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No. 117640
Because the previous thread is reaching it's reply limit
>>112288A place to discuss ALL of the edgy attention whores, proana wannarexics, and eating disordered snowflakes on Instagram/Tumblr or elsewhere.Original thread:
>>44088Second thread:
>>74624Third thread:
>>79031Fourth thread:
>>83974Fifth thread:
>>89109Sixth thread:
>>94114Seventh thread:
>>99329Eighth thread:
>>106059 No. 117642
>>117640I have been searching for this golden age of pro ana milk for a couple of years now. I thought it died out when they cleared tumblr up - but now I realize it has moved to instagram.
I am so excited.
No. 117683
>>117678Every one of those ~recovery~ blogs are just normal weight attention whores in a circlejerk to be the thinnest (without actually doing anything but posting about their
TW BEHAVIOURS) and most popular (by making syrupy sweet and super fake posts telling other girls ITS OK TO EAT EAT THAT DONUT GIRL LOVE YOURSELF)
No. 117727
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No. 117728
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ummmmmmm is this deja lmao
No. 117749
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I don't think this girl's been mentioned here yet but she is pretty horrible: little background: She's 20 years old and still gets admitted to her local pediatric ward numerous times a month for random "medical consequences" of her ED. Why they let an adult continue to admit to a peds ward is beyond me, especially when she clearly has issues with not wanting to grow up. She has a doctor who she calls (dead serious) "Mama Bear." She frequently posts text msg screen shots of conversations between her and Mama Bear, always bragging about how she's her most loved patient. It's truly nauseating. She claims she's still super underweight and malnourished but she doesn't look to be that underweight from her pictures. She recently got kicked out of a PHP program for never showing up… she was too busy taking selfies with her coffee while driving and getting into car accidents. She loves to complain about HUGE her meal plan is compared to everyone else's, because she's obviously the sickest ana who has ever lived.
No. 117754
>>117749Jesus Christ. She's wearing a face mask with teddy bears on it. Profile pic of her being tubed although she's not currently tubed.
>I apologize for the lack of updates I've been going through a lot. A lot that I've been needing to just sit with and process.Baw baw.
Also, puncheable face.
No. 117795
>>117683I'm guessing she has atypical anorexia but why does is she so ashamed to admit to having OSFED hmmm?
Fake as fuck and to think I even thought for second that she might have been an honest recovery blogger.
No. 117805
>>117749This girl is something else. I've read that her Mama Bear said to keep her in ped's because she recently disclosed a trauma and needed safety and familiarity.
That's not how life works??
No. 117825
>>117811It's still up to the doctor, treatment for ednos/osfed is rare and very limited. So they can use their own judgement despite that in certain cases.
Anorexia is a disease, and it's progressive. Being underweight is the most common symptom but if, say, an obese person develops anorexia are you really going to wait years until they're "thin enough" to deserve help? No, because by then they'll probably be dead.
No. 117830
ICD and DSM are parallel world wide for a reason.>>117828
Criteria must be met, of the course the doctor is going to use their own judgement but criteria is important for care and the needs of the patient.
>>117825> if an obese person develops anorexiaThats OSFED, osfed is just as serious as ACTUAL eating disorders and snowflakes are just going to have to suck up the fact they aren't dainty ~anachans~
Treatment for OSFED isn't limited, very few eating disorder suffers are underweight.
No. 117957
>>117768the worst part of this thread is literally everybody that's talked about in it would be stupid enough to post shit about themselves so it's hard to know who's doing what
>>117789Can we talk about whismical ITT? She's getting called out by heather but I can't remember if she's an ana snowflake and I don't really wanna bump heather's thread when it's whismical that's acting up
No. 117960
You guys should look into the ana/mia ~community~ on brazilian twitter.
It's honestly hilarious.
This is our star No. 117973
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So turtl.ed made a personal account I've got some caps
No. 117974
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>>117973Sorry for the samefagging I don't have a collage app on my tablet
No. 117983
>>117977It's funny because there's maybe 4 or 5 girls who are actually skinny.
I used to follow a bunch and there's just so much negativity and muh depression. The popular trend is to eat less than 500 cal, take a medicine called Franol and a lot of laxatives.
Everyday they're moaning because they had a b/p incident. Gee, I wonder why. Lots of drama too.
What you mean by fat logic?
No. 118030
File: 1460479390280.jpg (60.98 KB, 614x663, ginge vibes.JPG)

