File: 1459268229729.jpg (Spoiler Image,209.46 KB, 962x890, ember whann emily crocker.jpg)

No. 112288
Because the previous thread is reaching it's reply limit
>>106059A place to discuss
ALL of the edgy attention whores, proana wannarexics, and eating disordered snowflakes on Instagram/Tumblr
or elsewhere.
Original thread:
>>44088Second thread:
>>74624Third thread:
>>79031Fourth thread:
>>83974Fifth thread:
>>89109Sixth thread:
>>94114Seventh thread:
>>99329 No. 112301
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Wtf is with this entitled bitch turtle.ed
No. 112314
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Here are the thread number's to Ember Whann's threads (before the admin merged her into proana scumbags general) in case any of you want to take a stroll down memory lane or just get caught up on her shitty internet antics.
>>27528>>37899>>50923>>61061>>72728 No. 112319
File: 1459271449201.png (65.1 KB, 500x226, ember whann scam.png)

>>112313It was a scam, she ended up never going and used the money which was donated to her to buy Twitter followers. The entire incident has been documented quite well here: people found out that she used the money for other reasons, someone attempted to get a refund but Ember said pic related and the rest is history.
No. 112329
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>>112321That's not even the best/worse one.
No. 112330
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No. 112336
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This is pathetic…
No. 112361
>>112353not her but okay?
anyway I was honestly expecting people to come up with more excuses for her and make more supportive posts like they did for Ally but no one really talks about it which I think is rather sad bc, you know, no milk
>>112359but yes this sums it up nicely
No. 112377
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>>112367Hide the image.
>>112368I'm with this anon even if it's Jenna. A new batch of snowflakes is due, surely?
That fakeboi is still sucking in but looking incredibly average when not lying down and sucking in. Also turning the macho up to 11 wanting to "deck" pesky boys who disrespect her woman.
(No, no milk or anything new, but there hasn't been any on these threads for a long time).
No. 112381
>>112335Someone sent edcynic the details and she's made a couple comments but I think most people just want to stay tf out of edrama or they're too busy talking about other cows to care.
Agree we need some new cows though, disappearing off the internet isn't milk.
No. 112385
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Out of the hospital after a heart attack and organ failure in less than 3 days? Sure, Jan.
No. 112410
>>112309not only that, as much as clothes are a necessity, i highly doubt she is wearing tattered rags to justify begging for clothes/cash for clothes.
>>112288also love how this "non ember's personal thread" has returned to being ember's personal thread. idgaf, but the lengths to avoid giving this girl her own thread have been extremely futile. case and point, this thread—its always bitched about when new wannas are introduced and very active when discussing ember shit.
No. 112418
>>112413Nah it's just that the self righteousness of the post reeked of Jenna, like "lol you idiots thinking her faking cancer is bad". But I just realized the anon probably meant "no one gave a shit enough to defend Jenna", so, not Jenna.
But Jenna definitely reads and probably posts here.
No. 112461
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>>112448We're waiting for her to post her "IP story".
No. 112463
>>112459i get it but we cant have our cake and eat it too.
i hate to say that im only invested in the drama ember and that pregnant girl muster up. its like cheap gold, cant help myself.
No. 112633
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this is so awkwardly jenna
No. 112641
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why are all recoverywarrioz / proana scum so fucking retarded?
No. 112659
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LMAO I knew she was going to do this.
>reblogeged from 90s90lbs
>#I wish I was like this again ?
We ALL wished you looked like this again Emily. Have fun forcing a relapse by looking at thinspo accounts.
No. 112870
>>112850The only good thing is that Jenna didn't lie for money. But it's still very gross and it harms those who are actually suffering cancer.
Cancer is a horrible thing. My uncle had it three different times and the chemo and radiation weakened his already weak heart and he died a couple of years ago after battling decades of health problems due to his cancer, like leukemia from chemo, myelofibrosis, etc.
No. 112887
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I really wish this one would stop trying to push her collarbones out, it makes her look constipated and gives her a double chin. I think she's more of a hypochondriac than anything though, not sure if she's private.
No. 112934
>>112889Yes my hair said goodbye. It depends on what kind of cytostatics you are given.
What type of cancer did this Jenna claim to have ?
No. 112945
>>112887She's trying so hard it's hurting
me. How pathetic. Also I really hope she's like 45 because that's how old she looks, but at the same time, I'm hoping a 45-year-old would know better than to do this shit.
(Also, she's private)
No. 113077
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How does wastingzoe have a whole Instagram dedicated to lush hauls and demos and yet she's begging for money from her followers so she can go meet her online friend
No. 113081
>>113010I can think of two reasons for this (though I don't know for sure or course): one, Jenna may not be objectively attractive but I guess people find her more attractive than AJ and two, AJ had/photoshopped herself a quite athletic body. Maybe the ~fitblrs were jealous of it and had schadenfreude when it became apparent it was photoshopped? And AJ posted some controversial opinions about Ally and Jenna. Before that, Jenna was licking her ass.
>>113064I do not know for sure because I never followed AJ, so I didn't pay that much attention. But from what I've read: AJ was supposed to meet up with two other fitblrs for the Arnolds. She had some stupod excuse as to why she couldn't come. Something that could easily be checked. I think she said she was stuck in some airport due to a blizzard but they checked and there weren't any blizzards in that area AJ claimed to be. And apparently AJ said she was in med school but she was like 20 or 21. Then they said AJ photoshopped all her pictures. Here's the kicker: they said if AJ lied about med school she must have automatically lied about everything else too, like people breaking into her house and being raped and also cancer. And they considered her deleting when they threatened to expose her to be proof that she lied. Jenna was soooooo happy when all this came out.
So with AJ it was ok that one lie meant everything else was a lie. And deleting was proof she had lied. And no one said "what's wrong with lying about going to medical school/being raped/having your house broken into/having cancer?" No one.
No. 113142
>>113081I wouldn't be surprised if the reason why everyone reacted lie this was because of the photoshop? A lot of people in the fitness community seem to be offended if someone shoops their body.
idk just throwing around ideas
No. 113374
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not me lol
No. 113422
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Really confused here. This girls been in "recovery" in August 2015. She just posted the photo on the right today.
Is her idea of recovery just posting pictures of food but not actually eating it because there's like 0 progress. We've got another Aly
No. 113427
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First photo tldr: my ED has ruined my life this is no way to live I'm going to trigger my followers and tell them that I weigh less than I did in high school when I'm in college now etc etc eating disorders suck
Second photo: tehehe look at my thigh gap
And every photo in between these two is her posting her scale of her new lowest, proana body checks, and she had a post once that said "if you tell me im getting smaller you'll get blocked" but I can't find it. Tf ? Dk if she's private or not I just follow her on my sock puppet acct
No. 113428
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>>113427JFC she deleted the one showing off her thigh gap while smiling (it used to be the third photo on her feed) shortly after I made that post.. She lurk here ?
No. 113440
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The amount of energy that YOU spend seeking validation and attention from strangers on the Internet is just…astounding. Go outside, get a job, stop freeloading off your parents and faking mental illness
No. 113458
>>113454>>113455Aaaaand this is precisely why I never want to post smaller proana accounts.
Y'all fuckin scream self post because you're too busy sucking ember's dry ass titty and licking Jenna's boring ass
No. 113461
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>>113445Wonder who this is
No. 113465
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>>113458Keep posting, anon!
No. 113522
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No. 113523
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No. 113531
>>113522Hilarious and tragic.
Why does a fall risk band give extra ana points?
No. 113539
>>113525Stfu piss baby
>>113528My thoughts exactly. Wtf does she mean? She's flaked on everything she's ever attempted except for this. Guess she focused all her strength into trying to prove a few cow bloggers wrong.
No. 113545
>>113543Literally both images were posted 1 minute apart lurk moar retard
Sage 4 ur whining
No. 113546
>>113523I am not in the US. Is it normal that you get a survey with your name on it ? Whenever I had to rate something it is a) voluntary and more important b)anonymous.
Why would you rate a nurse for example bad behaviour with your actual adress on it ?
No. 113570
>>113543Cause there are only 2 people in this thread. Fuck off, it's an anon board you moron, only admin would know for sure.
>>113523I'm on mobile so I appreciate the bigger cap, unlike some spergy cunt.
No. 113574
>>113550Did some research. It is a patient satisfaction survey. I have no idea why she took this with her at home. Normally you complete this in the hospital, leave this there or you give it to the staff.
Sorry but I don't believe that she was in there for Anorexia, these papers don't proof anything.
No. 113585
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Lol "dominque" is and this is a basic summary of her and Emily's friendship:
>Dom is an eating disordered snowflake who shares ~triggering~ content on her blog>she found emily after lurking truth blogs>they buddied up after dom stuck up for emily and now i guess they had a following outI'm sharing this because something about a person pretending as if they have no recollection of a name which belonged to a person who they were close friends with is super cunty. Ember has done this countless times but to see Emily back to reblogging thinspo and then acting like she is too good to remember an old friend's name is disheartening.
Emily is turning into a huge bitch again. I wonder if she back to getting drunk every night? (did she even stop drinking)
No. 113588
>>113574You're wrong! Those papers prove that ember can snatch and hoard any medically based form she comes across.
But seriously, I'm guessing the lack of other paperwork prompts her to use anything from the same facilities she's talked about in order to seem legit.
No. 113589
>>1135851. I've never seen Dominique suck up to Emily first (like how would you know who hit up whom first?). If anything, she had a presence in the stupid truth blog community as a side bitch to pick on occasionally (defend more often though).
2. Emily was always a stupid petty bitch, nothing out of the ordinary. Especially since she only wants to stir shit so she could be discussed again (I mean coming on here to defend herself? Desperate slag).
3. You shouldn't feel disheartened. She's a sad boring little whore that is desperately trying to find some way of getting people's attention back onto her because she realizes she's BORING AF.
Be an alcoholic again Emily, that was entertaining.
No. 113642
>>112288The saddest thing about that post is that most 19 year olds are posting pictures of gig wristband/tickets, festivals, something nice they've bought themselves or a loved one has bought them, pets, friends and family.
Yet here she is posting a hospital wristband and some paperwork for a bunch of children.
No. 113677
>>113652She used to go by cvntfetish; she got a few asspats for being incredibly clever about changing a 'u' to a 'v' and, like, totally subverting shit and loved it.
Haven't looked at her blog in a while but it used to be edgy b&w fashion, "underground" music on autoplay and a lot of "look at me don't look at me".
iirc they fell out over hancesolo posting something about cvnty faking her follower count at 666 (or maybe 6666) and cvnty swore she wasn't. Totes edgy and would be a flake if she posted more self content.
No. 113688
>>113585lol this cvntfetish chickisn't even that thin, she looks like a healthy slim, not a sickly skinny.
Truth blogs suck her ass and say she doesn't post thinspo/glamorize her disease, but she sure has/does.
No. 113729
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Fuck is this shit
No. 113736
File: 1459469989504.jpeg (144.4 KB, 750x657, image.jpeg)

