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No. 1351471
Thread about pick-me women and gays, primarily from Twitter and Youtube, who claim to be practicing Socialism or Marxism. Commonly known as The Dirtbag Left, many associated with the scene are not leftists at all.
Twitter e-girl uwu smol beans are on-topic in that they all follow and interact with the cows.
>Media associated with this scene: Podcasts like Red Scare, Chapo Trap House, True Anon, The Antifada, The Perfume Nationalist, The Bruenigs, Cumtown, and What’s Left
Recap of past thread:
>Dasha debuts on Succession looking like a middle-aged scarecrow, barely remembers her lines, and unsurprisingly gets outclassed by her peers: >>>/snow/1349938>Dasha Nekrasova slowly transforming into ContraPoints: >>>/snow/1342539>Dasha comes out in favor of wammen’s voices when it suits her career: >>>/snow/1346710>Dasha also admits her replyguys disgust her: >>>/snow/1351302>Meanwhile Dasha’s cohost Anna Khachiyan can’t stop endorsing fascists: >>>/snow/1350729>Liz Bruenig spends most of the month melting down over criticism from Twitter randos and cultivating her simp army: >>>/snow/1328748>Is AliceFromQueens a woman or a man or a troon? The debate continues: >>>/snow/1341651>AliceFromQueens rues her floundering Substack and blames Twitter shadowban for her declining engagement: >>>/snow/1345880>Aimee Terese also becomes increasingly paranoid in response to declining Twitter engagement and turns on more of her erstwhile allies: >>>/snow/1344730>More leftcow failure: Adam Lehrer’s book flops and his podcast falls apart: >>>/snow/1345774>Glenn Greenwald continues to piss away his legacy through his Twitter addiction: >>>/snow/1349746>PickMe gremlin Ann Manov AKA @personality_grl, whose chief claim to fame is sleeping with an indie director old enough to be her grandpa, seemingly gets picked by homely tech libertarian Curtis Yarvin then denies it the next day: >>>/snow/1332130>The cameo that Ann Manov won by sleeping with grandpa: >>>/snow/1333865>Ann also helps launch an NPC Film Festival catering to scarethots. A day before the event starts, the festival’s account has barely 200 followers: >>>/snow/1338690>Ann’s cohost @default_friend tries to ride the tradthot wave: >>>/snow/1333919>The latest Bimbo Untermensch scam: >>>/snow/1336243>Red Scare replyguy mentally deteriorates further: >>>/snow/1339186Old threads:
Thread #1:
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>>>/snow/1287716Thread #21
>>>/snow/1351160Read updates about the site
>>>/meta/25695 No. 1351487
File: 1634683129590.jpeg (710.94 KB, 1194x1691, 5008DCAC-6370-478D-B82A-FCA7BC…)

>>1351471This event starts in NYC tomorrow and look at those engagement numbers. Where is the anon who was trying to convince us that “dime square” or whatever was on the verge of breaking out?
No. 1351605
File: 1634693570175.png (237.39 KB, 612x410, perfectangelicgirl.png)

The trailer for NPC fest incorporates Dasha's viral crabwalking video. More evidence of her reification into cultural immortality No. 1352007
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What did she mean by this?
No. 1352035
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No. 1352122
>>1352017Yeah, exactly. I never understood how Catholic bullshitters maintain with a straight face that Catholicism represents a consistent moral guide against secular relativism. “The Catholic Church is against usury” - no, the Catholic Church developed all kinds of casuistry to permit usury during the Medieval era, especially in the Italian city-states when they stood to materially gain from it. “Catholicism opposes racism” - no, the Catholic Church accommodated the apartheid laws passed by Fascist Italy in Ethiopia, not to mention the Church’s role in propping up Latin America’s caste system over the centuries and providing justification for imperialism.
You can do this for almost every issue.
No. 1352144
>>1352017>Cardinal SarahIsn't Francis doing a Xi move and purging all the Cardinals that don't jive with his more humanist lib message? I could swear I have read articles about that.
I might (probably am) wrong about this.
Well if he is doing that, Sarah has no chance.
No. 1352297
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No. 1352302
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>>1352007Remember when Liz Bruenig and her circle were trying to sell everyone on the idea that a Re-Alignment was happening because Republicans like Marco Rubio mumbled a few words about Catholic social doctrine? Pepperidge Farm remembers.
No. 1352384
File: 1634776083338.jpg (147.34 KB, 805x886, dasha.jpg)

Someone in the last thread said Dasha was complaining about people calling her asymmetrical, so I thought I would join in.
Some degree of asymmetry is normal and necessary for beauty but Dasha's asymmetry is distracting. It's hard to tell how bad it is from her posts because she always poses with her face at an angle so she must be self-conscious about it. It's definitely easier to see when she is on video.
The left side of her face is significantly smaller and kind of curved in. The mole on her chin also gives the illusion that the face is more curved than it really is.
On the plus side, she's does look a lot better when she smiles with her teeth. It shortens the face and adds volume to the cheeks, completely distracting from the skull shape.
No. 1352449
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>>1352384and that’s a relatively flattering picture of her. what about the photos where she looks like this?
No. 1352456
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dispatches from the happening
No. 1352458
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disgusted she wore a bra with that dress
No. 1352459
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No. 1352460
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Anna and her fresh LA face looking good for her
No. 1352466
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their friend Dan, Anna reposted
No. 1352469
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So much for "it's gonna flop!!!"
No. 1352528
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>>1352384Have to admire this level of sperg. But Dasha wishes she looked like that pic, like everything she posts it’s Snow app’d to hell and back. Picrel is her true plain Jane little goblinface. She catfishes as a hot girl but it’s all filters and her fans’ willful delusions
No. 1352534
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"A few years ago I came up with a new word. I was fed up with the old art-history idea of genius – the notion that gifted individuals turn up out of nowhere and light the way for all the rest of us dummies to follow. I became (and still am) more and more convinced that the important changes in cultural history were actually the product of very large numbers of people and circumstances conspiring to make something new. I call this 'scenius' – it means 'the intelligence and intuition of a whole cultural scene'. It is the communal form of the concept of genius." - Brian Eno
No. 1352535
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>>1352528>snow app to hell and backPic very related. Imagine looking this beat at 30. She looks like the Snow selfie’s mom
No. 1352541
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>>1352528nice subtle edit. how embarrassing for you as a mod
No. 1352602
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Average scaresimp
No. 1352608
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Dasha is objectively prettier than Florence Pew, it really isn't even close.(derailing)
No. 1352612
>>1352608Notice how
nonnie did not dispute the talent part of the comment
No. 1352629
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>>1352608Florence is more talented, has better hair, and glistening hazel eyes. Dasha’s eyes are as emotive and dimensional as a turd. The eyes are very important in acting. Seethe harder anonny this is hysterical
No. 1352630
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>Florence Pugh cum fat pig thigh nose dump CELLULITE REEEEE
Yeah nonnies know about that report button for schizoposters and derailers right?
No. 1352655
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Don't know who the people making these tweets are but it's literally true. No offense to John Waters but he'd do any old event if they paid his speaking fees but now Anna and Dasha are going to act like he's personally blessed them for the rest of time.
No. 1352660
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>>1352655Dasha and John are old friends though.
No. 1352662
File: 1634793175579.jpeg (570.71 KB, 1341x1253, B56C0D62-3E7A-4436-9FDF-9B8B74…)

Funniest thing AliceFromQueens has ever done.
No. 1352664
File: 1634793252477.jpg (60.32 KB, 510x769, DashaNekrasova-2018.jpg)

>>1352660She really messed her face up with pills and anachanning during the pandemic.>>1352535
The babyfat hid her skull deformity. Now she has to chase recreating this with fillers at only 30. This was 2018 and she's aged 15 years since.
No. 1352672
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>>1352667Seems like it. He was right about all of that stuff, hate to hand it to him. No. 1352674
>>1352602Looks like a troon.
>>1352534That’s Leia first in the front row? Jesus Christ she’s ugly.
No. 1352699
>>1352686>>1352691The disparity between media coverage and popularity is way bigger with Red Scare than Chapo or True Anon. Chapo got a hit piece in the New York Times last election and the New Yorker recently and they don't even do anything very edgy anymore. Cum Town is way more popular than Red Scare but no press. Dasha gets positive mentions in multiple articles talking about tulips and the Sopranos. One less weird reason is that Dasha and Anna are famewhores with pr agents and those other podcasts are content with just raking in patreon dough. Red Scare's patreon numbers started going up when Anna went on Weinstein and they started associating with right wing people.
>>1352695He literally does have stock in psychedelics. It's just the same old "politics is lame, don't care about them young people or if you do support the real rebels, neocons".
No. 1352700
>>1352695He gets to normalize personalities like Yarvin and have them mingle within this scene and influence it. Look at the rapid shift in @personality_grl’s politics once she became a scarethot: know you’re arguing in bad faith and if you had been paying attention in previous threads you’d be aware of all this already, but I’m reposting it for the benefit of newfags and lurkers.
No. 1352701
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>>1352695This is also just because a lot of millionaires see money in other drugs now that weed is becoming legal. Not saying it's related to Dimes Square bullshit.
No. 1352715
>>1352703>>1352705Whatever. You clearly are reading it. I'm not saying them getting press is a conspiracy and I said they're fame whores for mainstream coverage unlike the other podcasts. The rise in patreon subscriptions after courting right wing figures is a fact though.
>>1352711 Kantbot does say there's a sketchy Curtis connection but you can look that up in the old threads. Stagg and Purnell are just acquaintances on press tours for their books like Zizek was, no one brought them up.
No. 1352783
>>1352528I knew the photo was
problematic since it was posted by her but it was the best one with her face perfectly straight on. Realistically, she could not do much with the basic planes of her face in an app. The deformity is definitely more visible in video stills like the one you posted.
I do think she has some minimal lip injections too, on the upper lip at least. In older photos she has absolutely no upper lip and looks like she has some degree of fetal alcohol syndrome.
No. 1352799
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Why are her eyelids so much larger now? Surely this can’t just be weightloss.
No. 1352885
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Cope and seethe, ugly. It must have felt so patronizing for Anna & Dasha to tell their fans to stop criticizing your looks. I'm sure they had a good giggle about it after they finished recording.
No. 1352980
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Felix can't be doing well on raya if he still has to pick up cringy red scare fangirls on twitter lol
No. 1352994
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>>1352885She's mad about this reddit comment I guess. Could agree it's not nice for people to point out that she's busted out of nowhere but she has no problem talking shit about everyone else in the world, calling other people ugly, and being friends with rapists.
No. 1352999
>>1352885>>1352994Redditors make a good point. Anna would definitely be shitting on Daria for her FAS looks and inability to act if they hadn’t joined forces for the pod.
But why sexless as the new adjective du jour? white girls stay getting piped by ugly moids.
No. 1353016
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Never seen her look more autistic
No. 1353028
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>>1353018Uhh…her? You know her avi is from Twin Peaks right? She’s just another dead plain girl doing the bitchy I’m so hot schtick on Twitter for attention. She captioned this pic “I give the gift of my fits to the Maryland suburbs every day with no thanks” kek ok girl we’ve never seen a thrifted blazer with Target jeans before
No. 1353034
File: 1634833691096.png (4.78 MB, 1886x1518, who wore it better.png)