Dear god.
No. 118044
>>118040She doesn't vom. She's vomphobic. Isn't it gross though?
>>118042First thought was she reminds me of Jolto, but less autist.
No. 118046
>>118042all chubby young girls look the same
the fat clouds their bone structure
No. 118049
>>117795i honestly don't believe in atypical anorexia
it's EDNOS
people just want to be able to call themselves 'anorexic'
No. 118051
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>>118050She used to have this rye thing. In a cup.
I like the sound of the spicy thing she has every night, but everything else is weird like ginge slop and I still can't explain why she has her peanut butter sarnie in a plastic bag.
No. 118053
>>118050>>118051maybe we only think about this as abnormal and oatmeal as normal because its been 'normal' our whole lives
i mean they are all just grain
No. 118057
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>>118053It's the water I have issues with. Her porridge is all water. The barley is all water. Everything delved in water.
When I was away overnight I had to have one of those porridge cartons where you add water. It had skimmed milk powder in it but it was still fucking disgusting. Idk. Too bland.
No. 118059
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>>118055starvinggwitch? isn't that embers old username?
i wouldn't put it past ember submitting this but why?
No. 118066
>>118057it's gross as shit i agree, but i did the same thing when i was ill - to make it as 'big' and not calorically dense as possible - to either look big/healthy or make it easier to purge
that being said she must be delusional to think that literal bowl of water looks normal
No. 118069
>>118062Well, that's true. Must try Ginge's cucumber in a bag recipe some time.
>>118064You know what? I bought a new bath robe the other day because I couldn't rid the image of Emily's manky one out of my mind. There's nothing wrong with my old one, but hers
triggers me so hard.
No. 118104
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have fun with this one
No. 118107
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and this girlll. i dont know rules about underage girls but i spoilered it for that reason.
No. 118121
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Malnourishment my left nut
No. 118126
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She's obese, why is she eating pizza and fries and bread? Can someone explain this to me? I'm not surprised she needs to give herself enemas.
No. 118128
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Not pictured: the other five plates she shoveled into her mouth.
No. 118129
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I need to step away from this one for a while. She's making me angry and confused. I saw her wearing a onesie and her fingernail here, and I just can't right now.
No. 118142
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Who deactivated?
No. 118146
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This fat beetus monster is RPing an anorexic and it is horrifying I don't even.
know where to start…I…
No. 118152
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>>118121Lmfao, there are no pics of her at her lowest weight, which we all know Ana's love to show off. Love how she likes to make disgustingly fatty food look dainty.
No. 118157
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Sure, jan
No. 118158
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this is her at her lowest weight
No. 118164
>>118161Because her heart beat was irregular!
From being a land whale, not from starving. God, does fat interfere with the brain?
No. 118166
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>>118165Simply let them be. It's contributing to the entertainment.
In other news, sleep apnea is the same thing as needing oxygen cause you're asthmatic.
No. 118169
>>118104Oh another one who uploads selfies with the tube. How original. NOT.
Back to bow legged can you get ?
No. 118171
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>>118169Yes, but she's very, very special! She's too sick and nobody can help her! That's really special (and also bullshit).
No. 118180
>>118142Lol two insufferable flakes disliking each other.
Anyone can explain how the Ember-McKenzie beef ended ?
No. 118181
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Her leg stretch just gave me a great laugh
No. 118186
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>>118181I'm going to give her a tiny sliver of credit and note that there is no visible filth on the floor in this shot.
No. 118188
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Idk who I despise more - the fake anas or the professional sick people.
Looking at the people who follow kell.bell there's lindathediabetic, this one>professional sick kid Spoonie strong? CFS/M.E. IBS, GERD, Fibro, POTS, neuropathy, asthma, acessory navicular syndrome&anxiety, anas, Lyme's disease people, Chron's people, scoliosis people, gastricprincess
>Medical Mess?? Canadian?Gastric failure (better diagnosis not found)• OP• NPO• Gj tube• PICC Line• Cold urticaria• Chronic Pain• Anorexia fighter/survivor•infertiles, every disease known to man (and woman).
Not only do these people make their lives illness, they collect ill people! I can't stand it.
No. 118189
>>118188I need to correct this
Looking at the people who follow kell.bell there's lindathediabetic, this one>professional sick kid Spoonie strong? CFS/M.E. IBS, GERD, Fibro, POTS, neuropathy, asthma, acessory navicular syndrome&anxietyanas, Lyme's disease people, Chron's people, scoliosis people,
No. 118192
>>118181Skinny mirror + angle of the camera
If she has long, skinny legs it is possible that the pic is real
No. 118194
>>118191Uh plea-eeze
Anorexia = the abnormal loss of appetite for food
Does she look like she lost her appetite ? If she would lost her appetite, she would have lost a lot. She has an Eating disorder but calling her anorexic is plain wrong.
Atypical anorexia doesn't imply that one criteria is being obsese / high BMI.
No. 118200
>>118197Yes I know that ?
The girl can't be called an anorexic yet she has an ED (ednos). She is obsese and her health issues are likely from that and not because she has lost her appetite (=anorexia) what she hasn't lost otherwise she wouldn't be this thick.
No. 118214
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just a casual 500 calore snack for someone who is obese but anorexic.
No. 118215
>>118214You see, she has no appetite.
From 11.01 - 11.20.
No. 118224
>>117973That's the turtle chick?
She's so chubby and plain I expected her to look like tumblr. Love that she's deleting the account her tacky owl bullshit is on. Nice scam you fat dipshit.
No. 118240
>>117792>>117816I Googled lolcow "mama bear" and found the start of the Jonzie discussion in this Aly Realrecover thread:
>>56772The exact post:
>>63099I probably did that wrong, so just in case, it's in the thread called "FREEEEAKIN new Aly_Realrecover thread!", with a photo of Aly and her brother holding food.
No. 118293
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Found turtl.ed on facebook too
No. 118294
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>>118293>>118256Proof that its her
No. 118296
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and that struggling.ashes girl too
No. 118312
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Says the bitch that literally faked cancer for the online sympathy
No. 118333
>>118245Nobody will get one. I'm dubious about anyone wanting one in the first place.
Who'd pay for some cheap ugly thing that doesn't even look like what its supposed to?
She's a fat lying scammer imo. Wonder if she'll keep lurking and crying about "bullies"
No. 118338
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>>118256>I had to sleep outside for two days when I told my parents I was gay. I wonder if the people from these bands ever read fanfiction about themselves and laugh.
No. 118352
>>118336Wow. Retards and money are easily parted I guess. Doubt anyone will get one or like it even if they did. She's been a begging little faggot for way too long to be take. Seriously as a store owner.
She's a super obvious WK for herself too. Idk if she even has a redeeming factor tbh.
No. 118368
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>>118367Nope, you're wrong. She's clearly very edgy, thanks.
No. 118375
>>117949I totally agree that her Dr. is completely unprofessional, and that Jonzie is being enabled by her entire treatment team.
But it's actually not uncommon for 20yr olds (in the US at least) to be seen by pediatricians or in children's hospitals. My old pediatrician saw patients until they were 24 I believe (although I chose to stop seeing her well before that). And I volunteer at a children's hospital were there are plenty of adult patients that are continued to be seen there if they had been treated their during childhood, because the doctors know their history.
No. 118392
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If this is genuinely what she thinks 115 lbs look like, her scale must be broken.
No. 118400
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No. 118428
>>118418Everything about her face is huge and it is not pretty. She thinks her "exaggerated features" are special and beautiful but they make her look like a cartoon or, well, a Muppet.
Those huge bloated hamster cheeks. Those lips. That giant nose and those fish eyes. She looks swollen from a severe allergic reaction. That face has nightmare potential.
No. 118446
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>>118385Actually she a bit of a cunt
No. 118484
>>118471I don't give a damn about this bitch, but can you imagine being a 10 year old in this hospital and seeing this spook wheeling herself around and cooing at doctors like they're her mother bird.
I really hate adults in children's hospitals. I'm praying she's not on an ED ward with a bunch of 13 year olds
No. 118501
>>118485Hey maybe instead of chatting about your problems to an online "friend" you should talk to a mental professional. Neither of you have the skills or experience to "help" each other with your mental illnesses.
And how old are you? And how old is this Turtl.ed chick? I'd find it quite creepy and predatory if you're a lot older than her and using her as your psychiatrist and vice versa.
And, hey, if you're one of those -recovery- -not pro-anthing-instagrammers and you post about how suicidal you are and post self-harm pics get the fuck off of instagram and into a psych's office. There's lots of free resources in almost every country. You really think it's okay to put all the shit in front of young, mentally ill people? Fuck right off.
And also you really expect to come to an ANONYMOUS IMAGEBOARD crying and defending some online "friend" and expect 100's of anonymous people to suddenly change their behaviours?
Where the fuck do you think you are?
No. 118502
>>118485STFU about Turtle.ED being a wonderful person. Online she seems to be a shameless chubby crybaby.
And please get your eyes checked and visit class for body anatomy and photography. McKenzie's photos are by far the funniest edited photos ever. There is a reason why she would never post a simple video of her full body.
No. 118503
>>118485>she really is that tinykek anyways all anyone is going off on here is her visible persona which is connected to the eating disorder clique on IG. she may not outright mention having an eating disorder, but one may only look at the company she keeps in conjunction with her ed-related usernames. she did it to herself with the instagram stuff. it's probably best that she learns to be more guarded with her identity now. who would want bodycheck underwear selfies to follow them for the rest of their lives? if it weren't lolcow tearing her down, it would be someone worse, with darker intentions. maybe we are catty but we aren't evil. also she comes off as really rude, i'm aware that she's young and it's not all black and white etc etc but that's part of why she is receiving this kind of attention. if this all leads to her to taking some time off of building up her twiggyyy persona in regards to the eating disordered side of instagram - again, actions speak louder than words even if she doesn't claim to have an ED - then it's kind of a win win
also you kind of sound like a creep
No. 118505
>>118485Her username is turtl.ed. EMPHASIS ON THE ED. If she wasn't attempting to be apart of the ed community she wouldn't have ED in her name, she wouldn't befriend every pro anorexia cunt on insta, she wouldn't constantly take body checks.
Your friend sucks and you should feel bad.
No. 118509
>>118485“she really is that tiny“
yep if you have no clue about body proportions you think she is tiny.
No. 118513
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>>118485Hate to break it to you, but your online friend is a whiny bitch, Instagram followers, no matter how many don't mean you're popular & welcome lolcow, no one forced you to come here.
No. 118519
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>>118512Fix your fucking eyebrows.
No. 118527
File: 1460564130551.png (223.98 KB, 750x1334, 006.PNG)

this bitch lmao. why do you call us obsessed when you're hellbent on whining like a fucking 13 year old and trying to pick fights on an anonymous imageboard? grow up a little, and learn what a rhetorical question is. nobody wants you replying here
No. 118543
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Someone's been buying Twitter followers!
No. 118546
>>118531But we've already discussed you in the past. Your 15 seconds is over.
BTW, did you find your current partner on the hispanic females dating section at zoosk? Your profile photo was quite flattering.
No. 118550
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What is wrong with kayla's face? A shame she spent all her money on a boob job when she could've been getting the fat sucked out of her chipmunk cheeks.
No. 118552
File: 1460565293632.gif (1.91 MB, 275x156, 1460344003135.gif)

