File: 1461441291747.gif (452.82 KB, 320x240, emily crocker loves attention.…)

No. 123455
>Emily Crocker stirring up drama likeBecause the previous thread reached its reply limit
>>120427A place to discuss ALL of the edgy attention whores, proana wannarexics, and eating disordered snowflakes on Instagram/Tumblr or elsewhere.
Original thread:
>>44088Second thread:
>>74624Third thread:
>>79031Fourth thread:
>>83974Fifth thread:
>>89109Sixth thread:
>>94114Seventh thread:
>>99329Eighth thread:
>>106059Ninth thread:
>>112288Tenth thread:
>>117640 No. 123465
File: 1461441723336.gif (307.22 KB, 500x375, muh ribs.gif)

>>123463Oh well, the shit continues…
No. 123469
File: 1461441886945.jpg (286.48 KB, 489x640, 7e0ed4c9fa714f3b6d5b0c3433cbae…)

>>123465I know people get butthurt about the gifs and shit, but at least y'all aren't taking this site so fucking seriously
Keep giffin' and Smithin' imho
No. 123473
File: 1461442142379.jpg (672 KB, 1920x1920, 1460049300234.jpg)

>>123472She's literally copying Ember Whann.
No. 123475
File: 1461442630923.png (164.61 KB, 1341x1628, Eleri 1.png)

No. 123476
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No. 123477
File: 1461442706029.jpg (298.15 KB, 960x1280, Eleri 5.jpg)

(very sorry for such samefagging)
No. 123479
>>123478She is tumblr user e-leri
The thing is she goes around commenting on posts, reminding everyone that in order to have a real anorexia diagnosis one must be underweight, otherwise it's "atypical anorexia". Meanwhile she claims to have anorexia but has admitted she has a BMI of 20? Now she's saying that she's underweight "for her body". It's the biggest load of hypocritical bullshit.
No. 123480
>>123476But she's not underweight kek
Have any of y'all ever tried looking through the blogs that like eleri and Jenna's photos? People who reblog and comment on and like their photos are literally ALL healthy-overweight ~anorexia recovery~ bloggers who refuse to acknowledge their 20% body fat
No. 123499
>>123485I ask myself this question every time i see a picture of her even though i know the answer
and it's always like
really bitch No. 123504
>>123500hahaha you can always tell when emily posts it's so good
she's literally wasting her precious life starving for other girls approval. other girls just as useless and pathetic as her, that don't seek treatment so they can stop mutilating the lives of their families because it would mean they wouldn't get attention on the internet.
you're fucking capable of feeling and thinking anything and this is what you choose.
No. 123508
File: 1461451325032.png (274.17 KB, 640x607, XUuejO.png)

Why are we talking about Emily and Ember, no one gives a shit about them. Except Emily and Ember.
Anyone have milk on those fat Spoony anas from the last thread? That was actually fun.
No. 123515
>>123509why would she be dx'ed with anorexia if she has a bmi of 20? unless it's atypical anorexia?
also she said she's 20 pounds underweight (in addition to having bmi 20) like.. it doesn't work that way
No. 123516
>>123508They have to be self-posting, those two are boring as shit. They're your average ana-chan, there is nothing interesting about them.
Was anybody able to follow Kadee's new account?
No. 123518
File: 1461454031311.png (443.66 KB, 640x995, nHpy9l.png)

>>123516I've seen a couple posts, but I haven't been able to follow her.
This is her whining that people don't accept how furrealz her anorexia is, so she's gonna starve just to show them.
No. 123525
File: 1461454496198.png (895.43 KB, 640x1042, 10SbDa.png)

>>123520>Such anorexia >Wow Just Wow I mean how much discipline can one cow have?
No. 123538
>>123525Was this post before or after the claim that she started "starving" herself again?
>>123528I'm certain she is but doesn't want to admit it. Unfortunately it's not going to work if she continues believing that she has anorexia and not BED.
She is so delusional, I really doubt that she's lost 100 lbs like she claims, if anything she has probably gained.
No. 123540
File: 1461457065661.png (5.35 MB, 3264x2176, Rjp7Fd.png)

>>123538Those posts were the 48 hours after she posted about how she was totes gonna starve. The other one was after as well.
>If you keep saying I don't have anorexia, I'm gonna get anorexia. No. 123542
File: 1461457363793.png (702.87 KB, 640x935, 8WIxwX.png)

>>123538She's so much of an attention sponge, if she had lost even 5lb she would have been posting pictures all over the place of her "emaciation"
>Pic Related- Our Ana Butterfly after her brush with death. No. 123543
>>123540I don't understand how people are believing her lies. No legitimate eating disorder facility would reject somebody for refusing to eat, that's literally what they are made to help people with.
The real reason they rejected her is because she has a binge eating disorder, and they can't help her if she thinks she needs to eat more than she already is. She needs to see a therapist to help her get over her delusions if she honestly thinks she is starving to death.
No. 123545
>>123543You clearly know nothing about eating disorders, people can die at any size.
(Skip to around 3:35 for the horror story about how her glucose was really low once and she could have had a seizure, but she had eaten so it was alright. Around the end she'll inform you on how its insensitive to tell her to eat a cheeseburger because she can't just eat!) know its old, but I cry every time)
No. 123547
>>123545Sarcasm is real.
But in that video I feel like Kelly is just reading off of google for a PowerPoint project. She talks sometimes in it as if ED symptoms don't even affect her.
No. 123563
>>123545"Eat a cheeseburger"
No you fucking planet eat a fucking salad.
You don't need another fucking burger omfg
No. 123566
File: 1461461981877.png (528.92 KB, 1440x2448, Screenshot_2016-04-23-18-31-17…)

e-leri is butthurt and just proved she lurks
No. 123575
>>123566>BMI is 20>20 pounds underweightShe's a complete idiot, if your BMI is 20 you are NOT 20 pounds underweight. 20 pounds underweight is dangerously underweight for most people, and I can guarantee that her BMI would not be well within the healthy weight range if she was. Also, if she were 20 pounds underweight she would look emaciated, especially if she has a larger frame like she claims. But she looks to be a healthy weight in the photos she has taken.
We are not stupid e-leri, stop lying.
No. 123576
>>123566What the fuck is this crap about a "natural higher weight"? If your BMI is 20 you are not underweight no matter what height you are. Like I honestly have no idea what she is trying to say.
I'm not saying she doesn't have an eating disorder and I honestly have no idea who she is, but if your BMI is calculated to be in the 20 range you aren't underweight.
Also it pisses me off when people claim they have "atypical anorexia' in order to try and cram themselves into the ana snowflake "better than thou" category. No bitch you have OSFED. Get used to it. It doesn't mean you're any less sick btw. In fact OSFED is the most common eating disorder and the most dangerous because it goes undetected the most frequently out of all eating disorders.
For fuck sakes just say you have OSFED and get on with it. I promise you the people who judge people for not having anorexia don't matter in the real world and probably don't have anorexia themselves.
No. 123580
>>123566this fucking idiot bmi of 20 is healthy weight regardless of height because guess what retard
you use your height to calculate ur bmi hur dur
No. 123585
>>123582not sure but the best thing about this is how "
triggered" she is right now and is being coddled but when a anon confides that jenna is
triggering they just need to get off of tumblr
No. 123588
File: 1461464045108.png (603.56 KB, 758x659, Screen Shot 2016-04-23 at 7.13…)

that is definitely not the body of a 20 pound severely underweight anorexic
No. 123589
>>123578>BMI is bullshit and I'm not underweight but I'm totally anorexic!!>I'm not underweight but I'm TOTALLY underweight>we're all fragile u guise pls no bully :(bitch you are not anorexic. you are DEFINITELY not underweight. sorry but the truth hurts.
e-leri, don't blame the internet for "
triggering" you, people will call bullshit when you make obviously false claims (like claiming to be underweight)
and if you can't handle a few nasty anons then maybe you need to take a break from the internet for a while like damn
No. 123591
>>123578You are a fake anorexic and you are not underweight, you are a healthy weight. Your body does not have a naturally high set point that is 20+ lbs higher than other people of your height, that doesn't even make sense.
I don't know what eating disorder you have but it's not anorexia, stop saying you have it. Anorexia is not "superior" to other eating disorders if that's what you think.
If your therapist has told you that you are underweight, they are ignorant to how bodies work or they are trying to appease you. And I only said therapist because I know any licensed doctor would not call you underweight at the weight you are right now.
No. 123598
File: 1461464566539.png (45.72 KB, 191x148, Screen Shot 2016-04-23 at 7.21…)

but guise
i'm not underweight according to an outdated chart
but i have anorexia
No. 123601
File: 1461464747801.png (207.04 KB, 428x413, Screen Shot 2016-04-23 at 7.25…)

>bmi isn't an accurate measure anymore, people don't fucking use that
>i have a bmi of 20, that's underweight for me
No. 123602
>>123594I thought e-leri was real for a while too but c'mon, look at the way she's been trying to flaunt her body and the way she talks about working out obsessively, just like jenna, and then acting like it's totally not disordered. She might not be as bad as jenna but when it comes so ass licking she's a pro because she enables all of her friends, including birdyally on instagram who is still bodychecking and posting steamed veggies #recovery.
E-leri is the type of bitch who knows someone's weight doesn't indicate their eating disorder has healed but then she's going to defend oatsandjen for posting before after photos just because she's a popular fitblr she just HAS to kiss up too.
E-leri is fake as fuck.
No. 123603
she's just bitching about anonymous messages… why the fuck doesn't she just turn off anon/turn off the anon option?
after that whole video she STILL has anonymous enabled.
she's literally setting herself up for hate just so she can have a reason to cry and get asspats.
sage for fucking samefag i cannot with this bitch i just learned about her after
>>123566 and i'm already disgusted.
No. 123610
File: 1461465432892.jpg (517.24 KB, 1280x1707, tumblr_o27forc8QQ1sv4zedo2_128…)

Look at those stick-thin thighs, she's starving to death! She must be 20lbs underweight!
Jesus, what a fucking dipshit
No. 123612
>>123611she lurks here how else do you think she had a meltdown
she posted screenshots of posts about herself
if she's able to navigate through it she can probably post. it's not that hard.
No. 123619
>>1235181-"WE are down 7 more lbs" WE? Kadee, you're not gonna start pulling DID shit like ohchickpea, are you??
2-I wonder what her goal weight is? 300lbs?
No. 123624
>>123542Sooo sad you guys, she's nothing but bones! :(
No. 123626
File: 1461467056963.png (2.23 MB, 1578x2048, PhotoGrid_1461466834161-1.png)

