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No. 1338847
ld Threads by order of recency:
>>>/snow/1303022>>>/snow/1251681>>>/snow/1208873>>>/snow/1137677>>>/snow/1095226>>>/snow/1032764>>>/snow/979294>>>/snow/895014>>>/snow/720444>>>/snow/570991>>>/snow/465430>>>/snow/276054>>>/snow/45564>>>/snow/26392This thread is for posting and discussing cringey fakebois who may or may not deserve their own threads.
Fakebois are girls who pretend to be boys for attention, either as trannies or biological males (usually the former).
Fakebois style and present themselves as androgynous or feminine-looking young men, even wearing girls' clothing and make-up. They insist on being addressed with he/him (or occasionally they/them) pronouns and take great offense at being gendered as female. Some are SJW transactivists, but for most their identities are entirely superficial.
Reminder to "truescums" and "transmeds": Nobody cares about how [[[100% REAL]]] your or any other tranny's ~dysphoria~ is. Don't derail about how you're actually a true troon unlike everyone else, save it for your twitter feed.
No. 1338903
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TiFs seem to be obsessed with "men with small waists" and then being fuckable/bottoms solely for it.
Trynna cope with that waist to hips ratio.
No. 1338905
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>>>/snow/1337834This retarded fujo is incredibly milky. picrel is her gross fujo art but surprise, she also has a whole list of headmates No. 1338907
>>1338905why the fuck are trannies so obsessed with murdering people of the gender they "identify" as?
it's fucking creepy
No. 1338912
>>1338903this hurts my brain, I don't even understand what they're trying to say here
that men drawn with a shoulder/waist ratio are whores?
No. 1338927
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So the female sewerslvt.
Also makes $496 a month off this "Visionary Art and Magic" on patreon No. 1339010
>>1338983I think the person in question is the same as in
>>1338905 because they share the same name. If that's the case, yes.
No. 1339038
>>1339035The problem is that she is unhinged in general and thinks she is a man doing magic.
Also, fuck those moids and their "art".
No. 1339063
>>1339035The fact that moids do something terrible to women more often, doesn't mean it's not terrible when a woman does it to them. The fact that it's not indicative of a problem with women as a whole doesn't mean this one woman isn't a degenerate or shitty person. No one here will say this is indicative of a pattern of violence similar to that of moids, we know she's an outlier. But being an outlier doesn't mean she's not terrible, it just means her being terrible isn't statistically relevant to how women behave. I don't respect anyone who sexualizes dead people, violence, children, or animals, regardless of sex. I'll agree men do this much, much more often, and deserve to be shamed for it as a group. But the fact that this woman isn't representative of women or their actions as a whole, it doesn't absolve her of being a fetishist of death and violence.
No. 1339115
>>1339063Thank you. You explained things much more eloquently than I could have.
>>1339098I'm so sick of the "but moids do it too!" excuse.
No. 1339173
>>1339063It's a matter of priorities. You can consider her a degenerate and still not be a tryhard white knight.
There are better things clutch your anal beads over than some fujoshit being 0.5% as degenerate as an average scrote.
No. 1339221
>>1339204You're not the only one thinking about that anon's post. It made a lot of sense to me, as well. I've met plenty of people who use animal imagery, even anthro characters, or relate themselves to animals in some way who never once felt furry or ID'd as such. I'm the anon who remarked it seemed to have more to do with fetishization than anything else, and I felt like I should clarify that I meant both sexual
and nonsexual fetishization. Something about the "art" furries produce seems deeply rooted in escapism and narcissism. They often build worlds in which everything is ideal for them, and everything goes exactly the way they want it to without meaningful dissent. Consequences only occur when they'd like them to and can derive pleasure from it, they can be as depraved and criminal as they'd like, and anyone affected by it doesn't exist outside of how they can get pleasure from them. It's very similar to AGP/AAP in that they both delusional narcissists who want the world to bend to their childish emotions and perverse fantasies. Everything only exists insofar as to please them, and anything that inconveniences them or contradicts their worldview is an unspeakable evil.
No. 1339240
>>1339204Ray Blanchard says yes. Paraphilias come in clusters.
Furry is a form of erotic target location error, but for zoophiles.
No. 1339265
>>1339255Similarly to AGP, I've noticed that furries try to suggest
everyone is a furry, and confirmed furries who commit atrocities aren't "real furries".
No. 1339309
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>>1339265Yeah I saw some furries spread this image on Twitter.
No. 1339316
>>1339309It's like when TIMs say any man who calls himself a woman is
valid unless they commit a crime then they were just pretending to be trans.
No. 1339318
>>1339204Furries and trannies have huge amounts of similarities.
>Sexual attraction to furry characters is a polarizing issue. In one survey with 4,300 furry respondents, 37% answered that sexual attraction is important in their furry activities, 38% were ambivalent, and 24% answered that it has little or nothing to do with their furry activities.[45] In a different online survey, 33% of furry respondents answered that they have a "significant sexual interest in furry", another 46% stated they have a "minor sexual interest in furry", and the remaining 21% stated they have a "non-sexual interest in furry". The survey specifically avoided adult-oriented websites to prevent bias.[17]
>Another survey found that 96.3% of male furry respondents reported viewing furry pornography, compared with 78.3% of female; males estimated 50.9% of all furry art they view is pornographic, compared with 30.7% female. Furries have a slight preference for pornographic furry artwork over non-pornographic artwork. 17.1% of males reported that when they viewed pornography it is exclusively or near-exclusively furry pornography, and only about 5% reported that pornography was the top factor which got them into the fandom.[50]
>One of the most universal behaviors in the furry fandom is the creation of a fursona—an anthropomorphic animal representation or avatar. More than 95% of furries have a fursona—an anthropomorphic avatar or representation of themselves. Nearly half of furries report that they have only ever had one fursona to represent themselves; relatively few furries have had more than three or four fursonas; in part, this is due to the fact that, for many furries, their fursonas are a personally significant, meaningful representation of their ideal self.
>The most popular fursona species include wolves, foxes, dogs, large felines, and dragons. Data suggest that there are generally no associations between personality traits and different fursona species.[84]: 50–74 However, furries, along with sport fans, report different degrees of personality traits when thinking of themselves in their everyday identity compared with their fan identity.[84]: 129–133 Some furries identify as partly non-human: 35% say they do not feel 100% human (compared with 7% of non-furries), and 39% say they would be 0% human if they could (compared with 10% of non-furries). No. 1339319
>>1339314It's more than a cope, it's a shield against scrutiny and criticism. They know everyone who IDs as furry/trans is a degenerate fuckup with narcissistic traits, so they
say that "they're not like that" and that "that person isn't a real furry/trans person", because they don't want people to know they're
all wastes of oxygen. It's essentially the identity politics version of ratting out someone you committed a crime with in order to seem innocent, or at least innocent by comparison. The "everyone is furry/trans" stuff is the same thing, in the opposite direction. If they broaden the definition of what qualifies as furry/trans, it obfuscates the fetishistic origins.
No. 1339326
>>1339318Another weird thing about furries is how common bisexuality is in the fandom but
only towards anthro characters. Most furries identify as heterosexual when discussing attraction towards humans but bisexual when discussing attraction towards anthro characters.
No. 1339340
>>1339335That would require hetero TIFs to force attraction to women, which isn't something misogynistic androphiles tend to do. AGPs can become pseudo-bisexual because, despite being sexually attracted to women, they're still deeply misogynistic but not misandrist. AAPs can't replicate this, because they're
also women-haters, with the added bonus of actually liking men.
No. 1339421
>>1339204Makes sense to me.
Autogynephilia = Men who are sexually attracted to women and sexually aroused by the idea of being female, aka transbians.
Autozoophilia = Humans who are sexually attracted to animals and sexually aroused by the idea of being an animal, aka furries.
No. 1339475
>>1339421You made me google autopedophilia and it’s all clicking. Larping as disabled and different races has to be part of it somehow too. >>There’s apotemnophilia, “an ETII in which men find it sexually arousing to be an amputee.”
>>Autopedophilia was common among pedohebephilic participants: 233 (49.1%) reported feeling at least mildly sexually aroused when they imagine being a child or having a child’s body. In other words, based on this one sample, at least, it appears quite common for pedophiles to be aroused at the thoughts of themselves as a child. And, as is the case with other ETIIs(erotic-target identity inversion),there was also often a match between external and internal targets of attraction: that is, among the pedophiles who were attracted to thoughts of themselves as a girl, 100 percent were also attracted, externally, to girls or to both genders. For those aroused by thinking of themselves as a boy, just 15.5 percent were attracted to girls, with the rest attracted to boys or both. No. 1339481
>>1339250Holy shit lmao, that's hilarious. I saw on one of her blogs she mentioned getting a job at a university, some LGBT bullshit were she called herself a "
terf hunter" (because fuck the first 3 letters amirite). Do you know what uni that is?
No. 1339490
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“racial dysphoria“ will be the new buzz word if it isn’t already.
No. 1339532
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>>1339481It’s Cambridge kek
Picrel is far from her most retarded or most degenerate output but it snipes me every time
No. 1339549
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Which one of you made this kek
No. 1339553
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>>1338974She believes she can do magic and that she’s completely decoupled herself from reality apparently
No. 1339620
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>>1339608not coping or seething. it's just obvious that photo was made by a moid who probably hates fujos, e.g. women into porn he can't approve of.
No. 1339677
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sage bc previsible and already talked about but oh boy
No. 1339687
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>>1339601>i've not met a fujo like this since 2013 Yeah because all potential unwashed fujo coomers have long since trooned out kek
No. 1339701
>>1339340There are definitely TIFs that could be described as pseudobisexual, they only view women as tools to degrade to validate their identity.
Lots of TIMs are genocidally misandristic, they're just 10x more misogynistic.
No. 1339726
>>1339549this is 100% one of my online friends.
>>1339677it's so sad how people exist without 'being perceived' (sorry for meme speak, you know what i mean) for some time and instead of realizing that they are just normal human beings, they decide that they are oh so special and their lived experience is so unique that they must be a different gender. how narcissistic can one be.
No. 1339938
>>1339915>>1339921And DOOM and GTA totally cause school shootings.
Less Helen Lovejoy shit, more laughing at ridiculous fakebois
No. 1340013
>>1339204Never made this connection between furries and trannies until now but it makes lots of sense. It's not just sexual attraction to something but also wanting to
become what they are sexually attracted to.
Autogynephilia exists on a scale based on how badly these men want to be women. Some AGP are satisfied with just their imagination and crossdressing while others seek surgery and legal recognition.
I wonder if this scale exists for zoophilia with furries that only feel sexual attraction to anthros being on the mild side while those that prefer "feral yiff" are on the stronger side.
No. 1340126
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>>1339481Cambridge, she mentions where she lives a lot all over her social media
No. 1340131
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>>1340128That photo is even from before she lost half her hair to baldness caused by T.
You can really see the asian man larp in some of her clothing choices though.
No. 1340168
Can someone post about the so called "Asian man LARP" that this
>>1340131 transeurasian is into?
No. 1340236
>>1340229nta but now that I look at her clothes I can see that there somewhat desi inspired
but who the fuck wants to be a south asian man though, they are ugly, short, fat, misogynistic and not either particularly masculinely handsome nor are they pretty
(a-logging) No. 1340272
>>1340168Upthread it was mentioned
>>1339250 that one of her "headmates" is a fat Pakistani guy and it gives her "big Asian man" dysphoria.
No. 1340319
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>>1340131FTM Buffalo Bills vibes
No. 1340375
>>1340325Hopefully the anon who knows her will come through with the milk.
>>1340335Victimhood points, you can be an asshole to someone and blame it on an alter, you get a free pass to racefake, etc etc etc.
No. 1340383
>>1340335They're all delusional, dissociative, insecure, and have body image and identity issues. Creating multiple personas is a desperate attempt to find a "self" that makes them happy. It's not
really DID, because they have control over it and aren't actually fragmented in the way people with DID are, but troons don't understand what DID really is (most people don't, it's pretty difficult to grasp). They just see that there's an incredibly rare mental disorder that very loosely sounds like their maladaptive cope, and they latch onto it because it makes them feel special, and it's something other people would be more likely to sympathize with than the truth.
No. 1340447
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>>1340126She looks like actual Satan from a Brazilian film.
No. 1340450
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>>1340383I feel like this kind of behavior is mirrored in fandom spaces where people obsess so much over fictional characters that they start to believe Sans Undertale lives inside of their brain
It is not surprising that someone from ftm online wonderland would rationalize that their
problematic fetish for gay brown men is actually a gay brown man sharing consciousness with them. it obfuscates any judgement of their fetish worship into a personal attack
Picrel shows some internet weirdos "alternate personalies" making appearences over the course of a month aka what rule34 they looked at that day
No. 1340484
>>1340450I think living with constant access to the internet has led people to form a complex about two things.
>1. Things that are only partially or flexibly defined, such as the self, don't fit into their easily-defined world. To them,everything they know is fully defined, and can be understood well enough by reading its Wikipedia page. Being confronted with something that isn't strictly defined needs to be disected and clearly defined, particularly by easy to understand terms.>2. Overexposure to internet makes the minority seem mundane, and the mundane even less than that. People who frequently use the internet are almost constantly exposed to unique or rare people, such as protégés and people with extremely rare health conditions. This creates an extremely competitive social market where people are encouraged to market themselves as extremely unique, regardless of authenticity.Combining these two creates an identity crisis where those afflicted feel the compulsive need to define or label themselves in most ways, varying in intensity. The least afflicted are those who falsely ID as some form of LGB offshoot and/or self diagnose with more common mental disorders. The most afflicted are those who categorize all their actions, such as people who kin or claim to have DID.
No. 1340611
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>>1338903late but it’s a meme that’s supposed to make fun of how straight people think the most innocuous things (such as using an umbrella or ordering desert) means that a man is gay. I wouldn’t doubt that some TIFs are taking it seriously though.
No. 1340660
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Repost from /ot/.
Shinji Page at the Balenciaga fashion show.
No. 1340672
>>1340661god. what a waste of a cute fukkin lesbian.
who knows what surgeries she’s had just she looks awful now. that, plus being completely dead behind the eyes.
i’ve yet to see a tif who doesn’t look like a doughy child or just an ugly woman with an inverted chest.
No. 1340678
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>lainey woman lite
>demi lovato former oppressor
I think /lgbt/ might be onto something.
No. 1340681
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No. 1340705
>>1340678/lgbt/ just says all the most obvious shit any
terf would have already written about years ago
No. 1340709
>>1340678>miloForgot that goblin still exists.
>>1340705You don't get it, they say super speshul terms like
agab, transmasc, transfem, genderfluid, genderqueer and that makes them very unique.
No. 1340723
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>>1340715Balenciaga is known for oversized pieces. They probably picked Shinji to wear it because her 0% BF ana-chan body is perfect for it.
No. 1340756
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>that's not how that works
No. 1340796
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>>1340661the hell is that hair? napoleon-lookin bitch
No. 1340831
You will never be a man. You have no testicles, you produce an abhorrently low amount of testosterone naturally. You have ovaries, you have a womb, you menstruate, you have breasts. You were raised as a woman, you will never truly understand male social cues, you will never truly socialize with men as a man. You are a woman. You are a sad little girl. If you go on testosterone, you may grow a beard, but it will be patchy and won't conceal your smooth and curved female face. You may have a deeper voice, but it will sound like you're a woman with a cold. Even if you get your tits chopped off you will be forever scarred, two scars marking the flesh of an artificial "man". You might get a penis and a scrotum with a pump in it, but it will never look right. You will never ejaculate, women and men will never view you as an object of sexual pleasure. You will attempt to dress "like a man" but in reality you will be dressed like a teenage boy in 2013. You will always be seen as the short little "man", people will be annoyed with you as the know they can't say certain things around you for fear of you lashing out. You have no right to come into this space. You are a woman and you always will be.
No. 1340834
>>1340661the clothing is just making her look more female
men don't dress like that
No. 1340892
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>>1340661giving David Byrne in his big suit
No. 1340917
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>>1340661I swear this bitch has had a jaw implant. Compare older photos like picrel to her now. She probably got it done at about the same time she had the tit chop and ab carving/implant.
No. 1340934
>>1340678>’foids’>typography10/10 job to whichever seething tranny moid made this
>>1340661the one thing i really don’t understand is her constant greasy hair. why does she do it? why is her fringe constantly fully greasy? it has to be a stylistic choice, but how is she arguably on-trend enough to be bothered about balenciaga and other high-fashion brands, but not enough to know what hairstyles are currently trending amongst men? it’s absolutely absurd
>>1340919>’he’back to twitter, aiden
No. 1340979
>>1340917Idk, maybe. She had a defined jaw before but it's more prominent now because she's lost a lot of fat in her face.
>>1340959Not retouched, she's skeletal IRL too.
Notice her cheek bones poking from under her skin.
No. 1341063
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Piece of cake from /lgbt/
No. 1341066
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>>1340979it's hilarious how the girls behind the camera force themselves to yell "elliot" at her as if they genuinelly saw her as a man at all.
No. 1341082
>>1341063is “compulsive liar” also a tif thing. i shared a cow and she found the post almost immediately. “imagine my surprise when i was just casually browsing this gossip site i totally don’t use.” kek. sure jan.
she thinks it’s her ex. but her ex drinks too much woka cola to “misgender”
sage cause blog and no milk.
No. 1341174
>>1341063>it's a thread all about making fun of pre transition ftms and minors They're always so bothered about people here making fun of little aidens who haven't moved out of their yaoi phase. Oooh, the poor little aidens. Give them T and 5 more years and Izuku, Deku, Kai and Oliver are definitely going to turn into turbo chads.
Also, who's this chick?
No. 1341177
>>1341063If this even has a grain of truth to it, she probably saw one picture of herself here, and then decided to write a story where she's the star of the show and the big
This is such a stereotypically "attention whore girl" thing to do, even worse because she's probably an adult.
No. 1341249
>>1339549Seconding other anons saying that fujoshis like that are a relic of the past. They all either grew up or trooned out.
Also, "hormonal imbalance from masturbating too much" sounds like the kind of puritanical bullshit the cornflakes guy would say.
No. 1341259
>>1339556Women are not and will never be a physical threat to gay men, stop with this Tumblr "umu poor men being sexualized/attacked by women" nonsense. Unless she's literally coming at him with a weapon, there's no reason for a man to hit a woman.
>>1339558This. For all their autistic bluster online, a TiF would curl up into a ball and cry if she got rejected by a gay man IRL. I know the "TIF crying in the bathroom at a gay orgy" post is basically copypasta at this point, but it's totally on-brand for a TIF.
No. 1341276
>>1341249They're still around, just not as prolific as they were in the 2010s since it's now
problematic to be one.
No. 1341433
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>>1341338There's a gay cape shit character with that name, so that tracks. Also pagan deity names are popular among millennial parents (and troons naming themselves), hence the unfortunate, coincidental popularity of the name "Isis" a few years ago.
No. 1341535
>>1341475>yaoi is only for lesbiansPretty sure that was mostly a frustrated response to all the "everyone who likes yaoi definitely likes 3D dick" sperging.
>FxF shippers are straight>husbando lovers are homophobicI'm not even going to comment on those since it will cause even more infighting that doesn't belong in this thread.
No. 1341545
>>1341535Well everyone can see those arguments in the unpopular opinions thread if they want to.
>>1341527What the hell? Why are they doing that?
No. 1341596
>>1341063Who is this and why won't they stop fucking their cats? I love when background characters albeit totally not browsing here
>>1341475That anon still hasn't told me any yaoi authors that are known lesbians
No. 1341681
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No. 1341716
>>1341656i do call myself a lesbian despite being bisexual, because "febfem" or whatever sounds stupid.
imo if you're only fucking women it doesn't matter if your punani gets a little hot at a guy sometimes. actual behavior > thoughts and feelings. saging for obvious reasons
No. 1341773
>>1341716Honestly, why is it so hard to just say you're a bisexual that prefers to date women? You sound more stupid trying to convince us you're actually a lesbian instead of just saying you're a bi woman who prefers women. If you experience attraction to men or get sexually aroused over them, you're not a lesbian.
I see so many "lesbians" promoting lesbian tranny shit too in fandom spaces. They're the same ones who sperg all day about their husbandos and gay yaoi ships and don't touch anything with female content because they hate women. The lesbian label is colonized by everyone at this point.
No. 1341850
>>1341785 and straight, and I don't think it makes any sense for a bisexual to call herself a lesbian.
No. 1341868
>>1341716Homosexuality is the sum of ALL parts, it's not just one. lol
People like you are one of the reason scrotes believe they can "convert" lesbians.
>>1341773Because words have no meaning anymore. Welcome to the 21st, enjoy your stay.
No. 1341877
>>1341716If you only date women, you ARE a lesbian, you absolute muppet. You're allowed to think some men are objectively hot without it somehow tainting your orientation, just like plenty of straight woman think some female celebrities are hot. Not every lesbian is repulsed by men.
Or if you date men sometimes, you're a bisexual and stop encouraging this "bisexual lesbian" bullshit. The word lesbian has been stolen to mean any queer person who likes women, leaving actual lesbians with no identity.
No. 1341879
>>1341773> You sound more stupid trying to convince us you're actually a lesbiandid you not read the line in my post where i went 'i'm bisexual'.
anyway i don't even get what you mean by 'convince' people. i tend to tell the women i date that i'm a lesbian, and they believe me. i'm listed as a 'lesbian' on tinder. my friends know me as a lesbian. it isn't a matter of 'convincing' people about anything
>don't touch anything with female content because they hate womenshe says in a thread dedicated to hating on women on a site where women hate on other women on the daily. and the 'female content' women tend to hate is pandering to coomer scrotes anyway. the hypocrisy is blinding
No. 1341924
>>1341294I agree
nonny. I am concerned for her health not just coz of the transition but the obvious depression and eating disorder. She’s a really good actress I just hope she doesn’t see no way out now.
The people insisting she looks happier than ever as she forces a grimace on that skeletal face , they’ must know the truth really they just think all transition = good.
No. 1341927
>>1341879>anyway i don't even get what you mean by 'convince' peopleBecause you were saying it's okay to call yourself a lesbian even if you get wet at the thought of fucking guys, as long as you choose to only fuck women. Lesbians don't "choose" to fuck women, they have no choice over their attraction. I can see why you'd list yourself as a lesbian on tinder but I can't see why you can't admit you're bi to your friends/girlfriends.
>and the 'female content' women tend to hate is pandering to coomer scrotes anywayWasn't referring to that type of content, which I agree women should avoid. I meant women who actively hate and bash on any female characters just because they want their comfort show to be a sausage party/they hate seeing female characters getting in the way of their gay ship, even when the female characters aren't written that badly.
No. 1341978
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The notes are full of "gay trans men" lmao. I think straight women feel ashamed of their heterosexuality and now they pretend to be gay men to explain their sexual attraction to men. We live in strange times.
No. 1342021
>>1341997>>1342004NTA But I wonder if there's a more constructive way for discussion of management of heterosexual attraction for women. There are acceptable men out there for you ladies, but they're very, very rare, and seemingly becoming increasingly obscure. When people here mock the concept of being attracted to men, it's because they think it's arrogant to place instinct over the understanding that men, at large, are harmful to women. I can't say I disagree, but I do think relationships are important to many people. Though, I do sometimes wonder how much a desire for a relationship is connected to real human needs, and how much is just influenced by cultural representation of romantic relationships as the "end goal", and something that will bring happiness like nothing else does (which isn't even necessarily true).
No. 1342025
>>1341987This attitude is exactly why straight girls troon out. What exactly is a person to do if they're sexually attracted to men exclusively and have a personality that craves intimacy? The internet has created a culture where women feel like settling for a guy is a betrayal of their political beliefs, it's no wonder they're trooning out so they pretend it doesn't apply to them. They can't even jerk off without being tut-tutted by other women for either "objectifying gay men" or being "degenerate coomers."
I'd take women settling for mediocre men over mutilating themselves literally any day. Obviously patriarchal misogyny is the main cause of FTMs, but hostility towards straight women in feminist circles is only making things worse.
No. 1342027
>>1342004 and maybe there is but these conversations always end up
toxic and this isn't really the thread for it.
Honestly I'm a lesbian so it's not something I have to deal with but I'm sympathetic to a woman wanting a romantic and sexual relationship that is fulfilling I don't feel like it's helpful to mock women for wanting that.
No. 1342031
>>1342009Yeah tbh, most straight women are absolutely
terrified of never having a fulfilling romantic relationship with a man and dying alone. They've been fed this message all their life. They will go on and on about how much they hate men, but if you mention that you're a celibate straight woman and you think other women should simply abstain from dating men, they look at you like you're crazy and will inevitably say "well, not all men are that bad!". Men don't care how much a women supposedly hate them if she's still fucking men and birthing their babies because she's doing exactly what is expected of women anyway.
>>1342030Shut the fuck up, you are embarrassing.
No. 1342033
>>1341681>stop fetishizing usWe're not sexualizing
you, Aiden, we're sexualizing males, y'know, with actual cocks. No one except chasers with weirdly specific fetishes find your pube beards and mega-clits hot.
No. 1342034
>>1342016OT but there's a whole YouTube genre now called 'True Crime & Makeup' where women put on make-up while telling true crime stories. It really sickens me and makes me feel terrible for all the
victims. The true crime obsession is getting to be a bit much since people are treating it like a fandom…and investigators are saying it's negatively impacting on current cases like the death of Gabby Petito.
No. 1342037
>>1342031>>1341987You guys seriously need to go outside and interact with normal human beings.
You're delusional if you think shaming women for who they fuck is even remotely "feminist." It's one thing to be opposed to the inherently exploitative sex work industry, but quite another to judge womens' intellectual purity based on whether they're untainted by cock. Jesus Christ anons, get a grip.
No. 1342089
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Back on topic. Twitter TIF realizes that men care more about pussy than pronouns.
No. 1342102
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>>1341521Lesbians don't have to be into women. You are lesbian if you identify as lesbian, period.
No. 1342113
>>1341990I'm not the anon you're talking about (would love to see that tho kek) but I am a dyke and I do wish death upon 95% of men and think most "bi" women are lying for male attention
>>1342025Notice how you're so autistic you can't even properly read what I said. I said regardless of gender. Don't you go have to heat up your boyfriend's chicken nuggets while he ignores you for 5 hours to play CoD instead of misreading what I wrote?
>>1342037>remotely feministNo one said it was dumbass, especially not me. If you're so cock hungry you're finding yourself going for the bottom of the barrel of humanity, you get what you get. Obviously anons like you realize what I said was right since hit dogs holler and y'all are MIGHTY loud
No. 1342128
>>1342115Yeah, I expect some are just humouring a person they like, but there's so many people who make up the enby populations and people who talk about supporting them online and IRL. I don't think that everyone involved is simply an idiot, there must be more to it.
>>1342122The account may be a troll, but the sentiment is something I've encountered a couple times. For many people gender and sexual orientation are just another fandom.
>>1342123Most of them don't even claim to believe that anymore. They haven't replaced it with some other explanation of the nature of transness though. Trans women are women. That's it. Explanations are gatekeeping. Asking questions is bigotry.
No. 1342129
>>1342113>what I said was right since hit dogs holler and y'all are MIGHTY loudShe said as she argued with three different anons. You're "hollering" just as much as those other anons are kek
Can we stop with this retarded detail and post some fucking milk for a change?
No. 1342134
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>>1342089>does he suck your dick like it's a dick???idk, maybe he could, you just gotta keep trying lmao
No. 1342136
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>>1342102these people have severe brain damage
No. 1342143
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>>1342141It doesn't sound like there's chasers involved there, but that it's about people losing loved ones to the trans cult.
No. 1342151
>>1342145>personal blogIt's OK anon you can say you're a dick lover and can't handle when people don't agree with your lifestyle, nobody is going to steal your moid from you! Pinky swear!
>>1342102At this point lesbian is going to mean people who actively hate women in every sense.
No. 1342159
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>>1342155Once again you lack reading comprehension when I literally never said anything about it being forbidden kek - you just keep proving you're too mad to read properly, sad!
>Multiple peopleYou mean the one anon I replied to? You still can't count sweetie? Are you taking your meds properly? You're seeing things again!
(derailing) No. 1342161
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Feel like the shirt was sort of on the nose. I lold at first but then I just felt tired. Every single time I see a troonette do something this retarded, I click on an about page or read the twitter description, and it says 'autistic'. Every time. Another one of those things that starts out as funny before it starts to hurt.
No matter how wretched these stupid kids get, they remind me of how hard it was to grow up as a weird girl even without the gender shit in the air. Makes me want to throttle a drug company CEO and a plastic surgeon.
No. 1342168
>>1342143"Exploring gender" is such bullshit too. What does that actually mean? It's nonsense. Imagine thinking getting an undercut because you think it looks cool means you're exploring ways to not be a woman. Because your hair cut is more meaningful tell for determining your sex than your body, and that you should adjust your body to suit your preferred style rather than mixing and matching freely.
No shit people freak out when their partner wants to start mutilating their body. You have to be deeply indoctrinated to think that shit is acceptable in any way. The tranny's partner probably thought the trans shit was a phase they can weather.
Also, imagine telling people that their partner being concerned for their mental and physical well being is a red flag that means they're actually evil bigots, because there can be no discussion of the dogma, either you kneel or you are kicked out of the social circle. And they wonder why people call it a cult.
No. 1342173
>>1342164I want to know where this idea came from that one's partner is somehow an oppressive tyrant for not being okiedokey with changes that are so fucking radical.
Wouldn't it be ~less affirming~ if your obviously and proudly straight boyfriend was chill with your new supposedly non-woman identity? I know it's pointless to expect any of this shit to make sense, but how do kwee people think 'attraction to nonbinary people' even works? Since sexual attraction is based around sex characteristics, would it be invalidating to a nonbinary person for a heterosexual person of the opposite sex to be attracted to him or her? Are they only comfortable with bisexuals being attracted to them? Have I missed out on a new category of non-binary-attracted orientation? I know that I haven't, because I've read the screeching that nonbinary should not be considered a group with any unifying similarities. It would be transphobic to assume that nonbinary people have anything in common at all.
Aside from all of the heinous shit wrapped up in all of this, what pisses me off the most about gender shit is that no matter how much navel-gazing goes on, no one seems bothered by how little any of their super life-saving-and important-ideas are consistent enough to be practical outside of their brains
No. 1342182
>>1342173> Since sexual attraction is based around sex characteristicsUhhh, that's transphobic?????? People are attracted to gender, that's why TiMs who are attracted to each other are called lesbians.
> It would be transphobic to assume that nonbinary people have anything in common at all. Actually it's bigoted to demand that trans people conform to cisnormative appearance standards at all. Transwomen don't owe you femininity and transmen don't owe you masculinity, enbies don't own you nonconformity.
No. 1342187
>>1342182Is this sarcasm I can't read or are you lost?
>Transwomen don't owe you femininity and transmen don't owe you masculinity, enbies don't own you nonconformity.And we don't owe them validation of their delusions. Glad we sorted that out
No. 1342204
>>1342161It's long been evident that autists are more vulnerable to fall
victim to troon propaganda, it's the inherent nonconformity that comes from lacking social awareness that makes them think "oh i clearly don't think like other girls/boys, so i must be the opposite gender(/enby)". Ironically, most of the detrans people I've seen have also been autists who realized all this
No. 1342205
>>1342182I get that's what they say about appearances, I just don't know how they (nonbinary people specifically) navigate the idea of people being attracted to them.
If they think attraction is based on gender (self-identified and suggesting nothing tangible or distinct from any other group), then that would suggest it's possible to be attracted to non-binary people. If someone suggested that he or she was attracted to nonbinary people, I think that person would be considered a "fetishist".
So what I'm assuming is that either they're so very dissociated, self-centered and childlike that they are completely incurious about what a potential partner might think feel or want– or, they know that they look like their birth sex, and they plan to live their lives rolling their eyes at the fools who don't realize their sex characteristics are in fact non binary.
"The world is bad and cruel. People who love me are ignorant bigoted cunts."
It's all so misanthropic. Just one long tantrum.
No. 1342212
>>1342205It doesn't make sense because there really is no reason or thought behind it. And if you bring it up they will look the other way and call you a bigot who's not worth listening to because you're spreading evil bigoted ideas.
They literally pretend not to see the problems, and go to attack "terfs" or straight white cis men instead to distract you and themselves from thinking about it. It's like pointing out the actual content of the bible to people who are Christian kek
No. 1342222
>>1342216please drop it,
nonnie. The fight is really annoying.
>>1342217>>1342220They don't want to be men. They want to be boys. Just as 50 year old TWs call themselves 'girls'.
No. 1342287
>>1342220quite a few detransitioners on youtube talk about how much they hated their body and developed eating disorders/body image disorders when they started puberty, but the hatred of wide hips and breasts got confused with hatred of the female form in general (by the TIFs themselves and by supposed experts). there was also one reidentified woman who outright said in her video that she was very adamant to go on T because she read that T makes you lose weight faster. i think it was nele/peer, one of the authors of the detransition booklet.
>>1342222>They want to be boys.i wonder how much this has to do with not being able to date in high school or something. like, we all know that the kais and aidens and ezras on twitter are kind of quirky, weird girls who aren't really popular with the typical teenage chad. so maybe they want to become the teenage boy they never managed to 'score'? a lot of them would really benefit from cringy roleplaying on gaia or something, kek.
No. 1342302
>>1342217Very very high correlation. Check out the proana/ana
trigger tags on instagram, twitter or tumblr and you will see fakebois and enbies massively overrepresented. A lot of these girls idolise the gangly, androgynous look of teenage boys too- see the obsession with finn wolfhard.
No. 1342403
>>1342372>>1342386Can confirm. I used to want to be a softboi (cringe I know, but I was 13 at the time). Basically a lot of these softbois are trying to emulate cute fictional men that don't exist irl, and they think it's easy for them to do that because they're already feminine as a woman. They just have to do a few changes (kek) to become a boy and they'll instantly look like a cute boy.
It makes even more sense if they're yaoi larpers because the handsome good-looking type of men that are usually the top in the relationship already exist (the cis gay men they chase after) so they think they can easily fill in the bottom role by becoming the twink. Because you rarely actually see twinks irl as a common male build, softbois think they have less competition in gay relationships and are fulfilling a niche that has a demand (except there's a reason why gay men are mostly into bara and girls are mostly into BL). They assume they will instantly score hot tops, oblivious to the fact that gay men have very diverse tastes and a lot of them are into masculine men.
No. 1342446
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>>1342274Gay men are the least likely to be obese to be fair.
No. 1342449
>>1342216>lesbincelOh my god, mentally they really are the exact same as incels: Constantly obsess over the other sex, crackpot theories about human behaviour, can't understand human interactions, unable to contain their psychotic rage.
Thanks for making that connection!
No. 1342522
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Are you still reeeing about straight and bisexual women? Jesus christ, get back to the thread topic.
Apparently Noelle Stevenson has been given a grant by Substack to join their site. The first thing she does is tried to tell Substack to deplatform muh TERFs. Looks like it will be more self-absorbed navel-gazing comics about being a tranny. I do find it funny that she was willing to join the big bad nazi
TERF site once they offered her money. These people are all so fucking transparent. No. 1342651
>>1342446>straight men being failuresExpected this.
>bi women are the most obeseDidn’t expect this.
No. 1342700
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>>1342522>be short shrimpy girl>get cool kweer gay man haircut yass hunty>get tit chop>still look female under maskShe should try to transition her art style too because it screams hyper fakeboi.
No. 1342710
>>1342700i'm really interested in seing a list of traits that the fakeboi style encompass made by /snow/.
like, i do know how to identify the fakeboi style when i see one but i am not clear on the specifics. i just know it.
No. 1342715
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>>1342700This made me check her ig because I wanted to know what a 'gay haircut' looks like and I can't help but think she looks less like a dude than the average butch lesbian
No. 1342732
>>1342522it's depressing how she compares herself to her old self being spunky and happy and nowadays she's just depressed and confused.
wondering if that's a case of what trannies call reverse dysphoria.
No. 1342792
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>>1340979she reminds me of the shriveled espers in akira
No. 1342864
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>>1342522her tirade against terfs at the end is sending me.
No. 1342888
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>>1342700Crossposting from the Western Animation Cows thread. She got her breasts removed because she was bored and restless from quarantine.
>>1342864She is trans? I thought she was non-binary.
No. 1342924
>>1342888kek what an idiot i'm sure she won't regret this in 5 months. Sometimes i sit and try really hard to figure out how grown women can be so incompetent at analyzing their own experiences, but so far no luck. This literally reads like it was written by a 15 y/o
>I know what the next question is. "So what is your gender?"literally no, why do you think everyone care about your retarded journey to lop your breasts off due to Stupid Syndrome and how that impacts which of 700 pronoun choices you're going to start demanding people use on a rotating schedule? The people are so self-absorbed it boggles the mind
No. 1342986
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>>1342888There is so much profound mental illness to unpack from these two lines alone. Those comics are often so dense with meaning and subtext, and nothing of it is intended by the author, lol.
No. 1343241
>>1343155Either she'll become a recluse and detrans like
>>1343231 said, or she'll 41%. I have a hard time seeing Noelle publicly detransing and admitting the big bad ebul terven were right.
No. 1343261
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Spoilered for a reason.
I wish I could see Exulansic's opinion on this kind of surgery. No. 1343270
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>>1343175Yeah I think Bex went fakeboi. She was so good in The Killing as a homeless nb character in Seattle. Left is before right is after. She had the tit chop in July.
No. 1343313
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Nta it’s been posted before, but it never gets old kek
No. 1343334
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No. 1343342
>>1343334>dating a blind girlSmart move I guess
>high end prostheticI wonder how that supposedly differs from others
No. 1343343
>>1342977It was exactly that. That anon probably hasn't read the Western Animation thread.
Noelle was the one who willingly got involved with Molly when she was already dating Jack, then begged Molly to break up with the dude, and so she did. Shortly after they got married, Noelle lost her fucking mind during quarantine and chopped her tits off.
She inflicted this shitstorm upon herself.
No. 1343347
>>1343334This has to be fake, right? Right?
Wouldn't that be… Rape? Right?
Even says stealthing, they real are a scrote.
No. 1343358
>>1343334Luckily I'm like 90% sure this is creative writing, but Jesus Christ. If she's dating you, she probably already likes you for who you are, so just be forthcoming about your body?
I never understood why troons feel the need to be "stealth" in committed relationships. Wouldn't you want to tell the person relatively early on so you can weed out "bigots" and not waste your time? Why would you want to date someone you don't trust will accept you, I don't understand.
No. 1343362
>>1343271>>1343280People who go through these extreme body mods won't detrans. Sunk cost and all that…
>>1343358Their feelings > potential partner's feelings. Narc supply is all that matters.
No. 1343367
>>1341433Apollo (the god) is canonically bisexual and his relationship with Hyacinth has that "uwu sunshine flower boi" thing that TIFs cream themselves over.
They'll ignore the fact that Apollo, in his relationships with women, is know to be Rapey McGrabbyhands though.sage for mythospergging
No. 1343376
>>1343261Jesus christ what the actual fuck is this. How does this work. Why is it like that and how did they construct this. This is the first time I've been truly horrified by a spoiler in this thread.
>>134333483% of disabled women experience sexual assault. People with disabilities are sexually assaulted at nearly 3x the rate as people without.
No. 1343381
>>1343376>Why is it like that and how did they construct this.The frankendick is made of her forearm skin, you can see the excision site. The fakeballs are made of her labia majora.
Very mengelian, so progressive.
I've read the SRS thread on KF and I hate myself for being able to speculate about this. No. 1343466
>>1343261Out of all the things I've seen in these threads, this might be among the most repulsive. I hope people look back on doctors doing this shit as the freakshow that it is.
>>1343270Yeah she was pretty cute, until she went fakeboi. She looks like an incel now, just like Noelle.
No. 1343567
>>1343261Don't tell me this is some weird ABO shit… Do people really read that crap until their brain oozes right out of their skull?
>>1343354Where is it? Can't find it, did anyone archive it or have a link? Want to read the comments
No. 1343616
>>1343557I know a lot of TIFs have penis envy and one of their biggest fantasies is being able to impregnate other women just like men can. Part of this might be because they are self-hating gays who want to live "normal lives" but weirder still was that some of these women were straight - they weren't even attracted to women but they wanted a penis to demonstrate their superiority and terrify other women with. TIFs love telling people who disagree with them to suck their dick and some of the more deranged ones do threaten rape.
They understand that performing the masculine gender relies on the constant abuse of women. Their misogynistic antics are what they use to convince themselves and other people that they are "truly male".
No. 1343675
>>1342700>gay haircut Yes i know many lesbians with short hair.
Saying that all fakebois have the same short with a little flick at the front. it’s very dated and has the same energy as tims wearing clothes suited for little girls. i don’t think they go outside or look at real people.
No. 1343758
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i'm dysphoric and i almost got top but chickened out at the last minute. i'm really glad i didn't go through with it because the more i look at these degenerate freaks the more i'm glad i didn't deform myself like that. That being said it's hard to find normal LGBT friends these days who aren't insane twitter trannies :((:()
No. 1343770
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nonnie. i'm only 20 so i know i have my whole life ahead of me, but it feels so lonely.
i still wish i'd been born male though, but seeing as most scrotes are brain poisoned i'm kinda glad i wasn't.(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE) No. 1343793
>>1343758You could try to develop hobbies and join communities based on them. Most people make friends that way. Turn outward, nothing good comes from navel gazing, and bullshit love bombing, and circle jerking about how evil the world and regular people are (just assuming, because that's what many trannies talk about on social media). Friends don't magically materialize out of thin air.
>>1343770>i still wish i'd been born male thoughMales have their own problems. Many of
them think women have it easier, check the MTF thread or read incel posts (better don't).
In any case, trying to become one is a fool's errand. You cannot succeed and will become more miserable the more you try.
Virtually all cases of gender dysphoria dissolve when the person stops obsessing over it, so try to find something else you enjoy engaging with.
No. 1343859
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>>1343574>>1343343A part of me wonders if Noelle is trooning out to please her wife, who seems to be a fujoshi. Molly wrote a Polygon article about queer interpretations of LOTR and had a section in her blog dedicated to her fanart shipping Sam and Frodo.
No. 1343862
>>1343774People like you are part of the reason young women are trooning out en masse, you dense cunt. Wanting to be born male is a very common occurrence among tomboys and GNC women. It's no fucking wonder why either when this is the treatment they get from other women.
>>1343793>Virtually all cases of gender dysphoria dissolve when the person stops obsessing over it, so try to find something else you enjoy engaging with.100% this. Once I actually forced myself to get out of the house and do stuff I realised how silly my dysphoria was. I'm a masculine female, so what? As for wishing I'd been born male, it's a "grass is greener on the other side" type thing. Get out in your local community, try new things, try looking for something related to your hobbies. If possible try finding a butch/GNC womens group, they're a rare thing nowadays and most of the surviving groups will have tranny friendly policies but you'll still meet likeminded women. Just remember that you don't have to agree with them 100% on everything and to take the good with the bad. Keep putting yourself out there and actually talking to people in the flesh and you'll find trivial problems like gender bullshit will melt away.
No. 1343984
>>1343862In my case at least, it's less wanting to be a man and more wanting to be less vulnerable (which is the reality of being a woman).
I recall a man I talked to online who was convinced his shitty personality would be more acceptable if he was a woman. They are completely delusional. They want to be a woman because they think women live on easy mode. They don't understand that women with "shitty personalities" are quickly murdered by their boyfriends or relatives.
Meanwhile women wish they were men to escape the vulnerability that comes with it. They don't want to be sexualized. They don't want to be predated on. They just want to exist as a neutral individual in the world. Only women understand how "othered" women actually are and how not being seen as the "default" manifests in society.
I pity TIFs, but I don't respect them. They fixate on MLM relationships because they're "equal", but they're too lazy to consider making media with female characters that aren't othered or sexualized or written by men who hate women. They lack creativity and drive. They hate women and they hate themselves.
No. 1344009
>>1344004In the case of straight TIFs I think it's the opposite. They want to be oppressed or "queer" for their dick lust. They don't want to be a boring straight girl.
The straight TIFs I met (always straight, never bi) were fujocoomers. Awkward, autistic, obsessed with anime and tbh ugly. Being autistic is the main thing, I think. I imagine growing up they didn't "fit in" with girls of their age and were probably bullied for being weirdos. Boys hate weird ugly girls even more than girls do, so imo TIFs built up this reality that boys treat boys better than they'd ever treat a girl.
And instead of seeing it as the reality of men IRL just being generally horrible, straight TIFs instead decided that clearly it was them being a girl in the first place.
Combine that with media writing women to be nags, sexualized, stupid, annoying, etc and the self hatred speaks for itself.
More than anything, straight TIFs want male validation. On the other side, lesbian TIFs want validation from society, which is also male validation in a way, but a bit more complex.
While fujo TIFs are degenerates, I hesitate to put them on the same level as AGPs. Personally I think their situation is a bit more nuanced than "consumed too much sissy hypno."
No. 1344121
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Can someone explain to me how Hope Chapman (JesuOtaku) ended up becoming a "gay trans man"?
No. 1344290
>>1343989She doesn't need T friends, but terven LB ones would do her good.
>>1344289>Galadriel tempted by the ring is queerGod forbid women want power, I guess.
No. 1344418
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this is a fetish
No. 1344442
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No. 1344466
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>>1344444she unironically defended a "hitler kinnie" troll. she's dumber than rocks
No. 1344621
>>1344442Didn't she detrans or am I thinking of someone else?
No. 1344724
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where does general gender bullshit go because lmao. look at this
No. 1344803
>>1343323They seem to have a tendency to keep up girlish habits that most women outgrow, like the “journaling in colorful pens” habit.
I think the TiF experience and milieu also
triggers a lot of heavy monitoring of other people’s emotions and potential hidden motives (“my dad says he accepts my new identity, but he sometimes doesn’t make eye contact when he uses my new name, does this mean he doubts my new gender?”) which ironically comes off as stereotypically feminine