>Hi, my name is Felice Fawn (aka wannabe FF), I've been gone off social media for some years, but now I'm back guys! I also made my legs look half their actual size because YOLO! (I need attention, love me)
No. 113741
>>113739not a self post. If only she would be so clever.
Sage bc who cares
No. 113747
File: 1459471894920.jpeg (518.21 KB, 1936x1936, image.jpeg)

ehh her legs have always had a weird curve to them, even when she was fat. I don't think it's weird. Her most recent pictures lately have seemed like she's lost a bit of weight anyway. Not a lot, but just barely enough that it's noticeable.
No. 113749
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Are they not…. The same.. Fucking.. Picture
No. 113757
>>113743Post on ig that if you your followers all post a comment and tell their followers to follow you then you'll be all better.
I've seen this
>>113729 a lot. It must work!
No. 113977
File: 1459528959060.jpeg (519.67 KB, 2048x2048, image.jpeg)

she's an emaciated wrinkled bitch tho o,o
Angel and Zoe drive me fucking crazy with their bullshit, Zoe says she's not pro Ana, yeah alright. & Angel is a whiny fuck who makes me want to punch her, she had a post today about eating one slice of pizza and begging her boyfriend to let her purge and cried until he did..
No. 113989
File: 1459531822110.jpg (160.64 KB, 528x754, IMG_20160401_122003.jpg)

slutty jealous fatt racist chan.
So in IP you learned how to triple your caloric intake and keep taking triggering pics. Interesting
No. 114014
File: 1459538105606.png (330.33 KB, 750x1334, image.png)

dat mira fac
She made a friend in IP? Shouldn't she be focus on getting better or did her new friend teach her more ~Ana tipz~ IF her friend is still in IP who the fuck wants to go back to visit not even a day after you get discharged????
No. 114060
File: 1459546684146.jpeg (203.62 KB, 750x1230, image.jpeg)

her nasolabial folds 。◕ ‿ ◕。
She's going through such great lengths to post about IP that it's sickening. Most people who go through ip make one or two posts but she's posted multiple photos today to remind people that she went through treatment. It's really sad lmfao
No. 114087
File: 1459550604803.png (1.49 MB, 1238x1042, dd.png)

salty desperate snowflake
emily posted the image on the left the same week the image on the right was posted, in case you all forgot. her 'candid' shots were definitely proof that emily has always shoop'd her pics.
No. 114110
File: 1459557194788.jpg (55.86 KB, 522x544, lol.JPG)

This girl is a damn sjw
Sooo…just browsed Whann's facebook. This past 12 hours she's spammed her wall with recovery quotes.
No. 114127
File: 1459563713706.png (46.53 KB, 555x283, jenna.png)

Such an obvious fake boob job.
She just couldn't stay away.
No. 114138
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lolling at her grubby hands.
i thought she ' ""' ' 'lost' ' ""' "' the password to jennawhines
No. 114285
File: 1459624385442.jpg (157.83 KB, 535x740, IMG_20160402_140904.jpg)

shes a slutty tumbrtard
Crying Emily is about to die from black mold exposure. Seriously WTF?
No. 114312
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god i hope she contracts ebola tho
These wonder twin bitches need to stop with this bullshit
No. 114314
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I hate this mouth breather.
Is this not the second or third time she's posted this ??? Bitch get a job.
No. 114329
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god i literally hope this girl contracts ebola -.-
And she swears she doesn't shop.
No. 114351
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fuking enormous fukkin slut vapid catty fucktrd tbh!!
But clearly there was enough time to take an ugly ass selfie
No. 114383
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>>114285Even Emily herself appears to be molding….
No. 114399
>>114395Honestly no idea. Not even sure Ash would know.
I am truly deeply shocked at how disgusting her room is though. I'm gross as fuck and my room is a mess and there's puddles of beer drying out all over but it's clean compared to hers… just wtf
No. 114478
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Embers back at it again with her anorexic gitl fetish.
No. 114483
File: 1459701004725.png (1.48 MB, 1080x1471, Screenshot_2016-04-03-12-28-40…)

Embers back at it again with begging for attention.
I'm gonna keep an eye on those she promotes to see how many followers they actually get lmfao.
No. 114485
File: 1459701081287.png (465.2 KB, 540x960, Screenshot_2016-04-03-17-30-28…)

What is it with this book?!
No. 114487
>>114481She doesn't even go after fellow proana scumbags, she goes after girls who LOOK as sick as they claim. It's so fucked up.
Go stalk someone your own size Ember, these chicks want nothing to do with your proana antics, ya fat piece of shit.
No. 114489
>>114486So much this.
Some easy ways to know is someone is pro-ana/mia is if they are reading Wintergirls or if they have watched Starving in Suburbia. If they have enjoyed any of the above or claim that they show a real portrayal of eating disorders they mostly likely are a wannarexic.
No. 114491
>>114489Uhh I read that book and watched that movie but I don't have an eating disorder or am I trying to lose weight. I also didn't enjoy them but that's my own personal opinion
So, I would say if they are RE-reading that book or RE-watching that movie, and bragging about how many times they have endured through them, then they are definitely proana.
Doesn't Ember continuously brag about how she has read one of those proana bibles 5 times or some shit?
Also, I don't believe anyone is pro-mia. I just don't think anyone
wants to be that person who has to puke after every meal since they have no
self control. They would rather be proana, because they want to be perceived as strong, as if they're in control of their life/body.
No. 114495
>>114493(Samefag) I've watched almost all of the anorexia/eating disorders documentaries/movies and even read some of the 'teen health' novels (aka Go Ask Alice, Perfect, Wintergirls, etc) out of morbid curiosity. I mean, why else do you think I lurk this thread? I know they're mostly fakers and delusional but their behavior interests/humors me.
It's a guilty pleasure of mine. I get off watching people crash and burn. It's a little sadistic, I will admit.
>>114494The entire between her legs in that image is so blurred and liquifed. The lines in the tiles are even warped. This must be Emily, who the fuck here even cares enough to defend her?… (No one)
Emily, you have no idea how much you fucked up by coming in here and trying to defend yourself because all you did was make us believe that EVERY defensive anon that targets you is indefinitely you by beyond a reasonable doubt. Just fuck off already, you're fair game and we'll probably never stop trying to take the piss out of you now.
No. 114496
>>114491You would be surprised. Some people believe that Bulimia is "awesome" because it allows you to eat all you want and lose weight, supposedly (and there are some bulimics who DO lose weight by b/ping). As much as you don't want to believe people want to give themselves eating disorders it happens.
Like you said, Anorexia is the more "popular" because it gives the illusion of control.
Sorry if I offended you by implying every single person on the planet who has read the book and watched that movie must be pro-ed. But after being around so many pro-ed people saying that they aspire to be like x or y from WG or SIS you tend to pick up on generalizations and warning signs.
No. 114497
>>114496Oh no, you did not offend me.
And now that I think about it, doesn't Ash brag about all of the foods she eats then purges later? I believe she posted an image of a large box of donuts, then mentioned how her "toilet will hate (or love?) her" later for it.
Obviously, Ash isn't a faker but I would consider he pro-mia/proana since she KNOWS she is engaging in disordered behavior, she KNOWS that is why she is so popular, and she KNOWS she will die if she continues to refuse treatment.
BUT she has starved her brain severely, so she isn't able to think clearly and for that, I don't hate her for being (what I consider) proana/mia since her disorder is extremely real and has taken over every aspect of her life and the only way she will ever recover, is if someone FORCES her into an IP center.
Anyways, you were right and I was wrong. Sorry about that!
No. 114498
>>114497No worries here.
I agree with you to be honest I would consider her pro-ed. Honestly I think that if you have an eating disorder and decide to post really
triggering things on your social media accounts you are pro-ed. Maybe not in the original sense but you are promoting your eating disorder to a whole bunch of vulnerable and impressionable people. I'm sure if you looked up the ages of the people following Ash you would see they are young. Or at least under 18 for the most part. Or they are severely mentally unwell themselves.
To say that these people aren't responsible for other's actions is a stretch when their follower's are so young and are mostly likely mentally ill themselves.
I don't mean that these people shouldn't have tumblrs or instagram, but they should take the steps to protect their followers if they really care that much. I believe I've posted a big rant about this in one of the other threads, so I don't want to continue to hammer in the message, but yeah. Sorry for the rant.
No. 114499
File: 1459706283425.png (1.57 MB, 2682x862, lmao.png)

The only people who fell for that SFS shit had between 7 to 144 followers
Ember gained 3 followers but lost 2 lmao
(Also only 2 of them actually left comments on 3 of her pics)
No. 114502
File: 1459706702620.png (891.59 KB, 2676x620, lmao.png)

>>114499Here's a comparison pic, so you can see that being promoted by Ember (a person who supposedly has over 15k followers) only results in you getting 1 to 3 new followers. Maybe.
She's such a fraud lmao, everytime she does this SFS shit, all she does is prove to the people who fall for it that she buys her followers. I never see the same people asking for promos from her twice.
No. 114506
File: 1459708037441.jpg (178.17 KB, 539x806, IMG_20160403_132441.jpg)

