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No. 1562748
Thread about pick-me women and gays, primarily from Twitter and Youtube, who claim to be practicing Socialism or Marxism. Commonly known as The Dirtbag Left, many associated with the scene are not leftists at all. Some, like Dasha Nekrasova, have become TradCath LARPers.
Twitter e-girl uwu smol beans are on-topic in that they all follow and interact with the cows.
>Media associated with this scene: Podcasts like Red Scare, Chapo Trap House, True Anon, The Antifada, The Perfume Nationalist, The Bruenigs, Cumtown, Bad Faith, and What’s Left
Old threads:
Thread #1:
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>>>/snow/1560933 No. 1562752
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Who is this @scotchfields nerd? He tried defending Dasha with this lameass shit and then locked his account when the quote RTs started ripping him to shreds. The internet was a much better place when religious cranks were a minority on most websites.
No. 1562878
>>1562857I know this Orwell passage has been posted before, but it’s too perfect not to share again. Just change “man” to “woman” where applicable:
>One of the analogies between Communism and Roman Catholicism is that only the ‘educated’ are completely orthodox. The most immediately striking thing about the English Roman Catholics—I don’t mean the real Catholics, I mean the converts: Ronald Knox, Arnold Lunn et hoc genus—is their intense self-consciousness. Apparently they never think, certainly they never write, about anything but the fact that they are Roman Catholics; this single fact and the self-praise resulting from it form the entire stock-in-trade of the Catholic literary man. But the really interesting thing about these people is the way in which they have worked out the supposed implications of orthodoxy until the tiniest details of life are involved. Even the liquids you drink, apparently, can be orthodox or heretical; hence the campaigns of Chesterton, ‘Beachcomber’, etc., against tea and in favour of beer. According to Chesterton, tea-drinking’ is ‘pagan’, while beer-drinking is ‘Christian’, and coffee is ‘the puritan’s opium’. It is unfortunate for this theory that Catholics abound in the ‘Temperance’ movement and the greatest tea-boozers in the world are the Catholic Irish; but what I am interested in here is the attitude of mind that can make even food and drink an occasion for religious intolerance.
>The typical Socialist is not, as tremulous old ladies imagine, a ferocious-looking working man with greasy overalls and a raucous voice. He is either a youthful snob-Bolshevik who in five years time will quite probably have made a wealthy marriage and been converted to Roman Catholicism; or, still more typically, a prim little man with a white-collar job, usually a secret teetotaller and often with vegetarian leanings, with a history of Nonconformity behind him, and, above all, with a social position which he has no intention of forfeiting.
>To this you have got to add the ugly fact that most middle-class Socialists, while theoretically pining for a class-less society, cling like glue to their miserable fragments of social prestige. I remember my sensations of horror on first attending an I.L.P. branch meeting in London. (It might have been rather different in the North, where the bourgeoisie are less thickly scattered.) Are these mingy little beasts, I thought, the champions of the working class? For every person there, male and female, bore the worst stigmata of sniffish middle-class superiority. If a real working man, a miner dirty from the pit, for instance, had suddenly walked into their midst, they would have been embarrassed, angry, and disgusted; some, I should think, would have fled holding their noses. No. 1562881
File: 1655406510325.png (438.7 KB, 1172x790, 6543456765432.png)

Aimee for some reason using this joke tweet Anna did years ago to refute that Anna used to pretend to be left-leaning. Full circle. Scarethots used to freak out if this joke was taken even a little seriously.
No. 1563067
File: 1655415578552.gif (581.64 KB, 320x180, tenor-2858177714.gif)

>>1562752all these anti-woke people do is move on to the new, on-trend way to scold, bully and pile on people shielding themselves with this totally transparent, sanctimonious religious act. imagine wanting to repeat the moral majority culture war of the early bush era, but with the roles reversed. it is all so tiresome.
No. 1563098
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>>1562752>>1562857lol what the fuck is “cool” about any of this retarded wankery? these losers desperately want to be seen as cutting-edge but react like the most humorless 1980s schoolmarm the moment you make fun of their hocuspocus. this is like the 9553th iteration of PrisonPlanet’s “conservatism is the new punk rock” we’ve had from the last decade which has blown up in their faces.
No. 1563109
>>1563067Hit the nail on the head, they hate wokescolds but can't even critique the bullshit in any legitimate way because they are actually jealous of other control freaks and want to be the ones doing the scolding and policing of other people instead. This entire twitter sphere is defined by being mad that people are being talked down to by some other online political grifters instead of being talked down to by
their online political grifters
No. 1563124
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>>1562944Ten years of wearing a cross while sinning makes her better than everyone else who doesn't know who the real legitimate priests are.
No. 1563147
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>>1562857This is the correct take.
No. 1563160
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>>1563147“Superfans of a TV show no one watches anymore” accurately describes Twitter Catholics. The Church is in decline both in the United States and Latin America.
>Both Protestantism and Catholicism are experiencing losses of population share. Currently, 43% of U.S. adults identify with Protestantism, down from 51% in 2009. And one-in-five adults (20%) are Catholic, down from 23% in 2009. Meanwhile, all subsets of the religiously unaffiliated population – a group also known as religious “nones” – have seen their numbers swell.
>Furthermore, the data shows a wide gap between older Americans (Baby Boomers and members of the Silent Generation) and Millennials in their levels of religious affiliation and attendance. More than eight-in-ten members of the Silent Generation (those born between 1928 and 1945) describe themselves as Christians (84%), as do three-quarters of Baby Boomers (76%). In stark contrast, only half of Millennials (49%) describe themselves as Christians; four-in-ten are religious “nones,” and one-in-ten Millennials identify with non-Christian faiths.
>Only about one-in-three Millennials say they attend religious services at least once or twice a month. Roughly two-thirds of Millennials (64%) attend worship services a few times a year or less often, including about four-in-ten who say they seldom or never go. Indeed, there are as many Millennials who say they “never” attend religious services (22%) as there are who say they go at least once a week (22%).
>Catholics no longer constitute a majority of the U.S. Hispanic population. In Pew Research Center RDD surveys conducted in 2018 and 2019, 47% of Hispanics describe themselves as Catholic, down from 57% a decade ago. Meanwhile, the share of Hispanics who say they are religiously unaffiliated is now 23%, up from 15% in 2009.
>The Latinobarómetro study shows trust in the Catholic Church is also at an historic low, most notably in Argentina and Uruguay, where the church has been accused of turning a blind eye to past dictatorships’ human rights abuses, and in Chile, where clergy sex abuse scandals blew up in recent years. No. 1563171
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Did we ever get milk on the ASU sophomore? A little too specific there…
No. 1563227
>>1563171wow, must suck to be her
imagine your husband leaving you for a college student, kek
No. 1563231
File: 1655431254726.png (98.45 KB, 1174x414, alt lit stays dead.png)

dasha retweeting this. at least he converted because he used to be a heroin addict. maybe he should help dasha and honor with their pill problem and anna with her alcoholism?
>>1563215yes, username is dashasbf. most of the comments are really boring fake pope catholic stuff so think it's real.
No. 1563394
>>1563231Having an increased focus on religion or religious activities is a possible symptom of mania and hypomania in bipolar disorder. This heightened focus isn't necessarily unique to bipolar disorder, however, as it is also associated with schizophrenia, schizophreniform disorder, schizoaffective disorder, and other psychotic disorders.
Religious delusions of grandeur: "God has exalted me above you, normal people. He tells me I don't need help, don't need medicine. I'm going to heaven and all of you are going to go to hell," or "I am Christ reborn."
No. 1563476
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so true bestie
No. 1563477
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New Honor Levy poetry microdrop
No. 1563592
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Aimee comes across as illiterate
No. 1563619
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Damn, Dasha having a breakdown. This is only going to fuel her martyr complex.
No. 1563679
>>1563627What would "disavowing" A&D do? Are the chapo hosts even that friendly with them aside all going to the same parties, because they're NYC podcasting bohemians?
I don't like Chapo, they're cringe and creepy, but if they're going to start "disavowing" people they should start with Virgil, or any of their guests who have turned out to be abusers or harassers of women.
No. 1563755
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>>1563619posting crying selfies for attention for 10 years and counting, glad she's not bored of her own schtick yet
No. 1563901
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Orwell lived in a time when actual fascist movements were seizing power and volunteered to fight against them, but for “New Right” intellekshuals the worst dystopia they can imagine is having a female boss
No. 1564025
>>1563948nah, if they were plumbers or whatever they’d just complain that their women clients were harshing their testosterone high
they should go work on oil rigs
No. 1564031
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>>1563901Beyond parody lol
No. 1564110
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>>1563901This doesn’t happen
No. 1564416
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the perfume gays are starting to turn on aimee. its funny, they all agree with her when she repeats her "racism isn't real" schtick but apparently homophobia is VERY real and nothing to joke about. jack v aimee will be an event
No. 1564483
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No. 1564955
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>>1564857Can’t bring myself to care about Katherine Dee/default friend, she seems like such a nonentity in this scene, but as long as we’re discussing her I’d like to remind any noobs or tourists that she has one of the most lolworthy spreads between her avi and her real appearance of anyone in this thread. She looks like her hot avi’s fat cousin with a deleted chromosome lmao
No. 1565047
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Why are the replies mentioning his parents? What did I miss?
No. 1565092
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She's crushing.
>>1565060>>1565056Justin Murphy's entire youtube that no one watches is shilling for milady and urbit. He posted "The Bull Case for Milady" 2 days ago. Default Friend and other people too boring to talk about have been on.
No. 1565107
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>>1565047He posted this pic about six months ago
>>1376576 No. 1565152
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Look I'm not saying we're all dead and this is hell, I'm just saying that if someone said it was true I'd have trouble dismissing it
No. 1565213
>>1565211every other sentence that comes out of her mouth is about how she is a hideous femcel
shes started wearing a ski mask to urbit meetups
it's still attention seeking
No. 1565356
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Aimee still holding out for kids at 34.
No. 1565420
>>1565402>>1565404Given how secretive Aimee is about her appearance and social life, this is a bigger development then you may think. We’re gonna need deets. Did she seem normal then? What was the bf like? Is it really a wig?
Omit nothing.
No. 1565441
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These are the hotties that worship Anna and Dasha
No. 1565540
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she fell off so hard lmao
No. 1565708
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default_pickme downplaying misogyny to cry about the audience of nazis she cultivated by defending incels
No. 1566177
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Bruenig's surrogate family posting weird shit on father's day
No. 1566437
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Why do these people get off to ironically supporting drunk driving? I get that some people have a ~dark sense of humor~ but these same posters love to moralfag about commonplace things. I don't get it.
No. 1566552
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the scarethot backlash is getting to her
No. 1566557
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is this what grooming looks like?
No. 1566605
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most gigantic faggot of all time alert
And he weighs a lot toox
No. 1566728
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>>1566610It still makes me laugh that they expected social conservatives to welcome a bunch of decadent entryist homos with open arms. I laugh even harder seeing they're still smarting from getting smacked down by reality
We're uwu smol gheys, we totally don't expect special treatment
No. 1566737
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>>1566605Twitter removed the Tweet he was responding to:
>many normies only support the LGBT thing because they have a sanitized view of gay relationships—“it’s just like a straight relationship but with two men!” they’d hate it if they learned the revolting realities (100s of partners, STDs, child abuse & worse)He'll never stop pining for straight men and wondering why they prefer even a fat woman to him. And people say The Boys in the Band is dated
No. 1567066
>>1567060It’s from the original poster for this director raped a woman and took credit for films she made herself.
No. 1567265
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Aimee's glee at her engagement numbers.
No. 1567509
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>>1566552did people get mad at her for this?
No. 1567787
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>>1567091Eating your own is tale as old as time for leftists, but it's still sus that most of what Orwell did was criticize and rat out other socialists while tacitly approving the other side. He also sees fascism as a legitimate form of socialism, albeit an undemocratic one, and he's stated that many times in his writings even during the war
the mein kampf review: list of other shitty things he did: barely scratches the surface honestly but it's a good start since a ton of his essays are not easily found online and are only in print.
No. 1567793
>>1567509>it was a miracle the soldiers didn’t find her sexyJoan of Arc was sexually assaulted while imprisoned and there are accounts detailing how she had to try to push away guards trying to force themselves onto her every day. It’s quite obvious she was raped but that was never documented explicitly because she was a prisoner and it could have affected the outcome of the trial. But even without that, there are records showing she was constantly sexually harassed; but that doesn’t have to do with being sexy, it has to do with being a woman that men wanted to humiliate.
Dasha has such a hollow skull she still equates men’s depravity with genuine desire and validation. Projecting that bullshit onto Joan of Arc of all people is fucking insane.
No. 1567805
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>>1567787i am absolutely fucking weak that you really posted a link to a socialist FAQ on with readymade talking points as to why socialism/communism might TOTALLY work, with 80% less genocide this time, you guize!!! and the handy guide to why George Orwell, Gandhi, Chomsky, and Barack Obama are ACKSHUALLY thuper
problematic (meanwhile Mao was "not that bad" KEK my fucking sides). Not you trying to retroactively cancel Orwell for his thoughtcrimes, do you have any sense of irony you absolute fuckwit, please go back to twitter with all this dumbfuckery
No. 1567887
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No. 1567946
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not milk just liz b looking a little unwashed
No. 1567948
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No. 1567998
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chapowatch: the trust fund baby is in paris
No. 1568001
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>>1567998not to drag her into his but they did the shitty lock thing
No. 1568026
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surprise surprise samememe doesn't have an actual job after all that sperging about women in the workforce and calling all women with jobs girlboss harpies. looks like he has part-time custody of the baby?
No. 1568046
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my bad I said in the last thread dasha was still mixing adderall and wellbutrin but I guess she's literally been off her meds
No. 1568078
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>>1568030bonjour frenchfag, ca va? i made a drawing of you, hope u like it
No. 1568079
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>>1568030kek i love translating random things on here
No. 1568081
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>>1568030>>1568079…fiona? is that you??
No. 1568236
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Damn she's never going to give up this lame ass genre of tweet huh
No. 1568369
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are we supposed to believe that he’s able to turn down mcdonalds?
No. 1568400
>>1568369What the fuck is “grey neolib design”
How fucking stupid are you that everything you see is political
I hope this person has this kind of reaction to all assumed architectural designs, everywhere, all of the time.
No. 1568510
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Matthew smells so bad he's driving Dasha into the convent…
No. 1568553
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>>1568552That's the actual spelling, it was only when she began her acting career that she dropped the extra 's'
No. 1568833
>>1568562>"why Venezuelan moms feeding their children rotten meat is actually a triumph of socialism!"seriously this site was eye-opening, idk if you knew evangelical kids growing up but in my high school they'd carry around "youth bibles" with things like "homosexuality" and "abortion" easily indexed so they could look up bible verses in a hurry when the other kids challenged them on their beliefs.
this website is like that but for low-T antifa types getting into socialism slapfights on twitter.
it's why you should never debate these people, only mock them - debate is useless when they're literal NPCs spouting propaganda from somebody's github
No. 1568867
File: 1655912472224.png (439.47 KB, 753x411, neoliberalhell.png)

