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No. 1602227
Thread about pick-me women and gays, primarily from Twitter and Youtube, who claim to be practicing Socialism or Marxism. Commonly known as The Dirtbag Left, many associated with the scene are not leftists at all. Some, like Dasha Nekrasova, have become TradCath LARPers.
Twitter e-girl uwu smol beans are on-topic in that they all follow and interact with the cows.
>Media associated with this scene: Podcasts like Red Scare, Chapo Trap House, True Anon, The Antifada, The Perfume Nationalist, The Bruenigs, Cumtown, Bad Faith, and What’s Left
>75% body fat Jack and third rate AGP cry on a podcast >>>/snow/1585279>Red Scare phoning it in by only doing interview episodes with c-list "intellectuals", still manage to keep their most valuable audience (weird lecherous straight men) >>>/snow/1585926, >>>/snow/1586482. Anons also find Anna's aborted attempt at fiction >>>/snow/1587495>Liz Franczak (remember her?) allegedly related to CIA agents and defense contractors >>>/snow/1586095>Bruenig continues to backpedal on abortion >>>/snow/1586712, claims she's being bullied >>>/snow/1588366>The face of people who are definitely well-adjusted and living fulfilling lives (arguing about inane drivel on twitter) >>>/snow/1586832>Mullen tries to pivot to mainstream comedy by following the Stav model of obnoxiously posting crowd work clips on TikTok >>>/snow/1587529>Chapo and Chapo-adjacent shilling for Pritzker >>>/snow/1589706>Glenn, when not shilling on Tucker Carlson, does PR for Alex Jones and is intractably online >>>/snow/1593510, >>>/snow/1596349>More CumTown speculation over why they split >>>/snow/1595380Old threads:
Thread #1:
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>>>/snow/1585072 No. 1602261
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This is going to be so lit
No. 1602340
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>>1602333>>1602325ladies, please. take the weekend off.
No. 1602459
>>1602340I hope you posted this in the banners thread. Not that we will ever get new banners but a
nonny can dream…
No. 1602676
File: 1659228348596.png (518.26 KB, 964x692, amber is a chapo.png)

>>1602611they don't go on eachother's shows anymore but they're all friends or at least friendly. this isn't a conspiracy, you can find them on other pods together or doing streams or popping up in eachothers insta stories. there's a lot of subscriber money at stake now, no one is trying to
lose money by doing a guest spot because they alienate eachothers' fanbase.
No. 1602683
>>1602669if you say so. nick said his coke issue started up again last year at pregnant anna's new years party.
>>1602670dasha said a British actor she was hooking up with before OPN dumped her because his agent saw her proana social media content.
No. 1602692
File: 1659229529750.png (2.08 MB, 1244x3642, bad faith.png)

