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No. 1207734
Thread about pickme women and gays, primarily from Twitter and Youtube, who claim to be practicing Socialism or Marxism. Commonly known as The Dirtbag Left, many associated with the scene are not leftists at all.
Twitter e-girl uwu smol beans are on-topic in that they all follow and interact with the cows.
>Media associated with this scene: Podcasts like Red Scare, Chapo Trap House, True Anon, The Antifada, The Perfume Nationalist, The Bruenigs, Cumtown, and What’s Left
Recap of past thread
>Anna has a Soviet-themed baby shower >>>/snow/1178699>Rumors of Adam Friedland and Honor Levy hooking up >>>/snow/1178845>An article in The Daily Beast mentions several cows from this thread and dirtbag lefties as sympathizing with the alt-right, ends up upsetting a lot of the people mentioned >>>/snow/1179268>Kantbot bashes the laziness of the Red Scare hosts >>>/snow/1180173>Perfume fationalist is still hysterical about women he makes up in his mind >>>/snow/1180499>More debate about whether Anna and Dasha are on Peter Thiel's payroll >>>/snow/1181144>Aimee still tweeting incessantly >>>/snow/1181848>Apparently Amber is writing/has written a book >>>/snow/1190846>Matt Christman (Chapo host) likes tweets about Aimee being deranged >>>/snow/1197633>Anna gives birth, seems happy >>>/snow/1199601>Amber and Matt move from NY to California >>>/snow/1199808Old threads:
Thread #1:
>>>/snow/949693Thread #2:
>>>/snow/1002060Thread #3:
>>>/snow/1020452Thread #4:
>>>/snow/1030945Thread #5:
>>>/snow/1031222Thread #6:
>>>/snow/1045687Thread #7:
>>>/snow/1061969Thread #8:
>>>/snow/1079281Thread #9:
>>>/snow/1097567Thread #10:
>>>/snow/1110930Thread #11:
>>>/snow/1122110Thread #12:
>>>/snow/1133005Thread #13:
>>>/snow/1147474Thread #14:
>>>/snow/1152451Thread #15:
>>>/snow/1163464Thread #16:
>>>/snow/1178548Apologies if I left anything out
No. 1207813
File: 1618360309021.png (191.48 KB, 2048x1827, Screenshot_20210413-192225.png)

Yeah it's hard not to post about her when she's on retard crack 23 hours out of every 24.
She's banned again, shortly after wading into the troon pool. Fastest way to get banned tbh
She got a new account yet?
No. 1207847
File: 1618363746900.jpeg (171.43 KB, 828x450, F0091487-ED01-49FA-AB08-1AFC83…)

>>1207813Not yet but Oliver has gone into lockdown and block mode. His paranoia is allowing aimee to post tumblr links on their podcast page. I’m starting to think Oliver is as bad as aimee.
No. 1207848
File: 1618363756491.png (283.6 KB, 596x460, arbeit.png)

>>1207813One of her last tweets, quickly deleted and replaced with same but without reference to work, wonder what she been working on
No. 1207849
File: 1618363803192.jpg (63.38 KB, 829x552, AP19004059763206-e154719830661…)

>>1204820>>1204904>>1204856>when the whole group chat seethes forgot to add, OPN would rather fuck Taylor Swift and
AOC also
No. 1207906
File: 1618369579476.png (323.52 KB, 593x512, left.png)

No, the Left is dead to her, she is now Right
No. 1207917
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>>1207895Anon is right tho that none of these grifter cows are left
No. 1208114
File: 1618402977940.png (242.22 KB, 474x596, effina neg.png)

She knew exactly what she was doing here, honestly pretty funny (she's a confirmed lolcow lurker). Check the sam hyde thread if you're not aware of charls carroll's gf and her notorious editing.
No. 1208368
File: 1618426359037.png (33.15 KB, 620x354, bel.png)

No. 1208376
File: 1618426897449.jpeg (96.41 KB, 576x1024, Edz8DV_XoAAm9eG.jpeg)

>>1208313lmao taking estrogen to just get fat. it's over for mentalcels
No. 1208466
File: 1618430877089.png (65.24 KB, 475x739, kantbot.png)

how the fuck is this what you take away from what ppl say abt kantbot here? all people do here is call him a fat retard lol
No. 1208484
>>1207843Why are you shit talking a fucking
baby? Give the kid a chance, jesus christ, if he's unfortunate looking but not a piece of shit that's a W in my books.
No. 1208520
File: 1618434546589.jpg (269.95 KB, 1536x2048, Ey4dquZWgAMdczF.jpg)

the last thing you see before you die (emphasis on thing)
No. 1208563
File: 1618438544253.jpg (45.46 KB, 744x368, carsnarkk.JPG)

reactions to some Lexapro woman twitter video impersonating Caroline C. ummmh
No. 1208640
File: 1618446675809.jpeg (81.81 KB, 828x508, 86993A85-A117-4A85-9610-32D8C8…)

>>1208368Was that the post that made her delete?
No. 1208656
>>1208632Dasha is literally just normal (if not slightly tubby) weight, I don't know who deluded her into thinking she's ana. The only weight she's losing is in her brain.
As for Anna, I guess nobody told her that being skinny when you're a dogfaced chain smoking alcoholic druggie is like having double Ds when you're a hamplanet. It doesn't count.
No. 1209044
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>>1208746She’s already back
No. 1209078
File: 1618500291775.png (108.04 KB, 944x462, Screen Shot 2021-04-11 at 6.07…)

the origin story of all of these accounts is trying to get clout from one set of people then failing and jumping to the next grift and fake persona
No. 1209310
File: 1618514310025.png (159.28 KB, 734x1491, lmao.png)

is bella's '''communist''' buddy with prematurely aged boobs some kind of nestle chocolate heir
No. 1209321
File: 1618516150157.png (232.31 KB, 950x978, Screen Shot 2021-04-15 at 3.45…)

>>1209310is she joking? why does she have an only fans and is giving out so many details about her life if she really is from a super rich family
No. 1209414
File: 1618523240251.png (86.56 KB, 1186x560, Screen Shot 2021-04-16 at 7.44…)

>>1209078look at him lying just now. i've known this anarcho-retard since tumblr days and this is all he's done for a decade, he's now alienated every group he was a part of that he's struggling to get even 1,000 followers on this new account (K-Hive libs, afropessimists/wokes, "post left"/anti woke, socdem Brooklynites). his current form is totally incoherent, zig zagging between calling Kamala a cop to rambling about pro-Assadists and tankies and how we need to invade Syria/China to "i'm in my bag" materialism to kill all white people to whining about not getting white pussy.
btw Kezos we know you post and plagiarise this thread daily. stop posting here, you're the reason why these threads have died. you bring no milk
No. 1209447
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>>1209310Rather low ceilings for being an heir
No. 1209454
File: 1618526031907.jpeg (146.96 KB, 750x430, 302C5FF3-FA44-4E1E-95D5-5D7644…)

because as we all know sanctions only ever hurt the state and not the powerless citizens living in that country. and he calls himself a communist. this is where fixating on race gets you, lol
No. 1209462
File: 1618526479675.png (445.88 KB, 770x1200, willywonkaonlyfans.PNG)

>>1209447her parents are likely fed up with her for dropping out or she's just slumming it for shits and giggles.
No. 1209477
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No. 1209499
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>>1209491thank you anon. does anyone know if this was this Hobbs?
No. 1209500
File: 1618530477705.png (184.38 KB, 422x536, Screen Shot 2021-04-15 at 7.47…)

the only people caroline on her new account follows are podcasters and people who guested on red scare
No. 1209506
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>>1209504It could be a fake I guess. The first person she followed and who followed back is a book critic and that's how I saw it. Second person followed was Anna.
No. 1209517
>>1209515are you cussbro
>>1209514She also followed that Dean person who was on Red Scare recently, the art blog he works for and other places like that. Maybe she's trying to be a writer now and that's why she has her name up.
No. 1209759
File: 1618571743463.png (20.11 KB, 541x226, guywithbignosefetishweighsin.p…)

this must be subtweeting bella
No. 1209844
>>1209601fuck, the mom was 46 when she had carla, that is so crazy old to have a kid
i just assumed they didn’t have kids because they were so old when they got married
No. 1209853
File: 1618585649906.png (36.14 KB, 738x276, maskoff.PNG)

>>1209844do not have access to the poiseditgirl acc, can only imagine it's a clique of smug bay area faildaughters and desperate thirty-something simps.
No. 1209947
File: 1618597057424.png (58.13 KB, 598x329, s1.png)

>>1209759Found this on his page. Can't believe Shasti is still doing the uwu steppe gf thing. Still has the Annie skinwalker icon too. Sad.
No. 1210031
>>1209759You either die trying to become a girlboss or fail long enough to become a Paglia waif
>>1209515A perfect example right here
No. 1210058
File: 1618605836662.jpg (343.6 KB, 1318x872, pickme.jpg)

Angie Speaks/speaksangie still claims to be a socialist apparently. Imagine being so desperate for chud approval that you invite a guy who openly despises black people on your podcast. I think Jack deleted the especially racist tweets after the samememe incident.
No. 1210074
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No. 1210093
>>1210069yeah he's definitely a misogynist. and he goes on about terfs a lot, his old account had a slew of posts about how the U.K. is a
terf island
No. 1210103
>>1210093Someone not being a
terf isn’t milk and doesn’t make them a misogynist. I agree he does say a lot of misogynistic things though.
No. 1210115
File: 1618610723619.jpeg (263.25 KB, 750x996, 80B7FE02-FDEA-4580-B16A-03DAB4…)

