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No. 34685
New Ashley thread numero 3
First thread at:
>>21279Second thread at:
>>32362Tumblr:;dr summary:
Ashley, formerly known as Hamtaro-chan, aka skeletor, lied about being abused and jumped ship on her old tumblr account when people tried to get her help, manipulates her followers into buying her food she can puke up (hey, anyone with lung cancer want some cigarettes? I’m sure her retarded followers will get them for you), and commonly has BFFs 4 lyfe (Erika, Starbucks girl, Gia) only to go apeshit on them later when they disappoint her slightly. Bitch is cray cray.
Current events: Erika found the thread and is ashamed, and Ashley is still writing petty shit about us and Erika on her tumblr.
No. 34692
>>34685It really is sad that her eating disorder is all about attention. The comparison of those two photos highlights that. At first what she used to get attention is ridiculous makeup and skimpy clothes hinting at nudity (and sometimes actual nudity); now what she uses is her extreme state of emaciation.
Also, I don't think she's really seeing a therapist. No ethical therapist would make someone this deathly ill pay on a session-to-session basis - when she dies, he could face some liability for continuing to treat her and not recommending alternate programmes to her.
No. 34696
>>34691it's all been said multiple times before.
at least until Ashley makes some new post highlighting her crazy once more, anyways.
this may be kind of sick to say, but tbh I would say the best thing that she could do in this situation is fake her own death.
stop updating her tumblr/instagram, check out from the internet for a while. hell, it'd probably be good for her mental health. & as long as there's no new dirt, there's nothing to discuss on these forums.
and wouldn't it be fucked up if she really did die like everyone's been speculating, and threads like these were what she'd been obsessing about for miserable days&days before she finally ghosted?
No. 34701
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No. 34730
>>34724You could just leave you know? The purpose of this site is to talk about other people, yet you think that by taking the moral high ground everybody's gonna be like "pack your things everybody we got told".
You should, idk, go and help your friend recover instead of trying to play white knight in here.
No. 34734
>>34732Especially when one of the first posts on the 3rd thread is "No one has anything new to say?"
Ya. Time to just let it be
No. 34737
>>34732>>34734We wouldn't have made it to three threads had Ashley and her army didn't get in to defend her and you know it.
80% of the last thread was people trying to defend Ashley and turning it into a competition between her and Erika so don't try to pretend this shit didn't happen.
No. 34743
>>34741No really. The thing about these threads is that the longer it stays alive, the more evidence and secret shit people can bring to the table. But there's always the bad side.
Like now, how everyone is having a moral debate and pulling a "this person vs. Ashley" thing, thanks to the spreading awareness. I guess it's amusing, but I prefer screencaps and evidence to speculation.
No. 34759
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>>34754Fuck. Am I the only one that thinks she looks the most beautiful here? I guess this girl combined with Erika shows you that if someone's beautiful to begin with, no amount of weight loss will make them less so. But if you're ugly like Ashley, you'll only get uglier.
No. 34761
>>34759I don't think Ashley was ugly, at least when she was younger. Possible she is now I guess? Hard to know unless she gains some more weight.
Also, I think that anyone will look scary as fuck if they lose enough weight. That girl is obviously too thin but I think she'd need to lose much more weight to get to Ashley-level.
No. 34774
>>34760Well fuck you, pal. We're all on this website for some reason.
>>34761>>34762I always though Ashley was horrifically ugly when she was younger. She looked like she was a 12-year-old at the age of 17 - baby fat coating her entire body but manifesting the most in an incredibly chubby, chipmunk-esque face. Her jewy nose and weak chin make her face sloped and unappealing. And her bone structure as a whole is amorphous and potato-esque - that's why her face is all caved in now that she's anorexic.
No. 34783
>>34778She really does. Her chin area and the way her cheeks stick out in a heart are just exquisite. That's hidden when she's at a healthier weight in her other pictures.
>>34780What I look like isn't relevant, seeing as I'm not the one plastering pictures of myself all over the internet. However, I will say that my intense dislike for Ashley's features stems from the fact that mine are quite similar.
>>34781No, her BPD was what made her turn into a skeleton.
No. 34801
>>34799>>34798No one's
literally assuming you imbeciles are Ashley. It's called humor. It's sort of a running theme on
lolcow. Any person who's being ridiculed and a random nobody appears whiteknighting to hell and back are called the lolcow in question.
2 threads and you haven't picked up on that. You bring it up so much you look fucking suspect.
No. 34808
>>34801It's not something that originated on lolcow though. This shit comes from halfchan and it was as annoying as it is now.
I don't doubt Ashley posts here to try to defend herself, but it does become annoying to see several people parroting the "hi x" shit over and over again.
No. 34845
>>34839From what I've gathered it's only two people the ones who have been shitting up the threads with their whiteknight attitudes.
We could either ignore them or continue with the arguing until they get tired and leave.
No. 34853
>>34746>>34751Does anyone know what happened to her though? She deleted her actual channel and people started saying she went to a hospital and would be back in a year or two.
Hope she didn't die.
No. 34856
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No. 34864
>>34856>>34859Well her mother may not hate her but
>MY PERFECT LITTLE CHILDsounds kinda creepy since she is 24 years old
No. 34869
>>34756 comment section has the whole story
>Okay. There are some misconceptions about this BonyPink person.1) The girl bonypink originated from a Yahoo Group in 2002 (it may have been 2004/2005, I am still searching). It was run by a Japanese girl who wrote in very broken English and described her anorexic body: "bony very bony. my skin pink in lots place. pink and bony" Some time after, she stopped writing. It has not been confirmed whether or not she has died.
2) The girls you are seeing in the pictures stamped 'BonyPink' is not the girl from the Yahoo group. These were taken by an anonymous photographer who went by the alias of BonyPink. There are estimated to be about 90 different photos. Most were in swimsuits and some were nude. It is nearly impossible to find all of the photos because several of the girls in the pictures requested them to be taken down. The girls are mostly Chinese, but a few are Japanese. It has not been confirmed if any of the girls are dead yet.
3) The person(s) that create accounts under the name 'BonyPink' are fake. Most of the time their stories remain the same, but there are plenty of varieties that make the story false. The imposter of this bonypink girl also goes under the names StrawberryNinja, Ronny Bi (on facebook), or redrecks. Please do not believe this imposter. It is very wrong to pose as an eating-disordered person.
No. 34871
sorry I missquotes,
>>34869 was meant for
>>34789 No. 34885
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I wish the admin would have cleaned up posts from the previous threads, or get a janitor to do it for free.
Is it possible to not shit up another Ashley thread? I know it's pretty difficult for some to not kiss Erika's ass for longer than 5 minutes, but it's ridiculous. Make an Erika thread, make an anagurlz thread.
The only reason these threads got to 1,000+ posts is because of whiteknights, ass kissing and a racist rant or two. I love watching this trainwreck as much as the next person, but it's getting out of control.
No. 34905
>>34904Okay…so she knows who's here gossiping about her then.
Can you explain how it's weird? Cause yeah I'm not getting it. :/ Not trying to be rude or anything…just…yeah
No. 34908
>>34893So more evidence she talks shit about people behind their backs. And more evidence Ashley's a delusional nut muffin. She has the nerve to complain when someone who cares about her drives for
hours just to see her and basically be her personal taxi, then drops her home to drive hours to go take care of her family. And Ashley feels wronged? Holy fuck.
No. 34909
>>34904My favorite part is how whoever it was said dropping a grown-ass woman off at her own house (where she would have been alone ANYWAY, except for a longer period of time, had this friend not just spent time with her) is the "worst" thing. I mean, are you fucking shitting me? That's what Ashley told this person was the "worst"?
Claims like that honestly make me think her mother's "abuse" was stuff like downgrading the cable package so she couldn't watch her favorite anime anymore.
No. 34912
She would have been alone even longer had Erika not made the effort to go see her… and then she complains that she didn't neglect her own responsibilities to sit and wait until Ashley's mom got back? Wtf?
No. 34934
>>34924Nobody is coming down on her for feeling that way. It's just that by claiming that Erika ruined her life for dropping her off at home, she is being inconsiderate of Erika's needs and responsibilities. Erika has a family to look after, she is not responsible for ashley.
If ash felt so unsafe, she should've called ppl who could actually protect her, like idk, maybe the cops. But then again she's so unwilling to call the cops on her "abusive" mom.
No. 34945
>>34942I've been lonely too but I wouldn't start bitching out my friends like it's their fault? :/ even if it was to just one person. But okay, I take your point that she didn't make a big deal out of it.
If she confided in ONE person then the info didn't 'somehow' get on lolcow…it was probably from that person!!
No. 34951
>>34942K, thats all you had to do instead of drag it out Jesus.
No matter what Erika was about to do or not, Ashley should still not hold anyone accountable for her feeling lonely. She at least made the effort on several occasions to go see her.
No. 34956
>>34953Totally. Do you need to give reasons every time you leave your friends? And then have them decide whether they are valid or not?! Fuck that. I love my friends, but I need my space too, and I'd be pissed if they tried to make me stay when I didn't want to, even if my only plans were to go home and sit on my ass.
Erika has her own problems too and seems fairly introverted (may be wrong, but impression that I get) - so she needs her downtime. Man, she shouldn't have to explain herself for wanting leave, jfc.
No. 35011
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No. 35018
>>35017Ok, let me explain it to you.
She does, at her own convenience.
She doesn't, at her own convenience.
Caught up now?
No. 35035
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No. 35039
>>35037No Erika cares about ash
Ash has lost the ability to truly care about anyone as much as she wants to about Erika
That's what makes it so sad
No. 35042
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No. 35043
I guess…
Looks like love finds a way, even if you're a spooky skeleton.
No. 35048
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>>35043I lose it at spooky skeleton every time
No. 35066
>>35063This is now the theme song to Ashley's threads.
…So, anyone else picturing Ashley and Erika doing it now? NO?
Yeah, me neither…
No. 35073
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No. 35074
>>35072Imagine what that would feel like…
Just bones in your vagina…
cold and sharp ugh
No. 35075
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>>35074Nine months later you push this out…
> omg my baby is so beautiful and skinny No. 35087
>>35056I made the mistake of telling my bff dude friend that I loved him, but not like that ya know. He still didn't get it, so yeah, guess I've done it.
Erika always pussyfooted around the topic.
Nah, I followed her too and I gather she's either:
1) aspy and can't express herself
2) trying to be kind by not dismissing Ashley's intense feelings for her by admitting that she doesn't have those types of feelings for her.
No. 35095
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>>35089the instapic where they're being bff
No. 35112
>>35110Yeah. You can go to therapy for other reasons besides that. I lied to my dr for a whole yr.
and if she actually is in therapy, her dr is a jackass who doesn't know how to properly treat a severe case as hers. What type of dr would leave a person as sick as she is out of the proper care.
No. 35113
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>>35109Are you joking? If she was in therapy she wouldn't be able to afford the latest bling bling. Priorities y'all.
No. 35116
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>>35113I hope her therapist accepts a $13 piece of plastic.
No. 35119
>>35113It makes for a more compelling sob story. "I can't afford therapy [because I spent all my money on sparkly junk]. Help me I have no support at all."
Like one binge or one sparkly pair of shoes would pay for a whole therapy session. Her last Instagram photo she was wearing hot pink Nikes. She can't even walk or stand up straight, why does she need Nikes?
No. 35120
>>3511613 fucking dollars for real? Girl go to a fucking dollar store, buy a plastic bracelet and stud it yourself. You can even decora it out with your shitty hottopic taste. Fucking christ.
Yeah I mad, as a for real poor fag that doesn't have people buying me weeaboo candy to eat. I get my shit from a food bank haha you'd be surprised how much sweets they give you
No. 35126
>>35120Don't worry, anon, shitty tumblrcore hot topic-tier products seem like they'd fall apart after being worn for a day.
I don't know if that would make you feel better or worse
No. 35136
>>35134They'd both use each other for more e-fame and then ditch each other and talk shit about one another
It's a match made in heaven
No. 35144
>>35140I've wondered this as well. I also know from when she was doing her shop that she buys lots of things and never even takes them out of the packaging, buys clothing she never wears, etc. She ought to open that store back up, she could get a lot of money that way.
Oh, and for those wondering how she gets the money for all the stuff she buys, IDK either, but my guess is that she's using credit cards. Maybe she made her wishlist after maxing them all out?
No. 35164
>>35151Arguably this is "body checking".
'If your body is so gross why do you post it' part of the disorder. You just crave comments on your body. "You're disgusting" adds to self-loathing but feeds Ana. "Omg you need help" does the same.
No. 35183
>'If your body is so gross why do you post it' part of the disorder. You just crave comments on your body. "You're disgusting" adds to self-loathing but feeds Ana. "Omg you need help" does the same.Seconding this since I haven't seen it addressed yet in any of these threads. If someone is extremely insecure about some aspect of their body and the thought of it fills them with hatred, sometimes they'll show off pictures of it everywhere in order to feed into their self-loathing. It's a form of emotional masochism.
In order to try to explain this feeling in more detail, I'll share a little anecdote. When I was younger I was debilitatingly repulsed by my body and facial features, so I would go on 4chan and post the most gross, disgusting pictures of myself I could possibly take. I would occasionally post my face distorted at some unpleasant angle to magnify my more 'undesirable' features, but more often that not I would post individual parts of my body - most often sexual parts - combined with my filthy clothing and stained undergarments, making myself appear as monstrous and revolting as I imagined myself to be.
The unadulterated disgust that was directed at me there filled me with a strange sense of euphoria - that even these absolute failures as human beings would utterly reject me and debase me in the most fundamental of ways, that no one could ever treat someone that looked the way I did as human, but rather some kind of hideous 'it.' I relished in it, because I thought of myself just as lowly, and I took great pleasure in sinking even lower. I put myself on display as a sickening freak, and I found sexual and emotional gratification from it.
It's the same mindset that makes some women want to be humiliated and debased and kept locked up and restrained in some dank cell as a pitiful sex doll to be brutally raped over and over again by the most disgusting of men.
I believe that Ashley feels very similarly to how I used to feel in this regard.
No. 35188
does she get money? It's not disability, she doesn't have credit, she obviously doesn't work. So where does the money come from? And if she sold her clothes the only people who could wear it would be toddlers.
No. 35189
>>35186Yeah but I think it gets worse and the outreach is vast.
When I was growing up poor without internet, I don't remember knowing about anorexics/bulimics, fell out of the sky to as far as I fucking know rn.
Now you have a slew of stupid little girls worshipping really sick ppl and forcing mentally unhealthy ways and thoughts upon themselves.
No. 35211
>>35189The internet allows anorexics/bulimics to camwhore. Romanticization of mental illness causes already-existing anorexics/bulimics to be more open about their disorders, and causes dipshits to pretend they have those disorders because they think it makes them strong/pretty/interesting.
It's totally normal for women/girls (and, to a lesser extent, men/boys) to restrict their caloric intake at some point. Lots of women/girls claim that doing so means they have an eating disorder. It used to be that people would diet, sure, and most anorexics/bulimics hid their disorders out of shame, claiming that they were naturally thin or dieting. Now, thanks to people like Ashley, people who diet claim to be anorexic. People who tried to throw up once claim to be bulimic. Actual anorexics/bulimics wear their disorders like a badge of honor.
If you know lots of anorexics/bulimics in real life, it doesn't mean there are MORE of them; it means it's become more socially acceptable to be anorexic/bulimic, and there are lots of liars.
My own mother is anorexic, and has been, to some degree, since the 70s. My aunt was anorexic/bulimic in the 60s and 70s. My dad's ex-wife was anorexic in the 80s. It's nothing new. You just didn't hear about it.
Note: Yes, I realize most anorexics/bulimics hide their disorders, or only admit to them via the anonymity of the internet.
No. 35216
>>35189Like that anon said, these people have always existed, but the internet does give them the option of whoring themselves out online as well as building a persona that someone on the web might find attractive or may take pity upon [like Ashley, for example].
There's also people with fetishes related to ED's who actively look for girls like these or just morbidly curious people who are looking to do some research or see what the "real thing" is like.
It also allows them to build communities based on these interests and thus exchange information to further their disorders. All of this from the comfort of your own home, so you don't have to make gatherings in public and thus subjecting yourself to criticism and scrutiny.
No. 35218
>>35209OF COURSE they do those poses. If your biggest fear is that you're fat, wouldn't you want to look as thin as possible? They exaggerate their thinness because they desperately want to be thinner. No shit.
Yes, they want validation too, but the biggest reason is that they're afraid of being fat, period.
> They forget they might be triggering people or glamourizing illness.I actually think underweight people shouldn't be looked down on for that. Being skinny in any sort of public place can be construed as triggering/glamorizing. If you're triggered, it's your duty to deal with that. It's not the job of everyone else to turn the world into your safe space. If a fatty camwhores, do we say they're triggering overeaters, or glamorizing fatness? Nah. Attention whores are attention whores, always have been, always will be. If other people are dumb enough think starving is glamorous, they're stupid, fuck 'em. If they're triggered, fuck them too, it's not the skinny person's job to babysit them.
The people that run thinspo blogs are pieces of shit though, since they're ACTIVELY trying to worsen people's eating disorders. Same for HAES people.
No. 35232
>>35231Ashley can't even take care of herself so how can you expect her to take care of something else?
"NEVER–unless your veterinarian advises it to bring down a fever–should you give a sick rabbit a bath." she even take it to the vet or was she hoping that growth just goes away without getting it checked?
No. 35241
>>35234She posted about how she found a growth on her rabbit and was really upset because it's been there for her, you know? She's had it for a while, it was in one of her old videos I think. But it doesn't seem she did anything other than ask for Tumblr support and uh, keep an eye on it? Considering it's Ashley it's possible she just made it up for more sympathy. Munchausen by bunny. Or her rabbit could really have a serious illness and instead of going straight to the vet like a responsible pet owner she's just hoping it gets better on its own.
She had/has a cat, but she mentioned something about it being her
mom's cat so she's not allowed to get attached to it or something. So two people, one of whom is a severe binge purger, boxes full of kawaii bullshit and two animals in a little apartment. That place must smell great.
No. 35247
>>35241Wow fuck, why does she spend her money on kawaii shit but not get her pet checked out then? It's not like she couldn't afford the vet bill.
If it's not bonded I wonder if it's been neutered, don't unspayed female rabbits have a pretty high risk of certain cancers? Dunno what gender it is, is all this on her tumblr?
No. 35275
>>32541The previous poster is right. Only bathe a bunny if directed to by a vet. Water can shock and kill them.
You don't have to worry as much about reproductive cancer in males. They can get testicular cancer, but it's not common. Uterine cancer is. About 85% of female rabbits will develop it within 3 years.
That said, rabbits can be incredibly annoying once they hit puberty, so it's best to spay and neuter them regardless. Most rabbits will spray, and act aggressive or territorial. Those behaviors are eliminated after getting fixed.
No. 35277
>>35271SHE COULD ask a friend for help. gia? Erika? Right, she'd rather ask them to take her to fucking target.
SHE COULD stop buying 13 fucking dollars worth of plastic, 70+ bucks on PURGE food, god knows how much on target bullshit.
SHE COULD realize she can't fucking care for the rabbit anymore and be a decent, responsible human being and rehome it.
But haha, this is ashley we're talking about, apparently all of that is beyond her fucking comprehension.
No. 35279
>>35277Apparently ash is doing something right.
He's outlived normal bun-span by two years, and still acts like a shithead. ^_____^
And also lol.
A one bedroom apartment isn't exactly the best place to be like HAY COME OVER TO HANG OUT.
It's not a three story condo k
No. 35283
>>35282Proof she hasn't taken it to a vet?
Proof that the vet didn't tell her to wash it.
Exactly. Stfu.
No. 35284
>>35283nigga do you even negative proof? evidence of absence? get outta here with your retard shit
Ashley if you took your rabbit to the vet you prove it. but she can't because it'd interfere with her purging :'(
No. 35286
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>>35285"Optimal living conditions" Get that. Ashley is providing optional living conditions for her rabbit. Can you all just stfu now.
No. 35288
>>35286yeah and it's going to die soon from cancer probably because she's decided to check out on being a responsible pet owner because ashley > everything and everyone else.
Ashley we know you're here. Stop buying childish shit and take your damn rabbit to the vet before it dies.
No. 35293
This is great. Finally someone who doesn't hate ash.
No. 35302
>>35300Your just grabbin onto every little string u can aren't you?
The rabbit is fine.
He's just old as fuck.
No. 35306
>>35302I was thinking the same thing. Grasping at straws. Any little thing they can find they will exploit. Just leave her alone. A bunch of grown women (some with families) sitting on a site gossiping about someone who doesn't affect them.
Your lives seem so boring
No. 35312
>>35306this is a forum dedicated to laughing at lolcows
idk where you think you are but you are a person arguing with people laughing at idiots
which sounds more pathetic?
enjoy your stay ashley
No. 35315
>>35313Same. She is so transparent with her reply tactics. She hunts for the perfect ask to reply to that will garner her the most amount of pity and praise.
but honestly, the more nice asks the gets the more likely she is to stick around which means more to laugh at so…..
No. 35325
>>35317>>35324okay let me spell it out
this is a forum you had to seek out in your free time in order to argue with people who are just here laughing
you came here in order to teach us a lesson
but… were still just laughing at lolcows
take the moral high ground all you want, fact is you are still here with us bumping our thread and giving us more to laugh at
No. 35335
>>35332OMG no way you *~poor angle~* (right angle I see yes yes?)
We're can I send you stuff
You're so perfect and wonderful
No. 35339
>>35333Seeking something out is different than already being aware of this thread in particular.
seek out
1. (tr, adverb) to search hard for and find a specific person or thing
Not very hard to find something if it finds you first.
No. 35342
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>>35332>>35317I'm so, so, sorry in advance for what is about to happen. Trolls are going to come into the thread and they will be saying some very hurtful things about you. They will call you some very hurtful names. But none of those things are true. How could they possibly know? How could they possibly know how beautiful you really are? How sweet and compassionate you are? I'm so sorry about them, please do not let them hurt you.
>mfw thinking about you hurtingI just want to see you shine and flourish. You are so precious to me. I want to write poetry and sing songs about my love and adoration for you and all of your perfections. My name is Brian, by the way. I know that you're tired of all the assholes and jerks. I know how you feel baby doll. I know. I am different. I am the nicest guy you will ever meet, and if anything I'll be the one in the kitchen. I live in London. Please be in London.
No. 35346
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>>35342anon pls this is too much
No. 35347
>>35335>>35336>>35342guys pls they bully me everday, halp send me japanese candy pls why can't people just let me be an asshole i don't understand
No. 35348
>>35317i'm 16 and i'm laughing at an adult.
i'll never grow up. laughing keeps me young.
grown women having crises are hilarious (pixyteri anyone?)
No. 35363
you realize you are a 24 year old spoopy skeleton living with her mother. the most amazing thing about your life is tumblr ass pats. you're no major contributor to society either lol
No. 35364
>>35342I live in the east of England
But I'll talk to you every day
But avoid meeting you. I'm such a ~delicate angle~ so I won't be seen around you
but don't say it's a friend zone Kay,
No. 35369
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>>mfw I'm 24 with a masters degree, a job, car and house and still find this shit hilarious
No. 35370
>>35367that isn't me, sorry. but i don't watch that shit. tv rots the mind.
No. 35375
>>35369B-but you must feel sorry for her!!!
Go buy her kawaii candy and plastic from her wishlist or you are a scum!!!! Don't forget to send her compliments in her tumblr inbox, it's not like she will respind to them anyway!
No. 35377
>>35374So finding something hilarious = bullying?
Can this logic stay in 2014. Please?
No. 35388
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>>35379>I am done hereSadly this is never true, her whiteknights always come back.
Anyways has anyone noticed a pattern?
Ashley thread finally gets good, no whiteknighting and shitposting, just discussion.
Then Ashley barges in, talks in third person but it's obvious it's her since she talkz LIKE THIS*~
Everyone shits on her so she calls a whiteknight to fight for her. Whiteknight tries but gets BTFO by the farmers and ends the post with "I am done here"
Rinse and repeat.
No. 35409
>>35402What do you mean 'ideal standards of human'?
You think just because she's morbidly anorexic is the reason people here don't like/care for her?
No. 35415
>>35405Same here.
Does it help you to sleep at night; that you did something good?
>>35402 No. 35416
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No. 35423
>>35421Good point. it's like they want to be the one to show Ashley that
they're different and
they understand her so she can rely on them or something and get love/acceptance/who the fuck knows what else from a mentally disturbed 24 y/o.
No. 35432
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If Ashley wasn't an *~anorexic angle*~ (probably an acute angle) she would still have a ton of teenage girls following her.
She's proven that from her 4chan days, she's not only as desperate for attention she'll whore herself out she's manipulative, self absorbed and a ScEnE qUeEn 2K14
Who do S4S and have backup accounts because they got deleted at 70k
No. 35459
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No. 35461
>>35459Oh I cannnnnn't bring myself to ruin her again because I want her to do well..
insert sad sobby feel sorry for me sentenceshe's so fucking transparent. I don't want to ruin you again buttttt I am going to try and make you feel bad to lure you back in
she is a fucking parasite
If you are on here Ashley, can't you do something for someone else? She has a family, ACTUAL CHILDREN - not a 25 year old pretending to be one.
This is the one thing that you should be purging, your relationship with Erika so she can PROGRESS and live her life and be the mother she was meant to be.
No. 35466
>>35275Dunno how that post is related, I'm probably just being a dumbass but if you meant to reply to me, that's why I replied with
>>35249I found it kinda unlikely she'd have an unspayed female without it driving her batshit crazy(/crazier). I mean yeah, both get annoying, but females seem to be moody little fuckers when people don't get them fixed.
(Still kinda pissed off she doesn't seem to have got him a friend ever but I'll leave all this animal rights shit out of this thread)
No. 35472
>>35469Hence why I'm not going into details?? Can't tell if you're worried the thread gets derailed or just trying to be clever but k
>>35459She posts all these things about hating herself, etc, as a lot of mentally ill people feel I guess, I really wonder if she hates herself for using teenage girls to buy her shit to throw up, etc. I wonder if she even feels like there's a point in trying to change as a person anymore. Maybe it depends on her mood.
No. 35500
>>3549928 year old with children, trying to recover?
