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No. 155642
Old thread:
>>140393Kadee Konstantino is a morbidly obese woman who claims to suffer from anorexia in addition to literally hundreds of other diseases, ranging from alcoholism and schizophrenia to clotting disorders and cancer. This Munchausen's case is constantly in and out of the hospital, wasting doctors' time with pointless complaints. She's currently pretending to have an 'end stage pulmonary embolism' and will undoubtedly come down with another life threatening disease tomorrow. No. 155644
File: 1468518636053.png (57.63 KB, 686x517, kadeelol.PNG)

She got kicked out of the hospital for faking and she wants to file a LOLsuit
No. 155653
>>155644>>Thanks for nothing St. Vincent's, you killed my gramma 9 years ago today, and then you try to kill me. She'd want to be careful posting libel like that online: begging for a counterlawsuit…that's assuming she's telling the truth about her lawsuit (which you know is bull - as if she'd already have one in place at night time mere hours after being discharged: lawyers ain't that fast with paperwork!). It'd give the hospital more ammo against her.
Also, if her grandmother was killed by that hospital like she claims, why would she go back there to be taken care of herself? No intelligent being would make a decision like that knowing there were other more suitable hospitals to receive treatment.
So I call bullshit on that entire post aside from the usual reasons being that she's a chronic malinger who loves attention!
No. 155736
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>>155644She posted a similar post regarding the "situation" on Tumblr, but didn't go into details. It reeks of attention seeking just like the FB post: providing hardly any info regarding what happened so that followers would be baited into sending her messages like "OMG what happened? Hope you're ok!" etc. etc. This "pity me" bullshit is boring af.
No. 155738
She reposted the pic from
>>155472 with another ambiguous ass caption
No. 155740
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dropped pic
No. 155765
>>155749>>155760>>155762please stop making me laugh.
and just an observation, prednisone
>>155746 is a bitch as far as weight gain. if it's true of course
No. 155780
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No. 155782
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>>155780Check out the #pulmonaryembolismsurvivor hashtag Kadee has tagged - few other fatties who use it & some even have it listed in their bios!
No. 155792
>>155764Someone correct me if I'm wrong, but I'm pretty sure she already implied at one point that she had cancer?
I might be confusing her with someone else…like kelly? but i'm like 99% sure it was her lmao
No. 155794
>>155736I've noticed that a lot of these fakers are hyper enthusiastic about their conditions. Almost to the point of being orgasmic over them. It's really creepy. It's like an illness fetish.
If Kadee had half of these things she says she's had then she'd be dead or comatose by now.
At least she seems to have dropped the anorexia thing. It takes a lot to maintain that blubber. If she was really anorexic you'd see the weight coming off. If anything I'd believe she has the beetus from the mountains of sugar she ingests because of her fake anorexia.
No. 155796
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Kadee provides nightmare fuel
No. 155846
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It's like someone took this photo and tried giving it a tumblr personality, but at the heart of it, she's still a meme
No. 155890
>>155889I'm 28 and still have mine.
No shame, they're cute.
No. 155907
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Ash and Kadee will be in the same state, imagine them meeting kek
>>155904>not posting pic on an imageboard No. 155939
>>155701>>155702Should have worded that better.
I mean if her nan was sick for years and they were very close she might have spent a lot of time visiting hospitals. There she saw the attention sick people get and she decided she wanted in on that? I don't know, I'm probably reaching by now.
No. 155961
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I wonder how long she'll last without her insta asspats
No. 155972
>>155967you don't need any help, other than a good diet and exercise regimen. you look damn near spherical.
pro tip: lay off the microwaved marshmallows you pathetic swine.
go ahead and get off the internet but we know you'll be back trying to get sympathy for your fake illnesses.
too bad you're too fucking stupid to realize everyone has been laughing at you all along.
No. 155974
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>>155967what happened to your pulmonary embolism tho?
No. 155979
>>155967People being pissed that you stole money from them some shit "illness" you make up is not cyber bullying.
How about you address those claims for once?
No. 156006
>>155967aw Kadee, please stick around! We have so many questions!
What's a late-stage pulmonary embolism supposed to mean if it's a condition that can kill you in minutes? What happened to your cervical cancer? Why did a treatment center deny you for being "too sick" when your near death friend who wasn't faking it got in? What are you doing with all those gofundme donations?
No. 156048
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I… Just wish the milk would've lasted a little longer. Here's s picture of chest pimples
No. 156059
>>155967Do you really not realize how retarded you sound when you fake so many life-threatening illnesses that you would be a Guiness world record holder if you really had them all?
>>153043>>153044Also, fuck you for trivializing real illnesses that decent people are actually going through that stole their life away when you're just too lazy and attention-dependent to do anything with yours.
Go microwave a plate of sugar goo and cry into it, you overgrown sick kid poser.
No. 156099
I think I found her be an old account tho
No. 156706
>>156666There's no way she'd tell us the truth. What's most likely is that she got refused treatment for being such a huge drain on the hospitals resources over a long period of time with no real reason to be there, and they told her it was because of this behaviour.
Though I'm sure it'll be a lot grander in scale if you ask her.
No. 157254
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Welcome back Kadee!
No. 157268
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>>157254This is probably the most honest and least deluded thing she has ever saidlol!!!
No. 157273
>>157270If you're still here I guess that you have read all the comments in this thread. Then WHY the FUCK can't you answer some of the more serious questions like: Why did you shut down your Gofundme-page? Did you ever refund all the money?
You accuse us of committing crimes by bullying you, but you're no better.
No. 157279
>>157270>>157276Here's some good advice Kadee. Delete every social media account you have (facebook, tumblr, instagram) and go get some serious therapy.
The internet is obviously not a good place for you to be right now. And you're only hurting yourself by continuing to post on social media. Please actually take this advice and work on becoming a better person and a functional member of society.
No. 157299
>>157251What you did not do: answer our questions
What you did do: cry wah wah cyberbullying, and disregard anything the board had to say regarding your very blatant munchausen's syndrome
No. 157308
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No. 157336
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So much milk from her swollen, fat udders
No. 157462
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>>157424actually it's the only realistic option.
kaydee does not need social media. her only friends appear to be the food she posts. maybe if she spent some time being more or less present in her own life she would have something interesting to share other than her fantasy anorexia. she needs space from her soap opera of an instagram narrative, and because she has no self control, it would be a huge step for her to remove the temptation completely.
No. 157482
>>157424Wow, I wonder what teens in the 80s & 90s did to fulfill their social needs?
If you can't give up SNS, you're doing it for the wrong reasons.
No. 157495
>>157430That's a much better idea. That's what I'd call a realistic proposal. I think you can make yourself unsearchable (I could be wrong), so if she did that, her Facebook could be left alone by us.
>>157435>>157452I'm sorry, but you're both hung up on the word "function." I clarified in the next sentence that I meant function as in "keep up with others."
You don't have to been obsessed with Instagram or Twitter (I don't even use either) to make such observations. It's fairly obvious that in today's "go-go-go" society, people are using social media to interact because they just don't have time to see each other every night or stay on the phone for hours. You can text while doing your homework. Talking on the phone is more distracting.
>>157482In the 80s and 90s, if they couldn't see each other, they called each other. These days,
a lot of teens and young adults dislike phone conversations. Plus, like I said above, they can be distracting. As such, texting and private messages have replaced such phone calls. The world has transformed since the 80s and 90s. It's time to start getting used to it.
No. 157499
>>157495No-one's saying she should go into complete social isolation, that's obviously not a healthy thing for her to do, but do you honestly believe that you need social media to have a social life? You can just have a phone to keep up with people you want to keep up with, and find out news when you meet your friends. All Facebook does is give you a sense of artificial closeness with a whole heap of people because you know minor shit about their lives.
I haven't had it in years, and I don't miss it at all, because honestly, it makes no difference if I see 20 stupid statuses about "I went to some place today" and get to find out within 10 minutes whenever someone breaks up or even just argues. You really don't need to be up to date with everything that's going on with everyone you know even a little bit at all times. Your friends aren't going to abandon you because you ask them "So what's new?" when you see them and they have lots to tell you.
Social media is a tool a lot of normal people use to get attention, the last thing Kadee needs is to be on a site built to encourage people to get more views or likes or whatever. She needs to back off, and to rebuild her personality and ability to socialise so there's more to it than "I'm sick".
No. 157511
>>157499I just mean that social media makes it a lot easier to maintain a social life in some ways. You can learn about major life events like marriage or a baby without them having to contact you personally. Of course, you're right that it gives you a sense of artificial closeness, especially if you add a lot of acquaintances or even strangers. You don't really need to know that a childhood friend you haven't spoken to since had a baby.
However, I moved away from my home state at one point, and Facebook seemed more reliable than using a phone because people were better at replying when they could. That's part of why I'm more pro-social media as a whole.
Back to Kadee though: I still agree with the person above that Facebook is fine for her as long as she uses restrictions, but yes, she should indeed get off Instagram. All she uses it for is to promote her lies or get attention when she is in the hospital, which encourages her to do it more (essentially
>>157509 ).
No. 157514
>>157495except only facebook is the type of sns platform that has functions for people to keep in touch with information that is more than just a snapshot and a blurb.
And although she does lie on facebook too, instagram and tumblr are the biggest issues. Her followers are mostly comprised of strangers she deceives and panhandles from. She doesn't need these to socialize.
No. 157515
>>157511Don't get me wrong, social media does serve a purpose, and it can be a good tool for keeping in touch with people, but I just don't think it's necessary for people you're living near and are close with. You can simply text them, and meet up regularly. But sure, if you're out of your local area for a while, Facebook is really useful, that artificial closeness I spoke about can be really useful to stop people just drifting off completely.
I personally think with Kadee that she should just leave all social media for a bit though. Sure, eventually coming back to Facebook isn't likely to be an issue, but for the beginning of her recovery she should just stay away completely, because the temptation is going to be highest right at the start where you haven't learned to go without that attention at all. Same as in AA they say you should just stay away from alcohol completely to begin with, don't be around people that drink, don't go places there's alcohol if you can at all avoid it, that sort of stuff. Eventually you can do more, but until you're at a point where you have a better grasp on your addiction.
No. 157527
>>157514You can sent private messages on Instagram and Twitter. It's just more likely that you'll be keeping in contact with online-only friends than with real life friends, and that's the problem for Kadee.
>>157515Perhaps you're right. She did post that "burying my razors" video on Facebook, after all.
It just sounded like most people were saying she should get off all social media forever, and that's what I got worked up about.
No. 157550
>>157527Nah, I don't think it would need to be forever, though it would be a reasonable decision if she did choose that. She just needs to get away from the internet in general for a while, and get the therapy.
But people with these disorders pretty much never never admit they have them, so it's pretty impossible to treat them.
Hopefully she stops lurking here eventually so we can get some new content though.
No. 157615
>>157511But the people who you give a shit about, you'd know whether or not they're having a baby through other means. Like, if the first time you're hearing your "close friend" is having a baby through social media, well then maybe you are just not that close currently. And that's the truth. And it's almost insulting to find out that way at the same time as their baby daddy's sister's ex-boyfriend's neighbour who went to one housewarming party. Even if you're too busy to have night-long phone conversations: it takes 1 minute to send a text.
Anyway, in relation to Kaydee, it's clear she's not using it to just keep up with people that she knows personally, she's using it in a way that feeds her mental issues hence some distance away from social media (especially where the people she interacts with are random strangers) is best.
No. 157916
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Finally something other than "muh super serious anorexia"
No. 157918
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No. 157922
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and the latest update, sorry for multiple posts like this. I figure to start at cancer and end with the flu was worth it enough though.
No. 157942
>>157940Yeah, that's not why the other anon said you were silly. I pointed out in
>>157937 that you were samefagging which I'm assuming you're new as you blantantly pretended to be different anons to back up your own point while having "Anon" in the email field for all replies.
Sage for OT.
No. 157946
>>157943You may be new to Lolcow, but Kaydee's antics are certainly not new to me. Been following her story for a while.
>>157944The tags stuck out for me too. But as the insta is on private, I can't check for other Kaydee-isms in her posts.
No. 157951
>>157949Well the whole point of a secret account is that no one figures out it's yours right? Posting pictures of yourself on a "secret account" can be incredibly risky as it supplies undeniable evidence that it belongs to you. Secret accounts like that always get found out eventually e.g. Felice Fawns secret accounts, Emily Crocker's secret accounts, and even that heroin junkie in snow's secret drug account.
Whoever is behind the account, clearly is looking for attention and support that they don't/can't get elsewhere.
No. 157992
>>157990Unless she had a GoFundMe on her secret account, I wouldn't think so. Very clever troll, the jury's still out on that one, but leaning towards guilty on that.
>>157991Thanks for checking!
No. 158004
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No. 158006
>>157992Well, if you think about it, it's wise to not start immediately money begging when you're claiming to be new to the community. She was in the process of building up her story again. From ED recovery, then into relapse, declining health, and now a big looming crisis. Same MO every time.
Although the evidence for simply trolling would be in my prior bait- mentioned I was "waiting for it to be worth it" to post her secret account and then all the sudden suggesting cancer.
Either she's having the time of her life trolling us all, or she's using this thread to try building up sympathy from others that not only is she ~*sick*~ but all a victim- which in theory can be used as part of her story to get donations.
I just can't decide which it is. Maybe both. A scamming fatass troll.
No. 158026
>>157940revealed your weight?
>>157949and outed your own modus operandi as a scammer lol
just can't stay away, can you? seriously get help
No. 158046
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>>157928It wouldn't be the first time she's burned herself with cigarettes.
Munchhausen's like a mofo.
No. 158510
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>>158046The beast moved to a private account
No. 158720
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No. 158733
>>158720I never get why people who're making no attempt to recover at all always talk about how they're rising or similar stuff to that.
The only thing that's rising is her chance of having a heart attack.
No. 158861
>>158730I think it's a very poor attempt at make-up.
>>158732Me too. How is she not compelled to at least
try controlling them?
No. 159028
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She seems to still be using her tumblr, posting mostly thinspo though. That caption though: "I'd rather you not become anorexic because then you'll weigh less than me"
Nah Kadee, I'm pretty fat and definitely not anorexic and I'm STILL thinner than you.
No. 159197
>>159194Hi there Kadee. Any chance we could see those receipts?
Also, just take the bullets out of any guns around yourself if you think you're a suicide risk, you'll be fine.
No. 159200
>>159194Kadee, if people pointing out all your lies and attention seeking bullshit makes you want to off yourself then
1) just fucking stop it
2) quit looking at lolcow
3) seek help for your ACTUAL disorders
No. 159209
>>159198Well even if you're not Kadee, next time you talk to her, let her know we're still waiting for them.
Also, this
>>159200Stop posting your shit online if it bothers you that much, if you put it out there in a public space we have the right to do whatever the fuck we want with it, no-one's actively harassing her or doing anything to her, she's coming here and choosing to look at things she doesn't like.
And the whole "it's my BPD" thing is bullshit. You're not being a good friend and helping her recover if you let her get away with that, she's not psychotic or out of control of her actions, she's choosing to do these things, and excusing it just lets her know it's okay to do.
No. 159212
>>159210>Is this who you want to be?No, I was forced into this by my 19 different mental disorders.
>she is a human being.She could qualify as several of them I reckon.
No. 159219
>>159214It would definitely be a good thing to do.
>>159215>Sure I exaggerated things, I crave attention and that is part of my illness.What illness would that be Kadee? Just going to open the DSM to another random page and claim it's that one again?
No. 159220
>>159215Do it, faggot.
>>159216>>159214Samefag. Side note, fat people are funny because they're disgusting.
No. 159223
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>>159215Fucking hilarious.
No. 159226
You are all lowlife scumbags and are so sad in your own lives that you feel the need to try and take me down and that in itself is fucking sad. What illness? I HAVE BORDERLINE PERSONALITY DISORDER. For those of you who don't know what one of the key components of this is - is emotional disregulation - its basically hell on earth. engaging in risky behaviors, feeling lonely, worthless, having bad body image, depression, anxiety, and more if you'd like to look it up. Is lying part of it? No. You're right there, I lie. I've struggled with that for awhile in my life, and its something I'm actively working on in therapy, but even with that being said I don't deserve to be treated like a fucking animal or a "cow" as you people on this stupid site call it. Please I beg of you leave me the hell alone. Move on with your lives. Stop finding it fun to make fun of me, harass me, and point out all my flaws. I am truly sorry for all the mistakes I have made.
No. 159227
>>159222So she brought the whole gang in then? That's even worse.
>>159221>keep your negative jokes, opinions, and insults to yourself.They were being kept to ourselves, she's the one who came here. You can't stalk someone by following their profiles either, she put the info out there.
No. 159234
>>159231>Just stop posting about her and making her feel horrible about herself. No.
>>159226Gee, have you considered that the solution to this isn't to tell everyone else to stop pointing out how retarded you're being, and maybe to stop being retarded?
Still waiting on those receipts, too.
No. 159239
>>159231>>159230>>159226>>159222>>159221>>159215>>159216>>159214Hi Kadee. If you don't want people to pay attention to you, stop drawing attention to yourself. Stop samefagging and selfposting on lolcow. Stop begging for asspats on social media. Go see a therapist for your BPD, Munchausen's syndrome and binge eating disorder. Then people will stop pointing and laughing at your ridiculous behavior.
You like the attention, though, which is why you keep coming back here.
No. 159243
>>159226If you legitimately have BPD, you should be in therapy for it, not spending your time pathologising every action and self diagnosing other shit on the internet.
And you admitted yourself lying isn't part of it, so why bring it up if you're not just looking for more attention?
No. 159244
>>159221I'm sure that you would hate it if some coddled brat who's never struggled a day in her life started pretending to have a serious disorder that has ruined your life and driven your friends away from you. All just for sympathy and attention when she's done literally NOTHING to deserve it and is only co-opting the struggles of real, suffering people without any of the negative consequences.
Kadee, you make me fucking sick.
No. 159247
>>159239I'm still not Kadee. Won't prove it because I don't need to be attacked the way you've been attacking Kadee.
Let her do her own thing. Why does it concern any of you?
No. 159248
>>159245She didn't lie about being sexually assaulted.
The cancer thing could have been an exaggeration for being tested for it, but even then it really isn't anyone's business but hers.
Kadee never did anything to you guys, so why can't you just leave her alone?
No. 159250
>>159247Why does this concern her? She won't know unless she comes here.
>>159248I dunno, I reckon that lying about having disorders and illnesses to get more money sounds kind of fraudulent to me.
No. 159253
>>159249Didn't intentionally change writing styles to pretend to be someone else. I'm not Kadee, nor will I ever be Kadee and have no intention of revealing who I am because I know I'll be attacked for it.
Sorry. Not everyone who stands up for someone is said person.
No. 159255
>>159251I do have some of these illnesses and know what it's like to be accused of being a druggie because of the people who show up pretending to have problems. I also know what it's like to have people constantly think you're faking your illnesses.
If she were faking, she wouldn't be treated. Doctors would recommend treatment for mental illness after doing an exam.
>>159252Stands for who I am.
No. 159258
>>159255>I do have some of these illnesses and know what it's like to be accused of being a druggie because of the people who show up pretending to have problems.Then why are you supporting her doing exactly that?
>If she were faking, she wouldn't be treated. Doctors would recommend treatment for mental illness after doing an exam.I can't remember the last time she's said she was treated for something that wasn't obviously bullshit that just got forgotten about two days after.
You should at least keep the stories straight, is she someone who's struggling with a factitious disorder, or is she legitimately diagnosed with everything she can think of?
No. 159260
>>159253So you're just going to ignore the people answering your question? Kadee will continue to be mocked and reviled for as long as she continues to appropriate illnesses from sick and suffering people. It's absolutely disgusting that she would choose the weakest, most vulnerable people in society to star in her make pretend game.
How can you possibly wonder why people are angry at this faker when there are actual people out there with the actual disorders that she pretends to have for asspats whose quality of life is fucking shit because of it? Lupus fucking sucks. Cancer ruins lives. What she's doing is spitting in the face of terminally ill people.
No. 159269
>>159264If you want people to stop posting about it, why come in the thread and chuck a tantrum? Simply stop providing interesting new content and let it die.
Also, I'm serious about the receipts, if she's got proof the money was spent in a legit way she should show it, because ripping people off using fake illnesses is fucking disgusting. And also illegal, which is important to note.
No. 159294
>>159286She's claimed to have things that directly contradict other diagnoses, having had major surgery overnight and be fine two days later, having tests done in the ER that can't be done there. The major thing is the amount of diagnosis that destroy peoples quality of life that just appear and then disappear a few days later.
There's a list someone made in one of these threads that's like 40 long of diseases she's claimed.
No. 159304
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>>159294Here is the other one with mental illnesses she claimed she have
No. 159308
>>159226>>159230>I want the love, support and attention for my illnesses!>but pls don't call me out when you see me lying through my teeth>and pls don't make fun of the ridiculous ass I make of myselfNah. We're not bullying you, we're just laughing. And about the "boo hoo i aint no cow" - that's a cultural barrier. Lurk moar and see what it really means.
If pixyteri can lose weight, look nice and become a somewhat decent person after years of being our cow, I'm sure you can too.
No. 159315
Kadee I have one of the illnesses you say you have and it RUINED my life. That's why I take it personally when someone like you PRETENDS to have it for the sake of a little attention on the internet.
Mental illness isn't well understood in our general communities, and it's people like you who make people think that our struggles aren't real and don't demand proper support and attention. Every time you lie about an illness you're making it harder for someone who has it to be taken seriously.
So don't give me this bullshit about how you're not hurting anybody.
Speaking of hurt people, I recently spoke to a very sweet girl who considered herself a friend of yours until she found out who you really are. She talked you through crisis after crisis, shared her own struggles with you… And let me tell you, she was HURT. And who knows how many others you've hurt in the same way.
You're garbage.
If you really want to do right by everyone you ought to post your receipts and issue a MEANINGFUL apology. Not here, but somewhere public so you're coming clean to all the people who have supported you over the years. They deserve that.
No. 159329
>>159324Yeah, I really don't get why she claimed she had the receipts like she could prove that it wasn't her ripping people off, and then has just ignored everyone asking her to show them since.
It would look much less shady to just say you threw them out or something.
No. 159346
Honestly I would respect her if she made a post (on tumblr, insta, even here) explaining her lies. Even if she says her BPD did make her do it, she would be owning up to it. I have mad respect for people who can do this, even if they're horrible. If she made a mass post explaining the various conditions she lied about and what caused her to lie, it might explain a lot about how her mind works.
I'm just thinking… It would make a lot more sense to us and I think a lot more people would be nicer and understanding if they knew Kadee's thought process. When she hides, it makes her look more guilty.
I honestly want to know. Kadee, if you're reading this, I don't think you're a bad person. If you wrote a book, I would buy it. Munchausens isn't ever talked about, and it might help a lot of people if you considered writing a book about your experiences. I've read books about children of Munchausens parents, but never from the Munchausens suffer themselves. She could write about her illness and what she sought by lying/exaggerating. It might help the stigma and therapists/doctors would be more understanding in the future. It's stigmatized, but until someone writes about it, it'll continue to be terrible for everyone.
No. 159350
>>159338>>159346I do 100% agree with both of you in the mass post idea. If Kadee wrote a massive post explaining her experience. It's completely useless when she says "yeah, i lied. so what. i have bpd" but if she actually took the time to explain- start from the beginning- and what she was trying to achieve by lying/did she know how transparent it was/reactions from doctors and family. If she did this, it would explain so much to all of us.
And it would be SO beneficial to her therapy. To actually write down everything and figure out (by herself) what made her do it and what actually happened, she would be doing a very brave thing indeed.
No. 159354
>>159350It would be a great idea, she's very obviously suffering from some sort of factitious disorder, and I think her being able to admit that she has been doing this without trying to play it off as because of some other illness she has would be a great step towards recovery.
>>159352I think she's a shit person for the fraud, but that admitting she did that would at least be something, even if she never pays it back.
No. 159357
>>159350I second (third?) this idea. If she just owns up to it we would have nothing to bash her for and people would actually get behind her and support her through her bed/Munchhausen/bpd recovery.
Also I'm pretty sure reaching out to people that you've hurt in the past and taking responsibility for your mistakes is one of the 12 steps is it not? Kadee you can also make it part of your mental health recovery.
No. 159362
>>159346I think her whole 'wah wah I have BPD' thins is just as pathetic as her obsessive pretending to have an ED.
Faggots like Kadee are the reason nobody takes actual BPD people seriously, because they use is as an excuse for being a shitty person.
