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No. 979294
Old Threads:
>>>/snow/895014>>>/snow/720444>>>/snow/570991>>>/snow/465430>>>/snow/276054>>>/snow/45564>>>/snow/26392This thread is for posting and discussing cringey fakebois who may or may not deserve their own threads.
Fakebois are girls who pretend to be boys for attention, either as trannies or biological males (usually the former).
Fakebois style and present themselves as androgenous or feminine-looking young men, even wearing girls clothing and make-up. They insist on being addressed with he/him (or occasionally they/them) pronouns and take great offense at being misgendered. Some are SJW transactivists, but for most their identities are entirely superficial.
Reminder to "truescums" and "transmeds": no1curr about how [[[100% REAL]]] your or any other tranny's ~dysphoria~ is. don't derail about that bullshit, save it for your tumblr blog.
No. 979307
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>>979294That tweet about how today's fakebois used to love yaoi in 2015 is insanely accurate.
No. 979316
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1000 KEKS, my personal LC opened a store to only sell he/him shirts. How exclusive of them, I'm reporting them to the all inclusive ~LGBTQIA+~ stat.
Seriously though, don't these people comprehend they hold everyone else to their backwards pseudo moralistic logic but are somehow exempt themselves?
No. 979319
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what an honor my personal cow is featured kek (she also changed to he/they since last time I posted her)
No. 979321
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>>979320But you must buy it to show you're an ally, anon.
No. 980040
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tumblr user guu. a 28 year old they/them who loves to call herself a twink. oh and she has a kid.
No. 980058
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why are they like this? , you juts like femenine/masculin things
No. 980160
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something I read todayreminded me of some quite lol internet drama from a few years back
> nonbinary but him/his pronouns> can't wait for free top surgery must crowdfund!
> other preferred pronouns inc. prince/princeself> called out for being a rapist and got entierly cancelled by the very people who funded the surgeryOh dear!
No. 980216
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fakeboi-no-more and insta-famous artist @wayriding announced she's detransitioning. this is not surprising at all considering after the fake boi trend died out for the most part she never again drew her character Max as male and has only done straight pairings for her self insert characters since. kek
No. 980221
>>980216This is going to happen more and more in the future. The Aydens who transitioned 3-4 years ago at 20-21 start reaching their 30's in a few years and realize their age is catching up and at 40+ they won't look like a beautiful twink prince or an edgy pierced teenage heartthrob anymore, more like a 5ft3 gnome with a prepubescent voice. I have a FTM friend who transitioned at 19 and at 28 he keeps saying that if he could undo it all, he would. And I always thought he was one of the "true trans" who would never regret.
Anyway the more these influential people start detransitioning the more they will encourage others to do so as well. The only shitty thing is that unlike the bisexual fad of the early 00's this has left a generation of young people sterile and with mutilated bodies. I guess it's more comparable to the cutting fad of the mid 00's when anxious young people were one-upping each other in scarring their arms permanently.
However seeing the replies to the tweets being like "c-can't you just be nonbinary and still enjoy feminine things?!?!" are astounding in how much self-awareness tranny cultists lack. It really feels like they just want to drag other people down with them because they're not happy with their bodies, nobody can be.
No. 980248
>>980224AYRT and I think he was somewhere in the range of 22-25 when he seemed to show first signs of subtle regret. As for the reason he explained that he was just really young and stupid and didn't think it over thoroughly. He had this persistent thought that because he hated feminine things he must be male, and in retrospect his gender dysphoria was probably more of a case of body dysmorphia because he's always been prone to eating disorders, something that's also common with the trans youth.
>>980236My friend started socially transitioning at 15-17 and medically at 19, basically the poster child of a trans teen that had a "solid sense of identity". And even he ended up regretting. Please try to reason with your friend as best as you can.
No. 980259
>>980258We had a documantary like that in the Netherlands too, made by a very mainstream channel. It did show their anger towards the mental health workers too, for allowing hormones so easily too.
It still shocks me how young Nikkitutorials was when he got on hormones. I didn't think that was possible in our country, pretty dissapointing.
No. 980269
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>>980212yeah… she even posts pictures of the poor kid on her blog. unfortunate.
she even gave him a troon name. probably gonna try and convince him he's trans or something sooner or later.
No. 980288
>>980226same reaction, looked at her selfie idk if she even tried to pass before even once tho
but ngl she draws well
No. 980312
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>>980040>>980269Went to check out her blog, and damn, she has TWO kids, the 10 year old and a toddler. And in true tumblr tranny fashion she keeps begging for donations to leave her loser boyfriend.
Kek at this particular part:
>he’s cheated on me, repeatedly flirted with women, forced me off HRT and i’m currently pretending not to be a man to keep the peace, as he has stated he’s straight and could not continue to love me if i kept on my transition.I don't doubt that this guy is a shithead but I love that she acts like him saying that he's straight and doesn't wanna date a fakeboi is so evil and
abusive. Isn't that validating to your identity? If you were truly a Real Man why would you want to be in a relationship with a straight dude anyway?
Most of all I feel so bad for those poor fucking kids.
No. 980322
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eleanor "leon" cishetsbeingcishet. constantly posting about her gay harry styles headcanons and how she's a gAy MaN!
No. 980324
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>>980304the "Proud dad" hat…
No. 980353
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Does anyone know India Muenez? I used to follow her on Instagram back in the day. she was an extremely pretty model/indie actress who decided she would rather be an unattractive, uncastable fakeboi instead. I just looked her up today to see what she was doing and realized she drank the enby/fakeboi koolaid out at some point like why would a normal, nonpornsick person with a career do this? So depressing
No. 980366
>>980159Not long until the detransistion saga for this fucking mega douche.
Also, way to channel George Hugely with lacrosse. I'd be nervous if I was the girlfriend.
No. 980394
>>980383One of my friends wa pressured into being “trans” by her trans bf, because she questioned her gender softly. After breaking up, she’s in a better place with herself.
I feel like people want company? Like how people in marginalized groups seek out that community for support. It’s not surprising to me that trans people who are for one, unsure of their gender, and two may be limited in an in person community and representation would be excited and cling to any semblance of community they have, even to the detriment of other people’s feeling and identity.
No. 980437
>>980383>>980394A friend became a little bit like this, because of sexual trauma + her new circle of friends that consist of a lot of nb and one or two trans, she started to question herself. Basically she doesn't like women's place in society but she knows she isn't male, and she's unconfortable with neutral pronouns, "buut I don't want "she" either, I'm confused!". Her curious cat answer about the matter was just a mess as well as her nb gf's (when she started id as nb she developped chest dysphoria and want to cut them off bc it "clashes" with her identity).
tldr: girl being influenced
No. 980458
>>980441exactly. it's one thing if it's a trans person actually putting in the money, time, effort and bodily change to attempt to pass, at least then you're actually changing the way people perceive and thus treat you.
the thing with these snowflakes and fakebois though is that they either don't want to put in the work to pass, or have been convinced they don't have to in order to be treated the same as men. instead they'd rather just sit on their ass and imagine themselves as their idealized self, some skinny flat chested tall yaoi model that's not going to ever be something they can achieve unless they put in the work to pass and even then, were dealt good cards in the genetic lottery. they're setting themselves up for failure
No. 980503
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I have a random fakeboi to offer that I've known for a while now. She used to have a lot of old milky posts, but it's all archived now (unfortunately). Her user is @/moetrons on Instagram.
She's basically your stereotypical twanny aka:
>around 19-20 years old
>tells everyone she's an actual cis boy
>it's not stated by her but it's obvious by looking at her selfies that she tries very hard to appear underage in an attempt to look like a "shota"
>believes Astolfo is literally her because he's a boy who looks like a girl and she's totally the same!!1!1!
>tries so fucking hard to appeal as some femboy IRL trap and has called herself those things so many times before and probably still does too
>acts like browsing and knowing about 4chan makes her look cool and special
>basically identifies with every crossdresser animeboy who looks like a girl but isn't one because it's totally her guiiise!!
>also obsessed with sanrio and acting cute like every other e-girl
>someone once asked her in the comments if she's a girl and she proceeded to have a mini mental breakdown on her story about how she's a boy and her followers had an entire argument with that person while she sat back and didn't do anything
>no idea how true this is but i also heard that she pretended/pretends to be half korean
>Erin Painter 2.0 but tranny version
>acts all uwu hehe owo! i am so s-soft..?!=(" but is just delusional
Sorry if this isn't milky in any way but I cannot stand this uwu bitch and wanted to post her, because she's unbearable and I've known her for a while now.
No. 980542
>>980503oh man. this girl. she dated another "trans boy" who was also incredibly edgy and obsessed with twenty one pilots for a very long time and regularly flaunted their relationship, then they broke up and both got super upset and had followers attack anyone who asked about it. both she and her "boyfriend" regularly referred to her as mommy/wife and when anyone asked them about it, they would say she just has those vibes and fits the role and it has nothing to do with their gender.
she regularly talks about wanting to grow her hair very long again and posts photos of her from when she did, still getting mad if someone questions her gender in the comments. she's posted pictures of her tits slightly censored and all the comments were concerned, asking if she was 18.
she also has posted a lot of stuff that is clearly body checks or meant to be thinspo. she has said she has an ed, but its a coin toss if she gets upset or not when someone asks about her eating/her weight. she regularly tries to humble brag about her drinking and drug use.
i also know she was super obsessed with the joker a while ago. telling people to draw art of her and him, making fan edits, saying they were in love, etc. over the top. she also has an art account i cant remember the name of with generic shitty "cutesy style" but actually just boring and ugly art, where she's drawn furry porn a few times.
sorry if this is formatted bad or not relevant or something, i normally only lurk and this is my first actual post. i just never expected to see this girl but damn she gets on my nerves, too. i wish i had screenshots to share but she blocked me not very long ago.
No. 980553
>>980312Forget the "i don't want to be in a relationship with a trans dude" thing, it's the "punched, choked, raped at gunpoint" by a convicted felon that's getting me angry. Mostly at the fakeboi because she needs to get those fucking kids the hell away from him if he has the potential to be that
No. 980555
>>980370oh that's depressing
she was hot in a natasha lyonne kinda way
No. 980556
>>980542I know damn well what fakeboy you're talking about lol, I remember her so clearly from my Tumblr phase in 2016. She used to believe she's the real life version of the Blurryface album from Twenty One Pilots, would also think she's a god, actual Harry Potter and all that. (This used to be her old Tumblr, she also had another archived page with her about page but I cannot remember the url now: I hope it's actually her though.
May I ask you why she blocked you? I lurk on her account from time to time and even though she annoys me endlessly, there's also something entertaining to her. It's probably the way she tries to appear like some innocent uke boy uwu and all her followers fall for it like a bunch of fools. Also, do you have any idea why and how they broke up? I never ended up finding out why they did. It's funny how they were acting like two soulmates who have finally found each other after
years of searching, one fakeboy acting like she's some soft uwu pink angel and the other one acting like she's a dark daddy dom, it was all so entertaining and cringe-inducing.
No. 980566
