File: 1486068020260.jpg (76.61 KB, 490x491, IMG_1769.JPG)

No. 243719
>>243710She's pretty much just another boring spoop.
She had some stupidly low bmi, went to hospital, came home and promptly went to work undoing the weight gain from the tube. Regularly posts comparisons asking followers to confirm that she is indeed so skinny goals wow, and gets snarky at the saviour types, or really anyone who doesn't praise her asshole gap.
Looks sort of like shmegeh made a baby with a stoned horse.
No. 243772
File: 1486081480896.png (1.35 MB, 640x1136, IMG_1777.PNG)

She's really loving these suckin in the cheeks and frowning photos lately. It's ALL she's posted on her story for the past week.
No. 244081
File: 1486147267732.png (1.46 MB, 640x1136, IMG_1780.PNG)

Every time she posts another one her frown gets droopier and droopier lmao I can't with her. I wish she would stop being so fucking vague and say what her deal is.
No. 244093
>>244081Her bad skin is ruining her life
Quick, someone send vitamins to her
No. 244139
File: 1486151448190.png (64.11 KB, 640x714, IMG_1790.PNG)

>>244081She's mad because her insurance company finally realized she doesn't fucking have an eating disorder and doesn't want to pay for her to treatment hop anymore.
No. 244716
File: 1486236053652.png (86.85 KB, 640x1063, IMG_1846.PNG)

Crying Emily is back at it again with the spoopy thinspo pics.
No. 244783
File: 1486241913085.png (395.37 KB, 928x594, Screen Shot 2017-02-04 at 3.51…)

>>244162OMG you called it.
This honestly makes me cringe can't even deal. I so badly want to say "ariana you've been to more treatment centres than the amount of fingers and toes I have, what the hell makes you think one more is going to make any difference [in your fucked up fantasy land]" wouldn't say the last bit because god knows I'd get shit on by all her followers who are somehow as delusional as she is to believe this shit. Like hunny if you haven't been able to eat in three weeks you'd be emaciated by now and you'd have a feeding tube lol like fuck
No. 244789
>>244716Those smoking spliff pics were so dull I actually missed her crying face and calling herself fat and she should be in the soil with the worms.
The new crop of anas don't really grab my interest as much.
Awaiting inevitable post where shef too scaeed to tyoe properky because she's at the river being "raped".
No. 244811
File: 1486243201202.gif (1005.25 KB, 268x168, rage.gif)

>>244783this infuriates me beyond words
No. 244828
>>244821Well I mean to be fair everyone's bodies are different and there are many people who die from EDs at normal weights. HOWEVER, this girl has been going straight from one treatment centre to the other, how has she even had time to engage in symptoms or at least to the extent that it could cause any damage like this. It does bug me though that she goes on about her
severe anorexia like i'm not sure how she could have received that diagnosis. This girl is completely fucked in the head i don't understand how anyone in her life let alone her instagram believes her or goes along with her shit?!
No. 244838
File: 1486245497092.jpg (589.6 KB, 960x960, caesarapp_20172415575249.jpg)

Admitted for overeating? Maybe its just gas little sick girl
No. 244845
File: 1486246291335.png (1.4 MB, 640x1136, IMG_9571.PNG)

Sure Jan…
No. 244846
File: 1486246446651.png (758.09 KB, 640x1136, IMG_9572.PNG)

No. 244848
>>244845Just coming around to disliking hospitals - most normal people don't like them.
Maybe they are finally making her go to a big girl hospital
No. 244881
File: 1486249930250.jpg (133.43 KB, 640x829, IMG_2119.JPG)

>>244783>>244821Amen to arianas followers. Preach it !! Wonder what her response to these rational people will be?
No. 244894
>>244881>>244882THIS!!! There are public options but they definitely dont give out ass pats and bottles at the end of the day and we all know these fucking IG ~~~anas~~~ need to feel like the one and only.
gtfover yourself chick….
No. 244949
File: 1486261013860.png (41.65 KB, 315x438, Ariana Magro arianamagro • …)

>>243674i usually can just watch along but i had to say something and she deleted my comments and blocked me of course
No. 244975
File: 1486265731278.jpg (147.41 KB, 720x960, IMG_1855.JPG)

Of all the photos they COULD have put on her gofundme page this one was probably the worst. If you're trying to convince anyone that this girl has an eating disorder, choosing a photo where she looks like a land whale wasn't the smartest.
No. 244976
File: 1486265808542.png (43.06 KB, 640x286, IMG_1854.PNG)

>>244975Also LOLOLOL begun making funeral arrangements for herself.
No. 245334
File: 1486313178711.jpg (896.59 KB, 1424x1895, Screenshot_20170205-114405.jpg)

In the hospital last night, but was able to go out this morning?
No. 245380
File: 1486318991717.png (181.53 KB, 720x1132, IMG_2870.PNG)

If she was truly finally kicked out of TEP I suspect that someone tried to make themselves sick enough to require hospitalization and admission to a children's hospital. However they are on to her game and it looks like the big kid hospital only which isn't quite as fun so no need to stay.
No. 245693
>>245684Hi Alexys. "Alexys" has posted a few times saying she was already kicked out of treatment so that we wouldn't report her confidentiality breach. Just like Jenna Lewis did with her mother so no one would contact her and inform her that her daughter is faking cancer.
I will not say much, but I am a TEP person and Alexys everyone knows about this thread. You've been spoken to and kicked out. Give it up and apologize for your mistakes. You took pictures IN DIRECT VIOLATION OF THE CONTRACT YOU SIGNED saying you can't talk photos in tep of other patients, let alone post them to the internet. And that's just the tip of the iceberg.
No. 245988
>>245986To be honest she doesn't really bother me because she seems to be trying to be a functional adult and since she's not in and out of the hospital she's not a drain on resources.
She seems lonely and kinda socially stunted but overall pretty harmless.
No. 245997
>>245995I want to think she's genuine and just immature because we have interacted on Reddit a fair amount and I think she's a nice girl but part of me thinks that she's smart enough to know what to post to get the sympathy/validation and attention that she isn't getting in real life.
Like I commend her for getting a job and living on her own but she needs a lot of therapy and some friends her own age.
No. 246012
File: 1486398924172.png (693.89 KB, 1080x1557, Screenshot_20170206-163323~2.p…)

>>245995she went three weeks without an ootd because she realised she posted them for sick reasons,then posted one again. i want to believe she's genuine too, at least she seems to be gaining albeit slowly, but her actions on SM seem very ana-chan.
No. 246177
File: 1486423292577.jpg (113 KB, 640x866, IMG_2133.JPG)

Meanwhile…, journeytoemma (now 27 & coming up to 4 yrs in the same private psych hospital being payed for by the uk tax payers. she claims she remains sectioned for her anorexia because she cant be "trusted" in the community, yet treats the place like a b&b and ensures she is always "well enough" to be granted leave whenever she wants it for days at a time & goes out drinking, etc etc.) i could go on & on about how fake & manipulative she is! Anyways, she just cannot help but try to compete with anyone else who even hints at being sick: the poor girl whos account she left this comment on has genuine severe chrons disease and has just had major surgery to remove her bowel & fit an iliostemy, but Emma just makes it all about her.
No. 246342
>>246177I'm UK and get the feels about wasting tax payers money. Considering there are waiting lists and young people with anorexia who have to travel across the country for a bed for urgent treatment, this bitch makes me heave. Talk about bed hogging.
Definitely shades of fake DID Cassie/Rachel. Hospitals need to be tougher.
No. 246345
- Taken pictures of other girls in treatment
- Put your friends and family through all kinds of stress
- Etc.
No. 246439
>>246376>this kind of hanger'lurk moar' would have sufficed
only in PA gen
No. 246460
File: 1486465871784.png (1.82 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20170207-110808.png)

>"muh crippling ed makes me hate my appearance"
>still all fill their stories w ugly sad selfies for attention
No. 246737
>>246706Her morning routine doesn't include breakfast wehhh she's forcing little girls to anorexiaaaa.
Fuck off with your boring complaining. This isn't the place to cry about people with anorexia it's for the wieners with fifty million complications and gofundmes begging for attention and money or obviously fake disorders like alexys.
No. 246747
File: 1486506066033.png (1.17 MB, 1080x1920, 2017-02-07 16.17.33.png)

Much like "I'mskinnybeautiful" likes to photoshop herself to be more skinny.
No. 246788
File: 1486510299948.jpg (372.52 KB, 1079x1078, IMG_20170207_163018.jpg)

You know who is creepy? Paris Melody Raven. Something about her just squicks me out. I can'tell quite place my finger on it, but she seems "off" somehow.
No. 246797
>>246788how long has she been carrying that one bar of chocolate around? the wrapping is worn enough to make it seem like at least a year.
just carrying it around with her to pull it out at random moments and show the bite mark to prove she eats…
No. 246859
File: 1486518643366.png (226.1 KB, 748x1199, IMG_2872.PNG)

Ohh Alexys - in a better place physically but not medically (or mentally). I don't think it works that way. Just trying to convince us that even though she is supposedly weight restored she is just one meal away from death. What she really means is not that if she restricts a single meal she will die its that if she chooses for that meal to be a cap of detergent she might.
But have no fear - her many friends, therapists, and doctors are all texting her to make sure she is okay. Sure ….
No. 246895
>>246887It means that she knows that people have been questioning how she ends up in the hospital so frequently due to what she claims is restricting when she appears to be weight restored and looks to be at least at a somewhat healthy weight. She is aware of this thread and is likely trying to make people think that even though she looks healthy she is still a super sick little kid.
Hospitals don't usually just keep people for a week without some sort of actual medical issue so I actually don't doubt that she does has some sort of organ damage but I don't believe its from restricting even a single snack but rather more likely self-induced as she claims she has PICA and has admitted she eats toxic substances, like detergent.
No. 247203
>>246957>>247024I don't understand how she's been discharged from mental health services. She's clearly very unwell. Anyone who has ever seen her photos of her in the bath, crying in the mirror or skipping through the supermarket can see she's even more unwell looking than a lot of the people mentioned in this thread.
I'm really curious to know what her court case is about though - she keeps mentioning seeing doctors and her solicitor about it, but never replies to comments asking what it's about. Why mention it if you're going to be so vague and leave people guessing?
No. 247262
>>247259The appointment was in October. She's deleted all the posts with information about it, aside from a photograph of the London Eye, which she passed on her way to the appointment.
I hope it is about getting her treatment though, she looks so unwell!
No. 247467

>>247203>I don't understand how she's been discharged from mental health services. She's clearly very unwell. If you don't turn up to appointments, no matter how ill you are, you get written off. I think in my area (don't know if it applies to elsewhere in the UK), you get written off if you miss three appointments in a row.
They're wasting time for people who need the appointments and are willing to go. Waiting lists for therapies are long.
Unless she's considered a threat to herself or others she won't get sectioned. You need a bunch of people (just googled if you can be arsed to read it to agree you need to be sectioned.
Paris has tried to add me on EVERY ACCOUNT I've had because I've posted on some ana cow's account.
The news clipping from when she jumped off a bridge is in this youtube.
She's really very mental, but I imagine she doesn't cooperate with mental health services so they let her go.
No. 247493
>>247467>She's really very mental, but I imagine she doesn't cooperate with mental health services so they let her go.That's makes sense. I'm surprised her mother/brother don't try to do anything though.
>Paris has tried to add me on EVERY ACCOUNT I've had because I've posted on some ana cow's account. Same here. She's followed me on every account I've ever had, because I follow a friend from school who has anorexia. She quickly unfollows though, and I've never actually noticed her commenting on anyone else's images.
No. 247595
File: 1486597060866.png (3.09 MB, 1200x1800, IMG_2876.PNG)

One post she is claiming she is medically unwell and one restricted meal away from hospitalization.
Less than 24 hrs later she is posting about how great it is to play soccer. If she truly is one meal away from hospitalization then I doubt that her body can afford to use those calories to play a game of soccer (especially since she has mentioned in the past it is league soccer not just a little kick the ball around in the backyard)
Seems Alexys body only malfunctions when it's convenient to her
No. 247600
File: 1486597225623.png (156.67 KB, 750x1161, IMG_2877.PNG)

>>247595And then a few hours after the I can play soccer post there is the I am restricting so I can only manage two Starbucks drinks at once for the sake of my "kids" (which she then clarifies as kidneys - just say kidneys)
Her inconsistencies drive me batty
No. 247962
File: 1486655425002.jpg (121.88 KB, 528x768, IMG_20170209_094911.jpg)

Working off some of those medical bills?
No. 247974
File: 1486658312790.jpg (931.18 KB, 2048x2048, solostinmymind.jpg)

With regards to Jonzie, caffeine is really bad for your kidneys, so not really helping out the "kids". Also she just changed the name of her personal account to jonzie8. I thought it might be to get more followers, but she won't accept me.
Has solostinmymind been mentioned on lolcow? She is a mix between Ariana and FitGinger. She makes her pictures super contrasted to highlight her bones and does the Ariana faces.
No. 247977
>>247974Yikes spoiler that shit!
I definitely see the Fit Vegan Ginger connection. Red hair, freckles, manic faces…
No. 247985
>>247962Ariana is first like on Jonzies pic
Top kek
No. 248007
File: 1486661478918.jpg (156.53 KB, 353x696, 2017-02-09 11.30.31.jpg)

Before ED
No. 248195
File: 1486682368281.png (203.02 KB, 640x1066, IMG_1961.PNG)

