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No. 1837624
Thread for discussing Red Scare, Cumtown/TAFS, Dime Square, the remains of the "dirtbag left", and the entire "post-left" and Silicon Valley "rationalist/postrat" sphere and their orbiters/backers, including but not limited to Mencius Moldbug, Peter Thiel, and the so-called "dissident right" (Bronze Age Pervert, The Perfume Nationalist, and other faggots). WARNING: this scene is crawling with Nazis, pedophiles, child porn advocates, sex pests, rapists, troons, and other degenerates.
Too lazy for the recap, someone else do it
Previous Threads:
Thread #1:
>>>/snow/949693Thread #2:
>>>/snow/1002060Thread #3:
>>>/snow/1020452Thread #4:
>>>/snow/1030945Thread #5:
>>>/snow/1031222Thread #6:
>>>/snow/1045687Thread #7:
>>>/snow/1061969Thread #8:
>>>/snow/1079281Thread #9:
>>>/snow/1097567Thread #10:
>>>/snow/1110930Thread #11:
>>>/snow/1122110Thread #12:
>>>/snow/1133005Thread #13:
>>>/snow/1147474Thread #14:
>>>/snow/1152451Thread #15:
>>>/snow/1163464Thread #16:
>>>/snow/1178548Thread #17:
>>>/snow/1207734Thread #18:
>>>/snow/1233341Thread #19:
>>>/snow/1257839Thread #20:
>>>/snow/1287716Thread #21:
>>>/snow/1351160Thread #22:
>>>/snow/1351471Thread #23:
>>>/snow/1369813Thread #24:
>>>/snow/1398791Thread #25:
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>>>/snow/1606357Thread #32:
>>>/snow/1613908Thread #33:
>>>/snow/1626640Thread #34:
>>>/snow/1649198Thread #35:
>>>/snow/1669967Thread #36:
>>>/snow/1694368Thread #37:
>>>/snow/1719534Thread #38:
>>>/snow/1736212Thread #39:
>>>/snow/1757525Thread #40:
>>>/snow/1775571Thread #41:
>>>/snow/1807147 No. 1837626
File: 1685475800429.jpg (590.05 KB, 1536x2048, dasha seeking arrangement.jpg)

Dasha's old seeking arrangements ad leaked on reddit. So much for not having a history of prostitution.
No. 1837629
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Sean Price Williams and Nick Pinkerton's The Sweet East premiered in the Director's Fortnight at Cannes with Leia and Maddie in attendance and photobombing some professional pics. Simon Rex plays a sympathetic Neo-Nazi university professor, and according to Little White Lies, there's a "who's-who of right-wing creeps" thanked in the credits. No. 1837630
>>1837626>petite discreet angelic russian girlLMAO.
As if rich guys would fuck with her when they can bang literal supermodel tier Russian women for cheaper.
No. 1837638
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A lot of exhausting drama going on with Matty Healy and Taylor Swift, of course, that has already been covered extensively elsewhere. Most of the focus has been on Matty's antics on The Adam Friedland Show (racist/poor taste jokes about Ice Spice, admitting to watching vile porn featuring the degradation of desperate black women), but Red Scare is back in the mix after a mention in Jia "Child of Human Traffickers" Tolentino's puff piece in the New Yorker yesterday. Also a few viral twitter threads from Swifties discovering the photos from last year of him wearing a Red Scare hat, their replies flooded with irony-poisoned scrotes, scarethots, and gleeful frog anons making fun of them for caring. Ratty's been on quite the Dimes Square odyssey over the last ~ six months; hosting afterparties withe the Ion Pack, making short films with Caveh Zahedi, hanging out (and ostensibly hooking up with) Dasha, going on TAFS, etc.
No. 1837639
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>>1837638And Dasha may or may not have some tea on the whole Matty/Taylor situation, as she alleges on the g&g sub.
No. 1837644
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Meanwhile, the Dare's embarrassingly titled "The Sex" EP was trashed in Pitchfork and Rolling Stone ("retarded step-child of James Murphy exudes tryhard indie sleaze cringe" seems to be the consensus) and the Dimes crowd has been up in arms ever since defending /theirguy/ from the lifeless music journos with Care Bears platitude.
No. 1837646
File: 1685476857943.png (62.7 KB, 1093x470, the dare p4k.png)

>>1837644The pedophilic album cover also found its way to boomer twitter where Qanon schizos are going nuts over it but…they have a point.
No. 1837649
>>1837646Is there any hipster moid from NYC who
isnt a pedo?
No. 1837650
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>>1837646Interestingly, the Chapo crowd (Brookyln chaser coomer types, usually quick to denounce anything Dimes-related) is making light of the cover and dismissing anyone who has a concern with it as stuffy Tipper Gore types. In the end, all the descendant scenes of the former dirtbag left share the same deviant sexual preferences.
No. 1837654
>>1837626I can't even explain how much it
triggers me that Dasha always describes herself as Russian. It's her way of shorthanding that she is 'exotic' and NLOG. Bitch, you grew up in Nevada. I can guarantee Dasha could not wrangle up
one memory of being in Belarus. She's not alone in this obviously but christ, it's so fucking lame.
No. 1837677
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Houellebecq mentions Anna and Dasha and his Red Scare appearance in his new memoir
No. 1837704
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Why are all the LES freaks moving to LA
No. 1837723
>>1837629>The Sweet EastThat is an almost Rural Juror level bad film title
>>1837644I heard that Sex song before I knew of any Dimes connection and didn't hate it. It's just funny that zoomers already seem to have burned through 90s music nostalgia without adding much of anything new and are already onto Myspace era LCD Soundsystem retreads with cover art tamer than the average American Apparel ad was back in the day.
No. 1837924
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>>1837741he tells the host he finds her really attractive or something along those lines kek. I don’t think he’s very discerning in his tastes. On the adam friedland show he hinted at trying to hook up with ice spice and she’s not exactly gorgeous either
No. 1837957
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>>1837650He has inbred retard face and the girl looks 12 not 16. These people are all so retarded and gross
No. 1837990
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>>1837629Ann Manov, last seen shilling urbit and running the doomed NPC festival was with them at Cannes, in the light jeans if I'm not mistaken.
No. 1838217
>>1837999kek, trips confirm
fr though who is it
No. 1838219
>>1837990>>1838116Every single person in this photo is dressed mortifyingly basic and would have been laughed out of any Bedford Avenue venue in 2001,
especially the Casablancas cosplayer
No. 1838262
all terminally online, though. "Adam Friedland" is now a household name thanks to this stupid drama. "Normies" in 2023 who are totally disconnected from internet discourse and politics are NPC mole people, they functionally don't exist and have zero impact on the culture.
No. 1838265
>>1838219"Normcore" was a mistake :(
>>1838220Taylor Swift is extremely sheltered and used to getting heaps of praise no matter what she does. I can see her thinking that a racist NYC transplant phase might be "fun," since her embrace of other internet trends has historically worked pretty well for her. She may not even realize that's what she's doing until it's too late.
Frankly, I don't think she'll be able to weather that particular type of storm given how insane her online fanbase is and how gross the post-left coterie is… Or her control freak managers will put the kibosh on this pretty quick.
>>1838175Agree with this for the most part, but she has hoards of terminally online teenage cancellinas. Shes a pop idol, to boot, they're all scrutinized like crazy.
(:() No. 1838315
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Subjected myself to Adam's episode of Sam Hyde's podcast. Nothing interesting except for Rochefort mentioning that he saw Chloe Cherry at the Peter Vack shoot in the theater which I'm pretty sure we already knew. It's kind of insane that Sam Hyde is only three degrees of separation from Taylor Swift.
No. 1838537
>>1837626Nice find
>>1837654Tbf online prosties need to brand themselves to stand out. Her face screams poverty, FAS and Chernobyl so ”soviet girl away from home in a dire situation” is a natural choice.
What’s tragic is that she lived like a dog in LA despite
>>1838080 No. 1838779
>>1838220No. If anything she needs to cut sales a bit. Her dating ole
problematic matty will effectively do that kek. Pretty genius
No. 1838817
>>1838116that’s nick cave’s son who reportedly is in the film
>>1837990wouldn’t be far fetched but that’s definitely not ann manov
No. 1838961
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No. 1838977
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What did she mean by this
No. 1839148
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>>1838842 anyone curious this is the episode where they trash Taylor a lot. They made fun of Taylor for gaining weight meanwhile she looked great in this time period kek. interesting whenever they talk about “women” like that fat tranny Andrea long chu, they say nothing on weight kek
No. 1839240
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>>1837629Talia Ryder looking finer than any RS adjacent hoe in years
No. 1839323
>>1839315once again the only “catholic” thing about dasha’s
conversion despite the weird larping is how pedophilic she is
No. 1839456
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didn't she already spend last Christmas in the hospital? surprised she's managed to keep a lid on whatever illness she's clearly been battling for years (with the wigs and all). is it just anorexia or drug/pill abuse?
No. 1839458
>>1839456“(with the wigs and all)”
being a lolcow user may be lame but at least it’s for funny women
(integrate ) No. 1839485
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Her work is everywhere lately, but roommate Leia is still struggling financially. Maybe it's time to start sugaring again?
No. 1839720
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Imagine how many young boys were saved from being violently raped just by Jack not becoming a teacher.
No. 1839740
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Someone really needs to edit Red Scare's wikipedia page because it's really affecting the narrative the 1975 stans are building in their defense of Matty lol
No. 1839750
>>1839740Jokes on them he was only pretending to be retarded.jpg
This whole thing is just gonna be endless bickering among maladjusted "dirtbag left" teens vs teacher's pet swiftie teens, isn't it? lmao
No. 1839819
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>>1839586Cashew head has some explaining to do
No. 1839830
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>>1839586Anna in her 4 inch heels wouldn’t reach Taylor’s shoulder. Taylor is a lizard person with shit posture but Anna and Dasha would kill to be her height (5’10-5’11). Tall women cannot easily be size 2s with size 6 feet.
No. 1839877
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Bruise report
No. 1839886
>>1839819kek to be fair I can tell just by that image on the left that they're a UK 6, which is a US 2. I do agree Dasha could stand to ease up on pretending to be so
dangerously skinny that Taylor Swift being a US 6 is a shock.
No. 1839902
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>>1839895Not to mention Taylor in her anorexic period was less body fat than Dasha. Zero food posting and anachan posting subbing for a personality, but she was skinnier than Dasha ever was and will be. Regardless of what tag was on her clothes
No. 1839941
>>1839902I wish people would stop posting Taylor pictures, I'm not used to seeing actually attractive, successful women in this thread. It's
hashtagtriggering, I come here to laugh at uggos LARPing as hot mean girls. Imagine the psychic damage Dasha must be taking
No. 1839969
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>>1839720Are you suggesting a man who goes to piss orgies shouldn't teach children about real beauty? It's more obvious than ever why his avi is Donna Mills. Sorry Jack but YWNBAW either
No. 1840080
>>1839969this is only "rage bait" because this fat piece of shit and his rightoid followers have none of these traits. nothing besides the top two are even remotely outlandish
>>1839906agree nonna tons of scarethots ITT have the gall to compare taylor with cashew and the former is a head taller so very clearly has a higher dress size. and im not even a taylor fan!
No. 1840184
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So what do we think of Anna's side hustle, Car Seat Headrest?
No. 1840188
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Watch another show already, goddamn! Eva is is to these people what Harry Potter is to libs.
No. 1840189
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No. 1840190
I wonder what Anna's fursona would be
No. 1840191
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No. 1840202
>>1837654Agreed, left as toddler, doesn't speak Russian, and doesn't even remember Tatu being on the radio.
Not to mention, she is Belarussian, not Russian, but since Belarus isn't as well-known and "cool" as Russia, she just changed her nationality.
No. 1840367
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>>1840191what do we think she's in the hospital for exactly? this is like the second time in a year.
No. 1840541
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>>1840481Eli's on a world tour, first stop was in Japan.
No. 1840612
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any milk from the delicious tacos event other than crumps trying to get attention and someone booing matthew?
No. 1840613
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which one of you did this?
No. 1840667
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Silicon Valley ghoul Jason Calacanis is a "big RS stan"
No. 1840669
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Belated piece on the Shakespeare authorship antics of the downtown crowd in Air Mail: No. 1840682
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>>1840613Telling racist, misogynist "jokes" about non-white women is what passes for transgressive art for these moids.
No. 1840718
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Redditor claims he has inside info confirming Dasha was written off Succession because of her increasingly toxic brand.
No. 1840824
>>1840801video killed the podcasting star kek. one time Nick said they're spending over $100K a month on the studio space and related expenses, and while I don't know anything about how much that sort of space goes for in NYC it sounds believable.
>>1840808yeah but they all make fun of each other for it. Irish Americans giving Italian Americans shit for being fat outer borough retards w/o any connection to their homeland, plastic paddies blah blah blah. usually mostly just in jest though, they all hate Mexicans and Asians now and have for decades
No. 1840836
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>>1840801I think the bigger reason nobody wants to fuck him anymore is because he looks like this
No. 1840935
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No. 1840971
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>>1840869dean always lurking
>>1840941are there pictures of him?
No. 1840990
File: 1685916446766.png (353.67 KB, 1192x1292, barrett.png)