>>980556yeah, that sounds about right. i never knew her tumblr but all the information seems to match. ill have to look through it now. i didnt keep up with her like i did with moetrons. i only remember one time seeing her go on about life is strange 2 and how she isnt kin, she literally is this character, isn't it so crazy the game devs modeled a character after her? judging from her old posts though it seemed like every few months she talked this way about characters from different things… they were both obsessed with the stephen king it movies, too. hence the name "richie".
i have no idea why she blocked me. it was a few months ago, i never commented or liked her posts but i did follow her and view her stories. it was with a private account that had little info and few followers so i dont know, maybe she just got paranoid about that on top of little interaction. i also have no idea why they broke up, but im pretty sure they had another meet up planned until they broke up. which is another fun thing that they only met in person once, i believe, maybe twice over i think a two year relationship?
No. 980571
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>>980566From her ex's account, there is still this one post. I think it's them together. ( They're both so old, but still behave like a bunch of teenagers in love who listen to the 1975 and think smoking cigarettes is cool. It's so embarrassing to witness. I wish she had more milk though, I'm sure it would be way more fun than whatever she has right now.
Also kinda feel like someone is gonna cowtip all of this to her, because she already has a huge fanbase and people seem to LITERALLY adore the fuck out of her like a bunch of braindeads. No. 980580
>>980571yeah, when i found out her age i was shocked. i was expecting her to be maybe 16 at most. its insane. i dont know how someone can act like that at her age, i get its still young and all but man, imagine looking back on this 10 years later?
i used a different account to check up on her though and wow. she does have a bigger following now. before i was blocked she did have a decent amount of followers and people to whiteknight her, but it was mostly friends it seemed, not just random strangers. she must've blown up. it seems she's posting much lewder things though than she did when i followed her, so maybe that's part of it. literally a video of her showing her ass and flashing her tits but censored, lots of tiny bikini photos, still getting upset about people calling her a girl in comments.
No. 980633
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Treat from r/FTM.
How disappointed are the 12-17 year-olds following this subreddit gonna be in 10 years when they find out that men bald, grow long scraggly hair in places they’d never seen before, and can’t occasionally skip showers or not wear deoderant in winter like women because the smell of goat will fill up any room they walk in?
No. 980685
>>980441This is also baffling to me. Just because you switched your pronouns on your Twitter profile nobody out in the real world is going to treat you any different. The cashier at the store will still call you ma'am and men will still be dicks to you because you were born with a vagina. It's quite telling actually, they really do live in their fantasy bubble and barely go out in the real world. But on the other hand I do have a feeling that deep down they "know" everyone sees them as female, the they/them nonbinary crap is mostly a performance to them. Like if a really attractive man (given they're not lesbian) came across them and treated them like a lady I very, very much doubt they'd have a problem with him ~misgendering~ them. A lot of trans-identified women snap out of it after they get an attentive boyfriend and don't have the need to continuously fight for their place in the world anymore.
>>980633The ironic thing is that they always just want to look like soft butch lesbians, not actually like men. Except for the old school extreme butch FTMs who are obsessed with body building and tattoos but also tend to hate women a whole fucking lot.
No. 980691
>>980503This reminds me of a instagram fakeboi I know of.
>Generic soft pastel aesthetic fairy kei weeb>Tried to win the kawaii ambassador title>Lies about being cis boy, is around 20-21, sounds exactly like a cis woman, looks like a cis woman, makes up bullshit about "his" hormones being fucked up and "him" missing "his" puberty which magically made "him" grow up into an obvious adult woman instead of staying a prepubescent boy, her teenage fans lap it up>Somehow convinced her actually cis beta boyfriend to play into this lie and now they're a "gay couple">Constantly dresses up as a very feminine girl and calls it "crossdressing"I'm convinced that the people who gush over these liars know they're talking out of their ass with whatever vague hormone syndrome they try to pin their extreme femininity on but choose to live the lie with them. Nobody is so stupid that they legitimately think there's a mysterious disorder that makes a prepubescent boy turn into a woman.
No. 980723
>>980685>Like if a really attractive man (given they're not lesbian) came across them and treated them like a lady I very, very much doubt they'd have a problem with him ~misgendering~ themI've gotten to see this real-time, a fakeboi I know who constantly bitches about cashiers calling her ma'am sure didn't mind her new hot neighbor calling her a sexy woman.
>>980686Damn, and here I was hoping it was a sign the trans trend was finally starting to die out.
No. 980880
>>980216not surprising, but this is relieving news and i wish her the best on her journey.
i hope it inspires more aidens to look further into their own transitions
No. 981161
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I don’t even get this one , an obvious biological girl who calls herself trans
No. 981171
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>>980322she claims to be on T for 3 years but doesn't even look remotely masculine. must be the lowest dose ever.
No. 981173
>>981171In this pic
>>980322 the "side burns" look like they were applied with make up.
No. 981336
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i dont know if anybody still cares about criedwolves but shes straight up just posting nudes to twitter now, along with the cringey teenage anime posts.
im not sure if its been posted before but she still has photos from before she decided she was a boy on her tumblr if you go back far enough. her birth name is also there (tasha), which is pretty much confirmed as true as if you look it up along with the last name and location she's publicly claimed a couple things matching it to her come up. i can try to find them but you can only dig through so much erotic homestuck art before deciding its not worth it.
sorry if formatting is bad or no one cares, newfag.
No. 981362
A Weird thing I’ve noticed with a TIFs, they often seem to pick Hebrew (albeit often an anglicised version) names, you’ve not only got Asher’s but Ethan, Levi, Elijah, Eii, Isiah, Ezra, Caleb, Ruben, Zach…that’s off the top of my head.
I mean maybe it’s because these names have the right amount of ‘flavour’ to seem different. But perhaps also gives them the appearance of opting into oppression and adopting the ‘nice soft Jewish boy’ stereotype (my god and couldn’t I go on about the ways TIFs want to opt out of femininity but can’t bring themselves to adopt the full horror of masculinity), I wonder if there’s anything else at play.
No. 981413
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>>981407>"waifu" in both usernames>"where are my trans sisters!!!" in description of that TikTok>Looks like he's trying (and failing) to emulate the bangs of his lust-object TikTok avatarThis screams AGP.
No. 981418
>>981336oh hey I'd forgotten about her!
Does her being trans not get her enough attention so she's gone to posting nudes now?
>you can only dig through so much erotic homestuck art before deciding its not worth it.Wow does that take me back. Sucks since her old cosplays were cute, dunno why she thought transitioning would be a good idea.
No. 981539
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Ok so I stumbled on this person on tiktok and because of all of this fakeboi trend I started to doubt even feminine dude but gave him the benefit of the doubt, because you know "maybe" he was legit, and just a teen.
Turns out after looking at other pictures he is ACTUALLY ftm and this one is a dead give away. But props to him to actually make an effort tho he could lowkey pass if you don't notice the lack of adam apple (@.noeneubanks).
No. 981541
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>>981336>onlyfans whenThe effects of not taking T for a long ass time is getting pretty evident too, looks more and more like her actual sex and all the fat is going to her hips. You can get away with low T when you are a teenager and still look andro, but when you are hitting your mid twenties it's usually not possible. She just looks like a flat-chested slightly hairy woman now. Even her body hair shows that there's no way in hell she's been on a proper dose of T all these years, she has a little… but not much.
No. 981548
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Thought this person might be a good addition to this thread, Instagram @iferrourke, tiktok @metamorphosism. 16 y/o “enby”, uses he/they pronouns. gets very upset and spergs when misgendered despite being female presenting 99% of the time. Has constant breakdowns when criticised for doing dumb shit in tiktok vids (eg dancing on graves) and recently deleted all their videos. Supports other fakebois and spergs often about he/him lesbians’’ validity etc.
No. 981551
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No, criedwolves… For an ADULT it's actually JUST CRINGY to do that sort of thing. Tho I doubt you actually are an aspie, doing things like this at your age certainly makes you look like one!
No. 981560
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I posted this delusional fakeboy in thread requests but it never took off, I probably should have posted her here initially.
>Bat shit crazy sw>Thinks it's trans with the only take on trans experiences>Doesn't experience dysphoria>Presents as completely female >Uses "muh transness" to silence all logical dissent>Spends entire life on twitter bullying others for trivial shit>Lords her precieved privilege over anyone, and everyone>Unattractive but blames colonialism>Gatekeeps anything and everything>Including ahegao cuz "muh Asian">Not even Japanese>Tries to cancel anyone who disagrees>Slew of deleted tweets all over her Twitter from her victims>Resorts to race, skin colour, bodysize as an insult but heaven forbid someone do it to her>Is the absolute epitome of fake woke, likely insane>Don't send me your dick if it's ashy>Fave words include kkkracker (kek), fatphobia, transphobia, racist, systematic, bitch, weeaboo, colonizer, cis, white, ugly, yt>Unironically believes white people created gender>They also apparently created dysphoria kek>It actually says fat pussy, is just fat>Only Asian people can reclaim and do ahegao~>People who think there's only two genders are fUkiN uNeDUcATeD>Muh sex aboose>Calls self "tranny" in bio, publically slanders any and all who dare to do the same>All cis people should kill themselves>Send me money for muh pain>Seems to hate other sws more than Shayna>Anyone who charges more than a toenail clipping (which is more than her) is a pRiCe sHaMeR>Anyone who can form a sentence in response, is a "pea brain">"Can your pussy pay rent? I don't think so no one wants to fuck you">"Cis people have rocks for brains this is why y'all shouldn't be breathing">"Ask my only fans percentage. And stay in your over saturated lane">"East Asians are the fucking white people of Asia">"How's it feel to only have 75 followers?">"White Latinx weeaboo what's fuckin knew! I'm shitting on you too!">"I have 16k followers and top 7% on OF the little cracker you're defending is a spec of dust compared to me">Proudly admits to being blocked by the majority of NSFW TwitterThe crazy quotes listed are from the 15th to the 26th of April for anyone interested. I used to have the caps but I'm on my phone and moved them to recycle bin when the thread wasn't made. I don't doubt you can still find them here: she's absolutely shameless kek.
No. 981581
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>>981560ok but $5 will also get you all of this and, let's be honest, her mossy looking pussy is dollar menu tier at best.
No. 981660
>>981539He is not trans. I follow him and he is a man.
Cope harder tranny. You will never look like him.
No. 981709
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>>981660Never heard of this guy before, but I'm pretty sure I've met women that look like him.
No. 981717
>>979294>>981709lol isn’t that Noen? You dumbass,
>>981539. Also, that’s clearly an Adam’s apple staring at you in the photo.
No. 981753
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>>981660Nice try but not a tranny
>>981717& girls calm down I'm just trying to observe even cis he strongly looks like a fakeboi so OFC if I read shit like that I'm gonna have my doubt
No. 981786
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Look at this Aidan spitting in the face of their community and BLM.
How long until she detransitions?
No. 981886
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>>981605If you're going to bother you should do a deep dive into her tweets from the time period I listed…
>White Latinx weeaboo what's fuckin knew! I'm shitting on you too!I lost my shit when I read this. Maybe thread pic could be a hideous image of her with her tits/vagu censored by all of her most retarded quotes like this one? The captions was "perfect breedable pussy" KEK. If you can't be fucked I'll take the bullet and get on my PC to raid her Twitter and get the older caps. I just accumulated a few gems now and sorry about doubles No. 981889
File: 1590989080953.png (Spoiler Image,692.19 KB, 800x800, EXhTsT2WAAANDuq.png)