She can watch 'girl, interrupted' as many times as she likes but its not gonna excuse her stupid actions or her awful personality.
No. 159365
>>159362It definitely is, it's not really admitting responsibility for your actions if you go "But it's not really my fault it's this other illness I have that makes me do it".
Even with BPD, you're not out of control of your actions, you're just poor at making decisions. It's a reason why you might do dumb shit, not an excuse.
No. 159385
Hi this is Kadee. I am going to be 110% honest with you all. I am clinically diagnosed with BPD, bulimia, GAD, and major depressive disorder. Physically I struggle with fibromyalgia, lupus, a blood clotting disorder which has led to multiple problems with pulmonary embolisms and lung issues, many GI issues - like internal bleeding, kidney stones, pylonephritis and reoccuring pancreatitis. I also have poly cystic ovarian disease. I am owning up to any time I have lied right now. Fully fledge owning up to it. I never said I had cancer - but I did have a cervical cancer scare a year ago when I got two abnormal pap tests, and the only thing I posted in relation to that was a keep calm and pray for those with cervical cancer or something. And for my blood clotting disorder I see both a hematologist AND an oncologist regularly, but no I don't have cancer, but again I never claimed to have it. I have exaggerated different illnesses . In my posts I have tagged all the eating disorders, including anorexia. I generally tag them all because I know we can all relate to the feelings people with EDs have. No I do not have anorexia, yes I know I'm overweight but I still do have an eating disorder. I have had 4 surgeries this year all for GI issues. I do have PTSD from sexual abuse, that is something that I have struggled with. I have never been diagnosed with Munchausen's - and yes my therapist and psychiatrist know all about my medical history. They have access to all my medical records and charts. I am not diagnosed with schizophrenia. My grandfather suffers from schizophrenia and is in a mental institution currently, and it was thought because I've had some hallucinations that I could possibly struggle with it too - but I don't, and I'm sorry for exaggerating that when I didn't know for sure but to make things clear I don't have that. My therapist believes I struggle with addiction issues - both with alcohol and drugs. I don't believe that I do to be completely honest, but it has been a question of concern over the years. I currently have an amazing therapist who is helping me tremendously. And a great psychiatrist as well who is managing my medications. As for the gofundmepage - I really and truly did use the money to pay for an eating disorder support group that my therapist recommended for me that my insurance (medicaid) didn't cover, because the therapist who runs the group doesn't accept my insurance, I don't have physical receipts, so I'm sorry for claiming that I do. But I do promise you that that is where the money went to. I do have chronic health issues that I deal with, which does lead me to going to the hospital, and I will be honest I go more frequently than necessary. I am always expericing some form of pain or nausea, but sometimes I feel it gets out of hand and thats when I go to the hospital. Sometimes I should really just toughen up though and not go, which again is something I'm working on. As for my foot and ankle, yes I broke both of them. Not in 6 places, but in 2. A bone in my ankle, and the heel of my foot. I'm sorry for exaggerating that. It was uncalled for. I honestly believe the reason that I lie and exaggerate things is because I feel like no one would care about me if nothing was going on in my life. And I know that sounds sort of ridiculous, but it is part of my illness where I feel like I need to be loved, nurtured and cared about and when I don't get that affection and attention I don't know what to do with myself, so sometimes I go to extreme lengths to get that - which is again something I'm working on in therapy, and will continue to work on. I see my therapist 3x a week, and she knows all about this site, and has read all of the comments, so trust me she knows what people say, compared to what I'm medically diagnosed with. I am hoping that in me taking accountability for my actions right here and now that as people said they would that they show support rather than hate. Sure there will be some people who just hate me and are mean - there always will be, but I literally struggle with mental health issues just like you. My issues are different than yours most likely, we all have our own battle. I never was maliciously trying to hurt anyone, I was trying to make myself feel less alone because honestly I feel really alone in my world and I hate myself quite a lot. At least on instagram I had an online community of people who were my friends and cared about me, now I don't have that. So I really have no one, which is why I said earlier that I honestly felt suicidal and hopeless because I really do feel alone in this world. And I know a lot of that is my doing, and my fault, but I'm trying my absolute hardest to move forward with my life and move on and get the treatment I need and get healthy and learn to love and accept myself and realize I don't need to dramatize everything and that its okay to be sad and not know why sometimes - there doesn't have to be an explosive reason as to why, which is something I struggled wityh and why some exaggeration happened - because I felt like I couldn't just say I'm sad because I'm sad and I don't know why. I felt like no one would care if I said that, so I would make something up. And for that, again, I am sorry. This is something I seriously struggle with. This is something I'm also getting help for, I promise you that. I just really hope in posting this and coming clean that this ends the hateful posts, clears things up for people, and gets people to stop attacking me and saying such mean and cruel things. I hate myself for who I am and what I've done over the years. More than you all hate me. And I take it out on myself in some way every day, and I'm trying to learn how to not do that. We all make mistakes as humans, some bigger than others - and mine are pretty big, but I'm trying to own up to mine on a public forum and I hope for the people who hate me that you at least see that I am not running and hiding from you people. That I am facing this head on. That I am a person too, and that I deserve respect and love even if I've done shitty things. We all do, every single one of us. I am sorry to any one I offended or hurt throughout the years, I am truly sorry. Trust me when I say this, I do really really feel awful for all the mistakes I've made and how many people I've hurt and let down. I hate myself with a burning passion and feel like I deserve to be dead and hated and alone. But the people who are my friends keep telling me that I don't. That of course I have made mistakes, but if I own them and move forward and don't remake the same mistake that its okay to move on and be myself. I am not a terrible person even though I feel like I am. If you really knew me, you'd know I'm witty, sarcastic, can make you laugh all the time, and I have a big heart and go out of my way for those that I care about. I love animals, writing, reading, coffee, singing, and traveling. I am a 21 year old girl who is very lost in this world, who has dug a deep grave for herself with all her mistakes, but who wants to not bury herself in it, but to rise above it, own up to my shit, and move forward. I hope some of you can at least forgive me, or at least respect that I am posting this. I hope that I cleared things up. And again I am truly sorry. Honestly, tonight it has taken a lot of strength for me to not hurt myself in response to all the posts I have read about myself, because some of them are true and I hate myself even more, some of them aren't though and then I feel sad because I know who is going to believe someone that has lied so many times? I have to earn your trust back. If you get anything out of this post, please just know I'm truly sorry and I'm working on being a better, healthier, happier, honest, stable, and compassionate person. I know I will get mixed messages after posting this - the people who will tell me how awful I am, but honestly - I already know, so you don't need to waste the time to tell me. I'm sure I will also get a few people who are thankful that I took the time and had the courage to write and post this. I'm sorry for being such a horrible person, and like I have said multiple times I really hate who I am, have become, and the mistakes I have made. but I'm trying to start over and not make them again, but with people constantly attacking me on here its a little difficult to do or to even try to move forward. I'm trying, and that's all I'm going to say. I'm sorry, and I'll prove it if you give me the chance to. - Kadee
No. 159391
>>159385Thank you for explaining things. And I think you nailed it on the head, as long as you move forward with your life and don't make the same mistakes again your life will get better. I'm glad that you're in therapy and getting the help you need.
I still would recommend that you limit your interaction on social media and the internet, just because it seems it's really tempting for you to exaggerate or make up claims to get attention or a reaction from people (whether it be positive or negative).
I think the only social media account you should keep is your Facebook (but please delete everyone you don't know personally). That way you can keep in contact with your friends and family but not feel as tempted to go down the rabbit hole and continue this cycle.
No. 159396
>>159385Good job for owning up, but in all honesty I still resent the hell out of you for your false portrayal of the disorders that have already claimed my chance to get old.
If you aren't just lying again about having BPD, which clearly nobody is obligated to believe, you need to get off the Internet and stop contributing to a disgusting Instagram community of fakers or people who refuse to recover and are the reason the stigma of 'BPD psycho woman' exist.
Stop actively contributing to groups that hurt the very people who have the conditions you want attention for Kaydee. I know you still have very little insight into what's wrong with what you've done, but you need to stop. End your online presence. Any decent therapist wouldn't encourage you to keep fulfilling your unhealthy need for attention and praise, especially when you're getting it in such an easily escapable place.
No. 159419
>>159385I sympathize with you, I really do. I also have BPD and all the addictions that go along with it. I even understand the need to exaggerate illnesses for attention, in order to feel loved and cared for.
It's good that you're in therapy, because you truly need it. Like
>>159391 and
>>159396 suggested, it's really in your best interest in limit your social media usage for your own good; to keep the temptation to bullshit and exaggerate at bay and to avoid reading things that might make you feel worse about yourself.
You need to start focusing on yourself, understand how and why you've fucked up over the years, and then work hard to right it all and improve yourself. That's all you can do. You can't keep carrying on with all the lying and bullshitting, and you know that. Best of luck to you.
No. 159423
>>159421This. It's great you apologised, but you did it in a way that still portrayed you as the victim of all these disorders, and ignored pretty much all of the ones you obviously lied about to just talk about a couple, and even then you didn't admit to flat out lying, just "exaggerating".
I honestly think you're just using the BPD thing as an excuse, but this is better than nothing.
Oh, and it's obvious you didn't spend the money on therapy, hence why you're trying to backpedal to say the receipt thing was just a lie and you never got one, despite there being no reason for you to lie about that at all except for trying to dodge the question.
No. 159425
>>159385It's good that you're in therapy Kadee - really.
This post is casebook BPD mindset, and you're not being 110% honest but it's only because you're not able to be honest with
Commit to your therapy "110%".
No. 159434
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>>159385Get a grip. No one cares about you being sick; we care about you being spastic liar and scammer. You haven't stopped any shit behaviors, and haven't changed.
No. 159439
>>159436>You're giving her the things she thirsts for most of all: asskissing attention ("So brave! Thank you! Such truth!").This. She just realised that this forum was the only place giving her any attention at all, and successfully manipulated you into feeling sorry for her and give her asspats.
It's great she apologised, but she did fucking shit things, including blatant scamming, and going "Sorry it's my BPD though" isn't enough to make up for it. It's a step in the right direction, but she hasn't done anything but right a rambling post that dodges taking any responsibility anyway.
I wouldn't be surprised if she's back online within a week.
No. 159441
>>159426I really hope the best for you and I hope this is the kick in the ass that you needed. There are plenty of communities for the specific illnesses you have and there's no need to pretend to be the sickest to get the support you need. You'll just end up being disliked and hated if you act like every flare up is cancer and you're dying because these people have been through the same things you are and can tell you're lying. They can also relate though, just tell them you're going through a flare up (when you actually are) and could use some encouragement to make it through it.
Cut down on the suicidal posts. All it does is make people angry. Telling people other than your therapist every time you have suicidal thoughts is going to wear on those close to you and drive them away. It can also make people take your life or death suicidal situations less seriously. Don't lie about not having them, but don't go out of your way to tell everyone. Also realize that suicidal gestures is a common part of BPD manipulation and that you need to learn to separate suicidal thoughts and plans from BPD thoughts and plans. Are you telling people you're going to kill yourself because you want a result, (like to make someone feel bad or make people worry and give you attention) or are you telling people because you need concrete help with those thoughts? (Drive you to the ER for a psych hold)
HAVE A WRITTEN ACTION PLAN FOR SUICIDAL/SELF HARMING THOUGHTS. THIS IS SUPER IMPORTANT. It cuts down on having to tell people and also with reliance on others. Telling yourself you are solely responsible for yourself and your condition will help a lot with recovery. (Particularly personality disorders)
Have a list of coping mechansims and distractions you go down, each one getting stronger down the line. The last one would be ER, but you ONLY use it as a last resort. (Like going to attempt suicide asap)
Remember that ER psych admissions are just expensive glorified baby sitters and that the thoughts aren't going to magically go away just because they took your shoelaces away for 72 hours. (This is from both a psych patient and someone who has worked an ER with psych admissions) 72 hour holds are there to make sure you don't hurt yourself or someone else and that's it.
I think you got caught in a loop where you started having a flare in both mental and physical health and exaggerated how you were feeling to get help, but it ended up driving people alway (which
triggers BPD) so you exaggerated more to try and bring them back, which drove them further away, and so on.
I still don't believe the embolisms and such, sorry. (I believe BPD, PCOS, and mayyybe fibro) The entire reason you have a thread here and on MPA is the lying, remember that. People see through it and get angry and spiteful because some of us have the conditions you lie about and get so angry we can't overlook it. An IRL friend and I watched it go down because we both have chronic physical and mental conditons and got super angry to see you fake them for money and attention.
No. 159447
>>159391>>159396>>159416>>159419Did you dumb fucks not bother reading what she posted? Here are some highlights from her wall of text:
>I am clinically diagnosed with BPD, bulimia, GAD, and major depressive disorder. Physically I struggle with fibromyalgia, lupus, a blood clotting disorder which has led to multiple problems with pulmonary embolisms and lung issues, many GI issues - like internal bleeding, kidney stones, pylonephritis and reoccuring pancreatitis. I also have poly cystic ovarian disease.
>I did have a cervical cancer scare a year ago when I got two abnormal pap tests, and the only thing I posted in relation to that was a keep calm and pray for those with cervical cancer
>I still do have an eating disorder
>I have had 4 surgeries this year all for GI issues
> I do have PTSD from sexual abuse
>I am not diagnosed with schizophrenia. My grandfather suffers from schizophrenia and is in a mental institution currently, and it was thought because I've had some hallucinations that I could possibly struggle with it too
>My therapist believes I struggle with addiction issues - both with alcohol and drugs. I don't believe that I doAnd all that is in the first fifth of what she wrote!
I can't believe y'all are falling for this. She's so completely full of shit, and she's telling her same lies, but she's peppering it with some bullshit apologies and you retards therefore think she's being sincere.
Knock it off!
No. 159448
I only read through the first fifth of the wall o' text because frankly it's making my eyes hurt. So don't think the rest of what she wrote isn't also overflowing with lies and insincere apologies.
No. 159457
>>159447This. She's trying to play her ridiculous behavior off as "exaggerating things a bit". Have you all suddenly forgotten the she was pulling off all this time?
This is not owning up at all, Kadee, and deep down, you must know it too.
No. 159465
>>159385> No I do not have anorexiaThank you for
finally being honest about that. Remember that 100k gofundme? You claimed that solely for anorexia treatment, that lie was about way more than just tagging all EDs to draw more people your way. Maybe you shouldn't read books like Winter Girls it encourages you.
>I really and truly did use the money to pay for an eating disorder support group that my therapist recommended for me that my insurance (medicaid) didn't cover, because the therapist who runs the group doesn't accept my insuranceWhy would they recommend a support group to you that does not accept your insurance? Your an unemployed 21 year old. I'm sure there are free support groups you can go to.
>As for my foot and ankle, yes I broke both of them. Not in 6 places, but in 2.I have to be skeptical, you took a bath like days after this happened. Way back on one of your tumblrs you also claimed an ankle that was broken in multiple places and that you even required surgery. Is this an old injury you brought back up for attention or was it a lie then too?
>>159394Why didn't you answer this anons question?
Your therapist may know of lolcow vaguely but I seriously doubt they've read through everything here. If they did then they would know how disastrous social media and internet communities are for you and would tell you to stay the fuck away. You probably referred to us as a bunch of mean haters ganging up on you for no reason but we were right about a lot of your lies. If you come back to IG or tumblr you need to put up a bolded disclaimer telling people that you are prone to major exaggeration. This shit hurts nice people who are suffering themselves be honest with them that you are not to be trusted 100%.
No. 159467
>>159466>Do you realise how much she STOLE from people?This. Her apology doesn't change that she outright ran a fraudulent gofundme. The receipts would help, but even if she did use it on therapy, she didn't have the disorders she said she needed it for, and it's fraud anyway.
It's fucking insane how so many people fell for that manipulative bullshit of a rant she posted.
No. 159571
>>159467>It's fucking insane how so many people fell for that manipulative bullshit of a rant she posted.responding to you - but there were similar remarks above, so this goes for those as well.
people have responded kindly to her because most (not necessarily the vocal majority) here are actually decent human beings and want to see her lose some weight, make friends, have a real life etc; they want to believe the best of her.
and kadee is preying on this natural humanity. not only in her gofundme but also just a few posts above - by absolving herself of her actions because of her bee pee dee.
kadee, you are responsible for yourself and your actions. i'm not condemning you and i'm not congratulating you either but just know that you have the ability to make your own choices. it doesn't make you less of a person to be sad or depressed without reason. you can just admit that you are feeling low, and i promise that lots of people can relate to that. but on the other hand, it won't MAKE people love you to always be in a "crisis." that's not real love, that's manipulation. wouldn't you like to experience kindness and friendship of its own accord, as opposed to attention derived from suicide threats and exaggerated illness? because that's what love and friendship is - natural honesty without threats and lies. i hope you stay off here and get better. i am not hopeful that this will happen, exactly, but i do want you do get better, you're young and you can improve upon your own life until it's enjoyable enough that you don't have to make up stuff to experience attention and affection.
No. 159573
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No. 159587
>>159582>Did you make up being an alcoholic and drug addict? Were you ever using drugs or alcohol on a daily basis?She did say her family/ therapist think has a substance abuse problem, but she doesn't think that. Doesn't explain else.
I have to say, Kadee is a fucking manipulative GENIUS. She said just enough to get people to think she's actually owning up to her shit while also saying absolutely nothing at all. She never admits to outright lying, just exaggerating, and blames most of it on her BPD.
I can't believe farmers are falling for it.
No. 159639
>>159385What happened at St. Vincents?? Please be honest because I'm worried about my sister going there. Were you accused of lying by a doctor or were they medically negligent? Was the fault on them or you? Are you still pursuing a lawsuit?
Thank you so much for owning up to your lies and mistakes. Hugs to you.
No. 159707
>>159688If her apology was truly meaningful she would make it in public and I completely agree with you.
As for the asskissers… It's OK I guess that she admitted some stuff but that isn't enough. She hasn't come clean about everything, she's just blamed some of her lies on her BPD (the ones she addressed anyway). I don't have that illness and I'm not going to pretend to know a lot about it, but what I do know is that it's not an excuse to behave in such a vile way without remorse.
No. 159711
>>159707I don't believe anything she said tbh. Maybe the pcos thing because she's obese, maybe bulimia. But beyond that, nope.
I don't think she is sorry in the least. She's just sorry she got caught faking stuff.
No. 159715
>>159665Based Mod. It's hellweek,they don't deserve the warning. Thank you
Polite sage
No. 159725
>>159385"I am not a terrible person even though I feel like I am"
This sentence literally makes no sense at all and gives away that all the self deprecating shit is for ass pats. It's basically 'I think I'm great but I'm going to pretend I think I'm awful, but while simultaneously insisting I'm great' IT MAKES NO SENSE (not that any of this does)
No. 159764
>>159651Because an "apology" full of excuses and claiming that she didn't really do anything wrong isn't an apology.
She's not agreed to return any of the money she stole, she's not admitted that obviously pretty much everything she said was just a flat out lie, she just manipulated people by posting "Oh it's not my fault I'm so sorry I'm the victim here though".
Even if it was a full on apology, without returning that money and some proof that she actually plans to stick to a treatment plan for her malingering, it means nothing. Anyone can go "oh, sorry" and not mean it.
No. 159827
>>159681Wow. I'm trying not to say anything to make you mad… but I don't think the ass kissers deserve a ban. That's a little nazi-ish. They're on topic and have their own opinion. You might want to think about your power complex. :/ Everyone can have their opinions, and not everyone is white-knighting her.
It's possible that Kadee is ass kissing herself on this forum. Don't ban her though. She's entertaining.
No. 159880
>>159434that pic kek
literally saw her wall of text and nope'd.
No. 159964
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>>159385>I am not a terrible person even though I feel like I am.>If you really knew me, you'd know I'm witty, sarcastic, can make you laugh all the time, and I have a big heart and go out of my way for those that I care about.Uh…People who think they're terrible generally don't big themselves up like this.
No. 160230
>>159725It could possibly make sense for someone in recovery, but yeah, not really for her. Even then it would be more like "I can't help feeling like I am even though I know I have no reason to".
She does that shit all the time though, tries to play something off as what a person in recovery would say but getting it completely wrong.
No. 160455
>>159385As a diagnosed borderline person I'm super offended that bitch is using BPD as an excuse to behave the way she does. Thanks to bitches like her people will never take those who suffer from BPD seriously.
Sorry Kadee I'm not buying your pity confession, just like I'm not buying you have BPD in general, considering how many times you lied about everything, because being a pathological liar doesn't make you borderline. Oh yeah, I forgot you were officially diagnosed with BPD. By imaginary therapists who treat you like their younger sibling, have girlfriend chats with you out of therapy and give you stuffed toys.
You seriously make me sick and there's no way I can forgive you for giving people yet another reason to believe borderlines are pathological liars full of shit. I didn't even feel like I hate you (I used to just find you entertaining as a lolcow) before you came here with your ~pity me I have BPD~ story, now I sure do. Do really sick people a favor and go choke on whatever junk food you're consuming right now.
No. 160647
>>159933>If you paid for it with a credit card or something, you can just go into your bank account and see your spending historyi am NOT WK'ing Kadee, i think she has munchausen's and lies more than all but 1 or 2 other cows.
that said, no support group for EDs takes credit cards. i've been to ED support groups and idk how i'd get proof of payment, everyone paid cash. She could ask whoever runs it to create a receipt of some kind. Kadee, you could tell them you're going to submit it to medicaid in the hopes of partial reimbursement (the group leader will tell u its a waste of time bc u won't get it) tell her: "I know but I'd like to try anyway, and if medicaid gives me zero reimbursement, my parents want it for their taxes bc they still claim me as a dependent." …though any BS receipt the person who runs the group could also probly be made by kadee too, so idk.
more importantly, no ed support group is more than like $15 a group. didn't she collect like $400+? so that wouldn't add up either..
No. 160702
>>160673How do you figure that someone who stole from people and trivialised serious illnesses has nothing to explain?
The least retarded possibly explanation for this is that Kadee just figured out how to reply.
No. 160970
>>160046Then you should know better
For shame
No. 161039
>>160647It seems pretty obvious by now she didn't spend the money on treatment, how she's been changing the story about the receipts for a while, and if I remember right, she posted a whole bunch of shit she bought not that long after she got money from it.
>>160455It really is disgusting, BPD, even if she has it isn't an excuse for acting like this. Being a shit person with BPD doesn't make you a victim, it makes you a shit person.
It's telling that even in her apology she did the same shit she's been doing all along.
No. 161107
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Someone on Kiwi made a list of all the conditions she claimed to have in that tl:dr explanation post. I'm kind of pissed I had a momentary lapse of judgement and gave her the benefit of the doubt, both at her and myself.
No. 161117
>>1610121. I'm pretty sure fat people float easier.
2. It's possible her body will wash up on shore, so not only would someone have to deal with a fat corpse, but it'd also be bloated and more decomposed.
I say this because we all know Kadee wouldn't take a boat out to the middle of the ocean and attempt. Similar to her gun experience, she'd probably jump off a dock and expect to drown to death.
No. 161203
Addiction sucks. Jail isn't fun. You'll be treated like fucking shit. No one will cater to you. Detoxing from alcohol is fucking shit. No one will care about your BPD in jail.
You're sitting cozy in your house and able to go to the er while there are people with actual addictions, actual cancer, and actual anorexia who have lost everything. That's what pisses people off. And your half assed apology isn't going to cut it.
Come back when you're actually sorry. I hope you don't hit rock bottom to feel sorry for acting the way you have.
No. 161228
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Updated the list to show what illnesses she included in the apology
No. 161411
>>161390Advoacting for those of us diagnosed with BPD who get shit like this from the uneducated public
and the supposedly educated professionals: people like Kadee and her manipulative and extreme attention seeking actions are what give people with BPD the terrible name. Many of us have actually suffered relatively silently most of our lives and go through various BPD 'crisis' points without making scenes online and dragging the whole world into it with us. Just like with any disorder, there are plenty of "high functioning" BPD sufferers who on the surface can manage life fairly well but still struggle to manage their symptoms which causes extreme distress…then there are others who spend their lives as revolving door patients, either because they cant get the actual help they specifically need or because they dont WANT the help they need. Finally there are those like Kadee who use mental illness as an EXCUSE rather than an explanation and who take zero accountability for their own actions and mistakes.
Please stop stereotyping us as one person.
No. 161428
>>161395In Aus at least, they do still use it, but like any personality disorder it's more used for the clinician, so the patient isn't usually told what they have. This is particularly the case for BPD, and there's always a risk of them completely identifying with that and becoming hard to treat.
She pretty clearly is just using it as an excuse though.
No. 162051
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Why is facebook suggesting Kadee to me as a friend?
No. 162133
File: 1470008943325.jpeg (73.67 KB, 640x974, image.jpeg)

