File: 1464218840863.jpg (10.47 KB, 259x194, 1793657.jpg)

No. 134257
Previous thread reached reply limit
>>129036Original thread:
>>44088Second thread:
>>74624Third thread:
>>79031Fourth thread:
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>>112288Tenth thread:
>>12345513th 1/2:
>>798 No. 134260
File: 1464219269782.png (404.36 KB, 645x440, ew6.png)

does anyone believe that her face really looks like that?
No. 134264
>>134260She literally looks like a bad fan drawing of herself.
How did she take this photo and think 'yeah I look good here. Potato face is so hot I will upload it'
No. 134268
>>134260She looks like she straight up smeared dirt on her cheeks and I bet it looks hilariously bad irl
Real nice "contouring" there.
No. 134273
>>134260That, fucking. NOSE.
she needs to concentrate on contouring her cartoon size nose and stop worrying about trying and failing to contour her cheeks.
No. 134279
File: 1464223090311.png (140.12 KB, 632x359, ew7.png)

aaaaaand i got blocked.
No. 134305
>>134277Actually I already have a college degree and you haven't graduated high school. And before you say "omg you're so pathetic what are you doing on lolcow" it's because I fucking can. I got an education, a good paying job, health benefits, and a home. I can afford to spend time on what I like. Don't take this as "holier than thou."
Why don't YOU go to some homework? Change your name? Finish high school? You could get a real job someday.
No. 134307
>>134305I "got" an education?
Have. The correct word is have.
Sage for grammar shit.
No. 134314
>>134277Besides the obvious deformities? lol
I've been out of high school for years, but I do have a paper for graduate school I need to finish so thanx for the reminder!
No. 134317
>>134135>>134172It's actually not big… That's pretty typical for someone trying to eat a balanced meal, which they enforce in treatment. That's actually small in terms of exchanges compared to most plans (probably because if anything she needs to lose weight).
The only thing weird is that one packet of sweetened oatmeal is usually 2 starch exchanges (making two packets 4 exchanges). Even so, it's not big IMO.
>>134188Most places count it as one or the other. Like at one place, 1/2TBSP PB=1 fat OR protein. So if you had 2 TBSP, you could call it 3 protein and 1 fat. (Renfrew does 1TBSP=1 exchange which is bullshit, but whatever)
No. 134321
File: 1464235299942.jpeg (89.05 KB, 432x658, image.jpeg)

>>134306Oh come now. this is an anonymous imageboard. you don't get asspats for eating less than everyone else.
packet of oatmeal (prepared with water) is around 43 g or 1/3 cup. 2 packets = 2/3 cups. that's like a tiny little bowl.
>not ana chan I promise!!Sorry but your ana chan is showing
No. 134325
>>134317most nut butters don't have more than 8g protein per 2tbsp meaning no, u couldn't count that as 3 protein, even if calorically the value would come out similar. 2 tbsp pb is usually 1-2 protein exchanges, 2-3 fat exchanges
sage for non snoflake discussion (i fucking hope)
No. 134340
>>134307UM. Sage for grammar shit yourself. Anon was right- got was correct in that sentence. The verb "got" applied to anon's education, job, benefits, and home. Anon got a job. Anon received a job. Anon earned a job. Anon didn't "have" a job. Anon earned/got/received job.
Do you realize that "got" is exchangeable with "received" and "earned"?? It's a past tense verb.
Please go back to 2nd grade.
No. 134378
>>134325Any treatment center I've known of you can. They usually stress flexibility, but whatever.
Sage obviously.
No. 134389
File: 1464269092829.png (540.9 KB, 620x626, ra2.png)

i know theres not much milk on annie but this made me laugh
No. 134391
>>134386Why not ask her bloody dietician then?
Honestly serving sizes for cereals are tiny, if you think inpatient is only going to give you 30g of oats or cereals you are in for a surprise. The key is to introduce adequate sized meals, having two sachets of 30g oats is perfectly normal.
No. 134394
>>134221Anon, how in the
hell does category 4 count as 'wannarexics'?
No. 134396
File: 1464271791370.jpg (35.96 KB, 620x490, oatmeal.jpg)

I can't even tell if the anons in this thread are elaborate trolls or for real.
No. 134405
>Oh my GOD, her thighs are HUGE. She must not really starve herself. GUH. I could never eat that much food. So gross. This thread belongs on MPA.
No. 134406
File: 1464274121078.jpg (130.26 KB, 728x546, oatmealana.jpg)

This just in! Oatmeal is for fatties with big thighs and a BMI of 18.
No. 134411
File: 1464276111385.png (266.58 KB, 545x351, 2g oats.png)

No. 134448
File: 1464283484563.png (306.75 KB, 501x583, Screen Shot 2016-05-26 at 10.2…)

tf are these
No. 134450
File: 1464283809831.png (299.47 KB, 1024x610, Screen Shot 2016-05-26 at 10.2…)

ok so she literally spent money on fake piercings
No. 134456
File: 1464284559816.jpeg (184.77 KB, 858x1024, image.jpeg)

Inconsistent stretching at its best
No. 134461
File: 1464284803476.jpg (505.96 KB, 1080x1080, IMG_20160526_124432.jpg)

Video hands vs her stretch armstrong hands. And those thighs they just keep growing
No. 134473
File: 1464286786779.jpeg (193.48 KB, 750x1101, image.jpeg)

These bitches are shameless as fuck
I don't know if this girl is private or not. I've been following her for a while and all she really does is post videos of herself smoking and average photos of her body where she sucks in. Not much milk but I felt like this photo deserved to be here
No. 134480
File: 1464287788920.png (9.86 KB, 1336x556, 3Vv2G6v.png)

No. 134495
File: 1464295045411.jpeg (86.01 KB, 640x899, image.jpeg)

What a normal comfortable looking facial expression
No. 134503
File: 1464296631849.png (645.16 KB, 654x614, kb6.png)

lmao she's doing the "show off my collarbone" pose
No. 134506
File: 1464296895956.jpg (96.69 KB, 960x960, 1937157_1691642887789271_26795…)

asian stretching apps and proana poses at its finest, girls called tascha and shes from the UK and her instagram is full of disgusting proana content, ill try find her insta url now
No. 134515
File: 1464297318974.jpg (88.39 KB, 1080x1080, 12976357_1712423752345067_1900…)

>>134510i just followed her, the spoop is real
No. 134527
>>134506She is private though.
Anyone remember botox lipped Healthycacia ? Her last post says she gained 10 KILO in 14 fucking short days. Rofl Aly needed 1 year to gain 11. (Not that she is a good example)…
No. 134570
>>134503Show off her double chin more likely.
To be fair, she's not trying to push her clavicle out, its probably not a 'muh collarbones' thing.
No. 134582
File: 1464305711281.jpg (40.52 KB, 491x325, 14tv2a.jpg)

No. 134587
not even once
No. 134591
>>134588drugs are drugs bud you sound retarded announcing it either way
this threat is honestly shit it's not even about ana scumbags. someone delete all of this. the whole of the ana scumbags threads. you're all so embarrassing.
No. 134609
>>134527I actually love her and always hope the best for her. she genuinely sick and seems like she's really trying to get better. someone bitched at her on IG for wearing a spaghetti strap dress when she was in the hospital bc it was ~
triggering to them. cacia doesn't do anything lolworthy though so she's not really a cow, just a skelly
No. 134611
File: 1464309804154.jpeg (76.98 KB, 750x1014, image.jpeg)

No. 134621
>>134609You LOVE her ? WTF ?
She is a skelly who has posted several thinspo / bodychecks while making stupid poses like a model. If that isn't lowcow worth then I don't know. There do was a time before social media when anorexics hide in oversized clothes and stayed at home most of the time.
No. 134627
File: 1464314388579.png (445.01 KB, 485x425, 5uyb7QR.png)

What is 'cute' about her ?
No. 134637
>>134632>>134635Stop calling her cute. She looks very… like most on Instagram. Instagram lips, Instagram make up and Instagram hair.
I just wanted to point out in my post earlier, that she claimed to have gained 10 kilo (!!!) in just 2 weeks LooooL
No. 134652
>>134639Jealous of what ? The porn lips ? The life achievement of being an anorexic Instagram attention seeker ?
I have no idea why you would think she is Korean. Educated yourself how people from Korea look like…
No. 134670
>>134668 >>134664
It's against the rules to self post. You need to find a life. Also you're not fooling anyone. Go back to insta, please.
No. 134699
File: 1464328585669.jpeg (111.07 KB, 639x913, image.jpeg)