>>981886Samefag but holy shit she's conceited, here's her "devil man crybaby cosplay?" She just put Halloween devil horns on and called it a day… Btw guys brown Asians are best because that's what she is and
she's the best.
No. 981913
>>981907Uhm sorry? The thread's called
transtrender as well as
fakeboi, not to mention she encapsulates the entire thread description except for how she presents… She was born female but claims to be intersex, trans and reeees about being referred to as female.
>the thread picture literally says ‘not a girl'Yeah, and so does this cow. Frequently.
>Nobody caresI was literally responding to an anon offering to make her a thread of her own… kek who hurt you anon?
No. 981919
File: 1591005549540.jpg (504.17 KB, 1080x1148, 20200601_035415.jpg)

>>981789This one's been on my radar for a while. Does "drag" like this, but cries about being misgendered in the men's restroom
No. 981925
>>981548I actually really liked 'ifer' when I first found her acc, her actual name is Amelia and she was a model I think. Had to unfollow when she came out because I can't deal with her 'i'm handsome >:(' sperging. She's just a middle class attractive white girl from the UK searching for some kind of oppression because a whole life of mummy and daddy handing everything to her on a plate and being a gorgeous, tall model just wasn't tragic enough for her taste.
Sorry if anything's wrong, newfag
No. 981973
File: 1591022059956.jpeg (244.58 KB, 828x641, D64F5FBC-16BF-4D1D-ACF1-A39AE8…)

