fitting her, but it did seem like she had lost a bit of weight after that
No. 387413
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No. 387437
>>387376Her waist size shouldn't be determined by her height lmao
She will look stockier because she's shorter but shorter girls shouldn't automatically be skinnier than taller girls
No. 387466
>>375960>>387160How well off her parents are, not her. At 19, I'm sorry, but you don't get to claim your parents wealth as your own. I sincerely hope she is made to learn that one day (though it's unlikely her smothering mother would ever let her that far from her wing).
Jillian is a baby. Plain and simple. I mean, she tells us as such. Shouldn't we take her at her word?
She's an itty bitty precious baby girl in a big girl's body.
No. 387519
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No. 387522
File: 1505555843376.png (98.88 KB, 750x811, IMG_9995.PNG)

She's fucking everywhere. Here she is sucking up to Miles Jai.
No. 387567
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No. 387569
File: 1505567939050.jpg (579.06 KB, 1152x1200, harajuku_style_what_is_it_all_…)

>>387443Yeah, but they manage to pull it off better than Jill because they don't have freakin' rainbow coloured hair and unicorn vomit makeup on top of their loud outfits.
No. 387570
>>387522Miles has a similar aesthetic and he's gay
and gender non-conforming, so it makes sense for her "brand".
No. 387573
File: 1505568508788.jpg (75.52 KB, 365x562, 2017-09-16_152353.jpg)

