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No. 66258
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>>66253anyone know how tall she is?
No. 66284
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Is it just me or does she actually look even fucking worse than Valeria Levitin?
No. 66304
>>66287im just wondering who even takes her to target when they could take her to a hospital instead, wtf
>>66284definitely worse off
No. 66317
>>66311Yup, it's legit scary. I keep waiting for her to die but…it never happens.
She is quite literally a walking fucking skeleton. I don't understand how it's humanly possible.
No. 66323
>>66279BMI 8.5 assuming 45 LB
No. 66361
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Found her long lost brother
No. 66365
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>>66317Fact of the day:
This is the lightest person in history (apparently). I think it was a medical thing because she weighed 1lb at birth.
I was looking at human skeletons in sideshows. I was wondering how many had EDs, but the ones I looked up had medical conditions. No. 66366
>>66365when i said
>had medical conditionsi meant
physical before anyone pulls me up on this
No. 66369
>>66365This one seems to have been anorexic. looks like most simply slipped by out of awareness, because no one really understood why one would cease to eat.
No. 66370
>>66367Being able to eat that much sounds like a dream, but I bet it's as difficult as dealing with an eating disorder.
>>66369I'd say she had anorexia, yeah. You've got me searching the history of recorded cases of anorexia now.
No. 66373
>>66370An explanation of one case in the 1600s:
"Contemporary superstition blamed the wicked power of an apple given her by an old woman some months prior to the start of the condition"
>>66370 No. 66397
>>66389I am a denver fag. Is there anything I can do to help her get treatment?
I fucking don't know what I'll feel like when she dies man.
No. 66405
>>66317Me too. It's terrible because I keep waiting for these threads to break the news. How does she not shatter when people touch her???
>>66323That's Ashley's BMI? That's creepy as fuck.
No. 66410
>>66317>>66311There's a gene, SRT-1 which everybody has but not everyone activates. This gene allows people who are extremely thin survive on little calories. That's how Holocaust survivors were able to survive with such starved bodies.
Obviously a lot of people in the camps were also killed because they we were weak, and many died from disease too, but yeah.
I bet Valeria Levitin was able to survive as long as she did for the same reason.
No. 66411
>>66397Hello! Also a Denver fag here. I'm not really sure if we can do anything since she doesn't live here and we can't say we know her personally.
And I don't know, either. I think I'll probably not be surprised but I will be sad even though she's such a bad person because no one deserves to die like that.
No. 66413
>>66410Wow, thanks so much for the info anon! That's really interesting. It makes a lot of sense though because it looks like she should be gone by now.
Also why doesn't her mom do anything???
No. 66417
>>66413FUnnily enough, one of the ways to activate the gene is through calorie restriction. But it's really a toss up whether you will or won't activate it so no one should go around starving themselves trying to see if they can.
Ashley can totally get Baker acted, that's the only good thing about Florida. Her mom should force her into treatment.
>>66415It's complicated. Most states have Medicaid, and those on permanent disability get Medicare, and Obamacare has made insurance coverage very cheap and you get penalized for not having health coverage, but no, not everyone is covered and some people do have to pay out of pocket.
No. 66419
>>66415I get Medicaid because I'm a NEET leeching off my mother. Every medical expense is 100% paid for from the doctors I choose, even when I had to have a rather specialised surgery.
I told Ashley about how she could apply for all those government benefits on Tumblr, and then again when she came into the first thread on here. She has absolutely no desire to get help, and I honestly wonder if she even has the mental acuity to accurately fill out a government form on her computer at this point.
No. 66421
>>66417I'll never understand the attitude of Americans who don't believe they should contribute to a national health care thing. Bombs are more important, yo.
Wouldn't the mind set Ash has just fuck up any progress she'd make?
>>66419I was typing the above when your message popped up. How can she not want to feel well? Fortunately something I'll never understand.
No. 66425
>>66422Wow, that's sick as fuck. Thanks for the info, anon!
>>66424It may be farfetched but I don't know, there must be some reason she's crazy, right?
No. 66427
>>66422>>66424Two words: Baker Act.
Ashley CAN be sectioned. Shmegeh got Baker Acted and she's like, 20 something.
The Baker Act allows for involuntary examination (what some call emergency or involuntary commitment). It can be initiated by judges, law enforcement officials, physicians, or mental health professionals. There must be evidence that the person:
possibly has a mental illness (as defined in the Baker Act).
is a harm to self, harm to others, or self neglectful (as defined in the Baker Act).
No. 66440
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>>66427That's like our section 2 of the Mental Health Act. No way would she not qualify.
>>66429She constantly thinks about food. I mean, her latest tumblr is a cartoon gif of a slice of cake and she's tagged it #binge. It's obsessive.
Pic: I can't get my head around this.
No. 66490
>>66465Yeah they would. She says she is limited in funds so I doubt she can afford a "real" therapist anyways. And whats the deal with her being in therapy for depression? Nah, full circle back to your point, they'd commit her for her physical state if that were true.
She went to a dentist. Why wouldn't she/he have called someone? It just blows my fuckin mind she hasn't BEEN committed before. Has she?
No. 66501
>>66494Because we are not mental health professonials, a law office (police), doctors or judges. It has to come from one of those people.
I guess if we found her address someone could call the police and ask to do a well check and then MAYBE it could happen that way.
No. 66528
>>66501Some anons already tried that. Cops showed up and it passed Ashley off, but nothing seemed to come from it.
People see her all the time. I'm sure they have tried. They won't take people into that ED programs who aren't willing to work with them. No one on this board can fix this, which is pretty much always true.
No. 66544
>>66537The thing is, ED's have a high relapse rate. Alisa from Thin relapsed a lot and then finally was able to recover. Shelley has recovered, too. Polly passed away after the film.
Also, I think Ashley is so mentally unwell that she would be held more for 72 hours. Especially since she weighs so little.
No. 66549
>>66544I was going to say that Shelley went back to a low weight, but after ECT she seemed to get better. I like to see her photos on ig.
Britney was in a similar frame of mind to Ash. She didn't want to recover and was out about it. Her mother had an ED too.
My friend recovered and even had breast implants because her pre-ana boobs were quite large and the anorexia made them ugly (to her). I've mentioned her before - she recovered and then died of cardiac arrest under anaesthetic for a routine op. Her organs were fucked. Sad that she tried so hard and life dealt a shitty blow.
ECT though. Idk if Ash could even tolerate it. I wonder how much really intensive therapy she's had addressing her disorder.
No. 66585
I think a lot of people really overestimate the amount you can force someone to 'be better' like
>>66550, what should she do, monitor Ashley 24/7? Or kick her out so she doesn't have to deal with it or something? Someone that doesn't want help, you can't fix them, even if you ship them off to a hospital or something it's ultimately their choice.
No. 66606
>>66484I know right?
pls marry me, Denvie-senpai
No. 66608
>>66585You shouldn't just give up on people either. If my son was just like Ashley, you bet my sweet ass I would do everything in my power to help him because his life is worth fighting for, even if he doesn't see it.
It's really hard with Ash because she has a raging personality disorder but still. Her mom should be doing
something to help her daughter.
No. 66618
>>66608Yup. You do whatever possible to help people you love even if it does involve monitoring her. I've done more than that for sick pets ffs.
>>66607Ash's ex bff in recovery has spoken about maybe having ECT and she has seizures. I've had it myself and physically the only effect I had was nausea and a headache afterwards. I'm just thinking of options.
No. 66638
>>66608I mean.. I don't disagree, but most people aren't equipped to deal with the constant bullshit you get from an adult with an eating disorder. I mean really monitoring her constantly, people even get away with shit in treatment centers.
>>66618 A sick pet is not the same as years of frustration from someone who doesn't give a shit/everything is about them/they refuse treatment/ won't do anything for themselves.
Not that we really know anything about her mom but I wish people would stop pretending you can fix people that are so set in fucking their lives up/her mom isn't doing anything/ you can control another adult.
No. 66791
>>66642yea ashley's gotta be the same level as the girl in this video
and the first time i saw that girl, it made me believe there are EDs beyond all help
like these people are literally so deep into that ED mindset and cycle of behavior, its really beyond help i think.
and that denver program someone mentioned, sure they bring someone to a better place physically, but seems like it was complete medical force.
No. 66805
>>66421People don't want to pay into the system because they usually are paying more for hospital visits for the people who aren't putting money into the healthcare program instead of lowering the cost for themselves. Maybe it's because America is too big of a country, and we can't fully support our lower class sometimes. And also there's a huge debate on how efficient the Welfare system actually is.
This country is just a mess.
No. 66815
>>66642The part about her taking the barf out of the toilet and putting it back into her mouth to make her barf more… Jesus Christ. And all of that room service she ordered for a single binge breakfast… her mother just shells out the cash for all of that shit.
Why doesn't her mother (or Ashley's mother) just stop buying the binge food? It's not like they will be any malnourished than they already are since they puke everything back up anyway. Am I missing something?
No. 66822
>>66815Did you see that girls fucking tantrums though
It's like drug addiction man, and more often than not, even though it's killing the victim, friends and famil keep enabling it because the pain of saying no to an addict (and the fighting, screaming, crying that result) is just as hard as watching them die before your eyes
Fucked up but true
No. 67413
>>67355there's no point discussing it really. she's not going to ever get help or she'd do everything she can to fuck it up.
>>67394nah, i think she eats the butter stuff herself, and she uses the tokens people seem to be buying her more often. i'd say the main reason she talks shit about her mum is because she doesn't like her attempts to stop her binges with food other than she buys.
No. 67416
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she really thinks she'll be in a position to settle somewhere else?
if her dysfunctional relationship with her mother causes her anxiety, would she qualify for some housing aid? i don't understand why she stays where she is if she's so unhappy.
No. 67418
>>67416>if her dysfunctional relationship with her mother causes her anxiety, would she qualify for some housing aid?Lol.
You need to wait years and years and years before you get housing aid if you're alone out on the streets with five children. Ashley isn't getting housing aid, and it's a damned good thing that she won't.
No. 67449
>>67446I feel like it's probably illegal to tie up and force feed someone. I know it's not a great source but in Orange Is the New Black it was illegal to force feed someone unless they were unconscious.
I always remember my aunt (a nurse) telling me about a woman who had a feed tube in her stomach that was sown in and she ripped it out several times, they couldn't restrain her due to her human rights or some bullshit.
No. 68078
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No. 68098
>>68078"I don't get food stamps, I'm broke, and I want to shop at Whole Foods. Help me buy expensive foods that I'll just puke out. I have it worse than some people, asshole."
I've been trying to ignore what a giant piece of shit she is, and I can't anymore. Jfc. Can she just die already? Someone push her really hard into a brick wall. I want to know if she'll turn into dust.
Fuck, she's not going to get better. She's not even a decent person.
No. 68275
>>68239She doesn't get benefits but it's laziness and fear of being found out, not pride. Someone with that much pride wouldn't whine about how weak she is and beg strangers online for money andfree stuff.
In order to get disability and Medicaid she'd have to show sufficient proof of hardship, which means going to a
real doctor and getting an exam and documentation of her condition, probably meeting with social services in person at some point and maybe having a case manager assigned to her. That puts her at risk of being seen by someone who has the power to lock her in the hospital.
Not to mention she always complains about how she has no energy for basic tasks so she's too
exhaaausted to try to help herself by applying the assistance. It's easier for her to hide.
No. 68292
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Decided to check my IG feed and I jumped back a bit. She looks worse than usual.
No. 68296
>>68292>Ohayou! ('Morning' in Japanese)My face literally twitched in disgust.
Damn, she looks like absolute shit. I knew her face looked much, much thinner when I saw the comparison image here:
>>66250 but this really puts it into perspective. I just want her to get the world record for thinnest woman and on some national television broadcasts before she dies.
No. 68300
screamer material
No. 68308
>>68304All of these clothes look so fucking bland and basic. Pulled-out-of-my-closet core.
I literally just repeated "This is not an outfit" for the first 20 seconds of this video.
I don't know why that bothers me more than her more obviously serious issues.
No. 68312
>>68295>>68296>>68300>>68303Yeah, I wanted to scream outloud but didn't want to startle my kid.
I don't know how she can continue to lose weight. She will die at some point. I don't think she can last more than a year. If she doesn't die from organ failure than something like an illness can easily do her in.
No. 68317
>>68304Damn, I thought she looked really cute in that video, but when you look through her other videos: only looks nice with makeup on viewed from a distance with a nice camera. Otherwise she has that same fat face with a scrawny body.
No. 68362
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>>68304This came up on the side panel when I clicked on the link!
No. 68367
>>68292The shadows on this make it worse, like her skull's being held up by an inch thick piece of cartilage or something.
I really do wonder if she's seeing a therapist (if) if it's connecting to her facing death? She's written things about tomorrows are never promised and shit. Maybe she's at the end, facing her immortality. I'd say she'll be dead within 3 month.
>spazzingnice way with words
No. 68383
