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No. 197138
Munchausen By Internet: The Sickening
Previous Thread:
>>181656Robyn Brown ( @LifeUndiagnosedd on Instagram) is the epitome of an attention-seeking, sick role-obsessed person with Munchausen By Internet (see links below for more info). People with MBI either fake illnesses or exaggerate/deliberately worsen existing illnesses for attention. She has a laundry list of alleged mental and physical illnesses and conditions which may or may not be legit, and has been caught in countless examples of lies and inconsistencies. She is a frequenter of chronic illness/spoonie communities online for nearly every vague, questionable disorder, especially the "trendy" ones. She sees doctors constantly and blows the tiniest of issues into mountainous "crises." Virtually
everything she shares is related in some way to her illness and suffering.
Some of her hobbies include: taking selfies that showcase her alleged illnesses, disabilities and medical paraphernalia; making "pill art' (spelling her screen names out in meds); taking pictures of random people on the bus and ranting about how they are glaring at her for sitting in a disabled seat or how much they
trigger her, how much she loves work, collecting braces and finger splints, making her illnesses worse, creating more drama than Lifetime, collecting medical alert necklaces, bracelets, wallet cards and used EKG stickers, fucking with her wounds to keep them from healing (she kept a laparoscopic appendectomy wound open for MONTHS) while claiming her body is shutting down, and ranting about social injustices toward young people with disabilities.
Robyn has a litany of social media accounts with multiple aliases and profiles on Instagram, Facebook, Tumblr and Twitter, going back years. All are sickness-oriented,.and she seems to change them whenever she has some sort of "crisis" or people catch onto her bullshit. She lives in the UK and works for the NHS as a ward clerk in the maternity dept. She's in her late 20's and engaged to her fiance, Zak (who seems to avoid mentioning her on his Facebook account).
From Dr. Marc Feldman, who first described Munchausen By Internet:in 2000:
"…the advent of online support groups, combined with access to vast stores of medical information, enabled individuals seeking to gain sympathy by relating a series of harrowing medical or psychological problems that defy comprehension to misuse the groups.[1] Communication forums specializing in medical or psychological recovery were established to give lay users support in navigating often confusing and frustrating medical processes and bureaucracy. Communities often formed on those forums, with the goal of sharing information to help other members. Medical websites also became common, giving lay users access to literature in a way that was accessible to those without specific medical training. As Internet communication grew in popularity, users began to forgo the doctors and hospitals often consulted for medical advice. Frequenting virtual communities that have experience with a medical problem, Feldman notes, is easier than going through the physical pain or illness that would be necessary before visiting a doctor to get the attention sought. By pretending to be gravely ill, Internet users can gain sympathy from a group whose sole reason for existence is support. Health care professionals, with their limited time, greater medical knowledge, and tendency to be more skeptical in their diagnoses, may be less likely to provide that support."
LINKS to just a few of Robyn's accounts:
Instagram: LINKS to articles and info on MBI: No. 197140
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In this post she said her family don't believe her.
No. 197141
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She kept two Instagram accounts running at the same time in 2015.
One account was her retelling the story of a chemical burn that happened in 2014 allegedly.
The other account was her real time updates of an emergency appendicitis surgery and the failure of that wound to heal.
No. 197142
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Each account starts with an introduction post that lists her conditions and persecutions from people who don't believe.
No. 197143
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Along with the countless instagram accounts, tumblrs, facebook pages she kept her facebook account public and told different stories of brain tumors.
It's important to note that cysts and tumors on the pituitary gland are often non cancerous and treated with simple hormone replacement pills like birth control.
No. 197149
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"Doctors" diagnose her with conditions but the scripts come from a Nurse Independent or Supplementary Subscriber which means a Nurse or Pharmacist. No. 197161
>>197153Another instagram: facebook: the amount of abandoned social media pages she has is incredibly suspect: it's not like you can't change your instagram or facebook handle on your current profile so I do wonder what her excuse for it is. If she claims it was because she was bullied than she's dumber than I thought: anyone who has legitimately been bullied so much wouldn't keep continuing the process and keep creating new instagram accounts using the same information.
No. 197163
>>197160 £984 a year? No.
Anyone getting more than 2 prescriptions per month buys a yearly certificate which costs £104
No. 197165
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No. 197186
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>>197185This angle is not flattering at all. She looks like a pastel hunchback
No. 197188
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>>197185>This is the Tattoo I got as a reminder that even though I'm having surgery to correct my Microtia, it will always be a part of me.Um no offense but that's maybe one of the worst tattoo ideas I've ever seen kek. She really does make her entire identity revolve around her illnesses, what a sad existence.
No. 197199
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>>197186How can someone have such dumpy a down syndrome potato body
No. 197217
>>197162 - another twitter, the ig links are broken and there's only a few mentions of microtia - incredibly short movie review blog
seems like she's been doing this shit for a long time and i don't know how or why this dude's stuck with her b/c she gets like, more aggressive and snow flakey as the years go by.
No. 197254
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buckle up team, she writes Red Dwarf Fanfiction! Age protected for mature content~
Found on her DA
>>197185 No. 197298
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No. 197329
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One of her old accounts. Uploaded 3 videos of her faking a "wheeze" where she is obviously straining. Fuck her lips look so retarded and punchable.
Anyway then she got a script for some antibiotics and it was "a successful visit!"
No. 197351
>>197329Man, I hate when people use "breath" and "breathe" wrong. Like when someone is attempting to be dramatic saying "i love —-so much i can hardly breath."
You can hardly BREATH? what?
they're not even pronounced the same.
sage for O/T
No. 197364
>>197348probably i doubt she has friends. like can you imagine hanging out with someone like that?
regular person: "awwww man work was so exhausting today"
robyn: "I'M CHRONICALLY ILL!!!11"
No. 197407
Alright farmers, time to continue the now-infamous Appendectomy Saga. To recap, Robyn exaggerated "muh bloated stumik" symptoms and kept pestering doctors for over a week until they finally admitted her to try and solve her alleged abdominal issue. They ran a bunch of tests over several days in hospital, but when nothing was definitive they decided to do an exploratory abdominal laparoscopy to see if they could find what was wrong. In that op her appendix was removed, which if I recall correctly she said it was abnormally long but that was it. If they go in, they take your appendix either way. It's pretty standard…so one has to question if this was all bullshit, like so many other "illnesses/crises" Robyn has. They also found a single ovarian cyst but left it alone. I suspect she had some pain from that but bitched, moaned and baaawwww'd about it once she was warned to look out for appendectomy symptoms and got her ~*glorious surgery uwu*~. She posted an ungodly number of selfies while in hospital, and another anon discovered that she was also blogging at the same time on another account about some [almost certainly self-inflicted] chemical burn wound which occurred a year before the appy event. Around the same time she blogged about both, she also wrote on her Facebook about potentially having a benign endocrine tumor.
We last left off at Part 15 of the Appy Saga, wherein Robyn began to have "complications" with her central laparoscopic incision. Allegedly the wound wasn't healing because ~*muh fragile EDS skin*~ despite the fact that the other two incisions healed without incident and the wound she had problems with was clearly being messed with to keep it open. It's all too shady. Strongly-adhering dressings "came off" for no apparent reason and the wound gradually opened more and more despite a normal healing trajectory at first. She had to have been debriding it to keep it widening and bleeding fresh blood.
The following are links to The Appendectomy Saga, Parts 1-12. Her initial abdominal "complaints" begin with exaggerated stomach-pushed-out bloat pics, through multiple doctor visits, to eventual hospitalization, exploratory surgery, post-op and discharge.
>>196280>>196282>>196283>>196285>>196296>>196304>>196306>>196307>>196309>>196311>>196312>>196313>>196315 No. 197411
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The Appendectomy Saga: Post Hospital Discharge
Part 13: This is when the wound fuckery begins…
No. 197412
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Part 14: Surgeon CYA's with prophylactic antibiotics in case it's a legit infection. LU makes this a crisis and thinks "My body really is giving up!"
> #bitchPLEASE
No. 197413
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Part 15: Shit gets gross and super fucked from here. She starts fucking with the wound and posting very graphic pics.
You have been warned.
TEXT: "TMI Warning: So the #scar from my #emergencysurgery/#appendectomy keeps opening up more and more and bleeding whenever I move around and I'm super scared I'm going to have to get it stitched up! You can see the fat it's opened up that deep and I feel sick looking at it! I'm so fed up of #doctors and #hospitals I don't want to go back but I'm worried it's going to keep getting worse :( fuck #spoonielife and #spoonieproblems - I just want to be normal and heal normally :( it's been 12 days since my #surgery - it should NOT look like this ???"
No. 197415
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>>197413In the comments on the above post, a few things were revealed.
1. The story of the wound healing fine until a dog jumped on her wound and opened it is incongruous with her erroneous claim that it's ~*muh EDS*~ causing problems with wound healing. So which is it Robyn? Mechanical injury (what a shit story, too), or delayed healing from EDS? And if it's the latter, how was this incision healing just fine until the alleged dog incident, and how are your other wounds healing normally? What a load of horse shit.
2. Now she suddenly has had IBS for years! She just appropriated an illness in writing. Before, it was a suspected possibility for her vague abdominal complaints. Unbelievable.
No. 197416
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Part 16: More wound fuckery. She gets "rushed" back into a room "before the coughs and colds." Well, she certainly has a flair for the dramatic.
No. 197420
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Part 17: It's from ~*muh EDS!*~
No. 197531
>>197298Ugh I don't want to imagine her in anything from Ann Summers…
>>197142Her mouth looks like she forgot to put her dentures in.
No. 197558
>>197557Stop being so mad, Robyn. If you were that sick and hiding many more ailments, you would actually be in the hospital. You would have an actual nurse to help you.
You wouldn't have to harass the A&E so they check your mostly healthy body out of duty before sending you back to your home so you can rant on Instagram.
No. 197560
>>197557You say people being racist or homophobic is worthy of criticism. What about when people purposefully fake illnesses for social or medical attention, and the impact that has on doctors' perception of patients who genuinely have those conditions?
Because that's part of why people who actually have EDS often go decades without being diagnosed or treated, even if their symptoms are present since childhood. Doctors see patients that come in repeatedly, patients like Robyn, and the hassle that they come with. The flaunting of pill hoarding or purposefully messing with surgical wounds against medical advice. These people make those doctors miserable, they get cynical, they start assuming that most patients complaining about those symptoms are just as fake. That is a huge problem considering EDS can be fatal.
I'm guessing you don't have EDS. You don't know what it's like to be written off because Munchies make you look like a hypochondriac. You don't know what it's like to have to jump through so many hoops just to find a doctor that will actually listen, because they assume that you're just drug seeking or making a big deal over nothing. And that's not even going into the sexism behind the whole thing, considering EDS primarily affects women after puberty hits and women are taken much less seriously in the medical field.
Munchies like Robyn affect the livelihood and health care of people who are genuinely ill. That's worthy of criticism. Sorry your head's too far up your ass to see the impact it has on others.
No. 197570
>>197565we really don't care if you're robyn or not stop white knighting for this girl and her actions that DO deserve criticism. They do affect other people as
>>197560 mentioned.
you also don't sound like you're regularly on this site pls take your sjw ass back to tumblr, not-robyn.
No. 197577
>>197575you can judge all you want but until you've spent a day in her life I'm afraid I don't hold a great deal of weight to your allegations and mistruths.
>>197576So now you're acknowledging that she has indeed spent a lifetime suffering from Microatia and all the complexities of the illness that come along with it (including but not limited to: hearing impairment, disfigured ear proportions and complications from complex and intrusive surgeries)?
One second you say she's a liar and making up her illnesses for attention, the next you acknowledge she's a victim of circumstances beyond her control - which is it??
No. 197580
>>197579Sure I would believe it. People harassing doctors to get meds and doctor shopping to obtain the diagnosis they want happens ALL THE FUCKING TIME.
Lenient doctors exist, so do naive or plainly incompetent doctors.
Most of the shit she shows is actually otc supplements anyway.
No. 197582
>>197579I don't think you understand how Munchies work.
Here's the thing about Munchies: They are extremely good at getting what they want. They know precisely what to say and how to act in order to convince medical professionals that their symptoms are legit, and they self-induce symptoms by doing things like taking unnecessary or conflicting medications, eating junk that will inevitably make them ill, and messing with open wounds so they get infected. If a doctor starts to suspect them, they jump ship and find someone new, often with entirely separate records. They are very, very good at it and it can be difficult to actually catch them since they'll just up and leave once someone starts suspecting them.
Also, things like posting records and other such proof is classic Munchie behavior. So is hoarding medication that she hasn't finished. We have no guarantee that she has to take all of those meds /right now/ and every day. They easily could be old scripts that she's been keeping for pictures. And depending on the country, it's easier to obtain some meds than others. In the UK for example, it's much easier to obtain pain medication than it would be in the US because the social dynamic in the medical field is different. There is less focus on drug seeking behavior in the UK, so it's easier to get unnecessary pain meds. If she was in the US, she'd likely be breaking the law with her drug hoarding since there's state laws limiting the number of pills you can have for opiates. Hoarding suggests intent to traffic and she could get sent to jail. Meanwhile, patients that actually need that pain medication are denied it because they're assumed to be drug seeking or looking to sell their meds. So yeah. I have a problem with her.
No. 197584
>>197579Not the Anon you're responding to, but I'm going to throw in my own two cents.
Munchasen's is hard to diagnose and often even if suspected (or having legitimate proof) doctor's and therapists will not tell you you have it. Reason being it can through the patient into a crisis state (an actual mental health crisis, not the type of "crisis" Robyn talks about). I can imagine that she may actually have BPD or that may be the disorder they think she has rather than Munchasen's. Whether we like it or not there are people with BPD who are manipulative, and do a lot of things for attention.
Doctor shopping and manipulation is quite common, though I must admit I don't know how it works in the UK and how prominent it is. And there are some doctor's who would rather give their patient a pill then have them come in on a bi-weekly basis taking time away from people who need it.
The fact is that there is a lot of red flags with Robyn. She has probably one of the largest collection of online profiles a lot of us have ever seen. Every new account either adds someone of her older "diagnoses" or scrubs it away.
Let's not forget this is someone who has claimed she may have a tumor and at one point claimed to have an eating disorder.
No. 197591
I really don't like that she posts pictures of her medication like it's some collective haul. There is literally nothing to gain from posting that other than asspats. So fucking stupid. She pisses me off the most out of anyone in this board. And who the fuck are you??
>>197588Way to strawman the other anon's argument. She didn't say she was selling drugs just that she would be busted for intent to sell simply by having that many. You are supposed to toss or return medication to the pharmacy
No. 197594
>>197586Oh, yeah, an idiot doctor handed me tramadol for what were most likely stress headaches. I was young and didn't know better, he didn't even warn me and I got hooked on that shit. First withdrawal and I had no fucking idea wth was happening.
They are truly careless with that crap, here.
It's only the really heavy stuff they watch. And even then, if you're good enough at faking, do your research beforehand and pick something that is hard to diagnose, you can get through.
No. 197610
>>197573I like how you just imply everyone here is ~able bodied and minded~ and thus can't see what a brave warrior you are.
>Wah wah I packed a fork instead of a spoon, very mental illness today>Look at this closeup of my surgery wound I'm fiddling with so it won't heal>"This is what a severe panic attack looks like", posts the same picture of her punchable potato face as usual>I arranged a year's stash of pills in a kawaii way ugh so tired of doctors and hospitals Such incredible strength. Fuck off.
Sage for being this mad.
No. 197616
>>197610Yeah, Im disabled and despise the spoonie comm due to all the whackos. It's about status, showing off who is the worst, etc.
It's like a sick competition.
No. 197650
>>197610for real like half this board is actual disabled people and many of them actually have the diseases robyn pretends to, they've been able to call her out no problem.
also, like, how can you argue any of this after that blatant explanation and photos of the nasty things she did with her appendectomy wound? photos of her literally stretching the "unhealable" wound open, if any doctor saw that they would recommend serious therapy, for that is a very dangerous form of self harm, to fuck with a surgery wound and open your body for all sorts of infections it's literally a miracle she didn't go septic…
and then posting her self harm wounds on LU and stretching them open and putting a filter on it with the highest contrast? for attention.
I have no pity for her at all. She's done vile things for attention and she is honestly giving actually ill people a bad name.
Like really, whom does her instagram really help? her.
No. 197671
>>197592I have one of the conditions you go on about Robyn it's not a drama or a death sentence or a need to go to countless medical professionals for tests.
Your behaviour is attention seeking and abnormal. You need therapy and to focus on the real world and stop making internet accounts.
>>197616I had a health account but it was more about healthy food, exercise, meditation and things to help me get better with my condition. I shared with people who have the same condition as me things we did that helped.
After reading everything in the other thread and how bonkers people are in that community I deleted it.
No. 197673
>>197671No, you CLAIM to be suffering from one of the same symptoms as mRobyn is. But are you really? I mean… can I see some proof? you must be lying, I don't believe you. You're clearly suffering from Munchausen. You must be faking it. It's all just for attention. Stop posting about it on the internet. You need therapy and you're doctor shopping…
See how ridiculous you sound :)
No. 197679
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>>197673Go rub some OTC ibuprofen gel on that bursitis and enjoy your KFC in the middle of your IBS attack.
No. 197691
>>197673lol robyn, I think all of us in this thread combined could not add up to how ridiculous you sound and act. you're gonna kill yourself accidentally, taking all those prescriptions, mixing meds, changing your doses (may i quote - "took an extra setraline because today was really hard, when that is clearly not how that med works!) and putting your body through all this shit just for attention, treating yourself for diseases you don't have, aggressively working towards worsening your situation.
also it is so very blatant that your IBS is self inflicted you literally have only eaten junk for years you only post junk food, wouldn't you want to… feel better?
Like eating like shit is ok occassionally but if you're getting the shits everyday, maybe try some fruits and vegetables?
No. 197695
And tbh, I really don't need support. I know my condition, I know what makes it worse or better so there's really no point for me to join any kind of support group anymore.
However I think with something like CF, it would be helpful because I believe people who have CF cannot hang out with each other unless one has had a transplant or something, because they can spread infections and bugs to each other and heaven forbid you culture b. cepacia…
No. 197700
>>197416This is so ridiculous. Of course you'll be seen immediately at an urgent care center if you have an open wound. I cut my finger recently making dinner and needed to go there to get actual stitches, and they took me to the back over the people with "coughs and colds" because my hand was wrapped in a bloody fucking rag. It's nothing special about you, Robyn.
This girl is incredible in her delusions. I can't believe how deep the rabbit hole goes for her. Does anyone think that she's aware that she's really not sick and she purposely does this as a sort of desperate ploy for attention, or do you think she genuinely believes she is sick?
No. 197763
>>197715I'm sure Robyn will appreciate your diagnosis Dr. Anonymous. Now do tell me… aside from the fact that she has already publicly shared her physical and mental health problems via her IG profile (in hopes of inspiring others and removing some of the stigma attached to such illnesses I hasten to add), how did you come to the conclusion she was mentally ill?
She has BPD and she owns that. I think a whole lot of you are raging narcissists and insecure bullies who could probably benefit from a diagnosis yourselves. Or maybe we should tie your fingers together even though you don't struggle with any chronic pain in them like Robyn does, just so you'd be unable to spew any further bollocks.
No. 197768
>>197758We post about her because one, it's funny and interesting to watch her think she's got everyone fooled, and secondly, it's frustrating seeing people abuse the medical system like this.
>>197763>how did you come to the conclusion she was mentally ill? Gee, I dunno, maybe her constantly making up diagnoses and then dropping them as soon as she doesn't feel like keeping it up anymore? Maybe her abusing medication to seem sicker (no doctor would recommend you take another sertraline when you feel shit)? Maybe her fucking with wounds to make them look worse?
She very clearly has a fictitious disorder, and you're a fucking moron if you believe her despite the insane amount of evidence posted in this thread.
>She has BPD and she owns thatNothing about her says BPD, you don't get diagnosed with a personality disorder within your first meeting of a specialist, and it's very clearly just meant to be there as an out clause, like it was with Kadee.
No. 197782
>>197763hi not-robyn.
I have bpd. I own it. I don't use it as an excuse for bad behavior (because i'm a responsible human) (sage for blogging) and honestly if you don't seek therapy and you have BPD I think that is pretty much a crime, BPD takes literal years of working on your personal self, not being self involved, but being mindful and learning to rationalize. She doesn't do it. And she will blame her shit behavior on BPD and not even apologize.
I don't believe she has BPD she doesn't show 6 out of the possible 11 symptoms, that's the general rule. She needs validation and acts irrationally, but that doesn't mean she has BPD.
She has Munchhausen's and she shows narcissistic qualities that come with being a munchie.
I bet she tortures her boyfriend, I can't imagine. #FreeZak>>197774
No. 197784
>>197763hi not-robyn.
I have bpd. I own it. I don't use it as an excuse for bad behavior (because i'm a responsible human) (sage for blogging) and honestly if you don't seek therapy and you have BPD I think that is pretty much a crime, BPD takes literal years of working on your personal self, not being self involved, but being mindful and learning to rationalize. She doesn't do it. And she will blame her shit behavior on BPD and not even apologize.
I don't believe she has BPD she doesn't show 6 out of the possible 11 symptoms, that's the general rule. She needs validation and acts irrationally, but that doesn't mean she has BPD.
She has Munchhausen's and she shows narcissistic qualities that come with being a munchie.
I bet she tortures her boyfriend, I can't imagine. #FreeZak
No. 197785
>>197763hi not-robyn.
I have bpd. I own it. I don't use it as an excuse for bad behavior (because i'm a responsible human) (sage for blogging) and honestly if you don't seek therapy and you have BPD I think that is pretty much a crime, BPD takes literal years of working on your personal self, not being self involved, but being mindful and learning to rationalize. She doesn't do it. And she will blame her shit behavior on BPD and not even apologize.
I don't believe she has BPD she doesn't show 6 out of the possible 11 symptoms, that's the general rule. She needs validation and acts irrationally, but that doesn't mean she has BPD.
She has Munchhausen's and she shows narcissistic qualities that come with being a munchie.
I bet she tortures her boyfriend, I can't imagine. #FreeZak>>197774
No. 197793
>>197758gossiping about someone does not equal caring about them, what a concept.
the fuck do you care why anyone talks about this waste of air? does it impact your life that a bunch of anons are discussing a lying fake?
don't care who you are but you're talking out of your ass as much as robyn is and it's just the same boring, useless shit over and over. btw, i don't need some fucking sad ass doormat ~partner~ to be happy in life but please keep pretending i like pointing and laughing at this trainwreck b/c i'm ~jealous~ or whatever.
No. 197800
>>197793never accused you of jealousy, that'll be your own insecurities spilling out in to your posts. And it's really not a pretty look believe you me
>>197791I'm merely trying to be a voice of reason and call you (coll-ec-ti-vely, NOT individually) out on your b/s reasons for hating on her. I'm not 'whiteknighting' Robyn, nor am I Robyn herself but I refuse to buy into the pack mentality of bringing down someone who as far as I'm aware has done absolutely nothing to deserve such hate and abuse.
And if she's so irrelevant and pathetic then perhaps it's time you all left this thread to die or deleted it. She's deactivated all her social media profiles as far as I'm aware and is taking a much needed break from the internet to destress and get away from the toxic comments which if anything I'm sure were only prolonging her agony and feelings of helplessness.
No. 197801
>>197793you don't need a partner? where did that come from? did I miss something?
I'm sure you absolutely 100% need Zak and that you almost definitely decrease his quality of life.
Did he finally dump you?
No. 197802
>>197800you do realize it's impossible for us not to know its you, robyn, because of your details of her personal emotions. And if you're not her, your white knighting is failing completely. You're not making yourself look better.
We don't care if you delete all your social media, I mean, you can only go so long without validation and attention right???
No. 197804
>>197800if you're not-robyn or a white knight (so you don't know her personally at all?), you're defending her terrible behavior. That what white knight is, defending the OP against their shitty behavior.
also, you're not commenting on any other threads? even the other munchie one? or ash? why are you ONLY defending robyn?
Literally all we do is point out how vile she is as a person.
if you wanna make fun of us for being petty n shit go to dakota's thread and call some people out for hating on her nails that need to be filled in. hahahhaha
No. 197834
>>197812Post a picture of your hair with a time stamp. Or just the lower half of your face.
Be really cool and post with a shoe on top of your head with a time stamp. Because otherwise every single one of us will continue to remain convinced it's you, Robyn.
inb4 "i won't do that, I don't need to prove myself to you mean bullies"
No. 197841
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>>197774 Oh cut the shit already.
"someone who is a victim of circumstance"
>a victim of circumstance>a victimSure, Jan. There's a subset of people with MBI who have legitimate pre-existing conditions or experience with medical drama and attention/sympathy received; often in childhood, and crave the speshul-ness of that time. In Robyn's case, it was microtia which got her the most attention and sympathy. She went to a super-important prestigious hospital in London to see the top doctors in their field; she had a news story done on her; she became the queen of inspiration in a microtia support group, basking in all the attenshun and loving it - until people dared to not take everything she said as gospel ("but those parents should be listening to MEEEEE!"). No one is claiming Robyn has not ever dealt with medical problems. What we're saying is her melodramatic behavior and ever-increasing repertoire of uber-dramatic, severe and life-threatening and progressive illnuhssez and kryseez are over the fucking top. Every single tiny thing is blown into a huge fucking soap opera with her. She has been definitively caught in lies, and photo evidence along with her own text have proven she has exacerbated and tampered with her wounds
on multiple occasions to prolong the sympathy saga. Even the DOCS tell her to STOP wasting their time and go home and stop fucking with her wounds! Multiple docs, multiple incidents. Nearly all of them. You think we're all wrong though?
If you cannot see the mountain of evidence in support of Robyn
making everything as severe as possible and being the bestest most frajul delicate suffering ~*spoonie angle desu*~ you're duped beyond reason. But sure, Jan, we're all wrong. Robyn's family is wrong. Robyn's doctors and hospitals and every fucking medical scenario that doesn't go according to her romanticized, fetishized plan is against her, the whole world is out to get her, everyone on the bus is so obsessed with glaring at her or somehow marginalizing her because ~*invisubul disuhbilititties~* reasons, she is forced out of every fucking support community she has ever joined because she's a huge manipulative attention-seeking "must be the sickest" bitch. How many accounts does one need? How many clean starts after you fuck over everyone who trusted you? Why are there always problemz with everyone, everywhere?
When she doesn't get the response she wants, like super special treatments from doctors for her blown-out-of-proportion complaints, she threatens to stop caring for herself because "Why should I care about my injuries if they don't?" Does that sound normal to you?
Or how about the time she threatened to TAKE A KNIFE TO HER WOUND to make it bad enough to warrant the level of care she was seeking! Really? Nope, nope and nope.
TL;DR anons, this one is gone hook line and sinker. She has well and truly drunk Robyn's Kool-Aid.
Meanwhile, back to the wound fuckery saga that is sadly, disturbingly, 100% Robyn fucking with her central lap incision to keep it open and bleeding…
No. 197853
>>197848She's not trying to be a hero, merely a survivor and living proof that you can hold down a job, a relationship, and support others while dealing with health problems beyond your control.
Also I don't think it's any of your business to drag her partner in to this or speculate on the status of their relationship. But then again I suspect you're running out of things to gossip about now that your favourite subject of bitching and scheming has taken a much needed break from the internet. Clasping at straws much?
No. 197856
>>197853First off, I love how you've ignored any posts you can't just act condescending in response to, such as
>>197768And secondly, no, that's not what she's doing. She's presenting herself as sick, not as a hero or proof that you can fight through illnesses and that they don't control you, everything she posts is about how her illnesses control her and her life.
Also, she blatantly misuses the word "disability". If you can work and hold down a job and partner just fine, with no actual disabling going on, you are not disabled. This supports the claim that she's lying about her illnesses to play up the victim.
No. 197866
>>197853Girl, PLEASE learn how to hide your self-posting.
- "She's not tying to be a hero, merely a survivor,"
- "… taking a much needed break from the internet to destress and get away from the toxic comments"
- "In hopes of inspiring others"
- "… I'm sure she'll be much wiser in the future of what to post"
How would you know this? You claim we don't know anything about her from what we've seen on social media, yet you somehow naturally know her personal thoughts and emotions? Sure, not-Robyn
No. 197892
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>>197886agreed. far more harm than good, not just for her but for others.
it's comparable to pro-ana blogs it's really just informative about how to fake illnesses and get attention from doctors, which she's not even good at. I hope she is not inspiring anyone.
No. 197906
>>197774Hi "not robyn" . You literally have access to
exactly the same info / 'evidence' about robyn as the rest of the world did (including those of us posting here) before she went and deleted her ig posts… therefore your argument that its "common sense" to believe robyn is totally legitimate based on what you have seen is completely INVALID - We too feel we have used our own common sense based on what wehave seen to conclude that robyn is at the very least malingering, if not suffering from some sort of ficticious disorder…
Personally, i believe that she does have some of the diagnoses she claims, but others she has aquired when they may have merely been suggested as a differential at various points in her life. Also i believe she genuinely believes she is a sick as she is claiming 90% of the time, but it is also very clear that she gets a perverted thrill from the attention she gets by publicising her dramas which is clear from her obsessive use of social media and constant exaggerations. She reminds me more and more of kadee (especially both their use of super dramatic wording!)
No. 197923
>>197921>>197774if you're not robyn, then say one negative thing about robyn.
i honestly think she is incapable of doing that, she thinks shes a #victim #warrior #survivor etc
so if you're not robyn, be honest with us? and how do you know so much about her like right now, why she deleted her social media etc, who could you be to know so much? I'm sure it isn't Zak and I don't think you/robyn have any friends so, prove it.
No. 197926
>>197923All it takes is one timestamped photo covering her face and showing her hair to prove us wrong but she won't even do that.
Not-robyn, take a sheet of paper and write lolcow Nov 2016 on it, cover your face with it and post a picture. Nobody will recognize you if you aren't actually Robyn.
No. 197934
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>>197926I hope you bullies are happy now.
No. 197936
>>197934i laughed OUT LOUD
nice one, anon
No. 197941
>>197800"Not Robyn", the reasons for "hating on" her aren't exactly b/s. They're clinically validated signs of Munchausen's, including Munchausen's By Internet.
To summarize:
* She works in a hospital, giving her access to information about the medical field and how the system works, as well as convincing medical terminology. Many Munchies work in health care on some level, making it even easier for them to deceive people because they know the ins and outs of the system.
* Medication non-compliance such as doubling up on meds that shouldn't be doubled up on, and hoarding meds instead of actually taking them while posting photos of constant refills.
* Eating food or taking medication that induces symptoms, or doing so with all knowledge that it will actively make the condition worse.
* Admitting to wanting to or actively fucking up her surgical wounds against medical advice because it gets her the attention she wants.
* Constant emergency room trips for minor issues. Munchies in particular are well known for being frequent fliers at the ER, especially rotating between different ones.
* Purposefully denying herself care or rejecting medical intervention because she didn't get as much attention as she wanted.
* Escalating to crisis state when confronted or questioned.
* Sock puppet identities and impersonating multiple people to keep the story going (see: your posts here versus on IG)
* Represents EDS as a caricature instead of the diverse spectrum that it is, and possibly other conditions she claims to have as well
* Constant drama, moving from one crisis to another, often ones that are fabricated or exist only in her mind
* Defending her innocence when a couple people confront her, then disappearing from all of her public social media accounts without a word
Source:'s probably more but I'm tired right now. I'll add more later.
And yes, it's entirely possible to convince medical professionals to do unnecessary surgery. Medical professionals are human, they can be manipulated and deceived just as much as any other human being. There's no magic power that allows medical professionals to be objective 100% of the time. Some people even manage to convince doctors to give them unnecessary chemo, despite how dangerous that treatment is for people. They are not infallible.
No. 197945
>>197943Thanks, and you're welcome. Have dealt with a lot of MBI cases, came prepared. Robyn is a classic example.
>>197944It's possible. Sadly, we'll likely never know.
No. 197950
>>197568>Well by your 'She's such a faker!!!' logic she must've had all that ear surgery and those lengthy hospital stays for shits and giggles rightMunchies jump at the opportunity to have medical tests and procedures. Look at what happened with her Appendectomy - tests were done, and nothing was found to be wrong. An exploratory laparoscopy was performed, and nothing was found to be wrong. She kept acting like she was horribly sick until the took out her appendix, which is an organ that was considered completely useless until fairly recently, and many have argued should be taken out as a routine procedure. It's not like the were removing a kidney. The wound then magically failed to heal properly, and she took lots of pictures, including ones wherein she was clearly pulling it open. And now she makes sure everyone knows she had surgery.
That is textbook Munchie behavior.
And her ear surgery, whoopty fucking do. It was a cosmetic surgery. And of course she calls it "Microtia" because that sounds much more serious than "deformed ear." And doesn't she claim to have hemifacia microsomia? Yet her face is symmetrical in all but one picture, which just happens to be the one where she's claiming she has the condition. It's also not a big deal at all.
>>197577>So now you're acknowledging that she has indeed spent a lifetime suffering from Microatia and all the complexities of the illness that come along with it (including but not limited to: hearing impairment, disfigured ear proportions and complications from complex and intrusive surgeries)?It's a deformed ear that doesn't
require surgery at all, you fucking retard.
>>197758"Stop bullying Robyn! Go bully other people instead!!!!"
Wow, you are just overflowing with compassion, aren't you?
>>197834Kek Of course she ignored this post completely.
No. 197977
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>>197834Still waiting on this one, "not-Robyn"
I'll post one if you do.
No. 197984
197956 I dunno but it's weird, she writes about him almost like a caricature of a real relationship, but I found his FB (ostensibly the only one?), and he rarely mentions her. When he does, it's something minimal like "check out Robyn's blog." back when she used to review games or whatever. I mean she has pics with him so he's obviously real, but something feels off.
>>197980 Fucking this!
No. 197985
File: 1479098461656.png (751.95 KB, 1317x659, lu appy18.png)

