File: 1452368470777.png (494.8 KB, 800x568, szVs2qG.png)

No. 79031
Because the previous thread is reaching it's reply limit
>>74624A place to discuss ALL of the proana wannarexics and eating disordered snowflakes on Instagram or elsewhere.
Original thread:
>>44088 No. 79275
File: 1452422591071.gif (65 KB, 275x207, 1442877600981.gif)

where the hell did op get this picture from?
No. 79352
>>79275Google. I used that image in particular to mock and possibly
trigger the pro-ana scumbags that venture/self post here.
No. 79554
File: 1452546300516.png (817.73 KB, 1079x1044, Screenshot_2016-01-11-16-02-27…)

Zoe has the biggest fucking nose I've ever seen on a wannorexic, holy shit.
No. 79563
File: 1452548742884.jpeg (131.88 KB, 640x947, image.jpeg)

What makes it look even bigger is the fact that she has practically no lips. In comparison everything else is so small and then there's a huge honker.
No. 79565
File: 1452549132303.jpg (221.12 KB, 1275x949,…)

No. 79644
File: 1452550590683.png (115.87 KB, 284x312, 1448217869776.png)

Ember has a ginormous nose too, check out her latest selfie hahahah.
Whoever said everyone can pull off red lipstick clearly has never met this ugly cunt.
No. 79646
File: 1452550871511.gif (857.69 KB, 240x228, 5t4n1TM.gif)

>>79644mfw i thought that fake septum was a huge booger hanging out of her nose
No. 79650
File: 1452551839203.gif (99.32 KB, 299x280, HAHAH-OOPS.gif)

>>79644I thought I could fix her face but looks like I only made matters worse LOL
No. 79653
>>79644Her eyebrows look like she fingerpainted them on with shit.
I hate this ugly arched-eyebrow-smizing thing all the Instagram girls do now. Enjoy your forehead wrinkles bitches
No. 79662
this is the best thing I've ever seen on the front page bless u anon
No. 79664
File: 1452553237690.jpg (61.84 KB, 640x640, tumblr_nsh9hhmBmT1qcdl07o1_128…)

>>79646booger septum is emily.
quick question for the fam: since ember has a penis on her face instead of a nose, shouldn't her septum piercing be referred to as a prince albert?
No. 79667
>>79664Emily is awfully homely looking but septums don't look nearly as ugly on her as they do on Ember
But that's only because Emily's nose isn't crooked/bulbous.
No. 79668
>>79566she's straight up so flat chested, like literal a cups, even when she got fat again. i've seen her in person bc she fucking lives at the mall i used to work at.
it's pathetic she's getting older and deciding now is a great time to go back into ripping off felice's style now that she disappeared. i know felice was unoriginal, but at least she had natural beauty she could manipulate.
what is emily doing with her life
No. 79676
File: 1452554164400.jpg (428.61 KB, 2048x2048, 1452554042704.jpg)

No. 79677
>>79671emily fuck off.
i work at the burlington mall, no i'm not posting fucking proof of my job you imbecile.
i will gladly go right up to you/her and introduce myself if i can manage to tell her apart from
literally every single extremely lame white girl that comes through.
No. 79679
File: 1452554726227.jpg (174.94 KB, 1280x853, tumblr_nolpn4undp1qcdl07o1_128…)

I don't think you could get more pathetic than a spirit hood in 2016.
Anyways, this is what she wants and she'll never be Felice, which is a pretty low insult…
No. 79684
File: 1452555584041.jpg (34.19 KB, 500x680,…)

>>79679Can these douche bags not find their own style?
No. 79685
File: 1452555605397.jpg (235.08 KB, 1271x953, tumblr_nr2tnl4dSp1qcdl07o1_128…)

>>79680I'll introduce myself to you like I said.
Also the thing that initiated this is that I confirmed she was flat chested.
Pic related, now sit down you tacky young man and invest in some fucking eye cream.
No. 79689
>>79687we have a clear winner here.
…for once
No. 79700
File: 1452556942298.jpg (430.13 KB, 2048x2048, 1452556898250.jpg)

I'm dying that's is too fun #fail
No. 79702
File: 1452557357714.jpg (20.56 KB, 275x275, image.jpg)

Mfw I smell the rancid vendetta in this thread.
No. 79704
File: 1452557669270.jpg (24.73 KB, 494x371, good-good-let-the-butthurt-flo…)

>>79702Shut up Emily.
There's more than one person posting comparison pictures.
No. 79721
>>79719I posted the first one, not the other two. Don't make me defend why I would dislike two girls that pull the same shit.
Emily is appearing like she wants to wear Felice's skin, how could you not expect multiple people not to post this
No. 79722
>>79721Because its such old milk that its become cheese.
This topic has been done more times than embers mother.
No. 79725
File: 1452564410936.jpg (43.32 KB, 500x333, large-1.jpg)

No. 79726
File: 1452564435280.png (434.52 KB, 508x496, itputsthelotionontheSKIN.png)

No. 79732
File: 1452565337850.gif (665.54 KB, 881x881, troll.gif)

No. 79734
>>79732I started posting her copying Felice but I think this is reaching. Sorry for my buzzkill opinion, I don't think her nose is the most major problem.
I do find it
sooo crazy that she got her septum and nostril pierced, you know, like Felice.
No. 79735
>>79734I didn't make that as in attempt to insul her for having a big nose because she doesn't have a big nose. I just wanted to turned her into a troll since she acts like one.
But I was making fun of Ember's huge schnozz when I post this
>>79659 No. 79743
File: 1452566605019.jpg (355.04 KB, 2048x2048, 1452566375505.jpg)

I had no idea how special this copycat flake thought she really was. KEK so pathetic
No. 79746
File: 1452567116303.jpg (137.86 KB, 1263x947, tumblr_ntgizoHKta1qcdl07o1_128…)

>>79743lol this one works too, complete with hair molestation. so much crossover, how desperate.
No. 79747
File: 1452567181139.jpg (117.45 KB, 427x640, felice_fawn_by_pixel_spotlight…)

No. 79749
File: 1452567362669.jpg (248.78 KB, 853x1280, tumblr_noki0bQiUs1qcdl07o2_128…)

>>79747This one is more of a stretch, really for the lipstick and cuts.
No. 79751
File: 1452567509878.jpg (142.54 KB, 1261x959, tumblr_nsqjpi3DcB1qcdl07o1_128…)

And here's Emily, editting her flat as fuck ass and showing off her 3edgy5me middle schooler cuts like the loser she is. Extra points for the pose, editing, and edge lord shirt.
No. 79753
File: 1452567847489.jpg (780.25 KB, 800x1199, tumblr_np4jxoad7M1qcdl07o1_128…)

>>79751The comparison. Her figure is so unfortunate.
No. 79757
File: 1452568496989.jpg (7.73 MB, 2062x1650, 0f6cc151c7eedb970a91056c799108…)

>>79751god damn the butt edit is so obvious the more you zoom in. in the original, her shorts suddenly begin to blur towards the edge of the curve lol
No. 79758
>>79756Not until she bites the design and tries to sell them.
Really holding out for her to make clothing, she needs to step it up because rn she's just white trash with an obsession.
No. 79760
>>79758Idk, unlike Felice, her family hasn't disowned her for her addiction issues and thievery (yet)
I can only imagine how long her parents will allow their college drop out of a daughter chug vanilla extract in her room before they stop supplying her with $$$$ and kick her out.
No. 79764
File: 1452568941877.jpg (1.69 MB, 3761x5641, DSC05056Edit.jpg)

No. 79765
File: 1452569040487.jpg (1.86 MB, 4000x6000, DSC05025Edit.jpg)

No. 79767
File: 1452569167292.jpg (2 MB, 4000x6000, DSC04977Edit.jpg)

>>79766No way, these are gold.
No. 79773
File: 1452569674947.jpg (105.47 KB, 500x669, tumblr_m39tzdk0bG1rnkwfwo1_500…)

>>79751>>79756I didn't think you were being serious when you said she bought the same shirt as Felice..
No. 79776
File: 1452569777532.jpeg (5.15 KB, 256x197, images-7.jpeg)

>>79773lmao I just came to the exact same conclusion wow, u n r e a l
No. 79797
>>79776>>79773Lmao love to say I told you so.
She seriously got so fat. Those horrible bangs kill me. The eyebrows, ugh. They seriously anger me. They always look badly filled, like with a marker, and some area always looks like it was smudged off her face.
No. 79805
File: 1452586998651.jpeg (70.13 KB, 599x573, image.jpeg)

Ember always looks like she's covered in a film of dirt. That brassy Kentucky fried hair and that face. She's really unfortunate
No. 79807
>>79796Who the fuck is Megan?
>>79805My eyes scanned over that quickly and read "kentucky fried face" kek. Her face is fucked, but really she could just get her eyebrows threaded.
Why does Ember always take the bait on everything except for things that would actually benefit her?
No. 79808
>>79807Because she genuinely thinks she's totally great and important and special. Not like a genuine narcissist, just like the vast majority of below-average intelligence teenagers.
Someone told her she's smart one or twice and maybe she got a good mark on a creative writing piece in eighth grade English. In her dimension of tragedy that equates to super smart and naturally brilliant writer who will churn out Stephen king successful novels once she starts writing it next month.
In reality, she will get to the age of 30, realize she's de facto married to some ancient stoner asshole with no job and a terabyte of teen porn on his computer, while she's still stocking shelves or asking if the customer would like that super sized.
No. 79846
File: 1452607965437.jpg (342.34 KB, 960x720, shitbrows.jpg)

>>79797they look awful because she uses black to fill them in and that almost never looks good. ffs i have naturally black eyebrows and i use brown because black looks like fucking shit.
it's like some kind of rule that internet fuckwads must have shitbrows to match their shit personalities.
No. 79918
>>79846Yeah it's always the most flattering to fill with a lighter color otherwise you look like a muppet/Ember.
They make eyebrow pencils in dark shades but Ember has no idea that they're meant to be
blended af and only used to accent, not literally color in. It's mind blowing to me she doesn't want to experiment with her look or even try by getting them shits threaded considering it's an amount of joy she could have in life that she just refuses?
I don't get it, I think fuckwads have bad eyebrows because they don't want to let a professional with outside perspective tell them how they could look better? I think it's a control thing, because since the dawn of time Ember was always primarily rage posted for her legit heinous eyebrows.
No. 79922
>>79920I wouldn't go near that if I was you. God knows what lurks there lol
Sorry to be OT but do you guys think Felice will ever come back? Maybe after/if she pays off her debt?
No. 79923
>>79918Wew can't be a control thing cuz those eyebrows are outta control
They're legit trying to run off the sides of her fat head
No. 79928
File: 1452625307418.jpg (92.44 KB, 500x313, nf7o5mcPKF1tktmygo1_500.jpg)

>>79918She doesn't really have dark eyebrows in the first place so I don't know what possessed her to pick up black to fill them in. Plus, her hair is pretty light so you'd think she'd want to do her brows lighter to match. Even people with black eyebrows usually use a lighter brown unless they have dark skin (so the contrast isn't as obvious) or they want to just neaten the edges.
>>79922If it only took a short time to pay off her debt, I would have said yes. She's been away ages now though and I bet it feels better to be away from all the pro ana freaks that only cared how bony her legs were. The distance probably gave her perspective.
No. 79929
File: 1452625473937.jpg (92.86 KB, 530x513, IMG_20160112_130357.jpg)

>>79805They look jackknifed like they just saw themselves in the mirror for the first time ever.
No. 79938
>>79923I mean control in how people who use meth/speed always fuck with their eyebrows, like thats the first thing you take your identity issues out on haha.
Either way it's most flattering to have light brown hair with light eyebrows - people look younger with light eyebrows bc that's what children have unless they have black hair. Some people can pull off a harsher dark eyebrows/light hair but they're beautiful and Ember is the product of her crackwhore mother so no dice.
No. 79944
>>79938Haha no worries Anon, I got what you meant. I just can't get past her shirt brows, so I took the opportunity to add a low jab to the bunch.
I'm actually surprised she doesn't dye/cut her hair more frequently for the same reason. Even her identity crises are bland as fuck.
No. 79947
File: 1452630359925.jpeg (41.34 KB, 285x419, image.jpeg)

fixed her eyebrow problem
(I know the image is shitty quality etc)
No. 79951
>>79947Straight across bangs don't suit her honker.
Nor dark hair her ragged skin.
She needs a light brown-dadk blonde medium kind of color. She looks hideous with extremes in either direction (though to be fair she looks hideous no matter what you do).
I just don't get how you can make yourself look so ugly when you're obviously appearance orientated. I wonder if it's the general low intelligence + weed cocktail, I've met so many stoners who do the same.
I wish someone would kick her face in so doctors could reconstruct it to something bareable like that one cow with the elf ear mods/plugs
No. 79956
File: 1452632854375.jpg (62.94 KB, 380x512, 761356fd-2c96-493f-a73f-76e90c…)

>>79918tbh her natural brows dont look that much better
No. 79958
>>79956If you cover up the tail of her eyebrows she looks tons better, and compared to her Groucho brows I prefer her natural ones. The eyebrow tips also look normal rather than the little points she normally starts them out at.
Standing by the fact that the tail of her brows are dragging her entire face down and they are very literally sliding off her damn face. Soon they will become muttonchops and her eyes will be framed merely by her forehead wrinkles.
No. 79963
File: 1452634547992.jpg (212.46 KB, 600x819, fixyobrows.jpg)

kek. i tried. i hate that lip thing she does.
No. 79974
File: 1452635598242.jpg (35.12 KB, 361x309, 0d1a29e8-8761-4aab-9007-6f2606…)

