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No. 2029308

Thread for discussing Red Scare, Cumtown/TAFS, Dimes Square, the remains of the "dirtbag left", and the entire "post-left" and Silicon Valley "rationalist/postrat" sphere and their orbiters/backers, including but not limited to Mencius Moldbug, Peter Thiel, and the so-called "dissident right" (Bronze Age Pervert, The Perfume Nationalist, and other faggots). WARNING: this scene is crawling with Nazis, pedophiles, child porn advocates, sex pests, rapists, troons, and other degenerates.

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No. 2029323

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Matt Christman made his first post stroke appearance in a very short video at the DNC chapo live show. It still doesn't seem like he's coming back anytime soon but he sounded less fucked up than you might've thought.

No. 2029332

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Is she pregnant?

No. 2029333

i hope it's adam's in a surprise twist

No. 2029354

this scene’s so dead. it’s Chloe happe and “Hegelian e-girls” now.

No. 2029355

File: 1724457557723.png (1.34 MB, 854x1032, adam dasha bed.png)

It's happening

No. 2029359

And we're in the middle of election season. Everyone's so low energy compared to 2020 let alone 2016.

No. 2029360

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It's giving

No. 2029366

Because its never been about ideological orthodoxy, its always has been about image and contrarianism. This attitude was present from when Chapo ruled (when this was still Leftcows) and likely goes back far before. There's a reason why the irony poisoned, contrarian, hate the popular, flannel wearing Brooklynite stereotype exists. The fact of the matter is, that these aren't real left or right wing ideologies being paraded by them but a vague amalgamation of contrarian positions being adopted by individuals as fashion statements rather than as a coherent political position. Irony comes first amongst these people and they don't stand for anything unless it makes them look fashionably edgy. They're not pandering to RWers or at least the RWers you imagine, they're pandering to other urban and suburbanites who want to define themselves by latching onto a scene or movement.

No. 2029370

she's been engagement-baiting about a fake pregnancy for months, stop falling for it, she's far too narcissistic and scared of getting fat to ever go through with it

this is actually a cute picture of them, looks like a colorized picture of two hungarian jews in bed from the 1940s


No. 2029385

found this old video of bimbo letting some youtuber who posts on /lit embarrass her. is she mentally ill? why would anyone agree to be humiliated like this

No. 2029444

I’d love for them to have a child just to see how it’ll look like.

No. 2029481

have the full uncensored version

No. 2029500

Can’t even describe how much schadenfreude it fills me with that this whole scene is just a bunch of tired nobodies now. Dash’s probably thought she would be set after Succession, but she was too lazy to seek out more work or too proud to do the required ass-kissing, and now she’s having some similarly brain dead idiots baby. Every time a fame-hungry pickme contrarian edgelady fades into irrelevance, an angel gets its wings.

No. 2029609

They did an hour video at the hegel party I presume. If anyone has the might to watch it

No. 2029611

I agree with this 100%, if she really was trying/was pregnant there would be no way she would expose it online for everyone to nitpick + plus the guy she is with right now seems to be a religious hermit wants to live off the grid , there is no way that relationship is lasting when she is a massive attention whore and is thirsty over random diplomats on the streets of midtown. In general this guy has to be a pit stop relationship IMO. He is a huge step down from people like OPN and Adam that is dated who were famous. He doesn’t even seem to have a job. The only thing he has going for him is they can be orthodox dorks together.

No. 2029613

Bimbo has internalized white supremacy,race realism and hatred of "browns" to such a level that she would let an uggo loser "artist" humiliate her again and again. I don't know what would happen to bimbo after a decade, I don't see happy life for her in nearby future.

No. 2029618

I don't think bimbo has ever been with any normal looking let alone attractive guy. Her brain rot induced by obsession with artistic types and her hatred of her own parents has caused her to simply not consider anyone with 9 to 5 as viable partner.

No. 2029621

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mommy milkers is recycling her decade old photos lol

No. 2029637

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No. 2029642

what's the background on her hating her parents?

No. 2029644

The hag, the fag, and the drag

No. 2029646

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coldhealing spotted the other day, getting defensive in a thread clowning honor levy's shitty book (sorry, "novel").

No. 2029647

typical egyptian parents. I think her dad is a doctor who used to humiliate her as she was not cutout for STEM career.She also mentioned her parents used to call her monkey due her extremely curly hair and her being tall and looking boyish her in teens. I don't doubt her parents being cruel but hating all things STEM just because your parents are doctor is not rational.

No. 2029653

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dasha was recently willing to unironically rep matthew's book debut that rounds out the unholy trifecta of dogshit ai-generated dimes square summer books

No. 2029693

Two butts in an ashtray

No. 2029708

Why is it in so many recent photos of Anna her eyebrows have a weird reflected light like they are fully drawn on/tattooed?

No. 2029733

Not to bone rattle but damn, nikki looks chunky. She poses and probably edits her pictures in a way that makes her look a lot slimmer

No. 2029747

he was a 32 year old Canadian Jew marrying an American 22 year old Jewish convert. Must have a reason why he couldn’t find someone in their late 20s, born into the same faith and citizenship…
Copts are orthodox and conservative (eg no dating before marriage). Like slap you if you wear makeup etc. No surprise that like every daughter of a conservatard (be it a Fox News addict or ethnic immigrant) she wilded out. She should go to therapy bc despite pretending like she’s above it, she acts like every abused child (BPD like symptoms). She was clearly running away from her problems, her marriage, her family, at least she’s returned to the US. Though it’s not promising how she is pining after Adam Lehrer still…

No. 2029748

Sorry, to clarify, my first comment was on her first husband who was a “normal” senior consultant at a big 4. He had even bought a house. But clearly, he can’t be that great if he had to date globally

No. 2029807

Anyone got full text of this?

The Far-Right Guru Who Has Befriended Silicon Valley’s Extreme Factions

No. 2029981

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Stav's really trying to break into the mainstream this year

No. 2030016

He's miles more productive than the others, so I can't knock it.

No. 2030019

Lol @tailinmymouth has deleted her social media after being an excessively toxic bitch even for her RW followers

No. 2030053

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fat jack wants attention from michael tracey.

No. 2030056

I do hope fat Jack tries to debate Tracey, Greenwald, or heaven forbid Blumenthal. He would get destroyed.

No. 2030058

Michael Tracy wrote something correct for once instead of whining about old ladies pushing past him?

No. 2030113

they all look so horrifically greasy

No. 2030179

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No. 2030203

overheard at Brian Johnson event, $EGIRL party and Anna’s 48th birthday at Kgb: mommy milkers/ jardin / pariah infighting since Austin event, Cold healing is going to trans or is at least a closet case, Praxis is dead broke, Dryden is telling people they’re raising a billion dollars from Sam Altman’s brother, Lomez publishing Yarvin in exchange for Thielbux, Elon is dropping Chloe Happe
can’t verify any of this just word on the skreet

No. 2030239

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Pariah is slowly leaving the right wing plantation after the Man’s World drama and speaking of Bliccy some wild accusations about her abusing fishtank simps are floating around on 4chan kek but she’s not really a post-left cow

No. 2030247

i’m always amazed by how ugly both of them are

No. 2030271


No. 2030276

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Just wont happen. Poopina's only scape from her deformed face and confused ideology is in the little black screen she just cant stop looking at.

No. 2030279

Wake me up when Buffalo Bill drops the skinsuit act

No. 2030285

Oh wow who could've guessed this would happen? Almost as if nothing in this larper's life is genuine

No. 2030290

Kek I can't believe bliccy the crypto whore is still trying to chase relevance and now glomping onto dimes square

No. 2030310

shes been a dimes square staple for a while tbh at least 2021

No. 2030316

But he started the groyper troon groupchat, how can he pull out now? Is the right cleaning house of troons, women, and gays and is that why milo is suddenly on his ronan farrow arc?

More lampreys draining the thiel warchest is always good. But has he ever thought how his gay dominant vision of the world would differ from the taliban’s?

No. 2030317

What was the man’s world drama?

No. 2030387

Miles/Pariah/Salome has always been a leftist troon prostitute. He likes playing with the fake online Right like a toy in an effort to try and implode it.

No. 2030412

Constant urge to be honest and reveal her true monkey face

No. 2030416

She looks suspiciously like Claire Parker here. Don’t buy it

No. 2030421

She was beaten as a child. Most Arabs were

No. 2030432

She’s obviously infertile. She’s been having sex for near 20 years and hates condoms but has never had an abortion. I am fairly certain she can’t pregnant without medical help

No. 2030438

abusing snow in 2 ways

No. 2030500

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this reminded me of bliccy's appearance on sam hyde's mde dating show on youtube earlier this year using her to make content out of their pet retard airsoftfatty. i don't like him any more necessarily, but this who deal made me feel uneasy about her.

No. 2030540

Miles was in an Elena Velez piece in Man’s World and posted about it and raw egg and lomez got flamed about having a troon slip by the editors

No. 2030670

why doesn't she edit her double eyelids

No. 2030743

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coldhealing being either wouldn't be surprising no normal straight man talks like this unless under the guise of being like a super predator

No. 2030809

Those are triple eyelids, she looks straight-up elderly in that

No. 2030991

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Certified lurker, still repulsive as ever.

No. 2031147

File: 1724799985035.png (1.16 MB, 1204x1450, 25223045.png)

ivy wolk femcelposting and entertaining an autism diagnosis

hard to believe the bar isn't so low even in nyc that she can't find something. but like the rest of them she's trading her most productive years of life to be a twitter character and inconsequential accessory in forgettable media. so maybe she is that dumb.

she was also asking if it's worth paying to get an autism assessment. considering that her health scare with her gastroparesis diagnosis made her start selling the fugliest lewds to pay her bills, not sure how she plans on bankrolling this.

No. 2031231

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samefag but i didn't scroll back far enough and missed all the drama that Ivy had some sort of psychotic break and tried to kill herself earlier this summer and has been turning into Content since then.

No. 2031235

What moid in their right mind would want to date that basket case goblin who literally sells her nudes on fucking patreon lmao.

No. 2031236

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No. 2031244

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Iirc she’s insinuated before she was diagnosed as a child (has referred to herself in the past as autistic obliquely, has vaguely referred to having been diagnosed as a child, etc) so her walking it back for attention when she could have just continued lying about the past diagnosis seems stupid and like it just makes her seem more disingenuous and histrionic. Her desperate attempt to larp as an enfeebled and damaged Julianne moore type is really interesting especially when it means we get tweets where she’s tumblr crytyping about how “the pain will never end for her” juxtaposed with posting about shitting too much or not enough or weird selfies with her ugly tattoo visible. Dasha is at least aesthetically committed to her vaguely euro Los Angeles Apparel slavewaif larp but everything about ivy’s NLOG bragging about her oversized tee shirts and gym short outfits betrays her delicate sensitive munchie larp. She’d be so much more successful if she fakeboied out but (shocker) there’s no place for ftms in dimes square, just 28 bmi early 30s women who were never able to find their footing with the cool indie guys in 2014, contrarian trannies, and men sublimating their homosexuality with misogynistic tweets and substack articles. It’s genuinely crazy knowing that she’s in a film that will likely be nominated for at least a few oscars and that she’s convinced herself she matters but Anora will be her Succession and no one’s gunning for Ivy the way they gun for Dasha, and there is no zoomer Charli to cringily immortalize her in song. Picrel reminds me of her

No. 2031266

yeah right, he's just a garden variety attention whore and the online right was a captive audience for whatever reason. at its core, transgenderism will always be a rightwing ideology via its reification of traditional gender roles and stereotypes, regardless of the leftist aesthetics of its adherents.

No. 2031286

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No. 2031295

why does she make these problems for herself? she didn't need to (fail at) selling nudes to pay for her hospital bill, she should be on her parents plan via COBRA or whatever they call it now and go back home to convalesce. of course she has autism, she doesn't know how to mask or make herself an appealing friend or lover and identifies with TIMs, what does she think a formal diagnosis is going to do? there's no autism bux or social services for adults, it would be just another instance of flushing money down the toilet that is our healthcare industry.

No. 2031306

On her rs ep she was complaining about a guy she was seeing not wanting to be seen with her because he was a few years older than her. Like babe it’s because you’re not attractive. No one would care that you’re 19 or whatever the fuck if you were hotter

No. 2031311

lmao grippy socks and all, what a mess

No. 2031331

>I'm not a fuggo, it's the woke anti age gap feminists who are responsible

No. 2031375

Most likely she's a dirty little secret. Almost feel sorry for her

No. 2031376

dasha should get those eyelids tape things to fix the asymmetrical triple eyelids folds. She could easily fix it in a few months if she used them consistently

No. 2031423

selfposting again

No. 2031424

File: 1724857524016.jpeg (340.63 KB, 1170x964, 1661627454684.jpeg)

here's a throwback

No. 2031638

File: 1724875515472.jpg (82.15 KB, 1134x1161, goodnightandgoodluck.jpg)

r/redscarepod appears to be nuked. you will browse r/all and like it. F

No. 2031641

i just noticed this too but it seems to be a reddit error. just tried r/AskReddit as a test too and it says the community doesnt exist

No. 2031642

it's just reddit being reddit

No. 2031647

It still works on old.reddit

No. 2031676

This is the end result of having Dasha and Anna groom you as a late teen.

No. 2031688

why are you acting like this is a loss? good riddance to that midwit shithole if it actually did get nuked but it's almost certainly a problem with reddit as a whole

No. 2031762

just tired of trooncarthyism

No. 2031769

fair enough but that subreddit isn't even antitroon, quite the opposite. i've only checked it a few times but every time i did there were posts that were jerking off to some sort of troon upholding "classical" beauty standards, mainly honter schaefer.

No. 2031789

I may be wrong but I don't think wolk lives in dimes. I think she lives in LA, or her parents do (a la Honor Levy) or she splits her time between the two

No. 2031798


Ivy Wolk talks about life in New York City on her Twitter, maybe not her permanent residence or place of origin but that's certainly one of her current locales

Coincidentally I think Honor Levy did start spending more time in LA this summer away from NYC after her book launch went to shit and also heard she had a similar mental breakdown, which accounts for her lower online activity partially

No. 2031799

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Honestly? Like a 50% chance this happens; he's gone on plenty of rando podcasts and streams this cycle

No. 2031800

would be funny to possibly see functionally illiterate boomers freaking out about trump being on a podcast with a "communist" name

No. 2031803

Why does she try so hard to make being a trumpoid cute. It’s kind of sad to watch, but skinny bitch in a maga hat is soooo overdone

No. 2031827

Incredibly low-tier drama but I’ve never stopped thinking about BIiccy sending her army of beta orbiter scrotes after the poor woman on Twitter with the username “@bliccy” (with an l). It was funny at first but the lady ended up going private and BIiccy posted a ton of screenshots harassing her in her DMs.

No. 2031830

if he does i hope they ask him about his yuppie party monster stories from the 80's.

No. 2031842

He’s mainly been on male podcasts

No. 2031858

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No. 2032015

he's so fucking embarassing ffs

No. 2032017

it works just fine unfortunately. and yeah it's weird to act like this is a loss(learn2reply)

No. 2032043

Is “erm you’re weird” this seasons new thought terminating cliche? Thank you kam and charli

No. 2032058

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i get it now, Pariah The Dull is starving himself trying to look like Anna

No. 2032064


No. 2032115

Dasha is right, also funny to see her reply to some random polish roman-cath*lic twitter whore, i hate my country(do not self-censor)

No. 2032116

Bro needs to blow their nose or check for boogers before posting selfies

No. 2032119

>using an asterisk to ironically censor words like a Twitter retard

go back

No. 2032121

oh god nonnie why were you looking inside his nose, and making us look too kek

No. 2032134

bitch edits her selfies like crazy but comes for some woman wearing makeup. such a retard

No. 2032169

ewww haha the rat left some booger sugar up there

No. 2032179

Dunno what you're talking about kek. And yes, incels and scarethots are indeed weirdos and need to be rooted out.

No. 2032200

File: 1724963383461.png (2.96 MB, 1787x1006, Picture-in-Picture 30_08_2024 …)

dasha went to kim video and they posted a video on their instagram


No. 2032213

>House of 1000 Corpses
Beyond based, I take back every negative thing I've ever said about her

No. 2032424

No. 2032522

File: 1726081824463.jpeg (572.9 KB, 1242x1644, IMG_1416.jpeg)

Fatass Jack The Perfume Nationalist having a fit because Adam posted two words on Twitter lmao

No. 2032567

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No. 2032570

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Anna finally admits that she voted for Trump in 2020

No. 2032591

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someone's a dumbass

No. 2032592

What is this even a response to? I don’t have x

No. 2032595

She needs to just say she’s pissed and move on. Nobody is reading all that shit

No. 2032615

why is nick getting obese? is he regressing to fat lisp nick? will he round out the downward spiral by dating a torta with bpd?

No. 2032653

File: 1726096326441.jpeg (802.31 KB, 1242x1647, IMG_1419.jpeg)

Adam said “She’s gorgeous” referring to Kamala Harris during the debate last night. Jack took this as a sort of jokey endorsement of the democrats, like Adam Friedland is pushing the DNC line lol. He had a huge freak out over it.

Also, Anna weighed in with a really verbose and clumsily worded tweet.

No. 2032658

File: 1726096890148.jpeg (1 MB, 1242x1731, IMG_1421.jpeg)

Jack The Fat Nationalist rage at Adam continued

No. 2032660

File: 1726096979552.jpeg (297.59 KB, 1242x510, IMG_1422.jpeg)

“You’re not using your platform for good!!!”

This post could have just as easily been posted by a hardcore lib. These people are incredible, I truly hope Trump loses because the meltdown from this corner of twitter will be extraordinary.

No. 2032665

why is he so self-important? has he accomplished anything?

