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No. 1719534
#36 Recap:
>>1694433Rumors about Moldbug sexting a woman while sending pictures of his sleeping kids
>>1695022>>1695624Dasha seen with Louis CK, rumors that they started dating (turned out to be false)
>>1695315>>1695419A+D mad that the Kardashians are now skinnier than them, implying only women with underweight BMIs are truly skinny
>>1695522>>1695634>>1697264>>1707087Matthew reading his fanfic poetry in which he makes Dasha Asian at some sort of edgelord event
>>1695538>>1695538Anna appears in a publication called Asylum Magazine in which she is referred to as an opportunist who sounds like "the nightmarish emanations of a trailer-park-yenta"
>>1695678>>1695679>>1699364Pericles/ElectionLegal (greek guy A&D surround themselves with who looks unwashed) creepy and “ironically” pedophilic dms
>>1697087>>1697575Stanford grad's piece on Charlotte Fang aka Rohit Okhandiar, Remilia corporation and Milady NFT owner who was cancelled for his racist, pedophilic proana "performance art"
>>1697915Adam Friedland talkshow launch was a disaster
>>1698984Anna coping and projecting about looking ugly and older onto Italian girls saying they look 30 since they're 15 (they don't)
>>1699412>>1699532>>1700011A&D tweeting that they'd get tons of surgery or kill themselves, respectively, if they looked like Caroline Ellison and getting dragged for it, bonus drawing of Anna as the chud wojak by this artistic
nonnie >>1699364>>1700290>>1700436Anna dramaposting about suicide in Nick Mullen's replies
>>1700889>>1700908Perfume fationalist had Mike White as a guest, he confirmed on a TPN episode with Anna that they modeled the spoiled rich female characters from season 1 on Red scare (I've been watching it and it's not just the clothing and vocal fry too, Sydney Sweeney's character is seen reading Paglia in one scene by the pool)
>>1701621Anna stops herself before claiming there's widespread election fraud
>>1702275>>1702275Anna still wearing and promoting Brandy Melville which is owned by racist proana pedos
>>1702892>>1702894>>1703472Chapo got an interview in GQ, some shots were fired at the nyc thielbucks scene
>>1703053>>1705071>>1705260Moche1234 (Russian American chick who’s 60% silicon and filler and simps Anna, also Thiel, BAP and Paglia enjoyer) recently told her story on the Filthy Armenian podcast
>>1707386>>1709634Liz Bruenig's Messiah complex is seemingly worsening
>>1707885>>1713144>>1713689Anna dismissing the Balenciaga pedophilic ad campaign on twitter and on one of the latest RS episodes, saying it's just gay edgelords being gay edgelords, we should be more worried about the real taboo/who we're not allowed to criticize (jews, blacks, other minorities) and microplastics because children nowadays are "so fat and retarded no one wants to molest them" which is not surprising considering she defends Paglia who is open about supporting pedophilia
>>1713545>>1709427Chapos episode on a couple who are part of a thiel-aligned movement of eugenics "secular Calvinism" and Effective Altruism
>>1712190>>1713493>>1713506Unfounded rumors about Nick Fuentes bringing Pariah the troon onto the Ye campaign, once again probably that ugly troon selfposting here, some caps of his recent pedophilic and misogynistic tweets simping BAP
>>1716366Jo started a blog and sucks shit at writing
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>>>/snow/1694368 No. 1719539
File: 1670293967437.jpg (682.95 KB, 2319x1936, 21B6B5D3-3BE3-41EA-82AF-947358…)

>>1699546Meant to tag this for the Anna chud wojack art, this was gonna be the new threadpic but my traced drawing looks like shit next to it
No. 1719554
File: 1670295046105.png (676.12 KB, 1214x1518, image.png)

Ann Coulter went on Red Scare
No. 1719567
>>1719545left one isn't mine another anon commented that it should be an option for the new threadpic and i wanted dasha next to it so i just traced a pic of her on my phone but other nonna's looks much better and doesn't match, in retrospect dasha should've been this
>>1703436 meme to go with the chud wojack but i havent drawn in years
No. 1719599
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Dasha going Anna mode on reddit.
No. 1719657
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No. 1719688
File: 1670308713931.jpeg (394.29 KB, 1170x1228, E2D89B82-7A12-4DC9-AD77-834450…)

finally some new milk:
a thread (now removed) gets posted to r/RSP calling into question the profoundly weird thiel + wignat guests on their washed podcast
Dasha jumps in to defend herself bringing Ann Coulter on the podcast with some funny "everyone becomes a rightoid" talking points
The jannies deleted the thread shortly after dashas rewponse received backlash. picrel + removed post below No. 1719737
File: 1670313576158.jpeg (842.16 KB, 1066x1035, EE8C5599-BD74-4A82-B0ED-1B4E6E…)

>>1719534Is this the Linh Matthew was talking about?
No. 1719747
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>>1719657This is apparently how she returned lol
No. 1719898
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>>1719885New York Magazine, not the New Yorker nona. Lol at the grifter Chris Smalls striking a pose in the middle.
No. 1719947
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The way dirtbag left twitter is oblivious to Mike White being conservative himself…someone in this corner was favorably contrasting him to stuffy conservative Whit Stillman the other day after Stillman was complaining about lack of policing funds or something…like girl, listen to the Fat Jack interview, your whole fandom is a lie
No. 1720022
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This happened.
No. 1720033
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last thread closed on the topic of homosexuals - who is this pouty faggot "dagsen" and why is he in this scene
No. 1720043
>>1720039you know if you're almost any woman-born woman you can go to the bar tonight and easily pull a self-loathing 7 with coke dick, right
No. 1720243
>>1720039>>1720140Nick isn't as stupid as a lot of his contemporaries in the same scene, but the whole tortured genius persona he has is much more enjoyable in theory than actually experiencing it. These kinds of guys are romanticized in the minds of women with similar self destructive tendencies but the reality is one of disappointment, constant arguments, and self sabotage.
If you just wanna fuck him, that's one thing. Idk how easy that would be because sometimes he'll hit up girls in dms or interact with thirst posts, but other times he seems put off or bored by sex (I think this is the biggest fuel for all the gay rumors). Go for it and report back because I am curious as to how he interacts with women irl. As long as you're comfortable with probably getting herpes.
Ngl I think he's cute and also have a bit of a parasocial crush on him. I think a lot of the women who post in this thread do (even if they won't admit it), much to the chagrin of the lesbian and more staunchly radfem nonnies here. At least I'm self aware enough to realize it's dumb and based off of projecting my own shit onto him. He seems to get a lot of that for some reason, even from the lame dudes in his audience. They also hype him up as this comic genius who is both stifled by his demons and smarter and better than other people because of them. I think they must view themselves this way too and project hard onto him in hopes that maybe one day they'll also be rich and beloved by fans for doing basically nothing.
Women romanticize him because of a dumb "I can fix him" mentality (I'm guilty of this too) and the fact that he isn't overtly horny all the time, at least not as much as other guys. The fact that he's rejected or acted indifferent towards girls throwing themselves at him is a draw for a lot of women because they think it means he's not as shallow as other guys and therefore your potential relationship with him would be more meaningful. They also think it means he won't cheat or list after other women whilst in a relationship. None of it is real though.
I guess when everyone else in your circle is ugly as sin and borderline retarded, being decent looking and good at impressions can carry you very far. Sage for this embarrassing screed about Nick Mullen of all people, but I do find it interesting the strong reactions he seems to get out of people and how most of it is entirely built up in other people's heads instead of an actual reflection of his own actions.
No. 1720256
File: 1670359004686.png (118.78 KB, 272x367, IAT_Crash_Bandicoot.png)

nick mullen 5'5 and is shaped like crash bandicoot. stop pretending he's some dime piece and go outside.
No. 1720267
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No. 1720278
>>1719571you're not interested in seeing what they'll stoop to as their relevance fades? how they'll cope with growing older, fatter, poorer, and alienating the people closest to them?
aimee's back on twitter, amber's back on insta, maybe something funny will happen
No. 1720320
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>>1719554>>1719688Coulter has always been scarethot pickme adjacent by claiming the vote should be taken away from women. I listened to the episode and they talk about taking the vote away from women near the end. Anna was sympathetic. Coulter says that married women tend to be more conservative because they want law and order to protect their children whereas single women use government to fill the void of not having a husband and vote Democrat. I'm convinced Coulter is connected to the deep state and you could tell by the way she was trying to DeSantis-pill everyone on that episode. DeSantis is basically a neocon plot to neocon-pill the MAGAtards. She bashes Trump for only building 33 miles of the wall and saying he was not antiwar enough but she was a huge cheerleader for the Iraq war. I think she's might be a troon with that Adam's Apple. Here's the link to the episode if you're interested: No. 1720338
>>1719688>dasha sperging about how her irrepressible impulse towards freedom and joy serves as her political compassdasha's one charm used to be her willingness to be completely honest about her darkest impulses, the drugs and bad sex, the suicidality, the desperation for acceptance and attention, it made her funny and lovable despite her obvious flaws but she's really losing that in the last year. wtf is she on about "freedom and joy are my compass" she's literally known for being miserable and so personality disordered she constantly undoes any shred of good in her life. between her catholic larp and statements like this she is approaching Anna levels of self-delusion (I'm actually so compassionate and a total sweetiepie! says the most resentful, venomous person you know)
Also, yet another great OP, well done - love that AI hasn't forgotten Anna's old face kek
No. 1720342
>>1720243These generalizations about this thread… NGL you deserve to be cyberbullied nonna but I am impressed by the level of your embarrassing personal reveals in this comment lol. Like dam you just went for it
All this to say, I seriously doubt most of the women here have a crush on Nick tho LOL. Sorry, that’s just you
No. 1720347
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>>1720243>much to the chagrin of radfemsyeah you can only hate nick if you are a radfem or a lesbian. very subtle anna-posting
No. 1720375
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I simply cannot get over this
No. 1720381
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Liz Bruenig posted a pic of her 32nd birthday dinner with Matt. Makes me feel bad for her, she's too skinny and always looks like she’s just done crying. Why no friends to celebrate with? Or nothing wrong with a solo dinner date but shouldn’t it be a little romantic, like not scheduling it in broad daylight? Matt’s probably sitting there in a wrinkled t-shirt reminding Liz that she promised to cook him Dino Bites tomorrow night
No. 1720440
>>1720342>>1720343>>1720347I expected some of you guys to be mad about my post. I don't think "most" of the people in this thread wanna fuck him, but a large enough amount of them do to the point where we have a similar type of discussion on him every other thread. I only mention radfems specifically because that's the vibe I get. Sorry bout it lol. There's just a specific type of response that comes whenever a
nonnie expresses attraction to any male who is in any way
problematic (so…like…all of them…). I say this as someone who agrees with radfem ideals and thinks they're right about the nature of men. I just don't refer to myself as one because I know I don't live in full accordance with those ideals. It's hypocritical, sure, but I have a feeling a lot of women here know exactly what I'm talking about.
I'm not saying it's good for women to be attracted to Nick or trying to justify it. Just saying I get it and sharing some thoughts as to why that might be. You're more than welcome to find him repulsive. And I do understand your frustration with nonnies who thirst after him, but it's also dumb to deny that he does have a certain draw to him that makes him such a magnet for these types of parasocial relations, both in cumboys and fan girls. Just thought it'd be an interesting thing to explore is all
No. 1720450
File: 1670371757320.jpg (536.1 KB, 1736x1012, Elizabeth Bruenig.jpg) Does this article mean that Liz Bruenig's
abusive dad recently moved 4 hours away from her instead of a much more comfortable several hundred miles?
Maybe that's why she's been losing her shit and dropping pounds. Not to tinfoil… I haven't been listening to the Bruenig podcast except when it comes up here so maybe they talked about it there and it's old news? If so sorry.
No. 1720483
>>1720466Whatever you say
nonnie. You're totally not pissed. It's me who is truly seething. It's not like any time Nick is mentioned, anons rush in to call him gross and shitty and any woman who is attracted to him must be a self hating pick me scarethot.
But in all seriousness, I don't get what's so wrong with pointing out that a significant number of people are drawn to him, including people in this thread, and just talking about why. Why is the reaction to him so different than it is to Anna or Dasha or Stav or Sam Hyde or Liz or whoever the fuck else? You can talk about a phenomenon without endorsing it you know…
No. 1720501
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>>1720435i feel like Liz has been looking this skeletal for about the last year, she started to look shockingly thin around the same time she decided to rebrand as the millennial Sister Prejean while simultaneously martyring herself on Twitter constantly for her self-chosen beat ("sry i don't have the spoons for this, i witnessed a BOTCHED EXECUTION today"). feel like there's some Catholic asceticism mixed in with her anachan tendencies
so yeah this
>>1720457 but unironically.
No. 1720522
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>why oh why do nonnies pick on nickposters
i never want to hear it again
No. 1720523
>>1720267Her legs look good tbh, good for her
>>1720289God I hope we get a monkey paw curl from this kek
>>1720505Yeah sure
nonnie whatever, Nick has some irresistible animal magnetism and girls ITT can't stop metaphorically riding his dick, you're a very good girl for acknowledging he'd make a shitty boyfriend etc etc. Eat something, drink some water, go to bed, and tomorrow take yourself out for some coffee and get yourself a nice paper notebook with thick pages and a fine point gel ink pen. I promise physically drawing letters on paper is a much better way to release these feelings than posting ITT
No. 1720535
>>1720516>>1720515>>1720507You would rather just shit on anyone who doesn't have 100% negative feelings towards one of these cows than actually try to engage with what makes them appealing to anyone in the first place. The fact that my retarded ass posts have invoked this much ire is testament to the exact thing I'm talking about. He does seem to illicit a strong reaction from people even when he himself has not done anything to inspire it. I just wanted to talk about why that is. You can keep denying it all you want but this will just keep happening. Someone will say something kind of positive about Nick or express that they be willing to fuck him, anons will sperg about it and shit all over them and how stupid they must be, discussion will move to other things, anons will complain about how boring the threads are now, rinse & repeat.
Nick is ugly, short, misogynistic, a drug addict, depressed, etc etc…
>>1720523Lmao way to twist my words. I don't think he has animal magnetism or whatever. I just genuinely find it interesting how everyone in thread is easily very hateable and won't have many defenders, and yet he does. I'm not even defending him. I'm just admitting that I'm attracted to him while acknowledging that it's dumb and not in my best interests and I probably would not actually like him as a person. Enough anons have expressed similar sentiment that I thought I'd just expand on why that is
No. 1720565
>>1720559I've seen the light, thank you. Im cursed with attraction to men, but luckily also attraction to women. Unfortunately the women I'm attracted to are usually needlessly antagonistic dickheads who get on my last nerve seemingly just for the fun of it. Maybe that's been the missing puzzle piece this whole time.
>>1720562You want in on this? You seem like just my type
No. 1720593
>>1720572Sorry but I fear it's too late for that. It's funny to think anyone who posts in this thread has any real semblance of dignity to be able to condescend to others about it. If it makes you feel better, you can tell me why you think I'm retarded and we can bond over our shared autism in engaging with any of these people who don't deserve fame or recognition in any way but still have it and we still fuel it by being here.
Just out of curiosity, what's Nick's most hateable trait in your opinion? Maybe hearing that will make me see the error in my ways and I'll repent for my actions
No. 1720609
>>1720440Have you considered that he's not
problematic but, like, ugly and short
No. 1720663
>>1720610>>1720634I'm not gonna act like anything said here has been revolutionary but this is the most entertained I've been while reading this thread in months, so I say we should all let our psychoanalyses out and just see what happens.
>>1720644>His reputation is divisive.It's almost like that was the exact phenomenon I was commenting on…which is apparently so uninteresting that it shouldn't be talked about and yet here we are. Not getting mad at you btw, just saying.
>>1720655I don't really see how these anons are riding his dick? Just recognizing that he is not universally beloved, even amongst his own fanbase.
I mean I would still ride his dick tho but that's beside the point No. 1720712
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Does someone bankroll Aimee’s reactionary, dumbass, bootlicker tweets? Or is she actually this stupid?
No. 1720762
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Im surprised this freak would welcome Aimee back considering how he's been extra sensitive about the right disparaging drag queens lately
No. 1720770
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>>1720762I think jack vs aimee is on the horizon and will happen any day now (likely after the next balenciaga style pedo scandal). when Aimee came back she immediately retweeted some pretty obvious subtweets. his mutuals like zach and filthy american have vaguely acknowledged her but so far jack has completely ignored her. anna has also been slower to interact with her again but weirdly dasha (who never seemed to like aimee) has faved her "she's back" tweet on both her main and dash_eats accounts.
No. 1720952
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>>1720583>>1720644>the org>the dot orgBefore anyone asks, "the org" or "the dot org" refers to the cumtown dot org website
No. 1721007
>>1720982There were pics with her and Dasha in the previous thread I think, so that might be a possibility.
>>1720992Technically it was Bernie's loss in 2020 that signaled the death bell and Trump's loss in the election that delivered the coup de grace. Fact is now the kids have moved on to other interests and everyone who rode that Breadtube/Dirtbag Left wave will become the 2010s equivalent of Colbert and the Daily Show. Just mouthpieces or fireside chats for centre left Liberal politics.
No. 1721028
File: 1670421348828.png (1.09 MB, 1253x953, 7.png)