No. 79975
File: 1452635627335.jpg (81.88 KB, 380x574, 0cb53fd2-9e7b-4c74-b37c-afe436…)

She's still finding herself KEK
No. 79976
>>79963You did well considering the circumstances
She needs lighter eye make up and a hair color that doesn't look like fried ramen noodles
No. 79981
File: 1452636191398.jpg (159.24 KB, 537x853, IMG_20160112_155927.jpg)

And que the cry baby. She must be past her lesbehonest escapades from earlier this week
No. 79994
>>79981What front? What mask? All you are is bawww
Someone should've gifted her those lotioned tissues for Xmas instead of all that junk, she looks like she is developing whiskey nose
No. 79995
>>79981Constantly giving in to every single emotional urge or irrational thought isn't putting up a front.
Quit bitching and crying over everything and start doing literally one fucking thing to improve yourself you raging borderline fuck.
No. 80016
File: 1452641713252.jpg (657.41 KB, 2048x2048, 1452641558287.jpg)

I see you found another to copy. Sorry, big fail EmCrock
No. 80026
File: 1452642102918.jpg (134.64 KB, 531x695, IMG_20160112_174056.jpg)

Holy shit she's fat!!
No. 80028
File: 1452642543736.png (1.3 MB, 926x1167, IMSCAREDOFSYRUPBUTILLEATJUNKFO…)

ok so i found this chick last night on ig and
>>79864 post reminded me of her. she has this whole long rant how a bowl of porridge with syrup challenged her 'fear of syrup' but then she has like tons of other pictures eating nasty processed fattening sweets and junk food ????? these "recovery" accounts make no fucking sense
No. 80029
>>80016Haaaa those don't even compare tho
Diff note: isn't that the bra she had in that photo one time she swore wasn't her?
No. 80036
>>80026Her hips are actually very attractive (TAKEN OUT OF CONTEXT) but those are the worst photoshopped ribs lmfao, really Ember?
I think she also tried to photoshop abs under her pooch belly??
points for the ugly neck stretch pose Grandma Ember.
also i've of p normal weight but my ribcage always shows for whatever reason, i'm sure everyone here can confirm that's not what ribcages look like with minimal fat covering them.
No. 80039
>>80028cause the nasty food is binge food that they're used to eating (or it's just some Aly level not-actually-eating-it shit), and incorporating some fat is their regular food is the foreign part, like tainting their safe food.
it's gross as hell though bc that's not how normal food works and what a good diet looks like. wouldn't be surprised if they eat the bad food, that's all they eat. anorexics eat like fucking truck drivers, they just have a superiority complex about their ~*winter girl willpower*~
No. 80042
>>79961I SWEAR she used to say she was distantly Japanese? Fuck I'll try to find screenshots, I kind of see it though…
Maybe the most interesting thing about her, shame she doesn't talk more about it.
No. 80048
File: 1452644350991.jpg (52.45 KB, 600x818, 7aa777e9b36db36c7a83442b8c119e…)

>>80016Not even close. Also wtf is that lipstick shade doing on her face with that eyeshadow color and child hooker training bra?
No. 80056
File: 1452645872131.jpg (337.78 KB, 2048x2048, 1452645791308.jpg)

2014 and 2016 she's gained like 20 lbs trying to copy Aly's food pics, dumbass cunt
No. 80064
File: 1452646788858.png (623.4 KB, 640x1136, image.png)

this is her(underage)
No. 80074
File: 1452647572136.png (1.93 MB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_2016-01-12-19-08-34…)

Can you say attentiom whore?
No. 80078
>>80074Hahaha yeah sure workout.
Putting on a sports bra to take selfies and smoke some bongs isn't a workout you lazy fuck.
No. 80089
File: 1452647981060.jpg (258.36 KB, 2048x2048, 1452642432645.jpg)

>>80079IDK but apparently it grows like a chia pet
No. 80094
>>80088Haha Anon!
I am kekking. Do go on.
No. 80098
>>80064Holy fucking kek. I don't even use instagram and I can see why this is a self post. How can you be so dumb?
You're the stupid newfag who keeps talking about how ember should have her own thread and crying that if 'you talk about anyone else everyone calls samefag' too, aren't you?
I was going to quote grab all your obvious same fag posts earlier just because I hated how whiney you are, but couldn't be assed.
Awaiting delicious underage b&
No. 80099
>>80064oh you sweet summer child.
c- for effort.
No. 80103
She's green as grass.
No. 80104
>>80102Someone has been repeatedly posting about it for 2 threads now. Even after being explained why she doesn't have her own/why we voted against it.
If you're that person, it is fucking annoying to repeat yourself like a broken record. If you are someone else who posted about it once, I truly don't care, but you should lurk more.
No. 80114
File: 1452650765271.png (56.27 KB, 937x731, Capture.PNG)

i think u mean
No. 80116
File: 1452651068198.png (254.23 KB, 540x960, Screenshot_2016-01-12-20-06-23…)

Kek you're so gullible and impressionable. Thanks for proving your fatness, again. (screen shot of video just posted)
No. 80120
>>80116You can see the curve of her gut kek
Looks like sucking in isn't doing it anymore since she's gained so much
No. 80123
>>80116At this point I think she records vids while she takes selfies, just because she plans for this.
>Has wide hips>Is so ana>No hipbonesShe forgot a lot today, no chest bones, the ribs were barely visible, is she depressed?
No. 80124
which is really funny because she goes around DMing people about when they've been posted on lolcow (>>78689)
so i kinda wanna know what she thinks of her own friend trying to self post on here for attention
>>80122 no we can just keep them in this one thx lmfao.
No. 80125
>>80124 fuck that one didn't come out clickable
try this
>>78689 No. 80126
File: 1452652162966.jpg (98.37 KB, 540x540, tumblr_nmm6tdqEjV1ust4llo1_540…)

Emily is the biggest fucking liar around. She had everyone fucking truth blog on the internet defending her when someone said that picture related was actually her.
I don't know how anyone can trust this girl anymore. She self submits about herself, blames other people, and sits back and laughs as her minions attack her supposed "haters".
No. 80128
File: 1452652247684.jpg (329.46 KB, 2048x2048, 1452652084136.jpg)

Sucking in Vs not sucking in KEK
No. 80131
>>80064>Edit profileIf you're going to self post, log out of your account first. You're making this too easy for us.
Also, inb4 underaged b&.
No. 80133
>>80064And people wonder why we think every "new" person posted her is a self post.
This is why we can't have nice things.
No. 80143
File: 1452654309702.jpg (389.68 KB, 1280x853, tumblr_no3qay9Ox41qcdl07o1_128…)

No. 80145
File: 1452654392297.png (728.88 KB, 750x1334, image.png)

Here we go
No. 80146
File: 1452654446852.jpg (631.42 KB, 1000x680, tumblr_nyjmgpcsLI1uvsg16o1_128…)

No. 80149
>>80146the one thing that always bothered me about felice was that she would go to FUCKING TOWN on retouching her face for these self shoots she did….
but then leaves her arm completely unedited.
No. 80154
>>80149I remember she had such a complex about her nose and about aging, so the retouching makes sense, I wish she didn't considering she's still pretty without it.
Unlike Emily, an actual dog.
No. 80156
File: 1452654744787.gif (12.5 MB, 486x608, #fatspo.gif)

No. 80164
>>80145Gut's still there, Ember
Nice veins btw
No. 80167
>>80155>>80159>>80160>>80163Do you guys know what A-logging is?
Because you're doing it.
Negative attention sustains the beast just as well.
You're just providing her with 'thinspiration'.
No. 80168
>>80145More of her nasty bronzer smeared around to look like bones or bruises.
Mostly just looks like she only showers weekly.
No. 80170
>>80167Wat. Not only does a-logging make no sense outside of Chris-chan but thinspiration makes no sense towards ember who couldn't put a fork down if her life depended on it. But even if you're trying to say we're provoking the beast, that's… ideal? We want to laugh at it.
>watch a joke or sarcasm gone over my head Wonder why ember didn't claim bulimia instead to explain her constant munchies and say she just pukes or shits them out
Why is she such a bad liar can she not do a single thing right
No. 80174
File: 1452656834504.png (891.35 KB, 640x1136, image.png)

I don't see a big difference honestly. Left was before eating disorder, middle was at 96-100lbs, and right is her now at 110. Definitely thin, but I feel like she's another one trying to get attention for it because she doesn't have anything else going for her. She's mid 20s and working at an ice cream shop, goes out with friends constantly but only ever posts pictures of the disgusting food she eats with them, and isn't super ugly but not really pretty either. My guess is if she was heavily restricting at a point it was more of a diet than actually developing an eating disorder.
No. 80177
File: 1452657017509.png (783.9 KB, 750x1334, image.png)

No. 80179
>>80176Lmao I doubt it. She's been doing this for close to five years and hasn't managed to force herself to have anorexia yet. She's just gonna keep pretending to be interesting to kids well into her thirties. Only difference will be having to edit out stretch marks from squeezing out stoned babies every few years.
She's a normal sized girl, who will be a normal sized woman.
No. 80180
File: 1452657235511.jpg (333.46 KB, 2048x2048, 1452657209071.jpg)

Not only are you proving your weight gain but I like how the tile lines disappear and curve in the pic on the right KEK
No. 80183
File: 1452657344665.png (142.97 KB, 750x1334, image.png)

Ok now I'm lurking other sunny squad people and this girl may be one year away from being a legal adult but that's still nasty posting "daddy kink" shit when you're a child.
No. 80184
File: 1452657506925.jpeg (224.31 KB, 750x1120, image.jpeg)

inb4 self posts from starving kitten
No. 80189
File: 1452657898198.png (1.28 MB, 1233x655, ps.PNG)

lmao aw
No. 80192
>>80177LMFAO Oh my god this just keeps getting better
>>my ask name is a complete joke I would never WANT to be "the black…" Anything, it's a joke.So you're explaining a joke posted here that TOTALLY
WAS NOT you, and owning it? You need to be put down.
Also real wise move to act immediately after fucking up, admitting all you ants are active and lurking hard.
Wow this is actually more pathetic than Ember, I'm impressed.
No. 80193
>>80186It is, plus this fuckwad is legit asking over and over what a website is, clarification that IT IS IN FACT the included in the URL
all stuff
she could have just googled
if she hadn't suffered brain trauma.
No. 80194
>>80193this is the result of googling lolcow
like it literally takes you to where she wants to see what we're talking about
a real fucking idiot
also i just peeped her instagram and she keeps going by "kinky kitten" and has a tumblr called daddys kinky kitten
fuck's wrong with these people?
No. 80195
File: 1452658697533.png (63.84 KB, 751x650, Capture.PNG)

>>80194maybe i'm the one with brain damage. forgot to post pic
No. 80197
File: 1452658830101.jpeg (68.55 KB, 750x774, image.jpeg)

oh it just got 10x worse
No. 80199
>>80194yeah which is fucked up considering she's underage and fucking someone over 18, let alone daddy age, is illegal and would straight FUCK UP his life.
and really how fucked do you have to be as a kid to admit you're into it publicly? that's vile. nothing wrong with being what you're into but bitch
you are a child and even someone sexting you is going to fuck them over drop dead No. 80201
>>80199yea i just found her personal account and saw her bio says class of 2016
No. 80203
>>80198Actually sometimes it's mom issues since you turn to the male parental figure for attention.
Regardless, being that young and being so public that the only remotely interesting thing about you is your sexuality is so fucked up. You can't
literally be someone's little because you are A CHILD THAT IS FUCKING RAPE.
but w/e cool, willingly submit yourself to sexual abuse when your brain is still developing (fucking obviously) and give a real predator exactly what he wants. maybe put him in jail, maybe let him move onto other little girls. maybe self distribute your own underage pron, which will fuck you over too.
what a life.
No. 80207
>>80205I'm so glad I didn't look at that blog.
Is it possible to find her Facebook and let it idiot parents know? She's clearly about to fuck up her life.
No. 80210
>>80208How does self esteem this fucking low even happen, and bitch why aren't you doing a thing about it.
These girls are so fucking stupid oh my god
oh my god she has no idea how much she is getting fucked over in so many ways.
No. 80212
File: 1452659552932.png (709.77 KB, 919x817, fUCK.PNG)

does anyone have a dummy account to actually message her parents??? not about using my personal shit for that.
No. 80213
File: 1452659623478.png (340.56 KB, 900x634, wetzelspretzels.PNG)

don't know who's who
No. 80219
>>80217If you can be bothered maybe use mspaint, but otherwise eh. Not my problem.
Jfc I want to see replies from them. Anon plz don't let me down.
No. 80221
>>80220I screen shotted some already lol she's fucking stupid.
Anyone else take screen shots?
No. 80225
File: 1452660234377.png (123.71 KB, 750x1334, image.png)

Lol she dipped
No. 80226
>>80225hahaha we already screens hotted so much she's fucked.
also please censor and post any screen shots, i have a few.
No. 80232
File: 1452660893330.gif (46.51 KB, 400x246, cancer_cells_tumor-e1370614858…)

this entire thread is cancer. you should all be ashamed about drinking such low-quality milk
No. 80237
File: 1452661311443.jpg (68.42 KB, 480x270, wjANVCD.jpg)

Both parents have been contacted and URLS and appropriate screenshots were sent.
>some stupid website
No. 80242
File: 1452661648434.jpeg (112.63 KB, 630x654, image.jpeg)

