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No. 208636
>>208630I feel like that's a trap… Jenna got outed recently. Someone from her school made a petition to ban her. They also knew that she didn't graduate on time and graduated without honors. I didn't realize she went to a private school for an English degree. That's INSANE.
There's been a lot happening lately and it seems like a logical place to discuss these cows.
No. 208647
>>208636Not a trap. Won't ban anyone for providing suggestions.
And Jenna already has a thread at
No. 208739
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>>208630omg. acidburnbaby on Tumblr. major pro ana, posts about how she wants to lose 30 lbs (claims she's 99 now), posts about her "soup tea and fruit only" diet, lots of body check style pics and she claims to have a following
she's been posted about in the nicole dollanganger thread but I think she belongs here
No. 208869
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This mess…the hashtags are killing me.
No. 208873
>>208869> #thingirls #sizezero #skinnygirl> gut hanging outReally?
I know some rolls while you sit down are normal, but this, lmao
No. 208880
>>208863This. She's grasping at straws and has to have some kind of super speshul rayr illnuss because then she can evade being called out for the neurotic anorexic she is.
>>208869>Includes pro-ana and pro-recovery hashtags.I really hate when people do this shit. If you're going to promote self-destruction, which is fucked in and of itself, at the very least have the decency to not hijack recovery hashtags and drag down people trying to recover with your bullshit.
No. 208885
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Emily made a "secret" insta that got leaked and is still sucking up to lilith & holli.(banned cow)
No. 208916
>>208882Nope, I'm the anon who posted
>>208869. Found her under the #undiagnosed tag while looking for MBI accounts.
No. 208919
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>>208885It's just so embarrassing.
No. 208924
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>>208919You forgot the best one
No. 208944
File: 1480954364407.jpeg (398.41 KB, 1440x2072, Capture _2016-12-05-10-42-00-0…)

Imskinnybeautiful2 or Rhonda or whatever her actual name is, is back and has been for a bit now. I had followed her a ways back and recently saw she had posted again. Still photoshopping, still pretending she has Crohns, still pretneding shes not in her 40's) & acting like nothing ever happened. I'm certain she is delusional. I just want to know what she is getting out of all of this. She is so persistent in keeping that account going. It's just unsettling.
No. 208984
>>208948Doo do doooo! Shit admin here to fuck everything up again! Yaaay
Really? You dont do shit about threads just constantly bickering and getting nowhere but unlock the pro ana? Are you ok?
No. 208994
>>208991Pretty sure they've been posting in other threads.
I really hope these threads are properly back because they're my favourites, but they draw a really undesirable set of people to lolcow so it's a blessing/curse.
No. 209000
>>208996not that anon but;
Anna had a book signing event at some health store/grocery for her (failed) cook book. A denizen of kiwifarms who lived in that area went to the event and was obnoxious and creepy. They were fat and spergy; taking photos on the sly, being sus and asking really obvious phishing questions and giving backhanded compliments. Anna was upset about the interaction and later deleted her internet presence, save for her blog.
iirc that how it went down. someone can correct me if i'm wrong.
No. 209014
File: 1480960945660.png (1017.54 KB, 1634x1204, Screen Shot 2016-12-05 at 17.5…)

In terms of finding new snowflakes I'm on instagram now, and I know posting about her might be a bit not-kosher but I've been holding in my laughs about this photo since it was posted.
Ember your thighs aren't double the length of your shins.(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)
No. 209036
>>208995get out newfag.
>>208996that was english newfag.
No. 209107
File: 1480972762643.jpg (64.87 KB, 606x597, ashleys mate.JPG)

Its been ages since I looked for fresh meat on ig for one of these threads. The poses and angles haven't changed.
Remember icovery? There aren't any full body pics, but she looks like she's trying to get more calories into her system.
>>209077It it's her, ban her ass.
Here's a nice pic of the fetishist friend of Ashleys. Weird for an old guy to be posting teenage style body checks of himself. I imagine his house stinks.
No. 209110
>>209042I don't understand why she's so disgusted by the first dish. Yeah, the curry powder is weird, but it's just veggies.
Then again, she looks like she would do that with any veggies since it's not "muh corndog." kek
No. 209112
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>>209110>she looks like she would do that with any veggies since it's not "muh corndog."I thought the exact same thing, but held back.
She went to a lot of effort making the recipes just to be a twat to Ginge. Those dishes looked the least offensive of some of hers I've seen. I'd struggle with the ones that look like diarrhea and SUGAR on veg, but her reactions are way OTT.
Strange Ginge disappeared. I thought she'd be back by now.
No. 209120
>>209113If ginge saw this she would be so
No. 209126
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No. 209132
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>>209126That Braydon guy's as bad as Roth.
Natalya Olkhovskaya's comments call them out as paedos and perverts. Amusing if it wasn't so ick.
>>209131I was hoping that was unfortunate shadow.
No. 209137
>>209134The "wish" thing might not be the word she meant if English is her second language.
Yeah, Henry's an anachan. He posts updates of his weight loss with pics in his filthy room. He might lose weight to get in with skinny women to get them to "confide" in him?
Erika's his friend on facebook.
He wasn't skinny when he was 45 (1st Oct post)
No. 209172
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Posted this earlier in a diff thread that is dying & it didn't get much traction, but she belongs here
No. 209173
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No. 209177
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I'm so sure you clicked on this page and didn't realize it was a thinspo blog lol
No. 209180
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3/4 sorry posted out of order.
No. 209221
>>209188you sound like her
it just takes to go through some of her asks to see that's how she types
No. 209229
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has anyone heard of this spoop? I don't know if she heavily photoshops or she is this strange looking. Her bone structure hits uncanny valley levels. I haven't seen candids of her nor photos of her taken by others except this interview where she definitely looks heavier, but also that was in 2012 and she has lost weight since then.
IG violet_ell
tumblr vi0lettae
lockbook No. 209234
>>209229photoshop, if you look at her lookbook you can see her proportions change drastically from pic to pic
example sure why you'd want to shop yourself to look like eugenia cooney
No. 209237
>>209188not the same person but shes cow her shit fits/persona are ridiculous and her tumblr is her entire life from what we can see she doesn't have friends or do anything else all day, unless she's not bragging about every little thing, which she is.
she's a total snowflake
why should we not talk about her???
No. 209249
>>209248what? why?
also i don't think they're friends, yeva just worships her.
No. 209256
>>209237I haven't been following her long but I can't stand when ppl do shady things, like she's made multiple posts saying that she just drinks tea and eats soup to lose weight, she constantly promises to
tw tag ed posts but never does it. I think the worst thing about her is that she can't just admit that she's a pro ana blog. it's exactly how e & e (& lots of other ppl) claim they are "pro recovery but not in it". she is very obviously looking for attention that validates her ed, but she rants endlessly about ppl "getting attention because of their sexuality". she's asexual and openly critical of ppl who blog about sex/porn blogs (not the robot kind, ones with actual bloggers). but like… the thing idg about that is that she would be pissed if someone attacked her and said she was looking for attention with her sexuality
I don't like porn blogs either, lol but to blog incessantly about hating them and get into anon flame wars about it just seems so obsessive and extra
No. 209258
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No. 209259
>>209221>>209237I didn't once say ABB wasn't a cow, just there is one anon in particular who is scarily obsessed with her, constantly posting about her in the Dollanganger calves thread, and now here.
Most of the posts (like 85%) about ABB sound like one samefag.
No. 209262
>>209256she also says she doesn't hate sex workers but "what they do is heartbreaking" wtf
she's so judgmental and holier than thou and thinks she's so interesting but really she's just a joke and rather useless
and, correct me if i'm wrong but she's NEET
No. 209267
>>209112Maybe she died, what with her weight and those insane cardio marathons, it wouldn't be a shock for her heart to give out, especially with the protein deficiency
But for real she provided quality lulz and cringe
No. 209434
>>209229The lookbook interview photos aren't candids. The interviews are done over phone/email and the photos are just pulled from their lookbook posts.
I'm bad at spotting shooping but even I know something's up when someone's thigh is longer than their entire torso
No. 209545
>>209259why is it "obsession" when we post about ABB but totally fine to talk about/make entire threads about other girls? yeva lurks and probably posts here, so I'm guessing this is just her trying to derail the way Jenna and every other cow does
Also : lmao I guess other people don't like her either! crazy
No. 209554
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>>209271Just ban the fucktards who mention them. It's not like we've not been warned.
>>209229I'm late with this, but I want to know how to stretch your legs to make them long but not thin (I got hobbit legs).
Hers are normal length on her pics as anons have said. Maybe she thinks grunge is heroin chic skinniness and that's what she's going for but got it all wrong. I don't get how these naff pretentious IGers get so many followers.
I looked at her profile and her make up's atrociously applied and her contouring is way too high up her face. She seems to be copying Frances Bean Cobain's poses and style in some pics.
Anyway, this looks like a one off so definitely not an anachan, though misguided.
>>209325Could stick Crying Emily in here from now on? Keeps the site tidier and she's only up to her old attention seeking tricks anyway.
No. 209559
>>209545I gotta say that hate blog is pretty cringey to be fair.
Compared to other people on tumblr, ABB isn't even close to being the worst. What I hate the most about tumblr is this faux social justice thing they've got going on. Instead of focusing on a young girl who made a few albeist, and rude comments towards people how about they focus on the actual racist, transphobic, albeist blogs and social media accounts?
But this is Tumblr, where calling someone out online is considered activism and not just constructive criticism.
No. 209583
>>209545I'm not ABB. I'm saying obsession because every post about her bar 2/3 are the exact same typing style with shitty grammar, spelling and punctuation. A few mirror her own typing style so it's either someone with a massive hate boner for her or her herself.
On another, more interesting note, Julia Boer might be interesting to some of you guys. I'm not sure where she fits exactly - she's not pro ana she's pretty much the reverse because she's "recovered." She's a cow in herself and follows Freelee's diets, consuming something like 3000 calories per day. There's a lot of speculation that she's going to break and relapse soon. Her videos are all really long so I've never been able to personally sit through them, but it's pretty sad to see that she's flipped one unhealthy extreme for another.
http://juliaboer.tumblr.com she's not allowed here just say and I'll delete, but I'm not sure where else to throw her.
No. 209608
All this squabbling is making Crying Emily spaz out>>209583I get the jist of what freelee's about, but it is sad to see this Julia girl eating so many carbs. If she cut down and stuck to the healthier foods on her insta she'd be better off.
At what point do you STOP doing the Freelee diet because nobody can eat so much hi carb food indefinitely and not become overweight.
No. 209651
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>> 209650
forgot picture srry
No. 209657
>>209651if she hates being reblogged by porn blogs maybe she should stop posting nudes? like really
i guess she just wants her followers to compliment her on how ~aesthetic~ her body is but lbr, if you post pictures of your tits "bigdicktom55" is going to reblog them
No. 209673
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>>209634You're not wrong.
Amazing what pale foundation and angles can do. Not even sure that "bruise" isn't just eye shadow.
How odd she looks so much healthier when she's having a
ahem near death experience than when she's posing at home.
No. 209687
>>209685Looks like somebody ODying to me. She's hooked up to a heart monitor in the ER and clearly look drugged/sedated, the doctor is checking if she's responsive.
Probably tried to kill herself. Who filmed that shit?
No. 209690
>>209687>>209685In the description on insta it's a long winded story about how she basically smoked weed, drank some "85%" rum and done cocaine. Then claimed she was drugged/spiked. Also apparently signs of sexual abuse/rape. I think it was her mum or sister who filmed it, according to the description anyway.
Basically she was fucking stupid and got too drunk/fucked up on drugs. She was discharged after like 8 hours or something so I'm assuming they just kept her in to monitor her, then sent her home. Nothing seriously life threatening.
No. 209695
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>>209685She took something and overdosed. Here's the story from the videos of her lolling around the ambulance. Sorry for tater quality.
No. 209709
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i snorted audibly when I saw this omg she's sooo oblivious to herself while being so obsessed with this fake image of herself she wants to achieve but omg girl you are doing poorly
No. 209719
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>days you can afford to sit around and do nothing
come on yeva, that's everyday. you do nothing.
No. 209760
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>>209583I feel like there can't be anything worse than being an underweight anorexic and then developing BED. She looks bloated and like she probably never shits. With the amount of carbs she consumes I wouldn't be surprised.
No. 209763
>>209759Mean, slutty, pro ana, ableist, lies about being a thinspo blog, and I suspect she lies about her weight and other details about herself too. She's hitting all of the criteria of most of the other cows discussed here, the only thing shes missing is a gofundme scam. I suspect that she is also photoshopping her pics, since she's wildly insecure, and I know as soon as she finds out she's on here she'll start self posting.
If you have better milk, post it. But that kind of "no milk here" type of distraction is the same thing They Who Shall Not Be Discussed used to pull when self posting, and now Jenna too. If you don't want to come off that way, I would suggest that you shut tf up instead of trying to change the topic. Post milk, discuss the milk being posted or gtfo.
No. 209873
>>209871It definitely works. Try it when logged out of IG.
>This video was taken last night after me falling unconscious and almost dead after mixing cannabis, cocaine and 85% rum.You're in for a real treat.
No. 210008
>>209931It's hard to tell to be honest. When you OD they pump you full of liquid and vitamins which would make someone who's anorexic plump up from being fully hydrated.
Also ODing may cause someone to throw up a lot so she may just have the purging bloated face.
No. 210048
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>>210008Here's a photo from her FB in October. Not looking particularly spoopy next to the other girls.
No. 210091
>>210008When she kicks at the blanket you can see her leg and it looks like a regular size leg, so unless it bloats your whole body I don't think it's that.
There's no treatment really for cocaine overdose except benzos.
She was just wankered on that Jamaican rum. My housemate brought us a bottle back from barbados, 90 something proof, and seriously - after a double we were so pissed pissed we couldn't speak or move.
Whoever called 999 were probably freaked out. She was massively pissed, her heart might've been racing off the coke and it looked worse than it was. I can understand her being in a stupor because…that rum.
Of course that isn't as dramatic as she wants the incident to sound.
No. 210131
She's just hammered in the video.
She would've had a bad hangover the next day.
Of course, she had to make it seem more dramatic than it was.
No. 210267
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>wiggly mirror
Yea, ok. Jonzie is so annoying, so is her inappropriate Doctor "mama bear"
No. 210288
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>>210272I'll do my best! She seems to have a deleted a bunch of posts recently, I wonder why. She'll never stop entirely tho, she craves attention too much
>just laid down on the groundShe would, she is
always in crisis, though now we know it's because she's been eating laundry detergent.
>a lot of kiddos coming inAlways has to remind everyone that she's just a kid! And being admitted to a Children's hospital (which only seems to fuel her ED and craving for coddling)
No. 210318
>>210301Someone asked her if she purges, because she always posts pedialyte and ice pops for babies, and also because she's
always ending up in the hospital. It's not purging though, its detergent. I'd like to know why she's led her followers to believe her organs are in such bad shape because of ~chronic severe ana~ …when its really because of eating things like laundry detergent. I wonder if "mama bear" or a more objective professional from PHP was getting suspicious?
>>210293oh yes, her Dr. is definitely real, and her relationship with Alexy's is
really inappropriate. Theres an amazing satire account about jonzie on IG, but I don't know if they'd want me to post it here. Try searching the #anorexic #pediatricpatient tags
No. 210327
>>210318That's interesting. As a mixed race person myself, I wouldn't see her as an anorexic. It's not as common for people of color to have EDs, and it just wouldn't come to mind looking at her. Most people wouldn't suspect an ED.
There's a higher concentration of people with pica within the african american community. I had an aunt (sort of my cousin, but i've always called her auntie) with pica.
It just makes sense now. It does make sense.
No. 210414
>>210332She's been thin, but not the "emaciated about to die" anorexic she makes herself out to be. She wanted everyone to think her body was breaking down due to long term starvation, when really it was because of fucking detergent. You don't get as many asspats for ending up inpatient due to detergent.
>>210395>Why was she in an IP ED program for a couple of weeks?To get back to her precious Mama Bear and Children's hospital. Gotta get in as many admissions as possible before she can no longer be treated by pediatrics. I think her hospitals policy will admit until 25 unfortunately, especially if you've been treated there as a child.
>>210398you're welcome, glad you found it! it really is so accurate.
No. 210459
>>210395I think she exaggerates her "thinness." She wanted everyone to think she was starving to death and in such horrible shape because of that. But nope, she just eats laundry detergent.
It's so weird because I've never seen her as an anorexic!!!! It makes total sense that she has pica.
No. 210496
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In this post she says she was never abused, never experienced any trauma, has no reason for her eating disorder.
No. 210497
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And then a year or so later says she was allegedly abused…ok but that's not what you said a year ok????
No. 210521
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July 20
>bubble boy
>everyone needs masks and gloves because I'm so fragile and sick
No. 210524
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July 21
This bitch. She totally controls when she gets sick. When she wants attention and to be coddled like a baby by mama bear and child life at the children's hospital, she eats detergent. When she has plans to fly to her brothers for vacation, she's fine. Her mom is a medical professional too, how does everyone allow this to continue?
No. 210530
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>threw a tantrum and my phone
>music therapist played tunes she knows i like
>eventually caught a breath and fell asleep on one of the nurses
Does she read what she posts? How old does she think she is? idk who annoys me more, Alexys for acting like a bratty toddler, or her dr for allowing and enabling it.
No. 210547
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>>209229been keeping tabs on this mess for years
No. 210602
>>21009190 proof means it's 45% alcohol…..
I think she meant 80 proof in her post, which is standard for a lot of liquors.
No. 210604
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>just for you
>and my 4K followers on Instagram
She makes her doctor look so stupid. I know who she is/her name, a few people do, and we're all laughing at her. I wonder how Dr R, aka Mama Bear, would feel if she knew Alexys was making a fool of her online. I'm not going to tell her, it'd just give Alexys another reason to play victim, but I'd love to see her reaction.
No. 211215
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>>211080I'd have to be one of her providers for it to be a HIPAA violation. If Dr. R's full name and email gets posted here, it's Alexys fault for being such an attention seeking whore and making her supposed ED Specialist Doctor look like a fool.
>>211097Nah you're not the only one, that's why i posted it. She even called it a "wiggly mirror" idk what to make of that.
why does she always say "mum" she's from Ohio.
>they're pacing me don't worry >I'm just small, soWhat 21 year old needs their drinks to be "paced" by others? And why is she drinking if her kidneys are supposedly in such bad shape? Can u guys tell I can't stand this girl?
No. 211219
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>so sick can't leave my room
>meds for my "episode"
Is everyone in that hospital high? If she needed meds for a flashback episode, they were probly PRN benzos, so why tf would you also give her Starbucks?
>cute kid movie
Yes, poor widdle baby Alexys. Vomit.
No. 211220
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>give her 1mg Ativan, a large coffee, a Disney movie, cuddles, and play some tunes on the guitar while you're at it.
No. 211262
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>>211250A lot of Children's hospitals treat adolescents which go up to 24? I think her fave hotel aka children's hospital will admit until your 25th bday IF you were seen there as a minor.
>weekly visits with my pediatrician keep me delusional and needy af No. 211281
File: 1481320255567.jpeg (235.72 KB, 746x1115, image.jpeg)