TAFS apparently managed to get Mac Demarco on the recent ep. Its been four years since he was last relevant (generous approximation) but it seems they're finally putting some portion of their 130k+ a month Patreon to use (read: hiring a booking agent). Also there was some shade thrown at Stav's new pod. There's definitely gallons of milk here waiting to be uncovered but for some damn reason nobody cares to dig anything.
No. 1721058
>>1720381Big 'PMC koots ostrenga' vibes here.
>>1720450>>1720501The way she exaggerates and seems to fabricate perceived hardship seems to serve the same function as zoomer '''''trauma'''''''''''', in different clothing.
No. 1721065
File: 1670426391475.png (36.19 KB, 620x584, spillled milk.png)

>>1721028farmers left because the thread is bloated with sperging, derails and infighting. milk used to be posted here within minutes of happening, now it takes days if milk is even posted at all. if it does get posted it is ignored for the latest reddit-tier bait post. no one even posts a link to the new thread in a timely fashion, they just keep arguing until it locks and then somewhere between 2-4 days later someone makes a new one and all milk in that period is lost, it's ridiculous.
No. 1721204
>>1721191reading comprehension? this is in response to a
nonnie talking about ct, sperg
>>1721197always her sitting on the floor with lightweight dumbbells around her
No. 1721340
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Real fedposting hours
No. 1721393
File: 1670445362057.jpg (827.92 KB, 1242x2688, IMG_3491.jpg)

Brittany Broski was at the IonPack party that all the cows went to in November? lol how did I miss that… what is she even doing there I thought she lived in LA
No. 1721497
File: 1670452184537.png (85.7 KB, 1170x422, sundance.png)

The movie Dasha was filming earlier in the year will be at Sundance in January, not Cannes.
No. 1721523
File: 1670453663689.png (509.67 KB, 987x653, armspin.png)

>>1721224Three times a week is plenty,
nonnie, are you literally snorting roids
>>1721221Progressive overload just means heavier weights, no autismo spreadsheets necessary, also this
>>1721226. We still have scammers who lift heavy making content claiming you can get the same body as them with light workouts (like these ridiculous youtube videos of women making circles with their arms held out to the side of their bodies kek), "get fit quick and with no effort" sells. Btw
>80s hardbodiesGo work out, jack
No. 1721780
File: 1670466350329.png (111.61 KB, 596x856, aimeegayfashion.png)

>>1720770Aimee seems to be baiting him and/or gay RW Twitter. It's been a while since we had a good Jack meltdown. About time we had some real catfights
No. 1721801
File: 1670467781390.png (37.2 KB, 618x351, aimeedemocrat.png)

>>1721785Yes she happens to be right here. She's been troonposting all day and I hope she gets the fight she's looking for.
It certainly beats her idiotic claims that Big Pharma is "notoriously not capital aligned" and that Democratic party cant comes from Chapo rather than the other way around. Note her pretentious use of "Democrat Party." Fuck off foreign devil.
She's gotta be taking the Thielbux - the retarded idea that "woke capital" is a perversion of capitalism rather than its logical outcome is exactly the bullshit these libertarian think tanks are selling.
No. 1721807
File: 1670468392461.png (61.51 KB, 632x679, aimee big pharma.png)

>>1721780She's more retarded than ever
No. 1721814
>>1721340kek thats not even fedposting this is just being a completely evil contrarian dipshit.
>21 likesshe must be going insane by the lack of dopamine. ofc she went private now
No. 1721835
>>1721820this. you'd think with chapos profound irrelevance she wouldnt be as obsessed in the year of our lord 2022, but somehow the hipster sexpests still own massive amounts of real estate in her deranged pensioner brain
still here for her eviscerating fat jack tho
No. 1721848
>>1721819Ew. Try to lighten up a little
nonnie, it can’t be fun to be this sour and ill humored
No. 1721852
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>>1721835And so it begins
No. 1721853
File: 1670472369809.png (257.69 KB, 631x406, fagsvsaimee2.png)

>>1721852Where would we be without their eye for such beauty?
No. 1721859
File: 1670472745923.png (416.83 KB, 1096x740, Screen Shot 2022-12-07 at 10.1…)

Aimee's podcast is over. Check out her bio. I wonder if it's because Oliver Bateman was talking shit (being honest) about her while she was off Twitter.
No. 1722265
File: 1670523947937.png (305.8 KB, 1216x1334, Screenshot 2022-12-08 at 10.23…)

>>1722127apparently aimee is combing through oliver's tweets about her from october and even replying so she can set the record straight? what a waste of her time
No. 1722304
>>1722282Absolutely nonna. There are so many levels of influence they can never penetrate or understand. They'll also never know the freedom that comes from getting older and having the ability to blend in and just do what you like and contribute when you feel like it. They on the other hand don't exist without strangers watching them be messy. Sad! Women get the satisfaction of knowing what they do matters whether internet randos are watching or not.
Oldfag Nonna
No. 1722496
File: 1670536753812.jpeg (1.02 MB, 1284x1430, ACFBB04C-A07E-4607-9EC2-A2A18F…)

No definition, but stomach looking taut
No. 1722503
File: 1670536955471.png (338.31 KB, 494x759, dashapariah.PNG)

dasha cant even see paintings without talking about weight and hip to waist ratios
No. 1722541
File: 1670539042089.png (770.18 KB, 828x474, View recent photos.png)

>>1722304not gonna go into woo-woo shit or into what you can observe to see this schubbly creep seething caveman fetishist has lot the plot but picrel kek
No. 1722602
>>1722509none of them really have genuine curiosities coming in on their own or passion. like it’s fine to be nerdy and want to learn but not when being self-conscious makes this it annoying and out of touch. these “niche” topics are treated sports team rivalries but taking seriously and about social media dunking, not their actual own exploration. you can’t call yourself based (which isn’t even edgy, has lost all meaning, and why would you want to seriously appropriate any incel/similar spaces derived terminology?)
What I’m saying is these cows have no or little cultural scopes and awarenesses and if they did it would be really self-limited
No. 1722621
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>>1722503 homo secretly thinks he's Oscar Wilde Jr., super geeeeeeeenius and Pariah the Troon is no exception.
The illiterate Ghanaian immigrant he mentions surely has more to offer than Pariah, Fuentes, Milo, Fat Jack and the rest of his crew of nelly entryist grifters put together. At the very least he's probably incapable of their level of delusion.
No. 1722626
File: 1670544084138.png (16.09 KB, 596x138, pariahtroongnostic.png)

>>1722503None of his incoherent bullshit will ever exist outside of the internet and the tapped out, irrelevant circles he tries desperately to join.
"I believe in love" and "Jesus was a fascist, tee hee"
Cope, seethe, dilate.
No. 1722627
>>1722496we can barely see anything
>>1722503absolute lmao @ troon pariah being dragged by 0HP but still using his "she could lose weight" meme
No. 1722642
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>>1722621lmao you’re not even doing jack shit get your priorities right
No. 1722653
>>1722503woke troons hate women too but at least their “gender failures” are policed enough by minorities around them to not shit on women too severely in public….
I also wanna say one of my friends is the best modern painter I’ve ever seen. She is capable of the hyper realism and romanticism that retards seem to think is the only art worth admiring. And goes without saying any 2 minute napkin doodle she makes outweighs any art the troon and fat Jack can do.
No. 1722661
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imagine being this humanity hating/threatened by artistic women and thinking that this is real. this rat has never opened/inquired into a general history book or can define the word vomit
No. 1722740
Saged for nonmilk and no1curr, but what's with all the Ray Peat hate last thread? He was an 86 year old man when he died in his sleep, that's hardly a premature death. As for his dietary advice, it's loose guidelines what are good foods to eat (relatively nonprocessed animal products, tropical fruits and fresh fruit juice, low-fat dairy products, small amounts of gelatin/coconut oil, and one raw carrot daily, coffee) and what to avoid (PUFAs, uncooked starches/legumes/beans, nuts and seeds, gotigens) for thyroid health. That's not a comprehensive eating plan or a weight loss regiment, and it's not his fault if Internet retards construe it that way. Some people do unironically drink a gallon of milk and a gallon of orange juice daily so they are on the "Ray Peat Diet" and only eating his recommended foods, but he never intended for anyone to do that, he's even warned against excess liquid consumption. Anyway RIP Ray Peat.
No. 1722753
>>1722740pseudoscientist with no real publications or demonstrable research into his fad diet. this alone deserves ire, but his diets arent particularly as bad as the bastardizations he spawned or what gets shilled now. Hence why he lived to 86 and the "raw" diet paleos will simply disappear off the internet in their 50s after dying expectedly. I agree people were overly harsh on him compared the people advocating for raw meat/milk and cooking it / drinking pasteurized off-screen, who deserve it way worse.
>>1722644"diversity" to this delusional troon is bog standard wignats and homofascists stopping their bickering and coming together in agreement that women must be subjugated
No. 1722755
(Ray Is Peat)
No. 1722815
File: 1670567780030.png (158.4 KB, 1170x574, lol.png)

