File: 1463512479542.jpg (82.81 KB, 592x597, we dont know how she stands up…)

No. 144651
Hi, newfags!
We do not know how she is still alive.
We do not know why she isn't sectioned.
We don't know how often she binges.
So, Ash has rekindled her friendship with Jackie. She still hangs out with herself at Target.
Last thread saged and /pt wouldn't feel right without an Ash thread.
Instagram: No. 144652
File: 1463512629253.jpg (95.3 KB, 921x620, pretty.JPG)

Latest fb profile pic.
No. 144658
File: 1463518225045.png (384.86 KB, 403x483, ashkek.png)

Caption: SO THESE ARE A THING?? ? What has America come to lol. Anywaysssss, if you have tasted these morsels, I applaud you ?? maybe one day I'll be okay with myself.. to be able to buy something like this. ? Each day is a tough ass battle, but I'm still here..??
No. 144661
>>144658American Milky Way is UK Mars bar. I wondered where the caramel came into it, so I found that fun fact.
In NO WAY is Ash nasty and rude.
>wastingzoeI'm actually fangirling like crazy because you noticed me thank you for making this tough day better for me JFC
She's still got that band aid on. Of course she eats this shit. I guess she's doing this
>>144660 unless someone who's binged and puked so much gets to a point where they can't do it any more?
Tell you what "brave" would be, Ashley. Check yourself in for treatment. It'll do more for you than being "brave" enough to keep down a box of brownies.
No. 144662
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>>144661I dropped the pic to the nasty and rude comment.
>>144656yup, it's her profile pic so everyone gets to see it.
No. 144663
>>144661I honestly think she bought it and binged/purged the box.
Also does anyone know what was with the band aid?
No. 144664
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kek at ashley's followers using it pronouns
No. 144665
>>144664My pronouns are taco and pizza kek
I don't care if someone wants to use he/she, they/them. But IT? What are you, a table? Well, it's 2016 and Tumblr is taking over world
No. 144667
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without her drawn on brows
No. 144669
>>144668Oh shit anon I was about to say the same.
Truly disgusting
No. 144673
>>144667havent been to an ashley thread in 6months because its too depressing but damn she looks even closer to death (didnt think its possible)
this is too sad
dont most people that get this sick die? like hardly anyone recovers from this level of ana and even then, you have permanent damage :/
No. 144677
>>144676How can you be happy when you have no quality of life?
And it's not like Ash just has anorexia, she also has BPD and that's an extremely difficult disorder to treat.
No. 144679
>>144677She's never known what a decent quality of life is really. On her youtubes she's walking around and messing about but for the majority of her adult life she's known nothing of actually having a life where she travels, dances around in her room, has the thrill of a new relationship, etc, so she doesn't know
really what she's missing. It's like she doesn't miss it because she never had it. She's
used to her life as poor as it is.
No. 144685
>>144683one of the signs of being near death is unhealing wounds
In the wheelchair pic its surprising she can even hold up her phone. (Fun fact shes at a dooney & burke outlet store with a $80 vera bradley bag)
No. 144690
>>144651Never having experienced it before, I am curious about how much pain she is in. It must be constant. Her bones are only covered by a very thin layer of slowly decaying skin.
Just one accidental fall will snap her like a twig.
On her tumblr, she reblogs the occasional nude photo of a girl. Not emaciated girls, mind you, but full fleshed tissue and fat everything girls. Mainly ass or tits. She tags them as "sexy" and "nsfw".
Is she past the point of feeling jealously? Is she even attracted to girls? What happened to her thinking healthy weights were fat?
No. 144693
>>144692Her mom probably, for sure her stans. A bunch of them will blame farmers for cyberbullying her to death, and how brave she was, total fighter etc.
Just wondering, who here would classify Ash as pro ana? I know the majority of her fans are but otherwise she feels pretty lowkey next to Ember and co. What do you think?
No. 144694
>>144693She intentionally
triggers people and used to brag about her binges so I'd say maybe she used to be pro-ana but toned it down a bit.
No. 144695
>>144693I don't think she's pro ana, I think she goes out and says '
triggering' shit just to prove she's the most spoopiest spoop ever and nobody else is as good as she thinks she is.
Her whole identity is presumably wrapped up in how little she weighs so by calling another anorexic fat or telling a little kid she's eating too much food ash bolsters her stupid sense of achievement.
No. 144702
>>144701Ugh, it would be all about how everyone has wronged her.
But I would like a factual account of her daily reality. Sleep amount, daily routine, what functions she does or doesn't have, how she cares for herself, how she enacts her ED. Ditto the same from her mom's perspective.
No. 144704
>>144702Same fam
I wanna know if she faints when she gets worked up and yells or mid-binge.
I wanna know if she drinks water at all, if she has any continence left, if she drifts off mid sentence because her brain is so broken.
How much has her brain shrunk? What's her usual blood pressure and temp?
Who cares about ash whining, as a person she's boring as shit. she's a great guinea pig or lab report though.
No. 144705
>>144700Sure is anon, but it's also manageable.
Speaking from experience.
She's never needed a reason to get better, so why do it? It takes a lot of work and self reflection. Bitch is no where near humble enough.
She's earned her situation.
No. 144707
>>144704>>144705truest shit I've read about Ashley.
Of course her personality is made SOO much worse by the anorexia. Being that hangry makes you into a super omega bitch. She doesn't seem to wanna fix any of them.
It's been said so many times before but imma just chime in and say that the best thing to happen to her is death. And that doesn't come from spite…it's the sad truth.
No. 144710
>>144709Dreamt that she came crawling towards me on all fours like a spider last night
I wonder if she crawls around at home. Can't imagine she bothers with the wheelchair inside.
No. 144712
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that's not a recipe, that's putting flavor drops in water
No. 144716
>>144712 Anna vs Ash.
The battle of stevia vs chemicals.
Who will be the worst 'chef'?
No. 144725
>>144717>she said ingredients
>making my own concoctionsAdding drink drops to water isn't your "own" concoction
a squeeze-top water bottle isn't an "ingredient."
Cute attempt at being pedantic, though. I can't wait til your cookbook made with professional glitter glue comes out.
Sample Ash recipes:
Krispy Kreme Surprise!
24 Krispy Kreme donuts, assorted
Place donuts into mouth. Chew and swallow. Allow ingredients to mix briefly in the esophagus. Vomit up. Serve with garnish.
Macaroni and Cheese A La Mode:
Kraft Instant Mac and Cheese:
Place Mac and Cheese into mouth. Chew and swallow. Allow ingredients to mix briefly in the esophagus. Vomit up. Serve with hot sauce.
Mashed Potato Puree:
Baby Food Blender
Place potato into baby food blender. Blend. Place blended potato into baby food container. Place container on counter. Ignore.
No. 144726
>>144723asks for hello kitty toys, baby food blenders, calico critter toys
lives with mother
has never had a job or an education
can't drive
literally cannot bathe self
wears an adult diaper
wears toddler sized clothing
>When will you guys grow up? No. 144727
File: 1463869732747.jpg (Spoiler Image,376.94 KB, 1024x661, AYY LMAO.jpg)

>>144712That bottle is photoshopped in. Is she so weak that she can't lift water bottles anymore?
She should hook up with this guy.
No. 144732
>>144717>Funny how she never said recipe?Lol, fuck you.
a set of instructions for preparing a particular dish, including a list of the ingredients required
She was instructing people on how to make her
special drink using a fucking water flavor enhancer and a bottled water as the
>because it got 300 likes it means it's not stupid, right?WRONG. You are a whiteknight, a really bad one.
No. 144734
>>144733About me: 28, hospitalized x14, current rads: 190 HR: 250 GR: 900
Today I broke the microwave door and stood in front of it for 20 minutes #bodygoals #mentalhealth #spiderpowers
Today my mom found out that I was camming in exchange for vintage 1950s toy chemistry sets
#parents #grounded
Anyone else like to make concoctions? I call this one "Yellow Tingle". Ingredients: one light bulb (not the spiral kind), one hammer. Smash bulb with hammer and suck on the filament.
#dolightbulbsradiate #struggling
No. 144735
>>144733He wasn't burned though.
It's radiation. Totally different beasts.
No. 144737
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>>144727Only thing she should've hooked up with a loooooong time ago
No. 144741
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No :)
No. 144743
>>144742It's not like she could run or jog, a liter bottle is probably horribly heavy for her so she's not lifting. Any distance over 70m seems too far for her to shuffle across without falling.
Does she do a sit up or two before the skin over her vertebrae breaks and she has to rest because it was too much exertion? Squats to tone her asshole gap?
No. 144747
>>144746>she's not completely in a vegetive stateAs I'm sure 400-500 pound morbidly obese people aren't either in the sense that they can stand up, waddle around for spurts, and have the energy to lift bottles of soda.
It's still a comparatively limited state of being.
No. 144749
>>144746Nobody has ever said she's in a vegetative state.
She is however pretty much the same as all the other women just as anoretic as she is and their behavior and capabilities are well documented.
She's not vegetative, she's just pathetically weak.
No. 144750
>>144748Nah, not the bonelord, thnx.
And I've seen her walk w/o any chair or motorcart. Not for miles, mind you, and it's odd to see, but her body does it.
No. 144763
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>>144762go back to mpa please.
No. 144773
>>144772Fine, you're right.
5'1" is still super short for fully grown adult and is the average height of 13 year old female.
I'd imagine it's difficult for a short person to go grocery shopping and use a regular cart, unless they're a lot shorter than I'm thinking of. I'm realllyyyy bad at guesstimating prorpotions since I'm a bit on the taller side.
No. 144775
>>144774Ah ok, thanks. Like I said, I'm really bad at guessing.
I have a hard time believing Ash could push a grocery cart, though.
No. 144778
>>144754Nobody gives a shit when all your suffering is brought on by yourself.
You can spend your entire life setting the table for a pity-party like Ash has, but it doesn't mean anybody is gonna join you.
If she's a victim its only of herself. Why feel sorry for someone who's deliberately a waste?
No. 144779
>>144777 see
>>144778She has had ten years to stop suffering and chose to refuse every opportunity. Any suffering she lives with is because she invited it in and then begged it to stay.
She could have been someone but she knowingly chose to be a sick miserable bitch and she knowingly chose to take it out on anyone she sees make better choices.
She's a cunt, regardless of how pitiful she makes herself look. Being pathetic isn't permission to be bitter and mean to anyone else.
Ash can pretend her mental health is an excuse to be nothing but a bitch but it doesn't make it valid.
No. 144781
>>144779She was forced inpatient as a teen, so she did get help in some respect. She just didn't continue to get help, refuses to admit she has problems and worst of all, she sabatoges other people's recovery and tries to get people to relapse by sending them binge food.
She also used to talk a lot more about binging and purging, my guess is she stopped doing so because it made her look bad.
No. 144782
>>144780Mental illness is a bitch to deal with but refusing to try is just self sabotage. She's made no discernible effort to improve her life. She chose to victimize herself.
No has never been unable to help herself. She's not psychotic, she's just a petulant demanding baby.
No. 144783
>>144782Well her mom got her forced inpatient at least twice. And Ash once mentioned she was in a coma at some period.
But I agree that after that, she's made no real effort to help herself, to tell the real truth which I believe she is absolutely incapable of telling. It's always her version of the truth and it always will be.
No. 144793
File: 1464096416658.png (26.92 KB, 695x308, gutsspillingover.png)

