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No. 2100119

>Admin note: Please remember this thread is not to discuss general grievances and phenomena of the trans "community". Only post here if you're talking about specific trans cows and are able to provide screenshots of their behavior. Generalized vents don't belong here, nor do your personal experiences. Use the appropriate threads on our off-topic boards for this

*TIFs, don't come to this thread and announce yourselves, no one cares if you think you're ~more legit~ than the cows posted here.*

This is a series of threads about fakebois and trans-identified females (TIFs).

TIFs are girls and women who take on the 'trans' label to any extent, including undergoing ("gender-affirming") surgery under that label.

"Fakebois" are girls who pretend to be boys, either by becoming TIFs or larping biological males through the screen (classic move). Fakebois usually style and present themselves as androgynous or feminine-looking boys, or wearing girls' clothing and make-up while insisting on being addressed with he/him (or occasionally they/them) pronouns and take great offense at being gendered as female.

These threads are also now a catch-all for any minor TIF cows without threads of their own. Even "serious" troons, (like Kalvin Garrah and Ellen Page) are fair game, as are horrific troon surgeries and pregnancies. Just remember to spoiler that shit.

Additionally, occasional discussion of fujoshis is fine, but don't sperg and infight about it. Report and ignore bait.

Notable FtM-related subreddits:

Old threads by order of recency:

No. 2100135

didn't we have this as a threadpic already

No. 2100142

no. it was posted last thread and suggested as a threadpic

No. 2100180

Isn't this sexual assault? Those men didn't consent to touching a vagina or having sex with a woman.

No. 2100194

File: 1742273244488.jpeg (Spoiler Image,74.98 KB, 712x1198, GmNT4h2a8AA5Tth.jpeg)

>horrible acne and skin redness
>excessive stomach hair
>protruding gut
>pretty trans men?

What about transitioning to a male is "pretty"? They'll never understand that this is causes the 41% and not muh bullying. Testosterone is truly a gamble.

No. 2100197

this is fucking brutal holy shit. like actual nightmare panic attack fuel.

No. 2100200

File: 1742274152820.jpg (597 KB, 989x1558, Screenshot_20250318_050122.jpg)

I believe that's Victoria Markhoff. She has a kiwi thread. She munched a 60k power chair and looks so much worse now. Bald and moonfaced from steroid munching. She is totally fucking insane lol
Also KEK threadpic looks like that furious little tif lawyer

No. 2100205

File: 1742275084275.jpeg (492.07 KB, 1536x1536, IMG_8174.jpeg)

kekkk i love when tifs make that constipated face trying to look angry and threatening. you know she thibks she's a big tough manly macho man but with that head/body ratio she just ends up looking like an angry lego

No. 2100222

I think the very worst part is you can see in her face she could have been incredibly pretty if she just accepted her natural body. I feel like all the hormones just destroyed what was otherwise an incredibly beautiful human being.
I blame moids for this shit.

No. 2100242

90% of them are weebs and want to look like anime characters. Not gonna lie, some of them do (not this one), but they're usually the trender ones, not the ones who take T and get top surgery.

No. 2100243

I can’t keep up with the vocab anymore, wtf does pedojacket mean

No. 2100259

It's a term used by TIMs for when they get "wrongfully" accused of pedophilia as an attempt at cancelling them. It's seen as an ultimate sin to accuse a TIM of being a pedophile, not because it's horrible and easily refuted, but because what if his life is ruined by these false accusations if you ignore his pedophilic fetishes snd incest posting? It's originally from the term bad-jacketing, they've just made it specitic because so many of them are pedophiles and get accused of pedophilia that they've turned it into a form of oppression.

No. 2100268

Isn’t Vicky balder than that

No. 2100302

Yes. But troons don’t give a shit. It could be considered rape by deception, although I find it weird that a couple of the men still had sex with her. Not sure if it’s bc they’re just men or they felt like they had to since they couldn’t keep it up in the end.