No. 1345151
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Live action Kikomi
No. 1345161
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>>1345151Sometimes I wonder if she regrets doing that to herself
No. 1345190
>>1345181If pronouns don't equal gender, how can misgendering exist as a concept? They'll claim he/him and they/them lesbians exist because you can be a woman and still use he/him pronouns without identifying as a man, but the moment you call a transbian a he/him, it's unacceptable and misgendering. I've had a friend (they're an enby, so I can't peak them) tell me you don't need dysphoria to be trans, but then misgendering is a problem because it
triggers people's dysphoria? This ideology is so full of holes it's laughable. They constantly contradict themselves and each other in their definitions in an attempt to be as inclusive and non-offending as possible.
No. 1345356
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>>1343859>>1343925What are the chances that Molly also troons out and they recreate their LOTR yaoi fantasies?
No. 1345514
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>>1345484Ah I kept feeling like their poses and positioning was weird. Trying to look taller would make sense. Plastic surgeons are such grifters, I hope TIFs don’t start getting the leg lengthening surgery.
No. 1345608
>>1345525finnish tifs are a special type of breed. mostly thanks to the new generation being the result of an enclosed furry cesspool where almost all females that knew each other suddenly trooned out at the same time.
almost all of them come from the same mold and the very few that legitimately suffer from dysphoria are either sexually traumatized or suffer from severe mental health problems.
No. 1345658
>>1342730>Straight women are the skinniest women because they have to put so much effort into attracting straight men. Straight men know they can look like shit and straight women will still like them.Men will fuck anyone given the opportunity.
I'm in shape and not obese because it makes my periods lighter. Even if my habits sound too strenuous, one period per two months is half of the amount of times I have to deal with this shit in a year.
No. 1345694
>>1345658This is missing the point. Men will fuck people and things they don't find attractive, but women are valued in society primarily by their attractiveness and even more devalued for unattractivness. Straight women succumb to
toxic beauty standards enforced on them by the patriarchy more often than lesbians and by women, because they want male attention, and men around them always insist that they're ugly or look weird or that they' would lose significant value if they were less attractive.
No. 1345699
>>1345690i've not seen a single tif do the mandatory service and even if they could i bet not a single one of those "bois" would ever want to step onto the program. they are too busy drawing and watching anime.
and even if they tried to, their 1.60m tall saggy bodies wouldn't be able to compete with the towering biological males from the region lol
No. 1345703
>>1345514AYRT And I noticed that I'm pretty sure Molly has bigger feet than Noelle. I feel like I actually
am going to notice new things every time.
No. 1345753
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>>1345484Molly is slightly taller than Noelle, but I don't understand why they have one foot in the tiptoe position. Just standing on the forefront would make her look taller.
Pic related is from 3 years ago: No. 1345764
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>>1345699>>1345690I don't know, I can actually see some TIFs finding conscript life to be alluring
my country has mandatory conscription and my father and brothers were all conscripted. My dad's description of conscript life was him hanging out with his friends, watching movies on tv, driving a tank and a lot of PT exercise, the way they described it was mostly kinda mundane, like University life but replace learning with exercise and military drills
and since TIFs romanticize and fetishize any and all spaces with even casual male interaction due to their yaoi brain rot(these are people who make gay romance stories just by seeing two men just standing together in a pic) so maybe they will join the army to fulfil their offensive fujo military fantasy
though I think most would end up leaving after a week due to their aversion to any and all forms of exercise
No. 1345766
>>1345690They don't have to do it, they are excused from doing so since they don't have male physique and wouldn't be fit for the male platoons but it also would be inappropriate to put them in with the female troops. It would be a miserable experience to be the manlet there who couldn't keep up with others and I doubt any FTM is delusional enough to think they can fare, even when full of testosterone. That said even the men bitch about mandatory service and only do it because they are required to do so by law at the threat of having to do jail time, anons going on about troons possibly salivating at mouth about a "validating male bonding yaoi experience" need to calm the fuck down. Aidens aren't a direct parallel to pornsick, narcissistic AGPs who think everything about being a woman is a sexual experience starting from being assaulted at 12 to breastfeeding.
>>1345546They don't make a deal out of pronouns but there are other ways to "misgender" people, the go-to complaint is being called a girl or miss. Never seen them complain about the lack of gendered pronouns though but I've seen them push the convention of adding your English pronouns on bio because cultural colonization is cool and should be pushed apparently. Worst part is that plenty of politicians and professionals are complying, it's very bizarre.
No. 1345767
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>>1345484I think its meant to be contrapposto but they fucked up and posed the exact same way so now its just jarring instead of natural and dynamic looking.
No. 1345769
>>1345766I mean if your at a point where you chop off your own tits cause its so validating, military service doesn't seem to out of the question
never said they'd be able to do it
No. 1345790
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Nothing quite captures the pain of seeing a fellow awkward nerdy girl you follow end up trooning out
I never knew her personally but I had spoken to her online a couple times, she was active in Fallout new vegas fandom and was really into major knight(a very minor but charming gay NPC in the game) as well as classic era hollywood movies
now she LARPs as a gay man, she also seems to try to emulate the gentleman/victorian male-era aesthetic(which she found attractive) but just ends up looking like a soft butch lesbian
No. 1345798
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>>1345790samefag, the new vegas posts on tumblr are a good indicator of the cultural shift in the last 5 years or so, barely a couple years ago going to the "creaser's legion" tag on tumblr would show you posts detailing how stupid the legion was or of screenshots from playthroughs where female couriers would be mowing down legionaries(it was based), but now you if you search the legion tag you get shit like picrel
posts mostly about the gay aspect of the legion, funnily there's both a lot of femboy fanart of Vulpes Inculta and transmale headcannons of Vulpes(mostly cause his latin name ends with a female-suffix) which leads some tumblrtards to conclude that he was actually born a woman
No. 1345918
>>1345869Honestly, based on my experience in the Finnish military, being in it is not that hard. If you were athletic in high school, you'd do fine there.
Of course, our precious flowers are too tender to be faced with any roughhousing. So the athletic part alone would eliminate their interest in the military.
No. 1346022
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Fakebois who get their breasts removed are always like “this is my true self” but they always look so dead inside (1/2)
No. 1346048
>>1346036I've noticed this a lot too. They always claim to be supporters of lesbians and lesbian ships but only pair the women together to get them out of the way and look woke while doing it. Sometimes they go on long tangents about why a certain female character sucks and how she's poorly written. I agree that male characters are usually written better and have stronger relationships with each other, but sometimes the writing is just so bad that the males aren't that well-written either, and the misogyny becomes obvious.
They always cry about LGBT rep but never stop to think that the characters can be bi. The men always have to be gay and the women always have to be lesbians because god forbid there be a straight relationship or screentime of female characters. The lesbian relationships are always just side pieces to their main gay ship.
No. 1346120
>>1346048Kek, yet when there are canonically gay characters they always try to make them bi. I guess its about "opening up" the choices. They think everyone is bi by default but when a character of the opposite sex becomes a threat to their M/M ship then they start making them gay or lesbian. For characters of the same sex who are threats they have to get more creative by talking about how the relationship is strictly platonic and familial, or that it would be
abusive, etc.
No. 1346142
>>1346048>>1346036saw this first hand with the Supergirl, Merlin and Supernatural fandoms, its just odd to see these girls(and their all mostly straight girls) have this aversion to any sort of heterosexual relationships
it was genuine fear, I don't understand how one can even get like that
No. 1346165
>>1345790>>1345802You think that's bad, wait till you witness the collective autism of the transformers fandom
now one thing that should be established is that other then the 12 year old boys and professional figurine collectors most of the transformers fandom is made up of women and most almost all of them headcanon that the Decepticons were an oppressed minority driven to acts of terrorism by their Autobot oppressors
and unsurprisingly enough there's a lot of FTMs in the transformers fandom, like so many TIFs in a collective space its unreal to witness
No. 1346191
>>1346174ive seen TiFs go on rants about women in games and shows as if they’re the worst human beings on earth. despite male characters being flawed in the same way. they were “uwu precious beans”
it hurts through. don’t project your self loathing on the rest of us.
No. 1346204
>>1346165>the transformers fandom is made up of womenIt's a thing for sure, I went to college with a girl who was super into Transformers. There's also Lindsay Ellis, who spergs about Transformers at every opportunity.
Seems like whenever an sci-fi/fantasy IP has a majority of male characters, husbandofags and fujoshis come out in droves. It doesn't even matter if the characters are physically incapable of kissing or fucking– the fans will find a way.
Also when is someone going to make a new MTF thread? I would, but I can only phonepost right now bc of issues with my PC.
No. 1346207
>>1346204with transformers it makes a little more "sense" compared to other pieces of media, the bots technically don't have genders or sex and paring between them is canonical however actual they are also incapable sexual relationships and reproduction
they are big masculine asexual, yet romantic nonhuman, its almost the ideal fujo series(well for a certain subset of Fujos anyway)
No. 1346292
>>1346165there was this girl I knew from middle school that identifies as an aiden now but at the beginning she considers homosexuality a sin. I’m pretty sure she’s just a lesbian though.
I haven’t talked to her in years but she definitely turned out to be a real bitch in the end and she was a nightmare of a roommate according to a friend. She wasn’t really nice to me too since I heard her talking behind my back about how better she is than me at art when all she does is draw transformers porn lmao.
sage for blogpost
No. 1346303
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>>1346191>ive seen TiFs go on rants about women in games and shows as if they’re the worst human beings on earth. despite male characters being flawed in the same way. they were “uwu precious beans”saw this exact scenario play out in the new vegas fandom, Vulpes Inculta is a commander in caesar's legion, he genocides an entire town after crucifying them and likely has slaves that he abuses but on tumblr they've turned into an uwu softboy who was raised to be like this cause he was taken into the legion when he was a child
meanwhile Cassandra Moore(a major female character in the game) is hated on universally in the fandom and is viewed as irredeemable all cause she happens to be part of the faction that represents US imperialism
No. 1346384
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>>1346303Ot but did you just discover the identity of this frequent poster in the Redraw thread who became a huge meme? The art style is like identical. It would honestly be hilarious if she was an ftm considering ftms
always use this exact DreamWorks Smirk in their art for some reason.
No. 1346393
>>1346165Slight OT but as a transformers’ fan autist, it drives me up the wall how the fandom portrays all the characters as some flavor of hermaphrodites, you can’t read steamy robot fanfics without motherfucking Megatron somehow having a pussy, like, why?
And it has been like this for such a long time that I’m surprised by how transformers isn’t some sort of “trans icon show” or something like that.
No. 1346407
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>>1346393>And it has been like this for such a long time that I’m surprised by how transformers isn’t some sort of “trans icon show” or something like that.I think its cause the fandom is mostly female that no one really cares about it
>>1346384possibly, but its a very common artstyle on tumblr-ish
her username is stellaeono and yes she is also a gay transman
No. 1346758
>>1346597>bash all the female characters for existing and ruining her gay fantasies.Favorite fakeboi pastime is just doing this from what I can see in the fandoms that I'm in. Just hating on female characters and accusing people that don't ship their gay ships as being homophobic. It's red flaggish as fuck and comes off as heavy internalized misogyny. Like, these people brag about only wanting to see content with gay males in it, and hate the girls "in between" them.
It's like all the weird unhinged bitches just transitioned to avoid getting told the prompt "Fuck off, you absolute sperg"
No. 1346817
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>>1346393The comics have canon trans characters. Mostly TIMs. I'm not into transformers, but it drives me up a wall to know that trannies can be so oblivious to how intense their secist rhetoric is while pulling shit like insisting that sexless alien robots could form something like a gender identity, especially one identical to that of humans. Gender is bullshit to humans, it would be even more bullshit to a group of beings that has no actual males or females.
No. 1347502
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>>1342700>>1342522>I have lived my very visibly online since I was 19 years old of course, I doubt anyone who isn't in woke TRA ally spaces 24/7 would end up like this
No. 1347565
>>1346817This is genuinely interesting, Transformers are just alien robots which means that their "gender" is just a socially constructed aspect of their identity since they're not biological animals that actually have genders.
They're just robots,whatever they are is only what they portray themselves as and rather than it being an actual biological aspect.
Funny to see the Transformers series unironically do this when this was a meer YouTube skit many years ago.
No. 1347771
>>1347565It's just beyond understanding to me that Transformers could even ID as "man" or "woman", and that it somehow means the exact same stereotypes and ideals that it does to humans. If anything, wouldn't it make more sense to go an NB route with them? Also, the implication made in that second panel is that "man" and "woman" are beyond universal, that they apply to every alien species that could ever exist. That assertion is beyond retarded, since it assumes a large amount of alien life sexually reproduces and has the exact same sexual dimorphism as human beings, as well as the same cultural understanding and stereotypes. It would be like insisting that all alien life has not only different races, but that they're the exact same races with the exact same cultural identities and stigmas (ie there are black, white, Hispanic, Asian, etc. Transformers, and the white ones are generally the wealthiest/safest/most respected, whereas all the other ones face the same social struggles their counterparts on Earth do). It's incredibly lazy, uncreative, and lacking in nuance, and the idea that "gender" transcends our very specific biological and cultural circumstances feels like a religious sexism.
No. 1347856
>>1347771It’s honestly shitty because “female” cybertronians were created since some people got mad at transformers being a “boys’” show, that’s why Elita-1 was created.
Then Arcee got trooned out and retrooned out in a very Kikomi fashion, and it’s unfair because there ware interesting characters created like Elita-1 or Airachnid, like, It’s a kids’ show, not some political magazine for propaganda, the female robots were well written, we don’t need to troon out any robots, specially when you could literally create anything.
It bothers me a lot because It’s again the same issue with the lack of originality when it comes to tranny shit, you have to rewrite nice stories to cater to some “minority” instead of create something nice and new.
Like, there’s never something good that trannies create with tranny characters, it’s always normal people having to do all the heavy work.
And they shouldn’t use the “muh disphoria” excuse, because there’s people out there who got actually dangerous mental illnesses who have created cool shit.
No. 1348338
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saw this, knew I had to post it itt(sage your shit)
No. 1348359
>>1348338"haha isn't it funny when GNC women get coerced into performative femininity and also get some fucked up fetishes along the way"
Funny thing is OP told on herself with "maybe I have internalised misogyny" no shit, Sherlock.
>>1348343>western societyI stopped reading there. GNC women suffer all over the world. Western society is to blame for transgenderism, yes. But GNC women have been pushed out of the picture all over the world for centuries. That's why transgenderism was accepted so easily in places you wouldn't necessarily assume it would be, like Iran for example.
No. 1348477
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At this point, they're basically saying outright that they're skinwalking their husbandos.
(Dropped pic the first time.)
No. 1348551
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"Even as a usually masc-presenting lesbian it was hard to shake the idea that my boobs were my most attractive feature."
Some text about the female experience but with a twist by Noelle No. 1348561
>>1348553I'd go as far to say most women hate their breasts and find them inconvenient at best. Sad that we can't have a dialogue about female objectification. Nope! Just lop them off!
I blame men for this shit. They gaslight us into thinking breasts are the best thing ever, so girls feel like fucking aliens in their own bodies when they don't have any divine connection to their breasts.
No. 1348579
>>1348551Her features are still so feminine. If I encountered a person who looks like the pic on the right, them identifying as a man wouldn't even cross my mind. I would assume it's a soft butch lesbian or maybe even a tomboyish straight girl.
I wonder if any of her friends or family tried to intervene. If this was someone I was close to, I would be alarmed by the fact that she's doing all this so soon after a bad break-up.
No. 1349086
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I hate this timeline so much
No. 1349115
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Fake bois have the worst “humor”
No. 1349311
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Imagine being chubby enough that you get fat boobies after having your real boobies removed
No. 1349315
>>1349311Holy shit dropping big money on top surgery just to gain quasi moobs and a spare tire
Gender euphoria, not even once
No. 1349391
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body dysmorphia.
No. 1349438
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Kek why are TIFs so fucking fragile
No. 1349465
>>1349438>tired of cis people not giving trans people the chance to look different and get noticed as the gender they identify asTranslation:
No. 1349467
>>1349438Did my ex-roommate write this? Holy shit. They were extremely sensitive about the smallest things. I invited them to go exercising/jogging and they declined because their tiddies bouncing made them dysphoric.
Blogpost aside, the difference between TIM and TIF is so obvious and staggering. TIF cry about feeling small and feminine and hate being even reminded that they were ever women in the first place. It's embarrassing. And yet most of the fakebois love to embrace feminity but call them AFAB once and they get suicidal.
No. 1349503
>>1349438The Aiden I work with bitches to me about this kinda thing. I'm butch and over 6' tall so naturally I get ~ misgendered ~ a fair bit but it doesn't bother me because I've had it happen most of my life and the main group of people I work with know I'm not a tranny or a moid. The other day when it happened though this FTM threw a tantrum and told me that I
must start correcting people and "asserting my gender" because she feels like I'm "better at being a man" than her and it's making her dysphoric. She looked like she was about to cry and I had to suppress the urge to laugh so hard. In the end I thought I'd use her own logic against her and told her that she doesn't know me personally and has no idea where I sit on the gender spectrum and no right to dictate how I let people address me because it's a personal choice that is unique to
my gender and
my feelings. I'm pretty sure she knows I'm full of shit but if she admits to that then the whole house of cards come tumbling down so I'm quite smug about how I cornered her with genderspecial speak kek.
I'm not completely heartless and part of me does feel bad for her as she's clearly got issues but any sympathy I might have extended to her in that moment went out the window the second she started making demands. No. 1349536
>>1349475The funny thing is that I know plenty women who write completely neutrally, but with many TiFs you can tell even after they've been "men" for decades.
>>1349530At last, TiF masculinity!
No. 1349538
>>1349530That's the problem with every fanatic group, they
need to control others. That's the point- to recruit people to help control those who want independence from the group and to live their own way.
No. 1349851
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>>1348477It's the same on tiktok
The audio tells the audience that they are trans for liking mlm content, someone should go let the fujoshi thread in /m/ know they're all men now
No. 1349901
>>1349890To her credit I think there's something to be said for rejecting the way heterosexual attraction to men is packaged up straight media created by Hollywood men. Call it the male gaze or whatever you want there's nothing new about women preferring brokeback mountain and Sherlock slash fiction instead of conventional hereto romance stories. But that has nothing to do with being trans.
It's sick and twisted how much traction this video has, how many young impressionable people will internalise that they're broken because they enjoy yaoi
No. 1350090
>>1349503you sound like such a chad anon.
>>1349851>i really thought wanting to be mlm was a female traitunironically cannot think of a more definitive straight female trait of the current times and culture. all my gay friends are like, extremely handsome and personally and sexually successful, but if i asked any one of them if they "wanted" to be gay they would say "no." even though they enjoy being gay now and have come to terms with themselves and make the most of who they are, none of them "want" to be gay. this is so fucking ignorant. hell i dont fucking "want" to be gay. "wanting" to be gay is deranged online straight/bi behaviour
No. 1350221
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They don't even bother trying anymore. This is supposed to be a man lol. No. 1350253
>>1349438 "Why aren't the side characters foiling me properly??"
The entitlement is astounding
No. 1350295
>>1349723I know that feel,
No. 1350300
>>1350230I said this earlier in the thread i think but in my experience they hate women.
or they hate themselves and project it onto other women. i’ve seen it first hand, the only women who exist to them are immediate friends and family.
No. 1350345
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>>1350252Attention and power.
She gets to call out and shit on everyone who doesn't play along with her retarded game.
No. 1350363
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>>1349489>it took me an embarrassingly long time to realize all those “let men be vulnerable, let men cry uwu” tumblr positivity posts were written by and directed towards TIFs. Men generally don’t beg plea whimper for acceptance on tumblr dot com.I mean did you really believe actual males were writing and reblongging shit like this
No. 1350436
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I feel awful for Lesbian TIFs, as stupid and cringy fakebois like
>>1350345 can be, at least they don't permanently fuck up their bodies(both externally and internally)
>I Thought I’d Make a Handsome Man. I Was Wrong.
>“You can do anything you like, just make it look deliberate” says my older brother as he hovers over me, a pair of scissors in one hand, a razor in the other. He snips at my beard for a few minutes before stepping back to reveal my face in the bathroom mirror. It took me three years of monthly testosterone injections to grow my facial hair.
>He’s right; it looks more deliberate. It’s less scraggly around the edges. I no longer have a jagged neck beard hanging out under my face like a patch of pubes. Less pube-y — that’s apparently the best I can hope for when it comes to facial hair. Great.
>Going through female puberty was a living nightmare for me. First puberty for most transgender people is pretty traumatic. It feels like your body betrays you every day in new and terrifying ways.
>But male puberty seemed like another story. To wake up one morning tall and muscular, my jawline chiseled and dotted with scruff, my voice cracking as I tried to speak — that was the dream, an actual dream I had more than once. As an unhappy girl child, I longed to wake up one morning and be jacked, the kind of big guy that most little boys look at as the paragon of masculinity. I dreamt of washboard abs and big biceps, of a body that looked the way I felt.
>“I can’t guarantee anything,” says my endocrinologist as he hands me a prescription for testogel, a topical testosterone cream I am to rub into my gut every morning. “Well, your muscles will get bigger,” he says, “that’s all the science we’ve really looked at.” I’m a human guinea pig, I think, then swallow the feeling, to be dealt with in a later panic attack. “Can’t wait for big muscles!” I tell him, smiling wide.
>I came out as trans a whole two years before I did anything surgical or medical to my body. I told myself I was being responsible — not rushing into things, not changing everything too quickly. At the time I was most afraid of what might happen if I took hormones and ended up unhappier than before. But in truth I was being responsible for other people’s feelings about my transness. I was waiting for them to catch up with me before I did anything too “radical.” I didn’t want to lose anyone I didn’t absolutely have to.
>There are a lot of things no one tells you about second puberty when you start hormones. They do tell you about the menopause (it’s coming) and hot flashes (more like brief, unplanned excursions to the surface of the sun) and possible cancers and complications (all a terrifying blur). They say that maybe your heart will get bigger, like the Grinch, and maybe it won’t; maybe you’ll grow an inch but don’t count on it. Some people say their hands and feet get bigger, some say their skin feels different, some report that they cry less frequently, and some people’s uteruses just fall right out of them (fodder for further panic attacks).
>But they don’t tell you about all the invasive questions (How do you have sex and with whom? Are you possessed by a demon? How do you pee?) and that even the people you thought safest will ask the strangest things. They don’t mention that the hot flashes are hot enough to have you outside in shorts during a snowstorm.
>No one ever talks about the in-between days when you’ve still got boobs but now also a thin mustache and a chin strap coming in thick, and your government-issued ID looks more like your cousin or your sibling. Cops don’t give you tickets because they don’t know what to say, and you look just enough like a white guy to not be worth the trouble.
>When I started hormones, I had a vision that it would be like that scene at the end of Beauty and the Beast. A part of me would die (the ugly, beastly part) so the rest of me could be reborn into the body of a handsome prince, a golden Adonis awakened into manhood by the kiss of a fair maiden.
>The important part there is probably the fair maiden bit. Sure, it would be nice to be jacked like the Rock, but I think the most important thing was to be visibly, undeniably male. To be read by women as a man, a desirable man, would mean that I was passing as someone not trans. I wanted my handsomeness to hide me.
>I got hairier, I got thicker, more Beast-like. My muscles grew — but all of the fat in my body regrouped over my stomach, so it was a much less impressive transformation than I envisioned. And now I have a beard, a strange straggly thing I can barely control. It saps all the moisture from my face and varies in thickness so I can never seem to clean it up just right.
>Male puberty didn’t make me heart-stoppingly handsome, but it did make me able to smile in pictures again, to look at myself in the mirror, to put on clothes and go out into the world. Most of us aren’t as good-looking as we’d like to be (or as good-looking as our mothers say we are), but there’s something especially painful about cisgender standards of beauty when you’re stuck in a gender that doesn’t belong to you. As a girl, I was always being told to reach for a standard (Get thinner! Have a better fashion sense! Do cuter things with your hair!) that felt impossible. A perfect six-pack is probably impossible for me (I like pizza too much), but now when I workout or put jeans on I feel like I’m at least reaching for something that’s closer to the truth.
>I regret a lot of things I did in my teens and early 20s — drunken college nights and so many girls I ran away from because I was stupid and scared. I regret not liking myself more and treating myself better and not taking myself more seriously. But I’ll never regret transitioning, even if I am just a mediocre-looking dude. No. 1350573
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Tell me you're a TIF without telling me you're a TIF
No. 1350589
>>1350436Its interesting seeing the difference between the types of male, lesbian TIFs want to be like compared to what straight TIFs aspire to be
straight TIFs often go for an almost fictional type of male, an IRL version of men portrayed in Yaoi or BL stories, being male for straight TIFs is a fun experiment for them
Lesbian TIFs meanwhile seem to view being male as a means to an end(which for them is to be accepted in society as normal) but their idea of manhood is shaped by mainstream culture and not much else, they seem to buy in to many
toxic masculine standards of what a man is supposed to be compared to hetorsexual TIFs
No. 1350615
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>>1350221This post reminded me of this girl I am following on instagram who suddenly became ''nonbinary'' and and now uses they/them pronouns only for her to look like this (picrel). She also explicitly said that she isn't a girl anymore and doesn't want to be seen as one (picrel).
No. 1350724
>>1348339this is random and blogging but i used to be an ftm femboy; it was 100% to escape the male gaze (or a really botched attempt to do so).
it's like i really didn't want men looking at me, as a feminine woman, in a sexual way…but if i deluded myself into thinking i was a feminine man then it didn't feel so disgusting. and i did get some joy out of fooling the very rare guy into thinking i had a dick so he'd leave me alone.
just a lot of mental illness
No. 1350755
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Looking like a true lolcow
No. 1350936
>As a girl, I was always being told to reach for a standard (Get thinner! Have a better fashion sense! Do cuter things with your hair!) that felt impossible.That's a common theme with TIFs. They feel like failed women so they go to the opposite extreme. And of course she feels better as a mediocre looking "man", mediocre looking women catch hell for just existing.
>I regret a lot of things I did in my teens and early 20s — drunken college nights and so many girls I ran away from because I was stupid and scared. I regret not liking myself more and treating myself better and not taking myself more seriously. But I’ll never regret transitioning, even if I am just a mediocre-looking dude.This feels like massive cope. Sorry for armchairing but I think that the "in too deep, trutrans" like her and Buck Angel and others secretly regret it, but can't go back because of the sunk-cost fallacy so they continue to live a lie.
No. 1351026
>>1351020I enjoy reading gay manga/lit/whatever especially if the plot is interesting, any gay story can be easily relatable to me as a lesbian in many ways honestly. and if there happens to be sex sprinkled in it's fine, but pure smut? Nah, what's the point honestly
>>1349438this sounds like a you problem bb, women can't exist as androgynous because it makes you disappear into the background? there's people dying, kim
No. 1351195
>>1350384>>1346174>you will notice that posts about bisexual men have been very popular lately. Text posts that are like "I want a pathetic idiot bisexual man" (you know, typical tumblr shit) and it is so obviously because all these twansmen UWU are obsessed with men but know that gay men will not go for them so they start hornyposting about imaginary bisexual men and it's so funny to watch in real time lol.I noticed this as well with many due to the many "Bi Dean Winchester edits" that appeared out of nowhere, its very bizarre, seeing as bisexual men were almost never discussed in fandom spaces a couple years ago, but now "bisexual edits" and "x character is bi" posts have hundreds of thousands views, retweets and reblogs and and its almost becoming the default sexuality for these characters
also there's a comment thread in this where some aidens literally admit they want to become rodrick from the DoAWK film series
No. 1351199
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>>1351195the comment thread
No. 1351235
>>1351227Its not even that, he's just a hot alt boy in a decade where hot alt boys don't seem to be anywhere in the mainstream despite the huge audience for it
the bisexual headcanon is their "gender envy" and also a desire that he be "queer" otherwise he'd be be a "cis straight white man" and so they have to justify their attraction to themselves and their woke peers, even though out side those woke spaces no one fucking cares
No. 1351453
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>>1349311This tif has various mental health problems plus she takes her cat out in a child's stroller.
That's not normal or healthy.
No. 1351528
>>1350384i don't think any of these people actually know bi men irl. if they did they wouldn't assume they're uwu softe men-lite when put next to their "more
problematic" straight guy counterparts. speaking from experience kek bi men can be just as creepy as the hets.
No. 1351556
>>1351552also speaking from experience, a good handful are in the midst of their tumble down the agp rabbit hole
but tif beanrot trumps reality yet again
No. 1351590
>>1351582Unhinged and messy perfectly describes the several bi men I have known. They are both possessive of and envy women for being desired by other men. No surprise that they turn to troonery.
To be frank, they come across as being originally straight, but so pathetic that the only humans that will touch them sexually are men. From my experience they turn any women within their proximity into a mommy girlfriend figure. It is very strange.
No. 1351598
>>1351528They probably look at bi men like David Bowie and think "wow that is SO me!". I knew a straight girl who was really obsessed with Hans Christian Andersen and would always call him a "soft bi boy" lmao. They view bi men as some type of "enlightened" alternative to straight men since gay men are never gonna fuck them.
I also think they might feel "special" or "woke" if they talk about bisexual men since bi men in general are far less common compared to bi women. And you know how libfems love to throw their attention at the less common identities (including the completely obscure made-up ones they create).
No. 1351625
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>>1351611>Ezra Miller I always see TIFs lust over Ezra Miller photoshoots
No. 1351676
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>>1351598>They view bi men as some type of "enlightened" alternative to straight men since gay men are never gonna fuck them.Oh my god, it all makes sense now. All the hetero women I know fawn over idealized gay/bi men based on their preferences for them. The horny ones go for bi and the ones who identify as asexual go for gay. They really do think they're safe from misogyny, sexual misconduct, and general abuse with gb men. How embarrassing.
No. 1351686
>>1351625>>1351628Aidens love the "soft masculine/non-threatening/ Jewish boy/pale skin, dark curly hair, and built like a stick" look.
Common fakeboi LARPs and skinwalkes include: every anime boy protag ever, Nagito Komaeda, Danny Phantom, Finn Wolfhart, Dipper Pines, Deku, KPOP males and many others. If OMORI ha come out in 2016, Sunny and Basil would have been the poster boys for Aidens.
No. 1351716
>>1351594>>1351685Kek as a bi woman who used to date bi men I can confirm they can be even worse than straight men. One of them trooned out and three of them (including the troon) stalked me. They also hated my attraction to women if it didn't benefit them. They are possessive and see women as sexual objects like straight men but want to compete with us like gay men do (2 also competed with me for women)
Sage for blog post but all the uwu I love bi men posts make me laugh they are just as bad as their straight brethren. Alot of these fools beat and rape us but somehow they're attraction to men cancels that out. I don't date men anymore but if it I was I'd probably try to find a normie straight guy but idk because I've even seen Chads troon out
No. 1351820
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>>1351195Maaaaan, I knew something was up when I started seeing thirst fanart of him.Weird how this is basically the become the gf meme but instead they want to be the quirky pretty boy bf.
No. 1351828
>>1351820I don't know wether rodrick and his ilk qualify as "quirky pretty boys" they existed in the 2000's and early 2010's and after that went the way of the dodo, sure you might see that aesthetic online but not many IRL
I honestly think this current thirst for him is due to the lack of alt male fashion in the mainstream, you have males in dresses or dressed like rappers, which is unappealing to look that
so of course they'd focus on an era where this simple aesthetic was a little more common place
No. 1351887
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>>1350724>it was 100% to escape the male gazeIt's okay to admit that you overdosed on yaoi and started fantasizing about becoming the uwu softboi uke like so many other women have, anon.
No. 1351982
>>1351615>Others don't think most bi women are real and just consider them to be "attention seeking straight women".I've never met a self proclaimed bi woman who was actually interested in women beyond occasionally making out with another woman to titillate her Nigel or any prospective Nigels, so they may have a point. Presenting as bisexual increases (dating)opportunities for women since moids think it's hot and aren't sexually threatened by women, but the vast majority of women would outright refuse to even consider dating a bi man.
Though to be honest, the bi men vs. bi women stuff is basically the definition of "two retards fighting" since both are beyond annoying kek
No. 1352025
>>1351020The few lesbians I've seen that were obsessed with yaoi troon out as gay trans men often.
Its just drawing so there's no correlation = causation but nowadays I just see it as an indicator of future trooning
No. 1352225
>>1352179Its not about lesbian sex not being real in the minds of men, they'll still view those girls as promiscuous and wild.
The openly bi girls I know are in fwbs and don't have guys seriously entertaining them.
I think a very particular type of man is willing to marry those types of kweers honestly because most of the ones I've seen get dumped after awhile.
No. 1352362
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Ohio college student 'angry' and 'scared' after 'cisgender men' installed radiator in dorms: 'Safe space'
>A student at Oberlin College in Ohio described being "scared" and "angry" after the school announced a work crew would be installing radiators in a "safe space" dormitory for women and trans students, explaining the crew would likely be "cisgender men."
>"I was angry, scared, and confused. Why didn’t the College complete the installation over the summer, when the building was empty? Why couldn’t they tell us precisely when the workers would be there? Why were they only notifying us the day before the installation was due to begin?" Oberlin student Peter Fray-Witzer wrote in an op-ed published in the college newspaper on Friday.
>The student said he grew concerned because he had not heard of the installation plans before a school email was sent on Oct. 7. He explained that the crew would likely be cisgender men entering Baldwin Cottage, which is home to a "safe space" for "women and transgendered persons."
>"In general, I am very averse to people entering my personal space. This anxiety was compounded by the fact that the crew would be strangers, and they were more than likely to be cisgender men."
>The work crew eventually showed up at the dorm, and Fray-Witzer described that he saw "immediately that they were all men."
>"It was clear that the College had not made a special request that male workers not be allowed onto the upper floors of Baldwin," the student continued. No. 1352395
>>1352362Without the kweer newspeak, she would just call them "filthy poors" or whatever the upper classes say these days. Entitlement through the roof.
If it wasn't published by Yahoo, I would assume this is rehashed satiric anti-SJW shitpost from 2014.
No. 1352843
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>>1352362>Peter Fray-Witzer attends $80,000-a-year Oberlin College in Oberlin, Ohio Oh boy.
>'Why couldn't they tell us precisely when the workers would be there?Geez I wonder.
>Fray-Witzer continues: ‘Predicting when they would reach my room was pure guesswork.Oh there it is, they don't know how long their previous jobs will take, so they always give you windows, which every adult would know, except for these special needs students I guess.
>When the contractors arrived, they knocked on the door to Fray-Witzer’s dorm room.>He writes: 'When the insistent knock eventually came, I scrambled to get my mask on and repeatedly shouted, "Coming!" through the door.>'Four or five construction workers stood outside, accompanied by someone who I could only assume — by his neat polo and clipboard — to be an emissary of the College.>'We stared at each other for a moment before I moved aside to allow the workers to enter.>'The emissary began issuing platitudes that the work wouldn't take long and encouraged me to prop open my door.>'I asked meekly if I could actually not have a radiator installed in my dorm.>'I knew the answer was no before I had even said it, but hey - worth a shot.'>Fray-Witzer writes that when he returned from class, ‘Polo Man warned me’ that ‘they would return later in the week to check the insulation.’Literal autism. No. 1352862
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I don't know if this qualifies as cow tipping, so I'm not naming any names, but I have an "acquittance" who retweets shit like this almost everyday on twitter
she's a "black femboy" and spends most of her day posting BL artwork or complaining about her life a "black man" as well as sperging about white men, but that's all she ever dates and thirsts after
No. 1352868
>>1352484Basically what
>>1352640 said. Autistic women often go undiagnosed because the diagnosis is based on symptoms observed mainly in male patients. Girls also are taught to mirror their peers' behavior more so they go through their lives feeling like an outsider and wondering why they have such trouble connecting with other girls until someone tells them the easy answer i.e. they're actually not women at all. Part of the reason is also that autistic people don't have the normal capabilities to reflect on their own or others' actions properly so in the case of FTMs for example they might not realize that they feel like they're men because they're lesbian and want to be in the romantic proximity of women. Or they might think they're men because they hate being sexualized and objectified as second-class citizens.
>>1352789I wonder if there's any comorbidity with extreme paraphilias and autism in males, or if it's just a poisonous combination of autistic hyperfixation and male sex drive. Autistic men seem to be obsessed with either things like toy trains or cooming to sissyfication porn, there's no in between. Female autists can be cumbrained as well but it's never as extreme and specific as their male counterparts who have these intricate "I can only orgasm by standing on one foot, wearing pink striped socks and a purple anal plug while looking at furry vore" fantasies.
No. 1352871
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>>1352868I wonder how much the Internet plays a role in both male and female autistic behavior, a century ago an autistic person might have happily spent his life obsessively categorizing Dung beetle species, but now he'll spend most of his time and energy trying to play videogames slightly faster than other people
I have actually known autistic people are very normal and well adjusted and all of them had one thing in common, they didn't spend too much online unless they have too for work related reason
No. 1353228
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>>1351887Can you autists go five seconds without arguing about yaoi
No. 1353277
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>>1353275My favorite part of the image is the "B L A C K" tattoo.
No. 1353283
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>>1353277Her name is B. Pagels Minor. was the only person with access to the information leaked. Rookie move.
No. 1353285
>>1352484They spend their whole lives feeling "different" without understanding why, wondering what's wrong with them, and they stumble upon the troon community and see a bunch of stories about people who were just like them saying, "i never fit in or felt right in my gender and then i became a man and everything just fit!!!! i'm no longer expected to adhere to the retarded social norms expected of women, so my life has far less friction and conflict!!! my opinions are taken seriously on subjects i'm passionate about, instead of being a fake geek girl! i can just wear comfortable clothes instead of annoying strappy things that aggravate my unacknowledged sensory issues! i can get away with being ugly with less stigma!" etc.
That's a simplification of what I felt as a teen, at least. Even the grossest and meanest nerd boys had a team of bros, but I was completely socially unacceptable and thought transitioning would be a magic fix (could never fully justify it to myself, though).
No. 1353297
>>1353287"Lesbian" in kweer circles has been redefined as "being attracted to (people who identify as) women", so it doesn't matter which magical identity you're wearing.
>>1353283>>1353286Is Netflix gonna sue? Sorry, I'm completely out of the loop.
She fried her career for… what, performative activism points? People are gonna forget about her in a month.
No. 1353810
>>1353297actually, a lesbian is now a non-man attracted to non-men. keep up with the times, sweaty!!! I'm a genderflux transmasc nonbinary demiboy, and my partner is an agendered and transfeminine pansexual, and we're ~*in lesbians*~ with each other!!!
(Disclaimer: not all transmasc, non-binary, and/or agender people are ok being called lesbians! when you ask a person their proffered pronouns, you should also consider asking them whether they are ok being called a lesbian, gay, or "dude"!
No. 1354246
>>1354219To be honest, hate and envy are often tied with marginalized groups. The most common examples of this are
POC (sorry for using the Twitter acronym, but it fits here) and lesbians; They're simultaneously considered repulsive and uncivilized, but exotic and attractive.
No. 1354364
>>1352958Its mostly the conservative/racist nature of 4chan/discord culture that keeps them away from it
Lots of black flamers exist tho
No. 1354392
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Pardon the shit quality photobashing but I stumbled upon picrel on insta and I’m so close to a-logging over this monstrosity.
>pimping out your kids for internet clout and money
>queer = dyed hair and ugly clothing
>grown ass mother of three calling herself a demi girl
>traditional hetero nuclear family that is also extremely gender conforming calling themselves queer icons
>preorder NLOG: the Book! for only $19.99
I’m so concerned for these kids to be honest, the family influencers are already toxic enough as it is, but these parents have built an entire brand with their kids. It kinda reminds me of that mom who made her kid a 7yo drag queen? Kinda fucked up. There’s way more milk on their instagram and website btw (they have a clothing brand, and it’s as hideous as you’d imagine).
No. 1354421
>>1354392I always felt like a lot of those sjw moms that troon out their kids and love drag queens are just old fujos and wish they were gay men themselves.
There's also the attention aspect but I think many of them do have fetishes and are fujos
No. 1354472
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So this barely famous lesbian singer came out as trans on Instagram(not my emoticons just quoting):
"It’s National coming out day, :) nice… well… for a while now I’ve been afraid.. for a long time I would pray my thoughts would lessen, I would fall to the floor and cry and ask God why… was it ever going to stop? I would talk to myself in public just to calm my anxiety, have to run to the restroom and check in with the version of me I felt no one else could see… even though I never felt like I wasn’t myself, engaging with ppl, I just knew nobody knew what I thought of myself when I looked in the mirror. And why I was so sad. I saw a boy. In a girls body. Who was hiding and doing a good job at it… but there would also be times I just felt like everyone around me knew my secret. I created a version of myself that was toxic, I demonized myself, and convinced myself I’d never be able to love. After moving away from home and just experiencing the world and how my dysphoria (before I even knew what that was) worsened, I finally did What I was dreading … I looked up the word ‘transgender’. From there I dived into so many stories and cried so much I could feel so much more than I ever had. I had to come to terms with myself. And talk to God , thought if I just came out to my immediate circle it would be fine it would be cool maybe even eventually it would go away… I was in love and that another story but… 3 years later ive broke down….got up.. after intense therapy, I have joined communities, I have been more and more vocal with my friends and family…ive survived… and now… I’m LIVING ✨ in two days I’ll be beginning hormone therapy. It feel like I’m saying goodbye but I’m saying hello. I’m Nevaeh. The mf playa "(emoji)
No. 1354489
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>>1354472Never heard of her and I pay attention to lgbt singers, she's not even barely famous, just a nobody
She was really hot tho so its kinda sad, supposedly had dating rumours with Odell so guess that was just pr bearding
No. 1354636
>>1354611Her Instagram is very milky, but I think it wouldn't be fair on the kids/against lolcow rules to make a thread. Subjects must be over 16 and her kids are in every post, one of her posts even has a recounted conversation with one kid where s/he says she wants to quit tinybangs due to being made fun of at school, she of course encourages them to keep at it rather than respecting their wishes. Even if the thread was only about her it would still show up in search results for the kids to see, so nah.
Recent updates from the last two weeks are a rollercoaster. Scrotedad has just dipped so she's taking a tinybangs hiatus and moving to a different state and "studying to become a laywer/politician", except continues to post frequently. Most recent is a literal Smelly Cat tier offfune singing and guitar song cover while looking like she hasn't showered for some time.
No. 1355101
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>>1354472This reminds me of Kodie Shane and Angel Haze, they give me troon out later in life vibes.
There's a few other girls like them that give me those vibes but too irrelevant to name
Just learnt ppcocaine (picrel) is genderfluid and uses they/them pronouns, sorta not surprised but also kinda surprised.
Its funny cause her more masc/tomboy gf uses she/they pronouns, and ppocaine is the hyperfeminine bimbo one
No. 1355223
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Jesus fucking Christ I was googling what animals eat placentas and found this.
Also uh, loads of women in Asia also eat placentas. It’s trendy there too.(derailing)
No. 1355277
>>1355223Oh it's a huge thing with white women, crunchy granola types. They blend it into a smoothie or have it dried and put into pills. Or you can be like my wacko sister who no lie kept the whole thing attached to her baby until it fell off naturally.
Sage for OT
(derailing) No. 1355397
>>1355334I still don't understand why it was posted here
>>1355034FTM can also stand for 'first time mom' and you constantly see it in pregnancy facebook groups as that acronym. Of course if they mention they're 'such a guy' it's different but that's not the majority.
No. 1355917
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Is no one going to talk about this one cunt Brennen Beckwith?
She's the cringiest, most annoying, relatively popular fakeboi I've seen and it has gotten worse now that she got her vendetta on Kalvin Garrah.
I'm impressed how little people talk about her.
No. 1356044
>>1355917I feel like I had a stroke reading what she said in that picture. Being trans has nothing to do with being bi, or what attraction you feel. But most retarded of all is
>technically I could date womenWas being cis stopping her? And only "technically"? It sounds like she's only saying she's bi for attention, but
knows that.
No. 1356265
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>>1355917This is from her twitter. Sorry if it seems like fakebois become mega misogynistic and don’t give a shit about women when they transition. Also seems like she’s getting her top surgery in 3 months and is still grifting for it.
No. 1356272
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>most dangerous woman to trans people
Imagine being so privileged that some woman on Twitter who writes kids books about wizards is your biggest threat.
No. 1356379
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>>1355917She follows sooo many ebeggars! I fully understand being near homeless and having limited options. But it’s so hard to take this stuff serious.
>Hir = his+her?>Does being black-native get you extra woke points?>What does Queer exactly mean anymore? No. 1356539
>>1354392>White, straight couple consisting of an NLOG womanchild and a dumpy fat guy with three kids>"Queer"Dyeing your hair doesn't make you gay, Becky. No one is mistaking you and the scrote you settled for as a gay couple. You can tell neither of those people would actually fuck someone of the same sex.
I hate that alt-righters use shitheads like these as an example of why LGB people shouldn't be parents because they groom their kids to be gay. No!!! Kids raised by gay people usually turn out straight, just like any other kids. A couple of straight losers who look like they attend Brony conventions are
not gay, and their shitty parenting shouldn't be attributed to gay people.
The parents with "drag" or trans kids are consistently bored, straight white housewives with MBP. Twenty years ago, they'd be the same kind of people making their toddlers do beauty pageants.
No. 1356603
File: 1635317751828.png (4.83 MB, 2500x2446, imagen_2021-10-27_025412.png)