>>144791here you go, anon. From guts-spilling-over.
No. 144798
File: 1464103562401.png (656.33 KB, 855x530, friendshiplol.png)

So Jackie gives Ash a Hello Kitty bracelet/watch or whatever and Jackie gets this in return. It looks like it cost maybe four dollars or some shit.
No. 144799
>>144798Fucking hell. There's Jolto again.
I know Jackie's special needs, but I thought she was pissed off with Ash enough to never bother with her again. Usually the ex friend breaks ties completely. Jackie must be so easily manipulated.
No. 144800
>>144799They must have made up. Jolto is up everyone's ass on IG so I am not surprised.
I feel bad for Jackie. I remember she came here and was so pissed at Ash. Jackie, if you're reading this, you need to stay away from Ashley. She hurt you once, and she'll do it again.
No. 144802
>>144801Jackie doesn't have a sister.
She has a neighbor that she calls 'sissy'. Jackie has NO REAL BLOOD-RELATED SISTER.
The Swatch watch wasn't from her,
the hand-made FRIENDSHIP bracelet was from her.
No. 144809
>>144806Any more suspicious than frivolous purchases from known clothing retailers and malls though?
At least cash isn't traceable, if they really wanted to nail her about unnecessary spending all they need do is look at the statements.
I think the easier answer is that government entities just can't keep track of every individual unless fraud is directly reported.
>>144807Someone in that household's gotta.
No. 144814
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Ash reading this thread, probably looking like this.
I really like the thought of someone reporting her.
Ash, someone is going to fuck with your bread and butter.
No. 144817
File: 1464150995076.jpg (184.3 KB, 1338x413, spoopy.jpg)

Because of the raid, this thread on doxxing came to the top of /g/ from 8 months back.
Am I new to Ashley threads and this connection was already established?
In relation to this, kinda
>>144788>>144791 No. 144818
>>144812She probably hates her mom for putting her in inpatient, and thus directly (in Ash's mind) causing her anoreixa, since she said she was just bulimic before. I'm armchairing hard right now, but I wonder if Ash refuses to get help not because she wants to be number one spook, although that is likely a part of it, but because she feels like if she goes into recovery, she's letting her mom "win." Likely everything she did before was in defiance of her mom, so when she was involuntarily committed, she felt like she had been one upped. Ash has stated before that her mom used to have competitions with her, so I really wouldn't be surprised if Ash saw this as one.
No. 144819
>>144817That's not Ashley. The typing style is all wrong.
Or are you just referencing the way this girl was treated for how Ash may have been treated? In which case, it's a possibility that she experienced that, but she did show off her boobs (at least), so the pedos might have been satisfied with her. There's really no way to know without her telling us.
No. 144826
>>144822She didn't actually
say retarded, but it was insinuated.
>>144825Her ig videos.
Ash commented on one of Aly's pics today. Imagine getting your head around recovery and that spoops face pops up in you comments.
No. 144827
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Her fall out with Jackie is documented here
>>>/pt/197629 No. 144829
>>144828I DO like how Aly is talking about how she realises how "ugly" (I'd say "ill", but she sees it as "ugly") she looked at her worst. That's kind of reassuring that Aly wouldn't get ~
Hope the bitch doesn't say something like TOO MUCH FOOD to her though.
No. 144830
>>144827Oooooooh, thanks.
So, Jacie wasn't good enough for her or whatever initially, but she suddenly has no problem with Jackie anymore?
No. 144836
>>144831Speach impediments don't always mean someone is desperate or slow. I followed Jackie for a very long time on ig and she is a really overly caring girl with a lot of forgiving.
I think she feels bad for Ash.
No. 144837
>>144836Either way, Jackie deserves better than to be manipulated and used by Ash. She's a nice woman, she's struggling, and she's never hurt anyone as far as we know.
Jackie needs real friends, and Ashley isn't one.
No. 144839
Jackie is really the only one of Ashley's friends that I like.
>>144835I mean, velcro shoes don't mean you're mentally handicapped either.
No. 144841
>>144782>>144781Have any of you considered that that's kind of part of the disease? Refusing to admit to anything being wrong? Maybe she doesn't even feel she deserves the help. You really cant speak about mental illness as if it's rationality thought through by the sufferer. Every mental illness will have some alarming affect on how accurately a person is able to percieve and/or deal with the world. It makes no sense to act as though the people with the illness are fighting cancer and are just stupidly choosing not to get treatment.
Anyway, sage. I don't care for Ashley but you anons are ridiculous. She's shittt, and I dont think hrr mental illness neceszarily excuses it, but its as if you paint broad strokes about all mentally ill based on her or your own thought processes.
No. 144842
>>144841She deliberately allowed herself to get to a point where she is incapable of reasonable thought or action, and incapable of rational decisions. She chose to get there, despite intervention.
She was a petulant, stubborn bitch when she could have recovered, and her spookification has only exacerbated those traits. In the end its her own fault she's in her disgusting state. If she's gonna insist on attention whoring, begging for shit, and being awful to better people she's gonna get picked on for it.
No. 144844
>>144842Like I said, can't apply rational thought process to something as irrational as mental illness. If she didn't want to help - because of the illness- what makes you think she's going to take advantage of the help she's offered? The disordered thinking doesn't just start at spoopy level. It continues because it started far earlier. It's hard to change even then.
There are plenty of other things to complain about.
No. 144845
>>144844Where did I say I thought she's ever use anything helpful?
We discuss it because she's a thing to discuss. There's never going to be an answer to most of what anyone really wants to know but people are clearly gonna speculate.
Move on if you don't like something instead of complaining. Nobody is gonna moderate their discussion to suit one whiner.
No. 144846
>>144844That's bullshit because both Erika and Ashley have personality disorder yet Erika went into treatment to get better.
It's not a mental illness thing, it's an Ash thing.
Also how does Ash having a mental illness not excuse the racist crap she's said? or the fact that she goes out of her way to sabatoge other people's recovery? or that she used to brag about binging and purging on tumblr?
No. 144850
>>144849Yes anon, someone says it.
Ash has nothing, absolutely nothing.
No. 144862
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Yeah ash, we are so so horny.
No. 144864
>>144862Wow she's proud that her tantrum is actually longer. Do you guys think she'd be less or more of a cunt if Rebecca had of just let her loose posting her CP on 4chan?
Yeah that's right ash. You're a child pornographer. Victim your way out of that you fat fuck.
No. 144872
>>144869She'll be standing in the wasteland of Disneyland, puking up ancient funnel cake and hotdogs pretending she's superior people who aren't oxygen-thieving wastes of space.
You know Ashley, if you took up more space you'd be wasting less of it.
This sack of shit should really just lie down and let herself die. Hashtagging the word recovery doesn't mean you are.
No. 144874
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Ah, the debates of people who believe in freedom of choice.
No. 144875
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>>144873Ash's tumblr. Someone asked her how she feels about us saying she's had a ten year long tantrum, and she replied that she has had anorexia for fifteen years, not ten.
No. 144893
>>144890Cool diary fam.
Ash has access to treatment and assistance and ash refuses it. Ash has previously had treatment and she immediately and deliberately engaged in illness as soon as she left it.
Ash chose this shitty existence every day. Fifteen years of opportunities to say 'I will get better and have a life'
5,475 days. 5,475 times she said 'nah I will not try'
She CHOSE to spend her life stuck in a wheelchair or a recliner, pissing and shitting her toddler-sized leggings, too weak to wash the vomit out of her wig. She picked this life instead of any other.
I don't get why anybody feels bad for her.
No. 144894
>>144893Back when I first heard about Ash, I felt bad for her. But then she said something about being scared of black people, and then there was the various fights with all her friends, who confirmed Ash is a shitty person.
Then I stopped feeling bad for her.
No. 144899
>>144897Honestly, even typing it out was gruesome. I can't imagine living it.
I wonder how long its been since she could even recall feeling okay.
Or, for that matter, warm, comfortable, strong, and alert.
She's less functional than a five year old.
No. 144903
>>144898Diagnosed with anorexia at 14.
Diagnosed with an ED was 11.
Learn to fucking read, her blog post was posted twice you fucking morons.
No. 144907
>>144906Yep, although I highly doubt she'll be around when she's 30.
>>144905Apparently, she doesn't.
No. 144908
>>144903Jesus christ
>>144907Agreed. I'm surprised she's lasted this far tbh
No. 144910
>>144909I hate saying this, but Ash doesn't pretend she's ok.She talks about having to use a wheelchair, she talks about not having energy and sleeping a lot.
She used to act like she could do everything early on but she's been slightly more honest about how she feels the last couple of years.
No. 144917
She makes no mention of her condition being painful, constantly freezing, and too starved for simple mental tasks either.
That's not a bad thing, its just not honesty about her condition either.
She's still clinging to the mysterious vibe even though there's no mystery to her.
No. 144920
>>144919In the end it doesn't matter who paid what.
Ash can chimp out about it all the likes, Rebecca can do whatever she wants with her own money. Ash probably just got pissy about it because she expected presents or food to puke.
No. 144923
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guys, the more you post about how amazing it is that her body is still alive, the more you feed her ego. she lurks here, let's not 'feed' her anymore.
No. 144926
File: 1464674311090.jpg (156.07 KB, 640x920, 0519e9306628d962914580af9d020e…)