>>114482This is what she is posting and deleting! Her begging for fucking money again to scam people (teenagers)
No. 114508
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>>112288Here we go again…
No. 114512
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No. 114515
>>114511There's a lot of reasons why she won't stop. That being one of them, yes.
Why has she not posted her "IP story" yet? I want to read the lies she comes up with.
No. 114525
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>>114522Btw Ember Lexapro causes weight gain so have fun trying to hide how fat you are getting right now
No. 114531
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>>114499Ember lost over 25 followers since posting that picture of pills. Looks like people are getting tired of her shit.
I mean, if I had a recovery ig account and followed her, under the assumption that she legitimately had an ED that she needed to recover from, I would unfollow her as soon as I saw her posting photos of that 'fall risk' bracelet, as if it was something special? I mean, there's a reason she deleted that photo off of her page, she
knew it was a bad idea and tried to cover her tracks but it's too late
>>113522Only proana dwits
>>114502 actually interact Ember, no one with common sense or even an ounce of dignity would humor that big nosed cow.
>>114530Bye bitch!
No. 114536
File: 1459711727254.jpeg (29.55 KB, 750x140, image.jpeg)

>>114522Such an artsy photo of medication
Also lol@ this comment (idk what the original one she's replying to said) but the fact that she's letting people like that follow her reeeeally shows how gr8 she is at recovery
Also ember technically medication is bought, even if prescribed.. Unless your health insurance is bitchin' and covers everything. Which I doubt yours is.
No. 114539
File: 1459711876830.png (187.42 KB, 702x339, uhh.png)

Why would joltography want to reassure a person, who apparently is so severely underweight that they needed to be hospitalized, that medication that take for their disordered behavior won't cause any weight gain?
I could never tell if joltography's presence was sincere or not but after seeing this, it's obvious that joltography does not take Ember's "eating disorder" seriously and actually wants to help her not gain weight.
No. 114541
>>114539If I were Ember, I would tell joltography that I wasn't focused on "my weight" and that she needs to stop making comments like that since it's incredibly fucked up to say these kinds of things to someone who already is obsessed over their weight.
Buuut I'm not Ember and Ember probably will thank this person for their "help" and "advice", since she doesn't have an eating disorder, doesn't need to gain weight since she has
always been at a healthy BMI, and has never actually struggled with being
triggered by those types of things.
>inb4 I give Ember any ideas and she actually chews jolt out No. 114547
>>114546True, I just don't understand why jolt would actively white knight a girl who she discovered from a lolcow thread about how she is a fraud and promotes eating disorders.
I just don't understand the motive here.
No. 114548
>>114541She can't wait to see Ember
stuffed with fat.
No. 114580
File: 1459715934555.png (204.96 KB, 993x620, ember whann recovery buddy.png)

>>114060Wow… how sad. Ember had to order herself a recovery buddy and pretended a friend gave it to her No. 114583
File: 1459716322297.png (873.29 KB, 2048x1241, PhotoGrid_1459716254476-1.png)

Nice to see Ember is still preying on underaged whannarexics.
No. 114615
>>114600Lmao thanks dr. Armchair.
Did you read a wiki page or take a high school psychology class?
No. 114617
>>114539Joltography is an attention seeking psycho. She's up everyone's ass.
Honestly, who isn't on an SSRI these days?
What's next, she's gonna lie her way to a bottle of seroquel and get huge?
No. 114618
File: 1459722128307.jpeg (163.92 KB, 1265x1645, image.jpeg)

Turt's pulled a crying Emily, vague posted & deleted all her other posts & only has this, everyone's looking for her apparently, same attention whore behaviour, different day.
No. 114631
>>114618Hahaha how can someone not love the wannarexics pretending to have a meltdown but before having a lot of time to delete all 1000 pictures and to upload a new one with the 'dramatic' caption 'I can't do it anymore'……………………..
I think this is their big problem. They can't do anything. What have these girls done before Instagram existed ?
No. 114632
File: 1459724419944.jpeg (172.5 KB, 750x1189, image.jpeg)

Ok this is creepy as fuck
I didn't look at much of her feed but her dad fucking took a body check photo for her… Is he fucking encouraging her eating disorder (if she has one) what the fuck
No. 114640
>>114632What the ever loving fuck.
Creepo dad.
No. 114647
>>114643because they are attention whores and want mummy and daddy to worry over poor little sick girl
why do these instarexics do anything? for attention. dur.
No. 114653
>>114608Ain't that the truth.
Never taking those again. Ruined my goddamn life.
No. 114681
>>114668It would be pretty funny tbh. Her starfucks intake would triple and her boyfriend will be up at two am making those gross capsicum fried eggs because she's got the seroquel-hunger.
She wants to look interesting because medicashuns! But being on psychotropic cocktails sucks.
No. 114690
>>114681she's on what looks like a low dose of an entry level antidepressant. hopefully it fucks her head out of her normal thought process and she gets some motivation to do something out of character and improve her life, or forces her to confront her failures.
>>114689fuck off.
No. 114722
File: 1459733908610.jpeg (248.6 KB, 1242x1795, image.jpeg)

Looking like she gained ten pounds where is your photoshop now missy?
No. 114737
File: 1459738476867.jpg (177.36 KB, 640x960, image.jpg)

What is she doing to her face
No. 114739
File: 1459739383628.jpeg (303.34 KB, 1242x1986, image.jpeg)

I feel like thinmissyy is faking her ed honestly and just using photoshop to gain she doesn't look that small here like she does in the rest of her photos? I really dislike her so much she's my least favorite of them all
No. 114769
File: 1459749519537.jpg (103.55 KB, 640x640, A3uVEUd.jpg)

>>114737Is putting chocolate bars on your porridge a trend now? Over here we just have salt and water!
No. 114780
>>114778Does it matter?
Competing about what dose of antidepressants you are on is even more pathetic than bragging about your bmi.
No. 114796
File: 1459760774346.jpg (126.51 KB, 640x1136, image.jpg)

No. 114814
File: 1459763437397.jpeg (174.97 KB, 640x1002, image.jpeg)

She just couldn't stay away, "you can leave me nice comments" fucking lol
No. 114817
File: 1459764508527.jpg (143.33 KB, 640x1136, image.jpg)

>>114796Oh shit i forgot to mention, she claims to weigh 80 lbs.
No. 114835
File: 1459776343638.png (1.03 MB, 750x1334, image.png)

"I accept my body SO much I still photoshop :)"
No. 114846
Heree's the direct link to this image
>>114835 for archiving/reference purposes No. 114848
File: 1459779298054.gif (625.08 KB, 601x1077, ember-whann-gif.gif)

>I really didn't gain as much as I thought I did
No. 114854
File: 1459780366577.png (462.37 KB, 612x958, 1449773972256.png)

>>114835I miss skinny Ember already :"(
No. 114863
File: 1459781087180.png (20.83 KB, 789x232, ember whann.png)

Ember's gonna need to buy a new app for followers because her's have been dropping like dead flies lately. No. 114870
File: 1459781748740.png (683.76 KB, 1503x2048, PhotoGrid_1459781607647-1.png)

New day, new 15 year old wannarexic Ember now follows.
No. 114873
>>114856Because this fatass cunt is stretching the fuck out of her pics and too dumb to compare them to her old edits before posting. Didn't you know IP makes you grow tall and wide while you're there.
Great job gaining you fucking cow lol
No. 114875
File: 1459782242789.png (254.16 KB, 374x590, 012.PNG)
-victimizes herself over the most trivial of situations
-the occasional crying selfie
-weird obsession with disney, recently gave herself a shitty dye-job to look like Ariel
No. 114878
>>114835her fucking square ass elbow is making me die
look at that shoop
No. 114884
File: 1459784399799.jpg (459.67 KB, 1920x1920, SI_20160404_102549.jpg)

She's huge now!
No. 114894
File: 1459785194180.jpg (1.77 MB, 1920x2375, PhotoGrid_1459784753158.jpg)

Fixed the stretching but not the bad shoop
No. 114898
File: 1459785735546.jpg (166.73 KB, 539x770, IMG_20160404_105947.jpg)

Lol, she hasn't even noticed this yet?
No. 114908
>>114879They are
triggering me :((
No. 114914
>>114835"I didn't gain as much as I thought I would!"
hunches over "I'm proud of my body!"
sucks in No. 114921
File: 1459790254769.png (167.42 KB, 621x320, ember whann.png)

Yassss finally someone said it
>I'm sorry if this sounds rude but if you're a recovery account and doing better after ip why are you still posting body checking photosAnyone else report that pic btw? I did a couple times though I do believe more than once, from the same account, is overkill. Which is why you all should report it too, it'll be hilarious if her account was terminated. No. 114923
File: 1459790640962.png (851.24 KB, 1080x1084, 1440017174744.png)

>>114921i just cannot get over how thick her thighs look now when she used to post shoop'd pics like this
No. 114934
File: 1459794133437.png (50.46 KB, 302x470, ember whann.png)

>>114921beef_n_pickle sounds like a moron.
If you don't know how big of a fraud Ember is and how non-existent her ED is, then seeing her post "body checking" photos is very upsetting because it means she is still engaging in disordered behavior. Like, some of those people really think she is being genuine and are aware that she just spent a month
locked down in an IP center. Soo, of course someone is going to be concerned and question why she is acting this way still. I mean, it hasn't even been a week since she
got home yet here she is, pulling up her shirt for instagram once again.
Normal people don't post photos like that, just saying.
No. 114935
File: 1459794260290.png (25.13 KB, 303x206, ember whann.png)

>>114934Posting these before Ember hops on and deletes everything.
I was really hoping an arguement would break out on that photo.
No. 114944
File: 1459796167374.jpeg (233.98 KB, 1235x1971, image.jpeg)

Bmi of 14 my ass missy looks like a healthy weight to me
No. 114950
>>114944Seems to me like you're self posting. You keep on using the same words to describe yourself. All that's missing is an emoticon.
Other posts for reference:
>>114739>>114722 (You also deleted the post before this one because it should the instagram dash bar at the bottom… I wonder why?)
No. 114955
File: 1459797578100.jpg (115.12 KB, 504x639, IMG_20160404_141753.jpg)

Fatest Jedi I've ever seen. Lol thunder thighs
No. 114958
File: 1459797917758.jpeg (271.83 KB, 1254x1460, image.jpeg)

Post from above. My point though is why/how did she take an ugly selfie while waiting for paramedics?
This girl really confuses meshe contradicts herself every father post
No. 114962
File: 1459798477863.jpeg (271.68 KB, 750x1292, image.jpeg)

No. 114964
File: 1459798570173.jpeg (304.4 KB, 750x1290, image.jpeg)