>>1568862>>1568369>>1568400I mean, not to defend Jack here, but the McDonalds restaurant redesign was kind of baffling. Who in their right mind would prefer this corporate gray blandness to the inviting red-and-yellow scheme with the iconic mansard roof?
No. 1568871
>>1568867yeah he's not wrong but your use of the word "mansard" alone reveals that you probably know more about architecture than Jack pretends to, he prob browsed McMansion Hell a couple times and now fancies himself an architecture critic lol. all he knows how to do is call everything modern and ugly "neoliberal" design, he's trying to make it a thing like how everyone learned the word "brutalist" a couple years ago and incorrectly started applying it to any building that was somewhat imposing or without adornment because it made them feel smart.
the real tea is that Jack doesn't give a shit about vintage McDonalds architecture for any reason other than it evokes nostalgia for the time when he could eat massive amounts of their food without getting fat
No. 1568973
>>1567988most men aren't family worthy
>>1568026case in point
No. 1568975
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>>1568288ugh imagine having to pretend "this"
>>1567998 is desirable
No. 1569038
>>1568867Not every McD location looks like shit, the one in the shittier area near me actually looks amazing for some odd reason. No corpo gray anything.
Also fuck Fat Jack for making me defend McDonald's of all things.
No. 1569057
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checked in on wetbrain, they've been lurking. not sure why they bothered to remake a nearly identical version instead of just saving the image they saw here
No. 1569228
>>1568867>Who in their right mind would prefer this corporate gray blandness It's a more mature look for a restaurant that used to be marketed primarily to children. They've been moving in this direction for a while, and I don't blame them. There are fewer and fewer families and kids, and that number is only decreasing, so making it look more modern makes people feel less like arrested development adult children for eating there.
>>1569210They have much more in common being cloutshark media grifters. Any petty political convictions or moral stances are irrelevant to hanging out with cool musicians and authors. They're exactly like Obama in that way
No. 1569302
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>>1566728Forever smarting. lmao at the reply
No. 1569689
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What are the odds Dasha's civil war movie is going to veer into lost cause territory?
No. 1569690
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Also she and Matthew look like they're probably still together
No. 1569852
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In what world has Zizek not been a leftist?
No. 1569900
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what secrets is she referring to? that she had a boyfriend?
Dasha article from November last year: previous discussion here
>>1374163Brock's pronoun piece: No. 1569910
File: 1656004753281.png (659.58 KB, 1480x654, Screen Shot 2022-06-23 at 10.1…)

…that's because Nick literally told dasha and anna they should start a podcast lol.
I like when journalists group these pods together as if it indicates some vibe-shift cultural trend when half the people involved were roommates.
sorry for old milk, I didn't read this article before
No. 1569916
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not sure if she's just shit-posting to draw attention to it or if Dasha is mad at the pod being called "right-wing media"?
No. 1569939
>>1569900i doubt there's any secrets of any importance in this piece so yeah, prob the boyfriend thing.
not gonna lie tho, dasha's shitlording is A++ here, her use of "they was" to lampoon singular "they" pronouns is very funny and all of us should steal this immediately, i know i will
No. 1570105
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super lame if true
I was just gonna screenshot liz but alice was there too so why not
No. 1570251
>>1570245Some of her analysis of art and its themes is pretty interesting and she has a very vivid writing style which is enjoyable, but I agree that she is contrarian politically
nonny, I don't know why so many people put her on a pedestal
No. 1570324
File: 1656031755459.png (174.46 KB, 1214x758, Screen Shot 2022-06-23 at 17.4…)

more NFT shit but from chapo this time
if you wanna read it:
>The morning after the party, I signed up for my first crypto walletcool, molly
No. 1570396
File: 1656039150687.png (25.59 KB, 583x255, aimeecrying.png)

Waaah! I'm crying bout bortion!
No. 1570417
File: 1656041016363.png (71.52 KB, 670x575, um.PNG)

>>1570396cushy privileged inner city kids are incapable having empathy beyond their own periphery, a classist tale as old as time itself. this woman wouldn't have a clue about what poverty looks like in australia let alone america
No. 1570433
File: 1656043044306.png (1.01 MB, 1184x812, tard.png)

maddie hates matthew as much as we do
No. 1570442
>>1570418The Godard muse Anna Karina.
If Alice is a woman (eh), absolutely 0 chance she’s that attractive.
No. 1570445
>>1570417Amazing how any nuance or depth of understanding is ground away like this. Poverty is absolutely a factor in all things related to health, including reproductive health. When talking about overall health of a country, you aren't talking about 'that woman you knew in grinding desperation' , but factors that contribute to a multitude of women's decisions.
Public health stats and chemistry seem to be a big 'I don't understand it so I'm just going to make something up' category for people
No. 1570449
>>1570417me, an American whore, not in grinding poverty, happily selling my pussy and butthole to be slammed by strangers like red raw meat on a butchers bench top, with a thick Italian accent:
“POOOOOSSEY for saaaaale, getta you fresh POOSSEY and-a BAAAAHTHOOOOOLE here!!! I put-a da baahthole on da bench top just-a for yoooooouuuu, just-a like Aimee says!!”
No. 1570475
File: 1656047182865.jpeg (79.89 KB, 1284x1081, dasha.jpeg)

>>1570417Sounds like she's subtweeting someone
No. 1570491
>>1570469She just looks like a horse girl to me. Her eyes have this vacancy in them like she’s thinking about something else (horses) constantly. Even in Scary every time she was on screen it was like she’s thinking about horses.
I mean I don’t know what her thing actually is but it’s something.
No. 1570713
File: 1656081159214.png (47.85 KB, 339x259, antiabortion liz.png)

tweeted and deleted minutes before Roe was abolished
No. 1570754
>>1570375thanks for the context
nonny, damn i can't believe she really went off meds just to suffer more "as a christian." ironically Dasha could actually find happiness if she threw herself into the "we have a moral responsibility to feed the poor and comfort the afflicated" kind of Catholicism - the whole "good works" thing that Catholics are supposed to center is a powerful antidote to the narcissism and misery Dasha specifically suffers from. but donning a hairnet at the soup kitchen is a harder bar to clear than just sperging on Twitter about theological minutiae all day, so as usual she chooses easy attention. crazy that she's literally a millimeter away from her cure and throwing it all away for some stupid emo teen idea of "muh Christian suffering."
No. 1570774
File: 1656086265904.jpeg (516.59 KB, 1242x1411, EA48F8A9-1B43-49FB-B7D8-66F47B…)

Having important and coherent conversations this morning
No. 1570831
>>1570820just trying to bring some levity to the situation, nona. let me joke that nick will finally get his beautiful downsy son.
but yeah NY did enshrine abortion in its constitution for what that's worth
No. 1570908
>>1570904i've struck a nerve with each post. are you seriously upset that no woman has told you she's had an abortion before? the fact that your social insecurity is so
triggered on lolcow of all places is tragic. close friends tend to tell close friends about things that go on in their lives including painful experiences. who are you to tell women they shouldn't be sharing that experience with other women close to them?
just like aimee your views are rooted in your failures.
No. 1571005
>>1570993it's also weird to get huffy about gossip in defense of leftcows who make a living off gossiping (especially if they're a scarethot)
when these cows observe & speculate for a paycheck it's "cultural critique" but when we observe & speculate casually it's "vulturistic" ungodly behavior. ok.
No. 1571032
>>1570919one in four women in the US have had abortions.
most of us were using birth control, which isn’t 100% reliable.
people don’t talk about it because it’s a boring and routine medical procedure in most cases, not because it’s shameful.
No. 1571081
File: 1656109221138.png (95.7 KB, 1128x438, Screen Shot 2022-06-24 at 15.1…)

anna retweeting mocha (the account liz b was "trolling"
>>1554613 )
No. 1571092
File: 1656109661036.png (183.54 KB, 744x593, Untitled.png)

>>1571081Anna and Moche went on Aimee Terese's podcast together in March.
Monica uses the phrase "let's be honest about the Holodomor".
No. 1571536
File: 1656151186613.jpeg (237.11 KB, 750x571, 822E4E95-62CE-41BC-B194-E98F2F…)

