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No. 355530
Over-The-Top Spoonies/Munchausen By Internet Attention Whores General #5
Previous Thread: >>>snow/345089
Discuss people who feign or exaggerate chronic illnesses and medical crises for attention and asspats online. Previous topic focused primarily on Instagram accounts, but posts from blogs and other social media sites are admissible.
Some of the more notable cows from the previous threads:
LifeUndiagnosedd, aka Hypermobilegeek on IG (and a shit ton more accounts). Robyn Brown is the milkiest munchiechan we've ever seen ("Kadeelyn on steroids" as another anon put it) and has her own threads now (original:
>>197138 ).
MyLifeStruggles on IG
JourneyToEmma on IG
Jonzie08 on IG
What Is A "Spoonie"?
People who identify as 'Spoonies' are referencing 'The Spoon Theory,' written by a woman with lupus to explain the chronic illness experience to a healthy friend who asked her what it really feels like to live with her medical problems. 'Spoonie' Community is, in general, a legitimate supportive network for people dealing with chronic illness. In recent years, however, it has become polluted with SJW types and has attracted a new breed of attention-seeking catfish: people who lie about, fake having, and/or exaggerate existing medical problems and crises for no benefit other than to garner attention.
No. 355548
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This is actually Munchies 6.
Munchies 1:
>>181656Munchies 2:
>>201162Munchies 3:
>>237479Munchies 4:
>>300611Munchies 5:
>>345089 No. 355550
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Since we have a lot of new users, here is some related material to catch up on and familiarize yourself with the people discussed here.
Fake Anorexics
(They overlap quite a bit with the Munchausen by Internet cows due to the ease in faking an eating disorder)
Original thread:
>>44088Second thread:
>>74624Third thread:
>>79031Fourth thread:
>>83974Fifth thread:
>>89109Sixth thread:
>>94114Seventh thread:
>>99329Eighth thread:
>>106059Ninth thread:
>>112288Tenth thread:
>>243674Ashley Isaacs
>>223291Kadeelyn Konstantino
>>123694>>140393>>155642>>241176Robyn Brown
>>197138>>215012Crying Emily
>>158800Multiple System Tumblrinas
>>109130 No. 355770
>>355726Ok, time for a confession, and sort of to explain why I am here.
I used to follow Kelly. I have a bone marrow disorder myself, a long term after effect of chemotherapy, and I developed an MS-like disorder (neuromyelitis optica) a few years ago. While a lot of details felt weird, I believed her, even if the medic in me thought 'fuck, that's bullshit'.
The more I look at it, the more foolish and suckered I feel. It is an incredible feeling - it messes with your head - it makes you think about whether you're even fit to have any judgment about people - and it makes it hard to trust anyone.
So I deleted every spoonie except the two or three people I know for a fact are legit from my contact lists. For the last week or so, I have been walking around with a sort of nauseous feeling, disgusted and embarrassed by what happened.
Kelly's white knights come here and tell me I'm pathological for being concerned with her lies and I should 'get a life'. I've called in sick for the last few days as I have had such serious doubts about my ability to make clinical judgments that I didn't trust myself with my work. I toyed with the idea of quitting altogether. I haven't slept properly and I have barely eaten. My girlfriend is worried sick and I don't trust myself to explain this to her without sounding foolish.
But yeah, I should just get a life, right? While the girl whom I have given advice about MS has used what I said to construct her deception.
A part of me wishes I had never found this site. A larger part of me wishes I had found it sooner, before she suckered me into donating to her shitty fundraiser (hey, I don't believe in woo, but I do believe in the placebo effect, especially for something as complex as a neuroimmune disorder!), before I believed her, before I watched with worry when she had her seizures, before I reblogged some of her posts, before I took this fraud seriously.
And I'm nothing, I'm nowhere compared to people these sociopathic fucks sucker into their lives and strangle them with the threat of deterioration should they attempt to leave. This is not a harmless game! This is not online role playing! There are gullible fucks like me who take some of these assholes seriously and are genuinely emotionally affected by the childish drama they thrive on.
Fuck all of you whining Munchie fucks. Fuck all of you to hell and back.
No. 355827
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Breakspear seems to combine prescribing standard drugs alongside naturopathic/herbal ones. Drug interactions between herbal remedies and standard medications are not very well documented.
> lithium for glandular fever whut?
> now claims to have Lyme-induced bipolar disorder
> encouraging followers to get tested for Lyme based on vague symptoms
No. 355828
>>355819Yes true but all these cows usually go with hyper mobile type because it's the only one that doesn't have any genetic testing. Which when I actually went to see a geneticist I wasn't even there to confirm anything I was like sooooooo a surgeon sent me. My OT surgeon sent me there on a hunch after sewing me back together for several tendon ruptures that happened over almost nothing.
Sage for blogging
No. 355833
>>355828Here in the UK we don't usually get seen by geneticists for hEDS unless we're planning on having kids.
Also despite it being a new munchie thing, it's also a really hard condition to be diagnosed with unless a parent or sibling also has it. I had "unspecified joint pain" for years until I got a referral to an actual EDS specialist (of which there are very few here).
> saged for blogging No. 355839
>>355803Chronic pain is not a disorder, it is a symptom. It literally just means 'pain lasting more than X months', where X is anything between 1 and 12, depending on whom you ask.
That covers a lot. From blown discs to malignancies through nerve pain disorders, where nerves misfire to cause pain sensations, there are plenty of legit chronic pain diagnoses. The big problem with chronic pain fakers (drug seekers and pity seekers alike) is that they create the response you adopted, that is, a disbelief in the reality of the condition itself.
No. 355841
Nothing is funnier than overweight, short, stubby-armed, short-fingered people claiming a disorder associated with Marfanoid habitus - tall, thin, wiry and with long, thin fingers (arachnodactyly, as fingers resemble the thin legs of a spider).
No. 355843
>>355833I wonder what the next trendy condition will be. It used to be PTSD. Then Lyme. Then GP. Now it's EDS, which allows them to integrate GP into the picture. Any bets on what's next?
(My money is on PANDAS. OMG acquired autism!)
No. 355855
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>>355530This came up on my insta feed lately.
I don't know how we ended up following each other, but she always seemed really OTT.
No. 355857
>>355856They also think that linking the thread isn't going to just make more people go to that thread.
This one changes usernames a lot, and went to a convention literally the day after being in the ER. And abuses those hashtags in every post, which is what really made me wonder ultimately.
No. 355876
>>355841VEDS also causes very translucent skin, which is part of the reason kids are diagnosed very young (with genetic testing after being suspected). I'm tall-ish and thin with hypermobile type, but my skin looks normal. Also these cows take criteria and associated conditions from different types of EDS and say they have them when it's medically impossible. Drives me crazy, but whatever, they're just showing how dumb they are. But EDS is easy to claim because it's invisible, except all the things these munchie insist on (braces, wheelchair, dogs, etc.). TBH, a lot of doctors discourage braces and mobility aides because they can be detrimental (less exercise leads to weaker muscles, which makes joints looser). Munchies love turning illnesses into fashion statements that people can give them attention and pity for.
Sage for blogging
No. 355878
>>355866In the video she also states something like, "she did the research,she found out she was sick, she diagnosed herself"
(and then she called the doctors so they could talk to her mommy?) GTFOH - You're an adult, so you're "sick" be thankful you have someone there who cares enough to help you, stop yelling and acting like an entitled spoiled brat!
Sage: annoyed
No. 355898
>>355894Raising awareness can increase instance of early diagnosis, e.g: testicular cancer, breast cancer campaigns emphasize the importance of self-checking. Lyme disease awareness includes teaching the importance of checking for ticks/taking precautions.
In many cases, awareness campaigns can be aimed at medical professionals because some things (inc. EDS, MCAS) were very rarely diagnosed when some docs qualified so they won't know much about them (even now, med school gives you like a single day on connective tissue disorders).
TBH I think one of the most useful "raising awareness" areas is pointing out to able-bodied people how important access is to those with disabilities. It's often overlooked despite the ADA etc.
No. 355921
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>>355913I just cannot comprehend how a 34 year old woman has nothing better to do with her time than to be so wrapped up in the internet and its mindless gossip. Sure, some farmers are a little harsh, but god, you'd think someone had told her to off herself or something. Why not just delete and take a break from the internet? It's so wild to me how people are so addicted to social media in this way and cannot handle criticism with so many followers. She has 18k or so followers and expects everyone to like her. It's so baffling to me. Maybe I'm just the crazy one.
No. 355941
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Please take a break from the computer, Kelly. All this stress isn't worth it.
No. 355952
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He barely even posts anything anymore XD it's like he gave up trying to look sick. Haha obviously wasn't getting the attention he needed haha. But he still posts stories up like this one lol.
No. 355953
>>355952I had a brief look. I suspect he's both legit sick, but also exaggerating some parts for asspats. Also re: the GoFundMe - any Ausfags here care to explain how healthcare works over there?
And medfags - why would this kid need IV saline as vital medication?
No. 355955
>>355953i haven't looked at his IG but if he has POTS, iv saline is used as a treatment to help lower your heart rate and blood pressure, thus keeping your symptoms in control.
not a medfag, just a person with POTS who's on iv saline.
No. 355956
>>355955IV saline would LOWER blood pressure? Surely that's not what most people with POTS need? (I have hyper-POTS, because wtf body.)
Saged, obviously.
No. 355958
>>355956WHOOPS typo, i meant up your BP! with my pots my bp is low and the saline keeps it at a more normal range, ie i usually run 80's or 90's but i get so shocked when i see it in the 120's
sage for blogging
No. 355972
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What exactly is the horrible stuff that's been said? Some OPINIONS are harsher than others, but all that been done is question the authenticity of what she has posted (how sick she actually is) and the people-like myself- who believed her at first but then things she said weren't adding up…did I miss something?
No. 355975
>>355972I'm wondering the same? I'm like you - followed her for awhile until things started to not add up anymore. If you're friends with her on FB, she literally made an album of around 60 screenshots from the last thread and people are oozing with sympathy with her.
It should be noted that her instagram is completely normal. kek.
No. 355980
>>355978I always wondered why her doctors would jump to a full hysterectomy IMMEDIATELY in someone so young. Isn't that incredibly radical? I mean they won't even check me for infertility and a friend of mine who has severe PCOS had to fight for 3 years for a hysterectomy because they told her 'you're in you're early 30's and of child bearing age', nevermind the fact that PCOS rendered her infertile. Another indication that she's completely full of shit. Pro-tip: if you want something to be believable, wait a bit before proclaiming a diagnoses.
sage for blogposting>>355978
No. 355987
>>355921Is this what who wanted? Who wants a selfie where she looks buck toothed and vaguely sad?
Anyone would think that farmers had suggested her entire family should die or something else awful instead of just pointing out that her story is a bit dodgy and she enjoys the attention too much.
Girl must have no shame at all
No. 355988
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So many hashtags. And when you make a drawing of your disease the MRI, xray and gravestone matters more than the pain. Oh and don't forget the pills! She keeps asking people to repost it. And on facebook she even added her URL to the drawing, because people keep stealing her photos.
Guess the colitis got replaced by the Endo. Under her recent photo she wrote that she will probably get surgery to remove some of the tumors(growth, unless you need the attention). Nearly every day she makes a photo of her hot water bottle, because of her endo pain. Before the endo diagnosis she always wrote that she uses it to ease the colitis pain. How can endo causes burning pain(and the feeling of having knifes in them) in your tigh bone?
No doctor has opened up her belly to confirm the diagnosis, so I doubt that they would remove the growth. Her gynecologist is shitty and just wants the money from the insurance company. And she only had two 3-monthly contraceptive injections so far.
No. 356000
>>355921Hoo boy. This idiot went from 'haha I've got It under control, I will destroy the farm!' to '
weep you destroyed my precious psyche!'
And god damn it, it is still not enough to make her understand that she's not the victim here, that her actions have hurt people, and that she needs to get help and not film herself crying. Moron.
No. 356024
>>355988God this girl pisses me off so much. Unless youve had surgery they cannot confirm a diagnosis of endo. I reckon she may have been lurking because the implausabiliy of her endo dx has come up before and everyone has saidnhow an actual endo diagnosis works. And calling endometrial growths tumours, fuck me. Often they will remove growths during an exploratory laparoscopy, if its not too complicated. Also colitis doesn't just go away.
Saged because fuck me she makes me rage
No. 356041
>>356030Waaaaait… how did we get to uncontrollable bleeding? 3 units of blood per fourteen days works out to about 107ml blood loss PER DAY. I cannot possibly imagine someone losing that amount of blood without it being painfully evident. We are talking three shot glasses of blood. She would literally be constantly creating a puddle of it under herself.
I have an extremely difficult time believing that someone who does not have low platelets and does not have an identified coagulopathy can lose that much blood in that little time. Just, no. It does not happen in the real world, no matter how special you are.
No. 356042
>>355988It's kinda funny she complains about her hair loss because most of the drugs are anti-TNF monoclonal antibodies. Unlike chemo, which simply kills all fast dividing cells including white blood cells that are involved in the autoimmune cascade, anti-TNF drugs and other MABs are extremely selective and as such don't cause significant hair loss.
But please do milk your fucking RA, a painful and unpleasant but hardly lethal and super dramatic disease.
No. 356043
>>356042she also claims to be on two antiTNFs…suspect.
(sage for PLing: infliximab made my hair go thin, but i definitely didn't go bald. anyone claiming that is talking out of their ass)
the main issue i have with this particular post is that it's just a really, really shit drawing.
No. 356045
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I am the anon who wrote the post that Kelly is so incredibly upset about. A post that described how her Munchie antics have affected my real life.
DARVO, much? Reverse victim and offender?
Kelly, if you are reading this, I don't want you to be upset. I don't want your apology. I want you to seek help. Someday you will have to make amends but first you will have to decide on the life you want. Go get your surgery and pretend it cured you, and stop putting other people through pain, betrayal and the generally shit feelings that come with being the victim of an emotional predator.
Yes, I bet the attention was good. But you know what? You don't need to be sick to get attention. Get attention for your ballet, your writing or anything you love to do, but not for faking an illness.
Hundreds of people believed you. I know a few personally, and I know that once they put two and two together and saw you were faking, their hearts broke. Much like mine did. You don't know how this betrayal feels until you've been subjected to it. I hope nobody ever hurts you this way.
I don't bear you any ill-will. I just know that a lot of my friends are fighting for their lives, and the last thing they need is unnecessary drama.
Kelly, after thirty-six years on this planet, I can say that you are the first person who made me feel utterly betrayed and exploited. I don't even know you that well but I feel utterly empty and heartbroken. I remember checking your Instagram every minute on my honeymoon (!) because you had your seizures. I was worried sick about you.
I know you're sick (just not with a blood disorder), and so I'm trying not to be mad at you. I am disappointed by how you handled all of this - I hoped you would stand up and admit what you have done, apologize and disappear, living a life that perhaps does not require constant asspats from fellow Munchies on Instagram. Instead, you concluded people on this board are horrible and out to get you, and sought solace with your enablers.
I might sound harsh, but it seems I care more for you than they do.
You still have a future. You can still be someone, you're young. I beg you, take this offer. Save face by saying the surgery cured you if need be, and start living life. Love on your cat. Get a hobby. Dance. Get help. Ask for your port to be removed.
And next time you screenshot my posts to show how horrible I am, at least screenshot the whole thing, not just the parts that make you look like the victim. Go show your followers what the effects of your actions were.
I'm praying for you.(sage this blog)
No. 356072
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I found a new account by Shelbie from mutuals. wonder what utter bullshit she's posting on there, especially after her "my illnessez are sooper speshual but my doctors won't treat me so I'm going to kill myself" and "I'm The Sickest Spoonieâ„¢ so I can't work anymore and I need moniez" tantrums. anyone have access?
No. 356073
>>356045You write "sage" in the email field, leave the name field blank, Sage changes the colour of "anonymous" and identifies a comment as being a response to an existing comment.
In the world of KR You're one of a thousand, a kind deed never goes unpunished etc etc. Never question your own integrity but by all means continue to question others.
No. 356081
>>356058I'm sorry. You're perfectly right. And normally I wouldn't have blogged. However, given the steady line of WKs trying to present this whole affair as something that's none of our business, that's between Kelly and her docs, that's quintessentialy a victimless crime even if she was Munchieing it up, I felt it was necessary to show an opposite position. Consider that most Munchies think that as long as they don't accept money donations, there's no harm and no foul. But the reality is very different and perhaps they themselves need to come to understand that.
Sorry for fucking up the sageing.
No. 356097
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>>356072Latest shelbie post. Not too much on other than BP readings and the amazing fentynl patch which helps her eat despite her really bad GP. There would be a lot less sooper spoonies cured of GP is if it was solely down to pain relief.
Sage for: New lurker not sure of her history
No. 356102
>>>356080Assuming that would be the case, I'd expect to see low platelets (she's getting PRC but not plts), as well as some systemic explanation and bleeds everywhere else. There's no super severe fibroids thingy that never clots and pours out three drams of claret a day. Only a clotting disorder could explain that, but then where are the bruises, the gastric bleeds, the blood in the poo and the nosebleeds?
Bottom line: she's making shit up.
No. 356103
>>356097"My illness that consists of a smooth muscle moving too slowly has improved from taking a medication that makes smooth muscles move even faster!"
Filed under: "getting shot in the head fixed my headache"
No. 356148
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I made a shitty collage of MyBlondeVoyage's prescription medications from the clinic (see next post). I'm sure some of these aren't meant to be taken together. Also she's on Lithium for its supposed anti-viral properties too.
No. 356151
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The medications MBV is on for her ~neurolyme~.
No. 356159
>>356151Fuck me. She'll be zonked out. That's THREE gabaergics, an opioid and a sedating first generation antipsychotic. Jesus. This is enough to lay flat a large animal, never mind MBV. Never mind also that prescribing an opioid with a benzo is a bad idea - these are the weakest of each, but still. She will get incredibly fat incredibly quickly and she'll next complain about debilitating fatigue, I bet.
Also, I've never seen gaba5 and Lyrica prescribed together save for epileptics who also had social anxiety (the only use of pregabalin that gabapentin doesn't do).
I'm shocked.
No. 356161
>>356159Anon who posted the pic, here.
I agree with you. I've been/am on some of these drugs, and it struck me as either dangerous, overkill, or untrue (but how else would she have them?).
No. 356184
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>>356064Not sure if seen before! Looks like she played the sickness bingo and is waiting for more diagnosis to get a full house!
More worried about getting to comic-con than dealing with her many issues
No. 356186
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>>356184Vogmask check! No spoonie is right without one!
No. 356210
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Looks like Jacquie is upping her munchie game she's now getting a custom light weight wheelchair that she really didn't want but her doctor said she needs it. It's in her YouTube so I cannot screen shot it. After she just got a brand new pink walker to match everything else she has cause it's piiiiink. Also wish she would stop taking about how ethical of a service dog handler she is. I'm not even entirely sure how well her badly bred service dog can see outta its poor eyes. Which is what the picture is of is that poor dogs poor eyes.
No. 356219
>>356210Unfortunately I think it's starving to death. A few months back, she had a whole post about how she put her dog on a raw vegetables only diet. Ever since, it's been steadily looking sadder and more skeletal. Which is why I refuse to go through her insta anymore, she's hurting a defenseless animal that I'm sure loves her very much.
(Before anyone starts WKing, dogs are meant to eat more than vegetables. They are not herbivores.)
No. 356225
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My heart…
No. 356242
>>356199Looks like she really finally took
>>356045 advice, however there is a new screen name in IG just no posts yet! Also agree that she really should have shared the entire original post from them as well bc that just shows even more the " poor me, why me" and if you saw all the comments everyone was asking why does she even lurk here, and if she thinks the people who keep sending her screenshots are friends, I'd definitely re-evaluate that friendship
No. 356245
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>>356199Kek. Sure kelly, someone hacked and deleted you.
No. 356254
>>356064What is jozies new account?
I know she has a personal account that she has kept private (although she does declare herself a spoonie in the bio) and I think she does restrict who she actually accepts.
I miss that milk and am so curious what ended up happening to her
No. 356268
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How many accounts does Kelly have?
No. 356273
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>>355530>>356268Her insta is still showing for me. I just took this.
No. 356283
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>>356273Someone apparently hacked her account.
No. 356285
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If her blood disorder is as easily solved as taking some new medication and having a hysterectomy, it isn't that "rare", and certainly doesn't make her a "medical mystery".
No. 356292
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guess who's back in A+E again!
i swear she's in A+E more often than i am, and i work there.
spoonies love a personalised Care Plan…it doesn't make you speshul, it means you're a pain in the ass and you're wasting staff time.
No. 356300
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>>356024I also thought that at first, but some followers keep questioning her Endo diagnosis. Sadly she keeps deleting and blocking everyone who dares to question her. Unless she likes you of course!
>>356042You ain't getting sympathy points unless you make even a papercut into something super dramatic. Sadly she's pretty good at milking
Attached picture? She asks fellow spoonie accounts on instagram for help instead of going to the doctor. Prior she always wrote that this is just her gastritis. Now she thinks that she might have gastroparesis. Hydromorphone(she takes it) slowes down the bowel and I don't think she's taking something that can prevent this. She wrote that she has to throw up after a few bites for a few month now and this whole story seems really fishy. What's wrong with her? When you can barely eat without throwing up you should see a doctor and not go on instagram and ask for help.
Something from the comment section? Suddenly the RA attacks her teeth and eyes. No doctor confirmed it yet. Her teeth are brittle and they hurt. Don't know what happened to her lungs, but I guess she simply forgot that she could barely take the stairs a few weeks ago.
No. 356303
>>356292Nicole just can't get enough of dat sweet validation. Even if she really is now firmly in the "you're making it worse for yourself" camp. She's even admitted all of her physical things are psychogenic; I'm guessing the vomiting is probably her ability to make herself purge without needing to trip her gag reflex.
Why can't she accept that now that her symptoms have no biological basis, she is not as important as someone with conditions like epilepsy or whatnot.
Ffs, it really is because of cows like this that I'm stopping pursuing treatment for my illnesses. I'd rather die in 5-10ish years than go through the constant care-management and be continually exposed to dipshits like Nicole.
No. 356313
>>356292"Giving them helpful tips"
Oh, you think THAT's what a PCCSP does? HAHAHAHA cute.
Seriously, these dipshits all think that they're so super interesting, the privilege of treating them is some great educational experience and they're so special that we need 'tips' to manage them. No. Half the time, we do PCCSPs to make sure that you yourself agree to a plan to treat you in a particular way because we know that you do not need that treatment, but don't want to be on the hook when your Munchie antics finally catch up with you. We can then easily point at the PCCSP and say 'hey, we agreed with you this is what we'll do to you, you signed off on this'. Have it your way, as my colleagues with an English degree would say.
No. 356321
>>356312She makes me madder than most of the spoonies, even if she is sick (totally possible, at least I'd hope her doctors that sign off on her shit aren't doing all her invasive things unnecessarily). She milks her illness more than anyone. You don't need a damn dog with EDS, or one of those masks for mast cell (sage: because I have the same conditions she claims, but I don't want people to look at me and see a sick person!).
Sage for blogging and rage posting
No. 356322
>>356321Yea the similarities are way too close. And the way she talks too is so annoying. "I need a wheelchair for my POTS because my POTS makes me pass out because I have POTS did I mention I have POTS?"
The doctor probably wants her in a wheelchair so it'll make her shut up about her symptoms because she won't be walking
No. 356328
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Does anyone else find it unusual that her stepfather is always polishing her toenails? I know this is totally off-topic, just was wondering if anyone else found that a little unusual…
Sage for sorta OTT
No. 356331
> even if she is sick (totally possible, at least I'd hope her doctors that sign off on her shit aren't doing all her invasive things unnecessarily).I think people overestimate how much objective evidence doctors have and underestimate how dependent we are on history. The problem of the patient with FII is that their history is intentionally misleading. Most patients with FII are not dumb - they are, in fact, on the whole, above average in terms of intelligence. That helps them pull off their little tricks, ranging from simply lying to actually fabricating clinical documentation. When a patient gives you a discharge note or a letter from another doctor, you're unlikely to have the time to go through it in detail, double-triple-crosscheck it against her file, make sure that her shit is real, call up the doctor to confirm etc. As such, they can get away with a lot. And what are the consequences? Due to confidentiality regulations, I cannot share it with another doctor if I found a patient to have lied to me or falsified documentation. The consequences for a Munchie are non-existent, most of all because nobody wants to risk accusing someone of being a Munchie who might have something actually physically wrong with them.
So when you have 30 minutes to see a patient, listen to their tale of woe and decide what to do with them and put it into a computer system that crashes every five seconds, then short of blatant bullshit (misspellings, obviously unclinical language, etc.), there's not much more that we can do other than believe what we're shown (BTW, there have been cases when docs saw letters from another doc and called the patient on having fabricated it, only for it to turn out that the doc literally wrote that badly and unclinically. It happens.). And so, these sick fucks exploit this and the innate compassion of those in the medical profession who see a patient in distress (most are so good at feigning it!) and they get their sick fucking satisfaction from that.
No. 356337
>>356321>You don't need a damn dog with EDS, or one of those masks for mast cellas much as I despise jacquie and agree she kills her illnesses and likely doesn't need a bunch of her shit I'm gonna have to stop you there. just because
you do not benefit from these things for your illnesses does not mean they are not beneficial to other people who have them. I know this is a munchie thread but there are many people with legitimate EDS that
can and do very much benefit from their service dogs. but not everyone with EDS needs one and that's what drives me crazy about so many people with them. many of the SD handlers (especially owner trainers) think that their speshul condishuns make them eligible for a SD when half the time their illnesses aren't disabling. but no the people with EDS who are very much limited with their daily tasks have every right to "have a damn dog"
sage for blogging
No. 356339
>>356337er *milks her illnesses
sage for incompetence at proofreading
No. 356341
>>356337It does seem like another thing she's copying from the Frey Life, at least to me. I know Mary has her SD to lean on him while she's coughing, and I believe Jaquie said she uses her dog to lean on when she's feeling weak. Could be a coincidence but idk if she's mentioned other reasons for him. Should be an emotional service animal.
Sage for whatever
No. 356344
File: 1500584985988.png (700.68 KB, 934x592, wtfnicole.png)