24 year old spoopy skeleton living with her mom purging on amazon wishlist gifts…
hmmm…which has more to live for I wonder?
No. 35507
>>35506so-called phd didn't reply to any anons in the first post, so unless you're taking responsibility for the other two posts…?
even if that's so, they're still not exempt from two out of three.
No. 35514
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Anyone want to meet up to discuss this thread over coffee?
No. 35517
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I wish I was fortunate enough to have Ashley in my life.
No. 35624
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It seems her rabbit has been there for her for everything. Where's mommy dearest's dishonorable mention?
No. 35642
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No. 35651
>>35643Erika decides she wants to recover, Ashley is anti-recovery, Erika got shitty messages on her tumblr about her weight (I'd bet big money that it was Ashley on anon), deleted it, moved to instagram, Ashley tells her she posts too much, Erika keeps trying to recover despite Ashley, Ashley ends up unfollowing Erika, now tries to manipulate Erika into coming back to a shitty relationship where Ashley can presumably stop Erika from recovering.
That's all I can gather. i'm sure Ashley did a lot of shit to Erika in private that we can't see, ie what happened to Gia.
No. 35664
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Hurrrr I want to *~recover~* but omg I must show off my legsssss~~*
Yeah. She's no different than ash, so good luck with that.
No. 35676
>>35666I agree too, I don't see people in recovery for other diseases boasting publicly like this (unless they're also tumblrinas alcoholics)
Erika is better than Ashley. Erika isn't that great of a person though, she's just quite normal in my book so I don't see why everyone is fawning over someone just because they're not an asshole.
No. 35692
>>35683How is ashley real? Because she's a cranky ungrateful bitch?
She manipulates ppl and Lies about her family situation for starters. She ain't real for shit.
No. 35697
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And here I am thinking that eating sustains and extends life was basic bio. If only I had studied under Ashley and not professors from a top college.
No. 35713
>>35699Then why the fuck are you here Dudley Do-Right?
Ashley is her own worst enemy, and it doesn't matter what we say or do. This thread could be full of ass kissing and she'd still be head first in the toilet after one her kawaii desu binge-uguus.
No. 35714
>>35697That's actually really creepy. Like she's so delusional she thinks she's above basic human needs and is in
total control even though she clearly has no control over her life according to her own complaints. It's like she doesn't actually realize she
is going to die and she can't keep this up much longer.
No. 35725
>>35721I mean her problems are pretty stressful but deciding "welp now isn't a good time for recovery" is so counterproductive. It's just going to give a little instant gratification but make everything harder. Like having stressful shit to deal with is exactly why she
should recover. I bet Ashley thinks it's a fabulous idea for Erika to quit recovery. Now we can be sad together omg!
No. 35738
>>35699I don't think you've actually read any of these previous threads or know why she's being 'bullied'.
she's not a lolcow because she's anorexic. there are multiple reasons but tbh if you can't be arsed to read up on who you're defending before you blindly jump into a situation and start verbally thrashing then I can't summon the strength of will to give a damn. someone should make this an article on the wiki so we can just redirect these SJWs Ashley links here to over there.
No. 35752
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No. 35763
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>>35759I know because I can read
No. 35767
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Reading comprehension is desperately needed in this thread.
She is clearly saying that she has to tackle her real life issues and that recovery is what she needs to do to focus on solving those issues.
No. 35779
>>35775So the reason you frequent a thread is because you care about that person the thread is on?
Clearly Erika rattles your cage. Enough to have you shit posting.
No. 35791
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>>35789But she deserves things to help her escape. Apparently.
No. 35793
>>35704Ya, cuz, y'know, they totes chose that :P
Fuck you.
No. 35794
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>>35790She says she wants to live but she's doing everything in her power to die. Logic down the toilet!
No. 35796
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No. 35797
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No. 35800
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No. 35802
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No. 35873
>>35793LOL, no one chooses mental disorders either! Cancer and anorexia are both diseases; the parameters for an illness to be considered a disease are exactly the same, weather the disease is mental or physical.
You're just proving how painfully ignorant you and others are about mental illness. They are on par with physical illness, just because you don't want to believe it doesn't mean that it isn't true.
No. 35884
>>35873I hate to get all "as someone who has disorders…" but: as someone who has disorders, I would never ever ever compare my suffering to that of someone with cancer. At the end of the day, I can choose to get help, medications, therapy, and ultimately become a better person.
Someone with cancer gets chemo and a small chance of survival. To say that anorexia and cancer patients are on the same level is absolutely disgusting and completely selfish.
No. 35900
>>35873I hate to sound like a ~special snowflake~, but I suffered from cancer and later on anorexia as a teenager. I was lucky in that my cancer was nowhere near as bad as many, but I have had both.
Both are illnesses, yes. No, you don't choose either. After you've got them, though, they're incomparable. Both are hell, yes, but they're nowhere near similar.One is a maladaptive coping mechanism. While deep in the illness you have no real control no matter what you think. You can, however, choose to take it back. Managing symptoms or even recovering.
The other is uncontrollable. You can put %100 effort into treatment and you still may not beat it. Not beating it doesn't mean having to live with it for years. It means dying. All you can do is throw treatment after treatment at it and hope you'll be one of the lucky ones.
People die from anorexia. You're told the death rate. Complications from it, suicides… you have a chance of dying from it. With cancer you aren't at risk of dying. You are dying. Let's not even start on chemotherapy. Both treatments suck and are difficult. Mentally it's difficult. There are physical symptoms. The chemo, however… it was hell. The symptoms from it were even worst than my cancer symptoms.
Who knows? I had to deal with cancer first, so maybe that's affected my viewpoint. However, if it means anything from someone who's suffered from both… no. They aren't the same and they never will be.
No. 35904
>>35873And just because someone doesn't choose their disorder, doesn't mean physical and mental disorders are the same. Both are terrible in two completely fucking different ways, back up and stop making yourself look like a moron.
I have a lot of mental illness on my plate and I would never even try to compare it to cancer, let alone tell anyone with cancer that my suffering is totally equal to theirs when it's entirely different.
No. 35918
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Why does she always have to shit on her mother (and maybe relatives) everytime she receives a gift from a follower?
Every thank you post there is something about how her mom is mean.
No. 35919
>>35918Can't be
too happy or else risk losing sympathy. Gotta keep the gifts coming in you know. She's struck a balance between saccharine gratitude and pitiful helplessness. I guess she doesn't want people to be too happy for her, they also have to feel guilty and buy her more shit. But isn't this kawaii crap just going to go straight in a box full of other kawaii crap?
No. 35934
>>35908Yes, there are.
I'm one of those people.
It's like you're not aware this happens on every fucking forum-based site or something.
On places like the chans, lolcow, tumblr, etc. you'll find people with IQ's of 180, bipolar, depression, MPD, anxiety, anorexia, bulimia, and a long list of disorders.
Some people say when they have something because anonymity gives them a safe place to disclose this information, but some just make it up for attention or to make their arguments more valid.
All in all, for all you know they may or may not be lying so stop taking the moral high ground when you know you're also part of this website even if you try to play white knight.
No. 35982
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Why does she have to tag things BULIMIA. I saw these and thought mm they look nice, then I saw the tag and imagined them all thrown up in a toilet. Bitch spoils everything.
No. 35994
>>35982Tbh it's better than if she claimed to be eating and keeping down those candies and junk she posts. It's just unnerving that she seems so happy about it. She just made a post about getting expensive binge food and said it's a victory against social anxiety because she chatted with the cashier while buying food to purge. I mean it's a sign of having some sense of reality to be embarrassed buying binge food in public because it
is embarrassing and gross so it's weird to try to act like she's some kind of mental health warrior for shamelessly binging and purging. Like she's in her own little world, it's creepy.
No. 36010
>>35965 She never mentioned what she bought. She never said 'holy god I bought cookies, crisps, ice cream blahblah whatever now Im going home and my toilet will hate me'
(insert obnoxious emote here*) so really.. You can't hate on her just yet :-/
I say the positivity about chatting was kinda nice but whatever. Apparently she bothers 90% for no reason but ok
No. 36027
>>36024She also tweeted about her
addiction to expensive food and specifically mentioned Whole Foods. She's going there to binge.
No. 36155
>>36006I remember this happening to some girl I follow on tumblr.
I don't remember if it was frillypinkdreams but she got a lot of nasty anons telling her to tag her food as "anorexia tw" and "bulimia tw" because she was selfish for reblogging that shit without tagging it. Apparently it was *~triggering~* them, and despite her saying it was actually a way for her to cope with her own ED and coming to terms with food, people made her feel really bad about the way she was running her own blog.
Obviously I think Ashley is nowhere near this nor I think she's doing it to cope with her ED but yeah.
No. 36156
>>36033She doesn't allow for the nutrients to be absorbed by her body, so no.
If anything she's damaging her esophagus and stomach even more.
As someone with gastroenteritis and who sometimes has to purge to relieve the pain, I can't imagine how she can live with throwing it all up right after eating it. Purging is really, really awful.
No. 36184
>>36183Jesus, amen.
Obviously if she didn't she'd be dead.. LIKE HELLO.
All beings need energy. Granted.. She's a spooky skeleton, but a living spooky skeleton none the less.
No. 36189
>>36175>>36178Giving a person with an ED food is only enabling them, it's not being a control freak but having common sense.
She can get kawaii shit all she wants, but giving her food is not only money wasted but enabling her ED even further.
If you're so keen on taking the moral high ground the least you should do is stop and think if sending her food is in any way helpful or if "she should do what she wants with it" is a valid excuse.
I just hope that if you send her food you visualize her going straight to the bathroom to purge it all out right after eating it. I hope you imagine her stomach and throat getting fucked over because of your little gift. Maybe then you'll realize the actual damage you're doing to her by trying to be "helpful".
No. 36196
>>36195She binges on food.
She -binges- on food.
What you all send her/want to send her is of no nutritional value whatsoever. It's binge food.
She is in no controlled environment where her meals help her in any way, shape or form. She binges them.
> Are you saying we should starve people with EDs and that will fix them??No, stupid. I'm saying that you're enabling her by sending her binge foods that aren't helping her whatsoever to recover. You know damn well she's gonna puke it and those nutrients won't stay in her body.
What you should be doing is to get her help instead of enabling her even further. You wouldn't send a drug addict drugs, would you? Same shit for this. You can send her kawaii shit all you want, but sending her food is pretty counterproductive and you should be aware.
No. 36199
>>36195Holy shit are you Ashley followers that stupid?
1) The food people send is candy bullshit, so not much nutritional value in there
2) That is the food she binges on and then purges, so that little nutritional value isnt going to be absorbed, but instead going right down the toilet.
No. 36202
>>36195their help isnt help
she needs medical or legal intervention, and she fights that off
she doesnt want help with her mothers 'abuse' for example, she wants attention and notoriety
shes beyond help – people should be focusing their 'help' elsewhere, you know, not towards histrionic, privileged white girls
who the fuck cares what happens to them at this point, seriously
theyre not suffering in silence, they make their shit public for a reason
No. 36283
>>36280Yes she has, MANY times.
I've followed her for a while, and even before all this lolcow drama I'd noticed that whenever people ask what her safe foods are she gives snarky answers that are not useful whatsoever ("Go look at my wishlist," "I'm a human and I eat the same foods every other human does.")
No. 36308
>>36282Exactly, I have two bulimic friends. One of which who is still very heavy, the other who is almost underweight. Their habits are entirely different. The heavier one will only purge things she was not supposed to eat as she deems so. The other purges everything they swallow.
It all depends on a lot of things.
No. 36318
>>36304I think if I had an illness I know severely fucks up your quality of life, I'd rather people donate cash to charities that help people in a similar situation than have randoms send me gift cards to buy cosmetics. At least that way she'd be doing
something to make her existence worthwhile.
No. 36319
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got to love Ashley's sadface/got no friends/isolated/guilt trip face
No. 36320
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she wants this. here's an idea, Ashley. go to a dollar store, buy a bag of cheap beads, make it yourself. she has such bad taste.
No. 36327
>>36304Um yes she has. Or are you going to make me go through your archive to take screencaps? Actually, I'd rather take a nap and you probably already deleted all the asks like the pretentious coward you are.
If you're wondering why I'm realizing you're Ashley, it's because of the way you worded that post. Also, almost all of the "white knights" have sounded exactly alike. Ash doesn't have a super army or anything like that. She's just coming here to stroke her victim complex.
No. 36342
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Seriously, fuck all of you guys. I'm going to single handedly save Ash by getting her the latest Japanese superfood… Specialty kit kats.
No. 36343
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>>36342Don't forget the tubs of corn syrup!
No. 36349
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pretty sure hammy just wants her mom to try to get her help and actually pay attention to her suffering but all hammies mom does is tell her how great she is and try to compete with her daughter and thats why hammy hates her and claims she's abusive and probably why she attention whores.
she's probably a helicopter parent which is extremely emotionally crippling
rest in rip sweet princess, if I could go back in a time machine I wud save u
No. 36413
>>36388I think that's rather common, really. It's used for when you want to quote what someone else says in a disparaging way – words you wouldn't say quoted semi-sarcastically.
And single quotation marks is only Oxford English, no? Does Ashley really do that?
No. 36505
>>36320She has
no taste. I know we blame a lot of her shit on her BPD but that actually is common with BPD, where she doesn't have a stable identity or sense of self so she tries to adopt what she sees around her, in this case, basic tumblr girl 90s retro trends. It's like the movie Single White Female where she absorbs the style of someone she thinks is cool.
No. 36698
>>36505That's actually a bit confusing.
How do you know whether your chosen tastes/aesthetics are just a rip off of someone you think is cool, or if you think that person is cool
because they're into a style you've always been interested in but haven't actually put much effort into attempting IRL before you just happened to see them?
No. 36710
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I really feel she should leave Erika alone. She is being all abloobloobloo and it really comes across as her guilt tripping Erika into not recovering.
No. 37284
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"I can't 'afford' it….you buy it for me."
No. 37301
>>37284Maybe when she's purging it will get stuck in her throat.
Why peanut butter of all things
No. 37354
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Why does she do this shit? Why hashtag every single thing with #struggling #fighting if you're "ok"?
No. 37358
>>37354'Go and get help'
'no thanks'
'just bc I don't talk about therapy does not mean I don't go'
Then why not just say 'Thanks I have help'
No. 37370
>>37301The almond butter is most likely for her bizarre "recovery giveaways" she's doing now. Probably cultivating her new positive image to try to cover up everything people here exposed, but I'd bet the only reason Ashley acts like she supports recovery is she wants to see other people gain weight. I mean she has no interest in recovery but is buying sweets to feed other people with money she doesn't have?
She's into buying Quest bars to give away too. She couldn't physically eat them herself if she wanted to. Those things are chewy and she doesn't have enough teeth. Same thing for the chocolates on her wishlist.
No. 37371
>>37370Her latest Instagram post confirms this. She's also trying to follow more recovery accounts. What the fuck is the point of trying to weasel her way into the lives of people who are trying to be healthy? Does she think
she's going to be any kind of positive influence in their lives?
And way to tag Whole Foods and Quest in your post. They're totally gonna repost your skeletal hand giving a thumbs up to their products, like that's definitely the image they want to portray.
No. 37405
>>37370Wait so she's asking people to buy this shit for her to give away?
Why not simply putting the links to charities that help people with ana/mia for people to make donations?
No. 37410
>>37395I think she'd become famous if she turned cute and posted regularly about fitness like famous bloggers. There was this "worst case of anorexia" or something on a dr Phil show and I think she recovered but nobody really heard about her after that. I think people are more interested about hearing stories about living with anorexia, seeing freaky pics etc.
With her bad teeth and skin, Ashley is never going to be cute again :/
No. 37411
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>>37405Looks that way. This is a comment from her instagram video where she's banging on about Quest bars
No. 37420
that would actually be useful. But then she wouldn't get fans peeing themselves over how generous and kawaii she is. She doesn't really care about anyone's recovery, everything is calculated to make herself look like either a victim or martyr. Oh noes I can't recover but I can totes support y'all because that makes sense!
Even if she really did care about other people she doesn't have the brain capacity to do so. She needs to take care of herself first but her priorities are all kinds of fucked.
No. 37424
>>37423She lives for people saying she looks like a corpse and then telling them to not be so rude. All she can do in life is b/p, take selfies and tell people they're being rude because she emphasises she does not look as others do and therefore wants shitty comments about how gross she looks.
When I see her I don't even think of her being eating disordered. She reminds me of people who are in the final stages of AIDS. If she posts pictures of herself and food people might not get that she purges and they really are curious about what condition she has. If you put it out there, you're going to get people who want to try to understand why the fuck you look like death and if you're getting any help.
No. 37434
>>37425Yeah that seems like backwards ego stroking. I really hope she doesn't get any followers like that because I doubt she could help them in any way. She'd be a reminder of their struggles in a negative light.
Also I found this girl's profile (13 yrs old) and her user name says "eats" which I thought meant she was healthy. There's a goal of 500 on her profile. Does this mean she only eats 500 calories or wants to get to 500 lbs? No. 37480
>>37478So encouraging others to do well while not taking their own advice? That sounds like what normal people do but I'm sure it's even harder for addicts to recover if they're not being honest.
I saw a few episodes of Intervention recently. Most knew they needed to quit but didn't stick with it or didn't want treatment. There was one guy who finally got off crack for his family's sake and I hope it lasts but most just didn't care.
Ashley is in this camp.
No. 37488
>>37484That's honestly why most of those "ana buddy" friendships are toxic as hell. You encourage them in their recovery and tell them "no, you look beautiful i can't notice the weight at all" when they gain, and in your head, you're laughing because they got fatter and now you're skinnier than they are.
It's horrible.
No. 37500
>>37498Bulimic here, and I can testify that food binges, even from supermarkets, start to add up very quickly, especially if you do it nearly every single day. And like
>>36239 said, Ashley has expensive taste.
No. 37501
>>37495She lives in her
mother's apartment and has no adult responsibilities of her own. She doesn't work, I doubt she files her taxes, she doesn't have to manage finances, she doesn't have credit, she doesn't drive and she doesn't take care of her basic needs. And sure she's sick enough to be considered disabled and can't work but she won't accept assistance either, instead relying on begging her followers for stuff, mostly useless junk and wasting money on giveaways she can't afford and overpriced kawaii children's clothes and toys.
Yeah, most people who work and pay bills don't go shopping for frivolous things that much. If you think being an adult with responsibilities is privileged then I'd rather be privileged than be Ashley.
No. 37506
>>37495living rent-free in a one br apt with one's mommy isn't ideal, but it sure as hell isn't the pinnacle of poverty.
What about her online shopping? You know, jewelry, inflatable backpacks, important necessities like that?
No. 37508
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>>37434I'm really curious about that. If her ig name is her twitter name, she describes herself as "fat & cute" and I found this comment (pic). So she either wants to bulk up or get fit. 500?!? HUH
No. 37513
>>37495The fact that she has to live in her mom's living room but still buys the shit she does just illustrates how messed up her priorities are. Anyone else in that living situation would not be buying half as much stuff as she does. They would be trying to get out of that situation instead of sitting in their rent free apartment calling their mother a monster. It all comes down to her choosing to stay sick.
If she hated her mother and living like this so much she could hospitalize herself. She couldn't afford a luxury rehab but she'd qualify for Medicaid and be able to get help, even if it's a community mental health center.
No. 37516
>>37495I live in a one bed apartment. I get my rent paid by the government because I can't work because I'm ill, so I'm privileged in that way, yes.
HOWEVER, pretty much everything I own is second hand but I've bought it
myself with money I saved when I was able to work. I can't afford taxis, I don't have a smartphone, I'm 96lbs because I
can't afford to eat. She can afford to binge (or gets others to buy her binge food), so in that way SHE is privileged to me.
That all sounds like a whine, but it isn't. I really do thank fuck I've got a roof over my head and idgaf about material things and turn myself into some kind of victim where I want people to buy me shitty dvds or cupcake band aids.
I'm positive if her mother is SO abusive, some authority would take her to a place of safety. She doesn't have to pay utility bills, so it's an easy ride for her with no responsibilities at her mum's place.
BTW, the place where she lived as chan girl didn't look like povsville. Have they moved since then?
No. 37522
>>37519You're embarrassed about
coupons but not about everything else in your life? You should be embarrassed that you're wasting money on things you definitely can't afford regardless of what coupons you used.
No. 37525
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Almost a year ago.
No. 37526
>>37519The fact that she has a roof and place to live with no responsibilities whatsoever is enough privilege. Even if she lived on coupons or freebies explain all the kawaii shit she owns. Also explain to me that Juicy Couture bag she owns.
If she's able to afford designer brands then she's by no means poor or underprivileged.
No. 37553
>>37549I don't know about everyone else, but I make a wishlist as a reminder to get something later on. Like a shopping list if you will. I also don't share it because I find no reason to.
If there's something I wish I had, I would just work to getting it on my own.
No. 37570
>>37549Ashley's wishlist specifically has pleas like "this is really going to help, thanks" and similar captions that make it clear this wishlist is not for her own shopping but for people to buy gifts for her. And no, I don't make wishlists or publicly post about how omg I love getting gifts from my followers hint hint, because when I need something I use money I earn by working.
Ashley you need to stop saying you're "only doing what everyone else does! Unfair!" No. Stop trying to justify and rationalize because you are absolutely delusional. Most people
don't do what you do at all.
No. 37590
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You guys, she saving people. With "fiber bars."
Is she for real? So Ashley's actually insane, like completely lost touch with reality insane.
No. 37601
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>>37600Yes, but she's such a heroine she puts others first. Apparently, St. Dymphna is the patron saint of eating disorders. I think we should nominate Ashley to the pope to replace her.
I mean, did St. Dymphna offer free Quest bars to ease constipation? I. don't. think. so.
No. 37611
>>37549Shut the fuck up. All you talk about is her fucking wish list. Bitch. If you're tired of the topic
stop bringing it up for fuck's sake. It's so fucking simple.
No. 37617
>>37601The crazy thing is she probably does see herself like that. I'm going to suffer but don't worry about poor me, it's ok because I can support you and send you Quest bars and almond butter because I'm
so selfless! ^.^
Does she not realize that a mentally unstable 40 pound woman who is dead set against recovering or receiving adequate treatment is
not a good thing to be around when you're recovering and trying to do the exact opposite of what Ashley does? What the fuck is she trying to do?
No. 37627
>>37617What gets me is that this shit isn't out of her own pocket. She's asking others to buy it for her so she can give it away.
It's like a child asking her mom for money to buy her a present.
No. 37630
>>37621Your comment makes no sense. The point wasn't that not all people can receive support, that wasn't mentioned at all.
It's that Ashley is not equipped to give support to someone who is at a vulnerable point in recovery because she is setting a horrible example and is way too unstable to get close to, not to mention someone in early recovery could be triggered by her. Lol you really need to go to bed.
And Ashley, think really hard, as hard as your brain will allow, about the potential consequences of approaching these young vulnerable girls.
No. 37634
>>37630>>37632I don't even dislike Ashley (just sympathy and some pity) but yeah, you guys are completely right.
What she's doing is a very obvious case of psychological projection. She probably has no idea she's even doing it.
No. 37635
>>37632True. At this point though, she's gone beyond just trying to exist and keep her own illness going and is now trying to spread her toxic energy into other people's lives. Her account should be getting shut down for that I think. Do people report her often? I think trying to do something that could harm others is more against Instagram/Tumblr rules than her photos alone.
And she can say she doesn't promote anorexia but targeting people who are struggling to recover sounds like a disaster waiting to happen.
No. 37648
>>37646And Erika does? Jenniferlawrenceok.gif
She's just as manipulative as Ash. She's just better at it.
No. 37693
>>37621Your reading comprehension is seriously off. That anon said that Ashley is going after people who's not fully recovered to motivate herself to do the same, but looking for people who are still struggling with recovery to look like a martyr.
Plus let's not fool ourselves here. She doesn't want recovery; she just wants to pretend she supports it while not setting the example and instead giving out "protein" bars just to look like a martyr.
It's assbackwards logic, and if she's going after girls half her age then it's even more fucked up. She's a fucking adult ffs.
No. 37700
>>37693If I had a child with an eating disorder and saw Ashley, an unstable and extremely sick
adult woman with no interest in recovery, try to get close to my child, I would freak the fuck out. She needs to get her account shut down not because of how she looks but because she's completely lost her mind. No matter what anyone says she is so delusional she thinks she's "helping" when she's basically the ED equivalent of an overdosing addict with a needle sticking out of her arm going to an NA meeting and saying "great job, sobriety is great!" She is in no position to help anyone else.
No. 37899
>>37560I'd be mortified if I received something from a stranger especially if they thought I'm too poor to afford it. Idk maybe it's because my family is prideful and never begged, even when they immigrated here and were dirt poor.
There's people who earn things on their own even when they barely have a roof above their head and then there's people like Ashley.
If you put up your wishlist online you EXPECT people to maybe buy you shit. In my eyes you're a disgrace if you do this, no exception.
No. 38010
File: 1420596112867.jpg (88.59 KB, 1005x555, fuck.JPG)

