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No. 160803
I thought there might be interest in a new Ash thread, although the milk isn't flowing much these days.
Previous thread
>>144651Instagram: No. 160805
File: 1469644814122.png (1.76 MB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_20160727-133005.png)

Also, she got a new tattoo. Spooky. I'm surprised someone agreed to poke such paper thin/delicate skin with needles.
No. 160979
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>>160805The caption. She apparently plans to have an entire sleeve, but I honestly don't think she'll live long enough to finish it. (I know we've been saying this forever, but really, how much longer can she possibly have?)
No. 160983
>>160979She wants a sleeve? she constantly cries about how poor she is.
I don't know if she's going to a scratcher but no honest tattooist would go near Ash.
No. 160985
I'm really excited for her to die soon. I figure her immune system won't be able to handle the tattoos and they'll get infected and she'll finally croak. (Hopefully.)
>>160983She might just know someone with the tattooing equipment, since it's legal to buy.
No. 160994
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I see she has a bandaid on her face. I'm guessing that gross wound hasn't healed over yet. Her body is literally rotting.
No. 161072
>>160803I still maintain that band aid is there now purely because it's pretty much a dead cert people will talk about her again and it's yet another way for her to pull her 'I'm so mysterious' bullshit.
That or she wants to be Nelly circa 2004.
No. 161226
>>161153ANON, this is absolutely hilarious. Thank you.
>>161032Did she show up towards the end of the last thread or was that just a terrible troll?
No. 161239
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Do skellies like Ash love Jack Skellington so much because they look like him or just because their deprived brains have them mentally trapped in the 6th grade?
No. 161245
>>160805God, she's revolting.
>>161239Doesn't she actually have a real medical condition that makes it hard for her to gain weight, as opposed to being anorexic? I could've sworn someone told me that.
No. 161250
>>160805Hm I'm guessing the tattoo is just outlines and rather small because that's all her body could handle in one sitting.
Also i noticed the first time how hairy her arms are. That's her body basically growing fur (lanugo) everywhere to compensate for the lack of fat to keep her warm.
No. 161332
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a rare shot of the mythical chairgrave.
No. 161460
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Saw this and thought of Ash.
No. 161808
>>161271Yeah, she refuses to talk about it, even though nearly every comment on every video of her's is something about her weight. I'm not sure if I admire that or not. I've always thought she was anorexic, but you're right. She's curiously not boney looking.
>>161480That would probably kill her for sure, as another anon mentioned (refeeding syndrome.)
No. 161810
>>161808She could just have a very small frame.
small frame = less spoopy at low weights
No. 161816
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>>161810samefag she looks spoopier here but nowhere near ashley's bonelord status
No. 161834
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>>161825what skellies have any muscle mass. Muscle = thicker body
No. 161875
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No. 162980
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>>161460>>161462Holy shit I didn't even realise this had been posted already, I'm not the only one who saw a connection.
Pic unrelated, just a recent spoopy Ash post
No. 163087
File: 1470332329540.png (12.96 KB, 486x340, capture-20160804-203735.png)

And three hours later it's already deleted. Did someone see it?
No. 163151
File: 1470348948594.jpg (686.8 KB, 1080x2638, Screenshot_20160804-180919.jpg)

>>163087It's still there. Just took this a couple minutes ago. I don't get it though, why's she acting like she's new to Instagram?
No. 163194
>>161886I got shat all over for making that thread. There is milk, it just has to be found. Maybe the mom!
Would ash add me if I randomly added her on instagram I wonder?
No. 163282
>>163151yeah it's definitely a shameless plug because she's neither new to instagram nor video posting.
she knows her…
"infamy" is dwindling.
No. 163656
File: 1470515300110.jpeg (176.44 KB, 750x1007, image.jpeg)

HEY PARTY PEOPLEEEEE. Some have asked to see my clavicle tattoo, (which I don't normally show) so here's a little part of it. It reads: 'fragile as a cat' and has a kitty next to it ? It was my second tattoo, AND HURT THE MOST, OH MY GOD. Seriously. I could add up the pain of all my other tattoos, and it wouldn't even compare ? but anyways. Totally worth wishing for death as I got it done, lmao. AND I WANT MOREEEE, MUAHAHAHAH. ? (also, I've been posting the snapchat type videos on here. Be sure to watch them before they disappear! ?)
No. 163802
And even if she wanted care the system for adults is so hit & mess all the dicking about would probably stress her out and kill her anyway
No. 164538
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Skelly hand from her most recent Instagram story. It was literally just her reading the warning on the mirror, you didn't miss out if you didn't get to see it.
No. 164892
File: 1470940494286.webm (2.98 MB, 940x602, ice_video_20160811-143205.webm)
New video on insta. How can she heal ears and tattoos but not that mystery face wound?
No. 164923
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Sorry for the shitty cropping
No. 164925
>>164923Is she possibly trying to stop binging and purging by eliminating her
Also I love how she's throwing shade at other people who can't just look at sweets and feel satisfied. Got to love how she finds the saddest things to feel like she's better than other people about.
No. 164939
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'bettering myself' seriously…
No. 164941
>>164929Can you anons that think she lives off ~binge remnants~ educate yourselves already? Obviously she's not living off a mouthful of unpuked empty carb.
Ash pretending she's a restrictive anorexic to seem superior always makes me kek though
No. 164966
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>>164939And her followers keep kissing her (non-existing) ass.
No. 164997
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>>164939>did they have cake 1,000 years ago? No.Yes, they did you FUCKING IDIOT. eating turns your brain into mush, ash.
No. 165118
File: 1471018939570.jpg (83.75 KB, 533x478, aww she still reads the thread…)

>>164939And now she's edited the answer.
I honestly think this "eliminating food" thing is a more direct attempt to finally die. I know she's not completely surviving on the unpurged binge food, but it sounds like an excuse to stop eating what little she must eat too.
No. 165539
>>165271JESUS FUCK, Anon! After vomiting and shuddering for 20 minutes, I had to come back and say thanks a lot for that nightmare of a link. The article is forever seared into my mind's eye and I am nothing short of devastated about that. So yeah, thanks for that. Autopsy Anon's report was tame compared to this shit IMHO!
* shudder
retch **
No. 165576
>>165566I rememeber when autopsy anon was originally here but reading it all again makes me feel sad.
The only thing I disagree with is that the person could be saved if they simply ate more. When you're Ashley's size, you can't just start eating normally. You can put your body into one hell of a shock [refeeding syndrome]. Now with medical attetion, refeeding becomes less of a risk, and I know Denver Acute takes cases like Ash, but obviously she doesn't want help.
No. 165614
>>165612It's possible. I guess it's just a context thing. Still super fascinating, though!
That patient had a bmi of 7.6. Ash's bmi is 8.2 the last time we knew any numbers so she isn't far behind…
No. 165656
>>165636No, We found out her weight when secret_livez spilled the beans and said she was in the 40s weight wise. It Ash has lost weight then it's harder to see since she only ever takes face selfies now.
My guess is the same as an anon above, that she's cutting out more foods because it's an attempt to die quicker.
No. 165719
>>165656side note:
Rachael Farrokh was around Ashley's weight when she finally got help, and actually was able to rebound and get better. Although, I am sure her internal organs have taken a severe beating and she is probably more likely to suffer from heart problems even after putting weight back on. But still, her life has got to be sooo much better now.
No. 166019
>>165271Fuck me, if you put "alien fungus" instead of "yeast," you got some Stephen King level shit right there. Thank you for posting that, I'm so glad I've found this blog as I'm fascinated by this stuff.
I'm going to read through Elise's blog and try to find anything about spoopy skellies.
No. 166512
>>166510That's what Ash wants you to think. Ash is incapable of telling the truth.
And yeah, that's Rebecca. Although I think she did lose a bit of weight. But when Ash is your child, who wouldn't be stressing out all the time?
No. 167357
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>>167355Her latest tumblr update was yesterday, so I assume that she is.
No. 168029
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>>166647She looks fine in Ash's instasnap tho
No. 168095
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Her knees are more terrifying than ever in her latest photo. I think it's because the white background makes them stand out more. But holy shit either way
Also, Ashley, you're not tired because of the summer heat. You know this and everyone that follows you knows this.
No. 168127
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She could do undertale cosplay
No. 168233
>>168127That'd be a
bonechilling sight to see.
No. 168359
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If she falls off her wheelchair, would she die?
No. 169283
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Yeah she sure does work from home… 4 days a week…. maybe in her dreams…
No. 169339
>>169333must be someone else.
Ash came to us once sucking up and asking for advice on whether she should decorate phone cases or something and sell them, but naturally she never went through with it.
No. 169531
>>169475Yeah…people do make and sell stuff all the time, but then I saw her iPhone case she was all proud of "making" and it was just stickers. Not even good stickers.
No. No one's buying that.
No. 169537
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>>169527Probably looks like this.
No. 169539
>>169484in that case I wouldn't say it was TOTALLY Ash being Ash and 'not going through with it'. We all pelted shit at her pretty quick for that and like
>>169531 said no one would buy them anyway.
don't mean to WK though, still pathetic that at her age that was the best thing she could've come up with/make to sell
No. 169573
>>169561No. Ash literally does not care about anyone but herself. There is a reason she never has stable relationships. She mad af that her mom stopped her camming when Ash was posting to 4chan. She tried to kill herself because she got caught and is determined to make her mom's life as miserable as possible.
When I first stumbled upon Ash back when StamRose/Maxfag was a thing, I pitied Ash. But after more info came out about her in prior threads here, the more disgusted I became. She is racist. She is manipulative. She sabotages other people's recovery [Erika, Gia].
No. 169577
>>169561Read this thread.
>>>/pt/89979One of Ash's acquaintances spills the beans on what she's like IRL.
No. 169694
>>169672…You know, someone should probably do this.
Her BMI is in the 7s. The confirmed record is 7.5. She might actually break it.
No. 169728
>>169702IMDb says she's 5'7", though entertainers regularly inflate their heights. Her low weight has been quoted at 44 pounds, which gave her a BMI of 6.9. She'd have broken the record if she submitted to it too, assuming that height is accurate.
Ashley gives her own height at 5'1" (but also might have inflated it, other sources go as low as 4'8"). An old inside source gives her weight as 41 pounds, but I'm pretty sure it's in the 30s now. Assuming 38 pounds (which I've seen given before) at 5'1", her BMI is 7.2.
No. 169892
>>169869I think people spend a lot of time forgetting Ashley's had an ED since age 11. Hamtaro-chan wasn't before her disorder, it was when she was weight-restored but purging. This goes far deeper than being upset she wasn't allowed to be a camwhore.
She doesn't want to recover, but 15 years in she might not even be able to. The treatments available are for acute EDs, not chronic.
No. 170027
>>169923Shit yeah thanks Ash-chan, I was mixing up your voter registration with another shitty Ashley from Florida
>>170024Gotta say, I myself don't see the weirdness. Ashley is obviously bullshitting when she claims to have the worst mother ever, but I also doubt her home life is exactly enviable, and people can be very cordial on Facebook who dislike each other outside that context.
No. 170039
>>169892Where was it mentioned that she had an ED since she was 11? Was it on Ashley's Tumblr at some point or from another source?
(Just to be clear, I believe you, because I know she's mentioned before that Hamtaro-chan was while she was weight-restored and bulimic. I just don't remember the starting age thing.)
No. 170511
File: 1472731563419.jpg (46.15 KB, 537x403, Hamtaro Chan (62).jpg)

