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/shay/ - dolly mattel fan club

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File: 1650905903258.jpg (130.84 KB, 1043x830, 1650414159833.jpg)

No. 123644

Previous thread: >>>/snow/1505674

Repetitive nitpicks about Shayna's body, face, and genitals are subject to a 1 day ban. Reposting the same photos zoomed in or edited is not milk and you will receive a ban for nitpicking.
REMEMBER: Read the rules before posting. Sage when there’s no milk. No nitpicking and/or blogposting. This is a Shay thread, curb your enthusiasm when posting sceenshots of other e-whores, they go in the e-whore thread >>>/snow/1363903

Vivi Saga
>"Vivi's Friend" shows up in the thread to spill the milk on what happened, this is the original story >>>/snow/1505628
>Shayna had agreed to make content with both Vivi and her boyfriend Delano for a full week
>Two days before her arrival, Shayna says she doesnt want to do any b/g content, Vivi tells her this was part of the agreement, Shayna says she will think about it.
>Shayna shows up to Vivi' with nothing they had planned on shooting with
>Instead of working Shayna only wants to drink and hang out, Vivi has a bad past with substance but they get drunk from morning to night, Shayna keeps popping Vivi's prescription Xanax
>On the 3rd day Shayna "randomly" decided to go home, leaving Vivi with only 1 video and a couple photos
>A few posts later, Vivi fesses up to being the one who posted the story. Goes on to confirm that Shayna does no anal, prep, just wipes shit off screen when it happens >>>/snow/1505641
>Vivi posts proof that it is her with some horrifying unedited shots of Shayna, including the boils that Shayna admitted to her she needs to have removed by a doctor >>>/snow/1505708, >>>/snow/1505905, anons speculate she has MRSA
>Confirms one of her breasts is an implant, she got it in high school likely due to uneven growth >>>/snow/1505741
>Vivi goes to twitter saying she will be posting a callout post on Shayna >>>/snow/1505754
>Vivi's answers to random questions from farmers >>>/snow/1506057, >>>/snow/1506098, >>>/snow/1506146 Shayna only talked about working with Delano over video chat so she has no proof, Shayna told Vivi's dad that he reminded her too much of Fupa
>Shayna replies to Vivi's tweet threatening to call her out with texts between her and Vivi >>>/snow/1506301, >>>/snow/1506307 Delano suggested Shayna suck his dick for content after Shayna was complaining about no longer having the dick sucking content she made with Sol, Shayna freaked out, went to her room and left the next day.
>Vivi goes back to twitter to talk about how Shayna scammed her out of $400 and wasted her time >>>/snow/1506386
>Shayna then goes on to rally her orbiters against Vivi >>>/snow/1506403, >>>/snow/1506405
>Says Delano asked to watch them film, wanted her to wear a collar, asked her to suck his dick and that Vivi grabbed her throat and kissed her >>>/snow/1506426
>Starts throwing the word "Trauma" around, again, for being asked to do sex work >>>/snow/1506455, >>>/snow/1506528
>Vivi deletes her twitter after Shayna's rabid dogs start to come after her >>>/snow/1506479
>The next morning, Shayna says she had nightmares about Vivi >>>/snow/1506739, more ranting about being traumatized >>>/snow/1506745
>Vivi comes to the thread telling us that she will be quitting sex work >>>/snow/1506784
>Elaborates more on the agreement to do b/g, Shayna didnt want to sign a bdsm consent waiver >>>/snow/1506845
>Shayna goes to Tumblr to rant more about Vivi >>>/snow/1506916
>Reposts a tumblr ask to her twitter to play victim some more >>>/snow/1507099
>Tumblr anon tells Shayna that Fupa is engaged, Shayna seethes that shes so happy for him! >>>/snow/1507012
>Airs out Vivi's dirty laundry, telling a follower about her fighting with her boyfriend, >>>/snow/1507165, says she was intimidated by him and thinks the call out was influenced by him
>Anons start to worry about Vivi's relationship being abusive, she says shes the one that pushes her boyfriend to do more hardcore stuff >>>/snow/1507378
Other Milk
>"The Dad" becomes "Daddy" >>>/snow/1508403
>Shayna becomes a fan of fellow lolcow, tranny pedophile child porn artist Aggy >>>/snow/1508662
>Shayna has another shoot with the guy who did the awful Mt Rainier photos, stomping around naked with a tail buttplug shoves up her ass, illegally >>>/snow/1509147, on a public hiking trail >>>/snow/1509062, >>>/snow/1509866
>Might be working with another whore >>>/snow/1509551
>"over 10 people" said she was cute >>>/snow/1510401
>Is short on rent and its all Vivi's fault >>>/snow/1510506
>Like clockwork, another "bad brain day" says she feels like a failure and everyone hates her >>>/snow/1511264

https://discord.com/invite/eA8kSzuz (need ID to join)

Ellen "Patricia" Dresel:
Shayna's "gf," Seattle/Renton, WA Nanny

Other relationships:
“The Dad” or "Daddy"
>The 45 year old mystery man she’s “dating,” met him on seeking arrangements, ex sugar daddy turned boyfriend
”Slave Dad”
>@bluefrodo1 on Twitter, submissive masochist “slave” of Ellen and Shay, participated in a video getting smacked around in Shay's pathetic attempt to domme >>>/snow/1362327
”Twitter Splenda Daddy” #1
>Jason R Womack, @okietwister85/ @womackglass on Twitter
”Twitter Splenda Daddy” #2
>Grayhair, @GNotold on Twitter

First Thread:

Recent Threads:
100: >>>/snow/1434677
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102: >>>/snow/1466923
103: >>>/snow/1501752
104: >>>/snow/1505674

No. 123645

All threads

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7: >>>/snow/551438
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12: >>>/snow/645637
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15: >>>/snow/670334
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100: >>>/snow/1434677
101: >>>/snow/1449168
102: >>>/snow/1466923
103: >>>/snow/1501752
104: >>>/snow/1505674

No. 123646

Hopefully I got everything, there was a lot of milk to sift through

No. 123647

File: 1650906534968.jpeg (221.53 KB, 750x1781, 52476B47-A1E0-47D8-9E6B-F53B17…)

Ok then go home and get a different job. She does this cycle constantly

No. 123648

she literally tweets this once a month now

No. 123649

for once, a glimmer of insight
will she act on it and go get her stepmom to pay for medical assistant training or whatever?

No. 123650

How many times is she going to larp this? It’s annoying that she is this un creative.

No. 123651

File: 1650908955749.jpeg (356.91 KB, 723x1076, 70F47E53-929C-4803-9383-3526EB…)

No. 123652

because all she had to do to get “famous” as a teenager was post half assed content, so she believes that’s all she has to do to get interaction and sales. when she doesn’t she whines and pouts and acts like it’s because everyone hates her, not because she’s not putting in the work involved. she has no idea how to market or advertise even after what, 5 years? honestly unless she changes she’s going to have that peaked in high school mindset forever where she thinks she doesn’t have to put in work.

No. 123653

oh god shay as a nurse. gross.

No. 123654

I mean, we already know that she's comfortable with all kinds of bodily fluids. Might be a good fit!

No. 123655

psst Shayna, those feelings in the pit of your stomach are 100% correct. Give it up.

No. 123656

She never learned that you can work hard every day of your fucking life and STILL never make it where you think you "deserve" to be. Shayna doesn't work hard, but she's stuck in this high school mindset.
Just like when she was saying she wants to be a "Singer" and die at 27 even though she can't sing nor play a instrument.
She thinks, "I've been doing this for years, I haven't quit, i've lost so much and I HAVE to make it. The only reason I'm not is because the mean girls in the sex work community won't help me".
It's such a twitter issue,I feel like whenever she leaves her twitter bubble and see's hot girls thriving or women doing better then her, she just tries to come up with an excuse as to why they are making it. It has nothing to do with their looks, sex appeal or scrotes actually wanting to watch them. There's people with actual talents who don't make it and work 20 millions times harder then Shayna. For some reason this basic ass sex worker who can't even put chapstick on thinks she deserves fame/love and to be a house hold name. In porn no less. As shitty as I think the sex work community is, imagine seeing one of the "Famous" pornstars from back in the day whining because, "I do all these shoots, but none of my pornstar buddies hand out my DVD's. Thats why I'm not famous".
Like what the fuck?

No. 123657

she’s the kind that would barely pass her classes and then talk shit about her patients or sexualize them. she’d probably get a power trip and be a mean girl nurse.

No. 123658

Her tail was fucking stupid and looked like she was taking a furry shit.

No. 123659

That feel when people with intellectual disabilities do more for society than shayna has ever done. Most of them actually work

No. 123660

File: 1650915286168.jpeg (996.63 KB, 1170x1399, F55064D4-ADCB-4956-B2F1-A79725…)

No. 123661

File: 1650915724015.jpeg (557.64 KB, 750x972, 1D932A1E-A587-4B08-A4FC-BEC9BB…)

No. 123662

File: 1650917598023.jpeg (863.54 KB, 1242x1058, FB8639B6-5AA5-40ED-BF39-42CC53…)

Tell me it’s not just me, this is all I can fucking see when she wears those damn bows

No. 123663

how dare you post a picture of the arishok in the shayna thread

No. 123664

Cant imagine why everyone would "hate" her in the community. Not like all her interactions with other swers end in petty drama, her constant vague posts, getting involved in shit that doesn't even concern her, the incessant uwu victim narrative and completely fake positivity. Only people with genuine mental ineptitude and issues fall for her bullshit – basically her 4-5 coomer retards. Im sure BrattyPixie knows even with her butter face, shes leagues ahead of her and is more like a rwo faced friend to her. Very few other bottom barrel whores interact with her and thats because theyre somehow doing worse than her and are again, probably mentally stunted.

No. 123665

File: 1650919980439.jpeg (319.24 KB, 828x672, EAD1DE28-0067-44EC-94E7-73EC12…)

Thanks Shayna, you didn’t mention you had to change your profile picture after Twitter removed it for pedophilia or the other Toddler Rape post on your main account they took down.(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 123666


maybe try something new. clearly, it’s not working cause you’re begging for rent money.. that’s not hot girl shit or thriving pornstar vibes

No. 123667

Makes me sick this gross shit isn't considered against the TOS, I guess it's "Kink Shaming".

No. 123668

Shart's stunning lack of self-awareness strikes again. People in porn can smell a scammy busted hoe from miles away. They know types like her would do next to nothing, produce maybe one useable scene then complain about needing booze and food to work. Anyone working from home in that industry knows it's also how losers like her get free trips and stay free with people. She leaves behind a massive steaming trail of evidence every time she collaborates with anyone. The alcohol and weed has cooked her brain.

No. 123669

I think eventually she'll find a scrote and film a PIV or do a professional PIV shoot. She'll pretend it's her "First time" on camera (When she fucked Fupaul on camera and sucked his dick but claimed, Sol was the first time). The only thing she can do different, short of getting plastic surgery and doing the same shit with a different looking body is start doing actual porn with other people ACTUALLY having sex.
I think she'll get desperate enough to actually do it.

No. 123670

She could move into feeding and BBW. I don't why she doesn't. There's coomers that would buy her doordash orders and then pay to watch her eat it.

No. 123671

Which picture and which post did you get removed German-anon?

No. 123672

Sorry, I don’t remember exactly, it was some of her toddler rape story and her former profile picture. If you go back in the threads maybe you see it in some of the screenshots.

I just don’t understand, especially as a woman, how you’re even able to type toddler rape fantasies out and don’t care which crowd you’re entertaining.

No. 123673

what's with the googly eye? is it just me seeing it?

No. 123674

File: 1650923409790.jpeg (264.92 KB, 750x853, 2A0A8B07-B896-4BA4-9B89-F88C0B…)

Kek someone had to do it. I bet he was sick of seeing trash piled up in every corner of her house

No. 123675

Based, Twitter is way too lenient with there being actual pedos on the platform intermingled amongst depraved porn and grouped into sex workers like shay trying to attract those people because they can’t pay rent.

No. 123676

I think shes still in denial about her size and thinks she'll be skinny again someday soon. Like all she has to do is eat some almonds and turkey bacon for a week obviously! When shes not sooo busy and bad brain days, she can totally just eat Chipotle every meal instead and slim down.

No. 123677

Not the flex she thinks it is. I bet it was her bf "the dad" or whatever just trying to motivate her lazy ass but she couldnt be trusted to just take the money and follow through so he made her facetime it lol. Bleak

No. 123678

File: 1650928426991.jpeg (34.16 KB, 474x355, 403A5B2E-0EB4-41D0-A9B3-DD4F21…)

No. 123679

File: 1650928780647.jpeg (Spoiler Image,1.45 MB, 1242x1808, 687C9A62-4AE4-463C-B1FD-F4D728…)

Big ass nose mf

No. 123680

Kek wtf. The one time I wish a scrote would post it on here for our laughs. That video of her making her military cot was so fucking horrifying. Ms trenchbull looking ass

No. 123681

File: 1650929187165.jpeg (1.8 MB, 1213x1585, D0912BFA-8C2A-4B49-AC4F-B9ED30…)

Thousand yard stare

No. 123682

If Elon buys Twitter and deletes it I’ll eat his ass

No. 123683

File: 1650929313341.jpeg (1.62 MB, 1242x1786, 5E9B87D0-B24F-4CBA-9E68-F83FC1…)

Gray scrote has Shayna as his phone background I hope he changed it back after he took this screenshot, because this is deranged.

No. 123684

No. 123685

He will change it right back to his sex worker daughter don’t worry

No. 123686

File: 1650930089502.jpeg (Spoiler Image,1.83 MB, 1242x1621, CD5831FF-E431-44D2-863D-DC02D1…)

The fucking smirk

No. 123687

She looks more like his age demographic at least. Definitely got the face of a lot lizard.

No. 123688

did she edit her other boob? Looks weird.

No. 123689

Nah her tits are just busted at this point. The zombie vein one has an implant to maintain its shape and the other doesnt so its getting saggy. She needs a plastic surgery daddy at this point to get the other tit an implant. But she's a bottom barrel e whore who barely makes rent without scamming her parents or e begging.

No. 123690


she looks like a lopsided deformed creature that just crawled out of a labratory.

No. 123691

Getting fat really fucked her up since the implant was put in when she was skinny so it’s stuck at the size and shape her natural breast was she was a teenager to match it. Now the natural breast has gotten larger and so has the tissue around it, while the zombie tit has little to no natural tissue because it was put in due to some kind of growth stunt. So if she got an implant in the natural tit it would look even larger compared to zombie tit, and if she got a larger implant to match in the zombie tit it would look even more weird and bolted one since it lacks the natural fat of the flappy one. I think it would be very expensive and complicated to make her look normal

No. 123692

Yeah seriously, how would you go about fixxing this? Because you have a point, the breast tissue and shape of her breasts aren't equal anymore. I notice the implant breast gets wider as she gains weight, doesn't hang much. I feel like if she keeps gaining weight, you are going to be able to see the outline of the small implant. The only thing I can think is possibly making the other breast smaller to match the implant one or something.

No. 123693

It would take a whole proceedure, yes. And even then who knows. I mean ultimately at this point she shouldnt be trying to make a barely living off her body and looks because she's got absolutely nothing good going on. Probably why shes had to get into the diaper community and literal shit. She ought to do feeder or something like other anon said. Categories that arent so based on looks. Trying to be a "uwu baby bimbo steal ur dad brat barbie" just aint it when youve got frankentitties, lunch lady arms, a beer gut, hairy ballsack pussy, blown out asshole, infected boils on a hank hill ass, cellulite thighs of a 45 year old… all attached to a face thats a cross between a gnome and sewer rat.

No. 123694

Okay sorry to derail but if you were offered 5 million dollars but you had to be Shayna for the rest of your life would you?

No. 123695

I think anyone puppeting Shayna’s flesh prison could do better then her especially with 5 million dollars. Just do the opposite of everything she’s doing now and live it up as a millionaire. Stupid question

No. 123696

File: 1650936671719.jpeg (51.2 KB, 748x595, 1616769914679.jpeg)

the shivers I got just from slightly entertaining the idea of being inside shayna's body, I couldn't, the stench alone would kill me. Those dollars are better off donated to charity.

No. 123697

I moved your question here-

No. 123698

retarded rat smile

No. 123699

File: 1650939642024.jpeg (314.09 KB, 1170x945, 36907580-C5CD-4678-8ACE-3A7C67…)

No. 123700

How would Ellen beating her ass be an incentive to want to get something done

No. 123701

This is the worst profile photo she has EVER had, she looks like Chris Lilley dressed as a sissy

No. 123702

Anon I laughed so hard without even knowing who that person looked like and I laughed even harder when I googled it. Kek ily

No. 123703

File: 1650943259056.jpg (149.94 KB, 867x556, hmm i dont know if im seeing i…)

No. 123704

I see it in the mouth area. They have the same mouth/jaw/chin kek

No. 123705

How long do you think she has to hold her breath to get these shots? Do you think her leg shakes when she poses like that?

No. 123706

Kek. Jamie king is much hotter

No. 123707

File: 1650944743140.jpeg (281.97 KB, 1242x1533, 11EE3C20-26AB-487F-A481-E34A05…)

Flashing her neighbors

No. 123708

I think those are the imbecilic photos in the multicolored Timbs with the cheap pink backpack
so, potentially flashing random hikers and park rangers

No. 123709

File: 1650947325446.jpeg (Spoiler Image,623.04 KB, 1242x639, 5BC8D63B-1DB7-43C9-8911-3E422D…)

No they weren’t. I had a feeling they were the porch pictures on her patio and they were. All of the photos are identical. She’s so lazy she was laying down in almost all of them. Can her neighbors see her doing this??!? Or is her patio faced away?

No. 123710

File: 1650947795578.jpeg (Spoiler Image,1.67 MB, 1123x2088, 53215059-5B37-4C4C-A2C4-F199FD…)

Her eyes are so fucking beady and small. She look so rodent like. I hate myself for believing these were the hiking pics. Scammer Mattel

No. 123711

The sides of her patio are solid (next door neighbors can’t see her) and there are large trees close to the units which provides some privacy (although I imagine if someone looked in the right spot, they could see her).

Source: pictures she has posted, and an anon posted links to her building just after she moved

No. 123712

This new head on smirk is something else
Danke, nony
Never mind, there’s even a newer smirk and it’s even worse. She looks like she has cerebral palsy or had a stroke.
I’d rather eat a gun
This is the best thread, truly

No. 123713

File: 1650949313764.jpeg (Spoiler Image,1.44 MB, 3263x2241, 7E4BCB20-FA67-492E-A1FF-CE7C8B…)

No. 123714

File: 1650949356129.jpeg (Spoiler Image,1.37 MB, 2600x3066, BA4AA51C-2F27-4988-A8C5-958BE6…)

No. 123715

This might be my least favorite picture so far!

No. 123716

File: 1650949607558.jpeg (Spoiler Image,1.92 MB, 2838x3465, 505D14F1-ED41-4459-BA69-4240A6…)

these photos are literally all the same I took one for the team and bought these because I thought we’d see some unedited pics so anons can stop saying that Shaynus lost weight

No. 123717

File: 1650950139250.jpeg (87.25 KB, 750x722, 1619973686337.jpeg)

No. 123718

It’s impossible for her to have no fupa and no double chin in one picture kek

No. 123719

File: 1650951121154.jpeg (184.92 KB, 1809x1170, A11C0B08-99EF-4E47-A709-1C68BF…)

I guess I’m impressed that she only had her tongue out in one picture, but you can see a line where her teeth scrapped the white stuff on her tongue, she’s really dirty

No. 123720

File: 1650952086717.jpeg (Spoiler Image,464.2 KB, 1242x1495, 346FC82B-AB77-4ABD-98F3-4EBB62…)

Comedian fart photo vibes

No. 123721

File: 1650952142003.jpeg (200.12 KB, 1242x1297, F40C7549-8BD3-48B9-97C6-2C202B…)

Damn how ugly do you have to be to take all day editing ~muh photoshoot~ and still not posting them ?!

No. 123722

File: 1650952180179.jpeg (612.67 KB, 982x1160, 283104F4-2C4C-4AD4-950E-9ED653…)

I don’t think the money is worth having these horrible genes

No. 123723

Shayna will never post unedited photos of herself. The photographer might post them in his website like last time but Shayna will edit her posts

No. 123724

She could’ve easily afforded to get new implants in both boobs if she hadn’t spent all of her money on weed and booze. You know, like an actual sex worker bimbo would.

No. 123725

File: 1650958301620.jpg (60.34 KB, 500x560, BYy1dFRCYAAt7lI.jpg)

kek nonnas I'm crying, she's serving Ja'mie King realness

No. 123726

The fact that she has to spend all day editing pics that already have a snap filter just to still look busted… oof.

No. 123727

Comedy fart anon is back and I love it.

No. 123728

gotta love the fat girl angle and her face its about to explode for sucking her gut in lol and those neck folds yuck
Shayna is totally the kind of person Lilley would mock, like she would inspire a perfect character for Lunatics

No. 123729

File: 1650973442730.jpg (205.81 KB, 1280x960, Madagascar-dreamworks-gloria4g…)

She has always reminded me of this hippo from Madagascar. The hippo has a better ass. Comedian fart movie poster is probably my favorite meme here.
At least a million would have to go towards dentistry, dermatologist, and plastic surgery and even then you're stuck with her awful past. So probably not.

No. 123730

someone needs to make a gif of her skirt poofing up from a fart kek

No. 123731

File: 1650984779087.png (143.39 KB, 416x397, bmbo.png)

Elmer Fudd looking ass

No. 123732

Already wanting this for next thread pic

No. 123733

Holy shit spot on

No. 123734

The eyes need to be smaller, nonnie.

No. 123735

File: 1650986199479.jpeg (452.05 KB, 1170x1179, 963C274F-C6B1-44FB-8D20-B58289…)

Coming from the bitch who was always begging people on twitter to make her new accounts when she kept getting deleted

No. 123736

Maybe I'm a retard, but when was it ever confirmed she actually had an implant? For a long time it was just a tinfoil but I've missed the last few threads and am still catching up. Are anons just deciding on their own it must be?

Never forget the saga where she made like 10 different twitters. Instead of saying "this happened to me so be careful" she goes full bitch, acting like she knows better than people and everyone else is stupid for doing this. What a cunt.

No. 123737

She’s just pretending to care about their “ban evasion” but really she’s seething because she can’t brag about her measly numbers.
Who cares what others put in their bio’s?

No. 123738

Vivi confirmed it when she came on here

No. 123739

Vivi confirmed it, her post is linked in the thread summary

No. 123740

who asked for your opinion? what are you the authority on besides pork sweats and shit stained dildos? It's amazing to me these cows get so little interaction and continue to give "advice" as if anyone is actually reading. just spread your asshole and punch yourself for pennies. these moids don't care.

Vivi confirmed it

No. 123741

It probably traumatizes her to see that women who were deleted with a lot of followers come back with more followers/interactions. It's triggering to know that when people actually enjoy you, they'll follow you anywhere. Not like her, when she gets deleted she has to buy followers and her interaction which is already small gets chopped in half.

No. 123742

Vivi, plus right before Vivi did Shayna did a video with Dickey Mouse where she was giggling like a idiot, she told him not to punch her veiny tit. In a way, that was a teaser for things to come, why can't he punch her veiny tit? The tit we just so happened to think was an breast implant? Then Vivi comes and confirms it. Even if Vivi never did, I'd think that would be confirmation enough for me.

No. 123743

Prior to Vivi confirming, an ex friend of hers from Tulsa said so as well (also said her 'Haus Mattel' was trashed like a frat house)

No. 123744

File: 1650990614954.jpeg (479.85 KB, 1170x1080, F3273845-09BF-4F27-BB7B-93DEA3…)

No. 123745

she doesn’t know the difference between a brat and a domme and that’s absolutely hilarious to me. such a bdsm bimbo queen huh shay

No. 123746


She's still young enough to be on her parents insurance right? If she got it done as a medical need thing as a minor insurance would still cover her as an adult right? Shayna you better sort that shit out with whichever parent you're under before you turn 26, because you're not gonna get a scrote who makes enough to cover it for you… Like, ever.

No. 123747

doubtful it was covered by insurance. insurance rarely covers surgeries for asymmetry, especially if she was under 18. they consider it cosmetic unless there’s an underlying medical condition. her parents most likely paid for it because they didn’t want their daughter to feel ugly or something. my tinfoil is that the surgery she was talking about needing is a new implant since it’s been roughly 10 years and she’s having trouble finding the money for it. she’s just covering it by saying it’s stomach problems.

No. 123748

I already said this last thread but it was in the middle of all the Vivi shit. anyways: one breast not growing at all or being massively disproportionate and needing medical intervention is NOT considered cosmetic. it's considered medically necessary even when you're a minor and is covered by insurance. source: I had a friend who started developing pretty early and had a hugely unbalanced chest in middle school. like one breast was an AA and the other was a (double?) D, I believe. this was all told to me directly by her.

No. 123749

okay. shayna doesn’t have a D+ sized breast tho. when she was a skinny teen they were like a large B. her parents seem like the type that would do that anyway plus her spoiled attitude goes with it. bet she whined and pouted and threw a tantrum because that’s what she does.

No. 123750

File: 1650996652727.jpeg (Spoiler Image,1.03 MB, 901x1711, 9B7D425A-D95C-41EE-8C60-44D5D7…)

Wonky boob

No. 123751

im sry but spreading your asshole for 3 dollars or pan handing has 2 be the stupidest thing u can do like ur selling ur body with not much profit & ur out here broadcasting it

No. 123752

I was actually the anon that made the original comment but I love that its become my retarded meme legacy lmfao

No. 123753

File: 1650998298947.jpeg (965.13 KB, 1242x1694, 22759CB9-FB69-4CD2-8F17-9CEE84…)

No. 123754

File: 1650998492471.jpeg (Spoiler Image,1.01 MB, 935x1704, 8274A893-EC40-47DF-A625-335367…)

kek she’s so insecure about her mismatched boobs

No. 123755

She misses complaining about people stealing that one tent picture of hers on tumblr…sorry, Shay, but 2010 tumblr is over and so are you.

No. 123756

I would absolutely believe this tinfoil but then again, even if she managed to raise the money for a surgery, she'd probably blow it in a manic episode then cry that she needs the money again.

Damn nonnies, thank you. I miss like 2-3 threads and miss something that important kek sometimes Shay's threads move faster than I can keep up and so often it's the same boring stuff she's been doing for years but this is delicious milk. Gotta read up fast.

No. 123757

The OP does a good job summarizing the Vivi saga milk from the last thread

No. 123758

I see it too. Her eyes look different

No. 123759

damn sucks for her that she’s not a trooned out moid then she could get all her shit fixed for free

No. 123760

Please next thread pic.

