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No. 81899
Ashley thread #7
We're reaching bump limit.
Tumblr: public & anon-enabled
Twitter: public
Current Events:
Ash won't stop reading about herself.
Sends herself defensive asks.
Erika received a spooky phone call.
We all need therapy!
previous thread #6:
>>76718thread #5:
>>66250thread #4:
>>40939thread #3:
>>34685thread #2:
>>32362thread #1:
>>21279 No. 81906
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wHYYyY???? Because #struggling
No. 81935
>>81933I've been watching her for three years. Never expected her to live the past 2.5
I suppose that makes her feel like she has some sort of superpower.
No. 81989
>>81987You want to prolong her suffering for another 70+ years. Now
that's mean
No. 82037
>>81933Stephen Hawking has survived 60+ years after being diagnosed with ALS… If there's a will to survive, the body will find a way.
So yeah, she's probably just waiting for presents.
No. 82043
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>>82040She's had the best header pics even if not the most threads (although I'm 100% sure nobody's had 7).
We love you, Ashley <3
No. 82065
>>82064Check the sticky at the top.
"Boards have unlimited pages and threads allow unlimited posts. However, all threads will "bump-lock" after 1200 posts. This means further posts will no longer bump a thread."
No. 82066
>>82037Yeah well, Stephen Hawking has a very rare, slow progressing type. Most people with ALS die quickly.
Heads up, if anyone wants to want a heartwarming docu-series on ALS, I suggest Often Awesome The Series.
No. 82067
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Well, add $175 + shipping to the list of 'useless shit hapless plebs have bought for the bonebitch.'
No. 82081
>>82067To go with the rest of her shitty "cosplay."
But no, this makes me irrationally angry.
No. 82085
>>81933I thought she was going to die before
last Christmas. She says her doctors have been telling her she's about to die for years. She probably will last until her thirties like Valeria.
No. 82108
>>82097Shit, you're right. Otherwise she would have posted a picture of the box/envelope it came in, with or without the costume beside it.
Ashley, you sly bastard you.
No. 82110
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>>82067that costume is worth like $70 max jfc
what idiot would buy this for themselves, much less for skeletor
No. 82128
>>82126S, dress size, bust measurement, waist, and hip (butt) measurement (in inches)
She's probably half that size.
No. 82133
>>82132She could probably fit her whole body inside a sleeve.
Notice how she put the price on her post? Definitely wants us to think someone spent a fortune on her. Kek.
No. 82138
>>82133Dude she had that damn ugly fucking jacket on her Amazon wishlist and it's never been more than $35. Bitch either bought it herself, one of her dipshit followers did, or she's like LOOK PEOPLE GIVE ME LOTS OF MONEY TOO!
And "someone spent their hard earned money." You cuntsmear, a few hundred people have over the years, but it still hasn't made you remotely grateful or remorseful for using them.
No. 82146
>>82139She had that shitty necklace she bought herself and said she was saving for the rest of the costume.
>>82144Even a slack jawed skeletor in baggy lycra can't compare to Ashley walking around in this ugly potato sack.
No. 82152
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>>82146Might be better, idk.
No. 82155
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At least Ashley's mouth closes all the way.
No. 82156
>>82116>cachexiaJust looked this up and it got me thinking…
What if Ashley's ED originally began due to her mental disorder and daddy issues, but developed cachexia at some point which is why she is withering away now. It could be that she was told by a doctor that it was irreversible and she has decided that she wants to spend the remainder of her life just trying to enjoy what she can.
If this were true, I would actually feel sorry for her. She might not have even known that cachexia was something that could occur and now she is faced with the reality that she is going to die young no matter what she does. This would also explain why she isn't forced into hospitalization…
No. 82174
>>82156>>82156It's usually seen in patients with tumors, vintage AIDS, MS, ect. Ashley has, as far as we know, none that there damn shit going on. It would be a pretty cool twist if she was an end-stage AIDS patient and covers it up under 'anorexia' due to shame.
idk, im baked sry
No. 82182
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>>82067>Paying 180 dollars for a shitty chinese sweatshop made cosplay so fucking Skeletor can wear itAre these people fucking high?
No. 82220
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>>82216She'll need to save up a lot of good girl points before being allowed to take a picture with her tendies. :3
No. 82258
>>82248This makes alot of sense, really. Also, maybe she doesn't want to let on her online following to her mother due to the past APS/mom abuse drama.
It's possible that she saw the package before her mum could and is hiding it. Though, I honestly don't see how she wouldn't be 'allowed' to post a picture online, as though her mother is standing behind her telling her when she can or cannot post a photo. Just speculation, though.
No. 82282
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It still really pisses me off that she tried to bullshit her way about getting that iphone 6. Like, bitch, even if you traded it in and had an upgrade on your account, it'll still cost at least another 50 dollars out of pocket. Which, with her saying that her and her mother can't afford food and whatnot, really shows you where the fuck her priorities are. She'd rather show off her goodies and cheap plastic toys, then be able to actually pay for necessities and live comfortably until the end of her (very near) days. Yeah, you're so fucking poor Ash.
I even sent her an anon message, calling her out on her bullshit about the phone, and I'm pretty sure she just deleted it, because she'd rather show us all the somewhat positive messages she receives now (sent herself, because we can all see through your shit, ash), since we called her out before, about posting nothing but negative asks.
God, I hate how full of bullshit she's always filled with.
Forgive me about this long post. I just needed to let these damn frustrations out.
No. 82330
>>82248Remember when she said her mom controls her mail? I can see why. People buying her massive amounts of food enables her. I don't think her mom is "evil" as she says. Maybe, it's a possibility, but if I had a child as bad off as ash who had an online following sending her stuff to enable her condition, I'd control the fuck out of the mail too.
Think of it like this. You've got a drug addict child who lives in your home. You don't give that child any money, but they are ~*E-FaMouS*~ and their followers send cash/checks via mail. Wouldn't you control the mailbox too? I sure as fuck would.
No. 82335
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>>82110can someone send her a skeletor costume
kids size so she feels loved
No. 82353
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I stand corrected, it looks like a different cloak.
No. 82354
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Guys, she turned off anon, so she can't possibly be sending them to herself. Mm hm. OK Sure.
Also can't find the blue wig. WTF kind of mess must her place be? I have a half dozen wigs for costumes - kinda hard to lose since they're on wig stands in the closet. You know, to not ruin them.
No. 82394
>>82393I know I would have given up. It must exhausting to watch year after year your child slowly dying and knowing you could do something about it if only she wanted to be helped.
What a crappy life that must be.
No. 82401
>>82393I don't blame her mother at all. I mean, maybe she is a monster, but I find it all to easy to imagine exactly what you say: The mother has been dealing with Ashley's bullshit all along, ground zero. If we find it difficult to listen to her crap, imagine how hard it is to live with.
And there's nothing she can do about it at this point except wait it out - for better or worse.
No. 82410
>>82360>>82393Yeah, I feel really bad for her. I'd like to hear her thoughts on all this.
No. 82426
>>82421She's too busy f5-ing the tracking page on her recent amazon purchase.
>>82401I think her mother does really well tbh. She's a single parent with a low paid job. She has to run a car, buy all the food, pay bills, pay for whatever Ash wants and pay rent. I doubt she could afford anywhere bigger and it's a place to live. Ash said she hasn't paid off her wheelchair yet, which means her that's another thing her mum has to pay out for.
No. 82429
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Who's the passive aggressiveness aimed at here?
No. 82444
>>82426I agree - Ashley makes it out as "poor me" because they live in a one-bedroom apartment, but like, that's all her mom can probably afford. Someone's going to be sleeping on the couch.
If Ashley doesn't like it, she could quit being useless and get a job to contribute toward rent so they could afford a second room.
Even without going out to work, Ashley could have a YouTube channel. Everyone does. Instead of begging for bullshit on Amazon, if she were sincerely trying to improve, she could have a PayPal donation jar.
Of course, even Internet work is actually work. You have to like, try, and shit.
No. 82477
>>82476I don't expect anything from her really, just a general level of decency and not malicious phone calls or constant whining. When she posted about having made a case for her phone I thought it'd be interesting to see. A hobby, some kind of craft, would be good for her to get into, but then all she bothered to do was put some stickers on her case that already existed.
I'd like if she had an ED awareness blog like some of the others who're dealing with them, but she's too busy commenting on food on ig.
No. 82494
>>82477Same here re that phone case. I was so disappointed. People make gorgeous custom phone cases via Nuvango and other sites - that was what I was expecting. Not $2.00 worth of stickers.
Plus, she said something about getting them from the art store? What?! Since when to unicorn stickers qualify as 'art supplies'?
No. 82496
>>82495She could do tons of the jewelry tutorials at Honestly WTF DIY. If they were cute enough, she could peddle them to her followers.
But d'oh, that's work.
No. 82508
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>>82503I betchya dollar stores are a lot cheaper.
Pissed off with the timing out thing going on.
No. 82526
>>82483The only way she would is if she made it a recovery channel.
Otherwise you'd have her being famous for all the wrong reasons.