>>1353016Wow such style icon, Dasha is unironically dressed like the queen of England right down to her signature drop handle granny handbag
No. 1353159
>>1353135Yah no one's mega hot but imo Maddie's cute and her boy looks like a lost Stroke and could def get some attention at the right bar. Eli
triggers my lifelong weakness for sad eyed Jewish boys, which I honestly probably need therapy for
No. 1353190
File: 1634848909081.png (2.56 MB, 2288x1212, Screen Shot 2021-10-21 at 4.32…)

Honestly you do not have to go deep to find proof that Anna and Dasha take money from Peter Thiel. I knew it from the moment Eric Weinstein had Anna on his podcast and told her: "I just got introduced to you by a colleague of mine, Blake Masters, Peter Thiels’ coauthor."
Notice the choice of words - "introduced to you" not to the podcast. It could mean either of course, but the wording implies that Anna and Eric both mutually know Blake Masters.
And Weinstein is actually underselling Blake's connection to Peter Thiel — he's not just Theil's coauthor, he's president of the Thiel Foundation, the org that…..wait for it……gives Thielbucks to various people and causes. It's such a no-brainer you have to be paranoid to deny it.
Also worth noting Anna appeared on Weinstein's podcast in February 2020. Right when Red Scare started a massive uptick in popularity, Patreon subscriptions, and media appearances. It's not farfetched that Thiel was promoting his new shills.
The podcast, Weinstein gives the whole game away in the first minute lol, and Anna sits there with her pre-Patreonbucks face. She also flirts with EW a lot in this, it's so cringe. No. 1353227
File: 1634851861409.jpeg (87.44 KB, 699x810, partial_FAS.jpeg)

>>1353055not everyone with FAS has a perfectly smooth philtrum, it's a spectrum of disorders
No. 1353239
>>1353227>dumb slut kekif you're the same anon as
>>1352384 you're on fire, i'm enjoying the phrenologysperging. never understood how anyone can look at dasha and not see a fucked up little FAS goblin, then again most moids don't know filters exist and turn 3s into 8s every day
No. 1353245
>>1353190This unsaged schizo bs has convinced me kantbot is now posting here. Truly pathetic to see you reduced to this, sniping over people who blocked you a year ago and have moved on.
Just a reminder that lolcow isn’t for obese spergs who have a personal vendetta against the cows involved, we don’t actually have strong feelings for these retards and it ain’t that deep. That goes for the boring Florence Pugh obsessed autist posting Dasha‘s skull shape over and over again. 70+ replies in an hour is not fucking healthy, post milk or gtfo
No. 1353252
>>1353245It wasn't meant to be saged, it's a new screencap that sheds light on an ongoing question about Anna, Dasha and Thiel money.
These threads have always been equal parts petty bullshit and substantive critique — you can try to discredit me by tinfoiling that I'm kantbot, but you can't discredit that
>>1353190 shows clear proof of a connection between Red Scare and Thiel money
No. 1353260
>>1353245>Just a reminder that lolcow isn’t for obese spergs who have a personal vendetta against the cows involved, we don’t actually have strong feelings for these retards and it ain’t that deepWhile it is true that we consider these cows retarded, it’s also clear that you’re one of the post-left/right-wing tourists who come in these threads to run interference for the cows whenever anons point out who their sugardaddies are and what kind of political agenda they push.
And btw, Nazis, TradCaths. lolberts, and other right wingers are almost always cow material, as demonstrated by the True Viking thread, the TradThots thread, and numerous others. This is not /pol/ and trying to reverse psyche us into giving right wingers a pass will not work.
No. 1353300
>>1352534"scenius" sounds like the kind of word you shouldn't say to your mom kek
>>1352554stop biting jfc
No. 1353325
>>1353294this is such a retarded argument
VCs funding podcasts and substacks is an open secret
all of the big ones are funded
paul skallas, yudkowsky, aella, julia galef, red scare, aimee terese
the mainstream media already uncovered this when they did their hit pieces on yarvin. kantbot is right but its not new info
No. 1353363
File: 1634866702753.png (86.32 KB, 656x1088, toquoteadolphreed.png)

If John Waters let them take a backstage picture with him none of them have posted it.
There's a sad substack for the festival with barely any likes. Usual suspects writing for it (the Zahedi weirdo is just out for attention and ogre faced pussy I'd wager).
No. 1353364
>>1353354but for what specifically? how does it work? does he email her talking points, topics to tweet about? tell her to do more selfies? the thiel thing just seems like cope from leftists like "anna's really a socialist she's just pretending to be reactionary for money". what has changed about the pod since the thiel bucks came pouring in on Feb 2020? nothing really
isn't this more the reality: thiel and his friends are patreon subscribers because the pod naturally attracts reactionary gays + anna's politics have shifted based on who she's dating (as with every woman) + eli's a Thiel fan. is it that complicated/sinister?
No. 1353444
File: 1634873905174.png (1.28 MB, 1304x1266, scariestsimp.png)

>>1353431Scarethots also think she was hooking up in Italy with an unidentified older actor who used to be a cop because of the way she was talking about him.
I think straight men have reclaimed the scariest Red Scare fans title with this guy Dasha encourages.
No. 1353491
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No. 1353506
File: 1634882268786.jpg (56.92 KB, 400x522, 786412341.jpg)

>>1352007Bruenig's brand has the same vibe as this. Not really related to that tweet but just had to put it out there
No. 1353583
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Fatty’s latest brainfart
No. 1353683
File: 1634915221907.png (586.18 KB, 644x868, obese.png)

jack calling himself starved and thin. catches anna and dasha in the crossfire
No. 1353736
>>1353733Multiple people discuss this topic in this and past threads so clearly people care. And clearly you're trying very hard to discredit us with "autism, conspiracy." You should try calling us schizo next, maybe that'll shut us up :)
Hey in case anyone missed it, here's Anna Kachiyan and Eric Weinstein discussing their personal connection with Peter Thiel's money man on a podcast from 2020. But remember, this verifiable fact is only a conspiracy!! No. 1353778
File: 1634927755248.png (2.19 MB, 2178x1540, alice the macbook whore.png)

In other news, Alice from Queens is e-begging yet again, this time for a Macbook.
Comments mostly mocking ("do you need all that computing power to blog?"), some "jokingly" saying they'll do it for feet pics and Alice making it quite clear she'll oblige. She promised one replyguy a pic "wearing only the Macbook" lmao gee you're clearly not shy, what could you possibly be hiding Alice?
No. 1353788
>>1353256The constant shitstream of "dissenting", "transgressive", and knowingly "
problematic" right wing work that has been completely cluttering the artworld in the past 5-7 years is entirely Thiel's doing.
No. 1353811
File: 1634931198217.png (53.8 KB, 656x567, SCREENSHOT.png)

the red scare knockoff lovechild of a head of engineering at square and a libertarian work has finally shuttered its doors. guess the thielbucks dried up?
No. 1353839
File: 1634934212305.png (1.83 MB, 1052x980, postpostwoke.png)

>>1353836>>1353256The festival is so lame. There's "transgressive" movie screenings constantly in New York. Straight up vintage porn screenings aren't uncommon.
Lol at moma.ps5 being involved in this after show. What happened to his woke thing? Betsy Brown and Larry Clark himself at another afterparty. Only two likes on both tweets announcing this. Would love to know how empty most of these movie screenings are, if they haven't started giving out the tickets for free.
No. 1353849
>>1353714but how is it different from Build Back Better that everyone from Hilary libs to AOC and Soros-funded squad-friendly media outlets (TYT etc.) are pushing. they are ALL suspicious and working together for this evil technocratic, credit score future. Thiel just wants a Republican at the helm, and AOC wants a Democrat queer
POC. again, Thiel paying the girls would make sense if its just about trying to normalise an "edgy, cool" brand of conservative but they've never pushed anything like that. as opposed to TYT, Hasan, Vaush who basically order their audience to go along with anything Biden says, even if its the techno-fascist bullshit. Push the "Thiel is an all powerful supervillain" meme all you want, but bring the same energy to all the "leftists" who get their bucks from Open Society
No. 1353851
File: 1634935221376.png (788.92 KB, 598x1236, fakefriends.png)

I can't keep up with her but Bridgie is finally manned up saying fuck True Anon publicly after hinting at sinister podcast cliques for awhile (while loving Aimee), after riding their shared interest in Epstein to getting all her followers a few years ago and supposedly talking one on one to them of course. Do these idiots think the podcasters make the laws that require vaccines for venues.
>>1353849 Sorry if you're nta, but "Stop talking about this and ruining the thread." "But wait tell me more." Bit of whiplash.
No. 1353858
File: 1634935701800.png (227.25 KB, 1184x962, twinkrev vs anti-troon twitter…)

>>1353811is this because their girl @endclasssociety got a CNN special? they recently turned on all the anti-troon perfume twitter types for clowning on her for it
No. 1353859
File: 1634935971410.png (332.26 KB, 900x966, fakefriends2.png)

>>1353851She was talking to the True Anon account last November, Brace's alt in February of this year, and Liz in April. But trust her guys, she knew they were deep state frauds the whole time.
No. 1353870
File: 1634936914813.png (5.09 MB, 2094x1276, subtle liz.png)

>>1353851Sry not to derail your topic but fucking kek at Liz Franczak's tagged pics vs. selfies. Just casually editing out 50 pounds making her eyes bulge like Marty Feldman.
(Also relevant to the Red Scare convo, if anyone has deets on True Anon's alleged state department ties, bring it. These three glow bigtime.)
No. 1353942
File: 1634942336768.png (185.05 KB, 1344x728, Screen Shot 2021-10-22 at 6.36…)

>>1353870He does in fact says this on his Chapo ep if you listen to it. Don't know where in the ep tho sorry
No. 1353954
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>>1353870We been knew,
nonnie No. 1353966
File: 1634944024530.jpeg (70.05 KB, 640x214, A1ED4F58-256B-49A9-B805-F997E8…)

Did we already know she was a fan, or is this the reveal?
No. 1353984
>>1353645It’s funny how quickly the scarethot defense shifted from
“they’re not taking Peter Thiel money and you’re a schizo if you suggest that”
“so what if they’re taking Peter Thiel money? what’s the big deal?”
No. 1354002
File: 1634946927730.png (278.99 KB, 1004x785, Screen Shot 2021-10-23 at 9.52…)