>>144922>>144923Is it bad that I want to speed up her graveyard progress by swinging a bat at her? Or wanting to 'accidentally' bump into her so that her creaky bones shatter into a million pieces?
No. 144933
>>144932Ash wants attention. This brings her attention. It's as simple as that. It's her thing, her identity.
Hospitals can only help people who want to be helped. Florida hospitals will often not even do that much.
No. 144934
To those who say this isn't a revenge thing, this was posted in Ash thread #8 by someone named twatwaffle. I don't know who that is, maybe Gia, but it's someone who knows Ash much better than the rest of us.
"I don't think that sounds cunty or malicious. Ashley knows full well the mental/physical fatigue she puts Rebecca through and fucking gets off on it. She considers it "revenge" for Rebecca cutting off her whole "show my tits and bits on Stickam for presents," as was her suicide attempt after she was caught (which was a whole 'notha episode, hooboy.)
The Amazon wishlist is another "fuck you, Mom" endeavour as well, goes without saying. Anytime she begs for shit, I guaran-fucking-tee you that Rebecca told her "no" about something, whether it's another Target trip, a ride to Whole Foods, "will you leave me pizza money while you're at work," etc."
No. 144935
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No. 144936
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No. 144947
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And again…
No. 144950
>>144948I highly doubt that, anon.
>>144949What on earth can she even do as a workout? she doesn't have a lot of arm or leg strength.
No. 144955
>>144935god her skin must be paper thin.
why live in agony to exact revenge on someone else? this is so pitiful
No. 144956
>>144955It's also stupid. Think about it, when Ash dies, Rebecca can live her life in peace. So Ash thinks she's screwing her mom over but really, Ash is just screwing herself.
that said, Rebecca is still paying for Ash's inpatient stays from when Ash was a minor, not to mention that apparently, Rebecca has no money to afford a burial for Ash.
No. 144957
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>>144938Looks like there's a big brown growth under it.
No. 144959
>>144958She's not just some handicapped person.
She's a shriveled up vomit goblin twitching and rattling around trying to share toys with little kids. She looks like an AIDS victim for Christs sake. Would you honestly want this smelly, sickly corpse wheeling up trying to wheedle a trade out of your 8 year old?
No. 144964
>>144962Ew. I'd keep my kids away. For all strangers know she's dying and contagious.
An actual disabled person is a whole different kettle of fish to some crazy bitch who happens to look pitiful.
No. 144966
>>144965So are rapists, murderers, and terrorists.
Obviously ash isn't that level of horrible but, the 'she's still human' argument doesn't amount to shit.
Being part of the species doesn't mean you should be around small children. Get the hell back into your cave Ashley.
No. 144968
>>144959>>144964Oh c'mon, you're only saying this because you've witnessed Ash being a stubborn brat on the internet about her illness.
To strangers who don't know her she could easily have cancer or some other such terminal illness. IRL people treat those with obvious signs of illness with respect because it's fucking sad, her dying is not subtle at this point.
Nobody would shriek with horror or ignore her, social stigma and being perceived as lacking empathy carry a lot of weight in first world society.
No. 144973
>>144957Why does she draw on such terrible eyebrows?
It would honestly look better if she just left it instead of having two wonky, fucked up semi circles scrawled over her eye sockets.
She's got such trashy taste.
No. 144977
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I love how she feels the need to call people out
No. 144978
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>>144976Probably looks like a half of a rotting and withering grapefruit
No. 144985
>>144973That gets to me too. If she shopped at a store for adults instead of the kids toy store, maybe she'd find out that Anastasia Beverly Hills has eyebrow templates to help you fill them in nicely. But sure, keep buying toys, Ashley.
>>144947What she calls a "work out" is probably some sort of physical therapy she's supposed to do to keep her muscles from completely atrophying. I'm sure it's not exercise like we know it. It's probably just raising your arms and stuff.
And if I had children I'd keep them the hell away from her. They'd probably kill her by just knocking into her as a part of their usual running around. The kids I know have enough energy to knock down a healthy adult.
No. 144988
>>144958She's not handicapped. A legit handicapped person is someone who is disabled and into a wheel for reasons beyond their control; car accident, amputee, cancer, etc.
She is a selfish, greedy bitch who starves herself and doesn't care about anyone else. She shouldn't be around children. I bet they cried after seeing her skelly appearance.
No. 145000
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>>144927Uh no lol. I'm just saying basically what
>>144928 said. But ok Trashley have fun searching my IP address and reporting me, because I'm on vacation right now so all of my IP addresses are from hotel and public WiFis.
>>144985And if I had children I'd keep them the hell away from her. They'd probably kill her by just knocking into her as a part of their usual running around. The kids I know have enough energy to knock down a healthy adult.
But that's the best way to put Ash out of her misery…just let nature run its course and give her the Darwin Awards.
(( No. 145009
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>>144990>>144993there ya go
she should stop rattling on about her weight and start saying stuff like "my brain is developed less than those of your average 12-year old"
No. 145011
>>144997Lol I love how Ash wants it to be all mysterious like Y'ALL DON'T KNOW ME as though one day she'll unzip her skin suit and really have been a healthy weight all along masquerading as and adult who wears toddler pants. GOTCHA, INTERNET.
Or she's really a broom dressed as a horse dressed as a human. And thus, as a broom, weighs the correct amount.
No. 145019
>>145018Also dysmorphia makes them assume a healthy BMI equals fat. Being health means being normal, average, one of the crowd as opposed to being someone who stands out like a sore thumb and needs constant attention.
I see those pics of her, and just think what the hell must her mother be thinking when she sees her face every morning. Her mum must be so sad about how her daughters life has turned out. T
No. 145020
>>145019That too. I hate getting personal but at my lowest weight [bmi 16.8] I really couldn't see how thin I was in the mirror. But I could in pictures and my mind couldn't comprehend why the mirror was different than the camera, and I used to think the camera was lying.
But I got help and am doing better, though the BDD, impulses and mentality will always be a battle.
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Ash stop sending yourself asks.
Your response proves it.
No. 145036
>>145034because Ash is the only person who ~suffers~.
I wonder if, for even 10 seconds, she's ever given one fuck about anyone else whose life is dire, whether self-inflicted or not. No, thought not.
She's definitely suffering more than anyone else anywhere gas ever suffered. So special.
No. 145039
>>145038If she really wants the attention/gifts without recovering she could jut join a fetish site and sit naked in her gross wheelchair.
No effort for a lot of attention Ash, plus you loved to cam before you spooped yourself
No. 145054
>>145053Erika is just as bad as Ash. Remember Erika's self harming on IG? Remember the "bye guts!" melodrama? or the fact that Erika sent her kid to Brooklyn to live with the dad?
From what I remember, Erika was only loved here to piss Ashley off.
No. 145064
>>145054I think most people liked Erika because she was trying. Yeah, she was fucked up and disordered, but that's not really her fault, and she did start trying to improve her life for her kids. I'm not WKing her, I do agree with you, but to her credit she isn't broadcasting her life on instagram anymore for attention, or coming here to blogpost.
Ash on the other hand is fucked up and disordered, not by her own fault, but does jack shit to get better while still demanding asspats on the internet.
No. 145066
>>145062I'm guessing that she's going to die in august. Her skin is yellowing, which is a bad sign.
How about you?
I call dibs on her skeleton.
No. 145067
>>145063Hospice, a hospital, either way she is a girl that direly needs trusting love and compassion. Not to be Dr. Armchair, but a life of seclusion and obvious cries for attention for example Hamtarochan days. Would you want to sit in a hospital bed being the laughing stock of a ward? It has to be intimidating and no pun intended, gut wretchingly terrifying to an already vulnerable person. She is mentally ill. She is severely physically ill. She retaliates out of insecurities for valid reasons.
tl;dr I think she needs some privacy and compassion.
No. 145071
>>145067you don't just say hey I've got a deathwish so let into a hospice. they
send you there. Ash isn't going to present herself for medical help anytime soon, even though she probably feels terrible pain. she probably prefers that her mother have to find her corpse.
No. 145072
>>145066i'd be surprised if it was that soon.
what do you think her fans' reaction will be like? she interacts enough with pro ana insta that they would be able to figure out what was up.
No. 145073
>>145070Really? I would expect the medics around her to be a bit more mature and professional than to treat an emaciated, dying patient like the "laughing stock" you suggested.
Hospices treat frail and emaciated patients daily, why do you think they would gossip about Ash!
No. 145075
>>145073Medicalfag here.
We talk about patients among co-workers,it's really not that absurd.
No. 145076
>>145068I agree anon.
She's a advocate and supporter of eating disorders, not recovery. She's nasty to people that are in recovery, she has picked on underage girls.
Let us not forget that everyone is responsible for their actions despite their illness, she had been completely unapologetic.
No. 145080
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This is exactly the victim mentality I despise. She is blaming the internet for somehow stopping her from "moving forward," as though words written here have anything to do with whether she goes inpatient or not. We are just another excuse for her to use to not recover. She is always a victim and nothing is ever her fault. I have never once seen her take any responsibility for herself.
No. 145086
>>145083I think people on here lose sight of the fact that she is actually suffering from anorexia…regardless of the reason why it started, it's a serious disorder, and most sufferers don't
want to eat favorite foods, not worry about weight, etc. It's their entire life and what contains their anxiety, fulfils their obsessiveness, and the fear and disgust at food and weight would not make it something fun to indulge in.
No. 145095
>>145094Thank you.
Why do you think she won't go to the hospital?
No. 145099
>>145089Quel horreur! Not
gasp TALKING about you! DASTARDLY.
You're a victim again, what a surprise. It's your mom's fault , your dad's fault, the nurses' fault, Rando's on the internet fault. TAKE RESPONSIBILITY FOR YOUR LIFE.
No. 145101
>>145093Alright. Continue being a whiny, helpless little baby for the rest of your life. Trying to make something of the gift you were given if just too hard for someone as pathetic as you.
I have no sympathy for your wasted life.
No. 145105
>>145104Jesus. An eye infection could kill her.
She must be so tormented.
No. 145117
>>145114 don't read into it. Her fear of germs into her eyes. I didn't say she was a germaphobe
>>145115 exactly
>>145116 no sympathy asked for. Asked and answered
No. 145124
>>145067> gut wretchinglygut wrenching…
No. 145131
>>145089I don't know if you've noticed Ashley, but lots of people talk about you. Here we are on a image board, talking about you.
we are not the reason you are the way that you are. look inward ash,
It's easier to blame everyone else but yourself.
No. 145132
>>145089Talking about a patients care plan and behaviour isn't akin to being mocked.
Ofcourse medics will converse about their patients, it's hardly a surprise.
No. 145137
>>145080seriously, ash is not that different from haes land whales screaming "muh pcos"
>>145078you're not famous, ashtray
No. 145138
>>145132No nurses "mocked" ash anon, so stfu.
That's her paranoia and self importance that made her think that.
No. 145147
>>145144Her "story" wouldn't be much more extraordinary than any other person with disordered eating. She's just a lot more stubborn than most. There's no great mystery.
There's only a certain amount that Rebecca could've done to help Ash, because it really is down to Ash ultimately. Help's there but she chooses not to take it. There's nothing anyone else can do.
No. 145152
>>145148Where is the irony?
Stfu and take your own advice. You wouldn't know if some anon knew Ashley personally unless you are Ashley yourself. Your body must've devoured your brain.
No. 145154
>>145151Ashley says this, Ashley says that,….
You can't believe anything that bitch says. She spins everything in her favor, she is way out of touch with reality. Nothing she says carries any weight.
No. 145156
>>145145Doesn't Ash have BPD? That's usually caused by abuse during childhood from what I understand, and I've known a few people with it who had abusive parents.
I'm not saying for certain that her mom is an abusive piece of shit, but it would be quite likely.
No. 145157
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>>145155You're right. I just ordered loads of this from ebay to wrap the sensitive one in. Only enablers allowed, innit.
No. 145163
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>>145150Sure thing Doctor anon. Can I get a winning lottery number with those psychic powers of yours plz?
Mental illness isn't an excuse. Especially BPD. We aren't special precious babies who need to be coddled and have our bad behavior excused and tolerated.
Ash isn't owed shit by her mum just because Ash still doesn't wanna be accountable. Her suffering is her own fault at this point and Rebecca doesn't owe her accommodation, lifts, or anything.
If she was my kid if have forced her into professional care years ago.
No. 145169
Ashley says a lot of things, ok. That doesn't mean she has the mental ability to not push caring interpersonal relationships away. I personally think Ashley has strived her whole life to fit in somewhere, and when she has been denied this justice her entire life, it is only to be assumed that any expectation of normalcy is going to be heavily skewed by her past. Do I believe a great deal of these posts are striving for the same acceptance? Yes, I do. It's not a matter of peer pressure, but rather to fit in a clique or group and be on the outside with all of the others. The focus isn't on you, therefore you've made some sort of an achievement by having a laugh at the cost of the suffering. No matter the causation of the cattle prodding, because the other is at your understood fault, it is therefor acceptable to perpetuate ill behaviour? Live and let live, work on empathy, forgiveness, and God barring, care?'Ashley, if you find yourself reading this, imagine for a moment the reality of who could be of any variety of antagonisers. Have a laugh yourself, if not for the humour, but for the absolute absurdity of everything.
No. 145170
>>145167Yes mental illness has many causes, including just having messed up brain biology, it is kind of shitty to invalidate all stories of abuse as victims "looking for attention." I realize some people will lie about abuse, but many people with BPD have experienced abuse and trauma that has contributed to their instability and it sucks that they can't talk about it even with their therapists because they are automatically labeled as liars.
Sorry for off-topic, I'll take it to /b/ if I have more to say.
No. 145175
>>145174We're probably the longest relationship she's had. She runs everyone else off within weeks, but we're always here. That's probably why she comes here so often; she knows we'll always respond when she posts, so she can pretend that she has a circle of people that actually wants to interact with her.
No matter how spooky and stinky you get, Ash, you know the farm will always be watching you. It's the closest you'll ever come to having friends.
No. 145176
>>145175Anons have been nice to her. She wanted advice on starting her iphone case shop and people encouraged her. Next day she calls lolcow a bunch of evil cunts on tumblr. Rinse and repeat.
It's annoying that she cones get, talks in third person about herself with the intention of giving off ~mystery vibez~ and behaves like the sort of prick that earned her her cow status.
If she spoke normally to us, ignored negative comments and focused on the positive ones then she's welcome to open up a bit if she feels the need.
We don't fall for manipulation though and any talk of recovery to her and it's bye bye. Idk what she really wants. I don't like anyone feeling lonely, but she makes it difficult to warm to her at all the way she operates, so … insert shrug emoji.
No. 145177
>>145176Apologies for wall if text.
It's annoying that she comes here*
Fkin autocrap
No. 145179
>>145175That made it even sadder, haha.
>>145176Yeah, pretty much every time I start to feel bad for her, she does something to fuck it up. The most recent example is probably the "too much food" comment on that girl's recovery account.
She's infuriating, and in the end, she is a shitty person. She keeps trying to say that we're dragging up her past to say that, but then she also keeps proving that she's currently a shitty person. I cannot excuse that, no matter what mental illness she has.
No. 145185
>>145184We don't need to do shit.
But accepting your assertion, I know a ten year old child and she is WAY more responsible, capable, lucid, and well-manered than Ashley.
