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No. 1807147
Thread for discussing Red Scare, Cumtown/TAFS, Dime Square, the remains of the "dirtbag left", and the entire "post-left" and Silicon Valley "rationalist/postrat" sphere and their orbiters/backers, including but not limited to Mencius Moldbug, Peter Thiel, and the so-called "dissident right" (Bronze Age Pervert, The Perfume Nationalist, and other faggots). WARNING: this scene is crawling with Nazis, pedophiles, child porn advocates, sex pests, rapists, troons, and other degenerates.
#40 Recap:
>>1775912>Schizoid retard Barrett Avner admits to shooting and possibly killing a man a year ago during twitter fight with dimes square incel project No Agency New York >>1776192>>1776236>Accusations about Nick giving several lady comedians herpes without telling them and about how him Adam and Felix all fuck teenagers and brag about it>>1776512>Weird Adamfriedland X Sam Hyde crossover >>1778760>Dasha saying the "hentai" BAP retweets is beautiful, even though what he actually retweets includes lolicon >>1779341>Angela Nagle and Katherine Dee were in the new episode of the JK Rowling podcast talking about tumblr identity politics>>1779684>>1779977>Sex pest irony freak Pedocles Abbasi trails behind in the polls showing his following of other freaks doesn't translate to real success >>1780250>>1780377>Pedophile James Ferraro continues to be beloved amongst the Dimes Square crowd, detailed allegations involving Matt Mondanile/Ducktails who got kicked out of Real Estate for being a hack and predatory creep, still interacts with conspicuously young girls and an NFT company started by a groomer>>1781913>Chapo hosts on "gender affirming care", calling NYT article exposing a trans youth facility fake news >>1782456>Liz Bruenig invites BAP on the pod>>1782535>Tranny Cumtown have finally got crusty chaser Eric Andre to hook up with them>>1783218>>1783254>Dasha jokes(?) about leaving her boyfriend for Keith McNally, known for supporting Woody Allen and Ghislaine Maxwell >>1784577>A + D + Pariah troon did an event with Roger Stone >>1785707>@credenzaclear2 got a boyfriend>>1787842>Matty Healy and Dasha spotted together>>1790202>>1790205>>1790206>>1790413>Some info disputing claims about Radfem Hitler being a doxer>>1790401>Jordan Castro in PI shilling an NRX/Thiel venture (Praxis)>>1793541>Amber Lee Frost coming out in favor of funding the police>>1794052>Peter Thiel's boytoy Jeff Thomas "commits suicide" after making an attempt to leave him>>1794781>@bog_beef whining about the democratic establishment when he sees women and racial minorities taking residency at Stanford>>1795589>>1795580>>1795579>>1795598>@default_friend called Anna a fake racist for attention, Aimee terese claims not to care about race >>1795637>>1795660>Midget Rohit/CharlotteFang77 threatening to duct tape the egirl who he tried to groom and spurned him>>1795717>Jack V Aimee >>1796015>Zach Langley trying to push Aimee out of "the canon" after her spat with Jack>>1797292>>1797294>>1797303>A peek at Dasha's self-posting tells on lolcow, like calling everyone who hates on her fat dykes>>1796957>Anon claims their friend fucked Dasha and she gave them herpes, then spazzed about how everyone has herpes (fake and gross)>>1798782>American Mind (funded by Thiel) piece on Red Scare's "dissident edge">>1799159>Dasha doing her hardest to not deny being racist, Anna sticking to her lib bit and denying it on recent RS episode with Thomas Chatterton, an author and critic who wrote about physically assaulting his black college girlfriend and blamed his violence on "hip hop culture" >>1801395>How to Blow Up a Pipeline Event Summary>>1801664>Pariah the groomer troon thinks only high iq males need an education and supports pederasty>>1801946>>1802712>Norman Finkelstein on cumtown/TAFs, Nick brings up how he respects troon pronouns>>1804794>In the new loveline ep Anna says she is Dworkinpilled>>1805801>>1806097>RFH made her podcast debut with Medgold a brown guy who likes hornyposting about teens and following minors tiktok, and rumors about RFH being a troon>>1806299>A+D talk about lolcow on the latest RS episode>>1806603>Amber Rollo is pregnantI tried to look up and include everyone mentioned in the last one in the threadpic, my bad if I missed anyone or included less relevant people I don't keep up with all of the cows discussed itt
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>>>/snow/1775571 No. 1807195
File: 1681255173268.jpeg (849.98 KB, 2940x3465, 3D2BFDCA-E4FB-428B-A238-9D9205…)

RFH is spreading a pedophile meme that went viral and was first posted by a milady freak. In it he was sexualizing a young girl by comparing her to a "roman towel boy", the kinds who would get molested by pederasts. Gio says herself she is 16 now in Italian sources, as well as her mother, she was 15 last year when the tweet went viral and is disturbed by what has been posted about her. Not that RFH's word means anything but if anyone should get shit for associating with pedophiles and spreading their memes its her, she's pretending to be a radical feminist and dragging its name through the mud while she's at it
No. 1807203
File: 1681256240636.png (286.36 KB, 606x849, aimeeslurp.png)

Aimee pisses her life away pulling straw men out of her ass. If it's wrong for women to tar all men with the same brush, why is it okay when she does the same thing to us? There are what, a million "creators" on OnlyFans? She makes it sound like two entire generations of women are flashing their snatches on the internet.
Aimee will never be anything but a useful empty egg carton to the men she grovels before. Imagine abasing yourself for such low quality men.
Small-c conservatism is about being rooted in an actual community, not Tweeting 24/7 about the politics of someone else's country. She has no life beyond shitposting - being antagonistic and acrimonious per her own projection. So trad!
Working class women don't want "girlboss feminism" and Aimee knows it, she's just a shill. Actual working class men or women are never anything but a cudgel to them. As always with these conservative e-girls, they're free to follow their own rules, but somehow they never do.
No. 1807209
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Aimee shills for her libertarian paymasters with the laughable idea that Dylan Mulvaney has fans
No. 1807210
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>>1807195For context @SCHIZO_FREQ posted this sexualizing Gio when she was 15 years old as her 16th birthday was in December, here is her mom's birthday post for her. It would be a different story if this was a teenager but this man is around 30 years old. This pedo scrote is the reason so many disgusting coomers go around the internet jerking off to an underage girl
No. 1807435
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>>1807426Found it. The original tweet was deleted but it’s ironic they are adamant the Gio girl is 22 while calling this guy a pedo
No. 1807438
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Sounds like a lame joke that a troon would make. the hands looks over 40 in this pic from last thread
>>1806097 No. 1807474
>>1807383I don’t know much about Matt outside his podcaster personality but as far as I can tell it’s not a bit that he periodically gets belligerently drunk - that’s the only thing that would obviously be a huge problem with raising a baby. But he definitely has the free time to take care of the baby otherwise, as long as his general health holds out.
>>1807361I thought it sounded 100% like a gag and was genuinely surprised they answered it seriously
No. 1807686
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Rfh has a fake sounding bio. Even though she’s not really a feminist and her desire for attention clouds her judgement, she publicly hates on a lot of the tradthots discussed in the other thread like 30 day fiancé Megha Verma
No. 1807818
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>>1807812was supposed to refer to the pedo moids who are dying to groom and impregnate a girl right after she gets her period as if that means she's ready, and who think that's trad
No. 1807863
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New "black metal" merch straight outta the early 2010s lmfao
No. 1808011
>>1807823She is spineless but in the sense that she has no consistency. In this tweet she's obviously on the calling out pedophilia train
>>1807435 but she's also being obtuse about the Gio thing. You expect too much from her. Shit on her sure, she deserves it like everyone else here but don't project anything else.
No. 1808052
>>1807863pickme shit for women who think it's still 2012
tbf half the moids in this scene think burzum is le edgy edgelord shadow the hedgehog shit and can't shut the fuck up about it
No. 1808160
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Yeah RFH is spineless in the same way default friend is (eg they simp for delicious tacos who visited prostitutes in SEA). All of these women are boring outrage trolls tho
No. 1808202
>>1808011i guess its too much and projection now to expect the one "radfem" woman in these spheres who seeks to rile up scrotes instead of other women for once not to befriend pedophile sex pests and spread their coomer shit about how they wish they could have sex with children like everyone else here does. nothing is beyond their perversion
>>1808052exactly this ive only ever seen tryhard and pickme women who attempt to portray themselves as edgy wearing this type of stuff it somehow manages to be more cringe than the rest of their merch
No. 1808285
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online ceramics honor versus dasha modeling
No. 1808287
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>>1808285she'll say it's because it's horror themed but noticeable how all the photos from this shoot used by the brand are the ones most hiding dasha's face
No. 1808539
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No. 1808544
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>>1808287so this is the "special project for otaku oomfies" dasha posted about for a week, a low budget photoshoot for some hoodies? damn, acting career terminal
No. 1808564
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Do they all check this thread daily
No. 1808566
>>1808564everyone in the threadpic has had this thread open in a tab since 2020 and i'm not exaggerating at all
(btw OP great job on the recap and threadpic, some real jumpscares in there)
No. 1808616
File: 1681495522528.jpeg (256.02 KB, 1146x2167, 849A8271-F068-48DF-B49B-B05F94…)