And Nicole is starting to slide back into her psychosomatic props again.
>I'm trying so hard without the tube. I'm still trying to eat even though it's becoming so hard to motivate myself.
Boo fucking hoo Nicole. You don't get a fucking NG tube because you find it emotionally or mentally distressing to engage in the act of eating. That's why you need to fucking keep going to therapy.
And you need to be receptive to that therapy! Not just blocking it off in some corner of your mind, knowing that it will never help. Because that kind of defeatist attitude is going to make you so much more of a malingering fuckwit than you already are.
And 4th appearance to the emergency room in that week? Good fucking god, talk about a frequent flier. I have epilepsy, and I've only been in the ER twice in three years. You seem to not understand how people with severe conditions engage with the medical process: we don't hoover resources like some shitty Charybdis.
No. 356356
>>356315>>356301How can a belly swell like this?
(I thought that the thing underneath the red line looks like a butt)
Is the belly button between the cheeks/testicles or whatever? This doesn't make any sense.
No. 356358
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>>356285Top kek, she changed it
No. 356360
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Morgan's up to her old shenanigans after being evaluated and declined for hospice services, haha.
She's currently obssessing over trying and failing to sleep. According to this post, an entire wheelbarrow full of meds isn't enough to induce sleep for her, but of course nothing BUT meds will work.
Also waking up to pee 15-25 times a night. Listen, my guy, even when I had hypercalcemia-induced polyuria, I got up maybe two or three times a night to pee. It sounds like her anxiety is making her feel like she needs to pee more. It's astonishing that hasn't occurred to her.
No. 356370
>>356358"not so rare blood disorder"
Christ alive, Kelly. It's not a blood disorder if the derangement is in your behavioral patterns. Exsanguination isn't a blood disorder, anymore than a gunshot wound to the head is a neurological disorder.
No. 356373
>>356372No, that's exactly what hospice means here too. Morgan (and her MBP mom) were so wrapped up in her pretend illnesses they were sure they would get greenlit for hospice.
Unfortunately for them, the only thing dying is Morgan's sanity, and the meltdown post is now deleted that contained being denied hospice and encouraged to work on healthier living habits.
No. 356377
>>356341Everything she does is a copy and she laps up the attention and asspats.
Starving her dog is worst of all, though. Hope she never has a kid or it'll turn into MBP.
No. 356378
>>356358Fucking hell. Globally, anaemia affects 1.62 billion people (that's around 24.8% of the population). You're not special Kelly. It's not that big of a deal. You have anemia. Big fucking deal. So do 1.62 billion people.
Sage for rage
No. 356380
>>356372Hospice is hard to get on and you have to WANT to be on it. When you get on hospice you have to sign paperwork saying you don't want any further medical investigation or recussitstion. I refused to sign it when I was in multiorgan failure because I wasn't ready to give up. I made the right decision on account of how I'm not dead.
Hospice is sometimes the right choice, but it's always a choice. You don't just get forced on it by your doctors and you have to be on death's door, especially when you're young.
No. 356413
>>356377learn how to sage, newfag
(hint: write sage in the email field, not the name field)
sage for exasperation and ot
No. 356423
File: 1500594228263.jpg (155.86 KB, 740x1017, IMG_1492.JPG)

>>356064So her CRPS is so bad she requires ketamine infusions now, but in the past week or two she's made several posts about being back to ballet. Also getting iv infusions for pots. The bullshit and manipulation is strong with this one.
No. 356429
>>356360i just clicked on her page and the first post i saw about the 1-10 pain scale and all the comments are equally stupid.
i know people experience pain differently and everyone has a different threshold but if 10 is the limit of "cannot function, cannot think of anything but the pain", then just say fucking 10 to your doctor. saying 20 makes you sound like a whiney baby. sorry to be pedantic, but they started it.
and not trying to be insensitive to people with chronic pain.
No. 356451
File: 1500598539159.png (734.45 KB, 750x1334, IMG_9559.PNG)

Oh my god. She makes my damn blood boil!!! I swear to god if they give her a PEG I will go out of my mind!!!
No. 356465
>>356451I wouldn't be surprised if her 'accepting' that there is a psychosomatic element in her vomiting might be basically her realizing that she could either fight to prove an organic cause that isn't there and lose, or admit that the cause is psychosomatic but because therapy takes time blah blah she needs a PEG/J to keep her going in the meantime because hungry Munchie can't focus on therapy.
I think she didn't make progress, she just figured out how to play the system. And most of us here.
No. 356477
>>356466Sage for blogging:
I use saline for pots, but I'd already tried meds (nearly all available), and I still take two different meds on top of it. It was definitely a last resort, and it's not glamorous as the spoonies claim. It's boring and time consuming and there's a risk of infection. And it's not special either, anyone can get dehydrated and go to the er and get saline
No. 356540
>>356288Fun fact: the term hysteria actually originates from the greek word for uterus, because at the time "psychologists"believed that only women could have hysteria and that it was because of their "womb" and that removing it would cure their hysteria. Hence hysterectomy. Just some comedic irony haha
sage for OT and random facts
No. 356587
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>>356451Why the hell do you care so much about the lives of strangers? Find a new hobby.
No. 356596
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No. 356599
>>356219Not WKing, but she isn't feeding the dog just raw vegetables. A raw diet includes mostly raw meat, as well as raw bones and raw fruits/veggies. If you scroll back far enough on her Instagram, there's chunks of meat in the food bowl.
Sage for rawdiet-fagging
No. 356643
>>356587You might want to read through this thread for a few stories of what these assholes have done to the lives of other people.
Or do they not matter? Is sperging about your precious spoonie Munchie buddies all that's worth caring about?
No. 356779
>>356599And she also had to supposedly take the dog to the vet a week back because she forgot to give it bones and the dog almost had liquid shits all over Walmart because of it. And if you're that bad medically that you can't properly remember how to raw feed your dog you have no business raw feeding your dog. Also chunks of meat does not a raw diet make. Raw diets have to consist of so much organ meat, meat meat, bones and a very very small amount of fruit and veg. Which originally she was saying that fruit and veg counted as bone until people were pointing out she was doing it wrong. She deleted commments and switched the diet around a bit.
Sage for raw food fagging
No. 356787
>>356776From her bloods and the fact that she only needs packed reds rather than platelets etc., I would surmise she claims her anemia specifically involves only the proerythroblastic cell line, and as such both white blood cells and platelets are generally normal, hence no bruising and no infection risk.
What is more interesting about the absence of bruises is that her argument claims she is somehow losing lots of blood through her uterus. That volume of blood loss is only possible through a coagulopathy. But then, one would expect bruises and bleeding everywhere else.
Bottom line, Kelly is making shit up.
No. 356831
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And the cow killed her own sob story :(
On this picture it's clearly visible, that way too tight trousers caused all of it. Or maybe not? Who knows.
What I think is the funniest thing? Her dose of Rituximab isn't this high for her RA and she claims that she's gaining weight from it. According to her photos she is still pretty slim
No. 356887
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No. 356889
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>>356632You probably think autism is fake too.
No. 356893
File: 1500655893207.png (744.08 KB, 934x598, Screenshot 2017-07-21 18.40.11…)

Am I the only person here more than a little concerned, but also amused, by the emergence of new woo-woo clinics to cater for the sooperspeshul needs of spoonies?
I mean, reading this, I've toyed with the idea of setting up a hospital specialising just in spoonies. Everybody would be treated like the special snowflake they are and they would be getting super special only-one-in-the-world just-for-the-most-severe-cases treatments (IV saline with various colourful dyes and sugar pills with long names). We would run meaningless but expensive tests, reduce the normal range thereby ensuring that virtually everyone will have something wrong with them, and treat them to long inpatient stays where we give them pointless therapies like 'oxygen therapy' (bitch, if your sats are >95, oxygen is not gonna do shit for you). Nurses would be standing by to take instagram shots at your request. Not only would we cash in, it would also relieve some of the pressure these cunts create on the healthcare system.
Then I saw I'm too late and apparently some of these places exist. See attached image. Hansa, the place she's referring to, is the Hansa Center for Optimum Health (, a woo clinic treating such serious conditions as MCS (doesn't exist), adrenal fatigue (doesn't exist) and various other shit these people love to whine about. And, I presume, making a mint.
No. 356896
File: 1500656026481.png (478.79 KB, 807x594, Screenshot 2017-07-21 18.53.08…)

The point of a hospital is to NOT have found a 'home' there, you codependent, Munchie fuck!
No. 356898
File: 1500656207903.png (74.01 KB, 328x496, Screenshot 2017-07-21 18.45.40…)

What the shitfuck is 'histamine intolerance' anyway? The fucking point of histamine is to be intolerant to it! Jesus Christ these people.
No. 356903
File: 1500656436797.gif (8.37 MB, 300x300, 2ATqf1w.gif)

mfw people respond to the spammer
No. 357001
>>356587I appreciate the mods banning the ban evader/spammer, but is it possible to delete the meme posts? Those are obnoxious when I have to scroll past them to read anything relevant to the thread.
These are memes a fourteen year old posts…
No. 357072
File: 1500670052699.png (637.85 KB, 965x576, othernicole.png)

I really hope that at some point, Kelly and her band of psychos realize that spam posting in an old school message board isn't going to stop anyone here. It's pretty common for dem early 00s imageboards, and I've never seen /b/ taken down.
On topic, take a gander at this other Nicole, who has Lyme, fibro, and some mysterious illness caused by black mold. So we are edging into the trifecta of made up shit, tbh.
She takes copious pictures of her chest port, and claims to have "end stage Lyme". If only God would be so good and rid her of either her presence or her delusions.
No. 357108
>>357103Why haven't they been banned yet?
No. 357110
File: 1500671148135.png (564.43 KB, 815x595, othernicole2.png)

>>357072Lyme!Nicole is jut as fun as Kelly it seems! Although her (normal/healthy BP) of 85/50, she claims her doc made her stay 90 more minutes for… saline? Because this would help correct a healthy blood pressure?
Of course her response was to go "pole dancing" with the IV bag in the hall. Of course it was.
No. 357124
>>357072>>357110The woo is strong with this one. Is it actually possible to pump ozone into your bloodstream through an IV infusion? I can safely say I have never heard of that for a treatment for anything.
Glutathione is more woo, and according to Google, "Glutathione is an important antioxidant in plants, animals, fungi, and some bacteria and archaea."
So she's medicalizing supplements and woo by making them pump it into her eating disordered, self-induced fragile body. You go girl.
No. 357135
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>>357127I am super bummed out that she actually has a baby that needs her care. He actually looks more sick than she does. So I'm guessing she's probably both a massive narcissist and a munchie, and by flaunting and dramatizing her illnesses, takes the attention away from her son. Jesus. This is worse than the girl with the staring dog.
No. 357136
File: 1500672150527.jpg (40.51 KB, 480x480, IMG_1866.JPG)

Does whom ever is posting these "hilarious" Memes realize they can post as many as they like, this thread isn't going anywhere, and it is not going to end after this one! There will be another one following this one and so on etc! Truly just goes to show that these "spoonies" have way too much time on their hands when not clogging up the doctor's offices and trying to memorize WebMD!
is this Kelly's big "take down"? Hey Kelly aren't you overdue for a transfusion (or maybe a psych evaluation )
No. 357150
File: 1500673763800.png (431.35 KB, 2048x1207, IMG_0132.PNG)

Why is it that these assholes have convinced themselves they're DYINGGGGGG and when you tell them that no, on the whole, they're fine and they'll live almost as long as everyone else, they freak out as if you told a normal person they have a terminal illness? They're so attached to the role of being sick, they regard health almost as a curse.
Being potentially terminally ill as a young person was not fun. Stop craving it, you risk getting your wish :/
No. 357193
File: 1500678785961.png (609.84 KB, 813x584, othernicole5.png)

>>357135"I welcome death for my minor and/or factitious illnesses! Notice me!!!"
Seriously? Dying because of exposure to mold and having fibro?
She's all surface and no depth. There seems to be little genuine emotion in there. She's just an empty, vacuous hole sucking the energy out of everything and everything, with her constant litany of NEED NEED NEED.
No. 357403
>>357390LOL everything here was posted by Kelly and is publicly available. Just how dumb can she get?
Funny, she did not screenshot the posts where people discussed the impact she had on their lives. Oh no, lolcow is full of bullies, god forbid her spoonie flock were to think about what their pretending is doing to others!
No. 357413
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>>355530The novelty of Kelly's bullshit has worn off to the point that nobody even comments on her whine about the farm.
Incidentally, who the fuck is Keith Paulien? Is that whom she suspects to leak on her? Did poor dummy not realise these posts are all public?
No. 357458
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>>355770This site has been a light for me as well. I found her through a mutual follower and thought her case was interesting, but then things weren't adding up. I was especially put off around time she randomly started getting transfusion reactions and blaming it on blood bank mistakes. As a generalist in a laboratory, one reaction is done thing (low incidence antigen perhaps?), but to have reaction after reaction after reaction, it just didn't make sense. And then as quickly as it started, it stopped! She was suddenly able to tolerate her transfusions and never once exclaimed the cause.
Then when she found this site, and how she responded to its content, super attention-seeking. Doesn't care at all, but obsessively clings to everything that's said. Nose up to it, then has a meltdown and shares a video of her sobbing so badly she can't breath. The empty threats are what really get me. "Srsly gonna get the site taken down. Only a matter of time, just wait for it, it's coming!!" Yeah, okay, Kelly. If you have such a knack for shutting down websites within a week, why don't you put those powers to better use and worry about things that actually harm people.
(New poster here and not sure if anything I wrote goes against the rules, also not fully clear on how/when to sage - don't hate me pls.)
No. 357463
>>355980I posted this up at the end of the last not even noticing it was the end.
Ok so my mum had anemia and after a few tests they found the fibroids. All together it took like max two months to discover the issue. She was then told to stop drinking tea and they put her on a birth control that contained iron supplements in it. The birth control unfortunately didnt shrink the fibroids like they expected so she was scheduled for D&C with ablation. Basically they took out the fibroids and burned the lining of her uterus. No hysterectomy needed! They continued iron supplements until her iron levels came back up. She hasnt had a problem since. So im actually really confused why the med is so expensive? And why a hysterectomy is needed? Im kind of concerned for her that supposedly her doctors want to mame her with a surgery when it isnt needed… surgery no matter what is dangerous first off but two hysterectomys can have long lists of complications.
Sage for blogging
No. 357475
File: 1500733291196.jpg (69.13 KB, 730x852, IMG_1510.JPG)

>>357395Sorry anon I fell asleep before I could post. Here's one alluding that she went to her local news, I believe
No. 357521
File: 1500742027886.png (323.94 KB, 509x897, wtf.png)

Kelly are you okay?
No. 357524
File: 1500742335065.png (251.76 KB, 495x921, wtf2.png)