No. 145186
>>145185you don't "need" to do anything, but constant posts of "why doesn't she xyz she's an adult???" get annoying when she's very obviously not functioning anywhere near a healthy adult level.
Beyond her being selfish, being an attention whore, being mean, etc, she is seriously mentally ill and does not have the tools needed to take steps to get any better.
No. 145188
>>145184Ten year olds are way more functional, mature, and capable. Lots of ten year olds have achieved more than Ash already.
I think its more like the terrible twos with all her tantrums.
No. 145192
>>145179And I think that's why most of us feel little to no pity for her. It's not necessarily her mental illnesses that attract attention to her, nor is it her tragic life, it's her narcissistic attitude towards it all that brings criticism.
Her use of social media to garner sympathy, and her constant posts that are directed to her 'haters', shows that instead of finding nutrition in food, she finds it in attention. She finds it in using her position as someone in dire need of assistance as a means of projecting authority over those suffering from the same ills. Many of her posts directed to others are categorized under "pro-ana", people who are OK with food disorders and giving motivation to others to continue harming themselves.
She knows her conditions can be defeated, but it requires the help of trained professionals and would force her to make drastic changes to her life. Changes that would be difficult and no doubt would require her to stop posting on social media. Instead, it's easier for her to post her woes online and compare herself to others.
No. 145195
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she's yellow as hell… and for god sakes ash change that face bandaid
No. 145198
>>145195Probably can't take the bandaid off, it'll tear her skin.
No. 145200
>>145197I regret googling that thing
No. 145201
>>145197I work with people that are hospice patients, and I find it incredible that she can stand.
It's a good thing she is, because of her weight prolonged sitting can and will lead to bed sore.
I wouldn't rule out that she has bed sores though.
No. 145204
>>145202Then she most definitely has bed sores. I'm assuming her immune system is similar to someone 90+ in age. Any abrasions or sores will stay as is, there's no way anything can heal.
Ash if you're reading this, I hope you truly know what you're doing to yourself. the fact that you're parading your misery for people that wish to be you, is absolutely disgusting.
No. 145205
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It's not necrotizing fascitis, it's "personal".
Seriously, what's the point of being all ~shrouded in mystery~ over a fucking sore on your face? Okay, if it's something embarrassing, ignore the comment, but if it's connected to the state her body's in wouldn't it be helpful for others to know that this is a result of malnutrition? Duh, forgot she doesn't want to help anyone.
No. 145208
>>145206I thought that as soon as it was mentioned.
>>145207I took it as sarcasm from that anon. Idk or really care what it is, but like
>>145204 said, if she gets sores they're just not going to heal. I doubt she has much zinc, Vitamin A etc in reserve. If it's particularly nasty, it's going to get worse because all kinds of infections are going to attack it.
Must hurt like a mofo.
No. 145219
>>145217That's possible anon, but how would she have come in contact with MRSA?
Unless she is making secret trips to the hospital or her mom works in healthcare, her chances of coming into contact are quite slim.
No. 145223
>>145213She most likely does not have a greasy face though. The body stops producing as much grease when you're that far gone because it's a waste of resources. For example, older people will sometimes only have showers once a week because their hair doesn't get greasy.
Most likely, she missed while purging and scratched herself, and now it's not healing.
No. 145224
>>145223Whoops, I'm slow. Yup, I'm going with the theory that either she missed like I said or it was from her thumb like
>>145221 said.
No. 145225
>>145223True anon.
They only shower once a week because old people hate being cold, because they can't self heat (shiver) properly.
Ash is probably so stinky.
No. 145227
>>145209She's had it for ages. Someone said weeks, no, its been months.
I'll say it again, whatever nicks and scratches she gets aren't going to heal. Her body is in triage mode. Whatever nutrients she gets from…god knows where…are going to be diverted to vital organs and there are no leftovers for healing.
Fuck healing. It's pretty clear her body doesn't even have enough to keep the organs functioning fully. Can't build new skin and flesh out of nothing.
No. 145229
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2 years apart.
No. 145232
>>145229man how many years can you keep this going? I mean at SOME point your body have to give up on you.
either way she looks even worse now, which you wouldnt think would be possible
No. 145239
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No. 145243
File: 1465424734380.jpg (347.07 KB, 1173x2080, image.jpg) you think these two had a relationship at some point? I just searched his name oh bloody hell.
No. 145248
>>145243Imagine the sex tho
any friction between those two bone lords would just help them go extinct
No. 145255
>>145253beat me to it
He should keep his clothes on.
No. 145259
>>145258nm, same city and high school.
"The more weight lost the more lovely she becomes!"
Fucking shitbag.
No. 145266
>>145264Right, but NO ONE knows how
Ash's body works; shes a medical anomaly so at this stage anything is possible.
No. 145269
>>145243 a lot of these girls are thinner than Ash
No. 145270
>>145269I've mentioned in the past an Ash tier anorexic I know. I hadn't seen her around for almost a year so presumed she'd died. Saw her last week with a male friend. She actually walks and she's in her early 40s. Ash isn't astounding. This one I know is the same state to look at, but obv healthier (however that's even possible).
Back to Henry Roth, I don't pass judgment on sexual tastes so long as it's legal and doesn't hurt (unless that's want the people want!) BUT encouraging young women to lose weight for his jollies is criminal. Idk. He should cease to exist tbh.
No. 145272
>>145062I'm guessing that she's going to die in august. Her skin is yellowing, which is a bad sign.
>>145271Probably BONED her.
No. 145284
>>145281>>145281Bill, Henry, and Hank are all the same people , the pictures on Facebook are what he looks like in real life, and not the super skinny ones he posts on the Henry site .. He posts them to
trigger girls on the VK site
No. 145286
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Bill has an interesting Facebook like nestled in between his liberal talk shows.
No. 145287
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No. 145294
>>145246yeah no shit I don't post in this thread, just creep, hut I had to because I saw the name Hank-whatever & he followed me on tumble, to which I blocked him due to such creepiness; THEN I get a friend request on Facebook a few weeks later from the same guy.
So yeah it was just weird to see another mention of this creep.
He probably jerks it to underage anachans.
>>filth. No. 145297
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Anyone by chance know this girls IG after Henry wrote this to her she really has lost a lot of weight, l saw pictures of her today she looks very poorly and ill . I will post one
No. 145299
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Her on June 7th.. Henry now claims to weigh 118, looks like he wants to trigger girls even more with putting down weights that females are around
No. 145304
>>145300i like her too but she does make up illnesses and false doctor orders tho for lax abuse to
make her victim
No. 145312
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>>145304I've been seeing that too, but it feels more like part of her disorder than her being an Ash-level attention whore. There is just something weirdly likeable about her that most anas lack.
No. 145317
>>145314He's Ash related, but I'd like this Henry Roth chat to go to general Ana thread because whatever the underage Ana chans who post there think, it's NOT an ember thread.
I hadn't heard of this thane chick before. They all think they're so unique but they're all so similar and predictable. They're just flaunting their low weight, innit. Wow. Impressed.
No. 145323
>>145289>>145291Go back to your tumblr ash. Unless you're gonna show us what's under that disgusting wig or bandaid nobody wants to talk TO you. You're an insufferable, greedy, retard.
Nobody here is dying like you are, and if your brain wasn't shriveled and you weren't so stupid you'd know that you won't outlast your vigil. Give it up. Your barely coherent screeching has never stopped anyone from coming here to watch you rot. You're a cheap sideshow.
Btw your mums boobjob looks great.
No. 145327
>>145285Her body
could repair itself to a point, given adequate nutrition. Her brain could return to relative normal as well as her digestive system but her bones are definitely fucked. Her heart maybe could as well.
No. 145328
>>145324Not bitter at all. Pissed off that they post their bony bods all over a social media site where there're impressionable kids. If someone wants to do that shit they should keep it private, but ofc attention 'hoes.
If you're implying we're ~jealous~ you should probably head to the ana thread in /pt
No. 145331
>>145328Not implying jealousy at all. Just find is strange that every thread with an ana-chan in it gets responses like
>they're not special! They're not unqiue! There are people with BMIs much lower than theirs!like who gives a fuck? If you want their profiles out of the eyes of
impressionable kids, you can report them. ToW has been deleted before, it can be done again.
>>145312Maybe it's the
slight presence of self awareness.
No. 145334
>>145314You pretty much
have to take it there. It's a containment thread that exists for a reason.
No. 145340
>>145336Nothing if you put it like that. Personally, I'm fascinated by mental disorders and all things psychological, so in the sense of a documented illness I'm sure lots of people would tune in.
Too bad we'll only get bitchfits and Pokemans. Sigh.
No. 145343
>>145308You have to be 18 or older to post here anon.
p.s use google and think real hard before you post.
No. 145344
>>145312shes a sweetheart and I genuinely hope she recovers ASAP.
Nothing like ash apart from her level of emaciation.
No. 145351
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>>145349…and possibly would fuck a corpse. He's well into veins n shit.
No. 145362
>>145354I would love a thread about him, but it'd only attract the ana chans. Maybe on /b? Idk, but I have suspicions about the post
>>145324He looks her for sure and…
I find it weird that some uber skeles like Valeria thingy manage to walk, and the one I know walks, but Ash is condemned to a wheelchair. Her bones must be her weakness and the others take it harder elsewhere in their bodies? I'm not particularly interested in Ash's "story" because I don't think there IS one that's interesting. I'd be more interested to see pics of her decline from Hamtaro-chan to what we see now. It's not a burning desire, but it'd be interesting.
No. 145363
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>>145362I meant to include a Roth related pic. Here it is with him being a
triggering fuck. Spoilered for nips and saged for slight OT.
No. 145367
>>145366So tempted to make a thread on /b, but again…it'll attract the dregs of the random ana thread.
I notice he mentioned he said he's on an adderall diet again. You know, putting that idea in their heads.
No. 145373
>>145363The name of his album is so creepy
Petite and Trained babes
No. 145376
>>145373That's the name of the group he belongs to. He joined every single fucking anorexia group on vk.
>>145371I hope that if she has a stroke while she sleeps (or otherwise) it snuffs her out there and then. Rebecca has enough to deal with than having to look after a paralysed, drooling Ash for potentially years. It's awful to think that way, but damn, I hope she goes quick for her mum's sake.
No. 145379
>>145378I've read some things that made me think people went back and forth on it sometimes. even recently.
No. 145380
>>145372In another two years, we'll be looking at the picture on the right compared to an even more decayed Ashley and feel nostalgic for the relative health of 2016.
I have an aunt who's on the opposite end of the weight spectrum from Ashley. BMI of ~80, thirty years of uncontrolled diabetes, past necrotizing fasciitis, poor mobility, confined to a nursing home in her 50s. She's been maintaining her current level of 'health' for about eight years now. Hell, she even has all her limbs still. Having seen in real life how drawn out a death from extreme weight actually is, I don't expect Ashley to keel over tomorrow.
No. 145381
>>145380I do doubt this though. If she is making herself vomit so frequently that is putting a huge strain on the heart and imbalancing her electrolytes. Bulimia can be fatal, this with her emaciated state is a ticking time bomb. If not the heart, then the kidneys or liver.
You here all to often with people that have had long term disordered eating barely survining for years like Ash having organ failure. It's a harsh reality.
No. 145385
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>>145384Nah, she can still stand. I bet she'll keep slowly withering until everything is completely atrophied or her all her organs fail. Another 6 months at least.
No. 145386
>>145381is she even purging anymore though? she doesnt post binge hauls as much.
purging literally drains you
No. 145394
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No. 145397
>>145396You clearly have no idea about ED's. Even if it started as a way to get attention, ahe can't magically "snap out of it". If it was few months into it she probably could but not anymore. Not after years. It's a mental disorder as much as physical one. Her body will refuse food. Her mind will make her refuse to eat food.
And even if she tried to get better she wouldn't get better. I'm afraid she has gone beyond that point. All she has left is to wait her body to give up.
No. 145398
>>145397Wait, then why are we still making fun of her?
If she can't help it, that's horrible.
No. 145400
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>>145397>>145398I'm not an expert, but that's bullshit given the fact alone that people who had severe ED's have gotten better.
Almost anyone can get better if they have the motivation and determination to conquer their mental demons.
Ash enjoys being a victim though. That is her real problem. She loves it, she lives for it, she doesn't want to get better. There are people who are weak and say, I want to get better, I just need help. Ash could get all the help in the world (and it really has been offered to her) but she doesn't WANT it. You have to WANT it. People have tried being kind and honest to her, telling her that she is valued and that her life is worth living.
She just wants to cover her ears, scream "la la la!", and be smug about surviving each and every day while being a victim.
Ash will be a victim until the day she dies, who knows when that'll be, but that's what she wants.
No. 145401
>>145400Of course she could get better if she wanted but what I was saying is that the ED doesn't go away simply because the attention feeding it goes.
At this point she doesn't just become normal weight and healthy in a matter of weeks or months. Even if she tried, it would get years to get even near normal weight and even then her mental state would be still at anorexic thinking.
No. 145403
>>145398Because acting like a spoiled asshole made her fair game?
Because she is ridiculous no matter how you look at her?
Because its interesting to watch someone rot and without feeling an emotional response to it?
Because she's a bad liar and white knights herself or sends herself asskissing anons to her blog to draw attention to herself?
Because she really really wants us all here watching and talking about her so she gets to keep thinking she's mysterious and interesting?
No. 145404
>>145400Ashley has been underweight way too long to get better without really fucked side-effects.
Isabelle Caro died while she was recovering. At this point I can sort of get Ashley. Her ED is all she has left, she doesn't have to fight it and enjoy the attention she gets.
If she tried to get better not only would it be extremely painful mentally and physically BUT she would also know that whatever she'd be doing would be potentially useless as she could die quickly anyway. Plus that would make her face a very unpleasant reality : she's an uneducated jobless twenty something and people would quickly get bored of her if she returned to a healthy weight.
So not saying she can't do that, just that there's not a lot of positive if she tried anyway.
No. 145409
>>145405She could IF her body wasn't fucked by years of starving and purging. First of all it'd require a pretty solid motivation to overcome a decade of ED. It's something that Ashley grew up with for her whole teenage and adult years.
So she could try and feel like utter shit and still relapse and get nowhere. At this point she could just die before even fully recovering (like Isabelle, who managed to write a book anyway and it's not like she packed rooms when she made an appearance to sign it)
So if she manages to recover and not die in the process, she'd still have fucked up organs and have to work her butt off for the first time in her life. I doubt she'd be swimming in cash especially since people's attention is very limited. Once a person has recovered and doesn't share her shock pictures anymore, nobody really care.
It's sad but while the whole recovery thing would work for a while, it's something that wouldn't last long in term of popularity. Idk what happened to Erika but once she started putting some weight back on, people patted her on the back and went for another lolcow.
No. 145411
File: 1465837293598.jpeg (783.97 KB, 1920x2560, image.jpeg)