>>387569Anon, just look at the top left image in that collage you
just posted. They look just as tacky as her, if not worse.
Ever since Jill got the rainbow bangs and pink her I felt like she was trying to be Kammie, and although she has some calmer looks like pic related she looks like a rainbow explosion too sometimes.
The main problem with her fashion to me is that it's kinda sloppy, she clearly wants to look loud and OTT but things like
>>386139 with the pastel pink skirt, bright pink coat, darker pink beret and red/white shirt just look like she didn't put any thought into it.
No. 387577
>>387574>"I'm super picky">buys lucky pack?? She could just have gone on the webshop and bought the two things she liked instead. The bright pink bear clip seems like it would match her aesthetic perfectly too, but guess not.
Also I usually roll my eyes at the people who rip on her teeth but they look extremely yellow in this video. The lipstick makes it worse.
No. 387581
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which one of y'all is this???
No. 387592
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>>387573Imo even when Kammie is a rainbow explosion she still somehow manages to look put-together. I think because she is better at tying in certain colors and themes so that even if many colors are featured, there is some semblance of matching.
Pic-related. This is similar to something Jill would choose I think. Kammie still keeps it classy somehow. Maybe it's because she's a small, azn. Idk.
No. 387602
>>387574$160 to like a make-up bag and a few hair accessories. She seriously has a shopping addiction.
>>387592This looks like shit, and if Jill was wearing it, she'd be torn to shreds.
No. 387661
>>387592>>387654I think the thing with a lot of 'out there'/high fashion styles is that you have to look a certain way to be able to pull them off.
Kammie in general looks cuter, the silhouette she picks for her outfits are usually a lot more flattering, and she looks clean/put together.
Compared that to Jillian who usually picks unflattering cuts, her make up looks atrocious, her shoes are usually filthy, often has greasy hair/doesn't have a flattering hairstyle and such.
I think that those little things can make a pretty big difference, especially when wearing such a loud style.
No. 387673
>>387629The boots and bag are different blues, and the beret and bag are different pinks. None of which are in the dress (maybe the beret matches the waistband, but it doesn't look like it in this lighting), and the dress print is tacky.
People need to stop giving cute Asian girls asspats for the sake of being Asian.
No. 387675
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>>387581Seems like other people are asking for more then just hauls too
No. 387677
>>387602The thing is though, jill would add in her horrible makeup, it would prob be ill fitting, the accessories and shoes she'd choose would be terrible, the colors jill would pick wouldn't match, and her roots would be outgrown and greasy. Plus I hate to say it, but usually "out there" fashion tends to look better on thin girls. And jill has the face of a 40 year old. All that together is what makes jill look like a hot mess.
Like people have been saying, if jill just toned down a few things just a little bit, she wouldn't be -as- bad.
No. 387798
>>387338Dangle a Marlboro from her mouth, prop a rug-rat on her lap, and place her in a double-wide trailer meth lab, and she's got the right look.
At this point I wish she'd just press reset. Wait a year for the Care Bear carcass to grow out and for her hair to repair itself, and just go with simple cuts and minimal make-up.
Then try again, if she's still interested.
No. 387843
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i feel like everyone commenting do more fashion vids are people who dislike her taking the piss. at least shes acknowledging that she doesnt know how to sew here, pretty much.
No. 387858
>>387840Same thoughts. Her flaws are there for all to see, treating money like water and her thirst to have it, quiting her job to sponge at home, constantly being very wishy washy about life, disregard for fans both on social media and in livestreams. Instead of visiting England where a large amount of fans are and exciting them, she's called it off over looking bad and having an image dented.(you do that just breathing Jill)
imstead on these threads we get "EWWW SHES LIKE 50 EWWW lolzor this is a gross colour Lolz"
No. 387908
>>387874>>387882yea some retard keeps trying to infight/nitpick posts in this thread and isnt contributing to the discussion, i think its the same person thats been doing it for several threads now, like
>>387873MAYBE ITS… JILL HERSELF… (saged for tinfoil hatting)
No. 387974
>>387618same w the little rocking chair hair ties. I feel like those would be perfect for jill cause their ~pink and resemble a childhood toy~ but she was like "ehhh.." about em
what even is her style at this point
No. 387976
>>387974I think she'a 100% trying to move away from party kei and hop onto the more bratz doll aesthetic/slightly more mature but same colors sort of thing. From her stream it really seemed like she was ready to leave party kei as it's own thing and move on which hopefully will be good for her.
Someone a long time ago predicted as soon as her and Colin broke up that she would go through a major style change again and I think we're seeing the slow beginnings of that
No. 387997
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No. 388068
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>>387567i love you anon this is a beautiful picture
No. 388072
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>>387677I don't think Jillian looks that old, the harsh eyebrows, hair that makes her look more yellow and bright lipstick that accentuates her cleft lip all age her significantly. Her skin looks fine too, she should just give up on all this shit and keep her makeup fresh and clean, there is no calm area anywhere on her body.
No. 388117
>>387574100+$ for a fucking lucky bag. 80% of the shit was obvs decora/
fairy key. Does she even know the fucking brand?? the disappointment in her eyes went down like butter
No. 388120
>>387843I don't think so tbh, there are only so many hauls you can do before people get bored. Out of her last 10 videos, 5 were hauls/unboxings,1 was her new merch, and the only fashion related one was her Goth transformation. You can literally count her fashion videos from the last 5 months that aren't hauls on one hand.
>>387858Some people on this site just call anyone fat, old-looking and ugly by default. There's no point arguing about it.
No. 388134
>>3875746%dokidoki accessories are literally bought by the pound for pennies from China, and resold for a 5000% markup
Why is she so yellow? No white-light ring light for shooting like all youtubers should have.
No. 388216
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Altered with the lighting a tad to show the true grandma
No. 388221
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>>387443I don't know. I still think it doesn't look as well thought out as most decora or fairy kei, and I'm not a big fan of those styles at all. But usually a good decora look will have 3-4 colors total, and they'll all go together. Like cool-toned pastel pink, purple, blue and turquoise for instance. Or it'll be flashy but thought out, like red-bright green-black combos.
As to what Jill could do to look better but still read as alt/j-fash:
1) get a blunt or an a-line bob or long bob. Longer at
the front not the back. Or grow her hair out longer (probably couldn't do that since it's damaged. Maybe splash the cash for a real oleoplex treatment?)