>>118549is she replying to the whole thread thinking it's just me? my sides
No. 118565
File: 1460565641359.jpeg (198.06 KB, 750x1060, image.jpeg)

my money is on a dramatic "relapse" sometime in the near future
No. 118578
>>118574Funny you're calling us dumb asses when you don't even know how to use this site properly.
Pretty sure this moron thinks it's only one person on here lol
No. 118582
>>118579I'm on my lunch break at work therefor i'm on here looking through drama because what else am I going to do for twenty minutes.
Fucking hell.
No. 118586
>>118575please don't be lyin like a lion anon, that makes me really happy
>>118574ahaha what plan? you have no plan. you suck.
No. 118587
>>118581That's happened to me on tumblr and IG. Mostly pro ana's that are either looking for drama or trying to find
triggering accounts
No. 118595
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No. 118597
File: 1460566800823.png (253.14 KB, 750x1334, image.png)

2/2 I'm sorry I don't have a collage app. which app is best to stitch together screencaps?
No. 118600
>>118597Don't worry about multiple posts. It's not like you're spamming a shit load of stuf.
Haha, she genuinely believes men who use MFC want to talk about books and politics.
No. 118601
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No. 118603
File: 1460567093947.png (36.21 KB, 453x282, Screenshot 2016-04-13 18.03.31…)

~Cue alcoholic phrase~
No. 118608
>>118598I know that. The white-knight idiot mentioned kids in this
>>118485 post.
It wasn't meant for the Anon w/ a successful job and kids.
No. 118613
File: 1460567350964.png (528.21 KB, 1366x768, Screenshot from 2016-04-13 13:…)

>>118591you're right, thanks.
anyways here's some scam-my goodness from ember.
sorry about the size i just couldn't be arsed to edit. 15.9k followers and only 3 comments in 14 hours.
No. 118617
>>118613What sort of 'promoter' takes shitty side pictures. I'll never understand why people send her free shit.
>>118615shhh, anon. We're ignoring the small child. Let's talk about things that actually amuse us now, yeah? :)
No. 118618
File: 1460567660097.jpg (59.03 KB, 500x500, spooniespain.jpg)

>>118615Hypochondriacs (aka ineternet "spoonies") always wear a :) though.
:) :) :)
No. 118619
>>118517“Funny, cause she actually has. Why are you so stupid? College isn't that expensive. Go get an education.“
Still waiting for the url link of McKenzies full body video !
No. 118622
>>118612No worries. I can't blame you. I'm going to wait until this idiot's gone.
>>118603Can't wait for her to gain all that weight with the drunk munchies she'll be getting. I love it when people think that being an ~alcoholic~ is so ~edgy~ and ~unique~ especially when you have "anorexia". I noticed this trend started to get really popular after Shmegeh was admitted into rehab for alcoholism.
Suddenly every "e-famous" wannarexic is an alcoholic. Yet is able to still maintain some sense of normalcy in their life.
No. 118624
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>>118614the rest of the conversation is even funnier. okay im ignoring her now
No. 118630
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No. 118633
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No. 118635
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No. 118638
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No. 118666
>>118641haha. it's one thing for business or whatever but i've never seen such miserable grabs for attention than those from the s4s lifestylers, which is kind of how turdled made a name for herself here
>>118651sad truth. all kids these days care about is likes and follows hurr durr. but for real it's not for real, these relationships are only facsimiles of true human connections and it is pathetic in the saddest way
No. 118690
Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone is the first novel in the Harry Potter series written by J. K. Rowling and featuring Harry Potter, a young wizard. It describes how Harry discovers he is a wizard, makes close friends and a few enemies at the Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, and with the help of his friends thwarts an attempted comeback by the evil wizard Voldemort, who killed Harry's parents when Harry was one year old.
The book was published on 30 June 1997 by Bloomsbury in London, while in 1998 Scholastic Corporation published an edition for the United States market under the title Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone. The novel won most of the UK book awards that were judged by children, and other awards in the USA. The book reached the top of the New York Times list of best-selling fiction in August 1999, and stayed near the top of that list for much of 1999 and 2000. It has been translated into several other languages and has been made into a feature-length film of the same name.
Most reviews were very favourable, commenting on Rowling's imagination, humour, simple, direct style and clever plot construction, although a few complained that the final chapters looked rushed. The writing has been compared to that of Jane Austen, one of Rowling's favourite authors, of Roald Dahl, whose works dominated children's stories before the appearance of Harry Potter, and of the Ancient Greek story-teller Homer. While some commentators thought the book looked backwards to Victorian and
No. 118692
Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone(Harry Potter Series Book 1) by J.K. Rowling
Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone is the first novel in the Harry Potter series written by J. K. Rowling and featuring Harry Potter, a young wizard. It describes how Harry discovers he is a wizard, makes close friends and a few enemies at the Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, and with the help of his friends thwarts an attempted comeback by the evil wizard Voldemort, who killed Harry's parents when Harry was one year old.
The book was published on 30 June 1997 by Bloomsbury in London, while in 1998 Scholastic Corporation published an edition for the United States market under the title Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone. The novel won most of the UK book awards that were judged by children, and other awards in the USA. The book reached the top of the New York Times list of best-selling fiction in August 1999, and stayed near the top of that list for much of 1999 and 2000. It has been translated into several other languages and has been made into a feature-length film of the same name.
Most reviews were very favourable, commenting on Rowling's imagination, humour, simple, direct style and clever plot construction, although a few complained that the final chapters looked rushed. The writing has been compared to that of Jane Austen, one of Rowling's favourite authors, of Roald Dahl, whose works dominated children's stories before the appearance of Harry Potter, and of the Ancient Greek story-teller Homer. While some commentators thought the book looked backwards to Victorian and Edwardian boarding school stories, others thought it placed the genre firmly in the modern world by featuring contemporary ethical and social issues.
Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone, along with the rest of the Harry Potter series, has been attacked by several religious groups and banned in some countries because of accusations that the novels promote witchcraft. However, some Christian commentators have written that the book exemplifies important Christian viewpoints, including the power of self-sacrifice and the ways in which people's decisions shape their personalities. Educators regard Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone and its sequels as an important aid in improving literacy because of the books' popularity. The series has also been used as a source of object lessons in educational techniques, sociological analysis and marketing.
Chapter One Chapter Two Chapter Three Chapter Four Chapter Five
Chapter Six Chapter Seven Chapter Eight Chapter Nine Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven Chapter Twelve Chapter Thirteen Chapter Fourteen Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen Chapter Seventeen
J.K. Rowling's Books
No. 118714
File: 1460569246108.png (553.81 KB, 555x620, Screen Shot 2016-04-13 at 12.4…)

oh jeez is this her?
No. 118719
File: 1460569295921.jpg (387.54 KB, 1076x1335, deal.jpg)