The Appy Saga, Part 18: Fuck, I put this excerpt on 16 but goes with this one. This is when she got "rushed back "before the coughs and colds." Fucking kek. Dat dramu! She's so excited, like manic that they are taking her seriously. The smile on her face, it's like seeing an addict get their fix.
No. 197993
File: 1479099716676.png (770.44 KB, 1023x653, lu appy19.png)

Part 19: "Let's hope the #steristrips help my #appendectomy #laparoscopy finally heal! Gotta keep them dry for 5 days and if no improvement gotta go to my #gp!"
>dem exclamation points
Of course, by now you all know they won't because she will fuck with them…
No. 198003
>>197996>>197999Many thanks, anon
I've been worried for a while that EDS would become the next trendy spoonie diagnosis, now that fibromyalgia, CFS and the like seem to be falling out of favour. I'm just waiting for some dumb munchie fuck to claim type 4 EDS while being a hamplanet with zero of the typical facial features. Nothing garners sympathy like "my heart is gonna explode before I'm 40".
No. 198007
File: 1479101571052.png (1.31 MB, 2035x647, lu appy20-20.1.png)

Appy Saga Part 20 (L): Sensationalizes normal exudate post-cleaning/dressing change.
TEXT: "Always good when 15 mins later you're already starting to bleed through! Can I just have a body that heals properly. The #surgeon told me I could work after 1 week… 3 weeks later and my #appendectomy/#laparoscopy #wound just keeps getting worse!"
Part 20.1(R)
TEXT: "The casualty from my shift and the reason I finally went to the #minorinjuryunit. 3 weeks #postop from #appendectomy/#laparoscopy should not cause this!"
No. 198009
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fetishists unite
No. 198010
>>198008Doctors do not understand tramadol and will prescribe it regardless of the risks. Some aren't even aware the risks are there. Mine was actually shocked to hear that it had severe withdrawal symptoms that some compare to heroin withdrawal and can cause serotonin syndrome if combined with certain meds.
Source: was prescribed it, doc didn't know enough about it except that it was "safer" than opiates, it fucked up my life
No. 198013
File: 1479102979282.png (109.72 KB, 647x434, lu appy21txt.png)

Yet more Appy Saga drama: Following
>>198007, she has another "crisis" and gets a script for antibiotics, but "need #spoonie haaaaalp!" because they bother her tumtums and taste bad! Oh no!
No. 198029
>>197941Whoa, is this summary transcribed from an earlier post? It looks like something I wrote. If not, GMTA I guess!
>>198008Med anon here. You are correct that there is a risk of seizure with tramadol and that risk is increased with a pre-existing seizure condition and with concomitant use of SSRI's the risk of serotonin syndrome is elevated. There are quite a few pharmacological contraindications in Robyn's pathology list and med regimen. Tramadol was widely prescribed before the seizure correlation came to light and it is possible, if she has been on it a while, that the pharmacy overrode warnings and it was missed by her care team, but I have no doubt if her chemist looked up the contraindications, they would red-flag on tramadol, epilepsy and sertraline at least.
>>198010Can verify that your experience has been similar to many patients'. Tramadol was initially marketed as an "opiate-like non-opiate" and touted as an alternative to opiates in at-risk patients and/or an option for docs who didn't want to prescribe scheduled drug alternatives. I am sorry this happened to you anon, you're not alone and this is why reclassification efforts have taken place in recent years. It became C-IV in the U.S. (and Schedule III in the UK I think).
No. 198036
>>198007The blood splotches don't match the shape of the wound.
And knowing her, why didn't she take a picture of the supposedly bleeding wound itself?
No. 198041
>>198007Argh, again she is stretching it a little, here, for the pic. If it's a fresh and painful wound, why keep poking around it constantly? You don't touch it or the surroundings at all, and you refrain from movements that would make it worse.
This shit is making me so mad.
No. 198071
>>197573Girl bye. Have you even been reading this thread? You know, like the parts where several of us mention that we're NOT able-bodied and that we DO have some of the conditions crazypants has a perpetual hard-on for?
I say this as a disabled woman: attention-seeking behavior, self-diagnosing behavior like Robyn's, changes the perception of my conditions. People like HER make it harder for people like ME to find treatment.
So get on out of here with your ~uwu u ableists don't understannnnnn~ bullshit.
No. 198085
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>>197573As a chronic dual diagnosis person your posts mostly inspire me to smack my face into a brick wall because 1) your medical knowledge is pitiful 2) you communicate like a self righteous, narcissistic cunt and 3)that gloating toad smirk is unbearable.
You're not inspirational Robyn. It might make you feel better to tell yourself that but in reality you're a malingering dumbass who's too lazy to grow up and move forwards into real life. Making up medical crisis after new condition after disease-focused account is just how you put off the responsibilities and expectations that come along with adulthood.
The actually disabled or ill people who are quietly struggling to live would kill for the things you're running away from by faking disease. Grow up you pathetic, overgrown baby. You don't need another pity party you need someone in your real life to call you out and force you into accountability.
No. 198117
>>198029Nah, just keeping up with the saga and hoping to go into a specialty field, gotta be aware of how Munchies work if going into specialty medical fields. They're drawn to those areas like flies are drawn to politicians. Glad we're on the same page.
And can verify several of the risks of tramadol you mentioned, she also shouldn't be combining that with amitriptyline because it increases the risk of seizures and potential serotonin syndrome. Tramadol is more dangerous than people give it credit for because it affects not just opioid receptors but has similar effects to SSRIs, causing withdrawal from both if someone goes off of it and increasing the risk of interactions between a wider variety of medications. This is why I'm wary of people claiming to see specialty nurses instead of MDs, less education in pharmacology and dangerous contraindications. Nurses are also often much more sympathetic as a general trend and therefore are easier to manipulate by Munchies like Robyn.
No. 198136
>>198105before I was mentally ill I tried seroquel(antipsychotic) for sleep and it knocked me the fuck out, for a day and a half. Now I take 3x that amount to sleep/function like a normal person.
(sage for da bloggin)
>>198105SO yes, most meds have adverse effects, especially if you don't need them.
What I'm thinking and have repeated before is that she's giving false/leaving out some of her medical history to get more medications and then she is mixing them and I think that one day she will do this stupidly and she will die on accident/from being THAT dumb.
and I believe that's what social darwinism is..
No. 198148
File: 1479141441827.png (1.13 MB, 1033x1302, lu appy21.1-22.png)

Appendectomy Saga Parts 21-22: More drama and fuckery afoot…
Part 21: "MY QUALITY OF LIFE is SUFFERING yewguize!! ARGH! FUCKIT I wana rip my dressing off and glue this thing!!!"
TEXT: "Changed the dressing at 9:30pm and this is what its like at 1:30am. Back at #doctors at 2:30pm for my 3rd appointment in regards to this. Its been 29 days since my emergency #appendectomy/#laparoscopy and I've still got an open wound on my stomach! This is bloody stupid and if they give me #steristrips one more time I will tear them off and fucking superglue the damn thing shut. They arent doing anything and I'm stuck with a gaping hole in my stomach that is affecting my quality of life! Argh! #spoonielife #spoonieproblems #spoonie
Which multi-pic format is better, anons? Left-Right or Top/Bottom?
No. 198150
>>198148if i was a doctor in the emergency room that she probably visited 20 times during this period by the 2nd or 3rd time i probably would have handed her some super glue and handle it her fucking self.
she really does know how to waste a doctor's time when, you know, they could be saving lives etc.
No. 198160
File: 1479143146046.png (986.71 KB, 1033x653, lu appy23.png)

Appendectomy Saga Part 23: So they've started making her go in for dressing changes daily now. Translation: they don't trust her to do it herself. They're onto the fact that she's fucking with it!
But score for more appts and yay get to see some more specialists!
No. 198166
File: 1479144263404.png (Spoiler Image,841.95 KB, 1313x649, lu appy24.png)

The Appendectomy Saga Part 24: Fuckery unbridled.
This graphic wound progression compilation reminds me of Chrischan's taint-gina wound, complete with her grubby hand spreading it open! WTF!
No. 198172
>>198170especially since she's a self proclaimed "self harmer"
haven't heard anything about those kitty cat scratches she contrasted the shit out of.. hmmmmmmmmmmmm
robyn, are you all better? no more fake diseases? ya'll i think she's cured (or literally making up/planning her next medical trauma that she'll pretend she's been in the hospital with for a week lolz)
No. 198173
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Part 25: Baawww still bleeding no idea why!
No. 198175
>>198174Welcome back Not-Robyn.
History of social media accounts is a necessary component of detecting MBI because it demonstrates the behavior patterns that make MBI a thing. They are not irrelevant. You only wish they were because then people wouldn't see you're lying through your teeth.
No. 198178
>>198174hi not-robyn
how do you know she's "not cured" and of what?
and none of this is irrelevant because she is guilty and should be highly ashamed of her attention seeking behavior and realize how this impacts other
actual disabled people.
No. 198181
>sage sage>sage PLEASE>don't block me i need to blog>sage sage sage>look at me>sagenot-robyn is just as dumb as actual robyn INTERESTING lol
No. 198185
>>198182also like, maybe ate a green vegetable like at least once.
>lol at not-robyn not realizing that she's milking herself she really can't help it, so desperate.
No. 198187
>>198184you realize you talk about her with personal info only robyn would know, right?
like you know we all know, honestly it would be really easy to mark your posts if you didn't make it so obvious/we cared.
No. 198190
>>198184The people that put on brave faces are the ones that go through their lives without detailing every minor issue on Instagram and Facebook for internet points. The ones that don't advertise their pill counts, that don't advertise their "diagnoses" in every single post, and that don't abuse hashtags for irrelevant shit. Crying and complaining over every tiny imagined slight is not brave. Living every day in excruciating pain without a neon sign saying you're sick is. Get over yourself.
People like Robyn destroy online disability communities. Actual disabled people have every right to be pissed off about it.
No. 198193
>>198190agreed and so many people who are actually disabled have deleted their accounts, are incredibly insulted and
triggered by her (its hard to avoid someone if you're looking for hashtags of your disease when she literally attaches them to Every. Single. Post. even when they have nothing to do with them??) and have stopped seeking community just because of her and her nastiness..
No. 198200
>>198198is that what she's pretending to do? be a psych unit? how long is the hold there? she should be back soon then with lots of great stories of all the 'crazies' i can't wait
also I am 100% positive she shares all her illnesses and symptoms to anyone that will listen, I feel bad for those who sit near her on the bus.
No. 198206
>>198198>You think she introduces herself to anyone she meets with a link to her social media and a list of all her diagnoses and medications? I think not.Who knows? Lots of MBI cases keep their shit primarily online. Problem is that she introduces pretty much every new social media account with the same bullshit, and she's got dozens of them.
>The posts she made were hashtagged for a reason - to make them easily accessible to the rest of the chronicillness/spoonie community.Why tag completely irrelevant conditions in new posts then? She tags shit with her finger splints with things like #IBS and #epilepsywarrior. There is no point to that except attracting more attention for internet points.
>They were never meant to be shared on this pathetic board.Welcome to the internet and the consequences of publishing your entire medical life in public spaces. Private accounts exist for a reason, you know.
>I'm pretty sure that Robyn, nor any of the other women posted in this thread ever asked to be - in fact it is my personal opinion that discussion of the weak and vulnerable (ie. those suffering from mental health isues - we know Robyn has a history of self harm, major depressive disorder, eating disorders and also a recent diagnosis of Borderline Personality Disorder to come to terms with) should be banned from this board.Lots of people claim mental illnesses they don't have for brownie points too. Being mentally ill is not protection from being called on being a lying bitch.
>You've seen first hand how your cruel words in these posts can have a severe effect on those struggling, and yet you continue to goad and mock these individuals.Nope, we haven't because all we have is Robyn's word that she's in crisis over people not believing her, which she does pretty much every day from things as minor as a look in her direction. All things considered, I've got no reason to believe she's actually in crisis, especially considering Munchies do that when they're caught all the time. It's actually one of the major red flags of MBI.
>For all you know Robyn could have ended her life or be in a secure psychiatric unit right now because of the harm your words have caused. I urge you to think about that before posting anything further.Oh look another red flag, new medical crisis lul
No. 198209
File: 1479147961928.png (Spoiler Image,929.38 KB, 1027x615, lu appy26.png)

Part 26: Constant wound fuckery at the surface has not deterred the body from doing all it can to heal it from the inside out. Her body is working fine. She's just fucking with it. Meanwhile the docs are onto her and making her come in for daily changes.
No. 198213
>>198211doctors.. go to medical school.
also this is her follow up on that comment:
> So every month I asked for a prescription - she thought I was getting two lots of Tramadol; the repeat dose and the dose she was prescribing - hence wanting to take me off it! I still don't like her - but at least I know why!
No. 198219
>>198198"we know Robyn has a history of self harm, major depressive disorder, eating disorders and also a recent diagnosis of Borderline Personality Disorder to come to terms with)".
ROBYN: if you want to defend yourself on here at least stop doing it under the guise of being someone else - you are just making yourself look worse!! It is totally obvious that this is you because once again you have worded something almost identically to ine of your ig posts you deleted. We also dont aknowledge your "history of eating disorders" just because you tried being pro ana for 3 days… unless you are going to admit to BED which is the only ed you appear to match.
No. 198220
>>198170 Well, the damnest evidence for this is her ear. It has scar tissue from previous, failed attempts, but seem to have healed quite nicely.
I think the biggest thing is that Robyn tampers with wounds she can 'afford' to irritate. Her fixed ear was an actual big issue, so she didn't touch it. Her whole appendix journey was her medicate crusade, so she interferes with healing.
No. 198221
>>198216but I thought there wasn't an actual test/you can't be sure of EDS 3? a doctor probably just said the word and she was like OMG YES AN ILLNESS I CAN BRAG ABOUT FOREVER AND EVER or whatever goes through her fucked up mind when she blogs about her
awful life poor cow.
No. 198223
>>198220I thought her ear was a congenital birth defect due to microtia which was all taken care of when she was younger, she must of really loved that attention and wanted to keep going..
>>198222isn't she awful!
No. 198228
>>198216you know how easy it would be for us to find out that you are in fact robyn?
we just don't care because you make it SO OBVIOUS
robyn, no one cares about you this much besides you, sweetie honey bear freak bat.
No. 198264
>>198262lmao yeah she's the one who puts filters and hella contrast on her self harm cuts to make them look worse. if anyone is tampering/lying it's her.
why would we come here to make up a bunch of lies about someone? that's so silly
we're not all Kiki..
No. 198267
>>198266I know right!! lmao what..
you think she'd be more educated on all her medz
but she truly is a dumbass does she have any diseases that cause her to have such low intelligence?
No. 198269
>>198235Robyn get off the internet and get help. Borderline Personality Disorder is very curable and isn't a life sentence. You're lucky you don't have any actual chronic illnesses, your life is something that has the potential to be wonderful but you're squandering it for attempting to get the validation and sympathy from strangers on the internet. You're still young so it's not too late to turn your life around.
But who am I kidding your victim complex is overwhelmingly immense and you have your head so far up your ass you think you're some kind of saint for suffering.
No. 198283
>>198216Except that's not how it goes. That's not how a mentally stable person reacts. Sage for blogging, but when I was diagnosed with ADD I felt
relieved. Because now I finally had confirmation that yes, my attention problems are that bad and no, it's not all in my head. I didn't feel happy/ecstatic. I didn't rush to post my Adderal rx to social media. I didn't talk about OMG NEUROLOGICAL EXAM SO EXCITING111!!!!1 like it was a party instead of, you know, the closure it actually was.
You can stop making excuses for your malingering anytime now.
I mean, for "her" malingering. Because you're totally "not" Robyn.
No. 198285
>>198232Wow scar tissue? After surgery? That poor little fighter!!
>>198276 10/10 attempt
Pack up the thread guys. Not-Robyn sure showed us.
Topkeks at still obsessing over primary school bullies in her mid twenties though. As though further evidence of her personality void was needed.
No. 198291
File: 1479155730419.png (754.66 KB, 1024x610, lu appy27.png)

Part 27. Mommy had to pick me up 8th dressing dressing change!
No. 198298
>>198166it seriously just looks like she tried to cut the wound open further in the third photo. It seemed to be healing fine in the previous two, but in the third one you can see small hesitant marks on the left side, like she tried to cut it and brought her hand away quickly at the end. And of course she's trying to pull it open and make it gape..
I don't know why she gives a fuck about the scar when she looks like such a disgusting flabby cow. She just wants an excuse to whine and malinger for attention online and off.
No. 198306
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>>198297robyn please get out of here and post more malingering nonsense for us laugh at or leave and get help for your decaying sense of self
No. 198329
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>>198198"For all you know Robyn could have ended her life"
No. 198335
>>198198>history of eating disordersYou mean that one Instagram account with ana in the name and a goal weight of 45kg where she gave up after two posts?
Gee I sure feel like a meanie for picking on her now that I know she's also pretending to have an ED.
No. 198391
>>198386kek robyn you sound so insane right now.
congratulations you've stooped low~~
it's obvious you're robyn you even have had the same annoying phrasing in all of your posts. the more you try to blend in the more you stick out like a sore thumb. sort of like your hair.
No. 198401
>>198386Oh my god, Robyn. Just quit while you're ahead. Not that you can call this "ahead".
>>198398You know "newfag" but not "sage"? Sage is a plant.
No. 198428
File: 1479167205655.jpg (40.81 KB, 381x254, surejan.jpg)

>>198386>would never stoop this lowwhat about as low as to pull open a gaping wound for.. how long is that saga? too. long.
or as low as to post altered photos of self harm to make them look even worse?
as low as to call an ambulance every time you have a stomach ache?
as low as to filter through and scam doctors when you dont get your way???
No. 198451
>>198386You are the worst sort of pathological liar. We know it's you, you know we know, yet you still say things like "Robyn has never and probably would never stoop so low as to post here," AS YOU'RE LITERALLY POSTING HERE.
The worst part is you're sick enough to believe it too. 3/4 of your issues stem from creating a fake problem in your mind and then believing it.
No. 198452
File: 1479170108817.png (593.83 KB, 1027x961, lu appy28.png)

The Appy Saga Part 28 (it just gets more and more fukt): The I GONNA AN HEROOOO BAAAAAAAAAAAWWWWWWWW NOT ENUF ATTENSHUN post!
No. 198501
File: 1479175696194.jpeg (127.36 KB, 500x333, image.jpeg)

>>198479Based admins strike again
No. 198511
>>198479>>198363I'm so sad this hairy gutted cow (weird the wound pics didn't get to me as much as that dark belly hair) got tipped. This was the best thing since fat liar Kadee!!!
This cow is hilarious and hopefully will get mental help.
PS Hey cow don't confuse criticism with bullying. No one here is demanding you junk food money.
No. 198520
>>198452This is such a good example of how you know she doesn't struggle with chronic pain or any of the illnesses she claims to have.
She's literally threatening suicide over an open appendectomy wound(that she tampered with herself) and how many times she has o dress it. Something that she had operated on over 6 weeks ago. The pain would have been gone quite a while ago so there's no reason to really be complaining. This should have been a breeze for someone who goes through so much "pain" on a daily basis.
She must really be shitting herself over how this is all now connected to her name.
No. 198525
>>198479Praise to Admin and their generosity to keep Robyn's posts anonymous (until she fucks that up herself).
Though I'm pretty sure we can already guess which ones are hers.
She has to be in such a horrible state right now. All of her outlets for attention have been taken away from her. She knows she can't ever have a social media account again or post her face or stories for sympathy anymore.
She's either going to vanish or turn into the next Kadee.
No. 198690
File: 1479200663810.png (Spoiler Image,649.68 KB, 1025x671, lu appy29.png)

Where were we? The Appy Clusterfuck continues…Part 29! SERIOUSLY FUCKING GRAPHIC. This post was a fucking bleeding video. Seriously?!
TEXT: "Sorry if this is gross and understand if people report it or whatever but this is how bad the bleeding has been today :("
>Totally normal; not bloody wound-whoring at all. Nope. Just #spoonielife!
No. 198694
File: 1479201618661.png (734.88 KB, 1021x597, lu appy30.png)

Part 30: 7 WEEKS post-op. They finally trust her to do her own dressings again.
>Big fucking mistake…
No. 198696
File: 1479202775893.png (573.1 KB, 1025x617, lu appy31.png)

Part 31: Sick of this story? So are her docs. Thankfully we're nearly to the docs' diss-down and Robyn's subsequent miracle recovery. "Major allergic reaction" to her dressings. Nope dramacakes, that's a bit of skin irritation; totally normal after seven fucking weeks of dressing changes.
>I love how she counts every #doctors appointment.
No. 198711
File: 1479205450318.png (Spoiler Image,535.44 KB, 1023x615, lu appy32.png)

Part 32: But first, more wound fuckery!
TEXT: "Man fuck this! 7 weeks since my #appendectomy and #laparoscopy and this should have healed!!! I'm glad I only have to go once a week to the doctors now because I can do my own dressings but still! I'll post a pic of my other incision as a comparison of 7 weeks post op!"
God damn, her poor body is working so hard to fight her munchie manipulations and heal despite them. Ugh, that dirty grubby finger pulling it open makes me gag every time!
No. 198726
File: 1479207480882.png (Spoiler Image,657.47 KB, 1017x717, lu appy33.png)

Part 33: The grand finale of horror pics: this one is the worst of all [Graphic af].
The wound has freshly been manipulated to be gaping and showing obvious tearing (cutting?) at the corners. She makes a joke that it's screaming. She is so sick. I am legitimately beyond further words…
TEXT: "My stomach is screaming haha! But seriously this is my surgery site 8 weeks after my #laparoscopy and #appendectomy! Later today is my 16th doctors appointment regarding it not healing. Is it worth going to the hospital? Or do I keep going to the doctors and hope it eventually heals? The swab they did about 10 days ago was positive for bacteria, which is the 3rd infection I've had in it. I'm changing dressings regularly and using steristrips and a special silver dressing to absorb blood and I'm on antibiotics. The site is hard directly around the wound and it's all still pretty painful. Going to ask to be prescribed stronger pain killers. I'm just at the end of my tether. I'm sorry I've not been around for my followers and I've not replied to your messages etc. I do feel super bad and I'm sorry! I'm not being rude or ignoring you I'm just struggling a lot and finding it hard to do anything that isn't work! But I'm reading all your messages and I appreciate all of them so much and all of you who are struggling are in my thoughts, sorry I've not been more vocal in my wishing you speedy recoveries - I love you all #spoonie #spoonielife #spoonieproblems ❤️❤️❤️"
>Going to ask to be prescribed stronger pain killers.
No. 198733
File: 1479208176940.png (807.13 KB, 1025x615, lu appy34.png)

Part 34 (we're nearly done thank Christ):
"If there's no improvement by Monday then I'm being referred to a specialist about my poor healing! Because of how much my #laparoscopy/#appendectomy is bleeding they've given me 5 dressings to last 2 days and my current one has to stay on till 5pm tomorrow. Had another swab done and if the infection is still there I'm either going to be put on a stronger dose of antibiotics or I'll be admitted to hospital for #ivantibiotics!"
>dem manic ecstatic exclamation points! Moar attenshun from moar doctors!!!
No. 198742
File: 1479209734694.gif (393.67 KB, 500x200, tumblr_mjnda50uth1qcga5ro1_500…)

>>198479MFW reading this.
No. 198753
File: 1479210688964.png (558.01 KB, 1027x613, lu appy35.png)

Part 35: How fakeychan copes with working. Now waiiiiitaminute. Wasn't she bitching and moaning about how hard work was before? Now that wound is way worse and she's happily working away?
No. 198769
File: 1479213131445.png (368.61 KB, 1353x611, lu appy36.png)

Part 36: The Penultimate Post, including a thorough diss-down from the surgeon she finally managed to worm her way in to see, and ends with extra creamy drama:
"So i sat sbd cried in the hospital reception. Zak made me ring #saneline because i wanted to take a knife to my wound because an inch deep isnt deep enough apparently."
Then, silence for 3 weeks, followed by a cheery comment that she's finally healing! It's a fucking miracle!
No. 198778
>>198753Where the fuck did she get the maternity pants from?
Don't tell me she went out to buy them just for this shit.
No. 198782
File: 1479216597408.png (526.03 KB, 1027x619, lu appyfinal.png)

FINAL PART of The Appendectomy Saga: Munchiechan disappears for another 5 weeks after
>>198769, then posts this cheery update about how she's been loving her new job and hanging out on [drumroll please!] ~*Tumblr*~, avoiding mention of her appy drama until someone asks about it:
>"It finally healed after 16 weeks!" MFW she dragged this shit out for FOUR. FUCKING. MONTHS. I feel angry and frustrated for the myriad doctors, nurses and other personnel who had to deal with her antics. God help her current victims…er…healthcare professionals burdened with her case.
Until the next saga, Farmers!
Up Next: The Chemical Burn Fuckfest!
>THE END! No. 198785
>>198784Right? Where the flying fuck did she get the acid anyway?! Any McDonald's worker anons out there who know whether McD's uses strong acid for anything (cleaning maybe)? Sounds like OSHA would throw a fit but I had to ask.
Okay we should hush about spoilers; I'd hate to ruin the story for the rest of the Farm! I've been up all night finishing the Appy Saga so need some sleep but we'll get into the burn fuckery later on.
No. 198825
File: 1479222904772.png (125.99 KB, 750x1264, IMG_0199.PNG)

No. 198828
File: 1479223262219.jpg (62.98 KB, 447x400, 397.jpg)

>>198826He doesn't even seem to like or acknowledge them
No. 198834
File: 1479223937549.png (250.76 KB, 750x1266, IMG_0201.PNG)

>>198829They're getting married in 2018 lel
No. 198836
>>198798Sage for OT, but you're wrong. There is a difference between Marfan Syndrome and Marfanoid Habitus. Marfanoid habitus literally means "Marfan body shape" and /resembles/ Marfan syndrome without the presence of Marfan symptoms. This is because Marfan syndrome and EDS are associated and have to be differentiated between by specialists (see: geneticists). There are many people with EDS who have marfanoid habitus and many who don't. People assuming that all EDS incorporates marfanoid habitus or that it doesn't is actually part of how EDS takes so long to diagnose.
Source: plus others. Specifically notes that some people have a Marfan-like appearance without Marfan symptoms.
No. 198837
>>198219>if you want to defend yourself on here at least stop doing it under the guise of being someone elseshe technically can't admit she's Robyn, because self identification can/will get you banned. I think Ash is an exception, and I'm sure
not robyn is not pretending/lying about who she really is to avoid being banned. I'm just saying, if she did it as robyn, she could be banned.
It doesn't matter though, we all know its her.
No. 198893
>>198891I found it because on the previous thread I myself was mentioned. I got the link to this thread from the previous thread. I received the link to the thread from other people who have viewed the thread.
Robyn doesn't know this thread or the last one exists.
No. 198894
>>198882but it states you can't self post "deceptively", if she was honest or like Ash, did not care how obvious she is, cuz we can always sniff her out/she has 2 brain cells left.
robyn is self posting "deceptively" or so she thinks lolz
No. 198895
>What proof do you have that's she's not ill?See
>>197941. Robyn fits the profile to a T. Feel free to read up on the source too.
>None of you have any proof yet she has a great deal of proof that she is genuinely ill.No, she's got proof that she's "convinced" enough doctors into believing she's ill enough to need pills or pointless surgery. That's not actual proof of being ill. Remember, one of the conditions she claims to have /has no actual test/. People go in with a list of symptoms, supposed family history and if they can manage to pass the clinical exam, they may get a diagnosis. Or alternatively, she had a rheumatologist utter the words "hypermobility syndrome" to describe hypermobile joints and she did a Google search, jumping to EDS from there. There is no actual proof that she has EDS, there /can't/ be because /type 3 can't actually be tested for/.
>As someone else on her said what else do you need? Her medical records?Posting her medical records would only further prove she's a Munchie. Munchies jump at the opportunity to prove they're really sick, it's actually one of the biggest red flags in the field.
>You know I honestly hope one day you all go through an invisible illness and when you do that people pick your illness apart like you're doing to Robyn. Hi, actually chronically ill with some of the shit she claims. She's lying. Several posters here are ill and sick of her shit.
>Some of the comments you're making are absolutely beyond crossing the line of horrible. I genuinely have no words to describe it.And yet here you are describing it. Hmm.
>Say what you want about me I honestly couldn't give a toss but Robyn does have friends and people supporting her and she will continue to have those friends and people supporting her. IG groupies aren't friends. They're lapdogs. All bark, no bite. If she wants real friends, she'd have to… have a life outside of social media. Just saying.
>You may say I'm blind to her lies. I'm not blind I just know exactly what it's like to have countless medical issues and people talk crap about you.surejan.gif
No. 198898
>>198889you're probably also a cow, huh?
shut up white knight and get the fuck out you're wasting more time than we are, atleast we silenced that bitch whose a disgrace to all of us who are disabled. she deserves hell.
No. 198907
File: 1479232453311.png (747.6 KB, 721x488, COW.png)