Kelly are you having a stroke? Why are you pretending you need to register accounts here? Why are you on instead of Don't you realize that the only way you could've gotten banned was by posting here? Maybe Admin should release the reason you're banned. Have you been drinking? Why are you typing so weird and playing stupid? Kelly I'm worried.
No. 357534
>>357524I'm trying to figure out who K
* P (the obscured name) is, and why she is directly replying. What's the story here?
No. 357544
>>357463Yeah, the whole thing is bullshit. I suspect she realized at some point that people are onto her; she's in too deep with her lies and games, and she needed some gracexcuse to get out of this and try to save face, hence the new problem. As other anons have said, there is ZERO chance this could have been going on without her noticing. Docs would have specifically asked her about abnormal bleeding during the initial differential diagnostic processes, and likely every subsequent consult with other clinicians. There are standard protocols for potential causes and risk factors for different anemias and abnormal bleeding is a no-brainer/first-line query. There is just no way they would have overlooked addressing menses/abnormal vaginal bleeding. Since there has been ZERO mention of this for years, and Kelly has claimed to have some "sooper cereal speshul mystery illnuss yew guise," to go from that to "Oh! Uterine fibroids! How 'bout that?!" is highly suspect. I am 99% certain she is autoexsanguinating. As for fibroid treatment options, there are a litany of potential interventions available, and an order to which one typically pursues them. Each clinician may favor one treatment over another, but still there is a process. You generally try the least invasive, least-risky treatments first unless they are contraindicated. In Kelly's case, medication options such as leuprolide (GnRH agonist) to induce menopause, or embolizing the uterine artery, or ablation like your mom had…there are many treatment options. Hysterectomy is the last resort and would be avoided at all costs in someone like Kelly due to her age and increased risks associated with surgery due to her anemia (the irony).
No. 357560
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JBN's team decided in "her best interest " to start NG feeds again … the fact that she's been in hospital more than she's actually attended her therapy sessions, how could she be making any sort of progress? Cant overcome or make any sort of breakthrough with an eating disorder- excuse me, disordered eating/ psychosomatic symptoms if you don't put the work in and then instead just obsess over food and your symptoms
No. 357571
>>357560Yep, I expected this. Turns out, as she's coming to realize, that among Munchies, nobody gives a fuck save very cursorily abut a success story. So she's back to generating drama. She's already found the magic words to utter - 'quality of life', guiding 'her team' slowly down on the path of a permanent feeding tube.
I guess she was unable to stand not being the sickest for five minutes.
No. 357573
File: 1500748523956.png (113.49 KB, 1032x960, IMG_0144.PNG)

I see Kelly is still here… lol.
No. 357581
File: 1500749276097.png (106.3 KB, 1015x936, IMG_0145.PNG)

Christ, Kelly, you're dense.
"Not adding up" means just what it says on the tin: it is not consistent with human physiology. I get it, you fancy yourself some super special case and think that you can make up anything and everyone will have to go along with it because you're soooper speshul. For some reason I don't understand, you managed to dupe your medical team for a while. I am sure it gave you the kick and the satisfaction you wanted, a ray of light and excitement amidst a life of mediocrity. Are you feeling proud, having duped everyone? Do you get satisfaction out of deceiving smarter people? You could never possibly aspire to a career in medicine, so you prove to yourself how much smarter you are by deceiving people who work hard to save your life? How do you think those people will feel when it all falls apart, as it inevitably will, and sooner than you'd expect?
In medicine, "not adding up" is not the sign of "small brains" (excuse me, Kelly, what exactly are your credentials to talk about small brains? If you were any good at anything, you would not have had to create this little charade and live off being a soooper brave spoonie warrior!), it's a colloquialism for an "inconsistent presentation", which virtually always means the patient is making shit up, intentionally or unintentionally.
You know, this would be a funny little game if it weren't for the fact that a lot of things will be hurt by your lies once it all unravels. Doctors who devoted strength and compassion to curing you will be left empty and hurt. Blood donors will turn away. Genuinely sick people who helped you or donated you or supported you will be heartbroken.
I applaud you for wanting an exit strategy via the hysterectomy, but I think we deserve the truth, and he longer you stretch this, the worse it will get for everyone.
Oh, and factual reasons for why your claimed story is just physiologically impossible have been laid out over and over and over and over again, but of course you don't screenshot those for your followers, lest they themselves start to think about the gaping holes in your story.
No. 357617
>>357604That's because most people are believe her sooper speshul medicuhl stowy. Many of us believed it (see
>>355770 and
>>355972 and
>>356045). I know for me things started to make me uncomfortable with how she would respond to every single negative comment and go completely OTT with it. Then, when she started talking about how the staff at the hospital started accusing her of lying and stuff, I started to question it too. Bladder problems, seizures, random non-specific "allergic" reactions, and some sooper rare undiscovered and completely physiologically impossible medical blood mystery (self described by Kelly here
>>356358). And then the reaction to gossip online? Jeeeezus. We're literally just a bunch of fucks sitting around bitching about people, nothing more. Why the fuck must there be such a theatrical response?
No. 357635
>>357604When you look at her profile, she responds to things we write here since she's blocked from engaging on this platform. So she has all these random and nonsensical posts riddled throughout her feed with absolutely no context. Her friends are always confused and she rarely lets them know wtf she's on about. She's a mess.
Kelly, it's hilarious that you consistently asked people on here if they had lives outside of this website while you responded to my post earlier within minutes! My time zone is three hours ahead of yours which means you felt the dire need to respond to me on your personal page at like 6 am. Kettle, meet pot.
No. 357681
File: 1500760075571.gif (25.76 KB, 300x295, IMG_1870.GIF)

I think Nicole's tube is nothing more than a security blanket, she needs more therapy (actually going not appearing in hospital a few days before) not the NG. Also the fact that she is allowed to self insert the NG is beyond crazy to me, especially since she has dissociation episodes, the fact a doctor is ok with that is a bit odd!
Her vomiting is psychosomatic but for some reason the tube "tricks" her brain so she's able to get some sort of nutrition in (since she's SO exhausted from not eating/lack of nutrition)
I'm sure eventually that will fail though and she'll need an NJ or a surgical alternative sigh Was i the only one kind of actually rooting for her? She just seems to want a quick fix and with psychological/somatic/functional/ whatever you want to call it, there's not always going to be a quick fix - you have to WORK at it …
No. 357823
>>357642Wow, you're right. It's sort of weird that she claims WE are the ones harassing her but when we move onto someone else, she spergs out and talks about this thread to bring herself up as a topic again.
>>357782This. It causes weight loss. And I don't understand why people think the frey life is milking her illness. She has CF, a pretty serious disease that kills a lot of people.
No. 357839
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If anyone's wondering, CFers are automatically dealt a shitty hand
No. 357849
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Kek, when did MLS become a "Medical Mystery" ?
No. 357871
>>357720If Kelly is planning or has gone to the news with her condition and her gofundme, she should look up Stelianos Psaroudakis. He's a man who received an injury from a barbed wire fence and made up a story about how he was biking in a public area and he hit the fence and his $5000 bike was stolen. The thing is, there was never a bike and he was never in the area he claimed to be. His story had elements of truth- he did have an injury- but it was mostly lies.
I only bring this up because Kelly's story is falling apart much in the same way as Stelianos'. She currently only has a small group of people scrutinizing her. Lolcow is nothing. If she goes to the news and her story and fundraiser blows up, you can bet that people outside of the weird overlap between the chronic illness and the bitchy 4chan refugees are going to start asking questions.
No. 357886
Has anyone seen this?? March of 2016, saying Kelly is 30 years old. I also find it interesting that they didn't even interview her doctors for the segment. She said they said they don't know the cause. Huh.
No. 357889
File: 1500778291150.png (23.5 KB, 507x272, kellyfb.PNG)

Kelly still waxing incoherent on her Facebook. Even her friends have no idea what she's on about.
No. 357937
File: 1500782322792.png (660.44 KB, 1536x2048, hmg3.png)

HypermobileGuy has realized that not all attention is good attention. Let's see how long this "not talking about my health" lasts…
No. 357938
File: 1500782589391.png (737.06 KB, 640x1136, mbv11.png)

Some more woo from MyBlondeVoyage and the disreputable clinic.
No. 357939
File: 1500782679495.png (3.91 MB, 1536x2048, mbv12.png)

> more pills make you look more sick
No. 357941
File: 1500782716061.png (1.84 MB, 1536x2048, mbv13.png)

Of course she's asking for other stories/symptoms to mimic.
No. 357953
>>357888LOL :)
(In case it was a serious question, what she means is that she's having, or pretends to have, more and more hypersensitivity reactions to transfusions)
No. 357954
File: 1500783469787.png (111.99 KB, 640x890, IMG_0428.PNG)

>>357947Antivirals are like antibiotics, somewhat specific to the virus being treated. Valtrex won't do shit for mono
Sage for medfagging
No. 357956
>>357954Eh, valaciclovir is under investigation as a treatment for mono, with some very inconclusive results - it has some positive virological results but no real placebo controlled clinical trials have proven its efficacy against mono: money is on any doctor who is disreputable enough to run a woo clinic to also be quite content prescribing a more recent and thus non-generic and more expensive antiviral, even if the evidence is less robust.
Sage for countermedfagging.
No. 357957
>>357955Yeah that's a possibility. It's still hilarious that she posted that, since the most well know use (due to many annoying commercials back in the day) is genital herpes. Even if it's for cold sores it isn't the kind of thing I would want to brag about.
Of course that's just me
No. 357973
>>357937Probably about as long as JBN lasted
(Not very)
No. 357975
File: 1500784827287.png (1.29 MB, 1242x2208, IMG_9506.PNG)

So Kelly took a screenshot of that comment, looking to be about 13 minutes after it was written, which was nearly a week ago, and is just now posting it to her followers like some sort of revelation. Who's got the small brain now?
No. 357978
>>357975>a person can onlybtske so much>fuvkers like you know nothing about meCrytyping from a 30 year old? Kek.
If she wants us to stop, why does she keep bringing up old posts and dredging herself up on this board?
No. 357981
File: 1500785283635.png (119.74 KB, 640x860, IMG_8966.PNG)

>>357975The comments are priceless. People are getting so sick of it.
No. 358002
File: 1500786517989.png (30.81 KB, 637x231, IMG_8968.PNG)

>>357975Samefagging but holy cow… this comment she got on that post is right on the money.
No. 358005
File: 1500786778219.png (113.61 KB, 640x1104, IMG_8970.PNG)

>>358004Tap "No.", not the number.
No. 358018
These are the "all-but-confirmed" Kelly posts:
>>353085>>353056>>353165>>353184>>353199>>353210>>353306>>353307>>353308>>353319>>353320>>353333>>353343>>353351>>353274>>353353>>353354>>353356>>353375(As confirmed here:
>>353757 )
After that, the other ones were:
>>353778 (She called out a farmer directly by name.)
>>353780And some guesses, where the poster makes some spelling errors that seem pretty unique to her:
>>353774 >>353761>>352290>>352634>>353638>>353733>>353724 No. 358020
>>358017She should have just made it private.
Watch now she's going to reactivate it tomorrow and claim she was hacked. Unless her password is "blood", I doubt it.
No. 358028
File: 1500789268434.png (9.54 KB, 609x174, answer.png)

Yep, I think she's going to be claiming that a mean bully hacker got into her Facebook now.
Maybe her password really was "blood".
No. 358042
>>358039She's playing the victim card. That's like, most of these munchies entire lives. When they're a victim every little thing they do, no matter how childish gets applauded and cooed over because other people like to feel empathetic and kind by cooing and clapping and white-knighting.
When you get used to being called brave and special and tough just for existing, being normal and not getting patted on the arse for going to the supermarket feels like someone has robbed you of something precious. They like the lack of responsibility and the reassurance that if everything goes to shit they have a ready excuse and a hospital bed waiting where nobody can be mad at them or expect them to be adults. None of them will ever get better or mature or do anything but wallow around in a stagnant pool of their own making, slowly allowing themselves to get so invested in their lives that they genuinely feel wronged when questioned or held accountable for bad or silly behaviour. It's sad and it's lonely but they seem to love it
No. 358044
File: 1500796171604.jpg (384.65 KB, 749x1011, You_Doodle_2017-07-23T07_49_05…)

>>358039Sorry for the bad photo editing job but this commentor has a great point
No. 358053
>>358044I wonder how long these comments stay up before they mysteriously disappear.
Or until Kelly makes a video crying about them.
No. 358059
>>357782oh my god, don't you know it's possible to have cf and also a mental illness?
Anyway, not saying Mary Frey necessarily belongs in the thread (since her primary complaint isn't in question), but she was only mentioned IN COMPARISON TO CHRONICALLY JAQUIE. sad deluded idiots on GG think Jaquie is better, we know she obviously isn't.
No. 358071
>>357954>>357943>>357957EBV (the virus that causes infectious mononucleosis) is also in the herpesvirus family. Valacyclovir may be effective, as
>>357956 mentioned.
No. 358072
File: 1500802857277.gif (493.61 KB, 200x200, IMG_0106.GIF)

>>358018So basically kelly has been self posting on this thread negatively about herself and other spoonies and then commenting on social media about how everyone is being mean to her.
When the board stops talking about her she makes a new post to bring the discussion back to her.
Can we stop talking about her like we did with JBN to stop giving her the attention she craves?
No. 358079
File: 1500804512375.jpg (316.84 KB, 900x503, wtf.jpg)

Pill porn :D It's her pill breakfast(Tabletten Frühstück).
Caption on the right photo? She went for a walk for like 15 minutes. Her legs starting shaking severely and her heart was beating fast. She might has POTS.
This makes me furious. First she thinks she has Gastroparesis and now POTS? She already has the diagnosis of "Morbus Tietz" and it's not enough for her? When you ain't eating all the mentioned symptoms(no energy, trembling legs, fast heart rate) are normal.
She has RA for 9 years. Under another photo she wrote that she has Gastritis for over 10 years. How can you get chronic gastritis(caused by medicine) at the age of 16 or under?
No. 358081
File: 1500805463838.png (364.5 KB, 1865x1009, IMG_0146.PNG)

Oh God, Kelly is still sperging about that one comment weeks ago and now is playing a pity party.
Yeah, God forbid your beloved enablers saw the posts that set out, in clear medical terms, why you are full of shit and how you have hurt others. Maybe I shall link a few of those. Let's see how many of these lovely people will unconditionally support you when it turns out that you have caused real life harm to real people by your Munchie antics, never mind wasting blood that could have gone to someone in actual medical need. Have you considered someone is probably dead because you needed your biweekly ballet and blood party?
No. 358150
File: 1500813959793.png (564.09 KB, 937x519, wtfkarolyn.png)

On a serious note, why the fuck is Karolyn so crazy? In what universe does it seem to be a good idea and/or chic to turn your docs office into a fashion shoot, and then launch into a meta explanation about how your weird instagramming is totes a statement?
Just why???? She is the human embodiment of the biggest cringe.
No. 358179
File: 1500818935575.png (581.34 KB, 821x594, wtfnicole.png)

And Nicole is back to medsplaining why her super serious psychosomatic complaints totally justify having a feeding tube, and you're just being unfair u guise!!1!
But for real, I like how it's obvious Nicole obsessively checks this thread. Some of her wording about self induced purging is very similar to the stuff on here.
Tell you what, Nicole: you said you were bullied as a girl in high school. As a 24 year old woman, you need to grow up and get over bog-standard bullying, and recognize that we are not bullying you for your weight, and it's your pattern of thinking that is warped and pathological.
You have an eating disorder. You are not going to get pity here by showing your belly and emphasizing how sad and disabled you are. We only see you entrenching yourself more and more in your delusional thought patterns.
Grow the fuck up. Get over yourself. You aren't special, and neither winning pity pageants nor having a psychosomatic condition is going to make you special.
You know what will? Recognizing you have a problem, taking steps to address it, and learning how to flourish without needing absurd amounts of attention.
No. 358185
File: 1500819840820.png (1.42 MB, 1819x749, Screen Shot 2017-07-23 at 16.2…)

So… which one is it now? "This bitch saves herself" or "pay for treatment for my imaginary illnesses that I have largely developed when I realised that without them, I'm just another spoilt affluent white girl who wants to be a rebel and nobody listened to me… but now, I'm disabled AND queer AND now I can go all activist full time, while you pay my bills and healthcare!"
No. 358187
File: 1500820059982.png (516.89 KB, 930x445, Screen Shot 2017-07-23 at 16.1…)

Yeah, Ellie got her priorities right: "Mum, take a photo of me after an incredibly tame intervention that I insisted be performed under GA, and to hell with the costs,* and send it to my rep, because that'll make them somehow rethink things, they're too dumb to know that this was a minor elective procedure!"
*(A port change takes about 15-20 minutes, it's an IR procedure not a surgery, and generally consists of a tiny cut around your clavicle and a somewhat larger one for the pouch where the port goes. I've had this done at least ten times, the last four times I haven't had any analgesia for it, the other times I got a local. Of COURSE she would insist on getting a full GA and then looking as pathetic as possible. Also, getting your lung punctured at port insertions is not something that 'happens', or something that you wouldn't notice, moron.)
No. 358189
>>358179It's not self-induced, in the sense that anorexia is not self-induced. But she had an ED. She has a psychiatric disorder that is affecting her body. I don't know what other term they need to put on it for her to finally fucking accept she does not have gastroparesis or some other condition.
She's (rightly) worried that if she has to come to terms with the fact that it's all in her head (in this case, it really truly is!), people (herself included) will think she should just suck it up, get her head fixed and start eating like a human.
But no, she's going on with these bullshit explanations of what "her team" believes. No sane medic would believe that someone who needs to be tricked into not swallowing food is anything but an eating disordered patient. She does not need an NG that will mask her illness, she needs to go to her fucking therapy, for which BTW the waiting lists are huge, and yet she nonchalantly refuses to give a toss about them.
No. 358193
>>358190Now THAT's interesting.
I saw that months before she was dx'd with MS, she added a number of people with MS who were public about it. I'm friends with a few of them and they recounted how she was asking them questions about the diagnostic process, about whether she can be diagnosed without a spinal tap (she was deathly keen on that!), whether she can be diagnosed without an MRI (!!!), how their symptoms began, etc.
God, it's annoying.
No. 358197
>>358195Yeah, if she's bleeding as bad as she says she is, no doc is gonna wait months and months to do a hysterectomy.
also I can't find her fb account, wonder if she deleted it.
No. 358198
>>358042I have been sick most of my life with a disease I was born with… I can't believe how right you are. It is true. Once you start getting better, you get held to a different standard.
Nobody thinks I am special now just because I got out of bed. Nobody is impressed. I just had not really thought about it. Of course I am not going to jump back in bed- I actually have a life I am living and a career I am building.
But damn. I do miss the slack I got…
Sage for no new info.
No. 358203
>>358189Agreed on all points, but when I was saying "Self induced", I was referring to the vomiting, which as she has said in previous posts is part of her binge/purge cycle. I know she has an ED, and it probably is atypical bulimia or something, but her purging isn't the kind of "cram your fingers down your throat" self induced. It's self induced in that she feels guilt over eating, that guilt makes her feel nauseous, and she compounds the nausea until she throws up. I think everyone on the planet has had that queasy stomach from feeling bad/guilty/anxious about something, it's just Nicole actively works at it until she's throwing up nonstop.
Still seconding she needs to get her head in order.
No. 358214
The thing that always struck me odd about Kelly? How well her background fit with the typical Munchie (from here:
> There is little agreement or evidence as to what causes Munchausen's syndrome or Munchausen's syndrome by proxy. Some theories suggest that the patient (or caregiver) may have experienced any of the following:>> Abuse or neglect as a child>Reliving an earlier serious illness over and over again due to difficulty understanding or coping with the experience> Identifying with a close friend or relative who has had a serious illness> Very low self-image> Inflated self-image> Inability to trust authority figures, such as doctors> Overwhelming feelings of guilt, thinking they need to be punished for something> Brain dysfunction, though no genetic links or abnormalities have been found in the brains of people with either syndrome> Presence of personality disorder, depression, or substance abuse.So, of these, Kelly meets:
> Abuse or neglect as a childI wouldn't be surprised, given how she hasn't commented on her parents a single time. Which is odd as a first degree relative other than her sister would be important to understand and/or fix her haematological issues.
> Identifying with a close friend or relative who has had a serious illness…or in her case, with a fuckload of people on Instagram who are adored even if they have not much going for them, because they're sick.
> Very low self-imageShe used to self-harm, so I wouldn't be surprised…
> Presence of personality disorder, depression, or substance abuse.Again, she used to self-harm, so I would not be surprised if she had at the very least a personality disorder (my money is on BPD).
What is quite remarkable to me is that she's lacking solid real world relationships. It's easy to Munchie it up if you don't know anyone who would doubt you, it's easy to pretend you're on your deathbed when there is no-one who sees you being perfectly fine just minutes before.
No. 358227
>>358214Yassss! When I first started following her I knew something wasn't right. I brought up Munchie in an IG post a few weeks back and her followers went freaking ballistic! She fits the definition exactly!
Why don't these doctors see this and admit her to psych! Remove her port so she can't drain blood or rub who knows what shizz into it to infect it! Remember awhile ago she was in the hospital for about three weeks with the port infection that had three different bacteria in it come on now that she rubbed her she is on it did she rub floor dirt on it what did she put in that to make it at that infected!
I also see that her recent post got 5 comments lol! Even her followers are sceptical now I hope!
Kelly, stop with the
No. 358229
File: 1500822332231.png (562.16 KB, 999x1243, www_turner-white_com_pdf_brm_P…)