No. 248561
File: 1486752103647.jpg (319.48 KB, 1280x1280, 705034cf-4980-481c-87b1-d016ce…)

anyone know of prettygirls-do-eat/anorexia-is-not-a-diet on tumblr? used to think she was a genuine APAC member but all she seems to do now is post sick selfies and snowflakey ~so moving~ posts and vents about how awful being IP is.
No. 248647
>>248565on mobile, the links are kinda selfexplanatory but if you'd prefer them typed out
>has tried to/started a lot of arguments with sarah frances young/everythingeatingdisordered in the past>types like a cross between a grammarfag and a tween girl texting when she's mid20s>rightfully calls out proanas but also does a lot of much lower-key stuff to draw attention to her own ED and constantly says things like "i can't be harassing any of them because muh anorexia">can be pretty rude in responses, or types out essays to the smallest anonsalso didnt say she was a lolcow but she's pretty snowflake-y.
No. 248706
File: 1486771679597.png (1.4 MB, 640x1136, IMG_1989.PNG)

According to Ariana's story, looks like she's back home and still pulling the ugly ass pouty face. What's wrong? Your friends selling rugs and trying to mooch money off of people for your near death anorexia didn't work?
No. 249183
File: 1486842834179.png (128.39 KB, 640x1080, IMG_2028.PNG)

I wonder when imskinnybeautiful2 is going to learn to photoshop properly. She botched it so bad in between her thighs, yikes.
No. 249324
File: 1486863779424.png (1.2 MB, 640x1136, IMG_2037.PNG)

So anorexic
No. 249611
File: 1486915990173.png (1.37 MB, 640x1136, IMG_2044.PNG)

No. 250177
File: 1486959307394.jpg (30.18 KB, 640x360, squidward.jpg)

>>249611i wonder how many practice shots of her frowns she takes..
No. 250194
File: 1486961859421.png (450.06 KB, 1242x2046, IMG_0872.PNG)

This pame chick shops herself so fucking strangely? She's already spoopy why does she need to stretch her arms so gd long
No. 250197
File: 1486962303946.jpeg (293.45 KB, 1242x1864, 1486961989714.jpeg)

>>250194Also, is imskinnybeautiful allowed? Not sure where she fits in in all of this..
I just had to post how absolutely blatant and awful this shoop is between her legs, you can see the seat fabric is stretched to oblivion to try and make some kind of thigh gap. How could anyone fall for this and how does she think that this looks even remotely believable
No. 250510
>>250392She's a 40-year-old woman posing as a much younger woman and grooming her young followers for donations. How is she not a cow? Honestly, she's incredibly milky and I think she should be discussed thoroughly as long as we don't start talking about how she once had a big ol' rivalry with that one chick. She's a huge fuckin' creep regardless of her association with anyone else.
Rhonda Wood-Umpierre, is that you in this thread, flipping out every time you're mentioned?
No. 250516
File: 1487011357837.jpg (210.65 KB, 536x936, IMG_20170213_113058.jpg)

Thinking we need to spoiler her images
No. 251336
File: 1487100873654.png (573.61 KB, 1536x2048, IMG_1998.PNG)

I thought Alexys wasn't allowed back at the kiddie ER.
No. 251751
File: 1487123392595.png (2.1 MB, 1440x2262, 20170214_194902.png)

I thought she was dying???
No. 252051
File: 1487175541110.png (133.63 KB, 640x1063, IMG_2127.PNG)

Yeah fucking right she's at risk for a heart attack. The only thing she's at risk of is hurting herself when she's not getting enough attention.
No. 252236
File: 1487194376005.png (37.17 KB, 640x232, IMG_2134.PNG)

Someone asked Alexys why she doesn't update as often, and this was her response. Ummmm you mean HER inability to protect other people's privacy?
No. 252308
>>251751I… I know its been said but I can't get over how fucking hideous this girl is
I actually think she may be the ugliest person ive seen on the site, sans maybe ginger or peacockfeather
No. 252655
>>252236One of the comments in response
>ryry_recoversOmg why do people feel the need to violate somebody's privacy like that? Is there a certain person that's been harassing you? I've had my information at risk before and it was very scary. Is there anything we can do to help you?…. of course jonzie hasn't responded kek
No. 252920
File: 1487284143086.png (1.36 MB, 640x1136, IMG_2140.PNG)

Ugh she looks so creepy. Ariana sucking in your cheeks to make yourself look gaunt doesn't work when you simultaneously have a double chip.
No. 253047
File: 1487298549133.jpg (186.91 KB, 536x836, IMG_20170216_202543.jpg)

>>252329I'm pretty sure she was out of bed yesterday in the toddler playroom.
No. 253244
File: 1487336837549.png (1.68 MB, 1080x1543, Screenshot_2017-02-17-08-07-56…)

Not sure if this is the right thread but here is a cow that may or may not be super milky. I've been enjoying her bellowing in the morning at any rate. Watch and enjoy as she sees others struggle and tries to "steal the spotlight".
No. 253280
File: 1487342921352.png (489.32 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2017-02-17-09-52-13…)

Not done here tho
No. 253431
File: 1487355383750.png (124.87 KB, 640x1077, IMG_2143.PNG)

As if she wasn't punchable enough already.
No. 253442
File: 1487356453233.png (1.03 MB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_20170217-182204.png)

>>253266I don't think it's a selfpost, this "other account" gets mentioned a few times, scattered through the posts yet no one gets told it? Surely that would be posted if it was Lauren. What's frustrating is everything she does or posts is based on something someone else has post not long prior, even the very first mention of this "other account", tube pictures come up when people she follow start relapsing or commenting on their weight during an eating disorder (current or past), even her cryptic mentions of rape/childhood abuse appear to have come about after one of her friends was seemingly actually raped, then died down after her friend posted slightly less about it. Seems to be a lasting, warped theme of "stealing the limelight" as the other anon stated.
No. 253486
>>253474let's be real, they probably do. pose next to her and you'll see right past the huge glasses and nasty beanie.
they probably hate her histrionics and having to indulge in her stupid childish fantasies. at least they're getting paid for it?
No. 253511
>>253244Lauren is…interesting. She's definitely come a long way since her tumblr days, I think her url was still-comes-inpink or something. Like Emma, she lived in the hospital for years, but was still well enough to go on home leave for weddings and shit. idk what she's up to now, i know she's been wanting to get pregnant for years, which was kinda scary. Like she'd try to time her home leave for when she'd be ovulating, but would be head banging till she bled while on the unit. 1. how can u still get home leave when doing that? 2. how can u think
"yes, this is a good time to get pregnant" Def would intentionally fast so she could be tubed while ip.
idk if she's a cow(anymore), she's def mentally ill, but attention whores/gets competitive. i wonder if i can find her old tumblr on the waybackmachine
No. 253576
File: 1487376098294.png (145.71 KB, 750x1334, IMG_3164.PNG)

So I'm assuming Mama Bear never found out….
No. 253910
File: 1487440440129.png (958.88 KB, 1080x1422, Screenshot_2017-02-18-12-48-38…)

"Little toesies"
No. 253986
File: 1487455481294.jpg (197.42 KB, 530x760, IMG_20170218_160217.jpg)

No appetite = Organ failure
No. 253995
File: 1487457117425.png (642.25 KB, 900x508, alexys2.png)

How do you go from almost dying of heart failure, kidney failure, multiple organ failure, not able to keep down anything but pedialyte to eating Mexican. So full of shit!!!
No. 254377
File: 1487528846642.png (774.35 KB, 1080x1414, Screenshot_20170219-182233~2.p…)

hannahuccino fishing for asspats on her separate 'vent, totally not pro-ana' account, heightenedentropy
complete with highcontrast photos of her sucking in so hard she still gets concern for her #anorexia despite being a landwhale.
No. 254533
File: 1487545170719.png (1.68 MB, 1080x1541, Screenshot_20170219-225718~2.p…)

>>254529why do all the fatorexics voluntarily drink fortisip? why not just have a milkshake or something less vile?
No. 254578
>>254377How to be ~uwu ana uwu~
Step one: eat light/no dinner
Step two: poop
Step three: sleep for the night
Step four: wake up looking slimmer than usual because there's not much food in your system because of yesterday's preparation and the fact you just woke up and haven't eaten anything yet
Step five: assume an ana pose and suck in and fill your lungs up as much as possible
Step six: take a picture, and up the contrast and use b/w so you look more spoopy
Success ? ? ?
No. 254597
>>254533If they eat crap with little nutrition, drinking this might appear to them they're getting vitamins as well as supplying mandatory Ensure/Fortisip pic.
Fortisips okay though. Its those Complan drinks that're the worse thing ever. Alcoholics here buy Nourishment meal replacement drinks. Wonder why Fortisip and Ensure are the "cool" ones with wannarexics. Is it because hospitals give them to patients so it's more "I'm so Ana I was prescribed tjrse".
No. 254715
File: 1487596503372.png (910.81 KB, 1080x921, Screenshot_20170220-131106~2.p…)

>>254533Screenshot from her tumblr… is this a shoop? I'm not good at telling, but the way that the light is falling on her ribs looks unnatural imo.
No. 254734
>>254715this is so tryhard i can't believe it, the caption too.
she's lying down, back arched, sucking it in. her thighs give her away pretty badly.
what a messy post.
No. 254771
File: 1487606962492.jpg (5.43 KB, 200x200, butt.jpg)

Does anyone have any dirt on the Cerulean Butterflies website? My crazy ex used to post there and said there was mad drama
No. 255082
>>254714I have thought about doing it - because seriously a bed bath in the hospital with huggies wipes and brand-name baby shampoo - most healthcare facilities I have worked in do not have brand name products (although I haven't worked in a kid's hospital). If she was well enough to sit in a wheelchair then she doesn't need a bed bath - they have shower chairs.
I haven't been posting her stuff because I think she is reading this and posting this crap to get a response/negative attention. Her posts have just been getting more ridiculous - perfectly fine and cleared to be soccer to on the verge of a heart attack and can't keep food down to kidney failure and bed rest to discharge and tons of salty restaurant food (but struggling so much to eat). It is almost like she is fishing for the usual questions (which is why she even had a post inviting questions) but nobody seems to be biting these days because her story is repetitive and getting old.
No. 255218
File: 1487652092865.png (958.43 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2017-02-20-23-45-32…)

What anorexic ankles, such edema
No. 255390
File: 1487687140918.png (1.25 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2017-02-21-09-29-04…)

>>255082"One who hugs a pumpkin doesn't require a bedbath." -native American proverb
No. 255939
File: 1487769510802.jpg (161.13 KB, 536x836, IMG_20170222_071728.jpg)

No. 255965
File: 1487775422885.png (802.18 KB, 1080x1409, Screenshot_20170222-144452~2.p…)

>having to strain this much to even look remotely average
No. 256073
File: 1487795341864.png (19.02 KB, 293x208, peciallympics.png)

Did anyone catch that Jackie, as in "genius honor roll" ( >>pt/280202 )
Jackie, joined the Special Olympics?
No. 256187
>>256166The video evidence no longer exists. If you'd been around 18 months ago you'd have seen it posted here.
It's not like it's shameful to be special needs.
No. 256190
>>256187No, it's not but you can't just say someone is special needs without a decent amount of proof. and if she was on the honor roll then she was smart. to qualify for the special olympics you need to have a cognative delay, intellectual disability, or have significant learning delays. to qualify as an intellectual disability, you have to have a low IQ and need adaptive life skills according to the special olympics.
persons whose functional limitations are based solely on a physical, behavioral, or emotional disability, or a specific learning or sensory disability, are not eligible to participate as Special Olympics athletes, but may be eligible to volunteer for Special Olympics.
No. 256555
File: 1487865810226.jpg (199.23 KB, 640x977, FullSizeRender.jpg)

>>256190>>256166>>256121>>256077If this aint proof to you then I don't know what is lol
No. 256721
File: 1487889536725.jpeg (80.49 KB, 750x1173, image.jpeg)

>>256667She has a backup, anyone following?
No. 257160
File: 1487970185870.png (627.7 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20170224-210103.png)

>You're looking skinny
No. 258614
File: 1488124334309.png (1.86 MB, 1080x1706, 20170226_094940.png)

Oh honey, wearing black leggings in the shade and trying to hide behind that poster does not hide how big you are. Maybe someone needs to tell that group she's not anorexic, she's just a crazy bitch.
No. 258999
>>251751>>258614I'm pretty happy she isn't spoop-tier.
Her face is unfortunate enough as it is.
No. 259042
File: 1488167037937.jpeg (216.08 KB, 750x1094, image.jpeg)

>in honor of neda awareness week
>let me post an NG tube pic
She's so annoying, and ugly. She clearly has some severe scoliosis or other deformity. I'd love to know what's actually wrong with her, it's obviously not anorexia.
No. 259960
File: 1488248428449.png (213 KB, 750x1096, IMG_1395.PNG)

>>243674>>243684I'm new to this but does anyone follow @sadfxiry she has quite a lot of followers major attention whore
No. 259997
File: 1488252370804.png (553.75 KB, 973x627, topkek.png)

>>259960Laura, I would recommend laying off the bronzer a bit. A more brownish tone would suit your skin better. Also, having visible collarbones does not make you an ana goalz goddess.
No. 260009
>>260005kek I'm glad I capped it instead of posting the link because it's been deleted.
>>260006I don't have an instagram. Can post proof that I'm not whoever this is. Just got lucky with the timing.
No. 260016
File: 1488253386556.jpg (311.49 KB, 630x800, IGlessfaggot.jpg)

>>260011holy fuck my sides. Didn't even notice that.
>>260010Also anon(s), here is my proof. Hope different hair color/different facial structure is sufficient.
No. 260042
File: 1488256419457.jpg (51.65 KB, 528x201, uwuanagoddessuwu.jpg)

kek forgot to post photo.
>>260020Same, tbh. I would have responded similarly, and no harm in providing some proof since it's not revealing of much. 100% Laura lurking here, though.
Anyway, I went on a bit of a search through IG for some potential lulz and stumbled upon this girl: frequently links to her personal account in her posts, and that account is here: the bio, she writes that her name is Chloe Suhr. Pic is what I see when I search her on FB; I thought it was funny because of that garbage-tier book, Wintergirls. She's in "recovery" yet very obviously glorifies her ED. Does the weird Shmegeh/arianamargo thing where she pushes out her collarbone and hunches over in pics to make herself look spoopy. She also posts hospital pics and tags them with #ana #thighgap #recovery etc.
Certainly fits the bill for a pro-ana tard.
No. 260050
File: 1488257255447.png (1.43 MB, 1648x1216, Screen Shot 2017-02-28 at 04.4…)