Confirmed WK is also a cow…
want us to pay attention to you now??? you're jealous and begging aren't you omg!
No. 198914
>>198912If that's what people wish to do with their time so be it but I'm sick of sitting around whilst people abuse Robyn like this.
Say what you want about me but I have A LOT of proof I am ill so don't even get me started.
No. 198918
File: 1479232771384.png (893.85 KB, 984x624, cowseekingcow.png)

this is embarrassing.
this cow has been mentioned before in the OG munchie thread?
Takes her feeding tube in and out all day but makes sure to have it in for 'inspirational' photos.
lmao I'm gonna start making sure my cane is in every photo maybe then people will call me "inspirational" and "beautiful"
No. 198925
>>198921damn girl you made your profile private real fast!!!
I assure you, other anons, her feeding tube is in n out constantly varying from selfie to selfie.
No. 198938
>>198929>genuinely ill Mentally or physically?
Or both?
No. 198940
>>198914She has posted multiple pictures of strangers from public transport on her IG page and throws a tantrum and rants about them and insults them, how are we doing any different than she has?
She is an attention seeker and I don't even want to think about what she has cost the NHS with her attention addiction. If it was just her being sick or just her lying no-one would have cared about her.
No. 198942
>>198938Both. I have brittle asthma, multiple allergies, anaphylaxis, seizures (they believe them to be epileptic and non-epileptic), restless legs syndrome, essential tremor, polycystic ovarian syndrome and acute urinary retention.
Mentally I have somatic/functional vomiting. This is not self-induced. It's where whenever I eat food my brain tells my stomach it's harmful and so I'm sick hence the feeding tube. I'm awaiting psychological therapy for this as that's the way to treat somatic symptoms.
No. 198945
>>198926*hiding my milk
also how can you look at that open wound saga and believe its not self induced????? are you also into posting self harm to 'raise awareness'
do you filter through doctor's to find ones that will give you diagnosis and pills you want??
if you don't do this cow shit then I would suggest separating yourself from nasty ass Robyn who does. She's a monster who believes in putting her fictitious illness before people who are actually ill.
she's also conniving and cruel and begging for attention constantly.
she's not a good person, it's sad she fooled you into thinking so.
you're making me nauseous.
No. 198947
>>198945No I don't post self harm images as I don't self harm…I never said I agreed with everything. I personally wouldn't post self harm images even if I did self harm as it may be
triggering for other people but that's just me.
No she doesn't have me fooled at all. I just know what it's like to have lots of people accuse you of lying about things you're not lying about.
Even if she was lying she doesn't deserve this. Munchausen syndrome is a very serious mental health issue.
No. 198949
File: 1479233737417.jpg (26.16 KB, 399x295, bmvive3.jpg)

>>198937>Letters from specialists are undeniable proofs that definitely can't be faked and specialists can't be lied to. You know pulling shit like that is a huge red flag right?
No. 198950
File: 1479233810185.png (514.07 KB, 588x545, pillartnicole.png)

>>198946sorry you're wrong.
>pill art: check No. 198958
>>198954stop seeking attention on here and go back to your instagram where people seem to care and make you feel so speshul
you're boring and OT.
No. 198960
File: 1479234266988.png (Spoiler Image,218.13 KB, 750x1334, IMG_5739.PNG)

>>198954Why are you posting here if you've spent the weekend vomiting from Labyrinthitis?
No. 198961
>>198958I'm sticking up for my friend so no I won't just go back to my instagram. People started posting screenshots and comments so I've answered. I won't stop sticking up for Robyn. She doesn't deserve any of this.
I genuinely hope she never finds out about this thread or the previous one because people on here are so vile.
No. 198965
>>198962You know I'd much rather people abused me than Robyn because at least I can see the comments, Robyn doesn't even know this exists.
I genuinely hope Robyn never does discover any of this, I really do hope.
No. 198967
>>198960is that the one where david bowie comes to you and strangles you with his bulge til you puke?
go. away.
you're definitely not helping robyn. and you're obviously begging for attention but sorry you're really boring and we don't want to talk about you..
No. 198971
>>198965has it been you the whole time then??
you're admitting to being not-robyn? okay so we'll just have admin check yr ip and label your post since you're not robyn and not anonymous..
No. 198973
>>198970that is hilarious her fiance knows this exists and he won't tell her
probably because she'd make a big stink and pretend to kill herself over it for more attenshun and he doesn't want to put up with her.
No. 198984
>>198977ooo that'd be an excellent plot twist
but this nicole calf is totally boring.
like I said, does Admin wanna check their IP? settle this?
No. 198987
>>198974"Some of the comments are disgusting"
Like barely, about 99% of this thread is just screenshots of her posts, if you think that paints her in a poor light that's her fault
No. 198989
>>198986we really don't care about you or want to talk to you at all
stop begging us for attention.
No. 198992
>>198990lol I'm at work right now, this thread is just open on my computer like people have their emails up. i'm doing homework and working and asking you to please leave this thread alone.
you're so pathetic, don't you have a life??
No. 198999
File: 1479235680434.png (1.48 MB, 1440x1758, Screenshot_2016-11-15-11-45-56…)

She's still posting on IG with no indication of what's going on in the thread. This is really suspicious.
No. 199001
>>198999nah I think it's her cuz she did make her insta private for like 5 minutes when she posted it here then made it unprivate
>>198994lol anon
No. 199007
File: 1479236770959.gif (887.26 KB, 500x280, aint nobody got time for that.…)

>>198951>>198942>>198929>>198937She wants us to ask for her medical records SOOO bad
No. 199010
>>199000lol anon if this really is your insta, did she message?
i highly doubt it
anyway i hope JBN is gone she was so boring and a waste of energy
No. 199029
File: 1479240478827.jpg (26 KB, 394x502, Bowie.jpg)

>>198960>LabyrinthitisPretty sure that's inflammation of the crotch.
No. 199044
>>198899I'm pretty sure Robyn has had many people try to call her out. She just deletes their call-out. She has 11+ dead instagram accounts. Why would someone that's legit have so many accounts with so many different stories?
How do you explain her self diagnosis of an eating disorder and then her never talking about it again? How about how her two posts on the subject of her eating disorder sound like pro-ana shit?
You're really defending someone who continues the stigmatization of eating disorders? What about her 20+ photo's of her appendix surgery? How about her photo's of self harm where she filters it to make it look worse and stretches the wound?
No. 199046
File: 1479242869000.png (561.9 KB, 972x576, 1.png)

>>199041I searched "@chronicallyrobyn" and a twitter came up, @spoonierobyn
Definitely looks like her there, same pill art too
No. 199048
>>198970Fiancee confirmed for not-robyn?
It's not great to keep secrets from your soon-to-wife. She's going to find out eventually. Seeing as more and more of her "friends" are finding this site.
Probably some of her "friends" have even been posting about her or finding out the truth. This is getting so milky!
No. 199114
File: 1479252099597.jpg (101.86 KB, 800x755, IMG_0203.JPG)

Not directly relevant but still relevant
No. 199124
>>197552when the fuck did she attempt suicide? i'm lost
also sage for blogpost but i used to fuck with my selfharm scabs and they'd look exactly like her lap appy scar/wound. scar tissue at the ends and round the edges.
No. 199128
>>199124That was her self harm the other day when she found out about lolcow - the self harm that required an ambulance cos she was so kritical she was gunna die!!
Also: this latest "mental health crisis" and subsequent bpd 'diagnosis' she posted about was all because she found out about lolcow so wtf is all this wk crap about her being oblivious to it?!! Additional proof - she follows Ash and a couple of other cows mentioned here!
No. 199147
>>198801God tier mods.
Robyn's self posts are all going to be labelled if she does it again (same as what happened in the proana clusterfuck thread) so she's gone.
No. 199202
>>198696>period arriving even though I've lost weightHAHAHA
If anything, this fat fuck looks like she GAINED WEIGHT during the appendectomy saga.
No. 199227
File: 1479270064475.png (531.62 KB, 928x595, screenshot-www instagram com 2…)

Okay I'm still working on the EDS saga but I want to get this out there.
A while before having posted this pic, she complained about a doctor that told her to keep taking her antihistamines despite them possibly making epilepsy worse. Including, and I quote:
>Seen as we don't know what the seizures are or what triggers it or it or what type of epilepsy it is yet, surely avoiding something that makes it worse would be a good idea? I need a new doctor like seriously!'s the thing. This is one of those meds that has a potentially FATAL reaction with tramadol. Combining tramadol and sumatriptan has a really high risk of serotonin syndrome, which can induce seizures along with all other sorts of nasty shit. So she'll bitch about a doctor not checking interactions, and she'll check it herself, but does nothing about her own mixing of drugs that could very well kill her. Fucking wow.
No. 199268
File: 1479275314237.png (743.58 KB, 929x597, screenshot-www instagram com 2…)

>>199252As far as I can tell, no. And she talks about taking naproxen to take the edge off, in order to keep them from escalating to a migraine. I wish mine responded that easily to OTC pain meds.
At a later point, she's shown advertising /5 boxes/ of sumatriptan for a month's supply. Seriously, 5?!
No. 199297
>>199268Some boxes of sumatriptan contain 2 pills and some contain 6 - I've ordered them online from Lloyds Pharmacy before and got 35 pills but it definitely lasted me more than a month.
It's very possible she's not even going to her doctor for a lot of her prescription medication and just ordering it online from Lloyd's Pharmacy - does anyone have the list an anon made before of all her pills? I can't find it. I'm going to check and see how many are available on the online service.
No. 199299
File: 1479279896073.png (846.4 KB, 936x597, screenshot-www instagram com 2…)

>>199297>>199288She's posting the boxes of 6 doses, and showing a full month's supply being 5 of those. It's one of the points where she really starts getting into the pill porn and showing her stash like it's some sort of haul. Kind of creeps me out, especially coming from someone claiming to be so sick of pills.
Re EDS saga: will post tomorrow or the day after. Got the proof I need but damn I need sleep. Will point out what's pretty strange or extreme behavior and what is fairly common for EDS.
No. 199305
File: 1479280667404.png (1.42 MB, 1440x1440, Screenshot_2016-11-16-00-10-05…)

>>199297Here's a zoomed in photo of the box. I'm unfamiliar with the pharmacist practices in the UK, but it seems like a massive medical supply company? It's weird that they do both prescription medication AND specialty medical equipment. Usually those are separate in the US.
No. 199307
File: 1479281325854.png (303.46 KB, 1440x1764, Screenshot_2016-11-16-00-25-02…)

>>199305Also, going further into that I googled her full name (on the script box) and found a google+ that had another online handle bunny trail: Robirawr
There's a post on about her gross stomach wound
No. 199309
File: 1479281522696.png (2.14 MB, 1440x2081, Screenshot_2016-11-16-00-30-26…)

>>199307Looking like a 40 year old recently divorced mother of 3 in her #crutches#cast
No. 199311
>>199309You rock anon. Damn. Good sleuthing on the rx label, robirawr and supply house. I saw "New England" on the label and thought, like the region in the U.S.? But the phone number is not a U.S. number.
>>199307Jesus fuck. She is so gross.
No. 199312
File: 1479282360662.png (1.47 MB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_2016-11-16-00-39-53…)

>>199311The supply house/ pharmacy is located in the UK, but it seems really weird to me the way the shop is really weird to me. Can any UK anons comment?
No. 199313
File: 1479283109295.png (1.15 MB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_2016-11-16-00-53-08…)

>>199311Has anyone found this yet? It seems to be from before all the fake illnesses, though there is a small broken leg saga. no #poorhealing #eds #bodyshittingitself though. No. 199314
File: 1479283171572.png (905.33 KB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_2016-11-16-00-52-53…)

>>199313Of course the fat bitch gets proposed to via kinder egg.
No. 199318
>>199309Ahhh I forgot about those! The #crutches which we never saw again! She admitted to ordering her wheelchair off the internet and then, being the dumbass she is, ordered a too-small one. Topkeks!
I wonder if it's from the same med supply store she gets all her meds from?
Tinfoil hat time:
What if she has access to a satellite pharmacy at work and makes fake labels and plays with pills?
That one pic of her in the wheelchair at work makes my tinfoil tweak, too. It's also the only one she ever posted of that scenario as well. Did it look like a med supply area to you, fam?
No. 199326
More Tinfoil:
Has she ever posted pics with friends or family? This whole thing could be a catfish life fantasy. Zach's facebook page is so bland it isn't even funny. I wonder if she is using old pics of a McD's colleague or friend and saying it's her fiance. Dude has no interests of his own, everything is shit she's into.
>>199323 THIS. The word "Migraine" has been household-term bastardized and is abused so much. People have no clue. Real migraines aren't just "pop a pill and carry on" events.
No. 199328
>>199323I get terrible migraines where I'm light sensitive to the point I have to lock myself in my (walk in) wardrobe with a blanket and beanbag to sleep cause it's the darkest place in my flat. I can take two sumatriptan and end up fine but I can still feel my migraine - it doesn't get rid of them it just kind of covers them up. You still feel the pressure but you aren't debilitated by it. Definitely get very disgruntled by people who're just "Fine" after it.
I also had a tinfoil hat moment earlier - what if the tramadol is her obsession's? And it's for erectile dysfunction?
No. 199332
>>199317thanks UK anon!
I'm working on a list of new stuff I found. Not a lot of it is interesting, but there is stuff. (Boring, a few gems like pic related) (boring. Has she claimed "dyslexia yet anywhere else though?) (boring. "Bye bye to bacne" pin is pretty great though) (Search her name on there. A "letter of courage" to all the kiddies with microtia)'ll post more if I find it. Sorry if any of this has already been found.
No. 199336
File: 1479286419576.jpg (184.15 KB, 480x640, MaximumMunchausen.jpg)

>>199332Dropped the photo
No. 199343
>>199337Is it normal to get married SIX YEARS after getting engaged?
Maybe it's just me, but that seems like a long time to wait, and they don't even have a reason for the large gap. They live together in their own home, seem to be financially stable, have been together for like seven years… so why wait? And as Robyn's sooo chronic, it's not like they're waiting for her to get better before marriage. I don't get it
No. 199346
>>199344Wow even for the uk six years engagement is ridiculous. Either have the wedding or don't. Although let's be honest can you guys imagine Robyn melting down over wedding dresses? The brand new blog where she reveals she's also got Le severe anorexia relapse but only looks like she's 80kg because bloating and spoons. The goddamn hairstyle she'd go with, no bridesmaids because no irl friends, a tardis cake.
Fuck it I want it to happen now just to see how tacky it ends up
No. 199355
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>>199349I just went to creep on her facebook to see if she'd ever posted about wedding planning as it's almost 2017 and making arrangements now would be cutting it fine…
I don't even know anymore. Did they get engaged after dating for a year? Did they really plan to get married a decade in advance? Or is she just crazy?
No. 199366
>>199299There's something not right here. UK migraine sufferer, started on sumatriptan a while ago. I have a repeat prescription for sumatriptan so I can get it pretty much as and when needed, but it took a decade of other treatments before it was offered to me and as with all medication for migraines I was warned initially about overusage. When I mentioned concerns about how much I was taking (12 a month, or 2 of Robyn's boxes) to my neurologist the other day, he said that sumatriptan specifically has a 'golden number' of no more than 6 tablets a month, or you're running the risk of either causing bounce-back medication induced headaches, or of reducing the effectiveness of the sumatriptan until it doesn't work at all. So why would the doctor put 5 boxes on the prescription, and if they did, why did the pharmacist dispense it?
It's also strange she'd get prescribed 5 boxes of 50mg - because I tend to get 2-4 boxes of 50mg myself and sometimes have to double dose, doctors have offered twice to change the prescription to a 100mg dose so I can just get one box. Although this post is already blog-tier territory I have one more piece of information that made this weird to me - I recently mentioned to someone the cost of the 2 different medications I use for my migraines, and they said they could get me multiple boxes of legitimate sumatriptan for much cheaper than the prescription price very easily online if I wanted them to.
No. 199370
>>199366That's quality blog posting though anon. I wonder if she is buying meds online?
Seeing as she doesn't research contraindications she's a legit risk for accidentally killing herself. If she decides to get herself hypnotics or strong painkillers she's at least going to wind up horribly dependent.
No. 199376
>>199370I doubt she takes any
meds, she seems to like storing them in boxes and making "pretty" artwork
No. 199378
>>199366I can only take two a month and not too close together; the blowback headaches are excruciating. Also more than 200mg in a day does something fucked to your blood I think? That's why in Aus we get it in four-packs only.
Incidentally anon, try the Rizatriptan wafer if you can get it. Same med, different dosage method. Works better than a tablet imo. /saged for migraine sperging
No. 199382
>>199297I believe the list you are talking about is:
>>>/snow/188137If so, I did some searching while I compiled it originally, and whilst some things are OTC, a lot of others do require prescriptions to buy from pharmacies online? There are other sites offering them though that didnt appear to require a prescription, so I don't know…?
No. 199385
Okay shit, I'm still blogging, but I just realised something else which could be pretty big - I've recently been offered Topiramate for my migraines. This is a medication you take every day as a preventative (sumatriptan you take as an abortive medication) and is pretty serious stuff; I've done a lot of research into it recently because I'd have to change a lot of lifestyle factors to use it, like coming off the contraceptive pill to change to a coil and stopping drinking. Topiramate is used for migraine sufferers, but by far it's most widely used clinical application? is for epilepsy. It's an epilepsy medication.
If she suffers such bad migraines she's on 5 boxes of sumatriptan a month, and is epileptic, why isn't she taking the epilepsy medication also used in chronic migraine sufferers?
I'm not doctor but like I've mentioned in the diary entries, I know a lot about migraines, prescriptions and sumatriptan specifically in the UK. As with most of her medical maladies, something is definitely not right here.
>>199375Very true, it's a medication with a lot of risks that shouldn't be taken lightly, and it's a weird one to hoard as it has no recreational benefit whatsoever. In fact a lot of people get very strange and uncomfortable side effects from it. I almost hope she doesn't take it, especially not 5 boxes a month alongside any other medication!
No. 199387
>>199384oops sorry, I deleted and reposted to correct topiramax to topiramate. Thanks for the advice, I have found that there's a huge dichotomy in people saying it was a life saver or absolute hell. So maybe I'll take other anons advice of looking into Rizatriptan wafers.
I will also stop derailing, but at least if Robyn ever comes back she can't sit and say "bloobloobloo nobody here knows what it's like to be sick!!!"
No. 199392
>>199376Ugh the entire bottles of vitamins and stool softeners arranged to spell this months Instagram name. For such a #professional patient she doesn't know shit about storing drugs.
If she needed those and they weren't just otc nothings she'd be damaging them beyond the point of taking them by all the exposure to air and light she gives them by playing with them all the time.
No. 199403
>>199392yeah it's really weird, if you have serious IBS or IBD you take something a little stronger than the equivalent of a bowl of bran
also in OP's photo fexo is a super market grade antihistamine, do the flowers come out and attack her so much that she needs 3 months worth of mild allergy relief?
No. 199414
>>197188I just want to reach out and slap her Louise Belcher style. You can easily weed out the fakers bu how much they constantly talk about their illness and post pics of hospital rooms, test results, scars, wounds, rashes ect… Most actually disabled people don't do this. Even the educational and inspirational blogs tend to be far less explicit with this stuff.
>>197594I have it for gastroparesis. And if you look around tumblr everyone seems to have that now. And most of them have feeding tubes, which I was told was a last ditch effort and not to be taken lightly. I wonder when we'll be seeing the "I need a feeding tube" post.
No. 199442
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>>199432Well she's got pics with the stuff on her tongue…. so if she's not taking them at least some of the time, seems like a pointless extra effort. Especially given how she complains about how bad they taste, letting them dissolve on your tongue for selfies is a damn good way of making them taste like shit. Plus there's the whole medication interaction thing, and she's already been shown to research medication interactions, so she'd know that certain combos can induce seizures. If she needs seizures on demand, popping those pills is the easiest and fastest way to do it.
No. 199445
>>199432I don't find it hard to believe that she maybe on 2-3 daily medication, but half the time they parade 10 boxes of the same drug in different brands or dosages to prove how #spoonie they are.
If they were genuinely taking 20 pills a day of hardcore meds outside of a heavily supervised environment they wouldn't have kidneys left at 25. Hell I have to be careful taking prednisone, Celebrex and fluoxetine everyday and get regular blood work done to make sure I'm not fucking myself up
No. 199449
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>>199442Okay, so I'm a migrane anon, those pills are usually very small, her's look kinda big? (might just be that I've never compared it to my tongue tho)
Here's the only pic I could find on google of the size.
And they do taste really shitty, having them sit on your tongue is pretty gross.
Also if she takes it before the migrane hits, she's not gonna get a migrane so hoping it's gone by the time she wakes up :( isn't really something you'd say, chances are you'd just have to take a second one when you wake up. Unless the pills aren't right for her then ofc. it's a different story.
No. 199458
>>199414meeting spoonies irl is awful. I already posted my story in another thread but omg…it was a competition between who was the sickest. this one girl had a feeding tube for gastroparesis and loved showing it off and legit wore a bikini in cvs so everyone could see her g/j tube.
she also complained about how beta blockers never work on her and how omg!sick she is. i hope she enjoys her eventual heart failure from constantly overworking her heart because she refuses to be medicated.
No. 199466
Okay. I still got a lot of work to do on it, but I can at least get the first 15 or so parts up. After that point comes her first medical crisis and shit really starts.
The “Spoonie Life with EDS” Saga
I’m only focusing on one account right now, her IG hypermobilegeek. There’s probably more to the story elsewhere but there’s plenty of milk for the saga in this one so I haven’t bothered digging deeper yet. The harder she tries and for longer, the more shit falls apart. Her story is pretty much rags by the time she gets to lifeundiagnosed. The sad part is how badly this escalates within the span of a few months.
There will be some repeat images, the time line puts them into context and helps to reveal the lies as she gets more and more involved in her story. It will be long as hell too, my Word document detailing the whole thing is close to 50 pages long and has close to or over 60 parts. Please have patience with me, I’m a newfag and this is my first saga on an image board. I’m still not entirely familiar with what is good quality milk, I’m more used to formulating timelines than anything.
Summary, then the saga with proof and commentary follows.
What’s fairly normal behavior in the EDS communities:
• Going long periods before being diagnosed with EDS. Research in the field has advanced considerably over the past couple of decades, and if she was active in things like sports, injuries would have likely been blamed on that and not anything genetic.
• Starting from the claim of hypermobility syndrome to EDS, especially after others in the community suggest she look into EDS. This is pretty common, as many people with EDS are dismissed as having “hypermobility syndrome” long before realizing they actually have EDS. It usually has to take finding or lucking out with a doctor that knows enough about EDS to realize that their problems are more than just lax joints.
• Starting with supplements and then moving on to actual meds. A lot of people with hypermobility syndrome or EDS do this when they realize that it’s not something fixable with OTC supplements or pills like many other advertised conditions. Even the obsession with advertising what’s essentially her vitamins isn’t all that odd when it comes to EDS communities, a lot of people there count their vitamins alongside their meds.
• Giving her doctor notes. This is actually a crucial component to getting diagnosed for a lot of people when they’re finally able to get to specialists because it helps demonstrate the pattern of events that led them there. The specialist is then able to interpret the symptoms, check them against other possible conditions like Marfan syndrome, and work out a differential diagnosis from there. Additionally, notes can assist family members in getting diagnosed themselves. It’s not her having notes that is odd, it’s what she does with them that’s the issue.
What is batshit insane:
• The pill porn. Dear god, I have never seen anyone with a genuine case of EDS do this. What the fuck. We hate being dependent on so many pills, it sucks ass.
• Going to the hospital for every little sprain or dislocation. Most people with EDS have found over the years how to put things back into place themselves. Hospital trips tend to be reserved for… actual emergencies, or needing assistance setting the joint. Living in the UK with free health care is really no excuse to pester doctors with every little booboo, it’s a huge drain on NHS resources and they’re swamped as it is. As someone who works in the NHS, she should know this.
• Her dedication to being a ~spoonie warrior~. “Zebra strong EDS warriors” are the kinds of people I avoid like the plague. They are often insufferable and always make their shit out to be the worst there is. Robyn is practically their queen on IG, she’s taken their game and gone pro.
• Related to previous bullet, blowing up at people for making valid suggestions. I get people being rude and dismissive, I get being tired of dealing with them and possibly getting snippy. She takes it to the next level and really rips into them for no particular reason, all while advertising how truly sick she is and how she’ll NEVER GET BETTER!!1!11
• She looks a good decade older than she claims she is. This is pretty odd for EDS, including type 3. Folks with EDS have a tendency to look /younger/ than their chronological age because of the impact on collagen in the skin. I get carded when trying to buy a lighter. I’m nearly 30. It’s one of the very few “upsides” of EDS, so her claiming to have such advanced connective tissue symptoms but not having this feature sticks out like a sore thumb to me.
• Stopping with relevant specialists not long after being “diagnosed”. Really strange. EDS affects every system in the body since it’s essentially a defect in the glue holding the body together, and is known to come with several congenital defects or risk of some very serious comorbid conditions like craniocervical instability and heart valve prolapse. As far as I can tell, she never got this shit checked out. She saw the rheumatologist, got the “diagnosis” she wanted, and throughout the rest of the account doesn’t even bother to investigate other possibilities associated with the condition. Which is pretty much necessary when it’s impacting a person’s quality of life as badly as she’s claiming.
• The notes I mentioned. She advertises them on IG to all of her followers as well as showing them to her doctor, including in-progress shots and updates when she forgets something on the list. This is really, really strange and a definite attention grab.
No. 199468
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Pt. 1. Where it all begins. Here Robyn introduces a new IG, focusing in large part on her hypermobility syndrome. This is June 29 2014, before EDS becomes the Flavor of the Month and everyone’s pet issue. Minus the hashtag abuse, the account is fairly normal at first.
No. 199469
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Pt. 2. The pill porn starts. July 12 2014. Those are OTC supplements for her super bad pain. This becomes relevant later when the pills start to multiply like rabbits and showing the transition from “just trying to live” to “batshit insane”.
No. 199470
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Pt 3. Next day, July 13. Already claiming a history of surgeries and daily subluxations that require constant bracing. Later she starts claiming that she needs to wear it daily and for any long distance walking… but will post selfies where they magically disappear despite spending entire days out walking around or after long work shifts.
No. 199471
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Pt. 4. Same day again, July 13. This is where things start getting fishy and it’s clear she’s embellishing – the idea that her bones break before her fragile connective tissue gives away?! Yeah no, those ligaments would tear before “ripping away” any pieces of /bone/. If she has delayed healing, that suggests more involved connective tissue symptoms, and that suggests that things would tear in such an injury before her bones get involved. Bone is significantly harder than collagen defects and will take her tendons out in a bar fight. The reason why EDS comes with so much soft tissue damage and things like torn ligaments is because the connective tissue in those ligaments is so fragile that they cannot handle the pressure. That’s the entire point behind connective tissue diseases. Also it’s a bit suspect that she’ll buy this brace online instead of getting properly fitted for it, that is not a standard brace you just pick up at the store. Braces like this one are designed to treat specific issues, and using the wrong brace for the job can actually make an injury /worse/. She should not have just bought this online.
No. 199472
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Pt. 5. July 25 2014. Starts claiming to have such bad dislocations that she needs her crutches to go up the stairs. Yet there’s only one shaft there, and the material is not the same as her crutches (which will be shown in a later part). Her crutches were a dull grey, this is a shiny silver. Pretty sure that’s a generic cane, not a crutch. Easily purchased at any pharmacy, you just walk in and buy it. For the record, it’s a hell of a lot easier to take a selfie of your feet when using a cane than if you’re using forearm crutches.
No. 199481
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Pt. 6. July 30 2014. She starts using fancy medical terms for everything. Honey, “soft tissue damage” is a sprain or a bruise. And they’re standard procedure with EDS, not anything worth splurging on pizza for. If she had daily dislocations and subluxations, sprains and bruises are routine and after a while you just kind of move on. Maybe treat them with things like ice or heat, or maybe topical gels, but it’s really not comfort food worthy if it’s routine for her.
No. 199483
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Pt. 7. July 31 2014. First picture wearing her braces. A commenter shares their story about having to be in a cast because of a dislocated thumb. This becomes relevant later when Robyn starts detailing a long medical crisis involving being rushed to the hospital for seizures causing her to dislocate her thumb and requiring a cast.
Regarding the braces: Really not a good idea to be wearing those every single day. The muscles no longer have to work to overcompensate for the ligaments, and they get weaker. Dislocations will occur more frequently if she wears them daily. This is pretty common knowledge in EDS circles. Braces should be reserved for activities that would increase the risk of subluxations/dislocations and hyperextensions, or for help in recovery from acute injury. Wearing that shit daily is asking for trouble. Also, they can be a pain to wash. Reminder that she worked at McDonalds during this time frame, where there’s lots of gunk and messes to clean up. That shit gets on braces and they’re really annoying to clean, you can’t just throw that left one in the wash. Robyn admits to buying them on eBay too.
No. 199485
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Pt. 8. August 4 2014. Remember the random drama about wanting to have kids? Well, there’s more to it than that. Included it because it’s evidence of her fishing for social interactions with people from the HMS/EDS community on IG, which is where she could be getting her myriad of symptoms from. Considering pt. 7 (>>199483), she could be actively copying parts of their story. Wonder if that’s why she has to keep jumping accounts. She escalates into more and more crises the longer she interacts with the community.
No. 199486
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Pt. 9. August 6 2014. Mentions she needs the braces for any long walks, and asks people to please ignore them. Subtle way of drawing attention to them. Also, she’ll use them for walking the dog, but they’ll disappear during day-long events at the Harry Potter Studio Tour and after 9 hour work shifts in food service. Yeah not buying it.
No. 199488
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Pt. 10. August 26 2014. The super special knee braces start disappearing. Probably realized wearing them constantly wasn’t worth the trouble. Relevant because later on lifeundiagnosed, she starts reverting to advertising her ring splints for attention and hum-hawing when people don't notice she's ~disabled~ enough to sit on the bus. Here it’s like she just can’t be fucking bothered until she realizes that braces gives her attention she craves.
No. 199501
>>199385I'd agree here. Yet another UK Chronic Migraine sufferer. It was several years of escalating migraines before I was given more than just Migraleve (co-codamol based tablets). Then I was given Sumatriptan but advised to limit my use due to the risk of it increasing my seizures. After a while, my Neurologist put me on Topiramate and then switched to Sodium Valproate (Epilim), which are both anti-epileptics used in migraine prevention. Surely if she had presented to a Neurologist with both seizures and migraines, they would have gone with a drug to treat both rather than Keppra?
Sorry for the journal post here, I just find this girl infuriating.
No. 199506
>>199466 Doing an excellent work here, farmgirl(boy?). As always, very impressed with how thorough you are with your chronicalling all of this, looking up info from multiple accounts and platforms.
Brava! 10/10, would read again.
No. 199508
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>>199505All three are supplements. But that's the tame part. It gets worse, she just keeps increasing the pile. It never goes down. So she starts from a fairly sane albeit Spoonie Warrior Luls front and then progresses to full on Munchie Queen.
No. 199514
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>>199506Thanks. I should point out in case there's confusion that I'm not the same person that was behind the Appendectomy Saga. Reading it was sure helpful though, so props to whoever did it.
Okay. Couple more parts, then I get back to work on the rest of it. I just didn't want to flood the thread.
Pt. 11. September 3 2014. She starts latching onto other members of the community and their stories. Relevant because personal relationships like this is probably where she gets her material from.
No. 199516
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Pt. 12. September 4 2014. The pills start escalating, now we’re moving on from OTC supplements to actual pain medication and antihistamines. Is it just me or do two of those look like mints? I swear those are mints. Obligatory mention of hating taking so many pills, yet seems to relish in them later.
No. 199519
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Pt. 13. Same day, September 4. They’re fucking multiplying /in the same day/. Talk about rapid escalation. Like, I get bad pain days and needing to take more one day than another. But she doesn’t stop here. They just keep multiplying. Escalating to higher uses every day is actually suggestive of potential drug use, so she really needs to be careful about waving her stash around. That’s behavior that gets you flagged at doctor’s offices.
No. 199521
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Pt. 14. September 5, 2014. Starts posting proof of her hypermobility through party tricks and showing her fucked up index finger, saying her hands are one of the worst areas affected. Later she says she’s a gamer for over 20 years, including console games (which can be really hard on the hands, I can hardly play them anymore). If her hands are as bad as she claims, how come she doesn’t cut down on the games or look into actual treatment for her hand problems until much later? Why the knee braces before the ring splints?
Something to note: the hypermobility here is legit, and hypermobility can result in permanent dislocations if they are not treated. However, I reiterate that not all people with joint hypermobility have EDS. Lots of people are hypermobile with little to no symptoms whatsoever. This is what makes EDS type 3 easy to fake, because people can make up or induce the other symptoms to pass the clinical exam or the random person’s eye. Note the index finger, that’s where the purple brace comes in later on lifeundiagnosed. Claims that it’s like that because she used to suck on her finger. I call bull.
No. 199523
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Pt. 15. September 5 again. She starts up with bitch mode. Someone tries to suggest exercises to help correct her flat feet, she blows up at them. Like, I get being annoyed, but this is seriously bitchy. Also, people in the EDS community give advice like this /all the time/. Folks with EDS often find that doctors are not knowledgeable enough to help them, so they have to help themselves and each other. So they share tips. Pretty routine.
Also, the specific tips in question? Exercises and physical therapy are standard procedure for EDS. The trick is finding someone experienced with connective tissue diseases, as standard exercises for people without them can cause injury to someone with EDS. She claims she’s had copious amounts of PT, yet later skips the PT part and goes straight to a hospital for a minor injury. The goal behind PT for EDS is to help the muscles keep the lax joints together, so that dislocations are less frequent (therefore requiring less surgery) and to improve posture that facilitates the dislocations in the first place. There’s even an entire PT protocol specifically for EDS in order to address this problem. She really does come off as not even wanting to try, she’s just bitchy someone called her on that fact.
No. 199535
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>>199516Those two bottom ones look just like mentos mints. But I could be mistaken.
No. 199537
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>>199466>close to 50 pages long and has close to or over 60 partsPT bless you, anon.
No. 199543
>>199538>>199541yes that and the internet!!!
people think that because they have access to all this info about diseases that they could easily personify them for attention.
No. 199583
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This bitch pisses me off so much.
No. 199593
>>199579another twitter:
No. 199613
>>199593 particular tweet cracks me up. Apparently scents can
trigger IBS now…
No. 199676
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Well, people seem to be enjoying the milk so I might as well post a couple more! I have to leave shortly but I can at least get the first ~medical drama uwu~ posted, where she starts messing with open wounds. Think that'll put us at… 21 out of 60 or so parts I've got going?
>>199581Yes, yes she does. Interestingly, none of those are actually part of any of the diagnostic criteria of conditions she's claiming. The ones on the left, she's bending them in the completely wrong direction to count. Her fingers do demonstrate /very mild/ levels of hypermobility in later pictures, but I've got no reason to believe it's as bad as she claims when she uses /that/ shit as her proof.
Actual diagnostic criteria includes tricks like the following: (Note: The pinky one is supposed to be bending back. Hers shows her bending it to the side, which isn't worth anything.)
Okay. Next up. Then will get more up after I get home.
Pt. 16. September 9 2014. First advertised medical drama. Repeat image, sorry, but it's necessary for the timeline to show her progression. She starts complaining loudly about useless medical staff, even though soft tissue damage is pretty low priority on their list. ER staff have better things to worry about. When she doesn’t get the attention she’s striving for through stunts like this, she escalates to things like actively fucking with open wounds.
Here’s the thing about hospital trips for things like EDS. There is almost nothing they can even do. It's a genetic defect of connective tissue, it's not like there's a treatment or cure for it that they can do. This is why many people with genuine EDS don’t bother going to the hospital unless it’s actually an emergency or they have type 4/vascular. The most the hospital staff can really do is make sure that things aren’t actually broken, help put the joints back if they’re stuck and suggest heat/ice/anti-inflammatories etc for the surrounding tissue. Anything after that point is taken care of by people like physical therapists to reduce the risk of the injury happening again. Hospitals are generally useless in those situations, there is no reason to throw a hissy fit over it. We learn and move on. Also, most hospital staff (let alone ER staff) aren’t going to know anything about connective tissue diseases. Their primary focus is triage, they do not have specialty knowledge in the treatment of connective tissue diseases and the impact of repeat injuries. They turned her away because they want her to stop wasting their time and money. Standard procedure would be to go to someone who knows more about the injury and connective tissue diseases, and get that under control to try to reduce dislocations.
No. 199682
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Pt 17. September 9 2014. Another repeat, but related. She gets home, is so depressed that she ~wasn’t taken seriously~ and proceeds to go against medical advice for treatment. I feel bad for the pup and for Zak for having to put up with this cow. First evidence I’ve found of her blatantly and purposefully going against medical advice and of her blowing minor issues out of proportion. This whole thing sets the stage for the infamous Appendectomy Saga as she realizes that mere complaints won’t work, she needs evidence to get what she wants. She's depressed that she didn't get special treatment for having some super rare disease, when the hospital provided the same standard of care as can be expected in that situation.
No. 199684
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Pt 18. September 12 2014. Goes to wedding reception, avoids bringing super necessary knee braces. After all, it’d spoil her outfit. For the record, she’d need them that day. Wedding receptions are long, often involve very uncomfortable chairs and those shoes look like dress shoes. There is not a whole lot of support in those and in later posts seems to not know or care about orthopedic shoe options. Wonder if she managed to dance and enjoy herself without paying for it later.
No. 199688
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Pt 19. September 28 2014. The attention starts rolling in. People start recognizing her and her story, while lavishing her in attention for how strong and inspirational she is. Remember how I mentioned crutches versus canes in pt. 5?
>>199472Compare the finish between the wheelchair’s frame and the crutch. The mobility device she used in the selfie over her precious dislocated hips was not her crutches. She seems to collect medical devices and pills like Pokemon, it’s fucking ridiculous.
No. 199690
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Pt. 20. September 29 2014. Can spend all day at the Harry Potter Studio Tour, seems to forget her super necessary knee braces. No way. If her knees were as bad as she claims, she would absolutely need them for an event like that. That is a ton of walking and I did not see mention of her needing a wheelchair during the event (these are sometimes available, if she used one she’d probably have shown it off somewhere).
No. 199691
File: 1479328356826.png (761.76 KB, 929x597, EDS saga pt 21.png)