>>1570396Here’s another her follow up.
No. 1571538
File: 1656151295412.jpeg (419.15 KB, 750x751, 7DE3B89D-8502-457B-8319-3ABC6E…)

>>1571536Same anon. Maybe not milky but the illustration is so cringe. Over 40 and being this Internet poisoned.
No. 1571787
File: 1656177935850.jpeg (147.05 KB, 1170x1170, B6C0B7CC-BE06-4465-ADC9-B4B8E2…)

It’s happening.
No. 1571797
File: 1656178738698.jpeg (209.3 KB, 1500x500, 1500x500.jpeg)

>>1571600you ever think about how they get paid to do this? aimee and oliver and the guy who drew this and all these podcasters have such fake ass jobs. they're like as bad as middle managers and the "PMC bugmen" they used to cry about (what happened to that?).
that's why I check out on aimee a lot because even though she's acting insane on the TL it doesn't seem genuine. it's just like "well, there she goes, doing her dumb job"
No. 1571829
>>1571536aren't the corps just rephrasing an existing health insurance benefit to make themselves look good while everyone is mad about roe? kinda misleading to say the company is paying your expenses. insurance has a frugal attitude towards contraception & abortion (it's cheaper than pregnancy) so this isn't surprising or new
actually I wonder if insurance companies will lobby for abortion rights if expensive pregnancy-related claims start rolling in…. but that's kind of a crackpot horseshoe idea and plenty of women don't have insurance. I'm derailing sorry
No. 1571864
File: 1656183030317.jpeg (1.76 MB, 1420x945, flower shop.jpeg)

brace was a simple flower attendant
No. 1571867
File: 1656183167519.jpeg (130.36 KB, 950x634, Warkrime hardcore band.jpeg)

brace was a hardkore musician
No. 1571873
File: 1656183492043.jpeg (67.92 KB, 960x540, Brace-Belden.jpeg)

brace went halfway around the world to fight in a foreign war. this is different from the american neonazis who go to ukraine or wherever, because they're bad. brace did it because solidarity. don't think about it too hard. he's just hardkore like that
No. 1571875
File: 1656183764251.png (2.87 MB, 1526x1162, Marxist political activist .pn…)

sometimes, brace is described as a "Marxist political activist" No. 1571876
File: 1656183820061.jpeg (724.96 KB, 1536x2048, dasha brace belden throwback.j…)

>>1571873It all comes back to solidarity
No. 1571883
File: 1656184324395.png (1.19 MB, 1834x1410, speaker for socialists.png)

DSA helps simple brewery line worker organize his workplace. I'm sure he's still there now with his coworkers enjoying their union.
No. 1571887
File: 1656184575150.jpg (923.11 KB, 1536x2048, podcaster.jpg)

now he's a podcaster. that's his podcasting gun, he's quirked up like that.
No. 1571888
>>1571884Do we think Leo knows about Red Scare or nah
There are already two known A-listers who listen (RPatz and Elizabeth Olsen)
No. 1572276
>>1572222I think he’s like the most normal person discussed here and he’s usually just doing very ordinary comedian stuff. At least he bought a house in his childhood neighborhood instead of buying crypto or something.
But his next project is probably, like, becoming Greek Hasan. When that happens I’ll come around to your view
No. 1572356
File: 1656221879598.png (125.06 KB, 1362x418, Screen Shot 2022-06-25 at 9.37…)

the enlightened posters of /r/rsp inform us it's "spiritually ugly" to call Ivanka Trump a hypocrite
No. 1572611
>>1572276Sameposter sorry I forgot about Stavs creepy chaser phase that was fucking abnormal. It’s like he was saying he’d fuck a trans woman to get woke brownie points or something but also he was just obsessed with talking about it
>>1572601Also didn’t know that. That’s more self sabotage/ loss for him though, unless he cheated first
No. 1572906
File: 1656271622048.jpg (149.27 KB, 1284x1390, liz name searching.jpg)

Good to know that even in these trying times Liz still name searches like a fucking lunatic
No. 1572961
File: 1656275410459.png (627.55 KB, 1184x1368, lewokecapitalismxd.png)

>>1572906One of the tweets she liked in her absence (along with Aimee)
No. 1572973
>>1572953Liz could just tweet that she's not happy about Roe being overturned if that's actually how she feels. Given her answer on the old Red Scare ep about pregnancies from rape I doubt it. It was something about how well gosh the baby is innocent.
>>1572961Anna liked it too. All they have to focus on is gotchas about corporate pr because they don't want to look at the real ramifications. And none of them have even had a real job unless you count Anna being a hostess.
No. 1573006
>>1572987Idk why that
nonnie is trying to exaggerate so hard. Nick said in an episode that he tossed his keys to his gf one and it hit her. Also the pissing thing was him getting pissed on in the shower once.
No. 1573125
>>1568828Why do so many Jewish men have this affliction for turbulent / depressive women?
It's the same with Anna and Eli
No. 1573334
File: 1656310002360.png (441.57 KB, 1174x1634, john dios holy agony drama 1.p…)

another tradcath podcast down the drain, anyone know what happened here?
No. 1573337
File: 1656310154372.png (485.27 KB, 1174x1766, john dios holy agony drama 2.p…)

>>1573334jess vs john dios cont'd
No. 1573362
>>1573337Thanks but seriously who the fuck are these people? lol
If we were to put lets say the perfume orca, wet brain, and crumps as the B tier to this sphere’s A-tier players (Chapo, Nick et cum boys, Red Scare, Liz Bruenig), then John Dios, someone who’s only ever been on the periphery of my attention as Jack’s replyguy / catamite, and whoever this bitch is aren’t even the C-tier. They’re way the fuck down in the e or f-tier. You can’t tell me that more than three dozen people listen to their pod regularly (and I might be being generous). It’s just not happening.
No. 1573605
File: 1656342894977.png (35.04 KB, 615x334, john dios.png)

>>1573334It's bad for you react to me locking you out of the account by posting on Twitter because you weren't polite enough to call me first. Look at me taking the high road! Like he'd take the call after such a weasel move. Piety my ass.
No. 1573625
File: 1656344418124.jpeg (457.64 KB, 828x1184, D581AF35-67D8-4300-8B2D-49D8D9…)

Aimee being racist again
No. 1573655
File: 1656347306200.png (272.62 KB, 622x836, john dios2.png)

>>1573334Pretty much what I figured. He's nobody but the cradle Catholic in me always enjoys these pricks getting a takedown
No. 1573680
>>1573460>>1573362Agreed, I don’t want to talk about this homeschool weirdo who probably wants to fuck his daughter
On the other hand I think Anna made a sideways reference to him recently re pathetic fathers with children spending time on twitter shit-flings but there’s a million of those so who knows
No. 1573682
File: 1656349376267.jpeg (19.97 KB, 251x201, 35D093F4-5BD6-402A-A395-1F60B6…)

No. 1573712
>>1571884This scene is my favorite spectacle–Justin Murphy the mediocre weirdo, Evan Zenker aka Paul Town the schizophrenic arsonist, convicted felon Martin Skreli, even scum rapist stalkers have had Miladys like Matt Mondanile (of Ducktails and Real Estate, stalked Julia Holter and has assaulted countless women, currently dating a teenager).
From the top to the bottom and vice versa, Miladys are engineered to appeal to striker faux-rich yuppie freaks who will shell any amount of money forward as long as relevance and feeling like they're part of the "in-group" is promised. That's all this is, and insane, race-obsessed pedophiles are making bank off of it.
No. 1573806
File: 1656356462970.png (83.6 KB, 604x457, the chaser becomes the chased.…)

…so how far down the autogynephilic rabbithole do we think Felix and Hasan have fallen?
No. 1573847
>>1573806these fags don’t want to have a pussy. they're literally allergic to pussy.
closeted weightlifting forum gays
No. 1573863
File: 1656359332394.png (734.92 KB, 1280x849, felix.png)

don't really care if felix is gay or whatever but remember his thirst pics? lol
sage for prehistoric milk
No. 1573864
File: 1656359355167.jpeg (790.58 KB, 1170x1161, thicc felix.jpeg)

No. 1573867
File: 1656359445235.jpeg (48 KB, 1024x683, Love That Boy What Two Preside…)

No. 1573870
File: 1656359503318.png (496.18 KB, 754x543, his little Biederman.png)

No. 1573884
File: 1656360705321.jpeg (348.15 KB, 1125x911, E50E507F-BC18-4147-9547-6F66B2…)

Look who is missing from the Succession season 4 additional cast members. Some might be announced at a later date, but I highly doubt Dasha has been filming with them because if she was we’d know about it
No. 1573976
File: 1656366248887.png (442.85 KB, 542x625, aimee sean.png)

>>1573964Girls, girls, you're both dysgenic freaks!
No. 1573980
File: 1656366461084.png (37.44 KB, 605x130, potatoboy.png)

Nah this is so fucked up though. The dirtbag left are the nastiest, most lecherous, most sadistic misogynists on the internet and it's not even close.
No. 1574008
File: 1656368036026.png (659.69 KB, 1236x920, Screen Shot 2022-06-27 at 15.0…)

>>1573980supposedly it was about oliver… doubt that's totally sincere. big tone shift from the initial tweet to "I don't mean to be disrespectful" lmao
Oliver is profiting off aimee's psychotic coke binge episodes (as much as her conservative dick-sucking and little engagement-driving screeds help them get subs) but I think this might be one of those "everyone involved in this story should die" situations
No. 1574031
File: 1656369415554.jpeg (316.72 KB, 1186x571, D61D347F-F8D6-493D-A0AA-B74668…)

>>1572906Here’s one of Liz Bruenig’s fellow “pro-life” Catholics. If nothing else I hope this SCOTUS ruling exposes the barbarism and hypocrisy of Catholic teachings.
>>1569689Not enough people know about the Catholic Church’s sympathy for Confederate slaveholders, so the more people become aware of that sordid history the better. The Church’s track record during the 1930s is even worse, but they whitewash that too.
>>1573595>>1573334You mean this TradCath trend is just another grift? Color me shocked.
No. 1574037
File: 1656369806210.png (92.54 KB, 595x466, jackratio.png)

They're turning on Jack now
No. 1574043
File: 1656370094316.jpeg (118.38 KB, 430x1200, AEA39896-7787-430F-9841-927B73…)

>>1563171It’s obvious this bitch has severe regrets about choices she made in her life and wants other women to suffer along with her. The whole “pro-life” cool mommy act is just a mask for that.
No. 1574247
>>1574043she believes she did the "right" thing every step of the way and if that's not true then she's wrong and that thought is too terrible so her brain doesn't let it get any air.
the truth is she did make mistakes she's just not learning from them.
and you're right in a sense that she wants other women to suffer, but it's probably wrapped up in a nice package her head where she views it as helping them also do the "right" thing.
No. 1574268
>>1574043This type of person is becoming increasingly common and I’m sure most people here have personally known at least one. Shut-in dweeb hates self for being lonely and a loser, develops a superiority complex. They go from sad about being a virgin who’s never been to a party, to seeing themselves as this beacon of morality obsessed with their lack of experience and opportunity because they think it means they’re a good person, unlike the degenerate party goer heathens and slutty drug users that permeate society, or whatever. Meanwhile they just hate everyone who has had more fun and experience than they have.
Plenty of these cows are detestable, I know, but Liz takes the cake as the most narcissistic and pathetic. She pretends to be declawed and claims this makes her good.
No. 1574330
File: 1656391973796.png (33.69 KB, 579x385, aimeeshaniqua.png)