>>1807210correction she was ≤ 14 in the video @SCHIZO_FREQ used, since it couldve been recorded earlier than the day it was posted in june 2021, 6+ months before her 15th bday (pedophile scrolled all the way down her profile to find tiktoks from over a year before for him to post sexualizing a straight up child in october 2022). now this may strike some viewers as harsh but i believe everyone involved in this should die. in fact if i was his gf and found out the grown ass moid im dating tweeted thirsting after 14 year olds i would have him killed, scrotes like these shouldn't be allowed to live let alone be near children or procreate.
>>1808539who are 4 and 8? 1,2 and 6 deserve the rope. 3 caters to pedophiles but pretends to be ignorant about it, 7 compares women who travel to sex tourists and is friends with the pedophile mentioned above, idk enough about 5 and 9 to see why they were included
No. 1808623
>>1808539picrel seems like it was tweeted by a man, Dasha and Aella are inarguably horrible human beings but idk what Audrey Horne has done aside be a scarethot in denial about it and get dogpiled/QRT ratioed by moids once every month or so, which also answers
>>1808616 question
No. 1808627
>>1808616counting down the days til Alice From Queens makes this "her" new profile pic
>>1808622>fat honor truthersjust figured they were all Dasha lol
>>1807863i am begging these Red Scare bitches to be less cringe in 2023
>>1807209good post anon, aimee is being very sneaky in implying that the troon agenda is imposed on billionaires and corporations by dumb woke millennials instead of the exact opposite. aimee is smart enough to know this and it makes me wonder what sinister billionaire's checks she's cashing
>>1807206>jannies can we pls get a dasha post history reveal? seconding this!! who do i need to talk to to make this happen, would be the best milk in years
No. 1808654
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I know he's almost too irrelevant to be posted even ITT but the Jake Flores blackface incident has to be recorded for posterity No. 1808702
>>1808382You can't really remain relevant in this scene without budding up with some bad people and espousing some of their beliefs tbf, without the partial RW adoption she'd just be another edgy twitter radical feminist. Which would be much better of course, but like anon said, she is filling a niche
in this scene.
Smartest thing Anna has said in years, she probably stole it from some GC like p8stie does all her tweets, at least RFH isn't an obvious puppet with GC moid hands up her ass using her as a mouthpiece>>1808564Is she selfposting and forcing the troon meme to gain relevance or do we have a deranged troon obsessed with her?
No. 1808716
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>>1808684are you saying her own mother is lying about her age lol? who tf is ulysse? she wasn't on tiktok or instagram in 2019 and yes she was 12 then. this pedo came up with that, he says so himself, he plays dumb because he thinks it gives him plausible deniability but we all know what a catamite is and what was meant by roman warriors who had sex with boys, the cows who love paglia and bap itt like pariah are always going on about pederasty. 28 year olds are not boys. he chose a child for this reason, she has an androgynous haircut and makes him think of other children. in picrel she looks like a 13 yr old because it is one and if you can't tell you're actually retarded. this should come as no shock since the milady owner he works with explicitly sexualized 13-14 year olds in his tweets, this isn't an isolated event. its a pedophile in another pedophiles payroll and thats old news
No. 1808721
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>>1808287>>1808544>>1808698even dasha's biggest simp won't buy the ugly shit she shills kek, actually the most respect i've ever had for this gooner
No. 1808934
>>1808931Update: found it!
>>1808929Well this is news to me, ew! Not only is she a trannylover but a degen too? I’d hate to wonder how deep the rabbit hole goes.
No. 1808940
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Oscars, here we come.
(Dasha's flying to Japan, don't know what for)
No. 1809021
>>1808716>>1808684"are you saying she looks 12 in this pic???"
yes she unironically looks like a 12 year old in this picture. if you think there was "no way she was 12 back then" then you yourself might be the pedophile lol
(learn2integrate) No. 1809351
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Not much but pariah playing dumb about obvious racists in his group. Idk who did it or said things (probably Mochak123 maybe jardinsecret888? other suspects?) but nothing like ppl who tweet all day about the fall of society, who have receded into intolerance far below than the idyllic “90s liberalism” they reference. Somehow, everyone else is to blame except their own personal indecency.
No. 1809495
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>>1808654Thank you, nonna. I thought of doing the same, but he has little relevance.
However, my own reaction to him has shifted to disgust ever since I came across this Reddit thread. It's from r/theadamfriedlandshow, so feel free to take it with a grain of salt. Yet, Kate's standup in the linked video, and the given context of her and Jake's relationship, paint a portrait of a moid who tried to pressure a grieving woman into acting out his pornsick fetishes. No. 1809568
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Imagine finding a look worse than your previous hipster leprechaun fit.
No. 1809825
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Shit for brains
No. 1809911
>>1809825I remember that, she was posting some ridiculous histrionic bs about Lukashenko being a 'strong arm authoritarian' and not being able to visit Belarus because they would "harm" her or her family.
Her parents are trapeze artits or some shit, not dissidant poltictians or whistle blowers, like the regime has any idea who she and her family are, lol.
Remember anna, despite building he entire personality around "being Russian", didn't actually bother to visit Russia until she was in her mid 30s, (I think she too had some bs excuse about USSR passports or some convenient shit)
For both of them the 'Russian'/'Bellarussian' shit just an attention seeking LARP that they put no actual effort into, much like the catholic larp, but they're remarkably good at finding excuses that add even more exciting lore to their fantasy backgrounds.
see also dasha not having to go through the catholic sacraments because she was suddenly, conveniently became a sedevacantist when she saw how much work was involved.
No. 1809919
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The most recent Red Scare episode had Saagar Enjeti. That guy glows in the dark AF! See this trueanon post for more info recall Media Roots also connected Saagar with Thiel through the Hudson Institute. Anna was also interviewed by Saagar and Krystal Ball No. 1809949
>>1809919why would A&D care about that. Not sure what’s surprising here.
Unless you’re saying it’s worth mentioning because they’re friendly with TrueAnon & that proves TA is associated with the people they make episodes about. I have a slipshod theory based on passive things both of them have said that Anna & Liz F hate each other though. My evidence isn’t bulletproof tho
No. 1810028
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>>1808940could she be attending the milady/remilia pedophile's rave in tokyo? it's also spring which is when people tend to travel to japan to see the cherry blossoms, the kardashians are also there
No. 1810050
File: 1681688818071.webm (5.24 MB, 294x220, Dasha220.webm)
This is really bad, worse than I imagined. She's off key the entire time. I suppose Cameron Diaz didn't have a good singing voice and she had moderate success in acting but not so much after age 30.
No. 1810069
File: 1681691348043.png (347.89 KB, 640x1136, 648FB732-4129-4735-9C1B-317643…)

>>1809967From the TrueAnon live show the other night
No. 1810101
>>1809964>he went to college for podcastingI think that was a joke
No. 1810296
>>1808716>this pedo came up with that, he says so himselfOh if the clout-obsessed pedo is claiming he came up with the successful meme then it must be true! Ulysse was @you_need_a_lift, a kinda-leftist theory guy who tried to "own" RW twitter for a while in 2019 with some kind of "degeneracy is what's trad and based actually" shtick. He posted that exact same Gio video on the first tweet of this collage, with a caption to the same effect
>are you saying her own mother is lying about her ageThe mother of a child model? No, she would never, parents of celebrity children are all upstanding citizens who protect their babies!
No. 1810357
File: 1681745865319.jpeg (123.83 KB, 1242x702, 3382FE16-8BFF-4F70-AD3A-8AAAA8…)

>>1810296yeah he posted the exact same meme including a video of her from 2021? are you dense? she's a child, she wasn't famous until early 2022, and your insistence that she isn't makes you look like the pedophile here like the other anon told you. she stated her own age in the article, the meme did not exist until october 2022, just because someone else made a joke about pederasty doesnt mean it included the same person. post proof or get the fuck out of this thread you do sound like a pedo moid or a confused retard
>>1809693>>1810035yeah hasan is a moron and so is the anon im replying to above the fact scrotes have to lie about girls ages to excuse making sexual jokes about 14 year olds is disgusting, shes a child
No. 1810397
File: 1681750611694.jpeg (169.39 KB, 1242x1769, D5B1BBD4-F0CD-4651-9C67-086614…)

>>1810357And ofc there's the same pickme woman mentioned in a previous thread who has a whole child
>>1749749 going : "no please dont change, we love you just the way you are!" in this pedophile's replies
No. 1810404
File: 1681751638279.png (318.49 KB, 1222x1018, Screenshot 2023-04-17 at 1.13.…)

This guy isn't happy just being "paid" to host parties, he also has to keyboardwarrior defend his friend's shitty bands.
No. 1810438
File: 1681756585838.jpeg (604.17 KB, 3141x1544, 6AC896B8-2DB5-48A3-8D0B-2DBBC4…)

Didn't know this is how Ashton turned out until right now, how ironic. Doing porn is extremely nasty so I cant tell who turned out worse if I had to choose, but if her onlyfans is just lewd cosplays I'd say Ashton's much better off. Plus she's a lesbian so there are probably no videos of her sucking dick for coomers to watch, if that were the case I'd reluctantly pick Dasha's life.
No. 1810502
File: 1681762767786.png (355.78 KB, 787x499, dashew.png)

>>1810438lol, I was going to post this earlier. I don't think even the original clip went this viral. Nice to see everyone in the replies and qt's pointing out the freaky friday switch they did kek
No. 1810512
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>>1810496Didnt dasha admit she had herpes? If Ashton doesn’t have them then she wins. funny how she’s like a prettier version of Dasha kek, she pulls off the blonde damsel look way better. I feel like her body count is also way lower
No. 1810535
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I find it pretty funny that Brace's older brother is a software engineer "interested in Artificial Intelligence" when Brace has spent several episodes railing against AI
No. 1810607
File: 1681773353527.png (204.92 KB, 1068x1156, 765454r7654.png)

Dasha just unwittingly repeating Chapo lines from 2017 that one of her ex boyfriends repeated to her. Is Dasha going to get a new boyfriend/personality soon or what.
No. 1810612
File: 1681773538201.jpg (115.04 KB, 1170x2080, 6543454343.jpg)

After all the denials these people really do just want to brag because they think they're funded because they're special and not because they're easily manipulated and expendable. They've been doing it in person the whole time. pic shared by Dasha.
No. 1810637
>>1810627OK confession: I actually thought Wobble Palace was pretty funny and smart only because I know so many fucking people exactly like that and it perfectly satirized them.
"You look like a fat Skrillex" lives rent free in my head, too accurate.
No. 1810648
>>1810627So Eugene and Matthew have both slept with Dasha and Honor. Anyone know of other guys who make them eskimo sisters?
>>1810637Wobble Palace and Spree were both good, maybe I should check out Scary 69
No. 1810885
>>1810623The hilarious part is she’s not attractive enough to get anything bigger especially for a main role. No wonder she seethes over people like Jennifer Lawrence and Florence Pugh
>>1810580who would pay that much to fuck someone who looks like her kek. she’s such a liar. Probably got the idea from Emrata’s autobio where she talks about Miranda Kerr whoring herself to some Asian billionaire for crazy amounts of money and gifts kek
No. 1810904
>>1810357Yes, he posted the exact same meme, he steals posts all the time and ghostwrites most of p8stie's tweets, are YOU dense? Where are you getting that that video is from 2021? I might be misremembering dates, but I'm very sure Ulysse was off twitter by mid-2020.
>your insistence that she isn't makes you look like the pedophile hereTake your meds, schizo, celebs lying about age isn't new and I'm not excusing sexual comments, I just remember a post from someone who's also relevant to this scene (and a troon cow himself now, though I can't remember his new username) that adds context to this freak's posts and makes me wonder if she's lying. She's still basically a child even if she is actually 17, and even if she wasn't the comments would still be disgusting. That's literally not the point
No. 1810965
File: 1681833806066.jpeg (Spoiler Image,191.13 KB, 1170x1476, DDA2E5BD-AB2A-4D25-8014-1C4142…)