Considering both of these girls have thousands of followers, the fact that they can't break at least 500 likes is embrassing but I felt the need to point how the difference lolol
No. 123628
>>123545Holy fuck, she's painful to watch. Between her struggling for breath and the weird mouth twitches that have got to be caused by all the fucking meds she's on…holy shit. It's hard to even pay attention to what she's saying, because the shit mentioned above is such a huge, disturbing distraction.
Filled with horror right now.
No. 123629
File: 1461467406658.jpg (128.38 KB, 636x603, holyshitthecomments.jpg)

>>123545Holy shit, did you farmers read the comments on Kelly's youtube video?
No. 123630
File: 1461467521837.jpg (117.78 KB, 622x624, gottabefarmers.jpg)

>>123545Hold up, are these farmers commenting?
No. 123632
>>123630since all the comments are recent i wouldn't doubt it
especially if comments started showing up around the time she was posted here
No. 123634
>>123630those comments are so fucking malicious yet childish like
"you're a fucking disgrace. porky" c'mon? wtf?
No. 123640
File: 1461468312636.png (271.35 KB, 1091x634, Screen Shot 2016-04-23 at 8.24…)

here's a bright idea:
disable anon.
or you can just constantly bitch and moan about anon hate. your choice
No. 123644
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No. 123652
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>>123545Oh you guise! kek
No. 123659
>>123631funny because the three treatment facilities i went to diagnosed on their own using the DSM criteria. they may use info from
your treatment team, but they usually form their own diagnoses for insurance purposes
No. 123660
File: 1461469309118.jpg (367.4 KB, 1280x1707, tumblr_o08w10V3E11sv4zedo5_128…)

Here is a body picture of the girl who claims to be severely underweight
absolutely skeletal :(
No. 123671
>>123657The girls on the first look to be at the lower end of a healthy weight, and on the second one they all look to be at the higher end of a healthy weight except the girls who are muscular. And that makes sense, because muscles weight more than fat so obviously muscular girls will look thinner at higher weights.
What exactly were you trying to prove?
No. 123678
File: 1461474361652.jpg (355.26 KB, 2048x2048, image.jpg)

Haha what? Bitch what makeup? What a sad wing
No. 123683
>>123479Lol yes. Every normal weight person must be atypical anorexia, except her because she's such a special snowflake,
she gets to say she's underweight "for her body" lol. She also bragged about being on MPA.
No. 123687
>>123651i started a 20+ page thread about kadee on mpa. in the beginning it was everyone circlejerking and agreeing with me. but then i started a second thread and everyone got really mad so i don't know what happened.
i originally found kadee on fph when it was still on reddit. but of course that was deleted. giving me prime opportunity to milk it for lulz on mpa.
i think we should have a kadee thread here. i might start one actually.
No. 123701 is 5'4" so she is at 117 pounds. Her "healthy weight" would put her at a BMI of 23.5
Sure. 20 pounds underweight. Lol.
No. 123703
Jesus H. Christ these threads seem to fill up fast.
>>123660doot doot
No. 123710
File: 1461480933219.jpeg (152.89 KB, 703x1024, image.jpeg)

Why this girl look like Randall from recess
Sage for OT but I found her through some ED chicks tumblr and had to share
Her names like h4ley20
No. 123712
File: 1461481270502.jpeg (136.16 KB, 640x985, image.jpeg)

>You're super sick El :(
>Thanks I needed to hear that
I always thought recovery ana-chans liked to jump at people's throats for trying to point out how sick they really are (see: Aly). Funny that E-leri isn't the same.
No. 123725
>>122040>Don't forget to report your local proanas!>>122957>I reported Ember for bullying instead lololol >pls do the same guysThat's enough of that.
>6. Do not try to use lolcowchan as your personal army.Don't use lolcow for vendettas or raids ("calls to action"). Don't tell people to report things.
Most of these threads, and a large portion of the posts in them, were all made by this one individual. They are now permanently banned. Any attempts at ban evasion will result in all of their posts being revealed.
No. 123734
>Most of these threads, and a large portion of the posts in them, were all made by this one individual. They are now permanently banned. Any attempts at ban evasion will result in all of their posts being revealed.Seriously? That would be a rather shocking relevation, I am pretty active on these threads and surely i was not trolled this badly.
No. 123740
>>123738I disagree for Ember, her whole IP thing was semi-interesting. I'm shocked she hasn't posted more about her "experience" actually, I was expecting a lot more milk from that. She's really hated by everyone though I'm not sure why she gets more hate than others really. Same cloth.
There was also a lot of crap a few weeks ago, people trying to contact her family, bf, her ex and even her workplace. It was pretty messed up and people got banned for it. Maybe that's who Admin is talking about?
I don't think it's Emily but maybe she participated. Probably. But "a large portion of posts"? Nah
No. 123753
>>123518Oh no we
triggered a morbidly obese girl to diet!
I bet her doctors are glad she's not in there wasting time and resources just because she wants anorexia.
No. 123785
File: 1461497911786.png (213.34 KB, 480x617, wp_ss_20160424_0001.png)

>>123770>you know your one of the best.You'RE the best at what? I noticed this looking at profiles of anas seeking attention on a shoutout post by fakeboi.
No. 123788
Ugh, these fucking oxygen thieves.
No. 123792
File: 1461500800935.png (279.08 KB, 467x650, wp_ss_20160424_0004.png)

>his BOY nipple
No. 123796
She talks about being "one of the best", which implies she's proud of what her eating disorder has done to her body, but literally what is she recovering from if that's the case?
I really don't like this.
No. 123811
File: 1461508436994.png (116.5 KB, 747x1006, image.png)

she has a new acc and is begging for likes. how pathetic. honestly (shes turtl.ed)
No. 123817
>>123803Well, I do not think Eleri is completely faking her ED, but I think she does not have AN like she claims, the biggest factor being her BMI of 20.
Also keep in mind she has claimed that diagnosis for a while, so she was "re-diagnosed" at what, BMI 21? 22? if she has lost weight since then? Sure.
No. 123832
>>123725Don't be a cocktease admin!! My money is on Emily but maybe turtl.ed too.
I thought McKenzie at first but hasn't she already been banned and called out the same time Ember was?
No. 123837
>>123832If that was the person that was making the threads than they're also the one that was getting mad at anon's posting their personal stories or experiences with eating disorders that were actually relevant to the thread.
How fucking great of them to use these threads for vendetta/raids and blatantly breaking the rules while telling people to "get back on topic."
How is spamming about reporting ember or local pro-ana's anymore on topic or good for the thread than people actually talking about eating disorders and shedding light on what it's actually like or what are signs of faking behavior.
It's interesting how much less active this thread is after this happened and they were banned. I wonder how much they were posting and if they ever self posted. I also wonder if it's a popular MPA user or a pro-ana themselves.
No. 123849
>>123543>No legitimate eating disorder facility would reject somebody for refusing to eatYou would think so, but a lot of them do. Renfrew especially will kick you out for not eating. They shouldn't, obviously, thats why people are there.. If they could "just eat" they wouldn't be there.
It may be bc its a "for profit" facility. They don't want the difficult patients with severe EDs. They want the "perfect patient" types who do well in ED tx settings (bc a lot of them are way too comfortable there), but then they get out, immediately relapse, get re-admitted, and places like Renfrew make even more $$$. Its gross, ED tx in the US needs to be more regulated (or regulated at all).
No. 123861
>>123840Same here Anon. I've posted quite a lot lately on the eating disorder threads. I'm hoping she at least stayed out of the "ED Support General" thread. It would make me sick to my stomach if she was using the support thread for ass-pats and attention by coming up with fake experiences and stories. I try my best to help out the anons there and have asked for a lot of advice myself. Ugh I feel gross now.
I'm hoping it's just a no-name loser and not someone like Ember/Emily/etc, but what motivation would a no-name have? Something's not quite right. Time to put on my tin-foil hat and lurk instead of post for a while.
No. 123876
File: 1461518652743.jpg (172.68 KB, 1072x1516, Screenshot_2016-04-24-11-32-45…)

>>123832Speaking of McKenzie, this was posted right after all of embers sfs posts today
No. 123877
>>123710This chick cams.
No. 123885
>>123883Probably so they can see who sends anon hate?
Has Ember made a tumblr?
No. 123894
Tardle's friend @naomissing is making "surviving.stars" now. wonder how many more of these scams are going to pop up now.
No. 123909
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No. 123934
>>123929Why? The milk is dry and identifying posts was the highlight of this year. I wouldn't be surprised if we could work it out given the posts. Just gotta hope they attempt ban evasion. Funny feeling they will be daft enough to.
>>123930Yes. Admin, treat your farmers. Nourish us.
No. 123936
>>123935>>123929samefag detected
and probably an em² white knight
No. 123940
>>123935Obviously this poster was causing enough damage for Admin to ban them permanently. Give me one good reason why Admin shouldn't mark the posts/threads?
And yeah, maybe we don't "deserve" anything, but it's good to know exactly what type of stuff this user posted and how much they posted.
>>123725 Admin said >Most of these threads, and a large portion of the posts in them, were all made by this one individual.
No. 123949
>>123942My vote is for Emily as well but we don't really know.
Perhaps Admin might be trolling us a little too.
No. 123950
>>123946They're still anonymous it's just that their posts are tagged with some red text. Unless they blatantly posted photo's from an instagram account their real identity wouldn't be found out. And even if they posted for example all of the Ember instagram photo's it wouldn't prove they were Ember or Emily.
>>123947You make an actual good point.
No. 123951
>>123947Good point.
I assume a permaban just restricts posting, and not viewing? If someone is sad enough to be the majority poster, they will be sad enough to revisit this site just to read things. Probably wouldn't be hard to bait them in to ban evasion. Just gotta trash talk the prime suspects until they can't resist justifying and defending themselves any longer.
No. 123952
>>123945No, but you're all begging Admin-Sama for the ~grand reveal~
Just let it happen on its own
No. 123957
File: 1461529282997.gif (988.09 KB, 480x320, image.gif)