>>260042I creeped a couple of her posts and found one of her friends, 99.9999% sure she uses fat people to make her look smaller because she's not really spoopy.
Her friend is the usual lol, obese, tags a couple pictures with #ana, claims to be restricting/binging/purging/abusing laxatives. Loads of stories about being kicked out of a "mental hospital" so she's gonna be homeless. But then her dad loves her and it's really sad he's in the army and gets deployed. Also says that Chloe is her "fake girlfriend."
No. 260053
>>260050Yeah, no, she's not actually spoopy, but she tries her best to pose/edit in order to make everyone think that she is. Actually hilarious.
Her friend though– good find. kek.
No. 260740
File: 1488325223963.png (1.92 MB, 1882x1212, Screen Shot 2017-02-28 at 04.4…)

>>260275>>260120>>260053Figured I'd dump a few more photos of her since people seem interested, I wasn't sure how she'd be taken considering she's clearly not pro-ana.
She chose to apparently take a knife to her throat because of PTSD hallucinations. Note no cuts on her throat.
No. 260742
File: 1488325257621.png (1.97 MB, 1892x1214, Screen Shot 2017-02-28 at 04.4…)

>>260740I hate my scars so much so LOOK AT THEM PLS
No. 260754
File: 1488325640630.png (Spoiler Image,1.75 MB, 1884x1208, Screen Shot 2017-02-28 at 23.4…)

Spoiler because fatorexic bodycheck. Apparently she was going inpatient 6 days ago but was on leave within 4 days.
She's like a more autistic, younger Kaydee. I kind of want to see what happens if we just leave her to mature, will she develop a long list of mental health issues? will she start seeking more instagram attention?
No. 260759
File: 1488325886747.jpg (415.38 KB, 1012x778, bodychecks.jpg)

>>260742>>260740Not sure about her not being pro-ana. I mean, yeah, she's clearly not anorexic, but she does do a lot of body checks. I think it's weird as hell; realistically, when you're that overweight, how different does your body look day by day?
No. 260838
>>260754What's the point of "body checking"when every check you still look like a pile of mashed potatoes?
Also I can't stop rolling my eyes at these wannarexics posting body checking photos because that's not what body checking means in diagnostics. Body checking refers to mirror checks yes, but also the repeated tapping, grabbing etc of areas of perceived change. Eg an anorexic will pinch at her collarbones because their prominence is reassuring. It's like these fat children are determined to make anorexia as much of a joke as BPD.
No. 260842
File: 1488331101163.png (44.17 KB, 444x287, IMG_0793.PNG)

>>260832>>autistic facial featuresWat?
ASD doesn't effect facial features. It's not like Down's syndrome.
No. 260844
>>260759I just meant I wasn't sure whether to put her in this thread or the spoonie thread. She's not really fitting the criteria of either but she's lulzy all the same.
>>260842Kek I think I understand what they mean, there's a lot of rejects from my high school who look like her. They all seem to sport the same dumb-as-fuck features, like the kind where you can read their IQ from an expression. But I'm not sure how much of that is her actual face and how much is cause she's fat. It's not like autism causes features no but they all just seem autistic idk.
I'm putting money on her being strangely deluded into thinking that she's actually thin, hence all the horrible selfies.
No. 261448
File: 1488394555166.jpg (14.87 KB, 260x130, 2cent.jpg)

>>261225>>261442to be fair, you can be fat, then get to where you have food in enemy mindset, just it's not really ~~ana~~
im not standing up for her and the attention seeking though just an observation..
No. 261579
File: 1488403306070.png (1.89 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2017-03-01-16-25-57…)

Much anorexic
No. 262027
>>260754She went inpatient for less than a week.
DR TALK: "yeah discharge this waste of time"
What's hilarious is the fact they have to act like they are bound by strict LAW.
No. 263598
File: 1488696154712.png (286.3 KB, 750x1226, IMG_6910.PNG)

The head coach of the UCLA gymnast team just posted this on her Instagram
No. 263816
File: 1488739849460.png (302.8 KB, 1026x1142, Screen Shot 2017-03-05 at 18.4…)

Kek, fat.fag's real name is linked to instagram so I went for a little snoop. There's not much I can see whilst not being friends with her but this made me chuckle. She's in a relationship with food.
Incoming dump of a couple of her insta screenshots.
No. 263820
File: 1488740152707.png (1.41 MB, 1878x1208, Screen Shot 2017-03-05 at 18.4…)

I've no idea what panadolm is, I think it's Panadol which is just a name brand of paracetamol. Pretty sure nurafon is Nurofen, a name brand of ibuprofen. Vodka Cruisers are just poof juices, 4.6% alcohol vol.
She wants to be legit so bad but she's out here overdosing on a pack of ibuprofen and some alcopops.
No. 263821
File: 1488740381784.png (1.85 MB, 1874x1208, Screen Shot 2017-03-05 at 18.4…)

Who takes a potato quality photo with an actual camera? How? How does that happen?
Her trigger warning isn't even necessary, I swear she's just a walking meme. She OD'd twice in one day, I think she's taking over dosing to mean literally taking more than your recommended dose instead of an actual OD.
No. 263914
File: 1488748961736.png (83.19 KB, 634x763, IMG_2330.PNG)

Anyone come across this girl claire? up until recently i felt she was genuine and she was always at least trying to make an effort to recover and not remain institutionalised unlike loads of other girls with similar histories that she is friends with in the ED "community". Lately she does nothing but post selfies witu her ng tube and i swear this pic has been shooped cos noone has arms that long surely?
No. 263945
>>263914I just browsed her account but it's very dull. How old is she, she looks 12.
It's the angle she's holding that ipad that makes her arms look long.
Looks like just another teenage #anorexiarecovery angsty account with lots of Ensure with a sprinkling of shots of her thigh gap and skinny arms.
No. 264291
>>264198I saw a photo of her lying in bed, N.G tubed wearing E.D charity gear. One of her relatives(?) was beside her. It's quite sad, that a whole existence can be defined by an E.D and the self identified "E.D warrior" moniker.
Then again I'm not a fan of the E.D tattoos either
No. 264371
File: 1488833885146.jpg (21.54 KB, 578x111, duh.JPG)

>>264294It's good to be a mental health advocate but this is overkill. You're definitely painting yourself into a corner when your whole life becomes being mentally ill and writing about it/making a name for yourself out of it. Even her twitter's all about being anorexic.
I know recovery's difficult, but she writes as if she knows all about mental illness yet she writes on twitter about how she'll give all her birthday cake to patients and the nurses.
Also strange that she's been anorexic since she was a fetus yet she doesn't understand why drinking so much fluids is dangerous.
No. 265342
File: 1488966565837.png (102.19 KB, 640x891, IMG_3555.PNG)

>>2635983000$? Ugh you've gotta be kidding me -_-
No. 265560
File: 1489006734603.png (169.5 KB, 631x895, IMG_0221.PNG)

I know this cow has been brought up before mostly because of her gofuckme campaigns, but I can't look at her feed anymore without sharing some of the milk with you guys. Oh, she also has a super sekret IG just for her ED. I know her irl if anyone wants me to continue.
No. 265719
File: 1489017682413.png (146.18 KB, 636x912, IMG_0222.PNG)

>>265622Unfortunately I don't think it's on purpose. She made a huge thing about trying to become a Younique representative (a shit makeup pyramid scheme) and I'm pretty sure she puts legitimate effort into her "look". A touch of foundation would do her a solid imo
No. 265772
>>265560She met her current boyfriend online while she was in the nursing home. He recently took out a loan to finance her new car (when her gofuckme didn't work). She tore tendons in one foot and got out in "rehab" aka the nursing home and then as soon as that one was getting better it happened to the other foot. She was in a wheelchair for idek how long because she was ~so sooper sick~ her body doesn't heal right and she just
couldnt walk. Oh. She also has now come out as having Ehlers-Danlos… there is just so much here
No. 265875
Wow…if she purposely injures herself to be super sick and injured all the time she belongs in the Munchie thread for sure, and yes please
>>265560 share the milk!
No. 265909
File: 1489034790969.png (124.33 KB, 640x887, IMG_0227.PNG)

>>265888Nearly every single photo has her shirt pulled off to the side exposing a shifted forward collar bone, (ugly sports bra), and crazy tensed neck to show off her sicknessss.
>>265875I thought about that, but she is the epitome of pro-ana scum.
No. 265941
>>265938Oh yeah. She makes sure
everyone knows she's tubed. There is no reason why she couldn't let that drop out the bottom of her shirt like every other person with a tube.
No. 265942
File: 1489039348252.png (168.85 KB, 640x900, IMG_0230.PNG)

>>265560This is from her "secret ana account" delicate.ballerina. Never thought I'd see someone trying to make a holter monitor look sexy?
No. 265945
>>265942Please tell me that is sharpie pen, not legit ink. You weren't kidding about the pro-ana scum bit. I haven't seen that quote in years. For the unaware, 'quad me nutrit me destruit' = 'what nourishes me destroys me'…classic pro quote circa 2000's.
What is it with these snowflakes and their medical paraphernalia?
No. 266207
File: 1489085773093.png (1014.83 KB, 640x1136, IMG_3559.PNG)

>>266092Purposely posing to show off how "sick" she is.
No. 266387
>>266094>How common and easy is it for serial- treatment centre anorexics in the US to blag themselves a PEG/ G tube??I've actually seen more NGs on UK accounts than US, especially since you guys are
way more lax with the camera/electronics privileges in ip/residential in the UK. To answer your question, its very rare/doesn't happen. I'm sure she had to take a gastric emptying study and get dx with gastroparesis before getting a permanent tube. Not wk'ing, I'm also sure she's done/is doing plenty to cause said gastroparesis and is a huge attention whore.
No. 266396
File: 1489103596226.jpeg (233.1 KB, 750x1119, image.jpeg)

>in honor of eating disorder awareness month
>don't remember these pics being taken
I'm so sure, she looks so smug on the top right
No. 266397
File: 1489103637806.jpeg (164.25 KB, 750x1085, image.jpeg)

>boycott the before
Contradicting much?
No. 266999
>>266396Sure thing, Miss 'Quad Me Nutrit Me Destruit.' You're so anti-ED. FUCK she makes me rage!
>>266298PEGs are rarely used in the U.S. for ED treatment. They are generally considered too high-risk for someone with an otherwise functional GI system and there is too much abuse potential. You may be thinking of the case made infamous by the 'Thin' documentary. If I recall correctly, the girl with the tube (Shelly?) claimed she got it due to other issues. She admitted to misusing it and didn't really need it so she had it surgically removed while in treatment.
>>266841This. It's disturbing af.
No. 267832
File: 1489284966516.png (1003.73 KB, 640x1136, IMG_3586.PNG)

>>266841Choosing an outfit to hide your contraptions my ass more like show them off. I'll post the caption in a min.
No. 267892
File: 1489291240141.png (127.6 KB, 635x902, IMG_0248.PNG)

>>267833Looks like maybe people called her out on her bull? I didn't see if there were any comments before she changed the caption though…
No. 268757
File: 1489415867689.png (146.68 KB, 640x884, IMG_0258.PNG)

Oh guys, apparently she is trying to get a job as a nanny. I can't even imagine what her potential employer must think when they see her rolling up in her walker with 57 tubes and wires hanging off her body…
No. 271179
File: 1489729215555.png (764.57 KB, 1080x1540, Screenshot_20170317-053229.png)

hannuh, posing with what is probably the exact same unopened can of strongbow and claiming to be taking a huge amount of lax every day. still more believable than her 'scary drastic weight loss'
>liquid calories
>such anorexia
No. 271185
>>271179Why are all these normal weight girls saying anorexia now? shes what all basically all teenage to early 20's girls looked like.
Is 22 the new 16 for bmi?
No. 271446
File: 1489773724161.png (1.04 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2017-03-17-14-06-12…)

Always a victim even when it's her own fault.
No. 271699
>>259960OMG this is so fucking cringeworthy
Not only are you trying to court drama about yourself, but you're too stupid to realise that the image has "edit account" right there at the top
How thirsty are you, wana girl?
No. 272100
File: 1489849198091.jpeg (217.11 KB, 744x1118, image.jpeg)

Aimee makes me cringe, could she be more in love with her ED?
>in rollsroyce without tints >none of us could muster a smile>everyone was watchingWow. Such a hard life, poor baby. How old is this bitch now? Will she ever get a job, or is being anorexic her career.
>>272003>never meant to samefagBut u did. And if you're gonna post here, sage your non contributing boring posts and lurk moar. I know these ana threads bring in new ppl, but at least fucking assimilate before u start posting.
No. 272319
>>272177>you're too lazy to look her IG profile up for detailed Informationen because i can't shove it up your assSage your noncontriburing garbage posts plz. and I shouldn't have to look up her profile you mess. It's an
image board. If you want to bring up a potential cow, post screenshots.
No. 272450
File: 1489877372912.png (1.27 MB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_20170318-234125.png)

No. 272452
File: 1489877419375.png (1.3 MB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_20170318-234818.png)

No. 272456
File: 1489877558794.png (1.41 MB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_20170318-234459.png)

What?a?worrior? #anawho? Cuz i can ????
No. 272999
File: 1489936361846.png (1.79 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2017-03-19-11-16-25…)

No. 273000
File: 1489936461652.png (873.3 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2017-03-19-11-13-36…)

She clearly needed to challenge herself for above pancakes….
No. 273716
File: 1490033240813.jpeg (130.33 KB, 750x1124, image.jpeg)