Just a reminder of this, AK didn't promote anywhere that I saw up Claremont and Earhart foundation and see what they do and how well funded they are
No. 1354006
File: 1634947185596.png (493.7 KB, 1501x899, 65D68EA9-A675-46C4-BE09-7E2C2F…)

>>1354002Yeah, lots of the Claremont ghouls promote Aimee Terese and others in that scene as well
No. 1354013
File: 1634947802123.png (532.48 KB, 1517x1354, 67CF148A-BE09-49C7-80BB-530082…)

>>1353984>>1353987lol it’s literally the same argument Glenn Greenwald uses to deflect criticism whenever he praises Thiel COO Blake Masters and fellow Thiel beneficiary J. D. Vance.
No. 1354016
File: 1634948108272.png (580.81 KB, 755x858, 51750116-11CC-4573-B439-728263…)

>>1354013>>1353987And here is Greenwald using the same argument to deflect criticism of J. D. Vance’s Thiel connections
No. 1354020
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No. 1354023
File: 1634948804948.png (44.82 KB, 845x140, dsa president.png)

>>1354020That's an old picture, weev used to be friendly with a lot of people who'd be permanently cancelled for associating with him now back when he was just a le epic hacker. There's a Childish Gambino song about him lmao. Nick Mullen is still friend with him though.
No. 1354031
File: 1634951286723.png (397.28 KB, 1393x504, Hagiographies.png)

>>1354023It is old but was reminded of it by GG and
>>1353182 No. 1354050
>>1354016literally and unironically the same exact tactics limbaugh et al would use to deny taking money from their handlers.
>>1354023weev had been an outspoken white nationalist, e-beggar, and attention whore for years by the time all of these histronic scrotes paid him mind.
No. 1354061
File: 1634953906960.png (1021.32 KB, 1174x738, delusional internetkathy griff…)

lmao she's STILL comparing herself to actresses a zillion times hotter than her
No. 1354130
File: 1634961373090.png (185.5 KB, 558x493, down horrendous.png)

Has AFQ's most obsequious simp found a new host?
No. 1354178
File: 1634970886700.jpg (82.62 KB, 588x666, liz b.JPG)

lol liz humblebragging about being pretty but matt her pet is just so "rad" because beauty fades!!
No. 1354182
File: 1634973352187.jpeg (729.24 KB, 1917x1641, 02AD17BE-0038-4FBB-A227-5F1A88…)

>>1354178When you both look like this, you have to invent all kinds of cope
No. 1354350
File: 1635005220353.jpeg (183.28 KB, 1125x594, 2CA1F8D0-69C3-46ED-BA15-6BB64A…)

>>1354276Because Anna knows Scarethots are idiots who worship them, so she can tell them the truth to their face and they’ll think she’s doing an irony - YASSS kuween own the narrative honeyy!! Also, as this thread has shown, some Scarethots know they take Thiel money and just don’t care. Different kind of idiot.
No. 1354355
>>1354276The cheers sounded especially loud from one section, everyone involved in running the festival was probably there. It was creepy.
>>1354006 I get having doubts about some of the leftist podcasts, but doing that while stanning Aimee, Red Scare, and their spooky orbiters is a laugh.
No. 1354422
File: 1635015151780.jpg (70.9 KB, 640x751, elmo hate liberal…)

who would win in a fight peter thiel or george soros
No. 1354506
File: 1635026110687.png (128.96 KB, 1180x564, retarderaended.png)

The era of the recent owners of Zero Books clutching onto the Mark Fisher books they had the rights to and publishing no other books of any worth is over. Never forget that era brought us Aimee Terese in her star making role on Dead Pundits Society and academic flop/queen of not using spellcheck Angela Nagle.
No. 1354542
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I threw up in my mouth a little
No. 1354549
File: 1635033069359.png (67.24 KB, 611x278, but that is what you believe.p…)

casual admission?
No. 1354555
File: 1635034497101.jpeg (309.96 KB, 1125x1769, AD03C73F-4416-406A-B212-5295AF…)

>>1354549Accurate read, poor girl’s getting torn apart by NPC simps of course: you’re deranged, you’re projecting, why do you hate seeing Liz happy?? Blows my mind ppl can’t see how self-objectifying, gross and humblebraggy Liz is. Who tf goes on and talks about “all the libs who wack off to me,” talk about deranged
No. 1354635
File: 1635047866540.jpeg (166.05 KB, 828x1472, 9956B17D-BC4F-404D-93C2-3D26A7…)

>>1354549If this really Allie then she’s way more attractive than Liz Bruenig ever was
No. 1354637
File: 1635048382267.jpeg (120.72 KB, 1198x784, 5C076BB8-C4ED-4D53-B887-199C5D…)

>>1354635Car selfie face off. One of these women constantly tells people how hot and desired she is
No. 1354689
File: 1635058688880.png (111.9 KB, 1003x951, BetaBux.png)

>>1354629What was the ROI on the CIA's literary magazines?
The Partisan Review was a pretty cheap way to tell leftists that they could be anti-communist and still be an intellectual; podcasters are a cheap way to tell retards that they can be Josh Hawley and still be fuckable.
Writers and podcasters just aren't that expensive.
No. 1354700
File: 1635060799612.jpeg (266.13 KB, 360x859, 0CD4738D-25B8-432B-8AE6-87E221…)

Middling reception for Scary from the Chicago screening. That theater must have been packed with letterboxd users, there's tons of new reviews.
No. 1354704
>>1353942>>1353870The idea that any of these people 'glow' is bullshit. It's just a pathetic ploy to gain clout
>s-see! I-I'm so subversive the CIA had to co-opt meThe CIA has better things to do than deal with economically illiterate grifters that don't understand how the world works. A bunch of idiotic larpers trying to crawl out of a crab bucket
No. 1354709
File: 1635062386302.jpeg (427.64 KB, 828x1077, 08A190C0-5D48-44BB-A69A-D3B95D…)

Seawitch is hot lol such a cope for Liz :/ “you’re just jealous!!!”
Here’s her admitting she panders to her simps! As if we needed it(:/)
No. 1354718
File: 1635063392648.png (301.84 KB, 603x533, ilhans press secretary.png)

Normal behavior for a recently married man
No. 1354720
>>1354715I love how she always pulls out the "See a doctor" line for her quote tweet tirades. Anyone who finds her off-putting
must be mentally ill! A healthy attitude to have about your own self-importance.
No. 1354724
File: 1635064192834.jpg (8.37 KB, 201x175, cranky.jpg)

>>1354700odious film scrotes rush to epicly own edgy lady podcaster movie
No. 1354764
File: 1635070485307.png (701.94 KB, 1170x2532, 030722EF-535F-463E-B0E9-431C9B…)

Aimee is so desperate for new enemies that she has turned on the twink rev boys
No. 1354832
File: 1635085563146.jpeg (318.45 KB, 640x908, C0C0A67C-752E-4D3B-A558-23C0C9…)

Another bad review which mentions her yelling at an audience member. She did the same thing during the John Waters event too. So sloppy daria. People pay money to come see your disaster of a movie/embarrassing interview of a living legend, and you insult and disrespect them? This is why we don’t have to worry about her becoming a force in the industry—she’s unkind, unstable, and lashes out due to substance abuse. No one wants that around their projects. And her true colors will always shine through since deep down she’s a narcissist with brain damage.
No. 1354900
File: 1635093656213.png (5.53 MB, 2880x1800, deeply concerned dasha.png)

Kek at any filmgoer expecting an insightful treatment of the Epstein case from the woman who put on hot pants and skipped on down to Epstein's apartment the day after he died to "investigate" - aka pose grinning for the New York Post cameras like she was getting a star on the Walk of Fame. She's the "concerned" about any topic insofar as she can attention whore off it.
If anons want to watch her looking very FAS and accusing "the Clinton crime family" of murdering Epstein - tsk tsk, very cancellable Dasha! No. 1354964
>>1354715Be sure to check the last few threads if you want more milk on Bruenig.
>>1354700Glad that impartial observers can see that Dasha is a talentless hack.
>>1354825This. And the recent posts from Dasha simps and other assorted scarethots have not even been subtle, such as…
>>1354852Back to Reddit with you.
No. 1354966
File: 1635101069900.png (276.49 KB, 964x1132,…)

Irony twitter accounts making jokes about a single image want to rip the milk cartons from the nation's children, these two bright minds have found out the truth. Both of them pretending they make anything more complicated than toast on any given month.
No. 1354972
>>1354966combined IQ in this exchange: 20.
also i’m not a big chapo fan but what “stochastic terrorism” have they inspired?
No. 1354978
File: 1635101710505.jpg (159.19 KB, 720x1263, FCUzxiOXEAAmeli.jpg)

>>1354966This is what Logo and Anna's twitter friends have been seething over all week for context. In 2018 Anna would be rolling her eyes at soft maladaptive Amerifats who need everything handed to them every second of the day unlike strong resourceful Russians/Armenians/Jewish women. Now she and Dasha are crying that the only supply shortage they've noticed, aesop scrub being out for a few weeks, is them suffering what their parents left the Soviet Union to escape (ignore that Dasha left in 1994). Dasha has been half-joking that having to show her vaccine card activates her epigenetic memory of the Nazi devastation of Belarus.
No. 1355020
File: 1635106547720.png (37.37 KB, 587x274, FlameForMoths.png)

oh come on
No. 1355022
File: 1635106819057.jpeg (589.2 KB, 1125x1587, 69548722-1A40-4D37-9572-E21046…)

>>1355020An artful attention seeker Liz is not. Then again, why bother with subtlety when your every banal utterance is met with simp rhapsody like this
No. 1355025
File: 1635107284679.jpeg (536.99 KB, 1125x1651, E5B03983-78DD-4999-8538-6635EC…)

On a related note, Liz is now trying to convince people her haterz are jealous of her obese lump of a husband and indulges in some very unconvincing tough-girl talk…which her boomer simps lap up ofc
No. 1355114
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>>1354978Lol Jack getting roasted again
No. 1355121
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No. 1355134
File: 1635120293676.jpeg (40.39 KB, 489x627, Z40-nXli1j2IoThJR88kIroOUCjh6V…)

>>1355114Jack reminds me of pic related
No. 1355150
File: 1635121458488.png (907.3 KB, 1341x693, F233C295-D4D9-4C45-946A-F5A882…)

Immediately follows the first tweet with the second. Sick in the mind!
No. 1355183
File: 1635125315248.jpeg (80.73 KB, 509x900, CC060AD7-1438-4EDD-8040-3E7F61…)