>>118701Deal. I'll leave this girl alone. I swear.
No. 118731
File: 1460569509092.png (412.48 KB, 483x482, Screen Shot 2016-04-13 at 12.4…)

kek she made her facebook private
No. 118737
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"artistic" wew lad
No. 118739
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>>118731anon, spoiler this shit
No. 118743
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>>118738Glad I could help. You ought to deactivate your Photobucket and your Zoosk profile as well.
No. 118745
>>118731Those eyebrows
That nose
She's just getting worse and worse
No. 118747
File: 1460569709752.jpg (16.37 KB, 500x394, ilja.jpg)

No. 118751
what…what the hell is wrong with it? has she never touched a moisturizer in her life?
i would say it looks leathery but… it just looks like it has a disgusting texture.
No. 118755
Although most people consider piranhas to be quite dangerous, they are, for the most part, entirely harmless. Piranhas rarely feed on large animals; they eat smaller fish and aquatic plants. When confronted with humans, piranhas’ first instinct is to flee, not attack. Their fear of humans makes sense. Far more piranhas are eaten by people than people are eaten by piranhas. If the fish are well-fed, they won’t bite humans.
Once you have mastered the use of topic sentences, you may decide that the topic sentence for a particular paragraph really shouldn’t be the first sentence of the paragraph. This is fine—the topic sentence can actually go at the beginning, middle, or end of a paragraph; what’s important is that it is in there somewhere so that readers know what the main idea of the paragraph is and how it relates back to the thesis of your paper. Suppose that we wanted to start the piranha paragraph with a transition sentence—something that reminds the reader of what happened in the previous paragraph—rather than with the topic sentence. Let’s suppose that the previous paragraph was about all kinds of animals that people are afraid of, like sharks, snakes, and spiders. Our paragraph might look like this (the topic sentence is underlined):
Like sharks, snakes, and spiders, pirahnas are widely feared. Although most people consider piranhas to be quite dangerous, they are, for the most part, entirely harmless. Piranhas rarely feed on large animals; they eat smaller fish and aquatic plants. When confronted with humans, piranhas’ first instinct is to flee, not attack. Their fear of humans makes sense. Far more piranhas are eaten by people than people are eaten by piranhas. If the fish are well-fed, they won’t bite humans.
Problem: the paragraph has more than one controlling idea.
If a paragraph has more than one main idea, consider eliminating sentences that relate to the second idea, or split the paragraph into two or more paragraphs, each with only one main idea. Watch our short video on reverse outlining to learn a quick way to test whether your paragraphs are unified. In the following paragraph, the final two sentences branch off into a different topic; so, the revised paragraph eliminates them and concludes with a sentence that reminds the reader of the paragraph’s main idea.(cool)
No. 118762
File: 1460569885017.png (332.69 KB, 938x375, Screen Shot 2016-04-13 at 12.4…)

>>118750All I could find without making an account.
No. 118764
>>118760try doing some jumping jacks in between.
bitch needs it.
No. 118765
File: 1460569939643.jpg (12.44 KB, 425x282, Chinese Crested Dog Breed.jpg)

>>118743What is your ancestry? You look mixed. Are you Asian? Chinese, for instance? You look like a Chinese crested.
No. 118768
File: 1460569961648.jpg (54.43 KB, 449x564, animal abuse.JPG)

No. 118769
File: 1460569992098.jpeg (167.31 KB, 750x1190, image.jpeg)

potato turt's ed-but-not-really-ed account
No. 118771
>>118762That poor dog looks terrified.
>>118760Maybe instead of sitting on your fat arse on lolcow you should go walk to the shop and buy some toothpaste for your nasty ass teeth.
No. 118774
File: 1460570060599.png (341.71 KB, 383x418, Screen Shot 2016-04-13 at 12.4…)

>>118766You don't have to be underweight to have an ED, anon, 1-800-come-on-now
No. 118777
File: 1460570110357.jpg (74.13 KB, 634x468, joy.jpg)

>>118743Are your parents as fucking hideous as you? I seriously need to know where this kind of ugly comes from. Those freckles, holy shit. Save up and have them lasered off.
No. 118804
File: 1460570443893.jpg (2.86 MB, 5137x2876, rootbear.jpg)

>>118785You're built like the fucking A&W rootbear. I expect to hear trumpets when you walk.
No. 118809
>>118800You must have a really sad life then.
>>118802Isnt it dead?
No. 118813
>>118800is this… is this real life? This is the most fun you've had all week?
holy shit tell me you're joking.
your life sounds awful.
No. 118814
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No. 118822
>>118800Ugh, now I feel sorry for your pathetic excuse of a life. Dead kid, bad oral hygiene, ugly ass skin, and your life is going no where.
What a shame.
No. 118823
File: 1460570673558.jpg (14.24 KB, 318x480, reaction1.jpg)

Reading this amount of 'kiddo' 'little one' etc has shortened my life span by a good while. Please make it end. For her sake, as well as mine.
No. 118838
File: 1460570900620.png (547.05 KB, 700x465, taterturtleton.png)

i'm so sorry
No. 118841
>>118829Girl, get off of this site and get some help. Having insults thrown at you from every which way while you desperately try to deflect them is NOT good for you in any way.
Listen, seriously, just leave the thread and go do something productive for yourself. Take a nice walk outside, learn to paint or something. Go to a bookstore, make a coffee or some fresh bread.
>>118832You're welcome.
No. 118847
File: 1460571031160.jpg (58.01 KB, 360x284, wpid-house-its-not-lupus-its-n…)

"suspected lupus"
No. 118854
>>118850I actually appreciate your kindness. However, it doesn't effect me at all. And I would rather you throw the insults at me than someone it would actually effect.
I get it, you all don't care either and you need someone to bash just for the sake of it. So, feel free to continue. It doesn't bother me at all
No. 118865
File: 1460571291815.jpg (11.51 KB, 272x185, angsty.jpg)

Everyone's dying. From the moment you're born, you're dying. Dying isn't special. We all do it.
No. 118870
My co-worker just gave me look because of you
No. 118878
>>118844That's fine. You should know you're not affecting very many of us the way you think you are.
I'm a little sick to my stomach now, though, because I'm sensitive. I lost friends to unpreventable illnesses and if I saw them pissing their lives away on instagram or anonymous messaging boards I would do something about it. I'd try to help them, you know? But you're not listening. You don't WANT help from anyone, even if they're trying.
Maybe you're lonely. Maybe this is all you have to do today because you don't have anyone around. I can't know for sure. I just wish you'd take your time and go do something worthwhile before your time is up.
No. 118893
>>118517“Funny, cause she actually has. Why are you so stupid? College isn't that expensive. Go get an education.“
Still waiting for the url link of McKenzies full body video !
No. 118895
File: 1460571679525.jpeg (Spoiler Image,280.72 KB, 852x1064, image.jpeg)

Most of my Instagram posts look like this. Don't assume just because I'm sick it makes me unhappy. I live well the days I feel up to it. Other days, like today, I lay in bed and do exactly what I should be doing…resting. So don't feel upset about it. I'm happy :) it's why nothing bothers me
No. 118896
>>118893did she just say college isn't that expensive?
bitch just outted herself for not having an education.
No. 118904
File: 1460571794835.jpg (14.67 KB, 217x460, 3d4.jpg)