Been following this girl for a while.
She's posted videos of herself cutting, constantly fakes suicide attempts and alludes to suicide attempts and then the next day will be like "I just took sleeping pills to sleep!" When a bunch of followers are worried. She used to make a ton of videos of herself talking shit about other girls in the ~ana community. Plus the poor thing just has the ugliest mug I've ever seen. She's crying in this photo because there were no apples at the psych ward she checked herself into (probably to be able to take photos in the psych ward, which is all she's been doing) because she couldn't make an apple pipe to smoke her weed out of. Sadly her account is private.
No. 273843
File: 1490048559046.png (42.09 KB, 640x277, IMG_2577.PNG)

clairethroughthelookingglass is doing so many people's patience in on her social media. She was mentioned recently but has continued to produce post after post of telling her followers how she is pulling out her ng tube, refused any food, is on 2:1 and will be until she is transferred to a brand new bpd&ed private unit despite already being in hospital for nearly 1.5 yrs. she is turning into another emma. Loves being in hospital and has no intention of even trying to work with anyone giving her support because it might make her look "less sick" and she has this obsession with looking super sick. But whenever anyone confronts her about it she deletes comments and blocks people even though her profiles all remain public and she has no quarms about overusing every ed-related (and non ed related) hashtag to invite the world to her attention seeking posts. I know most of this is down to her bpd and some anorexia but her blatent attention seeking is infuriating.
No. 273846
File: 1490048616901.png (183.2 KB, 640x904, IMG_2581.PNG)

>>273843Sorry more pics related
No. 273848
File: 1490048801093.png (93.55 KB, 640x744, IMG_2580.PNG)

>>273846multiple daily selfies even though supposedly on 2:1 and hates how she looks? Tags them as fashion & ootd. Also uses tag "ana" but also claims to be raising awareness via representing multiple charities supposedly reducing stigma.
No. 274269
File: 1490114369360.png (709.25 KB, 1051x1542, Screenshot_2017-03-21-11-33-50…)

She posts an outfit shot every day begging people to tell her she looks ill
No. 274295
File: 1490117811471.jpeg (129.84 KB, 750x1088, image.jpeg)

No. 274298
>>273676It's this girl here:
>>273000We used to talk about her a lot in the munchie thread
No. 274323
File: 1490121442460.png (1.27 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2017-03-21-14-41-44…)

She's doing all this shit and meanwhile she voluntarily brought herself to the hospital….?
No. 274397
File: 1490128132861.jpg (1.12 MB, 1390x1870, Screenshot_20170321-162555.jpg)

Claire attempted suicide last night even though she is 2:1? Is 2:1 different in the UK?
No. 274473
>>274397Nope 2:1 is what it says on the tin. She has said she needs to be within arms reach of 2 members of staff. Unless they were both negligent, I cannot see how she'd have managed to make an attempt on her own life.
That said, I feel quite sorry for her in a way that I don't for someone like Emma.
No. 274727
File: 1490148607636.jpg (Spoiler Image,302.49 KB, 1214x601, Screenshot_2017-03-22-11-08-30…)

>>274695It's ironic though that they don't want to call it what it likely is, ednos, not anorexia/bulimia, because ednos actually has the highest mortality rate out of the eating disorders.
It's actually the deadliest one.
No. 275757
File: 1490276900253.png (1.88 MB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_20170323-144434.png)

Seems like paris has finally gained; she posted this after her doctors appointment
No. 275983
>>275965They've crafted an attention-seeking image to post on the Internet, with each little picture, text post, and tag as a piece of the puzzle.
I feel bad for them, but I think that it's unfortunate they're getting treatment for only some of the symptoms–like disordered eating–without addressing the underlying cause, which is malingering (along with a possible personality disorder). And while they are obviously suffering from mental disorders, there comes a point when you need a kick in the ass and the stubborn will to get better.
As someone who battles multiple mental disorders, I know firsthand that it takes HARD WORK to get even a little better. The upkeep can be exhausting, but it's infinitely better than having a shit quality of life. I also know that there is a strong temptation to wallow in the misery and pain because it's easier. I feel torn between frustration and compassion for these girls, who've chosen to worsen their disorders rather than get the help they so desperately need.
No. 276057
File: 1490309906878.png (113.48 KB, 640x556, IMG_2595.PNG)

>>275676>>275678claire needs to take some responsibility for herself - doesnt matter wether she's in the most successful & expensive Ultra specialist IP unit in the world; if she doesnt want to recover she will never recover. This is proven by the thousands of people that get given up on by services after exhausting all their options but never embracing willingness or readiness to change. Wishing you could have one last chance at recovery is a bit bloody late when your body is damaged beyond repair and you are sent to a hospice to live out your final days amongst other terminally ill people who
never had the ability to CHOSE if they wanted to recover or not.
the pic related is a quote from claire today. Absolutely infuriating. She is currently in an nhs hospital pissing around deciding to "take a break" from recovery cos essentially she cba anymore, whilst she is surrounded by people who would give anything just to have another shot at life but they dont get that luxury.
No. 276059
File: 1490310077451.png (137.76 KB, 628x920, IMG_2594.PNG)

>>275678Oh and then there is this pic.
(To the anon who said they didnt think claire was anything like emma… think again!)
No. 276069
>>276065I'm in an inpatient ward at the minute and have internet and phone access. Some nicer treatment centers let you I think to stop you from isolating yourself much since that tends to be a part of the illness.
Still agree she's an attentionseeking snowflake though, sage for blog
No. 276091
>>276039It seems like it until you realise she's been living one identical week for like, years.
Identical meals surrounded with recycled inspirational bits of paper or baby toys, identical 'challenges' at the shops (you know, where she flails some pastry or chocolate around and nibbles it looking like a maniac) same little hints in the same photo captions, same everything.
There are stalactites progressing faster than Paris.
No. 276104
File: 1490314637724.png (211.72 KB, 750x1120, IMG_8790.PNG)

Usually I don't bother posting just to snark on someone's appearance, but in this case? Y i k e s.
No. 276365
>>276104I cringe every time she posts with these extensions. Either dye your real hair to match or get new extensions that are the same colour as your actual hair! This half/half bullshit looks so tacky and awful.
Sorry, girls with shitty extensions is a pet peeve of mine
No. 276667
File: 1490398442315.png (614.05 KB, 900x567, bekahdance.png)

Oh look Bekah is dancing
No. 276670
File: 1490398560749.png (433.58 KB, 900x438, bekaywalk.png)

And now she is claiming she can now walk for the first time…a week after dancing
She also posted calling someone a bitch because they said she was attention seeking…LOL
No. 277043
File: 1490452321635.png (837.18 KB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_20170325-153021.png)

Every fucking day the same thing - getting tired of her attention seeking behaviour
No. 277109
File: 1490464354713.png (489.99 KB, 1080x1664, Screenshot_2017-03-25-13-49-32…)

Claire accusing people of giving her "hate" bc they called put her bullshit to garner more sympathy. Also tags even posts about art or whatever at the hospital.
No. 277268
File: 1490477403977.jpeg (174.55 KB, 750x1067, image.jpeg)

I know she's just in a general psych ward but really? shes so attention seeking.
No. 277272
>>277268jfc we get it!! mommy and daddy didnt love you!
god she fills me with such intense amounts of rage..
No. 277589
>>277588One of the replies to that post
feathersabolAnd if someone tells you to "just eat" tell them sure, you'll start by eating them. ???
I think because of her facial expressions her followers think she is still a young teenager and not someone approaching 30
No. 277709
File: 1490547037271.png (488.94 KB, 1079x1835, Screenshot_2017-03-26-12-33-19…)

Claire sicced her followers on a 17 year old girl lol
No. 278162
File: 1490581122396.jpeg (109.28 KB, 750x1092, image.jpeg)

She really does bug me so much. Leeching so much of her mother's / tax payers' money for what? She checked herself in and hasn't taken it seriously the whole time!
No. 278234
File: 1490587563522.png (1.46 MB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_20170326-203938.png)

>>244815She's been to a lot..this account was made in 2016, and she's Been to more since and it's just purely evil/painful/insulting. And of course she did not stick with using this account, her happy healthy account.
No. 278338
File: 1490608335064.jpg (131.26 KB, 750x1096, IMG_1152.JPG)

why is she still allowed to take pictures?
No. 278461
File: 1490632607512.jpeg (174.7 KB, 750x1107, image.jpeg)

And here I thought she couldn't get any worse and more disgusting
No. 279949
File: 1490798398958.png (963.3 KB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_20170329-163639.png)

Yes show us your bones you can obviusoly see yourself and seek for attention
No. 279950
File: 1490798452028.png (1.71 MB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_20170329-163706.png)

pulling down shorts so everyone can see better how malnourished i look
No. 281071
File: 1490913951758.jpeg (182.74 KB, 750x1112, image.jpeg)

>>280912>it'll even have my pic at the bottomSo you're new then. That's ok, but don't do that, don't identify yourself, it's technically a bannable offense and u should sage posts when the content isn't contributing/no milk. Otherwise welcome, plz post milk, the ana+munchie threads have been pretty dead lately.
This Aaron kid is quite the snowflake, don't see too many guys doing this shit…tho he prob fits better in the munchie thread, I guess it depends on how he's getting attention that day.
No. 281176
File: 1490920769308.jpg (104.01 KB, 640x640, IMG_9273.JPG)

Here's some examples of what Ive been talking about. //I'd explained some earlier// he also has a very consistent pattern of yelling at people who are worried and a few times he's even DMd people who voiced their concern, saying they were cunts and should go die
No. 281320
File: 1490928275443.png (100.76 KB, 636x514, IMG_0363.PNG)

I've been following this chick for a while and she's getting increasingly annoying. Idk whether to put her in munchies or here but since it's ED based I figured here. She just got kicked out of ERC for non compliance. A lot of smug NG tube pics. Humblebragging about her sooper speshul anorexia symptoms. The usual. Her hair is always perfectly curled no matter if she's been in hospital for weeks or not… totally not relevant, just an annoying little tidbit.
No. 281381
File: 1490932502861.png (2.04 MB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_20170331-055146.png)

This is natalia taylor - a youtuber who posts story time videos etc.. she published a video about her past ED but says that she is recovered now when she surely isn't
No. 281405
File: 1490935496592.png (1.48 MB, 750x1334, IMG_7158.PNG)

>>281403"Hey guys look at me! I'm in the hospital because I'm 'critical' but I can still post about being on death's doorstep!"
You can watch her stories on insta @girllearningtofly
Her fb is Chronically Montana.
Its actually quite amusing the legnths she'll go to to appear sick
No. 281406
File: 1490935641990.png (1.56 MB, 750x1334, IMG_7159.PNG)

>>281405"Let me make a live video to tell you about me knocking over my cup because my chronic illnesses make me clumsy. Oh how ironic theyre also my pills. Let me tell you apl about my pills and why I need them because I am VERY sick"
No. 281407
File: 1490935737015.png (106.24 KB, 750x561, IMG_7160.PNG)

>>281406Montana stop talking about yourself
No. 281442
File: 1490940004780.png (843.89 KB, 640x1136, IMG_0368.PNG)

>>281401Presented with "critical potassium" yet they didn't admit or recheck before sending home? I'm sure that really happened.
No. 282180
File: 1491040123579.png (1.01 MB, 750x1334, IMG_7196.PNG)

Allergic reaction for 24 hours? Sounds kind of serious lol shouldnt you be in the hospital?
No. 282182
File: 1491040226009.png (683.52 KB, 750x1334, IMG_7197.PNG)

She likes to do this often makes incomprehensible statuses/posts looking for people to ask her if shes okay. Later she messages you back saying she was "very ill last night and did not know she made the post". Did it on her fb account several times
No. 282183
File: 1491040380091.png (67.21 KB, 750x570, IMG_7198.PNG)

>>282182Did she honestly think she would get a job at the hospital? Hospital pros are experts at spotting malingering scumbags. All her records are there did she really think they would hire her? And how convenient that she had a "severe reaction" and "critical potassium" right after she didnt get the job..
No. 282661
Sage for blog: but I've had allergic reactions for several days before. Once to a medication, i had hives over every inch of my body for almost a week, my life wasn't in danger though. Unless you count me wanting to kill myself bc of the pain. I did get 3 medications including steroids to stop it early tho.
No. 282874
>>282833I believe she did (after getting $3000 in donations). Unless she has set up a new one, this person is way late to the game.
(And the reason that Ariana appeared to be the first to like one of jonzies posts was because the person who screenshot jonzies post also follows Ariana - IG doesn't tell you who liked a post first but will tell you if someone else you follow liked the post)
No. 284480
>>284261Wtf? She hasnt been tipped unless you know someonething we dont? Shes continued to post publicly about her latest "ligature" attempt and post pics of the aftermath which is so
triggering and attention seeking. She also posted on her fb a few days earlier begging her followers to nominate her for some sort of inspirational blogger award… go figure.
No. 284531
File: 1491355934632.png (130.96 KB, 639x906, IMG_0432.PNG)

>>284480Seriously. this girl isn't well and whomever tipped her should be fucking ashamed of themselves.
No. 284779
>>284531Cow tipping is always dumb, but if she's so delicate she can't handle reading things that aren't even particularly critical of her she's too mentally fucked to be allowed online without heavy supervision.
If you're ready to kill yourself over something this small, you're in need of 24/7 1:1 care. I can't imagine being that underdeveloped psychologically at her age, it's legitimately sad.
No. 284926
>>284765>>284779Yep, I'm surprised that the facility hasn't confiscated her phone/devices since this "incident" happened. She's really acting out and
attempting to manipulate others. If she's trying to show farmers how hurtful this is she obviously doesn't realize how savage everyone is here hahaha.
No. 285198
>>285085Whoever told her that she was being discussed here is probably the person who posted her here. We've seen this kind of behavior before. Someone will post their vulnerable friend or even a complete stranger here, wait until the mean comments roll in, and then rush to their side to protect and comfort them. It's all a game to these people. I can flat out tell you right now that if Claire was contacted by a Nicole, Simone or Shelby, they have a history of doing this. They're honestly sick.
Claire needs to take steps to protect herself from this kind of manipulation. Nobody online is to be trusted, even if they seem to share the same symptoms as you. Jealousy is a powerful beast.
No. 285218
>>285214This sounds like damage control.
We already know what happened.
No. 285282
>>285201Sorry if this sounds dumb but English isn't my native tonge but, are you saying Nicole (just_breath_nicole) contacts people who're posed here to upset them or is messing with other sick people to upset them?
I have seen Nicole before, she doesn't have an ED, she herself have said that doctors couldn't find anything physically wrong with her and said that it was more of a mental issue (Not an ED, though).
No. 285294
>>284926How has she been in care this long and not been taught any other way to say 'I'm upset about this'?
Suicide threats are manipulative. Why isn't she learning better emotional regulation?
No. 285324
Stumbled across a pro ana hatespiration blog. Will post link soon. Pretty gnarly