>>980685>Except for the old school extreme butch FTMs who are obsessed with body building and tattoos but also tend to hate women a whole fucking lot.Yeah I noticed the butch ftms seem to hate other women with a passion and try their hardest to seek attention for it from men (like pic related) to be accepted. Even though misogyny is still a huge problem in society the average man outside of certain internet bubbles is not nearly as misogynist as your average ftm trying way too hard to fit in. I cringe so hard every time I see this shit and wonder how even men must react to them in person when they start talking about how women are useless whores and all the other shit they post.
No. 982022
File: 1591030592592.jpeg (1.01 MB, 1125x1109, AF3E54F3-B572-4C07-8FB6-371C89…)

>>981709>>981539No ftm has a skull that looks like this, they can only dream. He’s just a 19-year-old twink.
No. 982124
File: 1591052054020.jpeg (725.83 KB, 828x811, 62FCA948-66E2-4265-9F24-97F348…)

>>982050Kalvin has to suck her cheeks in to vaguely resemble having a male skull. Once all the fat is gone she’s shit out of luck in that department.
>>982088You’re mindnumbingly retarded. This reminds me of when the troons on /lgbt/ were arguing that Tim Henson is ftm because of his small head/frame but there’s evidence of him being biologically male all the way back to videos of him as a small child. Feminine looking men exist, yet all things considered you can still tell them apart from ftms.
No. 982144
File: 1591056504541.jpg (64.17 KB, 617x1112, 063c69917c47a5193105803426eea2…)

>>981539I dont even know who this is but I googled him and there are plenty of shirtless photos that make it clear he is not transgender. And you can literally see his adams apple in this picture?
No. 982163
File: 1591059285301.jpeg (536.37 KB, 828x1118, 5F0409C3-D3E0-4D1F-91FC-B680A5…)

Anyway enough about Noen already, he’s biologically male and discussion about him doesn’t belong here.
What are all those dark specs on Ash’s back and arms? They look like acne scars, especially noting the little round cuts on her shoulder. Girl, don’t pic at your bacne.
No. 982172
File: 1591061031323.png (112.6 KB, 322x438, oliverjulius.png)

No. 982332
>>982163All these weirdos got attention early enough that it messed up how their brains works because I’m always shocked someone this ugly has an ego.
Speaking of weirdos with egos how’s that one girl doing who detransitioned? Kayden? I don’t know what she goes by now.
No. 982423
File: 1591113788249.jpg (169.66 KB, 1080x1440, EZcMapUX0AAn-HT.jpg)

I think that's her sister in the background that is also a fakeboi he/they, they live together but she is with her parents so most likely siblings (or else they don't respect social distancing). Funny but not surprising that she got influenced by her older sister, also both fat
No. 982546
File: 1591128743872.jpg (64.44 KB, 526x581, i didn't like been a girl uwu.…)

a facebook friend post this
No. 982592
>>982050Not a fan of either contra or kalvin but I thought it was funny AF to hear contra shading kalvin in the latest vid. I mean we all know when kalvin attacks other trans-embarrassments it's only because she herself doesn't pass.
We all knew it already but it's still nice to hear contra using kalvins 'proper male pronouns' all the way through talking about it and still ultimately dragging them with the message of "stop projecting you insecure non-passing bitch" Love it
No. 982859
File: 1591213173363.jpg (160.08 KB, 1106x619, screensnap.jpg)

Has anyone kept up with Chase Ross? He used to be a favorite cow of mine but I stopped keeping up with him when the drama with Aaron Ansuini happened. I just checked up on him and he looks even grosser in his newest video than the last time I saw him.
I'm sure most of you know him but for those who don't, he's a YouTuber who has built his brand on massively oversharing about his mental issues, his body, and his sexual exploits and has done so for many years. He used to be a really big figure in the so called trans community but got called out as an abuser and lost most of his friends and status in the progress.
No. 982863
File: 1591213941850.jpeg (687.43 KB, 828x1188, 29137E93-1E38-4FB4-ABC8-07EAC8…)

>>982859Damn she got fat.
She’s unironically the perfect example of what ftms who think they will become perfect gay boys end up looking like: doughy, small-boned, pear-shaped…pretty much feminine in every attribute minus the body hair and beard. I get a kick out of this picture every time I see it.
No. 982927
>>982163She looks so dirty and smelly in every picture! If she ate healthy, worked out and saw a dermatologist she could at least
visually look nice enough to fit the bishounen aesthetic. No gay man would promote this kind of image or would be attracted to it. Yet yaoi-obsessed ftms keep pushing sloppy, ugly and diseased as progressive beauty and get angry that gay men want nothing to do with them.
No. 982932
>>981786lmao hi devon
sorry for OTT but this is fucking hilarious since the OP who posted the fakeboy is a cow too (literal and figuratively) and won't stop sperging about her personal vendetta against her ex fakeboy friend on facebook.
No. 983088
>>983012Self expression and legitimacy of yuor feelings uwu
But yeah I don't get how they believe that they are completely different from cis girls
No. 983281
>unsaged >brings up rando with no screenshots >”lol what’s your opinion my fellow anons???” an attempt at disguising a self-post was made i guess? i’m not downloading that cancerous app to check her shit but i will say any fakeboi, especially one who desperately seeks validation from random anonymous people, is pathetic.
milk or gtfo & learn 2 integrate, blah blah blah
No. 984094
File: 1591465899625.png (729.03 KB, 931x521, mm.png)

>>983271Just took a look at her instagram and ended up seeing this. Pretty much what anon said there
No. 984141
File: 1591476567029.jpg (19.79 KB, 465x149, theand.jpg)