I am a long time of Jackie's I found some of her old school papers, she made honor roll here, I just want to say Jackie is not slow, or mentally challenged. She has college papers as well saying she made the deans list and presidents list several times
No. 145413
>>145411Is Jackie autistic? Some autists are very book smart, just socially retarded.
Hence, her "friendship" with ashes.
No. 145416
>>145410I'm pretty sure that even if Erika didn't freak out, most people would have kept an eye on her for a while before completly forgetting her. I'm not trying to defend Ashley and her rotten behaviour but there's a reason that people want to see emaciated bodies or grossly overweight ones. I'm not even going to cite all the shows around people with crazy bodies.
And I'm just like everyone else, I loved Medusa website. I'm fascinated by people, alive, with extraordinary bodies. I'm impressed by recovered people and might gave a shit about their fucked up side effects but aside from that, they lost their shock-value.
No. 145417
>>145416Well, /pt's fascination with Erika was 1. to piss Ash off by supporting Erika and 2. Erika was a big contrast compared to Ash. Erika actually engaged with other people on IG without being a huge bitch like Ash, never sabotoged other people's ED recovery, and so on.
Erika isn't without fault, though. Putting up self harm pictures on her IG was really disgusting.
No. 145418
File: 1465846797079.jpeg (2.66 MB, 4032x3024, image.jpeg)