The Shaniqua meltdown has been going for quite a while now.
No. 1574353
File: 1656394271861.jpg (64.59 KB, 960x600, pphq918vs9891.jpg)

tweeted and deleted
No. 1574355
>>1574330 just nonstop arguing to drive up her engagement numbers. not making a lot of sense honestly.
>>1574353wonder why, she left everything else up. I wonder what has her so
triggered lately.
No. 1574420
File: 1656407388827.jpeg (120.11 KB, 640x710, 4DD7F621-B4B8-48B1-8D74-BA292D…)

If she comes back for a third time on this account it'll be a miracle
No. 1574464
File: 1656418615789.png (82.17 KB, 615x716, meltdown.png)

>>1574330moche tries to position herself as a black people expert bc she lives in brooklyn then melts down when dirtbags point out (they're right on this one) that her face is mostly plastic. she's probably getting a ban next.
No. 1574555
File: 1656426890873.png (428.58 KB, 1092x714, Screen Shot 2022-06-28 at 07.3…)

No. 1574607
File: 1656429991178.jpeg (66.55 KB, 750x1333, body check 6-28.jpeg)

is dasha's current level of bodychecking thighgap pictures normal for her or has it been increasing lately? genuine ask
feels like trolling since she went on that rant about not being anorexic
No. 1574632
>>1574618she's straddling a line so she can appear like she's defending drag to one of their audiences (the gays) while pivoting to a focus on "more important" gay-panic think-of-children stuff for another audience (conservatives afraid of trannies)
it's almost like she just says whatever sustains the most financial support & attention because that's her job
No. 1574683
File: 1656438817659.jpeg (454.37 KB, 828x1171, A889073F-D161-4BC9-95AA-FC49C4…)

Is this aimee’s boyfriend?
No. 1574905
File: 1656453064638.png (256.95 KB, 1214x498, 2019.png)

>>1570375>I went on wellbutrin in like 2019can't stop thinking about how she went off wellbutrin even though it worked for her and now she's saying it was unchristian to even start taking it
No. 1574964
File: 1656456083743.jpeg (95.72 KB, 768x1024, may 13 2018.jpeg)

>>1574946> Says she was cut out of a Nathan Silver movie where she played a "junkie"a long time ago? she vagueposted about acting and posted a selfie along with this shot but that was in 2018
No. 1574979
File: 1656456974932.png (94.13 KB, 964x655, surkova vs delaney.png)

Speaking of podcasts with declining fortunes, Jana Surkova (paranoidlikes) finally gives up on the grift. Hate fiction goes out with a wimper as Katya Delaney joins and is her usual whiny, clout thirsty self. Default alternates between naked plagiarism and stating the obvious.
No. 1575031
File: 1656463045347.jpeg (282.2 KB, 750x847, 1B5CBCD5-4DB6-4954-A39C-974BC0…)

One of the post-lefties that Estee Lardass associated with confirms what we already knew.
No. 1575032
File: 1656463090168.jpeg (441.72 KB, 750x1007, C15D3B8A-558A-4CB9-825D-4C9E19…)

>>1575031Having a normal one over Chris Pratt.
No. 1575040
File: 1656464454269.jpeg (181.83 KB, 1157x1113, CC1BE3EA-5CA9-4C31-BF4B-FCB6CF…)

Oh dear. The rightoids are having a field day with this.
Also, that is a rough 27.
No. 1575067
>>1575040Anyone could make this profile
Only info blacked out is distance, which prob says 'less than a mile away'
Embarrassing for anyone that'd fall for it
No. 1575163
File: 1656474857094.jpeg (34.19 KB, 572x276, 79F470A4-9149-4173-AF09-B6224C…)

>>1575109I’d respect Amber a lot more if she posted something like this again and not the predictable and boring “contrarian” takes she usually offers. Seriously you could’ve made easy money betting that Amber would find some way to argue that Dems are worse than the GOP.
No. 1575175
File: 1656476071990.png (831.93 KB, 1224x1374, liz bruenig everybody.png)

hahaha "everybody" as in pro-life people?
she came out just to remind us they won and challenge her fellow pro-lifers to step up and put that kind of energy into being actually pro-life like her. tacked on a skinny beverage zinger in case you forgot she's teensy weensy.
No. 1575185
File: 1656477232842.jpg (118.6 KB, 1440x1080, simpsons vote.jpg)

>>1575153democrats do suck, biden and the establishment are basically going to do nothing.
No. 1575187
File: 1656477334040.jpeg (1.1 MB, 1489x1859, A94FF372-C0E1-4AC4-A141-CDDFE6…)

>>1575175>>1572953Don’t forget this is what Liz Bruenig was writing in the NY Times during the Amy Comey Barrett hearings. Won’t someone pweeease think of the real
victims: conservative Catholics.
No. 1575453
>>1575361that’s real convert zealotry bullshit
i would be shocked if even 20% of people raised Catholic believed it
No. 1575561
>>1575529I feel like she got "rich" and basically retired (in her financial situation I would definitely be tempted to do the same). plus she doesn't seem to enjoy having a big spotlight on her personal life anymore just judging by the way her socials are all gone. if I'm being a catty bitch the plastic surgery might have something to do with that too.
I think she gives money to Appalachian-area stuff and that's about it. I sometimes wonder what she even does in LA. her book sounds like a non-project and the general outline sounded really embarrassing when it was announced.
I know what you mean. there are people who are really good at cutting through bullshit and saying something real and that's totally missing in this group of argumentative little contrarians (anna is the only one who occasionally just says what she thinks but unfortunately it'll be something like "race purity is actually beautiful sometimes" lmao)
No. 1575576
File: 1656519780933.jpg (20.08 KB, 1170x2080, 2905295809999.jpg)

>>1575523She's already posting "jokes" like this. Sad to say about a grown woman but hope she doesn't legally tie herself to this loser. This time last year wasn't he engaged to Honor?
No. 1575597
>>1575561what you said about anna is exactly why so many people were originally drawn to her, before she dropped everything vaguely left. i think the main appeal to her was that she wasn’t afraid to deviate from whatever was being parroted at the time, even if that was because of her being a pathological contrarian it was like a breath of fresh air for a lot of people.
but back then it was more about how trump was not that different from obama and how establishment libs aren’t a substitute for genuinely left presences, not “race mixing is bad ackshully.”
No. 1575602
>>1575576lmao wtf. this is a cry for help. dasha’s friends need to plan an intervention. like yeah i dislike dasha as much as the next person itt, and she dove into this relationship on her own volition, but she’s being straight up abused. forcing someone to quit their meds because they’re “satanic” just to encourage their manic episodes then get mad when the mania is anything but about religion… yeah that’s abuse. she’s broken up with him multiple times just to get back with him which is a huge red flag too.
i had no idea he was engaged to honor. sounds like he goes around targeting mentally unstable quasi religious girls then tries grooming them into psychotic trad wives.
No. 1575610
>>1575602I for one am glad Dasha is involved in a miserable
abusive relationship. what goes around comes around
No. 1575727
File: 1656529575283.png (681.02 KB, 1490x2004, 6bfc5afb13213bc75e79eed29afdc2…)

looks like the floodgates may be opening on cum town stav
No. 1575765
File: 1656532721743.png (365.68 KB, 1484x714, Screen Shot 2022-06-29 at 12.5…)

No. 1575785
File: 1656533850887.png (586.72 KB, 1520x854, wellbutrin reddit.png)

according to dasha she went off wellbutrin over a year and half ago because she was feeling much better
>>1575709I can't remember this
No. 1575874
File: 1656541199608.png (73.02 KB, 310x507, qts.png)

>>1575862There's over 120 qts, I don't want to screenshot all of them but here's a few for posterity. 90% are leftists dunking on her sanctimony, the rest are tradcaths angry at her for her spectacularly pathetic waffling. Literally nobody is convinced by her triangulation anymore.
No. 1575883
File: 1656541676363.jpeg (458.45 KB, 1242x1089, 7A614922-5215-4D86-B5FA-2ADF92…)

No. 1575888
File: 1656541884480.jpeg (373.94 KB, 1242x895, 22BBEEF5-952A-4F76-9028-B4D6D9…)

And the other side of the coin
No. 1575890
File: 1656541965725.jpeg (422.73 KB, 1242x876, DD79B705-F9B8-44E9-9B19-AE45C5…)

Really being embraced by her people here (lol)
No. 1575922
>>1575602Based, Anna and Dasha never fail to mock female
victims of abuse. What goes around comes around. Eli-san, your time will come too.
No. 1576006
>>1575953I meant fillers not plastic surgery sorry. I don't know if she's ever explicitly said what she's had done. fillers is what you can see. not a big Amber farmer so maybe I missed something.
this video had good image quality but it's 2 years old: I'm not trying to say she looks like a monster, it's just a lot of filler and it seems like she keeps getting more.
there's a more recent video but the image quality is low:, is she dating Danny Bessner? they look like a couple in the jacobin videos where they're touching shoulders but I don't know what kind of remote work setup they have going
No. 1576018
>>1575785>>1575791>>1575811Am I having an aneurysm or are you two having an aneurysm? She's saying she was on it for a year and a half and
went off it four months ago. Meaning she went off it in February or so. When did she start dating Matthew again?
No. 1576066
File: 1656557857699.png (304.49 KB, 535x970, seed oils.png)

Local cashew head lectures perfectly normal looking women on how to look more like her.
No. 1576071
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>>1575980You’re exaggerating what that post said, it called out her fillers and only said it “seems” like a fox eye lift. Interesting that anons keep popping out of the woodwork to white knight whenever someone mentions Amber’s very obvious cosmetic work, anyone with eyes can see she’s done a lot to her face. Picrel doesn’t even show the height of her filler abuse
No. 1576079
File: 1656558863868.jpeg (133.17 KB, 1125x1350, 6CAB873E-CA7C-4DC3-A535-E5C1F9…)

>>1576006Amber?! Filler?!?? How dare you anon, Amber is the pinnacle of au naturel beauty, clearly she was born looking like Janice the Muppet having an allergic reaction to shellfish!
No. 1576107
>>1575811Makes sense she was still on wellbutrin a few months into quarantine, she was at her lowest weight then. It kills appetite.
>>1576066>your face shape might change if you get off seed oilsThe projection, lmao. Sorry Dasha, your moon head is not going to suddenly change shape because you stopped eating canola oil.
No. 1576108
>>1575602>this is a cry for help>she's straight up being abusedOh nooo, poor wittle "I make a living mocking & trolling abuse
victims" Dasha is being abused now? Oh well, karma's a bitch. Kek
No. 1576135
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Dasha, you are not Eurasian. You have fetal alcohol syndrome.
No. 1576142
File: 1656564005390.png (698.66 KB, 576x1440, tww.png)

>>1576066>>1576095and to think, this is just one qrt and the replies from it
>>1576114definitely not. she actually believes the seed oil meme. she and anna have shilled anti seed oil books on their pod and complain about them being in everything and making people fat and ugly, lmao. the fact that she replied so many times within minutes, including double replying unprompted 9 hours apart, is honestly kinda worrisome. she's definitely having some kind of manic episode holed away knowing succession shooting started without her
No. 1576144
File: 1656564101062.jpeg (77.49 KB, 992x992, F98027BE-7F9E-4A53-B27D-79069E…)

>>1576066>Dasha advising a perfectly attractive, well-adjusted woman with soccer player physiognomy how to improve her appearanceGirl shut up you literally look like the FedEx shooter
No. 1576200
>>1576114"Provoking the incel" by ranting about the same topics she's been ranting incessantly about for months? Sure Jan.
The "she's just trolling/doing a bit" people can never explain why she does it so obsessively, to the point of harming her career & public reputation and prompting even her fans to question her mental stability. She's only trolling herself at this point.
No. 1576327
File: 1656576266366.jpeg (1.56 MB, 1242x2204, F66CF0EA-2CFA-4424-A4D2-4B30C0…)