Ugh. Okay. This is the reason why she shouldn't be allowed to interact with people with EDs who are struggling to get well.
No. 38018
>>38010Ok I have a genuine question. I even tried googling it the other day, but to no avail.
WHY do people like reeses cups?
I bought a packet of it the other day just to try (I'm not american) and jesus christ. It's literally like eating some sort of salty butthole. IT'S SO SALTY. HOW CAN ANYONE LIKE IT?
I literally had stomach upset after it.
No. 38027
>>38018I only tried Reese's and Hershey stuff a few years ago (not american either). I was really disappointed with Tootsie Rolls. I always imagined they were something amazing, but they're just…really chewy sugar?
I was also really shocked (gasp!) how much sugar American products have in them. An online friend in the US sent me some stuff, including a hot chocolate and I COULDN'T DRINK IT. It's like 5 times sweeter than, say, Cadbury's normal hot choc.
No. 38365
>>38346They might be sending her those "your friend is concerned about you, here's some links to get help" messages. But if a lot of people are reporting her now and her account is still active then maybe Ashley
was deleting her own photos to accuse IG of discrimination. It's just one more way to get pity like accusing her mother of abuse.
Then again maybe IG just hasn't caught on to her yet. Keep reporting.
No. 38375
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No. 38381
File: 1420681225081.png (410.74 KB, 1080x1375, Omgcyberbulliesandexpensivetre…)