Jackie's long time friend of 11 years, she is like a sister to me, and she is not mentally challenged as the rumors say. At her local college she was in the top 10% at the the time was admitted into the Phi Kappa Honor society.. It is rude to call her names just because she likes and is friends with Ash
No. 145419
>>145418How come the fullview on this image is rotated and the thumbnail isn't?
Anyway, Jackie has starved her brain for so long that she's not very intelligent anymore.
No. 145421
>>145420It's true. Sorry for blog post, but lithium ruined my ability to function in high school.
I felt retarded.
No. 145427
>>145422Good job Jackie!!
I really hope you get where you wanna be.>>280309
Calm down Ashley. Jackie will always be a better person than you. Stop manipulating people you hungry orc.
No. 145433
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>>145415Yeah just farmers
No. 145434
File: 1465860548884.png (1 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20160613-192709.png)

Lol yeah Ash because your family should have been worried that you were out partying at the gay club.
But whatever it takes to make a national tragedy about you, I guess. Please tell us how much 9/11 changed your life and how Columbine jump-started your ED.
No. 145435
>>145418Hey Jackie's friends and family, pls dont publish personally identifying information about Jackie online.
Also people can still have cognitive disabilities but still make honor roll or Dean's list. It is possible to get good grades and still have a handicap. Jackie may not be "retarded" but it's very possible that she is delayed in other ways.
No. 145436
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>>145434Holy fuck that was so fucking self centered
No. 145443
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>>145439Actually, that was me. I just wanted to see what was her opinion on what happened, but welp, as expected from country-grown skeletons.
No. 145449
>>145398Because she's more horrible.
Also she's gone so far into skeleton mode that it's a moral obligation to both point and laugh, and wait in anticipation for to shed her skin and finally join her undead brethren.
Boneshu akbar.
No. 145451
>>145448is that a promise you piece of shit.
reference old threads before removing doubt you dumbass.
No. 145460
File: 1465908459566.jpg (102.23 KB, 521x623, i want to give her a 'PHYSICAL…)

It got worst. Jfc how can one person be this self-centered? "Yeah, I knew people in the hospital (doubtful), but I'M THE ONE IN PAIN OKAY."
No one else was roaming Orlando related to the shooting either. Way to obviously make up shit, Ash.
I just seriously cannot comprehend how she thinks she's a victim here. I knew she was bad, but this is a whole new level that I never expected, even from her.
No. 145470
>>145460Wow. Ash, there are terrorists "roaming" around the whole of the Western World - USA, Europe and beyond. Everyone who leaves their house is a potential target.
Having dealt with agoraphobia because I FUCKING TRIED RECOVERY FOR YEARS AND SUCCEEDED (/end personal blog) I've seen people shot, battered, attacked as have most people who actually go about living a life outside of a chairgrave where they're content to rot.
What you do is get out and show these people their terrorising (in w/e form) isn't going to affect your life. THAT is the ultimate "fuck you". Saying FUCK YOU to someone who points out your victim complex does nothing. You're so useless and pathetic because you never tried to get out there and do something to actively show your potential "attackers" you're not going to give a shit and you'll risk all for personal freedom.
If you want to come across all ballsy then drag your ass to a Pride event. THAT'S making a statement. Writing some shite to an anon on Tumblr isn't.
No. 145472
File: 1465928190416.jpg (21.81 KB, 392x352, ashmobile.jpg)

>>145471She could rent one of these for the day. Looks pretty cosy tbh and could customise by draping a rainbow flag over the shade part.
No. 145475
>>145460Anorexics for you, they always want the pity party because they have a 'muh illness feel soz 4 meh'.
Fuck off Ashley
No. 145476
File: 1465931952977.jpg (16.58 KB, 490x179, rough sex and dinner.JPG)

She has no comprehension of what life is like outside of her apartment/Target, yet she wants people to believe that she's into "rough sex and dinner dates".
I can't remember what autopsy anon said about anorexic brains, but would Ash's brain be hard like a walnut or mushy like sludge at this point?
Shame she never wanted to go to Japan and go on dinner dates enough to recover, but whatever.
No. 145483
File: 1465933963510.gif (3.42 MB, 320x240, top kek you done there…)

>>145481Even that would be too much effort for her.
>>145482See reaction gif…ily
No. 145486
>>145463Yeah she wrote a whole whiny post about it. "I felt unsafe waahhh." As flawed as Erika was, it was probably very clear to her that Ash was either seeking attention or delusional, and it's good that she didn't feed into it in either case.
>>145484I completely agree with you. She's vile. I want her to die already too, but she deserves all the pain she's living with. I'm glad that every waking (and probably sleeping moment) is physical agony for her, because it's what she deserves.
>>145485Shut the absolute fuck up right now, Ash.
No. 145494
>>145493You're taking this pretty far, anon. Ashley's not well. She means no harm, and it's not her fault she's self-centered. You have to be when you're in her position.
Don't be so angry, anon. You'll hurt your heart and your mind. Anger is toxic.
No. 145495
>>145492What friends? She doesn't hang out with anyone except for Jackie once in a great while [I think Jackie lives in a different state…]
Ash's only IRL was Erika. There was Gia but that didn't last long.
No. 145502
>>145463Ash loves the idea that she's special and important enough for someone to be obsessed with and/or stalk.
Maybe Erika made her feel self conscious so Ash decided to pretend she's being targeted by someone to establish herself as more important and victimized. (And in Ash's stunted mind, way more special)
No. 145503
>>145501Fetishists and chubby little girls who collect thinspo. That's a great audience right there.
The real question is who objectifies her harder, and how hard does she get off on her disgusting fans?
No. 145506
>>145496Nobody is friends with the screeching incontinent skeleton. Nobody.
Maybe some neighbors or register staff at target feel sorry for her and are nice.
There's not a soul in the world that visits this gross rattling woman-thing. She sits around her mothers apartment sucking down food and throwing it up, then wheeling back to her pissy recliner to post attention seeking bullshit online while she drifts in and out of consciousness, then shits herself. Throw in a few trips to target to waste people's tax money on toys, toddler clothes and DVDs, and to take some selfies, a visit to a drive through, and a visit to a donut shop then straight back home to puke some more and you've got skeletors whole life.
No. 145507
>>145501>>145503And people who say the Hartley pinhead kids are "cute" because they feel sorry for the pitiful creatures.
Also noticed she doesn't get many comments now. Most of the people who do comment don't even seem to know much about her.
No. 145512
>>145510Even if she did go to school with some of the victims, she's not their friend now and she's certainly not gone to see them in the hospital.
She's too starved-stupid to even make sensible lies.
No. 145517
File: 1465943467557.png (467.17 KB, 1158x843, Untitled.png)