No. 114965
>>114952I posted her in the last thread I think, she obviously lurks and a self-post would not surprise me.
(I'm not sure what you mean with 100 followers/9 posts, she has 107 k followers
No. 114966
File: 1459798628905.jpeg (191.38 KB, 750x1126, image.jpeg)

No. 114970
File: 1459798850047.jpeg (61.85 KB, 750x744, image.jpeg)

>>114965107k? bitch where??
No. 114987
File: 1459801504906.jpeg (546.53 KB, 750x3279, image.jpeg)

MPA should be posted more, it's a goldmine
No. 114990
>>114955 Rolleyes @ Ember.
Same as McKenzie both use the slimming tool in a way where their body proportions look off, they don't realize that your shoulder can't have twice the size as your photoshopped waist / hips.
No. 114991
>>114989She also deleted this photo
>>114835 lmfao
No. 114998
>>114997That's just unrealistic, 2x the work
I doubt he'd make enough to support 2 screaming brats
No. 115004
File: 1459803540086.png (801.11 KB, 1080x1462, Screenshot_2016-04-04-16-56-57…)

this made me laugh, poor delusional girl
No. 115016
>>115014Same feeling here. Role model, victim, frail, inspiration, maturity that's how Ember sees herself.
No. 115023
>>115001I got the notification too but missed it, sorry pal.
>>115011The app is called Instagram. Just turn on notifications for Ember's account.
>>115019Yeah and she broke into his house just to take body check images in his bathroom. Fuck off with this bait. They're obviously still together.
No. 115095
File: 1459821698199.png (646.46 KB, 781x633, autism.png)

It's either Ember or autism.
No. 115174
File: 1459847635735.png (291.61 KB, 720x1000, Screenshot_20160405-084637~01.…)

is she for real lol
No. 115226
File: 1459858222970.jpg (1.47 MB, 3552x2000, WP_20160404_001.jpg)

>>114978Ur welcome.
Looks weird to me, has she edited her jaw bigger?
No. 115227
>>115226I know we like to troll her for her looks, but she looks TERRIBLE in this picture holy shit
A lot of weight went to her face, she looks the same age as her mother too
No. 115232
>>115228I'm thinking it's possible that her "friend" had a recovery buddy and just gave it to her as a gift or a hand-me-down. I can see Ember being all "wah wah life is so hard I was forced into recovery wah wah I hate this place wah wah" and this girl out of the kindness of her heart (or wanting to shut Ember up) gave her that thing. Or maybe Ember stole it from her "friend".
I have no fucking clue. But like I've said before this recovery buddy thing I think is supposed to be for children with ed's not 20+ year olds. I can't see it being in anyway effective to an older person in recovery from an eating disorder unless they're clinging to the whole child-forever mentality.
Wouldn't it be creepy if Ember got this from a child in her inpatient group because she coerced a kid into believing she was her "friend." Fuck. That gives me chills just thinking about it. I'm hoping that they keep the kids and adults separated…
No. 115243
>>115239Word, aren't they free?
Honestly do people forget Ember is a selfish person who has no problem lying to everyone
No. 115244
File: 1459863717599.png (401.2 KB, 492x612, that guy.png)

>>115226Her boyfriend kinda looks like the unfortunate looking one in a boyband. Almost every group had that guy.
No. 115250
File: 1459865120825.png (901.44 KB, 1080x1049, Screenshot_2016-04-05-10-03-14…)

>social media
>time to escape my eating disorder
Someone psychoanalyze this bitch and tell me why she made this ugly piece if shit.
No. 115255
File: 1459865243420.jpeg (119.64 KB, 640x917, image.jpeg)

This chick just needs those asspats anyway she can it them it seems
No. 115262
>>115258Inb4 she fucking claims her AN turns into bulimia during ~recovery~.
I mean no one here could ever really know for sure if she was bulimic, but she sure as shit doesn't seem it. I don't think she'd be able to suck in bulimia cheeks the way she does (I have cheeks that look like bulimia cheeks but aren't and can't do it), and she'd look a lot more bloated if she was binge-purging because it tends to cause delayed gastric emptying. Ember's body looks like a standard skinny-fat healthy body and always has. She has absolutely zero visible symptoms of any disorder and hasn't tried to even shoop any in besides her fake spoop bones. At most she has some disordered eating habits but most teenage girls do.
No. 115265
>>115258I'm trying to find screenshots but Ember used to claim she had anorexia with b/p subtype then after someone point out that Embers fingers/nails/knuckles look perfectly fine, she posted close ups of small scraps on her hands which looked as if she just scrub her knuckles across concrete.
But c'mon, Ember loves herself too much to ever actually self harm/force herself to throw up. She doesn't have an eating disorder and the one you guys ~diagnos~ her the bigger her fucking head gets.
She's just a wannarexic who manipulated her way into an IP center for the ana points. Nothing more, nothing less.
No. 115268
>>115264You seriously never met a super skinny person who shovels garbage into their mouth while maintaining their figure?
It's called genetics and a fast metabolism. The fact that Ember hasn't ever ballooned up (on her own) means that she has never fucked up her own metabolism by starving.
And I'm positive she was put on a super high calorie diet over the past month which is why she is so fat now. They cooked her normal sized meals which had a ridiculously high cal counts and because she is such a lard ass, she probably ate seconds or even thirds to satisfy her hunger.
No. 115269
File: 1459867020047.jpg (84.54 KB, 750x1189, image.jpg)

No. 115270
File: 1459867061540.jpg (186.27 KB, 750x1099, image.jpg)

Real original url, Jenna. She was there first
No. 115273
>>115262I just wanted to maybe debate you a bit more on this. Someone with bulimia or bulimic tendencies doesn't always show physical signs of it. They can use a toothbrush to purge, exercise it off or use laxatives. Or a combination of any of these. Also in my experience not everyone bloats after purging. It depends on the after care of the purge and how frequently they do it. If she hydrates herself, brushes her teeth, takes electrolytes or vitamins after and is able to keep down a meal like a salad or smoothie the physical signs would be virtually undetectable. She doesn't have to purge everything every single day to be bulimic or have bulimic tendencies.
Now, is it likely that she does ALL of these things? No, not really. It depends how long she's dealt with it and how well-read she is on what bulimia does to the body. But it could explain her not showing physical symptoms.
>>115265Okay maybe you have the ego thing down, but how could she manipulate her way into treatment? I'm open to believing you, but these places have very limited beds most of the time and it's not like they've never met a malingerer before.
No. 115276
>>115268Uum, I don't think an inpatient setting would allow people to get seconds or thirds because it could
trigger bulimics to relapse or anorexic's to pick up b/p behaviour.
And no there is no such thing as genetics and "fast" metabolisms contributing to skinny people being able to eat heaps of junkfood (more than a fat person) and staying thin. The reason why skinny people are skinny is because they don't eat over their TDEE. The opposite of this is why fat people are fat. They don't have "slow" metabolisms, they eat way over their TDEE.
In very, very rare cases people can have unnaturally high metabolisms (see: Lizzie Velasquez). And yes, people with thyroid conditions can gain some extra weight but not as much as most of them claim.
You sound like the typical HAES believer that believes they're fat because of their genetics and "slow" metabolism and not all the massive amounts of shit they put into their body.
No. 115277
>>115273Sure, lack of physical signs doesn't mean she's not bulimic. It just raises eyebrows when you're someone who tries so hard to look sick, yet doesn't seem to understand the symptoms to fake. If she was exercising by purging she prob wouldn't be skinny-fat either. As an anon above mentioned, she also lacks a Russels Sign, so probably not self-induced vomiting.
I've never been bulimic though, so my education on the matter is pretty much limited to Wasted and these threads. But it doesn't make much sense to me that she would have displayed no signs of it, even faked signs beyond times when people have specifically called her out on them, in the years that she's been publicising her fake eating disorder. Plus exercise bulimia and laxatives are the least "effective" forms of bulimia so I'd doubt she'd maintain her weight as she has unless she was actually vomming, and she's sure as shit not doing that or she'd have a clue what it was like and IIRC she once claimed purging caused her to "vomit blood every day".
No. 115283
why are people trying so hard to make this more than it is? she's a lying brat with some disordered eating habits that she puts on show. she's skinny, despite what a million proanas in this thread want to say. it's not difficult to get an abnormal reading on an ekg when you haven't been eating well. for a while when I was vegetarian I was eating mostly sugar and junk food, but in small portions and stayed at a low calorie count. I started having all kinds of health issues and lost weight, after only a couple of months I had vitamin deficiencies and abnormal test results. that's literally all ember did, she ate like shit for a few months and viola, ticket to inpatient. the joke is on her because she's going to have lasting health issues, osteoporosis, terrible skin, no muscle tone and generally look like a troll for the rest of her life all just to prove strangers on the internet wrong. I'm done giving her the time of day, she had her two minutes of fame and she's boring now. next cow please!
No. 115293
File: 1459870732259.png (1.11 MB, 750x1334, image.png)

Attention seeking and she looks like she's got the Black Plague. Pity my I'm in recovery but still hate myself wahhhhhh.
No. 115301
>>115293What little you can see of her eye makeup doesn't look horrendous here at least. I just hate how in every photo it looks like she's used the pinch tool on the bottom of her face and squints.
>>115298piss-poor filter choice imo.
No. 115304
>>112288yeah I also thought the eye-make up looks ok. she has huge eyelids. they are so huge it isn't a compliment anymore. it's a good idea to make them appear smaller by using a darker color.
another plus: can't see her fucked up banana eye brows.
colors suit her as well.
>>in b4 hi ember. No. 115309
>>115306Ember doesn't have autism at all. She's too manipulative for that.
A lot of her followers are autistic and/or learning disabled, though.
No. 115313
>>115310She's just trend hopping. Latest stop, ED IG.
Here, have a thread.
>>>/pt/44324 No. 115318
File: 1459873386057.jpeg (40.5 KB, 748x201, image.jpeg)

People are angry at us, it seems.
No. 115322
>>115319i thought they didn't allow magazines in treatment centers because of ~*
triggering*~ content
No. 115333
File: 1459875023121.jpeg (341.87 KB, 1217x1438, image.jpeg)