No. 123761

File: 1651004067237.jpeg (Spoiler Image,93.42 KB, 600x600, B0BE654C-1159-46E9-BBF0-14A87F…)

Also Jesus, that shein dress that she refuses to wear a bra with despite it displays just how uneven her tits are.
She refuses to invest into anything of quality whether it be work or lifestyle related, and pisses her money away into DoorDash, alcohol and weed.

No. 123762

File: 1651004377963.jpg (4.42 KB, 160x160, download.jpg)

Everytime I see her breasts or she makes that tongue smirk face, I think of this emoji. I'd feel bad and not pick on her if she wasn't a weirdo. Because it's kinda unfortunate that she has this issue. If she doesn't stop gaining weight it's going to look really crazy.

No. 123763

Shaynus is that you

No. 123764

im sorry im not trying to nitpick but what are those? i have never seen something like it, are they cuts? looks so weird.

No. 123765

File: 1651006482900.jpeg (Spoiler Image,102.5 KB, 639x775, 8B5F8E34-E774-467B-AEC2-07C50F…)

samefag forgot to drop pic(nitpicking)

No. 123766

wrinkly ballsack

No. 123767

the consensus here has been that it’s sagging/damage from using vacuum pumps to enlarge her labia

No. 123768

that's stupid, she only did that a couple of times. Her labia changed with her weight gain and it's just wrinkly, it used to be even more wrinkled when she was thin.

No. 123769

Idk it was way worse when she was skinny. Pls no post that cursed image of her frowning axe wound… we’ve all seen it.

No. 123770

Was she born with deflated ballsack pussy? That's so sad..

No. 123771

Post it

No. 123772

File: 1651010234419.jpeg (Spoiler Image,327.48 KB, 1064x1600, BE066017-3F45-43AA-8BB5-DFA073…)

You asked… spoiler for deflated pussy

No. 123773

There are tears coming from my eyes. Holy kek

No. 123774

I love how what you take from that picture is her hair do not the glaringly obvious

No. 123775

File: 1651010544367.jpeg (628.62 KB, 750x1028, BC27754C-C5CE-4154-A2EF-60F88C…)

We’ll see about that. She must be really desperate to make rent to even consider showing herself on cam

No. 123776

That's sad.

No. 123777

holy fuck I need this as a patch

No. 123778

File: 1651011800896.jpeg (Spoiler Image,588.63 KB, 750x979, A9D83DCD-AE8E-48A7-B2A1-D5B0C4…)

Her desperation is showing

No. 123779

One of the weirdest things to be about these diaper coomers (aside from the obvious of its entirity being disgusting) is that its not like other fetishes where like, say school girl for example, they are getting off to the aesthetic and roleplay of the whore doing it and thats it. With these diaper freaks, they made like a whole "community" where they where diapers and pretend to be children and shit and then seek out others who do the same.
I hope that made sense. Just like the comments on her diaper content is always troons and hideous incels that are wearing diapers in there own pics and live these incredibly cringey lives around it I guess. And its so funny and gross because Shatna is just "one of us" to them. Absolute freaktards.

No. 123780

WHAT shayna you have LITERALLY done this is the past you pig headed idiot

No. 123781

it took me years to forget this… why did I opened it…

No. 123782

damn thats a sad pussy, thanks yall i dont want mine to look like that so im glad she was born with it as the other anon said kek
her views dropped long time ago, thats sadder than her pussy. shes doing gymnastics to be into all the kinks and shes still broke, as if she dont get that her image is the problem.
everytime we won to predict all her behavior but mostly because shes so predictable and obvious, it goes in circle.
but im glad shes going on cam because i love reality checks kek

No. 123783

Sometimes we think she's just scamming for extra cash, but other times like this I really think she is short on rent and I know she doesnt hardly work and has meager following/subs on her cheeseburger priced pussy content, but still… she shouldn't be short on rent as often as it looks like she is. She had Vivi pay for her last get out, she got paid at least 1k on that Strictmoore shoot, tips and things from womack. Pay outs on the sites, etc. Im not saying shes thriving. But with less bills than the average adult and her sedentary lifestyle.. shes short on rent. But its because she blows her money on overpriced tacky garbo the very minute she gets money, eating takeout, booze, weed, etc. Embarrassing that shes still living like this and its only going to get worse. Being a responsible adult is putting aside your rent and bill money FIRST, then if theres extra, spend it on food and other shit. And if you're doing well, you even put money into savings. Shay could never. It doesnt look like shes had hardly any customs this month even. Her OF subs crawled back to what? 500 something? After givingvout free trials and saying she'll post free anal content. Its so asinine.
Oh but its because of everyone else, not her. She just needs her big break. Definitely wont continue spiraling. And theres no pity because her parents would help her do literally anything else.

No. 123784

I'm just confused why she thinks being in a niche community is going to help her get her big break. The biggest porn categories aren't women larping as babies. She's not attractive, her porn isn't as "Extreme" or "Unique" as she thinks it is. Her personality sucks, her body is below average (I've seen women her weight built better). She only went back to Diaper shit because her most popular video was when she was doing it. She doesn't realize she's pounds heavier and people would rather get off to her blocks of repetitive shit on her Diaper account then her actual porn at this point.
Does she think she's going to become a famous pornstar for doing this? Shayna thinks out of all the women, SHE'S going to be rich and famous? She's known for shit she said as a teen more then her actual porn at this point.

No. 123785

she doesn’t think she’s going to become rich and famous, no. she thinks she ALREADY automatically DESERVES that. she doesn’t think she needs to do any further work and that she simply deserves fame and riches.

No. 123786

Ew why does it look worse than it does now?

No. 123787

maybe she thinks she can be the “hottest” one doing that stuff. because it’s all frumpy Ellens and troons that do it. it’s like being the hottest chick in a town of 100 people. when she’s compared to actual bimbos and pretty girls, she sticks out like a sore thumb.

No. 123788

Hmmm - I would’ve guessed she was thinking about pizza and beer.

No. 123789

OMG - I choked on my coffee!!!

No. 123790

File: 1651019443182.jpeg (162.47 KB, 1118x2048, C8BAA96F-1A7E-4E00-B65C-0D80D1…)

I can’t breathe what is with her and ham/pork colored items

No. 123791

File: 1651019496322.jpeg (162.17 KB, 1118x2048, 1A13433F-21EB-4045-9C3A-89EAEC…)

No. 123792

That wig is BAD and such an ugly color, especially with that lingerie. Why…

No. 123793

File: 1651019635094.jpeg (Spoiler Image,1.36 MB, 1242x1667, C96CE6B9-469C-4702-8E0C-8D948F…)

OF anon she still hasn’t posted any more pictures from the forest? I thought Big Mumma Ellen spanked Big Shaynus into doing it? She’s just been posting these same crusty ones in her room

No. 123794

She could have at least gone with a pastel pink…. She’s such a bimbo yet can not afford a decent wig

No. 123795


they probably had it at least partially covered by insurance. She should get that shit settled now with them while she still can. Implants need to be replaced every ten or 15 years I think. Technically at this point it's not cosmetic because it will directly affect her health if the implant leaks or something.


This girl has no idea what actually looks good on her. She needs to stick to dark colors…

No. 123796

It wasn’t always like that she ruined it using a pump on her labia majora

No. 123797

i assume those wolf pictures were for her to feel special because why? Like who wants to look at a below average girl with a small ass and lopsided tits in the woods? I wonder how much she paid that guy, probably more then she'd make on those pictures.

No. 123798

File: 1651020537775.jpeg (Spoiler Image,449.72 KB, 1242x1668, 9A347E38-410C-42A8-B82F-4AD520…)


No. 123799

kek her face! She looks like someone's dad turning around when you ask them a question while they are trying to fix the toliet. That face. "Huh? Billy? Oh go ask your mom, you see i'm busy!"
Is that face supposed to be sexy?
This Walmart swim suit and the weird smirk, I swear this thread is funny today.

No. 123800

that’s not how labias work. she would have had to use a pump nearly daily for anything to happen. she just has a gross unsightly pussy and always has. when she had the bush it covered it up.

No. 123801

what in the fucks name am I looking at? what is that wig? and the too small bikini with her apron fat hanging over it. dear lord.

No. 123802

Kek it really does look like a Walmart swimsuit Shayna is the definition of people of walmart

No. 123803

shayna for the love of god just look up a youtube tutorial on how to style and put on a wig. please.

No. 123804

File: 1651020901243.jpeg (1.19 MB, 1284x1647, 6BFD3CB6-AC8A-4F26-93F0-F44F24…)

“daddy did you say cheemsburgers and beer??!!!”

No. 123805

getting wannabe belle delphine vibes from this

No. 123806

Gross anon spoiler this

No. 123807

>>Shane's face when his wife comes home early from Walmart

No. 123808

Kek now her chins are looking like a dolphin mouth. Eek ek ek

No. 123809

File: 1651022929508.jpeg (358.79 KB, 1080x1534, 6C588D41-36F1-4C93-912C-3AF694…)

Why would this retarded look be what she picked for a femdom pegging style video?

No. 123810

No. 123811

File: 1651024141999.jpeg (Spoiler Image,617.88 KB, 2048x2048, F8F5204F-999A-4474-94CF-4F4CE8…)

Can she twist her body even more?

No. 123812

Love opening lolcow to a random ass. Please learn to spoiler

No. 123813

Is it… supposed to be lingerie??
It definitely looks like a swimsuit with the pattern, ruffles, and material. Why the fuck would this be the outfit for a domme vid..?

No. 123814

File: 1651024505552.jpeg (Spoiler Image,873.47 KB, 1170x1627, 65E09FA1-ADF0-4DF9-892A-16B988…)

I can’t

No. 123815

Ooof Hank looks ruff since Peggy left him.

No. 123816

File: 1651024642960.jpeg (928.25 KB, 1170x1655, 8C752161-FB9B-411E-B7CC-402936…)

She looks psychotic

No. 123817

Is is really that hard to tick the “spoiler image” box

No. 123818

That arm is coming along nicely, very Luna.

No. 123819

File: 1651025061502.jpeg (517.03 KB, 850x1025, C0CA6B26-003F-4DB4-8575-0F72A7…)

No. 123820

File: 1651025338807.gif (Spoiler Image,10.9 MB, 600x1067, A6712288-0A2E-432A-A378-3EDCAD…)

Good lord she does not have a seductive bone in her this is so weird

No. 123821

wow she has no rhythm. sometimes I want to be embarrassed for her but I just can’t anymore.

No. 123822

Yo a warning would be nice. Why would you repost actual beastiality here

No. 123823

Because Shayna attracts these kinds of people? It’s not random bestiality, I just documented what her Twitter comments looked like. Kek poor hog

No. 123824

Warning, don’t unspoiler this, it includes a screenshot of a man getting fucked by a pig

No. 123825

File: 1651026128314.jpeg (504.5 KB, 1242x1223, D1592D2E-D30A-4353-B6A0-CFB914…)

I love how Shaynus hides the reply of a random e whore trying to promote her shit but not the bestiality video a Scrote posted.

No. 123826

what is the fuckin context i dont understand
kek this look like these videos when they turn around and is a japanese man

No. 123827

For late Nonnies on what just happened itt:
Someone replied to shaynas recent tweet with a peppa pig video that cut to earrape beastiality at the end. I recommend not looking for yourself. But someone posted it in here like we wanted to see it?

No. 123828

It’s deleted now delete your comments

No. 123829

this peanut butter foundation really is a choice

No. 123830

LMAO what is this KEKEK this have been said a million times now but she could at least try doing parody porn

No. 123831

Yes, you are a retard, please "lurk moar" as they say, or I don't know, read the fucking post summary, before asking something that's been talked about literally to death the last week

No. 123832

I didn't realise you could even have a vagina that's too innie, but it really looks like something is missing and it weirds me out

No. 123833

File: 1651029060052.gif (Spoiler Image,14.28 MB, 600x1067, 4140E477-4A4D-4C1C-82BA-6A3307…)

No. 123834

Oh to be a fly on Shayna’s wall when she stops recording and the ‘I’m happy’ mask slips

No. 123835

Bc she is going for bratty little child who has daddy twisted around her finger. I feel gross typing this

No. 123836

I was just thinking, I wonder what emotion she feels while recording these. I can’t imagine things being so bleak and having to dance around like that, like I’m soooo happy and giddy and don’t think my life sucks. That would make me feel so much worse. I guess she uses substances to make it bearable

No. 123837

So she's just full on embracing the gut now huh, not just embracing but emphasizing it… Maybe the feeder saga is coming sooner than we think

No. 123838

Hate to be that anon, but does anyone know where she got this harness?

now imagine this without the filters lmao

No. 123839

I’m surprised she hasn’t pandered to BBW fans yet, it’s a much more common fetish than this pedo diaper shit and would probably make her more money.

No. 123840

It’s funny because when she uncovers herself/moves her arms, she is going for “surprise I have a dildo on lol!!”, but it looks more like she’s doing a “surprise, I’m fat and proud!”

No. 123841

I think she does have an underlying desire to feel cute and small. I get the sense that matters a lot to her. In fact I think that desire is a huge part of her identity. So she would never do intentional BBW, despite the reality of her circumstances.

No. 123842

File: 1651033449268.jpeg (Spoiler Image,577.48 KB, 1080x2885, 621A271A-192D-4F72-B005-FA2985…)

Magical disappearing assne

No. 123843

She got it at the broke bitch store

No. 123844

File: 1651034881660.jpeg (250.91 KB, 750x752, 72744CEB-3BF9-4F82-AD45-60E436…)

Yep, she’s embracing the gut apparently

No. 123845

But its not really giving that either. She looks like a retard in a swimsuit pretending to have a dick. Its similar to Chris Chans "tomgirl" saga.

No. 123846

File: 1651035061191.gif (1.49 MB, 480x270, 1528406114246.gif)

if she was cute she could be a marshmallow girl but she is ugly as sin a looks like a rat so feeder saga here we go.

No. 123847

Beer gut = cute? Keep coping there, Shat.

No. 123848

This outfit is extra troon-like with the white, pink and blue colors
I could just tell this screenshot was mid chicken dance before seeing the actual video

No. 123849

It’s so cute how she stuffs herself with alcohol and shitty food causing such terrible symptoms she sometimes needs multiple ER visits! Yay for body positivity thanks everyone for indulging in her laziness and lack of care for herself! Maybe Seattle would have personal trainers who aren’t trump supporters so what’s her excuse now besides being broke as hell lol

No. 123850

Coping mechanism kicking in hard. As mentioned in countless threads, she escapes her reality with alcohol and drugs. Do you think we'll see another ""gym bunny"" phase or do you think she's given up completely on the guise of working out? It'd be sad if she wasn't the one actively destroying herself at every turn she takes. Sober mirror can't be fun.

No. 123851

File: 1651037211196.jpeg (407.68 KB, 2048x2048, D49198CC-7A1B-4D79-B1E6-42E484…)

Shayna is starting to morph into Peter Griffin with that chin kek

No. 123852

File: 1651037625756.jpeg (Spoiler Image,767.34 KB, 676x1775, 7E905E42-BD57-46A1-A211-DD8F69…)

She literally posted the pictures and video she posted on Twitter on her PAID only fans. Like what the fuck is the point of subscribing when she never posts? Or posts the same pics for free on Twitter?? I love how you can see how bigger she shooped her hank hill ass when compared to the real life (filtered) buttne video

No. 123853

I didn’t think the BBW or feeder route was a possibility, but if people are genuinely making her feel “cute” about her “belly” then I guess it could happen? We know she wants to feel cute and admired (not saying it would be cute).

No. 123854

File: 1651040802998.jpeg (Spoiler Image,919.76 KB, 1242x1397, C774E14E-2C7A-4243-8DCE-3B2214…)

She’s asking for donations because she’s short on rent kek

No. 123855

File: 1651043424137.png (191.25 KB, 460x374, 7CDB760E-64AC-47E5-A28A-591244…)

This is such an obvious Belle Delphine larp. But girl, you need to fix that wig and makeup. Anime makeup would look a million times better on her since it’d change her eye shape

No. 123856

This is just plain sad. Vivi I hope you are seeing this and keeps you motivated to better your life.

No. 123857

>belle delphine larp
Or maybe belle delphine is just a very stereotypical weeb porn star and actually has no originality? She’s not the first to wear pink wig, cat ears and long socks. She won’t be the last.
You should go back to her thread because you sound like a fan and that’s embarrassing.

No. 123858

No. 123859

when she turns her head like this she always looks like she got caught stealing something
retarded take

No. 123860

Back to your containment thread newfag

No. 123861

We don’t give a fuck about Belle, you skelly fuck. Learn how to sage your sped outbursts and go purge your breakfast.

No. 123862

Can you really call buying two overpriced workout outfits, some shoes, protein powder and pre-workout powder all to go to the gym a handful of times a phase though?

No. 123863

Some anon on Moo’s thread just called Jessica Nigri “obese.” Has Elon deleted some skelly’s Twitter account, perhaps?

No. 123864

I think she's comfortable at this size where she can just barely squeeze into a size small and eat whatever she wants on the menu, I don't think it's going to develop past this because going full feeder means she would have to size up.
I think it was even less than a handful of times. Shay doesn't commit to anything, she would be more likely to go ana again than commit to a workout schedule or make use of a gym membership.

No. 123865

i think it’s funny when everyone’s like ya she “confirmed” she has a singular implant. as if shayna isn’t a compulsive liar. as if she wouldn’t just say that to seem interesting and/or explain why her body looks the way it does. like, sure she claims to have one fake tit but she also claimed to have had routine stomach surgeries for a chronic digestive issue and then once she started going full nude and there was no scar, just completely dropped the story never to mention it again. i mean honestly, what doctor would put ONE implant in a CHILD’s chest? seeing as she would have had to be under 18 when this happened. all that’s “confirmed” is shayna SAID she has one implant but she’s literally just lying for fun per usual and it’s funny to me that anyone thinks it’s even remotely plausible

No. 123866

Anon doctors do it all the time. You sound retarded.

No. 123867

Too bad her parents paid for that tiddy. I doubt one-titty-shay would’ve been confident enough to go into sw

No. 123868

>going full feeder means she would have to size up
She's going to continue to get bigger. She's never going to make the lifestyle requirements needed to loose weight, so she might as well get paid to turn into a ham planet which is an inevitably anyway.

No. 123869

Oh god stfu already. The implant story is plausible and even if it weren't wtf do you and every anon bitching about it gain from constantly denying it on shayna's behalf? Who fucking cares. Stop bringing it up every thread.

No. 123870

So why did she tell that scrote to avoid punching the veiny breast? That plus Vivis story, the look makes it seem real. If shayna really thought it made her look cool she'd brag about it on Twitter.

She's going to size up because of all the drinking and eating she does. She's not just going to maintain this weight. Her face already has alcohol bloat and look at her arms? She's not active at all and eats like a child

No. 123871

are you mentally ill? calm down

No. 123872

File: 1651073659076.jpeg (370.51 KB, 1170x1422, 1614D059-0C27-4044-B877-346836…)

Wow, making the big bucks Shay

No. 123873

Men drop loads in anything willing. This isn’t a flex. If it was a four digit number it would be worth posting. She got that bargain bin snatch

No. 123874

She probably showed her the scar and talked about it and showed her so vivi would avoid hitting it or something. It’s probably painful as fuck as my guess is why she’s sick all the time(at least one of the reasons) and doesn’t talk about why she’s sick.

Shay likely had a deformity and her parents paid a lot of money to fix it so she would have a “normal” childhood. It’s not impossible.

No. 123875

>sometimes I want to be embarrassed for her but I just can’t anymore.
lmao anon

No. 123876

It’s probably painful because she has capsular contraction, which is why the one boob is so high and weird looking. Implants aren’t something you can just throw into your body and forget about, they don’t belong in you, your body knows it, and they need to be replaced every ten years.
Shay should get it removed, get a breast lift and maybe some fat transfer to even her boobs out a bit, and learn to live with the underdeveloped tiddy. It doesn’t look good, it’s a health risk, and the odds of her being able to keep up with a boob job every ten years are slim to none.

No. 123877

I feel her parents would pay for it if it became something serious. Sometimes i wonder if the small surgery was for her breasts and it wasn't something that she really needed to do right away. So she just didn't. I always wondered what the "I have to get small surgery" thing was about. She never really followed up with it. It couldn't be for the boils because they are still there and she never looked like she had gotten them removed.

No. 123878

she has an implant, now all we gotta do is get Kyle to admit she was the shameful sidetranny;. no way that's real pussy. that's a ballsack for one thing. and for another there's no way that's not a ballsack. fr just on bgod though I can't stand this dude. he has such a disgusting perspective on everything and it's to do with how he gapes as a lifestyle tranny. he started with being the "stoner girl" stereotype on tumbler and then immediately into ddlg, not learning anything a double x indivual would learn from it, just acting ever increasingly troonlike. it's; real not that far from the "realm" ofpossibili.ty it's in its capital city. dude is a dude, we can learn to agree on it

No. 123879

File: 1651076852719.png (533.74 KB, 1052x658, troonietunes.png)

my mayochup brings all the chasers to my Tumblr

No. 123880

The evidence is stacked up too high for implant deniers. Vivi’s confirming it, the old friend too, Russel’s comment about not hitting it, plus the literal implant scar under it, also just looking at it in motion it’s pretty obvious. I’m sure she’s insecure about it, why would she brag about having an implant to fix a deformity when she was a kid? I’m sure at the time she got it she was very embarrassed about it and that has carried through to adulthood. I think they’re getting tripped up thinking she got a “boob job” as a kid instead of a fix for a growth problem during puberty. It’s not that crazy

No. 123881

Just wow. I feel like I lost brain cells reading this.

No. 123882

please let this be bait anon, get well soon

No. 123883

I don't know if this is a joke or not, but the shameful, painful laugh I just gave. I'd believe Fupaul to be a troon with a overgrown clit before I believe Shayna to be one. Shayna has always been Shayna. Not Shane

No. 123884

>I'd believe Fupaul to be a troon with a overgrown clit before I believe Shayna to be one.
>Shayna has always been Shayna. Not Shane
I’m laughing so much the state of this thread kek

No. 123885

File: 1651078169082.jpeg (442.65 KB, 1170x1337, 5527891E-FF45-467E-AE26-761D44…)

Probably involves food and booze

No. 123886

File: 1651078339046.jpeg (392.49 KB, 750x971, 41A09492-58D6-4AD2-8D4C-6C4571…)

This made me laugh it’s so weird and specific kek

No. 123887

I hate Shatna as much as anyone but seriously, what scar? She's so shit at retouching and also in her ugly ass candid lake monster photos I didn't see any scars. Yeah she is disgusting, but not because of any boob deformity or implant or wrinkly pussy. She's a fat and unwashed pothead who can't dress or apply makeup for the love of her life. This combined with being an irresponsible attention whore AND THE PEDO PANDERING make her the ugliest bitch ever.

Anon ffs, come on, she is never ever a troon although her body is fridgy as fuck.

No. 123888

File: 1651078441539.jpeg (161.67 KB, 750x559, CDFFFE5B-7592-446F-A681-1CC623…)

nothing like a smoke sesh with the girlies where you straight piss yourself every time you pass the blunt

No. 123889

She was telling people around her about her implant way before her significant weight gain though. Like it was tinfoiled about because of what looks like an implant scar, veins and stiffness. It only became more glaringly obvious after the other one started growing. She wouldn't have needed to say anything about it prior, but she clearly did to her "friends" who then came here.

At this point the only thing that could confirm it any more is if she literally said it herself and then some of you still wouldn't believe it.

No. 123890

File: 1651078983415.png (Spoiler Image,300 KB, 609x609, 1527539900254.png)

Her scar is the bottom pic, it was easier to spot when she was thin.

No. 123891

File: 1651079108680.jpeg (Spoiler Image,213.32 KB, 1206x2208, 4D47840C-459B-45AC-948A-FE1863…)

You can see it here on the right too. Most of the time her tit flops over and covers it

No. 123892

It always looks like one tit is trying to escape.

No. 123893

I wonder how she feels with all the tit nitpicking and sperging

No. 123894

you are mentally ill

No. 123895

File: 1651080718108.jpeg (179.37 KB, 750x1616, 318B0F35-E4EF-4DB9-AACD-128D09…)

Ellen finally found a man. Now she can stop bitching about being touch starved and horny all the time. I bet Shayna is relieved she doesn’t have to worry about touching her

No. 123896

Bad I imagine. Though, Shayna only will feel truly upset if men start noticing or stop paying her. Until then, her self esteem and worth is low but at least scrotes pay attention.

No. 123897

What the actual fuck. She'll fake anything for attention, the chance at getting a like or a dollar.
I got nauseous thinking of the smell of piss and weed smoke and the image of a bunch of fat ugly retards in diapers sitting in a room doing that.

No. 123898

Jfc Ellen Degenerate. Congrats on finally getting some dick but you sound mental and desperate. Guess she is though. I also feel part of this was to rub it in Shays face lol. Hope they end their fake relationship.

No. 123899

File: 1651083922588.jpeg (273.16 KB, 1364x1080, 22D331D1-A355-44ED-A47E-0EBC91…)

Please tell me they aren’t going out in public I can see her nipple

No. 123900

File: 1651084151301.jpg (660.84 KB, 1284x1647, FaceApp_1651083974012.jpg)

Shane has an implant, now all we gotta do is get Kyle to admit she was the shameful sidetranny;. no way that's real pussy. that's a ballsack for one thing. and for another there's no way that's not a ballsack. fr just on bgod though I can't stand this dude. he has such a disgusting perspective on everything and it's to do with how he gapes as a lifestyle tranny. he started with being the "stoner girl" stereotype on tumbler and then immediately into ddlg, not learning anything a double x indivual would learn from it, just acting ever increasingly troonlike. it's; real not that far from the "realm" ofpossibili.ty it's in its capital city. dude is a dude, we can learn to agree on it(retard)

No. 123901

Not even pissfags would find this sexy

No. 123902

Can you please stop being fucking retarded and go look at one of Shay’s older threads for five minutes? She was on tumblr before she turned 18 and she posted pictures of her pussy literally the minute she was legal. She’s ugly as sin, but she is a biological woman. You should seriously start taking your meds.

No. 123903


No. 123904

it's a bad joke, I'm not the nonnie who made that dumb ass post in the first place, I'm sorry. I know Shayna isn't a man

No. 123905

Anon it’s a copypasta scroll up

No. 123906

she is just shitposting, let her have her fun

No. 123907

>calm down!
yep, you’re definitely the white knight from the belle thread. Why don’t you calm down and get a life? You’re obsessed.

No. 123908

File: 1651086856792.jpeg (147.08 KB, 750x570, 5BFF6801-99A9-400E-A3DF-F7305B…)

I bet she calls the kids she babysits that too

No. 123909

Can we please refrain from restarting an argument that ended hours ago?