I stumbled on this girl and she's a hot mess. Her whole insta is drugs and her disorder. She used to go by "effy" because she said "everyone compared her to effy from skins"
No. 134721
>>134717they don't think they're glamorous or tragically beautiful. you've hit it on the nail with edgy though. and they probably think it makes them look hard.
junkie is a harsh word my dude but you definitely look stupid posting pictures of or with your drugs for the internet. blow that line and put the fucking phone camera down, it's the dumbest fucking thing i've ever seen followed by huf socks.
No. 134739
>>134720And what drugs might those be?
I've never met a dealer that wouldn't settle for sex.
If you hit up several dealers, you're in the clear. I know people that make careers out of that shit.
No. 134759
File: 1464348827528.png (925.51 KB, 640x1136, image.png)

This girl is so cringey, please tell me that isn't baby food
No. 134769
>>134589Oh god her head looks like it's trying to float away from her neck.
Also I don't understand the faux nosering thing. It looks so damn obvious. Just pay the $50 and get the real piercing for god sakes. It doesn't even hurt.
No. 134838
>>134826Is Ember her real name? Maybe she was smart enough to choose a name that sounds normal but isn't her real one. At least that's what I hope for.
I don't really understand how people can be stupid enough to associate their real names with something like pro ana.
No. 134863
File: 1464375731712.jpeg (115.23 KB, 750x1219, image.jpeg)

A new phone, and a new iPad mini. And if she still posts her wish list I s2g
No. 134914
>>134014sage goes in the email field.
learn it. Love it.
Lmao my stupid ass phone reported my first post.
No. 134933
File: 1464389975905.png (718.17 KB, 624x669, attentionHO.png)

"detox/rehab", hospital gown pics, new ~th*nspo~ with edgy cigz, all photo descriptions bombarded with emojis, large new following..?
a new ember on the rise?
No. 134935
File: 1464390314161.png (358.19 KB, 573x563, Screenshot_2016-05-27-16-03-43…)

No. 134936
>>134933Isnt Emilyologist like really old news?
No. 134985
File: 1464402313194.jpeg (101.46 KB, 640x1077, image.jpeg)

Her stomach hurts aka I'm pulling all my stomach fat and love handles to make me look thinner while pushing my shoulders out to pop my collar bones.
Ember since you read this: your baby percs aren't going to help your stomach. In fact all that Tylenol filler is horrible for your stomach in the first place.
No. 135036
File: 1464424804921.jpeg (41.37 KB, 383x556, image.jpeg)

Why the fuck has Emily got gloves on in one of those pictures? I'm in hospital, better waste medical supplies to take wicked selfies…
No. 135060
File: 1464435727155.jpeg (Spoiler Image,52.56 KB, 640x540, image.jpeg)

Tell me that doesn't look like ember
No. 135063
File: 1464436090483.jpeg (52.68 KB, 750x215, image.jpeg)

Ana-chans are finally starting to call Ember out on her shit
No. 135066
File: 1464436690991.jpg (78.01 KB, 320x523, IMG_20160528_065036.jpg)

Crying Emily is sad because she can't edit her calves as small as her thighs because of the baseboard #photoshopproblems
No. 135084
File: 1464444045188.png (476.84 KB, 480x800, wp_ss_20160528_0001.png)

>>135082She's gone on a date. She looks thrilled about it.
No. 135085
File: 1464444271597.jpg (118.63 KB, 1080x1350, 6tag-263037174-125459208479349…)

No. 135105
>>135084Surely she must be seeing someone to help with her E.D and depression? At that weight you are bound for hospital!
Looking at these photos months on from when she was frst posted about I'm sad that she is still stuck in being miserable and starved, it's no way to live. Not for her or her family.
No. 135111
>>134257>>135105She doesn't want to get better. She's said before that her ED is what makes her interesting. She values asspats and IG followers more than her own health. She also wheels out the 'bloo bloo we might lose the house' status every few weeks too. Maybe instead of focusing her energies on faking DID and being a
pwecious baby who needs mummy she should work on recovery and sort her life out.
No. 135190
>>135105She's on anti depressants and is supposed to attend CAMHS. She admits to not going to appointments, water loading before weigh ins and said some time this week that she won't let them weigh her at her next appointment.
I'm not sure what benefits she claims at 17, but on most it's possible to get a few hours paid work and you get to keep it without it affecting how much you get from the government. Even that'd be a help.
I'm always a bit dubious when anyone on benefits says they're in such a dire situation. I get state benefits and have to pay bedroom tax which leaves me with not very much after bills. HOWEVER, it's management of what you've got left that helps you keep your head just above the water. If there're any arrears on rent, there are ways to deal with it. She's overblowing the situation and/or her mum's being useless with money.
No. 135209
>>135202My mum was broke for most of my life and we almost exclusively bought supermarket brands. Nothing name brand unless it was on a heavy discount.
They probably spend recklessly and at the end of the month after their fun expenses they realise there's not enough left. Otherwise how can they afford the things she shows off on her IG?
No. 135214
File: 1464470070975.jpg (102.91 KB, 601x652, Capture.JPG)

She's feeling "so happy" now. Date went well.
>>135209Supermarket own brands are fine. The only thing I HAVE to buy branded is HEINZ BAKED BEANS. Thrifty spending isn't difficult and there's very little difference in taste usually.
No. 135220
File: 1464471330019.jpg (102.11 KB, 640x1136, image.jpg)

This fucking nerd just uploaded a picture of sea salt in a bag and a medicine dropper and is pretending it's drugs. I cannot. What rig is that big around and goes by ML instead of units.
And that's not what crystal looks like. At all.
No. 135221
File: 1464471540106.jpg (33.44 KB, 500x263, 5ml-oral-syringe.jpg)

>>135220Probably an oral syringe. They're used to give medicine to babies, you can buy them at walmart.
No. 135223
>>134257>>135214She's not doing her usual sucked in cheeks face here.
As someone who lives in the UK, Starbucks and Pret A Manger where she gets her Friday lunch from is pretty damn expensive too.
No. 135227
>>135220That's funny. Her profile is private but I gather she's another DID bandwagon jumper?
>>135217There'll soon be meltdowns about her ruining everything.
No. 135236
>>135233you've apparently never seen "decent" cocaine. it doesn't even look like shitty cut coke that's worth any amount of your money
No. 135239
File: 1464475438191.png (956.64 KB, 1322x526, ppaaannnniiiicccattaacckkk.png)

Oh no, megfindshersmile is having a panic attack guise.
No. 135241
>>135239the amount of attention whoring is giving me cancer no one that deals with panic attacks would be sitting on their phone posting pictures on instagram to tell the world one after the other
why do these hoes insist on making themselves look fucking dumb
No. 135244
File: 1464475875680.png (72.66 KB, 449x562, woeisme.png)

Panic attack's done, now she's spamming giveaways and whining about how no one pays attention to her.
No. 135246
File: 1464475994212.png (454.82 KB, 640x1136, image.png)

1 hit of cane sugar got me feelin like….
No. 135249
File: 1464476558373.jpeg (334.51 KB, 2048x2048, image.jpeg)