Anna is catching heat for this. did she delete it or is it something old that resurfaced?
No. 1210118
File: 1618610790632.jpeg (569.07 KB, 1242x1373, E2E15B40-2BBA-4675-9D4B-337EAA…)

>>1210058He did but idk why because he still tweets the exact same way. He’s currently tweeting about the great replacement.
No. 1210137
File: 1618613179833.jpg (128.74 KB, 475x713, 1586638050162(1).jpg)

>>1210115big "dweeby girl who's still seething over not getting to sit with the blond Stacies" energy emanating from Anna's every post
No. 1210140
>>1210115She literally admits her family were fucking serfs, why would she want her lineage to be fucking known.
This is retarded.
No. 1210265
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No. 1210340
>>1209853She's right though, gold diggers are notorious for marrying old men and it's definitely not daddy issues kek
>>1210118Imagine being so retarded you think cheap labor is le evil plan to REPLACE le white race and not just capitalism working the way god intended
No. 1210406
File: 1618640259653.png (40.63 KB, 738x520, deannaswab.png)

Wow, how trad of you, Deanna.
No. 1210424
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Wonder how OPN feels about his gf trading sexual favors for roles
No. 1210441
>>1210424This is an incredibly embarrassing cringe post, a screenshot from months ago bearing no relation to the assertion being made.
She could've sucked of all of Hollywood for all I know but just saying this with no basis in every thread is just sad.
No. 1210464
>>1210443cumtown whiteknights many such cases
Just go look at comments on a Dasha's movie post in r/Epstein
No. 1210523
File: 1618666231979.jpeg (606.43 KB, 828x1023, CEBC89C2-2F5D-4B8D-AC15-742F8B…)

>>1210512What are you talking about lmao she’s just not smiling in one selfie.
No. 1210587
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neither of these people are attractive by any stretch of the imagination. he's such a loser
No. 1210693
File: 1618689737503.png (119.56 KB, 1074x1010, Screen Shot 2021-04-17 at 3.58…)

>>1210679Chapo peaked at $175,000 a month last March and dipped down but are now back at $170,000.
Cum Town patreon is up 54% in the last year and Red Scare patreon is up 69% so either the show will burn out or will get more popular when Dasha gets mainstream exposure with Succession.
No. 1210740
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>>1210720“Remote showrunner”
No. 1210836
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what made her think these lenses were "uwu smol steppe gf" of her she looks so scary compared to her friend who looks normal
even without the mask you can tell her face is busted
No. 1210951
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so they reunited after her fling with… who was it again?
No. 1210962
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No. 1210977
>>1210962are they friends? no fucking way lol
>>1210867the redness is kinda only under her eyes I'm thinking maybe it's blush and she did it on purpose. doesn't look cute though
No. 1211038
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>>1211035her life is a movie
No. 1211068
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No. 1211352
File: 1618765575027.png (240.04 KB, 1048x1036, Screen Shot 2021-04-18 at 1.02…)

bella following the caroline, heather, jack and others nobody red scare simp to twitter laughingstock pipeline but at least the others got attention from dasha and anna
No. 1211469
>>1211422you know like "the industrial revolution and it's consequences have been a disaster for the human race… im going to spend saturday drinking beer and shooting guns in the woods 4 hours from my suburb"
>>1211456i know, but she wasn't with her baby daddy for a couple years and dated a pinetree twitter guy from california.
>>1210951 asked
No. 1211692
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>>1210962Shoe has been doing this for what like 10+ years now? It’s depressing that she hasn’t progressed at all. Hopefully Bella drops it before she ends up like June, I feel like if the only people encouraging you are shoe0nhead and like desperate 30 year old reply guys it would hopefully make you reevaluate.
No. 1211697
>>1211031>obsessed withIt isn't, "obsessed with" would make sense if most people ITT were simple spectators watching the people and the scene from afar. Thread is littered with literal whos because it's all people from the same scene and wider circle posting, smaller relevance gets magnified. Which is why the cows crying on twitter about how much "we" care are so ridiculous, it's they themselves and their own friends posting here.
>>1211288>>1211280"Knowing all about that obscure 4chan stuff" is considered cool in dirtbag spaces, it's what got Anna interested in a retard like samememe to begin with, it's why Aimee uses Apu images. You don't get to "ha ha I actually have a life and I'm better than this" now, especially because aren't and you don't. None of you do.
No. 1211912
>>1211894Nothing, ever
Just a constant supply of thin gruel
No. 1212265
File: 1618856244636.png (60.7 KB, 723x617, adamquote.png)

being smart is when you copy-paste an old guy saying something from wikiquote when you could just say it more succinctly and coherently yourself
No. 1212565
sage bc its not really important or interesting really but greenwald is having a meltdown over facts about the capitol riots. the fuck out dude
No. 1212893
File: 1618920635202.png (26.74 KB, 413x147, nwr.png)

If true, this is basically the zenith of Dasha's career. If she's his new muse (not impossible, she has been compared to a lesser Elle Fanning) and not just a side character, then the sky's the limit for her career.
No. 1212899
File: 1618922787268.jpg (68.76 KB, 576x1024, Ej7EjCGWoAIvPqm.jpg)

>>1212857Dasha's droning rambling this ep confirms she could never go solo unless she had a gay cohost to go full cackling hag mode with. It was unnerving hearing her talk for so long.
Her movie supposedly has socialist themes and was made barely a year ago. She's still going to be wearing the leftist feminist girlboss mask when promoting it and succession.
The homo fascist (but only to lure girls to him) leaning friend? This leech and walking future metoo crisis, pictured.
>>1212893Miles Teller and Elle Fanning's careers aren't doing too well but he is a director I could see her limited skills working with his autistic style.
No. 1212902
File: 1618923290679.png (210.67 KB, 738x2178, teamproletariat.png)

amazing how many of aimee's most ardent replyguys admit to being academics, lawyers, and landlords to each other while tweeting about the tyranny of the pmc
No. 1212947
File: 1618934445149.jpg (216.85 KB, 1021x1432, SCREENSHOT.jpg)

the egg god's poetry
is rupi kaur
with internet jargon
but don't worry
this mfa credentialed professor
is fighting against
the bourgeoisie
No. 1212948
File: 1618934567637.png (27.55 KB, 658x417, Screenshot_2021-04-20 Red Scar…)

anyone know why /u/ghostHardvvare isn't a redscare mod anymore? he/she was one of the original mods of the sub, account still active…possible mod in-fighting drama??
No. 1213031
File: 1618943965195.jpeg (227.18 KB, 750x725, 50EBAACF-5307-47A7-80BB-6D9567…)

already sperging it seems
No. 1213057
>>1211984Imagine thinking this is remotely true, or that the "power" you get from men wanting to have sex with you isn't completely divorced from or can be freely converted into real, meaningful power.
I don't get these idiots, everyone knows hot young beautiful women get treated like cattle by the fashion and the porn industries (actually worse, you don't starve or torture cattle), "men want to fuck you" has literally never meant anything.
No. 1213062
File: 1618946390865.jpg (94.92 KB, 1021x731, masterpiece.jpg)

>>1213037for the wl crowd? yes. even anna k dropped out of a phd program. surprised that amber, adam lehrer and this guy have book deals.
No. 1213123
>>1213057Dashanna says this but then copes and seethes about supposedly "less hot and actually really ugly" fat hollywood blondes/PMC girlbosses/whatever getting further than these pagliapilled r/vindicta users ever could, all without fucking hundreds of men (if any at all).
Taking scarethot insights on sexual economics is a great way to die alone after years of buxing some cumtown tier soyboy, kind of like how Caroline is going to end up.
No. 1213202
File: 1618958701500.png (191.52 KB, 562x502, lol.png)

was Aimee the canary in the coal mine with the Chapo simp who got no attention from the Chapos-to-deranged post-left pipeline?
No. 1213212
File: 1618959494015.jpg (133.96 KB, 488x901, aimee punch a nazi terese.jpg)

>>1213203April 2018, Aimee Terese criticizing Jordan Peterson for not being anti-Nazi enough
No. 1213227
File: 1618961069657.png (118.51 KB, 484x903, aimeeyawn.PNG)

lol @ aimee using twitter lib speak to say absolutely nothing about the situation. Never mind the fact that she had been joking about it for months and exploiting it to win brownie points with alt right twitter.
No. 1213251
File: 1618964534944.png (67.26 KB, 758x567, aimeebackstory.png)

2018 aimee was almost honest about her class position and education status. (the private school is loreto kirbilli ifirc)
No. 1213281
File: 1618968507978.png (1020.48 KB, 2048x1110, Screenshot_20210420-203147.png)

the aimee terese vault has some amazing shit
No. 1213283
File: 1618969196933.png (1.22 MB, 1152x1985, Screenshot_20210420-223555~2.p…)

felix and Matt both liking this tweet making fun of fatbot. waiting for him to see it and lose it
No. 1213299
File: 1618971769959.png (450.1 KB, 929x405, arp.png)

Alex Ross Perry confirmed scarethot simp
No. 1213345
File: 1618980336844.png (59.71 KB, 611x367, three wise men.png)

My my my, how the turn tables.
Also Aimee used to defend Liz Bruenig against accusations of her being anti-abortion from the more socially liberal online left; think that might have played a role in her gradually slipping into the contrarian/reactionary sphere.
No. 1213347
File: 1618981269788.png (50.76 KB, 595x269, 1619 project.png)

holy shit
No. 1213354
File: 1618982641749.jpg (322.29 KB, 2000x1500, aimeepainting.jpg) is this? Did Aimee really do these paintings?
No. 1213355
File: 1618982659529.jpeg (637.35 KB, 750x1317, 5F9E63EA-76E4-402D-A0E2-87C434…)

perfect angelic dasha. anapilled, hasn’t eaten for a week, everyone
No. 1213357
File: 1618983381855.png (43.98 KB, 735x407, dsapilledaimee.png)