2) dye her hair one single color. Natural would be best but I could see her mostly pink outfits being really cute if she went for a solid purple, it would be like a Creamy Mami inspired look. Still anime/Japanese influence but it reads as cleaner.
3) just start watching makeup tutorials and get better at applying makeup. Use light coverage and not much powder so it doesn't settle into fine lines and wrinkles. 1-2 eyeshadow colors at most. No stickers, no glitter. Pink or nude lips.
4) bring in a neutral color to her wardrobe-camel toned brown, white, black or grey would all work.
5) invest some of her toy money into skin care. The Ordinary is cheap, effective and all-around decent, a full routine from them would cost less than a Precure wand. Or get higher end stuff since she's a brand-whore.
6) focus on trying for a "cohesive" look for herself instead of trying to make up her own style for others. It seems like maybe she's doing this since she's backing down from party kei.
Sage for obnoxious beauty advice that probably happens every thread.
No. 388235
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>>388233Based on her comments on stuff on the party kei community I'd say yes
No. 388278
>>388276[whips colin's dick out]
omg b-word what a big boiiiIII he iiis
No. 388283
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>>388278guess now we know for sure why he broke up with her
No. 388405
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>>388354its a patch of hair she missed while dying it.
No. 388445
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has anyone been keeping up with the party kei group drama? here's just an example
No. 388459
>>388278put on your condis before sexy-wexy times
>>388445oh god this made me vomit
No. 388468
>>387843This is a copout. She said before that the reason she doesn't make sewing vids is because she doesn't want to "Share her secrets" so which is it, jill
>>388093omfg this same guy sent me this exact message on instagram
No. 388493
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>>388296i didnt believe you until i looked, lots of ~nymphet~ stuff, which surprised me since she's so sjw
No. 388578
>>375960>>388493>>388493Come on you know that being "naughty" was just another fashionable phase for her (someone obviously didn't get "Lolita"). Would love to know what her definition of naughty is.
I sincerely doubt that she's had sex. I've never seen a more despicably puerile and phony little narcissist in my life.
Honestly, when I watch her videos what I see is a narcissist out of control.
No. 388598
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No. 388599
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No. 388607
So she only wants to reply to everyone if her confetti club gets excited and treats her like a deity
>>388598The comment asking if she dyed her sides blonde killed me
No. 388659
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No. 388662
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sage for ot but this new pokemon reminds me of jill
No. 388665
>>388659o m g the gay aesthetic!!! yassss henny slay that bitch u lil queer rainbow princess!!! OOOOWOOO men aint shit amirite my 13 year old fans???
>>388598>>388216she absolutely looks like a balding tumblr stereotype here good lord, how can someone make themselves look so ugly? wtf are those crusty lips and smeared eyebrows?
No. 388676
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No. 388678
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>>388676I don't follow these threads but it was weird to see a snowflake sperging out in the comments of a random vid
No. 388692
>>388235Jill's going to be a creepy woman as she ages. The kind who would consider herself 'young at heart' and therefore thinks it's perfectly acceptable to talk about her kinks and sex life around a bunch of teenagers at every waking second. With absolutely no self-awareness that perhaps nobody wants to hear about her fetishes.
Why does Jill
HAVE to talk about kink?
That's the better question…
No. 388699
She sees herself as such a ~*~uwu lil baby~*~ that she doesn't see the age gap that's starting to exist between her and her fan base
No. 388733
>>388676h3h3 has been pandering to assholes for like, a good year now. You just noticed, Jill?
>>388678>I'm far from sjwLmao dafuck? She wants to separate herself from her weird idea of sjws, yet spends her time online trying to catch views for kicking transphobes out of stores and posting about how much of a gay strong girl she is?
No. 388738
>>388659>millennial culture is spendingOf course Jill believes this, what an awful stretch of an excuse for habits.
>>388678>>388676Agaim, everything comes back to Jill spending (not buying your t-shirt!!!). Get a grip.
No. 388755
>>388676wow she didn't buy their shirt. she'll ruuUUUuuuiiiinnnn them.
what a turd she is. people will love her for doing this… makes me really angry.
No. 388794
>>388233She had the sex tracker on in her clue video like
>>388263 said, and she's been in two long-term relationships lol. I don't know why people assume she's some sexless innocent baby just because she's cringeworthy. It's really nothing special at her age.
No. 388803
>>388678>hardcore thicc boi loverIs that where she got the thicc boi from? Kek. I'm sure they're really threatened by you now buying a shirt.
OT but I mostly agree with her, Ethan's criticism of Felix is valid but calling Ian "smart" for saying it and repeating it on his own podcast multiple times is is ridiculous, and his subsequent meltdown when he got the backlash is even more embarrassing>>388235>Why can't we talk about kinks in a fashion group full of teensThis girl, I swear.
No. 388812
>>388794Totally agree
And even if she is a hardcore narcissist, which I don't really agree with, those kinds of people have sex all the time.
>>388795>Keep your lower body warm Jillian, you'll get a UTI.This is a joke right? But you would think tights would totally match her aesthetic
>>388733>Lmao dafuck? She wants to separate herself from her weird idea of sjws, yet spends her time online trying to catch views for kicking transphobes out of stores and posting about how much of a gay strong girl she is?Agreed, why doesn't Jill just own being a SJW?
No. 388972
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Video of her cure whip wig on her Facebook page
No. 389003
>h3h3 has been pandering to assholes for like, a good year now. You just noticed, Jill?i know right? loved them back in the day, but c'mon. this has been happening since 2017 started or so, i had to unsubscribe because they(and the fanbase) became obnoxious. no idea why jill jumped into the "i love h3h3 train!!!" once they became shit. and NOW she's disappointed that they were
gasp shit.
No. 389033
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No. 389059
>>388812She's not an sjw. She molds her views to whoever she's currently friends with/whether she gets backlash or not. She's not actually advocating for anything (besides herself).
>>389003Pretty sure she's mentioned liking h3 before, but it doesn't exactly fit her "soft gentle Jilly bean uwu" image I guess. They have declined a lot though. Seems to be the fate of every big YouTuber.
No. 389060
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>>388972Is that supposed to be the final wig? Cause hot damn.
No. 389193
>>389033This type of person still has more personality and style than Jill, ok.
>>388931>>389059"""Y'all""" are kinda right about her not being an SJW, but I think it depends on your personal definition of SJW. In my opinion it's a buzzword for anyone who isn't racist/sexist/homophobic and willing to call bigotry out when they encounter it, but it is used negatively to make people feel like they take things too seriously and are crazy, if that makes sense. Jill is just a dumb bandwagoner and doesn't want to associate herself with those wacky SJW FREAKOUT