Her legs changed a lot in five seconds
No. 135252
File: 1464477409856.png (394.84 KB, 672x326, ct.png)

clearly.thin in pictures vs videos. sure, cbmi 15.3
No. 135253
>>135246I don't get people documenting their ~panic attacks~ on ig, and I don't get how someone pretending to be taking a hit of whatever we're supposed to believe she's injecting with an oral syringe would want to spoil the buzz by doing instagram.
Fucking. arseholes.
No. 135255
>>134652She looks
vaguely like a korean person who had surgery to look western, that's it. And I mean super vague.
But let's be fair, she's bottom of the barrel considering the droves of lonely and insecure girls with that instagram heaux style and it's getting real stale. Felice Fawn glamorexia with skinny-tea-pusher aesthetic.
No. 135256
>>134673Ohhhh gross, she's obviously the one claiming to look Korean. That's fucking nauseating and embarrassing as hell
fucking find yourself.
No. 135258
>>134699How fucking sad will she be when she wakes up from her Effy Stonem delusion to find herself a serious addict when she realizes she pissed away her life to feel loved because a television character was loved who she could do a good impression of.
the only people that get away with drug abuse are people with trust funds and they're usually garbage people to begin with from neglect.
like "cocaine.puke", why don't you do yourself a favor and forgive you excuses of parents and live a better life for yourself. I just don't want to believe she is this useless than snorting something is the only thing she can do. Stop throwing a tantrum and make better choices.
No. 135281
>>135277being knowledgable about it is different than bragging about usage, or fake usage.
and for the record, it's called snow because of the "pure" white color.
No. 135291
>>135277No. Rocked cocaine has some shine from binding agents (and you'd be hard pressed not to find rocked Coke these days) but it's not actually crystallized.
>>135262No caps? I'd love to see that.
No. 135356
Skins was a brilliant show that raised awareness of various health and social problems but unfortunately many teens though the alcohol use and mental illness was something cool.
Cassandra "Cassie" Ainsworth was in the original series and was anorexic amongst other things. She's known for saing "oh wow, lovely" etc and was a massive idol .
No. 135385
>>135356Skins wasn't good it was a stupid show about whiney teenagers who didnt contribute to anything in life. It failed to raise awareness of any kind and caused teenagers to become even worse, whiney assholes. That show created people like Ember and CryingEmily.
The only good thing to come from Skins was Nicolas Holt in MadMax
No. 135443
File: 1464540638400.png (2.16 MB, 1936x1936, image.png)

Check out all the money I have, and the iPhone. And iPad. And overpriced lipsticks.
But please help me recover by buying me more shit.
Fuck embers a cunt.
No. 135476
>>135475"I was inpatient, you know."
"That's nice, dear."
No. 135485
File: 1464547661672.png (252.02 KB, 357x346, image.png)

>>135464You killed it anon. That shit was good powdered milk. I love it when new fags get their jimmies rustled.
No. 135545
>>135514Don't you just love all the "when I was in IP…" Posts?
>>135494That's ok, it wasn't me, but I love farmers abuse the new fags in this thread. They're a special kind of autism.
No. 135639
File: 1464574021289.png (531.85 KB, 640x1136, image.png)

No. 135743
File: 1464620297713.jpeg (94.74 KB, 640x874, image.jpeg)

Oh my god how fucking boring are you emily? All she had to upload is some fucking cereal that everyone has fucking heard? I'm just finding this really funny how she thought it'd be a good thing to upload.
No. 135826
>>135809because it seems incredibly easy to do and because the likes don't match up with the number of followers
Not saying you're wrong, of course it's possible
No. 135893
File: 1464660119513.png (29.32 KB, 579x243, kb7.png)

treatment center refused to give kelly ridiculous amounts of drugs so she left
No. 135895
>>135893>flaredMore like got withdrawals
This girl is getting a free junkie buffet
No. 135924
File: 1464672204950.png (414.53 KB, 745x1169, image.png)

i dont know why food accounts do so many emojis. its like aly
No. 136010
File: 1464712592224.jpg (71.37 KB, 407x399, IMG_20160531_112530.jpg)

Ember you pro ana BITCH. Just stop posting, stop editing, and stop talking
No. 136015
>>136010Was this posted first? because it's different than the one on her insta.
She also made a new blog. Wonder what or who she'll copy next lol
No. 136021
File: 1464714011561.png (111.49 KB, 683x623, ro.png)

that's not what "free" means
No. 136023
>>136021> I want to make them free> pay melol
At least she would be doing something creative with her time
No. 136026
File: 1464716094922.jpeg (376.11 KB, 1242x1828, image.jpeg)

>>136010Comments on that pic
No. 136037
File: 1464719835212.jpg (12.01 KB, 400x225, hollow_aden.jpg)

>>136035You're such a good person.
I don't know if looking like an embarrassing Big Brother contestant is the look, but that's what hollow_oli is currently giving.
No. 136040
File: 1464720106210.png (671.3 KB, 750x1334, image.png)

>dabbing grease off
Have you been reading winter girls again, Ember?
No. 136069
File: 1464731387214.jpeg (190.86 KB, 1536x1415, image.jpeg)

>>136012Speaking of Mackenzie, I recently downloaded an app to see if I could mimic her shooping to see how rediculous I would look stretched out like she does in all of hers & boy did I get a good laugh. Who is she honestly kidding? I'm not saying she does or doesn't have crohns, but how can her followers not see how shooped she is, if you reverse the height of her pics she actually just looks average. She makes a big deal of people asking her if she has an ED, but almost all of her posts are like body checks, what I really wonder is what is the point? Why post shooped body checks, claim you're physically ill & bark at people who question it? I'm assuming she does it for asspats, but that in itself is sad, girl must have no self esteem…
No. 136100
File: 1464734766212.jpg (142.6 KB, 521x628, IMG_20160531_174415.jpg)

Looks like somebody fell off the wagon
No. 136113
>>136039If they really are your friends, get them psychiatric help.
Sage for OT
No. 136115
>>136109Yes she literally said she doesn't have any friends back home and all her friends were from college. She literally never talked about hanging out with friends before she got her new job.
Does anyone here follow Jenna's personal Insta?
No. 136120
>>136119assuming because one of these is not like the others
Sage for "who cares?"
No. 136123
File: 1464740607058.png (578.08 KB, 640x1136, image.png)

>>134257Complains about how huge she is. How much she needs to lose weight and wants asspats from IG then goes out like this
No. 136125
>>136069You know, I can't help but wonder what the fuck is the point of shooping when you're wannarexic. I mean, wannas as a dieting community made sense because although nobody was anorexic, everyone admitted they weren't underweight and exchanged stories, "pains", failures, etc.
But IG is image based so it makes no sense for these people. They're not skinny, they can't post their real bodies and still claim to be ~ana~. And since they're shooping and pretending to be "successfully eating disordered", they can't complain about their constant binging (normal eating) or real weight etc. There is quite literally no point beyond receiving some shallow attention.
No. 136129
>>136127haha probably.
i feel like she gained a lot of weight though
No. 136155
>>136149I'm not a huge Emily fan. She is average.
Ember however looks plain unwashed and developmentally impaired due to the constant fish face
No. 136156
>>136151I don't condone it either, but to be fair Jenna has spread lies and publicly whined about her mom to thousands of followers. She portrayed her mother as severely mentally ill, severely alcoholic and borderline abusive.
The message was also supposed to be about Jenna's "cancer recovery", not a "look what your daughter is doing online" type DM
No. 136159
File: 1464746298746.png (1.35 MB, 1178x1114, Screen Shot 2016-06-01 at 11.5…)

>>134257lol emily made her way onto an mpa thread about glorifying hospital/hospitalisation
bet she'll fuckin cream herself over this when she finds out from stalking this thread (if she hasn't stalked mpa first)
No. 136160
>>136157I'm not the one who sent it. Nobody sent it because it was Jenna pretending.
Are you Jenna because no one seems to care when people want to call Ember's employer to find out if she's in IP
No. 136161
>>136160>Are you JennaObviously, she seems like the type of person who reads rules before she posts
>Blah blah EmberPeople complain every time farmers contact people who aren't involved, stick to gossiping dude
No. 136185
>>136164probs cause lolcow didn't make it a proper link and put an archive link in the middle of it before the '
tw' part of the link.
copy the link till 'obvious-' then just type in '
tw/page-2', that should do it for you
No. 136191
>>136164>>136187It's just a photo dump of ~lil hospital aesthetic things~ and is probably not worth your time.
Also, some mpa pages may require an account (which is also not worth your time).
Here's the link shortened if you want: No. 136194
File: 1464751056338.jpg (72.83 KB, 920x578, Capture.JPG)

Don't know if her mfc happened, but ew.
No. 136195
>>136147>>136148Holy hell autist, calm the fuck down and learn to sage
>>136123Jesus, her arms are massive blobs.
No. 136199
File: 1464751242860.jpg (Spoiler Image,84.01 KB, 926x587, 1464750959160.jpg)