>>984139I just found out today about a friend of someone I know, it's kinda funny that she haven't updated her other social medias so you can see the chronology. I give her 6 month until she goes by they/he. She's also in relationship with a they/them (female ofc, she's lesbian) , their friends circle is full of that supporting shit so that explains why.
No. 984149
>>984133It's funny that fakebois are constantly harassing women in fandom spaces because some teen girl's fujo drawings and fanfics are "f-fetishizing the poor widdle gay men" when being an Aidan is the epitome of fetishization of gay men. The guilty dog sure barks first.
I still think MTFs are more predatory but FTMs certainly aren't all innocent babies. What annoys me is how they can't stand being called girls but still refuse to get out of female-dominated spaces. I know a fakeboi who happily attends a Seven Sisters school. I truly do not understand these people.
No. 984573
>>984133>I mean just look at how they are towards gay men and women.Women, yes, gay men not so much. I've only seen a handful of delusional Aydens bitch about not getting cis cock and they're always shot down immediately by gay chads. Even their sycophants refuse to defend them because they know that unlike men women will double down under social pressure. Most fakebois are extremely hostile towards women because they project their own internalized misogyny and jealousy into them, i.e. envying how they can be comfortable with their birth sex and still enjoy things they felt immense shame for as a woman.
As an interesting observation, I've never seen a trans man whine about straight women refusing to fuck her. Ever. For some reason they're not seeking validation from fellow women and instead want to distance themselves as much as possible from them, whereas gay MTFs are desperate to lick the hetero male boots to be accepted. Based on my experience what they consider validation is acceptation from either their parents or people they use as stand-ins for their parents or relatives. What a bizarre setting.
No. 985059
File: 1591679759145.jpg (98.25 KB, 1212x720, 5gsnchc2xe131.jpg)

i don’t understand these type of comics at all. why can’t they just answer the ‘are you male or female question’??
>also Soy Uke so its clear a woman made this
No. 985066
File: 1591681915976.png (1.99 MB, 800x1130, 1590552919187.png)

>>982577>>982588>>982784>>983012>>983014>>983088>>983095>>983097>>983142>>983183>>984133>>984140>>984149>>984171>>984357>>984363>>984573>>985063This thread seems more like a general discussion thread than supplying milk on individuals at this point. Just how many shit memes are we going to have to look at?
>>982546>>983282>>984094>>985059Can we get some actual cows/flakes in thread? Maybe Multii would be a good subject to get things started. Someone posted them in the deathfat thread.
No. 985070
>>985066This is so hard to look at. I literally said "holy shit" out loud when the image loaded.
Her double mastectomy turning into moobs is so funny oh my god, imagine butchering yourself only to nullify that because you went full bodypos and can't put the fork down
No. 985110
File: 1591697807344.png (Spoiler Image,684.81 KB, 809x594, 1590585341321.png)

>>985074It hardly took a minute to click down the thread since there were so many. Seems more like a thread for OT for general discussion than snow which is for actual cows is the point. It ain't milk.
>>985070The butchered moobs are maybe the worst part. Maybe. kek
No. 985122
File: 1591702515400.jpg (136.6 KB, 1015x754, 1590502848311.jpg)

>>985119>The gendercrit thread was removed from ot so people will do it here instead.Didn't know this, my bad. It's just weird seeing so much ongoing discussion in snow over flowing milk, but if mods aren't allowing discussion in OT it makes sense it bled over into this thread. Hopefully a farmhand will do something about it at some point.
Here, have another multii pic in the meantime. kek
No. 985129
File: 1591705504500.png (751.44 KB, 927x591, topsurgery.png)

>>985127Don't know the backstory, seems like a weeb who was into yaoi and that morphed into loving fetishizing "bears" and her turning into this. Top surgery was around May 2017, but definitely on T before then if those sideburns are any sign. IG is No. 985132
>>985129>>985066She was cute. Crazy in the eyes, would not interact, but cute.
Fakeboi, not even once.
No. 985146
File: 1591711369899.jpeg (Spoiler Image,673.15 KB, 750x1006, 2DFE9B08-D5A8-4E01-8662-A5E7D1…)

here’s aschers latest horror pic, posted “for free” on twitter. i have never seen a white person with a black pussy before but here we are
No. 985147
File: 1591712094508.jpeg (900.31 KB, 1242x1737, 2F6FBDED-F73F-4299-BCC9-27C7B4…)

>>985127More over at Infinifat thread.
>>979840 who know Multii IRL.
No. 985169
File: 1591716864325.gif (482.4 KB, 400x300, 6932e61a38c81ad39c44fbe1bfd3d3…)

>>985146Those T-induced enlarged clits makes my stomach turn every time.
>>985132>>985129Go back far enough in her insta and you'll find the usual cringe shit. Homestuck cosplays, Cheshire Cat cosplays, scene-kid bullshit, service dog lanyards, etc. It only makes sense that she would latch onto something that validates her autism: she's not like other girls, so that means she ISN'T a girl.
Tbh, she used to look like someone who would film themselves screeching with their friends while cosplaying at a Walmart. Now she looks like Fat Bastard.
No. 985230
>>985066This made me sad and angry at the same time… How can someone mess them selves up this much in just 5 years? Almost kind of incredible, but not in a good way.
>>985110WHY did I click that?! I like I need to go wash my eye balls now. Did manage to look at it just long enough to notice the dirty hands. Who the fuck doesn't wash their hands before taking porn photo's that are meant for sale? Ew! How lazy and gross can you get?
No. 985236
File: 1591726966554.jpeg (Spoiler Image,434.63 KB, 2048x2048, 2D31DB60-FF61-428A-A37D-E9EFDF…)

the coochie was black before testosterone.
>that clit
>calls it a dick
No. 985451
>>985059>>985063Fakebois getting mad over situations they made up in their head #128391
I know it's a center of a lot of trans rights memes but I'm very skeptical about random people approaching troons on a daily basis to ask you what is in their pants. Curious "what are you"s from the brave or children probably, but the average person isn't going to walk up to you and ask, let alone in such a vulgar way.
No. 985560 ruined an entire generation of teens. Specifically gnc lgbs.
The fact this has almost 30 minutes of content is terrifying.
No. 985598
File: 1591804085314.jpg (45.99 KB, 368x677, oof.JPG)

>>980686late on that as well but them being panicked over that lol (she/her in bio to pretend to be a cissie)**saged
No. 985608
File: 1591805018563.png (4.01 MB, 2048x2048, wowitotallythoughtyouwerecis.p…)

The way Kalvin poses in pictures is so fucking funny to me. It's so obvious he's biting his cheeks to look sexy but he just ends up looking constipated. I can't believe teen girls are calling his bloated bird looking ass daddy
No. 985618
>>985608Looking like a depressed 40 year old lesbian in all of these
Just caught up with Kalvins 'my mental health is spiraling' vid and she's questioning the dysphoria of other ftms who opt for a slightly different type of phalloplasty to what their first choice would be.. so even people who get 'the surgery' aren't trans enough compared to Kalvin! The ultimate tran. I mean does she ever stop comparing herself to everyone else?
No. 985803
>>985608A couple years ago, I was very impressed by Kalvin’s transition and though he looked really good. But after top surgery, especially these past several months, he started to look more like a woman again. And it feels like he is aware this.
(Yes, kill me over the pronouns.)
>>985618>other ftms who opt for a slightly different type of phalloplasty to what their first choice would be.Slightly different? There’s a trend of both ftms and mtfs wanting “futanari specials”, keeping their penis or vagina but adding on an extra frankenweenie/frankenvag so they look like a hentai hermaphrodite. I don’t blame old school transsexuals for being horrified, even though regular SRS is already a nightmare.
No. 985838
File: 1591845100615.jpg (78.41 KB, 1080x729, FB_IMG_1591808320215.jpg)

How far will fakebois go to justify their existence? Not that the alternative is any better
No. 985850
File: 1591848459934.jpeg (317.43 KB, 2048x1538, EZvvmmmXYAEGCqN.jpeg)