>>1602670the episode of that podcast with ben mora is very funny to me, not to be a heretic here by complimenting something. the host is a fake trendhopper who centered a whole new image around becoming sober and acts like just doing that made her a fucking saint who is closer to god. at some point in the ep she told Mora she's drinking a lot of kratom and he very flatly says that is drugs / she's not really sober. not in a nice way or as a joke, it made things awkward before she redirected the conversation. I laughed.
No. 1602738
>>1602288We are! I was touching grass yesterday and recovering today kek, beware of mixing drugs nonnas
>>1602498Can you retards learn to sage? Jo is mutuals with a bunch of random RW guys, same as other calves here who don't produce anything
other than milk.
No. 1602767
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the biggest surprise of the bruenig pod that was posted in the earlier thread was that liz and matt curse like sailors–or, more accurately, like picrel come to life. when breaking down the 10-year-old rape victim story, future first gentleman of the nation matt sounded like he was simultaneously karaokeing ben folds' version of bitches ain't shit
No. 1602876
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>>1602261moldbug and pariah the doll are also filming scenes together, what is this movie about?
No. 1602881
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>>1602261behind the scenes of the remake of Freaks
No. 1602886
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>>1602876a documentary about getting the ugliest thirstiest orbiters in one room, the creature itself agrees
No. 1602955
>>1602876>>1602881Was an extra today.
-Only 150 people or so extras coming and going. Not the 500-1000 Ion Pack promised. Not much of a list or line.
-Peter got into a fight with the Dimes Square blogger Michael Crumps yesterday in front of the entire cast and crew.
-Peter and his sister Betsey Brown torture each other publicly and openly. I heard a rumor they're into incest but I doubt it.
-One girl told me that Peter was rejected by a few Hollywood actors he asked to make cameos. Not sure who.
-Chloe Cherry wasn't chatty or warm with any of us.
-There was a scene today where an actor was tarred and feathered while everyone in the crowd encouraged to scream and called him a faggot and cuck. Heard a rumor that it was a personal vendetta.
-Moldbug was there.
-Dasha was checked out.
No. 1602999
>>1602955thank you for the milk, nonnetta! hope you had a chill day lol. why didn't they pay you, were all the extras working for free?
>>1602967whaaa? but CuMtOwN hAtEs dAsHa & aNnA
No. 1603060
>>1603003they told you all it's a three day filmed party, not work…
that's kinda fucked to be honest.
No. 1603063
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>>1602261Maddy weighs in on the mcrumps/Vack beef. Crumps went on Wet Brain to talk about it.
No. 1603263
>>1602881>the hottest girls in nyc will walk up to you and exuberantly compliment your appearanceLmfao this freak knows nothing about girl culture. Women hugbox troons and fatties, it’s an easy way to virtue signal and make friends bc they’re desperate for validation. When a true 10 with a great body comes around women don’t compliment bc they figure she knows.
Pity this poor thing, 6 months on hormones and one day making SAG minimum for nonspeaking on a schlock film and he thinks he infiltrated the inner circle of nyc hot girls
No. 1603687
>>1602596>Will got some digs in at "leftist pro-life Catholics" who were pivoting to "now the real work begins" rhetoric on welfare and programs to help mothersThis group of people is literally non-existent outside of the NYC rich hipster scene.
I thought Chapo was trying to be a legitimate podcast about American politics? It seems like they don't even understand what politics are like outside of the extremely tiny bubble they live in.
No. 1603773
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deleted twitter gossip
No. 1603842
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>>1603768Cultural capital of the world
No. 1603873
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>>1603806ana mardoll is … well, just look at the bio lol. apparently they have been employed by lockheed martin for many years (15 years maybe, unconfirmed) doing some kind of remote work and on top of that they were a nepotism hire so it's all very funny. uwu wokescold enby author works for a military contractor.
No. 1603928
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damn she really pissed off everyone
No. 1604000
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>>1603943something to do with a surgery at 14 for scoliosis and not healing completely
anyway I regret posting about her, there's way too much lore attached to this person for this thread. like 50 pages of shit on kiwifarms and I'm just realizing she's also somehow involved in the scifi attack helicopter thing which I only know about because I listen to the Clarkesworld podcast and I randomly wanted to hear that story again one day but couldn't lmao
No. 1604023
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Elizabeth Bruenig, welcome to the intellectual dark web
No. 1604279
First Moldbug. Now an entire episode worshiping Bronze Age Mindset. Two washed up RW faggots. Looks like Thiel is desperately trying to revive 2016 “energy.” I wonder how much lower they’ll go?
>>1602670So she’s the type of that anorexic that strives for the negative attention and/or concern/pity.
No. 1604357
>>1602596if i remember correctly, the hosts made fun of allegedly left-wing catholics who wanted to use the roe reversal to try and improve socaial safety pet programs in the US or housing affordability in the episode immediately after the dobbs decision. they didn't name breunig though
>>1604042take this somewhere else, nobody cares
No. 1604439
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>>1604432you can't say cumtown because it has
cum in the name. they've solved that problem with the name change and are now center left lol
No. 1604505
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No. 1604514
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No. 1604524
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>>1604505100% certain Liz is drunk shitposting at the airport right now
No. 1604558
>>1602966Basically Peter Vack was trying to get him mto "say something he liked about the movie Actors"
>>1603158Yarvin did participate Yarvin was there.
No. 1604578
>>1604468To be fair no one is going publish any of the writing in this sphere. And they themselves don’t even want to be published because that means they may have to compromise on their original vision.
The academic writing under BAP’s real name is actually good and if he kept down that path I’m sure he would have published legitimately interesting books, but no one is going to ever publish BAP the character and also preserve his artistic vision. It took a whopping 9 years to get his PhD at Yale even though he was, by many accounts, the smartest student in the program because his advisor was never satisfied with the edgy drafts of his thesis.
No. 1604662
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thread is SHIT already. the lack of sageing and the samefagging __.png screenshot retard. a new /leftcow/ record.
No. 1604746
>>1604649>>1604645The shit he published about south america is pretty fucking terrible too
>>1604662We even got a "that's fake and gay" RWer. These moids need to either gtfo or integrate
hilarious that they have the gall to complain about non-integrating immigrants when they can't stop themselves from smearing shit all over the walls wherever they go No. 1604866
>>1604609not the nona you replied to but you made me curious as well and I am shocked to report it has a very high Patreon ranking (like top 10 all creators) and a very high Spotify and Apple Podcast rating especially if you sort by comedy so seems like anyone who knows what a podcast is could stumble onto it pretty easily. I know listening to podcasts implies a little bit of internet poisoning but I think it's almost mainstream now? patreon up 10k this month so I guess their plan is working.
red scare patreon trending down 4k from their peak a few months ago, alt right niche internet pivot not working as well.
No. 1604874
>>1604866>alt right niche internet pivot not working as wellWho'da thunk?
Though with regards to Cum Town, they've slowly been trimming their edge off to the point that they're no different than edgy youtubers now. They also only grew during the pandemic and I'm sure they're sole appeal is as a friend simulator rather than actually being entertaining.
No. 1604915
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Here's the first look at the "new" and "improved" Adam Friedland Show in video. They promised that they'd be fully up and running for this Sunday's episode but at this rate I doubt it. Also they're sinking years worth of rent into this studio space.
TW: Mullen ass is in full display here and I have no doubt that a man has been inside it.
No. 1604946
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Oliver Bateman posting weird threads about how no-one gives a shit about his writing. Does he know people can see this?
No. 1604961
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>>1604946A lot of crazy pics in a slideshow on his website ….I’m speechless
No. 1605073
>>1603103thanks for the clip nonna, maybe i shouldn't be surprised but damn the bruenigs really have the driest marriage i have ever heard. like i hear Scenes from a Marriage levels of alienation and despair in this clip lmao. no wonder matt subscribed to an ASU sophomore's onlyfans and liz is banging the pensioner next door
>>1604702>unsaged post telling us to drop the broonig talk to focus on a literal who mouthbreathing troonnot sus at all..
No. 1605087
>>1604915Wish I heeded that
TW, I'm gonna need years of therapy for this
>>1604980Yes, insider-chan, we get it, no one ITT knows the ins and outs of Adam's asshole as well as you. You've been posting this exact same shit for four consecutive threads, either post what you do know or shut up
No. 1605217
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she finally admits it
now we can expect her to claim her failed acting career is because she is cancelled for being conservative.
No. 1605299
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>>1605217I feel like she already kind of admitted that? she's referring to a specific social club in this case
No. 1605310
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>>1605299lol this tacky bitch cannot hang at the University Club. she's violating multiple club rules in this photo and members are absolutely the type to complain and get her kicked out for using the club for her slutty photoshoots. it's not even a "conservative club" lmao, most members are rich boomer lib Yalies, dasha's just too retarded to know that rich =/= conservative
No. 1605329
>>1605314Yeah? Matt is her boyfriend. He might be Honor's ex but they're still friends. I think Dasha met him through Honor - nonas feel free to correct me.
Adam met his girlfriend Maia through Honor also. She's a real matchmaker. All of them hang out.
No. 1605330
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>>1605310I've noticed Dasha thinks she'll be the doyenne of every place she walks into. Idk what's more delusional, her thinking she could sail into Hollywood it-girl status as a below-average 30 year old, or thinking she'll charm the NYC elites as a worn-out slut with no education or pedigree, but it's pretty funny either way. These are the most gatekept places on earth specifically to keep Dasha type cloutsuckers out but nobody tell our girl that, it's fun watching her flail at the gates of everything she desires in life
No. 1605534
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>>1603003nonnie they're (not) showing appreciation for your free labor with their memes
this is still irritating me and I wasn't even there lol, they should have paid the extras
No. 1605579
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"Carl" is possibly the most sniveling, pathetic, down bad simp on twitter
No. 1605678
>>1605573She’s not looking for a billionaire
nonnie, 31 is a fine age for an old Jewish psychiatrist with some horrendous fetish.
No. 1605696
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porngum has moved to NY and become an escort if the rumors i'm hearing are true.
No. 1605733
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>>1605593bloated, low IQ, mediocre actor, zero charisma or presence, NO GLAMOUR
>>1605615candy darling was one of the only good and genuinely glamorous troons in history, extremely depressing to put hari nef on her level. shows how low we've sunken as a culture. might as well cast barbie ferreira as elizabeth taylor
No. 1605738
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Liz has finally deactivated. I wonder if they get off from the public flaying, or are they just both really retarded.
No. 1605739
>>1605738that’s literally not what spaz as a slur means
that fucking retarded cuntosaurus
No. 1605991
>>1605738good riddance, rip bozo
she'll probably be back in a week though
No. 1605992
>>1605922she probably just says that because she read somewhere that anorexics lose their periods, anna is spoopier than her and got pregnant just fine
>>1605696>>1605956i still can't get over how messy in a bad way she always looks, hair and make-up like a trailer park divorced mom of 4, but from the actual porn video she did that someone posted here a while ago it seems like she has a warm attitude and enjoys sex. like, actually enjoy it, not "thinks being a slut makes her edgy and cool" like
some people. that can go a long way for men, and is probably rare in NY
No. 1605998
>>1605922That by itself won't stop you from getting pregnant it'll just take longer than average to conceive once you start trying.
Dasha said she doesn't know if she has PCOS (I guess she never got an ultrasound wand to see for sure) but I assume she has it because she's described literally every symptom. I have it and every woman in my family has it so I'm just like… girl. honestly I hope she doesn't think she's infertile, it really doesn't mean anything to have PCOS and she's wasting her money on woo woo shit if this is the reason.
No. 1606142
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Fuckland Island is rumored to be a Liz alt and looking at the tweets I really think it’s her
No. 1606143
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This posted on alt right before Liz deactivated. Maybe it’s getting around more that she has a boob job!
No. 1606144
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Immature posturing/posting style is a dead Liz giveaway. If we can crack this it’ll be big because she retweets a bunch of gay porn for some reason. Good luck ever getting into politics Liz with those nudes including children and gay porn posting!
No. 1606151
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>>1606146i think it is her, Liz baleeted after the school bonds dudes ganged up on the alt for days and they posted screenshots showing that Liz and this account were active at the same times. plus Liz and Matt are known to use alts to bully people who don't agree with them, search "bruenig alt" on twitter and enjoy the shitshow, goes back years
>>1606143love when an avowed anti-feminist invokes feminism, but only when she really means "stop mentioning my fake tits uwu" lolol she's literally picrel but for feminism
No. 1606262
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>>1606151 found this weird blog from years ago and she seems to have been monitoring her online presence essentially 24/7 for almost a decade at this point. I don’t really get how someone with kids has so much time to devote to reading every single thing said about them/running multiple alt accounts
No. 1606341
>>1606307I don't remember the episode it was on but anna said she couldn't keep it up and she went back to 2-3 meals a day (within a week).
I stopped caring what they said about diet or exercise after hearing "you can just not eat lol". technically true I guess, just super retraded. the recent OMAD / raw milk / organ meat shit seems like pandering to their incel base.
No. 1606349
>>1606276>>1606337first post tagged here is me, in light of this I want to do a light walkback. Of course it bears repeating that the bondswolves are probably the most rashly accusatory and paranoid people on that site (they’re not really sphere-relevant except as heels but are easily big enough lolcows to deserve a thread here or on kiwifarms)
And I always imagined a bruenig alt would be more explicitly reactionary, like a tradcath oil painting avi type bitch. Something more in line with the account that Sadie doyle claimed was liz / matt.
No. 1606368
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who besides Liz herself would post this? It’s her. Also she changed the name on that account.
No. 1606370
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>>1606357learn to sage crumps. and this piece is completely embarrassing for everyone and one of the worst things I've ever read. both the nihilistic dimes square "scene" AND the cottage industry of self-important substack critics of the dimes square "scene" need to be nuked from orbit. its revolting on so many levels and you both incestously benefit from each other
No. 1606404
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>>1606380There’s one other article on that blog that mentions her where it’s brought up again. It seems to be mentioned as some kind of selling point? Very strange if this was something she was advertising in a positive way
No. 1606491
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The Novelist weighs in on the latest crumpstack
No. 1606587
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No. 1606613
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>>1606596She couldn’t last 24 hours… also has to come and check her mentions because of course she does. I really think she thinks she’s a Christlike figure that takes lashings from Twitter for the greater good of humanity kek
No. 1606618
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No. 1606640
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>>1606618So Liz Bruenig “to the best of her knowledge” can’t remember the 6 years her father worked at Lockheed Martin. That occurred when Liz was living at home, from age 6 through 12. Believable, a very trustworthy person.
No. 1606647
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I seem to remember someone writing a puff piece in the NYT about amy coney barrett being a strong catholic woman at exactly the time she needed some good PR… lol
No. 1606648
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>>1606613Liz absolutely believes she’s a Christlike figure. Now she’s telling people she only returned to Twitter to help others who may be suffering like she is. So selfless! Who needs volunteering at a soup kitchen when you can attention whore for our sins
No. 1606663
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Super important real reporter shit, like willingly viewing a person’s death and dismemberment so she can write purple prose about the death penalty while exploiting the dead for Serious Journalist cred and spoonie points on Twitter. Love Liz crying victim when she literally assigned herself this beat and invites herself to these executions. She’s a creep and a drama queen to the max
No. 1606666
File: 1659589018355.jpg (180.58 KB, 890x1069, Screenshot 2022-08-04 005648.j…)