>>136194Christ, this thing won't spoiler. Take 3.
No. 136203
More interesting to have a #daddydomlittlegirl #babygirllifestyle #daddydomlittlegirl wannabe emaciated pr0n star than that piece of attention seeking shite.
>>136202Oh good. Can we ban that Emily…I mean, that person who samefags her?
No. 136206
>>136203They're/Emily is not breaking any rules. It's best just to ignore it but these rabid anons just won't let it be.
This thread stinks like a bunch of self posting/white knightlong lately.
No. 136264
>>136212Good lord, they're healed. Get the fuck over yourself. Some people do dumb things in their past, and you can't exactly expect them to hide their scars forever. Not covering them is not showing them off. (Unless they're fresh wounds, in which case, that is almost
always showing them off.)
No. 136268
>>136158She's at a beach, wearing a swim suit.. what else is she supposed to wear?
Some people have healed scars. We've all made mistakes that we regret, and you're gonna live with them forever. Some people just have to deal with them being somewhere that people can easily see. Maybe you should work on being a more forgiving person, because you genuinely sound like an angry piece of shit.
No. 136271
>>136212Wearing a t-shirt years after you self-harmed is not the same as 'showing off.'
Don't cut your own self on all that edge, faggot.
No. 136297
File: 1464785173529.jpg (210.85 KB, 1080x1536, kZ34UeA.jpg)

I found a wannabe Aly. Didn't Aly post pictures like this with chocolate all the time?
No. 136298
File: 1464785224348.jpg (374.47 KB, 1050x1592, mJoS8NR.jpg)

Wannabe Aly captions
No. 136306
>>136305She posts 90% sweet shit (like Aly) and posts emoji filled saccharine sweet captions (like Aly). She blatantly copies her.
Nothing scandalous I just think it is funny people copy Aly's shit to gain followers
No. 136309
>>136308not that anon but it said witch yesterday.
Meh, it's just another lable for them to sound spehshul
No. 136345
File: 1464801586057.jpeg (302.48 KB, 1284x1617, image.jpeg)

Bloo bloo. These posts always make me want to slap these kids. Like instead of passively saying your followers don't interact with you etc, why not try doing it yourself, or maybe get some irl friends, fuck. Does IG make these kids social outcasts or what..?
No. 136347
File: 1464802232890.jpeg (229.58 KB, 1229x1449, image.jpeg)

O no. We have a whole new level of attention seeking over here.
Forget DID, we are on to possession now!
I actually know this girl, but I can't stand up for her with this
No. 136351
>>136305She's been in "recovery" for years, yet only posts "fear food" challenges and over describes every emotion and taste. Everything she posts is SWEET FATTY etc.
This is still disordered behaviour.
Also people with anorexia tend to love seeing others describe or consume junk food, they like pretty pictures of it as it allows them to experience the pleasure of such but without having to eat it. She isn't healthy to someone who is actually wanting to recover and move on from an e.d
No. 136364
>>136360It's like a huge advert screaming, "I'm a fucking spastic and my daddy diddled me."
It's horrific and nasty.
No. 136366
File: 1464805962225.jpeg (685.42 KB, 1936x1805, image.jpeg)

Surprised she hasn't deleted these comments.
Also, hello fakeboiiii
No. 136367
>>136366Guess because it's funny, sort of
She's also promoting anas again
No. 136373
>>136368The words are too complex for her lol
> how dare you insult my religion you know nothing about!!!> your god is fake and religion bs No. 136380
>>136366I'm pretty sure hollow_oli put "male witch" in his bio right after Ember posted this, bandwagon much.
>>136375I had the impression that this girl was calling Ember out as a fake/shitty witch because she practices paganism or whatever herself, so it's funny that Ember called her God/religion bullshit when they likely have the same one, kek.
Also these comments were deleted, probably just after they were posted here. Typical.
No. 136395
>>136380once they were posted she most likely actually read them
Wonder if shell post more about being a ~witch~
No. 136396
>>136366mandy woke af.
>your god is fake and your religion is stupidstop hitting yourself ember
No. 136398
File: 1464813743493.png (745.55 KB, 640x960, image.png)

what is that shadow on the left?
No. 136403
File: 1464814160593.png (398.01 KB, 640x1136, image.png)

I love watching this bitch get called out and then immediately deleting the comments
No. 136422
File: 1464817842153.jpg (59.15 KB, 431x596, such skinny.JPG)

>>136413She also likes to think she's emaciated, but is obviously not.
Now she posts numerous sfs of wasting zoe and EW … AND THAT'S IT.
No. 136423
File: 1464818177495.jpeg (499.72 KB, 2048x2048, image.jpeg)

>>136403My absolute fav thing about Embers latest body pics is that it completely proves she stretches her photos. 2 pics taken the same day, posted the same day, but her torso is a completely different width in each of them!
No. 136448
File: 1464819564092.jpeg (150.03 KB, 1024x812, image.jpeg)

Flipped the other one so they look more similar angle wise. But one body is "wider" that the other and don't even get me started on the sucking in vs flexing
No. 136471
File: 1464823227537.jpeg (218.83 KB, 750x1194, image.jpeg)

>When I was sick
Does she believe she's recovered? But she's also obviously trying to make herself look thinner, not just feet together but heels apart. Why wouldn't she crop that stupidity out if she wanted to emphasize her thigh gap.
Sorry, a little off the typical topics of convo, this effy girl just confuses me. Idk if she's in denial or fishing for ass pats. Both?
No. 136497
File: 1464828562414.png (1.31 MB, 1157x1206, hashtag bodychecking.png)

No. 136567
>>136497Implying what, that there's some kind of double standard? The guys on the top row aren't pretending to be mentally ill.
Has anyone else checked out the MPA LGBT sub-forum? There's plenty of fakebois, otherkin, self-dx DID types etc. floating around there.
No. 136582
File: 1464867382635.jpeg (136.36 KB, 640x963, image.jpeg)

Loads of milk on this girl- on insta and this is her venting
Thought you lot would appreciate even if she's a smaller account that I follow on my sock puppet
No. 136592
File: 1464871483463.jpeg (210.43 KB, 750x994, image.jpeg)

Nice thinspo Emily ?
No. 136599
>>136552>she was sexually harrassed earlier this yearI'm aware, but she was pulling the same "i'm so recovered, look at my bones!" shit before that. So I guess the sexual assault gives her a pass to show off her bones and pretend to be in recovery and not have anyone say anything.
I believe she was in recovery from her addictions (even tho she did buy drugs from the neighbor who assaulted her) but not her ED, not for a second, She's always posted thinspo, both before and after.
No. 136603
File: 1464874256929.jpg (528.95 KB, 960x960, caesarapp_2016628269896.jpg)

2 year difference. Must be all that alcohol
No. 136628
>>136614honestly someone who does all of these things is clearly severely mentally ill. I don't really get when I see someone this bad posted on a board and everyone goes all out saying that they wish they could slap them or kill them etc when clearly this is a sick sick person.
they should still be held accountable if they harmed someone.In that case I think they should be mandated to serve for their actions in a treatment center or something.
If a depressed person couldn't get out of bed and was shitting all over themselves I wouldn't say muh depression omg so lazy pathetic!!! I get that this person's actions are horrible (and people who were harmed by this do NOT have to have her in their life/forgive her) but this attitude confuses me.
No. 136641
File: 1464883051594.jpg (368.02 KB, 1063x1478, IMG_20160602_095628.jpg)

Good fucking god.
No. 136650
File: 1464884265101.png (403 KB, 523x618, ho.png)

do your circulatory system a favor and buy pants that fit. it'll stop forcing your legs into that weird wobbly shape too
No. 136677
>>136674>>136676Dif anon that is making fun of her body - The only reason her cellulite/fat is relevant is because she is legit psychotically obsessed with being a tumblr wannarexic because she is incapable of contributing anything to the world. The only reason she was underweight in the first place is because she abused her faster teenage metabolism and slightly restricted while whoring her body all over tumblr. Now that she miserably tried to become an alcoholic so people would pay attention, she has this wack body that's flabby as hell but still doing the same ana shit. All for tumblr.
I know that's common knowledge, but I wanted to clarify it's not meant in a proana way. It's just how can you be in your 20s and have literally no direction in life when she clearly has so many opportunities and comes from a good family. I think if she way trying to do anything maybe people wouldn't say anything, but she lives for tumblr and can't even do that right.
No. 136705
>>136695I would've thought the last thing you'd want to do if you were a "male" was to flash your camel toe.
Yes, she thinks she looks emaciated
>my fat percentage is super low No. 136715
File: 1464901800988.png (476.4 KB, 1196x720, sketch-1464901349941.png)