No. 82535
>>82494Over here my main art supplies store shares space with school supplies. It could also be that she went to a craft store [the ones I've been to are pretty momsy and have lots of shit for children too] and that's how she got them.
Putting stickers on a case isn't really the epitome of arts & crafts but eh, I don't really mind her calling them that. Pretty awful job though.
No. 82541
>>82525I didn't think that was the case either. She isn't John Merrick. Of course she can lie down.
>>82526Idk though. Eugenia Cooney obviously has an ED (even if she doesn't admit it) and she has a following for talking shit…although I know she's thinsp for a lot.
No. 82622
Actually, I thought of something. Selling like, things people will need in treatment in little bundles/care packages (since a lot of your followers also have EDs). Like, a small journal, bracelets, funny DVDs, something with an inspirational quote. You could get some of that stuff at like, a dollar store, maybe decorate it, wrap it up nicely, and sell that? Idk. I'm trying to give you real suggestions since you had the guts to come here and ask.
No. 82638
>>82592Well you totally can have such a hobby. Look, I don't know about the stickers thing - seems lame to me. (then again, I have a friend who sells her scrapbooking crap and I can't even figure out that because it all looks like junk to me)
But the bracelets can be cute. If one thing doesn't work, try another. That's how it goes.
Sometimes you have to build up a variety of things before people find it appealing. Like in Target - there isn't just one color of bath towels, there's a
wall full of colors.
No. 82746
>>82633Exactly! Distractions and little self soothing activities are great when they're used in addition to other healthy coping skills. But Ashley just avoids dealing with the actual issues and instead uses kawaii whatever as an escape so she doesn't have to deal with reality.
That is not productive and frankly unless you were in the hospital I would NOT buy anything knowing it was funding your binge food addiction.
No. 82776
>>82769I'd still buy it even if it was for binge food, because she'd be earning that money and therefore allowed to spend it however she wants. It's the begging for binge food that bothers me, not the fact that she has an addiction. I see things a little differently because I've been around a lot of people with addictions, and once they actually start earning their own money they often start to change.
Ashley, I'll support you in your endeavor too.
No. 82807
>>82645Yeah but the first thing to do is acknowledge that you do have a problem.
A person with depression goes out and does these thingd because they are aware they have a problem or obstacle they must overcome in order to be functional members of society and in order to improve their current life situation. One of the symptoms of depression is lack of motivation which is often mistaken for laziness, and it takes a lot of balls to get out of bed and go outside to do something as trivial as buying groceries.
Doing these things in order to improve your life isn't escaping from the issue, but rather facing it and overcoming it through leaving your comfort zone and regaining the motivation you lost.
It's not going to be a positive change for Ashley if she uses that money to go and buy binge food. She needs to acknowledge the issue at hand instead of trying to escape it because otherwise she won't recover.
No. 82817
>>82796I know, me too.
>>82812I'm hoping you're right; Denver ACUTE is really good so she is in the best possible hands.
No. 82845
>>82830I got a bit teary eyed too, I really like following Erika and seeing her posts. I suddenly thought "what if she doesn't make it?" and I felt a bit scared. It sounds fucking stupid because I don't even know her offline. I feel scared for her kids, too.
Yustas seems a bit clueless though, like either he is actually kinda dim or he's just playing stupid after contributing to Erika's illness. Everything Erika has said about Yustas just makes it seem like he's not the best person to be around.
No. 82862
I don't know why people here would even consider helping Ash in some way considering all the really crappy, horrible things Ash has done and said over the years.
No. 82890
>>82871There's a big difference between
talking about doing something and
actually doing it. She'll also have to learn some basic skills and do you really think she could be fucked to do that? She'd have to churn out a lot of crap to profit from this.
It's probably something she's going to talk about with her imaginary therapist. The idea of a job. This is her idea of a job. From it she'll gain "independent living". It's all a dream.
No. 82908
>>82890Because saying outright "fuck her, I won't support anything she does" immediately gives her an excuse not to even try.
If she were to actually do something to try and earn money
then I could decide whether or not to support it. But I'm not going to be the one to say, "you're fucked no matter what you do, so don't even try."
No. 82909
>>82907I read through that blog and I'm confused by her description of her "binges":
"alright, last night i promised myself i wouldn't
binge.. but today at 9:30 i went out of contol..
hmm.. i'm going to see how many calories i've had::
milk w/water= 100 cal.
juice= 100 cal.
accidentially swallowing= 100 cal.
total= 300 cal.
okay, i can't eat the rest of the night, and i'll keep you
posted as to how my night goes."
Um, since when is 300 calories considered a binge?
No. 82967
>>82858This. I don't believe she's actually changed unless she acknowledges all the shit she's done and apologizes to the people she screwed over to try to male amends. She still doesn't see that she's done anything wrong and shows no remorse or responsibility for her actions.
With her manipulative tendencies how could you trust her to handle your money? Would you give Ashley your shipping address knowing what happened when she had Erika's phone number? She still hasn't admitted to much less apologized for all the disgusting things she's done so she's still exactly the same.
No. 83014
>>82974Anon, I think you're being incredibly optimistic. If Ash really does have BPD, it is an incredibly difficult thing to treat. There aren't even any approved medications for it.
Also if Ash did get help for her BPD she would have to get treated for her ED too. Seeing as she is unwilling to do so, there's no way for her to change.
No. 83044
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>>83012Hocking her unwanted things and plastic junk for binge food money isn't much better than begging. It's still a junkie doing desperate shit to make cash. And look how well she handled her last business attempt.
No. 83045
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No. 83046
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No. 83055
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She's looking way worse.
No. 83065
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It's still taking advantage of minors. Not a positive step.
No. 83069
>>83046I just noticed that person said they sent a
money order and Ashley just blamed it on them saying "sorry, guess you shouldn't have sent cash in the mail." Huh?
No. 83087
>>82974A start would be acknowledging she's been massively fucking up herself and others and then taking steps into recovering.
There's absolutely no point to her coming up with this business idea if it's only going to exacerbate her issues. On top of everything, she has terrible business skills judging by her last attempt at selling shit.
No. 83112
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No. 83113
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No. 83131
>>83122Before she made it private it was mostly stuff like cartoon t-shirts, beanie babies, small accessories that you can get at Hot Topic, just cheap stuff.
Most of it was new, which makes me wonder why she has so much extra stuff she never used when she complains about being broke. I'm guessing it's hoarding or rejected gifts from other people. Or clothes she bought for herself that are too big and she can't get a ride to the store to return.
If she's going to do something sketchy like have her store on Instagram she can at least use PayPal this time instead of losing people's money in the mail and leaving them shit out of luck.
No. 83132
>>83113Ugh, no. Why an Instagram shop? If she's selling new or used stuff that she has laying around, then why not eBay it?
If she's making stuff to sell, why not Etsy?
Yeah, nevermind. I take back anything I said about this being a good idea. The only reason to run an Instagram shop is because there's no accountability/no responsibility.
Ashley, if you read this, you're just setting yourself up for failure and to feel worse about yourself. Responsible people sell on the sites I mentioned above. If you fail to give good customer service, there won't be repercussions from Instagram, but you'll burn any goodwill you have with your followers. WHY?
Jesus. Internet work is still
work and takes meaningful effort to actually be something other than a delusion.
No. 83135
>>83132She doesn't learn. There were several people who asked her if they could use PayPal and Ashley just kept saying she'll only take money orders shipped to her home. There were a couple people offering advice about how to handle her store and explaining exactly how to use PayPal and she just ignored them.
Even after one of her customers lost money and couldn't do anything any it Ashley still hasn't learned. Then again maybe she knows exactly what she's doing and she wants to be free of accountability so when she fucks up there's nothing her customers can do other than report to Instagram.
No. 83151
>>83147Money orders sent in the mail are
not safe. That's the reason that mistake happened in the first place, do you not see that? You choosing to make the same mistake again is no longer a mistake, it's a foolish choice.
Why can't you set up PayPal? You're not stupid. If you really wanted to you could find a way. Get someone responsible to help you do it if you can't on your own.
And go to the bank and have them advise you on how to handle your money. How are you in your mid twenties and you don't have a checking or savings account? Just go, they'll help you.
No. 83156
>>83147Everybody can set up a paypal.
Why can't you, Ash?
No. 83163
>>83155But Ash, you need to learn how to do adult things and it's going to mean uncomfortable boring shit that you don't understand yet but need to learn.
That's true no matter what you want to do. If you want to be around for a long time and actually become independent someday you have to get out of your comfort zone.
No. 83165
>>83163This is very true. "Life begins at the end of your comfort zone." It sucks, but exposure therapy really helps, and believe it or not, it
will start to get easier.
No. 83202
>>83196why are you on here if you don't approve of this?
neopets is that way
No. 83205
>>83183I do wish she'd own up to the things she's done, especially the malicious manipulative things. She's hurt and screwed many people with no apologies. Yes that sucks.
But if she's going to be handling other people's money it doesn't just affect her so might as well give her the information to act responsibly. What she does with it is up to her.
No. 83222
>>83208Hey, Ash. In one of the first threads I told you how to go about getting Medicaid and EBT, and I sent a similar message to your original Tumblr. You thanked m for that. I'm curious as to whether or not you've taken any steps to completing that.