>itt: anonymous fat basement dwellers pretending they are cooler and thinner than other anonymous fat basement dwellers on a Tibetan flip book discussion forum
No. 123978
>>123970They're probably lurking this thread and silently crying to themselves because they can't post anymore and could have easily avoided being banned.
They probably spent so much time here that they have nothing else to do now. It's kind of sad really. I'm still shocked that this person was so committed that they're the one who started the majority of these threads and than filled it up with posts. That's some creepy ass level of obsession.
No. 123990
>>123982Not the anon you're responding too, but I highly doubt it's her. OurDoughnut from what I've read on her old gossip Tumblr is more composed in her typing and thought process. She also has a working knowledge of how imageboards work because she told her anon asks to "lurk more" and to read the rules before posting.
The person in question to me is a vendetta poster, MPA user, one of the pro-ana's mentioned or a newfag because of their lack of knowledge. I mean it's one thing to know how to post or make a thread, it's another to so stupidly break the rules time and time again.
No. 124005
>>124001I have no idea tbh
It's hard to follow this thread because everyone's always arguing amongst themselves so the plot gets lost
No. 124030
File: 1461541390144.png (130.56 KB, 304x249, e-leri.PNG)

No. 124037
File: 1461542464732.png (57.21 KB, 907x664, denial.png)

>I'm 20 pounds underweight for ~my~ body
Except you aren't you stupid little snowflake, you're just like everybody else and you aren't underweight. I also like how she tries to say that the arm flab is from malnutrition, this is some Kadee-level denial right here.
No. 124048
>>124037She isn't the most entertaining cow (at least imo), but I almost want to say she's more delusional than Kelly with her "not underweight but underweight for my regular weight."
All these bitches think their ~resting weight~ is when they sit on their asses eating pasta and have a BMI of 23. This "underweight for my resting weight" would be so fucking clever if she was a troll, but she's not, so its just pathetic.
No. 124050
File: 1461544738746.png (54.02 KB, 304x287, logic.png)

that fat logic
No. 124090
>>124081This is Kelly. Kadee
definitely can't justify her weight loss and gain this way.
No. 124100
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No. 124162
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No. 124164
>>124111I agree largely with how you view this girl and her quest for attention. But I also feel compelled to remark that people with narrow or inturned hips won't have thigh gaps like those with wider hips. It was always an issue for me personally - I have a small gap but always wanted a big one. I can't ever achieve it, even at BMI 12 it wasn't like what some of these girls have at BMI 15-16.
God, I have issues.
No. 124168
>>124164Width of hips doesn't matter all that much. I had narrow hips and a thigh gap similar to what people were striving for. It's just dependent on the person and their body composition.
Plus, it doesn't really look like Jenna has narrow hips anyways.
No. 124174
>>124164My ED started early so my hips weren't really wide, but I still had some space between my thighs at BMI <19. I don't even care if someone has a thigh gap, but 1) her thighs were always too large to reflect a BMI of <16 unless she has a serious fat distribution issue and 2) the fact she feels the need to pose with her thighs in such an unnatural position shows she's a total hypocrite about all her "you don't need to be emaciated/skinny/underweight/you don't need a thigh gap/protruding bones" type posts.
Instead of owning that she doesn't have, and never had, a thigh gap she poses like that so no one can tell she's not as skinny and sick-looking as she pretends to be
No. 124190
File: 1461596541364.jpeg (113.07 KB, 640x933, image.jpeg)

Emma is seriously taking the piss now. These posts are from the other night, remember guyz shes so chronic & severely unwell shes been sectioned and in hospital for the last 3 yrs straight & shes just had a stint in the medical ward for vague stomach complications… But yet she totally just went on a boozy night out with her anabuddy. WTF?!! the thing that pisses me off the most is that shes fine when its convenient for her and she wants to go out and go on dates with her bf, or go swimming or to ballet classes or go drinking with her friends (all whilst the NHS are paying out £1,000's per week for her to have this specialist inpatient treatment. Yet as soon as theres talk of her being discharged she refuses to eat or have ensures or has one of her episodes!! Would love the media to get hold of THIS side of her sob-story after her last press release where her family slated the NHS for not caring!
No. 124191
File: 1461596827280.jpeg (128.14 KB, 640x965, image.jpeg)

See above posts ^
No. 124201
File: 1461602075002.jpg (27.31 KB, 250x170, bowlegs-vs-knock-knees.jpg)

>>124174it’s less about the width of your hips and more about whether your bow-legged or knee knocked or whether your legs have a normal shape. bow-legged: easy tight-gap even at a normal bmi, sever case of knee-knocked: achieving a tight gap almost impossible.
jenna's tights are just chunky though.
No. 124209
File: 1461603273866.jpg (46.88 KB, 320x480, 5415f4e6916420142e615f0475c1c1…)

>>124207you do realize that thigh and tight look pretty much the same when you're not paying attention?
though I won't start an argument and derail this thread so with the next post you win. congrats.
No. 124219
>>124209They do, and I didn't notice it at first, but anon should have just said "oops" and moved on. Own up to mistakes and nobody cares. Makes excuses and you look stupid.
>>124208I probably am.
Can I just note that I have no problem with them being a non-native speaker? It was trying to use that as an excuse after so many "thigh gap" posts that I had an issue with. I'm still a cunt for it and all but goodness.
(sage because
>>124213 is right.)
No. 124221
File: 1461607404621.jpeg (75.28 KB, 750x851, image.jpeg)

1 you have no 'friends
2 you're the one obsessed with Emily
No. 124265
File: 1461619090031.jpg (182.66 KB, 531x848, IMG_20160425_161615.jpg)

Of course you're in good shape, you're a fatass now kek
No. 124288
File: 1461622098743.jpeg (400.64 KB, 1259x1394, image.jpeg)

Right… Too "high risk"….
No. 124308
File: 1461624625223.jpg (170.29 KB, 750x1292, image.jpg)

Eleri and Jenna being all buddy buddy and enabling one another makes me want to vomit. And yay! Jenna joined Instagram so now she can post vegetables and call it recovery just like Ally!
No. 124313
>>124311She should have consideration for the other people in IP. The last thing they need to see is a fat person imitating them.
She needs to go to general psych where she wouldn't be as damaging. She needs to understand that treatment is to make her better not cater to her delusions.
Not that she wants to get better, obviously.
No. 124314
File: 1461625298870.jpg (Spoiler Image,9.37 KB, 195x259, 2016-04-25-19-01-47-1063733347…)

This shut is boring as hell. I want to see some spookies. Ever hear about Bony Pink She's a bit of an enigma, but from what I've heard she's from Japan and was abducted by a man that took advantage of her anorexia, starved her some more and took pornographic photos.
No. 124320
File: 1461626179991.jpg (Spoiler Image,59.18 KB, 453x604, bonypink8.jpg)

>>124314BonyPink was the name of the photographer. He photographed several anorexic women. The kidnapping story is all just an urban legend.
No. 124328
>>124324Hopefully this woman got her implants before she was emaciated.
On the other hand, Ash has multiple tattoos.
No. 124332
>>124288Too high risk anorexia
Sitting in starfucks slurping down shit while she sooks
Wow such sick very danger
No. 124333
>>124329Just looked up Hollow_Oli, does she really think she's a guy? moves and talks exactly like a girl. She emphasizes the last syllable like a girl, holds her sleeves. Pokes her head out. She moves as like a girl as is possible. By What definition does she consider herself male? I could understand if she was very masculine in mannerism, but she's not.
No. 124349
>>124338I don't want to sound like an sjw but aren't those mannerisms essentially social constructs? Very deep ones but they're not innate.
Honestly that is what confuses me, isn't physical dysphoria a huge part of being trans? If not then what makes a woman a woman or a man a man other than bullshit gender roles?
No. 124357
>>124333i don't even know what questions she's answering because the slides go for like a fuckin second
she's a fakeboi just like most of the boys with "eating disorder"s are on ig
No. 124359
>>124349Those mannerisms are a sign of evolved differences.Men and women have different brain characteristics. For instance men have more connections between frontal and anterior brain, whereas women have more connections that cross lobes. There are differences in the limbic system.
This can easily be demonstrated in the prevalence of mental disorders (women are more susceptible to certain personality and mood disorders, men are more susceptible to schizophrenia and autism)
The autism one is particularly interesting, because autism is sometimes described as a sort of "Hypermasculine" brain.
Here's a pretty good source. here's one on Autism (not much info, but Baron-Cohen is one of the leading people in Autism research. for off-topic.
No. 124391
File: 1461637799058.jpg (85.34 KB, 981x621, moo.JPG)

>>124335This is the damn truth, right there. She's a plain ol' dyke. She's not underweight. Her legs are far from skinny. She just sucks in her stomach. If she's doing a BMI calculator thing, she's probably putting her gender as BOI, which would make her BMI appear lower than it is (because she's FEMALE). I think I'm right?
No. 124421
File: 1461643398685.jpg (149.02 KB, 820x595, jolto.jpg)

>>124401OMG, she even tagged ever wannas buddy joltography to get some easy attention!
No. 124434
>>124427Tampons. Ha.
I hate their continual presence on this thread too. Who the fuck keeps mentioning these wankstains anyway? Same tard who brings up the horseface Jenna.
No. 124450
>>124443She sure was quick to Google herself right after she was mentioned here recently.
I suspect she posts here because the Jenna posts picked up a lot when she and her buddy healingally hung out. Hating on your friends is just one step below self posting imo so who knows
No. 124465
>>124457I'd guess it has something to do with wanting to be the sickest, consciously or subconsciously. Since ED patients are usually visibly sick (either through emaciation or symptoms), other mentally ill people imitate them to appear sicker. I'm sure it's not always on purpose though.
And also, that's just a theory.
No. 124473
>>124359what des that make autistic women though? does it mean even though men are more likely to have more connections between frontal and anterior brain there are also women who do, even though they are a minority? then it's a spectrum/distribution issue…
not trying to start a debate, just curious since a lot of shrinks suspected I'm autistic and I'm often told I have masculine way of thinking, whatever that is. even by my own boyfriend.
sage for ot and blog
No. 124523
>>124465i agree, i don't think it's always deliberate. in the moment it felt like mockery but looking back i think treatment just brings out the worst in people. mirroring - - is almost inevitable in a closed system
>>124459don't make me laugh like that
No. 124564
File: 1461678859787.jpeg (113.4 KB, 640x892, image.jpeg)