>too sick for residential
>a first for insurance in the ED community
She's truly deluded herself into thinking she's the sickest most delicate "kid" there is. I blame mama bear.
No. 211289
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>I've done a lot of damage through restricting.
And by "restricting" she means eating detergent. I can't believe she sits there, wasting a pediatric GI specialists time as if she's some medical mystery to be solved, when she knows damn well she's eating laundry detergent.
No. 211319
>>211281she really thinks she's that special huh? plenty of people are told that they need a higher level of care than residential. That's why they have inpatient and places like Denver ACUTE. It's really NOT a "first for insurance in the ED community"
this ~3sick5me "kid" needs a reality check, stat
No. 211323
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>>211311She ended up not going to ACUTE and went to Johns Hopkins? I think for a short time instead. Came back, went back to day tx and mama bear, and immediately started getting "sick" again. She did the same thing over spring with residential at The Emily Program. Gets out and goes right back to getting admitted to "Children's"
No. 211328
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I can't believe she's 21, or that her mother..oh sorry, mummy is a doctor. I wonder if she'd actually prefer having Mama bear as her mom instead, if she could.
No. 211350
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>such an exciting patient
No. 211389
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>>211220>1 mg ativanWow.jpeg
No. 211406
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>mama bear made me so excited
>I'm the sickest ana she's had since 94'
>I need to stay sick so she'll take care of me forever
That was 47 weeks ago, so I guess it wasn't her "year to recover"
No. 211410
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>the nurse kneeled down and softly talked me thru the super triggering process of switching rooms in a hospital I've been admitted to countless times.
No. 211430
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Sage for photo dumping but jfc
>pee pee on the potty
Promise I'm done for now, shes just so insufferable, i wish she were trolling.
No. 211432
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And of course I forgot to sage, I need a "nap" like Alexys.
No. 211489
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>>211448As long as you guys are entertained, my pleasure. She even thinks she needs toddler laxatives, she just so delicate
No. 211515
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And the complete lack of boundaries extends to the receptionist too. I wish it was a catfish, but I know it's real. My good friend sees mama bears partner and has seen Alexys walking around children's, ugly beanie and all.
No. 211531
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She's healthy enough, and her kidneys are functioning well enough when its convenient for her
No. 211534
File: 1481385629672.jpg (229.66 KB, 899x227, verynextpost.jpg)

but the very next damn day she's "double arming it". She's not knowingly and intentionally making herself sick when she wants at all, no.
I forgot she went to Remuda maybe a year ago too, and then right back to day tx and constant admissions to Mama bear. Then she did the same thing this Spring with The Emily Program, she truly is the biggest waste of resources. I think thats one of the reasons she pisses me off so much. There are genuinely sick people who aren't eating detergent and don't have the insurance coverage to get quality care, or any care, and then theres Alexy's.
I wonder where her munchie behaviors come from. Like the best guess for Robyn is definitely her speshul medical attention as a young child, but Alexy's was a healthy kid. Does having a parent, like Mummy, as a doctor maybe influence it at all? Or the fact that she was the youngest, until her much younger siblings came along and she misses being the baby? Sage for armchair psych and continued photo dumping.
No. 211545
File: 1481387588323.jpg (345.64 KB, 919x370,

So 29 weeks ago was her "last night" in residential at TEP, but she ends up needing to be admitted to Children's, back in Mama Bears arms, 4 weeks later. I wonder how many tide pods she eats per day.
No. 211631
File: 1481402457326.jpeg (212.38 KB, 750x1201, image.jpeg)

>>211611I agree
>vroom vroomShe's addicted to acting like a child.
No. 211634
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No. 211659
File: 1481404792255.jpg (373.61 KB, 899x305, Tues.april12.jpg)

>>211557Im looking at the whiteboards and trying to figure out if your theory is a possibility. Unfortunately I think she's been eating detergent when she wants Mama bear cuddles for years.
No. 211662
File: 1481405367447.jpg (430.57 KB, 907x340, jan.15.2016.jpg)

>jan 15, 2016
I think she really is admitted that often. I wonder if mama bear thinks any differently of her since the detergent confession.
No. 211673
File: 1481406882110.jpg (556.25 KB, 917x442, soap.opera1.jpg)

>All I heard her say was ohh yeah, you bought yourself a hospital bed w that alone.
Such drama, really does read like a soap opera.
No. 211674
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No. 211675
File: 1481407034592.jpg (577.86 KB, 923x454,

>Mama Bear's next to me softly stroking my head, telling me, "this sucks.. I know, I know. it's okay my love.."
No. 211679
File: 1481407398082.jpg (675.28 KB, 910x441, pediatrics1.jpg)