>>38375That poor, poor, saintly woman.
Her "positivity" looks a little forced, and she needs to mention #struggling, but even if she's not really positive, she could "fake it 'til she makes it?" Who knows.
Also, new wishlist item!
No. 38384
>>38381Those Rice Krispie bars are disgusting.
Notice how she doesn't send her followers here to see the "bullying" for themselves? I wonder if we've written anything she wouldn't want them to read? Hmm…
No. 38386
>>38018>>38027American here.
We put a lot of sugar in our food. From what I understand its because you get addicted to sugar/buy more food. We've been eating it our entire lives so we aren't even aware of how disgusting it is.
No. 38394
>>38027It's only been brought up as an issue here (seeing how there's more obese people around) all the sugar in foods. It's definitely a drug in my books and thank fuck I broke the habit.
When I was a kid I'd put 2 spoons of sugar in a cup of tea (yes, I'm British), but now I have none and can't believe I could drink it with 2. Hard to kick, but so glad I'm not sugar's gimp any more.
Food companies have no morals.
>>38390Grooming young bulimics on ig and tumblr to fill their head with the need to binge is a form of bullying, Ashley.
You haven't got the balls to bother to stop binge/purging so you want others to fail as well.
No. 38403
>>38375Oh for fuck's sake. People aren't randomly reporting you for no reason. There needs to be a valid reason to report someone and one of the options is that a post or account "puts people at risk" and incudes eating disorders and self harm as examples. You aren't just trying to keep to yourself and just exist, you have openly admitted you have a severe eating disorder that could kill you at any moment and are refusing to recover or get treatment (real treatment, not that quack shrink you see once or twice a month).
On top of that you are actively seeking other Instagram users who have eating disorders and are at risk for being triggered by you. You are not capable of giving support in your condition. You are too unstable. But you refuse to accept that and are putting others at risk. You are therefore violating Instagram's guidelines because your actions are in effect promoting eating disorders whether you intend to or not.
Monsters do exist but they're not who you think they are Ashley.
No. 38440
>>38400I used to really like Shmegeh because she seemed really well rounded/self aware and intelligent. She was bitchy, and a little weird but her view of herself and life in general reflected my own.
But after I found out she was just putting on a show and was actually really gross as a person I noped out of there and stopped paying attention to her.
Good on her for never making an ED look like something awesome and beautiful, or claiming not to and then "inspiring people" (see Ember Whann), but she's still terrible in other aspects.
No. 38445
>>38443Woah. That was a shitstorm of truly epic proportions.
Stuff like that makes me absolutely terrified of anyone finding out anything about me, though. Just to think that one person that decides they don't like you can start posting all kinds of shit everywhere, and people will exploit that information to bleed you completely dry. It's really fucked.
I say this for private people. But if you're a camwhore like Ashely or Ember posting your face and info all over the internet, then you rather deserve it.
No. 38460
>>38453She gave it a long time ago.
The second thread got shat on by her and her whiteknights.
No. 38652
File: 1420765515644.jpg (96.88 KB, 640x960, image.jpg)