>>136345Meg from last night. Deleted now.
Joltography is desperate to send a happiness package.
Still not sure if trolling.
No. 136717
File: 1464902054186.png (317.27 KB, 1196x720, sketch-1464901007578.png)

>>136715Also this from earlier.
Now deleted ofc.
No. 136720
File: 1464902510503.png (588.79 KB, 1196x720, sketch-1464902402280.png)

>>136717Sorry the milk keeps flowing.
This is so funny. She manipulates everything.
No. 136749
File: 1464908317435.png (668.19 KB, 681x616, ho2.png)

they look so greasy…
No. 136789
File: 1464917688805.jpeg (2.01 MB, 3264x2448, image.jpeg)

I'm surprised ember would let this see the light of day. No thigh gap even bent over with her ass pushed out? Girl hasn't spent enough time dabbing that grease off her pizza.
No. 136845
>>136789that tiny feet
not even stretching seems to help anymore
No. 136854
>>136852she probably has a hard time accepting it, soon she won't be able to impress the young anas anymore
guess its time for her to jump onto something else
No. 136863
File: 1464947099964.jpg (135.74 KB, 1280x720, sister ember of the high holy …)

>>136859Don't sell her short, she could always start vlogging about her IRL witchness.
>blessed be, impressionable teens No. 136895
>>136859Don't think that'll last long. She isn't patient enough to wait until she gets better at makeup and gains followers. She expects her accounts to just boom up overnight. But she seriously needs a new persona, even the insta anas are catching up on her shit. Maybe her ello blog will bring something new.
>>136863>file namePart of me would love if she did but another part of me would be annoyed af because she most likely wouldn't put any research into it and just make shit up etc., just like the laat time. Besides, witches aren't "cool" anymore. The trend died down.
No. 136917
File: 1464966456209.jpeg (180.46 KB, 750x1216, image.jpeg)

I wish this cow wasn't private, she's got a lot of milk. This is the same girl who posted her mom saying how fat she was
No. 136958
File: 1464977367799.jpeg (155.49 KB, 750x1100, image.jpeg)

No. 136973
>>136970I think anon was pointing out the comments?
…I just went to check out his page, and seems like he's blocked me even though he accepted my follow request ageeeeeeeees ago. Embers doing, probably.
No. 136979
He added me after I liked one of his old pics after they had just started dating, but I checked a bit ago and I was blocked.
I feel like she went through and blocked all the girls
No. 136980
File: 1464982362408.png (496.68 KB, 682x406, 3BKDQH5.png)

>>136789photoshopped vs photoshopped vs reality
No. 137029
>>136980a thigh gap is technically supposed to be when you have your ankles and knees together. not an ana-chan, I only know that from lurking blogs and this thread
so technically even her photoshopped or stretched legs don't have a gap.
I bet that after she reads this, her legs will magically change shape again
No. 137052
I couldn't imagine dating such a short guy either, I'd have back pain too if I was bending down all day to talk to him face to face.
No. 137055
>>137029Knees together? Ankles together I understand but I just tried my hardest to push my knees together and that's not happening
You're right otherwise though, she can't pride off her "thigh gap" when she points her toes in to deliberately make her legs appear more separated.
The whole thigh gap thing makes me actually lol. Most people that have one just have it naturally, it's fuckin bone structure not goddamn weight loss. I know so many thin fit girls that do not and could never have a thigh gap because that's not the way they're fuckin built. You'd have to be hella emaciated to magically have a thigh gap if it's not something you have naturally.
No. 137096
>>137093I have really small thighs, and legs in general. I'm one of those people that have a natural thigh gap because of my bone structure, whether or not I lose or gain weight. I'm definitely not bowlegged, as far as I can tell. I know someone that is, so at least not compared to them.
Saging because nothing to do with kek worthy ana-chans. I'm just genuinely curious as to why my knees don't touch now, I thought that was normal lmao.
No. 137106
File: 1465007815051.jpeg (222.05 KB, 750x1056, image.jpeg)

Am I th only one who thinks her makeup is absolute shit here…………………
No. 137116
>>137097Slight bowlegs are common and almost never an issue. Most people don't actually have completely strait legs. I am slighly knock-kneed which is a big factor in me never having a thigh gap no matter how small my thighs get (i have been quite underweight in the past)
General rule when legs are together side by side:
Can put feet together but not knees = knock knee
Can put feet and knees together at the same time = strait legs
Can put knees together but not feet = knock knee
No. 137196
(i tried to sage sorry if i did it wrong)
>>137116I think you meant to put bow legged for feet together knees apart
I'm slightly knock kneed, my ankles touch but it's uncomfortable to stand that way because my knees are pushing into each other, but because my knees touch my thighs aren't able to no matter what.
thigh gaps are much more complicated than just skinny legs vs. thick legs its fucking ridiculous how obsessed these kids are
No. 137202
>>137196sage goes into the email field
Did ember post anything on her new blog?
No. 137219
>>137196I fucked up
Yes thats what i meant
No. 137269
File: 1465067983162.png (504.86 KB, 672x669, megfindsherdelusions.png)

bitch where?
No. 137300
File: 1465081093797.png (491.54 KB, 697x569, hano.png)

caption/comments on a video of this girl crying
No. 137314
File: 1465086432269.png (1.16 MB, 750x1334, image.png)

Emily C sent me this on snapchat today……
No. 137339
File: 1465089485982.jpg (32.9 KB, 584x124, 1.JPG)

>>137301She aint crying. She's feeling luvved up with her man.
Emotional blackmail much? I hope he doesn't read that for his sake.
No. 137340
>>137332It's vitamin D.
Hear it can get you super high when mixed with advil
No. 137392
>>137339who she boyfriend?
i need emily's boyfriend to cage fight ember's boyfriend, that is the only way.
No. 137425
File: 1465128658955.png (288.56 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2016-06-05-13-04-30…)

lol rich coming from her. Wonder if she reads here.
No. 137581
>>137351She's obviously taking the picture in a way to show them off.. Emily C always does this sort of shit. No, I'm not the sort of person who thinks that a person wearing a t-shirt while they have old, healed scars from previous self-harm is "showing off"– but Em
always makes a point to show off her fresh cuts in all her pictures.
No. 137587
>>137485Not that anon, but no, it aint.
People mix everyday shit together to get a high. Like battery acid and sudafed.
No. 137601
>>137587>>137395You retards are why god doesn't talk to us anymore.
Aren't underage people not supposed to post here?
No. 137609
File: 1465171556846.png (249.84 KB, 708x455, mfhs.png)

i give it 10 minutes until she posts again
No. 137684
File: 1465191376966.png (501.16 KB, 811x587, Screenshot 2016-06-06 at 12.34…)

slow claps
No. 137718
File: 1465206964379.png (1.67 MB, 1936x1936, image.png)

Bored, so I wanted to see how many fake accounts were following Emily C, and it's ridiculous how many accounts are following her without profile photos or posts. And a lot of the ones with profile photos also have no posts and are following over 600 people.
Sage bc everyone dislikes Emily
No. 137729
File: 1465208980823.jpg (138.07 KB, 791x989, 6tag-263037174-126651483377015…)

Lovebite. Classy.
Emily, people do not need to see your self arson. We know you're fucked up. This is just too emo.
No. 137745
>>137729Nothing wrong with lovebites. Stop being a prude, faggot.
Anything new with Ember? She has me on block and i'm bored.
No. 137747
File: 1465218119703.jpeg (341.64 KB, 1270x1645, image.jpeg)

After deleting all the previous posts, now it seems she's hinting at suicide, but I doubt she'd ever get the balls to go through with it. This girl is too much.
No. 137757
>>134257>>137754She deleted it before I could get a screen shot but earlier this week she posted a close up pic of the burn on the top of her arm asking her followers if it was a third degree burn.
She seems eager to show off that she's burning now rather than cutting. Does anyone remember when she used to post videos of her 'trips' when she was huffing? They always used to be good for a laugh.
No. 137938
File: 1465276236406.jpg (63.25 KB, 925x420, not so hollow.jpg)

Correct me if I'm wrong but I can't imagine hollow_oli is six feet tall, meaning this isn't even remotely underweight. I'm a little surprised someone so blatantly pro ana would post such a regular/healthy weight.
No. 137946
File: 1465279980209.png (569.15 KB, 861x580, Screenshot 2016-06-07 at 1.12.…) this a parody or not? I'm a little terrified
No. 138015
>>137978Already done
>>136614 You can stop whining now.
No. 138019
File: 1465309867066.jpeg (291.39 KB, 750x1044, image.jpeg)