"Ember is close to death"
No. 80244
File: 1452661771877.png (61.12 KB, 550x373, deathththththththt.png)

No. 80246
>>80242Hahahahahaha hahahahahaha ahahaha hahahah hahaha aha omg thank you for posting this anon.
That's hilarious.
No. 80253
>>80170Ember considers herself to be thinspo, lmao obviously this bitch isn't as easily ##
triggered as she pretends to be.
No. 80256
>>80255I hope you guys realize how fucked up you are, like you should probably take a break from the internet
I do love me some good chaos though
No. 80259
File: 1452667735677.png (828.03 KB, 750x1334, image.png)

No. 80260
>>80256nah after they were self posting in legit underwear, then making tumblrs to spread child porn of themselves, endangering other people who don't know or want to see that, and being literally statutory raped by some old guy who just cares about her body
no i feel good lol. i don't have sympathy for dumb teenage sluts.
No. 80263
>>80262no :c
also Wetz its a really unfortunate last name.
No. 80287
File: 1452684036826.jpg (44.65 KB, 475x657, 6tag-263037174-116033513674571…)

>>80285How long til she starts sperging out on her beloved again?
No. 80293
>>80285I know lolcow says this about pretty much everyone but the BPD really is strong with this one.
What a nasty selfish little bitch.
No. 80296
File: 1452684904662.jpg (4.37 KB, 168x194, download.jpg)

>>80287>>80294Reminds me of this
No. 80317
>>80262Oh wow, she's vile. She types like such a spoiled fucking cunt, like demanding she be able to say this clearly dying girl is just posing (~bc she's the most ana~) on her page, and then saying she "supported her this whole time, and this is the thanks i get"
she's so fucking manipulative wow.
No. 80318
>>80308Lmao okay there anachan.
You sperg any harder and you'll give yourself a hernia.
No. 80337
File: 1452699887884.png (331.58 KB, 750x1334, image.png)

Bitch literally uses the term "body check" for her recent pictures like
No. 80339
>>80338Share for share, I think
I don't use instagram but some people want popularity because you can get free things from companies&stores to promote them. If you're really popular, you can even make money sponsoring products.
However, people like ember want it primarily to be acknowledged. She is worthless and knows no one cares about her, so she's turned to insta for attention.
No. 80340
>>80339I couldn't be arsed for a few samples of crap.
Ember's pictures are really shit. There's literally NOTHING interesting about them. I'd probably send her some free soap to wash her face if I had a soap company, but she even looks grubby after those face mask things.
No. 80344
>>80340Yes, well, for her it's all validation. The places that have given her samples will give them to anyone.
Some people have made bank off instagram. Obviously ember is not someone who could do that.
No. 80355
>>80036I just looked closer at the picture and you're right, she really did attempt to horribly shoop some abs on herself
Somebody force her to take an anatomy class pls
No. 80363
File: 1452705727577.png (790.71 KB, 1080x1402, 2016-01-13 12.14.16.png)

Blacked out irrelevant comments to make the one I want you guys to read more obvious.
>im already in the process of getting treatment
No Ember, having an appointment for a check up isn't "getting treatment". There's a reason you had to wait 2 months just for an appointment where they THINK about your eating habits, and even that isn't true I'm sure. If you were as sick and as near death as you pretend, no doctor would treat you the way you are being treated. That's malpractice and knowing how you LOVE scamming people, you could sue but you really can't, since no one is mistreating your ugly ass.
No one irl takes her seriously, so she just lies and pretends to be the person she wants to be in instagram, all for attention. It's hilariously pathetic.
Also, I have the crazy feeling that Ember is gonna get bangs soon. Probably as in attempt to copy Emily C. for the millionth time or to hide those horrendous eyebrows/forehead wrinkles.
No. 80368
>>80363If you're gonna be a "recovery" instagram, it's pretty fucked up to upload #bodychecks and talk about how fat you are hahahah.
Sucks for those who are easily
triggered though. Ember is a miserable cunt and I couldn't care less if she suffered but my heart does go out to those who are all affected by her in someway though.
No. 80371
File: 1452706828968.png (21.38 KB, 507x88, Screen Shot 2016-01-13 at 9.39…)

>>80282this made me so fucking sick to my stomach. what a fucking child. "no offense but i know you're sick so i'm going to purposely
trigger you by calling you out and saying you're posing in a proana way- shit i do ALLLLL the time"
No. 80377
>>80149she did edit her arms, it was shown that she edited scars and burn marks onto herself for pity points. you can see she pasted the worst gash onto herself in
>>80146 because it covers some of the leaves.
No. 80380
>>80156>>80145>>80089>>80074>>80026First of all Ember, you most certainly don’t work out. You’re skin, bones, and residual fat, regardless of what you’re trying to communicate by vacuum-sucking in your diaphragm for a three second photograph. You couldn’t be less toned or in-shape if you tried. Stop trying to act like you’re not a lazy little slug.
Second of all, drinking tea doesn’t make anyone thinner or healthier, and pushing a “teatox” brand to your followers who
actually have eating disorders, using your own faux-emaciated body as advertising bait, is really fucking opportunistic in the least admirable way.
It’s more than obvious to everyone else that you’re imitating anorexic emaciation to simultaneously get more free shit, and maintain the admiration of young eating disordered girls to validate your misplaced self-esteem.
No. 80382
File: 1452707902638.jpg (60.33 KB, 535x395, IMG_20160113_115519.jpg)

Que transgender dress up party part II
No. 80388
>>80016>>80126Emily sent this truth blog an anonymous message:
>Can I ask why it's a big deal now that the cherry bra matters? And I'm also confused on why all of the sudden Emily is such a bad person? I'm a little lost. Like I know her personal blog was leaked but I kinda feel bad for her for that. I just don't see how it makes her a bad person for her being an alcoholic?And their reply:
>When have I ever used her blog or alcoholism as an excuse why Emily’s problematic?
>My issue with Emily is her complete inability to tell the truth, even when she’s writing on a “secret blog”. It’s her constantly making herself out to be a victim when in reality she’s the one a using herself by submitting info, pictures, anon asks, and A WHOLE THREAD on a known harsh image board.
>The bralette matters because it’s just another log on the fire. She lies and corralled the gossip blogs as if they were her own personal army to defend her, lied to us when we asked her privately if it was her just so we would keep helping inflate her already outrageous ego. She doesn’t give a shit and her posting that picture like “lol got u guise it rly was me even tho I was hysterical and promised it wasn’t on multiple occasions to the people who were trying to help”
>It’s just a fucking dick move. owned bitch.
No. 80392
>>80390#blessed thank u for the lols anon
i always thought emily was the absolute most pathetic - now that ember is the hardest working idiot here i think she wins, but emily is the definition of lame and forgettable, which she obviously knows based on her actions.
however her makeup has brought tears to my eyes from laughing so i have some gratitude.
No. 80415
File: 1452711831140.jpg (25.07 KB, 320x430, wHTWVyNwiIg.jpg)

>>80363That screenshot…
>>80415oh godddddddddd
I never thought I'd see this bitch again, she fell off the face of the earth for a while.
Is it really the same girl? Can't tell if shoop is so bad or so good that it doesn't look like her true ugly self
No. 80432
>>80423definitely her.
i guess she's trying to go for the new trendy drug-addled edgelord look now?
i can't understand why anyone would want their brows to look like this…
No. 80434
File: 1452714243393.jpg (68.41 KB, 806x354, same.jpg)

>>80418No she was a major Dakota copycat from 2-3 years ago that started out trying to self promote on PULL, got caught and torn apart.
She was friends with Mila Mortice for a while but Mila caught her shitposting about her on PULL and there was some drama over that.
I believe she was also friends with MegvnMvrie at one point too.
She tried befriending Kiki on Twitter once tweeting at her "urghhh those PULL meanies bullied me too!" despite the fact she fucking posted herself to PULL bit Kiki knew who she was and tore her a new one lel
Seems like most of her old photos were gone but she'd flipped get gourd this one, literally copying and pasting body parts from Dakota into her own photos thinking nobody would notice.
She has her own thread here:
>>>/pt/44324 No. 80438
File: 1452714383213.jpeg (333.89 KB, 1268x1463, image.jpeg)

Looks like fading Zoe is learning a valuable lesson in what you should and shouldn't post on the Internet. Someone apparently uploaded her body check video & now she's losing her mind over it. Go outside kids, make real friends, get off the internet, put your phones down. Jfc.
No. 80439
File: 1452714429902.jpg (105.17 KB, 760x507, 1363719329663.jpg)

>>80434Ohhhh I found one.
No. 80441
>>80415In her credit she doesn't post body checks, which I really fucking appreciate for once. And her eyebrows are actually real and kind of disgusting - for anyone that wants to know, to save you the lurking she brushed castor oil on her eyebrows for a year and a half and apparently that turned them into a forest.
Also she commented this on a tbt of her when she was a 16 year old and was normal with a little teenage fat
>Ah thanks, I wish I thought like that back in those days. During this point of my life, I was constantly bullied by my anorexic sister and a few times by my family for how 'fat' I was. These sayings and insults are permanently stuck with me for life.Which explains a lot, including the identity problems she had. Seems like a normal tumblr girl.
>>80432Hi fellow new englander, have you met dweeby Emily too?
>>80388Emily is not an alcoholic anymore than Shmegeh was when she admitted she started drinking heavily to seem cool on the internet. Why the fuck would you want to be the town drunk? She's already aging, this shit isn't cute.
No. 80445
>>posts an underage video to a site that is as public as any other social media site>>i might overdoseshe's fucking 15 where the FUCK AR
No. 80450
>>80422At least she is giving us a bunch of thinspo to report. Maybe she will lose her account soon :D
If you are following her, here are some direct links to the posts you can report: account IS NOT private right now, so it's a great time to report all of those posts if you don't follow her.
inb4 her account magically goes private two seconds after i post this
No. 80453
>>80438what was her video??? i fuckin hate one this girl so much but no one ever talks about her
i remember i brought her up in an old wannarexics thread and people were like "she's 15 stop talking about her" LIKE>..>??>>> EMILY?? cryING FACE?? is 16 and people talk about that boring bitch all the time
No. 80456
>>80453IDK I'm not finding nothing on Youtube, no matter how hard I refine the search.
She probably posted the video herself. These proana scumbags love giving themselves reasons to flip the fuck out.
No. 80460
File: 1452718441752.jpg (69.13 KB, 534x569, IMG_20160113_145254.jpg)

No. 80471
File: 1452720828684.png (115.67 KB, 738x839, lmfao.PNG)

>>80462the fucking comments
No. 80472
File: 1452720975579.jpg (443.9 KB, 2048x2048, 1452720869143.jpg)

No. 80483
File: 1452723739943.jpg (378.98 KB, 2048x2048, 1452723673044.jpg)

Eyebrows on point!
No. 80485
File: 1452724021909.jpg (11.15 KB, 150x200, image.jpg)

>>80483What the ever loving fuck
No. 80504
File: 1452727828252.png (116.06 KB, 567x569, lol.png)

Emily loves burning bridges.
No. 80508
File: 1452728275543.jpg (122.34 KB, 527x835, IMG_20160113_173425.jpg)

I'm not fat I'm just wearing 734 layers of pants.
No. 80512
File: 1452728934941.jpg (1.43 MB, 1287x1993, charles_darwin2_by_zuzahin-d6q…)

>>80466Why is Charles Darwin chilling out between her thighs.
No. 80519
>>80511Yeah I'm a little lost, too
I understand the original picture was posted to some truth blog?
And this nobody claimed it wasn't her and got people to white knight her over it?
But why did it need WKing? Why is it bad it's her?
I don't understand how we went from
>literally nobody on lolcow cares who this girl is/claiming she's self posting To
>omg drama proof of blah blahWhat are the deets? I'm missing something here
No. 80520
File: 1452730445883.jpg (88.42 KB, 456x810, tumblr_nghvbmwyoC1tktmygo1_540…)

>>80511Several months ago, this image
>>80051 was submitted to truth blogs by someone, stating that Emily sent the image to her and how
triggering it was for the person who received it.
But Emily swore up and down that the image was not her, but was actually Ember Whann FRAMING her. She flat out lied to every single one of her friends, so they will defend her.
Multiple people argued about this, here are few of the posts on Tumblr: people had no idea what to think and considered it to be a mystery, until Emily posted this image on her blog
>>80016 but she has since deleted it, because the people who defended Emily have reblogged the image and called her out for lying about it all of those months ago. No. 80522
>>80519I think the original drama was that Emily sent it so some chick and it got her right in the
triggers, and then Emily spent weeks crying and convincing truth blogs that it wasn't her, instead it was some big mean fakey faker trying to make her look bad.
Turns out it was just number 10837378937 in Emily's grand master plan 'Everybody look at me all the time I'm special'
No. 80525
File: 1452730694317.png (1.81 MB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_2016-01-13-18-14-59…)

>>79031Lol ember photoshopped her squidward dick nose
No. 80530
File: 1452731363491.png (277.23 KB, 779x418, squidward.png)

No. 80536
File: 1452732310619.png (116.46 KB, 1278x737, 0708789.png)

Ember has a pro-ana twitter account called @starvinggkitten
No. 80550
File: 1452734348436.png (77.99 KB, 1278x587, 000898989889.png)