>>68137It makes me sad that Ashley wastes her time browsing this thread and trying to save face.
Just live your life, Ash. What little is left of it. Your desperation makes you look really pathetic and
somehow I like you even less because of it. Go do something you enjoy instead of sucking up all the negativity.
No. 68392
>>68383Then again, I imagine she does enjoy the negativity on some level, so I guess she
is doing what she enjoys. Major victim complex.
No. 68440
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She's even famous on a Russian psychiatry site. Well, photos from her tumblr and one of shmegeh.
Ash smiles at her worldwide fame.
No. 68501
>>68447That's what it is. Haha, I spent all this time trying to figure out what part of her body that was. Why did she take that photo? Why???
I like the articles on that Russian main page. I don't speak Russian, but translate is good.
No. 68580
>>68574Were these people as thin as Ashley?
She'll never get treatment but whatever, her life. I will feel bad for her mom because losing a child cannot be easy.
No. 68600
>>68440How does she shave her knees without slicing her skin to shreds?
I honestly hope she gets help for both her mental and physical problems. She could be an amazing role model for ED sufferers.
No. 68608
>>68600Maybe her leg hair fell out.
That sick and tired thing. A lot of anons here have some kind of mental health problem, so will probably relate to this - at my worst ever periods of depression I would do ANYTHING to not feel that way mentally and physically. I would've taken fucking rat poison if I was told it'd work. Even now I'm on poisonous as fuck anti psychotics. If she's so sick and tired I'm fucking positive she'd get some kind of help. Even if it's a shot of something or other to boost her system. There's got to be SOMETHING that'd make her feel less ill and I refuse to believe there isn't.
Her reluctance to see a doctor or whatever is her own fault, so I'm not buying into this pity me bullshit. I bet she gets ig comments STAY STRONG, KEEP FIGHTING. Keep fighting? She does FUCK. ALL. to help herself.
I know, "no shit", but fucking hell. Idk what bothers me most, her attitude or her stupid fucking enabling followers telling her she looks pretty when I've seen healthier looking corpses on gore sites.
No. 68612
>>68609Hell yeah, I've been taking that shit for years. It would be so easy to sit back and let do gooders live your life for you, sorting out bills, doing your shopping, babying you but who wants to do that and feel like shit all time? (Ashley). Maybe that's part of why she never wanted help so she doesn't have to do anything. If you don't want to do it for yourself, ffs she should do it for those who have to deal with her crap.
>>68611Has she got any siblings? Imagine being holed up with her all day. I bet she's grateful for her job to get out of the apartment.
No. 68616
>>68601lol wat
>>68611I'd really like to know what her mom thinks. Her honest opinions, not through Ashley's distortion.
No. 68688
>>68680I was JUST going to type something similar to that last sentence when I read this
>>68666I was thinking, how would a follower feel to know she died while puking a jar of almond butter up they'd sent her.
Maybe they think that seeing how she's not got long they want to make her "happy". I'm not sure
that many people send her stuff. Some of the things on her wishlist have been there forever. Maybe she buys it herself and pretends people have sent it hoping others will follow.
No. 68697
>>68690(Ash talking about Japan) @vabuabara huuuuuuge fan of the culture- I plan on eventually visiting- and maybe even residing there. It's become an obsession haha
vabuabara: I sooooo want to visit as well! I hope your plan can come true!!!
What kind of caps would you like? I've posted a few caps in the past, and posted the cap of her face today. I'll take a cap everytime she posts if that's ok as well.
No. 68699
>>68697You're a star. Any shit like that. Delusions, etc.
She seriously can't believe that. If she's suge a huuuuuuuuge fan, why doesn't she do a blog or learn the language. She really is useless.
Thank you, undercover anon.
No. 68704
>>68691I'm guilty as fuck to posting cutting pictures, but at least I was fucking smart about it. I never tagged them as anything, and I never followed anyone. So, even though my blog was public, you'd pretty much have to be creeping on notes from some post that I happened to reblog to find me.
Plus, it was honestly a way for me to recover. Because I'd have all my frustrations out on that blog, it would take time away from me being able to hurt myself. idk.
No. 68707
>>68704I had a blog to record the progress of my shitty skin with different creams and that was all private because it's embarrassing! I've been a self harmer since the beginning of time, like before internet and the only people I'd seen do it in pics were Iggy Pop and Sid Vicious (no I'm not
that old), but god. It's gone too far.
Things like EDs and self harm - it's good to be out in the open and discussed but there's something so wrong about having a full account of your fresh cuts for the world to see. It plants ideas in peoples heads when they might not have thought about it before.
No. 68708
>>68697Sooooo poor and picks one of the most expensive holiday destinations.
Fuckin weeb. She'd die on the bullet train if not on the ride over.
No. 68712
There's this other tumblr girl. Who almost has Ashley's body. She stopped posting around December :-( is her link. Any one know about her?
No. 68731
>>68712I've seen a fair amount of women and girls like this on insta. Almost all claim to be recovering/making progress, but none of them seem to gain any weight. :(
And yes, I know that eating disorders are more complex than weight, but if your BMI is below 15, are you really able to think clearly?
No. 68737
>>68731That gummi woman's a case in point. Recovering, eats nothing but frozen yogurt but not gaining weight.
I think their intentions really are to recover.
>>68735Exactly this.
Shame we can't have a private forum somewhere to discuss these people. I know we'll get stick for being OT in Princess Ashley's thread.
No. 68739
>>68737Gummi woman?
Agreed about the private forum.
No. 68743
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>>68739She eats all that crap, but still looks stick thin.
No. 68747
>>68707this is true. Granted, this was years ago, and thankfully I have (mostly) gotten over my SH.
I was also very vocal about me being in recovery, and that my relapsing was very few and far between. I had mostly text posts about my progression and reblogs from other people. I tried to help as much as I could, and even though I'd post some fucked up pictures every now and then, I never glorified it, and I always made sure that people wouldn't be triggered by it.
I don't know, just seems like Ash could at least do something like this, since she seems to always be on tumblr anyways. She wouldn't even have to necessarily be in recovery, but she could at least spread some facts and awareness about how awful it has affected her and that people should get better before it's too late.
No. 68749
>>68744Ash sends her food. (Pic)
>>68747SH is really addictive. My shrink tried to explain it in his psychobabble. I didn't understand him, but I agree. I still haven't got the guts to walk around with short sleeves even when it's really hot.
You'd think she would do something positive. You know how people who have cancer or some other hideous illness. When they recover, or even when they're terminal they go out and do things to raise funds/awareness. She's a selfish bitch to the bone.
No. 68753
>>68752"help each other get better", "u keep fighting".
No. 68768
>>68750>>68749omg you guys are right, what was i thinking??? Like this narcissistic, selfish, sabotaging cunt would want to do something productive with her time.
At least in her defense, she's to 'weak' and 'exhausted' and 'sick and tired of being sick and tired' to get out of bed.
No. 68774
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>>68772Here you go. Let's desensitize ourselves in advance.
No. 68802
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No. 68847
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That Beanie Babe crap she posted that had arrived today from a follower? She uploaded this to facebook on 23rd.
No. 68865
>>68858Idk. That gummibear princess says she's into running, but I don't see anything in her diet that looks the sort of food you'd put into your system for energy.
All those empty calories in donuts and pop tarts. For the calories in them you could have something really nice like hummus and a warm pitta with a mixed bean salad (that sounds very nice to me anyway). You know something that's filling and doesn't give your stomach a hollow feeling after the bloat of scoffing sugar junk wears off.
Maybe she doesn't like nutritious food?!? I know some people live on crap, but I don't understand how a "recovering" anorexic would be able to deal with such a poor diet.
There again, she barfs it all up apparently.
No. 68868
>>68847Not the same plush, sorry anon,
No. 68931
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First felice, now this irrelevant whore. She's so thirsty for fame that she latches onto these retarded proana princesses. Literally everyone in her world has an ED. WTF is wrong with you?!
No. 68983
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Looks like 8chan has been having fun in their own Ashley thread.
No. 68988
>>68925She'd be great on the Walking Dead, no make-up needed.
No. 69031
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I'm putting it under a spoiler image because this is a seriously nasty picture of Erika showing off her nasty wound and cuts on IG.
No. 69042
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>>69031Man I feel nothing but ultimate pity for this woman.
Some of the injuries she's inflicted on herself really defy believe.
Her daughter is incredibly beautiful as well, like a little cherub. I hope for her daughter's sake she able to recover and that she doesn't grow up with similar issues.
No. 69080
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So. The days you get childish toys make them worth fighting? Jesus your priorities in this life are mind numbing.
No. 69127
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Very, very sick girl. These are just as disturbing IMO.
No. 69189
>>69184Yes, I know.
>~thinspo queen~ threadBut since it's full of months old replies it'd be worth making a new one, especially if someone can put together some links to various people in the OP.
No. 69253
>>69247I agree. Children
can handle the truth and will generally become better adults because of it. Thanks for sharing.
>>69239How do you know she doesn't, though? I don't think I've seen any self harm visible in the photos she posts with her children, but honestly I don't care enough to double check.
I've been following Erika for a while and I've been wondering if her children know what's going on with her regarding her mental illnesses. I hope they do. I hope someone is explaining it to them so they're not just confused and scared.
No. 69262
>>69247That's good that you turned out well adjusted but not everyone turns out like you. Being a child with a mentally ill parent (or sick in general) is traumatic. It doesn't mean everyone who goes through that will be messed up but there is an increased risk of problems later on, so why risk it?
If I were Erika I would do whatever I could to avoid exposing my children to visible self harm/ED. Just because they're bright doesn't mean their brains are developed enough to process everything. You can't have a rational adult conversation with a five year old about why mommy's destroying herself. There's no way to tell if they'll develop mental health problems of their own later but you can't deny that it's traumatic watching your mother waste away.
No. 69266
If you have a parent with mental health issues you're more than likely to have them yourself. Most are hereditary.
Being a child with a mentally ill parent isn't easy, I didn't say it was, but it's not traumatic if you're raised with an understanding. When I was 18 I was diagnosed with depression and severe anxiety, and it wasn't the end of the world for me because I understood what needed to be done (telling family when I was suffering, seeking professional support, as well as having a support system in place) instead of what most people do these days and keep it to myself out of shame and fear of people losing their respect for me.
Kids don't have a firm understanding of much, especially at Erikas kids age, they just accept shit and move on and as they grow older they'll start to figure things out more. You don't need to have a rational adult conversation, you just need to explain it in terms they would get. "Mummy is poorly and sometimes she hurts, but she still loves you" is more than enough explanation for most kids.
If you hide your sickness from your kids they won't understand shit about it if they start suffering too. I have strong opinion about kids and mental health issues, mostly because I grew up the way I did (and that wasn't easy either, don't get me wrong) and it helped me deal with a lot later in life instead of flailing around trying to find my own way. I've got 20+ years of mental health experience instead of the 5 I would have had if my understanding began when I was diagnosed.
Kids need to learn about mental illness. It ends ridiculous stereotypes, stigma, raises understanding, and it might not help them all later in life but it will help enough for it to be valid.
Sorry, but your opinion is wrong.
No. 69280
>>69276Is this one for me?
If it is, I was not aware such a thing existed for adults. But I do now!
No. 69281
>>69276I did, and a bunch of people on 4chan and here did as well. We reported her mother for abusing her, and her for self-neglect. About a day or two after this occurred, she deleted everything off her ghostxperfume Tumblr, deleted her Instagram, hid or deleted absolutely everything. What happened is one of two things. Either she panicked that when the police/social workers would arrive at her house, they would find her blog and that she was fabricating stories of abuse, so she deleted them out of fear for being charged. Or, what I consider most likely, they arrived at her house, her mother explained to them all the situation and that her daughter has a long history of lying to everybody about her situation for pity, and that she refuses all help; then they forced Ashley to delete her Tumblr account where all her lies about her abuse and situation were, maybe under threats.
One day after that, she remade her Tumblr as sealed-up-tight or something, and her Instagram soon after. Noticeably, she never commented on her 'abuse' or her mother again after she deleted the first time. A few months? weeks? later deleted her Tumblr once again, then remade it as her current URL and made her Instagram private. That's where we are today.
No. 69285
>>69281Oh, okay, thanks!
Honestly, she needs help, because I don't think her mother abuses her. I have never talked to her mother of course so my opinions aren't 100% backed up with fact - but I do not think abuse is going on.
No. 69288
>>69284Again, I was not aware that you could call protective services on an adult.
But I am considering it now.
No. 69315
>>69311These threads, and the tumblr blog that was taken over. Her and I hadn't talked for a while but I assumed she was busy or that she was just really stressed and wanted to be left alone.
I then discovered the tumblr, then these threads. I heard people talk about stuff I noticed on my own about her, and saw some things I didn't know about that made me feel differently about her.
No. 69353
File: 1427413129578.jpg (151.54 KB, 777x361, apt.jpg)