omg i was just googling KK to see if any new profiles had cropped up and this link to her profile on a childcare site came up - if she ever seriously wants to find employment of any kind shes probably going to have to change her name again… there is so much bad and cringey stuff linked to her online that any future employer would have no trouble finding and seeing her drama-filled lies for themselves. Plus i swear she even lies on this childcare profile (states is a non-smoker when she has clearly bragged and documented about being a smoker on ig), also that she has all this paid experience lookig after kids…. Srsly finding that hard to believe when shes spent her whole life "in and out of treatment and hopsitals"!!!
(Pics related)
No. 162376
>>159587>I have to say, Kadee is a fucking manipulative GENIUS. She isn't in the slightest, the average person is just really, really dumb. Her wall of text is no different from her insta bullshit, the people here giving her asspats are the exact reason why she is still making her outrageous claims about her health.
I don't doubt she has BPD and as most people with BPD she uses her illness as an excuse for any of her shit behaviour.
No. 162541
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someone on kiwi found her journal on a platform called happier: (you need an account to view it but it takes 2 secs and doesn't require verification)
it's from 2013 and i still find it so fascinating how she's been doing this shit for YEARS now. it's the same exact content. posts about being oh so sick, fatty food and weird selfies.
No. 163088
>>163078I said massive weight gain. I know it causes people to gain weight.
It's also not overly difficult to prevent gaining so much weight that you become obese, especially when you get on the right mix of medications and lifestyle to manage it.
Kadee hasn't mentioned PCOS in months upon months. She likely forgot that she even claimed to have it. Don't you think that she would mention it all the time if she was truly diagnosed with it?
No. 163101
>>163078Isn't it more like…weight gain causes PCOS, not PCOS causes weight gain? 'cause Jillian Michaels, Victoria Beckham, etc have PCOS too and they're not fat cows.
Also pretty sure PCOS is only responsible for a ten pound weight gain, max.
No. 163120
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>Linda, the nurse who we just met with before my dad's surgery. She was incredibly kind, funny, and beautiful inside and out.then:
>A really mean nurse made me cry at the hospital but Linda (nice nurse) came and comforted me and made me smile.She basically manipulated medical attention out of that nurse. But the worst thing is she comes across SOOO patronizing to the people she manipulates. It's like, if someone gives her what they want, they're worthy of all this sickly-sweet, over-familiar praise that's basically false and insincere.
It's so gross
Well slap my shit, you hear that?
No. 163430
File: 1470443254598.jpeg (243.78 KB, 750x1091, image.jpeg)