RW women’s infatuation with faceless anons
No. 1810979
>>1810960So every actress who's done sex scenes are practically doing porn? Also
> even though a lot more men would want to see themReally making a strong case for selfposting
No. 1810986
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>>1810980Idek her but she indulges in cow behavior. She looks 35, hangs out with pariah and moche/ Monica, and is pick me spinster posting
No. 1811075
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>>1810965Only know who 1, 5, and 8 are from looking through her following list. Whats the lore on them and 9? Aimee picked 2 of those. Dasha is horny for bap. Idk who @biocompound is I've seen RFH RT her posts but her reply is beyond cringe "if he'd let me" "not going to be a meanie" then marries anorexia fetishist 0hp. I'd have him, bap and medgold beheaded. Steve sailer likely the only ok one all he does is tweet racial crime stats but he isnt a fetishist, pedo or gay afaik.
No. 1811149
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>>1808679I don't think it is one either (face looks like a womans, sounds like one) but it's hard to beat the troon allegations when you post coping about looking like a man by stating that it's actually ideal, and agree with groomer troons like Pariah in the replies, he is a textbook example of stunted development as well (I think he went on HRT before he hit puberty). I don't have a flat chest nor narrow hips and was a late bloomer, I developed boobs and got my period years after other girls my age. It's like they're using the fact that early puberty is indeed linked to deleterious outcomes to extrapolate that it's therefore preferable to look like an androgynous child as you age
No. 1811449
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>>1811149Jury’s still out. I personally think it’s a troon
No. 1811468
>>1810986>>1811194yeah what reputation are they risking kek. this is such a lie. i can see how employers wouldnt want to keep someone whos main belief is wholesale massacre of millions who you deem "your enemies." but the feds agree with them, they are on their team.
the real "reputation risk" is people finding out how ugly and nerdy they all look, if Hanania is any reference they all look more hideous than matt walsh
No. 1811915
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No. 1811917
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No. 1812062
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No. 1812241
File: 1682016938166.png (62.17 KB, 1310x828, z0x0aqitrwoa1[1].png)

Did we miss this juicy New Yorker article featuring Dasha discussing her tinfoil theories about Jews and Masons controlling the Catholic Church at the Roger Stone event? No. 1812329
File: 1682028486685.jpeg (23.5 KB, 750x203, 0521FAEC-7326-4CF3-B59B-9206C4…)

Can red scare mods be any more pathetic? They ban one criticism of D or A but let gooners run rampant
No. 1812370
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Aimee projecting her bpd/addict degeneracy onto normal women per usual
No. 1812526
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Dasha did a pod with Yasha. Anyone have the full audio?
No. 1812531
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There is literally zero difference between Nick and Moldbug lookwise
No. 1812586
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dasha thirsting after gay pedo bap again
No. 1812673
>>1812498no offense ma'am but it's pure online brainrot to consider Anna the more famous one in this relationship. they're probably a similar level of fame, it's just Eli built his the normie way, by making a well-respected body of work over a long period of time whereas Anna's main talent is cheaper, but more visible - accruing attention to herself by saying provocative shit. the artist vs. the troll, basically.
i’d almost prefer the narrative that Anna is cucking Eli with these attention seeking selfies but all evidence points to the fact that Eli sees Anna as a liability and not vice versa. seems like he’s always resisted commitment to her and she acts out/gets drunk/posts thirst selfies to cope.
No. 1812682
File: 1682089054126.png (3.68 MB, 2332x1442, bruenig.png)

Broonig update if any1curr: Matt looking trim, Liz so short she could barely see over the lectern at her recent University of Chicago talk. if i were her I'd have demanded one of my male simps in the audience come onstage and be my stepstool, she's only 80 pounds it'd barely hurt
Also I started to watch Liz Bruenig's chat with Agnes Callard for the milk but found Agnes' voice and affect so viscerally disturbing I could not watch. Seriously she gives mega mentally unstable psycho vibes which is not surprising given what she's known (see
>>1788630 and
>>1788634 ) for but here's the link if you nonnas are braver than me: No. 1812717
>>1812682lol oh my god that picture of Liz is so good
Matt must have lost like 80lbs at least
No. 1812799
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>>1812769i agree with every procedure you listed and more so it's kind of amazing the end result is this mousy and downsy. Anna doesn't realize that only hot young zoomers can get away with that sexy open-mouth pose, the effect is just not the same on a 40 y.o. sad mom with a negative canthal tilt. oh great i just made myself sad analyzing this lol
No. 1813189
>>1812926ugh thanks for reminding me why i hate these grifters nonna. i knew quite a few people back then who were actually laid off but didn't apply for a PPP loan bc they thought "other people need it more than me." not thinking those people would be a lawyer and bluecheck journalist with rich parents, a house in Stamford, and plentiful Patreon money….
The Bruenigs really exemplify a certain class of people who don't think of themselves as elites because they're "compassionate," but who have the knowledge needed to ruthlessly work the system and take what they don't need, while regular people are afraid to or simply don't know how. loathable.
>>1812700honestly i'm no fan of Anna but she's prob about as good a girlfriend to Eli as he deserves and look what it got her, a whole ass son and they've barely been seen in the same pic together. Eli seems like one of those dudes who'll tell a girl for years he's "not ready to commit" when secretly he's just waiting to snag some imaginary "better" girl he thinks he deserves for no particular reason. avoid at all costs
No. 1813607
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Aimee's having roommate troubles
No. 1813864
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>>1810100Probably still together, she wouldn't break up with him because he's a ~30 yr old pedophile who sexualizes 14 year olds. She's friends with other pedos, Rohit/Charlotte/Miya/Sonya she allegedly defended in a podcast even though she'd seen his many posts thirsting after minors like picrel, Medgold, CovfefeAnon, her bf being one too doesn't change anything. Type of woman who'd tweet how "pickme" is a term "jealous, maladjusted" women use to refer to "normal" ones, justifying pedophilic scrotal behavior as long as they are picked and can feel like they're a part of something.
No. 1813880
>>1812726"How long does she think she's gonna get paid for this shit?"
she does it for free
No. 1814032
>>1813633tbf sydney has one of the world’s worst housing crisis’
fuck aimee tho
No. 1814223
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Cringefest 2023
No. 1814304
File: 1682343229533.png (1.25 MB, 640x1136, A9375B0E-0CE5-4B3C-B1FD-718AC8…)

Dasha and a few of our other regulars included in The Cut's "Century of the New York It Girl" No. 1814340
>>1813995agreed - pretty sure dasha and brace were friends before they started their retrospective pods and she lived in LA. From listening to TA they are either living in NY or split their time there. idk you’d think there would be some sort of interaction between them, TA associates with chapo, hasan, andrew callaghan kek
Some nonnas had access to Braces private IG threads ago maybe there would be milk there
No. 1814391
File: 1682354807785.jpg (724.96 KB, 1536x2048, 1612322120141.jpg)

>>1814348just using this excuse to post a pic from their SF dating days, Brace looks like Neil Hamburger and Dasha has the profile of a 200 pound woman at age 17
No. 1814397
>>1813607>i only know how to charm MENi love how every maladjusted harpy in this thread teehee posts like they're just the daintiest little dolls so full of feminine wiles that men just can't resist! anna loves adopting the same "carefree sexpot" character when she gives dating advice despite her eternal air of sourness and romantic defeat. meanwhile aimee's main talent is making dicks shrivel when she starts screeching Turning Point talking points in her little Aussie squirrel voice
anyway i am begging aimee to set up a 24/7 livefeed in her apartment because it is the only content from any of the cows i would ever consider paying for
No. 1814414
>>1814405i don't know much about brace but i doubt he was sober yet, according to dasha they started dating when she was 17 and he was 19 and i think they dated for 2 years
>dasha looks awfulit kinda fascinates me cuz it's rare for someone's "bad side" to be this bad. guessing that's why she rarely lets herself be photographed from this side
No. 1814438
>>1813985>>1813978I think this is spot on. Taibbi is a moron but I once heard him say that there's a lot of money to be made if a media/news network appealed to both the right & left since currently in the US the mainstream media only caters to one or the other. I think he's onto something there. Though these podcasts are distinct entities, most people who listen know they're all associated. It might not be a "network" in a traditional sense, but as nona said, they boost each others media products to get new subscribers, etc. Let's not forget, Chapos, Brace, Liz, Anna, Dasha, etc… they're all wealthy people.
I think Dasha's appearance on Yasha Levine's podcast seals the deal on this. Yasha is still a vocal supporter of TA. Just another way TA is is directly connected to a program that supports/is supported by the exact people they (and Yasha) rail against. But hey, hypocrisy is in the political tradition. If we all tacitly get along, the rest is just gravy.
No. 1814562
>>1814354Because TAFS fans don’t care and probably also listen to chapo. Nick and Adam don’t go on Chapo because it wouldn’t work the other way (could make chapo lose subscribers); kinda sad for them since they want more funds right now for their expensive ass show and a chapo-bump would help them. Maybe they’ll make themselves normie enough to be on chapo soon though. I know Stav went on but only to promote his very normal comedy solo projects.
Obviously I don’t know but I think that’s what’s going on. Thanks for listening to my theory.
No. 1814608
File: 1682378706290.jpg (30.38 KB, 580x327, softness-of-chins_Dasha-Nekras…)