No. 115338
>>115317Eating disorders aren't a trend, faking one is a trend.
DID is becoming one, or rather faking one. What don't you understand? You must be new.
No. 115344
File: 1459875847085.jpeg (106.73 KB, 750x1168, image.jpeg)

Turtled is hopping on the recovery buddy bandwagon and making these poor excuse for owls for people in the ED community to buy.
Doesn't she know half the ED community are 15 y/o wannarexics with gofundme's and Amazon wish lists because they can't afford any shit for themselves?
No. 115367
>>115350I will reiterate forever that she's extremely attractive in a middle-aged lesbian kind of way. That pictures highlights it all the more.
Good thing she isn't gay and has an unimaginably shit personality to discourage online infatuation.
No. 115377
File: 1459880238088.jpg (37.26 KB, 520x332, fake.jpg)

>>115376Oh okay. Here you go!
No. 115379
>>115377Ugh you could have at least injected some humor by photoshopping the date and having some fun with the filename.
Stop derailing if you aren't going to be entertaining about it.
No. 115428
File: 1459889859876.jpeg (200.37 KB, 1276x1631, image.jpeg)

I believe these girls were mentioned in a previous thread, but I've been on my sock puppet a bit today and I couldn't help but notice they posted several times about deleting "ghosts" & each post gets more & more aggressive. These kids are so obsessed with likes & followers & it's really sickening, & how can anyone not call out such rude bullshit. Do none of these little twats have irl friends??
No. 115440
File: 1459891832066.jpeg (160.63 KB, 750x1052, image.jpeg)

This is the Calysta from the felice/emily battle days, correct? Her caption is "gypsy"….
No. 115738
>>115342>It's a lot easier to have a low BMI when you're over 18you're obviously a minor. its so much easier to have a lower BMI when you're younger, thats why BMI isn't supposed to be used for people under 18,
they use percentile for age/height instead.
its easier to have a lower bmi when you're not fully developed yet.
No. 115753
>>115268I'm crying over all the fat logic.
Weight isn't determined by genes. You cannot destroy your metabolism by dieting jfc.
No. 115754
File: 1459895688808.gif (985.41 KB, 499x320, spacekitty.gif)

>>115428is this two people sharing a pro ana account or is this some D.I.D. stuff?
lol who would want to be friends with these people in real life let alone on the internet
No. 115832
File: 1459909644787.png (338.42 KB, 405x529, Untitled.png)

checked jennas tag to see if she had addressed anything at all (no) but this is pretty accurate id say
No. 115842
>>115838No you can't.
However, what I think you might mean is that after a period of starvation, you will eat more. Sometimes a hell of a lot more than you normally did before. That is very common.
Even a normal diet (as in eating less calories than you expend) can cause it. That's why anorexia isn't some cute disease. You are literally addicted to that feeling, even children sometimes. It's not something you "catch" but it can be a sort of temporarh self harm
No. 115847
>>115846Please refer to my post
>>115842For recovering anorexics, binge eating behaviors are not unheard of, in fact they're quite common. Usually though they will "settle" after a while, but that isn't always true.
I'm not a doctor but I do work with many patients with eating disorders and yes. I have had severely emeciated patients who, for example, ask for seconds or thirds because "fuck everything right now". What you must understand is that they have literally no concept of normal eating behaviours, and sadly we are not equipped to deal with that atm.
No. 115856
>>115838Go back to tumblr and read your own hug-box "studies" haeslord.
Facts are facts, and one relevant fact here, is that pretending you're more educated than you are doesn't work. Enhance your own education, fatty.
No. 115942
>>115932I was expecting a shitstorm too.
I guess no one really cares about her?
No. 115947
>>115942They are all fake bitches that pick their Tumblr friends based on popularity. As long as being associated with Jenna puts them in a positive light they don't care. I don't want to defend fitaj but when someone said she had lied about cancer, rape etc everybody made fun of her and there wasn't
any proof. The person spreading that based this solely on assumptions. Jenna joined in despite acting like BFFs with AJ.
And keep in mind Jenna has the option to only publish ass kissing anons.
And yeah I don't believe for one second Jenna is on a meal plan. I don't even think she's seeing a dietician. No ED dietician in their right mind would
force a client that recently overcame obsessive calorie counting to count their calories. Also considering she's obviously at a healthy weight her "meal plan" can't be "scarier" than what she's eating without it anyway.
No. 115955
>>115953Yeah… How about no one is rude?
She's also reblogged and posted some questionable things about Tindr. Like "every guy on Tindr is awful, all of them" (I assume the post was about appearance) bitch you look like a horsefish, 95% of the guys who saw your profile probably thought the same. And "omggggg so many guys on tindr need therapy lol!!!!!! Insane guys who wanna have in depth conversations!!!!!!!!!" Those Tumblr feminists think they are funny as shit with these posts but if a guy is not interested in a conversation they are women hating walking penises.
Tldr Jenna is a stupid white Tumblr feminist. She also calls herself a hippie but she's so materialistic and wasting her parents' money lol. Your marijuana addiction does not make you a hippie sweetie.
No. 115976
>>115950I remember the times when getting a "professional" or "adult" job or career meant being careful about what you post on your social media pages and deleting any previous things that could lessen your chances for employment. I mean she's lucky that she works at a non-profit because they are usually really chill and understanding of alternative viewpoints, but dang if she ever leaves the non-profit sector she's in for a rude awakening. She'll have a hard time getting/keeping a job if she's posting so liberally about her opinions.
Hell, when I was in high school and you were applying for entry-level jobs they made it very clear that you should never have anything online or on your person that shows your religion, political or sexuality views because it gives you less of a chance.
I'm glad that most places nowadays have this "no-discrimination policy" but in most cases it's complete bullshit and just covers the company's asses. They'll just say you couldn't do the job properly or that they found someone that better fit the position and no-one can question them for it. No-one's going to be dumb enough to say you didn't get the job because of your alternative hair colour, piercings, tattoo's, social media persona, religion, sexuality, gender etc but it happens all the fucking time.
No. 115998
File: 1459960099743.jpeg (225.1 KB, 1290x1482, image.jpeg)

So now Turtl.ed needs $$ for packaging to send her recovery owls out. This chick is fucking pathetic.
No. 116001
>>115991Maybe the people who thought Jenna was finally growing up and starting to become a better person because she got a job at a non-profit organization? Most people don't have any clue how these organizations work so I thought I would share how corrupt they and the people that work for them are.
I'm sorry, but what are you contributing to this discussion, friend?
>>115994Great, so she deals with their social media pages and guilt-trips people who want to end their monthly "donations" and calls people at hellish hours to try and get them to donate. What's better than being guilt-tripped and manipulated over the phone? At least she doesn't have to be the workers who have to see the people who actually help pay their paychecks.
No. 116012
File: 1459961556999.jpeg (277.3 KB, 1264x1482, image.jpeg)

Has anyone ever talked about Andrie at all? I think she was mentioned before. She's another whiny IG obsessed ana who constantly deletes photos and redoes her profile "aesthetic". She used to post her before and after photos when she want deep into her ED. Tries to be edgy, but just comes off as hangry & cringy.
No. 116050
>>116043omfg. pot calling the kettle black. ember admits she has a wishlist. she also makes several posts to IG a day literally begging her followers for likes/comments/attention.
ember, you are no better than her, you're probably even more pathetic and creepy at that. I mean what kind of loser spends all her time trying to keep up this facade of ~fragile sick ana butterfly~ to impress 14 year olds on the internet?
keep crying about all the weight you piled on ember. hey, since the whole "thinspo queen" thing didn't work out, maybe you could try on a fitness IG persona? I mean, you already got dem gainz, so…
No. 116057
File: 1459971194124.jpeg (109.1 KB, 500x667, image.jpeg)

>>116056Fag dropped photo
No. 116058
>>116057I don't understand why you wouldn't tidy up your room if you're going to be taking a picture in it..
does your mommy know what a pigsty your room is, jenna?
No. 116117
>>116113I thought I made it clear that I was referencing the loyal teen followers with my poor play-on-words fan descriptors. I apologise if I made it seem like I wanted turtle.ed and Ember to fight to the death or w/e. Just thought it'd be funny if fans of one engaged with fans of the other after seeing these snide tweets. What a clusterfuck that'd be. I'm surprised it hasn't happened on a notable scale already.
>>116116Yes, this.
No. 116131
File: 1459979024156.jpg (145.5 KB, 536x791, IMG_20160406_164153.jpg)

The only thing oversized on you is your ass Ember
No. 116133
>>116120What a weak, emaciated game that'd be.
But yeah, like, occasionally "fans" or "friends" come here and bitch, why haven't we seen the same on other platforms after Ember posts to her endless stream of vitriol?
>>116121I don't have a hipflask big enough to carry around for this.
>>116124Yeah that's a good point to be fair. Although Regina's 'popular' was dweeby girls dreaming of being like her and ignoring her abuse, so that's pretty close to the Ember/idolizing teens thing.
No. 116136
>>116135Pls stop you moron
>>116129Agreed. It's Emily who is always trying to insert her name into the ember drama.
No. 116140
File: 1459980496026.jpg (1.27 MB, 1920x1920, PhotoGrid_1459980255799.jpg)

>>116138Don't forget about her abuse of the "adjustment" feature on instagram to stretch herself thin. ;)
Here i fixed it. :)
No. 116149
File: 1459981431196.jpg (177.17 KB, 450x678, canitreallybeso.jpg)

>>116053gross i didn't know about that. damn she needs to log out
No. 116153
>>115989sage for ot but i'm actually really glad you posted this. there are greenpeace people that stand around a well traveled place downtown and they always get me with "do you like tigers? . . . do you want tigers to DIE? no? you can help for just $$$ a month" and it's so stressful and sketchy and i feel bad for them because i'm always going to turn them down but i listen to the spiel anyhow. i know they can pick me out of a crowd and i usually just walk way out of the way to avoid them. still feel bad that they are out there in shitty weather all day dealing with the myriad public. anyways glad you moved on, that sounds rough anon.
jenna is really uninteresting tbqh and i guess her eating disordered fitblr efame is the only thing going for her. alas
No. 116154
File: 1459982097884.jpg (53.46 KB, 480x479, whan.jpg)

suggestions welcome for new ana bingo
No. 116158
File: 1459983045734.png (49.47 KB, 480x321, I LIKE LIFE.png)