No. 2100304

The eyes lmao idk somehow you can always tell bc the eyes for some reason

No. 2100309

File: 1742299891080.png (314.91 KB, 1050x913, hJLwL3z.png)

Is there a single actual male in existence who has this as his account header, troon flag aside

No. 2100331

File: 1742305279017.png (389.97 KB, 1080x974, 06a3f906dce4dae1.png)

No. 2100333

The way both of these types are mere fantasies and actual troons just end up looking like this >>2100194 kek

No. 2100334

Kek, female socialization even in comics
>I better not bother her, she will think I'm annoying

No. 2100337

Obviously shooting up testosterone is poison for the body, the insane amount of acne these girls get including body acne is a big sign their hormones are out of wack, but I also find it funny how theyre always so jealous of "skinny" and "pretty" trannies. Being skinny is about your diet and exercise, you have to put in work for that part. I really think they have this idea that testosterone + tit chop = skinny beautiful little anime twink from a BL. They cant fathom you still have to take care of yourself and its not magic

No. 2100351

File: 1742309994964.png (738.71 KB, 1335x856, Y2pPehQ.png)

can't tell if this is a tif or not(transvestigating, post confirmed or obvious trannies only itt)

No. 2100353

This is clearly a twink faggot, nona.

No. 2100358

>pretty, skinny trans men
The ones who aren't on hormones? The ones hiding behind endless filters? What was she expecting

No. 2100361

That's a gay moid, a pretty typical one at that, there's thousands of him in countries like Philippines. He has videos with his sister and you can tell the obvious difference between them, a tif would've just looked like her sister but with shorter hair kek.

No. 2100491

From a meme in the TIM thread

No. 2100501

it should be "saddest ugly woman alive"

No. 2100504

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No. 2100762

File: 1742411289329.png (256.74 KB, 658x698, Z41qEkf.png)

the moment I saw this kid, I knew that tifs would project their "gender envy" unto him, and sure enough

No. 2100796

"Basic ass white boy" Is there even another type of human being that they get this retarded envy for?

No. 2100828

Literally why

No. 2100874

anime boys

No. 2101046

File: 1742486659132.webp (83.4 KB, 1080x1090, FTMW.jpg)

Female to Mark Wahlberg

No. 2101063

Poony Poon and the Titchop Bunch

No. 2101093

She is now.
That image is a couple years old.
She's also both fatter and skinnier (deconditioned from munching wheelchair) as well as balder, spottier & swollener.
Basically everything -er.
Poetic punishment for her abusing the ER, kek.

But yeah it's crazy to look at that image, and know it gets even worse.
HRT is magic! (fake & gay, undertaken by losers and creeps,unable to exist without a validating audience)

No. 2101126

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>troon out to get away from the unfair standards society holds women to
>still compare yourself to women who are prettier and skinnier than you

No. 2101130

These girls are labeling their straight girl attraction to this white boy as "gender envy". They see tall and skinny boys as hot, and in contrast they can't see their perfectly normal bodies with female curves and fat distribution as attractive. They view their own attractiveness through what they're personally attracted to. Straight girls aren't attracted to female bodies, so they see their bodies as unattractive. This is how their brains have been rewired I think.

No. 2101131

Some AGP (Hontra I think?) lifted it from prison lingo. A criminal's "jacket" is the crime he's serving time for, so to be "jacketed" is for word about your crime to spread around the prison yard, effecting how other inmates treat you. Pedophiles experience some of the most brutal treatment because even criminals, just like everyone else, hate people who hurt kids. Sometimes a person will be incorrectly "pedojacketed" because some other inmate wants them to be a target. TL;DR "Pedojacketing" is just short for "accused of being a pedophile."

No. 2101133

They think it's more socially acceptable to say "I want his gender" when they see a hot guy instead of "I want to fuck him." For people who purport to be progressive and enlightened, they sure carry around a lot of shame and conservative attitudes towards their own displays of heterosexual desire.