How long do you think she'll keep this up?
You know you love the attention ashley. You love manipulating ppl into thinking this person is doing something negative by reporting you. How else could you possibly summon the pity of others?
No. 38729
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>>38662>>38666There is no anon option anymore. I also tried while logged off but it requires me to log in again to send an ask.
No. 38839
File: 1420831048247.jpg (12.64 KB, 394x90, Capture.JPG)

>>38830Doesn't she realise that people who say she's cute and cool are taking the piss? She only has followers because she's a freak show. WHY IS SHE WEARING A BATH SCRUNCHIE IN HER HAIR???
No. 38856
File: 1420835035643.jpg (13.2 KB, 590x107, Capture.JPG)

If her followers aren't taking the piss, they need to get out more also.
No. 38857
File: 1420835168169.jpg (62.99 KB, 1337x656, Capture.JPG)

This is what I see - FULL SCREEN - on her tumblr. How can that pic not be against the guidelines for posting.
No. 38860
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No. 38878
>>38865Mine's only a page of pics of a musician so the only Qs I get are about the band's lyrics.
>>38873She probably cries with delight at that title. I'd be mortified to think people want to look like me if I was a twig with eyes.
No. 38921
>>38915Anon: "post a picture of herself, hands etc and that is already a picture of a clear and visible ED"
Considering a load of ig and tumblr ED people flip their wigs if they see a pic of any food OMG TRIGGERED!!!!!1 seeing her as she is is like the Atom Bomb of triggering.
No. 38946
File: 1420849534726.jpg (23.68 KB, 455x416, thinspoashley02.JPG)

>bones to die for
No. 38956
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>>38953laptop's going batshit, heres the image ^
No. 38958
File: 1420849941284.jpg (19.27 KB, 597x200, thinspo04.JPG)

from myproana, speaking about ashley
No. 38959
File: 1420850010415.jpg (26.02 KB, 1150x178, thinspo05.JPG)

etc etc, so you see it's not all pity, they want to look like her
No. 38961
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No. 38970
File: 1420850742411.jpg (49.4 KB, 1024x569, Untitled.jpg)

ig fan
No. 39030
File: 1420868354302.jpg (70.38 KB, 640x734, FullSizeRender.jpg)

she felt she had to send me this after I reblogged her last video and added in what I thought of her.
does she even read what she wrote? this exact thing applies to her
No. 39064
>>39030She loves to talk about how karma will bite her enemies in the ass.
I do not believe in karma, but if i did, i would think that all of this suffering of hers is a karmic result of the way she continuously lies, manipulates, and acts in a nasty manner.
No. 39074
>>39070EXCUSE ME, but in case you've forgotten, Ash is
really saving lives. With Quest bars. Goddess Ana save the Queen!
No. 39078
>>39070lol not ash just think you're a retard for thinking you're a tumblr hero showing everyone the light.
This place is like /b/ if everyone there thought they were insightful and smart.
No. 39091
>>39081White knight.
White knight.
White knight.
No. 39093
File: 1420887511359.jpg (144.41 KB, 640x960, image.jpg)