barrett, who has desperately leeched off this "scene" for 4 years only to have every one of his projects flop spectacularly, has pulled a kantbot and is now pretending he's been above it all along
No. 1840992
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>>1840990dasha then posted this right after she quote tweeted him (now deleted)
No. 1841025
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“New York is filled with gorgeous people”
No. 1841208
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Honor has The Turner Diaries on her bookshelf
No. 1841347
>>1841336she asked him if she could slap him, that’s what they’re talking about when the video starts. dasha only spontaneously hits men if they’re dating her.
>>1841166that person has been going to these readings with crumps, not as a fan of the participants
No. 1841367
File: 1685974111529.jpg (16.86 KB, 341x332, so close.jpg)

I can't believe we're only a mere six months away from the release of Dirtbag by Amber A'lee Frost. You HAVE preordered your copies, haven't you nonnas?
No. 1841382
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It appears that years of smack addiction and covering himself in hideous Rob Zombie rockabilly tattoos have done absolutely nothing to prevent Adam Lehrer's BMI from skyrocketing.
No. 1841471
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We won
No. 1841635
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Aimee has really gone off the deep end in recent months
No. 1841775
>>1841750>>1841763Her father moved to Australia from Lebanon with his family in 1970 when he was 15
Mother white anglo Australian
No. 1841806
File: 1686050277633.png (201.44 KB, 399x539, postlibs.png)

Red Scare's main legacy will be sissy hypnoing every conservative under 40 into talking like a queeny gay guy.
No. 1841990
File: 1686084370747.png (6.21 MB, 2370x1632, bruenig slop.png)

Liz Breunig is foodposting on insta and i regret to inform her simps that this bitch can't cook for shit. the dry ass lasagne(??), the floppy grease cookies, the gummy pulled pork, i am a hungry hungry hippo but this tasteless slop has given me the virtual runs and turned me anorexic
No. 1842211
File: 1686113245344.png (239.77 KB, 828x1792, 4F096021-8C2E-4F3A-B953-2B6581…)

Knew amber was a TERF
No. 1842264
>>1842242 She's ironically approriating a Thatcher quote. She's friends with a bunch of drag queens.
No. 1842485
File: 1686169267918.png (81.18 KB, 748x713, Screenshot 2023-06-07 at 21-19…)

not armenian in any way shape or form…
40 yo and still doing this…
No. 1842726
File: 1686212744835.jpeg (303.1 KB, 1467x1958, IMG_5362.jpeg)

Aimee is a respected institution
No. 1842940
File: 1686253194174.webm (4.91 MB, 320x240, how-can-she-slap.webm)
>>1840612HOW CAN SHE SLAP!!!!!
No. 1842962
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Looks like Dasha chose a side in the Aimee Terese vs. Aimee the Hon war
No. 1842986
File: 1686257740367.jpg (365.93 KB, 1536x2048, kali charlotte fang pedo.jpg)

No. 1843176
File: 1686271915398.jpg (170.74 KB, 1204x1360, charlottefag.jpg)

>>1842986lol. lmao. literally a limp-wristed pedo.
No. 1843236
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Her self hate at being a woman is constant and dull
No. 1843430
>>1843240I'm sure she's got some extra delicious cope cooked up that makes her feel she's morally superior to other women that use daycare.
>>1843275YES to all this. This is also why they put on the fake vocal fry on their show, it's the speech equivalent of punctuating your tweets with "lol"
No. 1843491
>>1843180>>1843360he looks bloated. we call him "blohit"
charlotte fag looked disgusting–hairline receding–in his misfit rags before downtown layabouts. very very disrespectful.
No. 1843497
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>>1843491>>1843176his larp is very much having it all whenever and moving between it all fluidly but its clunky and contradictory so much so that it falls apart completely when u see him trying so hard but looking so bad
No. 1843700
File: 1686342888183.png (Spoiler Image,65.47 KB, 657x569, untitled.png)

felix "podcaster drake" beiderman tweeting porno at a minor: No. 1843869
>>1843852you get it,
nonnie. even if you were to consider podcasting while barred out of your fucking brain a job, he loves riffing online for hours with teenage irony guys who were like, 11 years old when he started his podcast.
No. 1844082
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No. 1844083
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No. 1844121
File: 1686410351949.jpeg (408.26 KB, 1103x1980, IMG_5369.jpeg)

Steal her look
No. 1844173
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deleted jordan castro tweet
No. 1844174
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No. 1844206
>>1844173I thought Anna and Jordan were supposed to be sort of actual friends. Why did he publicly tweet this? lmao
also what did anna do to her eyebrows, it looks crazy
No. 1844275
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>>1844082"Madam Sandler" is Nick from Thot Topics. Some people have suggest that his fiancé (pic related) is a FTM which is why he's so sensitive about this topic
No. 1844278
>>1844275look at those little hands and feet,
def FtM.
No. 1844376
File: 1686441123726.png (31.52 KB, 1208x606, laser.png)

>>1844350>>1844206She claims she was only getting lasered. Her hair almost looks like a wig, way thicker at least in this picture.
No. 1844385
File: 1686441393209.png (74.71 KB, 1334x1260, rs1.png)

A scarethot's long recap of the last podcast with a 47 year old sex tourist john. A third of these are Anna's stock quips from 2017.
No. 1844540
File: 1686463140979.jpeg (511.81 KB, 1536x2048, 325EAD22-716F-4F5C-B6C9-38E6E4…)

>>1844275Are we sure nick isn’t also ftm? Really big eyes and round face and it’s not like a cis fag would date an ftm kek
No. 1844597
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I guess the movie with Shia is happening after all
No. 1844718
File: 1686503445280.webm (9.17 MB, 1080x1920, judeolatinx.webm)
What do you call this phenotype?
No. 1844931
File: 1686534959933.jpeg (62.14 KB, 640x597, 0F2838DC-DE74-4116-8F56-6C4F6E…)

Dasha's shooting some more for Rachel Ormont
No. 1844949
>>1844875It was a lot, yeah. Gross guy, no surprise there.
Dasha confirmed broke up with Matthew six months ago (although they’re still entangled to some degree).
No. 1844953
File: 1686539199684.jpeg (257.17 KB, 1170x1643, IMG_6213.jpeg)

>>1844275He's denying it now
No. 1845037
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No. 1845347
File: 1686594428011.jpeg (215.65 KB, 1290x1920, IMG_0219.jpeg)

>>1845169 The male ideal is giant tits and a tight stomach - somewhere between these two. Like Daddario
No. 1845428
File: 1686602554436.jpg (209.72 KB, 1168x1557, FnvBYYBXEBErPhO.jpg)

>>1845037>>1845392left pic is dasha if you didn't realize
he was baiting her
No. 1845555
plural? body count damn near doubled since the infamous clip
No. 1845576
File: 1686619399738.png (175.93 KB, 1016x1106, dashastans.png)

standards like this is how you rack up numbers like that
No. 1845633
File: 1686625465024.jpeg (93.36 KB, 640x720, CE9AAD63-0534-40D7-8EFF-0EBDBB…)