So using the search info that anon posted above, I found what is likely her apartment complex. If she really does live in a 1 bedroom, she has one of these two floorplans (from the complex's website). Posting this to maybe get a better handle on her actual living situation with her mom.
No. 69368
>>69358Birthdate: November 21,1990
Lives with mother Rebecca Isaacs
Height: 5'1"
Weight: approx 40 lbs
Claims to have therapist, but if she actually does they need to be investigated for malpractice. With disabled adults they usually won't investigate if they are able to care for themselves of if they are capable of calling 911. Ashley is mentally incompetent based on her self imposed physical deterioration and lack of understanding of the consequences of her actions.
No. 69377
>>69362She won't understand. Her personality disorder make her feel attacked no matter what.
Ashley, the people who just tell you what you want to hear and give you binge food are NOT helping you. They're giving you instant gratification but standing by while you kill yourself is not the right thing to do. People who gave up and are letting you do whatever you want are not helping you. You cannot understand this because you're sick.
No. 69387
>>69384My thoughts exactly.
She is a shitty person.
But she is still a person who deserves to live.
No. 69389
>>69382uh, why do you even need to justify it to yourself? it's not your responsibility
there ARE other things, more important things, than you can dedicate your attention, caring, time, to, instead of helping someone that's hellbent on destroying herself, and others, for attention
honestly, i read the news, and i couldn't give the slightest fuck about ashley. she's a joke. if i want to impact the world/prevent suffering, i'd choose many, many things/people/causes over her
>>69384she's money. there are worthwhile people that get denied help because they can't fit the budget when people like ashley take up their resources
some people really do want/need help/assistance
>>69386it's not about not having humanity. she's NOT WORTH IT. i'd advocate helping people that CAN BE HELPED. this is a complete waste. you're only patting yourself on the back for being such a good little slacktivist in the face of someone's unraveling, but there are millions of other people you could direct your attention towards, that wish they had this kind of caring
No. 69390
>>69388i don't want to watch her die. she's my least favorite lolcow. i just couldn't care less about her, because she's a shitty person. i'm not saying "kill shitty people", but they want to be shitty? they want to fuck with people, and fuck themselves up at the same time? fine. there are people that actively lift others up, and try their damndest to make their lives better
i'll help those people, if anything
No. 69404
>>69382it's not that. i'm saying choose your battles, etc. she actively worsens the lives of many, to feel better about herself, and has been doing this for years
doubt you're going to solve her psychological issues in full, so you're p much trying to let her continue spewing the barrage of passive aggressive/rude shit she spews toward people that ARE trying to better themselves
>>69396i wouldn't even complain if the OC in question was a decent person under all the dramu, but ashley is pretty shit, man
No. 69415
>>69409lol, and that would be… what? she's got NO problem making herself present on the internet, and wants attention for killing herself slowly, so if she really wanted to get better, what's stopping her? it'd remove her from her 'abusive' environment
there's nothing stopping her. she's strong enough. she doesn't care. she's such a shit person. some people are just shit people.
>>69412lol, you really think it's so honorable? i'd prefer that 16k to go towards people with debilitating, life threatening illnesses that want to improve their lives
i live in florida, and this is pretty much a red state, so getting people to warm up to safety nets/welfare spending is difficult. our welfare budget is, on average, about 2b less than more progressive states, with fewer people. we have 20 million people here. i do not think she's worth the use of taxpayer money, considering that there are MILLIONS of people here that NEED and WANT help
No. 69416
When you are in that much pain, you don't care who you attack - if they have something you want, whether it's happiness, money, a home - you will say the nastiest, most vile things to make yourself feel better.
No. 69419
>>69415Again….if you don't want to report her or try to help her, dont. I and many other people on here will still do not regardless. I am aware other people also need help. I am aware she's an awful person.
But I also know what illness can do to you, how horrible it can make you behave. I am not saying at all that she shouldn't be repremanded for her actions or that her illness can be used as a shield, but I still do not think letting her kill herself is a humane or proper thing to do.
Tldr don't report her if you don't want to but we still will
No. 69427
>>69422i do all of this already. we have a very high population of conservative voters here (cubans/oldfucks), so unfortunately, making any progress is a very difficult task when a good chunk of the people here seriously believe that welfare spending = the beginnings of the red terror. obviously she won't, but america doesn't negotiate treatment prices/medications the way other countries do, so ALL treatment is severely inflated, for no good reason. her treatment will cost a pretty penny, and she doesn't even want help. what she does want, is attention, for fucking herself up.
i get that people can get nasty when they have illnesses, whatever, but there's really a big difference between being crabby towards your boyfriend, and promoting that people reach out to you, developing relationships with a number of people for months, with the intention of messing with them, and then purposefully trying to be sly and break them down.
that's pretty messed up.
>>69426it's tumblr. it's to be expected.
No. 69433
>>69429florida is one of the worst, though. it sincerely is. AGAIN, my point is there are people more deserving of help. seriously. if you understand all of these facts, how can you want to take away from people that genuinely need help, for some fuckwit that doesn't gaf about anyone else?
the problem isn't even me living in florida??? that's not what i'm talking about.
No. 69437
>>69434yes, but her getting 200 dollars worth of SSI on top of 30k treatment, and continued SSI is some shit.
and no, i doubt it, man. you know that shit ain't gonna happen. even before she developed her ED, the attention seeking roots were planted. i guarantee you'd she'd still do the depression-dance to prevent her from doing ANYTHING meaningful or beneficial.
No. 69463
It's past the point of simply leaving her alone.
We all know she is weeks away from her death. As much as she wishes, she cannot make her mistakes go away. She can run all she want, delete her blogs all she wants…but we and many other people know the truth.
There are two possible outcomes to all of this. She could finally get help, get better, and live her life. In that outcome, all the problems she complains about will be gone. She will be in good health, she will be able to go places and have fun and catch up on all the years she wasted away alone in her apartment.
But, the other outcome, which seems more likely at this point, is that she will die. She will rot away, her mother will both feel released of this anguish and forever in guilt that her only daughter died after being offered a way out. She will die and all that she will be remembered for is all of this, all this posted here, on her other blogs, everything. She will die at 24 years old, with nothing behind her.
Anorexia is the most fatal of all mental illnesses. You only have two options - to die, or to survive and overcome it.
That is why, Ashley, we are doing all this. You seem to think we are trying to make a joke out of you or lock you up to waste away - we're trying to prevent that. Yes, not everyone on these threads likes you or wants that, but most of us do.
No. 69471
>>69470If she has rants about abuse or the binge food she sends to people in recovery.
Some of it has been captured in the threads but just to make sure.
No. 69472
File: 1427421990474.png (603.79 KB, 612x612, jhh.png)