No. 123910

File: 1651087142669.jpeg (507.13 KB, 923x930, AECA125B-9284-4F34-8931-64550D…)

>”I may be small, but I own every fucking inch of you” - Dommy Tardell

No. 123911

File: 1651087180498.jpeg (Spoiler Image,258.97 KB, 1224x1416, 3A92EC39-0BD0-42D9-B4B9-8FE39A…)

Dommes of Walmart looking ass

No. 123912

File: 1651087273059.jpeg (Spoiler Image,775.09 KB, 1242x1097, CCF558C8-99F4-42AB-B8DB-4F0E55…)

Samefag but the whole video isn’t worth posting but the part of her describing herself as small is fucking funny

No. 123913

File: 1651087274710.gif (2.26 MB, 320x320, A4D61871-1F31-49C7-90FD-19A816…)

I’m so sorry for my autism but this is all I could think of when I saw this kek

No. 123914

Shayna she was just telling your lard ass to GET the small fries

No. 123915

Now you know them girls aint getting no Small fries.

No. 123916

I know she’s a lazy person and a complete mess, but I don’t understand how when her entire job is making these photo sets/videos, she doesn’t spend even 30 mins a day working out. can one of her Splenda daddies not pay her $10 a day to close her Apple Watch rings or something, or do the moids actually enjoy her content looking like this?

No. 123917

At least some of her coomers are probably feeders. There's groups of them that watch different sex workers and report who is gaining weight so other coomers can enjoy seeing a woman get fatter.

No. 123918

I know scrotes standards are low, but the scrotes into this are probably men into women who look "Attainable". Shayna looks like the type of girl they feel they could actually bag. She's not an extremely popular or attractive pornstar.
She's willing to do disgusting shit for free/cheap. Plus it seems to be older white men. Most of them don't care she doesn't have a ass, and she's a young girl showing off her tits/body. They'll take anything. She's cheap. She's not an investment.
Realistic her body type/look is above average for someone like Womack but below average for a handsome scrote. The men who watch her are weirdo ugly dudes themselves.

No. 123919

File: 1651088050855.png (1.91 MB, 1960x1362, Screen Shot 2022-04-27 at 2.32…)

your cockle is mine. your mouse is mine. your as shole is mine. everything in between. everything the sun doesn't touch is mine to eat but first let me have a stroke

No. 123920

kek she looks like shit how does she get worse with every day it's astounding

No. 123921

Belle is as worthless as Shayna, neither have an original bone in their body or thought in their head. Die mad about it.

No. 123922

NTA but at least belle is well known and has a loyal fan base of coomers. The internet still hates her after her constant creepy loli cosplay and her disgusting porn videos but she still made headlines. Shayna could only dream

No. 123923

Damn that dick small af

No. 123924

bet she cant even sit lol
idc about belle but is like she came, did it better and then laugh her ass about all this concept. and got money, like real money to buy a house and a car… i have seen sex workers taking years to buy a bed

No. 123925

that's the beer belly of a 50 year old man who drinks and smokes heavily and eats nothing but burger king

No. 123926

imagine having a nice thing to say about a scammy cunt lmfao cant relate

No. 123927

Please go back to your autistic containment thread

No. 123928

why is she just holding a random larger dildo? it’s like she comes up with this off the top of her head and does one take and says “wow i’m perfect this is a perfect video”

No. 123929

i thought drop a load meant to poop

No. 123930

File: 1651092820598.jpeg (342.4 KB, 1080x2326, AC9EC9BC-0CFE-4FC1-9851-D22467…)

Oh no she’s actually going out like that

No. 123931

File: 1651093354969.png (2.92 MB, 750x1334, C7ADF792-64E0-4393-960E-9670E0…)

Her gut is trying to escape this cheap Amazon ageplay shit. I can’t imagine seeing this out in public https://streamable.com/4jgsu0

No. 123932

File: 1651093807657.jpeg (522.88 KB, 966x811, 656A41E8-3BA4-4CDF-9124-329808…)

She looks like a clueless suburban mom ready to live it up on her one night out a year, dressed to the zeroes in her Party City Halloween costume. Her name could be Shannon, driving a minivan around while her sticky toddlers watch Cocomelon. In an alternate timeline, maybe, since she can't stand the idea of infantilizing or prioritizing anyone other than herself. At least some of the other ageplayer prostitutes can dress in a manner that's flattering or cohesive. She just loses the plot every time, and looks haggard while doing it. So fucking bleak.(nitpicking)

No. 123933

Why do people in this thread immediately repost pictures but zoomed in like we can’t do that ourselves

No. 123934

File: 1651094524384.jpeg (388.27 KB, 1170x2366, 9ECBA774-0D25-4C62-B532-986150…)

Gammy Mattel wants to know if you'd like a Werther's Original

No. 123935

God the state of that banger. The days of red hot nails are over now, Shayna.

No. 123936

File: 1651095153482.png (73.62 KB, 435x600, uter.png)

it's giving uter from the simpsons but in pink

No. 123937

ah yes, calf socks and ugg slippers. so bimbo. much fashion.

No. 123938

it's so gross and dirty ughhhhh clean your piece shayna

No. 123939

You just know she would rather buy a new one than actually bother to clean it

No. 123940

File: 1651097673121.jpeg (439.89 KB, 750x1075, 1D2AB36E-BBE3-4495-82AD-BA86F5…)

It’s lingerie from DollsKill of course. It really looks like an ugly Walmart bikini for kids though

No. 123941

Is this where fatty got the idea of hand warmers for no reason?

No. 123942

File: 1651097910184.jpeg (99.68 KB, 750x560, 721EF466-A720-4649-9986-A70147…)

Womack coming through to help Ellen pay Shayna’s rent. They’re going to a fucking aquarium with Shayna dressed like that

No. 123943

Ugh, just losing like 50 pounds would at least make her decent looking. This shit is depressing to look at. How can she choose to show off how she looks for a living and look like this? I’d wake up wanting to kill myself everyday. Guess that’s what all the alcohol is for.

No. 123944

He is such a pathetic cuck.

No. 123945

She’s wearing a see-through top, nipples clearly showing and baby fetish clothes to an aquarium full of children and families. What the fuck

No. 123946

This was already posted we know she buys from them it looks like a Walmart swimsuit though. Looks way better on a skinny younger looking model Still ugly as sin though

No. 123947

The staff will probably assume that she's a special needs adult.

No. 123948

Sometimes I thought there “I wore this for a date” where a daft they are sharing stuff they’d change out of but… no she’s genuinely going to the aquarium with her “girlfriend” who’s on a high after getting dick dressed in a cheap shein costume with timberlands? Who ever said weed doesn’t fuck up your mental capacity

No. 123949

>Ellen Dresel charged Jason R Womack for: Dollys rent :(
Kek that’s so embarrassing

No. 123950

The sad smiley face LMFAOOOOO

No. 123951

The fucking messy buns, ugly sweatband, ear lobe gash, and ugly overalls with her muffin top bulging through, wtf

No. 123952

for her to do such a mayhem everytime she goes out, this is how i know that when she “forgot to take pics of the outfit” is because she never went out, like that “social event” like who in their fucking 20s use that term.
i used to feel shame for her, but now i feel sorry for her life, must suck! it sucks so much that she has to document everytime she goes out.
also i wish Renton anon would have look at this and went spy mode kek jk

No. 123953

I love how Wormack gives us a lil splash of milk. Telling all their damn buiness, now we know where these idiots are.
Why the fuck is he giving Ellen money for her rent again? Was it ever explained? If Womack stops orbiting Shayna then she's going to be shit out of luck because he's the only scrote giving her real money.

No. 123954

People probably legit think she's mentally off. It's not sexy, it's not cute, even if it was slightly baggy and not up her small crack, she'd still look like a retard in that outfit. I'm sure she'll get some, "you look so cute" from concerned older women.

No. 123955

Lmao, this is so embarrassing for everyone involved.
Womack is the biggest retard.

No. 123956

And why can't Shayna beg? Why is Ellen doing it? It's so stupid.

No. 123957

They'll probably have staff follow them to make sure they don't do anything disgusting and I'm sure they will assume she's actually unironically retarded.

No. 123958

It’s speculated the apartment is under Ellen’s name and she pays part of the rent. I’m guessing she offered to as part of convincing Shayna to come back to Seattle. Right before she left Oklahoma she was talking all about her “bestie” in Seattle taking tours of apartments and picking up her keys for her. And this isn’t the first time Womack has paid Ellen for rent. He always pays Shayna through CashApp so it’s not like it’s his only way of paying her. It’s clear Ellen is the one normally paying some of the rent

No. 123959

File: 1651107469690.jpeg (642.1 KB, 750x1029, 7A1E0C86-C5F0-4401-8C54-FD5697…)

I’m getting 2nd hand embarrassment at the idea of these two overweight woman roleplaying baby and mumma in front of the general public

No. 123960

at least she put on a jacket over that shit

No. 123961

It’s alcohol too..

No. 123962

File: 1651107942499.jpeg (262.17 KB, 949x1216, 0EECBA89-E270-4BCA-BEF7-9D122B…)

Damn that bitch is big

No. 123963

and coombrain

No. 123964

File: 1651108112314.jpeg (154.07 KB, 1242x359, 440EACDD-5253-4217-A8C8-72373C…)

Do any instafags have an account to see what she posts?

No. 123965

kek not quite brave enough to wear that ugly fit without a jacket huh?

No. 123966

File: 1651108447397.jpeg (66.5 KB, 750x723, 17EB8F25-C595-47A3-BBB8-837ACE…)

Manifesting a Washington anon to run into Ellen and Shaynus in the wild, like Oklahoma anon ran into fupapa and shaytard at a burger joint

No. 123967

File: 1651108593961.jpeg (724.79 KB, 750x935, CC4CB270-0712-4AA4-98FB-D3790D…)

Seafood boil on Womack’s dime

No. 123968

Thought those were her new "bimbo" claws for a sec

No. 123969

i tried to follow her once in my life but she blocked me asap and it was my personal account but she was public then, isnt she public anymore?
even her face looks big and that damn arm i cant wait for her to be on cam kek

No. 123970

damn fucking fatasses. I love how she’s pan handling for rent money but goes out. She can’t even keep her stories straight. Why tf would you eat out if you can’t even afford rent? Too bad her coomers are too brain dead to question her lies; and ask why she’s going out when she’s “broke”?

No. 123971

File: 1651108963494.jpeg (397.18 KB, 1259x929, 91DD0058-3329-4266-8D60-30A424…)

I’m just glad it was cold so she had to put a jacket on. No one needs to see that

No. 123972

Womack paid the rent and for dinner >>123942

No. 123973

I can read. I’m just saying her lying and stories never fucking add up.

No. 123974

I think that is where you belong lmfao getting salty over a passing snark chill

No. 123975

File: 1651110515230.jpeg (298.43 KB, 750x617, D35E52EF-B599-44BF-AA2E-6376E7…)

Yeah with Womack’s contribution

No. 123976

that's so weird to go see the fishes at the aquarium and then stuff your guy with seafood. what a pig

No. 123977

Her tone in this doesnt match the "bratty" vibe she tried tragically to dress for and was going for so its even more of a mess. Also the faces and sounds shes making like she actually is feeling the dildo-cock strokes and is aroused is kinda weird. She should of used her fake uwu voice and been more playful. That was way too awkwardly serious for the clowny look she went with.

No. 123978

Why is the headband a fucking inch tall?? I thought they were chunky novelty headphones at first.

No. 123979

It’s funny how Shay seeks maternal nurturing from Ellen when she hates her real mother so much. This post reminds me of what she posted the time her bio mother took her to see Disney on Ice mid-Fupa saga.
There’s no chemistry or affection towards Ellen at all. It’s literally always “she took me to X and bought me Y”.

No. 123980

Still dabbing despite her lung and health issues and admitting she needs to cut back barely a couple weeks ago. Classic

No. 123981

There were other outfits she bought pieces of from the site where the model was wearing arm and legwarmers. But shes totally a trend setter with an eye for fashion!
God I still dont believe its lingerie its fucking ugly and retarded looing. At least Half of it is made from actual swimsuit material.
Wish she'd stop buying the tacky shit from that garbo site.

No. 123982

File: 1651112337164.png (4.28 MB, 750x1334, ED5783FD-7249-41A8-A547-41CAD1…)

More weed

No. 123983

Not to be a veg-fag but thats fucked up to go to an aquarium and be like "ooo cute animals/sea creatures" and then right after get a whole platter of sea creatures boiled up to eat.

No. 123984

It’s fucking ironic that she got sea food after seeing animals at the aquarium. So retarded kek

No. 123985

it makes me kinda sad that she dont say it that Womack is the one supporting her financially, or her dinner,he must be Supreme Daddy but shes never going to say it.
But on the other hand, Womack is so stoopid that even got catfished kek

No. 123986

>Spoiled tf outta me
Couple dollar playboys, couple dollar records, and a maybe $8 (ugly) plush,, spoiled!! lmfao

No. 123987

File: 1651113608569.jpeg (80.13 KB, 185x329, 8795688F-FE79-471D-947A-005637…)

She kinda looks like the gun girl who shit her pants

No. 123988

Idk those stuffed animals you get from the zoo or aquarium are horribly overpriced kek probably dropped $20 each on those things.

Hhahahahhaa wow look how happy she looks with all that food in front of her. And of course the water that was sipped on once. All that butter…jfc. Fatty heaven right there.

No. 123989

Kek it doesn’t even look like she touched the complimentary water she’s got what looks like an Oreo milkshake next to it

No. 123990

alternative POV you are celebrating your wife's 46th birthday without the kids after she worked out

No. 123991

i've always thought this. they both have this fake whiny ass voice they only do for the camera too.

No. 123992

She definitely didnt drink the water at all. Ellens has a straw in it because she was at least intending to actually hydrate.

No. 123993

Lol She should smile like this in her photos from now on instead of that stupid smirk or teeth pushing smile she always does. She looks legitimately happy.

No. 123994


this one has better hair. Actually looks like what Shayna's hair could have been if she wasn't so damn retarded

No. 123995

Why why why would you ever let some creepy coomer know where you're going/when your rent is due/what your fake girlfriend's real name and venmo is, like is your safety worth so little? This is so embarrassing. Love the sad face though.

No. 123996

because his unemployment checks make up about 80% of her income

No. 123997

Blogpost but I was at the airport at the same time as her, and was downtown by the aquarium today (not intentional, didn’t know she was there until now). I want to run into her sometime I’m just sooo curious. I can’t imagine this being actually existing in public

No. 123998

File: 1651117236274.webm (4.53 MB, 480x852, “She Works Hard for Her Money”…)

Pictures were already posted but here are the stories condensed into two videos. I’ve omitted the first story which is just >>123819

No. 123999

Working """hard""" for Womack's money.

No. 124000

File: 1651117595470.webm (3.34 MB, 480x852, Smoking weed as a personality …)

No. 124001

This is why I thought the song choice was amusing

No. 124002

Seattle aquarium tickets are $30, stuffed animals are like $20, meal from crab pot $70, + what I assumed are 2 cocktails + some souvenir type cheep items = $30x2 + $20x2 + $70 + $10x2 + $20idk? = $200+ date when they can’t afford rent.

+ the weed that she needed to use to cope leaving her apartment

No. 124003

Does she ever actually inhale or is that too much work.

No. 124004

File: 1651119086146.jpeg (399.96 KB, 1242x765, 19042E2D-F110-4B5C-ABE6-AF0D93…)

Whatever you do
Don’t click on this troons page
An absolute nightmare

No. 124005

I don’t think she couldn’t afford rent. I think she makes ir (barely). I think the whole thing a way to get tips when her content isn’t generating them

No. 124006

Kek imagine being referred to as “it”

No. 124007

They meant the dildo

No. 124008

This site is confusing me. but please stop photoshopping my fiancés face onto photos of this woman. Whatever they had? It’s over. I have been with jay for 3 months now. He is distraught over this filth. Please stop.

It hurts to see his image be tarnished. He is a family man and does not engage in this lifestyle. Please let him be. Post(namefagging cuck)

No. 124009

Ma'am… Hes been throwing money at this e whore for a year now and comments on all of her posts with "love u sexy angel" and shit lmao. He very much publicly engages in "that lifestyle" so wake up and get out. A family man shouldnt use his face and name on accounts he interacts with porn on while personally thirsting after a shitty ugly sex worker.

No. 124010

oh my god i wake up and open at 2am and stumble on this milk wtf. So sorry to tell you this girl but he sent her rent money like, today, and has been her number one financial supporter for her otherwise cheese-burger priced pussy. get out of there while you can there is something seriously fucked in the head of someone who’s been in love with a disinterested ugly trailer park whore he’s never met for multiple years

No. 124011

How did you find this website

No. 124012

"Its over" and yet hes sending her money for rent AGAIN and dinner dates >>123942 . He sends her money and interacts with her all the time. He's literally her #1 coomer. Idk what to tell you besides look for yourself and do better for yourself.

No. 124013

this has to be a troll or she’s just as retarded as him why did she put her first name kek

No. 124014

Fucking KEK lmaoooooo

No. 124015

Must be trolling they even saged properly

No. 124016

someone should try to find a Nadine attached to his name/Facebook and find out, might be the reason he’s sending rent money to Ellen instead of Shayna the last 3 months

No. 124017

You can type anything in the email field to sage, technically. I think "sage" just makes the field blank though.

No. 124018

for the sake of yourself and your family get some dignity and braincells and leave him

No. 124019

they wrote their email they did not sage lol

milk incoming! poor woman though..

No. 124020

If you are really his gf he's sending money to a woman with lopsided tits who larps as a baby and writes story about CSA as a kink. He just gave her girlfriend Ellen, who stole a baby's pacifier and posted about it online in a sexual way, money to pay Shaynas rent and for them to eat Seafood.
He lusts after a woman who literally wears diapers and pretends to be a baby. Get help and get away.
If this is fake, kek key key etc

No. 124021

Unfortunately someone has sent photoshopped images of his poor face on a naked woman, and this website was sent to his Facebook that we share. It popped up on Messenger. Very sad but I will discuss this with him.

In the meantime I would highly appreciate his face and name be left off of this website. Otherwise possibly will need to get the law involved. I am unsure who this lady is? But I will read replies and see where this leads.Regards

No. 124022

„jay“ actually once bought a weed pipe from her which she put up her ass, he might still be using it. and that‘s the family man you‘re kissing? damn

No. 124023

SA, NGL this could be Ellen or someone. Womack is their cash cow. I think it bothers him we talk shit about him and he complains to Shayna or Ellen. Or Ellen and Shayna are so afraid to lose the only coomer who pays well.

No. 124024

Obvious troll. Cmon as if.

No. 124025

hoping this is real so finally that ugly inbred pig jason womack learns his lesson

No. 124026

ok nadine

No. 124027

So Tammy Nadine, I'm going to pretend like this is real. How come Womack doesn't have a picture of you on his Facebook? Also, why don't you upload the picture that was sent? Just click the choose file button and click "Spoiler Image" button.

No. 124028

If you have children, don't leave them alone with him please

No. 124029

Random late night milk on a Thursday? Oh this is going to be rich, bait or not

No. 124030

Nadine: he is sending her money regularly up until yesterday. The evidence is in this thread, and in threads dating back 3 months. He has been interacting with her constantly. To the point where he is notoriously one of her best clients. He had her as his phone wallpaper like 2 days ago

No. 124031

That was grayhair with the wallpaper but yeah, if this isn't a troll, get the fuck away from him lady

No. 124032

Girl, run away, he will make you use your money to support this freak who writes CSA stories and badly acts them.

No. 124033

Is there anyway you can verify your relationship to him?

No. 124034

I think this is likely a troll, I tried running the email she provided through Epieos (email search) and nothing came up

No. 124035

>please stop photoshopping my fiancés face
>I have been with jay for 3 months now
Lmao how is anyone falling for this. As if Womack isn’t such a sack of sad shit, he wouldn’t be posting about managing to get engaged to a live woman all the time

No. 124036

oh no, she and shayna dont even make out? I have thought anons exaggerated in the past about shayna being fake bi but this makes me believe more than ever. Jesus, doesnt even kiss her gf? just dreary

No. 124037

What is the source of this? Where was it originally posted?

No. 124038

Ellen’s Venmo (?) or some other money sending/receiving app

No. 124039

I agree, this smile is actually cute on her! I think this expression flexes her jaw muscles, her face looks less round. And I even see an adorable dimple on one cheek

No. 124040

I don’t see it anon, I just see ugly.

No. 124041

Eeeh.. it makes her look happy and less retarded which is really nice. It also does that nose of hers a favor. She's still an ugly rat inside and out though.

No. 124042

I'd love to know how you came to this conclusion kek. You have to type sage to sage. And "sage" doesn't make the field blank, it puts "sage" in the email field.

No. 124043

>3 months

Also took me a second and I was like who the fuck is Jason. Weak bait.

No. 124044

I agree it's likely a troll but in a place like Oklahoma that's a very probable timeline kek

No. 124045

File: 1651157871926.jpeg (807.49 KB, 1170x1632, 08C0259D-8BA6-4E49-A32E-D5D9D3…)

Take your own advice Shay

No. 124046

Does she tweet about this every day to seriously cope or is it a show for the "haters"? Also fat keks at Nadine. Bring the milk. I hope she's real.

No. 124047

I came to that conclusion because Im half retarded lol it was late and I took a guess. I made a post where I put "test" in the email field and it actually had the same affect as sage I think? So really Idk sorry for dumb

No. 124048

This isn't saged you retard kek, you wrote "thisis@test.com" in the email field and bumped the thread.

If you don't write sage it bumps the thread. The point of sage is to not bump the thread.

No. 124049

I just typed Test literally and that was last night that I did that and deleted it immediately. So Im not sure if that was me. Anyway, I already said sorry for being dumb I never claimed to actually know how the coding and stuff works on the site. I know the basic rules and how to put sage in the email field though.

No. 124050

Is that not exactly what she did to Vivi..?

No. 124051

Kek, she thinks she "won" against Vivi, so now this is all she's going to talk about.
"This big meanie sex worker tried to make a call out on me but it failed!"

No. 124052

she can’t be this retarded right? like this is satire or something right? right?

No. 124053

Nah that was another poster who deleted their post. You're fine, as long as you put sage in email for non-milk posts and follow basic etiquette you can't go wrong. Keep in mind people can see what you write in the email field.

No. 124054

I want Ellen to steal Womack. Come on Ellen, it would be so easy.

No. 124055

Like i said, I would'nt be surpised if it was some weird Orbiter, Ellen or even Womack, trying (poorly) to get us to stop talking about him. It's telling that after we saw Ellen begging for rent money, that suddenly his "girlfriend" came to the thread?
No, someone, probably Ellen is getting scared we might scared Womack away. Or Womack is sensitive to us talking about him. If it actually is his "GF" i'd be shocked.

No. 124056

I hate when she does this, she see's some shit going on but she's too pussy to state her opinion towards the person (or people), so she makes another identical post about how "Call outs are bad".
And she only feels this way because she's thinking of the time she was called out. Just be brave and stop throwing subs.

No. 124057

File: 1651164320606.jpeg (Spoiler Image,138.06 KB, 750x1277, 2734AFFB-90B8-4E3F-8975-55923A…)

Oh man this trailer is painful to watch

No. 124058

She’s referring to the Vivi situation

No. 124059

File: 1651164499347.jpeg (163.64 KB, 750x611, 520145AA-EF5A-4521-BA70-4AD3CC…)

And yet you were still short on rent until Ellen and Womack stepped in

No. 124060

truly amaze me how in the pictures she can hide her belly beer or make it look smaller and then theres a video with a different POV and BOOM FUCKING FATSO

No. 124061

She really is getting chunky.

No. 124062

File: 1651165207858.jpeg (Spoiler Image,212.32 KB, 750x420, 755E2D19-E3DD-4841-AA3B-2789A9…)

No kidding

No. 124063

Of course she’s one of those assholes that taps on the glass with their nails.

No. 124064

I mean Vivi was letting other swers know you're a two faced scammy cunt who doesn't want to make content with girls/anyone shes not personally attracted to. Which is fine, but don't bullshit. And dont use people.

No. 124065

File: 1651166801657.jpeg (283.63 KB, 750x748, C7E8B7B4-52C9-44EE-8725-DB44C5…)

She’s going to look ridiculous in a baby bonnet with a giant baby bottle. I don’t understand how this is sexy it reminds me of bad comedy sketches of fat people dressed as giant babies

No. 124066

Yeah i'm sure some boomer rednecks boomer redneck gf knows about and posts on lolcow. The iq in this thread is in the negatives at this point.

No. 124067

That's because you're not a desperate pedophile, nonnie

No. 124068

File: 1651167270992.png (305.5 KB, 680x312, Capture.PNG)

All I can think about is this, if someone with more talent can edit this into something funny and Shay like i'd love you forever.

No. 124069

Fiance. Been together 3 months. What?

No. 124070

File: 1651170627537.jpeg (154.27 KB, 720x818, B9FE5370-891B-45AF-BA13-3E20FB…)

No. 124071

File: 1651171939608.jpeg (573.44 KB, 2911x3464, 5B4D4617-E5F4-4159-A0AF-1C49A4…)

No. 124072

>scamming pedos
Are we supposed to feel bad for them?

No. 124073

Yeah she has ”adorable” dimples all over her hank ass. It’s called cellulite, nonnie….. she has never had cheek dimples it just looks like a brown line on her face.

No. 124074

Does she interact with Max R Cameron a literal predator in the community who sexually harassed women under the guise of “kink”

No. 124075

File: 1651177600375.jpeg (330.96 KB, 1242x1018, 5BF28FF1-8D42-4FBB-A55B-6C03F3…)

Sooo Womack didn’t send enough for rent? Kek

No. 124076

File: 1651177643122.jpeg (Spoiler Image,1.23 MB, 1242x1362, 7FCAD892-BDF9-412A-9A1D-F6C8BF…)


No. 124077

Haha right like oh the coomer doesn’t get to see the porn he wanted! What a fucking bitch reeeee! It’s men’s faults for paying for that nasty shit in the first place, let them learn some consequence and stop thinking with their dick first

No. 124078

i cba to look for it but this image reminded me of when her and bratty butterface shat on some girl for having a pfp holding a fish

No. 124079

What a fucking scammy whore. Womack and Ellen covered the rent I’m sure she just wants more

No. 124080

i dont get that she always puts (if i owe you content pls DM) like girl, thats your ONLY job and you owe content? ill say she scam people and thats why she cant keep a following.
tinfoil but i bet the “scamming account” that Womack was catfished, it was her tryin to come clean.

