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No. 333002

Jillian Vessey is a DID (Dissociative Personality Disorder) LARPer who trivializes mental health and compartmentalizes every single bad trait of hers while hyping up a dubious diagnostic impression that she paid copious amounts of money for.
She eagerly accepted her ~life changing~ diagnostic impression with a "Congrats on the DID Diagnosis" celebratory cake, but struggles to maintain the LARP. The number of alters keep piling up and she doesn’t seem ready to stop anytime soon.

>Early Years:

>began her lolcow run as a "pansexual" lolita lifestyle who dropped from the community due to LACE and "restrictive rules"
>gained fame for the creation of the J-fashion-inspired "Party Kei" fashion, a fashion she no longer wears nor backs
>known lurker
>formerly covered fashion and magical girl anime in her videos, was a pivotal figure in the LACE drama prior to her transition to the Party Kei years
>has a running track record of inconsistent uploaded despite pushing a "full-time Youtuber" career; used barely-productive incentives for support on Patreon; both have plateaued if not decreased in income entirely following recent events
>previously spent money frivolously (either from YT profit or from parents), like on wasteful plastic or fast fashion, and also claimed to make enough from YT and at the same time complain of demonetization
>has prior history of “severe mental illness” in the forms of a brief stay in a mental hospital in her early teens due to ED and self-harm
>often inflates her skills and knowledge in various subjects, leading to a very narcissistic view of herself

>Current relevant info:

>loves the idea of toying with the idea of having multiple mental illnesses; her main target is currently DID due to a diagnostic impression, and claims up to 9 alters right now with very shaky substance as to her alters' creation and the origin of her trauma which caused the DID; despite this, she has taken root in the DID community and has been involved or tried to insert herself into DID-related videos as an "expert" despite carrying the diagnostic impression for at least a year or more now
>is still extremely thin-skinned; has history of deleting comments critical to her and has preached getting along with people while also blasting critics and concern in a very rude and passive-aggressive manner; has gotten into pissfights online as of late with users that have spoken out of concern for her or wanting to help or talk in some degree
>her sexuality has been a sliding scale, from pansexual to queer to lesbian to back to currently pansexual (and nonbinary due to alters); current partner is Steven Clarke, who has enabled her delusions and has racked up his own questionable reputation; has a long history of drama with relationships, claiming abuse to some degree in most of them
>formerly had a fashion brand called Five Petal Flower before graduating from her college fashion class, but seems to be no longer active if not just slowly dying; has also gotten into drag with a persona known as Villany Swells; has cancelled two drag gigs so far and claims an online person is stalking her due to a publically-filmed video of a drag show being linked in a previous
>has a shaky history of substance misuse regarding her meds; now takes in various degrees of alcohol and weed leading to possible clashes in medication or mental/physical state
>privated her personal twitter due to bullying
>once again heavily filtering/editing pictures
>her friend sof got engaged
>says she is trying to launch fivepetalflower
>got engaged a few months after Sof

>Pixie: The collective name of all the alters, but is also used interchangeably with the name Jillian. Is a "genderfluid they/them".
>Jillian: Rainbow emoji. 25, but "age slides" from 4-25. This is actually just herself, but she herself is both an alter and the host. Desperately wants to have autism.
>Jerrick: Snake emoji. 17, formerly 14-16. Emo trans guy. Used to be a co-host. Conveniently holds all her BPD traits. Entire personality is being angry and liking green. Like all the alters, is into drag.
>Veronica: Doing nails emoji, formerly flame emoji. 21 year old horny alter. She is a “protector of sexual trauma”. Says she had to become a "fuckable plaything" because she was “raped for months”. Was going to be intersex, but Jill didn't want to deal with the backlash and decided against it.
>Berry: Strawberry emoji. 4-6 year old. Talks and acts like a baby. Is always “co-fronting” in some way. Had her name previously withheld for “safety reasons”. Is for some reason triggered out by positive things like holidays and presents and is "trauma-free".
>Cliffe: Sprout emoji, formerly club emoji. 35 year old old man. Her "homosexual assistant". Combo of her dad, sweetie angel therapist, and Ian Bruce. Formerly a mix between her dad and Sasha Velour. Somehow too old for social media, but responsible enough to come out when she does taxes.
>Flora: Cherry blossom emoji. 18 year old fictive. Used to be a fragment, but became a full alter. She is supposed to be Cure Flora and all the pink PreCures. She is a blonde, sweet lolita.
>Jax: Test tube emoji. 19 year old “character salad” that speaks and types with a Brooklyn accent. She's a fictive of Harley Quinn (Batman), Jinx (Arcane), and Spinel (Steven Universe). Apparently was born from watching Arcane while having major trauma. “Hypersexual”.
>Sandwich: Sandwich emoji. Cat alter. Represents how lost she felt moving to a new city. Not much else is currently known about it.
>Amanda: Not much has been said about her. Note that Jillian’s middle name is actually Amanda.
>Ramona: An alter that was only announced after she fused with Jillian. After doing so, Jillian suddenly wanted to start playing the piano again.
>Sunny: Shooting star emoji. 14. Another PreCure fictive for all the yellow ones. She's "energetic" and positive in a way that's "crazy". Basically just Flora, but hyper. Can't "mask".
>Amber: Partly cloudy emoji. "20?" Formerly 25. She's edgy and has freckles. Also yellow. Formed at the same time as Sunny in response to the McLean video drama. Supposed to look the most normal.

Last Thread: >>>/w/328662

Last Thread Summary:
> Jill continues to call her straight relationship with her creepy pedo fiancé queer because they're both non-binary.
> Channel is slowly turning into a wedding channel.
> Wants the wedding guests to dress in rainbow colors. Suits wear jewel tones and the dresses get pastels.
> Continues to abuse her alcohol, caffeine, and weed consumption while calling herself neurodivergent. Still addicted to nasal spray.
>Is obsessed with Pinkie Pie and MLP. Says that Pinkie Pie has BPD.
>Wears an ugly BTSSB dress for an ita coord that includes an AP cardigan as a blouse, rainbow hair thrown in a bun, and a head bow during the first day of the con. Even 2014 Jill would cringe at that.
> Sews a shapeless inaccurate Falulu cosplay and wins Best in Show- calls herself a professional cosplayer. Also wins Best Dance with Sof who gets 2nd place.
> She's upset that she wasn't asked to be an organizer or judge for Animaritime and badmouths them on her twitter.
> Wears another ita coord with the same BTSSB dress. Makes ugly hot air balloon necklace and purse because the print has ponies and balloons so it's "pinkie pie coded".
Wears open toed gyaru shoes, cardigan as blouse, ankle socks, and pink wig for her return to lolita video.

Social Media & Other Links:
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCpi2P_y-wXa7q84C-46U6ZA/featured
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/pixieelocks/
Instagram 2: https://www.instagram.com/villainyswells/ (used to be @pixieespam)
Twitter (Main): https://twitter.com/pixieeelocks/
Twitter #2 (“Jerrick” alter): https://twitter.com/villainyswells
Twitter #3 - Now Private (“Sweetie” alters, previously @xcherrybombica): https://twitter.com/pixie_petals
Current Tiktok: https://www.tiktok.com/@multipetalpixie
Second Current Tiktok: https://www.tiktok.com/@pixieelocks
(Past) TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@pixieelocksCosplay
(Past) Second Tiktok for her alters: https://www.tiktok.com/@pixieeesystem
Facebook Page #1: https://www.facebook.com/pixielockss/
Facebook Page #2: https://facebook.com/cosplaypixie/
Threads: https://www.threads.net/@pixieelocks
Moonmist Girls Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/moonmistgirls/
Moonmist Girls Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/moonmistgirls/
Old Deviantart: https://www.deviantart.com/xhellodecemberx/journal/
Old Blog: http://pixie-locks.blogspot.com
Drag Facebook page: https://facebook.com/pixieandvillainy/

No. 333004

No. 333005

Livestream from a day ago.

No. 333012

>stweam uwu
Just announce the pinkie pie fictive already Jill

No. 333014

Jill just absolutely UNHINGING that jaw to eat that cake

No. 333018


This creator whose content is about DID fakers uploaded a video about Jill today.
It just showed in my feed, still haven't watched so I cannot comment on it.(learn to embed)

No. 333021

thanks for sharing, i like her commentary more than the self posting landwhale scrote

No. 333022

That’s suspicious lmao. Almost like it’s the YouTuber who posted it here.

No. 333023

I'm helping you embed it

No. 333025

File: 1722215992376.mp4 (7.99 MB, 1920x1080, Jillian.mp4)

I mean is Pinkie Pie really that far off from how Jill behaves?

No. 333028

Well pinkie can actually make and keep friends so maybe not kek

No. 333032

Pinkie has an actual job, for one

No. 333046

this clip is so fucking retarded but it did make me lol because i am retarded too, thanks nona

No. 333050

Could someone do a video summary? I don't wanna waste my time on another nothingburger or a video

No. 333052

Kek I know it look suspicious but nona I promise you I'm not her. It was uploaded already for 5 hours when it showed in my feed and immediately come to see if someone had posted or comment on it here. I'm currently outside, supposedly working and still can't watch it hoping someone do a summary.
Thank you nonita, sorry for being so stupid. it will not happen again.
Agree, Jill is the equivalent of annoying pinkie lame fanon

No. 333053

Tamers pinkie pie is the superior fanon pinkie. Jill is annoying hehe kawaii so random and pastel fanon pinkie. Which she would find to be a compliment

No. 333054

Wth is a tamers pinkie pie?

No. 333065

It's useless. No info we don't already know then she plays a scrotes video saying the same thing. Anons need to watch these videos before they post them because she doesn't even callout pixie, she leaves it up in the air about is it or is it not true.. We may never know.

No. 333069

no shit nonna, this is the most detailed source of jill's antics there is. where would she find info about jill that hasn't been documented here already? this is obviously made for people who are not very familiar with jill, or to create a more "reliable" or "professional" info summary on her situation that isn't just people calling her fat and ugly.

No. 333071

Completely worthless video, fuck off if you have nothing to say. >>333065
God these people are so pathetic. "This woman claims to have anime characters living in her head, but there's no way to know if it's true or not unless you're a doctor" I swear some people would stop breathing if a doctor didn't approve of it. You don't need 10000 experts for every obvious bullshit. What is wrong with people?(infighting)

No. 333074


Probably just a legal thing? Slander, etc.
Honestly, her video was okay. Perfectly fine summary for non-farmers. We can't expect new information from these videos.

No. 333075

The comments are even sprinkled with people being like "Yeah I also found out that I have BPD and autism and DID and that DID is my speshul interest and all these things are totally different from my BPD even though they exactly match BPD symptoms." But this sort of video is like honey to flies, it draws in every retard who obsessively watches and agrees with Youtubers talk about how they have 84 different trans gay disabled veteran 4 year old cat fox wolf British Superwholock anime characters in their head.

No. 333078

Probably not even a legal thing, just a way to protect their backs in case whoever they are talking about (in this case Jill) or their followers decide to harass them. It's a lazy way to sound like you are keeping alternative options open so they don't have enough ammunition to either mass report your video or accuse you of slander. Creators want to get in on those sweet youtube drama bucks but are too big cowards to not pussyfoot around in their callout videos.

No. 333095

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still seething over mclean's

No. 333096

>I have cartoon characters living in my head exdee
>no u don't
this is not slander

No. 333097

The mcclean thing was the worst thing to happen to her because now her bpd demon rage will never let her admit to herself she's been a fucking liar this whole time, she'll be seething about being rightfully called out until the end of time and that will always vindicate her retarded, inferior, marginalized, weak, super speshul victim mindset.

No. 333098

>isn’t it interesting that a medical organization pulled funding from a group that rallied against forming meaningful medical distinctions between two vastly different conditions?
Kek how is it surprising McLean would disagree. The presentation did a wonderful job of showing how there are 2 completely different psychological mechanisms at work here between classic DID, and imitative DID which involves cluster B behaviors.

No. 333099

This video mocking Jill is almost a decade old and really shows Jill has not made any effort to change. She is still that egotistical girl who hates being perceived differently than in her head. If she can’t control the way people perceive her she loses her shit.

No. 333101

Ahh nostalgia

No. 333102

sorry for having to ask, feel free not to reply if you don't want to spoonfeed me, but does anyone know which thread this was from? i remember seeing this parody, but i never saw the original, and i'm hoping it was archived here. i'd love to hear jillian claim to have a 20 inch waist

No. 333104

Blast from the past. I remember when this video was posted. Thanks for the kek

No. 333105

It was posted for the first time on lc in the second thread, unless it was also posted in an old lolita discussion topic beforehand.

No. 333107

thank you, nonna!

No. 333109

Damn, is there a reupload of the original? I only joined the thread much later than lace drama

No. 333117

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She’s posting herself ‘switching’ or whatever again while trying to film a video

No. 333118

tinfoil, but knowing that she lurks. she is making evidence to show she's actually mentally ill for the people who may search in her socials coming from this >>333023 video

No. 333119

This reminds me of self-possession videos lol it's so fake

No. 333120

Paranormal spergtivity.

No. 333121

Is this a redux of her seizure video lmao.

No. 333124

Jesus fucking Christ lmao

No. 333129

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I love how this happened when Jill was a teen and instead of growing and maturing in that time-frame she just got 100 times worse. >>333117 The internet doesn't forget. You angled your camera perfectly and hit record while you faked having a seizure because you are a bad person.

No. 333130

Could you post the video itself please nonny?

No. 333132

thats… not disassociating.. jill. come on.

No. 333135

I hate to say it but I think these may actually be genuine DID switches, Jill really proves that she may actually have DID here, I mean how the heck would she fake having a seizure??? She's not that good at acting! Clearly her eyes ARE moving in an unnatural way and something is going on! I honestly think it's in Jill's best interest to keep filming and posting these switches online. I mean once or twice doesn't prove much but if she posted like 20 different switch videos it would be hard for even us here on lolcow to deny there's something genuine there…(shitpost)

No. 333137

my cat does the same when hes sleeping does it mean hes also dissociating?

No. 333139

pnes larp incoming

No. 333140

Are you on the same diet of drugs and never leaving the house as her or is this sarcasm? It does proof she indeed is sick in the head but it rather proofs that it's NOT did she is having.

No. 333141

kekkkk anon surely youre trolling. seizure =/= "DID switch" (the former is an objective neurological event, the latter is a subjective LARP event) and that video sure as hell doesnt show seizure activity. although i do agree that jill should post more of these tarded videos, i hope she gets enough attention for someone to suggest she has PNES, the bpd milk would be awesome

No. 333142

Y’all got the autism Jillian wishes she had because this is obvious sarcasm.

No. 333143

I’m normally just a lurker so I’m trying to figure out how to upload the screen recording I took, forgive me. Hopefully some other nonna that also has access to her priv more competent than me can grab it

No. 333144

still cant believe the lengths jills went to craft her fake DID-ness

No. 333145

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Jill didn't think it through when she was putting her logic together. Her caring and loving family heavily abused/neglected her since she was an infant? None of her loving boyfriends noticed her acting like a different person or seizing like this? The medical professionals who diagnosed and treated her didn't see any concerning behavior? Nobody from her school/job ever saw her switch or dissociate? She documents so much of her life that you think she would realize how stupid it is to malinger like this.

No. 333146

The cosplay would have been alright with some changes but she had to go and ruin it with that godawful wig.

No. 333149

Search for "online video compressor" if the video is too long

No. 333151

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No. 333153

If she genuinely wants to LARP this, she should have her licence taken away. It's insane to pretend to seize/pass out without being able to control it and then go about your life as if everything's fine

No. 333154

Paranormal Jilltivity

No. 333155

Don't worry, nonita, I appreciated your bait.

No. 333156

Why do western lolitas always try to make it into a cosplay of some kind. It's really not that common in Japan.

No. 333157

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Maybe it’s because they don’t take the fashion seriously as they used to. They think having natural hair + makeup isn’t fashionable and makes them “basic” . Retards like Lor say you can break rules and do whatever you want but clearly you always can’t.

No. 333158

No. 333159

I hate lor so much
How is it not cultural appropriation to take a Japanese fashion and bastardize it and do whatever you want, make it your own thing, and then shill your shitty knock off version to everybody else as "real lolita" and encourage them to do the same thing? How is that not at least insanely disrespectful?(derailing)

No. 333160

>tfw when the edibles kick in

No. 333162

First of all what is shown in the video can be acted easily. I’m sure she practiced eye rolling a little bit before in the bathroom mirror. Second how disgusting is her “awesome, awesome, awesome “ like yes that’s the take! Let’s upload it to the internetz so the people can see how ill I am.

No. 333164

i love that she was preparing to retire the DID shit and posting about "fusions" and how she's better than ever. but then she saw farmers saying it probes it was fake. and then the youtube videos making fun of her. so she doubles the fuck down posting video "evidence" of her real DID unprompted. it's so obvious this is just her way of having the last word kek.

No. 333166

I think that’s what got me the most about the video, her reaction to it wasn’t even any level of distress or concern for her own wellbeing but instead almost maniacal laughter that she ‘caught’ this moment. Whatever your stance is on DID existing or not, this is seriously not it

No. 333167

You can tell Jill's eyes really light up any time she gets to explain how totally sick and suffering she is. She enjoys every second of her larp. If I was her friend or family I think I'd seriously start playing along by making up hurtful things she said or done just to get back at her. Like telling her "are you gonna apologize for being massively racist yesterday?" "you literally yelled at a small child! I was afraid you were actually gonna kick her like you said you would, I nearly called the cops on you and you say you don't remember it?!"

No. 333168

Jill and Lor are retarded but muh "cultural appropriation" is even more retarded. Lolita is based on VICTORIAN ROCOCO. If you want to be technical, the Japanese "appropriated" it from Europeans. No Japanese person is getting offended by fugly western lolitas. there are plenty of horribly dressed "itas" walking around Japan, the word "ita" originated there, after all.

No. 333172

this is so incredibly embarassing. she acts like this is a gotcha when even she knows she's faking it. yet, she's constantly trying to ""prove"" it. there's nothing to prove, if anything the video shows how retarded and how much of a munchie she truly is. nobody who's as sick as she claims would be doing this shit. "see guys! look how ill i am!" give me a break.

No. 333178

It's like, if a food youtuber did their own spin on Japanese dishes, but advertised themselves and their videos as "teaching Japanese cuisine". It's not the same as using inspiration. Japanese people never presented lolita fashion as "real European rococo".(derailing)

No. 333181

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Call an exorcist kek. How can one be dissociating so hard their eyes are rolling into their head but she can hold her phone perfectly steady? For anyone that still believes in DID it might be more believable if it was security camera footage or footage that someone else took of her. This just reads as pure malingering, or demonic possession.

No. 333182

I just fucking hate how fucking amusing she finds herself. She's her own goddamn entertainment at all times.

No. 333185

jesus christ put a spoiler warning on that shit nonna

No. 333201

She looks like one of those nasty, white, tiny dogs your grandma has had since you were a child here. Discolored, bulging eyes, and making ungodly sounds as it shuffles all over the house before projectile shitting on the carpet.

No. 333202

I wanna know so badly what goes on inside her head when she posts shit like this. (1) Has she deluded herself into thinking this is real? (2) Are there genuine neurological problems that she's misinterpreting? (3) Is she acting but still believes she has DID, so she's justifying it as manufacturing proof of her illness, like how some people fake paranormal footage after a real encounter? (4) Or is she straight up grifting and knows DID equals an audience and easy money for a cOnTeNt CrEaToR who's smoked herself into depression? I'm going with the third option for now.

No. 333209

I personally think she's not that disordered that she actually needs any label or diagnosis, but that she simply has narcissistic issues. She wants to have more attention and to feel special, and no one can outshine her, so she constantly tries to create situations where that's the case.

She's a bit like girls who believe in horoscopes, deep down she knows it's not based on anything real or scientific but also if she just keeps pretending and acting the way a leo is supposed to then maybe it is real after all - maybe that girl was a bitch because she's a libra sun rising, maybe she can have DID without trauma or maybe she totally was traumatized. It clearly doesn't mean anything to Jill to have trauma, to be raped for months, to be intersex, a transboy or a cat. She has such a shallow view of it all because at the core it's always me me me - and Jill loves herself because she's a narc. I think seeking attention is so natural to Jill that she doesn't even think about that she's faking it, she just does it for the kick she gets and to her that's "proof" that it's real, because she wants it to be. A bit like troons saying they're really the opposite sex when they're clearly not.
Tldr; I think it's so natural to Jill to fake and lie for attention that she does it unconsciously.

No. 333212

Wtf is wrong with her

No. 333218

this woman is so hilarious, i still quote her from the venus angelic parody almost every single day

No. 333224

She’s high out of her mind, in denial about her substance use issues (so lying down and zoning out on the couch mid video CAN’T be because she’s high, obviously it’s because of her unbelievable violent sexual trauma making her undergo a sudden mental transformation into a cartoon character), and she’s obsessed with herself.

No. 333236

Seconding this. I looked on the old threads but there wasn't any archived.(sage your shit)

No. 333260

>She's in denial about her substance use issues
Ding ding. This is the major fuel and core of the entire DID saga. She's 26, hasn't had a job in years, hasn't been in school for years, and she spends all her day high as a kite. She's totally incapacitated herself and it's wrecked her online presence too. It's easy to forget that only 6 years ago, Jill's video views averaged between 300-600k. Now she's lucky to get 20k views on one of her sporadically updated videos. She squandered a really great opportunity to be a popular influencer or online personality because everyday she wakes up and chooses to grab her bong instead of working on herself in any meaningful way. I don't think she's every going to reach the level of popularity she held 6-7 years ago, she wasted the potential. She's just a washed up no-lifer now with a drug problem and no direction or ambition. Her drug problem seriously ruined her in so many ways.

No. 333262

so according to Jill she's been dissociating since she was a small child, meaning she's been lying on the floor and acting like she's having a full on seizure since she was under 6 years old.. and her super loving and concerned parents just did nothing?

No. 333266

Don't you know, nonnancia? She said that her parents literally neglected her when she was a little baby, just because she had a bunch of presents for Christmas, of stuff that she liked, doesn't mean she wasn't horribly abused!

No. 333274

nona. do you mean 30-60k bc she was not pulling numbers that high (at least not regularly)(sage your shit)

No. 333276

mfw lolita sperging in this thread that’s unrelated to jillybean.

inarguably, she still has time to walk away from all of this, get sober, and live life as a normie social media manager or some shit for a smaller DTC “sewwwww quirky” makeup or fashion brand. while she isn’t the best at sewing or graphic design, she does have some production skill and knowledge she could parlay into something else and force more talented interns to actually make.

No. 333285

You have to realize that's not going to happen.

No. 333289

File: 1722586555668.jpg (Spoiler Image,142.26 KB, 1200x1200, 74143_01-4038048873.jpg)

She's too dumb to realize her real strengths because she's focused on trying to be the best in her grandiose delusions. This video >>333151 was proof that she's not getting better. It's depressing but after all this time she's still doing the fake seizure thing and it's just not okay, she's actually mentally ill but not in the way she thinks. Her laying on bed like that is not "proof of DID dissociation", that dupers delight laugh was proof that all of this is fake and she's not going to be okay. It's sad to see someone like her deteriorate so rapidly so young, her personality will always get on the way.

No. 333290

Mayyyybe if she nuked everything related to DID/mental health in general she could make some sort of comeback. Obviously not as popular as before, as she'd still carry some stigma from people who dropped her, but she could draw in some new blissfully ignorant followers. The old ones she could make stfu by saying she's attending therapy but she decided to go private about it. (But you know that's not gonna happen because she loves talking about herself too much.)
>she does have some production skill and knowledge
I agree with everything else but this, she can't sew properly for shit, and she has no knowledge of how the fashion industry works (remember her met gala video? kek)
That aside, there are enough kawiwi enthousiasts that some would buy her shit prints on some tshirts yeah. I'm still thinking about Redbubble type websites for some quick and easy bucks.

No. 333292

I honestly don't think it's a maybe anymore, she's digging her own grave so hard and she's too dumb to make a real comeback plan that doesn't involve some type of stupid delusional tactic. She won't completely fully drop DID ever, there's always going to be a hint of stupidity in everything she does, and she naturally attracts drama like flies to a zapper for no reason whatsoever other than her having a shitty narcissistic and mean spirited personality. I know some fans still love her but she's as irrelevant as Kelly Eden, they enjoyed some notoriety in the 2010s but it's never going to come back, specially not with all the weird Jillian antics she constantly pulls out. It's sad but she needs to enjoy what she has for now. She could had done so much more.

Part of me wonders if she wants someone to constantly pity her just like how people pity Venus and other cows with sad backgrounds. I mean, Jillian knows she's a cow, right? I wonder if her having DID and saying all this fake shit about being constantly abused and neglected is a desperate call for attention for some kind of documentary channel to redeem her. It's so fucking sad. She never needed to larp this shit, she had a horde of fans willing to defend her and her content was doing rounds. Even if she revamped and made better content to her full potential, Jill is Jill's own worst enemy. But let's be real, her mom having cancer is sadly the only thing that has really affected her in the sense that now the only thing she ever craves is being the center of attention.

No. 333293

File: 1722594790800.png (77.98 KB, 720x357, dsm.png)

No. 333294

What exactly is her point of rwtweeting this? Is her subconscious finally slipping through and sending underhanded messages?

No. 333296

>look at how i dont care that people call me a faker! im even posting about how little I care about being a faker! why does everyone call me a faker?

No. 333297

>Is her subconscious finally slipping through and sending underhanded messages?
New alter idea lmao

No. 333299

Is she saying the girl(s) who literally got caught faking tourettes were just poor victims of bullying who actually had tourettes like she totes has DID?

No. 333302

it's clearly a joke tweet

No. 333303

i firmly believe she knows how to properly do shit but is too intellectually lazy and/or has illusions of grandeur (“i am so good i don’t need to do this the right way”) and looks for shortcuts to make herself come across as pitiable.

No. 333305

Exactly this. She's a widdle toddler one second but still capable enough to drive a car at all times. She knows how to do things she just pretends not to when convenient for her

No. 333308

Did they even get a new car after crashing steeb’s? I remember there being a huge drama over that.

No. 333309

Soap nona! I missed you, hope that Jill make soap at some point. She will need to work a little even if she did it by herself and probably would have more human contact, it will be beneficial to her chronically online persona(stop)

No. 333312

I agree that her addiction(s) and social isolation are what's causing most of her problems. But the weed, caffeine mixed with Wellbutrin, alcohol, junk food and isolation alone don't fully explain why she'd film and upload herself supposedly having a seizure. Sure, weed causes psychosis, but she's not presenting typical symptoms apart from pretending her brain is an animal crossing world. I guess tik tok induced mass psychosis is the best explanation, because it's definitely not just the weed.(armchairing)

No. 333313

No, I think Steven got an e-scooter or something?

No. 333317

Yes they got a new car thanks to Steve's parents.

No. 333319

Oh no, the weed didn't make her do anything. She's just a bad person. The weed lowers her inhibitions to act like a brat. I don't know why so many anons want to psychoanalyze Jill when it's pretty obvious she's just a shit person. You don't need to have psychosis or whatever to do bad things and act like a chud. That's why she's a lolcow to begin with. She's been this way for 8 years.

No. 333337

She was never that milky up until her DID phase. Before that she was literally your run-of-the-mill "mentally ill" cringe teenager/young adult with a twitter account and she probably never would've been considered a cow if she hadn't attached herself to such a judgmental and ruthless internet subculture like lolita. She's really gone off the deep end in the last few years and it shows in her viewership.

No. 333338

Come on annon, we are 77 threads in. The hidden secret that explains Jill's behavior is her BPD. She is desperate for attention and is a very bad person. That's all it is.

No. 333340

Luckily for her, no need to wait: Factitious Disorder is already in the DSM V.