>>124190Ugh everytime she posts she makes me even angrier. Ffs shes now enabling a formal complaint against her current unit for denying her leave, when hang on a sec, doesnt she go out on dates, on boozy nights out and to shows and ballet classes and church all the time?!! Wtf is she making out like shes being mistreated for?!!!' This girl is seriously a manipulative, lying piece of work.
No. 124586
>>124473Actually there's an interesting theory about that. It's called Empathizing-Systematizing. Men tend to Systematize while Women tend to Empathize.
Women with Asperger's syndrome (who are very rare) tend more towards systematization and less towards empathy than their female peers. Although their Systematization is lower than male Autistics. (A good measure of extreme Systematization is repetitive/restrictive behavior, which is less common is female ASPD sufferers.)
I would assume the brain difference does have to do with brain-path connections. In fact most brain differences are differences of connection rather than lobal size.
Some things to read What is your digit ratio (is your pointer or ring finger longer?) A longer ring finger indicates a higher presence of testosterone in the womb, which is linked with Masculinization of the brain.
Sage for Off-Topic.
No. 124598
File: 1461684761811.jpg (8.3 KB, 275x183, sacha baron cohen.jpg)

>>124359Versatile guy. I never knew.
No. 124635
>>124346lol. i was at Renfrew and there was 1 obese patient, she was in her late 30s, so one of the older patients. she was such a rude, judgmental bitch and she was always antagonizing me…so one day i snapped and told her to shut her fat mouth.
i got kicked out 2 days later for it. oops.
i shouldn't have said it, and in the end she only got more sympathy and pity because of it.
and she definitely copied behaviors from patients with restrictive EDs. I just could not fucking stand her, she reminds me of Kadee in 15 years.
No. 124640
>>124637I don't think anyone is saying BED isn't a struggle. However, a lot of obese people in eating disorder treatment are poisonous. For Instance:
>Copying anorexic behaviors (which the anorexic patients are trying to stop.)>Discussing/Bringing up disordered eating tactics (under the guise of comparing, lol)>Acting out to get extra attention. (Breaking rules, like hoarding cutting implements and then bragging about it) >Some start purging to get the extra supervision (attention) that bulimic patients get.>Bringing up the fact they feel fat in such a way as to force other patients to comfort them/ tell them they are fine/thin.I understand that these behaviors originate out of a feeling of inferiority but its still toxic.
No. 124652
>>124640Agreed. There when I stepped down to PHP we had quite a few people there for BED and only one of them was
problematic and attention-seeking. My roommate suffered from BED and i do mean suffered. But There is always that one that can't admit it to herself that she isn't bulimic or anorexic though and feels the need to lie about behaviors or copy others. It's not fully intentional but when confronted with it by the group they usually stop.
(no one cares) No. 124660
>>124652Don't namefag. Also, there is no reason for you to use your email address when posting.
Go back to mpa or instagram or wherever you proana fags come from.
sage this thread
No. 124662
>>124652Sorry for the life story but I had an bigger girl get a crush on me in IP. We both technically had Atypical, and she acted out enough to get put on a night (suicide) watch. She used these two things to prove that we had so much in common, that only she could understand what I was going through.
I know not all BED people are like this (she was EDNOS, not BED) and I know she did it because of self-esteem problems, but its really hard to deal with, and I feel its not everyone else's problem to deal with, if that makes sense.
>She did copy me by the way>I chew my food because I'm afraid of swallowing glass.>After bringing it up, guess who has to chew her food 50 times a bite. >Just one of many examples. Sage for life story
(you're not forgiven) No. 124686
>>124662Learn how to sage for fucks sake.
And for the rest of you, read the rules and stop derailing this already shit thread with your personal blog bullshit and other misc. crap.
No. 124687
>>124627The atmosphere was very much that if a patient started to take positive steps towards their recovery, they were ostracised by the other patients who would be very sickly sweet and "encouraging" whilst simultaneously stepping up the drama and exaggerating their symptoms to remind them that "this IS a competition, you know, and I'm beating you."
Locking a bunch of mentally ill teens together is just a recipe for disaster.
No. 124710
>>124697fucking thank you anon
as for all you snowflakes bragging about your ip stories
fuck off back to mpa or tumblr
no one gives a fuck about your week in a psych ward
No. 124737
File: 1461700571833.jpeg (131.98 KB, 750x1289, image.jpeg)

16k but only three people wanted sfs ??
No. 124751
File: 1461702966259.png (Spoiler Image,1.44 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2016-04-26-16-33-01…)

@Parismelodyraven on insta is spoopy AF. This picture looks like she stretched it weirdly, though. All the proportions are wrong. She is just bones, she doesn't really need to shop her pics
No. 124758
>>124751Every damn time I've commented on an Aly post with multiple accounts, she's requested an add.
Why do anorexics get their thighs tattooed. When/if they recover the pictures are going to be all out of proportion.
She has weird feet.
No. 124759
File: 1461704539378.jpeg (106.18 KB, 623x941, image.jpeg)

"I struggle in the recovery community" because Im too fucking fat to have an ED omg
No. 124763
File: 1461704919784.png (1.8 MB, 1440x2240, Screenshot_2016-04-26-16-02-43…)

Surprised she didn't take a picture of the celery and call it her entire meal to prove how much 'control' she has.I mean she has lost 100lbs right? Oh wait her "man" would've probably asked her what the fuck she's doing taking pictures of HIS food.
No. 124764
File: 1461704965577.jpeg (128.01 KB, 750x1252, image.jpeg)

She's so pathetic
No. 124776
>>124771>why is it on 'me'Wondering this too since I don't use IG
Does it show things you're subbed to? Or watching? Whatever the ig version of that is
No. 124781
File: 1461707760538.jpeg (196.29 KB, 1277x1475, image.jpeg)

>the struggle is part of my story.
Yeah so is photoshop/serious editing. I can't stand Mackenzie, she's too old for this kind of shit. Go walk your dogs & spend some time with your child.
No. 124794
>>124791She was banned for breaking the rules, it's fair game.
Just report her post, admin-sama won't just read this thread. He doesn't see posts when people post "ADMIN SHE RELALY MESSED UPP"
(Not directed at you)
No. 124795
>>124791She was already banned, she repeatedly evaded the ban, which means admin needs to take care
Pls adminsama listen to our prayers
No. 124798
>>124795>She was bannedI stand corrected, she was just told to identify herself in posts
My b
No. 124800
File: 1461709633232.png (64.56 KB, 1070x707, Capture.PNG)

here's the post of the post by admin of ember being allowed to post, as long as she would identify herself
i hope this means admin will tag all posts now (i'm wondering if it was the person admin banned a few days ago…)
No. 124803
>>124802i don't mean to pry & feel free to say no but can you prove this (blur out your handle if you will) because another anon said it doesn't show
>>124779i don't even know how to work twitter
No. 124807
File: 1461710417198.png (1.19 MB, 1242x2208, image.png)

>>124803I promiseI'm not Disney Pixar
No. 124855
File: 1461718203424.jpeg (172.54 KB, 1273x1470, image.jpeg)

I'm bringing this up because I couldn't help but notice lately that this women (who has two accounts) Maurecover (private) & Maurecover1 (which pretty much follows all the 'skinny' Ana's mentioned here) posts a lot of food photos but is clearly rather emaciated, & comments a lot on Aly's account. My wonder is if she is also a farmer and possibly the one who wphas created a lot of these threads or just obsessed with the anachans mentioned here. Either way it seems odd to me.
No. 124869
>>124866If she knows her body is
triggering, she's harming others (and showing off) by wearing "anything she wants."
No. 124874
File: 1461721777350.jpg (14.44 KB, 369x278, FB_IMG_1461721681943.jpg)

>>124873This was March 2010.
No. 124879
>>124873I thought all these profiles were fake like comments section.
No. 124885
A young woman named Ronny Bi assumed the alias "Bony Pink" a few years ago. She's fine and on Instagram here: No. 124887
>>124869Do you expect her to wear heavy layers of clothes in public to avoid
triggering people there, too?
No. 124891
>>124637BED is definitely a serious and legitimate ED. I think what people have a problem with is people like Kadee and Kelly claiming they're severely anorexic.
But in a way, I guess I kind of understand a little bit why they would want to tell people they have anorexia, or a restrictive eating disorder, because even though BED is serious as hell, people seem to think it's shameful or embarrassing. There's more stigma attached to BED, I think.
No. 124892
File: 1461723610700.jpg (127.57 KB, 822x601, Capture.JPG)

She's already had social services involved in her life.
She talks about "honesty" on her recent post
>I'm aware that debilitating and out of control mental illness may put children at risk but I am very honest and clear about where I'm at which is clearly very stable and progressing
but admits she lied to people in the past so social services don't know the truth.
No. 124916
>>124913 I have seen only 2 cases of diagnosed atypical anorexia, both in the last 6 months or so. Both were diagnosed due to exteme weigh loss in a short period of time, which is pretty much AN minus the underweight part. They were truly sick.
Not that they aren't sick but it's just disgusting how much anorexia is glamorized now..
No. 124919
>>124917I wouldn't say that clearly they have issues. My question is, why anorexia? Because obviously that disorder is constantly glamorized. Even living corpses like Ash have fans. People who have BED, osfed, bulimia, obviously they envy people like that who can totally "control" their food intake, but it's the opposite.
Society glamorizes thinness… but also control, sacrifice, self denial. Americans live in a country where people literallt brag about how little they sleep or how they refuse vacations or haven't taken a day off in x years.
No. 124921
>>124919this is the case for mental illness in genera in western society, if you ever go to a ward you see kids brag about things that aren't really the type of things anyone would want to wear as a badge.
Within children it's always a game of who has it the worse and they plaster themselves with fake illnesses for attention
No. 124988
File: 1461755900459.png (208.81 KB, 467x714, wp_ss_20160427_0001.png)

No you don't look sic. Sorry to burst your bubble. You're stretching yourself, sucking in, lying down. Take a look at yourself standing up. Bitch, you are not passable as male or anorexic.
No. 125010
File: 1461762250696.png (71.64 KB, 1278x624, Eleri 6.png)

Eleri complaining about her "bony knees" at her BMI of 19/20 on her personal blog
No. 125086
File: 1461769736779.jpg (Spoiler Image,104.66 KB, 540x720, wishful thinking.jpg)

>>125058file name related
No. 125095
>>125005I didn't post that part because it wouldn't fit in the screen shot. Also because I don't believe her social worker "pushed her" into having an abortion.
No, she's not a cow. Just illustrating she's not the innocent she's making herself out to be.
No. 125162
File: 1461781495241.jpeg (148.92 KB, 750x1285, image.jpeg)