Seriously? I've been through hell with my psychiatrist for 30 min or less. What does the amount of time have to do with anything? Especially if you're a Resistant person like Ashley.
No. 39111
>>39038That was 100% gold.
>>39060and you sound 100% buttflustered. perhaps a quest bar will help?
No. 39123
>>39082Yeah I've been here longer than you kiddo. You can bet on that. Your tumblr post was no calling her out. It didn't even address her directly. It was a desperate attempt to sound so brave so smart so full of the real truth. Shining light on the dark, bony corners of the Internet for the good of us all. Again I say thank god the Internet has you.
Meanwhile you feed right into Ashley's desperate need for attention, specifically into her victim complex. Bravo!
No. 39141
>>39140wasn't saying i agree with it, but maybe doctors/therapists, etc can see that she very very very clearly beyond help? I mean, she is. She refuses help and even if she did "recover" she'd probably live like an extra year or so. The damage is done.
Part of me wants to feel sorry for her, but then the other part sees her following people actually trying to recover from ed on ig and tumblr etc and you know it's jsut out of maliciousness. "1600 what? lolol" "binging? have more chocolate lolol"
pretty fucked up.
I think she just wants to take down as many people as she can before she dies. Misery loves company, etc.
No. 39142
>>39093>My decision for therapy VOLUNTARILY.Wasn't something mentioned in an older thread about how because she got APS called on her, she was forced into this therapy? She is either lying about having a therapist or lying about going voluntarily. In any case, she sure as fuck needs it.
I had a couple two-hour therapy sessions in my youth. They both preceded stays in the psych ward.
It's funny how she picks and chooses when to remind her fans of how "poor" she is. Stocking up on $3 Quest bars and gleefully posting about it is fine, but therapy, oh noes, let me tell you about my payment plan, because I'm so, so poor.
No. 39163
>>39119Oh my god no one fucking cares.
Someone called her out and she responded. She added more to the fucking drama because of that anon, plus it's fucking tumblr you retard.
You can't be *~snarky and mean~* in there, okay? Can you process that or no? If that anon were to be snarky she'd get white knights all over the place defending Ashley.
Who gives a fuck if it sounded SJW, you're too fucking dense to understand that was probably on purpose, Jesus Christ.
No. 39168
>>39153Gummybear princess sounds like a teen if you look at her captions and sparkly stickers on her photos but apparently she's a grown woman with a husband and kid(s)? She looks like she's in her thirties or forties but wears tween clothes from Aeropostale.
And she is/was bulimic too so I don't know what she was expecting to happen when she mailed cookies to Ashley. Wow.
No. 39211
>>39142Nobody with an ED is "poor". You have to be privileged (as in first world person) to have the illness. If you really can't afford to eat you're not going to get off to looking skinny and you're not going to go to a soup kitchen and binge when you're really hungry.
Controversial view, but an ED really is a rich person's disease.
No. 39222
>>39211There have actually been cases of EDs in people who are poor. When you don't have enough and your constantly thinking about where your next meal is going to come from and if there will be enough for everyone you may develop an ED.All EDs don't involve the desire to be thin.
An illness is an illness but Ash still needs to put some effort into getting better. Just like a cancer patient can't just lay in bed all day, never get treatment and expect to get better.
No. 39223
>>39220the obesity problem is worse with the poor because the cheap food/fast food is so loaded with shit that makes them fat. we don't really have a hipster/organic food culture here so I can't comment on them being fat.
i'm not putting my view across to sound nasty, it's just an observation that i've seen too many ppl on ig post pics of their food they purge and it's healthy food (apart from ones like ashley who binge cake and shit).
i feel bad restricting food intake (i don't b/p) because it seems like a slap in the face to people who can't afford to even buy food. i'm no innocent.
No. 39235
>>39223Your post is entirely irrelevant to what I said. When you're poor, you do have the option of eating much less, but when you do eat, it's healthy food. Most people simply don't do that.
Poor people are also generally stupid about nutrition. For less than the cost of a fast food meal you can get a single taco at Chipotle and load it up with all kinds of stuff, there's no limit to what you can make them put on it or extra, and for like $2.50.
No. 39241
>>39211So untrue. I've had purging anorexia for about 3 years and I am dirt fucking poor. I have always been dirt fucking poor. I lived with my two sisters and my single father in a beat up house with no heat or air or electricity , and scraping by for food.
My eating disorder had nothing to do with social class. It was the fact that I could easily control food in a world where I could control nothing else.
No. 39266
>>39263Yup. An out-of-service phone with the neighbor's unlocked wifi ;)
>>39244They are, thanks. The first part of getting myself help was removing myself from the household (hint hint Ashley…the best thing she can do is leave her alleged toxic environment. )
No. 39268
>>39267You just need a cheap touchscreen to access this website, and libraries have free internet a lot of the time?
Why does it even matter, she referred to it as the past.
No. 39313
>>39279She's not Ash so no one cares stop.
Well Ash has now locked her instagram, boo hoo
No. 39319
File: 1420963951211.png (359.52 KB, 535x648, teeth.png)

Okay so this is a screencap from a video of her like a year 2 years ago? What happens when she ends up losing all her teeth? (Presuming she makes it that long) Do severe bulimics end up getting dentures? I don't believe she is poor but I highly doubt she'll be able to buy tooth implants etc since they are like 5,000 each tooth
No. 39323
>>38912I agree with you a well. No one should be reported simply for how they look, if they trigger you, it's your responsibility not to keep looking. However, she openly tags her stuff and pretty much soaks up the attention.
I don't know if that's enough to warrant reporting her, I think most people on here are doing it because they're bitter and want to teach her some lesson. Don't get me wrong, I don't like her one bit, but reporting her instagram over and over and cheering about it is a little…Pathetic?
No. 39324
File: 1420966432527.jpg (118.68 KB, 1079x584, Screenshot (275).jpg)

from her old blog, tag whoring.
No. 39325
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No. 39327
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No. 39328
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No. 39329
File: 1420967359113.jpg (289.01 KB, 879x613, Screenshot (279).jpg)

Emotional manipulation whoo!
No. 39337
>>39335'Change' lol. Sad, desperate attempts to get people back onside after she saw all the posts here from people who were going to send her gifts and then changed their minds. She's greedy for free crap, that's all. If she'd really changed for the better she wouldn't be deliberately seeking out recovery instagrams etc. Want examples of recent behaviour, see earlier posts in this thread where people described some of the things she was saying on there.
Btw- your style of writing looks quite similar to someone I know- funny that. :)
No. 39338
>>39335It isn't desperation, it's just handing over what I have to offer. Not only that, she never owned up to any mistakes she has made. She deleted her entire clusterfuck of a blog because she didn't want people to see these mistakes.
So before you get all preachy at me, how about you consider why a lot of people are angry with her? Because she won't grow up, she lies about everything and worst of all, she hurts people and then refuses to acknowledge it. Her old posts may as well be ones she posted today, since we all know she's putting up a front.
You're not fooling anyone.
No. 39437
>>39335…idk man. I'm kind of hoping you are a troll or something.
The reason she made a new blog is because of these threads calling her out on her shit, which put her in danger of a real investigation/shut down of her accounts. So she's been careful about posting pics and tagging and the like, but she still does tag innocent pics of food with "binge" and "bulimia" and such.
It's like. Damn. It's one thing upload your own god pics and litter the tags with whatever ED bs, but reblogging other people's stuff and trying to be sneaky with 'bulimia' mixed in the tags…she knows how tumblr works. She knows what kinda of people track/search ED tags and will find her. The method she's using now is just less incriminating.
No. 39440
>>39211Disagree. I could maybe understand where you might be coming from with bulimia since binges can be really expensive but it depends on the ED. You're assuming everyone B&P's which isn't true for most people.
You're also assuming it stems from the desire to be thin for everyone, which also isn't true. A lot of it can do with having control over your eating habits and things like depression/anxiety. As another anon said, superiority is another reason. Sometimes problems can manifest into an ED by accident and you can lose control over it without even meaning to.
Mental illnesses are complex and they manifest in different ways for everyone. I know elderly people who grew up poor and they have had EDs despite not having a lot of food in their houses growing up (it was actually very common a few generations ago).
No. 39448
>>39335So it's
our fault you can't change? Riiight.
No. 39455
File: 1421006934602.png (152.52 KB, 500x205, 1417286684268.png)

>>39452I see a Dominos and Uno Pizza gift card. It's like she's not even trying to pretend it's not binge food anymore, lol. I feel so sorry for those pizzas.
No. 39470
File: 1421010041978.jpg (343.33 KB, 630x420, struggling.jpg)

>>39452#triggering #binge #struggling
No. 39611
File: 1421079342922.jpg (110.99 KB, 640x960, image.jpg)

Why don't you just save everyone's money and keep your food down?
No. 39629
>>39611Because that would require too much effort and outside help that she won't accept.
The least she could do is be upfront about what these food gifts are for. There definitely are people who would still buy her binge food even if she admitted it was to purge so at least she can get them to fund her addiction instead of misleading people who mistakenly think they're actually helping.
No. 39634
>>39629She doesn't care about other people, especially people who buy things because she doesn't even acknowledge them.
As she said, she's only there "for the free food".
Selfish cunt.
No. 39662
>>39655well… the Chinese buffet
can be pretty exhausting.
BUT I DID IT. Fight on, little fighters.
No. 39670
File: 1421102182465.jpg (10.29 KB, 455x46, huh.JPG)

fighting WHAT exactly?
No. 39672
>>39671Been there, done that, didn't record myself looking like a martyr in the passenger seat of a car.
The world really does revolve around her.
I was thinking. One bed apartment. Where does her mother go when she's having a binge then puking? Does she hang around like it's a normal thing to do?
No. 39680
>>39335If she were as honest and if she indeed changed then she'd realize that deleting your past posts and hiding your dirty laundry doesn't equate to acknowledging you fucked up.
If she acknowledged her mistakes and people were still giving her shit then I'd side with you, but she's done absolutely zero effort to at least admit she's fucked up in the past [and still is]
No. 39719
File: 1421125743549.png (14.86 KB, 753x214, Capture.PNG)

lol she wants to be inked
don't be surprised if sessions start showing up on the wishlist
No. 39735
File: 1421130124550.jpg (39.08 KB, 326x465, ick.JPG)

>>39733She's got those horrible pokemon outlines on her arm.
Maybe she went to some real dive to get them done. The places I know that do tattoos and piercings are always really strict that you've had something sugary beforehand and they take a list of meds you're on. Her body could go into shock. It could literally kill her I reckon.
No. 39736
File: 1421130243184.jpg (43.51 KB, 481x429, Capture.JPG)

This one looks really wonky. Either her flesh made it look that way or the tattoo artist is shit.
No. 39742
Well, you did it. Congratufuckinlations. No. 39744
File: 1421132214451.jpg (21.61 KB, 328x268, Capture.JPG)

>>39742Image didn't work. Anon 39742 contd
No. 39752
File: 1421133314488.jpg (13.82 KB, 517x84, Capture.JPG)

Ask yourself, Ashley, why is it you don't have friends?
Who is she going to play that Cards Against Humanity game for 3+ people? The party game "for horrible people"?
No. 39759
File: 1421135671533.jpg (82.31 KB, 640x960, image.jpg)

It seems like she was always an unhealthy eater.
No. 39760
>>39754Unprofessional and unskilled. Her tattoos look sloppy. Are all the professionals in her life are grossly incompetent? Her tattoo artist and therapist would both refuse to see her if they were half decent or cared about being licensed.
It seems like a waste of money to get more tattoos she can't afford if she doesn't have much time left. She'll probably be cremated due to the high cost of funerals so her tattoos won't even be preserved. I wonder if she thinks about things like that, or cares. :-/
No. 39773
>>39759Not her, sorry. :-)
One thing ash is proud of: never belonging to a pro-ana site. Yup yup.
No. 39781
>>39758I've seen people posting what they get while playing Cards Against Humanity, or placing the cards in ways that they relate to a current event or make a reference to something trendy.
She may not have people to play that shit with but you bet your ass she's going to take pictures of what she got while "playing".
No. 39794
File: 1421156295567.jpg (19.02 KB, 506x202, tat..JPG)

>>39771This can't be her mother can it? She doesn't look like she'd have a Five Finger Death Punch tattoo, but then she doesn't look the type to get breast implants. Ashley's on her friend list. THAT'S HER MONSTER MOTHER?!?
No. 39812
>>39794Yeah that's her mother. She used to have photos of her and Ashley together at Cheesecake Factory.
And googling "Atticusweirdo182" brings up this: No. 39848
File: 1421178162714.jpg (226.9 KB, 1125x2001, image.jpg)