This girl I posted here is the AMAZING Maira Isabel. She's a tumblr user that some of you may know or remember.
The pic on the right is her in 2011-2012. Still not even as far gone as Ashley - but still, very very sick. And on the right, is a fairly recent picture (she still looks like this, this image here is just one she compiled herself, so it was easier for me to post).
If anything, her condition was worse, for the fact that she WANTED help, but she was so low that she could not muster the courage nor the support to get treatment. She really WAS abused, she posted many pictures of bruises her father had given her. Her blogs were DELETED by tumblr for 'glorifying eating disorders'.
So to anyone saying Ashley can't do it, YES, SHE CAN. If this girl, Maira, can do it, ASHLEY CAN TOO.
No. 69481
File: 1427422550151.png (327.97 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2015-03-26-22-12-00…)

Oh man she really is delusional if she thinks she can do anything about it.
No. 69483
No. 69490
>>69481sooo fucking sad how she sees all THIS being cyber bullying.
"omg, internet police? yes, i'm being bullied. what are they doing? oh, they are threatening me to get help, because if I don't, I will surely die because i am killing myself."
get the fuck over yourself. we only want you to see that you can actually have a life, and to get better, and to ya know, not die at the age of 24.
No. 69499
>>69491I completely agree. She's a shuddercow, not a lolcow. She can't look after herself at this point.
Everyone in this thread is pointing out how dumb her bullshit posts and accusations are. Well no fucking shit, she's fucking nuts. Try and understand why she's saying this insane shit rather than laughing at her for saying it.
It's not unlike sitting around laughing at a schizophrenic guy ranting about Obama sending angels to kidnap him or something.
No. 69501
>>69499She LITERALLY believes we are after her. It is EXACTLY like a schizophrenic person who had those kinds of delusions. In her mind, in her state, she TRULY believes we are ganging up on her.
>>69500Yes, I agree. I think she deserves and needs treatment, but it is up to her to accept that. It seems like she won't.
No. 69528
>>69519IF she could lift a gun anon… I mean someon else could do it for her if she wishes.
Which may never happen. Not wishing death on her btw)
No. 69532
>>69519You're saying that if you were in her position you would kill yourself?
I don't think she really wants to die. I think she just wants to keep existing as she is. She seems content this way ( or so it appears as she isn't seeking recovery.)
No. 69542
>>69535The damage does seem pretty extensive and irreparable.
You think she realizes that and has just resigned to her fate?
No. 69556
>>69553Yeah, I understand what you mean.
But like someone else mentioned, she has all the free binge food and free stuff that people send her to live for. Guess that's enough for her. Whooo knows
No. 69565
>>69555Neither do I, and unfortunately the ignorant (and probably also sick) girls who continue to back her up are only validating her sick thought processes. It's sad.
But yeah, posting that on her tumblr was definitely a call to arms for her white knights. Needs that validation and protection.
No. 69652
>>69648omfg i am dying
thank you
No. 69654
>>69481"…but it stops here. I will not take your harassment and bullying any longer. I will show that you are harming me. And I will show that I am brave."
Oh, I wonder if she's going to do something drastic to stop the "cyberbullying." I hope it gets her the attention she needs.
The only one harming you is yourself, Ashley.
No. 69660
>>68666I've seen them claim
1) People need food to survive. Ashley's evil mom doesn't buy enough food, so Ash NEEDS her followers to give her food/money, lest she starve to death against her will.
2) It's okay to send Ashley binge food because she deserves enjoyment! She shouldn't be disallowed sweets just because she's sick! Stop being a meany head!
3) This food is super fattening. Maybe she'll digest a tiny bit of it before puking it back up! We're helping her get better! Okay, yeah, puking is terrible for her health, but, um….
4) Okay, yeah, puking is really bad for you, but, like, binging her happy, okay? It's totes fine to do things that are only positive in the short term and extremely negative in the long term because seeing Ashley be sad is just, like, soooo hard. And this ISN'T enabling, because reasons.
No. 69665
>>69481"I'm gonna show that you're harming me"
That's some emotionally manipulative shit right there. I mean the whole post reeks of manipulation and guilt tripping but that part in particular?
That's the worst part of it all.
I don't even live in the States so I couldn't report her, but shit's not cyberbullying and she knows it.
That's the thing I hate about tumblr and probably why she gets so coddled over there. Having a mental illness suddenly means you are excused from being self-aware of your own wrongdoings. It doesn't matter if it's her safety coven, people keep enabling her and if they were truly their friends they'd put her bullshit aside and get her help.
No. 69675
>>68666People on tumblr are always posting sob stories about how they're going to get kicked out of their house for coming out/how they can't make ends meet for this month's rent/how they've been fired and can't make it 'til the end of the month/how they ran out of money for their meds, etc., so they try to get gullible people to donate to their cause. Some of them have donate buttons on their pages, so people keep giving them their money.
It's basically a huge self-pity party where they can't get their shit together because they have *~issues~* and therefore their followers should get them out of trouble and help them with their responsibilities.
Added to this is the fact that tumblr actually encourages this kind of behavior and they're on a perpetual "treat yourself" state that no one seems to question because omfg we have issues okay? WE the millennials have it SOOO hard okay? Since being a depressed shut-in is the only thing that resonates within these people, they just accept it when others ask for "help", and if you dare question it then you're an oppressor and fucking ableist you shitstain.
Her followers probably think that she's making super small steps into recovery and she shouldn't be pressured into not half assing it for once in her life, and most likely her circle of enablers also must suffer from an ED and that's why they agree to send her binge foods.
Again, it just seems to me that these people couldn't give a shit if she dies, until she is truly gone they'll baw because she was such an angel who totally didn't deserve to die ;_;
No. 69678
>>69670It reminds me of addicts recounting their most horrifying stories in an effort to keep other people from using. The most self-destructive might take it as inspiration, but people that still have some hope may heed the warning.
It's the same with that picture. It's disgusting. People that are far down the SH rabbit hole might look at that and see something worth aspiring to, but it's not like they wouldn't self-harm if they hadn't seen that picture. But I can guarantee that there are self-harmers that have a romanticized view of SH that are going to see that and be at least slightly put off.
Anyway I hate that people think someone they follow shouldn't do anything that might trigger them. It's one thing if they're seeking you out and saying/doing triggering things, but if you're choosing to follow someone that does things that trigger you, you're the one at fault for keeping them in your life.
No. 69727
>>69481Why does she think her tumblr's at risk? Who said anything about getting her account closed?
Why in her latest post is she saying she's being bullied over her appearance?
>Don’t like my appearance? Then don’t look. YOU are the ones that need therapy if you simply cannot handle someone that looks differently, and is battling a series of illnesses on a daily basis. It's got nothing to do with her appearance. People are wanting to get her help to prolong her life.
No. 69756
>>69727My sides!!!!
"Don't like the way I look?" No bitch, I don't like seeing someone who could be helped dying and poisoning the minds of others.
No. 69840
File: 1427475197900.jpg (121.37 KB, 540x698, IMG_20150327_114912.JPG)

For anyone who didn't see this or who doesn't go on tumblr. Here's a cap of that latest post.
No. 69850
>>69762No thanks. I'll keep my teeth, hair and use of legs over an unnaturally low BMI if you don't mind.
>>69840So sick of dickheads posting STAY STRONG on every ED/cutting account. "Hey, I just binged and I'm gonna barf it all up". "Nice. Stay strong". "Here's a cut I did just now, gonna do a deeper one tonight". "Okay. Stay strong". So annoying.
No. 69867
>>69861It's not even tough love. It's seeing a human being who is a danger to herself and alerting the appropriate authorities. states
everyone should contact DCF if they see a vulnerable person being abused or neglected (including self neglect). No, it's not like this is going to make Ashley all better but at least people took appropriate measures to prevent further harm.
And of course you're not going to be happy about it Ashley, since you don't want to lose your current situation where you have a free place to live and scam people for binge food, but this is not bullying and if you can't see that then you really are delusional.
No. 69895
File: 1427481883782.jpg (35.3 KB, 540x275, IMG_20150327_134003.JPG)

It's no longer just her business when she publicly posts in online, and constantly draws attention to herself and her situation…
No. 69898
File: 1427482118363.jpg (110.19 KB, 540x750, IMG_20150327_134437.JPG)

No. 69911
>>69892Exactly. It's like those hoarder TV shows where the people get really upset that the city/police/whoever are threatening to condemn their house because they feel like it's their own business. Except it's not just your business when your house is not only killing you but is considered a biohazard. At some point it becomes other people's business.
Ashley is too mentally ill to care for herself and she's also scamming people and trying to trigger vulnerable followers. Deceiving people into buying her binge food and being an asshole might not be illegal but her disregard for her own safety is something people can do something about.
No. 69921
File: 1427483554991.png (842.44 KB, 1024x1016, 696969.png)

So did she buy this, or did a follower gift it to her? If she bought this, why can't she afford food and other necessities?
No. 69924
File: 1427483809214.jpg (22.43 KB, 526x294, heyguise.jpg)