>>116154a solid start!
>black coffee>long-ass body posi post>long-ass self hate post>gained LIFE not WEIGHT!>not pro ana not pro recovery!>shitty black and white quotes>hashtag abuse #anorexia #anorexiarecovery #ana No. 116159
>>116140thanks for fixing but it's still not close to reality.
EMBER, your upper body is twice as wide as your lower body ! Body proportions don't work this way.
No. 116162
File: 1459983465506.jpg (71.46 KB, 480x479, whan2.jpg)

>>116156>>116157>>116158Stellar suggestions! I've combined some (such as the typical quotes of 'lifetime on the hips', 'nothing tastes as good', 'not pro anything', and then self hate post with emotional selfie) but if anyone thinks anything else can be combined for the addition of other suggestions, let me know. I love making these.
No. 116167
>>116162Number of times "IP" "IOP" "attempts" "hospital admissions" in bio.
"Before & after" 'recovery' pic comparison blatently posted for reinforcement of how skinny their LW was.
Recovery buddy / penpal appeal
No. 116171
>>115998What the fuck use the money from selling the fucking stupid owls that's why you charge postage.
This girl needs a fucking backhand at this point, where the hell is her mother?
No. 116174
>>116172That's sad. This is something you'd expect from a 14 year old making their first etsy account or something.
I hope she has to pay everyone back for this stupid little ploy, although there'll be yet another begging post if she does.
No. 116176
File: 1459985620435.jpg (75.3 KB, 480x479, whan2point0.jpg)

>>116169>>116167Amended! Felt like a few poses deserved their own square. sage because I feel I'm overloading the thread.
No. 116182
File: 1459988269292.jpeg (448.41 KB, 1200x1800, image.jpeg)

>>116176Has this girl ever been mentioned on here b4? Shes another long-term IP malingerer & is totally institutionalised. Whilst i am not questioning the validity or her ed or other health issues, she BLATENTLY has bpd and has been diagnosed in the past but conveniently leave that diagnosis off her log list & # spam. Also did a funding page for her treatment a few yrs ago & lurks & white knights pretty much ANYONE who is currently IP or going IP in the uk!! She CONSTANTLY talks numbers and likes to get one up on anyone she can….definitely has an obsession with being the sickest and proving she is still totally unwell.
All in all a massive professional patient and anytime shes about to be discharged or transferred she ensures she does something to remain sectioned or appear too risky to discharge!
No. 116191
File: 1459990492510.jpg (187.11 KB, 1074x1348, imskinnybeautiful2.jpg)

So much Photoshop
No. 116198
File: 1459993337714.jpeg (104.24 KB, 640x896, image.jpeg)

>>116182Ok she just topped the attention seeking records… Found a post on her ig talkng about how "lol" it was when she found out the nurses in her ward had been googling her. Then SHE goes and writes a post about it Wtf?!!
No. 116214
>>116197At mt local psych unit the phones are left locked in the nurses station and you can only use them to make calls.
The patients are mostly over 30 so not into ig whoring. Also, begin legit depressed and ill, I doubt most would feel well enough to take random snaps of themselves.
No. 116221
>>116213Everybody I've met who has EDS is also batshit crazy. They also talk about it constantly. IDK how to know if a person is faking? (I've never given it much thought) They love to show off the hypermobility bit, but that's only one criterion. Shit, I meet the hypermobility criterion but I don't have it!
It does seem to be trendy, though. Gastroparesis is trendy that way as well. (Plus it increases your chances of being a #tubie!)
No. 116224
>>116001I've been offered this same job before. all she does is make Facebook posts and sit on conference calls listening to higher ups talk about how many likes their fan page has. there's no way she's making as much as she wants everyone to think.
I'm so grateful that this thread and the people who made the tumblr blogs accomplished one thing: Jenna lost her ~popular blog and all of her followers, anyone with half a brain can see how much of a tryhard sketchball she is now, I'm so satisfied. she will never recover from this online and she will most likely just fade into the background unless she lies about having another disease. good work, lolcow
No. 116225
>>116210Almost seems like she may have made that youtube video herself.
Also I remember seeing her comment on another persons ig bout how she was in an induced coma on life support cos she refused the antidote to the od she took…. Yet she makes out to the press that it was all cos of her anorexia. Yes shes battling a shitty ed but shes had more treatment than anyone iv ever heard of. Time to cut the cord and actually make her recover in the real world cos if shes still claiming to suffer as much as she does Its clear no IP unit is helpful for her…she just feeds (no pun intended!) off the constant attention and being cared for by others.
No. 116239
>>116221the people who insist they're not 'sick', even though you can see that they're literally dying before your eyes, are the scariest individuals to deal with, but I've never met someone in all my bouts in inpatient to speak or boast about their illness. There's more of a stigma here attached to eating disorders/mental health I guess, it's not like America or other places.
Except online, everyone's a wee snowflake when they hit the interwebs.
No. 116243
>>116210I wonder what did actually happen to any money her family raised from the public appeal for her "life saving" treatment…as far as she has talked about on all her social media profiles, shes never had to spend any money for her treatment as the nhs have actually funded it all (despite it not always being her preferred unit).
as if anyone else wuld be so choosy.
No. 116294
File: 1460031048078.png (1.05 MB, 1319x635, crycrycry.png)

>>114383That mark isn't new - you can see it in old photos of her too.
No. 116327
>>116294Oh my God she is ugly.
And I am sick of those ana bitches being like "teehee I can recover and not gain weight and eat 400 calories"
No. 116367
File: 1460049300234.jpg (672 KB, 1920x1920, IMG_20160407_121222.jpg)

I had no idea recovery makes your fingers grow
No. 116371
File: 1460049894510.jpeg (370.59 KB, 2048x1712, image.jpeg)

No. 116387
>>116384This kind of reminds me of that show that Kim Kardashian and the creators of Intervention made. I think it was called "Red Flag." I believe it was supposed to highlight how social media affects mental illness or something along those lines.
I couldn't even get through one episode tbh. It was incredible cringey and really
triggering which is pretty odd for me. Like they openly show the tweets or instagram posts of self harm or home video's of the people being in a critical situation. They do offer them like a month or a few weeks of therapy sessions I believe.
To be honest, Intervention was 1000% better than this show. But watch it if you want to cringe, I guess.
No. 116391
File: 1460053133215.jpeg (240.97 KB, 640x674, image.jpeg)

Begging for attention again
No. 116415
File: 1460059292920.jpeg (384.83 KB, 1198x1745, image.jpeg)

>>116198>>116182WOW!! What a hypocrite… Cant believe she thinks she has the right to go dobbing other girls into her local ED charity ot whatever that she accuses of being proana when shes just as bad, if not worse. All Emma posts is how sick she is and has been and how shes lived off supplement drinks for 10million yrs and real food is too scary for her and she does 60 laps of the pool and gives us all the numbers and calories or her weights, intakes and outtakes despite being in hospital and supposedly a ミ★recovery warrior* !!!!! Its like shes trying to deflect the proana vibes she gives off onto other people in order to maintain her facade of being a model anafighter and #edsurvivor !!! ?
No. 116424
File: 1460061230530.jpeg (127.89 KB, 636x996, image.jpeg)

Holy shit this girl is retarded
No. 116430
File: 1460062621054.jpeg (129.13 KB, 615x918, image.jpeg)

>>116427Because god for this #edfighter not account for five calories burned…
No. 116432
>>116427Probably wants "the most accurate reading" of step counts
Turtled is spending all this time asking advice on Instagram instead of opening a case with a service rep. That's how you know a scam's a brewin'
No. 116439
>>116402Nobody gave her money so she's gonna shut up shop and find a new way to squeeze something out of her followers.
What kind of grown-ass woman begs for forty bucks from strangers? She's no better than panhandlers on the street.
No. 116460
File: 1460072244812.jpeg (159.39 KB, 750x920, image.jpeg)

No. 116461
File: 1460072325539.jpeg (160.99 KB, 750x822, image.jpeg)

> complains about freelee
> reblogs a photo where OP uses six fucking bananas in a single meal
less than 24 hours apart
No. 116462
Peachy Panda - skellington/eats S0o0o0o0o0 muUuuCh but can't gain, ASMR cringe factor.
No. 116463
File: 1460072727858.jpeg (122.49 KB, 750x694, image.jpeg)

so many things to talk about here.
1. If Jenna is really using unhealthy "behaviors" enough to talk about it multiple times every damn day, she needs more intensive treatment.
2. BMI 19 is not the "minimum lowest healthy weight", it's 18.5, which seems like a small error but that can amount to a difference of 20 lbs for some people depending on height
3. She simultaneously says that BMI doesn't correlate to health, AND that she is staying at the "lowest healthy weight" that she can be. so which is it? Does BMI have anything to do with health or no, Jenna?
4. Subtle not-so-subtle post about how she's "at the lowest healthy weight for her height", implying that she's not really healthy, but continues to describe her "behaviors" to impressionable online followers
No. 116466
>>116462This video did nothing but make me want ramen
But girl you have a hair tie on your wrist. Use it
No. 116494
File: 1460089773252.jpeg (69.2 KB, 750x660, image.jpeg)

um… not storing your valuables in plain sight is like Car Owner 101. who leaves their purse in their car when they go inside anywhere??? like where were you going that you didn't need to bring your wallet or personal items
No. 116499
File: 1460094257623.jpeg (124.27 KB, 750x694, image.jpeg)

> so busy with my job that pays so much money
> (but not enough money that I can live on my own instead of with my parents, who I hate but still mooch off)
> literally never stops blogging
No. 116512
File: 1460101569977.png (440.39 KB, 750x1334, image.png)

Looks like Ember is using her again, I saw she updated her bio and added the link. God help us if she ever gets a tattoo
No. 116513
>>116499She fucks around on Tumblr all day including while she's at work but uploading a video takes too long? Sure.
She's also said her annual salary is in the 30k range which is not a lot if the cost of living are as expensive as where she is. And it's a 6 month contract. But she's making sooo much money you guys.
No. 116523
>>116516I think I figured it out!'s caused by repetative and prolonged moderate heat exposure insufficient to produce a burn. Anorexia results in a higher pain threshold, so anorexics, being cold all the time, wind up holding heating pads/hot water bottles/etc. against their skin for a reaaaaaaaally long time. Voila, erythema ab igne!
Or they could intentionally burn themselves like your dumbshit friend.
No. 116532
File: 1460111844013.jpg (34.62 KB, 313x470, image.jpg)