>>80536Ember keeps swearing this isn't her but she uploaded the unedited version of one of her Instagram photo to that account lol. She did the same shit when she pretended to be some Russian person while running some thinspo blog with the url f6t6f6 or something like that. She posted uncropped images to her thinspo blog, sourced her main blog, and proceeded to freak out on HERSELF for using her as thinspo. She also did the same thing to Emily, despite hating her at that time.
So much cringe.
I wonder how some stranger would have access to an image that only Ember had access too haha.
>>80548Duh, of course she claimed she was hacked. That's what she says every time she gets caught doing shady shit lol. What's your point?
>>53410>>53383>>53374 No. 80551
File: 1452734578011.gif (733 KB, 886x923, BURN.gif)

>>80525She burned the outer ridges of her nose, lightened her forehead wrinkles, burned her lips, and lightened the middle part of her nose.
No. 80563
File: 1452737514037.jpg (116.34 KB, 536x782, IMG_20160113_200812.jpg)

Lurk much?
No. 80571
>>80522Again, I seent this bitch in person and she is queen dweeb. I actually felt a little bad for her considering how insecure/sad or whatever she looked, but I knew of her drama. Her internet obsession made more sense, she kept her eyes on the floor and had shitty posture.
I mean if I saw Ember I'd probably burst out laughing but I feel she'd at least try to be consistent with her ego trip. Have Emily and Ember met in person?
No. 80592
>>80563What's really annoying is she begs for followers but doesn't tweet or update at all??? Like why
Prob bc she only has 60 followers on there. Someone with 14,000
real followers on insta would get at least 100 or so with a promo like that. But fake followers won't do shit :)
No. 80684
File: 1452775623287.jpeg (168.69 KB, 750x1040, image.jpeg)

No. 80703
File: 1452779765395.jpg (319.06 KB, 1500x568, wtf is wrong with you.jpg)

ok so i was lurking on ember's fb and found this gem
"being who i am and what i weigh"
"u can be size 00/xxs like me"
such hardship, very trauma :( :(
No. 80710
File: 1452781221373.png (670.56 KB, 640x1136, image.png)

To the anon that was wondering about the self poster's food diary, I saw a comment on one of the sunny sqaud posts and I think this is her account. Not sure though.
No. 80719
>>80711i feel like her saying she's boney is alluding to her having an ED but i could also be reading too much into it
regardless she's full of shit, seeing as she's spent forever telling people that their body is the opposite of beautiful kek
No. 80725
File: 1452785721838.jpg (835.32 KB, 1512x1512, 2d9v701.jpg)

I wasn't sure where to post this girl, because she's a league whore too
But since I reverse searched an image of her after she followed me on tumblr that lead me to MPA, I guess here is best. she's photoshopping herself to at least half of her size, I thought she'd be a good change to the usual proana instagram people posted here
No. 80747
File: 1452792298846.jpg (19.79 KB, 274x272, qwack.JPG)

>>80739therefore, suck in n duck pout harder!
No. 80758
File: 1452794286097.jpg (54.33 KB, 598x483, BxydtzVIgAEDFqq.jpg)

>>80747>>80747She made herself look like a bicycle seat lol
No. 80767
File: 1452797480566.png (959.17 KB, 640x960, image.png)

She looks 40 lol
No. 80788
File: 1452800564341.jpg (50.08 KB, 531x397, IMG_20160114_133954.jpg)

It's not hard to figure out. She's done it before, she has even solicited other people to do it, why wouldn't she be doing it now? #wakeupemily #emberisnotyourfriend
No. 80794
>>80791I hav her on snapchat too ?
(probably underage) No. 80796
>>80788She fucking knows she has no friends. She only talks to ember because they both love stirring shit and having everyone talk about it cause these mayo af bitches aren't even as interesting as a bologna sandwich.
And why wouldn't anyone just believe that Emily is making it up? Or even did it to herself?
No. 80797
>>80791>>80794Fuck off already you retarded new fag
Admin please for the love of God underage b& these shits
No. 80800
>>80794>>80797omg yolo yes lets phone ember lololololol so much trollin lolololol
No. 80811
File: 1452804106874.png (Spoiler Image,140.56 KB, 750x1334, image.png)

lmao ember begged for a shout out and told the person she has all these issues omg
No. 80820
>>80812Glad you did. I'm
triggered by
>demons No. 80821
>>80811yeah because when you're truly battling depression and anxiety, what you need to do is feed an internet obsession so you never have to actually face your problems - and of course, be promoted by other girls that are straight up
trying to get eating disorders.
mostly i come here and laugh and don't allow to take any of this seriously, but fuck i'm getting so sick of how these masses of kids namedrop serious disorders and do everything their power to stay or become even more unhealthy. luckily people who actually struggling with those things and want to get better stay away from those garbage kids, but it's messing up public perspective on those issues.
like that bitch who threatened suicide because """""someone""""" posted a video she originally posted on another social media platform, or every time there's some critics about their actions it's not even like "hey sorry, you're right it was dumb, i'm dealing with a lot and got overwhelmed" or something, it's this weird "i'm depressed and anxious so i get to stay a kid forever, it's
your fault"
like how fucking much do you have to deeply hate yourself to make up like three serious disorders - how much attention did you not get and why aren't you fixing it
No. 80829
>>80824But why would they want pity? I feel like it's so transparent that they know they have no other skill and hate how useless they are, so they hide behind something more serious instead of addressing the problem. That's more what I meant by self hatred, that they refuse to believe in challenging themselves and their own capabilities. If they claim their self esteem issues are disorders they have more time to hide, considering they are life long struggles.
Like don't these girls want a higher quality fanbase instead of other idiot babies? It's so embarrassing how public they are about this (would obv be a different thing if they were diagnosed/making real efforts, etc.)
No. 80832
>>80829Different anon here but I think its a lot to do with being raised to believe they are special and smart and important without effort. They've never received encouragement for practice or work, just praise for existing.
Now they fully believe that they are all super special and delicate and anyone who doesn't adore them is a jealous bully, because that's all they've ever been told.
No. 80835
> Now they fully believe that they are all super special and delicate and anyone who doesn't adore them is a jealous bully, because that's all they've ever been told.another anon here. that makes sense. Anyone else there with depression or panic symtoms? Can only speak for myself, but when I´m deep in a depressive episode, or panic attac, the last thing I can think about is grabbing my phone and posting it on istagram or smthg.
Maybe their disorders go different dunno
No. 80839
>>80838I do have an account, but do not post very often. It´s private and from time to time I post some mental illness related stuff. But I´m a coward and do not show my face or anything that could be related to my person in RL.
Don´t these cows and snowflakes fear someone (future boss, employees….) might find their presence on the Internet??
would give me the shit knowing my boss or someone at university could find me "body checking in underwear"
No. 80841
>>80835I suffer from depression and from an eating disorder and it took me years (13 to 17 - I'm over 20 now) to finally be able to tell a doctor. I felt extremely ashamed of these negative emotions and habits.
I remember the day very well, I woke up for school feeling the same weight on my heart that I always did. I told my dad that I felt "sick" and needed to go to the doctor, so he made an appointment and took me their later in the afternoon. Normally, I would let him come in and do all the talking for me, but not today. I was too embarrassed to even tell him the type of sickness I felt. When my doctor entered the patient room, I broke down and told her
everything. The depression, anxiety, crying episodes, and every detail about my disordered eating habits. She immediately referred me to an outpatient program and I spent the next few months seeing a therapist, in an attempt to recover.
But I never told my dad the truth (I lied and said it was anxiety related) about why I needed to go to the doctor that day and my secrecy angered him severely. He had no idea why I would want to speak to my doctor alone and assumed I was pregnant.
Anyways, I have always been ashamed of my depression and fucked up behaviors and could never imagine running an account where I openly flaunted my sadness/disordered habits.
No. 80842
>>80837Yeah but that shit is so embarrassing and unhelpful. Like I said, it's not cute it's just other idiot baby teenagers that follow them because they have the same spoiled complex. I'm saying why not try to look more accomplished, it's just a weird thing to use to get attention because you look disabled
>>80835I've been diagnosed with major depression and anxiety, but I've had symptoms from childhood so I've always been focused as hell on trying to feel like everyone else - which makes it worse sometimes, but I'm more consistent with working on it and treat it like a traditional illness. I only tell my school administration so people don't think I'm just lazy/difficult, but with anyone else (unless I know they have the same) I fucking do not tell them. If anything I just say a family member died so they don't ask questions or doubt what I'm going through - I can't imagine
basing my entire personality and identity around a disorder that convinces me I'm half a person.
No. 80846
This cunt is such a hypocrite hates attention whores but constantly acts like an attention whore, but I'm lol'ing at the 0 notes. She has to spam her followers with her disgusting zoomed in nudes just to get attention. I do love all of the angles she uses to hide her fatness though, it's hilariously transparent.
No. 80847
>>80841>>80842thx now I know that there are not only attention seekers out there!
U know what grinds my gears?
When sbdy asks "how are you" I say "fine", cause
- I don´t want to talk
- it´s (most often) my business and I don´t want drama or that I catch attention.
Now I´ve logged into insta and all I see is a picture of a girl (black/white ofc) lying on a railway line dramatically saying:
"how are you? - just fine"
I know again why I´m on istagram not very often
No. 80861
>>80859Improved not impoverished fuck.
Does autocorrect ever actually do what anyone wants?
No. 80862
>>80767she's going to give herself a stroke from tensing her neck muscles so hard, lol
seriously that haircut looks terrible for her face. the fact that she still insists on sucking in her cheeks and pursing her thin lips makes it all look even more unflattering.
I know she's trying so hard to look like emma roberts (KEK) but right now she looks like a grandma
No. 80863
>>80854>you definitely will not be capable of posting in this momentHey now, that's not true. I have made pretty of reckless posts during a freakout/episode. It
is possible, but I try to just distance myself from the internet whenever I am feeling extra emotional because the attention I receive from acting like an attention whore is horrible. I'm always shamed of the way I act during those times.
No. 80869
>>80846This bitch is a perfect example of
>>80837I wish fatties would stop getting naked. There's beached whales all over the planet, why add another?
No. 80871
>>80862If you have to cover your face beyond recognition to look like a celebrity, why take pride in it kek
Emma Roberts would kick her hick ass for being such a cheap looking wannabe
No. 80873
>>80862Throws together random woolen shit, calls it an outfit.
Huge ugly brown sunglasses
Brassy hair in PTA mum style number 4
She's 19 going on 38
No. 80874
>they don't try to impoverished because they don't see any need to>comprehensionfucking lol ok.
Yes I clearly understand they don't see any need to, but they don't have
actual disorders so there's no real suffering involved to lend the desire to change. That's my point, why publicly hide behind a disorder that
requires behavioral changes to feel better? It's like saying you have a broken leg and refusing a cast, they should expect people to disrespect them for not trying.
I'm saying it's a dumb plan to get attention.
No. 80879
>>80846Yooooo isn't she one of those insufferable ~*warriors of justice truth bloggers*~ ?
Noticed that a lot of them criticize people they turned out to be very similar to, so crazy.
No. 80891
File: 1452814254443.jpg (10.66 KB, 275x275, image.jpg)

>>80874When did I say its a smart plan?
You can keep repeating ITS SO DUMB REEEEEEEEEEEEE all you like but you're missing the point.
These girls think its a good idea and that they are legitimately as unwell as they claim.
No. 80918
File: 1452819730721.jpg (225.84 KB, 1280x1269, dontlookatmelookatme.jpg)

ccccraaaaaaaaaaaaawling in my skiiiiiin
these wounds, they look great in my new seeeelffieeee
No. 80923
>>80918lmao i was going to post this but she's sooooooo fuuuucking thirsty i opted out.
this is a grown woman who's still trying to be the toughest kid in middle school.
doesn't she bitch about all her relationships/friendships? like publicly posting that is going to attract better men or friends. this is why you keep getting abused.
No. 80953
File: 1452825833248.jpeg (119.36 KB, 750x1334, image.jpeg)

No. 80963
>>80953Is that eyeshadow under her eye?
It looks like she's trying to make it look like she's got mad dark shadows under her eyes.
No. 80971
>>80966Lol. I don't see why she can't say she fucked up and just delete the account, instead she she has to lie and say someone hacked her.
>>80885Is your plan to get an anon to say they can hack emails so you can accuse them of "hacking" you?
No. 80990
don't post shit like this.
We're not here to do research for you.
No. 81133
File: 1452843081902.jpg (169.35 KB, 960x1280, tumblr_nusit9pNSP1qcdl07o2_128…)

>>80963no she has hella eye bags.
>>80959Shut up Ember you didn't star anything, Shmegeh was known for that fuckery.
No. 81136
File: 1452843353718.png (270.84 KB, 272x561, ember.png)

>>81133same with ember, yoyo dieting fucks up your skin so badly these girls are so dumb.
No. 81139
File: 1452843550533.png (418.22 KB, 436x539, actualember.png)

lmfao here's ember when she can't do her ana poses, this was like two pictures down this is too good
lil chunky monkey face~
No. 81145
>>81135Every ana faggot has been doing that sucking in face since fucking xanga. Jfc you vendetta-Chana are so picky, its beyond pathetic.
'Dis cow started it'
They're both fucking trash stop your bullshit arguing.
No. 81148
I always sound fuckin mad.
No. 81189
>>81186maddie get the fuck out
why did you use the same exact email as the last time you got caught
No. 81190
File: 1452866736838.jpg (124.54 KB, 521x736, 1451768973071.jpg)

So this didn't happen, surprise surprise.
No. 81199
>>81190Doctor: ember pls stop making appointments when there's nothing wrong
Ember: is too busy taking pictures of the office and medical equipment to listen
No. 81207
File: 1452872715008.png (351.05 KB, 750x1334, image.png)