Liz I know you're reading this thread in between checking your twitter notes and you need to fucking log off forever
No. 1606671
File: 1659589247065.jpg (23.84 KB, 892x182, Screenshot 2022-08-04 010043.j…)

She slammed the keyboard as she typed, Cheeto dust flying everywhere as crafted her bon mot. This is just the gooniest fucking meltdown
No. 1606689
the amount of anons immediately dismissing the crumps post as worthless is hilarious and absolutely REEKS of a dimes square groupie gayop. most of the article is a bunch of losers peacocking trying to feel empowered and masculine in some fake pantheon but i found these bits interesting:
>I also encountered Honor Levy outside, and she said that when I started talking she thought I was just going off on the usual Crumps bullshit, but then she started to think that I had a point once she heard everyone else.
>Nearby, tears began welling up in Honor’s eyes, and the cameras then zoomed in on her. She was pressed to tell the crowd how she was feeling. She said that what I had just said had moved her, that when I had said I was so happy and proud of my work she realized she didn’t feel the same about her own. I appreciated that she didn’t join in the denunciations like the others. This began a transition in the mood of the theater, as if some of the people were starting to realize the true ugliness of what was going on.
>Then the scene took a bizarre new turn. The tone of conversation suddenly became about positivity, healing, and “speaking our true feelings.” None of this was framed in the language of apology, but rather as a justification for the primal hate ritual that had just happened. […] It was a big kumbaya circlejerk, but it kept coming back to how I was ruining their enjoyment—“we’re all trying to be positive and healing now, but I see that Crumps over there, smirking and shaking his head…” This was coming from the people who, just moments before, had been telling me some of the ugliest things anyone has ever told me to my face.
very interesting. the anons itt with ~sekrit~ info saying honor is having an “identity crisis” and dissociative phase are just her fake friends coping with the fact that she’s growing out of the edgy fascist phase that was a direct reaction to this scene’s bernie bro past becoming passé. they’re all still stuck in it and naturally have to pathologize her for seeing it for what it is.
towards the end of the post he includes dms people who attended had sent to him afterwards, redacting names, but it was obvious that this one was from Honor:
>yesterday had me questioning my sense of reality, all these people going on about love and community and the heart as soon as they have a mic in their face. like that little tingle of excitement from proximity to people you admire or groupthink shouting slurs and kill yourself to a guy you admit to not knowing doesn't feel like a community to me. and it's just so insane to me that we seemed to come to a consensus that art "coming from the heart" makes it exempt from criticism. idk why I feel like I have to share with you it was just crazy making
No. 1606691
File: 1659590324186.jpeg (42.86 KB, 598x448, 51271A26-4B84-4500-B41C-6FA553…)

>>1606666Does Liz have friends? I feel like if someone I knew was doing this I’d call and ask if they wanted to talk instead of acting crazy on twitter? Lizzie baby, listen to the cat..
No. 1606695
>>1606685>>1606689we didn't dismiss it, it's hilarious and retarded and deeply embarrassing for everyone involved especially crumps who basically just wrote a diary about getting bullied because he was stupid enough to go and get swept up in that bullshit. I bet he didn't get paid either.
stop trying to wash honor's image, weirdo
No. 1606709
>>1606698It just seems like you're trying too hard to make her sound good or reformed in some way. Do you have some info you're not sharing? It's such a stretch if you're basing your opinion on what Crumps wrote.
She cried during the pile-on because she wasn't 'proud of her own work', and then she made some remarks outside later about everyone sounding even stupider than crumps. Somewhere at the end of the piece she made a joke about crumps having military family ties. That's it. The anonymous DM you quoted isn't even definitely Honor.
No. 1606713
File: 1659591879284.png (127.74 KB, 275x275, E091B42A-672D-4AAE-B664-AAC38E…)

>”we are more heartfelt and moral than you. we are whitepilled and godly. you fear the power of our sincere art!”
>proceeds to do nothing but the same cultivate circlejerks of middle school edgelordery, screaming slurs at each other like it’s somehow shocking, degenerate cokehead ramblings about past flings, red scare meets moldbug mania, degen tradthots of both genders larping, sam hyde the pedo rapist orbiting, retarded little green frogs, failed alt lit ethos revival, dimes square narcissism, groveling for thielbux, politik trendhopping based on pure kneejerk reactions to what’s seen as the status quo, detachment everywhere while claiming to be concerned only with what is sincere, dishonest glib worship of vague notions of “beauty” and “god” as a world view as a trojan horse for fascism without ever actually saying it because everyone’s too chickenshit to say it despite constant claims they’re the only honest people
this gay little scene never fails to amaze me with how pathetic it is. it’s the same thing on repeat all from the same root.
No. 1606714
>>1606357I’m sorry anons but this article is amazingly milky
>struggle session turning into a group hug kumbaya session >none of the extras getting paid >their parents being there and financing the whole thing kek>Betsey Brown unable to stop doing her creepy baby voice>Honor crying about being a fake artist>Nick Mullin getting mortified and sneaking out halfway throughThese cows are utterly retarded and I’m here for it.
No. 1606719
>>1606709Serious question: did you fully read those posts? Nowhere is there a sympathetic tone shown towards Honor. I doubt that anon actually likes her or cares about her, but it’s obvious from the post she’s becoming sick of everyone she’s surrounded herself with and what they’re about. Anons earlier in this thread
>>1606016 and the last one have already tried saying she’s distancing herself from everyone because of anxiety/dissociation but imo it’s obvious she’s tired of all this specifically after the substack post.
>inb4 “erm why would you believe crumps?”It was all on camera and will be released anyway, feel free to not believe what he’s said about Honor but we’ll see it ourselves soon enough.
No. 1606720
>>1606587okay, now this is epic
>>1606665>>1606689people can hold both crumps and his enemies in contempt, retard. it's funny that the cows did this to him and it's funny that he wrote about it and it's funny that his writing sucks shit.
No. 1606721
>>1606714the parents being there was very funny
>>1606702I don't hate you, crumps.
No. 1606725
File: 1659592833077.png (2.49 MB, 1242x5293, namesearching 2.png)

>>1606722what you mean honor posting about how her fake friends are coping and seething?
No. 1606726
File: 1659592889556.png (486.59 KB, 1207x1964, namesearching.png)

>>1606725pic unrelated obviously
No. 1606729
>>1606725yes, that’s exactly what i mean, it’s almost endearing.
also holy shit liz. what the hell. truly the most self obsessed cow. tweeting her breakdown because her fake tits got made fun of, deactivating just to reactivate under a day later like a bpdfag, and now obsessively replying to everyone who mentions her. headcase.
No. 1606732
File: 1659593734128.png (1.05 MB, 1112x1750, she forgot.png)

>>1606640she says she forgot oops
No. 1606739
File: 1659594677377.png (1.89 MB, 1226x3518, what r u doing liz.png)

she's being so weird
No. 1606744
File: 1659594896927.jpg (39.93 KB, 302x591, stop.jpg)