Her fingers are so fat
No. 125168
>>125162i think what has been really pissing me off about this bitch is that she's still BLATANTLY proana.
>posts pictures of her diet soda>posts bodychecks almost every day>shows off her bonesregardless of how warped these photos are, how photoshopped they are, or how much she tensed up to show off those bones, it's still sending a nasty ass message and this cunt needs to be kicked off social media already.
No. 125193
>>125168I agree 100%. I'm tired of this pro-ana's not realizing how much they're affecting and influencing their younger followers. I wonder how they all can sleep at night knowing that they
trigger mentally ill people and young kids to starve and vomit to be an image that in most cases doesn't exist and is just a result of photoshop and stretching apps.
>but muh mental illness!1!!That's no excuse. You're in total control of what you post on social media if you're over the age of 18. These assholes just don't care that they're ruining people's lives because it just makes the pro-ed community they cling to larger and stronger.
No. 125203
>>125201post notifications are a gr8 thing
>>125193tbh i feel like making a tumblr about some of these girls because tumblr is more easily readable & organized than lolcow by most people.
No. 125206
>>125201i'm the person that posted the screenshot, I have her notifs on and even then a lot of the time she deletes things within seconds and I still miss them lol
>>125203Someone should. It's a pain in the ass trying to keep up with these attention seeking wannarexics, I cant be assed to check here every day.
No. 125218
>>125214fam lemme save your sad ass time
these are my posts from the last hour
>>125215>>125211>>125210>>125207>>125203>>125168and ffs can you at least sage if you're going to try & call us out for samefagging my GOD
No. 125221
>>125218Looks like you left out a few posts, samefag.
There I saged, are you happy? Stop samefagging.
No. 125227
>>125225…I made the second post, not the first one. But okay then, you continue to think that and i'll just sit here and talk to myself.
So, me, am I going to make a tumblr or nah?
No. 125230
>>125227also we might as well both make one.
i haven't blogged about e-whores since felice was actually relevant, kooter was barely starting out in japan, kiki was trying to make a comeback, and then some broad named aly antorcha was relevant at the time but she died out quickly. so maybe senpai is right… maybe i won't be able to create a good blog just like senpai said :'(
No. 125232
>>125230I miss felice…
Senpai is a douche, fuck him. Or her. Or it…
Fuck it, i'm going to make one.
No. 125234
it'll probably take me a good half an hour to an hour writing a timeline of shit about ember going back all the way to her shitting up the threads here all the way down to her post IP and how she's still being a PoS. & I'll try to be as clear & concise so I won't miss any details.
>>125232send link when done!
No. 125256
>>125253She's genuinely fucking scum.
Like, a lot of these cows are annoying and laughable, but not necessarily bad people. Ember is a bad person.
No. 125260
>>125210Which one were you?
>>125099Tell your friend that sleeping with a pillow between your knees to even them out makes it more comfortable to sleep on your side.
No. 125263
>>125253Oh I know. I've been keeping up with all these pro-ana bitches for years. I was just venting.
I said this before in other threads, but I very shortly had a Tumblr where I would write about my eating disorder and other mental illness thoughts. A few months later I realized that I was probably
triggering people and deleted it along with all of my other social media accounts. These people have no excuse to use their "mental illness" for all the shitty things they do, no matter how sick they are. It disgusts me.
They have tens of thousands of people follow them and don't feel a shred of guilt, I had way less than 100 and still feel physically sick to my stomach when I think about it.
No. 125264
>>125258it's hilarious because I don't think jenna has been underweight a day in her life lol
but every wannarexic seems to try to claim that quote and use it as a header. it's pathetic because they are always far from "little". just delusional and forever lusting after the AN dx.
No. 125268
>>125262This girl's ridiculously pro-ana, she posts all sorts of emaciated girls.
She doesn't post pictures of herself often but she's pretty big. No. 125285
File: 1461792722264.png (591.54 KB, 842x598, Capture.PNG)

it didnt, it just desperately wanted to cover up yours
No. 125296
File: 1461794303783.jpg (206.04 KB, 1440x1948, Kv9pNWr.jpg)

WastingZoe sure does look like a cabbage patch kid..
No. 125325
>>125162Pfft. Whatever with the fat fingers comment.
I think it's more interesting that she's pimping diet coke when she's supposed to be in "recovery" from her non-existent ED.
No. 125332
>>125262Damn, I hate how all the cows being posted have private accounts. I'm not signing up for instagram just to check these anachans out.
We need more damned screencaps in this thread. It's gotten dead enough as it is and full of bullshit arguing. I almost miss that shitty anon that was banned just because of how dead this fucking thread is. That anon must've posted all day every day judging from how quiet it is now. JFC.
No. 125340
File: 1461799993453.png (651.57 KB, 743x999, 023.PNG)

she might have been talked about in previous threads, but raggity.annie is pretty amusing claiming to be anorexic when she looks like this and vastly underestimates her calorie intake
No. 125368
i did the thing'm prob missing things but i haven't created a masterpost in like 6 years i'm rough around the edges
(you sound like a moron or a child) No. 125369
File: 1461805131326.png (1.26 MB, 750x1334, image.png)

Beware guys, major TW!!!!!
No. 125370
>>125369those nails are
triggering tbh
No. 125378
>>125375also refer back to
>>125232not the same anon who wrote that but it was previously discussed that no ones going to find shit about ember if we tell them "just look through lolcow" like every person does on instagram (because thats better right?)
so there's one fucking giant post on tumblr, an easier site to navigate and make posts about that way people don't have to read pointless shit they don't care about just to get some useful information
No. 125399
File: 1461807893680.gif (669.33 KB, 380x266, hes aliiiiive.gif)

>>125382Whut? I thought U died! U alive. Pleased 4 U.
No. 125405
File: 1461808672648.jpg (63.15 KB, 1080x1095, tumblr_o6b9tn2N8x1vq1a6fo1_128…)

>>123455This girl is ugly. Like REALLY ugly. She looks like a muppet with pepperoni tits.
No. 125420
File: 1461811330561.jpg (94.67 KB, 640x960, image.jpg)

When my thighs were the size I had knee problems too. Idk, I don't think she's big
File: 1461824580502.jpg (379.66 KB, 960x1280, 4dc91f50-a9e4-4473-9cbd-2d30aa…)

>>125420"Knee problems" omg
just the fact she called her knees bony
That is not bony by any means a
No. 125460
File: 1461825145084.png (19.69 KB, 232x130, Screen Shot 2016-04-28 at 1.33…)

I don't know if this goes in this thread but I literally laughed out loud at "lowest weight: sixth grade"
No. 125468
File: 1461826812834.jpg (129.96 KB, 640x960, image.jpg)

No. 125469
File: 1461826848110.jpg (148.45 KB, 640x960, image.jpg)

No. 125471
File: 1461826920403.jpg (154.14 KB, 640x960, image.jpg)

No. 125472
File: 1461826998738.jpg (153.71 KB, 640x960, image.jpg)

No. 125477
File: 1461827708804.jpg (137.57 KB, 640x960, image.jpg)

Also I think Eleri can be a little annoying sometimes and I agree with some of the things your saying but those knees don't look fat to me ?
No. 125531
>>124314>>124885Two things: Bony Pink was the name of the photographer. The pictures featured multiple emaciated women.
I'm not sure that instagram is actually Ronny Bi's. She might just be using Ronny's favorite name. Anyway, the pictures and content are really different from the stuff Ronny used to post.
No. 125559
File: 1461846582283.jpg (154.01 KB, 750x862, image.jpg)

"Reblogging bc this is important!!!!" No you're reblogging because you're an ugly attention slut that didn't get enough notes on your fake ass 'positivity' video
No. 125578
File: 1461848324133.jpg (148.15 KB, 530x824, IMG_20160428_075730.jpg)

What's the story with this girl?!
No. 125604
File: 1461853272934.jpg (48.62 KB, 480x514, tumblr_o66c22alfj1sv4zedo1_500…)

>>125595Yeah, this is the body that she claims is underweight. Bull-fucking-shit. She says that she does not want anorexia but it's so obvious she does, she's doing mental gymnastics to try to fit herself into that label. What is her problem?
No. 125637
>>125628Definitely this. It has gotten hella petty with autists not knowing when to let an argument go.
>>125632No, the tone has been changed for awhile. It's just more obvious now that the ratio between fags from other sites and farmers has been drastically switched up. Everyone jumped ship and my dumbass is still here like………?
No. 125650
File: 1461860777109.jpg (467.12 KB, 1062x1371, IMG_20160428_102548.jpg)

Hahahhaha her fitbit
No. 125702
File: 1461872754749.jpeg (169.1 KB, 750x1286, image.jpeg)

Clearly in 'recovery'
No. 125703
File: 1461872837690.jpeg (98.67 KB, 640x917, image.jpeg)

anyone post fragile.fantasy here before? something about her just seems really sketh imo. She does all those contorted poses but they look really awkward and her lowest weight photos just look disproportionate af. Apparently she gained weight in recovery and looks totally average now but still does ~ana poses~ and I feel like she thinks she's still spoopy.
Pic related is a recent lowest and current comparison.
No. 125715
File: 1461874986039.jpeg (173.11 KB, 750x1163, image.jpeg)

I thought they hated each other lol?
No. 125717
File: 1461875172407.jpeg (28.17 KB, 750x176, image.jpeg)

"Use a body pic" nice recovery, Ember
No. 125721
>>125719There's no comments on her photo of people "bitching". Ember stop making it so obvious you lurk.
That poor brand having ember support them. If only they knew.
No. 125723
File: 1461876023203.jpeg (145.58 KB, 750x1256, image.jpeg)

No. 125725
File: 1461876163689.jpg (2.43 KB, 120x120, tfvg.jpg)

>>125704she is thin but this is just ridiculous
>>125705the fit vegan ginger used to make a similar pose after running for jesus. uncanny
No. 125727
File: 1461876710810.jpg (126.06 KB, 913x582, Capture.JPG)

>>125702Holy shit, this was ASHLEY'S IDEA! THIS is why her venture never took off. If it wasn't for this kawaii person Ash would be weight restored now after making dollar selling her stuffs.
How old is this person? Why is this shit all so juvenile? It's sad that people can't pick up a bunch of beads at a dollar store/Poundland and make their own. Primary school kids are better with glue than this. Gah.
No. 125730
File: 1461876946340.jpeg (182.86 KB, 960x540, image.jpeg)

>>125727Spooky Ashley?
She wanted to make kawaii phone cases?
I don't know much about either of them but I do know this whole cry baby trend started with Melanie Martinez. The new Marina Diamandis, if you will.
No. 125733
File: 1461877026220.jpeg (186.48 KB, 750x1273, image.jpeg)

Meh, I tried. Why anyone would let her promote them is beyond me.
No. 125748
File: 1461878714915.png (1.83 MB, 1440x2036, Screenshot_2016-04-28-12-48-52…)