Different times!
No. 1213366
File: 1618985902459.png (46.6 KB, 604x215, lefty.png)

simply lol
No. 1213368
File: 1618986154712.png (46.04 KB, 595x204, fugees.png)

Flash forward to her salivating over Trump's border rhetoric
No. 1213381
>>1213342Oh because she pissed of AOC simps, gotcha. Pathetic, I'm glad the left is dead in the US, nothing but a bunch privileged white brats and their poor, powerless
POC allies.
No. 1213547
>>1210058listened to some of this. incredible trash. mediocre even for the standards of this thread.
in case someone doesn't remember this was peter and ashleigh coffin's podcast. last year when peter and ash broke up ash disappeared from the pod without an announcement or even a mention. then a couple months ago they kicked out peter coffin and said it was because of his addiction to twitter drama and only wanting to talk about his twitter beef of the week. now the pod is just this chick angie and his boyfriend who barely even speaks on the pod. angie seems to be an aimee terese wannabe and has been announcing his departure from the left from some time now and has gone in less than a year from podcasting with ash coffin larping as a communist taking selfies with guns and the soviet flag to having jack on to discuss how the metoo movement is puritanical and anti male sexuality and complaining about the ban on indoor smoking and lil nas x
she has a little cow potential but it's probably too irrelevant to be featured too much in here
No. 1213858
File: 1619049798551.jpg (1.87 MB, 2964x2046, EzhK371WEAUCW1V.jpg)

too bad artist didn't have the snapshot of prematurely middle age aimee smirking and raising her fist No. 1213902
>>12138913 pt series?
three maxed out tweets more like lol
She probably deleted her own account and claimed she was banned again so she wouldn’t have to do it.
No. 1214098
File: 1619091438610.jpeg (284.64 KB, 750x837, F7BE5982-813A-4AE4-A387-1B091B…)

aimee picking a fight with former cohost malcom kyeyune
No. 1214118
File: 1619093943615.jpeg (248.17 KB, 750x1075, 86C15FFF-8814-4519-85BA-EEC7DF…)

post left on post left violence part 1
No. 1214119
File: 1619093981579.jpeg (243.63 KB, 749x1086, 89122886-A4C5-4C08-8447-9AC9F4…)

post left on post left violence part 2. obviously there's more to it but they're arguing about the makhia bryant situation
No. 1214154
File: 1619099421386.png (138.07 KB, 1386x792, postleftrollcall.png)

Found a Substack piece where Adam Lehrer explicitly listed the members of the post-left and described the movement as against the PMC. Then listed the lengthy credentials of its members.
No. 1214194
File: 1619105466184.png (29.38 KB, 551x149, hmmm.png)

Anyone with access know what this is about?
No. 1214242
File: 1619112508287.jpeg (121.88 KB, 750x480, 01D100B7-D527-4732-98B4-A3E680…)

a scrote trying to tell women what the Right kind of feminism is lol
No. 1214298
>>1213461What boobs are you even talking about? She's nearly flat chested. The real ew is the face.
I have never seen a russian woman as asymmetric as her. I blame it on growing up in America. The allergies in America are crazy. She probably had to mouth breath the dry Vegas air and ended up with this a downy/underbite look.
No. 1214415
File: 1619129096402.png (214.26 KB, 946x1086, Screen Shot 2021-04-22 at 6.03…)

Drunken Canal is lame but how delusional do you have to be to think women's interest in perfume could only have come from some gay fat nazi. Is this the husband writing again.
No. 1214535
File: 1619142331320.png (932.91 KB, 1438x2030, logodaedalusmeltdown.png)

left: aimee and logo daedalus have a weird unprompted tangent about baby genitals, logo gets the breaking bad meme treatment
right: logo has a meltdown about the concept of memes bc people are laughing at him for saying freak shit
No. 1214574
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No. 1214578
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>>1214574she has some points tbh
No. 1214601
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No. 1214613
File: 1619153581472.jpeg (206.9 KB, 1217x2048, Ezmi0gSUUAA0aPd.jpeg)

what is this style of writing called?
No. 1214688
File: 1619169503224.png (956.56 KB, 1298x725, not.png)

>>1214636Right about the memes
No. 1215172
File: 1619215463582.jpeg (800.92 KB, 1170x1302, F6631F6E-80E9-4A47-B727-EAD917…)

What is appealing about this look, she looks like a degenerate crackwhore
No. 1215184
>>1214578She was sucking up to all of these people within the last year or two, Carl included. No one is buying that it isn't personal. Making memes of people's kids is really creepy even for her.
>>1215165She's not on it. They make fun of Hunter a lot, that description isn't accurate. Saying Biden is better than Clinton isn't high praise.
No. 1215373
File: 1619235271302.jpeg (340.98 KB, 508x1022, 1AD075CD-F025-4C8B-823A-EA2311…)

blue checks have 0 self awareness ffs.
No. 1215505
something big seems to be going on with that Socialism Done Left guy who seems to be dating Merrick Deville but I still haven't read to understand what
this guy has a big thread merrick is fighting people over it too
also somehow a pic of merrick sucking dick showed up in my timeline
No. 1215558
File: 1619253307639.png (264.79 KB, 1194x1274, Screen Shot 2021-04-24.png)

Aimee shades new Fedpost fav Mommy Milkers
No. 1215568
File: 1619255480545.png (244.99 KB, 594x696, fed.png)

>>1215558Shades the whole of fedpost and their boosters too
No. 1215853
File: 1619293522707.png (36.32 KB, 811x217, boobyhugger.png)

>>1215558Boobyhugger is a former Spumco animator and current total freak.
No. 1216042
File: 1619318539959.png (717.93 KB, 1567x1487, itsokaywhenitsthem.png)

aimee's straight up posting articles from obscure british right wing think tanks, including linked to koch brothers money.
No. 1216053
>>1215903Lol amber? Really?
I thought her schtick was being the true ‘working class whisperer’ who doesn’t put up dorky meme shit…it’s been awhile since I listened so I could be wrong.
No. 1216134
File: 1619340600074.png (477.65 KB, 2048x849, Screenshot_20210425-034808.png)

jesus I can't imagine being her age and still being such a pathetic male pandering pickme
No. 1216140
>>1216134No, that is not what she is at age 33
She is a woman with uniquely correct insights and interpretation of the works of Marx
Also the reincarnation of Rosa Luxemburg, certainly the one to carry on her intellectual legacy, although Aimee has suffered more than Rosa ever did
No. 1216144
File: 1619342585504.jpeg (300.14 KB, 640x809, 771FF720-DB25-436F-81A2-59CC64…)

>>1216141Here, seeing as you can’t read books, have a neat little Wikipedia article. No. 1216189
File: 1619355244071.png (37.06 KB, 1266x142, Screen Shot 2021-04-25 at 8.51…)

>>1216146On the Philadelphia show years ago Dasha says a girl she personally knows told her that she was anally raped by Noe, in between gushing over his mediocre last movie.
No. 1216304
File: 1619372209169.png (51.31 KB, 590x486, MWSnap147 2021-04-25, 14_35_06…)

it's amazing how stupid these people are and how they post this kind of drivel they dedicated two second of thinking to like it's some great intellectual discovery
No. 1216317
File: 1619373298688.jpg (89.93 KB, 933x942, aimee euthanasia.JPG)

Aimee continuying to be fuckin cueless about assisted suicide. doesn't represent nothing in France except the opinion of a despised minority, the wealthy ultramontanist tradcath. Ackchyually 96% of french people are in favor of euthanasia . Aimee stop exporting this culture war neurosis on other countries. All the proles I know are in favor of assisted suicide and you're the pedantic PMC on this controversial topic.
No. 1216377
>>1216029I would believe this if he didn't come off as an absolute pea-brained moron, who leaves laptops with sensitive content at random repair shops and then forgets them
>>1216189This actually seems plausible (he's a mediocre early 00s hipster era director on the decline who loves to use amateur hour talent in all his movies) but he has no upcoming projects listed and I can't find anything online "confirmed" her working with him. As these just dasha sockpuppet accounts or mentally ill skinwalkers? This is the second " dasha working with (insert big break name)" rumor that's come up in the kast 2 months
No. 1216380
>>1216317these dumb fucks just love houellebecq because he hates muslims
they don’t even know that he’s a monarchist ultramontane asshole
No. 1216397
File: 1619381261136.png (153.51 KB, 1266x640, Screen Shot 2021-04-25 at 4.07…)

>>1216377>>1216386The account that posted the Noe news has a bunch of stupid racist posts. Would not surprise me if it was a Perfume Nazi sock puppet.
No. 1216515
File: 1619394608904.png (87.86 KB, 594x261, 101.png)