No. 124081

This bitch literally so fat

No. 124082

I know she's scamming but how is she not stressed out all the time? Not being able to afford rent is fucking terrifying but I guess she just numbs herself with weed and alcohol and relies on womack or her dad to bail her out every time

No. 124083

File: 1651182966596.jpeg (55.76 KB, 360x360, 939CFF05-96C8-4E70-9B27-BFDBD9…)

vile wig styling, it looks like pink slime

No. 124084

She's feigning necessity. Her needs have and will always be taken care of by family or whoever she's letting suck her ballsack gunt. It's easier to milk men in a parasitic relationship out of money if you lie about your life and home being at risk because they want to be captain save a hoe. Makes them feel like they did a good deed while objectifying and degrading women.

No. 124085

This really irks me. Like it is your job to know who bought content from you. Can you imagine if a professional did something like that (“hi if anyone bought from my Etsy shop can you send me a DM so I can get you your product, ty.”)

No. 124086

Get a wig cap and stop piling your greasyass hair on your head then slapping a wig on.

No. 124087

Like its that hard for her to have a journal, notes app, or even just screenshots. No one is ever like "oh if you bought a product/service from me please let me know what it was with your own screenshot because I keep no records or receipts of my own!" Incredible.

No. 124088

Ot but that’s exactly how a lot of Etsy shops do run, or at least certainly the Etsy/indie perfumers. What a cow goldmine that scene is

No. 124089

The funny thing is that she has shared messages of people enquiring about their customs while throwing a hissy fit about impatient clients.
They do? Yikes!

No. 124090

is there somewhere you can elaborate on this anon? I want to know more now, kek

No. 124091

your fiancé sends all his money to some nasty e-whore, have some self respect and leave his ass

No. 124092

File: 1651203640905.jpeg (198.41 KB, 750x846, 8E49EE79-BEE2-412B-B08F-FFB77D…)

Womack paid Ellen even more rent money today

No. 124093

no puede ser

No. 124094

Jaja pinche pendejo

No. 124095

Dang how do I hit Womack up?

No. 124096

just make a catfish account with a thispersondoesnotexist GAN and make it fat on faceapp and have it tweet vile CSA shit while begging for shekel

No. 124097

THIS is why you don't believe Nadine? Kek some people in this thread are really handicapped.

No. 124098

you'd think he'd at least use an alias, he seems terminally incel

No. 124099

are you okay

No. 124100

Vote next thread pic

No. 124101

File: 1651233647315.gif (170.14 KB, 360x346, 9709BB1A-6248-45F9-86C4-EEDCF2…)

Holy shit what’s going on in here

No. 124102

Kekkk nonnies what is happening

No. 124103

What post were you replying to? It’s deleted now. Was it Womack?

No. 124104

File: 1651233996494.jpg (40.5 KB, 346x254, hacker-decoding-information-fr…)

Okay slow down I gotta decode this

No. 124105

My personal tinfoil is that this poster IS womack and he fabricated this nadine person because HE is sick of being big shayna's cash cow and he is trying to make a cowardly exit instead of just tell shayna he is done with her…. but then i see he sent her more money so who fucking knows lol

No. 124106

nothing exciting, was just some nonna who felt called out so she deleted. the post just said she doesn't believe nadine because womack is still openly paying fatnay's bills

No. 124107

Jason Womack pays women to pretend they are children being raped and abused by their parents.

No. 124108

File: 1651234274122.jpeg (548.06 KB, 1242x3639, 3F364024-A208-4FAD-9DE5-AB2F47…)

I swear this shit only happens in the Shaytard thread kek

No. 124109

I think Nadine is real, and Womack was trying to bury this thread after >>124092 was posted. Total and complete tinfoil though. The keyboard smashing injected with phrases like “bullies” and “ugly girls here” reeked of Oklahoma retard to me but I could be very wrong.

No. 124110

File: 1651235360213.jpeg (36.52 KB, 915x216, C339BCD6-5C55-464C-B9E9-FC1AAA…)

don’t forget this one. Curious.

No. 124111

Why? Tammy Wynette was a country music singer, kek

No. 124112

I just thought it was of interest that “Nadine’s” full name (?) showed up among the keyboard smashes. I know Tammy Wynette is a country singer, which adds credibility to Nadine being fake.

No. 124113

File: 1651237368722.jpeg (23.85 KB, 553x120, F59FEB20-4FE1-401C-9142-36EC98…)

>don’t look mirror haunted
I’m scared
Tammy is in the email used for the posts too.

No. 124114

We’re on the same boat then. Sorry, I thought you meant differently when you said it was curious.
Yeah, it’s not a real email >>124034 ran it through a email search engine (?) and nothing came up

No. 124115

It’s not that it’s not a legit email, it’s just that it’s not attached to any accounts or anything online. It probably is fake, but it could be a “real e-mail” that was made as a throwaway for those posts. If you take “Nadine” on face value, she doesn’t seem like the type to be smart enough to make sure her email isn’t attached to any accounts before posting here.

No. 124116

File: 1651240422787.jpeg (310.52 KB, 1170x924, 18664B03-65E5-4C3F-A5DA-861F33…)

The ass boils comments must’ve gotten to her

No. 124117

File: 1651241745394.jpeg (554.53 KB, 828x1104, 2D4FCEA8-3260-41BD-B696-FD2BDC…)

alright ladies, let’s make predictions!
>will she cancel or just pretend she never said she was going to cam?
>if she cancels, when will she announce it and what will her excuse be?
>if she actually cams, what’s gonna happen?
>will diane nadine tammy wynette womack’s fiancé appear in the chat?

No. 124118

my bet is for “bad brain day” with emergency room visit as a close second

No. 124119

my bet is on Shayna, shes the one with the jsksjdnakdnks tumblr shit, its so 2011 and late.
im with the “bad brain day” anon or pretend it never happen.

No. 124120

I don't think Womack is into the pedo and diaper shit. He started following her when she was in Tulsa and she was doing a lot less pedo pandering. He probably wants to fuck Shayna because he likes chubby trashy women that smoke weed.

I could be wrong and I am in no way defending him, he's a pathetic coomer. Fat Shat pivoting to full on pedo toddler role play instead of basic DDLG could be why he wants out. There's also zero chance of her fucking him now that's she's in Renton, even he must be able to understand that.

No. 124121

If she doesn’t cam she is just going to not tweet about it and pretend she never said that
If she does cam this is what she’s going to do:
whine about the haters, beg for tips to drink, someone tips for something sexual but she stalls because she Isn’t interested, ass boil dancing, talks about hs and Olive Garden, leaves room, noodle comes out, spins wheel and slaps her snatch .

No. 124122

> could be why he wants out
He literally buys thing off her Amazon wishlist, he tips her on cam, he pays for her rent.
I don’t think he wants out. Hes too retarded to understand Shayna isn’t interested

No. 124123

neighbors making too much noise, just send me money for weed and nails anyway

No. 124124

Shaynas cam shows are so boring. I don’t understand why she doesn’t watch other girls and get some ideas on how to do it. She literally just laughs like a sped and talks about SpongeBob. Why doesn’t she interact more? Change her set up so it’s different each time? Change what is written on the “wheel” she spins for tips, maybe do yoga or something idk anything. She’s about as entertaining as a bag of rocks

No. 124125

She’ll probably complain about Vivi if she cams

No. 124126

File: 1651247413644.jpeg (337.69 KB, 750x1000, 901CF51D-1A57-4D96-B63A-6D93CD…)

No. 124127

she doesnt even do private shows so it will excuse the fact that she will do nothing until someone takes her or pay her but no.
all she have to do is a sexy dance but she cant even do that because her body language is so uncomfortable and retarded.
i wanna add that the fact that Womack is her cow, she got so defensive when another sw did eyes to him. she literally depends on Womack and the other 2 that dont do much.
Such a joke presenting yourself as the spoiled brat baby bimbo and have to beg for rent.

No. 124128

Not just that, she went on a rant because another whore just liked a reply from Womack on one of her posts. That was iit kek

No. 124129

File: 1651249126407.png (1.6 MB, 750x1334, DC4A0B84-A8BE-43F8-81B4-D74C15…)

On no she got an even smaller white tennis skirt.. this looks SO BAD and what the FUCK is this manic ass video https://streamable.com/ojdi55

No. 124130

She won't change anything because she thinks she is the ultimate entertainment and that her drunk flapping and screeching "SO WHOS GONNA TIP ME COME ON GUYS WHAT THE FUCK" is deserving of endless money. Her inflated ego and inability to see her body accurately makes her feel like the hottest shit on planet earth. She's so deluded and high off Womack huffing her gunt that she forgot she's a bottom of the barrel failwhore who's content barely qualifies as original. If the same three men constantly tell you that you're perfect and they repeatedly send you over $10, you're going to believe you're Venus incarnate. That is, if you're a drunk narc bitch like Shart.

No. 124131

Or she pivoted hard into ddlg because that’s what he’s into and he is her biggest paying coomer.

No. 124132

she’s really ballooning up over these past few weeks. good grief girl

No. 124133

oh no mom is back on the meth

No. 124134

Bullshit, shat always had diaper and pedo shit. Her first threads were about her pedopandering. Womack is into the pedo and diaper shit

No. 124135

I noticed that Womack doesn’t even follow her pedo diaper account and he never comments on her diaper pictures, only the “normal” ones. I’m not whiteknighting the guy I think he’s a creep but I don’t think he’s into the ddlg/abdl stuff, he’s genuinely attracted to Shayna.

No. 124136

She will get on this time but will get huffy and abruptly leave. Someone will cowtip and she'll abort mission very early. Not without complaining that no one is talking/tipping.
The Aggyposting has got to stop, Shay holy shit.

No. 124137

If she does get on, we’re gonna get a massive Vivi rant

No. 124138

Kek the camera shaking makes it look like she’s causing an earthquake when she jumps.

No. 124139

ot but what screen recorders do you guys use? for live stream documentation purposes

No. 124140

The gut aint cute. She needs to stick with high waisted if she insists on crop tops. That skirt makes her look huge.

No. 124141

File: 1651253061054.jpeg (737.4 KB, 1107x1418, 2DB44F00-3B29-44F9-BED3-439326…)

She looks horrible. The assne is going to be on full display in the back. Her dancing is not “wank” material. Like she always dances like a retard. I’d suggest she google how to twerk but she has no ass kek. Hell just google how to dance seductively. Anything is better than the chicken dance or the snoopy character jumping dance.

No. 124142

File: 1651253167271.gif (1.4 MB, 436x472, F88D2110-0D7F-4530-B122-519FDB…)

she literally dances like this:

No. 124143

File: 1651253487126.jpeg (329.06 KB, 750x986, 8EBDA101-2B93-410D-81BF-CDA46F…)

Kek the asl catfish with the strange IG stories made a new account

No. 124144

File: 1651253515473.jpeg (331.47 KB, 1821x1080, 3959E1DA-310E-41FC-83C1-5EEBC1…)

No. 124145

This is exactly how Shaynus sounds. 10/10 accurate

No. 124146

>hi everyone !
she really tweets like she has a large audience. no one gives a fuck about you Shayna!!!! how hard is it to understand?

No. 124147

I use Mobizen, but don't use it for Snapchat before testing it. The screenshot options tell the other people for sure. The recording option used to not notify but I think it does (for Snapchat) now. I like it for recording her lives though.

No. 124148

File: 1651254570636.webm (3.24 MB, 720x1280, Ilari, ilari, ilarié--Oh, oh, …)

No. 124149

webm anon my mobile user ass appreciates you converting my streamabels ♥

No. 124150

This has to be a farmer.

No. 124151

File: 1651256086299.png (4.73 MB, 3465x3465, 32B798E3-196F-4604-81B5-D6FDBB…)

I agree he seems to be attracted to women with big butts and clear skin. Which has got to hurt Shayna’s feelings kek. Even though she has no interest in Womack it must be a blow to her self esteem to see him calling actual beautiful women “gorgeous” in their Twitter replies. I think he’s just attracted to Shayna because she looks similar to him. And if I saw Womack and Shayna together I wouldn’t do a double take because she’s literally just as ugly and crusty as him. She doesn’t even look that much younger than him, she thinks she’s this youthful bimbo teenage looking woman but she’s aging like milk. Womack just simps for ugly whores because he thinks they aren’t out of his league. He is attracted to Gia Paige and Mia Malkova. Not Big Shaynus in bulky white diapers that cause her to sweat thus creating more assne

No. 124152

No worries, streamanona!
> Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much more

No. 124153

I’m confused, in the screenshot you provided to support your theory he’s calling her gorgeous? He is just one of those losers who calls everyone gorgeous, beautiful, baby and so on. If he has latched on to Sharna exclusively (no proof of this though) is probably because he thinks he has a shot. Not only was she local but she is average and was always whining about her love life. I bet he thought him trying to save her would improve his chances with her.

No. 124154

I’m saying he calls actually pornstars gorgeous not just Shayna. She’s not on their league. She’s frumpy and shows her asshole so he thinks he found a Oklahoma gf. So he’s latched onto her because he thinks he has a chance still. He simps more for an actual pornstar who takes care of her body: Mia Malkova. Shayna probably butters him up in the dms calling him daddy which is why he likes her.

No. 124155

File: 1651257190463.jpeg (1.12 MB, 1242x1581, 95B2E074-D408-464C-83A4-EFA7F6…)

One of shayna’s top customers isn’t into diapers. Most men aren’t into diapers. Coomers mostly enjoy mainstream stuff

No. 124156

File: 1651257354961.jpeg (125.68 KB, 750x822, 1A5AB08F-0B6F-4F3F-B697-1C3A41…)

The way she fauns over basic human interaction is so sad. Like what else would he have done

No. 124157

That makes sense! Sorry for misunderstanding. You’re right and I agree with you, I’m sure she’s in his DMs giving him hope.

No. 124158

He doesn’t even follow her diaper account

No. 124159

File: 1651258218503.jpg (32.47 KB, 445x705, Screenshot 2022-04-29 114913.j…)

No. 124160

She does not have the body for this outfit (anymore). Sad, isn't it, she wants to be a teenager again, a cheerleader, so badly, one who is popular and loved by all, but in reality she's a cheeseburger priced pussy bitch with no friends, no meaningful relationships, who ruined her future, but is too stupid to realize it. Then again, I remember how she treated Vivi, who wanted to be her friend, and I don't feel sorry for Shayna at all. Not saying Vivi was perfect or anything; I don't think Shayna ever realized treating people badly won't make you popular, it simply won't make people gravitate towards you. Producing niche content that you aren't actually into will not make you money by the power of willing it to happen, being more likeable will .

No. 124161

The bouncer?? At a dispensary?? What the fuck is she talking about

No. 124162

Makes sense a disgusting cunt with no personality would chase the popular teen queen dragon. She wants to get back at everyone who rightfully laughed in her face and called her spades. She doesn't realize those people are long gone, working or starting families. She's a literal who that might come up when those people reminisce but all they'd express is vitriol. Part of it probably has to do with here as well. She thinks that if she keeps lying to herself and buying size s clothes for prostitots she'll capture that dragon and make her haters seethe. It is sad in a way. She's entombed in her past and failures clinging to the flash in the pan that was her peak.

No. 124163

They're called security but her drunk ass thinks everyone is a bouncer like she's in a bar

No. 124164

File: 1651260281910.jpeg (184.6 KB, 750x671, 0D251FEF-BD9C-4DB6-8FA2-ADC9B6…)

She’s gonna polish the bottle off so fast and have to doordash more like last time

No. 124165

File: 1651260568627.gif (Spoiler Image,334.95 KB, 234x288, d4mw17z-effeb1b8-e626-4308-b1f…)

No. 124166

File: 1651261508216.jpeg (449.74 KB, 1242x1273, F32C5B95-73AB-4A77-BF7E-A49C03…)

No one gives a shit about your hot takes, big Shaynus

No. 124167

File: 1651261689395.jpeg (111.76 KB, 750x616, 99F673E9-6DFB-4D0A-A986-EA0EA9…)

She deleted this, reminder she has 2 Mac books and a $1500 PC

No. 124168

File: 1651261945360.png (603.13 KB, 626x409, shaylikeoutfit.PNG)

>>She does not have the body for this outfit (anymore). Sad, isn't it, she wants to be a teenager again, a cheerleader, so badly, one who is popular and loved by all

You made me realize what Shayna's style is outdated crusty dusty early 2000's Disney character/"mean cheerleader" vibe.
The head band, the ugly ass white skirts, even her hair seems to look outdated. I have zero reasons why she thinks having her legs out 24/7 but ALWAYS wearing a long sleeved shirt/sweater/hoodie is a look. Like she looks so retarded.
I feel like this is what Shayna thinks she looks like in these outfits. I don't really find what this model has on as "Cute" but Shayna just looks frumpy. It never gives young popular school girl/cheerleader. She never does her hair or make up in cute styles.
I have no idea why she loves these kind of skirts either. Back when she was thin she had nice legs, now she doesn't. At one point she's going to have to start wearing a bra and realize that her breasts look way better that way, it'd also give her that male attention she craves. It's not like she has a big ass or nice legs, there's no reason to always have them out. Men would look at her more if she wore a lowcut top and a push up bra.
I just wish that if she was going for this style, she'd actually look at pictures and copy whatever the fuck the girl is wearing in them. She looks frumpy and sloppy in this outfit. I always found it odd that as Vulgar as Shayna is, she never dresses "Sexy".

No. 124169

>entombed in her past and failures
Just wanted to say some nonnies in Shayna’s thread have a great way with words, thanks for making something good out of such a piece of shit.

No. 124170

Shay used to charge random girls on tumblr in her asks for "sexwork advice." Like, literally hundreds of dollars.

No. 124171

She never fucking goes through with anything she promises. She always cancels her camshows…. so why tf would her coomers buy her a laptop? Her iPad is probably somewhere on the floor collecting dust. She said she needed it for “admin work”, whatever the fuck that means. She also promised those wolf photos from the photographer and still never posted all of them. Her job is so easy yet she never does it. Can she cam on her iPad?

No. 124172

Did she dirty delete this? Kek

Maybe that's her subtle "not camming tonight anymore"

No. 124173

This, if an convientually attractive sex worker started paying Womack attention and made him feel like he has a chance, even if it's 1% of a chance to fuck them, Womack would quickly drop Shayna. Shayna is realistic for Womack, which is sad, because Womack doesn't seem to have a big ego like the other equally ugly scrotes she's had around. He knows Shayna is the best he could do as far as getting a young girl's attention irl. Thats why I feel that troll came into this thread.(I really think it's Ellen). Sex workers ARE in this thread, eventually one of them is gonna try to steal Womack for pocket money.I doubt Womack spends money on the actually pretty women he knows he doesn't have a chance with. Though he does on the Shayna-like ones. Shayna probably talks on the phone with him and everything.

No. 124174

I really hope one of the sex workers in this thread pays Womack some attention and takes him away from Shayna.

No. 124175

Scrotes gonna scrote who cares where his money goes to

No. 124176

homeless shayna saga would be fun

No. 124177

If it was Ellen she would make her and Womack’s payments private or delete them, but she hasn’t yet

No. 124178

As much as Sex workers come here to shit on the competition, it'd be smart to milk Womack and it'd be funny. I honestly feel like you don't even have to do all Shayna does. Probably could go a year or two, having womack help with the bill just by being actually pretty, sending him pictures in bikini's and just talking to him. He seems like a idiot, who'd easily be used by a pretty girl. Shay's lucky nobody has done it yet.

No. 124179

Shayna and another hoe fighting over Womack lmfao. Here's hoping we reach that timeline!

No. 124180

Shoot I want him to pay my rent and I’m not a sex worker. Moids are literally so dumb

No. 124181

Okay so I waited a week to post this because I wanted to be sure, but that washcloth hasn't moved in…nope, not just 3 days, >>123790, not 5 days, >>>/snow/1510469, but ONE WEEK >>>/snow/1508818
I noticed for the past 2 months but I wasn't sure. We all know she doesn't shower but this kind of confirms it. We know she reads here so who wants to bet the washcloth will be gone after this post?
>>>/snow/1508401 / April 21
>>>/snow/1486323 / March 29
>>>/snow/1483894 / March 27
Then she showered sometime between March 12th and March 27th
>>>/snow/1465227 / March 12
>>>/snow/1456875 / March 3

No. 124182

Fucking kek nonnie I love you for this.

No. 124183

omggg anon ily

No. 124184

You can get a dumb Scrote to pay your rent without showing your asshole just be a woman and ask for money online

No. 124185

I feel like Shayna doesn't use soap or a rag when she washes regularly. The way she makes a big deal about using bath bombs and there's never ONE FUCKING SUD in the tub and she's sipping wine and shit, makes me feel like she just uses water and her hand to wash.
She never talks about how she smells, perfume or any of that shit. I feel like Shayna always smells like mildew, musk and weed. She doesn't use lotion or anything it seems like.

No. 124186

File: 1651268413090.jpeg (1.17 MB, 1242x1512, 019D7E27-F47C-474E-8168-A8D41C…)

She just buys products for decor

No. 124187

I live in a weed legal state too and have never seen security just hanging out at location lmao

No. 124188

She freaked out, blocked some whore and went on rant because she liked one of his replies to her a couple threads ago >>>/snow/1462176

No. 124189

Tinfoil but I think the "Shaynerd" anon last thread was Ellen

No. 124190

Kek remember she got into a Twitter fight when some woman replied to Grayhair’s morning tweet that he tags pixie, and Shayna with a dumb boomer meme.

No. 124191

File: 1651269467707.jpeg (415.23 KB, 1504x2517, 9B02874B-D707-4C3A-B902-36D6AD…)

Kek she looks so retarded larping as a young 18 year old cheerleader character in her porn.

No. 124192

Even if she does use a washcloth, using a dirty one will just spread around her MRSA. Her poor hygiene and laundering habits are why she has constant active infections. Disgusting

No. 124193

No womder she's acting like a baby again, Shayna is a young woman obessed with youth because she thinks thats what "older men" are obessed with. To the point where she's literally aging herself down to a fucking toddler to appeal to them. Little does she know they are more into her props then her, she doesn't look young and fresh anymore.
Whoever groomed her really did a number on her brain.

No. 124194

the ugly bootleg amazon hello kitty rug

No. 124195

Yikes what in the school lunch lady

No. 124196

She's becoming unrecognizable. Really let herself go this time.

No. 124197

fuck you, Enid and Janet look way less rough

No. 124198

the fact that its still white is enough proof that she doesnt shower

No. 124199

I lived in Seattle for a short amount of time and two of the busiest dispos had Whomp-like private security in addition to employees checking ID at the door. It's not unheard of. They might have been robbed recently or something and felt it was a good idea.

No. 124200

She looks like fucking Jerri Blank

No. 124201

File: 1651273582649.jpeg (158.96 KB, 722x626, FAF588E1-53CB-4286-812C-E2A50C…)

This is so rich coming from her after this past week of begging for money to make rent

No. 124202

why is this fuxcjing scary

No. 124203

Coming from the bitch who at her first Oklahoma apartment the lights were shut off and she was begging for money (I’d have to look through the threads for this moment)

No. 124204

She truly doesn't understand what the word "empower" means does she?

No. 124205

Notice, Shayna always keeps a scrote around (Fupaul and The Dad) but whenever she needs money for rent, she has to run to her actual dad or Womack, shit even Ellen helps her out. She expects people online and her parents she hates to take care of her, but not the men she lets grope her every now and again, or in fupaul's case spent years of her life on. If that aint a sign these men don't give a fuck, I don't know what is.
So cheap.

No. 124206

File: 1651275007534.png (1.61 KB, 222x68, Capture.PNG)

drum roll please

No. 124207

when the down syndrome student wants to be a cheerleader and the cheerleaders are nice enough to “include” her

No. 124208

Please I need to watch this porcine creature my apologies to pigs, the comparison is offensive but she really is porcine in action.

No. 124209

It's way too early. Shat would never appear early to her "schedule". She's usually an hour or 2 late if she shows up at all.

No. 124210

Where is the bingo sheet?

No. 124211

I clicked the "Online"status thinking it'd take me to like a waiting room and I was sent to a page that showed all the online cam girls. Going from Shayna looking like a saggy retard with her whole pussy/ass out with a pacifer in her mouth, to a bunch of pictures of women that look professional and actually look like they are selling sex.
It's jarring. Shayna gets professional pictures taken, just to pose like a idiot or in wolf ears, these women actually have nice pictures (not praising them just saying). I'd think i'd stumbled on some illegal retard porn if I saw Shayna without context.

No. 124212

are we believing her when she said her pro shoot were actually taken by a professional? they are fucking taken with a phone, im sure ellen took them. same with those pictures with the grey background, we never saw a well taken picture, just a bunch of cellphone pics filtered by all the tools in airbrush. the arrnt even well framed.

No. 124213

At the very least her hair is curly and a darker color which flatters her more. She looks awful with straight blonde hair.

No. 124214

File: 1651276785940.png (1.47 MB, 1400x1748, 16EE3007-F70D-4B34-8CE1-8EE573…)


No. 124215

I've never been this excited in my life.

No. 124216

File: 1651277231576.jpeg (861.92 KB, 1170x1682, 3ED25CB6-D69A-4DC9-9E52-C5063E…)

No. 124217

We need to add the vivi sperg to this, I can't wait to see her bitchy attitude.

No. 124218

Sorry to PC sperg but she's literally blocking the intake fans at the front of her PC with her tubby little mini fridge of sadness. Gonna overheat that whole thing just because she can't be more than 1 foot away from booze/sugar at all times.

No. 124219

File: 1651283050077.png (354.96 KB, 1080x1571, Screenshot_20220429-184300.png)

How much did Shayna pay this guy kek she wishes she looked like this

No. 124220

This is so ugly, and what the fuck is with that hand

No. 124221

File: 1651283639183.png (29.08 KB, 593x344, dollmattel.png)

hasn't posted her classic 'sry guys i have to smoke more weed so i'll be late' tweet yet

No. 124222

I tried photoshopping this to look more like shayna but I simply could not. The snaggle tooth, the fupa, the cankles, the cellulite, the hair grease, the bad makeup, the hot dog nails…. There is too much to correct with this one. I will leave it to a more experienced anon.

No. 124223

This is why I’ll never leave

No. 124224

The Upper Crystal Lake pictures were taken professionally, that’s how we got the slightly less edited versions of the pictures she posted

No. 124225

she's finally on and uhh jiggling around in her chair lmao

No. 124226

the fucking hand warmers…. why??

No. 124227

she just jumpscared us with her pussy

No. 124228

Thats the best way to say it.

No. 124229

Womack tipped 423 tokens time for the butt plug

No. 124230

how much money is 423 tokens worth?