>>118897You've got a fucked up sense of worth and entertainment if you think this pedo/necro comments about your dead daughter are entertaining HOLY FUCK
No. 118930
>>118921y'know it's kinda sad that she'll never see her daughter get married, if she so chose that route in life.
she's dead.
idk, thinking about people dying sort of fucks me up. "sonder" and all that shit. wonder what she could've been like, who she would've progressed into.
guess mama and the daughter will never know.
No. 118956
>>118946Muh cundishuns.
Bitch, you ain't dying. Quit being melodramatic.
No. 118961
File: 1460572532512.jpg (66.6 KB, 960x960, karalie.jpg)

>>118949Possibly, could just be one of those facebook relationship things.
>>118953 No. 118964
File: 1460572590296.jpg (31.48 KB, 640x640, karalie2.jpg)

>>118957But it seems not.
Fp, decent course.
No. 118970
>>118956 gofundme.
" In December of 2015, my mommy got her answers. She was diagnosed with fibromyalgia, a painful muscle-skeletal condition which causes wide spread pain. She later learned she had an autoimmune inflammatory disease called Rheumatoid Arthritis. "
lupus say what?
No. 118973
File: 1460572675779.jpg (44.07 KB, 600x401, karalie3.jpg)

Reppin' Kentucky!
No. 118988
…so… new thread when?
No. 118992
>>118987i'm finding a lot of inconsistencies.
found a post where she states her service dog is for psychiatric uses?
disability my ass.
bitch where?
No. 118995
>>118992samefag but here 'ya go:
About Aurora and myself:
Aurora is a service dog in training. I am disabled and suffer from: obsessive compulsive disorder, complex post traumatic stress disorder, other specified eating/feeding syndrome, generalized anxiety disorder, bipolar depression and dissociative disorder not otherwise specified. My life is severely impacted by these disabilities, which prevent me from eating, sleeping, going out in public, going to school and coping with what others would consider normal stressors."
should i screenshot?
No. 119000
>>118991Weren't you leaving
I bet this is turtled herself lmfao
No. 119032
>>119016Uh anon, I'm not the service dog lady. Just pointing out how shitty it is that nobody could have had previous disorders or conditions that is separate from them being fatties. Because it's blatantly not true.
But whatever, this seems like a vent thread for unbridled rage towards fat tumblrinas. So maybe you're saying things without basis because it's not really what you mean anyway.
No. 119034
File: 1460574838949.jpg (103.24 KB, 919x564, junkie.JPG)

Is she fucking serious? Fatty falls down go boom boom (nothing busted or broken) and she wants an IV of fucking Dilaudid? They gave me LOW DOSE Dilaudid PILLS after MAJOR SPINAL SURGERY. I love that the doctors totally treated her like a sketchball.
No. 119042
>>119032Are you one of those tumblr fatties? Is that why you are so
triggered? Obviously i didn't mean every fat bitch is just fat, but clearly losing weight and becoming healthy would make you less likely to get so sick. FUCKING DUH. it's just fun to make fun of them, like pushing one down a hill, its good fun for everyone
No. 119045
>>119042>clearly losing weight and becoming healthy would make you less likely to get so sickThat's all you had to say anon. I'm just as upset as you are that there are faking fatties out there that make it harder for people with real conditions to have any kind of validation. There was no reason to go off on me or accuse me of being the lolcow from IG.
>>119041Thanks, really don't know why what I said is so
problematic for her.
No. 119055
>>119050Who gives a fuck you fat sow, go post about it on your tumblr if it
triggers you that much. You're not furthering your argument, I already admitted my fault, now you're just power tripping bitch. I will fuck your corpse too, I dont care.
>>119051That was an accident i forgot to erase it and the robot thought thats what I wanted to be called
No. 119058
>>119051She's fucking around in this thread
>>119031 for some reason. Too bad it's a failed snowflake nobody gives a shit about, so.
>>119055>implying I have a tumblrI honestly just want you to calm down anon, like you said, it's nbd. I just wanted to clear up that I'm not IG girl.
No. 119060
>>119047Never mind
She will be IP as we speak. Too bad we can't see her face when her docs can't confirm her 'anorxia' self diagnosis.
No. 119083
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>>119077you alright over there? everything will be ok anon
No. 119086
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>>119083I just want to see them all die
No. 119090
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anyways back to topic
No. 119092
File: 1460579096296.png (185.68 KB, 474x362, attention whore.png)

Went on facebook and this story was in my top trending.
We make fun of bitches like this, yet she has been deemed as brave for posting a photo of herself "after" a panic attack.
No. 119101
No. 119105
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>>118550one step away from bitter beer face
No. 119134
File: 1460581824978.jpg (159.73 KB, 750x1097, image.jpg)

Why do they barely bend over and pretend like they have fat rolls?
No. 119160
>>119034I had to give my grandma dilaudid on her last day of life because she was about 1/3 cancer at that point.
What does this fatty think she needs it for?
No. 119164
>>119160Her fake illnesses.
Seriously, dilauded is some serious crap and dr's don't give them out unless you've had major surgery, dying, or had a traumatic injury like multiple broken bones.
No. 119167
File: 1460586819105.jpg (Spoiler Image,432.94 KB, 2048x2048, sadfattycutherselfwahh.jpg)

Turtl.ed cut herself because omgz lolcow made me do it
No. 119172
>>119160damn. i'm sorry
>>119167fuck me if i'm wrong but this whole debacle reeks of some kinda sadomasochism. she is thriving off being bullied so she can play the emo victim like in her wattpad fanfiction
No. 119188
File: 1460590574316.jpg (138.66 KB, 750x1284, image.jpg)

Shut the fuck UP Jenna. Not everyone has an eating disorder, and any health conscious person should be concerned about eating 6 fucking tablespoons of sugar. Just because you're too lazy and rude to give any advice doesn't mean you can go diagnosing any anon you get with an ED. Or maybe you just don't actually know what an ED is, because you're faking yours.
No. 119432
File: 1460607665991.jpg (35.08 KB, 480x254, autie.jpg)

This thread summarized.
No. 119439
>>118471wait how do you know the doctors name?
I feel like she just rolls her eyes and goes along with it, if she was aware it was being posted on this instagram she'd probably be embarrassed and feel violated
No. 119461
>>119134Yeah, I've always hated these pictures unless the girl is actually bending and being brave enough to show that her body is, well, normal
A girl slightly tilting forward and going "oh teehee my rolls" is just insulting tbh
No. 119519
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Nice crotch doughboy
No. 119523
File: 1460645376805.jpeg (49.15 KB, 750x328, image.jpeg)

>>119459tfw you're desperate to show da haterz that you're still doin ok
No. 119530
File: 1460647774250.jpeg (172.52 KB, 750x1118, image.jpeg)

everything about her is so unfortunate
No. 119545
>>119536>Some girl I used to be friends with was 240 pounds talking about her anorexia, and when she lost 60 pounds (and was 180, still overweight)Sage for personal but I know one of those people too. She's like 280 though, and sometimes talks about the days when she was "anorexic," when the lowest she got had to be 200. She claims she didn't eat for 2 weeks once, and so, bullshit. Maybe it was mostly liquids or something, but I don't believe it was nothing. Average people forget they have eaten so easily.
At least my friend didn't aim for PHP though. She just magically grew out of it, apparently, which says even more about the fact that she was never anorexic.
No. 119547
File: 1460650448407.jpg (134.35 KB, 750x911, image.jpg)