No. 2032677

kek what a fucking sperg

No. 2032682

Not exaggerating when I say this might be the most disproportionate response to a tweet I’ve seen lmao. Seriously consider the fact that this was prompted by Adam Friedland tweeting “she’s gorgeous” hahaha. They really are deeply upset by Trump’s performance and have so little connection to regular people that they truly believed the “Haitian immigrants are eating dogs” thing was gonna be an absolute slam dunk for him. When it only registered as strange and confusing to people that really struck yet another blow to their whole project. Over and over again the BAP sphere has been shown just how repulsive their whole thing is to regular people. The more mainstream it goes, the more of a liability it becomes to the GOP.(sage your shit)

No. 2032686

What surprised me is that this whole ironic detached attitude that Adam did was Anna's gimmick for years so idk why she's suddenly acting self serious as if she always had coherent beliefs. Very hypocritical and a weird shift. All of these people are very out of touch lol

No. 2032689

damn redditors really hate democracy

No. 2032715

>a whimsical little opportunity to shriek and drink and romp around
lol, lmao. feel like it's a safe bet to say that fat jack is best known for getting blitzed and begging hetero moids to describe their dicks for him:

No. 2032741

Jack has an overinflated sense of importance and thinks anyone within his twitter realm will have some profound effect on the election kek. No one is voting for Kamala because Adam Friedland of all people called her gorgeous ironically

No. 2032742

No one gives a shit. Everyone knows Kamala and co would be a disaster for the economy and is voting accordingly

No. 2032744

This guy isn’t even American. arrogant British fag and always makes these long, overwrought comments. I don’t know why anyone likes him

No. 2032755

Nick will kill himself when Stav gets a Super Bowl commercial.

No. 2032756

Can some Ray Peat metabolism truther explain the link between his morbid obesity and his schizophrenia?

No. 2032798

Peatism can't fail, it can only be failed.(sage your shit)

No. 2032813

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anna back at it again, taking photos of random women in public for no reason other than to make fun of them and post them on ig like a weirdo

No. 2032838

How are they going to make a book on a topic they consulted zero primary sources for?

No. 2032867

File: 1726134085850.png (196.59 KB, 500x644, 57fa9be346b06141034e96c0_Miles…)

Pronatalist Malcolm Collins says he is in a fertility competition with his brother but he isn't allowed to go into detail because it could be bad for his brother's image. The brother he is talking about is Miles Collins who is president of a fertility clinic. https://archive.is/FUbIH

No. 2032911

This immediately made me think of all those male IVF doctors who've swapped out donor sperm with their own and fathered hundreds of children. Would be dangerous to his image indeed.

No. 2032917

File: 1726143093327.png (931.66 KB, 2448x1348, wolkslop.png)

The 30/40-year-old-something ig meme admin '-celectual' guys have been milking Ivy Wolk's most recent mental breakdown for content.

Someone commented somewhere that she was going to be in mortal danger surrounded by these people who would suck her life dry in the name of content, seems to be on course so far.

No. 2033004

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poor ava pearlman would appear to have become anorexic. can anyone check in on the dear lamb?

No. 2033014

Why are men so pathetically weird and incestuous? These guys will be obsessed with dynastic continuity but can’t even get along with their own flesh and blood. Other kids are born when two people who love each other want to bring someone into the world that symbolizes their love who they want to nurture. Some kids are born to symbolize a victory over a family member in a test of virility because in a toxic household the sibling rivalry doesn’t end until someone dies.

No. 2033030

Because when uncountered, male reproductive strategy defaults to breeding themselves a breeding pool. How "trad" (male driven) a culture is is a near perfect predictor of consanguinity. Even idiot evopsychos admit that males are not concerned with genetic quality, but mostly opportunity and sexual access.

No. 2033129

go back to reddit, enough with the word salad.

No. 2033219

Just makes her look like a jealous bitter hag, cowardly too

No. 2033220

File: 1726187429114.png (2.47 MB, 2000x2000, noagencydrama.png)

The Face magazine made a post on No Agency which brought all sorts of accusations out in the comments that seem to align with previous characterizations found elsewhere and in previous threads here. Plagiarism, predatory practices, bad business relations skills, poorly made content, and so on.

No. 2033243

cry harder scrote

No. 2033284

imagine knowing you were only born because your dad was in a "fertility competition" with his brother…i would kill myself immediately.

No. 2033285

you sound very bitter about not being able to read and it's unbecoming (look it up)

No. 2033288

not that anon, but her post wasn’t difficult to understand. either your dyslexic or retarded, or both.

No. 2033307

File: 1726199888171.jpeg (752.42 KB, 1125x1896, IMG_8418.jpeg)

verymoisturized, the unmarried childless 45 year old hag who thinks she’s smarter than everybody else because she makes long-winded tweets using obscure thesaurus words, using a reddit post as evidence that haitian immigrants eat cats

No. 2033322

They do eat cats

No. 2033325

File: 1726203757883.jpeg (325.51 KB, 750x813, IMG_7003.jpeg)

she loves to hide them ears. guy next to her is emrata’s estranged man whore baby daddy btw

No. 2033326

> The brother he is talking about is Miles Collins who is president of a fertility clinic.
So he's raping his patients who thought they were getting chad, Donald Cline style
the fallout of this surprisingly will end dashas acting career more than her shooting at palestinian effigies and posing next to an effigy of a lynched black man with his child

No. 2033328

her acting career of appearing for 1.5 minutes next to a more attractive and talented actress in an indie movie with bad reviews? oh no

No. 2033367

Who's behind sex magazine? I'm asking bc on one cover they have Sam hyde & crew, and on the other drain gang, then anna, then that 100 gecs band. you'd think these people have very different politics and wouldnt associate with each other. how does that happen?

No. 2033369

She was also in Succession and has a movie to her name

No. 2033372

Its based solely on "counter-culture" rather than any identifiable political stance.

No. 2033374

I get the dimes square/mde association but you'd think some of these european musicians like drain gang, malibu, bod etc. would have issues associating with these thiel funded losers?

No. 2033380

Did you watch either? She was barely in succession and her movie was horrible

No. 2033381

bladee and ecco2k were in a band as a kids and sang this: https://www.reddit.com/r/sadboys/s/1UylvwgxLM so idk. people say that bladee’s father is jewish so maybe he was a bit self hating. he did say in recent articles that he wouldn’t vote for an rw party so

No. 2033406

All her scenes in succession total about less than a minute when you combine all the scenes. And a movie to her name? you mean scary? have you even watched it? a solid half star for effort

No. 2033423

This might be the most disgusting thing I’ve read on this thread. They’re heavily implying fertility fraud, aka impregnating unsuspecting female patients with his own sperm instead of their partners’ or the donors they chose. It‘s rape, it fucks up families for generations, and it should carry a life sentence imo…god I fucking hate moids

Don’t bother arguing nonnas, Dasha can’t help lurking here to hype her nonexistent “career”

No. 2033437

Bladee's name is Benjamin, ofc he is jewish

No. 2033452

is literally anyone in that whole milieu not a jew?

No. 2033483

This pic is so weird and I'm bugging out. It looks like her head is floating because of her hair. Like she's some decapitated elephant eared freak

No. 2033484

Isn’t verymoisturized the Indian Trinidadian daughter of immigrants to Canada? She has never been to Ohio. Aimee 2.0
It’s been insane hearing RWers fixate on how ugly Kamala supposedly is. They are offended that someone could find her pretty.

No. 2033529

fertility clinics, sperm donation, ivf, surrogacy, none of it should exist. it's impossible to regulate

No. 2033538

i wasn't asking because i wanted people to be mean about her; i heard her on TPN and she seems utterly lovely. and i think she's gorgeous! (hope that ogre ex of emrata got nowhere near her tbh.)

No. 2033593

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What’s the deal with Elena Velez and restricting her comments on her post of her last show? It’s fucking embarrassing and fucked up that she accepted sponsorship money from OF.

No. 2033605

stav won

No. 2033674

She had Sam Hyde dj, that’s probably why she doesn’t want heat

Hilarious that all the purple magazine people attended the show and afterparty when they platform TRAS; it’s all one huge circle jerk

No. 2033675


Poor Dasha at 10:10 lmao he really said it to her face(learn2embed)

No. 2033687

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Must watch, I didn’t post it, link is to correct time in video, hilarious

No. 2033696

she looks gorgeous in this video tbf.

No. 2033702

There is still a casting couch and she has admitted to trying to take advantage in old podcast eps

No. 2033703

he was right though, she really wasn't the best person to ask that

she does look better than usual in that video but she'll never be nyc fashion week pretty like the other women in the video, i think she's aware of that but her reaction is still funny to see(sage your shit)

No. 2033704

Please log off Dasha

No. 2033706

Thats still more than most girls in her scene

No. 2033707

Its funny how obvious Sam tries to deflect from most questions. Old dog can't think on his feet no more so has to redirect. Also what the fuck is he doing in NYC fashion week?

No. 2033710

lol the bar is truly below the floor at this point

No. 2033711

her and ivy are the main girls striving to be famous actresses. the others don’t seem as interested in being the next Chloe Sevigny. for the amount of Zionist sex work that dasha’s put in, she hasn’t gotten all that far in the industry

No. 2033716

he is making fun of her. she tries to fake being unbothered by looking away and smiling as hard as possible

No. 2033722

File: 1726289556305.jpeg (126.73 KB, 828x480, 6FEAB8F1-D959-4FB0-916E-980009…)

Sam in the video right after dasha paired with this

My guess is they’re gonna drop a fashion week pod and an interview with Sam, can’t think of another reason Sam would be at fashion week

No. 2033752

that is how he has always been. he is afraid of people knowing the real him because the real him is pathetic trash

No. 2033798

Nearly all of them strive to be famous tho. Why else would they willingly put themselves out there and associate with the current it crowd? I kinda respect Dasha for actually putting some work to her rep, with the movie (regardless of opinion) and pod and some work here and there. Most of the other people in her scene seem content just being terminally online bums with twitter accounts.

No. 2033860

Dasha pretends to be a disaffected troll but this is her reaction when dealing with an actual troll, love to see it kek

No. 2033862

File: 1726330356599.png (1.13 MB, 1216x1218, IMG_4948.png)

latest ivy wolk compilation from the last week following her release from the psych ward after her latest mental breakdown:

-living in a new place?
-had a grainy sasquatch footage level sighting in a new show
-doubling down on the adult autism angle
-has been prescribed benzos without much competent guidance otherwise from psych professionals

just log off and go back to school!!

No. 2033879

Jesus fuck where are her parents kek? Why does she need to be so retarded?

No. 2033880

>recently released from psych ward
how do people post this stuff about themselves and not feel humiliated? she shouldn't have been let out kek

No. 2033943

does anyone know if it's thiel funded? didn't find much on the founder, asher penn and most writers/editors are dimes square affiliated

No. 2033967

What’s the point of putting work in if all her work sucks? At least the other ones aren’t delusional about their own talents

No. 2033968

No. 2033974

So she was hungover again.

No. 2033980

She must be a masochist for still lurking and posting on that sub, they absolutely hate her now kek

No. 2033982

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No. 2033984

>Sam hyde & crew….then anna and on the >drain gang…then that 100 gecs band
<you'd think these people have very different politics
No? Bladee and gecs have always moved in reactionary circles. Also gecs have a direct connection to Red Scare; Meg produced two of their music videos, with Eugene appearing in one.

No. 2033985

File: 1726351957835.png (1.3 MB, 1042x1286, dasha eyeroll.png)

No. 2033988

Homo rockabilly is a new species of faggot

No. 2033989

she could have asserted dominance by not breaking eye contact, clip would’ve been funnier too. instead she does her boring omg i like don’t care act. we know she cares kek. what a retard

No. 2033991

Ivy Wolk FTM arc

No. 2034040

Excuse me for asking for clarity, but one thing I'm not totally understanding is the comparison between the post-left/dirtbag left and reactionary figures like Yarvin and Thiel. Despite the name, I thought post-leftists were still basically left-anarchists, which I thought was politically the extreme opposite of neoreactionaries/alt right types. I might just not be familiar enough with these people though.

No. 2034046

uhh no. these are all washed-up ex-bernie types who went far right. there is nothing anarchist about them, their politics are more of a "jewish-and-troon inclusive national socialism" than anything else. they were a natural fit for Thiel Capital when thiel n co started working toward a far right cultural push in 2018 as they too are neoreactionaries.

No. 2034048

File: 1726360693156.jpeg (292.14 KB, 1290x2293, actuallylia-20240915_095607-45…)

bliccy, lia and pariah flew to Romania and are partying with Dan Blizerian and staying at Andrew Tates

No. 2034056

Maybe "Pariah the Doll" is a long-term troll experiment to prove every rightoid influencer is a tranny-fucker.

No. 2034073

People like Anna, Dasha, mommy milkers/mochak123/monica, Aimee Therese, and a million others were essentially either socialists or demsoc. Since 2020 they’ve all become conservative or even reactionary. A lot of fake religious conversions too (eg Pariah the troon claiming Catholicism while being in the company of sex traffickers like Tate)>>2034048).
A little off topic but I was just thinking about how The Crow (FKA Twigs movie) came out recently and Dasha is still chasing after bit parts. Anna and Dasha shitting on you is basically a sign you’re headed for success

No. 2034103

no one believed you the first time >>2030387 so just stop please

No. 2034110

I sort of just had this assumption about gecs because Gutfeld went out of his way to mention them enough that my parents asked me about them.

No. 2034116

so weird that Gutfeld is on board the troon train
this is something I don’t actually understand about the Thielverse

No. 2034132

It implies more effort. Even if fundamentally the podcast is just their tweets in an hour long format (mind numbing, sure) and their movie has about the same depth as said tweets, its still more work than posting on twitter till your eyes glazed over.

No. 2034139

A for effort ass kindergarten mentality. No one cares how hard you worked on something if all you produce is mediocre or awful

No. 2034150

i dunno, they're not actually mocking her or dunking on her. they're more or less agreeing with her. there seems to be a level of respect here - not that it will stay that way. one wrong move and she'll be doxxed and raided and won't survive it.

i do believe the people she associates with and aspires to be like are extremely dangerous especially because she seems very vulnerable to criticism/hostility of any kind, not to mention she seems to be spiralling on her own without the influence of terrible people. i hope she gets ouot of there.

No. 2034218

Incels’s idol alpha male Dan Blizerian took in Pariah The Troon? Kek.

No. 2034237

My bad I didn't know, I always thought yung lean, bladee and that entire swedish scene was very progressive and leftist(sage your shit)

No. 2034306

>A for effort ass kindergarten mentality
Irony poisoned, doomer assed millenial mentality. Actually doing something is leagues better than languishing in ephemeral spaces. What sets Dasha apart and made her the face of these threads is that she has the distinction of not just being a twitter reply guy/girl.

No. 2034316

nta but simply calling things "millennial" isn't an own unless you are deeply irony-poisoned and meme-brained yourself. stop falling for the generational warfare psyop and go outside. when you go outside you will notice that nobody thinks talking like a retard for an hour and recording it is an accomplishment.

No. 2034320

it's because literally half the team that was supposed to support the show including styling and pr pulled out at the last minute bc she had full on white supremacists walking in the show and refused to take them out due to her rw vc donors who insisted on her "anti-woke" status

No. 2034330

OF is a foreign company and she uses the money to make political moves in an election year js(sage your shit)

No. 2034380

they take all allies they can to oppress and control women

No. 2034392

>full on white supremacists walking in the show
Who were they? And why was Tinashe there lol

No. 2034396

Way to deflect lol. Zeroing in on the “millennial” wording because it’s obviously correct that trying to do something and failing is much better than never trying at all.(sage your shit)

No. 2034401

You're allowed to be discriminating in what you choose to spend your time on though. There's nothing noble in following through on an inherently flawed path. You sound like a Calvinist.

No. 2034417

hi we get it, you're very proud of dasha for making a movie any Tisch sophomore could make in a weekend and for being 12th on the call sheet for an HBO show 5 years ago, you can stop posting about it now

No. 2034419

Bladee is feminist he told his followers not to buy from a certain clothing brand because the companys owners were friends with a rapist and became rape apologists through defending their friends actions. He's based and an angel.

No. 2034421

Lol no clue - not an insider just know someone who is but thats all the milk they had for me

No. 2034425

are you a newfag? she is the face because she is a loose person in every sense of the word and has consistently created the most drama and put the most out there about herself for people to talk about. hence the name lolcow and the purpose of this website

No. 2034438

File: 1726440387941.png (1019.83 KB, 988x761, thebutcherofbydgoszcz.png)

Gorgeous to you = unkempt, greasy and fine hair, a gaunt face with dark circles under her eyes despite not being underweight, and being "styled" extremely sloppily for someone who's a) at Fashion Week of all places, and b) incredibly judgmental towards other women who don't maintain their appearance/weight. If people "get the face they deserve", she apparently deserved to inherit the facial structure of an MtF Eastern European serial killer. It's so obvious her mean girl persona is a cope that stems from being a NY 4. I'd feel a tinge of sympathy if it wasn't for the fact that she's also a massive piece of shit. Also; has she always sounded like a tranny? Her voice is so deep and sounds exactly like it does when trannies try to sound more feminine.

No. 2034445

>the filename
kek hello fellow polish anon. i think that this saying is very true when it comes to her, she has the face of an ugly goblin and a character that matches it. it’s so funny when anons cape for her looks (besides obvious self-posts), for americans not fat = attractive, so every girl that is a 3/10 in slavic countries is a gigastacy to them.

No. 2034446

her voice has always sounded strange and deep like that. I thought she might have some hormonal problem then she mentioned having pcos on pod. checks out

No. 2034452

the people caping for her looks feel a kinship to her because they’re goblins themselves and want to believe goblins are attractive

No. 2034457

Kek not a thread regular and idk who this is, but literally every criticism you had is lifestyle related
>Thin hair
>Sloppy appearance
None of this = ugly or NY 4/10. She's unpleasant to look at because she's showing obvious signs of mental illness (unwashed and not eating/sleeping properly). Being a goblin is usually temporary and all of her problems would go away if she stopped being terminally online. Ugly people don't stop being ugly if they shower more often. Maybe she's an ego inflated bitch or something, but her looks are average.