Did a farmer make that little kids acct?
No. 81209
File: 1452872816189.jpg (185.63 KB, 539x781, IMG_20160115_094217.jpg)

She about to get more free shit. Someone needs to warn these companies and her scamming, lying, pedophile ways. This is just more ammunition to lure more kids
No. 81215
File: 1452873290368.png (419.76 KB, 750x1334, image.png)

No. 81216
File: 1452873306668.jpg (143.48 KB, 528x833, IMG_20160115_095351.jpg)

Is disgusted and could have just blocked but promotes and tags pedophile anyways.
No. 81230
File: 1452876515940.png (3.41 MB, 2048x2048, PhotoGrid_1452876279732.png) have the oddest suspicion that this girl is using thinspo poses or some sort of photoshop to make herself appear thinner, espically in the leg area.
In the middle image, the full body mirror looks like it is leaning back, which is known as a "skinny mirror".
So that's one way she manipulates her photos.
No. 81234
File: 1452877005266.png (1.94 MB, 2048x1130, PhotoGrid_1452876837025-1.png)

>has over 15,000 followers
>can't break 500 likes on thinspo without begging
This girls followers are faker than Ember's.
No. 81253
>>81230That bottom right photo is frightening
Take notes ember you'll never be veiny like that
No. 81333
File: 1452896740726.png (802.71 KB, 640x1136, image.png)

Lmao the weird veggie side just looks like broccoli and mushrooms…she's seriously going to give herself diabetes with all the carbs and sugar she eats
No. 81368
File: 1452909519479.png (3.7 MB, 2048x2048, PhotoGrid_1452909198928.png)

these shoops are too obvious for me to handle
No. 81370
File: 1452909592395.png (1.28 MB, 1080x1611, Screenshot_2016-01-15-20-57-08…)

No. 81372
File: 1452910178915.png (2.85 MB, 1429x2048, PhotoGrid_1452910071996-1.png)

No. 81388
File: 1452916270253.png (1.34 MB, 1249x663, tyutyu.PNG)

>>81374she's so disgusting looking have you seen her fucking teeth?
No. 81390
File: 1452916529438.png (743.93 KB, 737x498, datyellowcheek.PNG)

she has so much yellowing on her face idk who's she's kidding with this "i just have a fast metabolism" shit
No. 81454
File: 1452955710306.jpg (174.82 KB, 531x751, IMG_20160116_084217.jpg)

When google has your fat pic and the link lists you as a fake anorexic with fat thighs, GOLD!!!!
No. 81468
File: 1452963379858.jpg (55.05 KB, 348x459, IMG_20160116_105551.jpg)

When you can't edit your fat head in your reflection
No. 81472
File: 1452964303241.png (402.39 KB, 717x481, bikeseat.png)

Queen Ember posted a new selfie, have you all been #blessed enough to see it yet?
No. 81479
File: 1452964860448.png (154.67 KB, 258x487, fr4.png)

I'm a lil shocked Ember hasn't been milking Alan Rickman's death for attention.
No. 81482
File: 1452965034652.png (1.01 MB, 2048x1192, PhotoGrid_1452964872254-1.png)

>do your titties hang low, do they wobble to and fro?……
No. 81486
File: 1452965301735.png (227.15 KB, 930x585, liar.png)

Anyone else notice that everytime Ember says she will
spam you with likes and comments, her activity feed
never shows her doing so?
She just followed two more gymnastic accounts though.
>>81479#RIPAlanaRickman incoming
No. 81498
File: 1452967395985.png (176.18 KB, 455x481, hot neck.png)

Her neck is super hot for a 28 year old man! You go, Ember!
No. 81542
>>81481 would ember be a hufflepuff?
or prob. like Umbridge?
No. 81545
File: 1452974918009.jpg (102.65 KB, 1925x1083, maxresdefault.jpg)

>>81544>>81542She'd be a house elf
No. 81557
File: 1452978087215.png (274.48 KB, 930x330, Screen Shot 2016-01-16 at 4.00…)

Did other people see Ember's instagram food diary or is that old news? Her food looks like worms.
No. 81568
>>81545She's a blast ended scroot.
Remember hagrid had these animals and everyone hated them because all they did was be terrible and explode all over the place.
House elves were cool.
No. 81588
File: 1452990703423.jpeg (1.05 MB, 2592x1936, image.jpeg)

No. 81591
File: 1452991073290.jpeg (1.18 MB, 2592x1936, image.jpeg)

No. 81595
File: 1452991422475.jpeg (180.76 KB, 750x1334, image.jpeg)

Wish it was such shitty quality but look at dat wiggly line of the floor
No. 81662
File: 1453008225600.png (500.73 KB, 927x572, Screen Shot 2016-01-16 at 6.34…)

found one of embers friends on instagram and she' pretty lolworthy too
No. 81663
File: 1453008301463.png (377.55 KB, 930x572, Screen Shot 2016-01-16 at 6.34…)

>>81662she literally takes videos of herself crying and drinking vodka. it's cringeworthy.
No. 81705
>>81446I used to follow her until she started posting pics. The worst part is that people are encouragin her even tho shes almost spoopy level.
She also doesnt realize most of her followers/anons are pro anas. Evwryone just stopped trying to tell her shes sick.
sage bc no one cares about "fitblrs"
No. 81775
File: 1453049536498.jpeg (82.73 KB, 733x1110, image.jpeg)

all the wannarexics are whoring out this ugly sop
This will be fun to watch
No. 81779
File: 1453050121530.png (498.05 KB, 736x840, lol.png)

>>81775Bad photoshop is baaaaad.
No. 81787
File: 1453051738884.png (1.14 MB, 1080x1507, Screenshot_2016-01-17-12-26-56…)

This looks like votmit!!! :S
No. 81800
>>81786pretty sure it's decay.
her teeth are always like that and have always been like that. probably purging or drugs
No. 81814
File: 1453054944969.jpeg (117.21 KB, 618x631, image.jpeg)

So it was crying Emily's birthday today, I love that she was wearing not one, but two birthday girl buttons & one of them is massive, totally not a cry for attention..
No. 81820
File: 1453055681712.jpg (70.56 KB, 423x388, IMG_20160117_123306.jpg)

Is that a thumb or a fucking foot?
No. 81830
>>81814Put your bets on the table ladies….
Will crying Emily have her melt down:
A)during her bday because she didn't get every fucking thing she wanted
B) at the end of her bday because tomorrow she will be back to her regular "shitty" life
C) the following day, when she forgets that today happened
D) all throughout because she's an insufferable cunt
No. 81845
File: 1453057299672.jpg (83.57 KB, 842x418, cxd.jpg)

Damn you would think that a person with 14,500 followers, who constantly promotes her food dairy, would have waaay more followers on that other account lol
I wonder how many people would follow her account if she didn't beg for shoutouts every other hour. She only has over 2k on her food dairy because she tells people IF U FOLLOW BOTH MUH ACCOUNTS - I WILL PROMOTE YOU.
But I have a pro ana sock account and got Ember to promote it for the lulz, and I didn't get a single fucking follower LOL
No. 81859
File: 1453059151821.png (26.64 KB, 655x387, hjkghk.PNG)

this is funny tho
No. 81868
>>81859Wtf am I looking at? Who is this?
Please, take your head out of your ass, don't just assume we know who you are. That right there is what makes it obvious that this is a self post.
Normal posters provide links.
No. 81877
File: 1453061735835.png (1.14 MB, 1906x622, 1450101691038.png)

Don't do meth
No. 81893
File: 1453063003463.gif (83.98 KB, 403x392, image.gif)

>>81833Fucking go away!!!!!! Nobody cares about your bullshit maddie
No. 81911
File: 1453065065250.jpg (129.55 KB, 953x609, cxd.jpg)

this image is so weird to me
No. 81952
File: 1453069524647.png (1.28 MB, 1517x839, try-so-hard.png)

No. 81953
>>81952I can't help but feel a little bad for girls who try so hard to fit into a certain aesthetic that just doesn't work for them. She's devoting so much time and effort into looking like a G0FFIK QUEEN but it's just not working for her. She looks like a flattened squirrel.
>>81911What the hell? Her legs look normal, but everything from about the waist up looks spoopy. Not sure if shoop or just unfortunate fat distribution.
No. 82001
>>81968I don't know, she has been referring to herself as the "thinspo queen" for the past 4 years now. I don't think anyone with a real eating disorder would be able to love themselves as much as Ember does.
She constantly calls herself ugly and fat but whenever someone insults her, she immediately talks herself up lol.
Her self hatred is fake, I guess she thinks she needs to act like she loathes herself so other people will play nice but she can't even hate herself properly.
No. 82027
>>82002If she had NPD she wouldn't be working with her mom for a catering company
I don't think you understand the symptoms required for a PD diagnosis, Ember is just desperate to famous
She both hates and loves herself in equal parts, she even dropped out of school and vagued on her fb
She's trapped forever as an ignorant, skinny fat loser with an ugly face and unfortunately for her she's both too stupid and too poor to pull herself above it
She has nothing to look up to except social media famous people, she's obsessed with their fake image so she decided to make her own fake image
There's nothing genuinely wrong with her except she most likely has anxiety because she's probably living in fear of the day this turns on her in a worse way than instagram fights but other than that she doesn't care because she's self medicating with weed to live in her alternate reality world
Tl;dr you really think this dumb shit is smart enough to have NPD when she's just a parrot admiring herself in a muddy puddle lol
No. 82047
File: 1453077203639.jpg (35.96 KB, 500x500, 1442230540024.jpg)

>>82040His parents took her on vacation multiple times. I am sure they would love to know that this cunt is making their son look like an abuser/rapist.
>Pic related - it's them in South Carolina No. 82055
File: 1453077738110.png (7.22 KB, 627x92, ooo.png)

>>34858It's silly that Ember keeps saying she never cheated on A.J. when she literally said she cheated on him in her original thread.
No. 82057
>>82055Ember moved in her that 32 year old guy not even a week after she was kicked out her A.J.'S house. That should make it obvious that she was clearly warming up to this Andrew guy long before her fiance saw those videos of her acting like a slut on camera. She probably cheated/attempted to cheat multiple times before he watched those videos and that was all the proof he needed that Ember is a deceitful whore and needed to get the fuck out of his house/life.
Now take a stroll down memory lane with me
>>35110>>35098>>35126>>35131 No. 82075
>>81967isn't western new york like the middle of nowhere?
my guess is there is no way in hell anyone would recognize ember anyways, she's entirely forgettable and scrubby.
No. 82083
>>82002You're an idiot and don't know anything about NPD or living with someone who has it.
I was raised by a narc, ember isn't one. She's just a attention hungry social media slut.
No. 82092
File: 1453084136641.png (2.05 MB, 2048x1599, PhotoGrid_1453083582089-1.png)

I normally pity fat proanas but not when they say shit like "how it is I can starve myself all day then eat uncontrollably at night?"
Someone this big can lose weight so easily if she just exercised, drank 60-90 oz a day, and stop eating AFTER 6pm instead of refusing food until 6pm then stuffing herself just before she sleeps for 10 hours only to wake up even fatter, hating herself more, and becoming even less motivated to lose weight.
At that size, if she started losing working out, she would notice the results in a few weeks, which would only motivate her further. Its pathetic that she is just wasting her potential because she can't stop feeling bad for herself.
No. 82093
>>82092she has relapse in her username
relapse from WHAT
No. 82096
File: 1453084438072.png (2.35 MB, 2048x2048, PhotoGrid_1453084351030.png)

>>82093She says she was diagnosed with binge eating and EDNOS buuuuuuut I can't see this girl actually talking to a doctor about her weight problem.
No. 82108
File: 1453086257919.png (49.66 KB, 877x324, Screen Shot 2016-01-17 at 10.0…)

so i found this lmao
No. 82112
File: 1453087325002.png (6.48 MB, 3008x1952, fakerecana.png)

I've been meaning to post about this girl, but I wasn't sure if she should go here or in the Aly thread, so I just came here. Whatever.
She's been "real recovering" for months now, and I'm quite sure she hasn't gained more than 3 pounds. She's from Argentina, and obviously pro-ana. Go to her profile and look at her pic. She's a really bad Aly copycat, like the poor, third-world version of her.
No. 82113
File: 1453087426027.png (589.62 KB, 964x602, alycopycat.png)

Also, this is her most recent post. She once posted a bodycheck, but it's deleted now.
No. 82124
File: 1453088824293.jpeg (469.7 KB, 1936x1936, image.jpeg)

>>81897Well you called it, so predictable though. She's had oats, 2 Nakd bars, a banana, a sandwich, small slice of carrot cake & this all day. Christ kid, that's not a lot of food for a 17 year old. Or really anyone.
No. 82139
>>82075A lot of Upstate/Western NY is in the middle of nowhere but most of Rochester, and particularly its upper-middle-class areas like Eastview Mall, the suburbs of Pittsford, Brighton, etc are definitely not. They're very well developed, unlike the more rural areas like Honeoye Falls or Bloomfield. I live in the Rochester area and wouldn't be surprised if I ran into her somewhere. Like I said, it's not the middle of nowhere but it's still a small enough area where you can easily run into people you know if you're out and about.
Sage for slight OT
No. 82142
>>82139Sage'd my above post incorrectly, I accidentally put it in the wrong text line. My apologies, farmers.
The derp is strong with this one today.
No. 82272
File: 1453115097420.png (423.82 KB, 1080x1520, Screenshot_2016-01-18-05-53-14…)

