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No. 334426

This thread is specifically for wedding discussion, not for general Jill milk, please use the catalog to find her current thread. As of right now it is

The farmhands have decided we need a containment thread >>>/w/334335 >>>/w/334425 to not clutter up the current milk thread with photos of what she could do for her wedding and tinfoiling about who is going to be there and what is going to happen. Not everyone has to have the same tinfoil, so don't infight over it.

>>>/w/328479 Proposal

No. 334428

Reposting the video so we have a cap of her announcement

No. 334431

Do you guys think they will actually get married ? I bet Stevie will break up with her before the wedding

No. 334432

I think so. They also need each other to be able to be moved out of their parents houses.

No. 334433

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Don’t forget the colour swatches. Kek
I don’t think they’ll get married. Steeb will probably have second thoughts or Jill will go through his dms on discord.

No. 334434

I'm betting they'll get married, but Jill won't ever do all of the custom DIY stuff. Jill seems like the type to want a lot of kids too with the wedding Pinterest board since she was 16 kek

No. 334436

I don't see Jill wanting to be bothered with pregnancy and motherhood tbh. I could see her just adopting/buying
more pets though.

Jill is the only thing keeping him from having to move back with his parents right now. He'll ride the Jill train until the wheels fall off. He'll probably just cheat on her(if he's not already cheating).

No. 334438

I don't get 'bad guy' vibes from him, but we'll see. Doesn't seem like a parasitic relationship in a toxic sense, but a mutual need for each other.

No. 334450

It’s like they’re using each other for different reasons. Jill will learn the hard way not to marry a coomer though.

No. 334451

You don't think the dude who encouraged his girlfriend to see a gendie special therapist who convinced her she's got 10 personalities isn't a bad guy? A half decent scrote would have dropped her unstable ass by now, not give her a shut up ring. Steven is there because its convenient for him. He encourages her to view herself as a disabled tard who needs a special lanyard to talk to police and get her mail. He's scummy and manipulative, just like Jill.

No. 334465

For one thing I think it's kind of suspicious they've been living together for so long without getting engaged, and once they are engaged they're not in any hurry to actually get married. It definitely strikes me that it was a "shut up" ring rather than anything sincere. But more importantly Stevie looks completely dead behind the eyes and resigned to his fate so I feel like he's about to break.

No. 334471

Some people are fine with that, long term, not engaged yet

No. 334479

She needs to get food catered or reserve spots for everyone at a restaurant. Providing supper is the least they can do for everyone that showed up. They shouldn’t have to be subjected to carbs because the bride will die without her spasketti and potaytoes.

No. 334481

Jill wasn't though. She constantly dropped hints at it and then sof got engaged which made Jill narc out and finally get her shut up ring.

No. 334483

I don't remember seeing any of that. We don't know how she acted behind the scenes. Regarding doesn't it doesn't matter. She's engaged. He could've waled away if he didn't want to marry her.

No. 334492

>I don't remember seeing any of that
Well, the rest of us do. Jill is bad at hiding how she feels because of her narc need to overshare

No. 334496

i am surprised jill wants to have a traditional wedding ceremony. it doesn't suit her at all and she's trying to make it as unique as possible while still being a traditional ceremony (ie wedding dress and walking down the aisle etc.) it just seems too normal for her.

No. 334509

Is Jillian even catholic? I thought she was like your average mid 20's loser with no beliefs.

No. 334513

You can have a traditional non-denominational wedding. It doesn't have to be religious based.

No. 334515

i didn't say it was religious but the traditional style ceremony doesn't suit her.

No. 334521

>average mid 20's loser with no beliefs
fuck off godfag(infighting)

No. 334541

I honestly believe they will get married probably earlier than in 2years because Jill wants attention. Do a rushed legal wedding. Then a horrible tacky garden party/rainbow cave party, and then after like 4-5 months get a divorce because Jill has fully given up on becoming an adult or doing anything in the house. OR she will somehow become an obsessive housewife and create a new alter

No. 334545

I think they're both way too stubborn and self absorbed to ever admit they're unhappy in their relationship. It takes a lot of self evaluation to call off an engagement that neither of them have

On a diff note, I'm shocked she hasn't started loudly complaining about wedding prices. Excited for her to get a florist quote and decide she's going to go the costco route. I hope she tries to DIY rainbow baby's breath everything and ends up with a wedding that smells like piss

No. 334555

I think anons are overestimating how soon they'd start to seriously resent eachother and divorce. They've been together and have lived together for years, this type of relationship is the one that will probably dissolve in a messy, emotionally draining, unavoidable way years and years down the line. There will definitely still be BPD push-pull sperg-outs but only because Jill doesn't get her way and is trying to make Steve prove his dedication. I guesstimate they'll tap out around the 9-11 year mark and hopefully her thread is still around because there will be gallons of milk.