No. 124231


No. 124232

is that skirt mean to be that small, or did she buy it in extra small and squeeze into it? It looks gross and cheap. I know the joke is she buys toddler clothes, but literally looks like a second hand chubby toddler.skirt. That tight shit looks painfully small. She makes her hips look smaller and ass look more square unpopular opinion but Shayna's face looks better in motion to me

No. 124233

File: 1651285624507.jpg (1.49 MB, 2224x822, Jason R Womack.jpg)

What do we like to screenshot?
He’s using his full name, and some nonas thought he’d wanted off the Shayna train. I bet he feels powerful with his crown icon

No. 124234

that much for shoving a buttplug in? Damn, that's bleak.

No. 124235

watching her do the troon smirk in real time is so crazy, like her face goes from a 4 to a 3 just like that

No. 124236

she did all the quirky faces too. it was unnerving tbh

No. 124237

File: 1651285771004.png (Spoiler Image,484.12 KB, 805x456, nsfw.png)

the ease with which she was able to fit this thing inside of her disturbs me greatly

No. 124238

You nonnies taking one for the team and watching her are the real MVPs.

No. 124239

Ah okay thanks. Id honestly never heard of it myself. But still Shay is retarded for calling them bouncers and that's assuming that her story even actually happened and its likely that it didn't. She ALWAYS seems to have some story about how guys were fawning over her every time she leaves the house and it's just not believable even though scrotes are weird and have low standards. Shes still fuckin ugly and I bet she acts awkward but more reserved in public than she pretends online.

No. 124240

File: 1651286148304.png (6.95 KB, 374x36, ohmygodjason.png)

every time womack tips she autistically screams !OMGJASON!and jumps up and down in the air like a toddler, then goes back to dancing. fucking bleak.

No. 124241

File: 1651286211262.jpeg (220.2 KB, 1169x1162, EC92777E-E5BC-4DB0-A520-CAA6FB…)

that skirt is awful. her coochie is hanging out of it.

No. 124242

Dont worry her vents and fans are probably full of pet hair, smoke funk, and other filth that she'll never air can and clean from them anyway.

No. 124243

File: 1651286290153.webm (Spoiler Image,3.47 MB, 971x548, THE Yaniv smirk.webm)

Indeed, here’s the smirk in real time (1/2)

No. 124244

File: 1651286294531.png (Spoiler Image,481.01 KB, 811x437, uh.png)

sorry for doublepost, but. "if someone could screenshot this and upload it to twitter for me that would be great. i would totally retweet it" ok cool come here and grab it shayna

No. 124245

File: 1651286387149.webm (Spoiler Image,4.23 MB, 974x544, Twitter Pictures.webm)

Here’s how she took her Twitter pictures, I thought it’d be fun to compare to the ones she posted, if she does (2/2)

No. 124246

her hair is so greasy lmao

No. 124247

Damn Jason is really blowing his load tonight

No. 124248

Am I the only one side eyeing all the Jason R Womack dick sucking she's doing? Either they set this up or he's trying to prove to her "Nadine" isn't real or some shit.

No. 124249


…what the fuck is this???

No. 124250

i still dont understand how the fuck he affords to spend this much money on her. like he is either the biggest glassblowing coomer in the state of oklahoma or he just gets paid well by whatever construction company he works for

No. 124251

anyone know how much this sorry piece of shit spent?

No. 124252

No. 124253

File: 1651287091817.jpeg (Spoiler Image,264.54 KB, 659x573, 6AC5D1AD-909B-434F-9926-A59353…)

She looks horrible I hate that tank top so much idk why but I want to throw it into fire

No. 124254

she literally just dusted her vibrator off with her fingers before using it. didnt even use a rag or something. i know we all knew this about her but seeing it in real time is a completely different experience

No. 124255

File: 1651287180837.jpeg (590.79 KB, 1086x922, C3F918EE-ABB1-4987-A39A-918AE3…)

I think he just spends all his money on whores

No. 124256


Holy shit, is this a recent pic? I really do feel bad for her after seeing this, because holy shit she is aging TERRIBLY and she just refuses to see it and keeps believing she's some pretty teenage looking "Barbie." And I don't buy into the scrote logic that women aging badly is some sort of horrible sin, or that women owe beauty to the world. Shayna is an ugly woman and that's ok, we shouldn't expect beauty out of every woman. But most women who aren't beautiful acknowledge this and go on to do things that don't require the use of their appearance to make ends meet. Shayna has every opportunity to go to school, to get a degree on her parent's dime and make something with herself. I also don't buy into the idea that she is too stupid to do well in school, I think anyone can succeed academically if they put in the effort but she just won't do that. That's why Shayna is such a compelling cow, just the sheer tragedy of it all.

No. 124257

she's so fucking boring lol she has no personality whatsoever just blank-faced dancing in her room drunk naked and alone

No. 124258

Oh I was thinking it was a lot of money by how she was acting and >>124250 was saying. Anyway, I hate the fucking finger dance she does. She reminds me of a grandma dancing.

No. 124259

File: 1651287260862.webm (281.24 KB, 768x432, Twitter.webm)

I’m surprised she went ahead and posted this GIF instead

No. 124260

She keeps turning to the side, she's really insecure about her breasts. She's not drunk enough not to care yet.

No. 124261

Why would she willingly post this?

No. 124262

Last time I watched a live she wasn’t doing this nasally high pitched voice. I wonder how she decides which voice to use

No. 124263

I’m so bored oh my god

No. 124264

File: 1651287467324.png (Spoiler Image,2.77 MB, 1334x750, 3B29ABE2-3DC3-4E18-BB85-DBB438…)

No. 124265

kek nonnie
she looks like shes gonna cut her nipples off with her own claws

No. 124266

File: 1651287730953.jpeg (Spoiler Image,275.21 KB, 785x601, 87252FBC-AFE9-4789-BFF7-00CC95…)

What’s up with her listening to shitty EDM remixes of songs? She’s listening to goosebumps remix by travis scott

No. 124267

File: 1651287881483.jpeg (488.23 KB, 1242x670, 47BED9BD-419A-4174-A107-64DA66…)

Shaynus has “freckles” today kek

No. 124268

Her lips are so crusty.Yeah you can truly see that she has an implant, Sometimes when she goes to get up it sort of shifts. Or am I tripping?

No. 124269

File: 1651288100382.jpeg (Spoiler Image,82.04 KB, 1170x628, F13C4086-FCE9-4D34-9E5C-493EEF…)

Holy big chungus

No. 124270

MummaMattel1 is definitely Ellen in the chat.

No. 124271

Horrific. Its bad when the shitty fake freckles are the least of her worries. Those lips are fucking nasty. I dont know how anyone who isnt a mentally retarded scrote could live with crusty lips like that. And I guess she didnt do any liner to blend the tacky falsies?

No. 124272


Probably an unpopular opinion, but I don't think the fake freckles look so bad. She at least applied them well. But it's Shayna, so of course she is wearing them not as a cute fashion statement but as a way to evoke a more "youthful" appearance for her pedo fan base.

No. 124273

Her body shape is so damn weird and tragic. Its very manly

No. 124274

God why is she chicken dancing in my face? She's so insecure about showing her front for too long. Her ass isn't any better. It's two inches of crack and 50% boil/boil scars.

No. 124275

i am convinced it's because her body type just wasnt meant to be 'chubby' because she was always such an incredibly skinny person

No. 124276

File: 1651288395283.jpeg (367.78 KB, 1030x583, 62336DB3-DA28-452D-8574-FA23B3…)

Face wrinkles jfc

No. 124277

File: 1651288444881.jpeg (309.04 KB, 1170x1548, 9AFBC079-B41B-466E-99B0-C38C91…)

No. 124278

File: 1651288495025.jpeg (Spoiler Image,278.92 KB, 695x628, A258339D-0A63-4997-8E8B-95ACB2…)

Shay and her two inch buttcrack

No. 124279

my god.. horrible posture, no grace, overweight hank hill man body and a troon smirk. no wonder she's drunk and high 24/7 to cope and delude herself

No. 124280

File: 1651288569759.jpeg (Spoiler Image,195.81 KB, 581x598, AD0CF3D6-7A75-43E7-8902-9FFDFA…)

No. 124281

the butt naked autistic dancing makes me so uncomfortable

No. 124282

Shayna's Boils (not talking about on her ass) but Boil 1. Womack and Boil 2. Ellen disgust me on another level. Sometimes it feels like Ellen is pimping Shayna out but she's not getting any money from it. It's the way she talks that is so gross.

No. 124283

I hate that I instantly recall videos of hers based on the song playing. Like when she air jacked off the air to “you got to pump it up”, and when she did a weird mouth gape and looks around surprised at “I always feel like.. somebodies watching me”

No. 124284

File: 1651288704942.jpeg (Spoiler Image,41.47 KB, 512x352, 345F27D1-0D30-4AEB-9C2F-D81DC1…)

She must be such a horrible neighbor jfc her window is open and she has no curtains idk if anyone can see her through the window

No. 124285

File: 1651288830063.jpeg (Spoiler Image,238.43 KB, 608x534, 7D8EDC94-5FDB-4CF7-83C0-7318A5…)

She’s so boring when she sits down

No. 124286

“That’s the great thing about sex work, it helps people…see the beauty in themselves.”

No. 124287

File: 1651289024176.jpeg (Spoiler Image,725.76 KB, 1231x1066, FAEC286C-F247-494D-897D-271215…)

No. 124288

File: 1651289059029.png (263.78 KB, 419x527, k.PNG)

Is this the skirt??? If so what fucking size did she get it in?

No. 124289

profoundly retarded..someone needs to put this over a collage of her talking about how much she hates herself

No. 124290

Yes and probably a medium kek

No. 124291

File: 1651289246762.jpeg (51.71 KB, 556x766, 40EC8EBD-F1E7-43EA-88D3-F5246C…)

It’s giving Alvin and the Chipmunks

No. 124292

The story she told about her uber driber asking if her boyfriend likes her nails and she said "I don't need a boyfriend, I carry weapons with me at all times.
Beyond cringe but I doubt that actually happened

No. 124293

It looks so fucking small on Shat

No. 124294

File: 1651289273915.png (Spoiler Image,4.12 MB, 2160x2160, MRSA Mattel.png)

POV: MRSA Mattel assaults your eyes with her angry STDs

No. 124295

File: 1651289391079.jpg (151.87 KB, 1200x900, collage.jpg)

I hope i'm wrong, because how?

No. 124296


Vivi confirming all of the tinfoil that at one point would get you banned is the best part for me. I bet Shay was one of those anons sperging about how her obvious medical condition was just razor bumps and that plenty of women have a weird zombie tit like her.

No. 124297

Shes a perfectionist, but doesn't clean her dildos, doesn't gloss her crusty lips, gets on camera with huge boils covering her ass, and treats her gentials horribly.
I seriously feel like she has no feeling in her clit. From the lawn mower toy and slapping it.

No. 124298

the implant is in full force

No. 124299

File: 1651289564615.jpeg (Spoiler Image,972.93 KB, 1221x1851, E2F3B697-3835-4171-8E1A-C53CB0…)

I think it’s just bunched up and she put it over her gut and it’s wrinkled. Maybe it’s a size small because it looks so tiny kek

No. 124300

File: 1651289627084.jpeg (399.81 KB, 877x682, 5245410E-F5A0-47F6-9A39-52D739…)

No. 124301

File: 1651289700450.jpeg (223.66 KB, 750x411, 84E5CCA5-83AF-4B19-B418-741E41…)

Licking her toes for pennies

No. 124302

File: 1651289720117.jpeg (299.58 KB, 687x524, A59CB3D6-2E2D-4B21-AED3-19F48F…)

She licking her nasty ass feet I know she doesn’t wash them during her once a month shower

No. 124303

When she was like “you have to pay me more for me to suck on them daddy”… and then waited and waited while licking her feet and he stopped tipping. So awkward ahh

No. 124304

File: 1651289899834.png (Spoiler Image,406.8 KB, 800x449, boring.png)

she is literally so boring. it's clear she'd rather be some uwu girl gamer twitch streamer than a camgirl in the way that she refuses to do anything even remotely close to what a camgirl does and gets paid for. its embarrassing

No. 124305

File: 1651289991727.png (Spoiler Image,776.5 KB, 1133x675, Screen Shot 2022-04-29 at 10.3…)


No. 124306

File: 1651290043845.jpeg (Spoiler Image,758.94 KB, 1170x1606, B096128E-9AD2-4B17-AE27-5DB848…)

No. 124307

she'd probably make the same amount dancing on twitch with clothes on. Womack would follow her as well.
you are right, it looks so disgusting. Why not just buy mini skirts and underboob shirts instead of making cheap clothes into them.

No. 124308

In that period, he paid her like $6.50 in tokens.
Licking your toes $6 jesus

No. 124309

Man looking at her body makes me feel bad. She's not even that chubby, just badly shaped. She probably wasn't meant to be this big, she always had a wide back and small butt, but if she keeps gaining she's going to look like eggman

No. 124310

Is it worth it Shayna? Is it really worth it? Jesus, her entire life is a cautionary tale. Lugubrious.

No. 124311

shes bold as fuck to have those not only so close to those acrylics she has on, but those hand warmers and the fuzzy seat shes sitting on… no common sense whatsoever

No. 124312

File: 1651290608374.jpeg (Spoiler Image,48.1 KB, 554x609, FA113C65-6F30-487C-9C06-8BEE1A…)

i hope she burns down her room

No. 124313

File: 1651290610758.png (Spoiler Image,467.94 KB, 803x451, autism.png)


No. 124314

File: 1651290661583.jpg (Spoiler Image,170.25 KB, 1080x1053, Screenshot_20220430-044828__01…)

Kek. Tubby scalding herself with wax for pennies.

No. 124315

The dumb as moaning is so funny, Marking up her already unpleasant body for coomers and pretending to enjoy it. I hope some of that shit leaves a bunch of ugly scars she can't get rid of.

No. 124316

File: 1651290770310.webm (Spoiler Image,16.7 MB, 966x542, The Jason R Womack Sponsored S…)

> jasonrwomack has tipped DollyMattel 887 tokens.
> jasonrwomack: I’m gonna have to go back to work here shortly
> jasonrwomack: Trying to make it exciting for everyone.
> jasonrwomack: Working the next 48 hours straight on location
> jasonrwomack: Everyone have a great night. Catch y’all next time. Love you Dolly
This video says it all, this is why he’s obsessed with her. She doesn’t talk to other people in her chat like this and I bet this retard thinks he has a chance.

No. 124317

Kek, i'm never going to get tired of seeing her face morph into those ugly ass smiles/smirks.She makes herself look like a cartoon evil witch doing them.

No. 124318

File: 1651290970950.webm (1.83 MB, 975x548, “Anxious”.webm)

When asked why she was anxious.

No. 124319

How do I get these to play? They don’t work for me

No. 124320

they want you to download them so they can install spyware on your device

No. 124321

Just click it.
womack you don't know what you are talking about

No. 124322

File: 1651291805814.jpeg (81.76 KB, 1085x591, A12B5E31-E6D9-44D6-8EB5-DA55A6…)

Samsies, when I click it, it just does this

No. 124323

hope someone is recording this retarded dance number she just did, kek.

No. 124324

File: 1651292007685.jpg (Spoiler Image,169.79 KB, 1080x1187, Screenshot_20220429-230855_Chr…)

Pretty positive Shay's regular Tom is either posting in the threads or pulling from here, because the pic below is the same one from >>124244 it has the white line from cropping on the side and everything

(Forgot to spoiler)

No. 124325

File: 1651292050386.jpg (Spoiler Image,141.61 KB, 1080x1844, Screenshot_20220429-230858_Chr…)

Here it is full screen - definitely the same pic from >>124244

No. 124326

Kek, nice catch

Hi Tom

No. 124327

they probably use this thread to get free wank material.
He probably made this post as well. Why do her coomers seem to come here suddenly?

No. 124328

Already was posted here >>124306

No. 124329

Does the same for me

No. 124330

Use a different browser

No. 124331

The Vivi sperging is coming…

No. 124332

Works fine on Chrome

No. 124333

File: 1651292974561.webm (8.84 MB, 976x544, Failed E-girl.webm)

It’s obvious what she likes about her “career” is the PG performing aspect (dancing, chatting and making her stupid little jokes), I’m willing to bet she sees herself as an e-girl/influencer/personality that does porn on the side.

No. 124334

That's an ipad girl but I agree with you on principle.

No. 124335

File: 1651293010387.jpeg (84.43 KB, 1170x316, 11EC9D96-8E8E-4FF0-9AD0-4A9DD9…)

There’s a high school teacher in her chat. Disgusting.

No. 124336

No one has to download anything, retard.
If your on an OS device, you need to download VLC to play the files or switch browsers. If you don’t want to download anything, you’ll need to use a computer.

No. 124337

shes saying shes going to Ireland in a few weeks. but she was struggling with rent days ago. maybe parents will fund it cause she said shes seeing her mom soon for the first time in a long time.

No. 124338

File: 1651293775045.jpeg (Spoiler Image,154.28 KB, 1170x769, B43B5FE0-E1A2-4178-B892-0C8DC9…)

She finished off her bottle of champagne and is talking about how she wants to go on a Disney vacation.

No. 124339

The way she's able to lick her lips and drink wine yet her lips are still crunchy is amazing.
Like it's so distracting, I don't even dislike hearing her talk, but her small tiny cracked lips confuse and disgust me.

No. 124340

She's probably only visiting her mom because of the trip, I feel like she only goes around her mother when she directly benefits from it now.
She didn't talk any shit about her or anything.

No. 124341

She really wants someone to tip her 100 tokens to drink some more

No. 124342

She’s gonna get another drink. Good Lord.

No. 124343

At one point I definitely saw white stuff on her skin and she like, pushed it into her vagina and rubbed it in? It looked like toilet paper. Didn't get a screengrab but fucking disgusting

No. 124344

Now she wants to change her profile picture

No. 124345

trying so hard not to a-log. one word: beatable. and not in the "sexual" way shat pretends she likes it lol

No. 124346

She asked if it would be weird if her manyvids profile picture was her in a wig since her videos don't usually involve wigs… implying it's like false advertising or misleading, like shooping out your ass boils

No. 124347

What was funnier was right after when she mentioned not wanting to dye her hair again to "keep it healthy" kek

No. 124348

I think literally 75% of her viewers on her lame ass stream are us farmers

No. 124349

She said OF is her main source of income and made a big deal about it. Then started talking about how she lost a lot of income when Tumblr died. Let Tumblr go already, Shay, jesus.

No. 124350

She has really high expectations for herself. She doesn't show it, I guess she feels like she has to put something out everyday, even if it's shitty.
She sounds like she's about to cry. And she's been failing for a fucking while. Her self esteem is based on if random scrotes throw her coins.
She said porn made her feel good about herself. And we know she doesn't like peeking into other cam workers because they look better and are better. She knows she can never look like them or have thier personality. Her camshows aren't different, they are boring and 90% her talking with dry lips.

No. 124351

Admitted to having a spending problem kek
Said she has a fear of failure …. what does she consider failure if not her current life?

Also is she lurking because an anon just upthread talked about how she should check other shows to get a feel for what she should do on cam and she's talking about how she doesn't want to steal from them. She doesn't like checking other live girls because she "wants to be me" and "not copy"

No. 124352

She says she doesn’t want to watch other cam shows because she doesn’t want to copy ideas. She wants to do better but she doesn’t want to change her cam show style?
She says she’s happy just doing her own thing. Now she’s complaining about tips

No. 124353

She’s having a meltdown because no one has tipped her in over 30 minutes.

No. 124354

SA- She basically admitted she doesn't want to be apart of the community. She doesn't want to watch the other girls, but she wants them to watch, support and kiss her ass. Meanwhile, she can't even give them a peek. She see's it all as competition.
Which is honest at least, but the real reason isn't about stealing ideas, it's jealously.

No. 124355

File: 1651295652293.jpeg (544.72 KB, 1400x1748, 9886CB3C-F31E-4B59-97A8-CAEDD2…)

(From what I’ve seen/watched, I stopped watching on/off for an hour because she’s boring)

No. 124356

It's also why she's changing her profile picture. I feel like she was reading and saw the comment about how she stands out.
After having a melt down she wants to get off now.

No. 124357

She also just snapped at the only scrote whose been talking to her.

No. 124358

She says she’s gonna get off because nobody’s tipping her. She seems pissy. Okietwister I think asked her “how to make her smile again” and she said “don’t act fuckin’ brand new.” Classy.

No. 124359

File: 1651295864164.jpeg (Spoiler Image,302.91 KB, 900x659, E8DCF843-B78C-4153-B248-17EC65…)

No. 124360

she was so fed up with him kek. he would not stop asking her sexual questions

No. 124361

File: 1651296013268.jpeg (340.48 KB, 805x633, B478ED6E-210F-4025-84EF-CAE943…)

Kek you can see how mad she is. Seething over the fact no one is tipping
Okie twister is Womack and he left a long time ago to go to work, which is why she’s mad no one is tipping. I think fart miester or whatever is a farmer

No. 124362

That’s not Womack

No. 124363

Because she thinks they come there to see her fucking talk about her personal life, I felt like her venting was honest but she thought that it'd make them give her money as well.
No. They came there to see you do sexual things and I don't think her body is enough to excite them on looks alone. She wants to talk about the past and not do anything.

No. 124364

File: 1651296126688.jpeg (65.29 KB, 636x604, 420B0726-8792-4E0A-A6C2-7A8E97…)

If only you knew how bad things were

No. 124365

Yes, that’s not okietwister, my bad. Fartmeister said something about being an “Okie” so that’s why I made the misconnection

No. 124366

nah I'm p sure she mentioned that he tips on onlyfans but she was annoyed that he was roleplaying with her while she was desperately trying to get someone to tip. Thats what you get for encouraging these degenerates

No. 124367

Seriously, she said stuff like how she feels anxious before going on cam because she feels ugly, how she wants to make her content better but doesn't know how, admitted to having a spending problem, etc etc like she makes it so obvious she's really unhappy with her life yet will weakly post on twitter about how great life is going. It's so pathetic and I'd almost pity her if she wasn't such an irredeemable cunt. Guess what Shayna, your current circumstances are just karma. You deserve all of it.

No. 124368

File: 1651296532028.jpeg (465.55 KB, 3225x1246, 8BFAAD00-CCF9-4A3D-8604-B4BF65…)

The three horsemen of the apocalypse

No. 124369

File: 1651296872451.jpg (Spoiler Image,387.6 KB, 1920x2560, IMG_6319.JPG)

I got a screenshot of her standing relaxed. VS a few minutes later she was posing like this. She just angled the camera lower and started holding the gut as hard as she could. I post this caused anons always say "shes losing weight!" whenever she posts a picture like the second one. She has not lost weight. This is basic fat girl catfishing.

Goodnight nonas! It was as terrible as I imagined.

No. 124370

File: 1651297353046.jpeg (836.51 KB, 998x1396, C99EF029-F4B8-4434-967B-A21B7D…)

the faux freckles are kinda cute from far away

No. 124371

File: 1651297506377.jpeg (164.04 KB, 933x921, 67A0DFD2-AC70-4298-A53F-5C3204…)

Shayna thinks she’s the cute uwu soft gf but this is her

No. 124372

no theyre not

No. 124373

Except she doesn't have any hips

No. 124374

She needs to take more photos like this instead of using a HD camera with a flash. Looks a lot better

No. 124375

File: 1651298071851.jpeg (585.53 KB, 1242x1402, A0303202-AB6E-4C52-8E65-A3BB2D…)

Do she shoot from her dog cage or not?

No. 124376

File: 1651298113491.webm (Spoiler Image,1.92 MB, 964x550, What the internet does to a MF…)

This video also ties to >>124333

No. 124377

Hundreds of dollars? Anyone catch how much she made, with Womack’s tips she made (at most) $100

No. 124378

greasy hair, one tit flapping

No. 124379

Next thread pic please. Mother of god the lip crust

No. 124380

File: 1651299447078.webm (Spoiler Image,1.62 MB, 1918x1080, Freckles.webm)

In motion
You sure?

No. 124381

Her voice always shocks me. I just never imagine her sounding like that, in my head I feel like she should sound like some old ass smoker kek

No. 124382

So she coming back?

No. 124383

lol this copium

No. 124384

File: 1651300493448.webm (1.57 MB, 1918x1080, Customer Service Mattel.webm)

A scrote (I think fartmeister) kept trying to talk to her about a script and this is how she responded. The guy kept saying shit along the lines of “can you guess what I’m doing?” Re: this “script” and I think he was hoping for her to react excited or playfully

No. 124385

well she does heighten her voice on cam. it is naturally deep

No. 124386

File: 1651300638337.jpg (432.14 KB, 2224x787, Message Wall.jpg)

I wonder if Lorimer has been back since 2016 and their thoughts, kek.

No. 124387

she has a fat sounding voice

No. 124388

I don’t know if it’s because her mannerism (and even her face) remind me so much of Amberlynn but I think so too

No. 124389

Shes live on a camsite and has no guess what this coomer wants? how dumb is she?

No. 124390

I’m sure she knows and just thinks flirting is above her. She’s just really bad at this, she tends to be curt with her guests and then wonders why the room is “dead”

No. 124391

security at a clinic is not that hard to understand anon even if you've never seen it personally

No. 124392

File: 1651306722008.jpeg (467.54 KB, 1536x2048, C9ED0D28-562A-4D8E-8E97-3429B7…)

The freckles are so bad. It’s like she tries to style herself as poorly as possible

No. 124393

despite making a weird face, I think she looks a lot better with less editing. Her face shape looked better on cam. I think she tries to edit her jawline but ends up with a longer and kind of surprising looking face in her edits

No. 124394

File: 1651312067690.webm (Spoiler Image,9.89 MB, 966x542, nasty-Mattel-.webm)

Here she is “cleaning” her vibrator with her hands

No. 124395

File: 1651312470941.webm (Spoiler Image,3.48 MB, 966x542, struggling-.webm)

Seeing her remove it was something else. You’d think she’d start ordering her real size after struggling to remove articles of clothes from her body again and again ON CAMERA. I’ll never understand this, we won’t know the size you bought and you’d look less ridiculous

No. 124396

File: 1651312676938.webm (Spoiler Image,8.86 MB, 1918x1080, unfortunate .webm)

In motion, hopefully we won’t have “she looks like she’s lost weight” the next time she contorts her body

No. 124397

File: 1651312791173.webm (Spoiler Image,9.32 MB, 1918x1080, grandma slippers .webm)

Isn’t Shayna funny and quirky, you guys?

No. 124398

Big Shay hits my shadenfreude bone different. I bet the upcoming economic collapse is going to be super milky for all these e-whores as low tier scrotes suddenly need their money for basic necessities.