>>116523Yeah sure provided she's strapping hot water bottles to her damn legs.
Its not what Emily has on her thighs, that was answered ages ago.
Pic related, its livedo reticularis in someone else.
No. 116544
>>116515Like that posted she made complaining about how she bought ingredients to cook dinner for her and her mom but her mom is a drunk hungover bitch who won't eat and SHES SO
Love that maturity
No. 116566
>>116561It can be localized or widespread. In anorexics its usually the abdomen and inner thighs. Sometimes around the knees.
>>116562Pretty much.
No. 116590
File: 1460135578763.jpeg (100.79 KB, 750x696, image.jpeg)

>>116550I don't buy for one second that that's the price of the only apartment she can afford. median isn't the same as the low end of affordable lmfao she's so dumb
No. 116594
File: 1460136371987.jpeg (153.9 KB, 750x1106, image.jpeg)

Can someone tell me what the deal is with this girl ?
No. 116622
File: 1460145230669.jpeg (174.68 KB, 1264x1479, image.jpeg)

Good old Jolty's buying an Owl from Turtl.ed, guess she's been lurking a fair bit recently. Enable the Anas some more Jolt, you clearly have issues.
No. 116623
File: 1460145382441.jpeg (196.89 KB, 750x1210, image.jpeg)

I can't tell if she's on drugs or anything??? What's the low down on her? Anyone know?
No. 116634
File: 1460150401550.jpeg (780.05 KB, 2048x2048, image.jpeg)

Crying Emily posted a new crying selfie with a rather cringe worthy caption. This girl is going to be 18 this year and still wants to be a little girl protected by her mommy.
No. 116639
File: 1460151653696.jpg (400.18 KB, 1024x768, et-replica-hand-with-light-up-…)

>>116367damn her stretch fingers just remind me of pic related
No. 116641
>>116634She belongs in an institution.
>>116623That's a man, baby.
No. 116652
>>112288>>116634She's slowly starting to put her crying selfies back on her RecoveringEmily account because she has hardly any followers on her RecoveringEmilyVents account therefore not as much attention.
She's also trying to hop aboard the latest 'craze' of DID. She's already mentioned 'Alice' but a couple of days ago on the venting account she said 'Rosanna' was out and feeling happy.
No. 116655
File: 1460154320362.png (309.85 KB, 540x960, Screenshot_2016-04-08-23-23-21…)

>>116654Someone asked who Rosanna was but in typical CryingEmily style she ignored it and proceeded to post the next day
No. 116661
>>116622It's just shitty pompoms and some cheap beads it doesn't even look like an owl. I can't wait until she has to pay everyone back because she doesn't understand how shops work.
Of course joltographys right into it, she's such a creep.
No. 116662
>>116657Robe looks like it could almost walk away without Emily in it. Does she even realize how dirty her room/clothes/probably body are?
I bet she smells like Ash.
No. 116665
File: 1460158729905.png (1.26 MB, 1906x1701, PhotoGrid_1460147879121-1.png)

Surprised no one has posted this yet lmao
No. 116668
File: 1460158968061.png (1021.86 KB, 1080x1636, Screenshot_2016-04-08-19-40-25…)

Jesus christ, every image is exactly the same.
Baggy clothes which hide how fat she is with the classic thinspo pose and the neck strain.
I can't wait for her to show her back again lmao.
No. 116674
>>116668I am pretty bored with Ember, she's trying to sell us the same damn milk every time
Smells sour
No. 116679
File: 1460160499411.jpg (96.55 KB, 915x960, 1459897840733.jpg)

>>116677Honestly we could just post the same damn picture every time because the pose and weight never changes
It's like groundhog day, everyone reacting to an almost identical picture every time she posts one
No. 116707
>>116705Does it really make a difference?
First graders regularly make stuff of this quality. Hell, lots of them make way better things. 10 bucks worth of shit hotglued together and she's got a whole new $40 wardrobe. She probably thinks she's a genius.
No. 116710
>>116708I'm gonna make recovery snakes with socks and googly eyes
All we need to do is "sponsor" the 10k wannas
No. 116721
File: 1460168761989.jpg (2.37 MB, 2592x1936, image.jpg)

Recovery bandicoot. $30 aus.
No. 116738
>>116721anon did you make this just now as an ironic example, or is this real life im seeing here?
still lmao
No. 116763
File: 1460190759129.png (561.6 KB, 1440x2457, Screenshot_2016-04-08-13-43-48…)

No. 116806
File: 1460210889189.png (187.64 KB, 750x1334, 025.PNG)

bullshit it costs $4 to glue together pom-poms and beads, and they could probably be shipped with little more than a stamp. nothing to do with recovery either, just a gimmick to sell crafts
No. 116812
>>116806Nah, you do have to mail them as a package, which costs at least $2.56. (If there's a bump, it's considered a package. Source: I've shipped tiny plastic toys.)
Of course, if she does try to ship them as a letter/flat, the owls could get destroyed in the mail. They'd jam up the letter sorter, possibly get burned, and the receiver will be lucky if that get the remains. That'd be pretty funny.
No. 116818
>>116676for someone who hates ember and has way more followers, she really wants to be like her? the recovery owls are an obvious nod to embers dumb smiling pillow
why put ed in your username if you don't have one? I saw turt post a while back that she "doesn't have an eating disorder but just has some unhealthy habits"
she's promoting her 8429 other accounts and threatening to delete her main account but not getting even close to the same amount of followers on those accounts because of "the ghosts" lol
she also says she "only accepts requests from similar accounts" wtf does that mean? Only wannarexic accts?? and if the person requesting to follow you isn't public then how would you know if they're similar
No. 116869
>>116863>>116864Yikes, didn't know. Deleted it out of good faith, I have never seen it and I can't find where it was previously posted but I'm trusting you anon.
Would you post it's post number for me?
No. 116873
File: 1460228035245.png (79.52 KB, 652x353, cringe.png)

looked at her for the first time and the top message is an obvious self sent anon referring lolcow, i dont even want to scroll down at this point.
she is obsessed with us talking about her
No. 116880
File: 1460228406671.png (882.99 KB, 2272x664, 1.png)

>>116863>>116864>>116866>>116877FUCK IT
Just to avoid confusion, this is the image that everyone is replying too
No. 116881
File: 1460228467488.png (222.87 KB, 540x960, Screenshot_2016-04-09-19-59-12…)

>>112288She deleted the comment but what a delightful reply.
No. 116886
>>116883I think we should just do an Ember blackout. Let's just stop posting about her until she does something worth talking about.
Getting tired of her photoshop fails being the most interesting aspect of her cringeworthy behavior.
No. 116889
File: 1460229120225.png (333.93 KB, 540x960, Screenshot_2016-04-09-20-10-27…)

>>112288More of CryingEmily's 'DID'
No. 116891
File: 1460229830510.jpeg (158.77 KB, 640x718, image.jpeg)

>>116841Emma recently posted this. im no expert but ive never heard that claim before AND more interestingly, i have never seen Emma mention being in any pain?
Also love the fact shes playing the woe is me card yet again when there ARE plenty of people out there who genuinely ARE so much sicker than her but who never once act as if they are entitled to attention or sympathy like she does
No. 116902
File: 1460231611926.jpeg (506.47 KB, 1275x1465, image.jpeg)

If this chick sucked in any harder I'm sure her rib cage would collapse or some shit. This kind of stuff is just sad af.
No. 116915
File: 1460232823794.png (2.07 MB, 1854x874, 1.png)

Emily ffs! Stop shooping your pictures. If you want to be skinny, stop getting drunk everyday and start working out instead.
>lol @ how her right thigh is twice as big as her left No. 116921
File: 1460233660339.jpg (1001.5 KB, 1063x591, 1.jpg)

>>116919If it's not shoop'd, why are some parts of her legs blurred and darkened?
And no one is debating that she is an average weight now. That's been quite obvious for months now.
No. 116924
>>116915>>116921looks like she used a pinched tool right above her knee. i mean, one thigh looks normal and the other looks frail as fuck? even the pillow is curving with her thigh.
obvious photoshop is obvious. this anon
>>116919 is probably emily crocker just whiteknighting herself for the trillionth time today.
No. 116936
>>116921Sit like that, see what your thighs do.
She probably did shoop it but her anatomy is fine, the one leg is farther away and tensed. The other is relaxed and resting against the couch.
I don't give a fuck abut Emily, but y'all need to start learning anatomy if you're gonna call shoop. Honestly, I'm just gonna consider every Emily shoop call out Emily.
I've seen her self-submitting enough shoop anons attacking herself to have doubt.
No. 116943
File: 1460237063020.jpg (566.96 KB, 2131x1500, emily fawn.jpg)

did emily buy the same shirt as felice again
No. 116946
>>116936>>116937>>116939>>116942Lmao fuck off Emily. This person
>>116921 made it obvious that that photo is shoop'd and nobody cares enough to whiteknight you.
No. 116961
File: 1460238443758.png (1.19 MB, 1150x652, bad photoshop fail.png)

>>116915If Emily didn't shoop her leg, the entire outline of her leg/thigh/feet would be solid white but it isn't. She didn't attempt to slim her foot down, which is why the outline isn't as highlighted as the rest of her leg.
When an image is liquefied, the outline will look similar to Emily's photo and if the image is raw/unshoop'd, it'll look like the image on the right.
No. 116966
Emily instead of whiteknighting yourself here, post a video of yourself.
If this is what you look like
>>116915 a simple video would get these photoshop accusations to stop.
I mean, we know you're here. Stop whiteknighting yourself and post a video already. If you don't, obvious photoshop is obvious. End of discussion.
No. 116967
File: 1460239317456.png (253.67 KB, 560x800, proana emilyologist.png)

>i dont have time for proana bullshit
>reblogs thinspo from proana blogs
No. 116968
File: 1460239709776.png (136.84 KB, 773x525, Paro-chans.png)