TRIGGERED videos, even though she herself made a whole big rant about how
triggered she was that some old white lady asked where the boy things are at Claire's. She wants to be edgy and ~not like other gurls~ every chance she gets, I'm surprised she's not excited to stick the SJW label to herself.
On a different note, I wish Jill would realize being loud and buying the merchandise of various media/brands does not equal having a personality or hobbies.
No. 389204
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No. 389218
>>388625Sage for hairdye sperging, but what it looks like to me is that those areas of her hair didn't bleach light enough to take the purple correctly (you can see in one photo linked above that it's pretty much all of her roots) because she uses shitty box dye. So when she tried to put pastel purple over the brassy yellow that resulted from poor bleaching, it just acted like a toner and turned the hair in those areas a dull ashy brown. She'd need to do a second round of bleach on all of her roots, tone it to remove most of the yellow, and then try adding the purple again.
it only clung to the rest of her hair because it's been bleached to hell so many times.
No. 389258
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>>389248wtf she looks like god knows what
No. 389350
>>389332holy shit is Jill an actual autist? how can you have so little social tact?
just imagine a stranger (who's also some extreme fan) talking to you like that, it's creepy as fuck
No. 389386
>>389279"How did you maintain rainbow hair? You never bathe"
Oh shit, it's admitted
No. 389451
>>389442What is actually kind of sad is, after I went looking, she had some musical talent once. I realise these were probably posted before, but it's new to me, so I wanted to re-share. She's not outstanding or anything but she actually had a skill that she must have worked hard for. Now all she does is spend money and sit in her room. more on her mother's channel. sings some background vocals on this track and it's not bad or anything.
No. 389515
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No. 389576
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Jill posted this picture to the HalCon facebook group even though people aren't supposed to post their cosplays or lineups but no mod will ever take it down because everyone brownnoses her lol
No. 389589
>>389576Construction doesn't look that bad (I don't know shit about sewing, sue me) but the fabric choice and her face ruin it more than anything for me.
She always looks so damn old and smug in every picture.
No. 389591
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>>389576I don't know if it's the shiny fabric or her pose or her wig or what but imo this looks less like a cosplay photo and more like a photo you'd see on one of those knockoff Halloween costumes
No. 389595
anything save her old lady face? short of plastic surgery.
No. 389647
>>389576I know almost nothing about cosplay or costume design, but I know that shiny fabric is awful. Definitely looks like a Halloween costume. Did she try to save a few bucks and thing nobody would notice?
>>389451I haven't saw these yet, thanks
>>389262People say she is regressing all the time but it is weird how she was more grounded in reality a few years ago. The youtube fame must have gotten to her head.
No. 389666
>>389618 She is not am'misunderstood' tween who self harms anymore, she's a fucking adult, like 19 or 20 who behaves like a literal child, to put it nicely. You must be new here to A) feel bad for talking about people in snow and B) not already know all this stuff about Jill along with possible other anons who clearly did not go back and read the previous threads.
sage for slightly ot but good god I'm
triggered by how many people aren't reading the older threads.
No. 389748
>>384816 was right about the wig
No. 389758
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>>389576The fabric is pretty disgusting but I think the biggest issue is how off the proportions are…
If she had just made the skirt fuller it would make her waist and legs look a bit smaller in comparison
She didn't even try with the wig either, this just looks like an aged version of the character or something
No. 389763
>>389758- she doesn't have the bangs or face-framing bits
- her boots don't have the v cut out in front
- her shirt/top part of the dress is entirely dark pink when that should just be the corset
- her cake is on the wrong side of her head
- the skirt layers aren't done properly
and this will still be the best one in her group lmao
No. 389770
>>387519they have a toaster and bread on the table in the living room???
I'd be too embarrassed to watch her videos in front of my family tbh
No. 389793
>>389255I think they'd give her a pass considering she was 13/14 at the time.
>>389243This is unwatchable, and I physically cringed when she said baby boy. I almost feel bad for her because she seemed pretty nervous (thus sperging out more than usual) and he got visibly uncomfortable pretty quickly. Imagine talking to your favorite YouTuber and tanking it this badly.
No. 389803
>>389576I had a huge rant typed out but it's pointless. She clearly bought the cheapest fabric and did not try at all. This is really sad, just buy a cosplay or make a
bit of an effort instead of just doing to minimum but still crying when you don't win first prize. Her Cure Flora wasn't as bad as this.
No. 389814
>>389794>>389807Looking at it more closely the main skirt is gathered but it's so little fabric that it doesn't even work. She even says she didn't buy enough fabric but instead of buying more she just made it shorter? Girl.
>"Start with the hardest thing!"That's bad advice imo, you'll just get discouraged and fuck everything up.
She's a beginner so I'd give her some leeway but it sounds like she's just being kinda careless and didn't do any research on how to make things. I also don't know why she didn't make the pinafore properly, probably because the armholes on her blouse are too big and it wouldn't work. If you don't have the skill yet to make it properly either make it multiple times or pick something easier.
No. 389875
>>389807"It doesn't matter how I I-Ron it"
Iron Jill, I don't want to nitpick but ugh
No. 389892
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>>389884She seems to keep making the same mistakes she's been making with all of her cosplays before, but looking at some of her older costumes it looks like she used to put more effort into them.
It was kind of sad hearing how often she was talking about taking 'artistic liberties' (shortcuts) because she didn't want to do a certain thing.
didn't she have a lot of free time to work on this costume?
Even if she isn't a master seamstress this cosplay would've looked way better if she had just stuck more closely to the original design.
No. 389935
>>389814>>389884Jill isn't a beginner. Like
>>389892 shows, she's made other cosplays before that looked better. She is just getting lazy.
>>389904Yeah I wonder how butthurt she will be when she doesn't win again
No. 389945
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No. 389949
>>389935What really makes me sad is that Jill technically isn't a beginner - she's been sewing for a fairly decent number of years now.
But she's done such little sewing in those years and hasn't bothered to develop the sewing skills she actually has because it's hard uwu that she's still at a beginner level.
No. 389956
File: 1505928839385.jpg (115.34 KB, 640x640, Full-Set-KiraKira-Pretty-Cure-…)