I have EBT, and I'm a NEET living with my mother. She buys the groceries, so I give her my card for her to buy them. I'm sure that at least your mother would appreciate having some extra money to buy food with.
Go here: you're filling out the forms, you are filling them out ONLY FOR YOURSELF. You are not putting in any of your mother's information. Since you have no income, you are guaranteed to get maximum EBT benefits as well as Medicaid.
It's really simple, and I can help if you have any questions. I swear to god I did it in like 15 minutes and now I have medical treatment and money to buy food.
No. 83225
>>83215How to go to the bank:
- Get your ID.
- Bring something else with your name on it, like a piece of mail or a prescription pill bottle.
- Take a cab or get a ride.
- It might be easiest if your mom comes with you, but you don't necessarily need her.
- Wait in line. It might be a long wait, so you're going to want your wheelchair or a walker if you have one.
- When you get up to the teller, ask if you can open a bank account.
- They might ask you to wait a few minutes for a different person to get you set up.
- The person will ask for your ID, your name, your address, whether or not you have a job (doesn't matter, just be honest and say you're going to get one), etc.
- Voila! You'll have a bank account.
No. 83227
>>83208The thing to remember is, the people at the bank
want you to open an account. They may think whatever they think about you, but they want your business. Google it ahead of time, collect the things you need, choose a branch near you, and go.
The clerk that helps you, tell her right away that you're new at this. She'll go slow.
Don't expect them to go beyond their job, just to do their job. That's what they're there for, ya dumb Skeletor. (added for the benefit of certain readers)
No. 83245
>>83228If you are between jobs, I assume you are unemployed. File for Medicaid as an unemployed person, meaning you'll write in $0 income. If you have any bank accounts with $2000 or over, you will not be eligible. I personally wouldn't recommend filing that you have any more than $500, but you can't lie about it. Also, when it comes to writing out what medical expenses you have, go absolutely crazy with it. Write out every little thing you can think of, including the frequent doctor trips you need to make to assess your condition or anything. List not just diabetes, but any medical concerns you have, cumulatively. At the end you have a chance to write like 800 characters as to any additional information you need the people reviewing your case to know; talk about how you have diabetes and can't get treatment and could die, etc..
Now, once you become employed, chances are you will no longer be eligible for Medicaid. But you can cross that bridge when you get to it.
Fill it out ASAP, m8.
No. 83285
>>83039I'm not an armchair psychiatrist.
I'm an armchair psychologist.
No. 83345
>>83320I suspect there might be a lot of laundry too. At this point her kidney's mustn't be holding up and she's probably wetting the area she sleeps. There're lots of things you don't think about that you have to pay out for when someone's as far gone as Ashley. If she's having therapy, there's that to find money for. She
must be getting financial assistance from somewhere.
No. 83360
>>83215>>83222>>83225>>83227>>83228 Thank you, genuinely.
Obviously I'm not about to start a business tomorrow, and expect everything to fall accordingly and perffff~
It's a DOWN THE ROAD idea. Yeah, I make PLANS. Even when people tell me there's no point lolol. But hey! Look! I'm still here :D
To those that offered sound advice- I read it all. It'll fall apart, or maybe not. Duno. But my life can't be COW manure forever. Say what you want. Kissu ~~~
No. 83365
>>83360If you don't want your life to be cow manure, you should own up to all the bad things you've said and done. About your mom, about Erika, the racist stuff you've said, etc.
And also get ACTUAL therapy.
No. 83392
>>83055Ooooohhhh god. You can clearly see the shape of the skull and jaw bone in that pose. Like, her TEETH and everything show through the thin skin that covers the skull.
This is so disturbing.
No. 83437
>>83432Can't be agree with you anon. A part of me wants to feel sorry for her, but damn she's had so many chances. Lord knows how many people she's damaged, even just by being "thinspo" and
triggering people. I would love to hear her mum's side of it all.
No. 83472
>>83464Advising her to get a bank account so she can use PayPal isn't for her benefit. After all the comments explaining to Ashley that opening a business in her condition without being in treatment is not a good idea, she went ahead and said she's doing it anyway. She'll open shop either way, but with PayPal her customers will at least have more protection than if they send her money orders.
And you can call them stupid for sending her money but they're mostly young or they're vulnerable. So if she's going to do it anyway might as well make it more secure so people don't get totally screwed.
No. 83503
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No. 83508
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Yeah okay Ash.
No. 83517
>>83513Nah, she'll be okay. I think it's his guilt amplifying how he's feeling.
>>83510creeping's tumblr
No. 83530
>>83503Really though, she's so naive if she thinks that everyone following her tumblr/ig/facebook actually like her or think what she's doing is great.
She doesn't believe that ANYONE ELSE has major issues in their lives and we actually face them and try to deal with it. It's fucking difficult, but I didn't want to be a 24 year old whose mother still has to wipe their arse.
No. 83547
>>83499I've been following this shit loosely since December. I always liked Erika for some reason and I'm really upset to read this. I sent her something on Insta to encourage her the day before she left for treatment. I hope she'll make it out of this and get to see it.
Wouldn't it just so fucking typical if Erika dies and Ashley continues to linger for years? I don't wish death on either of them, but ugh not Erika. She want this, she has babies. Life isn't fair.
No. 83562
>>83558Thought as much, just making sure.
skellingtons are not ghosts, ashley.
No. 83575
>>83568>>83571As much as I talk about disliking Ash, I agree. Honestly, does anybody know how/why she hasn't been baker acted? Is she already considered a terminal case? I just don't understand… I've been committed to psych wards involuntarily easily twice. I can't comprehend why she can go out and get oral surgery and not be committed.
As far as I know dentists are mandated reporters, if someone is a danger to themselves or others, they must report it or they could lose their license to practice. The only conclusion I can come to is that she's been declared terminal or SOMETHING along those lines..
No. 83577
>>83552He said that he didn't know how sick she was and that she didn't really tell him… Some people are able to live in denial for a long time.
Although… of course he could be lying, who knows. I think he must be pretty ignorant (a helluva lot of people are) about things like PTSD, BPD, and eating disorders. But the strokes And other stuff, (i think the narcolepsy he talked about was her seizures, not sure if he confused it with epilepsy or if she has pseudoseizures, not that it's my busines) IDK.
No. 83583
>>83575It's an uncommon situation so people wouldn't immediately be able to determine if they can legally commit her even though they can tell she's obviously not all there mentally or physically. It would have to be done in court, which requires either one family member or three non relatives to petition for a Baker act.
For urgent cases it's law enforcement that gets called out to Baker act someone and they're not mental health experts. They can mess up and Baker act people who shouldn't be and vice versa. And that's for things like immediate suicide threat. They're not equipped to assess how anorexic you have to be before it's considered an emergency.
A psychologist could file a petition to have her involuntarily committed to long term care, but since her therapist is either imaginary or incompetent that won't happen.
No. 83584
>>83577I agree, he seems confused over the medical terminology and most people never encounter psychiatric illness at this level anyway. He's a good guy for doing this but the cautious side of me wants documented proof that she's in care atm but I'm needy. idk.
>>83580Right!? It's not hard to be sectioned at all. There is something we don't know here. There has to be a reason though. Posters here have filed reports, nothing has been done. Something is up.
>>83581Exactly, maybe being a terminal case would take some of the attention off her? So much of her attention comes from people wanting to see her 'recover' and coming out as a hopeless case would be far less appealing to Tumblr fags. I'm just doubtful because you think it would be brought up at least by accident or by a second party.
I do think there is a deeper reason as to why she says she's 'different' though. I don't think she's different because she's a snowflake, I think she's different because there are factors about her health complicating an already complicated case that we are not aware of.
No. 83593
>>83583I don't buy that this is just 'too complicated' to section her and no one has tried. Especially with this dentist thing. Serious self neglect calls immediate psychiatric evaluation.
>>83587Sorry, how long ago was this?
No. 83602
>>83601If she was sent to a short term facility at this weight they'd go to the courts and have her committed to a long-term facility though… Unless she was terminal.
>>83599Didn't they stop about a year ago?
No. 83623
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>>83621This is possible. I don't doubt that Ashley's mom is fucked up too. She's 49 and she got a Five Finger Death Punch tattoo.
No. 83626
>>83621>>83623Yeah, but multiple reports have been made by other people.
APS can decide that she fits the critera to be committed but it hasn't happend.
No. 83629
>>83625Bullshit. She goes out to stores all the time. We've reported her ourselves. All it takes to be committed is
>>83620It doesn't have to be family.
No. 83634
>>83628She's a walking skelington. Kind of hard to get lost in the fray when you're close to the lowest BMI ever recorded.
>>83630see above
No. 83790
Though I doubt her mother is nearly as bad as she is made out to be, it doesn't matter anymore because Ashley, legally, is an "adult".
She can cry about alleged abuse or neglect or whatever that makes you do us hand such, but no one at the bank or store or post office is going to give a fuck about that. As an adult she is expected to do certain things to not sit around and wait for someone to save her and take care of her, but to get up and take steps to fix herself.