lol zach absolutely gets dragged by his tired ass wig and he responds with a "checks notes" like a reddit atheist from 2014. what a profound, groundbreaking mind
No. 1722917
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>>1722841nta but ik what u meant, she's an anachan because of poor fat distribution and still doesn't have a low WHR but acts as if she's in a place to talk down about women's bodies with that pedophilic troon. i've never seen a woman who carries her fat in the right places worry about having near underweight BMI or act as if anorexia is a good thing, because actually to have a contrast of slim waist and wider hips/bigger glutes you need to be storing some fat around those body parts and you can enhance it more by working out and growing muscle which requires eating lots especially protein, heavy hip thrusts and ends up looking healthy and feminine if you had an hourglass or a pear shape to begin with, which those paintings have. it's the ones who are genetically ugly and shaped like rectangles like dasha who need "skinny" going for them because if their bmi goes up their fat distribution isn't working in their favor. and the worst part is it leaves them with a sunken face and looking older, fillers only temporarily help but always stay and migrate ending up just giving you a pillow face in the long run. must suck being an anachan or a troon envious of other women's bodies
No. 1722940
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After the mildest pushback. Reminder that this freak dated Baked Alaska and one of Fuentes’ groyper lieutenants (Shawn).
No. 1723100
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No. 1723101
>>1722661>"diversity" to this delusional troon is bog standard wignats and homofascists stopping their bickering and coming together in agreement that women must be subjugated"If only we had the freedom to subjugate x we'd do great things. It's x who are holding us back."
They really need to stop hiding behind 500 year old paintings like Prager U tier grifters.
What have gay men produced since liberation? Ru Paul? Ryan Murphy? Andy Cohen? Darren Star? Dustin Lance Black? Podcasters? AIDS isn't an excuse. There's no shortage of gay men. Maybe they're the ones who need a good dose of repression.
No. 1723130
>>1723123lmao jesus christ. relax, darling
>>1723129DRAG ME
No. 1723154
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>>1722661"The work of Michaelina Wautier, a 17th-century artist, was long overlooked. She is belatedly gaining recognition as an old master, as the first U.S. show of her work opens in Boston." No. 1723169
>>1723055but of course,
nonnie. insecurity is actually what breeds this type of behavior
No. 1723265
>>1723130>>1723113please tell me Liz B is really posting here and this isn't just some bored
nonny role playing
No. 1723305
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>>1722940She's been on one today writing countless unhinged tweets, even getting butthurt enough to call out some random girl. Very weird antisocial behavior
No. 1723332
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>>1723305sadly she deleted the milkiest seething replies. comment in picrel is accurate tho, ppig having 70k followers from copying unfunny tweets means "shitpost" twitter is dead kek
No. 1723356
>>1720435Liz used to constantly humblebrag on Twitter about her tiny body and being mistaken for a child. my fave was when she told everyone apropos of nothing that she "only weighs twice as much" as her 40 pound toddler daughter. a couple months ago she was liking comments that called her emaciated
>>1659192 she's completely fucked in the head
>>1723265nonnas have suspected for years that liz posts here, at the very least one of her most devoted simps like Carl does. every time she's posted about here there's an immediate follow-up trying to shut it down, like
>>1720385 and the posts you quoted. why cows haven't figured out how obvious this is i'll never know.
No. 1723365
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>>1723346yes, and an incredibly mediocre-looking one at best. for all the nasty insults she throws around i'm not surprised.
No. 1723411
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How is this shit still going?
No. 1723440
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Generally people make this critique of "libtard altruism" where billionaires are responsible for the opioid deaths or deforestation across the world, not covering up naked photos of fucking Joe Biden's son lmfao
No. 1723574
>>1723356If they could refrain from doing retarded shit they know is retarded they would not be cows to begin with
>>1723456It will never stop being funny that these people's concept of high culture is equivalent to "and his name? Albert Einstein". Woke art is shit, but reactionaries and reactionary-adjacent tastes with their pretension of sophistication (and complete failure to achieve anything remotely close to it) take the cringe cake
No. 1723895
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>>1722503The art appreciators have logged on
No. 1724164
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Surprised cCsh is taking the Houellebecq pill and reverting, always thought he was going to settle on some schizzed-out Tibetan buddhist larp
No. 1724224
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Dasha x Adam spotting
No. 1724293
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>>1724224classic sperg-bark by are maddie right there
sadly, snotcominome
No. 1724493
>>1724399"ive 'grown' past this, so im going to advocate voting for freaks who want to make sure
you cant"
No. 1724501
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>>1723100She’s like The Love Witch but catholic
No. 1724515
>>1724493I’m gonna keep it real (as a grown woman who believes that abortion should be accessible for
victims of sexual assault/abuse), and as someone who’s had an abortion; abortion definitely isn’t a good or desirable thing so it’s reasonable to not want other people to have to experience getting one. It’s really better to just practice safe sex or not have sex at all if you don’t want to get pregnant kek, i can’t imagine why any woman here would want to touch a moid with a 10 foot pole to begin with, let alone be at risk for pregnancy…
No. 1724561
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Very dumb
No. 1724582
File: 1670739607004.png (3.21 MB, 1212x2186, stavystance.png)

oh no he has that horrible splayed leg stance that people get when their muscles aren't strong enough to hold their mass… he or his agent or whoever should not have posted this one. No offense to people who are old or ill but normal people don't stand like this. Stav is literally 33 and constantly talking about improving himself, I wasn't paying attention and assumed he was actually exercising (lol) so seeing him shocked me. Absolutely no improvement. he looks worse than ever.
No. 1724741
>>1724607>>1724628He's youngish and hasn't permanently fucked anything up, so he
could fix himself, but he almost definitely
won't. Those human interest stories about someone who has a heart attack at a really young age for that, like 45, and then gets into marathon running to turn their health around are a thing because it's so rare. Stav's whole thing is having zero self control, there was a like six month run on cumtown where he'd talk about getting high and watching Thor Ragnarok on a nightly basis.
So yeah it's almost definitely over for him.
No. 1724982
File: 1670784618445.png (309.49 KB, 598x781, TmdjGK2.png)

This always amuses me, she brings this up a lot:
Anna not having any of markle's undignified ethno-larping for personal gain.
I honestly wasn't expecting it, I thought markle's blatant race frauding would provide good cover for Anna's.
Literally the last person on earth to be making this point.
Unscrupulous ethno-larping for me but not thee
No. 1724989
>>1724982kek i mean i agree with the point but anna is not the one who should be saying it. anna has called herself a
woc too and said she doesn’t benefit from whiteness despite looking like every other white woman in new york. she’s delusional if she thinks she looks any less white than markle.
No. 1725019
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No. 1725076
>>1725060Bitter white women are always quick to designate biracial women as "white-passing" because they can't fathom having to feel empathy for their one-sided "competition".
Anna is the type who would absolutely CREAM if she had a taste of the same racism women of color experience. Plus white musicians like Eli love racially ambiguous-looking women like Markle which makes Anna seethe and cope like a plantation owner's wife.
(racebait) No. 1725079
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>>1724982Anna is such a racist loser.
No. 1725094
>>1725079One of the main roots of a lot of these people’s bitterness and right wing turns is their delusions that the only thing keeping them from being important is not being the right ethnicity or sex. All the white men think they’d have it easy if they were women, the gays if they were
poc or trans, the women if they weren’t white. (This is the plot of Actors but everyone in the scene still has no self awareness.) Anna thinks everyone would love her writing and opinions if she was a gay man or black woman. Dasha thinks she doesn’t book because she’s a “thin blonde” and has her whole weeb fetish. It’s why they have a special hatred of AOC and fka Twigs among others while also hating every millennial white celeb who has what they don’t.
No. 1725095
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>>1724982 >>1725079I've seen plenty of striving white people grease their way up the pole in professional NYC life by calling themselves some variation on 'latino/x etc.' Sam Escobar is a good example.
No. 1725101
>>1725098There's no such thing as an 'anglo american' anymore. When was the last time you even heard the term, no one identifies themselves as that.
You'd be out of your mind to do so anyway, it would put you at a huge disadvantage. The 'flight from white' phemon is very real and with good reason.
That doesn't excuse annoying larpers like anna or AOC etc who do it for purely narcissistic reasons, rather than to avoid AA.
No. 1725132
>>1725026Where, at any point, did I use the rhetoric that having to give birth to a child that you purposefully conceived is a “punishment”? if that’s how you interpret it you’re definitely allowed to feel that way but most people who are mentally stable usually concede that having a child is one of the greatest blessings that’s ever occurred in their lives. I digress!
>>1725033>You think grown women who purposefully have unsafe, consensual sex (not rape) shouldn’t be granted the right to an abortion because the entire fucking point of sex is to create the next generation? You deserved it when you got raped! That sounds a lot more moid like than any of what I said.
(derailing) No. 1725136
>>1725132samefag but basically what I’m saying is that sex doesn’t exist for pleasure, like I’ve said multiple times; if you purposefully have careless unsafe sex (which isn’t rape. It’s consensual sex) I don’t know what you were expecting if not to get pregnant. The entire reason sex exists is to get pregnant. If
you choose to have unsafe sex with a moid, you are subconsciously consenting to pregnancy whether or not you accept that reality.
No. 1725150
>>1725132You're fucking retarded if you think any legal system is perfect enough to enforce your petty gossiping wife distinctions between good, warranted abortion and bad, frivolous abortion. Most rape
victims aren't believed. I'm merely reminding that if rape happens to you with your proposed enforcement structure in place, I can near guarantee that you won't get your permission to abort in a timely manner, if at all. I won't even go into detail about how retarded and invasive it would be to scrutinize
victims (particularly underage ones) to establish whether they're seeking a good girl abortion™, but I do hope that if your retarded system is ever installed, you'll enjoy getting publicly fingered by the legal bureaucracy to get rid of a broken condom whoopsie. A fucking worthless use of state resources, but at least I'll get a hearty kek out of it.
JK, you're an obvious moid and I hope you contribute to those male suicide rates before you mald completely.
No. 1725167
>>1725095>Sam Escobar is a good example.nonnie we probably know each other IRL kek. Sam was the first obviously rich white female I remember doing the "Latinx they/them" larp for careerist reasons and she's been an object of scorn among all my NYC media friends for years (many of whom are actually black or latino and know a rich girl grifter when they see one)
>>1725139uhhh yeah paging whoever said this…
>>1725098>even if they identify as white, Latinos still face racism and discrimination and aren't reaping the privileges like Anglo Americansthis is just not true anymore
nonnie and hasn't been for a long time, the difference between successful media grifter Latinxes like the aforementioned Sam Escobar and oppressed white Latinos is class, pure and simple. white Latinos can be inner city urban poor or they can be the most bourgie ivy league girlbosses, what they are not is somehow universally oppressed just because their parents or ancestors came from Puerto Rico or Cuba or wherever. but the grifting Latinos are definitely taking full advantage of the "all Latinos are oppressed" meme
No. 1725194
>>1725168Astonishing, how the people who usually depend on sex for pleasure/validation as opposed to procreation usually receive the least of it/have the most masturbatory habits based on what their fetishized idea of “sex” is, compared to what experiencing real sex is actually like
>>1725150All those words just for it to be you admitting that you fantasize about other women who’s opinions you disagree with being violently raped…and you’re saying I’m acting like a moid? You can attach to the cope of thinking that its masculine for women to be pro-creation all you want, but it doesn’t change the fact that the janitors can see my post history and know goddamn well that I’m a woman. But by all means, keep posting about your rape breeding fantasies against pro-life women kek. You get that handmaids tale costume back from the dry cleaner yet?
No. 1725205
>I’m so pro-choice that I hope you get violently raped just so you have to give birth to a downie rape baby! Goodness…
>>1725169Having unsafe consensual sex doesn’t mean you’re a “bad person who deserves to suffer consequences”, and that’s not at all what I said at any point kek. I said that if you’re purposefully having unsafe consensual sex you should just have the goddamn child because
literally what is the point of having condomless sex if you’re not trying to get pregnant…? And I also said multiple times that sexual abuse/assault
victims of all ages and backgrounds deserve access to abortion, because forcing a woman who’s a
victim of rape to give birth to a child that she isn’t connected to and does not love would further traumatize the woman who’s just been victimized by this man, and could also result in the child who’s been created by sex from rape being murdered/harmed/sexually assaulted. A lot of you really need more help
comprehending and reading through posts fully before emotionally responding to them, assuming that the author was a man simply because I believe that abuse
victims deserve higher priority access to abortion than lazy retarded grown women who can’t be bothered to get a fucking IUD. I only have so much confidence saying this because
I am a lazy retarded grown woman who knows how easy it is to prevent yourself from getting pregnant.
No. 1725261
File: 1670807559869.png (72.99 KB, 596x702, pariahlolcow.png)