Kadee has made an appearance on kellyrocksrecovery
There's 2 other pictures but this one is gold
No. 163481
>>163442>>163430she looks like Quasimodo
her head starts like halfway down her chest
what is this
No. 163482
>>163430jesus christ her eyebrows are disgusting
they desperately need to be shaped and trimmed, holy fuckk
No. 163665
File: 1470518351622.png (116.85 KB, 750x1334, image.png)

Anyone following her new account? It's private for "friends and family only"
No. 163851
>>163674Not true. You cannot be overweight and anorexic. You'd be osfed (previously ednos). The DSM took out the 17.5 number and replaced it something along he lines of "individual thinks they're fat despite being significantly underweight." You cannot be significantly underweight and overweight at the same time.
Osfed isn't anything to be ashamed. If anyone starts going on about "atypical anorexia" I will kindly remind that that that falls under osfed, not anorexia nervousa
No. 163901
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>>163849She was still chunky when she created her account, hit her lowest weight over 2 years ago, and then plumped back up. Being an ex-fatty meant that even when she was underweight, she was still weirdly doughy in a lot of places.
No. 164235
>>164013>>164021yeah exactly. especially given how many people started saying "wtf why are you defending her" after those posts.
maybe she's trying to detract from the fact that she HASN'T SHOWN THOSE RECEIPTS SHE PROMISED YET!
No. 164633
>>164611She deleted kadeeliveslife and the account she made after that using the name Addison. Now the only
known accounts she has up are kaykayizzle (from years ago with nothing on it), kadeelyn (used to be recoveryandkadee and is inactive), and justbeingnicole.
No. 164651
>>164648Almost forgot where I was.
Seriously though. It's people like her that reinforce that "insane lying manipulator succubus" shit that the rest of us have to deal with…
No. 164798
If you want to bash me and attack me on this stupid site go for it, but leave my friend alone - you have no fucking right to bring her into this shit. Make fun of me all you want, since you idiots thrive off of it, but leave her alone. This thread is clearly supposed to be about me, so leave my loved ones out. Make fun of me day and night because I couldn't give a shit. Do it, I dare you. Have fun, go wild. Enjoy yourselves! But if you bring my friend into this who is CLINICALLY DIAGNOSED with anorexia and not fucking "wannorexic" as you people called it we will have a problem. I am not anorexic. I am fat. I get that. I accept that. But if you bash someone who is truly sick with this disease you're just fucked in the head. I don't have anorexia, but I do have OSFED and struggle with restricting and purging. Not anorexia. But I can relate to feelings of it. But seriously for you to stalk and bring someone else who truly is diagnosed with the disease into this is fucking pathetic and disgusting. You always say how you would never make fun of someone with anorexia and that its messed up for someone to pretend to have it and all that bullshit, but when someone actually does you bash them too? Hmm, interesting. And pretty fucking hypocritical and messed up on a lot of levels. Get your shit straightened out and if you need to get your fix on making fun of anyone let it be me, please. I LOVE the attention and honestly laugh at your comments. So keep it coming!

No. 164800
>>164798hey kadee. will you accept my follow request on your new ig? i also suffer from anorexia, bulimia, bpd, lupus, cancer, a broken ankle, a missing intestine, aids, and perpetual dirty face. would be awesome to talk and exchange dms and really support each other!
love you, honey. :)
No. 164804
>>164803And you keep supplying that fuel instead of just letting your thread die.
Thanks babe.
No. 164841
File: 1470910047039.gif (1.77 MB, 400x286, Thats-Gold-Jerry-Gold-Kenny-Ba…)

>>164820GOLD. This is amazing. I hope you post more. Seriously. I love this.
No. 164850
>>164798>Make fun of me day and night because I couldn't give a shit. Do it, I dare you. Have fun, go wild.At this point you are the definition of pathetic. You don't care what we say? What a load of bull. If you didn't give a damn you would have made your accounts public and you wouldn't obsessively watch these threads like a hawk. Don't try to pretend to be strong when we can all see what a gutless coward you are. All you can do is hide and run away the moment someone calls your bullshit or writes ~*an unkind thing*~ about your fat ass.
You wanna dare us to make fun of us? Very fucking well. Stand your ground and go public again and I will gladly take you on it. C'mon Kadee. Prove us that you actually have a spine behind your layers of lies and fat. Stop being a joke at least once. I dare you.
But we both know you won't do it. You are completely incapable of doing anything else than spitting lies over lies and collecting asspats. And you wonder why everybody hates you.
Honestly, and there I didn't believe I could despise you even more.
No. 164861
>>164798Followed you for ages and noticed you imitating several accounts and watched you copy-catting illnesses and traumatic events and situations that genuine sufferers were struggling with. You were shameless on IG and a blatant malingerer to anyone with actual experience (read; 'CLINICALLY diagnosed'…) with the conditions you claimed to suffer with. People genuinely reached out to you (myself included) to support you or encourage positive change but all you did was use them for reference for your next bull 'prayers please' asspat invitations. Your fundraising lies are disgusting. You're being used by most as reverse 'thinspo' and a cautionary tale, you're shamelessly selfish and don't offer support to others unless it gives you more munchausens ammunition. It's just sad. You're not well, but not in the way that you seem to think.
Good luck with that hospital lolsuit…
No. 164915
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ffs kadee
No. 164992
It's kind of hard to play it off like "I don't care about what you say" while you stalk the threads for any news and keep all your accounts hidden to try to stop anyone knowing about anything you're doing. Which says to us that you're still doing the same shit, as if you had actually stopped, your accounts wouldn't be interesting and there'd be nothing to hide. We don't care about the normal persons account.
No. 165075
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>>164992From the looks of it, she still is.
But now her friend is in on it by saying she's scared Kadee will die from her super serious fake illnesses.
No. 165081
>>165075jesus fucking christ can these two fuck yet? Seriously Kadee is psycho-obsessed with her - way past the point of a normal healthy friendship. She is extremely possessive in the things she comments on Kelly's instagram and she's clearly jealous of Kelly's relationship with her boyfriend.
It seems Kelly feels the same way driving 3.25 hours to "watch sleeping beauty over night" like an absolute creep, when the worst that's wrong with Kadee is probably her having pains from indigestion from eating so. fucking. much.
No. 165096
>>165093This is all in the thread, but we know she's lying because she constantly checks into the hospital with different "life threatening" conditions that are gone a few days later, and has claimed to have chronic disabilities that she then just talks about stereotyped versions of at best, if not just ones she made up herself.
Combine that with there being like 40 of these conditions, both physical and mental, and her saying she was tested for stuff in ER that they only really test for in specialist units, and it's pretty obvious.
Who knows why she's in hospital though.
Also, I get I'm just spoonfeeding, but you should really do what
>>165094 said if you want to understand what's going on.
No. 165117
>Major blood clots all over her body. In one of her heart valves too. A full blockage in the right side. And she has multiple clots in all her limbs. I'm scaredKelly reports Kadee's deadly illness of the week in the comments of
>>165075 post.
No. 165122
>>165119Anyone know the backstory on these two? I don't remember Kadee ever mentioning her before, but now she's all over her instagram.
Also, Kelly links to her ebay in her instagram profile and she's selling a bunch of unused ng (feeding) tubes. WTF? Can you change your own feeding tube? Wouldn't the hospital provide them? I'm confused as to why someone would have a bunch of spare feeding tubes lying around.
No. 165123
>>155642Anyone else waiting for Kadee The Hutt to come back in this thread saying 'haha that was an old picture from my many millions of times in hospital and you fell for it! Just proving a point that you all can't resist talking about me'
I mean I don't know about you but when my friend is potentially 'dying' I don't plaster their photo on IG.
No. 165128
>>165123Kadee is not smart enough to plan for such a maneuver.
I think she is just trying to outsource getting her asspats to Kelly's IG. Her private IG probably doesn't provide her with enough attention and she is scared shitless of going public ever again, so she is trying to work around it.
And yeah, normal people don't plaster their dying friend all over their social network (unless they desperately need to vent and need some mental picking up), but those two are the worst of worst, so…
No. 165174
>>165171It's not the same Kelly from the previous threads, I had it mixed up when I wrote
>>165124 , and as far as I know her illnesses are legit until proven otherwise
No. 165183
>>165139>>165167You guys seem kinda jealous and honestly, I feel bad for you. She is rounded in the face, yes, but more curvy or thick than fat. Which some people actually prefer, so stop acting like your preference is law.
Plus chronically ill people often struggle with their weight of no fault of their own. Maybe get a life?
No. 165191
>>165183>More curvy and thick*Rolly and triplewide
She's passed beyond curvy, chubby, fat, and obese. She's a straight up obeast at this point, complete with terrible hygiene and awful personality.
No. 165205
>>165200That's not true. You can rip those fuckers out, NG or NJ. However they both require a doctor or nurse to put back in, so like… If she legitimately needs it, it's impractical to take it out just for a beach trip.
But I have a #spoonie friend (a cow herself) who got a NJ tube solely because she bitched loud enough in the pediatric ward to get it. She took her selfies and then ripped it out an hour later because it was "too uncomfortable." It doesn't mean much and spoonie attention whores know they get mad #hospitalglam whatever bullshit disabled points for it.
No. 165263
>>165183You know, when you're writing bait you need to actually do more than just write retarded shit and imply that people are ugly anon, this is just low effort.
And in no world is morbidly obese just curvy or thick. Being one consistent curve all the way around doesn't mean you're curvy.
No. 165273
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>>165183>>165190There is no way around it, don't sugar coat it, because she's had quite enough of that stuff.
Just like she has blamed her BPD on her awful actions, you are blaming your weight on your thyroid issues, and PCOS.
I'm sure you have. Of course, you do. Everybody who can't manage to not stuff their face with crap 24/7 seems to have one nowadays.
Curvy is a body type, that's how your body is shaped, an hourglass body is curvy.
You could be curvy, be a size 0, and you'd still have a curvy figure, you can't help it, that's how your body is.
Being fat, is just that, fat. And it's something you can control. Now, if you don't care for your health, that's on you, not us.
You're not entitled asspats and sympathy from anybody just because you're sick, mentally or physically.
While, yes, it has been proven that thyroid issues and PCOS can make somebody gain weight, it does not make it impossible to either loose it, or maintain a healthy one.
Stop feeling sorry for yourself, start taking care of yourself, and stop making excuses for your poor eating habits. I doubt you live in a place like Japan where buying a melon is looked at as a luxury.
No. 165279
>>155642I'm not really getting why she's using her friend's IG to start posting the shit she used to post on her account. If she's gonna start that up again she might as well do it on another one of her accounts under whatever iteration of her name she's chosen this week.
She's following the same pattern on the friend's IG as her own. One day it's 'pray for me' and 'I've got multiple blood clots' death bed shit and then the next photo she's lying in her bed like a beached whale messing around with a giant plushie making jokes about IVs. She's obviously starting the cycle again but why do it on someone else's account and not her own?
No. 165285
>>165284So you're magically packing on mass from a small amount of food?
The only person you're fooling is yourself.
No. 165286
File: 1471069365913.jpg (8.44 KB, 320x180, 13906793_1172302322843316_8515…)