>>1814572nah most normal weight women don't suddenly develop a double chin just because their lips are slightly parted but if it bugs you maybe better posture and mewing could help. also you forgot this part
>not to whiteknight dasha but… No. 1814616
File: 1682380362159.jpeg (16.54 KB, 320x240, ECD12A31-31B5-4B2E-9414-4509FE…)

>>1814608double chin dasha isn’t as bad as undercut dasha though
No. 1814631
>>1814608lol at file name
>>1814616Have to disagree but that’s just my personal taste. Actually a much better look for her than anything stylists have given her or any faux-effortless tousled hairstyles she’s tried lately
No. 1814660
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>>1814631anon are you sure about that? dasha seems to have a weird shaped head, the shaved side emphasizes it imo.
it’s also funny that dasha on the pod had made fun of someone with an undercut, only to find out that she had one like in 2013 or something when everyone on tumblr wanted to look like alice dellal
also sorry for the non-milk nitpick
No. 1814665
>>1814661she could do it with a lot of styling/makeup/accessories but it would look really bad without that I think
>>1814660It distracts from the asymmetry by leaning into it / looking at her you might think it’s just the hair that’s asymmetrical not the face especially if the hair covers part of her face on one side. It’s a good trick.
No. 1814667
I laughed out loud at A&D mocking Justin Pearson's MLK cadence in the newest episode tbh. Wasn't a fan of them caping for Dylan Mulvaney. I feel like they're scared to be transphobic because they're friends with Pariah.
>>1813964I'm guessing our mods are straight.
No. 1814670
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Nick Land is an Aimee reply guy now?
No. 1814674
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No. 1814865
File: 1682414483637.jpg (Spoiler Image,560.04 KB, 1760x2047, FuVlHX7acAABRkI.jpg)

idk if anyone here still cares about the perfume universe but how does zach manage to look so consistently busted every time? hes been doing this for however long and still looks like he did his makeup for the first time ever kek. spoiler for fake drag queen tits
No. 1814869
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>>1814865this fag's face makes me want to puke every time, good lord
No. 1814920
File: 1682429248760.jpeg (33.32 KB, 822x534, 6D1C89DF-EE70-407C-AE9F-06560D…)

>>1814608her jaw area looks better now but same giant nose and beady eyes kek. both could play witches in movies with the right hair and costuming
No. 1814966
>>1812799Nah she looks great.
>not to whiteknight anna butI despise Anna’s misogyny and think her attempts at humour are painfully funny. The glowup, however, is undeniable.
(sage your shit) No. 1815005
>>1814966She also looks good to me, but you have to admit it's weird for a 40 yo mom who's supposedly married to post thirst traps of herself bent over in bed. Does Eli have a cuck fetish? Or does she really need online validation from bottom-tier incel wignats
that bad?
No. 1815037
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>>1812799 A glow up to be average pretty at age 38 after being mid for 2 decades is nothing.
>>1815005I’d guess she posts a slutty drunk pic every time she and Eli argue.
No. 1815272
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She’s so fixated on beauty. Cope for being ugly. But even worse she’s transferring her fixations to her child. I only wonder how terrible of a mother she’d be to an unattractive child, especially girl
No. 1815283
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Dasha’s facetuning is out of control these days
No. 1815287
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>>1815283Matthew's POV kek
No. 1815594
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Went to the NYC influencer subreddit just to read about random influencers, saw someone posted about the RSP women. Topkek
No. 1815595
File: 1682522536701.jpeg (273.16 KB, 1170x1702, 84DFB843-444C-41D3-980E-D6AF99…)

Samefag this seems like a former scarethot in NYC posting but still major kek
No. 1815695
anybody read matthew's new story? seems like some veiled resentment re: Dasha.
No. 1815709
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>>1815695thanks for the link anon, here's some caps for anyone who can't take 4,000 words of Matthew's writing, it's about a horny Zoomer who hires a "slender blonde" whore to take his virginity, but
even she won't bang him
>she's probably been with like… a hundred men in her life and wouldn’t expect any sort of commitment or intimacy out of mesad kek
No. 1815721
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>>1815695 kek
this actually has some funny moments. he should use dasha to get a book deal and then find someone sane and healthy
No. 1815728
>>1815721yeah, it was decent enough. Don't think it has anything to do with Dasha.
i liked the Sub(uru) bit as well.
No. 1815744
>>1815709Horrible writing but also hilarious, since he’s not even trying to hide who is the $15000 mattress owning, old slender blonde whore with old books, eastern european religious ephemera and a bodycount of 100.
Is Dasha really a born-again virgin?
No. 1815834
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No. 1815889
>>1815776Found it,
>>1416455 Varg said they cut the bananas in half so inmates can't masturbate. Kek still a bizarre "brag"
No. 1815987
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Nick's just getting more bogged as the days go by. Further accelerating by getting back into drinking.
Also a relatively recent ep apparently confirmed that Nick and Stav fought constantly between episodes during CT's dying days. Milk that would never be found.
No. 1816178
>>1816155>>1816111He could keep his
basically a studio apartment as a studio and move in with her. Moving in together doesn't have to be this grand, expensive 'building a home' type of thing, broke young couples do it all the time.
>>1816060They are married, on paper. There just wasn't a wedding
No. 1816284
>>1816273She said she will never share it. Like her iq.
>>1816251Dasha weirdly inserts herself into convos about body count when she could just be quiet and move on.
No. 1816449
>>1816228because they’re not married even just on paper
imagine having to spread a false rumor about yourself on imageboards to cope with the humiliation of your deadbeat fuckboy baby daddy
No. 1816510
>>1816421She's a born again virgin
nonnie, prior body count doesn't matter
No. 1816512
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That's a man, baby!
No. 1816649
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>>1816530More like Radfem Chinler am I right
No. 1816673
File: 1682651788061.jpeg (424.88 KB, 1536x2048, BFC40B1F-DC33-40EF-BA8A-4A8B91…)

>>1816669Samefag RFH has “lore” but her background is really a mix of lies and truth, but mostly lies. She’s definitely not 35-40, her circle of twitter people she even met IRL and hung out with like “Hank” were all the same age (late 20s to early 30s, and a few zoomer friends sprinkled in). If she looks 40 it’s low body fat or bad lighting and photos. She posted this on her old account like 2 years ago and it’s still in twitter cache
No. 1816684
>>1816673nta but i lurked the kaliacc server for a while and the former troon running it, sunny, said he liked her, invited her and she joined the server. she was always friends with them and still follows and is in gcs with pedophile milady accounts, so i agree with what
>>1816587 is saying, her simps should leave the thread. im sure they all lurk these threads since theyve been doxed or talked about here and some of the "not to wk" posts
>>1816628 are just them wking themselves.
>>1816629this is a whitepill tho
No. 1816706
File: 1682656203506.png (38.81 KB, 1051x859, dagnyredbad.png)

>>1816702samefag but based on the pic posted above, i think the facedox could be real. but dagny redbad isnt her real name. some liberal im assuming was keeping track of dissident right wing accounts and i found this googling her "name", apparently she even had her name set to dagny redbad at one point. doesnt seem like something someone who would call themselves "radfem hitler" would do, display their real name on twitter. No. 1816727
File: 1682657653938.png (9.31 KB, 612x189, mbd.png)

Liz B referencing tweets every episode of her pod now, including one that only received 10 likes on the latest one. 100% she's still posting on twitter using an alt.
No. 1816731
>>1816726who cares either way? You must be some rightoid obsessed with her middling takes. But yes she’s literally done stuff like meet up with e-girls in Miami. People know and have vouched for her over the years. Not mega accounts but people she’s befriended. You gonna ask for proof of that too? & she might be lying about her age in -either direction-, but she kinda should be. These right wing people she pisses off are
trigger happy to dox. And she wasn’t as tight with her internet hygiene a few years back.
No. 1816760
>>1816739I explained
>>1816684 I lurked the server. I didn't see grooming, it was happening in @CharlotteFang77's twitter gc and server. That one had a bunch of 4chan autists and they'd talk about other twitter users like RFH, the detrans server owner said he liked her. She was invited, but they locked down and kicked lurkers, so I didn't see if she ended up talking.
>>1816744>>1816749Nta but it's been posted about in the tradthot thread how she's from Miami. Like that anon told you, there are posts about her in old leftcows threads as well that were linked in the previous one, and those of us who were lurking for it, like me and ayrt, remember them. (the lefty tech journos i think are the people she met up with in miami)
>>1265888>>1265962>>1351312>>1816725I think they're her accounts yeah, the moid names are real celebrities (David Icke, Craig Wright) if you click the post I'm tagging above she had a gender swapped pfp of David Icke while using that account. Her current pfp looks like a Ken doll with long hair. She could be using feminized males as pfps because she's a troon, or because she claims to be autistic.
No. 1816763
File: 1682661300088.jpeg (42.95 KB, 434x657, B1F5C7D6-BFD3-4DB2-8611-915728…)

I could believe this. Her eyes look it. The lying and hanging out with browncels adds up if she is HAPA. If she was a basic white chick she wouldn’t feel sympathy towards those losers kek
No. 1816781
File: 1682664704055.jpeg (8.83 KB, 353x286, 15FE2F10-863C-4503-ACDB-387BB7…)

>>1816778Bruh. Maybe dyed blonde hair is throwing you off but these are not wasp eyes. I know many a wasp
No. 1816821
>>1816781maybe it's partially hooded lids/bad quality, she could have light eyes too you can't tell. i think sitting here questioning lies she brings up about her personal life and identity just amuses the individual in question who reads this thread and this isnt exactly milk. i would've respected her if she was actually "tumblr leftist seeking dox on anons"
>>1812586 as suspected by the BAP crowd and went after the types of pedo moids shes mutuals with. instead she spreads their memes and semi-flirts by slighting them as they have tediously long conversations revolving around run-of-the-mill gender discourse
>>1816732probably used to think shes a feminist so counter-signaled; but since it's obvious RFH isn't serious nor a feminist and also fraternizes with the kinds of the scrotes anna e-shakes her titties for as you put it, they are more comfortable engaging with her now
No. 1816833
File: 1682675402447.jpeg (95.09 KB, 828x1166, 49690F62-F309-4C02-AC46-84C5B6…)

flashing puss in front of tucker like a true conservative
No. 1816859
File: 1682679473163.jpeg (169.76 KB, 1242x1731, CD0F4934-CF9E-4C9E-BA14-33B99E…)