No. 334558

They've already been together for so long, a certificate doesn't change that. It just adds benefits.

No. 334565

I just want some juicy drama so Charlotte Dobre can react to it(off-topic)

No. 334566

Can someone please make a summary(just watch the video)

No. 334581

I think they're going to divorce in 4-6 years. They've been living together for too long.

No. 334582

She wants to be flashy and to rub shit in people's faces, she was never not traditional, the quirkiness she wants to have was fake all along. She's an attention whore but not a fun person.

No. 334585

That's the point of marriage, to live with someone long term but with bonuses.

No. 334597

Did you reply to the wrong post? Anon was saying they've living for so long they won't last 10 more years. I see them lasting around 3-5 years max. And the divorce will be messy.

No. 334600

I think the question is why wouldn't they? Living with someone long-term doesn't make them more likely to want to not live together. They said "They've been living together for too long". How's that a problem lol That's expected of married couples, to live together for a long ass time. What makes it likely they couldn't do that?

No. 334602

>What makes it likely they couldn't do that?
Pixielocks' untreated BPD is the most likely cause of divorce. Yes they will marry, but they won't last.

No. 334604

You think Steven wouldn't be tired of her in 3 years after marriage? You're being too hopeful nonna, I don't think Jillian can make it without mayor intervention

No. 334605

They've lasted almost 10 years so far, most couple break up after moving in within a few years. I guess we'll see. I wonder if her online presence will ever slow though for us to know.

No. 334609

Steven has nowhere else to go and that's the only reason why he's still living there, imo

No. 334610

Probably and she would be right back at her parents, so she has nowhere to go. Imo they seem happy together, two idiots in love who have a symbiotic relationship. Unfortunately couples like these tend to last because they have no other choice.

No. 334612

You’d think the person who loves therapy and mental health would voluntarily go to couple’s counseling before getting married? Makes you think.

No. 334613

they aren't fighting or being abusive to each other, why would they waste money on that?

No. 334614

It’s what a lot of people do prior to marriage. It’s to make sure couples communicate properly and helps in the long run.

No. 334615

Yeah if you're religious. That's not effective anyway when 30% of those couples still get divorced.

No. 334616

Samefag, I guess I worded this poorly but to clarify, by "9-11" years, I meant their relationship as a whole, not the marriage itself lasting a whole decade. So about 4-6 years. I don't see their relationship in general lasting more than a little over a decade at most. They haven't pushed each other to improve or evolve much. In Jillian's case she has actively devolved overall as a person. Getting zooted and sitting on your ass all day everyday can only last you so long. Steve has been enabling her behavior for so long, and enabling a chronically stoned, lazy, ambitionless person will only get you so far. There's no way major cracks won't start forming a few years after officially tying the knot.
Or who knows, maybe it will play out like Shoe and Skeptic. If that happens it will be infinitely more milky because Jillian has sat her ass at home for years without a real job forcing her to touch grass. She'd be in desperate need of an oblivious scrote but she probably wouldn't have a safe monkey branch option at hand.

No. 334617

But what would make them break up? They haven't had any issues.

No. 334618

Jill has stated many times she does not want children. Jfc annons she's an abdl that larps as a csa victim. She wants to BE a kid and she would be jealous of it. And Steve is creepy af I bet him and Maggie did a lot of gross role-playing since she's always posting loli stuff. These people should not be breeding.

No. 334619

There were definitely issues behind the scenes during the time Sof got engaged, iirc Jill liked a few passive aggressive posts indirectly referencing Steve or something like that because she didn't have the ring she desperately wanted and was seething that Sofia got engaged first and witnessed all her mutual friends contratulating Sof and not her. I'm admittedly too lazy to look for it but that's what I recall happening but I might be messing up the timeliness. It seems to me like Jill got her engagement after passive aggressively bullying Steve into it, perhaps presenting an ultimatum. That's just what I think is a likely theory.
I personally do not believe a serious, committed relationship at this point in someone's life is viable for long-term if they do not improve the other's life in some way, or inspire each other to evolve and improve as people. A relationship between two young people is destined to fail in some shape or form if they enable each other's bad behaviors and are resistant to changing for the better. They haven't broken up yet, which I think is pretty much luck and an aversion/disinterest in searching for something better in the case of Steve. For Jill I think she clings because Steve's shown that he can take it. I just don't see them working for more than a decade or so.(post proof of this)

No. 334632

>behind the scenes
That's a lot of speculation

No. 334640

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Here's how much the shoes cost. In CAD it would be $188.84.

No. 334650

What shoes?

No. 334653

Lurk more newfag.

No. 334657

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No. 334659

Holy shit, some autist in here needs to keep track of her budget. How much do you guys want to bet she's going to spend on the wedding? I'm thinking nearly five figures.

No. 334662

She makes money online, it could be anything. They have a multi room house they rent too. They have money.