No. 285719
>>285085I feel sorry for Claire, I think she's a sad, sick young woman, so I have no axe to grind but I doubt CEOP will be that interested given that she's not being groomed or sexually exploited.
I do think vulnerable young women like Claire should lock down social media I hope her friends encourage her to do. By friends, I mean actual friends and not spiteful fuckers who posted her on here and then went running to her, trying to pretend they give a shit.
No. 285810
File: 1491517086850.jpeg (347.47 KB, 1440x1570, Capture _2017-04-06-17-21-00-0…)

>>285655This comment was left on one of Paris' many redundant posta for today. Seems more and more people are cow-tipping the anas these days. But Paris has been flaunting her skelly body on ig and youtube for a few years so I cant imagine shes not come across sites like this that mention her. I just wish she'd choose to get better finally.
No. 286695
File: 1491611550840.png (201.7 KB, 640x882, IMG_3186.PNG)

So anorexic
No. 286819
>>286816Yeesh, that's a rough thiing to point out. Her boobs I mean. She seems like one who was legitimately kiddie-diddled. Why else would she go inpatient 33 times unless it was to get away from home? Esp if she's American, where it costs a crazy ammount to be inpatient for even a single day.
She looks much cuter when she's not smiling; She probably sees that and does it on purpose.
Rich family that pushes her away. Dark vibes from that one.
I'm probably wrong though.
No. 286898
>>286819Why is it harsh? She's a grown woman, having breasts is normal. Where did you reach to find a criticism in that?
She isn't "obviously molested and using treatment to escape her rapey family". That's pants-on-head retarded.
No. 286952
>>247262>>247467>>247203Does anyone know what her court case was about?
She is so full of writing 'positive keep fighting stay strong' posts yet she seems to be getting sicker and sicker- both mentally and physically. For someone who claims to have such hatred of their own body and is ashamed by her fat and size, she posts a lot of photos showing how skinny she is?
No. 288067
File: 1491785135395.png (783.83 KB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_20170410-014246.png)

Okay, whatever, she's still going to look at this cause it's part of the illness, triggering oneself etc. But… Just going to point out the classic pose… Heels raised off the ground, slightly pigeon toed. She needs to find a way out of the need to appear sick.
No. 288643
File: 1491854418716.png (569.35 KB, 768x1024, image.png)

Yet again…
No. 288644
File: 1491854473703.png (139.65 KB, 768x1024, image.png)

No. 288914
>>288899She has
several of those creepy baby dolls, an entire account dedicated to how much Lush product she buys, clearly eats quite a bit, and seems to be NEET on benefits. I don't understand where she gets the money to be such a special snowflake. She has "Marco" (her miscarried son) tattooed on her neck, as well as the NEDA symbol despite landwhale status.
No. 289322
File: 1491942234714.png (234.25 KB, 750x991, IMG_8244.PNG)

>>289089She deletes a lot of her most milky posts, but I'll fill some in.
No. 289323
File: 1491942284667.png (138.08 KB, 750x1104, IMG_8239.PNG)

No. 289326
File: 1491942360206.png (196.54 KB, 750x1056, IMG_8238.PNG)

BPD is the main problem here, obviously.
No. 289328
File: 1491942493669.png (211.46 KB, 750x1124, IMG_8246.PNG)

>>289047 Ok, but she's a doctor shopping snowflake munchie. So thrilled to finally find someone willing to diagnose her with the most vague hearing problem possible.
No. 289330
File: 1491942569065.png (206.39 KB, 750x1117, IMG_8243.PNG)

Cringing intensifies
No. 289331
File: 1491942710299.png (Spoiler Image,132.18 KB, 750x1055, IMG_8241.PNG)

And of course this one loves showing off self harm. Her "vent" account is full of pictures of fresh gaping wounds. Also, how do you take an old picture of a new tattoo?
No. 289371
>>289366Mine do that too tho?
I don't think it's shopped I think she's got a weird ribcage
No. 289374
>>289370She's a fat bulimic, lol. Too much binge, not enough purge apparently. Being too doped up to eat like
>>289330 is a godsend for her.
No. 289541
File: 1491955081020.png (507.47 KB, 1267x1471, IMG_4246.PNG)

Ones anyone folllow Sassisadness? She's an interestingly similar Ana to pre-recovery Aly, She types a lot like her too. She also posts her binges and photos of her purging on the floor but claims it's all in documenting recovery/relapses etc. She's a weird Ana honestly.
No. 289630
File: 1491964803532.jpg (666.37 KB, 1526x1524, oatmealobsession.jpg)

This girl relentlessly puts cakes on top of oatmeal, and makes videos of submerging/mashing the cakes. There are parallels with Aly’s old food presentations which is why I’m interested. I'm guessing this girl is in a recovery of sorts; I'm not trying to pick over her life, but want to marvel at her cake-mushing. Video example: No. 289688
>>289635The videos squick me out. The sounds of it, and the way she turns it into mush or picks at the sloppy bits.
She covers the sides of her face with hair but her face looks pretty swollen at the sides.
No. 289697
>>289688Yeah, the extreme closeups of cupcakes being smashed accompanied by (loud) squishy sounds is…creepy.
Extra creepy is the hashtags: #foodporn #foodgasm
No. 289722
>>289630>>289631I am deeply disturbed.
shiverThe one where she decapitates chocolate bunnies with a spoon and then squishes them just about ruined my Easter.
No. 289925
File: 1492019937552.jpeg (67.13 KB, 625x416, memewat.jpeg)

>>289631uuuh…am I the only one? why those videos?
No. 290056
File: 1492032263898.png (710.63 KB, 768x1024, image.png)

Paris is the only person I know of who makes a song and dance out of eating a McDonald's donut ?(?)
No. 291439
File: 1492157540358.png (685.21 KB, 768x1024, image.png)

>>290656Yes -same thing day after day- lunch is a sandwich made with 'a sliced cherry tomato ( how do you slice one without it falling apart?) and cucumber /lettuce weighed to the nearest gramme ?
No. 291831
File: 1492220514614.jpeg (498.54 KB, 1440x1910, Capture _2017-04-14-21-31-11-0…)

So Paris had ONE gummy bunny… Then an hour later makes a post regretting said bunny. Like okay yes you are an anorexic, but you can't use the hashtags involving recovery when this is NOT recovery.
No. 291832
File: 1492220569290.jpeg (591.23 KB, 1440x1906, Capture _2017-04-14-21-31-27-0…)

>>291831Samefag but seriously… It was ONE fucking gummy. This girl has been doing this for way too long to feel bad for.
No. 291992
File: 1492252190803.png (1.18 MB, 1080x1678, Screenshot_2017-04-15-06-28-49…)

I would like to introduce the newest "alyrealrecover", glitterygnomie. This 4 year old masquerading as an adult has been in various inpatient programs for more than 2 years. She strikes me as an aly/jte hybrid. I never saw her as a 'true' cow until fairly recently but her feed is becoming increasingly lulzy.
No. 291994
File: 1492252519602.png (439.79 KB, 1080x1511, Screenshot_2017-04-15-06-38-30…)

Samefag but the amount of emojis make me want to puke all over her "cutesy" knitting
No. 292101
File: 1492272169813.jpeg (201.25 KB, 750x1202, image.jpeg)

Anyone following the drama between these 2? Aimee and Evita? Aimee def belongs in the pro ana scumbag thread, tho evita seems to have mostly recovered from her Ed, they both still love drama.
No. 292119
File: 1492274906217.png (2.62 MB, 1440x2560, 234567897654.png)

>>275757ewwwww wtf is wrong with those people
No. 293047
>>292728My thoughts exactly - she will probably still be doing the same thing 10 years from now.
>>292712I don't understand how her mother can live with her and let her just get sicker and sicker- she must realise how ill Paris is but she's doing nothing about it- if Paris was under 18 she could be done for child neglect.
No. 293438
File: 1492469310365.png (153.79 KB, 768x1024, image.png)

>>291832>>291831… 1g of marmite and 3g of sugar free jam…. Why bother having any at all???
No. 293984
File: 1492535168573.png (200.89 KB, 750x1092, IMG_7439.PNG)

Palliative care, seriously?! She looks a bmi 16 at least. This brat is so annoying
No. 294716
File: 1492634199373.jpg (1.26 MB, 1564x1564, IMG_20170419_143504.jpg)

She did it!
No. 294792
File: 1492641612110.png (559.91 KB, 768x1024, image.png)

Yet again.
No. 294828
>>294717While Claire only ever talks about her anorexia, I think its pretty clear there are some other bigger underlying mental illnesses there. She has been in the hospital for a very long time, with a high level of supervision, but it doesn't seem like there is a lot of work being done to get her eating orally again. I would suspect that is because they are trying to work on other issues. She has admitted that she acts and feels more like a 12 year old that the mid-20 adult she is. I do kind of feel bad for her because she truly does seem like she is stuck in a child's mind and is constantly setting herself up for failure.
She has said that she is waiting for the new unit before she works on recovery but has also said that since the new unit will accept her with a tube there is no pressure to eat. She started complaining about the new place not giving her any information a few weeks ago so I suspect she is looking for a reason why the new place won't cure her - she has been able to say she will put off eating until she gets to the new place and I think the thought of actually having to do that terrifies her.
I am not from her country so I am not familiar with their terminology. However, I suspect that when they say palliative care, they aren't talking about hospice - they don't think she is dying. Its more that they are going to move her from an acute care type setting to a long-term holding pattern type setting - kind of like a nursing home where they would continue to tube feed her and make sure she didn't kill herself but they wouldn't necessarily actively be working to get her to improve her situation. That being said, if something changes, it is possible to get off of palliative care.
Ultimately, I feel bad for Claire. She truly is mentally ill and seems to have the capabilities of a younger child. I hope the new facility limits her access to the internet, because like a naive tween, its not helping her.
No. 295047
she looks like a haggard 30-something
No. 295190
File: 1492697062214.png (101.99 KB, 750x649, IMG_7447.PNG)

Claire's blog post.
No. 295351
File: 1492719840060.png (149.84 KB, 768x1024, image.png)

>>294798Paris likes to put up photos of her with 'inspirational' captions/comments- solely for the reason of getting people to tell her how wonderful and strong she is etc.- only thing is that in most cases the crap she comes up with bears a lot of similarity to things other people have written and they aren't her own words. Does she not realise people can just search for the comments and see they aren't her own words/ phrases?
No. 295352
File: 1492719918124.jpeg (46.88 KB, 334x450, image.jpeg)

Quote by Emm Roy about mental illness- rather similar to what Paris wrote.
No. 295544
>>295191I believe she has been an inpatient/hospital setting for at least 2 years. She isn't going to look like a typical severe ana because no health setting is going to allow her to get to a crazy low bmi, especially since she has been tube fed for quite a while. I think her mental health issues must be on the extreme end (hence the constant suicide/self harm attempts despite having 2:1 supervision) and that is the real reason why most places won't accept her (what place would want to risk taking liability for her care).
She is definitely sick - she primarily portrays the ED aspect but I don't think its the main player in the game.
No. 295779
File: 1492772031714.png (31.18 KB, 299x338, screenshot 2017-04-21 12.49.18…)

Claire is pissed that people doubt her "severe anorexia". Does she see anorexia as some sort of competition and is she desperate to be sicker than anyone else?
No. 295783
>>295779"…because quite frankly taking photos were not something that entered my mind…"
Riiiiiiiiight. So she just magically developed the compulsion to post every OTT thing on Insta
after that? Hmm. Usually people on ED Insta accounts are selfie-obsessed much earlier in their ED. It's like an addiction.
No. 295791
File: 1492773921721.png (258.46 KB, 533x452, 5645678.png)

>>247467im so going to hell for this but i laughed so hard about that
>serious head injuries well that explains some things.
sage for responding to 2 month old post
No. 295850
File: 1492784429235.jpg (518.28 KB, 1863x1863, 1492783951163.jpg)

>>295779In Jan 2017, she was in month 17 of the hospital? By looking thru IG this is not true. And no way this girl looked like she was 70 lbs. There is so much exaggeration going on here.
No. 295874
File: 1492787272685.png (856.7 KB, 768x1024, image.png)

Why does the side of her nose ring vary from photo to photo? Or is she mixing old and new photos on her feed?
What has she done to her eyebrows?!
No. 296076
File: 1492809742813.png (397.66 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2017-04-21-22-20-14…)

So apparently it was her "last day in this life" but she still bothered to include all her tags. She needs to focusing on finding her identity and stop milking her illness or social media
No. 297279
File: 1492963226178.png (371.74 KB, 839x460, screenshot 2017-04-23 17.57.54…)

Yes Claire, we all know you´re so fucking proud of your tube and you don´t EVER want to give it up.
No. 298356
File: 1493082197225.png (103.3 KB, 635x863, IMG_0573.PNG)