No. 1216699
File: 1619418959742.png (1.8 MB, 1152x2432, Screenshot_20210426-033223.png)

why the fuck is he uploading these shirtless selfies everyday? is he trying to be the reactionary stav?
No. 1216712
>>1216699Omg how old is he? He looks so fucking old. He is literally so fucking disgusting. He must have a humiliation fetish to publish this.
Probably showing off his weight loss after that famous Reddit comment that almost made him kill himself.
How long ago was that? Over a year ago. It’s taken him this long to lose a few measly stone and he’s done no exercise to counteract it, so he’s just going to be a saggy blubbery shar pei looking fuck.
At least if he gets bitten by a dog he can turn around and bite back with his flabby loose wombat skin. He needs surgery. He needs breast reduction. He’s losing his hair. He’s so pasty and just looks sticky all the time. Is he bulimic? He looks like he’s severely lacking in folic acid.
Even if he was thin, he’ll, even if he was ripped he’d still have a disgusting hooked schnozz and dead, hollow little pigs eyes.
If I had to inhabit this blubbery washed up whale carcass I would write a lengthy suicide note apologising for anyone that has had to physically behold me, apologise to my mother, demand to be immediately cremated and my ashes scattered in the wind, and kill myself.
No. 1216717
>>1216699Samefag, no amount of perfume can mask the scent of your pasty blubbery flesh. Everyday he has to embalm himself like a fresh corpse so that nobody can smell the methane constantly emitting from his foetid guts. Jack you are so disgusting why do you even bother to live?
Run yourself a nice hot bubble Bath with your sweetest essential oils, close your eyes, and then maybe you can convince yourself that you’re actually a beautiful women and feel a semblance of happiness for once.
No. 1216871
>>1216709Right. I question anyone who can listen to a few minutes of his podcast and conclude
that he’s straight and just “pretending to be gay”. People get confused because he gushes over women but it’s because he puts certain women on a pedestal and sees them as “icons” like that one rando blonde actress from like 1975 he used as his profile pic
No. 1217066
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Sanpaku eyes
No. 1217241
File: 1619473145401.png (313.12 KB, 1192x962, Screen Shot 2021-04-277.png)

>>1216663Snackvampire is a cow all on her own and should really keep her mouth shut
No. 1217259
File: 1619474680269.jpg (60.36 KB, 740x382, ouch.JPG)

a tweet dunking on aimee in all but name is picking up more momentum in an hour than her last 100 matt christman conspiracy tweets
No. 1217273
File: 1619475475368.png (712.26 KB, 746x1281, christmanbrain.png)

>>1217259example christman screed, schizophrenic linking a series of articles about dsa's online recruitment and another about chapo posts. aimee thinks that logging off will mean losing to the dsa. or chapo. or brace belden.
No. 1217284
File: 1619476209747.png (138.92 KB, 311x507, lol.png)

Aimee and Cassandra bonding over shared fake outrage at politician sharing his colleagues' public office phone numbers in order to pressure support for policing bill (literally every politician/political activist does this)
No. 1217503
File: 1619496075270.png (1.36 MB, 1224x471, cringe collection fat lex luth…)

Jesus fucking Christ, I thought the Red Scare subreddit was filled with disgusting whores and self hating fags, but the official discord server is much worse. Also it's filled with even uglier people that think they are hot. I think Dasha and Anna saying Banon and Roger Stone are hot has really warped these people heads.
No. 1217518
File: 1619499175596.jpeg (456.75 KB, 2000x2000, image.jpeg)

So any milk here regarding Briahna Joy Gray, she's the former Press Secretary for the Bernie Sanders and now has a Podcast with one of the Chapo boys, Virgil Texax
The Whole left decided to hate her when she did a episode with Noam Chomsky, where she claimed that voting for Biden would solve nothing
No. 1217541
File: 1619502441233.png (936.49 KB, 1191x830, merrick.png)

the amount of shit coming out about that socialism done left dude is astounding and so is the levels of cringe his girlfriend merrick is posting
No. 1217555
>>1217518They also hate her for force the vote, still advocating medicare 4 all, 15 dollar minimum wage, and not being mean to AOC. Basically the online Left is schizo as hell.
Oh and Sam Seder and all his fanboys hate her because she is friends with Jimmy Dore. In fact, the whole argument Seder had with her on her podcast was simply Seder still seething over Jimmy Dore.
No. 1217712
>>1217503Post caps pls
>>1217541Everything Merrick posts is astronomical cringe, not surprised she thinks the concept of comfort women is woke but that she's very upset by "transphobia"
No. 1217739
File: 1619529923373.png (833.42 KB, 1121x1593, bigleagues.png)

aimee terese tweets cited as a source in drivel for the american conservative. amcon is owned by a paleocon think tank. starting to believe the conspiracy theories about aimee's original twitter being restored on behalf of wealthy republicans. No. 1217776
File: 1619535970841.jpg (72.28 KB, 911x618, aimee vaccine.JPG)

After denying the usefulness of masks in her podcast with Leila Mechoui, Aimee Terese is going full anti-vaxxer paranoid activism.
No. 1218280
File: 1619565248556.jpg (71.84 KB, 727x619, tul.JPG)

No. 1218429
File: 1619574993819.jpeg (622.76 KB, 828x1465, B1446ED0-29FF-4A4E-87C1-3A9C17…)

I don’t care for Ben Burgis but this is a decent summary of why aimee terese is a shitty person. Everyone is fair game except for Angela Nagle.
No. 1218685
>>1217776Australia is at phase 1a and 1b. the only people getting the vaccine are customs officers, frontline medical workers and people over 70. there's also only average of 24 new cases a day. for comparison florida, which has 5 million less people than australia, has an average of 5,500 new cases a day.
she is thinking about covid and fantasizing about being a bug chasing moron far, far more than anyone. its totally abstract to her. for someone like ian miles cheong its just obviously a scam, she has let american politics colonize her brain.
No. 1218687
File: 1619614864976.jpg (59.09 KB, 754x411, lmao.JPG)

you don't say aimee???? (also the idea that capitalism would suddenly become less revanchist is preposterous)
what kind of australian fantasizes about the american republican party all day?
No. 1218706
File: 1619616512159.jpeg (218.35 KB, 828x686, 272D66D0-5914-4599-8A6C-574AE6…)

I mean she’s right about Alice here but it’s funny how when these two argue it’s the most tedious, completely circular and shamelessly self aggrandizing interaction. No. 1218905
File: 1619630056009.png (263.87 KB, 890x1088, Screen Shot 2021-04-28 at 1.12…)

>>1218706>>1218706Is Alice really going to start a substack? Or is she doing a joke about saying she'll start one. It comes through in everything she writes but her 40 year oldness really comes out when she writes about book culture.
No. 1219171
File: 1619646941839.png (2.6 MB, 1834x1597, richgirlhubris.png)

bella gave up the left facade after being outed as a rich faildaughter. now she's booking herself as an egirl for what seems to be, from the frames i grabbed, a flailing far right youtube talk show.
No. 1219478
File: 1619689292251.jpg (186.57 KB, 933x1798, abortion aimee terese.jpg)

Why vulgar marxists like Aimee Terese are so retarded?
The interest of the capitalist class is to have new consumers and therefore to maintain a reasonable birth rate. Billionaire Jack Ma asked his employees to have more children legalization of abortion no longer has anything to do with economic realism, low fertility rate worries all governments and bourgeois economists.
Also these two catholic has never heard of scandinavian social democracy which successfully combines flourishing birth rate, record of children born out of wedlock, shamelessly bugmen feminism and aggressive exports.
No. 1219539
File: 1619703902330.jpg (54.98 KB, 910x445, 050264.JPG)

At this point I think Aimee decided to alienate his most sane followers.
No. 1219569
File: 1619706830574.png (254.02 KB, 576x764, pickone.PNG)

>"uhm akshully hardly anyone gets euthanasia because they are in pain, it's mostly because they don't have affordable healthcare"
>"if I could wave a magic wand and put the party that is even less reserved about keeping healthcare unaffordable in power, I would!"
No. 1219588
Aimee fearmongering about a Soylent Green dystopia is ridiculous. Compare the number of deadly cancer and assisted suicide. 2019, there were 5,631 cases of medical assistance in dying reported in Canada, accounting for 2.0% of all deaths in Canada.
-Cancer (67.2%) was the most commonly cited underlying medical condition of persons who received MAID, followed by respiratory (10.8%) and neurological (10.4%) conditions.
-The majority of persons receiving MAID (82.1%) were reported to have received palliative care services. 2019, an estimated 220 400 Canadians will be diagnosed with cancer and 82 100 will die from cancer
No. 1219593
File: 1619709182705.png (90.35 KB, 604x442, what.png)

Dude's a swamp creature lobbyist but why'd she attack his name like that lol it's a tad racist
No. 1219780
>>1219747she and her gross husband met in debate club, and it shows
“I’m technically correct! I win!”
No. 1220078
File: 1619753027682.jpeg (89.09 KB, 750x1334, E0L5bREXoAIdRGj.jpeg)

should we start a seperate thread to discuss these retards? only the dustiest, no-pussy-getting men in one group, just needed to add crumps
No. 1220090
File: 1619754282241.jpeg (111.63 KB, 960x720, gjlylykahda31.jpeg)

>>1220084IIRC she had been interested in it for the vibe for a few months before but right after the break up she got recruited by some weird TradCaths but for Bernie like the one they invited on the podcast. Brunch group pictured here.
No. 1220094
File: 1619754852953.png (235.96 KB, 1192x834, Screen Shot 2021-04-30 at 1.52…)

god he really loathes Liz F and wants her to know it, I've never understand why he wanted her on his pod so much
No. 1220108
File: 1619755570846.jpg (112.21 KB, 784x1024, dasha skull.jpg)

>>1220090The TradCaths are very interested in phrenology
No. 1220180
File: 1619764782789.jpeg (332.77 KB, 640x725, 55FE8068-6BB7-474B-8E88-AD8DC7…)

This magazine is going all-out promoting their Dasha issue
No. 1220277
File: 1619783267206.png (763.07 KB, 1171x537, deranged and aimee pilled.png)

This may just be her masterpiece
No. 1220529
>>1220094he hitched himself like a parasite to the dirtbag shit then pretended he had nothing to do with them once they started to find him annoying
>>1220097they're ex-NRX guys who turned into wokies once they started to realize how cringe the post-left stuff was getting
No. 1220539
File: 1619809522936.png (131.06 KB, 1084x1044, lol.png)

pot calls kettle black. american affairs is one of the few outlets that will publish nagle. aimee can't fathom that people find both angela nagle and amber frost rw morons.
No. 1220939
File: 1619874006521.png (65.57 KB, 598x321, ldr.png)