Yea, that'd be all well and good if being admitted to pediatrics wasn't fueling your ed, and just because you're 21+ in a "children's" hospital doesn't mean you should act like you're 3. jfc. I will try to control my rage, for now, i think.
No. 211683
File: 1481407895365.jpg (423.81 KB, 920x327, justifications1.jpg)

jk, 1 more.
>dont question mama bear
>enabling and coddling works best for me
>Sorry (not sorry)
If that approach was working so well, why does she keep ending up back at Children's? I'd ask her, but she's either ignore or block me.
No. 211715
>>211698She's been to a few residential programs, but always ends up right back at Children's suspiciously fast, like max a month, then blames it on
>complications from chronic starvation>some peoples bodies fail more quickly than othersand now she's recently admitted she's been eating detergent, but doesn't specify how long its been going on. Its all very shadi Her hospitalizations were odd before the detergent, she's always been thin but not on deaths door from
chronic ana like she leads everyone to believe, so detergent would explain all the damaged organs. Maybe someone can explain her fuckery more? I have to rush to meet my parents for dinner, that is
if my tiny tummy can take it ugh, I hate her.
No. 211723
>>211719It's probably fake. Besides it being a breach of ethics, doctors aren't going to sit around giving out therapy for free when they could get paid $200/hr to do so.
Reminds me of Kadee's fake texts from her doctor
No. 211748
>>211683"Sorry not sorry I get to have enablers and indulge in my fantasy of being the worlds most sickest ever 10 year old. Not my fault other people have real professionals and have to do hard stuff like be a grownup. Ur all just jealous cause I get to stay a widdle ana pwincess and you don't teehee"
She really is a total piece of shit. her doctor is just as bad. Totally incompetent, totally inappropriate.
No. 211785
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No. 212030
File: 1481473023493.jpeg (237.91 KB, 750x1186, image.jpeg)

>>211938Yes! I saw that episode and that will probably be exactly what Alexys is like in 10 years.
>you can totally peep my kid cuisineI wouldn't have noticed it if she didn't say it, and I can still barely see it. I see her healthy muscular thighs very clearly though, and yet, she's always 1 bad food day (or a few sips of detergent?) away from an admission to Children's. I'm sure her insurance company can't wait for her 26th birthday.
No. 212137
File: 1481489479000.jpeg (136.83 KB, 750x1228, image.jpeg)

>>212065Took me forever to find too
No. 212272
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No. 212348
File: 1481509490223.jpeg (180.96 KB, 750x1097, image.jpeg)

Always so dramatic and inb4 ana-chan, she doesn't look on deaths door to me? Especially considering the bs she posts next.
No. 212351
File: 1481509575149.jpeg (231.9 KB, 750x1103, image.jpeg)

Right, I wonder why so compromised.
No. 212373
>>212361More like take 30 pictures of me looking sick and like I'm not paying attention so I can pick the one with the best skinny-angles. Don't forget to focus on the tube. It's probably her mummy being made to take 100 photos a day just so alexys can continue her fantasy.
Airports can't force you to use a wheelchair, you have to ask for them. She doesn't even look sickly so idk why she thinks anyone would force her to use a chair on sight. Other than she tube she looks normal.
No. 212447
File: 1481523539101.png (258.39 KB, 750x1334, IMG_1634.PNG)

>>212441Incoming newfags from the jonzie parody account.
Remember… don't tip the cow!!!
No. 212580
>>212579I compulsively ate inorganic compounds as a kid sounds a hell of a lot better than "i eat detergent to be coddled by my mama bear in pediatrics."
Would someone be willing to make alexys her own thread? Shes a wackadoodle
No. 212750
File: 1481579069457.jpeg (217 KB, 747x1187, image.jpeg)

>she's so dramatic
Fucking seriously? Moms the dramatic one?
No. 212798
>>212750Her poor mother if this is real. Imagine having a 21 year old kid calling you mummy and riding in your shopping cart still.
You'd be watching her peers go to college, get married, have kids, travel, start careers..and then there's alexys, vacationing at hospital when she's not getting enough attention at home and demanding she take photos of her in every wheelchair and hospital bed she can crawl into.
No. 213253
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No. 213616
File: 1481675695155.jpeg (246.32 KB, 750x1190, image.jpeg)

More like
>guess how many tide pods Alexys ate
No. 213700
>>213669 >MBI research fag hereI love you. If I wasn't so lazy
and terrible at statistics, I'd write a dissertation on MBI+social media for my PhD.
Just curious, what do you think Mama Bear would say if she saw all of Alexys' fuckery and attention whoring? (
no worries, no cow tipping, i was the one who first posted her) would she be pissed at her for making her look like a fool? coddle her more because "online bullies"? transfer her to adult services?
No. 213826
File: 1481691902346.jpeg (90.86 KB, 725x829, image.jpeg)

She even whines in her captions
>my tubie feed is beeepinggg
No. 213841
>>213826>tubie feed>tubieFucking
REALLY?!Oh and look, she made sure to get that 'Child Life' brochure thing in the foreground of the shot. Totez coinkidink I am sure. #whatthefuckeveralexys
No. 213853
>>213841I noticed that too.
What's she going to do in a few years when she can't pass as a 17 year old anymore?
No. 213857
>>213826for about 10 years i was in and out of treatment for bulimia starting about 97-07 and at least from the majority that ive seen in that time, the people who got feeds were desperate to -not- have them. like doing everything under the sun to get them out or dilute or whatever. there was one girl that i was ip with that wanted one but it was for mommies love.
is it because of instagram that feeding tubes are sick chic and actually sought out?? even at my smallest i would have killed anyone coming near me with one.
she seems so fucking happy to have it. her and just so many other girls. whats with glorifying ed? it used to be more or less hidden from the net so no one would stop you.
No. 213967
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No. 213997
File: 1481724468409.jpeg (197.89 KB, 750x1096, image.jpeg)

>you look like a totally different kid!
So either every professional she sees feeds into her widdle kid fantasy, or she's lying about the shit they say.
No. 214010
File: 1481726528606.jpg (476.31 KB, 845x457, poor.mum.jpg)

>my mum being difficult as usual
>it really affects me me me
>she can't control herself
>I'm 20, I have my own life, can make my own decisions.
Her poor mother. No Alexys, you are the one bringing stress to everyone in your family, not your mother. And you're an adult who can make her own decisions when its convenient for you, but a delicate kid who needs to be admitted to picu when she needs attention. Right.
Also, can most people see the image when I post from my laptop?
No. 214011
File: 1481726643101.jpg (509.77 KB, 1080x1080, IMG_20161214_084019.jpg)

The emergency room as not ICU. Stop lying, stop taking care away from real sick kids and move on with your ridiculous life. This is just like the other liar/scammeryear delt with last year
No. 214020
File: 1481727649400.jpg (85.71 KB, 310x458, tryagain.jpg)

>>214016I have a feeling this won't work and then ill break out my old black mac just for her.
is this cap Alexys talks about how "mama bear" >won't let any other hospital or facility take care of me w/o her orders
>goes all mama bear grrr thinking i was put in harms way No. 214133
File: 1481738363761.png (371.65 KB, 1079x1673, Screenshot_2016-12-14-12-56-58…)

"Tummy ill"
No. 214159
File: 1481740822634.jpg (198.91 KB, 535x779, IMG_20161214_123430.jpg)

>>214133She's "weight restored" now
And those doctors are completely inappropriate and Crossing major medical guidelines, if she wasn't lying about 90% of her imaginary text, phone calls and hospital stays
No. 214206
File: 1481745239058.jpg (28.23 KB, 450x538, 64848-large-165096.jpg)

>>214133>blankiesI don't get this girl. I can understand why that blob Kaydee does what she does, but this is over my head. Really imagine her going to one of those sex places for "adult babies".
She looks healthier than I do and I'm not even ill. Her colouring, her weight…she's never looked ill even with a fucking tube up her nose.
My diagnosis - Paraphilic infantilism.
No. 214243
>>214165How super serious can your anorexia be if you can gain all the weight you need in 8 weeks?! Especially as Alexys has a super serious metabolism problem (she needs to eat 60000000 calories a day just to gain weight).
To be honest, yes she certainly was underweight but she shoops and contorts her body to make herself appear thinner.
No. 214248
File: 1481750193682.png (37.19 KB, 497x441, IMG_6621.PNG)

>>213967Youth sizes are not special wtf. An adult woman can wear a YM-YXL (unless she's tall) and still be fine. Hell, I buy youth sizes to save money (it's only like a $3 difference but what the hell). T-shirts tend to run on the bigger side, anyway. When she's drowning in a women's slim-fit small then she can feel sorry for herself.
No. 214267
File: 1481753135389.png (689.43 KB, 1079x1612, Screenshot_2016-12-14-14-59-19…)

Shes uses baby laxatives wtf
No. 214352
File: 1481765023441.png (124.71 KB, 638x949, IMG_1274.PNG)

This was one of her early posts from like 3 years ago but I thought the caption was interesting. She took this pic sitting in a baby stroller. Because that's totally normal when you're 18.
No. 214455
>>214425I mean, for all you know, she could just be a really fugly 15-year-old.
I wouldn't trust this bitch around kids.
No. 214663
File: 1481819623992.jpg (166.31 KB, 527x732, IMG_20161215_103031.jpg)

Not getting enough attention lately?
No. 215929
>>215798Yeah I agree. If she hurt a child, it would take attention away from herself. Can't be having that!
I also doubt "mama bear" is as incompetent as she seems. Jonzie is more likely to be doing a kadee and sending texts to herself and shit. Too many of her posts sound too much like fantasy to be real life.
No. 216214
File: 1482023563031.jpeg (258.9 KB, 749x1114, image.jpeg)

>>216116But she was fine to fly to a differen program, I think it might be Johns Hopkins but I'm not sure. She was fine to fly, she's such a spoiled, entitled bullshit artist. And of course she was
so sick but was home in weeks.
No. 216219
>>215938I always thought it was for people in conditions similar to Rachael Farrokh.
alexys looks no different in her 'look how weight restored' photo than the ones where she's supposedly dying and tubed and more immunocompromised than a newborn going through chemo.
Alexys doesn't need ACUTE she needs a parent to discipline her and a therapist who won't coddle her.
No. 216312
>>216252She was the most far gone one I could think of that actually seemed to try. Honestly I think alexys likes the idea of being in acute but likes PICU more. If there was a youth specific centre like acute she'd be at the door chugging bottle after bottle of Ajax in order to secure a permanent place.
Hopefully she's in some sort of therapy she doesn't mention for her refusal to accept an adult role in life. It's a little sad to think of her at age 40 still mad that she isn't the poster girl for the starlight foundation.
No. 217278
File: 1482161529702.jpg (179.64 KB, 532x824, IMG_20161219_092951.jpg)

Still lying
No. 217343
File: 1482171431250.jpeg (180.1 KB, 750x1085, image.jpeg)

Someone plz explain why she needs this apt near her treaters when she finished yet another program and is weight restored? Shouldn't she be looking for an apt, idk, near a school or job? God forbid…
No. 217345
File: 1482171592026.jpeg (173.99 KB, 750x1099, image.jpeg)

>by a .1fucking5 value
We all know by "so relieved" she means "so disappointed"
No. 217357
File: 1482173289517.jpg (212.03 KB, 532x846, IMG_20161219_124539.jpg)

Which is it? You're staying because you're on your death bed or bad weather conditions. She can't even keep up with her stupid lies
No. 217358
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No. 218593
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No. 218740
File: 1482361313460.jpg (226.53 KB, 530x845, IMG_20161221_165921.jpg)

Weight restored, binges on french fries every other day, cleared to play soccer. You're not sick, you don't need your ogans checked and your obviously not restricting
No. 218773
File: 1482366714914.jpeg (190.48 KB, 750x1090, image.jpeg)

>>218677Fortunately for Alexys, Mama bear is Jewish, so she can give her plenty of attention this weekend.
>>218595Logic would agree with you, but the program she goes to actually would do that.
And Santa can visit her again! She must be so pleased with herself.
No. 218799
File: 1482371378040.png (417.71 KB, 1080x1491, Screenshot_2016-12-21-20-46-53…)

Her "tum"
No. 218800
File: 1482371525099.jpeg (192.03 KB, 750x922, image.jpeg)

Poor baby
No. 218807
File: 1482373038409.png (47.44 KB, 420x294, MjAxMy0zMDY5ZDExNjgzZjUyMjdl.p…)