>>1355917so, this girl is brennen beckwith
>got interviewed by HBOdocs on 2016 for being a fakeboi solely for her clothing preferences>considered herself "genderqueer" but now calls herself transmasc enby.>obsessed with pink, has a youtube channel where she farts her shitty sjw opinions>trans youtuber Kalvin Garrah made a video calling her out for being a "crazy transtrender" due to her showing off her fat cow tits and claiming to have dysphoria, despite them being visible for millions to see.>got bullied off the internet for being an attentionwhore and a fakeboi>came back years later with the fallout of Kalvin's channel and proceeded to play the victim and beg for money after the whole "bullying" incident>her whole popularity is based off her being the poor uwu victim of a bwad trwuscum>acts smug to hide her butthurt>claims to be transitioning despite testosterone gel not doing shit to her body after +6 months (wonder why)>continues to beg for money to this day>doesn't even try to passout of all the fakebois i've seen online this is the one that pisses me off the most. she thinks the world owes so much to her after SHE was the one who exposed herself with her snowflake attitude.
guess what brennen: if you make a video like the one you made years ago, don't expect people to be nice to you. you should have stayed in your own little bubble if you didn't want people to go after you for being such a fat fucking cunt.
linktree: No. 1356645
File: 1635326860538.png (992.9 KB, 1828x1638, ebegging.png)

