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No. 76718
Ashley Thread #6 Grim Reaper Edition!
Tumblr: public &
anon-enabledInstagram:**Twitter: public Current Events:
Ashley was reported to Adult Protective Service again. She plans to show her ~independence & strength & courage~ by getting a job and writing a book.
Also, theforestcat, ashley's beloved white knight, is revealed as a pro-ana wannabe, and supports Ashley in hopes her ~anorexia~ will rub off on her. Good luck theforestcat!
Old thread #5:
>>66250thread #4:
>>40939thread #3:
>>34685thread #2:
>>32362thread #1:
>>21279 No. 76772
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No. 76776
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>>76772Wow, Ash is just looking worst and worst…
No. 76829
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>>76728I'm sorry but Jesus Christ, how annoying. This fucking over dramatic 15 year old. I'm sorry but you do not have an eating disorder, she sounds like she has a normal eating pattern (and possibly over eats) but can't even manage to go 24 hours without eating?
She doesn't have BED, or COD, and she most certainly does not have anorexia. She seems like a normal girl who is concerned about her weight and is trying to make her 'struggle' a wayyyy bigger deal than it even needs to be in the first place.
I think she goes here so listen here you little fuck: you do not
want an eating disorder. Grow the fuck up. Buy a bicycle and use it, take a kick boxing class, focus on school, and stop trying to convince yourself to get an eating disorder. You obviously don't have the self-discipline for one in the first place.
Sorry everyone but people like this really piss me off. I hate people who
try to have mental disorders.
No. 76844
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I recently showed both Ash and Quirky to my mom. She doesn't understand how skeleton chan is still alive and thought she was 40, not 26 or whatever. My mom also said that neither of them will live to see forty.
Farmers, is it fucked up that I check lolcow just to see when either of them will be posting pictures on a hospital gown after a super kawaii heart attack?
No. 76846
theforestcat, we know you like to stalk here. You do not have a problem. You are trying to create a problem where none exists.
stop it.
You're what, 16 years old, max? Yeah, it's called being a teenager and pigging out, which, all teens practically do. Exercise. Do something productive. Ffs get your lazy ass off tumblr and do something.
No. 76850
>>76844*neither of them will live to see thirty
sorry smh
No. 76862
>>76854Prolly thinks she has a personality disorder like borderline or thinks shes bipolar now. Ps theforestcat reputable psychs dont diagnos kids (18 and younger) with this shit and if they do its after year(s) of contact with them.
Side note, why are those two mental illnesses so popular for tumblrtards to claim?
No. 76878
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No. 76977
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>>76829I hate how mental illness has become something that makes a person cool. To me it's the same as being stigmatised for having an illness but at the other extreme.
Pic: She wonders why she still feels hungry after eating a donut and a muffin. Here's a clue: empty calories. A bit of self control and bothering to research healthy, tasty snacks would stop you feeling hungry ten minutes later. That's why the #struggle is ~very real~.
Word of advice: stay away from proana blogs and proana people. Maybe you feel the longing to fit into a group, but find some other tribe. Make some friends at a gym for example.
(Love the wording though)
No. 76987
>>76862There's that little girl January that was diagnosed with schizophrenia when she was six, but I think the parents have something to do with it because the dad admitted to beating and starving his kid.
OTOH, it is extremely rare for a kid to get a schizophrenia diagnosis.
No. 77101
>>76977Here's a thought. If this girl wants to lose weight, how about she follow healthy people who work out and eat real food? Why do they all follow each other, posting non-stop images of sugary sweets?
Seeing image after image of the crazy delicious desserts that Tumblr comes up with all day is going to make one crave sweets.
Follow fitness instructors. Get a job at a healthy food joint. Quit the carb bullshit and get real exercise. The desire should be for physical strength, not the mental willpower to starve oneself into a weak and useless state.
No. 77128
>>76982I'm ravenous a few days before a period. Fucking hormones.
>>77114It's not weight loss advice so much as advising her to not go messing around with proana people if she wants to lose a few pounds. Not that I think she even needs it looking at her pics.
>>77117Plus schizoid personality disorder. Or if the CIA implant a chip in your brain.
No. 77129
>>77096Well it sure as hell isn't Ashley, this kid has a job.
>>77118Her rabbit will outlive her, I promise.
No. 77154
>>77138Yeah. I should've known better. My partner's got it. He was diagnosed with schoizophrenia and after many years they changed the diagnosis to schizotypal. He has hallucinations and voices.
>>77142Sounds like I know a load of mentally ill people (kind of do), but my best friend at college has psychotic depression episodes. She didn't hallucinate, but had paranoid thoughts and once tried to set the house we shared on fire with everyone inside while we slept. She was then diagnosed as schizophrenic after another episode, but I'm pretty sure they don't really have a clue which pigeonhole to fit her in to.
No. 77162
>>77113Or the kid's exaggerating due to not understanding what those symptoms actually mean, or they're instead a result of abuse and the child's way of dealing with the trauma.
I 100% believe that all these cases of 'childhood schizophrenia' are simply incompetent psychiatrists with a desire for fame and to get their stories into public focus.
No. 77169
>>77167Same thing happened to a friend of mine. He was diagnosed with both bipolar disorder and schizophrenia and put on a cocktail of medication. In reality, he wasn't delusional at all when he was sobre, he just did a lot of drugs and had a big sadistic streak he was terrible at hiding.
I'm so utterly tired of hearing these stories, it's come to the point where I just ignore every piece of outside information because I can't bear to refute it any more, and I can't contribute anything to any discussion.
No. 77201
>>76853Having any mental problem is trendy these days, partly thanks to Tumblr etc. EDs are just one of the most popular because people think the only 'side effect' is being skinny which is desirable.
These kids have no fucking clue.
No. 77222
That place is really bad for people drooling over anorexics you that Ashley isn't special, there're tons of anorexics in a bad way apart from her.
>>77204I can't really comment because it has no interest for me. Saying that, I just went to the "bulimia" section and saw a thread "what time frame do you give yourself to binge and then start to purge". Hints n tips, no?
No. 77228
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No. 77230
>>77222Thanks for the
trigger warning. Surprisingly, I'm okay with seeing thin people and that image above. And I think what makes ashley look so disturbing is that her muscles have completely atrophied, even if she's the same weight as some of those girls.
>>77226Ah yeah the food fear mongering would be risky.
No. 77232
Marc Pfennig
Hi Emma, normally I say "too skinny isn't possible to be beautiful" but I think she is a bit too skinny to have a healthy life ! Her face don't look very pretty.
No. 77236
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No. 77241
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Now I'm just grossing myself out.
No. 77244
>>77222I think that vk page is all fetishists and fetishists pretending to be anorectics. Ash should get in touch with them, she could make some big money.
I checked out myproana one time, and in the bulimia section, in addition to a thread for pictures of food people are about to binge on, there's a thread for pictures of the purged food (GOOD GOD, WHY?). I didn't dare check out those threads, but it gave me pretty much all I needed to know about MPA.
No. 77246
>>77244>purged foodHoly shit. Speechless.
Really don't understand why it isn't closed down, although I know they'd only go elsewhere.
No. 77249
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>>77223I can't believe these people exist
No. 77252
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Ash's got some competition. Watch out girl!
No. 77277
The uploader has not made this video available in your country."
Are they the Australian twins? I think they died in a fire.
No. 77297
>>77295Now that you say that, the only pair of identical twin girls I've ever know actually had eating disorders as well. I went to middleschool with them and they were just super sporty athletic basketball players, kinda popular. Athletic builds. Then, all of a sudden when we all went to highschool, they both had dropped A LOT of weight. One was skinnier than the other though. Their ideal buaty was playboy bunny girls, like super skinny but big huge boobs, which they both had naturally. I guess they just wanted to starve thier athletic bodies away? Idk
I remember sitting at lunch with the skinnier twin one day and she told me her diet was to eat "every other day" like it was no big deal, and all she did for lunch was drink a diet cola.
The other twin told me how they both wanted liposuction for chistrmas. After christmas, she told me they decided not to do it (their parents OK'd it thoguh WTF?) because the doctor said they'd would only lose like 4lbs.
twins man, wtf. I hope I don't have any.
No. 77310
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>>77236>>77239>>77249that pfennig guy is creepy af. his obsession is of a sexual nature, while most anorexics aren't skinny to be sexy. aren't a lot of them trying to diminish sexual looks about their body (like a curvy figure) by being skinny? like shmegeh.
No. 77324
>>77291>There are a few anorexic twins: two compete.
i feel bad for them. Hope they are able to recover. I love that one racist comment down below. ofc no one calls it out.
No. 77333
>>77324>dat racist commentI thought it was funny
People post racist shit about black people all the time and no one calls it out, anon
The internet is just racist
No. 77352
>>77262>>77271>>77273its the perfectionism
maybe if you're finally good enough at something, mommy and daddy will notice you
No. 77372
Katy: accounts are practically the same except that the one who works at Starbucks posts more coffee cup pictures.
No. 77407
>>77388Shit. We need to
do something about these people.
>>77391I know. One's into whipped cream and her food is low calorie Shapers. It's depressing. The first one screams suicide waiting to happen.
No. 77457
>>77406bitch thinks she's a tokyo ghoul or some shit with all them coffees
No. 77501
>>77385gaining 1.2kg overnight isnt impossible. of course it's water weight but when you see that number on the scale, the holy
"shit factor" still exists in an anorexic's mind
No. 77517
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>>77516Seriously weird shit.
No. 77521
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>>77518I joined by clicking that log in with facebook. It didn't ask for any info.
Finding loads of creeps though such as see pic.
No. 77526
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They're like paedos who all "friend" each other. More Ashley.
No. 77527
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No. 77536
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>>77529they're quite old though, but the legs are the same.
No. 77542
it's a russian website from what i know
did you all know that incidences of anorexia in Russia started to increase significantly in 1992-93 after Russian media laws were relaxed and American media started flooding in? surprise! freedom is here~~!
No. 77545
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One of the creeps who hang around the anorexia groups is married to her in the pic
No. 77550
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They should have gotten Ash to play Mama
No. 77551
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>>77549That was me. Yeah, it's awful. For three days it's mega hunger.
Pic is same woman.
No. 77553
>>77552the clothes though.
It's weird how they know the names of the girls, like they must be anorexic e celebrities.
No. 77555
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No. 77561
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>>77560Lava … has no posts. Just this…
Friends with all the other fetishits
No. 77565
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No. 77617
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No. 77668
>>77662Eating disorders are sick because they're a literal mental disorder and the people who have them usually cannot stop themselves from doing it.
You're fucking retarded and no one cares for your personal blog.
No. 77673
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>>77668Lol because there's sooooooo much original and interesting content going on right now
o right never talk about urself i forgot
Here let's post more pictures of Ashley! Make her famous! Defend eating disorders!
No. 77680
>>77668nah they usually can sry
quit pretending like everyone is equally as damaged
there ARE people that do this kind of shit for attention/in response to feeling fat or whatever, willingly surround themselves with likeminded fuckwits, and it gets taken too far
there are, however, sincerely damaged people that can't stop
i refuse to believe that with the drastic spike in teenage girls willing to not fucking eat or throw up perfectly good food, that they're all equally "ill"
there are people that do things dramatic things without being sincerely sick, cut the shit
No. 77681
>>77676Lol guiz
Being this mad
Okay u all are right I'm so terrible
Poor girls who stick their fingers down their throat at every meal!!!!! They don't deserve it!!!! Bawwwwww poor babies buying 70$ worth of food and throwing it up in one sitting and then taking pictures afterword!
Y'all bitches sound salty. Maybe I'm a hypochondriac but isn't that a mental illness as well?
I'm just fucking bitter so I shitposted on an anonymous image board. wow guys u rly showed me thanks bravo please keep showing me the errors of my ways. maybe one day I can be a helpless anorexic too!!!!!
No. 77683
>>77617Honestly, I think she's talking about her mom.
It's not the first time she refers to her as a monster.
No. 77798
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One of the creeps is after Erika
No. 77810
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No. 77826
>>77822I can understand that but that first purge. I mentioned my friend who died who recovered from anorexia - she started with her ED when her and a friend started pigging out together then throwing up together. The second time they did it she said she thought it looked disgusting and from then on she went to restricting and didn't purge again.
On that Caraline's Story docu she describes how purging is a shock to her system every time and it feels so bad. It must
trigger some addictive thing in the brain, like self harming does.
No. 77846
>>77838Well Caraline said that it was lonely bingeing on her own every night, so…
ED buddies. Is that for encouragement or to pass tips or both? I couldn't be arsed to be bff with people with the same illness as I have. You know, all consuming. I'm sure it'd help more if they took up a hobby to focus their mind on something else. Idk, people who make themselves their illness piss me off.
No. 77851
>The bulimic cycle releases endorphins, brain chemicals that infuse a person with a sense of numbness or euphoria.A+
No. 77876
>>77869You forgot their HOLY BIBLE
No. 77932
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someone from one of the old threads had asked about ash's twitter cover art
the artist is called yukaman, here's the link to his works: No. 77949
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Why are some of these women so veiny?
No. 77976
>>77949It's weird to me how proud of their bodies they are. I know the illness isn't something to be
ashamed of, but TOO MANY PHOTOS.
Pre-internet, the only anorexic body I saw was my friend's and she wore baggy clothes.
The veins make me really nauseous and also when people have that ~thigh gap~ when it's like bandy thighs. I know they can't help their anatomy, but it doesn't look good.
No. 77981
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No. 77995
File: 1428524334446.png (38.87 KB, 654x144, Screen Shot 2015-04-08 at 21.1…)