No. 2101137

Marshall Lee is basically a TiF mascot at this point. I've ever seen an actual moid (gay or straight) have him as his pfp.

No. 2101155

what >>2101130, they are clearly attracted to them

No. 2101159

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Looking miserable.

No. 2101161

Weird how the faces of trans joy don't look too different from the faces of meth

No. 2101164

I know her face hurts and pulsates all day.

No. 2101178

I thought you weren't supposed to put makeup on a acne ridden face? It feels so painful to look at jesus

No. 2101186

Why does she have the proportions of a toddler?

No. 2101187

damn at least put some foundation on

No. 2101192

kekkk that massive head on tiny shoulders. very male proportions here

No. 2101211

Kingcobrajfs cosplay coming in nicely, TMDWU

No. 2101233

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Jesus christ

No. 2101247

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What the hell. Transitioning into that neckbeard meme from 2 decades ago

No. 2101249

Tha timeline should be shown to any young woman/girl considering medically transitioning just so they know what they're getting into by using cross-sex hormones

No. 2101257

She looks like a medieval peasant who's gone through the pox.

No. 2101295

Jesus is this for real? That’s so fucking sad.

No. 2101318

You're gonna need more than one of those star patches, friend.

No. 2101333

It would be sad if she wasn't an absolute and total cunt, but she is.
She trooned out her younger brother successfully, then sued her rich parents when they all fell out because she was trying to get her munchie hooks into her youngest sister (and also troon her out ofc)
Diagnosed her autism and EDS and announced she would need a mobility aid soon. Seemingly thats when they realised she was a danger to more than just herself.
That's barely scratches the surface of her antics, it couldnt have happened to a more deserving recipient.

No. 2101352

>then sued her rich parents
Of course it's a rich spoiled brat.. yet again. The persecution fetish of richtards really needs to be studied. Many people out there are struggling with actual problems, while troons like her are too busy navel-gazing at their gender and whining about 'problems' that they've created themselves, just to make themselves look like the greatest victim of all time.

No. 2101376

the previous pic of this behemoth with the stomach out scared me so deeply I had a nightmare about it after I saw it. I expect this will end the same way. good lord. her face just looks so painful. I bet it feels amazing when she puts her cold hands on her cheeks because you can tell the HRT makes her face throb and burn. trans joy or whatever though am I right!

No. 2101425

This is obviously just fetish content but isn't it funny that when tifs draw their idea of a passing tif she's always extraordinarily tall for a woman? How do they live with the cognitive dissonance

No. 2101430

The kinds of geeks that draw like that aren't representing reality they're literally going by manga or anime tropes because that's what's normalized to them. The anime they watch is obviously from East Asia which is notorious for sexist representations of characters (i.e, Herculean dimorphism) and that's what they're internalizing. It is cringe but it make sense to them, I guess.

No. 2101433

File: 1742592739337.jpg (191.35 KB, 1500x891, 3-Year-Transformation-Bodybuil…)

no tif can ever look like that without using angles in their pictures. their shoulders will never get that big. they all take a pic from below and hoist their shoulders up in the same way that mtfs will press their shoulders back as far as possible in pics to try and hide their hulking stature

No. 2101468

Imagine becoming like this and saying HRT is magic. Shes literally falling apart.

No. 2101470

Right, even people like Buck Angel who arguably is one of the most well "passing" trannies, you can easily tell Buck wasnt born a man when standing next to actual males, there was a pic of Buck posted here next to some men and the sexual dimorphism was still blatent even though Buck do look alot like a man if you only see the videos. The bodys frame and size never lie, and the size of the skull

No. 2101533

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No. 2101538

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What the fuck is happening here?

No. 2101557

Looks like a chunk of fat is missing from the roided lats

No. 2101559

good thing it's drawn on and not a tattoo, made me cringe 10% less

No. 2101561

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Like this?