>>1816369Rightoid kiddy diddlers into 13 yr olds also asking what happened, Aimee got her account back so many times Dasha's suspension prob wont last either. I wish she really got perma b& for being a massive slut who spread herpes to half the jewish moid population of Manhattan, the thought of that makes me laugh.
No. 1817105
File: 1682712174691.png (56.75 KB, 800x419, FrXWuB2XsAQZh73.png)

Going by conjecture Anna and Dasha attended this last night. Today Dasha posted a picture of herself in a formal dress and a ceiling that could be the club location.
No. 1817107
File: 1682712243320.png (45.08 KB, 860x812, anna.png)

And last night Anna tweeted this.
No. 1817109
File: 1682712456353.png (4.23 MB, 2044x1358, dashaonright.png)

>>1817105Dasha's photo on right, picture of venue on left.
No. 1817138
>>1817124She would also say she’s a northern European ethnicity that looks Asian, like bjork. People lie on the internet. The only reason /an anon/ has to lie as much as Rad fem is because they shared the truth and are near dox.
>>1816077Their finances kept separately yet claims of marriage seem odd. I feel if Anna was married she’d want everyone to know. Just like if she had a 131 IQ
No. 1817143
File: 1682716618839.png (292.66 KB, 1442x1516, anna before thiel bucks.png)

>>1817105i remember getting called a schizo in these threads for saying years ago that Anna and Dasha were obviously meeting with and getting funded by Thiel. i also remember Anna vehemently denying it with some word salad tweets. well they may be ideological whores for a murderous billionaire but at least they were able to purchase new mattresses and faces
No. 1817350
File: 1682735706134.jpeg (90.83 KB, 750x720, 3A595721-9B72-4A66-8196-7906F8…)

imagine tweeting this and including a pic where they both look ugly and busted as fuck
No. 1817369
File: 1682739699356.png (559.82 KB, 897x460, td.png)

>>1817156Trollface Dasha
Trollface Dasha
No. 1817384
File: 1682740841152.jpeg (218.17 KB, 1125x1755, Fu2IpLaWAAMma5p.jpeg)

sober era over?
No. 1817399
>>1817137> The award, which was first presented to Dr. Henry Kissinger in 2012, pays homage to the legacy of Edmund Burke, the eighteenth-century political philosopher. Previous honorees include Charles Murray (2015), Ayaan Hirsi Ali (2016), Victor Davis Hanson (2018), Conrad Black (2020), and Larry P. Arnn (2022). kek this list includes a war criminal, a white nationalist, a lolcow who renounced his canadian citizenship over trudeau then begged for it back, and the founder of the Claremont Institute
No. 1817409
File: 1682743642425.jpg (317.62 KB, 1339x2048, the last journalist.JPG)

>>1817320read up on old leftcows threads, someone here posted kantbot dropping receipts on thiel donations plus someone posted patreon numbers spiking after the Weinstein episode
>>1817360from what ive heard, journos are afraid of investigating thiel because thiel took down gawker when they outed him as a homosexual, among other things swept under the rug. this is why I dont trust journalists, they arent willing to stick even a toe into real journalism. picrel reported on trillions of dollars of money laundering from multinational corporations and got assassinated in 2017.
No. 1817410
File: 1682743702641.jpeg (88.22 KB, 750x958, 5F006783-D76A-4E9F-8242-0A7351…)

>>1817384Lots of cleavage at this event from unattractive women, why
>>1817207Anna and Dash were such cunts to KB back in the day. Esp Anna (her dorky nerd insecurity complex coming out to bully the fat kid). Granted Kantbot was 1. Annoying and 2. fought back, but it was interesting how shitty she was to him Vs every man in that space. He had her number as early as 2019.
It was p much LC, KB, and some far right guys suspicious of NYC artsy-but-not-artist losers parroting conservative talking points. Over the years the skepticism toward them has shrunk, probably due to their pickmeisms and more and more explicit sexism and racism.
No. 1817412
File: 1682743908157.png (120.31 KB, 942x1075, rfhdoxxer.png)

>>1816821the jury's still out on whether she's a doxxer
No. 1817417
>>1817412Yeah a lot of us were here for this nonna-moid. It was 2 years ago and even in an old thread someone linked to last night (#21?).
Clawson was doxed by Hank bc he was a creep to his and RFH’s common friend Steph, who was seeing him. He’s conveniently leaving that out. Don’t ask for screenshots bc the other parties were nobodies and who cares.
The interesting part is everyone in your screenshot is reading LC clearly, or else they wouldn’t be
triggered to bring it up again two years later. So say hi, Nonnas, to our lurkers
No. 1817433
File: 1682748583883.png (724.07 KB, 1170x2532, A0E4BB0B-2D5A-4D81-9259-097BAA…)

cheeks out for Thiel.. appropriate
No. 1817451
>>1817423guy on the left's name is christopher buskirk, conservative journo writes for the NY times "editor and publisher of the journal American Greatness and a co-author of “American Greatness: How Conservatism, Inc. Missed the 2016 Election and What the D.C. Establishment Needs to Learn.” goes to turning point usa events and such guy in the middle next to dasha went to dartmouth wrote an article about being a conservative farmer for this site, name malcolm salovaara >>1817412>>1817417who cares if she posted that freaks face or said his name but lol @ the pedophile trying to "cope an explanation into existence" to defend her. also obvious but top left account standing up for their "fren" is a moid pretending to be a woman, pfp is a brazilian model named monique bourscheid. attractive women don't say "fren" or care about "rw men online being doxxed", nevermind that none of them are against doxing in principle and will do it if they think they have a reason for it, it's all posturing
No. 1817455
>>1816512>>1817350I almost feel sorry for anyone whose brain is so fried they can get through listening these guys rambling aimlessly for two hours. Then I remember they pay for this.
Will really is a cautionary tale of what happens when parents don't let their kids watch any TV. They don't end up any better than the Disney/Marvel adults.
No. 1817473
>>1817451Anna was on Chris bus Kirk podcast, in earlier threads, post about this was removed from rs reddit by mods
Incredible he’s been inserted to nyt as he’s very clearly just a Claremont thiel etc. op
No. 1817475
File: 1682760888310.jpeg (252.29 KB, 1899x1620, IMG_5210.jpeg)

>>1817451Lucky she never posted this on main
No. 1817563
>>1817267They especially mocked children of immigrants/immigrants like them, for securing solid careers and doing LinkedIn posts and partaking in careerism. Meanwhile these faildaughters are double embarrassing as media and arts strivers (with no decent works to their name). The one book they read in completion was a Lasch book and we never heard the end of it.
Guess it all paid off though— to be funded or at least receive the social benefits of a billionaire murderer pushing a trad style yet also promoting people like the prostitute Aella
No. 1817579
File: 1682783621716.jpeg (13.27 KB, 455x427, 736E389A-4301-4C31-A54F-40FD55…)

>>1817124You need to get better at identifying phenotypes
nonnie. mom is euro, dad is Chinese. makes sense based on her phenotype. Picrel Chinese woman with very similar face shape to RFH
No. 1817704
>>1817228Thiel cares about society at large and believes Christian morality to be good guidance.
He's not really supporting anything anti-gay afaik, but I suppose he draws the line at an agenda that tries to convince people to either change their sexuality or biological sex.
No. 1817707
>>1817666Was the link to her on his podcast which would seem relevant to the sub
This was two years ago and one f the mods, long jumping row had even commented
No. 1817708
File: 1682804945201.jpeg (70.91 KB, 1344x343, IMG_5221.jpeg)

‘Fun and interesting’
No. 1817735
>>1816530this user is a psycho who posts shirtless thirst traps with his children in the photo, hes married but spends his time attacking RFH on twitter.
>>1817732shes obviously taking the piss out of the incels and rightoids who she angers on a daily basis, i am worried about the reading comprehension level of the users of this site
No. 1817743
File: 1682809781327.jpeg (174.11 KB, 1158x1110, 2024B35A-475F-48E0-BCC8-0F218B…)

No. 1817763
File: 1682812631766.png (43.45 KB, 1176x678, hatelife.png)

Could the left twittertards stop being lazy and get on the Red Scare tits out for Thiel at the Kissinger award gala beat so I don't have to see this shit? Could someone tell me Yasha is being cynical with picking his guests to get more subscribers? Or is he just dumb? Having Keith Gessen on after talking shit about him and his sister for years might mean the former.
No. 1817778
>>1817771Very true nonna. It is a mirror image to Anna’s past casting couch discussions, claims that it’s a great equalizer and that many women would do it but aren’t hot enough to get the chance.
>>1817775Nonna is correct about these men’s poor reading comprehension bc her tone and writing style is incredibly different from RFH
No. 1817814
>>1816180Eli posted an insta story about going to city hall to get legally married, but no evidence they are actually together in the traditional sense. He probably just wants a better chance at getting custody.
I think baby chiropractor was Eli's idea but at least he has the decency to not smoke in baby's face.
No. 1817822
>>1817410>Lots of cleavage at this event from unattractive women, whyno looks, no personality, no fashion sense.
>>1817222blockers are are just another pharmaceutical racket. unethical doctors will always exist.
No. 1818053
File: 1682879768972.jpeg (Spoiler Image,95.42 KB, 1169x1384, E2B60B83-30DF-4F4E-888A-555A83…)

Is Maddie like subtly competing with Anna on being the most desperate for attention 40 year old? Late (or never) bloomers & butterfaces strike again
No. 1818056
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>>1818038also nta but i agree she isn't an exception just think that some anons here eat up the lies she tells about herself concerning specifically her identity and personal life. why wouldn't she mix in some fake stuff to make it harder for them to fully dox her and get some laughs in the process? even if she was part chinese thats hardly milk. what is milk however is how her face leaked in the first place by being drunk on voice call with rightoid and wignat scrotes she was attempting to bond with over their "glowie" adjacent families
>>1817579also you sound like a shitty wannabe race scientist and don't have a knack for identifying phenotypes yourself lol. one of her eyes looks like it has a semi epicanthal fold in the single blurry picture of her face suddenly you're buying into whats most likely just another one of her several different ethnicity larps she comes up with to troll scrotes? be fr.
No. 1818060
>>1818035She has a
victim complex and enjoys the pile up>deactivate cycle.
No. 1818076
File: 1682883368470.png (154.88 KB, 620x833, Screen Shot 2023-04-30 at 3.34…)