No. 333341

Yep, that and cluster B personality disorders like HPD (extreme attention seeking, dramatic and theatrical behavior, easily influenced by others) perfectly describe the set of behaviors seen in DID fakers. Jill is 100% deflecting by pretending to buy into the idea that it’s some new mystery thing and not just typical malingering plus her diagnosed BPD.(armchairing)

No. 333345

File: 1722646303019.jpeg (358.42 KB, 1290x631, IMG_1541.jpeg)

Wow. I never realized how accurately the word “malingerer” described our Jillybean.

No. 333346

Well that's the whole reason she got mad that she was in that psych conference presentation, because they correctly pegged her as a malingerer. In school we're specifically warned against malingerers like her. It's no surprise that she got her diagnostic impression from a loser that went to one of the least-reputable "schools" in the country. Her whole story is such bullshit. The DID saga is so tired because even she knows she's walking a very delicate line and so she won't do anything milky enough to be posted here, but she won't fix her life either.

No. 333391

File: 1722735651616.jpg (562.92 KB, 1062x1989, 20240803_214433.jpg)

She could probably be a successful artist if she actually did more than 10 hours of work a week. But instead she wastes it and pretends to be mentally ill on the internet as her job. It's just sad.

No. 333393

The anatomy on that pony is atrocious
Does she know what references are or does she just close her eyes whenever she tries to draw something? Her other art also never has the proper anatomy

No. 333394

Well, at least the pony is disabled like how she wishes she was, kek.

No. 333395

Her pony mole (I didn't watch the show that mole they all have in different shapes near their horse asses) is sewing… Jill has made what? 7 articles of clothing since she finished her fashion program 3 years ago? She should have just made the pony mole in the shape of a biiiig marihuana leaf.

No. 333399

I don't think she's capable of being a successful artist but I think this drawing is cute. The anatomy sucks ass though but drawing a horse isn't easy and she's an amateur so it's okay. Let's not pretend she's great at everything she does please

No. 333400

File: 1722746691392.jpg (1.2 MB, 1005x1386, jill ponysona.JPG)

Samefag but this is what her ponysona should look like.

No. 333404


No. 333405

>Hair & mane: bleached, crispy, fried, about to break.
>Stomach: bloated and and full of undigested tendies cooked by Steven and 3 monster energy drinks (sugar free)
>Ass: she doesn't move much so her glutes have atrophied.
>Skin: greenish sallow with dark hyper-pigmented spots from the onset stages of diabetes.
>Teeth: rotting and stained from sucking on a bong that hasn't been cleaned since 2023 for 12 hours a day.
>Eyes: red and dry from the constant dope smoking, if you look in them you'll only see an abyss staring back.
>Pony mole: A marijuana bong, her one true passion in life.
I got pissed off when she drew herself as a kawaii anachan pony. No Jill, you wouldn't be a pony: you'd be an ugly fat fucking horse just like you are in real life.

No. 333406

You don't need to be amazing at art to be a successful artist if you count people that make art related content for social media and sell merchandise with their art. It's so much more about marketing, productivity, networking and running a business in general. She might have a chance at making it as one of those small business owner Tik Tok and YouTube-artists with what's left of her audience - if she gets that stim prescription and starts being productive

No. 333407

She's been on Wellbutrin for what, 6 months now? Longer? Wellbutrin is usually prescribe to depressed patients that exhibit sleepiness or lack of volition, two things Jill struggles with, but I don't think her pills do anything because Jill doesn't need pills she needs someone to throw her bong out and to give her a taste of reality.

No. 333409

Wellbutrin is mostly a reuptake inhibitor and doesn't actually flood the brain with dopamine like stimulants do. Obviously the last thing she needs is another addiction, unless she becomes a workaholic or addicted to fitness. It's the more likely option for her though

No. 333417

It’s kind of funny that Jill hasn’t ever mentioned Rarity. Anyway this is cute but she’s such a poser the way she spends 2 seconds on stuff before declaring she’s literally xyz and making her whole identity around it. A pinkie pie cosplay and pinkie pie self-insert portrait a couple weeks after watching the beginning of the show is really wild, but I think it does all go back to that her main hobby is being vainly amused by her own existence.

No. 333418

People in the fandom don’t like Rarity and think she’s manipulative and has jealousy issues.

No. 333420

people in the community hate all the mane 6 for one reason or the other, but jilly represents none of them because she'd have to have at least some redeeming traits

She has no passion in life. She just likes whatever she thinks will suit her aesthetic. She has to smoke weed to make herself interesting in any way different than a pinterest board would be kek

No. 333427

This forced FiM obsession that she is clearly feigning for her retarded autism LARP pales in comparison to ACTUAL female autism you find in the MLP fandom where they hunt down the specific country variants of their favorite g1 MLP toy and have insane and extensive knowledge of the manufacturing details of every generation and specific toys and outsourced merch. This bitch is such a phony. The autism LARP is feeling very much like bpd, funny that.

No. 333430

I used to be part of the mlp forums when I was selling my collection. Those girls don’t fuck around. It’s funny she dropped precure because she hasn’t mentioned Wonderful at all. I guess she dropped it when she found out a pet doesn’t die like she had hoped.

No. 333447

She most likely 100% still likes precure. She just drew a pony.

No. 333451

File: 1722836038300.jpeg (200.69 KB, 1170x373, 002F673B-B645-4F16-9DCB-D403A7…)

Oh the irony of this “irony”. Jokes like this don’t work when they really aren’t jokes…

No. 333453

This sounds like shit a narcissistic person would say. „I am the best and never wrong“ it’s not cute

No. 333455

don’t you know nonna, you can only possibly like one thing at a time

it must be hell having the autism that some of the anons in this thread have, doomed to take everything at face value

No. 333456

Jill likes these kinds of jokes and comments because she’s legitimately full of herself and truly thinks she can do no wrong. Her excuse is always that she’s just being tongue in cheek or sassy, but the reality is she’s vain and mean spirited. She constantly acts like a huge bitch to people while having an animu kindness tattoo.

No. 333457

Yeah I don't get anons who say "IT'S JUST A JOKE BRO SHE'S JOKING" the truth of the matter is that this bitch is so far up her ass she's LARPing as different characters due to nonexistent abuse because she wants to be special. The jokes about being oh so cute and special are not funny because that is how she genuinely thinks and actively tries to curate her IRL identity to it, and also gets her proto-troonoid boyfriend and her immediate family to cater to her "diagnostic impression" ass DID.

No. 333458

>it must be hell having the autism that some of the anons in this thread have, doomed to take everything at face value
Nta, think about what that means nona. This thread is full of actual diagnosed autists whose first instinct is to read things Jill post or repost at face value - but Jill who claims to be the number one autist spokesperson don't read it that way. The fact that anons react the autist way while she doesn't is a good comparison.

Though personally I think Jill is prone to the kind of grandiose thinking like the tweet posted. She posts mundane things about herself and expects people to praise her for it. When she does her "baby voice talkie-walkie meep-moop uwu" talking she genuinely thinks she's being cute and funny or she wouldn't do and post it all the time.
>The jokes about being oh so cute and special are not funny because that is how she genuinely thinks and actively tries to curate her IRL identity to it
I think this is exactly it

No. 333467

It's early but this needs to be next thread pic

No. 333495

I agree! >>333400 would be a great threadpic
>It’s kind of funny that Jill hasn’t ever mentioned Rarity.
This is spergy as fuck, but for anons who don't know Rarity is literally the fashion designer pony, while Pinkie Pie is the party pony who acts hyper. I feel like it reflects her life, she choose the crazy hyper-disorder party over the creative fashion career she could have had.

No. 333496

Honestly, announcing she kins a character who fits some superficial aesthetic and has a bippie freakout episode where she demands attention, instead of relating to a character whose whole thing is about her efforts to make it in the fashion world and establish her brand and high profile commissions, does say a bit about her.

No. 333507

File: 1722960488110.jpeg (121.38 KB, 988x721, IMG_2727.jpeg)

Pinkie Pie also marries Weird Al pony at the end of the series. Rarity ends up unmarried with a thriving biz.(derailing)

No. 333510

And those people are ignorant fools because Rarity is the best pony.
Ngl I think that episode actually might have played a part in Jill's new "literally me" identity kek. It's a super well-known and infamous episode because it spawned all the Pinkie related creepypastas and bronies use it as an example of ~depth~ so she could have seen it and thought "wow girly girl with #deep baggage is just like me" kek(derailing)

No. 333515

Ok this is retarded but she used to be a fan of ALB who stanned rarity and even made a rant video about rarity not being included on valentine's day cards. It's interesting how the ponies line up with their work ethics and how they behave, which shows in their own channel growth.(derailing)

No. 333533

I fucking hate Jill, but I think this is cute and if she cut out the LARPs and all her retarded online antics and started doing ponysona commissions then that would be much better and actually more monetarily viable than literally else she does. Inb4 I’m praising her too much

No. 333537

Not to be autistic about random Jill facts but she did one "plan" on "making" a rarity cosplay. Meaning she bought a purple curly wig that she threw on her coat rack (can be found in her basement room room tour video)

No. 333539

Who is ALB?
I remember this too
If she got better at drawing I also think she could 100% do that because that drawing is honestly cute

No. 333541

File: 1723007071907.mp4 (873.92 KB, 720x1034, TOG2MxTRHLPkwjym.mp4)

She posted this speedpaint as well

No. 333542

File: 1723007170313.png (184.36 KB, 720x725, did.png)

Oh Jill…

No. 333543

Losers like Jill are trying to opt out of being low on the social ladder by making their own rules, people coming in and publicly shaming and mocking them using their own new rules is funny

No. 333544

She drew her ponysona skinnier than the chubby standard ponies huh

No. 333548

Notice how the jowls are reduced.

No. 333552

And how do they know if this person is faking it? The "kangel fictive" person sounds as genuine as all these DID people on the internet do. I guess it is only legit when Jill does it with her Precure and MLP fictives.

No. 333559

>is that really what you think of people with the disorder?
Literally yes, that is EXACTLY what you all sound like. In many cases you're even worse. Also the "rage-bait" may just as well be genuine, or even a parody for laughs. Not everything is made to appeal to your narcissism.

No. 333560

Jill’s OC Sunny is supposed to be a combination of yellow precure characters. Kek how is this any different? It’s so funny how she always leaps to say people like Cherry are imitating DID even though Jill’s own case is literally nothing like textbook DID and is obviously another case of social contagion from being online all day.
“Thanks for cosplaying me” even sounds more genuine when it comes to a dissociative disorder than Jill conveniently always “co-fronting” and having all of her knowledge and skills like how to drive.

No. 333564

She doesn't even reference the pose right, she's just (poorly) copying what she sees. She doesn't even notice that, although not extremely noticeable, the G3 rearing pony pose actually does have three joints in the legs that you can clearly map out. Her retarded stoner brain she treats with the delicacy of an irate chimp can't comprehend what she's seeing, she gave the horse 2 joint legs. Even if she thought the G3 pony pose reference had only 2 joints, her artist intuition should have told her to add the extra joint at the ankle because it looks fucking weird and amateur as fuck. She's such a bad artist kek.

No. 333566

ALB was a big deal in the tumblr-era pastel communities. She was known for having perfectly kept pastel pink hair and an aesthetic pastel vintage wardrobe. She used to sell a lot of art and go to conventions, now she does ASMR. Jill was a huge fan of hers and met her at Hal-Con one year

No. 333567

Is ALB her name or? Why is it vague

No. 333568

File: 1723049140246.jpg (1.11 MB, 1080x1688, 20240807_125116.jpg)

Happy anniversary nonnies!

No. 333570

No. 333571

File: 1723054539120.jpeg (194.5 KB, 960x1280, IMG_2732.jpeg)

I mean maybe Jill wants/wanted Steeb to be like ALB’s troony husband.

No. 333572

No 10 year reflection about her growing up on youtube? Just a thank you post?

No. 333573

What’s there to reflect on when she hasn’t changed herself?

No. 333574

I agree it's weird she didn't plan anything at all, 10 years is a BIG milestone regardless of what it is. Most people would do something to thank their fans, a lot of youtubers make 10th anniversary merch, etc. This to me really truly shows just how lazy she has become

No. 333575

Even Shayna had a 5 year anniversary special.

No. 333577

"Yo that's crazy lol anyways" energy

No. 333587

File: 1723082457367.jpg (674.5 KB, 1050x1690, 20240807_220645.jpg)

No. 333592

Why is she so obsessed about making people answer questions about herself/shit she likes? Just make a raffle or some shit, she makes shit, she could easily gift something to her fans once.
It's just so bizarre, even during her birthday parties all she does is make people answer questions about her life, I can already picture it, her wedding will have a retarded pixie and steeb trivia game and that will be the only source of entertainment during the whole 5 dollar store garden wedding.

No. 333594

She says it won’t all be trivia about her as if adding sections like Precure is any better. It’s what she did at her birthday and it’s just another weird way of making everyone answer questions about her since she projects herself onto every form of media and consoomer goods she likes each week.

No. 333596

If her house wasn't such a mess an updated house tour probably would have been a good long video to post for this. But yea sure I guess making people answer questions about yourself is good too and definitely isn't a way to get out of putting in effort

No. 333599

Kek this is hilarious she's so fucking self obsessed

No. 333604

It's very funny how without doubt, if given the opportunity, all she'll do is talk about herself. Her most special interest is herself. Her favorite person is herself. She's her favorite character and her favorite show. She's a hilarious combination of narcissistic, self obsessed, delusional, blind, and extremely dumb.
That thumbnail makes her look like she's doing a big money giveaway for her subscribers, instead she's forcing them to answer questions about shit nobody cares about when most of her older audience already left. She's so irrelevant. Not even big youtubers are self centered enough to make their subscribers do this, and for what? They ain't winning anything by doing this, her fans have always been a bit too obsessive but this is too much. This is ridiculous.

No. 333605

Is this that woman that made the viral post about her "lesbian" acrylic nails(derailing, unsaged)

No. 333607

File: 1723108283569.jpg (172.66 KB, 797x1589, 1000034481.jpg)

Her ugly septum ring has really stretched out her nose kek(nitpicking)

No. 333614

She looks like dreamytabby without the pube stache kek

No. 333617

She has the typical BPD self-obsessed over-importance thing going on. This basically a weird narc supply thing for her.

No. 333629

She should use the opportunity to get to know her 5 fans.

No. 333630

Maybe you meant the septum piercing visually makes her nose look bigger, but piercings don't stretch out the nose

No. 333634


Yeah, Jill is one of those people who's bad at drawing but good at rendering. She'd probably do well as a Instagram/TikTok artist since those people only care about cute aesthetics and not anatomy.

No. 333635

File: 1723140902450.jpeg (965.29 KB, 1170x1597, FCBDD83C-853D-4F5C-9ADE-F0DE91…)

Oh boy

No. 333636


No. 333638

File: 1723144550205.jpeg (618.3 KB, 1170x639, 15E662EC-ADA7-4F05-B7F8-1F59CD…)

I have never done a recap before and kind of gave up on timestamping at a certain point, but here you go.

>opens with montage of her video intros throughout the years

>excited and “eternally grateful” for this career
>at 1:12 says her career is “ideal for a person like me who has multiple chronic conditions like mental health issues that make it hard to just keep up with daily life the way that maybe a neurotypical person could”
>at 1:50 says she is “comfortable, happy and proud of her channel” as it is the “perfect size for her brain and lifestyle”
>has been on YouTube from 16-26 years old, says she doesn’t know “whether that was a good thing or a bad thing for [her] psyche”
> 9 distinct eras with a custom tier list because she “can’t have ugly things in her videos”

Recap according to Jill herself

1. Lolita era / Aug 2014 - June 2015 / 6:25
> “This was my pink Lolita only era” no mention of Flora, LACE or her boyfriends? Mkay
>Ranking: A

2. Post-Lolita era / June 2015 - December 2015 / 8:40
>at 9:04 ”this is when I still thought I had to be all or nothing one thing”
>Ranking: B because it was “sweet” but “cool stuff happened in the other tiers”

3. Holographic Mall Hauls / December 2015 - September 2016 / 11:09
>”This is my like fast-fashion, hyper consumption era beginning,” “It’s weird how I like totally pivoted from J-fashion to like this trendy way…”
>”Cool-toned sparkly moment in time”
>Ranking: E because muh capitalism

4. Rainbow party-time Era / September 2016 - September 2017 / 13:03
>Birth of party-kei, first Japan vlog, posting 2x weekly, had nightmares about moving out
>”These two gap years were the most slay eras of my life,” “There was definitely an extra freshness” compared to now, “I wanted to prove that I was grinding, I was churning out vlogs.”
>Ranking: B, because “the party-kei thing could have gone better” and “maybe caused a lot more stress than it was worth”

5. Quit your day job Era / September 2017 - August 2018 /
>Gap year 2, quit her jobs for YouTube, became Kawaii Leader
>New York trip and fan meet-up event, a top highlight of her life
>”Bianca has been killing it with Miss Candyholic ever since” KEK the way she words things as though she is the cause of this success
>received “Jennifer, the giant Peep plush” that has been abused and used as her BPD target
>Ranking: S, because 2017 was the ultimate era to her

6. Pixie pad and Fashion School Era / August 2018 - December 2019 / 20:18
>moved out, got with Steve, Japan trip 2, slowly quit fashion content
>BPD diagnosis
>2019 one of worse years of her life
>Ranking: C. “When I think back to this era it makes my tummy hurt so I put it in C”

7. A Literal Pandemic Era / Dec 2019 - July 2021 / 21:58
>COVID, mom couldn’t come to fashion show at her school, graduates during lockdown
>so dysregulated, panicked, sick, freaking out
>Ranking: D, because “OMG I’m a fashion designer now and in my cool studio but also everything is crumbling around me and things aren’t hitting like they used to.”

8. GIRL ARE U OK Era / July 2021 - August 2023 / 23:50
>“Mental illness gets its moment to shine, baby”
>”I was too uncomfortable to look at myself properly in the mirror so I created this very drastic drag makeup mask to hide behind,” “it was like a shield,” ”I can’t see that girl I used to be in the mirror right now I’m losing it slay.”
>started drag
>DID diagnosis
>at 25:17 “UNIMAGINABLE LEVELS OF HATRED AND HARRASSMENT THAT NEVER ENDED!!!!” that should be a banner can someone make a gif out of it
>wishes she could go back and “tweak some things” about how she handled her DID announcement and incorporating it into her channel
>”at this point I was really struggling to upload, I was super dysfunctional for a while” 26:28
>”this is when I needed to take some time to do some really heavy duty trauma therapy” 26:34
>Calls it her “infamous era” and claims she has “so much empathy for [herself] and [her] selves”
>Says “it’s hard when the [personal] life and content are (…) hard to separate”
>Ranking: C

9. Current Day / August 2023 - August 2024 / 28:38
>Engaged, overcame 2 years of fashion school burn out, “doing really well mentally, physically”
>reconnecting with old passions and interests: precure, jfashion, my little pony, Lolita
>Discusses the “lameness about having to tone down the freak to be more palatable” regarding how she incorporates DID in her content: “I changed the way I show my multiplicity online”
>”I think I achieved my goal of letting people get to know me as (…) a mosaic of multiple parts”
>In the year up to her diagnosis, she claims she felt self-conscious about her voice appearing different in videos, which is why talking about DID was so important to her so people would “understand”, she felt “so suffocated by it”
>Says that before she couldn’t go to certain parts of town before due to ”a barrier from seeing trauma related triggers” like “smells and sounds”
>Rank: A, because she is “still trying to achieve greater heights”

No. 333640

Thanks for taking one for the team. To me, the "Current Day" seems like even more not-so-subtle pumping of the brakes on her DID larp.
>I changed the way I show my multiplicity online
>I achieved my goal of letting people get to know me as a mosaic bla bla
She's really gonna phase it out and only return to it if she needs a quick n easy excuse for future terribleness.

No. 333641

>at 1:50 says she is “comfortable, happy and proud of her channel” as it is the “perfect size for her brain and lifestyle”
Calling bullshit on that claim. She’s been trying her hardest to get more subscribers and notoriety.

No. 333642

>at 1:50 says she is “comfortable, happy and proud of her channel” as it is the “perfect size for her brain and lifestyle”
Kek she is coping so hard with the fact that her views are some of the worst they've ever been

No. 333643

At 4:16 she said she made her own custom tier list because "I can't put ugly things in my videos" - if that were really the case she never would have put Stevie in her vids

No. 333645

>at 1:12 says her career is “ideal for a person like me who has multiple chronic conditions like mental health issues that make it hard to just keep up with daily life the way that maybe a neurotypical person could”

I truly hate these new brand of autistics who think that neurotypicals also don't get burn out due to demanding jobs and being paid low wages. You don't struggle because you're autistic you struggle because of capitalism.

No. 333656

Fascinating how she talks about how the beginning of her YouTube was so fun and bright and "yaay life is fun" but at the same time she was allegedly getting raped for months? Yet she still had the time and energy and motivation to make multiple videos a week? Girl shut up. I can't with her blatant lies holy hell

No. 333657

She's almost like a female Boogie in this regard kek

No. 333658

how can you just glance over that and then at the very end at the beginning of your did larp claim that you suffer a severe debilitating trauma disorder, yet never put anything into context when applicable? Girl shut up. she needs a fucking chair to the face

No. 333661

File: 1723162145423.png (612.72 KB, 400x619, ten years same shit.png)

so her good years apparently
>years of nonstop trauma and/or after supposed nonstop trauma
>very young and still emotionally and mentally vulnerable
>time you would think she was unstable

her bad years
>"diagnosed" and "medicated"
>no responsibilities like a job or school, get to be high watching cartoons everyday
>live in a nice place with your partner
>this is when she was "NOT OKAY"

No. 333662

>received “Jennifer, the giant Peep plush” that has been abused and used as her BPD target
Ty for your service nonna, this made me lose it

No. 333666

People have said this before but her mom is so cute and pretty tbh, it shows how much better Jill could look if she lost her special snowflake complex and took better care of herself.

No. 333668

In what world is looking like a haggard Trolls doll considered "cute and pretty" ? Jill got her worst features from her mother, just like Venus. She got her father's ugly turkey chin and neck fat though. They both look like hideous little gremlins, like they belong in caves unseen by the light of day.

No. 333672

thank you for the recap nona
>”this is when I needed to take some time to do some really heavy duty trauma therapy”
genuinely she has no idea what "heavy duty trauma therapy" entails. it's so funny how it's always people like her who go on about muh trauma as if they have any clue what they are talking about, they just keep malingering for pity points as if that shit matters

No. 333681

>I truly hate these new brand of autistics who think that neurotypicals also don't get burn out due to demanding jobs and being paid low wages. You don't struggle because you're autistic you struggle because of capitalism.
Nona Jill doesn't struggle because she's autistic because she's simply not autistic.

No. 333682

What era was her "raped for months" era? Or was the before youtube?

No. 333684

idk how she has as many fans as she does (even if they are dwindling away). she is so privileged, sheltered, and hypocritical. what really got me was the whole taking a 2 year gap before going to arts and crafts school and then taking another 2 year gap after from “fashion school burnout”. burnout from what, not going to classes and almost failing most of them? from taking your “friend’s” boyfriend? having your parents fund your lifestyle?
she really shouldn’t have done this bc seeing all back to back just makes her look even more lazy, unaccomplished, and egotistical.
also, a hearty kek at her s-tier era being the one where she pet a black girls hair. definitely agree it’s one of her best moments bc there’s photographic evidence of her being a woman-baby narc who doesn’t care about anyone else but herself.

No. 333685

she claims the rape happened when she was 13, so this was a few years before she started youtube

No. 333686

I know personally after my CSA I was primed and ready to go to start a social media career with parental support while completing school with no problems and having normal, age appropriate relationships!

Or wait, whoops, no, instead I lied about my age to get a full time job to be away from home as much as possible, physically fought with my mother, almost didn't graduate high school and talked to grown men online who sent me gifts! Like goddamn, sorry to blog, but she's way too comfortable in this larp to literally lay out a timeline of 10 years of being coddled and acting like "whoa crazy how traumatized and brain broken I was this whole time" like girl! Who is that smug?(blogposting)

No. 333687

> I was subjected to horrifying trauma as a child, but don't worry! I did some heavy duty therapy for a few months and then I came out totally fixed and happy
This fucking LARPer kek.

No. 333689

Yeah the funny thing about Jill is how she's genuinely mentally ill but not in the way she desperately wants to be and nor is her mental illness as severe as she claims, either. I think most of us know a few very traumatized women who have endured CSA and parental abuse/neglect, and they're typically not on a quest to prove their traumas, they typically just operate like people who have endured intense trauma, and subsequently will cope in ways that aren't healthy but they have really have no other frame of reference to deal with such issues.
Jill on the other hand takes pride in being as dysfunctional as she possibly can with the DSM and all symptoms memorized for her mental jillness charlatan routine. She could absolutely choose to do the right things but she loves to stew in her imaginary trauma.

No. 333693

For having a disorder that causes blackouts and severe memory loss, she sure can clearly remember all of these eras. Especially since Jill said before jerrick was co host for a year.

No. 333694

This is consistent among these types of people kek. There's at least one cow in the Cluster B thread who claims every mental illness except the one she's actually been diagnosed with. They idolize a very specific archetype in their head which they think will gain the most sympathy and deny the obvious problems which interfere with that LARP.

No. 333695

this is one of the reasons why i suspect she's constantly trying to ""prove"" her fake illnesses (other than the obvious attention she craves)
she knows that none of it adds up, she knows that all of her lies are incredibly sloppy so she tries to double down. it just makes her look worse and she already looks really bad. at the end of the day none of it adds up, none of it makes sense. it's all lies and fabrications piled on top of each other and she'll always be sloppily adding on new excuses and filming herself giddy over her pretending to dissasociate on her own camera. truly pathetic

No. 333696

Anon probably means her personality seems cute through the screen or something. Jill's mom seems nice from the pictures, but she always reminds me of hide the pain Harold, or the way a little kid who doesn't know how to smile properly yet holds their face for pictures.

No. 333701

Every bippie on earth including Jill is now going by “self diagnosed autistic” because they learned it makes them look like poor innocent angels when they chimp out on everyone around them.

No. 333708

>at 1:12 says her career is “ideal for a person like me who has multiple chronic conditions like mental health issues that make it hard to just keep up with daily life the way that maybe a neurotypical person could”
Her mental health would be so much better if her life consisted of more than watching children's cartoons and getting high. Especially if she was autistic - daily routine is so fucking important. Every unemployed person I know is supposedly depressed and unhappy because humans need to do something productive with their lives.

Could be the fact that autism isn't curable, so they're absolved of responsibility to stop being a nightmare. Lol at "bippie", never heard that before

No. 333710

Not to blogpost but somehow this only ever seems to work for (female) fake autists and never actual diagnosed ones. Because whenever it's truly necessary they can stop pretending to be autistic which someone that does have it can't (no matter how much they say they're masters at masking. if you can mask 24/7 you aren't autistic).
It's also annoying because they make up the dumbest fucking shit when it comes to what their needs are in the workplace for example, that no actual female autist would ever even dare to ask for.
There's a reason the vast majority of autists even with degrees are unemployed or underemployed, yet somehow the fake social media ones all have thriving careers.

No. 333713

It's funny you say this Because when she was working part time jobs she seemed happier and a lot more consistent with YouTube. I remember when there was a time she was posting 2 videos a week.

No. 333715

you don't have cancer nor any debilitating illness. youre just a spoiled cunt.

No. 333724

No. 333728

So unbelievably boring I could not watch more than a minute or two. Also very telling that there is no prize. Ten years on YouTube and NOTHING for her subscribers, not even a free wallpaper or limited edition redbubble pins or something.

No. 333731

This stupid lazy cow doesn't even understand how to play jeopardy. No final jeopardy,and going in order from 100 point questions to 500 and no prize. What the fuck even is the point of any of this other than an ego stroke? I'm not sure what's worse btween this and her every other "cook!" And "Slay"

No. 333732

Can a bored, kind nonnie write out what the questions were?

No. 333737

We need summary nonny to do us a favor because this shit is boring as fuck

No. 333739

Nitpick, but the way Jill says her rs as ws is so annoying. Like why would you do that if you're a grown ass adult who doesn't have a speech impediment?