Honey, just log off. Reactivating was a mistake. You're well past 'how is cyberbullying even real' levels.
No. 1606746
File: 1659594980174.png (678.97 KB, 1230x1134, factcheck needed.png)

I need a fact check on what liz is claiming here. definitely at least one of them has worked for a campaign.
No. 1606747
>>1606744this woman is so deeply unwell it gives me anxiety lol. having a martyr complex so strong you create a world where you can’t be criticized in good faith is insanely black and white
abusive behavior. like clinical irreparable narcissism
No. 1606750
File: 1659595350719.png (1.71 MB, 1238x1552, elizabeth bruenig.png)

Liz just accused someone of being possessed by a demon!! I'm losing it
No. 1606765
File: 1659596524458.png (1.88 MB, 1206x3700, liz bruenig.png)

>>1606750she kept at the demon thing and ended it by blessing him with forgiveness. is she for real? maybe she is actually going through something, this is a little deranged
No. 1606777
File: 1659598417847.png (1.2 MB, 1100x1912, liz bruenig -.png)

more bickering
No. 1606778
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No. 1606784
File: 1659598982724.png (990.4 KB, 1120x1672, liz bruenig .png)

is she implying they'll beat their children in the future? that's a hard turn in the middle of a twitter back & forth. like she's getting too worked up and having a flashback to her own childhood
No. 1606798
File: 1659601157772.png (1019.55 KB, 1098x1832, work.png)

some lady tried to nicely say Liz should not subject herself to this and liz was just like no it's for my work and also sexism wins if I stop
No. 1606800
File: 1659601189487.png (529.35 KB, 1214x930, they tried to tell her.png)

No. 1606812
File: 1659602957226.png (243.88 KB, 1334x394, crumps liz bruenig.png)

I'm surprised she went to sleep (?) and left all this up. last thing she tweeted about was crumps.
No. 1606899
File: 1659616368930.png (80.32 KB, 770x391, deranged.png)

>>1606665the writing was fine/decent through most of it but he gets really emotional and unhinged at the end. which, fair, it sounds like a horrifying ordeal regardless of his cow status, but he managed to keep his cool and not sound like a deranged, deluded cow through most of it, he could damn well edit that shit.
>my writing … [is] proceeding from expressing an adequate idea of certain attributes of God to the adequate knowledge of the essence of thingsthe most generous way i can see this is that he's borrowing their god shtick to peel away some hanger-ons who may now be more willing to see his opponents as evil
No. 1606906
>>1606892All her comments are like that. “Just admit you’re a sadist! You get physical pleasure from abusing a poor helpless woman until I cry, don’t you?” It’s quite creepy and off-putting the way she sexualizes everything, including people who are mildly roasting her bad takes.
Also, who is watching her children while she spends days in a hotel crying about Twitter? What mothers do you know who have time to debate with trolls online literally 24/7? All of this makes her seem like a deeply neglectful parent. I’m not going to log on and tell her that though, because she’ll probably reply like “ooh, you think I’m a bad mommy! You want to punish me don’t you, you big meanie?”
No. 1606908
>>1606899yeah, the information in the piece is somewhat interesting and confirms the craziness of these people and their shitty scene and their parent-funded movies and magazines and podcasts
but his writing is also self-important and delusional and pompous
No. 1606932
>>1606899yeah, not that i think crumps is amazing but the article being insufferable is
in part because he’s stealing these peoples cliches and using them against them. he says, at the very beginning of the article, he wanted to taunt and troll them with whatever he wrote while still being truthful about his experience.
given the amount of absolute scrote-stenched posts itt malding over the crumps post along with bannable ‘hi cow’ offenses, it seems to have worked! like another said already, gayops galore. embarrassing damage control from people who were either there, or people who orbit these losers like it’s their job.
they’re convinced anyone finding the article even slightly interesting must be crump himself and a total libtard idiot who knows nothing about the scene. in reality everyone involved is a cow, it’s just that one cow is more interested in documenting just how stupid they
all are and that frightens the worst of these hypocrites. imagine being scared of crumps, right? watch later when another one of them pops in to say “ackshully none of you
really know these people or what happened..”
No. 1606950
File: 1659621679855.png (583.44 KB, 962x423, send.png)

>>1606947Vack tried this gimmick of a theater as an internet comments section before in his 2015 short film Send No. 1606972
>>1606964i question how much of it even exist now. i know i don't actually read or listen to the shit any of these people do. and even in this thread i don't think most people do either. they are all really boring, especially the new comers.
it's people who are linked to to all sorts of shady shit, but get less engagement than a local sports blogger. at this point i check in because of left over investment from the bernie years, but it's honestly just rich people giving their kids token careers to seem somewhat respectable.
No. 1606995
>>1606987no1curr about garbageape here except you. rent free and pathetic. anyway, nta but everyone that used to orbit these people has been talking about the article. the tweet of the article itself has thousands of likes and the article itself has likely been read by even more. multiple media types and tv writers and so on have quote retweeted it to praise it and those tweet also have thousands of likes.
hundreds of absolutely malding quote tweets and insane replies here proving his point—that they are soft and childish and juvenile people who'd cry if confronted with a particularly mean cashier while also being the most virulently sick cultural product of a dying west's inability to even articulate fascism even when calling themselves “avant garde fascists.”
No. 1607075
File: 1659627503619.jpg (41.3 KB, 540x303, 1650160222373.jpg)

>>1607066If true I hope he fucks off, picrel
No. 1607104
File: 1659630054791.jpeg (158.33 KB, 1200x900, 4E921AE9-187A-4469-872B-1FD0C6…)

>these are the “artists” im supposed to care about
congrats to betsey brown the ddlg enthusiast with a fake voice for the grift, enjoy while it lasts
No. 1607116
>>16069571. these entire threads have always been about dimes square losers and their orbiters, what’s forced about that?
2. how was the perfume nationalist ever forced? he livetweeted his breakdowns over being mentioned here a single time and that’s when he began getting discussed more. he threw tantrums when his female coworkers offered him cookies, calling it manipulative female psychic warfare engineered to taunt him and make him fat as a way to retain their power over him. he made himself a cow
No. 1607121
File: 1659631492559.jpeg (37.04 KB, 600x511, law4kids-suspended.jpeg)

>I alone am the true and honest Marxist with strong revolutionary ethics who sees through the class politics of the irony-poisoned hipster scene
Sage for blogpost, but I believe Crumps is real and not an op because I used to be this person and every day I thank Allah swt that it was in 2001 and social media didn't exist then. Both sides are cows and I am a cow
No. 1607146
File: 1659632938226.png (85.13 KB, 629x433, will_m.png)

Will is personal friends with at least three of the people who participated in this lol
No. 1607232
File: 1659639167771.jpg (235.82 KB, 757x341, marxist.jpg)

I like this comment from a fellow commie on the Crumps substack post
"Go deeper into the people" lol you're in a cult just as much as the Thiel people are
No. 1607235
File: 1659639472442.png (44.18 KB, 608x250, and here we go.png)

ruh roh
No. 1607254
>>1607249seriously. they all share the same vocabulary.
I think the schizo poster dropped by too but I don't know.
No. 1607258
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No. 1607261
File: 1659641603601.jpeg (179.79 KB, 1153x660, B3C7FDB5-5BBD-401B-937F-356DE3…)

Absolutely obsessed. AGP narcissist troon longing to fit in with the girlies gets rejected because male, still lurks and posts every day but pretends to hate it. I love when cows try to act above this site but make it completely obvious they’re here even more than the average user.
No. 1607270
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No. 1607275
File: 1659642751056.jpeg (1.52 MB, 3464x3464, D6164C56-B586-48F0-A63B-B182D5…)