No. 2101578

She looks like she was hit with a shrinking ray KEK

No. 2101592

why is her navel part of the body drooping like that? is it because of the testosterone making the body age?

No. 2101621

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picspam incoming, can't wtrite a proper post because i'm in a rush. these pictures speak for themselves

No. 2101622

File: 1742653576229.jpg (3.68 MB, 4096x2730, GridArt_20250322_075407108.jpg)

ur so manly dood!

No. 2101623

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No. 2101625

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>be a TIF
>hate your female body
>make a choice to surgically alter it instead of working on accepting and making peace with it
>get botched
>"ok NOW is just the right time to work on self-acceptance. I LOVE my uneven nipperonis!! #bodypositivity"

No. 2101627

Spoiler this shit

No. 2101644

man that star of david really is the cherry on top lol

No. 2101657

File: 1742659474164.jpeg (Spoiler Image,442.04 KB, 735x1919, IMG_8244.jpeg)

kekkk is that supposed to be a saint sebastian allegory? the ego on this bitch

No. 2101663

nta but it's definitely a tattoo, the style is "drawn on". very fugly

No. 2101674

my husbando

No. 2101686

File: 1742663522328.jpg (171.27 KB, 1850x2400, deguisement-obelix-adulte_3169…)

Great Obélix cosplay!

No. 2101690

Why do none of these hams realize that moid of their size also have "boobs"? Not that she has any chance of passing anyway, even in a still image, but it would have been a lot less trouble.

No. 2101691

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>All these photos
I don't believe in these "Trans is beautiful" or "I love being trans" anymore.

No. 2101702

>I had to have top surgery for my survival

It's super crazy that TRAs say it's not a cult, but almost every member parrots the exact same lines. I've seen so many TIFs parrot the exact same dialog, word for word.

Is she skinwalking him? It's funny that you can see that line in between her eyebrows, it's obviously from furrowing her brow constantly to look more "masculine" but it's just made her ever-growing forehead look like an ass.

No. 2101731

Kek exactly and it makes her look even more female because men don't have birthing hips + flat chest

No. 2101738

i love how her sorts say "boi pkg" yet do nothing but highlight the lack of any package whatsoever
no one asked

No. 2101743

Why has yiddish become a trans thing it's so weird

No. 2101765

Damn that gigahon's skull is at least twice her size.(sage your shit)

No. 2101775

Two pills I pop til my pupils swell up like 2 pennies

No. 2101781

They always look so depressed, TIFs have a dead eye gaze, TIMs have that absent porn sick gaze.

No. 2101784

Ive seen people say its from offensive intentions because ftms view Jewish men as an 'obtainable' goal and see them as ugly/small/ratfaced. I think they convert to judaism for opresson points and because they're delusional enough to think they'll gain Jewish connections from it.

No. 2101798

deleted my comment asking if it was a st. sebastian reference but he really got taken over by tifs. which is ironic because he tends to be a favorite saint of women due to being young and hot and protective, he's not as popular among men as far as saint fandom goes. he would have tried to save tifs from mutilating their bodies and fucking it up with drugs.

No. 2101818


No. 2101842

It’s probably also because he was popular with yukio mishima and other homosexual men

No. 2101844

The larp is really off when they stand near men , she looks goofy kek

No. 2101853

poonest pooner that ever pooned

No. 2101872

File: 1742697071850.jpg (Spoiler Image,18.99 KB, 300x450, guido-reni-st-sebastian_u-l-q1…)

>Sebastian is a popular male saint, especially today among athletes. In medieval times, he was regarded as a saint with a special ability to intercede to protect from plague, and devotion to him greatly increased when plague was active.
It seems like he cannot protect women from the trans plague.

No. 2101879

File: 1742700293224.jpg (63.28 KB, 1009x387, 1000038881.jpg)

>100x more than women
Yeah sure, quirky women need all that 100x more than non-quirky women.