>>1576309I figured she was stuck in her hotel room for covid reasons
>>1576300How long was she in Italy, couple weeks/a month? Only in NZ for 3-4 weeks so it’s not like they could shoot that many scenes. She posted that bloody head picture and a selfie of her in a hospital gown (with hair and makeup done it looks like, so I assume it’s a set costume), probably has a scene where she gets hurt
No. 1576485
>>1576200>She's only trolling herself at this pointExactly, kek
>>1576336Did she choose the numbers in her name based on not only her own birth year but her bf's, since he's 25 right now? That's kinda cringe
No. 1576505
File: 1656595875956.jpg (Spoiler Image,142.5 KB, 608x1280, IMG_20220630_102933_009.jpg)

>>1576144dasha looks exactly like this girlmoder/tranny I saw on twitter the other day
No. 1576568
File: 1656601481490.png (89.95 KB, 1192x322, fatjack.png)

Fatass deleted this tweet
No. 1576575
File: 1656602153269.jpg (1.52 MB, 1324x1952, matthew handwriting.jpg)

not that it matters but I think she used the tiktok app to make a video for her IG stories, didn't see it posted to tiktok.
and lol at matthew's handwriting
No. 1576663
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>>1575175>>1576212lmao the replies are even better than the quote tweets. I’m gonna post a bunch.
No. 1576666
File: 1656607812176.jpeg (378.06 KB, 1204x1736, 7B287372-637F-4607-B9B5-9EC766…)

>>1575175>>1576212>>1576663The guy at the bottom here is correct that the Catholic Church didn’t start to oppose the death penalty until the 20th century, although he forgot to mention that most of those Catholics under threat of execution were fascist collaborators who facilitated the Holocaust.
No. 1576681
File: 1656608626290.png (352.62 KB, 1250x620, let me see your sadness.png)

liz's thirst for the spectacle of human suffering knows no bounds.
can't wait to see what dumbfuck article she's writing (probably a valid point about the cost of having a baby wrapped up in catholic pro-life morality bullshit)
No. 1576685
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>>1576676>>1576672>>1576671>>1576670>>1575175>>1576212>>1576663>>1576666>>1576668Last one for now. Liz, you really should take their advice and log the fuck off permanently. Hardly anyone likes you anymore. For a long time you’ve been barely tolerated in leftist circles and now more and more people realize how much of a smug and self-aggrandizing phoney you are.
No. 1576687
File: 1656608818609.jpeg (159.09 KB, 640x433, 2A913AE0-D06B-43A7-AD9F-08EFBB…)

let's go
No. 1576718
>>1576710Any time some
nonnie comes here and talks about how we should lay off someone it's always either them or one of their friends. Also imagine defending a literal Hapsburg lol.
No. 1576733
>>1576696something is wrong with getfiscal, don't like him.
while we're talking about random accounts: debdrens would be perfect if she(?) didn't jerk off to covid deaths so much. detty would be a cow because she looks haunted, but she's not drama-seeking, doesn't have clear politics and no one understands the economy stuff she posts lol (she definitely has a rich family some of which worked in government but this seems to manifest in self-hatred instead of being a dumb bitch)
No. 1576740
>>1576733he's completely harmless but the 'something is wrong' being picked up on is the fact that he's an overweight autistic guy whose peak was shitposting on somethingawful and rhizzone 15 years ago, still living with his parents in his 40s.
>>1576736it's just funny when he insults these cows to their faces in his usual way and they think he's being nice to them and they're all buddies. you'd have to be pretty dense to not realize don hughes is fucking with you, but somehow they all fail the test
No. 1576766
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>>1575185Democrats at the national level are feckless more often than not, but Democrats at the local level are usually solid when it comes to protecting abortion access and that can make a big difference to the thousands or millions of people living in those areas.
No. 1576806
>>1576740does Don really still live with his parents?
Please say it ain’t so
No. 1576831
File: 1656614219803.png (53.09 KB, 609x460, don2.png)

>>1576806 was going to compile the tweets he mentions living with his parents but its probably thousands that he mentions it in. not sure he's ever moved out at any point.
>>1576825what's with all the weird "i know sekret info about alice and aimee through don, he likes them and theyre totally secretly chill" going on itt, he has dunked on aimee countless times
No. 1576908
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No. 1577051
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honor and dasha throw shade at jack's month long meltdown (dasha liked this)
No. 1577077
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>>1577016According to him he wasn't always disabled
No. 1577078
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Does anyone else think Liz looks like David Cross with her gross beady eyes
No. 1577082
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>>1577077Whoever he is, this Don Hughes guys looks like such a gross scrote. Why are so many people here caping for him?
No. 1577090
>>1577082not a crime to be ugly
bound to be some irony twitter accounts anons are fond of. I think they can't like him that much if they're posting about him here lol. I can't remember why I dislike him personally
>>1577085>carl beijerhe is such a cocksucker. the way he starts arguments with bigger account to get attention and keeps it going for 50 replies then retweets then subtweets is desperate and annoying. and he's fucking stupid on top of that so he winds up embarrassing himself. not as principled as he pretends to be. been a couple years since I checked in on him, not sure if he's still doing that.
No. 1577136
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>>1565107late but he looks like inigo montoya?
No. 1577193
File: 1656637675465.png (669.74 KB, 1210x964, adam friedland show.png)

Cum Update: The Adam Friedland Show soft launch is off to a rough start. All cumtown episodes disappeared from spotify when they tried to change the name so I guess that didn't work.
They said they're getting a studio and will film the recordings for youtube, same model as joe rogan / tim dillon etc. First episode immediately got struck down by youtube.
Not sure if they're really doing this or if it's a bit.
Adam and Nick both have covid and sound audibly sick.
No. 1577201
>>1577193Bizarre series of choices to make instead of just ending the show, lmao. They both hate the podcast but it brings in cash, but even that doesn't seem worth it. The fact that they literally named it The Adam Friedland Show can't be anything but a total joke in itself, it's clear they've both given up–why shell out so much money, time, and effort for a whole studio with a fancy filming set up?
They both have one foot in the "fuck this pod I'm over it" door and the other in the realm of "this is my only real 'accomplishment' and I need to nurture it."
No. 1577219
File: 1656640279130.png (1.19 MB, 1840x1614, cumtown patreon.png)

>>1577201Adam seems to not like the name very much, he keeps saying it can't be called that. Nick said Stav's departure had 'abrupt timing' and that they're scrambling to fill his shoes.
The studio thing could make sense, they can make additional money on YT. Most big podcasts do some kind of video don't they? But if nick is the producer (which he insisted he would be) does he even know how to edit video footage?
it's retarded to abandon a 100k per month patreon, they won't. they're lucky it even happened for them. and they keep saying they're broke & need more money. what the fuck did they do with all the money they got so far?
No. 1577234
>>1577219>they keep saying they're broke & need more money. what the fuck did they do with all the money they got so far?I've wondered the same thing. Unless they're both cripplingly addicted to burning money with gambling and prostitution I literally cannot imagine what they're blowing so much money on. It genuinely makes no sense.
>>1577229They all hate the show. Every episode lately has been them talking about how much they hate it, and doing extended ad reads for more money, and they are even more boring now because they started losing sponsors for being too crass about the companies giving them money. One recent episode they played an entirely different podcast for the most part, commenting on it here and there. It is a miracle no one left sooner.
No. 1577303
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Anna never tired of it
No. 1577345
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>>1577229no but they're being weird about it on the pod. neither one said anything specific.
the patreon subscribers are asking as well and making guesses (his agent made him quit, he's gay, he was bringing bad vibes it's better without him, money dispute, someone said "glad the baby diddler is gone"???, etc.)
No. 1577346
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No. 1577359
>>1577346i cant imagine writing that much about cum town, ever. especially what this guy wrote, lmao. tbh you have to be pretty stunted in some way to only hear cum town for the first time in the past 6 months, and also think it's good.
>the podcast helped me find god in a waystopped reading after that, scrolled down, saw the guys agreeing with him, and im just so glad none of the men in my life have listened to cum town.
No. 1577415
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>>1577267He says on his website he’s lived in Toronto area almost his entire life
After some tweet combing it sounds like he’s on disability for mental health
No. 1577438
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No. 1577454
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>>1577303Liz Bruenig’s friend Bronze Age Pervert in a nutshell
No. 1577457
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One fake unrealistic tech job recruitment ad equals 100,000s of women apparently
No. 1577462
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>>1577303If this sounds like it was co-written by your parents, you have some explaining to do Anna.
No. 1577501
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>>1577454"women, dog-brained and always hamster-wheeling, am i right, fellas?"
what's a snappy name for the insidious not-like-other-gays whose always railing on the glory of greek and rome to try and push boundaries and groom straight guys into homosexuality?
No. 1577571
File: 1656672278635.jpeg (385.33 KB, 640x1038, 6B372382-F59B-4BCE-A7F1-B85F11…)

Forgive me if this has been posted here but maybe the most embarrassing thing about Liz is that she follows an account called “People Whining About Liz Bruenig”. (Said account has been conspicuously silent for the last week lol)
No. 1577639
>>1576727NTA but posting "this person shouldn't get any more shit from us!" is always received poorly, you can just say she's not a cow anymore and leave it at that. Like
>>1576719 said, you're right and she simply hasn't been posted since.
>>1576733who the fuck is "detty"? post @s if you're gonna discuss randos
No. 1577642
File: 1656680626696.png (176.76 KB, 436x391, why.png)

What's up with all the dirtbag shilling for JB Pritzker 2024 lately? I guess the "every billionaire is a policy failure" mantra gets thrown out the window by the electoralist obsessives when a mildly left-of-center Democrat politician has a sliver of on ounce of swagger. These people have no principles.
No. 1577768
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>>1577680and it's more now without stav. patreon takes a cut but it should still be around 45k each
No. 1577780
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>>1577642Maybe I’ve become too jaded with the American Left over the years, but the shilling for Pritzker is almost a breath of fresh air compared to the braindead accelerationism from smug contrarian podcasters like @as_a_worker. Tbf, he’s getting his asshole torn apart in the replies and quote tweets for this take.
No. 1577784
>>1577780he asked for it.
this man thinks he's karl marx because he's in a union.
No. 1577789
>>1577642just looked him up and he has Rob Ford vibes. wonder if he also smokes crack.
who's shilling him? his background looks insanely evil lol, I have no idea why you would get behind him. generational wealth
and he's obviously just a pro-business democrat.
No. 1577953
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>>1577543>>1577544It really is Christmas in July.
No. 1577958
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>>1577543lol check out the numbers on the first tweet. Bruenig has no idea how many people can’t stand her.
No. 1577962
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she deleted it and QTd another journalist(?) who was saying Liz's method was not a respectable way to gather information for a piece (especially if you have the resources of the Atlantic at your disposal)
I guess that got under bruenig's skin
No. 1577996
>>1577968> I can imagine the "fame" weighing heavilyI can't.
they're only internet famous. they barely go online anymore. according to them they barely think about the show. the more-like-5am thing is the only negative result and it's definitely been made up for financially.
the three of them made $3,250,000+ together in five years. a lot of people don't see that kind of money in their entire lifetime. I don't think they're suffering from work stress and if they are I wouldn't feel bad for them, that's life.
No. 1578017
>>1578013100%, its always a projection of their own jealousies and insecurities. they literally wish they were the women with these jobs. the right calls them failures of femininity and the left calls them girlboss parasites, both are deeply jealous and think it's unfair that a woman could be in the same position as them but doing far better.
and this isn't a defense of bullshit jobs or lib feminism, lol, it's just painfully obvious these guys are frothing at the mouth out of envy and misogyny instead of any real principles about capital and labor aristocracy or w/e. there's a reason they never make fun of the males with the same jobs.
just kills me they spend their time orbiting
podcasters for christ sake, who literally do jack shit even when compared to any rich kid slapping a macbook keyboard in silicon valley
No. 1578023
>>1578020*In the ep
And he seemed like he was more mad there was a financial incentive for that than he was mad at the unspecified people who won’t say anything
No. 1578031
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>>1577543Liz Bruenig Trick #3422: when you’re feeling the heat, find your most ridiculous detractor, preferably someone making an easily falsifiable claim (Matt is not a teacher), to let your simps rally behind you.
>>1577962She was trying this here too but it’s not working because only a few of her simps even bothered attacking the other woman.
No. 1578045
File: 1656712407853.png (102.07 KB, 1178x540, jacko fat house.png)