No. 333740

Can you give an example in a sentence?

No. 333750

>Also very telling that there is no prize.
lmao what! They get nothing? I've seen youtubers do giveaways out of their own pocket to celebrate hitting just 100 subscribers, and long-time youtuber jillie can't even do bare minimum?

No. 333758

unemployed nona here to summarize all the questions (and answers), sorry for the wall of text and sorry for any typos
>JFashion $100: Who is the artist famous for producing the brand 6%DOKIDOKI and related projects? (Sebastian Masuda)
>Magical Girls $100: Naoko Takeuchi, creator of Sailor Moon, is famously married to Yoshihiro Togashi, creator of which famous anime(s)? (Hunter x Hunter, Yu Yu Hakusho)
>Channel History $100: What is the name of the giant Peep plush that lives on our couch? (Jennifer)
>Special Interests $100: Every New Year, this festival takes place in Pennsylvania where a 400 pound giant Peep is “dropped” in the style of the Times Square Ball Drop. What is the name of the festival? (PeepsFest)
>Pixie Facts $100: What are Pixie and Stevie’s star signs? (Pisces for both)
>JFashion $200: Name the two famous malls in Harajuku and Shibuya known for carrying street fashion staples. (La Foret & Shibuya 109)
>Magical Girls $200: This quote, originating from 4chan’s anime board in 2011, is a playful take on the moral of this extremely popular magical girl anime. (being meguca is suffering)
>Channel History $200: Which year did Pixie receive their Youtube play button? (2017)
>Special Interests $200: Why am I mad at Muse right now lol (Matt won’t stop using AI to make weird shitty promo videos)
>Pixie Facts $200: Who does Pixie main in Smash? (Bowser Junior)
>JFashion $300: Many stores in Japan sell these around New Year’s to make room for the next year’s products. What are they called? (lucky pack/bag or fukubukuro)
>Magical Girls $300: List these animes - Magical Doremi, Sailor Moon, Tokyo Mew Mew, Cardcaptor Sakura - in order from oldest to most recent first air date! (SM - 1992, CCS - 1998, Doremi - 1999, TMM - 2002)
>Channel History $300: Which video on the Pixielocks channel has the most views? (Precure Pretty Store vlog from 2017 - first video uploaded after Sharla collab)
>Special Iinterests $300: What is the name of the company that produces Peeps? (Just Born Quality Confections)
>Pixie Facts $300: Which musicals were Pixie in in high school? (Grease & Mary Poppins)
>JFashion $400: This Angelic Pretty print is known by two names. One of them is “Whipped Magic” - what is the other name? (Radioactive Cupcakes)
>Magical Girls $400: How many Pretty Cures were quoted to be present at the 20th Anniversary All Precure Parade? (78)
>Channel History $400: How many Pixielocks channel intros have there been, not counting series intros? (8)
>Special Interests $400: Which one of these “Precure” wand toys is NOT bootleg? (6 photos shown, #6 is the answer)
>Pixie Facts $400: Which alters tweeted these? [cap of her quote tweeting herself, first tweet is a photo of pink clouds captioned “pinkie pie”, QT says “so close! that is a picture of the sky”] (original - Sunny, quote - Pixie)
>JFashion $500: Which year was the brand Galaxxxy established? (2007)
>Magical Girls $500: Which one of these magical girl series [8 pictured] has NOT produced merchandise with Sanro? (Tokyo Mew Mew)
>Channel History $500: On a YouNow stream years ago, I received this plush as a gift through my P.O. box. [weird purple fuzzy guy idk what these are called sorry] What did we elect to name him, as recommended by a chatter? (Soil)
>Special Interests $500: Four of these vintage ponies are earlier generation releases with the same name as their Mane Six counterpart. Two are imposters with totally different names. Which two are the imposter ponies? (Sky Skimmer & Twilight Twinkle, Fluttershy & Twilight Sparkle “imposters” respectively)
>Pixie Facts $500: Name all of Pixie’s family cats that have been introduced on the channel. (Neko, Mobi, Quinny, Pippin, Serena, Stickers)

No. 333759

>special interests

No. 333760

>Special Interests $500: Four of these vintage ponies are earlier generation releases with the same name as their Mane Six counterpart. Two are imposters with totally different names. Which two are the imposter ponies? (Sky Skimmer & Twilight Twinkle, Fluttershy & Twilight Sparkle “imposters” respectively)
She must have been high as fuck doing this one because it's like one of the easiest questions when it's supposed to be the toughest category. You can tell MLP is not a special interest of hers KEK she acts like everybody who likes the gens previous to gen 4 are all 90 years old and half dead. She consooms the easiest shit, every single time. She has never had a legit autistic special interest. I remember one anon saying if she was actually autistic her special interest would be sewing machine models kek. This phony bitch is such a fake and the funniest part about her is she thinks it's not obvious.

No. 333761

I think her special interest would be something else, like strawberry shortcake, show that she forgot to mention in her "special interest" category.

No. 333769

>Pixie Facts $100: What are Pixie and Stevie’s star signs? (Pisces for both)
The most irrelevant question in the history of mankind

No. 333771

It's always a Pisces on some exhausting attention-whore shit. They make the most retarded and demented BPD havers I swear to god.

No. 333772

I'm grouping them by category for ease of reading
>Pixie Facts $100: What are Pixie and Stevie’s star signs? (Pisces for both)
>Pixie Facts $200: Who does Pixie main in Smash? (Bowser Junior)
>Pixie Facts $300: Which musicals were Pixie in in high school? (Grease & Mary Poppins)
>Pixie Facts $400: Which alters tweeted these? [cap of her quote tweeting herself, first tweet is a photo of pink clouds captioned “pinkie pie”, QT says “so close! that is a picture of the sky”] (original - Sunny, quote - Pixie)
>Pixie Facts $500: Name all of Pixie’s family cats that have been introduced on the channel. (Neko, Mobi, Quinny, Pippin, Serena, Stickers)
>Channel History $100: What is the name of the giant Peep plush that lives on our couch? (Jennifer)
>Channel History $200: Which year did Pixie receive their Youtube play button? (2017)
>Channel History $300: Which video on the Pixielocks channel has the most views? (Precure Pretty Store vlog from 2017 - first video uploaded after Sharla collab)
>Channel History $400: How many Pixielocks channel intros have there been, not counting series intros? (8)
>Channel History $500: On a YouNow stream years ago, I received this plush as a gift through my P.O. box. [weird purple fuzzy guy idk what these are called sorry] What did we elect to name him, as recommended by a chatter? (Soil)
Special interests
>Special Interests $100: Every New Year, this festival takes place in Pennsylvania where a 400 pound giant Peep is “dropped” in the style of the Times Square Ball Drop. What is the name of the festival?
>Special Interests $200: Why am I mad at Muse right now lol (Matt won’t stop using AI to make weird shitty promo videos)
>Special Iinterests $300: What is the name of the company that produces Peeps? (Just Born Quality Confections)
>Special Interests $400: Which one of these “Precure” wand toys is NOT bootleg? (6 photos shown, #6 is the answer)
>Special Interests $500: Four of these vintage ponies are earlier generation releases with the same name as their Mane Six counterpart. Two are imposters with totally different names. Which two are the imposter ponies? (Sky Skimmer & Twilight Twinkle, Fluttershy & Twilight Sparkle “imposters” respectively)
>JFashion $100: Who is the artist famous for producing the brand 6%DOKIDOKI and related projects? (Sebastian Masuda)
>JFashion $200: Name the two famous malls in Harajuku and Shibuya known for carrying street fashion staples. (La Foret & Shibuya 109)
>JFashion $300: Many stores in Japan sell these around New Year’s to make room for the next year’s products. What are they called? (lucky pack/bag or fukubukuro)
>JFashion $400: This Angelic Pretty print is known by two names. One of them is “Whipped Magic” - what is the other name? (Radioactive Cupcakes)
>JFashion $500: Which year was the brand Galaxxxy established? (2007)
Magical girls
>Magical Girls $100: Naoko Takeuchi, creator of Sailor Moon, is famously married to Yoshihiro Togashi, creator of which famous anime(s)? (Hunter x Hunter, Yu Yu Hakusho)
>Magical Girls $200: This quote, originating from 4chan’s anime board in 2011, is a playful take on the moral of this extremely popular magical girl anime. (being meguca is suffering)
>Magical Girls $300: List these animes - Magical Doremi, Sailor Moon, Tokyo Mew Mew, Cardcaptor Sakura - in order from oldest to most recent first air date! (SM - 1992, CCS - 1998, Doremi - 1999, TMM - 2002)
>Magical Girls $400: How many Pretty Cures were quoted to be present at the 20th Anniversary All Precure Parade? (78)
>Magical Girls $500: Which one of these magical girl series [8 pictured] has NOT produced merchandise with Sanro? (Tokyo Mew Mew)

No. 333775

I feel like Jill is slowly becoming incredibly uninteresting, which is her own worst nightmare. The milk recently has been dry beyond belief, because everything she does is predictable. Everything she does is centered around herself and that’s it. Usually a cow becoming boring can be a good sign, since they may be improving. But in her case, she just seems to have found a comfortable place to indulge in her narcissism which results in her vapid presence. Maybe that’s just me, though?

No. 333776

I was thinking the same too lol. Like, yeah she still does weird shit, says stupid crap, but it's all the same nowadays. I can't even make myself watch her videos "on the hunt for milk" so to speak because it's all so boring

No. 333777

> complaining about bpd bitches
> believes in astrology(infight bait/non-contribution)

No. 333781

It’s not real.

No. 333783

Don't listen to those anons I agree with you

No. 333784

Imagine making a jeopardy game about yourself, does she not see how self obsessed and deranged this is?

No. 333788

In this video she seems pretty aware of her pathological wish to never grow up. I wonder if she's ever had a 'eww this is for kids, i'm a grownup' moment to begin with. Like that phase of development when you become fascinated with older teens or adults and cannot wait to become one yourself. I don't think she's had it, because if she hadn't missed this step she'd be embarrassed by her age regression complex and wouldn't be such a womanchild to begin with. It's weird that lying and cultivating tulpas DID characters is how she copes with a very common problem, her failure to launch from adolescence into proper adulthood. She probably self-dx'ed with autism because she sees this disorder as a variation of her 'fragile womanchild teehee toy collector' type of BPD. This 'i'm a pure little naive child uwu' bullshit is so common with cluster Bs but she puts way too much effort in her LARP.
You're right.

No. 333799

What a joke. She thinks peeps and MLP are her special interests, really? She just posted proof weeks ago that she hasn’t seen the majority of FIM. My god she is vapid and has literally zero clue what autism is. Just vain poser behavior.

No. 333806

My Little Pony existed before FiM and she is copying the old pony designs in her fanart.

No. 333808

I don’t want to go into horse sperging but her fanart looks nothing like the horses she has consumed. She has g3 pinkie pie as her profile picture in her private account she has only talked about FiM and her horse art is anorexic which looks like neither of those two. She has never shown interest or talked about g2 ever. It’s like she has a check sheet for autistic fandoms and feels the need to randomly name drop for “autism clout”

No. 333821

drawing old ponies doesn't make it a special interest lol if anything it shows that she only likes it for the aesthetic

No. 333822

It’s funny that Jill has become so stagnant and boring that not even her farmers who are the majority of her subscribers care anymore.

No. 333823

She's such a BPD attention whore she'd probably end up self harming if she was forced to go on mlparena.com and converse with actual autistic mlp lovers about generations prior to g4 because she wouldn't know shit about shit kek.
Inb4 she lurks and starts inorganically bringing up gens 1-3 just to own her haters kek. I'm waiting for some vague post about generation 2 mlp, a generation not many people care about, to prove she's totally a retarded bitch totally for real!!!!!

No. 333824

>not even her farmers who are the majority of her subscribers

I hate to be the one to tell you this, but this isn't even slightly the case.

No. 333826

File: 1723496644284.jpeg (308.55 KB, 828x852, IMG_0932.jpeg)

Because Jill never acts like an authority of illnesses she doesn’t have.

No. 333835

The bitch who only consumes the most easily accessible MLP media is going to defend annoying gatekeeping Sally's, lmfao gtfo bitch.

No. 333845

Jill wouldn’t follow Moderngurlz anyway because she makes YouTube videos on fashion, girly media and actually works in the industry while having 700k subscribers.
People are mad because it makes the toys go up in value which is true but it’s also doll twitter and they’re psychotic. Jill must be itching to collect dolls but can’t because her sustainability larp will go down the drain.

No. 333846

She could very easily thrift dolls and sew clothes for them if she really wanted to be more sustainable but thats a lot more effort than just buying one new from a store so of course she wont

No. 333848

This is rich coming from the bitch who made that dumb LACE video because Lolitas were rightfully shitting on her newfaggotry bullshit and gatekeeping her from the fashion she was so bad at despite having mommy throw so much money at her to buy brand new brand pieces she couldn’t coord if her life depended on it.
Anons here that look back at her shit coords and try to say they were fine just have rose colored glasses on about them because she was thinner and didn’t looks like a craft store liquidations sale like she does now. She’s mediocre at everything she does because she never tries. She’s been sheltered and praised her entire life for being mediocre and that’s all she knows how to do.
Even now she’s doing a mediocre job of malingering and faking DID and autism and since there’s not consequences or repercussions she thinks she’s doing an amazing job duping her audience and her family when in reality her larp is mediocre and half assed. She changes her story almost any time she opens her mouth about it and swaps her characters around based on audience feedback as opposed to acting like they’re real manifestations of a broken psyche that can’t be controlled.

No. 333849

File: 1723518223749.jpeg (813.19 KB, 828x1232, IMG_0964.jpeg)

Private Twitter anon, gonna do a small dump of her posts.
Despite the picture being put through a filter and her wearing makeup, her skin looks so incredibly tired for someone her age.

No. 333850

File: 1723518334518.jpeg (257.65 KB, 828x622, IMG_0962.jpeg)

Because it’s the SSRI’s that are making her faint, not because she’s completely out of shape and her stamina is nonexistent from greening out and tweeting all the time.

No. 333851

Pastel Lena Dunham.

No. 333854

If only drinking enough water and doing light indoor routines could be a better solution than whatever the fuck she wants to be told to do/not do/try.

No. 333857

SSRIs don't necessarily have anything to do with this as a main side-effect, but I know for a fact weed does. Overuse can cause sweats, headaches, and constantly having your body react as if you are in a 110 degree-c room even though it's not. Fixing it is only if you can microdose down to a lower tolerance or just wait it out. Showers and baths tend to re-regulate it for some reason, but she needs to lay off the weed and deal with her withdrawal symptoms.

Btw I'm not weedsperging or medfagging, I'm suggesting this is probably the more likely cause of her overheating. We already know she does weed and mixing that with drugs can can possibly cause heat sensitivity isn't a good thing. Jill has absolutely no idea how anything works or reacts and it shows.

No. 333858

Wellbutrin is not an SSRI and it does not make you do whatever the fuck she's describing.

No. 333867

jill, you're not dissociating, you just saw yourself in the mirror and don't like being fat, dehydrated, and not 19 years old.

No. 333868

At least the silver hair looks good but knowing Jill, it'll go to shit soon.

No. 333872

This bitch is so fucking DRY. Drink some water!!! Ageing like absolute milk because she's too much of a retarded woman child to hydrate.

No. 333876

The lack of self-awareness is honestly impressive. Not up to date with her twitter names, so I thought this was someone talking about her!

No. 333877

she realises excessive fat will make her overheat no matter what, right? does wellbutrin even make you warm?

No. 333879

File: 1723549360062.jpeg (407.59 KB, 1170x1472, IMG_0446.jpeg)

No. 333880

Oh this is so milky, we will be moisturized for a while now nonas

No. 333881

The paragraph about her relationship with Uma is so transparent lol.
>I can't believe this guy is saying I was never raped
Translation: I deliberately lied about rape in particular because I figured I could simply villainize anyone who tried to call me out on lying about it. I can't believe it's not working!!!
The youtuber in question is a bottom of the barrel cloutchasing scrote (who will no doubt be lurking soon), but it looks so sus on Jill's part to even try to argue with him about what the truth is.

No. 333882

File: 1723552524195.jpg (180.95 KB, 1079x677, 1666462181920.jpg)

>that wasn't what caused my DID
ok jilly

No. 333883

Just call us cleopatranons, we're going to be bathing in milk.
She just can't help digging this hole deeper, formal diagnosis where?

No. 333885

I love how she tried to sound official but didn’t even make it half a sentence before devolving into her usual stunted temper tantrum typing style, kek

No. 333886

Jill, please stop painting your face yellow

No. 333887

There was no feet questions in the trivia.

Also she should go full white/blonde and stay away from the yellow/green colors; its giving toxic.

Also idc that in supposed to be anon; suck it. I'm here for like a post a year.(namefagging foot personalityfag)

No. 333888

This is why you don’t trauma dump online or bring up shit if you aren’t willing to get into the weeds, it comes off as disingenuous and a cry for attention.
> had the most traumatic experience of my life, no I don’t want to talk about it! Don’t ask!
Like she made it her brand, she wanted to talk about it and now people have questions because they see inconsistencies and are seeking to understand but she shuts them down.
Also this is giving off family vibes. It happened on her birthday, happened multiple times throughout her life, first time was when she was very young? Did one of her cousins rape her? Is that the age gap? Is this a case of child on child sexual assault starting from a young age and culminating as a teen?
She doesn’t owe anyone answers obviously but at the same time don’t air out your shitty laundry to every dickhead online expecting coddling. Especially if the way you share it is rainbows and happiness and slutty alters who exist to be sex toys, like come the fuck on. People can see the cracks in her story and it begs for clarification!

No. 333891

maybe I am late to the party but what video is she referencing in this?(sage your shit)

No. 333892

If anything, it would be CoCSA (child on child sexual assault) as Uma would only be 2 years older than Jillybean, but she wants the pity points for people to imagine she was assaulted by an older person in her life

Can't ever keep her story straight. The fact that she is trying to claim some great trauma happened in her early childhood is insane

No. 333893

Was it uma though? Jill has alluded to the fact it’s happened on and off (though sometimes at great length) throughout her life. It’s really giving incestuous cocsa. Which I guess would explain her reluctance to talk about specifics and her willingness to leave people thinking it was her first foray into relationships (her thing with Uma).

No. 333894

>I don't have any trauma I just suddenly happen to have autistic brain that are more easily traumatized because I believe all autists are mentally 10 and that is why I have seven different personalities living in my head teehee

No. 333895

even IF she experienced rape, it was not simply "csa" but "cocsa". she deliberately makes it sound like she was raped by a grown adult while she was a child. she words it this way to make it sound worse to justify her larping DID

No. 333897

That’s because coCSA has only recently permeated the lexicon of normies, watch jill start using it as the word sweeps through the munchie community. Or she won’t because like you said if she keeps it intentionally vague she can let people fill in the blanks with the worst case scenario and she doesn’t have to clarify anything.

No. 333898

she has several times identified the alleged rapist as a girl with a few years age gap. she has never claimed to be raped by a man, and she has never mentioned a family member or other women. it is supposedly uma. kek, remember when she asked if a brutal (gang?) rape scene in a show was woman on woman, because she only had sexual trauma with women, and she was fine watching unnecessarily brutal scenes of a woman being raped as long as the rapist was a man?

No. 333899

File: 1723556056330.jpg (355.18 KB, 1080x1385, Screenshot_20240813_153230_X.j…)

and sometimes, the "parasocial weirdos" are the intellectually disabled fans that jill does not put any boundaries up for, who start thinking they have DID because of jill (cherry)

No. 333900

Ughhh, her stories are so inconsistent! It feels rude to speculate about her (alleged) csa but at the same time she’s creating this narrative online for people to pick apart and engage with, she shared it as entertainment on her socials… didn’t she say something about being assaulted regularly as a young child? She also seemed to imply it was the same person throughout her life tormenting her. Maybe it was the family member she sent that letter to? Idk it just doesn’t fit that it’s uma unless its been multiple different people… in which case why the vaguaries? You’d think she’d milk that line of trauma the way she does with everything else vaguely traumatic.

No. 333901

The way this is written feels like he's incredibly tired of her permanent victim schtick shit.

No. 333903

every time she has mentioned the alleged csa, she has also mentioned details that trace it back to uma. she intentionally makes it sound like she was much younger, to make people feel bad for her, as if it were an adult. she has said she was raped as a young child and then later in the same setting confirmed it was when she was a teenager. you are too thoughtful, nonna. this is jill, a well documented chronic liar. she is vague on purpose to make it sound worse than it is.

No. 333905

same anon, sorry for double posting. if you were to ask her the exact age she refers to as "a young child", she would say 12-13 and say that it doesn't matter how you define a young child, because she was a child nonetheless, etc. which i agree with, that csa is terrible no matter what, but she words these things with an intent to make it sound like she was repeatedly raped as a toddler. her family member she sent a letter to was probably just homophobic or something, jill would make a huge drama out of it if it were something more serious. you sound like you're new here, nonna. read some of her older threads, or watch the gross meet the alter video of her veronica alter where she fetishises csa and rape which she hasn't experienced (considering all her partners have been male except the one alleged rapist), and in the same video claims to be intersex for woke points

No. 333907

You’re right, the vagueness of her claims really does do the heavy lifting on making it seem like it was this long lasting continual suffering she went through. Even having followed these threads for ages that shit still serves as a smokescreen.

No. 333909

>I mentally cannot go through and reply to every single slanderous thing
absolutely no one asked. she makes a huge spectacle of herself, she 100% does this herself. she is a center for drama. she's constantly generating negative attention. there is a reason for such a large portion of people who doubt her and speak about her this way. where there's smoke there's a fire. she's an unreliable source and that's been documented here. so many people have rightfully pointed out her malingering. it's tiring seeing her do this double down act as if her whole shtick isn't a complete fabrication to cover up what's actually wrong with her.
it's so ridiculous she pretends like she's so honest and fragile and some poor victim when she's constantly using labels to excuse her shitty behavior. she is so obviously fake that it comes off as performative, it's very clear to see, it's why any "fan" she has is absolutely delusional and gullible. she's acting so hurt to generate more attention as if her entire internet persona isn't a complete joke. making a mockery of actual illnesses that people like her adopt as labels to further the stigma of mental illness. jill if you're so hurt, log off. better yet, delete your social media if this is too much for you. but she won't because this is her true calling: thriving off of negative attention and bullshitting people constantly. if she left social media she'd be back in a week.
if it's such a sensitive topic, simply don't bring it up to an audience (continually), especially when it's been documented how much of a liar she is. if she ever actually wants to be taken seriously, it's best to talk about those things in private with people she trusts instead of airing out her dirty laundry and expecting some positive response when she's always conducted herself in such a way that makes her not believable in any sense of the word. none of her claims have ever added up, ever.
crazy how she still expects to be taken seriously when this is how she acts. she really never learns. she is so narcissistic that she continually feels the need to prove herself like she's in some press conference and everyone's awaiting her next move with baited breath. no one needs your explanation or even cares, you brought it up several times… seriously, what did she expect

>reeeee ableism reeeee
she's not disabled and never will be. they're both complete chuds

No. 333910

I can’t believe it took a video made by a nobody scrote to get her throwing a tantrum. He should make a follow up with even more proof lmao
If she were really as mentally ill and tormented as she claims to be she wouldn’t be agonizing over a dumb drama video she’d be too busy with her “debilitating condition”

No. 333914

it's not rude, she's making it this big convoluted thing she vague posts about for pity but won't go into detail with because she's lying. it's the same as when she claims her home life was bad.

No. 333916

She has never been diagnosed. I hate this liar so much.

No. 333917

You know, a mature adult would not even give any mind to the allegations if they were wrong. If she's so sure about everything being real why did all of this bother her so much? But as the manipulative attention seeking liar she is, of course she would do this kind of crap statement for her young fans to come forth, pity her, and defend her. She's a bad liar and a narcissist.

No. 333918

I'm honestly tired of Uma getting dragged into this conversation

No. 333919

>kek, remember when she asked if a brutal (gang?) rape scene in a show was woman on woman, because she only had sexual trauma with women, and she was fine watching unnecessarily brutal scenes of a woman being raped as long as the rapist was a man?

I don't remember this, but that's fucked up. Is there a screenshot?

No. 333920

That's not what parasocial means kek. Parasocial relationships are one sided relationship where you feel an emotional attachment to the other person as if they were your friend. Most of us follow multiple lolcows because they're entertaining, we don't even want to personally know them. No wonder Jill thinks she's the center of the universe when the people around her say shit like this.

No. 333921

See she only wants "parasocial weirdos" when they can become a personal whiteknighting army for her. This is why she hasn't gotten rid of Cherry despite her being the weirdest of them all, she needs that narcissistic adulation.

No. 333922

>He should make a follow up with even more proof lmao
And you can really tell she's been marinating on this shit for a while until she finally exploded and "called it out".

No. 333924

I can't believe that it's been 3 years since the DID arc began. It would be impressive she's kept it up this long if she wasn't so incredibly lazy about even that.

No. 333925

it was a few threads back. can't remember the thread or the name of the show, soz, but it's definitely here on lolcow somewhere. nonnas thought it was super weird

No. 333927

The screenshot is here >>297000

No. 333931

Jill's entire playbook scheme is to keep up the cringe malingering because she's hoping for people to get tired and admit she was never THAT cringe and must have been seriously traumatized. She's hoping for a Venus/Rebecca Black comeback.

No. 333932

She's so disgusting and manipulative. Yes, normally it would be gross making a video calling out some nobody accusing them about lying about rape. But she's had an online platform for 10 years which she furiously pivoted into content oversharing incredibly inconsistent stories about the alleged origins of her mind splitting trauma. She has strongly implied her family or Uma has been abusive towards her, that her family neglected her as a baby, that she was traumatized as a small child except actually she never thought her trauma was that bad.

It's not normal ass inconsistency that comes from misremembering or misspeaking or working through trauma. She sure as shit has not been working on anything in therapy for a decade. It's deliberate, intentional, and disgusting. She doesn't even reiterate that she was raped/assaulted/tortured/etc., she just starts chimping out HOW DARE SOMEONE SAY I WASN'T RAPED LIKE A SEXY PLAYTHING FOR MONTHS, DO YOU KNOW HOW BAD IT IS TO SAY I WOULD LIE ABOUT THAT! Like it's not way more abhorrent to slander innocent people with rape/CSA claims.

Jillian, it's almost like gleefully breadcrumbing how you've been horrifically traumatized throughout your childhood on the fucking internet is going to have consequences. Even dumbass nonas to eat up her shit at face value question the inconsistencies because of their misplaced empathy. Can't wait for her to fuck off for like a whole 5 minutes before she craves the attention too much. She's such a nasty narcissist.

No. 333936

File: 1723571452114.jpeg (113.16 KB, 750x1040, 1684181163837.jpeg)

No. 333937

I feel bad for deviantart girlfriend and I wish she could defend herself against this idiot.

No. 333938

File: 1723572257952.jpg (427.76 KB, 1028x2112, 20240813_140248.jpg)

This transcript is from a video by Jill's ex bestie Bobo&Co that I think applies to Jill. Anyone else think it's weird that Jill is so buddy-buddy with her mom when one of the criteria for DID is disorganized attachment to your primary caregivers? Like babe, your mom neglected you. By claiming you have DID, you are admitting that your parents neglected you and were complicit in your "abuse", if they weren't straight up abusers themselves.

No. 333941

I want Uma to come out and say Jill's a retarded liar so bad. It would give us delicious BPD self harm meltdown milk kek.

No. 333942

Uma has already said that she isn't going to talk about it publicly

No. 333943

Stop raining on my parade bitch, she has the power to change her mind.

No. 333944

HA! Jill, honey, you don’t WANT to be left alone and you know it. She noticed we were getting bored, so she had to dig for something to respond to and regain our interest. Deep down she adores the attention because it validates her victim-complex. It’s interesting how she mentions moving away from discussing and incorporating DID in her content in her most recent anniversary video, yet has now dedicated a community post to “debunking” criticism. She was supposedly done with trying to convince everyone of her disorder, but I guess that doesn’t scratch her BPD itch for attention.