>>1607261troons are the biggest most performative narcs on earth all while being the ugliest inside and out, and no matter how horribly disgusting they are in their behavior, they will always believe they are above everyone else. mix that with catholicism and you have liz b if she were born a hideous man who desperately needed double jaw surgery and a shoulder bone rearrangement
No. 1607328
File: 1659646243175.png (739.83 KB, 1252x1254, Screen Shot 2022-08-04 at 13.5…)

you can get past the paywall by clicking the [archived copy] link but here you go
No. 1607349
>>1607315She deletes her entire tweet history multiple times a week and her insanity is a whole rabbit hole. It's not as open and shut to the casual observer as is, say, a real estate agent or teacher tweeting swastikas and the n-word under their real name and face.
Don't underestimate the value of outrage clicks, either. Those lead to ad revenue, it's why savvy farmers post archive links of articles.
No. 1607352
>>1607315yeah, sorry I wedged a pet theory in my reply. I just mean her conservative atlantic bosses probably already think she's a clown so her having a meltdown on twitter every week wouldn't bother them.
outrage clicks are probably part of it too like nona says
>>1607349 No. 1607402
>>1607361sorry but an ethot getting likes on a pic isn’t the same as an article lol. different metrics and standards to go off on. when has anyone else in this scene actually gotten that much attention for something they actually
did, not just photo ops?
No. 1607410
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>>1607398Funny how none of the dates from this Instagram post appear on the Roxy's calendar…looks like screenings were cancelled : No. 1607416
>>1607411right lol, past couple of posts like
>>1607395 are plainly observable things, few people in left twitter know anything specific about red scare let alone dimes square shit. i saw a bunch of people who know nothing about these circles liking posts sharing the story on my tl alone.
No. 1607418
>>1607414maybe you shouldn't respond to two comments assuming they're the same person
>>1607416>a bunch of peoplewhooooooooooo? just post who these people are is all. and leftist journalists dont count
No. 1607426
>>1607388Exactly. It’s “viral” within the circle, but whatever, this semantics argument was stupid to begin with. The point is that everyone who’s aware of the people in this scene existing has read or will read the article, and already the vast majority of people who’ve read it have ridiculed everyone documented in it. Even people who were dickriding Anna and Dasha for years and didn’t denounce them at their worst in the past are now distancing themselves. The longer this stays alive the more ugly and disfigured it becomes, a totally forced cultural abscess. The funniest part is how they delude themselves into thinking they have genuine relevancy. They get on television, they act in bad indie movies made by their friends, they get interviews, and yet still they remain
completely insular. No one cares or knows who any of these people are outside of the scene itself.
To the cows lurking and posting itt in damage control mode: You are embarrassing. Most people here have known that for years, but now even the people who have thrown money at you, listened to your podcasts, and given you worthless retweets that give you a little burst of dopamine are now realizing the same thing.
No. 1607427
>>1607424did i say she wasn't? you guys were sooooo adamant she was not going to be on it, then she was. that's all i'm saying
>>1607426>Even people who were dickriding Anna and Dasha for years and didn’t denounce them at their worst in the past are now distancing themselvesWHO?
No. 1607428
File: 1659650901293.png (1.23 MB, 1492x1524, perfectangelicgirl dasha.png)

No. 1607430
>>1607405i hope this is dasha because otherwise, yikes
oof and cringe sweaty.
No. 1607440
>>1607427You have a twitter and can look at the red scare sub yourself. Or can you not bare to look? I would post a screencap, but almost every single one of these hundreds of comment here is scathingly critical of Dasha: there’s no way I’m tracking down the hundreds of scarethot tweets thatve been made pearlclutching over it.
No. 1607446
>a substack article picking apart the nyc tradcath auth right art ""scene"" isn't viral>oh because you LOVE dasha and want to be her?!>>1607440omg REDDIT COMMENTS from people who are most likely paypigs and will continue to be scarethots!! its over for red scare!!!
it's not the first time their subreddit has dogpiled them. remember the beginning of covid lockdowns?
No. 1607462
what's with this thing when someone disagrees with the groupthink in here you have to accuse them of being someone in the rs nyc circle? it's so dumb and doesn't make sense. bad for content imo step it up nonnies
>>1607459but it's not the first time and it's not going to be last time. this isn't the nail in the coffin until idk all the supporters get married and stop caring about "politics" and "art." there's always going to be people late to trends and the magic having your ideology formed by being a contrarian, you keep shifting and finding new supporters.
No. 1607472
File: 1659654188982.jpg (35.59 KB, 303x434, theincelwhisperer.JPG)

we are so back crumpbros / crumplarite leftcels
No. 1607478
File: 1659654878931.png (23.58 KB, 743x124, creepybabyvoice.png)

>>1607398>>1607394According to the article they're the ones who said his review was responsible for the cancellation. I don't believe it's true but I do believe they said that to try and guilt trip him, not counting on it backfiring.
No. 1607480
>>1607415and pray tell
nonnie, how do you know this?
No. 1607481
File: 1659654970109.jpeg (336.74 KB, 640x894, CA9B39AC-24D9-47E0-B504-C1D9D2…)

Big if true
No. 1607486
>>1607479The Vanity Fair article revealed who
funds these people. The crumps article revealed what these people actually
do and consider so ~transgressive~. The VF one paints a mysterious aura with gaps missing. The crumps one revealed just how retarded what these people get up to is, totally neutering them. The one thing they hate more than being ridiculed is not being taken seriously, despite everything they say.
Having all their retardation plainly put on display from behind the scenes leaves no room for benefit of the doubt, no room to fantasize that what they get up to is shady and chic business dinners with right wing millionaires and nrx thinktanks. The reality is as banal as it is
cringe: They’re failed provocateurs who do anything for attention, that one moment in the spotlight, recycling stale 4chan quips and showing their age with every attempt they make at being edgy. They try to revel in being trolls but lack the true antagonistic shamelessness that trolls have. In reality they are absolutely self obsessed and vain, unable to let go of their image. They want the reaction from the audience without the culpability.
The Vanity Fair article spared them their ultimate fear: being shown to be weak, not mysterious at all, and extremely afraid of legitimate pushback. There is a reason they’re obsessed with the concept of cringe.
No. 1607494
File: 1659656458714.jpeg (83.51 KB, 914x508, D766E5ED-7A29-499F-8B04-B7B7F3…)

I refuse to believe that farmers give this much of a shit about this article that stated what we already knew, but from a narcissistic moid point of view, and it’s very obvious that the sudden multiple essaypoasters in this thread are a) men and b) directly involved in this scene. It’s not just crumps obviously but dude, your unhinged affect and ego makes you hilariously easy to spot. Gtfo all scrotes, trannies and scarethots and let us get back to mocking Liz’s fake tits.
No. 1607501
File: 1659656774219.jpeg (1.02 MB, 1170x1776, D0B7BAF1-FAD9-4509-B39F-144030…)

>>1607495not even the actual troonphobic fascists think it’s a skewed narrative, because everything in it makes complete sense if you actually see these people as pathetic
No. 1607545
>>1607539paragraph breaks =/= reddit spacing
nonnie, and italics are built into the site for a reason. it’s funny how no one in this crowd has actually used image boards despite making it part of their brand
No. 1607552
>>1607501the trans stuff always brings the dynamic out. it always exposes that they are significantly less willing to do anything truly subversive than even a lot of the liberal establishment
like all of this crap is basically them working up the nerve to do a chappelle skit
No. 1607562
so many "hi cow"s MODS?!??!?! MODS=GODS
No. 1607586
File: 1659661827289.jpeg (253.2 KB, 628x907, A58878CD-AC3F-4FD8-BD19-94B56D…)

It's all an act. Peter and Crumps agreed on the narrative beforehand. They're conning y'all yo drum up hype for this turd of a movie.
No. 1607601
>>1607490>>1607491>oh hey i think this poster is crumps, let me resume the deranged behaviorIt doesn't sound fun, it sounds like a pack of brainless chimps being possessed by mob mentality. You people would have drank the literal kool-aid, were it available.
I'm guessing covering it up or playing it off isn't going very well, so doubling down is next
No. 1607608
nonnie she’s a SUCCESSFUL artist and you are just jealous of all this SUCCESS of hers even though this is all a sad parody of what she actually hoped to become
No. 1607611
>>1607604Sorry for touching grass
nonnie, I left when the Crumps article was newly posted and Liz was still the punching bag. Didn't expect the fucking rollercoaster of a read this article inspired.
No. 1607623
File: 1659664000603.jpeg (75.1 KB, 1003x706, bootsthehousedown.jpeg)

Nick Mullen wore leopard boots on the latest TAFS. Did he just come out?
No. 1607632
>>1607618You sound like a pearl-clutching scarethot
>>1607620Where did you see that? Post?
No. 1607648
>>1607602You should have listened lmao
This shitshow is kinda funny though
No. 1607677
As someone who is (embarassingly) a 4chan oldfag, it's funny to watch rich art kids who find imageboard culture enchanting when they're literally almost a decade late to its actual relevance. they don't actually have the correct rapport down at all and make posts that sound like this to posture
>>1607562 which is why they stick out like a sore thumb. That's why people can tell which posters are RS-adjacent shills, you're all normies and you always will be.
No. 1607706
File: 1659670059966.jpeg (857.66 KB, 1170x1340, F4309FEE-BCC0-49A8-9C05-FDEE95…)

he (pariah) just retweeted this 2 day old asukahomo post a few minutes ago, he is absolutely itt malding
No. 1607758
File: 1659675936056.jpeg (101.08 KB, 540x460, 9DF5C011-CA83-445C-B47D-DD064F…)