>>77937I don't think they do, really.
Some are more open and some don't admit it but they all want 'fragile' women. Even beyond that, there's still two types: those who claim they want to look after them and the more predatory types that want to control and take advantage of the girls.
Pic related from the porn that was posted: the far creepier, destructive type.
No. 78008
>>77999I hate to play the devil's advocate here, but I have to agree that the term manorexia is a bit degrading. It sounds like it is invalidating the plight of men because only 'females' feel an excess of pressure to be in shape and only 'females' want to lose weight.
Anorexia in men is almost no different than anorexia in women. And they both have the same consequences.
No. 78009
>>78008That's basically how I feel. It's another way for men to go "Well, this is a woman's disorder. i dont want to be associated with women…" so they wanna add the man part to make it sound like a thing ONLY MENZ GETS.
It's just as damn infuriating as manbun and guyliner.
No. 78010
>>78008The worst part is, anorexia is just as bad in most Asian countries in men, especially Japan, where being fat can actually get your fired from your job if they are strict enough.
Anorexia can happen to both genders. It's not strictly with women. Men just feel 'embarrassed' to admit they care about their looks, because god for fucking bid they are want to groom themselves to look decent or else they're not real men.
No. 78039
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>>78017idk. this one isn't doing too well.
No. 78045
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>>78044her favourite food is pizza
No. 78075
>>78039>>78045>>78051>>78055Just looked her up
She's still sitting there exactly same pose as in that screenshot
is this how these girls make money?
just by sitting half nude infront of a cam?
No. 78085
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>>78075She flashed her "abs" when Timmy tipped her. She didn't even communicate with people in the room. I left to play Candy Crush.
No. 78093
>>78086>>78088>>78090Why do i have her open in a tab?
The music is tacky but kinda fun to listen to.
And i noticed the nip thing too.
No. 78095
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>>78093>nip thingI wonder what she's doing.
No. 78103
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Poor Ash. She doesn't post much to Facebook these days.
No. 78170
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>>78103She needs to stop milking the anxiety/poor me thing and do something productive. Even she could do
something productive.
No. 78185
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No. 78186
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who runs the as Ashley?
No. 78188
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haven't seen these before
No. 78190
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No. 78195
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No. 78208
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Some of this is like her, but some is way off. She says her mum committed suicide. no idea what's going on with that account.
No. 78216
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No. 78223
>>78208This is like a parody of those retarded #thigh gap #stockings "thinspo" pictures. Reverse thinspo.
It's like some sort of bleak joke, holy shit.
Would be interesting if girls suffering
severely from EDs made it a point to take photos like this and spam the tag to stop people from glamorizing their illnesses.
I mean, disgusting people like
>>77536 would probably still masturbate to them, but sane people and impressionable teens would get the point.
No. 78227
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she takes a lot of her legs
No. 78298
>>78170so many excuses
goddamn ash, people far worse off than you can still do shit, be thankful you still have functioning arms and fingers
No. 78301
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Is this really her arm?
No. 78304
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I think this photo pretty much confirms that it's a wig.
No. 78306
>>78190im really skeptical about this being ashley?
i think its a photo of the person who runs the
No. 78309
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No. 78315
File: 1428554136188.png (540.96 KB, 709x438, engla.png)

Ashley could recover. She is not too far gone at all. This is Engla Lernäs. She's 35 and in recovery from anorexia.
No. 78384
>>78085Last night you guys have me a new addiction with this camwhore site.
So far i found 2 girls that i know online, 1 that i know personally and a few girls i recognized from random places on the web like Tumblr,DeviantArt etc.
One of them behaves like Rola on cam.. it's very unsettling
No. 78549
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another skinny lover creep. a "fashion designer" and "seamstress".
No. 78592
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>>78564Here's the pic if you don't follow her on insta
No. 78603
>>78592>stickers on a clear case>madeOk then.
>>78600She may well do. At least she lives somewhere fairly warm.
No. 78618
>>78564shes so immature
sure ashley i am sure you're going to be living it up on 420
No. 78620
>>78592Thanks for posting.
I used to like stickers until I knew of Ashley.
How clever she is to make a clear plastic phone case. Must've taken ages crafting the mold, etc.
Think that's just hairy arms.
No. 78624
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>>78616that's a normal amount of facial hair, lanugo is like this.
No. 78625
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>>78610I'd love to know where the money comes from.
>inb4 myfreecam ew pls no No. 78661
File: 1428608036993.jpg (99.04 KB, 640x712, image.jpg)