>>69921> is sailor moon any goodholy shit come on, where do these people come from? its one of the most famous animes ever, i think even more so than DBZ, and they ask if its any good?
No. 69925
>>69921She hasn't thanked anyone in that post, so that'd mean a)she bought it herself or 2)she's being her usual self not thanking people for gifts.
I wonder if she likes anything that isn't aimed at kids. I'm not being judgemental here because I can still shed a tear at ET (shhh), but none of her interest involves anything of a more adult mentality.
No. 69928
>>69925Agreed - I myself adore sailor moon, but I do have other interests that are for adults/not kids.
I think she bought it herself mainly because as you said, there's not any credit. She usually at least says "from a follower", even if she doesn't credit the person directly.
No. 69938
What happened to that function on amazon where you could see what'd be bought on someone's wishlist? I stopped being able to do that around a month ago.
>>69929We don't harass them. We just question their sanit…here.
No. 69944
>>69933Good. For all this time, Ashley has had no reason to change because she has everything she wants. Free housing, constant supply of enablers (whether they know it or think they're actually helping) buying her binge food, plenty of attention. She doesn't have to work, gets free stuff and her followers just praise her for doing nothing. Maybe finally having people stop making it easy for her to continue like this will force her to actually face the seriousness of her situation.
And no, you are not "battling mental illnesses" every day. You are giving in and not trying. What you are doing is like a drug addict battling withdrawal by getting high every day. Because at least they won't feel sick right? You just want instant gratification and struggling to get binge food is your idea of "battling."
No. 69952
>>69944If she was fighting the illnesses, then yeah she'd be "battling" with them. It's an insult to everyone who really does work on trying to sort out their problems every single day. In reality she's sitting on her arse letting whoever's going to listen to her pity her because she looks frail and using them to get things.
>>69949It's really out of order asking for things over, say $10, when she sends out cheapo stickers and jelly beans in return (
if she sends things in return).
No. 69956
>>69954She doesn't eat out. She just uses the only toilet in her mother's apartment. I wonder how often the apartment maintenance people go inside. Usually apartment complexes have the power to enter any units whenever they need to.
I can't imagine the living conditions are good in there. If she's hoarding and clogging the pipes that would be a safety issue for the apartment, wouldn't it? If adult protective services doesn't do anything couldn't her landlord check out the state of the apartment?
No. 69977
>>69972She claimed to buy it, and it is offensive when you spend a ton of money on someone who can't even buy anything back. It hurts to give someone a gift in good will, and then they just give it to someone else cuz they don't want it. And she can buy things on her own - she is constantly posting pictures of her at target, whole foods, ect. I don't know who on here saw old posts on her previous instagrams or even followed her, but she would post videos of her at places like Krispy Kreme, talking about what she bought. Yes, her mom could have taken her, but it's also likely she wasn't, as she goes places alone now, in a worse state.
Also, if she can receive mail from followers, she can receive online mail. I've seen it said on here that she has her own card that her mom puts money on.
No. 69981
>>69972>>69972No it's not
that bad compared to everything else she does, but that's not saying much. Generally regifting and taking credit for the gift is either rude or just a social faux pas. It's not the worst thing you could do. But it's just one more thing to add to all of Ashley's shitty behavior.
No. 69986
>>69980At the time we were sending each other things, she wasn't nearly as bad as she is now. I didn't really know it was bad to do - in hindsight, I feel like a dumbass, because I would like to go back in time and not even contact her. It was very stupid of me, that is why I am on here today.
>>69979Sorry to come across as greedy. It just hurts to know that something you worked hard to obtain specifically for one person was just disregarded and given to someone else like it was nothing. But again, I was stupid for ever trying to be nice to begin with.
>>69983Yeah, I think the quality of the hair looks bad enough to be hers, but it is way too full to be real.
No. 69991
>>69988Erika's hair is real, but she does have a longer wig that she wears, but admits it's a wig and she just wears it because she likes how it looks.
As bad as you guys may think Erica is, one thing she has that Ashley lacks is honesty. She admits when she needs help, admits when she's fucked up, etc. Not saying she's a pure angel 100% of the time, but yeah.
I think Ashley's hair is a wig. It looks like a wig version of the hair she wore in her hamtaro chan days. Kind of sad when you think about it. I wonder what her real hair looks like.
No. 69998
>>69993That's what I assumed, no worries. I have just seen some not so nice posts about Erika on here, which I don't get.
>>69996Oh. My. God. Get out lol. Does anyone have any caps of that? I'd love to see this
No. 70001
>>69999>>69996She doesn't even wash them???? Wtf
>>70000Yeah, but still, it's a little odd.
No. 70003
>>70002On one of her old tumblrs she said she uses product and straighteners on her hair. Wigs are similar to regular hair, overuse of heat and product makes it get fucked up. Of course, you can use special shampoo or treatment to help your hair, real or wig, but she doesn't seem too.
Also, damaged hair that's real can grow out, and come in fresh and new. Now, as for wigs….
No. 70007
>>70002Synthetic wigs need to be washed every 5-6 wears and conditioned. They also need to be replaced often. You can't wear the same one regularly for years because the fibers break down, shed, etc.
So in short, her wig is bad because she's letting it rot on her head for too long and also not washing them.
No. 70011
File: 1427489313241.jpeg (6.7 KB, 300x225, th.jpeg)

Could it be the same wig from here….?
No. 70017
>>70000its likely a real hair wig but its old and she doesnt take care of it, thats why it looks dry and brittle and fucked up enough for people to think its her actual hair
its just an old shitty wig, there is no way she'd have hair that thick in the stage of almost death shes at
No. 70020
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No. 70021
File: 1427490030264.jpg (14.63 KB, 572x64, wiggy-o.JPG)

>a new wig
No. 70029
File: 1427490353293.png (152.21 KB, 281x425, jkl888.PNG)

>i'm only here for the free food
No. 70041
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No. 70269
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No. 70276
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No. 70277
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No. 70279
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No. 70282
File: 1427535106240.gif (988.53 KB, 350x197, jawn.gif)

No. 70294
File: 1427539765718.png (87.6 KB, 249x324, ss (2015-03-28 at 10.45.38).pn…)

hail satan
No. 70398
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No. 70428
File: 1427564322762.jpg (221.77 KB, 562x538, 31-scaryface.nocrop.w529.h316.…)

No. 70495
>>66791but Denver Acute is not supposed to be the last stop, for Ashley or anyone else. Residential or even inpatient programs won't take someone with a single digit BMI or other medical problems, like a prolonged QT, etc. so Denver gets them medically stable, then they go to a residential program from there. the girl in the case study went from ACUTE to the eating recovery center for months after.
but back to ashley.. as a therapist myself, the only way id ever believe Ash is seeing a therapist on an outpatient basis is if she is officially on palliative care. otherwise they'd lose their license.
No. 70502
>>68275technically you can apply online and all you really have to prove is that you have less than $8,900 on the books total and that you don't net more than about $700 a month. i don't know that i believe she doesn't have medicaid. and if you have medicaid, you automatically qualify for SNAP, and i believe one of them Obama phones too. though, idk if ash has the wherewithal to figure those forms out, they're not simple.
getting disability is another story.. she would have to have an exam by a real doctor. i was a case manager for the mentally ill when i was an MSW intern and I've called the mobile crisis on much saner, and more physically stable, than ashley.
i said it before. as an LMSW, i just can't believe she sees an therapist on an outpatient basis. 1.itd be pointless and 2.they'd lose their license.. unless, she's on palliative care. id really like to know.
No. 70581
File: 1427587448604.jpg (44.82 KB, 469x334, lol.JPG)

>>70579I just made a screenshot of that and saw your post. I was all OMFG as well. Challenge herself how?
No. 70595
File: 1427587960819.jpeg (81.67 KB, 500x500, s346301672588089353_p433_i3_w5…)