No. 333945

I agree with Uma because Jill could send her ravenous fans after her. Jill will never mention Uma by name because that would be considered slanderous.

No. 333946

She is honestly starting to remind me so much of Boogie

No. 333947

yeah, anons are so fixated on the idea that she blames a real person, when everything she says, should it be fake, wouldn't be based on a real person (just as there are no links to any of her ex boyfriends there is none for uma)

No. 333948

File: 1723578068452.jpg (753.21 KB, 1044x1926, 20240813_154708.jpg)

No. 333949

I know this dude is just frothing at the mouth with all the attention he's getting today

No. 333950

File: 1723578276303.jpg (473.68 KB, 1063x1957, 20240813_155015.jpg)

Looks like her fans found it

No. 333951

I have no idea what you're trying to say. Lying about abuse or rape that never happened is objectively horrible, and it's even worse to implicitly slander a real person for years to a large online audience.

She's the most infuriating cow. She's so incredibly disrespectful and insulting to people who have experienced trauma and abuse or deal with autism. It's not even entertaining watching her become ugly and rancid from the inside out, it just makes me so angry that she gets to live the most sheltered and privileged life lying about life ruining experiences with her with her smug shit-eating grin.

No. 333953

I get what you are saying and I have gotten irritated with her antics as well but then I remember she lives the most unfulfilling and depressing life and will probably continue to spiral and make it worse (we know she won't get real therapy). She will never change for the better and is probably deeply unhappy and she should be.

No. 333955

File: 1723581170762.png (475.88 KB, 720x1209, 3534678544678.png)

And now she's back to wedding posting.

No. 333956

File: 1723581205771.mp4 (3.44 MB, 858x596, kpCVpE-pUGTtYlor.mp4)

the video

No. 333957

File: 1723581367310.png (301.56 KB, 720x495, 4535646567.png)

Why did she record this to begin with?

No. 333959

saw this photo and immediately put moisturizer on

No. 333960

Already I'm seeing it with gen z who think playing doctor with their friend when they were both 6 gave them DID and PTSD. I wouldn't be surprised if Jill drags out some nothing scenario from when she was a kid and starts claiming it too. I'm really starting to hate gen z.

No. 333962

Because the song was trending a few weeks ago. It came out because of the US debate between Biden and trump. There's no extra meaning behind it besides extra clicks because the song is recognizable and the video might fall under searches for the song. Don't analyze influencer stuff too much. It's very surface level.

No. 333963

The way she's framing this doesn't even make sense. First of all, when that moid posted, pretty much everyone told him to fuck off. Secondly, what sense would it make to "plagiarize" the content of a website and then paste it on the website the content was "stolen" from expecting positivity? Nothing was stolen because this is not a collaborative work of fiction but the documentation of her own words and behavior. She's so dumb to mention lolcow at all. Because while most of her fans are smooth brained enough to buy her bullshit, anyone who takes the time to go through the threads can see proof of her being a spoiled, bratty malingerer for years.

No. 333964

She's breadloafing so one day she can "accidentally" record one of her OCs and pretend she didn't know it records audio.

No. 333966

Her letter is written like it's a professional legal thing but the choice of words and tone is so immature. The way she censors "rape" is so weird. Half of the letter isn't even about the guy that made the video, it's her trying to retcon and explain the inconsistencies in her LARP. The part that always gets me though when she starts talking out of her ass like this is:
>"I was formally diagnosed with DID"

Because, like, no Jill, you weren't. You got a "diagnostic impression" from a guy that recently graduated from a well-known scam-college that didn't have the medical authority (or professional knowledge) to legally diagnose you with anything, and after you got your cherry-picked diagnosis he left the Psychology field and moved across the country. It's such an easy lie to disprove, I don't know why she harps on it so much.

We've all seen the paper that said "Diagnostic Impression" that Jill has uploaded, but she's never once uploaded an actual formal diagnosis. And everyone with a brain knows it's because she doesn't have one. In fact she was discussed during a reputable medical conference when the topic of DID malingerers were brought up. Everything points to her faking it, but she continues to flail about and try to lie bold-faced to get out of it. If she were smart about it, she would just ignore any mention of her DID that came from outside her dedicated fans that buy her bullshit.
She was reading her thread and seeing a bunch of anons call her boring and giving her less attention, so she reeled us back in with this arc. Classic Jill move. She's obsessed with anons on LC.
>A lolcow hate thread that has ben harrassing Pixie for YEARS. They have harrased her when she was doing well, when she was at her worst, pre and post DID diagnosis, at ALL times.
Kek that's us! Love getting a shout-out.

No. 333967

File: 1723588572244.gif (692.08 KB, 369x500, 3 years.gif)

I wish the DID saga would end but she has no drive or gusto to do anything besides being a boring loser. She's getting fuglier every day too. Yawn.

No. 333968

She looks like a HARD mid 30's, I would even go as far to say late 30's in this picture. Bitch is only 26. Jesus fucking christ.

No. 333972

Her hair isn't silver, it's purple that washed out lol

No. 333977

Why'd you edit so much of the photo? You edited her forehead, lips, eyes, circles, face. She looked haggard as is.

No. 333979

I don't even know how she found the video. It didn't even do well, we didn't care about it, dude who made it was just some random edgelord. Did a friend or fan send it to her? Because that's weird, too. It really does just seem like she wanted to bring it to attention because otherwise it would've just died on its own.

No. 333980

She knows about it because she saw it posted in the thread. She’s probably been sitting on it for a while too.

No. 333981

The scrote lurks the thread and outed himself, asking for anons about how much they liked it and whether they had a critique.

No. 333984

she's so permafried from edibles, psych meds and nose spray she fully believes her lies now. she's never been this bold about her fanfic. she's a neet stuck in her little echo chamber where she's so sick and never does anything wrong.
i know uma wants nothing to do with this, and hasn't for years. but I hope she fights back in some way. this is actually ridiculous, her original story has been exaggerated and stretched to something that never happened. pls uma come back and end her for real this time.

No. 333987

she got the rush of drama and attention she craved and now it's back to normal

No. 333988

I know it was posted in this thread, but does she really lurk that much? Is it something she checked on recently? Feels like such old news. I bet most of us didn't even watch it, but she did? She's so pathetic.

No. 333989

It's kind of weird but LC is a big part of Jill's life. She's been featured on here for years and years, her friends and family know about it, and some of her friends have used it in the past to talk shit about her. She's had her boyfriend make videos about it, she's had teenagers flock here from the PrettyCure fandom to shit talk her, the same teenagers her boyfriend would DM to ask them why they hate Jill so much, she's made videos about it and others have used it to make videos about her. Pretty much all she has at this point is her dying flop channel, her few select fans, and the LC thread and associated hadurs. Every other gossip site barely mentions her, even PULLcord gave up caring about her. She's a whitetrash nobody. I think she lurks her thread way more often than she'd like to admit. There have been moments where it seems like she indirectly responds to posts here on her socials.

No. 333990

It’s really sad how much she had given to her only for her to fumble it.

She went to Japan to film for Kawaii international, has personally met Sebastian Masuda several times, has had an entire meetup dedicated to her, and got to fly to London to promote the Sims.

And yet here we are, she’s a washed out nobody who just gets high all day.

It’s really sad how much she has had handed to her only for her to self destruct any chance for success.

No. 333991

If Jill didn’t have threads on her I don’t think she would have lasted this long on YouTube. All press is good press and she definitely knows it. I think she’s sat on this for a while because this comes out right after we’re saying she’s boring. Which is true without drama Jill is a retard in a clown house who rots all day. I think in a year or a couple years her thread will start to slow down and nonnies will move on.

No. 333992

>She went to Japan to film for Kawaii international, has personally met Sebastian Masuda several times, has had an entire meetup dedicated to her, and got to fly to London to promote the Sims.
So many people wish they had those opportunities.
I'm going to be honest: I'm already moving on. This cow only goes in circles and after 10 years of following her, I can tell the golden years of her content are over. Not just as a cow but as a creator, she's lost herself. This is such a sad attempt at attention it's not even funny. It's so over.

No. 333993

nta but that's what gets me the most about Jill. She could have had it all. I mean how many young women can say they're living in a cute townhouse with their fiance and have been for years, while having also gone to Japan multiple times? And that without having to grind in a difficult career that takes up all your energy.
Like yes I am jealous! I'm not sure if I'll ever be able to move out and watching someone like her waste opportunities away that were handed to her feels like a slap in the face to everyone in this generation that's legitimately struggling.

No. 333996

>watching someone like her waste opportunities away that were handed to her feels like a slap in the face to everyone in this generation that's legitimately struggling.
it's what makes the LARP even more infuriating to watch. the fake trauma narrative, the "always ill" "disabled" munchie shit. she has it so easy she invents problems, weaves drama into thin air, sends her army of deranged delusional people after those she thinks "slandered" her. then has the nerve to act like she has evidence of any of her claims when there is none and never has been. she's a con artist and has the luxury of being so bored she tries to instigate more drama. she has nothing better to do than feed her ego all day. it's frustrating to witness, she wants the world to bend over to her and when they don't, or god forbid rightfully criticise her, she screams "ableism" when she isn't disabled and can live a functional life, she just chooses not to.

No. 333997

It's also insane that she was able to go to Japan once completely on her own and yet she says that was when she was more mentally ill than she is now, when she currently can't leave her house to check the mail without her tard lanyard

No. 333998

You can regress in skill, but we know she somehow never seems to struggle doing things when it benefits her (going to cons, doing fun things). Someone with the conditions/symptoms she claims she has wouldn't be doing a fucking public drag performance with dance and song. If they'd do something like that, it would involve doing smaller non-public practices first before doing anything like that. I can't mention more specifics without blogposting but I don't think it'd be anything that hasn't been said before anyway. It's just infuriating watching someone cosplay being disabled despite having so many opportunities that people would die for. People on disability wouldn't even be able to just marry their partner because it'd fuck up their already tiny monthly disability income, unless that's different in Canada. Obviously she isn't applying for disability income as far as I'm aware, but the point is that someone with everything she claims to have and struggle with would likely have to apply for that to survive.

No. 334000

At this point she should just apply for disability because it's not like she actually wants to change, she has dug herself in such a deep hole with the DID that I don't think there's no coming back from that on social media, at least her family seems to be very open minded and would just think it's Jillian being silly or whatever, but on the internet she's a face of fake DID who has all of the mental health issues that you can name under the sun, she can't just pretend that she never said she totally had DID because it has been YEARS it's insane but not in the way she wishes it was kek.
She also has become another shayna, all she does is disgust people and that's about it, there's nothing completely shocking about her after you have seen a few threads of hers, now seeing her online is pitiful.

No. 334001

She'd never get approved. DID is a controversial and contested diagnosis as is, not to mention she only got an impression. Since she posts under her real name people would find her social media and by extend about her constant weed use after which they'd tell her to lay off from the weed and try again to work. Chances are more likely she'd be forced to apply to completely random jobs in often hard to reach locations.
Of course it happens that people who aren't truly disabled get approved, but those people usually are at least consistent with their lying and know how to play the system beyond finding a quirky witch therapist (that stopped working after having her kek) to agree with DID.

No. 334002

I used to be on the Alberta version of disability and I needed a dr’s note and basically a stack of papers proving I’ve been dealing with autism my entire life. A girl I knew who applied for having depression got turned away because it’s not a severe disability it’s just depression lol. Getting married and having a job that pays over the set limit of allowed income does fuck with how much you gain from govt. I know that it would have also fucked with my inheritance had I stayed on forever.

No. 334004

100% agreed with everything you said nona

No. 334009

For someone who claims to have an extremely rare and controversial mental illness where your mind is in pieces due to trauma, she seems to manage herself well. All of her alters share similar interests and opinions. Her social media is managed well which none of the alters acting out. She can do live-streams and go to cons like you said. If she actually had trauma to the extent of what she claims, Jill would be cathartic in a mental hospital. Seriously, she still drives while claiming she switches to a child alter? Jill doesn't seem to have any problems with amnesia.

Her life is better than probably 95% of people around the world. She lives in a townhouse decorated to her liking, has a fiance and family and friends who love and support her. Has no job and gets to smoke weed all day. People would die for what she has in most countries yet she has to play external victim. What a loser

No. 334017

Not to mention her loving supportive parents that catered to her whims with their middle class money. And yet she has the audacity to claim infant/child abuse. Bitch most of us have awful childhoods and grow up in shitty apartments and get kicked out at 18. Actual kids can't afford all the expensive toys your mom got you for your gross ddlg larp. Foster kids and actual csa victims turn to drugs and have a mess of a life. She's in her custom rainbow townhouse smoking pot and sitting on her ass all day making up lies for attention on the internet and flailing like Chris Chan to mimic severe ASD. Jill is a mild cow in comparison to a lot of them but she somehow is the most inferiorating.

No. 334019

not saying the lying about rape and abusie is ok, it is absolutely vile, i am just not getting how she is blaming a real person, her story changes everytime and besides the age she sometimes mentions nothing ever points to uma
my take is that she lies point blank, there is no person she implicetly blames since it is fake and she will never say more than the vague shit she says now

No. 334020

anon it's a glitter filter

No. 334023

You can compare the photos and see anons edited her actual face too. It's not just a glitter filter. Just makes her look better outside of edits like this.

No. 334027

> glitter filter
Emphasis on filter nonna

No. 334029

Her time as a cow has only just begun imo.

No. 334030

The filter doesn't make you look higher than you are or give you darker circles, make your mouth look sad by pulling the corners and making the lips smaller. It's not a big deal, but don't pretend it's not edited on top of the filter lol

No. 334039

File: 1723671138471.jpg (674.23 KB, 1758x1232, imgonline-com-ua-twotoone-mSVl…)

are you blind

No. 334041

I think the Belle editing sperg has moved on to a different thread.

No. 334044

She has said that her perpetrator was female. The only girl she ever dated other than Alyssa was Uma. The timeline matches up. When Uma was presented with what Jill was saying, she basically said that Jill can have her side of the story and that she (Uma) isn't interested in talking about it outside of that. She is talking about her. I don't know why you're denying this

No. 334046

Nta but that was weird wording on Uma's part. It makes me think Uma might have actually semi-coerced Jill into doing something she was too nervous to do (because she's straight kek duh) and then she ends up going along with it, probably freaking out and stopping before something sexual actually happens. Not saying Jill's DID is real, but this might have happened and it's most likely Jill's only real source of trauma and she's milking it for all it's worth.

No. 334047

They never left /w/.

No. 334055

Here’s what she said when nonnie cowtipped a few years ago: >>331541
I don’t blame Uma for staying away from Jill and moving on. Kids are dumb and are still learning what it means to be in a relationship and respecting boundaries. I wish there was some clarification on what happened but we’ll probably never know. Like I said before Jill knows not to name drop Uma and instead make up wild accusations that aren’t true lol. Won’t be long until Jill steals more traumatic stories from real victims to uphold the lies.

No. 334056

lol excited for her to start pricing her wedding out and realize that she can barely afford a venue let alone custom seating and colourful tabletop and a giant flower arch

No. 334057

They're either going to be the couple engaged for eternity because they're too lazy to get married or they'll get hitched in some podunk, disappointing ceremony in the backyard.

No. 334058

Both of them called themselves virgins post their relationship, so nothing really happened between them, we know that

No. 334059

> "You don't know what it's like to be a mentally challenged pony"
> "Yeah well that's what you are so"
Kek super late but this is cozily reminiscent of lolcor

No. 334060

Yeah I think Jill's using SA to describe a boob grope or something and is refusing to elaborate on what happened even though she documents every moment of her mental jillness because she knows a boob grope is nothing worth getting DID over kek. Her trauma is legit
>Mommy gets cancer
>Gets groped by a lesbian after LARPing as bisexual

No. 334061

They’re having it at the family cabin and Jill thinks she’s making everything from scratch. What will cost the most is catering,booze, weed, seating and goody bags for guests.

No. 334063

I edited the photo because I want Jill to see it when she reads her thread while high and feel shame and discomfort and to inspire feelings of self-hatred and low self-esteem inside her because I hate her.
Part of me thinks Jill uses Uma as a crutch in her LARP because she knows Uma is so disinterested and won't engage with her to tell her side.
If it's anything like her cousin's wedding, I doubt she will spend that much. They seem like the white trash type to tell guests to bring their own booze and cater with tuna sandwiches made the day before.(autist making fan art for the cow)

No. 334064

Please stop saying that about Uma when only Uma and Jillian know what happened. It's weird to call Uma a groper.

No. 334068

I'm being pragmatic about the situation. Here >>334055 in the linked post Uma refused to elaborate on what happened, said she did things that weren't okay, and then said whatever she did wasn't as terrible as Jill is making it seem. Jill says SA like she desperately wants to say rape but can't, logically this implies that Uma might have pressured her into making out or feeling each other up or something, or perhaps initiated these things without express consent. If Uma truly did nothing at all, she'd definitely come out and say that Jill's a huge liar and she did nothing kek. If nothing happened, and I am not white knighting Jill here I'm just being realistic, why pull a "ackchyually I'm not going to say nothing happened! Nobody needs to know!", like be serious.

No. 334069

I feel so bad for Uma. She just seems so…like a well adjusted person with how she interacted with the cowtipper. She has legitimate guilt and remorse for whatever happened as Jill is framing it as traumatic, but also stressed that they were "super young" and there was miscommunication. And then very politely enforced boundaries. I'm not going to speculate on what happened but it sounds like such a nothingburger. Like they likely just hung out and ~experimented~ but since Jill is straight AF she feels icky about the situation.

I also hate that just having basic recall of memory is framed like every anon is frothing at the mouth obsessed with hating Jill. Do you know how much useless information like sports stats or song lyrics or whatever that the average person has that they don't stress about? Like idk maybe if Jill wasn't such a massive cow, I wouldn't check these threads when I'm like waiting for a train or something and have enough content to keep reading for YEARS. Like bitch if you weren't consistently saying and doing awful shit that's personally offensive I would know nothing about you.

No. 334070

Yeah, the fact of the matter is they were both in the same age group, a couple year age gap isn’t that crazy especially for gays in a backwater town, Uma was also just a kid figuring shit out. Basically everyone has some experiences where another kid/adolescent pushed boundaries with them, was physically inappropriate or mishandled intimate encounters with them growing up, but people don’t claim DID because of it.
Jill even now has to double down on that her relationship with Uma was NOT what caused her supposed DID, yet she’s also claimed it’s her biggest trauma. Also, she’s full of shit saying it’s normal for rape victims to downplay it. People might not understand SA that happened until later, but Jill has literally claimed to be repeatedly raped. She would have known that before without a “validation is key” therapist guiding her to it, but it’s more like it was a dubious uncomfortable situation with two kids and now she has her “gotcha” flashy public rape claim she’s been wanting ever since she realized DID patients are almost always rape victims.

No. 334071

she never said that, even saying she implied it is kind of a reach >>333936

she never said anything besides sometimes the age that points to uma, anons just decided she fits the profile, we know jill lies all the time why would that part be based on something especially since her following doesnt know about uma

No. 334072

nta but she did explicitly many times before. this claim isn't recent.

No. 334073

The way we're discussing it, it just goes to show that Jill has never explained herself very well. Everything she says is veiled as something else, her story is never straight. It's so annoying. Not to spoonfeed, but it'd be great if the thread descriptions going forward contained more information regarding her and her most common claims and lies.

No. 334074

we wouldn't need more information about this if it actually happened because she would be forthcoming with the info. the only reason she's not is because she's lying and is afraid of making a cohesive story that would implication her. same with all of her other vague claims. it's only relevant again because she's being called out on it.

No. 334077

completely agreed. she's fucking pathetic

No. 334079

If Uma herself can see what Jill's saying and that it applies to their relationship, even if Jill is exaggerating, why are you so adamant that Jill has never implied it's her?

No. 334080

File: 1723711903212.jpg (356.28 KB, 1059x1412, 20240815_045630.jpg)

Idk who she's fooling, we all know that she will never launch her brand

No. 334081

Looks like some cheap slave labor shit going for 94 cents on temu, wonder what she'd sell it for.

No. 334082

Okay feel free to call me boring or pretentious, but I don't get how people like Jill and her ilk with indie "brands" (typically ones that sell and conventions) are obsessed with making and selling these juvenile pearl jewelry. They're not that original and it's pearls literally anyone could find in your local crafting store or order from Wish and make themselves. It doesn't require any sort of skill, and from what I've seen they barely even sell so it got to barely be worth what little effort they put in it?

No. 334084

Not even decora wearers would want to touch this.

No. 334085

Samefag, I did a poor job of proof reading my post. I meant "sell at conventions".

No. 334086

Ugly and badly made, somehow even worse than AliExpress garbage. Anyone could make it better.

No. 334088

Uma was a teen and it's weird to say someone you don't know in a situation that nobody but them know what happened was a groper. Uma doesn't need to come here and feed Jillian's need for drama just to satisfy everyone's curiosity.

No. 334091

because she's probably a newfag nonna that's still kind of a fan and hasn't read the threads and doesn't want her jillybean to have implied a real person in her rape accusations, but that's what jill actually has done. that, or - sage for tinfoil - it's jill herself or someone she knows trying to do damage control now that she's claiming both rape and toddler abuse again

No. 334092

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She’s so obsessed with making herself out to be such a nice person, you never see this with actual decent people

No. 334093

Terrible teaser image. It’s almost like she was so excited to have it finished she snapped a quick pic and threw it online with some grandiose statement about offering it with her upcoming brand that she hasn’t even started working on it seems. How are her and Shayna both so bad at their self appointed jobs?
Jill could’ve made a dozen of these simple pieces and actually started selling them, why doesn’t she just start with the accessories for her brand? It’d be cheaper, undoubtedly faster to assemble and low effort which she loves.

No. 334094

Jillian is a liar that hurts and uses people for her narrative, I don't know how can anyone believe her. She has used her own VERY supportive and loving mom for "trauma story" her lies ffs.

No. 334099

Spreading kindness like confetti I see.

No. 334100

Anon please stop moralfagging and backseat modding. It probably happened and you need to get over anons speculating because it's a very likely thing that would happen. I'm not calling her a RAPIST. She probably went beyond the actual boundaries Jill was willing to go, because Jill is a straight woman who desperately craves attention. The moralfaggotry has got to stop in this thread, you're no better than Jill's sycophant army.(infighting)

No. 334101

NTA Your point was fine until you accused of being as bad as Jill's army, when she's not. Maybe beef up your points so they're actually understandable rather than attacking people.
And maybe uma did push a boundary, but she was also young. It was an age gap that you come across in every Canadian/American high school, so imo very little blame can be put on uma. They were both stupid kids. What makes Jill a "victim" in your eyes is the very same thing that ensures uma's intentions were not malicious or with harmful intent.

No. 334102

>I'm not calling her a RAPIST.
You're also making a big accusation (groping) on something you have no substancial proof of. With her name attached. You're creepy.

No. 334103

>NTA Your point was fine until you accused of being as bad as Jill's army, when she's not. Maybe beef up your points so they're actually understandable rather than attacking people.
I was told I was being weird for calling Uma a "groper", which I haven't. The piss poor reading comprehension Jill detractors in here love to think people are validating her entire bullshit trauma story if they apply some realism to it. Please reread what I wrote BECAUSE…
>blah blah blah You think JILL IS A VICTIM?? And you're blaming UMA???
Can you stop defending Uma as soon as anons start discussing what could have actually happened? I'm sorry I didn't use flowery, empathetic language before I gave my opinion to ensure anons like you wouldn't hyperfocus on some innocuous word and then call me "weird" because how dare you she was a minor!!!
Grow up. I have stated before I am not white knighting Jill.
Hey I think you're lost, this isn't tumblr.(infighting)

No. 334104

>I'm sorry I didn't use flowery, empathetic language
That's not the problem. You're actively accusating someone on something you don't know happened or not. Your own idea of the situation is not the universal truth. You're not the police. This is unfair for her. Chill out honestly you're going to pop a vein, your post sounds really neurotic nonna.(infighting)

No. 334105

we shouldn't be discussing what may akshually happened because it was literally nothing. jill is pulling it out of her ass, like everything else she claims happened. jill never had a lot going on in her real life so she's picking from the small amount of experiences she has to make up lies about vague situations. in fact that's the only reason anons are able to connect her story to uma in the first place because it's jill's only childhood girlfriend. she's making shit up and it has no merit, period.

No. 334106

I'm not the only one accusing Uma of "actively accusating someone on something you don't know happened or not", anons do it here >>334070, but that anon of course has to mention how sorry they feel for Uma.
>you're not the police
Now you're sounding schizo, I'm literally just theorizing what could have happened like any other anon in any other cow thread on this website.
>we shouldn't be discussing what may akshually happened because it was literally nothing.
This is your opinion, which I don't care about because you're not a jannie. I will theorize what happened if it fits the context of the thread. I do not care SHE WAS A MINOR!!! Yeah, minors do that shit all the time.
Can we stop moralfagging now.(infighting)

No. 334109

You know what, I've actually got to give Jill credit here. She's got the foresight to realise Cherry is going to be the only one still around to buy this tat in 2040, or whenever she finally sells something from the "brand" she's been talking about for years, and pivoting to making stuff just for her!

No. 334110

You're doing exactly what Jillian wants, this is sad.

No. 334112

Uma literally said herself that she did things she shouldn't have done but they weren't "as terrible" as Jill makes it sound. She probably did feel her up when Jill was not super into it. Am I saying Jill's retarded munchie delusion is valid? No. I'm not. You can stop the moraglfag theatrics. This shit happens to literally every teenaged girl at least once, like seriously.(infighting)

No. 334114

you don’t know that, she could have done something as simple as talking about how she wanted to have sex with her when jill wasn’t into it, considering how she said it’s not that bad. this entire tinfoil making uma to be evil and jill a victim is absolutely retarded

No. 334118

i wonder if it's on purpose or like a freudian slip. it could also be lowkey shade.

No. 334119

making being a fashion designer your personality only to never sew anything to sell and instead offering aliexpress beads on a string as your first potential product is really sad

No. 334121

File: 1723738976682.mp4 (1.64 MB, 720x1280, 7vhY3GDIo8qoMOoh.mp4)

Making being a fashion designer your entire personality just to end up doing this sad shit kek

No. 334122

We literally don't know what happened and it's gross as hell to speculate on what specifically happened because it doesn't matter if whatever happened is being presented as traumatic rape was not in fact that. You're a weirdo for speculating what happened with specific actions like groping and associating that with a real person. Do you not see how that's fucked up? And now you're course correcting to say oh well AKSHUALLY she probably just pushed boundaries in a normal teen way, and everyone else is reactionary and has black and white thinking, I never called her evil, I'm just not using flowery language! Maybe don't accuse someone of being a groper based on the constantly changing lies of a DID munchie.

No. 334123

That anon is a schizo kek

No. 334124

The autism going on in this thread right now is probably making Jill jealous

No. 334128

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Some replies about her brand. If this does actually end up happening, I can't wait to see Twitter activists screaming fatphobia and classism at her because she didn't make a necklace big enough for their 600 pound bodies or cheap enough to compete with Shein.

No. 334129

She should honestly start small with like keychains or something.

No. 334130

Seriously why did she even do the sustainability larp? It's so idiotic, how do you make a brand that
>has sizes from xxs to xxxxxl (Yes, 5xl exists)
>high quality
And that it's somehow sustainable? It's impossible, specially if she plans on doing all of the by herself, she basically needs a team of at least, idk, 15 people to craft everything before she launches her mess of a brand on November or next year.
She hasn't shown not even sketches of stuff she would like to sell, she doesn't really talk about any plans and I know that you're not supposed to broadcast every thought in your mind on social media, but she could do some updates or something instead of making shitty necklaces or stuff for herself.

No. 334131

This is something you'd make in 9th grade in an after school club. I can't imagine being 26 years old and being so proud and confident in such a shitty product. This shouldn't be sold for more than a dollar, but something tells me Jill would want to start these at $30 a piece. For cheap plastic beads on wire. This isn't representative of a fashion line, this is more like the trash you'd see in the check-out area of a Forever21 in 2013.