>>78659Sorry, idk why the original file wasn't cropped?
No. 78662
>>78661Btw everyone on ash's friends list. She's coming to get you. >:^)
I really shows how cows will read just about anything they can about themselves. Why would you put yourself through that much negativeity? Sometimes, you just need to move on.
No. 78669
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Watch out guiz. Someone is stalking her.
Isn't she in Florida or something? I've like never even heard of someone "stalking" her irl.
No. 78698
>>78684There are no panties in their size, and they have no ass either, that's why it looks weird.
(And I think you are referring to the labia majora not the vagina)
No. 78700
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Bulimia cheeks???
No. 78710
>>78592OK, she can
totally watch Netflix on that phone, even with shitty Internet. (and Hulu)
Instead of spending tons of money buying DVDs for shows that stream for $7.00/month.
No. 78744
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>>78728>>78733Engla didn't want to get better. This is the first time I found her. The photo with the caption. Even in hospital she wanted to lose weight, but she's doing well with recovery now.
No. 78745
>>78669Maybe the stalker's the person she said was spying on her and that's why she didn't want Erika to leave her.
>>78700This "friend" of Ashley's has textbook case bulimia cheeks. No. 78749
>>78747So that was her ~diagnosis~
She'll be happy she's part of a very special clan now!
No. 78750
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No. 78752
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>>78750Almost same cheek shape as Ashley as Hamtaro Chan
No. 78753
>>78750I'm this anon ^.
Which part of the cheek actually swells? I've never been around bulimics so I can't really identify it.
No. 78758
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>>78753Have a look at these pics. The girl before and after a binge. It really is pretty much "chipmunk cheeks" No. 78768
>>78763For someone so paranoid with all these stalkers, she isn't very internet savvy with giving out information about herself. Didn't she used to have her home address publicly displayed?
After her nudez, you'd think she'd learned that what goes online is there forever. Fuck, if someone wanted to attack her or w/e she thinks in her head is going to happen they'd only have to hang out at her local Target.
Oh, and how to explain #cyberbullying
"They're bullying me on the interwebz!!!1"
"Details, please"
"They're forcing me to get treatment and want the APS involved!!!!1"
"Umm. Right then…"
No. 78769
>>78750>>78752these girls are cute ;w;
but isnt ashley too skeletal to have noticeably chubby cheeks
No. 78777
>>78773Crazy how she changed in only 7 years.
I think she was cute as well. It's sad to see that photoshop an anon her made of what she'd look like now if she wasn't ill. She looked okay.
No. 78785
>>78772It's so weird… Her wig makes it look like her hair never grew past this point.
Guys, I think we should send her a new wig. I can't imagine how ratty and smelly that one is. Why doesn't she get one? ;A;
No. 78786
>>78785I think she doesn't want to admit it's a wig, otherwise she'd put a bunch on her wishlist.
In b4 she puts a bunch of cosplay wigs on there, I mean even vaguely natural-looking ones.
No. 78788
>>78785If it's her real hair, the brittleness would make it snap off so it looks like it never grows. That happened with me when I used to overbleach my hair platinum blonde. So brittle it broke off.
Pretty sure it's a wig though. She should dig out that red one she wore. That was in the same style as the one she wears now. Maybe they're the same style from the same shop.
No. 78793
>>78661I bet she's secretly suspecting
everyone on her friends list. It's not funny, yet it is.
I wonder what "independence plans" for paranoid AF people are like.
>>78592Hehe. Stickers. She made it. It's not even decoupage, but hey, it makes her happy, so. When I read about her "making" a phone case (before I saw the photo), i thought it would be one of those polymer clay-type kits with a mold and tacky embellishments; I have to suffer through a lot of kids'TV, so I've seen a few ads for those. I think Ash would like them, she should put one on her wishlist.
Thanks for the IG update!
No. 78797
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>>78786I've been patiently waiting since she mentioned wigs on twitter. ^_^
No. 78803
File: 1428618796819.png (374.64 KB, 574x460, tumblr_ngkbb5pWam1u5rjzso2_400…)

It could be even the same wig, lol…
No. 78805
I thought she might've made one out of felt or something, like a slip case.
>>78794It's difficult to imagine her with different hair. Long would make her look like Death, but I can't see that she'd suit a pixie cut like Erika's either. She really needs a new wig and if she wasn't who she was I'd send her a few quid.
No. 78806
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>>78700..could this be considered bulimia cheeks? Only picture I have, but somebody told me they are and I just want to know.
No. 78823
>>78821I don't actually have bulimia, people thought I do and I got really insecure about it because that's not the message I want to send.
Thank you, guys.
No. 78840
>>78827Notice how she says ATTENTION and not support/help?
What kind of CUNT would deny someone a second shot at life? Even ex-friends who I've personally had big fall outs with, I'd NEVER, EVER deny them that.
No. 78842
>>78827Erika's getting help because she asked for help and ostensibly
wants to get better.
Now, for real, I'm not sure if she's going to use that money she's collected as she said she would, and I don't know if she will be successful, but that's the difference between trying and not trying.
A wishlist full of bullshit and putting stickers on an iPhone case isn't fucking trying.
No. 78849
>>78847Ashley has made her whole life about being a victim.
>muh disorder>can't do anything bout it!!>send me shit for TRYING anywayI still want to know exactly what made her like this. I know a lot of it will be pre-disposed disorders etc, but I still wonder what the story is with her early life/dad/etc.
No. 78857
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>>78853All she said is he left them when she was very young.
He probably sensed you were a pathetic fuck and I would've done the same.
No. 78878
>>78850 Thank you. It's one of my more often used obscenities.
Chucklefuck is another one.
No. 78887
Ashley, since we all know you're reading and refreshing as fast as your bony finger can hit F5:
Save what little energy you have and never compare yourself to Erika again. She is nothing like you, and you are so beneath her there's no way to look for you but up.
Of course Erika has faults. So does everyone else.
And, most importantly, the part you love to plug your ears and scream LALALALA over: SO. DO. YOU.
At least Erika holds herself fucking accountable most of the time while you? You rot in your mother's one bedroom apartment, wearing the same foul-smelling, ratty cosplay wig for the past 4 years, crying into your iPhone 6 that nobody loves you while adding gift cards for binge food to your Amazon wishlist.
What have you ever worked for, Ashley? For whom have you ever had to sacrifice? The only finger you've ever lifted was to jam down your throat, or to click "add to wishlist," or to point at your mother while screaming YOU DID THIS TO ME when sweetie, your destruction was all you and you know it.
So while Erika and so many of your other former victims shed themselves of you, recover and thrive, you'll continue to rot in your pile of cheap plastic toys and Dollar Tree makeup palettes, smelling of puke and wishing you actually had a therapist that didn't just exist in your imagination.
No. 78894
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No. 78898
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I'm glad her followers are starting to see the light.
No. 78902
>>78898Ugh, FUCK Ashley for seriously trying to fault Erika for asking for money for LIFE SAVING VITAL MEDICAL CARE when she does the same thing….for her weeaboo toys and DVDs and binge food.
Like I'm sitting here mouth agape just in awe that she is so fucking delusional to think that logic train of hers is gonna do anything but crash into the brick wall of her nearest Target and burst into flames.
No. 78925
>>78924disregard that whole post, I'm inebriated and I suck dicks. So many typos and errors…
(you guys get what i mean.)
No. 78952
>>78898I think we all knew it was only a matter of time before she started lashing out at Erika again,
especially when she got all those donations for treatment (they share followers, so that's Ash's potential wishlist money).
Frankly, I see some troublesome things on Erika's account, but I can also see that she really wants to improve her life, and I doubt she'll misuse that money.
Ashley is salty as fuck. Doesn't she know that salt causes water retention?
But seriously. Ash. Work on yourself. Even if you can't bring yourself to curb your ED behaviors, work on your other behaviors. Work on your attitude. Work on being a
genuinely good person. Don't fake it.
No. 78972
>>78970I'm not even going to pretend to be shocked.
Fucking seriously Ash, tally out how much money in shitty toys and giftcards you've gotten (which is why she adds them one at a time, so you can't see she's already gotten a few dozen Whole Foods cards).
It's in the thousands.
No. 78980
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No. 78981
>>78972SERIOUSLY. The amount of useless gifts Ashley has received is more than the life-saving treatment donations Erika has received. How many thousands of dollars in Whole Foods and restaurant gift cards have you gotten just to flush it down the toilet? We know it's a lot no matter how you try to hide it by adding gift cards one at a time and spacing them out.
I cannot believe Ashley is so fucking psychotic that she feels like Erika stole attention from her or somehow owes her. Nobody owes you anything, Ashley. Fucking Christ.
No. 78982
>>78981She's obviously pissed Erika's gotten over a grand in money for A LEGITIMATE NEED because that's hundreds of dollars she could've eaten at her bathroom TV tray and barfed up, gawwwwwsh!
Ashley seriously thinks everything is a damn competition except she's the only one swinging her bony fists and crying. The rest of us are growing up and moving on.
No. 78998
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ayy lmao
No. 79162
>>79066I have similar cheeks too :(
but I was bulimic for 5 years… it's been a while since i've thrown up and i dont think the bloat in my face has gone away.
No. 79201
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>>79198Disney? She's Princess Bubblegum dontchyaknow.
No. 79203
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>>79145This one is more annoying. Idk why.
No. 79208
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So this is where the swelling occurs- (salivary glands). I've seen a few girls with swelling in that area IRL
No. 79210
Anyways bulimia bloat can last some odd months after you stop purging. The shitty thing is that even if you haven't purged in lets say idk 6+ months, there's a chance that if you got sick with the flu and barfed a couple of times your face could blow up like a balloon. I can't attest for everyone but I know personally lymph nodes can still swell up and become tender pretty easily after recovering from bulimia even with only puking at most 5 or 6 times in 9 months. 5 or 6 as opposed to 100s. It's pretty repulsive.
No. 79215
>>79213When you purge, you often purge multiple times a day, every single day. Your chances of becoming a binge-purger increase and b/ping is dangerous and a hellish downward spiral in itself. Your food begins to immediately rise into your throat right after you eat, you can develop ulcers and herneas, many important levels in your body fuck up, and you constantly feel starvation regardless of eating so much. It's like a bottomless pit. The stretching, emptying, gorging, repeat wreaks havoc on your body.
Throwing up 4x a week is not what a bulimic does. Maybe anorexia with a purging subtype.
Bulimics can throw up anywhere between 3-20+ times a day, every single day.
No. 79218
>>79217Basically I'm ex-7-years-bulimia chan that tries not to relate it back to myself obnoxiously and I unfortunately know way too much about it. It's pretty gross.
You can puke so much that you don't even have to make yourself purge via objects or fingers–you can literally just puke on command like you're in the exorcist. So the whole "bruised and scratched knucles=bulimic" thing doesn't necessarily mean anything.
I really don't think most bulimics realize just what sort of addiction they are getting themselves into. Trust me, they know it's gross too. But like any other addiction, it's very difficult to stop.
No. 79219
>>79218One of my freinds who finally came clean when I confronted them mentioned that. They looked like they were dying but not in comparison to ash… still blows my fucking mind. They had that "purging subtype" you mentioned here and the not having to gag thing and said there's not even any noise. It's scary how well they hide things.
THey mentioned "rinsing out" their stomach, which I assumed meant drinking tons of water and throwing it back up over and over until it came out clear… but I hope I'm wrong on that because that's really shocking.
Is there any other signs I can look for to see if they're ok now?
And speaking of all of this, can we speculate how often ash purges/binges still? I can't imagine it's much. Do you think Ash has the occasional binge or is that the whole basis of her ED?
No. 79221
>>79219>drinking tons of water and throwing it back up over and over until it came out clearThat's called flushing and it's dangerous. One of the "tips" on the not pro ana site myproana said you should drink smart water because it's safer.
Idk. I don't like vomit talk, so I'll take a cig break outside for a while.
No. 79237
>>79218Yep. I was a anorexic with binge/purge subtype and I never once used any objects.
Of course, I also developed a hiatal hernia and ulcers as a result. Never got swollen cheeks though.
I've been recovered for two years and I don't have binge/purge behavior. Can't say the same about the anorexic side of things but I'm still at a healthy weight, so there's that.
No. 79245
>>79215when people say 'purge multiple times a day' does it mean multiple episodes, like once at morning, noon, night?
because i dont think throwing up ONE time is enough to get all the food out. so say i do one binge all at once and want to get rid of it - its not all coming out in one heave. takes awhile. so is that considered purging multiple times?
No. 79250
File: 1428693266745.jpg (55.3 KB, 425x319, for-your-health-11931-13022141…)