>>389576lmfao the alixpress knockoffs use that exact shiny fabric.
i would laugh so hard if she got accused of entering a bought costume in the contest.
No. 389991
>>389980Part of it is also just her facial expressions. They're so much less arched in
>>389945 this photo because she isn't scrunching up her forehead
No. 390115
>>389980>>389991We've talked about these in previous threads, but she always opens her eyes really wide in pictures. Which in turn scrunches up her forehead into wrinkles, makes her eyebrows really arched and witch-like, and ages her face.
I don't know why she stopped wearing circle lenses if she was just going to overcompensate like this.
No. 390133
>>389807She mentions being nervous about sharing because of her skill level and this being a first and all and it was actually almost kind of endearing. This was an actual challenge (even if she got lazy) and she made something she likes and is enjoying sharing it with her fans, who wanted to see these things. Maybe sewing will be her ticket back to seeming enthused and excited and genuinely invested in something like she originally was with lolita or used to be with music.
Jill might have a slight transformation, maybe still be narcissistic but at least be trying a bit more and passionate about what she's doing.
No. 390347
Alright JIll, since I'm sure you're reading this, here's how you can improve your cosplay:
>much more volume in the skirt. The reference picture shows at least four strawberries from the front, you can only see two on your version. For a full gathered skirt like this, the fabric should be at least 3x the width of your waist.
>Doing the strawberries as appliques was a good idea, but you need to use interfacing behind the main skirt fabric to prevent the rippled/distorted effect
>Don't use satin. Ever. If you must, use a matte satin, but fabrics with shine look cheap and photograph poorly.
>Clip your curves! You need to cut triangular notches out of the seam allowance of any curved seam to enable them to be pressed flat without puckering or bunching.
>Iron your shit. You say it doesn't iron, but thats probably because you don't know how to do it. Press EVERY seam while you are sewing so that they don't look puffy, bunched, or puckerd
>For the love of god, learn how to ruffle properly. Make sure your ruffle fabric is at least 3x the length of the fabric you want to attach it to. Sew across the top edge of your ruffle fabric with a long basting stitch. Don't tie off the stitch, but leave long thread ends hanging off the end. While holding on to the end of the thread, carefully push the fabric down along it to create gathers, distributing the fullness evenly. Sew the ruffle on. When you're finished, PRESS the seam allowances of both ruffle and main fabric up towards the body of the garment and topstitch it in place. A baby rolled hem looks best on ruffles. If you can't do this manually, you can buy a rolled hem foot for pretty much any make and model of machine online for extremely cheap.
No. 390350
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>>390106some other stuff from her stream:
>leaving for con today but still hasn't packed/done her portfolio/edited Saturday video (involves Hot Topic stuff she bought?)>wants to do an updated magical girl wand collection/figure collection video cuz she's planning on getting more stuff>will go to a Witches' Ball with her local witch club for Halloween>she's sad because people don't want her anime content>she would e-transfer $1000 to Drew just for him to notice her lol>too anxious to ever guest people on her stream>might be going to Japan again next year (her friends invited her, she has enough money and time but doesn't know whether she'd rather save for school lol)>would've started college a month ago but she didn't because she waited for Colin to be done with uni>she just now realized that she's required to take that foundation year at college, was specifically pumped about this college she applied to because she thought that she wouldn't have to take it, "it wasn't obvious when you check the site", "don't take my money to teach how to draw if I wanna do fashion">can't take any sewing classes because apparently there aren't any around her area>wants to live in Montreal>wants a physical store for her fashion brand one day>still likes Lolita and thinks it's cute, but quit because she was bored with it and couldn't wear "weird" stuff with it, never wore her dresses because they were so expensive and she didn't want to get stuff on them>going to stay at Kenzie's house for HalCon and wants to do a Party Kei transformation video, also wants to vlog the con>also in a Maid Cafe working as a maid>she's not afraid of growing out of her style and regretting her tattoo, because it would've worked with all of her past styles too>is an "angry single" now, has been talking to a girl she likes for about a month now and gone on dates with her No. 390415
>>390350Uhh, where is all of this magical, endless money she brags about having coming from? Louise's wallet?
So she would spend thousands on Japan again and throw money at her fave livestreamer, but she can't pay her car repair bills?? lol this bitch is majorly taking advantage of her fans and parents
No. 390472
>>390452her reasoning for it was that she just wants to be taught how to sew right away and the foundation year seems like a waste of time to her (she was really just whining about how she wants to sell fashion, not art, apparently not understanding at all what the correlation between those two things is)
also it's pretty viable to teach yourself how to sew with the help of books and tutorials, so not sure why she thinks she has to wait till college to actually get better at it
No. 390488
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>>386091when your pants so skanky u get a stroke
No. 390494
>>390489Exactly what I was thinking. P sure most lolitas own a pair of shorts or jeans or a skirt, but when Jill wore lolita she wore it every day, even to school, because ~*~lifestyle lolita~*~ and acted like she was the authority on lolita fashion because of it.
The problem with that is that anyone with an actual fucking job isn't gonna be able to show up to their job in expensive frilly dresses every day, but Jill lets her fashion identity define every other aspect of her life so she doesn't understand that.
No. 390699
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Some vintage Jill.
No. 390700
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No. 390757
>>390700OT but i'm only slightly salty she has that gun since they're hard to find now a days.
How old was she in this photo? I'm guessing it was during her 'punk' phase.
No. 390849
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No. 390850
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No. 390943
>>390908She basically could have/would have wanted to start attending college this current semester, but didn't because she waited for Colin to be done with university so that he could move together with her.
Now she's all whiny about 'wasting 2 years' and how 'love isn't real', which is weird because before she said that she specifically wanted to take a year off so she could focus on YouTube and find herself and all that jazz.
Not sure why she's blaming it all on Colin now.
No. 391127
>>391121I was literally going to say the same thing. Thanks anon haha.
But yeah it seems like Kenzie has an actual and maybe even decent job. Isnt she a bit older than Jill? And last time she came to visit her in PEI she brought her a bunch of offerings, I mean gifts….
No. 391136
>>390850I'm going to make predictions about her Lush haul video now.
Products I think she got and how she will describe them:
Bewitched Gift Set (can see this in her basket)
Bewitched Bubble Bar: "This one's a cat and I love my four purebred cats so I had to get it. Look at his little nosey-wosey!"
Lord of Misrule: "This one is a spicy boy and while I don't really think it's my aesthetic, sometimes I want to be a goth
bleep and do some spook."
Pink Pumpkin: "It's like they made this bubble bar for me! It's full of pink and glitter and I'd love Halloween more if everything was like this!"
Other products
Goth Fairy: "I love the 80s and 90s and body glitter so much and this is basically a solid body glitter you rub all over yourself to make yourself a shiny ass disco Halloween queen."
Ectoplasm: "This has a little ghosty boy on the top of it! It's one of Lush's new jelly bombs so I can't wait to get spoopy goopy!"
Pink: "They changed this one. It used to be one of my favourites and now I don't know if I like it as much anymore. Ugh, why did they have to change it? It was the best. They should offer both."
Creamy Candy: "This is my other favourite because it's pink and sweet and cute and basically everything I want to be in one product!"
Sage for my autism.
No. 391161
File: 1506114909077.png (256.13 KB, 489x277, Screen Shot 2017-09-22 at 10.1…)