>>218800>>218799>>218773HOW OLD IS THIS BITCH AGAIN???? I bet this is what the nurses are thinking
No. 219865
>>218807Wait, so is "Mama Bear" her consultant? If so why is her consultant stroking her head and giving her hugs? In the NHS medics rarely even hold a patients hand let alone treat them like their first born baby.
I don't understand why at 21 she would be in a children's ward, in the UK children's wards only admit kids up until the age of 13 normally.
No. 219870
>>219865Apparently she's gonna be treated by her pediatrican until she's like 25 and then probably end up either threatening suicide if she gets a referral or she'll bounce around various GPs until she gets an enabler.
The other-other option is she gets kicked out of mummy's house and trapped in a shitty government house with no education, skills, friends, prospects, and nobody to pat her widdle head and put on a special cutie-patootie kids movie.
Nobody there to snuggle her in a blanky, take photos of the special ickle babies every big scary day.
Either way she's pretty much fucked.
No. 219899
>>219865She's a pediatrician who specializes in ED, which is shocking considering she's only fueling Alexys to stay a sick widdle baby. Her practice is part of a hospital, which is why it's so easy for mama bear to admit so fast and stay with Alexys to stroke her back.
Adolescents technically goes up to like 24, after that insurance won't pay for pediatric specialty care.
No. 219904
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No. 219913
>>219904Why does she always say "we"
We concluded….
We're thinking….
She does it all the time.
Also, someone in the comments asked if it was pica related and she said no kek
No. 219925
>>219918Posted December of 2015, and it was "exactly one year ago" so she spent Xmas with Santa at the children's hospital in 2014.
think she's 22. Her time with mama bear is running out, gotta get as many admissions as she can now.
>>219906Really? All her NG pics seem to be pediatric tubes, of course.
No. 219934
File: 1482418344421.jpg (412.35 KB, 960x960, caesarapp_2016122284912958.jpg)

This blue polish is in a lot of pics and supposably got it from the nurse in April at the hospital. But this color sure is in a lot of hospital, treatment facilities and non hospital pics.
No. 219939
>>219925According to the hospital program's website, they serve adolescent and young adult patients through the age of 22. I wonder if they will make an exception for baby bear. There are some (albeit rare) adolescent programs that will see patients up to age 40 if they have been going there all their lives.
I see that this admission was timed perfectly that she gets in for her baby bear coddling but will still get discharged just in time to be able to fly (wait, even when so immunocompromised??? And with medically unstable organ function???) out of state for the holidays to enjoy the perks of adult life like independence and alcohol.
No. 220002
File: 1482430790712.jpeg (154.88 KB, 750x1027, image.jpeg)

>organs in such bad shape
>especially kidneys
>need to be hospitalized
>but will be flying+drinking in 48 hours
>ask questions
>just not about pica or my love of hospital
Seems reasonable.
No. 220007
File: 1482431273847.jpeg (182.76 KB, 750x1189, image.jpeg)

>Johns Hopkins is for more severe cases
>however, if you say you have medical complications
Does this sound kinda condescending to anyone else?
No. 220008
File: 1482431443837.jpeg (208.83 KB, 750x1203, image.jpeg)

Sure it's not pica related, whatever you say baby bear.
No. 220186
File: 1482453494201.jpeg (214.06 KB, 750x1099, image.jpeg)

>>220081Yup, it's sickening.
Pic related, this time last year.
No. 220551
File: 1482519119423.jpg (128.25 KB, 457x810, tumblr_oiczm8Ue8J1vr1i05o2_540…)

Just look at that super skinny arm. She's absolutely wasting away!
No. 220556
File: 1482519511228.png (669.43 KB, 498x780, Screen Shot 2016-12-23 at 10.5…)

Wasting away… thuper thkinny guys.
No. 220563
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No. 220567
this chick is a cow and a half
No. 220723
File: 1482539200712.png (859.37 KB, 640x1136, IMG_1327.PNG)

Unreal. Hope they provided a complementary bib and booster seat.
No. 220759
>>220741is she genuinely sick? if so don't post her.
if she's faking a bunch of illnesses of which anorexia is just one, I suggest the general Munchies thread as a good place to post her for evaluation.
it's a good idea to LURK. it's itnformative.
No. 220809
>>220741Reusing hospital pictures is a big red flag, and OTT attention-whoring is par for the course with this crowd. As
>>220759 said, please post about her in the OTT Spoonie/Munchausen General thread. I'm definitely curious.
No. 220878
>>220723How old is this chick??? She probably hopes people will think she has cancer.
In reality they probably think she's retarded.
No. 220948
>>220878"hopes people will think she has cancer"
that would explain the manky beanie
No. 220982
>>220948YUP. She probably wants people in public (like her pathetic airport wheelchair selfie) to think she's a KID (not 20 year old woman) dying of cancer.
In reality, she's an adult who drinks laundry detergent for attention.
No. 221141
>>220936That's fine, under two conditions:
1. unlike all other /sty/ threads, there may be some moderation to keep ana-chans at bay
2. this is a trial and if it leads to a massive influx of ana-chans or other undesired posters invading the site, we will lock it again.
No. 221147
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No. 221461
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No. 221497
File: 1482692645396.jpeg (210.51 KB, 750x1192, image.jpeg)

>>221461She will ignore all of their questions, drink alcohol, fly home, cry "my widdle organs are damaged," and get admitted again.
But will it be before or after New Years?
No. 221637
>>221480Thanks, anon. She was only 9 and I was 14 at the time. She had a ruptured appendix, but we didn't know it for a really long time. They thought she had leukemia and she almost started getting cancer treatments (she shouldn't have lived past the appendix rupture), but we didn't learn that until after the autopsy. She got sick in January, was hospitalized in February (my parents wouldn't believe she was sick and somehow she survived the appendix rupturing), then died in May. It damaged her organs and basically everything shut down and the doctors didn't realize what was wrong because who's ever heard of someone surviving a ruptured appendix for months??
Sorry for the long bloggy post.
So yeah, that's what happened. It's been 9.5 years and still gets to me. The fact that people like Alexys take up doctors' time and energy makes me SO angry. What if she took time away from a sick kid and the doctors missed something MAJOR?? Like if Alexys were next door to my sister's hospital room (she was also in a childrens hospital) and constantly yelled things like "MY TUBIE IS BEEEEEPING" when my sister is dying…
Alexys needs to grow the FUCK up. She's a grown ass woman who isn't sick. She needs to stop with the Munchausnes and Peter Pan syndrome.
Kids are DYING. Actually DYING in those hospitals. I've been there and experienced the pain- 5 months of being scared and not knowing. It's awful.
Alexys goes there for FUN. She ENJOYS feeling like a cancer kid. She loves the attention and being treated like a toddler. She disgusts me.
No. 221671
>>221661Taking the piss means pulling their leg/stringing them along/making fun
It's a very Aussie and English term.
No. 221710
File: 1482726790291.jpeg (222.54 KB, 750x1171, image.jpeg)

This one might be worse than jonzie, if that's possible. She's been going from one tx center to the next for years, always looks the same, also obsessed with staying a kid.
No. 221720
File: 1482728139457.jpeg (189.8 KB, 750x1107, image.jpeg)

>>221713I agree, she has a very…sad? Look about her. She does a lot of the same attention seeking shit though. She's also admitted to, and brags about, children's hospital in her 20s
No. 221723
File: 1482729197624.jpeg (201.09 KB, 750x1087, image.jpeg)

35 times? And always with that giant bow. Something is just off with this one and I was curious if anyone else followed.
No. 221738
I hate these bitches. I'm a patient at Johns Hopkins, I have to stay there for months & months as an inpatient with a week inbetween stays to go home. Jonzie is 99% lying about more than half this shit. You can't run around throwing water at nurses or just goof off and play pranks. I've been there since I was 12 (over a decade now) and not even in the children's ward (ESP children's hospital) does that shit happen rarely, daily is just ridiculous. It pisses me off that this bitch/all these bitches are taking up SINGLE rooms, doctors time & appointments (which can take over half a year), nurse care, etc. when they don't need it & just want attention. Over here in reality, it's gloomy & dark & business as usual, if you get to know nurses & doctors over a while they're nice to you, but not this shit (mama bear coddle me 24/7 blow up docs texts with minor ass shit) it's depressing, everyone wants to leave, roommates die, it feels like an eternity and it's excruciatingly painful. You miss your birthdays, holidays, school, friends, pets, everything, & living itself. It disgusts me that she adopts this ~I'm sick aesthetic shit. But jonzie obv has a rich fam & good insurance so she goes in for every scrape & cut while being a size 4 & for just basic anorexia. When you have to go to hosp for months & months you will do anything to not go unless you're dying, not excited, eager, & wanting. I owe over $300k in medical bills, will never get to grow old, and got to spend the first xmas in 4 years inside my home today, glorifying this is so wrong. Sage for pity party.
No. 221836
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No. 221837
File: 1482758399710.jpeg (269.01 KB, 750x1108, image.jpeg)

So now they're flying home early and she's being admitted. She didn't even come close to making it until New Years.
No. 221838
File: 1482758596641.jpeg (293.62 KB, 750x1089, image.jpeg)

>they said this will be my last treatment center
Spoiler: no it won't.
No. 221857
File: 1482763329524.jpg (188.05 KB, 528x936, IMG_20161226_083717.jpg)

No. 221896
>>221881and she's supposed to be an ED specialist!! like the top in her state and her credentials are seriously impressive. and yet, she lets alexys pull this shit and continues to fuel her ED/detergent cravings by treating her like a toddler.
I'm starting to feel like she'd deserve it if i posted her name and the hospital where she is the
Head of Adolescent Medicine. Dr R is almost a cow herself at this point.
No. 221902
>>221896On Instagram I mentioned doing something similar (don't worry folks I'm not doxing interfering with the cow) and got a message from a chick saying the doctor is legit & to please not report her etc etc.
So is Jonzie making this shit up and poor Dr R doesn't know? Either way it's character damaging!
No. 221906
A. its real and Dr R needs to take a step back, evaluate how she does things, and immediately refer Alexys to adult services.
B. Alexys has been lying about the way Dr R conducts herself, is damaging R's reputation as a competent doctor, and needs to be sent to adult services with a note in her file about what a malingering munchie she is.
Either way, i see no good reason why she shouldn't know.
No. 221932
>>221913True, but they don't necessarily have to confront her as a munchie. R could simply tell alexys "
at this time, due to your age, it would be best to begin your transition of care to adult providers". Alexy's can't sue on the grounds of not being allowed to stay in pediatrics forever, and R would be free of her.
>>221928don't forget "and drink alcohol"
No. 222050
>>222047Yes, I agree you shouldn't make the call if you are receiving treatment.
Any takers?
No. 222057
>>222055>>222056I know a fair amount about HIPPA and ethics violation. I can write the majority of the email.
Can someone else collect screenshots and evidence?
No. 222064
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New year, more bullshit.
No. 222068
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>>222066In here somewhere…
Perhaps there should be an Alexys thread now to keep things straight?
No. 222076
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>>222072According to Alexys, this one
No. 222081
>>222032She mixes android and ios texts. So unless she has two phones, they are definitely fake. Also they're cropped instead of being uploaded straight from a screenshot on mobile.
>>211674 No. 222083
File: 1482784260575.jpeg (169.83 KB, 750x1097, image.jpeg)

>>222074If I ever get to be considered an "expert" in my field, and a client/patient makes a fool of me online like this, I'd seriously want to know about it. Just bc Alexys will never have a career doesn't mean she should be jeopardizing dr R's.
No. 222088
>>222085i think she was supposedly texting Dr R from her day program that time.
>>222081i think this evidence is more damning. Dr R
has texted patients in the past, but i don't believe it was so inappropriate.
No. 222101
File: 1482785049040.jpeg (214.67 KB, 745x1097, image.jpeg)

Or maybe there's a reason for the different texts? This is 1 year ago.
>posting off mums phone
>not android savvy
There was also the time she "threw a fit" and threw her phone while being admitted.
No. 222107
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No. 222108
File: 1482785333021.jpeg (235.22 KB, 749x1103, image.jpeg)

>we'll just fix you up with gauze, bandages, and kisses
No. 222114
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>back and forth all day
You'd think Alexys was her only patient
No. 222123
>>222120Not the point, Alexys is making a complete jackass out of Dr. R and it
is damaging her reputation. There are more than a few people who think much less of her as a doctor due to her behavior with Alexys.
No. 222129
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No. 222130
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No. 222150
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More orders via text just posted
No. 222224
File: 1482797633381.png (519.92 KB, 1080x1637, Screenshot_2016-12-26-19-04-48…)

No. 222322
>>222279BUt she's so frail and much more important than the boring regular 6 year olds with cancer or whatever regular sicknesses non-special people get!
She's in stage 3 kidney failure (unless she wants a cider then they work just fine) as well as having a very sicky widdle tum and swollen feet. Totally an emergency.
No. 222407
File: 1482815618706.gif (441.03 KB, 298x218, j7KxXbx.gif)