Jack looked at all the "Lana is a secret white supremacist" craziness and said "Yes, and that's a good thing"
No. 1221425
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Love to know what she's referring to here
No. 1221545
File: 1619947049843.png (128.72 KB, 422x560, sorry.png)

Aimee's original co-host has some regrets
No. 1221638
File: 1619961626809.jpeg (119.25 KB, 640x709, 24BA0AA1-BAA7-48FF-BA76-2C43B3…)

Anna continues to dress like a Fashion Nova basic bitch and she said on the pod that she took her one month old baby to a chiropractor
No. 1221640
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Who’s Hailey
No. 1221671
File: 1619966175923.jpeg (94.49 KB, 828x703, 8E40862F-38D6-4F76-92BD-975C73…)

>>1221640Jon is replacing his
POC friends with white ones
No. 1221675
File: 1619966627922.png (111.9 KB, 1208x1044, thepivot.png)

peter's new podcast with his fangirl girlfriend (10+ years his junior) is a flop. his yt engagement sucks. now his girlfriend, who's been quickly roped into caring for peter's children so he can tweet 20 hours a day, has taken to twitter to blame the haters/ash/angie for his financial struggles.
No. 1221693
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Why is Alice shilling for Jacobin lol
No. 1221711
File: 1619970953910.png (210.84 KB, 892x1138, Screen Shot 2021-05-02 at 11.5…)

>>1221640Is this related?
No. 1221825
>>1221675this loser got unceremoniously kicked out from his own podcast because of this twitter addiction and alienated everyone from the community he was supposed to be a part of to become "post-left" and now is everyone else's fault.
just get some real work. not everyone can live from making content, specially if no on want to watch and everyone hates you. become a roofer or some shit like that.
No. 1221863
File: 1619989698289.jpeg (80.34 KB, 665x330, 9D3FB405-62D7-4D3C-867A-D5CA9F…)

M’ladychan. Imagine thinking having sex with 70 people means you are highly attractive and isn’t indicative of a brutal personality disorder. Loling at the idea of Dasha and her awkward body being good in bed too
No. 1221894
File: 1619993423495.jpg (11.68 KB, 210x240, terriermon wondering.jpg)

Oh God hearing Felix rant about California is so annoying, if he straight up didn't say California every 5 seconds, you'd thinking he was talking about New York. What is about New Yorkers thinking their shithole is any different from that place? Especially those on the Left.
No. 1222006
File: 1620006809543.jpg (49.9 KB, 965x584, tumblr_inline_p301e9Mn0h1vo02i…)

>>1221887>still thinking actual homosexual leftcels existIt's this picture but for polispergs
No. 1222135
File: 1620019456975.jpeg (647.33 KB, 750x1093, 00903C33-B343-40C6-B4FC-243030…)

i cackled
No. 1222162
File: 1620022624035.png (156.22 KB, 1176x800, Screen Shot 2021-05-03 at 4.05…)

chubby white DSA tard (who has had sam pritchard's girl dick in her mouth) currently having a meltdown over the dasha/azealia pic because azealia "zayn malik is a sand nigger" banks is a delicate flower being corrupted by "white devil" dasha
No. 1222166
File: 1620023249278.jpg (861.77 KB, 4000x3000, 35d5c546-6866-4bbb-99f7-504198…)

hailey is like kaitlin bennett but a cumdump for tankies instead of nazbols, maybe even more cringe since she uses terms like "strasserite" completely unironically
No. 1222213
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>>1222162anarchist dj is also having a breakdown over it lol
No. 1222252
File: 1620036122952.png (315.49 KB, 812x515, blm.png)

found it
No. 1222280
File: 1620044700181.jpeg (154.81 KB, 750x755, D024039F-7029-4444-9681-F777A1…)

complaining about the overton window then acting incredulous that someone could point out the good things putin does (because liberal media has painted putin as an evil far right russian mastermind even though he's closer to bernie than to trump)
No. 1222356
File: 1620056488830.jpeg (137.83 KB, 750x523, C3B1A4F9-6D23-4E4D-BC25-A102EA…)

>>1222288nta but this dude has quite a following on instagram, idk about twitter tho
No. 1222357
File: 1620056573023.jpeg (95.46 KB, 1080x710, EvqhJ4rWQAIqZGJ.jpeg)

Reminder that Hailey/roun_sa_ville took this meme from Daily Stormer and just changed it from "Jews" to "Israel"
No. 1222369
File: 1620057958854.png (202.62 KB, 308x545, liz bruenig lil b clare feet p…)

This is a weird thing for her to post, right?
No. 1222691
File: 1620073350850.jpg (83.73 KB, 740x1316, img.jpg)

>>1222162i'm praying the fallout will be as catastrophic as it was with grimes
No. 1222789
File: 1620081816192.jpeg (277.07 KB, 811x788, 21B0AEE0-A0D4-41A3-8430-090DFD…)

>>1222774Speaking of, she seems much less annoying now. She has some tweets (mildly) criticizing the post left circlejerk
No. 1222853
File: 1620086314586.png (60.26 KB, 774x593, sean.png)

sean mccarthy has turned on aimee recently, but he works to cultivate a salt of the earth persona too. he's so desperate to a working class whisperer from a brooklyn apartment.
No. 1222863
>>1222789Did she finally realize this after the guy she dated went on that huge spergout here on /w/ promoting Red Scare?
>>1222853>turned on aimee recently>recentlyHaven't they been in a feud for quite a while?
No. 1222915
>>1222804When did she say that? I remember she is adamant of never having one. She went off some insane tirades saying she would never associate herself with women who have had them (funny she says that since Amber has had two).
>>1222826This person is right. She might have had one, but has never admitted to having one. I'm certain she has but I have never heard admit to it.
No. 1222921
>>1222618Well at least he got a hobby instead of shitposting on Twitter all day. Hope he also doesn't start a shitty podcast soon.
>>1222789Can't wait for the other leftthots to wake up and realize how embarrassing this entire phase was now that the dirtbag left is losing relevance.
No. 1222929
>>1222896Lmfao please, she was bob-the-building some beta soyblob and rescuing boys online a few threads ago. This is a fairly new take for her, guess he found his forever home after using her for free rent.
Also, you're looking at absolute bottom of the barrel omega females. Finding a provider is easier today than ever, they're just such gigabeckies that they can't even get a guy to buy them starbucks. In the good old pre-girlboss times they'd starve and die, become $5 hookers or be daddy's money old maids until death.
No. 1222933
>>1222916Which episode, I know she is a piece of shit cunt grifter but making up shit about her isn't a good look.
>redditOk links? Screenshots?
>>1222920I'll check it out.
No. 1222950
>>1222941that's a very long way to say "this thread is aspiring podcel redscare hanger ons self posting and backstabbing each other"
because you're obviously one of them - gj saging for once.who else would know any milk about these literallywhos except other BPD thots in group chats with them?
No. 1222986
File: 1620097024090.jpg (48.8 KB, 604x453, 1934644_708162963669_715270_n.…)

>>1222940she actually has a sister, I think slightly younger then her. Idk why her mom would have any abortions of her siblings since they seemed to be a happily married couple, until anna's dad died.
No. 1223001
>>1222966I found nothing and I just finished watching the episode that anon thinks Anna fessed up.
I'm not saying she hasn't (I'm 100% sure she has), my autistic problem is that I want proof not
>DUDE NO SOURCE BUT BELIEVE ME BROThis isn't 4chan, source or gtfo.
No. 1223002
File: 1620097737678.jpeg (201.12 KB, 1170x2048, 4C3DC94F-2668-4775-BB06-0DF4BC…)

I don’t go here but does anyone know anything about @clownesvanzandt? I swear I used to follow this girl on tumblr and she was a ~soft romantic aesthetic~ blogger with a white pop punk boyfriend but I don’t remember the URL. Positive it’s the same girl but she did not read or listen to any of the stuff she does now, not milky but it’s funny seeing her blow up in artsy esoteric post-left Twitter when she was not like this just a few years ago.
No. 1223039
>>1223001So you want people to go back and listen to each episode of red scare until they catch it? You know that is spoonfeeding technically. It was said in a podcast this isn’t as easy as typing in keywords and finding it. I don’t know why you think someone would make this up, I don’t give two shits if Anna had an abortion or not
In the episode I heard it in they got on the topic of regrets they had and she said something similar to “sometimes I think how my life would’ve ended up if I didn’t have an abortion at 20”
No. 1223044
File: 1620103125157.png (115.66 KB, 288x289, 1509316609532.png)