Pt. 21. October 8 2014. The wound fuckery begins a month after her last failed “crisis”. This is before the Appendectomy Saga, so she was already in the habit of messing with her wounds by the time that saga started. Dude, clean your fucking nails. No wonder shit gets infected. Getting an infection under your eye would not be wise, let alone one that’s your own damn fault.
No. 199696
File: 1479328512736.png (559.76 KB, 935x596, EDS saga pt 22.png)

Okay I lied, I guess it's up to part 22.
Pt. 22. October 9 2014. Starts claiming another new symptom, transparent skin. That’s the symptom where you can see your veins through your skin. A lot of people have it if they spend too much time indoors, which she seems to do plenty of and admits to being a gamer for over 20 years. Not always pathological. My fucking /doctor/ has see-through thighs. For the record, transparent skin can happen in type 3 but is much more prominent with type 1/2 (classical, has more skin and connective tissue symptoms) and especially type 4 (vascular, one of the hallmarks). At this point I think she's honestly just coming up with symptoms she thinks should fit the EDS profile.
No. 199834
Okay, I can probably get the saga to about part 32 before needing to rest for the night. Got 3 hours of sleep last night, need to make up for it! Rest will be spread out tomorrow, it's almost completed.
>>199808It gets better, anon. I've got pics where she admits to going out after a 9 hour work day in fast food, and then goes out to a Machinehead concert. No braces in sight.
No. 199840
File: 1479337589216.png (1.14 MB, 2140x597, EDS saga pt 24.png)

Seems I messed up, so I need to do 24 and then 23.
Pt. 24. October 15 2014. The spoonie oppression IRL begins. Construction happens. This is something most of us have to just get over and walk or roll around. Not throw a hissy fit on IG for asspats. This is when she starts going batshit about how complete strangers hate her for being ill, or how they don’t understand her super difficult life as a Spoonie Warrior. To be perfectly honest, genuinely ill people often have too much actual shit going on to waste energy campaigning every slight, life is tiring enough. Pick your battles. Further evidence to me that she’s not actually sick. Also includes people commenting about how she should go on benefits, she dismisses the possibility (I wonder if this makes a comeback later) with a joke about how since she’s paying taxes, she’s paying for her own medical care. Um. Not with how much medical resources she uses, she’s not.
No. 199843
File: 1479337777464.png (1.03 MB, 2179x1106, EDS saga pt 23.png)

Pt. 23. October 14 2014.
Bitch mode returns. She starts claiming that she’s getting bullied and abused on social media because people don’t understand how hypermobility syndrome works. Boy she’s in for a surprise isn’t she! This is where she really moves on from being the typical Zebra Strong Spoonie Warrior™ to batshit toward anyone she thinks is suspecting her. Because with the shit she claims, of course people will start to doubt its validity.
Age is a factor in how someone with chronic illnesses is perceived, but I’ve found over the years that the ones that complain the loudest about such injustices are the ones that are least likely to actually deal with the issues. They’re just responding to a potential threat toward their story. People like this are constantly looking for conflict and will stir it up themselves if they have to. Commenter makes a comment about wheelchairs. Guess what starts magically making appearances.
No. 199844
File: 1479337834782.png (740.93 KB, 1238x597, EDS saga pt 25.png)

Pt 25. October 17 2014. Starts crying bully and claims of being suicidal because people don’t believe her. For someone claiming to be doing her best to hide it, she does a piss poor job. She glamorizes it. Still feel bad for Zak. No wonder it’s taking forever for them to get married, he’s probably looking for an out the poor sucker.
No. 199845
File: 1479337895339.png (988.69 KB, 932x599, EDS saga pt 26.png)

Pt 26. October 31 2014. Robyn, wheelchair wouldn’t be necessary if you actually needed and used your knee braces while working. Fast food is really hard on the joints even for healthy people. Considering the claims of needing to wear them daily or near daily, this is hardly a “woo selfie with happy thumbs up” moment because even if you were actually sick, the pain would be /your own damn fault/. Even people with genuine EDS lose right to complain when they make no actual effort to protect their joints and just complain or make selfies all the damn time. Take care of your shit. Further evidence to me she’s not actually ill, or else she’d know this stuff and have learned it the hard, painful way.
No. 199846
File: 1479337987234.png (588.97 KB, 1234x598, EDS saga pt 27.png)

Pt 27. November 4 2014. She’s already started claiming poor wound healing that takes months to heal, yet during the Appendectomy Saga, claims it’s never happened before and that she only has a vague idea of what’s wrong. See:
>>198166Also, derma healing poorly isn’t because of collagen defects, it’s because of infection and people actively interfering with the healing process (albeit unintentionally).
No. 199849
File: 1479338107596.png (812.83 KB, 1228x597, EDS saga pt 28.png)

Pt 28. November 26 2014. Starts complaining about how the shoes are making her feet hurt, when /anyone/ standing in new shoes for 9 hours in food service work will have sore feet. Commenter suggests she find better shoes, she complains that her work is too restrictive for this and that such shoes are rare. Thing is? They exist, and yes they can be found in women’s styles or sizes. Only way I got through retail for years. There are entire brands designed specifically for orthopedics. Abeo comes to mind. They’ve got designs for dress wear, sneakers, slip resistant… Such shoes exist, she’s just unwilling to track them down in favor of bitching on the internet (while completely ignoring the fact that she managed a long wedding reception in dress shoes that are notoriously uncomfortable, without any complaining).
No. 199853
File: 1479338281437.png (658.78 KB, 932x597, EDS saga pt 29.png)

Pt 29. December 1 2014. Why the hell is that bruise even worth sharing? It’s barely noticeable. A tiny bruise like that is not a big deal. I doubt anyone would have even noticed there was one there if she hadn’t drawn attention to it. There is nothing here that actually serves as evidence that her finger ever dislocated. A tiny bruise and stubby fingers does not a dislocation make.
No. 199856
File: 1479338380177.png (785.56 KB, 1223x583, EDS saga pt 30.png)

Pt 30. December 13 2014. She adds hypermobility syndrome to her medical alert tag. There’s not much point in doing that, especially with so little information. Adding hypermobility syndrome or EDS to medical alert stuff is handy when trying to articulate that the patient shouldn’t be given sutures (causes tears and/or scarring), that they are prone to fatal organ/vein ruptures or because they’re on certain meds with dangerous interactions. But unless you spell it out for them, most hospital staff are not going to know that EDS/HMS patients need specific special treatment. Vaguely amused at the fact that a commenter noticed she missed a tag and added it for her.
No. 199858
File: 1479338455903.png (982.73 KB, 932x597, EDS saga pt 31.png)

Pt 31. December 17-18 2014. Admits to working a 9 hour work day at McDonalds, but she still won’t have her braces in the next photo. Hmmmmmm. Here she does directly admit to walking around a lot.
No. 199859
File: 1479338524828.png (650.16 KB, 927x597, EDS saga pt 32.png)

Pt. 32. December 17-18 2014. Manages to go to a Machinehead concert without knee braces after a full night of work. Claims a subluxation. Thought the brace was supposed to prevent that, Robyn? Why not try using it and save yourself the trouble??? Especially since concerts fucking hurt.
And with that, I am resting for the night and will get the second half spread throughout tomorrow.
No. 199865
File: 1479339620220.png (180.26 KB, 277x268, Screen_Shot_2015-05-12_at_3.31…)

>>199844I legitimately do feel bad for Zak. No matter what he does, he loses. Staying with her means being a witness to/enabling her batshit antics. Leaving her makes him the asshole who left his ill, suicidal fianceé. He's likely "locked in" at this point and has convinced himself he's okay with this life.
No. 200067
>>199691>if you pull it apartwell don't do that then ffs.
>>199844wahhhh, i sat in the cold for three hours b/c ~lyfe sux~ and threatened to kill myself so my doormat made me food to shut me up.
>>199856>99% of the time i have seizures my doormat is therethat's not suspect at all, and i def don't feel sorry for someone who at the very least is enabling her behavior.
>>1998660also thought that those three small ones were iron, and i doubt she even takes all the pills she shows so wouldn't put it past her to just having them out for show of how sick she is.
sorry for being all over with the comments but this is like, gross and amazing all the time and thank-you kind anons for making these sagas.
No. 200070
>>199521Has she brought up any of the usual hypermobility comorbid skeletal issues like scoliosis or pectus excavatum/carinatum? That swan neck deformity is so weak, it looks like she manually moved her joints into place and took the photo.
Someone should ask her if she can take a video of wagging her distal phalange as a test.
No. 200086
>>199853>So I was wondering why the side of my hand was so painful… Only to discover a faded #bruiseHow would she know it's faded if this was her first time noticing it? Why not say light bruise or minor bruise? Why assume it must have looked worse before?
Oh, right, because this is Robyn we're talking about.
>>199846>I only pick wounds>I heal slowlyIt's almost as if these two things might be related.
No. 200138
>>200067Saying that Zac is there 99% of the time she has seizures is not only highly suspect but also directly contradicts something she says during the temporal lobe epilepsy debacle where she states that she's had these episodes several times but that this was the first time he had witnessed one.
Also, if he were there nearly all the time, she wouldn't need to wear these tags but for Robyn I imagine they're some kind of badge of honour. My boss insisted I wore a medic alert because my job involved me working in different areas of the building where people might not know about my condition. I hated wearing it and once I was out of work and on my way home I'd take it off and shove it in my pocket. She's a barrel of contradictions.
No. 200153
>>199523This is pretty suspicious as well, people in chronic pain are usually willing to try anything to stop it.
She was probably worried about being caught out lying if she tried it
No. 200154
>>200138Fucking THIS.
>>200147THIS too! It boils my blood!
No. 200161
File: 1479380706187.png (1.08 MB, 1025x657, lu hmd hashtag hell.png)

>>200147I don't think I've ever seen anyone commit this grievous a level of #hashtag #abuse ever before. She's so OTT in every fucking way. This pic is from her 'hypermobiledork' IG. She pisses me off to no end!
No. 200197
>>199312Ausfag here and that looks like a standard chemist here. Britain is probably the same.
If that is weird I'm curious as to what US chemists look like? This one is exactly how all chemists here look.
No. 200273
>>200114From my experience, she would reply to select comments on her pictures but would ignore any that weren't pandering to her crises. I don't remember her voluntarily commenting on other people's images and she didn't seem to follow back the people who follow her. Except for the cronies who gave her the speshul attention she wanted.
Has anyone picked up on the stuff on one of her blogs about microtia where apparently she was supposed to be a twin but her mum miscarried the other baby? Seems to me that one of Robyn's main problems could be that from early childhood she was told how incredibly special she was and now that she's an adult she's desperately trying to recreate that specialness via her super serious chronic illnesses, or "debilitating" illnesses as she likes to refer to them. Of course, we can only assume that she's telling the truth about the miscarried twin…
No. 200324
>>200161mad how in a few years she's gone from two mildly serious conditions that are actually interesting to hear about living with to needing to take the drug store home with her.
a guy i lived with in college had pretty serious munchausen, he literally faked a seizure at work and then drove back to the res hall. a few weeks later he kept dropping it into conversation about how he kept forgetting to take his new meds and how he could die without them all the meanwhile fucking driving everywhere despite that being illegal if he had a real seizure
No. 200340
>>200161how many accounts did she make ffs?
so i know this is petty compared to all the fuckery from her presented so far, but i couldn't help noticing the amount of times she reminds people she's #genderfluid/#genderneutral yet people referred to her with female pronouns and she didn't seem to care. like, if you're going to constantly lie for super special snowflake points, you might want to keep track of those things so that you're not as transparent as your invisibullshit illnesses.
could a kind anon also put together the saga of her 'head bump' where she constantly claimed it was due to a seizure and she assumed it was epilepsy even though the tests were all fine and she was out with the doormat playing in the snow right after like nothing happened.
No. 200382
File: 1479396820289.png (746.56 KB, 1544x599, EDS saga pt 33.png)

>>200070Unless I missed something, in all of the screenshots I've collected I have seen no such claims. Nothing about some of the more common or serious skeletal comorbidities like scoliosis, congenital hip dysplasia, craniocervical instability, etc. Not a word. She brings up her finger (which could have been injured by anything) and her knee (which again could have been injured by anything). The other laundry list of conditions that come with EDS and have actual tests for like x-rays or MRIs are not mentioned or given proof for.
Okay! So this batch will be a bit short, still getting coffee. But we start with one that puts more of her ~symptoms~ into context and then start going into a medical crisis that I swear was copied from a commenter. In the upcoming crisis she really goes batshit on the number of posts, including /live-blogging standard procedure/. Step by step. It's fucking ridiculous.
Pt 33. December 19 2014. Here she admits to being friends with our recent WK JBN, having played video games for over 20 years, counting the number of tattoos and piercings she has, the number of hospitals she’s been to (not hospitalizations, different physical hospitals), and the number of surgeries she’s had. For extra brownie points, she makes sure to add how long one of those surgeries was. Things of note on here:
• Being a gamer can contribute to hand problems, especially console gaming and especially if you have even mild hypermobility. Doesn’t mean it’s EDS. Just her own damn fault. Cut back on the games or find something more adaptive, they’ll probably be a lot better.
• Speaking of the gaming bit. Staying indoors for hours on end to play games obsessively can lead to someone being pale as a sheet. Including transparent skin. Still not EDS.
• She tags almost all of her medical conditions except for bodily dysmorphic disorder and the short term memory loss part of her dyslexia. Considering she will tag shit like “bruise” and four different variations of the tag “medical bracelet”, seems strange for her to suddenly be leaving some out.
• Counting like this is often a red flag in these communities. If someone is starting to cite exact numbers of surgeries, injuries, time spent in a surgery, and the number of different hospitals they’ve been to, odds are high that they’re full of shit. That’s something that medical doctors have business knowing, outside of that it’s really not necessary to share except as a way to 1-up others in the community or prove how sick they are. The 1-up drama becomes relevant in the next part, when she adds yet another hospitalization to the mix and really goes to town with it.
No. 200384
File: 1479397212889.png (508.7 KB, 931x597, EDS saga pt 34.png)

Pt 34. December 29, 2014. Remember pt. 7?
>>199483Where a commenter tells her about needing a cast for a dislocated thumb? Guess who dislocates her thumb and will go to the hospital for a cast, milking the attention from peers and staff for all its worth. This starts her first extended medical crisis saga before escalating to the Appendectomy Saga later. Also, she fucking turned the brightness up to make the bruise more obvious.
This entire “dislocation” saga of hers here is such bullshit. It really is. Who the hell takes mini snapshots of what is supposed to be a daily occurrence?! Joints dislocate in EDS. It doesn’t need photo blogging multiple times a day. It doesn’t need constant drama with coworkers, friends, and hospital staff. It’s a fact of life. It’s not even one of the large joints, it’s her thumb and even then it’s on her right hand. She’s left handed. That’d be like me taking a daily photo blog of bowel movements. There is no point to it whatsoever. It’s just there to try to draw attention to how fragile and sick she obviously is if she can dislocate joints over minor activities.
No. 200387
File: 1479397400193.png (605.78 KB, 935x595, EDS saga pt 35.png)

Pt. 35. Same day. Bruise is barely noticeable without her filter. For the record, EDS bruises do not heal that fast, especially in people claiming to have delayed wound healing. Since she has claimed bruising easily, that means claiming at least some vascular symptoms. Which would not heal that fast.
The box thing. That I’m pretty sure is an attempt to try to fit the EDS profile. In EDS, yes dislocations can happen from minor activities. But given that she doesn’t have EDS, she has to come up with something dramatic sounding to make it look like she’s really ill. So she picks one of the easiest tasks out there to act like it’s causing her big problems. But she works at McDonalds. I’ve worked food service. There is a lot of lifting involved, including heavy boxes. She makes no mention of accommodations. There could have been a work place accident that she’s blowing out of proportion, or she could have fucked something up herself. We have no reason to believe it’s coming from a light box like she said. And how light is light anyway? Given the numbers she rattles off, let’s get some actual weight on that box, Robyn.
No. 200388
File: 1479397484691.png (616.16 KB, 936x597, EDS saga pt 36.png)

Pt. 36. Same day. She’s really spamming what she can out of this one. Yet another brace for her to drool over. I swear she has a fetish or something. Her fixation on braces is kind of creepy to be honest, but she probably loves them because they make it super obvious how ~sick she is~. It’s too bad this one is flesh colored, it’s harder for her to advertise it to strangers.
No. 200389
File: 1479397648791.png (956.89 KB, 932x595, EDS saga pt 37.png)

Pt. 37. Same day /still/. She won’t let up on it. They did an x-ray, which is again standard procedure. No surprise it came back fine. She is literally live-blogging what is standard procedure. Her level of obsession is mind-boggling.
Also. "[i]t went back into the correct place". If she did not get help putting the joint back into place, it was not a dislocation. It was a subluxation, which she shouldn't have needed to go to the hospital for. Subluxations are not medical emergencies and will correct themselves over time if you're gentle to your body. She went to the hospital over something that her body corrected itself. What the fuck.
No. 200391
File: 1479397820439.png (562.38 KB, 935x599, EDS saga pt 38.png)

Pt 38. December 30 2014. For the record, that doesn’t actually look like a dislocation. That’s called hyperextension and can often be done on command by people with hypermobile fingers. I can literally wiggle my fingers like that no problem and it doesn’t hurt. Back and forth between positions takes maybe a few seconds. A minor hyperextension like that is really no big deal and is probably related to her playing console games all the time. Joysticks makes thumbs worse.
No. 200392
File: 1479397868984.jpg (25.36 KB, 600x450, dislocation.jpg)

>>200391For comparison, this is what a dislocation looks like.
No. 200397
>>200382As an aside I had to laugh that she always drops that she has a #house in every single account, including her own WKing herself here. Lulz
She acts like she bought it herself. But looks like mommy and daddy gave her the money.
Robyn you can't go bragging about having life "sorted" when YOU didn't buy your OWN home!
Hmmmm could this mommy and daddy bought home be the one of the reasons her man stays?
No. 200408
File: 1479399661124.png (368.96 KB, 1440x1526, Screenshot_2016-11-17-09-17-04…)

>>200391Here's an add on gift from her facebook
No. 200411
File: 1479400093256.png (545.11 KB, 1440x2099, Screenshot_2016-11-17-09-26-41…)

>>200408And someone calling her out. I wonder if they're still friends.
No. 200414
>>200411Her friend is right. Yeah surgery won't fix the broken collagen, but /appropriate/ PT can greatly improve quality of life, and reduce pain, subluxations and dislocations.
Also? Ligament reconstruction surgery in hypermobile individuals is not ideal and prone to complications or failure because it's not just one ligament or tendon that is wonky, it's the whole package. Individual surgeries will not fix a global issue. All it does is address specific joints, whereas PT can be done to address the whole body.
Source: No. 200415
>>200411omg this is the #1 complaint of people who are prescribed physical therapy but refuse to do it because it's not a quick fix and it's essentially having a personal trainer and usually a list of exercises you need to do at home everyday. (not to blog but me and my dad are in physical therapy and it helps greatly but yeah! its hard! wah!!)
But absolutely DUH would strengthening your muscles around a problem area specifically a joint would help GREATLY she just doesn't want any fix that's not bed rest and a pile of pills. sicko.
No. 200423
File: 1479401174422.png (689.1 KB, 932x599, EDS saga pt 39.png)

Okay. Couple more, then we get into her complaining about medical staff flat out calling her on her BS and her throwing a hissy fit over it (Ftr the staff was kind of on point, too).
39. December 30 2014. So things went normally at the hospital, it should have been over right? No, now she’s having seizures /because/ she went to the hospital. Maybe she realized that the fun ride was over and she didn’t want to get off, so boom seizures to set the path to go back to the hospital. She hasn’t gone yet here, but she will.
No. 200424
File: 1479401220423.png (799 KB, 931x596, EDS saga pt 40.png)

Pt 40. December 31 2014. “More bruising started to surface and it’s more swollen”. No, you just have a fat thumb and the bruising is healing normally. Like it should. It’s only been a couple of days. Large bruises can take a week or two to heal normally, and that doesn’t even go into whatever OTC drugs you may have been popping to impact your body’s ability to heal. Like… ibuprofen.
No. 200425
File: 1479401253847.png (546.86 KB, 935x597, EDS saga pt 41.png)

Pt 41. Same day. She’s so starved for attention that she needs to share “dislocations” she suffered from /three years ago/. I’m not even sure if that was a dislocation, she could have just sprained it and ret-conned it to be a dislocation for her EDS saga. Admits to having gone to work against medical advice, so that seems to be a trend for her.
No. 200427
File: 1479401313228.png (1.01 MB, 931x599, EDS saga pt 42.png)

Pt 42. Same day. How the fuck does she expect to play a console game with that brace on?! Plus that’s gonna hurt like fucking hell if the injury is as bad as she claims later, and it’d be her own damn fault. Also, the “swelling” from part 40? Yeah well, playing console games after an injury in a brace can do that… Especially if for some reason you put it on too tight. You realize that those braces are partially to encourage you to do activities that won’t aggravate the condition, right? Because doing some activities in them is a pain in the ass. Like playing your games obsessively. Take it as a hint and do something else.
No. 200430
File: 1479401460987.png (794.8 KB, 1553x598, EDS saga pt 43.png)