I clipped these comments from mpa. There're more "jealous" comments, but tbh I can't be arsed because the signature pics on there are annoying af.
Even the people she wanted to impress find her nothing but a curiosity and her novelty value is passed the sell by date.
No. 145521
>>145518I am
>>145519 and was replying to a post here. But two seconds after I posted, it was deleted.
It said that Ash sent an anon a text, saying that Ash is selfish and only cares about herself, and that Ash wished this anon's 78 year old friend died.
So I said "huh?" because I had no idea what this person was talking about, and the comment didn't make sense. And then boom, that anon deleted their comment.
No. 145534
>>145530 This one is a trans woman, still able bodied, lives with parents.
They've exchanged "friendship bracelets"
No. 145537
>>145525Has Ash ever even had an adult relationship?
I mean as a teen she was stripping for dudes online so I doubt she's actually gay.
Its not like she'd have any sex drive in her state anyway so her sexuality is hardly even a talking point. Even if she is gay, the shooting didnt affect her beyond 'oh no gay people were murdered how do I make this about me?'
No. 145542
>>145538>>145539>>145540I highly doubt that those people are actual friends of hers. It's typical BPD story retelling tactics.
Maybe she read on facebook about a relative of a friend of a colleague of her mother's who was there that night.
But just imagine for the sake of it that friends of hers were actually shot.
That would make her first answered ask even more morbid and self-centered.
I AM."
Whichever way you look at it.
No. 145543
File: 1465957396293.png (314.52 KB, 480x490, wp_ss_20160615_0001.png)

>>145541Posted this, looked at tranny's account, rolled my eye
No. 145544
I had a strange dream about Ash last night.
It was 3-4 AM and I was alone in a dream-version of my place of employment. I was walking back through stacks of books in the dim lamplight, and I saw Ash standing back there in the shadows. She was grinning up at me with this sickly smile. Her arms were just tiny bones covered in skin. They were in a state of horrible decay, and held together onto her body with black fabric straps to prevent them from falling off. She picked at the rot with her fingers and bits of her own flesh constantly flaked off like cigarette ash. She appeared to me as intensely attractive – a type of infatuation I am prone to, like that of old-time smitten gentlemen suitors, where I want to shower them with gifts and sacrifice everything for them, enduring great suffering in the process, and taking a kind of emotionally masochistic pleasure from it. We have a long conversation, and I fight the urge to caress her skin, as I don't want to damage the decay further.
I returned later at dawn and her flesh was restored, as if by magic, no longer rotting, shining with a dim radiant light. She was still emaciated, but less so – more like BMI 13 – and appeared much healthier physically. She smiled at me again and it appeared genuinely joyful. There were other girls smiling and laughing around her in the daylight. This evoked a sensation of deep terror and loss, and a horrible loneliness and isolation.
I woke up with a start in a cold sweat, and then had to explain the dream to my boyfriend.
What does it mean, /pt/?
No. 145548
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jfc jolty (1/2)
No. 145549
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No. 145552
>>145551I feel like it's really Ash and Jolty who need hobbies….
Also whenever skeletor comes in here to say that farmers have no life I laugh because I check it while I'm pooping at work.
No. 145554
>>145548>>145549Jolt is a cow themselves. How many cows does this creeper try to befriend? Are they trying to get popular by proxy? Being Trash's taste tester isn't going to get a thread, Jolt.
>>145551Hey, Jolt. It's not hard to see someone commenting and check on their insta to see if they really did do it.
No. 145556
>>145554Jolty creeps me the fuck out. Like bitch, why do you stalk and comment every cow? And also come here? Bitch can't simply watch from afar, always had to comment and insert herself into the drama. Creepy ass goofy looking bitch.
Does anyone know if she's banned?
No. 145561
>>145556She's never identified herself if she actually does post here. She just lurks and then tries to befriend every anachan or wannarexic that gets posted here.
I think she's been trying to get her own thread here. She's been doing this shit for over a year now, starting with Ash.
No. 145564
>>145563I remember a surgeon on Reddit describing it. It was brutal. Also, apparently vaginal ulcers: to add, vaginal prolapse in anorexics is extremely likely due to a complete lack of pelvic floor muscles.
No. 145578
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No. 145579
File: 1466063992326.jpeg (39.12 KB, 300x300, image.jpeg)

>>145578I don't get it. Like, bitch, you don't have your own thread and 75% of posts about you are pitying the shit out of your Sid the sloth looking ass. This site isn't even something highly referenced or heard of outside of other Chans, pull, and tumblr so it's not like the discussion here gets leaked to national news or ahit like TMZ. Hell, you don't even have to come here. Get over yourself bitch.
No. 145581
>>145578So evil that her sister came here to tell us how Ash had used Jackie for cash.
Melodramatic bishes.
No. 145590
>>145589Thing is anon, this isn't a coddle farm and those terms are part of chan culture. Everyone here gets called that, plus a "fag."
I've been dedicated to this puke fest since the beginning, and while I don't like it when anons shat on Gigi and Jackie, it didn't happen for too long.
Jackie gets called a retard today because she stupidly went back to Trashley after Trashley was a major bitch to her.
No. 145599
>>145589Oh please, Jackie probably loves it. Why else would she be friends with ash?
She's an adult and I hardly give a shit about a person that sees any good in ash. They use each other and yes they're both retards.
No. 145603
>>145602I wonder how Ms Bonez herself would be if she somehow got out of the ED circle? Like… I'm sure she'd still be
problematic, but would she not be 'as much'? As impossible as it sounds, I just wonder what would happen if she tried to be friends with someone with an actual life other than their IG account. Sage for rambling
No. 145610
>>145570Jolty is all over margaretpalermo's IG these days, sucking up to her as hard as she can.
"Beautiful pic, margaret!" "love your photography, margaret!"
No. 145615
>>145612I went to his page as we were discussing him a few days ago and it wasn't restricted, and literally a few hours later I went back on my phone and it was restricted.
He's lurking, looking for more victims and masturbation fodder. Fuckin' creepy-ass vampire.
No. 145629
>>145628I don't see anything wrong with some
subtle trolling, just don't sperg the fuck out and don't lead them back here. There is also no need to "call them out" and shit like that.
Generally the milk provides itself, we're not necessary.
No. 145636
File: 1466274311677.png (19.37 KB, 1289x150, itputsthelotiononitsskin.png)

>>145634She doesn't think lotion makes you fat.
No. 145639
>>145637That lotion thing is old. Nobody's been assuming anything, unless you mean Jackie having learning difficulties.
>>145638Are you the same anon who keeps talking about milk on threads? If so, it's like you only just learned the term and keep repeating it and it's annoying.
No. 145641
File: 1466290699438.jpg (Spoiler Image,54.71 KB, 720x480, vyuC3NpWgqI.jpg)

Roth's expression makes this photo more lulzy.
No. 145644
File: 1466293293931.png (39.63 KB, 622x141, Screen Shot 2016-06-18 at 4.39…)

>>145643found it again. poor girl. Not saying that she couldn't do well at school or anything, i the end. No. 145647
>>145641OMG HAHAHAHA I don't even know how I'm reacting here. It's gross but also hilarious. Oh, man. He's a class A deviant fer sure.
>>145644Thanks for posting this. From the moving videos I've seen of her it was so obvious she was challenged. Idk why anons think mentioning it is attacking her. There you go…from Jackie herself. That's the end of that debate.
No. 145837
>>145831Jackie, this place isn't safe for you. In your state of mind, the last thing you need is strangers from the internet being nasty to you. Please don't lurk here anymore, it's not healthy. You're too sweet. Why not keep yourself busy with a hobby, such as making bracelets or coloring an adult coloring book. if you continue to post on here then farmers are going to keep calling you retarded and etc.
Sure we don't agree with your friendship with Ash, but we can't stop you from being her friend, we can only warn you. Please take my advice and don't lurk here anymore. You're only hurting your mental state even more by doing that, and you deserve it.
No. 145839
File: 1466449165737.jpg (100.42 KB, 900x506, legend_of_zelda_oot_7_sages_wa…)

>>145714I'm the Lolcow Sage. I protect this site. Nice to meet you, Jackie. I've heard much about you.
No. 146090
File: 1466492269427.jpg (22.45 KB, 223x262, nightmare fuel.jpg)

Here guys, enjoy Ashley's nasty and fucking horrific hands (from her latest instagram post).
No. 146550
>>146289Because fuck you that's why…?
Seriously though, this entire thread is basically giving her attention. Try harder.
No. 146552
>>146249This. It takes 4 seconds to do the
enormous task that
>>146247 described lol
No. 146613
>>146612TMI anon. I was fucking eating.
It's projection. She doesn't live a life worth living. She's just online all day.
No. 147069
File: 1466636623501.jpg (111.6 KB, 541x960, image.jpg)

Sage for no content. Just Ashley's latest selfie.
No. 147528
File: 1466737483677.jpeg (56.51 KB, 640x553, image.jpeg)