>>1223039Just admit she never said that. I have already looked throughout the subreddit and the "sources" you people have presented.
>I'm not going to give you the source, because that would be spoonfeedingOh are you just retarded, carry on.
No. 1223061
>>1223045I stop listening to it this year but I have heard every episode before 2021. Anna has never once stated she has gotten an abortion, the only thing that has changed consistently is her retarded stance to be an edgy contrarian for when the need arises.
>>1223047>it's in the book, TRUST MENot how it works dumbass.
No. 1223067
>>1223065Yes because no one can give a damn episode. I'm not even asking for a fucking timestamp, I'm asking for a definitive episode where she says this. Not even on the subreddit is there any proof of this beyond one person doing the exact same thing
>Anna multiple times has said she has gotten an abortionMind you this was only one person/one post (out of thousands of posts) and every time abortion is brought up on the pod, the subreddit goes insane because of Anna's extremely retarded takes on it compared to Dasha's. Had she had one, the subreddit would constantly bring up her hypocrisy on it. Fuck there was a huge controversy over her claiming she couldn't be friends with someone who got an abortion so easily (when she is friends with Amber who years earlier used it as a joke to fuck with a stupid trad Cath larper that was debating Chapo). So yes I think it is something you all have think exists but it clearly doesn't because none of you have provided any evidence beyond
>Source? My ass No. 1223071
>>1223069It was along the lines
>I don't want to associate with someone that could so callously get an abortion and not think of the moral ramifications of itThe episode is titled Berkeley Brain
No. 1223113
>>1223108Not like you'd ever get one in the first place.
>>1223110A fascist with some mildly socially liberal beliefs is too left wing for you lol.
No. 1223145
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cow crossover.
They live pretty close to each other, if Aimee was more social IRL they would actually meet in person.
No. 1223175
>>1222868Calm down, it's like
>>1222894 said. It was an offhanded joke
>>1223145If they ever meet irl the milk will be great
No. 1223219
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No. 1223221
>>1223107>>1223112Lmao who the fuck is this fucking sperg
It's not spoonfeeding to ask for receipts, it's basic farm protocol you fucking newfags. Find receipts or STFU
No. 1223270
>>1223091Holy shit you tard, how hard is it to understand?
I want fucking proof, not the shit spewing from your mouth.
I am confident that this roastie whore has had hundreds of abortions, problem is, she has never owned up to.
I'm not asking for the abortion clips, I'm asking for Anna admitting it on the pod or fuck some other pod. How hard is this for you to understand? Are you underage? Is that why you are acting like a bonafide tard and that's why this isn't getting to you?
(infighting) No. 1223274
>>1223268fuck, we don’t want her
maybe a kangaroo will eat her
No. 1223341
File: 1620145282732.jpeg (651.81 KB, 1125x1271, 4C12A2F8-3426-4CDE-A4FE-AB9BD8…)

>>1223044She was pro choice and publicly blathering about her abortions a year ago, anon. If you think these girls are capable of a consistent stance on
anything, you’re even more retarded than they are.
No. 1223451
>>1223092wow lefthots being hypocritical? impossible!
back to reddit, simp
No. 1223584
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No. 1223612
File: 1620169566213.jpg (35.29 KB, 745x338, nagle.JPG)

anna and aimee are rejoicing, angela nagle's back. what has angela even accomplished besides a few articles in conservative rags, a book plagiarized from wikipedia, and an appearance on tucker carlson?
No. 1223629
File: 1620170844223.jpg (51.35 KB, 887x199, SCREENSHOT.JPG)

>>1223625daily beast isn't the best of sources, but that nagle published a book under this guy does not speak highly of her work., aimee considers angela a
victim of "the left" and treats her like she died rather than logged off
No. 1223656
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oh dear
No. 1223791
>>12237531. Men lie about who they're attracted to out of shame
2. Men fuck women they don't find attractive all the time
3. Look at Adam Friedland and OPN and tell me they don't look like absolute incel NEETs
No. 1223954
>>1223341>>1223326So… multiple? Damn, what the fuck is in the new york water?
>>1223753>every man I known personally who is aware of the podcast does not think she is or was ever attractiveExact opposite here, every man I personally know who listens to red scare thinks they're both hot, if a bit ugly and busted. "Men only care about appearances" is a myth, their peepees obviously get hard for women performing the ritualistic submission that is parroting their views
No. 1224140
File: 1620244901629.jpg (128 KB, 731x851, bap.JPG)

maybe bap paid off twitter to get aimee's original acc back. he's got that yale/fed money.
No. 1224564
File: 1620307421462.png (132.85 KB, 1136x976, wokemargaretthatcher.png)

broke: horseshoe theory
bespoke: ronald reagan and the bushes were actually leftists.
No. 1224596
File: 1620311916449.jpg (348.2 KB, 1080x1396, 20210506_103323.jpg)

Genuinely surprised that farmers haven't been interested so far in this twitter scene's token radfem poster, who seems to only avoid being shunned by the antileft antifeminist posters by also being a nationalist. Regularly makes others orbiting Red Scare twitter sperg out because she's mean to right wingers and men and not exclusively leftists and women like she is "supposed to be."
No. 1224627
>>1223992Take a chill pill
nonny, Her replies and patreon are heavily populated by absolute incels living in a some basement in small town chanville fly over states that she will never met, who almost never see or interact with woman. I brought up own my personal anecdotal experience only because they all live in the same city where she claims to have slept with so many men.
No. 1225123
File: 1620352335566.png (264.68 KB, 1407x1381, simporalt.png)

was not convinced this was aimee's alt until i compared the pool of emojis and dated internet slang. aimee's simps take aimee's phrases, but aimee types like a xillenial.
No. 1225132
File: 1620352695842.jpg (223.04 KB, 821x678, 1608857182223.jpg)

>>1225113People usually don't call someone Churka if they are from Belarus or Ukraine, it's usually for people with black hair from the Caucuses. Ironically, Dasha who barely gives a shit about Russian culture wouldn't be called what is essentially a "Turk," but Anna who is obsessed passing as a Slav would. It's so delicious
No. 1225204
File: 1620359571860.jpg (19.71 KB, 304x304, unbridled.jpg)

does anyone have any tea on this honor levy/tfw no gf crew orbiter unbridled_id, she seems like someone attempting to orbit this shit, currently co hosts a podcast with TFW No GF producer barrett avner.
No. 1225208
File: 1620360388335.jpg (43.44 KB, 500x500, 518kq6OsehL._SL500_.jpg)

>>1225204tragic how many red scare fan girls have much larger legs than the pathetic slightly older men they date
No. 1225242
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>>1225212>>1225204I've been following honor for a while. The reason she's on leftthot radar is bc she dated eugene kotryalenko, who has directed the only movies that dasha is in. I believe she's either in grad school now or just finished grad school, her parents live in LA and seem rich af. Oh and she posted some photos with Caroline fucking Callaway today. She's a writer and a troll but I think she can be funny. She's not as young as she looks and def does a whole kinderwhore persona thing
No. 1225404
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I wonder where Aimee learned that term…
No. 1225440
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For the anon wondering why DSA-types hate Brie now
No. 1225531
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puke worthy
No. 1225532
File: 1620415468379.jpeg (305.07 KB, 750x721, ED73E5C0-0FFC-43EF-9856-FF0C6E…)

some cringe in the replies too
No. 1225578
File: 1620421836714.png (673 KB, 1407x1381, siddak.png)

AlexeiArora is Siddak Ahuja, who might be the richest member of the post-left. Siddak was head boy at a Dubai private school with 69,000$ per year tuition before moving to Canada. Hilariously enough Greenwald seems to take his diatribes about real working-class politics seriously enough to retweet them.
No. 1225615
>>1225204wait what happened to sam peckinpah's failgrandson who used to host it? did he and barrett fall out?
do any of these people stay friends for longer than a year?
No. 1225815
>>1225740>In Russia most people wouldn’t micro management her separate ethnic identitiesBurger pls, my sides. You know jack shit about the place.
Russians are literally obsessing over Ukrainians rn, whom you would 100% perceive as Russian. They'll seethe at you if you're a slightly different shade of white with a slightly non-Russian surname, let alone obviously a post-USSR bloc churka. Next you'll post more wokeburger wisdoms like "people in Moscow don't care if you're a Tajik or an Uzbek and totally wouldn't immediately perceive you as a migrant toilet scrubber".
No. 1225820
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>>1225815No Brighton
nonny , normal people don’t micromanage your ethnicity in the same way Americans do. People aren’t blind and there is obvious racism like everywhere on this planet, but at the same time race it isn’t a topic of bizarrely specific conversations like in the USA. None of this matters, because both scarethots are affectively Americans therefore they will have their asses kissed, just like Russians have been kissing foreign ass since the late imperial period. But whatever gatekeep your speshul white status I guess idk
No. 1225920
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No. 1226035
>>1225823I didn’t say Russians are not racist, or even LESS overtly racist, I said they don’t MICROMANAGE race in the same unbearable way that Americans do, I would rather some drunk wignat call me a zhid or churka because retards exist everywhere and I don’t care what they do, then having a 15 minute conversation everytime I met a new person about why “what nationality are you “
Also you keep referencing Ukraine hate when there is a literal border war going on right now being utilized for political theatre and propaganda by state apparatus 24/7, totally not a red herring argument
No. 1226091
File: 1620504947986.jpg (Spoiler Image,20.34 KB, 320x481, 1599196798518.jpg)

>>1225879Up next:
Anna shittalks monogamy and gushes about how enlightened and non-neoliberal paying for her husband's hookers is. No. 1226094
>>1225951Probably a small "fuck off" ceremony that wasn't legally binding. If it takes you being pregnant for your foreverbf of 159 years to marry you, you can be sure that he never wanted to do it.
>>1226034Anna is probably very aware of the fact that she's buxing Eli, and Dasha is finally realizing that she'll never get an old rich man, so they're both trying to save face.
>>1225879Poor Anna*
No. 1226107
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>>1225820You are fucking retarded. That's just some crock of bullshit made up anti American leftist that only Americans care about MUH DIVISIONS. People around the world do a give a shit about ethnicity, not race.
No. 1226241
i don't have as much of an issue with aimee as most people here but has anyone else just found her recent tweets like literally incomprehensible? like literally what does this even fucking mean: bruenigs are annoying but he's just making an observation, this doesn't even warrant a response. she needs to lay off the meth, since she got her new account back she's been even more unstable than usual
No. 1226280
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Isn't she white
No. 1226296
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>>1226255Aimee, staying true to her(self) stridently opposed to Matt B
No. 1226428
File: 1620551646408.jpg (158.56 KB, 899x2187, aimee bruenig drugs.jpg)