Pt 43. January 1, 2015. She goes back to the hospital because her thumb keeps subluxating on top of the supposed dislocation. You know what does that? /Playing console games with an injured thumb/. You dumb fuck. Side note: the person she's copying this from hasn't been commenting. I wonder if they realized she's full of shit and ran away. If so, good for them.
Next part she complains about the nurse, who calls her out (albeit not on being a Munchie, sadtear). I haven't finished it yet, will post more when I have. That rant is a long one, on both her part and probably mine. She shouldn't have treated that poor nurse that way, the nurse didn't deserve her shit and especially not for being right.
No. 200435
>>200425she's such a #brave #spoonie #warrior for going to #work against #medicaladvice
No. 200445
>>200423How come it always seems she has seizures in private places when no-ones around?
I assume in a place like McDonald's there is always someone near you.
No. 200447
>>200445>>200445>>200445Anyone who really has seizures will know you're not always lucky enough to be in private. They usually happen at the most annoying time possible.
Also, if she's just been diagnosed with epilepsy, she would have had a risk assessment at work. They probably would have stopped her from working with the friers etc until her seizures are well controlled. And I'd also imagine she wouldn't be allowed to be in an office alone. My risk assessment stated I could not work alone, at height or using any equipment that might cause injury during loss of consciousness.
No. 200453
>>199521I thought 'lol boohoo I can do that too' but now that you say this is legit hypermobility… are you 100% sure? I know many people who can do those things, including myself, (besides the bottom right picture, but to make for it I can hold my thumb to the back of my forearm for example, which is cooler.)(sorry for blog)
Does it mean we are all hypermobile? I never had a bone dislocate, and my friends who can do those tricks didn't as well. I have a hard time believing this.
TLDR I kinda think she's bullshitting about the hypermobility. unless you have a more solid evidence.
No. 200462
>>200453Medical source for my response:
>Generalized joint laxity is commonly seen in healthy individuals who do not have complaints. Hypermobility that is not associated with systemic disease occurs in 4% to 13% of the population.4,5 Hypermobility diminishes as one ages, and it also appears to be related to sex and race.5 In general, women have greater joint laxity than men, and up to 5% of healthy women have symptomatic joint hypermobility compared with 0.6% of men.6 People of African, Asian, and Middle Eastern descent also have increased joint laxity.7–9.So her flexible thumb is probably normal and related to how much video games she plays. She just needed to fit into the Fad Disease of the Month by clinging to EDS, which is how a lot of online Munchies go with EDS. They take minor joint laxity that is pretty normal in the population and not indicative of disease, and then blow it out of proportion or try to make themselves fit the symptoms of EDS because claiming EDS gets a lot of attention.
No. 200474
>>200469I appreciate the compliment! No, I'm not the OP. Have experience with outing or documenting Munchies, but have never posted a cow here before. Robyn just pisses me off so much that I had to help out where I could. This thread and the general Munchie thread are the first threads I've ever posted in as anon.
Working on the part where she goes back to the hospital, complains about a nurse calling her on her shit and gets a cast. Will be long, that particular post and comment thread she has going on is just so milky on its own.
No. 200533
File: 1479412460015.png (1.39 MB, 2503x1150, EDS saga pt 44.png)

God damn, 55 pages in my Word document now and /I'm still finding evidence/. The milk never stops. She doesn't even need to be active, it just keeps flowing.
Okay. We're up to pt 44 now, where she's a bitch to hospital staff over being told it's nothing when it really is probably nothing. I'll put this one up and let folks discuss it before moving on because it's long in itself, and that alone will provide a lot of milk. It progresses into more drama like the Appendectomy Saga did, complete with online (and probably offline) bitching and repeat hospital visits.
I hope the image isn't too big, and please forgive me for the length of the rant.
Pt 44. January 1 2015. She has a long conversation with a commenter about how shitty nurses are about EDS. This rant will be long because there’s just so much milk in this IG post alone.
TL;DR version:
a nurse points out her behavior doesn't make sense for the condition she's claiming, she complains, gets a new nurse that gives her asspats, has a long conversation that undoes several of her lies, and admits to several things like not taking medication as prescribed and actively pursuing diagnosis/documentation in order to get medication for free.
Things of note:
• Commenter from Pt 7 with the story of a dislocated thumb and subsequent cast is nowhere to be seen. Might have realized Robyn is batshit, ran far away. Not even sympathy comments about how the situation sucks because they’ve been there. Nothing.
• The nurse kind of has a point. If it was a subluxation, like I suspect supposing anything was wrong to begin with (since it likely went back in on its own, it just took time), she shouldn’t have gone. Many people that are hypermobile never even notice subluxations because the body corrects them, often the only clue is pain and even that's not always there. They are too busy to deal with her Munchie shit. Ice/heat, brace, take it easy and not play video games, she would have been fine. Nurse is probably exhausted and doesn’t want her shit. Minor dislocations or subluxations like this are not a big deal, she’s blowing it way out of proportion. There was no reason to go to the hospital.
• Not being offered pain meds. If they suspect that she is doing this to herself, they will not offer them immediately. Even in the UK. I point out how they take her blood and may have been testing for drug use in a later post. Also, the pain scale is fairly useless in EDS cases, nurse may have known that and didn’t bother trying to use it. Pain and tolerance is completely subjective, and when it comes to conditions like HMS and EDS, there will be a constant level of pain so we just kind of.. numb it out after a while. Taking regular pain medication (which most EDS cases do, often daily) also influences perception of pain. It’s hard for these people to actually measure their pain on the standard 1-10 scale, the number would be useless to someone without it (since we’re often so used to it, other people’s 9s can be our 6s), and we have a tendency to downplay our pain. So administering it is kind of pointless in those cases. If the nurse’s daughter has that, they’re probably fairly familiar with the condition and it’s influenced how they handle standard of care for other patients claiming joint hypermobility. If I was in the nurse’s position, I probably would have denied her too.
• Robyn didn’t like the first nurse’s answer, gets a different one. Probably complained. Nurse shopping! Didn’t like that someone who has knowledge in the condition she’s claiming didn’t take her conditions seriously, so she found someone who probably didn’t. Would also explain her rotating circle of friends and accounts. Because people who either actually have the condition or who have loved ones with the condition can see she’s lying. She has to depend on people that don’t to keep the lie going.
• She starts dropping number of serious injuries again, and brings up the “dislocations resulting in broken bones” bullshit again. Yeah no. She’s lying. Joint laxity would not result in broken bones. Bone is harder than ligaments, let alone lax ligaments. I call bull on her only going to the hospital for “new” or bad dislocations again. Her behavior suggests she’s a frequent flier and that people are getting sick of her shit.
• Yes, there is general advice that setting your own dislocated joints is risky. People who have actual EDS know that. They will tell others that it comes with risks. We do it anyway, because there’s little point in racking up debt or bothering the hospital staff for something that’s just going to happen again and that we can handle on our own. It cuts down on the cost of going, the resources consumed and their time that they could be spending on handling things like actual emergencies. And there’s not much they can do anyway. Doing things like PT helps reduce us having to set things ourselves or go to the hospital because it reduces the frequency of the dislocations in the first place, which she doesn’t even bother with.
• “I get bad anxiety about hospitals” REALLY NOW, BECAUSE I CERTAINLY COULDN’T TELL. Nothing about hospital glam selfies in hospitals suggests that they make you anxious.
• Commenter talks about how dislocations and subluxations are a part of the condition and that they don’t bother going every time. Which is the normal reaction. There is no point in going all the time because it’s not like they’re ever going to stop for good anyway.
• “I also avoid doing a lot of things to stop stuff happening” No you don’t. Otherwise you wouldn’t take a selfie of you playing console games while wearing a brace for an injured thumb. Dumbass.
• “I need to be more like you!” Uh oh. Now there is a dangerous statement. Which part is she referring to, the part where people still go out and have a life outside of EDS or the part where the commenter dislocates several times a day? Her posted notes for the rheumatologist starts to suggest the latter, which is a scary thought. Because so far I've seen no evidence of her working to have a life outside of EDS, quite the opposite actually.
• Admits to being sun deprived, and probably low on vitamin D. Remember what I said about her playing video games indoors for years and probably not getting enough sunlight? That’s probably what her ~transparent skin~ is from. Go outside, walk your dogs in the sunlight, do something other than sit on your ass. The skin transparency will probably go away.
• Claims she’s crap at remembering to take pills. Since when? There’s phone apps for that. Reminders. Alarms. Life hacks like turning your bottles upside down when you take something, so you have proof you did it. There’s so much out there to remind you to take meds. They’re not that hard to find. Explains why she has a stash that she can fill entire containers with though, and is pretty much proof that she does not comply with prescribed directions and makes little to no effort to.
• Says she’s not on prescription pain medication. Which means either she’s faking the seizures outright, has a different way of inducing them, is lying about not being on prescription pain medication, or is accessing medication online without a prescription. Any of those is a possibility. I'm sure an epilepsy anon can fill us in.
• She mentions pursuing a diagnosis about her joints. This is an allusion to her doctor shopping for an EDS diagnosis later. She does pursue it, sadly. Great way of creating suspense there, Robyn.
• “I guess if I had a seizure they would have seen me quicker lol” Okay 1. That’s not an lol moment and 2. Is that an allusion to her future faking of seizures for hospital trips, like the headbump-because-epilepsy saga? Maybe a future epilepsy saga anon can fill us in here?
• She does reference a medical certificate “proving” she has epilepsy so as to get all of her meds for free. Correct me if I’m wrong, but doesn’t that count as malingering? She’s obtaining “proof” so as to obtain medication for free. That is material gain. That’s malingering.
I feel really, really bad for the first nurse here. Not only was the nurse actually correct on shit (especially if it was actually a subluxation, in which case she never needed to go and waste their time at all), but it was New Years. The hospital was probably swamped and really busy. It’s a busy time of the year for them, and here this bitch is bringing drama with her. The nurse was probably tired, frustrated and sick of seeing people like her come in for pointless shit when they have to deal with other matters. But Robyn makes it all about her, no consideration for the staff or their stress levels. What a bitch. Is it annoying that people who are drunk are given priority? Sure, maybe. But the priority is understandable considering /drinking excessively or things like drinking and driving can actually kill you/. Unlike a thumb dislocation. Triage priorities again. They have to treat the stuff that can actually kill you first. That's not oppression. Stop crying oppression because people aren't putting you to the top of the list, Robyn.
No. 200540
> Robyn didn’t like the first nurse’s answer, gets a different one. Probably complained. Nurse shopping!Not trying to defend her at all, but it sounds like the first nurse she saw was a triage nurse. When you go to A&E/emergency in the UK (apologies if this is patronising if it works the same way in other countries!), unless you're a life or death emergency or need immediate treatment (usually if you've been brought in by ambulance and already assessed by paramedics as an urgent case), you see a triage nurse first who will talk to you, examine you briefly, and then determine how quickly you need to be seen compared to other people waiting (this is what Robyn is complaining about when she says the nurse only wrote her down as a 4, i.e. not urgent and perfectly capable of waiting for treatment - totally reasonable for a dislocated/subluxed thumb). The triage nurse will then send you back out to the waiting room and you'll be put in a queue to see a different nurse who will examine you further, do basic obs/tests if necessary, treat you within their capabilities, and either send you home with advice, or send you to a hospital treatment room to wait to see a doctor. This is standard procedure so chances are it wasn't that she complained or asked to see a different nurse.
In my experience, the triage nurse won't offer you any pain medication as this isn't part of their role - but usually if you're in pain and ask they will give you paracetamol (acetaminophen) or ibuprofen to keep you going until you see the next nurse. If Robyn was in such #terrible #pain she should have asked for pain relief at this stage rather than just waiting or expecting to be offered it and huffing when she didn't get it. Personally if I was in such pain I was vomiting I'd definitely ask for pain relief (or you know, have taken some at home to try and help myself) but then I guess if Robyn had done that she wouldn't have been able to sulk about it on social media for sympathy.
No. 200545
>>200541Definitely, if the triage nurse had thought she didn't need to be seen at all, she would have been told to go home and make an appointment with her GP or a minor injuries centre and not even put in the queue for an emergency nurse. I have no idea why she complained about being assessed as non-urgent as clearly in the grand scheme of things an A&E department deals with, "my thumb is ouchy" is pretty low on the list.
Actually, scratch that, I know exactly why she was complaining about it - because she's a munchie who's convinced that her "#chronicillness" is so incredibly severe that she's automatically more important than anyone else waiting to see the nurse and should be fawned over by all medical staff because she's so #special and #brave and a total #spooniewarrior.
No. 200609
>>200606I'm actually a bit surprised she's even been demanding stitches and the likes. Stitches can actually tear the skin in EDS patients, or contribute to scarring. Things like the steristrips in the appendectomy saga are common for EDS because it decreases the risk of such complications. If she's claiming poor wound healing, the last thing she should be requesting is stitches.
Source: No. 200610
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Okay. Couple more.
Pt 45. January 2 2015. Goes in to the hospital for her thumb, gets a cast. Probably wouldn’t have even needed it if she didn’t play console games with an injured hand. Maybe stop making shit worse for yourself, Robyn. She must have loved this, instead of the flesh colored brace now she gets an obvious cast that will definitely draw people’s commentary. Literally. People actually draw on it. The cast should make it so she can’t play console games now and make it worse for herself – I wonder if that’s what the staff was thinking, give her the cast so she can’t get at her thumb and actively make shit worse. Considering the Appendectomy Saga and them requiring her to come in for them to change the dressing instead of trusting her to do it, it’d make sense. Unfortunately, it doesn’t work. She plays the games anyway.
No. 200611
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Pt 46. January 3 2015. Shown still playing games on her laptop using a controller. Says that wearing a cast won’t stop her. Poor hospital staff, their efforts didn’t work, she’s still at it. Letting an injury heal is not letting HMS or EDS beat you, Robyn. Taking care of your body is important. The cast is supposed to help things heal without interference. EDS involves switching or adapting activities so as to take care of one’s body, not trolololing through things unstopped to ~prove it won’t rule your life~. There is a difference between ignoring your symptoms because you’re in denial or believe they’re not that bad and between actively engaging in activities that would make the injury worse because you want to ~prove it doesn’t rule your life~.
No. 200612
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Pt 47. Same day. She’s basking in the attention and knows that having a cast will bring it in, so she milks it up for all its worth. Might have realized this from her knee injury a few years ago, where she had her crutches. People really respond to casts because they assume it’s a broken bone, so they shower the person with attention. Robyn laps this up and gets them to write on the cast, making it even /more/ obvious to people. And what’s with the fucking kiss marks?!
No. 200613
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Pt 48. January 5 2015. Posts about how her dad has been doing research on HMS and EDS, saying he believes her. I was under the impression that they don’t believe her. Does anyone have a comparison on dates between her statements that her parents don’t believe her and this one, where she says her dad does?
No. 200614
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Pt 49. January 9 2015. Remember my comment in pt 39 about her using seizures to lay the framework for getting back in the hospital?
>>200423Starts claiming that she had multiple seizures that caused her to dislocate her knee, resulting in another hospital trip. At this point she’s a frequent flier and the staff are probably sick of seeing her. For the record, in future pictures there’s no actual evidence of a dislocation and she does shit like taking a standing selfie with smiles and thumbs up, which is not the kind of behavior someone does with a dislocated knee. Just saying. See next part.
No. 200615
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Pt. 50. January 9 2015. Dislocated knee due to seizure, stands up for a selfie with that stupid grin and without her knee braces no problem. If her knee was dislocated, she wouldn’t be able to tolerate the pain enough to stand up so straight and without support, let alone post a fucking hospital glam selfie. She’s not exactly thin and that’s a major mobility joint that takes a lot of stress, especially when out. Even if it had been set again by this point, she'd still be in a lot of pain because of the damage to surrounding tissue.
No. 200625
>>200615EDS saga anon. A point that I want to add to that last post:
Being able to fake a smile through the pain can happen, especially for people that are used to pain. It's one of the only ways to function in society, being able to pretend like the pain isn't there. People are much less likely to ask you what's wrong if you pretend to be fine, letting you go about your day and actually get stuff done. But there's still going to be subtle signs that there's something wrong, and the more intense the pain is (such as during a dislocation of a major mobility joint), the harder it is to hide it. Hiding pain is a coping mechanism in order to function in day to day life.
The reason why I bring it up here is because her behavior does not indicate that she's in pain at all, or if she is it's not nearly as bad as she's claiming, as we've seen in previous images where she says she's suffering from extreme symptoms but has that same stupid grin. It's something called la belle indifference and can be indicative of Munchausen's.
What the whole saga has shown me is that in various photos, there is little to no difference in facial expression regardless of how distress she claims she is. Like the gif someone did where the only shit that moved was her hair.
>>194199There's only a handful where she even looks remotely distressed, and even then it's fairly slight. It happening once in a while would make sense for someone in chronic pain. We're used to faking being fine. When it happens in the vast majority of interactions though, and the person is unusually excited or giddy about medical procedures or tests? That's not normal. Not at all.
Source: No. 200626
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>tfw you visit this thread because you are in denial of your EDS and POTS diagnosis and fantasize about have Munchausen's because you can deal with the crushing reality that is live with an incurable genetic condition
No. 200652
>>200540In Australia triage nurses often offer pain relief - aka paracetamol - while you wait or if you have a temperature to lower it while you're waiting.
Another thing I've noticed about Robyn is her constant "bragging" about being admitted quickly.
The way triage usually works is:
1. Major hemorrhage and breathing problems = seen instantly.
OR they also triage metal health.. if you're aggressive, at risk of absconding or it's your first time presenting as a mental health patient they take you through to the ED straight away.
No. 200666
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Couple more to finish off the cast medical crisis, and then a couple that lead up to her pursuing an EDS diagnosis. Haven't finished the ones about the diagnosis seeking yet and will finish the saga tomorrow in all likelihood.
Pt. 51. January 9 2015, so same day as the last one. She’s just loving that attention. Can’t get enough. There’s actually several photos like this, I’m only including one because posting all of them would be excessive and they don’t add much. But the fact that she’s pointing out every little thing in the picture, tagging it and seems to do this multiple times shows the evolution into how she starts pulling attention onto her suffering. In the past, she was subtle about it by asking people to ignore it after she mentioned something was there, and she'd only include a small handful of photos from one medical crisis. Now she’s going out of her way to point out what’s in the photo and uploading them constantly. Guess subtle just wasn’t enough anymore. She has to go over the top now.
No. 200667
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Pt 52. Same day. Still won’t shut up about her poor thumb among other issues. The ECG electrodes make a comeback. There is no point in keeping those. They’re trash. They don’t do anything except draw more attention to the fact that she was in the hospital, which the cast does plenty of. Most sane people just throw the stuff away. They don’t put them on display. Also, “[c]ould this arm look any more beaten up?” Yes actually, a cast and bandage for someone taking your blood isn’t exactly looking beaten up. All it is is evidence that you managed to convince doctors to give you what you wanted, Robyn. Again, the cast could be because they want her to stop fucking with shit, so they make it close to impossible for her to make their job harder.
The cannula: that is from a peripheral venous catheter, from my understanding. Someone please correct me on the term if I’m wrong. They are extremely common and given to most patients that stay for a while, useful for taking blood and administering fluids or IV medication if necessary. Using the cannula in a catheter is an easier way of obtaining blood than sticking the patient multiple times, it saves the staff time and it saves the patient multiple (potentially painful) needle sticks. Taking blood is standard procedure at the hospital, they do it pretty much every time someone goes if there’s specific complaints. Considering she’s complaining of seizures, they were probably trying to rule out drug use and low blood sugar. It’s not a big deal. She’s making standard blood tests into drama for no particular reason, when they were probably just trying to rule out drug use and low blood sugar for her seizures. Especially considering she came in with a minor injury, that was probably made worse by her behavior and history of causing drama for them, and her history of disregarding medical advice. They were probably checking to make sure /she wasn’t doing it to herself because she’s a Munchie/. The whole saga suggests that yes, they were starting to suspect her, they just didn’t want to tell her. Sadly though, the headbump-because-epilepsy saga takes place in the same hospital (she checked in on IG in both instances) so they must not have denied her treatment.
No. 200668
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Pt 53. January 10 2015. At work, bitch mode returns, still won’t shut up about her damn cast. Cries suicidal again, blames it on medication this time and not drama. Triggering eating disorders with her bullshit is a pretty big concern, so it makes sense for someone to bring it to her attention. She blows it off, paints it off as the person being rude (we have no proof of this, the person could have been fairly polite about it or not coming off well because actively triggered), and manages to plug her HMS again while making sure to include her cast in the selfie. Calls her IG her dairy. That’s actually kind of fitting. The mention of her medication making her suicidal due to a side effect is a useful deterrent to discourage people from starting drama with her or calling her out on bullshit, considering she can just claim she’ll an hero like always.
No. 200669
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Pt 54. Same day still. Calls a fairly small bruise “impressive”.
No, that bruise is not impressive for EDS patients, that’s actually fairly minor and bruises happen with cannulas. If she calls that impressive, she’s not used to easy bruising like she claims. Seriously, with the bruise fetishizing? Not all bruises are because of anything HMS or EDS related. She had a medical procedure involving her veins. Of course there’s going to be some minor bruising. Not always, but it’s common enough that it’s not evidence of EDS, let alone anything to get excited about.
No. 200670
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Pt 55. January 11 2015. She replaces microtia on her profile with EDS, since by now she’s realized that she gets a lot more sympathy with EDS than she does with microtia. Claims she removed it because she didn’t want to be around people who claim it’s a disability when it’s not… by replacing it with a disability that she doesn’t even have. She’s even going to get the tattoo covered according to her. She’s replaced her microtia identity almost entirely here to assimilate into the EDS community.
No. 200672
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Pt. 56. January 13 2015. She posts a picture of her appointment confirmation letter. Now she’s basically liveblogging getting the cast removed. The level of obsession over a single injury is kind of creepy. It’s not even a post about how she’s /at/ the clinic, but that she’s /going to/ the clinic. She posts more where she’s actually waiting at the clinic later. I do not understand the obsession with documenting every tiny portion of her life, let alone within a single injury when those injuries are supposed to be commonplace. It’s mind-boggling. It really is. At this point, she’s posted dozens of pictures related to a single injury and all of the drama within, even though she claims to be going through these subluxations and dislocations every few days. She has a job, pets, and a boyfriend, how the hell does she have the time to document all of this shit?!
No. 200673
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Pt 57. Same day. Fetishizing her experience so much that she keeps the cast. She’s treating it like a fucking trophy. Another prop to her collection to prove how sick she is, instead of actually managing to live her life. After the cast comes off, the thumb dislocation saga more or less ends, so she moves on to other things like fishing for a professional diagnosis of EDS, epilepsy sagas and the appendectomy saga. One ends, more and more begin. She just jumps from one medical crisis to another.
No. 200674
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Pt 58. January 21 2015. She got the cast off, so she has to find something else to talk about. How about sharing a picture from two years ago where her injury is even /more/ obvious?! How does she manage to remember the exact day of specific injuries if they’re so damn common? After a while they just kind of blur together. The forearm crutches make a comeback, which suggests to me that she keeps medical devices she likes for years. This injury is probably what caused her to realize that big, obvious medical devices like huge splints or casts will get her the attention she craves, so she replicated that experience. It worked. We don’t have the details on this one, and she’s not tagging HMS or EDS, but given that she tried to claim a past ankle injury from several years ago was due to EDS, it’d stand to reason she’d claim the same with this one. It should be noted that a bad enough fall can result in a knee dislocation even without EDS present. Also, her knees could have been weak because of injuries like this and be prone to re-injury even without EDS present.
No. 200676
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Pt 59. February 2 2015. Can’t even take a walk in the snow without making the whole thing about her super special hypermobility syndrome. Yeah, that’s so normal /s When someone makes an active effort to incorporate their illness into every conversation, no matter how unrelated, that’s a huge red flag that they’re full of shit.
No. 200706
>>200401 Maybe they don't give her more but (amurrican here) a McDonald's job or low level office worker (at least here and in most cities) don't get money to go to university and get a house so young. They maybe make the payments but doubtful. I bet they get help. Or at the very least can count on help should they need it, which is huge.
I mean she is crying about folks not seeing her invisible illness… not noticing or caring what they have going on…. but so not thankful to have a cushion to fall on should she not fly in the real world, bet a whole lotta bus folks would kill for that.
But good point on her parents not buying her pissing and moaning.
No. 200738
>>200533This is an amazing post. You are absolutely legend for doing this, EDS Saga Anon! I can't enlarge this particular image enough to read the text though. I know it's a pain in the ass but when you have some time, if you'd be up to posting it in sections so the text is legible it would be a great help! I had to do it with the Appy Saga for longer entries.
I don't know if you'll find this useful, but thought I'd share…
Rules of thumb I've found useful for formatting:
1. When adding subsequent text columns, limit extra columns on the right to 2 at most (like you did in
>>200670 ), so that the text won't be compressed too much.
2. If not adding additional text columns, maximum width for decent-sized text is two posts side-by-side. (Like in
>>198007 ).
3. If there's a wall of text worth of columns, split into separate files (like in
>>198013 ).
P.S. I will hold off on posting the burn saga until you've finished sharing all of the ones you've worked on. Your work is excellent and an indispensable addition to this topic! Please don't post more frequently than is comfortable though. Milk this good is fun to savor anyway! :)
Sage for replying to a specific anon.
No. 200753
>>200613Stupid question: How do you tell the exact dates of posts? All I ever see on IG are "so many weeks ago" numbers.
Sage for irrelevance.
No. 200760
>>200611Bitch, you're left-handed. Why are you holding the control in your right hand? Oh yeah, the cast needs to be in there.
>>200614Make sure your cast is in the pic even though your post has nothing to do with your not-injured thumb!
>>200666Fucking THIS! She infuriates me to no end!
>>200667THIS shit. Heart anon here. At least in the U.S. the ekg tech pulls off the electrodes after disconnecting the leads. Normal people just take them off and throw them out before getting dressed again, and you know where to find them if you've had previous EKG's. It' not like oops look I missed ALL THESE! Maybe you miss one. Maybe. Knowing Robyn, she probably said she wanted to do it herself because ~*muh super frajul EDS skin*~ and then just got dressed and kept them on to wear home and save as fetish trinkets.
No munchiecakes, your arm looks pretty fucking good actually. Yano, if it were lacerated and bruised beyond belief, or worse, then go ahead and claim it's beat up. Fuck you and your need to sensationalize the tiniest boo-boo. A needle stick? Really?
You are correct about the IV. Unless it's contraindicated, like someone in fluid-overload heart failure or kidney problems or another fluid-restriction-necessary condition, nearly everyone gets an IV. It's SOP for the ER.
>"And now they're criticizing me for being a #trigger because they chose to follow my instagram which is my dairy!">my dairy"I'm sorry but this is my instagram and my dairy."
>my dairy againYou got that right honey. Oh, the irony! Keksimus maximus!
>>200754Brilliant! Thanks anon.
No. 200766
>>200670She basically rage-quit because she wasn't getting as much attention as people whose children have Microtia. Pathetic.
>"I don't (as a person who actually has Microtia) believe it is a disability">has a Microtia tattoololwut
And who the fuck even gets a Microtia tattoo? Okay, you had a mutant ear when you were born, which has been surgically corrected. What kind of weirdo do you have to be to be so obsessed with it that you'd get a tattoo commemorating it??
>I'm not proud to have been born with Microtia anymoreWhy would anyone be proud in the first place? It's like being proud of having had a surgically-corrected deviated septum. Wowwww, so strong, very brave.
Has Robyn ever provided pictures for her pre-surgery ear? I get the feeling the malformation was purely cosmetic, not even affecting her hearing.
>I'm a nice person and like to help people99% of the people who make statements like this are, in reality, selfish assholes.
>>200674What hurts my brain the most about this is that she thinks having had a dislocated knee 2 year ago is such a massive deal. She gives no indication that it was her first dislocated knee, or a particularly severe one, or one that happened in an unusual manner, so there is really nothing notable about it.
>>200760>the ekg tech pulls off the electrodes after disconnecting the leads. Normal people just take them off and throw them out before getting dressed again, and you know where to find them if you've had previous EKG's. It' not like oops look I missed ALL THESE! Maybe you miss one. Maybe. Knowing Robyn, she probably said she wanted to do it herself because ~*muh super frajul EDS skin*~ and then just got dressed and kept them on to wear home and save as fetish trinkets.Bonus weirdness for putting them all in such a nonsensical spot. I can maybe sort of understand keeping them, but why stick them all to the banister? Oh, right, so she can "unintentionally" take a picture that clearly shows them.
No. 200777
>>200772I didn't really doubt that the Microtia was legit, but I assumed it wasn't particularly severe. Lo and behold, I was right; the malformation was minor and totally cosmetic, and didn't affect her hearing at all.
It sucks that her surgeons were shit and it wasn't until her fourth operation that her ear was made to look normal, it sucks that she was bullied for it (but kids will bully each other over literally anything, and I highly doubt adults mocked her when she was a child, even though she implies they did), and it sucks that her ear hurt (but, knowing her, the pain was either much more minor than she claims, or it didn't exist at all). But everything she wrote was so ridiculously dramatic. I mean, look at this
>It took me 7 years to get the courage up to go back to the doctors and ask if there was anything that could be done, even though I knew there was, 7 years of feeling like I wasn’t special enough to get the help I needed.and
> he told me I had a condition called Microtia. I nearly cried when he told me this, finally having a name to put to what was wrong with me after 21 years. Something not many people can understand. It’s a strange thing knowing something is wrong with you, but not having a name for it. It feels like part of your identity is missing.So tragic, boo hoo.
No. 200803
>>200706I wouldn't base her financial situation too much off of the fact she went to uni/has a house. She very likely got student loans from the government (like everyone here apart from the rich) and she went when tuition fees were low. I'd guess she only owes about £24,000 altogether. Also there's an income threshold to meet before you have to start paying back, and I doubt she met that at McDonalds. She's probably paying back now, but it's 9% of her salary. So yeah, going to uni isn't a sign of wealth here because even the poorest can.
Also her parents didn't buy the house, and she doesn't even own it yet - she posted on her old facebook about applying for/being granted a mortgage from her bank. From the photos, her house looks like new-build low-income housing on a cookie cutter estate. It's probably also small and not in a fought over area. So I doubt she's paying whole lot on the mortgage.
She's definitely financial comfortable and doesn't have to worry about keeping a roof over her head or food on the table but a lot of it's due to where she lives. I can't help but wonder if she'd have started this spoonie shit if she actually had to face serious financial problems (or any other serious problems really)
No. 200819
>to take a 'super I'm ill and in hospital pic'It's also really annoying the way she keeps saying she was "admitted" and on the "majors ward". She clearly wasn't actually admitted to hospital (which means being sent to an actual ward to be cared for and have a bed for a night or longer) as she says she was released after assessment and tests. And "majors" is not a ward, it's part of any standard A&E treatment/assessment areas - there's Minors, Majors, and Resuscitation. It's ridiculous the way she keeps saying "#majorsward", trying to make it sound as serious as possible, especially when putting someone into Majors for tests and assessment is completely standard practice for possible neuro problems like seizures.
Oh and speaking of standard practice, so is cannulating someone when they arrive in the treatment area. Makes it easier to take bloods, especially if more than one set are needed, and quickly hook up an IV if necessary. Again, doesn't in any way relate to the severity of a case, even though she's desperately trying to make it look that way.
No. 200885
>>200738Thank you for the tips, Appy saga anon! I will definitely have to keep that in mind, as there's still more to upload apparently. I might need to borrow some uploads people have done for the wheelchair posts (they're related to the saga apparently, it looks like she might have been prop shopping for pursuing a diagnosis), and there's more from her chronically_robyn IG where she admits that docs have been turning her away so she had to keep trying until she got what she wanted.
I was concerned about the formatting of the really long one, yes. I'll work on uploading a fresh version of it that is easier for people to read.
No. 200892
>>200841You're welcome! Courtesy of various life hacks groups.
>>200879Her reasoning is likely regarding the consequences of her slipping, not the cause of the slipping itself. This becomes more evident in the notes that she posted when she decided to pursue a diagnosis, since she added "panic attacks when faced with slippery floors" as a sign for "possible Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome" when it's not even a symptom. I have the parts with the notes coming up, they're taking a while because they're pretty infuriating to read and rant about. But yeah, it's just an excuse to weasel in how sick she is and how brave she is for daring to travel in environments that are supposedly dangerous for her. There wasn't even that much snow on the ground from what I saw, and again… slip-resistant shoes go a long way.
No. 200979
>>200976i'm allergic to most metal and of course mine is hypoallergenic and one of the only pieces of jewelry i own its silver and pretty and the name plate it hard to see it's definitely something that would have to be looked for i supposed by EMTs/doctors/cops are supposed to look for such a thing. Also didn't mention mine says NEEDS MEDS. i got it after i was arrested for some bullshit and they let me withdrawal from my medications in a cell and I almost died LOL anyway sorry for the blogging but that's why I got my medical bracelet and she has no reason to have one if she doesn't have epilepsy. it'd be hilarious if she put other diseases on it that don't cause emergencies like her microtia lol
I feel safer when I wear it and I feel it's discreet enough people don't usually notice it.
Also she not only has a bracelet but also a necklace and like some other shit? WHY GIRL WHY
maybe she hopes people notice it when she's being such a horrible bitch and people feel bad and decide not to knock her teeth in?? idk.
No. 200983
>>200979"Also she not only has a bracelet but also a necklace and like some other shit? WHY GIRL WHY"
It also makes me laugh that she attached the tag to a plastic choker so that it's blatently obvious above her work blouse.
No. 201009
File: 1479508537471.png (626.6 KB, 1231x599, 2…)