I actually lold at how thin and warped those floor panels are. nice try ember
No. 125753
File: 1461880186919.png (313.14 KB, 432x611, 1461878714915.png)

>>125748the panels buckle towards her feet ever so slightly
No. 125769
File: 1461887561374.jpg (64.4 KB, 686x652, Capture.JPG)

>>125756Asha came over from /pt to offer advice.
No. 125778
File: 1461888704493.jpg (344.09 KB, 960x1280, tumblr_o6boi0KppW1sv4zedo1_128…)

>>125774She's got thunder thighs yet she's convinced she is underweight, it's pathetic
>>125776Just because you don't like a cow doesn't mean they are self-posting, the amount of self-posting accusations are getting a bit ridiculous at this point, come on now
No. 125780
File: 1461889254232.png (996.08 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2016-04-28-20-18-24…)

>>123455A random from insta. This is some seriously bad editing.
No. 125781
File: 1461889344718.png (1.28 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2016-04-28-20-18-42…)

>>125780It appears that she's always pulling that face. Very cheekbonez, much ana, wow.
No. 125785
>>125780This is the kind of thing I like best about this thread. Random dickhead anas from insta. I try to find them myself, but don't have many finds as good as this.
Love that dead look - purple ringed eyes and dry lips. So ~thinspirational~
No. 125789
File: 1461890201087.png (1011.22 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2016-04-28-20-34-07…)

>>125785Here's one more just for you, then. You can actually see her grimacing and tensing up to show off her bonez.
I'll keep my eye out for more spoops and aNa bUtTeRfLiEz
No. 125791
File: 1461890423575.jpg (82.02 KB, 571x603, realrecover.JPG)

>>125789thanks. I think the reason I'm not finding them is because a lot are private.
I think I found an Aly. She scarfs down chocolate and cakes, but is getting thinner very quickly.
No. 125793
File: 1461890684332.jpg (122.18 KB, 789x585, realrecover.JPG)

Would they even allow her to fly in her condition?
No. 125801
File: 1461892137105.jpg (204.71 KB, 931x596, anorexiaasfuck.jpg)

>>123455Not exactly a cow, but kimiperi claims to be "naturally" thin, yet promoted a laxative tea on her insta – though she wound up editing the tea info out of the post due to angry comments. Gets questioned about her clearly unnatural thinness constantly in the comments on her pics and mostly ignores them cuz HATERS. Has a brigade of followers who lust over her emaciated frame and shit on the people who question her about having eating disorder.
No. 125802
File: 1461892168883.jpg (224.15 KB, 933x588, comments1.jpg)

There's gonna be a lot of these, warning ya now.
No. 125803
File: 1461892182119.jpg (220.78 KB, 926x598, comments2.jpg)

No. 125804
File: 1461892193749.jpg (209.01 KB, 914x589, commentsagain.jpg)

No. 125805
File: 1461892219542.jpg (217.72 KB, 931x594, dontbebodyshamin.jpg)

No. 125806
File: 1461892235282.jpg (205.23 KB, 928x583, hatersgonnahaaaaate1.jpg)

No. 125807
File: 1461892248568.jpg (230.54 KB, 922x598, hatersgonnahaaate2.jpg)

No. 125814
File: 1461893538291.jpg (223.61 KB, 933x589, ieateverythingjustnotwithyou.j…)

No. 125815
File: 1461893560443.jpg (235.69 KB, 936x596, kimiperieatstheplanet.jpg)

No. 125816
File: 1461893590463.jpg (190.61 KB, 930x599, laxativetea.jpg)

Comments after promo'ing Laxative tea
No. 125817
File: 1461893605323.jpg (219.49 KB, 928x596, moarcomments.jpg)

No. 125818
File: 1461893638348.jpg (209.57 KB, 936x597, sheignoresthecommentsallthetim…)

Straight up ignoring comments about her weight again
No. 125819
File: 1461893663617.jpg (197.49 KB, 936x594, SHESHILLSLAXATIVES.jpg)

And more of the fallout from when she shilled laxatives!
No. 125820
>>125460Who is this? Is this from MPA or some shit?
I kek'd at their lowest weight being when they were a fucking preteen.
No. 125842
>>125789The face she's making from flexing so fucking hard makes me kek
Thanks anon!
No. 125854
File: 1461898314990.jpg (56.79 KB, 273x551, IMG_20160428_214854.jpg)

JFC she looks 107 years old
No. 125860
File: 1461899626188.jpg (106.3 KB, 842x595, incaseanyonewondered.jpg)

>>125578This is from her backup insta that she made because people kept reporting her account.
She's 5'8 and now weighs even less than this. She was like 72lbs or something the last time she posted her scale.
No. 125889
File: 1461908304751.jpeg (49.9 KB, 500x289, image.jpeg)

>>125829She looks like a blow-up doll or something, it's giving me some uncanny valley type vibes.
Also, @bellegantcosmetics on Instagram shared her photo of their highlighter that she posted -
groan - hope they don't decide to send her any free shit
No. 125897
>>125854So stretched.
The wannarexics are known to use an app named Beauty Plus and its ''slimmer'' tool.
No. 125960
File: 1461930597051.jpg (285.4 KB, 960x1280, scenequeen.jpg)

>>125818i actually like piercings but that particular septum ring is so overwhelming on her face. i've followed for a while and i'm not sure what to think, she's fairly tight lipped about her weight - like eugenia cooney.
i don't know anything about kimiperi other than her clothing which is kind of creepy.
pic is eugenia who also is suuuppper thin but never acknowledges it
No. 125965
>>125819i can't believe it's 2016 and this girl copies felice fawn out of all people. WHY? that look was already cringey back then. and almost half of her instagram consists of "look at me, i have finger tattoos" photos.
>Modeling is another desire of her soul. >Remember, people with a hard past may have a weak heart but their will is always the strongest.from the "about" page of her blog. (i get that english is not her first language but this is definitely no excuse here.)
No. 126004
>>125829Ember is using meitupics beauty editor to make her eyes and mouth bigger and her face thinner. She also uses it to stretch her legs I'm sure. Her nose is fucked from
Altering her features
No. 126008
File: 1461943641314.jpg (114.21 KB, 640x1136, post-31756-0-23766500-14612889…)

found on mpa
No. 126020
File: 1461945149119.jpeg (220.95 KB, 743x1203, image.jpeg)

>worst case of anorexia in new jeresey
Does she really believe that??
No. 126043
File: 1461949701845.jpg (40.76 KB, 800x227, 1.JPG)

>>126030The desperation for attention here is painful.
No. 126049
File: 1461950722896.jpeg (173.59 KB, 750x1094, image.jpeg)

No. 126053
File: 1461951138317.jpg (130.84 KB, 537x602, IMG_20160429_123004.jpg)

What is happening here. Seriously?
No. 126143
>>126020Worst case of anorexia in state
Doesn't even have fucking anorexia
I hope she gets hit by a car
No. 126146
File: 1461977345182.jpeg (125.17 KB, 1024x781, image.jpeg)

The ever changing thigh gap
No. 126160
File: 1461983351090.gif (1.11 MB, 320x240, tumblr_mxvnnnQNq51sk9ttoo1_400…)

No. 126176
>>126174to be fair i never inhale the first drag off of cigarettes
but it is really awkward when people make gifs of themselves not even inhaling the smoke
cringe No. 126179
File: 1461989908620.png (Spoiler Image,1.06 MB, 750x1334, image.png)

From her blog. Spoilered for self harm (burns). Considering all her other posts about how "severe" her anorexia is, I was NOT expecting her self harm to look like this
No. 126186
>>126185>>126177She looks rather pretty there honestly.
It's an old picture though.
No. 126199
>>126146If she would stand straight without bending forward there wouldn't be a gap at all.
Ember you aren't underweight or skinny or anorexic. Get a life !
No. 126201
File: 1461999938567.jpg (116.59 KB, 400x411, Williams-syndrome-1.jpg)

>>123455This describes Jenna's face PERFECTLY!!! It's not… normal. I've wondered if she had some sort of syndrome. This would explain her weird (in a bad way) face.
No. 126202
File: 1461999972946.jpg (15.41 KB, 218x260, Katy_Portrait.jpg)

No. 126203
File: 1461999995321.jpg (31.93 KB, 393x255, Williams-Syndrome.jpg)

William's Syndrome
No. 126205
File: 1462000012944.jpg (16.26 KB, 260x217, 8563525_f260.jpg)

No. 126206
File: 1462000027872.jpg (83.92 KB, 343x504, Williams_syndrome.jpg)

William's Syndrome
No. 126213
>>126179Eeeeeew those need to be dressed so badly.
Imagine the infection if she just leaves it exposed.
No. 126221
Does she still have her IG? (Can't remember what it was called.)
No. 126254
File: 1462020331248.jpg (82.94 KB, 502x602, IMG_20160430_074335.jpg)

Did this skeleton Photoshop her thigh?!
No. 126274
File: 1462023377867.jpeg (23.34 KB, 236x189, image.jpeg)

>>126201R u sure its not more like this? This is Foetal Alcohol Syndrome (Pic related).
(learn 2 type good) No. 126275
File: 1462023910810.jpeg (191.03 KB, 750x1334, image.jpeg)

(i had to wait until it was no longer on her snapchat so she doesn't figure out who screen shot this) but apparently emily had an organ failure? lol wut
No. 126287
>>126276I'm more shocked a nursing student has no idea of a "safe" dose of sleeping pills that'd just make you sleep.
she knew she wasn't taking a harmful dose and wouldn't die but it looks dramatic
so, yeah.
No. 126291
File: 1462027024900.jpg (477.67 KB, 1080x1080, qwocAKK.jpg)

No. 126337
File: 1462036355163.jpeg (110.63 KB, 749x782, image.jpeg)

No. 126351
File: 1462038491408.gif (3.96 MB, 500x506, ember.gif)

>>126337>wall sits and squatsShe has to keep that ass ready for her cam sessions
No. 126363
>>126351She is literally the least sensual person for cam sessions.
She's dull and she can't move her body for shit.
No. 126370
>>126297WHAT THE WHAT omg hahahahahahahahah.
Look at the mouths- they're IDENTICAL. Wide mouth, big lower lip, weird slanted face. WOW. That would seriously explain her appearance. I kind of feel bad for her…
No. 126391
>>126372I genuinely believe whichever anon keeps posting these gifs of EW is hot for her ass. STOP IT (or at least spoiler).
Fakeboi is a constant source of amusement for my tiny mind. I'm sharing her latest ig upload because it's embarrassing.
>so handsome No. 126429
File: 1462063711169.png (96.9 KB, 640x1136, image.png)