No. 2101884

kek if men could get pregnant, abortion would be easier to get, but guess what…

No. 2101887

Oh that's what it is, I thought it was a combination of fugly + gay + fag pronounced in a hick accent, like "fae-guh-lay".

No. 2101908

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No. 2101911

This saddens me because this wouldnt happen if women were allowed to be hairy and free. I feel nothing towars hyperfeminine tifs, but the ones that are actually gnc make me sad.

No. 2101915

How about they also acknowledge that if a TIF gets pregnant they'll give birth to a roided up baby

No. 2101917

File: 1742709072887.jpg (91.07 KB, 888x422, justclothes.jpg)

once again literally picrel

No. 2101918

>trans doods need abortion rights "100x more" than women


No. 2101920

i think the empty eye look is from how their identity requires them to constantly disassociate from reality

No. 2101927

This one is genuinely ugly, she looks mtf.

No. 2101935

no she doesn't, retard

No. 2101955

tims wished they could have such a slim waist and small head

No. 2101966

No she doesn't I'm sure that's Ezra or smth.

No. 2101968

Huh? Straight girls aren't attracted to other girls sexually or romantically, yet seeing their OWN body as unattractive sounds like a different context, one of poor body image. It's like seeing yourself as not in the same leage/level as some white boy they're attracted to.

No. 2101969

A decade ago posted in earlier threads there are tons who look reasonably like the one on the left, and that ironically made us clock them.

No. 2101976

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Same tif, I will never understand the pooner obsession with ugly white scrotes. The fact that she’s philipina who’s into a white man twice her age makes it even more grim.

No. 2101991

why does her leg hair end so abruptly in the middle of her thighs

No. 2101993

Nta but I think it's a sort of chicken/egg scenario that could be a small factor to trooning. They think being attracted to ugly males makes their male attraction "esoteric" and more "radical" than a woman who likes attractive males. You must have seen some posts going around saying retarded shit benoaning girls who like Chads because uhhhh it's racist and fatphobic I guess? In any case it's kind of a universally accepted notion in these spaces that liking hideous males is somehow cool and groundbreaking, kind of how they view denouncing womanhood to be cool and groundbreaking.

No. 2102005

I can give some context. despite how much they may complain about or thirst after white people, they'll never actually know one(other than perhaps glancing at a tourist), they view white people similarly to how some otakus view kapanese people, basically as irl fictional characters, but more specifically, as porn/fanfic based on those fictional characters

No. 2102033

Its really just low self esteem. Its why hybristophiles are always fatties.

No. 2102041

AYRT. My theory is that since their trans identification is partially motivated by the desire to escape from female oppression, they are envious of moids with the most power. With AAP, they internalise this and becomes attraction.

No. 2102076

It's not that deep, the anon above you was more accurate

No. 2102079

agree with >>2102076, you're making it way more deep than it has to be, they obsess over old white men because they read too much yaoi and can't separate fiction from reality.

No. 2102163

She has a tan from the board shorts lol

No. 2102223

Sure, she wouldn’t become envious of white men if she had high self esteem and comfortable with her female sex. Their self hatred runs deep and dictates who they are attracted to etc.

Her left nipple is literally 5x bigger than the right kek.

No. 2102247

FFS. the brightness and thr fact it's professional photos had me thinking that for the first ever time, we were going to see someone who had ironed the troon flag to get the fold marks out. Nope.
It's not like they even need to buy that shitty Chinese plastic amazon flag. It's not like the British or American flags, it's an easy design, you could make one yourself with love.
But no. Can't be bothered make one, can't even be bothered to iron the piece of shit you buy for 1.99

No. 2102261

they cant iron it because its made of the worlds cheapest and most unstable polyester that will immediately melt into crude oil on application of heat

No. 2102274

These photos make her look like a ginormous baby. Especially the pose with her arms akimbo, it gives off temper tantrum. Does the photographer hate her or something?

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