imagine grifting ten grand to travel to Sweden to give birth so you can 'accurately' register your moid larp on your kid's birth certificate also lmao I've never seen my or anyone else's birth cert in my life, could say my mum was a giant eel and I wouldn't know. ' opens them up to discrimination and abuse later in life' lmfao
No. 1356658
>>1356645Imagine being pregnant and choosing to travel internationally during a pandemic just because you're worried about a single word printed on a confidential document.
Also she's hiring a doula instead of going to a hospital like a sensible person, because of course she's also the kind of moron who buys into that crap. Usually when people hire doulas and midwives, it's so they can give birth in the comfort of their home. What is the point of that in this case, where she's in a foreign country? To give birth in an unsanitary hotel or hostel?
I can't believe she's already fleeced retards out of five grand. Imagine what a local shelter or food bank could have done with that money, which has now instead gone to a middle class white woman.
No. 1356680
>>1356676it's not. it can be used as a form of ID when people have no other ID (for job applications, bank accounts etc) but most people have a driving license/passport. but it has no effect on how you're treated & you would never be bullied or discriminated against because you don't have one (or because you have one…but it accurately lists your mother as your mother).
not sure how she's managed to grift this much money when it's the most pointless bullshit gofundme i've ever seen. i'd rather donate to some uwu enby's top surgery than this woman's holiday to sweden.
No. 1356795
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>>1356791Double post since image didn’t attach properly, but here’s a sample birth certificate from Los Angeles. The Sweden trip is just a bullshit vacation.
No. 1357044
File: 1635375034962.webm (1.21 MB, 320x568, fakeboi.webm)
Coming from the creator of High Guardian Spice and "I'm just an uke!" comes a brand new "anime" fakeboi.
…seriously do ftms honestly think they look like yaoi boys?
No. 1357055
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>>1357053It's intended for mature audiences so I find it very funny how they chose to air it. Literally a cartoon network show on a crunchyroll budget.
No. 1357064
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>>1357048>>1357044I'm thinking about how the representation compares to the reality. TIF from
>>1355917 but it's a very functional "reality" image kek.
No. 1357105
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>>1357055It sounds like Steven universe to me. Super strong Pink haired mom disappears.
No. 1357126
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>>1357044Does it bother uke that her self insert is based on her dead persona? It makes me think the main magical girl is gonna troon out eventually.
No. 1357592
>>1356870 and it's like you didn't even read my full post, kek. The first part was about kids of military men often having foreign birth certificates because not everywhere is as strict as Sweden, and the rest of it was acknowledging that Sweden's paperwork was different.
No. 1357600
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>>1357592>birth certificatesI assume it's normal to get a birth certificate from wherever you are born, but the conversation was about whether you also get citizenship along with it, and that is, with a few exceptions, only the case in the Americas. The concept is called "birthright citizenship".
Anyway, the tranny wanted to get a Swedish birth certificate, because she thinks Swedes allow parents to falsify their children's record to satisfy the parent's delusion (I don't care enough to look up whether that is the case, but wouldn't be surprised if it was true).
Somewhat related, the USA is moving towards official insanity: No. 1357680
File: 1635452136834.png (87.77 KB, 600x674, what.png)