No. 124399


she is still overweight but compared to the last photo in >>124368 she has absolutely lost SOME weight

it's fine to hate on her and laugh at her ridiculousness but being salty just because she's not as fat as she was last year and pretending she hasn't lost a bit is stupid

No. 124400

Womack works in the oil fields and makes decent money. I know because I talked to him for a little bit to see if he was worth milking, it ended up just making me depressed and I stopped because he’s so clearly super lonely, desperate and missing brain cells and Shayna is taking advantage but he’s too stupid to tell.
>Sometimes it feels like Ellen is pimping Shayna out
100% get these vibes based on the fact that Ellen clearly wrote Shayna’s SA profile and seems to act as a “mummager”, probably because she can’t make any money off her dumpy ass so she’s trying to mooch off of Shay.
Rodent vagina fits Shayna perfectly.
Needs to be included in the next thread pic(cowtipping)

No. 124401

Kek, who’s salty? You read way too much to into those catty remarks. That photo you’re pointing out has some distortion to it too.

No. 124402

You talked to Womack ew wtf
I swear this thread is full of e whores trying to cope by saying they’re better than Shayna

No. 124403

I downloaded chrome and I still can’t play it. I can’t play it on my MacBook either.

No. 124404

File: 1651327055520.jpeg (Spoiler Image,446.74 KB, 881x1033, B402A1FA-A452-4AF8-9B38-6C01FF…)

No. 124405

File: 1651327571776.gif (Spoiler Image,9.5 MB, 960x525, B55F331E-CA84-45C4-BF50-8594B3…)

Her wonky boob reminds me of those karaoke read-along spheres that bounce on each word you’re suppose to sing

No. 124406

Same. Can anyone posts the videos on drop box or something?

No. 124407

>No one has to download anything, retard.
>If your on an OS device, you need to download VLC

No. 124408

If you have iPhone download the orange VLC app then copy the webm file and paste into open network streams

No. 124409

Yes, let’s skip the option that doesn’t require any downloads to insult someone who is trying to help.

No. 124410

GIRL PLAY INTO IT WTF. Lmao her sales skills are atrocious! Shayna you would make way more money if you played the part and didn't act like a giant cunt. This just makes it obvious that your customers annoy you, and to be fair they can be extremely obnoxious sure but what's better… "owning" them in chat (embarrassing, makes it obvious you hate your job, off putting to any other potential customers, you literally gain nothing from doing this) or making $… hmmm. Finesse them you idiot.

No. 124411

Maybe she’s trying to make peace because it’s her moms insurance that’ll cover the tit replacement? I don’t know how insurance works in burgerland but I do wonder if this attempt to patch things up with her mom is medical related? (Not to discount that she’s also doing it because free trip overseas)

No. 124412

Stop posting the videos they’re pointless anyway she’s just doing the same shit she always is(sage)

No. 124413

Uh, no? Just don't watch them dummy

No. 124414

File: 1651336420149.jpeg (761.01 KB, 1242x1500, 72A0E2B2-9923-4838-8B49-4B0C6C…)

She already has a pair of crusty pink and white dog ears. Why tf does she need more? These are $75

No. 124415

She just admitted she had a spending problem too

No. 124416

Lip balm, lip scrub, foot pumice, lotion… nah
Retarded ears… yup I NEED them
She’s so dumb

No. 124417

You just told people you couldn't afford your rent??

Also those ears look dingy as hell. I don't understand her obsession with these washed out, easily dirtied shades.

No. 124418

File: 1651338867710.png (85.29 KB, 380x139, gdfgfg.png)

the ~*sexy*~ Shayna lip bite

No. 124419

She looks exactly like a halloween witch mask

No. 124420

A clinic? We were talking about a recreational weed dispensary.

No. 124421

She could at least trim her bush down with scissors jfc. I know she doesnt shave it anymore because she never learned how to do it properly and not have boils and ingrowns all over, but with the stupid aesthetic and image she clings to, the hairy muff is so off putting.

No. 124422

For those who can’t figure out how to make WEBMs play, you can find some of the clips in MP4 in the same order that they were posted here: https://imgur.com/a/E4pH7Gh (Remember you’ll be viewing NSFW videos)
Unfortunately, two of the videos were too long to be uploaded, these missing clips are:
Jason R Womack being her #1 simp
Failed e-girl
I hope this was helpful, nonas. I still recommend you figure out how to play the WEBMs as videos uploaded elsewhere rarely stay up for long.

No. 124423

be real though, the hair is far better to look at then her gross shaved pimple pussy

No. 124424

I'm surprised she doesn't get waxed. Maybe the student salons she goes to don't offer it. The poor person doing the wax might contract MRSA so maybe it's a good thing after all.

No. 124425

File: 1651340307384.jpeg (1.69 MB, 1242x1770, 6591067A-38D1-4630-95B3-E0A824…)


Dispensaries are cash only businesses (in CA anyways) most of the time. So yes most have paid security. It’s not a wild thing to assume a lot of dispensaries in burgerland have them.

No. 124426

If she was still doing her stoner hippy persona than her unshaved look would fit in. And yeah it’s better than looking at her boils but the hitler pube haircut is weird. Why doesn’t she just get laser hair removal?

No. 124427

KEK nona

No. 124428

I’m dying nonny thank you that’s exactly what it looks like

No. 124429

All marijuana dispensaries in the US are cash only because they aren't allowed to set up accounts with banks

No. 124430

My bad I use the words interchangeably

No. 124431

File: 1651342481973.gif (249.65 KB, 425x381, Screenshot 2022-04-29 114826.j…)

No. 124432

Do you think she puts makeup on the boil to hide it during live cams?

No. 124433

Scrotes are stupid. She was begging for rent money but somehow has enough to squander on dog ears she doesn't need? Jesus

No. 124434

She literally looks the same size, anon. They are just at different angles and focal lengths. She's at best the same weight as she was a year ago and at worst fatter, the photos look no better now.

No. 124435

She actually bought pig ears?

No. 124436

Sorry anons, she definitely was looking smaller last night

No. 124437

She just looked wider in those older ones probably due to the camera she was using and the clothes. Unless shes been secretly actually dieting and excercising even mildly daily, theres literally no way shes lost weight.
Idk why anons can't understand that and that editing, angles, lighting, different cameras, etc affect how you appear and insist that she magically loses noticeable weight in short spans of time.
Oh also eating before content can give you bloat, especially the garbo she eats.

No. 124438

She has been oddly silent about DoorDash. She probably is broke and/or only spends money on cheap wine.

No. 124439

She is faceblind to her own face, I swear

OT but this is literally not true, my local dispensary takes debit and credit. Might be state to state differences. They still always have at least 2-3 security guards, too. I have no idea how the laws are in Oregon, though.

No. 124440

Honestly I wouldn’t be shocked if she was skipping the meals to drink / smoke less for the same buzz to save money.

No. 124441

Okay but lets be real, fatty is probably having the "gf" buy or make her dinner

No. 124442

i will not believe it until the beer gut disappears.

No. 124443

Yeah but just cutting your caloric intake wont do it unless you legit go ana. At her age and weight and shape, just eating one less doordash meal a day wont do shit. Drinking sugary wine and laying around eating grocery store processed junk isnt better than takeout/wont make you lose significant weight.

No. 124444

if she lost even 5lbs she'd be talking about it and asking people for head pats

No. 124445

This is the most damning evidence, she would not be able to resist bragging

No. 124446

Seconded as next thread's pic please. The awfully crusty lips, the giant stupid eyelashes, the freckles that imo don't do her dirty self any favours…this is what she looks like today after 5+ years of sexwork >>124267.

No. 124447

Oh god no!! She used to get waxed and I remember what her snatch looked like; she never moisturized and looked diseased.

Err - MORE diseased.

No. 124448

And she would always talk about how 'wet' getting waxed would make her. So glad she stopped that shit.

No. 124449

And claimed that her waxer made comments about it

No. 124450

What I noticed in this clip and the other one, Shayna can't even look at the camera when she's thanking Womack, a clear sign of insincerity. Not trying to defend the poor simp, just saying that Shayna takes him for granted, has no interest in him, and if one day, Womack stops supporting her financially, I wonder how she's going to react. Is her world going to turn upside down? She's obviously not even grateful for the money he's sending her, just taking everything she is handed for granted, like Ellen Degenerate and her parents, too… Oh, and the "dusting off" of the wand is disgusting!

No. 124451

Oh right - I forgot about that! I legit gagged when she posted that. Ugh.

No. 124452

Her vag in the early threads was terrifying. She had a open sore next to asshole for months. Now it's confirmed that she does have an infection in that area it makes me wonder for long she's had it because it would explain the horrific state her snatch and ass crack all those years ago.

No. 124453

She probably tells him she loves him in their private conversations. He tells her he loves her.

No. 124454

I’m one of the anons who said I need a Womack to pay my rent but I can’t believe you went ahead and talked to him… wtf isn’t that cow tipping or something? Are you an ewhore?

This. Instead she calls herself “squishy” bitch you is lumpy

No. 124455

Just rub a stick of butter and French fry grease on your ass and you’ll get Womack to pay your rent. kek

No. 124456

File: 1651362499807.jpeg (Spoiler Image,581.9 KB, 1242x1158, A1C9E856-96D6-4691-9B72-B37919…)

She said she’ll be back next Saturday

No. 124457

I’m sorry, but… do you guys believe she actually owns a scale? Lmfao.

No. 124458

If she does she’s probably scared to stand on it. It’s just so sad, because with even just minor changes she could start losing weight if she just takes care of herself. It honestly makes me really sad for her, is she really enjoying the life she is living? She just seems like a lost 20 something year old that doesn’t know what she’s doing with her life. She’s going to end up back at her parents eventually or selling her body to randos on the street to make ends meet.

No. 124459

I was going to say the same two things. I’m sure she doesn’t know how much she weighs, unless she found out at one of her ER trips

No. 124460

what makes it worse its that there are a lot of degens who are doing this while they are in college or prior to graduate but she have been doing nothing for 5 years now, but REALLY nothing, not working on her mental health, not looking for a real career, not even improve her looks. she doesnt even have savings, been talking about owning a car since forever.
shes nothing, just a fecade with a bunch of hello kiitty throw above of a filthy grimmy good for nothing. but guys she makes THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS!!!!

No. 124461

Uh, excuse YOU, she has a cot bed now. Remember when she started off sleeping on that pink Star blanket on the floor? Kek

No. 124462

Speaking of star blanket, she must have euthanized that thing because I haven’t seen it in awhile. I’ll bet she washed that thing twice in its entire existence.

She probably saw that grandma that she lost that MV contest to and thought “yea that’s going to be me”.
Idk I don’t see shay doing anything other than failing sex work. Not until her parents die of old age and she no longer has enablers.

No. 124463

It's not confirmed at all she just has acne from wearing the same sweatpants and sitting on her ass all day stop

No. 124464

File: 1651382584616.jpeg (Spoiler Image,791.29 KB, 1242x1390, 34733303-D4AE-4A7A-A9A3-C204D6…)

She says she’s going to be live every Saturday kek sure jan

No. 124465

Bitch its sunday

No. 124466

Are you retarded

No. 124467

This is one of the worst pictures she’s taken even with extreme wtf

No. 124468

even when she was thin she had no ass or curves but man, the chub is really making that hank hill ass shine

No. 124469

>this thread is full of e whores trying to cope by saying they’re better than Shayna
it's gotten proved time and time again. the bikini barista, the skidmark academy girl, that one girl who complained about no one buying her arts and crafts and buying her porn, vivi, that fat goth ewhore etc

No. 124470

File: 1651415004991.jpeg (829.14 KB, 1242x1614, 07C36C39-86F6-4BAD-BD18-5BD60D…)

Once again people doing your job better than you

No. 124471

dont forget ugly e whore savanna solo

No. 124472

To be fair she at least owns a home, which is sad for Shayna because even fat ugly beak nosed e whores like her can still at least make more than minimum wage. It’s still bleak though that these girls have to shake their flabby bits just to make a check

No. 124473

File: 1651418721504.png (461.37 KB, 1079x1229, Screenshot_20220501-082407.png)

No. 124474

Is she gonna write “fantasies” about her being ill with COVID?

No. 124475

Already figured out her next excuse not to cam, possible emergency room sega

No. 124476

I wonder if it’s a lie to beg for more money. Not that it isnt possible for her to have covid.

Hopefully Ellen doesn’t have it and give it to her elderly parents.

No. 124477

Dumb bitch going to the aquarium and a bunch of olaces without her mask and you know she doesnt give a fuck about sanitation or washing her hands lol

No. 124478

She is going to milk this so much. She is vaxxed and most people getting sick lately have had a headache/sore throat/cough for a couple days but been mostly fine. I bet she doesn't work for weeks though.

No. 124479

File: 1651422504775.jpg (439.25 KB, 1080x2107, Screenshot_20220501-135732_Twi…)

Acting like she doesn't lurk lmao

No. 124480


wish she would lurk more and take some feedback. Her crusty lips drive me insane.

No. 124481


Aww, she soo loves it!

And the board does too, for it thrives on the magnetism of her sulphuric scented garbage fire.

Farmers are your free clout chowder. Bon appetit, Mon Cheri

No. 124482

File: 1651423309197.jpeg (789.76 KB, 1284x1786, 1F93CF16-CEA5-46ED-8EF8-29E605…)

Shayna you spend more time on this site than anyone, kek

No. 124483

samefag but she always says she has no idea why people think she’s ugly and a shitty terrible person.

you know, shay. it’s been explained multiple times. you are a hypocrite, a scammer, a liar, a manipulator, and an all around ugly person on the inside and out. you’re hilarious to post about because you have no self awareness and think you deserve the world because you were popular on tumblr as a teen. grow up, get over yourself, do some fucking work and maybe you’ll find lolcow gets bored of you. but until then you’re gonna keep doing the same shit and it’s gonna be even more hilarious every time.

No. 124484

I think you slipped in that last sentence Shay. Shouldn't be so obvious when talking about yourself.

No. 124485

I don’t remember that happening?

No. 124486

Aw man I guess we’re not getting those unedited shots from the photogs site, way to cowtip Vivi kek

No. 124487

>i just literally don't understand
You have over 100 threads on lolcow.farm because you are a lolcow. What's to not understand?

No. 124488

i dont think the photographer came here and drop the pics, some anon found the twitter page because she was following it, shes making this up just because she saw the Vivi comment on her face and is super mad because all we are talking is the fucking truth! and why send people here? Shayna theyre gonna lurk by themselves and see that you shower once a month kek

No. 124489

Notice the only reason she's bringing up Vivi by name is because Vivi isn't online.
It always annoys me how Shayna acts like we have to be "Convinced" to think she's not attractive. She always uses this language as if she truly thinks that folks here don't find her attractive.
"No I'm attractive, they just keep drawing pictures and finding awkard poses to convince, themselves I'm not a beautiful Barbie Bimbo Baby". I always hated that. This is like the third time that Shayna has made a comment like this. Also, "pretending to be people" lets me know she lurks. She probably thinks that a Nonnie was behind the "Nadine" shit. She's probably right, but I can't think of another instance of someone "pretending" to be someone who Shayna knows.

No. 124490

>convince themselves
Oh no, she let it slip. Her conscience pooted and projected on us. You're the one that huffs copium daily and gaslights yourself into thinking you're just as "hot" as you were at 18. That facade is barely held up by the three geriatric coomers that give you attention. They only do that cause you probably look like their estranged daughters they don't have the balls to creep on like they want to. Funny she thinks we have the goggles on like she isn't the person who cannot live her sad pathetic life without being high off her ass and as drunk as a bum EVERYDAY.
>6-7 years
That's a long time to just be continually accused of things you "didn't" do. It's almost like, if it happens that long it's not coincidence KEK

No. 124491

Shes clearly trying to discredit vivo on here so when her orbiters inevitably come to see what its all about she'll have planted a seed that its not actually vivo. Also love that she referenced "tinfoil hat" seems like a tell that she spends tons of time here lol. We already know that bc she always slips up and refences things from here when she cams. And lastly I for one knew that photographer was a creepy fucking man. It was so obvious

No. 124492

Thats why Shayna doesn't watch other girls. She made up some bullshit about "Not wanting to steal ideas", no. She probably compares herself to every woman in every fucking way.
I never fucking understand why she says this, like Shayna we don't like you here. The people who think you are ugly aren't doing it because they secretly think you are super hot and are just bitter angry jealous girls.
No, they truly don't find you attractive. Personally I think Shayna looks better facially during her lives, in her pictures she does those ugly ass faces, but she's average with a below average nothing special body.

No. 124493

She's only being bold because vivi isn't on twitter anymore. Shayna for the first time can control the narrative and call someone out by name without worrying they'll say something back.

No. 124494

File: 1651426766060.jpeg (138.77 KB, 750x570, 5E3081AE-4EF6-4CBF-BBA2-94EB98…)

I thought people who sell promos are evil. She’s getting really desperate

No. 124495

> comments this is actually @IRLbarbie on pics of me
If that account only uses old skinny photos, people might not believe them kek

No. 124496

bitch you put yourself on the internet for years wanting attention. no one makes you post personal shit in the same place you pander to degenerates and talk about how you want to be fucking kidnapped.

>"intentionally ugly"

don't hate on art created for amusement just b/c every aspect of your life is gross.

No. 124497

I thought that about brain rot as well

No. 124498

>these ppl sit around for hours, days, weeks & YEARS

Girl I read the threads for 5 minutes during my daily shit. You are nothing more than something to occupy my time with when I have literally NOTHING else to do and I’m sure many other anons can say the same.

No. 124499

shes so desesperate! shes afraid the only coomer she has left her because we are photoshopping his face on her asshole!!!

No. 124500

>those people have brainrot and don't live in reality
hahahahaha, really, shay?

also, seriously, fuck vivi. it was so obvious from the beginning that she was a farmer. she cowtipped and yet as soon as shit hit the fan ran away crying. ass-kissing nonnas really did enable her five minutes of fame, like she's ANY better than shat. if anything, vivi is not just a pathetic whore, but also a coward and a hypocrite. literally nothing of note happened between them, but she milked it for the measly attention and asspats. boo-hoo, shatna is unprofessional and has ass boils. big fucking surprise. we can look at them unedited boils for free every day in her videos.
it's always the fucking ewhores in this thread who sabotage the milk.

No. 124501

The ass kissing was mostly just to milk more information out of her. If we jumped down her throat she would have ran. she was a farmer that took cowtipping to the extreme. I don’t think there’s any other way of looking at it, but at the end of the day god bless her for the milk she provided

No. 124502

Tinfoil hats and brain rot are two phrases I see regularly on here but I've never seen Shaynus say them before. It's like she's trying to beat us with our own lingo kek must've struck a nerve through all those chub rolls

No. 124503

File: 1651428201688.jpeg (375.33 KB, 750x2185, 7156482E-6500-407D-AF89-103D83…)

Keep telling yourself that Shay

No. 124504

Not easy to ignore? But thought she said she doesn't read here kek get your story straight

No. 124505

Am I the only one not understanding the Vivi shit she's talking about? Why did Vivi think that the "girl" who of course was a scrote was "bad news" and posting here? Because he posted the raw pictures that showed how Shay really looks? I don't get it. Also, she's having this meltdown because she got on camera. Her life is so amazing but literally everytime she gets on camera, she leaves in a bad mood because people stop tipping and she always starts venting about her life or fupaul. Everytime, she almost cries, but her life is so great. Even though she vents about how it's not great.

No. 124506

Vivi doesn’t seem to be the sharpest crayon in the box, I think she assumed the photographer was purposely posting ugly pictures of her when in reality that’s just what she looks like kek. And it’s true, these meltdowns happen like clockwork after she cams. I think they’re a real reality check for her that she’s not actually hot and famous because no one shows up but farmers and she just ends up drunk and frustrated by the end

No. 124507

Good catch, more evidence she obsesses over her threads.

No. 124508

how great her life is? She was just begging for rent and probably will beg again this month too

No. 124509

File: 1651431020426.jpeg (135.42 KB, 750x1056, 5EFF75D2-4354-4E0E-A9AA-02F1EA…)

Vivi was … weird can we just discuss how awful it is to read Shaynus’ threads and then draw her and tweet at her and try to collaborate for like a year? And then post about her here? I mean thank you for letting us see this unshooped puffy alcoholic eyes, yellow ass teeth, high off her ass pic but Vivi was really kind of a snake
Glad she got out of SW tho. The sex work “industry” is full of mentally ill insecure girls with substance abuse problems, it preys on them. Hope she gets better, she seemed unwell

No. 124510

this pic is filtered btw

No. 124511

Holy shit

No. 124512

honestly, if shaynus wasnt so afraid of the truths being outed here about her over the years, she could totally pull of the angle of being leader of some rag tag anti-farms movement and gain a small following.

sadly, the majority of people featured here are featured for a reason they never want to be highlighted so no one ever takes lead to start a movement.

No. 124513

Covid from Vivi? Vivi's trailer did look like a bio-hazard.

No. 124514

File: 1651433242298.jpg (113.07 KB, 1080x351, Screenshot_20220501-165626_Twi…)

not working saga

No. 124515

From my experience and from what I’ve seen, covid symptoms seem to really show around day 2 or 3 after exposure.

4 days ago she was with Ellen stuffing her face with 20lbs of butter and bottom dwellers, and scaring fish with her ugly mole hands. She likely caught it that day on their date.

No. 124516

Agreed, she most likely got sick on her big day out with Ellen.

No. 124517

Yeah they didn't mask in any of the pics she posted and seattle is having a little spike. You'd think with how fucked her lungs are she'd at least be careful and wear her ugle ass mask. No one to blame but herself.

No. 124518

how many poor doordash employees are going to be exposed to covid because she physically cannot go one day without it

No. 124519

"stalker fans". No one here is a fan of your porky pedophile ass. We just enjoy watching your decline because it's what a pedo panderer deserves. Waiting for the sweet, sweet day that you have to pack it all up and go home because you ruined your entire life wearing diapers and covering dildos in shit for less money than McDonald's would pay you to flip fries.

No. 124520

With the number of farmers who buy her OF content for entertainment or to share it here, I wonder how much we contribute to her income and livelihood. I mean she had to beg for rent last month, she needs us lol

No. 124521

Your life is horrible shay. Spreading your ass for $3 while we lurk and laugh whilst going to real jobs. And if you are so “unbothered” why do you tweet about us every month during your “woe is me I’m a failure” spergs?? Your fat and ugly. Stop pretending we edit you to make you ugly, you are ugly. That’s how you look. Kek. Stop redirecting people to this site, you fat failure. If you just posted decent pictures and promoted your OF you wouldn’t have a thread. Your whining, scamming, misogyny, pedophilic content is what got you here dumb bitch.

No. 124522

$3 does pay much rent kek it’s not even worth it the the three farmers who have it should unsubscribe. She gives us uncensored rotten milk for free on Twitter

No. 124523

She’s still seething about Vivi like it’s over with. Let it go. She deleted her Twitter she had nothing to gain from exposing you. You are a nobody everyone on Twitter already hates you. Why would her “spilling” give her clout?

No. 124524

We have the one farmer who buys all of her videos to post too for some reason, definitely not worth giving her the money since her trailers are milky enough and she puts everything in them.

No. 124525

Why would anyone have to lie about her life when she's constantly crying about how depressed she is, how no one will buy her gross porn now that she's fat, how she has no friends and everyone hates her? She says all of these things then goes back to her delusions of being a happy successful beautiful baby bimbo.

No. 124526

Are you retarded or just a kid that's never smoked pot? I travel between Denver and MA a few times a month for work. Dispensaries are definitely not cash only. Lmao I can order ahead if I want to on some of the websites which requires a card. Stop spreading false information when you clearly don't know shit.

No. 124527

this is retarded, nonnie, posting about the farms whatsoever is cringe and just more milk. if she really wanted to get off the farms for good all she’d have to do is stopping posting every detail of her life 30 times a day, but she’s physically incapable of doing so which is what makes her a lolcow in the first place. She acts like it’s some kind of crazy happening that she ended up on this site when there are what, 60 active threads about a specific cow? It doesn’t just happen to anyone, everything she does is specifically making her of interest. She probably thinks she can’t just stop posting because she needs Twitter to “work” but she could literally just post her hemorrhoid asshole and go and we’d get bored

No. 124528

Why so agro? West coast dispensaries are cash only.

No. 124529

I guess you've never been to Portland sweetie.

No. 124530

She's probably bitter about Vivi because not only did Vivi spill the milk, multiple anons said Vivi looked less far gone than Shayna.

No. 124531

>3% on OF
Lmao she’s asking for promo from bitches making below minimum wage, no one popular wants to talk to her

No. 124532

Do you guys think she posts here?

No. 124533

In Seattle it’s cash only bc they can’t work with banks, calm down. Reference: I live her and that’s how it is

No. 124534

how is he working 48 hours straight? Womack as brain dead as shatna

No. 124535

interesting that allegedly shayna is also being sent this thread right after "nadine" womack's supposed girlfriend was dm'd it and after vivi came here lol.

No. 124536

bigfatshat is raging over all of the reality checks she was subjected to reading this thread hehe. seethe, trashy fatass

No. 124537

People who work that long are usually on drugs in order to stay awake. They call him Jason Retard Wocrack for a reason.

No. 124538

How is that false information? no one gives a shit. if it’s cash only or card no one cares

No. 124539

This is Shaynus we are talking about she doesn’t wash her hands or ass and she’s picking at it all day whenever she films content. Her fucking apartment and body is a Petri dish.

No. 124540

Hahahah do they really call him this

No. 124541

If these cows don't look at this site then how do they all follow each other?

No. 124542

Hasn’t Shayna messaged OF anon before after they bought her video and posted it here? It was her only sale and she knew it was them. But sure, you’ve only spent 2 minutes here Shat

No. 124543

File: 1651445508366.jpeg (Spoiler Image,169.25 KB, 750x1386, DB0B8BCD-35A5-4EE0-B0FB-BE7854…)

She posted a new video, the assne is BAD

No. 124544

she accuses the farms of brain rot? What woman with any working brain cells would actively contribute to rape culture by making this kind of porn? And after she cried about big meanie Vivi's boyfriend asking for a blowjob?

No. 124545

kek the squidward legs

No. 124546

It took me like 4 times to read that to get what she meant. fucking christ the brain rot in some of these hoes.

No. 124547

File: 1651446831785.jpeg (422.1 KB, 1170x665, 9502931E-2D75-449C-A29A-F7C663…)

What is this “contour” she attempted?

No. 124548

she looks terrible

No. 124549

This makes her look more like a mtf

No. 124550

this 3$ shein skirt is doing her absolutely no favours. it makes her fridge hips look even more concave than they already are, somehow.

No. 124551

this is a statutory rape fantasy. she’s pretending to be underage. i hate this bitch.