>it's real
No. 1845867
File: 1686669521404.jpg (234.14 KB, 2295x1022, aimeelaba.jpg)

wtf is going on w Aimee in the hospital. Honestly just sad at this point.
No. 1845929
File: 1686675460946.jpeg (208.21 KB, 833x1738, IMG_6219.jpeg)

Does Zachary not realize that this is how he looks as well?
No. 1845963
File: 1686679682631.png (132.63 KB, 980x1178, shialaquit.png)

the article continues, "We’ll see if the movie even ends up happening now, as many of the investors were only interested due to Shia’s involvement. He was the core of the whole thing and now we’re not entirely sure of its status." RIP No. 1846047
File: 1686689395788.jpeg (Spoiler Image,114.98 KB, 748x571, 1674248854899.jpeg)

excerpt from book “the pussy” by delicious tacos, from an old pinkpill thread that caused me to not go on this website for two months. I read it and convinced myself lolcow was cherrypicking internet freaks that are the worst of the worst and these losers couldn't be real people with any type of following. had forgotten about it until now. redscare girls are going to burn in hell
No. 1846112
File: 1686694967767.jpeg (45.58 KB, 495x591, tnlczunspvv81.jpeg)

>>1845627okay that's her skin, did she explain everything else? Because she somehow has no eyelashes and incredibly sparse eyebrows. She might be at an age now where she really does have to choose staying skinny and keeping her face looking decent. Lasagna Anna looked like
she would've made a good mom.
No. 1846153
File: 1686699550614.jpg (16.32 KB, 640x427, titim.jpg)

>>1846099Someone on the rsp reddit said picrel "might be him 12 years ago." Source is (Archive:
A commenter called "delicioustacos" commented on a post here, so. Who knows.
No. 1846195
File: 1686703781756.jpeg (92.21 KB, 1170x576, IMG_3026.jpeg)

>>1846153Here the author ‘delicious tacos’ describes himself as looking like young Harry Dean Stanton, kinda looks like that guy
No. 1846268
>>1846222Yeah and Nick Mullen is still obsessed with RDR2 and The Simpsons. Arrested development is a running theme for NYC people.
>>1846224Your thinking about Lain more than Evangelion. Evangelion isn't really mysterious
No. 1846277
File: 1686712213333.png (53.18 KB, 1264x848, olds.png)

Anna's 30 to 40 something irl friend popping up on reddit to defend her
No. 1846410
File: 1686741054761.jpeg (40.07 KB, 750x612, F891C102-9C4A-458F-9DD9-FE2C95…)

>>1845867She’s weirdly horny all the time now.
No. 1846448
>>1846223I dont think shes
hideous but shes clearly had a lot of work done she lies about and has one of the ugliest souls you can imagine. just a horrible person inside and out.
No. 1846468
File: 1686750851273.jpeg (225.27 KB, 1179x1697, dbz.jpeg)

>>1846222A couple of years ago the podcast class realized they had to start paying lip service to anime to pander to their increasingly younger paypigs. Like Will Mennaker suddenly getting into Dragon Ball at the age of 52.
No. 1846502
File: 1686753999801.png (35.13 KB, 1088x632, eli.png)

they've all been posting more insanely than normal lately
No. 1846804
File: 1686800497623.jpeg (132.32 KB, 1170x1390, IMG_2119.jpeg)

No. 1846819
File: 1686801783544.png (1009.17 KB, 640x1136, B1644A30-4B6F-4D5A-980F-04458B…)

Poor Honor; she faded away into obscurity, Ivy Wolk taking her place as the reactionary Jewish-Christian Diet Dasha of Dimes
No. 1846958
File: 1686832807872.jpeg (144.93 KB, 750x1160, 70B1A240-7198-49EB-8391-79240C…)

>>1846169I think it is him pretending to be a woman. Sounds like him and he talks about being a line cook, how many women are line cooks? If he really grew up in foster care, might explain why he’s so fucked up. so many of those kids get sexually and physically abused
No. 1846994
File: 1686839411553.jpeg (172.41 KB, 1170x1461, IMG_6229.jpeg)

She just gets sadder and sadder
No. 1847004
File: 1686841375641.png (Spoiler Image,298.53 KB, 1432x1068, Screenshot 2023-06-15 at 11.03…)

>>1846888adam flashes his balls in their little silent theatre routine so that ruined my day
No. 1847006
File: 1686841570006.webm (4.51 MB, 1280x720, aimee meth.webm)
>>1846894Jeez, this is hard to listen to.
No. 1847078
File: 1686850380647.jpg (26.46 KB, 500x500, avatars-000019302504-hviypx-t5…)

>>1844718Shave his facial hair and he'd make a good twink
>>1845633I like this look but unfortunately her weight loss seems to have come mostly from her boobs
No. 1847498
>>1847479>>1847468something big seems to be going on with her. the hospital stays, the weird ruminating voice notes, note to self affirmations shes going to be okay.
couldnt have happened to a nicer person
No. 1847605
File: 1686932278716.jpeg (82.51 KB, 1290x724, IMG_8489.jpeg)

>>1847498too horny to listen to the male doctor telling her she’s been diagnosed with paranoid schizophrenia
No. 1847748
File: 1686952494436.png (8.84 KB, 593x213, wowjustwow.png)

>>1847605Ok what the fuck is happening here? She's still going
No. 1847855
File: 1686963612432.jpeg (45.52 KB, 750x617, 1C94B64C-7481-4C75-8A4B-8AFE14…)

>>1847748Aimee is 37 and living with a random roommate. The poor lady is probably freaked out that her roommate doesn’t sleep
No. 1847867
File: 1686964459858.jpg (112.47 KB, 1222x462, Hysteriaa[1].jpg)

>>1845867>>1846410>>1847468>>1847605This convinces me that Wandering Womb Syndrome is real
>>1846819Sorry for the potential spoonfeed question but Ivy Wolk is a troon, yes?
No. 1847889
File: 1686966231177.jpg (794.66 KB, 3150x3150, 8cljcu3d16k71[1].jpg)

>>1847885She's among the milkiest cows
>Chipmunk voice>Wears a wig that makes her look like a witch>Turns on anyone she's ever worked with>Started as a Marxist but now panders to "dissident right" and nazis>Now hornyposting No. 1847966
>>1847885Aimee is boring and pretty much has nothing interesting to say content-wise, but she is kind of singular in the sense that she isn’t as self-conscious about being a reactionary as everyone else.
A & D will try to soften their beliefs because they’re terrified of not being considered “sophisticated” and cosmopolitan. That’s why Anna will try to paint her racism as neutral and just “pointing out differences” and as a “love of distinction” precisely because she doesn’t want to be the seen the same as some seething 80 iq yokel. Or why deep down Dasha knows that these incels she venerates are actually losers and why she has to admit feminists like Dworkin are intelligent and at least worthy of consideration. Or why their anti-semitism borders on flattery towards Jews, by seeing them as the most formidable and intelligent race (nevermind the fact that they both seem to have preference for Jewish men, which says it all). Or why they accept trannies if they’re cool. At their core A & D are lib urbanites, through and through.
Aimee otoh gives into unthinking impulse bigotry and black and white thinking for… the grift? mental illness? having absolutely no stake in the culture wars going on in America? Who knows why. Maybe it’s a culture/affect difference as Aimee is Australian whereas most of the other post left cows reside in NYC.
No. 1848328
File: 1687039245853.jpeg (219.13 KB, 1170x1601, IMG_6239.jpeg)

Aimee just dropped a selfie but I'd wager it's very old given the iPhone 6 being used
No. 1848355
File: 1687042676531.png (121.21 KB, 1176x2262, meth.png)

her feed is a complete mess
No. 1848772
File: 1687112402363.png (25.52 KB, 585x395, aimes.png)

>It's not rayp if we want it (we do).
No. 1848856
File: 1687119193777.jpg (49.33 KB, 1135x647, Screenshot 2023-06-18 161500.j…)

presented without comment
No. 1848934
>>1848873She’s wearing a sweatshirt and a blanket, there is only one shoulder showing. I don’t get it.
>>1848856What’s the context nona?
No. 1848961
File: 1687133846901.jpg (147.24 KB, 1217x870, SoyskinJacket.jpg)

Do we have any milk on Snakeskin Jacket (@SnakeSkin_J)? Along with Pedo Abbasi, he's one of the top replygeeks for Dasha, Anna, Audrey Horne, @truth_enjoyer, @Yrcncld, and other e-girls involved in this scene. He often runs with @HowlingMutant0, another dude who really hates Black people but hides it under irony and pretends to neg most of the girls mentioned when he clearly seeks their validation.
Based on the exchange in the pic (check out that embarrassing simping for Dasha, lmao) I'm guessing he's a New York Republican trying gain some clout by associating with Dimes Square girls.
No. 1848963
File: 1687134331458.jpg (18.75 KB, 599x347, SoyskinJacket2.jpg)

>>1848961SnakeSkin_J might be the most pathetic moid Red Scare simp of them all. The tryhard Nicolas Cage cigarette pfp is just the cherry on top. Cringelord through and through.
No. 1848968
File: 1687135077372.png (238.72 KB, 1168x1158, nearly40yearsold.png)

Anna balkans baiting, and worse than that, pedantically repeating her one line about Lasch all day on twitter to distract from being a single mother on father's day.
No. 1849005
File: 1687139765658.jpeg (75.77 KB, 1170x437, 1CC586A0-0E1F-4CD5-A76A-F57D57…)

Sage because i find how badly she wants to be relevant in this scene incredibly deeply embarrassing and i think she is deeply mentally ill in a way no one else in this scene is but not in the way that she likes to LARP it online but i think this is a tad bit dramatic of a reaction to people being mad at you for having said the n word in a tiktok or vine
No. 1849069
File: 1687147046148.jpeg (632.31 KB, 2048x1536, dasha rifle.jpeg)

Delicious Tacos posting photos of Dasha and Peter Vack. Is the Eugene movie that Shia dropped out of (but is apparently still filming) a Tacos adaptation? Or is she simultaneously shooting that short film based on one his stories they were all crowdfunding for a few months ago?
No. 1849095
File: 1687150388177.jpg (82.91 KB, 454x889, 54556642211.jpg)