>>391157crack, not even once
No. 391273
>>391161Show this to kids while teaching D.A.R.E. and that'll set them straight real quick lmao
But seriously, it's amazing how normal a human she looks on the left. She looks like a damn alien trying to be human based on internet searches now.
No. 391303
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No. 391304
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No. 391306
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No. 391308
>>391304The lighting and shade of purple makes it look like she has a layer of grime on her skin.
>>391303Lol, is she at Animaritime?
No. 391309
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No. 391318
It's only the Friday of the con, whatever set Jill off is probably something petty, I think
>>391312 is probably on to something but then again we'll have to wait for Jill's vlog or a reliable source to step forward
No. 391327
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No. 391328
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No. 391449
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>No. 391328
this so reminds me of that nightmare that was the tumblr dashcon ball pit a few years back. but then again jill would have definitely attended if it had been closer.
No. 391694
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omg such witch
No. 391695
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No. 391706
>>391306That's nice Jill.
>>391309Honestly why attend cons if she pulls a mental breakdown every time.
No. 391707
>>391694Not to defend jill but i dont think this has to do with witchitude, she's in a maid costume right so I assume she was at a maid cafe? Don't maid cafes have the maids do retarded little
Moe moe kyun~~~~" spells and shit on the food
No. 391718
File: 1506212487271.gif (2.96 MB, 480x270, T7rxu0h0vvV7O.gif)