No. 2034468

File: 1726444591420.jpeg (210.03 KB, 827x1430, B785E88B-18C1-48D8-A75C-E5B341…)

Lip filler loaf

No. 2034472

File: 1726444881586.webp (62.41 KB, 640x640, IMG_0349.webp)

why would she do this to herself

No. 2034478

She's still online? I thought she was scared off after the hairbrush thing

No. 2034480

i thought this was amber frost at first tbh

No. 2034483

File: 1726446456063.jpg (182.32 KB, 1500x1000, GXim1P_XQAAZUxQ.jpg)

ms wolk out and about not beating the oblivion npc allegations

No. 2034485

She’s been around long after that, her Twitter got banned for a while, she had a huge public breakdown with some Twitter anon that she flew to England for, she got super drunk and he took videos of her acting super belligerent then he beat her up and she posted a bunch of bruises, just go back a few threads to read about it

No. 2034486

why does it look like she failed to carve a swastika into her shoulder lmao. i know she thinks the unibrow+terf bangs are a quirky and whimsical signature look but she needs to fucking lose them

No. 2034487

File: 1726446703352.jpeg (282.69 KB, 536x537, IMG_7016.jpeg)

for any newfags, these are dasha’s exes and stalker fans. ask yourself, would a desirable, un-retarded woman encourage a stalker fan and meet in person? from the beautiful women ive known, i am going to say, no. anyone who wants to defend her looks from this point on should be shot in my humble opinion(sage your shit)

No. 2034490

looks like a police lineup of sex offenders

No. 2034494

Hard agree, she looks totally fine, just sloppy and uncared for, which is hypocritical from her part, but that's about it. I'm not comfortable with the amount of body shaming on the forum sometimes.(sage your shit)

No. 2034495

Sorry forgot to sage, please be kind mods

No. 2034501

Lol, are u new here? She is not even among good looking women who get picked on lc regularly but she’s one of the most misogynistic pieces of shit posted here (who 'body shames' another women way more than she gets shamed), there are really better cows to defend from uwu meanie anons.

No. 2034503

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No. 2034504

the 'shelved snl sketch kate bush', a classic look

No. 2034505

There's women who are technically homely or offbeat looking but can be very ethereal, charismatic, lovely and attractive (like Chloe Sevigny and Sofia Coppola) but I never understood why people try to claim Dasha is like this. She's not charismatic or attractive at all, even in an alternative or quirky way. She's so boring and average.

No. 2034506

I'm not defending her in particular nor did i say she's as attractive as the other women getting picked on. , maybe you need some more literacy training.

No. 2034507

I was referring to your pathetic 'body shaming an ugly cow makes me uncomfy uwu' comment and the fact that you posted it in regards to Dasha out of all cows, kek. Your newfaggotry is showing.

No. 2034508

So only 12% ethnically jewish but not religiously jewish. Not bad

No. 2034509

The reason is because they are bad looking like her. Look at the men who like her. Draw your own conclusions

No. 2034511

she looks like a christian horse girl who tried to glow up over summer vacation but just got weirder

No. 2034512

File: 1726449707743.gif (46.87 KB, 220x164, tomatoes.gif.GIF)

> thinks Sofia Coppola is homely and offbeat looking

No. 2034515

I underlined the fact that it's been a common behavior in the forum for a while and as you've said it yourself it's mysoginistic to bash women like that all the time (which is why dasha is a lolcow) whether or not you think it's "pathetic" it's clear that you lack common understanding skills and that throws you into weird rage/rage baits. I won't derail the thread much more.

No. 2034533

The point is I'd rather have Scary of Sixty First than Aimee Terese or some literalwho's twitter account to talk about in these threads. Which is unfortunately what its mostly become.

Why are you zeroing in on millenial though? Did that strike a chord? You didn't address the main point

No. 2034535

>and put the most out there about herself for people to talk about
Thats exactly what I'm saying, pls reread the entire thread if your gonna insert yourself in conversations.

No. 2034540

you spelled misogynistic wrong. rs white knights are always so stupid

No. 2034561

File: 1726459723350.png (2.74 MB, 2160x1222, IMG_19194.png)

I imagine that Vack was leaning over perfectlyimperfect's shoulder as this was getting put together insisting that his book was in fact totally 'buzzy'. Here's to hoping this helps with the existential dread of almost becoming a 40 year old memelord, topping out at a 3.7 on goodreads, and somehow ducking all the serious allegations against him on the scene for so long.

No. 2034563

Matthew would be cute if he had life in his eyes

No. 2034588

Is there to watch www.Rachelormont.com?

I wanna see that mcrumps humiliation ritual

No. 2034590

Patience young padawan

No. 2034600

It has always been like that here, and who cares if anons are misogynistic towards a pick-me cow, she 100% brought it onto herself. There is no other way with women like Anna and Dasha than leaving them to the wolves. And yes, you can fuck off now.

No. 2034604

Yes it's always been like that here, i don't see how that's supposed to stop me from commenting on how it makes me feel because it was clearly shitty and delusional nitpicks. You can go back to your delusional antics now.

No. 2034607

if it hurts your feelings sm you don’t need to come here

No. 2034609

>I’m a WOMAN and you’re being RETARDED to me

No. 2034623

She’s doing the whole “I’m being relatable and quirky” nlog schtick
Also the obvious sucking in her cheek in that selfie she posted lmao

No. 2034706

See, I think Dasha is cute, albeit unhealthy looking and a massive cunt. This woman on the other hand looks consistently terrible.

No. 2034760


I agree. Why is she even talked about? Her presence feels 100% astroturfed

No. 2034782

Her claim to Ashkenazim supposed high IQ

No. 2034825

Check previous threads to see why she is talked about a lot here. Why is everyone so new recently? or has everyone forgotten since the downtime?

No. 2034889

tongue yeast, yellow teeth, and gumless

No. 2034961

pariah wasn’t in the show this year and rumor is that it’s fallout from the extremely gay Man’s World drama a while back

No. 2034967

File: 1726536170110.jpeg (249.98 KB, 1156x2048, anna khachiyan podcasting legs…)

Oh my

No. 2035053

File: 1726548087604.png (93.71 KB, 1170x344, 2 broke girls.png)

This finna be a classic ep

No. 2035075

>cute and unhealthy looking

No. 2035200

File: 1726589780604.jpeg (290.38 KB, 640x782, 36DAFD38-8473-4ED6-AD9C-6E8ECC…)

He's still mad at that Adam Friedland tweet lol

No. 2035213

File: 1726593455598.png (77.68 KB, 985x449, hh983.png)

I know this is pretty tangential but Olive Parker, one of Eugene's jailbait exes who's pals with all his others, has had this "short story" published online and it's the most hilariously awful shit I think I've ever read. This makes Matthew's writing look like Dostoevsky https://www.hobartpulp.com/web_features/she-owed-me-a-favour-so

No. 2035215

im beginning to think that the primary driving force behind this whole scene is ugly people who have unfortunately been cursed with being aggressively horny who try to compensate by attempting to come off as "intelligent" but also end up failing in that regard. It would be sad if they weren't all such pompous dweebs.

No. 2035259

File: 1726600456308.png (236.48 KB, 1272x930, tumblr_f500dd02b25d72269c6a920…)

No. 2035273

Histrionic. I think he’s just mad a man called a woman pretty. he should get on Ozempic, it’d help his online rage issues actually.

No. 2035285

Add to that an immature yet mundane impulse to shock, and that just about sums it up

No. 2035297

File: 1726606871085.jpeg (669.31 KB, 828x916, IMG_8792.jpeg)

the thought of this sitting down to write that gave me fucking chills. ghastly.

No. 2035299

File: 1726606937479.png (2.63 MB, 2452x1252, IMG_1829.png)


speaking of immature attempts to shock. you're telling me this isn't the countercultural vanguard of modern times?

No. 2035302

This had to have been a subtle dig at Maddie; she's very serious about 9/11.

No. 2035366

Mike Crumplar is so upset he didn’t get invited … he’s gotta creep on underage girls at home.

No. 2035367

Mike Crumplar is so upset he didn’t get invited … he’s gotta settle for creeping on underage girls at home.

No. 2035372

If he lost weight he would have a bigger ego I don’t think that would help

No. 2035373

I actually don't understand how someone who claims to take aesthetics so seriously can stand to be so physically repulsive

No. 2035377

the guy seems obnoxious but holy shit how embarrassing kekkk

No. 2035505

He's still seething, mein sides.

No. 2035506

File: 1726631326946.jpeg (320.15 KB, 1344x686, IMG_7258.jpeg)

No. 2035512

wasn't mike an insider who wrote a faux outsider take on dimes square to build traffic? these people are all pathetic

No. 2035513

File: 1726632271255.png (144 KB, 1200x564, crumps.png)


Why is he talking like this, some recent rift between him and everyone? 31 year old man btw typing like this

No. 2035515

what beef do you have with him that caused you to start posting him on this thread again

No. 2035522

she has that dead eye Billie eilish zoomer thing where they are trying to be hot but end up looking like methheads. Tragic writing btw how do these talentless hacks keep getting writing work?

No. 2035530

File: 1726633527141.png (13.81 KB, 598x118, Screenshot 2024-01-25 at 08-22…)

I don't understand why he expects Adam to be right wing, it's bizarre. He's probably developed a one way infatuation with him and has got his feelings hurt. Adam being a straight, "coastal elite" liberal, entirely unaware of this miserable fat reactionary fly over detritus.

No. 2035555

I thought it was obvious from their polyamorous physiognomy alone

No. 2035556

"Men are visual" towards everything except their goon hovels, their repugnant pigslop food or what they see in the mirror

No. 2035563

File: 1726638726942.jpg (76.76 KB, 1111x736, mcdoubles.jpg)

he copes by self-fetishizing himself as a fat bastard.

i think he's mad at adam because adam is a straight man who gets paid to exist, buy street wear, never be sober and gallivant fashionably downtown with hot girls which should be a gay man's birthright. Meanwhile, poor jack has to don the heavy mantel of masculinity and get society in proper order with only online scolding as his sword since the straights are shirking their duties.

also anyone know more about the cropophilia rumor?

No. 2035577

Most fat men are into some type of poop fetishism. Little known fact.

No. 2035603

Who would want to go to Lagos, ew

No. 2035613

File: 1726656331461.jpg (1.96 MB, 2100x1396, steve-goldberg-and-the-arch-en…)

I always wondered how TrueAnon's Liz Franczak ended up so knowledgeable about left-wing esoterica. With Brace it's easier to explain, but hard to see her, with her background as "vintage buyer for NastyGal" at like a PSL or WWP school or whatever. Picrel, Yung Chomsky

No. 2035726

Estee lardass is such a good line lmao

No. 2035756

File: 1726688742924.jpeg (321.7 KB, 1179x1624, davis_book.jpeg)

matthew desperately shilling a mildly positive review of his book that says it's the most readable work to come out of this little "scene."


No. 2035769

>reviewer: this novel is "perhaps" the best of a group of crummy novels that i hate, it also lacks ambition and is bereft of beauty
>matthew: is this a glowing review?

i also noticed Dasha and multiple other blurbs compared this book to Philip Roth when it first came out and thought they must have copied that from the press release…not even lol, the guy literally just named his protagonist Roth to beg the comparison. bunch of illiterate dolts.

wanna tell us the reason behind your obvious a-logging or just hoping these vagueposts catch fire?

>Anna's MacBook Air and West Elm ass decor
I will never ever believe these hoes' Patreon numbers are real ever

i love fat jack because he proves beyond the shadow of a doubt that hysteria is in fact a male condition

No. 2035777

>Histrionic. I think he’s just mad a man called a woman pretty.
It's definitely this. Gay moids are obsessed with getting straight moid dick, and Fat Jack is legitimately psychotic. Dasha's ex-fiance calling a woman gorgeous is like what scientists would come up with in a lab to make Estee Lardass over here spiral.

No. 2035811

>It is like The Waves
And that's where I stopped reading because how fucking dare he. You think this fart in the wind if anywhere comparable to Virginia Woolf? Fuck you. Faggot.

No. 2035851

File: 1726699321199.jpeg (721.75 KB, 1179x981, IMG_7182.jpeg)

They finally met him

No. 2035852

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No. 2035853

KEKK, he even said that they should talk to his people about getting him on an episode. Not gonna lie, I'd be fascinated to hear that interview kek

No. 2035854

do you think its gonna happen nona

No. 2035878

It's perfectly feasible now they're fully integrated into the Thiel network. Thiel has successfully captured the Trump campaign and picked his VP, who he owns.

No. 2035887

File: 1726702193164.mp4 (1014.69 KB, 720x1280, OMG.mp4)

holy shit

No. 2035891

File: 1726702446546.png (11.11 KB, 632x72, Screenshot_1021.png)

Yeah, recently Thiel said that he saw no point in spending money on the Trump campaign for this election cycle but that he was still trying to promote him through other means so it would kind of make sense if he tried to wrangle Trump onto the podcast

No. 2035893


No. 2035913

"We had Tucker Carlson on"

No. 2035932

first time i've been impressed with them since the bannon episode dropped. also lol at how pissed the sub is about this. its 100% normie redditors now.

No. 2035936

I think he’s just being nice. His team will advise against it when they look into their reputations and some of the offputting guests they’ve had. Anna’s simping for jd vance went nowhere too

No. 2035950

like they advised against laura loomer? or like tucker's people advised him against going on their show? they shouldn't have half the audience they do, and yet here we are.

No. 2035955

Let's get real, they've had two of the biggest Trump whisperers (Bannon and Tucker) on the pod, and probably at least 50% of millennials GOP staffers are listeners.

No. 2035974

Trump whisperer isn’t the same as trump

No. 2035976

Tucker isn’t a presidential candidate and he’s not tied to fox anymore. Less at stake for him

No. 2036098

kind of an embarrassing watch. trump has no idea who they are and doesn’t seem to find them physically compelling in the least. he gives them the same bored noncommittal answer he would give any fawning rando with a podcast. it’s funny to watch a+d drop their disaffected cool entirely every time they meet someone with clout.

regardless of how based they are online, smelly art hoes that consort with troons are probably never going to get a warm reception from conservatives irl. their affection is entirely one sided.

No. 2036133

Most the RS listenership that hopped on the sub prior to 2021 is going to feel the exact same as the normie redditors on this, even if there are plenty of the latter on the sub

No. 2036134

He’s a lolcow himself, a failed writer who left his wife so he could leverage his minimal Substack clout to try and fuck teenage girls

No. 2036150

boring trump ep would be a fitting end for the pod

No. 2036160

She looks like a witch

No. 2036164

File: 1726768605611.jpg (302.25 KB, 1536x2048, GXyh-EZXkAAK0Jo.jpg)

No. 2036167

File: 1726769114761.jpeg (211.61 KB, 828x1016, vhy8mtekcxfd1.jpeg)

No. 2036174

then post the proof of that instead of some uninteresting tweets

No. 2036214

I hope it happens. Never been a Trump supporter but I think A&D would have good chemistry with him.

I guess Fatass Jack was too busy playing with dolls and sniffing his own putrid farts to actually listen to an episode of CT. Adam is possibly even more libtarded/woke than Stav.

No. 2036217

My theory is Jared/Ivanka have a limited amount of spaces earmarked for pro-isreali schizoids/cranks, that way they can deny the groypers proximity to him by saying by saying they already “one of those” on this team. It’s a pragmatic containment policy

No. 2036233

If I could hear the three of them talk off the wall shit about Eric Adams, I'd love it. I doubt it'll happen, though. Trump ('s campaign) doesn't care about New York, even with Hochul being as unpopular as she is.
But, I mean fuck maybe. It's not like his recent string of podcast interviews are done by people less abhorrent than those two. And it isn't like 2015 when he's gonna go to softball/edgeless/old spot like Adam Carolla's show anytime soon.

No. 2036245

nonnie if you can’t tell crumps is a gay man

No. 2036247

>probably at least 50% of millennials GOP staffers are listeners
pretty bold claim you pulled out of your ass there

No. 2036252

File: 1726785028329.png (208.25 KB, 1428x954, rfq.png)

Rayne Fisher-Quann is out there still publishing slop on therapy culture this year I guess, ripping off decades of existing critical theory but it's fresh and cool now because she has anime eyes or whatever her orbiters see in her. Low output overall this year though, wonder if her book is still in the works.

No. 2036254

She’s been in the psych ward

No. 2036255

Isn’t the guy a billionaire? His decision to not donate any money after Trump got fucked in court looks like a bad sign for RS

No. 2036264

File: 1726788380675.png (369.95 KB, 1642x1162, raynefisherquannpsychward.png)


Wow she and Ivy Wolk both in the last few months. I can't imagine people like this having any real problems I think they just want to larp that they're in The Bell Jar.

No. 2036268

her being treated like some great mind is worse than her writing

No. 2036279

File: 1726790704267.png (812.57 KB, 1170x1950, fugly.png)

I hate these zoomer influencers who go to the psych ward and then make it their whole personality all over their social media like they’re Susanna Kaysen or some shit. I remember Eileen Kelly going to the girl interrupted psych hospital and then starting a podcast all about being “mental” which is just tacky.

No. 2036282

there's no sense of drama if you do it this way, to properly mentalmaxx you need to have a violent opposition to being institutionalized, fight it tooth and nail then go on incoherent rants about how you were wrongly detained

No. 2036284

SSRIs stopped being the merit badges as soon as rappers started talking about them.

No. 2036292

File: 1726792510306.jpeg (484.07 KB, 745x1260, IMG_4126.jpeg)

>I can't imagine people like this having any real problems
I think people like this like to make problems, so they have something to be deeply upset about forever. I just don't understand how being in the background of a show or movie sometimes and having a comedy show where a ticket is $20 is worth this type of life. Even if the life is worth it, I don't know why anyone would share this sort of life publicly without shame. I don't get it at all.

No. 2036312

they perceive radical openness as a virtue, in that they think it is allowing the truth to be set free. in reality nobody wants to smell your dirty laundry unless they are voyeurs like us.

No. 2036321

Why are they all doing Patreon now? (Meg Bitchell and Bailey Moon) Do they think they're too good for OnlyFans or something?

No. 2036329

File: 1726799751842.png (280.9 KB, 597x637, Screenshot 2024-09-19 193457.p…)

lmao alex takes another L

No. 2036337

>Trump ('s campaign) doesn't care about New York
They know New York isn't in play for the presidential election, but holding rallies there shores up downballot support, where there are several flippable districts that will be key for controlling the House.