>>1355114Never forget this is what Jack looks like
No. 1355190
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>>1355121Never heard of this @Richard_Vixen person but that tweet is getting faved/RTed by a bunch of right-wing freaks and @default_friend
Pic is Curtis Yarvin btw
No. 1355197
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No. 1355212
File: 1635128252226.png (73.52 KB, 480x331, yale.PNG)

>>1355195You must be lazy to graduate from Yale and not get a job
No. 1355213
File: 1635128281901.png (80.77 KB, 750x353, yale2.PNG)

>>1355212Is this her? Sounds about right. Yale '19 and worked at Cato
No. 1355217
File: 1635128580955.png (368.96 KB, 512x592, stealingtheshow.png)

Sorry jealous haters, Dasha is killing it in episode 2!
No. 1355263
File: 1635133552535.jpeg (21.64 KB, 300x210, 7D5077C5-D57A-41C2-BA1A-B2452F…)

>>1355025All the ladies are jealous they didn’t stand in line to score this sack of potatoes
No. 1355279
>>1355195>>1355213WCT = Weird Catholic Twitter? They got a NY Times article about them last year courtesy of Liz Bruenig and Tara Isabella Burton. It’s funny how they presented themselves as “left” and anti-capitalist and yet this Sophia Morales girl interned for the right-wing libertarian Cato Institute.
I don’t think the “LeftCath” subculture accomplished a single thing except to unwittingly provide cover for their much more numerous right-wing TradCath counterparts.
No. 1355346
>>1353182he also links to thomas777, who is a literal outright neo nazi that posts selfies wearing nazi shirts, rings etc.
not sure if anyone here has read the awful "bronze age mindset" but it is outright neo nazi shit too lol
No. 1355402
File: 1635157286155.png (843.34 KB, 534x918, leia.PNG)

Leia's touring with Anamanaguchi… does she just basically couch surf? Also Luke looks like he's weeks away from trooning out.
No. 1355411
File: 1635159960955.png (1.3 MB, 846x1002, atmh4yrpeiv71.png)

can a farmer pls explain the optical illusion that makes a person look both 5 and 45, fat and skinny all at once?
also kek at Anna, Dasha and now this girl discovering those Carel shoes 3 years after the fashion girls stopped wearing them, Mercari shopping ass bitches
No. 1355413
File: 1635160243020.png (32.01 KB, 596x206, no ragrets.png)

No. 1355416
File: 1635161695692.png (1.31 MB, 1582x548, I'm in your house.png)

>>1355413How many mins after you meet her at a party do you think she tells you she used to date that sadsack old coot with skin flakes in his beard (loved him in Lost Highway though)
No. 1355438
File: 1635165606220.png (44.53 KB, 534x392, the end question mark.png)

Not too much milk ever stems from the pod itself, but the latest ep of TrueAnon features a particularly cringe-worthy extended monologue from Liz at the end, pontificating on the necessity of revolutionary art in the face of the decadence and stagnation of the bourgeois left intelligentsia. Self-aware in that Liz indicts herself as part of the podcasting cliques of layabouts, but still grasping in desperation at some semblance of a reason to justify the continued existence of this obviously artistically and politically exhausted endeavor. The burnout is real, and she sure sounds desperate trying to convince herself, her co-host, her producer, and most importantly her audience that they are all participating in something revolutionary.
No. 1355540
File: 1635178775489.jpeg (242.5 KB, 1125x723, E3151FAE-BD92-4A4C-9718-927A8F…)

>>1355536Your months-long genius viral marketing plan got your Twitter a whole 273 followers kek, a Zoomer with a cracked screen iPhone 5 and spotty wifi could do better in a day
No. 1355638
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>>1352662Bruenig’s bestie AliceFromQueens is getting dog piled
No. 1355653
File: 1635190796613.jpg (98.81 KB, 786x1674, FCg2Nk7XoAYP2cZ.jpg)

Vintage "Alice" pic from that thread.
No. 1355667
File: 1635192016851.png (1.77 MB, 1980x964, Screen Shot 2021-10-25 at 3.45…)

>>1355638Alice is now claiming she begged simps for a Macbook "as a bit I've done a bunch before." Hm, guess when she constantly e-begged for crypto in January and posted multiple screens of her donated balances along with "gee can someone help me understand, I'm just a dumb girl who can't do a finance uwu" that was just a bit too! She does this a lot!
She also just tried owning it with "DUH, my Cashapp has been in my bio for years." So to recap, Cashapp begging = sincere. Macbook begging = a bit. And negotiating lewds for the Macbook in the replies - definitely also a bit. And Alice's simps = still the most cringe obese Walmart shopping boomers in the game.
No. 1355683
>>1355421This is one of the dumber comments I’ve read on here. The problem with the Alt Right in 2017 was not that they got too staid and bogged down in “facts and logic” arguments, but that they organized events like Charlottesville and turned public opinion against them.
As for the online socialist left, their problem is not that they’ve suddenly become the “Establishment” (Establishment vs anti-Establishment is always dumb and dishonest framing) but that they cling too hard to increasingly irrelevant doctrines, namely Marxism, which have limited appeal or practical application in the Western world these days.
No. 1355717
>>1355638Personally I still think the troon tinfoil about Alice is right, it just seems too accurate with how willing this person is to go along with this kind of thing along with the uwu posed pictures
>>1355667>I-it's a bitSo fucking predictable
No. 1355764
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I don’t even mind tbh. If I weren’t busy with assignments right now, I’d dig through the old threads and repost the best milk to help ‘em out. Maybe another farmer can do it in the meantime.
No. 1355768
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It's called we do a little quid pro quo, we do a little quid pro quo
No. 1355795
File: 1635208219963.jpg (78.6 KB, 1151x1280, photo_2021-10-25_17-26-45.jpg)

nice keyboard
No. 1355804
File: 1635208892280.jpeg (64.61 KB, 400x600, 93D79D57-8E5B-4571-8477-32670E…)

any milk on npc director?
No. 1355811
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gayestepdad69 on reddit confirmed for gayestepdad on twitter. also confirmed for 40+ and still sperging out over anna and dasha.
No. 1355831
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>>1355795Anyone know about @personality_grl’s ties to @tolstoybb/Rachel Olson/Heather Habsburg? I had a hunch Rachel didn’t fully detach herself from this scene.
No. 1355958
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do we think liz needs her own thread? i can make one if we all think she's milky enough (she is)
No. 1356367
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The description is probably a tease but this ep is free if anyone wants to check. Honor if you're reading, and I know you are, you could get a plum paycheck and more microfame if you wanted to write an expose.
No. 1356491
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>>1356489but he saw big floyd die on camera last year and now he's genuinely trying to do good
No. 1356509
File: 1635299524406.png (1.71 MB, 1764x1244, bullyinghonor.png)

>>1356489>>1356491He should make fun of Anna again. His tweet about her where she looks like a court jester was spot on.
No. 1356566
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No. 1356742
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>>1356732look at that jaw…could logo's tr00n hate just be projection?
No. 1356767
File: 1635348285773.jpeg (359.11 KB, 640x1008, 6CF77EFA-366D-43DC-BEF4-30B25F…)

New pandemic/George Floyd riots-themed Bilandic joint dropping in December with the Dasha co-sign. Should be provacative.
No. 1356778
File: 1635348961398.png (40.06 KB, 1282x124, toodumbfornytoouglyforla.png)

>>1356767Will this be provocative? Sean Price Williams is talented but the plot description sounds like LES Malcolm and Marie. And it wants to engage in the liberal fantasy that no one left their apartments between March and summer 2020? Is how ugly Kyle is the provocative part?
No. 1356800
File: 1635350897126.png (16.88 KB, 851x202, lmao.png)

there's no way this contest is actually real, how much money could they possibly need to willingly let a fat autistic fan into their home to hang out
No. 1356841
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>>1356800Is this a real contest or is it an op to get a list of the saddest men in America?
No. 1357029
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>>1355121lol all the stars showed up in the replies
No. 1357076
File: 1635377100982.png (1.61 MB, 640x1136, 8BC80985-6D34-4963-A7B1-4D8BC6…)

New Dasha project alert. What do those socks say?
No. 1357112
>>1355805Kate Levitt (sometimes known as Kate Silver), a recent graduate of Stony Brook's TV Writing MFA program. She appears to be a lecturer at the same school now.
No idea her relation is to the left thots other than looking like one.
>>1355887She made an appearance on Judge Judy in 2010. It's mentioned that she was 24 years old, making her about 35 yrs old now. She looks her age imo.
Judge Judy segment: Village Voice article: article: No. 1357138
File: 1635385861449.png (45.05 KB, 182x192, femoid_hand.png)

>>1356742Dasha, now this girl. What is it with all these troon look-alikes with chin asymmetries?
She majored computer science AND philosophy. Now, that really updates my Bayesian priors.
There are very few biological women, especially white American women, interested in those fields. Just a stroll on YouTube will show you that tr00ns abound in philosophy departments. And every other Reddit tranny is a programmer.
Here she is giving a speech in college.
-At least a foot shorter than the man who introduced her
-Typical female voice
-Narrow shoulders
-Normal breast development
-Small skull compared to the man
-Female digits
-Female-brained speech topic
Aside from the tranny bangs and nose ring, she's clearly a woman. Even if she was a child transitioner, she would not have these results.
No. 1357154
>>1357151oh come on, i was exaggerating, joking.
troons are obviously a very tiny fraction of the population.
No. 1357394
File: 1635417984839.png (92.2 KB, 610x532, skittles.png)

KB casting all our faves in his pilot. Dimes Square ascent continues, Thielbuxx paying off.
No. 1357430
File: 1635424165872.png (14.37 KB, 592x139, politicsareover.png)

now that the libertarians are done playing communist, all of left politics is over. we just needed a drag queen to tell us.
No. 1357467
File: 1635431743357.png (185.6 KB, 617x476, powerful.png)

Matt Bruenig single-handedly notched a major policy win in once-in-a-decade legislation, getting the White House to change the child care phase out through the power of posting.
No. 1357728
File: 1635460143739.png (544.97 KB, 1182x1326, example 2.png)

>>1357719why would i lie? most of his feed is sarcastically responding to aimee posts calling her an idiot and bitching about "post-left" people. he probably used to post here
No. 1357798
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Anyone know the backstory here?
No. 1357808
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i guess she figured out who he is…
No. 1357814
>>1357809I’ve always echoed this. Leia and Maddie posts are always boring and seem like someone’s weird personal outlet. Being annoying does not make a cow, and at that, they aren’t even political.
This thread is about leftists, as suggested in the subject name…
No. 1357981
File: 1635500809493.png (70.79 KB, 594x341, Sad.png)

Periodic reminder that this woman is Australian. Her mind is completely colonized by American politics lmao. Log off and touch grass!
No. 1357985
>>1353849You won. This
>>1353857 is total capitulation. Zero ability to respond
No. 1358070
File: 1635519577378.png (466.74 KB, 435x581, two fashy bitches.png)