>>1848961Oh, I remember this guy. He got mad last month when Anna got ratioed by Sridhar Ramesh: No. 1849129
File: 1687156339295.jpg (308.21 KB, 1536x2048, trooooooooon.JPG)

>>1849128dont even bother trying to play sanctimonious with me. picrel is count the trannytells
No. 1849140
>>1849126Regardless of troon or not, your still fucking high to think
>>1849129 is attractive in any way. If there's anything attractive about her, it'll have to be in how she carries herself because her looks aren't gonna do it.
No. 1849191
File: 1687165714355.jpg (1.31 MB, 3465x3465, RadfemHitler High Definition.j…)

>>1837624Hi OP. You posted this collage of various twitter personalities from a thread ago, it's listed as number 41. Could you please post the RFH (RadFemHitler) picture uncropped, since i've been looking for that particular one and haven't seemed to find it. I've only found the more common ones with low resolution, and none at a resolution that high. Or you could just give a link to where l can find it. That would be good enough, l just need it for something i'm doing on photoshop, thanks!
No. 1849217
>>1849191I'm not OP but you can find the pic along with some milk on Radfem Hitler in the old
"Radfem Cows" thread here:
>>>/snow/1351312 Anna Slatz @slatzism also overlaps with some of the Dimes Square/Postrat crowd.
(sage your shit) No. 1849224
>>1846994as if she has any experience in any of these matters. has she even been in a long term relationship ever? Has she ever been touched by a man? why does she believe that she has any authority to speak about marriage?
Also with the rape tweet? no aimee, women don’t actually want to be raped.
No. 1849254
File: 1687176329891.jpg (78.81 KB, 660x880, Emo Kid Cutting Himself.jpg)

>>1849217l did see this thread before in search for the picture but didn't completely go through it. l did now but still can't find it. Only this No. 1372762 post in the thread but it's not the same resolution unfortunately. Am l being blind? l usually miss obvious stuff stupidly, even if l look carefully. Pic unrelated
No. 1849284
>>1849254Isn't this the pic?
>>>/snow/1372762The milk about her Clubhouse dox is in this thread:
>>>/snow/1338741(sage your shit) No. 1849289
File: 1687180592729.png (77.2 KB, 391x457, RadfemHitler Cropped High Defi…)

>>1849284Not the one with high resolution like this one. l only found it from the collage l posted in my first post here, which isn't the uncropped version i'm looking for. Everytime l click on that image from 1372762 it's really small in dimensions and low in resolution. l can't believe how elusive the higher quality version is
No. 1849299
File: 1687183079477.jpeg (152.25 KB, 1170x2532, they-combination-we-never-knew…)

I had to check to make sure but somehow this is real
No. 1849300
File: 1687183388960.jpg (68.81 KB, 593x797, Haz.jpg)

Even the MAGA Communist gamercels are tired of Aimee Terese and the post-left shtick.
No. 1849350
>>1848961>>1849095This guy cannot clapback to save his life. Surprised he hasn't been ridiculed by the very post-left people he's simping for, given how image conscious they are. He's dragging the brand down!
As an aside, is anything dorkier than posting someone's profile photo as an own? It only works in very select cases without coming off as a juvenile white flag.
No. 1849356
File: 1687192111363.png (79.66 KB, 1032x1114, crossovers.png)

No. 1849373
File: 1687193613133.png (90.36 KB, 460x487, Screen Shot 2023-06-19 at 12.5…)

>>1849364It might just be the picture, but he has lost a ton of weight recently. He looks pretty gaunt in the new episode (picrel but easier to see in motion). I definitely believe the pill addict allegations
No. 1849388
File: 1687194872143.jpg (33.34 KB, 608x550, Elon.jpg)

Anna wants Elon on the pod two weeks after Dasha called him fat and retarded.
Also lol @ Elon responding to tweets from @lndian_Bronson and Mommy Milkers.
No. 1849390
File: 1687195009748.png (490.94 KB, 629x526, pariah the prostitute.png)

Salomé cavorting with the homies
>>1849388Anna wants Elon on the pod two weeks after Dasha called him fat and retarded.
They'll do anything for the bag
No. 1849396
File: 1687195376052.jpeg (191.13 KB, 1170x1476, 1681833806066.jpeg)

>>1849119>>1848970@HowlingMutant0 is the #9 profile pic in this line-up, but that's not actually him in the pic obviously. I want to see what this balding middle-aged internet tough guy really looks like.
No. 1849421
File: 1687198001506.jpeg (157.54 KB, 1169x1420, 7F5190EB-5C32-4DAC-A3FE-7C6EF8…)

>>1849416Samefag radfem hitler doesn’t even have the spine to criticize delicious tacos, a disgusting and unabashed john. even the RSP redditors of all people have been bashing him for a week.
No. 1849447
File: 1687200639542.jpeg (85.7 KB, 1024x453, 45E4F651-1804-4795-BDA8-D04E87…)

>>1849423I hate to post Reddit here but. Idk how all the Twitter heads are fine with this nonce
No. 1849449
File: 1687200876303.jpeg (162.79 KB, 1169x962, 47DECF54-C92B-40A4-927D-8E4812…)

triggered multiple threads on the RSP condemning prostitution, including some former escorts commenting/posting.
The fact this pervert is broadly accepted by the Twitter “trad” and right wing scenes is too on the nose
No. 1849457
>>1849453I fucking hate his refusal to dress decently. In every single still from their "TV show" or whatever, he's wearing some shitty thrifted suit jacket paired with a polo or a t-shirt or some loud hideous patterned button down. It really makes him look like the geriatric hipster creep he is. Nothing stopping him from spending a grand on a couple of made-to-measure suits
>>1849381Probably. The moids in this scene are way bigger backbiters than the women. The ironybros are constantly having falling-outs with each other and are constantly making new group chats because @HitlerEpstein420 has @GeorgeFloydPolanski blocked
No. 1849483
>>1849459>>1849480I don't think that's him. I think the dude in that pic was allegedly GarbageApe.
Other anons said Howlingmutant0 is balding, not fully bald, and he's admitted to being Irish, so balding ginger would make sense.
No. 1849632
File: 1687217633337.jpg (42.87 KB, 962x541, 49302555-10102113-image-a-68_1…)

>>1840718>>1848976>>1848999>>1849231I would tend to agree that it was probably Dasha's alt that planted that misinformation. I think the reason she wasn't in the last season of succession was that there was no place for her in the story. She's supposed to be the love interest for Greg but he has a less prominent role the last season of sucking the Swede's cock. They also don't have a problem with mediocre skilled slightly above average looking actresses in minor roles so I don't think getting written out was due to looks or talent.
No. 1849659
>>1849644She's a radfem, supposedly. Posted some andrea dworkin book that she owned. l think she likes hitler, hence the name Radical Feminist Hitler (RFH). She seems to be someone totally disgruntled with the rightwing and trad lovers because she came from a failed marriage with a jewish guy who was at least emotionally
abusive towards her. She said she cucked him with a blond haired aryan looking dude and got impregnated with his kid. She divorced the jew, collects child support from the ex husband who thinks its his, and has remarried to some older white color dude who lives in chicago. l think she is trying to give as much push back to the idea of tradthottery which is promoted in rightwing spaces, and other ideas that rightwing men hold. Obviously she was entrenched in these ideas in the past and feels an urge to vent of her new found realisation that they're stupid or impractical for today. But like most ecelebs, she simply craves attention
No. 1849667
File: 1687220162794.png (16.99 KB, 647x561, samememe fake job.png)

Fake job haver cries about women not needing him, take 1,326,011
No. 1849680
File: 1687222475396.jpg (90.71 KB, 591x754, 456323344215.jpg)

>>1849667Is Anna subtweeting samememe here? Are these cows really trying to shift to a RadFem phase?
No. 1849683
>>1849644She literally posts so much contradictory stuff, there's no way to know. Like even the most basic info about herself will be contradicted 2 days later by her own posts. People think she's Chinese, white, rich, poor, divorced, married, abandoned her kid, has custody of kid, she's 25, she's 45, she's a troon, she's a radfem, she's a housewife, she's a girl boss. Anyone who thinks they know anything about her but hasn't met her in person is kidding themselves.
No. 1849686
>>1849667Tell men to settle for a 5/10 mid & boring woman. Not gonna happen
>>1849680The expectations of what a moid needs to add value to her life, as a high earning woman, as a single mother, should make her a rad fem or sympathetic to radical feminism. Inherently, most moids would only detract from her life and family stability (as limited as it is). She and her son are better off alone or in their weird disjointed coparenting thing, than to listen to any “just settle” dating advice coming from her conservative coomer corner.
No. 1849691
>>1849688RFH is similar to Anna Slatz, discussed in the below thread:
>>>/snow/1244909Pretty sure they interact with each other too.
No. 1849717
>>1849705And everyone would starve if rural areas popped out of existence, and population collapse would hit way harder than it will. Either way, it's not like there is zero research on hormones, attractiveness and its relationship with politics. "More attractive
individuals are more likely to identify as Republicans">>1849713l don't think they inbreed in montana
No. 1849734
>>1849703Cope & seethe
triggered male, nobody cares about inbred rural moids
No. 1849737
>>1849721lmao yup, I could swear we were ripping on dasha for posting about reading Rollo Tomassi or Roissy or one of the other early 2010s manosphere retards in the last thread
>>1849717no1curr this thread is not for political sperging, it's for making fun of twitter retards who identify as "dirtbag left" or "post-left" or whatever
No. 1849749
File: 1687227529547.jpg (33.47 KB, 606x319, 456625566721.jpg)