No. 126451
>>126429i dont think ember realizes that emily's snap was shade @ ember??
also we already knew ember lurks here but way to make it a million times more obvious
god the both of them are just.
it's getting old
No. 126461
File: 1462072824463.png (62.75 KB, 224x383, image.png)

Is she serious
No. 126462
File: 1462072925928.jpg (21.45 KB, 320x320, 13092432_796163877187014_77183…)

>>126461Clicked the avi for you since I'm on browser
No. 126465
File: 1462073603795.jpg (922.81 KB, 1512x1512, Lol.jpg)

No. 126467
File: 1462073848153.jpeg (46.32 KB, 405x375, image.jpeg)

Omfg she liquified her jaw/chin so much her fucking hair curving inwards. What the fuck is this.
No. 126474
File: 1462075242470.png (189.31 KB, 837x191, Screen Shot 2016-04-30 at 9.00…)

>>126473bruh her CHIN THO
No. 126475
>>126473sage for samefag
like if you just look at her chin and then her neck and how it's all curved awkwardly.
you can tell both photos were obviously taken the same day but she edited both completely differently in such a NOTICEABLE manner that i'm seriously convinced she's doing this on purpose
No. 126485
>>126465why would she post the un(less)edited version and then change her dp to this ridiculousness?? she is definitely just wanting to be talked about at this point, no matter what for
>>126482why the fuck would you just not screenshot it while you're still editing the post
No. 126486
>>126462 I don't understand when people post photos of them next to other people, and edit themselves SO HEAVILY but leave the other person alone. It really highlights how much she changes the way she looks via editing, it makes it look like her boyfriend is a human standing next to a cardboard cutout. Why make it even more obvious than it already is? Also, it looks like she's been using the Lux option as well, in addition to liquifying parts of her face. I feel like she made the centers of her cheeks rounder too, it looks odd to me.
No. 126499
File: 1462085066412.jpeg (310.29 KB, 2048x1154, image.jpeg)

No. 126513
File: 1462088476072.png (155.09 KB, 750x1334, image.png)

Who did this
No. 126514
Her editing skills will always be horrible, …
one day she gives herself skunken cheekbones but today her cheeks want to challenge the chipmunks.
She has no idea when it is time to stop. Her face look like an ugly cartoon next to her normal faced BF.
No. 126516
File: 1462089162060.jpg (96.99 KB, 513x761, IMG_20160501_024950.jpg)

Oh Em.Partial organ failure is not a diagnosis and does not exist. Fucking dumbass, do your research
No. 126538
>>126525This account needs to go. I am scared that many other fatties will believe this bullshit and copy her and calling themselves atypical anorexics.
There is NO source that indicates atypical Anorexia can be diagnosed when you are gross obsese. She hasn't lost weight, hence she eats hence she hasn't lost her appetite.
No. 126546
File: 1462102690343.jpeg (383.12 KB, 1272x1477, image.jpeg)

So now Zoe needs "support" because she can't meet her internet friend anymore because the girl is getting treatment instead, how fucking selfish can you really be? Get some irl friends ffs.
No. 126564
File: 1462110405302.jpg (39.13 KB, 406x500, poj6dq9ack.jpg)

>>125829is she fucking broken? how can she post this shit and seriously think people believe it's her real face?
No. 126585
File: 1462118508312.png (1.15 MB, 750x1334, image.png)

I have an app that lets me save snapchats without giving a notification, Emily didn't photoshop herself. Her legs are actually just weird as shit naturally. This is a still from the video she posted
No. 126595
>>126585>I have an app that lets me save snapchats without giving a notification, Emily didn't photoshop herselfsure jan
No. 126605
>>126525If she doesn't have access then how would she know that this is going on? And I've never seen anyone make any remarks on her Instagram that are of a "bullying" nature. She follows a few of the wannorexics mentioned here, so she either lurked here or one of those assholes told her. I'm gonna blame you ember because your crusty ass always linked everyone here.
Fuck, finally found one that entertained me.
No. 126608
>>126606not same anon so i have no idea how they were actually able to click it but she actually did post the full image last night..
but it's now completely gone after i sent her a message on that ask website saying how her chin looked completely different
No. 126616
File: 1462130447200.jpeg (147.28 KB, 750x1259, image.jpeg)

No. 126619
>>126616what was the answer lol
did she delete it?
No. 126621
File: 1462131651793.jpeg (174 KB, 750x1260, image.jpeg)

A stupid gif. She's deleted it, I just refreshed her page after screenshotting. She must have only had it up for about a minute
No. 126623
>>126621you would think she would come up with a more creative response
still cackling at that chin ask tho
i sent her another one after her response saying her chin looks way more different than the photo she uploaded a few days ago aaaand ignored
but then she answers these dumb ass messages
No. 126697
>>126605no, it wasn't ember, or the one i consider to be the snitch/idiot, Jolty.
A friend of Kellys commented saying she was going to talk to kelly, get her password, and delete/block all the people leaving nasty comments "before kelly can even see them". the friends IG is recoveryiscourage. and no one was "bullying" her, they were just stating the obvious. that is, you can't be morbidly obese and be diagnosed with anorexia nervosa. I assume kellys insurance is paying for The Center for Discovery because her binge eating disorder is causing medical problems, and if she's this morbidly obese at 17, she probably wouldn't have made it to 35 without a significant intervention.
No. 126718
File: 1462158027866.jpg (33.98 KB, 401x450, 913c67e0511613727f.jpg)

Ember the Alien.
No. 126750
>>126740Thanks for clearing that up. She's just
vacationing with Ana right now.
No. 126782
File: 1462175630322.png (78.86 KB, 804x542, Screen Shot 2016-05-02 at 12.5…)

so i posted
>>126465 to that blog and got this like a day later but everything else is still there- can she not report screen shots of herself?
No. 126801
File: 1462183409838.jpg (64.68 KB, 535x773, IMG_20160501_213026.jpg)

No. 126833
File: 1462197613119.png (598.78 KB, 750x1334, image.png)

Ember started following this girl 12 hours ago and she is cringeworthy as fuck. She has a video posted of her shoving food into her mouth with the tag "#bulimiclife
No. 126923
>>126276It's so edgy 'Girl, Interrupted'
Like I'm pretty sure Susanna says that it wasn't an attempt she just had a headache, it's some bullshit
No. 126931
File: 1462220140522.jpg (47.55 KB, 283x423, Capture.JPG)

This one is so high and mighty. Reported someone to social services herself and god forbid someone else would think SHE was like that person.
>>126929Fuck off, child. This isn't Netflix.
No. 126933
File: 1462220216143.png (176.39 KB, 624x422, Untitled.png)

>>126931Bollocks, wrong image. Here's the right one.
No. 126972
File: 1462228002925.jpg (562.07 KB, 1920x1920, SI_20160502_172117.jpg)

That moment when you forget to edit your pics the same
No. 126991
>>126984Top freckles line up
Bottom freckles don't
(because it was stretched)
Arm on left is wider than arm on right.
No. 127047
>>127041One thing I despise about Ember and Emily is they take every opportunity to show off their self-harm scars. Look, I've got self harm scars too, so I understand that it's not always possible to cover them up. But I get so uncomfortable when people even look at them, I can't imagine plastering them all over the internet for pity points.
Ember and Emily have an attention-seeking complex though, from what I can tell. So I guess self-harm isn't really like, "a mistake I made when I was younger and would like to forget about" to them, but rather "look at me, I'm a fragile mentally ill tumblr princess with ~problems~."
No. 127063
>>127047Emily is especially bad, Ember doesn't really have any scars except either really old faded ones or scratches.
I guess they just both took a page out of the Felice book. Shit, at least they're not posting fresh cuts and infected shit all over IG like many do. I assume because, they are talked about in some circles.
No. 127161
>>127150She would have to edit every frame in the video to look as skelly as she thinks she is, and her face
lol now I hope she'd do it, might be the only thing she'd ever put effort into
No. 127191
>>127182She'll have to make up a new persona soon because she's becoming boring even to the insta anas, so, why not, would be funny to watch
but she lurks here so she'll probably drop the idea
>>127187Her being a "witch" was the best thing imo
I wonder how her "book of shadows" is coming along lol
No. 127196
>>127193>>127195Found it in the catalog quick enough but archive won't play. Dunno what that is about. Upsetting, coz I think I only ever saw the gifs at the time.
It's here
>>72989 No. 127199
File: 1462291586972.jpg (110.44 KB, 686x1024, Collage 2016-05-03…)

>>127195At least she put SOME effort into her looks while she was a witch. Now she just looks like a grandma
No. 127202
File: 1462292252263.gif (4.79 MB, 157x275, 1450288727515.gif)

No. 127204
File: 1462292740312.jpeg (45.16 KB, 750x452, image.jpeg)

No. 127215
>>127204Seconded. What entitled tomfuckery is this?
>>127212To be fair, I turned 21 earlier this year and have only just started learning. Likewise with the majority of people at uni. If people have better things to do, they don't bother. But this bitch has done nothing with her life and has acted parasitoid to everyone, surely she should have had the time and money to better herself and learn skills.
No. 127219
>>127215This. Also, idk about the US but lessons etc. here are expensive
but we all know she got nothing better to do and didn't even finish school
Aren't you able to learn how to drive at 16-17 in the US? Or is that just in the movies
No. 127220
>>127204If she has her job still why couldn't she just save up and buy one on her own? Who's buying her this phone? Her boyfriend? Her parents?
If it's her boyfriends that's some weird type of relationship having to bait your girlfriend to do something by promising her an expensive gift. If it's her parents then they really have to cut the cord. Like what the fuck? She can live without an iPhone and save up like most people her age do when they want something that expensive and useless.
No. 127222
>>127219You can get your permit at 15 here in the US, and then you practice with your parents for a year, do the test, and if you pass you get your lisence. Before getting your permit you have to take a driving course though. It can be a little expensive depending on how much your family makes and if it's a priority to them that you learn how.
Sage for ot
No. 127227
File: 1462294510211.png (325.69 KB, 750x1334, image.png)

The bullshit she comes out with is unreal
No. 127234
>>127204Well, damn. She is turning into the typical communist teenager stereotype.
>useless, didn't even finish high school>has a pathetic job and no goals>voted for Bernie Sandwich>gets an iPhone, does absolutely nothing I can't wait to see her internet communist persona. Who knows, maybe she'll go full SJW and get fatter than she already is.
No. 127252
File: 1462297281518.jpeg (44.59 KB, 750x484, image.jpeg)