>>1355121woof, avi is bit of a catfish (she's on the right here)
Woman on the left is Catholic New Agency reporter Christine Rousselle. She's autistic and was involved in the nascent alt-right, long before Trump, as a campus activist with Youth for Western Civilization. Left the racism behind a while ago, think she got jolted out of it after Charlottesville.
No. 1358156
File: 1635530469166.png (3.27 MB, 1120x1544, "vixen".png)

>>1358070>bit of a catfishDon't give her too much credit anon, she shooped off a good 15 years and 30 pounds for her avi. Her IRL pics look like her avi's mom.
No. 1358201
File: 1635534348662.png (1.05 MB, 1044x1550, uwu.png)

Liz still out here simpbaiting by portraying herself as a tiny smol incompetent bean, like her "puny insect arm" tweet upthread — my poor little female brain can't do a direction uwu. Funny part is here she admits it's a power move to act this stupid and weak.
No. 1358210
File: 1635535132564.png (2.36 MB, 2134x1204, Liz Bruenig, Welfare Queen.png)

Samefag but anyone else find Liz and Matt Bruenig's obsession with welfare extremely creepy? They're constantly tweeting about the supposed future welfare utopia they're working to create, Liz recently wrote "I don't care if middle Americans are uncouth, as long as they vote for a huge welfare state," and when asked to describe Matt a few weeks back, she said "when he seems distant and unengaged, it's because he's genuinely just always thinking about welfare policy!" like that's not completely insane.
An emotionally fragile, sheltered millionairess and her autistic policy wonk husband with a welfare boner — gee, what could go wrong. Think the Bruenigs plan to give up their cushy elite jobs to go on the dole? Or is that just their plan for the unproductive unwashed masses?
No. 1358295
>>1358288agreed, it's a really queasy mix Liz talking about "all the libs who wack off to me" literally next to pics of her small daughters. but of course anyone who mentions this is "psycho" bc Liz can do no wrong.
as for the cakes, she's meeting with people in NYC weekly to deliver them - feel like she's basically selling $80 meet and greet tickets bc let's be honest, if a New Yorker wanted a great cake they can go to Ladybird or Ovenly or any number of places that don't make cakes as a cutesy hobby between bong rips and twitter rants
No. 1358322
File: 1635555372853.png (72.79 KB, 601x393, liz bruenig babysitter harasse…)

A bluecheck was harassing Liz B's babysitter. Who do we think it was? David Brooks? Ross Douthat? Noah Berlatsky?
No. 1358780
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Dasha's a DJ now.
No. 1358783
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>>1358780Familiar with that place.
No. 1358909
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>>1358863Cope. This is actually going to be lit and legit.
No. 1359168
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Rachel Olson goes mask off
No. 1359387
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DJ Dasha on the 1s and 2s
No. 1359399
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Rachel Olson's new project she was talking about on twitter earlier
No. 1359475
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>>1359474the ladies are shifting the overton window
No. 1359513
>>1359472The girls have been getting a lot of puff pieces recently.
The woman who wrote this article is a fashion writer, she has no other articles interviewing tv actors. Probably just a friend of Dasha's doing her some PR.
No. 1359569
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Incredible episode for this scene-stealer
No. 1359591
>>1359522She didn’t have any insights like
>>1359525 said she sounded fucking stupid. Red scare isn’t known for thoughtful, intellectual analysis. They talk about doing anal in hotel rooms and how hot Roger stone is.
No. 1359596
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>>1359472>>1359475I laughed out loud here. Luxury? It’s more like common sense. She’s trying to remain optimistic fully knowing she shot herself in the foot. Hollywood libtards want nothing to do with Steve bannon or the frequent right wing talking points discussed on their show , sorry dash that Overton window is firmly shut.
No. 1359604
File: 1635778563401.png (982.28 KB, 1238x932, dashasuperstar.png)

>>1359569Out of context it looks like she's supposed to be playing a mentally slow woman getting murdered. Lifeless eyes.
No. 1359692
>>1359642This degree of obsessive simping has to be a personality disorder lmao. These people don't know that you exist, their accomplishments have nothing to do with you. If they knew about your existence, they'd find you embarrassing.
Anyways dasha continues to look plain as fuck in succession, haggard and low class. Your eyes kind of just drift over her when she's on screen. I guess some people are just plain janes!
No. 1359721
>>1359717way to steal an insult against you kek, did
>>1359703 hit a little close to home? or are you just too low IQ to come up with anything more interesting than "KYS fat dyke!!!11!!" seriously, you're embarrassing yourself and your behavior is not normal. but thanks for confirming that Dasha's fanbase is exactly as low IQ and BPD as she is
No. 1359733
File: 1635791258509.jpg (45.07 KB, 1280x720, orochimaru tranny mode.jpg)

>RS thots are throwing another tantrum because we don't respect their kweens
No. 1359740
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glenn greenwald branching out into tv criticism
No. 1359783
>>1359642>Dasha does adequate job in supporting role on TV show>stan predicts OSCARmy nice thing I am going to say about Dasha in this episode is that her hair looked way, way better than in the first one
my other comment about Bruenig fanfic is that if they aren’t divorced within 10 years I will eat my hat
No. 1359791
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>>1359783Anon, did you ever read this piece in The Cut which was discussed in an old thread and heavily suspected the Liz Bruenig wrote it? Maybe-Liz says she became close with this married couple when she stayed with them while giving a talk in their town, and afterward the husband kept texting her. She makes a big deal about "my insecurity made me think he must want sex, and my
abusive dad said so too, but maybe, just maybe he liked for ME."
Only his texts were, in fact, totally inappropriate. Cringily flirtatious, flattering, and overly intimate. It made me uncomfortable just reading them, much less to see that this couple friend became the Bruenig's besties.
Picrelated is the worst one. I'd be livid if my partner sent or received a text calling them "God's most perfect creation." I think Liz's need for validation makes her seek out "iffy" situations like this, same vibe as her simpbaiting and poor boundaries on Twitter. Long story short: yeah, it's hard to see the marriage lasting.
No. 1359819
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>>1359791this is tragic. i wonder what this man's wife and daughter were doing while he's texting a 20 years younger journalist that she's God's greatest creation and sending 1,000 word messages about his almost-suicide while humblebragging about his physique. this dude gives off so many narcissist red flags and Liz eats it up. what a lifetime of no male attention does to a mf.
No. 1359834
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>>1359623>>1359618It looks like they only had room for 50 people there.
>>1359824>>1359821>>1359810>>1359808>>1359833Who cares. Go support her on twitter or something.
No. 1359853
>>1359793The great thing is that women who bank on their appeal with edgelords never need a reckoning, because they start getting phased out when turn 35 anyway. It's unavoidable, because men aren't interested in women who are mom-aged and there's always someone younger and more interesting waiting to take their place. Aging is rough for edgy women, and most end up like cat marnell or rachel rabbit white - wrecked wine aunts in outdated makeup, embarrassing themselves by refusing to reckon with their irrelevancy. It's just what happens, and dasha the 30 year old lolita isn't going to be the exception lol
>>1359834they look cute!
No. 1359913
File: 1635809882960.png (2.65 MB, 2210x1546, just a friend.png)

>>1359887checked this out and it's worse than i imagined - literally all he does on twitter is reply to Liz Bruenig, and occasionally this other much-younger woman. interesting that Liz never seems to reply back.
No. 1359926
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>>1359913Found his LinkedIn, he has creeper face for sure
No. 1359931
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Anna's influence
It all comes full circle
No. 1359948
>>1359929>hopefully she figured this outwould be kind of awkward for her to come to this realization
after moving her whole family to another state to go live next door to him lmao
No. 1359961
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She can’t help herself, even with this harmless and jokey piece. The name searching is so pathetic and shows how deeply insecure she is.
No. 1359963
>>1359937Also calling people fat online is dumb since you can't even see what they look like. If they're fat, they're likely well aware already and don't care if someone else says so. If they're not fat, it doesn't even land as an insult. But terminally online anachans stay telling on themselves by thinking "fat" is the worst thing you could ever call someone and they'll dissolve into a puddle of existential horror at the mere mention of the word kek
>>1359939If true, it definitely makes me feel bad for
her and puts her more obnoxious qualities into perspective (i.e. her nonstop virtue signaling and attention whoring.) Her parents sound fucking evil, her creepy old man "friend" is gross, and her husband is a charmless autist. No wonder she's constantly seeking praise and validation from strangers on the internet.
No. 1359977
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>>1359961such an insecure reaction to a piece that doesn't even target Dasha specifically, more this trend of casting online microcelebs on shows. feel like it's an opinion most people agree with on par with "put models on Vogue covers, not Kardashians," Dasha just can't handle a) any criticism and b) the implication she was cast as a gimmick and not as zomg next ingenue taking over world
No. 1360024
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No. 1360027
>>1359989Pete Davison is one of the fucking ugliest celebrities I’ve seen in a while and his string of hypergamous relationships strongly
triggers my disgust response. Not even remotely talented to make up for it either. Also coming from someone who finds Eli bangable, even though he’s supposedly 5’3” he has a serious, masculine energy about him.
No. 1360028
File: 1635820257532.jpg (45.41 KB, 640x1127, kween dasha.jpg)

I truly can't imagine what tragic life circumstances could make you find this dirty, deformed FAS case attractive or aspirational, but I personally think you deserve better
No. 1360059
>>1359986Do you really think that’s an accident? Everyone in this scene is an obsessive clout chaser to the point of namesearching and retweeting anonymous haters. They’re THRILLED to be mentioned in Gawker, even if it’s a negative review.
>>1360005Imagine going on noted
TERF haven lolcow dot farm and calling people “fat dykes” like anyone here cares or thinks that’s a bad thing lol. Read the room bitch.
No. 1360061
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LOL at Liz trying to use flowery Jesus woo-woo theology to convince evangelical psychos to take the vaccine. These people think you're a demon, they're not listening girl!
No. 1360064
File: 1635822981906.jpeg (61.68 KB, 639x612, liz bruenig angels demons supe…)

>>1360061oh right, but this is just performative wankery to show the lefties how she's one of the good Christians, not one of those crazies who believes angels and demons are real!
No. 1360273
File: 1635866014536.png (1.51 MB, 1506x1126, bb trollface Dash.png)

>>1360221Lol she still does the exact same Xanax smile, weird smug nod, and limp-wristed way of holding something when she's trying to be hot. Sad that her acting peaked at 17.
This other vid from her channel is unironically a better film than Scary: No. 1360294
File: 1635869703125.png (3.55 MB, 1544x1598, drunk desperate pickme dasha.p…)