Jack racing to upload a clip of Matt on Chapo mentioning him and the others laughing at the mention. The ep came out last night and Jack posted this barely an hour later at 1 am. Logo is in the replies repeating his and Kantbot's old shtick of pretending that they really think leftists are stealing their ideas when they ever bring up anything they've brought up before. No. 1578064
>>1578031I swear to god a few months ago she was in some kind of spat with Sean (who was it?) and made a very thinly veiled insinuation he was a predator or had a thing for young girls/ teens. Because wasn’t it her babysitter or neighbor or something she claimed was a
victim? And it turned out he had DMed her about a comedy show or something blithe and innocuous he was entirely forthcoming about? This stupid bitch can never play by her own damn rules, lmao!
No. 1578182
>>1578131it’s also a crank rag that will let anyone, no matter how internet poisoned, publish there
they’ve published post-lefties like galexybrane, sweeteggperson “the egg god”, and silicon valley/think tank plants like curtis yarvin and michael lind.
No. 1578195
>>1578156>>1578177I hate the transtrender fraud and I’m aware of the many problems with Democrats, but anyone who posts about how Trump or any other contemporary Republican is “based” or how both sides are the same is promoting the same fucking mind virus as all the cows in these threads such as Anna and Dasha and
>>1577780It would be great if America had a viable third party but the contemporary left can barely organize its way out of a paper bag so for now we are stuck with two parties. And that means I have zero tolerance for those who regurgitate all the same post-left talking points as the cows, who tried to argue that the Peter Thiel funding was no big deal because Dems also have wealthy donors, who think tranny issues must outweigh all others (and I cringe at hackneyed woke phrases like “birthing bodies”) and so on. Of course as long as grifters like the cows discussed in these threads continue to command any influence on the small American left, the left as such will remain marginal and hopeless and useless.
No. 1578227
>>1578177A lot of you are just like the cows. Has Trump been “based” this whole time?
>>1578195Thank you for your sanity
No. 1578309
>>1578257>dems want to flood the country and reduce the power of labor with open bordersVery interesting way of saying you love ICE's work.
>the damage being done to kids caught up in transgender ideology is worse than what the republicans are doingWhile that is a real a problem, it's not worse, and I don't care if kids want to switch clothes and fuck around with language, which is what 99% of trans kids are doing. If only the American right weren't worse than a 12 year old boy dress. This is all coming from someone who worships Dworkin and Solanas like Jesus, by the way, so don't get it twisted and think I'm some libfem troon handmaid. You guys get so obsessed with owning the libs you end up deluding yourselves at every corner for the sake of it.
No. 1578394
>>1578382Literally no kids are getting SRS, and if an adult troon wants to fuck up their body, that's their decision (even if it makes weirdo doctors rich). Bodily autonomy. Sure, open borders are a neolib (in the actual sense, not Khachiyan sense) dream for the purpose freeflow of capital but that doesn't mean immigrants shouldn't be allowed, just lmao.
You post-left fuckers are so bleak. It must be truly amazing to view the world in black and white through the lens of 20 podcasters butthurt they voted for Bernie, all at once.
No. 1578448
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cleansing this thread with a throwback
No. 1578467
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>>1578156>ecological conservationshut up moid, it's the environmentalist malthusians' fault we have sky-high gas prices now. you mother nature cultists despise human flourishing.
No. 1578475
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Oh no people are talking about politics in a thread about political grifters MY LORD!
No. 1578546
File: 1656761721236.png (3.99 MB, 750x1334, 6A89D69E-0549-43E9-9E5E-0EF5B4…)

Defaultefriend is on Instagram now
No. 1578594
>>1578389 end mentions Jerry B
, that's Felix's "neocon uncle" who has been mentioned on the pod. Neal, Gerber, and Eisenberg used to be Kanter & Eisenberg, which was founded by Burton Kanter of Castle Bank and Trust fame (Prtizkers were major clients, Kanter was on the board of Hyatt hotels)
No. 1578751
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>>1576066Goddamn I wish other anons had posted some of the brutal replies to Dasha. I’m not sure who got more humiliated online this week: Dasha or Liz Bruenig.
No. 1578757
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>>1578751>>1576066Some more. And these are the tip of the iceberg. Dasha got ethered.
No. 1578931
>>1578467>>1578908I know there’s an anon desperate to find milk on her, but this isn’t it. The Green Parties in both the U.S. and Europe are all deeply corrupt and really do give Green progressivism a bad name. This has nothing to do with “owning the libs.” Degrowth is a dead end electorally and everyone knows it. The left is divided on nuclear energy, there are strong arguments both for and against which are too long to detail here. As for pipelines, it doesn’t make sense to be for or against them without knowing the specifics. But this is all political sperging, not milk.
The only questionable thing about her is her friendliness with fashy conservatives like IndianBronson (self-hating Desi who grovels so much for White approval that he defended Amy Wax’s comments about Indian immigrants despite being one himself) and @eigenrobot (old NRx adjacent account). Take a look at their Twitter feeds and you’ll see what I mean.
No. 1579144
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>>1578175he's sincere all the time but who cares? no one should want him to be sincere.
he's being sincere right now. I don't think he realizes the thing he's saying happened to colbert is currently happening to him lol. all the chapos are getting a little out of touch from being so financially comfy.
No. 1579275
File: 1656838330872.png (317.94 KB, 423x501, 4575667867.png)

Why's he so mean to the midwest and west coast? It's not like that unermarkable Maryland suburb he grew up in has any more of an identity than Cleveland or Portland.
No. 1579289
>>1579146If there’s no milk it’s not because it isn’t a transparently awful idea that was destined to fail (it is), it’s because normal people will take one look at murphy, default katherine and the rationalist /nrx milieu and realize that it’s a club for the socially graceless. A dating site that caters to this set would be full of poly sex nerds and people who would be better off getting into train sets. Like you I have no real idea what happened to this venture but I think it’s safe to assume that the applicants were heavily male dominated, and it might have been like the Bored Ape Dating Club where they shut down because no chicks were involved.
Aella would probably be dumb enough to sign up but she’s already making bank off these retards so who knows
No. 1579403
>>1579397I think she's just blocking herself off as much as she can from Eastern European news because it
triggers her epigenetic trauma. On the other hand, I was surprised Anna briefly mentioned the Karakalpakstan protests on the latest ep lol she is definitely more plugged in global events that Dasha atm.
No. 1579564
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>>1577642that's gotta be Felix.
No. 1579808
>>1577362The way Anna brings BAP up in every single episode is creepy and insincere. Most recent ep she pretends she doesn't know that BAP has been doxxed for years and says she has no idea who he is irl. Recently she was getting embarrassed talking to the also dumb but way more well read authors they've had on and muttered that liking him is a bit.
>>1577336Twitter demolished her brain. Every single actual writer she talks about loving was read over a decade ago.
No. 1579957
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>>1579938She obviously has a normal BMI and I doubt she’s ever been underweight enough to be considered anorexic. Also wft is going on at No Agency? I thought they were like one of those “inclusive” modeling agencies (lol) but now they’re trying to rebrand as edgy or something? So embarrassing and unprofessional.
No. 1579993
simple as
No. 1580355
File: 1656963364129.png (175.15 KB, 1726x1138, Anna Khachiyan writing 1.png)

Anna's anal piss play s+m fan fiction or autofiction. Have to hit the arrow at the top a few times to get to it. No. 1580358
File: 1656963576498.png (287.77 KB, 2612x1144, Anna Khachiyan writing 3.png)

>>1580355>>1580356Anna wondering why she doesn't beat the coked up dimes square barfly allegations.
No. 1580418
>>1580355Hilarious find anon, well done. How’d you find it?
>>1580371It’s a text exchange between Anna back when she was a chubby loser and some artist she was fucking. Very believable that it’s her, her tedious fart-sniffing writing style is very consistent. Even pre-success you can tell she’s her own biggest fan
No. 1580454
moldbug is on newest Red Scare
>>1580452no way
Think this story is about a mix of Eli and other mouth breathers she picked up before him. It was published in December 2018, idk if she was already dating him then.
No. 1580461
File: 1656971336200.png (1.43 MB, 1620x1008, 45678987678.png)

>>1580355Miss this abject cretin Anna. Better than rich and at the same parties as Leonardo DiCaprio Anna.
No. 1580543
File: 1656979792987.png (623.55 KB, 640x1136, AD8514AE-3DA1-4EA1-98FB-74B6B3…)

Dasha's hard-hitting prepared q's
No. 1580561
>>1580464Accounts like Audrey Horne et al have disavowed current Red Scare, but most either went quiet or off the deep end of reactionary bullshit with them, all while claiming to be apolitical. Average scarethot alignment now is "I don't care about politics but think it's retarded and capitalism's fault that I can't find a rich man to pamper me as I sit at home while he works instead and uses me like a sex slave while I wear a rosary as a necklace. Did I mention I love saying the word retarded and I'm very brave?"
It says a lot that their biggest fanbase is no longer adult women but rather high school girls who post Dasha on pinterest alongside the Virgin Suicides poster, Lana Del Rey, and that same tired ass bottle of Miss Dior.
No. 1580606
>>1580596I’m surprised she doesn’t write in print letters just to pretend to be younger lol
Maybe im wrong but I feel like something happened in schools and very few people under 30 use cursive. I run into people who literally can’t read it at work and if they aren’t ESL they’re zoomers
No. 1580735
File: 1657005576146.jpg (383.77 KB, 1080x1484, FW2-bXSUEAEd5MS.jpg)