>>1817697It's amazing how literally everyone in this scene is just repulsive looking. NYC used to be considered the place where all the beautiful people lived, not like, podcasters addicted to research chemicals and screen poisoned retards pretending to be Catholic
>yeah I style myself like shit, drink excessively and smoke, it's called irony sweatie!!! No. 1818104
>>1818035bc default_friend is genuinely addicted to the internet
>>1817708>>1817976major self-report from the adderall bogwitch. its always election season for this Claremont shill. go ahead and search her name + "democrat" on twitter and see thousands of tweets politicking 24/7. need to know who makes the call to undo these "permanent" suspensions whenever the leftcows have TOS-breaking meltdowns online.
No. 1818129
>>1818099>>1818069she's a hapa according to her the same way she's a white latina and a wasp according to her but seems that went over your head. plus people said she looks like a troon because of how she's built, if anything her face leaking made it more believable its a woman
>>1818087like an anon said earlier in the thread, her simps should leave. rwt scrotes get mad at women, including and especially those on "their side" on the daily, there's nothing unique in that aspect. but it's funny how she oscillates between bickering with and getting drunk on call with them and sharing their jokes about wanting to have sex with 14 year olds
No. 1818330
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No. 1818475
>>1818274Knowing she doxxed rw moids
>>1817412 at first who care they’re rw moids but if she doesn’t like them why talk outside of Twitter, voice chat, podcasts, meet up offline? Twitter accounts in the past years under male and female names
>>1816706 I see why nonnies think it’s a loony troon or identity confused person. easy to shrug and call it a bit but the frequency of identity switching then gaslighting when anyone calls her out seems mentally ill. I think the nonnies trying to get us to stop talking about her have an agenda kek
No. 1818536
File: 1682961421833.png (17.18 KB, 686x532, dashasbigcomeback.png)

Dasha got booked as a voice actress on a few episodes of a cartoon show. Came out a few weeks ago, haven't heard anything about it.
On the most recent Succession they had another frazzled dirty blonde doing the exact same job Cumfrey did last season. No script reason to not ask Dasha back if they had wanted her to return.
No. 1818546
File: 1682962567368.jpg (Spoiler Image,40.6 KB, 611x1200, maddiefull.jpg)

>>1818282>>1818053>>1818055I don't follow Maddie closely but my impression is that she's a shitposter and this is a funny shitpost. This should also put to rest any discussion of Maddie being a troon. Check out the waist in the full pic, that is not the waist of a troon. Not really clear on why she's considered a cow other than being friends with Dasha and being a somewhat bitchy rich girl. The later is probably part of her shitposting persona.
>>1818377>>1818390This was on the latest Succession where Shiv played the bitey game with Tom. Either she's horny for him again, she's planning to use him in her machinations against her brothers, or both. I use to play this game with boys at school and I would always win, women have a higher pain threshold lol
No. 1818575
>>1818573Samefag I really hate the psychology of scarethots pretending their thirsty photos driven by insecurity are somehow post ironic meta jokes. They (you) literally just have your tits out. Must be
triggered by the tweets about pathologically seeking validation through selfies.
No. 1818604
File: 1682967531406.jpeg (56.1 KB, 828x1271, IMG_7680.jpeg)

Liz wrote a book
No. 1818620
File: 1682968659938.png (Spoiler Image,101.82 KB, 887x487, sk0jvim7x1771[1].png)

>>1818573>>1818575My impression is that she's spent a lot of trust fund money and put a lot of hard work at Equinox and is proud of her accomplishments. She looked impressive in Scary as well. Writing Scary does not make her a cow regardless of what you think of the film. It won an award at the Berlinale.
No. 1818672
>>1818620Pic gives more credence to the
nonnie thinking her topless pic is photoshopped kek. Her waist is straight up rectangular I can see why someone thought she was a troon if this was all they saw of her
No. 1818707
File: 1682977410573.png (22.26 KB, 2246x272, TTD.png)

this sub is getting as bad as r/ChapoTrapHouse, total troon takeover. you'd think their last interview with a terf would shake them but its still reddit I guess
No. 1818760
>>1818742You can check out past threads but her dad is a tech guy who got rich like a decade+ ago (but she was always upper middle class at minimum). Did stuff like go to rich troubled kid high school, etc.
Someone here complained about suspicion for self posts, but Maddie has quite autistically posted here before, and continues to (eg thread 22)
No. 1818933
File: 1683000886856.png (23.13 KB, 1135x284, zando.png)

>>1818604>>1818649Real-life Shiv is the one funding these Atlantic essay collections lmao
No. 1819093
>>1817249It's the combination of troon-bashing and defending rightoids taking dewormers, retard, not just the troon-bashing. Stop trying to smuggle in RW bullshit, we're not stupid.
>>1817412>no qualms about RW men online being doxxedUm, based?
No. 1819111
File: 1683034645028.png (Spoiler Image,97.93 KB, 563x487, manmadehorrors.png)

Pritch update
No. 1819121
File: 1683035168372.png (334.75 KB, 444x489, pariahthemoviestar.png)

Scraping the bottom of the barrel here. Is there a single ounce of talent left in the New York film scene?
No. 1819186
File: 1683043171817.png (71.51 KB, 623x521, 346457586.png)

nonnie, tell us how you can fix this
No. 1819295
File: 1683057619706.jpeg (181.16 KB, 1170x1662, F6103159-CE66-4CAB-9355-A043D8…)

She RTd it today, shout out to her alcoholic single mom selfies
No. 1819301
File: 1683058800716.png (8.59 KB, 652x315, Screenshot 2023-05-02 at 21-20…)

troon handmaiden says
No. 1819451
File: 1683076071390.jpeg (132.66 KB, 1169x958, E4604369-6E2A-4B2C-A7C4-AEDFA3…)

Not milky at all but noticed she has this habit of aggressively quote tweeting other e-girls. Beef in the GC maybe
No. 1819489
File: 1683080231279.png (33.38 KB, 951x846, harrington.png)

>>1818707This always happens whenever there is a podcast episode that even mildly touches upon the topic of troons. The troons will flood the subreddit with pro-troon posts. When they had Hari Nef as a guest, there were posts from new accounts about how he's so beautiful with soothing vocal fry. See the attached stickied comment from one of the more senior mods, a little birdy told me that it was significantly upvoted but also heavily reported. I'm surprised that the comment is still up. Also lol at the flair.
No. 1819751
>>1819711You'd have to be blind to not realize that
>>1818707 is clearly baiting trannys. That's the reason why its heavily downvoted. Somebody just trying to play a joke but ending up making trannys seethe is apparently not LC approved.
No. 1819797
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No. 1819798
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No. 1819804
File: 1683134141346.jpg (182.04 KB, 1170x2080, picbyanna.jpg)

Picture by Anna, T Chat not beating the divorced and gay rumors.
No. 1819890
File: 1683145507475.jpeg (260.52 KB, 1179x2189, IMG_7881.jpeg)

Book from the latest red scare guest is getting shilled on 2X
No. 1819931
>>1819890God I hate Mary Harrington. Ever since men were violent to women for working the looms and taking their jobs, evil trad hags like her with family money who push out one baby at 38 are obsessed with women in the first world being dependent upon men again.
She shouldn’t be allowed to call herself even a reactionary feminist, bc she denies the true nature of men in favor of some ideal that’s never been true—men rarely treated women well unless/till women had some say in things (eg being wealthy of their own volition, or having a large stake/dole in running the family farm, or being a decent earner etc). AND EVEN THEN…….So fuck this hag
No. 1820027
File: 1683156450468.png (116.64 KB, 802x1200, annaqueenofcompassion.png)

Classic wormy Anna reply, increasing the dog pile while saying of course she has the same opinion but any other woman saying it is a narc bitch for saying it. She's also subtweeting Adam Lehrer but won't go after him as aggressively.
No. 1820054
>>1820017It says "the
entire cast of Succession" and does not include her. It's funny she was memoryholed
No. 1820065
File: 1683160058048.jpeg (77.21 KB, 1108x642, EC6EA466-7185-4832-85AD-15C18E…)

>>1820017Oh we would know if Dasha went kek
>>18200271. As for the NYC point, DC’s problem imo was worse for longer than NYC, it was shitty to be on it in 2019. 2. Anna’s such a grimey hater bitch.. Audrey is whiney but that tweet was fine and Anna is BEC at her.. I don’t really care about these ppl’s e girl beefs but I do want to document Anna’s trashy 38 year old single mother behavior.
Here’s Monica being desperate online
No. 1820066
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No. 1820174
File: 1683170752505.png (61.5 KB, 394x543, larp.png)

ugh who does she think she is??
No. 1820208
File: 1683177422126.jpeg (68.69 KB, 750x621, A10FCA1E-9FF0-4D51-A0BE-1082D6…)

Who is this Veronica chick? Seems like a former close friend to credenzaclear2 (and she and Anna orbit eachother).
No. 1820360
>>1820174well their original schtick was criticizing liberal feminism so this isn't that much of a left turn. I guess we're doing radical feminism now.
a bunch of the younger generation conflates being a
terf or radfem with being a conservative gender essentialist so it's the perfect time for dasha to get into it and make it more cringe and muddied.
No. 1820426
File: 1683209900620.jpeg (131.58 KB, 1169x965, 3A8E1EA2-59C9-4AF6-8978-A1D5B3…)

>>1820334Isn’t Dasha with Matthew? How could someone who’s had lots of sex partners and boyfriends, including a current one, be any type of -cel?
Attached is a reply to Anna’s tweet last night, a lot of people think she’s retarded
No. 1820431
>>1820426You can become celibate regardless of your sexual history. Dasha’s a born again virgin and won’t fuck Matthew, he’s so mad he wrote a short story about it
Also, every incel is really celibate by choice, because if the point was just to have sex, even the ugliest dorks could just do it with each other. Picky bitches smh
No. 1820434
File: 1683210845975.jpg (31.22 KB, 775x216, chapo.jpg)