I searched her YouTube username and found this trove of Dasha's teenage posts at Terminal Boredom.
Let's see, desperate for fame, copious stories of being blackout drunk from age 14, being on the internet 12 hours a day, attacking successful blonde actresses, and defending Polanski the child rapist because "famous people should be allowed to rape" and "being raped by a rich famous person is not as bad as being regular style raped." Hey at least you can say z-list fame hasn't changed her.;area=showposts;u=201 No. 1360297
File: 1635870073999.png (218.41 KB, 1744x406, dasha.png)

>>1360294wow maybe she and Adam really were soulmates
No. 1360302
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>>1360294these are crazy. if Dasha was really binge drinking nightly two years before this post, she would've been 12 years old then. it's clear from uh everything about her that she's damaged but this is bleak.
No. 1360307
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No. 1360313
>>1360307>get fired from min wage job>make multiple jokes about going postal and killing selfWhy does no one appreciate my edgy humor!?!?
>my boss was a 30something who wears pigtails, grossHaha yeah would be so pathetic if someone were 30something and still trying to be a smol AliExpress lolita angel uwu
No. 1360324
>>1360294This is too good. Thank you
No. 1360327
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>>1360273lmao this anon from the subreddit agrees, and is actually more brutal than we are here calling out Dasha's corny sexy baby rouitne
No. 1360398
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lol at the anon who believed personality girl was going to tear up nyc with her 5 retweet overwrought personal essays.
No. 1360425
>>1360294Her Polanski comment is telling re: her antipathy toward MeToo actresses. She's desperate for fame and thinks being raped is an honor as long as it's by an important film man and she genuinely can't understand that other women could have self-respect or just don't want fame that badly.
Usually I wouldn't hold someone's teenage opinions against them but Dasha is literally still this person down to shitting on successful women and Polanski comments on the pod. 30 going on 13 year old edgelord
No. 1360531
>>1360526what are you talking about liquidity for lmao, no one's talking about that and it's very sus that you're this
triggered by someone mentioning the worth of Dasha's childhood home. in fact, there's only one person on earth this would bother…
No. 1360562
File: 1635901534037.png (40.44 KB, 1092x654, inflation.PNG)

>>1360553$500,000 in 2005 is equivalent to $700,000 in 2021, factoring in inflation. Las Vegas is also not an expensive market - in 2021, median sales price for a single family home was ~$400,000. It was a solid upper middle class house.
This is autistic as fuck either way though, why are you obsessed with the idea that she was poor
No. 1360582
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Self aggrandizing babbling from someone about Scary. The full pivot to "it's camp" and pretending people dislike it because it's too extreme and truth telling is in motion.
>>1360569Incredible own on Adam and all wannabe comedians if true. Typically hypocritical of her since I think she and Anna have shit on SNL tons.
No. 1360643
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The Broonigs pod been on a steady decline since April, they may very well end the year with less subscribers than at the start.
No. 1360658
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The patreon really going up after Anna's Weinstein appearance in December 2019 sure is a funny coincidence. They've plateaued between September and right now this year. They were also plateauing this past spring and summer but went up in August and September for some reason.
>>1360649It's weird because Nick is friends with and Adam is close friends it seems with that Stephen Sean Penn person Dasha is friends with.
>>1360028Nick had him on a podcast over the summer. I don't think he's sucking up to Dasha, he just brings her up to bug Adam.
She's mentioned in the first few minutes here. No. 1360696
File: 1635916037134.png (981.57 KB, 1186x2108, aimee good ol boys drama 1.png)

Aimee has been subtweeting her old friends the Good Ol Boyz every day this week because they didn't post an episode that she probably embarrassed herself in 18 months ago… but its totally "not personal" and just about the discourse
No. 1360699
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>>1360696anyone I disagree with and who doesn't have me on their podcast every month is a liar and grifter who wants to manipulate people into voting Democrat. NOTHING personal by the way!!
No. 1360802
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Her mind
No. 1360977
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Bitch you are Australian SHUT UP
No. 1360985
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>>1360977How Aimee pictured herself when she poasted that tweet
No. 1361084
File: 1635969873868.png (2.97 MB, 1738x1364, brave truth telling.png)

>>1360582Soo true bestie, Dasha would never skim the surface of serious issues for "content" or clout, she has a long history of going DEEP to expose the wealthy's moral rot like in picrel, doing a grinning photoshoot outside Epstein's rapehouse, and bravely coming out as pro-Polanski "skeeting on young girls"
No. 1361134
>>1360884The income of a bipolar, reactionary thot with self-image issues who thinks Polanski dindu nuffin and calls herself poor because she didn’t grow up in LA or NY is not enviable.
I don’t have Thiel patronage or podcasting work hours, and I have not struck simp-gold, should I be ashamed now?
No. 1361265
File: 1635985371634.png (190.94 KB, 595x521, coooom.png)

This guy is frothing at the mouth obsessed with this Comrade Brigid girl just because she makes tweets about how she doesn't want to date men who watch porn.
No. 1361356
File: 1636001980535.png (426.12 KB, 1184x762, annasmugnesscorner.png)

Reminds me of when Dasha kept saying "sorry about your grandpa but I'm different" about covid while Anna's ancient grandpa had died in a nursing home of maybe covid. Diseases aren't real if they mostly just effect the old and already in poor health, no real people (under 40 yuppies they personally know) died!
No. 1361379
File: 1636004992073.png (51.79 KB, 601x235, boomer.png)

>>1361376All you need to know about it is in that paragraph. The Covid crankery doesn't have anything to do with what she went through with her son; her whole bit just seems to be "the US government does bad things, therefore everything it does is bad, everything it says is wrong. Go guzzle down some asbestos milkshakes, that shit's actually healthy."
No. 1361381
>>1361380????? two people who only bring in a little over a hundred grand is not upper middle class
also if you’re a millennial posting here seek treatment
No. 1361392
>>1361368>upper middle class is a mil housethat really a dumb anon, it completely depends on the market in the city you live.
honestly your house doesn't even always tell you much. i know plenty of people who have elite education and upper-middle class jobs but are into minimalism. it's not even a new trend, i remember when i was in high school i was friends with a girl who was an heiress to a oil fortune with real estate all over this country but she lived in a super average house in an average neighborhood because her mom was Christian and wanted her to have a simple public school life, not materialistic and suicidal like the school that was in the rich enclave of town.
>two people who only bring in a little over a hundred grand is not upper middle classanon we are not talking about san francisco.
in nevada that income situation puts you in the top 5% of earners.
No. 1361402
>>1361398it would be the amount needed for the mortgage for the value house they are talking about
it’s one thing to be a millennial working being online for money like dasha and co, it’s another thing to be parked on lolcow in your thirties popping varicose veins over them
No. 1361405
>>1361402How are you this dumb. The 500k valuation was in 2005, $100,000 in 2005 was a lot more then than it is now (and frankly, it's still debatably upper middle class for vegas in 2021).
Go worry about dasha's veins, the millenials posting here are all younger than she is lol
No. 1361456
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>>1360977white nationalists are hounding her en masse now
No. 1361584
>>1361265LMAO isn’t this the pornsick bastard who immediately could name several alternatives to OnlyFans when they threatened to pull support for sex work? incredibly disgusting individual
American “leftists” reeing about people who are anti porn always reminds me why this movement in the US to could never ever be anything more than an unfortunate gathering of degenerate perverts and drug addicts
No. 1361635
>>1361624Nta but
>imagine you peaked in high-school Yikes anon
No. 1361640
>>1361624lol this. imagine commenting on message boards and WKing podcasters twice your age when your cheeks are plump with youth and the mere sight of you could prompt a midlife crisis. take it from an old hag, don't waste your power zoomers!
>>1361624>yikespostingRedditor detected
No. 1361697
>>1361680>>1361673why do the absolute worst pickme poseurs choose tryhard interest in music, "film", internet politics and substances as their defining traits? they obviously suffer deeply while keeping up the larp.
>A while ago I ate a medicinal pot brownie and watched the Twilight movies and had a super bad breakdown, vom-ing, crying etc. Totally scary.kek
No. 1361870
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aimee terese must be coming off of medication much stronger than adhd meds.
No. 1361932
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No. 1361991
File: 1636082960950.jpeg (33.95 KB, 678x266, 8E83C4C0-B9B9-4369-9BB4-10FB3A…)

This will probably be the most intolerable podcast episode ever recorded
No. 1362001
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>>1361991You would have to listen to both to know
No. 1362008
File: 1636085781060.jpeg (307.17 KB, 640x791, 16FE8C4D-5DB1-4F49-838F-0063A8…)

Are cum town pickme's still a thing in 2021?
No. 1362011
File: 1636086656271.png (84.04 KB, 461x453, uh oh.png)

SO many red flags here, goddamn
No. 1362020
File: 1636088355297.jpeg (743.35 KB, 1917x1641, AD5C900C-819B-468E-8F1D-3E63DC…)

>>1362011>look at this pic of us!The pic in question
No. 1362030
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>>1362026>bruenussyanon my sides
No. 1362079
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lmao, aimee "owning" the nazis has been an entertaining story arc today
No. 1362123
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>>1362079Amazing thing is she’s not disagreeing with their position, just how they present it
She’s mad that they won’t follow her directive of posting relentlessly racist stuff with a degree of plausible deniability
Just like with Bernie, she’s telling them how to win and being rejected
No. 1362185
File: 1636117602152.png (71.12 KB, 606x351, dumb.png)

Does she not realize Youngkin is the exact same type of chamber of commerce Republican as Lindsey Graham?
No. 1362418
>>1362393can someone explain to me how liking a cringe tv show for alcoholic white housewives is, like, part of some edgy film hoe beta cum gargler grindset
>i like downtown abbey and perfume nationalist>i like gossip girl and chapo trap housemake me understand
No. 1362454
File: 1636145399733.png (1.22 MB, 1180x1040, panderingsubstacker.png)

This article is fine but why is it that every time a "new voice" on substack or podcasting, and it's usually a woman or gay man, pops up that gets circulated by these people's they have the exact same follower list (Alice, Anna, Perfume Nazi Jack, Wesley Yang, Glenn, Zaid, Taibbi, Bari, Lee Fang, libertarian or right wing think tank academics, Angie Speaks, Catherine Liu, Matt Stoller, the Shant deformed looking guy, Andrew Sullivan).
No. 1362465
File: 1636146455980.png (70.26 KB, 1176x254, insanewhalenazicheckin.png)

>>1362454Any time one of these "I care about art and beauty" girls like Default GF/Personality Girl/Twink Rev (rip to all of them) show up and I see they're Perfume Nationalist fans I know they don't have any taste and aren't fatphobic I mean discerning enough to value their opinion.
No. 1362573
File: 1636156270239.png (325.19 KB, 487x409, ay tone.png)