No. 334672

I genuinely do not think Jill gets much revenue from youtube. Probably at or slightly above minimum wage.

No. 334673

There was some autist in a recent Jill thread who calculated their rough income. It's not much. Jill makes little off of YouTube and Patreon. Steebie is a store manager iirc. I think Jill's mom helps out a lot with expenses

No. 334674

A tinfoil is by definition a lot of speculation and this is the tinfoil thread, so.

No. 334679

A lot of Jill’s milk is going to be her wedding planning and yet we get banned for talking about it in the wrong thread. I’ve seen wedding ceremonies planned in two weeks. People that want everything “perfect” are retarded and are wasting their time. Jill thinks everything will be a lot of work but she’s got family and friends that would help her. It’s not hard to find used wedding stuff on Facebook marketplace and make alterations.
Yeah that’s very true as well

No. 334680

They are so awful. The "schoolboy cop" is supposed to be wearing a kilt, maybe?
The colors look so bad that painting them rainby might be the best idea to mitigate some of the hideousness and at least attempt to make them match the rest of the wedding. And then the schoolboy figure will look like he's wearing a dress.

No. 334686

It's a dapper outfit, saying it looks like a little bit is so weird. Not all suits are black on black on black.1930s has suits just like this everywhere. Might just be too old school for young nonnas.

No. 334693

>A lot of Jill’s milk is going to be her wedding planning and yet we get banned for talking about it in the wrong thread.
This. But I guess we need to see if anyone in /meta/ cares about that to begin with.

No. 334700

Theres a difference between chatting about wedding milk and posting about how jill “could” execute her tardwedding, reading nonnas two cents about what dress,venue or suits would save her rainby union is a snoozefest and not milk. The suggestions are also always shit and the visual aids do not make it better.

No. 334721

Farmhands are banning almost all wedding content in her thread though, even milk

No. 334727

To clarify, that was a mistake and the ban got reverted as soon as anons mentioned it in /meta/.

No. 334738

We all understand it's meant to be a dapper outfit anon, we get it. But that doesn't negate that it looks like a toby jug of a chubby schoolboy wearing a cop badge. They're just hideously designed.

No. 334826

>the 1930s are too old school for young anons
so are you 90? no one is going to associate anything with the 1930s other than annoying kitschy vintage thots.

No. 334989

The farmhand is probably mad that pixielocks is getting married before she is, kek.(derailing)

No. 335072

What the fuck bro. Why is this hot ass dude marrying her

No. 335085

do you have eyes?

No. 335218

Shit thread is going to shit already.(derailing)

No. 335331

and after the blackout no one used this thread ever again

No. 335367

The wedding speculation was going to die down no matter what. I think we're only going to stuff to shit talk once the wedding gets nearer. Jill is not an interesting cow anymore. The only cow-ish things about her is her BPD she's in deep denial about and her persistence in her phony DID and it feels like she's starting to reign in her retardation. Anons will disagree but we used to get tiktoks of her pretending to seize. Now all we get is a few drops of milk from her deathly boring videos. She's just not entertaining enough to stomach some 20 minute long word vomit just to nitpick her BPD LARPing as DID.
Now most of her farmers are comprised of tiktokfags that came to the TERF site because they had a moralfag hateboner over her mento jillness appropriation. You can see them lose interest in her as well because now anons have no problem complementing her dogshit digital art. A lot of these people just want to see her give up the LARP because they actually want to like her but their moralfaggotry prevents them from just laughing at her. Her threads are in a sorry state.(armchairing)

No. 335603


New vlog dropped, adding a summary

>Begins vlog with an unboxing the Irregular Choice 'Mr and Mrs' shoes

>Yaps about the shoes for 6 minutes before actually opening the box
>Goes into details about the shoes
>"This doesn't fully fit me" (about mom's wedding dress)
>Mom gave her permission to modify the dress
>Rambles about how it's not brand name so it's not a big deal to modify
>Photoshoot #1 with the wedding dress and shoes
>Talks about therapy session and how she possibly got triggered during it
>Footage of her editing a video about 80s MLP toys
>This gives her an idea to do an '80s style photoshoot in the wedding dress
>Shopping montage of misc things she finds cute
>Goes into details of the wedding dress and uses a Beanie Baby to compare the color of the "ivory" to the white door
>Phone call with mom about the dress
>Ends video with Photoshoot #2 - only difference from the first one is Pixie put makeup on and added a filter

No. 335604

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No. 335610

It's not terrible looking, but she should really take the dress to someone who can design a glow-up for it. The puffy sleeves for sure are ugly as hell on her.

No. 335727

Ok this looks really angelic ngl, first time I've seen her in something with a nice shape and cut

No. 335972

It's cute as hell… If she styled her hair it would be her best outfit in years! Idk maybe i'm partial to vintage wedding dresses

No. 335998

This is quite flattering and lovely on her. Wonder how she’ll ruin it with modifications.

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