NO. No, no, no, no, no. Alexys is a munchie in fantasy land. These text exchanges are complete bullshit.
Regarding contacting anyone IRL, I know you anons mean well, I really do, but please step back for a second and think about this: how is anyone, let alone someone who is familiar with imageboard culture, going to take shit said on here as credible persuasive material? I also think we need to realize that the rule against contacting cows or people associated with them outside of lolcowchan exists for good reason. It never ends well.
No. 222524
File: 1482837261384.png (182.73 KB, 381x427, ddddd.png)

>>208597the thing that bugs me about alexys (besides the spelling of her name but thats another issue) is that she never truly looked emaciated or even very thin to me, yet she includes something about her severe anorexia in almost every single post. her pictures show that she is thin, sure, but id put her bmi at low average, maybe a little underweight at her lowest.
definitely not the sick kid she portrays herself as, and when you add that she's eating detergent to get sick and that its NOT medical complications from her eating disorder, its a million times worse.
No. 222525
File: 1482837655730.png (210.65 KB, 413x383, oi.png)

>>208597she also stands with her legs so far out in every picture that its impossible to tell what her body really looks like
No. 222526
File: 1482838048320.png (44.17 KB, 444x287, IMG_0793.PNG)

>>221857This bitch
I almost wish doctor Rome could see this shit. No more PICU for the widdle pwincess once mamabear knows she's doing this on top of drinking detergent to get admitted.
No. 222537
>>222529I'll admit it took less than five minutes to find out the doctors name and work locations it seems like it's going too far to get involved.
the people in charge of handling hipa violations would have to investigate each case and it would take very little investigation to prove which texts are fake using the doctors phone.
No. 222543
File: 1482840369886.jpg (77.11 KB, 341x605, IMG_20161227_060423.jpg)

I see no anorexia. Looks like a normal heffer to me
No. 222557
>>222538>the milk would dry up!I know, otherwise I would've tipped Rome off a long time ago. Alexys used to have an, a year ago i asked "
what would Rome think of your instagram and the fact that you have no identity outside being sick?" Alexys put her IG on private for like a day and said she was "going to be more private from now on" bitch didn't last more than 72 hours before she was posting "texts" and
look at me i'm sick pics again.
No. 222575
>>>/snow/222551(New to this so sorry if I have done it incorrectly)
I wouldn't contact HR - they will either ignore or stir up an investigation. HR has no control over jonzie and if they want someone to blame they can find a reason to blame the doctor. If you really feel you must do something, the best thing to do would be let the doctor or the receptionist know. For all we know, they already know this since we only see jonzie's view of the relationship.
I do think the pre-holiday hospital admission was totally made up. I will have to get the pictures later but the picture of her eating a popsicle in bed has no nail polish on and the other hand popsicle picture she is hiding her nails. Immediately after her "discharge" and since then her pictures have all had purple nail polish which is very worn down, like she has had that polish on for a while.
No. 222588
>>222569>mama bear isn't a ped??Of course not, I never said or implied she was. At worst she's a fool for allowing Alexys to revel in her sick kid identity, which only makes her restrict and chug more detergent. Much as I enjoy the milk, Alexys won't want to recover until she's treated as an adult.
>>222568Yes, Dr. Ellen Rome at the Cleveland clinic.
No. 222589
File: 1482848237469.png (1.25 MB, 750x1334, image.png)

>>222575I agree. I think emailing Rome and the day services at The Emily Program would best. I feel bad posting it, but it's not the most revealing pic and Alexys already put it on the internet anyway…it is NOT ok to take pics of other patients at program! Alexys is such a selfish little cunt, its people like her that cause policies banning electronics to be made. But she doesn't care about others privacy, Romes reputation, ruining things for others, or recovery, Alexys only cares about herself.
No. 222614
>>222592Agree anon.
There's some fucking idiots who are going "don't report it, the messages are fake!"
Yeah dumbasses, even if they're all 100% fake it still needs to be reported because it's making the doctor look like a real fool because people will think they are real.
No. 222699
>>222688Yeah, a lot of them (if they aren't called Ashley/Ashleigh) have chav names. Never sure if chav is similar to white trash. Chav names in the UK: Kai, McKenzie, Courtney, Tyler, Morgan, Lacey, Skey, Skylar, Cortney, Shannyn, Chardonnay, Mercedes, Chelsea, Paris (place names), Lily-Mae, Summer, Madison, Savannah, McKayla, Kaylee, Paige, Tegan, foreign names when it isn't even part of your heritage (ie Irish names for boys), Lola, usually ordinary names spelled in a weird way.
These snowflakes have common chav mentality.
No. 222722
>>222589taking photos of other patients, especially when at a meal (wtf??) is going way too far. it's also against the rules, major breach of privacy, etc etc
i would be absolutely livid if a sneaky photo of me was taken when already in a vulnerable place. fuck this bitch.
No. 222832
>>222723If she's taken a lot more photos of other patients, that's something that should be also sent to "Mamabear" because she'd put a stop to it.
I'm all for people politely emailing this doctor to tell her what's going on because that'll nip it in the bud without it having to go any further than the two of them.
I also predict it may make some extra milk come in as well because there's no way Alexys will take having her made-up text enabler cut her off without a fight. She'll have enough material to blog about for weeks.
No. 222836
>>222729Where I live putting Mae as a middle name is a chav thing. Also using a hyphen between the names. They've also took names I used to think pretty (eg Poppy, Lily) and made it chav.
>>222722I've never been involved with dobbing cows in, but showing other patients crosses the line. Phones with cameras were a handy invention, but it's things like this that wish they didn't exist.
No. 222842
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>>222832>peds floor social workerApparently staff aren't safe from Alexys either
No. 222852
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>ohh just sitting on her lap, browsing the web
No. 222862
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If I caught her taking pics of me while I was in treatment, I'm pretty sure staff wouldn't be able to stop me from kicking her ass.
No. 222864
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>>222843She has though, even if she didn't, it's inappropriate and shows how obsessed she is with medical attention/professionals
No. 223017
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>>222988I really hope that's what it means
Did she photoshop on the right? I can't tell
No. 223083
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>>223052Seriously. The girls in those pics could sue the Emily program for not protecting their privacy and Alexys too, but TEP has more $$ and their insurance would settle. I wouldn't be surprised if Alexys were banned from TEP if they found out.
It's fucking infuriating to know that if TEP were informed, they'd probably just start banning electronics instead of banning Alexys.
The floor on the left in this one looks warped to me.
No. 223135
>>223133why don't you do it? We're not your personal army.
Ffs in every ana/munch thread there's that one sperg who keeps posting this kind of shit.
Sage for not contributing.
No. 223239
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No. 223254
>>222107Wouldn't that be a huge HIPPA violation? Pretty sure a Doctor wouldn't make that mistake. And if they did, they wouldn't treat it as an "oops lol I gave the info to some random jackoff then, my bad."
This is weird.
No. 223352
File: 1482971202339.png (116.48 KB, 1520x774, Screen Shot 2016-12-28 at 4.18…)

Anon who did some digging on jonzie's "mummy's a doctor" story here
She's not.
She's a radiology tech. If you want proof this is her just ask. I don't want to spam the board with images if no ones interested.
No. 223378
>>223364Nah, they're basically "play" and child development experts. They help kids in the hospital adjust to bad news/communicate in a way the kid understands. My roommate is a child life specialist and my sister interacted with one when she was in the hospital (age 9).
A 20 year old has no business with a CLS.
No. 223387
File: 1482974194507.jpg (138.27 KB, 1024x768, fibber.jpg)

>>223354Picture related.
1st is a picture jonzie posted with her mum (see red underscore)
2nd is her mum's Facebook profile
3rd is a page her mum liked on Facebook, which is what led me to search for a database of radiology techs in ohio. This was after trying to search for her mum as doctor and coming up empty.
No. 223390
>>223382It's not that it's getting personally involved per se, it's just that there's a rule against cow tipping or interfering with the milk supply
also, is she back at TEP? I didn't know that
No. 223393
>>223390I didn't tip the cow. At all.
TEP has a strict policy about confidentiality. I would be horrified if that were myself plastered all over Alexys' instagram. She broke the rules, the program needs to know.
File: 1482976925099.jpg (459.53 KB, 1197x1661, IMG_1903.JPG)

>>223363>>223371screenshots of recoveringindeed as above
No. 223432
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I'm a twat but this had me laughing
No. 223433
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No. 223439
File: 1482981862379.jpeg (54.19 KB, 379x450, 1441651347600.jpeg)

>>223406she puts more effort into excuses than working. surely if it were the other way around maybe she could actually be a contributing member of society. or in the very least get mean ol boyfriend to stop making her feel down.
lol wanting a job thats stress free, little reading or writing, no lifting or standing, within walking distance, no talking. jfc
No. 223674
>>223658Looks like no one has donated since she first made it.
But she clearly had someone else funding her existence. She doesn't know the meaning of a home cooked meal unless she made it with her OT as part of her "recovery". Even her fruit is precut from WF - that isn't cheap. (And why is it always vegan pizza when clearly she isn't vegan)
No. 223855
>>223439why doesn't she just get a job in a fucking office or receptionist etc. there are 100s of easy jobs.
she's on dla (benefits) at the moment because of her knee right? what's gonna happen when her knee is better?
is she a) gonna drag it out with physio and shit.
or b) gonna make everything else get worse in the meantime so she can get on it longterm?
No. 223960
>>223953So lurk more, learn to reply to specific posts, and get some reading comprehension.
How can 'don't talk about these people' followed by their names be any more self explanatory?
Goddamn newfag, integrate before speaking don't just blab on because you saw some idiot mention lolcow on @ bearcub08.
No. 224000
>>223966No we don't all have eating disorders you're thinking of myproana and other retards.
Nobody is here to read your diary, look for sympathy elsewhere you needy fuck.
Learn what image boards are and then learn what cesspools are. Now you know a little about lolcow.
Learn how reply to specific fucking posts and lurk moar.
No. 224007
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Alexys deleted all her "texts" with dr R, I wonder why.
No. 224014
File: 1483068415064.png (133.98 KB, 640x838, IMG_0897.PNG)

"To get a kid to get in some liquids"
No. 224038
>>224012Tbh, nobody should whave to explain lolcow or what's going on in a specific thread.
I don't have an ED but that's like saying why do I lurk weebo threads when I'm not one.
We've been allowed this thread back and are trying to stop friction, blog posts, Ana chans sperging here.
Ok, you reported posts, but try not to br so butthurt. We all get bitchiness targeted at us at one point or another. It's what this site is. Maybe this isn't a site that isn't for you.
No. 224086
File: 1483077387504.jpeg (244.51 KB, 750x1102, image.jpeg)

>>224065I would love more IRL stories about her. I've never seen someone go to so many tx centers. She's up to 36? And she makes a photo collage for most of them, its her entire life. What was bitchy about her? She seems like she tries to come off as "sweet and innocent" with her giant bows and corny captions.
No. 224168
>>223966I don't have an eating disorder but I post on this thread. I'm usually only interested in the Munchie threads but the Alexys drama has a bit of a munchie feel to it and it drew me in.
As everyone else says. Lurk and you'll figure things out. Anytime I don't understand something someone says I just google it. Urban dictionary usually has the answer.
Sage for no contribution.
No. 224188
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>>224108She's not at treatment center in St. Louis, I'm sure she's been there, but she's spending this holiday season at the ERC in Denver.
No. 224190
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And I guess last Christmas/New Years was at Center For Discovery. She goes from one facility to the next, with a week to a month at home in between. She's probably cost her insurance company 7 figures at this point, all so she can see every treatment center in the country
No. 224193
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>>224091>>224094I know, her dad and bro aren't terrible looking, so I'm not sure what happened there.
>Carolina houseGotta see em all.
No. 224216
File: 1483110372131.jpeg (289.7 KB, 750x1108, image.jpeg)