No. 334133

Because we aren't believing Jill, and that's the whole point. We are believing Uma, who has acknowledged what Jill is saying is about her, albeit they do not agree on what actually happened between them

Fall or spring 2035, I'm sure

No. 334136

Jill should make her own charms or custom plushies instead of trying to do an all-inclusive small business. Sustainable materials are extremely expensive
how fat are you if you need a fucking necklace to be plus-size inclusive

No. 334137

She should make aesthetically pleasing prayer beads so they’re plus size friendly kek.

No. 334139

nice tinfoil, i've been folloing the threads since 2019, the uma claim just doesn't make sense to me,
i've had my issues with jill for yers now, but maybe you're right and i just can't believe that she would be that vile

No. 334140

I've been here for eight years and have never once watched or have been subscribed to Jill.

No. 334141

ok, you want a medal or something?

No. 334145

Yeah, Jill has implied it was uma multiple times tbh. You really don't think a woman who fakes having a disorder you get only from extreme trauma during the first 5 years of your life while also talking about how charmed and cushy her childhood is wouldn't lie about being sexually assaulted as a minor for more pity points? It always amazes me that cows like Jill and Shayna can still have nonnies see the best in them while the cows with fucked up childhoods who grow up to be fucked up adults get vilified. She's willing to throw her cancer survivor mother under the bus for internet asspats, uma is small potatoes compared to that.

No. 334146

It's just another example of how egoistic and selfish she is as an individual. She can't put herself in their shoes and see why what she's doing is wrong. It always grossed me out how Jill treated her mum's cancer. In old videos with them you can see the rage in Jill when the topic is brought up. I think it's really gross that Jill is vilifying someone she hasn't been in contact with for years over something that happened more than a decade ago, especially seeing that it's so over-exaggerated and hyperbolic. She's really sick for that, she doesn't understand the weight of rape or the consequences, and it's creepy that she wants to LARP like a victim of sexual assault and even live vicariously through real victims (e.g., the piano teacher incident).

No. 334147

A lot of people got the video suggested to them on the front page. She doesn't have to lurk and I guarantee a fan or someone probably sent it to her. Lolcow is not the end all for stuff regarding Jill.

No. 334148

Could have even been the moid who made it sending it to her for attention lol

No. 334150

If Uma is ok with being called a rapist, then we have to respect that.(bait)

No. 334152

bait used to be believable.

No. 334153

Jill hasn’t called her out and likely never will. Even in the cowtip dms Uma specifically asked if she was name dropped. If Uma made an “expose” video saying “hey, everyone Jill is talking about me” she’s setting herself up for getting attacked and Jill will become the victim she desires to be.

No. 334159

>reach this far to try and call someone a bad person
they said she can't stand to not be the center of attention, which is correct. it isn't a reach at all to say that. and that's not really in the same ballpark of "you're a bad person!" she's just projecting, she sees criticism and automatically thinks that they're being sneaky and are actually trying to call her a bad person when they're making a correct observation
she must be so bored constantly, the way she uploads herself replying to """mean""" comments to pat herself on the back and look for other people to defend her. it's actually pathetic and also just further proving the commenters point kek. if they did actually delete it, they're being sensible because the last comment that i remember her uploading obviously got her delusional army of losers sending hate because she doesn't have the decency of crossing out the name. crazy, that's kind of like something a bad person would do…

No. 334160

She's a normal adult so she's not going to make some statement or video about her ex from when she was 16 going batshit and accusing her of rape on multiple platforms for years. She is the one that deserves to be left alone.

Jillian says that someone was raping her and treated her like a "sexy plaything" when she was a kid (vomit inducing - how sociopathic do you have to be to say that shit) so it was a peer or a pedo. And she made it obvious who was in her life at that time through her deviantart journals.

No. 334163

>And she made it obvious who was in her life at that time through her deviantart journals.
this! this is exactly why uma was even mentioned, using the context clues jill herself provided points to her because she blogged every aspect of her life on DA. there were also many times she mentioned the age gap aspect, and the other person being a minor, which coincides to her relationship with uma, and nothing else. she is being purposely obtuse because it didn't happen and if she wasn't she would risk uma speaking out. there's also literally no reason to believe anything untoward happened in their relationship at all, even in a "dumb teenager" way, like anons keep suggesting. it is all 100% fabricated.

No. 334165

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>there's also literally no reason to believe anything untoward happened in their relationship at all, even in a "dumb teenager" way, like anons keep suggesting
It's incredibly common for children and teens who grow up absorbing or even who were predated upon to act inappropriately with other children and teens. Be it sexual conversation that pushes the boundaries of what a child/teen in a normal environment would consider appropriate, or be it experimenting with kissing and light touching.

This is in no way to claim Uma is a sexual predator. This is in no way claiming Jill has sooper speshul trauma that has broken her soul into multiple fragments. Jill is a straight woman, always has been, and she claims to be bisexual for the cool points. Like it or not but I have no trouble believing a lonely lesbian teen would potentially be somewhat targeted for inappropriate behavior and bullying, and she probably got attached quickly to a cool girl who claimed to like girls too. All it would take for "inappropriate" boundary crossing would be to make out a little too heavily, or perhaps put her hand where a straight girl would obviously not want another girl to put her hand (hips, thigh, breast, bum, literally anywhere), but to a lesbian teen would literally be a no-brainer because SHE likes women and obviously would expect this girl claiming to like the same sex to be okay with it.

>I acted in some ways that I have held in deep shame since then

>We did the best we could with who we were at that time in our lives
>on second thought I don't feel like sharing a vulnerable *moment with a person I don't know

Uma says "moment" as in one particular instance. It probably was a moment where she thought Jill was into something, most likely non-penetrative fooling around that every inexperienced teen does. Uma probably does not want to say anything because the current societal expectations are that 16 year olds do not go for teens who are in middle school, lonely backwater lesbians from a decade ago be damned. "Grooming" is a buzz word at this point, and she definitely does not want to lay her teenage mistakes out for random internet people to pick and dissect because it probably falls outside the lines of what terminally online twittards consider "valid", which is understandable on her part. She was led on by a faker and she admitted to making mistakes, probably that she ever genuinely believed Jill liked her back because now as an adult it must have been so obvious Jill was full of shit.

The bottom line here is that Uma has admitted there was "wrong doing" on her side. There was definitely no rape involved. Jill is a chronic attention whore so she's definitely exaggerating her experiences through the roof and beyond.

>I was a rape play thing, totally basically tbh

Is attention whore for "I said I wanted to make out with her but I didn't like how she put her hand on my thigh once things got a little heavier".(ban evasion)

No. 334168

She's only 2 years older than Jill. Uma was born in 1996, Jill in 1998. So if Jill was 12/13 when it happened, Uma was 14/15

No. 334170

jfc i hate jill. breadcrumbing she was constantly abused by some nameless pedo for years. then its just a girl 2 years older than her who she dated for a few weeks and never got physical with. her exaggerations are so beyond manipulative

No. 334171

>wahhhh I made out with my girlfriend who was another kid two years older than me, age gap relationships are why I have pedophilic rape trauma and feel like a sex object
The sheer narcissism of this woman.

No. 334172

It's something she regrets, but because she can't admit to regretting anything she has to push the negative feelings onto someone else. It's weird how narcs work.

No. 334173

Tbh probably at least somewhat traumatic for a heterosexual to be in any sort of same sex sexual situation, and we all know Jill is absolutely not physically attracted to women at all.

No. 334175

They didn't even have sex, stop validating her larp

No. 334176

That's why I said sexual situation ie. making out also counts in general, but I don't for a second think Jill has actually touched a vagina kek and I also don't think Uma did anything to her. Jill was just repulsed by the mere thought and is now using it for said larp.

No. 334177


Traumatic is way too dramatic of a word to use in this sort of context imo. She probably just felt icky and since she's a dramatic little fuck, its gone from "that was a weird and bad experience I don't want to think about but it hasn't in any way changed the way i relate to others around me" to "she practically raped me". If Jill was actually traumatized by her first same sex encounter because she's actually just a spicy straight, she likely wouldn't seek out a second one.

No. 334186

>"there are things on her side in our relationship that were truly fucked up"
I know it's old milk but it sure would be interesting to know what fucked up shit Jill did. I honestly think it may be part of what Jill is running from with the DID larp. Just like when she yelled at Steve saying "I'm not your girlfriend" she wants to be able to say "That wasn't me!! Never happened!!! It was Jerrick and Sandwich all along!!!! I have no memories of this and cannot be held accountable!!!" in her own personal life. I think she probably has a really fucked up mean streak in her that she hides online.

No. 334188

where's jerric at recently? did jill just completely forget about him? when was the last time anyone besides herself as jill was "fronting"? can't even keep up with her own larp. she must be so happy that all her alters are little angles that stop themselves from fronting so she can have a stable life and feel no bad emotions.

No. 334192

didn't you see the video nona? after stebie "proposed" (ie said they could maybe get married in at least 2 years) jill was cured of all her mental illnesses. she went on youtube to explain shes better than ever and basically the perfect picture of recovery.
And it happened just in time so that she has full control of all the decisions for the wedding! thankfully shes fusing and better before it could affect her rainby matrimony. wouldn't want to have her dissociate and stebies family take care of any of the wedding decisions or anything!

No. 334197

Complete speculation, but I have a feeling it may be similar to the Alyssa saga where after dating for X amount of time, Jill just says she was never attracted to them after all (because she isn't attracted to women lol)

Another tinfoil theory that I have is that in Uma's dA entries, a year or so after she and Jill dated, she talks about someone spreading rumours about her (specifically about her sexual behaviours and calling her a slut), so I wonder if Jill did that because Uma made a move on her

No. 334199

I can't wait to see a vlog of the wedding kek, if she flips she will blame it on DID, I'm sure she will go full bridezilla.
Daily reminder that Jill calls herself "queer" I'm surprised she didn't pick a dress or something similar for steeb, or are the moid guests going to wear white?

No. 334200

They're supposedly wearing jewel-toned suits in colours that match the bridesmaids' dresses

No. 334202

That sounds hideous. When have you ever seen pastels and jewel tones for the same theme?? I can’t get over that everything she does is so tacky and ugly. How girl you went to school for this????

No. 334207

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Here’s the exact Pantone colours Jill showed us of groomsmen and bridesmaids colours.

No. 334208

Is there any way to not make this look like shit? I would her prefer to mix different shades and tones of pink à la shayna than try and pull this off. She is always sabotaging herself.

No. 334210

Does she and Steve even have enough friends to fit the color scheme? Also ew I feel bad for the groomsmen and bridesmaid who get put in those piss yellows.

No. 334211

i don't think so, some of these aren't even the same tone or anything. you learn fashion colour theory in the program she was in but i doubt she was paying attention.

No. 334212

She didn't even go to her lessons, she said so herself.

No. 334214

Theoretically having the men in black or white suits with the ties and boutonnieres in the jewel tones or just black with the shirt underneath with those colors, though the latter might be pushing it.
If the full suits are those jewel tones, it will be eye bleeding.

No. 334215

I think she might have become briefly obsessed with the green/black "toxic core" aesthetic (not sure if that's the right name for it). In true bpd fashion, she went all in and made it her identity, trying to convince everyone that Jerrick was totes for real living inside her head and making her dress that way. Then, in true bpd fashion, she got bored of the aesthetic and completely forgot about him.

Don't worry though, he may come back anytime if she needs carte blanche for acting shitty.

No. 334217

She should accommodate Steeb’s taste and get the men in black suits with his favourite colours as accents.

No. 334218

I agree but she always makes everything about herself and her wedding is basically just a celebration for herself, so.
Kek the wedding is a last ditch effort to feel special imo. Just a big party where she's the number one priority, makes sense because she's so irrelevant recently.

No. 334219

This fact blows the autism LARP to bits because how is this autistic girl hyperfixated on precure (barely still a thing), Arcane (lol this one died immediately), MLP (this one is on the way out) but not on fashion and sewing, something she's tried to make a name for herself about? And then going to a craft school and not going to lessons. Woah such a dedicated hyperfixated autist.

No. 334220

Don’t forget boring with the occasional freak out.

No. 334223

She seems to see autism as a disorder that makes you into a retarded womanchild that can only watch cartoons and play with toys all day, so that way it's not her fault that she can't get good at anything. Sad

No. 334224

>accomodating steebie’s taste
>making his only space he gets to dictate to his own taste is the basement whereas she gets the whole house

No. 334226

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77 threads. “no mom i dont need a job!!!!! im bringing this lolcow narc to justice!!!”(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 334227

do you think we're all the same person posting every day? having 77 threads about the same person with many different people reading it says way more about the one person who is worthy of 77 threads rather than the many different people who have contributed to it in different degrees

No. 334228

kek nona, at first I though you were talking about Jill being mad at lolcow. The jobless bit made me think of her.
In any case i dont think most of the nonas are here from the begining, some of us where fans of Jill until she became a sus and insuflable "content creator"

No. 334230

Tourists and newfags don't understand that this site isn't made for "bringing lolcow narcs to justice." It's a place where we can laugh at them because they're cringe and stupid. Jill might be a bad person, sure, but I'm more interested in just making fun of her and laughing at her for all the retarded shit she does.
I don't think the thing you're replying to is a "nona." Just by the way.

No. 334232

It's easy to know who's a newfag in this place, anyone who thinks this shit is some cancel culture hub needs to leave and never come back, seriously.
Now we can't make fun of Jillian being a sped because anons and retards take everything too seriously like a bunch of autists (something that Jillian will never be by the way).

No. 334233


Don't confuse lc for X, formerly known as Twitter. I personally want Jill to have a long, slow burn with lots of retarded DiD antics so i can continue to laugh at her. TV nowadays sucks

No. 334238

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77 threads. “no mom i dont need a job!!!!! im arguing with 13 year olds on precure twitter and making a fashion line and i have DID and im addicted to weed!!!!”

No. 334246

"No stebie i dont need therapy! Pull your phone you need to text another teenager on twitter cause she's been mean to me"

No. 334248

There's no reality that will happen, it would be basically impossible to source suits in her chosen colours and have them all in the same cut without having them all custom made, which which be an insane cost to put on the groomsmen (obviously jill is not going to be paying for the wedding party's clothes).

Realistically she'll just have her bridesmaids get stuff off azazie and get the matching tie/pocket squares for the groomsmen.

No. 334258

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I wonder how many men will just show up in those cheap rainbow suits they sell at pride month lmao. Or just ignore it and wear a black suit.(learn2reply)

No. 334274

I really don't think she or even steeb have enough friends in general to get all of the colors that Jillian wants, I'm also pretty sure anyone over 50 years old won't want to dress-up like clowns for a wedding.

No. 334278

It's most likely not going to be crazy looking like this. I'm expecting rainbow roses maybe, but she will need to use a bunch of silk flowers instead because you can't dye normal roses cheaply raindow. Maybe center piece rainbow accents.. There's lots of way to do it without it being garish.

No. 334288

It's going to be a mess, that's for sure.

No. 334291

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It's doable. I just wonder what she'll do and where the colors will be. Her bridesmaids having different color dresses is subtle.

No. 334293

That's also tacky as fuck though, nona.

No. 334294

This is probably going to be the issue because not everyone is going to think something is tacky. I like it, but I don't think Jill should make everything everywhere rainbow. She needs spots of it.

No. 334295

Taste is subjective but at this point I wonder if rainbows could even work for a wedding at all

No. 334296

The optics of it are so stupid too because everyone associates the rainbow with gay pride. But we all know Jill claims to be queer and believes she has a queer relationship because her and Steve play act as trans online (and even admit they ditch their speshul identities out in public).

No. 334297

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Picrel is a wedding and this dress might be photoshopped, but something like this would work. Just to clarify but is this on topic still? I won't continue after this if it isn't, but I think anons discussing what she might do for the wedding leading up to it is fun. Maybe a new thread should be made to contain the wedding discussion?

No. 334298

>Maybe a new thread should be made to contain the wedding discussion?
Nah just do it here, this is her thread and it's her wedding, let's just not overdo it to the point of derailment. She's the one posting her crazy rainbow wedding ideas anyway so

No. 334299

She really doesn't care about the LGBT community, she only cares about herself. She appropriated rainbows a long time ago but nowadays she uses them as a way to symbolize her own "struggles with DID". Cue the rainbow DID flag she made for herself last pride month.

No. 334301

I think it's one thing to like rainbows and use them in your fashion and another one entirely when someone like Jillian calls herself queer and queer baits when she's nothing but a spicy straight. Rainbow weddings are usually associated with gayness, but I wouldn't mind someone normie that isn't homosexual using them for a personal celebration if it was someone other than Jill the histrionic narcissistic faker. I never cared about her rainbow self association before until she started to double down on using it for multiple LARPs including the DID one. It's stupid and offensive imo.

No. 334302

In general, I just wonder where she thinks she's getting the money for any of this bullshit, not that I think they're gonna make it to the wedding to begin with.

No. 334303

Oh god I forgot about that stupid flag. I still can’t believe she even did that kek

No. 334304

File: 1723919312677.jpeg (856.16 KB, 968x905, IMG_2837.jpeg)

Her wedding is going to be like this lmao.(ai out of containment)

No. 334305

If she does it right, it could look very mod.

No. 334308

She wishes

No. 334309

It was a very LACE type of thing, she never learns.

No. 334313

Yeah, it’s really that she specifically warped her rainbow branding into faking DID and pretending to be gay and trans, as a cisgender woman who’s been actively repulsed by the only wlw sexual encounters she’s ever attempted, and sees her relationship (and therefore her wedding as well) as a queer trans relationship but her and Steve also casually say they both just live life as a straight cis couple.

No. 334318

I think Jill intrinsically knows trannies and fake gay kweers are some of the easiest people to pander to and get money out of, her retarded troon/fag LARP is kind of brilliant in that way, but she of course lacks the self-awareness and finesse of a tried and true tranny scammer to make actual money off of it aside from pity youtube views and useless twitter orbiters.

No. 334320

Yeah, exactly. She knows troons are popular with the retarded Gen Z crowd and I think she's trying to ride that wave to gain a following. I think she's also aware that being a tranny online makes you immune to criticism, and she likes to bring up that stuff when she goes on her bpd twitter meltdowns. It was really apparent when Jerrick was created and Steven started became a they/them freak for a while, plus her creepy drag shit. I feel like she's tried to walk back on a lot of this stuff lately though, especially after the proposal video.

No. 334329

Well, let's not forget she plans to make everything as DIY as possible, so the plan is to make it as cheaply as possible.

No. 334334

this looks so shit

No. 334335

This thread is for discussing milk, not writing fanfiction about Jill's wedding. You are welcome to make a containment thread to have fun with that, but it doesn't belong here.

No. 334340

Nobody cares you gay retard(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 334341

we've been asking if we could have a jill fanfiction thread for years !

No. 334342

KEK let's goooo

No. 334346

Not a fanfic thread. Anons suggested a wedding containment. It needs to be about thr wedding I think.

No. 334347

The fanfiction thread would include any schizobabble and predictions about the wedding, too.

No. 334348

It should be a fanfiction thread including the wedding fanfiction

No. 334349

But how is discussing her wedding a bad thing that requires another thread? The wedding is milk

No. 334350

The wedding isn't milk when anons are only speculating about possible milk that could happen.

No. 334352

we cant literally wait until jill posts about it. thats all it fucking takes. meanwhile shes still gonna make cannabis-fueled brainrot posts about muh DID, muh struggles, etc like clockwork

No. 334354

Speaking of Wedding Bullshit.

No. 334356

Not even one minute in and this bitch is so obviously stoned.

No. 334357

why did she pick that picture for the thumbnail, she looks so angry and miserable. not saying she has to look happy in every thumbnail but she looks kind of scary. won't be watching either way, can't stand hearing her talk

No. 334358

>wants the cats to be the ring bearers and wants to use a baby stroller to put the cats in and have somebody walk them down the aisle to give them their rings
>no concern for putting cats in a bulky, claustrophobic, moving space
>we'll be at the cottage so we can just dump the cats there without having somebody missing the wedding to drop them off in their most comfortable environment, the home they live in
This pissed me off kek. This dumb shit just to have some retarded QuIrKy wedding. Not to mention the fact the cats will be in a baby stroller so good luck to the guests who sit on the outside of the aisles because they will have no fucking clue what retarded shit is happening.

No. 334359

does she mean a real baby stroller or one of those pet strollers? i know jill is an idiot but lots of cats love the pet strollers. more of a concern is the cats being in a high stress situation with strangers. also why is jill even having a normie style wedding? alternative weddings are in right now.

No. 334360

The "pet stroller" she showed looked exactly like a slightly pimped-out baby stroller. Also
>also why is jill even having a normie style wedding? alternative weddings are in right now.
Wdym by alternative? She's planning on a bunch of tacky rainby bullshit and having the cats be the ring bearers, that's different enough from every wedding I have gone to, personally. Not that it's "good" alternative, it's tasteless and try-hard.

No. 334361

The wedding isn't until 2026 which means we have another year of this awful wedding sperging. They say the more people fuss and overplan a wedding, the less likely the marriage is to last.

No. 334362

Why does she love torturing her cats lol this sounds really stressful for cats tbh

No. 334363

Watched this on 1.5x so I could try to summarize it but this is seriously the least annoying video she's put out in a long time (not counting her annoying, forced "cutesy" speaking quirks). If you took away the one or two times she says "neurodivergent" and "queer" she comes across as a total normal, albeit quirky woman wedding sperging like a normal straight woman. The only things that gave me any pause was the cat ring bearing and the rotating deseret carousel/ferris wheel. The cat thing seems insensitive to the cats and the rotatating desert apparatuses seem insensitive to the motor impaired (how not sjw of her!!!).
There is no way the wedding will incorporate everything she mentioned in the video. There is just no way in hell. She makes an offhand, dismissive remark about "lawn games" at an outdoor wedding but then says she'll rent out dancefloors for the wedding for people to dance. This will maybe not be too expensive if there's like, ten people attending. But more than that and there will either be a hilariously unevenly small dancefloor to wedding guest ratio, or there will not be dancefloors at her outdoor wedding.
She also mentions she'll diy a wedding arch, and a wedding dress, and a table awning for the desert table. This could definitely be possible because the wedding is in 2026 but knowing her she will not be able to do all that.
Another thing is how she doesn't want the bridesmaids (and by extension groomsmen, I guess) to pay for the dresses. She is really contemplating buying the dresses (and by extension suits, I guess) herself. The dresses will probably look like hot doo doo in that case because she'll have to get the cheapest option.

No. 334364

>>wants the cats to be the ring bearers and wants to use a baby stroller to put the cats in and have somebody walk them down the aisle to give them their rings

No. 334366

I love this. She should think of even more quirky zillenial gimmicks to add on, like a drag performance featuring her alters. I hope Steve talks about the alters in his vows.

No. 334367

I think she unironically wants to make the dresses and suits, which would be hilarious considering how her cousin's wedding dress ended up looking, she wants to make sure no one looks better than her kek.

No. 334368

She's def gonna say that marrying Stevie was so healing that it caused her to fuse entirely

No. 334370

>no concern for putting cats in a bulky, claustrophobic, moving space

oh my god, shut up. it's down a fucking aisle, this isn't animal abuse. people do this all the fucking time.(infighting)

No. 334371

Where did I say animal abuse, anon? I'm really curious because I don't see where an animal abuse accusation was made? Can you help me out?

No. 334376

All I got from this wedding video was 'ME ME ME ME ME!' and "MY wedding". Despite trying so hard to be a "queer" icon, she comes across as every other basic bitch in her twenties that is desperate for a princess dream wedding, with a man who clearly couldn't give a shit. Neither of them should be getting married, but, sunk cost fallacy…

No. 334377

This is every fake kweer BPD woman though. They like to act so revolutionary but they really just crave a bland scrote that wants to dedicate their lives to them because they're all straight women at the end of the day who'd never touch a pussy even if their life depended on it.

No. 334378

>I've been planning my wedding my whole life
>I started my pinterest board when I was 16
This just proves to me that the only reason she dyes her hair rainbow and wears alt fashion is because she's insecure about just being a basic straight girl on the inside. Weddings aren't sustainable btw

No. 334381

Is anyone else doing a recap? I'm gonna do one in a bit.

No. 334382

This was boring-ass video and I commend your recap dedication but genuinely I don't think anons will miss much if you don't recap it. Literally just boring normie shit.

No. 334384

Agreed. Maybe she can add a safe space for the neurodivergent guests and child alters.

No. 334385

She literally is so fucking stoned that she seems mentally disabled KEK

No. 334388

I want the recap lol

No. 334389

Maybe Jilly can make a rainbow bouquet out of monster cans.

No. 334390

Monsters on the buffet table? Not cooled, of course. Cooling units aren't sustainable uwu(uwu)

No. 334391

Of course this fat bitch is going to have the blandest fatty pig oink oink oink buffet.
There will not be a single leafy green or even fruit at the wedding, guaran-fucking-teed.

No. 334392

Might as well have hot dogs over the fire and crack open a beer or two.

No. 334393

Oh, and have something like lawn games, too?? How dare you insinuate Jill is down to earth!!! Kekkkk

No. 334394

It's going to be another Jill day so she wants everyone to eat like a retard, I also really doubt she will learn how to eat anything green that isn't broccoli drenched in thousand sauces and cheese before 2026.

No. 334396

She will make her greasy pasta bake that is the only thing she knows how to make lol

No. 334397

> i also really doubt she will learn how to eat anything green that isn't broccoli drenched in thousand sauces and cheese before 2026.
Erm actually Jill hasn’t tried broccoli because she has super special picky eater autism did beepeedee

No. 334398

pet strollers are pretty normal and again many cats like them. also i mean alternative ceremonies, not like alt fashion…(derailing)

No. 334399

Do you expect every one of her raggedy fat ass inbred cats to like being packed in one pet stroller? I agree with you on the ceremony thing it should have been 11 ceremonies for all her alters and fragments to get a chance to tie the knot with Steve, in the cases of the retard babies and the cat alter he'd just have to sign a certificate of adoption for each.(calm down)

No. 334402

Wow, someone’s worked up.

No. 334403

aren't her cats indoor cats? they'll panic, get lost, and die

No. 334406

I cant tell if this is supposed to be funny, or anon is dumb. the cats will be annoyed at best. if ends up too stoned to look after them I'm pretty sure steve will.

No. 334407

Depends on the cat’s temperament, i also have indoor cats and they yowl when in the carrier. I had to give them gabapentin which she could do but the whole idea is selfish cause the cats don’t care.(derailing)

No. 334408

The whole thing is going to be such a trashy disaster kek I can’t wait. All the decor she describes planning sounds hideous and cheap. The only good part is she said it’s planned to be by the ocean with the water in the background of the ceremony.
Her promised series of videos displaying her wedding dress creation progress should be milky too after how fugly her wedding dress commission was.

No. 334410

She definitely does not play with her cats so they're probably a bit anxious, I can imagine they wouldn't like to be in an enclosed space so close together that was moving down a bumpy aisle.

No. 334411

She just needs to give her cats hemp calming treats prior and they’ll be fine. Yeah they’ll be knocked the fuck out but as long as they’re carrying the rings Jill has nothing to worry about.

No. 334416

And she needs to drink kava and make soap. Jfc so this dumb cat talk is fine but not the wedding speculation? Farmhands are so weird with their choices.

No. 334417

I'm going to make the wedding containment thread. Anyone has thread pic suggestions?

No. 334418

I really don't understand why we can talk about everything Jill related here except for her wedding which IS milk

No. 334419

We don't need another Jillian discussion thread when this thread is just fine and all the wedding posts are saged. Jillian is the one talking about the wedding in the first place.

No. 334420

I'll make it so no one needs to complain about doing it themselves, but right now I just wanted to know if anyone has OP pic suggestions.

We don't have a choice. >>334335

No. 334421

We DO have a choice. I already complained in /meta/. Other farmhands can review the case and aid us, don't be so quick to take everything as is and don't make the thread yet.