I'm fairly convinced this is the idea behind the hysterectomy: giving Kelly a way to save face and retreat.
I just think she's too far gone.
No. 358233
>>358214To add to that, in the last thread someone discovered a whole album on her facebook dedicated to her two year stay in the local psychiatric hospital. She deleted the album as soon as a screenshot was posted here. Two years is pretty serious. But it was even weirder that she documented the whole thing and had it displayed for all to see on her public fb account.
She's never mentioned it on IG. She photoshopped out her scars for a long time before she gave up and proudly displayed them.
She's clearly mentally ill, which worries me. Mental illness on it's own is nothing to be ashamed of but it becomes a problem when you get all these other people involved and manipulated or tricked.
Her behaviour right now is extremely erratic and I sincerely hope she stops all this somehow and gets the help she needs. Kelly if you're reading this, please look after yourself now. You've got a lot of people worried about you at this point, which might have been what you wanted. But stop digging yourself deeper, it's only going to get worse the longer you let this all go on. Do what you need to do to get yourself out of this mess, save face if you have to, but at this point there's just too much evidence here against you. Put aside your ego, even for a moment and try to consider this from a different perspective. I'm not trying to be malicious here I just want to help you make the right choice and get the help you really need. You're the only one who can do that.
No. 358237
File: 1500822593637.png (454.49 KB, 640x1136, IMG_5167.PNG)

This is a goldmine "#notfaking"
Claims to do barrel racing, yet suffers fibro, CFS and narcolepsy, that in it's self doesn't add up since horseriding is physically demanding, especially something as intense as barrel racing.
No. 358247
File: 1500822958369.png (233.95 KB, 931x597, Screen Shot 2017-07-23 at 17.1…)

>>358237Look at this fucking Vogmask story.
This has got everything:
> muh surgical mask> people don't understand me> shit that totally happened dot txt No. 358252
File: 1500823108218.png (516.08 KB, 802x599, Screen Shot 2017-07-23 at 17.1…)

Lol #brittlebones? Yeah, you totally have osteogenesis imperfecta, a disease that causes short growth, short limbs and so many fractures, most people your age would be wheelchair bound full time.
Why do they have to do this?! Why do they have to role play something that other people would give their half lives to escape?
No. 358258
File: 1500823273726.png (613.21 KB, 888x587, Screen Shot 2017-07-23 at 17.2…)

Someone explain to me why functional neurological disorder requires a fucking surgical mask.
No. 358271
>>358267Bluish, not gray.
Sage for medfagging.
No. 358289
>>358252"Brittlebones" could refer to osteoporosis which is at least marginally more believable
Also osteogenesis imperfecta has different types and degrees of severity and the milder type is most common so someone with it wouldn't necessarily be wheelchair bound.
sage for medstudentfagging
No. 358339
File: 1500826200655.jpg (263.98 KB, 1071x1762, IMG_20170723_100912.jpg)

Vampire Kelly. Let's "hang out". Upside down. Like a bat.
No. 358366
File: 1500827177277.jpg (60.91 KB, 329x220, tn_B-A_Facelift1_3Q.jpg)

Totally serious theory: The reason Kelly has so many ages listed is because she's actually thousands of years old. She can't remember how old she's pretending to be this time, in modern-day Canada. Did she say she was 24? 30? 34? She's been so many ages over the centuries, and had so many back stories that she just can't keep them straight. That's why things don't add up sometimes. She's getting her "lives" mixed up.
Pic related: Another vampire, before and after feeding.
No. 358415
>>358357I agree. I don't know why they don't just call a spade a spade. She has an eating disorder.
Also, I have no idea if she purges or not but I've seen eating disordered people purge and they're so good at it, they just look like it's involuntary puke. Nicole admitted that she overheats sometimes.
No. 358431
>>358422That wouldn't explain the name/age changes and her inpatient stay. I just looked back at the old thread and based on her posts about her stay, it was involuntary. And according to the person who posted the screen shots, the hospital she was in was for the "worst of the worst".
It's definitely possible that her travelling issue isn't related to these other things but it just all seems like too much of a coincidence.
No. 358433
>>358422Her comment about the doors slapping her on the butt on her last photo from the mental institution suggest she was probably on a psych hold. As such she might have a 'severe mental illness' that means she might not be eligible to enter the US.
In any case it is quite odd. Where did she find her last name, and why is she not using the one she was born with? And what is the story about her family? A lot seems to be off balance there.
No. 358438
>>358433there's just so much questionable shit. Not just all these details, but the way she behaves around sharing these details.
A few days ago I took a look through a photo album on her FB and in between obvious cries for help (photoshopped pictures of her crying face with a creepy smile plastered over top with "I'm fine" or something) there were these dark pics of her lurking outside another, abandoned mental institution in Kelowna. Just really fucking weird. Not to mention she's 34, and acting like a literal child in response to people questioning everything.
No. 358439
>>358431To be quite fair, even if she cannot travel abroad, there's no reason why she could not go to a Canadian haematology specialist unit. I looked in our referral database and there's a specialist rare blood disorders unit in Calgary and another in Toronto and, further afield, two in Vancouver (one adult and one pediatric).
She's full of shit and her doctors have probably figured out she's lying about her oh so serious illness, and they don't want to embarrass themselves by referring her onwards. Quite simply, there is no other reason I can think of why someone would not be seen by a specialist unit but instead keep getting bags of blood every other week. Blood is expensive and precious.
No. 358465
File: 1500833217348.png (135.41 KB, 640x1136, IMG_7041.PNG)

Just for shits I went back to the beginning of her Instagram. It was all ballet photos until she realized the attention she would get with the blood transfusion pics. This is the first time she explains her diagnosis. She would add comments for weeks after posting with random tags to draw people to the photos.
No. 358487
File: 1500835362691.png (776.7 KB, 640x1136, IMG_7042.PNG)

Found her middle name?
No. 358488
File: 1500835442307.png (192.72 KB, 640x1136, IMG_7043.PNG)

Seems her sister was willing to do the bone marrow transplant at one point. Not sure what happened to that plan.
No. 358489
File: 1500835463430.png (174.86 KB, 640x1136, IMG_7044.PNG)

Seems her sister was willing to do the bone marrow transplant at one point. Not sure what happened to that plan. Part 2
No. 358504
>>358495In the top left corner, there is an address. The it says Home Phone: Not on File. Mobile Phone:
#-#-#### (but has an actual number listed). Then it says Sex: F. I didn't realize this was comparable to a medical record number, or PHN, or whatever you call it.
No. 358517
>>358187This is not always the case. Depending on a patient's vasculature, health status, and the comfort level of both patient and clinician are taken into account in determining whether CVC or port placement should be done in IR or OR. Pneumothorax is absolutely a legit risk, especially in thin patients.
>>358475Fuck, that's passing out in the middle of a sentence low. Fatigue like a lead suit. But ~*muh ballet!*~ No. Just no.
No. 358554
>>358521I think screenshots will make me very identifiable. But it was a month before.
Some but not all the things she asked (I paraphrase, to protect myself, though I'm fairly sure she asked many others):
- Did you need an MRI for dx?
- Was the doc giving you a dx and/or meds prior to the MRI (i.e. based on clinical presentation alone)?
- What were your initial symptoms?
- Did you have brisk reflexes? What exactly does that look/feel like?
- Were you prescribed meds immediately? If so, what were your options?
- Were you in a flare when you were diagnosed?
- How was your vision when you were diagnosed? Did you go completely blind, or was everything just blurry?
No. 358559
File: 1500840878390.jpg (82.11 KB, 640x640, 12230990_1703096473281220_6572…)

Since we're talking about Kelly and her antics, this is pretty damn funny. Of course Kelly would choose to do something like this instead of yanno…just sitting at a table signing people up to be blood donors.
No. 358560
File: 1500841116281.png (210.11 KB, 728x688, IMG_1874.PNG)

JBN is in uni studying PSYCHOLOGY and yet doesn't seem to understand how therapy works? Also cannot recognize that she has an eating disorder that just so happens to involve somatic symptoms?
No. 358562
File: 1500841321272.png (258.34 KB, 729x814, IMG_1879.PNG)

>>358560The rest of JBNs post
No. 358566
File: 1500841415582.jpg (104.11 KB, 940x529, stella-young-quote-image-4-dat…)

>>358252Saging for faggotry but I know someone with this and she's less than 4 feet tall and can barely walk. She doesn't even have it severely, a lot of people with OI are both super short and use wheelchairs full time. The most famous person with it was Stella Young and is a fairly typical case with her facial features and height. It definitely has a distinct look.
No. 358606
File: 1500845469857.png (163.51 KB, 750x729, IMG_0105.PNG)

> i wish i had a way to repay them
go to fucking therapy you weapons grade prune
No. 358627
>>358606She really is such a malingering useless blob taking up space. She's really doing this for the pitybux gainz. The whole thing reeks of self-apology while still trying to lean heavily on some deep and incurable physical problem.
Fuck off, Nicole. You're such a waste of resources.
No. 358668
File: 1500852116850.png (285.93 KB, 639x991, IMG_9026.PNG)

>>358540Some of them are on to her. I went back and skimmed through some interesting posts and it's just sad. Unfortunately they have to be vague like this doc, because they pose the risk of being wrong in any scenario.
No. 358676
>>358669So how do you think she's
triggering her allergies? Secret stash of shellfish? A bottle of kitty drool?
No. 358702
>>358676One, it's kinda natural for someone having as many transfusions as she's had to start experiencing some transfusion reactions. The more you've had the more severe they tend to be.
Two, I am also pretty sure that she is lying about those reactions. She may have had brief reactions and told the doctor they have lasted longer than they actually did, hence his skepticism. The facial erythema and swelling can be induced by a range of agents, including several drugs she almost definitely has access to, but I'd rather not give tips to Munchies :)
No. 358715
File: 1500855809037.jpeg (6.08 KB, 225x225, images.jpeg)

>>358702she's had pics on her insta with a blow up face, so it's not that the reaction never took place, she was using
something to cause them.
attached pic from kelly's own instagram.
No. 358724
File: 1500856653691.png (586.52 KB, 937x584, beesaga.png)

May 6th, exactly 10 days before her other swollen face thing, she got stung by a wasp in the eye and ended up in the hospital:
kelly.ronahan Now that it's today, and I'm feeling a bit better I can laugh about yesterday (at least a lil?) I biked to the gym as usual, and as I was locking it something got all up in my business! ?? I slapped myself in a way that would look insane to anyone who didn't know I had a wasp on my face! So he dropped his ass right in my eyeball!? ? #badluck omg! I didn't really clue in at first. My eye shut and started tearing instantly. I kinda slowly walked into the gym entrance. I felt slow and weird. I stood against a wall for a bit and thought I just need to calm down. One of the staff was like "what are you doing there?" I was embarrassed cause I kinda like him… I said well "I can tell you what I'm not doing" "what's that?" "breathing!" then panic sets in! The rest is a bit blurry but loads of life guards came and put me on oxygen and called #911. Lol and you know how in the movies people yell "we need a #doctor!" and magically there happens to be one right there!? well someone yelled that and for no joke, out of nowhere comes a doctor! He's like "I'm a doctor!" (he was there working out) #goodluck but he helped lots. And when the #paramedics arrived he was able to describe my situation and condition to them quite well. It was scary hearing him describe me that way… Not breathing and swollen tongue, white etc. Right away medics gave me epinephrine. It was like that moment you come out of the water from holding your breath too long. Then I got shaky. They loaded me onto the #ambulance. While we drove to the hospital 5 IV attempts were made. No go. So I was given a jab of benadryl in my arm. I got put in a trauma room where my port was accessed. I was then given another stab of epi! The other anaphylaxis cocktail was put through my port. My vitals returned to normal, but I just wasn't feeling ok. They told me I could go. I asked if anyone would be even looking in my eye where I was strung as it was swelling. And I said I still feel unwell. The doctor said my reaction was over and I would not be getting more medication. ? the drug seeking shit again. (continued in comments) ⬇
kelly.ronahan Although my nurses were kind, they are under the orders of the Dr… They got me a cab voucher and sent me on my way… I was very worried by the way I felt physically. I could not believe that no doctor would examine my painful eye! The whole reason I was there! I got home and thing proceeded to get worse. I got a rash on my chest and my eye swelled tight and shut and my breathing was laboured again. By this point I was like "screw it" I'm not going to the hospital ever again…
kelly.ronahan I talked to one of my room mates and my pastor. They both came to my room and said no we are going back. I promised them that I was just going to be laughed at or disregarded. But they both said that when you don't go alone you get treated way better. How right they were. All of my symptoms were addressed, my eye examined and patience to listen to me! I couldn't believe it. It was like a whole new hispital. We were there till 2:00 am. I was given several prescriptions to help with the recovery from this. No one laughed. They all said I was good to come back. My nurse even told my pastor she didn't want me to feel pushed out like earlier… I'm so thankful they came with me!
kelly.ronahan I will be trying to avoid that place as much as I can. I'm not sure what the heck is going on with these new allergies. But if I have to go, I will not be going alone. I'm so grateful to have people willing to support me! THANK you to them, and to all of you!? My eye opens a bit this morning… They have referred me to an allergist, and that is who can prescribe an epi pen if I need one. So in the end, no matter how hard it seems, I'm always looked after. It's hard af, but no one's going to let me just die. Sometimes I fear that. But it's irrational! Love you all!
kelly.ronahan #beesting #wasp #anaphylaxis #spoonie #peoplehopetribe #hospital #friends #ouch #epinephrine
No. 358732
File: 1500857202349.png (457.79 KB, 935x547, sure.png)

Uhh hahaha uhhh… I think I made some children phobic of the dentist. #imthatperson ? I love my dentist! He is awesomeness! He makes the whole dentist appointment very bearable.? I've seen him for several years, so this morning I thought everything would be usual! Nope… Nope! #itsme He gave me a few freezing injections as he always does, but this time I go all anaphylaxis on him!? He called 911. The whole thing was rather embarrassing, but my main concern was that I didn't want any first timers to see someone leave on a stretcher! That would even freak me out! ???? My Dr in emerg was very stinking super understanding and cool. He understood that I wanted to get out asap and with as few medications as possible. I got 2 shots of benadryl in the arms! ???? #notfun I was observed for a while and now I'm home. I'm 100% sure the poor dentist was more freaked than I! I'm used to the rashes and tight throat etc… But I'm thankful he followed protocol! K wait a minute here! I'm worried about scaring the children??! Uhh don't really know how I feel about going back to the dentist now…? #butthechildren I guess I'll have to jump right back up on the horse and move on! ? ⬅But not that horse… He's not going forward!? If I could describe the day with one word …. Embarrassing !!! Lol leaving the dentist by ambulance! ? ⬅ Which also is not moving forward! …
No. 358738
>>358732Dental fag here - what a piece of lying shit. I would loooove to know what local anaesthetic she has allegedly reacted too. Not going to go in-depth with what/how that happens, don't need to help this inbred cow with her munchie adventures any further but I'll just reiterate how fucking rare and unlikely that was.
I love how everywhere she goes she just has to have a fucking medical emergency. Doesn't she have any insight as to how fucking ridiculous that is to everyone? Her hospital records would be flagged with a frequent flier/malingering tag. Trust me Kelly, hospitals know when they have a "professional patient" on their hands who overuses the system.
No. 358743
File: 1500859307806.png (112.02 KB, 639x502, IMG_9045.PNG)

>>358727That and she also talks about how she is given meds that should stop any supposed reactions from happening. I'm not a medfag but I know a lot of people with MCAS/MCAD and general allergies will be given a lot of benadryl to stop reactions at the hospital. So how is it even possible that is happening?
No. 358815
>>358764That might be because Dr McHematologist knows what a serious transfusion reaction looks like. Hint: it doesn't look like you got stung by an insect. Serious transfusion reactions are pretty unmistakable and can send the most hardened hematoasshole yelling for the crash cart. They're also enormously rare.
Poor stupid idiot Kelly has misunderstood what a transfusion reaction is and thought it's like an allergy, so she faked its symptoms. It's nothing like that. TAGvHD is pretty unmistakeable and tends to land you in the ICU, AHTR is characterized by hemolysis, AFNHTR is characterized by high fever and not one eyelid swollen shut.
The bullshit, the bullshit, it HURTS.
It's like amateur hour at the Munchie School for Timewasting Tards.
No. 358818
>>358764I can imagine being that doctor.
"Doctor, doctor, I'm soooper transfusion reacting!"
"Err… you are?"
looks at Kelly's swollen face, which is not a symptom of a transfusion reaction, and the conspicuous absence of a high fever, heart issues, kidney failure, hemolysis "WHY U IGNORE ME????????"
No. 358838
>>358729The ER for swollen lips? Jeez!
Last week I found out I had become allergic to penicillin. My eyelids swelled up and my lips looked like I'd had cheap injections. I didn't go hassle staff at the EMERGENCY room, I took an antihistamine and called the out of hours doc to see what to do next (keep taking OTC antihistamines and go to the ER if it gets worse not better).
I'm guessing she's gonna angle for a MCAS diagnosis then….
No. 358841
Can someone help put a timeline for Kelly together? In particular, when she was in the mental institution? She was born in 1982. On photos from 2009, she doesn't have her self harm scars yet, so I would presume her hospitalization was between then and when her symptoms started, which would be about 4 years ago as she claims, so 2013ish? She states that she stopped self harming around the time her symptoms started, so ~2013, making her stay in the institution plausibly around 2011-13, but at the earliest 2009-11. In other words, when her symptoms started, she has recently stopped self harming and she was less than 2 years out of a 2 year stint in a mental hospital… and they gave her a port, let her go home and exsanguinate herself to her heart's content and assumed that whatever is going on with her is best fixed by wasting Canada's limited blood supply on her rather than sending her back to the mental institution where she could get actual help for her issues?
It boggles the mind.
No. 358853
File: 1500877673353.png (171.97 KB, 740x908, IMG_2888.PNG)

anyone see fixing.felicity's recent "health update"? guess she couldn't convince her doctor that she has sooper speshul EDS so they stuck her with the hypermobility spectrum disorder (something literally every dancer could fall into if a doctor diagnosed hypermobility with no idea about their dancing). but what strikes me as odd is that she claims to have muscle stiffness and tightness that causes subluxations/dislocations. no just no. if your muscles are tight, they will be helping hold your joints in place, or at minimum you're gonna have a hard time gauging hypermobility (and I know flexibility is muscle related, not hypermobility, but tense muscles still limit ROM in joints). this is why EDSers are supposed to do muscle building therapy – to help their faulty ligaments/tendons do their job. she also says she gets hairline fractures from generalized joint hypermobility, which DOES NOT AFFECT BONE STRENGTH unless you have osteopenia along with it (and that doesn't typically happen in early life with EDS). ffs. what is everyone's obsession with EDS and HSD?! it's no cancer or CF, but it's a pretty shit thing to actually live with and I don't understand why people want it?!
No. 358860
>>358853Because EDS affects the joints, allowing for infinite attention getting bandages, braces, splints and the never ending possibility of new injuries every day!
What most munchies don't get, is that you're not supposed to use the supports/splints 24/7 as this will end up weakening already loose joints, so ironically they can end up getting actual problems from them. Ditto crutches and canes.
No. 358867
>>355978i was just about to post this screenshot. i found the entire post ridiculous, especially as she's still dancing. how!? how is she still dancing, especially if she's requiring ketamine infusions for CRPS, let alone if she has CRPS? and of course she's claiming hypermoblity now. balletfag here with hEDS, i was literally turned down by my first rheum, telling me i had nothing wrong with me and i was naturally flexible, but a different rheum and a geneticist proved otherwise. anyway, the amount of braces i see on this girl is absolutely ridiculous, as are her piling number of 'diagnoses'
sage for bloging
No. 358868
>>358861Not necessarily. Dx crits:
Generalized joint hypermobility (GJH); and
Two or more of the following features must be present (A & B, A & C, B & C, or A & B & C):
Feature A—systemic manifestations of a more generalized connective tissue disorder (a total of five out of twelve must be present)
Feature B—positive family history, with one or more first degree relatives independently meeting the current diagnostic criteria for hEDS
Feature C—musculoskeletal complications (must have at least one of three); and
All these prerequisites must be met: absence of unusual skin fragility, exclusion of other heritable and acquired connective tissue disorders including autoimmune rheumatologic conditions, and exclusion of alternative diagnoses that may also include joint hypermobility by means of hypotonia and/or connective tissue laxity.
So you can establish a hEDS dx w/+ family history + solely musculoskeletal symptoms.
No. 358873
>>356159Eh, it depends on tolerance really- my tolerance is massive compared to most people and I have pretty incapacitating MI too so most of my meds are sedating in nature.
Personally I don't find them incapacitating due to both tolerence and length of time using them, but my daily med intake would more than likely kill someone without dependence etc.
sage for blogpost
No. 358877
>>356360Um, seroquel is great for sleeping and for dealing with certain MI. 25mg will knock most people out initially.
I'm surprised she hasn't tried that tbqh.
/sage for medication speculation
No. 358880
>>356364Same here- I have some shit resulting from a bunch physical issues as well as mental health associated physical consequences from very old self inflicted behaviours (ED, addiction etc).
I used to tag some of those things with relevant tags but am so self conscious of those fuckwits that I rarely post at all now.
/sage as well
No. 358884
File: 1500884849123.png (409.61 KB, 1610x1194, IMG_0155.PNG)