I live with a horrifically abusive father my entire life, with the typical manipulating abuser type situation. I have 7 psychiatric conditions including binge-purge anorexia, I lost 170 lbs in just one year because of it, I was weak as fuck and emaciated. But I worked 45+ hours a week for two years and at age 20 I got the fuck up out of there, because no one is gonna take excuses no matter how bad they seem.
I'm still extremely sick but that's not stopping me from doing shit. I pay rent. I don't have a license but I'm working on that. I work at Starbucks, attend therapy several times a week (contemplating inpatient again), in the process for SSI, I receive food stamps, and I'm about to start college this summer. It doesn't matter how bad someone's baggage is, and yeah everyone suffers differently, but it is NEVER an excuse. That's the harsh reality of the world. Please wake up Ash.
No. 83822
>>83819No one says that. But she tends to exaggerate them.
She's not just sick, she's EXTREMELY, HORRIBLY sick. No one's sicker than her. And no one understands her or her problems. At least that's what she says.
No. 83824
>>83819her anorexia obviously stems from abandonment issues over her father leaving her and her mother when she was young. apparently that kind of shit can really fuck up girls and they end up crazy sluts, or, apparently, spoopy skeletons. she probably also has some BPD thrown in the mix, but a lot of this shit is based on her father.
typical scenario being
>father abandons familyash feels unwanted / worthless / has no control of her life
>mother has to take up the slack of having no husband, works more to support herself and child, stressed out, feeling shitty herself because her husband is a dead beat asshole thus can't give ash attention, possibly acts impatient with her or has a short temper due to miseryas feels neglected, bitter and hateful toward her mother, again feels like she has no control, again feels like people she cares about don't care about her so she becomes avoidant of all relationships, starts acting out for attention (camwhores on /b/) eventually becomes annorexic for the feeling of control and the attention
its like textbook shit man
No. 83844
>>83838The videos of her mum where she's overweight are SEVEN YEARS OLD. For many reasons she could've decided to shift the weight - health reasons, eg. She's hardly emaciated, so it isn't WOW that she lost some weight during that time.
Stress can decrease your appetite and god knows she's got enough of that.
If she was such a monster Ash wouldn't have her as a friend on fb or have photos taken with her where they're both smiling.
No. 83848
>>83781Well, Erika posts the same type of videos. I imagine her husband knows this. Perhaps the two of them don't think it's strange.
Regardless, Erika really isn't on topic.
No. 83849
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>>83848Who's fancyslacks who got him to ask her questions?
No. 83859
>>83847>>83858You know, I've wondered about before… We don't adequate proof that she's in a hospital RIGHT NOW.
Probably a silly suspicion, I generally love Erika.
No. 83869
>>83867i can pretend if you want.
GHOSTS don't believe in God lolz
No. 83874
>>83868Organ failure? Maybe her heart is damaged. I'm not sure, the theory makes sense but I have no idea. I think wee know less about this situation then we've thought
>>83869ty anon ;-;
>>83870If it was ever petitioned by the courts there will probably be a record of it. Usually those cases are pretty well publicized. Someone should look around, I'm too lazy to do it.
No. 83879
>>83815“Margo always loved mysteries. And in everything that came afterward, I could never stop thinking that maybe she loved mysteries so much that she became one.”
― John Green, Paper Towns
No. 83880
>>83845I thought that she might've mixed up some terms, and said she has DID when she has something else that falls under the dissociative disorder umberella. English isn't her native language, right?
I experienced depersonalization and dissociation as a part of my depression and my therapist would often refer to it as me having a "dissociative disorder", when the correct term would've been depersonalization disorder which is one of the disorders that fall under the umberella of dissociative disorders.
No. 83888
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A search turned up that she used to live in Vero Beach, FL. Which is in Indian River County. A civil court search turned up a child support case between a Rebecca Isaacs and a Michael Weist, first filed in 1997, when Ashley would've been 7. On Nov 24th, 2008 (shortly after her 18th birthday) there's a "PLEASE CEASE CHARGING AND ADJUST DOR TERMS". And then later a declaration of emancipation.
No. 83894
>>83880She was born in America. 2nd generation German. I get the depersonalisation and dissociation too, and there's no way you can mix this up with dissociative IDENTITY disorder. For someone who's obviously looked into her mental problems a lot, it's a strange mistake to make.
>>83893So he's refering to himself as Ice King?
No. 83898
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Michael A Weist was arrested for battery in '99. 6 months probation with a stipulation that he has no alcohol?
No. 83903
>>83894She also said she has a very high IQ and that's why she isn't diagnosed with a personality disorder, which doesn't make sense. She has signs of borderline regardless of how intelligent she is, and her mother has BPD too so there's family history. Plus the childhood trauma and self harm associated with BPD.
On her old Tumblr she said her IQ score went up but that could just be from being tested so many times throughout her life and just getting better at taking the test. Either way I've never heard of someone not being diagnosed with a personality disorder because of IQ. I have no idea about the DID though. I think she just needs validation so she fudges numbers and stats, but obviously she's still very sick.
And even though she seems clear-headed she's definitely not so she might get confused about things. I had no idea her physical state was as bad as these updates are saying. I don't think even she realized how much damage there was.
No. 83904
>>83898Could be a different person.
Could be, before making any conclusions from this.
No. 83905
>>82489as a social worker, i'm extremely interested.
i think she does have medicaid. You can apply online and all you really have to do is prove you have little to no income, and less than about 9k on the books. I'm sure mommy filled out the application for her.
obviously i don't believe her therapist exists. i would never see her outpatient, id call mobile crisis as soon as she got to my office. unless it really is palliative care? i don't think it is though.
No. 83910
>>83903Jesus, she has the back story and characteristics of a fucking sleeper cell.
Genuinely spooked.
No. 83918
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Is this her daddy?
No. 83921
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>>83918Oh fuck, wrong file. Jesus.
No. 83931
>>83888Why would Ashley be an emancipated
minor after she turned 18?
Oh shit. Does Ashley have a sibling who doesn't live with her and her mom anymore?
No. 83936
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>>83921Sooo not him.
Looks like he remarried though.
No. 83966
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Dad remarried in '98.
No. 83968
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But alas, it was not meant to be.
No. 83984
>>83967Yeah it's for legal shit. For example, you are still considered a dependent minor if you are 23 or younger when applying for financial aid for college. Or when applying to Medicaid and such, the age is 22.
And child support continues up until 24.
That's why I think that has more to do with discontinued child support payments, or her mom being fed up with taking care of her or something. If they were milking the government, the mom could actually be paid more for having a dependent, disabled child under her roof, but like I think it was mentioned Ash would HAVE to be in some sort of treatment or would've been committed if she were not emancipated.
There's a lot of different speculations. Without more info it's just blind guesswork. Anyone got anything??
No. 83992
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>>83985My dad stopped paying when I turned 18…
Who is Yustas? Is he this guy in the photo?
>tfw ericka is more interesting than Ash No. 83995
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>>83968Perhaps he was just dipping his toe in the pool of gay.
No. 84041
>>84027We've literally never had an Erika thread so how do you expect me to fucking "keep up" I just asked a goddamn question because I had no idea who the person in the picture was.
Go fuck yourself
No. 84055
>>84054IDK about other people but I have a list of passwords saved on my computer because I have a bad memory, plus auto-remember on my accounts.
Maybe Erika told Yustas to update for her?
No. 84056
>>84055Um…I admit that all my passwords are saved on my laptop and I don't have a clue what they are without, so yeah, I was being duh on that one.
Is this extra care she's getting going to cost more? I'm kinda expecting her target to go up on her fund page.
No. 84057
>>84054Yustas has her phone. Phones save log-in information.
Christ, people, think about what you're asking before condemning people.
No. 84062
>>84056From the site:
Does ACUTE accept insurance? What about Medicaid? Medicare?
ACUTE accepts privately-insured patients and medical stabilization is covered under the patient's medical insurance benefit. ACUTE does not accept Medicaid, Medicare or Tricare.
No. 84099
>>84082If he's got two divorces behind him and a problem with alcohol I think he's probably incapable of giving any help.
>>84095>step-father sexually harassing his wife,I've felt like I shouldn't really post this thought I have, but fuck it. This step father sounds creepy AS, and tbh, I'd really not want my young kid alone with him. I'm not saying he's a pedo, but with him being a sex pest I'd be really cautious about my young daughter being around him. Maybe Erika thinks this too and that's why she was so uneasy about the daughter being there at easter.
No. 84136
>>84062That's no shocker. I don't know of any ED treatment centers that accept Medicare or Medicaid (and I could be wrong, but I believe that in most states, Medicaid can only be used in the state where the recipient lives). Hell, barely any hospitals, clinics, doctors, therapists, or dentists accept Medicaid… at least that's the case in my state. It does pick up things like Medicare co-pays and some Medicare deductibles.
Medicare's not much better, but they usually pay for at least part of services at public hospitals and some private hospitals. If you have an ED, this generally means your local psych ward.