>>391710Yep, it's true. It started in one maid cafe, then spread to anime, and now it's considered a mainstay of any maid cafe.
Generally, the maid will bring you your food, decorate it for you, and then ask for your help in casting a "deliciousness" spell on it. They say the catchphrase with you repeating after them, then they make a heart or do some type of gesture over the food. And that's about it.
No. 391728
>>391709Anon was just explaining that it wasn't just as simple as Jill's usual bullshit, chill. Even though including the story is still gag inducing.
>>391694It REALLY looks like she has shaved sides here, Jesus. I didn't realize how seriously bad it was until this, yikes.
No. 391739
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>>391694This is what her hair looks like sans styling it into a mohawk…
No. 391788
File: 1506228525855.jpeg (76.43 KB, 681x437, image.jpeg)

Jill changed the caption of this. Before she wrote something like "This is probably the last time I'll get to see all my baby girls at a con." And then @ed everyone expect Kenzie. I'm not sure if Kenizie was supposed to be apart of the precure cosplay group (probably bc she was before) do you think Kenzie was the one posting here? I felt like it was her.
No. 391789
File: 1506228988146.jpeg (233.89 KB, 750x1075, 1A1905C1-FCAC-432C-ADDC-674240…)

>>391788She posted that on her other account, it’s still up and all of them are tagged in it
No. 391862
File: 1506257875755.png (643.78 KB, 640x1136, IMG_4250.PNG)

Looks like most of us were wrong in speculating that there was a falling out between Pixie and Kenzie however this could be a cover up as the way the post is worded, it seems that Kenzie isn't going to Japan. Also $3000 Japan shopping trip confirmed for next year, can't wait to see how that shit goes down, especially with Jill considering herself an *~expert~* on Japan because she went once.
No. 391873
>>391862I don't think this is specifically saying Kenzie isn't going
I think its saying that the asian girl (idk her name) is moving so she won't be at halcon next year, Wendy/nanamidoll is leaving halcon soon, but Pixie and Kenzie will be here for the rest of the day
No. 391903
>>391899Today is the cosplay contest, so I’m guessing she’s still at the con and won’t be leaving until it’s done.
>>391862From the way this is worded it looks like Jill isn’t going to go to Japan with them. She brought up being invited to go to Japan again in a recent stream but said she likely wouldn’t go in order to save money for school
No. 391968
>>391788I think it’s possible Wendy was the one posting here. Wendy is leaving a day early and isn’t there for the cosplay contest, and it seems like her and Tracey and better friends then with Jill.
Sage for tinfoiling, but I’m guessing Jill went to a party with Tracey and Wendy, realized Wendy was posting/lurking here, threw a shit fit and took a cab back to Kenzie’s place. I think she wanted to keep the allusion of them being friends for the sake of her social media but probably told her to fuck off
No. 391969
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man did Kenzie even try? her cosplay looks completely inaccurate
No. 391989
>>390488Someone please make this into a site banner, specifically the
No. 392001
File: 1506283826899.png (1.17 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20170924-210550.png)

>>391969and yet somehow they've placed second
No. 392007
File: 1506284661999.png (9.48 KB, 319x54, fbskdhv.PNG)

>>392003Nah, her spam account is following her.
No. 392013
>>391903Wendy could have also seen jill say in her stream that going to Japan might make Jill tear everyone's heads off (probably because she's a spoiled ass diva and the only people who could put up with it are her mom and maybe a significant other) and brought it up to her
I guess we'll see.
No. 392023
>>391970Wow, that is just absolutely lazy on Kenzie's part. Not even the scalloped collar is there and the colors are nothing like the source.
>>392004You're probably right, but man. You'd think she would want the rest of her group to look "good" too. I would be really embarrassed if I put a lot of work into a group cosplay and everyone else half-assed it (but in Jill's case while she half-assed it, the others just….whatever you'd call something less than that).
No. 392093
File: 1506292262607.jpeg (703.13 KB, 750x1057, 0BE4E626-305E-41A4-B4A9-CD2DF9…)

>>391968Wendy just posted this.
I think we’re just going to have to wait until her vlog comes out to sort any of this out
No. 392102
File: 1506293597242.png (12.4 KB, 503x172, sdads.PNG)