> virtually every photo of her Instagram is her showing off her tubes (yes, the lower one is an SPC)
> how dare you assume you have something I don't? I'm the picture of health, innit.
> but have sympathy! Look at me!
> but don't you dare call me an inspiration!
These munchy activists just drive me nuts. How distorted do you have to be to object to someone actually acknowledge that yes, getting through chronic health issues is tough and takes strength… then get upset when someone does NOT acknowledge that?!
Btw, Imogen is a massive Munchiecow. For a while, she pretended to have a brain injury and be barely functional, almost Amanda Baggs levels, was morbidly obese and needed a full time aide to wash her and stuff. Then suddenly she decided to lose a shitload of weight and magically, she is now pretty functional. Her whole story is like Kelly's: sounds believable until it doesn't.
No. 358885
File: 1500884897402.png (390.38 KB, 1862x1191, IMG_0154.PNG)

Chronically a fucking brat.
No. 358886
File: 1500884951129.png (112.1 KB, 1775x425, IMG_0152.PNG)

Full complement of fashionable disorders. I've got a row on Munchie bingo!
No. 358887
>>358841I was hospitalized 6 years ago during a serious manic episode. I was released after
3 days only. Point is, if I was released after only 3 days for something so serious, you'd have to be majorly fucked to be hospitalized for 2 YEARS.
In addition, i just got off the phone with my mom, who is a the charge nurse at a very busy mental health hospital. I referred her to this thread (she has a wicked sense of humor and has been a nurse for 35 years) and she agrees; Kelly is a lying sack of shit, and has grave mental health problems if she was institutionalized for that long of a duration.
No. 358888
File: 1500885219847.png (340.44 KB, 1619x1185, IMG_0156.PNG)

I wonder how people without a chest harness but with severe anxiety solve that problem… oh, right! They don't have that problem, because that's not how anxiety works!
Of course, one might advise her to lose some weight, which will make keeping her posture much easier, but that'll only get you a shitstorm from entitled 'cripplepunks' about body shaming and other stuff.
No. 358900
>>358893It's for blind people who use screen readers. In reality, it's a fashionable Spoonie/SJW virtue signal. Look at me, I'm so compassionate I even look out for the blind, even if I don't know anyone because who knows who might check out my images because look at me I'm popular and shit!
(It's mostly a dumb thing because a number of screen readers will ignore the blocks where they are normally placed, and try to read the image's alt text. Most of these kids haven't seen a blind person or a screen reader in their life, so they'd just follow the current popular trend).
No. 358906
File: 1500887978492.gif (1.69 MB, 294x219, giphy-1.gif)

>>358888Her hair is
triggering me.
>>358559This insane Kelly getup reminds me of Charlie's Green Man on Sunny.
No. 358913
>>358366NEGL that is fantastic work
sage for not being relevant to topic
No. 358935
>>358926The comment they were replying to has been deleted/removed, it was someone talking about the amount of opiates/benzo's they are prescribed in relation to peoples reactions to MBV's meds, the commentor was saying that many people take more meds than MBV due to tolerance etc. and listed all the drugs they take regularly including methadone and shit.
>>356151>>356159sage for OT
No. 358950
>>358926I was just trying to prove a point re medication doses by (admittedly tiresomely) listing my shopping list of meds
But they ^ were right about OT the selfblogging so I deleted it
sage for OT
No. 358952
and selfblogging
No. 358962
>>358841I'm interested in a timeline as well.
We know she spent ~2 years in mental health.
End of 2013 her (adoptive) mom disappeared. She doesn't mention much about it other than she has no idea where she is or what happened.
January 2014 she has her first transfusion.
Also, I'm confused by an image she posted of herself in a cap and gown. You can't see the year on the tassel when it is on her, but next to the photo of her is a separate photo of the tassel, with the year saying 2011. Was this high school? College? A tag says grade 12. I'm still bewildered about her age as she keeps saying 24, but there was evidence of it being 34?
Screenshots following
No. 358963
File: 1500899188635.png (974.03 KB, 640x1136, IMG_7052.PNG)

>>358962So she graduated high school in 2011? Or is that a picture of a different tassel that she is using to fake her age?
No. 358964
File: 1500899233719.png (670.63 KB, 640x1136, IMG_7051.PNG)

>>358962Here is one of the posts where she talks about her mom vanishing.
No. 358969
>>358964Tin-foil hat theory: Kelly accidentally killed her mum, went to the psych ward, and tried to mislead everyone about her age in an attempt to hide her identity.
Sage because stupid
No. 358972
>>358964This kind of explains a lot. However her mother disappeared, it obviously had a huge impact on her. Also it was just mentioned that she was her adoptive mother?
Either way, she has some DEEEEP psychological issues surrounding her mother which can cause so many different characteristics to pop up. Sometimes without the person even noticing. What if Kelly has been making herself sick to get this caring, maternal like treatment from the hospital (she seems to have a serious attachment to the nurses on the transfusion ward) to replace what she missed out on from her real mom.
It's possible she doesn't even realise or allow herself to realise that she's doing it. She could be having dissociative episodes or fugue states. Maybe she legitimately doesn't know she's been doing this to herself.
I really wouldn't be surprised. This seems like the best explanation. At this point it's looking like textbook munchie. Childhood trauma, absent parental figures and abandonment, severe self harm, extensive psychiatric hold, freaking out whenever her doctors suspect suspicious behaviour and symptoms. Symptoms not adding up, clinging to diagnoses, making a big show of everything, obsession with her cat, possible past eating disorder, obsessive behaviour around exercise, constant lying, covering things up, acting like a child. All signs pointing to Munch city.
No. 358975
>>358963Kelly attended Connaught Elementary School in Regina, SK from 1986 to 1993. In the seven years that followed she attended Campbell High (Regina, SK), Riffel High (Regina, SK) and Sir Alexander Mackenzie High (Inuvik, NT). It is puzzling why she attended two different schools in the same town (usually a sign of having left a school, possibly having had to leave - Regina is small enough that moving around town would not necessarily mean changing schools, but correct me - I'm not from thereabouts,). If she graduated in 2011, that would have been college (with some delay, presumably due to her mental health). Alternatively, her mental health broke down around 2000 or before, meaning she had to leave school prematurely and sat Grade 12 aged 28?
There's a huge lump unaccounted for in her life, much more than the two years in mental health facilities. I'm more and more thinking there was either a longer psychiatric detention or a non-psychiatric detention in her life, or she joined a cult she'd rather not talk about. At any rate something happened to her during that decade and this is now the fallout.
No. 358979
>>358974Her doc also remarked in the blurred out 'cat collection' note that she's friendly in a childlike way,
To me its glaringly obvious that she is trying to recreate the childhood she never had. But because she doesn't have any real family other than her sister and she is too smart to get into that 'baby daddies and littles' crap, she is courting situations that will be like childhood: with people taking care of her while she dances and goofs around. She thinks that when she's in hospital, they will take care of her and fill the big empty hole in her life, the hole of a childhood that never was,
Kelly, I've been there. And trust me, nothing is going to fill that hole except real human relationships. Drugs won't, Munchieing won't, one night stands won't. And if you want those relationships, you will have to stop lying, stop Munchieing and find real friends - not fawning Instagram followers. And talk to your doctors. Admit to them what you have done - they won't be mad and they will try to help you.
Please, please get help before it's too late.
No. 358985
>>358979This is probably the most accurate scenario. She uses the hospital as an escape from being an adult because she can't function as an adult, since she doesn't know how.
she can change but she needs intense therapy, maybe even inpatient just to get away from everyone and everything and focus on herself.
No. 359007
>>358985It's honestly bizarre. It's textbook institutionalization, especially since Kelly spent 2 friggin years in a psych ward. My guess is that she came to rely on and then crave the extensive support and structure that comes with that kind of regimented life in a hospital.
So she had to fabricate a reason to keep making extensive and endless trips to anyplace medical. A "mystery blood disease" gave her at least 4 years of that. Added onto her two years in psych, she's spent 6 six years more or less entirely as a patient. Before that she was marginally a dance student, but I doubt she finished the program.
No. 359015
File: 1500907096459.png (297.24 KB, 872x600, wtfkelly.png)

>>359013In what universe do you need an actual transfusion after a nose bleed? Like, where even would the blood be coming from? If your sinuses were hemorrhaging, but they would have to be infected or damaged. If the blood came from the throat, lungs, or regurgitated from the stomach, it wouldn't just be a nose bleed, and it would be more of a coughing/choking/drowning moment.
Short of hemophilia, I can't imagine any condition that would make a nosebleed a tranfusion-needed event. Ffs Kelly, you are so full of shit.
No. 359027
>>358964Do we know her mother's first name?
I searched petrovich on various obituary sites but I go no results so I'm assuming she's not dead. If we can find out her mother's name we might be able to do some deeper digging on Kelly.
No. 359030
>>359028I mean is there any proof she actually works out for like 1 hr+ at a time?
I kinda feel like she just exaggerates how much she dances/exercises in order to emphasise how motivated and special she is because she's so anaemic but also somehow still full of energy
No. 359033
File: 1500909952619.png (827.54 KB, 640x1136, IMG_7050.PNG)

>>359027I found this on her Instagram. It's the only family photo I've ever seen her post. I'm not sure if these are her birth parents or adoptive parents
No. 359043
>>359039I don't know about the Canadian system, but could really someone go back to school at that age? With the high school kids? Wouldn't you pass something like a GED thing if you really wanted the degree in order to go to college?
The deeper we go, the fishier this thing gets.
Either she is REALLY mentally ill (something major and a halfway house and extensive psychiatric care would align with that) or she is way younger.
No. 359047
>>359033 Definitely looks like her birth parents. I can see the resemblance, especially with her mother. Interesting that they were immigrants from former Yugoslavia. Not being able to afford dental care alludes to some hardship. Maybe her parents also had some kind of mental health issues and that's why they seemingly abandoned them later on.
She says "my dad had bad teeth in the 90s" but she looks about 3 years old here. Wasn't she born in like 1983 or 1984? Was this IG post from back when she was claiming to be much younger than she was?
I'm guessing she lied about her age to try and make it less weird that she had a lot of childish characteristics, no degree or job or permanent homing situation.
No. 359068
File: 1500913185925.png (60.48 KB, 639x260, IMG_9060.PNG)

>>358815And yet she describes it as an anaphylactic reaction when that's not what anaphylaxis is (see attached image).
>>358841From her story, I'd bet she's institutionalized and has grown dependent on the sympathy or care she received while in hospital for her mental illnesses.
>>358857I think this is what bothers me most about her reactions to us talking on here. She will cry that we're prying into her life and overstepping boundaries but has absolutely no problem publishing physicians names, and writing horrible things about them. Last time I checked, that is considered defamation of character. That, and if one of Kelly's crazy loyal followers decided to pay a physician a visit, she could be putting that physician's life in danger.
>>358914Why does she need to document EVERYTHING?
> Oh look guise, here I am taking a crap.>>358985I think this could be good for her even without the whole munchie drama. Mostly the therapy, not the inpatient. She needs a break from social media to stop being so obsessed with being liked.
>>359013Woah… that is some weird shit
>>359015If she's trying to suggest she had a severe posterior nosebleed, that would be more concerning of disorders of the CNS, or a leukemic syndrome, and not a mysterious blood disorder. But yet again, she doesn't do her research.
>>359030It's like all of these people and the fake activism agenda. They want to fabricate how strong they are while simultaneously being dependent on being cared for.
>>359039>>359043Canadianfag here. Age 21 is the cut-off for taking classes in school. She could've taken a few classes through an GED program though.
Sage for long/semi-blogposting/medfagging
No. 359085
>>359083Nope, Ronahan is her mother's (G
**a) last name. Only her dad was from Croatia.
No. 359088
File: 1500914103639.png (188.85 KB, 640x1136, IMG_7053.PNG)

>>359047She is definitely in her 30s and has been lying about being younger. Which makes me wonder if the picture of the graduation tassel saying 2011 is fake to make people think she's younger. She doesn't show that year tassel ON her, simply next to her picture.
This screenshot is from her twin. You can see where she tagged which birthday the photo is from. #33
No. 359140
File: 1500916089175.png (173.65 KB, 640x1136, IMG_7057.PNG)

>>359071She mentions that the missing mom is her "adopted" mom in this comment.
So, who is this woman that "adopted" her while she was in her late twenties/ early thirties? I haven't found any evidence of a name for this woman
No. 359144
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No. 359150
File: 1500916392405.png (139.01 KB, 640x1136, IMG_7055.PNG)

>>359136And she has definitely seen the newest posts. While trying to find the "adopted mom" caption I realized she left this comment two hours ago on the picture of her in her cap and gown.
I wonder if she understands that the issue isn't graduating high school "late", it's continuously lying about her age by ten years. Right down to the caption on the family photo that says the "90s". As another anon pointed out, she looks maybe three in that photo and it would be well within the 80s.
Saged for not adding anything new
No. 359164
File: 1500917345086.png (152.7 KB, 474x437, wtfmorgan.png)

In spite of earlier this month trying to be considered for hospice, Morgan (@morgansmedicaljournal on FB) is turning 24. Her mother shows herself to be either an MBP or an enabler by posting this status.
No. 359173
File: 1500917744017.jpg (32.48 KB, 292x326, IMG_9091.JPG)

Those are some gay ass memes. I'm guessing you're probably Kelly's age, considering they look like memes that 40 year old moms post on facebook. Here's a little hint for you since you're too retarded to realize it: spamming this thread does absolutely nothing except waste your time and make you look like a munchie moron.
Sage for OT/replying to WK
No. 359195
File: 1500918262080.png (46.04 KB, 184x184, demoman.png)

No. 359200
File: 1500918377168.png (612.85 KB, 639x899, IMG_9094.PNG)

Hi Kelly
No. 359201
File: 1500918513897.jpg (218.2 KB, 838x635, IMG_9095.JPG)

>You don't care enough to leave innocent people alone so why the fuck should anyone care about you?
>innocent people
maximum kek
No. 359224
>>359212You could also talk to any of the nurses that she talked about here
>>353585. I'm sure they'd love to hear about this.
Sage for being petty/extra/sarcastic
No. 359244
>>359208Every heard of a VPN? Go right ahead and post that fake IP.
If you all hate Kelly so bad and the "lies" she spins about her health why are you not already trying to inform her doctors? If you care so much about services being taken away from you because of her then fucking stand up and do it already. Don't project your shit on me. I'm sure you would all love the satisfaction of taking her down but you hide here instead because you're nothing but a bunch of fucking cowards.
Grow some balls and act or shut up. Your threats are meaningless.
No. 359246
>>359233Step by step as in diagnostic or medical blogging in here?
>>359234>>359235This is just so sad. And yet her little WKs are completely okay with being deluded into thinking she's innocent.
Sage for irrelevancy/non-contrib
No. 359260
>>359257Why would I send an anonymous letter when as a physician, my opinion would hold much more sway?
FYI, asshole: if you knew anything about Munchies, you'd know that direct face to face controntation doesn't work and sometimes sending information to doctors can cause them to drop the patient and that can lead to decompensating. We don't want her to harm herself or otherwise come to harm, and sometimes the principle of beneficence overrides what we think is fair and just.
Now fuck off.
No. 359267
>>359260Riiiiiight. Cause posting all this shit about her won't harm her in any way. If she ends up harming herself over this site that's on YOU.
All the empty threats are fucking hilarious.
No. 359270
>>359266Spreading gossip and potentially causing a person gossiped about to cause themselves harm is 100% evil cunt in my book.
Way back one of you even mentioned that you would find it AMUSING if someone committed suicide over this site. Evil cunt. Period.
No. 359274
>>359270Since you seem to know for a fact she's about to harm herself and care so damn much, it's on you actually.
Why are you here sperging dumb memes instead of comforting her or getting her the help she needs?
No. 359279
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>>359274You're the ones spewing about these people harming themselves as a way to hide behind your bulkshit cowardice. You want to take them down but you're too afraid. Cyber bullying at its finest. Always an excuse and projecting your shit on to someone else so you don't feel guilty. Whatever helps you sleep at night.
No. 359282
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>>359277Keep on spinning those excuses.
No. 359288
Jesus ducking christ you have a pathetic excuse for everything when bottom line is you're fucking cowards and don't actually care.
>>359285I'm nobody's fucking friend.
One moment you want to take her down and the next you're all concerned and want her to get help. PICK ONE. Shit or get off the pot. This site would push anyone over the edge. You creators have that one on your conscience. Oh wait, you clearly don't have a conscience either.
No. 359292
>>359289Then take your own advice and GET SOME THERAPY.
The way you change your stories is insane.
No. 359294
>>359288you seem to misunderstand the point of this site
this is a gossip site
we talk about people doing stupid things
we are discouraged to interact with the subjects
if they find this site, they don't have to act on anything here
it is just a bunch of people talking, that's all
No. 359297
>>359292Brotip: Multiple use this site, leading to some posts expressing opinions that may differ from other posts's opinions.
Personally, I'm in this for the schadenfreude more than anything else.
No. 359298
>>359291For the last goddman time I DO NOT KNOW HER.
What I do know however is that sites like these NEVER help anyone, they just push the victim even further down the slippery slope. Apparently none of you want that so why the fuck are you here?!
No. 359305
>>359303There's more to than other people's self harm.
Additionally, she seems perfectly fine with bleeding herself dry without outside encouragement, which strikes me as harmful.
No. 359310
>>359301our "actions" are just words
words kept onto one website
this is why we don't interact
if someone who has a large following can not handle criticism or answer questions, then doubt is casted upon them until they can give answers. This is not something done to just one person.
No. 359311
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>>359305You actually cannot for one goddamn second prove this.
No. 359313
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No. 359317
>>359301 It's not directly causing harm, we aren't even directly contacting her to show her what we post here in order to make her feel bad.
As someone who has self-harmed and had a serious suicide attempt many years ago and has had therapy - I can't blame my actions on others even if they were abusive to me, I need to take responsibility for my choices as does Kelly, tbh she probably needs to stay off social media and go back to an inpatient psych ward for a while.
No. 359318
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>>359314KEK: This is what you look like right now
No. 359321
File: 1500925809218.png (1.94 MB, 1024x768, kellyvania.png)