No. 84283
>>83985There are factors like schooling and disability that can extend the length of time…for Ashley's case it should have been disability
Also, if she is emancipated her mom cannot receive checks for her anymore
No. 84335
>>84174its very possible, because ash is in her own little world. and like i said, IF mom IS receiving $$ for her, and ash goes into a hospital for more than a month, she will stop receiving that $$.
i used to be a case manager for the mentally ill. 1 of my clients was severely schizophrenic, mid 40s and lived with mom, who was about 80. mom was aging, there was a 2nd adult child in the house who was also mentally ill tho not as severe as my client and she was getting $$ for both of them. She refused to let me put my client in a long term state facility on the grounds that those places were "evil" and she "wasn't going to send her daughter to such a horrible place". I explained state hospitals are not like they were in the 70s and it really was in her daughters best interest. But no go. and its not bc she really thought they were evil, its bc without the checks for both of her adult children, she wouldn't have been able to pay the mortgage and other bills. I could see ash's mom thinking "she can't be saved at this point. might as well let her enjoy her last months/year at home as best she can..and i can't afford to lose that SSI $$ either…" ←itd be a selfish/fucked up move, but its very possible. If Ash was my kid, and i was supporting us both as a waitress, you better believe Id have filed for everything from SNAP, to medicaid, SSI, etc. all of the gov't eligibilities she/we qualified for, id apply for them.
No. 84338
>>84261Ash would need to be admitted to a regular hospital first. Even if some multi millionaire wanted to fund her care, ED facilities have a minimum BMI that they'll accept. Even hospital based programs would have her stabilized on a medical floor first. And you're right, it would take a long time. Although the medical stabilization would be covered by medicaid. Once she got to a BMI that was at least double digits, one of the programs known for dealing with extreme cases could take her. but that would be a long way down the road. Refeeding for Ash would be a long and dangerous process.
**and yes there are ED programs that take medicaid/medicare. there aren't many but they exist, tho theyre mostly hospital based, some of them are actually better than the fancier private programs.
No. 84505
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>>84474I forgot to check her instagram, here's a (new? Sorry if it's already been posted) pic:
No. 84507
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>>84505Also confirmed for Ash lurks. Hard.
No. 84511
>>84474>>84503Nah, well, the threads have always fluctuated when it comes to how fast they're updated. Whenever the cows do something there's always an influx of posts.
Regarding ashleys shiftiness I think most of us have reached the conclusion that if she gave herself a chance at recovery and her brain wasn't as fucked due to malnutrition she wouldn't be so horrible to the people in her life. Personally I'm not charmed by her 4chan anno 2008 personality type, but I'd still like to see her recover. Or you know, spill the beans on her actual story.
No. 84800
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No. 84949
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>>84926If she was expecting to come here and read all about herself then she'd be very disappointed. Nobody gave a fuck while you were away, Ashley. sorry :(
No. 85319
>>85194I'm not buying the she was "bullied by black people" excuse either. I knew someone who was 100x the lolcow as Ashley and
also lived in Vero Beach and turned racist as fuck accusing the super small black percentage for everything wrong in his life. Something about Vero Beach breeds crazy delusional fucks.
No. 85339
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>>85194>because you can't make a generalization about a whole group of people. There are bad apples everywhere.Man, if more people thought this way.
No. 85354
>>84342this post was all kinds of a mess. if you meant that E was the victim of munchausens by proxy, you'd actually be right..but I'm not sure how thats relevant.
and idk about ash being ready for ACUTE. remember that case study posted about a severe anorexic at denver acute. the girl had to be transferred to a reg hospital to be stabilized and transferred back at one point. I'm just saying, $$$ aside, i think ash would need to be a little closer to stable before a transfer from orlando to denver could happen.
No. 85416
>>85319Bitch thinks
everyone is bullying her.
No. 85454
>>84949I took a break from the Internet today too. It was such a pleasant day in South Florida – a lovely, cool breeze; warm and perfectly cloudless. I went down to the beach and had a nice walk through the sand, sat in the sun on a towel and read a book, and ate a little salad with goat cheese and a cappuccino in a cafe by the water.
You see, I have days like this often, because even though I'm a poor mentally ill NEET, I'm still in good enough health to be able to go around and have a normal day in the sun. I can casually order some things to eat, even though I don't have a lot of money to spare. I can walk around, feeling the simple joy of exercise, and feel the breeze on my skin. I can enjoy reading in spite of having diminished mental clarity from my illness. I can view the people existing alongside me, all of them experiencing this pleasant day just as I had, and have empathy for their situations, and wonder how their lives compare to my own.
I can't imagine how pitiful of an existence Ashley has to lead to find time away from the Internet 'foreign and isolating,' that she would 'panic at what she missed.' How desperate she must be to read about herself, and how pathetic that she's so complacent, that she finds that a fulfilling existence instead of unbearable stasis.
But yet, I don't pity her from being denied these simple pleasure of life that I can so easily go out and experience for myself. She was once a perfectly healthy girl with no physical disabilities that would impair her. She has brought all of this upon herself, and I can laugh at her for that. I can point out countless people that had lives far worse than her own that didn't throw their lives out the window, destroying as many people as possible in their path.
You are literally rotting in your own personal hell, Ashley. I hope you're enjoying the flames while they last.
No. 85481
>>85476>Surely having a mental illness yourself you're kinda sick of hearing stuff like "people have it worse"?No, because I don't bitch and moan about how hard I have it.
Being mentally ill is not an excuse for one's behaviour. You are just as accountable for your actions, regardless of whether or not you did them in a proper state of mind. I'd say you'd have to be pretty fucked up to rape and murder someone, but we still jail them, don't we?
No. 85482
>>85454like, i agree with what youre saying but but put down the thesaurus you sound so up your arse.
as someone born physically disabled, i can still pitty her, shes clearly mentally ill, no sane person would do this. she is a dick though her personality makes it hard to feel sorry for her.
No. 85621
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Also, what the fuck kind of person just thinks "she is fine nothing amiss with this she can take care of kids alone all day" Yustas is literally a fucking retard/horrible husband. How can you see your wife like this and let it slide. Look at her bones. Look at the vascularised legs, look at her yellow paper thin skin. Yustas sounds 12 tbh. Utterly useless.
No. 85624
>>85481I wasn't trying to imply it's an excuse for your behavior at all. I have no clue where you got that from. It's just kinda dumb of you to go on about your own mental illness and then say all that shit about how it's her own fault.
>>85482Amen. This was exactly what I was trying to say but kinda rambled on for a paragraph.
>>85493I wasn't pitying her, jeez. It's also pretty hard with something like an eating disorder to WANT to recover. Like, if she wants to waste away, let her I guess, but just because she's a dick doesn't mean her mental illness isn't valid.
No. 85659
>>85635Ashley's brain is so starved that she's beyond the point of being able to make rational decisions (I.e. Getting help on her own). She will never be able to choose recovery. She needs to be committed.
Did the anions who faxed reports to APS hear anything? Should people be sending more?
No. 85678
>>85666He is a lot younger than Erika and he was born in the USSR and lived in Russia most of his life. He's immature and probably doesn't understand half of the baggage he got when they married. I don't think he's an enabler as much as he is ignorant and learning. I don't think he's a bad guy. I don't think Erika really hates him either. It is frustrating dealing with unknown mental terminology and even just adapting to America as a 24yr old who Is FOB.
His mother came here five years ago as a mail order bride hense the rich skeezy father in law.
No. 85782
>>83609check out the "around the dinner table" forum. its for parents of kids with EDs. A lot of the parents have kids that are 18+ and I'm sure they'll have some ideas/experience with forcing an adult child into treatment when they don't want it. Ash's mom should make an account there.
No. 85809
>>85666That's completely different. Ashley's m had had to raise her, she's an adult now. An adult who does not wish to get better. Those are the type of people that deserve an ultimatum because Ashley is sinking herself and her mother.
Yustas chose to marry Ericka for better or worse etc., etc. they are in a union. They're a family with their children. That is your "new" family when you grow up. If you give a shit, you understand that you are in a partnership with each other and need to support one another.
No. 85832
>>85809Ashley's mom seemingly made a terrible job with raising her child. and not wanting to get better is a part of her disease. I can totally understand her situation.
Erika is an adult too, actually she is like 4 or 5 years older than ashley, and she has children she is responsible for. but she rather makes a show of her life on the internet, purges her family's money and asks only help when she gets scared of dying. I'm glad she asked help, but she is def not an idol.
No. 85844
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>>85822Pic is from her fundraiser. Would she really post that there of all places due to BPD?
I mean, also considering what
>>85678 said, I am not sure he's such a sweetheart.
In regards to the latest instagram updates, his english is INSANELY good for someone who came to the US fairly recently imo. Could it be that someone is writing that in his place?
No. 85854
>>85844Yes, she'd post there for sympathy/to enhance her victim persona.
His English is great because Russians and most other Europeans learn English starting at age 5. No one is writing in his place.
No. 85860
>>85854really? all of the russians his age, that i know, barely speak/understand it. (nowadays kids have english lessons in school earlier, than when he was a kid)
that's why i figured it must be pretty hard for the average russian to learn it.
No. 85951 is always having violent fights with her mother over her ED. She's another fake recovery account - acts like she wants to get better but if she gains an ounce she freaks out and restricts. She's only 16 and really not a bad person, but it's maddening reading her account so I can't even imagine what parents of ED children put up with… it sounds like absolute hell. That chick I listed refuses to sit down unless she's sleeping… she won't even go places in a car if it's beyond a certain distance because she'll be sitting too long and feel guilty about it.