>>170471You're very welcome!
This is esoteric as fuck and I know it, but does anyone think she might be congenitally neuroatypical in some way? Using pictures from the Hamtaro-chan era (so adorable, 10/10 would weight-restore) to prove my point because more recent ones would get 'no, she looks like that because she's a skelly' – her features are pretty normal to the untrained eye, but from a dysmorphologist perspective the width of the gap between her eyes combined with the length of her face and that kind of weird chin/jaw structure (even more obvious in skelly pics so it wasn't just her bulimia cheeks throwing her face out whack) is suspicious. Specifically, she looks a lot like women I've seen with trisomy X, which is associated with lower IQ and greater psychological vulnerability. Trisomy X has a really variable phenotype and women with it tend to be taller than average rather than shorter like Ashley, but some are markedly short, and if her neurology was more vulnerable to trauma and mental illness than usual that could explain a lot.
No. 170517
>>170514I know, I'm just a chromosomal anomaly autist.
It's definitely a viable plan to get Ash-chan karyotyped, right? /s
No. 170521
>>170517I don't know. I am not an expert. Like with some disorders, it's so blindingly obvious. You know, the ones that have symptoms such as a flat nasal bridge, down turned or upturned eyes, short stature, etc.
The thing is, malnutrition stunts growth so it's possible aside from genetics, Ash is short because she's had an ED since she was 11 or something.
I would actually be more interested in Ash for genetic reasons relating to her eating disorder. There has got to be some reason she's last as long as she has in an emaciated state.
No. 170531
>>170521She's not unique. Go to any inpatient ED unit and you will see tons of people like her. Denver Acute regularly takes people with single digit BMIs.
The only thing unique about her is her social media presence
No. 170534
>>170531I disagree. You will see people like her at Denver Acute, but Ash has been emaciated for years. Most anorexics die before they get to Ash's level. And I am willing to bet the ones that go to Denver Acute are emaciated but not for as long as Ash.
Not only that but Ash purges on top of restricting which is a double disaster because of the risk of low electrolytes.
No. 170538
>>170531It's not like Ashley's existence is unprecedented, but the 'lol people like her are everywhere' meme is even worse.
Her BMI is in the 7s or 8s. She's relatively independent and mobile – yes, her vision is impaired, she uses a wheelchair, and she requires a carer, but people with even that basic level of functioning who are as emaciated as her are one in a billion. She eats nothing but processed sugar and has regular binge/purge cycles, which is the diametric opposite of what most people capable of surviving at extremely low weights do. She's the Keith Richards of the ana world, and she will probably outlive everyone posting here.
No. 170549
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No. 170575
>>170549Since she's a spooky skeleton and all, I imagine goth would suit her in some ways.
She'd look like someone's grandma in Lolita.
No. 173159
>>173146For some with anorexia part of it can be fear of growing up. The 'prepubescent' aesthetic i.e. no tits, small hips, boyish figure (for girls), or lanky (boys) is "omg goalz" to them. They don't want the 'ideal' adult body in relation to their gender, they want a small, fragile, cute, youthful body.
Can't generalised for all ana's, but it is common. I always figured Ashley's ED might have had a little to do with that. I'm not her imaginary therapist so fuck if I know for fact, but she's always been obsessed with being ~cute~ stemming back to her days being a pedo's dream whore.
No. 174799
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Mystery bandaid update: It's still there, plus a brand new sore on her chin. We meth face now.
No. 174806
>>174696I didn't say that b/ping is prolonging her life.
>>174764 has it right.
But I think
>>174670 is correct, it's most likely that Ash wants to pretend she's the ultimate ana butterfly kween.
No. 174821
>>168359It would be very painful.
She's a small girl.
No. 175340
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This is from her edgy tumblr. She's not giving up and never has!
No. 175361
>>175340Ashley of course you've given up. Otherwise you would be in recovery, been in hospital, feeling much better already… But no you refuse it because you have given up, IT controls you so much.
Staying alive =/= not giving up.
No. 176649
File: 1474748771565.jpg (118.85 KB, 750x750, 14374289_517727538428054_81080…)

I think the countdown has finally begun. This may be probably one of her final updates. I can't help but feel sad for her, ngl.
No. 176651
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>>175542>>175934>>176649Some context. I think she's aware that she's going to leave soon. It's a bit sad, but at least she had fun?
No. 176666
>>176654Sorry for the blogpost, but back when my grandma was dying of kidney failure, she told us that she physically felt death approaching. She described it as a dreadful feeling mixed with an instinctive "it's time" feeling.
She's probably going through that plus she might have gotten some grim news on her recent health. That would explain why her mom allowed Ash to bring her closest friend and why she's planning a bucket list.
No. 176669
>>176664If you know you're going to die soon, wouldn't you want to spend time seeing new things and doing what you've always wanted to? It makes sense.
I honestly feel bad for her, even though I know what an awful person she is.
No. 176670
>>176651Hmmm I was doubting you anon, but she mentions that she
>>got to bring a close friend>>176662Sounds like you may be on to something. Perhaps her mom knows she is dying soon so decided to take her daughter to her favorite place + invited a friend for her final days?
>>176669She brought it on herself, but it is still sad. It's not like she was a murderer or child molester.
No. 176879
>>160803It's interesting how everytime this thread starts to slow down or die, something happens to get people talking again. Last time it was the bandaid, now it's her saying she's never going back to Disney World again. I might be overly suspicious here but considering her history of presenting herself as this 'mysterious' character, it seems to fit.
She used to have the mystery of her weight which people talked about up until her weight was revealed on here. In the Disney post somebody asked her why she was wearing the band-aid and she responded with a typical stupid answer. She has other sores on her face so if there was something under that bandaid why cover that and not the others? Pretty sure there's fuck all under that bandaid.
Tldr I think the 'last time' comment is just another way of ensuring people talk about her again
No. 176881
>>176879I agree, it just reads like attention whoring to me. She
could die any day now, but you could have said that 5 years ago and it would still be true. I don't think the post is a sign of her contemplating her mortality, she just wants asspats
No. 176887
>>176748Yeah, honestly this is so fucking dumb lol jfc
>i'll never be going back"i didn't like it as much as i thought", "i had a bad experience", "i don't/probably never will have the funds to go back", etc, there are a million ways to interpret this
>…next on the bucket listeveryone dies. lots of people have bucket lists. oh my god lol.
No. 177103
>"i didn't like it as much as i thought", "i had a bad experience", "i don't/probably never will have the funds to go back", etc, there are a million ways to interpret this No there isn't. She has been going there every year, so it's not like it was an "once in a lifetime" thing that she suddenly can't experience ever again just because of money.
Also since she's been there so many times, she knows how it is like, so the "i didn't like it as much as i thought" doesn't work either. It's her tradition! And she said she had magical experience so she didn't have bad experience. Pls read the whole post, not just one sentence.
Honestly there are only 3 options why she said that:
a) She thinks she's dying.
b) She's attention whoring.
c) She wants to visit other parks from now on.
No. 178147
File: 1475224505288.png (1.68 MB, 750x1334, image.png)

Basically her talking but she was at an arcade and then at the bar . May as well follow her.
No. 178151
>>178022Maybe mama Isaacs will be on a convenient holiday and the neighbours just report a fouler smell than usual?
If Rebecca can't get back within a day or so would the state take care of the corpse?
No. 178184
>>178151Pretty sure you're responsible for paying to creamate or burying a realtives body. Especially since most of the time, you have to positively ID the deceased before anything can be done with it.
I know that was the case when my grandma died as she lived with my aunt in Florida.
No. 178197
>>178184I know I read that someone in a family claimed their grandfather's ashes some 15 years later because the children never paid the funeral home for the cremation so they kept the ashes in storage.
I did a quick google and that seems to be a common thing for people to do. Funeral home takes them and then the family just fucks off and leaves the funeral home with the remains and the unpaid bill for services.
No. 178828
>>178708It's more like she's documenting her outings a bit more. Though I have no idea how someone as poor as Ashley manages to get rides everywhere. She must be taking trips that are close to her.
I would say her mom is giving her a ride, but doesn't Rebecca work a lot at Chilli's?
No. 179278
File: 1475635580475.png (679.4 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2016-10-04-19-41-35…)