No. 2036338

The clout, nona. It's all about the clout.

No. 2036341

File: 1726801921805.png (353.87 KB, 2370x1412, baileymoongoonerdebate.png)


Meg seemed to hold off on selling nudes for some time even with her formerly active subreddit, I think she was hoping that her mildly unfunny TikToks and polisci degree from UNT would cover her I guess lol. It seemed she did it more after the fact with the NYC move since presumably neither of those two things are that lucrative.

I was looking for info on Bailey and the discussions I saw indicated maybe she just uses Patreon to fund her lifestyle namely traveling without getting in too deep being an OF girl but now she's also a Shkreli replyguy and some people have been wondering if she's sugaring too? But this was all conjecture on a breast fetishist forum with aggressive pop-ups so not sure what they know.

No. 2036378

File: 1726810815284.jpg (62.53 KB, 783x554, lolcao.JPG)

I thought he might turn into a party man, given the races and recent influx of money towards the GOP there, but I don't think it's happening. During his Long Island rally earlier, he didn't really go out of his way to mention any of the NY races. It was just largely border/Springfield stuff. I don't even understand why he went. So, that speech sort of just snuffed out any hope I had of something funny happening, because what's the point?
He was more enthusiastic in Virginia promoting Hung Cao, and that guys is 100% gonna lose. Like, where is Mike Lawler's picture like this?

No. 2036393

File: 1726813750091.jpg (15.51 KB, 600x400, Fingers_and_thumb_in_circle_do…)

>rayne’s work deals with womanhood, mental illness, commodification, morality, and the formation & construction of identity in the internet age

No. 2036440

she got a six figure book deal

No. 2036476

RS episode with Trump will be a return to Trump being a catty bitch about celebs and NY socialite hoes. I'm all for it, Trump is genuinely entertaining when it comes to his celeb takes.(sage your shit)

No. 2036530

if it happens, i hope it's a disaster

No. 2036551

Broken clock

No. 2036554

Stop sucking Trump off you unsaged newfag

No. 2036567

there was a ironybro posted a few threads back having a schizo meltdown where he accused m crumps of being a pedophile and a registered sex offender, maybe he's made his way over here?

No. 2036703

Fatass Jack and Anna having another meltdown about how everyone is mean to them and their genius isn’t recognized

No. 2036773

File: 1726883188549.jpeg (325.66 KB, 640x819, D5DAF656-9DB8-4160-BF68-05DF41…)

The Troon has now resorted to turning tricks on his Romanian sojourn.

No. 2036775

emergency room for having bruises on his legs? Looks like the same as anybody who is clumsy and pale, tbh.

No. 2036779

this isn't milk and nobody here wants to look at your/his disgusting man legs

No. 2036791

Great get for the rs girls but what’s it in for him? Jd Vance is catty enough as is. I don’t think it would help his image, don’t see why he would bother

No. 2036828

File: 1726893437524.jpeg (191.99 KB, 1500x1000, IMG_4147.jpeg)

A child molester and his slavic ana coquette lolita (facially deformed 33 year old Ghislaine wannabe) what a cute duo! Is this new?

No. 2036831

I think this was just a photo op I'm pretty sure her new bf is some tan guy

No. 2036836

they're looksmatched

No. 2036848

looks like it's from the Elena Velez fashion show/afterparty from last week

No. 2036869

They look the same as Anna or Dasha’s creepy legs

No. 2036870

He took shots at her on Perfect Guy Life saying something about nyc girls having new strains of stds
He looked Indian or hispanic

No. 2036883

dear lord this is so fucking lame

No. 2036892

They’re both so ugly it’s actually tragic, but I guess it matches them from the inside. I guess you really get the face you deserve

No. 2036913

and she still has fans after this? posing with sam hyde? her female fans support what he did to marky? KEK

No. 2036914

They don’t know

No. 2036937

Why does Dasha's skin always look so dirty? She makes me want to Lysol spray her.

No. 2036958

File: 1726936722686.jpeg (424.02 KB, 1170x823, IMG_1235.jpeg)

wtf is she talking about? what private moral code? she’s a bully and surrounds herself with ass kissers. she said the same thing about jack yesterday.

No. 2036961

how does one look bad while standing next to sam hyde of all people

No. 2036977


No. 2037026

Bailey has cumshot pictures lol, she's in fairly deep

No. 2037069

his eyeballs look like they are encased in labia, it is incredible to age like that but claim not to do drugs or drink. seems pleased that he's welcomed back into the scene

No. 2037071

her skin has always had a gross yellow-brown undertone. repulsive woman

No. 2037111

File: 1726976360148.jpeg (296.23 KB, 1284x1117, IMG_3318.jpeg)

Anna sounds so funny when she tries hard to conjure up gravitas.

No. 2037126

If it 100% guaranteed he'd come on their podcast, do you think Dasha (or Anna, or both) would fuck Trump?

No. 2037147

Let's be real, Trump's standards are higher than that, just look at Melania.

No. 2037150

Have you been keeping up with the news? He's currently fucking the literal ugliest woman in America.

No. 2037152

ava pearlman's IG has gone private. is she OK?

No. 2037156

I didn’t know he was fucking Dasha for real, wow

No. 2037157

It's so funny seeing narcs have meta breakdowns like this

No. 2037158

Standing next to one of the ugliest moids on the planet and she stil manages to look like shit kek

No. 2037159

Dasha (I know you lurk so please take this tip), please consider using a pink blush and some light pink but natural color on your lips. There’s many brands that offer a one and go blush stick that you can also use on lips. It will give your unfortunate cadaver grey complexion a bit of life and make you look the opposite of a zombie. It will do you wonders, I promise. Also consider not dying your hair blonde and go darker or even a caramel color. You aren’t fooling anyone and you aren’t even getting acting work as a blonde, maybe as some cynical brunette like Audrey plaza, you’d get more roles at least. Your dreams of being the new rw terminally online “cool it girl” New Yorker Chloe sevigny is not working(hi cow)

No. 2037163

Oh god, top kek my sides. The twirling her hair, rolling her eyes, overacting and dumb drawn out drawl…only for the interviewer to call her mid anyway lmao.
She's trying soooo hard to be like Sky Ferreira in that one interview that blew up on coquette ig reels except unlike Dasha, Sky is actually pretty, cute and talented kek.

No. 2037212

File: 1727003448099.jpg (129.29 KB, 413x656, 9306.jpg)

of course she did

No. 2037248

File: 1727013175233.jpg (666.04 KB, 2048x1151, SquarePic_20240922_08455944.jp…)

Did anyone catch that Curtis moldy bug Yarvin's new wife Kristine was chased off Twitter?

She is foaming at the mouth mad at all the women in STEM who have degrees and real jobs. She's part of that Grimes group of girls who desperately wants to pretend to be a scientist or engineer but are too dumb and on drugs to actually achieve that.

She scrubbed her shitty post from the internet, but it was a picture of a model wearing minimal makeup with big eyebrows. She insisted that women in STEM intentionally uglify themselves as an act of manipulation and that they ought to looks maxx like her (???? she's average).

No. 2037251

she’s a slob herself

No. 2037351

Yeah I'm a little surprised she posted something like that. Or that early at least

No. 2037413

she’s barely average! she just benefits by comparison with Yarvin’s utter hideousness

No. 2037416

Looksmaxxers are always the most mid people in existence, if they were attractive they wouldn't be this spergy kek

No. 2037417

File: 1727047699581.jpeg (259.48 KB, 1170x988, IMG_4260.jpeg)

Pariah Troon and other botched groupie sidekicks just had pedophile sex traffickers Andrew and Tristan Tate on their podcast apparently

No. 2037424

the cows seem to be amping up their support of noncery recently. struggling to stay relevant so teaming up with sex offenders should fix that

No. 2037446

The Hon has a podcast now? Feels a little late to be hopping on that grift tbh

No. 2037452

File: 1727052243309.png (173.21 KB, 910x758, you dont hate journalists enou…)

It's the year 2024, Anna and Dasha openly gush over Trump, Tucker Carlson, BAP, Yarvin, Fuentes, etc. and the mainstream media still refers to them as edgy leftists.

Oh and Ivy Wolk is a background actor in this btw. Seems to be about a boring gay teacher struggling against both woke and anti-woke students.

No. 2037482

File: 1727056523334.png (1.19 MB, 1200x1454, 1628276_9991.png)

Ivy posted a minute of her latest standup clip that read as a partial lowkey cry for help. She does in fact mention the psych ward, again, if it couldn't be assumed.

No. 2037487

it’s so bizarre that going to the psych ward and being mentally unwell is like a personality trait now. Don’t you want to get better? Why is it some quirky signifier that can be used as a bit or something. is this all it takes to seek interesting?

No. 2037496

Her naturally gaunt, troon-like facial structure is a result of genetics. Her fine hair, massive chin a la The Mask, and dead, downturned eyes are also a result of her genes rather than her lifestyle. The birthmark that she has on her chin only highlights the witch-like features of her appearance. She, as well as Anna, aka Ayn Rand 2.0, got many of the features that are negatively associated with Eastern European women. I don't live in a village in Belarus where there are only 237 inhabitants, so this woman is ugly to me. Is that ok with you?
Just say you're deeply insecure about your looks and that "body shaming" selfishly makes you feel bad because you feel inferior to the person being shamed. She is ugly to me, this thread was literally made for people to express, to put it mildly, unfavorable opinions, and you're self-destructive and braindead for even coming on this site at all if this kind of jargon offends you to this extent. I'm not going to stop expressing these opinions just bc you're too weak too handle it and too stupid to realize that it's your job to either ignore it or go away. Your next form of social justice activism should consist of going on Stormfront and complain about all the racism

No. 2037500

It's a pleasant surprise to see everyone disagreeing with her

No. 2037517

Did anyone listen to the last paywalled episode? Only asking because I’m morbidly curious if Dasha is sperging out again over all the diplomats and Secret Service agents in the area for the General Assembly

No. 2037527

the level of intelligence among women in stem is nonetheless superior to the level of intelligence among men in stem

No. 2037589

Isn't Tate supposed to be in jail?

No. 2037617

apparently the perfume flatulist's discord has a channel for his ugly fan's ugly nudes

No. 2037730

File: 1727117238279.jpeg (81.61 KB, 1290x750, Russian Girl.jpeg)

Is this recent?

No. 2037747

>'russian immigrant'

No. 2037762

it's true though(sage your shit )

No. 2037767

fox always does the most horrendous makeup on men and women. their male viewership is ancient

No. 2037781

Here's the full vid

No. 2037793

File: 1727125968644.png (817.7 KB, 1170x1724, anna leonidovna.png)

She was born in Moscow though nonna, however it seems as though she identifies as just being American

No. 2037797

Yes, this is from her Fox interview that aired last evening it looks like

No. 2037803

she came over as a toddler. she needs to come to terms with being an ordinary american: there's really nothing more american than being here because your parents chose to abandon their homeland in pursuit of money.

No. 2037812

Repeating this from earlier threads, but it's clear now she must demand they put 'Russian' or 'Russian-American' next to her name what ever she's doing, you see it every time now, it's pathetic.

it's not though, not even slightly.

The contempt she shows ordinary Americans, and especially the people she grew up with is so gross. Nearly 40 and still not got over people not recognizing what a special princess you are and not putting you on a pedestal.

No. 2037823

I wouldn't be surprised if Fox were the ones who insisted on the "Russian Immigrant" label. Red Scare's boomer conservative fans in the professional media like to play up the "these young women know of the dangers of communism because they come from Russia and they saw how it destroyed everything" angle when talking about them. To be a Russian immigrant in a right-wing setting is to implicitly present yourself as an anti-leftist.

No. 2037834

She looks so shifty lol. Low trust phenotype.

No. 2037849

No. 2037869

I don’t think it really think it counts when your first formative memories were in American soil, you started school in America, integrated as a toddler. If she moved is she was over the age of 5 or a speaking age then maybe that would be different, but this whole rewriting of history that she was a Russian immigrant and as she actually remembers anything when living in Russia is insane

No. 2037895

File: 1727140845925.jpg (202.25 KB, 1200x900, liz bruenig olivia nuzzi eve p…)

The clique that thought they were taking over journalism back in 2017…where are they now?

No. 2037896

are any of these people ever going to get real jobs or is this “scene” and its participants a crutch for none of them being qualified for gainful employment

No. 2037897

File: 1727141519016.png (342.69 KB, 1646x1204, orbiters.png)


congrats to Bimbo if she is pregnant I guess? imagine these being the people at your baby shower

No. 2037912

File: 1727144304229.jpeg (798.34 KB, 1620x1756, IMG_7290.jpeg)

No. 2037959

It’s because she’s considered ugly in America and needs a way to distinguish herself. That’s all it is

No. 2037960

She really looks like a witch about to jump on the table, speaking in gibberish and casting spells

No. 2037969

'Russian- ' is put on every single flyer/ad for her speaking appearances for the last few years, go back through the threads you can find discussion about it.
It's obvious she demands it put there, she must be aware of how insecure in her chosen identity it makes her look.


No wonder she flipped and became a trans rights handmaiden (in like 2022 lol), they also demand you validate their delusional paper thin performance, it's not enough to simply self identify. They require external validation of their "identity" from others to keep the high going, sexual or in Anna's case narcissistic.
Same with Anna, you can insult her looks, intelligence, etc. and it washes over her, but point out the obvious fact that she is not Russian, Armenian, Jewish etc. and she melts down over it.
Same with the troons, it breaks the narc supply and interrupts the dopamine hits, it makes them come crashing down to earth with a brief realization of what an utter embarrassment they look to the rest of the world.

What Anna doesn't seem to understand is that everyone, even the people that go along with her cringe worthy victim identity seeking, at some level all understand that her behavior is borne out of a deep seated contempt and snobbery for the ordinary Americans she grew up around, and America at large.

No. 2038031

this is hilarious. I can't believe this is real.
Anna looks crazy (I can' finally see the work nonas are always talking about, it really shows here) and said nothing but she got a lot of air time, the other woman didn't get to say anything at all. Taibbi looks like a hideous monster, I'm glad he didn't get to say much.

No. 2038044

At the end of the day, this is who Anna really is. Nothing more than a modern day update of Ann Coulter.

No. 2038052

What's even more hilarious is it seems to be a rumination on the American identity, and it appears they've brought Anna in to speak as a 'foreigner' to bring her external perspective as an outsider….
I wonder if she spat her trade mark "you Americans…" at them.

No. 2038054

Say what you will about peyser at least she didn't set female journalists back fifty years or steal ppp money and be bulimic while pregnant.

No. 2038058

File: 1727188594086.mp4 (4.25 MB, 642x360, 9wJjZyVJgo5xKWDw.mp4)

you can watch it, it's not a long clip

No. 2038076

I didn't notice it at first for whatever reason, but this is where Matt Taibbi landed?

No. 2038084

is lizzy still on the CP beat, hustling her way into every witness room in america?

No. 2038091

lol yeah i was just thinking about eve peyser the other day. worst thing she ever did was do the corny nyc transplant act.
does anyone have screenshots of her tweeting at the mayor of new york telling him that they shouldn't sell alcohol on the ferries because it was triggering to her as a sober person?

No. 2038138

File: 1727204247209.png (472.91 KB, 1188x1460, releasedfrompsychward.png)

i dont think u are fine pookie. hope her recently deceased grandma (?) left some cash for the medical debt for her psych ward visit and chronic upset tummy syndrome.

she seems to be riding higher highs with some chaotic vibes i know bipolar is thrown around but makes me really think.

No. 2038174

Yep, although she is currently banned from all correctional facilities in Alabama because she snuck in a pen (which is against the rules) while meeting with one of her death row lovebirds.

No. 2038176

>jonah hill
Anyone know how he found himself in the Dimes-adjacent scene these last few years? He was on the Ion Pack pod a while back and I think he said in an interview or something that he was crowdsourcing ideas for movies from their fanbase on discord.

No. 2038178

whatever happened to ion pack? how do these people have so much clout and so little staying power?

No. 2038202


There's been milk in previous threads about the ion pack guys trying and failing at film and music resorting to sensationalism and cyber harassment and so on.

As seen in >>2035299 they also spend time flirting with Vack and other goobers on the scene making edgy maymays as they all creep towards middle age.

The clout and staying power equation is probably the same as with Honor, Vack, and the rest of these people being a combination of upper-middle class safety cushions that they abuse to spend all their time on jerkoff vanity projects for a narrow audience of the worst people imaginable but also voyeurs like us

No. 2038241

You got it kind of backwards. They started off as a meme page making fun of indie filmmakers anonymously, then they went mask off to work on their projects, but forgot that making fun of people you wanna work with for years is not the best career move… so they pretty much only work with their friends.

As far as KJ goes, his company Simone Films does legal video work on the side (https://www.simonefilms.com/advocacyandcommercial). And of course all these people have family money.

No. 2038323

Peter Vack is male Dasha, same fake ass desperate for fame energy but ultimately lacking in any real charisma and attractiveness

No. 2038371

I am curious what happened to Peter, he actually had a decent career going (SVU bit role, mozart in the jungle, small roles in other popular shows like homeland) but he seemed to just quit all that to work on his own/his friend's stuff.

No. 2038432

File: 1727277193928.png (1.85 MB, 1184x1452, pariah.png)

is this supposed to be a good look? a provocative funny look? what's the point??

No. 2038518

can we just ban any discussion of this disgusting tranny gremlin? it's so obvious that he self-posts and uses this thread to feed his massive appetite for attention because he doesn't ever actually do anything interesting. plus he's hideously ugly and i'm tired of being assaulted with his mug.

No. 2038563

Does anyone has the Dasha escort page screencap from when she was an escort in LA?