>>359311The other explanation is that kelly is a magic black hole who makes blood magically disappear.
Also your memes are garbage. Have a better one that I made in three minutes.
No. 359330
>>359314Here's what's real. When I underwent chemo, I had to have multiple transfusions. Without them, I wouldn't be here. Kelly endangers people in the same position.
I get it, you never took a physiology class because you were too busy saving dumb memes on your iPad. I get it, you want to feel like a hero, defending m'lady from nasty trollses. I get it, you got suckered in by Kelly's tales of woe. I don't blame you: I believed her, too. Way longer than I should have.
I know you're not the sharpest knife in the drawer, but it is absolutely evident to anyone with an understanding of the things she claims that she is making it up.
Or you know what? Since you're so clever, do tell me how Kelly's anemia works. Where is the blood going? Why aren't there any hemolytic byproducts or why is there not a clearly identifiable aplastic process evident on the BMA smears? Do you understand how it's supposed to work, or is blind faith all you've got? Because I used to believe her too, and all I got out of it is feeling dirty and used.
No. 359331
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@ the wk/spam-chan:
No. 359332
File: 1500926395316.png (613.47 KB, 937x535, wtfkarolyn3.png)

Karolyn was mentioned earlier, and in spite of her having EDS, she has no problem posing like some kind of weird stretch armstrong doll all over the docs office. Oh, and then constructung some weird, convoluted caption about said pose.
This one features her crying salty, salty tears about having EDS and being a woman.
No. 359335
>>359303Can someone block this bitch already? Ffs. We don't feel bad, guilty, or any other variation of for Kelly or for shit-talking her imaginary illnesses. Your holier-than-thou attitude, and YOUR empty threats are only making us laugh at how ridiculous you are, thinking you can come on this website and show us the proverbial light. Gtfo. You're annoying.
Sage for rage.
No. 359337
>>359329BAd example, since that discussion was just people who know little about cf defending The frey life in ignorant ways. They are not respected at all among CFers and considered an example of what not to do. Yes, her illness is real, but these threads cover spoonies who exaggerate and dramatize as well as full munchies. She's not a munchie but is a drama hound making herself sicker than she's has to be.
Agreed that people who don't deserve it usually do not sustain discussion. But the people commenting on cf just showed they'd knew fuck all about it beyond the most basic level.
No. 359338
File: 1500926703227.png (780.57 KB, 816x598, wtfnicole2.png)

According to Nicole's latest post, she is going back on the NG tube through July/August, and then her "team" will have a meeting about their little munchie queen. She keeps with the excuse that they let her have it because it bypasses the nausea? Idfk because I definitely remember her saying she was throwing up even what the tube was giving her. SO.
Also she has this weird fear of losing weight. She binges because she's afraid of losing weight, and then throws it back up. She says she went from 227 to 147, but overweight people often can and do lose a rapid amount of weight without it being negatively impacting on their health.
No. 359344
File: 1500927297131.png (669.51 KB, 936x518, wtfkarolyn4.png)

I continue to be appalled by Karolyn. What personality defect does she possess to allow her to think that draping herself all over the reception area of the docs office? Some fucking ego on her to imagine she's somehow going to be artfully speaking out on behalf of an entire myriad of types of EDS.
No. 359355
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Kelly's latest! Someone supposedly sent her an anonymous package
No. 359357
File: 1500928343138.png (638.16 KB, 936x529, wtfkarolyn5.png)

>>359351Genuinely lolled at this. I like the idea of her setting up her camera at the reception desk, sprinting like hell to get back to the chairs, and then throwing herself on top of them. Repeat x3 for the perfect shot.
I am also highly amused and somewhat dismayed at the idea of a doc coming in to a rather disheveled room, and wondering why it looks like she wrestled a bear while she was waiting. Fuck me, if she can get into a crouching position and balance like that on those squishy tables then she is much better off than she thinks.
But in general she has such shitty composition in her photos, with no artistry or creativity, that her insisting on the artistic merits in the caption just make it even worse.
No. 359364
>>359355Oh good now she can autoexsanguinate with all of those fucking huge syringes from the comfort of her own home.
WHY WOULD SHE NEED THESE. No where in her list of ever changing conditions would there need to be the need for fucking huge syringes.
No. 359365
>>359355Oh, how clever. She's pretending that the syringes she ordered to autoexsanguinate were sent by one of us anons…
Your address wasn't posted, you dumb shit. I swear, I'm starting to believe there's something serious going on in her head. But yeah, go play the victim. Jesus.
Ps. Next time, buy 50ml syringes. It's what we use if we absolutely, positively have to venesect someone with hemochromatosis. You gently pull the plunger out and let it point downwards into a kidney basin or if need be, you can Macgyver a Farrell bag's intake tube onto it.
No. 359367
File: 1500928841572.jpg (38.73 KB, 960x632, 19225180_10209118538817093_905…)

>>355530_chloeblogs had a photoshoot with an epipen.
No. 359373
File: 1500928984996.png (577.75 KB, 938x454, wtfkarolyn6.png)

>>359357There seems to be a pattern with attention whoring munchies like this. They have these weird bursts of activity that I'm sure correlate with their manic periods, but since esp Karolyn is a narcissist she never has the drops of self esteem. She's just so great all the time.
Also "convulsing and wretching", can you get more dramatic. Maybe froth at the mouth and pee yourself, all over eating a soft green salad. Look, binch, salads are not a contraindicated food group with EDS, and with your frame it looks like you could stand to have a few more.
Your mostly alcohol/carbs/sugar diet is not going to help your joints cope with your EDS.
No. 359381
File: 1500929384614.png (817.07 KB, 936x599, wtfchloe.png)

>>359367At first glance through her page I was somewhat confused, as she seems to be a standard and boring beauty blogger. (With a strong emphasis that she admits she's cray.)
Then I get to this little gem and my heart fell. Always going for maximum attention points, these fuckwads. No point in having or pretending to have a condition unless you can get asspats!
No. 359404
>>359388Also, the label on the envelope looks professoinally printed using a heat paper postage printer as would be customary e.g. for a medical supply house.
Oh, Kelly. You blew it this time. I was hoping to be wrong but in your desperation to be talked about, you have conclusively proven what you are doing, and how your mysterious anaemia is coming about.
Oh, Kelly. I was your friend. Why are you doing this to us, and to yourself? Was our friendship and support not enough, or did you think you would lose it if you suddenly for once weren't in the middle of a crisis?
No. 359422
>>359405Just wanted to say what you wrote sounds eerily similar to what
>>354236 wrote.
No. 359451
>>359344Where are the other patients who would ostensibly be using these waiting rooms?
Why is she putting her dirty feet and shoes on furniture that is used by sick people who could pick up an infection from the shit she stepped in on her way to "model"
Why aren't the staff telling her to fuck off with her weird attention seeking, time wasting, genuine-patient-inconveniencing selfies?
No. 359453
>>359338Her fear of losing weight is the most bizarre thing I've seen in the munchie threads since Kadee. If she's so into pageants why would she be scared or uncomfortable with looking slimmer? It's not like she's got
CF and risks being a spooky dying skeleton if she skips a feed or two. Does she have some OCD or dysmorphia going on to cause this or is it just another 'lookit me and my tube' thing?
No. 359456
>>359367kek i think i have some milk on this one but just waiting on the friend that supplied said milk to confirm she is in fact the correct cow and not some strange mooing coincidence
sage for no contribution (yet)
No. 359483
File: 1500938823652.jpeg (327.14 KB, 1275x1835, zebras1.jpeg)

Finally the Munchie Queen of BC has her own throne/thread so I can post new cows without them being lost in her histrionics!
Here's another one who has EDS, and claims to have TWO KINDS AT ONCE. I'm not a medfag, but I have met a lot of specialists within this area due to my own shitty collagen, and never have I heard of it being possible to have two kinds at once.
I'll scour the IG for some milky posts later.
No. 359488
File: 1500939238846.jpeg (262.26 KB, 1231x1433, hmg4.jpeg)

HypermobileGuy, fresh from declaring he won't be using IG to talk about his health (although it's all he ever talks about - even his posts about coloring in and knitting have 20+ illness related tags!), has posted a picture of his daily medications. I've already deciphered the basic prescription strength cocodomol, and stool softeners.
No. 359491
>>359488White pfizer capsule is definitely Lyrica.
Possibly Gabapentin for the yellow one.
No. 359511
>>359483Cannot have both 3(Hyp) + 4(Vas). Pretty sure you can't have two types at all but definitely not a pair including Hyp as part of the diagnostic criteria is exclusion of other types as there's no genetic test. Could theoretically have two mutations of different types but you can't get a Hyp diagnosis if you have a genetic confirmation of vas. Makes me think that the Vas diagnosis is probably fake/unconfirmed as it's much rarer and has physical features which she doesn't have.
Sage for medfagging
No. 359521
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I've found the munchie mascot.
No. 359523
>>359521Who is that?
It looks like someone performing in a Rocky Horror live show (gold shorts, quote written on their thigh).
No. 359548
>>359483Yup, you can only have one type of EDS. There is occasionally some overlap of symptoms, but not to the severity of vascular EDS. Also, a good indication is the POtS, it's found in EDS patients usually only in the ones with hypermobility. Same for mast cell activation syndrome. (It's been suggested there's a genetic link between those three, although nothing's been confirmed yet)
Sage for med/patient fagging
No. 359554
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>>359542They aren't terribly exciting, needs a fundraiser for a service dog because anxiety and fibromyalgia, likes to wear pasties or blue face paint in public. Unnecessarily edgy Christmas cards because he likes making people uncomfortable and thinking it's progressive.
No. 359556
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>>359542Interestingly enough found a way to put mini-skirt slytherin costume, and a "consent is fucking required" sign into RHCP.
No. 359590
>>359584Sorry. Stopped posting him a while ago and won't again.
Back on topic; has anyone ever heard of a munchausens actually recovering?
No. 359592
>>359591Yeah, I've read about a fair few cases but never anyone who managed to stop without constant supervision.
Is it like BPD where most don't recover because it's hard and involves accepting that you're not the centre of the universe or is it something that there's no real therapy for?
No. 359641
File: 1500953181015.png (896.13 KB, 933x601, zebras2.PNG)

Here is the girl who claims to have Vascular EDS AND hEDS, listing the physical characteristics of vEDS while showing us she doesn't have them. (Other photos show no visible veins on her chest either)
No. 359694
>>359680>>359692>>359678This discussion is Kelly-related, so it belongs in this thread:
>>359452(I posted the comment about junior/senior high. I graduated in 2005, in BC, and we had junior high and senior high. I assumed all of Canada was like that until recently.)
No. 359699
>>359692Same, but that was
my school. Others schools had junior/senior secondaries.
No. 359787
File: 1500978440477.png (439.86 KB, 1781x1194, IMG_0157.PNG)

> Munchie Suit Larry
No. 359788
File: 1500978613313.png (318.35 KB, 1845x969, IMG_0158.PNG)

> This is me… and this is me when I'm Munchieing it up in public with my useless mask and non-prescription Aspen collar
Sometimes I think a lot of these people are like cutters who cut to validate to themselves and others that they've got a disorder. They keep whining about not being taken seriously because their illnesses is invisible… hell, I'm glad mine is and I'm trying to make it even more so, whereas these Munchie faggots insist on it being made clear that they're SOOOO sick by piling unnecessary equipment on themselves…
No. 359789
File: 1500978829089.png (360.25 KB, 1852x1194, IMG_0161.PNG)

What the fuck is it with this 'nevertheless she persisted' bullshit? Last I recall, it was associated with Hillary Clinton, who is such a wonderful role model for spoonies…
No. 359791
File: 1500978903915.png (441.86 KB, 1827x1177, IMG_0159.PNG)

> Oh shit, I forgot to stay on my zero salt diet intended to fake low autonomic function! How will I get my precious POTS diagnosis now?
No. 359802
>>359794Natasha is definitely full of shit. As is Bryn.
Brynn is the spoonie pied piper. She literally turns mildly sick people into full time spoonies. An acquaintance with a minor health issue who used to run marathons became friends with her. A year later and she suddenly mysteriously is in a wheelchair and has a cute assistance puppy. Several of my friends, who actually are severely chronically ill, know Brynn in person and attest to her being a huge fucking drama queen, and while she probably does have MCAS, whatever the fuck that really is (I have a hard time believing a potentially fatal disease that was virtually unheard of up to ten years ago has suddenly emerged in large numbers!), many in the sane corners of the spoonie community suspect her of inducing her own anaphylactic and digestive issues. She has a fairly thorough understanding of medicine and has a few times accidentally revealed she knows how she would induce symptoms. All in all, Brynn is almost definitely sick but also faking most of her level of disability. She literally has no imagination of a future for herself other than doing what she does full time, and I have not seen anyone love being a spoonie (and a popular and respected one, almost like an elder) as much as she does.
No. 359815
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>>359802Looks like we're talking 2 service dogs? Overkill?
No. 359854
>>359834Oh, the effort of carrying an epipen!
Lol, fuck off. I've had to carry one and a box of medication since I was 5. I barely notice it anymore. When I have an attack, I discreetly call for help and sort myself out, not make a huge theatre, least of all do I ask my coworkers to take some dramatic shots of my swollen face. I'm too busy, you know, with my throat closing up. And I'm nothing special - virtually everyone who actually has a hypersensitivity condition knows how to manage it. It's only you pathetic fucks who need to make their lives revolve around it because your stupid immunoglobulins are just about the only thing special about you.
No. 359856
>>359819Most have feeding tubes, and you can get pretty fat pretty quickly if all your life consists of is TPN/feeding tubes and spoonieing it up on Instagram.
The fact that they're on meds that do make them put on weight as well does not help. Heck, most of them are on opioids, Lyrica, gabapentin, prednisone and/or more of these. They will make you balloon.
No. 359873
File: 1500988480523.png (1.07 MB, 1962x1290, nobodycaresaboutyourbloodyepip…)

Is _chloeblogs spam-chan or is it just coincidental that she's now posting here?
>>359834>>359858 No. 359888
>>359858Whatever you're on, it's starting to get on your brains.
You did not invent the epipen in public places thing. It's been debated for years. Smarter people than you have considered it and decided that the risks outweigh the benefits. You can campaign all you want, there are serious problems with keeping a potent prescription medication available to non medically trained personnel to use on others who, unlike in the case of AEDs that only fire if they detect fibrillation, might inject and kill or maim a person accidentally.
But yeah, as long as it gets you on the front page and you can talk about what a brave spoonie you are for carrying a 100g device with you.
No. 359890
File: 1500990402644.png (741.43 KB, 1230x926, yourewelcome.png)

>>359873sage for samefagging, just seen this on her twitter.
Apparently she also likes to use the word cunt, wonder how she stumbled upon this thread.
No. 359893
>>359890Honey, millions around the world have experienced anaphylaxis. There are people with non-histamine induced (bradykinin) angioedema (HAE) who get it every few days! The fact is, you have an epipen, you can sort your own problems, you're not in any massive danger here, you're not dying and you're not at risk of dying anymore than a well controlled diabetic is.
So: shut up and stop doing this stupid drama. Is it just for your own entertainment, or do you want to wave that stupid paper to get into college?
No. 359900
Chloe evidently has no idea what an epipen costs. She's getting all of hers on the NHS, but if all public places need to have one, who is going to pay for the thousands, if not hundreds of thousands, of epipens that need to be replaced every 18 months, yielding an annual cost per epipen of £20 or so. Given that you want them to be available, you would need one every 200sqms of area, so a museum like the British Museum would need 375 injectors, yielding a cost of £7,500 per annum. Doesn't sound like a lot but it quickly adds up.
Your idea is stupid, go home.
No. 359917
>>359904kek at the fact that you dont seem to have cottoned on to the fact that coming on an ANONYMOUS image board and then insulting other farmers in an attempt to get them to reveal their names, is effectively the online equivalent of a 2 year old stamping their feet and throwing a tantrum. All you are doing is making everyone on here think you are even more ridiculous and immature than we already did.
Your idea sucks. Big time. Grow up, get over it, maybe take a class in English whilst you're at it- yours is frankly horrendous.
No. 359924
>>359904You do understand I'm not the Anon who said they went to school with you, right? Right?
I know quite a bit about the condition you are, rather badly, pretending to have (well, you're one to speak of being a low life!). Ditto about its treatment.
I would strongly suggest you consider learning to communicate and interact with people who don't treat you like the precious little spoonie warrior that you want to be, because, well, you aren't.
I would strongly advise you to go visit a paediatric oncology ward. You need to get some perspective as to how infinitely fortunate you are for having an easily manageable, survivable and non-life limiting condition (or at least pretend to have). You'll still be here in ten years, most of them won't. And if you don't understand what an immense privilege that is, and instead squander it on pretending to be a brave spoonie warrior and campaigning for something terrifyingly dumb and impractical, you are wasting what many of those kids would give everything to have a fraction of. I should know, I spent a good part of my childhood there.
No. 359936
>>359931You spent time on a paediatric oncology ward? Not talking about your time on an ED ward. People don't die left, right and center there.
Your 'struggle', quite frankly, is perhaps tough to you, but fairly unexceptional in the grand scheme of things, and you've got to be a special sort of self-obsessed moron to think you are some super brave fighter. In your self-absorbtion, you can barely comprehend that however much your suffering feels to you, you are a million times better off than most of humanity,
Btw, I am fucking shocked that you're a 19 year old native English speaker and use grocer's apostrophes and spell worse than I do, and I'm fucking dyslexic. Perhaps you should have spent some time working on your education rather than contemplating on how you would next incite health drama.
No. 359939
>>359931Oh and lovely comment about going back to the ward. I've been in remission for a very, very long time, but I fear relapsing every single day. So far, I managed not to have a fucking blog devoted to it, though. Still, how very brave spoonie fighter warrior people hope love bullshit of you to effectively wish me to relapse with leukaemia. You totally did prove your haters wrong there, huh.
Sage for blogging, sorry.
No. 359952
File: 1500993853154.png (2.02 MB, 1536x2048, IMG_2688.PNG)

Not sure if related but this bio made me laugh. Carpal tunnel surgery? Literally, a tiny surgical release procedure with a cut and stitch.
No. 360073
>>360059Honey, repeating trite bullshit like 'not every disability is visible' might work on the well-meaning general public. Many of the people on this board have visible and/or invisible disabilities, some are in the medical field, some are both (myself included, though I do not consider myself disabled). You've got to start to think for yourself and use your head, rather than expecting that the spelling, grammar and insults of a fifth-grader, commingled with the regurgitation of whatever stock phrases you have gleaned from spoonie memes, will get you anywhere.
The thing is, however appealing the idea sounds that your suffering is something entirely unique to you and nobody can know your pain, the fact is that you're suffering from an extremely well-understood disease. Do I exactly know what's going on in your head? No, but from having a fairly good understanding of anaphylaxis, both through objective and subjective experience, I can have a pretty decent idea of the approximate range of your experience. There's a word for it - we call it the pathophysiology of disease. We know that the pathophysiology of swine flu involves sniffles and a fever and does not involve, say, protracted hallucinations or psychosis, so if a patient whose serology is positive for SIV claims they are tripping with Timothy Leary (you probably have no idea who that is and it's better that way!), they're either lying or there's something else going on. Equally, given the frequency of your condition, your suffering is far from unique. It's frequent and well documented and through quite a fluke, I also happen to have a severe allergy to a relatively common food ingredient. So to assert that you somehow are experiencing some mysterious, externally unknowable pathological process is hilariously dumb. Now, how you process, and live with, your health condition is a different thing. You may be constantly preoccupied by it, and so it may be crushing to you, but that's not the disease, that's how you choose to process it. Severe hypersensitivities are a generally painless and mostly benign nuisance, and I don't need to have some special personal understanding of yourself to known that you're exaggerating and milking it for all its worth, pretending you're in constant danger of keeping over (you really aren't).
Get some perspective. There's a lot of suffering in the world and you're immensely lucky your share of it is, so far, fairly little.
Also, your idea of putting epipens everywhere is a self-serving waste of time. Anyone with a brain and some understanding of the issues involved would know why. I thought for a moment that you were too young to get these aspects of the problem, but then it emerged you are actually 19, which leaves me a little baffled as to what you have been up to the last decade or so. Even someone with your commitment to making a career from whining should understand a little more about the way the world works, not the least that if you mandate something, it costs money (shock horror), which people unlike you who pay taxes have to come up with somehow.
No. 360078
>>360075Umm nobody is stalking anyone?
I feel old when I say this but please type full words instead of text speak shit. It's just lazy and doesn't further your argument. It just makes you look even more immature.
No. 360082
>>360073Imagine what a precident this would set! Every public place would end up needing epi pens, asthma inhalers, buccal midazelam, insulin and glucose, angina meds and fuck knows what else. It's not something that's sustainable or practical. Not to mention the likelihood of theft or vandalism of medical devices.
I feel like this kind of thinking is also heading into a lack of personal responsibility. Can't be bothered carrying a bag with you on a night out but scared of anaphylaxis? Don't worry, leave your epipen at home and use the one in the bar you're drinking in. There's just too many issues with this idea.
No. 360085
>>360075Do you even know what stalking means? Because it's a pretty serious accusation from someone who can barely string two sentences together.
I've worked in UK health policy for some time. I'd say I have a better understanding of what it the 'work going into it' is. But since you do, and since 'so many people support it' (the dumbest ideas ever had plenty of supporters too…), why don't you answer a few questions.
1) How do you define 'public places'? Do you mean open to the public, accessible to the public, intended for the public or with a public right of way?
2) For instances where a public place is owned by anybody other than the Crown, which is most places, who will be under the obligation to provide the injectors: the NHS, the owner, the tenant or the occupier?
3) For situations described above: who will pay for it?
4) If it's not the NHS providing it, at what rate will the injectors be provided - cost or prescription charge? Will prescription charge exemptions outside England apply?
5) What will the extent of the duty of care be?
6) Who, if anyone, will be under a DoC to use it? Will there be immunities?
7) Epinephrine is a prescription drug. Who will prescribe the units to be held in public places? And how will its availability not constitute providing prescription medication without authorisation?
8) What will the DoC be in respect of training? What if there is a conflict as to who gets to use it? What if there are multiple cases and too few injectors?
9) How will corporate tenants/owners account for the costs?
And that's just a few questions.
There's a reason why health policy is not made by borderline illiterate 19-year-olds who think 'twato' is an effective insult.
No. 360087
File: 1501007054887.png (196 KB, 750x1165, IMG_2225.PNG)