More instagram stories. From what I can remember, the first one she says "waterwaterwaterwaterwaterwaterwater". The second one shes saying "more bars, more bars, hot bartender woOoOo"
(sorry for the red tint, i have a red tint thing on my phone)
No. 179279
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No. 180273
>>180269She's full of shit if she still lives in Orlando we are not under evacuation. It's all of South FL and the East Coast of FL.
But maybe she'll decide to go outside and the wind will blow her ass away.
No. 180310
Even people in the affected areas aren't leaving forever.
No. 180703
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>>180696Also a newfag and I just got fucked up finding out this person has only ED and not some illness that prevents your body from gaining fat
No. 180751
File: 1475884317115.png (255.52 KB, 326x385, mary clarence.PNG)

I know it's too late and nothing I or anyone else says will change her. But man, how did a little girl get so fucking lost? It has to be mental illness or something. How can one be that determined to look scary… Like why would you WANT to look and live that way? Mind boggling.
I just wanted to share my favorite memory of her:
I posted on here once, I think with either a strawpoll guessing how long she has to live, or like just basically asking if she was going to make it for a certain time period. And she was so personally triggered that she quoted it on her tumblr and called me a piece of shit or something for trying to guess how long she had. That made me laugh, thanks Ash <3 Hope that it isn't too late for you.
No. 180813
>>180644I'm going to be pissed if that's how she dies. All the waiting, the speculation of when her body will crap out, and then she goes and dies from a hurricane.
To answer you, yes, it'd be more dignified, but jfc, I will be soo pissed.
No. 180884
>>180770There's Jackie, Gia, Erika, and secret_livez. Who knows how many more people Ash has used and abused.
Ash also wanted to meet up with shmegeh during shmegeh's peak, but Michelle's friends told Ash to back off, lol.
No. 180948
File: 1475945408121.png (7.88 KB, 486x200, capture-20161008-194752.png)

And here we go again…
Ash, you're not fighting. You're not even living. You just somehow still happen to exist.
No. 181055
File: 1475970718740.jpg (89.14 KB, 718x255, moving.jpg)

Guys, Ashley is moving out of state, it looks like. So THAT'S why she wont see Disney in Orlando ever again. IDK why she just couldn't say that.
No. 181059
File: 1475971511198.jpg (36.25 KB, 163x225, oQ1e85Q.jpg)

>>181055she gotta tickle her flesh raisin with some sort of attention and exaggerations. How else will she get her lulz? She's a compulsive exaggerator because it gets her more attention.
No. 181075
>>181059True, but it's a stupid game of hers. Won't say the reason for why she won't see Disney again but ends up indirectly saying why anyway.
It's like that stupid secret blog of her's where she was like "oh, you'll never know my real identity!" while being glaringly obvious that it's still her.
It's not even like her confession blog is still anonymous, and we all know about it. [Guts-spilled-over, for reference]
No. 181096
>>181081She's somehow managed to change her metabolism into something resembling photosynthesis only with attention of any kind being the source of energy.
She absorbs it via osmosis and converts it into a life-force through a complex process of selfies, pop-punk lyrics, petulant screeching and pissing in toddlers clothing.
Biologists and the military are fighting over the rights to study her.
No. 181196
>>181110No, learned about her years and years ago.
>>181186She says since she was 11 or so.
No. 181249
>>181243No, but we can exclude the following states:
-the Carolinas
Unfortunately, that leaves many other states.
No. 181258
>>181243I think her mom's parents live in VA? So maybe there.
The alternative (and most far fetched imo) theory is that they are moving somewhere where Ash can be at a comprehensive residential facility that has accepted her.
No. 181312
File: 1476046524881.jpg (90.07 KB, 761x273, moved.jpg)

Here you guys go. She said she now lives in Mississippi. Wonder what part and if there's anything around in terms of stores and such.
No. 181455
>>181293>>181296Maybe she meant they were being evicted.
Though then the question is whether she was being melodramatic with "evacuation" or had amusingly forgot the world "eviction."
No. 181459
>>181369Mississippi has one of the largest populations of black people. If the state is racist, then they are also racist and they contribute to the stereotype.
I wonder which part she's moving to?
No. 181879
>>181872- The "black Twitter" post that I've seen here isn't the only time she's been racist. She was markedly more rude to me when I disclosed that I'm not white (I'm white-passing). A few conversations involved her bitching about illegal immigrants being "welfare queens."
[This is from Twatwaffle, a former friend of Ashley, you can look up her posts in old Ash threads here.]
No. 182011
>>181979The gulf coast is very different from the northern parts, for sure.
If the south is so incredibly racist, then why do so many black folk live in these areas? New Orleans has a large black population, and used to be murder capital of the United States. Chicago beat it out a couple years ago- which also has a large black population. Maybe southerners are tired of the extremely high crime rates? Coming from people who complain about Americans going to other countries on visas and not killing anyone, you all sure do like to nitpick.
No. 182037
>>181954Not really. (Coming from an Alabamian) In those areas, it's more like "I hate minorities because they're poor and smelly even though both me and my wife are obese and live in a trailer with 8 dogs and a retard child."
Wouldn't be surprised if Ash's parents were something along those lines honestly. Attention whores like her (and 99% of camwhores) are almost always white trash.
No. 182266
>>182252sleep deprivation shortens your life span
oh wait
No. 182641
>>181941>>181884>>181879>>181878>>181628>>181514>>182037>>182544When did tumblr migrate here? Whether trashley is '
PROBLEMATIC' isn't even relevant.
No. 182661
>>182049Here's a fun exercise. Make a list of everything that happens to a black person when they face racism (denied housing, jobs, cab rides, police brutality, etc etc). Now make a list of everything that happens to white people when they face racism.
Quit it with your "reverse racism" BS. This is just one more example of how Ash ALWAYS has to be a victim. Even black people as a whole oppress her. Is there anyone who DOESN'T hold Ashley down?
No. 182671
>>182665>>182667You're both retarded. At least anon is on topic. It's about ash being racist towards blacks. Anon doesn't have to bring in the whole melting pot.
>how americentricNo shit. We're talking about an American in America, that has been racist towards the most historically, racially oppressed race in, you guessed it, AMERICA.
No. 182684
>>182671Damn, you
No. 182842
File: 1476421193578.png (2 MB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_2016-10-13-22-33-30…)

Shut the fuck up with the racism. In other news, seems Ash has found her Mecca in Mississippi! I was wondering how long she was going to survive without her glorious Target chain store.
No. 183042
>>182842Imagine this:
> Go to Target at 9pm to pick up some last minute items > Park in the spooky dark garage > Not too many cars here since Target closes at 10> You lock your car and start making your way to the entrance > You hear the sound of squeaking wheels echoing> You turn around but you don't see anything > You start to walk a little bit faster > Smells like puke. You wonder "Who the hell threw up in here??" > Pinch your nose and pick up the pace > The squeaking is there again > You turn around because you're about to give whoever is following you a piece of your mind > Silhoutte of a wheelchair rolling towards you in limited lighting> "Oh it's just an old lady or a homeless person" you think > Wrong > The wheelchair creeps into more lighting > Ash > Oh my god > And that smell> Nope the hell out of here It's totally my first greentext, please forgive me.
No. 183167
>>183042 You see a white, skeletal hand reach into a bulky side pouch on the wheelchair. A large grin spreads slowly across her sunken face, revealing a few brown teeth sparsely situated in her rotted, blackening gums. Her eyes gleam at you in the dark from the depths of her sunken sockets. You hear rattling as she feels around in her pouch, and you wonder if the sound is that of her finger bones clattering against each other in the loose sack of skin that is her hand, or if it's because of the cheap plastic Chinese toys that occasionally tumble out of the pouch. You feel a shudder run up your spine as her eyes suddenly widen and her hand pauses, clearly grasping what it has sought. Despite your quickening heart rate, you feel rooted to the spot. She pull out the object, slowly.
It's a phone. Pink case. Grimy Hello Kitty stickers half-clinging to it.
You frown, confused. You thrust your shaking hands into the pockets of your red sweater. You suddenly feel cold despite the temperate Mississippi fall.
Ashs extends a single, long, bony finger to the phones fave. She presses the screen once, twice, three times. She pauses, looks straight into your eyes, and jabs it a final time. She raises it to her ear. You are mesmerized with terror.
"Hello," she rasps into the phone, and you swear your see a feint puff of dust emerge from her mouth with this utterance.
"I'd like to report a suspicious individual. Target underground garage. About 6 foot. Blue jeans, red hoodie. Black."
Your eyes widen with horror. She's describing you! You try to take a step back but your feet feel like lead.
She pauses. Looks directly into your eyes. You are filled with overwhelming terror and dread. She licks her dry, cracked, flaking lips, and opens her creaking jaws one last time;
"I think he has a gun."
No. 183180
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>>183167Top fucking kek anon.
No. 183285
File: 1476558146816.png (2.09 MB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_20161015-140020.png)