>>200964Being on tramadol for any extended length of time can result in opiate withdrawal, so that part may well be legit. Posts on chronically_robyn suggest she's been on it since at least February of this year, so if the posts about opiate withdrawal were after that, it could be from the tramadol.
No. 201026
File: 1479510662017.png (765.52 KB, 1233x599, EDS saga pt 60.png)

Pt 60. January 26 2015. She finally starts fishing for an EDS diagnosis. We’ve reached the doctor shopping stage. This post will be long because it includes both a transcript (since her notes are hard to read) and the explanation about why this is such bullshit. I might split the explanation and transcript into two posts so as to be a little less wall-of-text.
Got my timeline mixed up a little, sorry about that. At this point, she starts posting her written notes for the doctor. Now we get to the shit that really pisses me off. When I said in a previous summary see that she represents EDS as a caricature instead of a genuine presentation, the following is what I mean. For previous summary see:
>>197941The notes are a little hard to read, so here is a transcript. The brightness is my doing, only way to make it legible.
>History of Major Dislocations/Hyperextensions>>2003 – 2 dislocations, torn quadricep muscle, lateral release operation -> crutches for 1 year (right knee)
>>2007 – dislocation -> crutches for 3/4 months (right knee)
>>2012 – dislocation -> crutches for 1 month (right knee)
>>2013 – knee hyper extended backwards -> fractured fibula head -> 3 months on crutches (left knee)
>^^^ All caused by minor movements e.g. turning or stumbling
>1st of January – 26th of January>>1st of Jan: twisted and subluxed -> little pain but weakness & nausea (right)>>Subluxed when stood normally -> little pain but weakness & nausea (right)>>3rd of Jan: Subluxed when walking to work -> little pain but weakness & nausea (right)>>4th of Jan: icy and knee subluxed when walking (left) -> hyperextended>>knee subluxed when standing up -> little pain but weakness & nausea (right)>>7th of Jan: knee subluxed/hyperextended when standing (left)>>9th of Jan: partial/full dislocation -> pain/weakness/nausea -> could just [can’t make out this word] weight bare but too painful to bend (right) (done during seizure)>>subluxation when stood normally -> little pain but weakness & nausea (right)>>10th of Jan: subluxation/hyperextension when turning (left)>>13th of Jan: subluxation when walking -> little pain but weakness & nausea (right)>>14th of Jan: subluxation when turning -> little pain but weakness & nausea -> caused knee to click when bent (right)>>16th of Jan: knee subluxed/hyperextended when stood still (left)>>17th of Jan: knee subluxed & locked when standing up -> pain & weakness & nausea -> couldn’t bend or put too much pressure (right)Let me make this clear: writing a list of notes is not what is odd. A lot of people have to do that because there are so many symptoms with EDS and people may deal with memory loss for whatever reason, so the record makes it easier to communicate the exact pattern of events (as best as they can recall) to the specialist. They’re especially necessary in areas that do not have records that are easily shared, so the medical records and therefore paper trail of symptoms is a mess and sometimes several inches thick. Notes saves doctors and specialists time, digging through piles of records is exhausting and can include a bunch of irrelevant shit. Even sharing them with one or two close friends that you’ve discussed your issues with extensively isn’t that odd, since they can help you remember issues that you somehow forgot because everything blurs together into a mush.
What makes this odd is the fact that she goes through the process of publishing all of the pages, on a public account in public community tags, and then later realizes “OH SHIT THERE’S STUFF I FORGOT GUYS” and posts her updates with even more pages. That is completely unnecessary. It’s really only there to prove to her followers that she’s super sick, look at all of this crap she has to deal with! Those notes are meant to be for doctors, not random strangers. There is no point behind her publishing them outside of attention and trying to prove to everyone she really has EDS. It’s about the closest thing she gets to posting her records for proof, short of the photos of her prescriptions.
On top of that, in both this page and the next, one of her primary focuses is detailing every day that has dislocations or subluxations in a given period. Most of these will probably not be backed by actual medical records. When it comes to frequent dislocations or subluxations, medical records are important because it can show a pattern in dislocations in multiple joints, instead of re-injuring the same joints repeatedly. All of the ones she’s listed here are knee related, which doesn’t fit the pattern of a global issue. A large part of an EDS diagnosis is that multiple joints have to be affected and weak, not just after a prior injury. It also shows a pattern in whether or not the patient has actually been following medical advice and keeping up the treatment necessary to reduce re-injury, by adhering to things like PT routines or appropriate bracing and whether or not it worked. And as anons have pointed out with things like the “I have a migraine so I’m going to take some naproxen” posts of hers and “THIS THUMB IS DISLOCATED, SEE” post when it’s actually a hyperextension, someone can say that something is a specific medical issue and either be mislabeling it by accident or just flat out exaggerating it for attention. There is also the issue of x-rays. If there is documented medical proof of a dislocation, such as when you go to the hospital, they will often include x-rays to verify that the joints are actually separated. Folks don’t typically have portable x-ray machines in their home. Like with the thumb, any of these listed could have been a hyperextension injury instead of an actual subluxation or dislocation. It’s not a great idea, but some doctors will even move the joint around to see if they can feel it shift or dislocate easily, and then put it right back, which can’t be done at home because there isn’t an objective medical opinion from an outsider to document it. Patients suspecting a connective tissue disease have to be careful about what dislocations or subluxations they add to such notes if they do not have proof that they ever happened. It makes it harder to diagnose, yeah, but it also weeds out Munchies like Robyn. This whole page comes off as an attempt to be more like the commenter that pointed out that they have 30/40 or so dislocations on average a day.
No. 201030
File: 1479510846426.png (602.58 KB, 935x599, EDS saga pt 61.png)

Welp, looks like my little > things didn't all work out on that one, sorry! Still getting used to the format of things here.
Pt. 61. Same day. Brightness change was me again. Probably wasn’t enough and the quality of the image she uploaded was poor, so here’s a transcript as best as I can decipher again.
>19th Jan – knee subluxed/hyperextended when leaning forward (left)
>20th Jan – knee subluxed when standing up -> little pain but weakness & nausea (right)
>knee subluxed/hyperextended when leaning forward (left)
>knee subluxed when stood normally -> little pain but weakness & nausea (right)
>23rd [I think] Jan – knee subluxed when lifting a box -> pain, weakness & nausea (right)
>knee subluxed when stepping down a stair -> little pain but weakness & nausea (right)
>25th [I think] Jan – knee subluxed when walking -> pain, weakness & nausea (right)
>20 Incidents in 26 days
>What I Mean By:
>Subluxed: I can see the knee cap move out of its normal range of movement, like the start of dislocation but it pops back in straight away
>hyperextended: when the knee joint moves left/right/backwards past normal range of movement
>Problems this causes
>Cannot walk more than 5 minutes without pain
>Kneeling down is too painful & getting up from kneeling causes extensive pain & subluxations
>Causing back pain/problems from how I walk to accommodate
>Crepitus in right knee whenever it is bent -> had this for 12 Years!
>Cannot sit comfortably with knees bent or straight as I get pain/pins and needles after 2 minutes
>General pain/discomfort/stabbing pains constantly
>Cannot put shoes/socks on without pain
Okay recording how many minutes you can walk is not something that needs to be shared with the world, that’s the sort of thing that goes on disability benefits applications or parking placards for handicapped parking. It’s not relevant elsewhere, and they only ask for that information to measure your functioning level so as to make a decision about whether or not you qualify as disabled under law. Sharing that kind of information with strangers on IG is a huge red flag of embellishing and oversharing.
Still only talking about her knees, which could easily just be because they are weak and prone to re-injury after the initial injuries. Still no evidence of global issues as required in EDS. All of this could be due to early onset arthritis, sensitive or damaged tissue and not taking care of her knees despite knowing she’s at risk of re-injury. The list of problems it causes isn’t complete, it continues on the next page/part.
No. 201033
>>201028her diet is so horrible i'm convinced it could be the cause of all her ailments (if they were real)
like girl, you def don't have ibs, eat a vegetable.
No. 201092
>>201071>>201071I agree that is corrolated, but I never heard of EDS causing POTS until the other anon brought it up. But maybe I'm not the typical POTS patient cause I was like, 25 when I got POTS and I have the hyperadrenergic kind, which also causes high blood pressure. I also had a legit electrical issue [extra pathway] in my heart and had to get that fixed with an ablation.
Maybe Im just unlucky, lol.
No. 201109
>>201092Some of us are really just unlucky. I think it's 1/3 of patients with POTS also have EDS. I got POTS and IST from a resperatory virus.
I wonder how long it will be until Robyn claims to have it and use it as an excuse to stay in bed and play vidya
No. 201182
File: 1479538862815.png (77.16 KB, 300x99, lu banner1.png)

Banners need to be 300x100px if anyone wants to make some more. :)
No. 201333
File: 1479574706132.png (726.14 KB, 1543x598, EDS saga pt 62.png)

Pt. 62. Same day. Brightness is me again.
>Now struggle to put on: trousers, tights, leggings, underwear etc due to pain & lack of movement>Can hardly complete 9 hours of work without the pain being so bad I can’t walk>Too scared to do things in case my knees dislocate and I can’t work or pay my bills>Struggle to clean my house because of pain/not being able to kneel down>Spreading to other joints -> right thumb dislocated 4 times, hips lock into place & pain is unbearable/can’t walk, prone to sprained ankles, permanent mallet finger>SERIOUSLY AFFECTS MY QUALITY OF LIFE>PAIN KILLERS DON’T WORK (taking 2x […] every 6 hours daily)
>Previous treatment/diagnosis>>Told I have lax ligaments by a consultant>>Lateral release operation (right knee)>>2x MRI (right knee)>>3x Physiotherapy (right knee) courses>>Physio did Beighton Test/Score -> got 9/9, told I had hypermobility syndrome>>Was referred for […] operation (not completed due to changing counties -> have hospital letter)>>Was told by physio that he could only strengthen muscle & it could not help ligamentsWe get to the third page of her notes.
Parts of this that are not unusual:
• A physiotherapist telling her that her joints are lax and that she has hypermobility syndrome. A very large number of people first find out that they have hypermobility issues this way, because an injury led them to go into PT and the PT noticed something was off about their joints. Happens all the time. I don’t doubt that her PT told her this, they probably did, my issue is with her taking things to extreme levels.
• Repeat physiotherapy courses in the same location. Once an injury happens, especially if the ligaments supporting the joint are lax, that location is more likely to be injured in the future unless the person makes an active effort to strengthen the surrounding muscles (and even then, it can still happen). That said, we don’t know if she kept up with the routine after leaving PT.
• Pain medication not working. That’s extremely common. OTC pain meds are pretty useless for HMS or EDS, and for people with EDS, they frequently report an innate tolerance to opiates.
• The PT saying that all they can do is strengthen muscles, not ligaments. That’s true. The point behind PT for HMS or EDS is to help train the surrounding muscles to help compensate for the ligaments not being able to do their job. It’s a long term process and may require life-long intervention on the patient’s part.
What I don’t believe or seems really strange:
• Saying she can barely make it through a 9 hour work day without severe pain so bad she can’t walk. See parts 31 and 32, where she spends the whole day at work, and then goes to a Machinehead concert that night. Concerts are painful on their own. I seriously can’t get how someone could tolerate going to one after being on their feet for a full shift at fast food, let alone when they claim it leaves them barely able to walk. And that’s not even touching the other events she went to that have a lot of walking.
>>199858>>199859• The idea of her being too scared to do things because her joints might dislocate. So, uh… why not ask for a chair for the Harry Potter Studio Tour? Brings me back to the la belle indifference point, where she says something is extremely distressing but demonstrates no actual behavior that suggests it’s distressing.
>>200625• Scoring a 9/9 on the Beighton score. Brings us back to the post where she tried to “prove” she’s hypermobile, but used a bunch of stuff that doesn’t correlate to the Beighton score at all. Still haven’t seen her post anything showing her fulfilling that criteria, either. Again, if she was aiming to prove she’s hypermobile, that would have been the best time to demonstrate her 9/9 score.
>>199521• In terms of her other dislocations, why didn’t she add these to the front page? Why leave them all the way to the third?
There’s probably more but I’m not entirely caffeinated this morning.
No. 201339
File: 1479575062188.png (534.06 KB, 932x597, EDS saga pt 63.png)

Pt. 63. She forgets to add what she’s tried, posts explicitly to state that. Now stuff gets really strange.
The stuff she added is at the bottom in blue, as follows (the quality of the image she posted makes it so I can’t read the other added lines, sorry – maybe someone can decipher them for us?):
>What I have tried
>>Exercise & walking (walk approx. 26 miles a week)
>>Vitamins & joint suppliments
>>losing weight/healthy eating
>>Numerous knee supports
>>^^ Doesn’t help at all
• /26 miles a week/?! If her pain is so bad that she needs daily knee braces, decides to /buy a wheelchair/ and says that she can’t walk 5 minutes without pain, how the hell does she manage /26 miles a week/?!?
• The knee braces aren’t going to work if you’re not wearing them, Robyn. They’re not magic. You have to actually be wearing them for them to do anything. Not just for photo shoots, actual use. Appropriate use, at that, since daily wouldn’t be helpful either.
• I don’t buy that she tried eating healthy considering she posted about her last binge at one point, and then no less than 19 days later, posted images of Dominoes pizza with melodramatic comments about how she shouldn’t even bother. The same pizza she said she wasn’t going to touch.
No. 201340
>>201339this is kinda nit picky but isn't it weird she wrote these out instead of typing them? doesn't have ~srs problemz~ in the joints in her hand???
she has to make everything physical proof.. except for the stuff she doesn't, like seizures. its almost as if it to compensate for the atenshun.
No. 201344
File: 1479575806022.png (484.9 KB, 931x600, EDS saga pt 64.png)

Pt. 64. Transcript:
>Possible Ehlers Danlos Syndrome>>Swollen Joints>>Bruise easily>>Always tired>>Thin easily damaged skin>>Tummy/digestion problems>>Weak bladder -> coughs & sneezes>>pins & needles from being in 1 position for 1 or 2 mins>>knees worst but also affects fingers (mallet finger), hips, back, feet (flat feet), shoulder etc>>*panic attacks when faced with slipper floors>>panic attacks when snow or ice outside -> cannot leave house if it gets that bad>>cannot go out on my own in case of dislocationsSome of this shit isn’t even diagnostic criteria of EDS. Panic attacks when faced with slippery floors?! It’s called slip-resistant shoes! She says she can’t go out due to panic attacks when it snows either, despite uploading a bunch of pictures of her being out and not showing any distress whatsoever while complaining about snow. And I call bull on not being able to go out alone due to dislocations. She works, possibly full time what with the number of hours in her shifts. NHS gig would also likely be full time. Zak doesn’t come follow her to her job to babysit.
The hyperfocusing on constant dislocations and subluxations every couple of days instead of incorporating other symptoms, and emphasizing that she can’t function in society alone because of them, is what makes this a caricature. There is much, much more to EDS than dislocations and subluxations. It affects every system in the body. Hyperfocusing on primarily subluxations and dislocations is actually a huge problem for the medical field (as is hyperfocusing on stretchy skin and the Beighton criteria) because it paints a shallow picture of what life is like with EDS. It’s also largely based on media sensationalism, as the extreme cases that make television are the ones that have several dislocations a week or even daily. Other symptoms are added more as a passing thought than actually considered in depth. This kind of behavior suggests that she researched the condition on medical sites like WebMD and the likes, where she got a particular impression of EDS and made it work for her. That’s what many lazy Munchies do. The smarter ones delve into actual research articles about the condition(s) they’re faking, which I don’t see her as doing. She’s too lazy for that.
Basically, when she hyperfocuses on highly advertised symptoms (dislocations/subluxations, easy bruising, slow healing, transparent skin) instead of demonstrating signs of less commonly advertised symptoms (such as body structure, clinical signs of connective tissue disease like piezogenic pedal papules, and a high/narrow palate), she runs the risk of looking like she did very shallow research regarding the condition and only shows signs that she’s read about or induced herself, but not the ones that can only be picked up on by specialists. This problem is what helps specialists differentiate between factitious or Munchausen cases and genuine cases. As she moves to different accounts, her behaviors change and she starts to talk about issues that are less commonly advertised, suggesting she either went further indepth with her research or it’s a consequence of the EDS community’s active efforts to spread awareness (which is both good and bad – good in that it helps people get diagnosed, bad in that it gives people like Robyn information to use to appropriate illnesses they don’t have). In this account with her constant counting and 1-uping, and with these notes, Robyn comes off as trying to compete with media portrayals of EDS like this guy in order to prove she’s just as ill and people should pity her. Coughs and sneezes are not indicative of EDS. Both of those can happen for lots of reasons. A common cause of sneezing in people who shop around for pills (we don’t know if she does at this point or not, but it’s theoretically possible so I can’t rule it out) is opiate withdrawal, which can happen from narcotic pain medication or tramadol. When I go into withdrawal because my meds wear off, I sneeze. A lot. Taking meds makes the sneezing stop. Both of these symptoms could just be because of recurrent colds or infections, or a consequence of the meds she’s popping. They’re not indicative of EDS. Being easily tired could be a result of a vitamin D deficiency, a very real possibility considering she stays indoors all the time and a commenter has already pointed this possibility out to her. She rejected it. Ironically, it can also cause chronic pain, and a poor immune system resulting in frequent infections or colds. Even frequent fractures. UK citizens are at much higher risk of vitamin D deficiency, which could account for her symptoms and is easily treatable unlike EDS.
Sources: < For the point on UK citizens being at higher risk
No. 201422
>>201375Thanks for the clarification, that makes more sense. Her notes are kind of hard to interpret at times.
EDS saga anon. Sage for personal blogging/OT of sorts.
So I messed up my back trying to set stuff, and need to take it easy for a while. That tends to involve me avoiding sitting in computer chairs for too long. Unfortunately this means pausing or ending the EDS saga on a cliffhanger. As such, if folks want more milk, we may need another anon to pick up on a different saga while I rest up.
No. 201428
File: 1479592628089.png (35.95 KB, 300x100, lubanner.png)

this is awful but i wanted to play too sage in all fields pls
No. 201429
>>201344Mad respect, EDS Saga Anon. Your extensive knowledge of this condition, attention to detail and serious quality writing make you a pro at this!
>>201422Take care. Hope you feel better soon. I will start the Chemical Burn Saga in the mean time.
FYI on greentext: Anything following ">" will be in green. You can type as much as you like until hitting Enter; then it shuts off. If you want to make a spaced line, just put ">" where you want the green to start again.
>>201428Kek the papercut!
No. 201432
File: 1479592945935.png (402.87 KB, 750x1334, IMG_0224.PNG)

Still not dead
No. 201454
File: 1479598538698.png (75.62 KB, 300x100, lu banner3.png)

Okay I tried. I don't know how to improve the res given our size limit.
No. 201479
>>201474It must be killing her not to be able to post without being outed by Admin-sama.
>>201476Right? It's her favorite fetish splint! That duckface is timeless too. lel
No. 201579
>>201344EDS saga anon, you are the best.
I don't want to give her ideas, but I'm honestly amazed she hasn't tried to claim type 4 for maximum sympathy points, although with type 4 alone you don't get all the stuff that gets you immediate attention i.e. casts and crutches.
No. 201583
In the UK a minor
celebrity has just revealed they have been diagnosed with the same type of "brain tumour". Robyn was going on about maybe having back in March.
>>197143It's similar to the type I had and the Daily Fail backed up the that it's not a big deal."Diagnosis is made using a blood test, then a CT or MRI scan. Very few pituitary prolactinoma need surgery as they often can be shrunk using medication. Drugs called dopamine agonists are used to reduce the amount of prolactin produced. Prolactin levels usually fall to normal within a few weeks, symptoms subside and the tumour starts to shrink."
No. 201585
>>201579Type IV has definitive diagnostic indicators though. Type III is the easiest form to fake.
>>201583>courageous battleWhat battle? Taking a pill? kek
No. 201615
>>201602Later on in the article she also says she was diagnosed with an auto-immune condition at the same time which probably caused that issue.
lol, spoonie..
No. 201701
File: 1479651073403.png (268.97 KB, 720x1280, wp_ss_20161120_0002.png)

This made me laugh so hard. A munchie watching a documentary about being stalked by your doctor.
No. 201703
File: 1479651621279.jpg (562.76 KB, 2434x883, AdobePhotoshopExpress_da363229…)

Really Robyn? But it's okay for you to post pics of your fat "dislocated" knee three times a day?
No. 201780
>>197162She had a Twitter account for her deformed ear omg
Also on her blog that's linked on that Twitter she said she was supposed to be twins but one died, which is sad, but then went on to say her mom's body tried to abort her as well because of her Microtia. She's such a professional victim
No. 201825
>>201701I'm amazed that any farmhands still have access to her FB–seeing as she very very likely knows about this thread. If she actually didn't enjoy the negative attention from everyone who's sick of her bullshit, she would delete her FB account too.
But nah. If you keep your accounts up, sweetie, then you get to play one of your favorite cards: the "I'm not going to let anyone stop me uwu such a brave warrior in the face of muh internet bullying."
Fuck me gently with a chainsaw, this girl is crazy.
No. 201902
>>201703Oh my fucking god. She went there! Black pot, meet black kettle. Hypocritical wench. She will SJW/~*
trigger*~ the fuck out when it suits her, but when it's her ~*muh suffering*~ pics she can shit out a liveblogging tsunami it's okay because spoonie dokumentayshun raising awayrnus!
Fuck you Robyn.
>>201704This. God save the docs and nurses and other healthcare workers who have to deal with Munchie bullshit!
>>201780Jesus tapdancing Christ. She will pimp out any possible medical issue, with no qualms about going back to fucking
gestation for poor-me points. What a pro! Such brave, much spoonie warrior.
>>201825 LMFAO god the sage thing! I hope it gets immortalized in a banner that Lolcowchan staff like enough to use.
>>201829This must be porn for her.
No. 201905
File: 1479684892782.png (663.12 KB, 1027x657, YDLTD cb saga day1.png)

Okay, the Chemical Burn Saga (I LOL'd that she named it that, too): This event was documented on her "YouDontLookThatDisabled" IG account, which she abandoned for her next attention-seeking account some time afterward.
Part 1: This image was posted on February 9th, 2015, but the description is dated June 26th, 2014. As she has done on other accounts, she is re-uploading her trophy pics long after the event.
Somehow, somewhere, Robyn encountered some acid and burnt her hand. We've established that this is not a substance that she would have encountered at her McDonald's job, so it is unknown where she obtained it and how she was burned. Her explanation regarding the burn is simply that she's an #accidentprone #spoonie, but being that she's a self-harmer and a munchie, we can infer that this was no accident. She documents the event with classic belle indifference (an inappropriately complacent attitude with respect to the injury and its potential severity). I highly suspect this was a deliberate experiment in how much and how long she could milk this burn for asspats and super-speshul medikul attenshun.
She diagnoses herself as having a second-degree/partial-thickness burn. She has not yet sought medical attention, and as will be clear shortly.
No. 202088
They don't take blood pressure on a arm that has a cast on it.
My guess this Fassy looking chick has other medical supplies and stages photos.
No. 202094
File: 1479715387853.png (733.11 KB, 1027x655, YDLTD cb saga day1.1.png)

CB Saga Part 2: Still Day 1, 12 hours later. She is so fucking obsessive. I could see her spilling acid on her hand, wiping off most of it but leaving some on the skin and then sitting down with some popcorn to see what would happen.
Initial treatment is flushing the affected area (most commonly, water) without too much pressure for at least 15 min, repeating every 20 minutes if a burning sensation continues. Flushing within minutes of exposure greatly reduces potential damage as it works to bring pH back toward normal. I could give her the benefit of the doubt on not knowing how much to flush, and it looks like she applied baking soda at some point (neutralizing may seem intuitive but can actually cause more damage), but the fact that she waited 12 hours is suspect. Every minute counts with chemical burns, and even if she felt nothing initially, she would have felt the burning as time went on. Acid will keep causing damage as long as it is in contact with the area/until pH is restored to normal. Something's rotten in Denmark already…
No. 202128
File: 1479722230012.bmp (1.94 MB, 1029x659, YDLTD cb saga day2.bmp)

CB Saga Part 3: Day 2 (June 27th, 2014). Still looks innocuous enough. At this point one must question the degree of potency of whatever substance she was allegedly exposed to. Regardless, her self-diagnosis is laughable. She still has not sought medical attention, and I am now wondering what else she did to herself, as the subsequent images get nastier. The frustrating thing here is that this is a retrospective reveal from her; we do not have all of the information and she was not initially successful in attracting enough attention that questions which may have revealed more were ever asked.
No. 202129
File: 1479723578899.png (777.12 KB, 1353x657, YDLTD cb saga day3.png)

Chemical Burn Saga Part 4: Day 3 (June 28, 2014). Shit is looking a lot worse now. She admits doing this to herself but claims an accident. Still not enough info to know for sure what actually transpired. Given the look of the wound in Part 3, and her explanation of what happened to get to Part 4, it seems like some shit has been omitted. Knowing our dear Munchiechan, I am more inclined to believe she exacerbated the damage somehow.
No. 202130
File: 1479723806862.jpg (322.67 KB, 960x640, gPIJJii.jpg)

Oh and now she magically has #POTS and #colitis in her tags.
No. 202187
>>202129up until this point it just looked like she spilled bleach on the back of her hand [that's a chemical right?] and then fucked with it to make it worse b/c she wasn't getting enough asspats.
>i'm moving all my medical stuff over from my other instagram, due to people in my real life being horrible about my conditions.i find this very telling, she's all but admitting that she was likely getting called out on her bullshit so is moving to another account where she can parade everything around to a new audience. #chronicallyfuckedup
No. 202210
>>202129You know what baffles me about all this? This is one of the very few posts she makes that actually gets comments. In the past sagas it's been 3-5 posts in a row that get nothing but under a dozen likes and absolutely no comments but yet she still drags it out.
You'd think if no one commented she'd grow bored but she's willing to keep at it just for throwaway likes.
No. 202220
>>202187mortician anon here
bleach doesn't cause quite a burn like that even if it was still on the skin for 12+ hours. if you've ever bleached your own hair or forget to wear gloves when cleaning, the area just turns a little white but it doesn't really hurt.
this is too weak to be something as caustic as lye..
It also doesn't look like it blistered up so much like a burn..
(honestly i'm just trying to narrow down what she could have done this with)
Draino has lye in it but in a smaller amount maybe it could cause this?
honestly she could have just mixed bleach with windex..
she really states NOTHING about where the chemical burn came from? ever??
this is the part that's bothering me the most!
CB anon help.
No. 202248
>>202233okay "Anon" you honestly just had to scroll down
>>201162yr very suspicious but you didn't sage in each field so i don't know…
No. 202365
File: 1479765925797.png (26.2 KB, 326x250, nybie.png)

>>202220I once accidentally mixed bleach with drain cleaner in the bottom of my shower - the small amount of it I got on my skin gave me a burn similar to the early stages of hers, like before hers suddenly and mysteriously got worse. Here's my theory:
>She mixed chemicals because it's pretty common knowledge that doing that will most likely physically hurt you in some way. It's easy and accessible.>Whatever vapors she produced didn't make her #blackout #unconscious and have a #potentialseizure (when it happened to me I was fine, it just got me high as shit for an hour or so)>She gets shitty and puts it straight on her skin. The shape/run-off pattern of the burn looks kinda like she pressed a chemical-soaked facewasher or towel onto her hand and held it?>She didn't clean it off, as evidenced by pic related, leaving it to eat away at itself. Or (more likely, I think) applied more chemicals over the already tender/damaged skin to make it worse.>Milks dat medical attention for weeks…okay I'm done I'll go sperg somewhere else now.
No. 202378
>>202365The picture she posted with that was the funniest thing tbh
I don't understand why didn't she just say it was self harm, wouldn't that get the sick sympathy points she wants. It does look like a salt ice burn she purposely irritated with, most of her 'wounds won't heal' are fucking infections because she won't keep her grubby hands off
No. 202401
File: 1479769509322.jpg (81.38 KB, 1080x1080, 12940107_1584145318542362_1569…)