She's supposedly been on t for a year
No. 985924
>>985838This is like parody art making fun of these people. Jesus.
>>985803> There’s a trend of both ftms and mtfs wanting “futanari specials”, keeping their penis or vagina but adding on an extra frankenweenie/frankenvag so they look like a hentai hermaphroditeI have never heard of this and really wonder what kind of magic tricks they think surgeons are capable of. I doubt it's even possible in most cases to be honest. Especially with MTF surgery you can't just slit their taint open and abracadabra put a vagina there, they need the inverted penile tissue to construct the canal. That's the reason why Jazz Jennings had huge complications with his frankengina as he had been on horse pills since adolescence and had a micropenis of a 8-year old. But I guess it could be somewhat more plausible to just add a dick on top of a vagina but I don't know, I'm not a fucking butcher by profession.
No. 985933
File: 1591872410255.jpg (164.41 KB, 605x1046, 01.JPG)

She was also the C.O comic artist I posted last thread, as if she doesn't want to go the "full way" anymore and slowly changes her mind about transition (but still not-a-girl)
No. 985950
File: 1591878371690.jpg (378.16 KB, 960x707, 1_C.jpg)

My very soul cringes each time an unpassable fakeboi states something like this…
No. 986155
File: 1591910767919.jpg (246.72 KB, 1536x1536, 30167238_10215907858907391_154…)

This girl just all around unfortunate
No. 986179
>>986027christ anon, i went down the rabbit hole and i'm going to have nightmares for a long time, thanks.
one of the proposed benefits of the penile preservation vaginoplasty is "self-lubricating lining with some elasticity". lubricating with what exactly, ass sweat?
No. 986342
File: 1591937660768.jpg (251.5 KB, 1200x1200, 0002776985_10.jpg)

>>986262of course, anon! this is peak masculinity. who wouldn't wanna be dear kayleigh? the ideal man!
for real though that's disgustingly interesting about the vaginal preservation surgery. just gonna hide some shit in my weird hole inside the center of my balls (of, which, the pee IS stored, achtually)
No. 986406
File: 1591957670288.png (433.04 KB, 480x854, Screenshot_20200611-163659.png)

I swear all fat Butch girls under 35 are he/theys. Another FB fake boi
No. 986422
>>986262I love how Kalvin is so concerned with criticising the bottom surgery of other trans people when.. at least they committed to surgery and are ahead of her in their transition. She barely passes after all this time on T and is living with a plain old vag, according to her she showers in the dark cos she hates it that much. Like concentrate on your own transition.. cos it ain't going so well.
'People in glass houses'
No. 986698
File: 1592024378954.jpg (Spoiler Image,56.27 KB, 1080x1350, rybapolikarpovna.jpg)

No. 986699
>>986698a spoiler was not enough warning for this, wtf
Who is this?
No. 986703
File: 1592026832398.jpg (54.32 KB, 663x593, rybapolikarpovna .jpg)

>>986699Some crazy person from russia, who always uses he/him pronouns.
No. 986731
>>986698Is…is that a bone? A very very skinny breast? One mammary gland but it's fibrous tissue? How do you wear clothes?
I'm hurting. This hurts.
No. 987046
File: 1592094687914.jpg (30.99 KB, 720x728, 101082567_10220457863091112_66…)

>>"some people don't fit the gender binary"
>>Has lipstick, eyeliner, long hair, and in general conforms to female stereotypes
No. 987076
File: 1592101058780.png (303.84 KB, 480x854, Screenshot_20200613-221201.png)

>>986641This is from her FB. Of course she likes Assigned Male.
No. 987079
File: 1592101452982.png (114.97 KB, 480x854, Screenshot_20200613-221908.png)

No. 987085
>>987079tr00ns are trash. Always.
Maybe they should take their shitty flag and leave the LGB community alone.
No. 987107
File: 1592106789798.png (257.97 KB, 566x399, caption.PNG) don't get how so many people liked this, it feels wrong how she tries to make her scar cute
No. 987158
File: 1592117600188.jpg (22.42 KB, 302x446, 1588436979534.jpg)

>>987082you talking about this smirk
No. 987211
File: 1592138126995.jpg (8.85 KB, 162x26, 45.JPG)

Of course she wouldn't dare to refer herself as "girl" (sorta nb using male pronouns)
No. 987261
Triggered slavchan
No. 987262
File: 1592149112005.png (327.37 KB, 480x854, Screenshot_20200614-105010.png)

of course she calls herself a cryptid
No. 987273
>>987265Are you too retarded to do your own research and want everyone to spoon feed you, anon?
In Russia specifically, there's hardly any support for mental illnesses, psychiatric medication is still somewhat looked down on, boomer "get over it" mentality is still a thing, everyone is poor as fuck, cops are pretty much useless and easily bribed so crime goes unreported, high amounts of domestic abuse, etc.
>>987259 said, it's not that deep. Eastern Europe is just poor and has not caught up to the West in a lot of ways.
No. 987308
File: 1592157036150.jpg (161.65 KB, 540x960, Screenshot_20200614-134644_Chr…)

Lex King popped up again, of course she's whining about Harry Potter because JK dared to say biological sex exists and women are oppressed because of it. She's also posted a lot of ACAB/BLM shit. Is police brutality even really an issue in Australia?
No. 987370
>>987250 and i'm not even from english speaking country so i compare the russian trans people to my own country's trans people
though anglosphere fakeboys usually seem more crazy than fakeboys from my country. swedish genderpeople are rather crazy too but rank lower in craziness than the russians or usa/canada/uk/australia english sphere people.
No. 987553
File: 1592199570749.png (647.08 KB, 750x679, VQcws2W.png)

No. 987761
File: 1592245512574.jpeg (Spoiler Image,730.76 KB, 1591x3464, 037E6F47-F07A-41DD-A769-7C759F…)

Someone i follow posted the black tweet n i knew it had to be a fakeboi. Besides posting only het porn (except for yaoi ofc) this one truly deserves the award for ugliest nudes, didnt see any milk besides that tho
No. 987812
File: 1592253717133.jpeg (954.57 KB, 3464x3464, 0E150A67-9A3F-4848-AFAB-AA6A44…)

>>979294Fakeboi “ifer” (Amelia) rourke/metamorphosism on tiktok, ifersect on Instagram, softboned on twitter constantly bitches about her sister and hasn’t even been diagnosed with muh autism but brings it up at every opportunity just as an excuse to bully her 13 y/o sister (name blurred in second pic). It’s sad because as you can see in the second picture Amelia ignores her sister and treats her poorly just to get on twitter and moan when her sister probably just looks up to her.
No. 988662
File: 1592439465228.jpeg (514.39 KB, 1242x1244, 423570C5-EACD-45B2-BB1F-379636…)

This was a post about maned lionesses on instagram. I hate when genderbrains project onto animals, also how regressive it is when they decide anyone or anything that skirts outside of the stereotypical parameters of one sex must not be that sex at all.
No. 988687
File: 1592441403705.png (1.2 MB, 1440x2960, Screenshot_20200616-074140.png)

found this fakeboi while scrolling along my timeline and had a lol @ all the other fakebois with the typical fakeboi names fawning over them, along with a few posts on their TL and "crossplay" as Nezuko.
No. 988693
File: 1592441771783.png (976.29 KB, 1440x2960, Screenshot_20200616-073952.png)

>>988689>>988688>>988687lol at having to emphasize BOY
No. 988695
File: 1592441961733.png (2.12 MB, 1440x2960, Screenshot_20200616-075002.png)