>>1580681I had the same thought earlier, prompted by seeing this. It's all diffusing and becoming more and more irrelevant. Similar feeling to when blogs (and alt-lit) started dying, and you could see the engagement and interest dwindle down to 0. But before that 0 came there was still traction, and yet it still felt like a ghost town already. A lot of out of touch people trying their best to remain relevant as the memetic cycles and net zeitgeist discard them.
Maybe they'll sustain themselves by drifting their grifts into a different direction another time, I dunno, but it all feels so stagnant. They've all peaked and they know it.
No. 1580805
>>1580606this has been a growing thing in the US for a while, i remember laughing at a story about a girl who was crying because she couldn't read cursive back in the early 10s.
>>1580641tbh her legs look pretty toned there so they're definitely not "average", those are nice legs. just not fucking ana-chan
No. 1580822
>>1580681One thing that sticks out is how insular it has all gotten. They don't interview anyone interesting, they don't have any interesting antagonist.
It's just this tiny circle of non profits, lawyers and socialites who all sound the same. I don't think it will get better because the first thing all of them did once they got enough podcaster money was withdraw from doing anything other than the kind of superficial charity work they needed to maintain at least a little leftist credibility.
Their reaction to inflation made it especially clear that none of them are in touch enough to even have the insight into things the financebros did. They aren't brave enough to go
terf. They just pretend there's no contradiction between the gender specials and 90% of the shit they used to say. It's just this completely neutered little enclave.
No. 1580937
You love/hate to see it. This entire year has been one gigantic L for the American left; so many redbrowns, misogyny, Russia fandom, a puzzling amount of Serbian genocide denial, paralyzing incompetence at a time where Americans might be primed to accept leftist ideas, etc. It's absolutely fucking depressing that there's no coherent alternative to the woke scene that isn't primarily made up of retirees, and that the public face of the alternative are clowns like Anna and Liz. Ugh!
>>1580694That's exotic to Americans who don't have much exposure to euro immigrants, I guess. Their fanbase strikes me as largely middle-class midwesterners and suburbanites who vicariously live through what they perceive to be a fast-paced cosmopolitan style, similar to why people watched Sex and the City back in the day.
No. 1581017
>>1580882Good times. I think these threads and the fact that they spread around the twittersphere so quickly was actually a huge part of the fall of this pathetic little “scene.” The same people who rushed to defend them of course still checked this thread daily and saw just how full of shit everyone involved actually is. It was obvious they were vendettaposting about each other at times too. The beginning of these threads definitely correlated with red scare thottery going out of vogue. But even without the threads, people in general are just sick of it for good reason.
The only people still orbiting these losers are out of touch trend hopping losers themselves who will move on in due time.
No. 1581037
>>1580955>keeping this thread perma-open>calling others who post here "you people" whilst rabidly lurking and posting herekek, you're still around? i'm sorry but if you only just learned about this thread a week ago and are still seething about it i doubt you have any ~insider knowledge~
>>1581017some of these people selfposted so shamelessly that to this day any post remotely referencing them gets accused of selfposting too. we should mention more often that even before these threads the cows were already selfposting elsewhere, dasha on /fa/, annie on /r9k/, etc
No. 1581063
File: 1657043990748.png (268.51 KB, 1692x654, Screen Shot 2022-07-05 at 9.58…)

>>1580694This is what I'm talking about. Comments like this are baffling to me. I thought based on what the poster said, Anna and Dasha might have immigrated when they were eight or nine. But no, they both immigrated here at four. At that age you can remember jack shit.
No. 1581099
File: 1657046813894.png (1015.04 KB, 1558x1556, Screen Shot 2022-07-05 at 2.37…)

checking this thread for the first time in a while and wow, the vibe shift around these cows is fucking delicious. i'm especially enjoying Dasha losing all her "cool-girl poaster" appeal and becoming officially recognized as cringe, and the whole world seeing Liz Bruenig as an insufferable misogynist psycho at the same time.
tbh i think this place had a lot to do with exposing these freaks, pretty sure the caps of these insane deleted bruenig tweets originated here and got spread all over twitter
>>1554613well done girls, damaging these cows' credibility genuinely helps the world imo. at least Liz hasn't tweeted about a presidential run in a few days kek
No. 1581247
File: 1657057853809.jpg (110.61 KB, 1080x508, jdqwipxf9jp71.jpg)

>>1581241fwiw dasha never seemed to particularly like or consider liz a friend. their personalities don't seem like they'd vibe at all, and on the Bruenig Derangement Syndrome ep of Red Scare Anna seemed a lot more invested in defending Liz than Dasha did, Dasha's seemed bored and half-annoyed with the topic
Anyway I can believe it, picrel are not the boobies of an 80 lb woman who's breastfed two children, they're too big and sit too high. Liz giving her coomers and Adam Vandervoort what they want
No. 1581262
File: 1657058868341.png (Spoiler Image,240.26 KB, 627x407, tml385y7fql61.png)

>>1581252>>1581256yep, liz loves including her kids in her thirst traps because she knows mommy fetishists are a big part of her demo. my fave was her "accidental" nude where she took time to edit out her kid but apparently didn't notice her full titty was out. like her mean tweets, she hastily deleted it and pretended she didn't want anyone to see it. so subtle liz!
No. 1581265
File: 1657058903594.jpeg (316.01 KB, 828x1309, 22CF7EE8-597D-4F08-B247-7E36E1…)

Screenshots 1/2 from the discord, zaitchka is Dasha
No. 1581267
File: 1657059054719.jpeg (452.52 KB, 828x1402, E77A38E6-5511-4188-814B-D5DECC…)

Screenshot 2/2 from discord
No. 1581286
File: 1657059912432.jpeg (230.09 KB, 1600x800, frogthots.jpeg)

>>1581280it's redscare fanart if you're curious, not that that really changes anything
No. 1581290
File: 1657060217639.jpeg (135.54 KB, 828x942, 340D2C20-35FE-4FAE-A5B9-0121AB…)

damn. thank you for this tea anon. i always thought her boobs looked really fake like in picrel. can’t wait for liz to address these rumors on twitter
No. 1581308
File: 1657061664764.jpeg (106.37 KB, 961x640, 17760454-7398981-There_were_we…)

>>1581292>her movie made a masturbatory fantasy of actual global child sex trafficking and also her entire personal brand is pedophiliayeah I'm surprised that doesn't bother more people. and she says she was supporting her friend who got epstein-trafficked but considering her personality it looked like she had just glommed on to the spectacle for clout & had a morbid fascination with it. I'd believe she doesn't think of it that way but it's how she comes across, moreso with the movie than anything else.
No. 1581456
>>1581272Screencaps of this?
100% believe you for the record… if the one episode of Wet Brain I had the misfortune of listening to is at all indicative than Honor’s entire personality is “that’s not what I saw on 4chan! o_0”, but I could use the cringe
No. 1581462
File: 1657074321213.png (725.1 KB, 1756x1344, honorspamming.png)

>>1581456nta but if you search her name in the archives there's dozens. can only search for text not images so there's probably way more. No. 1581576
File: 1657091512687.png (15.59 KB, 754x198, sure kat.png)

Today in oddly specific denials.
No. 1581600
>>1581583is it the capital letters? that's what's fucking me up about it.
ironically this makes me think of nuns at catholic school and how anal they are about cursive. sisters would have literally beat dasha for writing like that… (not condoning but it's just true)
No. 1581680
>>1581267>>1581265You need to edit out those other usernames better if you don't want people to see them
nonny, the black is see-through
No. 1581887
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No. 1581986
File: 1657137134636.jpeg (843.85 KB, 1341x1762, FF271D7A-3B35-4EF2-AA5F-D8293B…)

This Libby girl is a little removed from these other cows, but their trajectories are the same: during the 00s Libby was a failed playwright who maintained a leftist blog called “art for antifascist living” and then when she realized her art career was going nowhere she switched teams and became a right-wing hack writing for The Federalist, Quillette, etc.
I consider myself inured to most of this internet shock jock garbage but using the same “you made me do this” arguments as abusers to minimize the suffering a raped 10-year old made my skin crawl. It also demonstrates the kind of shameless vermin that populate the contemporary American right.
No. 1582000
File: 1657137742154.jpeg (166.68 KB, 1197x504, 3360EEBA-A770-4705-99E8-8B2812…)

>>1581099>>1580681The vibe shift is very noticeable. Many tweets dunking on Dasha and Anna and the rest of this crowd do exponentially better numbers than anything tweeted by Dasha or Anna themselves even when the accounts mocking them have a fraction of their follower count.
No. 1582022
File: 1657139300679.jpeg (883.5 KB, 1202x1600, 82136164-2BED-445B-8580-4FE338…)

>>1581986“you made me do this!” is such an important component of the mentality of most young conservatives - they openly admit this themselves! a total resentful loser ideology. just look at the replies to these tweets: No. 1582096
File: 1657144466298.jpeg (425.46 KB, 1335x763, CE5B7C2B-0320-46E4-B5B9-D69D0D…)

what would Alice know about getting pregnant?
No. 1582106
File: 1657144844759.png (5.28 MB, 2274x1536, liz bruenig boob job.png)

Liz having her titties done explains why she's always posting these cringy sideways body checks - i always wondered why they looked so hard, high and giant on her frame. where did she even find this tacky 80s miami style plastic surgeon in the bougie burbs of connecticut lmao.
No. 1582140
File: 1657146896584.png (1.42 MB, 1144x1314, anna bruenig zach.png)

Drag Queen synergy
No. 1582177
File: 1657148776868.jpeg (407.51 KB, 1331x1046, D5A0A844-DFA0-4835-9507-3DED8C…)

>>1571081>>1574828Mocha got so owned here she stopped using her selfie as her pfp, score one for the ironybros
No. 1582200
File: 1657150187846.png (709.6 KB, 640x1136, 298FF945-DF46-4BCF-A3A0-87B157…)

D+M & A+E take LV
No. 1582201
File: 1657150217525.jpeg (162.66 KB, 1136x640, 0E4F1EAE-B4C3-484E-8484-6B71DD…)

With Dasha's parents
No. 1582212
File: 1657150654312.jpeg (1.3 MB, 1525x1970, 1BD2F0E5-6C6C-407A-AA8E-B7C147…)

>>1581986>>1580681>>1577303>>1581099Probably the ONLY good thing John Ganz has ever written was his blog post about Red Scare and these other aging cows and failed artists embracing right-wing provocation as a way to maintain their fading relevance:
>Red Scare is the product of a fading downtown scene that no longer provides either a sense of exciting place and zeitgeist, viable artistic careers, or much cultural relevance, despite desperate attempts to keep it going. (Funnily enough, one person who I know who loved their provocation is an aging habitué of this downtown bohemia.)
>This is where I part company with De Boer’s characterization of this recent effrontery as cool or avant-garde in some way. Really, I think the moment has passed and it is really an attempt, like much of what we’re discussing, to arrest a process that the sociologist Pierre Bourdieu called “social aging:” a bid for relevance and attempt at shock to buoy one’s fortunes. It may well have worked—for the time being. But each of these examples shows a cultural producer who was forced to sort of recreate themselves according to the force of circumstances.
>It is surely possible for someone to find something louche and romantic in all this, or to find in this some kind of revolt or radicalism, but to any clearsighted observer, it’s all pretty dingy if you take a closer look: it’s just in the service of petty grubbing for money, status, power, and recognition. All it promises is destruction and humiliation of one’s enemies. A perpetual churn of spurned egos, anger, disappointment, and resentment. No. 1582286
File: 1657155741548.png (219.28 KB, 1186x920, dashamilady.png)

>>1581489At this point she knows her audience enough to continue making references to Milady even after the revealing that they were created by a group of
abusive and pedophilic imageboard schizos. See pic related–she knows, featuring one of the main pedos Kurabbu (>>1581937) making a special cameo in the mentions.
No. 1582289
File: 1657155908639.jpeg (91.07 KB, 750x1333, 292106787_557292976128282_6733…)

>>1582283she's still dressing like a schoolgirl
No. 1582332
>>1582297You really think a child being born to an unfit mother is hilarious?
>>1582289This is such a dated look, I can’t believe her style hasn’t evolved in over a decade.
No. 1582357
>>1582293just making a little jokey-joke,
nonnie. unless…
No. 1582374
File: 1657161748816.jpg (129.46 KB, 1170x2080, 29204768.jpg)

flashing the hotel lobby in a brandy melville shirt, just editing or lips looking fuller?
>>1582293>>1582357they went to see Morrissey, hope they aren't getting an interview
No. 1582379
File: 1657162415178.jpeg (274.56 KB, 1324x780, EEBDB3AA-1F2B-4652-A576-184578…)

>>1582106Just letting you know that Liz is once again PRAYING. There’s nothing unseemly or sanctimonious about constantly reminding everyone that you’re PRAYING. That makes you a pious Catholic who cares about others.
No. 1582411
File: 1657165162427.jpeg (263 KB, 1125x755, 8D2E7BF0-4692-4C6E-86F6-6A317C…)