>>165281>>165284this is much sweeter than the ice cream you just ate. take a fucking walk or swim next time you go to a beach. pretty simple stuff
No. 165291
>>165281>>165284Yeah, I'm The Big Bad Wolf. But too bad you're too fat to blow away. Kadee, and it's obviously you.
Even if you ate that little, your body burns more than that by just keeping it alive, and you'd end up loosing weight.
Whether or not you did any physical activity. Now that you're just a liar, that's another subject.
Stop eating entire containers of ice cream, and actually eat healthy and go for a 1/2-1 hour walk, even that little of an exercise does wonders.
No. 165292
>>165287swimming is highly recommended for obesity, couple that with changing her shitty diet, she might actually be happy with herself.
>>165289what, isn't it like 1500 calories and youre almost guaranteed to lose weight over time? i agree
No. 165319
>>165295Oh god i still remember that marshmallow with chocolate ordeal that was just a snack.
>>165190Thyroid problems like hypothyroidism ,hashimotos only counts for about 10 extra pound (give or take some)not 210+. It also gives loads of other problems but nobody ever mentions those
every fat person only talks about the weight gain, funny that
No. 165322
>>165284a) you suck at calorie counting
b) you are a magical unicorn whose existence literally breaks the most basic law of universe
Yeah, don't give us that "you don't know enough about me!!!" spiel. The fact that you chose the believe to be b) and not a) tells volumes about how just pathetic sort of person you are.
No. 165337
>>165327I really wish there was a way to block users from viewing the site at all really, to stop this sort of shit. Just redirect them to a picture of a cow or something if they're cows who've demonstrated they lurk here.
Would stop people like Candice from being able to do that shit as much.
No. 165405
Please refrain from any more weight derailment or blog style posts like this one
>>165284Keep the thread on topic.
No. 165597
>>165585Not annoyed - it actually just proves our points & shows how absolutely desperate she is for medical related attention &/pity points… She is willing to literally use other people to get this attention from others and she hasnt thought for one minute how this so called friend may be adversly affected being dragged into her internet munchausens soap opera life!
From the very little i have been able to see about this friend (literally just the posts shared on here) it seems like she is highly likely to also have bpd OR have spent her life always being in unhealthy relationships and sadly it is very common for other bpd individuals to be drawn into codependant or obsessive/unhealthy relationships with very warped boundaries, because that is the nature of the personalities of people who have bpd.
Im super keen to see just how long her intese friendship with this girl lasts before kadee decided she is once again a victim in another shallow move to get validated and attention.
No. 165650
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>>155642Latest drams. KadeeCow has left hospital against medical advice! Just two days after being on her death bed! It's a summer miracle!
No. 165653
>>165650thank you good farmer for providing the news
she seems to be back to her usual routine. i wonder how long kelly and her followers are going to put up with her shit…
No. 165699
File: 1471218572008.jpeg (135.56 KB, 640x909, image.jpeg)

For anyone who missed it before The Enabler went private, here is a picture of The Cow in its natural habitat. Believe it or not this was a mere 24 hours after The Cow was on its deathbed. Be amazed by its regenerative abilities!
No. 165704
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>>155642>>165703For you anon! Kelly's explanation when questioned after she posted a pic of The Cow in its bed.
No. 165726
>>165717Almost definitely honestly, she's lurking heaps, any time the thread gets active again she comes in and throws a tantrum.
>>165723If you don't want your friends to get involved, don't get them involved by using their accounts to do the same shit you used to do.
And if you want us to focus on you and leave them alone, make your account public so we actually can, don't make it so just your friends are accessible and then bitch people use that.
No. 165727
File: 1471224320973.gif (318.24 KB, 330x182, Oh honey.gif)

>>165723Kadee, just leave the internet. You can function without it. Request that your family and friends keep you out of their social media, and keep in touch with them via sms and phone calls. You need to stop.
No. 165732
>>165723Kelly lost that privilege when she started to enable you on your quest for internet attention via her instagram account. Don't show up in anymore of her posts or pictures and people will likely stop caring about her. You might believe that there is no such thing as bad press, but I doubt Kelly agrees.
If you really want to be left alone, stop posting here and get off the internet. Don't post pictures of yourself, if you MUST have a Facebook, keep only family and friends you know in real life and trust. Erase yourself from the internet and there's nothing for us to talk about here. Your thread was dying until you revived it by posting in it.
Though at this point you seem to be so desperate for attention that you're willing to come here for your fix. Do what Ashley does and carry on online as if nothing ever happened and don't post in your own thread. (She tries to defend herself anonymously occasionally but fails hard. Don't do that.) Just sit back and soak up the attention like the bloated tick that you are.
No. 165744
>>155642Kadee, you have no place to complain that we're talking about your friend. Although, to be quite honest, we're not talking that much about her (since the thread isn't about her) but we're talking about the fact that YOU'RE pulling the same shit on her account.
And don't even try to use 'but I didn't know she was taking those pictures'. We all know you're behind it. People tend not to take photos on their loved ones in hospital beds and as for the one where you're hugging that plushie, you obviously knew where that photo would end up. Why else would Kelly have taken it? for posterity? hardly. Friends take pics of friends doing shit like messing around in the park or whatever, NOT in hospital beds.
TLDR: Don't come on here bloo bloo bloo-ing that your friend's account has been brought to our attention because YOU were the one that did it.
No. 165833
>>165830From what I'm seeing, Kelly is definitely a real person, but likely one that does similar shit to Kadee, though not as extremely.
You'd have to be literally retarded to buy into her shit assuming you aren't her mother otherwise.
No. 165855
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I didn't see this posted about on here: I stole it from KiwiFarms. This picture was apparently posted after the first hospital pic of Kadee on Kelly's account. I couldn't imagine being this starved for attention that she felt the need to hack her friend's instagram.
No. 165863
>>165859Lmao EXACTLY!!! omg this womanchild just cant help herself can she?! She cant stay away from social media long enough to at least
try to make her previous dramas from minutes before seem legit!
No. 165866
>>165863Yeah, I really don't get how it can make sense to go "I'm going to claim to have an immediately life threatening disease and then have fun with no issues a few minutes later".
At least with a mental disorder you can just claim to be having a good day, or point out that not every day is proof of your worst possible moment(a depressed person can still laugh and have fun sometimes, as can any other disorder), but she seemed to have missed this memo.
No. 165951
>>165945Except this isn't kadee and I never said leave Kelly alone.
It does puss me off though that this attention starved piece of shit is now lying to Kelly and using her to continue her ridiculous lies.
No. 165972
>>165961Kelly does know about this thread. For one thing there's no way that Everybody's Favourite Victim Kadee would've been able to keep her trap shut about the meanies on lolcow. Also Kelly made her account private after being discussed on here. Finally, the thread got derailed with talks about her NG tube and why she has it 24/7 and doesn't remove it and low and behold all of a sudden Kelly posts about her NG specifically mentioned she 'wishes' she could take it out but can't because it's too dangerous.
She knows anon.
No. 165993
>>165985"I believe her. I don't doubt her"
"If she's lying then she's lying"
Said like a true supporter
No. 166001
>>165985The "other friend" was Briana Petropaula who's another pro-ana LOLcow in her own right, complete with a "modeling portfolio" and drunk posts complete with self injury.
In't that right, Kelly?
No. 166002
>>166001Would that be the mysterious B that showed up to defend Kadee a while back? Or was that Kadee pretending to be Briana?
The plot thickens.
No. 166004
>>155642Has anyone looked at Kadee'a tumblr recently? It's full of thinspo and pro ana bullshit.
How are you gonna do all those crunches and ~fragile ana butterfly~ exercises with your multiple blood clots and shattered ankle?
No. 166076
File: 1471320608595.jpg (Spoiler Image,43.13 KB, 526x526, TheSmellOfVomitAndDollarTreeMa…)

>>166016JFC this whole fucking crew is rife with chewed up hair and makeup done while on downers along with the histrionics and puke
No. 166140
Dear Kadee & Kelly
Please take 5 mins to read this article; it may enlighten you both and help you both make healthier choices in the future.
The cruellest of internet hoaxes No. 166156
>>166140Interesting read, but I doubt it will do anything to Kadee. She's already been confronted and proven to be bullshitting, but just doesn't care, and keeps doing it. Only person who can fix her is her.
I imagine same goes for Kelly, she's aiding Kadee in her shit despite the heaps and heaps of evidence she's lying, and seemingly doesn't care about this.
No. 166177
>>166169There doesn't appear to be much to pick tbh.
BTW, is Kadee in uni? Does she has a degree of any sort?
No. 166208
>>166207i don't know anything about the girl, and i haven't even met her..i'm not the type of person to call someone a friend when I literally know nothing about them.
so…you're just assuming i'm friends with this girl because…why?
No. 166211
>>166205Well, maybe I was wrong, but why are you still here if you're not involved with this?
I get you're Kelly's friend, but she chose to get involved with this, why drag yourself into this if you're claiming it has nothing to do with you? You could have just posted "Yeah, I'm not involved with this, leave me out of it please", but you didn't.
No. 166231
>>166211>>166211In my first post I asked what I did and why I was being involved. I never posted until someone decided to post my full name and shit. People still seem to think I'm involved so I'm trying to explain to you guys that I don't know kadee or any details about what you're accusing her of.
As far as what I feel about kadee and Kelly's friendship: they're adults and can choose who to be friends with and I have no right to suggest other wise. I think kadee should have told her about this site right off the bat and avoided hacking Kelly's page but I dont think Kelly knew about any of this or the possobility of being insulted or harassed
No. 166239
>>166177LOL, bless your heart anon, do you really think with all her Super Serious Totally Legit and Not Fake Illnesses, that Kadee could finish undergrad?
She has a GED as I recall.
No. 166241
>>166208Sorry, I thought you knew Kadee since you came here to defend yourself for whatever reason.
I agree that people should leave you alone but some farmers here won't.
No. 166243
>>166241I only heard of kadee's existence last week because she came and visited kelly. Kelly told me about this site so i came here to see what was being said and saw that my damn name was thrown on here. I have no idea why or how they picked me out of kelly's and honestly id like to learn that information but i doubt i will.
So, if i could just be left out of this since i have no involvment and dont even know the person who this post is about past the fact that she exists thatd be nice. Thats really all i came here for. To clear up any misinformation.
No. 166252
>>166243since you know kelly better than we do, do you think
>>165985 was written by her?
No. 166411
>>166381Cow goes "moo"…
It's creepier that Kadee is a real person who willingly posts her crazy everywhere IMHO
No. 167571
>>167508Thing is people with ED's usually hate ensures, medical intervention and inpatient stays. Why this woman is trying her hardest to remain in hospital and be part of the online ill/ed community is weird.
Should she not have interests and goals that don't involve spending thousands on treatment that you don't need just so you can feel part of a community or not have the same expectations and demands that dos people her age have (job/relationships/hobbies./education)
No. 167577
>>167571You've actually got a good point that she seems to have no interests or desires in life about what she wants to be or do apart from being sick, it's strange.
Even other munchausens type people I've met in life still have hobbies and dreams, they just are more interested in being sick than pursuing dreams. But still, they have hobbies apart from hospital trips.
You're right in that she'd have been smart to at least try to pretend she didn't love all the medical attention, no-one with any disorder apart from fictitious ones really ever like medical attention they don't need.
>>167574On the topic of this, has anyone managed to get her to accept them on her new profile? Or is it still private and "family only".
No. 167590
>>167585I imagine if she's being that insanely strict she has an alt honestly, I find it hard to believe she could just go without the attention completely. I'm sure it'll pop up here or on another cow related site if the threads stay bumped.
Not really a huge user of instagram, but is there a way to tell who someone's following?
No. 168384
File: 1472153271022.jpg (23.6 KB, 400x400, CLR.jpg)

This thread needs some CLR.
No. 169172
>>169015>>169072Kelly removed Kadee's name from her bio and deleted all pictures of Kadee or involving her.
Kadee also removed Kelly's name from her Instagram bio.
No. 170361
File: 1472677749836.jpeg (158.03 KB, 746x1097, image.jpeg)

Kadee's old account is still gold. Didn't know there was such a thing as a "neck disability"
No. 170581
File: 1472754612237.jpeg (147.63 KB, 640x910, image.jpeg)

>>170579Well after seeing the neck disability one i had to go back through her older posts and came across this gem from over 1.5 yrs ago…. Slips & falls on ice, breaks ankle, thinks she should be in hospital 3 weeks then nursing home on discharge for full time care !! The posts that follow it are even funnier cos she gets so mad when insurance stops paying for her to be in hospital and abusing pain meds & using jursing staff as personal slaves! ?? if she was in uk and using nhs she would have stayed in 1 night max with possibly coedine if they are feeling generous, and been given outpatient phsyio for maybe 12 sessions if lucky. None of this controlled drug malarky as painkillers and letting the patient lie in bed refusing to self care!
No. 170582
File: 1472754971263.jpeg (341.66 KB, 1200x1640, image.jpeg)

Her posts after traumatically being "kicked out" of hospital even though her ankle is still broken!!!! Lol… And apparently she had an "aid" helping her at home after even though she was living with her family!
No. 170602
File: 1472758243855.jpeg (131.51 KB, 640x891, image.jpeg)

>>155642Febuary 5 - kidneys are failing
Feburary 6 - posts a pic of her looking perfectly healthy sucking on a takeaway drink and playing in the snow
No. 170631
File: 1472762345828.png (290.01 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2016-09-01-16-37-24…)

>>170626This is the most lol-worthy stuff she's posted so far.
She had posted about going to the hospital again, but it was deleted.
No. 170670
>>170361Thanks for posting this I hadn't seen it before, neck disability lol. BTW this looks like it was taken when she was in high school judging by the lockers behind her. She was the weird kid who randomly showed up in a neck brace for
super serious disabilities and then never wore it again after a couple of days.
No. 170702
>>170686>>170691I think that was someone writing a message. It says "I survived a zombie bite <3 Nicole" and is signed as "Steve", so that's probably why the e's look the same.
I wouldn't put it past her to sign them all herself though.
No. 170750
>>170748She just needs to be told she can't go to hospitals in her local region anymore honestly. If she can't just turn up every two days because it's an hours drive to the next hospital, she'll get over the turning up there so often pretty quickly.
I'm pretty sure one she was in at least every week refused her a fair bit back, hopefully more take their lead.
No. 170761
>>170750If she shows up, the ER has to take her. You cannot legally turn anyone away without some sort of care.
What I don't get, is why the attending/hospitalist didn't involuntarily commit this crazy cunt to a psychiatric facility. If you're a threat to yourself by being noncompliant and racking up CONSTANT hospital visits for the same thing, you can be committed and held until they see improvement. Bet her coddling parents won't allow that, though.
No. 170764
>>170761Not true, a hospital can refuse to treat someone who's shown a consistent malingering pattern. Maybe not if someone else calls an ambulance and they get sent to the hospital that way, but even then, if it's from home the hospital can put your address on a blacklist that ambulances won't go to.
It happened to a lady who lived across the street from me once, she had a habit of calling ambulances for her kids whenever they had a cold, and they eventually refused to send ambulances to her at all.
>What I don't get, is why the attending/hospitalist didn't involuntarily commit this crazy cunt to a psychiatric facility.Because she's an adult, and clearly not an immediate and serious risk to herself and others. She's not going to cut her eyes out or slice herself up so bad she could die, and she's clearly not suicidal or a threat to someone else, so they don't want her.
Inpatient units are for acute cases until they're stable enough to live in the community without serious risk, not people with factitious disorders.
No. 170913
>>170910This. You've got immediate suicide risks, seriously psychotic people and people who're massively self destructive to the point where they could easily off themselves or do serious damage.
They don't have enough beds for everyone who decides they want some attention.
No. 170918
>>170761At most they'd put her on a short hold if she went in actively crying suicide and said the right things during the intake assessment with the psych nurse. This goes for literally anyone, though - I could drive to my local ER right now, baww about offing myself, and get tossed into the psychiatric drunk tank.
Despite her shenanigans, she's not mentally ill enough to be a real danger or have a compromised ability to live in society.
No. 170931
File: 1472894079406.png (399.69 KB, 522x615, 9psychewards.PNG.png)