>>988693>>988689>>988688>>988687the cosplay isn't bad but the "UWU CROSSPLAY" ruins it.
No. 988809
File: 1592462809651.jpg (1.68 MB, 3264x3241, BeFunky-collage (1).jpg)

the fakeboi i follow got mad cause people are starting to copy or use the name they come up with.
their full name is Perseus but prefers to be called as percy.
No. 988851
File: 1592478666438.jpeg (115.78 KB, 828x390, 920D5708-47C1-4237-8B83-99857E…)

Look forward to Amelia using it/its pronouns and bitching at anyone that disagrees with using them
No. 988852
File: 1592478715466.jpg (8.05 KB, 197x256, percy.jpg)

>>988819Lmao, are you sure, because this Percy fits infinitely better.
No. 988871
>>988809Percy is such an arbitrary name? Why cry about people using a NORMAL male name? Just wait til they find out there were people called percy before them!
As for 'perseus' it's just so obvious its from percy jackson, of course fakebois are gonna choose names from some book series
No. 988884
File: 1592487997597.jpg (1.65 MB, 3264x1657, BeFunky-collage.jpg)

>>988809their fakeboi boyfriend.
perseus, or percy, only donated £10
No. 988980
>>987308She-Ra was okay, but I grind my teeth every time someone starts recommending a show or movie or literally anything by saying 'there's a gay character in it!' Like damn, okay, but is it actually
No. 989231
File: 1592521908833.jpeg (574.22 KB, 1204x1763, 4A49A491-4092-4CF7-B44B-375D9D…)

Holy shit T has not done Deb/Emiyannn any favors
No. 989476
File: 1592577388097.jpeg (406.8 KB, 828x978, 024CD6D6-CC82-449A-B07D-83D1AA…)

this fakeboi and a bunch more of other fakebois crying about being deadnamed and calling everyone transphobic like you know EVERYONE can see y’all are female right
No. 989558
File: 1592587888086.png (321.9 KB, 948x1561, e269cd5ef3809054f703e4c5f0434f…)

>>989476>CipherI bet if you go back far enough on her Tumblr you'll find fanart like this.
No. 989573
>>988982 in a lot if not most of the countries with trans inclusive healthcare (specifically speaking for the US in this example) require at least a signature from a psychiatrist before being able to start anything related to medical transitioning, even T. In most states (except CA), it's even longer, typically at least a year to two years for HRT and 1.5-3 years for top surgery (unsure of bottom surgery, haven't seen those numbers). Surgery also typically requires at least a signed note from either a doctor or psychiatrist (usually both) that have been seen for over 6+ months.
in order for someone to start a medical transition, they almost always have to go through therapy first. and likely during treatment as well. not sure how these processes work in the NHS, especially considering the extended wait due to wait lists, but I'm sure that the long wait is also a deterrent against anyone who might be a fakeboi and needs time to realize.
No. 989603
File: 1592593776236.jpg (181.76 KB, 1144x624, 01.JPG)

God help us from The Smirk™
No. 989664
>>989231>>989439It's the eyes area that's giving me a higher age estimate.
The skin is kind of an area of internal debate for me. I'm not in my 30s and I see my pores and acne scars; meanwhile everyone on social media seems to have pristine skin. Either the camera either doesn't pick up the fine details or just filters out.
No. 989878
File: 1592622578266.jpeg (1.72 MB, 3464x3464, C6EF4496-B56A-41CB-AFDA-DDE448…)

Worst transtrender goes to Riss Ingersoll Or @A_smile_and_a_song
>Calls themselves a Femboy>Shows armpit hair with every female cosplay >Shows binder with every male cosplay >Wants to be feminine presenting but to be considered a guy >Thinks every character is trans >Magical boy/girl>Is Aro/Ace but sexualizes Lió >Was “non-binary” then changed into “Trans”>Thinks they’re uwu soft boy>Wants top surgery but not T>Has small chest that has no need for top surgery or binder>Goes by birth name and she/her pronouns at current job, works for DisneyWorld>Ebegs >There is a whole page dedicated to them because they’re a really shitty person. account
No. 990218
>>989955definitely not as common with trans men from what i've seen. overall, FTMs (real or fake) have an easier time in england doing whatever they choose when it comes to transitioning or getting operations, but it's much harder to 'prove' stuff to therapists and it takes a lot longer for trans women (unless they go private, obviously).
in part, i think that's cos it's easier for some skinny white androgynous looking person to go by 'andy' or something versus a non-passing trans woman to go by 'amelia', which means it's easier for trans men to pass the tests their therapists give them that will get them on their way to HRT, such as going by a different name and presenting appropriately.
>>989810i don't think that type of thing is as prevalent in england, even despite how long the waiting lists are. i think it's different here because it's the NHS that people are waiting for - if they're desperate enough to wait that long, it usually means they can't access private healthcare to help them transition bc of stuff like funding or location. idk, it's hard to explain, but i just don't know if it's 100% comparable to how it is with american fakebois or even real trans men, but i could be wrong!
No. 991420
File: 1592832067514.jpg (42.03 KB, 960x960, 74664635_10206897013940347_137…)

I'm not sure if this they/them is an unfortunate looking girl on t or an AGP
No. 991426
File: 1592832700485.jpg (162.95 KB, 540x960, Screenshot_20200622-092925_Chr…)

Spotted this girl on FB whining about people not using gender neutral language when talking about pregnancy/abortion and feminine hygiene products. Who wants to bet she reads tons of mpreg fanfiction?
No. 991762
File: 1592856081321.jpeg (247.22 KB, 750x1286, 10AE2DF3-0C45-464A-B60D-1DCAF7…) I’m Trans but wants to be feminine presenting and still be considered a guy.
>Their “transl” icon is Fish Eye from Sailor Moon >Their assigned gender is female >wants to be feminine presenting but still be considered a guy >That’s just being a cis girl >Has no dysphoria >calls themselves a “soft boy” or “magical boy” No. 991778
File: 1592858116599.jpeg (1.51 MB, 3464x3464, 617C58B4-F65F-4682-9138-49BE9D…)

@a_smile_and_a_song can’t take criticism. Apparently she has “dysphoria” but still wants to look pretty
No. 991781
File: 1592858317042.jpeg (313.95 KB, 828x993, FAE88B66-6252-423C-B322-1A071E…)

This is so weird, Amelia can’t even be bothered to bitch about her pronouns any more because she knows people will call her she no matter what yet makes no effort to present as a male?
No. 993613
File: 1593009742840.png (878.24 KB, 1108x1048, 1_fakeboi.png)

Stumbled across this not-a-girl on Criedwolves Twitter. He/him in bio, will get angry and defensive if asked anything about dysphoria and respond with "I'm literally a boy" if someone should imply otherwise. Being "trans" has just officially lost all meaning, it's just a joke… that they them selves don't get.
No. 994841
File: 1593084662585.png (16.42 KB, 597x164, 1_wat.png)