>>79238if you arent keeping it down … i dont think it matters wtf you use. lets just all agree this shit is horrible for your health and you shouldnt do it
No. 79268
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>>79250Speaking of shit that's horrible for your health (pic related).
Any news on Ashley's next giveaway?
No. 79272
>>78201I thought the page had this retarded translation feature that sets the language according to your location or something.
That's not Ashley on the account that that Spanish is too fluent and that she's talking about a desire to get better. So lol.
No. 79276
File: 1428700405793.jpg (71.65 KB, 604x604, HkST-lmWLn4.jpg)

I wonder what happened to her wigs.
No. 79279
Some of these comments are funny Lora Palmer
Hmm, beautiful, like a mummy in a sarcophagus or decomposed skeleton in the grave. Against the general ugliness noteworthy disgusting shabby gray-green skin, rare volosenki and a face like a pug or dying ferret (with moronic expression). Most anoreksichek though usually pretty face. And there is not a person, and zombiehead, you can shoot a zombie horror without makeup. Well, plus incredibly miserable baby clothes from second-hand."
No. 79287
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>>79279I don't even know what that's supposed to mean, but… holy shit…
No. 79290
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>>79287Toddler's leggings.
No. 79296
>>79208I'm one of those people who apparently cant tell the diff between bulimia cheeks and chubby cheeks. (It seems like people with firsthand experience can spot it better?) But quick question: is it usually only the parotids that are affected?
I get stones in my submandibulars, and it makes them visibly swollen. I always get paranoid that everyone will think I'm bulimic, even though it gives me more of a double chin than chipmunk cheeks.
YW for the blog post!
No. 79299
>>79296 >stones in my submandibularsShould not have google image searched.
Meh, fuck what people think.
>>79298Agh. That didn't click before you pointed it out, ha.
No. 79332
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Last post on SUT sounds interesting. I hope it's not just an image of hamchan's tits.
No. 79337
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>>79334I hate when people do that. Still…curious.
No. 79339
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>>79338We're stalkers. In Orlando. We take photos of her taking selfies in her apartment and in her car.
No. 79377
>>79359Those pics are horrible. I think there was some weird thing on where she was targeted by that photographer. There's something here where she writes about her disorder: page.
No. 79408
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>>79397I heard that was the photographer's name. I also find it difficult to believe that post was by a person called Bony Pink.
Anyone speak Russian?
No. 79417
>>79408They all come from here: idea what 'vaflya kotova' means, though. As far as I know Kotova is just a surname.
No. 79419
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I think this might be her. Weird the shit you find.
No. 79421
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…and when google gets it so wrong
No. 79422
>>79419No results reverse searching that. Sauce, plox?
>>79421Heart keks
No. 79481
>>79466No, Ashley has paranoid delusions about people close to her so she
thinks she knows something incriminating about Erika when in reality it's Ashley's mind twisting reality. And I'm giving Ashley the benefit of the doubt and assuming it's her BPD related delusion, and not malicious rumor mongering, which is also likely.
Like now in Ashley's mind, her mother is abusive, when in reality her mother is fed up, helpless and being held hostage by her self destructive addict daughter. If she throws her out she's giving Ashley an immediate death sentence, but if she lets her stay home for free she's enabling her. That's a fucking difficult situation to be in and I'm sure after living with an addict who refuses to get help, I'd get in arguments with her too. Yet Ashley's said that if she could videotape her mother she'd have "evidence." I didn't realize confronting you about binging and purging is considered "verbal abuse."
Just like how getting DCF involved (even when they've agreed there needs to be an investigation) is considered "cyberbullying." She really has created her own little world in her head.
No. 79552
>>79547I have absolutely no words, Ashley.
Everyone ITT needs to read this post. Nothing has demonstrated more how out of touch you are with reality than this post right here. This is sickeningly delusional.
No. 79553
>>79547lol Ashley. Are you upset because someone sued your favorite chain store?
Is this Erika's big nasty secret?
No. 79563
>>79547How does Erika suing Target make her a bad person? Seriously, even if she sued Target for literally no reason – just because she felt like it on a whim – how does that make her a bad person? I honestly want to see you try to explain this. I imagine what happened is Erika slipped and fell on an unmarked wet floor, or was discriminated against in some way, so she probably went after a small pain and suffering personal injury settlement. Or maybe even just dropped the case. Who fucking cares, though? I seriously don't see how it's relevant, or in any way detracts from her character.
Also, you keep alluding to EVERYTHING YOU KNOW, BUT NO ONE WILL BELIEVE YOU. Well, just fucking spill it, Ashley, stop making excuses, because not a single one of us believes you know a damned thing. You know why we don't believe you? Because your evidence for Erika being a bad person has been ludicrous shit, like dropping you off at your house when no one else was home, and suing Target. Oh boy, that clearly makes her evil! If you actually have anything to say, then say it. You're just making a fool out of yourself.
>>79555So what? How does that make them a bad person?
Like, for real now. Am I a bad person because I don't always shower every day? Am I a bad person because I didn't adopt another rescue kitten when I could try to make space for one? Am I a bad person for not donating money to homeless people? Am I a bad person because I shouted at my mother a few times when I was a teenager? And am I a bad person for suing the person who totaled my car after they ran a red light?
These are things that are part of one's character. They aren't even character flaws. You are conflating natural pieces of our humanity that comprise our actions with 'BEING A BAD PERSON' and 'NOT BEING A FUCKING ANGEL.' I can't possibly describe how ridiculous this is. It's part of Borderline Personality Disorder to make extremely rigid dichotomies you have to fit everyone in your life into, the best thing to ever exist and pure evil, right?
No. 79570
>>79547So what?
"Premises liability is the legal principle that property owners have some level of accountability for accidents and injuries on their property, or premises. Premises liability impacts businesses that own business property and that are legally responsible for the safety of invited guests to that property."
No. 79657
>>79219Doing that is extremely, extremely dangerous. Girls can black out from "rinsing."
And yeah, it doesn't make a sound.
It's really hard to intervene on bulimia. It can be really hard to notice the signs as well. Hoarding food/taking it to eat in their room/lots of empty containers/buying a lot of food but never seeing them eat are pretty simple possible signs. Going to the bathroom a lot is an obvious one but never let that make you assume everyone who goes to the bathroom after they eat is bulimic–lots of people just like to wash their hands and whatever lol. It's basically a hit or miss. I wouldn't say to scope out for "bulimia bloat" either because there are people who just have those fat deposits naturally or due to medication. Sometimes you'd never know unless it was painfully stereotypically obvious.
Bulimia holds a lot of shame and embarrassment and I'd just do my best as a supportive friend to never, ever comment on their food intake ever. Ever. Never tease a bulimic about how much they eat. You don't understand how those seemingly insignificant little comments can control a bulimics life…it's crazy.
I'm not sure how to speculate on Ash's b/p. Maybe I will think of a post later. I don't go through her content much but if I see any relevant caps or anything I could add comment.
I just can't imagine how she could be alive if she were purging so much. Or that thin, even. Anorexia with a purging subtype can make you that thin but just bulimia and excess amount of binging in itself… I can't believe it's possible, unless you go crazy large amounts of time without eating and then go on binge/purge sprees but even then….idk.
The puking makes you feel like your brain is shrinking though and it does damage pretty fast so I don't know how she could have gone so long like this. I'm confused about the whole situation. All I know is that she HAS to be lying about having a therapist.
And I feel like you have to be a fucked up psycho of a mother to let your daughter continue to live her life with you like this. This is disgusting.
No. 79667
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I'll add one thing to watch for in bulimia : little red dot around the eyes. They appear because vomiting is violent and little blood vessels rupture where the skin is the thinest.
It can be hidden under make up, but it's easy to spot if you're watching for it.
They are called petechia.
No. 79670
>>79471Ashley's too vindictive to keep any dirt on Erika to herself.
Suing a company for an accident is what people do. That's what I'd do. It's what the little old lady who broke her hip tripping on a step of the shop I worked at did. That didn't make the old lady a demon. Compensation culture etc.
No. 79682
>>79657Thank you for this post and the signs to look for. I made sure to be as un-judgemental as possible to my friend so that she would feel comfortable telling me when she's struggling. And thank you for warning me about the comments on food intake. I figured that was a no-go, even "I'm happy to see you eating more" could
trigger a person I'm sure. I tend to just consider that a restricted area of conversation. It's hard to know what to say sometimes, I feel like I'm walking on egg shells, but the best I can do is keep my door open.
Yes I agree about ash's mom. And for the sake of my idea of humanity not being evil I'm choosing to believe she is lying about having a therapist. There are crooked people out there, though… perhaps her therapist sees her off the record and they have some sick relationship and he buys her goodies (think of those intervention episodes where young girls have old men "taking care" of them).
I don't know.. but she has been "lying" about that therapist for a long time now, not just since she's been watched by APS (and us).
Her mother though… that's a whole other story
No. 79691
>>79570THANK YOU.
I Googled Erika's name before I donated a bit of $ to her, and I saw the premises liability thing. I figured it was a slip and fall or something of that nature. Not a compelling case for her being a horrible person.
The first or second Ash thread had discussion about some of the more disturbing things on Erika's tumblr, as well as posts she'd made on myproana in the past. We know she's not an angel. But unlike Ash, Erika seems to be changing her ways and
legitimately trying to get well. She even seems to be posting more pictures of herself with more clothes on, so not as many of her selfies look thinspo-ish.
No. 79708
>>79690It's definitely Ashley. Erika isn't the first person she's idolized and then vilified the second things don't go her way, nor is she the last.
Hell, she did it with me the second I suggested that this wasn't a way to exist much less live. (I'd go into specifics of the crap she tried to pull with me but I really really don't want her screaming into my inboxes anymore.)
What little cognitive function Ashley has left is mired in black or white thinking. It's basically a thirteen year old's messy breakup with her boyfriend of a week.
No. 79755
>>79389this so much
minniemaud is such bullshit holy shit
,,scientifically proven'' my ass
No. 79771
I am so disgusted that Ash is apparently pissed off that people want to help Erika get better, since she (by all indications) really WANTS to get better, instead of enabling her to become sicker like Ash wanted to do. I really hope the best for Erika, whether or not she's been a perfect angel all her life. I would reconsider if there were any indications that she did not intend on going through with treatment, but so far, it seems legit.
If Ash actually decided she wanted to recover and supported it with her actions (e.g., going to intake appointments with inpatient facilities, not getting fake outpatient "counseling"), I'm SURE she could receive help - financial or otherwise - getting treatment if she needed it. Even though she's done some really vile things, if they KNEW it would go toward treatment (maybe if the money could be sent to the facility instead of to Ash, who I'd never trust not to spend it on binge food and trash), and if it seemed that she was actually giving recovery a shot, people would donate to help her, too. But I'm 99.9% sure she's past the point where she can make the rational decision to seek help on her own, unlike Erika, who seems to desperately want recovery. Ash needs outside intervention, and at this rate, I doubt it'll come before she dies.
Even if she's hell-bent on making some sort of disgusting ~kawaii uguu~ public spectacle of the end of her life and no one intervenes, she shouldn't be allowed to continue encouraging others to become sicker. It's infuriating to watch.
You know, I really hope Ash is forced into treatment. I hope she's sedated and tube-fed or whatever it takes to get her to a point where she can think about her life and actions clearly. I wish she could see what a toxic monster she's been and actually feel bad about it instead of laughing it off.
No. 79784
>>79780>and everyone here needs to be 'perfect' before they can judge. Oh, aha, you aren't.because that's a prerequisite for judging anyone? it's not.
anyone who exposes themselves online should know that.
this is a means of entertainment for us. some do give well-intentioned advice, but i think that barely anyone here gives a fuck about what happens to the cows.
your jimmies sure are rustled though…
No. 79824
>>79820Did she mention what the phone call was about? I doubt it really was somebody from here. I agree with
I mean, even Ashley would sort of benefit from this. You know she'll twist this so she's the victim.
No. 79829
File: 1428779391236.gif (1.12 MB, 330x248, POPCORNISLOWCAL.gif)