>>1722621The wages of self-posting. Mess with Mama Bear, get the claws
No. 1725264
>>1725205I agree that you're lazy and retarded, queen. But unless your IQ is scarethot level or below, there's no way you think you'll be believed and handed a good girl abortion pass just because you say so.
Why don't you tell the class how exactly you would determine who's seeking abortion due to victimhood and who isn't? What's it gonna be? An active criminal investigation? A woman's word? Your fee-fees? What is the timeline for determining whether it's credibly an assault based abortion? You feel so strongly about this, surely you've thought of the logistics. Or are you just baiting me into feeding your forced breeding fetish?
No. 1725316
>>1725261this man has something negative to say about women everyday
>>1725079Anna just is not in a position to comment on how corporate workplaces work. She knows nothing. What is she even talking about. She’s a podcaster with an ivory tower father. Tell us more about ascending the corporate ladder
Anna’s comments on Meghan markle are just silly. Markle can’t help her phenotype and being light. Everyone knows her mother is black. And in the context of England vs the US she sure as hell is “nonwhite.” There’s nothing more to say
No. 1725347
>>1725345I said
mentally stable people in relationships, not “all people in long term monogamous relationships” kek. You gotta pay close attention to the specific words I’m using. Cause you can definitely be in a long term monogamous relationship with a mentally ill pedophile or a limp wristed faggot who’s cheating on you, by all means
No. 1725352
>>1725350Goodness y’all really do not have good reading skills. I didn’t say “real sex is
supposed to be unenjoyable”, I simply said that having sex with someone is much more mundane and much less sexy than most orgasm obsessed people tend to think that it is. Let’s use these comprehension skills, nonnies. I know you’re capable of it.
No. 1725360
>>1725350they didn’t say sex is supposed to unenjoyable, only that they’re making weird definitions about it? like mentally stable people in relationships don’t have/shouldn’t have mutually desirable sex for pleasure because
checks notes and what was actually typed bc procreation and pleasure are mutually exclusive, procreation is the real only goal of sex that mentally stable people could want bc….. (what the fuck) in long term relationships sex isn’t almost some perfect one hundred percent optimal pleasurable thing (well duh) but people who feel sexual attraction and want to have sex with their partner who wants them must be porn obsessed orgasm addled freakish pick me whores for wanting to be pleasured/not want kids/thinking that sex whether it’s for kids or pure pleasure shouldn’t feel bad???? what’s going on here, idk
No. 1725380
>>1725205obvious scrote but
>retarded grown women who can’t be bothered to get a fucking IUDi don’t doubt that iuds can be a great option for some women, but every girl i know irl who’s gotten one had some collection of associated side effects ranging from the obnoxious and demoralizing (severe cystic acne, mood and weight fluctuations) to the deeply medically troubling (random bleeding, intense pain). the insertion and removal processes are apparently both painful, even if everything goes well and the thing works as it ought to.
i’m only saying this because there was a period where i saw them shilled near incessantly, and even posts like this frame the reluctance to undergo a medical procedure as a symptom of thoughtlessness or retardation rather than justifiable caution. imo it’s got something to do with the general push for forms of birth control that pose zero inconvenience to men, even if they’re annoying or dangerous for women.
basically, if you want one of these things i would encourage you to be careful and do some light googling so you don’t end up crying on your friend’s couch at 2am on a wednesday because you’ve been bleeding for two weeks and your face looks like it was attacked by bees
No. 1725389
File: 1670816989674.png (299.73 KB, 1236x1208, mayberealaccount.png)

Please stop feeding boring debate troll.
Dasha's boyfriend being a frog twitter ex-Aimee replyguy with zero redeeming traits is so tragic for her. Lucky his expiration date is coming up if he can't brainwash her into marriage.
No. 1725397
>>1725316exactly this. twitter retards always talk as if they "know" corporate when the extent of their experience is clearly reruns from The Office and what some idiot made up on an imageboard
>>1725389every time he gets posted on the leftcows thread he looks like a colossal faggot. he should hide his reddit account from her because even someone as stupid as she is will realize memespeak is for dorks. dasha cheating arc when?
No. 1725401
File: 1670819146312.png (44.98 KB, 599x201, ugh.png)

People outside Australia might not know what an incredibly horrible, nasty racist thing this is to say
She not only replies, but RT's
Unbelievably disgusting wretch
No. 1725411
File: 1670821146943.jpeg (1.81 MB, 1928x1446, 6DB9EF55-FE5E-45F6-8581-EA8962…)

>>1725401Made this her cover photo just under five years ago, now look at her
No. 1725414
>>1725411idk if it’s some irony thing or all about political correctness, if anyone is in these circles they have a complex or use their whiteness as some weird
victim thing/reassurance as heh “yea good thing racism exists I have something to make jokes about/it could be worse at least i’m not ___/racism exists is sign that deep down me being white makes me superior “ and for a their all their larping they have such creepy “ooh what a spectacle/gross be less ethnic be normal” towards any sort of thing having to do with cultures in general, good or bad. like the actual racism and how they use to insult people/feel better about themselves is so childish and they play “idpol” the same way they the people they complain about do, but worse. gross. bc god forbid people talk about things that effect them. peak cow behavior
See pariah’s the self-posting hon’s nonsensical bit about “love and diversity. They’re still genetically ugly/not at all special and this makes them worse. Aimee is still Australian
No. 1725419
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>>1725342Oh my god oh no this is too much this is such a self own I can't breathe. Holy shit nona you're not okay!
No. 1725426
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She also posted and then deleted something about moving back home and then posted a bunch about hating millennials and gen x ppl in Austin
I wonder if she got tired or Barrett or if Barrett kicked her out
No. 1725440
>>1725372t. wishes rape babies on rape
victims (don't start you dumb thot, that will be the exact consequence of your political bullshit in real life and you know it). Boo fucking hoo, get the WAAAmbulance.
On another note, you strongly remind me of many trying to conceive/infertilityverse cows. I am near certain that a lot of this has to do with the fact that you want to have a kid now but can't kek.
No. 1725449
>>1724614Every redscare chick loves to look for her past cringe lib in other women, and attack it relentlessly kek. This is like their defining feature. The self loathing must be unreal.
Just like Anna lambasts her inner tubby short legged fatty in others, this unwashed meth creature with Dasha's level of facial symmetry just loves to hiss at alt girls with booger piercings. Serious question, is there a leftcow that isn't projecting 100% of the time?
No. 1725458
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>>1725446This thread is so different from the rest of the site I sometimes forget where I am.
Anyway, looks like BAP is going on redscare soon. Not a huge surprise.
No. 1725460
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>"she never posts pictures of her kid"
>1 hr prior: [picture of her kid]
No. 1725716
>>1725132>I digress! sad! so spiritually ugly! i'll pray for you! many such cases! why do ironic conservative retards love these dramatic little exclamations so much kek
>most people who are mentally stable usually concede that having a child is one of the greatest blessings that’s ever occurred in their livesAll women who are mentally stable understand that a pregnancy is just something that happens when you have sex without a condom, moid. I could leave my apartment right now, get myself pregnant, and come back before you could finish reading a rooshv blog post. Taking in worthless moid seed is the most mundane thing a woman can do, it's only a blessing (let alone a great one kek) if you're the worthless moid who was lucky enough to be chosen
No. 1725717
>>1725696Do you really think grown adult women don’t get abortions? You’re living in a fantasy world, which you’re allowed to do! But look at the numbers and I’m sure you’ll be able to accept that there are a lot more grown women aborting their children than you think
>>1725581I honestly believe that IUD’s are unsafe and unhealthy; but it’s also unsafe and unhealthy to have sex with the intention of just having a useless orgasm so…it’s easy to assume that maybe someone who depends on sex for pleasure would be willing to deal with the discomfort of a metal rod in your uterus!
>>1725440Nah, I’m only 20 so I really have no desire to traumatize my body with pregnancy and birthing a whole entire baby (if not multiple), which is why I don’t have sex. Order of operations, people.
>>1725439It’s ok if you consider a woman who has a different opinion from you to be a man, but that doesn’t change the fact that I am a grown woman who’s eventually going to reproduce children who will overhear my thoughts and feelings. Cope with that how you will
>>1725634Get real lol, once you finish going through puberty maybe you’ll have a better understanding of why people have sex and realize that it’s not at all for pleasure. There’s a
reason why sex feels good and orgasmic; it’s because you’re
literally physically supposed to want to have sex for the purpose of creating the next generation. If you depend on the instant gratification of orgasms and shit to make you feel less suicidal or whatever that sounds like a much more uncomfortable and unenjoyable experience than only having sex when it’s actually necessary/useful.
I’m gonna stop this derail here because none of you want to understand something beyond your own comprehension/ideologies, which is why you’re purposefully trying to make it sound like it’s some kind of “radical reactionary ideal” to understand that heterosexual sex exists for reproducing.
No. 1725737
>>1725716I apologize your parents made you feel worthless kek…but when you get off the internet and go communicate with women and mothers who exist in the real world with the rest of us, they often speak openly about how much motherhood has done for them when they’ve gotten pregnant through conceptual sex that they weren’t having solely for the purpose of wasting your time feeling an “orgasm”. Unless they were mentally unwell, which a lot of women are or become mentally unwell after reproducing when they weren’t supposed to/didn’t actually want to.
tl;dr I don’t know what trauma you have that makes you think that having children whom you love is “worse” than having loveless, pointless sex but it’s you who has to live with it, not me kek
No. 1725778
>>1725765Yeah I already have experienced abortion when I was a stupid shitty teenager, which means I’ve never fully gone through a pregnancy despite having careless sex before in my life. Not sure how this doesn’t make sense.
>>1725771I mean for you to think I’m a man or a troon is definitely much better than to know who I am kek…
No. 1725783
>>1725737None of this has anything to do with what my post said, are you having some kind of episode? Google "emergency psychiatric help" with your area and call the number that shows up
nonnie you aren't okay
No. 1725833
File: 1670878866607.gif (1.5 MB, 200x200, 200w.gif)

dae remember when this place had mods and not just 2 tiresome spergs shitting up every single thread with endless pointless slapfights
No. 1725886
>>1725804the writer's name is Ashley Reese, she's a lovely person who cared for her boyfriend-turned-husband of 9 years tirelessly through his cancer. their wedding was beautiful surrounded by loving friends and family. meanwhile dasha and leia (the ones who most likely framed Ashley with the fake twitter screenshots, check the old threads for some good detective work) are bitter unloved hags who can't keep a relationship and act like deranged middle school mean girls.
linking Vogue's article on Ashley's wedding - the pics are tough to look at, its clear Rob was very unwell - and Ashley's gofundme for medical debt in case any nonnies are curious or want to donate a couple dollars (Rob couldn't work due to cancer, then Ashley was laid off so they lost their sole income and source of health insurance). it's $180k now, hope it continues to grow and Ashley keeps her head up. No. 1725921
>>1725908>why are you posting about Ashleyi'm responding to a post about Ashley whose spat with Dasha figures pretty heavily in the history of this board, if you've been around a while then you remember that fateful day lol. i'm sharing what i know for any nonnas who are curious, i'm not lobbying for you specifically to give a shit
>>1725911>Not seeing what this has to do with this thread.maybe you're new but she's got more to do with this thread than the last 79 posts sperging about birth control and whether a 35 year old has ever gotten an abortion
No. 1725965
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>>1725822>>1725810Screenshot was posted here not long after the last tweet from this account
Fateful day indeed
No. 1726035
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>>1723444Taking a shot at the aging and childless isn't ageism? Of course they identify with crusty old Aschenbach from Death in Venice as a tragic hero. The women, many of them single and middle aged, who keep them from sexual access to children are killjoy hags.
If men can't diddle children, they won't be "inspired" to produce the most important thing in the world, pop culture for dollar store Paglias to bloviate about
Just saying the quiet part out loud again
No. 1726043
File: 1670898329534.png (68.2 KB, 857x550, pndui.png) is some dude who used to obsessively chronicle Jack's podcast.
Jack getting busted for drunk driving was news to me.
No. 1726064
>>1726039No, I'm not a Republican. Are you a delusional gay male who thinks heterosexual right wing men will accept you because you hate women and black people?
"Phony concern for the children" sounds like something the Reddit libs they hate would say. It's an incoherent statement, which tells me he's being disingenuous
No. 1726082
>>1726069Thank you nonna. I'm referring of course to the weird circle of gay entryists that Filthy Armenian belongs to. They're still ass mad that people are offended by the Balenciaga ads. They all freaked out about Libs of Tik Tok chronicling the same material as our MTF threads here. It's obvious that he, Jack, Pariah, Zach et al agree with Paglia that rules shouldn't apply to gay men and there's no such thing as too young because "it's their culture" and "it's for the art."
Joe Clark, the TPN chronicler noted above, is a principled gay man himself calling out Jack for defending shitty behavior.
This person is clearly a troll, probably part of Perfume Nationalist twitter
No. 1726170
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Jugs aka Christina Murgo from the Perfume Nationalist podcast has resurfaced on a nazi women's podcast alongside Emily Youcis. Source: this antifa blog that used all the info on her from this thread from 2 years ago No. 1726234
File: 1670917063842.png (7.41 MB, 2032x1508, pariahtroonai.png)