>>1582397“She’s” still not writing anything on Substack, still tweeting tediously and constantly about the news and “her” all-index funds portfolio (obvious boomer behavior), still lives in the sticks (funny no triumphant post-Covid return to New York, hmmmm…), still no follower growth in over a year and bitching about it — oh, and still tweeting creep shit about teenage girls’ bodies in skimpy clothes.
No. 1582432
File: 1657167480787.jpeg (800.01 KB, 1349x1833, 63213B76-3C14-474F-902C-9FB25A…)

>>1582022Moid rights activists, lol
No. 1582435
File: 1657167619063.png (8.58 MB, 1242x2208, E9CC30BC-44E4-4530-8E45-D1CF56…)

Anna looks completely botched
No. 1582458
File: 1657170055456.png (531.15 KB, 890x804, anna in vegas.png)

>>1582435kinda looks normal. I can never tell if any work was done unless it's super heavy so idk what you see but she looks how she's looked for a while No. 1582497
>>1582289not defending, but how does a mini black skirt and white tee equate schoolgirl?
it seems like she's just wearing basics. those shoes look like those orthopedic clogs. but she's wearing mismatched quirky socks though! still doesn't scream schoolgirl nymphette to me.
No. 1582538
File: 1657181909482.jpeg (432.96 KB, 1284x1117, 7C9A3B0F-6D98-4D2F-9D1E-3CED7E…)

>>1582435Are Anna’s shoes pic related or just dirty?
No. 1582542
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No. 1582571
File: 1657186671445.jpeg (552.32 KB, 1125x2064, 4B298C89-9910-469C-B727-03006C…)

She reminds me of evil Bilbo, a 52 year old balding British male, and a sleep paralysis demon all at once
No. 1582573
>>1582512Idk what you mean anon, aren’t your legs naturally twice as long as your upper half like ole Dasha here? What do you mean she didn’t magically go from a 5’4” no-waisted fridge to a 6 foot waif?
>>1582435>>1582571Even with apps and fillers working overtime, science has yet to invent the technology to fix these faces. Isn’t Anna’s sister younger? Must be profoundly weird watching your 40 year old big sister do this extremely awkward coquette routine.
No. 1582574
File: 1657188140649.jpeg (225.69 KB, 1125x730, 71F6DE30-01C6-4FD3-8063-B2F9C7…)

>>1582571Dasha’s actually giving Smeagol in this pic to an insane degree, do we have proof she wasn’t in New Zealand for a LOTR sequel?
No. 1582580
File: 1657190268699.jpeg (233.94 KB, 1122x701, 41EC71EF-9656-4CC6-B6D1-8637FE…)

>>1581308>she says she was supporting her friend who got epstein-trafficked but considering her personality it looked like she had just glommed on to the spectacle for clout & had a morbid fascination with itI think it was confirmed Dasha never sincerely gave a shit about the girls Epstein abused when she went on Bret Easton Ellis’s pod a couple months ago. Even the Reddit scarethots realized she was full of shit.
No. 1582617
>>1582568possibly the most disproportionate and histrionic reply in this thread behind
>>1567805 congrats
nonnie No. 1582635
File: 1657202141957.jpeg (60.75 KB, 651x651, A4A3F7A7-FDE2-4E8B-A54B-24071D…)

>>1582573Dasha’s absolutely not trying to cultivate a pro ana image she just “forgets to eat sometimes”
No. 1582724
>>1582571anon I got one more for you
OT for plastic surgery sperg but it's sad because she was genuinely cute at one point in her life; now she has the classic anachan haggarded face with zero babyfat and huge bobblehead (bone density loss causes your bone to expand slightly). It's crazy to me that they both bring in like 20k a month and she can't afford to even spend 2k of it on well done filler to gently bring back some of the volume in her face, although truthfully her destiny was always to just go to Korea for double jaw surgery. I wouldn't be surprised if she has breathing and chewing problems when she gets older; asymmetry like that isn't always purely cosmetic in nature and it looks like it's getting worse as she gets older which is a dead sign that it's drifting and going to keep drifting more severely as she loses more bone density into her 30s
No. 1582726
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>>1582724samefag, forgot to included the image
No. 1582774
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>>1582512>>1582573if anything she has a long torso
No. 1582820
File: 1657213991425.png (435.77 KB, 606x477, lol.png)

From the incredibly detailed poster Brad Troemel designed for the upcoming TrueAnon live shows…these particular frens look familiar… No. 1582855
File: 1657216435738.jpeg (49.86 KB, 1080x1019, dasha and vaush.jpeg)

>>1582820dasha and vaush for sure. you think the milking mommy is Liz B?
No. 1582864
File: 1657216829659.jpeg (434.69 KB, 1242x1972, 25304270-4418-4CB2-86D0-F7EF1D…)

Honor un-archived some interesting photos of her and Matthew
No. 1582872
File: 1657217465707.jpeg (304.79 KB, 1375x1375, 190801141_1126235871214624_127…)

this is what matthew looked like last year?
No. 1582874
File: 1657217722896.jpeg (268.34 KB, 1440x1440, 118772578_1056599888128223_892…)

scrolling her insta makes me feel bad for her
No. 1582881
>>1582820Embarrassing “edgy” shit. made by people who basically run a wetbrain schizo insta but for politics. South Park ass art, 2 unabomber references in case you missed one, a bunch of dumb internet references and anti-woke observations that have been beaten in to the ground.….
Not seeing anything about Epstein on it. This is their pivot away from that I guess?
No. 1582887
File: 1657219052031.jpeg (324.68 KB, 1440x1440, 274557722_656460998936537_4031…)

adam in the back
not sure why he's considered the normal one when this is is friend group
No. 1582897
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>>1582820>>1582855Pretty sure that’s Matt Christman, not Vaush. Art still sucks though. Praise KEK references in 2022? That would’ve already been considered cringe years ago. Dasha as Sailor Socialism? Did their graphic designers stop logging into social media in 2019? If you’re going to be this Twitter-brained, at least try to be up to date.
No. 1582934
File: 1657222988212.png (3.4 MB, 1170x2532, 77BEAA4E-D743-4A9A-AEC6-9DBA36…)

No. 1582968
File: 1657225906653.jpeg (562.63 KB, 828x1231, C051C678-4276-472A-9EEB-1E3C63…)

More Liz B tinfoiling but I’m realizing she made her Instagram in 2019 which is pretty late for an internet addict. I think she created it to showcase her Miami bolt-ons. Getting a boob job before fixing her teeth is pathological, especially if she’s faux breastfeeding in this photo.
No. 1583019
File: 1657230176619.jpeg (164.09 KB, 1121x1405, A97B29C0-1A1E-4A55-8AB9-A2402C…)

Cool deflection, Liz! Anyone who doesn’t have a comfy media job so they can “break stories” can’t ever criticize you or your pedophile cult! Maybe it was a bad idea to convert to a corrupt institution like the Catholic Church?
No. 1583068
File: 1657234516417.jpeg (508.63 KB, 1185x1138, 3FE4B888-5772-4C96-9E0F-77033B…)

>>1583019Carl “the cuck” Beijer came to Bruenig’s defense and got roasted for it
No. 1583100
>>1583073are you talking about the liz boob job posts?
nonny please this is the best drama we have had in months
No. 1583131
File: 1657240117966.jpeg (279.2 KB, 800x1064, dasha.jpeg)

>>1583118>>1583104Perfect angelic Dasha 20 years in the future when she probably will have no money left from her prime pod years and much worst health. Her face has gotten way more asymmetrical since her early 20s, that's just as fact that people have been pointing out and speculating about since the first thread. Naturopath radfems that encourage women to age as horribly as possible are weird. Sage for OT
No. 1583153
>>1582968you can breastfeed with implants
that’s been the case since the late 1990s
No. 1583242
File: 1657253853918.png (2.4 MB, 1152x1868, Screen Shot 2022-07-07 at 21.0…)

anna retweeted this. not sure why she's trying to make it seem like they grilled him or something. a&d raised the question as a theoretical and yarvin ignored it so they all kept on chatting lol
No. 1583310
>>1582984It's breast lifts not breast augmentations that commonly mess up breastfeeding. Implants typically sit under the muscle so the mammary glands are untouched, but if they are excessively large they might compromise milk production.
>>1583131The only reason Dasha has become "more asymmetrical" overtime is because her loss of facial fat makes it more obvious. If you pay attention to old photos her asymmetry is just as bad. She needs to gain weight and get fillers/fat transfer, not major surgery.
No. 1583316
File: 1657262221598.png (1.29 MB, 1475x591, lizardtits.png)

Liz would have to be wearing little to no bra support in these pics. A strapless bra can only do so much if you are on the large side, it will not provide as much top fullness as she has.
No. 1583318
>>1582778he is so hideous
poor dasha
(sage) No. 1583447
File: 1657285492332.png (114.22 KB, 612x967, shinzoabespiral.png)

white expat fag asukahomo goes into a histrionic spiel about the dirtbag leftists mocking the death of monoparty nepotism conservative shinzo abe
the usual post-post-left aimeeites rally to his side and show their ignorance in the process
No. 1583538
>>1583495post screenshots anon. She was involved in the organization of the first NPCC, that alone is already pretty bad
>>1583471That's true, but this scene just isn't very influential or known in the grand scheme of things. They ran victory laps when they got a small handful of articles written about them in vanity and crypto rags the same way Dasha feels like she won an oscar for making a 15 minutes appearance on a big TV show. She can just ditch them and go somewhere else and people will simply not know about this, unless she insists on sticking to people who are close to them. Which in fairness she probably will, many of these losers could still exit relatively unscathed, they just really like being cows
No. 1583617
>>1583571Hadrian Belove runs Play Nice and hires the NPCC team. Hadrian has bad reputation for the Cinefamily sex scandals, but was really more of a fall guy for broader mismanagement and poor appropriation of funds from the nonprofit entity. The NPCC team was led by Trevor Bazile, who died at the end of their inaugural film festival, and now the whole concept is in free fall.
Play Nice produced the incel doc TFW No GF and the upcoming Alex Jones doc as well.
No. 1583685
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sorry for reposting something from r/redscarepod with no irony but this is too good not to share. honestly they fucking nailed it and i would like to personally invite this user to post here instead. (((catholic))) lmao
No. 1584163
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I don't think this is going over well.
the article: No. 1584167
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uwu smol bean lies about how long her writing career is so that people will stop being mad at her for being stridently anti-choice like the psycho she is. No. 1584170
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>>1584167I was about to post that
liz is calling "not it!" lol
No. 1584175
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do you think Dasha realizes that Alex Lee getting them to do the Alex Jones episode right in he middle of her press tour killed her career or is she in denial?
No. 1584193
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I like how she says she's reporting a story when she writes a fluff thinkpiece and the only facts she reports are things literally any american who had a baby (or had a wife/sister/friend who had a baby, etc) could tell you
No. 1584198
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>>1584175she's in denial.
do you think she's seething that Anna's life is objectively better than hers? being a socially shrewd person I think it must get to her sometimes whether they're friends or coworkers or whatever
No. 1584209
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what did they actually do to him though?
No. 1584263
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Anna being weird, posting stranger women
No. 1584583
>>1584403>they're all hot and Are you looking at the same picture I am
No. 1584697
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>>1584263Kinda funny that the fat one is the only one smoking. Not so glamorous anymore is it, Anna.
No. 1584817
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(not my screenshot)
No. 1584915
>>1584263Her entire pathology is that she is every inch an unremarkable, American, 'basic' suburban white girl, who hates and thinks she's above the 'basic suburban white woman'.
Hence the absurd ethno-larping, and the grandiose origin tales that fall apart on contact with reality.
See also that halloween costume she did a few years ago.
No. 1584934
>>1584749Yeah, there's sadly too many actually OK guys wasting their time on this shit
>>1584817What is this supposed to mean?