She tagged this one #eatingdisorder wtf
No. 183458
>>183167>>183042Oh god I'm scared
This is great
No. 183498
>>183285even with a towel it seems like it'd be incredibly painful having your bones stabbing through the metal wires especially if she has pressure sores from laying around all the time
why the hell would you rather endure that then use your wheelchair or the stores motorized scooter
No. 184007
>>183925she say in the comments she doesn't
No. 184726
File: 1476750767104.png (5.11 KB, 488x142, 032639.png)

she doesn't even do anything yet she expects her anorexia just to 'leave'
No. 184848
File: 1476769868233.png (274.84 KB, 1242x1362, IMG_1696.PNG)

Saw this on facebook and just about died
No. 184960
The box is bigger than its head!
No. 185212
>>185147The point is that no-one cares, we're not trying to diagnose or treat her.
This is like the argument pedophiles make to defend themselves by going "It's hebephilia!". We get that it is, but it doesn't matter in the context.
No. 185220
>>185212I think the point anon is trying to make is that Ash, like every spoopy snowflake, wants to be seen as anorexic. Because that is the "glamorous" disorder (no joke, have a look on mpa at the rampant superior fagging going on about anorexia being better than bulimia).
As seen from her recent Tumblr update "the anorexia never really leaves"
No. 185438
>>185220As much as I stand by my original statement that it really doesn't matter what disorder she has, can't anorexia have a subtype that includes periods of purging and binging?
And yeah, I've heard about the elitism on MPA
No. 185454
>>185438MPA is generally perceived as bullshit due to the rampant population of wannas, but either way, based on the dsm, she's classified one way, and subtyped another.
Anything else anons spew is subjective. There are criterias for a reason people, and they're not there for you to distort in order to fit your subjective perception.
No. 185463
>>185147I'm assuming she's AN b/p subtype. Of course we don't have her diagnostic papers but either way given her weight she's definitely anorexic. Eating disorders are diagnosed based on the treatment necessary moreso than behaviours. She had bulimia but her diagnosis would have changed to AN b/p once she passed bmi ~17.
Saged because this argument is boring
No. 185681
File: 1476911160419.jpg (164.85 KB, 1024x768, Cu1WeiAVMAA7f2I.jpg)

she's EDNOS. She's stated it multiple times and it's been discussed to death in older threads. Fuck off newfags.
No. 185953
>>185865It wasn't on mpa. It was a blog she had called something like witheringwings or withered wings. There were only something like 3 entries. She referred to a live journal group of anas and said she'd "beat them all". The screencap is somewhere in the 100 Ash threads but I cba to look.
>>185880Henry Roth posts a lot of pics of her. I don't think she posts herself, but she ends up on some accounts. I think that for the groups there she's too emaciated to be delicately beautiful.
No. 185973
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No. 185976
File: 1476970115404.jpg (188.25 KB, 1440x2128, Screenshot_20161020-091837~2.j…)

So she thinks 300 kcal is a binge (subjective vs objective binging aside, 300 kcal is not a binge; it's just not) but her meal plan includes a Poptart packet, which is 400 kcal, and that's to get her "back on track" after her "binge"? Now, don't get me wrong; that meal plan is a starvation diet…but the logic behind it just baffles me.
Also, writing in the blog was the "only thing keeping her sane" but literally all of the posts were made over the course of like 24 hours. Idgi, unless there's a good bit of content that she deleted before abandoning.
Or maybe it just wasn't garnering the attention she needed so she moved on to a different platform.
Sage for rambling bullshit. Assuming I did it right.
No. 185979
>>185976She must have been pretty young when she posted this. She probably didn't know the proper terms for binging and how to restrict "properly".
Either that or she wanted people to tell her that it wasn't a binge and to show they cared by commenting. It's pretty sad when you think about it.
If someone would've reached out to her at these moments or brought her to a therapist she may have ended up okay.
No. 186326
File: 1477013870257.png (416.9 KB, 467x571, creepasshenry.png)

Looks like Henry is still obsessed with poor Ashley. No. 186346
File: 1477017013267.png (119.63 KB, 240x320, 97c.png)

>>186326you can just imagine him fapping while writing that shit
No. 186534
>>169577omg i just read that whole thread i know so much now but it's like a year old
how is ericka???
No. 186537
>>178184in florida you have a right to a decent disposition aka burial/cremation. Every county has a designated funeral home or crematory that take care of 'indigent' bodies, or bodies that don't belong to anyone. family can actually waive their rights to the disposition of a body of a family member which is insane. Most places have them cremated and they keep the ashes in closets or get around to niche them in a cemetery.
Although it is a technically legal to dispose of cremated remains after 120 days of being unclaimed, i've never heard of any funeral home or crematory actually doing that (in florida).
-licensed mortician in florida
No. 186648
File: 1477103332036.png (352.07 KB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_20161021-222054.png)

Don't worry my friends, at only 43 pounds and being 5'6 in height, this man died in his 40's! (That puts him at a possibly lower BMI than Ash if her guesstimated weight is in that range. Sorry, you haven't won at being the spoopiest yet). She can perform at the circus with how much food she can consume then puke out! There is hope!
No. 186649
>>186582this is true and i'm kind of a "moral fag" when it comes to dead people and like.. my livelihood ? lmao, i can tell yall about emaciated bodies tho idk if you have questions. at the end it's all goo inside.
and word, i didn't know she moved until i read through this one. true. I don't know they're specific state laws although I imagine they are similar. Its how they keep unclaimed corpses off the street/out of in hospitals etc. Funeral home/crematory gets a nice tax fund for it. Makes them look good etc.
No. 186650
>>186649i did a cremation for an anorexic woman in her thirties? like 35. She had made all arrangements for her own direct cremation ahead of time. her mom, who i guess she "took care of" but also depended on had died and her friends she wrote in her pre-arrangement came to pick them up. they brought they're own box for the ashes. and cremations take about 1.5-2.5 hours each to cremate. it's mostly the fat, the heat cant be high enough for instant incineration and we're taught not to burn people like that even babies, even tiny shriveled old ladies can take longer than 250 lb men. weird science.
sorry i'm gettin gross yall.
No. 186654
>>186563can you spill the deets on this?
anyone know if she remade her instagram or something?
No. 186816
>>186751okay i'll give an idea into what i've seen. Note: I've only CREMATED an actual anorexic person, not embalmed (haven't seen their insides.
TW gross stuff
most emaciated people I've seen are old people who look like they've died 7 times before they actually were declared dead. I had a guy who had a bed sore (huge ulcer) on the SIDE OF HIS FACE. like he'd been laying there dying, atrophied af (you can tell actual atrophy from rigor, rigor passes and can also be broken via massage during embalming)
super gross:
an emaciated old woman (dead) shit on me once and she wouldn't stop leaking shit and was actually purging from both her vagina and rectum it was so vile, the image is a picture of what we use to stop that (a/v plug, not a sex toy!) although this person was so emaciated it was hard to get it to stay (it had nothing to hold on to) and we had to bandage up her gentile area and put a diaper on her to keep her from leaking.
as far as organs and what not - i'm not a medical examiner/doctor - but i've seen some shit and literally you could not tell the organs apart, they're all a dark shade of death..
All the emaciated people I have seen look like they have died a million times it's so gross, she probably smells VERY similar to a corpse. So creepy. (yes, ash, you have grossed out a MORTICIAN) i can't imagine, I bet she smells like hospice. I don't know why she doesn't need a respirator or other medical devices to help her exist right now. she is currently 'dying a million times' and I have an exact vision of what her dead body would look like. I know in my mind the mixture of chemicals I would use to embalm her. She's a classic case.
Its truly a medical wonder she has lived so long like this
No. 186818
File: 1477164621940.jpg (Spoiler Image,3.25 KB, 189x267, av.jpg)

oops forgot to post the image
No. 186825
>>186819nope not all bodies, they're expensive and funeral homes are cheap! hah only if we need it. You should NOT want leakage in a casket, omg.
>>186821yeah like they seem like they were literally rotting while living due to their bodies inability to work any of it's systems.
Also in america they really try to keep people alive long past their expiration date so it is common to see older deceased people who have actually died and been resuscitated many times. If you don't have a DNR they must try to resuscitate you, of course. it just sounds like torture and it's usually brought on by a family's inability to let go.
No. 187080
File: 1477235793113.png (3.47 MB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_2016-10-23-11-12-59…)

>>187049Ash and her mom are probably hotel hopping using her late grandpa inheritance. Here's Ash's latest binge/purge, it's been a while since she's shown her puke food.
No. 187081
File: 1477235891200.png (1.95 MB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_2016-10-22-09-35-48…)

>>187080She also made a video being excited about the room having 2 private bathrooms. I think we all know why…
No. 187173
File: 1477257743236.png (737.81 KB, 659x657, 1418782544582.png)

she dead yet?
No. 189220
File: 1477585335448.png (194.88 KB, 1084x1190, Screen Shot 2016-10-27 at 9.20…)