No. 2038575

It was posted in the past threads, lurk more

No. 2038680

If he gets no attention online he might go shoot children or women like they’re known to do. I do think containment thread would be a good idea though

No. 2038688

this is the worst terf larp i've ever seen, you aren't getting your own thread lmao

No. 2038689

dude you aren’t getting your own thread we don’t want to talk about you or even see your face. stop self posting it’s so obvious that it’s you

No. 2038692

File: 1727317667661.jpeg (244.86 KB, 1197x1891, GYSIbNTX0AAJn6.jpeg)

Radfem Hitler has been getting bullied for tweeting about attractiveness while looking like this

No. 2038699

They all look the same, skinny with gawky facial features.

No. 2038702

she really was asian?

No. 2038707

File: 1727319567571.jpeg (1 MB, 2731x3464, 53D9008E-0A05-4DC7-8D26-90F125…)

The post that anon is replying to is obviously talking about the pederast troon and these disgusting freaks are supporting pedophile sex traffickers. Grown women trying to make a mockery of victims (61 in total, 49 part of ongoing allegations so far) and attaching their faces to it. They have been posted here for supporting pedophiles before as well, not just the troon. In this video this botched woman is going up to a police officer and saying "Andrew Tate raped me" while laughing. Even if you're the lowest of the low or the worst kind of pickme and you don't believe any of these women or girls, believe the Tates themselves who both have admitted to grooming minors into the sex industry (becoming online prostitutes)

House arrest

No. 2038708

No. 2038710

File: 1727319965273.png (333.99 KB, 1481x781, hapa freakout.png)

She's losing it

No. 2038718

Not surprising. She comes from /r/FDS which is full of ugly resentful women who think they deserve 9/10 finance bros.

No. 2038720

Idk how to say it, but she looks like a caricature. If someone wanted to create a drawing that mocks Asians it would like this.

No. 2038722

This is AI

No. 2038725

Asian Irritant?

No. 2038740

prove it

No. 2038741

File: 1727324455519.jpeg (955.4 KB, 2986x2828, 435BD0C6-4BF8-47A8-B86E-483EFF…)

Basically because there are few public pictures of her someone used the one on the right to create the AI one on the left (hence she has a similarly colored beanie/winter attire) and she went along with the joke at first but in typical narcissist fashion now she's getting tired of not being acknowledged as being as hot as she considers herself so she's asking this pedo to vouch for her. It looks like a different face too, the number of people who seem to buy it in the comments is funny yet pathetic though, she doesn't have a very intelligent audience however

No. 2038742

No. 2038748

you are a schizo. please seek help>>2038707

No. 2038749

she talked to that annoying fag medgold aka Palestinian masquerading as Italian and her voice sounded pretty autistic, almost bordering on trans

No. 2038752

Her voice is deep (I remember her old Twitter spaces) but that’s not uncommon. She still sounds like a woman.
I’m tired of her feminist who plays with the boys shtick. Been old for 4 years

No. 2038754


Is Maddie still with KJ?

No. 2038763

is that other girl implying rfh gave off insane hot girl vibes? never once got those vibes at all, could always tell she was more a nerdy overzealous girlboss who never experienced guys pining for her

No. 2038835

she was living in a basement during that period of her life. not a very high rolling escort

No. 2038845

she never was a feminist
kek i agree, but everyone on twitter is a LARP

No. 2038857

there's nothing schizo about this, get out of a female board if you don't see an issue with making light of grooming and sex trafficking or can't wrap your little brainlet head around it

she isn't a feminist nor hot. the picture already shows this, but attractive women don't sit around tweeting about scrotes and dating discourse 100x a day. she used to say she was working a cushy email job and acted like she had a life outside of this, then after she got doxed she immediately quit or claimed she did and now she spends all day tweeting, interacting with nonces like medgold and just being a part of this entire scene. you can tell whenever she tweets negatively about scrotes she's really doing it so she can get attention from and go back and forth with them in the comments all day because she doesn't get enough of it irl.

No. 2038863

She went along with it because the left girl looks European but the woman on right is clearly Asian with dyed piss color hair

No. 2038874

She has tweeted before about how being a stay at home mom is bad and relying on a man is bad. If that’s not feminist I’m not sure what is. She’s feminist but not racist like she once wanted people to believe

No. 2038876

File: 1727360559319.png (453.27 KB, 990x712, ai.png)

No. 2038878

Damn I came from the front page. This lady looks a lot like the retarded kid I sat next to in 2nd grade(blogging/sage your shit)

No. 2038882

medgold is palestinian?

No. 2038885

yes. only reason he defends rfh and her troon body

No. 2038887

No, they’ve been broken up for at least a couple months. From what I’ve heard, KJ came out on top post-breakup.

No. 2038926

You can believe being a working woman is important and not be a feminist. Tons of republicans do. Additionally, she surrounds herself with Twitter moids who bash women all day and conduct locker room target like MedGold. She is friends with groups of men who dont believe women should work like Indian Bronson. Ntm different groups of Twitter filled with pedos. It’s all in these threads. Recently she’s espoused the values of being a sugar baby since she got laid off last year.

No. 2038958

File: 1727374228247.jpg (652.6 KB, 1220x1560, 1000017184.jpg)

What's this about?

No. 2038960

It probably means someone who was willing to pipe Ivy the second she entered the city has probably made some other questionable choices in who they choose to have sex with.

No. 2038986

File: 1727379488783.png (16.25 KB, 590x216, cap.png)

I understand the whole "i'm super hot" thing was funny at first but now it just feels like she's desperately trying to convince everyone she's hot, reminds me of a loser male trying to convince people he has a big dick and totally gets laid all the time.

No. 2038988

This is about Felix isn't it lol

No. 2039003

Why is everything always about piss and shit with these people? Very Freudian.

No. 2039026

There was some implied acrimony with the CTH boys when Amber was on Red Scare promoting her book earlier this year. Didnt seem to be as big of a falling out as with Liz Bruenig but one nonetheless

No. 2039111

Nona not all websites meant to detect AI are accurate. This is 100% AI. It's not the same face, and you can tell it was made using the picture on the right because they're wearing the same clothes. I'm the OP anon who wrote some of the past threads with AI images I had made of A&D, I've done this with my own selfies, friends, familu and other cows as well, so I'm pretty familiar with what you get when you train AI models with faces. It didn't capture her features well because they only had one sample image to work with. I get how this can look like a particularly convincing one to the layman, but I guarantee you it's not a real selfie.

No. 2039114

so she’s not a feminist because she is casual friends with some guy who is not one? I don’t think that is how it works

No. 2039116

nta but befriending pedophiles is fundamentally anti-feminist. no woman who genuinely cares for the wellbeing of other women and girls hangs out with scrotes who sexualize children.

No. 2039124

The fact that you’re basing whether or not she’s a feminist on some dumb guy online she knows. A little retarded. She espouses feminist views often, far more often than anti-feminist stuff. She’s a feminist. Get over it

No. 2039135

In this scene anyone who says anything even remotely positive or in defense of women is a feminist, that's true. "Some dumb guy online", it's not just him, even pariah troon is a pedo pederatst, and she meets up with these people irl… you are who you surround yourself with. She literally quit her job to become a full time poster and entrench herself in these circles, then started bragging about being a "sugar baby neet" too, what a message of female liberation. Being a "feminist" because you talk to right wing nonces who you tweet at back and forth all day trying to convince them women are just like, human beings doesn't really mean much whatsoever aside from being an indicator of the kinds of people you like to be around and waste your breath on. Can't be a waste for her though, she sure enjoys talking to and about these types of scrotes.

No. 2039141

File: 1727405374372.png (175.42 KB, 1044x1013, 45sjmxw3h6dd1[1].png)

"Anna and Dasha's pro-genocide stance" probably refers to Dasha's little instagram stunt (picrel).

"Chapo's metoo" is probably Felix and how he's a pest to women in DMs. Alternatively the poster might have forgotten that Virgil is no longer a Chapo.

No. 2039147

This reeks of smegma

No. 2039148

File: 1727406798979.jpg (590.05 KB, 1536x2048, 1685475800429.jpg)

No. 2039149

If that's her then she's really cute

No. 2039150

>petite 5'7"

she's lucky moids are retarded

No. 2039151

> member since january 2014
> claiming to be 21
Wow kek, lying about her age since she was 23? What gives?

No. 2039152

>70.8K qts

No. 2039153

Probably meant that she's skinny

No. 2039155

nta but i don't really understand how anons here are defending palestinians, considering what they do to their own women and children. but thats just my 2 cents

No. 2039157

I don't think hating what the palestinians are doing right now means that you like Israel, I'm sure America could eradicate both! Either way lets stop this here before someone gets upset(derailing)

No. 2039158

File: 1727408086559.webm (Spoiler Image,2.08 MB, 320x690, 1727228996914646[1].webm)

Best not to take sides and instead laugh at zionists like Estee Lardass and Dasha while they have their little meltdowns. Israelis aren't much better in how they have Israeli women fuck those birthright boys so that they join the IDF lol

No. 2039162

anon thats not a video of daria though kek…thats a random old lady

No. 2039177

>considering what they do to their own women and children
and what would that be, exactly? you're concern trolling about women and children, ziobro? jews have killed tens of thousands of palestinians, including many thousands of children. you're here to demonize people as terrorist jews murder them by the thousand. fuck off, jew.(baiting/infighting)

No. 2039186

Anon, what are you talking about? You do understand that Palestine is a muslim country…right?(derailing)

No. 2039189

She’s not 5’7” she’s barely 5’4”, only reason she believes herself to be petite, and Anna’s about 5’1”. Others have confirmed they’re shorter in person and you can tell in photos if you’re familiar with body proportion and photography

No. 2039190

A is 5'4', D is 5'6, her listed height is wrong but not far off

No. 2039192

Jew, you haven't explained what Palestinians do to women and children that should lead us to support Israel in genociding them. What specifically do you have in mind?(derailing)

No. 2039196

Wrong. Anna is below average height and Dasha is average

No. 2039198

I've met them, I'm 5'4', Anna is the same height as me, and Dasha is an inch or so taller but not much. I didn't whip out a yard stick and measure them but I do know my own height kek.

No. 2039202

Im 5’4 on the dot. Met way too many bitches shorter than me claiming to be 5’4, sorry. Anna has the body proportions of a leprechaun. She is not average height in America

No. 2039204

Well yeah she looks like a mini fridge but I do know shes the same height as me. If she's 5'1' then I'd be 5'1' and I do not measure down to that

No. 2039206

Ok then she was wearing heels or boots maybe. Too many others have called these bitches bluff, and I am good at recognizing body proportion because I did photography for years, and yes many people lie about their heights, even women. Men won’t correct women’s claiming to be taller, because it makes them look taller in comparison. I had a friend who I was positive was 5’7’ because i helped her measure her own height and she looked modelesque in photos. Neither of these bitches have modelesque bodies despite being thin because they’re average and below average height

No. 2039208

Ok anon take a deep breath kek…also you're right, they don't have modelesque bodies because they're normal height. Like 5'4' and 5'5'. Sorry I didn't stop to snap a picture of the shoes they were wearing for you…

No. 2039209

This post is mooing

No. 2039211

Is there something you want me to do about their height, anon? Thats a very weird and random thing to get autistically upset over

No. 2039219

No. I simply don’t believe you given my knowledge and that others have called their bluff. If you’re not autistically obsessed with height then I’m not sure why you replied to me so fast. Self post maybe

No. 2039220

I just replied because I had something constructive to add since it was based in my own real life witnessing, I didn't see any harm in that. Are there any screenshots in previous threads of who came out saying they were shorter/taller? Because I've lurked and can't personally find anything yet and now I'm getting curious kek

No. 2039239

No. Random people from the subreddit who have met them around nyc or at some event. I didn’t take screenshots but I do strongly believe they are lying. It’s not an uncommon lie, many people do tack on a few inches to their height

No. 2039316

She's not a feminist, she has "radfem" in her handle as a bit and sometimes posts about men being trash. Like, if she's a feminist then I guess she's also hitler. Stop being so gullible.

No. 2039330

was it real (the ratio is off) or did she delete it? i want to see her jumped on kek

No. 2039337

Funniest part is she has convinced retards she cares about this. She is only saying this stuff for attention because Palestine discourse is such a hot topic on social media. No better than some random porn whore writing some lame topical news caption with her ass out

No. 2039398

>"finance bros"
>above 5

Reddit front pole bagholding TSLA detected

No. 2039555

white girl spotted(unsaged retard)

No. 2039562

Rfh is not a feminist, just blackpilled cuz she did realize that men do not see women as human, and fall out of love real quick since they are only looks- and sex-based, not in love with her as a whole person. And while necessary, men can be brutal and cruel especially if they hate you but still fuck you or keep you around.

No. 2039590

Anon is a newfag male clearly… has no awareness that women here actually are feminist, with many being radfems too.

No. 2039682

File: 1727499750864.jpeg (515.95 KB, 1568x2129, 5DCFC1D3-62F6-41F2-A6C1-15C82D…)

this is in < 2 weeks. a day hardly if ever goes by without this woman going "men are so" "men are just" "my boyfriends" "hot guy" "hot men" "normie men" "twitter male", you couldn't pay me to think about scrotes as a species this much let alone post about them multiple times daily, i'd literally forget

No. 2039707

>past 2 weeks
newfag. one of those tweets says men are crabby too. your point is weak. give it a rest

No. 2039808

i've been here for so many years lol. the point is that she's scrote obsessed and many others have pointed this out before, are you dense? it goes like this for months. the rate increased after she quit her "cushy email job" (to do precisely this). yet we have retards like you thinking the primary or even a motivation behind this account is really women's rights and not just rightoid scrote engagement bait and dating discourse horseshit. you can spend your 20s riding white supremacist faggot (such as but not limited to richard spencer's) coattails, going on his podcast advocating for minority sterilization programs, and come back to your true calling ("poasting" [that word gives me such an ick]) after a failed marriage acting like you've become disillusioned with the alt right and learned to stop "hating yourself for being a woman" , move over to the "dissident" right, hit up pedos to go out, joke about whether they prefer troons or underage girls who look like boys in your 30s, surround yourself with these "post left" thiel freaks, epstein and paglia apologists, but if your particular method of attracting male attention online is discussing gender dynamics with rightoid misogynists daily that's feminism.

No. 2039824

Thank you! You get it.

No. 2039902

You’re replying to yourself

No. 2039928

not me. different anon.
also not me and different anon.
also not me and different anon. why are you here defending white nationalist pedophile supporters though?

No. 2039933

im not even following this argument but based on this reply you need to caress the proverbial grass

No. 2039934

People aren't allowed to disagree that a cow in tpot is a feminist apparently. I remember her posting about reading lolcor too, I think her not being a feminist is why she keeps getting posted here and not in the radfem thread

No. 2039948

jesus that's unfortunate but unsurprising. total becky

No. 2039983

all the actual women here agree she isn’t a feminist and there’s just one or two newfag men who think otherwise. Feminism is not… tweeting about how men are annoying but meeting up with sex pests and creeps from Twitter who don’t believe women should work or vote. Not to mention she’s been bragging about literally giving head to her ugly old bf paying their rent. Feminism where? Hasn’t said two words about rising DV rates and femicide, health care costs, family and maternal leave, cost of living issues, sexism in workplaces, ++ kevery other issue that matters to a woman. Just dating ragebait

No. 2039988

Again you’re a newfag. You haven’t been following her long

No. 2040013

File: 1727579455088.jpeg (539.5 KB, 1242x937, IMG_4356.jpeg)

the anon you originally called a newfag was me while the anon you just replied to is a different person. you're the minority here.

regret to inform you but believing any of the below
> that pic is real and not AI
> she's a radfem
> she's mixed race, hapa or latina and not simply a midwestern white woman
is so dumb if you're not new and have even semi kept up with these cows for a while. no wonder she spreads fake info about herself then watches you all like ants crawling towards every moldy crumb she throws (partly as a joke and partly to throw you off the fact she's been doxed and is a wignat, something she wants to at least appear to distance herself from). she just changed the flags in her bio to reflect her real ancestry too coincidentally, and her last name is germanic.

No. 2040024

File: 1727581374934.png (137.7 KB, 300x251, a2ek8ofn.png)

Doctor? Regardless of whether or not that pic is AI I doubt she actually looks as hot as how she's trying to portray herself.

No. 2040034

I am another anon who has been on these threads for years. Like when RFH was “dagny redbad” and grew by getting RT by Default Friend (and hanging out with racefems on Twitter spaces). I was even here back when Dasha was a socialist lol
Everything this nonna said is accurate. RFH lies about herself so damn much. Only a few things seem consistent, like being a UMich alum and her name is def Alicia. I don’t even think she has a husband or ex husband, or a kid. That pic is not her

No. 2040075

Pretty sure it is a yassified photo of Jesus

No. 2040077

I don’t think she ever had a husband or kid either but I do believe she is mixed race going off the original beanie photo. There are mixed race women in the Midwest

No. 2040099

File: 1727608947676.jpg (18.09 KB, 236x345, 0c8ed4106245fd1aea333b627dee22…)

Actually it's a female version of picrel. It's an Ashtar, a race of aliens that are essentially blonde blue-eyed humans. It's all apart of some weird cult bullshit, you can learn about it on space-people.org (it's very oldweb)

No. 2040196

File: 1727631129903.jpg (220.11 KB, 1185x761, terfdavidicke.jpg)

This has been said before but the Asian joke actually started because people thought she had an epicanthic fold in that blurry pic, and kept saying she had piss color bleached blonde hair. She's Anglo, a natural blonde, and a white supremacist. Idk how many times it has to be said. This is one of her many old accounts.

Something weird I just found is that apparently people were going after another woman thinking she ran this account. It allegedly got brought up in UK courts? https://convincingreasons.wordpress.com/2024/08/08/anatomy-of-a-witch-hunt/ I doubt Alicia/Aliceea is even aware of this.

No. 2040231

I read a bit of that link and am finding it difficult to follow what exactly RFH did wrong? They accused Nina Power of being RFH but why the court case?

No. 2040241

Oh man, I never put that together. That's actually pretty cool. I only ever found out about them around 2008, and I assume that was after whatever heyday was. I was in some doomsday-type (Nibiru cataclysm) IRC channels in the early 2000's when ZetaTalk (more oldweb shit!) was big. The users from that site were far more culty and started talking about the RFID being implanted by being from the Zeta Reticuli and all that nonsense.
The Space People stuff actually used color, though.