Jesus if she only weighed 85lbs back then… Does anyone know how tall she is?
No. 39849
>>39848"Accidentally swallowing"
… Does she mean cum?
No. 39866
>>39849She means the food.
She was chewing the food, but swallowed it.
No. 39894
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No. 39895
>>39894She just
loves to be seen as being attacked, even when she isn't being attacked.
She's probably offensive to her because sannis_ exposed someone who is thinner than her.
Or does she think littlelizziev looks "ugly" and so doesn't like the comparison even though she hates people staring at
her for looking unusual.
No. 39899
File: 1421194264239.jpg (26.95 KB, 321x474, so poor.JPG)

>$99 "spirit hood"
No. 39900
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No. 39903
>>39895I wonder if Ashley realizes that if in her mind
everyone is out to get her, maybe
she's the problem because she's the common denominator in all these situations? Or is she really that delusional?
I guess she found the comparison offensive because she's jealous of Lizzie Velasquez either for being thin or for being successful and not a BPD sociopath like Ashley.
No. 39905
>>39903ABSOLUTELY YES to the second part. Zero body fat. Even she can't beat that. Jealous, much?
Ashley's idea of being a "motivational speaker" is to tell young mias in the throes of anxiety to eat more white chocolate. Great contribution to the world.
No. 39907
File: 1421195222096.jpg (36.99 KB, 549x411, Capture.JPG)

She's complaining that twitter is "bland". She doesn't have an army of "fans" there, just people like this
No. 39908
>>39904She expects to be able to take selfies just like every other human being! Except she's either stupid or insane and doesn't realize that she is not like every other person and it's normal for others to be worried or curious because she doesn't just look different, she's also killing herself and boasting about it.
Some woman posted on a previous IG photo about how she's worried about Ashley and hopes she gets help. Ashley got pissed the fuck off and told the woman to stop "harassing" her. Wtf?
No. 39909
>>39908I suspect she doesn't have the capacity to want to care for/about people, so doesn't understand when other people want to care about her.
Either that or she's a flat out rude bitch.
No. 39922
>>39849chewing and spitting
a lot of anorexics do it
No. 39924
>>39921That's such bullshit. Nobody is responsible for Ashley's life or death other than Ashley. If she weren't already destroying herself then she wouldn't have such a hard time handling stress.
It's like people who die from AIDS. They often die from relatively minor viruses that they couldn't fight off but a healthy person would survive; cause of death is still AIDS. Ashley is already in terrible condition and the reason why it's so hard for her to cope is she's mentally ill and refusing proper help.
No. 39925
>>39921First off, and despite being anon, I've never posted in this thread with shit like "I hope you die soon" or have called her names.
If anything, I've gotten into this thread to try to make her have some common sense and even help her despite knowing she probably ignored me.
I know she lurks the thread and that's why I try to help. I've also gotten into arguments with her whiteknights a few times because they're so dense they keep trying to say "but she's a good person you're just haters xD".
I am fully aware she's sick, but I'm not going to sugarcoat shit for her. What she's done recently is wrong, and I'm not going to stand there and be like oh no she's going to die soon better shut up about it because poor bb.
I really wouldn't give a shit if she was going through with this on her own, but she's manipulative and involving people who are still recovering into her little parade just to seem like a good person, and that doesn't fly with me.
So at least on my end? I'm not going to feel remorse for actually trying to help people understand that sending her binge food is not helping her whatsoever.
No. 39930
>>39921>stress from lolcowShe doesn't have to come here.
Yes she WILL get worse. Not because of this thread, but because she doesn't do anything to recover. Of course she'll die soon even if wrapped in cotton wool. She's responsible for that.
I write here not because she's thin or looks odd - so do a lot of people for a lot of reasons and who gives a fuck - but because she really has a vile personality and I don't like how she interacts with people who want to recover from EDs.
The fact she doesn't link to her "cyber bully" site proves she's aware what she's doing is wrong.
No. 39931
>>39921TBH i think Ashley would stand a better chance of living a little longer if she would take an extended hiatus from the internet. No fangirl positive enforcement for her negative behaviors, no pressure to stay sick lest she disappoint her fans, no online "competition," and of course, no access to this thread (which nobody is forcing her to read).
Don't tell me this would isolate her. Her behaviors are isolating her.
My apologies if i sound whiteknighty.
No. 39939
>>39931It's not whiteknightey.
She's not right in the head at the moment, and the Internet is only going to make her worse.
Due to her mindset, she is going to think that she's being 100% persecuted by everyone, and anyone expressing sympathy or advice for help is merely feigning their sentiments to manipulate her or something. She's probably reading your and my post right now and thinking it's part of some conspiracy against her.
Reading these threads will only instill a greater feeling of persecution and "me-vs-them" even when it's not necessarily there (though there are certainly some people in this thread who do actually hate her).
She needs some time away to reflect and ideally get (different) professional help.
No. 39979
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But really tho? Really?
No. 39992
>>39991It just ruins everything. I thought that shit looked bomb till I read that…
Ewe, it's starting to have an effect on me and I'm recovered. Fuck.
No. 39994
>>39991That's how I felt about the Hello Kitty cupcakes! I thought mmm, then I saw #binge and imagined them all puked up in the toilet all technicolour.
If I didn't have an ED before seeing this thread, I might get one now because she's making all food just seem repulsive.
No. 40019
>>40016Sorry Ashley, but most people do find you and your behaviour that disgusting.
>Like, maybe you all need to go to therapy. Er, I don't think people being put off one pot of ice cream warrants therapy. They don't obsess about every piece of food like you do.
No. 40026
>>40020>point out how stupid your statement is>you just repeat the same argumentOk then.
Missing one snack because you saw someone totally disgusting is not even remotely close to disordered eating.
Also, for the record, I wasn't even one of the people who was put off their food.
No. 40028
>>40026I was one of the people who said I was recovered and the tags bothered me.
I didn't mean they 'triggered' me into wanting to binge/purge/starve or anything (although i DO think someone new into recovery and still struggling with those thoughts MIGHT be triggered, and she fucking knows that). I just meant it made me feel sick and it bothered me knowing that she knows people still deep in their disorders will see those tags.
I guess I should seek therapy immediately.
No. 40038
>>40028I'm the one who liked the cupcakes and then thought ew when I read #purge.
I'm not bulimic. I haven't even vomited because I was ill for 20 years.
I was put off wanting a cupcake because any talk about vomit puts a normal person off their food.
Stupid fuck. (Ashley not anon I'm replying to).
No. 40039
>>40038^ that's me.
I just thought. Maybe I do need a therapist to talk about vomit anxiety? Do I have emitophobia? Shit. I'll see a therapist even though it'll be exhausting. I'll report back with a dumb as fuck video about it.
No. 40043
>>40038Christ. Why are you letting
Ashley make you question your mental health? That seems a bit ridiculous doesn't it? She's just trying to deflect blame by saying "you're the one who needs therapy" even though a completely healthy and sane person would be disgusted by her behavior.
No. 40048
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Not only is what Ashley's spewing out here (ew! PUKE!)fucking funny but also the mandatory HOW OLD ARE YOU? comment that she NEVER ANSWERS!!!
No. 40056
>>40054>enjoy wondering what's inside the bagI know what's in there. Puke bags.
>>40055I noticed she says she "saved hard" for a lot of things. Her tattoo off the top of my head.
Maybe she does freaky sexcam fetish things?
No. 40058
>>40055I do so wish Ash would answer this one for us. She refuses to go on disability, and if she worked in the past (which i doubt), the money would be long gone. Maybe a rich relative died and left her a trust fund? Or does her poor mother give her an allowance with her waitress salary?
The more i think about it, the more camwhoring seems like the most realistic scenario. Ew. Now I'm put off
my food (quick, i need therapy and questbars #struggling)
No. 40065
>>40058Haha I #support you because I'm #struggling with that too.
I bet there's a lot of money in that with it being a specialised thing.
No. 40066
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The nail she ripped off is growing back.
No. 40088
can't afford it. Her followers are conned into buying these things for her. If she was straightforward and said "I'm going to buy gourmet food to binge and purge" instead of crying about how she can't afford basic necessities and her abusive mother won't buy groceries, most of them wouldn't buy anything for her. She's a scam artist taking advantage of people who pity her.
No. 40091
>>40089If she was a camwhore we would've known by now. Same for fetish videos.
People have dug up blogs from 2006 so it's not impossible to find a video of her, if any exist.
No. 40094
>>40090Have you ever googled anorexic porn/skinny porn? Ha, don't blame you if you haven't but there are tons of sites with tons of Ashley clones doing nude photos and videos.
Some of these sites you have to PAY TO VIEW.
It's a big thing!
>>40091I doubt she'd use any of her aliases. I doubt she'd use some usual cam whore site. Idk, it's just … a possibility.
No. 40117
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>>40111One of the least erotic things I have ever seen.
No. 40120
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You had your 10 seconds on /b/
Now all you are is a newfag detector
No. 40146
>>40144She probably needs to add some moisturizer to her wishlist, lol.
I seriously doubt she does anything by the way of skin or haircare anyway.
No. 40162
>>40146Someone mentioned she uses a ton of hair product, and she wears makeup. I think without effort her hair and skin would look even more fucked up. She likes Bath and Body Works so she's probably drenched in lotion at any given moment.
Shmegeh would try to make herself look worse on purpose with sickly looking makeup. But Ashley wears glittery eyeshadow and bright colors to try to look cute, even though that's somehow more disturbing than Shmegeh's heroin chic aesthetic.
No. 40177
>>40174And the idiot doesn't even bother to realize that nobody said she triggered them.
Ashley, it's time to get off tumblr for a bit.
No. 40194
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>implying she has 13 more years
I'll be shocked if she's alive in 13 more months.
No. 40204
>>40143The word "triggering" pisses me off. It's like you can't post post a pic of a fucking sunset without someone screaming OMG!!1 THAT SUNSET IS RED!! IT'S THE COLOUR OF BLOOD AND NOW I WANT TO CUT MYSELF!!!!1 If you can't deal with what other people want to do (post a pic of a fucking cake) STAY OFF THE INTERNET.
>>40191She probably gets it in her hair and her breath is gonna smell so sweet!
No. 40208
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No. 40211
>>40194Eh, people have been saying she's at death's door for a few years.
I wonder when she'll finally go, there's no way of knowing really.
No. 40219
>>40211I'm surprised she's lasted as long as she has, but there's no way she has another 13 years.
I don't really follow her too much, does she realise the severity of her situation if she's talking about "the next 13 years"? I was under the impression she was waiting to die or something. Could she even recover now even if she wanted to, what with all the physical damage to her body?
No. 40225
>>40219This woman recovered: do others.
My friend recovered successfully but there was so much damage to her organs she had major kidney problems. She died during a routine op because she had a heart attack under anaesthetic. You can't reverse that much damage.
With Ashley I suppose it'd be a case of prolonging life.
No. 40229
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I've seen the before pics here on thispo sites.
No. 40246
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>>40241If you look at some of the other emaciated anorexics, like Boneskine's models, their faces look okay. Some look haggard, but some look okay, like Irina the Russian one who's like a skinny pr0n celeb.
No. 40264
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No. 40269
>>40251Maybe she doesn't even purge that much, like once a day and the rest is simply not eating at all. She's so far into anorexia, she probably avoid purging cause you still kinda absorbs a tiny bit of nutrients and I bet she's paranoid of everything.
>>40254Well I can kiiiinda understand her. She's so far gone anyway, even if she managed to recovered her skin is shit, her bones are shit, her teeth are shit. She doesn't have friends anymore and would lose her followers so she'd just become a regular person but with atrocious features and problems. Anorexia is probably the least thing she got for herself and define her as a person. I guess she thinks she won't be happy if she recovers and might still die later so might as well keep her fame.
No. 40276
>>40269second paragraph - spot on.
she likes to bait people. she never replies to people who ask her age, but on her recent ig post she has the option to ignore questions about her weight or delete them. instead she baits the poster:
have you got any help with your disorder?
@recoveryforbooty And why do you ask?
@my_life098 are you ok? Do you think making snide comments about this beautiful woman is helpful? It isn't. I've looked at her face and she is flawless as she is, don't bully her ok? Cool now bye.
I just worried about her! She is So beautiful and im sure that she will be more in healthy weight..I didnt say anything bad! So realx! @penny_mia
@penny_mia thank you for standing up for me [sad face imojis]
@my_life098 my weight doesn't effect you :-)
No. 40277
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of course someone with mia in their username will "stand up for you"
No. 40281
>>40277Bullshit. She
is hurting herself, and she also hurts anyone who gets close to her.
No. 40292
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>>40260no idea if this really is her
No. 40295
>>40291Typical wannarexic, nothing interesting.
>>40292Who knows, scary though.
No. 40296
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Was this supposed to be a pro Ana account? Sick bitch
No. 40300
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I have a question regarding Instagram and the whole insta deleting Ashley vs Ashley deleting insta:
If you got deleted, would it show that you've had the same account with a different handle by showing your handle with a time stamp on your comment (2 yrs)?
I don't fucking know what the alternative would be—-the 2 yr time stamp on her comment makes no sense to me. That handle is barely months old.
No. 40302
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>>40300idk, but i will investigate.
btw, looks like her new bff is the aspie forestcat
this wasn't 4 days ago, i saw it on google cached
No. 40303
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>>40300yeah, that's weird because the same user posted this and the link is to a deleted account of Ashley's and it says 2 years ago as well
No. 40305
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I notice if you click on this url (pic) it takes you to her new account name, so I think she just changed the name and it's not a new account at all.
No. 40308
>>40306yeah, ignore that. don't even know why i said that!
>>40307Nope! Looks like she deleted the content and used a new username when she became #positive
No. 40309
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aaaaaaaaaaand here we go again
No. 40311
>>40310can't help on that one. i haven't got a smartphone so can't even get an instagram account!
i can't see why the same email would do the linking back to new account though. idk though. need an expert.
No. 40315
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Do you guys remember her lulzy weeb shop?
It is a treasure trove of garbage
No. 40316
>>40314My question to you is:
Ewwe, WHY!?!?
No. 40322
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Vera Bradley outlet sale - omfg. Spot the Ash.
No. 40324
>>40322It's like a fucking anime convention for fat white trash mommies.
The whale sitting on the floor in the far left corner even looks like she's wearing some kind of slutty cat cosplay.
No. 40326
>>40323Haha, you don't have to! I've seen some prints that aren't awful. They do Disney ones.
>>40324How observant! I missed her ha
No. 40331
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>>40329Vera Bradley. the ones Ash buys. i'm surprised she shops with them seeing how they employ people of color.
No. 40343
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has anyone else seen this, or has everyone seen this and I'm late to the party?
No. 40353
>>40347Not her account. It's linked to her facebook but can't say I've ever seen that pic on her fb. Not that I'd want to.
>>40348Only since lolcow started a thread. Brought here by 4chan.
No. 40355
>>40348I found her instagram by accident like half a year ago but I forgot her name, and her profile only had like 4 pictures in it.
It wasn't until the first thread that I started to follow the drama.
No. 40362
>>40341I think that depends heavily on personality. Most anorexics I've seen have been intelligent and even highly accomplished despite being sick.
But there's another type, which is the unstable borderline who uses eating disorders as one of many ways of acting out or coping with intense emotions. Usually they engage in additional forms of self destructive behavior and their mental health doesn't get better even if they recover from their eating disorder. Ashley is this type. She picked up disordered eating from her mother from a young age and it was easy to get hooked on that because of her self destructive tendencies. For Ashley her anorexia is secondary to her borderline/histrionic personality disorder, so even if she recovered she would still have a host of other emotional problems and would still be unstable due to the underlying root of her ED.
No. 40363
>>40348I started following her on tumblr in like.. 2012? Maybe 2013.
I wonder when she'll die. How bad will we feel? Will we feel bad?
No. 40364
>>40363I won't feel bad. I haven't caused her any grief. She seems to be at the heart of her own grief and that of others.
I would just want her to pass so she can let her mum live a normal life. I mean, she isn't going to get better. She doesn't want to get better. She's the common denominator in everything crappy about her life.
No. 40387
>>40251I think it is bone structure, plus where your body likes to store (or in this case, not store) your fat.
I've had a long-term, but fairly mild (in my opinion) ED, and it seems like whenever i lose weight, it comes off my face first and i look like hell. When i used to go to ED forums, I'd always see girls with skinny bodies and healthy, pretty faces post pictures of themselves and complain about how round and fat their faces were. I know they had distorted body (or in this case, face) image, but i still wanted to punch them in the face, lol.
No. 40397
>>40394I'm not sure if the mindset ever completely goes away, but i sure as fuck
hope that it does.
No. 40399
>>40389YouTube played an Olive Garden ad before i could view the video. It made me think of Ash, lol.
Why the fuck did anyone write to Valeria for advice on recovery???
No. 40437
>>40435her mirror selfies where she turns her feet in or cocks her leg
the ones where she posed with a bright red wig in the mirror in a sports bra. Where she posts a picture of her arm in a car (Dec 23rd on instagram)
No. 40455
>>38414she was purposefully flexing and trying to make herself look thinner in photos and putting on makeup to look sicker.
her horrible asuka cosplays should be deleted from the internet forever.
No. 40497
File: 1421415190745.jpg (73.43 KB, 500x375, tumblr_na0w2vb1nk1rsdowgo1_500…)