>>1849735It's funny because it's right-wingers like @Indian_Bronson who are constantly coping and seething over the fact that right-wing ideas are "low status" and that "libs control prestige culture." Even if I believed your dogshit psychology "study" (I don't), it doesn't seem to do you losers much good.
No. 1849757
Every single time RFH is brought up, newfag moids from twitter come here with “based” hot takes, using Twitter branded lingo like “stasi” and “radlibs.”
>>1849698Anna and Monica literally ranked and/or fuck married kill that listing of RW twitter personalities a month or 2 ago. They did the biggest pick me performance for these men only to end up at, “they’re trash.”
No. 1849767
>>1849763haven't seen it but l recognise a few memes made about it that l saw. Is it good?
>>1849765l"m sorry
No. 1849780
>>1849421RFH isn't even a real
TERF. She puts on an act for irony troons, who make up most of her timeline.
No. 1849823
File: 1687238275124.jpg (106.17 KB, 640x928, 5bkfo6w5u37b1.jpg)

Taco face reveal (on right)? Confirmed Dasha is fucking him and that he got hair plugs if so.
No. 1849958
>>1849823Delicious tacos is 45-50yrs old, this man isnt. He’s also much thinner
>>1849910Idk, I’m hapa and I’m really not seeing an E Asian parent + a white parent in her. Especially in her coloring… Maybe she’s quapa? Either way she’s a pick me for moids and can’t seem to avoid engaging and even flirting with them
No. 1849965
File: 1687269625930.jpg (40.42 KB, 512x640, messi.jpg)

>>1849958>>1849910Any of these options are possible, tbh. I don't want to sound like a sperg or derail but I live in a diverse area where White/East Asian and White/Hispanic (mostly Mexican) couples are very common and I've noticed over the years the appearance of the children from these couples varies widely. I've frequently seen white or white-passing children with a parent or grandparent who is brown/mixed. E.g., lots of people assume Lionel Messi is 100% Italian/Spanish but even he has a brown grandparent (see pic). Keanu Reeves has both Chinese and native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander ancestry and he also looks white. It's not always easy to tell from appearance alone.
>>1849703>>1849786I have to agree with the other anons that you are almost certainly an angry lurking moid. Lots of farmers don't trust moids in general, and none of them would rush to defend the "integrity" of right-wing moids in particular, at a time when the right is stripping women of the right to abortion, trying to repeal no-fault divorce, and wants to reduce women to breeding cattle. Take your smelly scrote back to Twitter.
No. 1850014
File: 1687276694753.jpeg (157.46 KB, 2002x1116, 9522F465-C3A1-42A7-B80A-9FC3E6…)

>that ring
Did Liz Franczak get married?
No. 1850015
File: 1687276699673.jpeg (7.28 KB, 299x300, 8B2144EE-224D-4C39-BBE8-A83A22…)

>>1849958It’s him. same scraggly sideburns as this old pic
>>1846153 with a lot more weight on him
No. 1850018
>>1849667Good looking women marry 5/10 guys all the time… Like it's a massive fucking cultural meme that's been around forever. Straight women are on average pretty easy to please, even in the era of the "email job" girlboss.
When men seethe about women in this manner, they're just confirming they have nothing but resentment and ball stank to contribute to a relationship.
>>1849680>>1849698Sucks Anna had to have a baby with a creep to realize disaffected irony men are not worth sucking up to.
No. 1850019
>>1849667Good looking women marry 5/10 guys all the time… Like it's a massive fucking cultural meme that's been around forever. Straight women are on average pretty easy to please, even in the era of the "email job" girlboss.
When men seethe about women in this manner, they're just confirming they have nothing but resentment and ball stank to contribute to a relationship.
>>1849680>>1849698Sucks Anna had to have a baby with a creep to realize disaffected irony men are not worth sucking up to.
No. 1850022
>>1850015no it’s not…
dasha is shooting a short film and is fucking tacos
No. 1850025
>>1850015no it’s not…
dasha is shooting a short film and is fucking tacos
No. 1850044
File: 1687278407103.jpeg (44.51 KB, 628x380, 116C67F5-CD8F-4D70-B209-00C13A…)

Aimee's reaching previously unheard of dgaf levels
No. 1850061
File: 1687279483723.jpeg (93.67 KB, 1169x1077, 6793B21A-60D9-40EA-9DEB-36505C…)

Spoken like a true Australian.
I hate how all these women can’t have a single independent thought. They ignored all defenses of women and feminism or outright condemned them until Radfem hitler’s -third- year of ”men don’t brush their teeth” posting finally broke their bubble.
Now Dasha, Anna, Aimee shout out/defend feminists and their perspectives—why? Did the misogyny of their twitter corners outweigh the attention they like?
No. 1850100
File: 1687281728751.jpg (130.09 KB, 1193x761, aimee.jpg)

>>1850044>>1850086it's hilarious how rw egirls like Aimee will accuse lib/left women of being "underfucked" and then have a meltdown like this every month or so
No. 1850101
File: 1687281801788.jpeg (49.85 KB, 1170x423, 322130BD-D65B-4F65-93A6-02D3D4…)

>>1850085Repost but no doubt Anna is also financially and family planning for a second kid and Eli’s being a little shit about it somehow… ushering in her feminist era m
No. 1850142
>>1850018This is completely true. My male relatives are mostly blue collar, mostly 5 or 6/10 and all of them have wives or girlfriends, even the alcoholic construction worker who lives with his mom. Then again they're mostly xers or older millenials. Maybe blue collar men are more realistic?
Social media and ubiquitous porn have created two generations of dorks who refuse to consider women in their league. Didn't samememe's homely balding ass exclusively chase liberal hipster girls in NY?
No. 1850167
File: 1687285520943.jpeg (Spoiler Image,36.68 KB, 750x716, C78EFAAC-ED9F-40A3-A67A-FD5DEE…)

>>1850163NTA but that dude in the picture with Dasha is clearly 30s. Delicious tacos has middle aged+ man skin. Sorry for the attachment ladies
No. 1850169
File: 1687285799198.jpeg (60.46 KB, 738x977, 46E24B09-17A3-44AB-B97B-693D6E…)

>>1850167It’s from 2020. he’s packed on the pounds since
No. 1850208
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No. 1850221
File: 1687291897363.jpeg (100.29 KB, 997x743, 134D632B-B40D-476A-BA1F-E3353C…)

Liz Bruenig’s Father’s Day post on IG. Does Matt have ozempic face? makes sense for how he can lose weight when she bakes sweets everyday…
No. 1850243
>>1850206agreed with this for a while but its important to note that unless her finances are terrible, Anna is a millionaire
ladderkicker. She will never advocate for women's interests because she doesnt have to. if things get really bad for women in America she will simply move to Europe and without missing a beat, ramble on about how much more "class" europe has over america. she has the wealth to keep her kid offline and away from those influences, but I doubt it would last long in his teen years.
>>1850218over 30 and on roids is always so obvious on scrotes kek. their skin looks stretched thin to the point of ripping
No. 1850309
File: 1687300024463.jpeg (46.57 KB, 1125x471, FzFc3K4akAA5-OI.jpeg)

Pariah is now working for James O'Keefe (ex Project Veritas) to get dirt on Blackrock, Pfizer via the tranny chasers who work for them
No. 1850325
>>1850318Samefag this is why women should never cape for men. The most they’ll do for her is give a gofundme $20 or sub to her patreon. They laugh at her the same breath as they give kudos. Everyone’s in on the joke but her.
She’s nearly 40, single, jobless, childless, unhealthy, and half Lebanese. Why would they care if she dates black guys?
No. 1850381
File: 1687309891304.jpg (55.6 KB, 609x720, covfefe.jpg)

>>1850044Conservative thought in a nutshell.
No. 1850388
>>1850168Who on earth "doesn't know many real life couples"? Not all ( or even most) attractive women marry mid dudes, but it's not at all uncommon to see that kind of couple.
>>18502525/10 isn't "ugly troll," it's just not-sexy. It's in the middle of the scale. And "attractive" and "good-looking" don't mean "gorgeous." Read what people actually write before arguing with them.
No. 1850405
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Aimee is in heat
No. 1850414
File: 1687313511238.png (238.26 KB, 1612x540, Screenshot 2023-06-20 at 10.12…)

If you run the photo of DT through face recognition search you get these pics. I'm too faceblind to discern whether this person is the same as the one in Dasha pic; someone else can be the analyst of that.
No. 1850416
File: 1687313656318.jpg (158.9 KB, 1200x1330, fangsprite.jpg)

>>1843217the sickly greta thunberg looking pedo in the white shirt is milady sonora sprite
No. 1850435
>>1850388Because it’s probably the same
triggered scrote from yesterday calling anyone who doesn’t pander to mens delusions a lesbian.
No. 1850466
>>1850460Agreed. A decent looking dude who’s perma single in LA… there’s a reason for that.
An anon above posted the covfefe retard’s dating poll putting IR dating or being a former prostitute as the same level as fucking a dog. Meanwhile a guy who flies to Asia to fuck prostitutes in killer poverty for dirt cheap (and likely some underage) is in Covfefe’s Twitter circle.
I’m against sex work and prostitution but the men who act as if escorts are worse than johns like DT should be shot
No. 1850521
File: 1687340686965.jpg (70.94 KB, 1290x628, FzEqmRSaIAQ0o7k.jpg)

>>1850405Were these posts also about Aimee's black ex-bf?
No. 1850526
File: 1687343153725.jpg (76.96 KB, 594x721, 95534225566.jpg)

>>1850381Right-wing = Absolutely obsessed with the sexual activity of White women and Black penises. All of their politics flow from this.
No. 1850537
>>1850534Continuing to chymp and identify as attractive after 14 hours
If you think they're hot I'm assuming you're a gay man.
Kek, it really chaps their ass to recognise most married men marry above their level.
No. 1850543
>>1850541That post
>>1850540 is saged you mentally deficient piece of shit. Stop infighting
No. 1850592
File: 1687353759479.jpg (171.7 KB, 1911x1022, troonshoulders.jpg)

>>1850359lmao @ Pariah's obvious troon shoulders and awkward body movements. The "Dissident Right" is a total cringefest.
No. 1850655
File: 1687361896088.jpeg (262.75 KB, 1110x1452, EC7F5639-5E6F-48B5-A896-8F32F4…)