So anyway, the on-topic connection here is that that girl isn't as sick as Ashley (though pretty sick - 75lbs) and she has a horrid relationship with her mother… imagine what Ashley's mom is going through.
No. 85975
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Yet to get to the other comments about her mother.
Do you think she actually ate any of this stuff? Does she binge eat or just restrict or both?
No. 85980
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>>85977You'd think that'd make her try harder.
I couldn't take all the pics of Greek yogurt to look far on her account. Disses rice cakes as bad if you're in recovery - buys rice cakes.
I feel bad that she's stuck in her ED, but why are they all friends with each other. Other fake recovery gummibearprincess is her friend as well. It's like a club.
No. 85990
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>>85986Yeah, but that's a good reason to slice it I'd imagine!
Would anyone here take advice from Ashley?
She's being quiet about her talk about independent living.
No. 85994
That girl eats too much processed food Watches food is like eating water, although their deserts are nice.
No. 85995
>>85951I've seen that account. Ashley's latched onto her, which is creepy because this girl is 16 and Ashley acts like they're BFFs. I thought some of her being an asshole to her mother is teenage stuff but one of her posts described terrorizing her mother to the point where she was afraid of her. She sounds like a younger version of Ashley.
She always buys artificial processed diet food, because she just "prefers" it so it's not disordered! Because having a BMI of 14 and eating Lean Cuisine isn't disordered?
She also bakes for everyone and doesn't eat any of it, which is textbook anorexia, but gets mad when someone points it out. When anyone gently confronts her about disordered behaviors and you can tell they're walking on eggshells she
freaks the fuck out. Ashley jumps on anyone who tries to confront her, of course.
No. 86001
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Fuck. Ash could start an argument in an empty house.
No. 86007
>>86004"but I am sick and tired of being sick and tired"
Where have we heard that?
No. 86018
>>86000She's 30 and has a young child but spends hours working out and runs like 15 miles a day. I hope she feeds her kid better than she feeds herself.
It's also weird that she shops at tween clothing stores at her age but that's another issue.
No. 86045
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Comments on a photo of a 150 calorie diet snack bar.
Her comments remind me of someone.
No. 86049
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>>86047I wish she'd wear something on her feet. They're filthy.
No. 86159
>>86150Nobody said everyone with an eating disorder has BPD. Multiple people here have recognized different types of anorexics, which includes the unstable borderline type among others.
There is a significant comorbidity between EDs and BPD and Erika's unstable relationships, self harm, eating disorder, questionable stories and family history, not
just her ED that lead people to bring up BPD.
BPD doesn't mean lack of empathy either and borderline patients can be highly empathetic.
No. 86268
>>86254Are you fucking serious? Ashley has gotten worse because she has stubbornly refused to get appropriate help and her body can't take much more of this.
She's happy staying in her self destructive comfort zone. The followers she keeps around just enable her and tell her what her addiction wants to hear. If anything people here have been better about being real and honest with her. If only she'd listen instead of pushing people away for trying to help her or calling them cyberbullies.
No. 86271
>>86231I'm not sure. Just odd that it happened when someone said something.
Of course, I forgot he said he was mailing the phone.
>>86254Yeah, I was wondering if he was reading it and thought "I'll stop updating so they're not suspicious." Bad reason to stop updating when she's apparently critical though.
But you're right that he might have just mailed the phone. I forgot about that.
No. 86291
>>85666He claims to have had no idea she was sick and thought she was fine. When you are married you have a intimate relationship where you know the person better than your parents would ever know you, you see them naked, you see them daily, you see their mood changes and struggle. I'm glad he seems to finally realize now that Erika is literally on the verge of death, having seizures because her organs are shutting down.
How can you see her naked, passing out, seizuring, having no energy and thinking "totes fine". Even disregarding ED's I'd see my partners body and think "holy fuck he looks like he needs the hospital ASAP" and I'd go to an appointment with him to get to the bottom of the issue.
Yustas is 24 and Erika is 28. He's not a baby, he HAS a friggen toddler and a marriage. Being an immigrant or "young" is a shitty excuse. Bitch ain't young, he's a retard.
No. 86342
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>>86330I'd never heard of her before. I found this when searching for info: might find what you're looking for in there.
No. 86350
>>86344She's well aware of the truth about Sarah accounts and had checked who's following it or commented on it to block everyone who has had any contact with it.
>>86327Sarah/xblueeyedbarbie follows various emaciated girls on Instagram and clings to them hoping their skinniness rubs off on her. She's gone on very sick anorexics' accounts and asked for tips or admired their bodies.
She does need her own thread.
No. 86358
>>86231I dunno, maybe Erika has be doing all these Yustas updates the whole time.
I thought it was weird how he was saying 'he didn't know how sick she was' and how he put too much stress on her.
No. 86414
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Wherein she implies that emojis weren't white enough before.
No. 86422
>>86420How thin? she's saying she was forced to recovery and now she's doing it HER way, that only means bad things.
No. 86426
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Reasons why I wouldn't have a public account if I was a "recovering" anorexic part 1.
No. 86432
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She hasn't posted her wearing her "gift" cosplay coat yet. Must be a delay in the mail.
Answer to your question, Ashley. I'm a grown woman, so I choose death…as you have.
No. 86435
>>86432Can't choose, I'm not a child.
And I do like cute things, but damn, there's limits.
No. 86444
>>86441How do you start…I want
abnormal blood count, organ failure, fucked up teeth, osteoporosis…oooo just to be skinny and
sigh beautiful <3
No. 86556
It's hard not to go down the rabbit hole of these delusional "recovery" IG chicks: to eat "enormous" plates of pasta, entire pints of Ben & Jerry's and pastries yet she posts an OOTD every single day seeking compliments and she never gets any bigger. Her legs are reaching Ashley levels of skeletal.
I don't know why but these chicks seriously irritate the shit out of me. I don't know what's worse, the lying about what they're eating as they continue to waste away (
triggering for people actually trying to recover) or the ones like Ashley who scam people outright.
No. 86563
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>>86556YES THANK GOD. I thought I was the only one that fucking got bothered by this. Yes this is Ashley whatever. But at least I'm not doing THIS.
No. 86596
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No. 86608
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No. 86790
>>86787Back on 4/15 on the fundraising site: "Erika told me to keep you updated. No phones allowed. She wanted me to thank you all and I do too."
Could be that he said more than she wanted. Could be that she feels uncomfortable with his feelings about her and intimate things being posted.
No. 86905
>>86780She pulls apart all her food. She photographs a bunch of sealed packages. ONE item is open and she's holding it, but it's
never bitten into - there's never bite marks.
These girls' Instagram accounts are the most boring shit ever. They never post a creative photo, or an artistic one. It's all food and selfies. I'm not saying every Instagram photo should be an artistic masterpiece, but these are so utterly worthless. They never follow anyone who takes real pictures, only more of the same. It's insanity.
Fuck all these dumb-ass worthless bitches.
No. 86907
>>86905typical ed behavior to take photos of food and put on the illusion that you are eating. even systematically wasting food by throwing it down the drain or leaving a wrapper out here and there, maybe dirtying up a fork or two. toasting some bread so it smells like food when someone arrives. shit at my worst i even made a chicken salad sandwich and "ate" it when people were watching, when they didnt look i spit it into a napkin and shoved it in the couch to throw away later lol.
tl;dr anorexic people are sneaky and shady dont believe them if they arent gaining any weight.
No. 86914
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Actual recovery
No. 86917
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This girl is in real recovery fighting for her life, she's incredibly I'll like Ashley. You can find her updates on Facebook under "Maren Sorum". I hope she can make it, she's awful cute.
No. 86928
>>86556>>86563She reposts pictures of same shit. For example she posted pizza with fries, saying friend made her order it for the first time and she did and ate it.
Then you go down her history and few weeks earlier same fucking picture and friend also made her order it.
No. 86944
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>>86931She is being hospitalized
No. 86954
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>>86928Shit you are right. It's especiallh evident in the sandwiches she gets from school, you can even see the fingernail marks where she pulled it apart.
She claims to eat 3500 cals a day yet never gains an ounce, lying bitch
No. 86968
>>86954As long as she's not recruiting an army of tween admirers, sending binge food, or deliberately hurting people, I don't care. She's only hurting herself.
And anorexics do pull apart sandwiches. It could be that her metabolism is in overdrive and she's not adequately compensating. I've been refer several times had to eat 7-10k calories to make consistent, substantial gains and I had to use tons of ensure and ensure puddings to do it. It was horrible. My point is, I'll see how she's doing a few months from now before I judge her.
No. 87001
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>>86979For an anorexic girl, you sure eat and digest a looooot of shit.
No. 87020
>>86979Ashley is not brutally honest though.
And she doesn't show the real side of life either. What she shows so far is that she is escaping from reality by not acting like an adult. Get real.