>>170925Looks like it.
I can only imagine she thinks this "in the psych ward MORE THAN NINE TIMES" crap sounds impressive, but going in that often just says to me that she was in for a lot of short-term suicide watches (nine separate admissions in twelve months doesn't leave a lot of room for long stays).
If she really needed to be kept as a psychiatric inpatient they'd have figured it out after the third or fourth admission, tops, and locked her up.
No. 170943
>>170931Yeah, that's almost definitely just her turning up for a suicide check, I can't think of any other reason why it would be that much. I suppose some people with psychosis stuff tend to phase in and out of it a lot, but that's not really on topic.
Gotta love the "just in psych wards" part too.
Who keeps all of their bracelets from wards anyway?
>>170932She likely was only in for one or two nights while they monitored her, found out she was perfectly functional and capable of operating outpatient and released her. If it's a grand a week, and she's only in for a couple days each time, that's only a few grand in a year.
No. 171038
>>170943I can't imagine why she'd WANT to go to the psych ward… I was in there once after a suicide attempt and it was so awful, that alone would scare me off of ever attempting again.
Plus most psych wards won't let you have your phone/computer etc. So there's no way for her to post to get attention. Seems off for Kadee.
I'm guessing they aren't actually from the psych ward. They're just regular hospital bracelets and she's claiming they're psych ward bracelets so people will coddle her poor mentally ill self.
No. 171104
>>171038I can't imagine why anyone would want to be in hospital full stop, it's boring as fuck even when you're sick or in pain, let alone as a healthy person.
But I guess as
>>171041 said, the goal's attention for her, so that makes up for the complete boredom, and it's easier to say you're suicidal than it is to fake having a heart condition.
No. 171306
>>171269That would make a lot of sense, psych wards are much, much harder on malingerers than any other wards, if they don't have any reason to believe you, you can outright say that you'll kill yourself if they kick you out and they'll still do it.
It's one of the advantages of them being able to see you 24/7 I suppose.
No. 172827
File: 1473523351511.jpeg (63.28 KB, 750x391, image.jpeg)

Dumb bitch
No. 172897
File: 1473542098990.jpeg (246.8 KB, 1242x1745, image.jpeg)

No. 172903
File: 1473543327093.jpg (89.49 KB, 569x571, 12391911_1666132203635437_4378…)

>>172900i used to love reading all of her fuckery, but now it's just so incredibly sad beyond cringy
No. 172958
>>172950You don't hospitalise people just for self harm, it's their body to burn if they choose to as far as hospitals see it. They don't care unless you're going to die from it if it's self inflicted.
And yeah, Munchausens is super hard to treat because they just use the therapy to get more attention from, it's buying into it. You just kind of have to hope they realise they have a problem, same as you can't treat an addict who doesn't want to stop until they change their mind.
No. 172962
>>172961>if you self harm, you're a potential danger to yourself and othersHow exactly are you a threat to others if you burn your own arm?
And also, it's not legally possible to put someone in a hospital unless they're a serious and immediate threat to themselves. Burning your arm isn't a serious threat to yourself. But having a self harm issue where you slice yourself up to the point where you feel faint from blood loss semi-regularly is, and a hospital could have grounds to make you inpatient involuntarily, but not just for anyone with self harm issues.
Not normal doesn't mean you need to be inpatient, there's millions of people with mental health issues, and the vast majority never need to be in a psych unit.
No. 172964
>>172962Sorry, meant to say a danger to yourself or others. Not and.
Also what is considered serious or not is subjective. Burning and/or cutting yourself can lead to infection at the least. I'm saying this as a stupidly clumsy person whose had some skin infections that required iv antibiotics.
No. 172969
>>172964>Sorry, meant to say a danger to yourself or others.Still, a person with a relatively mild self harm issue isn't a danger to others.
>Also what is considered serious or not is subjective. Burning and/or cutting yourself can lead to infection at the least.It's not. If it's a serious threat to your life medically speaking, it's serious. That's not subjective.
And as to infections, that's where immediate comes in, as well as intent. Unless you're going out of your way to cause a wound to go septic, you're not at fault for that.
If we counted every wound that could get infected and kill you, I could argue that you should be put in a hospital, because your clumsiness led to serious infection and therefore you're not capable of caring for yourself safely. It gets too easy to justify why almost anyone should be in a ward unless we keep to those criteria set out already, that you have to be a serious and immediate threat to yourself or other peoples lives.
No. 172971
>>172970You said
>How do you hospitalize someone for their own good who's self-harming just to be hospitalized in the first place? And my answer was you don't. I assumed you meant in a psych ward seeing as there's no other hospital ward that would want her or would be relevant to her problems.
No. 172972
>>172971Sorry no, you're confusing me with another poster. I am only
>>172961 and
>>172964 No. 172973
>>172972Ah, well fair enough then, but I was talking about psych units in my reply to the original poster.
It's the only relevant part of a hospital, a GP could handle the rest. Hell, a bottle of antiseptic could.
No. 172974
>>172973Well, Kadee is obese with a bad diet, and it's been proven that obese people have poor healing outcomes so for her a bottle of antiseptic may not be enough. But time will tell.
I assume from your spelling that you're in the UK. You have no idea how much easier it is to get mental health benefits over there. Most insurance companies have limits to inpatient and outpatient visits. and you'll be lucky to find a doctor to take certain insurance plans to begin with.
GP's are also not equipped to deal with mental health here.
No. 172993
>>155642>>172991It doesn't.
She's clearly lacking intelligence. If she had anything about her she wouldn't use such extreme language like 'setting her arm on fire' when most people would say 'burned my arm', nor would she make up such terrible lies. If she had an ounce of creativity/intelligence then she'd be able to construct something a lot more plausible than 'I split house cleaner on my arm and a cigarette set it on fire'
No. 173458
File: 1473721480875.png (299.88 KB, 480x782, Capture _2016-09-12-18-54-49.p…)

No. 173460
File: 1473721538723.png (268.99 KB, 480x782, Capture _2016-09-12-18-58-35.p…)

This is just ridiculous
No. 173628
>>173460Wait so shes back in hopsital AGAIN?! Which one this time as she swore she would never go back to st vincents…
What is she claiming is wrong now & how many major surgeries is she planning on having this time??? She just cant stay away from playing the sick "spoonie" despite admitting to her hospital addiction on here already and grovelling saying she was trying to stop and knows her exaggerating "was wrong" ! ?
No. 174360
>>174044Jesus Christ this is pretty cringeworthy.
>I show up to the emergency room in jeans, a nice blouse, my hair and makeup done. Maybe because I don’t appear to be ill, you roll your eyes when I attempt to tell you my symptoms. I try to explain I’ve had an infection for a month now, and four rounds of different antibiotics haven’t helpedWhy do so many people act like the emergency room is just the same as your GP? If you have the time to make yourself look pretty, you're not experiencing an emergency, and should just go see your doctor. Wanting a new medication isn't what the emergency room is for.
>I tell you the medicine only makes me feel worse, so I really don’t want to keep trying different medicine only to find out it only masked some symptoms, but you tell me it’s not unusual for multiple medicines not to work for a single infection>You tell me my only option is to take a different antibiotic to see if it works. Instead of trying to think of other solutions or bouncing ideas off a co-worker, you ignored my pleasI love how she acts like the doctor going "all we can do for you is give you another medication and send you away" is somehow a bad thing, and that they should just magically come up with a new solution.
This part is just the absolute icing on the cake for me
>And lastly, please don’t ever think you understand what I go through on a daily basis better than I do. When you leave the hospital, you leave all the sickness behind. When I leave the hospital, I take it all with me.As if because she's going through the illness, she knows more about how it should be treated than a doctor.
This honestly reads like something Kadee would write in a rant here.
No. 174396
>>174360You could have easily done makeup and hair and dressed nicely earlier in the day and then ended up in the ER. That doesn't necessarily mean it wasn't an urgent issue.
But that article definitely sounds like Kadee, apart from the fact that Kadee has no real illness except for being a malingering idiot
No. 174400
>>174396The clothes I can get, but your hair gets messed up throughout the day even as a healthy person, and if you're so sick you're in ER, you're not going to all prettied up, you'll just look like a sick person in okay clothes. That reads like she's done her makeup and then gone to the hospital for a med change.
Anyone know how that anon managed to get access to her insta though?
No. 174411
>>174400Is it an anon or is it Kadee herself? Her IG isn't public so she can't get her daily dose of random public attention but she knows if milk is provided she'll get talked about.
Either that or it's Kelly who finally got sick of her bullshit and the face that her 'BFF' dragged her into the drama of an image board.
No. 174422
>>174360Not even. In the US, urgent care can take care of almost everything. Broken bones, sprains, infections, etc.
But you need insurance to use urgent care, so a lot of people use the ER as their personal doctor if they don't have any insurance.
No. 174428
>>174411Nah, I doubt it's Kadee, she's not that smart I don't think, she'd make it super obvious. Or just make her IG public again.
>>174422I don't really know what urgent care refers to, but I'm guessing it's a system where you can contact a GP immediately in case of minor emergencies?
Either way, wanting a medication change isn't really urgent at all, you can wait a week or so to have that done, no wonder emergency didn't take that girl very seriously.
No. 177519
>>177488THIS! Her antics are pure fucking gold.
Goddammit I hate cow-tippers. She was such a great producer of glorious, rich cream when her pages were open. Too many good laughingstocks have been spooked by pearl clutchers and PULL tier interference. /rant
No. 177600
>>174044Is gastroparesis the new flavor of the month disease? I see a lot of these types complaining about it now. Because it's so fun to pretend your stomach can't digest food properly.
>>177522Because of people like this I'm always afraid no one will believe me because I have the real version of some of these things. It's no different than all these snowflakes claiming they have autism taking attention away from people who really do.
I'm sure Kaydee is the laughing stock of every hospital she goes to.
>>177564It's the best name she could have picked!
No. 181252
>>177764How do you know this anon?
Do you have access?
No. 181492
File: 1476108612774.jpg (718.95 KB, 2048x2048, E88ADD53-D910-4182-BECB-1610B2…)

>>181252From her Facebook before she removed me
No. 181601
>>181492Holy shit that belongs on some kind of terrible tattoo blog. It's fresh and looks like complete garbage, she research some
good tattoo artist to fix that up.
No. 181665
>>181492She doesn't realize that it's the NEDA symbol mixed with the suicide survivor symbol oh my
No. 181668
File: 1476146477335.jpg (42.31 KB, 428x515, c88ca634fdfa38c2aff3e19e7ec541…)

No. 181691
>>181492LOL at the whole it'll pop more as time goes on thing.
This girl is dumb as a sack of rocks. And that's insulting the rocks for fuck sakes. What's going to be worse is when she gains weight and the tattoo stretches. I hope that this was an apprentice doing that shit because I don't want to believe a tattoo artist with years of experience would do something as amateur as this.
No. 181762
>>181492People like to joke that bad tattoos look infected.
This genuinly looks like she got a nasty infection or disease from the tattoo and will possibly lose the leg soon. Also, anybody with any sort of ink knows that tattoos do the opposite with time. Of there was some sort of magical ink that increased color over time, there would be a lot less old people with unrecognizable blotches.
No. 181845
>>181819if you pick at a tattoo while it's healing that can effect the way it turns out. she won't have to do much of anything seeing as how it already looks like a pile of purple shit.
she should definitely get it wet as much as possible b/c that will make the colors so much more vibrant. scrubbing it with one of those green scouring pads to remove the dead skin on a daily basis is great too.
No. 181851
>>181819I still think she drew that shit on with Sharpie pens or something.
Yeah, me too. It's Kadee, after all.
No. 181870
File: 1476197548593.png (114.22 KB, 750x841, IMG_3628.PNG)

>>181691>>181762>>181770>>181819>>181833>>181851The most recent picture posted of it was September 11 and it still looks just as shitty
No. 181874
>>181870Oh my god. It just keeps looking worse and worse.
The artist probably rushed the shit out of it so they didn't have to listen to her life story. Also made it extra shitty so she wouldn't come in again. Sad that Kadee thinks it's a masterpiece.
This is why you never do an impromptu tattoo and pay a cheap price. You get what you pay for and if you don't research the artist doing work on you you're going to have a bad time. I'm surprised Kadee didn't turn it a sad story "BAWWW they ruined my body! Look at this! I'm going to sue! I'm having a panic attack at how ugly it is and am now in the hospital. THEY LITERALLY KILLED ME! MURDERERS!"
No. 182493
>>181870Oh boy. That's gonna be almost impossible to cover up once she realizes how bad it is. I don't even think we're nitpickicking at this point. It's like something we'll see on one of those shitty tattoo pages soon.
(And to think she's gonna have something representing her fake disorder for the rest of her life.)
No. 182679
"Tattoo" went from pastels
>>181492 to shitty dark murky colours
>>181870 in less than a month….and I'm convinced the ED symbol in the second pic was fucking sharpie not a tattoo gun.
No. 182705
>>181492The butterfly is the symbol for lupus and epidermolysis bullosa. Stop appropriating Kadee!
Jokes aside that is the fugliest blotch of vaguely wing shaped splat I've ever seen. That time I puked up Froot Loops looked more artistic than this.
>>181681So she just grabbed some other artist's design and made it all about her? Not surprised. But it's gotta be sharpie. Unless she let a toddler loosed with a tattoo needle.
No. 202756
>>202746>>202746Goddamn do I want access to her ig!!
Plz post screenshots.
No. 202761
File: 1479867027346.jpg (5.55 KB, 150x150, 14515682_1308890085788552_5712…)

Even in her icon you can tell her tattoo is shite. Bonus points for the cut lol.
No. 202784
>>182493She can jump on the black arm trend and be a ~speshul~ heavily modded chick.
>>202761I have ugly stick-n-pokes that I got done for free that in my living room look way better. At least they're legible and can be easily covered. I can't even fathom how she got such a shit tattoo. She must have pissed the artist off.
No. 202787
>>202761Does she still think this looks good?
What's the most recent stuff on Kadee?
No. 202801
>>202761Looks like a watercolour palette after you let a little kid mix some colors. For real though, nobody could expect kadee to get something nice or at least not tacky and hideous. The girl is hopeless when it comes to something as simple as eyebrows or matching clothes so art is way beyond her scope.
Really hope someone will be kind enough to laser that mush off her wrist though. It must be depressing to have to see
No. 202836
>>202832Surely there's a low-calorie option for her instead of ensures. Anyone overweight shouldn't drink any calories at all, let alone a 220cal shake.
Her doctors must want her to drop a fair chunk of weight so why are they giving her. Ensure when she could have supplements given via pill or Iv?
No. 202854
File: 1479880924596.png (607.43 KB, 816x1046, fadingaway.png)

>>202832saged in case this is too OT, but something I noticed looking through that album:
Kadee's current bestie was recently given a >99% chance of dying from her super serious anorexia and spent 'her last days alive' pissing about on Instagram. But just when all hope was lost and they were about to toss her on the hospice pile, surgeons are magically ready to perform a very risky heart surgery which will save her life.
Birds of a fucking feather, this lot.
No. 202861
>>202854Do these people not even think before they post? Like, no-one's going to go "yeah my weight's killing me, but oh well, doesn't matter really".
I'd imagine that the anorexics who are at risk to their own health would be absolutely trying to deny it, because they still see themselves as fat. Either way it would be an insanely stressful period, not just "Teehee my heart's about to give out".
No. 202875
>>202854She looks like she's got at least 18%body fat how can anyone think she's anywhere near sick let alone dying?
That's a healthy amount of fat and muscle on the thighs even with the shoddy editing, and her chest would look normal if she didn't hunch over. Are fake anorexics getting lazier or are people so stupid/deluded that they think this is deadly thin?
No. 202883
>>202875Yeah, she's obviously thin, but not in an unhealthy way at all.
Her chest looks like it's got makeup on it to make it seem like the bones are sticking out more, too.
No. 202982
File: 1479914809569.png (778.89 KB, 1242x2094, IMG_2508.PNG)