>>224196>these business don't care if she doesn't want to part with her EDFor a Brit fag you understand what goes on here very well!! I'd take it a step further with some of these business and say they don't even WANT these girls with the golden insurance plans to recover. The more they come back, the more $$ they make and they lie about their "success rates" on their websites anyway. People like Ariana and Alexys got so fucking lucky with the affordable care act. It used to be u could only stay on parents insurance until 26 IF u were a full time student. Now u can stay till 26 student or not. Im sure their insurance companies HATE them. I'd love to know how these tx centers justify billing with the likes of Ariana. She can't be medically unstable within weeks of leaving treatment when she always has lengthy stays (by US standards)
>McCallum Place>children's hospital at OULike Alexys, she loves to mention children's hospitals even though she's 23.
No. 224227
>>224219Yup I just tried looking her up and its private. She def knows
I just want all these sick fucks to go to a treatment center in like the midwest or something. Like make these places in the middle of nowhere. Don't come to my golden state bitch
No. 224240
>>224216That smile is so … what's the word??? So… Oh god, no words.
Okay, so what make of ED does she have?
Seriously, that first pic. You can see her collarbones, but she isn't skinny as such. She just looks slim/ a bit underweight and she tenses her neck.
>>224188 Bospital bands are for ana points, yes? Why offer all this info? You could probably do some identity theft if you knew how with her DOB etc. There again, who'd want to be her.
No. 224248
She's new to me so I haven't seen her insta However, looking at her fb pics I can't see when she was supposed to be ill. Even though she's talking about anorexia, she looks a UK size 12 (US 16?)
She also had a fundraising page for her treatment? No. 224251
File: 1483118399172.png (161.28 KB, 640x884, IMG_2075.PNG)

>>208597shouldn't she be MORE careful now about showing other people in her pictures? this is one of the worst ones…
No. 224261
File: 1483119513755.png (1.08 MB, 1023x471, anorexia in pictures.png)

>>224246>she doesn't actually look remotely anorexic…and the part where she writes her weight "plummeted". Huh?
If anything it's her tiny head compared to the rest of her body that makes her look like a pinhead compared to everyone, and therefore looks smaller.
Why the fuck is she in treatment?
>>224251"Belly" is less nauseating than "tummy" though.
No. 224277
File: 1483121560949.jpg (157.55 KB, 532x490, IMG_20161230_120911.jpg)

>>224261Looking healthy as a horse here in November. Those are not Ana thighs lol
No. 224341
File: 1483127267394.png (946.56 KB, 640x1136, IMG_5685.PNG)

She kind of does here but that's about it for full body pics where she looks sick
No. 224366
>>224234just from that one entry she sounds like a pain in the ass to be around. I would hate to have to be in treatment with her.
her writing is terrible and isn't as great as she thinks it is.
and even though she wants to "show what suffering with an ED is like" all she can think to talk about is the refeeding meal plan ~look at how much i have to eat poor widdle me~. A puddle has more depth than this bitch.
No. 224370
>>224341Not sure. I stick with her little head and prominent collar bone making her look tinier than she is. And that headband?
I'd believe her if she was having some monthly check up for an ED like Aly did, but tube feeding and heart monitors seem way too OTT for someone who might've slimmed down a bit.
No. 224463
>>224458sry I´m a newfag - why the f. does she wear a cap all the time?
That makes no sense. If she is cold, why she does not wear long trousers?
No. 224468
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>>224463Because that's what all widdle babies wear
No. 224475
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>>224251 She has been posting on her story all day, but hasn't answered these yet.
No. 224487
File: 1483134237924.png (161.33 KB, 640x1013, IMG_0906.PNG)

Ew she looks like someone's drunk old mom wtf
No. 224497
>>224492It seems like she's got shorter front teeth than usual, or her mouth is lower than her teeth…idk. Tried to figure it out with this video actually looks okay when she's not smiling.
No. 224563
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>>224517it also looks like shes wearing a back brace, maybe she has scoliosis? Idk, something about her proportions are just not right.
No. 224581
File: 1483144714418.png (1.67 MB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_20161230-183353.png)

…this bitch. She's more confusing than a dyslexic at a math tournament. Started at A&M, then went to Australia? Then won beauty pagents and became a movie star? Even published a book about her eating disorder. Super speshal shit. Pretty sure she's fake.
No. 224621
File: 1483148694872.png (1.02 MB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_20161230-194218.png)

Cassandra Marie fucking Peterson. Loves to talk about her supposed eating disorder. Just has naturally skinny-ish legs. 100% idiotic and annoying. TF happened to her eyebrows?
No. 224648
>>224624Seriously this needs to stop no one cares
>>224621Her face is fucked up tho lol
No. 224655
File: 1483152353824.jpg (1.37 MB, 1432x2256, Screenshot_20161230-204401.jpg)

Having a blast in treatment, yall!!!
No. 224683
File: 1483154682450.png (521.33 KB, 937x549, detox.png)

has tee-thrives ever been posted on here? there is no doubt that she has an actual eating disorder, but she plays up all of her issues a lot and is constantly in and out of the hospital so much its dizzying. her latest post talks about a "full detox" and a "a number of planned inpatient stays" which i find ridiculous. she cant go more than one post without mentioning ptsd or flashbacks or how she dissociated and lost time, but she always calls other instagram users out on triggering people. her followers coddle her so much lol
No. 224685
File: 1483154772303.png (451.14 KB, 914x545, soreal!.png)

the amount of time she must spend on her makeup is shocking as well, she rarely posts things like this
No. 224686
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No. 224687
File: 1483154878054.png (446.33 KB, 916x459, ohwow!.png)

and the obligatory tube picture
No. 224743
File: 1483161707677.jpeg (223.27 KB, 750x1101, image.jpeg)

That kiss makes me uncomfortable, a lot of her posts about her "perfect daddy" are a little OTT
No. 225015
>>224683i was wondering when she'd end up in here. she is a very very nice girl but honestly (minus her PTSD issues) i really believe she relishes in the attention she gets from constantly posting/talking about her ED i had to unfollow her on snapchat because it got so fucking annoying
also she has the worst skin and when shes not covered in makeup i can't stand to look at her face
No. 225643
That's not interesting at all. Lurk moar, newfag.
No. 225670
File: 1483281884347.jpg (Spoiler Image,149.34 KB, 933x597, IMG_0241.JPG)

>>224686i can't find the exact image but this gives me Gains Goblin selfie vibes
No. 225705
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No. 225838
File: 1483312253269.png (1.46 MB, 1242x2208, IMG_3806.PNG)

>>208597At this point she HAS to be fucking with us
No. 226152
>>226119Alexys & Dr Rome Fanfiction.
"Mama, my tubie is beeping!" 21 year old Alexy's cried from her private room in the children's hospital.
"Well maybe if you stopped drinking detergent and too much alcohol you wouldn't need a tubie dear," said the doctor.
Alexys felt hurt by the comment and the inference that she was somehow "doing it to herself" when in reality it was her super serious anorexia causing her kidneys to fail despite all lab results saying otherwise.
Alexys bottom lip trembled as she struggled not to cry. She decided to make an ambiguous post about it on Instagram however when the comments rolled in asking if she had been drinking detergent again, she had a full meltdown. She flung herself on the bed and onto the floor, crying and wailing and heaving and vomiting into a bucket the nurse held. A code blue was called - medical emergency - because he delicate kidneys could not stand to lose anymore water & salt from her tears. An entire team of doctors and nurses came rushing in, including Mama Bear. She lay on the floor beside Alexys, rubbing her back and patting her diapy bottom while Alexys cried and heaved and moaned and groaned and writhed on the floor.
Meanwhile, a little boy with cancer and his family across the hall watched.
(Sage lol)
No. 226180
>>225855That's really disturbing tbh.
She's making her doctor sound like some kind of predator.
No. 226333
>>226196I honestly don't know if America is different to the UK but over here at most a DR will shake your hand, and a psych nurse perhaps hold your hand whilst taking to you, if you're in a lot of distress. No hugging, no tucking into bed, no sitting on laps. They'd get struck off! One grown woman once clung to a nurses legs like literally all the time, and the poor nurse could do fuck all about it, besides trying to tell her to let go. Bitch was like 40 acting like a toddler. As for therapists, they won't touch you at all. When therapy finishes -as in for good- they may shake your hand. It's really irresponsible to have lax boundaries. Not to blog post but one time I needed a hand up and my therapist left the room to get another therapist to do it. No touching means no touching.
Obv jonzie is full of shite, but is it more lax over there?
No. 226431
>>226333I'm the one you replied to and I'm in the UK. When I was writing it I wondered if it was just a British thing where medical people don't do the bff thing, but
>>226338 confirmed it's not.
Yeah, hospitals are places to receive drugs and be monitored, not to have some overworked nurse singing you lullabies at your beck and call.
I wonder if anyone else on ig has tagged Jonzie's facility on a pic. Could get a better idea of how the staff treat patients. Bet they aint getting lullabies at night time (but then they're not as special as Jonzie).
No. 226531
File: 1483400631301.jpeg (165.47 KB, 750x1098, image.jpeg)

>>226528I feel like this has been addressed a few times, but in the US, insurance will cover pediatric specialty care until your 25th bday. So unfortunately, the attention seeking resource wasting "kiddo" will continue to get admitted to peds until she turns 25. I'm sad I have a to wait that long for Alexys to lose her shit when she's no longer allowed to be admitted to Children's.
>there are childrenAnd you wish you were one of them
>fairy dust in their IV bagsI am starting to believe her obsession with being a kid is bordering on a fetish
No. 226591
>>226570She's not gonna cope in adult medical services. If she doesn't lose it so hard she has to live in her favourite psych ward she's gonna an hero after a month or two of being treated like the adult she is.
Any expectations of responsibility or maturity are too much for her, I mean look at the tantrum she threw when her mother texted her saying she was tired of watching her starve and sleep.
She's not gonna go to college, get a job, or have a meaningful relationship with anything but her beepy widdle tubies. She's better off dropping dead from chugging tide and Palmolive than becoming another MLS.
No. 226821
>>226797It's dr Romes fault, she's the head of child & adolescent medicine at the Cleveland Clinic. For a supposed eating disorder "expert" she's really oblivious. She thinks coddling Alexys is helping her, but it's doing the exact opposite. Anyone without an inoperable brain tumor can see being coddled by mama bear at children's is only encouraging her to
stay sick, because it's her identity, and it gives her an excuse to be a failure in life.
No. 226888
File: 1483475112032.jpg (54.12 KB, 505x796, am.JPG)

Two/three weeks in treatment and her fatass can suddenly scarf down giant ice cream cones. What a waste of treatment space.
No. 227001
File: 1483492449746.jpeg (228.07 KB, 750x1110, image.jpeg)

>home 14 days
>after almost 4 months IP
>already worse than when I left
How is that possible?! Is she chugging detergent like Alexys? This is one of her older posts, but it's the same cycle of long ip/res stays (by US standards) a short visit home, and on to the next facility. She always uses the hand with hospital bands on it for peace signs, of course.
No. 227007
File: 1483493313511.jpeg (214.49 KB, 750x1095, image.jpeg)

>made security leave
>never has happened before
Because she's just such a special snowflake. How convenient the Demi concert was during one of her short breaks from living in residential facilities. She loves going for the "drowning in baggy clothes" look too, but she doesn't look thin, she just looks like Quagmire.
No. 227136
File: 1483504985730.jpg (91.95 KB, 640x1136, IMG_2741.JPG)

>>226874>>227001Found a post on insta from 4 weeks ago where she posted asking about another Ed center. Planning her next hotel I mean treatment stay already?!
No. 227141
File: 1483505892376.jpeg (159.8 KB, 750x1114, image.jpeg)

>>227102>little girl hair bowsThis one is the worst
>will be last 4th of July in the hospital Sure, and I'll be a millionaire before 2018 ;)
No. 227167
>>227118Okay? She still thinks it makes her look small, which is what anon asked.
>>227102She and Jonzie should meet up and have special widdle sick kid pity party. Jonzie can go in the stroller with mamabear to stroke her poor little head and Ariana can wear her biggest dress and bows and idk, look like someone's grandmother some more.
The infantilisation they deliberately do is creepy as shit.
No. 227237
>>227193Basically Tee is just a massive bitch and no matter how many times she denies it she romanticizes the fuck outta her mental illness. A lot of the hollywood girls hate her because she doesn't actually try to get better, like at all, yet still gets constant asspats over insta for being so ~~brave~~ and such a FIGHTER. All of her ~~posi~~ posts on insta are sickening and she has all the professionals she sees wrapped around her little finger. None of them will hospitalise her for her ed, last time she was ip (for ptsd related stuff) all she did was pace the halls and refuse meals and ensures and drink liters of diet drinks lol.
Nina is frustrating lol, hasn't been admitted for ages but every time a new girl comes on the scene she follows her on insta, adds her on fb and acts like they are best friends yet in reality they haven't even heard of Nina.
Not sure if anyone knows of Lara ( larz.recovers on insta) - she had a video on her alopecia go pretty viral recently and got lots of asspats over it… ( ) she's a manipulative bitch, uses her ed body to further her modeling career all while preaching about how underweight she is and how no one should aspire to look like her. All her insta posts detail her laxative abuse, and every time shes admitted to hollywood she is the most dramatic bitch ever which resulted in her getting temporarily banned after one admission.
No. 228051
File: 1483648808693.jpeg (257.87 KB, 749x1099, image.jpeg)