I came home to this
No. 79860
>>79856You're right and I imagine she was given Erika's number. I really can't believe anyone here would do that though. Even the ones who aren't bothered about her never day anything shitty about her. The only problem they have is with a few pictures of self harm on her account.
>>79859I don't answer unrecognisable numbers either, but if she sleeping and woken suddenly it could've just been a reflex action.
No. 79874
Wow, I didn't think Ashley could stoop any lower, but alas she has. What a nasty little parasite.
I love how she makes a conscious decision to come to this board, and then cries "bullying!!!11"
I am willing to bet that the majority of posters here don't seek her out and send her nasty messages. You don't have to come here, Ashley. As long as you keep behaving like a scammer you WILL be talked about, so just know that and accept it, or stop behaving so horribly.
I used to follow Ashley, but the way she talks about Erika is really repulsive. I don't want to see her word-vomit in my feed anymore. Get healthy and grow up, Ashley.
You have to know you're in the wrong when your main support comes in the form of 15 year old pro-ana kids. (and you're, what, 25, 26?) do you really not see how pathetic that is?
No. 79877
File: 1428785495287.jpg (45.73 KB, 471x252, blahblahblah.JPG)

Posts about forgiving people for their past mistakes yet doesn't forgive others from (her idea of) someone's past mistakes.
No. 79887
>>79884Lol. My dad's Hungarian. Don't speak it at me though, the language was way too hard to ever get to grips with.
>>79885For all the wrong reasons.
No. 79923
>>79874I agree too, I just see most all lolcows on this board as an interesting look into people who don't function well in society.
It's just an educative look into psychology for me, there's just no desire for me to care for these people outside of this board, or even contact them.
I can't speak for others interests though.
No. 79924
>>79911That was me. I like that site a lot. It shows all the horrors of EDs so I expect the pro ana community avoid it.
You know we discussed the two twins who're doctors and both have EDs? Looking at their instagrams you can tell how it's affected their brains. It's like they've regressed into some younger mindset. It's hard to think that at one point they were mentally stable enough to get their doctor qualifications.>>79911
No. 79929
File: 1428787970434.jpg (15.11 KB, 480x720, 20140727164247.jpg)

Who was Misa Yamamoto? I saw her on some of those ana fetish pages. She died in January.
No. 79934
File: 1428788235062.jpg (32.87 KB, 312x334, 01.JPG) if she was thin because of the liver disease or an ED.
No. 79936
>>79932Whew thank god cos that's the only Misa I've heard of.
As for the anoretic… Her twitter is pretty wtf.
No. 79939
>>79935"I don't care about her at all anymore!"
stalks every social media account they have, makes shitty Vaguebook posts about them, etcServing that 2015 Single White Female realness, I'd say all Ash needs now is the shitty haircut but well…
No. 79944
>>79941See above. Clownshoe.
No. 79949
>>79924Its a great site, thanks for sharing.
I've always found it difficult to find unbiased accounts of EDs as there's so many glamourized talk about it from pro-anas, but this site was exactly what I needed to see for the real horror behind it all.
No. 79966
>>79961me three
thank fuck there aren't people with her interests
No. 79967
>>79934fuck shit ive never seen this before.
shes actually a model? talk about niche. and before she died, she was perfectly fine milking her illness / skeletal body and making a horror blog? creepy af
No. 79978
>>79972That's a point. Her "interests" are popular on tumblr. Maybe she's trying to come across as lonely for pity.
She's annoying that she ONLY posts comments about food pics on Ig. That friend of hers who's doing really well with recovery posted some ice cream and she commented. No posts about how well she's doing or how nice she looks. Just…FOOD.
No. 80008
>>79980I've never ever seen Erika say a single bad word about Ash, and that's what get me the most. I've even seen Erika defend her like crazy when any other people have doubts about Ash.
That says a lot about someone, horrible natured people don't go out of their way to say nice things about others and buy them presents just cos they want to or feel obligated to do.
Ashley's claims about Erika are just phoney at this point, it just reeks of jealousy because we don't feel sympathy towards her.
No. 80014
File: 1428793295767.jpg (Spoiler Image,68.83 KB, 500x740, tumblr_n6pwi4s3k71tptjqco1_500…)

>>80009Speaking of…I was just looking at a really gross page on tumblr and saw this pic. The girl has the same markings the other ED girl had on her stomach. Tumblr are so random with images they delete. This page is really bad with skinny images but deleted on around 6 so far.
No. 80026
>>80022idk. she never screenshots any conversations.
>>80023last pic like this we thought it was damage from hot water bottles. it's got to be something connected to stomach damage?!?
No. 80048
>>80038Eh.. Theforestcat can climb a wall of floppy dicks.
Erika can come here if she wanted to and see the whole thread, sometimes I wish she would so she could see and cut out two poisonous people from her life… No matter how they both try to intrude into it and pretend to "support" her.
You can guarantee that whatever Erika does, theforestcat returns to Ashley to update her about her life and co-ops in bitching about her.
No. 80055
File: 1428795420513.jpg (65.29 KB, 640x960, image.jpg)