>im not doing well
>mom is FORCING me to get a job
>but she doesn't UNDERSTAND me!
>i am sick and never want to better myself
>she doesn't even act like an adult!
>so i don't have to take any responsibility either!
>waaaah i need a denist but she won't even find me one!
Mother like daughter. This family seems to be stuck in a vicious cycle of laziness and self entitlement.
No. 82276
File: 1453115514186.png (1.28 MB, 2048x1669, PhotoGrid_1453115434421-1.png)

Obvious photoshop but the comments lol.
No. 82292
File: 1453117205491.png (1.75 MB, 1904x1364, PhotoGrid_1453117135253-1.png)

Somebody send this girl some babywipes.
No. 82300
>>82276the waist looks shooped on the left, but the one on the right is doable if she does a lot of ab work (look up stomach vacuums, bodybuilders are able to shift their abs into their ribcage to make their stomachs dramatically small)
but let's get real, there's no way she's into actual fitness lol
No. 82303
>>82124Why does she eat shitty food? She should be going the fitness vegan route, that way she can be self righteous about her anorexia.
>>82113Lol nice leg lengthening app
No. 82304
File: 1453121499438.jpg (90.83 KB, 736x932, 0b166427562caac5f80d3c21ac4d87…)

>>82093relapsing from not inhaling cheetos for 1 hour
it's traumatic for them
No. 82310
File: 1453122664528.png (2.15 MB, 1519x2048, PhotoGrid_1453122590413-1.png)

get a load of this pile of spoop
No. 82316
File: 1453123151881.png (1.05 MB, 1080x1412, Screenshot_2016-01-18-08-16-15…)

>"fuck eating disorders!"
>has two different types of eating disorders as username
No. 82329
File: 1453123849556.png (2.23 MB, 2048x1654, PhotoGrid_1453123737408-1.png)

I was surprised to find out that this girl is 23. She looks 14.
No. 82332
>>82092>>82096Her LW is 198, the "when did I let myself go?" sounds so damn silly.
Poor thing, she has such a pretty face. At least she's 15, there's still plenty of time.
No. 82335
File: 1453124043706.png (1.55 MB, 2048x1096, PhotoGrid_1453123934378-1.png)

>>82329Tbh I thought the image on the far left was photoshopped until I looked at her other selfies.
No. 82340
File: 1453124244053.gif (113.14 KB, 250x200, Suuuuuurrrrrrrrrreeeeeee _3df7…)

>>82329>>82335Took her around 5 months to become that thin and Ember has always been chubby as fuck but wants us to believe she has been anorexic for over a decade.
uh huh.. sureeeee. we totally believe you Ember LOL.
No. 82358
File: 1453125531881.jpg (348.96 KB, 2048x2048, 1453125389407.jpg)

>>82335Either self post or gullible because her pictures are definitely photoshopped in one way or another. These thighs are nowhere near the same KEK
No. 82366
File: 1453127365458.png (2.04 MB, 1378x2048, PhotoGrid_1453127240658-1.png)

>>82358But you're comparing images taken two months apart? I love spotting shoops and when I originally saw her newest pic, I instantly assumed it was edited until I looked deeper into her account. To me, it seems she really has lost weight over the past 5 months.
No. 82369
File: 1453127764974.png (1.81 MB, 1946x1565, PhotoGrid_1453127431657-1.png)

>>82358Leg pic is 15 weeks old and full body is 8 weeks old.
A symptom of anorexic is dramatic weightloss in a short period and I know a lot of these people lie/over exaggerate for attention, but it is very possible for some of them to be legitimately sick.
But if I spot any weird blurring or curved lines by her thighs, I'll definitely be pointing out the shoops here.
No. 82376
File: 1453128829412.jpg (603.65 KB, 2048x2048, 1453128565146.jpg)

>>82369It's amazing how the reindeer grow. People lie, face it and stop wasting our time trying to prove shit
No. 82379
>>82370You accuse me of being a self poster but there refer to her in the third person LOL, make up your mind dude. I will agree that it is possible that she is using that image altering feature that Instagram now has. Y'know what I'm talking about?
>>82376You just gonna pretend that the black and white image doesn't show baggy leggings and the colored one look as if she actually has them pulled up?
No. 82394
File: 1453130189147.gif (971.61 KB, 615x640, Untitled-1.gif)

>>82384Anon why you so mad? Skinny girl is TOO skinny so it must be fake? Also, the trees and snowflakes are stretched in the red image because she actually has them on properly, whereas the black and white image, they're clearly pulled down to make them appear baggy as fuck.
Anyways, I made this gif comparing two images she recently posted and the picture in the back slightly changes shapes and her thighs do look like she squished them a bit
shrugs No. 82395
File: 1453130641333.jpg (92.11 KB, 540x540, tumblr_nt4mkbpJQX1t0vtqbo1_540…)

she gives me Ash vibes
No. 82402
File: 1453131355671.png (2.13 MB, 1216x1078, ehhh.png)

Found these on her Tumblr
No. 82406
>>82402I've been watching her for a long time. I've never suspected shooping but then I'm lousy at spotting that.
I think other anons know of her because I posted a collage of her proana poses without her face on and anons guessed it was her.
No. 82412
File: 1453132283976.png (422.07 KB, 517x487, wq3466.png)

>>82395She's giving me the same vibes, very similar look to their faces. If Ash wasn't as spoopy she would probably look like this girl. On that same thought, any more spoopiness and this girl will look like Ash. She's got childish interests too, but I think that most anas tend to.
No. 82413
File: 1453132385213.jpg (21.91 KB, 215x215, IMG_20160118_095053.jpg)

>>82402Because this looks totally normal KEK
No. 82415
>>82413Isn't that shadow and wasted muscle?
I'm amazed how these spoops live so long. Apart from the usual heart problems, bad bones, etc. they never seem to get ill to the extent where their immune system can't deal with flu. They never need operations where anaesthetic would probably kill them.
How do their bodies fight off illness? All the time we've known of Aly all she's had is a sore throat she was freaking out about for a day and a wisdom tooth cutting through.
No. 82422
File: 1453133535348.jpg (60.05 KB, 540x540, tumblr_nqz46a4ii71t0vtqbo1_540…)

>>82419Well, I never asked her if she photoshops and neither has anyone else, so she hasn't lied about that (yet) but anorexics are known for being sneaky, so I can already assume she lies. You really oughta chill out lol.
Is this pic photoshopped too, wise all-knowing anon?
No. 82429
>>82413Looks like the inside of her shorts got flipped inward and the discoloration is simply a shadow. Look at her other thigh and you see the same type of indent, yet it's not nearly as dark since there isn't a shadow being casted over it.
I see no shooping, sorry.
No. 82443
>>82422Wavy lines in the floor kek
Just stop, you're annoying
No. 82456
File: 1453136940158.png (1020.37 KB, 1080x861, Screenshot_2016-01-18-11-52-33…)

>>82452here's a map of embers stomping grounds.
No. 82461
>>82457>>82443>>82419>>82413>>82358Nice samefags, did you just find out what
KEK stands for or something? Jesus fucking christ.
No. 82473
>>82112I'm pretty sure I know this girl ._.
I've seen so many girls from here suddenly appearing in insta-twitter wtf, I thought we stopped at fat acceptance
cringesit's funny tho bc you can see some of them being all ñañañañaña i ate a cracker, that thing ooobviously has like 300000kcal ñañaña my life sucks ñañaña and they fight with those numbers and shit, they try so hard ahahahaha
No. 82499
File: 1453142405752.png (322.61 KB, 604x448, kekchan.png)

No. 82507
File: 1453143413159.png (2.25 MB, 1356x2048, PhotoGrid_1453143010308-1.png)

Most of the images the top chick posted have over 1,000 likes each but I just wanted to point out that it takes Ember over two days to get a few hundred likes on her selfies. Whereas it this chick naomi girl received over 300 likes in less than 30 minutes.
I'm only pointing this out because I don't want anyone to forget that over half of Embers followers are 100% fake lol.
No. 82522
>>82507This girl is hot though (even though the fact she knows it is off putting). I'd hit LIKE if her face appeared in my feed, whereas if Whann's fizzhog showed up I'd scroll past as fast as I could.
>>82499huahuahuahuahuahua jajajajaja
No. 82544
>>82422Absolutely disgusting.
They will be dead in a few years so no problems. Anorexic and Obese women are disgusting-tier.
You know it's especially bad when there are more men who want BBWs than anas
No. 82565
>>82415sry for maybe OT but you get used to the pain.
I don´t know anything about photoshop, so I really can´t say, but what I can say is that it definitely is possible to have that thighs, cos unfortunately I have them and I´ve seen other girls IRL who had them, too
>>82544thx very much. don´t know you, so no reason to feel offended, but many of the spoopy ones or obese I´ve met really are nice. (Even though smtimes their bodies + ED behaviour are disgusting)
No. 82610
File: 1453158087358.jpg (133.33 KB, 534x769, IMG_20160118_163040.jpg)

>>81830Crying Emily comes out to play the day after the B-Day.
No. 82612
>>82610How old did she turn..?
This is horribly embarrassing. Do like the rest of us and at least try to keep your PD on the dl, Em.
No. 82613
Wellbutrin's used to stop smoking, innit. Is it supposed to be cool to be taking it or smthing?
>>82610She knows she's thin af, why does she post about being obese all the fucking time. That fucking thing in her ear though.
No. 82616
File: 1453158669176.jpg (62.69 KB, 599x598, Capture.JPG)

This is fucking scary. This girl was in recovery and here she is 5 months ago
(another pic to follow)
No. 82618
File: 1453158772404.png (1.45 MB, 1158x560, Untitled.png)

No. 82619
>>82618Need body pictures, drop a username.. something..
Also who cares if Ember follows her? This girl is legitimately sick and wouldn't even think for one second about taking her fake disorders seriously. Not when she is sucking in her face to emulate the sunken cheeks she has in the images here
>>82618 No. 82620
>>82597Just saying "welbutrin isn't usually prescribed to anas because of x ember is full of shit" would've knotted everyone's panties less
It's because there have been so many 32" waist chans, relaying something the way you have comes off attention seeking - whether it was your intention or not.
No. 82623
File: 1453159108249.jpg (83.54 KB, 924x599, 1.JPG)

>>82619Yeah, fuck it. does some kind of modelling/beauty contest shows…or did. She was spoopy less than a year ago. Scroll down her ig.
No. 82627
File: 1453159371784.jpg (366.2 KB, 2048x2048, 1453159293802.jpg)

>>8262318 weeks apart, JFC!!!
No. 82631
File: 1453159622310.jpg (73.89 KB, 913x584, 1.JPG)

>>82627She posts laxatives twice. Also uses #sue and #deb. I feel bad for her, but all the body checks are attention seeking.
No. 82648
>>82631Wow im so out of the loop
Whats sue and deb lmao
No. 82653
File: 1453161043460.png (566.36 KB, 750x1334, image.png)

I didn't read all the comments but those two, ew. Also scrolling through her page she's clearly going through like her 2nd relapse, who knows maybe her 3rd.
No. 82666
File: 1453162895405.jpg (29.26 KB, 320x339, wtfwtfwtfwtf.jpg)

another anon. Did not know as well, so I googled it.
No. 82674
File: 1453164256709.png (255.74 KB, 915x545, bvcdxs.png)

Somebody is in need of some attention
No. 82676
File: 1453164314289.gif (1.13 MB, 554x552, LOL.gif)

>>82674LOL Ember edited her profile picture ever so slightly, to hide the reflection off of her fat gut.
>>81482>>81485>>81496 No. 82680
File: 1453164744251.gif (117.65 KB, 361x369, uhh.gif)

>>82676I looked at this a little closer and she photoshopped this! Notice how her hair is now blurred, when in the original it was crisp? Looks like she liquified her cheeks bigger? Uhhhhhh.
No. 82684
File: 1453165629341.jpg (73.26 KB, 532x397, IMG_20160118_190535.jpg)

Both these dumb asses followed this chick we just posted about. Who called it?
No. 82691
>>82684Hahah disgusting. Emily Crocker is so desperate to not be the fat pig she's become, she's probably gritting to
trigger herself into anorexia like ember.
No. 82694
>>82687Emily has around 20k on Tumblr (mainly proanas, since she caters to those type of people) and 1.6k on Twitter, andI honestly don't think she "bought" any of that.
Ember on the other hand, yes. She has been caught countless times using third party sites to get more followers in exchange for her money and time.
No. 82701
File: 1453169839043.png (337.05 KB, 1080x1519, Screenshot_2016-01-18-21-10-59…)

The only reason Emily became so popular was because she was thinspiration for other sick girls. You can find faceless thinspo of her EVERYWHERE. It's pretty fucked up tbh.
BUT this is exactly what Ember has been trying (and failing) to do for the past 4 years. Hence why she calls herself the thinspo QUEEN. She wants to be the very best, the best there's ever been.
No. 82702
File: 1453169899585.gif (295.94 KB, 320x240, tumblr_mxzozkx9mF1s93erwo1_400…)

>>82701Here's a gif Emily C. made for example lol
No. 82703
File: 1453170119003.png (406.72 KB, 1080x1353, Screenshot_2016-01-18-21-20-42…)

>>82702Never Googled her old username before, I'm finding some pretty cringe worthy stuff.
No. 82707
File: 1453170635589.gif (224.34 KB, 320x240, emilygif.gif)

there are two crying emily's now
No. 82708
File: 1453170715914.gif (415.92 KB, 320x240, emilydrinkygif.gif)

drinky drinky
No. 82712
File: 1453171588323.gif (468.85 KB, 250x188, c7f10d73-5039-4afa-b54d-964c2a…)