>>1850414Posted by the failmale himself only a month ago. I went scrolling through his media on Twitter to see if he’s ever posted any photos of himself to confirm and
>>1849823 is definitely not him, he’s much older (apparently 47?) but I think the web scraper photos are actually him because he has gray hair, at least according to Crumps, and a very distinctive hairline
No. 1850659
File: 1687362084917.jpeg (240.33 KB, 1041x1558, D102A21C-FB5A-4927-9046-6367F7…)

>>1850655>>1850656Another photo he posted from the same event. Same hairline as
>>1850414 and
>>1849824. Someone please warn that poor woman…
No. 1850706
>>1850661but enough about the plot of the new houellebecq novel
>>1850360tee hee
No. 1850711
File: 1687368160750.jpg (132.1 KB, 980x523, jamesdeen.jpg)

>>1850414Delicious Tacos reminds me a lot of James Deen, in both appearance and personal behavior.
No. 1850764
File: 1687375035696.jpeg (229.56 KB, 1169x1477, 83A2326B-018F-4E62-9C79-C78893…)

>>1850661He says as much in his birthday post on his blog from Feb 2023
No. 1850784
>>1850778oh god stop with these long drawn out theories of nonsense.
aimee terese is severely mentally ill, unironically, and lauren southern was never politically coherent in any way, it's nothing but a career to her and she's in a really bad spot in her private life with no other professional skills as a single mother.
in what way were either of these two ever particularly conservative or trad except 'owning the libs' online?
No. 1850790
File: 1687377921582.png (2.17 MB, 1160x1543, ikze6ci1fc741.png)

>>1850787The half-Asian dude is the ex-husband who left her and turned Lauren into a single mom (those "trad values" at work again). She tweeted about this recently.
Before him Lauren also dated a brown guy (pictured) who was either Muslim or half Black depending on who you ask.
No. 1850799
>>1850797>feel bad for her that he used her and tossed her aside and abandoned his child. Did you read the post? The guy who impregnated Lauren and abandoned her was half-Asian (Malay it's rumored though not confirmed).
The guy pictured in the Catherine cosplay is a former boyfriend she had. They never had a child together.
No. 1850855
>>1850846From an Atlantic profile of Lauren:
>I asked Southern if she took any responsibility for this surge in hate. She responded briskly: “If anything I’ve said has contributed to that, it was because someone misinterpreted me.” What about her ridiculing of rape culture? “I still stand by the points today.” And what about her partner, who is part Asian—what does he think of her politics? Southern started to speak, then stopped, before recasting my question: “My arguments about family and focusing on community, I believe it’s true. It’s just, it’s hard to personally follow something that is, quite frankly, an ideal.” She kept telling me she had grown more “compassionate,” but whenever I asked her pointedly if she regretted her past work, I got obfuscation and tactical apologies. “I regret letting myself get as cold as I did” is the most she would offer during our last in-person interview.Apparently he was half Filipino and a Catholic trad type, which makes the fact he abandoned her even funnier. Trad values.
This was covered in the TradThot thread, but if you want to read the novel Lauren wrote about her divorce and living in a trailer as a single mom, it's here: No. 1850866
*muslim culture my bad
No. 1851002
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What inspired this latest?
No. 1851074
File: 1687419391512.jpeg (33.87 KB, 392x628, 082F2CF3-64D8-4C18-A298-7F64F6…)

Dasha's moid-toy's novel is finished
No. 1851163
>>1850506I mean there's a significant overlap imo between cartoon porn/R34 bestiality and 'blacked' porn in that it's the degradation of the woman to something the moid brain views as subhuman or uncivilized, judging by the way they talk about it on the chans. So I think there's closer overlap between animated bestiality porn and 'regular' porn than we might initially think.
TLDR moids are disgusting, dont fuck them
No. 1851186
>>1851163bestiality is not mainstream, it's gut-wrenching to most people and illegal in most of the world.
there's a reason the meme specifies white women, it's a racial insult meant to degrade you up like the n-word, only that it's socially acceptable as an 'edgy joke', and retarded twitter irony accounts jump on it because it means cheap engagement.
No. 1851377
File: 1687467045206.jpg (90.71 KB, 483x830, 5562221578003.jpg)

>>1849703>>1849717>>1849758right-wing scrotes are having a conniption because not only are young single women moving more and more left in recent years, but ALSO those same women are less and less inclined to date conservative scrotes
No. 1851381
File: 1687467977872.jpg (29.8 KB, 598x356, BAPcoombrained.jpg)

>>1851377This must be why BAP wanted to find "libtard-looking women" to volunteer to shoot porn of themselves getting banged by right-wing moids. UNREAL levels of cope from these loser moids, lmao.
No. 1851388
File: 1687468819242.jpg (30.23 KB, 800x545, q9jzpnm8esr81.jpg)

>>1851377>>1851381tired meme format but the point is still correct
No. 1851457
>>1851401scrotes are to blame. conservatives and christians too.
it has nothing to do with the sexual revolution, the lgbtq movement or liberalism at large, and especially not with women who go so far to profit off having sex with dogs on video and service these perversions.
No. 1851483
File: 1687479273011.png (202.22 KB, 1494x584, dt.png)

Apologies in advance if this has been posted already but I found this on Reddit; it's an excerpt from his book The Pussy. As someone who hasn't followed these people for a really long time, can someone explain the mentality of these women? Why are they associated with a literal pedophile? How can they have so much hatred towards fat women but be friends with actual pedophiles? Did contrarianism and edginess destroy their brains, or what's going on here? I legitimately do not understand
No. 1851502
>>1851486Holy fuck. I'm so glad I'm not a man.
>>1851491But why? That's what I don't get. What's wrong with them? Is it some kind of arrested development where they think that larping as edgy slavic teens will somehow allow them to retain their youth? Ironically/unironically acting like this in your 30's doesn't make you an edgelord, it just makes you an unbelievably pathetic and mentally unwell failure in life. The same can be said about that batshit insane anorexic Aimee - looking at her tweets is like staring into the abyss of female psychiatric pathologies. The crushing self-hatred, the obsession with thinness and youth, the contempt towards other women (esp of other races/body types than theirs), the constant caping for men who have zero respect for you. If I were either of them and I realized that this was what I was doing with my life, I would develop shame-induced schizophrenia
No. 1851508
File: 1687483087662.jpg (84.42 KB, 1080x637, FzRClG_XwAAT_C7.jpg)

>>1851483>>1851502>>1851491lol she tweeted this yesterday
No. 1851541
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>>1851508Anyone remember this?
No. 1851623
>>1851326Agreed nonna. The "white women fuck dogs" thing is the type of the iceberg, we've seen this with troons and numerous other degenerate behaviours in society. I don't think it'll ever go so far as to be "acceptable" but it'll be an accepted kink/fetish.
>>1851333I think its far more likely to be the latest step in moids never ending quest to see all women as degraded sex objects. What's more degrading than a woman getting railed by a giant monster with a cock the size of her body? They even specifically do it to their own waifus or have 'blacked' shit specifically about their own waifus. It's an Escher spiral of degradation of women, self degradation and cuckoldry
No. 1851669
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>>1851483They are two weird looking bitches who get off on bottom tier male attention, Dasha in particular loves that a pedophile would fuck her because she wants to look like a child
No. 1851692
>>1851505No no no you don't understand nonna he's only
ironically gay and the real purpose of these posts is to encourage young men to fight the feminist gynocracy that tells them it's gay to be shirtless and sweaty and oiling up your sexy gym buddies just like the ancient Greeks and oh god oh god oh god I'm going to–
(he's gay)
No. 1851754
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Ok Anna
No. 1851761
File: 1687539648200.jpeg (83 KB, 750x797, FBAFD8DC-5021-49B8-8988-46300B…)

>>1851750Aimee ignoring her dr. Nice.
No. 1851785
>>1851761… did anything prompt her to post that?
I know you could probably look at anything Aimee's tweeted in the last 4+ years and (correctly) declare "she's unhinged" and call it a day, but between this and her recent posts about wanting to conceive / being in the hospital, it just feels like we've entered a dark new chapter for Terese
No. 1851791
File: 1687542163023.jpeg (53.63 KB, 750x700, 06991E54-1D87-40F9-9722-C32CAA…)

>>1851785It is definitely related to her recent hospitalization. I think her life is falling apart as she realizes she’s too late and too unsettling to lead the trad life she now shills. She seems to be freaking out in the process of getting one of her simps to idk marry her? Move her to America? Pic seems related
No. 1851795
>>1851508I mean, as a catholic, I agree with the sentiment. But as everyone is rightfully pointing out Anna is in no position to be taking the moral high ground here lol. I’m sure come pod time she’s going to say something like, “but that’s my point! All of us are complicit in this degradation of human life!” Or some kind of stupid pivot that tries to obfuscate the fact that she’s only up in arms when people on the left say tasteless things. Anna and the other right wing losers literally snicker and salivate over the senseless deaths of people they hate all of the time, but it’s only a deep moral failing when her political enemies do it.
It’s actually so funny when mean people try to appeal to decency.
No. 1851809
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>obviously myself included
What's the point of debasing yourself in this way? What's the point of acting "more white than actual whites" if you're just going to agree to your own deportation anyway?
No. 1851833
>>1851809Placing 6th generation descendants of an 1880 Euro immigrant in the same box as a son of two 1995-2000 Indian immigrants? When most rightoids would never see it that way. the delusion..a whole right wing pick me…
At least liberals are consistent with their amnesty and empathy for all immigrants without these artificial, self serving groupings
No. 1851845
>>1851840That’s what I mean nona. They grovel and bootlick but also constantly try to assert themselves as above everyone else.
Indians in my country are renowned for voting conservative and being extremely anti immigration against anyone who isn’t Indian. It’s very strange, I don’t know any other group that does this, seems to be a uniquely Indian thing because of their absolutely autistic degree of obsession with hierarchies, caste systems, and skin color. Add in centuries of occupation by foreign powers + endless historical conflicts with different religions and peoples, and you get this bizarre combination of obsequiousness and arrogance.
No. 1851861
File: 1687547906581.png (553.35 KB, 640x786, lumpenized.png)