This would be a good start.
No. 70616
>>70525You got it exactly right. She is so mentally ill and her physical condition has only decreased her cognitive functioning. She's talked about how her doctors told her she could die any moment, which should be a wake-up call but instead she gets offended and disagrees. The sicker she gets the more out of touch with reality she gets.
This is what really needs to be stressed to adult protective services. They've probably never seen a case like Ashley and would have a harder time determining whether she's mentally competent or not. She's not actively suicidal and she's coherent enough to pass a mental status exam (the ones that ask what country you're in, the month and year, etc) so it would take a more comprehensive assessment to determine that she's unfit to care for herself. A DCF investigator probably has no experience with someone like Ashley, and most anorexics are mentally capable of refusing or accepting treatment. But Ashley is a severe case and is putting herself in imminent danger with no regard for her own life.
No. 70639
>>70581She used "Challenge" for a reason. That way when people send her food, she can binge on them and purge. Then when people ask, she can state that she failed her challenge and her disorder is harder than she thought.
She gets the food she wants and people will continue to feel bad for her.
No. 70687
>>70622Honestly at this point ANY food is bad for her/triggering to her, because if she throws it up, she's going to damage her health. Also, she can't say 'I'm challenging myself, these foods don't trigger me!' and then say on another post 'food itself is triggering/a fear for me'.
I wish she didn't think that it's fooling anyone (even though, it is sadly, her 'followers'). One of my closest friends is a recovering bulimic, and she said when you're that down, any food is a trigger because even foods that were once deemed safe become the enemy. I can't possibly believe that there are foods that don't trigger her/that she doesn't throw up.
Otherwise, she'd look a lot better than she does now.
No. 70690
>>70663If she needs money for food so badly $1.50 is too much to spend on toys. Also, these toys are usually 4 to 5 bucks elsewhere, like CVS, wallgreens, etc. There are people out there who really DO struggle with money for food, and I can bet you 99% of them would spend that $1.50 on food because every penny counts when you're poor.
Of course, when you have free food and gift cards up the wazoo, worrying about food money isn't first and foremost on your mind.
No. 70744
>>70687It's such a blatant lie but I think people who haven't seen how manipulative she is just pity and fear for her so they naively think that sending her food might really help. But really, think about it. How much money have people spent on food for Ashley, both gift cards and food sent in the mail?
She's had a steady stream of Whole Foods gift cards getting bought for her because she keeps adding them to her wishlist as people buy them. Just those alone are hundreds of dollars, plus the gift cards for pizza delivery and Panera and other restaurants. She is an addict who is posting sob stories about not having food and having an abusive mother to scam people. She IS bingeing and purging with the gifts from people and lying about it. Hundreds of dollars on overpriced mac and cheese down the toilet. She's scum.
Ashley I know you know this is all true. Just admit that you've been lying to fuel your addiction and wronged people, it would show some real effort to be a better person.
No. 70800
>>70781It's hardly challenging food for her if she eats it repeatedly.
>>70782You should send me some recipies! I hate how the middle class television cooks over here bring out those eating on a budget type books. It's okay if you have a cupboard stocked with all the fancy herbs and ingredients they add to the low price food they use, but they're no use. Off topic, but like the idea of your soup.
>>70787Bread and pizza. That stuff's hard to swallow let alone regurgitate. Does all this purging leave internal scarring?
No. 70828
>>70820i'm a recovered bulimic and for me
personally i feel like i actually lost my gagreflex overtime. i can deep throat pretty well tbh. maybe i was just a bad bulimic, idk.
and just for sake of being on track, for some reason i feel really off-put whenever ashley talks about hentai and shit. i also feel really bad for her.
No. 70829
>>70828I read an interview with a sword swallower, and she said similar to what you said. She trained herself to be able to not get the gag reflex somehow. Good to see you're recovered.
On track comment, I felt a bit ick when I read that she masturbates over hentai. Over cartoons.
I notice her facebook friends don't live in Florida and I'd guess the reason she doesn't have local friends is because she's hard work. I'm pretty sure she could tame her behaviour so that people don't go running when they make friends with her.
The people she's been bff with seem like nice people. Of course, E is damaged, but despite not agreeing with some of the stuff she posts, she has a kind heart. Her real life social skills must be really bad.
No. 70858
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My personal lmfao provider.
No. 71309
>>70911Wow. I have non purging bulimia and this is really motivating me to change.
This is a sickening video and one of the most disturbing things I've seen.
No. 71366
>>71318An Asian woman is shoving her hand down her mouth to spew yellow vomit into a pot in front of her. After doing this and violently vomiting several times, she then begins to drag her hands through the vomit and pick out the chunks to eat. This bores her, so she begins to drink it
It is oddly intriguing
No. 71367
>>71361I have binge eating episodes, but I offset them through over exercising and fasting. It isn't as severe as purging bulimia where people do it several times a day, but it is pretty bad.
I really need to get control.
No. 71452
>>71309Really good to hear the video had that effect. I can imagine that purging through vomiting is like a downward spiral, so don't start.
I hope you're getting some help with this. You know what you're doing isn't healthy and there should be support for you.
I'll be honest, when I was on a diet (a healthy diet) there were times when I thought, oh god I wish I could pig out and then just bring it up. Logic kicked in, and the fact I HATE vomiting.
Also, brutally honest, these pics of Ashley and thinsp skeletons helped me get my head in check. To me it's not worth all the health issues associated with fasting, purging whatever to lose weight.
(I understand it from the control perspective, but choosing lesser calorie intake is control enough - and saying no to junk food is a big buzz).
Sorry for being OT, but have a life as opposed to one like Ashley.
I'll stop being mother now.
No. 71454
>>71452Thank you. Yes, that video was almost traumatic for me. It has put so many thoughts of changing myself in my head that I have not had any sleep tonight.
Thanks for the response
No. 71460
>>71454As someone who's spent the last 5 years recovering from bulimia, there are things I want to tell you that I wish I'd heard before I started browsing pro Mia forums and dipping my toes into unhealthy dieting.
Firstly, bulimia in most cases will not make you thin. You will be constantly bloated, your face and belly retain water and will constantly look swollen.
Secondly you will have stomach cramps and if you're unlucky, stomach ulcers. I've been in otherworldly pain. Even now my eating is near normal, I still get excruciating pain when I eat certain foods.
Your teeth will start melting away, getting yellow and then transparent on the edges. The lack of nutrients made two of my teeth fall out, out of nowhere.
Your hair, nails and skin will be so bad. You'll get premature wrinkles, thread veins around your mouth.
If you want to lose weight the sensible way, use the ' my fitness pal' app, drink 2l of water a day, start exercising and cut out soda. Bulimia is not the short cut, you can't have your cake and eat it too. Please please take care of your self
No. 71554
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Struggling but fighting? ok Ash.
No. 71565
>>71364Yeah, I don't see why hentai is gross, I like it sometimes. But not when it's crazy tentacle/rape/hardcore shit.
do however find the mental image of her masturbating very disgusting. Those skeletal hands touching her…eeech. Don't want to think about what someone in her state's vag would look like.
No. 71812
>>71731Damn, that's a bit harsh. Sad anon just whined in one post, which is nothing compared to Ashley's constant begging for attention and binge food money. I have a good life and she still pisses me off for scamming naive people and trying to sabotage other people's recovery.
And whining aside that anon has a point. Ashley is privileged enough to have a free roof over her head, an iPhone and Internet access to beg online. There are so many mentally ill people who are homeless and left to die on the street while Ashley has the nerve to badmouth her mother while taking advantage of her.
No. 71826
>>71460this. i've had bulimia for 7 years, but only 6 months of being dramatically underweight before getting hospitalized and weight restored.
as of now, i've been bp free for 1 month due to a big ass dental scare… my front tooth broke in half. i went to get it fixed and found out more great news - i have major enamel erosion and probably 10+ major cavities (i didnt ask for deets - i was too busy bawling)
so yea EDs are so fun. good times. not.
No. 71864
>>71732I'm a different anon, but here's my unsolicited opinion:
Apps like MFP can make certain people very obsessive, which is counterproductive to recovery. Of course it's helpful for many people, but if you tend to obsess over things, be careful.
No. 71882
>>71799Because we're sick of bitches like
>>71620 and
>>71460 and
>>71826 making off topic posts and whining about their struggles with bulimia which doesnt contribute to the thread about Ashley.
No. 72199
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My sides are in the stratosphere.
Yeah Ashley, sure you're 'fighting.' That's why you beg for binge food on the internet and lay around all day rotting in your mother's living room.
No. 72285
>>71832Someone's PMSing around here.
I like that people are posting about their experiences here because if one thing Ashley's done in her life. it's someone making her a lolcow and making them realise they need help for an ED.
Stop being a bitch at anons. This thread goes round in circles anyway and it'd probaly be dead if nobody went OT occasionally.
No. 72310
>>72285Ohhh PMSing as an insult, 3edgy5me.
Shit can go off topic but you bitches make it a sob fest/pity party/competition/try to fun validation. It's pathetic. And OP wasn't talking about how ashley gave them a wake up call. They were comparing their situation to hers and whining about their "unfortunate life." The irony alludes everyone here.
No. 72388
>>72361well they do have a point
at this stage, even if ashley recovered, she has a lot of organ damage and heart problems already
No. 72402
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No. 72406
>>72405In agreement. The troll is weak as fuck.
Also, here is a what to look forward to with this thread:
- more screenshots of Ashley being a victim
- Ashley scamming more people for food and plastic crap
- Ashley going to Target
- Ashley posting sickly pink baby things on tumlr.
- Ashley talking about #fighting and #struggling
- Same old snotty bitch ragging on anyone who doesn't post about people not talking about Ashley being a scammer/skeleton.
Keeping these threads going is only giving her ammo for more pity and the attention she craves.
No. 72458
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No. 72513
Brand new commenter here, through I've been reading this and previous threads for a while. I've followed her for a long time, honestly to make sure she is still alive and just because I'm curious.
I didn't want to comment on here because I don't like how there's multiple (or maybe just the same person, idk how to tell the difference on here) people commenting how they want her to die. That's just messe up, no matter how manipulative or shitty or whatever a person is. Idk, I feel like that's just wrong to say..
I'm commenting on here because I also want to fax a report in on her. Everyone deserves a second chance and to live a good life. I noticed some of the things myself and saw that other people see it too, but no matter what, I believe she deserves to have a good life too and to be helped. I know she doesn't see it as help, which is why she should realize that she should get some sort of help. But we really don't know what EXACTLY is going on, and instead of sitting around posting gifs and photos making fun of her, we should just encourage her to seek help and try to recover.
Anyways, getting to the point, how do I report her to adult protective services? I want to help her in any way I possibly can, and it seems like this would be the only way to show that people DO actually care for we well being. I looked it up, but it's only giving me info for my state, so I'm a little lost. I saved photos of her and took a screen shop of her address, and feel like I have enough info to give, and now just need to figure out how to send it in?
No. 72529
>>72482THIS. The idea that you have to want to get better doesn't apply here. That applies to addicts/ED sufferers who have insight and the ability to make decisions for themselves. Most anorexics have at least some ambivalence, they may not be ready to recover but they're aware on some level they need to. Most anorexics would be terrified and want to change long before getting to Ashley's level.
Ashley lacks insight, she's like a schizophrenic who isn't aware their hallucinations/paranoia aren't reality. She's demonstrated she's unable to make a sound decision. This isn't about forcing her to
want to recover, it's protecting a mentally incompetent person from immediate danger.
No. 72539
>>72458I needed help. I got it. If I hadn't, I would've hoped someone else would've recognised I needed help and acted on it.
Wanting to you see in a better situation (health/home/mind) is the opposite of being selfish.
No. 72543
>>72539This. It's not harasssing you. It's trying to help you because you and those in your immediate area will not help you, and you are unable to help yourself. You are in danger of death as it stands. This is saving a life (YOUR life), not harassing you Ashley. We want you to live. And maybe it is selfish that I just want to be able to sleep at night knowing you aren't in danger anymore and I did something… tried to take you out of that situation.
tl;dr - whiteknightfaggotry gtfo do u even know waht website ur on phagg0t
No. 72593
>>72572Right, because a bunch of messages from people legitimately trying to keep her from harm and get her help is really going to be incriminating. Yes there are a few out of line anons saying they hope she dies and I think those posts are totally uncalled for and evil. Ashley truly is sick beyond helping herself and needs someone else to reach out even though she can't see that.
And don't forget Ashley herself claimed she is being abused by her mother and that she is unable to leave. This investigation could put an end to that abuse if they find it to be true.
No. 72628
>>72622Couldn't be. Ashley is incapable of understanding the consequences of her actions. End of life counseling would mean she accepted the reality of her condition. But instead when people, including doctors tell her she needs to get help or die, she defiantly tells everyone they're wrong. And she doesn't have an inoperable tumor. It's possible to treat her. Maybe she's too far gone, maybe not, but there's still a chance and Ashley is just refusing help because she thinks she can live like this indefinitely.
Hell, she thinks she has enough time and energy left for a job? Although that's probably a desperate move to get binge food now that some people have stopped buying it for her.
No. 72650
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No. 72654
>>72650Oddness. She's really excited that she's going to TRY TO TALK about working from home.
What's seriously amazing about trying to talk about working from home?
No idea about how excited she is that she suddenly had this idea she thinks is seriously amazing?
No. 72674
>>72656It's either delusion or she's trying to fabricate "evidence" that she's of sound mind. "See, I'm not mentally incompetent, I have a
job." She's said how she's too exhausted to even reply to comments online at times, how could she hold down a job? Even if it's some dumb work from home nonsense, like those little online odd jobs.
No. 72683
>>72679Yeah, maybe when she realizes she isn't physically or mentally able to handle even take-surveys-for-pennies jobs she