This dumb bitch is against the vaccines for individualistic reasons but will milk on Bruenig accidental lolbertism about drugs. No. 1226432
>>1226428Poor crazy aimee the lawyer debater can and will take any position opposed to her imagined adversaries, pursue relentlessly and call it demystification or whatevs
She's obviously mad but also just living her best life online so good luck to her I guess
No. 1226433
>>1226427Abortion is a sin but all those times she fucks her not-husband? Totes coolsies.
She's only socially conservative when it suits her, which sounds suspiciously liberal to me.
No. 1226438
File: 1620553121483.jpg (119.63 KB, 912x872, aimee bruenig cops.JPG)

According to Aimee Terese, criticizing police brutality and the consequences of war on drugs is perfectly equal to making bloodthirsty vigilantism and supporting the same imperialist war machine as unionized cops
Aimee Terese is officially the dumbest person on Earth. This is your brain on ultra-leftist hypercriticism. No. 1226458
>>1226094Nta but if Dasha is giving up on finding a rich old man to marry because of her age she couldn't be more misguided (those men don't stay away from women aged 26-34 as much as some people like to believe, for them it's a way to be with someone younger than them without being judged for getting with girls half their age or younger).
She would do much better without claiming she's had sex with +70 men (>>1221863 which i believe it's a lie to look cool/'more independent' anyway, unless all the dudes she's fucked are at least 8/10 chads I doubt she was horny enough to sleep with all of them) and moving among other spaces (how many wealthy old men in need of trophy wives are there in dirtbag left circles?).
No. 1226496
File: 1620570534843.png (32.43 KB, 617x458, press f.png)

High chance someone successfully reported her for harassment after posting at least like 100 tweets attacking the Bruenigs in the past 24 hours
No. 1226517
>>1226438Oh cool, I remember 3 weeks ago when being anti-cop was bad because it took power out of the hands of government and put it into privatized security forces
Glad to see Aimee's brain has done a complete flip since then and now it's actually extreme state imperialism somehow
No. 1226522
File: 1620574278821.jpg (54.14 KB, 653x692, nicoleksubstack.JPG)

red scare wannabe internet kendra now has a substack where she posts mediocre poetry to no acclaim from her 3000+ followers
No. 1226526
>>1220277Aimee repeatedly using the janitor/"he does it for free" meme like it's 2012 on /sp/ is still one of the most bizarre things to me
Where in the hell did she pick it up from? Is it still common on fren twitter or some other bizarre internet subculture or did it just stick in her brain out of nowhere?
No. 1226580
>>1226458Oh, this is not about her age. It's about her everything else.
She will have to fade into obscurity for at least 5 years, not tweet or post anything, get her mug fixed and then reinvent her personality entirely to maybe have a shot at cuffing what she's aiming at. As of now, she'd be an embarrassment to any rich man - not hot enough to be a long term thicc secret, not refined enough to be a trophy wife.
No. 1226639
File: 1620588171497.png (215.57 KB, 726x1974, simpfuneral.png)

the mourning aimee simps. they can't decide who's to blame for the suspension the dsa matt christman the bruenigs carl beijer the dnc, but those are one and the same according to their absent cult leader.
No. 1226681
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another former usyd student just confirmed the aimee terese rich girl backstory.
No. 1226758
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No. 1226768
>>1226681Holy shit, there really is a North Shore princess to university trotskyist pipeline. The Socialist Alternative must have built it.
This has been happening for decades now.
No. 1226793
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twitter radfem found a possible Liz B alt i noticed this account awhile ago too and thought the same thing
No. 1226846
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Here come the credentials
No. 1226847
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>>1226768The pipeline opens once your rich parents give up on you in favor of a more well adjusted, less busted sibling, which Aimee no doubt has. She went a bit too hard on the BPD/meth and they cut off the gravy train, which in her demented rich mind made her LITERALLY a prole.
No. 1226879
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Idk if it's confirmed but if she's trans herself This is really funny projection
No. 1226920
File: 1620613779838.png (98.36 KB, 617x499, simps.png)

I simply do not understand how she inspires such insane levels of simpery from grown adults and media figures who should know better. It can't all be sublimated horniess, can it?
No. 1226978
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>>1226846Literally no one cares you fucking piece of shit.
>>1226967 Agreed.
No. 1227011
File: 1620626511979.jpg (16.28 KB, 500x500, avatars-000311558082-e575fz-t5…)

If TERFs were really a hate group, everyone would be obsessed with gently and lovingly "saving" and "deradicalizing" them, like they do with incels and Nazis. Prove me wrong.
No. 1227105
File: 1620650426901.jpg (87.79 KB, 597x604, 1598626898403.jpg)

itt: salty non-frens
No. 1227575
>>1227516>feminist No. Women who aren't feminist and are called TERFs are normal women (Rowling is a called a
TERF and is feminist and isn't a normal woman), so called TERFs (actual feminists) Paglia and the whores that listen to her, need a lobotomy.
No. 1227598
File: 1620703897849.webm (Spoiler Image,239.56 KB, 408x720, 2071023-1aea47c3594afb6a84bd2e…)

Based, finally someone said it.
No. 1227612
File: 1620706307155.jpg (45.07 KB, 1280x720, orochimaru tranny mode.jpg)

>>1227611TERF literally has no meaning anymore beyond a normal woman calling a tranny out. Actual TERFs (trans exclusionary radical feminists) are usually retarded (Rowling) or extra retarded (Paglia) because feminism is an ideology that is incompatible with Western ideals (similar to trannies or there being more than two gender, or gender doesn't exist).
(stop derailing about TERFs) No. 1227618
>>1227612rowling and paglia have nothing in common and neither are radical feminists. radfem like
terf has also come to mean karen women that i don't like. rowling is more of a libfem girlboss and paglia is the first not like other girls philosopher, is a female chauvinist, and considers herself male-brained. go be stupid somewhere else.
No. 1227632
File: 1620709352953.jpeg (Spoiler Image,411.55 KB, 828x825, A34BE6D2-81A3-4F23-8A09-AFE69B…)

>>1227612Concave skulled moid tier take here.
Rowling is barely a feminist “intellectual”, she is a lib who doesn’t buy troon delusions. Pagila basically created liberal sex pozzy feminism. Both are not radfems.
Feminism is not incompatible with western ideals because it is rooted in the biological reality of being a women. Unlike queer theory (troon dillusons) .
No. 1227638
>>1227612>Paglia>radical feministYeah, the woman who said civilization was improved by man-on-boy pedophilia and is constantly simping for men is totally a radical feminist. JK Rowling's literally just a normal human being, too, lmao.
Why do none of the people who try to talk about radical feminism ever know what it is? This post reeks of "retard who's surrounded by other retards, so he never realized when he was wrong". Do you watch Ben Shapiro like, unironically, too? Just wondering.
No. 1227682
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Another pickme in the redscare sphere that these idiots hover around like bimboubermensch, is signalling to everything that you listen to the smiths still cool?
No. 1228018
File: 1620761462479.jpg (80.21 KB, 744x637, notacult.JPG)

definitely not the leader of a cult of dissatisfied work from home lawyers, academics, and trust fund kids
No. 1228181
File: 1620774383710.png (3.02 MB, 750x1334, A45B4B38-6C3D-481D-A736-C43C3A…)

saged because it’s not really milk, but this is so depressing… are those raw hot dogs? maybe I’m just revealing my lack of slavic heritage here.
No. 1228212
File: 1620777323309.png (657 KB, 1065x743, SCREENSHOT.png)

angie speaks releases a podcast ep with aimee terese, gets an engagement rate so low that 2 of the 14 likes are from angie's podcast accounts. imaging losing half your paying podcast audience to invite perfume jack and aimee on.
No. 1228302
>>1228212Listened to almost an hour of this and only takeaway is nothing, they just talk about themselves, left is bad, not like us we're nice
Zero insights of any sort that haven't been gone over ad nauseum
No. 1228323
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>"you can and should safely ignore twitter freakouts"
>this after 72 hours of quote-tweeting every minor critic of your op-ed and recording a whole poscast episode about it
Is this gaslighting?
No. 1228341
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>>1228329No, she did go over her origin story but didn't mention the waiting to be heard at court No. 1228389
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>>1228212She had fucking Zizek on and only got 3000 hits lmao.
No. 1228401
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Palestinians suddenly added to targets of 'critique'
No. 1228436
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>>1228426>>1228212>>1214063Watched one her breadtubbe videos and those big soft brown breasts jiggle with her every word, which is notable cos she and aimee talk about how they' re not thots and don't want simps,
aimee has said many times stuff about 'titties visible in bio, don't care what you say' obvs doesn't apply if they agree with her
TLDR notroon
No. 1228455
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who the fuck is going to pay for this boring bitch's trite cultural critique podcast
No. 1228518
File: 1620825693971.jpg (693.94 KB, 918x2011, Aimee Terese Patrick Deneen So…)

It's funny the ammount of openly fascist and theocractic dudes who support Aimee Terese but reactionary catholics pretending to defend the interest of working class are the most hilarious pieces of shit.
During the 19th and 20th centuries literally all tradcath and ultramontanists were against labour strike and nationalizations. Pope Pius XII declared catholics who professed communist doctrine to be excommunicated. like Patrick Deneen and Sohrab Ahmari are obviously against universal day care by hypocritically invoking the preferences of workers. There is a special place in hell for this kind of fake populism. Even the wignats don't buy this garbage pushed by the minions of Cucker Carlson.
No. 1228529
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aimee terese following republican pedo apologists to own the libs
No. 1228606
File: 1620835339875.jpg (83.53 KB, 799x834, leftcath.JPG)