>>1820423>>1820421I just don't buy that matt sperging out about history or will doing the same movie podcast that's been done a thousand times before but now with a giggling troon is compelling enough to bring in new subs. Lol the top comment on will's show on the blackfeed sub is asking why it exists.
No. 1820449
File: 1683212809797.gif (3.03 MB, 480x270, DC37DB1A-E1CB-4BF1-B426-E8D67A…)

>>1820445Uh according to slovak ruthenian greek orth christianity with the byzantine rites, sex before marriage is a mortal sin. Is she married?
No. 1820518
File: 1683225536530.png (95.33 KB, 1070x1346, maddie.png)

fracturing between the complete sociopaths of dimes square and the ones who are still slightly human
No. 1820521
File: 1683225920691.png (22.33 KB, 1180x416, maddiequinn.png)

maddie's time in the spotlight part 2
>>1820518and the reed guy's reply is sarcastic if that was unclear
No. 1820534
File: 1683227312850.jpeg (17.6 KB, 500x500, 1529959429130.jpeg)

>>1820493i too would hide behind an unintelligible drawing of my face if i looked like this
No. 1820536
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>>1820534>>1820493>>1820208Doubt this person has ever taken public transportation
No. 1820553
File: 1683229413104.png (54.37 KB, 970x839, Screenshot 2023-05-04 at 2.43.…)

>>1820521yeah she's psycho
No. 1820558
File: 1683230191625.jpeg (106.4 KB, 1170x834, IMG_3260.jpeg)

No. 1820564
>>1820560As a New Yorker, good riddance to bad trash
Eric Adams let's average citizens live under siege daily and this is the result
No. 1820569
File: 1683230985306.jpeg (229.35 KB, 1169x1900, F0B6D7E3-DCAC-48DA-A960-97644E…)

I don’t really think anyone is talking about the incident directly anymore (eg Veronica’s hurt raging last night)
No. 1820626
File: 1683235108066.jpeg (73.8 KB, 640x488, B57AC363-AE26-4ABC-8BB4-DB3E1F…)

He captures one of the strategies Anna does: “let your friends say what you won’t.”
No. 1820647
File: 1683236716858.png (50.72 KB, 641x677, aimeeshuck.png)

>>1820635>>1820639Sorry, but the guy who was literally going through a mental breakdown screaming about how he doesn't care if he goes to jail or dies, and that's according to the news outlets trying to paint him in a favorable light, isn't a Trayvon Martin type of
victim. He wasn't just some random guy being attacked by a racist piece of shit lunatic. Multiple arrests for assault isn't "muh institutional racism" The system is fucked up and underfunded, but bums legitimately refuse to go to shelters because they're so addicted that they'd rather hit the crack pipe or shoot up on a dingy subway car. I don't want to be an asshole, but my sympathy's limited, ok?
Anyway, to apologize for my sperging out here's some milk from Aimee Terese, literally on the opposite side of the planet from New York City. She's using 1920s race speak to discuss something that happened in 2023 10,000 miles away from her. Isn't she like, 34?
No. 1820652
>>1820609A lot of them also denied the covid rise of “Asian hate”, brought out their statistics to claim assaults weren’t happening, they do this every time there’s a crime discussion
>>1820646Nonna I think people here are just sick of experiencing crime and disturbance in public. But not as unhinged and attention speaking as Maddie to make controversial claims on social media
No. 1820655
>>1820652Same. I don't care about Maddie. I care about how the discourse on any urban crime reporting is either "you don't want someone shooting up heroin next to you on the train? that's heckin'
problematic!" or, like, 1488-level racism. I feel like we went over this a few threads back when Liz "literal security guards in Rich Asshole Township, Connecticut" Bruenig went after someone for daring to complain about crackheads on public transit.
No. 1820670
File: 1683237859827.jpeg (117.93 KB, 1125x2204, E9724531-80D3-488D-B44E-FAAB7F…)

>>1820572Do we know it wasn’t his idea? Matt is an obnoxious tradcath proselytizer while Dasha is bpd and lacks boundaries.
I hope Dasha keeps at it tho, her virginity is a very funny bit
No. 1820671
File: 1683237749135.jpeg (117.93 KB, 1125x2204, E9724531-80D3-488D-B44E-FAAB7F…)

>>1820572Do we know it wasn’t his idea? Matt is an obnoxious tradcath proselytizer while Dasha is bpd and lacks boundaries.
I hope Dasha keeps at it tho, her virginity is a very funny bit
No. 1820672
File: 1683237657866.jpeg (117.93 KB, 1125x2204, BB92679D-C9CB-4287-A18A-1E0E4F…)

>>1820572Do we know it wasn’t his idea? Matt is an obnoxious tradcath proselytizer while Dasha is bpd and lacks boundaries.
I hope Dasha keeps at it tho, her virginity is a very funny bit
No. 1820676
>>1820572Do we know it wasn’t his idea? Matt is an obnoxious tradcath proselytizer while Dasha is bpd and lacks boundaries.
I hope Dasha keeps at it tho, her virginity is a very funny bit
No. 1820700
>>1820680Just google "Jordan Neely"
>>1820691Who did he threaten? I haven't seen that in any of the reporting…
No. 1820701
>>1820691> homeless michael jackson impersonator Wow stopped reading there, I think maybe
>>1820682 is right
No. 1820711
>>1820691NYC has been letting literal criminals roam the streets and terrorize people for a bit now. I don’t like any of the cows but they do have a
valid point about this. I’ve no idea how women are still living in that city anymore with these beasts roaming wild, especially anna who has a child to worry about
No. 1820723
File: 1683242260071.png (290.11 KB, 1384x1180, Screenshot 2023-05-04 at 7.17.…)

Liz Bruenig published this high school essay of an article in the Atlantic today No. 1820746
File: 1683244555680.jpeg (45.85 KB, 640x429, 74696214-F39B-4EFD-A347-DAACB2…)

>>1820737Honestly, pictured. I didn’t even grab the worst of the tweets. I fucking hate moids and their pick me defenders like Aimee, I don’t fucking care what politics any of these internet freaks have. They always make it a woman’s fault, whether it’s a leftfag saying “why don’t you go back to your suburb” or a rightoid blaming women for crime “it’s your fault for how you vote.”
No. 1820773
>>1820723Remember when Liz said it was no biggie to see people shooting up heroin on the subway and it didn't harm anyone because it would just look like they were "sleeping"?
Thar being said, we really don't have to post every glorified blog post she writes for that mag unless it's really milky.
No. 1820968
File: 1683259148599.png (458.44 KB, 1806x2048, Screenshot_20230504-225306~2.p…)

>>1820926it's topkek these people are defending him. he is scum just like the rest. but
victims of crimes from him, or others, are invalidated and told to get over it. 11 people died at the hands of violent people on the subway in NYC last year, one of which was the big story of the (east asian) woman pushed in front of a train by a homeless (black) man.
when will the actual problems be addressed from these people who act like they care about social issues
No. 1821095
>>1820992proper mental health programmes. guys like this need to be in assisted living where they can be semi-independent but also someone can oversee their medication.
the problem is that no one funds stuff like this and the residents end up being abused like those in aged care or more infuriatingly underfunded womens shelters.
(sage your shit) No. 1821134
>>1820957I really really hate when irony accounts do their I just
care so much act
No. 1821147
>>1821114andy warhol. who, despite everything else you can say about him, was at least sincerely, devoutly religious and kept it pretty quiet.
>>1821134lol keyvan has been making tweets every couple hours over just how sad this makes him and how it could've totally been him, like he's not some LAfag who's permanently in grad school.
No. 1821270
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No. 1821274
File: 1683310056189.jpeg (Spoiler Image,316.92 KB, 1354x2031, F3D9330D-1E36-4776-A6E6-F04394…)

Is this milk?
No. 1821387
File: 1683322764785.jpeg (Spoiler Image,40.88 KB, 730x804, D6AFF8BC-9A01-4F68-B5EE-09983B…)

>>1821245She hides behind it because she looks like a witch
No. 1821412
File: 1683326014063.png (45.12 KB, 550x290, hesse double chin.png)

>>1821270wow first time ever I'm on jack/zach's side, i truly loathe hesse and his passive-aggressive attempts to pander to both chapocels and the "edgy" rw gays (even his response to this was just more "who me?" bs). never forget pic related
No. 1821485
>>1821412I listened to pirated seeking derangements episodes for about a year after Hesse joined and he spends a lot of time talking about how deranged MtFs are. Like what he says is honestly not far off from what you hear on here except of course he’s a woman (
BUT some of the trans people out there are crazies who pretend they menstruate and things like that, not like him though because he’s actually dysphoric and needs his hormones etc etc)
No. 1821539
File: 1683340030590.jpeg (198.7 KB, 1123x1682, 355A33C6-11C9-4699-8C87-895C73…)

“Bangs so hard” is giving corny boomer, here is Anna complimenting someone for tweeting basically what she tweets every week
No. 1821588
File: 1683347689454.png (90.98 KB, 584x503, maddiethetroon.png)

lol she's totally lurking these threads
No. 1821598
>>1821585Can't screenshot it now but she responded to all the insults about her dogshit acting and writing for Scary with saying she's currently involved with an unnamed tv show.
>>1821593She must have added him to close friends or is sending him pictures personally.
No. 1821832
File: 1683388042355.jpeg (80.69 KB, 640x587, 337A10C4-BAFE-4A10-9B3F-7027B9…)

So how do we feel about the biggest popstar in the world most likely dating an on-the-record Red Scare fan, possible Dasha hookup, Adam Friedland show guest, and Ion Pack collaborator? Are the Swifties on the cusp of mass indoctrination into scarethottery?
No. 1821838
File: 1683388362935.jpeg (9.79 KB, 200x200,…)

>>1821832all according to keikaku
No. 1821879
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>>1821588Reminder of how they used to look
No. 1821904
File: 1683393303456.png (114.75 KB, 939x706, 4574574.png)