No. 124552

File: 1651449035047.jpeg (Spoiler Image,1.69 MB, 1242x1548, 348935C8-2D07-4504-A01F-5920F8…)

The beady rat eyes she looks so scary wtf

No. 124553

File: 1651449202518.jpeg (282.17 KB, 750x491, 86944BDF-DB3D-459D-9126-54AECA…)

What do these fat old looking ewhores who pedo pander take to make themselves think they look like teenage girls?

No. 124554

File: 1651449206671.jpeg (340.34 KB, 630x1066, D6476FAD-1BA4-42C7-8762-147441…)

No. 124555

File: 1651449250241.jpeg (43.08 KB, 557x567, 3EB4AA5C-41FC-4928-97B1-AD1409…)

She looks like Patrick when he tried to fit into SpongeBob’s pants

No. 124556

wow that pink candle wax was a terrible choice. literally looks like sores and lesions on her chest. you'd think someone who regularly struggles with boils would be more conscious of that kek

No. 124557

File: 1651449423499.jpeg (Spoiler Image,103.59 KB, 640x1000, 56CCAFC4-89F1-480C-8995-6ECB46…)

No. 124558

Don’t post kids? Wtf

No. 124559

It's three fully clothed teenagers, calm down.

No. 124560

File: 1651449992476.jpeg (417.62 KB, 1170x971, 8E5C46C6-0BC0-4750-BDC3-A7185A…)

Kek what “legal actions”?

No. 124561

kek i love how they tell her “all the things youve created and done” instead of “all the things that youve got”

No. 124562

you could've left out the statutory

No. 124563

Those candle colour choices did not work out like she thought. Looks like she's got open sores, burns and soot over her.

No. 124564

File: 1651451299936.jpeg (292.09 KB, 750x935, F6E555E5-5C65-4F49-9592-8E8A5A…)

Kek I feel like she’s referring to farmers talking about paying for her OF earlier itt

No. 124565

gonna take a wild guess and say these aren’t body safe candles (candles made of paraffin wax that don’t burn hot enough to burn the skin on contact). so now she has raised burn marks like the retard she is.

No. 124566

Shay, outright admitting you’re a bottom shelf cheap whore is not the own you think it is kek

No. 124567

Why did you do so? Was this when she lived in Oklahoma?

No. 124568

Nooooooo, anon come back and spill the tea.

No. 124569

File: 1651452999285.jpg (148.92 KB, 2154x522, 1517388.jpg)

This (picrel) is what that anon posted

No. 124570

File: 1651453744993.png (Spoiler Image,8.03 MB, 1242x2208, 9B3A6A7C-7CCF-4E0D-8578-B5EAAD…)

No. 124571

File: 1651453784072.jpeg (329.26 KB, 709x684, 600FEEA6-DC33-49A4-ADAD-90EFA4…)

Why she look like Jim Carey

No. 124572

File: 1651453893605.jpeg (716.49 KB, 1242x834, 233E7CBE-19E1-4637-86AE-4E2DF6…)

Unedited from your own videos…. you’re just ugly shat kek

No. 124573

That’s just a stock image.

No. 124574

i cant believe shes this big lmao

No. 124575

File: 1651454479686.gif (607.84 KB, 500x281, 7574862db953ad8482e501874d0860…)

No. 124576

File: 1651454977290.jpg (Spoiler Image,283.5 KB, 1399x1660, 1wrZUQMA.jpg_large.jpg)

She always feels like…

No. 124577

I just ugly laughed so hard. Ily this is spot on. Thank you nonnie

No. 124578

so she doesn't need that $5 but she's begging for paid promo??

ok shay

No. 124579

can't wait for her to see this work of art and have another Twitter meltdown

No. 124580

Is it okay for her to get hot wax on her implant? She's so damn unsexy, like the special needs girl in highschool who has a manipulative older "boyfriend".

No. 124581

rat face in full force

No. 124582

the gut hanging over the skirt, wow. this outfit is hideous.

No. 124583

nonny, wax is not hot enough to burn through the skin that deep. she’s fine; implants aren’t as delicate as you may think, and they’re not right under the skin. they’re usually under muscle.

No. 124584

you captured her pure gorilla face perfectly

No. 124585

File: 1651456658976.jpeg (8.38 KB, 300x168, bunny.jpeg)

shaynus vs other women

No. 124586

I find it weird that someone paid for this on cam, and instead of playing to the audience that paid she’s playing to her cellphone camera for onlyfans?

No. 124587

But then … you could say that about everyone who subscribes, surely? The motive for paying the “five single dollars” doesn’t matter. She’s effectively just insulted all her subs.

Topkek anon!

No. 124588

Next thread pic PLEASE And maybe with the tweet of her complaining about our art

No. 124589

File: 1651458333411.jpg (231.55 KB, 1431x335, they’re always drawing intenti…)

IA, perhaps with the Tweet covering her 2” crack?

No. 124590

File: 1651458354673.jpg (98.56 KB, 558x832, Z.jpg)

KEK, serving ukiyo-e realness

No. 124591

File: 1651458548043.gif (14.96 MB, 752x578, 59FDD133-AD44-4B3D-8CDC-8FF065…)

Yes so it doesn’t get spoilered

No. 124592

Thanks nonnies!! The Ukiyo-e comment is especially flattering!

No. 124593

File: 1651463881566.jpeg (181.56 KB, 1210x1075, 278D9427-7A43-4B80-B90D-BE86C6…)

Kek Big Shaynus is feeling insecure

No. 124594

File: 1651463919937.jpeg (211.75 KB, 750x657, 33DFF613-C922-437B-BF5A-C0DDA1…)

Weird ways of saying “fat girls.”

No. 124595

This 2012 Facebook “bones are for dogs” tier post kek body positive and plus size is celebrated more in the mainstream now than ever. She’s just too far into the pedo little girl aesthetic that she becomes insecure about not fitting into the dollskill shit and can’t transition into a flattering style to save her life. And meat would imply the presence of muscle, not the accumulated fat from all the doordash and charcuterie triscuit cheese snacks.

No. 124596

File: 1651465455874.jpeg (270.82 KB, 1200x1018, CBED4023-7C02-456D-96B6-D97AB9…)

Meat would also imply ass. Baby don’t got back

No. 124597

This, her bodytype could actually work well for for a lot of scrotes but her target audience who are into pedoplay tend to prefer small and thin girls

No. 124598

her body type would be alot more forgiving if she wore clothes her size, learned how to properly do her makeup/hair and started to practice basic hygiene regimens. yeah shay is chunky and has unfortunate fat distribution, but if she didnt look and act like a wreak all the time she wouldn't be scrutinised as much. its one thing to be fat, its another to be fat, ugly and unwashed.

No. 124599

Someone is very salty. What’s wrong, Shayna? Did your feelings get hurt when you saw us reacting to reality? Who’d be so upset about something that isn’t true? I thought we invented these characteristics of yours and had to lie about how you look? You’re fat and, if you truly didn’t think it was bad, you wouldn’t be so upset being referred as such.

No. 124600

No. 124601

Well at least she admits it (kind of). It annoys me when she acts smol or calls herself “lil”

No. 124602

kek, she finally gained the self awareness to realize that she's fat.

No. 124603

File: 1651469511137.jpeg (466.37 KB, 1242x1319, AEABC407-B1A7-4FB7-B90B-2CEC7F…)

why does something always seem happens to Shaynus as soon as she’s suppose to “work”?

No. 124604

"Keep wearing ur mask" ok like you were the other day??

No. 124605

Okay, but you're fat, Shay. Your arms and stomach are huge. You've gained so much weight that your one tit is now floppy and lower than your implant boob. None of the fat is accumulating in good places. You don't need to be skin and bones to not be fat, but you are indeed fat.

No. 124606

File: 1651472347275.jpeg (190.68 KB, 1205x1920, 16F9CC82-758D-446E-BC74-2681E6…)

She’s not fat she’s ~squishy uwu~ Kek I love how she’s bursting out of this fat girl skirt. Elastic can’t hold Big Shaynus and her beer gut

No. 124607

i can never tell if this bitch genuinely dresses herself in this tacky shit and thinks she looks good, or if shes actually just gained so much weight that nothing else fits so she has no choice.

No. 124608

All she’s gotta do is buy her correct size and it’ll make her look less “squishy”. She’ll even be able to trick her followers into thinking she’s losing weight by wearing correct sizings. No ones going to see the L tag on her clothes

No. 124609

Her face looks so painful and puffy, she needs to get one of those freezer masks and drink some water jfc

No. 124610

unpopular opinion, but I really don't think she's fat… and this thread can't be that full of anorexi cs..

No. 124611

why is the band of her skirt on her stomach so blurry

No. 124612

Found the fattie

No. 124613

>>124612 oh please, she's average weight. yall can hate on her for legitimate things, but the fat sperging is just dumb.

No. 124614

File: 1651480731848.jpg (Spoiler Image,25.82 KB, 251x512, Screenshot 2022-05-02 043736.j…)

No bodies are the same but this is a woman at5'6 and 180lbs, medically obese. Shayna has big thighs and a gunt. She's obese.

No. 124615

my bad, fair enough

No. 124616

That lady has an ass unlike a certain

No. 124617

She's actually average size nowadays in a lot of countries. The world is much fatter than it was a few years ago and it's not just America.

I live in Bulgaria and I see more adult women around Shayna's size day to day than I see slim women and most of them have a similar body type and face. Flat butt and a bit of a belly and a a small to average bust. Most women have yellow and/or crooked teeth and often wear poorly fitting, unflattering clothes. It was the same when I lived in Wales in the UK. In fact women were even bigger than Shayna.

She's actually average looking. I don't get this idea that Shay is unusually ugly at all. She looks like any 25 year old woman in the grocery store in a pair of frumpy capris.

I think it's the fact that she's chosen a job where being conventionally attractive is important so her looks and flabby body are especially jarring compared to the women who are actually successful in the industry.

I think there are definitely some anons here who are pick mes and camwhores and want to signal to scrotes about totes how skinny and curvy tm they are.

I mean a good percentage of them want to fuck fupaul and that bald punching ludite.

No. 124618

no one wants to fuck fupaul, and even if she's average because obesity is common she's still obese.

No. 124619

>I think there are definitely some anons here who are pick mes and camwhores and want to signal to scrotes about totes how skinny and curvy tm they are
the anons ITT who get revealed as camwhores when they self-post/forget to crop out their profile pic usually turn out to be morbidly obese, no? They're probably the ones saying she isn't fat, or that she was always ugly regardless of weight (her face was never the uwu cute bimbo ideal she's chasing but she used to look a lot nicer than now).
She's definitely not average by BMI standards though, and she's aging herself a lot with her styling choices, drinking and smoking.

No. 124620

I never said she wasn't overweight or obese. Just that physically she represents the average woman more than someone skinny curvy with white straight white teeth.

No. 124621

A lot of anons here don't leave their house or anything so just assume the vast majority of young girls walking around are just perfect. Shay is completely average for her age but just has bad styling
>Inb4 but I live in [major city] and all the young women here are models!
This is bullshit because big cities are extremely diverse and always have a good bit of homeless population, NEETs, careless and depressed college kids, etc. Ofc people are most likely using the halo effect or what is the opposite of it but still

No. 124622

i think being built like a fridge is gonna make her fat, she has a beer gut like i see fat girls but a beer gut? is on another level, and those neck folds? tragic! her cellulite? worst, a double chin? make it triple! im sorry if you look like Shayna it must be your bad karma but you cant say this bitch aint fat.
maybe shayna is posting? i mean shes being all this self aware because shes lurking.

No. 124623

File: 1651488181258.jpg (Spoiler Image,76.65 KB, 698x673, buttboilconfetti.jpg)


Sage for autism

No. 124624

thats the most accurate depiction of shay i can see aside from that "me baby" visual from threads past. i cannot see any form of redemption arc. i mean, girl, AT LEAST buy ur size! no one sees a size tag when they see you(if thats what shes so worried about no longer being a small/medium.

No. 124625

>SHe dIDnT mAsK
Can you covid spergs fuck off to the coof thread and stop repeating your cringey expired slogans nobody in current day gives a shit about? She caught it because everyone on this planet will eventually catch it and her number was up. Simple as

No. 124626

kek calm down retard

No. 124627

she's chubby at most, but she's not a landwhale like some farmers market her seem. If she wore clothes that fit her and showered more than once a year she'd be a perfectly fine lower-tier camwhore. If she cut back on the alcohol her bloating would go down too.

No. 124628


kek sorry nonnie, it's just that the boob looks so bad already if I was shaynus I'd be afraid to breathe near it. It looks like it begs her for the sweet release of death

No. 124629

OK maskfag

No. 124630

Sounding just like Vicky Shingles here, lol.

No. 124631

Retards like you need to remember that anons come here to make fun of the cows mooing about something they don’t follow, like how shart talks about people having to uwu mask while going out maskless. There, I explained the joke to you, let me add a /genuine for you, since your reading comprehension is shit.

No. 124632

File: 1651493090330.jpeg (209.52 KB, 976x382, 5F1CA57C-26DE-43A5-8FCC-EDD61D…)

Why do anons get so triggered when we say Shaynus is fat?
The difference between a frumpy mother wearing pajamas in a grocery store is that they aren’t trying to sell sex. They are simply just in a lazy mood. It still looks trashy to wear pajamas outside, I’ve done it before and will again because I don’t care a lot of the time kek.
Shayna is fat and ugly. No one here is saying we are all perfect 10s with white teeth and skinny bodies. I’ve never seen a person with small eyes and small thin crusty lips compared to their nose and eyebrows.

No. 124633

You can still have a yellowish tint to your teeth and have it not be the color of your skin… Shayna doesn’t brush her teeth at all. It’s so bad you can see plaque in her pictures. This is why she started to edit them unnaturally white to the point it looks like veneers, but clearly she doesn’t because we see her snaggletooth kek

No. 124634

File: 1651493975495.jpeg (444.13 KB, 1287x2570, 76EB1848-B125-4FC2-9926-5C4ED5…)

>Like if I was out here being a cunt and calling people ugly than the hate would be warranted
>literally do nothing but collect pink things and make porn!
>Calls the haters (us) ugly
>I’m not fat I’m chubby!
>Stop calling people fat as an insult!

No. 124635

"Do I owe anyone anything right now"
Wow Shayna for a self proclaimed business woman you are beyond deluded. Asking people to DM you with proof or purchases earlier in the thread and then in real time asking people if you owe them things? You quite literally have ONE job and you still fail so miserably at it.

No. 124636

funny comedian fart face?

No. 124637

what's gotten her so triggered at lc suddenly?

No. 124638

Reading comprehension is hard. Here is a hint. Look at the thread pic.

No. 124639

shayhumongous is fat, her thighs are bigger than her head. anyone who thinks this is just chubby is probably her size themselves

No. 124640

Well fortunately “overweight” is a description of body condition relative to height and other factors, so you don’t have to think she’s fat, she just *is. Sorry if the word makes you feel bad. She has too much adipose tissue. She’s fat. So are lots of other women. Just because she looks average because a lot of other women are fat does not mean she is not -also- fat. End of.

Anyway. Wonder if the grabs from the other night set Fatty off, or if she’s just pandering for attention. Probably both. But I will take the body positivity uwu if it means we stop hearing about how she’s the most perfect Barbie ever. BoPo Barbie when?

No. 124641

remember when she was skinny and she would always talk about it and how “hard” it was cos people “shamed” her? yeah shay never forget that you actively used to be one of the mean girls that bullied fat people for existing.

No. 124642

>nothing else fits so she has no choice

calm down anon. she’s not a walmart 3x+ or some shit.

No. 124643

Yet, that bitch is on her way

No. 124644

No. 124645

is the breastimplant tinfoil confirmed now? unrelated but just read this " NHS refused to replace implants that they had given her when she was 13 to treat congenital breast asymmetry." - and that has happened in the UK so seems like it isn't an isolated case

No. 124646

File: 1651503826004.jpg (52.47 KB, 736x736, ec71223b611c5a0ccfb3429e30f720…)


I'm going to trigger some Nonitas by saying this but I think Shayna would look legitimately kind of cute in a girl nextdoor sort of way if she did the whole kinderwhore/trailercore/grunge aesthetic (similar to picrel) but with her natural curly hair and not so blonde. She would even look good in some dark flannels and ripped mom jeans.

The whole 'I am baby' thing makes her look genuinely ugly. It's a bad aesthetic anyway and only teenage girls don't make it look jarring because they are literally still children.

She should definitely stop straightening her hair. I think it makes her look terrible.

Pay pigs like Womack and Gray hair came when she was into the edgy kinderwhore/stoner kind of look somewhat and she was way more successful then. I'm not going to lie and say that she wouldn't be slightly more successful if she was skinny again, but I think she can still salvage herself being a bit fat and still look kind of cute. No one from the I'm baby phase pays her rent, let's be real. Womack is paying most of her bills.

Like most anons here I think she should just quit sex work and do anything else. She's going to end up like Ellen in many ways, but Ellen has a career at least which Shayna won't have. She will end up mooching off her parents.


There is nothing wrong with having a big nose and having eyes close together or thin lips. I mean her makeup is really bad and her lips are dry but that's a different matter.

Anyone who doesn't have a modern Instagram face gets called ugly nowadays.

There was a time where people didn't get plastic injected into their faces to look the same as everyone else who is supposedly hot.

No. 124647

Who gives a fuck

No. 124648

Shes too fucking lazy/tard, and she thinks she looks like a 14 y/o bimbo, brat, baby, dommie, slut.

Babe you are just wasting your time on this whore, she is hopeless.

No. 124649

File: 1651506689009.jpg (33.88 KB, 800x450, 55181940.jpg)

Please say this is edited wtf

No. 124650

File: 1651507007990.jpeg (235.06 KB, 1170x804, B1C47886-AC20-4E96-8EDB-05F4EA…)

She’s so fucking stupid

No. 124651

File: 1651507230749.jpg (211.27 KB, 1080x459, AS_Still_CardScene08.jpg)

No. 124652

At least read the thread summary if you aren’t caught up before asking to be spoonfed

No. 124653

pandering to the troons again i see. how does she manage to become more hateable with each new day?

No. 124654

File: 1651509105010.jpeg (156.84 KB, 750x610, 9EA36124-4DB6-4BD1-8489-1B6057…)

Imagine Ellen struggling to push her around in a giant stroller on a Womack funded date

No. 124655

File: 1651510168803.jpeg (150.96 KB, 640x888, 3E0F48F7-CA66-496A-BB08-5E4BD5…)

but shes not, because she doesnt have a personality. and her body is still too fridge like to look cute on kinderwhore dresses and shit.
she has to lose some weight so she goes back to being Dolly Mattel and get the attention she used to have, nobody wants Fatty Mattel.
i search for her on tumblr tags and found someone posting as fatspo kek maybe a farmer but still funny

No. 124656

You mean a big ass dump truck

>they make fun of me cause I’m insecure abt my weight gain
So…diet and exercise? I don’t understand this at all. If you don’t like the way you look, change it. Her followers are dwindling because there is an influx of younger OF girls every year. And the coomers in her audience probably prefer them because of their pedophillic interests… I feel like she’s looking for something to blame for the fact that she is losing relevancy. She also spiraled after her cam show, she probably lurked here after and was burnt about us calling her unsexy and bitchy to her audience.

No. 124657

… would that not be a wheelchair?

No. 124658

File: 1651510990995.jpeg (250.22 KB, 750x1389, 8ECC2B52-D22C-40E5-AF75-824734…)

Clearly thriving and living the dream

No. 124659

For Shat it would be a bariatric wheelchair

No. 124660

File: 1651511373598.jpeg (823.83 KB, 1170x1491, 237867DF-69D5-44AA-80AE-20C123…)

No. 124661

Does this imply that shes less than or is top 3% at this point? Kek

No. 124662

Kek not even fat or ana but this does work as effective meanspo god damn

No. 124663

It’s not unfortunately. It was a screenshot from her cheerleading step bro video or whatever
What’s up with all the retards? Stop doing the Reddit spacing it is giving moid vibes. Snaggletooth isn’t cute in the slightest.

No. 124664

Motorized shopping cart saga coming soon. She looks retarded

No. 124665

Okay wait is she referencing lolcow because I said baby got no back a few hours ago. Maybe it’s just a coincidence kek

No. 124666

Shay would probably get more money if she went full diaper-fur.

No. 124667

>Pay pigs like Womack and Gray hair came when she was into the edgy kinderwhore/stoner kind of look somewhat and she was way more successful then.
She was never successful first of all, second they came around when she was pedo pandering
>There is nothing wrong with having a big nose and having eyes close together or thin lips. I mean her makeup is really bad and her lips are dry but that's a different matter.
Her eyes are beady like a rat. We aren’t saying almond eyes or small eyes are ugly we are saying her eyes are ugly as shit.
>Anyone who doesn't have a modern Instagram face gets called ugly nowadays.
No Shayna is just ugly. Sorry if you look like her.
She’s on her way there she’s literally liking furry and diaper hentai type shit on her diaper account. Fucking vile

No. 124668

Wow, even though Shayna always had a wide back, I kind of forget that she used to be so small. Shayna would look normal/cute if she let go of this pink doll shit but she won't. Even while chubby, just lipgloss, a cute hair style and normal clothes would'nt make Shayna stand out at a Walmart as attractive or super unattractive. Her style has always held her back. I find it funny that she's older and heavier but she wants to go back to the "Jailbait, Imma baby" shit.
Makes zero sense.

No. 124669

She’s been pedo pandering since started whoring on tumblr, ddlg was hot and she hopped on the bandwagon as soon as she turned 18

No. 124670

That’s what I meant , that anon really thought Wocrack and grayhair were around when she was in her stoner faux-grunge phase

No. 124671

File: 1651516201262.jpeg (526.63 KB, 1170x1257, 545CDAA6-31CF-4FBD-A86F-F8771B…)

This is hilarious

No. 124672

File: 1651516337071.jpeg (292.96 KB, 1170x686, 5CB2C36F-3716-4B9D-9553-2BA70D…)

She literally made that dumb ass “sick for your dick” when she claimed to be so sick

No. 124673

Kek the tie on the doorknobs when she was filming in Fupa’s walk-in closet. Still makes me kek she had to hide from his kids.

No. 124674

This is so fucking funny and she probably doesn’t even realize it kek

No. 124675

Shayna really is getting sick of this place, Vivi has gotten her shook. Normally Shayna has decently ignored us, but from her posting that, "Lolcow is killing people, please sign" post, getting Ellen and Ratty to do it, to directly calling us out. I feel like she's afraid that more people will come here and get advice on how to shit on her, they won't be like Vivi and fuck off. I don't think she's ever paid lolcow this much attention openly.

No. 124676

Tbh she might as well embrace the fur because they make shit tons of money to blow on their degeneracy.

No. 124677

Iirc Grayhair truckertard has been around the longest. Womack only joined up mid Oaklahoma saga.

Weird that there's anons fighting so hard to insist shes just average and not particularly and pretty significantly fat.
Shes not morbidly obese and there are some anons here that do act like that, but shes an XL at least. she has huge arms, a beer gut, lost her jawline to multiple chins, has marionette lines, massive cellulite on her thighs that someone in their 40s+ and not good health would have, etc.
She has a very unfortunate body type that looks awful with the weight gain because she got that fat girl curse of gaining everywhere and yet having no ass and her tits only got saggy and more Frankenstein mismatched looking.
Just because that may be a somewhat average normie type… well she's out here trying to make rent on her LOOKS and using the title "Barbie" and dressing in cheap ill fitting badly styled clothes because she thinks shes cute. THATS the actual issue and what makes it mockable.

Also she is straight up crusty and unwashed literally. Her face is below average, objectively. Especially for a 25 year old. She face edits the hell out of her pics for a reason. Shes bad at make up, her teeth are yellow and deteriorating, she has tiny swollen eyes with bags the size of her ballsack labia nearly. Terrible skin. The chappest driest lips Ive ever seen.
She doesnt look or dress average enough that I wouldnt quietly go "what the fuck" in public, sorry anons.

No. 124678

She’s 24

No. 124679

and she looks like she’s 42, who cares

No. 124680

Thats really all you had to say lmao. I mean at least I can assume you agree with everything else then.
My bad nonnies shes not 25 for another few months my bad! Her looks are totally justified now that we know shes actually just 24!

No. 124681

File: 1651522726109.jpeg (201.73 KB, 750x1583, 6202FA9B-D77C-4DB1-954D-ABE47E…)

What’s the debate I’m confused. Why do men who jerk off to porn need to be supported

No. 124682

I understand why some people support women getting their “bag” however they want while also looking down on the male trash who actually spends money on porn and e-girl personalities. Don’t see why it’s difficult to realize the existence of porn as an industry is disgusting and exploitative while still saying women in that position should have support (not my exact opinions just the arguments they’re sperging over)
Desperate girls like shay will drool over any old man who sends them a few bucks so any criticism of clients makes their true pickme colors shine

No. 124683

She deleted that reply to the other person

No. 124684

Does this delusional, pick me, pedo-pandering misshapen hog really think these scrotes paying literal pennies to see her tranny fanny have even an ounce of respect for her or any sex worker?

No. 124685

Lmao thats hilarious she would be that clueless. Im glad to see shes also admitting she’s an alcoholic who just drinks wine and plays video games (badly ofc) all day, we can tell
You know there’s been an awful lot of these coincidences lately which makes me feel she’s extrea high and drunk and extrea about vibi & us in general so her post cam meltdown is being directed to us more blatantly.

No. 124686

I think the best part of this is that she's dressed as a cow in the second pic. Def a farmer, but still pretty fucking funny.

No. 124687

This is her issue, she had an amazing body and the speed at which she ballooned is what makes her fat and ugly (well, her face was always ugly, but not being a fat slob helped with that). If she'd always been a bit pudgy it wouldn't be an issue, but she destroyed her body at such a breakneck pace by having the worst kind of habits imaginable.

No. 124688

File: 1651527197286.png (631.51 KB, 796x704, sexual 2w3.png)

Did a casual Shayna google and who did this? Sorry if it's been posted but kek at whoever did this.

No. 124689

File: 1651529601880.png (Spoiler Image,219.44 KB, 469x359, 1533704852244.png)

I mean, even during her "amazing body" phase she still had MRSA boils and approximately 0% ass. We go in circles every thread about what could have been, but she was never a feast for the eyes.

No. 124690


Cuz y'all act like she's morbidly obese when she's as big as the average burnout stoner girl her age. She's packing extra but when I think fat I think someone like fatveganfemme.
>Inb4 landwhale
Shayna would kill to have my body lmfao

No. 124691

The best part about this too, is that the more she references this site, or by even that "online forum" or "bullying website", she's just driving more people here. Her threads are literally the first thing that appear in Google when you search her real name or Dolly Mattel or any of her retarded handles.