>>1357349Looking through some of her old tweets, she might be both, if that's possible. Either way I don't think the twitter crowd cares but she definitely has an obsession considering her twitter header.
No. 1357711
>>1357600Are you having an ESL moment? Nothing I said is counter to what you're saying, unless I made some catastrophic typo.
>>1357349She literally made a comic about being an "uke", but okay.
No. 1357787
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>>1357349She’s definitely a fujo, but seems shallow compared to the hardcore ones. Like the art and character designs from her WIP visual novel look like something a middle schooler imagined
No. 1358043
File: 1635514029499.png (2.11 MB, 1080x1896, Grill_girl.png)

This is the TIF equivalent of believing that all girls have erotic sleepovers with pillow fights
No. 1358084
>>1358054My favorite fantasy is having a sleepover with a couple of guys my own age who accept me for who I am and I'd be wearing blue boxershorts, my favorite blue jockstrap, my favorite blue football jersey and a worn out blue trucker hat (in case you haven't noticed blue is my favorite color. I think it's because I resent missing out on twenty years of masculinity and I'm subconsciously trying to make up for lost time by being as manly as possible.)
It would be cold and windy outside but we'd be nice and warm curled up infront of a car engine. We'd spend the night working on the car, flicking boogers at each other, drinking beer, wrestling and watching porn while jerking each other off (again, I was robbed of a boyhood).
They wouldn't care that I wasn't close to passing or that my voice was feminine, they'd just accept me as one of the boys. We'd spend the night burping and would drift off to sleep one by one and the night would end up with me wrapped up in a cum-stained blanket drifting off to sleep knowing that for the first time in my life I'd been accepted for who I truly am. Sigh.
Probably not going to happen in the near future, but a guy? / girl? can always dream.
No. 1358096
File: 1635521843005.webm (1.85 MB, 576x1024, 7cbec8de1a7204fcfc7ac81bc8ac37…)
Bisexual NLOG syndrome
No. 1358370
>>1358043Euphoria for… cooking? lmao
Are men the only ones allowed to barbecue or grill in the 1st world or what
No. 1358700
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>>1358550 I see.
Guess they're all detached from normal life due to autism and/or being sheltered as fuck.
No. 1358717
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fakebois are sor corny and embarrasing
No. 1358732
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>>1358702Pretty much, it's
validating. Using the author's words: "best way to make a trans guy’s day".
It has 11k notes on tumblr.
No. 1358760
>>1358717This is so incredibly heterosexual female. Men have no problems being obsessively in love with and violently hateful towards the same people. It's kind of their whole thing.
>>1358732>Red is for girls blue is for boysShe isn't even trying to hide that it's about stereotypes. This has had the opposite effect from the one she intended, I would never want her teaching children while approving of this
toxic shit.
No. 1358821
>>1358732>>1358700TIFs fixating on the less horrifying stereotypes of men is some kind of cope right
Like you cant deal with the fact that the straight men you're biologically attracted to as a straight woman aren't on Spongebob behavior so you try to become a male teddy bear
No. 1358929
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I knew Rhea butcher went all gender but I didn't know she id'd as a trans guy is that new???
No. 1358973
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saw this retardation earlier
No. 1359053
File: 1635693242291.jpg (533.1 KB, 1080x1970, what the fuck.jpg)