No. 87038
>>85994some recovery clinics are weird tho.
some "encourage" you to eat a lot of junk food, because they automatically assume fries/burgers/packaged junk is everyones biggest fear food.
look up tags like "pintparty" where everyone challenge each other to eat a whole pint of ice-cream
tbh 95% of recovery groups are just as fucked up, competitive and
triggering as pro-ana
No. 87043
>>87038My friends and I tried setting up a recovery twitter once, it was super successful for a while, and we all had experience with various things like selfharm, EDs, depression,suicidal thoughts ect, but one by one we had to stop because of how draining (and
triggering) it was.
No. 87050
>>87038That bugs me. I totally get the concept but they encourage "normal eating" and normal eating in America is fucking shit. Getting used to junk food during refeeding is psychologically beneficial but then you see these people in recovery who think that's supposed to be a long term way of life and get really defensive when someone suggests adding some veggies to their diet.
And there is this weird competitive attitude in the recovery community. People will make backhanded comments that imply "I ate the whole pint of ice cream because I'm better at recovery than you" or put the number of times they've been hospitalized in their bio as a weird badge of honor.
No. 87054
>>87036I'm actually the anon that posted one of the other ana girls, not Ashley. I don't have an ED or anything but I got sucked into stalking those creepy fake recovery accounts because those chicks annoy the shit out of me. But yeah, both the questtorecovery and aly_realrecover girls are really sick and are huge liars but at least they are not
trying to hurt anyone.
No. 87059
>>87054Questtorecovery is relevant because she's friends with Ashley and she's just as snippy. She was complaining about how horrible her mother is and that she's such a victim because her brother "assaulted, like
physically assaulted" her. Her brother is younger than her and has Downs…
Sounds like the same kind of truth distorting delusion as Ash.
No. 87077
EDs are the most fucked up mental illness i think.
there is almost nothing 'right' to say to an ED person.
you eat too much, you eat too little, you look healthier…. its all potentially hurtful.
i see a lot of recovery IGs and if a girl posts a small dinner or something, people jump on it.
likewise for these still skeletal girls constantly posting tons of junk food. you're still sick and not fooling anyone
No. 87117
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>>86935when your thigh is smaller than your calf
No. 87152
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>>87148Ohhh. I mean, Ashley's skin is dry as fuck, but smooth, so is Erika's and even this girl who probably can't be arsed with filters has great skin.
No. 87165
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No. 87187
>>87180I agree because it's unfair to the other girls to lump her in with someone as nasty as Ashley.
>>87179All the OO I WANT YOUR BODY, I LOVE YOUR LEGS comments have GOT to be damaging.
No. 87191
>>87088"would never have had an ED at all without social media"
i don't and never will believe girls like Emily are anorexic. I believe girls like Emily, Ember, and Felice all TRY really hard to be anorexic, and even harder to look anorexic by tensing muscles, photoshop, posing, etc, but they're NOT anorexic. They don't have the genetic predisposition for anorexia, which is why the behaviors you're seeing from them would never have developed "without social media". They're just trying to get attention, and they think being anorexic will get them that attention. People who actually have clinical eating disorders see those girls for the internet munchausens they truly are.
No. 87206
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New cosplay idea for our girl! This would suit her much better.
No. 87231
>>87152holy fuck thats terrifying
her eyes pierce into my soul
No. 87254
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>>87249Yeah, looks like she misses her mum. I hope they keep her in there because she'll be dead before the year's out if not.
No. 87267
>>87200>>87198in order to "go back", id have to have ever been on myproana in the first place. and I'm jewish.
its not like this thread stays on the subject of ash anyway. who's this little blonde girl and why is she being discussed on the spoopy skeletons thread? didn't someone just make a general ED thread?
No. 87446
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Fingers crossed
No. 87510
>>87446She won't do it, but I'm enjoying Periscope. People can type questions live on-screen for her to answer. (and award hearts, she'd like the hearts ffs)
Who fucking cares what her favorite Pokemon movie is? That's such a kid's question. What's your favorite color? What's your favorite number?
I want truth and insight, not more bullshit.
I saw a photo of a huge group of Attack on Titan cosplayers at a convention this morning. Must have been a dozen of them or something all dressed up as a group. It really struck me the kind of self-delusion that goes on in Ashley's mind. It takes a lot of strength and energy to put together a costume. It takes more of the same to go out to a con (even in street clothes, all that walking is an ass-kicker)
I want to know how in the hell she thinks she will ever do
anything if step one isn't getting physically stronger.
I want to know if she even
could eat if she wanted to at this point.
What's the goddamn game plan here, Ashley? Real talk. 100%
No. 87513
>>87506I shop at Whole Foods ('cause I got an education and a job and stuff) and it's expensive.
There's usually a reason it's expensive, it's not meaninglessly expensive, but if you're cash-strapped, on a budget, or flirting with the poverty line, you have no business going there, coupons or no.
No. 87516
>>87514They don't distribute coupons, but they have a flyer in-store with coupons. You can never plan around those things though, because you don't know what the coupons will be until you actually go.
And out of the whole flyer, maybe like one thing you use will have a coupon. Maybe.
No. 87524
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>>87513Nigger do you even live in the real world???
No. 87532
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Ashley backpedals with all the strength in her bones to show she isn't racist by interacting with "black twitter".
No. 87533
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Bitch, please.
No. 87534
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>>87533How the fuck is skeletor inspiring?
No. 87536
>>87534She inspired me to learn more about human anatomy and learn about the skeleton.
Excuse the double post - either lolcow or my laptop's being a dick.
No. 87577
>>87513You're a condescending, insufferable moron.
Some things are cheaper at WF but a lot of it is needlessly expensive. I mean, are
organic potato chips healthier? And do you need to buy organic potatoes since they're grown in the ground?i bought a pound of raw honey (it's def a luxury purchase, but it lasts a fucking long time) at Costco for 14 dollars the same thing costs around 40 at WF.
No. 87585
>>87577LOL, OK. Small companies have no business making and selling stuff if they can't meet the same price points of larger companies who leverage the savings of their buying and producing power.
Mmm hm. Sure.
No. 87637
>>86414i just saw the choking hazard and lold a little
No. 87697
>>87692howd you get this photo of me
>>87689more footage of her skeletal self and we can talk about how much her condition has deteriorated then?
No. 87716
>>87689find something to smile about today :emoji:
someone should download any video she makes, upload it elsewhere and we watch it there so she doesn't profit.
No. 87720
thank you anon for pointing this out. Whether Ashley is consciously doing this or not, she's definitely manipulating people by doing exactly what you linked to.
This is how she fools other people, too. She acts vulnerable and fragile, which
triggers a nurturing instinct in a lot of people. You see her as this weak child and feel compelled to help her even though it's all part of her game.
Most of the anons here are functioning, apparently clever people and still fell for it. This is some advanced level BPD manipulation.
No. 87735
>>87734Right there is the truth.
Sadly, she comes here, reads all this and the only thing she takes from it all is starting to make jewellery and starting a youtube channel.
She'll stay the way she is until she dies.
No. 87827
>>87803i'm borderline and while I understand my actions can be unintentionally manipulative, I have the ability to recognize when I'm being a really shitty fucking person and I try to make up for it.
Tbh BPD isn't an excuse for being an asshole.
No. 87830
>>87828yeah, i guess so. i suppose i must be projecting. i just see myself in ash sometimes (i have tremendous social anxiety, bpd, isolate myself, ect.) and i think that she needs to recognize that her mental illnesses are not excuses.
like idk but you can't just treat people like shit your whole life and then claim 'muh illness' the real world just doesn't work like that.
No. 87855
>>87805Nope, theforestcat is still firmly implanted in Ashley's anal cavity.
(She just changed her username slightly.)
No. 87858
File: 1429857813263.jpg (1.76 MB, 2118x3354, 2spooky.jpg)

ash u so hot u give me boner, id bone u so hard u so hard you gonna make bone xylophone sounds
seal my doom tonite if you know what i mean ;))))
No. 87889
>>87191Anorexia has both genetic and ENVIRONMENTAL
triggers. Yes, there are tons of wannarexics, but there are also tons that are genuinely anorexic and wouldn't be if it wasn't for social media.
Social media allows more competition. Who's the skinniest, who's got the most fans, who's best at convincing people that they're not anorexic?
Social media enables more attention seeking behavior. You can easily get hundreds of people telling you that they're jealous of you, that you're so strong, that you're so beautiful.
Social media allows greater control. Post hundreds of pictures of food, and countless people will give you ass pats, telling you that you're so strong and inspirational. Sure, the people around you may know you're full of shit, but your internet fans don't. They'll never see you pass out, they'll never smell your eu de puke, they'll never see you looking fat or flabby. You control how the internet world sees you.
And, most importantly, social media gives vulnerable people a million
triggers with just a few taps on a keyboard. Someone with anorexic tendencies can easily look up thinspo and become entrenched in it. It can be that little push they need to go off the deep end.
No. 87947
>>87889right. Genetics load the gun, environment pulls the
trigger, but i think you missed my point. Those girls i mentioned, and a million more like them, DONT have those genetics. They're just munchausens using the internet to get attention, and sometimes $$ and gifts, like that nancybratt bitch. (which could also be considered malingering bc theres monetary gains in addition to attention).