Sweet Jesus.
No. 360088
File: 1501007284967.png (202.35 KB, 750x1146, IMG_2226.PNG)

Oh, you 'weren't taken seriously'?
Perhaps the fact that you're trying to get treatment for a condition that doesn't exist (neurolyme) except in the minds of people who want an illness to explain why they're sometimes tired and should be allowed to spend all day chilling and avoid reality and woo merchants like the Hansa Clinic supplying imaginary treatments for these people, milking them harder than we ever could, had something to do with that? Also, your stupid mask that doesn't do shit but indicate to all and sundry that you're a special little flower?
No. 360095
>>360088I agree that their treatment is sketchy as hell, but since when does neurolyme not exist?
Lyme can affect you neurologically, that's not a made up thing
No. 360135
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Well, hats a healthy attitude. I can't even think of anything that can go wrong with that.
No. 360143
>>360135And a munchie is born…
I feel so sorry for the doctors that have to deal with these people. Not that are aren't bad doctors out there (there definitely are), but most are way better at medicine than someone who's not a doctor. And healthcare isn't a by-request business. You don't get a treatment just because you want it. Doctors are there to make sure you don't fuck yourself up, which is honestly what a lot of spoonies do.
No. 360189
>>360175I see. You can't answer my questions. Which is ok, I did not expect you to understand that e.g. AEDs are limited to only fire in case of a cardiac emergency, whereas that's not guaranteed with an epipen, and AEDs are not drugs that require a prescription.
I don't care how grown up you are, your project is full of crap. You don't understand a thing about the way these things work in the real world, and you think you are going to go out and change the world? Hilarious.
Sage for possible derail, sorry…
No. 360241
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Stop responding to this epi-pen faggot omg. Y'all should be banned along with the spammers for responding to obvious derailing crazies.
No. 360247
>>360229Actually, you'll find I am.
What is it about these Munchie fuckers that makes them think they can exaggerate and make up shit, then argue that you can't know because you're not their doctor, waaaaah! Don't you stupid fuckheads realize that that's not how medicine works? You're not special. You're not some rare case. Your anaphylaxis is the same eminently treatable and manageable condition as it is for millions of people worldwide. Fuck. Off.
No. 360260
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Been keeping an eye on a very irritating spooniechan for a while: Thee Crohnie Grace.
Granted, Crohn's is an awful disease. But this girl isn't content with one horrid disease, she's gotta catch 'em all! Recently jumped on the gravy trains of EDS, POTS, gastroparesis, autism, personality disorder, has a gofuckme for a wheelchair, etc etc. All of her physical problems can be put down to Crohn's, rather than the super special illness du jour. But I guess you gotta keep up with the cool kids.
No. 360271
>>360254That is nonsense. There is a small number of disorders that make anaphylaxis harder to manage. One is the bradykinin cluster e.g. HAE. You don't have HAE, because epipens work for you. Then there are the mast cell disorders - mastocytosis and MCAD/MCAS, primarily (I'd assume you do not have mast cell leukemia or ~ sarcoma). If you have MCAD/MCAS, you'll have more frequent attacks of anaphylaxis but they remain just as treatable with epipens, case closed. If you have mastocytosis, the same pretty much applies.
Bottom line, once again you are trying to pull something mysteriously out of your ass by claiming you have some unnamed mystery condition that means that simple treatment for anaphylaxis doesn't work as well for you as it does for millions of people. Yeah, uh, no. That's not how it works.
No. 360283
>>360267a 13km hike is pretty big for an anoretic. Even if she's munching down snacks along the way it's no good at all if she's had significant muscle wastage or problems with her heart.
It's weird how so many of these people are weirdly close with their mothers for adults. It's creepy for your mum to be your best mate imo.
No. 360285
>>360260Oh fuck. What's the probability…
See, one thing these people don't understand is the concept of 'etiology'. Etiology denotes the source of a condition. Now, chronic illnesses travel together, but IFF they share an etiology. So an autoimmune illness will not make you more likely to have a neurodevelopmental disorder. So while EDS+POTS+MCAS is legit, EDS+RA, Crohns+EDS etc. are not. Which means that someone with Crohn's, EDS and autism has to independently meet the probabilities for each. These are astronomical.
Also, hypokalemia is not a disease, it's a symptom, and for fuck's sake, it's almost always present with Crohnies. As for GP + Crohn's, that's a pretty controversial topic, with some doctors outright arguing that's not even possible, though I'm a little dubious as to their reasoning.
No. 360306
>>360299Then it's a fucking miracle she survived complex GI surgery on an ulcerated colon that would also have torn or bled at the drop of a hat.
But it didn't.
Which for starters makes me more than a little dubious.
No. 360393
Btw for anyone interested in why neurolyme is bullshit and why most of the Lyme hype is nonsense: this is a good nontechnical introduction
No. 360435
>>360408There are some genuinely sick people, and some who believe they are genuinely sick. Most of these are leaving the 'community' in droves.
There are the spoonie superstars. None of them are pure fakers, but they do wildly dramatize and exaggerate otherwise manageable or benign illnesses. Then they build their peripheries, most of whom tend to exaggerate but a good number of them tends to outright Munchie it. Many of them are somewhere in between: they had benign conditions that they dramatized or that they then started to invent some more conditions to go with so as to be able to 'keep up' with the rest. Nobody wants to be the least sick. The worst thing is that the lovebombing on the surface and the fact that society tends to treat the chronically ill with the language of 'heroism' and being a 'fighter' tends to become addictive and it's very hard to break loose from being admired for the most mundane things…
No. 360465
>>360408I think that what makes a spoonie over the top is the number of hashtags.
But seriously, it's the competition aspect, like another anon mentioned, always having to be the sickest, seeing who has the most aides/devices/medications and always pushing for more, even against medical advice/opinion. Always having to one-up others, they always have it worse, their lives are always the most difficult and the most unfair. Expecting everything to revolve around them, and throwing tantrums when it doesn't. On a different vein (kek), decorating medical equipment, giving things names, making things all cutesy; generally acting much younger than they are. Focusing on how their illness/devices/equipment/etc. looks rather than how it functions. They are focused entirely on what's wrong and how it sets them apart from the rest of the world, instead of focusing on how to live their life despite having an illness. Being an illness instead of a personal with an illness.
No. 360470
>>360465Agree about the focus on style over function. It's all about performing for some of them.
are there any spoonie focused accounts, as opposed to people who happen to have an illness but don't post about it, that AREN'T full of this crap?
No. 360511
>>360408Imo the difference is legitimacy. There's genuinely sick people with shit like CF, and severe crohns who make the best of it even when their day to day life is hospitals, doctors, and specialists.
There's legitimately sick people who malinger and obsess and turn their entire life into a process of documenting every little thing and exaggerating it.
Then there's munchies, who induce or fake diseases or vague symptoms in order to get medical and social attention.
No. 360548
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Last month HMG was apparently bedbound and told he'd never be able to walk again. This week he's "settled down in life".
Dunno about him, but if I was told I'd never walk again and was bedbound, I definitely would npt be "settled" a month later.
No. 360614
>>360548It does seem odd but this is kinda nice? He's not being OTT or attention seeking particularly. Can't blame him for rambling about his issues on his own account, at least he isn't creating drama or exaggerating. he may be right that this is healthy for him, even if from outside he still seems over invested in being sick. None of these spoonies will shake that easily, even 100% legit ill people like crazycrohnie are carefully presenting themselves and tailoring their image. But if HMG isn't wasting resources and is trying to build a decent life, more power to him. Better than taking up a hospital bed.
Saged for possible wk? Never thought id be wking HMG
No. 360699
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oh Nicole, Nicole, Nicole. if you spend your life hanging out in hospitals, you're bound to catch a hospital-acquired infection eventually. you brought this on yourself, kiddo.
does it piss anyone else off when these dipshits say things like "we plan to try X" or "we will replace the NG" - they really fancy themself as doctors.
No. 360700
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I have exercise induced anaphylaxis (look at me! It's rare!) I don't even carry an Epipen with me because in the United States they cost upwards of $200, even with my insurance. Know what I do? I carry a bottle of dollar store children's benadryl with me. Feel an attack coming on? Chug that shit. Then proceed to nearest ER and wait in the lobby with face buried in a magazine so that staff don't see my face swelling. Symptoms always subside, but if they don't, well, then I'm in the right place. Attack subsides, and go home. The whole drama-free episode cost all of about 50 cents to ward off (fraction of the dollar store bottle).
I just blew your mind, epi-pen chan. Chug that that liquid benadryl and stfu. You're welcome for that.
Sage for kinda blog
No. 360721
>>359890erm what
epi pen is allowed all places
I have yet to see a place that didn't allow epipens, why is she making a huge deal out of it
No. 360739
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>>359488How nice of HMG to reply about his meds.
>Ohai Chloe! No. 360743
File: 1501063560319.png (725.64 KB, 1321x635, HMGluke 7.25.17 mobility.png)

>>360592Look he was kind enough to explain!
No. 360745
>>360739Actually, Vit D and diclofenac gel are both OTC. Co-codamol is OTC although I don't know if the 30/500 combo is. Melatonin is a non regulated food supplement under UK law and only gastroresistant caps are pharmacy only. I think poor silly HMG is confusing prescribable with POM. It is possible to prescribe a non-POM, that is, OTC, medication, at which point it will be provided under the same terms as any other NHS covered drug, ie. you pay a flat prescription charge unless you have a PPC or a Medex.
Sage for UKmedfag.
No. 360752
>>360743No doctor who knows shit about FND will ever say something like 'you'll be in a chair for the rest of your life'. The problems with that should be obvious.
In fact, every neurologist knows that short of complete SCIs and some severe brain injuries, there are few acquired conditions where it is anything close to certain that you are going to be wheelchair bound for the rest of your life.
Here's how i think this went:
Doc: "We don't know a lot about FND. It's a strange condition and we don't know rates of recovery. Right now, you seem to be unable to walk. There is a small chance that this won't improve and you will need a wheelchair for the rest of your life,"
Five minutes later on Instagram:
HMG: "You guize, I am gonna be in a wheelchair for the rest of my life!!! Best get my dad to buy me a power chair so that my cardiac and upper body fitness atrophies along with my lower limb and I will have even smaller chances of ever becoming self-sufficient! FND is totally a real disorder and nothing to do with, you know, psychiatric issues and shit! I totally need a wheelchair and fuckloads of pain medication rather than a considered and balanced psychiatric treatment plan focusing on making me think like a healthy person, stop obsessing about my illness and aim for ability! Then again, it's not like anybody expects me to work - my whole life is paid for by someone else, and I kinda like it, it beats getting up at 0630 for work!"
clap clap clap! U GO M8! #spooniestrong #fndistotallyreal
No. 360775
>>360745It's not Co-codamol its Co-dydramol (dihydrocodeine and paracetamol) and the 30/500 is not available OTC deffo POM (as is 30/500 co-codamol).
sage for scottish pharmacy dispenser fagging
No. 360793
>>360754I mean, if you wanna get technical, any thing that involves inflammation of the joints, tissue, etc, whether autoimmune or not are
technically "flares" (unless there's a better term for non-autoimmune inflammation / worsening of pain?)
No. 360797
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And lo a self fulfilling prophecy is born. I'm starting to get the feeling that all of Nicole's former supportive spoonie friends are dropping out of her life, due to the fact she won't fucking knuckle up and do the therapy necessary to correct her psychosomatic vomiting, so instead she's thriving off of the negative attention here. Like a fucking lamprey or some shit.
Threw up your NG tube, mmm, you don't say? I wonder why the fuck the doctors would give her something that she can't tolerate, physically or mentally?
No. 360801
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So, freephim is reaching new heights of crazy. It was only a question of time until her own many incoherent conditions and her super qenderqueerness (ze/hir, people!) won't be speshul enough, and Munchie by Proxy will enter the scene. And so, we find her already effectively diagnosing her child with EDS, because you know, having EDS makes you a geneticist.
I'm feeling sorry for the kid, so I blacked out her face. It's pathetic enough when you're a politically obsessive unemployed Munchie whose whole life revolves around the things that make her speshul, those being not her skills or accomplishments but her snowflake gender and her various diseases. It's worse that that kid is now condemned to see a behavior pattern in which mummy uses illness as a way to get attention and love from strangers. What a sad future for that kid - being either constantly emotoinally sucked dry by mom's health dramas, or finally cracking and becoming a Munchie herself to get the love she has only seen to flow forth amidst a medical crisis.
No. 360802
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It's telling that she doesn't want to be cured, she doesn't want relief, she wants political things and specific procedures. To Munchies, medicine is no longer about making them whole and be done with it, but about the ongoing adventure, much as a wine connoisseur would regard having a particularly rare vintage in his cellar as an experience to desire, Munchies treat surgeries and procedures that way.
No. 360820
>>360801This isn't "new" - there's a post or two from last year where she mentions her daughter likely has EDS.
Wasn't she extremely unwell for a while, some kind of breathing problem? Was that ever sorted out?
No. 360952
>>360802What's with all these munchies suddenly going on about chiari malformations now?
My best friend had it. It was freaking obvious, she has a really weirdly shaped head. And all it really did was cause headaches. Maybe there can be more side effects that she didn't have though.
This is literally something that you are BORN with, you can't suddenly develop it, and is pretty obvious. It's not like EDS where you can kind of string it along and fake it because there's no real test.
No. 360955
>>360952Depends on the type. Many do not have visible signs
Also how do you fake EDS? there's quite strict diagnostic criteria and also 6-7 types can be diagnosed via genetic testing
No. 361007
>>361001You're right about the types, sorry.
But that's the reason they made the new criteria. Also you can't really fake hypermobility
No. 361024
>>360955Are you joking? Genetic testing is so overloaded that in most cases, people can get a purely clinical dx 'pending confirmatory testing', and there are people in that status for donkey's years. Plus, there is no genetic testing for hEDS.
I am not the most flexible person on Earth and I meet 8/9 on the Beighton scale. That means that as soon as I say my poor jointses are a little sore, I'm eligible for that sweeet, sweet hEDS dx.
No. 361033
>>361000(Un)fortunately, those doctors are rare. And most of these Munchie fucks have their EDS dx from when all and sundry got diagnosed with EDS-BJHS/hypermobility syndrome. I haven't heard of a single instance of EDS patients getting retested if they still meet the criteria. Instead, they're simply being grandfathered into hEDS unless they have had genetic or clinical testing determining another subtype e.g. vEDS.
As it stands, hEDS is an absolutely bizarre diagnosis. I don't know too many other pathological entities where you qualify solely through the combination of a relatively frequent feature in the population as an objective criterion + a wholly subjective criterion like pain.
At this point, demand for the EDS dx is so high that genetics referrals take ages and patients, legitimate and fake alike, insist on a clinical dx by a GP/PCP. That's not unreasonable, you shouldn't have to wait months to get symptomatic treatment and it's not like we have anything else for EDS…
No. 361039
File: 1501092836518.png (350.82 KB, 1750x1202, IMG_0168.PNG)

Who wears a fucking pulsox on a big, button-adorned ribbon around their neck, like a name tag? "Hi, my name is Munchiefuck, and my pronouns are munch/munchy/munches"?
Munchie fucks, that's who,
No. 361040
File: 1501092910542.png (381.8 KB, 1830x1149, IMG_0167.PNG)

Of fucking COURSE she makes 'pill art'.
Of fucking COURSE' half of those pills are supplements.
These people are beyond parody.
No. 361049
>>3610421) Find a middle aged rheumatologist in your area, specializing in, say, RA.
2) Turn up, explain about EDS, bring a helpful list of criteria, hope that he doesn't know about the new ones.
3) He'll tell you he doesn't know much about EDS but it all looks consistent. You may get a tertiary referral to a geneticist, ignore it,
4) Go back to your GP and tell them the old dude dx'd you with hEDS. Show the report saying your symptoms are consistent. Doctors rarely specify explicitly which criteria were used, especially ones who don't know much about the disease.
5) The EDS dx makes it on your file. You won.
6) Ask for PT and OT referrals. Ask them for braces and canes and shit.
They'll be happy to see someone who for a change wants something to help his condition that isn't an opioid or a benzo.
Welcome to the club.
And if this sounds implausible, this is straight from a spoonie message board where someone asked what to do if the geneticist they were referred to is uncooperative.
No. 361056
>>361049Maybe i forgot to ad: i don't know a thing about US healthcare. I live in Scandinavia and just getting a diagnosis is hard.
Getting an EDS diagnosis takes referrels to multiple specialists, also there are only two centers in our whole country who treat EDS and also in that case it's only vascular and severe classical. We have about 1000 individuals diagnosed with EDS here, so it isn't as easy as in the US i guess.
No. 361058
>>361051Some munchies think their EDS diagnosis makes them special, even though it shares all the same symptoms as HSD. But no one wants to have that in their instagram bio's. Guess it's not considered a -
Sooper serioos speciuul - disease
No. 361199
>>361154Jesus, you're incoherent. What the fuck are you even talking about.
Let me tell you how this is going to play out, something you would know or understand if you weren't a complete newbie with more passion than brains or knowledge about health policy. You will complain, you will collect signatures and maybe your MP will see you. You will think this means you won. Depending on how desperate your MP is, s/he might table a speech about it in Parliament. There may be a brief discussion at which stage the same points I have raised will be raised and in five minutes everybody will realize it won't won't work. End of story. You'll get a letter saying 'thanks for trying' and that'll be it. The very fact that you think this situation is analogous (that means 'similar') to AEDs reveals how little you understand about the issues at stake.
The worst part is, the idea is not bad, and it will be spoiled for years because your moronic desire to see your face in the local rag holding up your epipens, which is a fairly pathetic pseudo-accomplishment for a 19-year-old who couldn't make it into higher education and exaggerated her utterly trivial and common anaphylaxis to explain why your life consists of a crappy beauty blog, instagram, whining about a sooper srs chronic illness that millions manage to live productive lives with instead of coursework and getting a job.
The worst part is, you're not dumb enough to not live to come to regret wasting your best years on this. Congratulations.
No. 361221
>>361213OK, give one example of a spoonie who doesn't fit into the categories anon listed above (CF, chemo etc) and has a feeding tube, and who you genuinely don't think has an eating disorder. One. Even one.
I'll wait.
No. 361235
>>361221Ok, don't get your panties in a twist.
Clearly none of the IG "spoonie" munchie crowd who flaunt their nose hoses are anything but fake. I was only saying that I'm sure there are some genuine gastroparesis patients out there.
No. 361274
>>361221Right here. EDS, gastroparesis since childhood. But also not posting pictures on instagram. Unfortunately know multiple "EDS/GP" patients who are just flexible and have eating disorders that have slowed down their gut, but who would be fine if they recovered. I stay the hell away from anyone else with EDS since even those who are genuinely sick tend to exaggerate symptoms or at least never be able to shut the fuck up about their various health complaints. But if anyone's interested in one of the worst eating disorder-trying to pull off EDS while trying to mooch money and attention off people, check out bekah gregory. Insanity and manipulation at it's finest, reminds me a little of our friend Kelly
Sage for blogging
No. 361285
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>>361274She was brought up in the Ana thread before, but she's super munchie. Says she has feeding tubes for gastroparesis, but I know it's just an eating disorder (she's unfortunately a friend of a friend). She started switching to blaming physical illness after being kicked out of nearly every treatment center in the country. At one point she got caught not only purging from her tube but teaching younger girls how to as welll. Has been claiming POTS for a long time, but an eating disorder gives the same symptoms w/o the syndrome. Suddenly started claiming EDS even though she's another ballerina who spends her life stretching.
And The Mighty is a terrible website.
No. 361303
>>361274Bekah belongs here:
>>243674There's a ton of discussion about her disordered ass.
No. 361309
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So can we just talk about Jaquie for a minute. Wether or not her vomitting is purposeful, or because she eats a terrible diet with go, you can see the toll it's taking on her teeth and lips. In some of her vlogs her lips are actively bleeding.
No. 361363
File: 1501125936994.jpg (565.55 KB, 1080x1123, Screenshot_20170726-222320.jpg)