No. 2040260

File: 1727639843305.jpeg (159.91 KB, 1242x404, IMG_4377.jpeg)

it's nonsense bs. what she did and continues to do is associate with pedos and nazis and the freaks in these threads irl and online, but that's got nothing to do with this. it doesn't seem to quite clarify why anyone thought RFH was nina power aside from something about the latter posting about Mein Kempf, can't be bothered to read through the whole thing. @terfdavidicke wasn't even RFH's first account, she's been on twitter or in other alt right spaces for like a decade or more as holly himmler and god knows how many other aliases. iirc some lib journo or something compiled a list of ban evading alt right accounts including hers and it was posted in one of the old threads

No. 2040302

1:32 kek

No. 2040363

anything with this dick's face on it should be automatically spoilered, for everyone's health.

No. 2040404

Wrong thread but I'll say that Tulsi is a whole other level of crazy over and above anyone in this scene. I believe she pretty much does and says whatever her Science of Identify Foundation cult tells her to do. If they tell her to join the military she's a Major, if they tell her to be bisexual she'll start having sex with women.

No. 2040414

Tulsi thinks she can still stay a Dem even though all her actions are Con with a bit of Libertarian because she wants to sneakily "merge", get her hooks in as top dawg, then start changing Dem to Con as well, but just her as the leader. Girlbossing much?

For an anti feminist, she seems very ambitious and sus

No. 2040418

All “anti feminists” are ambitious girlboss types who just want to torch competition

No. 2040419

oh okay so 58000 people are just supporting pedophile samuel hyde who raped marky? because of dasha?

No. 2040420

nta, it should have been sam hyde, not twomad

No. 2040437

This is getting ridiculous. She has Indian female friends and dates brown guys. How is that white nationalist? Being blonde doesn’t mean she is full Anglo either. Her face and eye shape. I don’t buy it. Sorry

No. 2040440

Yes its so fucking disgusting. Dasha does anything to be the edgy fuckable nlog.

No. 2040442

samefag meant to quote this(please delete and repost)

No. 2040443

Someone said they are matched in looks. I can see it
If you want to see a white supremacist woman, look at someone like Emily Youcis. She only has white friends and married and had a kid with a white supremacist. There are very few true white supremacists left in America. Many conservatives or republicans get painted as such, but you delve into it and they are not, as they gladly associate with non-white people

No. 2040444

He shaded her on his own podcast by saying new york girls have all kinds of std’s too. Very sad all around that she’s being friendly with a guy who has no respect for her

No. 2040452

File: 1727679300932.mp4 (6.49 MB, 480x852, v09044e60000bvllqc7dq81sp2co5p…)

Non-asian people can have epicanthal folds, and that's just the bad picture quality. You're so gullible it's just funny. Her bf is a little swarthy and hairy, not brown. White nationalists can in fact be friendly with brown people, she's friends with pedo medgold too who's swarthy? It kind of cracks me up how it's a meme they have ethnic gfs https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/never-ask-a-white-supremacist-the-race-of-his-girlfriend , so the idea that a female white nationalist can't have a swarthy bf or friends is like, impossible or unheard of to you, much like white people with epicanthal folds.

No. 2040457

she has natural humiliation and masochistic kink

No. 2040459

A lot of mid girls who are all-brownie(hair, eyes, skin) like to act out in two ways, either the loud arrogant, entitled “I am special” girlboss bully route acting like theyre cooler than they really are, or the bdsm antifeminist pro-white supremacy route hoping for favour and ONS with white guys to birth mixed babies to be more special. Cringy, men laugh at the antics either way.

No. 2040460

Don’t think she can ever get with any decent guy. Her doormat facade does not seem to cover up her clingy, needy, crazy red flags well.

No. 2040463

First husband? Yet still flirts with the groypers and cels of x. Not very pure of bimbo, she wants her personal fugly male harem.(quadruple posting)

No. 2040465

This is supposed to prove something? She could be 15% asian for all you know, or it is a symptom of mild fetal alcohol syndrome

No. 2040466

>the idea that a female white nationalist can't have a swarthy bf or friends is like, impossible or unheard of to you
then they are fake white nationalists/supremacists

No. 2040487

even more depraved is that he joked about it afterwards. made fun of her and called her a tight little piece and said he did her in the anus in his boston ross vid. and it is still up. she confirmed all this. iirc I think it was legal and not statutory rape because he crossed state lines where her age was legal. horrible stuff either way and dasha is way too online to not know about all this. she knows but she doesn’t care because she is nasty with bad morals herself

No. 2040502

It is illegal to cross state lines to have sex with someone underage in your state.

No. 2040507

what? are you implying I’m him because no. either way if it was illegal she should’ve reported him and never did

No. 2040544

she should have but why would she? she was groomed by him for one and probably didnt want to get him in trouble. when she realized what had happened or how unhealthy it was probably too late. not to mention his fanbase and his power. must have been petrified.

No. 2040552

File: 1727708580670.jpeg (269.78 KB, 616x755, 98418CBC-A6DB-40E1-8C53-B78B47…)


No. 2040554


So an ugly faggot in women’s clothing. Got it.

No. 2040559

now he will do it to someone else. unless he dies before then

No. 2040570

Isn't that what being transgender is?

No. 2040583

File: 1727716901322.png (55.23 KB, 896x335, ahs1.png)

looks like adam gluck broke up with audrey horne.

No. 2040584

File: 1727716961499.png (28.39 KB, 905x159, ahs2.png)

another one, good chance he really did breakup with her

No. 2040585

Not surprizing, considering how annoying she is.

No. 2040603

Biggest poser in this scene. Must be setting by now that all the Gen X creeps who invite her to readings have ulterior motives…

No. 2040613

Smart money on felix being a dm creep, dark horse being whatever else menaker is into beyond the swinging he alludes to every couple of chapo episodes.

No. 2040615

File: 1727720881486.png (326.08 KB, 1052x1190, meth.png)

Aimee 2.0

No. 2040619

File: 1727722128860.mp4 (16.39 MB, 1920x1080, RIP.mp4)

She got so excited

No. 2040656

I do not even mean this as an epik reference to her body count - this woman looks like a gijinka of a three day old used condom. Complete with the coloration.

No. 2040662

>gijinka of a three day old used condom
Any drawfags here?

No. 2040667

I think that maybe we should look to the past for solutions to the obesity epidemic, melancholy, boredom, and the like, but not really for types like her.
At the same time, I'm super curious about her stimmed out voice since she seems kind of like she speaks deliberately the few times I've heard her.

No. 2040692

twitter addiction + amphetamines is a dangerous combo

No. 2040701

No. 2040727

shit is genuinely lethal, i know multiple people who killed themselves after dedicating their lives to the combination. social media + stimulants work in a feedback loop to increase your dependence on either of them. stimulants make you think every dumb hot take of a thought you have is pure brilliance ready to be sprung unto the world, and then when you come down and experience regret you have a public record of all the vagaries of your own retardation.

No. 2040757

File: 1727745563435.webm (330.51 KB, 1280x720, 1727680327038365.webm)

No. 2040806

File: 1727757490098.png (199.36 KB, 1374x812, liz bruenig olivia nuzzi defen…)

Liz Bruenig offered a wild defense of Olivia Nuzzi on the latest episode of her podcast; basically amounted to "sure she breached journalistic ethics, but who even decides those ethics anyway, it's all murky and everyone's guilty of it, and the line between when a source becomes a friend or even a sexual partner can be really blurry sometimes." And then there's this in the comments. Is she feeling this way because she herself has engaged in similar practices…?

No. 2040841

This guy has some kind of superhuman level autism where he's completely immune to cringe, sort of like gay Borat. Not sure why Dasha would flirt with gay Borat though

No. 2040843

RFH is being seduced by her “friend” medgold, who claims he’s more rizzy than every pua and more misogynistic than every redpiller. Walking dumpster fire. The most selfish crazy ‘Radfems’ always seem to fall for some red pill nasty, why do you think that is?

No. 2040885

She is also reply guying to Dasha’s ex, Matthew(sage your shit)

No. 2040932

I wondered the same thing while listening but I think her comments there along with bigger picture all kind of imply it’s more likely that she’s alluding to certain NYT/WAPO/Atlantic colleagues

No. 2040974

Her exes are all gay as shit. Maybe not literally but spiritually

No. 2041049

The idea of her knowing how sexual relationships are formed is funny although maybe she has experience with her surrogate dad

No. 2041122

File: 1727821853527.jpg (27.12 KB, 1125x2000, bimbo up the duff.jpg)

bimbo ubermensch via IG

No. 2041132

gross, her kid will be beyond retarded

No. 2041271

I truly don’t believe the whole thing about dasha being super “online” she boasts about going on 4chan back in the day, but she comes off sort of oblivious to online culture tbh. she only says that shit to appeal to her actually chronically online 4channer scrote demographic. I really don’t believe she was actually posting on 4chan in its heyday. hence the cringe tweet about her parents not letting her watch beheading videos, when by that time she was already living on her own. it’s just these edgy signifiers to come off as ~one of us~ when the most online she’s been is being on anachan tumblr and shitposting on Twitter. Her association with Sam Hyde aren’t the same as those that followed him back in 2014 era, she honestly does not know, but does know that if she takes pics with him and interacts with him online, she’ll be “based” amongst his crowd

No. 2041285

Not too sure why you'd think that. Being around those Wavery types in the early 2010s and ending up in their music videos and stuff kinda lends that she is/was in with a lot of the weirdo internet and arts colliding crowd.
Like, that was my first exposure to her and she had hanger-ons and I couldn't figure it out for the life of me why, since there we admittedly cooler girls actually DOING (or being coerced to at least) stuff in those circles.

No. 2041296

So wait, is she actually preggers? She was drinking on her most recent substack audio post

No. 2041325

>her parents not letting her watch beheading videos
I don’t know if she is lying or her brain is fried but on the podcast a long time ago she said she started going online and watching porn and best gore from a young age. she was on some forum in the 00s too. someone found her old posts from there and posted them here. confirmed to be her, sounded exactly like her and she even mentions her own first name in one post. I think someone said she met brace belden on that forum. this was back when not many people were online much. the screenshots are posted in an old thread here, not sure of the number

No. 2041330

Are you a newfag? She was on his podcast over a year ago

No. 2041509

File: 1727908554229.png (316.6 KB, 1170x2532, IMG_5425.png)

I’ve personally given up, nothing would make sense to these people unless they followed RFH 2020-2021. Unfortunately Anna and Dasha’s hijinks (and RFH stimulant driven twitter rants) mean there will always be tons of newfags here
So she moved to NYC. I surmise she’s looking for a Jewish husband (again!) and wants a baby before 30

No. 2041510

File: 1727908640972.png (341.51 KB, 1170x2532, IMG_5424.png)

She did it once before — married an older Jewish man with an PMC job — and it went badly. Let’s see what she comes up with this time

No. 2041512

Every single one of these hoes moves to New York to become Lily Bart.

No. 2041517

what are those "goals"

No. 2041518

The natives used to shame decently enough. Lost art of the past two decades though.

No. 2041530

the first thing she needs to do is give up on being a "writer," everyone that uses the word "ingenue" without irony should be shot on sight

No. 2041590

Said "natives" had all been wiped out, either priced out of their homes or died off. NYC right now has is almost comprised entirely of transplants.

No. 2041592

Yeah, I figured that. I haven't been up since Southpaw closed its doors, probably too embarrassingly old to be here. Sucks because that lucky-to-have-rolled-the-dice-to-be-born-here snobbery was actually pretty fun to be around at shows.

No. 2041637

Does she have a real job? Is she still "modelling"? Asking random idiots if she can do the odd errand for them in a high cost of living area while mumbling about vague "goals" doesn't sound very productive. Really should stick to just getting her kit off.(scrote-tier post)

No. 2041653

>get her kit off
Go away porn addicted scrote(scrotefoiling, report suspected moids and do not respond)

No. 2041691

Medgold is a closeted tranny, men who are only like women for their looks and sex all have Transwoman syndrome in them. He is obsessed with female beauty, even making little posts about types of girl beauty and bodies lately, because he doesn’t have any beauty. Not like a woman. High body count doesn’t give it to him either so he will start hrt and ffs and mimicking femme mannerisms like a clown. Like his friend roko mijc, he will too turn trans soon.

No. 2041697

File: 1727966212470.png (Spoiler Image,989.96 KB, 2000x2000, ivywolkniteflirt.png)

Ivy Wolk's newest scheme she's tweeting about to help pay off her self-inflicted psych ward medical debt: phone sex and roleplaying

No. 2041716

what year is this site from? She should do something modern like eat bugs on twitch.

No. 2041732

File: 1727974005816.png (920.6 KB, 1031x1054, stroketoberfest.png)

This makes me sad

No. 2041758


I’m not. If the fat fuck wants to drink himself to death, let him.

No. 2041764

Matt's stroke really gave them the out on why they couldn't make it in hollywood. I think felix mentioned he's even moving back to nyc.

No. 2041783

Alcohol can increase the likelihood of strokes, but the relationship is complex. Moderate alcohol consumption may have some protective effects on heart health for some individuals, but excessive or heavy drinking is associated with a higher risk of both ischemic and hemorrhagic strokes.

Heavy drinking can lead to high blood pressure, irregular heartbeats, and other health issues that contribute to stroke risk. It's important to consider individual factors such as overall health, genetics, and drinking patterns. If you have specific concerns about alcohol and stroke risk, consulting a healthcare professional is a good idea.(samefagging with weird ai generated response)

No. 2041815

Has any actress (who didn't come from the porn industry) ever directly and openly advertised sex work like this? We're really hitting new lows here

No. 2041816

File: 1727987778056.png (21.18 KB, 747x155, Screenshot 2024-10-03 at 23-35…)

i feel bad for Anna's Jewish baby…

No. 2041967

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No. 2041994

LOL OMG I’m living

No. 2042016

azealia is like the female intrasexual competition final boss

No. 2042025

to who? her implants are ugly and her face isn’t attractive

No. 2042030

short parents and a mom who built a career out of being bitchy and ‘intelligent’. being misogynist and short is a bad combination. I fear he will grow up to be a sex pest or horrible drug addict

No. 2042086

This isn't some AI image? It feels so unreal, I never put these two cows together mentally despite following them both.

No. 2042090

File: 1728051080743.png (883.27 KB, 702x864, ab and dasha.png)

It's real. They hung out once like three years ago

No. 2042108

too ugly to be ai

No. 2042114

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The Hegelian e-girl with the bigass chin is fighting with another ugly bitch. The other girl won just by default because the chin looking retarded. basic_channel Aimee is being a proper troon sidekick by helping her cope lol.

What is up with these tryhards, anyway? I remember watching one of these hegel broads confuse the concept of The Real with Kant’s thing-in-itself. Rumor has it that they’re yet another thinly veiled RW psued Thiel-funded project. I guess another DEI program for mids.

No. 2042119

Sounds like coping with the success Nikki and the "helegian egirls" are having by doing a marginally improved version of her own old Christopher Lasch shtick. She obviously cared a lot a lot about being seen as smart and still cares about being hot, she's just mad af a younger prettier girl is getting clout for both "hot" and "smart" in her own turf. She really needs to find herself a new brand fast, Dasha is gonna be fine because the lolita LARP never goes out of style and people still have stuff like her sailor socialism to remember, but Anna has nothing memorable and can lose a lot of influence if she just continues to coast on… what even is her "thing" now?

No. 2042122

File: 1728056605487.png (497.4 KB, 598x597, Screenshot 2024-10-04 at 16-18…)

I cannot comprehend the rational of Thiel injecting troons into his astroturfed movement. Not even the somewhat "passable" gay guy trannies, they're all disgusting greasy failed men ogre types like pariah et al. It completely undermines whatever he's trying to achieve thankfully.

It could be he's unaware of his money being wasted at embarrassments like this. Probably it's Curtis Yarvin's, who doles out the money on Thiel's behalf, sexual fetish for troons who's bringing them into his orbit.
Or, imo, it comes from Anna who seems to be the arbiter of the scene.
She's consistently 5-7 years behind the current zeitgeist, see her embracing 4chan lingo and frog/pepe posting a good five years after it became stale and passe. So of course in like 2022 she suddenly pro trans and got herself a pet trans friend years after even a lot of libs have hit 'peak trans'. ALways way behind, and making a fool of herself.

All the angry RWers in the replies instantly clocking pariah on the end, they all seem to have missed "aimee" in the middle. He's probably wanking himself raw over that, if his dick still works.

No. 2042128

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No. 2042129

That’s not what i’m talking about, her “reads” 50% of the time are really just saying other women aren’t appealing to men and can’t fuck men good. They don’t even feel like drags anymore at that point they just feel gross

No. 2042140

Because he pushes male supremacy and troons are male. AGP troons are abundant in tech because they are autistic and fascistic leaning by nature due to their inability to tolerate anything that’s not them, their taste, their interests and are willing to campaign against things they despise for the long haul at their own personal and financial cost, even if that thing is prosocial. This is evident by gamer gate, the entryism they practiced infiltrating reddit moderator positions to coordinate to control the site with leaders like bardFinn and Aimee chellnor, and irl leftist social programs and organizations, like Morgane Ogre and the Canadian rape shelter he defunded and Rachel Levine in the department of health of bidens administration denying that there was evidence that minors were getting elective gender reassignment surgery when the class report proved otherwise, and liz the grey using his google connections, his online reputation management company tall poppy, and personal wealth to suppress investigations into the money coming from the top on the transgender movement using his funds to illegally DDoS the website and use keffals to promote the dropkiwifarms campaign. There’s so many of these deluded black holes using their invented trans identity to advance themselves in left wing politics that theres no more vacancy. there is room on the right and now it’s the easiest path to power. Autistic people are like an invert of the down syndrome’d, they are unable to modulate their strength, but in this case it’s processing power. The autistic man can’t think, “is this really worth putting all this time in, is this good as a whole beyond getting me what I want? Will I really want this outcome if I get it?” John walker Flynt is finally at this point in his life, decades later. Autistic men already conditioned into coomers are the perfect online super soldier, dangle some lolita hentai in front of them and they can be directed to do anything you want them to with the thoughtlessness and efficiency of an inhumane machine. And they are all the same around the world, in every country. They will stop at nothing to get what they want no matter the consequences because they can’t realistically anticipate them and are the perfect conscript in the soft power war for male supremacy and later gay aristocratic feudalism that Thiel is waging.

