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No. 158802
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>>158800Latest from her IG this morning is a video of her huffing again
No. 159192
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>>158800Her latest post. Possible hinting at another break up with the bf? Or just general attention whoring?
No. 159287
>>159284Admittedly, it does said before she had the breakdown.
I'm kind of curious if this really counts as milk though? Like, someone with mental health issues acting irrationally doesn't seem like milk to me. Or am I just missing something and she's one of the people that obviously are lying about their issues?
No. 159372
>>159287She's very aware of what she's doing. In an earlier thread it was proved that when she 'ran away and some guy was following her' that she was actually at the end of her street. It's interesting to note that she's started up the crying selfies and this sort of behaviour because her follower count is declining.
She even said herself once that if her IG was deleted and she had to start a new account nobody would know who she is. Says it all really.
No. 161347
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Apparently they're going to be evicted
No. 161348
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Emily started a Gofundme to try and raise the money they need to keep their shack. Best of luck kiddo.
No. 161543
>>158800Reading the letter, it says they're under a Suspended Possession Order, which means they've made an agreement with the courts to pay back the arrears. They've got that letter because they're broken the terms of that agreement.
What gets me is that this has been going on for months and during that time not only did she get a crapload of stuff for Christmas, she's had a new phone and they still have internet access. Surely one of the first things you'd cut out to save money would be your damn internet?
No. 161621
>>158800>>161543The internet's so much more of a necessity now, though. Almost every job I've applied for in the past couple years have been internet-only. Applications for benefits are mostly online too.
But yeah, you don't need the newest iphone if you can't afford rent. The most basic pay-as-you-go phones are cheap as fuck.
Sage for OT.
No. 161624
>>161621Libraries have internet access. It's free for the first 30 mins, then really cheap for extra time.
They have a landline phone. They could get rid of that too.
No. 161625
>>158800Kinda tempted to report the gofundme but not really sure if it's worth it.
I guess they haven't moved cos she cries muh OCD and muh BPD and Mummy goes along with it
No. 161650
>>161634You can get help with your rent if you're on low income or if you have problems that prevent you from working.
Emily is 17 so I'm assuming she must be on some kind of benefit. Makes me wonder where that money goes.
No. 161873
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>>158800Bloo bloo bloo sob story
Feel sorry for me
No. 161895
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No. 161931
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No. 161963
>>161895People are still donating when they know she's got cash to buy coke? Gullible idiots.
That's the ex she never met, isn't it? Didn't they have a fall out? I remember her WKing Emily on here.
No. 162130
>>161931I like the pride badges. Is Emily gay or just straight and overly into pride?
These crying pics look fake as fuck
No. 162398
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Another day, another break up with the boyfriend.
No. 162407
>>158800>>162403She lies, she dramatises, she glamourises drug use and she's currently scamming people on gofundme. No need to feel bad. The only reason the crying selfie turned up today was because
a) she doesn't get as much attention as she used to
b) she needs to remind people of how sad she is because the donations have stopped
No. 162614
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>>158800Apparently when a 17 year old goes for a walk in the woods with a selfie stick for two hours the police send out helicopters and dogs.
No. 162639
>>162635She has a history of making shit up. The last time she 'ran away' and freaked her girlfriend out, it was proved she was actually just at the end of her street.
I also find it suspicious that she's posting shit like this now her donations have dried up.
Not to mention the fact that 'sniffer dogs' and multiple police helicopters (she stated plural) wouldn't be sent out within two hours. She's lying again.