Cellulite central lulz
No. 138136
File: 1465340696431.png (639.95 KB, 930x593, LUSH.png)

>>137951Meh, probably not a parody account, but I suspect she's been on Aly's insta, she's even using her favourite word!
No. 138140
>>138137Aren't those kidney beans?
I'd guess it's just a word she picked up from Aly.
No. 138157
>>138151bulimia knuckles.
also pretty bulimic to eat food straight from a can - bulimiachan here and i end up dong this during my binges…something about physically trying to get food into body ASAP but also slightly self-punitive in a way as it feels more shameful and disgusting when eating in such a degrading panic and thats all the head says im worth.
sage for blogpost
No. 138200
File: 1465360244241.jpeg (94.65 KB, 750x1182, image.jpeg)

No. 138214
File: 1465367381011.png (1.04 MB, 750x1334, image.png)

No. 138235
File: 1465379233939.png (576.36 KB, 640x960, image.png)

Which filter is she using that it makes her ALWAYS look so damn dirty?
No. 138255
>>136603Lol she's sucking her belly in so hard
No. 138281
File: 1465400277901.jpg (105.54 KB, 800x600, sage-leaves-green.jpg)

>>138277You don't know about smoking sage? How old are you?
No. 138289
File: 1465401477495.png (747.64 KB, 640x1136, image.png)

>>134257CryingEmily's gonna kill herself again.
No. 138319
>>138254They probably think anorexia has nothing to do with weight so they can get away with it because it's just a
mental disorder. Why else would Kelly and Kadee be able to get away with it?
No. 138361
File: 1465420377759.jpg (105.04 KB, 500x500, oli-town.jpg)

>>138275She sort of passes for a guy who didn't make the final round of auditions for O-Town if you can't hear her, but audio does no favors.
No. 138372
File: 1465423474957.png (646.68 KB, 640x1136, image.png)

What do you think kelly means when she says Ed urges? Until she is talking about bulimia but she has never mentioned purging. Binging perhaps? I can't believe she is talking about restricting, also thinking about it isn't the same as doing it. She is fat, does she want to have professionals tell her it's okay to overeat?
No. 138416
>>138372Fat unicorns on her shirt…interesting.
>>138019Fucking yawn. Nobody wants to talk about you, you stupid bitch, get over it.
No. 138426
File: 1465439943768.jpg (85.36 KB, 927x599, erm.JPG)

What difference am I supposed to be seeing here, except her legs are a bit hairier on one of the pics?
No. 138436
>>138426she needs to fucking shave what an ogre
I've never seen such disgusting unsightly legs
No. 138485
File: 1465459536222.jpg (261.05 KB, 900x900, 1462750780589.jpg)

No. 138492
File: 1465466269900.jpeg (353.23 KB, 960x1280, image.jpeg)
This user claims to model and help out at a pet shelter, not much about her age but its obvious she has some ED and denies it. Never answers questions about it and despite her uploading food idek if she eats it. Girls on her IG croon over her skele body
No. 138495
>>138492Did she have her own thread?
People were making fun of her shaved widows peak
No. 138496
>>138495yeah she was in a tumblr thread
theres a page about her on skinnygossip as well under her old name (girl nah)
shes obnoxious and abuses the fuck out of lengthening apps
No. 138497
>>138496Um wut u mean hunty
She not a natural footsize 18?
No. 138505
>>138492lol bitch ain't modelling at that weight
no legit agency would allow that
No. 138506
>>138372that awkward moment when you feel huge…
and you are
No. 138508
File: 1465473550645.png (660.43 KB, 640x960, image.png)

Was about time
No. 138534
File: 1465484322979.png (225.99 KB, 501x441, henrycreep.png)

No. 138535
>>138534This reeks of self post, but someone should tell him that he seems to be sexually attracted to turtles too…
(I still want to know wtf is up with her back.)
No. 138542
>>138537Yup. It's Henry Roth.
He's a fucking creepster.
No. 138557
>>138372maybe she is doing Minnie maud.
But without restricting before
No. 138636
File: 1465508488100.jpeg (134.78 KB, 741x1192, image.jpeg)

But ember I thought you made like $200 in tips at your job?
No. 138643
>>138636You can show off your chump change tips, your tacky purchases of overpriced lipstick/makeup, brag about a new phone (bitch, where?), but you can't buy the books?
What a retard. Nice ass kissing at the end too. Aren't you supposed lick ass before you beg for something, not the other way around?
Dumb bitch will look up how to change her ip, but she won't bother looking for a torrent.
No. 138660
File: 1465513326678.png (815.88 KB, 640x1136, image.png)

>>134257CryingEmily's back to her vague-posting tricks
No. 138662
File: 1465513394248.png (649.42 KB, 640x1136, image.png)

More vague-posting and more showing off of self harm
No. 138692
File: 1465520396333.jpeg (29.13 KB, 255x210, image.jpeg)

>>138686God that reminds me of my borderline ex.
No. 138696
>>138692She's started seeing someone new, so probably more of her dramatics to come.
Best part of the Gracie episode was how it was revealed by google street view that the place Emily was at and "in danger" was some railings outside her housing block.
No. 138698
>>134257>>138696Surely if her ED and BPD were as bad as she makes out to be, she wouldn't have been released from the hospital after just one evening?
Saying that, I guess if it says on her medical records that she pulls this crap all the time I suppose they will have just released her back to her mother.
It seems, at least, that Grace has moved on. She only has one IG account now and she rarely posts on it. When she does it's nothing like the drama/hysterics she used to post when she dated Emily
No. 138704
File: 1465524158474.jpeg (710.24 KB, 2048x2048, image.jpeg)

Ember, if you're gonna photoshop, why the hell don't you keep it consistent? Nobody's body changes that drastically within a month.
No. 138722
>>138720Terribly sorry, I'll clarify.
'Ember pops up with bullshit' = Ember lurks on here, sees she's not being talked about so posts bait on her IG like a body pic or some other shit that pretty much guarantees it'll be screenshotted and dissected on here because we all know how much the 'Queen' loves to be talked about.
That better?
No. 138826
>>138808Feel free to fuck off.
>>138821And you.
No. 138827
File: 1465582496525.jpg (Spoiler Image,122.24 KB, 931x595, snapqueef.jpg)

>>138821I envy you because you probably haven't been as exposed to Ember's bullshit to catch this, but most likely anyone calling her "queen" is referencing how she desperately calls herself that. Pic related.
saged and spoilered because Ember fuckin sucks
No. 138862
>>138827what has she done? Post pics?
You fucking idiots think thats milk?
No. 138873
>>138855expect that Ember doesn't work with angles,
download 'BeautyPlus' (android), take any pic which shows your whole body and then test out the 'Beautify' tool to 'minimize' waist, legs, arms etc. If you have done this, you can stretch your legs with the 'Height' tool. It's shocking how easy and quick you can shoop yourself into a desperate skinny looking Ana.
No. 138915
>>138826Kek, why you ass blasted?
Relax, don't cut yourself on that edge.
No. 138932
File: 1465611486035.jpg (181.53 KB, 1080x1327, sagemutherfucker.jpg)

>>138920if you're going to talk about shit, please fucking screenshot it…
pulled off google. guess this is what you're talking about
No. 138967
>>138932To be honest, I think she looks nice here :/
wtf is up with the rehab thing though? is she going or not?
No. 138974
>>138934Uh, this place is called lolcow and calling one a cow doesn't necessarily equate to being fat.
>>138967I agree. But I think it's cause it's not a focused shot of those grimy ass teeth, her god awful makeup, and her typical uggu "I'm trying to be sultry but am coming off like I just took a desperately needed shit" face. Her bulging forehead is disturbing though.
No. 139002
File: 1465637238698.png (Spoiler Image,1.69 MB, 1875x1205, bellend.png)

this anachan i'm following on my sockpuppet posted a vile photo of her cling film wrap.
No. 139010
Who forces you to come here? Exactly, nobody. So just do something what has substance here or outside, if you can't or won't fuck off
No. 139012
File: 1465645202312.jpeg (318.82 KB, 1267x1463, image.jpeg)