Coincidence that her and kadees super serious blood pressure and heart rate were that close to the same? (Refer to other anons picture link)
No. 203001
>>202883>>202854Agreed. She's using angles, makeup, shoops and filters to within an inch of her life and manages to look skinny yet healthy at best. She's nowhere near spoopy.
I hope she outgrows this attention whoring stage and learns how to eat healthy, if she doesn't she'll bloat back to a whale. She could be this size and healthy by eating mostly fruit, veg and sane portions, but I guess that's not edgy enuff
No. 203113
>>203110>>203001I'm not even convinced these photos are of her. I mean the NG tube isn't as previously proven, but jeeeez. 80lbs doesn't look like her arms. They're just too healthy. Nevermind her fingers. Her legs aren't the legs of someone who weighs 80lbs either sooo..
The theory this is just Kadee's secret account could be pretty true.
No. 203117
File: 1479931809738.jpg (1.12 MB, 3988x3988, BeFunky Collage.jpg)

>>203113Samefagging to add to my tinfoil hattery that this is just Kadee's account and she's self posting here - that's the same kitchen worktop right?
No. 203121
File: 1479932716792.png (943.96 KB, 1536x2048, IMG_1661.PNG)

Kadee hospital photo.
No. 203122
File: 1479932764831.png (639.6 KB, 1536x2048, IMG_1663.PNG)

Fading Hospital photo.
No. 203124
File: 1479932977439.jpeg (163.63 KB, 1068x1039, image.jpeg)

>>203121>>203122My fucking sides
No. 203125
File: 1479933010926.png (278.67 KB, 1242x1759, IMG_2538.PNG)

A friend that followsed her for a few months now remembered seeing this… Caught ya kadee
No. 203129
File: 1479933399915.png (328.19 KB, 935x490, whyyoulyin.png)

Kadee, just fucking stop with this bullshit.
No. 203140
>>203129From what you posted it seems like Maggie is Kadee.
She's trying to set up multiple accounts for even more attention and sympathy. She can also fake Maggie's death and milk all of it for what it's worth.
No. 203142
File: 1479935594508.png (433.56 KB, 1536x2048, IMG_1666.PNG)

Even Kelly is curious about this Maggie.
No. 203144
>>203129>>203142oh my god, this whole story is SO juicy and SO fucking transparent. i mean, we all knew kadee's a munchie and batshit, but this is a whole other level. just scrolling through the comments of people leaving heartfelt messages because they truly believe this is written by a girl who's in hospital and dying… i bet kadee is loving this. after all, it's all she ever wanted.
i kinda hope that she stages this super dramatic death and it makes the waves, goes viral and kadee gets exposed. blogs and news sites will eat that shit up.
No. 203164
>>203160If so she must have this place bookmarked.
She probably lurks this thread everyday hoping someone's talking about her. How sad.
No. 203231
>>202982>my tummy felt so bloatedI just barfed in my mouth.
It's so repulsive when grown adults use baby talk when they're not talking to a baby. It's always fat shits too.
No. 203232
looool I'm the one who posted
>>202854 and I'm fucking cackling at these new developments. I wonder how mad Kadee is.
No. 203277
kadee had such a srs heart problem, why would she be on a morphine drip?
Doesn't morphine fuck with your heart rate and breathing? Genuinely curious how that works.
Also, I knew it was kadee right away from that giant wall of text.
No. 203295
>>203289Obviously that didn't happen because she just deleted those accounts a few hours ago.
Probably sent her friend a fake death post so she could hide and wait a while for the shit to clear and than remake and start the whole cycle over again.
No. 203302
>>203297I'm quite skeptical of it to be honest. She's done this whole fake death or alluding to death thing a lot.
Also, I don't think she would be on anti-psychotics. She's never talked about psychosis or that much mental instability apart from what she obviously fakes. Sure she has depression and self harms, but psychosis is a whole other game.
I'm pretty sure she doesn't have schizophrenia, or bipolar or any another disorder that causes mania.
No. 203309
>>203302Low doses of anti-psychotics can be given for sleep or anxiety, seroquel's used for it a lot.
That being said, the ld50 is around 4800mg for an average sized male, so assuming she's on a non-anti psychotic dose (around 25-50mg), she'd have to take almost 200 tablets to be at a serious risk of dying.
And I don't think blood thinners would really impact this significantly, I can't see why they would at least.
There's a case report of someone who took 1400mg (which is way above the dose she'd be taking), and just had their stomach pumped and was fine after, no need for a medically induced coma.
Source here, I don't see the point of an induced coma, from my knowledge it just causes more extreme versions of the drugs normal effects, nothing that would need a coma to be induced to handle.
Here's another source talking about it, I have to add, when I talk about LD50 that's for someone completely naive to it, not someone who's been taking it daily. The second source I linked has anecdotes of people surviving overdoses of up to 30g+.
So, in short, she's once again completely fucking full of shit.
No. 203310
>>203297This sounds suspicious as fuck. It would be awfully convenient of her to "overdose" and "die" in order to put an end to this thread, especially since she was just caught killing off a fake character she created for sympathy.
And I have to say, actually dying from a pharmaceutical overdose is pretty difficult. You're more likely to just give yourself organ damage and have your stomach pumped, especially at her size. And you keep saying you would rather she die, but then where would all the milk be?
No. 203311
>>203309I should add, I'm talking about medically induced comas, not you just going into a coma yourself.
There's no reasons that you'd need to have one induced for an overdose on this medication from what I can see, in the slightest.
No. 203313
>>203306Yeah, okay, this is almost completely bullshit.
Why would Kadee's mothers reaction to her daughter having a supposedly very serious overdose and being put in a coma be to call one of her daughters friends? It's not like this is the day after or something, this is within the hour of the supposed overdose.
Surely the mother would be massively distraught and in no state to be letting everyone know what's going on, let alone people outside the family?
No. 203315
>>203306lmao because the first point of call when your daughter is put into a medically induced coma is her internet friends.
Kadee is just shitting her pants that we worked it out that she's her own pro ana pal. She wanted to be in the limelight but she wanted the limelight to be picking at someone else, not her.
No. 203316
>>203309For her to be put on an anti-psychoic for sleep or anxiety is quite suspicious though.
They're SO many other medications for anxiety or depression.
And I agree, it's absolute bullshit. Kadee's probably reading this thread right now.
No. 203317
>>203311Keep fucking forgetting to add that this stuff applies to most anti-psychotics, most of the newer generations of them are quite hard to OD on.
That being said as well, Bipolar isn't treated with anti-psychotics in the vast majority of cases. It's used to calm agitation and stop in the moment psychosis (both of which are found in manic states), and sometimes to help with insomnia (in which case it's going to be seroquel), but it's not an accepted treatment for the actual disorder.
Also, the few that are being considered for their benefits at possibly helping with the mood disorder side of things have never been in her pill photos, ever, so it's once again complete crap.
>>203316It is, but very low doses of seroquel are used to treat insomnia. It'd be almost impossible to seriously OD on the doses you get for that though.
I wouldn't be surprised if the person who told us about it was her or one of her friends honestly.
No. 203318
>>203316It's actually more common than you think to be prescribed medications like seroquel for sleep/anxiety issues. A lot of physicians will prescribe it when to patients who need to stay away from addictive medications like benzos.
Ironically it's prescribed really frequently for patients suffering from anorexia nervosa
No. 203320
>>203316I can confirm that seroquel can be prescribed for sleep issues, I was given it for insomnia issues but went off it because it made me feel like a zombie. It was being used off label for so many things that the FDA started cracking down on it in the US, but it's possible that there are professionals still prescribing it that way.
Source: No. 203326
>>203323Can you post some proof of this? Because you're typing exactly like the person earlier was, and apparently are able to contact her family easily, so it seems pretty possible you're just Kadee.
Also, there's a very big difference between taking a minor overdose and feeling shit (particularly if you're being treated for it in hospital, which knowing Kadee would involve her going "I don't know how much I took, a lot" and getting her stomach pumped) and being at risk of dying.
They're not going to put you in a coma for seroquel overdose no matter how bad it is by the way, it serves no purpose.
No. 203329
>>203306Nothing kadee says can be taken as even resembling truth. This friend is probably being told more lies so that kadee gets to keep munching out all over more fake accounts.
All she has is a factories disorder imo.
No. 203331
>>203142I only just realised, did kadee forget to type as maggie here?
She's really really bad at fake personas holy shit
No. 203344
>>203331Nah, this was a comment on a post
>>203129 where she was posting on Maggie's behalf during a ~*medical emergency.
No. 203345
>>203323Trying too hard to sell a story with no proof.
You sure sound like Kadee. Always taking everything to the most extreme and saying what she thinks others will say/think without actually thinking logically.
No one wants kadee to die. Her milk is too precious.
I need more.
No. 203410
>>203310It is very difficult to actually die during an overdose. But I've certainly hurt my organs a whole lot doing it.
It seems like Kadee is really trying to get us off her trail. No one wants you to die but yourself, girl.
No. 203451
>>203444That only works on medications that kill you via knocking you out, plenty of medications fuck with your heart instead.
It's also not very reliable, because people regularly tear the bags off even once they're unconscious.
If you're that serious about offing yourself via overdose, you'd be better off just finding a large amount of a strong opiate (not hard to meet a heroin dealer, most towns have a needle exchange or something similar) or similar drug and mainlining that, instead of adding more things that would likely go wrong.
Doesn't really matter though, this attempt is clearly faked.
No. 203485
>>203451Granted, it mentioned benzos and even the problems with the bag.
Overdoses, unless it's heroin, always seem like a cry for help. If I wanted to make sure I was dead I'd jump from a really high building or walk in front of a train.
If she tried that though, she'd be dead, so yeah.
No. 203561
>>203323Assuming this is bullshit unless you come up with the screencaps.
Honestly, I wouldn't be surprised if Kadee created that Maggie account just so she'd get spoken about on here again. Wouldn't be surprised if this
>>201424 was posted by Kadee herself: I mean how would any of us just happen to come across her new Instagram account if it's private (can't stumble across it via hashtags) and her full name wasn't used on it (can't search for it)?
Guys, just start saging your posts if you're going to talk about her: she obviously loves seeing her picture at the top of /snow/. I'm done postiing as she clearly loves this a bit too much.
No. 203620
>>203485Benzos are next to impossible to overdose on alone really, but yeah, they're one of the sorts that would work with a bag, you wouldn't need that high a dose if you could restrain your hands before you passed out, obviously you're going to have to IV it so you're not sitting with a bag over your head for an hour.
>>203561>just start saging your postsWhy would anyone do that? This is one of the better threads up, take your "sage in every field pls" back to the other Munchausens threads Robyn.
No. 204015
>>204010Sssh Kadee/KaDee/rainbowhairgirlie/kdkatmeow/maggie
Back off with your fake vitirol
No. 204059
File: 1480136081808.png (456.02 KB, 728x462, Y6bgShbg.png)

>>202832She looks like a fat Onision
No. 204065
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No. 204066
File: 1480137152625.png (324.8 KB, 1242x2049, IMG_2730.PNG)

Kelly isn't a smart one
No. 204068
File: 1480137195673.png (359.24 KB, 1242x2081, IMG_2731.PNG)

I didn't get the answers I wanted. Disappointed tbh
No. 204138
>>204059She responded to herself using her fadingawayeveryday account. This is beyond pathetic.
Bitch needs to wash her hair too.
No. 204193
Every time I think this sad cow has hit rock bottom she keeps surprising me…
>>204059The hashtags in this picture are pathetic. Most people with chronic illnesses or serious medical conditions will use community tags that are inspirational (such as #beatcancer), not attention seeking tags like #hospital #sick #suffering. And the fact that her fake account is one of the first to comment is even worse.
No. 204194
File: 1480176726836.jpg (91.5 KB, 1104x692, 1.JPG)

I was just looking at her bff kelly's followers to see who the newest ones are. One is really fake. Might be her? hashtags are similar eg #drugaddict. Started the account a day ago.
Plus, if she's trying to pass this off as a selfie, she's took it from elsewhere.
No. 204223
File: 1480182842455.jpg (465.74 KB, 1200x600, IMG_3626.JPG)

>>204194She deleted that quickly.
No. 204272
>>204242Those anons who claimed to have been contacted by family or friends of kadee was clearly kadee herself. The fact that Kelly knew nuffin, but Is a close friend, points to her.
I wish the farmhands would label all her self posts.
No. 204289
>>204242The ride never ends with this one.
It was definitely her. And I'm loving the fact that she came here right after deleting her fake instagram and tried to pretend like she is in some coma to get some asspats HERE of all places and nobody is buying her shit.
No. 204302
>>204223Proof she lurks obsessively
>>204289Did she post on social media about the super seereeyus coma or was all the "evidence" posted here? Maybe it was just here, just for us…and yeah the friends and relatives schtick, transparent af Kadeecow.
Didn't Kadeelyn and Kelly have a falling-out at some point after the besties visiting/"hacking" IG account thing?
No. 204357
>>204315Remember that one-time Kadee said she tried to shoot herself in the face but the gun jammed or something stupid like that?
That was more believable than her overdosing and being in a medically induced coma.
I wonder if Kelly finally is starting to believe all the evidence against Kadee. Or maybe they got into a fight because her reaction to Kadee's overdose is quite cold-hearted.
Either that or she's in on the whole Kadee multiple accounts thing. I wish we could run like a private chat or something so it wouldn't be so obvious when we find out her new accounts.
No. 204383
File: 1480207337145.jpg (343.82 KB, 694x436, cantgo.jpg)

>>204302If they did, they've made up and are besties again. Kadeelyn went to visit Kelly about a month ago.
At first she was too sick to go.
No. 204384
File: 1480207375412.jpg (244.9 KB, 694x518, goinganyway.jpg)

>>204302 But then had a miraculous recovery and went the next day
No. 204385
File: 1480207434350.jpg (367.93 KB, 1920x1080, yumyums.jpg)

>>204302Won a free waffle cone during her stay
No. 204388
File: 1480207677788.jpg (227.51 KB, 802x314, byebye.jpg)

>>204302Yet she was released from the hospital and on her way home a few hours later.
At least she got to visit a new ER. This was probably her best vacation everrrrr!
No. 204421
>>204417Knowing Kadee she probably made up her roommate as well.
Maybe she'll try and fake DID and Schizophrenia again.
No. 204452
>>204314I'm in on this
is kadee back on Instagram yet?
No. 204473
Remember anons, Kelly is a Munchie too. I don't trust either of them further than I could throw them, and since they're both landwhales, I probably couldn't budge either one.
There's been at least MBI case where the catfish made 50+ profiles to keep her story going and the attention on her! I don't believe anything until proven otherwise with Kadeecow.
>>204384>Mona's memorialAnother fake profile person died? Oh the soap opera tragedy! Who's Nikki? Another fake person?
>>204385Any pics from that alleged visit of them together?
>Di…did she fucking shoop that brick/ice cream or am I seeing things?ONE PE is brutal, multiple acute PE's and being allowed to leave a fucking hospital? Nope. Doesn't work that way. I call massive steaming bullshit.
No. 204495
File: 1480223818422.jpg (318.29 KB, 1224x1667, IMG_0098.JPG)

She's pretending this is her ?
No. 204496
File: 1480223900695.jpg (381.3 KB, 1242x2155, IMG_0099.JPG)

Here's your proof
No. 204501
>>204490Begging for messages.
It's Kadee.
No. 204510
File: 1480224601686.png (151.01 KB, 750x1334, IMG_2386.PNG)

>>204490(2/2) sorry flood detected
No. 204512
>>204498at least keep your fantasy alter ego consistent for the first 24 hrs you have the account up
how do we know kadee didn't post her new secret ana account here on purpose?? hmm
No. 204569
File: 1480228404779.png (238.35 KB, 750x1334, IMG_2381.PNG)