>>1821791In the sense that they're lanky horse faced brunettes I guess. But stripped of that vibe, they look different.
No. 1821907
File: 1683393563219.jpeg (35.55 KB, 600x456, D17048D5-01C2-4140-815A-84475F…)

>>1821274Is she developing arthritis? This and her weird crooked legs kek. Very concerning
No. 1821919
>>1820691FYI there's no evidence that Neely was making threats before being strangled. This was a report that was circulated around in the immediate aftermath of his death but was quietly retracted:, it seems like an open-and-shut manslaughter case. If he was carrying a weapon or threatening people I could maybe understand the self-defense claim but I don't think this is really justifiable if he was just begging for money or food.
No. 1821923
>>1821598they are in multiple groupchats together its not out of the ordinary for these people to save pictures of each other and dasha is so addicted to having orbiters she doesnt call him out for being weird for it
>>1821757kek the cows can afford $17,000 mattresses, make thousands from thiel donations or trust fund payouts. they are completely lying about taking public transit when they doordash/instacart/uber everything
No. 1821940
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>>1821791>>1821879She looks more like Carl Struycken
No. 1821958
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>>1821791Idk nonnies I think they might be twins
No. 1821982
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Anna is seething
No. 1821983
File: 1683402098418.jpeg (93.96 KB, 1169x975, D019F02C-7923-4CB8-B898-273FFC…)

Continued. This is really getting to her, huh?
No. 1821985
>>1821919ok, so he was "just" behaving erratically and yelling. if you've ever been stuck on a subway car with an agitated homeless guy, you know that they basically always get more and more worked up if nobody gives them money, getting in people's faces and saying vaguely threatening shit like "i don't know what i'm gonna do". also in the moment god knows what the guy's fucked up on and what he's gonna do. there's posts on reddit from 10 years back about jordan neely getting aggressive with people for no reason, so the system was failing him for at least that long.
i'm legit conflicted about this because he didn't deserve to die, but like, it's understandable for someone to feel threatened when you've got a guy on in your face yelling about how he doesn't have anything to live for. it just doesn't feel like it's ever gonna get better for anyone…
i can't stand audrey but she was 100% in the right here at least compared to anna & co.
No. 1822044
>>1822031Is it impossible for you faggots to allow women to have
some space,
any space to themselves? "Straight moid here" fuck off and coom you retard, women here want you even less than the women you harass trying to get a date IRL
No. 1822071
File: 1683411456638.png (21.27 KB, 1192x518, Screenshot 2023-05-06 at 6.18.…)

is she tired of anna and dasha's dworkinposting
No. 1822085
>>1821985I mean yeah, I agree that homelessness in NYC and generally everywhere is a problem and that the Left is afraid to address the issue of violence from mentally ill men.
But both sides are turning the downfall and death of a person into a spectator sport basically. For example, a lot of people who felt very differently about that Jan 6th riots woman getting shot up by a security guard are now suddenly jacking off to a vigilante killing and vice versa on the Left.
No. 1822137
File: 1683420900400.jpeg (105.22 KB, 750x1070, IMG_8180.jpeg)

like why u guys talk about twitter nobodies and not the actual mainstream dimes thing happening rn is beyond me
No. 1822178
File: 1683423867249.jpg (1013.43 KB, 4288x2848, nothing-new-under-the-sun.jpg)

"astroturf success for the mediocre bands of nyc trust fund kids" is neither milky nor is it news
No. 1822400
File: 1683469805504.png (97.11 KB, 592x555, mybf.png)

>>1821832How long till Taylor meets him and is swept away by his beauty and charm
No. 1822462
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No. 1822464
File: 1683478197430.jpeg (188.48 KB, 1169x1497, 5ED8D225-8A18-4D66-8AB2-2E0696…)

A little insight into Pariah and Monica/Mochak123 ‘s “social circle”
No. 1822466
File: 1683478287186.jpeg (64.94 KB, 451x796, 4A513805-E6F0-4D95-838B-7FF92B…)

The juxtaposition of the books and her fishnet-covered feet is sending me. Jesus fucking Christ, even when she’s reading Dworkin she can’t help but pander to her incel moid orbiters.
No. 1822471
nonnie heartiste's views on women are even more deranged than other manosphere "luminaries" like roosh v or andrew tate. hope dasha doesn't cut herself on that edge!
No. 1822629
>>1822466Is this real?
I knew her feet were long but not THAT long.
No. 1823010
File: 1683546565930.png (81.9 KB, 664x1096, milk.png)

love the juxtaposition of these tweets,
the poetic vunerable romantic Pinochet supporter…
No. 1823026
File: 1683549712464.jpg (262.27 KB, 1123x1028, lizs7.jpg)

Came across this old Liz Bruenig blog post on twitter the other day, hadn't seen it before. Basically the clearest she's ever written on how she views the necessity of advancing Christian sexual ethics in the political arena (namely being anti-abortion and anti-homosexuality). She's obviously never written this bluntly since (though there are the numerous, well-documented peeks under the curtain), but it's nice to have it all laid out in the open like this. Would this convince the simps insisting on the delusion of her separating personal belief from political (which they wouldn't believe in the first place if they had ever read or understood a single thing she had written about liberalism and Rawlsian public reason, a through-line in all her work)? Who knows. The Straussian veil is thick. here's a text from an Orthodox writer she approvingly cites in the piece, a defense of the Bible's prohibition of homosexuality: No. 1823029
>>1822891>(DFA 1979 is the first to come to mind.)Details? I don't remember this, although that was never a band I paid much attention to.
>>1823025 has it right based on my own memories of that (shitty) time, the whole scene was self-consciously apolitical and hedonistic as a backlash to politicized 90s DIY stuff.
sage before I start writing a "remember when" blogpost
No. 1823407
File: 1683590410465.png (68.93 KB, 1074x1144, annaclonesworsethandashaclones…)

so true, so smart!
>>1821983She's still going on about it days later.
No. 1823441
File: 1683594665130.jpeg (321.13 KB, 1179x1939, IMG_7950.jpeg)

Not milk and maybe not a welcome comment since it’s semi-complimentary as I think she looks good her but more proof she should go for a more andro look like some of us keep saying… not that I’m trying to help her but it’s painful to watch her keep going for waif-coquette much to her detriment.
No. 1823688
File: 1683625116408.jpg (293.23 KB, 1170x1520, FvplrN6XwAAs12A.jpg)

trannies on parade
No. 1823957
>>1822384ah fuck i haven't heard the word "bloghouse" in like 15 years, what a fucking
trigger phrase - you just activated my thiel-funded mk ultra sleeper cell programming, the uncontrollable urge to smash 4 lokos while wearing greasy american apparel leggings is overtaking me
No. 1824151
File: 1683679363392.jpg (133.39 KB, 1078x969, Screenshot_20230509_194019_Kiw…)

Aimee groveling for her r*pist fan base as usual
No. 1824303
File: 1683707804723.jpeg (120.75 KB, 1283x1514, 6F6E9F7B-8B48-477E-AF04-AD928A…)

Chris Cuomo is about to be on The Adam Friedland Show
No. 1824483
File: 1683736132556.png (343.39 KB, 502x518, milady.png)

Elon is miladyposting
No. 1824720
File: 1683761682084.jpeg (161.82 KB, 1242x1331, 2D912F1D-4E7A-4FCA-A489-CA9D39…)

>>1824483dasha too, crazy how midget groomer rohit managed to memoryhole all of his extremely racist, misogynistic and pedophilic posts and his friendship with white supremacists to get mainstream endorsement
No. 1824917
>>1824720rohit didnt memoryhole anything lol thats what these scum truly believe in
>>1824750kek everyone
victim blames or the perp faces 0 consequences unless hes poor or minority, aimee is fucking deranged.
No. 1825021
File: 1683804365486.png (1.26 MB, 640x1136, 88725352-0346-4DC1-862F-BC3370…)

Some people were questioning whether the pregnancy announcement was an April Fool's joke, but I guess this confirms it. Baby cushbomb is cookin'
No. 1825162
>>1824503That's a very unfavorable interpretation of things.
He did get a lapdance and blowjob when he was 19 and he went to a shady massage parlour and got a Bj from the iron dome (chinese girl with braces).
The whole Witten drama (fucking a mentaly ill fan) is way worse imo.
No. 1825476
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20 yo actress Talia Ryder directing a movie with Leia manning the camera
No. 1825780
File: 1683901215588.jpg (189.2 KB, 1626x2048, niok.jpg)

monica/milkers is so ugly, she almost looks like amber frost..
although I wouldn't be that cruel
No. 1825793
File: 1683903135502.png (88.72 KB, 652x678, Screenshot 2023-05-12 at 15-47…)

Doesn't Dasha claim to have moved to the US aged 11 or 12?
I assume that was another lie then.
lol at her larping the poor "immigrant experience" bs.
No. 1825895
File: 1683914416173.jpg (50.97 KB, 940x470, Fv8REvDWAAQi26-.jpg)

catty of dean to not let deanna know she can use a 10 year old picture like he does for these sort of advertisements
No. 1826029
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>>1824439quite forgettable tho
No. 1826118
File: 1683934372167.png (20.1 KB, 652x575, bBwH1vY.png)

who did this?
No. 1826523
File: 1683999358622.png (33.57 KB, 651x679, Bez tytułu.png)

pariah the troon is doing his based tradcath transvestite act again agreeing with some tradthot about how evil homosexuality is and appears to have been cast out of the perfume universe as a result (zach and all his/jacks orbiters are dragging him)
No. 1826554
File: 1684003113739.jpeg (194.18 KB, 1170x1745, 6E5571DC-5CBA-4CD3-929C-0D6DEB…)

Who's this about
No. 1826564
>>1826294This look reminds me of what she said about Tate
Bpd sjw head on basic becky body
No. 1826658
File: 1684018287959.jpeg (109.72 KB, 828x1107, IMG_9739.jpeg)

>>1826526It’s refreshing to see the crossdressers go for the jugular when 90% of these “fights” are nonsensical subtweets about randoms
I didn’t know Pariah’s origin as a reply guy - does Hari acknowledge him?
No. 1826759
File: 1684030288167.png (19.43 KB, 894x302, throwbaccccckkkkk.png)

>>1826758kek forgot to attach this. now that's a name I haven't heard in a while.