>>1726082Np nonna I know what you mean.
>>1726088You do sound lost as we all know there is an entire subset of Republican moids, many of whom are BAP followers, who want state-mandated teen gfs and believe menarche dictates when a girl is ready to be a wife and mother because they're pedophilic scrotes who think women's choices are dysgenic and we all have an expiration date. They're very mad that women nowadays have standards, educations and are pursuing careers of their own. Many of these are also closeted homosexuals who like to talk about pederasty. Where the fuck do you think you are that we don't see them as groomers the same way there are liberal openly homosexual groomers? As this anon >>>1726119 said, our common unifier is that we are women, and we assume other women also hate groomers, on all sides, with the rare exception of some pickme scarethots who post here. If you're some freak thinking you're going to find solidarity here among muh fellow liberals while countersignaling against calling out groomers then you're only going to expose yourself.
Who could possibly want "groomers" to be treated as a slur that applies to all gay people so they can silence
valid criticism as if it's a liberal vs republican/you either tolerate gays or you don't tolerate the gays issue? Who would want to shut down "groomer discourse"? I know the troon cabal jannies on reddit are known to do that. I wonder if we know of any cow troons in these threads who have openly espoused pedophilic beliefs and are also in gcs with perfume fationalist, filthy armenians and their ilk… oh wait. If it's not him well my bad, just messing around lol. They're all the same to me. Pariah and the rest of them all need to stay away from children.
No. 1726243
File: 1670917840511.png (319.3 KB, 1229x633, g0xWZ50.png)

She posted this clip of the Russian arms dealer guy, he's speaking Russian with no English captions under it.
I was thinking she's posting this to do her usual thing of trying to convince everyone she can actually speak Russian (she can not)…
Then I read the comments where she more or less admits she has no idea what he's saying.
I don't know why she continues with the 'I can speak russian' larp when she's been caught out so many times it's openly mocked on the RS sub.
No. 1726250
>>1726246Nonna….. obviously, “NAXALT” but you have a lot to learn. Stop taking the hyperbole here to mean there isn’t a real situation with the gay community and child abuse. Bc gay men are MEN.
Ignore the drag story hours and brunch fixation. Do you seriously not know any gay (or straight) men who were sexually abused by men? I have multiple straight exes who experienced sexual abuse by gay men. Bc gay men are MEN. & I have as frequent stories from gay friends who exp’d CSA as I do stories about my girl friends who were statutorily raped by 25+ year olds as high school freshman
Common denominator: MEN.
No. 1726252
>>1726234Samefag but this was a great post nonna. Well done.
There’s a certain permissivity in gay culture (bc it’s purely horny men enabling eachother) that’s created the issues we speak of. If you don’t see it at least a little, you’re in the wrong place.
No. 1726264
>>1726246Can you faggots please go back to twitter? You're acting like it's impossible for gay men to be predatory. Gay moids are still moids.
Also, drag queens should not be around kids. Doesn't make you a Republican or a far-right homophobia to think that.
No. 1726466
File: 1670952384624.png (725 KB, 624x710, 2022__img_63901045efb79[1].png)

>>1726170>>1726227Does anyone have a link about the podcast episode they are referring to, I could only find their very first episode. I wanna her jugs talk about this:
>“I know they know about the nig*er problem and I know they know about the Jews, especially Anna [Khachiyan].”>“I don’t believe those are real subscribers. They funnel money. It’s a front. That’s all that it is.” I also want to see if jugs starts complaining about the subreddit. I recall when Aimee was on TPN and jugs was still there, she was bitching to Aimee about how the subreddit keeps making fun of them lol
>>1726216She's definitely a unique character. Chubby goth white nationalist art girl that co-hosted a perfume podcast with a fat gay alt right zionist and was an effective troll of the red scare subreddit.
No. 1726523
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No. 1726574
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That hairline…
No. 1726596
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translation: i get more male attention out of this now
No. 1726652
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>>1726523No opinion on tinkzorg but she's pathetic. What a drag it would be to have to kiss every male ass so they don't rip you to shreds. Slobber the pole, eventually you will pay the toll
No. 1726655
>>1724399>>1724430>>1726605not the anon who first posted this but i just listened to the ep, Dasha says "when midterms come up democrats say, 'you have to vote for us or else you'll have to get a back alley abortion and almost bleed out on your bathroom floor like Anna Khachiyan." they're both laughing and from context i assume Dasha's referring to Anna's story of giving birth to Lenny on her bathroom floor, not some heretofore unmentioned incident of a botched self-abortion. the episode was actually notable for how carefully Anna avoids mentioning her multiple abortions she's copped to in the past, it's pretty clear she's either been told to shut up about that, or she's willingly self-censoring to cater to the dumbass BAP crowd she's courting these days - or both!
anyway, Red Scare girls' perpetual hypocrisy aside, sometimes i worry about you girlies if you can't tell which parts are jokes and which parts are worth getting worked up about. the clip is at 16 min 30 here: No. 1726679
>>1726660Minutes later a groyper called her a race mixing whore. Sadly some women really are that broken.
>>1726656It never fails to make me laugh to see these women's avatar photos. They often have that AGP smirk, too dumb to realize we know they have no other options.
No. 1726700
>>1726518There's no smoking gun but if I was a betting woman I would definitely bet on it. This is based on the way she freaked out when she was identified as jugs and also how she kept seething about that skinny blonde girl that doxed jugs years after the fact. Jack also came to the subreddit after a long absence to defend her so he knew about it too.
>>1726524I just come her to gawk at both of them but presumably jugs would be worse then Jack from antifa's perspective. Jack is an alt-right faggot, he sometimes espouses replacement theory but he's fine with having POCs and troons as his guest. Jugs on the other hand is an all out white nationalist.
>>1726652Any milk on how they had the falling out? He was a guest on her podcast many times and he seems to say it was just random that she just turned on him one day out of nowhere. I guess she did the same with Oliver?
>>1726596She sucks at chess even after the lessons. Maddie was destroying her and she's not that good either, could have mated several days ago but I guess didn't see it lol
No. 1726747
>>1726697First comes a full stomach, then comes fixins.
– Stavros Halkias
No. 1726852
>>1726655Thank you for your service
nonnie. I felt like that would have come up in the threads if it was real but I didn’t want to go listen
No. 1726863
>>1726808I thought Stav talking about the type of women he loves was milky but only because it was retarded and not self-aware. He said something like he’s really into therapy so he’s thought about it a lot and realized he likes women who put up with his bullshit and mommy him and think he’s precious even when he’s fucking up, since he was such a smart special babied momma’s boy growing up (but he find step mom porn disgusting to be clear??? Said 2 minutes later). Then something about maybe needing a stricter woman. Barf.
It was mostly boring though yeah. Nice to laugh at a moid instead of a pickme for a change I guess. I wonder how much money Stav paid to be a guest
No. 1726876
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>>1724224She looks the same
No. 1726882
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>>1726803From the NYT slack. She posted this herself as some kind of own in one of the numerous arguments she had with randos on twitter; don't remember the context.
No. 1726922
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No. 1727171
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>>1727159She's all over the fucking place there recently and claims people recognized her/dm'd her about it but I dont know who it is and am curious.
No. 1727176
>>1727171this is such an embarrassing post kek. she has clearly never let go of her achievement of tumblr popularity years ago
actually i have the same question as her, why DO so many coquette edgelords who don’t even like anna and dasha still kind of ironically stan them or at least hang around in the subreddit? maybe just because they like the aesthetic or want to say retard somewhere where people won’t get mad?
No. 1727188
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Their crusade against the movie Possession continues without acknowledging that Dasha ripped it off for her own movie's poster and for the entirety of the Betsy half. And doing a "homage" to Possession was already cliched in 2020. Dasha talked on the podcast with Anna about it being not that good and both seemed completely unaware of the irony and why Metrograph would program it and not Scary. Supports the theory that Maddie did most of the writing and the cinematographer did all of the actual directing.
>>1726596Unemployed behavior. That Civil War movie is never getting made.
>>1727187redscare4cishetmen coomer moids out
No. 1727207
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>>1727188He has the most contrarian taste in movies
No. 1727218
>>1727171Consuming mass market product as a substitute for talent and a personality is exactly the religion Paglia and her imitators like Jack and RS sell with themselves as the priestly caste
>>1727188How dare the pretty zoomer girls they'd sell their souls to be/fuck just like the things they like without consulting the experts
No. 1727226
>>1727222She posted her noise jackets recently, lol.
Tumblrinas stay winning I guess? Glad I never joined that website
No. 1727238
>>1727231Yeah she mentioned being "half-ching chong" recently and all that stuff about being mixed race. Isn't it sad how people don't even change in the span of decades?
But also, being this pathologically ashamed and anxious over your racial origins is lame
No. 1727360
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No. 1727388
>>1727360sorry don’t you know like teachers nurses aren’t respected because of the gynocracy????? spiteful obvi jealous women with their lack of
check notes femininity because they’re femoids!!!! them having jobs ruins lives, makes sensitive little boys into troons like little not at all hateful or chronically online totally not npc-ish me!!!!!
No. 1727436
>>1727360cant blame him if he 41%ed, in the past if you were someone like him you’d be a lunatic for the first bit of your life, maybe do some weird shit and embarrass yourself a bunch, but people forget, it gets lost to time, and you eventually get a job and friends and become normal. he made himself into a humiliating spectacle, in a way that will be forever linked to his real name and face, ruined his body by being a gullible dummy, and will literally only ever escape it by changing his name, moving somewhere where they dont speak english, and giving up on the delusion that he can ever be anything but an ugly moid. i dont like it when people commit suicide even if they do suck, but it’s honestly an entirely legitimate and logical choice for somebody in his position
No. 1727523
>>1727388LOL nonna I do feel sorry for him being suckered into troondom as a minor but the women he hates the most are the people who fight the hardest against sterilizing children in the first place. Oh but we're not feminine enough for you even though if we ran things you'd still have a functioning dick. Get a clue and see us as people and not just a LARP/target for your frustration
On his TPN appearance he and Jack made it obvious they think conservative men don't come by their loathing for them on their own but are deceived by the Eves in their lives. Women are just a skin suit to put on and something to blame your failures on
The responses to that Milkers post are similar to what 4channers would post and contrary to his delusions they're far more heartless than anything posted here
No. 1727525
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>>1722815Yes if I don't 100% trust each and every gay man that makes me a Republican yes sirree
No. 1727627
>>1727525Grinding our pussies against anything that moves? I guess that's why PrEP needed to be invented
That whole crew believes this delusional shit. Happy to stay winning though
No. 1727651
>>1727436how far gone was he, did he have ffs and the chop so he couldn't just meekly detrans? there's been so many much older, much more visible detransitioners lately, like that navy seal who claimed he was a
victim of "extreme propaganda," it couldn't be that difficult to just scrote up and admit he was sold a lie and being retarded
No. 1727701
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>>1727688It seems like Monica was defending him recently and they’ve been friendly for months. It’s the bitchy woman and her equally mean gay male friend energy (eg he’s called her mother on Twitter). It makes sense pariah would find comfort in a woman who needs to be half silicone to accept herself. he can lie to himself about how all female beautiful is artificial and manufactured
No. 1727735
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>>1727656Seems like pariah has been taken estrogen in some capacity for a long time and claims he never went through puberty. Odd bc he’s 6’0 it seems. I’m not sure what he means or what parts of development he missed on. Seems to try no estrogen for some days etc then goes back.
A misogynist is a misogynist but it is rough to be the lab rat for figuring out how to get off of hormones, esp when you took them from preteen to adulthood.
No. 1727780
>>1725283sage for blog, I know the ones of the original post-ussr jewish wave and their children (I am one) and also many "slavic" Russians who came as adults for work/modeling/whatever, as NYC has traditionally occupied some kind of bizarre utopian status in the minds of many Russians which persists even to this day.
In terms of Jewish communities, again I reiterate, the "judaism through the mother's line" stuff is not really relevant like it is in other communities because 1) like 90% were secular/very mild reform religious anyway 2) in the USSR you could be classified as a jew whether it was your father or mother who was the one. In Anna's case if her mother had taken on a jewish identity as passed in down to her she could be easily accepted as a jew in the russian jewish community.
>>1726243I heard her speak on the RWA podcast and she can speak and communicate to a perfectly understandable level and her pronunciation is actually pretty good. She just has zero natural grasp of russian grammar and total depletion of natural vocabulary for someone living in 2022; she forms her sentences in a weird pantomime of a 1980s soviet speaker, but that is pretty common among first gen immigrents. It's Dasha that is only able to say garbled fragments of broken gibberish and has admitted to not being able to understand basic russian daytime game shows, which is very pathetic considering how much effort she has invested in her cringe slavic lolita brand
No. 1727948
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i know Anna thinks her selfies are giving "cool, impassive beauty" but these male FaceApp edits made by someone in r/redscarepod really bring out the joyless, dead-eyed incel that lurks within her
No. 1727974
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>>1727948It's clear she's always wanted to be a man but at the same time won't capitulate to trannyism because of her contrarian nature.
In other news, apparently TAFS managed to get Matt Healey for a split second. Not sure if the Matt Healye episode was a bit or if it was a real episode that turned to shit. Either way it seems they're transitioning to Howard Stern for millenials.
No. 1727994
>>1727735Doesn't testosterone close the growth plates so eunuchs tend to grow taller than they would otherwise? I remember reading something about this on another thread.
Also, I'm pretty sure you can fuck up your body's ability to produce its own sex hormones with HRT, it happens to bodybuilders all the time
No. 1728002
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>>1723365>>1723332>>1723305>>1722940lol everyone in this interaction is grotesque
No. 1728023
>>1727948>>1727973the art
nonnie from the last thread who said Anna has droopy spaniel eyes and a perpetual bullied mass shooter scowl lives in my head rent free and it's funny that no matter how much $$ she spends on her face those are still the first things you see when you look at her
No. 1728069
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>>1726170Saging because it's getting somewhat off topic but the author of that blog got doxed according to this white nationalist site. If true, jugs has some powerful white nationalist hacker friends lol
No. 1728076
>>1728002Didn't someone say she had a neonazi ex bf who hung out with nick fuentes and took a minor to get plan b after one of her friends had sex with them or something. No wonder she thinks that nasty pedo is good company
>>1727701>>1727436I hope he wasn't permanently destroyed by the psychic weaponry of AI art kek. Honestly i'd feel bad if he 41%ed if it wasn't for the pedophilic "the unfemininity of modern woman leads men to want peripupescent boys. BAP discuss this" disgusting tweet i always just found him annoying until that point
No. 1728079
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How does Aimee not realize she's alienating 90% of her followers by making fun of John Fetterman's appearance
No. 1728122
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>>1727948>>1728026Separated at birth?
No. 1728138
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>>1728137im fine bro i swear its normal its just the toxins leaving my body
No. 1728173
>>1727523RW gay men are absolutely and pathologically unable to accept the loathing and disgust that straight men often feel towards them, principally because many gay niggas are desperately attracted to straight guys. This is the source of a great deal of bizarre one-sided sexual competition between gay men and women, the likes of which women are usually oblivious to.
As such, they cope by pretending that homophobia is in all cases an attempt by straight men to ‘peacock’ for the hot Stacies they’ll never be - ergo, it’s women’s fault. They literally cannot acknowledge that the vast majority of historical institutional homophobia their community has experienced had little to no female instrumentality.
As a sidenote, it’s absolutely stunning to observe how predictable men are across all demographics, particularly in their tendency to scapegoat women for any particular social ill. For all the wasteful fellating that faghags and non-based lesbians for these tedious faggots, you’d think a little more kindness would be due.
No. 1728203
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>>1727948read too much Paglia, start to look like her
No. 1728237
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Wonder why he would say something like this…
No. 1728254
>>1728173RW gayniggas go on and on about empty egg cartons and women hitting the wall but they splat with 100x the violence. Men are so much crueler to each other than we could be to them. When most women hit middle age they simply face reality and find other things to do.
They bitch about female altruism (see Jack and the evil cookie-givers and stray cat simps at his job) but they lose their shit when women don't bend over backwards for them. Sorry you can't have it both ways Mary
No. 1728265
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>>1728254Next time a cumwipe tries the old egg carton shitpost, just send them this. Women typically become infertile in their 40s, still plenty of time to plan for children. Meanwhile the entire male gender is going infertile, kek.
No. 1728302
>>1728272That is correct if you're a deeply retarded 4 year old with FAS. Most 4 year olds have full grasp on their native language.
I would understand losing comprehension if you left at 2, but not 4. Many kids can fucking read and even write in ugly print letters at that age.
No. 1728360
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>>1728254It's all projection. I had a hearty kek today at this incredible ""freudian slip"", and as expected learning what really happened changed nothing. Cum peddlers are barely conscious, zero self-awareness.
No. 1728365
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>>1728130Center left normies
No. 1728375
>>1728250As an oldfag I can't believe people actually want to revive that "scene"
It was lame and full of clout chasing poseurs the first time around
No. 1728431
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>>1728242Has to be
her dirty work, right?
No. 1728451
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>>1728100he was at the psych ward apparently and came back to brag about how he's wasting away and how doctors thought he passed lol
No. 1728490
>>1728360This is fully reflected in research on single sex vs co-ed schooling. Or womanless villages in places like India. The very first thing moids do is establish a hierarchy and an abused caste of moids to fulfill a woman's role, but eventually they default to killing and raping each other anyway because a parasite can't parasitize on another parasite. It's well established that women and 1moid1wife systems serve as a buffer for intrasexual violence and are basically a meat shield for moids, which is why all societies with a surplus of unmarried males always see an uptick in crime and probability of war. That's for the
>>1728201"brother wars" incels. Having a wife allows a moid to beat her instead of taking out his chimp impulses on other moids, which is inherently riskier. So if anything, female proximity allows beta males to proliferate and thrive uncontrollably - if it wasn't for women serving as punching bags and dispensing moralfaggotry, all the chinless tweeting groypers would be too busy getting murdered by stronger coom chimps (as they should).
The "ANYWAYS, ITS BAD FOR BOTH GENDERS OKAY??? LET'S DROP IT" passage from that moid made me kek. Yeah, no, it's bad for you and you know it. The absolute worst thing you can do to a human male is confine him with other males. Moids already murder each other in limited single sex environments like military and prison, but I can only imagine what true sex segregation would be. No female imagery, no women or even any remote hope of ever encountering them. Just men and knowing that you'll die only seeing men around you. I sincerely hope that every moid posted in this thread gets to experience this somehow. I'd honestly pay money to make it happen.
No. 1728497
File: 1671173066601.jpeg (180.21 KB, 1125x636, 413C894A-A0FB-4623-80B2-B720F7…)