>>202389This. Self-harm gets sympathy points but making a long, drawn out saga out of a self-inflicted burn doesn't look as good as
a terrible fate has befallen me I have gotten this disfiguring injury type shit.
Also, I went snooping through her current Instagram and I couldn't find a single photo of either of her hands with noticeable burn scarring. This is the only one where I thought I could see it, and after looking closer I think it's just white-blonde body hair on the back of her hand.
Such a tragic traumatic injury.
No. 202412
File: 1479770927336.png (749.68 KB, 935x601, 2…)

>>202401I could be wrong, but upon close inspection, it looks like folds in scar tissue. Since she's folding her wrist upwards slightly to show the wrist band, scar tissue will crinkle in that kind of pattern. You can see that pattern more clearly in this shot of the monitor.
No. 202456
File: 1479776664982.jpg (Spoiler Image,626.38 KB, 2048x2048, D5806E3A-D978-40A8-879A-D553E4…)

>>202401FYI this is a full thickness third degree burn with skin graft scarring. There's no way Robyn had even a partial thickness burn it looks all purely surface damage with obvious intefering. I'm a chef and knelt in corrosive acid when cleaning an oven one time and still have a disfigured/raised scar on my knee from it. Whatever acid she knelt in was obviously weak.
No. 202526
File: 1479790993501.png (546.24 KB, 1025x661, YDLTD cb saga day3.1.png)

CB Saga Part 5: Later on Day 3 (June 28th, 2014). She finally seeks medical attention. At this point, judging by the look of the injury in Part 4 and her comments regarding this doctor's visit, it appears that she rinsed inadequately when the spill initially occurred, resulting in dilution, but the acid was still sufficiently concentrated enough to damage surrounding tissue in the runoff pattern we see. Covering it without sufficient irrigation beforehand allowed the acid to continue eating into her skin.
This is Day 3, and the doctor still detected the presence of acid on the wound (pH was still low), indicating that ongoing damage has been occurring. This scenario would explain why there are varying degrees of damage, and the runoff pattern eroding further with time. Knowing Robyn, she either googled chemical burn injury immediately following exposure, or planned the whole thing in advance and researched how to create the wound she wanted. She has admitted to looking things up online before, and has posted caricatures of other conditions based on commonly-encountered search engine results (as apparent in the EDS Saga). She is too obsessed with pathology and treatment, and the fact that she used the updated burn severity diagnostic terms (thickness assessment terminology instead of formerly-used 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th Degrees) is suspicious.
No. 202541
File: 1479797146606.png (702.04 KB, 1031x655, YDLTD cb saga day3.3.png)

CB Saga Part 6: Still Day 3. Robyn must be over the moon! She scored a ~*speshul referral*~ to a real #burnsunit because her injury is much serious!
This is standard protocol given the fact that her hand is affected and the surface area is significant. Her burn severity is otherwise superficial (more detail on this upcomming in Part 8).
No. 202543
File: 1479797373818.png (570.58 KB, 1027x661, YDLTD cb saga day3.4.png)

CB Saga Part 7: Yet another pic from her A&E visit on Day 3. Robyn is super duper #spooniestrong for her tetanus shot (SOP for chemical burns).
~*Such brave, much worrier.*~
No. 202550
File: 1479800487962.png (1.22 MB, 2025x653, YDLTD cb saga day 3.5 and 3.6.…)

Chemical Burn Saga Parts 8 & 9: STILL. FUCKING. DAY. 3 (June 28th, 2014). She just
has to post pics of her much-coveted fancy dressing, along with fantastically-dramatic posts with classic hashtag abuse (and wtf is with the tags she chose?).
More info on what she's actually dealing with:
"Second-degree burns involve all of the epidermis and part of the underlying dermis. Superficial partial-thickness burns damage the upper layers of the papillary dermis; they are identified by clear blisters and weeping, wet, erythematous skin, and they blanch painfully when touched (Figures 3 and 4). These burns heal within two weeks and generally do not cause scarring; however, scarring and pigment changes are possible."
Source: This shit just wasn't as serious as you wish it was, Robyn, but be sure and fuck with your wound lots so it takes MONTHS to heal (she states in a comment on
>>202129 that it took about 3 months).
>A superficial partial-thickness burn. 3 months to heal. Only in Munchie-Land. No. 202561
File: 1479804561508.png (Spoiler Image,856.3 KB, 1027x659, YDLTD cb saga day4.png)

CB Saga Part 10: Finally moving onto Day 4 (June 29th, 2014). The wound fuckery begins. Robyn claims that the hospital told her not to work, but that she was allegedly unable to get time off.
> #icallbullshit
Sweetums, you would have gotten a note. It would have been illegal for your employer to have forced you to work if a doc ordered you not to. But of course, you were just using this excuse a cover; a "get away with wound fuckery free card" for picking/rubbing/doing God-knows-what-else to worsen your wound.
>Dem hashtags…
No. 202571
File: 1479809922352.gif (469.48 KB, 245x150, LQLdppo.gif)

>>202543Bitch, have a seat.
I had such a horrible reaction to mine that my arm swelled up like a baseball and the pain was unbearable.
No. 202882
File: 1479884078790.png (778.68 KB, 1059x617, HMG first post 6.29.14.png)

>>202581She started her @hypermobilegeek IG on June 29, 2014, same date as CB Saga Part 10 happened. She sure gets around social media. It must not have hurt too badly if she was able to type up a new account that day!
No. 203401
File: 1479974548907.png (659.31 KB, 1025x657, YDLTD cb saga day5.png)

Chemical Burn Saga Part 11: Day 5 (June 30, 2014). Robyn sees specialist at ~*speshul burns unit*~. She is fantasizing about needing a skin graft. No bitch. Just no. From this angle, the acid runoff pattern is clearly visible. Whatever she applied to her hand, she must have left it there (or barely rinsed, if at all). Recall that she didn't see a doc about her injury for over 72 hours. How in the fuck do you do nothing if you have exposure to an acidic compound, feel an active burning sensation and do nothing about it for that long? She had to have done this on purpose. I am guessing it was a household cleaning product. A stronger acid would have done a great deal more damage over this time period.
No. 203406
File: 1479977724033.png (1.31 MB, 2027x653, YDLTD cb saga day5.1-5.2.png)

CB Saga Part 12: Day 5, same appointment. Wound was cleaned prior to seeing the doc, and she documents her need to fiddle with dressings for us. She couldn't even control herself to leave the fucking cling film alone between the time the debridement was finished and when the doc came in! She knew damn well that the staff who cleaned her hand would have thought it weird if Robyn whipped a camera out to snap photos during the debriding procedure, so she waited until she was alone, peeled the film off and "took a sneaky picture" before the doctor came in. The pathology is strong with this one.
No. 203412
File: 1479978342972.gif (814.87 KB, 200x150, 1449021571319.gif)

full thickness burn lol
No. 203416
File: 1479979726244.png (1.3 MB, 2061x653, YDLTD cb saga day5.3-HMG corre…)

CB Saga Part 13: Still Day 5 (June 30, 2014).
L: Robyn shows off her super cool new gauze dressing cover. "They don't think I'll need a #skingraft!" What a surprise!
R: Such brave, much #spooniewarrior. This post is the correlate on her @HypermobileGeek account from that actual day. She posts Domino's all the time and it's always because ~*super speshul reason*~ why dear sweet doormat Zak bought it for her to make her feel better. Whatevs Robyn, you eat like shit all the time…but hustle those pity points!
>Remember the pic on the left; it will be important in the undressing sequence that follows in Part 14.
No. 203418
>>200614This bitch annoys me anyway, but even more so right now because on Saturday I had a cluster of five or six partial seizures, was unresponsive for quite a while, post ictal confusion etc. I was with friends in a coffee shop and the store manager called an ambulance. Once I was fully aware again and had been checked over by the paramedics, I insisted on not being taken to hospital because I didn't want to waste my time or the time of the hospital staff on being told "you've had some seizures, go home and rest". That's exactly what this cow should have done and it really annoys me that she documents the whole thing as a major crisis.
sorry for the blog post. Sage for blog content.
No. 203427
File: 1479983847400.png (162.21 KB, 1280x720, wp_ss_20161124_0001.png)

What happened to your speshul epilepsy bus pass Robyn? You shouldn't be paying for your ticket at all never mind thinking about buying a kids ticket.
No. 203748
File: 1480059265562.png (1.43 MB, 2061x655, YDLTD cb saga day5.4-HMG corre…)

CB Saga Part 14: Still fucking Day 5 (June 30, 2014).
L: So now she announces she's home, meaning all the previous pics were taken either at the appointment or on the way home? Damn she is obsessive. Here she has removed the gauze to reveal her ~*speshul dressing.*~
Oh, the drama! Now she can reveal her sekrit dyagnoesis at last, which is essentially the same as in Part 13 but with suspense added: Gotta watch dat woond bcuz it mite get more seereeyus! Nah bitch. You already said immediately following seeing the burn specialist that you won't need a skingraft, now you're saying maybe you might?
R: Meanwhile on HMG, on that day her grandmother apparently brought her some cupcakes bcuz
~*brave #spooniewarrior went to the doctor!*~
>they know I hate the hospital
No. 203765
File: 1480069859046.png (989.4 KB, 1025x655, YDLTD cb saga day6.png)

CB Saga Part 15: Day 6 (July 1, 2014):
>"Thanks to being a #spoonie and #chronicallyill, my body is struggling bigtime to heal this burn!"
As for the peeling skin, she has dermatillomania so that is probably self-inflicted. She admits it is unrelated to her burn but ~*muh body struggelen bigtyme!*~
No. 203769
File: 1480070600216.png (1.36 MB, 2023x655, YDLTD cb saga day6.1-6.2.png)

CB Saga Part 16: Day 6 (July 1, 2014).
Wound reveal and obsessing over her ~super speshul dressing.*~
>That #chronicallyfab hashtag is killing me!
No. 203775
File: 1480071319764.png (1.42 MB, 2046x658, YDLTD cb saga day7-HMG correla…)

CB Saga Part 17: Day 7 (July 2, 2014).
L: It's healing pretty well, in only a week! Gee Robyn I guess it was superficial after all! Well, we all know what Munchies do when things start healing…wait for it…
R: Post from that day on HMG (one of several): Doormat Zak bought them more shit food to help her fee-fees, that never happens!
No. 203785
>>203775That's not even a sharing box, it's a huge "boneless banquet" all to herself, with this shit diet she keeps binging on; it's no wonder she's not severely malnutritioned or horribly lethargic.
In addition to her not leaving her post-op/post-self injury infections alone and giving them proper aftercare, her immune system probably really fucking hates her for this.
No. 203786
>>203775Christ, it's not only just the "boneless banquet" box either: ((3 fillets, dip (huge pot of gravy in her case), fries and popcorn chicken (I love how she's forgone the 'healthy' side like corn or salad)), she has what looks like an additional Zinger Burger/Chicken Sandwich in there as well.
If she keeps this up, she's going to be clinically obese by summer next year, she's already on her way there.
No. 203810
File: 1480082896922.png (176.38 KB, 291x294, EATMOREFIBRE.png)

What is with her habit of posting photos of her daily medication with a sachet of Fybogel in it? It's hilarious because doctors here will practically give it away if you tell them you can't take a shit for days, it's not even a laxative - it just makes up for the daily intake of fibre you SHOULD be getting by eating a healthy diet.
But with all that junk food in her system on a daily basis, I'm really not surprised she's having trouble passing stools, like bitch… just eat a bowl of bran flakes, muesli or even oats for breakfast in the mornings and you'll be getting more nutrition and fibre from that than a sachet of chemically-flavoured orange sludge.
>>203791It looks too uniform for it to be any sort of accidental burn, usually you'd have some kind of abstract pattern on your skin if it was a spill or caught on something hot.
It really does look like a self-inflicted wound that was done on purpose.
>>203808Very interesting… thanks for clearing that up for me, anon. I feel slightly better that she's not abusing the system.
No. 203814
>>197138Going through OP post meds.
>50mg sertralineSuper low dose, a starter dose.
>BetmigaThat's for an overactive bladder/bowel or for weight loss (very rare). So either her doc has deemed her too fat lowkey or she pees and poops a lot. Nice.
>FexofenedineA fucking antihistamine. Not even a specialized one, literally best for a runny nose.
>Levetiracetam500mg /2x is the initial dosage for epilepsy/seizures.
>FybogelA laxative, why is she mixing a laxative with a med prescribed for overactive bowels/bladder?
>MebeverineIBS medicine, used for cramps.
>PregabalinUsed for Epilepsy, that's a starting dose for epilepsy/seizures.
>AmitriptylineA starting dosage antidepressant.
>Folic AcidThat's for pregnant women and is known to cause depression. Not a smart mix again.
tldr; Amitrityline and Sertraline alone together is not happening, that's an idiotic combo.
A Sertraline/pregabalin/levetiracetam/amitriptyline/mirabegron mix would cause a person to have a serotonin syndrome 100% eventually and fuck up the persons nervous and respiratory system totally. There's a zero way she's taking those all mixed in. No doctor would EVER approve of such a lethal mixage.
Why do these people not even try to make their medicines look believable? Sertraline/pregabalin and Mebeverine would be enough to prove that she has a mild epilepsy, OCD and IBS.
Funnily enough if she actually goes to take all that shit, she will end up with a really bad condition, serotonin syndrome is potentially fatal.
No. 203821
>>203814I can help with the possible "Fybogel" explanation; it's not -exactly- a laxative, it's more of a substitute for the daily amount of fibre that you should be getting with a healthy diet, if you take it daily, it will help you go to the loo regularly.
This is down to her shitty fast-food diet and her aversion to fruits and vegetables, it's a really easy medication to get through prescription.
No. 203832
>>203814Can vouch for the:
>50mg sertraline>>Super low dose, a starter dose.I was on the same dosage for a year and a half until I abruptly quit for personal reasons (I shouldn't of done that myself and I seriously don't recommend anyone quitting suddenly, especially on higher dosages… please, please, please don't think about quitting without your GP's help and advice.) But the only withdrawal complications I experienced were eye twitches and vertigo that lasted about a month at most, I was lucky in that aspect.
50mgs can help as a support for those with mild anxiety, but in no way can it help those with high anxiety or major depression.
If she's been prescribed this dosage, it's because of mild anxiety and nothing more.
It probably just helps her in not raging openly at OAPs, disabled people and pregnant women from taking up her precious front seats on the bus.
(saged for personal experiences, but still sorta on topic)
No. 203836
>>203835Thinking about it, she was already on Pregabalin when she went to see the Neurologist. Would he have prescribed an anti-epileptic pre-official diagnosis when she was already on one? Considering she also has "chronic migraine", I would think increasing the dose of Pregabalin would have been a more sensible option as it's used as a migraine preventative. Either that or put her on Topiramate or Sodium Valproate which are also both anti-epileptics and migraine preventatives.
I'm going on experience as a neurology patient here so please anybody correct me if I'm not totally correct.
No. 203843
>>203780I scrolled through one of her instagram accounts but there really isn't much to work with. Just rows of her bumped forehead selfies.
I really wonder what 'nice' doc would've diagnosed epilepsy in this case. Oh, mind you, she never was fully diagnosed.
No. 203849
>>203843Before she mass deleted her posts on her most recent IG account there was quite a bit about the potential epilepsy. Unfortunately, I'm not one of those wise people who screen shot the hell out of her account.
From what I can remember, she experienced an "episode" which she doesn't define as either tonic clonic or focal seizure activity. She claims that this has happened several times but that this time was the first time the door mat had been there to see it happen.
Quite quickly, she is referred to see a Neurologist. I assume that she coached the door mat on what to say and how to describe her "episode" and made sure to mention that she had a few (perfectly normal for many children) febrile convulsions as a baby.
The neurologist said that the attack sounded reminiscent of Temporal Lobe Epilepsy and that she may have acquired scaring in the brain from the febrile seizures. He said he would send her for an eeg and mri, which is standard procedure.
This is where her munchie personality takes over and she whinged that she was scared of having a seizure at work blah blah blah and so the Neurologist sent her away with a prescription for Keppra.
In her head, she had a "tentative diagnosis of Temporal Lobe Epilepsy" and upon getting home, purchased a medicalert bracelet saying "Temporal Lobe Epilepsy. No ambulance" and the generic name of Keppra.
Her eeg and mri came back completely normal and there was no further mention of the Neurologist or the possibility of more tests. But she kept wearing the medicalert, applied for a travel pass and free prescriptions and continued to take the starting dose of Keppra.
In my experience, after a normal eeg, a sleep deprived one might be done, and then probably either an ambulatory eeg over several days or an inpatient stay for video telemetry. She has a history of depression and self harm so with no concrete evidence of abnormal electricity in the brain, I imagine her Neurologist would refer her to Neuropsychology to be assessed for non-epileptic seizures. (Although, lets be fair, this is Robyn - she's faking the seizures or at the very least self inducing them through medication)
The next mention of Epilepsy was the head bump at work saga, which took place during the dislocated thumb crisis and has already been documented.
If anyone has any of the screenshots linked to what I've remembered, please share them.
No. 203870
>>203849Don't worry, it's all still archived on her hypermobilegeek instagram.
Basically she got prescribed Keppra after her second (third?) seizure witnessed by groomed doormat. Doctors sometimes do that until everything is cleared out – which in her case was: ct/eeg/ecg/mri were all normal. Febrile seizure scarring my ass.
But no, better keep swallowing that shit!
Just like the folic acid. She decided to not get pregnant (which she was taking it for) like 2 years ago? But she loves her pill porn, doesn't she?
No. 203976
File: 1480118451132.jpg (711.49 KB, 2048x2048, 711025F0-451E-4B52-87EE-27BEA8…)

She has a small account dedicated completely dedicated to her epilepsy saga: misshypermobilegeek
No. 203978
File: 1480118519784.jpg (881.17 KB, 2048x2048, C9950F3F-6E5C-4A7A-BA21-5F4696…)

She's got the hashtag abuse going hard
No. 203979
File: 1480118617247.png (699.06 KB, 750x1334, IMG_1536.PNG)

And then negative findings of any seizure activity at all. But still reap the #muchsick #seriousspoonie asspats
No. 204115
File: 1480148178430.png (917.71 KB, 659x655, lu browsfromhell.png)

>>203996Oh anon, you haven't seen these masterpieces then!
>notonfleekever No. 204123
File: 1480149866026.png (1.02 MB, 661x651, lu worsebrows.png)

This eyebrow mess, I can't even.
No. 204281
>>204255I think she literally was going for just pure rectangles.
I don't understand.
No. 204287
File: 1480191790168.png (176.85 KB, 431x284, why.png)

>>204123>>204230>>204281It's like some kind of gradient rectangle mess over curly old man brows…
No. 204474
>>204229Word. She is just so gross in general. I can't.
>>204230Right? Who does that?
No. 204571
File: 1480228465887.png (794.19 KB, 1339x655, YDLTD cb saga day8.png)

Chemical Burn Saga Part 18: Day 8 (July 3, 2014). "I spoke too soon! It's getting worse again!"
Trivia: the person asking her questions/wanting to know more about her is one of those ~*Muh #BPD*~ accounts on IG.
No. 204623
File: 1480236924892.png (Spoiler Image,807.77 KB, 1027x657, YDLTD cb saga day9.png)

CB Saga Part 19: Day 9 (July 4, 2014). Must have been more wound fuckery.
"04/07/14: The #chemicalburn Saga: It's #burndressing/#burnguaze change day! The #seconddegreeburn/#partialthicknessburn looks a lot worse! I just want it to #heal. But what's that phrase? Things get worse before they get better? [Day 9] ???"
>It's #burndressing/#burnguaze change day!
Oh really? So how often do you change dressings? I thought they were changed daily? If not, why was your wound exposed yesterday?
>I just want it to #heal.
No. 204625
File: 1480237148298.png (1.27 MB, 2019x655, YDLTD cb saga day9.1-9.2.png)

CB Saga Part 20: Still Day 9. Shows off her fancy dressings some more.
No. 204626
File: 1480237499308.jpg (161.68 KB, 800x578, Chicken_Back_Attached.jpg)

>>204625that dressing with the pink tape over it seriously makes me think her hand is just one fat chicken thigh
No. 204628
>>204623when i pour acid on myself i always make sure to pour it in a perfect circle
seriously despite all her fancy dressings it's still getting infected. for someone that is constantly 'sick' she sucks at taking care of herself
No. 204648
>>204626Thank Christ I'm not alone with that thought!
>>204628It was healing fine, but no Munchie can have that so they fuck with their wounds to make them worse/delay healing. She almost certainly messed it up on purpose. That way she could drag this out over
No. 204860
File: 1480281372598.png (383.03 KB, 748x523, jh_chicken.png)

>>204625>>204626All I see, padding included.
No. 204870
File: 1480282365273.png (662.75 KB, 1028x651, YDLTD cb saga day10.png)

Chemical Burn Saga Part 21A: Day 10 (July 5th, 2014). Allegedly, Robyn's dressing "came off" and she didn't have any spares, or time to get to the ~*speshul klinik*~ (dumbass, you have periodic follow-ups but do not have to commute for every fucking dressing change (that didn't start happening until her docs got suspicious during the Appendectomy Saga, which chronologically came later), so she has to go to A&E. First, this isn't a fucking emergency! Seriously? Second, bandages like this don't just "come off". Third, she fucked up and documented a discrepancy for us on HMG that day (see next post, Part 21B).
No. 204912
File: 1480287743751.png (973.35 KB, 1832x644, YDLTD cb saga day10-HMG correl…)

CB Saga Part 21B: The Crossover Fuck-Up
On her HMG account that same day (July 5th, 2014), she posts two "OOTD" pics (hideous I might add), and in one she has no dressing on her burn wound, but then she does have a dressing on it in another pic. She's ~*totez in luv*~ with her OOTD. In the one she posted without a dressing, she was "Off to the hospital. :( ".
Now, back to the YDLTD pic (Part 21A): If your burn hurt so much right then, why were you okay with it being exposed to air, and also why would you not be in agony with your sleeve resting directly on it? Gotta show it off in public/at hospital though! Moar asspatz plz!
God she makes me rage.
P.S. Topkeks, she had her dog's IG profile "like" these pics!
No. 205579
File: 1480317991634.png (858.53 KB, 1027x651, lu fugoftheday.png)

Same day as
>>204912, sharing this one because everything about this pic, with that expression and that FUCKING stuck-out tongue "lookie muh tungring" pose she does, and the fugness in general, are just so Robyn.
No. 205582
>>204912Considering how often she likes to pose outside and on the bus and with her chemist 'script swag… there's nothing stopping her from going to said chemist and buying some silver cream or even some E45 cream for her burn, or picking up the same dressing and gauzes from there and saving the A+E triage nurse some time to see patients who desperately need to be seen. That burn doesn't even deserve extra trips to A+E or a clinic if she kept up with the self-care they definitely advised her with.
It's like she keeps looking longingly at the burn, pissing about with it and allowing it to dry up, become infected and irritated because she never wants it to heal.
No. 205661
>>204912Jesus, I recently had a real burn wound and this image alone with the sleeve 'caressing the wound' makes the scar hurt again. But better fuck with the wound and milk it.
>>204870That's why I can't get myself to do her Epilepsy Saga: it just makes me rage too much.
No. 206311
File: 1480458022171.png (838.92 KB, 720x1280, wp_ss_20161129_0001.png)

She can't resist posting her illness updates even though she's not using her instagram. She posted about her special EDS appointment on facebook.
And she seems to have a new hairstyle and lipstick.
No. 206315
>>206311I will never understand this. This girl is so ugly. But why make herself even uglier with this awful hairstyle, terrible choice of glasses, bad makeup, etc? Did she become a spoonie to cope with her ugliness?
Sage because I'm
triggered by her looks and ot
No. 206327
File: 1480460286554.jpg (249.03 KB, 542x640, 1477374896069.jpg)

>>206311oh god i missed that awful mug of hers. SHE HAS RETURNED
No. 206329
>>206311Why would you only style the back of your head? What is her thought process for her looks?
It would probably even look better if she didn't style it at all.
No. 206386
File: 1480469725194.png (775.79 KB, 750x1334, IMG_0257.PNG)

The new hair cut is absolutely awful what was she thinking. I mean it wasn't great before but it's a hella lot better than it is now
No. 206417
>>206386Style the rest of your hair. PLEASE.
Either that or don't style it at all.
Did she run out of gel or something? This looks absolutely horrible. Is she trying to make it so everything looks at her like a freak so she can complain about it later?
No. 206462
>>206386Showed this picture to my bf and asked him how old he thought she was
He said 35 kek
No. 206463
File: 1480477301082.png (980.45 KB, 667x655, lu thickassbrows.png)

Dem thick-ass brows…
I think she deliberately makes herself look as weird/unusual/unsettling/countercultural/3edgy5me as possible. It draws more attention to her ~*UNEEK SPESHULNESS*~ and apparently a lot of MBI people do this kind of thing.
No. 206539
>>206463It's one thing to want to look counterculture, it's another to force yourself to look ugly so people will stare at you so you can then post pictures of them and rant on the internet about how you are #disabled and have #invisibleilnesses and that people shouldn't #judge you for it.
I've seen punks, goths, alternative people, etc look put together and aesthetically pleasing. What Robyn's doing is not fashionable or good-looking at all.
It's got a kind of crazy vibe like what happens when people have a mental breakdown or want to reboot their life and then they're stick with an ugly ass haircut that makes them even more sheltered and depressed.
No. 206580
File: 1480497809479.png (1.58 MB, 2077x663, HMG CB Day 13-13.1.png)

I am finishing this damn Chemical Burn Saga. I can't stomach long stretches of looking at her, and her incessant baaaaaaaawing over a relatively minor injury in weeks and weeks of drawn-out detail is so fucking stupid and anger-inspiring.
The Day 10 entry was the final part of her self-titled 'Chemical Burn Saga' series on her @youdontlookthatdisabled account, and indeed it was the last picture posted on that account altogether. From here, everything is captured from her @hypermobilegeek account. She did post more pics than I will share from this point forward, but most just feature her precious bandaged hand staged in otherwise-benign posts and don't add anything to the story.
Chemical Burn Saga Part 22: Day 13 (July 8, 2014).
L: This fucking picture. Who does this? You're not sight-seeing, that isn't a monument. Why take this pic? Robyn is discharged from the #Specialist #burn #hospital. UGH THE FUCKING HASHTAG ABUSE! Now, she can "hopefully get away with just seeing [her] local doctor and hospital. :) " Bitch please. You do not need hospital care for this. Just change your dressings, leave them alone and you're done. Simple! But nah, she's a Munchie.
R: She never misses an opportunity to "celebrate" with food. She seizes any excuse to pig out and relate it to her #spooniewarrior flavor of the month (and probably, the only seizing she ever does is this opportunity-taking kind). Pictures in this style, with her bandaged hand in the shot, are like many of the pics I've left out. We get it, Robyn, you love bandages and any medical paraphernalia. Chill out already, Munchiesperg.
No. 206582
File: 1480498924694.png (1.17 MB, 1051x659, HMG last binge 7.7.png)

>>206572This was the day before (July 7): Her "last ever unhealthy meal/#binge."
I can here her now: "B-but, the Chinese food was for a selebrayshun so it doesn't count!" There's always an excuse with Robyn and this sure as shit was not the last unhealthy food #binge ever. She and Doormat Zak probably keep their local Domino's in business.
Of course she got her bandaged hand in there too. FUCK I am sick of her.
No. 206609
>>206580>>206582This makes me so sad and angry because it WON'T be her last, she has an unhealthy addiction to fast food and take away.
She seriously can't be bothered to cook her own meals for herself and her boyfriend, so they fucking order food off "Just Eat" every goddamn night.
Gross… she's actually slowly killing herself and she thinks every minute of it is a photo opportunity.
No. 206613
>>206311>>206386That smug fucking attitude and look makes her so punchable, and I'm not even a violent person…
Everything about her is so unattractive, it's like she knows it now and has actually embraced it.
Get help, you demented fugly bitch.
>>206395Of course she's bigger, all she eats is fast food and somehow she thinks it's that much of an accomplishment that she has to take photos of her take away binges on a regular basis.
It's no longer some kind of "treat" with them any more, it's their diet because she can't cook worth shit… both come home from work, both order food online and both pig out on the most unhealthiest crap easily available to them.
No. 206666
>>206315Some ugly people make themselves look worse so they can have plausible deniability about their ugliness; they make themselves believe it's their
style that makes them look terrible, and maybe they'd look like supermodels without it, who knows? Alternatively, some of them genuinely don't realize that they look bad. Either they have shitty taste, or they're so full of themselves that they think they look great, basically the opposite of anachans and hotties that think they're obese and hideous.
I lean towards the former, because Robyn naturally looks like she was beaten half to death with the ugly stick.
No. 206690
>>206585I feel like she never drinks water either she probably just drinks sugary shit and taking fiber meds with no water??? AND eating this? i'm sure she's giving herself internal hemorrhoids from
distressing her bowels so much omg but then she'd DEFINITELY be posting about her bloody shits..
she's making her self ill it's so so so obvious and she literally does NOTHING to work on getting better omg
No. 206932
File: 1480554943704.png (755.54 KB, 1055x661, HMG CB Day 18.png)

Chemical Burn Saga Part 23: Day 18 (July 13, 2014). Oh, the ~*dramu*~. She is on about a #thirddegreeburn/#fullthicknessburn part of her injury. NO, NO, NO, NO, NO ROBYN. JUST NO. That is you scratching open an area because you don't want it to heal and it was never ever 3rd degree!
"Nearly at the 3 weeks mark!"
>Stop fucking with it!
No. 206967
File: 1480563698132.png (803.24 KB, 1029x661, HMG CB Day 19.png)

Chemical Burn Saga Part 24: Day 19 (July 14, 2014). She just can't stop posting about this, but at least re-downgraded her burn. It's basically healed though. Stupid bitch.
No. 206985
File: 1480566549219.png (851.89 KB, 1047x655, HMG CB Day 19.1.png)

Also Day 19 (July 14th 2014). Allegedly a post about insomnia, but LOOKIT MY COOL BANDAGED HAND! Considering how her hand looks >90% healed, is this massive dressing really still necessary? But, milk it girl, it's what you do best.
No. 206990
File: 1480567569650.png (791.79 KB, 1057x661, HMG CB Day 24.png)

Chemical Burn Saga Part 25: Day 24 (July 19th, 2014). She has crossed into the delusional. She says she's been "too tired" to post daily updates on her wound progress. In reality, what was there to report? Her hand is almost totally healed by now. Two areas show signs of picking, but have still closed. She herself sees no progress and is still keeping it covered…
>sure thing, Munchiechan.
No. 206994
File: 1480568062770.png (793.07 KB, 1057x661, HMG CB wedding brace.png)