>>1851840they know those types of "foundational" whites are locked into generational poverty and culturally will never be accepted by educated pmc whites because of class, they are powerless. he's doing the same kind of pitying placating to the peasant class that libs do to nonwhites. it probably feels good
No. 1851875
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>>1851809>The absolute state of Indian pick-me’s.Anyway it’s so stupid to be
triggered about recent immigrants calling confederates “traitors” when the northern half of the “founding stock” literally went to war with the southern half. Technically some of the confederates were charged with treason and conspiracy but most were subsequently pardoned out of pragmatism in favor of nation re-building.
No. 1851933
File: 1687556740123.jpg (119.02 KB, 1195x861, 456632246322.jpg)

>>1851918>>1851508>>1851541>>1851547Anna, Dasha, and Perfume Pisspig are ganging up on Audrey for calling out Anna's bullshit (I'm pro-Audrey of course)
No. 1851938
File: 1687557279018.jpg (183.35 KB, 1198x884, 435664223562.jpg)

>>1851933lol geez Anna really called in the reinforcements in the groupchat for this battle. Bronze Age Pervert retweeted, @_MedGold and Mike Cernovich in the replies.
No. 1851941
>>1851933calling out these hypocrites (+ the atrocious mommy milkers) is a Sisyphean effort and idk why Audrey keeps doing it since they just dog pile her
I guess she's done trying to win them over
No. 1851954
File: 1687559232750.png (341.39 KB, 1142x864, Screenshot 2023-06-23 at 6.28.…)

>>1851938actual photo of anna rn
No. 1851961
>>1851938Cernovich is such a nasty middle aged man. Foul and embarrassing getting in women’s business. Faghag behavior
Audrey is annoying and whiny but I applaud her bc every other person in that realm tiptoes around Anna. Anna is like Zero HP or BAP now, the way she monitors mentions and jumps in at any point when people might be talking about her. And they call Audrey the “emotional terrorist” when Anna circles in like a vulture and they’re ALL BPD hoes, e-narcs, or sassy like Jack
No. 1851971
>>1851951There is a special type of failson-in anna's case, faildaughter-that's created when some miserable loser nerd whose only positive attribute has ever been getting decent grades in high school bombs an intro math or science class in his freshman year of college and has to change his major from pre-med or STEM to something significantly easier and inconsequential, like art history or soviet architecture. he still thinks he's better and smarter than everyone else, but it's harder to be smug about it at parties, and he has to radically reorient his superiority complex to be about how he's, uh, majoring in english because he has the soul of an poet, and THAT'S what really matters in this world, you heartless rubes. but then that utter failure is always in the back of their brain and no matter how much they talk about how and why they're better than you, they know they're always gonna be a little stupider than everyone who was able to successfully pass diff eq (or whatever), and it eats at them forever that they'll never be a heart surgeon like daddy. that's completely what happened to her, right? because it would explain everything: being a failure and disappointment to her soviet genius father is why she's such a bitter fucking bitch with a chip on her shoulder about the entire rest of her gender, and failing out of science gave her an early taste for using mental gymnastics to justify why she's so much better than everyone else all the time, (explanations constantly evolving of course: she's cooler and edgier one day and a "really really nice and kind person and more loving than anyone else you've ever met" the next (kek), based on what's rhetorically convenient)
No. 1851991
File: 1687565161413.jpg (201.8 KB, 1711x927, cernovich.jpg)

>>1851938>>1851961>>1851963>>1851975Cernovich is an unabashed rape apologist (see pic) and just as bad a piece of shit as Delicious Tacos, BAP, and the rest of the creeps in this scene so of course Anna warms up to him lol
but Anna will still insist she's on the good team now!
No. 1852001
File: 1687565981466.jpg (57.54 KB, 600x717, 2454521211452.jpg)

>>1851991scrotes will say and do all that and then still cry about "the Longhouse" and Anna will tell them they're correct to do so
No. 1852014
>>1851991Foul. And imagine him saying this out loud with his retarded lisping baby voice.
>>1851933I see fatass Jack took precious time out of his schedule of sniffing his own feces encrusted ladies panties to dogpile some failed RS e-girl. Now THAT’s loyalty.
No. 1852017
>>1852001The only longhouse in this pile on is the apartment of single mother Anna coparenting with her situationship that won’t live with her.
Not tweets from women you choose to look at and respond to, lispy and limp wrist Cernovich
No. 1852026
>>1851933"Disagreeing with me is emotional terrorism!!!!!"
God, as soon as somebody accurately calls them out, they seeth exactly like the retarded radlibs they claim to hate so much
No. 1852053
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No. 1852060
>>1852053>>1852056That @tradcatboy account is tied with @SnakeSkin_J, @HowlingMutant0, @ElectionLegal, and @GiantGio among Red Scare replyguys/simps
Look at who retweets and replies to Dasha/Anna/other scarethots and see how often those accounts pop up
No. 1852077
>>1852001I always found that Audrey chick boring, but
triggering bottom-feeders like Cernovich makes me like her a lot more. Drag them queen.
No. 1852084
shame this thread has been overtaken by the same Bernie/Chapo/irony losers we've been making fun off since the beginning and we have to suffer through all the off topic political posting. and the moron posting
>>1851954 as some kind of unique gotcha even though that image has been reposted in Anna's mentions for literally 3 years now. embarrassing
No. 1852091
>>1851933>>1851938>>1852001lol wish we had someone here who could post some groupchat logs. Anna is clearly
triggered by Audrey more than she is by most of her critics.
No. 1852094
>>1852091she’s also seemed
triggered by default friend, but df blocked her before it got really bad
No. 1852101
>>1852094Anna seems most
triggered by women who used to fans of the show but later became openly critical of her and Dasha
No. 1852122
File: 1687577832604.png (1.03 MB, 1920x1080, Screenshot (2887).png)

>>1852121LOL holy shit he looks and sounds even worse than I expected
these are the kind of repulsive moids that listen to Red Scare! this is what Anna and Dasha pander to!
No. 1852131
>>1852083I'm glad someone else remembers how deep this shit went in 90s anarchism kek
Like half the issues of AJODA had at least one creepy article in this vein
No. 1852158
File: 1687587909269.png (893.08 KB, 640x1136, 0CA11299-BB8D-44B9-B307-D8696A…)

The old gang's back together (Amber's in town for a mutual friend's wedding)
No. 1852211
>>1852053She's full of shit about "never saying anything vile" and there are plenty of examples spread throughout these threads, but Anna does occasionally try to play coy about her real opinions. The most recent example being the Jordan Neely matter, but fewer and fewer people are falling for Anna's game
See, for example the exchange with Sridhar linked here and the ratio she got for it:
>>1849095 No. 1852258
>>1852158Eyelids are beginnng to sag/droop, time for more pdo threads and Botox for Anna. But fuck, what can explain her hairline??
>>1851971This is exactly it nonna
No. 1852278
File: 1687611785683.jpg (94.26 KB, 596x758, 55227221673432.jpg)

>>1852262BAP is explicit about using Anna and Dasha as a bridge to the mainstream for far right politics
No. 1852378
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No. 1852524
File: 1687639791964.jpeg (304.55 KB, 1283x1747, C01474F3-0B4A-4362-A2F3-BC5A54…)

>>1852378Ran it through google and Brandy Melville line sent me lol
No. 1852565
File: 1687646470146.jpg (72.96 KB, 596x854, troonhasanopinion.jpg)

>>1852561Why is this troon referring to others as "gendergoblins"?
No. 1852575
>>1852565Desperate desire to be "one of the good ones"
Many such cases in these threads.
No. 1852687 did a write up on the down town dime sqaure music scene
tldr: its mostly shit, manufactured as hell, and its funded by peter thiel for some reason
No. 1852746
>>1852687These articles are almost incomprehensible ffs.
namedrop, namedrop, namedrop some random celebrity other little known celebrity who is totally gonna be the next big thing among mustachioed kombucha drinking Greenwich Village hipsters you guise!*
Nothing ever changes with these retards except the names.
No. 1852765
>>1850291Anon, BAP is a literal gay Romanian Jew. He is 100% controlled opposition.
If you don’t believe me, he has a doctorate in polisci from Yale. His mentor (who he personally thanks in his thesis) was David Sidorsky who worked for JINSA (Jewish Institute for National Security Affairs)
From wiki
>The Jewish Institute for National Security of America, formerly named the Jewish Institute for National Security Affairs, is a Washington, D.C. based, non-profit and pro-Israeli lobby and think tank. In his thesis he thanks Bryan Garsten (of Tikvah Fund Israel) for ‘all his advice through the years’ and Steven Smith (one of his financial backers), Smith was Chair of Judaic Studies at Yale. He is literally a government payroll troll who pretends to be a white supremacist. Join the dots already, all these people are working for the same cause.
No. 1852768
File: 1687690328886.jpeg (73.85 KB, 1242x714, CE2FAF21-BFC5-46C9-95BC-928E1F…)

It’s all so predictable.
No. 1852797
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>>1849823her head is shaped like picrel but with bigger brow ridge
No. 1852876
>>1852756>>1852870Its honestly my default assumption with overly woke
WOC, that they are blandest and genetic guy possible.
No. 1852879
File: 1687704313541.jpeg (299.68 KB, 1536x2048, 83FD735D-C0A7-43F6-88BE-8CBAB3…)