>>116946Are you fucking retarded
No. 116969
>>116968Just stop. Emily is a retarded self poster anyway. She's beyond her average weight days so she doesn't belong in this thread until she starts her bullshit again like this
>>116967 pic's tag.
No. 116970
File: 1460240104810.jpg (3.72 KB, 250x187, 1458787492954s.jpg)

>>116969I'm not even defending Emily at this point, it just blows my mind that you guys use fotoforensics and call shoop but can't read Metadata properly and don't understand how unshooped thighs work
No. 116973
>>116970>can't read megadataI said here
>>116964 that I am not going by that but by the highlighted artifacts.
Emily pls go away already, you're dumb as fuck.
No. 116984
File: 1460241172224.jpg (166.63 KB, 750x1289, image.jpg)

??? Is she trying to pretend that her 'boyfriend' took that obviously posed picture of her? Her arms are holding the camera lol
No. 116988
File: 1460241580799.png (44.12 KB, 1141x507, ember whann.png)

This is old but relevant, Ember has always preferred 14-16 year olds.
Meaning her behavior isn't new, she has always been seeking for a young teen to groom.
No. 116995
File: 1460243194819.jpeg (123.09 KB, 1267x857, image.jpeg)

It's called taking a dump
No. 117001
File: 1460244575305.jpg (669.01 KB, 1920x1920, IMG_20160409_182551.jpg)

Seriously the worst haircut ever
No. 117003
>>117001The red looks good, makes her look like an adult.
That haircut though, kinda makes me want to die.
No. 117006
File: 1460245486571.png (1.04 MB, 1080x1716, Screenshot_2016-04-09-19-43-13…)

>>117001SHE MADE IT HER ICON LOOOOL dear lord
No. 117048
>>116984lol what the actual fuck jenna
her "boyfriend" probably took an even more unflattering photo of her and she wanted to take a better one, but could only produce this. lmao
I'm just waiting for Jenna to start Photoshopping like every other idiot on tumblr. It's only a matter of time
No. 117050
Can you guys give it a rest with the "idk why you guys say she's xyz, she's not even xyz"…have you not realized this is the biggest trolling thread ever?
No. 117054
File: 1460255109917.jpeg (102.24 KB, 500x733, image.jpeg)

>>117051….that was made in China & came out five yrs after the hype.
No. 117092
File: 1460271211210.jpeg (133.79 KB, 750x968, image.jpeg)

Look who's licking Ember's asshole now
No. 117110
>>117014omg are you for real
rose (pink) gold (brassy).
that is literally exactly what that shit is supposed to be.
No. 117130
File: 1460299897009.jpg (304.42 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2016-04-10-07-44-00…)

I know yungangelita doesn't have an ED but I figure she's probably a huge attention whore and she's on ig but she posted a gif/vid of her sobbing naked or whatever and her followers are all concerned like shit lmao I don't get how all these people somehow have mental breakdowns and right in the middle they think hey let me post this to instagram!! Like shit do you need attention that badly?
No. 117135
File: 1460300488273.png (792.24 KB, 1248x750, jenna maybe.png)

Different anon, but I came across this a few days ago and it looks like Jenna??? I cropped the screenshot since she's naked and pissing in a shower and seems potentially underage but I have no idea.
No. 117149
File: 1460302850468.png (904.56 KB, 750x1334, image.png)

No. 117150
File: 1460302894979.jpeg (Spoiler Image,27.67 KB, 284x184, image.jpeg)

I don't want to click on it and accidentally download it lmao someone get a bigger image
No. 117158
think (not sure) the viewers can tip the camgirl with "tokens"
No. 117160
>>117158whatever the case is, she must not have made much money or she probably would have kept doing it
>>117159if those are implants, she should sue for malpractice
No. 117174
File: 1460305033264.jpg (5.8 KB, 225x225, images (1).jpg)

I see a weird bulge, but they look too podgy to be implants so I'm going with the fat girl lost weight theory. Also tags them natural on her profile.
She reminds me of an even uglier Amanda De Cadenet, that weird inbred posh girl look.
This one's an out and out exhibitionist though. She flashes her vadge on tumblr, so it's not like she has any shame getting her tits out on cam. It's not like she needs the money.
No. 117208
File: 1460313071964.jpg (Spoiler Image,24.28 KB, 215x329, myfreegrosstits.jpg)

>>117150This is as big as the pictures gets without downloading it (as far as I can tell).
NSFW image, obviously.
No. 117213
File: 1460313283368.jpg (32.02 KB, 400x280, fish-face-16096390.jpg)

No. 117214
File: 1460313297396.jpg (91.98 KB, 400x500, FishFace.jpg)

No. 117216
File: 1460313323357.jpg (528.68 KB, 996x1600, stock-photo-fresh-snapper-fish…)

Tell me you don't see the resemblance I am dying…
No. 117217
File: 1460313381212.jpg (24.29 KB, 401x401, RCFSVcPH.jpg)

No. 117225
>>117221Same reason all the fugly camwhores think they're hot. Delusion.
To be fair, I'd prefer some guy whack off to tits that aren't plastic or what's considered "acceptable" hot tits, but combine hers with her face and just no.
No. 117233
File: 1460314567884.jpg (454.24 KB, 1280x1707, Z6PLHEz.jpg)

>>117229She claimed a BMI below 16 in this lmao
No. 117247
File: 1460315288204.jpg (Spoiler Image,42.59 KB, 501x656, self love.JPG)

>Not in a bad way
She's been talked about here forever. I can't even find where she was first mentioned. Maybe the aly thread before she came to /snow and a general attention whore thread was made.
Spoilering her face is good, too.
No. 117263
File: 1460316450470.png (862.41 KB, 750x1334, image.png)

>>117257yes she is. and she said on her lord–swoledemort blog that she had cancer treatment but not chemo. it was in the post where she was patting herself on the back for having nice hair. lol
No. 117276
File: 1460318133014.jpeg (66.79 KB, 750x438, image.jpeg)

alluding to the fact that she lurks lol
No. 117282
>>117275Can you not assume that everyone is up to date on this Jenna's person drama and actually provide some proof?
Proof someone is lying about cancer = sweet delicious milk
I'm not even the same anon as before, I am just bored and thirsty.
>>117279>check my IPDon't say stupid shit like this, how the fuck do you think anyone here will be able to check your IP? Only Admin has that power and he does not give a fuck about this thread.
No. 117283
File: 1460318649168.jpeg (215.32 KB, 750x1020, image.jpeg)

No. 117287
File: 1460319128353.jpeg (189.82 KB, 750x1252, image.jpeg)

No. 117304
File: 1460321685688.gif (6.81 MB, 960x450, ember lee whann.gif)

>>117292Suuuure, Jenna is brave.
But Ember also went by her full name while acting like a giant pile of donkey shit on the internet and just look at what happens when you google Ember Lee Whann
This is the webpage I clicked btw No. 117314
File: 1460323931237.png (22.98 KB, 861x150, mpa.png)

neurotypicals be like
No. 117371
File: 1460338506488.jpeg (268.88 KB, 1277x1489, image.jpeg)

This girl really gets me, she posted 17 photos of AYCE sushi yesterday & admitted to not purging ONE of those, now says she's only having one last binge session then going back to restricting. Why people post things like this, then post all their binge foods etc is beyond me. I love how she thinks people caring about her wellbeing is "patronizing".
No. 117388
>>117371Get over it, fatass.
You're the only one who's gonna post about her because you're hate following someone who's sick and salty af that she's emaciated and you're not
No. 117394
File: 1460343544493.jpg (26.29 KB, 250x250, IDwZ3.jpg)

>>117392You posted her here, did you forget
No. 117396
File: 1460343863436.png (217.5 KB, 390x435, image.png)

>>117394"Hurrr durrrr—there's only two people in this thread"
No. 117397
File: 1460344003135.gif (1.91 MB, 275x156, 1455942855117.gif)

>>117396>This bitch pisses me offYou always say the same shit when you post her insta
No. 117418
>>117130I legit hate Yungelita specifically for that awful trend of being into dd/lg shit, intentionally posing as a "sexy child" like with little girl props, and this ridiculous representation of mental health. I wouldn't care if she wasn't so popular but the idea of so many young girls copying it is repulsive.
I think I hate her because she leads with the idea that she has ~no control of herself~ and that it's edgy. It's just SUCH obvious pandering to pedos and girls who also hate themselves and miss their suburban childhoods.
You're a grown ass woman sexualizing a breakdown I h88888 you.
No. 117471
File: 1460349915487.jpeg (53.1 KB, 500x476, image.jpeg)

>>117397Idk wtf you're talking about, so……..lets just agree to revel at your autism.
Autism at its finest. (Also, learn how to sage fag)
No. 117472
>>117464Staff sides with whoever files DMCA claims before looking into whether it was legitimate or not and 3 strikes, you're out.
Just upload the images to imgur and share the link on tumblr. She can't have a link removed.
No. 117516
>>117475Well she is deep into that illness but her posing with her yogurts was cringe worthy. Yes, we get it you are very skinny.
There are some things which she doesn't mention. She is like… what 14/15 ? A minor. Her parents keep this watching ? The school doesn't send someone to ask how long she will be missed ? There are laws. Staying at home is no option. Where is the youth welfare office ? It is not normal that everybody around her keeps this watching. She can be forced into a clinic. She should be everything else is non-assistance of persons in danger.
No. 117538
File: 1460366109087.jpeg (122.27 KB, 750x1080, image.jpeg)

No. 117628
File: 1460392582570.jpeg (558.35 KB, 640x979, image.jpeg)

All this person does is post bodychecks and complain how ugly they are while knowing they are extremely emaciated
No. 117638
>>117628God that's depressing.
Reminds me of Erika. I always wonder how her poor children are doing.
No. 117658
>>117273Just likely because of her systematic lying.
1) lied about giving purging tips via pm and claimed photoshop when the proof was there
2) when her mpa account was exposed she cried "my ED made me do it"
3) lies about diagnosis and being underweight CLEARLY
4) in the archives her blog turned out to originally be a thinspo/fitspo blog lol
5) posts in there were also found of the fake cancer deal, wouldn't be surprised if she did lie because during that time she was doing crush 60
And lets be honest, it isn't the first time a snowflake has lied about shit like this and jenna has gone through lengths to cover the entire thing up and still refuses to speak about it.