might understand she can't go on the way she is. But probably not, her delusions are pretty strong.
No. 72702
>>72679Nah, when she fucks up she'll just blame other people as usual.
I don't really hold out much hope of her changing at this point.
No. 72707
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theforestcat just posted this, bit of a coincidence, no?
No. 72728
>>72721>ashley tells everyone all excited-like she gets a job>followers are happy for her and assume she no longer needs them to buy her shit>ashley gets 50 cents for one week of clicking random surveys>realises she won't be able to afford binge food any moretop kek
do you think she'd tell her followers she was 'fired'? or that she 'isn't mentally capable of it after all'? or would she continue to delude them and learn to accept not getting free food shipped to her?
she either has to admit she isn't capable of working even just clicking random shit on her computer for pennies, meaning that any investigation would rule that she's most certifiably mentally incompetent – or, she keeps on pretending she has a job and loses her constant stream of donations, but gets to say she 'has a job' if anyone investigates her.
what will she decide!
No. 72733
>>72728I really hope she follows through on the job thing. It's just more evidence that she's mentally unfit to care for herself. Can you imagine being an adult protective services investigator showing up at her door and Ashley being like "look, I have a
jobI'm so responsible " and showing how many Swag bucks she earned? "I earned
hundreds of Swag bucks, that's almost four cents!"
I'm guessing she'll exaggerate her "job" like she did with her "mouth surgery."
No. 72745
>>72738is who theforestcat?
This is theforestcat has cute pics of animals and seems okay apart from being an ash enabler
No. 72769
>>72753i could imagine that happened. how is she talking about getting a job at home and another blog is magically talking about what jobs to get from home?
anyways, i'm somewhat new here so i don't know who aspie is??
No. 72788
>>72684Probably as she said her pc was really old and she missed playing World of Warcraft.
We must admit that she is good at this :/
No. 72807
But I do deeply hope she gets the professional help she needs. If she dies (and hopefully she doesn't), I will take it down.
No. 72823
So let me get this straight: she's up for the hours of daily clicking that a thing like theforestcat is posting about, but it's too hard for her to apply for benefits. Mmhm. Or if she's looking for a
real job, wouldn't it be too hard for her to fill out the application?
Unless it's
>>72648>porn No. 72827
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No. 73152
>>72675>Avon representativeBut they have to go out in order to get paid. She can barely leave her house if it isn't for when she needs binge food.
>>72679Let's be realistic here, she's not doing it to change. She's stated several times she's not looking to get better but "hopes others do".
The only two reasons she may want a job are:
1.- She's scared of Adult Protective Services opening a case and finding all the shit she's been doing, and she's trying to look like she has it together so they leave her alone.
2.- She's running out of enablers so she's acting like she's getting it together to then ask for more shit. People will eat that up and they'll most likely send stuff to help her have a new star or something idk.
Either way she's not going to get a job in her condition, so good luck with that Ash.
No. 73154
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>>73152She seriously thinks she's got years.
No. 73252
>>73194Haha, that's what you consider smart? Maybe she might be sharper if her brain weren't starved, but she's like a toddler with dementia. She has no education, and while you can be intelligent without a degree, Ashley is vapid and can barely put a sentence together without sounding like a little kid. She's not stupid but she's not very bright.
She'd have to regain her physical and mental health, which might not be possible at this point, and then she could try to get a real job somewhere that doesn't require a high school diploma or any work experience. That kind of job isn't going to get her financial independence. She wouldn't go to all that trouble for something with no instant gratification. Ashley is just doing this job search thing as a superficial gesture to show adult protective services that she's "trying."
No. 73542
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Going OT for a minute to Erika who just posted on IG. Click the link in her bio and watch her heart breaking video. Now THIS is a woman who is deserving of help.
No. 73560
>>73542Is it wrong that I just don't trust any of them now? I've been keeping an eye on Ashley for a long time, wondering how I could help. I never bought anything for her off her wish list because I didn't see how that would help her fundamental issues. And I just don't trust any of these crowd funding efforts from people like this because there's no guarantee they'll use the money as they say.
If someone has been poor and bad with money and made bad choices their entire life, there's no reason to think they'll suddenly course-correct when receiving a windfall like this.
No. 73746
>>73612Nigga is you blind or jsut dumb? Are you saying a court would look at her, wasting away like a skeleton, no job(?) battling every type of mental disorder known to man and go yes. Yes, you take the children.
Nah, man. She ain't stupid.
No. 73775
>>73569This is OT of Ashley, but I'm not ascribing malicious motives to Erika - only that all I've learned indicates that the problems these women have are akin to addiction and mental illness.
Neither addicts nor the mentally ill can be trusted to dig themselves out even when they're given all the tools to do so. Like no one would think that would work.
>>73608That's what she says, however her makeup is impeccable, her roots are done, her clothing is name brand, and she's flashing a skein of wool roving in one photo that wasn't cheap. I'd say I'm not judging, but I totally am. She doesn't look like she's strapped for cash. If she really found those eyelashes in a dumpster, they're holding up better than any artificial eyelashes I've ever owned, and I've had a few.
But whatever. The subject is Ashley. I don't mean to derail. I'll stop talking about Erika except to say I hope she does get help.
No. 73781
>>73154She is stuck in an eternal teenage mindset.
>it's not my time yet! i'll become independent when i grow upbut "growing up" never comes. she thinks this is highschool where she has her whole life ahead of her and doesn't seem to understand that when you become a certain age, that's it. life rarely gives you second opportunities for this stuff. Most girls her age are in college or planning their careers - for some reason ashley feels she doesn't belong in the same group as them and relies on her mother instead. lets say that even if she was healthy and turning 60 years old, she maybe, MAYBE would realize what I've written in that paragraph and realize how much she fucked up. youth is not eternal and it will leave you whether you "grow up" or not.
No. 73787
>>73775All I'll say is I'd rather pass the cost of a jar of butter on to Erika than spend it on plastic crap for someone who'll get fuck all out of it.
If your mental illness is making you physically ill and you get a wake up call like a stroke it's going to make you want to feel better. Erika's mentioned illnesses caused by her ED and she's working on fixing it because it shook her up.
No. 73789
>>73781I get this.
The longer you have to take out of "normal" living, the more out of touch you become with your contemporaries. She's still stuck in a high school kid way of thinking, when if she'd not been ill, she'd be graduating from college.
If she truly wants to make something of her life, she can't hang around. For the reason above and…the obvious reason.
No. 73978
Ash is so full of shit on wanting to get better. She knows once she gets better no one will baby her dumb ass anymore, let alone seend her free shit.
No. 73981
>>68099FL fag.
Are you talking about the EBT cards(p-much a food stamp debit card)
No. 73982
>>68292Its cause we wont buy her the whole foods cards.
Shes dying from not purging expensive food.
No. 74048
>>74043 mother's apartment is 900-something a month plus utilities. It's a lot for a waitress and her mother's spending too much of her income on rent, unless there's another source of income. Ashley has been adamant about saving and spending
her own money, so it's likely she's getting SSI.
No. 74053
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No. 74055
>>74053I'm so glad that Erika is fundraising for treatment, not just for her and her children, but it also shows a stark contrast to Ashley begging for useless junk and binge food. Erika understands that she needs to be healthy because she's responsible for here children, and she willing to endure the pain and difficulty of recovering in order to get better. Meanwhile Ashley's current life goal is finding a new TV show and coming up with harebrained schemes to get quick cash. Pathetic.
It's evident she hates seeing people happier/more successful than her, which is why she befriends people who are struggling and dumps then when they get better. I'm going to enjoy seeing Erika recover while Ashley seethes in private.
No. 74073
>>74053The Office (US version & UK original both) are on Netflix. All seasons, just like, seven or eight bucks a month.
Money well spent. This is why I don't donate to these bitches.
No. 74082
>>74059On the one hand, people have said they'd be happy to donate to Ashley for treatment, but she can't be trusted and these sites don't control how the money gets spent. She would scam the hell out of people and they'd be unable to get their money back. Hopefully she doesn't get any ideas after seeing Erika's fundraiser. If Ashley tried to get donations for "treatment" she is going down for fraud.
Semi OT but there's a girl on Instagram who also has an ED and scammed people by faking cystic fibrosis and using her dead aunt's medical equipment to takes selfies with. There's a criminal investigation now but in the meantime all the donors who lost money can't do anything and there are still people giving her gifts.
Let that be a lesson to you, Ashley. Criminal investigation, so don't even think about it. Unless there's a way to pay directly to the treatment facility and proof of treatment, which I would be totally cool with.
No. 74086
>>74082Blueeyedbarbie, right?
CF is cruel. A few people I know have died from it at very young age, early to mid 20's. Those who have had transplants seem to get rejection within a couple of years :(
No. 74088
>>74078I'm guessing a large part of it is having a hoard of tangible
Stuff is important. Experiences, not so much. If experiences mattered as much as the
stuff, then she might be more motivated to get better.
No. 74157
>>74086WHAT?? I didn't know about this girl. I haven't got time atm to go through all that safe space♥ about her. Is there a York Notes thread about her anywhere?
>>74144Maybe she doesn't have a package with a massive data allowance. I can't get Netflix (pisses me off) because of capped broadband, but then I don't have a landline phone.
The US Office is total wank.
No. 74227
>>74157I can sum up the CF girl (there wasn't really much to read). She and friends she recruited posted seeking funds to cover medical and wedding expenses. A friend posted that she was having an emergency lung-removal, but the girl posted healthy photos immediately before and after this supposed major-ass surgery. When challenged, she posted "proof" photos that were proven via reverse-image search (really, idiots? You didn't know that was a thing?) to belong to actual CF patients and sufferers.
Made off with $1000s.
Eventually friends denied she had CF or a life-threatening illness.
No. 74231
>>74227Thanks. She's still carrying on with this? Shit. Is that the real person in the pics with an oxygen mask on looking healthy despite claiming to be at death's door?
I saw the scam to send her to Disneyland. Incredible.
No. 74294
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>>74088"I'm guessing a large part of it is having a hoard of tangible stuff. Stuff is important."
Ha ha,
nailed it!
No. 74379
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jesus fucking christ this came up on my dash and i nearly screamed
i did not know it was possible for her cheeks to become any more hollow and i do not understand how she is alive, let alone living outside a hospital setting. jesus fucking christ. i know of so many people who have DIED at weights far, far, far higher than hers, and some of those people were actually doing a valiant job and pursuing recovery. why does she get to continue to live when all she does is flaunt her awful greed and selfishness?
oh and ash, if you're reading this thread, don't take my comment as a compliment. you are terrifying to look at, in the worst way imaginable, and i am horrified that no one has intervened on your behalf yet. i can't wait to hear that you've been court-ordered into long-term treatment or that adult protective services busts through your door and is shocked by what they find (i'm sure you'll be live-blogging it with pics covered in kawaii stickers).
No. 74405
>>74379she looks like a living corpse
please tell me this is all shooping.
No. 74476
>>74439EBT is accepted at any place that sells food. Only exceptions would be small businesses that couldn't be arsed to get authorisation for those transactions.
The restriction on EBT is that you can only buy food with a nutritional content label (again, with a few bizarre exceptions), and no hot foods. Which is pretty fucked tbh, like what if you don't have any cooking implements, or you're homeless?
Anyway, Whole Foods really isn't that elite. There are some products that can only be purchased there, but admittedly most of there items are extremely overpriced. It's fun to look around there regardless and sit around and eat some of their hot food. You can't really do that at Publix.
No. 74492
>>74379yes i've always wondered how some people get to such dangerously low weights and live, while others at higher weights have some random complication and die.
not that it really matters.
ash is remarkable i guess
No. 74524
>>74507This. Sheer luck.
I am
not saying that I think she should die, but the fact that she hasn't died yet, when most others in her state would have died years ago? I think this works against her sanity, because she seems to think that she's invincible.
No. 74525
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Her situation is different! Pfffft.
No. 74610
>>74525>my situation is differentYet she refuses to explain why
ayy lmao what a snowflake
No. 74680
>>74676If what she does is "living" and she's smug that she's continuing to exist and outlive others then congratulations to her.
There's more to life than target, shit tv shows and plastic crap. What she's doing isn't living. At this point she's no more than a burden. Not that she cares in her own world.
No. 74731
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>>74728I get a slight theforestcat vibe there mixed with a sprinkle of Ashley dust.
No. 74737
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>>74728Thank you lord and savior Ash
Patron Saint of internet bulliez
No. 74756
>>74680She can't possibly know what "living" actually feels like. (spoiler alert, it's fucking awesome)
She also is pathologically incapable of cutting the bullshit. Her situation is different. Mm hm. OK sure.
citation needed.
No. 74769
>>74756>spoiler alert, it's fucking awesomeI like this.
>>74768Reported for posting thinspo!!!!11
No. 74990
>>74983The thing is she's not doing anything that would allow her to have a future, yet thinks she can just plan ahead for a future she won't have if she continues like this. She seems to genuinely believe she doesn't need to change anything and she can just somehow magically achieve her goals for the future while staying like this.
That is severe delusion. If people are still making reports to Florida Adult Protective Services, these recent Tumblr posts are a good example of how she does not have the mental capacity to understand what she's doing to herself. I think she's gotten positive reinforcement to keep ruining her body, like she's not dead yet even though people have told her she could die soon, so she must be invincible!
No. 74999
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>>74702dont have to tell me twice
No. 75008
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>>75006This anorexic woman's nails are pretty fucked.
No. 75014
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Pic related.
No. 75021
File: 1428099909427.gif (587.54 KB, 217x199, vomit.gif)