>>227194Gotta see em all!
>I'm doing my partTo review every facility in the country?
No. 228107
File: 1483655364754.png (27.51 KB, 640x327, IMG_1011.PNG)

>>228067Well there ya have it folks, she wants to be a "child" forever.
No. 228108
File: 1483655540466.png (685.04 KB, 900x1062, alexys.png)

No. 228276
>>228113I'd say she is going to die soon, but Ash is still alive to prove us you can live long as a skeleton.
It's just so sad how her fans are always posting and asking about her eating habits and she doesn't give a shit about them. She's not much of a cow or something, tbh.
No. 229742
File: 1483892118822.jpg (218.88 KB, 530x833, IMG_20170108_101111.jpg)

Always the sickest
No. 230835
File: 1484067588980.jpg (59.04 KB, 500x500, bold-2in1-washing-powder-janit…)

>>230834Need some proper shit Jonzie
No. 230841
File: 1484068336639.png (60.52 KB, 272x342, Screen Shot 2017-01-10 at 17.0…)

>>230834Apologise in advance if I fuck this up… her older posts are a goldmine
No. 230846
File: 1484068950203.png (32.75 KB, 286x185, Screen Shot 2017-01-10 at 17.1…)

>>230841Nope darling that's just not how therapy works
REAL therapists NEVER just continue on…
No Jonez you're not that special
I'm getting so riled, I'm relearning to screencap. My godz
No. 230853
File: 1484069344059.jpeg (320.68 KB, 1440x2092, Capture _2017-01-10-12-23-21-0…)

Isn't this women like 40 or something? Why is she taking selfies in an examination room? There is so much shoop happening here too, I'm embarrassed for her. I guess she has no job or anything.
No. 230854
File: 1484069519438.png (33.55 KB, 263x175, uh.png)

> If this isn't LOVE….
No. 230914
>>230853Ya she's older but that doesn't even touch on what a headcase she is. Serious predator issues
>>230875 right! Remember all that ig drama about 6 months ago?
No. 232959
File: 1484405209058.png (98.22 KB, 384x540, callout.png)

>>230854Aug 2015
Therapist calls her out on her shit pretty well. Jonzie has a BPD meltdown. It's a really long entry, will post the whole thing if anyone is interested.
But yeah…
Even after such drama she continues being "the most special patient her docs have ever treated for x,y,z"
Present day: She's been quiet since the post about a "confidentiality" leak which I find interesting. Although she claims she's training to work as a child life specialist….
No. 235210
File: 1484515744452.png (1.68 MB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_20170115-152541.png)

Here we go again!!! She's been at ERC in Denver the past month or two and now she's suddenly in California?? So while normal people her age backpack through Europe or something, she's backpacking through treatment centers. And a fort?!? Is she becoming our next Jonzie? God I hope not…somebody smack the shit out of this fat cow, please!
No. 235348
File: 1484531298490.jpg (338.47 KB, 2048x1365, granny.jpg)

>>235321She looks like an ugly grandma.
No. 235611
File: 1484585553323.png (647.95 KB, 1699x767, pinterest.PNG)

Found Magro's Pinterest. Anyone else think this is pro-ana tier attention seeking shit?
No. 235614
File: 1484585613799.png (1.35 MB, 1655x765, ugh.PNG)

Samefag, but look at this board. Kek.
No. 235644
File: 1484589942706.png (97.7 KB, 640x1067, IMG_1176.PNG)

Aaaaaand she's back
No. 235718
File: 1484601959667.png (129.99 KB, 640x1048, IMG_1194.PNG)

Restricting? She's been posing pictures of her food all week.
No. 235814
>>235706I think her doctor or treatment program was told of online shenanigans. However, we will likely never know the outcome - the primary focus for them is making sure she isn't violating the privacy of other patients.
It's actually not really easy to give patients the boot - especially the risky ones like her where you have to worry that she will sue with her made up "evidence" or hurt herself in retaliation.
Her posts have changed since she was "reported" but it always just looks like she is trying new strategies to gain "support" since the "I'm a sick widdle baby" routine isnt convincing people anymore. If she is struggling to recover so much then why is she eating every meal at a sit-down restaurant. It's always burgers, fries, and alcohol but I guess that makes a prettier picture than a tide-vodka shot
No. 236162
File: 1484683407013.png (2.11 MB, 1536x2048, IMG_1850.PNG)

More hospital photos….
No. 236163
File: 1484683440695.png (1.86 MB, 1536x2048, IMG_1849.PNG)

Such a widdle baby, mama bear puts my medicine in juice.
No. 236164
File: 1484683471133.png (4.16 MB, 1536x2048, IMG_1851.PNG)

Just showing off hospital bracelet.
No. 236298
>>236210don't post receipts until a) it happens or b) sufficient time has elapsed to indicate that it won't
Little Lexi is watching
No. 236835
File: 1484779710551.png (924.17 KB, 750x1334, IMG_2805.PNG)

While other 20-something year olds are working, jonzie is making people wheel her to the hospital gift shop to take pictures of her riding stuffed unicorns - because if your IG life isn't ridiculous enough, add a stuffed unicorn.
And the beanie with her hair stuffed in it to make her look like a sick cancer patient drive me nuts (note - she doesn't seem to wear the beanie when posting selfies on her way to drink)
No. 236839
File: 1484780405457.png (180.8 KB, 740x1129, IMG_2806.PNG)

Because sick widdle kiddos need special scented soothing stuffed animals
But let's not forget the wires/monitors sneaking in so we can ask her what super special sickness she has this time
No. 237078
>>236941and why is she not weraing shoes?
Wanna bet she forced a nurse to bring her into the hospital's giftshop in a wheelchair?
No. 237120
>>237072I thought the same, especially as she deleted that revealing pic of her leg.
I wonder why she isn't saying why shee's in hosp this time. We usually get a full run down
No. 237216
File: 1484854696268.png (2.1 MB, 1536x2048, IMG_1854.PNG)

I didn't know they let kids drink coffee let alone when they have heart problems.
No. 237217
File: 1484854756094.png (1.49 MB, 640x1136, IMG_1221.PNG)

Guys the sick widdle baby is on bed rest LOL
No. 237294
>>237260Where would she meet friends? She doesn't work, she not involved in education, she doesn't have any life.
The only people she's meeting are nurses (who would tolerate her at best, or hate her for taking up so much time and being a malingerer) and seriously ill kids who alexys is likely resentful towards, since they're getting her attention by having stupid cancer or car accidents.
No. 237319
File: 1484870730987.png (1.05 MB, 900x681, alexusfood.png)

If you can eat this daily, you don't have an eating disorder or anything wrong with your liver.
No. 237610
File: 1484941078371.png (236.29 KB, 750x1238, IMG_6364.PNG)

No. 237659
>>237610Time to play at a new treatment centre! Hooray!
She's treating hospitals like Pokemon gyms.
No. 237731
>>237610Omg she's stretched the hell outta this pic trying to make her wrist look spechul. Im cringing so bad rn.
Wonder if this snowflake & alexys have been in treatment together at some stage… it wouldn't surprise me seeing as they both have done nothing but move from one ed place to another.
No. 237872
File: 1485006195814.jpg (266.56 KB, 1080x1553, _20170121_133933.JPG)

>>237853>>237842some info:
-apparently just underweight, looks perfectly healthy
-friends exaggerate how skinny she is in comments
-has been posting the exact same restrictive lunches for months now
-starts recovery for a boyfriend/crush, gets rejected/dumped and starts crying over her story
-used to post crying videos like emily, not sure if she still does?
No. 237873
File: 1485006254268.jpg (224.46 KB, 1080x1551, _20170121_133840.JPG)

>>237872#posi #justunderweight #givemeasspats
No. 237875
File: 1485006320920.png (890.11 KB, 1080x1549, Screenshot_20170121-133002~2.p…)

>>237873>you look so sick babe :((kek
No. 237877
File: 1485006434431.jpg (176.82 KB, 1079x1565, _20170121_133711.JPG)

>>237875pic rel - cap of that same video
No. 237878
File: 1485006527062.png (628.38 KB, 1080x1777, Screenshot_20170121-133125~2.p…)

>>237877from her dramatic story last night along with several other quotes/tumblr movie caps, think her new boyfriends dumped her
No. 237888
>>237630I honestly don't think Alexys likes being in treatment. She likes being in Children's hospitals. Treatment centers don't coddle her the way the Children't hospital does.
She actually goes through inpatient programs at a rapid pace compared to others that have "super anorexia."
My guess is they don't give her the attention and she get's the hell out as fast as possible by eating everything because she will eat pretty much anything and everything at this point.
No. 237919
>>237888You're right, she'll be out of The Emily Program asap. She loves the Children's hospital and mama bear, not residential programs. Apparently TEP has locked up the tide pods since the last time she was there, i wonder if Alexys is the reason…they didn't used to be locked up.
>>237875This girl is boring. Tell her she's looking "
so healthy!!" and post if she spergs out. The girl that liked her pic, fairydustcaitlin, she's a mess.
No. 237969
File: 1485032806115.png (855.59 KB, 900x867, lexy.png)

Is she in the hospital or TEP. She just posted this
No. 237996
>>237969Children's, she's not at TEP.
>>237927I don't feel like I should answer that, sorry. Let's just say Lolcow, particularly this thread, isn't unknown to the girls at the Emily program.
No. 238304
File: 1485101409229.jpeg (210.66 KB, 750x1091, image.jpeg)

>what are some good sedentary things to do?
Not take pics of the other patients for starters. I can't believe The Emily Program continues to admit her and lets her have her phone when they 100% know she's put pics of other patients on the internet.
TEP confirmed for only caring about profit $$$ like pretty much every other residential Ed program in the US.
No. 238317
>>238304I don't the she is at TEP right now - someone mentioned it above but it hasn't been confirmed. She did say she was released from the hospital.
And sure Alexys the edema is the result of your kidneys punishing you for restricting in the past (those kidneys hold a grudge since based on photos you haven't don't much restricting recently). More likely scenario - the edema is the result of the high sodium diet you consume despite your kidney disease. Salt can cause water retention/edema in those with kidney disease.
No. 238857
>>238541On the license stuff, I want to answer from my knowledge/experience. But would be put out to pasture.
I also only know the UK version of law.
Her story reeks to high heaven.
No. 239053
>>238857Sorry but your knowledge/experience is irrelevant bc not only are you not in her state, you're in the UK! Things work different there.
In all likelihood, "her" car is owned+insured by her mom, bc Alexys doesn't have any $$ or income. It's not hard to revoke driving privileges from someone who doesn't own their own car. Her keys are probably locked up in the nurses station at TEP.
No. 239148
File: 1485249350180.png (374.91 KB, 1536x2048, IMG_1883.PNG)

What a massive bitch. "Wah, I'm so thin that the fatties who are leaving give me their clothes." Horrible woman.
No. 239149
File: 1485249439990.png (1.07 MB, 1536x2048, IMG_1884.PNG)

>>239148 Here's the photo of her legs. Classic ana shot, total shooping. Not that thin, Alexys, eh?! You wish!!! She's nasty to other patients. I hope she gets a taste of her own medicine one day.
No. 239161
File: 1485252387991.png (603.05 KB, 1238x756, 1485249439990 (1).png)

>>239149that's one trippy parquet she got there
No. 239239
File: 1485277492853.png (517.17 KB, 649x537, so smol.png)

A blast from the past crop of ana chans. Fakeboi must actually shit herself when she sucks in so hard. Her "recovery" is simple. She stands up and doesn't suck in.
TW for the pubes.
No. 239298
File: 1485293213861.png (97.07 KB, 640x496, IMG_2065.PNG)