She was the ugliest child too lmao
No. 119548
>>118603Ember: God Emily go drink more vodka u alcoholic bitch
Two months later
Ember: vodka. Look I drink vodka. Edgy vodka. Too fat to be Ana now alcoholic. Who drinks vodka
No. 119563
>>119561They're in /meta/ in the banners thread. I don't feel like digging them out, but they were entertaining.
If you want to discuss the swastiika, I'm down. Just make a new thread. She doesn't really belong here because she hasn't forced herself to get an ED yet.
No. 119564
>>119562You told Ember that you'd rape her corpse? Nah, I don't think she'd enjoy that, although it
is attention. What's with all the death and rape in this thread?
No. 119571
>>119564Who is ember?
>>119568Trust me, brah, she liked it
No. 119583
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No. 119589
File: 1460654436257.png (297.71 KB, 600x512, image.png)

>>119587Maybe read the fucking thread
No. 119592
File: 1460654611070.jpg (100.1 KB, 750x687, image.jpg)

Bitch look at your fat ass and all the shit you've fucked up. You lied about cancer and you think you're above people posting in a thread? Yeaaaahhh ok.
No. 119625
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No. 119681
>>119680But will she finally delete tumblr?
No. 119695
File: 1460665220168.jpg (204.18 KB, 884x663, tumblr4.jpg)

Even on my worst days, at least I don't have to worry about looking like a fish.
No. 119701
File: 1460665527644.jpg (221.67 KB, 1062x1619, tumblr_inline_o4rjlxbW771u5opa…)

This screenshot is pretty telling…
No. 119704
File: 1460665549326.jpg (153.7 KB, 1078x1678, tumblr_inline_o4rjm3Z5sn1u5opa…)

No. 119705
File: 1460665562827.jpg (140.31 KB, 1068x1596, tumblr_inline_o4rjme3fNF1u5opa…)

No. 119719
>>119701Oh shut the fuck up.
If you really would fight cancer atm, you don't brag about your 'gorgeous hair'.
No. 119724
File: 1460666600173.jpg (128.86 KB, 746x824, image.jpg)

And we'll never see a picture of the ~lucky guy~ because he doesn't exist
No. 119732
>>119728Are you Jenna?
Ally was discussed at length in previous threads. For all I care, she is not currently publicly active on social media so whatever
No. 119747
File: 1460671243853.jpeg (156.76 KB, 624x950, image.jpeg)

>>119590>>119598You're a special breed of stupid. Keep on keepin on.
No. 119766
File: 1460676498707.png (291.53 KB, 717x655, Screen Shot 2016-04-14 at 4.27…)

holy shit can this girl be any more selfish
No. 119773
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No. 119774
File: 1460678117709.jpeg (118.16 KB, 636x879, image.jpeg)

No. 119780
File: 1460678949304.jpeg (244.94 KB, 640x1079, image.jpeg)

has this girl ever been brought up?
No. 119782
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No. 119783
>>119774recovering from anorexia? lmao bitch where
and why the fuck is she drinking ensure
No. 119787
>>119784lakewood? i think she's just there temporarily for IP
holla though i leave near lakewood
No. 119791
File: 1460680960548.png (1.57 MB, 1366x768, 45453.png)

>>119788you can tell she's still photoshopping her own pregnant body lmfao
the bump on the left looks smaller (edges look blurry) despite it being 1 week after the photo oh the right
also on the right photo she tried to make her boobs look bigger like what the fuck is with this girl.
No. 119793
File: 1460681897809.jpg (181.22 KB, 750x1188, image.jpg)

Her parents just so happen to be away. Also Jenna y do you pretend to be a teenage girl please grow up
No. 119802
File: 1460685053012.jpeg (260.68 KB, 1267x1633, image.jpeg)

Having had a few mri's, can someone explain why she's been allowed to bring her phone into the room? Let alone take pics. what is it with Ana's and wanting to take photos of medical equipment etc, do they get extra points for this crap?
No. 119805
File: 1460685536738.jpeg (173.22 KB, 1024x838, image.jpeg)

These bitches are such fucking babies
No. 119816
File: 1460686066579.jpeg (161.44 KB, 750x891, image.jpeg)

>>119804>>119810Didn't crop right
No. 119825
File: 1460688185320.png (2.12 MB, 1987x1534, PhotoGrid_1460688077546-1.png)

>right image is from months back
>left is from a few minutes ago
No. 119830
>>119825but why does the left image say 3 days ago?
also wtf ember broke 1k likes on a photo? fuck is this?
No. 119831
>>119825It IS different anon. Can't you see it's flipped and the filter is different?
>gets up and takes pic of hurt back from over your shoulder at an odd angleIdk about anyone else, but I've usually avoided lifting my arms like that when my back pain flares. Maybe I'll try the ember selfie method (ESM™) next time.
No. 119835
File: 1460688799625.png (1.54 MB, 2048x1631, PhotoGrid_1460688656935-1.png)

>>119830Ember begs people to like and comment on her posts, but she did it super heavy for that picture. She had it up for a few weeks but I avidly reported it every single day, and it eventually was taken down, so I like to assume the IG staff removed it lmao.
No. 119836
File: 1460688918636.png (1.69 MB, 2048x1652, PhotoGrid_1460688851793-1.png)

>>119825Hey Ember, I hope you know that your "ex fiance" has moved on with his life and seems to be a lot happier now that he has your attention whoring ass out of his life.
Have fun posting topless images of yourself on the internet though, you sad fuck lol
No. 119843
File: 1460690122480.jpeg (42.24 KB, 696x522, image.jpeg)

>>119802I bet she's living for all this medical testing and treatment
No. 119846
>>119845She knows she has no future outside of being a creepy malingering child predator and waiting tables for weed money.
She's gonna move into boyfriend after boyfriends house until someone knocks her up. Then they will break up and ember will drag her new ana protege to some trailer park and become the new Margot.
No. 119883
>>119872Hair v different yes, so taken at different times (hell you can even see that from the lack of rib bones) but isn't she currently supposed to have red hair..?
And imo waist shopped as hell. She didn't even have that in the left, although she is bending to the left.. iirc didn't she mention scoliosis? wheres that gone?
anyway, so much for ""recovery""
No. 119892
File: 1460717340429.jpg (100.21 KB, 443x666, IMG_20160415_054236.jpg)

>>119885>>119883I need to update the IG page with this Bitches fails
No. 119906
File: 1460720283570.jpg (73.74 KB, 534x366, IMG_20160415_063722.jpg)

No. 119920
File: 1460727586475.jpg (146.83 KB, 531x812, IMG_20160415_083702.jpg)

Here we go again
No. 119925
File: 1460728540046.jpg (714.74 KB, 1920x1920, IMG_20160415_082304.jpg)

Reflection from phone vs edited pic
No. 119927
File: 1460729245005.png (157.5 KB, 750x1334, image.png)

she blocked me, im dying ?
No. 119942
File: 1460731935604.jpg (94.35 KB, 539x535, IMG_20160415_094954.jpg)

>>11993732 degrees or was it 21?
Comment already deleted of course
No. 119946
File: 1460732462517.png (802.97 KB, 750x1247, IMG_7481.PNG)

this entire account is comedy gold
No. 119954
File: 1460733081065.jpg (Spoiler Image,187.27 KB, 607x447, bfi-00n-rme.jpg)

>>119825Slim women without anorexia have visible spines and bones. I'm not skele nor ana chan but my chest and back bones are visible. I'm sick of these bitches who think because you can see bones it's prrof you're eating disordered. Ever seen the sex scene in Don't Look Now? Julie Christie's spine and ribs pop out everywhere, but she's just a plain ol' slim.
No. 119995
File: 1460739504541.png (875.75 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2016-04-15-17-53-59…)