No. 334422

Just use the color swatches kek >>334207

No. 334425

Discussing actual milk related to the wedding in this thread is fine. As previously stated, posting fanfiction about the wedding is the only thing that does not belong here. Posting images of random rainbow dresses/suits etc. from Google or imagining how Jill's wedding will look or play out is not what this thread is for, which is why we suggested a containment thread. We assume you would also have more fun with the discussion that way since you wouldn't have to follow the stricter rules of /w/ vs. /ot/. Occasional speculative posts are fine, but an extended back and forth between anons will fill the thread up and make it harder to use for its actual purpose.

If you want to discuss moderation decisions that occur in this thread, please do so on /meta/ and stop derailing the thread itself. Any further complaints in this thread will get a longer ban than usual.

No. 334427

Ok, now I understand the point with this explanation. Thank you.

No. 334429

>Occasional speculative posts are fine,
So I'm guessing it's ok to talk about it just the way we were talking about it and how >>334298 suggested.

No. 334430

I went ahead and made one. I've never really made a thread before, so I did what I could with ms paint. I also wasn't sure what to do as an OP bio because since it's just exactly what it says, there wasn't anything to add lol >>>/w/334426

also I know there is a broken link to the >>334425 here, it's whatever. Anons can refer to the other farmhand post

No. 334440

I will never understand the insistence on "not having kids" when it's pretty clear and obvious to me that family and togetherness is really the only thing that this stupid bitch really loves and enjoys. I know she's a gen z faggot and still under 30 and that point, being "childfree" is all the rage, but as someone older, the "childfreeness" is pretty obviously immature and misguided to me. What does she actually think her future is going to be? What does she actually want out of life? Does she really think being a broke-ass "influencer" consumer is going to carry her and sustain her forever? Like honestly Jill, what do you imagine for your life? So excited and thrilled for a wedding, yet I can't imagine the future she's actually building here. It's just sad to see someone so hopeless.(trad fanfic)

No. 334442

Heavy tinfoil but I have a feeling they’ll split before the wedding because Steebie can’t take it anymore kek

No. 334443

Sorry to samefag but: I feel like she just assumes she's gonna have the life Serenity Sam has, but she misses the fact that Sam appears to busts her fucking ass for her fabulous life. Same with Louise. I have respect for that woman because she works hard, it doesn't seem like Louise gets her good life handed to her. Both respectable women who work hard. Jillian does fucking nothing and expects it ALL.(please delete and repost with edits if it has been less than 30 minutes since you posted)

No. 334444

Not everyone wants kids anon. You can like being a family and taking care of things, but long term caring for a kid is not something everyone wants, including Jill.

No. 334445

I don't buy it with her for one second, I really dont.

No. 334446

Not everyone is a tradwife.

No. 334447

Im not saying you’re right but I feel like Jill did say she wanted kids at some point. Not everyone wants kids and that’s ok some people are fulfilled in life without them.

No. 334448

I cannot imagine for the life of me what's going to sustain and fulfill her into her 30s and 40s. I wish I could fastfoward to see what her life is like at 35 because I think she has some hard times ahead of her if she really thinks consumerism in fucking Fredericton is it for life.

No. 334449

Had she not rebranded, practiced sustainability and left TikTok she would have been bigger than she is now. I think Jill would be one of those wives that refuse to work because she’s married lol.

No. 334452

>the "childfreeness" is pretty obviously immature and misguided to me.
Do you really think this BPD womanchild who does nothing but smoke weed and tweet about the OCs in her head should have children? Dear god

No. 334453

It's not like she has anything better to do.

No. 334454

She already can't be arsed to clean the cats' litterbox and has made Steebie clean their messes off the floor while she got high. She truly is too selfish to ever think about getting pregnant

No. 334456

Having kids is not a hobby, anon. She would be the kind of mother that troons out her child

No. 334457

>what's going to sustain and fulfill her into her 30s and 40s
drinking rosè

No. 334462

Jill will only want kids if all her friends start having them and she gets fomo (or sees it as a checklist). The only reason she likes her family is the attention/compliments/gifts they give her - which is why we've only heard about her dad like 3 times in past 10 years. I can't remember any mention of her dad besides: when he bought her a rotary cutter she wanted; when he said 5 petal flower is like "a person with the head and limbs as petals" and when he picked her up from a diner after she hit that deer. Her mom has always bought her stuff and hyped her up but any other family member only gets mentioned when they gift her something or do her a favor - she never seems to go out of her way to spend time with them otherwise.

No. 334464

She’s not going to ever be able to afford them even if she got her shit together anon. She also should definitely never be a mother to children especially girls

No. 334468

The irony is I think she would hate a girl child because she would be jealous, and she would hate a boy child because she couldn't mold it into her

No. 334472

Kids aren't the end all for a fulfilling life. Kids are awful.

No. 334476

she has almost killed her expensive ass cats multiple times the fuck are you even saying. you're writing fanfic at this point, having a child free wedding is also just a damn party preference doesn't mean she hates or loves kids. either way we wouldn't know cause she has literally never mentioned any opinion about this.
jill tweets every single thought she has but even her has never mentioned any of this shit. you're just assuming a lot

No. 334477

She said in that very video that they aren't having kids.

No. 334482

People like you who preach about women having kids clearly don't like kids at all. Jill in her current form would be a terrible neglectful narcissist mom who'd give her kids a complex they have ro spend their entire adult lives trying to fix. Especially if she had them with Steven the doormat on the edge of trooning out. Personally i think Jill is too self centered to be interested in motherhood. She already hates her body, she'd absolutely lose it going through pregnancy. And then she'd have to wake up and nurse and not be able to tell the baby she's having a DiD switch because its crying is triggering her.

Weed and wine and children's television will sustain her through her 40s, just like its sustaining her through her 20s.

No. 334484

Makes me wonder if they’re from KF because
so many scrotes from there spit out the same beliefs.

No. 334489

This. Poor child. I hope she never gets pregnant.

No. 334497

we've also had an influx of tradthots recently. you can tell anon's a woman because. she clearly views motherhood from a tradthot point of view citing family and togetherness and choice cope words.

No. 334502

jill likes her family from a spoiled child's perspective. she'd never go out of her way and drop everything and help them during a family emergency.
shes too selfish. so would she want kids? she barely takes care of herself, the apartment or cat. steve the one who does

No. 334523

File: 1724174153734.jpg (164.89 KB, 1080x608, 20240820_131959.jpg)

Oh the e-begging is gonna be off the charts. She claims she wants to be super sustainable but she'll have no problem taking unsustainable fast fashion gifts as long as it's someone else's money being spent

No. 334527

How's that begging when people voluntarily want to buy her gifts? That's not what that means.

No. 334530

She’s wasting her time as most couples have everything they need and would rather collect money from guests.

No. 334532

Registries are definitely more for couples about to move into a home, or ones who actually still need things like appliances. Jill has had all the money to buy herself every fancy appliance she needed already and their home is fully decked out. But whatever, it’s a wedding, she can still ask her family members for more stuff which I’m sure will all be ugly and rainbow or pastel.

No. 334533

inb4 her wishlist is live and it's full of toys like calico critters and jellycat plushies. kek(wedding theories go in the containment thread)

No. 334546

File: 1724194979212.jpg (208.21 KB, 1080x802, 1000090468.jpg)

Happy DID!(not milk)

No. 334548

Gosh that's depressing, at some point she had a YouTube career but now she's just a tiktoker that has a fetish for being the most abused person in the world.

No. 334552

>>334546(literal who tuber)

No. 334557

We already know all this and more.

No. 334559

File: 1724205819178.jpeg (100.39 KB, 750x1009, IMG_2862.jpeg)

Gosh how long until Jill is used in a meme posted by a famous right-winged twitter grifter?(derailing)

No. 334560

these videos are nothing but clickbait, stop posting them here. there's no new info and the people who watch this shit are bottomfeeders.

No. 334561

I don't want to hear a scrote's take on her anyway.

This is shopped, so who cares?

No. 334562

I miss when anons had fun whenever a new video on her popped up.

No. 334567

Um, I watch them? They're about her and they're funny.
>but it's A MAN REEEEE
Go dust your cunt out(infighting)

No. 334568

she has already reached that retard caricature status >>332441 but it made nonas really confused and angry for some reason >>332447 >>332460 I hope they keep doing it, she does look exactly like the tiktok faker ultimate boss and she should be associated with it

No. 334571

you tradthots are really ruining this thread(taking the bait/non-contribution)

No. 334601

File: 1724258640088.png (167.48 KB, 720x817, 25247788.png)

No. 334623

File: 1724280326843.jpeg (944.72 KB, 1125x1720, IMG_2865.jpeg)

Looks like mommy dearest came through

No. 334624

File: 1724280401368.jpeg (165.38 KB, 946x2048, IMG_2866.jpeg)

Here’s her wedding discord chat informing her about the shoes

No. 334625

File: 1724280442698.jpeg (139.41 KB, 946x2048, IMG_2867.jpeg)

No. 334626

File: 1724280666687.jpeg (673.07 KB, 1125x1279, IMG_2868.jpeg)

I’m going to die on this hill of Jill only interested in Pinkie Pie because she’s married to weird Al pony that kinda could pass as steeb.

No. 334627

Basically all irregular choice shoes are hideous (even coming from a maximalist) but these are some of the worst I've ever seen from them. The gold sparkle is terrible, the bows are disproportionate, the heel height is awkward, the rounded toe gives grandma, the figurines themselves are ugly, and on top of that apparently these were expensive? They look like a middle schooler's DIY project. I can't imagine any wedding dress they'd look good with. Is she just going to wear these at the reception as a gag…?

No. 334628

I'm convinced that a complete amateur with a glue gun, some glitter gel and a box of Dragon Ball figurines could execute this concept a million times better.

No. 334629

This retard didn’t give herself a discord nickname. Now all of her fans are going to add her.

No. 334630

How on brand of her to get the Mr and Mrs shoes for her supposedly queer wedding

No. 334631

That's nkt even canon, it's fanart

No. 334633


Why is it a bride and a school boy in a cop costume?

No. 334635

They’re shown to be married with children in the last episode.
Yeah they have Mrs and Mrs shoes and you’d think she’d go for those. Kek

No. 334637

It's a dapper outfit anon… why do you need to make it weird by saying it's a child. It's obviously not. It's like precious memories having cutesy designs.

No. 334638

Why does the groom figure look like he's on the squatty potty? These shoes are tacky as fuck.

No. 334641

Yeah my brain can't read the guy as anything other than little school boy uniform. It's strange

No. 334642

You can see account usernames on Discord even with a display name

No. 334643

Its probably beacause the country you're from. I cannot read the figurine as groom eiter, only school boy.

No. 334644

>literal ugliest shoes ever designed
>schoolboy cop taking a crap
Kek I can’t wait to see the complete outfit, this is amazing.

No. 334665

Nonnas might disagree but the date for the wedding being so far ahead yet she is going full hog this early about it is another hallmark bippie relationship deathflag to me. She does not need two years to plan a small town wedding, she even admits she doesn’t have a huge friend circle and both of them spend most days in doors consooming. It just solidifies for me that she very much had a hand in orchestrating her own proposal and uses it as a last resort to bring attention back to herself since everyone else is actually growing up and isn’t a failure to launch smoking weed in their parent funded pastel townhouse all day tweeting at minors. I genuinely can’t wait for this to hit the fan because she will burnout eventually or have meltdowns when she realizes she isn’t as capable as she thinks (given her own fucking history)

No. 334671

Inb4 you get banned for reasonable speculation based on observable past behaviors.

No. 334675

People plan weddings years in advance sometimes though and are still married. It's cheaper to buy as you go. I don't think a pair of under $200 shoes is breaking any wallets lol

No. 334681

Same. Brit here and it looks exactly like a cheeky schoolboy from a vintage comic

No. 334684

Careful you're about to get banned here since we can't talk about the wedding here at all anymore.(minimod)

No. 334699

The post isn't about her finances, it’s about her blatant narcissism. No shit planning ahead works well, but she is acting like this is something that needs her undivided attention for the next two years (which is does not.) you also forget the part where most people plan ahead for years because they are busy with other obligations, like a real job, and have large social circles while living in busy cities, which she does not, hence the post.

No. 334706

These are the ugliest fucking shoes I've seen all year. Jill would love them though. Cows never have good taste.

No. 334707

You know what, a horse that looks like Steve is a better obsession than a youtuber who looks like her brother.

No. 334708

Just today I was thinking how Jillian hasn't mentioned her "special interest" obsession with Drew Monson for a while.

No. 334712

awww she's so abused

No. 334717

She really had to choose the ugliest version of those shoes, huh?(sage your shit)

No. 334718

File: 1724372096626.webp (33.25 KB, 584x635, IMG_3200.webp)

Damn, she really did.
These are also ugly as hell but at least they’d be a tiny improvement on the gold. Honestly that whole brand is ugly and yet they have countless other options that would be improvements and fit her theme better than what she went with, which is the most costumey cheap looking pair of shoes imaginable. Her plans are already a mess.
She’s going to look like a leprechaun with her rainbow dress kek.

No. 334723

File: 1724387786581.png (1.16 MB, 1610x678, pxl.png)

maybe it was just her mother buying her a present but since she reacted to it being back in stock with such excitement I have to assume she bought it right away… They're not even that expensive, she really couldn't afford these?

No. 334724

File: 1724389037267.jpeg (87.86 KB, 828x336, IMG_1439.jpeg)

How rancid does she have to be to continue having a UTI

No. 334729

Is this tweed for us? kek

No. 334730

I thought someone explained to her how UTIs work years ago
What the fuck is she doing??? How is that just her normal state? Take a piss after you fuck you dumbass(sage your shit)

No. 334732

Never seen someone more proudly post about their moids dick being so rancid she gets chronic UTIs, admitting you have zero common sense in terms of hygiene. Maybe consider a condom if you keep getting a literal infection consistently while fucking him. With the way she keeps her home it’s no surprise shes a pig but to admit these types of things is such a self own.

No. 334733

i imagine she just doesn't pee in general because she's dehydrated, and also too stoned and addicted to her phone to stop scrolling for a minute to go piss

No. 334734

Honestly yeah fair point since you never see her drink water, just energy drinks and sweetened milk teas. I wouldn’t be surprised if she also suffers from yeast infections too due to her diet.

No. 334740

Remember how ballsy she was to come out and say chronic UTIs were a trauma symptom…. I will literally never get over that. She's so insane. Maybe she likes having chronic UTIs for the weird schizo symptoms it can give you, maybe that's why she refuses to simply drink water and take probiotics.

No. 334743

I remember when nonna said that uti’s indicate how frequently Jill and Steeb have sex.

No. 334745

Do her and Stevie even have sex?

No. 334747

File: 1724419772237.png (64.39 KB, 480x426, Screenshot_20240823-152654~2.p…)

No wonder she feels like shit. No normal person drinks energy drinks AND multiple cups of coffee a day, especially while just sitting at home

No. 334753

No wonder she has anxiety and dissociation all the time, and no wonder her face looks so dehydrated. She needs to make some changes for her own good, I think she's compensating with caffeine but it's actually scary how much she depends on it. Too much caffeine could affect her heart in the long run as well. Why hasn't Steven intervened?? He's such an enabler.

No. 334754

Anons have mentioned in this thread how disgusting her UTI tweets are so I think she said this on purpose.

No. 334756

This is what gets me about her retarded mental jillness shtick. If her anxiety and other mento ewness was that debilitating she would have cut down on caffeine, begin drinking more water, trying her best to eat balanced meals to get all her macros in, go on regular walks, etc. She doesn't have a job so she has literally all the time in the world to fix her shitty lifestyle and improve herself, but she'd rather just sit and get high and drunk and chug monster after monster and tweet any retarded shit that crosses her mind. It's so infuriating.

No. 334757

It is seriously irritating that she went Google munchie mode to try to find a link between her UTIs and childhood trauma to add to her CSA LARP, even though that fact is about children who are being actively sexually abused. It’s a germ thing, not a psychological thing. None of the experiences she’s indicated would even cause it.
She’s just extremely unhealthy and used to be obsessed with bath bombs.

No. 334766

Yeah it’s called having BPD Jill kek you want everyone to know every time you and Steeviepoo bump unwashed uglies

No. 334771

I feel like it takes more than just having BPD to be as yucky as she is tbh. It's a combination of her mentol illness, her stupid personality and the way no one ever told her to shut the fuck up about shit no one cares

No. 334778

I don't know if you've ever known an unmedicated, chronically enabled person with BPD who refuses to acknowledge or get help for the BPD but the incessant need for attention and wokey identity hoarding and even autism LARPing is extremely common among them. Jill will never get better or improve because she's hardcore dead set on the "lol my BPD is healed and also not an issue now" angle to quell suspicion among her higher IQ fans who might catch on to her.

No. 334782

you can have BPD under control and not be like Jill. that's the point. it's Jill's mental illness and a combination of other things what makes her an idiot.

No. 334784

Anon reread that post, I literally said
>unmedicated, chronically enabled person with BPD who refuses to acknowledge or get help for the BPD
You can't do all of that and have BPD under control. It's not possible. You acknowledge it and get help or you seek people to enable you and your bad behaviors. Jill is the latter.

No. 334816

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More DID/schizotypal larp, I’m surprised she hadn’t had a meltdown over the Ablaze video.

No. 334819

do NOT give her ideas about being schizotypal. god, i've been dreading nonnas mentioning this, because it would give her a new label to fuse her autism and schizophrenia larp.

No. 334821

Kek not the Trisha Paytas retweet… I wonder if she also lurks the 'real opinions of cows' thread and saw my wall of text saying she could have been the next Trisha if she owned her retarded DID LARP as trolling gendies(no1curr)

No. 334827

I highly doubt it anon.

No. 334832

Didn’t she make a whole video about how awful she thinks Trisha is?

No. 334833

File: 1724513929225.jpg (635.08 KB, 1073x1668, 20240824_114346.jpg)

She's live right now if anyone's interested. Of course she has to call it "parallel play" to remind everyone that she's autistic.

No. 334834

How is that even remotely similar to parallel play? It's just a bunch of strangers watching her do something and she can't even see them. Sounds like a regular stream to me

No. 334835

Idgaf about the term parallel play but she could call it "cleaning stream" or "let's do stuff together stream" instead

No. 334840

Why did she sneeze and say googoo gaga kek

No. 334842

Not her making a whole video on Trisha's fake DID and then reposting her shit

No. 334845

>pony restoration
wtf she's never done restoration of any type in her career I wonder if we're gonna see her swing to old toy collecting like heather
Jill once shouted out heather back in the day maybe Jill's eager to fall back into consumerism under the guise of being eco friendly through "restoration"

No. 334850

She was washing them, not so much restoring them

No. 334851

Yeah, restoration would involve things like rerooting the hair and repainting/touching up the factory paint. Which Jill is way too incredibly lazy to do. As evidenced by the fact that her peep plush is still sitting there fucked up

No. 334852

KEK Jill pretending to know more about a hobby than she actually does? Jesus when will the ex lolita larper learn. Since when is putting a toy on soap restoration?? This fake interest in ponies is so embarrassing

No. 334853

She always has to announce she’s the most special based on nothing.
>washing off some old toys for a hobby she’s barely into
>autistic PARALLEL PLAY stream RESTORATION because ponies are now muh special interest pinkamena autism bpd pie fictionkin

No. 334854

With how lazy she is it's not surprising to see her thinking that the bare minimum is more than just the bare minimum.

No. 334855

The huge giant Peep is still torn. How long has it been? 5-6 months? You'd think the fashion designer seamstress would have fixed him by now. It would take me 10 minutes to fix that and I'm not even good at sewing.
She uses parallel play to dog-whistle to her age-play degenerate fans. Parallel play is a psychiatric term used to describe a developmental phenomenon observed in young toddlers. Jill uses it to mean "come, watch me do bullshit while you waste away in your room, because what else are you doing anyway?"

No. 334856

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Pony sperg but watching her submerge the ponies over and over in that dirty water was cringe. One of the first things you learn with just a little bit of research is to avoid getting water inside through the hair plugs and tail because 1) they have metal parts inside that will rust and 2) the inside can carpet in black mold. It's recommended to keep them upside down when using water to avoid this.
Imagine the whole collection getting rust or mold inside cause she wanted to get high and absentmindedly clean them on livestream. It appears the pony bride she already "restored" has tail rust evidenced by the base of the tail being discolored, but I guess it could've already been like that.

No. 334857

File: 1724560926969.png (172.69 KB, 400x300, 1652801106818.png)

Future of Jills collection

No. 334859

She calls it restoration tho so she's definitely trying to sound a lot smarter than she is about whatever the fuck she's doing

No. 334860

File: 1724566938706.png (809.67 KB, 584x604, another phase bites the dust.p…)

Good on you for explaining this pony sperg. Not even a full day after and Jill has already been humiliated for not knowing the bare minimum about my little pony toys >>334833

No. 334861

It's insane seeing her thin and healthy. It's such a juxtaposition to her new snorlaxesque form.

No. 334863

I feel like thats where a lot of her ago is from. She loved the attention she got from being mildly attractive with distinct hair and fashion. Once she was overweight, unkempt, and uninteresting she became a recluse. It wasn't positive attention anymore. And now she too tarded to take airplanes alone or go outside.

No. 334864

Even if she dressed cute that'd be fine, but whenever my sister sees her out in public in Freddy she's always wearing a ratty t-shirt and sweatpants. She doesn't try at ALL anymore. It's sad honestly, and the thing is she isn't even THAT fat so I don't know why she doesn't still try to at least wear nice clothes and pretty outfits.

No. 334865

I feel like Jill talking has gotten so much more annoying since she started larping autism. Every 5 seconds she screams, or repeats a word multiple times or says "bleep bloop" or "ya know". Idk how her fans can listen to it.

No. 334866

This legitimately makes me sad. She really did have a lot of potential.

Sure she was still a spoiled, entitled brat, but she had so many opportunities to improve.

She had the clothes, the aesthetic, the connections, and she flushed it all away.

She had the influencer trips, she participated in brand fashion shows.(integrate)

No. 334867

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No. 334868

Holy fuck she's stupid. The weed has fully fried her brain. No Jill, all that doesn't make it seem like you have DID, it makes it seem like DID is just the newest label you have for yourself because you have no sense of self and you're constantly trying to change who you are because you're unhappy with yourself. That's what it looks from the outside.

No. 334869

>lesbian, bi/pan, transmasc, hypersexual, asexual
These ones are weird to include, because the last 3 are directly related to old alters that she hasn't used in a while (Jerrick is transmasc, Veronica is hypersexual, Sunny and Jax are asexual) but the first two are related to just her as a person. Is she finally admitting that she's not lesbian or bi? Is she finally admitting that she's straight?

No. 334870

This look was honestly rather adorable

No. 334871

this isn't even typical for did since did is covert. it is, however, very textbook level typical if you have bpd, which is another diagnosis she claims.

No. 334872

it's not, she just managed to match the colours better than she does now. still fucked up with the shirt and the socks, though. she'll never learn not to exclusively use loud statement pieces with different clashing patterns and colours. wear something with just one colour for once, jill, it'll make it miles easier to colour coordinate when you don't have to match 30 different colours at once.

No. 334875

But nonna, she’s too mentally unwell to dress nice and needs the world to know how mentally unstable she is.

No. 334876

She's describing BPD, what's wrong with this dumbass? People who are diagnosed with DID don't just decide to tell everyone one day "ackshually I'm a lesbian drag queen muslim now", most of the time you wouldn't be able to tell anything changed because they're not "personalities" like she says. She thinks DID is still what people thought it was in the 80s

No. 334879

>muh Buddhist alter ego is totally real for 5 minutes a day, that’s why I can 100% consoom as a lifestyle and throw tantrums online daily and eat whole roast mass slaughtered chickens, AND be 100% devout and basically a saint and also the embodiment of magical girl kindness

No. 334881

so she admits to claiming labels and is now trying to pass off said labels as personalities? she doesn't realize how she sounds. this isn't the gotcha she thinks it is at all.
that isn't how "DID looks from the outside"… those things aren't "consistent with having multiple personalities" either, that's just calling yourself something to call yourself something and none of those things you listed are even personality based. they are labels! it's hard to understand what point she's even trying to make, what the fuck. that is not how any of this works. she's connecting irrelevant dots, but here she is acting like the spokesperson as usual
imagine telling an actual buddhist "yeah i adopted the ideology for about 5 minutes and now i'm using it as a strawman in my flimsy argument that tells people online i have a buddhist INSIDE me"
she doesn't recognize she's admitting she slaps labels onto herself willingly and that they're all phases that she's now trying to adopt into the ultima label…
personalities =/= labels, and those were never “identities” that you had. you just claimed them to claim them, loosely and contradictory, like you are doing right now

No. 334882

Seriously, if her Buddhism claim is one of her alters, where is this Buddhist person? It’s just another label she heard briefly, jumped on and then ditched. I guess Veronica is secretly a monk.

No. 334883

The Buddhism thing is about her saying she was a Buddhist really early into her YT days, it doesn't have anything to do with the alters or DID larp.

No. 334884

We know, but here she’s directly listing it as one of her DID symptoms, thus saying it’s a former alter.

No. 334885

Exactly. She's presenting it as if it's a fact about one of her alters and thus still true today, when in actuality she jumped on the train when she was like 13 and was a faux-deep teen. She then dropped it for paganism/her witch nonsense with her bootleg Cardcaptor Sakura clow cards being used as tarot. If Buddhist was a label she claimed because of DID, one of her alters should still be a Buddhist, but none of them are because she was just a kid experimenting with labels (which is incredibly normal)

No. 334886

Holy shit piss off retard. It's really quite puzzling as to why she wants to distance herself from her BPD so bad. This is literally just identity disturbance, common in BPD. How is a BPD diagnosis so much more unlikely than the extreme child rape and torture multiple personality disease? She genuinely needs to be studied because this shit is insane.

No. 334887

For someone who has "always had DID", her style has remained consistently bright and obnoxious

No. 334889

she's so fake it's ridiculous. she wishes she was interesting enough to be studied

> it doesn't have anything to do with the alters or DID larp.
in that tweet she's saying that it does. along with a bunch of other labels she adopted for funsies

No. 334890

And she has the audacity to pretend she is a child abuse victim with autism. These influencers are sick, they think you automatically get some magical free pass at life. No Jill, us survivors still have to go to work and pay bills and be an adult. Our lives are hellish in ways you could never imagine, we suffer in silence every single day. Like she really thinks we are out here wearing badges or some shit that means he world has to be extra super forgiving and kind. No, that is not the reality of it at all. Literally nobody knows, most of us can't even say it out loud to a fucking therapist, let alone blast it on the internet. The amount of shame and anger is unbearable, we are usually completely estranged from our families but we still have to pretend we are okay everyday and get shit done. And this bitch was handed loving parents and a magical childhood on a silver platter and has zero shame in using our horrors to seek attention and as an excuse to be lazy. God I hate her.(blog)

No. 334891

I'm late to the pony sperg but it's also quite common to carefully remove the head and take the metal tail plug out completely, replacing it with something such as a plastic zip tie. You never know what might already be festering in a vintage used pony. This is all very accessible knowledge and advice that she could have known had she done a quick google search. It's unbelievable how utterly lazy she is when it comes to her "special interests"

No. 334892

you are not a psychiatrist. you are a failed z-tier fashion student. you don't even see a psychiatrist. everytime you talk about mental jillness you fumble so hard you need to go private for a few days. Stop.

No. 334894

She hasn't seen a therapist / psychologist / psychiatrist or anything of the sort in several years. She does not consult with a proper health care practitioner to receive her medications. She is faking everything as much as it can be faked without seeing a professional. She is a malingerer of the highest order. Dare I say a fucking grifter.