>>1362418Anna will tell you that she is solely responsible for kicking off the millennial obsession for the Sopranos on twitter; she was, after all, the one who took the particular "this sounds very gay" screenshot that everyone uses.
No. 1362927
>>1362574Sopranos was pretty gay and progressive at times too. I put down the remote on the last season, I couldn’t handle it because it
triggered my homophobia.
No. 1362967
>>1362847The same stuff that has been said for ages about art not being a didactic tool to make the world or individuals better, but strung it out for a dozen pages. Nothing groundbreaking.
"To conclude, empathy has no inherent value when it comes to aesthetic appreciation…How the individual values art is a matter of personal judgment, of cultivated aesthetic sensibility, which is an aliveness to the full emotional, psychological, intellectual, and sensual dimensions of one’s life. Great art can intimidate, alienate, disorient, and disturb. I hold that even ambivalence, when aroused by art, is a more significant—more involving—feeling than empathy. Ambivalence urges us to compare this with that, to ask ourselves why one work is more compelling than another. Ambivalence thereby develops our aesthetic sensitivity."
No. 1363090
File: 1636221963777.png (1.45 MB, 852x1026, nosferatu.png)

Dean Kissick falling backwards into being a mascot to the talentless 5s of the Lower East Side. Red Scare, Cat Marnell, and Drunken Canal are allegedly doing an event where they play basketball today.
No. 1363168
File: 1636230451427.png (131.67 KB, 1189x798, red scare extended…)

gayestepdad/doomergroomer starts his own red scare knockoff podcast with another gay white twitter addict. not even anna k could bring herself to retweet this one.
No. 1363292
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No. 1363492
>>1363090what’s the deal with that, hate to be the “isn’t he, like, 40?” person but isn’t he like 40…
and i know that older people are friends with them and anna is basically his age, but he runs with the drunken canal like he graduated parsons with them… just look at the cover lol
No. 1363510
File: 1636274999460.jpeg (575.43 KB, 1170x1515, 1AECB2F6-A4C3-4D6A-A6D0-F17E58…)

I get the vibe that they’re trying to replace Honor Levy with this girl in the dimes adjacent neo alt lit scene. You might turn around and say “two girls can be in a scene” but I get the vibe that she is directly taking honor’s position at her expense, filling the role of “quirked up zoomer writer girl.” and honor has been mentioning a lot that she has been getting left off a ton of readings lately…
honestly if this is accurate I think it’s partly honors own fault because she seems self sabotaging about her own work. When it comes to the actual writing, I think this writer is mid, kyle brown is just bad, and honors work can be impressive at times, but her public/podcasting persona is flippant and shock jocky in a way that’s not worth the risk and could potentially be very damaging
No. 1363511
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Carl Beijer deactivated, hopefully for good. Might have to do with all the heat he was getting from retarded conservatives who took his handing-out-masks-for-halloween bit seriously
No. 1363512
File: 1636275118054.jpeg (789.61 KB, 828x1488, BBFFB9D3-4F7E-4685-BBA9-204A27…)

She’s such an absolute freak. She’s bragging about being 80 lbs
No. 1363522
>>1363515what'd you listen to,
No. 1363609
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For some reason the RSP subreddit is pissing me off more than normal today with them talking non stop about the Astroworld tragedy. I think there is just something absolutely hypocritical about them acting so upset about the event while simultaneously complaining that modern life is so shit and regulated these days. They have to hand wring that the deaths were due to “sacrifice” while shrieking that PMC women are sanitizing the world and making things too safe these days.
The fact is crowd crush accidents used to be way more common at concerts in the past and so did movie set accidents. But I thought those were the good ole days huh?
No. 1363612
>>1363609>human sacrifice to the invisible hand of the marketcrowd crushes are as old as crowds lmao. were the 1,200 killed during the crush at Nicholas II's coronation
victims of the "invisible hand of the market"? not everything bad in this world is the fault of muh neolibruls
No. 1363613
File: 1636293540053.jpg (61.47 KB, 512x340, they call me throat canyon.jpg)

>>1363515Matt Bruenig has always given off the same fumes as Michele Bachmann's ultra butch husband if you remember him lurking in the background of campaign shit, trying not to eat corndogs suggestively.
No. 1363675
File: 1636302169833.png (44.55 KB, 594x244, uh oh.png)

looks like the ol' goblin found a mate
No. 1363683
>>1363510I feel like honor levy is getting left out of a bunch of shit because she’s unvaccinated.
Also, pretty sure this Zans girl is Kyle Browns gf.
No. 1363718
>>1363683nah, it’s because she is the boogie2988 of the scene and tries to both-sides every beef
also she’s super annoying
No. 1363777
File: 1636311062092.png (53.87 KB, 1206x208, Screen Shot 2021-11-07 at 1.49…)

Still at it with the same boring ass genre of tweets
No. 1363914
>>1363909True but Liz didn't say young buck did she
No. 1364739
File: 1636407345530.jpg (20.95 KB, 417x405, morty doesn't understand this …)

>>1364594>few arts and fashion peopleHoly shit are they really going masks off on this Thiel shit? I haven't listened to them in almost a year, so I have no idea what they are focusing now.
No. 1364758
>>1364207these guys are right though.
moche1231, TPN, and the rest of these chernobyl looking retards pretend to be right wing for attention
No. 1364780
File: 1636411602084.png (235.46 KB, 1192x1040, annaproidwantiart.png)

Anna projecting hard in the first tweet and going against everything she's ever said about art in the likes. Wonder if Red Scare is going to lean into the satanic panic angle lots of their replyguys are into right now.
No. 1364965
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Caitlin Flanagan may very well be the most brain-damaged, high-on-her-own-farts writer at the Atlantic, and that's saying something.
No. 1364979
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>>1364965U of Austin, beyond parody
PLSC 495 looks good
No. 1365092
>>1364780I also noticed these red scare thots are about Satanic panic right now like with regards to the Travis Scott disaster. Like 1980s church moms are back. I thought they were supposed to be the free-thinking types? lmao
>>1364965What is the point of creating a new unaccredited university? Like a lot of college students can be annoying today but a lot of faculty are older and don't care about PC shit.
No. 1365230
>>1365228the hair department continues to do her wrong
let her have a nice updo
No. 1365232
File: 1636476827059.jpeg (217.06 KB, 389x783, FFAD096D-7DAC-4422-A95E-74E5F9…)

Why are we supposed to hate this woman again? She might have single-handedly swayed a SCOTUS case in favor of Christian pastors being able to pray over individuals about to be murdered by the state. She's diing God's work here, who cares if she posts annoying baking pics every now and again.
No. 1365258
>>1365232I can tell you came from Twitter bc Liz simps pull the same tricks every time.
>>w-w-whyy do you hate Liz?1, No one said hate, stop exaggerating. 2, if you actually want to know why, you're welcome to read the 20 previous threads discussing her antics.
>overstating her influence on policyclassic simp behavior
>you hate her bc BAKED GOODS!!!!Sneaky attempt to conflate our actual criticism with her most innocuous behavior. 90% of the criticism here is about her politics and attention-seeking. When baking is rarely mentioned, it's not ZOMG how dare she post COOKIES, it's that she massively overcharges for shit.
In short, take your peabrained, dishonest WKing back to Twitter. No one's buying it here.
No. 1365309
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No. 1365316
File: 1636482863124.jpeg (126.95 KB, 631x534, 4780F3BB-879B-4C7F-A9C7-0C5891…)

>>1365309Loving her stringy computer science troon hair.
No. 1365370
File: 1636487321165.png (6.23 MB, 2046x1528, dasha btfo.png)

>>1365309For no reason at all, here are some pics of what a blonde actress named Chloe Sevigny looked like at a Target opening in 2004, at age 30, with minimal makeup, under unflattering retail lighting.
No. 1365477
>>1365247I bet that person thinks Bruenig’s article was listed first because it was the most important, not because the citations are in alphabetical order
she’s not wrong here, but it is typical that the NYT got the much higher-profile Ruth Graham to write about it first before Liz pitched it to the Atlantic
No. 1365491
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No. 1365552
File: 1636501818958.png (1.31 MB, 1200x1116, 1498105268431.png)

It's still very obvious that Kantbot posts here, still obsessing over the personable e-celebs are doing. I write this as a lurker who has been watching this sphere since 2015/6. If he got Thiel money and his fantasy lecturing career he would be reminding us often how great this new surge in activity is, how based Thiel is to him, how epic Straussian crypto-Rosicrucian Hermeneutics is. He masks his resentment with the appearance of disillusionment.
So what if Thiel is a patron for arts, culture and politics. What are you gonna do about it fat loser, whine about it? Roleplay as an academic a little while longer?
Post screencaps of books/covers that neither you or your followers really read? Take stims and sissy out with your troon "wife"? Feign being disaffected when being mocked by those "obsessed" with you then spend the other half of that time looking for cheap shots to dunk on them?
What happened to your book(s)? Your revolutionary file system? This dead-in-the-water WYDNA """research group""" (PDF server lol)? Gonna make another un-listened 9 hour podcast about Nixon? It's not a good podcast either, one of you makes a statement and another say "that's interesting because" before going on a stim rant tangent - never to express a clear or coherent narrative.
You could actually do something worthwhile. You're passionate about stuff, but haven't grown out of that nerd resenting the cool kids thing. Posting tweets isn't doing anything. You urge people to make the art and do things (but try to shoot them down for even trying). Podcasting isn't art or scholarship, nor are tweet threads. Log off and write that book, I'd buy it. Mog the academics who ignored you. You're still swimming in the same pool as the people you claim to hate, you still check in on what they're doing, you still feel the need to pwn them. Learn to attract followers with warmth, everything you tweet reeks of bitterness. Learn to make a case that isn't just invoking the writing of others. You could be cool and influential but you're unwilling to change or make accept basic trade-offs. I pity you for your wasted potential.(sage your autism)
No. 1365581
File: 1636504099246.png (3.46 MB, 2508x1268, dasha acting lessons.png)

>>1365521Had to look up clips as I'm a casual viewer but lmao yeah. I definitely see it, she stole Jess' whole characterization. That's what happens when you waste your 20s trying to fuck your way into roles like picrel instead of just taking some acting classes
No. 1365752
File: 1636516634889.gif (778.5 KB, 540x304, FAE14D51-0D69-4E9E-8283-272554…)

>>1365552this may shock you, but lots of people dislike both Thiel and Kantbot
No. 1366063
File: 1636558747287.png (186.45 KB, 602x476, are liz.png)

Today's the big day! Anyone going?
No. 1366233
File: 1636572648615.png (348.07 KB, 1190x1334, demonsarerealrapeisfake.png)