Someone needs to tell her that being in the 50's is not a real low.
No. 361367
>>361363Just the fact that she thinks she will die in her sleep, from her low bloodsugar and rely on her service dog to keep her alive.
If it's that serious why doesn't she have a 24 hour glucose monitor on?
Another thing that i can't take: the way she insist she can't pick up her god damn slippers and blanket because she's soooo sick. Then move the fucking basket so you can reach it from the couch. You don't need that service dog
No. 361373
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>>361363Pet peeve: when these dumbasses talk about their "feeds". It makes my fucking skin crawl. You're not a pig at a trough, you don't get feeds. You are getting nutrition through a tube. Maybe "feeds" is the only word for it, but it makes me see red every time.
No. 361375
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>>361367She's also started on the whole "my house is turning into a hospital lol". She also said in one post that she usually can eat 60% of what she needs, but of course she has to have the tube or she's going to die. Surprisingly she's been able to have surgery (you can't eat before surgery no matter if you're a speschel snowflake or not) and hasn't kicked the bucket. She obviously doesn't have real blood sugar problems, or they'd be monitored.
No. 361383
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She even has a Patreon now! People actually pay her $50 a month!
No. 361384
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No. 361385
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No. 361439
>>361432I am somewhat/fairly sure that most of those are family or friends. What the fuck would you talk to Jackie for an hour a MONTH about?!
But hey. At least we know her hourly rate, in case anybody has a weird fetish for burying their face into a mess of tubes and lines and shit and have their shagging interrupted by a dog licking Jacqui's face alerting her to her super low blood sugar of 55.
No. 361459
>>361439Sounds like her husbands fetish right there.
She honestly pisses me off by just existing. It's like she can't go 5 words without saying "chronic illnesses" in her blogs, they are so repetitive, as for Harlow, people are saying she looks SO healthy have they not seen that poor dogs eyes?
She overworks and underfeeds her dog, she feeds her dog twice a day two meals of raw meat and veg, TWICE? She feeds the dog less than she feeds her husband that's for sure
Oh and let's mention her latest blog "oh i ate bananas and peanut butter and it's a safe food for me so yay!"
A short while later "were off to Dairy Queen!"
D A I R Y?! With GASTROPARESIS AND IBS?! Is she insane?! Of course she's going to shit and puke her guts out, all she eats is literal shit!
Saged for rant.
No. 361500
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>>361459This fucking bitch. Featured is her golden retriever, on the left, next to a healthy golden on the right. The difference makes my skin crawl at how malnourished Har is.
No. 361502
If this is you epicrazy
>>361493Epipens are fucking free. You're given 2 at a time. Also "THERE" IS A FUCKING INDICATOR and "THEIR" IS A POSSESSIVE. Or buy/fundraise a fucking bubble and live in it, far cheaper and will give you national media coverage. Anaphalaxsis IS horrific but by the time a random has raised an alert then scrabbled for an epipen you're already dead.
No. 361525
>>361500Isn't it the Horner's syndrome? It's quite common in goldies and the causes are often unknown.
My dog had those eyes because of a tumor tho.
I hope she checked that poor thing
No. 361546
>>361493Actually, being a U.K. taxpayer, it matters to me very much, and since you are almost definitely going to need public funds for this (even if the pens are paid by occupiers or owners, the enforcement will have to be public), you will have to account for this. It is rather ridiculous that you pretend you are running this massive campaign convinced you will be successful, but without the slightest awareness of how to answer questions and a reluctance to communicate clearly and intelligibly. And unless you happen to be a multimillionaire willing to pay for the whole thing yourself, I don't see what I need to know about you to see that you have been given a handful of simple questions about your proposal, and you couldn't answer one, never mind all.
You've got to have some special form of insanity to believe you are going anywhere with this without showing the slightest understanding of the issues involved. Or is the game that you will get some publicity out of it and that's all you want, hence your disinterest about issues of feasibility?
Seriously, you're fucking this up for the professionals. No serious player will be able to so much as touch an epipen mandate after this for a few years. People better and brighter than you have worked on making epipens more available in public buildings but the practical problems are overwhelming.
Grow up. Then try again. You have the mindset of a sulking teen whose reply to everything is 'you don't know meee!' It's lame and it's transparent and it's ridiculous, and I don't know what you expect this will play out like, but you're in for a disappointment.
No. 361549
>>361500Jesus Christ. Poor dog. I'm not an expert but it just cries 'save me!': malnourished, and in obvious distress.
Btw, an assistance dog is not a right, it is a stressor and an unusual demand on a dog, and the dog gets nothing out of it. Nothing at all. As such, the ethics of people training an assistance dog to help their nonexistent illnesses and do for them things they're too lazy yet perfectly able to do (looking at you, Jacqui!) is incredibly unethical. It indicates a disregard for the animal's welfare and future. An assistance dog is under constant low grade stress, and it is sacrificing years of its life expectancy to help its owner. Maybe getting your dog to do what every sane person uses a CGM for is not too ethical, especially if you consider that a CGM is always going to be more accurate than your dog, and if you ACTUALLY had a hypoglycaemic risk, you would be getting one easily. But no, it's just another scary word you can use to your heart's content to impress other Munchies and annoy and stress your poor dog.
My heart breaks for Har.
No. 361591
>>361549Depending on the breed working is good for dogs, when done properly. Golden's love to work, and it's good exercise for their intelligence. Jaquie uses her to do the most ridiculous things that she doesn't need, but that isn't what's wrong with the dog. Harlow is malnourished and poorly bred. Jaquie feeds her terrible meat that she gets from Sam's Club, Harlow got a severe infection from it and Jaquie tried to pass it off like it was something minor. She's too spoiled to care for herself, much less a dog.
She claims to use Harlow for counter balance, but she's doing it all wrong. She claims she's a medical alert for POTS, last time I checked you can tell when you're about to black out. She's starting to do angiodema alert, which Jaquie has convinced herself she has even though she doesn't really have the symptoms. Scratching at your chest until it's red and claiming your throat is closing does not mean angiodema.
No. 361595
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Yes, she looks so malnourished. Even if you take post surgery bloating in to account, she looks fine, not even that thin.
No. 361612
>>361596 this angers me so much, she looks absolutely fine. i've been on a jtube for 5 weeks and i'm so sick still i can barely get out of bed. prior to this i was on tpn for six months and i still could barely get out of bed, but she looks perfectly healthy, with thick, glossy hair, great skin, healthy body, etc.
sage for blogpost
No. 361619
>>361139Grammar lesson in a way for your retarded brain to hopefully understand…
THEIR: that is their epipen
THERE: I put my epipen over there
THEY'RE (they are): They're going to pick up an epipen
No. 361621
>>361612That might be because when she's not tubing it, she's eating at DAIRY FUCKING QUEEN.
Top tip, fellow soon to be gastronauts: if your patient eats at DAIRY QUEEN, they do NOT have IBS, or indeed any other GI disorder, unless they spend the rest of the day begging for death and/or fentanyl.
Now, there's such a thing as 'fat malnourishment' aka 'intestinal malabsorption at normal weight'. Normally, that happens when your absorption of fats and carbs is unimpaired but the rest is a trainwreck. These cases DO need to be nutritionally corrected because the patient is going to merrily go and die from their malnutrition despite looking a healthy weight.
However, I have to say that I have never seen a person with 'chronic malnourishment' (known in medicine as 'chronic malnutrition', Munch better faggit!) look this good. I mean, that skin, that hair and all, evidently intact nails, no poking out bones… yeah, this doesn't tend to happen with the chronically malnourished. Most importantly, since she's making her idiotic grin on both pages, it's easy to compare that very little changed on her facial structure. The area behind the zygomatic muscle, which is normally the most tense in a grin and as such the most visible under the skin if the person in question is emaciated, is not much different, her chin is not abnormally prominent, her eyes do not look unduly sunken considering she's got eyes on and what's most revealing: the distal ends of the flexor digitorum superficialis muscles are not poking out more on the photo where she is starving.
Bottom line, three weeks of tube feeds have not made a visible difference on her. Anybody who has been reversed out of starvation by tube feeding knows that three weeks of high calorie elemental or non-elemental feeds blow you up like a balloon.
Screw that.
No. 361624
>>361459_There is no such thing as 'safe foods' the way spoonies use the term._
There is absolutely no such thing as 'safe foods' for someone with a digestive disorder. There are some foods which are generally not THAT hard on the digestive system, and others (such as DAIRY fucking QUEEN, you fucktard!) that are very much more demanding. For two persons with the same condition, the same foods will be tolerable and the same foods will be unacceptable. End. Of. Exerfuckingcise.
Then, people may differ, e.g. I have IBS and a lactose intolerance, and you may only have IBS, so that it's a safe food for you.
What does NOT exist is that "I have GP but Burger King is a safe food for me!" and "I have IBS but I can have Dairy Queen, because for some reason their lactose is not aggravating my IBS as much as other lactose, because it must be somehow different, despite the fact that something either is or isn't lactose - I'm sorry, I did not listen in sixth grade chemistry, I was busy trying to figure out what profound yet easy to fake disease I should next add to my list on Tumblr!".
Especially when their safe foods aren't foods but vendors. That's my utter fucking favourite. It's like saying "this brand of peanuts does not give me an anaphylactic reaction despite being allergic to peanuts!"
It is utter fucking stupidity and it is so retarded, I cannot even imagine why we are even putting up with this nonsense from these assholes sometimes.
No. 361675
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>>361621No idea what you're talking about, look at this super sick looking person.
No. 361685
>>361363Anything under under 70 is a low blood sugar for a diabetic person,and I've heard/seen her talk about having low blood sugar before, but out of all those tags, I don't see diabetes listed.
What exactly is she claiming she has that causes low blood sugar?
Is the pump she's talking about an insulin pump?
If you had your insulin pump turned off for five hours, your blood sugar would be in the upper three hundreds, if not higher.
Sage for not being sure what all diseases she claims to have, I just got my feefees ~
triggered~ since I actually have diabetes.
No. 361724
>>361650If her GP is severe enough to require a jtube, she shouldn't be able to eat any solid food at all, or very, very little, and only specific kinds. Plus, usually you have to trial doing a liquid diet, followed by an NG or NJ tube. No responsible doctor should subject a patient to surgery without knowing that a feeding tube is
going to be successful, not to mention getting insurance to approve it. And if she's messing around with the rate, it's not going to help her supposed nausea. It's also a good way to end up with horrible diarrhea, so good luck with that.
No. 361732
>>361724Also, if you have a feeding tube, you have no safe foods apart from maybe ice cream. Everything else can clog and obstruct the tube outlet, which is an important issue if you us the G to drain and the J to feed.
I think she is going for a mito dx. It's an oldie and a goodie because it can literally cause any symptom and there are no conclusive diagnostic methods for all but one mitochondrial disorder. Used to be very popular among Munchies, but then two very popular girls who had mito passed away in short succession (one was a dubious case and arguably her death could have been more due to iatrogenic damage than any actual disease process!), and most people understood it's srs bznss and traded it for Ehlersdanlomastcellactivatistatichypotensivetachycardogastroparesis.
No. 361801
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She posted this today.
No. 361812
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I'm still not over the incredibly staged hospital proposal.
No. 361816
>>361803POSTURAL ORTHOSTATIC Tachycardia Syndrome.
That means you will generally faint at/around/after standing up.
Anything else is more likely to be a side effect of your 473848586862 different medications and a vascular system battered by infusing high volumes whenever you feel like it at whatever rate you feel is right like a fucking dumbass, rather than POTS.
No. 361819
>>361816Yeah and it's not like you just faint with no warning
Goddamn if you're dizzy and feeling faint just sit the fuck down
No. 361820
>>361812Oooooh that gentle hint at that most tragic of all tragic love tropes: the beautiful young girl withering away from [consumption/cancer/an advanced case of chronic patheticism], married just in time by her husband and soon to be widower…
Oh, Jesus. Fuck you. You're not dying, quit with the fucking drama.
No. 361822
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Why the fuck does she need IVIG? Why are they wasting it on her?
No. 361834
Are WE taking the piss out of them, or are the people who play pretend tourist in a world that for many of us was a prison for years? Because I think that if anyone is 'taking the piss', as you say with the grammar and education of someone who has been mainly hanging out on WebMD and Tumblr after Grade 5, it is those assholes who use them as fashion accessories and trendy things to have to gain some more of that sweet, sweet spoonie sympathy. What do you think, Chloe?
No. 361852
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She's never had a real reaction anyway. She has NEVER looked anything close to this. She will say she just had a reaction ten minutes ago but looks like her normal self.
No. 361866
>>361732>>361856Are you talking about Millie? She was from the old school YT chronic illness community. It used to be an amazing support network. IDK who the second was unless it was her friend Grace?
Something else I find interesting is that there is a huge percentage of spoonies with diagnoses-du-jour are white, well off and fanatically Christian.
No. 361871
>>361866Not Millie, she had myofibrillsr myopathy. No, one H. and one C. The latter was legit, the former everybody had doubts about.
And while you're correct with white and well-off, statistically there are at least as many super liberal lgbtq activistcows. This is more or less in line with the fact that most people cope with illness by fervent faith or absolute atheistic rejection.
No. 361919
>>361915So she IS already claiming mito?
No. 361967
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Recap of tonight's vlog, if anyone is interested.
Her narcolepsy is acting up. Queue the "narcoleptics function like someone that hasn't slept in 72 hours" speech. Normally her narcolepsy makes her sleep, last night it kept her awake.
She makes Harlow clean up her own toys because "if she bends over she'll pass out" even though you can clearly see her water bottle on the ground.
Hey husband came home, she made him lunch, because he apparently can't feed himself.
She had a friend come over, it seems like she just wanted to try out his wheelchair because it's the brand she wants. She goes on and on about how she needs a super special wheelchair. She continues to use his chair.
She passed out from her heat intolerance due to POTS. She claims "heat related syncope is so dangerous for me, it could've been an emergency situation. Who knows what would have happened if my husband hadn't thought to grab icepacks." If you pass out that easy, why are you going outside in the middle of the day, in the middle of Summer, in fucking Florida.
No. 361995
>>361967She is just awful.
sage for no contribution
No. 362007
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I've been screencapping a few posts over the last few days. Ironically I've been too ill to participate (who even knows where these supposedly sick people find the energy to vlog and write about themselves all the time!) this week…
Here is that girl who claimed to have 2 types of EDS at once explaining how she totally told told it by like, 5 different geneticists. Except maybe not.
No. 362008
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Also I did a scroll back through HMG's IG because I've been following him a while and have seen some things dropped from his hashtag list. Like diabetes! He's not "diabetic" any more (you'd really hope not with his appalling diet), just #hypoglycemic. Which can also happen when you eat nothing but junk. (pic from 2015)
No. 362009
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Also that time he decided he had Tourette's Syndrome. That's now disappeared from his favored disorders. Why keep the small stuff around when you can claim you'll never walk again?
No. 362014
>>362007Ffs. She has literally said in the past (can't find a screenshot) that she
hasnt been genetically confirmed vascular so these must be shit geneticists to say you can have hypermobile type that causes hypermobility like almost every other type and a type that she has few clinical features of and that they haven't urgently tested for. Because ya know it's deadly so you'd think these 5 geneticists would want to rule out or confirm asap.
She's one I've been onto for awhile because hEDS is purely clinical and vascular has a damn 90% accurate test. Not to mention the fucking numeral system has been outdated for awhile and few geneticists say anything but "classical" "vascular" etc
No. 362016
>>362014The naming system is confusing. I have EDS-HT, hEDS or EDS type 3 depending on where my specialists trained…
But she's full of shit. If she had Vascular EDS she'd have most of the hallmarks of Hypermobility type too. Crossover happens a lot, having two kinds of the same genetic defect at once does not.
No. 362119
>>362007Seriously, this shit again? Let's review:
-you cannot have multiple kinds of eds at the same time
-vascular eds has a very specific look, and is nearly always diagnosed in early childhood
No. 362128
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Look at me squeezing my face to make it look like it droops.
No. 362136
>>362128Who is this?
>>362131Who is Cheyenne? I agree with you though about the enabling partners thing.
No. 362140
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>>362131This is her, sorry. It didn't capture it all.
No. 362159
>>362140OT somewhat but what is with all these idiots claiming Gastroparesis?
I swear every fucking snowflake is claiming that label now
No. 362201
>>362183Please archive this, I mean. Sorry for double post.
Sage samefag
No. 362256
>>362252i'm a nurse! what i've seen is that it's usually the munchies who complain they can't take a shit and then come to find out they're taking zofran every time they get the slightest twinge of nausea. the ones who push it through their sooper speshul ports make me want to claw my eyes out.
sage for absolute medfagging
No. 362264
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HypermobileGuy is definitely not concerned about being special, not at all.
No. 362279
>>362264Oh, FND, which is basically a neurological form of conversion d/o, is totally not mental, u guise.
As for flare ups… the point is that that's not how most conditions work. EDS, for instance, is a slowly progressively deteriorating joint condition. That's all. There is no biological rationale for it flaring up.
No. 362382
>>362355Cancer is serious. Motor neurone disease is serious. Dementia is serious.
POTS is an unpleasant but not dangerous or serious condition.
No. 362392
>>362355You're 19. Thank God you haven't experienced serious illness, nor have you had to witness it in others. You haven't seen that moment when someone is in so much pain, they look you in the eye and though they can't speak, they beg for you to let them finally die. You haven't spent months starting your day at chemo, then going to work, dashing out of your office every once in a while, trying to vomit and shit at the same time, having become an expert at sequential vomiting and diarrhea.
You've had a few colds, maybe a broken bone or two and perhaps your appendix removed. Compared to that, POTS is dreadfully serious.
In reality, it's a benign condition that is not degenerative, not terminal, does not cause permanent disability despite the currently in vogue bullshit of asking for wheelchairs for POTS (which will only make the heart weaker and less reactive to postural changes!), and all in all it's a pretty tame condition that is catastrophized by young kids desperate for something to make them special.
No. 362395
>>362164I am convinced she wants to be talked about here. There hasn't been much about her on here recently and she keeps putting posts hoping someone will take the bait.
Next she will whine about being on here - well maybe stop expanding your social media talking about all your "illnesses".
And of course when listing her illnesses she names anorexia and a bunch of others but doesn't mention any mental illnesses that are likely the true cause of half this. She is seeing a therapist for more than just anorexia.
The being born premature thing kind of explains some of her chaos. There may actually be some cognitive deficits going on. Plus if she was truly raised being told she was a "little fighter" and a "special miracle" then thats probably the only way she knows to get attention.
Also why must she wear the terrible non-matching extensions.
At least there will be more milk.
No. 362406
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Not 100% sure if this is the same Chloe but I think it is. Did some reading back on ig. Claims to have all of these.
Among other things, you can't have OCD and OCPD….
People seem to confuse 'I've heard of this condition' with 'I have an actual on paper diagnosis from a med professional'…
No. 362813
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Even Harlow is rolling his eyes at her LOL
No. 370481
>>359939If there was a like button around this place. Id like every single one of your posts! And im so happy you achieved remission! Congrats! And totally agreed i watched my cousin battle leukemia from the time he was babe til he passed 9 years later. I wouldnt wish that shit on my worst enemy! What a fucking selfish cunt muffin! -to the selfish cunt muffin- I need an epi if i should happen to meet one of those winged stinging bastards from hell. And let me tell ya darling its called grow up and own your shit. Its not that hard to deal with! Be an adult!
Sage for the rage and blog