This is just sad, she doesn't want to leave the house because she hates herself, so her kid is missing school. His girl needs to be locked away. As a parent it disgusts me that someone can be so selfish, disordered or not, this isn't okay. Get over yourself and take care of your damn kids. No wonder your other baby daddy wants nothing to do with you or his kid. This girl needs a reality check.
No. 139013
>>139004Thank you.
>>139005>>139010Proving anons point here. 'So just do something what has substance here'? Holy fuck, go back to MPA and start paying more attention in school.
No. 139017
>>139012Truancy is a crime bitch and they will arrest you for not taking your kid to school
I understand struggling with mental illness and PPD as a parent but if you cannot take care of your child's basic needs then you are unfit to be a parent
No. 139034
>>139010Wow, stellar argument newfag.
By that standard then most people should gtfo this thread because it never receives anything of substance.
No. 139083
File: 1465672494049.png (560.64 KB, 625x575, ct2.png)

i actually laughed out loud when i saw this
No. 139099
File: 1465679298461.jpeg (83.33 KB, 640x640, image.jpeg)

saged because every1 hates ember
but her anatomy is getting worse kek
No. 139126
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These look like her real chunky monkey thighs I thought she had
No. 139128
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Sage for more ember but omg those shorts are showing too much detail….
No. 139144
File: 1465693060150.png (508.88 KB, 1032x601, Screen Shot 2016-06-11 at 5.57…)

No. 139146
File: 1465693372678.png (64.44 KB, 674x246, Screen Shot 2016-06-11 at 6.02…)

sage for double post but if her icon isn't the most proana shit i've ever seen…
No. 139153
>>139151I'm currently in the process of communicating with Instagram via email regarding Ember Whann.
I sent them a lengthy email detailing, complete with screenshots, the various blatent pro-anorexia pictures she posts, proof that she deletes them to avoid being caught/deleted as well as comments she has made to other users which could be construed as bullying. I also provided proof that she used a previous account to create a 'hate-account' about another user (Mackenzie).
I have also sent a detailed explanation of her follower base explaining that she follows young children (under 16s) and that her Instagram behaviour clearly presents a danger to vulnerable young children with mental health problems.
No. 139155
>>139153Apologies for the two posts, I accidentally clicked 'new reply'.
Instagram have assured me they are investigating her account and are taking this all very seriously especially considering the fact she is (essentially) an adult who is using her online presence to deliberately manipulate children. So yeah, fingers crossed. I've kicked up quite a stink with Instagram over this and I'll update as soon as I get another reply.
No. 139159
File: 1465700032305.jpeg (128.12 KB, 750x1026, image.jpeg)

anyone else notice Crocker e-begging earlier?
No. 139166
>>139159I honest to god can't stand shit like this. Buy it yourself.
I'm so sick of tumblr girls promoting their amazon wish lists at every opportunity because they're cute and know they can get away with it.
No. 139167
I mean everyone shit themselves when she stopped updating, if you're this invested wouldn't you want her to stay for more of her powdered milk?
No. 139222
File: 1465733076522.jpg (138.03 KB, 530x637, IMG_20160612_070218.jpg)

Oli and Ember must go to the same waxing salon. KEK fucking disgusting
No. 139224
>>139155Actually I am surprised that her account is still there and wasn't deleted yet. Her account is so plain obvious pro (photoshopped) Ana.
Same with hllylzbth, her OOTD posts are nothing but "Look how skinny I am" pro Ana glorified posts.
Instagram has deleted many accounts which were 1000 more harmless.
No. 139237
No. 139293
File: 1465758240984.jpeg (161.68 KB, 1277x1473, image.jpeg)

Everyday & multiple times, Kuza aka; Turtl.ed; aka recovery owls (which she no longer makes or sells apparently) begs for people to follow her main account and to be active. I don't think I've ever seen someone on Instagram so thirsty for followers, likes & comments as her. Her posts are dull body checks or random things which she ends up deleting daily, I just don't get this kind of mentalitiy.
No. 139300
File: 1465760863011.jpeg (50.29 KB, 640x526, image.jpeg)

>>139293WHO LISTS MIGRAINES IN THEIR BIO?????? So so weird
No. 139305
>>139300'But muh problems'!!
Bitch tons of people suffer from migraines and don't point it out in their social media bios, wah wah get a job you useless tit.
No. 139309
File: 1465763062234.jpeg (219.11 KB, 750x1018, image.jpeg)

Emily is back to buying crusty shit wigs again
No. 139318
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>>139315CryingEmily is already done with her new boyfriend. Look out Gracie!
No. 139326
File: 1465768485562.jpg (108.85 KB, 528x812, IMG_20160612_165229.jpg)

Fucking Hypocrite
No. 139341
File: 1465774150770.jpeg (339.97 KB, 1242x2002, image.jpeg)

>>139326Ember the jewelry designer clearly wants nothing to do with you especially with fucking poses like this. "Look at my necklace guys!! Report all the Anas but not me"
And what the fuck are your shorts even doing
No. 139353
>>139341 Could her posing even get more forced/awkward?! Her shit posture kinda reminds me of that Acacia girl i these pics.
but i wish she would put some more clothes on, those shorts are disturbing me.
No. 139358
>>139341Those shorts are stupid looking as fuck hanging off her waist but skin tight on the thighs / crotch. Also she must have a constant sore neck and shoulders from straining so hard.
And btw your totally normal arms give away the fact you're not skeletal Ember.
No. 139359
File: 1465778516630.png (299.99 KB, 562x561, Screenshot_2016-06-12-20-35-26…)

Can't fool me with your wobbly thighs and your fat pussy lip hanging down Ember
No. 139393
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No. 139394
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2/2 this is turtl.ed's current food account
No. 139407
File: 1465791231757.jpg (42.81 KB, 577x657, 1.JPG)

>>139222Can't be sure, but she might've pruned her bush. She's pulling her knickers and tights down (for some reason) and it doesn't look as rampant.
No. 139480
>>139341>>139396Funny how no one wants her to promote their stuff so she has to buy it or they give her something so she fucks off lol
Oh Ember, you'll never be a promoter, you suck at it too much.
No. 139484
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>>134257This is why Minnie Maude is dangerous, this woman obviously had mental health problems around food, but that doesn't mean they will be fixed by eating yourself to obesity. It's sad really No. 139546
File: 1465839677016.png (1.91 MB, 1864x1196, image.png)

>>139484she says she's gained 89lbs "so far" - she's still gaining weight. it's just killing yourself the other way. MM is fucked up.
No. 139552
>>139546Yes she claimed that she used to starve herself and obviously must have self esteem problems then, but she physically was never underweight going on that before photo, she looks maybe overweight then. The issues surrounding food could have been addressed without going on MM and gaining 89lb on a body that did not need it. This is why qualified medics need to be consulted, not some bullshit Minnie Maude creator who doesn't think bing eating and obesity are serious health problems.
It's such a scam, and all these followers are destroying their health.
No. 139582
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Guess she's buying them so fast the browser can't load it
No. 139592
>>139552Samefag, but not the first one who posted about her. I didn't want to chime in on the "is she/isn't she disordered" conversation as the account is fairly fresh and I don't feel like there's enough to go on to determine if she had EDNOS or bulimia or not. There's nothing kadee-levels of questionable anyway. Completely agree with you though on MM points.
saged for no1 curr
No. 139596
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No. 139634
File: 1465863007873.jpeg (563 KB, 2048x2048, image.jpeg)

this girl makes me crazy.
No. 139679
File: 1465873079443.jpeg (94.31 KB, 640x1001, image.jpeg)

>>139634this one was created in february
No. 139692
>>139679At least people aren't donating. I think everyone knows that she will never recover. She loves her ED and her precious tube (that has has for 'digestive issues' she said, not related to her ed')
The singing thing-she posts videos of herself lip syncing to lesser known artists that do covers plus videos of her real voice so it's easy to tell that she's lying. No one has called her out on it though. That would be hilarious.
No. 139783
File: 1465915318394.jpg (156.43 KB, 530x798, IMG_20160614_094046.jpg)

Promoting drugs again Ember?
No. 139791
File: 1465916939906.png (165.35 KB, 471x649, wp_ss_20160614_0005.png)