CB Saga Part 26: Day 30 (July 25th, 2014). Robyn goes to a wedding, but has to get some spoonie shit in there, so lookit her mom bought her a "posh" #wristbrace to cover her now-healed #chemicalburn! <3<3<3
>Christ on a cracker, she is craycray.
No. 206997
File: 1480568497242.png (656.93 KB, 935x599, HMG CB Day 38.png)

CB Saga Part 27: Day thirty-fucking-eight (August 2nd, 2014). This wound has been healed for weeks, but she's just gotta squeeze another picture out of it…probably just rubbed her hand until it reddened then took this picture.
No. 207000
File: 1480569708551.png (686.58 KB, 1033x663, HMG CB Dec 2014.png)

Chemical Burn Saga Part 28: December 3, 2014. Robyn manages to milk one last bit of attenshun-seeking material out of her perfectly-healed burn, and squeezes in a story of how she was victimized by one of those darn inconsiderate people out there who make her life so difficult! This time someone supposedly touched her hand and she had a massive reaction. "He could have washed his hands before ordering his food!"
Again, she probably just rubbed or scratched it until it got red.
THANK GOD this is the end.
As the burn was healing, like any good Munchie, Robyn transitioned into her next attention-seeking ploy: The ~*Muh Severe Allurjeez*~ Saga, in which she decides she has to wear surgical masks all the time. Parts 27 and 28 are a bit of a segue into her allergy dramu. I can't stand any more of her bullshit to post that saga, but if anyone is interested the pics are all on HMG.
No. 207018
>>206967fuck I cannot stop laughing about "mirical" sage in all fields
>>207000yeah she definitely just scratched it a bunch, maybe used a butter knife or something to get that consistent splotch on there…she didn't have anything else to show that hour I guess…
No. 207027
>>206994>>207023Ugh yes. Like, why would you wear tacky cartoon ice-cream-
cone nails to a wedding?! If you can find those ghastly things you can find a pack of basic French manicure nails. For fuck's sake.
No. 207037
>>207000Look at the edges of the redness. Lots of little straight lines, and the discolored area isn't the same shape that the burn wound was. She was definitely scratching it to make it look like that. If you've ever scratched an itch too hard and/or for too long, you'll get those little red spots too.
>>206994I bet she was hoping those ugly flowers would bring more attention to her stupid "injury."
>>207036Self-centered and attention-seeking af.
No. 207139
>>207052Kek I can totally imagine her trying to show off pictures of her grandbabies.
>>207044By blaming it on the builder, she gets to play the victim (even though she obviously intentionally scratched the hell out of the back of her hand to make it look like that).
No. 207229
>>207122When I was a dental nurse they forced us to not wear latex gloves for more than 3 days a week(had to wear nitrile the rest of the time) because everyone's skin reacts to latex worse over time.
but no she had to be a little snowflake and try and score more sympathy from the 20 non bot accounts that follow her
No. 208903
>>203765When I was a bad alcoholic, my skin looked like that from dehydration. Does she purposefully dehydrate herself to induce seizures?
Sage for tinfoil hat
No. 208939
>>208903>>208932I've stated before that I don't think she drinks water. Just sugary juices and soda and milkshakes.
I don't know about you but I feel MUCH better if I consistently drink water everyday.
She does so many things that would make any human feel like shit. We've never seen her eat a vegetable.
No. 208950
>>208479Thank you, I appreciate it!
>>208903I'm not sure dehydration would be the source of the seizures. She mentioned that her doormat was present for 99% of her seizures, which many anons found suspicious. If she is telling the truth about that percentage, then that would suggest that she needs them to be predictable so that he is present when they happen. On top of that, the seizures she has seem to have such convenient timing that they are more likely to be induced on command than being consequential of dehydration. Dehydration, low blood sugar etc take longer to induce seizures than other means do, such as popping pills (which she does have access to). I don't doubt that she's dehydrated, given her eating habits it's almost inevitable. But I am still pretty certain that the seizures are induced at will and at specific points, which dehydration can't really do.
No. 208989
>>208950She said she already had seizures without anybody being present. The first ones to witness were doormat (2) and her father (1).
As an Epilepsy-chan I can't believe a word of that. You wouldn't notice yourself having seizures (the kind she's describing) being alone.
No. 209024
>>208999That's exactly the point: she wouldn't know without the outside info, if there were convulsions involved or not.
When she then got tested, her EEG and MRI came back 'clean' which means she was never truly/fully diagnosed with epilepsy. That's also why she is on a pretty low/starter dose of her med.
In most cases the EEG shows spikes in the area of your brain which is affected and possibly an abnormality in the MRI.
I don't think she even goes for check ups? For me it's mandatory, else I don't get a prescription, but then I don't know about the UK?
No. 209096
>>209024I'm in the UK. I don't have epilepsy but I have non epileptic seizures
triggered by chronic migraine. I'd been having weird episodes of missing time and strange sensations etc for years before I discovered I was actually having seizures. When I saw a neurologist, my partner had to describe the seizures. I also had to keep a seizure diary and once when I had one at work, my colleague wrote a description for my neurologist as well. I had an eeg which showed abnormal electricity and an mri that revealed an area of my brain had a structural abnormality. But even with those results, there was no diagnosis straight away. I had a further sleep deprived eeg which came back normal and then a four day video telemetry that came back normal and so it was confirmed that the seizures were non epileptic in nature and that the abnormality in my brain was unrelated. Throughout this process I was not prescribed any form of medication to help treat the seizures. Although, later I was prescribed topiramate to help with the migraines.
I have so many issues with Robyns epilepsy story, I just wouldn't know where to begin.
No. 209129
File: 1480975642971.jpg (543.65 KB, 931x510, robin1.jpg)

>>209104Don't you have to go to see the doctor for a refill in the uk? Robin claims her meds are making her seizures worse (giving her real seizures for the first time ever?) yet she 'can't get hold of her neuro'.
She claims to have temporal lobe epilepsy. The doc told her that may be because of scarring from febrile convulsions as a child which is a) BS and b) her MRI was clean. This girl doesn't have epilepsy she just loves poppin pills which have seizures as side effect and has a doctor who provides.
No. 209410
>>209294Her eeg came back normal. So did her mri.
In my experience, when I was on topiramate for migraines, my non epileptic seizure's worsened which apparently is something that can happen. I'd imagine that if by any small chance Robyn isn't faking or inducing her seizures that she has non epileptic seizure's and they're being worsened by taking keppra.
But with Robyn, it's more likely that she was setting herself up for intractable epilepsy, wanting to be a speshul case. Probably found out how hard that would be and moved onto another crisis. Funny how she never got her meds sorted out…
No. 209463
>>209410 Do we know if she's had more than one eeg? An ambulatory eeg? They usually take unexplained seizures pretty seriously, lumbar punches, ct scans etc
Off topic how did you find topirmate? Aside from increase in seizures ha It's been suggested for me
No. 209469
>>209463Sh hasn't had an ambulatory or video telemetry. She'd milk that shit for sure if she had.
Topirimate and me did not get along. I was exhausted, fell asleep at work all the time, kept mixing up my words, forgetting things, I lost at least 10lb and a load of my hair fell out. It stopped me tasting anything carbonated and I was a bitch to live with. Mood swings etc. From what I can tell, a lot of people have bad experiences with it but you have to weigh up whether the benefits outweigh the negatives.
I was switched to Sodium Valproate after this, which caused weight gain and made me suicidal to the point which I actually attempted suicide and nearly died. I've since refused any more anti-epileptic drugs for migraine prevention as I don't think the benefits outweigh the risks for me.
I hope you can find something that works for you.
No. 209470
>>209463She posts all over her accounts in all differing timeframes which sometimes makes it hard to follow. She also posts days after her hospital visits as if she is still there to earn pity points. She does get ambulatory ecgs done rather than eegs – maybe they just think she's too fatty?
Also there are better meds for a young woman who wants to get pregnant like Robyn and doesn't want to end up like the Hartley Hooligans. But I guess that would be her dream. This is all way too off.
No. 209893
>>209726Best present ever lol.
I'll try and chip in as non-epileptic seizure-chan with my knowledge of seeing a neurologist etc.
No. 209895
File: 1481098427257.png (56.16 KB, 645x377, epilepsysaga1.png)

Epilepsy Saga Part 1: February 21, 2013.
This is the earliest record I can find of her discussing her 'fits.' This screenshot was captured from her original Facebook page.
No. 209899
File: 1481100558443.png (423.41 KB, 720x1280, wp_ss_20161207_0001.png)

Yesterday on her facebook.
No. 209941
>>209899She has a little over 100 friends, last time I checked, and we all know she knows about this thread. How the fuck has she not purged her Facebook, to make sure she doesn't get ~bullied~ here?
Can I ask how you have an in, anon? Do you know her IRL?
No. 209945
File: 1481112497290.png (886.59 KB, 1029x659, HMG muh allergies.png)

Still organizing all the Epilepsy Saga posts, but came across this one from her Allergy Saga which is so obnoxious I had to share. No honey. No doc is going to ask you to wear a surgical mask 24/7. Not for fucking hayfever.
No. 209992
>>209945Some doctors will advise wearing masks when outdoors for extreme cases, but they're generally not the disposable surgical masks because 1. that gets expensive and 2. as you can see on the sides, they do not actually offer that much protection.
The mask is not close fitting to her face. There are still several holes that would allow allergens to get in. If her allergies were that much of a problem, then she'd have to get a more durable mask that will not leave big holes near her nose and mouth.
Also, can I ask what the date was for that one? I missed it when doing the EDS saga. It's a bit suspicious to me because there's a mask fashion blog for people who are sensitive to smoke, who have allergies, etc that has several posts from 2014. Kind of wondering if she was jumping on the bandwagon. And is there any indication that she tried meds first…? Because I can't imagine any sane doctor suggesting she try a mask over meds, especially with how she collects pills and considering how obvious masks are. Doctors do not typically suggest interventions that would point a neon sign toward your condition unless it's absolutely necessary. That doesn't strike me as the case here.
The mask fashion blog: No. 210003
>>209992I think she was prescribed antihistamines but there was a possibility(!) of cross reactions with other pills of her's which the EVIL doctor didn't tell her about. boohoooooo.
Also of course you wouldn't lookthatdisabled without a mask.
No. 210012
>>209945 1. She's not even wearing it properly. Dental fag here who uses those masks all the time, it has a thin piece of wire that you need to mold across the bridge of your nose.
2. Why the fuck is it sitting on her eyelid like that it's making me uncomfortable.
No. 210046
>>206311Anon with the access to her fb, has she posted any more about the EDS specialist appointment?
My bf has EDS and is certain that she was headed to the Hypermobility unit in London, it's pretty much the only place that knows what's up with EDS in the UK. It takes some serious pushing to get a referral from a GP to go there, although if I was Robyn's doc, I'd probably send her there just to shut her up.
He suspects the specialist she is referring to is a particular doc called Professor Rodney Grahame. He's the top dog when it comes to EDS. Thing about this guy is that he is technically retired, and only really takes private cases that are of particular interest to him. So we wanted to know if there was more info about who she saw and what happened, so we can confirm or deny if it was him or someone else, because this may point to her telling a big fat lie.
No. 210057
File: 1481129908291.png (991.68 KB, 933x599, 2…)

Going through dates. They don't line up with the fashion blog, so that theory is out.
I find it really interesting how when I was doing the EDS saga, in all of her outdoor events there was no mask in sight. And she posted a /lot/ of them, I only included a tiny fraction. So if her case was so bad that her doctor wants her to wear it all the time, I'm curious how she could handle all of those events without it. That's the advantage to her being obsessed with photographing every detail of everything she does - easy to spot those inconsistencies when she suddenly drops a prop. Just like the knee braces lul.
The mask shows up on the same day that she complains that her antihistamines are making her seizures worse, Oct 9 2014. Using instead of a screenshot for that one because apparently my screenshot addon doesn't like including the dates even when I use keybindings and am hovering over the time stamp. suspect it's another instance of a passing reference made by the doctor like she did with claiming epilepsy, if it was made at all, and she jumped at the opportunity to get a new prop.
The last visible reference to these masks is in November, when she posted a drawing announcing her new website. The mask disappears after this.>>210012I suspect she didn't even bother to look into how to wear them properly, just bought something cheap that she could get over the counter to make her look sick. She's a budget Munchie!
Interestingly, a lot of people break out with Lush products. Yet despite her terrible #chronicallergies, we've only seen one instance that would even suggest a possible allergic reaction to the Lush products she constantly splurges on. And even then, reactions to cosmetics or face masks is extremely common.
No. 210169
>>209992Okay, the Allergy Saga is actually much easier to document. She segued into it following the Chemical Burn Saga, played around with masks and *~muh sever allurjeez*~ for a while, and then got into the migraine and epilepsy shit. Since I'm being spergy about chronology and the Epilepsy Saga is a bear to get organized, and Robyn is such a beloved cow, I could just post the Allergy fuckery fest first if you want?
>>210052Oh anon what I would give to have access to that FB! Any chance you'd be kind enough to scroll aaaaalll the way back to the beginning and screenshot everything illness related. If you (or another anon with access?) are willing to do that, please do! You could put them on Imgur or archive and I could go through them on my own. I hate having holes in my story and will happily go through it all.
EDS Anon you have done so much brilliant work in here, thank you so much.
No. 210251
File: 1481159906119.png (497.8 KB, 750x1334, IMG_0295.PNG)

Okay I've gone through 2016 and snapped the highlights, I'm going to attempt to post them in order but this was my personal favourite
speshul swonflowa rowbin
No. 210462
File: 1481208734784.png (144.53 KB, 750x967, IMG_5429.PNG)

No. 210658
File: 1481237836862.png (652.92 KB, 750x1334, IMG_0299.PNG)

Apparently I must be a good friend, even though we have never met or spoken. That or her morals have changed and she wants more asspats
No. 210659
File: 1481237962190.png (311.1 KB, 750x1334, IMG_0298.PNG)

Hhahahahahaha so hilarious Robyn. So relate, much spoons
No. 210670
>>210662No this was from back in March, way before the Lolcow thread started.
Based on her history of deleting and making new profiles I think she's been called out in instagram, facebook groups and other communities since at least 2014.
No. 210755
>>210670Oh ok I get it now. You're right, her new IGs almost always begin with some kind of "starting over for personal reasons!" post. She has ranted about so-called friends and bullies and toxic FB groups (pretty sure she was the toxin) and has been pulling this shit since at least 2013.
>>210740If I call correctly, she tried to but got called out by people with #actualdysautonomia. kek
No. 211076
Sorry newfag here usually just lurke.
Does any of her "friends" and family comment much on her fb post? or are they tired of her shit too?
>>210740Really hope she hasn´t found a new illness to latch onto
No. 211108
File: 1481298721842.png (732.61 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2016-12-09-10-47-13…)

Laughed so hard when I saw this. I hope Robyn checks this thread. Sage in all fields please.
No. 211115
File: 1481299376850.png (946.13 KB, 932x597, 2…)

>>211087It doesn't help that she's admitted to misusing the medications that can cause her seizures. See the same post where she admits to doubling up on her Allegra, amitriptyline and sertraline. This is also around the same time frame that she starts complaining about withdrawal symptoms, I checked. So her seizures and the withdrawal she complains of are most likely from her misusing her tramadol, and by this point she damn well knows it. Tramadol is not something she should be doubling up on at random; if she needed a higher dose she should have spoken to her doctor or gotten an extended release version. Using immediate release encourages abuse because the effects are faster, they wear off faster and therefore withdrawal comes faster, and doubling up at the dosage she had been on can result in a high.
At first my theory about her popping the tramadol was more or less speculation on my part. This post, combined with her complaints about how taking meds at work makes her look like a druggie while proceeding to /take a picture and post it on the internet for all of her IG followers/ kind of sealed the deal for me on that one.
However, in terms of coming off the meds, she wouldn't be able to just stop them. For at least one of her advertised medications (the tramadol), she would have to taper because going cold turkey would cause withdrawal, and she'd have a higher chance of giving in to make it go away since she has a history of misusing that medication. Honestly, she needs an intervention from her doctor, but then she'd just complain about how they ~don't understand her~ and find a new one that'll continue supplying her like she did with the rheumatologist a while back.
No. 211119
File: 1481299783324.png (941.67 KB, 932x600, 2…)

Where she complains about how she forgot to take her meds at home, so she has to do it at work and is worried she'll be seen as a druggie.
Robyn, since I know you're probably still lurking the thread: from one addict to another, /you need to stop carrying that much shit around/. You've confessed to carrying a week's supply of meds with you at a time. With tramadol, that is dangerous. I don't know what the laws in your country are for that one, but here, tramadol is a controlled substance and in many countries it has a history of being abused. Carrying that shit around with you and flaunting it everywhere is asking to get mugged. You are showing complete strangers that you have a stockpile of medications that can be abused. Stop being such a fucking attention whore about how many pills you have to take because one of these days, your waving your stash around is going to get you mugged. People buy discreet portable medication containers for a reason, not giant fucking plastic ones that someone could easily pick-pocket from your purse. For fuck's sake.
No. 211283
>>211133It's hard to see the imprints so I can't be sure, but I think those are both variants on Keppra/Levetiracetam. The blue one is easier to identify than the yellow one. Blue definitely looks like Keppra. Yellow I think is a different dosage but am not confident on. pictures: doesn't mention that they require special handling like keeping them in the package, and she's already mentioned that she's on Keppra so.
No. 211295
>>211283If I'm looking at those pictures you linked right, the Blue isnt Keppra, it's the Levetiracetam. Even has the E 10 on it.
The yellow is probably Keppra, although the only thing I can see on it is what looks like 500 on the non-lined side.
Really though, most medication should be kept in the blister packs or bottle they come in until you need to use them - it prevents them from getting accidentally broken and becoming no longer viable, and it keeps them hygienic. Think about how many times her grubby hands have gone in and out of that box, and how many germs could be accumulating on the pills. Makes me shudder.
But hey, if it's for the pill art-
No. 211296
>>211283Yeah, it's 250/500mg Levetiracetam. Levetiracetam is Keppra. Still have some of those, but not the instruction leaflet. Must have mistaken it with another medicine you even had to keep at a constant temperature. Such spoonielife, you know? bawww :-((
Nevertheless it's not smart punching out a whole box into that container. Doesn't she have multiple rodents? Imagine her leaving the box open and them munching happily away… just one scenario.
No. 211325
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In vast anticipitation of the Epilepsy Saga I made a collage proving her undying love for the doormat.
Poor guy.
No. 211337
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Oh noes, super fake heart defects
No. 211416
>>211398sorry, reply was meant for
>>211076 only
No. 211441
>>211337Let's see if they do an actual EP study lol
Almost tempted to troll her and be like "Have they found the source of ur tachycardia? UwU" or "Do you think they'll do a ablation since your heart defect can arrhythmias."
No. 211463
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We're still looking for that brain tumour that never existed either
No. 211669
>>211441I think she had a Holter, maybe…and she bought herself a BP/HR monitor even though her cardiologist told her she didn't need it. So I think she very much wanted to jump on the dysautonomia train but also someone called her out about it in the comments. I posted screenshots in one of these threads…god we could make Sagas for every single damn pokegnosis she has tried to appropriate!
Nah don't engage with cows outside the farm. It's against Lolcow rules. Besides, she reads this thread religiously. She probably F5's like a motherfucker and she'd figure out who you are immediately.
>>211463Holy shit this account has to be a goldmine. You are the best anon, please keep posting. I so want to peruse that page!
No. 211706
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Much sympathies needed for fainting, pray for Robyn. Thank god she didn't have that brain tumour but god damn it not another medication, how will she cope.
No. 212217
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As a Tourette's- anon I really don't appreciate this, we get enough shit with the condition without people like Robyn comparing it to her epilepsy
No. 212736
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The media finally told Robyn she's fat. Shock horror!!
No. 212740
>>212736Jesus she's over 80kgs.
No wonder she feels like shit all the time she's carrying at least 20 extra kgs. Surely it can't be good for her delicate EDS joints?
No. 212769
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Any epilepsy-anons make any sense of what this means?
No. 212992
File: 1481615131369.png (802.99 KB, 720x1280, wp_ss_20161213_0001.png)

Exciting news! Let's hope she starts posting soon. Knew she wouldn't be without an instagram account for long. She needs the asspats far too much.
No. 213225
>>212769Epilepsy-chan here.
Like she says – it's normal/random/fine. My EEGs can look 'normal', too, but I can fall flat on the ground the next day. It doesn't prove very much. However 'normal' for me still always means some spikes (meaning higher activity) in the damaged part of my brain. You can visually see it.
Robyn just… well, there is nothing. She could tell her Neuro to stop the meds, she's on such a small dose anyways. Didn't she suffer from bad side-effects and 'tried to get hold of him' as well? Lying cunt. Sorry.
No. 213285
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>>211295Can't focus on my final, so here's extra bullshit and following up.
Robyn posts about how "excited" she is that her Keppra is coming as a different shade of blue this time. Because that's definitely what every sick person focuses on, how photogenic their pills are! Confirms that the pale blue pill is Keppra 250mg. This is a serious eyebrow-raising moment that helps demonstrate her obsession with pills. Getting a different brand is nothing to be excited about. In fact, it can actually be a pain because then the person has to go look up to make sure it's the right medication before taking it. But instead of focusing on making sure that her medication was filled correctly so she doesn't wind up taking the wrong medication due to a pharmacy screw-up, she'd rather obsess about pretty colors. Probably drooling over how it's gonna look in her case now. Her behavior screams addict and that's not a good thing to be glorifying. Then again, she does blatantly mimic House so I guess she doesn't give a shit about that. She's in for a rude wakeup call when docs finally start denying her meds.
No. 213297
File: 1481657890789.png (886.09 KB, 933x601, 2…)

Pro tip from an addict, Robyn: They are not feeling sorry for you. They are assuming you're an addict. That's the one negative belief that I'll actually believe people are glaring at you over because you actively enable it with your behavior. Play the role of an addict, people are going to treat you like one. You're not going to like it either. But instead of actually changing your behavior to minimize the risk of being labeled or mislabeled as an addict, you'd probably just take pictures of people and baww about them on Instagram for oppression points.
People treat addicts like shit because of people like you. People like you actively make the problem worse. Fuck you. Seriously. Fuck you. When people make assumptions about young people with prescriptions, and assuming that they're doctor shopping for their next fix, it's because of idiots like you that fucking brag or show off their hauls and make a big deal over the color of their pills, the number they take, morning and evening dosage shots on a regular basis, etc. You are the problem and it's going to bite you in the ass one day.
No. 213310
>>213285 What is wrong with her middle and ring finger? Why are her fingers so short or her palm so big?
What is even going on in this photo? I have no idea why I am confused but there's something not quite right with it.
No. 213375
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The more you know ft Robyn
No. 213504
>>213297This makes me so uncomfortable. That's not how any of my friends with MS/fibromyalgia/actual disabling conditions act. That's not how addicts act–because HELLO, ain't no addict wanting to get flagged as such. That's not even what medication normally "looks like", since everything's still in boxes and we don't see how much she takes in one day.
Maybe if her attention-whoring actually had negative consequences, she'd quit the bullshit?
Loljk MBI can't stop won't stop.
No. 213509
File: 1481669909254.png (743 KB, 931x600, 2…)

>I sometimes worry I'm going to get mugged for my #painmeds when I'm carrying this all gone ?
YA THINK?! Easy way to avoid this issue. Get a friend to drive you on the days you pick up your meds, don't flash it around and and for fuck's sake, /don't carry a really obvious bag full of prescriptions on the fucking bus/. Seriously, someone could just grab the damn thing.
No. 213825
>>213509From that caption alone it's obvious she tries to flaunt it.
Fuck Robyn is just such a massive attention seeker. I can imagine the little adrenaline rushes she gets when people see her finger splints or burn coverings. Is her brain as deformed as her face? Can she not see how fucking obvious it is to us and health care workers that she has "accidental" or "real" problem after problem after problem?
Test book histrionic personality disorder too I think!
No. 213913
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>Setreline 50mg>Amitriptyline 50gThere is absolutely NO WAY she would have been prescribed these two antidepressants to take together.
She is either stockpiling old boxes of medication, or royally fucking around with different doctors.
I know we can't tip the cow, but I'd love to see her response when presented with this blatantly damning fact
No. 213933
File: 1481709165813.png (1.25 MB, 1029x661, bujo1.png)

…aaaaand so it begins! This app isn't doing her any damn favors.
No. 213964
>>213297Bet she collects empty boxes like others do stamps. Or better: empty blister art up on her wall. How did she trap that fellow into buying a house with her?
Btw what is bulletjournaling?
No. 214145
>>213933I want to shave her ugly head.
How did you find her so quickly?
No. 214167
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No. 214196
>>213935I myself take both Venlavaxine (SNRI) and Amitriptyline (TCA) for pain purposes. 75mg Venlavaxine, and 50mg Amitriptyline, so pretty low doses. I think if the doses are low enough, it's okay to take an SSRI/SNRI along with a TCA for pain purposes? Especially since the recommended dosages for pain are pretty damn low compared to when they're used to treat for depression.
I still lol at the fact that she takes extra anti-depressants when she's upset.
No. 214546
File: 1481794136468.png (2.46 MB, 1242x2208, IMG_4186.PNG)

dropped image
No. 214548
File: 1481794183120.png (3.89 MB, 1242x2208, IMG_4187.PNG)

close up of 'diagnoses'
No. 214558
>>214546…numbers her diagnoses as if they are a precious collection.
And because shes so spechul ofc her illnesses cant just be 'standard'…
SEVERE" depression
SEVERE" anxiety
And it just makes me lol that she even feels the need to write all this medical info & lisy of meds as the first thing she once again wants to journal about - plus, she spent a fortune buying all those medical alert jewelry so why the hell does she need to write it all in her book tol?!!
Last moan i promise, but can anyone with medical knowledge please advise if her fibro and "chronic widespread pain disorder " are not the same thing?!!!
No. 214560
>>214548I came on to post this image but you beat me to it. Why on earth does she need a photo of herself in there? And why is she listing all those "illnesses"? I have emergency info in the front of my planner but it just says that I have asthma and seizures and has my next of kin. I don't understand why she's listed microtia and her super severe depression and anxiety (whatever Robyn).
This bitch irritates me so much. The thing that really gets me? She cant just have an instagram dedicated to her bullet journal. She had to make it"spoonie" related otherwise she wouldn't feel speshul enough.
No. 214586
>>214548"About mememmemmemeeeeeeeeeee! And all my MEDIKUL INFO! Because everyone should know every single fucking diagnosis (I say) I have in case I lose this, plus my ICE contacts."
Robyn, no one needs to know all that shit. But you love looking at that list don't you?
>>214558>can anyone with medical knowledge please advise if her fibro and "chronic widespread pain disorder " are not the same thing?!!!Chronic Widespread Pain (CWP) is a symptom complex with multiple potential causes. It is a hallmark presentation in fibromyalgia, but there is more to fibro than CWP. For all intents and purposes though, she's being redundant. She probably included CWP because it's some more good big words; she gets to moan about pain specifically, and have another cool speshul pokeygnosis to write down. Jesus fuck I hate her.
>>214567Thank you!
No. 214597
>>214586and there's more too: not just the pain disorder but the bowel issue, depression, anxiety and (when she does cite it) chronic fatigue are all under the one condition technically.
and she needs to retrain her damn bladder, not journal about it.
No. 214626
File: 1481813337579.jpg (222.53 KB, 500x332, arm-beads-bracelets-color-frie…)

>>214617except she'd look like this if she had one for every 'illness'
No. 214664
>>214548>>214546Okay am off mobile and can properly see pictures. And there are several things wrong with that journal and it's only the first fucking page.
You are supposed to take bullet journals with you everywhere. If you don't, there's the risk that you stop using it, which defeats the purpose. It's a difficult habit to develop and maintain. As such, if she loses it (very real risk), she'll have just handed a complete stranger:
* her home address
* her date of birth
* her name and photo
* her contact information, including phone numbers and email addresses
* including her work email, which gives people her place of work
* information on her doctor, /surgery history/ and fucking blood type. What?!
* allergies (if she has chronic allergies and according to previous videos, doesn't know what she's allergic to, there's little point in adding the less severe ones because they wouldn't fit or she wouldn't know what to add)
* Adding her fucking overactive bladder to her bullet journal is even stranger than the blood type thing. Why. Just… why. What is the point.
She has literally just written down a bunch of shit necessary for identity theft into a journal that she is meant to take with her everywhere. If her shit gets stolen, she's given people the keys to stealing her identity. Also, that's a huge confidentiality violation. Then again, she probably complains about the shit to EVERYONE so confidentiality hasn't occurred to her.
For the record, what's generally recommended for ownership pages in bullet journals is a small message, a name, a phone number, and maybe offering a reward for its return. It doesn't need to be this in depth. Just enough for the person to realize that it's important for that person's life and therefore to return it, and if they do, they get money out of it. Not enough data to facilitate fucking identity theft.
No. 214679
>>214664It's all for sake of a great show. Just another thing to funnel all of this energy into proving how sick she is. But it does just the opposite, like trying so fucking hard to shove it around in so many new types of sick swag, like sure have your wall covered in blister pacs and show off bracelets and iv lines and dr reports, but why not add on another layer?
I'm sure it all seems so normal to her but on the outside it is positively insane.
No. 214738
>>214734It's hard to whine about stalkers (or devotees, not complained about by her but I could see her getting some sick pleasure from being stalked by one) when handing the stalker all of the tools they need to do it.
Interestingly, she'll block out the information on IG but keep it in the journal everywhere she goes. So she takes some precautions but not others. That's pretty odd.
No. 214899
>>213509Tbh I would have swiped that from her when I was an addict and hope for some good shit or something I could have sold.
>>214196Um, don't SSRIs take a while to start working, like a week or two? Why would you only take it when you're upset. Bitch is going to get seratonin syndrome.
No. 214922
>>214899It's more like three weeks and it tends to be three weeks where you only have the side effects. Just like doubling up randomly your dosage, take a random dose here and there would be counter-productive. At best, they'll do nothing, at worst you they'll make you feel like utter shit for several days.
Honestly, for someone who love meds so much, she should know all that.
No. 215003
>>214922It can take up to six weeks to feel the benefit of ssri. She's on the lowest dose though, probably prescribed for "anxiety
>>214899I have a fairly large amount of prescriptions and would never dream of carrying them home in such an obvious way. When I collect them from the pharmacy I either put them in my back pack if I'm using it or if I'm using a regular bag, I'll at least put the bag of drugs inside a regular carrier bag. I'd rather not draw attention to my bag of drugs.
No. 622688
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>>419758would you like sage in all fields, anon?