No. 204576
File: 1480229174021.jpg (135.21 KB, 750x1168, IMG_2389.JPG)

>>204496Whoever posted this follows this account. With only ~45 followers, that narrows it down. I took screencaps in case they unfollow. Just in case I guess lol
Oh, the heather account has been deleted. Didn't even last 16 hours
No. 204579
>>204574Ummm…so is this supposed to be Kadeecow speaking?
>"Without the anonymous covering you">Posts as anonKadeecakes, if you quit hiding/deleting/switching accounts/fucking around, I'm quite sure there are some people here who would be more than happy to tell you all this shit to your face. See the thing about being anonymous is, people feel more free to be brutally honest. So what exactly would you be hoping to hear differently?
>FTR: We're not all men.>>204576Thank fuck, I wish more Farmers would mass-screenshot before revealing data on cows. Archive before they can delete.
No. 204581
File: 1480229709477.gif (1.89 MB, 340x347, giphy.gif)

This thread/Kadee is a mess.
>>204576I just went through all the accounts and none seem out of the ordinary. I don't think it was a Kadee sock puppet, no motivational quotes/mismatched selfies.
No. 204582
File: 1480229871117.jpg (86.41 KB, 750x1286, IMG_2396.JPG)

No. 204601
File: 1480231262753.gif (985.33 KB, 500x252, ksbp.gif)

>>204596Kadee stop being melodramatic. Your thread was dead and forgotten until you linked us your new accounts.
No. 204602
>>204596Grow up. All of this is a response to your constant need for attention. You can't go your whole life being a victim.
Get help.
No. 204708
>>204588someone claimed to have been told this by a friend of yours four days ago
>>203289 so i can't imagine where anyone got that idea from.
also cringing this waste of flesh keeps coming to my state to visit her friend, there's enough assholes taking up resources they don't deserve. pretty sure she stole that froyo photo and made up the whole story to feel good about being a winner b/c she knows how much of a loser she really is.
No. 204750
File: 1480270967695.png (163.57 KB, 640x965, IMG_1213.PNG)

>>204708Nah, for once she posted something true. She really won the cone.
No. 204757
>>204588Ooh, any thoughts on who made up the coma claim?
Was it just coincidence that you deleted your account around the same time? And that you keep deleting your other fake accounts as soon as they're posted in this thread?
No. 204759
>>204596Also, what happen with your BFF Kelly?
She didn't even care when people told her you died. She seems pretty cold about the whole thing to be honest.
No. 204764
>>204357>>204378Yes, she ran out of bullets. I still break into fits of giggles when that occasionally pops into my head.
>>204600And it was just as funny then! Kadeecow is the gift that keeps on giving!
No. 204924
>>204881Yes, which is why I suspect the person posting about and requesting phone numbers is Kadee herself.
>"No egregious stalking or harassment which crosses over into the real world. Just use common sense. Even if what you are doing may be technically legal, please don't plot a year-long "psychological warfare operation" against someone "for the lulz". This site is not for ruining people's lives."Under the exceptions for what is allowed. Odds are Kadee hasn't read the rules to assimilate, so she's "offering" real life contact info to make the site members look like bullies or stalkers.
No. 204949
>>204924Either that or she's trying to get the thread closed.
It would be really nice if we could get a Farmhand to confirm that those posts were Kadee's.
No. 204969
>>204952I'm almost 100% sure it's this. Playing the victim is literally all kadee does. Pretending she's receiving death threats or encouragement to kill herself=asspats, sympathy, attention, and all the validation she's seeking.
Her mother probably should have smacked this one growing up.
No. 205415
File: 1480303785351.png (594.07 KB, 1051x856, 2…)

>>205405In which she includes a description containing "addictive personality disorder".
She does realize there's no such thing as addictive personality disorder, right? No such diagnosis exists.
No. 205420
>>205415jesus that's pathetic. she legitimately could have just picked from the 10 that actually exist…
I'll never understand the appeal of a spoonie wanting a personality disorder. It's not even the right kind of debilitating that you can see.
No. 205451
>>205441I thought about this as well
She has no real friends. She can't even be a friend. She only wants attention. Classic ugly fat girl who is also dumb. Her last hope now for any attention is to get knocked up and ride the mommy train. At least then she has a bit of an excuse for the extra pounds lol
No. 205495
>>205485Yea you're totally right. Thanks for opening my eyes with your deep insight.
#eyesopened #prayforme #microwavedmarshmallows
No. 205539
>>205528THANK YOU! I felt my inner bitch rising on that one and felt bad for a minute, but come
on…not the fingers of an anachan. Just sayin. #sorrynotsorrydisorder
No. 205775
File: 1480362633070.jpg (261.18 KB, 750x1094, IMG_2482.JPG)

>>205415regardless if this is her or not, is there a reason her chin is blurred/airbrushed directly into her neck? am I seeing things?
No. 205776
>>205441how does she afford the bills? she couldn't have made that much from begging online
also where are her parents? I tuned in late in the game and have lurked plenty but haven't seen her or anyone else mention them directly. are they the people with her same last name that she occasionally tags on Facebook? do they care about her being sick all the time or?
No. 205794
>>205776Her mom has the same last name and she's tagged her frequently. Not sure she's mentioned her dad ever.
She lived (or maybe still does) with them and they fed into her bullshit
No. 205945
>>205940Honestly, I wouldn't mind following someone that has BED or Bulimia if they posted their binge hauls and struggles. Even recovery stuff.
So she could honestly still have an eating disorder themed instagram as long as she was honest about it and not trying to play it off as anorexia.
But I'm not 100% sure she has an eating disorder, the most I can guess is BED, but it could also just be an overeating problem. Yeah, it's not as instagram famous as anorexia, but people that have bulimia, bed or just like foodporn would follow her.
Though, I feel it would only be a matter of time before she started slipping in other diagnoses and the whole thing would unravel again.
No. 205957
>>205945The thing is, I think kadee wants all the fluffy associations of anorexia. She seems like she wants to be frail, sadly pretty, delicate, a little bit unearthly, all that soppy romanticised shit she's absorbed from reading trash like winter girls and the best little girl in the world, watching lifetime movies about girls with anorexia, and wallowing in thinspo, pro anorexia shit, and every masturbatory "recovery" Instagram she can find. She wants to be a special little sickly flower, wasting away, but ever so bravely like the heroine of a Victorian novel. It's so that people wil fawn over her, take care of her, fret about her. Anorexia is how she's decided she's gonna do it but because she doesn't understand mental illness she doesn't accept that she can't just force it on like a too-small dress. Kadee seems to desperately want to be what she's not and instead of growing up and doing something about it she's just stagnating because the former is hard.
No. 205994
>>205957Pretty much. I find it interesting to note that a lot of Spoonies claim they're in recovery from an ED. Like, if they can't lose weight then they abandon the ~*ana*~ train and just fake something where bodily appearance is irrelevant. Then they have the added bonus of bitching about ~*muh invisi-bull illnus*~ too.
>>205990Because that would actually require a lot of effort. MBI is so much easier, you can just pretend. That's why this ~*muh illnus*~ asspat-seeking shit has become so epidemic.
No. 206080
>>205990but faking it you get the best of both worlds. the asspats and the microwaved chocolate coated marshmallows
>>206012makes sense lol. when I started reading her threads I thought she was British. she looks British for some reason
No. 206163
File: 1480434125887.jpg (131.71 KB, 416x750, pomcostume.jpg)

>>206134omg this made me think of this costume but it would be an ensure and i lol'd
No. 206194
>>205990>why doesn't she just fucking starve herself?Because she's not capable of starving herself. Idk if she'd even know what a "starvation diet" would look like. Her fake ana profile lists her height as 5'2 CW 125 with a goal of 110. At 5'2, 110 lbs would be a healthy weight, not anorexic. Kadeecow's perception of size/weight is fucked, I wonder if she even realizes how morbidly obese she is. But, since she is a land whale and if she has an ED, its BED, she should use that to get what she wants….weight loss.
Kadeecow, if you're reading this and actually want to lose weight
(for real, not just for pretend on a fake profile), bring your ass to a doctor, tell them about your binging, get weighed, and request a script for Vyvanse. Its a stimulant and you will lose weight, something you can't seem to do on your own. And since you're so large to begin with, you should lose weight quickly with the help of a stimulant. Make sure to post pics of your rapid weight loss. You may want to keep the Vyvanse a secret and pretend its all bc of your severe ana for maximum asspats.
No. 206199
>>205957Am I wrong to feel sorry for her for wishing she was "delicate"? The fake profile where she's a blue haired pretty little thing with collarbones sticking out. That's obviously what she wishes she looked like.
I doubt she could ever diet that hard without being left with loose skin, but to not even try to shift some weight's just lazy. It's not like there isn't stacks of help out there for obesity.
No. 206222
File: 1480444402482.jpg (447.51 KB, 3000x1000, PicMonkey Collage.jpg)

>>205528>>204576I was quick to defend this account and just thought that it was an unlucky girl being roped in but after actually going back and looking at it - doesn't Kadee bite her nails? I'm not sure if I'm reaching but the hands look the same. Chubby sausage fingers and bitten nails - they definitely don't match up to the girl in the display picture.
No. 206250
>>206222Kadee's cuticles really make me wince. She'd feel better about herself if she sorted them out. It'd take three minutes.
I don't think thinterstella's her tbh. The hands don't fit the person in the profile pic, but the dog and the environment isn't something I've seen on K's accounts.
No. 206260
>>206250Yeh I regret not spoiler-ing the collage. But in terms of the dog I'm not sure how real that photo is - in comparison to the other photos posted it's really low quality which tends to mean it's been lifted off the internet somewhere.
The other thing that made me think it was Kadee was the massive pizza with paper plates and adult colouring books present on the table. Pretty sure Kadee's family eats off of paper plates. And we all know she loves a colouring book.
No. 206273
>>206260Is thinsterstella Arielle cutlerkid Arielle? blind with the profile pics.
No. 206277
Found an old tumblr post by the cow herself: never even graduated high school. Wants to a psychologist :D :D :D.
No. 206278
>>206277samefagging, here is the copypasta as i am to lazy to screencap:
>> Hi there friend reading this. My name is Kadeelyn Nicole Konstantino. I am 21 years old and technically I should be a junior in college but I’m not - I’m not even a freshman because mental illness and my eating disorder have taken basically everything from me. My journey started when I was 8 years old. I started struggling with depression and was seeing a therapist and put on antidepressant medication. To fast forward a little bit, things escalated over the years and when I was in middle school, specifically right before 7th grade things hit an all time low. My nana died tragically, and she was ultimately my best friend in the entire world. Her death was sudden and traumatizing for me. Also around that time was the first time I was sexually abused and that definitely took a toll on my mental health. I was severely bullied in school, both mentally and physically from when I was a little girl up until my last day that I made it to in high school. And my depression, eating disorder, self harm issues, and suicidal thoughts/attempts just escalated from there. As the years went on I got sicker and sicker. I tried different types of treatment and things helped for the short term, but my health really declined over time. My physical health has also been majorly affected by my eating disorder and has caused many hospitalizations, including one that I just spent 32 days hospitalized and my state is medically compromised unfortunately. Now I am trying to get help once and for all - to turn my life around, to pick up all those shattered pieces. I never got to go to prom, or graduate high school, to go to college, to have a real love life, to laugh and really feel it in the pit of my stomach, to like how I look when I look in the mirror. Instead I’ve been plagued by inner demons that tell me over and over again to kill or hurt myself, to starve myself, to make myself throw up, or to cut my skin. I am asking you friends, family, strangers, anyone and everyone if you could please help me in my quest to get treatment and help for once and for all because my insurance (medicaid) will not cover long term inpatient, residential, or even a higher intensive outpatient care with groups - it would truly mean everything to me and I wouldn’t know how to thank you besides doing what I’ve always dreamed of doing when I get better - going to school to be a psychologist and helping people like me, who have struggled with major depressive disorder, an eating disorder, anxiety problems, post traumatic stress disorder, and self injurious behaviors. I want to get better so I can give back and help all those girls and boys out there that are struggling now, or will be one day in the coming years. Please help me get the help I need and that is being suggested by my treatment team as I cannot afford it. I have started a fundraiser campaign to raise the money and I will include the link below. Please, if you can even donate $5 or share this to spread the word I would be forever grateful. I don’t want my journey to end here, and I’m ready to fight for my life. Please help me do that. The link to donate and share is:
>> No. 206279
>>206199Eh, there's a line you have to draw with Kadee. Nothing wrong with feeling some sympathy for her weight issues and self-image issues, but the way they manifest is so fucked up that I think it's misguided to feel sorry specifically for her wanting to be a frail eating-disordered waif.
She could lose weight in a normal way (and even get a
lot of attention and support online for her weight loss journey if she played her cards right), but she'd rather just mumble "muh anorexia nervosa" through a mouthful of high-calorie garbage, so fuck her.
No. 206446
>>206279This, the chick's clearly got problems, and that is sad, munchausens is a mental disorder the same as any that does impact peoples lives, but there's no point having sympathy for someone who constantly chooses to thrive in their illness instead of actually trying to recover and admitting they have a problem.
Someone with BPD who legitimately struggles with interpersonal relationships and is trying to improve on that and become a better person deserves sympathy and understanding even when they do do shitty stuff, but someone who just chooses to be a shit person and use their diagnosis as an excuse doesn't, for another example.
No. 206468
>>206278This is very telling of why it's so hard for her to own up to her lies.
She's used her "sicknesses" as an excuse for missing out on life and education for years now. She has nothing to show for these past 5 years, but it's much easier on her emotionally to act as if her lack of life experience were caused by an uncontrollable twist of fate instead of by her wasting away her own youth.
Your quote shows that she's aware that her life is sad and boring. Adding to that the responsibility of causing it all herself would probably break her.
No. 207013
File: 1480573842282.jpg (68.89 KB, 745x747, 4cc145051e10f5b0ee3110550cd573…)

Kadee knows this feel
No. 208452
Resource for Kadee's next attempt: Give your character a height around 5'4 - 5'7
No. 212527
>>212158I can't say I've made a fake one but I used to be big in the ed recovery(lol) community and all you have to do to get the followers is post lots of suggestive hospital / thin pics with long whiney rants - lots of
tw!!! and all the stupid fucking hashtags and in a month or so you'll have 1k or more
No. 212819
>>212601She made it up herself.
The "ee" name thing was really popular in the late 80s/early 90s, so it doesn't really surprise me.
No. 218783
>>218759Type "kadee" in search.
I had found this a while ago but it's private. I think I found one of her sock puppet accounts but not 100% sure if it's actually her.
No. 227314
File: 1483537818552.jpg (87.28 KB, 398x640, IMG_6136.JPG)

Recent public post about Kadee cow
No. 227539
File: 1483570186992.png (115.78 KB, 750x1202, IMG_6189.PNG)

>>227314>>227522He also happens to be 38 years old and lives across the country from her
No. 228458
File: 1483690427666.png (211.88 KB, 750x1108, IMG_4046.PNG)

>>227314I just saw this on her FB and came here to post…guess I'm late to the game.
Dude is diabetic. Who wants to bet they "met" via social media and bonded on their constant doctor visits and #spoonielyfe.
Her and Kelly started some monthly care package group, but kadeecow has postponed the care packages and used the group as a platform to let everyone know she's going into treatment.
No. 232304
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>>181870I found a marginally better version of Kadee's tattoo.
No. 238797
File: 1485182858560.png (154.55 KB, 540x836, Screenshot_2017-01-23-09-32-24…)

No. 239682
>>238797Moar please.
I've been so thirsty for some of kadees sweet, sweet milk
No. 241006
File: 1485574337531.png (365.49 KB, 972x974, Screen Shot 2017-01-27 at 7.26…)