random annoyance: tattoo.
the saying is "fragile like a PORCELAIN cat"
maybe "porcelain" wouldn't fit, but it makes no sense without it. cats aren't fragile. they're pretty tough mofos.
No. 40505
>>40497Maybe it's supposed to be super clever and saying she's not fragile at all. Or something. Idk.
All her tattoos look awful, with tons of blowout, which usually comes from the artist going too deep - but I think her skin is so thin and papery at this point that it can't be helped.
Then again, any artist who would tattoo someone this severely anorexic can't be that reputable.
No. 40532
>>40497I don't think it says porcelain. Which would make it sound even dumber…cats are not fragile. They're ninja assholes with '9 lives', why else would they be known for having nine lives?
So maybe she should scratch the word in because porcelain cats would be fragile.
No. 40548
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I notice she deleted this comment from her last ig post
No. 40550
>>40541That's exactly it. In her warped view it's about her and her being discriminated against for being too Ana. No. It's about someone not willing to risk their career and your life by working on you.
No. 40571
>>40552The thread I saw on /b/ about her mentioned a page called thetruthaboutashley. What was that?
I'm not sure why she feels the need to cover her past as cam whore, unless she thinks her mum will find out (if she doesn't already know). Wouldn't her WK fans defend her as being young and stupid?
No. 40589
>>40584what happened to her dad anyway? she posted a pic with him on her old IG account of when she was really young. I think she said he split pretty early on.
Don't fully blame him tho, that's a lot of crazy…
No. 40593
>>40588You being a victim doesn't change that most sexual abuse stories are fabricated or exaggerated. I imagine the doctor sees she's afraid to poop, the doctor gets all serious and asks if she's being abused, everyone gets all concerned, and in her stunted childish brains she sees it as a way to get more attention, so she just goes with what they're saying.
Even if it isn't fabricated, I bet she encouraged it. She just loved camwhoring on /b/, after all.
No. 40597
>>40591Idk if it was an ask or post but she said she was 'happy' in that pic with her dad. I can't remember word for word but it seemed like she sort of idolized him.
Someone asked about her dad on the ghostxperfume account and she said she doesn't know where he is, haven't had contact for a while and prob has a new family now.
No. 40600
>>40584Eh, the whole false report scare is bullshit. The majority of people, especially kids, don't lie. If you care enough you can Google statistics from reliable sources; the number of intentional false reports is really low.
But still, there are definitely people who do make false accusations, and they usually have personality disorder issues. I think despite Ashley being a pathological liar it's very possible she
was abused and that's what led to her instability now. Early trauma is connected to development of personality disorders, which would make sense for Ashley.
No. 40606
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>>40589Not that I'm a psychologist, but the trauma could be her dad leaving and having no control over it. Maybe she hates her mother because she holds her responsible for the break up. Who knows.
No. 40616
that's pretty stupid to think lmfao a child deserves to have both parents in their lives, it's selfish of either parent to just turn their backs on their kid. My older brother has never met his father, the guy works with my uncle and my uncle is good friends with him but he has never once asked about how his son is or what's going on in his life despite having a direct line to him for 25 years. The guy has four other children, and the only one he abandoned for no reason is my brother.
It's not selfish for her to complain that he doesn't care, a parent should fix up and contact their kid, they're a parent, a "caregiver", so they should act like they care and find you. If he isn't looking for her, or hasn't made contact, he clearly doesn't care, and that'll hurt her.
"Mature about the situation" lmfao sorry but you're clearly someone who wants to put all the blame on Ashley. As much as I despise her and think she's a fucking colossal moron, that particular thing isn't her fault and her feelings about it are completely normal.
No. 40619
>>40616> they're a parent, a "caregiver"in a perfect world. it's not a perfect world.
tens of thousands of kids are put in care for whatever reason and they're not all wah wah about it when they're older.
(hope you managed to reattach your ass)
No. 40655
>>40651>Children are supposed to have their parentsWow, I wish I lived in your world. I could count on one hand the number of people I've known/know now who haven't been brought up by a single parent.
She doesn't mention him because she doesn't see him. That post, as many of hers are, are a case of OVER SHARING. Why not post the photo and say, here is me with my dad I don't see any more instead of I WAS HAPPY, I WANTED TO BE DADDY'S GIRL, THEN HE LEFT AND HE DOESN'T CARE HOW I AM!!! She just wanted sympathy. Again.
No. 40657
>>40651…and another instance of over sharing.
like, why the fuck would she put this out there
>>40653 No. 40667
>>40655I never said that that was everyone's case. What I'm saying is, that as human beings (creatures that have developmental stages that last longer than other creatures) we need our parents to raise us.
Just because a child doesn't grow up with either, does not mean they don't need a parent. Take a basic psychology or development course and you will see why.
No. 40673
>>40667>Take a basic psychology or development course I don't need to take a course to be told things that I can see myself.
>>40670Getting at? I was replying to the post attacking me for being heartless because she said she didn't have her dad around. I said she told people this for sympathy because you don't suddenly come out with personal details about your life to randoms. FFS why do I need to give CliffNotes to someone who can't follow a thread on lolcow.
No. 40680
>>40673Lol, what a joke. You can see it for your self? Yeeeaahhh? This one case? Oh nah, you got many cases under your belt.
Let me fire my psych and take you up instead.
No. 40687
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>>40683I suppose you think, in your ideal world, one parent should be female and one parent should be male. A lovely family unit with good role models.
No. 70112
I understand you all being concerned about Ashley, but there's no reason to bash and talk shit about her. You do not know her at all, only from the internet, which is not very reliable, and its easy for things to be taken the wrong way. Posting pictures, mocking her appearance is just rude. Calling her a "bitch" is plain ignorant, c'mon we all aren't in middle school, grow the fuck up with the name calling. I am concerned for Ashley's health and do think she needs help. Yes, she isn't perfect and makes mistakes, says the wrong things, BUT do you all mean to tell me you all are perfect too? Do you all never say hurtful or rude things? Have you never lied? Nobody should bash Ashley unless your perfect yourself. It's one thing to discuss her health, but being rude towards her is uncalled for. Complaining about her seeking attention, nobody goes to THAT extreme for attention, I myself am recovering from Anorexia so it's not like I haven't been in her shoes. If she is seeking attention, so what? Of course she might be she is ALONE, completely alone, with no real life friends. Being that alone can be unbearable. For Petes sake she is on deaths door unless some miracle happens, leave her be, unless your trying to help