Amazing, she managed to do an hour driving whilst retweeting things.
No. 127304
>>127302Yup. I live on LI and anyone with a permit must be surprised by someone 21 and older with a drivers license. Also you cannot drive on a bridge or tunnel, nor can you drive on a street that is inhabited in a park with a permit.
Driving is very difficult in the city. Expensive, too. Parking garages are not cheap. Plus there's the gas and traffic in the city is very stop and go.
Most people who live in the city or travel for work take a train/subway to and fro. It's so much easier that way.
No. 127314
File: 1462308735293.png (903.85 KB, 750x1334, image.png)

She needs to stop with the fake septum, it makes her nose look even uglier
No. 127321
File: 1462309957191.jpeg (615.42 KB, 2048x2048, image.jpeg)

'Contour' looks like she rubbed mud on her face
No. 127338
>>127321Oh shit it's happening
She's starting to list her makeup products that she uses
Here comes ember the beauty blogger
That cheek suckage
No. 127390
File: 1462327800423.jpg (22.36 KB, 250x299, tumblr_o67axl3hAd1vsgcomo1_250…)

she looks pretty chubby here
No. 127399
File: 1462329109780.jpeg (220 KB, 750x1162, image.jpeg)

her ego is what bothers me most
No. 127400
File: 1462329136359.jpeg (37.96 KB, 750x332, image.jpeg)

No. 127412
>>127407Hi Emily! How does it feel to be fatter than Ember?
Remember when you posted about how much thinner you were getting while Ember was getting fat in IP?
No. 127433
>>123455The whole "EDcommunity" on instagram is just too positive and arse licking, inpatient settings or the real world don't communicate like this at all. They tak to each other like how a parent would to their toddler. "Good girl, well done for managing it, HEALTHY FATS will nourish your organs and make your hair super duper shiny".
Comments akin to "That meal looks so Autumnal and comforting, I hope you enjoyed every single delicious nibble you inspiring warrior. You deserve it"
No. 127439
>>127438 fair point.. willing to give her the benefit of the doubt bc she's less awful than she was but we'll see
(inb4 emily i'm not fucking emily why does everyone say that whenever someone says something remotely positive about her)
No. 127452
>>127447no but remember when all the drama happened in late 2013 (i think) and she got caught self submitting and stuff and she owned up to it? not to mention all the blatant thinspo poses (ehhh she still does it now but not to the same extent)
tldr she was being a lot more attention whore-y then
No. 127465
>>127463yeah seriously. and jesus christ lay off her she's recovering from an eating disorder?? (yes, she has a real eating disorder unlike some people mentioned in this thread)
i know this is lolcow and we like to poke fun but seriously
No. 127523
File: 1462374662072.jpeg (112.73 KB, 750x1173, image.jpeg)

Ember took it upon herself to tell her followers her weight (indirectly, in case anyone doesn't want to do the math she claims she weighs 93 pounds)
Much health
Very recover
No. 127529
File: 1462375394832.jpeg (427.01 KB, 2048x2048, image.jpeg)

The temptation ?
No. 127537
>>127529wanted to post: drama, Emily and faking an ED for years but I guess Id get blocked lol
her "obsessions" change every month
No. 127575
>>127523No way she weighs 93lbs. Top kek!!
More like 115-125 Ember.
No. 127580
>>127455There are a lot of bulimics who don't have any visible signs of damaged teeth.
Also, I wish people would stop calling them bulimia "cheeks", the swelling occurs on the underside of the chin/glands and the jaw line. Would be relatively easy to hide in a selfie.
>>127516Purging doesn't necessarily equal weight loss. Especially since we all pretty much assume Jenna is bulimic and not anorexic, it would make since that she's not losing weight.
No. 127584
File: 1462387751571.png (13.27 KB, 636x140, ask.png)

This was on Ember's Anyone know what it's referring to?
No. 127641
File: 1462396805331.jpg (153.75 KB, 535x756, IMG_20160504_161740.jpg)

Step 1 acquire Emily's old nappy wig
Step 2 skin Ember alive and wear her as a faux friend coat
No. 127684
>>127677EWWWW what a weird-o
Ember's photoshop pictures looks out of the place between all the skin&bones anorexics
No. 127690
File: 1462404411613.png (229.45 KB, 603x691, 1234.PNG)

>>123455>>127677emm Ember even promoted herself on the photo too. disgusting piece of trash, pro-ana to the fucking core.
No. 127692
File: 1462404748506.jpg (4.97 KB, 249x250, 1461778568675s.jpg)

>>127690>oct 2015this is too much
No. 127697
File: 1462406111387.jpg (65.81 KB, 531x368, IMG_20160504_185303.jpg)

>>127677She knows it's there. Made sure to give herself credit and link everyone to her "recovery" account. Never asked to have it removed.
No. 127711
File: 1462407947624.jpg (123.37 KB, 604x604, -kBCkOSRPas.jpg)

>>127707I couldn't find it either… Found this instead, this is also Ember, isn't it?
No. 127714
File: 1462408560890.png (435.66 KB, 540x960, Screenshot_2016-05-04-19-35-14…)

>>127711>>1277075th pic from top of his wall
No. 127743
File: 1462415950452.jpeg (196.01 KB, 1242x1317, image.jpeg)

Much beauty blogger. Very wow.
No. 127746
>>127743this is so painful
those eyebrows
there's glitter in her hair line
her eyeliner is splotchy and uneven
i love it
No. 127872
File: 1462462141999.jpeg (164.21 KB, 750x1103, image.jpeg)

"I don't promote eating disorders"
No. 127925
File: 1462469630680.png (1.58 MB, 750x1334, image.png)

Apparently she vapes now too
No. 127929
"Look everyone I'm going to make myself shit my pants!!"
No. 127931
File: 1462470508568.jpg (379.72 KB, 1920x1920, SI_20160505_124552.jpg)

The predator is back at it. Please all adults, men and women and pedophiles please follow this 15 years old impressionable child
No. 128012
File: 1462485190744.jpg (73.55 KB, 960x960, 13092179_499164846942342_85878…)

always forget how hideous Ember's nose is
No. 128016
File: 1462486318557.jpg (50.91 KB, 269x402, IMG_20160505_170041.jpg)

Oh Look, it's Stretch ArmStrong's long lost big sister Stretch LegStrong
No. 128017
>>128012the most unaffectionate couple I have ever seen… frigid af
they look like they are forcing themselves to put up with each other lol
at least the pic is in b&w so we don't have to look at her god awful hair color haha
No. 128023
>>128012I wonder how much snorting was I involved.
Andrew probably has no self confidence and Ember has him trapped thinking that he can't do any better than her.
No. 128032
File: 1462488541014.jpeg (63.65 KB, 500x350, image.jpeg)

>>128031K I found him. They have the same profile.
No. 128111
>>128017and it looks like the same series of photos taken like last week when they went out?
do they not do anything special often lmfao
No. 128120
File: 1462515157141.jpg (28 KB, 483x441, dhoyfz9.jpg)

No. 128126
File: 1462520990762.gif (1.99 MB, 389x415, 1458656705387.gif)

No. 128144
File: 1462537862648.jpg (148.05 KB, 750x1099, image.jpg)

Is she so delusional as to think that her fat ass actually needs a tw? She thinks she's at least sexy but she's lumpy and white like a cotton ball.
No. 128193
>>128144Jesus Christ those thighs. And you know she only posted that picture because she thinks she looks thin in it. Wtf. And yeah she's not fat as in overweight but compared to most of even the wannarexics in this thread she's chubby.
And I
hate that fucking pose she does all the time. You don't have a thigh gap. Get over it piglet.
No. 128197
>>128195Eh she's the one who posted a picture of her thighs on her tumblr, claims to be anorexic, totally muscular and slapped a
trigger warning on top like she's an emaciated waif.
No. 128199
>>128197I mean, I get that. She's annoying. She's full of shit. It's delusional. It's ridiculous.
But the amount of suspiciously aggressive bonelord posts are just as delusional, so…
No. 128208
>>128207According to NY, you can only get MM for the following reasons:
Only patients with one of the following severe, debilitating or life-threatening conditions may qualify for the Medical Marijuana Program: cancer, positive status for HIV or AIDS, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), Parkinson's disease, multiple sclerosis, damage to the nervous tissue of the spinal cord with objective neurological indication of intractable spasticity, epilepsy, inflammatory bowel disease, neuropathy, or Huntington's disease. Patients must also have one of the following associated or complicating conditions: cachexia or wasting syndrome, severe or chronic pain, severe nausea, seizures, or severe or persistent muscle spasms.
Are you sure it's a legit card?
No. 128213
>>128207It's not NY MMJ. Those labels on the
balm are CO state rec weed with the CO marijuana stamp on them. She deleted that snap though.
No. 128220
>>126275From drinking, maybe? She'd have to be hardcore fucking drinking for that though. Overdose? Did she explain? Obviously, this is all assuming she's telling the truth, which, if she is, would seriously fucking suck for her. If she's lying, then she's the one that sucks, because organ failure isn't a fucking joke. It'd be pretty much right up there with faking cancer. I like to give people the benefit of the doubt, but the flood of internet fakers makes it hard.
If she's really sick, though, I wish her the best. No one deserves to go through that shit.
No. 128223
>>126275She actually called me from work earlier that day (I've known Em since 1st grade) saying she was in incredible pain and hadn't been able to have a bowel movement for 2 weeks straight and asked me to meet her at the ER and the doc said her intestines had stopped working so they gave her a couple minorly intrusive procedures and prescription laxatives and then some more meds and diet regulations for the next week. I'm not sure if that's actually an organ failure but intestines are organs correct?
TLDR: Emily wasn't faking anything, I personally know her and can prove she was in the ER for issues
No. 128234
>>128231Basically. But really, impacted stools are quite normal. Most people will have one or two in a lifetime. I'm chuckling to myself that she thought it was organ failure because her digestive system was backed up. Usually you don't even have to go to the hospital for it.
You take some fibre powder, a laxative, or a stool softener and wait it out. It just sounds like she left it for way too long. Two weeks is crazy. If you don't have a bowel movement in a week it's time to take something to help "move" things along.
Please someone teach these girls how to take care of themselves…
No. 128239
>>128120Same here anon, same here. It's a huge loss.
Pun intended.
No. 128241
File: 1462579148397.jpg (591.36 KB, 1920x1920, SI_20160506_185653.jpg)

Who does she think she kidding? She should name each face shape for her different personality.