Someone send this to Liz.
No. 1607821
File: 1659688142142.png (51.46 KB, 757x211, Screenshot 2022-08-05 at 10-28…)

another account of the peter vack thing,
No. 1607831
File: 1659689255439.png (102.02 KB, 1260x712, try and sound less autistic pl…)

the fact that any of these people think of themselves as any sort of intellectual..with this writing, buddy…..>>1607821
No. 1607836
File: 1659689497274.png (220.81 KB, 1560x334, Screen Shot 2022-08-05 at 01.4…)

who wrote this lol
No. 1607837
File: 1659689655111.png (117.49 KB, 1260x712, lmao.png)

doing real art is when youre a failure at everything you touch
No. 1607839
File: 1659689763656.png (451.71 KB, 1534x518, true story.png)

this sounds incredibly fake
No. 1607843
>>1607837seriously they make themselves look bad in this.
do you think the maddie doing children's puzzle books in this story was Maddie as in dasha's friend or no?
we will be accused of selfposting and samefagging for posting screencaps at the same time lmao sorry No. 1607931
File: 1659703965513.jpg (86.64 KB, 800x500, smudging.jpg)

>>1607836i can't believe they're insisting on this "i'm so god-fearing i'm so pure uwu" bullshit after all this
>>1607839>wow so beautiful. we are so pure. we're not bigots, we even had a (holds back gag) black woman, she was totally there and totally understood our art. you think we're evil bigots because you don't get itand then everyone clapped
>>1607925>>1607928did this newfag think picrel is what's meant by sage?
No. 1607979
>>1607951>farmers into crumpsIt’s not about being into him or not. It’s about him being an outsider that successfully exposed how narcissistic these people truly are. You can say “this has been done before” but no, not to this extent. Peter Vack and Dasha are two of the worst people here. The little quote about Dasha saying “no one would believe him” about crumps is even better when you think of the
toxic sludge she and Anna has been spewing on her podcast about rape
victims and actresses. Everyone believes the man and not the woman in this Crumps situation, just as Anna and Dasha perpetually have done on their podcast. Karma truly spares no one
No. 1608094
File: 1659713457860.png (82.71 KB, 620x418, troons.png)

No. 1608163
File: 1659719417356.jpeg (602.88 KB, 750x1064, 88A3579A-8EB0-47A8-B77D-EF7D7A…)

Love how Chloe Cherry mogs Dasha and Betsey despite the atrocious lips
No. 1608180
>>1607979nonnie, don't put this scrote on a pedestal. you're better than that. girls on their lunchbreak (farmers) can expose how narcissistic these cows are, and have been doing it for longer and in a much more enjoyable format. you don't need a scrote who calls his substack
art to tell you anything. I'll read his gossip but if he could write in a style that wasn't so self-suck he'd be a lot more enjoyable.
>Peter Vack and Dasha are two of the worst people that's Liz Bruenig lol
No. 1608195
>>1608193yeah, anon, I read the article. Again, they're not smart and not playing 5d chess with a "viral marketing ploy".
Did you notice how many people are disgusted with them and would never see this movie?
No. 1608207
>>1608193it’s not that people here “don’t get what they were trying to do”
it’s that we 100% get what they were trying to do, but it was completely retarded in the first place, and then they also did it badly
No. 1608208
>>1608152moldbug is the nexus between the dimes square crew and lizzie b
she thinks he’s surprisingly smart or some shit
No. 1608214
>>1608180All good
nonnie but he does have a little more credibility in that he stuck his neck out and met these people. Kinda rules
No. 1608245
>>1608235self conscious about jowls and lines around her mouth
I feel like a 60 year old man saying this but she would literally look so much prettier if she smiled lol
No. 1608366
File: 1659739940398.jpg (221.9 KB, 1152x1728, Rachel-Sennott-a-lavant-premie…)

poor dasha. she's still slumming it in mumblecore while rachel sennott went from fucking stavros to A24.
No. 1608388
>>1608151so if I'm parsing this right:
Yarvin / the based elite = elves
the unwashed masses = hobbits
MCrumps = orc
The NRx cosmogony grows daily more fascinating…
No. 1608400
>>1608388yarvin is a house elf and his job is to suck peter thiels cock
might be mixing up my fantasy franchises but you get the point
No. 1608423
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No. 1608454
File: 1659747729341.png (Spoiler Image,30.61 KB, 436x515, dobbyarvin.png)

>>1608403>>1608400for some reason the brush tool on gimp stopped working so i couldn't edit any more past this point
>therewasanattempt.jpg>>1608448i'm so so sorry for not spoilering it
No. 1608484
File: 1659750987964.png (1019.87 KB, 767x833, dobbyarvin dalle.png)

i don't think dall-e can make the "sucking dick" part but kek
No. 1608552
File: 1659758498736.jpeg (7.66 KB, 266x190, troonycurtis.jpeg)

>>1608152he looks like Jamie Lee Curtis' trans son
No. 1608639
File: 1659767142491.png (370.75 KB, 1280x586, Screen Shot 2022-08-05 at 23.1…)

>>1608623haven't seen any alts pop up. she's probably alive though (talking about roe v wade overturn on the latest ep so it can't be that old).
No. 1608660
>>1608649why do you care so much? its just an unflattering picture of someone who’s ugly inside and out. snark is allowed on lolcow.
now stop derailing
No. 1608824
File: 1659800496735.jpeg (335.14 KB, 628x891, 07F68C9D-38CF-4ED2-981D-D879E1…)

Dasha is now in her "dinosaurs are fake" era
No. 1608867
File: 1659804428632.jpeg (134.33 KB, 750x530, CAE1DD87-90A3-4F5B-9676-DED5EB…)

Probably a reaction to Crumps article
No. 1608885
File: 1659806449573.jpeg (275.18 KB, 1080x1068, 296714882_1130466157682325_378…)

Katherine and Amber (Rollo not frost) were “surprise guests” at recent chapo live show. Amber basically said nothing on stage, didn’t plug her podcast or any shows, kinda weird. Katherine was tipsy and seemed to be having a great time - Will was leading the show so the two of them basically flirted for half an hour and no one else got a word in. Afterwards they had Bill Oakley reviewing local “treats” and Katherine & Amber served and bussed the food on silver trays (producer guy grabbed a couple too which kept it from being too weird but it was a little weird).
Merch area looked like it was mostly serving as a DSA signup table. Will took 5 seconds at the end of the show to encourage everyone to go sign something they had for the Teamsters and the biggest strike ever in 2023 (no further details, probably about the UPS contract if I had to guess). Never liked hearing the no-job-ass podcast boys talk about labor and I think teamsters should stay away from them before rot spreads from the inside like DSA but whatever, good luck to the teamsters with whatever they're doing.
new stupid gun picture dropped. taken somewhere in idaho.
No. 1608899
File: 1659807724468.jpeg (207.85 KB, 750x686, E6A8332C-80C6-4596-8743-D9A565…)

3 days after the article was posted and this is the best zinger this nitwit can come up with.
No. 1608900
File: 1659807778143.jpg (387.98 KB, 1182x1312, kathtweet.jpg)

Innocent joke or winking at the swinger allegations that crop up from time to time?
>>1608885It's funny how little Chapo gets mentioned in these threads anymore considering how much money they still make and how much twitter clout they have.
No. 1608907
File: 1659808651886.jpeg (542.43 KB, 1062x2682, 5E29F518-9C08-4E96-86F2-5D719C…)