When people who try hard to be trans bang on about being trans inevitably it draws more attention to the fact they're really the gender they were born as.
Same goes for healthy size girls who try to appear anorexic.
Image related.
No. 139795
>>139783Guess she figured the weed goes with her ~witch~ aesthetic, next sjes gonna call herself a green witch lol
Idk shit about weed but why is it in a wooden pipe thing? Doesnt in have to be in glass or something like that?
No. 139798
>>139795most likely for ~aesthetic~. weed does not
have to be in glass, it can be smoked out of a lot of things, though a lot of people prefer to. can't figure out if her thing is wood or bone or what, but what a cute amount of weed she's got there.
No. 139977
File: 1465960214150.png (97.61 KB, 270x275, 1439813757420.png)

never 4get Ember's make up skills lmao
No. 139982
File: 1465962437838.jpeg (78.06 KB, 640x858, image.jpeg)

>>139977Never forget embers real face
No. 140075
File: 1465996824148.jpg (93.63 KB, 534x737, IMG_20160615_081806.jpg)

Can't get attention for being a whore
Can't get attention for fake ED
Can't get attention for disassociating
So you turn to day drinking to copy Emily
No. 140149
File: 1466020469493.png (637.18 KB, 926x592, EW.png)

wtf is this brand new figure she's dreamed up? she looks nothing like this in any other photo she's posted before
No. 140161
File: 1466023559069.jpg (169.19 KB, 720x1123, IMG_20160615_134241.jpg)

>>140149i'm cackling; she blocked me so fast
No. 140166
>>140149She needs to chill with the shooping
She couldve gotten more attention by the fitness community, her body isnt that bad, just need to gain some muscle. But I guess that would take too much effort and being approved by 14 year olds is more important
No. 140170
>>140150This comparison is gold, nice work.
She just wants to have every ideal and it's so unrealistic, she wants to be spoopy ana at the same time as curvy hourglass and it's like no that's not how anatomy works
No. 140207
File: 1466029418332.jpg (48.94 KB, 474x597, emily is crying.JPG)

Emily's vowed to be the spoopiest. I think a lot of us reckoned she'd become Ash the Second, and here it begins.
No. 140224
File: 1466030500275.jpg (46.07 KB, 289x397, how unimportant i am.JPG)

Complains that she hates CAHMS yet fucked off most of her appointments. Perhaps if she'd actually bothered to accept their help she wouldn't be feeling as shit as she does right now.
No. 140303
>>140149this is a joke of hers, right?? i mean, look how stretched towards her waist her left arm is… and she's not proportioned correctly? god if she's going to do this horrible of a shoop job she could at least TRY
it's like her badly shooped chin all over again
No. 140307
>>140304Yes I read it all. Did you read her comment after?
>Tbh though I'm the twat who lies and says that everything is fine and I'm managing and shit but I don't want their 'help' anyway. Its pure utter bullshitThere you go. She doesn't benefit because she lies, waterloads, etc. She doesn't want their help, so she won't get any. I know mental health care is wank, but it's what you make of it and she made nothing of it.
No. 140367
File: 1466065285278.png (293.06 KB, 640x1136, image.png)

Is she talking about lolcow? She's taking a a 'break' from IG now because of it.
No. 140379
File: 1466067012692.png (105.86 KB, 750x1334, image.png)

Reeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!! Fuck you all summer newfags!!!!!!
No. 140388
>>140379I thought it was just Kadee, or did someone tip off Kelly as well?
>>140380Slight OT / blog but I've actually seen a 300+ lb cow claim to be anorexic in an ED clinic group.
No. 140443
File: 1466076264437.jpeg (29.69 KB, 403x389, image.jpeg)

>>140435Then why ask dumbass?
No. 140541
File: 1466095061322.jpg (31 KB, 295x248, contraception.JPG)

It's a given that anyone discussed here will be told about it by one of the two cows I'm thinking of, or one of their WKs.
In other news, CryingEmily thinks she's got knocked up. She's doing a test tomorrow morning.
No. 140551
>>140547Whann and alcoholic Emily.
>>140550I've been wondering how her her DID is coming along.
No. 140594
>>140507Yeah, I would've thought that too but I think she learned her lesson from incidents with the Trashley thread.
You know what though, I'm more inclined to believe that that retard Candice did alert her to it. She did her PULLtard callout the most amateur way, she's definitely stupid enough to link her. It all happened suspiciously fast. And whose to say that it wasn't a Kadee Sockpuppet she was responding to?
No. 140647
File: 1466101040693.jpg (19.27 KB, 299x144, okay jan.JPG)

>>140642Well, of course our Emily thinks she's fat and therefore healthy even though she hasn't had a period. She'll have had sex during the pat 2 weeks and now she thinks she's pregnant. When will dumb bitches start using contraception? Anyhow, she's being dramatic as per and of course she isn't pregnant but needs attention and a drama.
No. 140658
File: 1466101498663.png (135.86 KB, 517x356, k.png)

>>140367RIP one of the best cows of all time
No. 140693
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No. 140694
File: 1466102673913.gif (272.46 KB, 279x578, tumblr_inline_o8vhl8jJU91u7aie…)

This is reverse photo shop of embers recent
No. 140695
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No. 140696
File: 1466102741151.gif (446.08 KB, 540x489, 74c0e39e-f81b-46d3-bfb2-972ed3…)

No. 140697
File: 1466102756453.jpeg (95.73 KB, 781x350, image.jpeg)

>>140658Was fun while it lasted
No. 141037
>>140307CAMHS is generally shit, they say unhelpful things and discharge you once they're bored with you.
Not whitenighting but I don't blame her spoopy ass for not going.
No. 141317
File: 1466182452685.jpeg (77.4 KB, 750x734, image.jpeg)

Onision used one of Emily C's gifs in his videos lmaooo
No. 141327
File: 1466185034657.jpg (98.54 KB, 268x537, IMG_20160617_123155.jpg)

Posted and deleted and replaced with a less obvious shopped pic
No. 141341
>>140150you are all thick.
her body looks different due to the different angles she uses it is not photoshop. for example if you were lying on the floor and looking at her figure it would obviously appear as hourglasses where as if you took a look at her from an above angle her waist would hollow.
angles guys not photoshop.
No. 141361
File: 1466188635785.jpeg (507.43 KB, 2048x2048, image.jpeg)

>>141327And a whole new shape once again. Where's the 'hourglass' gone?
No. 141364
File: 1466189290811.png (700.35 KB, 640x1136, image.png)

>>134257And here's how CryingEmily looks when she's not cheek sucking and widening her eyes.
No. 141365
File: 1466189418361.jpg (42.27 KB, 279x249, IMG_20160617_134416.jpg)

At least she's only half alien
No. 141375
>>141364Middlesborough??? Found the page here hasn't done her pregnancy test. I'd be more concerned about getting a chlamydia test tbh.
No. 141427
>>141423Hey, if you're talking about the vid she posted on instagram with the leaf crown thing, it's a snapchat filter that like smooths your skin and edits your face a bit.
Not saying she doesn't edit herself, but in that video I don't think she was trying to be slick about it haha
No. 141433
>>141427Jesus Christ you are obvious.
So why is your face more round on a SC filter that slims your face than a pic of you with a regular camera?
No. 141436
>>141433I'm not Emily, I was just trying to explain theres a filter on it because someone mentioned a similar filter in the camwhore thread.
Maybe I was wrong, sorry if thats the case.
No. 141464
>>138200My god what a fucking cave troll
those fucking snaggle teeth
No. 141702
File: 1466292065421.png (342.99 KB, 666x365, hano2.png)

i hate it when anachans try to pull the "i never noticed how skinny i was" thing
No. 141708
File: 1466292808573.jpeg (213.39 KB, 750x1104, image.jpeg)

Photoshop/filters or weight loss? U decide.
No. 141737
>>141708Tbh I find it hard to make fun of the real ana skellies. If they were genuinely anorexic and are now looking healthy I'm like pretty happy for them even if they're an attention seeking bland kid like emcrocker. Same with crying Emily, it's hard to laugh at someone actually ill
I think that's why embers my fav, because it's all fake and that's so tragically funny and entertaining
No. 141757
>>141744She was full of shit. All that happened was puberty. She had a growth spurt and stopped being a chubby middle schooler like the majority of girls. She shopped the shit out of herself to copy Felice and the rest is history. You can tell she was full of shit when you look at her try hard gifs trying to look sexy.
Sage cause