>we, as women, do in fact benefit from misandry and oppress men. like that's absolutely not something that's up for debate.
These people are mentally fucked.
No. 1359216
>>1359053Probably learned this from a misogynistic TIM.
TIMs really hate TIFs for being female and have MRA sentiments that they have it easier and are dumb attention whores given everything in life.
They're gleeful when a TIF has something bad happen to them.
The left wing TIMs hide behind woke speak like "transmisogyny" and use feminism, while the right wing TIMs use incel terms like "female privilege" to express their misogyny.
Predictably TIFs whether sjw or edgy wannabes eat this shit up and agree with TIMs to not be like other fakebois
No. 1359450
>>1359425I can work with that, as
>>1358982 said lol
No. 1359521
>>1358839I honestly don't understand why so many people in this thread bend over backwards insisting that the trans4trans FTMs are actually prison gay hetero girls with porn brainrot practicing with each other for the real and honest maledick. It's the scrotiest fucking thing to believe that it's actually all about male worship when Occam's razor says that it's female-attracted females being so detached from their gender they need to wear their he/him larp as an invincibility cloak to evade being sexualized and objectified for male gaze. Even simply being a GNC woman has been turned into a fetish for males, either you're a #girlboss mommy dom to step on them or a price to be won and who will turn femme once she just gets the right dick.
So many of the bi girls that I knew trooned out immediately once they left a straight relationship to be with a woman because they can't comprehend a relationship involving a female outside of the heterosexual norm or the highly fetishized femme4femme setting. Doesn't help that the tranny community has co-opted lesbianism to mean an incel moid dressing up as an e-girl chimera getting his girldick sucked by a self-sacrificing bangmaid. Butch4butch representation doesn't exist and most of these zoomers only envision that as two ugly, fat bulldykes in a dead bedroom so of course they're more tempted to be the cute sweater trotting plant daddy and his equally idealized husband. It's not goddamn rocket science and anyone who has dipped their feet in the LGBT discourse knows this is the case. Not sorry for sperging because this shit is the cancer of the thread.
No. 1359567
>>1359521we know most of these girls, we were like them
their autist straight white girls who didn't fit in growing up, so they turned to anime and wokeism for community
No. 1360041
>>1359521Nah most of them really are hetero, just like their porn addicted transbian male counterparts. They suffer meta attraction like them.
Its just a fetish for most of them mixed in with autism and misogyny
These girls are obviously attracted to men or else they wouldn't larp as gay men or worship the ground they walk on.
No. 1360051
>>1359846a lot of them self id as "asexual" which gives them a pass for not wanting to have sex with other women, but also according to the insane new definition (that you can be an asexual and enjoy sex) allows them to have sex with men if the opportunity arises.
i do think the ayrt has a point though, but they fail to take into account that the prison-lesbian fujoshi larp does not necessarily have to involve sex.
No. 1360298
>>1359856Yeah thankfully she doesn't really post about tRaNs rIgHts or if she does, she might be doing it in Spanish since she's Mexican. However in her main comic that I finally got around to reading, she actually made her main character a transman and it's low-key a bummer because the character was portrayed so neatly and then she threw that curve ball lol. So I'm not sure how I feel about this even though the comic hasn't distinctly went in that direction just yet as the comic is still ongoing. She just gave a little backstory on the main character and how "he" was "dead named" and looked much more feminine as a child, it's weird lol. But despite all that, I still love her art so I'll just try to continue separating the artist from their work.
>>1359885Believe me anon, I do get where you're coming from and I'm usually the same but this artist, I find her art style so unique and inspiring that I just could not drop her. Like I mentioned to the other anon, she doesn't moan on and on about tRaNs rIgHtS that I know of and despite putting the trans crap in her comic, she doesn't seem to be obnoxious about it so it's somewhat simple to ignore though when her comic eventually starts to go more in depth with her main character and "his" transness, that's where I might have to mentally check out lol. I actually learned that when she did reveal that the main character in her comic was trans, it did get some negative response and she called the detractors "transphobes" so uh…
No. 1360303
File: 1635870918014.jpg (147.52 KB, 1200x852, EuGAEiEXMAI_LTf.jpg)

>>1360021Yeah the only "eh" thing that this artist has done so far was get a little upset when some of her fans reacted negatively to the reveal that her main character in her comic is a trans man, some people felt led on and she pretty said they were transphobes and that's about it so far. I admit that I felt led on myself because I really liked the way the character was presented as just an every day guy trying to get through life and then bam, this lol but I'm willing to ignore it since she hasn't really delved into it just yet, only showed a bit of "his" backstory when he was a child who looked like a little girl and was "dead named". I'm pretty sure that eventually she's gonna go more into his "identity" but for now, it's been okay .
>>1360133I'll bite since I don't think she's all that bad compared to others, it's DrunkenFix on Twitter. I can't help but really admire her work and it inspires my own style quite a lot lol.
No. 1360318
File: 1635872883223.png (86.69 KB, 595x700, A.png)

so in the previous thread an anon posted an absolutely retarded tumblr take about Jack Black having "transmasc energy", well that post let me down the rabbit hole of TIFs headcanoning male characters in media(and some IRL) as Transman, cause they have exude "transmasc energy/behavior"
some of theses male characters were
>Austin Powers
>Gomez Adams
>Danny Elfman
but there are also many others
the common linkage with most of these males is that they are mostly below average height, very flamboyant and have very high energy but I think the most important factor is that they are all very secure with their sense of manhood, they know they are men and they don't ever question it, its a very interesting phenomena
No. 1360330
>>1360318That is one of the worst things I've seen in awhile anon kek. And Prince??? Are they fucking serious? "Transmasc" my ass, why can't these women just accept that one can be in control of their sense of self while still accepting themselves?
Like what most of these TIFs need is self confidence in themselves. If they want to be masculine, be masculine and own it. Stop trying to pretend to be something you're not. But then again, most of the TIFs who do this tend to be teenagers and YAs and hopefully with time, they snap out of it.
No. 1360332
File: 1635875203071.gif (1.54 MB, 320x251, ap-man.gif)