>>188893She just posted about her awesome new gym and cutting shit out of her diet.
Two things that will probably kill her.
No. 189440
>>189220>>189431Every gym I've joined includes a free session with a nutritionist/trainer, where they discuss your goals and briefly help you with a plan. There is absolutely NO way she would be allowed to become a member at any gym I've been a member of. And you are absolutely correct about her being a liability for the gym; they'd face a litany of questions on why they allowed someone in her obviously horrid condition to workout there.
She can't even walk; she doesn't need a gym, she needs a medical intervention.
No. 189450
>>189220"cutting out nasty shit in my diet" she actually eats shit? like really? lol
She's in Mississippi, right?
"More Altitude" Yeah… No, Skellie. This isn't Colorado. The level should be relatively the same as when you were in Florida.
"Drier Air" Yeah… No, Skellie. Mississippi is humid as fuck, arguably even more so than FL.
I think she's just experiencing her slow, slow death, as she has for the past how many years now?
"the gym here" … I assume she lives in an apartment complex? If she can't even stand up for long intervals and has no fat to cushion her and atrophied muscles, then who does she really think she's fooling? she wheeled herself to stare into the window at all the "fatties" with a fat percentage of over .1% working out and that was that.
"i'm getting out more" .. where? the woods, where a wild cat or boar will come maul you, or vultures/buzzards will smell death and instantly come circling to await your last twitching movements? or, perhaps to the local coffee shop to get purging food. (again, I'm skeptical on whether she even eats at all)
No. 189551
>>189220Fuck. Of course. She probably crept on here and made a life update to shit on our dreams.
>>189450 I think you're right.
That probably is just the feeling of slow death.
No. 190373
File: 1477777336397.png (332.59 KB, 497x381, bats.png)

Bats??? Is she blind or what?
No. 190663
>>189220"it's so dry that my skin cracks!!"
i'd tell her to use lotion but she thinks lotion makes you fat :^(
No. 190928
File: 1477915077858.png (169.18 KB, 465x587, download.png)

ashley should wear this for halloween & take it off in the middle of the night and see if anyone notices a difference
she'd probably be scarier
No. 190929
File: 1477915293195.jpg (9.51 KB, 236x354, tw.jpg)

or even better she could dress up as a food she loves so dearly, a twinkie
No. 190943
File: 1477920757566.jpg (229.08 KB, 997x1500, ovGzeZh.jpg)

>>190928she could just dab on some glow in the dark body paint
No. 191715
File: 1478039790374.gif (872.98 KB, 400x226, 1376015679631.gif)

>>191627That is indeed a very spooky skeleton
No. 191717
>>191629it's been established that Ash is like Aimee Moore from Dr. Phil. emotional blackmail, outbursts, manipulation, etc.
"oh well, if you don't go buy binge food with me I'll just starve instead, is that what you want? Do you want me to die?".
as a family member you can only do so much when your child is off age.
No. 191987
>>191965Probably for 2 reasons:
1. it was located close to her apartment in Florida
2. They have a lot of kid stuff.
No. 192930
File: 1478158664244.jpg (22.82 KB, 527x177, hide.JPG)

>>192919Click the minus sign.
No. 193356
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No. 193369
>>193356yikes at her insistence that you can NEVER RECOVER
like yeah, recovering from an ED is hard as fuck and you'll probably have to work through a lot of dysmorphia issues, but she's making it seem like it's impossible. and knowing how evil she's been to other girls with eating disorders in the past, it just reads really badly to me and doesn't seem like it comes from a very constructive place at all
that anon's right, how does she expect to 'never die' in her beyond fucked up state? it's already amazing that she's been a skeletor with a pulse for as long as she has and that phenomenon will NOT last for much longer. i'm surprised her internal organs are as strong as they are to keep all ten pounds of her alive for this long
No. 193377
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>>193369I think what Ash does is a certain "formula" she devised after years of trial and error of a very specific amount and specific type of food; she weights them, writes them down and eats said safety food like a lab experiment. She gains no pleasure in eating said food, but she MUST force it down in order to survive. In her mind, this plan is perfect and cannot be tampered with, hence why she's so resistant to change. Not enjoying her subsistence also gives her a twisted sense of superiority and perfection that only acts as fuel to continue the way she is.
She may have figured out exactly how much she needs to be able to wake up alive in the morning, but not enough for her mental, physical and brain atrophies to heal. This is why she's not going to recover with her "formula". Her OCD with recovery not being an option coupled with her BPD's constant attention-seeking is a deadly mix that will not give her the clarity she needs to get better. She has drilled into her head that "FAT=ABSOLUTE FAILURE", even if it means not having palms, hair and teeth. Getting her out of that vicious cycle is going to require outside help, something that we all know won't happen.
No. 193407
>>193369>>193356she's never recovered so how would she know? as you say
>>193369 her motives here are dubious. keep being the very best skeleton you can be, Ash.
No. 193456
>>193449Honestly I don't think so?
When I was severely underweight I almost never felt hungry and only had a small meal per day. But that was because of depression and stress, not an ED.
I guess she only gets cravings?
Sometimes I wish she'd share what it's really like to be a walking skeleton, instead of us having to guess.
Sage for blogpost
No. 193458
>>193456Being vague and 'mysterious' is all she really has left. Think about it. She has no job, no hobbies, doesn't go to school, doesn't have any real long-term friends she can hang out with.
All she has left is her social media following who, let's face it, are mostly comprised of people sticking around for the 'freakshow' of her being so emaciated. She's fully aware of this thread and how as soon as she alludes to something, it'll get dissected and talked about on here. That's why she never outwardly talks about something. She wouldn't simply say 'hey guys I'm moving'. It has to be little hints and IG stories that don't give much away. You're never going to get the truth out of her about anything because this is pretty much all she has, her 'oh-so-mysterious heehee you'll never guess' persona.
No. 193480
File: 1478264308856.jpg (7.58 KB, 221x228, download.jpg)

Looking at Ash has the same effect on me as looking at someone super morbidly obese - repulsion. They're both mental illnesses so can't help how gross they look, but I don't understand how Ash thinks that demonstrating how she can put her hand around her thigh and flaunting her chicken carcass is something to aspire to.
When one of those half ton people have their dignity taken away by having to have doors removed to get them onto bariatric ambulances is as pitiful as being wheeled around in a shopping cart.
Her followers are watching for ghoulish reasons, not because they admire her.
Image related. My reaction to this woman is the same as my reaction to your weight condition. Being the world's thinnest person isn't clever, isn't cute and no one's impressed. Why do you think othrwise?
No. 193889
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No. 193970
Only peripherally related but I was reading this article the other day and it made me think of Ashley. It's about another girl who tried to famewhore and be known as a "chan" on /b/ in the mid 2000s, just like Ashley, albeit more successful. The article has some interesting history on the "chans" and some analysis about what it was like to be a camgirl before selfie culture. read a lot of longform journalism. I think it would be fascinating to see a long piece on Ashley's life - an objective view of what got her to the horrible place she is. It could be her one legacy. She could tell her story and when she passes on (which I want to say will likely be soon but I've thought that every year for years, she's fucking immortal I guess) she can feel like she got the final word. It would be educational, could save some girls from giving into their eating disorders, and would maybe be the only worthwhile thing she could ever do with her wretched, sad life.
Too bad she's selfish and loves being a mystery. I honestly think the malnourishment has severely affected her brain, thought processes, and decision making skills. I know she was always kind of a bitch, but her brain's been rotting away just like the rest of her.
No. 194006
>>193889Normally when people say she looks like a grandma, I can't really see it, but this picture changes all of that. She straight up looks like she's 80 years old here.
She's even got the bitchy-old-woman everything-smells-bad face shrivel
No. 194033
>>193889Wow, this is the most dead I've ever seen her look.
She straight up looks like a corpse that died and rigamortis set in while holding her phone.
She looks paler and more skeletal than ever. Can't be long now. Then again, we've been saying that for years.
No. 194310
>>193894Wouldn't that require her to have a friend?
Not just a creepy sycophant pen-pal
No. 194382
>>194353lol i don't mean to sound like a piece of shit but she and her mom would truly be better off if she were to just finally pass
there's zero chance of recovery for her, even if she tried she'll likely die within the next few years afterward just because the damage is extreme & mostly irreversible at this point
she's not even living at this point, she's slowly (very…slowly…) rotting
this may sound absolutely heartless assisted euthanasia should be legal everywhere (that's not the heartless part), and in this case, ashley's mom or the state should be allowed to decided when it's right for her to pass on. i have a feeling that when she finally does start to /truly/ die, it'll be a long, incredibly painful, miserable process for her – moreso than the ED itself.
the whole situation is really fucking sad & an extreme example of the power & perseverance of the human body.
No. 194462
File: 1478443422985.png (25.32 KB, 466x659, capture-20161106-164043.png)

ash, you look exactly the same as always and i bet no one even noticed you didn't have any make up on…
No. 194480
File: 1478446279386.jpg (584.24 KB, 1920x1500, fBJNddDm.jpg)

i don't understand how she's alive. i used to know a girl who was anorexic, and in the space of 6 months she went from worryingly thin to skeletal, and then died within another 6 months.
and although she was HORRIBLY thin and sick, she still wasn't as skeletal and corpse like as ashley… i don't know how or why she's alive. she really shouldn't be.
No. 194628
But yeah, she was almost cute back then.
No. 194663
>>194509Does anyone else find it sort of heartbreaking to see her back when she was healthy(ish)? If I didn't know that was her in the video, I would've thought they were two completely different people. She still has kept that immaturity over the years though.
Also, has she done anything recently that includes her voice? I'm curious to hear how it's changed (if at all) due to her condition and growing up.
No. 194802
>>194509This video makes me want to cry. I know she's not a nice person but look at that sweet little girl. I wish someone had helped her. All of this could be avoided. She's so sick. It is very difficult to reconcile the thin but innocent and human looking girl in this video with the ragged, dying wraith she now is. Someone failed her when she needed them. Ash continued to perpetuate the disorder, but those seeds didn't bud on their own. I hope Rebecca feels deep shame every day that she let her daughter become this way, when she had lots of clear warnings even from Ash's preteens that something was wrong. She could have prevented this and didn't and now she's just grimly waiting out her daughter's death.
I know she's a cow, but, fuck. Of anyone I come here to post about and mock, only Ashley makes me feel so heartbroken. Her life is a complete nightmare so I can't hate her for anything she really does. I just feel so fucking bad for her.
I can't help it. I want her to get better. I want to believe in a miracle.
No. 194827
File: 1478504139972.gif (972.28 KB, 500x341, tumblr_m9lfn0tXYc1r5918v.gif)