Anna going full satanic panic and has stopped pretending she cares that samememe is a rapist.
No. 1366310
>>1366299anna isn't either, honestly this whole cycle has been completely retarded, both sides are strawmanning the opposition but the anti-anti-woke/irony bro crowd are becoming more incoherent and annoying then the anti-woke/post-left crowd (who are just bog standard republicans now), reversing their most strongly held positions on issues with every random news cycle.
nick mullen had a summer long meltdown about the satanic pedo elite in 2018/2019, so did Christman. it was not "ironic". that chiwee account was still finders cult-posting a year ago. suddenly biden is president and all these issues get dropped like a hot potato because the chuds/anti-vaxxers are into this type of thing too. its just very revealing how shallow this little "conspiracy left" is and for all their moral posturing clearly do not give a fuck about
victims of epstein, franklin scandal etc., its just a meme to be brought out every couple of months to own someone online
No. 1366342
File: 1636581455844.png (104.82 KB, 890x376, choochoo.png)

Brie, Taibbi, Glenn, and more officially hop on board the public theilbuxx train.
No. 1366392
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>>1366063how tf are there only 107 people watching this? lmao
No. 1366416
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No. 1366429
>>1366416Looks like a husband killer who converted in prison and showed up looking fancy to her trial
>>1366392>100 viewerstmw you realize your followers are in it for the feet pics and not your corny catholic convertposting
No. 1366498
File: 1636594273811.png (151.05 KB, 1172x624, jack turns on another friend.p…)

Jack obliterates longtime friendship with River and TwinkRev boys over Kyle Rittenhouse
No. 1366503
>>1366498jack thinks libs are EVIL and DEMONIC because they censor, cancel and disown anyone with a different point of view, but has had a falling out with Ty E, Kantbot, Jugs, Niccolo, BAP, Viperwave, Liz Franczak, Christlover2000, River, TwinkRev and more in the space of 2 years over petty political disagreements or for having the wrong opinion in the news cycle of the day
No. 1366598
File: 1636607139155.png (67.59 KB, 1170x218, aimee turns on twink rev.png)

>>1366498aimee's also thrown him under the bus, along with youngestwoman. aimee wants to be the only girl left in the group chat
No. 1366823
File: 1636642972843.jpeg (31.74 KB, 720x266, 52898E56-68D5-49C7-ACEB-B7C9E4…)

>>1366498At 18, Kyle is a smol helpless innocent child. Yet Aimee and Jack the perfume fationalist’s sphere of Twitter will declare 14 year old girls fully formed and fit to consent to sex with gross 40 year old moids. The meltdowns they’re all having over this trial is funny but depressing. And the levels of contradiction and cognitive dissonance. But this what makes us cows, no?
This river person was essentially ousted for a thought crime.
No. 1366891
File: 1636649462436.png (93.21 KB, 1184x344, kazan.png)

>>1366598Was Nicole/youngestwoman normal until the past few months? What is her deal? Another case of a boring aging girl who gets little attention on twitter then gets addicted to negative attention by following the Anna playbook? Zoe Kazan getting mad at this account last tear is the only thing that rings a bell about her.
No. 1367003
File: 1636657757755.png (487.55 KB, 598x713, lobotomybrain.png)

i would not post something like this if i had larped as ghislaine maxwell in a dogshit indie vanity project
No. 1367079
File: 1636663126634.png (110.87 KB, 1176x416, jack still jealous of tim.png)

>>1367003Dasha liked this Tim Dillon tweet Jack is making fun of, so (by their definition) is staying ambivalent/"both sidesing" the whole thing. should make for an awkward next episode of red scare considering Anna's still having a meltdown about it.
personally not shedding a tear for the pedophile and woman abusing antifa losers who got killed, but you can think kyle acted in self defence without having to go the extra step and saying "kyle is an pure innocent angel sent from heaven who just wanted to help people!!" and ostracizing anyone from your circle who strays from that take. isn't this the same crowd who constantly make fun of libs for turning george floyd into a deity? what's the difference here other than its the contrarian position?
No. 1367092
File: 1636664114915.png (78.36 KB, 1136x304, maybeaboutdasha.png)

>>1367047She might have deleted because everyone mocked her for getting covid at a bar last summer after whining about lockdowns in typical Orange County fashion. She did get mentioned on the podcast which is more than most scarethot clones can say.
>>1367079Dillon's tweet is so completely reasonable. They must have gotten a memo to start foaming at the mouth over this. Dasha is probably pretending to be sick so she can avoid recording an podcast episode about it. Not that one's better than the other but Anna constantly throwing Dasha under the bus with dissing people who care about Epstein and the 80s PTA mom act makes her such a shitty business partner.
No. 1367663
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No. 1367838
File: 1636754323345.png (913.5 KB, 1168x2160, aimee scolding another reply g…)

>>1367272she's still doing it now to even her most loyal reply guys. this guy was defending rittenhouse but didn't use the right words, so needed to be scolded in submission. its truly bizarre
No. 1367852
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>>1367841simultaneously that troon-obsessed fattie is purity testing angie in the same manner for not being anti-trans enough. again do these mouthbreathing retards realise how alienating they are? they are pushing more people left than ever
No. 1368034
File: 1636780758608.png (210.17 KB, 1178x826, the purge continues.png)

post-left civil war continues, last casualties - class redux killa (who jack has been ranting about all day) and gaye stepdad. all this drama over not having the right kyle rittenhouse take
No. 1368058
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No. 1368225
File: 1636817179198.png (165.37 KB, 405x503, bye.png)

Insufferable. She really thinks she's the chosen one.
No. 1368333
File: 1636837281236.png (485.17 KB, 1166x982, redscare future serial killer.…)

Straight male red scare superfans need to be locked up.
No. 1368391
File: 1636844900799.jpeg (328.21 KB, 640x794, ABE7EDE8-1116-467B-9C20-0E1F29…)

Dasha makes another magazine cover. Is this the ladies' third cover, collectively, this year?
No. 1368397
File: 1636845685446.png (1.79 MB, 902x1400, radiobitch.png)

has anybody listened to this outside of this navelgazing ingroup
No. 1368520
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No. 1368534
File: 1636866104787.png (1.54 MB, 1180x958, ashley returns.png)

ashley christlover2000 returns under her real name Dianna Dragonetti. has anyone heard this? any milk?
No. 1368570
>>1368569*Aimee is like Nassim Taleb, she will always resent nazis, not because they're racist but because they will never accept her as one of the team
Also she totally has a crush on Keith Woods just like she had the feels for pre-trans Philosophy Tube lmfao
No. 1368594
>>1359591except that they don’t.
clearly you’ve either only listened to one episode or picking and choosing excerpts out of context from Twitter. you have no clue what you’re talking about, I literally don’t care about redscare’s supposed conspiratory ties to whatever. but they do offer some insight that’s far more entertaining and interesting to listen to than any of the babble from elsewhere.
No. 1368641
File: 1636892840318.png (231.91 KB, 489x474, and here we go.png)

oh joy, prepare for 48 hours of "Liz Bruenig is a transphobe" discourse.
No. 1368648
File: 1636893871302.png (13.63 KB, 593x74, caught in 4k.png)

bye bye
No. 1368730
File: 1636906594288.jpeg (298.86 KB, 1125x1441, 64982AEC-5821-4CE6-A6DF-DA51E9…)

>>1368391>being on Succession is so pleasant>I’m a huuuge fan of the show>being on it is a total dreamPretty funny seeing Dasha give the same vapid “I’m just so happy to be here and everything is a dream!” interview every 20 year old starlet gives Vanity Fair for her first big role, only Dasha’s a 30 year old who with a bit role talking to a no-name photographers blog.
No. 1368735
File: 1636907319016.jpeg (396.09 KB, 1125x1934, 60FEAE10-2037-4F00-9652-67336C…)

>>1368730Love Dasha’s attempt at breezy Hollywood speak: “we were at South by discussing my prospects as a multihyphenate” - lmao what a corny little try hard. Yet she doesn’t catch the fact that this man watched her acting and told her in the politest possible way “you’re terrible and you better get a sideline quick.” She delusionally spins it into “it’s SO HARDDD to make it as an actor nowadays” when there are literally more shows being churned out and available acting jobs now than at any point in history.
No. 1368799
File: 1636914190886.jpg (71.49 KB, 500x616, 1513133540659.jpg)

>>1368652what this anon said pretty much
>>1368743he's like "nazis suck" and then posts pictures of the whitest looking lebanese girls he can find on his twitter in an attempt to distance his nation from the rest of the arab world
He's clever but transparently insecure
No. 1368800
File: 1636914264289.png (47.48 KB, 546x150, rockbottom.png)

Anna has sunk so low. Retweeting James "Penis Boy Auteur" Healey?
No. 1368910
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Really makes you think
No. 1368933
File: 1636925915020.png (347.47 KB, 1042x1120, mysterious.png)

You don't say? And telling that Adrian Vermeule, the ivy league cath convert the tradcath and fake socialist integralists like Liz lionize, is an Aimee fan.
No. 1368957
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Anna's ghoulish twitter friend going mask off. Big day for catfish twitter accounts.
No. 1369011
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>>1368957>>1368987She's in a fight with Carl where he called her ugly seven hours ago and she's been raging about it the entire time since then, posting pictures of him over and over. She's also accusing everyone else who says anything rude to her of being a pedophile.
No. 1369036
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a lot going on here
No. 1369055
>>1368800honestly thought having a baby was going to mellow her out, but she's just jumped head first into the reactionary morass.
>>1368862 she has definitely sunk lower, I don't think she would have defended fascist vigilante street violence so forcefully three years ago. It used to be "antifa and the proud boys are both retarded," now it's "the right must eradicate the leftist pedophiles who threaten our precious autozones"
No. 1369073
File: 1636940113705.png (379.97 KB, 1336x837, cool family business.png)

adam lehrer has also fallen down the upper class internet reactionary hole. carl beijer unearthed that adam lehrer's father is a ceo for a small us military supplier but being a midwit didn't realize that lehrer's grandfather, formerly of raytheon, founded the company.
this is how he could afford brooklyn rent and an mfa on a museum tour guide salary. umc fed blood money all the way down.
No. 1369098
>>1368957She's always been more risque than most of them, not much of a mask to take off. But her eyebrows are finally doing that Shayna thing where they connect to her eyeliner and look like sharpie kek
>>1369055She's being overdramatic, but calling this stupid kid who thinks he's hot shit a "fascist" is extremely twitter
No. 1369140
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cushbomb getting spicy
No. 1369457
File: 1637004438252.png (49.09 KB, 1356x210, hgfdsdfgfdcvgfdx.png)

Is this a real quote from Anna on the most recent episode? Her brain is fried.
No. 1369795
File: 1637056753389.png (1.08 MB, 1591x640, 1636474072334.png)

>>1369457anna is right about gender ideology being mass grooming and progressive conversion therapy. if doctors can lie so blatantly about the long term effects of puberty blockers and the realities of SRS, why couldn't they fib on covid treatment and vaccinations?