>>1852756looks like one of them thai ladyboys
No. 1852933
>>1852768?? Never been a secret that Moldbug is Jewish.
No. 1852978
>>1852687>>1852961>>1852964lmao how did I miss this
>Later, I struck up a conversation with a random guy outside. His parents run one of the biggest entertainment PR firms in America. At midnight I walked down the still-massive line and found out that 75% of this crowd were NYU students. Then I met a few people who showed me their cryptic Instagram pages that have 6,000 followers and no posts. Mano asked a group of girls why they like The Dare so much and there was no coherent answer or thought, really. Also explains why NYU people like @default_friend were covering this scene so keenly
No. 1853058
>>1851562I know nothing of these stats but I'm going to guess it's reflective of how hard men try to push the narrative that it's women who want to rape dogs actually (based on a video a woman was forced at gunpoint to do)
>>1851761Seroquel is the devil and most anti psychotics are dogshit unless you're actually proper psychotic (GPs don't know what they're doing with psych meds so sometimes jump to antipsychotics before necessary) but if your doc is suggesting antipsychotics maybe take that at least somewhat seriously instead of flippantly ignoring the advice and maybe don't blast your lunatic state to your followers kek.
No. 1853133
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>>1852561>>1852565We've truly come full circle because now all the lame "anti-woke" Red Scare orbiters like @truth_enjoyer and @DustinTheFella and Edwin Aponte (the guy who co-founded Compact and The Bellows, lmao) sound like bigger NPCs than the people they mock. Look at how these tweets are almost interchangeable with each other! ChatGPT could've easily generated this garbage.
No. 1853136
>>1853133Literally the same cancel culture, “you’re being
problematic” bitchy tone, just at their ops/Rina. Aren’t these the same people/cohort who complain that we’ve made celebrities and musicians and actors morality role models and activists?
Rina’s the only one of any of these people who’s interacted with Matty personally and in an extended capacity. i wouldn’t be surprised if she felt hurt and disgusted as label mates and former friends.
No. 1853183
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Just a tad disturbing that any eventual millennial GOP president will almost certainly be a Red Scare/What's Left listener.
No. 1853184
>>1853176Also when she said
>the hottest woman I ever saw was on the train and she was translike… you could tell he wasn't a woman, so obviously not. Copium overdose.
No. 1853211
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She’s baaaaaack
No. 1853256
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The two "based tr00ns" stopped being friends already? Second tweet came 3 hours later
No. 1853259
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>>1853256The Perfume Pisspig got
triggered and literally told Basic_Troon to "do better" because the latter posted of pic of Crumps, lmao
No. 1853278
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amber back to mogging anna
No. 1853302
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No. 1853315
>>1853245Her name is Sandra.
>>1853275You are only accused bc she self posted like crazy
No. 1853328
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>>1853259literally this is just Big Fat Jack being jealous that Dasha spent even an instant of time around another person. “Oh… guess I’m nothing to you…”
No. 1853330
>>1853328imagine being jealous of dasha
fatboy jack must be down bad
No. 1853369
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>>1853360>>1853364That's true not only for Anna and Dasha and Aimee, pretty much everyone involved in this scene. Minor accounts like @BronzeAgeShawty would not stand out among the female population in any major urban center, so they have to resort to scarethot behavior to attract attention. And then moids attached to this scene like Perry Abbasi and Jack and @GiantGio are often downright repulsive.
>>1852122 No. 1853373
>>1853369Pretty much everyone on the east coast is hideous except transplants and people who are there on modelling contracts, honestly.
But you are 100% correct that they are mid as hell and nobody would notice them, which is why they have to create this artificial hype about themselves and appeal to the lowest hanging fruit. They found their niche market among hideous NYC substack bros.
No. 1853389
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This is 2013 Tumblr SJW behavior. Uuuummm sweetie… watch your follows and be a little more positive, mmmkay?
No. 1853391
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No. 1853398
>>1853277Yeah, it's weird that Peter Thiel is essentially funding a bunch of podcasts and alt magazines that only like 300 people in Dimes Square read
Everyone forgot about the Scary of Sixty-First within a month of its release too
No. 1853411
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Listened to the last paywalled New Models about the Angelicism "movie" premier, with the Forever Magazine lady and two literally who gay and troon pals. Not a whole lot but here's the juiciest stuff:
>the whole Remilia crew and Dasha attended
>Dasha pointed and clapped every time she was on screen
>Remilia prepared a small film-within-a-film for the movie and were angry to find out it was cut; Remilia crew and Angelicism are on very bad terms because of it
>the film was hosted at Anthology Film Archives, but the location was kept secret until an hour before (potentially because a mainstream organization like AFA wouldn't want to be associated)
>Kaitlin Phillips has been working on Praxis' PR team
>Sovereign Capital opened a free 24 hour space next to 169 promoting Yarvin's Passage Press
>more and more girls in the 14-16 age range are showing up to the Praxis parties and it seems really sus and creepy
>the reading parties popping up around town feature tend to feature extreme racist content that nobody challenges out of fear of looking uncool
>a significant number of people showing up to these readings are known former Chapo orbiters
>an unnamed prominent female artist with a "woke" image threw a glass of water in Tacos' face at a reading; it was almost certainly staged
>Brooklyn is still a Gritty guillotine DSA oasis, as if 2020 never happened
The overall vibe I get of the current scene is that Sam Hyde hate facts video from a decade ago, but now they all just laugh and smile along.
No. 1853539
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Side note I remember when Dasha, Anna, and Monica would sub Liz Bruenig as much as they now do @credenzaclear2 (tho the hate at Audrey is much bolder). “mousy brunette”, religious online, etc. Liz’s absence has left a void kek
No. 1853540
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>>1853539Samefag goes to show you can cyber bully and insult your way into being Anna’s irl friend
No. 1853548
>>1853256weren't they just hanging out like last week? they literally made a movie together?
>>1853328>>1853389What a loser faggot enforcing wrongthink
No. 1853557
>>1853411>Kaitlin Phillips has been working on Praxis' PR teamIs it this Kaitlin Phillips?
>>more and more girls in the 14-16 age range are showing up to the Praxis parties and it seems really sus and creepyWe told you about the pedo/grooming inclinations in previous threads.
>the reading parties popping up around town feature tend to feature extreme racist content that nobody challenges out of fear of looking uncoolWhat kind of racist content?
>a significant number of people showing up to these readings are known former Chapo orbitersSuch as?
No. 1853566
>>1853411once again, all of these people all look and sound hideous and you should have to pay ME to hang out with them
>>1853562For the nonnas who don't know, this is the
Sam Hyde video being referenced: you watch it now - look for groomer Virgil Texas introducing Sam near the start - it serves as the whole template for much of this scene, and at the time people insisted that it was just "ironic" and you had to lighten up.
No. 1853572
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Yeah Anna, what could this dream possibly mean?
>>1853557>Is it this Kaitlin Phillips?Yes, she was at that Miami Urbit conference last year and is probably responsible for her friend Sam Frank going on Red Scare to shill Urbit and crypto. Any Dimes Square and now praxis"scene" coverage in the media that's even semi positive is usually her doing.
No. 1853586
>>1853391>2011-ass MGTOW blogger screechinglol just go your own way and shut up. You can't psyop straight men out of wanting to date "grils," it always fails
>>1853371Male redditors who think they're above reddit
No. 1853601
>>1853566the last few times the sam hyde/virgil thing got posted here a bunch of anons came out of the woodwork all going "it's le irony, lighten up," as if we were on fucking twitter in the replies of one of those lispy chapo faggots. fuck the whole fascist idolizing thing these tards have going on, but they have no coherent belief system and it shows to anyone who isn't permanently drunk or xannied out of their mind
>>1853597nah Fat Jack is a legit bpd scrote–many such cases in this circle! lc has been documenting all the times he's thrown this exact same tantrum over the course of these threads. fuck crumps too.
No. 1853612
>>1853566>>1853601From around 12:53 to 14:10 in that video Sam Hyde starts ranting about the "Zionist Occupied Government, "the "Jewish" efforts to undermine the traditional family by pushing for LGBT rights, and blames Jews for sexualizing children through the media.
Back in 2013 when that video was first published you could
maybe laugh this material off as crank theories which would never gain traction. Fast forward to 2023 when a significant chunk of the American right has become Groyperfied and unironically believes that Jews are behind every nefarious social movement and want to destroy White people and that all gays/drag queens are groomers coming after their children, and you realize what a crock of shit the "le epic irony" excuse was all along.
Are there not any lessons to be drawn from this? The implicit (and naive) assumption of the NYC ironic edgelord scene is that hard-won rights and progress won't suffer any serious backsliding (or that this backsliding will only impact some groups but not others), so it's okay to "ironically" dabble with fascist and racist politics to boost your online presence and your Patreon donations.
No. 1853656
>>1853612I think you’re mixing up cause and effect. Nobody cared about Sam Hyde until he started saying these controversial things and then he won over some poltard bros who were already aligned with those beliefs and looking for similarly aligned media figures to dickride.
He also got involved with an underage 4chan e-girl who already had many male simps because she was pretty, and many more moidtards found out about him through that too. What’s funny is he even drew condemnation from these edgelords for abusing her (I believe he punched, choked and hit her multiple times and took pictures with her face bleeding, according to her discord messages also forcibly sodomized her on more than one occasion then dumped and ghosted her) many of her simps were upset about that too. So yeah he’s an abuser and pedo himself, just like most racist 4chan edgelords.
No. 1853675
>>1853645I didn't mean to say that the NYC freaks were primarily responsible for recent political developments, but only part of an effort to, as you say, "whitewash and normalize these beliefs to the young." I agree that the results have been underwhelming thus far but then you have all that billionaire money flowing in and publicists like Kaitlin Phillips who relentlessly push this garbage to her NYC media pals.
>>1853656FWIW I remember that Sam Hyde video being posted to SaloForum in 2013, the same forum run by @FistedFoucault where Bronze Age Pervert was also a poster, and the fascists there seem to all know the Sam was on their side - one member knew Sam personally - and they knew the "irony" was a veneer for Sam's sincere beliefs. It was only the leftist ironybros like Virgil Texas who were fooled.
You can see the same dynamic play out with Red Scare with some of the same people involved.
No. 1853706
>>1853612Don't forget how most of the gamergaters who didn't go full open nazi became what's now the dirtbag left. Incel to tranny/commie/commie tranny pipeline. Shoe0nhead, and viperwave are two solid examples. Chapo also basically started off by a bunch of underemployed moids shitting on the same journalists who criticized the games media/gamergate. Half the dirtbags' problem with the far right seems to be that they think that people like Richard Spencer are cringe, as that's always the first thing they go for. Unfortunately the people criticizing them for this are either internet Trotskyists or alt-center freaks who also think that not sucking Biden's dick is basically fascism. Remember that picture of Brace Belden and Dasha hanging SS flags up?
>>1853696NTAYRT but the Religious Right/Moral Majority is a super well known thing. They're all dead or dying and being replaced by the jewspergs though.