>>194728I want to kiss her cheeks and hug her. I've still been praying.
No. 194949
>>194846She would never have had a normal life, she is exactly how she is on her on accord.
I feel no pity for that irresponsible, sack of skin.
No. 195406
>>195116>>195304Give me some resources, anons. I work in a field closely tied to law enforcement. I know the laws where I live, but I am willing to call her local police there and find out what their standards are for a section. Anyone know what city she's in? Any IRL info that would help them locate her (birthdate, full legal name etc)?
I honestly don't see how she DOESN'T fit the criteria for a section. She is clearly an active danger to herself. She is literally always on the verge of death and extremely mentally ill. You don't even need to talk to her to know that- you can tell how mentally ill she is by the fact that she is THAT fucking emaciated.
No. 195408
>>195406Oh fuck off with the saviour thing.
It's been done over and over and never comes to anything. shes not going to get better even if you magically made an intervention happen. Focus help on the people who'll actually make use of it. Leave ash to die.
No. 195418
>>195412Every few threads there's some hero who thinks that if they call ~the authoritieeeees~ somehow ash will end up in hospital being fixed.
Except that's now how anything works when she's an adult. She doesn't want help, so why bother? There's hundreds, if not thousands of people with eating and personality disorders that will try to help themselves. Why give their bed to someone as belligerent and non compliant as Ashley?
Do you really think that just because ~you~ make a phone all or two Ashley is gonna get sectioned and recover? After having already been sectioned and tubed and whatever else, you're gonna be the catalyst for change? It's not about ash it's about indulging your own altruistic fantasy.
There's nothing to do for her, nothing to learn from her.
No. 195425
>>195421Can you read the goddamn threads?
Her mother forced her into treatment numerous times. Ash never bothered to stick it out.
My god why do newfags have to be spoonfed this info.
No. 195442
>>195436So fucking what? Nobody is gonna save her. Especially not the dumbass anon from earlier begging for her details as if nobody has ever thought of medical intervention for ash before.
She's chronic, she's ridiculously far gone, and she's showed no interest in anything even sort of related to recovery. Her brain being so withered and her shitty cognitive abilities don't really garner much sympathy considering she's chosen to end up this way.
>>195439Would it really matter if she lied? She's still not gonna get and respond to treatment just because some nosy faggot on lolcow called the cops jfc.
No. 195684
>>195412Farmers called adult protective services ages ago and she got a visit from a worker that resulted in exactly nothing. That was in FL. MS will be exactly the same. This isn't the kind of country where you can sweep people into treatment til they're better. Inpatient places will only take ppl who are immediate dangers to themselves or others (actively suicidal or homicidal), hold them until they "stabilize" and then release them to seek and continue further treatment. Ash can't be sectioned and tube fed unless she is unconscious. Even then, at some point if she were to wake up and stabilize, she could walk out AMA.
Plus even if her mom wasted the time and money to go to court to get conservatorship (or whatever it would be called) to force her into treatment involuntarily, her mom would still have to pay for it. And that ish is expensive. So it's not worth it to waste a spot that should go to someone who wants to recover.
No. 196350
>>196347I'm not a sociopath. I just know the system, and that the continuous attempts at anon intervention do nothing but funnel a social worker away from a client who is actively seeking a way to improve their circumstances at worst and absolutely nothing at best. It's ridiculous to think that any kind of intervention can be forced on ash through an anonymous phone call or email from someone saying 'I saw this rly skinny girl on the internet here's her info plz go feed her she's dying'
Recovery from any mental illness or addiction has to be chosen. It's ignorant to assume you can force someone to get well.
If I was a sociopath, I'd be one of the people telling her to kill herself and stream it So it can be watched.
No. 196392
>>196350Sociopaths are people who are detached from their emotions, incapable of empathy or remorse. They are not people who egg you on to kys on webcam. Jesus fucking christ.
You are writing in a way that makes it seem like you are incapable of empathy and are just generally cold hearted. THAT makes you seem sociopathic
No. 196405
>>196392Diff anon but does it count if Ashley personally killed any bit of empathy you had for her? Because I was totally empathetic for her until she proved that it just wasn't worth it. She doesn't want empathy; she wants spectators.
Just asking because I want to know if I can claim Ash made me a sociopath. Thanks! <3
No. 196991
File: 1478907867281.png (30.01 KB, 522x494, wat.png)

>>195456She's not going to get any treatment. Her brain is terminally ill.
No. 197014
>>196991 Please tell me she's not serious.
Energy drinks are usually carbonated and will cause more deterioration to what teeth she has left.
What does she think is the problem with coffee? Maybe it's the caffeine that's also in energy drinks? This is like saying: I stopped eating refined sugar! I only eat raw sugar now! It's the same shit with a different label.
No. 197027
>>197014Energy drinks are apparently so much worse for your guts and heart as well.
Such recovery ash. What a battle.
No. 197122
>>196374>>196392I'm still not a sociopath.
I'm realistic, and I don't get emotionally attached or involved with cows, so no I don't particularly feel much empathy for her but being clinical is more of a job skill considering I work in social services and have no time for time-wasters.
No. 197365
>>196991"saved me $$$$"
energy drinks are more expensive than coffee though……
No. 197375
>>196991why the hell are you even drinking energy drinks assley
taurine will fuck up your already fucked up heart
No. 198072
>>196347Fuck off whiteknight, we're all on this board for the same reason and that's to anonymously bitch about random internet personalities and laugh at petty shit
Gb2 tumblr or quit trying to pretend you're not as ~
problematic~ as everyone else
No. 198163
>>198100Re-read it,
They're talking about the tumblrinas who try to justify waiting for Bony Skeletony to die as revenge for her "racism," and not just a morbid fascination like we all know it is.
No. 198348
File: 1479159811704.png (143.22 KB, 614x749, IMG_1630.PNG)

mystery band aid has disappeared!
No. 198809
>>198632people have been saying 'any day now' for over two years.
also i'm the mortician who answered some questions earlier in the blog but I definitely did the cremation for a 36 year old anorexic. She was prettier than ash, but almost anyone is, like her skin didn't look so old, she didn't look like a grandma but she was very much skeletor and weighed about 60 lbs if i remember?
but she lived til she was 36.. anorexic since her teens like Ash and she was an exercise addict.
No. 198833
File: 1479223893978.jpg (107.66 KB, 736x709, b63ddfec9287b8471d944a1a0b978e…)

She probably looks like this without the wig.
No. 199394
>>199373Here we go again. It was answered few posts above.
Go read the previous 5-6 threads and lurk more.
No. 199395
>>195418>>195425>>195442>>195684tl;dr she doesn't care, and neither should you. this isn't a helping prayer circle for her, hoping she'll turn it around. just something to observe.
No. 200099
>>199451Humans are worthless until proven otherwise.
>>199129Just set her up in a dusty old crypt.
No. 201021
>>200893She has said and did plenty of stuff to people.. She said and did a lot of hurtful stuff to people, such as making up lies about people
triggering people who are trying to recover, such as telling a 13 year old in recovery, she is eating to much food, calling multiple people fat… she is not innocent, and people should realize it..
No. 201034
>>201021yeah, so? There's nothing unique about that. Welcome to the internet. You get bullied, laughed at,
triggered and whatnot. If you're a 13 year old girl who can't handle this shit, you should just get off the internet alltogether. Besides, you're on a board which is basically a place to bash, mock, bully people online and you justify her being a lolcow bc she's mean to people online?
No. 201052
>>200890Yeah I know. but there won't be anything new to laugh at ever again :(
>>201034>>200893Do you have no awareness of the hypocrisy in these comments or what
No. 201211
>>201034Bashing an anorexic person for
triggering vulnerable people with eating disorders into starving themselves is not even comparable to actually
triggering people into hurting themselves like that.
I know there were a lot of big words there, but I think if you put the time and effort in I think you'll thank me for helping you understand how monumentally stupid you are.
No. 201787
>>201783How old is she now? Like 25?
I'm super impressed she is still alive.
No. 202729
File: 1479859748324.jpg (37.57 KB, 540x438, 1453519507552.jpg)

>>202727wow, beat me to it. Could Ash be considered to have Terminal Anorexia as well given how she violently refuses recovery?
No. 202829
>>202816Lmao no way. Isabelle was a model and did those billboard ads (no-Lita, no-anorexia)
Ash is literally nobody, not even some backwoods radio station would report the death of a sad scrawny no one who never did an interesting or valuable thing in her life.
No. 202950
File: 1479906190410.gif (2.87 MB, 300x226, ytryhreyrt.gif)

>>202930Ash might have moved from her chair grave to a dirt grave? Damn. I guess someone finally destroyed her phylactery.
No. 203158
>>202816I don't consider her "Internet famous".
She's known in certain circles for obvious reasons, but that's like, a really fucked up subculture. The rest of the internet doesn't give two shits.
She has never appeared in the media whatsoever, so no, why would they report a random person's death?
No. 203662
File: 1480035306611.png (155.57 KB, 750x803, IMG_5469.PNG)

at least the bandaid is finally gone. Guess there was something under there after all.
No. 203744
>>203664I agree. I can't believe she is still managing to look worse after all this time. Not sure if it's the filter she's using or what.
After seeing what's under those bandaids, it looks like to me maybe she is a skin picker
No. 203757
File: 1480064002913.jpg (59.25 KB, 176x389, IMG_2062.JPG)