I missed out the y while searching for her and had a laugh
Hippo of sadness oh lawd
No. 120009
File: 1460741928972.png (2.12 MB, 1541x2097, 1451763038730.png)

>>119825welp seems like this is relevant again
>this screenshot is from 3 months back>>77094 No. 120012
File: 1460742202154.jpg (47.47 KB, 540x386, 2.jpg)

>>120010holy anorexia batman!
No. 120021
File: 1460742829207.jpg (23.39 KB, 500x500, 0472c45324feda9b4d9b5ebd6f8022…)

>>120020That throws me too. My skeleton doesn't look like that.
Pic not me.
No. 120024
File: 1460742908523.jpg (Spoiler Image,18.74 KB, 400x342, anorexia42.jpg)

Spoilering this shit, but yeah, her turtle shell is very odd.
No. 120026
File: 1460743079564.png (546.42 KB, 957x514, 1.png)

>feeling kinda cute
looking absolutely horrifying tho jesus christ ember, buy some anti-aging cream. you look like youre in your 30s.
No. 120027
>>120019Yeah, when you flex. For bones to just protrude someone needs a low body fat percentage.
I guess we can all agree Ember doesn't really look like that.
No. 120039
File: 1460744281941.jpg (28.21 KB, 600x600, ember.jpg)

>>120035I don't usually look at her account, but did just now. Loled how her ~book of shadows~ is written on A4 file paper in glitter gel pens and copied out of a teenagers reference book of spells. Holy shit, mate.
No. 120040
>>120035"Pants look sexy"
Ok ember
No. 120041
File: 1460744369966.png (722.46 KB, 1150x592, ever changing body.png)

>>120035ember and the ever changing body type
No. 120043
File: 1460744476569.gif (184.17 KB, 171x200, ember-whann-lol.gif)

>>120041ember and the magical hand
No. 120044
File: 1460744594278.jpg (27.33 KB, 377x613, 1.JPG)

>>120043HER TURTLE SHELL HAS DISAPPEARED! (or she just isn't flexing hard enough).
No. 120048
File: 1460744947613.png (608.88 KB, 1366x768, Screenshot from 2016-04-15 14:…)

>>120034damn i thought you were exaggerating at first but you're right especially with this one. making up stuff on the internet must be stressful i guess
>>120039kek posting this on IG defeats the purpose; even if it were legitimately crafted a book of shadows maintains power from being kept secret. hence the name
No. 120051
File: 1460745176085.png (408.46 KB, 999x537, attention wore.png)

She keeps gaining and losing the same amount of followers every day
No. 120053
File: 1460745458065.jpg (59.22 KB, 634x504, so whats the truth.jpg)

>>120051in her icon, her hair is a deep red, in this pic it's a ugly deep orange
>>120026 here it's a greasy looking brown
>>119825 and here, it's a bright yet faded looking yellow/orange
>>120044what color is her hair when she isnt using a filter???
No. 120065
File: 1460748118537.png (56.13 KB, 1072x164, same shit dif dyay.png)

why must you be so cringeworthy ember
No. 120074
>>120073TOP KEKS
No. 120080
File: 1460751957105.jpg (94.95 KB, 532x741, IMG_20160415_152400.jpg)

This bitch can not stop bullying! She just ran another person off, made her delete 14k followers, with her fucking lies
No. 120085
File: 1460752909018.png (380.07 KB, 802x680, 797.png)

>>118543Ember is a no lifer who only true interest in life is television shows, and she secretly ran a AHS/TWD fan girl page since 2012, along with a couple other side accounts that just told people to go follow her main ahscannibal page.
But after converting it into a proana account, she automatically lost 797 followers right off the back.
She also followed around 15 proana accounts too but that's no surprise. Girl has to have
somebody to mimic. No. 120086
>>120083 here
>>119920 is how it started and now the chick has deleted after arguing with Ember for the past few hours
No. 120092
>>120089Lmao no. I'm just another anon trying to working my way down. It's the weight I gained from pregnancy but never lost it because of bad eating habits.
>>120090Yeah possibly. For someone my height and weight I have rather skinny arms and legs in comparison, same with my abdomen. My fat is in my boobs and butt.
No. 120103
>>120090Can we all just agree that everyone's different?
Makes life a bit easier.
>>120085The BLANDNESS of that which is Ember is pretty scary. She wants so hard to put herself out there, but there's no substance to what she is. Her interests are tacky teenage things. I really want to believe that she dumbs herself down and there's something interesting about her that she's hiding, but it's like trying to believe the world is ruled by reptilian shapeshifters.
No. 120111
>>120108she probably wanted to go to IP (finally for real) for the #cred so badly that she didn't realize she would probably gain weight
since she had to work so hard to force herself to restrict when she really wanted to eat in the first place, she is ashamed of her body and desperately trying to hide it / manipulate it while still showing it off on the internet
so she's wearing baggy sweats at bmi 18-19 but still trying to look like she's 15-17 because she knows if she shows she's 'better', she's not anorexic anymore, and thats all people like her for anyway
it would be easy for her to relapse if she ever had a real ED lmao
No. 120167
File: 1460763148752.png (109.6 KB, 484x350, Screen Shot 2016-04-15 at 4.28…)

wellp the fact that they deleted the post proves that it was most definitely emily self posting
snagged a shitty grab of it but you can most definitely see that the username isn't in the left hand corner of the photo
No. 120174
File: 1460763730865.jpg (192.39 KB, 523x834, IMG_20160415_184052.jpg)

Now she posted this
No. 120176
File: 1460763825928.jpg (111.9 KB, 749x767, Untitled-1.jpg)

>>120174Carry some wet wipes with you. Issue solved.
No. 120177
>>120176lmfao sephora has makeup remover/wet wipes/alcohol/tissues for people to use freely.
any girl that comes out of sephora with swatches all over their hand is just basic af
No. 120186
>>120024Wtf you guys are so insane! You're really bullying girls with eating disorders? I'm in disbelief.
You're all a bunch of putrid bottom feeders.
Karma is going to stab you all in the back. I can't wait for that day to come.
One day you're going to get older and realize you've bullied these girls to DEATH. i hope you've prepared yourself because all of you are going to rot in hell. Pathetic.
No. 120199
>>120197We're laughing at the fact that ember edits her photos and contorts her body to look as thin as possible, despite being a "recovery" account. You're a fucking idiot.
Also, it's an anonymous image board, people are sometimes rude and judgemental as fuck, get over it. Seriously, what did you expect?
No. 120204
File: 1460766534930.jpeg (37.63 KB, 236x235, 1446329115517.jpeg)

It's gotta be Ember
No. 120226
>>120223how is wanting to see normal bodies instead of being
triggered bullying?
how can you both insult all the mentally ill people on these thread but be protecting the pro-anas?????? you don't have consistency. rethink your strategy here, anon.
No. 120227
>>120205Couldn't give less of a shit.
You think I'm a bad person? Okay. Next?
No. 120229
>>120226No I'm just calling out all of you for being insecure. 8) sorry to
trigger you anon. But posting on here and lurking doesn't make you any better than the girls actively bullying!~
No. 120231
>>120213what if one is both posted here and post here? are they the perfect girls that should stay strong <3? or the awful
bad mentally people who are obese and need help? jw
No. 120232
>>120227I should have left earlier before I hurt your guys' feelings :( boohoo
You guys live for this don't you?
You live to hurt people >I go on this website to help my recovery. Of course you do anon. You all go on this website because you NEED it. You feed off of other people's pain. You're all so disgusting! LOL
No. 120244
>>119802They must smuggle their phones in or some shit, because I don't think there is any way that would be allowed.
As to why they always take photos of medical crap, I think it's supposed to serve as "proof" of how "sick" they are. Or they are obsessively documenting their illness. A little of both perhaps. Either way, it's fucked.
No. 120258
>>120026Yeeaahh, goes IP for "anorexia" comes out looking even more "gaunt" than before. Sure, Ember. That's exactly how it works.
No. 120264
File: 1460772687497.jpg (154.87 KB, 822x598, isthatherfuckingarm.jpg)