This is too much, I'm dying over here lol
No. 82713
File: 1453171621292.png (437.19 KB, 1080x1153, Screenshot_2016-01-18-21-45-37…)

>Source: Thinsignificant
Putting razorblades on a piano, how poetic kek.
No. 82721
File: 1453172699036.png (1.99 MB, 2048x1183, PhotoGrid_1453172606687-1.png)

Faceless thinspo allllll over the place
No. 82723
File: 1453172921919.png (1.03 MB, 1080x1157, Screenshot_2016-01-18-21-50-36…)

>>82715Don't be lame, this is hilarious.
And the only reason Emily isn't posting thinspo to this day is because she turned into an alcoholic and gained weight. She never recovered from anything, she just masked her problems with booze, lied to the internet and said she gained weight because she was recovering from her eating disorder, when really she is still starving herself all day, getting wasted at around 4pm, then pigging out and possibility purging all night, until she passes out.
No. 82726
>>82719Ember and Emily are on different tiers. Ember will never have the power that Emily did, multiple people considered Emily to be their
ULTIMATE THINSPO GOAL and would share her images on other sites, like MPA.
Ember wishes that would happen to her but she just forced her way. Made fake accounts, pretended to be other people to boost her own ego, etc. It was so abrupt and no one could take her seriously, she has been getting continously dragged for years now, no one notable has ever vouched for her, but with Emily, countless people defended her til their fingers bled.
I don't know if you agree but I just don't think they're that similar when it came down to their overall impact on the internet.
Emilys (almost/kinda) plan worked, Embers didnt.
No. 82750
>>82739>>82732Neither because neither are relevant.
Also, what
>>82743 said about them feeling happy and accomplished.
No. 82753
>>827481. her friend sucks at videos
2. she looks more like emma roberts than ember does (sorry ember but you don't look like ur two idols )
No. 82758
>>82704This explains those random scars.
She keeps cutting herself on her edge.
No. 82761
>>82691Ember never
triggered her fat lazy self into anything tho?
She has done everything as can to 'make herself anorexic' and she's still as average and boring as ever.
No. 82762
>>82654You kids with diary posts need to fuck off back to tumblr with the rest of the trash. Stop getting your panties in a twist for getting told off about using the thread as your Wellbutrin edgelord diary and contribute to the thread you numb cunt.
Back on topic: Emily's gifs are so cringey holy shit. I had forgotten how bad she used to be.
Black and white depression blogs are an endless stream of minor cows.
No. 82774
>>82761I meant trying to
trigger herself.
No. 82776
File: 1453184792345.jpeg (137.16 KB, 534x528, image.jpeg)

>>82775Whoops. Forgot the pic like a dumbass
No. 82841
>>82775EDL is biased, most likely Ember.
Will only relog things about Emily, Whimsical and Deja.
No. 82963
File: 1453215077194.jpg (108.78 KB, 488x564, IMG_20160119_084500.jpg)

Ember's dad look like a pedaphile too lol. At least they slow down in school zones
No. 82992
>>82991She already looks like a dude
I bet her parents are related
No. 83021
File: 1453222801892.jpg (90.89 KB, 834x577, huh.JPG)

Idk and idc who the fuck Crockpot is but she's annoying the fuck outta me in this thread.
What's this message all about on Crying Emily's account? Does she choose her friends according to their mental age, because Jeeeeesus. Speaking of Jeeeeesus
>>82963Holy shit. This is Class A chav in the UK. Does he have pit bulls too?
No. 83038
File: 1453226572663.png (158.63 KB, 804x419, YOULOOKSO-ILL.png)

>You're so stunning but you look really ill and I'm worried, please stay safe ?That comment made me bust out laughing hahaha.
Anyways, everytime I see a video of Ember, she always has the most generic music playing. Like the type of shit that you will hear on the radio. I assume this is because she isn't capable of original thought and needs to be told what is popular, so she will know what to like so she can fit in better lol.
Everything she does is just her pathetic attempt at copying someone else. I have never seen her do anything that wasn't heavily influenced by someone else.
She just is not capable of thinking for herself. She never has been and probably never will be. love how in that video, the left side of her cheek is SUPER DEEP, while the other side looks normal, which she notices mid-video and then tries to hide it with her dirty, brassy hair LOL. Oh Ember, you tried. You tried sooooo hard. I know it's hard biting the insides of BOTH of your cheeks at the same time. Maybe you'll master the look one day hahaha.
Here's a link of the video she posted, in case the Instagram link doesn't work. No. 83040
File: 1453227010269.gif (1.88 MB, 368x456, ezgif-2636617039.gif)

tfw you forget to suck in your other cheek :((((((((
No. 83044
File: 1453227213456.jpg (113.03 KB, 531x614, IMG_20160119_121208.jpg)

>>82680Did this lurking BITCH just change per profile pic AGAIN?
No. 83045
File: 1453227260939.png (1.84 MB, 1819x1411, PhotoGrid_1453226954269-1.png)

She posted this then deleted it shortly after, probably because she realized she made herself look TOO SIMILAR to Betty Spaghetty.
It looks like her scoliosis moved to her calf bone lol.
No. 83052
File: 1453227827444.jpg (247.67 KB, 2048x2048, 1453227688475.jpg)

>>83045New post, remembered to spread legs further apart this time
No. 83061
File: 1453228827008.jpg (159.75 KB, 535x748, IMG_20160119_123833.jpg)

Don't do drugs kids
No. 83062
File: 1453228919679.gif (672.91 KB, 574x483, hmm.gif)

>>83052You know, Ember is pretty fucking stupid but I think it is no longer safe to assume that she is too stupid to know how to edit her pictures.
Her past shoops were extremely obvious but she has been getting away with editing her pictures over the past few months.
For example, look at this gif. The edit is so slight that I didn't even notice it at first. I have no idea what software she is using, but she made her thigh gap look bigger here. She liquified her inner leg, which caused the top of the toilet to magically change shapes.
The only reason she didn't post these images last night is because she was
too drunkk to photoshop them.
>inb4 she uploads more videos that she totally does not remember recording No. 83066
File: 1453230677067.gif (248.94 KB, 574x483, 12321.gif)

>>83062I'm pretty sure Ember just abuses the liquify feature on this website's the same site Emily would use to edit her thinspo.
No. 83068
File: 1453230776411.gif (229.23 KB, 574x483, 12321.gif)

I don't know about your toilet, but my toilet is made of porcelain and never randomly warps itself in my selfies.
No. 83073
File: 1453230901242.png (484.09 KB, 900x519, lol.png)

wtf is this thirsty hoe up to now???? please tell me she is gonna go through a slutty phase. i would die if i saw a photo of ember, posing like this.
No. 83074
File: 1453230996704.png (221.36 KB, 811x529, lol.png)

Oh my god, she is getting desperate.
No. 83128
>>83119She needs to get that bulge sorted out at the top of her thighs. It's almost as if something's making her leg thinner below it.
>>83121Nothing to report!
No. 83154
Its fat deposits. Such anorexia, many bones.
No. 83175
File: 1453238845477.jpg (20.48 KB, 252x373, Capture.JPG)

>>83139Me too and I don't think you can get rid of it unless you're Ash BUT it's the way it dips in above the fatty parts acove her knee/halfway up her thigh then bulges out.
First time I noticed the shooping by myself on this one. Well done me.
I don't get why she posted this. Does she think she's thinner than she is because this isn't even skinny (not ana chan, these just look average - well the leg on the right does). Why is one knee higher than the other?
No. 83182
File: 1453239814936.jpg (121.09 KB, 535x829, IMG_20160119_154118.jpg)

>>83175Stop lurking fatass and go for a run.
You only address one pic and not the others lol whatever Ember
No. 83185
>>83182It dips at the bottom too?
Sorry, "sweetie" those legs are flabby as fuck. Do some squats or sthing. Moisturise your knees if you cba to get off your arse.
No. 83186
File: 1453240275372.jpg (1.55 MB, 1589x1597, Failshoop.jpg)

>>83175I edited the contrast because I noticed she forgot to do the other side
No. 83195
File: 1453240876029.gif (8.2 MB, 524x656, FAT CHECK #643,526,425.gif)

Thanks for the fat confirmation you gullible dumbass
No. 83198
File: 1453241295734.jpg (288.46 KB, 2048x2048, 1453241194189.jpg)

Which one of these is not like the other?
No. 83212
File: 1453241968775.jpg (98.05 KB, 527x834, IMG_20160119_161735.jpg)

No. 83231
File: 1453243755064.jpg (Spoiler Image,6.67 KB, 233x216, snapchat.jpg)

>>83229He seemed proud enough of it when he posted this on snapchat earlier, so I guess so.
No. 83232
File: 1453243933669.png (3.64 MB, 2048x2048, PhotoGrid_1453243802250.png)

This girl gave me BPD Emily vibes but I wasn't gonna post her until I took a glance at this doll picture and my eyes almost rolled out of my eye sockets.
No. 83237
File: 1453244215378.png (1.43 MB, 1906x1872, PhotoGrid_1453244129518-1.png)

>>83232Her page is full of bad shoops, photo collages incoming.
No. 83238
File: 1453244236965.jpg (36.58 KB, 597x425, Capture.JPG)

>>83232This one made me lol.
No. 83239
File: 1453244391448.png (1.67 MB, 2048x1333, PhotoGrid_1453244307634-1.png)

>>83236Look at the dolls behind her back.
No. 83243
File: 1453244639222.png (1.52 MB, 1847x1384, PhotoGrid_1453244553670-1.png)

What I mostly notice are shoops around her head/shoulders lol.
No. 83247
File: 1453244853431.png (3.24 MB, 2048x2048, PhotoGrid_1453244786078.png)

No. 83251
File: 1453245273573.jpg (70.69 KB, 640x724, image.jpg)

>>83247You're obviously making self posts of yourself because there is no way someone can access another persons photo that's getting likes. Sorry you're busted.
No. 83252
File: 1453245376980.png (1.99 MB, 2048x1443, PhotoGrid_1453245306340-1.png)

No. 83258
File: 1453245754100.png (708.22 KB, 1080x1810, Screenshot_2016-01-19-18-17-46…)

>>83251>>83254I actually found this girl by lurking the activity feed of the people I follow on Instagram, btw. Some guy who follows lots of "anorexics" liked her picture. She is only appearing in my feed now because I started following her to keep up with her shitty shoops.
Could you imagine how amazing self posters would be if they actually had milk for us? If only.
No. 83270
File: 1453246756655.png (1.4 MB, 1080x1227, Screenshot_2016-01-19-18-37-30…) her username because I wanted to see if she had a tumblr and found her Flickr instead.
No. 83275
File: 1453247061386.png (1.21 MB, 1080x1387, Screenshot_2016-01-19-18-42-16…)

>>83271Shhhh don't argue with them. Just let them think I'm only a self poster lol. It doesn't really matter.
No. 83276
>>83272Her photos are a spot on 10/10 laughing stock
How can she even post something that makes the photo look soooo unfinished at least use the clone tool to put over the blurry liquify bits jfc
No. 83279
File: 1453247693529.jpg (790.88 KB, 1200x1500, 24401036766_e809cdcd72_o.jpg)

>>83232Alright I'm done posting about her for now, if anyone wants to see her horrible shoops in full size, just check out her flickr linked here
>>83270 No. 83323
File: 1453258129354.jpg (155.62 KB, 534x833, IMG_20160119_204613.jpg)

Seriously who the fuck picks Aly to fucking copy? I can't even
No. 83328
>>83323She's not even the first person, it's shit like this that makes me want to stop talking about her all together.
Also, it's real oily not Aly oily.
No. 83367
File: 1453269893800.png (1.63 MB, 750x1334, image.png)

July 9th, 2015. Ember's face/arm is still soft and doughy as hell.
No. 83369
File: 1453269960046.png (766.53 KB, 750x1334, image.png)

Summer of 2015. She's second to the left. She's so unfortunate looking. :/
No. 83371
File: 1453270113304.jpeg (167.48 KB, 750x1334, image.jpeg)

I don't think it's been pointed out but look at that bad shoop. Knees don't do that naturally love.
No. 83377
File: 1453271225539.png (1.07 MB, 1010x1363, Screenshot_2016-01-20-01-24-26…)

>>83369I live off of candid shots of Ember. They're so hedious.
No. 83379
File: 1453271434573.png (659.51 KB, 750x1334, image.png)

Hello there circle face
No. 83380
File: 1453271482984.png (945.92 KB, 750x1334, image.png)

The picture looks like it was taken with a fucking microwave but here ya go
No. 83381
File: 1453271607332.png (196.52 KB, 750x1334, image.png)

>>83380Her eye kinda looks like a sideways vag
Or am I just really drunk
No. 83400
Samefag. sorry fuck I meant
>>83369 but still not sure that ain't her cousin or some shit lmao
No. 83444
File: 1453297288679.jpg (148.98 KB, 530x853, IMG_20160120_073857.jpg)

This fake ass bitch is trying to call someone else out?
No. 83462
>>83444lol why u so salty, Ember? I guess I'd be bitter if I was as offensively ugly and stupid as she is, though.
>>83366 is a great example, no wonder she drops her jaw by three inches and sucks her cheeks in, lest any of those snaggleteeth peep through.
No. 83489
File: 1453310310149.png (365.51 KB, 750x1334, image.png)