No. 147544
>>147528they should look nice in the casket.
>>147069how dare you suggest she is so fat.
No. 147678
>>147676If Coach frames are that cheap I'm going to the States for my next pair of glasses lol.
In Canada they're not #couture but they're in the $200-$300 range.
No. 147684
>>147676Watch her glasses be fake Coach ordered from China.
I always love when people brag about their brand name items, when in reality they bought them at TJ Maxx. Which there's nothing wrong with that, but definitely no bragging rights.
No. 147787
>>147708i can't agree more. it was already damn good that former admin closed some threads. this one was missed out unfortunately. fucking sickos here are laughing bout a dying person and picking at every single shit they see about her. hands,skin, glasses, wig or not wig , where she buys her damn grocerys (for her ugly disorder or not) fucking fingernails, her hashtags, writing style and whatnot- wtf people. months back i thought already this site is filled with pro anas who "apparrently" have perfect hair, nails, perfect make up and are all super skinny but not skelly or whatever. i used to enjoy looking at some weirdos that were posted here and i usually still lurk. And i don't even have shits to give if i get banned now or your gtfo, hi ash, blog post,booo whiteknight or whatever responses. i hope some fuckers of you read it (understand it despite the lumpy english) and think. or just feel bad for yourselfes in a few years for laughing about sick people whatever
No. 147789
>>147708Lol you gotta be Trashley. Nowhere in that post does it indicate that she's thankful.
Glasses are ridiculously expensive regardless. You're fucking retarded and ass blasted projecting if you don't realize that it's about the #couture.
No. 147793
>>147787I think most people here would actually like to see Ash go into treatment and get better, but as long as she keeps saying No. and keeps making an ass out of herself on the internet she's fair game, just like anyone else. Aside from the fact that she's dying she's no different from any other cow on the site (though I'm sure she'd like to believe she's just oh so super duper special).
Also the thread stayed open because Ash occasionally comes here to whiteknight herself and it's somewhat amusing.
No. 147843
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No. 148138
File: 1466908761292.png (21.65 KB, 493x544, capture-20160626-053804.png)

No. 148144
>>148138Yeah, that's not very interesting, which is why no one posted it. The top question isn't new, and the bottom question isn't anything special. Though, it is surprising she didn't mention her "battle" again.
Sage because I'm not contributing either.
No. 149162
File: 1467184976523.jpg (168.1 KB, 1185x929, tumblr_o1heqwprUR1u1e903o1_128…)

>>147793it's just lame that as a human being you wanna bend over backwards arguing for the right to make fun of someone who's dying lmao. that's like going up to someone on their deathbed and roasting them for looking like a skeleton because they were a bitch to you. i mean "nature of the website" aside i hope for your sake that you're still in high school or live in like indonesia or mexico because otherwise you're backwards as fuck. this is bad karma for you dude buddy my guy there's plenty of other snowflakes to entertain yourself with. let this bitch die in peace tbh this thread really isn't funny anymore lol.
No. 149216
>>149197It's not motorized. I'd say its probably Rebecca pushing the chair and being whined at to take the photos.
It must be horrible, having to take a bunch of snaps of a screechy skeleton in front of desserts or any food-themed item she comes across. Waiting while she slowly tries on clothing from the age 3-6 section and takes more photos. Having to stop just so she can ogle pastry or sandwiches.
I wonder if Ash gets all weird about food smells.
No. 149242
>>149217The worst part is that I don't think it's even ketchup-scented or red. She either pulled that out of thin air due to memory issues or she made it up. If you look it up online, websites say it has black ink and none mention a scent.
And yeah, when you're not eating, usually food becomes the only thing on your mind. So she obsessed over food-themed items because she can't even have the real thing.
No. 149281
>>149197Those chairs are called "transports," they are wheelchairs that can only be moved by pushing from behind or if the rider uses his/her feet to pull themselves along. There are no big wheels on the sides that the rider can use, on small wheels close to the floor.
I know because we had to get one for my grandma in the last years of her life. It was cheaper than a traditional wheelchair and also folded up nicely for car rides.
No. 149286
File: 1467225220386.png (9.71 KB, 492x208, wellfuckyoutoo.PNG)

It's shit like this post…it's such an innocuous question and she responds in such a cunty manner, as though the asker should have known her cat was dead and is rude for not knowing. Ash bitches that no one should presume to know her and in the same breath bitches when people don't know something mundane about her.
No. 149302
>>149293You are
way too invested in this shit
No. 149514
>>149422Does anybody even go there?
I saw the thread emily made for herself Kek. Bitch is just talking to herself, it's so sad.
No. 150211
>>150161Rattle rattle
No. 150226
>>150211No dude, like seriously. Let this thread AND her R.I.P.
Least we could do is just leave her be. She hasn't started anything interesting. Ya'll are just picking on her for being alive, and that's pretty gross imo.
Other cows actually produce milk, this poor chicks is just living whatever life she's got.
No. 150236
>>149158fuck, what is that thing on her face?? Whatever it is, it's
- not healing and
I'm picturing something…festering. or necrotic. or both. ughhhhh
No. 150267
>>150237 me too tbh haha and i'm the one who made that post, aand i'm not ash or a skelly. anyway
>>150211 well worded! let it go guys
No. 150352
>>150226>Poor chicklmao
>>150236It's where her skeleton is going to exit her skin from.
No. 150507
>>149266Not really. There are actual adult strollers for fully grown adults with disabilities like cerebral palsy and such.
I consider wheelchairs a bit different than a stroller, but that's just me.
No. 150697
>>150507Cool story bro wow thanks for the insight oh gosh!
(Except those cheap wheelchairs very much mimic the style of cheap folding strollers)
I hope anons are right that Ash will pass soon so these threads will die too (and I guess so she'll be out of her misery).
No. 150760
>>150507I'm pretty sure
>>149266 was referring to the principle of the matter re: wheelchair/stroller
Ash + these threads are fascinating imo. I wouldn't ever wish this on anyone, but it's interesting to read people's thoughts in the face of someone as (willfully?) sick as Ash
No. 150787
>>150786Her life isn't really any of your business?? Like she's under no obligation to answer anyone. She can parade around all she wants and owes no one an explanation lol. I guess call me a white knight, but y'all are being
No. 150847
>>150787-rattling gets louder-
Fuck off Ashley. Don't you have some racist rant to type up for tumblr?
Or is today's special project calling little girls fat so you can feel less ugly for a second?
Kill yourself you worthless fuck. You failed as a camgirl, life is obviously not something you could ever succeed at.
No. 150891
>>150872Why the fuck would anyone want to be your "penpal" when they can just go to a Dollar Tree in the ghetto, spend $4 on junk and cheap makeup, and get yelled at by a crackhead on the way out?
I mean, same experience, same "gifts," same amount of urine, without having to deal with the moldy fuckrag that is you, Ash.
No. 152217
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No. 152290
>>152217How very unpleasant. Not that I expect any different.
No way she was in that balloon, though. Didn't she say way back she can't fly? I know a hot air balloon isn't as high as a plane but still.
No. 152295
>>152290No way. Here are the rules:
Know Before You Go
Tickets can be purchased at the attraction location on a first-come, first-served basis. In addition:
Maximum capacity is affected by wind speeds. The balloon will not fly if winds exceed 22 mph or if there is a storm. Please note that the balloon is tethered and will not travel beyond 400 feet at any time.
Bags, food and drink, smoking and strollers are not permitted.
Guests must transfer from their motorized scooter or ECV to an available wheelchair to experience this attraction.
Guests over 9 years of age are permitted to ride by themselves. However, children under 9 years of age must be accompanied by an adult (18 years of age or older).
Expectant mothers should not ride.
This attraction is not recommended for those prone to motion sickness, vertigo, heart problems or any other condition that may be aggravated by flight.
The last rule would certainly apply to Ash.
No. 152403
>>152296IDK, but I bet someone there took one look at Ash and went "nope, don't want the liability…"
maybe Im wrong but if she were in the balloon, surely there would be pictures of it?
No. 153040
>>152984This is what the inside of the balloon looks like. I swiped the image from google. I don't see how Ash and her chair would even fit.
Now I doubt she even went to Disney at all. We would have seen lots of pictures, we know Ash is obsessed with everything Disney.
No. 153041
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Forgot image, sorry.
No. 155676
File: 1468526802087.jpg (109.78 KB, 631x625, ash.jpg)

Caption: new glasses by @coach are so comfortable ? and new @disneystyle tsum-tsum shirt! ?❤️ Anyways, kinda struggling, but we all have those days (feels more like months imo). I hope everyone is doing well, aaaaand HAPPY NATIONAL MACARONI & CHEESE DAY! ?
I still wanna know what's under the bandaid.
No. 155688
>>155686Ash has an
obsession with Krispy Kreme/donuts and mac and cheese. I'm guessing mac and cheese because it's easy to purge and also easy for her to chew.
No. 155872
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I wonder what Ashley really eats? We all know she eats Mac and cheese, and Krispy Kreme donuts. Anyone know what else she eats
No. 156092
>>155872Jesus, that ask is from months ago. I guess she goes back and reads old negative comments when things are going "too well" so she can
trigger herself.
No. 156100
>>156093The sore is pretty much caused by her ED though so no need to be salty anon if a complication from it finally kills her. People of a healthy weight / general health are at a very low risk for developing a pressure ulcer- especially on their face. This is 100% a consequence of the bonelord's own self destruction.
I'm positive that whatever is under that bandage- pressure sore or not, is never going to heal correctly while Ash continues in the state she's in. Unfortunately her body is probably too far gone for her organs to function properly if she put on weight- let alone her facial tissues to heal up.
tl:dr Ashley is pretty muched fucked regardless of what she does at this point
No. 156189
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I don't think Ash is going to live to next year, like what
>>156119 said she's straight up decaying at this point in the most literal sense. The fact she's had a scab or whatever not heal and even so get bigger going off the bandaid sizes says all. Y'all better keep your eyes out on any news articles on a "horribly skinny/bulimic girl who was found dead." It's coming sooner than we all think.
No. 156681
>>156202>>156447For every month of every year since 2012 or so, people have been saying she wouldn't make it to then. Nobody gives a fuck about these speculations.
If anything, the most interesting theory is that Ashley got Halloween of 2015 tattooed on her arm. Maybe that means she thinks she won't make it to or past this Halloween.
No. 157329
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I highly doubt that she is exactly playing this game , she can hardly move.. Must be catching them in her recliner
No. 158137
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I wonder if she even drinks water, or is she afraid after gaining from water?