No. 334896

i was thinking this. she is acting like this is a topic that she has researched well and is trying to stake her claim when she doesn't know the first thing about it. she's making up rules as she goes when exactly like you say: she's not in therapy, no psychiatrist told her this (and if they did they should get their license revoked)… she's just regurgitating her own self-obsessed narrative because she knows that her braindead followers will support it. they'll eat it up and act like anything she says is a valid source because she's just feeding into her own, and other DID larpers, delusions that they're soo valid and anyone who doubts it is just a hater, they've been this way all along and are totally immune to criticism.
jfc social media is a disease, her fans enabling her by liking the misinformation she spreads without a care in the world. she really makes mental health stigma worse. DID is a contested diagnosis, part of me doubts it's even real, but if it was, she's 100% making a mockery of it, like she does with all the other diagnosis she malingers with

100% this. this is why her LARP is so glaringly obvious

No. 334897

File: 1724611550755.webp (26.54 KB, 854x480, 4qlHUHG937BqQvYm2F0w56vYU3e5ah…)

she didn't even go to a psychiatrist for a few months before getting her diagnosis like most people. she PAID to get a fancy diagnosis IMPRESSION by random doctors she just met. then she cried that other doctors don't take her tiktok disease seriously. so she stopped seeing doctors altogether so no one can disprove her fake diagnosis. she got what she wanted and dipped!
remember when she wanted to pay for a fancy autism diagnosis but couldn't afford it? she dropped it after the mcclean shit and becoming the face of munchies. no doctor would take her seriously anymore, even ones who don't know she is would wince at all her "diagnosis" because they're all so trendy. so she doesn't even mention it anymore. its transparent.

No. 334898

Has her other OCs tweeted anything the past few months? She used to be so meticulous about who's tweeting what and only got sloppier with time until she went full mask off again

No. 334899

File: 1724613402460.png (130.85 KB, 567x608, Screen Shot 2024-08-25 at 1.13…)

nah she gave up after like a year like all she ever tries. mama vessey or stebie probably banned jerrick from posting since all she did was suicide and self harm bait. his last tweet everything else RTs

No. 334900

They weren't even doctors

No. 334904

It would honestly be kinda hilarious if Jill landed an interview or appearance and the person presenting her said it all out loud like "today's guest has borderline personality disorder and is autistic, she was terribly abused since early childhood which sadly went unnoticed by her neglectful family which then resulted in a dissociative identity disorder split, meaning she has multiple personalities living within her which includes a transboy teenager with an eating disorder, a woman with developmental sexual disorder, a drag queen, a kindergartner, various fictional characters… and a cat. She's also a survivor of sexual abuse." to her face. It's easy to lie online when she's larping alone but to hear another person who is essentially a stranger say it back to her makes it more obvious that she's making it all up

No. 334912

My favourite part of this is that she asked the bakery to write this on the cake and they clearly wouldn't do it because that's her handwriting

No. 334914

Funny how much she wants to be like Chapelle Roan and talk about "stalkers" when she's basically a nobody

No. 334915

File: 1724630009407.png (292.13 KB, 720x927, 6443673573.png)

It's so weird seeing her influence other people into faking DID this much

No. 334916

File: 1724630040785.png (739.08 KB, 720x976, 55324675231.png)

No more rainbow bangs?

No. 334920

File: 1724631760968.jpeg (276.99 KB, 1244x1713, media_GPubVaGXoAU_P23.jpeg)

now do one where the pic looks like you

No. 334922

There needs to be studies done on the social contagion of DID faking. Jill was influenced by DosociaDID and now she’s influencing people like Cherry and this person. McLean Hospital should really get back on that.

No. 334923

She tried joining the down with kiwi farms movement with keffals. I think she actually loves us talking about her. The threads keep her relevant to an extent.

No. 334924

Total nitpick I just really can't with her stretched earlobes that clashes so bad with her "image" and looks so out of place for a child's toy

No. 334925

File: 1724638247475.png (525.3 KB, 808x697, Screen Shot 2024-08-25 at 8.04…)

>"with a bucket of My Little Ponies ready to trade"
are they gonna be rusty and molded because you couldn't do the bare minimum googling before "restoring" them? >>334856 autism larp wrekt by real autism yet again
her and shayna are the only cows that got them yet they are the only cows in this site where the stretched ears don't make sense with their non alt styles at all

No. 334926

File: 1724638939625.png (681.88 KB, 720x1251, jjs.png)

Views on her videos
Jill and Shayna are basic white girls who can't stand being thought of as basic white girls so they do stuff/say things to try and distract from this glaringly obvious fact in the dumbest ways.

No. 334927

You know a cow’s life sucks when people are in the thread reminiscing about her old life/videos kek. Her view counts are really bad for someone with 200k subscribers. Yumi King has 800k and could barely scrape by once the homeless saga started. At the end of the day we’re the only people who actually care about Jill. We recommend advice to this thread lurker’s life but yet she’s too stubborn to take it. As a nonna famously said “you can take a cow out to water but it will not bathe”

No. 334930

especially with someone like jill who has sucked since literally thread 1 kek

No. 334932

Even less popular than Taylor R. I see. Jill needs a new gimmick.

No. 334935

No you dumb bitch, you have identity issues because of your BPD.

No. 334937

She didn't ask them to write anything, the cake was bought pre-baked from Walmart and she just wrote whatever she wanted on top with icing she bought. She never asked the bakers to write anything for her because she's too embarrassed to act like she does online in real life. She just lied for the sake of it.

No. 334939

This is not even that many things. If you take out all the gender brainrot nonsense, you're left with drag, lolita, and cosplay… all costuming hobbies.

Being a witch and a buddhist is kind of odd, but they aren't mutually exclusive and it's really not THAT strange.

People keep saying this is BPD behavior but she really doesn't have that many conflicting interests, especially when she's discussing a large period of time.

There really needs to be an investigation into all these pay-for-diagnosis clinics.
I don't think I've ever heard of anyone going to an autism or gender clinic and NOT getting their desired diagnosis. It really is just pay to play.(learn2integrate)

No. 334940

You're forgetting she hasn't actually been diagnosed. I swear I see this constantly repeated in almost every thread. To put the record straight, Jill has NOT received an official diagnosis. She received a diagnostic impression which is not a diagnosis. She was given the diagnostic impression by a recent graduate of a well-known diploma mill that operates in her province. After she received it from him, he immediately left the province and switched his career and no longer does anything related to psychology.

No. 334944

You can tell she's just happy about getting into something where she can consoom again without anyone coming after her for not being sustainable (not to mention it's cheap enough for her broke ass.) Collecting old toys isn't frowned upon since it's a 'passion' and you're saving toys that would otherwise go into the trash. Nothing wrong with it for most people, but we know it's just another larp for her, and she'll get bored eventually like with every other collection she has.
>she's too embarrassed to act like she does online in real life. She just lied for the sake of it.
Exactly. She's just a basic white girl who wants to be quirky, but can't deal with the potential consequences in real life. She knows it, and that's where a lot of her insecurities and anxiety come from. She can never go back to being 'basic' now because she knows it would be the end of her 'career'

No. 334946

Not a psychfag but a bippie myself but I don't think the interests have to be conflicting for them to be indicative of BPD. It's more so her thinking of them as her exclusive identity - "a lolita, a drag queen, a cosplayer". She could be into all of these activities at once like any normal person could but instead she thinks she has to be something, to the exclusion of everything else. That's what's textbook bpd about it.

No. 334954

i think she was trying out trends to see what got her more attention honestly. she got tiktok brainrot so she probably didn't want shit for betraying her aesthetic. honestly i don't think she's ever really loved the rainby stuff, she only latched onto what was making her famous, the DID was a mix of trending mental illness and being able to test the waters, and if one aesthetic did better than others she could just fuse into that personality.

No. 334956

DID fakers never identify as a balding, overweight, middle-aged, Trump supporting plumber. It's always some variants of their personality

No. 334959

Jill identifies as a bald gay man kek but it's because she was binge watching Drag Race when she came up with that one, so you're right it's always just a normal facet of their identity or interests, and they have to make huge logical leaps to pass it off as "trauma protectors."
It's pure narcissism too, to be unable to enjoy a show about gay men without going "this is about me somehow now too."

No. 334962

Yes she did. She filmed herself going up to the clerk and asking them to write something on it

No. 334963

It cuts off after she asks for it and you don't even see the clerk. It seems more likely that she wrote the message on the cake herself

No. 334964

That's what I said. She wrote it. But she asked them to do it, and clearly they wouldn't do it, but the jumpcut is meant to imply that they did write it for her

No. 334965

How do you know that she asked? And why wouldn't they do it? It's not like she asked them to write obscenities. I doubt whatever person working in the baking department would be like "no, I'm not writing happy DiD diagnosis on your cake it goes against my moral standings". Chances are they probably wouldn't even know what it meant and it'd be yet another out of the ordinary but ultimately meaningless request.

No. 334969

>How do you know that she asked?
Did you not fucking watch the video? She literally says "excuse me, can I get some writing on this cake?" And then she jumpcuts to the cake having writing. She is absolutely implying that they wrote it, but it's her writing. The employee probably had no moral issues with it, but they probably just refused because they didn't know what she was asking for

No. 334977

How about YOU learn to integrate, you fat, stupid cunt of a moderator? Stop over moderating this thread. it's getting worse every day and it's far more irritating than the stuff you keep modding. Get a fucking life and stop micromanaging what people want to talk about.(take your REEE to meta)

No. 334978

Inb4 the 'take it to meta' redtext.

No. 334979

They probably just don't write weird stuff on cakes. It's too easy for people to prank and make the bakery look bad.
>online bullies sent me a happy diabetes diagnosis cake! WALMART BAKERY was complicit in this!
It's just asking for trouble

No. 334981

You can talk about whatever you want but stop doing the weird reddit spacing

No. 334985

Yes, this. People with BPD usually change interests a lot like Jillian, it doesn't have to be completely unrelated to each other, they just keep adding new things to their identity. She's in her pinkie pie phase right now.

No. 334988


Her counsellor recommended her for the test, but was not one of the ones who preformed it. He wasn't qualified. There were two others who did it, according to her.(sage your shit)

No. 334990

Think of it like an appendix or coccyx, it's like a vestigial organ of the tumblr time

No. 334992

Its annoying that people act like experts in the thread when they can't even get basic stuff right, like this. Anon is SURE she has no diagnosis, but doesn't even know who it was who didn't give her the supposed diagnosis.
How is it different from normal people changing interests? Genuinely asking. It's not like her interests are that deep. It's usually a show and buying things related to the show. I don't see how that's different from normal people that jump onto whatever is hot, buy a bunch of stuff, then abandon it. I guess making it her identity is weird but I just don't see how this is different from what a lot of people that don't have bpd do.
The red texting is way more obtrusive than extra spacing. I didn't even notice the extra spacing on the first one and was confused what the problem was.
It's like the wedding stuff. Everybody was fine with wedding stuff in the thread except for the mod who decided it was a big problem.(ban evading)

No. 334995

Ok "Jill expert".

No. 334996

File: 1724708870838.webm (11.71 MB, 1669724124274.webm)

lurk more please. this is her saying she paid to get a fancy diagnosis for DID (not with her regular doc, this "evaluation" was answering some worksheets and doing an interview and that was it).
we know its a diagnostic impression not a diagnosis from her own video. there's a clear screenshot. the only person saying she has a diagnosis is jill herself. the "proof" is a paper saying she think she has it. she spent all that money and didn't get a diagnosis just played pretend for an hour or two

No. 334998

File: 1724709140558.jpg (410.02 KB, 1920x1218, 1662366417230.jpg)

>>334988 is right
Jill expert is wrong. She paid to get the test elsewhere not from angel baby doc. And you can see in the video it was a separate thing where she paid for evaluating her fake specifically. it was a separate thing from angel doc and all she wasted all that money to get a a diagnostic impression never a diagnosis

No. 335000

You're wrong and changing you're spacing doesn't hide it lol

No. 335002

The diagnostic impression was given to her by someone doing a residency, not even a doctor, as well. Jill called her a "forensics expert" that "could tell when people were lying" lmao

The woman's info can be found here >>288137

No. 335006

yeah body language analysis always struck me as total bullshit

No. 335010

Interesting, if that's the place she got the impression from
>Limitations may include:
the assessment may or may not result in one or more clinical diagnoses (i.e., a diagnosis is only given when warranted by the available data, and is not guaranteed);

So they do give diagnosis. They even give paper ones:
>Psychological Assessment reports can vary greatly in length depending on the complexity (e.g., the amount of objective testing involved, length of file review required, duration of clinical interviews, etc.), and/or the type of report needed. Examples of types of documentation requested are as follows:
>No Written Report: the assessment and a verbal feedback session are billed the hourly rate for the time required. Note this is only available with certain types of assessments, and excludes psychoeducational, neuropsychological, and psychovocational assessments.
>Completion of Letter or form (e.g., Disability Tax Credit): are billed a minimum of 1 additional hour.
>Brief Report: a brief psychological report is written documenting most relevant information obtained, a summary of test scores, diagnoses if applicable, and therapeutic, school, work, and/or home recommendations.
>Full Report: a comprehensive psychological report is written documenting information obtained from all sources, a detailed interpretation of test scores, diagnoses if applicable, and therapeutic, school, work, and/or home recommendations.

So there's no reason why she never got a written report. She has tried to claim they don't do that, but this makes it sound like not only do they but it's stranger for them to NOT provide at least a brief report. It sounds like people only request that when they are trying to cheat some system.

No. 335019

Steve also got caught lying. He said he physically saw a paper diagnosis but later Jill let it slip that there was no paper diagnosis just a verbal confirmation.

No. 335020

We did this threads ago already

No. 335025

We need to start including this info in the thread descriptions because it's annoying that so many anons need to be spoonfed.

No. 335034

>body language analysis always struck me as total bullshit
It is and it isn't. Being able to always tell when someone is lying is obviously bullshit. But the fact that Jill lights up and smiles with genuine joy and excitement any time she gets to talk about being oppressed or a victim IS very telling

No. 335038

This. A lot of body language is just basic common sense and being observant. Like you can tell from a distance if people are flirting or fighting the same way you can tell it's fucking weird how gleeful Jill is to talk about horrible things that most people would find extremely challenging to share online associated with their name and public platform.

No. 335044

Jill definitely only mentioned it because it's more "evidence" that she's telling the truth because she can point to this woman and say "see, this ~forensics expert~ who can always tell if someone is telling the truth didn't call me a liar!"

No. 335053

I thought I read every thread since the DID diagnosis, but I missed this, and haven't seen anyone say it since, so it could be helpful.

No. 335056

it annoys me so much that she never lowers her eyebrows

No. 335060

I think they have payment tiers and she went for the cheapest option, which must have been a diagnostic impression. She never needed a "doctor's note" from this place (that normal people get for accommodations at work/school) in the first place, and I found it odd she dropped 2k on it when we wouldn't believe her anyway. I suspect this might have been, at its core, a ploy to shut up mama vessey with a "free from adult responsibilities" piece of paper, and the internet smugness was just an added bonus.
Just spitballing but it's also possible they weren't doing walk-in cake writing due to covid.

No. 335064

I think she got denied the diagnosis at the clinic and then came up with the "they don't do paper diagnoses" excuse.
Her story was weird. she said that that asked her how she would feel about a DID diagnosis, and then they said that was the diagnosis.i think what might have actuality happened is they did ask her that, she got all excited, but then said she did not have the diagnosis. She was expecting to get it, so she was forced to lie. She tried lying with the diagnostic impression paper, but it didn't work. A lot of her behavior in videos at the time of the supposed diagnosis and the story about it is cagey and looks to me like somebody who is bending the truth and hoping people don't notice.
It's so weird to me because I'm pretty sure what kicked this all off was the fight with Stevie that she later blamed on Jerrick. I'm thinking he gave her an ultimatum on some of her behavior, and the DID saga was her excuse to keep him around and forgive her awful behavior. Why he wasn't more skeptical of this is a mystery.

No. 335078

>Why he wasn't more skeptical of this is a mystery.
Steven is a push-over mama's boy that has no life goals or interests outside playing adult baby in the basement and cooming to tranny porn. He knows that if he loses Jill, he'd have to move back home to his parents and he'd have to actually be a man for once in his sorry life instead of an overgrown baby. Steven has ZERO friends in Freddy outside Jill's group, he does nothing except work and go home. You never see him out in Freddy unless he's shopping at the Walmart or getting pot for Jill from her favourite dispensary. He's actually a weirdo IRL like he doesn't know how to talk to people his age or to his peers, he's only comfortable talking to older people or teenagers. Serious case of arrested development and it costs him a social life. Seriously been living here for more than 4 years now and has never set foot in the Lunar Rouge or even the Red Lantern. Basically he's a fucking loser and he knows Jill is the only thing that's keeping him outside his parents' basement.

No. 335079

He genuinely seemed like a clout chaser when they did their 5 year anniversary Q&A video, like interviewing THE Pixielocks was going to kickstart his useless degree into a useless, high paying job of actual journalism kek. They're the classic quirky failure to launch and the "big dreams, zero drive" couple you see everywhere in local artsy fartsy circles. They literally add nothing to each other's lives it's such a pathetic relationship. It makes sense as to why he's enabled her munchie delusions, he has zero personality and zero backbone. With her he's safe to be a non-entity, which is what he's comfortable with.

No. 335083

I dont know if it matters anymore but I used to be a cake decorator at a grocery store bakery and people could ask for whatever they wanted written on the cake they were going to buy, its not that deep.
people didn't prank us, not sure why not but maybe because they could get banned from the store for shit like that or maybe because its just buttercream and we could scrape it off. we wrote on cakes even during COVID. we didn't care what people wanted written and usually the only barrier was running out of space. I drew a dick on a cake once, but I can't remember any of the more outrageous things people would ask for since its been so long. I would not bat an eye at jill's request if it did happen, the grocery store worker probably didn't either

No. 335084

>I would not bat an eye at jill's request if it did happen, the grocery store worker probably didn't either
And yet they didn't do it because it's HER handwriting

No. 335087

It's confirmed her handwriting? I must've missed that because I can't ever recall seeing that claimed/proven and I've been here since before her diagnostic impression

No. 335089

File: 1724813814303.jpeg (544.18 KB, 828x1280, IMG_1743.jpeg)

>I’m not saying Animaritime started doing more precure stuff because of me
>but I’m totally saying animaritime started doing more precure stuff because of me

No. 335090

Some person on an earlier thread made a comparison and it was her handwriting

No. 335092

>I'm not saying the world revolves around me BUT
>Proceeds to say the most conceited selfish self important shit ever
HAHAHAHAHA KEK oh my god she's so transparent

No. 335093

It's not even just weed anymore, girl is straight up smoking her own farts big time. Just grasping at anything to feel a shred of purpose. Sad!
In the same way Jill wants a totes queer couple, having a sick girlfriend makes him out to be an automatic protector or whatnot. You saw the type of gall he has when he pm'ed that girl on twitter with his "retail manager" persona.
I'll never forget when he told Jill to remember to put on her sunflower autismo lanyard after the deer crash. He definitely would feel some superiority over her with that weird dynamic, same when he proclaimed that the house was a safe space to age regress. It makes him feel like he's responsible without really doing anything whilst maxing out his creep stats. I feel like the dynamic isn't like that anymore, I feel like he has no energy to deal with Jill anymore or to even feel that rush since he just seems actually disinterested.

No. 335094

what she's really saying:
>i have the coolest most important anime and its all mine. people only get into it because im popular and cool. im not copying sof actually everyone here is copying me. i cant cosplay madoka or sakura card captor cause they're too cool and known and the anime is good. i am the precure cosplayer cause im so autistic and childish and special interest. now everyone is trying to take my anime because im the greatest cosplayer who peaked creatively in high school. you cant convince me otherwise!

No. 335095

Meanwhile precure has had two official dubs in North America and is on freaking Netflix. Shayna has seen it for crying out loud.

No. 335099

All thanks to Jill, nonna. The world doesn't revolve around her, BUT she is possessed by the spirit of precure. kek

No. 335100

If Steve was tired of Jill he would've dumped her before proposing to her. He loves having girlfriends who proudly self infantizle themselves.
You're apart of the local weebs who were established before you moved there. Of course stores and cons in that area would cater to that niche, Jill.

No. 335104

He doesn’t have another fatty throwing herself at him so I doubt it. Jillian stole Steven from fat Maggie. I could imagine if another bull nosed crunchy haired fatty came along Steven would toss Jillian. Tbh I hate when people in this thread think he actually loves her. It’s so obvious he wishes he was getting dicked down somewhere else.

No. 335105

you guys called her fat here too though. Honestly this might come off as whiteknighting but idgaf do you guys ever stop to think that maybe the reason she gained weight is because no matter what size she is you guys call her fat anyway? Might as well go all out. YOu guys have called her fat when she had a clear ED. Of course a person would give up if even in the throws of an eating disorder people still call her a fat pig. Shame doesnt work it just makes the person double down in secret.(whiteknighting)

No. 335106

>stores only sell magical girl merchandise because of me, people only like magical girls because of me
…or it’s incredibly popular and basic and you’re not special, Jill. It’s hilarious she thinks Precure and the mahou shoujo genre are niche and not gigantic cash cows that every weeaboo store sells stuff related to.

No. 335107

Even if we take this as true, what's it say about her? That she spends so much money on shit merch that stores specifically order more for her to waste more money on? That's not a brag like she thinks it is. This is definitely a highdea of hers.

No. 335109

Magical girl is like one of the most popular genres of all time in anime, even normies know Sailor Moon. Precure has had a new season every year for the past 20 years and it has tons of toys and merch because it's a kids' show. Maybe she got her friends into Precure because all she talks about is her own interests, but they definitely heard of it before meeting her.

No. 335111

she never had an ed nonna, and she has always been a little chubby. she would shoop all her pics, but you could always tell by her arms that she has never been skinny or underweight. she was at a completely healthy and normal weight for her age when she pretended to he anorexic. she was never diagnosed, even though she saw mental health professionals at the time.

No. 335113

>the con that didn't want to let me work with them despite sending multiple emails offering free help is catering to ME because they love and respect me so much

No. 335116

She was already busting out of Liz Lisa at this point. Maybe saying "fat" is an oversimplification, but she sure wasn't skinny

No. 335119

KEK nona i read that tweet and i was really going to reply verbatim to what you said. she's unbelievable, it's hilarious
>i am not saying the world revolves around me BUT
>you can't convince me the world doesn't revolve around me

No. 335122

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Someone’s out of actual ideas for content

No. 335123

Tbh, this is probably just what she actually enjoys, but she's reaaally late to the party. Also, 22:39 minutes? I hope we get some alters' opinions!

No. 335124

oh shes desperate. this is bottom-tier content usually made by content mills. lmao at the fact nonas thought her wedding content would revive her channel. I'm sure she did too.

No. 335125

I’m usually capable of sitting through her content but this is straight up unwatchable.

No. 335126

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I stopped watching when she said the couple in the first post were behaving like teenagers. Least self aware woman. Also here's yet another person larping DID because of her

No. 335127

God I hate it when they refer to it as a DID jOuRnEy like it's a wardrobe overhaul or getting into scrapbooking, it's supposed to be a dangerous and debilitating mental illness

No. 335130

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And she wants to make it a series. Woo-fucking-hoo

No. 335132

More than anything I hate her retarded and inauthentic character she puts on for her viewers.
>This is the CRAZIEST shit I have ever read SKULL EMOJI
I get it, she's advertising her video and making it seem really tantalizing so people click so she can earn her loser weedbux. But the energy is not there at all. Sometimes I wish she'd just ghost her entire brand and channel or something.

No. 335134

Of course you do. You just screenshot and read others peoples comments out loud for 20 minutes. 0 effort or creativity only profit. Shocker she wants to do this more often!

No. 335135

Reminds me of Lankybox tier content tbh.
Missed opportunity to have her followers send in crazy stories.

No. 335136

Could even make crazy stories patreon only which could boost her income but instead takes the lazy route.

No. 335137

>really late to the party
I agree. Jill is so behind on so much. This type of content really screams 2021 or 2022 YT.
I agree. I think she's trying to throw everything at the wall and sees what sticks. She's obviously realizing that she needs to take YT more seriously for her financial benefit, but her channel has been declining for so long now that it's hard to do anything to improve it. She would need to create a new central theme for her channel and stick to a similar video format for at least 12 or 18 months to see an actual improvement to her channel, but Jill is shite at prolonged effort. She fundamentally misunderstands YT because she's running on how it was when she was becoming popular in 2015/2016. The algorithm and the game has changed so much since then, but she's out of the loop.
Maybe this is a nitpick, but does anyone else find it kind of weird that she's flashing the iPad in the thumbnail? It seems like a weird consoomer humble brag.

No. 335143

Who tf listens to those, children on ipads watching everything that's autoplayed to them? She should read her threads here, kek. That'd get her the views she wants.

No. 335144

File: 1724877347887.webm (978.84 KB, 480x272, 56887654432234677.webm)

autism larp

No. 335146

We need to start a list of everything she claims is her 'special interest', I've never known a real autist have so many and change interests so frequently

No. 335147

genuine cringe, she tries so hard to force how others perceive her
peeps are another special interest kek

No. 335149

This is not a special interest this is just a normal interest. They need to make a whole new entry in the dsm-6 about BPD malingerers and her picture should be in it.

No. 335150

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Why does her tongue match her hair though

No. 335153

She probably ate something with yellow dye. Obviously.

No. 335155

Precure fandom kicked her out and had to find something asap.

No. 335159

I usually watch her videos but even I think I'll skip this one. people treating certain subreddits like they are news and not creative writing exercise forums is really cringe and needs to die.

No. 335164

Everyone who said the ponies were her jumping on another way to LARP autism because they have a rep with autists was right, once again. She JUST got into this shit because she saw the Pinkie Pie freakout episode and now it’s a SPESHUL INTEREST? We already had a mountain of proof she knows nothing about how autism actually works and clearly doesn’t have it, but here’s another glaring example of her dying of excitement to apply autism terms to her completely non-autistic inclinations.

No. 335166

File: 1724895231913.jpeg (679.03 KB, 1068x1004, IMG_2944.jpeg)

Here’s her lying smirk.

No. 335168

File: 1724903635908.mp4 (312.29 KB, 1280x720, I expect nothing, and I'm stil…)

Kek, really, Jillian? Never change.
I guess in Jill's mind anything that holds her interest for more than 5 seconds means it's a special interest. Ignore the fact it's currently en vogue.

No. 335173

Maybe I'll start to believe it if she gets multiple shitty tattoos of MLP

No. 335174

she got one sentence into an interest dump before realizing she was interest dumping lmao… i truly do not think she has ever met someone with autism

No. 335176

>When the juicy tea is hot
99% of these reddit posts are made up for upvotes and rewards.

No. 335215

More like 2018-19 youtube

No. 335219

File: 1724957875136.jpg (287.13 KB, 1068x927, 20240829_150328.jpg)

So this is how she justifies having multiple "special interests"

No. 335221

“Audhd is the most cancer way to describe adhd and autism. The automatic bundling of them together makes malingerers like Jillian even more eager to claim both illnesses despite being rejected by doctors for any possibility of having adhd.

No. 335224

So now she has both autism and ADHD? Ok.

No. 335225

That's an actual term

No. 335228

No, it isn't. It was originally coined in the late 2010s by the 'neurodiversity' community. Having both autism and ADHD is incredibly rare. The disorders have overlapping symptoms, so the LARPers like to pretend like to pretend it's common to have both that way they can claim more oppression points.
Either she was binging on Peeps, or more likely, she rips her bong so much and drinks so little water that the smoke particulates stays on her tongue. If you've ever looked at your tongue immediately after smoking a joint, it looks just look her tongue during this video.
So far, and someone correct me if I'm wrong or if I missed one, she has at various times claimed to have: BPD, anorexia nervosa, unspecified eating disorder, general anxiety disorder, trichotillomania, dermatillomania, major depressive disorder, ARFID, autism, ADHD, and seizures.

And I don't even think I listed them all, those are just from the top of my head from what I remember.