>>74999>mcdonaldsWhy can't you go for a higher quality burger at least?
No. 75073
>>75039That's startlingly accurate. I've seen two very distinct types of anorexics: the type A perfectionist ones who are high functioning, and then the overall unstable self destructive anorexics who usually fuck up their lives in other ways. They're usually borderline and/or have a host of other issues so recovery is harder because they just generally can't cope with stress and have other diagnoses to deal with even if they recover from the ED.
Ashley's definitely the latter type. To be honest Erika is the second type, too, although she has more motivation and desire to recover because of her daughters so I think she has a better chance.
No. 75139
>>751381. Im a newfag. 2. who is Ashley?
>>75136fuck off and copy paste somewhere else. Im asking a genuine question.
No. 75147
>>75143Not if you dont give a shit about insignificant crazy nutcases. So if I get this straight, you landwhales are picking on her because she is crazy and skinny. What else?
>>75144everyone on tumblr is an asshole. For the racist part, Id like to see proof.
No. 75165
show proof or gtfo
No. 75176
File: 1428113624698.png (351.1 KB, 1080x1692, Notraciststall.png)

No. 75180
>>75168tumblr doesnt know what racism is.
>>75176She clearly said black TWITTER. AKA jadapose. AKA making crackajokes. AKA making so called dark skin jokes. She is right.
No. 75192
File: 1428116171852.gif (204.49 KB, 600x538, sigh.gif)

>lolcow farm
No. 75227
Has anybody been around since she was hamtarochan?
How did she go from
>>70011 to what we see today?
I wanted to know how long she had been anorexic and tumbled across some old youtube she had 6-7 years ago. mentions she has anorexia in a video from 6 years ago, how long has she been THIS bad?
No. 75373
>>75227I think she's been working her way to what we see the whole time. Even in that video, the brief glimpses show that she's not well. Her teeth are fucked, her knuckles are huge.
She came to my attention three years ago, and she was shockingly skeletal, and she's only gotten worse even though I didn't think it was possible.
I don't think anyone whose seen her on the Internet has seen Ash pre-ED. This is the result of what she's been doing to herself all along.
No. 75502
>>75390$1500 is a very small amount of money all things considered, especially when it comes to actual treatment
treatment is incredibly expensive
No. 75604
>>75373I don't think we've ever seen her truly pre-ED. Sure, she had more weight on her at some point, but even in the 4chan days she was suffering from bulimia enough to have the telltale cheeks. And yeah, in that video on youtube her teeth are horrible, I can't imagine how bad it had gotten by that point.
It disturbs me on some strange level. I know she's suffering and I do feel bad that another human is suffering when we put all of her disturbing behavior and asshole antics aside, but it disturbs me on a deeper level and I can't put my finger on why. I guess that people in her life have let her get this way, and that it's been going on THIS LONG. I don't get it. It'd be the story of the century if it happened in my town. I live near her in fact, maybe she lives in a bigger city where no one gives a shit.
No. 75933
>>75643Haha looks like. Shes got all her lotions right there on the right
>>75921 Cant tell from pic but i know bulimics throw up in bags and puckets too because of plumbing probs or just the sound of toilet flushing is too obvious to anyone in the house
No. 75990
File: 1428247812846.jpg (110.58 KB, 720x960, 10252008_10151941955026065_504…)

A follow up to the other photo..
No. 76000
>>75990Are these recent posts? She's got her settings to private.
I had a Krispy Kreme donut once (I'm not a donut fan). It was expensive, but maybe that's because this is the UK. I prefer Dunkin Donuts, but not a dunut fan.
Bet those 5 are already in the sewer system.
No. 76004
>>76000Nah they're from about a year ago.
>>76002Yeah I feel you. This pic looks like shes sitting down with the box on her lap wouldn't be surprised if she was in the bathroom as suspected, sitting on the toilet.
No. 76005
It'd be so unnerving being the shop assistant and having to serve her five donuts. It'd be like selling a litre of vodka to someone you know is a chronic alcoholic.
>>76002It' be a feat if someone who doesn't purge to not puke after eating three of those in one go.
No. 76024
>>76020Im sure they are, but most don't last in the orlando area so your stuck with DD or KK, and I would rather have the KK cause I know I can get them fresh.
Any who back to DustyAsh chan. Im shocked shes left her IG on private for so long.
No. 76038
>>76024Judging by her posts about #bullying on tumblr, she must be getting enough negative comments sent to her there to keep her happy.
(quick back to donuts - the only ones I used to like were the really greasy ones they make in front of you at funfairs. they smell nicer than they taste though).
No. 76064
>>75959smh at you people analyzing a 100 pixel view of a piece of plastic and calling it a puke bag
its possible but dude you cant see shit it doesnt matter
No. 76081
>>76080Her story's on the fundraising site. It was sexual assault by her biological father.
Don't quite get what the story is with her husband.
No. 76082
>>76080She was sexually abused by her father from the ages of 3 onwards.
Her husband doesn't abuse her, he just works a majority of the time so he's hardly at home and his parents are rich and skeezy.
No. 76091
>>76083and she didn't want to be alone so I guess she was texting to ask him to go home.
She didn't go because apparently his dad is sexually creepy towards her and she made accusations or sthing and now they hate her.
No. 76099
>>76096You can freaking drag and drop images. Or at worst you save an image for all of 10 seconds in order to upload, then delete it.
Either way, this is a fucking imageboard, that's the purpose of it. Nothing to do with being 'lazy'.
No. 76219
File: 1428268671161.png (15.93 KB, 574x248, Screen Shot 2015-04-05 at 2.09…)

Spoiler alert: We all do.
Plot twist: We carry on, living useful lives, working jobs to pay our own way, live the experiences we want, and buy the things we desire. We make connections with our fellow humans and fall in love.
In spite of the fact that there's probably someone somewhere laughing at us behind their hands.
Because who gives a fuck?
No. 76238
>>76233She used her body for attention before she was skeletal. Shame she hasn't got anything else to offer to hold someones interest.
It's all pity. Imagine being the kind of person who knows the people who want to know her only want to because they pity her but she doesn't care.
I'm pretty sure most are following her because they're curious if she's going to make it to do another post.
No. 76239
>>76219>theforestcat said: People who make fun of you are probably deeply unhappy and probably would not have the nuts to say anything to you in real lifeIs this socially retarded ashfan serious? Pretty sure you could take everyone's unhappiness here and it wouldn't add up to half as much as all the woe in Ashley's pathetic life. Although that probably does reassure Ashley to hear because she wants everyone to be as miserable as her.
Hate to break it to you, but most of us are doing just fine and are either horrified enough to try to get you help, or watching you is like indulging in bad reality TV.
No. 76247
File: 1428270360514.jpg (23.7 KB, 562x317, lol.JPG)

does a lot of complaining about #bullying
#cyberbullying yet claims not to care. ooookay.
No. 76413
File: 1428301455540.png (66.16 KB, 1169x605, theforestspider.png)

>>76239TheForestCat is "MethSpider" on MPA. She's 15 and she clings off of ED adults because she wants an eating disorder too. No. 76433
>>76413Shocker. Ashley's biggest supporter is a 15 year old pro-ana kid. Also, from her tumblr:
"Two of my hamsters died (the ones I kept from Bear and Ruby’s litter…) and my mouse is not doing great either. My hedgehog’s forehead is healing nicely, though."
Who is letting this child have animals?
No. 76582
>>76413This is actually how my ed started.OT, I know, but normally I would really be disgusted by this bitch for being such a pretentious loser but she does seem to have issues. Annoying nevertheless.
Also y'all wonder why a lot of people on this board seem to have an "eating disorder". Honestly I wouldn't give a rats ass about this bitch if I didn't have an ED. I would probably just gawk at her pictures and then move the fuck on with my life. I just find her so intriguing, in a horrible way of course.
No. 76590
>>76080The most I can piece together about Erika is
1) her biological father sexually abused her from a young age
2) her mother is an alcoholic and did fuck-all to stop the abuse (and I think was abusive herself)
3) Her father-in-law has a mail-order bride, and sexually harassed Erika/tried to sleep with her in exchange for paying for treatment. When she refused his advances, he withdrew monetary support.
4) For some reason, her current husband feels obligated to continue a relationship with his slimy father, despite what he's done to his wife.
5) Her current husband is not actively abusive, per se, but maybe not super supportive of her recovery (it's hard to tell whether he is just ignorant about her illness and recovery or straight up malicious). He's either ignorant/oblivious to her needs at best or actively and knowingly obstructing her recovery at worst.
6) I think her current husband is not the father of her children, or only the father of one of them. I am pretty sure she had a husband before Yustas who was abusive.
No. 76592
>>76413Fucking wannarexics are some of the biggest idiots around.
>I have the mindset and goals that are typically associated with anorexiaBasically you want to lose weight, like almost every other girl.
>I am easily able to go the whole day without eatingWow. Round of applause 4 u.
No. 76620
>>76413To me she sounds:
>>76592A kid who over eats because she's depressed or likes food too much and wants to lose weight but can't be fucked to go on a proper diet.
Why the fuck does a place like mpa exist. Even the name ffs.
No. 76627
>>76622I think that was her first husband, since her second husband seems to be the one who
triggered her eating disorder.
No. 76629
I'm writing an essay about eating disorders and I might use a picture of ash in it. Tell me farmers, do you have/had an ed? did it start/why?
No. 76640
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>>76633Eh idk my essay is due tomorrow and /b/ doesn't really get traffic, but I understand how it's a little off topic. If admin/farmhands want me to move it I will.
How about you guys help me choose the most shocking picture of Ash to use? What is the scariest picture of her (to you)?
No. 76649
File: 1428356482478.jpg (72.24 KB, 604x604, FRlv0G-k3Fc.jpg)

This one is where I think she looks most like a corpse.
No. 76650
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>>76648I voted, but can't help because I'm a no.
No. 76655
File: 1428356794076.jpg (92.97 KB, 640x640, 10903372_770969749664520_17430…)

>>76654Yeah, her caption.
This one's pretty ugh because of her knees. Idk though, so many to choose from.
No. 76667
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No. 76673
>>76669> Maybe it woring attemptWHAT?
>Somehow ends up in the internetWell, seeing how it was done on /b/ well duh.
No. 76677
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This was the first pic I saw of her, but compared to her newer ones it doesn't even look that bad.
No. 76680
>>766771) her hair looks exactly the same as her hair now, just in a different color so she def. wears a wig. There's nothing wrong with it but Ash should at least get a new one.
2) It's obvious she's lost a lot more weight. It's been mentioned a few times.
No. 76695
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Because she has so many social engagements to keep track of.