>>1728122Someone said this on the sub and of course she found it flattering
No. 1728499
>>1728490excellent post nonna. a common trend with those chinless twitter moids is that they're always calling
other males to go to war, never offering themselves. Because deep down they know they are betas and would be tossed about like an orca whale tosses its prey if they ever had to fight
No. 1728507
File: 1671173695475.jpeg (38.23 KB, 432x243, 50442422-CD0F-40A0-A53A-DB7DB9…)

>>1728497she does look like him. "him" being a deranged incel LARPer who had to shut down his own forum due to "religious reasons" because his forum posters were meeting more women than he was and their questions were starting to expose him as an incel.
No. 1728544
File: 1671178764791.png (178.3 KB, 414x553, bunnyisadickrider.png)

No. 1728573
>>17285691. DS is the most conspicuous "avant garde" around
2. CP is like 40 years old
No. 1728610
>>1728490Manifesto-chan, is that you? May I ask your opinion on the new Muhskilinity guru, Andrew Tate, and his apostles?
Particularly their efforts to normalise semi-open relationships (i.e. where men have sex with other women but women can’t have sex with other men). This is semi-relevent as RS discussed Andrew Tate on their podcast.
No. 1728656
>>17286101. He is a subhuman malding chincel, which is par for the course for a muh skulinity guru;
2. Naturally, he's proposing asymmetrical polyamory because he knows exactly how equal opportunity polyamory would end for him. It's impossible to maintain delusions of male uniqueness and importance in the context of sexual free market. Just like everything else he says, the "I can cheat but you can't because reasons" bit betrays an acute awareness of being a bottom tier male - the exact kind that isn't fit to compete with other males and would need an autistic tutorial on how to be MUH SKULINE in the first place. Overall it's a pretty default male societal system, the penile affirmative action logic of "you shouldn't run at all so I can win the race" is a recurring pattern everywhere, not just mating practices.
No. 1728722
File: 1671205831131.jpg (70.7 KB, 750x1334, oDvUIdRY.jpg)

wait, is Annie Hamilton trans?
No. 1728753
>>1728451Sorry for meta post but can he go in the MtF/TiM thread or the pro-ana thread now? why the leftcow thread just because he's in NYC…? Paria doesn't even make a media product to pick apart and was never involved in anything political, it's just tweets and pictures of him (and I personally don't care, not that that decides what's on-topic)
If he stays here whatever fine. I'm not gonna complain after this since he's a redscare orbitter, but I would sort him into a different thread based on what he actually is/does. I think it's off-topic when he comes up here and he self posts anyway and probably doesn't want to be sorted into the other threads even though that's where he belongs. Don't care if it makes this thread slower, it would be better without him.
No. 1728768
>>1728753Thirded, he's so boring and most of it is self posting anyways.
>Don't care if it makes this thread slower, it would be better without him.100%
No. 1728810
>>1728753Personally I find the psychology of delusional, perfidious homosexual moids like Jack/Asuka/Pariah more interesting than endless takedowns of Anna and Dasha's appearance but that's just me I guess
Frankly I get off watching their doomed attempts to redpill straight men on the eternal woman. They fail to understand they wouldn't be remotely equal to het men in a RETVRN to ancient Athens and their increasing bitterness gives me joy
No. 1728846
File: 1671217349803.jpeg (43.14 KB, 500x305, Faces.jpeg)

>>1728656 NTA but Tate also has the typical "female" facial proportions of a male exposed to very low testosterone in Utero, which in my opinion explains a lot of his histrionic personality traits, obsession with detail and strong preference for woman with very strong/androgynous faces
No. 1728866
>>1728846It would make sense because male hierarchy is entirely animalistic, no matter how much beta males cope through money and machiavellian social influence. Their primordial instinct is to bow before features that say "ooga booga me can beat you up and steal your female". It's how they evolved, and no matter how much they try to intellectualize it, it's their core lived experience and motivation.
Because cross-sex aggression was observed to be a common beta male response to being low in the male hierarchy, it's natural that these types of men would also be the least masculinized at the most basic level - not the LARPy social Muh Skulinity, but the basic T dependent stuff like height and jaw width. That is not to make a retarded "those weren't REAL men" tier argument or to imply that the chimpiest coom chimps possess some fabled muh skuline virtue as hallucinated by BAP and other demented fujoshits from the hellenic fandom. Tall moids with good midfacial development and sharp jawlines are just as vile, but they do have fewer reasons to let it spill out. There's absolutely an argument to be made that genetically attractive men have fewer reasons to be terminally resentful.
No. 1728895
File: 1671221583276.png (35.39 KB, 629x505, datingkat.png)

No. 1728952
File: 1671225442219.jpeg (90.97 KB, 750x945, Jamesspader.jpeg)

>an argument to be made that genetically attractive men have fewer reasons to be terminally resentfulNot to derail but I have to completely disagree on your premises that having high T vs low T features is what makes men attractive. Large sectors of women absolutely do have a specific preference for the more "feminized" spectrum of male faces like pircel and vice versa with very square faces like Sara Sampaio/Sean Young/Irina Shyak considered much more attractive by a lot of men then someone like Kate Moss.
This doesn't apply to Tate tho who just independently ugly/mediocre at best with his facial asymmetries, crowded/fucked up teeth, saggy eyes and receded chin.
("not to derail but ") No. 1728967
File: 1671226876447.jpg (47.38 KB, 1170x780, Jordan-2-1170x780.jpg)

>>1728952I completely agree that it's not what makes men attractive. It is, however, what men think makes men attractive, or what
should make a man attractive because it signals intra-male "competitiveness" in prehistoric conditions.
Males seething when their ideal gigachad self-insert gets fewer simps than a twink is another topic entirely. However, I have to remark that attractive feminine beauty is extremely rare and short lived in men due to male pattern aging. It's no doubt the most captivating type to straight women (personally I've never seen a gigachad get as much batshit simping as effeminate heartthrob types, if any at all), but it's also hands down the most unattainable for 99.9% of males on the planet. Tate and other soyjaks don't have the alpha chimp traits, but they don't have the twink traits either. Their features aren't soft, refined or elegant, they're just amorphous and weak.
No. 1728976
File: 1671229210109.jpeg (16.11 KB, 564x317, Twink_supremacy.jpeg)