>>391969>>392087 i think it has a lot to do with the fact that jill's friends are so fucking ugly that they sort of make her look cute. jill's makeup isn't so terrible as usual too, but her eyebrows are still fucking bad.
No. 392108
>>392087because kenzie looks like a dick eating nightmare. seriously wtf, she's looking ready to shoot up the place. also her friend in the middle is wearing no makeup.
>>392101her friends probably cause she's kawaii azn who needs no makeup!
No. 392121
>>392099I don't think there's anything wrong with her wearing the skirt, since it seems to suit her and is versatile enough, but it does call into question the need for her to buy things all the time.
>>392115I agree
No. 392200
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No. 392211
>>392200Jill's cosplay looks so dirty and messy next to this girl's cosplay. The black showing in her boots is awful
>>392201Well, at least Kenzie put effort into making her skirt voluminous…
No. 392213
File: 1506311231167.gif (2.22 MB, 304x104, completed_banner_jill2.gif)

>>391989Idk how good this is, but how's this?
I could also make it slower, I wasn't sure if it was fine at normal speed
No. 392217
File: 1506311574874.gif (2.22 MB, 304x104, completed_banner_jill_65speed.…)

>>392213Samefag. Slowed down version. Whatever is better.
No. 392228
>>386091This is the first pixie video I have watched since her leaving Lolita video, and I cannot cringe hard enough.
Sage for blog posty.
No. 392237
Holy shit is this
>>392201Really supposed to look like this?
>>391970Literally every single thing is wrong with it.
You wouldn't even be able to tell that's the character she is cosplaying, jeez.
No. 392274
>>392239at least the headband covers her roots
everyone else in the photo besides the kid and the girl in the boxing gloves looks so unfortunate, making Jilll look less unfortunate imo
No. 392277
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>>392275Nope it's definitely what she meant to look like. It's crazy, too, how someone said she actually has volume in her skirt as opposed to Jill when her character is the one who is supposed to have a shorter, almost "puffball" like skirt. Like it's supposed to puff out and come back in. All their outfits look awful but amazingly, Jill looks the most accurate. How goddamn sad is that.
No. 392319
File: 1506342930024.jpg (168.41 KB, 1024x768, IMG_3935.JPG)

>>392277The blatant Tokyo mew mew rip makes me so sad
No. 392320
>>392214Those flats she is wearing
trigger me so much
No. 392336
>>392319because Tokyo mew new isn't a blatant sailor moon rip off lolol all these magical girl animes are exactly the same and TMM is garbage
sage for sperging
No. 392357
>>392054Thanks anon.
Damn, though she does look like a girl on her insta at least.
No. 392362
>>392336agreed. I'm a big fan of magical girl anime myself, but even as a weeby teenager I couldn't get through Tmm. pure cringe
>>392339its an arm? are you saying it looks edited or its fat or something else? does look a bit oodd but nothing worth pointing out tbh. just nitpick
No. 392430
>>392214I feel sorry for that child. so creepy.
Everyone but the maid in the blue hair is so awkward.
No. 392582
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No. 392679
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No. 392698
>>392214Who the fuck is curry in a hurry with the red wig? And this monstrosity Jill wore is third in a contest?
Oy vey…
No. 392756
>>392689bitch is actually like she won a nobel price lmao.
>>392690 girl you won a cosplay contest fighting against obese nerds, nothing to brag about
No. 392918
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>>390849I guess she reuploaded this with a different caption now?
I didn't realize one of her friends is around 30, can't understand how someone would have the patience to hang out with Jill
No. 392947
>>392918That face. .
Also Jill I went to build a bear with my boyfriend! You should too- oh wait.
No. 392980
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straight from my nightmares
No. 392982
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of course she liked the color that made the yellow on her teeth pop
No. 392993
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No. 393008
>>392982I like how she said these were better than Jeffree Stars lipsticks but you go back to her review on them and she has nothing but positives to say about them??
Sage for nitpick
No. 393030
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No. 393052
>>392954Sue me, but I actually kinda liked Jill's outfit in this video. Her accessories actually worked with her outfit (the light pink scrunchie matching with the collar and the cuffs of her sheer top. Don't know about the earrings, but they somewhat work). From what we could see of her hair it actually worked with the purple bustier she was wearing, too bad her rainbow bangs and outgrowth ruined it.
Save for outfit sperg
No. 393117
>>393064This really frustrates me about her threads, just because the colors aren't
exactly the same doesn't mean they don't match or go together. It's like all of you are Lolita tier nitpicky or something.
No. 393120
File: 1506459582076.png (Spoiler Image,309.76 KB, 854x480, Screenshot_20170926-135513.png)

I'm so triggered by this bitch's teeth.
No. 393154
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>>393030Holy fuck you guuuyys