No. 2042150

What are you talking about? If that's her, I find her cute. The problem isn't her appearance but the fact that she keeps engaging with women hating failmales retards online. This kind of shit sucks the life out of you. I don't think the money is worth it.

No. 2042153

Anna has pivoted to the "heterodox" "thinking" community outside just RS. The Honestly debates, going on Vivek's Fox show, etc. It could be lucrative if she had anything insightful to say or finally wrote something. We'll see. Whereas Dasha is rapidly approaching 40 and the lolita act, while not going out of style, won't work for her much longer. She should go back to escorting (if she hasn't already lol) because her acting and filmmaking is a total bust.
kek why does he always look like he's about to shoot some toddlers at kindergarten?

No. 2042159


it should become more and more obvious that this entire movement, or lack of one, is some sort of plant to lose votes for the trump campaign. if it is not an entire psyop these people certainly don't believe any of the bullshit they present. they just thrive on the attention. who looks at this and thinks it's cool? what young voting demographic will look at this, red scare & adjacent and think oh yes these people are influential? they don't actually want him to win

No. 2042164

>Dasha is gonna be fine because the lolita LARP never goes out of style
is this a joke

No. 2042207

You misread that post

No. 2042227

thank you for taking the time to inoculate us against the global autismo-fascist uprising. i always thought psychoanalytical thinkers overlooked the ways in which fascist ideology and autistic cognition/behaviors overlap.

No. 2042259

No I didn’t. They were saying Dasha would be fine because she larps as Lolita but Anna won’t be fine. Made no fucking sense. Probably written by Dasha

No. 2042272

Thiel is an aging jailhouse fag. You can't possibly comprehend the sheer amount of terror he is experiencing regarding his mortality.

No. 2042319

She looks like the grinch

No. 2042320

Nonnas right tho. Anna's faux intellectualism is definitely gonna age better than Dashas lolita larp when they both hit 40

No. 2042327

Anna is 43

No. 2042346

37:30 of the new Out for Smokes (episode 251), slightly before that Sean P McCarthy mentions Anna Khachiyan.
>”she didn’t unfollow me, but I saw her in person and she didn’t acknowledge me”
>Sean goes on to say that Anna was “up at like 3 am, drunk tweeting about the vice presidential debate […] like, check your baby daddy’s Instagram dm’s if you’re going to be up that late […] no matter how much you support Israel, it will not stop your baby daddy from dming 22 year olds on Instagram”

They start bickering over whether Red Scare is right wing, if they support Israel etc. they talk about Red Scare until about 41 minutes in. It’s mostly Scott Chaplain not knowing why anyone cares about Red Scare, but the mention of Eli talking to people half his age seemed like a milky lead.

No. 2042356

Anna is probably already rehearsing her canned enlightened cuckquean tweets

No. 2042358

Dasha spent (a very small amount of) time trying to ingratiate herself in the weirdo rap scene like a decade ago. Surprised there weren't pictures of them together before then. There were even posts on Philaflava about her.

No. 2042361

Does Monica Mommy Milkers work in politics now because why would she move from NYC to DC?

No. 2042364

>Probably it's Curtis Yarvin's, who doles out the money on Thiel's behalf

This has been my theory too. At least there is ample proof that Curtis Yarvin is heavily involved with this "scene"

No. 2042367

> I cannot comprehend the rational of Thiel injecting troons into his astroturfed movement.
it’s because he hates women, he really hates them

No. 2042372

Men who don’t love women as people or for their character, but are obsessed with female looks and pussy, always have Transwoman syndrome and go AGP or GAMP sooner or later. Also what with the tranny tradwife or submissive trend going on, these failmales are pedestalized as the models of how women should act now, cucked under bigger badder patriarchs. Shallow men are homosexual chasers.(derailing)

No. 2042374

I don’t think Peter is trans. Just another gay man who dislikes women and is insanely rich so he can fund movements/people to make life harder for women. I don’t think women understand how many ordinary gay men share his views although a lot of straight men agree with him too. Straight men are obviously sexist but gay men like Thiel and BAP have made things considerably worse. This isn’t the blackpill radfem thread so I’m derailing but the future for women is dire

No. 2042382

Definitely trying to angle something with a possible second Trump admin.

No. 2042383

He literally hooked up with Pariah, of course it's his doing that the NYC high elves are engaging with all this troonery

No. 2042388

>if they support Israel etc.

lol, a bit of an understatement. Anna's entire world is geared around pretending to be Jewish, which like her other claimed 'identities' she definitely isn't. Since she only has a pale, paper thin understanding of this she thinks the way to be the most jewish person in the room is to be a slavish fanatical Israel supporter, clueless.

No. 2042396


I don’t understand how someone who works out on a semi-daily basis for years looks so out of shape and skinny fat.

No. 2042405

Why is Strokeman advertising that he, a self-admitted alcoholic, is still drinking?

No. 2042408

File: 1728114561820.jpeg (346.61 KB, 1289x1526, IMG_3524.jpeg)

Apparently Nikki thee Hegelian is Canadian, which explains why she’s super corny and about 4 years behind on the discourse. People were noticing that in her pic of Phenomenology, the spine looks to be broken within the first twenty pages.

No. 2042412

I don’t want to bash on another woman’s looks but dasha looks very busted and bad

No. 2042417

Doesn’t peter thiel fund things like Evie magazine so isn’t he supposed to be a rich tradcon head of the house with a bunch of kids? What the fuck is he doing in faggotry?

No. 2042418

A lot of gay men turn trans…eventually. Odd.

No. 2042419

Sorry but this is some insane cooked up take from being overly online or from being a troon yourself. plenty men find women annoying but they continue to date and fuck them because they’re attracted to them. Liking pussy doesn’t make you agp or whatever the fuck, please

No. 2042423

What I’m hearing is a grown man is gossiping about Anna and her baby daddy on a podcast all because she didn’t acknowledge him in public? I remember seeing that guys tweets he always gave loser vibes and his face is freaky

No. 2042424

If you spot it you got it, you sound like a closeted tranny too! AGPs hate women and are jealous of them yet they still come out as lesbians and try to fuck and date women, like typical redpill men. But the premise for “love” is still looks- and sex-based. If you can’t see and love women as people with real personhood even though they are fundamentally different from men, but still have character, life, personalities, feelings, reactions and thoughts, but only obsess on their beauty and sex traits superfically, then its not “true love”.

So yes a lot of men try to ease the AGP and jealousy against natural female beauty, grace and softness by trying to fuck a lot of attractive women in hope to harvest beauty the sexual way and experience it, but they never get it so get even more obsessed with women’s looks and how to get that aura of being sexually wanted, those males crack and start hrt, ffs, dramatic troonout measures, because they think assuming female body and face is the key to unlocking it, hence a lot of trannies want to be and fuck females at the same time. this is what being looks and sex based lustful leads to for men.(infighting/derailing/generally being retarded)

No. 2042425

This is deranged

No. 2042452

File: 1728130102030.jpeg (1.03 MB, 1170x1884, IMG_2495.jpeg)

they tore her a new one on the TL. it was hilarious

No. 2042474

the hegelian e-girl group chat is nikki asking people to ratio people who insult her lol

No. 2042497

He IS the "Anne Frank was a white woman" guy, after all.

No. 2042498

Is that how she ended up in that antwon music video?

No. 2042502

File: 1728140153445.jpeg (175.29 KB, 1024x675, IMG_7212.jpeg)

Shut up the fuck up you idiot redpiller, a lot of straight patriarchial men have trooned out, worse case Tyler Reks, now Gabbi Tuft, because they got too obsessed over female beauty and sex appeal, even their harems and high body count couldn’t make them beautiful as men, so they trooned.

Look at this guy. Before he was the epitome of a manosphere podcaster, looking like a warrior who would have been sparring buddies with Tate. Now because of his degen lust he transed and became a perverted caricature of his former self. This is what only loving looks and sex get men. Superficial.(derailing)

No. 2042503

You realize that excess injected T is converted into estrogen right? It's why roiders and trannies are so unhinged because theyre constantly on their 'period'(derailing)

No. 2042510

You would know, needing it to enlarge your micropenis and shit frame. Get off this forum, ugly manosphere dude, you’re a loser since you waste time in a fat femcel space spouting bs. The farmhands ought to ban you.(scrotefoiling)

No. 2042514

he’s always been super gay and super misogynist
this is very common on the extreme right
why they obsess about the ancient Romans and Greeks—they want a world where women only exist as brood mares with no rights, where they can go out partying with their men friends and bang teenaged boys

No. 2042518

Is there a different thread that you could do this in

No. 2042536

it's a magazine created to groom women to go back into the home and stay out of public life and like it, exactly where gay men want women, doing care working and making new men. peter thiel has a husband, matt danzeisen, and heirs created by surrogacy. this isn't new information, gawker outed him as gay a long time ago and he used the hulk hogan sex tape scandal lawsuit as a vehicle to punish the company. he also had a lover that "fell out of a window" and whose family was paid off

No. 2042568

Probably. That dude was a fucking loser too, even without the sexual abuse shit. Barely 5' goblin and just got by doing his best Main Attraktionz (also losers) impression.
She was still pretty late to this scene, given that all of our rapist (or napping during the course of) hero types turned into fucking show promoters by the time she entered.

No. 2042622

Peatard level understanding of endocrinology tbh

No. 2042663

Who exactly in that picture "works out on a semi-daily basis for years"?

No. 2042808

Why are the Chapos dickriding Chappell Roan so hard? She said she couldn't vote for Kamala because she has republican relatives lol, why are they latching onto some throwaway "Israel's war is bad" soundbite as her motivation?

No. 2042951

Because the black-and-white omnicause dictates that hates Israel = good, so they have to defend her and her shitty normie-ass music no matter what. Same thing with those corny Macklemore pro-Palestine songs.

No. 2042967

I don't recall them dickriding for Macklemore though. Like, I'm genuinely confused, the only women they defend are the hot ones, and Chappell is not Felix's usual OF girlie of the month

No. 2042976

Macklemore has been a millennial punching bag since the Grammys nonsense, and gen z largely doesn't give a shit about him. If I had a job that depended on me pandering to an audience with their fingers somewhere near the pulse, I would just never talk about Macklemore ever again.

No. 2043014

File: 1728264647620.png (1.57 MB, 1210x812, notgay.png)

milo in some new tweets doing whatever this is. funny to see all these reactionaries getting a second wind online, i wonder if ramzpaul is punching the air waiting for someone to invite him to the party

No. 2043022

>I don't recall them dickriding for Macklemore though
Felix has multiple times on X.

No. 2043050

I stand corrected. That being said, at least Macklemore actually did something - Chappell just said "war bad" and claimed to have thought about protesting at the White House before changing her mind. I genuinely wouldn't have expected a bunch of irony poisoned posters to fall for absolute bottom of the barrel crumbs of acknowledgement. Their careers were made making fun of that shit?

No. 2043052

The weepy reactions to people making fun of Christman stroking out proved that the nihilistic irony poisoned detachment is only reserved for enemies. When it comes to their friends or pet causes, the bleeding-heart "empathy" flows.

No. 2043061

Milo is sniffing around the dimes square orbiters waiting for his chance to eat at the trough of RS. First it was the hegel hag and now it's Pariah the Troon. Maybe one day A&D will have the patience to tolerate this manic fag on the pod.

No. 2043066

she looks like the grandma from arrested development

No. 2043090

A new breed of intestinal parasite evolved that day

No. 2043165

File: 1728305900851.jpg (575.03 KB, 3370x2528, GZQWYPFWEAAZA27.jpg)

oh, it wasn't just a bit

No. 2043172

wow so these two nobodies just happened to get papped at dinner by another random diner who just happens to be an aficionado of the washed up wannabes of dimes square and is also a lolcow poster? what are the chances

No. 2043186

Milo on red scare when? Since they didn’t get Trump

No. 2043191

This has always been the case. The irony poisoned left have no problems saying violently misogynistic things while they have selective outrage over protecting troons and are chasers behind closed doors

No. 2043212

Lucille Bluth had more style and charisma than that troon

No. 2043213

Wouldn't it be an insult to mtf troons for gay men to be attracted to you?

No. 2043236

Milo is ex gay now, not that it makes either of these retarded fags any less delusional.

No. 2043256

hearing like a g6 whenever i see a picture of milo

No. 2043281

Way too many gay men in this scene. They just all want attention, as all gay males do. Not sure I want to give Milo and Pariah it

No. 2043365

Honestly, I think they’re cute(sage your shit)

No. 2043368

they're the opposite of cute but they definitely deserve each other

No. 2043382

File: 1728349789204.png (256.48 KB, 478x537, m1.png)

Dinner had a hefty price tag and Nick Fuentes was upset that he lost another potential catboy lol

No. 2043385

Going to all this effort, and having to associate yourself with scum like pariah, all to get a dig in on Nick Fuentes.
Must be still obsessed with him, gay men latch onto these weird obsessions with straight men they cannot have. Either way he should have been deported long ago.

No. 2043390

File: 1728351260540.png (445.04 KB, 778x832, 1728347400571399[1].png)

>A new breed of intestinal parasite evolved that day
Is this snake oil gonna cure it?

No. 2043394

Didn't know Timothy Chandelier trooned out, wow

No. 2043418

File: 1728358444647.png (816.13 KB, 1212x1012, coldhealingpariah.png)

can't decide between coldhealing and vack who's the worse talentless effete predator of new york currently

No. 2043431

For the love of God please stop sharing every picture the troon and the fag post on of themselves on twitter

No. 2043437

It’s obviously self posting because no one in this thread is interested in pariah the troon. There’s numerous posts from multiple threads where nonnas have asked to stop posting him

No. 2043459

File: 1728367608414.png (69.86 KB, 1200x298, happening?.png)

Joke, wishcasting, or real? (The deleted tweet was about Trump allegedly declining an offer to go on Call Her Daddy after Kamala)

No. 2043466

no one involved in any of this is straight. pariah was in nick fuentes groupchat throwing himself at him

No. 2043470

I don't believe for a second that male homosexuality is real

No. 2043503

Lies. His team looked up red scare and said these are two busted bitches and moved on

No. 2043522

Well… Every time something juicy is about to happen Pariah selfpost spams and maxes out the thread. Has happened multiple times. So who knows, maybe they are about to get a big guest.

No. 2043533

Probably not real or wishcasting, but the milk potential is high so I'm hopeful

No. 2043573

Milo and Pariah is pretty much proof that it is.

No. 2043588

Dasha privated both her xitter accts, it's happening

No. 2043591

She’s embarrassed it’s not happening

No. 2043620

he looks like russell brand sans facial hair kek

No. 2043629

Kek do they think this is some kind of big deal? Its just two gay guys spreading AIDS all over the restaurant booths. Big fuckin whoop.

No. 2043670

I wouldn't be surprised if it was the Trump campaign that picked up the bill for those two faggots and they're paying Milo to make Fuentes look bad because he's been calling out Trump's "Make Israel Great Again" campaign lol. Images of Milo and the Troon have been plastered all over pol for the past few days but that could also be the Troon self posting there like he does here.

No. 2043759

proof of mental illness, not attraction to men

No. 2043793

I think he's already set to go on the pod, or, they think there's a big chance of it happening. Anna's been getting increasingly sycophantic in her support (which is basically the only stimuli Trump responds to) so maybe they're hoping this will tip the scales for his acceptance.

I was thinking the other day that Anna is extremely lucky that the OG Trump supporters, like Fuentes and Spencer, have basically abandoned Trump, leaving a room for even bigger retards willing to slurp up Trump's spend in their stead. Spencer is now (nominally) a liberal and basically views the current Trump fanbase as low IQ, low class, grifting, 'spiritual n-words'. I'm no fan of Spencer or Fuentes but you have to give them props for being the actual visionaries who built the foundation for the current Trumpist wing–despite them ultimately leaving for cynical reasons. They basically paved the way for all of these bottom feeders waiting for one last chance to "own the libs" before shit really hits the fan.

No. 2043795

Nah don't lump Fuentes in with the OG Trumpists, he was initially a Cruz diehard before redpilling himself on /pol/ and finally backing Trump after Cruz dropped out.

No. 2043807

I doubt it. She said that then privated her account to bait more people into following her

No. 2043811

>I was thinking the other day that Anna is extremely lucky that the OG Trump supporters, like Fuentes and Spencer, have basically abandoned Trump, leaving a room for even bigger retards willing to slurp up Trump's spend in their stead.

Yep, Anna as usual about 5-7 years behind. Being the mediocre 'basic suburban' type she really is (yet hates), she wouldn't have gone near Trump in 2016 back when he genuinely was a dissident agitator and a threat to the establishment. Now he's well and truly made peace with the establishment/deep state, and firmly become a subservient part of it. Basic Anna playing catch up now gushing over him as if he were still some kind of dangerous anti establishment type like 2016. There isn't even any kind of stigma to openly supporting Trump anymore, it's a safe thing now. Wow anna very subversive once again…

Also another part of it is Anna pathetic Jew larping, Trump has turned up the Israel simping to ten recently, so Anna as a pretend wannabe member of the tribe thinks she should likes this.

No. 2043973

File: 1728489894444.jpeg (379.83 KB, 640x691, 9E04FE1E-5499-42FE-9DB6-4C595B…)

If he's going on Red Scare, this is probably when it'll happen

No. 2044042

So is Milo now an ex-ex-gay like in But I’m A Cheerleader? That would be nice, once all the tradcath larping becomes a thing of the past it’ll finally feel like 2015 again

No. 2044108

Every jailhouse fagcel case reaches the magical age in which coping with fatherlessness by pretending to be a butt blasting bohemian free spirit who's above provincial aspirations like family and kids begins to feel increasingly more harrowing. It's called aging and a very real prospect of dying truly alone and sick. Happened to JD Vance and countless others.