>>1728967 Anon do we have the same definition of Twink/feminine faces? That freak Jordan Barrett is actually very high T lol, with his very wide/broad face, Neanderthal brow and short forehead, he is just extremely gay and has had a ton of plastic surgery. I think there is something to be said about feminized vs masculinized faces not having a direct correlating with attractiveness (ugly and attractive versions exist in both) and also being filtered thru gay vs straight. But if we are gonna talk about twink aesthetics, then the guy on the right is a better example of the true heterosexual Twink IMO, and the interested for such "beautiful androgynous" men is super niche vs for men that just have feminized proportions like Tom Hiddleston and James Spader but are clearly very male.
Anyways not sperg too hard but my original premises concerning Tate is that he looks like he was pretty low T in the womb, which has an effect on neurological development as well as certain physical traits, like less good at math and analytical thinking (probably why his chess grandmaster father was so disappointed in him) and more traits like emotional instability. Apparently having feminized hand ratios was also positively linked to having worst relationships with women kekekek No. 1729002
File: 1671232117581.png (239.57 KB, 512x768, tumblr_nljt6uiO0U1u5k5sro1_540…)

>>1728976He qualified as a twink maybe 5 years ago, he's just currently hitting the twink wall kek. You're likely more into true prettyboys like pic related - he kinda looks like Barrett sans caveman traits. I was mostly talking more in terms of twinks straight women like and men hate (think Zac Efron, Leo DiCaprio in Titanic, kpop creatures, etc). Though one can argue that it's actually attraction to markers of youth, which manifests as relatively feminized appearance in moids.
>Men with short index fingers and long ring fingers tend to be nicer toward women, according to a new studyKek, didn't know this one, but it checks out.
No. 1729005
>>1728716not the worst fate if that means he gets to keep his hair. he might look like phil collins in a year or two (bandmates are clearly heading there)
>>1728923something is a solid record noni
No. 1729012
File: 1671233092797.png (28.57 KB, 587x229, Screenshot 2022-12-16 18.24.41…)

So what's this about, then?
No. 1729087
File: 1671240765181.png (1.95 MB, 1108x1850, Screenshot 2022-12-16 at 5.26.…)

>>1729052I was ready to be impressed you even know that but I looked at Claire Penis's letterboxd and most of those aren't even listed let alone rated highly.
Eyes wide shut: not listed
Perfect blue: not listed
Posession: five stars
Mulholland Drive: not listed
Suspiria: not listed
Piano Teacher: not listed
picrel, Perfect Blue and Mulholland Drive used to be top 50 so clearly list was changed since Jan. I wouldn't know if the letterboxd ratings are even genuine the way hesse posts though
No. 1729127
>>1729096I'm just let down that
>>1729052 didn't have obscure cow knowledge. or maybe she does but no one posts screencaps or source anymore
>>1729114can you post screenshots girl
No. 1729187
File: 1671245837083.webm (10.99 MB, 480x852, pariahthedoll.webm)
>>1729165I'm posting this because I'm tired of you people who don't know how to use an imageboard. it's still not leftcow milk.
No. 1729223
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No. 1729230
File: 1671247920163.png (159.81 KB, 1174x670, annaattentionseeking.png)

Does Anna get that any blue haired nb barista looks more femme than her? Even the bald luggage stealing dude can wipe his lipstick off and look more normal than Anna.
>>1729223His meltdown was saying "ok lol" or something else less wordy than Anna's tweets. Anna gets very upset when men question her intellectual opinions, can't respond because she's a moron, then resorts to saying they're masturbating to her.
No. 1729250
File: 1671249378297.jpg (21.27 KB, 315x239, Yellow_Bastard.jpg)

>>1729230ew were really not siding with agp coomer pervert sam brinton over anna are we? he looks like the child molester from sin city. only a troon would post this
No. 1729256
>>1729230>Even the bald luggage stealing dude can wipe his lipstick off and look more normal than Anna.hard disagree.
>>1729250 for real, he literally does look like the yellow bastard
No. 1729319
>>1729230>Anna gets very upset when men question her intellectual opinionsShe has no intellectual opinions.
Every 12 months she latches on to a new writer and gets all her recycled hot takes from them, while namedropping them ad nausem. In the past it was Paglia and TLP, then Houellebecq, then Chris Laisch. Right now it's Steve Sailer and BAP.
No. 1729403
>>1729366I feel like he just reads other people's books and journalism on historic events so he can repeat it on his podcast with dramatic background music.
By records I meant the music from the blowback pod. Were they not selling it separately as a full record? Maybe it was being sold as individual song downloads, I didn't look because I wasn't buying it.
I find him very annoying. I've never listened to or read anything from him that wasn't annoying.
I'm surprised at myself for having a strong opinion honestly. He's not a big figure. I just remembered how irritating he was when I used to follow him. Over time something about him gave me "get away from me" vibes even through the computer. Will be going back to ignoring him again.
No. 1729426
File: 1671273187595.jpeg (268.04 KB, 1225x1378, 1B4C796D-AB1D-490F-88DD-DA2027…)

>>1729424keep it together nonna please he’s not worth it - unrelated but trueanon liz liked a tweet subposting the dimeosphere so ig we’re all to pretend her embarrassing attempt to work her way in via fat jack never happened (it was in 2020 but he was also insane in 2020)
No. 1729428
File: 1671273394646.jpeg (429.91 KB, 1194x944, 53865F19-9E7C-45BE-96FA-5F0F6A…)

>>1729426at what point would it be easier to just get a real job instead of having these schizophrenic and extremely tenuous twitter relationships completely consume anything resembling your professional life
No. 1729580
File: 1671300388258.jpeg (1.31 MB, 1242x2136, 716D2A7F-0BDE-4A12-8A26-68C63A…)

just trying to imagine a day in the life of Anna
>wake up, weigh self
>body check in mirror
>ignore cries of own child to respond to right wing anorexia fetishists on twitter
>take a break to window shop at brandy melvillee
No. 1729683
File: 1671314578838.jpeg (486.22 KB, 1170x1750, 9520C72B-DD6F-435D-8C62-C1E09D…)

Feel terrible for this psychopath’s baby mama and child
No. 1729697
File: 1671316461790.jpg (130.15 KB, 1102x666, jmurphy.jpg)

>>1729683>I'm not adjusting well>I'm hardening perfectly well!lmao
No. 1729707
>>1729683Imagine the reaction if a woman in that circle posted about missing getting drunk and high. Even bland instagram comics about #momlife
trigger these people.
No. 1729708
File: 1671317209877.jpeg (172.63 KB, 750x617, 510633AC-19B8-4121-85EB-687625…)

>>1729580 His pic was leaked and turns out he is a brown guy and they started calling him mexgold. So many nerds behind these accounts are self-hating swarthy fellas who want to be white(r)
No. 1729713
File: 1671318153875.png (24.58 KB, 595x237, aimeedumb.png)

It's gonna be really funny when pickmes like Aimee and Anna are well on the wrong side of 40 and their self-abasement is met with silence
No. 1729715
File: 1671318545961.jpg (59.63 KB, 680x680, mex gold pic.jpg)

>>1729708lmao is this him? He looks like one of my yard guy neighbors
No. 1729744
File: 1671322051164.jpeg (578.85 KB, 2048x2048, 46A17970-3FBB-47CA-8864-811827…)

>>1729678>>1729580shes pretty but as dasha would say
>>1722503 her hip to waist ratio's not poppin, not much more than those paintings. or better yet they wouldnt even if he posted this because they pander to rw ana fetishists and only comment negatively on women's bodies when they arent stick thin, although if we're going by whr then painting in picrel looks better. vast majority of women with ratios that low don't look thin, don't resemble runway models and they're certainly not underweight, it's always a result of genes that lead to good fat distribution or genes combined with lifting and eating well, not starving. they've had these interactions enough times at this point that it looks as if they both scour their timelines hoping to find some bottom barrel moid praising what they think resembles their body type so they can signal approval while those scrotes try to dictate what other men should or shouldn't be attracted to like retarded faggots.
>>1729715there is simply no amount of starving, being a pickme for low t ugly rw scrotes (who are often brown), and bragging about bmi that will get them a lower whr than curvy girls with those genetics, or fix their busted faces.
No. 1729752
>>1729744So true anon… thin women’s ratio is much milder to a curvy girl whose waist is 30 and her hips are 44. Most of the skinny women they simp over are like, 25 inch waist 34 inch hips. There are some people like Kendall Jenner and Bella Hadid who have undergone extensive sculptra to be very thin and have wider hips but it’s artificial (and moreso creates higher hips).
The exceptions are some pear shaped women like Doja Cat esp in certain specific ethnicities like South African that have a dramatic waist to hip and low body fat. But it’s not as if nonwhite or mixed women are frequently if ever attractive to Anna and Dasha
No. 1729875
>>1729766the only reason Anna is not already there for rw scrotes is because, for as much as she sells herself as some high brow contrarian, really never deviates from your average low t frog anon. if she ever rocked the boat like Lauren Southern did, or even Aimee did with the white australia thing, all of a sudden her fanbase would go rabid on her
>>1729831imagine believing these "people" are honest
No. 1730168
File: 1671391233717.png (102.3 KB, 598x386, byebye.png)

It's over
No. 1730244
File: 1671397734159.jpeg (171.2 KB, 750x1030, 3BD1435D-99DA-4D2B-BB75-E28526…)

>>1730168Good, she’s fucking annoying
No. 1730298
File: 1671404512510.png (19.98 KB, 656x70, site maintenance.png)

Didn't listen to the new Red Scare pod with Glenn Greenwald but I glanced at the sub and it's getting roasted.
Any milk to be had before site goes down? Otherwise I'll see you on the other side. Save screenshots if something good happens.
No. 1730322
File: 1671406926062.jpeg (152.88 KB, 1091x1438, 0FA64313-9AF8-4244-A7D8-079C9C…)

>>1730251This is just as bad
No. 1730421
File: 1671416757116.jpeg (605.9 KB, 1377x751, 93A41E05-7274-429F-AE42-7593D4…)

>>1730298The worst mod ever Womanontheverge, previously KJBert or something has been removed as mod
Not trying to give her a hard time but she is completely unsuited to acting as a mod and it’s absolutely for the best
Screenshot is from private, there’s a post about it on main too
No. 1730424
>>1730421It's not that 'womanontheverge' that ruined the sub though, it went to shit in late 2020 when alexandrawallce handed it over to those two try hards.
It's been a 'ultra reddit jannie', ban without warning, sub ever since then.
No. 1730486
File: 1671423977143.jpg (19.27 KB, 512x512, download.jpeg-7.jpg)

No. 1730532
File: 1671430654406.jpeg (458.54 KB, 1170x1523, B81F4FF4-E34D-4CA3-BF1D-2CA51D…)

Looks like Anna's agent finally got her some modeling work….for a boutique based out of australia kek. >>1730421>>1730424nonnas i hate to break it to you, but that sub has always been on a reddit janny powertrip. good to know it was womanontheverge who was banning innocuous Lana Del Ray insults though
No. 1730543
File: 1671431510386.jpg (114.27 KB, 1080x1350, 316980689_523021259839943_8893…)

>>1730500in true neurodivergent fashion, maddie the baddie appears to be really into guns and probably knows what she's doing, at least to
some extent
from an interview (
yes, some poor bastard had to interview dasha's retarded sidekick):
>I love the handfeel of these things. Glocks are fun because of all the modding you can do. It’s the same indescribable, joyful feeling one gets as a child from Build-a-Bear. I’ve changed out almost everything— My only original pieces are the slide stop and the frame. I have a Rival Arms slide with a Trijicon red dot, streamlight with a green laser, and the whole thing is cerakoted in armor black with British racing green on the trigger. >I don’t get to play with it very often because it’s kept out west, where it’s SAFELY LOCKED UP not too far from the Pacific Ocean, at its registered address. But whenever I do get out west… boy, o boy. u know u can find me mag dumping at dinner plates like Bond on Blofeld. course, in a situation that involves the lethal combo of firearms, cocaine and autism, it's safe to assume that all bets are off. the moment maddie montana lapses into white girl ebonics and offers a full demonstration of her pimped-out glock, green laser darting about the room, you better have one eye on the nearest exit. on the other hand, a bullet safely lodged in the brain putty of a leftcow would probably raise their IQ to somewhere around the low sixties
No. 1730546
>>1730500The whole point of
trigger discipline is that the human brain is stupid and you don’t sling the gun around ever bc you might forget and do it when it’s loaded
No. 1730563
File: 1671433320763.png (157.24 KB, 1005x498, redscarepodprivate.png)

Not much goes on there, it's very slow
No. 1730582
File: 1671435741480.png (16.31 KB, 388x69, Dejavu.png)

>>1730562Not the first time either
No. 1730601
File: 1671437845708.jpeg (Spoiler Image,249.13 KB, 1242x1753, 021E5D2A-2BD9-409F-9852-F4A54C…)

>>1730532Hold on now, maybe the boutique is okay…. lol
No. 1730623
File: 1671443207608.jpg (86.84 KB, 800x1019, Fj-mX7IXEAIzLm9.jpg)