Some serious filters and potential shopping on the right side? Her ribs look extra funny and her picc line seems to disappear?
No. 298443
>>298356Hahaa I was just about to post this….But not for that….I was Going to point out that terrrrible pose…. Notice how she absolutely HAS to show off all her devices and stuff, AND poses so you can see her hipbone and collarbones.
Bekah we alll know you're in love with your Illness stop pretending you want to get better. We all know better.
No. 298452
File: 1493092216309.png (120.33 KB, 570x1086, IMG_4256.PNG)

>>286695>>286756Doesn't look even remotely anorexic here. Also does anyone see her live posts on insta? It's all her food, and irs gross, she eats a lot, and it's all junk food, cookies, popcorn, candy, ice cream, pizza, pasta, like really? Def doesn't seem anorexic and In need of treatment to me.
No. 299122
File: 1493196973288.png (298.4 KB, 768x1024, image.png)

How many people have their mother following their IG account?! I wonder what her mum thinks when Paris posts her half naked pictures or her moany comments.
No. 299744
>>298356What an unfortunate body shape kek
She's so wide even while trying her best to look emaciated
No. 301486
File: 1493553684135.png (996 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20170430-135238.png)

Not sure if she's ever been mentioned before but this girl says she's recovering since january and hasn't gained a single kg! Compared to previous pictures she looks like she's even lost - and that comment under her picture fucks me up the most
No. 301487
File: 1493553754255.jpg (664.34 KB, 1564x1564, IMG_20170430_135809.jpg)

Samefag here, posted the wrong picture, here is the one woth the comment
No. 302330
>>298452idk regarding fat so called anorexics, i had one in school. a skinny fat girl like completely floppy arms and belly but her legs were kinda skinny and overall she was from normal weight. She would always whine about how anorexic she is and how she cant shove down more during school than one bread bun without anything on it. Im pretty sure she stuffed her face with sweets and chips after school. She probably just felt bad about her body and "identifying" as anorexic made her feel better about herself somehow.
i completely hated that bitch out of my guts.
it think with that one it's the same.
No. 302718
File: 1493729638343.png (529.17 KB, 474x842, 2017-05-02 07.50.36.png)

>>298356This psycho reminds me of blueeyedbarbie
No. 306675
File: 1494184423968.png (2.14 MB, 1080x1920, 20170507_211230.png)

This chick says she doesn't have an eating disorder but i'm not sure abt that. She has a youtube channel and posts Workout routines and basically lives off fruit
No. 306689
File: 1494186063387.png (87.17 KB, 380x310, lines.png)

>>306675whats going on with her legs?
No. 306696
I've read that people with eating disorders claim to be vegetarian or vegan because it makes people less suspicious when they reject most foods.
"Oh you've noticed I only eat fruits and veggies in limited quantities? It's because I'm vegan of course!"
Meanwhile they never seem to give a shit about exercise–or any serious attempts at it anyway, hitting their macros, or ingesting healthy fats. It's just a convenient excuse so people can't outright accuse them of starving.
>>306689A mix of bad shoop and the flabby-skin-hanging-onto-bones look that a lot of anachans desire for some reason.
No. 307278
File: 1494255336820.png (457.4 KB, 768x1024, image.png)

Followed by the hash tags #strongnotskinny #edwarrior #realrecovery #anarecovery etc… Yeh right!
No. 311804
File: 1494654978493.jpg (201.76 KB, 1431x870, Screenshot_20170513-155433.jpg)

Anyone else follow @edmayeh?
No. 312004
File: 1494690834334.jpg (1013.87 KB, 1564x1564, IMG_20170513_175102.jpg)

Look who's inpatient because they didn't eat all their huge meals they always "pushed through" :) Now she send me a dm because i 'spread lies' even though i only commented that she owes her followers an explanation. I always knew countinghappypoints has milk
No. 312244
>>312004Had a brief look at her account and actually had to stop it pissed me off so much.
Its one thing to struggle, its quite another to lie to and totally mislead thousands of followers, many of whom are young and impressionable. I wonder how many kids have copied her meals or joined her on 'pint party's and then been confused when they gained a ton of weight, not realising she was purging/hiding/throwing away her food that she was posting and not digesting it.
And then when people ask her about it or are confused/hurt, she simply blanks them altogether and refuses to own or take responsibility for her lies and actions.
Worst kind of 'recovery' account imho.
No. 312381
File: 1494729958372.jpg (298.29 KB, 1242x2010, IMG_4575.JPG)

No. 312447
>>312381>forget me when I'm deadKind of tacky when ur "best friend" just died.
>kelly bellyUmm wtf that's what we were calling "Saving Kell Bell", the other fat wannarexic munchie.
Does Kelly have a weird boner for obese attention whores, or…?
No. 313306
File: 1494864124561.png (414.14 KB, 540x745, 2017-05-15 10.58.30.png)

This bitch pisses me off
No. 313389
>>313306Then don't post her pics. Seriously what the fuck is the point of these anorexic threads. When you post their pictures shocked over how skin y they are they actually get happy about it.
These people look disgusting arent even fun to gawk at. At least the gains goblin was entertaining.
No. 313401
File: 1494872423321.png (558.79 KB, 915x641, 3889ED0E-9BB6-45EA-9DB9-2701CA…)

>>313389Did you know the fit vegan ginger started an online shop? Now anyone can enjoy her food monstrosities for themselves. No. 313467
File: 1494876118643.png (133.43 KB, 640x854, IMG_0707.PNG)

I feel like out of the shirt and apron is a bit excessive. This cow was out and about hiking and dancing (as seen on IG) but is now back to using a walker and wearing a boot. So sad. Probably not getting enough atenshun without it… maybe it's time to move her over to the munchie thread for real?
No. 313675
File: 1494891538664.png (1.61 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20170515-181644.png)

>>298452Here is a recent update to her story posts on IG. Just other pictures of it, no mention of it just the picture of a store bought sling and her pout.
To be fair about her diet choices she is doing better than before. It's junk but it was way worse a few years back. She would only eat low calorie foods so that each meal was a ton of food and would take pictures of it with her meal taking up most her table and whine and bitch that she has to eat so much food for her failing body and how sick it made her and it's not fair and all of that crap..and any time someone would mention for example instead of 4 cups of celery for a snack, why not 2 fig newtons shed flip her shit.
Not to mention she's always been a closet eater and only shows what she can manipulate and what she wants people to see.
She claims she sort of switches from anorexia to bulimia, but an old picture a few years ago and everyone kept complimenting her on how much better she looked and she got so angry and went on she was being severely bullied and was severely bulimic. Yet now she posted the same picture and labeled it as when she was healthy before her ED.
The kicker is she has claimed she had an ED way before that picture was taken, she contradicts herself a lot..cant keep her lies and manipulations straight i guess.
(what ED one has doesn't matter in general because they are all so evil)
No. 313988
File: 1494940104919.png (962.66 KB, 1069x1699, 20170516_090300.png)

Anyone follow smorven? She completely denies her anorexia. She is beyond sick, but claims she doesn't have any eating disorder. She recently got admitted inpatient, and is completely fighting her food and ng, she has said she is allergic to the nutritional supplements they gave her. She gives people tons of advice and tries to help them, but is very, very rude to anyone who tries to help her, even if it's not ED related. It's a special type of pro ana.
No. 314012
File: 1494942924471.png (264.23 KB, 1079x1776, 20170516_090332.png)

>>314006Sorry, that was the first time i posted that. Was seeing if there was interest, I'm mainly a longtime lurker here. Here's her over a year ago having an epiphany that she had an ED…only to comment days ago that she was deluded to ever think so. Her feed has dwindled over this year to almost no food, where at least she used to have normal ana meals of a supplement and a few veggies.
Her is worth perusing. She used to have a MPA account as well, but it seems to be gone.
Sage for being a noob.
No. 314026
File: 1494945099232.png (345.94 KB, 540x851, Screenshot_2017-05-16-09-26-41…)

>>313662How many more lies can she come up with?
No. 314047
>>314012She comes across as kinda bitchy tbh.
No surprise, anyone would be bitchy if they were as malnourished and physically fucked up as she is but still, I expected her to do the "wow so lovely such a lovely lovely sweet girl" thing
No. 314062
File: 1494948496839.png (210.78 KB, 1080x1111, 20170516_090354.png)

>>243674>>314047Yeah, I originally found lolcow because I was friends with some of the recovering girls, trying to help them, when I discovered some outright fakers (Like ariana) and I Googled them which lead me here. I tried helping smorven, because that's a lot of what I was doing and she was too, and she's VERY abrasive and rude. I know she has autism, but it seems she never used to be this mean. I don't want to post caps in case she visits here, but in a DM convo with me she basically said she didn't need help, there's nothing wrong, and I can't possibly know anything about her. When I shared a personal story (blog post) about my mom nearly dying and surviving, she chided me for thinking hope and positivity did anything. I stopped trying to help after that.
I don't know if she's lying or what, but for a few months she's been claiming not to have enough energy to even listen to music.
Here's her realizing that her epiphany about having anorexia was wrong, apparently. It's been a year since then, and she has barely eaten since then.
No. 314108
File: 1494954802610.png (915.98 KB, 640x1136, IMG_4249.PNG)

Smorven is quite an interesting account to follow. She's completely fucked up. No idea what's going on with her at the moment at hospital, all she posts is insta stories about how everything is unbearable.
She looks fucking horrific though, one of the worst anas i've seen on instagram
No. 314150
>>313988I´ve been following for a while now.
She is in denial and not really … uhm…. nice to her followers.
Also has an but does hate any questions.
She has aspergers and imho she is suffering really bad.
She may not be a nice person right now, but clearly is really unwell.
No. 314240
>>314012i'd never heard of this girl and her IG is private, but i just looked at her and holy shit she's insufferable. like 99% of questions she either gives non answers ("are you afraid of anything?" "many things") or else gives some stoner pseudo-philosophical bullshit to try to sound intellectual and nihilist or whatever.
reminds me of shmegeh's ~deep~ bullshit her fangirls used to love.
No. 314296
File: 1494976391391.png (1.25 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20170516-181100.png)

>>313988She used to look so different
No. 314297
File: 1494976701522.png (1.04 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20170516-181650.png)

Looks like Smorven is or was an avid self harmer
No. 314309
File: 1494978211670.png (1.14 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20170516-184044.png)

>>313988>>314012Here she is admitting to being both bulimic and anorexic
No. 314311
File: 1494978432537.png (309.47 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20170516-184535.png)

>>314309Here is her denying her diagnosis and backtracking on what she had said. I wonder what happened to make her so delusional.
No. 314344
File: 1494983453462.png (2 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20170516-200707.png)

>>313675Newest story picture. Notice her back brace is suddenly on again.
Anyone know what she's crying wolf for this time?
No. 314374
>>314311i get how someone could be in denial about a restrictive ED (or even an overeating ED), and tbh feeling like anorexia is really just "self control" or w/e is pretty normal. but how can you rationalize bulimia? like how can you be purging frequently enough to make a post like this, and then be like "lol nope that was just for a laugh"? the whole ~enlightened~ "i was just delusional" makes no sense with bulimia so like…?
also clearly most of the attention she gets is from the ED community anyway, she'd frankly get even more attention if she just embraced it.
No. 314481
File: 1494998697421.png (1.31 MB, 750x1334, IMG_8926.PNG)

She posted a singing vid on fb and the way shes threaded her tube to seek attention looks so dumb because its just jiggling around? Also she sounds like a dying cow and people are actually telling her she looks good
No. 314482
File: 1494998854341.png (43.76 KB, 750x369, IMG_8927.PNG)

@girllearningtofly has tricked her docs into giving her a j tube for her "chronic vomiting". If you havent been watching her live videos, she had issues getting her doc to clear her for surgery because her heart rate was too high so all of a sudden, her heart issues go away.
No. 314496
File: 1495000695120.png (287.22 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20170516-202205.png)

>>314374She also abused laxatives
No. 314528
>>313675>>298452There are people who, upon seeing the Hartley Hooligans, are subject to an unreasoning need to wreak violence on them. Like throw them down stairs or smother them
I feel that way about Ariana. Her face enrages me. When she does that affected frowny sad face I want to punch her until her teeth fall out, if she has any in that ninety year old face she has. I feel it even more when she smiles.
Saged for pointless psychopathy.
No. 314694
File: 1495038330421.png (656.8 KB, 900x524, ariano.png)

No. 314697
>>314694where the FUCK are her teeth?? anon
>>314528 there is really nothing there for you to punch out
she looks like an old lady and an infant at the same time
No. 314925
>>314697They are there if you look close enough! Baby teeth.
Her smile runs in the family but no one else was as fortunate as her to get it this bad.
No. 315162
>>314694Based on other photos the mouth definitely runs in the family. Don't have much control over that.
But why oh why does her hair always look like it hasn't been washed ever. I even understand the ridiculously large bow as some sort of crazy ana strategy to try to make you look smaller. But the hair is always so greasy. Some shampoo would do that hair wonders.
No. 316112
>>315223I don't think the bows make her look smaller. They do make her look more ridiculous. However, I wonder if the principle behind them is similar to wearing oversized clothes (not that having a tiny head is something to be desired). She claims she used to be a gymnast so she really should trade the giant bow in for a giant scrunchie. (At least cheerleading bows tend to be big but short - I think she uses the entire spool of ribbon to make hers).
But please someone give her some shampoo. There is a difference between shiny hair and gross greasy hair.
At least it does appear that people refusing to cater to her treatment hopping has finally allowed for the beginning of a real recovery.
No. 316228
File: 1495174994523.gif (949.09 KB, 500x364, 84e5186a-7291-4b54-b934-cde711…)

>>316134I was obsessed with shmegeh. She was a train wreck with Mena towards the end. Definitely my favorite alcoholic anorexic cow. She always wore her pants super low to make her thigh gap appear larger and would tense herself in pictures so her bones would appear more noticeable. She claimed to be against people using her content as "thinspo".
No. 316278
File: 1495177288473.jpg (312.14 KB, 960x1280, a0a2ec9c-a862-4aa4-b070-8e9df7…)