She makes me sick
No. 83493
>>83489No one needs to pretend ember is a bad person. Though I don't need to justify why she's a joke on a moral level either way, she's a list of cons and no pros.
In her delusional stoner brain does she truly believe this shit? How can one person be so basic?
If I saw her half dead in an alleyway I wouldn't stop to call her help. And that's not because she's a 'bad person', kek.
No. 83501
File: 1453313745090.png (103.01 KB, 602x281, m.png)

>>83444Ember isn't trying to
call her out, she's just salty because Amellia left a comment on this picture which pointed out how Ember promotes
distorted and unrealistic disordered images to impressionable young girls :).
Btw I got these images fromt this person's Tumblr No. 83509
File: 1453314925899.png (20.78 KB, 120x120, e59ea2385d96fdd080f9ebf5611901…)

>>83507Amelia: You're promoting a disorder I almost died from
Ember: lmao ur just a jealous cunt
That's my summary of the exchange those two had. Ember is hilariously ridiculous.
No. 83524
>>82610Who the fuck has a lip ring in 2016 please god no just stop
and why is she stretching only one of her ears?
No. 83526
File: 1453317320502.png (1.53 MB, 2048x1646, PhotoGrid_1453317209182-1.png)

>>83524Uhh this seems strange. Embers irl friend followed the IG of someone who runs a truth blog about Ember……
No. 83527
>>82620dif anon: welbutrin isn't prescribed to
bulimics because it lowers the threshold to seizures - something about the vomiting/electrolyte balance in combination with welbutrin can cause violent seizures.
if ember's psychiatrist thought for a moment she may have even a bulimic tendency she would not be prescribed it, flat out. it has a slight appetite suppressing quality to it, so if she was struggling with recovery as it is no psychiatrist worth their shit would give it to her.
it's further proof that irl no one knows about her
strugglez~ because they don't exist.
No. 83531
File: 1453318497990.gif (619 KB, 587x433, j.gif)

These two picture are side by side on her profile but neither pair of legs look like they belong to the same person? Is she just trying to prove that she shoops?
No. 83556
File: 1453326258613.jpg (44.97 KB, 591x810, eee.JPG)

Why in gods name does Crying Emily wear one giant taper?
Emily, put up a wishlist. I will buy you a plug. What are you doing.
No. 83557
File: 1453326498230.jpg (523.31 KB, 2048x2048, 1453326234764.jpg)

Grow the fuck up and stop trying to appeal/ lure more little friends. It's Just creepy, that's all it is, creepy
No. 83562
File: 1453327410122.png (797.26 KB, 750x1334, image.png)

Her face is hideous
No. 83564
File: 1453327476868.png (161.74 KB, 1080x1237, Screenshot_20160120-165803~2.p…)

>>82276Has this girl ever been discussed here before? If not she totally should be. Literally every picture she posts of her body is insanely obviously photoshopped. She even did some modeling and shopped the living hell out of those pictures also. The funny thing is, the actual modeling pictures are super easy to find. Here's one of many examples of her bullshit.
No. 83565
File: 1453327546977.png (142.46 KB, 1080x1232, Screenshot_20151029-233357~2.p…)

>>83564Aaand here's the actual picture from the shoot
No. 83566
File: 1453328140004.jpeg (161.58 KB, 640x917, image.jpeg)

Found these comments on the legs and dishwasher pic. Here's your tip Jackie it's called photoshopping, also the hell are you doing asking Ember for tips? Tell me it's a trap or something please!
No. 83571
>>83526Sort of ot, but spooky (cokenymph) is so annoying. She's always doing what the truth blogs are calling out their latest victim for in hopes that they'll notice and she can be
problematic and
internet famousssssShe also claims that she has anorexia but I'm 99% sure that she photoshops.
No. 83573
File: 1453329742892.png (201.42 KB, 1080x1240, Screenshot_20160120-173930~2.p…)

She got better at shopping as time went on. This one really fooled me until I found the original.
No. 83575
File: 1453330237086.png (189.67 KB, 1080x1235, Screenshot_20151030-033105~2.p…)

No. 83576
File: 1453330256219.png (162.02 KB, 1080x1081, Screenshot_20160120-174902~2.p…)

No. 83586
File: 1453331272822.jpg (344.26 KB, 2048x2048, 1453331081057.jpg)

Are we using the sharpie tool to slim out face Now? WTF am I looking at here
No. 83588
>>83571can this bitch fucking die already
she's been one of those shitstains that used to tag her pictures felicefawn on tumblr for hits and be like "lol i do what i want~"
like where do these absolute trash human townies from the middle of nowhere get the balls? i don't understand how someone so literally awful looking can call herself "lol cokenymph", and get so many people harassing her appearance and still just refuse to stay in her lane????
i actually think she is mentally retarded, and has the same delusions of grandeur as Ember?
No. 83591
>>83588Tbh she annoys me more than ember does because ember always went full retard, but this bitch would do cringey shit and pool all the truth blogs to back her up. Her copying is just as intense as ember's and her photoshopped thinspo is just as horrendous.
So happy you're your true fat self again Emily.
No. 83599
>>83594Are you serious? She's doughy.
>>79764 >>79765 >>79767 >>79769She was normal weight
>>82704 >>82708 >>82711 >>82712 No. 83601
File: 1453334149366.jpeg (100.13 KB, 640x913, image.jpeg)

This shit right here makes me wanna scream, you don't want to die, you just want asspats.
No. 83620
File: 1453337963266.jpeg (140.19 KB, 640x1008, image.jpeg)

Much thinspo.
Oh wait, you're completely in black and your heels are so far apart, never mind. I guess all of that greasy, fatty food she's been eating is starting to show.
No. 83632
>>83611I'm pretty sure at one point she alluded to pulling her eyebrow hairs out.
She's back together with Gracie now so no doubt there's gonna be some drama soon.
No. 83633
File: 1453340586704.jpg (75.77 KB, 604x660, gracies bit of rough.JPG)

>>83632Posh girl's off to boarding school soon.
No. 83642
File: 1453342689908.png (253.62 KB, 524x442, Screen Shot 2016-01-20 at 8.24…)

>>83588She has to be dumb, nobody sane would look like this and think they're going to be a "thinspo qween" like felice fawn kek
No. 83655
>>83652That post wasn't even about Ember, but okay. Not sure what point I'm missing here?
Is the purpose of this thread to call average sized girls fat?
inb4 fatty
No. 83676
File: 1453347511075.png (31.53 KB, 486x318, Screen Shot 2016-01-20 at 8.18…)

>>83650She's going to be jerking herself off her name being mentioned here. She's been trying to get people to talk about her for years now.
No. 83678
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>>83655You're clearly too stupid for words.
>>83653Especially if you think I'm angry.
No. 83679
File: 1453348642828.jpg (519.42 KB, 2048x2048, 1453348395713.jpg)

The last comment made by this dumbass with 75k followers. Seriously you edit the shit out of your pics and you comment stupid shit like this? JFC
No. 83681
File: 1453349347084.jpeg (20.55 KB, 542x116, image.jpeg)

The only ana I feel sorry for is Jackie. She looks like she genuinely needs a friend. A real one. Not a manipulative one. Poor thing..
No. 83690
File: 1453351670364.png (386.77 KB, 750x1334, image.png)

No ember…… You're still a creepy fuck. 15 year old + 20 year old is still illegal. Sorry you don't want to realize you're basically a grooming young girls to be your little Ana sisters.
No. 83691
>>83643Not an ana-chan. Emily's face and body are
significantly bigger in those pictures taken by that photog. She's not fat, but she's definitely on the high-end of the average spectrum.
And those gifs? She looked to be normal weight tbh.
No. 83722
File: 1453382289265.jpg (1.34 MB, 1888x1888, IMG_20160121_071433.jpg)

Oh look, its their pedaphile anonymous club. I feel like I'm invading on their orgy foreplay party JFC
No. 83725
File: 1453383086888.jpg (783.81 KB, 959x1440, Instasize_0121072949.jpg)

>>83722Check out those thunder thighs
No. 83735
>>83730Or she's thinking maybe I should shower and clean my vag more then once a month.
One can only hope
No. 83742
File: 1453385567171.jpg (340.9 KB, 1365x2048, 1453385395697.jpg)

She's not having surgery, Shea not having anything! She's a fatass with a dirty CUNT going to an appointment. Nobody is admitting her, she'd eat all the other sick girls food if they did.
No. 83818
>>83745This is true for patients with acute life-threatening symptoms; they are admitted to hospital immediately for medical stabilization. In ~ana~ jargon, though, they use the term "inpatient" for both hospital admits for medical stabilization and residential ED treatment program admits, but they are not one and the same. Medical stabilization of ED patients can be done in any hospital (correcting critical electrolyte imbalances, etc.), but not all hospitals have specialized ED treatment programs for post-acute treatment; e.g., weight restoration and psych treatment for anorectics. Most residential treatment centers are separate entities and require a patient to be medically stabilized before admission, and there can be wait times.
Ember is so fucking stupid. No one gets an NG tube for a night, ffs!
No. 83888
File: 1453391758373.jpg (149.27 KB, 525x790, 7b6a48fc06f5b3d322f6ce7a51ca4c…)

Does anyone remember Shelley Mulshine? She was like one of the first thinspo ~*QUEENS*~ back then
No. 83901
>>83893cant see the pic,its a bit blurry on my phone but she looks cute
Whats her story if you dont mind sharing, never heard of her
No. 83917
File: 1453392739141.jpg (8.57 KB, 224x300, thQSIX5SPV.jpg)

>>83901I don't know if there even is a story, I just remember her being posted all over Pro Ana sites back in the day. I think she complained about it once and said how she's naturally this skinny and how she's not "promoting anything" but tbh I never bought into that because of pictures like this one
No. 83927
File: 1453393534602.jpeg (74.74 KB, 500x339, image.jpeg)

There was also this girl on look book who was pretty popular but I remember she came out about having an eating disorder. Idk if she ever shopped her pics but fuck, I can't even think of her name and I can't image search on my phone
No. 83928
File: 1453393686524.png (2.16 MB, 1125x2001, image.png)

Lurk much? Jesus
No. 83937
>>83927Google says her name is Nadia Esra.
Her Hair is AMAZING for an Ana, I must say.
>>83928She looks even more like a turtle now kek
No. 83962
File: 1453396442710.png (16.19 KB, 537x168, Untitled.png)

>>83690This post disturbs me so much because I entered a fucked up relationship with a 20 year old when I was 15 (I'm over 20 now) and all that guy did was toy with my heart, feed me lies, and use me for sex.
Like yes Ember, bravo, you are right for once. A pedophile is not a 20 year old man dating a 15 year old girl. But it is still fucked up because usually, men that age don't have the girl's best interest at heart. Most 20 year old men just who want to date 15 year olds are fucking scumbags and tend to
only date girls around that age group. I can only imagine how thrilled Ember's boyfriend is to have something to fuck that is
barely legal. The thought alone probably gets him off but once Ember ages a bit more, he'll dumb her for a new, younger girl.
How much you wanna bet?
No. 83972
File: 1453397528795.png (740.7 KB, 960x606, Thinspoop.png)

>>79031This girl just bothers me, she tags all of her pictures #picslip but she posts every day as well as #thighgap
She used to tag her instagrams and thinspoooo and posts at least a min of 5 pictures per each outfit of the day
Instagram 1: 2: No. 83996
File: 1453399764307.png (596.24 KB, 750x1334, image.png)

Shit on a plate
No. 84068
>>83962Same. Everyone I've met who dated an older guy when they were younger (which is most girls because boys the same age then were absolutely vile and stupid) either regretted it so badly or more to the extreme, required therapy.
Age difference doesn't always imply a power imbalance, but really your brain doesn't finish developing until you're
fucking 25, men know that and want some girl to take advantage of whether they want to admit they're doing it or not. Those girls don't know how much better they could be treated, and how much they are truly stunting their growth by some dude latching on for sex.
Honestly almost all these lolcows/calfs have come out to admit some sort of sexual abuse from older partners when they were underage, and it's an extremely common thing among actual anoretics. But I don't feel bad because they're not trying to break the cycle and dump their useless pervert "boyfriends".
anyways, Ember already looks late 30s, but her bf is seriously vomit worthy and I can hardly look at him so he either a) dumps her and keeps dating clueless high schoolers like the townie loser he is or b) stays with her because he's a townie loser and knows no one else will be with him.
I wish I could see how they interact with each other though.
No. 84069
>>83972Now thats spoopy
I read her url as whatgeorgia
whore No. 84072
>>83996yo why does it say you're logged in as "thinrosebunny" and that you're fucking 14
nice proana sucking in pose though good job
No. 84076
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>>84073Omg I hope you feel like an idiot, you literally gave Ember ammo to shit talk you. Way to go.
No. 84079
>>84076fuck you're fast i just came to post these lol
File: 1453413124317.png (1.27 MB, 750x1334, image.png)

No. 84159
>>84154"I got caught"…. no you exposed yourself… please just delete and start over.
don't have to try to redeem yourself, you fucking dumbass.
No. 84161
>>84151omg just shut the fuck up, we don't care. i have a sock account too and if i ever did what you did, i would just delete and make a new one because it's
just a fake account.
you're probably acting so defensive because if it your real account..?
No. 84931
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Please tell me I'm not the only one who thinks Emily is this guy's identical twin. Dat chin doe…
No. 84932
File: 1453575220294.jpg (24.15 KB, 466x481, 9ee4eccb5e33afb5797cc96c1571e8…)

Insert terribly photoshopped eyes