No. 124692

You wrote a whole essay about nothing. Shaynus is fat is a funny joke. Especially because we were saying it when she was bloating before she got her beer belly. (Reference the pedo pandering Barbie pool video with floaters) the anons getting triggered are annoying just ignore it, why does it bother you so much that we call her chunky

No. 124693


Tbh I don't think she'll get much bigger than like ~200lbs(if she's already there add another 50 or so) She's not getting smaller but she's not gaining as rapidly as before. If she gets knocked up she'll gain more than the average woman is supposed too, but I don't think there would be any other reason for her to gain weight outside of getting injured and eating her feelings harder than she already does.

No. 124694

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No. 124695

File: 1651530980820.jpeg (848.83 KB, 839x1378, 4A512462-E350-49AD-9C82-3F4456…)

She’s so boxy I’m laughing so hard at this getup she looks like a troon trying to larp as an anime girl

No. 124696

File: 1651531035726.jpeg (Spoiler Image,1.61 MB, 1221x1549, 41A8D227-0DEF-4A1D-87AA-DEB03D…)

Trying to give her hank hill ass a butt lift with her bingo wing arms kek

No. 124697


Looked up this blog for the hell of it and found a 'fan' blog.


Equal parts sad and cringe cause you can see it really was the life with Fupa that made her fat. But she always was gross.

No. 124698

Nonnie I’d kill to have your body… damn!

No. 124699


The massive mooseknuckle snatch really sells it kek

No. 124700

File: 1651532195861.jpeg (2.09 MB, 1242x1502, 6140B76F-C645-4172-9E3B-B4BFE5…)

Holy shit anon Fupa really did her dirty with these pics he took of her

No. 124701

File: 1651532307433.jpeg (1.3 MB, 987x1289, 2A61039E-83F0-46C3-8225-61266A…)

She really needed a pore strip

No. 124702

This is ancient milk anon, discussed long ago

No. 124703

emmy worthy, anon
round of applause

No. 124704

ANY 25 year old? bulgaria must be a country of ugly fatasses then, my sincerest condolances.

No. 124705

Her sanpaku level eyes are so unsettling. Like damn close them a little you're scaring the hoes. She looks scared of her own self reflected in the camera

No. 124706

Kek, maybe big Shaynus should move there and become queen of the troglodytes. Bulgarian Barbie saga when?

No. 124707


if you zoom in on her left side ( arm & waist) i cant believe people dont think Shayna is fat.
we should start telling her that new content is made for one day and not a whole month if she want to improve her business kek

No. 124708

It ain't even a moose knuckle, there's no visible vaj crease, straight up just looks like a small bulge.

No. 124709

Her natural eyebrows were really pretty. I have a friend who looks nearly identical to skinny shayna; a lot of people found her unattractive in hs but she upped her hygiene and makeup games and just generally learned to take care of her appearance and now she’s one of the most beautiful women I know. Shay could’ve turned out the same but now she’s just lost potential. Disappointing.

No. 124710

File: 1651536304859.jpeg (49.26 KB, 612x408, A6BCF44B-47C2-4114-9247-5F0871…)

>Shayna would kill to have my body lmfao

No. 124711

imagine both defending shat's weight AND feeling the need to brag about your hypothetical body. probs another loser camwhore

No. 124712

KEK nonnie let the woman BREATHE
NTA but I highly doubt that anon is or ever has defended shat's body.

No. 124713

? i was referring to the post that poster just roasted lol.

No. 124714

No Im not one of the anons who thinks "oh shes just average why do you guys call her fat shes normal american". Im one of the ones that agrees that while yeah, shes not a landwhale, she is a fucking fatty and lives the lifestyle of one too and its ironic because it constrasts the image she wants and the fact that her job is heavily based on appearance.

No. 124715

God, she’s so right! What kind of asshole would talk shit about these fine, supportive gentlemen! They’re just trying to empower their favorite girls lights after all! I mean even sex workers are being so mean to these poor marginalized men, just look at this bitch:
How ungrateful! He was just trying to help get the word out and supporting her! Remember, be kind to men!

No. 124716

Can the thread please calm down and quit infighting. It’s basically every fucking day now

No. 124717

Considering this website is the only socialization these petty bitches get it's no wonder they don't know how to act

No. 124718

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No. 124719

She looks like Bart Baker doing one of his parodies from 2012 - especially the wrecking ball one

No. 124720

File: 1651541500711.jpeg (195.86 KB, 1242x1340, 116E3F2D-E783-4F2A-AD35-834B3A…)

See? Uncanny resemblance of cringe

No. 124721

File: 1651542148026.jpeg (Spoiler Image,535.49 KB, 2659x1384, A0D28453-3F97-4A1E-B1FF-354FB6…)

No. 124722

Forever busted… I'll never get tired of seeing her, she truly never improves in any way

No. 124723

File: 1651542885302.jpeg (1.5 MB, 3465x3465, 3699A9E4-043C-43D1-A610-2509A3…)

She wears the same exact clothes from years ago which makes these comparisons more jarring

No. 124724

Remember the day she took that 2020 picture she was too big to fit inside the cage while using the fuck machine, just like everyone predicted, and it pissed her off enough to have a Twitter meltdown

No. 124725

She looks a lot thinner in 2021 then 2020

No. 124726

Even thinner in 2022 now. Maybe she's finally been taking all the criticism to heart. She's young enough and not ham planet status yet to lose it and not get too flabby.

No. 124727

I truly cannot believe shat is only two years older than I am. She legitimately looks at least a decade older than anyone I know around her age. How is it even possible to be this busted in your early twenties ive seen crusty junkies her age that look way better

No. 124728

that button is holding on for dear life

No. 124729

damn this really made me realize

No. 124730

People call Shay fat because it’s funny, not because she’s so cartoonishly gargantuan that she takes up two airplane seats or whatever. I don’t think it’s controversial to say if she worked at Starbucks and was a normal person she wouldn’t have a thread on lolcow just for her body or anything. She’s fatter than she was which is funny with comparisons and how much it doesn’t mesh with her Bimbo Barbie shit. She isn’t so fat that it’s funny, it’s funny that SHE is fat.

No. 124731

This. All the anons writing thesis papers in here about how not morbidly obese she is need to fuck off. It's funny and discussed because she literally markets herself as a play on Barbie for God's sake. It's not that deep.

No. 124732

File: 1651550069127.jpeg (273.66 KB, 750x795, 894A5DBB-3171-4E25-A594-083B15…)

She retweeted a few tweets about Roe v Wade and she’s patting herself on the back for it. So brave, so loud and unapologetic. Wow.

No. 124733

How tf does tweeting/retweeting do to help? Unless you are an influencer or have a high follower account, your pointless tweets into the void isn’t going to help. Also what is her audience of four coomers going to do? Is Womack going to protest outside or what?

No. 124734


I agree. She just doesn't know how to dress herself. She looked fairly normal when she posted that picture of her in the cringe schoolgirl outfit for the Strictmoor shoot, since it actually fit her.

No. 124735

Its mostly the angle…

No. 124736

>"use ur platform"
I'm sure her 3 coomers really care about her views on politics

No. 124737

The child molester vibes in the second pic.
spoiler for blog: I got chubby and I was so distraught that I didn’t like putting on makeup cause I felt lame, I just wore my hair up all the time. I can’t imagine carrying on and getting my nails done and wearing “sexy” clothes while being insecure

No. 124738

is this a joke? she is factually fatter with much more severe cellulite than ever in 2022. the angle is just slightly more flattering amnd likely more edited too

No. 124739

Tinfoil as hell but I personally think maybe she has been lying about her age all these years and is actually more like 27/28/29. Her personal style, interests, her tumblr era are all more aligned with someone closer to 30. I also think maybe this is why she pretended to have sold content underaged or whatever, I don’t think she really did. I think she was just lying about that to go along with her lies about her age. But maybe not idk

No. 124740

I definitely see wheere you're coming from anon, but I think she's just genuinely out of touch. She's not young enough to know what's in style, and her coomers don't care either way if she has an aggressive combover millennial side-part or not.

No. 124741

Does she even know what Roe V Wade is. Also sex workers aren’t there to be political commentators or lawyers, advocates. They’re there to sell sex and a fantasy?

No. 124742

All her information and her old social media is easy to find, she's not lying about her age.

No. 124743

She's definitely just out of touch. People tend to forget that your style doesn't automatically become dated after 25 lol. If she wanted to stay up to date with fashion, music etc. she has the means to do so online. And sage for European but the millennial styles people make fun of the most already look stereotypically American to me. So when she styles herself like that it becomes almost cartoonesque, but not in the cutesy Barbie fashion she thinks she's giving.

No. 124744


Thread has reached 1100 posts. The thread will be locked and you will be unable to post in it shortly after it exceeds 1200 posts. Please begin preparing a new thread and post a link to it when it's created.

No. 124745

New thread pic please

No. 124746

File: 1651571783396.png (81.6 KB, 720x350, Screenshot_20220503-125419~2.p…)

It says she is 24 on true people search. The website itself won't load for me. Don't hate me nonas this just comes up if you type in her name.

No. 124747

File: 1651572370642.gif (809.18 KB, 275x155, 1533414200342.gif)

I do not want the opinion of someone that fantisizes about being raped like it's some cutsie kink and not the power play assault that it is.
She needs to stay in her lane. If I need to know much piss an adult diaper holds or how to deal with ass boils I'll check her out. Till then…

No. 124748

the 2020 pic is one of the worst photographs I’ve ever seen of any person

No. 124749

perfectly captured the "caught stealing from cookie jar" look

No. 124750

You guys must be joking, she obviously looks larger in each photo. It just at different angles. And she looks much larger in her 2022 photos. It's just kind of obvious, no matter how she contorts her body or edits her pics.

No. 124751

yeah, she doesn’t live in Olympia either
but people who went to high school with her have been here, she’s not lying about her age, that is ridiculous tinfoil

No. 124752

okay i know i’m asking this about a theory that could entirely just be a joke but if Shayna fully has MRSA are we really gonna avoid telling her so as to not cowtip or are is she 100% aware she has it and just doesn’t care about giving it to womack or the girls she does videos with

No. 124753

youre too young to be here.

No. 124754

nah she must know, its her body + she edits them off

No. 124755

I'm not sure it's full blown MRSA (that shit looks like leprosy or flesh eating disease), but whatever it is just requires her to actually exfoliate and wash her ass properly and she's too lazy to do that. Girls sucks her own dildos with shit on them after all.

No. 124756

Didn’t Vivi just say, “Shayna has ass boils that she knows need to be taken care of by a doctor,” then an anon said Shayna has MRSA?

No. 124757

Vivi said that Shayna has a boil that, according to Shayna herself, she needs to get surgically removed by a doctor. And yes, an anon immediately jumped to MRSA. it could easily be any kind of strain of staph infection. Usually when you get a boil on your ass, that’s what it is. That doesn’t make it any less gross to me though that she prances around with no underwear knowing she has an infection.

No. 124758

The festering ass boil and crater plantar are so defiantly disgusting. Why?? Streetwalking hookers have higher standards of appearance and hygiene.

No. 124759

If it wasn't MRSA, I don't think it would need surgical removal because antibiotics would clear the infection.

No. 124760

You sweet summer child. We've been trying to get her to go to a gyno for 100 threads.

No. 124761

File: 1651594727482.png (Spoiler Image,415.56 KB, 933x503, 1502330719474.png)

This is from the first thread, beware open ass boils. Shaytard knows what's going on she is just too disgusting to do anything about it and has been for years

No. 124762

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No. 124763

plenty of boils need surgical removal, doesn’t mean it’s MRSA or a strain of staph. it’s still equally as disgusting and if it’s open than yes the bacteria can be spread. she did that spanking thing with those boils and I would bet the people involved didn’t wash their hands in between or the paddles used.

No. 124764

File: 1651597662264.jpeg (767.43 KB, 1242x1579, 58FC3C46-96C3-4642-B356-B0AD0D…)

Never fails to get a cackle out of me he doesn’t even write anything just hits the monsters inc gif and goes about his day cooming to his timeline

No. 124765

shut up fellow bulgarianfag most women here aren’t as big as shaynus is, women over 135 pounds get called fat.
she’s just a fat fuck n maybe u r too

No. 124766

what the fuckkkle my cuckkle knuckkle

No. 124767

lol what happened to the happy bimbo

No. 124768

this fucker has single handedly ruined monster inc for me

No. 124769

I watched monsters inc recently and when this scene happened I lost it. Couldn’t tell anyone why I was laughing

No. 124770

brawl starting: bulgarianfag vs fatter bulgarianfag

No. 124771

i know it’s been said many times but i can’t believe she ballooned up so fast, it’s freaky. not only that, but she never seemed to reach a point where she was like “ok enough is enough maybe it’s time to take action”. i’m not even trying to be cruel, weight gain is normal and it happens, but for her to become completely unrecognizable in the span of two years?
for someone who’s sole living is dependent on her body, it’s crazy to me that shayna lacks the self awareness and foresight to take care of her moneymaker. weed is a helluva drug.

No. 124772

How is it so unbelievable? Like I get what you're saying but this is someone who (even according to Vivi) starts her day chugging wine and door dashes every meal, or if she does make something herself it's a charcuterie board meant for at least 4 people. She gets absolutely no form of exercise either, other than her sped "dancing" on cam. I'm actually surprised she's not fatter.

No. 124773

as a long time shat enthusiast, i agree it is kind of amazing how she packed on so many pounds and gained such thick, rippling cellulite and soggy looking granny skin by age 24, just because she was so much skinnier with no cellulite at all whilst also having an atrocious diet of cheemsburgers and wine 24/7 during the fupa saga etc. she was high all the time and ate like a pig then too, but then at around 22? it just started kicking her lazy ass in lol

No. 124774

i think her metabolism just slowed down. the shit diet she had definitely had an impact, but it didnt come into effect until later

No. 124775

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No. 124776

File: 1651609259812.jpeg (335.75 KB, 1242x1547, 7DF3840D-9E54-4D4D-A519-44393E…)

What convention ?

No. 124777

File: 1651609331455.jpeg (352.52 KB, 1206x1359, BEE48CCC-6FE2-488E-8BDB-13EBA5…)

> & food

No. 124778

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No. 124779

Wow did she finally learn to censor her pics?! What an idiot
I dont think its true MRSA either bc as other anon said your skin like liquifies and it happens VERY fast and needs urgent treatment bc it spreads quickly. That said i wonder if she has regular staph ass boils but maybe the surgical removal she mentioned to vivi was that anal fissure/fistula that was the star of the mayochup vid and also made a recent second appearance as well. My bet would be that thats the surgery she’s waiting for

And unrelated i feel bad for her fam when they go to ireland if its true shes going to be wasted the entire time and i bet shes going to try to smuggle weed abroad bc i cant imagine her going a week or without smoking but her likely CHS would probably finally clear up only to return when she gets back probably. Hopefully theyll schedule an intervention at the of the trip

No. 124780

No I did because no one wants to see that same photo she took during her cam show

No. 124781

Bless you nonna i should have known better by now

No. 124782

Shit nona, just last week for me too kek

No. 124783

She needs a new scam since rent has been paid. She won’t go

No. 124784

so she has covid and is already planning on going to a “””convention”””? sounds great

No. 124785

File: 1651612760939.jpeg (338.49 KB, 1242x1644, BF7A6868-F3E7-49BC-B728-D4998C…)

She’s begging for more “sugar” dads

No. 124786

>”I think I want to”

watch she’ll get money for it and just blow it on some bullshit, bet

No. 124787

>reg $700

now shayna when have you ever charged more than $200 for all your vids? don’t act like $700 is the normal price.

No. 124788

Any of her coomers that donate better screenshot their transaction bc Shat won’t be keeping track of who she owes vids to kek

No. 124789

That's a good joke. Hope these men carry Clorox wipes and medical grade sterilizer to clean the boil residue and slug trails she'll leave behind on their car seats. Sometimes I wonder if the men she bags smell worse than her so they can't tell she's smells as if she's rotting like a corpse and dousing herself in Body Fantasies Lovespell.

No. 124790

Whenever she posts something like this and he responds with that gif i can't help but laugh. Sad

No. 124791

Yeah people do get called fat but there are a lot of fat people including women.

Like most of Europe lots of Bulgarian people are fat. The average dress size for an adult woman is a 42 which is about Shayna's size.

I have lived in the UK and have visited Ireland and half of people are fat over there too.

I never said no one recognized people's weight, just that it's common to be Shayna's size as an adult, more common than being extremely slim or skinny thick.

No. 124792

File: 1651619567832.jpg (423.49 KB, 836x2953, Trainer.jpg)

> but she never seemed to reach a point where she was like “ok enough is enough maybe it’s time to take action”
She tried dieting at least 2-3 times while in Oklahoma >>>/snow/859693. One of the diets was pre-made meals, plus she ordered some protein powder order >>>/snow/868628. She also signed up for a personal trainer >>>/snow/1124851 >>>/snow/1137156 that she a few weeks in claimed she abandoned because she was a Trump supporter >>>/snow/1168812 (picrel)
Shayna has had other gym stints, >>>/snow/870028 is an example.
No doubt in my mind that her weight gain bothers her and she simply doesn’t have the drive to do anything about it. Anything else she says, is a way to cope with the reality she’s created for herself.

No. 124793

It was more than likely fupa setting up and organising all of this for her though which is why she's probably made no effort since.

Even if she followed along a 15 minute exercise video on YouTube once or twice a day she'd see a difference, she's just too lazy and lacks motivation, hence why she chose the path of sex "work", she thought she would make easy peezy pennies but she can't even do that right.

No. 124794

He might have organised it (although quite frankly I don’t see why he would, I doubt his problems with Shayna were weight related) but I bet she was the force behind it or flat out asked for it. Shayna was thin before Kyle, after all. What happened to her, imo, is what happens to countless of people, she got comfortable in their relationship and let herself go. And yes, I’m aware she previously had a shit diet, she went from one extreme, barely eating and just drinking to another, eating and drinking heaps. It’s easier to pig out than to restrict once you’ve come accustomed to eating.

No. 124795

I also think that she was only going to the gym for him. I don’t think she would have ever set foot in a gym if fupa hadn’t been with her. They used to go on little gym dates together

No. 124796

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No. 124797

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No. 124798

File: 1651622952566.jpeg (Spoiler Image,1.72 MB, 1242x1616, 6CF4FB7E-69A3-4E09-86D6-0417FA…)

She keeps missing her thigh cellulite

No. 124799

Is this her admitting to being 200lbs kek

No. 124800

Lmao i can’t believe we bullied her into buying a tv stand AND a king sized bed frame. It couldnt be more obvious she reads here and got her feeling hurt because refer to her bed as a prison cot

No. 124801

Her hair before it was fried and thinned

No. 124802

I agree with you but any workout she did at the gym didn’t offset the Whataburger dates they had after, it’s obvious she started to eat way more than she used to. My point was more that she cares about her weight and because she wanted to continue to indulge while staying thin, she agreed to the gym again and again thinking it’d help.

No. 124803

File: 1651626556499.jpeg (153.15 KB, 750x609, EC390F56-E534-43F7-B231-5805BA…)

This bitch just wants and excuse to eat cake. Just do feeder shit retard

No. 124804

Imagine eating MRSA infected cake

No. 124805

File: 1651628039902.jpg (84.08 KB, 640x1136, dec46cce6272432989c3dbc59e834d…)

Same energy as the mad tea party

No. 124806

File: 1651628217627.gif (1.23 MB, 400x300, gasp.gif)

What have we done to you?

No. 124807

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No. 124808

File: 1651631761563.jpeg (268.68 KB, 750x888, DC414EDB-3433-4C03-9E22-4F7330…)

How many times does she need to tweet this in order to convince herself that she’s happy? Kek at “that I pay for myself” like we didn’t see Ellen and Womack’s rent payments

No. 124809

shes been lurking like crazy, topic thats been discussed, topic that she tweets about lol oNlY fOr ThE hAtUrZz!!!

No. 124810

I think begging for donations is something she considers part of her “work”, so she totes earned that apartment all by herself

No. 124811

Ok I’m sorry for not opening images and seeing her pus filled wounds earlier. I’ve paid my penance elder nona.

No. 124812

This looks like hydragenitis supprativa

No. 124813

sage for absolute lack of milk
but it just dawned on me that Shayna is like the Honey Boo Boo of LC
(hopefully inb4)

No. 124814

As if that’s an accomplishment at 24 and that is after begging for rent money lol

No. 124815

OF whores tell themselves this mantra daily to cope with their nasty degrading lives but shatna can't even say this because assuming she's not just a liar, she had to beg all week just to fully cover rent alone kekk

No. 124816

I’m curious, how so?

No. 124817

How is this even a flex, most people have their own apartment at 24 even in bigger more expensive cities than Seattle kek. And don't have to beg for rent money

No. 124818

Stresses and begs for rent money most months since moving, has fake gf likely cosigned on apartment and gets one retarded dude to send her, not Shay, "rent money for dolly:(" and also has parents that would and likely have covered it for her too. E begs for groceries, uber, and everything else. Seemingly only spending her pay outs on material garbage. Tips for takeout and booze. Yet still nanages to mooch off Ellen and a couple other desperate scrotes in the area.
But yeah totally a thriving adult. So independent and strong and successful!

No. 124819

File: 1651676445017.jpeg (741.04 KB, 1170x1797, 68DAF8BA-336C-4EF8-AB89-27FE1A…)

Here we go again

No. 124820

It's great to know our prized pig will never learn that she is the problem.

No. 124821

File: 1651677992706.jpeg (513.96 KB, 1170x1414, C2F211BD-F678-4E58-91C9-E20B78…)

Yeah no way Shay will work with this person cause she always has to be the “tiny one”

No. 124822

christ the degeneracy just gets worse and worse, doesn't it?

No. 124823

I would have to disagree with you anon. There is a lot of poverty in the USA. Many young adults are still living with their parents, more than in previous generations. Housing is expensive in cities. Idk if everyone you know is a professional or something by the age of 24.

No. 124824

Sage for blog but when I was 19 and working part time I could afford a two bedroom in downtown Austin, people just don’t want to work. Yes prices are bad but they’re not impossible, even broke scum like shayna scraps together money somehow

No. 124825

File: 1651682925669.jpeg (679.69 KB, 1242x1377, 36DB7610-0A01-4293-9A7B-B406FE…)

Californiafag it’s expensive over here. Even apartments are 900-1,000 without financial help from the government. You can technically afford it if you work full time and don’t waste money. But you’d still be broke. Shayna is just stupid with her money. She wants to buy another gaming headset even though she has one and doesn’t game.

No. 124826

why does she need that? to put it up her ass?

No. 124827

more knife/gun play too that shayna claims she’s super into but claimed Vivi traumatized her, k.

No. 124828

omg shut up boomer, go to some political jack off thread on reddit

No. 124829

she literally already has this wtf did she accidentally throw it out or just forgot because she’s retarded

No. 124830

File: 1651684305293.jpeg (409.86 KB, 1284x866, 413D36E0-5A3E-4BDF-88C8-2BFB5C…)

>”I just want them on my desk”

No. 124831

I lived in Austin in 2020, a studio was 950 in the shittiest area and the one bed I have was 1400. You can’t afford that shit on a part time job now

No. 124832

Fuk off ya old bitch(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 124833

How is she still flexing this shit at 24 ffs. I’m the same age as her, live in a luxury apartment in one of the nicest neighborhoods in the heart of Seattle and wake up when I want, and obviously I pay for everything; I’m sure many of the nonnies itt are in the same boat. It’s not a flex to live in a nice apartment in a nice city in your midtwenties. It’s not a flex to be able to pay your own bills in your midtwenties. Many of her former classmates are likely using their college degrees to do the same.

No. 124834

Hopefully you’re not trying to support yourself on a part time job? I hate to quote Brittany Spears, but work, bitch.

No. 124835

No, I’m saying in response to someone saying they could support themselves with only a part time job back in the 90s doesn’t work in our current society

No. 124836

Ah, my bad, I apologize for not reading more thoroughly

No. 124837

can poorfags itt shut up, we've had this conversation before

No. 124838

all i can see are likely camwhores or just insecure ladies bragging about their ~luxury apartments~ or how hard they worked though? i saw one "poorfag" who's probably younger than shayna anyway lol. relax

No. 124839

Britfag / Londonfag here, her saying she’s in Seattle is the equivalent of someone living in Croydon/Essex saying they live in London for clout kek

No. 124840

omg i cant believe kim kardashian follows the shatna threads on lolcow!

No. 124841

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No. 124842

>how is she still flexing this shit at 24 ffs
why are you flexing your luxury seattle apartment then? no one gives a fuck about your apartment either.

No. 124843

Imagine braging about living in a mf apartment

No. 124844


Thread has exceeded 1200 posts and is about to be locked! Please create a new thread and post a link to it.

No. 124845

But it’s a ~luxury~apartment UWU
Why do people brag on here? it’s very cowish especially since 90% of the population live better lives than Shayna Mayochup Clifford

No. 124846

literally why are you here then

No. 124847

File: 1651706775328.jpeg (Spoiler Image,901.12 KB, 1242x1536, B3575F01-B1EB-456D-9433-6CAF5B…)


No. 124848

Kek why do Shay's partners just seem to bite her. And on her lunchlady arms? Doesn't even seem sexual.

No. 124849

that one must be new, because the old one didn't have a grey border. unless for whatever reason the border is the only thing that turned grey through the wash/grime build up

No. 124850

I bounce between thinking they bite her because that's the only sexual shit she allows. Fingering, slapping, biting and groping.
Other times, I think she fucks the "Dad" or "Dads", but they just do whatever they want. Fupaul seemed to get bored with shayna towards the end. Remember when they had a fight and then next thing we know she's tied up with a gun or fun shaped item in the frame, after a long while of him not even "bruising" her or doing any BDSM?
I hope this doesn't sound scrotish, but I think Shayna is a starfish who doesn't enjoy sex. So she just lays there and the guys she's with probably get bored or know they can do whatever to her, so they start biting her or doing dumb shit. I feel that a lot of people around Shayna realize she's all talk and isn't really sexual.
Or maybe these idiots are into this retarded shit. I don't know. There's something off with EVERY person she's around nowadays biting her and shit. So maybe they are just into that shit.

No. 124851

I've been haunted for months but now I have to ask: what thread is her sex tape in? I know it's going thi be bad but I need to feed ny morbid curiosity

No. 124852

start checking around thread #50 or later, that's as much help as I can offer

No. 124853

I still can't get over how BIG her arms are. Like has she ever lifted anything in her life… well besides a fork? Christ.

No. 124854

Do you think she threw the star blanket in the background just for us?

No. 124855

No. 124856

Gotta be new, the stars still look white.

No. 124857

she got a new one. The stars are still white on this one.

No. 124858

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turd braids and puffy rat eyes

No. 124859

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No. 124860

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