No. 316589
>>316278wtf is this like ???
and i thought i was bonkers
No. 317026
File: 1495252754055.png (541.75 KB, 711x471, 99d1c003-6549-4f75-98b3-cc45c6…)

No. 317039
File: 1495254515681.jpg (332.12 KB, 873x1280, d1ccbef1-9906-4aac-be8f-ee225e…)

She was also friends with Haku. They have their own thread somewhere on here.
No. 317045
File: 1495254902068.jpg (1.11 MB, 960x1280, 909a68ae-2b6d-4ecf-a5a1-01a4b6…)

>>317032I feel like she forced alcoholism and trichotillomania upon herself. Definitely the alcoholism. She used to say she was like Mavis Gary from the movie "Young Adult".
No. 317065
File: 1495257992983.png (236.16 KB, 526x329, IMG_0216.PNG)

There's apparantly some speculation that this is her, how she looks now, or at least how she looked last year, someone found it on postsecret, and the secret was about recovery. I can't really say that I'm buying it, mostly bc of the nose, but the tip is pretty similar.
No. 317068
File: 1495258223860.jpg (113.74 KB, 524x591, IMG_0217.JPG)

>>317065And there is this one, that popped up in her tagged photos like a year or two ago
No. 317070
>>317045I knew she wore her pants low but it looks like you could see the pubic mound peeking out on the sides of her jeans
I wouldn't be surprised if you'd be able to see her ass crack
No. 317076
File: 1495259608306.png (216.93 KB, 638x474, b023d178-9fdf-4c5a-be8d-c5bb32…)

>>317065Not her. The nose is way off.
No. 317080
>>317076So is the chin.
>>317079She dates mena and that green haired girl for five seconds but imo it was less predatory and more to do with shmegeh being developmentally trapped at age 14
No. 317085
>>317076>>317077Hm, while I would agree, compairing these two makes the first one a plausible shoop, no?
I wasn't able to see it back then, but she did shoop a lot. Just check the tiles in like every pic of hers, I wouldn't put it past her to give herself a different profile.
No. 317108
File: 1495263690606.png (513.97 KB, 494x652, 991b7608-66f0-4fac-a437-ac3d6e…)

I love that in most of her photos she just looks busted
No. 317111
File: 1495264217947.jpg (698.36 KB, 1280x1707, 99d8d4d0-5f66-47d4-907f-fbfb80…)

She owns looking busted but I also think she's really cute without all the makeup. It's almost like she tried to make herself look as terrible as possible sometimes. She definitely knew her angles. I remember she said she would practice making faces in front of the mirror until she had full muscle control.
No. 317133
>>317117Same here, probably because she reminds me of simpler times.
Surprised no one managed to dig up anything about her current life during all this time especially considering all the drama she caused
No. 317197
>>317147except she's literally being try hard about not being try hard here.
she was not nearly as "deep" as she got credit for and she 100% played up her thinspo queen status while pretending she wasn't. she was the definition of "look at me/don't look at me" and it's amazing how many people still stan for her or find her "fascinating" when she's always been a stunted attention-seeker.
No. 317285
>>317197I think the biggest tell for me was when she started compairing herself to the maincharacter of the book "a million little pieces", a gruesomely detailed book about a drug addict that hates themselves, and all the pain he goes through. Oprah even pushed this bookfor being oh so brave and dark and that this guy had it the absolute worst. Turns out the guy who wrote it faked the whole thing, oprah got pissed, readers pissed, but michelle? Basically said it didn't matter much to her that it was fake because she related anyway. Now, I read that book… no way her sheltered life was anything remotely close to that guys fake memoirs.
On a different note she admitted to snorting adderal in a post (or if it was a text between her and her ex) -I'm not saying she's not anorexic, but loosing weight with amphetamines is not hard, tbh.
No. 317381
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No. 317572
File: 1495317740333.png (737.42 KB, 768x1024, image.png)

The video of her wiggling in her chair dancing with her bar of chocolate??
No. 317626
File: 1495321784753.gif (443.11 KB, 450x340, fa6b8711-0da0-41ce-a2a9-4dff71…)

No. 317630
>>317572Her weekly dance-snack is so weird. I feel bad for the people who must see her doing this bullshit every week at the mall, while her mum is made to film it. Paris is a fucking waste of time imo. She sits there doing nothing to help herself, posting her ugly crying selfies or creepy videos of her nibbling some junk with the same enormous caption which boils down to 'poor poor Paris I've tried nothing and it didn't work! Wah Wah tell me my ribs worry you oh poor paris'
She needs to be forced into treatment or ignored imo.
No. 317668
Love Paris. If she eats (virtually) the same thing for the next five years- good for her. Her brain is putting here through sh*t nobody here can comprehend and I think she's doing great.
No. 317715
>>317668Lmao ok stan. Sticking to the exact same obsessive routines is obviously doing wonders for her. She mustn't need therapy or medication or to do anything at all to help herself, just to make sure her quorn chicken and asparagus tips are always the same measurement (not enough to gain any weight) and not 1 minute late. What a recovery hero, how inspiring, role model.
Paris wouldn't be struggling with her poor sickly widdle brain if she didn't act like a toddler and reject anything that doesn't involve crying black and white selfies, expecting to be filmed writhing around looking manic nibbling some pastry bullshit every week, and complaining.
No. 317801
File: 1495334544370.jpg (1.25 MB, 960x1280, 87c05681-5c91-4a24-a39e-ef821b…)

No. 317837
File: 1495336767810.png (1.8 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20170520-220440.png)

Her ass looks terrible. Poor shmegeh, her fat settled everywhere but there it seems. Maybe its just how she is still wearing her pants super low
No. 317838
File: 1495336888606.png (1.58 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20170520-221628.png)

Putting the pictures here for those who dont want to click link
No. 317873
File: 1495338785486.jpg (600.49 KB, 809x1926, Screenshot_20170520-225050.jpg)

No. 317927
File: 1495343705632.jpg (757.1 KB, 810x1913, Screenshot_20170521-001357.jpg)

Says she never photoshopped
No. 318027
>>317927but conveniently does not address that that exact type of mirror, when leaned against the wall like that, stretches you out and makes you look thinner. and also doesn't address her contorting and tensing to look thinner. on the old thread about her (anon linked above) there are pictures of her from cons and shit that others took and comparison pics from her tumblr within a few days and it's pretty stunning how normal she looks in the pictures other people took.
i don't think she ever shopped but she definitely worked hard to look as thin and sick as possible while trying to act like she was so different from other girls who did the same. she absolutely cultivated her ana queen persona and enjoyed it even though she had to pretend she didn't like people talking about that aspect of her.
No. 318030
>>317837>>317838>>317984Those pictures bum me out, too. I'm assuming she's doing better with alcohol and eating, but seeing her still playing up that early-00s emo look and busted face is kind of tragic. She's in her late 20s and still styles herself like a teenager from 15 years ago. I don't think she's brilliant, but she's decently smart and has a supportive family and at least got a degree. She could be living an adult life instead of fucking around with terrible makeup and fandom shit. Idk it seems like she hasn't developed much over the past few years and breaking away from the busted emo trainwreck look that was tied to her drinking and not-eating phase would be necessary to move on and get a life.
sage for armchair bullshit soz I'm hung over
No. 318042
>>318030Spending all day in hot topic can't help.
I honestly thought she'd have dropped the entire emo thing by now as well. Like, it was largely assumed that she had actually hopped off her own egos dick and was gonna grow up offline but at least appearance wise she's doing the same old thing. Idk, maybe she's not such a raging case of BPD now but she's kept the uniform for sure.
No. 318084
File: 1495381070833.png (911.67 KB, 900x836, bekah.png)

I hope everyone can see my tube because at someone else's graduation everything is about me and the attention I can get.
No. 318628
>>318084That dog looks exactly like a dog I fostered 2-3 years ago.
I wonder…
No. 319988
File: 1495570233674.jpg (840 KB, 1079x1554, IMG_20170523_140859.jpg)

Does she have a box of these emo lunch cards or does she print a new one every day? Also, what the fuck.
No. 320053
File: 1495576312278.png (147.47 KB, 768x1024, image.png)

>>319988The stuff she wrote in the comments was such a load of self pitying bullshit.
No. 320541
>>320053How old is this bitch again?
This reads like a 13 year olds diary entry
No. 320585
File: 1495636912145.png (284.76 KB, 768x1024, image.png)

>>320541Think she is 21.
Today's post wasn't much better!
No. 320600
>>317572>>320585>>320053>>307278>>299122>>295874>>295351>>294792>>293438>>291439>>290056>>288644>>288643>>285657>>285655>>279950 (?) - I think this one's you.
Why're you so obsessed with Paris? You're pretty much the only farmer who keeps up with her consistently. Other anons drop something milky but you drop everything. Even when discussion's on something pretty interesting you butt in with Paris.
>>251336The only other screenshot I can tell you've posted in this thread is a quick one of Jonzie.
No. 320861
File: 1495658885978.png (2.49 MB, 1678x1252, Screen Shot 2017-05-24 at 21.4…)

tinyrecovery is oh so inspirational. never gains so much as a gram. constant patronising inspirational drivel.
No. 321717
File: 1495756681825.jpg (51.7 KB, 501x458, cry no moar.JPG)

>>318409Found out she's engaged to her newish boyfriend. He must have the patience of a saint.
No. 323125
File: 1495924173108.jpg (120.37 KB, 720x960, 13179371_10209749260474151_298…)

here's a pic of smegma from May 2016
No. 323138
File: 1495925423074.jpg (119.98 KB, 541x960, 1912313_994143487277814_671627…)

>>323125also, here's one of her at hot topic in 2014. you can tell she still poses in ways that make her body look thinner, although she definitely has put on weight. then again, even at her thinnest she was constantly photoshopping and using lighting/positioning/mirror tricks to make herself look thinner, so I don't know how emaciated she ever really was to begin with.
No. 323143
File: 1495925763390.jpg (158.32 KB, 960x720, 416978_410212509004251_2254437…)

>>323125here's one of her at Hot Topic in 2012, more or less at the height of her internet fame. she definitely looks thin, but not nearly as dead as she made herself out to be at the time.
No. 323145
File: 1495925945603.jpg (65.36 KB, 640x480, tumblr_m0uhs4mUvg1qzt48xo1_128…)

>>323143samefag again, last post
for comparison, here's a picture of her from March 2012.
No. 323146
>>323143yeah w/o the photoshop, posing, and makeup she looks so different
lmao @ how low she's wearing her pants like once you're flashing an inch+ of bright pink underwear you should really stop haha
No. 323148
File: 1495926142185.jpg (35.2 KB, 332x443, IMG_1426.JPG)

>>323143She was never as spoopy as she made herself look, and all her candids show she's skinny but not the busted up waif she tried to present. She tensed herself and posed more than Ember does, plus the eye shadow she used to smear all around to make her eyes look sunken and shadowed. Overall she was actually pretty embarrassing and I can see why her friends wanted her to fuck off
No. 323310
File: 1495943524714.png (1.4 MB, 1264x1356, Capture.PNG)

Ohh shit. Somebody called her out on Facebook. I can't wait to sit back with popcorn and watch the shit hit the fan when she sees this…12 people have already defended Bekah, too rolls eyes
No. 323353
>>243674She's fucked up and attention seeking, sure, but she doesn't deserve to be humiliated. Jesus.
The person who posted this apparently worked for Center for Change. What a joke.
No. 323594
File: 1495989570601.png (417.15 KB, 506x762, Screen Shot 2017-05-28 at 12.3…)

>>317837I feel like she always had a pretty straight-up-and-down build, even when she was ~160 (which I remember was the number she was fixated on, she made quite a few posts about how no matter how other people saw her SHE always saw "160" etc etc). like, in her scene queen photos she was relatively flat-chested, had no hips, and no butt. most of the weight she did have seemed concentrated in her limbs, face, and torso.
No. 323598
File: 1495989854900.png (891.42 KB, 1023x757, Screen Shot 2017-05-28 at 12.3…)

>>323594samefag again
I think that even in these photos she weighed less than she did earlier in her teens, because this pic is probably from when she was 15 or so, and she actually does look a little chubby here (in the blue dress one she looks pretty average). but maybe puberty was a factor too. I remember her mentioning that she was like 5'10" or 5'11" iirc? and that her feet were at least a size 10. anyway, seems like she was never very "curvy" to begin with.
No. 323599
File: 1495989856840.jpg (229.62 KB, 1215x1015, IMG_4607.JPG)

I take it back. She's a scum who deserves what she gets. What a lying sack of shit.
No. 327694
>>327260same lol
first time she did it i was baffled
then i was alarmed
now im just amused
No. 327791
File: 1496430051612.png (172.01 KB, 750x1334, IMG_0540.PNG)

No. 327952
File: 1496444646828.png (1.33 MB, 1080x1552, 20170602_180212.png)

Where do I even begin with this post…. nobody wants to see your wires. Nobody cares about your BS sooper speshul illness. And those hashtags are icing on the most fucked up cake. Good God.
No. 328589
>>328584>>328570I thought she had a sister called Pia Harmony?
Does her mum follow her Instagram? that's just weird given the things she posts.
No. 329267
can anyone explain the correlation between EDs and having the tackiest taste in clothes and decorations? nine times out of ten, these people surround themselves in the most juvenile, lowbrow kitsch. this has to either be a symptom of brain damage or regression in the face of adult responsibilities.
>>246788 ‘so randum xd’ shirt
>>248561 shirts with vacuous slogans
>>266207 >>251751 that god forsaken bow
>>255218 ‘fun’ socks
>>314108>>263914 basic nerd shit like harry potter paraphernalia
>>288067>>267832 disney anything
>>266397 >>279950 those bohemian star lights are fucking inexcusable and don’t even get me started on those knit stuffed toys
>>285655>>286695 vera bradley pants, wtf
>>288643 horde of furbys in the bg
>>294792 little miss sunshine sheets? are you kidding me?
>>317026 hello kitty is almost as bad
>> 298356 wall stickers>>327952 even pre-teen girls would scoff at that butterfly shirt
No. 329354
>>329280lmao if nitpicking
triggers you like that you're on the wrong website my friend
No. 329402
>>329280Most of these women would fit into adult clothes better than children's clothes even though they love fitting into children's Clyde's and talking about it. Sure women's sizes would be loose, but kids' clothes will be short and cut wrong for an adult frame.
Not to mention there are a fuckton of children's clothing out there that don't have Tinkerbell and shit all over them.
They choose to look like that. It's tacky af and so embarrassing.
No. 329546
>>329373I was going to agree with you until you used the word faggot. Totally unnecessary even for this site, we're not about using terms like that dude. It's 2017
sage for OT
File: 1496817658505.png (12.65 KB, 654x198, faggotsssss.png)