No. 80062
>>80057Upgrades still cost money. Usually you pay the difference between a new phone and your existing one.
For the anons who live in the US, look into getting Republic Wireless as a carrier. You can't bring your own phone but it's worth it. I pay $10 a month for unlimited calls and texts, and unlimited data over wi-fi.
No. 80077
>>80074Nah, age gaps can be helpful and influential in a mentor way like teachers, family members, people who have a positive impact on a younger person's life…
Ashley and theforestcat though? Its in no way helpful, supportive and beneficial so, NOPE.
No. 80084
>>80081That's what I can't understand either… Is it some kind of "goddess" projection that she has on these kids?
A lot of people have been in a lot of pain through their lives, even to the brink of death in their own ways and they ask for fuckall in return except to be safe and teach in others.
Ashley WANTS though, alawys wanting and not understanding what needing really is.
No. 80086
>>80084I was thinking how I admired certain rock stars or actors because they were amazing musicians, interesting, or just looked great. I never went the total idol worship way, but it's like they hold her up as one.
>>80085It does make me wonder what she writes in her letters/emails. If she's always talking about sugary food, she knows these girls are probably thinking about wanting to throw the stuff up even if they haven't tried it. It's horrible. She's a nightmare.
No. 80087
>>80085Ha! I kno rite?
I just hope she snaps out of it at some point, after all we're just jealous fat haters.
No. 80097
>>80086Celebrities shouldn't mean nothing after 25, you'll be thankful.
All I know is that she had penpals? but no letter was ever shown, or goodies on even an envelope or package, just what ashley herself sent out.
No. 80102
>>79650Minnie maud is for wannarexics. Girls who tried to make themselves anorexic and when it doesn't work, they say they're "in recovery", because they still want to be special and don't want to admit (mostly to themselves) that they aren't anorexic. one of its biggest supporters, that idiot on everythingeatingdisorders, pretends to have recovered from anorexia with MM but uhhh she was never anorexic. her lowest BMI was 19. you people trivialize eating disorders and you disgust me.
and someone who's ACTUALLY anorexic following minnie maud? yea, thats dangerous. if you've been eating less than 1000 calories a day for a while and/or your bmi is 15 or less, MM is likely to kill you via refeeding syndrome.
its backed by nothing and its creator has no credentials. and if Ash tried MM, she'd be dead by the end of the week.
No. 80106
>>80097I'm still a fan of the people I admired back then and I'm
cough past 25. I chose wisely.
I liked some of the fuck ups in the music world, but they weren't role models. Same as with thinspo queens, I don't understand why someone would strive to emulate people who were wasted. Ashley's wasted, but in a different way. theforestcat though - something strange about her in a bad way.
>>80102fuck sake, someone needs to start a forum where we can discuss these people!!! the only tip i used from proana sites when i was dieting in the good way was to drink a lot of water, but that's a tip you find on any health site. i really hate proana sites so much. fuck freedom of speech, they shouldn't exist.
No. 80114
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>>80110Couldn't link to the exact image. Wasn't sure if I should blank the names out, but meh.
No. 80129
File: 1428800091792.jpg (83.01 KB, 718x612, 02.JPG)

Ash isn't very good at predictions.
No. 80132
File: 1428800268371.jpg (48.39 KB, 435x472, 04.JPG)

…and no one was killed.
No. 80138
File: 1428800502307.jpg (43.04 KB, 478x615, imfatomfg.JPG)

Do you really believe she thinks she's fat?
No. 80143
>>80129OK, this was obviously not a prediction/promise about her death, she just said she would be very cold in the winter.
>>80138She always tagged her selfies with #fat #bones #skinny #obese #anorexic #eatingdisorder
No. 80155
File: 1428801513036.jpg (28.59 KB, 588x472, 07.JPG)

>>80152This one…I'm sure she was way past that when she posted.
No. 80168
>>80162Some of the ED girls WEAR A BRA and have, say B cups. HOW? When I lost weight my tits totally went. Wearing a bra would be lol. They're so picky on which parts of their bodies they want to stay "fat", like some still want tittehs.
Looking at all this for a while makes me feel hungry. Must be a primitive throwback self preservation thingy. I'm going to get some porride ha.
>>80167Didn't want to come out and say it, but…I'd bet it was her. Especially if Erika didn't recognise her voice.
No. 80174
File: 1428802299334.png (11.63 KB, 393x91, 5754334.png)

>>80108>I've given a few people my number>A fewHer number has never been posted online. Nobody has doxxed her. Only a few -select- people can contact her, I wonder who it could be~~
No. 80181
>>80179Maybe she's one of those people who are a bit naive as to the shit people are capable of.
Underneath it all, she must know it was the working of Ash.
No. 80191
>>80188this. I'm poor and yeah buying food is my #1 priority. I literally can't remember the last time I bought something 100% frivolous. Shit, I literally don't even have a cellphone now. It's been like 2 years since I've had one because they're fucking expensive & their plans.
But I guess I'm just a bad ~bargain shopper~
No. 80198
>>80190The latest iphone is EXPENSIVE. I doubt she had
that much discounted. Still a couple of hundred dollars?
>>80190I only buy a new one when the old one's so knackered it doesn't work. It's a fucking phone. Totally status symbol for Ashley.
Porridge was nice. mmmm…satisfying in my tummy.
>too fat for recoveryet her doctors refer her for immediate inpatient treatment.
No. 80201
File: 1428803314230.png (51.92 KB, 686x511, whining.png)

No. 80202
>>80190I mean beggars can't be choosers fuck my life.
>>80198Yeah. I don't know why people are so obsessed with showing their status through cellphones.
No. 80206
>>80196Actually, it really does. Because a normalfag not into eating disorders, etc, doesn't just throw the word recovering around like that. Honestly, if I were to troll an anorexic or something I'd just call them fat. I wouldn't think to even mention recovery?
It's definitely someone who is jealous of her recovery, and who suits that bill? Hmmm.
trash does. I mean she openly and publicly blasts her when she can.
No. 80216
File: 1428803632222.jpg (65.98 KB, 616x454, eightyearindunkindonuts.JPG)

>>80201Lurking much?
Btw, impressed with your resume.
No. 80218
>>80169The point is to get you eating NORMALLY again. To eat whatever you want, whenever you want. When you're hungry. And to not use exercise to negate gains. Some people are
triggered by exercise.
No. 80232
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>>80228What… the…. fuckkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk
No. 80236
File: 1428804781771.png (61.89 KB, 512x380, HOLYSHIT.png)

No. 80237
>>80233Yep. Mental illnesses don't give you a free pass to assholeville. Sry ash. Looks like you got busted.
Unless theforestcat is from fl? Even if its was theforestcat, it was under ashley's prompting.
No. 80243
File: 1428805246164.jpg (589.78 KB, 1024x770, CaseClosed_1024a.jpg)

>>80238well then. case closed.
No. 80262
File: 1428806890820.jpg (13.9 KB, 483x418, smug-obama.jpg)

>>80228> florida numberoh ash you dumb cunt
No. 80267
>>80218guess what? eating "whatever you want, whenever you want" isn't healthy either, its just the other end of the spectrum. The minnie maud guidelines are not "normal". MM is NOT advisable for individuals with clinical eating disorders, especially not severe eating disorders. Fortunately most of the girls who follow MM don't seem to be in that category.
Why don't you go have a pint party or something? you know, because eating 1200 calories worth of sugar is totally normal and healthy.
No. 80269
File: 1428807451090.jpg (6.79 KB, 256x197, images.jpg)

>>80265It has to be done.
No. 80271
File: 1428807598475.jpg (44.86 KB, 431x300, Exorcist-regan-mcneil (1).jpg)

>>80265At least she'd get tube fed.
No. 80287
File: 1428809238355.jpg (168 KB, 640x480, ash_help_me_shes_getting_close…)

No. 80343
>>80210I knew someone who was diagnosed BPD at 15. Spot fucking on, even 10 years later.
It doesn't seem that crazy to me.
No. 80384
>>80231If it was at 4 in the morning and Ashley briefly shrieked into the phone before hanging up, it's possible Erika wouldn't recognize her voice. Or maybe Erika was thrown off by an unfamiliar phone number, but Ashley could have used her mom's phone or changed her number after her iPhone upgrade.
Then again maybe Erika knew full well it was Ashley but didn't want to believe it or didn't want to call her out in public (because Ashley is a vindictive bitch) so she's being tactful about it.
No. 80388
I'm gonna sound ash-paranoid, but is it possible, and I'm just saying possible that Erika is lying about this knowing that it might boost people funding her recovery?
Just stating my curiosity, TBH. Not condemning her at all, but we still don't know exactly that she can be trusted. despite that, I still hope for her full recovery, and even for Ashley's, should she ever choose it. Lord knows she could get the funding in no time.
THAT being said, from Erika's comments about calling AT&T and it being a call from inside the house(I.E the state), and it being whispers, considering ash's voice is so harsh, and her stating that she hasn't given her phone number to many people, plus ash getting a new phone and possibly phone number… I mean it all adds up and makes a lot of sense that it was very well Ash herself, if not one of her minions. Still though, that it came from FL is kind of telling.that it was probably Ashley… if the call was in fact real. Again, not a WK and not a hater, just trying to be objective here.
No. 80389
>>80384Could you imagine how creepy as fuck that might have been? An unknown number waking you up at 4 am, only to pick it up and hear a creepy, hoarse voice at the other line whispering
triggering words and then laughing at you? Fucking nightmare fuel.
No. 80390
>>80388Yeah, absolutely. I think it's safe to assume that no one here
really knows Erika, so it's certainly a possibility. It's also a possibility that it was another, totally unrelated pro-ana girl Erika used to know. We personally can't do much but speculate.
No. 80395
>>80393I was
I like to think I articulate myself better than Ashley, thanks. And for the record, I was just humoring the idea. I personally can't say with 100% certainty it was Ashley, and neither can you. But on that note, I do believe it was Ashley, and I've been here gossiping with you on and off all evening about the high likeliness of it being her.
(just kidding.)
No. 80417
File: 1428823843283.jpg (28.95 KB, 495x255, god.jpg)

Is anyone else surprised that Ashley believes in god? I just found that to be so out of character for some reason.
No. 80485
>>80417Erika said "It was some girl whispering" which was probably Ashley not wanting to wake her mum.
>>80417She's being too calm and dismissive about this. If I was number one suspect in doing something so disgusting I'd do more than say, yeah God's my judge stfu. Hey, Ash, doesn't sound like E knows you didn't call her!
Any normal person would probably get in touch with the person it'd happened to to ease their mind it wasn't you…if it wasn't you. OR at least you'd write on your tumblr about how sorry you were that it'd happened. There again, Ashley is far from normal.
Btw, remember #she is healing
No. 80487
File: 1428842855595.jpg (52.24 KB, 500x375, tumblr_mt3ed7mpqS1rsdowgo1_500…)