>>203694Am I thin enough yet, uguu?
No. 204437
File: 1480215964819.png (372.07 KB, 512x512, 512.png)

>>204335did she change her answer because now it says "And bitch you’ve said hello to literally every type of food." lmao
but look at this ugly face. it's more wrinkly than a 100-year-old grandpa's ass for sure.
No. 204468
>>204335don't say her brain is yogurt, anon! she's reading this thread and you'll
trigger her :( :( :(
No. 204624
>>204605Who the hell would be doing that? Ash has no actual close friends.
Sometimes I wonder what her funeral's going to be like. Would anyone even attend aside from her mother? It seems like they're estranged from the rest of the family and Ash has no friends that would come.
No. 204667
>>204437She definitely changed it, I copied and pasted what she originally said. I'd say it's weird that she seems embarrassed of her typos but not embarrassed of trying to shame someone for eating, but that's just Ash all over.
I'm not exaggerating when I say my 80 year old nana looks younger at this point, and looks like she has a lot more vitality.
No. 204997
File: 1480299780508.png (297.38 KB, 640x1136, IMG_3171.PNG)

>>204335Mobile screenshot of said post.
No. 205000
File: 1480300007156.png (99.8 KB, 640x1136, image.png)

" 'eating' does not equal 'treating your body well' "
this bitch gonna die
No. 205395
File: 1480300708227.png (198.23 KB, 640x1136, IMG_3170.PNG)

>>205000>>205392Oops. Forgot to attach image.
No. 205400
>>205395she's so fucking transparent, everyone with a brain knows this
is just an ED move, shes not trying to cut processed shit out for her "health." and jesus christ GMOs are 99% not bad
No. 205414
>>205395If she's given up GMO's say goodbye to anything with soy in it, seedless watermelon, banana, corn and every animal and animal by-product.
People who only buy organic and are scared of GMO's are idiots. Organic is basically just a label companies pay for and really has absolutely no benefit at all.
Ashley as usual is being "healthy" by cutting out almost every thing she can eat until she b/p's on all the forbidden foods and has to restart the whole process again. If it doesn't kill her.
I honestly think she's just trying to speed up the process of her death by limiting her nutrition even more.
No. 205419
>>205000Ugh. Just die already, Ash.
No. 206125
>>204335I want her to die soon. Such a shitty thing to say and I'm not one to wish bad for people, but tbh at this point everyone wins when she dies. She would stop spreading this pro-ana crap, her mother would have one less worry, and she would be freed from her existence which looks miserable.
Of course it would be amazing if she made magic recovery, realized the fault in her behaviour and became an inspiring story, but I don't see that happening, ever.
No. 206422
File: 1480472750590.jpg (2.88 MB, 3240x4320, 1478540328946.jpg) saged for unrelated, but could you imagine Ash appearing on this show? If Eugenia could do it, so could Ash.
No. 206526
>>206404She's not a victim omfg lol.
She got naked online and then threw a twelve year fit over getting in trouble for making CP. bullying isn't a real problem, especially when it's online. She asked men to look at her tits for attention and presents. She's not a victim of them, she wanted them to look at her and see her as a sexual thing. Ash has never been a victim in her mucky, selfish life. Looking pitiful and pathetic doesn't mean she genuinely deserves a goddamn thing.
No. 206637
Eugenia is a (albeit boring/annoying) Youtube/Younow-Entertainer, and while she obviously has a large following of ~anas~, she is also known in other circles.
All Ash does is "blog" about her "life" aka repost anime with the occasional target selfie, so nothing noteworthy.
Secondly, Eugenia is only in the spotlight because tons of people hopped onto the bandwagon of making ~concerned~ videos about her for clicks, similar to that #SaveMarinaJoyce thing.
No. 206657
File: 1480518647909.png (32.59 KB, 483x569, capture-20161130-170723.png)

Yeah Ashley, because everyone needs to be a doctor to see and realize how malnourished you and your brain are…
No. 206668
>>206657I have so much secondhand embarrassment for how convinced she is that she sounds all witty and idgaf.
It always reminds me of very young teenagers who first discover the Internet.
And again she's using "fatty foods" as an insult while showing her alleged superiority.
And no, Ash, you are literally surviving on an energy deficit, you do not have energy.
No. 206669
>>206663Maybe. But I'd consider that going outside for fresh air like a normal human being, not going out, out.
I assume she mostly b/p's and sleeps.
No. 206969
File: 1480564356792.png (13.21 KB, 289x121, ashtrash.png)

Can't wait to see what kind of oh-so-witty answers she's going to give these persons.
No. 206984
File: 1480566495890.jpg (217.69 KB, 630x645, Reddit.jpg)

>>206977I'm sorry, anon! It's hard not to be squicked and discuss the bone lord at the same time. Hopefully this image can help cheer you up.
Gross as it is though, I am curious.
No. 207131
File: 1480615873547.jpg (38.49 KB, 385x385, youthful.JPG)

This woman was 117 on Tuesday. 117 and she looks healthier than Ash. I bet she actually ate some of that cake to.
No. 207143
>>205395I'm guessing she does not like hot foods because of poor circulation? It would likely burn the shit out of her.
You guys know how like old people don't distribute/regulate body temperature well? She is so unhealthy I'm sure she must suffer similarly. It's like that old lady back in 2000-whatever who sued McDonalds for having coffee over an acceptable temperature. That combined with her being old as heck gave her serious burns around her legs and groin.
I was taught in first aid to not put hypothermic or very old people directly by fire because it would just burn one spot rather than distributing heat.
It's boggling that she is in such poor health she needs to take the same considerations as super old people in her day to day life.
No. 207146
File: 1480618667156.png (82.27 KB, 640x791, IMG_6743.PNG)

"What's your point?"
No. 207185
>>207146Because only bad people ever get cancer huh Ash? What a little bitch.
Also I'm pretty sure she might as well categorize herself as an 'addict' since she's addicted to purging, and because of her habit is unable to take care of herself and so has to sponge like an adult dependent from her mom and government. She'd be homeless without either. And she abuses herself.
She really does think so highly of her lifestyle when really she's no better in a literal sense.
No. 207211
>>206959She was sending nudes to 4chan neckbeards when she was 15 or 16, so it's definitely plausible she was sexually active around that time.
>>207149>25 years old>100% NEET>thanklessly leaching off of her mother>thinks she's superior to homeless peoplekek
No. 207485
>>207481Can you not read?
There's like 25 fucking threads about this ugly nobody skelly, and yet some cockhead has to come in and ask these exact same questions every single time as if everything that can be pieced together about ger isn't already there, a couple of clicks away. Spend thirty goddamn seconds assimilating to a thread before asking the most basic, obvious damn questions for the trillionth time.
Just so you know, she's also had a bunch of faggots try to save her pweshuss widdle life so please don't ask "why hasn't someone gotten her help" next. If ash had a calorie for every time someone asked this shit she'd be as fat as a HAES pig.
No. 207496
>>207485Maybe we can crowdfund for her tombstone. If we're paying we can choose this inscription. How about
No. 207833
>>207815crawling in my skin
these wounds they will not heal
No. 208018
File: 1480795941159.png (2.55 MB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_20161202-190607.png)

This is from her IG stories. The mystery bandaid didn't get thrown away! It just moved.
No. 208033
>>207988I plugged Ash's stats in a calculator.
Basal Metabolic Rate
868 calories per day
1,041 calories per day
Light Exercise
1,193 calories per day
Moderate Exercise
1,345 calories per day
Heavy Exercise
1,497 calories per day
1,649 calories per day
No. 208333
File: 1480862314130.jpg (58.53 KB, 500x500, pTRU1-23932397dt.jpg)

>>208027I don't think there's chocolate in that calendar.
No. 208364
>>208332You're both right and wrong, which is confusing. Yes, we do start to digest in the mouth, but we do not absorb calories through the mouth. There's a difference between digestion and absorption.
As long as you do not swallow, the food cannot travel to your small intestine to be absorbed. Which… you kind of said when you pointed out "unless you absolutely do no swallow your saliva while eating."
No. 208839
File: 1480926155961.jpg (19.14 KB, 519x238, actual honesty.jpg)

This is the most honest answer we've ever gotten from Ashley about anything. She has no idea why she continues this bullshit, and she probably hasn't for a long time.
Which is rather sad, but at the same time, she was given chances to end the slow suicide and refused them. She made her bed/chairgrave.
No. 209753
>>209743It's a similar thing to people who drink and smoke a lot and die in their 90s (my grandma for one!). Then there're people who have health issues from an early age. One thing after another. Definitely genetics and luck. With a constitution like Ashley's she could've been a good athlete or even just have enjoyed good health most of her life if she'd dealt with her mental health.
If she was "battling" she would've tried recovering years ago.
No. 209774
>>209753Hasnt she been IP a bunch of times, though?
Recovery really isn't for everyone and AN has a high relapse rate. So I dont blame Ash for not wanting to get better. HOWEVER, that doesnt give her a free pass to be a racist, manipulative, sabotaging git. Purposely
triggering others in recovery, often 12-13 year olds isn't right.
No. 209835
File: 1481083584657.png (13.79 KB, 468x238, capture-20161207-060345.png)