Christian democracy is quite the opposite of this kind of neo-ultramontanist e-populism. Back in time liberal catholics were ardent enemies of traditionalists. Contemporary leftcath have regular feud with integralist freaks like Sohrab Ahmari. No. 1228633
>>1226890>social monogamy was enforced by males via infanticideWhat's this about? I never heard of
>>1227059No we don't, what the fuck, there's really no better proof that most posters here are cows themselves and their inner circle than the absolute amount of literal whos that keep getting posted by people who expect everyone else to know who they are
No. 1228659
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Is this just another thing where they think if they say it enough it'll come true?
No. 1228873
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>>1228727>>1228862I don’t know who this woman is, but for now I’m going to believe her over an unsaged post with no receipts
No. 1228883
File: 1620855989703.jpeg (267.63 KB, 580x682, 8FBEE4F1-B726-48A7-A265-1D88DF…)

Shudder has picked up Dasha's Epstein movie
No. 1228910
File: 1620859023795.png (61.3 KB, 492x473, wat.png)

…isn't the Atlantic a step down from the NYT?
No. 1229033
File: 1620878394109.png (719.43 KB, 742x1240, fedpost.png)

knew the fedpost boys were republicans, did not realize they believe that high schoolers have been tricked by hr into rejecting the advances of adult men. aimee, lehrer, vandrew, twinkrev, and kelly zahos all follow this guy.
No. 1229039
File: 1620880044853.png (35.48 KB, 585x239, MWSnap158 2021-05-13, 01_26_13…)

ok so who's buying?
now we know she's still alive.
No. 1229254
File: 1620918649949.png (432.52 KB, 903x937, logo.png)

looks like Logo Daedalus got ratioed on a Jigsaw trolley problem about choosing between M4A and unlimited buttsex No. 1229388
File: 1620929009057.jpg (29.28 KB, 912x178, nagle.JPG)

after all this hype by aimee and co, angela nagle's writing is…dumb. she cites unherd mag opinion columns as factual, recommends a silicon valley bitcoin ceo as a source, and has alarmist fantasies about american politics. No. 1229591
File: 1620944760570.png (571.55 KB, 1192x2312, Screen Shot 2021-05-14 at 8.25…)

while he's a loser for hanging around righttoids and getting shocked that they're homophobic, Gayesteptard actually had the best take on Logo. he's the worst type of pseudo-intellectual who is like the SJWs he mocks, when he's called out "its not my job to explain it to you"
No. 1229731
File: 1620961162466.png (1.1 MB, 1458x746, SCREENSHOT.png)

girls who bought the red scare shirts are embarrassing, do not think anyone but coffin's girlfriend will buy this one No. 1229743
File: 1620963256477.jpg (28.34 KB, 600x600, but that's fucking wrong.jpg)

>I'm pro-choice
So is Anna going to tell her son that she killed several of her unborn brothers and sisters?
Good God, this is so pathetic, even if it is an edgelord cringe bit.
No. 1229784
>>1229745You don't understand, capitalism brainwashed her into finding decrepit old farts who could be her grandpa repulsive or otherwise uninteresting. In her attempts at neoliberal risk mitigation, she has missed out on some wonderful human interaction. Think of what they could talk about together! Clearly she's craving his company deep down despite the fact that she's obviously busy streaming for other children. You know, her peer group.
I s2g, all of the "dirtbag left" is trying to invent some pseudoeconomic rationalization for why nobody wanted to sit with them at lunch in high school/why nobody wants to fuck them. Marxism-incelism.
No. 1229824
File: 1620977752755.jpeg (729.41 KB, 828x1440, 239CD717-B847-43AD-9E4D-F6D797…)

Not really milk but I saw this and I wonder how many times a day she stares at photos of Annie to copy everything she does: the poses, the clothes, the mirror, the products, the mannerisms. It’s beyond creepy… but at the same time it’s so intriguing. No wonder she was posting about her so much in here…. it’s an obsession at this point. What level of mental retardation do you have to keep doing this…isn’t she getting tired of skin walking in her late 20s? Or at the very least, embarrassed? Annie seems to have at least moved past the tennis skirts and referring to herself as a bunny. Shasti has to at least be 29 and is still doing this.
No. 1229884
File: 1620994090342.png (68.43 KB, 614x334, aimee vs matt brewing.png)

Aimee is really tempting fate by transitioning her anti-Bruenig crusade to include Matt, too. Dude is impossible to troll.
No. 1230237
>>1229941Absolutely. I don't think Anna really thinks she's a murderer. Dasha doesn't really think Anna is a baby killer. Neither of them think all their female friends who have had abortions committed murder. Dasha' pro-life stance is a larp. She took plan B before the pandemic and that's a big no for pro-lie Catholics.
On the last episode Dasha mentioned that she moved to the West Village. With 0pn?
No. 1230292
File: 1621029067750.jpg (35.87 KB, 736x706, kermit.jpg)

So is Bolsonaro really as bad as people like Glenn Greenwald and other dirtbag leftist claims he is?
If he was, why hasn't he gone full Pinochet and just razed this guy's compound? It's not like the West or Biden would do shit to Jair for taking Glenn out, and secretly most of the MSM will cheer it on.
No. 1230315
>>1229941>this child is here because the others aren't >Dasha laughing So full confession from Anna and can't even bullshit it like claiming that reddit account isn't her. Congrats to the sperg that wanted proof, you got it.
Also Dasha once again proving her trad Cath shit is pure larp.
No. 1230340
File: 1621032790469.png (423.54 KB, 587x740, auto.png)

>>1229884What's the point of these schizo posts if they're subtweets and it's not even clear who they're about ?
Looks like a self portrait in this one
No. 1230501
File: 1621051706955.png (1.73 MB, 651x1745, weldinglawyer.png)

anna k furiously googling "retard helmet gif" to make manual labor jokes instead of taking care of her newborn
No. 1230582
>>1230487If a kid could force him to stay she would've never aborted in the first place. Few men would stay with a mentally ill hag like her, child or not.
Puts her "if a man uses a condom with you he's not into you" spergouts into perspective, really.
No. 1230589
File: 1621068593142.jpeg (537.47 KB, 2048x1536, F8EE6AA6-C42F-42F3-864C-365AA6…)

Is Brace like a member of Thee Oh Sees now? He's been rooming with the drummer for months now in LA and now he's having dinner with the band in Denver
No. 1230702
File: 1621090310274.png (1.11 MB, 640x1136, AC0D5E25-C4F6-4C5E-BD2B-B40C35…)

No. 1230727
>>1230724i think
>>1230714 meant the man dasha is with
No. 1230834
>>1230830Starving yourself leads to muscle wastage and a doughy physique
she has no waist no hips no tits no ass, stumpy little legs and dull hollow eyes from not eating properly
No. 1230844
File: 1621107795718.jpg (75.04 KB, 350x594, gettyimages-77056406-594x594.j…)

>>1230830she absolutely does have a doughy downs syndrome physique, you can be heavier than her and look more fit. she's like a skinnier shayna kek
dashas anachannery is half assed and substandard just like everything she does - she basically restricts enough to destroy her muscles, skin elasticity and brain cells, but not enough to have that pointy slav moderu look she so desperately craves. her type of doughy ana physique is something you usually see in binge/purge yo-yo diet types. then you have anna who is slightly closer to that high feshun emaciated look but only because she's a chain smoking alcoholic druggie, which makes her look like a goblin.
No. 1230919
File: 1621115378812.png (1.21 MB, 640x1136, 383C2E92-D916-4C09-9E07-593B84…)

Daria exuding strong babushka energy here
No. 1231126
File: 1621148674995.png (1.53 MB, 2048x1534, Screenshot_20210516-040415.png)

honestly in awe of the stupidity of this post.
No. 1231217
>>1231126Liked by Anna
>>1231133He used to be regular fat. This is him glowed up. Agree Adam is much better looking.
No. 1231569
>>1231384caping on an imageboard for someone who wouldn't hesitate one minute to make disparaging comments about other peoples' appearances
>>1231525hasn't annie had a boyfriend for a while
No. 1231595
File: 1621206554017.png (88.34 KB, 412x542, monarchy.png)

So is she still going to keep up the facade of being a "leftist" after this? Wild how the MSM has raised her up as the standard-bearer of millennial socialism in this country when she's a pro-life integralist monarchist.
No. 1231624
File: 1621208176708.png (47.61 KB, 590x185, ok.png)

>>1231622not really necessary but ok
No. 1232154
File: 1621283655819.jpeg (468.08 KB, 534x950, D55C4955-0347-4BE4-AB34-F16A6E…)

the sad part is she would probably be cute if she put on weight
No. 1232324
File: 1621299121191.png (257.8 KB, 880x1605, normalpodcastguesting.png)

aimee wanking about her "cancellation" on the official podcast of a republican think tank rag. usually cancelled people have you know, jobs to lose. lol @ the dweeby double graduate degree host in l👁️ngley va.
No. 1232348
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No. 1232599
>>1232381They (only just recently) made a statement on the pod that they will no longer do this, so I expect we will get a lot of wks being like "see, A/D don't bodyshame anymore but this thread does!" even though the start of it here was heavily tied to A/D's attitudes about others' bodies. That said, it's also just getting to the level of Shayna vagsperging in here the way people fixate on Dasha's weight, even if the reason it started was because of them doing the same thing
>>1232463Interesting, I'm not surprised she's been a lurker but am a little surprised by her choice of favored cows
No. 1233175
File: 1621383549223.png (43.27 KB, 585x151, we get it.png)