>>80486Anon, Ashley's giving you
that look. Better be quiet or you'll be getting malicious phone calls at 4am.
No. 80511
File: 1428850824120.jpeg (13.87 KB, 349x264, polls_Judgement_day_4623_32650…)

>>80509She doesn't see it as support, she sees it as attention.
I think there must be a lot of messaging between ash and her minion to set things up such as trying to put the blame on this site's anons.
No. 80514
>>80511It was just weird to begin with that someone came on here screaming that one of us lot called Erika.
It was like "lolwut" and then it was investigated, no one here has ever asked for Erika's doxx and usually when an anon here has done something, we're the first to know as they can't wait to talk about it on here, for example when a couple of anons reported ashley to the protection services.
No. 80523
go back to tumblr
No. 80526
>>80459Oh My God. Your reading comprehension skills are so bad. Are you a teenager? I never ever said anything about BMI and MM. My comment about BMI was solely to due with risk of refeeding syndrome. i stated that already and you just can't grasp it.
You are truly stupid and beyond OT. Just stop.
No. 80539
File: 1428854323448.jpg (23.71 KB, 390x260, Single White Female 2 The Psyc…)

>>80536I'd say it was blatantly obvious she knows it was Ashley the way she excuses her for being mental. When she found out if was a Florida number she said she feels bad that the person feels "trapped". If a random had rang, you'd think they were fucking psycho and say so.
>>80538All I heard is Erika wanted recovery and Ashley didn't. She said something about Erika feeling she was holding her back. She just can't do friendships can she.
No. 80556
>>80539Oh yeah, I missed that part. You're right, she talks about the "mysterious" caller the same way she talks about Ashley, saying she's trapped and that she hopes the person will seek peace.
I get that she's trying to be understanding but I feel like with Erika's past abuse, she's more likely to make excuses and try to justify unacceptable behavior. On the surface it seems kind and forgiving but at some point it's unhealthy to try to keep people who repeatedly mistreat you in your life.
A healthy person would respond to Ashley's behavior like "fuck no, get out of here" instead of still making excuses for Ashley and wishing she could love her enough to change her, which what Erika has said she wishes she could do. Erika commented that she had that same approach to her BPD mother. It's like abuse victim Stockholm syndrome. It seems like she's trying to change that though at least.
No. 80560
>>80538Ashley was envious of Erika and the envy grew to the point of fighting and the eventual fallout and the current creepy Single White Female stuff she's doing now. Ashley is very jealous by nature which makes for a bad friend. Instead of being worried about people when they're struggling she gets happy and when people do better than her she can't be happy for them. She gave Erika shit for posting on Tumblr because she got jealous that Erika was getting attention and people were commenting how pretty she is.
Ashley is even jealous of her mom's
cat, for fuck's sake, because it gets attention from her mom. She wanted to kill the cat. Seriously?
No. 80589
File: 1428858342463.jpg (362.06 KB, 1536x2048, image.jpg)

Erika's ig photo from 16wks ago on…Ashley is clearly jealous. She obviously wants to bring Erika down to her level, and Erika seems all lip-quivering, teary eyed "I'm s-s-sorry Ashley" towards her. Either Erika is just really fucked up and gets close to people who abuse/take advantage of her, or maybe Ashley DOES know something incriminating. Either way, Ashley is a bitch and Erika comes off as pathetic for not standing up for herself.
No. 80591
>>80589Ohhh, I remember that. No idea why she chose to take her comment public on ig instead of a personal text message, but .. attention!
Erika strikes me as one of those women who kind of attract shitty people. I don't think she's ever had physical abuse from her husbands, but I can see the traits those women have where they feel they're to blame for something the other person said is wrong.
I hope that once she's healthier she'll be a lot more picky about the men/women/friends she chooses to have in her life.
Erika wins hands down on the wig.
No. 80614
>>80611Oh sure, Ashley's bony finger slipped and hit Erika's contact details on her iPhone and decided to make a pron in ED recovery feel bad for getting treatment.
Pull the other one, its got bells on.
No. 80615
>>80611a random person dialing random people telling them "cant wait to see you get fat"
cmon ashley, is your brain lacking even more nutrients lately?
No. 80625
>>80613The timing is way too coincidentally, Erika said only a few people have her number and the way she talked about the caller, seemed like she knew it was ash as well as the caller ID being from Florida.
If it was Erika's family, they would've intervened as soon as she said she was going for therapy.
No. 80629
>>80617And this wasn't my comment (I'm the one who just commented twice about the random phone call).
I know this is all anonymous, but why are anons pretending to be other anons?
No. 80644
what if theforestcat gave A theforestcat's password?
No. 80646
File: 1428864797405.png (5.13 KB, 408x56, creepy.png)

this is a bit OT but it freaks me out how all these girls have horrific nicknames online. it's like a cult of death or something.
No. 80652
>>80649For comments
I don't know. It was just a thought, maybe Like how A doesn't like this website, she would try to blame it for the phone call
No. 80662
File: 1428866147624.jpg (4.59 KB, 240x178, iamgodiamjudge.jpg)

Nothing will convince me it wasn't Ashley who called and she's laughing her skull of thinking she's gotten away with it with some shitty post on tumblr about spirits and shit.
No. 80664
File: 1428866352203.jpg (38.81 KB, 505x275, lol.JPG)

So wise…so ~knowing~
No. 80665
>>80662Same, I knew it as soon as someone came into the thread and said it was someome from this board.
Tecnically, it WAS someone pn this board, it was Ashley.
No. 80671
File: 1428866838661.jpg (55.45 KB, 863x309, depress.JPG)

>>80669…and was also nominated for tumblr suicide watch, so I'd think it was her.
No. 80730
>>80664Half of them probably just joking anyway. A lot of kids think it's funny to be edgy desu~
Even if they weren't, imagine being so lame that you had an epiphany on Neopets of all fucking places. Doesn't she have any real world interactions?
No. 80816
File: 1428885852692.jpg (111.88 KB, 500x575, tumblr_ndkjyccYIC1rsdowgo1_500…)

Erika's quiet on ig today. She usually posts by now.
meanwhile…Ashley's busy reporting pictures of anyone who's the slightest bit overweight, because even if they're SLIGHTLY overweight they're promoting self harm. Anyone even half a pound overweight - you're as bad as Ashley!!!!11
No. 80826
File: 1428886559478.jpg (20.28 KB, 475x211, fuckwit.JPG)

oh dear
No. 80844
>>80826Wow, I ant wait for her to use that suggestion.
We don't have Ashley's number either, I'm glad that poster bought it up now really so we know what to expect if she tries that shit.
No. 80850
>>80845Oh, that pretty much wraps it up then… How nice of Ashley to have given Erika a farewell sendoff of support and love over the phone à day before her treatment.
You nasty, donkey-faced lowlife.
No. 81111
File: 1428926293158.jpg (598.33 KB, 300x225, Should-I-See-A-Therapist.jpg)

>>80865Maybe you have the name of a good therapist? Oh, wait…
No. 81123
File: 1428931027800.png (28.81 KB, 300x225, Should-I-See-A-Therapist.png)

>>81111Fixed. Person in photo was fat
No. 81124
File: 1428931466384.jpg (261.72 KB, 385x585, sokawaii.jpg)

No. 81130
>>81128She probably has temper tantrums every day.
I don't know why Ash's mom puts up with her.
No. 81152
>>80664calling the bullshit since back when neo opened you couldn't type death or god it would just turn up as
No. 81181
>>81179Maybe a lack of zinc. They usually suggest taking some zinc supplement to speed up healing when you get a tattoo or piercing here, but there again I can't imagine the scabby scratch artist she went to even knew to use fresh needles.
>>81178I liked doing that. I should've been a teacher so I could write passive aggressive comments on my student's papers.
No. 81195
>>81187A guy at my uni's radio station had them big enough to put yr hand through. It was just unfuckingpleasant to look at. I don't understand the appeal of guages to fuaxhippie/hipstery white kids honestly.
>>81190TBH I kind of wish she would just die already and be at peace. I know that's a really morbid thing to say, but she's so beyond recovery at this point, and dying is like the one way she's going to be free from it all. Plus, she seems into the really morbid aspects of everything, so uh… yeah…
No. 81198
>>81195It'd be tragic if she died in Target.
>>81197Did they shrink back to normal?
No. 81201
File: 1428943112386.jpg (6.48 KB, 181x279, images.jpg)

This though. HOW DOES HE EAT???
No. 81206
File: 1428943283275.jpg (18.76 KB, 450x329, b3e249544b75a63f53b8415768e54e…)

>>81202Small ones are okay though. It's the big plates that I don't like. If you don't want to wear the jewellery one day, you have to have the flappy bit.
This pic. Dude has to be mentally ill. It's not art.
>>81204She said she pulled it off.
No. 81213
>>81195If she dies, in her mind, she wins. She thinks it's 'strong' to just give up and lay there until death takes her, and it sets a horrible example to all her followers.
And with regard to morbidity, she's a
baby. She doesn't know shit about shit. Slapping a skull emoji on it, and referencing ghosts is a child's idea of being morbid.
She could display such true strength of character and tenacity by acknowledging that her mind is not capable of ruling her, and handing over the care of herself to professionals. Dying is easy. Living is the challenge, but that's what it takes to enjoy all the things she's supposedly into.
No. 81224
File: 1428946375255.png (48.67 KB, 674x626, Capture.PNG)