>>209815At least she says she's been in more than one treatment center. Could be lying or exaggerating though, as usually.
No. 209875
>>209866Oh my god, I can't believe how much
better she looks here. And she already looked like a corpse at 23.
No. 209894
>>209889There's been quite a lot of times where she's shown self-awareness, but you'll have to dig through the old threads to find instances of them.
But her general shitty attitude just comes from the plethora of mental illnesses she has, being constantly asked the same questions over and over again on her blogs by anons, refusing to socialize with other people unless they (superficially and materialistically) benefit her in some way, and because her starving brain is expending more energy than she can afford to lose.
I started following her bullshit since the first thread then gave up since the last one until I saw this was bumped recently. There's just barely any milk these days as she's become a lot more reserved/careful in airing out personal details after burning bridges with whatever remaining friends she had left.
No. 210051
>>209962Nah she loves the attention, even the negative. It's part of the ana mindset - my mother worked on one of the only dedicated wards for anorexia in the UK as a therapist and my best mate works as a consultant pyschiatrist for CAMHS eating disorders so I have listened to many tales of anorexics from a therapeutic perspective. The disease does create a them/us mindset, everyone else is "gorging" themselves (eating normally) while they remain pure. We are all bitter than we are not as disciplined as them. When people are mean or abusive to them, this proves all of those positions and cements the idea that they are above it all. Ashley obviously relishes the chance to be haughty/rude with people as she does it indiscriminately to most questions unless it's sycophantic nonsense or offering her gifts.
>>209987I think you are buying into her mindset. She's not cleverly worked her way through every disorder to work out how to stay alive, she's just lucked out on genes and must have a disease resistant heart. Lots of people end up at very low weights but aren't so lucky or don't pimp out their bones on tumblr.
The thing I'm wondering is why she's so fucked up. The really poorly girls are usually the ones who have suffered systematic sexual abuse through their childhoods, Ashley obviously has displayed some quite overt and dangerous sexual behaviours in the past (cam-whoring on 4chan isn't something most 14 year olds get up to) so that also points in that direction. I think for all her attention-seeking she's actually being very guarded about what is truly making her ill.
No. 210058
>>209889>Are the extreme pro-ana websites fueling this?When Ashley made that blog 10 years ago, the pro ana sites were a lot more brutal. The Hints & Tips used to make me gag reading them. Really dangerous as fuck information about flushing and all that.
I think if someone tries to blog or make a site like those now they get taken down pretty quickly. As for what exists now, like mpa, I still hate them. Although they claim to be not proana and offer "safe" information about how to purge etc, it's still a site dedicated to fawning over the cult of being skele.
I get the impression Ash really does think she's chosen to be this way and it makes her powerful to be given that choice. I don't even think she realises she's not in control and thinks she has ultimate control over her body when it's the illness that's consumed her.
Idk, it's sad that a human gets reduced to nothing much more than something to watch dying slowly. It's sad that she opted to want pity fro people and not admiration for doing something creative with her life because underneath all the shit in her head she had potential.
>>210051Your post came up as I was typing. Yeah, anorexics do feel superior to "normal" eaters because they think the self control is a superpower that makes them better. They even look down on bulimics because they can't control their bingeing while they don't see they can't control their starvation.
No idea either what happened to her. The Ash tier woman I know was abused regularly by her dad. When she told the police he was sent to prison and her family disowned her. Caraline from "Caraline's Story" was abused by her dad and her mother was an absolute cunt to her and her brother (who was sodomised by their dad). Got to be something Ash experienced to make her so fucked up.
No. 210122
>>210121This reply makes no sense.
Really think you're reading too far into my comments there my dude.
No. 210151
Looking at this bitch is so nasty… I don't understand how she lives with herself… like… her fucking face… it looks like a corpse. Her arms and legs and everything, it just looks like someone took a skeleton and wrapped it in skin…
If I was her I would probably kill myself just for the sheer fact I would be too fucking creeped out living in her body. You have to touch your own body all of the time… your limbs touching… ugh thats disgusting. Just thinking about how I would feel if I woke up with my bones rattling against each other makes me want to vomit.
I can't even stand looking at normal anorexic people without just being like ??? but this bitch literally is terrifying. Is it legal for her to go outside??? She scares the fuck out of little kids.
No. 210261
>>210177>All of the anorexics I've known have been over-achievers, one was at Cambridge UniversityAgree. But the ones that get buried deep in the trenches eventually can't do that shit anymore cause it takes over their entire life.
But how dare you not recognize Ash's talent of being the bestest little prostitot 4chan has ever seen.
No. 210359
File: 1481185261912.png (1.54 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20161208-015729.png)

:^( why is her hand all red
No. 210368
>>210359Could be purging like
>>210363 said, or it could be due to cold or dry air.
> :^(Seriously?
No. 210370
>>210361Are you okay, anon?
I'm sure they mean her bones don't rattle against each other because unlike people with actual meat on their body, Ash's limbs probably don't touch very often.
~*~* Thigh gap goals *~*~
No. 210373
File: 1481189909238.png (25.73 KB, 513x433, godly.png)

relevant. Also she misspelled both "eating disorders" and "anorexia"
No. 210408
>>210373Kek. surejan.jpg
That's why she still uses fat and eating as insults.
No. 210430
>>209866Remember how we were all talking about how awful she looked and that she was for sure on the brink of death?
She looks comparatively amazing here.
No. 210440
File: 1481206015054.png (16.06 KB, 480x315, pls.png)

Her last aspiration? Does that mean she's going to die after that? I doubt she ever even gets there though, but we'll see…
No. 210494
>>210445It's called a comparison. Get help for your autism. It's not too late.
>>209981I think she has a naturally sturdy consistency. It's a shame because had she lived even as a skinny but healthy girl she would live probably a long happy disease free life. She seems sturdy. Now she fucked her heart up for good. Even if she recovers you can't undo eating away your heart muscle.
No. 210539
>>206657>>204997This bitch is every bit as judgmental as we claim she is.
No. 210586
>>210316>Why do people speak so ill of her?Because she's a creepy bitter skeleton.
>she's clearly sick. She's making herself sick.
No. 210877
File: 1481264580841.png (1.09 MB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_20161208-222216.png)

No. 210881
File: 1481264912448.jpg (118.16 KB, 500x362, 361kvd.jpg)

>>210877is she actually retarded
No. 210896
>>210842keep reaching
>>210877So how many calories in a single breath of air please Ash?
No. 211057
>>210586As much as I don't like her, she's not making herself sick. She's probably even less capable of making herself better than someone with just anorexia, which is one of the mental illnesses with the lowest recovery rates and highest mortality rates. She has BPD too, so the controlling behaviour and disordered eating are part of her personality.
She is a creepy bitter skeleton, but it's not necessarily her fault. It doesn't mean we have to like her though - people with BDP are unfortunately notoriously manipulative and it's near impossible to treat as it's not a mental illness, it's basically just who they are after trauma in childhood.
No. 211364
Nobody in the fucking world would choose to do this to themselves based on mere willpower and stubbornness. That is a completely retarded assumption and if you really think the ONLY REASON Ash is like this is to get 'revenge' on her mother then you are legitimately retarded. Blame her various EDs as a mental disease, blame her BPD, blame the traumas in her past, just pick one. Ultimately it doesn't matter which of Ash's mental issues her starvation stems from, because the end result is she is really fucking sick. Her stubbornness, inconsistent thought patterns, controlling holier than thou attitude, and horrible attitude are symptoms of her disorder. Not the cause.
I hate the bitch too but let's call a duck a duck.
No. 212379
>>212366Partly this and partly because dying people literally smell like death. You know how super morbidly obese people smell like their sweat and dying skin, really old people smell like halitosis and musty?
starving people apparently smell like ketosis and infection.
No. 212574
File: 1481553163752.png (25.1 KB, 483x461, capture-20161212-163001.png)

Somehow this is very hard to believe… Or maybe she doesn't go anywhere but didn't she just claim going more out now than before??
No. 212630
File: 1481562966652.png (80.38 KB, 524x1382, drphil.png)

>>212574She's just over-exercising herself. Just as she said in the new post, she never wants to get better, she just wants to be dying and ill until she finally actually dies. What she's doing now is just forcing herself to "live with" her terminal illness, attempting to act normal and pushing herself with energy drinks and coffee while she falls into literal pieces. Apparently she's told doctors who were concerned about her health to fuck off too, judging by her post.
I'm not surprised at all, to be honest. She's always been against recovery and chooses to live in the hell she is. Anyone following her for a few years know that she goes into these phases where things look like they're getting better but in reality she's just finding a new loophole to excuse herself into not recovering. That gains no sympathy from me. I'm just rubbernecking until she finally hits the bucket tbh. (aren't we all tho?)
No. 212757
File: 1481579518796.jpg (100.92 KB, 800x533, kevin-carter-vulture.jpg)

>>212315This little girl in the Kevin Carter photo was okay to walk to a nearby feeding centre, but the vulture still must've sensed she was near death.
Ash doesn't mind people knowing she's a massive proana cunt now that they twigged she was scamming for gifts. She doesn't get freebies now so she doesn't give a fuck who she offends.
As for walking - hahahaha. Yeah, right.
No. 216772
She aparantly has a new instagram or a facebook, but i don't think it's been posted. I hope she recovered. That was a crazy ride though.
No. 218087
>>217831it's more likely that it's Erika herself. She just updated her fb profile picture days ago after not having posted anything publicly there in 4 months, and then ~coincidentally~ she gets mentioned here twice?
Remember when an "ex" started spilling the beans on her here with super shady details someone who supposedly hadn't been in contact with Erika for like 10 years couldn't possibly know?
Yeah, also Erika.
No. 1028208
File: 1598296545443.png (747.85 KB, 1079x1324, Screenshot_2020-08-24-12-15-09…)

Anybody know if she's ok? Somebody commented RIP under her photo