>>117640Is that for real her fucking arm? I thought it was her leg. That's one serious case of anorexia.
No. 120278
File: 1460775272083.jpg (206.54 KB, 929x599, jesustastesgood.jpg)

>>117640BMI 50+ and drinks Boost Plus. Yummy Jesus flavor.
No. 120283
File: 1460775903763.jpg (235.35 KB, 924x594, holyfuckingshit.jpg)

>>120278Great White detected.
No. 120285
File: 1460776431345.jpg (195.24 KB, 937x596, holyfuck.jpg)

>>117640Is this photoshopped? Please tell me this is fucking photoshop.
No. 120289
>>120286She claims she doesn't eat or drink anything for extended periods of time. I honestly fucking doubt the legitimacy of that claim.
She sure as fuck doesn't need to gain weight, that's for damn sure.
No. 120290
>>120289lol.. yeah, if that was true, she would be losing weight, but she still looks like a butterball
I just think it's funny to see her acting like "omg it's soooo hard to eat I'm so sick guys :(((("
obnoxiously snaps a picture while getting blood drawn fat/obese wannarexics are hilarious
No. 120293
>>120290IKR? If she ate as little as she claims, there'd be at least SOME weight loss.
Her insta is good for keks because she's so fucking fake it's unreal. I wonder how much money mommy and daddy have spent on her hospital treatment, walkers, wheel chairs, "ED" treatment, etc. ??
No. 120295
File: 1460777842773.jpg (260.96 KB, 933x595, wutarebel.jpg)

>>120287Holy shit, she wore it to school, too. No word on if she got her ass kicked.
No. 120298
File: 1460778601800.jpg (170.76 KB, 932x595, starvationmyass.jpg)

>>120297For those long periods of "starvation."
No. 120299
File: 1460778779089.jpg (191.58 KB, 930x599, wheelchairforthosefancynightso…)

>>120297And a wheelchair! So very fragile and broken. Much anorexia.
No. 120303
>>120294it's funny because if you scroll into her instagram to like 30+ weeks ago she actually has photos where she looks better and she's comparing herself to her ed body…which is how her body looks now.
she's definitely in a relapse and trying to cover it up with recovery hashtags.
No. 120305
>>120299I never read this thread, but is this chick actually claiming to have anorexia?
Can I get a quick/short rundown about her or is it worth reading the older threads?
No. 120306
File: 1460779552147.jpg (172.39 KB, 872x598, sobravestandinglikethat.jpg)

>>120299She was so brave! She actually tossed aside her wheelchair and stood up! With a cane!
Standing next to her friends you can see just how desperately emaciated she is. She's wasting away!
No. 120318
File: 1460780161966.jpeg (159.65 KB, 1024x806, image.jpeg)

So the left is September 2015 while she actually was recovering. Never mentioned a single damn thing about relapse. Kept tagging all her photos as edfree & anorexiarecovery
Oh and let's not forget she's also vegan!
No. 120324
File: 1460780509659.jpg (177.28 KB, 932x597, ohmygod.jpg)

>>117640Oh my god. She has a shower chair.
I wonder if she actually has legit chronic pain issues or whatever it is she's claiming with this spoony shit, or if she will ever end up having to admit that all of this medical equipment is needed because she's obese and can't stand without her weight crushing her knees and ankles or whatever.
No. 120326
File: 1460780880552.jpg (127.21 KB, 933x446, TOPFUCKINGKEKS.jpg)

>>117640Oh my god, I'm fucking CRYING! This is hilarious!
No. 120329
File: 1460781083776.jpg (199.76 KB, 822x598, fullofshitfromtwattotits.jpg)

>>117640She admits it! She's full of shit from her twat to her tits. Amazing.
No. 120330
>>120329With all the shit she's stuffing herself with, she probably poops several times a day.
I cannot wrap my head around this one. Does she really think she is anorexic? Does she see herself as skinny? Is she not aware other anorexics are underweight? Has she never calculated her BMI?
No. 120333
File: 1460781533750.jpg (179.75 KB, 1280x853, knubbsal.jpg)

She reminds me of these fat fucking seals.
No. 120337
>>120330She probably hasn't calculated her BMI or stepped on a scale in years cuz
triggering! I don't know how the hell her parents are okay with blowing money on shit like Boost Plus for her and all of the meal replacement bars and shit, that stuff isn't cheap and she clearly doesn't need to gain weight. Let alone all of the medical bills. They've gotta be hella loaded to put up with this shit.
No. 120342
File: 1460782100260.jpg (244.09 KB, 926x594, refeeding.jpg)

>>117640Bitch thinks she needs refeeding at 400 pounds.
No. 120344
File: 1460782340502.jpg (239.4 KB, 934x594, mealplanforweightlossnotgain.j…)

>>11764029 weeks ago she posted her meal plan. That she was put on because she was gaining, not losing weight. Not fucking surprised.
No. 120348
File: 1460782567387.jpg (120.6 KB, 935x595, ambulanceridetimetoposttoinsta…)

>>117640Heading off to the hospital in an ambulance, better take a photo, throw on a black and white filter and post it to instagram! Teehee!
Fucking attention whore.
No. 120352
File: 1460782704287.jpg (232.25 KB, 935x598, seelessdoctorsandexercisefatas…)

>>120348The doctor's advice from that hospital trip?
See less doctors and exercise, fat ass.
No. 120354
I mean, she could at least admit that her eating disorder is actually BED. She's so far from anorexic, atypical or otherwise.
No. 120355
>>120352>see less doctors and to exerciseoh
god ahahahahhaha
No. 120358
Also correct me if I'm wrong but I've heard that Seattle Children's Hospital is pretty good? And she acts like she knows better than them? She probably tells her parents to call an ambulance whenever she's out of breath from taking a few steps
>horse tranquilizerThat's funny because at her size they would probably work perfectly
No. 120364
>>120362sage for double post i just realized 5250 is a california term
i mean psychiatric hold
No. 120370
>>120369they're probably sick of seeing her
"oh god here SHE comes again"
No. 120381
>>120378It's upsetting because girls with REAL restrictive eating disorder occasionally end up being turned away because their weight isn't quite low enough.
She's probably there for severe BED or to treat her obesity. (In Germany, many treatment centres for EDs also take patients with obesity)
No. 120382
>>120378Money. Some places really don't give a fuck if you have the money to pay.
In regards to the other admissions, I bet her parents pull all kinds of Steel Magnolias type shit in the hospitals she gets carted off to in ambulances all the time, screaming at them to give their baby dilaudid and other pain meds. I'm sure the doctors are afraid of being sued if they refuse to treat this whale.
No. 120384
>>120381So. Fucking. True.
It's disgusting when that happens.
No. 120386
File: 1460784171168.jpg (301.74 KB, 934x597, moonface.jpg)

>>117640"My couch cushion face is caused by meds, I swear! No, not the 50,000 calories I secretly consume a day while claiming starvation–it's MEDS!"