Thiel is only able to continue coping because he's rich, but his mortality panic manifests via seething about women and breeding 24/7.

No. 2044181

you type like a closeted kiwifarms user

No. 2044200

File: 1728527493269.png (Spoiler Image,177.66 KB, 364x434, ziautnu4.png)

Black hole sun, won't you come, and wash away the raaaaain

No. 2044209

Nonnas if you could pick any one thing for them to ask Trump or generally discuss, what would it be?

No. 2044230

also the weirdest theory that gay guys actually want to fuck women, where the hell does that come from? here in the reality based world the reverse is more often true; so many dudes leave their wives for other guys
“JD Vance finally settled down blah blah” he got with Usha at 28, married at 30, that is not some weird deathbed conversion

No. 2044237


The deathbed for that is like 22

No. 2044432

Vance married several years younger than the US average male age at first marriage, hardly some last chopper out of Nam situation

No. 2044469

Keep moving, cow

No. 2045212

File: 1728756135066.jpg (341.86 KB, 1108x2048, GZtTPwnWsAwJzXt.jpg)

is this actually RFH?

No. 2045220

Possibly. Where did you find this? Same hairline and veiny hands as the full body pic that was posted a few threads ago. Not the beanie pic or AI beanie pic

No. 2045278

The other pics had to have been someone else, or AI, because her face looked more chinese/finnish on those, as well as more youthful. She looks more of euro descent here but with thinner skin/volume loss. Those old pics she posted of her tummy seem to match her skin elasticity more here. I think she looks cute in both photos tbh.

btw am I tripping or did this flaggot remove the Israel and Argentina flags from her profile? Maybe a result of her being good friends with Richard Spencer?

No. 2045283

You can’t see her eyes in this one

No. 2045327

File: 1728772702891.jpg (159.39 KB, 1200x1200, GZqIDtmaAAURkmV[1].jpg)

What is his endgame here? Surely he knows Milo will move onto some other boytoy and his age is already starting to show.

No. 2045328

I'm suspicious that this is a Thiel (or maybe RNC) funded op

No. 2045331

Pariah Troon doesn't come from wealth like other Dimes Square denizens so this is how he pays the rent

No. 2045340

File: 1728774909189.jpg (Spoiler Image,165.62 KB, 2048x2048, GZuaHK5W4AUtSCo.jpg)

No. 2045368

Lawl is that supposed to be his cawk

No. 2045369

File: 1728781409569.jpeg (480.37 KB, 1284x2242, IMG_3783.jpeg)

Dasha simps who have only seen her near-unrecognizable filtered selfies are huffing copium in the comments. The sad thing is that the Dasha pic is from like 5 yrs ago and done by a professional photographer lol.

No. 2045374

File: 1728782293318.jpg (387.41 KB, 1536x2048, dasha blood pressure.jpg)

No. 2045382

whys she look so asian?

No. 2045384

File: 1728783467756.png (1.02 MB, 1280x528, dasha btfo.png)

It's a mystery

No. 2045388

She looks like the tales from the crypt skeleton guy here

No. 2045389

woah her philtrum is super long

No. 2045392

damn the troon titty mogged dasha

No. 2045400

File: 1728786185294.jpeg (267.11 KB, 460x769, 245C6C97-7DAC-43FB-96E4-598C4C…)

Anna doing some lobbying

No. 2045417

How a human head can so closely resemble a squeezed stress ball is astounding

No. 2045432

*Larping as someone who lobbies. She's not anyone with enough influence in politics.

No. 2045433

Leftcows thread on the right

No. 2045435

She has considerable sway with a very small group of deeply embarrassed conservatives with podcasts who desperately cling onto anyone who has a veneer of sophistication.

No. 2045448

Honestly it’s not her fault her genetics are so shit.

No. 2045469

File: 1728809387870.jpeg (341.11 KB, 1124x1824, 6E30A993-9DB3-437E-8CF4-8B62E2…)

but her desire to stay thin and smoke a ton of cigarettes, and have disordered eating, when gaining a few pounds to her face would surely help add some youth, is her fault though

is this her new bf?

No. 2045473

File: 1728810677685.jpeg (361.95 KB, 640x1082, 0BC6A428-B5A2-4AD1-A0A3-AAFA87…)

No. 2045483

File: 1728812793235.png (25.03 KB, 598x262, Screenshot 2024-10-13 at 09-10…)

uh oh. Looks like he's about to get himself ejected from the scene for this if Anna sees it. Zionism is mandatory, grovelling apology incoming.

No. 2045496

He's really obsessed with hating Jews and hyping himself up to believe everyone around him hates Jews as well. Cut a tranny and a Nazi bleeds.

No. 2045506

she gets uglier everytime i see her, sorry
and her bf looks like a typical repulsive upper east side neanderthal

No. 2045508

What happened to BAP and her's faghag situationship

No. 2045518

File: 1728823817731.jpeg (362.87 KB, 1280x720, IMG_7114.jpeg)

She looks like shit either way

No. 2045520

Anna hiding the nose bump. Girl go get it shaved off. You would mog Dasha to death

No. 2045550

File: 1728830732984.png (2.05 MB, 2256x1178, dashainstagram.png)

since we're posting dasher. she had some thing last month with kern & noagency looking a certain way.

No. 2045556

She's truly running through every type of Jew

No. 2045563

If it ain't her Lebanese idpol kicking in, kek

No. 2045564

Shatna level sped-sexy face

No. 2045565

Wrong 'aimee' lol, this guy's British.
Other aimee is totally onboard with her dad's homeland getting invaded. She can't afford to get kicked out the clique again.

No. 2045567

Genuinely the worst she's ever looked. She's aging like shit and that expression is giving extreme bartard vibes. Someone take away her Xanax prescription

No. 2045582

Dasha will never be Chloe Sevigny and she really should insist they retouch her photos. She’s doing a public service when she filters her selfies to hell and back.

No. 2045592

File: 1728841935467.jpg (58.5 KB, 440x608, Chloë Sevigny.jpg)

Chloë is famous despite being unattractive and a mediocre actress. Perfect mentor for Dasha.

No. 2045594

Exactly. Chloë is the original Dasha ngl

No. 2045595

woah, she really has no tits at all

No. 2045599

File: 1728843639922.png (74.22 KB, 1026x260, dasha troon.png)

No. 2045603

I don’t get it. is this meant to be ironic? the pose and soft lighting is made to look sexual but she has no sex appeal at all. except maybe to a troon chaser

No. 2045604

I used to spend a lot of time on eating disorder forums. They're filled with average and below average looking girls who conflate being thin with being attractive. Most of them would look decent if they took care of themselves and hit the gym but starvation coupled with deluding themselves into thinking they look like 90s Kate Moss is easier.

No. 2045606

a lot of women turn to anorexia because of unfeminine frames that can't look good with a spare 3 pounds on them.

No. 2045608

I think those girls, like dasha, want to be more conventionally attractive but are afraid of getting plastic surgery because of the pain, or fear of being botched. being thin is the one variable they can control. one problem, it doesn’t work and makes you look worse especially as you age

No. 2045615

File: 1728845030697.webp (214.25 KB, 796x470, screen-shot-2019-07-09-at-4.12…)

Anna looks unrecognizable

Weightlifting is the cure for skinnyfat girls

No. 2045647

Epicanthic folds probably due to FAS
She's supposed to look like that because she had her shit pushed in by Jennifer Connelly in that scene. Great scene, the only redeeming thing about the film
>She can't afford to get kicked out the clique again.
When did Aimee get kicked out of the clique?

No. 2045662

that is an utterly hideous moob. stop self-posting and replying to yourself retard. your complete lack of chin or jawline definition combined with your hideously large nose and gigantic goblinesque ears together result in the most disgusting face i've ever laid eyes on. enjoy milo's STDs while you can because once you age not even the most desperate jailhouse gays will look at you.

No. 2045673

my god she literally looks like a guy here lol
she looks like MJ

No. 2045674

this. its usually women with fridge bodies and fat moon faces who turn to anorexia because they genuinely look bad and frumpy unless theyre quite significantly underweight.

No. 2045678

she's just a typical bpd becky larper, claimed her mom was argentinian and english and that her dad was chinese (later changed it to kaifeng jew) before that she was pretending to be slav, now shes saying she's an all american white girl.

No. 2045698

>totally onboard with her dad's homeland getting invaded
Lebanon is a hardly cohesive "country" with multiple factions and alliances, a long history of civil war with wounds that never will heal, and a large Palestinian political presence that further destabilized everything. Aimee's father was a phalangist, who tend towards being pro-Israel.

No. 2045720

>uwu muh smol bean kids BP cuff
We've all seen her skinnyfat sausage arms, wtf is she trying to prove here(retarded nitpick)

No. 2045749

Amy’s dad moved to Australia when he was 15, 5 years before the war began
Christian but not Phalangist unless you have some source for this claim
Christians Lebanese are not pro israel

No. 2045754

God Anna is a ugly she barely registers as human. I simply cannot believe anyone can be so hideous. The droopy soulless butthole eyes, the giant witch schnoz, the mouth that doesn't close, the receded chin, the resentful chudjak expression. I refuse to believe that anything that looks this way can be anything but evil on a cosmic level.

No. 2045797

but dasha bashes other women who are much more beautiful and talented than her, but still thinks she’s hot somehow. that’s what makes her tragic looks more obvious, because of her seething jealousy and trying to gaslight everyone that’s she’s just as hot simply for being sort of thin. And even then, she’s not even skinny like she thinks she is

No. 2045811

Is there any truth to the rumour that Eli Keszler is having an affair with Caroline Polachek?

No. 2045819

She’s posting stories of Eli on ig but she doesn’t follow Anna js(sage your shit)

No. 2045825

looking at her hands, wrists and face in comparison to the rest of her makes this look like a depiction of some fairy tale in which the evil witch who sucked the youth out of the princess had her spell broken and is now starting to die/wither away into her original hag form

No. 2045831

eli never respected anna and was always using her for her fame

No. 2045838

They haven’t been together for ages or they have an open relationship, I have personally seen him in public with other women going back at least a year. Idk maybe Anna wants to keep this information on the dl because it’s better for her image as RW media influencer

No. 2045895

Jesus Christ, I'd be disappointed if Caroline would stoop so low. All in all they stood beside each other in a pic or a story, nothing else.

No. 2045897

Whenever I get curious about a bunch of perma online sick headed racists who claim to be intellectually superior while displaying signs of actual clinical retardation I come on this thread… To check on the nonnies who post here(bait)

No. 2045934

you totally don't sound like one of the many clinically retarded racists in these threads claiming intellectual superiority by acting holier than women in a gossip board as opposed to focusing on the actual cows who fit that description and are most likely your peers. not at all!

No. 2045935

I'll assume you felt called out, til next time

No. 2045953

projection. imagine being aware of what these cows are like, which you can just read OP anon's post >>2029308 and still being like ackshually i come here to laugh at anon posters who i find milkier than the cows
they're talking shit about (the cows being Nazis, pedophiles, child porn advocates, sex pests, rapists, troons, and other degenerates) yas queen you're a step ahead of everyone and #notliketheothernonnies here

No. 2045963

But nonnie, most of this thread is unironic redscarepod posters and bap groypers. Like you!

No. 2045966

Not my fault you guys are as racist, mentally ill and socially inept as the people whose subculture you're obsessed with, ik this thread is your only safe place on the site so I'll leave but consider being less aggressive when not provoked, you sound retarded even on lc

No. 2045970

Ah, the classic "you're exactly the same as me" cow cope. Wonder which one broke this time, is it you dashew?

No. 2045972

holy cult, my bad for checking up on y'all. Carry on discussing race theory

No. 2045984

Oh please nona you’ll be back you have been already, this is probably the most attention you’ve had in a long while. You know what, you are right we are so racist against…a single Slavic woman and a single Armenian woman who believes in race theory.

No. 2045990

File: 1728940027775.png (1.63 MB, 2002x1142, 13938103.png)

taking a well deserved break from the rachelormont.com press circuit no doubt. this feels like the millennial quirk chungus version of those older ppl who use silly profile filters on fb

No. 2045996

If that's what you think I'm saying abt this thread then I'm not talking about you, you're the kind of person who struggles to understand what your friends are talking about irl, aren't you? Average low IQ autist, forever out of pace, out of the loop, aggressive and paranoid.
Consume what you want with your free time and brainpower, just keep this beta mania of race intellectualism and comer politics away from other threads, that's all I ask of you bitches. Now lemme toodles before I get sick looking at yas, pfeh(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 2046029

Ok but where in the thread are you possibly yapping about then? You’ve been spitting out word vommit and pretending like it’s intellectual just because you are butthurt that we are talking about your idols. You can look away it’s free but you won’t. Sounds like you should catch up on your E shots cause you sound like a clock right now hun.

No. 2046065

nta i was the one who originally replied to you but your logic is that of someone who sees like a sex trafficker or child molester (the kind of vermin these cows support, like sam hyde or andrew tate) getting dragged and going oh but wait a min some of the women going against them are saying something derogatory about the rapist being brown or something, they're insufferable bitches and thus overall just as bad as the rapist and his supporters.

No. 2046075

Remember: misogyny towards bad women = good and expected, racism towards bad men = unacceptable. Kind of like you can't misgender rapist trannies.

No. 2046079

File: 1728947557579.png (523.16 KB, 1408x1136, rachelormontreviews.png)

some recent screenshots of the reviews coming in from www.rachelormont.com

ivy writing the good review lol. it appears that the public opinion is inconclusive so far

No. 2046086

People who work in the industry need to be banned from shilling their films and friends' films on letterboxd with spammy five star reviews tee bee aych

No. 2046089

late but kekk

No. 2046093


please leave and go back to x

No. 2046095

He's so fucking ugly

No. 2046111

>I have personally seen him in public with other women going back at least a year
Do they resemble Anna or is he going for different kinds of women?

No. 2046112

I heard this like a year ago. If it ever happened, it's probably over by now.

No. 2046120

File: 1728956405315.jpeg (1.31 MB, 2216x3464, 19A47B5C-145D-4762-81CB-A38673…)

Proof thats AI was posted earlier itt and the international flags were a joke

It was never a serious larp. Seems she got fed up with the meme, maybe wants to signal being part of the ingroup to other wignats during election year. Reminder she was a podcast co-host with an alt-right figurehead under a name inspired by Heinrich Himmler while advocating for minority sterilization, resurfaced online rebranding as a rad/racefem and became a prominent poster in these dissident right circles, yet some retards insist she's a biracial feminist who couldn't possibly be a white supremacist in the face of obvious evidence to the contrary. Many in the alt right rebranded as the DR once they started seeing overt antisemitism as cringe and realized the movement had bad optics (partly due to Spencer being a lolcow himself [who she's still quite fond of]), she was just part of that shift, some people and beliefs are largely the same. Her pfp is literally tied to esoteric nazi shit I saw it posted in passing in the Coquette thread >>1992243, but not unlike other former nazis as well as fellow cows A&D, she's become very fond of le high IQ Jewish men and Israel >>2019449 (Anglos and Jews have historically collaborated after all). I guess if the DR were to collectively rebrand again some idiots would develop selective amnesia and forget they're a bunch of racist pedos and their backers, as long as they start identifying as terfs

No. 2046135

No resemblance either appearance, background or personality. I think it was a one night stand or fling

No. 2046150

File: 1728960153627.png (411.46 KB, 1036x794, 750 to watch Ivy piss.png)


No. 2046153

Bag on the OG generation of leftcows all you want, but none of them were ever this pathetic and crass

No. 2046166

Which one? They both look like they have worms.

No. 2046168

Her doctors should be sued for malpractice for letting her out of the mental hospital

No. 2046177

Leaning into their incest vibes might have milky results

No. 2046192

Eli is gay, this is well known.

No. 2046333

File: 1729001762048.png (1.6 MB, 1204x1278, 3677743221.png)

I'm thinking that Ivy might just be a straight up malingerer, when her bit roles and amateur hour comedy club appearances don't net enough success, have a psychiatric meltdown or another mystery tummy trouble spell, all to get sympathy from xitter groypers

No. 2046335

and desperate anons on /g/ will still argue this face is attractive kekkkk

No. 2046339

Don’t you get the face you deserve?

No. 2046344

Chloë got famous because of her fashion sense, she was first spotted because of her clothes. What is Dasha’s style besides Adidas shorts and Brandy Melville?

No. 2046446

File: 1729015633046.png (1.08 MB, 640x1136, AE7ADA2B-BF17-4115-960D-AAA6D6…)

Her skull shape keeps morphing ever so slightly

No. 2046447

Ugh, her microcephaly is disturbing me

No. 2046449

>Five o'clock shadow
This is the most troonlike she's ever looked and that's saying a lot.

No. 2046503

File: 1729027968387.png (239.81 KB, 835x853, Screenshot (20).png)

Hilarious BAP-orbiter screed on how frotting with your college bro is actually the most heterosexual thing out there. Explains a lot


No. 2046517

File: 1729029909950.jpeg (337.68 KB, 1179x894, IMG_9551.jpeg)

No. 2046523

It’s so funny she doesn’t understand she’s a future paz de la huerta at best minus the actual sexual abuse trauma and mental illness, it would be crazy but unsurprising if she started claiming she was assaulted during this period of her life given her previous screeds about how she has trauma from not being molested or raped. Ivy specifically is really interesting to me because she wants to have her cake of being an edgy zoomer that says retard but wants to eat it too and also indulge in cringier millennial/zillennial behaviors of being a munchie, claiming everything bad in her life is due to her autism/mental illnesses/physical illnesses, calling herself a “girlboy” (?) she’s like a fakeboi minus the pronouns and full commitment to idpol

No. 2046526

>getting some unnecessary munchie asshole surgery
she really should be getting work done on her face instead

No. 2046532

File: 1729032429115.png (393.31 KB, 1746x1382, Screen Shot 2024-10-15 at 6.46…)

Anyone know anything about this?


No. 2046537

I should add that this shows up when you Google Dasha's boyfriend's (perhaps now fiancé?) name

No. 2046545

Well I'll be. Dasha tying the knot before Anna, never thought I'd see the day.

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