>>330560Anon is making that comment because you're clearly unfamiliar with chan culture. "Faggot" is a wonderful and expressive word and everyone should make an effort to say it more often. Please read the rules and usage info before posting.
No. 330675
>>329267>>329271>>329903Even as a child I never decorated my food the way Paris does- and it's sad that a twenty something year old is getting excited over cartoon themed slippers or making YouTube videos about tsumtsum collections.
Faggot is no worse than c**t- which I've seen Paris use to refer to herself.
No. 330973
File: 1496867280745.jpeg (78.79 KB, 650x684, image.jpeg)

The woman behind is sitting there thinking wtf why is she dancing in her chair with a cream puff and getting someone to film her.
No. 331042
>>331020I'm sure the woman behind her is terrified to see this living skeleton flailing erratically with a pastry.
These videos annoy me too. She always acts like she's being so cheeky and SPONTANIOUS (!) but she's done this hundreds of times before. It's like she's reliving the same week over and over again. Maybe she's actually a ghost and she hasn't figured out that she's dead et.
No. 331050
>>331042It's amazing that Paris still seems to think it's normal and cute to rattle her self around a chair while strangers watch her nibble at a pastry like a scared bunny.
Can't understand at all why anybody is still indulging her bizarre behaviour by filming it, and generally allowing her to carry on being totally crazy and creepy. Does her mum really follow her Instagram account? Reading her giant captions about how shit she and the world is must be confronting as shit for her to read.
No. 331062
Ash probably sounds like a grandfather clock that also wheezes and screams at cats. I bet Paris has that same sort of stupid breathy baby voice though. I think it comes standard with the first hundred Disney toys.
No. 331200
File: 1496899222679.png (171.5 KB, 750x1109, IMG_0963.PNG)

Bekah fucked up her j tube and now she wants her NJ back. Obviously running her tube up through her shirt wasnt getting her enough attention so she wants her nose hose back.
No. 331221
File: 1496904725519.png (626.39 KB, 481x601, donoot.png)

I bet strangers think she's retarded.
No. 331225
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No. 331226
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No. 331228
File: 1496905530601.gif (8.72 MB, 360x450, hell.gif)

No. 331555
>>331506I'm her mum. Totally.
Nah, I thought she was 25 because there was a news article floating around about how she'd jumped from a bridge when she was 17, and I must've misremembered the article as being dated 2009.
No. 331597
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No. 331599
File: 1496969389188.gif (11.74 MB, 284x281, ezgif-2-203a9e9d7b.gif)

She's the most awkward human being I've ever seen.
No. 331600
File: 1496969564710.gif (8.77 MB, 240x240, ezgif-2-016224c5a7.gif)

No. 331806
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>>331342 What is normal about thinking you wil gain weight from 5 extra calories? Where do you get the idea Paris enjoys her food? She always posts how much she hates eating.
No. 331831
File: 1497007371120.jpg (432.51 KB, 810x1958, Screenshot_20170609-211944.jpg)

I'm seeing more and more comments like these calling her out on her posts
No. 332179
>>331600Chocolate tastes like shit coming back up too.
Must be hell being an ana.
No. 333244
File: 1497073577655.gif (8.57 MB, 379x474, ezgif-2-3dbe879379.gif)

Nightly Paris spam.
No. 333246
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No. 333248
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No. 333346
>>333247Put it in her mouth, took it out of her mouth, put it back in and then it looks like she picked up a cup (presumably to slyly spit it back out into)
Idk what I expected from spoopy mcspoopypants but the more I watch these gifs the faster im realising that there is a hell of a lot of dancing and almost no actual bites being eaten.
sage for being slow on the uptake
No. 333577
File: 1497135798399.gif (7.31 MB, 300x375, ezgif-2-74b6232619.gif)

Paris pretending to eat Tsum Tsums looks a lot like Paris actually eating chocolate.
No. 333585
>>333246the amount of time spent chewing and u can't even see a noticeable bite…….
dancing thru the pain i see
No. 333601
>>333577This girl randomly added me on IG after I added Aly when she went private. I immediately removed her because the cringe was so severe.
A bit bizarre since I don't follow anachans.
Sage for dumb
No. 333666
>>333648The half dozen sockpuppet accounts I trolled Aly with when she was doopy all received follow requests from Paris, but only after I'd commented.
The account I'm using now hasn't had a request. Seems like at one time she leaped on Aly followers who posted on her feeds, but now she mustn't bother because Alys all weight gained…and only loustecovery and dogsandpositivity comment.
I want to request to follow her though. These gifs are too amazingly lulzy I want to see the full horror of it.
No. 333680
File: 1497156141116.gif (4.6 MB, 384x480, ezgif-2-a5e0fe9348.gif)

No. 333682
File: 1497156318583.gif (6.88 MB, 384x384, ezgif-2-9d25e0aabc.gif)

When the flavor hits you…
No. 333686
File: 1497156579740.gif (9.23 MB, 384x480, ezgif-2-afdb266d5b.gif)

No. 333688
File: 1497156885594.gif (2.59 MB, 279x296, ezgif-2-422b3f48c3.gif)

>>333686Must be lemon chocolate.
No. 333692
File: 1497157488018.png (1.02 MB, 640x1136, IMG_5363.PNG)

Attention seeking much? Like why else would you post this?! Ugh
No. 333694
>>333688>>333686wtf i saw this on the home page and thought it was someones mentally retarded daughter
seeing the other gifs in this thread is worse omg. why does she dance like this
No. 333719
>>333692lol the hand on shoulder thing is a very not-at-all-sly attempt to make her sternum more prominent and spoopy
you are not spoopy bekah. keep your pro ana poses for MPA and your fucking tube down your damn top WHICH IS WHERE BOTH OF THOSE THINGS BELONG.
sage for frustrated ranting
No. 333746
>>333694I think
>>331598 got it right. Takes a microscopic bite, then burns the cals away by moving around frantically.
No. 333853
>>333680>>333682>>333248aaaw, Paris enjoys her food in such a happy and joyful way she doesn´t even mind closing her mouth while chewing and you can see the food stick to her teeth and float around in her mouth.
Such #recoverwin
No. 333963
File: 1497211474135.png (663 KB, 640x1136, IMG_0886.PNG)

Here we go again.. GoFuckme #5475 for Bekah. "I'm ready this time I swearrrrr" also… what kind of treatment does she think she's gonna get for 5k if Shen has to pay out of pocket?
No. 333982
>>333680Giving off major thefitveganginger vibes here. All that pseudo happy dancing reminds me of Anna, tbh, and this looks so much like a religious gaze to the heavens that it's like Anna's long lost twin.
What region/city is Paris's accent from? Why is her name a string of random nouns? Why is her face so fucked up?
No. 333984
>>333982What I want to know is which of her enabling family members films her doing this shit. Probably her mom.
Her name is a random string of letters because her mom is a special snowflake herselfAfter all, her kids names are
Paris Melody Raven
And before he transgended
Pia Harmony Phoenix
No. 334020
File: 1497217894289.jpeg (134.88 KB, 634x749, image.jpeg)

She hates herself so much that she wants to post photos of herself in short skirts and sleeves for 126k followers to see.
No. 334177
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No. 334180
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No. 334181
File: 1497236334187.gif (6.74 MB, 360x360, ezgif-2-0a385feadb.gif)

>>334023I don't doubt that Paris is really, honestly struggling with her weight and deeply hates herself.
She's just cringy af. If she wasn't a cringy anorexic she'd probably be a cringy twitch streamer or cringy makeup guru.
No. 334185
File: 1497236744439.jpg (18.21 KB, 546x115, electoral roll.JPG)

>>334184dropped pic, soz.
No. 334205
File: 1497240033884.jpg (15.4 KB, 450x350, paris turnbull_v_Variation_1.j…)

>>334196She used to look a hell of a lot different. This is her when she was 17, before her suicide attempt.
No. 334214
File: 1497241662682.jpg (106.13 KB, 900x900, photo.jpg)

>>334209She has slowly aged backwards.
No. 334234
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>>334088After a brief hiatus from her "secret account" because someone blew it up on her Facebook, she's posted again mere HOURS after putting up a gofuckme talking about how she was ready to go to treatment for real this time and how Insurance won't pay for ED treatment anymore (which is 100% true) so she had to pay out of pocket… fucking hell she is a POS.
Sage for rage about this cow.
No. 334274
File: 1497249428791.png (185.16 KB, 640x992, IMG_0893.PNG)

>>334234Throwing a pity party on her personal
No. 335489
File: 1497453337829.jpeg (205.36 KB, 629x765, image.jpeg)

The stuff that Paris puts out every Wednesday is pathetic - crisis she is three minutes late. Why does she insist on using a bunch of # that have nothing to do with her ( strong not skinny?!) and her account is private so they don't show in searches.
No. 336754
>>333682I keep coming back to this gif and caption to have a good laugh. Am I going to hell? Probably.
Sage for no contribution
No. 337213
File: 1497739394057.jpeg (77.82 KB, 621x667, image.jpeg)

I can't screen shot the video , but does Paris realise what a twat she looks like sitting in a plastic chair dancing ( if you can call it that) with her bar of chocolate ?
No. 337395
>>337213If I saw someone who looked like that irl I would assume she's terminally ill, hence the dancing over nothing and phone to record unimportant nonsense.
To be fair, if she keeps living ana like that then she is terminal.
No. 338004
>>337745 Fake and plastic - bit like Paris herself and not just her hair.
Has she ever been in an ED unit or IP?
No. 338099
File: 1497915732215.png (1.33 MB, 750x1334, IMG_1803.PNG)

@girllearningtofly finally tricked her docs into giving her a tube
No. 338168
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No. 338172
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No. 338173
>>337745She could have naturally light hair, like blonde or red and be dying it dark. That can often give a really 'fake' look to some people's hair, especially if the colour they dye it is too dark for their skintone.
But given how malnourished she is, I wouldn't be surprised if that was a wig. I wouldn't be surprised if she didn't have any real hair left. It certainly looks fake as hell.
No. 338174
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>>338172why does she do this
No. 338178
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No. 338181
File: 1497929449637.gif (18.82 MB, 480x480, ezgif-2-d383f49f66.gif)

>>338174She just likes to dance, anon.
No. 338572
>>338334Shes probably so malnourished she has no energy.
That and the fact that if you stay in bed til 2pm you dont have to facefood til 2pm.
No. 338968
>>338954No but there's only three outcomes:
-she's getting better
-she got worse
-she died
impossible to tell which
No. 339095
these videos both horrify and mesmerize me. what's her thinking behind this? like does she think her dances make her look like she has a normal relationship with food? she looks so disturbed wtf
No. 339304
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No. 340690
File: 1498329946619.gif (365.15 KB, 400x300, giphy-3.gif)

Can uncanny valley dancing spoop be spoilered sweet fuck
Every time I see her I simultaneously want to puke and punch her in the face. But by some skeletal witch craft you can't look away wtf
No. 340737
File: 1498334471416.jpeg (167.96 KB, 636x723, image.jpeg)

It must take a lot of practice to slice a cherry tomato into enough slices for a sandwich. Why bother weighing exactly 18g of lettuce or 97g of strawberries?
No. 340738
>>340737i can barely cut a cherry tomato in half successfully let alone slices for a sandwhich kek
how is this recovery ??
No. 340802
File: 1498345102495.jpeg (86.83 KB, 638x743, image.jpeg)

>>340738It's not! She should change all her recovery # to #attentionseeking .
Watching today's instalment of 'let's dance with Paris'…. That cap….
No. 342973
File: 1498691475551.gif (18.42 MB, 480x600, ezgif-2-d3fd2c5487.gif)

No. 361132
File: 1501101092896.png (108.16 KB, 640x734, IMG_6160.PNG)

More like let me show off my collarbones Tuesday
No. 361135
File: 1501101208315.png (108.58 KB, 637x575, IMG_6118.PNG)

>>361132Her cover photo, and she claims she wants to get better and begs for money and if anyone comments anything calling her out she calls them a bully etc. She is pure scum.
No. 361239
File: 1501114383718.png (82.25 KB, 607x885, IMG_6162.PNG)

>>361135Um….Normal people?! And nice positioning on that shirt showing off your collarbone, totally subtle.
No. 361306
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No. 361318
File: 1501121753282.jpg (94.41 KB, 500x750, IMG_7328.JPG)

>>361135She also keeps showing up on the world's worst website, The Mighty, where obviously they don't actually check if people have the conditions they claim. She's one the ones that's jumped on the EDS/POTS/GP bandwagon, even though all her symptoms can be explained by her being a lifelong dancer and have an out of control eating disorder for years. Even if she's hypermobile, she doesn't actually have EDS. Her stomach would probably work fine if she hadn't spent the last 15+ years puking up everything she was forced to eat.
No. 361320
File: 1501122019507.png (5.04 MB, 2048x1536, IMG_7329.PNG)

>>361135She's sooper sooper sick, but can climb a mountain. She's about the worst they come, and is giving legitimate illnesses a bad name.
No. 361323
File: 1501122093734.png (2.21 MB, 2048x1536, IMG_7330.PNG)

>>361320Gotta show off that tube