>>1360318>Austin PowersWHAT lmao are they dunking on TIMs?
>Gomez AddamsWait a sec… a man who loves and respects his wife and wants to be involved in his children' upbringing? That must be a woman, wtf.
>Danny ElfmanWhy tho?
>PrinceShamelessly flamboyant man = woman. Lovely.
The Kweers made two generations so high on gender roles that now they're doing the work of the conservative right FOR FREE. How progressive!
No. 1360637
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>>1360303I remember her! She first acquired a following because she ran a Homestuck ask blog forever ago (picrel). The Homestuck-to-tranny pipeline is real kek.
Anyway, that vampire main character is total fujoshi pandering. Much like how MtFs are obsessed with catgirls, aidens fixate on edgy bishonens with long hair. The blonde guy is the sort of dude "Max" wants to fuck, and therefor also the guy she wants to become. The pulled the same garbage with the vampire guy from Dream Daddy– drawing a feminine but clearly physiologically male (tall, adam's apple, wide shoulders, etc.) character, then going "uwu aktchually he's twans" as wish fulfillment for TiFujoshis.
Aidens will never be able to wear their hair long without being clocked, and making all these perfectly-passing fictional trannysonas with long hair is a transparent cope. As always, they view stereotypically feminine behavior as sexy when men do it, and shallow/basic when "cis" women do it.
No. 1360678
>>1360637>TIFs in TRA-made media: Chiseled, masculine, clean, well-groomed, clear-skinned, unflinchingly confident, capable>TIFs IRL: Doughy, feminine, disheveled, acne-ridden, neckbeard, violently insecure, dependant No. 1360728
File: 1635921908245.jpg (155.59 KB, 1500x1500, EBjo877XUAEbMqO.jpg large.jpg)

>>1360637Oh wow I didn't know that about her about the Homestuck stuff though tbh, I never really was into that web series but it's still cool to learn nonetheless.
And actually the blond vampire guy isn't trans, it's actually the brown-haired guy "Tristan" who's the trans one. But I believe that the story is gonna push more towards Tristan having feelings for the Vampire guy going off of some of the art she's done where they flirt with each other.
But yeah I know that she more than likely is getting some high from the comic but I still adore her art style and until the day she goes full on TRA which I'm hoping she doesn't, I'm gonna continue to enjoy her work lol.
>>1360678The funny thing about this is that she does show some pictures of herself every now and then and she's honestly not a bad looking woman in my opinion. Like she's not a glamor model but it does look like she tries to take care of herself, especially her hair. I mean she does go for that 80s hair style but I think she pulls it off, it's just a shame that she thinks she's a man instead of just owning her true self.
>>1360719You mean persona? Nah these are her comic characters. She does have a persona character she draws (image attached) but they're not in the comic at all, it's strictly just those 3 and I can see why you would think she probably ripped off Castlevania's dynamic but she's actually had these three characters since 2015 and Netflix's Castlevania didn't come out till around 2017 so I'm just being fair haha unless you mean that her vampire character makes you think of Alucard in general?
No. 1360734
>>1360728I wonder if she had the idea of turning the protagonist into a tranny from the start or it eventually came to her as an attempt at the self-insert for the shipping with her vampire oc.
Anyway, I saw complaints about her, she is a hostile bitch towards her fans, and she ignores you if you are not a popular artist (I did not pay attention, this was something I saw on facebook a long time ago haha)
No. 1360777
File: 1635934181677.png (2.46 MB, 1791x1200, imagen_2021-11-03_060604.png)

>>1360728how delusional do you have to be in order to believe that you look like a man when your features are this soft.
i can even see her fat tits from here
i don't mind american trannies simply due to them either being ugly as fuck or straight up landwhales but seeing hispanic females troon out feels like a crime when hispanic girls are one of the most femenine and beautiful i've seen amongst any other ethnicity.
No. 1360876
>>1359850I follow mazamuno, she's got a decent style and her pieces are visually appealing, she went to an art school but claims to be self-taught and is now working with an anime studio as an illustrator she's gotten so big she's worked with brands and doesn't post much anymore because of that.
She is a fujo who has a selfsert femboy, I think she's having second thoughts of the tranny stuff because she removed the pronouns from her bio, deleted a story highlight with her tranny pronouns, removed 'italian boi' from her bio and everywhere else she doesn't refer to herself as a male (nor female) anymore, hope she'd detran I'm rooting for her.
I don't have photos of her but she posts selfies on her story from time to time.
No. 1360932
>>1360728Castlevania came out in 1986
OC stands for own character
No. 1360939
>>1360734I think her making the main character trans was more than likely a last minute thing because back around 2016-2017 when she was still developing his story, it just didn't feel like she was trying to make him trans and I feel like she added that detail when she started to get her comic into motion.
> Anyway, I saw complaints about her, she is a hostile bitch towards her fans, and she ignores you if you are not a popular artist (I did not pay attention, this was something I saw on facebook a long time ago haha)I don't really scope her comments section when looking at her work, I usually just "like" and move on but yeah I can believe that she probably doesn't talk to people who don't have a huge following, a lot of twitter artists tend to be that way lol.
>>1360777See what I mean? Haha There is nothing about her that looks emotely male and she doesn't look like her persona with the sharp angular features neither.
But she's not a bad looking woman at all in my opinion and I think it's kinda endearing that she likes the 80s but it's a shame that she bought into the idea that she can become a man. Part of me feels like the only reason she feels that way aside from maybe not being into femininity (which is
valid), she also got obsessed with her male OCs. Like she clearly loves her OCs Tristan and Logan (vampire dude) a lot and put a lot of work into them and I just can't help but feel that that helps fuel her desire to be seen as a man, one of the guys.
>>1360798This x100. Anime is/was incredibly popular in Latin American countries. I remember seeing this one anime group for Brazilians back on DeviantART years ago and it had like more than 1k members jaja.
No. 1360947
>>1360876>I follow mazamuno, she's got a decent style and her pieces are visually appealing, she went to an art school but claims to be self-taught and is now working with an anime studio as an illustrator she's gotten so big she's worked with brands and doesn't post much anymore because of that.She is a fujo who has a selfsert femboy, I think she's having second thoughts of the tranny stuff because she removed the pronouns from her bio, deleted a story highlight with her tranny pronouns, removed 'italian boi' from her bio and everywhere else she doesn't refer to herself as a male (nor female) anymore, hope she'd detran I'm rooting for her.
I don't have photos of her but she posts selfies on her story from time to time.
I had to look this artist up and yeah, she has a decent style. I'm not really into overt anime styles anymore but yeah, I can see why she's popular. It sounds like she's slowly detransing but doing it discreetly so she doesn't rile up her gender brigade fans. I hope that Max (Drunkenfix) does the same at some point as well. Like just accept yourself is all I'd like to see with these TIFs.
>>1360925DrunkenFix on Twitter.
>>1360932Oh I'm aware Castlevania has been around a long time with it's first game dating back to the 80s, I was just assuming you meant that she got heavily inspired by the Netflix adaptation with Trevor, Alucard, and Sypha's dynamic in the show and applied that to her own characters for the comic.
And oh okay, I didn't know that you'd call someone's own drawing of themselves an "OC" as ell, I thought it was "persona", my bad haha.
No. 1360949
>>1360939>she also got obsessed with her male OCs. Like she clearly loves her OCs Tristan and Logan (vampire dude) a lot and put a lot of work into them and I just can't help but feel that that helps fuel her desire to be seen as a man, one of the guys.This maybe a reach but I suspect part of the TIF desire to want become their goth boy OC's is the fact that Goth/Punk boys don't exist anymore(it was a sad sight seeing them die off)
most males are either boring normies or pure degenerates, so you have either males who dress blandly or dress like their rap idols(the current degenerates popular genre of music) or like femboys(meaning they wear ill fitting female clothing and act like degenerates)
that's one of the reasons I think rodrick got so popular with these girls, its just a skinny good looking guy with alt clothing and some eyeliner
No. 1360974
>>1360949Honestly I think that a lof of libfems, handmaidens, and TIFs genuinely believe that men are as good as the way they portray them in their writing (or at least capable of being that good), and are constantly disappointed by the men in their lives "turning out to be" awful. Almost every handmaiden I know writes men and boys as these kind, generous, and "totally not sexist or coomer" angels, and many of them say they know men like that IRL, but they probably just are oblivious or in denial of how trashy men are. When a man "turns out to be" bad in their lives, they pass him off as an oddity rather than the norm. I know one who loves her dad and hates her mom for being a needy, emotional mess, but her dad literally cheated on her mom and then married the woman he cheated on her with. She only writes men as these genuine and loving creatures who would never hurt a woman in any way. It's like they're blind.
No. 1361020
>>1360949Holy crap anon, I think you might be right kek. I graduated high school in 2008 and emo & scene boys were still kind of around butit seems like alternative guys have slowly been on the decline in the 2010s. At my job I come into contact with a lot of teenagers and I notice how I hardly see any alternative guys in general among the youth crowd, it's mostly the rap idol thing that you mentioned, it's honestly kinda depressing haha.
But yeah it does seem like TIFs especially try to base their male ocs on the kind of men they are attracted to
>Rodrick HeffleyO actually have never seen Diary of a Wimpy Kid so I wasn't aware of this character but holy shit that character kek. I see what you mean and I'm wondering if Max herself took inspiration from this character as well.
>>1360974Maybe this is essentially the romance novel in art form for TIFs? A fantasy they create of creating men who are the perfect partner which contrasts with the way many guys are IRL, especially these days with the up rise of porn…
No. 1361476
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>>1358043doods just wanna grill!
No. 1361570
>>1361495It's oozing with "I might be a tranny but at least I'm not like other Aidens" copium. As weird as it sounds I have way more respect for FTMs who at least own their insane delusion than the seething pubebeard /tttt/roid who believes she's of superior intellect because she never exits the house and hates more well-adjusted troons and fakebois for not being self-hating trutrans.
Also the original anon should stop fucking using the word "poon" and "pooner". It's nasty as fuck and it's not going to catch on.
No. 1361662
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>>1361527Sage for OT, but I liked this one
No. 1361898
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>>1361809>and looks like it was drawn by a moidBecause it was, just like those pooner pics are drawn by one of /lgbt/ ftms
No. 1361943
File: 1636075188386.png (41.88 KB, 700x700, nothing.png)

>>1361898I dont think theyre all done by the same person but ths specific hyperschizo ftm has certainly leeched off the pooner craze in order to get (you)'s.
No. 1362075
>>1362044More like deeplore
able shit
No. 1362129
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>>1362116It reminds me of how Garfield's creator draws female characters, just way worse. The self hating just manifests as bimbofication to the point of dehumanization. Unironically that cursed image is a good example of "dehumanization."
No. 1362175
Tbh trans women seem to be "oppressed" by the same people incels are "oppressed" by, that being women who are more successful than them and or don't want them sexually. FtM barely get mentioned in all these debates.
Trans people also admit the overlap between 4chan incels and trans women is enormous. So yeah pretty sure FtM don't even cross their mind as one of their "oppressors"
No. 1362370
File: 1636137268585.jpg (827.93 KB, 1920x1080, RDT_20211105_14325640590983196…)

don't know about all the other pics, but this one is definitely unfunny moid content
>all this incel projection
>implying pooners date actual non-pooner women
No. 1362471
File: 1636146993609.jpg (156.17 KB, 1078x1421, tumblr_da9ce8183b39e437e69e1fd…)

i want to die
No. 1362538
File: 1636152854981.jpg (148.72 KB, 700x650, 1623088112314.jpg)

>>1361898>>1362042>>1362370These ftm drawings are called "pooners" and both the derogatory name and exaggerated caricatures they look like are derived from jim crow era racist bugs bunny cartoons.
pic is the illustrated version of that reddit story where a ftm went to a gay hook up party and no one wanted to fuck her.
No. 1362552
File: 1636154160991.png (280.37 KB, 540x608, tumblr_inline_parpd7jRpV1rga4h…)

>>1362370>>1361495>>1361476Just compare this to other cartoons making fun of TiFs by actual women.
No. 1362713
>>1362630MtFs are weak to bullets and knives.
This does not excuse how much ass kissing they get on social media from every basic white girl with a kpop avatar.
No. 1362861
>>1349311A well-executed top surgery does not remove 100% of breast tissues because it will look sunken instead of masculine. Rather, it should be tailored to a specific individual's body fat & pectoral muscles.
A fattie without moobs would look like someone with ascites.
No. 1362865
File: 1636185583457.jpg (357.34 KB, 1280x1226, tumblr_a331ed3a60d7a9163c09595…)

>>1362560>This looks like it was made by a trutrans TIFIt was
No. 1362869
File: 1636186771100.jpg (13.01 KB, 345x381, 1468622767963.jpg)

>>1362865>I just want to live my life like everyone else>so I'm gonna cut my tits off and poison myself with testosterone>I'm more valid because a bullshit diagnosis backs me upsociety
No. 1362891
File: 1636192076748.png (83.61 KB, 979x678, 1625925625205.png)

>>1362874>>1362869This is from /r/truscum, no matter how much they try to distance themselves from Aydens they still always end up betraying their personas
No. 1362935
File: 1636201741947.webm (1 MB, 320x568, mastectoME.webm)
>when you're jealous of your mom getting cancer
No. 1363026
>>1362935is this the one who posted that severely annoying thing about pronouns also
that obnoxious punchable theater kid voice
No. 1363038
File: 1636217994249.jpg (153.65 KB, 922x2048, 21yo minor genius.jpg)

>>1363026>is this the one who posted that severely annoying thing about pronouns alsoIdk, all Aidens look the same to me (white, pudgy, soulless eyes, annoying). You gotta be a bit more specific.
No. 1363078
>>1363054I think it's a character very,
very few of them actually act like offline. It's like there are a handful of genuine fuckboy types that got famous on the platform, and literally everyone else copies their exact affectation and posturing to fit in.
No. 1363117
File: 1636224052838.jpg (274.88 KB, 1676x1220, sanity.jpg)

>>1363099It's still private. Found these screenshots on twitter but I'm a bit busy and forgot to post the rest.
Here's the last one I found. More Aiden jealousy.
No. 1363120
>>1363117They don't even consider the mother's feelings? She probably didn't want any of this and wishes she could've avoided it and these bitches are jealous and cracking the dumbest jokes.
>don't do anything I wouldn't doHow does that apply here?? She had cancer for christsake! How disrespectful and dense can one be??
No. 1363134
>>1362865all of the "trutrans vs trender" images are made by tifs because women do not care enough about this. They are the nlogs of the nlogs.
To all the trutranses who hate read these threads thinking you are the exception, you're not. You are just as delusional as the rainbow haired TIFs you mock, if not moreso, because at least they know they are full of shit. You on the other hand genuinely believe in your stupid "male soul, male brain" nonsense. No one cares about how much you try to imitate edgy conservative men. You will never be seen as "one of the boys". Your weird overcompensating misogynistic rants will be just that: overcompensating. That is all.
No. 1363162
>>1363038I hope she gets get cancer and it's untreatable. I know this is zoomer shock humour but some things should be off-limits and your mother having a life threatening illness is one of them.
>>1363117The fact that only one of these kids wished the mother well is depressing.
>>1363134Speaking of trutrans, reading the first few fakeboi threads is pretty fucking funny. It's hard to imagine a lolcow where there were enough Aidens actively posting to actually start a thread laughing at the Aidens who were trooning out the wrong way or w/e. Absolutely hilarious to read why these girls thought they were totes male but others weren't. Thank god this thread has grew from that though.
No. 1363199
File: 1636233040577.png (224.96 KB, 857x985, waodood.png)

>>1363197picrel. forgot to attach it
No. 1363200
File: 1636233161594.jpg (87.02 KB, 769x845, poom.jpg)

>>1362865Damian looks like this really
No. 1363202
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>>1361971Do you like this one?
No. 1363203
File: 1636233379687.png (Spoiler Image,96.28 KB, 1359x1233, i am abigail.png)

>>1361527picrel is pretty NSFL so spoilered and saged for OT
No. 1363215
>>1362935>>1363038TOP KEK troons really do honestly believe they
deserve front seats for surgical procedures even before people with legitimate health conditions. And what gives? This chick's just going to detrans in 5 years and come running back crying and begging for new breast implants for free.
And no, holding your breath like a toddler until you turn blue because you didn't get the surgery that you wanted does not count as a serious health condition.
No. 1363274
>>1363197Nah, it's really not projection to find grotesque things grotesque.
>>1363243All twitterfags love Elliott Page for some reason. It's really twitter-centric "yass queening"
No. 1363466
>>1363197The main person who draws them admitted to being a TIF herself. She does it to distance herself from people she thinks are cringe/trenders, but there's no such thing as a based tranny and she's clearly just as mentally ill as they are.
I'm not offended by Pooner, I just think its not as funny as Kikomi, and it definitely doesn't warrant being posted without sage. Plus as other anons have said, it looks more like female Amerimutt than it does like a TIF. Most of the TIFs I've seen are ghostly pale and scrawny with thin lips, ugly glasses, and septum piercings. They look sickly and ghoulish honestly, and I don't think Pooner captures that.
Also for whatever reason there seems to be a lot of ginger TIFs? I know like three ginger FtMs in real life and I'm honestly baffled. Maybe it's because redheads are so heavily objectified and they're trooning out to try and escape objectification.
No. 1363556
File: 1636282267681.jpg (92.94 KB, 1024x1024, real pooner.jpg)