Why do these people want to bat for Alex Jones?
No. 1608955
>>1608824fuck you, Dasha, one of the greatest paleontologists was an actual Catholic priest and the church officially got on board with evolution in the 1950s
don’t playact being Catholic for the aesthetic if you’re going to spout fundie Protestant nonsense
No. 1608959
>>1608900They're a lot older than most of the rest of this crowd. Will and Matt were in college when 9/11 happened, and Felix is like 34. Will and Felix come from genuinely upper class families too iirc, so their parents may have pushed them into getting some sort of social media handlers when they saw their retarded fuck-up kids had stumbled onto a massive income stream through Chapo.
What was the last thing that got them a lot of shit, outside of the psychotic @agraybee type radical centrists keep quote tweeting them crying that they're crypto-fascists? I know Matt got blackout drunk on that one live stream and Felix whines about having to wear masks in the gym, they seem to be keeping a low profile outside of drama that only extremely, extremely online people care about.
It's funny how even Nick Mullen, who probably has literal holes in his brain from doing every drug he can get his hands on since like age 15 (except he doesn't drink alcohol any more! which makes him sober!) doesn't overshare like a lot of these cows.
No. 1608977
>>1608965Good on him. It's wild how Mullen is one of the most self-aware and least reprehensible people who comes up in these threads. Stav tries to make himself out to be aware of what a horny glutton he is, but he was literally giggling while watching hentai on one of the last CT episodes he was on.
IIRC, Nick and Adam are close friends and Stav was always the third wheel in the group, even though Adam was never listed as a cohost or whatever gay irony guy shit they were doing.
No. 1608985
File: 1659813058769.png (56.47 KB, 874x547, paglia amcon.png)

>>1608924>because liberals hate him, and their driving political animus is "whatever libs like = bad, whatever libs hate = good" some socon rag with a 5k circulation thinks a few libertine podcasters adapting Paglia's contrarian grift signal a sea change in the culture war that favors them.
I'm very happy to see Thiel piss away his money on such worthless people
No. 1609021
>>1609015Yeah Anna definitely got her "I'm ethnic, me" posting from her
How many of these people do you think have actually read Paglia's doorstopper all the way through?
No. 1609061
>>1604607>>1604909>I don’t really buy the whole “I live in Manhattan and these people are virtually unheard of” schtickI posted this. and it's true. If anyone ever talks about podcasts it's always some basic political or true crime stuff.
No normal or well-adjusted people listen to Cumtown. I'm sorry, but it seems like your friends are nerds.
No. 1609068
File: 1659820349732.png (1.61 MB, 1193x1261, Screenshot 2022-08-06 at 4.08.…)

>>1608992Also, why do they celebrate Perfume Fationalist as if he's some cutting edge aesthete/artist? His taste is so basic and dated. His taste is no different than a grandma who watches the Lifetime channel
No. 1609080
>>1609068He not like those other gays. Except when he is.
Not using deodorant is pretty common among gays like him, faggots literally get off on the scent. I hate that self-hating women still worship these unshowered pederasts.
No. 1609103
>>1609068Women enjoying the pop culture aimed at them is cringe and laughable. Gay male "intellectuals" like Jack enjoying it is camp and genius.
That said a lot of gay men follow soaps and unironically enjoy mass culture without being as pretentious as Camille Faglia here.
Only homos like Jack and Asuka think appreciating Elizabeth Taylor fragrances still worn by millions of women makes them deep and interesting.
No. 1609614
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No. 1609748
File: 1659899945235.jpeg (393.16 KB, 1500x2000, 531FE3DA-D9AE-4366-9191-F165B4…)

Old pic, but her head gave me a good chuckle
No. 1609911
>>1609871first anon you replied to, and i’m not defending him, it’s just easy for people to see him as a comedic figure because his claims
are so absurd and ridiculous and most zoomers and millennials don’t believe what he says, and forget that plenty of people actually do. i don’t like or give a hell about the man, he can go to hell, i just understand why people passingly find the clips funny.
No. 1609932
>>1609927Bullshit. Like their hero Paglia, Anna and Dasha want to have it both ways. They want to be taken seriously as sophisticated oh so ethnic totally not like you vulgar Americanski deep thinkers. They also say well we’re not really serious you’d love to have a beer with us when people call them on their associations and stated opinions. That's why people rip into them here.
Not that I give a shit about Lasch, but he would puke.
No. 1609995
>>1609942i didn’t even post that, you and like been repeatedly called out for sperging out every time someone thinks there’s a bad pic of dasha
it’s lolcow, stop being so sensitive or gtfo
No. 1610030
>>1610025Don't be so mad all the time
nonnie, its not good for your heart and mental well-being.
No. 1610052
>>1609972lol thinking paglia hate is a “bluecheck” thing is pathetic and proves you’re a twitterfag yourself. clearly you’ve never set foot out of /snow/ if you think anyone out of this thread would ever defend paglia and not take any opportunity to call her stupid. there is literally a hidden radical feminist board on this site because 99% of the site consists of andrea dworkin diehards, and half of /ot/ and /g/ is women having fun talking about hating men. it’s almost cute seeing redditors and twitterfags pretend they actually know the ins and outs of this site because they learned about lolcow from a groupchat two years ago. fuck off, no one cares about paglia beyond recognizing she’s a total hack and got laughed out of academia for a good reason.
reminder that rivers cuomo shouts out camille paglia on the back of pinkerton. that’s all you need to know, really.
No. 1610055
File: 1659928612642.jpeg (153.4 KB, 750x453, BFB1FACA-0E07-46D0-8AD1-1A5127…)

Catching up on the liz bruenig drama. Is this true? Lmao
No. 1610302
File: 1659964815469.jpeg (385.29 KB, 536x1207, 986E6B34-CD7F-4817-BAB2-8A13D6…)

>>1610232Interesting concept but the execution looks horrible, as usual when anyone in this scene makes ”art”
No. 1610436
File: 1659979047676.png (200.98 KB, 579x491, Untitled.png)

>>1610402I don't know what happened to the suboxoneslave account though. Did he change the username?
No. 1610470
>>1610459>>1610384Can confirmed that the Actors screenings
did sell out.
I'm trying to figure out which actors turned down roles as Elite Trolls in I heard at least 2 or 3 said no but friend wouldn't spill beans as to who.
No. 1610727
>>1610596Do they actually expect us to believe they didn't read it? Especially since they're going out of their way to talk about it.
Katherine Dee also did this, she commented under the article and on twitter that she wasn't going to read it but then just kept tweeting about it for days.
No. 1610732
File: 1660000362719.png (444.87 KB, 705x603, default_katya.png)

>>1610727Why do people keep referring to default_friend as Katherine Dee? Her real name is Katya Delaney, weird to insist on using the pseudonym a cow picked for them self.
No. 1610753
File: 1660002336696.png (1.24 MB, 1018x1292, amberrollotwt.png)

this is at a "secret" venue in LA and I don't believe it will be recorded but if anyone has any milk on it later this week I would like to know about it
No. 1610837
>>1610788i keep seeing this incest thing about the browns and i'm too scared to ask for clarification
also most of them really are such textbook bad actors, it's like they're struggling to remember the lines sometimes
No. 1610852
File: 1660012001193.jpeg (31.9 KB, 329x500, D85D388B-C4C6-4495-823B-7EC890…)

This entire scene being altlit runoff will never not be funny. Congrats to Amber for at least being one of the less annoying people to come out of it, but this is so 2016 goes 2010 it’s almost pitiful.
No. 1610880
>>1610852Macmillan/St. Martin’s seemingly pulled that cover after release date change #4 or 5. Good taste wins?
I still doubt it’s ever coming out (she has no pages), but the July ‘23 date has held for a few months. Fingers crossed !(?)
No. 1610904
>>1610837yea this is a pretty bold thing to say, not sure where it originated/was first mentioned
it’s not like this thread isn’t full of gross shit already
No. 1610994
>>1610954I had no doubt their version of events would be different but in what specific ways? tried to listen to their pod but the first minute of them talking made me turn it off
>>1610989>>1610993integrate, spergs.
No. 1611073
>>1610928kath delaney, is that you? explain what you mean by that, anon
>>1610954>at least vack and co are trying to be honestwow, they are brilliant artists AND they're honest and sincere and god-fearing little angels too?
No. 1611118
File: 1660049210030.png (477.11 KB, 1264x1723, Screenshot 2022-08-09 at 7.46.…)

cashew's in the NYT Opinion section lmfao
No. 1611144
>>1611118How good is Honor's networking that she is
always the fist personality mentioned in any article referencing Dimes Square?
No. 1611170
File: 1660056229341.png (411.62 KB, 490x610, vack in drag.png)

It's giving contrapoints
No. 1611180
File: 1660057223773.png (122.37 KB, 1198x334, 7584iejrfhbdjks.png)