Sure, theres girls who do have the genetic predisposition and social media "pulled the
trigger", but Emily/ember/felice aren't in that group. They have to reply on photoshop to look anorexic, bc they aren't capable of starving themselves the way they would if they were actually anorexic.
No. 87948
>>87889"they'll never see you pass out"
girls like emily and ember never will pass out!! because they eat enough, because they're not anorexic. they're naturally thin girls and they use that to their advantage when portraying themselves as fragile sick girls online. They may not have developed munchausens syndrome without social media, but they never have and never will develop anorexia, bc they don't have the genetic predisposition.
No. 88062
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Has Ashley ever been in a relationship? Had a boyfriend? Is she a virgin?
No. 88092
>>88072I might be out of the loop but - was anything posted other than their initial meeting?
Since there was nothing else, I assumed they fell out or something and that was it.
Where did he come from anyway?
No. 88094
>>88092She posted a comment on twitter saying sthing like JUST BECAUSE YOU'VE GOT A DICK DOESN'T MEAN YOU HAVE TO BE ONE. We take it that was aimed at neckbeard.
She says on twitter she doesn't love anyone at the moment.
She then said her "bae" was sending her some hentai.
Fuck knows who he is, but he's known her for 7-ish years. Probably an anorexia fetishist. Definitely some kind of pervert.
No. 88117
>>88094Definitely an anon who obsessed over her when she was camwhoring on /b/. I wonder how it feels to watch your waifu whither away into nothing.
Fucked up shit, man.
No. 88119
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If she had such a fucked up childhood, why is she forever posting 90s crap on her tumblr. Like the 1990s were good timez.
No. 88120
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No. 88404
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Scalp dye?
No. 88663
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>>88637I would feel pity. To see the end of a person who wasted their life away without lifting a single finger to make it better… that's just pitiful.
No. 88766
>>88751Maybe her youtube videos will be beauty tutorials.
>>88757Out of all of the people I've known with severe eating disorders, she is by far the least likeable. Most of them are people-pleasers. The BPD is strong with this one.
No. 88995
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>>88974I don't know the answer to that, but if the videos ever happen someone's going to download them and upload them somewhere so you don't have to go to youtube, so no binge money for Ash.
No. 89102
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Anyone need a phone case?
No. 89381
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>>89376it was discussed in the last thread that her carcass is being animated by the power of satan. ashley died a long time ago.
No. 89419
>>89392Speaking as a person who rarely wears cosmetics, I'm impressed by her impeccable makeup. I don't think my hands would be steady enough.
(Not criticizing her; my cousin had a full face of perfect makeup during childbirth, so I know it's just a thing for some people)
No. 89443
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>>89423This? Seems like she's talking about us imo…
No. 89554
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>>89443She needs to start blocking her own friends on ig if she's concerned about shitty behavior. I mean, why the fuck would someone post this when she's excited at being sent to that place?
No. 89590
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>>89554The fact that Sarah Smith follows Erika makes me mad. I hope Erika knows about her.
No. 89686
>>89583I've seen that docu, but it doesn't look a bad place? There again, I've no idea what to expect from an ED centre. NHS psych units are basic, but as said here
>>89586it gives you the basic tools to help you deal with whatever your illness is. I expect a place like the Priory would be nice for good food, nice room, but not sure the results would be any better than NHS although it's more intensive at posh places for the tired and emotional.
>>89653I'm glad someone mentioned the countouring problem. You know when it was making her face look more hollow? She said she's a newb at make up, but she makes a good job of it.
No. 89794
>>89792No, but generally speaking she's a secondary character in this bullshit. I don't think any of us do have pure intentions. We just want information to discuss. It tends to sway in Erika's favor though and I don't forsee that letting up if she continue to do well.
She may have a couple of douchebags trolling around but not nearly the amount that Ashley has and will only continue to gain.
No. 89802
>>89798I just got a really sad image in my head. Ashley, frail and shaking decorating gel cases in the light her laptop gives off. Thin as a skeleton, dying, tryng to please an imageboard.
No. 89815
>>89810Mother of God.
Erika, that post absolutely made my month, and maybe even my last six months. I'm glad that the time I've spent on here could actually mean something to someone else and help someone, and I'm very glad that you're mature and level-headed enough to see this site for what it is – just a bunch of women having some laughs, and getting to be brutally blunt, something we rarely get the chance to do in our lives.
I also have to say, I was talking about the THIN documentary a few threads back – and with one of my friends who actually went there and had the worst experience of their life – and I was minutes away from making an Instagram account to let you know how terrible Renfrew is before I read you decided against going there.
Man, I'm just so happy right now. You fucking rock, Erika.
No. 89819
>>89810>>89815Oh!! that was our conversation she screencapped. She's smart! I never mentioned why I started following her but I was also the anon who posted about how she was staying in Denver after speaking with her so maybe she put it together?
Sorry for forwarding the info, it was out of excitement, Erika. You're a sweetheart and I'm sure many of us are honored to have been any help at all.
No. 89873
>>89787>>89788Erm…I was that anon and not a dick, thanks. I've never had ED treatment because I don't have an ED. I'm also in the UK where these recovery places barely exist. Excuse me for living in a country where the system's so fucked you get put onto a psych ward if you have an ED. All I know about Renfew is the Thin docu, and to me it looked better than the non-treatment we have here.
Also, I pitched in with a donation to Erika, so enough of the holier than thou because you have ~experience~ of ED recovery centres.
I wouldn't be a bitch if someone outside the UK made a (yes) misinformed comment about the kind of treatment I have for my own (non ED) mental health illness.
>>89855No we don't think you're 15. We know you've had 10 years retail experience, work in a record shop blah blah. It's been discussed here, you know that. Idiot.
No. 89874
>>89855…adding, we didn't think you were 15 because of your looks. It was off the back of the anon who thought you were methspider.
Buying a hamster and your other animals all have injuries or die. Jesus.
No. 89907
>>89873ok, i still think you're a dick though. i don't need to be blocked for trying to save my friend from one of the worst facilities in the country.
If you're in the UK and don't know what you're talking about, shut up and don't pass judgment. its very simple.
No. 89950
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>>89941>>89907 is right. Make sure you know what you're talking about before you type. You're actng like a child. Just say, 'my bad' and move on.
Is anyone going to make another thread? I think we've nearly or have already reached bump limit.
No. 89962
>>89810I was so excited when i read that post.
>>89888I know, i feel exactly the same way. Once she is recovered i would love to hang out, maybe cook for her as i love cooking. She seems so cool and bubbly.
No. 89965
>>89950What? Like anyone here knows everything they talk about? Admit it. We all talk shite. Constantly. Some anon thinks she's got the upper hand because she's one of the ED ~community~. If anyone knew what they were talking about there'd be fuck all on the internet.
I never say my bad. It's like something a 3 year old would say.
Why apologise for saying someone's a twat for putting Erika off treatment. It looked like that was her only option and not so anon was putting a downer on it. What if that was the only place she could go to? Ffs, I know this is all of a sudden the Erika Fan Club because she comes here, but just because some random's all I'M HER FRIEEEND, doesn't mean I'm going to hold her to my bosom lovingly. The anon needs to stop being so high and mighty.
Yes, it's auto sageing, but I can't think of a pic for the header, so someone else can deal with it.
>>89962So no more - oh she's so BPD she must be difficult to live with? Everyone wants to be her friend now. Maybe even the ones who thought her fundraising was a scam? JFC.
No. 89970
>>89966That wasn't aimed at you specifically. It's just a pisser that Erika's taken a bashing in these threads, some nastiness has been spoken about her but now the Ashley thread's full of Erika love. That's A GOOD THING. I like her too, but nobody was being so kind before we knew she looked at the thread. It's gone a bit OTT.
I'm not bitter about anything. Well, pissed off about being shot down for not knowing how Murica works maybe. No bitterness towards anyone except people who think you need a degree or first hand experience to give a comment on a subject.
So, no, I wasn't attacking you…more pissed off that there's going to be a lot of two-facedness going on now.
No. 90097
>>89941"warrior" …what the actual fuck are you talking about? i have never, not once, referred to myself as a warrior. And i really can't stand all that "recovery warrior/ED soldier" bullshit. All you had to do was apologize for making false assumptions. I don't need to be "blocked", I'm not a bad influence. I actually just did an eval with erc and might join E. Don't be an ass to me for no reason. I've been to Renfrew, it IS horrible and everyone seeking ED treatment deserves better.
the NHS might not be as "fancy" as some places here, but at least you won't be in massive debt. I don't have insurance, erc will cost me $1,100 a day. And i could be wrong, but it seems like you guys get a lot more leave and the ability to keep electronics (which may be good or bad, depends on the person. ash, for example, would benefit from being cut off from the internet if hell froze over and she went to treatment) over there. The grass is always greener, i guess.
No. 128333
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This vision of loveliness has been scamming and begging for over twenty years. Said she was dying—for 6 years until confronted. Nancy and her unemployed family have gotten lap tops, wide screen tv, clothes, last trip to the ocean, pets, well you get the idea. All her accounts are now private, likely because someone threatened to go to the authorities to investigate this family of grifters.