I genuinely think Dasha could portray a Mrs Trollface kind of character
No. 1730624
>>1730601I don't remember his name, but the buff guy from the pic is some quite odd instagrammer who larps as late 70s Arnold Schwarzenegger (he goes above and beyond to make it look like all his pictures were taken in the early 80s at the latest, with modern technology never visible) and writes completely incomprehensible paragraphs about his
problematic relationship with his father and his brother (whom may not exist, he claims to have lifted so many weights and gotten so buff that his brother went to a different timeline or something).
He's kind of cowish, I feel.
No. 1730651
File: 1671450204415.jpg (Spoiler Image,14.47 KB, 400x270, Gun-Safety.jpg)

>>1730498Can't even larp appropriately ffs.
>>1730500Loaded or not you don't swing a gun around like that with your finger on the
trigger. Basic firearm instruction, lesson number one, you always treat a firearm as if it is loaded. The magazine appears to be loaded, regardless if its empty she should not be doing that shit and pointing it so carelessly indoors for a photo op. Shows a complete lack of respect for the weapon which is what leads to tragic accidents later down the road. Fills me with rage.
>>1730543Anyone with access to the internet can educate themselves on firearms and have zero training/execution of field safety. I would bet one thousand doll hairs this bitch had some gunsmith put all her "enhancements" on this Glock, stow it and take it out only for photo ops and embarrassing herself on the range. Any firearm enthusiast or expert would see this pic and her quotes about the "feel" then cringe hard. She may have autisticly researched her weapon, but she has no idea how to handle it and is using it for pick me points. What's hilarious is this post would lose her points with a large portion of scrotes she's attempting to appeal to.
>>1730642Lol nonna its cool, I am a burger. My grandfather is a Vietnam vet and my family is heavily military. My Nigel and his closest friend are also from military families. I've spent a lot of time around firearms and even learning custom work. You know what I was told my entire life by my grandfather,instructors and pretty much every other gun owner? Keep your damn finger OFF the
trigger unless you are 100% committed to firing. Loaded or unloaded. Picrel but typically you keep your finger higher up along the barrel/slide.
>sidenote, I typically never talk about my knowledge of firearms as that's cringe, but when people pull dumbshit like this I am compelled. I was actually banned for my original post because, well, yeah I need to chill I get it. Promise this is the last gun sperg, mods. >>1730546Precisely.
No. 1730653
>>1730642You don't have to have gun slang fluency to know "muh
trigger discipline" is a perennial gotcha people levy against anyone passionately discussing firearms online who happen to slip up in that particular area of etiquette. Easy way to delegitimize your opponent because so many people on either side of the gun debate are prone to doing it.
No. 1730725
File: 1671461480107.jpg (74.71 KB, 945x477, CTTR_ptWsAAX4tL.jpg)

>>1729708>>1729715>>1729957hasn't this always been a well known trope ? most modern WN's are self hating brown guys and the most unfortunate looking white guys who would be classified as subhumans in Nazi Germany
No. 1730766
>>1730748(NAYRT) It's a deadly weapon, anyone who's ever handled one (or been in a context where someone else did) understands the importance of treating it with respect. Which autistic
muh secun mendmen gun moids mostly don't
>>1730651Based nonna
No. 1730894
File: 1671477079257.jpg (46.62 KB, 481x599, trigger discipline.jpg)

>>1730883whoever it is is literally getting trolled by a picture of maddie. embarrassing. nona even got a generous short ban and kept going…
No. 1730898
>>1727651If he identifies as a eunuch doesn't that mean he had the chop?
>>1730298I listened to the episode. It just further confirms Greenwald as a shill. This time, he's shilling for Elon instead of Alex Jones. "Why did that evil Bari Weiss say mean things about Elon when he so graciously gave her the twitter files?" When I get a chance, I'll post audio clips of the time Greenwald flew in from Brazil to teabag Alex Jones by giving him a softball interview about Moyer film and telling him he's more handsome than Anderson Cooper.
No. 1730958
File: 1671480951479.webm (3.87 MB, 720x720, APRIL 20, 2017.webm)
since he said he would kill himself if anyone ever heard it I thought there wouldn't be any footage of Adam playing acoustic guitar but there is (old, 2017)
No. 1731005
File: 1671483417646.png (87.3 KB, 1162x300, jugs.png)

Jugs is about to expose Jack
No. 1731393
File: 1671828152135.png (1.14 MB, 640x1136, 2B715EBC-A632-45FA-81EF-F88463…)

And we back
No. 1731394
File: 1671828630105.png (309.99 KB, 610x467, aimee hospital.png)

While we were down, Aimee revealed that she had been hospitalized…possible suicide attempt?
No. 1731396
File: 1671828873827.png (29.43 KB, 605x459, suspended.png)

>>1731394…and then she was suspended, for the umpteenth time (and on Elon's twitter!) after going on an hours-long rant about how fascism is a leftist boogieman that doesn't actually exist in response to Jesse Singal musing about whether or not to read The Turner Diaries in order to understand how reactionaries think.
No. 1731397
File: 1671828895286.png (229.13 KB, 477x504, frog.png)

>>1731396I think the specific tweet that did her in was an apu dressed as an SS officer.
No. 1731460
File: 1671841776583.png (435.48 KB, 939x706, 4574574.png)

Maddie's in the latest TAFS video ep.
No. 1731519
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On her Substack Aimee says she was suspended for posting about Dylan Mulvaney No. 1731623
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No. 1731644
>>1731623>>1731624Holy shit, Pariah is in full breakdown mode
>>1731637If you haven't guessed by now, Pariah is a frequent guest of this thread.
No. 1731741
>>1731481Why so much Maddie MTF truthing but no Adam Friedland truthing? He totally looks like TIF.
>>1731489So fucking funny. I have linked the full YouTube they were playing at the beginning. If you don't get the reference, it was that intersectional woke Latina CIA recruitment ad>>1731623>>1731624WTF, looks like a concentration camp
No. 1731791
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baleeted within minutes lol
No. 1731808
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from the Atlantic's newsletter
No. 1731982
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Ok yeah, this is gonna be an unpopular take but I kind of fail to believe she’s at all anorexic if she ate this full bowl of egg salad with mayonnaise. She can say all the annoying middle-age woman high school regressive wannarexic stuff she wants but I fully doubt she has any kind of (effective) disorder if she eats like this, there’s obviously nothing wrong with it it’s very healthy food but a mentally disordered anorexic woman isn’t going to eat this.
No. 1732261
>>1732239one of the subtypes of AN is AN-b/p, but there is still a big difference between anorexia and bulimia. BUT. Anorexics do binge/purge–it varies from individual to individual
>>1732258in no way is a BMI of 17.5 where women are supposed to be under… 18.5 and below is considered underweight
>>1732258 No. 1732264
>>17322621. I myself am underweight and terrified of ever being obese but not that anyone cares about selfblogging
2. Medically, it is not advisable to be under 17.5
but also? what the heck do you consider to be an obese BMI then??
No. 1732265
>>1732264I don’t know what country you live in that tries to influence your bmi and keep you above a certain weight, but anybody who has visible fat rolls/unnecessary fat pads/fat pouches you can see through their clothes, I consider overweight without worrying about the actual number, because their body speaks for itself.
Also - as a muscular bmi 15’d (but also only 5’5”) woman, I can say with full confidence that smaller women can definitely be healthy even if their weight is “too small” or considered “underweight” kek
No. 1732276
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>>1731982egg salad yummy yummy
No. 1732278
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Anna fraternizing with pedophiles again, and during Christmas
>>1732268Also these are retarded scarethots or the troon repeatedly selfposting, takes absolute mental illness and high neuroticism. That level of malnourishment affects your cognitive processes too so clearly retarded as well. Feel bad that these people have such poor fat distribution to be that scared about having a normal BMI, couldn't be me. Never seen an anachan with a lower whr than i have at a normal bmi either, lots of coping and seething going on. Maybe if they grow an ass they'll feel better kek.
No. 1732283
>>1732278yeah. anyone who believes you can be legitimately healthy at a BMI of 15 is in dire need of mental intervention.
secondly–some of those tweets are distrubing. I can't believe people post that drivel on the internet
oof No. 1732333
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>>1732299Hebephilia Pedophilia, potato potato.
What's crazy is even moids who grew up in one of the most misogynistic societies in the world and have absolutely everything to lose are protesting against the female education ban to support their women and even losing their jobs and positions over it, jeopardizing their careers and futures, and yet here we have the grossest pickme women like Anna celebrating women losing their access to work and education in 3rd world countries during the holidays to cater to pedophiles. Everytime I think A+D couldn't possibly do anything to disgust me more than they already have I turn out to be wrong.
No. 1732497
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This place can be an even bigger circle jerk than reddit. They're not anorexic or bulimic. They eat just fine and Anna had a healthy baby. You've fallen for their podcast and twitter trolling. It's possible to make fun of them without calling them anorexic. For example, picrel the sub is seeing Dasha for who she is.
No. 1732604
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Has she dropped the fake jew act completely now, or did I miss that.
No. 1732693
>>1732278Ive never understood why these "Santa Respectors" never have the religious wherewithal to log off on 12/25. instead of being with friends and family, or going to church, on their religious holy day, they're all on twitter in meltdown mode.
almost as if everything about them is fake and a LARP. and Anna has a child too. Christ.
No. 1732710
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>>1732693She was just killing time while editing the pod, kek. The irony of OP tweeting that on Christmas too
No. 1732849
>>1732777Europeans hating on Americans will never fail to make me laugh. I’ve lived in both places and they have all the same problems - obesity, poverty, drugs, inflation, shitty infrastructure etc. Only America has a stronger economy, better jobs and more natural resources so citizens don’t freeze to death every time Putin gets his feelings hurt. It’s like watching a retard making fun of a
slightly more successful retard.
No. 1732907
>>1732813Anna has every right to do whatever the fuck she wants, kid or no kid, in my books. But
>this is the same retarded argument tradthots and their kin makeYes, and that's exactly the point. As a mother, she
is supposed to never do anything else ever again,
according to herself. You shit on other women for this you should be shat on as well.
No. 1733092
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31 years old
No. 1733399
>>1733334We need autism
nonnie to analyze her selfies. I think she edits her skin, and makes her nose smaller and eyes bigger and brighter
No. 1733404
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>>1733218>>1733334I agree, hard to believe this is the same person. Amber Frost's selfies also have major differences, sometimes looking Asian and other times looking Slavic.
No. 1733449
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Dasha went to lunch with @FistedFoucault. I will post the selfie and food in a second
No. 1733451
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the hairs! she's gotta be doing this on purpose, maybe she's still mad people called her radish omelette gross
No. 1733458
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I have some linty socks and sweaters too but I didn't spend 24k$ last year on my wardrobe so I think I'm allowed to be confused about why her clothes look so ratty. maybe she's just doing it on purpose like she is with the hairs in her food
No. 1733468
>>1733430I see what you mean. Not hair, looks like saggy rumply skin. Must be elasticity loss
>>1733461I think he dumped her. She said on a recent episode she shamed him for being weak then got mad at him after he started going to the gym. If that’s not emotional abuse I don’t know what is
No. 1733579
>>1733092Idk why she gets so
triggered by Elon when her tweets are even more cringe and boomer-tier than his
No. 1733869
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Ariel is so fucking washed these days.
No. 1733906
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legitimate art press giving e-rapper dorks cred is so baffling to me. it’s if nevershoutnever was in juxtapoz
No. 1734036
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She seems a little obsessed. I scrolled through a few of these and I started to chuckle a little… this is approaching husbando-level obsession
phoebe_devere on tiktok and youtube
No. 1734065
>>1734015I sort of feel you here because she does mostly seem like a quintessential English student dweeb and she clearly isn’t as noxious as Moldbug or the Perfume Nationalist but I can’t imagine she doesn’t know who the crowd she’s fallen in with are.
I am a little surprised that they’re doing another one of these because afaik the only true believers in the Oxfordian thesis last time were Yarvin and Phoebe herself. No one else seemed wholly convinced.
No. 1734333
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>>1734145reject modernity, retvrn to tradition
No. 1734335
>>1734065Idk, she really does come across in her videos like an autistic fujo who's boy crazy for Oxford-sempai and got sucked into this world because Moldbug happens to share her "special interest." I could be wrong about this of course but it's still kind of sad that a nice nerdy Jewish girl who could be doing
literally anything with her family money has ended up doing this.
No. 1734427
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>>1734402Crumps is huffing his own farts again. Stale observation but everything he writes lately sounds like a delusional middle schooler journaling about hanging out with the "cool" people. I think it's funny but… is he aware that it's funny? is he actually just journalling at this point?
OT but Zola Jesus is the first musician namedrop he's made that I actually recognized lol
No. 1734440
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No. 1734485
>>1734440it brings her joy,
>>1731808 it's all that's bringing her joy.
No. 1734695
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>>1733939>28 voteslow turnout