>>1363466Pooners are drawn by many people, I think the only confirmed pooner actually drawing them is the one who does all the super detailed shit. Pooners are more meant to represent ftms on testosterone who still look female rather than the typical "trender" pre-transition stereotype. Their skin is often blotchy and pink due to acne, they have big doe eyes and visibly feminine facial features, they have ear gauges a lot, they have pube beards and tiny little fat/skinnyfat bodies and noodle arms.
I personally don't find kikomi funny so it's very much to each their own with these monstrosities.
I prefer the 4chan philosophy tube and hontra comics as i feel they do a better job of portraying the monstrous, terrifying nature of the gigahon.
No. 1363558
File: 1636282350563.jpg (49.33 KB, 500x500, t4t.jpg)

kek @ this stock drawing of some troons
No. 1363570
>>1363199>twink faggot>shinji page on the wallKEK
Ngl, I laugh at the poonies because of how comically bizarre and morbid they are (I'm still an edgy retard at heart, sorry). It's a trainwreck. They portray TIF idiocy and their horrifying/sad condition, but looking at some of them you can feel the mental illness by whoever drew it (like this one:
No. 1363577
File: 1636286450187.png (Spoiler Image,41.1 KB, 764x720, the pooneer.png)

>>1363570I like this one. definitely not everyone's taste
No. 1363579
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No. 1363592
>>1362578>sad story If I was at that orgy, I'd make out with her, just so she doesn't feel alienated, and get to experience some perverted intimacy in a gay setting.
(yes, yes I am, and yes, yes we can kiss girls)
(male) No. 1363595
File: 1636289109164.png (57.65 KB, 556x371, poonkehon.png)

>>1363592wow what a hero for lil pooners everywhere!
No. 1363596
File: 1636289176044.png (590.71 KB, 655x575, heck.png)

>>1363592enjoy being inevitably banned for being a ""scrote"" though kek
No. 1364023
File: 1636326994823.jpg (123.35 KB, 609x729, h0niboy.jpg)

>>1363831>says the one seething about caricatures of fakebois>>1363747idk who you're talking about and i'd love to see it but here's another gigapooner with a faggot tattoo. she also does cake sitting fetish shit on stage for a living and calls it queer performance art. she does a lot of weird and degenerate bullshit that she tries to pass off as art and "deep". @honib0y on insta for anyone interested
>kalematsubaholy shit this brought back memories. i remember when tumblr was trying to push her aydenoid self insert "manga" so hard then she got outed for drawing shotacon or some shit. fucking lel.
No. 1364027
File: 1636327216182.jpg (Spoiler Image,168.57 KB, 751x731, hhb.jpg)

>>1364023oh yeah, and she also has a tattoo of a baby in bondage gear. extremely normal
No. 1364334
>>1364326I'm not a radfem and I think a lot of TIFs are just autistic fujos or bored straight girls who haven't been traumatized in any unique way (all women experience the trauma of misogyny though), but I can't lie, she looks like a CSA
victim who isn't coping, or at least bipolar/schizophrenic. Your ordinary TIF doesn't look
this unhinged.
No. 1364438
>>1363466I'm offended by this poonershit because it implies that there is such a thing as a "based tranny" since they are created by someone identifying as an FTM herself. The observations aren't funny, they're the lowest hanging fruit kicking Aidens who are already ridiculed by everyone around them, they're grotesque pieces that only a demented mind can come up with. Troons hating other troons for not being troony enough have no right thinking they have an upper ground, especially when they're acting as if drawing unhinged body horror was the sign of a sane person. At least Kikomi is legitimately clever in its satire while these things are just copes for mentally unwell people who probably are lunatic cows themselves.
>>1363577How the fuck is this entertaining? It's like you would post an ink blotch painted with rank semen and call it endearing comedy gold. It's not cute and it's most certainly not funny, it's literal schizo shit and tells me way more about the artist than the subject. Jesus christ posting these things should be a bannable offense.
No. 1364477
File: 1636387085815.jpg (164.9 KB, 966x540, cake.jpg)

>>1364334she does have bpd (of fucking course) and talks about it a lot. all her ""art"" comes across as extremely narcissistic and there's very much a focus on herself and her victimhood. note the drastic weight gain too, it feels like a classic example of an ayden trying to be disgusting and unappealing after some kind of sexual trauma but she also sexualizes herself constantly. a very weird case
>>1364438foaming at the mouth huh?
>>1364141i don't understand why so many people here claim to be radfems or fighting misogyny when 90% of this website is dedicated to making fun of and tearing down women (women that openly embarrass themselves online nonetheless) but a vast majority of these threads are focused on women and a lot of it is heavily focused on their appearance and bodies. most lolcow users aren't radfems by any means and would 100% be accused of internalized misogyny by most radical feminists. i think it's time for some of you to admit that for self-awareness sake. just because you draw the line at making fun of a woman's pussy it doesn't make you a feminist.
No. 1364915
>>1364477I posted the comparison photo a couple threads ago.
She had a Tumblr account (no surprise) that began around 10 years ago. She was relatively normal in Tumblr terms. She's the typical case of artistic, mentally ill teenage girl turns fat, gross manlet because of poor mental health care and probable sexual abuse. She has supposedly been institutionalized many times recently from the looks of her Instagram, but nothing really seems to improve. A lot can be said regarding the quality of mental health services, but I think wanting help and being ready to overcome your struggles has to come first. She clearly doesn't want to heal. Her therapist probably tells her to stop posting softcore porn on Instagram to avoid being hurt and judged for her appearance, but that's some kind of ism or phobia and it goes into the shitter with her sanity. Also, I don't believe in censorship, but somebody should really sit down with her and ask what she hopes to get out of posting stuff like this. It's terrible. Imagine being a bit more mentally stable in 5 years from now and remembering all of this weird fetishistic crap you posted on Instagram in the midst of your lowest point?
No. 1364981
>>1364477Setting aside the retarded assumption that LC is a hive mind and anons are all the same people, or the fact that I never said I was a radfem. Feminism =/= never being critical of any woman ever.
Also, a lot of people come here just for the GC/tranny threads– that's why there's been so much controversy over them. They don't gel with the established userbase, that's the problem; Radfems come here despite the site's culture having a strong undercurrent of internalized misogyny. LC is unfortunately one of the few places that isn't either censored by trannies or an alt-right cesspool.
Speaking of board culture, there are several threads where nitpicking the cow's vagina can get you banned. It's not milk and it's not a fresh or funny observation to say that Shayna's vagina looks gross. It just makes you sound like an incel or a faggot scrote.
No. 1365302
File: 1636482152023.jpg (607.38 KB, 1536x2048, EmfYV6HW4AUnZXN.jpg)

>>1365087I think they are pretty funny. Not the ones that are blatantly "not like other troons"-ish but the way the pooners look is funny as fuck to me and looks like a lot of the "trutrans" fully transitioned aydenoids with necrotic frankendoodles (which are more worthy of mocking imo, picrel theoffensivetranny) more than the "trender" ones that just look like regular "alt" girls with short hair.
humor is subjective lel
No. 1365610
File: 1636505731169.jpg (144.52 KB, 640x1015, 1636482694709.jpg)

Dyke who trooned to get with straight girls did not see the problem with posting this
No. 1365624
>>1365610Her LARP > using others as narc supply. Wonderful individual.
Hope it's fake, but I know troons feel entitled to sex because 'muh dysphoria' and shit…
No. 1365784
>>1365626An enlarged clit is still just a clit, and part of a vagina. I swear, sometimes people like you start to wrap back around to sounding like troons. She was refused because the girl was straight, and not into pussy. OP is a woman who wants other women.
>>1365687Jesus, not only is this a case of rape by deception, but it also might be a case of sexual misconduct with a minor? People like this woman are the scum of the Earth.
Any time I get news like this about a lesbian (or even a bi woman) being predatory towards girls and women, I actually want to die. Not only are they completely fucking over people's lives by abusing them, but they're also adding insult to injury by perpetuating homophobic stereotypes. It's like they stabbed someone and then screamed "I'm mentally ill!" Everyone just connects the two dots and blames one on the other. No. 1365791
>>1365610This is repulsive. I can't imagine how the 19 year old is dealing with being tricked and preyed upon like this. Gross.
It doesn't matter if you're "stealth" to society. (Although, I can normally tell a troon from a room full of people, but that's thanks to being online constantly and dealing with a few IRL, lol.) Your personal relationships are very, very different. It almost gets to the point where
you would have to ask them instead of them willingly disclosing it to you. Even if troon only gave her oral, it's still incredibly deceptive and creepy. I would feel so violated. Get the dirty facial hair and acne away from me. I wouldn't touch a troon with a 60 foot pole. I'm sure many people wouldn't. Sorry, you don't get to LARP as a normal man because you've convinced yourself otherwise and injected steroids for a little while. Get real.
No. 1365795
>>1365791It's worse than you thought,
nonnie. OP is 19, and didn't specify her ex-partner's age. Speculation about the partner being a minor
>>1365687 >>1365691
>>1365706 No. 1365804
>>1365795Looks like I didn't read that correctly. Yeah. much worse.
I worked in a program a year or so ago and one of the girls there was "trans", but obviously a butch lesbian with a lot of mental health problems and a shitty family situation. Her parents supposedly really didn't accept her being gay, so I guess trooning is the next best option? It's weird.
Anyway, she "dated" this one younger girl, 14-16, when she was 18-19, and did such unspeakable things to her. Keep in mind these are people already dealing with trauma and mental health, so this poor girl's remaining trust and hope was destroyed by this delusional troon. Troon ending up convincing this poor girl that she was biologically male, which was unbelievable to me and 99 percent of others, but I guess it worked. She convinced her into doing drugs with her that would alter her mental state, manipulated her to be 'pleasured", she emotionally abused her, and literally posted her naked pictures on Facebook. It sounds like it's out of a movie. I was beyond appalled. The young girl didn't want to press charges, but staff convinced her to go through with it. There's so much I'm leaving out.
This isn't troon exclusive, but it puts a bad taste in my mouth even more so because this happened to somebody I care deeply about.
(sage) No. 1365930
File: 1636543123231.jpg (795.93 KB, 1280x3774, CRAWLING.jpg)

Non-white TIMs and TIFs aren't more or less awful then their white counterparts they have one aspect that makes them almost insufferable to deal with and that is they will actual western colonial and all the horrors it brought and make it tool to validate their bullshit 21st century identity
This is the same dumbass who made that Mulan comic
No. 1366013
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>>1366001I can't say if this applies towards all the girls you described, but judging from her account on tumblr and twitter she is really into Chinese BL Dramas which often takes place in a mythologized past, maybe that's a factor No. 1366064
File: 1636558820137.png (139.78 KB, 1930x504, Screen Shot 2021-11-10 at 7.38…)

lol next level NLOG-ing.
>does liking jazz make me a boy??at the least the comments are sensible.
> No. 1366067
File: 1636559135070.jpeg (240.12 KB, 828x1540, A29BD5E0-7DEA-4282-9913-C43062…)

I’m on mobile so all I can offer are these shitty separated screenshots, sorry. While she’s not a fakeboi, this morning I encountered a similar Western-raised Asian NLOG whose account was promoted to me bu Instagram. Her entire account is poetry about how hard it is to be Asian and queer (not lesbian) but she makes is abundantly clear that she’s never actually had a girlfriend or licked a pussy. I suspect she’s just trying to rebel and shock her conservative family.
No. 1366070
File: 1636559323633.jpeg (208.08 KB, 828x1410, FF0230D1-FA4B-4D0D-AE89-84D76A…)

>>1366068The first item on her “gay agenda” list is clearly her insecurities about being a larping straight girl shining through. Notice how no part of her “gay agenda” actually includes getting a girlfriend.
No. 1366072
File: 1636559537599.jpg (41.46 KB, 617x540, r2royiuwk0131.jpg)

>>1365930>>1366067I already know that this is what their bf's look like
No. 1366114
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No. 1366152
>>1366067Just seems like someone who is conflating artistic/flamboyant style/personality with homosexuality. They are two different things with some crossover.
Many gay people look 0% gay in reality, aesthetic and creative choices and sexuality are not actually linked, just stereotyped. Anyway this belongs more in /ot since there's no 'fake gay general' thread.
No. 1366172
>>1365930I don't know about Cantonese but for Mandarin, the 她 pronouns (and subsequent Taiwanese variations on other pronouns) did not come from wHiTE pEoPle but Chinese intellectuals, that were admittedly influenced by Western thought, in the beginning of the XXth century. This is long after the opium wars and by that timeChina was a complete clusterfuck and Europe was at war and didn't give a shit anymore.
>t. Mandarin learner>>1366007"Non-assimilated" (though they'll never go back to the shitty bled their parents left ofc) children of immigrants in France are the fucking worst. They also think you're a traitor for not LARPing as a struggling oppressed Muslim even though they fuck and drink to their hearts content (no pork though!!!). Fuck them and fuck the left fro coddling their delusions
No. 1366173
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>>1366164>>1366155You'd be surprised the shit woke dispora are willing to delude themselves into believing
No. 1366224
File: 1636572047385.jpeg (232.72 KB, 828x1463, 7628C22E-5D67-4BA9-94B7-84963F…)

>>1366208I’m 100% sure this chick views being “queer” (never “lesbian”) as a personality trait/hobby and she’ll never actually eat a pussy in her life. She apparently thinks that normal women can’t wear suits.
No. 1366276
>>1366173Kek the young boys rich aristocrats fucked weren't even considered "men" because naturally males couldn't fuck other males, that would be disgusting gay shit. That's where most "third genders" in history come from, homophobic male insecurity.
>>1366070>>1366224This shit is like polilez in pictures. I'll never forgive popular culture for making being gay an "aesthetic" for girls who are just mad at their boyfriends and/or dads.
No. 1366302
File: 1636578050639.jpg (313.42 KB, 954x1494, 1636562233399.jpg)

Someone posted this in the fujo thread, and I just want to mention how fucking much I hate this because it happens to me all the time when I'm discussing ships or characters I like I instantly ram right into 'THIS CHARACTER IS TRANS' even if they explicitly not in canon.
These people are literally unavoidable in most fandoms.
No. 1366332
>>1366302holy fuck i hate this so much too, there's a character in my fandom that they project being trans onto just because he's an uwu softboi. but please, tell me how eating and fucking pussy is totally how gay men have sex. you cant even call it out because "transphobia" has eclipsed homophobia in the oppression hierarchy.
and i like the characters for who they are, so it annoys me when TIFs project themselves onto these characters with "he has boobs and a pussy" headcanons. anytime i see a trans fic i can tell the trans character is the author's self-insert, which to me is even more gross than if it was just written as an OC because of the blatant "gay men can like pussy too" that they project onto the ship. these people also abuse their "im trans and gay so you cant say anything to me" card constantly. i really hope this trans shit dies off soon, i just want to enjoy my fandom space without seeing this garbage everywhere
No. 1366456
>>1365930Love how this girl also outed herself as being entirely illiterate… the writing system was designed to be unified regardless of which Chinese language you speak. And while I have issues with China's current language policy crushing minority languages in favour of Mandarin, it's also not a specifically Mandarin writing system. Cantonese speakers will use 他 and 她 when writing as well.
Also, the he/she/it pronoun is not gendered in speech and the split in the writing system was made in the 1920s by Chinese intellectuals not white people. But even without this EEVIIILLL change, it's not that people were living in a nonbinary utopia where nobody knew what gender people are, because speakers naturally accommodate for the lack of gendered pronoun (e.g. people will specify more than in languages with gendered pronouns so it's funny this chick is like "because of this I never thought about gender"). Same goes with other languages that don't have gendered pronouns like Turkish or Hungarian.
No. 1366502
>>1366302>fandom NLOGI don't get ftms. They're trying to live out a yaoi larp anyway so why be bothered at all?
>>1366456>(e.g. people will specify more than in languages with gendered pronouns so it's funny this chick is like "because of this I never thought about gender").I think that outs her as somebody that never actually interacted with her community, kek.
No. 1366623
File: 1636610789058.png (577.57 KB, 954x1560, tifujoshis.png)

>>1366302here's what actually happens
No. 1366628
nonny the boobs on the tim took me out
No. 1366650
>>1366332I've seen Aidens use trans head anons on characters from live action shows where the cis actor is shirtless or even naked onscreen. Game of Thrones, Black Sails, and Stranger things are all fandoms I've seen that in, despite all of them taking place before doctors started doing cosmetic mastectomies.
They almost always do it to characters that they ship with other men or are gay in canon. I've seen FtM art of Loras from GOT and Flint from Black Sails, for instance. It's like they can't conceive of sex that doesn't involve one cock and one vagina.
No. 1367321
About breast amputation:
"Mastectochism: The Platonic Ideal of Self Hate"
Odyssee link: No. 1368286
>>1367761They're self hating straight women idk
Probably some sexual abuse there
Some fucked up women have a kink for being proven wrong
No. 1375950
>>1342274>to maintain a healthy body weight, a woman not only has to eat less than a man but she also has to exercise more.You are a chronically fatty tif who hates her body and thinks all skinny women are ana-chans or have some ed aren't you? What the fuck I am reading lmao
Don't stuff yourself in food every time you feel down and go outside regularly you'll be alright you fucking retard. I hate the mancraze many anons have in this website picturing men as better and perfect by default and women and their perfectly functioning bodies as "broken" one way or another, y'all are literally fucking insane and I can sense an energy you don't get along with other women irl.