No. 81231
>>81224You literally,
literally cannot heal mentally unless you feed your brain. It needs nourishment as much as the body does.
No. 81249
>>81235But she has yet to address her personality disorder or seek help or try to change the behaviors associated with it that hurt herself and others.
There have been cases of people with BPD who murder people. There was a woman with BPD in Canada who murdered her baby and the baby's father. I knew someone who was falsely accused of assault by his BPD ex, who later confessed that she made it up because SHE felt hurt and abandoned so she felt it was right to hurt him.
These are seriously mentally ill people for sure, but that illness does NOT excuse the behavior.
No. 81269
File: 1428950365439.png (65.21 KB, 585x493, everyone knew.png)

Everyone knew. It's television, and not very highbrow television at that. Every goddamned person watching knew because it was written so the audience would see the tragedy coming.
Congratulations, you caught the incredibly obvious inference!
No. 81271
File: 1428950767860.jpg (75.28 KB, 640x480, 1428428204721-2.jpg)

I didn't know Erika had pics like these. Anyone know why?
No. 81277
>>81224Funny, I sent her a message like this (about me not wanting her to die) a couple of weeks ago and she ignored it. I didn't insult her or anything, it was very simple and to the point. Guess I didn't include enough ass-kissing. Or it wasn't written by her, and she
must be in total control.
No. 81283
>>81224DEFINITELY a self ask. Could she BE any more OBVIOUS. The TYPING STYLE is Ashley and wanting to GIVE THIS SITE A BAD NAME is Ashley. At least she thinks she's IN-CRED-I-BLE.
Sorry you had a shitty day at Target :(
No. 81303
>>81302Thought it would've been more than that. Doesn't take much energy to beat a heart then.
She reads some fucked up calorie info books.
No. 81326
File: 1428957570297.png (128.79 KB, 544x328, Capture.PNG)

>>81277Can't wait until she does this on accident
No. 81335
>>81303For a 125 lb woman, that's 500 calories a night. For a 185 lb guy, it's 740.
If you extrapolate that resting rate to a whole 24 hours, it's 1500 - 2220 calories, which isn't that low considering how much more work we're doing throughout the day. That's why it's so hard to burn off meaningful calories doing cardio - it doesn't take that much more calories to do work. The better bet is to build muscle which will burn more calories 24/7 even if you're sleeping.
Sorry, as if anyone gives a shit…
No. 81366
File: 1428960933646.jpg (40.5 KB, 400x400, image.jpg)

How does she have such nice nails tho
No. 81377
>>81376Uhhh, no, they are definitely fake nails.
Unless you have an eating disorder and are as malnourished as Ashley, you aren't a fair comparison.
No. 81399
>>81386Lmao same.
I eat my nails to shit.
No. 81413
File: 1428966556938.jpg (22.12 KB, 376x400, karagianni_nana.jpg)

>>81411So is Nana Karagianni.
No. 81417
>>81413still fatter than our ashley
also pls stop posting pics of this crypt keeper
No. 81422
File: 1428967496773.jpg (52.49 KB, 502x604, 9J50z-yEJrM.jpg)

>>81413i find it laughable that these bitches still bother with tanning and putting on makeup lol
No. 81424
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She's active enough to do this shit. I know she portrays herself as poor little Ashley, but she's more mobile than she'd have us believe.
No. 81426
>>81423A skeleton is a skeleton, You don't think its wrong judging bones aga8nst bones?
Someone sage this thread for shits sake.
No. 81434
>>81424Supposedly she wheelchairs it everywhere and hops out for a photo. She should share a video of her walking around.
I mean, plenty of people are semi-famous on YouTube, she could have a vlog series of her supa thrifty Target finds.
No. 81450
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>>81442She's on ig somewhere. If the ED doesn't kill her, I'm sure all the UV rays will.
No. 81518
>>81450i remember when they first invented chocolate…sweet, sweet chocolate.
No. 81540
>>81518Hahahahaha oh my fucking god anon
>>81424Holy shit, how can you be confident enough to even open your mouth to speak with teeth that fucked up from vomiting, let alone pose with your mouth open to be ~kawaii~???
No. 81548
>>81382why'd you rip off your nail tho, ashley?
everyone thought you'd have crack den nails but we're all pleasantly surprised!
No. 81628
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>>81623Ohai Ash. No, I'd actually probably be too busy with my full time job and classes and life and, you know,
personal responsibilities to read every little thing that anyone has ever said about me on the internet. I also don't obsessively take pictures of my withering body at Target so there probably wouldn't be a reason for people to endlessly goad me on imageboards.
No. 81629
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>>81628gif related: Ash in motion
No. 81634
>>81630New favorite Ashley quote.
Different anon, but personally I'd probably look. That is, until I realized it was having a detrimental effect on my mental health and causing me unnecessary stress, then I'd start ignoring it.
No. 81635
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>at work
As if she's know…
No. 81638
>>81630I'm sure Lucifer has a spot saved just for you Ash-chan~!
>until I realized it was having a detrimental effect on my mental health and causing me unnecessary stress, then I'd start ignoring it.^^^ What I was trying to get at. I mean, come on, why the hell would you
keep reading it? There was a girl I knew who kept posting negative shit about me on her stupid blog and I used to check it every day but then I realized
hey, doing this is just making me feel worse about my life and I stopped and I feel a lot better now.
Ash, distance yourself from th enegativity in your life. And for God's sake, please check yourself into a psych ward. You need it. You need to get healthy because everyone gets to a point in their life where they need to stop being children and step up to the plate. Stop playing the self pity game.
>>81635She has literally never had a fucking job. Ever. She has no sense of what it's like to work.
No. 81674
>>81618How do you know that?
Found a Peter Pratt matching that info on FB and it seems he's remarried with possibly 1 or 2 kids with his new wife.
But I'd like to see evidence that it's him.
No. 81684
>>81624That's fucked up. If that is her father, he "left" when she was a child. For all we know, he could have been abusive. Leave it alone.
Ash, I think you've done some awful things but I'm convinced you're basically an addict. Get help.
No. 81693
>>81624If her dad really lives in the house up there, I don't think he's capable of saving anyone. And I'm not quite clear if he's meant to live in the house or the shed behind the house.
Screams pedo to me.
No. 81740
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>>81674Well, if it is him then we can guess where some of Ash's mental issues might have been inherited from.
Still gonna need some proof though.
No. 81742
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No. 81759
File: 1429035256537.jpg (27.33 KB, 627x416, crabz.JPG)

maybe his partner
No. 81762
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>>81753or…it's complicated
No. 81767
>>81764I promise you, that's her dad.
Peter Pratt married Rebecca Isaacs, gave birth to Ashley Isaacs.
No. 81770
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>>81763>>81769Not that anon, but I found a marriage certificate, for a Rebecca S. Isaacs and Peter C.T. Pratt, from Washington. Ashley's mother has liked the page for the Washington Redskins on facebook. It's a small connection.
No. 81775
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Found this on
I don't know what your Peter Pratt boner is about but um, stop.
No. 81776
>>81772Ahh, I'm a UKfag, I thought the two were connected.
>>81771I wasn't sure of her mother's dob.
No. 81786
>>81764It came from
>>81618 but no receipts provided. Just thought I'd have a quick look in to it.
No. 81800
>>81796Remember that photo of the random girl she posted?
>>80132What makes you think she wouldn't latch on to waitresses at her favorite binge spots?
No. 81802
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>>81800She hates her mom's friends.
No. 81822
>>81819Only Ashley and Erika are real. The rest of the people involved are all Ashley. I am Ashley. You are Ashley. We are all Ashley.
No. 81839 we have her mom's name. Lynne. Incase anyone wanted to warn her that her daughter is going down a dangerous road.
No. 81842
>>81840"I'm an online friend of your daughter's, and I'm a bit concerned that she may be #struggling with an eating disorder and being mentored by a young woman who looks like this:
Ashley photo "
No. 81850
>>81845Hopefully canada are better at dealing with mental health than the US of A.
I doubt she'll even get skinny. Doesn't sound like she has the willpower to stop herself eating, which is good.
No. 81862
>>81860She's got to be lying.
She said on one site she's been web designing since 1999 and on another she was working in a record shop in 2007.
No. 81872
>>81854>be mentally ill>as a result of mental illness can't get employment>because I can't get employment, I can't get Social Security Disability>mfw I can't get government disability aid if I'm disabled
>mfw hear on the news that any immigrant that comes to the USA illegally will now qualify for SSDI without ever needing to have worked because 'not speaking English is a disability'Such is the price of freedom!
I think that the government just wants you to kill yourself if you're so disabled that you can't work. I really can't stand that I was born here, my NEET friends in the European Union are getting along perfectly fine.
No. 81876
>>81872A Conservative MP said a couple of days ago that people with mental illness should wear a coloured wristband. Kinda like sewing a star of David onto stiped pyjamas, but in 2015.
It's all fucked.
I get benefits for having mental illness but for how long who knows.
No. 81879
>>81874Then they're filing as dependents through their parents, which means you have to be living with your parents, and your parents then need to have work credits. Either that, or your friends are getting SSI, which has a maximum of $700 monthly – not SSDI.
>>81876Well, fuck. At least that has no chance of becoming a real thing.
Is it really so entitled to think mentally ill or disabled people should be given enough to actually live on monthly? Why is everyone so stuck on people 'leeching off of the system'? No one fucking chooses to live off of government funds, we only do it out of absolute desperation, because it is impossible to live off of it in any comfortable way.
This is so off topic, but this entire situation makes me feel so helpless and awful.
No. 82928
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>>81413>>81422>>81424They look all look like corpses
No. 82947
>>78857does anyone else think her dad is kinda hot….?
i really wonder where he is now. it's hard to imagine how her poor mom got by all those years, and yet her daughter writes catty tumblr posts about how she's drinking with random men.
No. 88044
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Has Ashley ever been in a relationship? Had a boyfriend? Is she a virgin?
No. 88054
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>>82947He's not conventionally attractive but he has a calculating look in her eyes that betrays an intelligence.
But yeah I get what you mean.