No. 335231

it's not incredibly rare, nonna. it is relatively common. but that doesn't mean jill has it. she has neither. the people who have both are often the same autists who have intellectual disability. it would be so funny if jill started larping that. come on, jill, it would make your autism look so genuine, considering most autists have intellectual disability.

No. 335232

Welcome back nonnitas! I hope this works as I've never tried to embed before…

No. 335234

File: 1726045336490.jpg (739.75 KB, 1920x1080, Screenshot_20240906-202321_You…)

Here's a choice screenshot I couldn't help but take. If you can tolerate the screetching I recommend watching it, it's actually entertaining for once.

No. 335235

Ew the porny face on the left wtf
Holy shit the open back because she’s too wide kek is she trying to find an excuse to not sew her own dress?

No. 335236

I'm gonna give it to jill, she is a good catfisher. Juding from her thumbnail you'd think she was an average weight woman and not obese

No. 335237

File: 1726046337530.jpeg (1.92 MB, 3072x4096, IMG_6004.jpeg)

The delusion when she says “Hey thats easy to corset” as the entire top half of her body does not fit the dress. Repurposing and upcycling dresses is wonderful but when there is this much of a size difference unless she plans to take the entire dress apart (good luck with the lace), all I see is her planning to loose alot of weight for this wedding or not understanding how difficult it is to reconstruct or refit dresses with that big of a size gap (even if it was the other way around if you do not have a certain level of skill and exp it is extremely daunting and difficult to get good results)

No. 335238

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No. 335239

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No. 335240

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No. 335241

File: 1726048179514.jpg (591.75 KB, 1032x2122, 20240911_055205.jpg)

Just posting a couple things to catch up the thread. Not gonna bother recapping everything from the last two weeks since Jill practically lives on Twitter and it would be so much random crap

No. 335242

I'd love to see a weight loss saga from her. We'll never get it because she's addicted to weed and is too speshul twaumatized to leave her rainby house and work out, but I'd like to see her try.
Though, she's probably too busy coping with her weight by snorting fat positivity propaganda to even entertain the possibility
This is actually cute. Highly stylized and she couldn't even be bothered to draw the paws as anything other than shapeless lumps but it's not bad. She should stick with drawing cats because her people drawing skills are beyond redemption

No. 335243

She drew that? That's genuinely very cute art.

No. 335244

>2 weeks no lolcow
>suddenly commits to an upload schedule and posts art of designer cat instead of mental illness larp OCs
Not beating the lurking allegations

No. 335245

Actually very cute. It looks like it could be a greeting card.

No. 335246

Wow I'm so ready to watch her fall back into her mental jillness LARP after she realizes lolcow is back up lel
>it is relatively common
No anon, it's not.

No. 335247

What does she benefit from LARPing mental Jillness for us? To make us look like we’re bullying a mentally disabled person? Kek

No. 335248

My theory is she ramps it up because she chronically lurks and needs to prove herself to her haters. I think she does get something out of reading all the disbelief then turning around and peddling her fake DID/autism LARP to her fans who will stumble over themselves to validate her.

No. 335250

>no anon, it's not
nona you're wrong. adhd has been found to be comorbid with autism diagnosis at a rate of at least 30%, with some studies suggesting higher. if you have autism, it's really not unlikely that you also have clinical adhd symptoms. they're not uncommon to see together, and are even often screened for in tandem in young people. i can link some papers about this if you want.
i don't think jill actually has both autism and adhd though, i think she's conflating her bpd symptoms with these disorders because they can present similarly wrt impulsivity and executive functioning, and because they're wayy trendier and more palatable to an online audience(sage your shit/medfagging)

No. 335252

>muh research papers
I miss when this thread was full of anons laughing at her antics and not self-diagnosing tards who think they know everything about mental disorders because they skimmed 2 research papers.

No. 335258

File: 1726068608101.jpeg (324.34 KB, 828x844, IMG_2479.jpeg)

Dumping from her locked account

No. 335259

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No. 335261

File: 1726068759365.jpeg (68 KB, 828x164, IMG_2481.jpeg)

Her nonexistent trauma is stored in her nonexistent balls

No. 335262

Assuming this is about DID, the majority of psychologists most definitely do not agree it's a diagnosis disorder.

No. 335265

This fucking bitch and her narcissistic over-inflated self-importance. She isn't even diagnosed with DID and here she comes to be a BPD bitch to someone trying to validate her woo woo identity. Cunt. Her dress is going to look like fucking shit I can already tell. Here's hoping porky can reign in her BPD impulse control to lose like 25 pounds before the wedding kek.

No. 335266

This is a good example of how mental health content on social media is primarily created by random laypeople with zero qualifications now who just write whatever made up shit they want to, which is backed by studies showing almost everything on social media about ADHD and autism is now bullshit.

No. 335267

Is she seriously implying that she's better than someone actually studying psychology? Lmao this is hilarious honestly like how does she have this mentality when she's so close to her 30's? One would think that her brain is fully developed but it's like it rotted during development due to her weed addiction.
Like, she doesn't even have any real studies and she's acting like she has any sort of valuable opinions, even her opinions on fashion are dogs shit and utterly retarded.

No. 335268

not only that, but that person said what they said to support jill. because that person actually had some sort of professional knowledge, which jill doesn't. how dare someone who studies what she larps chime in to confirm and support what she says? how ableist!

No. 335269

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Psychology isn't a science. Can these studies be replicated? Probably not considering the majority can't
This fit reminds me of shauna james ahern. I wonder if jill will add a last minute stain panel.(tinfoiling about the wedding goes in the containment thread)

No. 335275

Omg yes Jill please make the video, I'd love to see all the ridiculous claims she makes up and then to see it ripped apart by everyone

No. 335281

if you ever see someone say theyre a student of some sort, theyre probably enrolled in an intro class, exercised confirmation bias/was not paying attention in class at all, and came crawling to the internet for a dopamine boost. these faggots are the ones proclaiming theyre an expert and love armchairing
don't forget, damn near always they use it as an excuse to talk about themselves in the most self absorbed way humanly possible. theyll claiming theyre trying to "relate" ("as someone with bpd," "I have adhd and,") but they bring literally nothing to the discussion. and don't even tell them its just an opinion or anecdote, because now youve triggered them and will call you ableist, homophobic and other brainrot retardation
jill is wired on social media/hides in her rainbow prison she doesnt understand how retarded she sounds

No. 335285

Don't forget Catatonia. And that time she started larping schizophrenia but quickly picked DID instead.

No. 335302

File: 1726098588340.png (501.67 KB, 708x1734, pix1.png)

She made quite a lot of "I'm mentally ill" posts while the blackout was happening

No. 335303

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No. 335305

File: 1726098789290.png (821.08 KB, 1408x1348, pix3.png)

the bath one is particularly gross to me

No. 335306

>severe childhood trauma

No. 335307

>getting diagnosed with DID
Oh Jillybean, always bringing up the "diagnosis" that never happened and was never even shown. BPD is one hell of a ride.

No. 335308

>I’ll be doing a whole series on sewing my ultra special wedding dress design
>uhhh akshully maybe I’ll just modify a preexisting one

No. 335309

She brought up her new MLP figure collection, too. She definitely took the brony sperging seriously kek

No. 335319

Someone mentioned she should in the thread but it’s such a popular trend so she could have been influenced by a video.

No. 335321

It’s still funny how full-on otherkin is out of trend and she couldn’t think of a reason to say she split a pinkie alter, so she has to just suddenly obsess over pinkie pie without saying it’s part of her mental Jillness, despite how she’s practically salivating over this as her identity of the month. I feel like she’ll wait for some excuse to say that actually Pinkie is another alter or “fused with Jill.” Like an alleged traumaversary rolls around and Pinkie came to the rescue, or some other stupid excuse.

No. 335323

I need her to let that pinkie pie alter out asap

No. 335326

Whyyyy can't she just pursue this instead of mental jillness LARPs

No. 335327

> people with severe trauma should be allowed to look on the bright side of their trauma
Are these people for real? I can understand everyone healing differently but trying to turn trauma and suffering into a palatable teehee tickle party is how you end up with people claiming to have serious trauma when they just don’t because they think it’s fun and quirky. This is just manic pixie dream dickhead on steroids. Having trauma is traumatic aka damages a persons ability to live their life in peace let alone with joy aka it’s not silly and a goof, if it were it wouldn’t be trauma.

No. 335328

>"didn't stop faking"
kek it reads like she is saying she agrees they are faking and they just didn't stop

No. 335329

Honestly I'm a bit hurt the mclean drama instantly spawned 2 new alters, while us "vicious haters" have been talking about her for years and not a single new (cow based?) alter has formed because of us. At least it confirms we're not really that bad or traumatic for her!

No. 335330

Yeah, especially since healing is about moving on from your trauma in a healthy way. Not forgeting obviously, but not thinking about it 24/7 so you can live your life the best you can. Dwelling on your 'trauma' on xitter with other retards is the furthest from that.

No. 335332

To clarify for anyone who didn't watch the video, she toys with the idea of maaaybe modifying her mom's dress to use as a reception dress, but she's clearly not enamoured with the idea and quickly backtracks on it because she's already going to make her wedding dress from scratch and (paraphrasing) the last thing she needs is yet another project (for the next two years?? two dresses is too much work to do in two years? okay). She then says that at most she might take a small piece from the old dress (like a single ribbon) to add to one of the other dresses as the "something old". Missed you, nonnies! It's good to be back.

No. 335340

Omg this. Being dogged on the internet for years seems more traumatic than getting felt up by a teen and her mom having cancer as a kid. I’ve suspected Veronica was in response to the farms because it’s supposed be the cool “I don’t give a fuck I’m hot” alter

No. 335343

The last time she shared that trauma she basically lead them here. I feel like there are nonnies that came from that video and set up camp here. kek

No. 335350

manifesting a farmer Jillian alter who goes on lolcow and is fatphobic

No. 335354

new vid

No. 335357

Nobody cares as much about yourself as you do Jill. Yeah I'm sure you totally don't want constant attention from your totally rare DID disorder truama and permanent victimhood status. Idk even know what the truama is supposed to be anymore. The acting in this video really sucks too
>omg i have a google doc on pickie pie having bpd
>yikes i squished my nail
>the special interest is special interesting!

No. 335360

>“The more I make artsy/sewing content the less stressful my comments are”
Wow, who would have thunk making normal videos that aren’t full of lies are received better by the public.

No. 335362

It took her this long to realize that people don't like average people who only talk about themselves constantly?

No. 335366

Farmers told her to stop for so long and she never listened until now
This, if she doesn't want any attention then why is she always talking about DID?

No. 335386

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>Ya can't pick and choose when this stuff happens
Appealing to emotion, you bad faith actor. Honestly what annoys me the most with people like Jillian is that they think they are the smartest people in the room. They think their stupid semantics games, preying on good faith, and talking down with kindness covers up their tracks. It doesn't and if anything, shows you are the dumbest person in the room.
>Idk even know what the trauma is supposed to be anymore. The acting in this video really sucks too
She muddied the waters to make it easier for herself to cover up her obvious lies/make her trauma story more theatrical. As for the acting, she's gotten so complacent in her lying that she doesn't even try now. Her parasocial braindead fans will always lap up her lies. Mumsy dearest always gives in anyways. Why bother putting in effort when laziness gets rewarded? Garbage produces garbage.

No. 335387

Okay nonnies, here's a recap for you since I got bored. Idk how to format so I hope this works.
Painting nails slumber party session
Has a few pre written bullet points.
"Being a person on the internet is stressful"
Not gonna go in depth regarding "drama and attacks" because it's "months old"
It's normalized and now she has a "routine" for dealing with hate
Claims she'll be harassed no matter what she does or doesn't do or say
Comments are less stressful when she focuses on her fashion and sewing instead of being uwu quirky mentally ill (but we all know that her DID content gets her the most views nowadays soooo…)
"I'm just satisfied with my 10k views per video" (if her vids can even hit that number kek)
She has soooo much she wants to talk about but she doesn't feel safe
Shows a clip of her trying to film a "system update" from July 30th, censors her mouth "out of an abundance of caution", then "dissociating" and just sitting in front of the camera
But she also swears she's totally doing really well right now guys!!!
She's seeing a new therapist who knows more about DID than she does
She's still soooo scared that her face will be recognized from the McLean presentation when looking for a therapist
8:47 text on the screen says she's triggered so she starts talking about her nail polish suddenly (because it can't just be "oops I got distracted" - everything has to be a trauma response to her)
Her therapist uses all the "same language" as her (which should be a red flag when you get all your psychology terms from TikTok)
Rants about Canadian healthcare
She is "officially attempting" a weekly schedule
She also claims she's really working hard on Five Petal Flower
First launch will be Spring 2025, doing stuff in drops
She has more video ideas, like an hour long theory video on why Pinkie Pie has BPD, already has a google doc started
Has a "system" for her brand to be sustainable that she will also make a video about
"Basically every day, the power of My Little Ponies carries me through"
"The special interest is special interesting" (there she goes again dropping those autism terms)
Calls herself functional and healthy, which is by far the funniest thing she's said
Says trauma therapy has changed her life - now she's able to answer emails, keep in touch with her mom, and go to the grocery store! Everyone clap for our brave queen!
Rambly ending with plugs, says some of her patterns that she posts on Patreon may become fabric print patterns

No. 335388

>They think their stupid semantics games, preying on good faith, and talking down with kindness covers up their tracks. It doesn't and if anything, shows you are the dumbest person in the room.
This. It's annoying.
My only question: Does this count as emotional manipulation?

No. 335392

new did therapist? will the milk continue? I actually think it would be so funny if a therapist actually did recognize her, kept it to themselves, and then pretended to talk the same as her to gain her trust so she would stop the larp. i have pretty much no faith in that happening, though.

No. 335395

How is no one calling her out on constantly calling her short-lived obsessions her “special interest.” She could way more accurately say she’s hyperfixating but she SO badly wants it to all be autism and not ADHD, probably because you can’t medicate away autism into a functional life the way a lot of people can hop on stimulants and do fine with ADHD.

No. 335396

She does not have ADHD KEK.

No. 335397

From Jill's rambling, it sounds like the McClain presentation did a service to the therapy community in dissuading fakers like her from seeking help. She has the nerve in the video to complain about long wait times for Canadian healthcare when the long wait times are because of people like her who don't actually need help!

No. 335398

She kept referring to the therapist as "they" which makes me think it's another genderspecial therapist.

No. 335399

Weird how she tends to gravitate towards the woowoo kweerio therapist baby angels and not ones that might tell her things she doesn't want to hear, or one's that might suggest that she doesn't have DID. I really doubt she accomplishes anything through therapy, she just wants some tranny to affirm her daily microtraumas (like reading meanie lolcow comments).

No. 335400

She gets her meds online and subscribed to betterhelp unironically back when everyone despised them. They/them therapist is more than likely a quack therapist from an overpriced online service with one star reviews.
If she was going to a real therapist IRL or not we would get a 100000000 tweets about it and complaining about how dysphoric they're making her. Remember how she raged for years cause one of her og therapist didn't like the way she dressed? lmao

No. 335404

>Remember how she raged for years cause one of her og therapist didn't like the way she dressed? lmao
I do remember that but to be honest that's a stupid and slightly unprofessional thing to say to a teenager patient, if the therapist even said that at all. It always came across as Jillian lying or twisting the therapist's words to benefit her "my therapist was mean to me wahh" narrative. All because that therapist tried to tell her the truth.
It always seemed like she fixated on that one thing to discredit everything else.
Even back then she had some liar tendencies that would only culminate in her becoming a full blown munchie later on.

No. 335405

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She really did title this self indulgent snoozefest with "Is pixielocks okay?" to try and bait everyone into clicking on it only for no one to really care about it kek

No. 335412

She keeps trying to make "commentary" or "tea" videos but all she has to talk about is herself. Maybe instead of making shitty patterns for ugly clothes she should check the pattern of her videos and get a grip because, I doubt she will suddenly become a 1 subscriber type of "content creator" (if you can even call her that) because everyone loves gossiping and this is why cows exist, otherwise this place wouldn't even exist, we wouldn't know these retardos exist, but this whole monotheme channel that's basically a virtual diary of a retard with too much free time can't be good for the psyche.
Like, maybe she should try to poke a prode more people but she's too much of a coward to show her true colors, just look at the bunch of fights she tries to pick and the bunch of retarded vagueposts she makes, she's like a rabid extra large pitbull that was trained to kill on sight, but she has to behave or she will stop getting that attention she wants so badly.

No. 335419

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jill be like

No. 335433

honestly it was probably the therapist asking about it rather than being critical of her style. sounds like something she'd twist as an excuse to dr shop.

No. 335434

I think this new therapist is probably a recent graduate like the former.

No. 335436

So is she done now with her past ""special interests"" like pretty cure and peeps? I never see her sperg about her interests, create fan theories, make fanart, sperg about ships, make little clay figures, etc. She keeps bringing up a BPD pinkie pie word document, but that's not very involved if you've ever seen actual mlp autists. Like bronies who draw the same character for years and female collectors on trade groups

No. 335437

There should be a list of her most ridiculous claims KEK because the "peeps special interest" was so fucking hilarious. A special interest in peeps would mean extremely annoying sperging about manufacturing details and patents and knowing everything about the creator, not drinking peep tea once or twice a day. God she's so fucking funny.

No. 335439

Tbh Crayola special interest was funnier.
She has nothing on that dandelion yellow girl from tiktok.

No. 335440

I'm just here wondering what she's doing to lose weight? Because she has lost some - it's noticeable enough. Also wondering how long this "I'm doing so much better!" thing is gonna last. She obviously got her BPD-fuelled need for attention after getting engaged, but we know this can't last.

No. 335442

They’re on the back burner while her temporary obsession with Pinkie being Literally Her takes center stage. Which, again, would be a special interest if it actually defined her life for a long period of time, but of course she’s just a bippie identityhopper who loves the dopamine hit of getting a new thing to consoom about and present herself as being quirky for.
She basically crash diets on and off. She’s mentioned “accidentally” forgetting to eat or losing her appetite and then trying to eat only vegetables on other days to be healthy, AKA she hates being fat and has desperately wanted to be thin forever and still depicts all her “true inner self” OCs as being anorexic (Jerrick, and even drew art of being thin on the inside) or skinny tween girls.

No. 335444

We need a comprehensive list of all the "special interests" she's had over the years
>Drew Monson
>Magical girls
>Mental illnesses
Feel free to add more

No. 335445

>She’s mentioned “accidentally” forgetting to eat or losing her appetite
That is so sad and obvious, "oops forgor to eat uwu" women are so transparent especially when they're actually fat like Jill

No. 335446

>She keeps bringing up a BPD pinkie pie word document
If she doesn't post it it's not real. May be one more of her lies to make herself look more autistic

No. 335447

I've been following Jill for a long time and there are so many more 'special interests' she has for a month then drops all together
>Super Smash Brothers
>The Muppets
>Strawberry Shortcake
>Tweety Bird
>Drag/Rupauls Drag Race
pretty sure there are even more I'm forgetting

No. 335448

She was so bold for this shit because she thought she could get away with her New York ghetto accent Jinx/Harley Quinn alter. Then she stops watching Arcane and stops giving a fuck and now Jax is an abandoned OC. Pure comedy.

No. 335449

I'd argue Muse is the only special interest she hasn't dropped. She was attending muse concerts a year or so ago and has been into them since she was a teen.

No. 335451

>thinking her interest in Muse is a "special interest"
She has no special interests kek

No. 335452

Attending a concert doesn't mean she has a special interest in any band imo. She also went to the MCR concert with her mom and nothing much happened after that, she's just a regular music fan.

There's other musicians and internet personalities she likes but I can't remember their names, specially the one she defended on twitter some time ago.

No. 335453

Millions of people like the same band for years and go to their concerts. That's just normal

No. 335454

Music is music. Someone can have multiple interests. She seems to just like a lot of stuff.

No. 335455

No, no! She definitely has one!

No. 335456

No. 335457

Just thinking about how she made weed her entire personality for a while and now she's weed dependant and a completely different person makes me sad

No. 335458

dont worry nonna, Jax will miraculously make a comeback when Arcane season 2 drops in a couple months. But it totally won't be because season 2 dropped and she started giving a shit about it again, noooo mark my words, it'll be because a super triggering thing happened maybe someone will call her a fat, spoilt, larping muppet on twitter or a car engine will pop near her and she'll claim to survive a shooting and Jerrick and Jax will both tag in to "protect" her through this very scary time, then approximately 2-4 weeks after the Arcane season 2 hype dies down and she will inevitably get bored of the Jinx larp and release a boringly vague video on "relapsing through dark times" but claim she came out of it with the help of her "protector" alters, then she'll go back to her tacky wedding planning.

also, she's going to adopt a Winx special interest because the new reboot is coming out soon. I'm coming back to this comment in a few months to say I fucking told you all.

No. 335463

funny thing is that if she was autistic it would plastered all over the internet.

No. 335464

there's also high school musical
2 and steven universe kek

No. 335465

The term special interests refers to ND people's fixations on specific things, usually hobby related. autistic people generally become hyper fixated for years and years on one thing.

No. 335466

Anon…. we know. Jill's never been hyperfocused on anything.

No. 335467

Literally all of you are agreeing with why I said Muse shouldn't be on the
>list of interests that Jill lost interest in within months

No. 335468

the list is about things she pretended were special interests. no one said she doesn't like these things at all anymore

No. 335470

Nasal spray

No. 335471

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Well well well…

No. 335472

This is actually really cute. It's too bad that Jill won't focus her channel on interesting things. like her drawing,crotchet, or jewelry making hobbies. That would be interesting to watch.(sage your shit)

No. 335473

gained sure, lost… not so sure. We all still thought she was cringe before she ballooned as well. such a cope

No. 335474

I mean, it’s partly because these specific clothes look so childish. It’s stuff based off kids’ cartoons, toys, and some inspiration/fits from Japanese fashion designed by and for 90 pound young women with babyfaces. So if you look like a jowled ham it’s funny. Fashion is also about working with your features and figure, not just slapping a closet cosplay of an anime preschooler on a fat adult white lady’s body and calling it a day.

No. 335476

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Does she know she can like cartoons and not pretend to be a 4 year old?

No. 335479

I find it difficult to believe people were calling her embarrassing and childish as a fatchan. It's probably that she went out dressed down and without makeup as a fatty due to low self esteem and cashiers were more reserved with her, that or she actually went out frequently dressed as a tranny clown as a fatty back when her super autistic special interest was Drag Race and homosexuality and people were understandably weirded out by her fugly visage. I just really doubt this is an actual, lived experience and not something she's heard from other women on twitter, and is just parroting the "embarrassing, childish" point because she feels confident she can say it for herself based on a couple mean looks from service people and maybe a few old normies.

No. 335480

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Views on videos
Bluey. Cringe that both Jill and Steve showed their moms Bluey as well as her having Bluey trivia in her birthday party trivia game. Remember how she made a stupid big deal about that magazine that showed how to make 3d cakes and using that to make her cake into a 25? Lol, good times. Possible contender is monster energy drinks. I remember she talked along the lines of wanting to be sponsored by the company and I think there was a tweet about her wanting to try more monsters or something.

No. 335483

I will never understand this age regression shit. You can like whatever tv show and get excited about it without making it into something so retarded

No. 335484

Just don't dress quirky if you don't want attention, this happens to women of all sizes if they wear alt clothes because alt clothes are flashy and people are rude. Nobody owes her a smile and people will be like that because that's how society is, unfortunately. I thought she would already be used to it by now after years and years of dressing alt in a small town.

No. 335485

>Quirky "M" sized alt girls
Is she being jealous? Sounds like she's taking a dig at someone like Maggie, who lost weight and probably gets more attention than her. What a weird comment to make for someone that loves "body positivity", you don't put others down like that just because you think they have it better than you. I'm pretty sure those girls get the same amount of stares and rude people because that's a common experience for women to have.

No. 335486

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Jill took down the Sunny short.

No. 335490

I'm starting to think Jill's new therapist is either made or or another dumbass quack. If she's truly so unsafe uploading DID content and it's causing her to be harassed on the internet her therapist should be telling her to stop uploading content like that and focus on videos about fashion or my little pony.
Idk even know what the truama is supposed to be anymore
I think Jill was hoping to fly by on the same thing dissocidid, multiplicity and me and other DID YouTubers have done: say they have extreme childhood trauma, but be super vague about it and never say what actually happened. The problem with that is those YouTubers started their channels after claiming to have DID, and their families usually aren't involved at all. Meanwhile Jill have tons of posts and videos with her family talking about how great her life is.

No. 335491

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The j-fashion club Jill is apart of had a picnic meetup a few days ago. Here is what Jill wore.

No. 335492

The one she defended was Will Wood.

No. 335493

>the difference in the way you get treated is sad.
>i'm talking just like walking around town
You mean Fredericton, Jill? Fredericton, the town of lard asses? Fredericton, the town with the most big backed land whales in New Brunswick? The people of Fredericton are a fat and heavy-set people. It's easy to find size S in Fredericton, because nobody ever buys clothes size S. It's hard to find sizes 2XL-4XL though, since everyone needs to buy those big fat people sizes. Every time I'm in Fredericton I lose my balance so easily because all these heavy-set hogs stomping around fucks with the seismic activity and shakes the ground. She thinks she's sooo sly posting her weird weight loss brags like this, because she thinks she's the only chronically online loser in Fredericton. Jill the reason you get stared at when you go to Walmart is because you have bright dyed hair and you smell like a skunk's rotten asshole from the half quarter you smoke every day. It's not because you were a size L in a town of 3XLs. Seriously, the gall of this wannabe anachan. Nobody is giving her dirty looks because of her weight. Nobody is treating her differently because of her weight. She's treated differently when she acts like an entitled dip shit in public when she facetimes her friends in stores and screams with them on the phone, and she gets dirty looks when she kisses her teeth and rolls her eyes when the lines are long or self-checkout is closed.

No. 335495

>Getting made fun of because she's fat.
Nah, it's because she can't coordinate for her life. For how long she's been in J-fash you'd think she'd have leaned a thing or two. And yet.

No. 335496

An extra armsock on her left arm? Is she cutting again?

No. 335497

40 lbs bitch you are short and that’s not some casual weight fluctuation. The cope is craaaaazy.

No. 335498

Wtf, she dresses like a 14 year old that just found out about Jfashion. Is she trying to look autistic?

No. 335499

when i saw her in this picture i shat bricks. after i recovered and analyzed her..choices further, it appears to me like she might have been attempting to do a decora style but very unsuccessfully. Is there really not any better pieces to thrift in her area, stuff that she can upcycle or even sew from scratch as a dedicated seamstress? Its not like im roasting her for going to color outside the lines with her other age regresstards. she was going to a jfashion specific meet. women dont just talk about fashion at these meets, they display their favorite coords. shes tried to place herself as a knowledgable person in the jfashion community in the past, its embarrassing to still not be able to dress flatteringly or accessorize. If she wants to claim anything and make a flag for it, it should be color blindness.
All in all good for her for leaving the house and i hope she got to infodump about pinkie pie and stim all the way home(sage your shit)

No. 335500

How has she gotten worse at coording?

No. 335501

I love how she jumped straight to 'alt girls' (herself) when that tiktok is obviously about genuinely odd/autistic horse girls being less tolerated if they're deemed unfuckable.
Made my skin crawl

No. 335503

All of these people look horrendous. Is the one in the front a troon?

No. 335504

I'm like 99% sure it's just an unfortunate looking woman.

No. 335509

Those platform boots have been begging for death since Japan threads.
How someone who is about sustainability would choose to wear the same shoes to death is clear to me, how someone into bright and pretty aesthetics is unable to research cleaning their shit… is not.
She looks like she smells, and that's for the entire group, maybe except the middle girl.

No. 335511

You clearly don't know. The list is stuff jill claimed were her so called special interests. The point isn't whether she likes them or not, it's her claiming that she's hyper-fixated on this stuff and making them more than just hobbies.

No. 335512

How can one woman emanate so much frumpiness

No. 335514

Drew Monsoon, but she lately is quiet about him I wonder why. He was her crush for a long time, not really a special interest, just crazy fangirl things