Scarethots found Anna's old tumblr. No. 1611207
File: 1660059474063.png (359.39 KB, 2026x1032, Screen Shot 2022-08-09 at 11.3…)

Poster asks for help with her sister and people decide to drag her for it. Why?
No. 1611213
>>1611180Anna being the Shuan King of Judaism is shocking to me. Is her one Jewish paternal grandfather even true?
>>1611002Nothing was "revealed", the comment section conceit was talked about in the Crumps piece. More or less everyone involved has admitted they felt the scene went to a bad place and it was wrong, why are you reaching this hard? Vack and Ions wanted to embarrass Crumps and have him write an article that got them attention. They're incapable of looking in the mirror.
>>1611207Who cares.
No. 1611241
Nick very briefly mentions the crumps thing at 45:48 looks like that one nonna who was speculating that nick's hats were to cover for him going bald can rest easy
No. 1611254
File: 1660063313214.png (2.1 MB, 1597x923, 64523121142.png)

>>1611241Genuinely, what's going on with Cum Town right now?
No. 1611302
File: 1660066567659.gif (156.82 KB, 500x538, hashtagartselfies lol.gif)

>>1611180so much paglia and random quotes and random armchair race science and no originality regarding images selected
No. 1611319
File: 1660067974621.png (1.15 MB, 640x1136, A4F6C7E3-34EB-4F34-A291-31E56B…)

No. 1611391
>>1611377good point, but usually drummers have really lean taut muscle on their arms, it looks like he’s gone out of his way but maybe he just holds more fat on his arms than elsewhere, idk. just a funny silhouette either way
No. 1611417
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No. 1611421
File: 1660074328321.png (11.07 KB, 474x266, th-3073998686.png)

>>1611241so you think he like foofed up his hair in the dracula skit to prove he isn't balding in response to the thread? what else can we dread him into wearing?
No. 1611440
File: 1660076575518.png (23.37 KB, 352x140, trending.png)

No. 1611459
File: 1660077653599.jpeg (2.28 MB, 1284x1600, 82939410-11B4-4685-9396-C374EF…)

>>1609957What is this? Is it all a reverse psy-op?
No. 1611466
File: 1660077913255.png (77.81 KB, 634x316, cut.png)

This was almost 4 years ago. There is no Dimes Square scene without Red Scare, there is no audience for Red Scare without the Cut profile framing them as the hippest new dirtbag leftists, there is no Cut profile without the lone legacy media figure endorsement. Thanks a lot Liz!
No. 1611475
File: 1660078375181.png (1.15 MB, 1564x1352, brandeis edu magazine .png)

>>1611466that's funny I was also reading old Liz stuff but on a different topic
No. 1611480
File: 1660078974065.jpeg (325.66 KB, 750x724, 208120BE-107D-48A9-BD76-8C8B12…)

Cannot stand this little bitch
No. 1611512
>>1608211I went in with no expectations and liked it. For all the cringey stuff peter and betsey do, I've actually thought their output was pretty interesting.
>>1610900nitroflare is a fucking nightmare, I don't know if any debrid services work with it anymore.
No. 1611530
>>1611527I haven't seen it on any public trackers. It might be on PTP or some other private tracker but I have no way of checking. It's weird that it's only on a pretty random DDL site that strictly uses Nitroflare links.
Does anyone here know of any debrid/leeches that still work with Nitroflare?
No. 1611544
>>1611532100% fundie vibes, yes.
I was looking for milk on her supposed KKKlan/Confederate connections but no luck so far.
No. 1611616
>>1611572coming from a majority catholic country, the only people i've ever seen who say that shit went on to join a monastery or become a priest, with the exception of ones who say that because they faced some form of dramatic life circumstances (like a loved one's terminal illness)
>>1611573>outside basic adult choresthat's extremely generous of you anon. i think most minor tradwives live like shayna minus the sex work (but including the begging for attention from bottom of the barrel men while high on drugs)
No. 1611654
>>1611421Whatever it is he's wearing in
>>1611254. Specifically those pink slippers
No. 1611665
File: 1660094178233.jpg (53.68 KB, 583x254, lol.jpg)

The barista deleted the tweet and locked his account
No. 1611697
File: 1660097488528.png (Spoiler Image,1.11 MB, 1177x945, 12312234352.png)

>>1611695When Nick said "always making an ass out of yourself" while this frame popped into view is some shit a first year film student would do, but yes it is the only thing anyone adjacent to that scene made that's art.
No. 1611715
File: 1660098768199.png (135.68 KB, 720x476, junjiito-jpg-667732125.png)

>>1611696>>1611170first thing that came to mind, and also the plot is kind of like invisible monsters
No. 1611729
>>1611728Literally doing splits on it at this point omg the dick riding
has to stop. It’s not some groundbreaking avant garde comedy! It’s just a fat guys ass!!
No. 1611730 know they're joking here but it's just more fuel for conspiracy brains (clip of ionboys saying they teamed up with crumps to generate PR for the movie)
their pod is really hard to listen to. and they're doing this calm and rational soft voice thing that I hate and sounds disingenuous (they could be sincere but I've never heard anyone talk in that tone that wasn't trying too hard to change a narrative)
No. 1611738
File: 1660100226443.jpeg (25.71 KB, 246x311, 5F4E0DA9-788C-4D89-B888-BB6125…)

my tinfoil that I genuinely believe is that she was a farmer and is responsible for the endless nick posts
No. 1611775
File: 1660106216705.png (531.82 KB, 1188x1398, "infection".png)

glenn's man got monkeypox y'all
No. 1611795
>>1611775I thought you were serious !
maybe just got really horrible food poisoning
No. 1612062
>>1612039I think she's talking about this girl? @theadamfriedlandshowgirl on instagram
No. 1612071
File: 1660143881231.png (92.16 KB, 456x542, gross.png)

Does she have no shame?
No. 1612075
File: 1660144027175.png (55.09 KB, 637x326, franklin scandal…)

Always fun to find an actual journalist simping in some random e-girl's replies
No. 1612150
File: 1660151729515.jpeg (425.52 KB, 750x860, 8DD2951E-B993-4EAE-8597-6F5DA8…)

Checkout the replies to this tweet lmfao
No. 1612182
File: 1660155421267.png (389.87 KB, 1116x740, Screen Shot 2022-08-10 at 11.1…)

>>1612150people are a little weird about sophie, jack knows that and did this on purpose. replies are unhinged, brought out the most retarded type of comments from both sides.
No. 1612252
nonnie what are you saying? if they were gorgeous the incest would make sense???
No. 1612253
File: 1660161179823.png (311.26 KB, 1214x1128, reverse simping.png)

No. 1612286
File: 1660163480684.png (Spoiler Image,2.57 MB, 1832x1970, Screen Shot 2022-08-10 at 13.2…)

speaking of incest and Actors, the actor playing betsey's boyfriend looks so much like peter in the movie that I actually thought if was him for a minute in the abrupt cut to the first sex scene. but I was skipping around so maybe it's more obvious if you watch from the beginning
No. 1612293
File: 1660163903432.png (194.3 KB, 1346x1064, sibling exploitation.png)

credit where it's due this got a laugh out of me. this family needs professional help.
>>1612192thanks for sharing
No. 1612306
File: 1660164541750.jpeg (179.02 KB, 1125x1715, 010EDE7D-3318-4A49-8A4D-19190D…)

>>1612303samefag heres the full tweet, glory to the virgil mary, lineup of the year
No. 1612308
File: 1660164587405.png (302.84 KB, 402x494, sadjack.png)

>>1612150Next thread pic?
No. 1612369
File: 1660167940613.png (97.89 KB, 604x465, spot on.png)

Did he lie though?
No. 1612391
File: 1660169501098.jpeg (96.59 KB, 1169x1182, 1F0B92A5-7D6A-4DE6-ABF7-3438B4…)

Lol what
No. 1612428
File: 1660172508025.jpeg (602.34 KB, 750x1294, 419D62A0-054A-49C7-86C6-F4F5EC…)

>>1610727Lol at her putting this in her dumbass blog
No. 1612431
File: 1660172893825.jpeg (360.54 KB, 1284x1413, 976F39F4-7472-4885-BF9F-5048CE…)

Guess who’s not invited
No. 1612440
File: 1660173360605.png (210.86 KB, 292x403, comfry no more.png)

No. 1612479
>>1612477“the dot org” means 4chan, no one’s schizo, you just didn’t get the lingo on your first try, it’s okay
nonnie you’ll integrate eventually