JTE left this comment on one of her followers ig the other day…she cannot stand that anyone else is or ever has been sicker than her and its so cringey to watch her turn everything into a competition or someone else's suffering made all about her ???
No. 239301
File: 1485293488020.png (68.57 KB, 640x451, IMG_2066.PNG)

And this post just made me spit my drink everwhere… does she not remember all the times she has posted about playing tricks on the poor staff that have to look after her? Or the more recent account she made dedicated to the antics of a bloody elf on a psych ward?!! This woman needs to be discharged and get on with her life. She does not need a hospital bed and there are people here in the uk dying whilst she takes the piss…
No. 239306
>>239301Didn't she plan on putting an elf in a noose up in her room on a psych ward?
Think that's a little worse than getting a prn Nicole.
No. 239329
File: 1485297270259.png (221.46 KB, 750x871, IMG_8883.PNG)

Because living in hospital so you can avoid adult life is totally normal
No. 239371
>>239337'Medical lingo'
It's gotta be a part of their vocabulary to casually remind everyone how sick they are. They just forget not everybody speaks medical-ese teehee.
No. 239380
>>239378It's a contraction of blood tests. The plural in tests put onto the blood.
>>239239Who does he(?) thinks he's fooling? You can clearly see the fat on the abdomen even though he's sucking in as hard as he can. Seems to think it looks like abs judging by the second picture(with the classic cheek suck/neck strain pose).
No. 239490
File: 1485317106215.jpg (136.63 KB, 720x1280, flowersette (1).jpg)

>sucking in this hard
No. 239523
>>239490UGH such attention seeking shit. They're skinnyfat and need to exercise instead of being sedentary and sort of hungry. That's why they've still got a fat poochy belly.
These fake anorexics are so embarrassing. Skipping breakfast and lunch isn't anorexic, and they clearly have never suffered anything more than losing a few kilos with a trendy diet.
Not one of these sad sacks hit the criteria so why do they act like they're half dead from it?
No. 239568
>>239529Let me guess you think her belly is Le organs and muscles even though you can have a perfectly flat stomach and still have room for those?
Her belly is rounded because her abs are weak and she's got a clear layer of fat all over. Her stomach and hips look soft. That's not muscles and organs. No she's not chubby but she's a fatty compared to actual anoretics. That's a normal woman's body for gods sake. Being reasonably slim isn't disordered.
No. 239604
>>239568lol do you know her bmi?
she looks underweight as hell and just because her tum isn't concave doesn't mean shes "skinny fat" the fuck?
No. 239677
File: 1485348236446.jpg (184.94 KB, 720x1280, flowersette (2).jpg)

>>239523But anon she is ~literally dying~ and you need to tell her she's beautiful RIGHT NOW or she'll loose more weight!!!!
No. 239700
>>239677You can tell she's a slim person sucking in because her thighs look like those of a healthy weight person.
How do people fall for this.
No. 239734
File: 1485355903727.png (495.9 KB, 658x491, tat.png)

>>239239Ha. Someone commented the other day that her tattoo didn't look good at all. So she deleted the comment. These snowflakes can't stand any kind of criticism, it's pathetic.
No. 239781
>>239604Are you blind or obese yourself? The fake boi isn't the slightest bit underweight, maybe you're being fooled by the extreme sucking in, Ana posing, and filters?? Fake boi/fake ana has actually only gained weight while pretending to be starving to death in the past year. Id post comparison pics but she blocked me a long time ago when I asked "
why are you always sucking in like that?"
No. 240010
>>239998Farmers are turning to fat or there's newfags in abundance. Someone has been speeding out in pretty much every thread where anon calls someone fat. Seems like a major case of hurt feelings since they keep throwing around 'anachan'.
Oli isn't particularly thin at all. she's got a totally normal sized body and would be quite healthy if she did more exercise than sucking in. It's sad how skewed people's views of weight are now. If you can see the outline of a ribcage it's the dreaded anorexia, when until five years ago it was always known as normal.
No. 240015
File: 1485402512769.gif (Spoiler Image,2 MB, 421x441, TITSLAP.gif)

No. 240022
File: 1485402885480.jpg (18.87 KB, 470x313, IMG_1204.JPG)

>>240015Goddamn spoiler that fam.
No. 240171
>>240010I've noticed this as well lately. And a influx of other really annoying types.
>>239523Wannarexics have plagued the ed scene forever and instagram just makes them worse I swear. But the real ones aren't any better off at this point in terms of attention seeking. Just look at Ali.
No. 240202
>>240110Good. Maybe she'll fucking stop and realize people see through her fake ana bullshit. Also
>Gets tipped off>Makes her ig publicLol
No. 240222
File: 1485442039117.png (163.55 KB, 640x986, IMG_1425.PNG)

Alexys new post for anyone that doesn't follow her.
No. 240268
>>240222jesus f, cant sleep after a cocktail like that?
>>240234kek her ckd is suddenly not so serious at all.
No. 240273
File: 1485449046055.jpg (141.94 KB, 534x789, IMG_20170126_104152.jpg)

What the hell is going on with this chick? Anyone know?
No. 240871
File: 1485553619868.jpg (1 MB, 1564x1564, IMG_20170127_163420.jpg)

I got rather bored on the bus home today and couldn't help but fix this badly shooped post by imskinnybeautiful2. Its hard with all the blurring she does, but when you look at them side by side its fucking laughable. One of the most pathetic 40 somethings I've yet to see. I wonder if she jealous of her daughter and this is how she looks for validation.
No. 241170
>>240273God, this one's still whoring for people telling her she looks ill comments.
>>240921She IS boring, so the only reason she gets 10k followers is her thinspo because it can't be her sparkling personality. I only remembered her by that red sofa in the background.
I wish IG would delete the shit out of her account. It's like looking at a chicken carcass.
No. 241180

>>240954>>240955Same. I talked with their representative a bit about it a while back and proceeded to send them the milk. Was told earlier not to spill the milk here since the verdict hadn't come in yet, but they definitely found it strange and it took a while for the representative to believe it.
If this is pasture worthy, do it, I stand by the choice of not letting Alexys ruin someone's career.
No. 241185
File: 1485614466667.png (16.75 KB, 719x301, alexyscleveland1.png)

>>241182Realized posting the communication is legally a grey area as far as I understand.
Closest as to what I think I'm allowed to.
No. 241229
File: 1485624403653.png (81.37 KB, 640x934, IMG_1527.PNG)

Geez guys can't you tell what a sick little baby girl she is?! I mean just look at her…she looks utterly famished…….
No. 241258
File: 1485633880259.jpg (131.07 KB, 536x765, IMG_20170128_140346.jpg)

Looking super healthy to me
No. 241523
>>241521 Ok ana chan.
She's the one who goes on and on about her poor organs and constant hospital admissions.
No. 241623
File: 1485712334338.png (131.75 KB, 640x1064, IMG_1564.PNG)

"Doing big girl things" EATING IS NOT A BIG GIRL THING IT IS SOMETHING LITERALLY EVERY SINGLE LIVING HUMAN DOES. God when she posts shit like that I want to punch her.
No. 241625
File: 1485712525954.png (1.59 MB, 640x1136, IMG_1561.PNG)

No. 241643
File: 1485715975833.png (148.13 KB, 640x908, IMG_2925.PNG)

>>241283This girl. She pretends she wants to get better but doesn't she lives in a nursing home because she can't take care of herself. Shes def got milk.
No. 241647
File: 1485716245033.jpg (86.94 KB, 750x563, 123456789.jpg)

>>241643Haha. I used to be friends with her. She's obnoxious. Deleted her after she was begging for money everywhere to kickstart her 'singing career'. She and her boyfriend had matching feeding tubes!
No. 241852
File: 1485747569654.gif (754.72 KB, 420x314, raw.gif)

No. 241963
>>241959Boring blog posts about reporting alexys and one time attending a class on ethics. Basically the same post that keeps being made by some faggot who needs everyone to know they went to TEP too.
No proof, just like the last 20 posts saying the exact same "look at me" shit as always.
No. 242051
>>241957Oh trust me… just you wait.
This thread is common knowledge at tep and the staff have now been informed. I'm here at tep and that's literally all I can say
No. 242095
File: 1485789947214.jpg (108.58 KB, 531x651, IMG_20170130_092124.jpg)

Looks like the meal plans and Ensure have done their job
No. 242150
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Clearly she's gained weight but Alexys just posted on IG that she's gained 30 kg (66lbs) since last January. I don't know if I believe her.
These pics are from December 2015.
No. 242176
>>242150I think her "shocking" weight gain post is just a response to posts here that said they were surprised that she looks like she is currently at a healthy weight. She clearly reads the thread here (and deletes IG posts people find too suspicious). But I don't think anyone here doubts that she has a history of anorexia - the outrage here is that she always claims her constant hospitalizations are due to her restricting even a small snack and claims constant urges to restrict while continually eating out and eating meals (burgers, fries, steaks, beer) that someone struggling with restriction thoughts would never choose. It annoys everyone that she claims that all her sick widdle organs are failing due to refeeding when she has been weight restored for a while and has admitted to consuming detergent (but claims that has nothing to do investing toxic substances).
I think she is just trying to switch tactics since the sick widdle baby act isn't fooling anyone anymore (maybe she didn't realize hacking off her hair would make her look older not younger). I suspect it's also why she constantly uses terms like "mum" and used kg instead of lb - she is copying the lingo used by IG anas from other countries with popular followings.
No. 242186
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>selfie while pretending to be passed out
Ariana is almost as ridiculous as Alexys. She doesn't have to drink tide tho bc daddy is rich enough to keep her in treatment forever regardless.
No. 242206
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I also really want to know why she keeps posting these god awful frowning pictures on her story….? I don't get it???
No. 242207
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Also really wanna know what happened to her leg?
No. 242284
>>242206This girl REALLY pisses me off with her whole pity party attitude & constant pretentious, overdramatic portrayal of how "ill" she is with super serious anorexia whilst there are people genuinely at death's door, who have been told they should already BE dead due to the state of their physical distress, who would do anything for just ONE chance at getting treatment, yet are told that due to the national bed shortages and backed up waiting lists of patients all over the country equally as sick as they are, that they have absolutely no option but to wait at best, a few weeks, at worst, several months and hope by the grace of god their bodies hold out that long until a bed opens up at an ED unit that will take them and give them a chance at life. Sorry for the rage but she is truly unbelievable and her shameless self absorbed attitude grinds on me so much (and i dont even follow her on social media - her presence here is more than enough!).
The best thing for people like her is to have a break from therapy for a set amount of time - how can whoever pays for her centre-hopping not see that they are indulging her anorexia fantasy and she is literally addicted to being in treatment?!!!!
Saged for personal venting!!
The cartoon giant bow just makes her even more irritating.
No. 242309
>>242111I called also.
Just send every single screenshot to the compliance manager. She was SUPER receptive.
No. 242352
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>>242349She didn't say but she literally won't stop posting these awkward ugly ass pics on her story.
No. 242384
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Who wants to place bets on how long until she's admitted again due to "restricting" ?
No. 242548
>>242384"Organ insufficiency"?!
Jonzie is always so vague about her health. She must be bullshitting.
No. 242595
>>242578Kek she's not a skeleton.
Why are you white knighting her anyway?! Boring.
No. 242608
>>242595i am not but there is no sense in debating stupid stuff like omg she posted a burger she must have eaten them….sure ;-)
If we consider that most of what she posts is a lie…why should her food pics reveal any truth??
No. 242771
>>237919i checked out fairydustcaitlin on ig and yeah, she's an attention seeking mess
maybe she gets off on it
she posted something like 'if i died, would you come to my funeral?' wtf even
she deleted it p quickly after some people commented negatively to it
No. 243201
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No. 243391
If she truly did get kicked out of the program as stated below I wonder if this is a "I am mad I didn't get my way so mommy (or whoever finances her not-so-thrifty lifestyle) is buying me a puppy!" And since I am such a special little snowflake I am going to claim it is a service dog (even though she apparently couldn't take care of her last dog).
My gut says she is going to be one of those people who makes a mockery out of service dogs and makes it that much harder for people with working service dogs to be taken seriously
No. 955403
>>239148Can the jonzie people please post the dates
Im so sceptical at this point with a lot of the chans and the people posting about them