>>994705Yep, pretty much.
No. 994873
>>994866She should spend a little less time in her echo-chamber on Twitter and work on her grammar.
Also, how do these people function in real life. Do they actually insist they are dudes to their family? Their teachers? Their work place? Random strangers who "miss" them? Just the mere thought of me doing something like that while looking like that makes me cringe in to my very soul! It's just so incredibly unreasonable and unrealistic that I can't wrap my brain around it.
No. 995321
>>994100One of my friends just announced she's trooning out and shared this unironically. Nothing but uwu positivity and support from friends in the comment section.
I counted them up and realized I have at least 8 fakebois/nonbinaries in my local lolita community/friend circle. Every one of them (except one who's single) is dating or married to a cis man. All of them are either going by their birth names or have changed their facebook names (but not legal names) to something androgynous. They're all in their mid to late 20's. None of them are on T and they all basically dress feminine with some occasional uwu bishounen cosplay lewks thrown in.
Will they grow out of it on their own? I don't know of anyone in my comm/friend circle besides myself who is GC. I'd like to delicately point out how misogynistic they're being in a way that won't get me ostracized from my community.
(blogging) No. 995564
>>995400Most people grow out of a phase of wanting attention above everything else. Lolita and j-fashion in the West is complete 'look over here! hey! i'm unique!' which is totally normal behavior for teenagers, but becomes increasingly alarming as you age up. Adults generally want to be seen as more well rounded people with varied interests, who can't just be defined by one singular characteristic.
Trans, non binaries, Lolitas, and loads of others are happy to be the "____ girl" even when they're far out of adolescence. I think it's one of the defining properties of a cow, personally, to feel comfortable being defined as one stupid trait.
No. 996277
>>994841i don't see how this is controversial, a bad thing, or related to the comment you're responding to. exploring your identity isn't attention seeking, it's a rite of passage and crucial for growing into a fully functioning and aware adult.
exploring your identity is a good thing, and as long as they're not doing anything permanent like medical transitioning, it's a necessity to finding out who you are as a person. i don't see how this tweet is a problem.
maybe if we normalized teens exploring their gender identity instead of shitting on them for it we'd get less fakebois feeling the need to push themselves into hormones and medical transitioning as soon as possible.
same for if we normalized addressing people by the pronouns they wanna go by instead of calling them what they're perceived as, which only forces them into feeling even more like they need to change their bodies just to feel the basic respect of being addressed by the name/pronoun they use.
No. 996366
File: 1593199293560.jpeg (855.6 KB, 1242x1765, 7822672C-2513-4431-96B6-175826…)

“i left my job so that i can go on unemployment and fuck around” essentially….
No. 996403
>>996277I can’t agree more.
Anyways, Ascher’s legs are looking like chicken legs
>>996366 No. 996424
>>996277I have to say "exploring" doesn't mean anything much nowaday, a lot of thing lost their definition as everything can be over interpretated ESPECIALLY when it's related to gender identity.
> pronouns they wanna go byThat's called enabling
No. 996490
File: 1593208518509.jpeg (124.79 KB, 443x960, C8E10833-02DF-4CA6-A632-602CB5…)

ofc she’s disabled too
No. 996493
>>996277>same for if we normalized addressing people by the pronouns they wanna go by instead of calling them what they're perceived as,That's not how pronouns work though (it's not a nickname).
Pronouns except for self-referentials ('I') are from the perspective of the observer. There is no equivalent to a social media hover-over in real life that states your preferred pronouns. For people you never met before in real life, especially outside the context of formal introduction, preferred pronouns will naturally be mistaken. Especially when: your pronouns are nonstandard like "em/er", "phe", or you're androgynous (not actually looking like the gender you weren't born with).
No. 996607
>>989878Riss is cringeworthy as hell and fills me with secondhand embarrassment but the smile and a scam account is just full of reaching from likeminded people who want to wear her skin. It's the pettiest vendettas from identical fakebois competing over who's the tranniest and wokest of them all. I wish there were actual receipts besides stale as hell "SHE UM I MEAN THEY WERE RUDE TO MY FRIEND AT A CON ONCE AND TOTALLY SEXUALIZES A FICTIONAL ANIME BOY" crap.
>>991778>I CAN BE A MAN AND WEAR MAKEUP AND DRESS IN FEMALE CLOTHES BUT GOD FORBID I JUTS CAN'T BE A WOMAN THAT'S TOO MUCH!!!! IN 2020 THIS IS PROGRESSIVE >>995400>>994151>Adults having any interests or personality to them besides having babies and paying mortgages???? CRINGEYou have to be over 18 to post here
No. 996683
File: 1593220056576.jpeg (77.06 KB, 720x1076, USER_SCOPED_TEMP_DATA_orca-ima…)

>>996458It's because many fakebois are terminal fujoshis, and JoJo's is well known for its attractive majority male cast and homoerotic emotional moments. You'll see a lot of them into sports anime for the same reason.
No. 996736
File: 1593223074654.jpg (646.69 KB, 1487x980, kweeeeer.jpg)

This webcomic artist who I like went from being a lesbian dating women to being a bisexual dating a cis man. She decided to troon out because she didn't want to become a bisexual woman in a heterosexual-passing relationship because that's laaaaaaaaaame. Apparently certain hairstyles are only for queers, no straight woman has ever shaved the side of her head.
Also LOL at her getting butthurt about being kicked out of a women's group because she's an ~enby~
No. 996939
>>996736Was she really a lesbian? I’ve never seen a legitimately homosexual person agonise over signalling their queerness to the world, only to specific people they’re interested in.
>>996822If it was for medical reasons she probably would’ve said “for my health” instead of “to feel better about myself”.
No. 996958
>>996803Same. rofl
>>996736So many bisexual women are ashamed to be bi while in a heterosexual relationship. I get it, you're enjoying your privilege, but just be bi and enjoy life. Also, wtf is an enby?
No. 996993
>>996958Enby=NB (non-binary)
Cause she's totally not a girl, you see. She had her uterus removed for some probably unrelated health reasons and shave one side of her head, so she's not like those other girls!
No. 997189
File: 1593286307637.jpg (116.08 KB, 1440x1440, 104207573_683690165530559_4923…)

Spotted this girl having a fit over the thought that anyone would refer to her as a woman.
No. 998567
File: 1593445525515.png (88.74 KB, 272x210, tunglr (1).png)

No. 998570
File: 1593445567838.png (108.16 KB, 522x144, tunglr (2).png)

No. 998613
File: 1593451373585.png (2.37 MB, 1072x1503, Screenshot_2020-06-29-13-13-52…)

this fakeboi is pretty fucking bonkers and ive been following their weirdness for a while
>url is amabsupremacist on tumblr
>claims to have been born male but also born intersex, says she has a penis and a uterus
>claims to be cherokee, black, chinese, and jewish but when confronted about being white as fuck says she bleached her skin because she was raped for having "brown skin"
>says she worships men
>identifies as a femboy, calls herself faggot
>dating another fakeboi who claims anorexia and self harm
No. 998811
File: 1593468541245.jpeg (480.97 KB, 828x1149, D2F0A1CA-F723-46E5-B0AA-DA2EE7…)

Meanwhile amelia is somehow managing to sadpost and humblebrag all in one twitter thread
No. 998846
File: 1593472389120.jpeg (154.68 KB, 828x756, 83659902-88F3-4A9C-AC4E-3C0C1E…)

Is the damn gay pride flag not good enough for y’all? I stg only ftms come up with this. Gay men don’t want to fuck your pussy aiden.
No. 998931
>>998567>someone is marrying this thing.The biggest
oof on this entire profile.
No. 999116
File: 1593509719330.jpeg (296.13 KB, 828x723, 6E8AB4C9-C5FE-46D4-96BB-63A199…)

>>998811>>998818Forgot to include this gem
No. 999230
File: 1593530192860.jpeg (211.54 KB, 1440x1440, D20B705A-A0A5-448A-904F-E813FD…)

claims to be non-binary and experience extreme dysphoria and will cut off titties tomorrow if she could all while presenting as a butt fuck ugly female lmao
No. 1000255
File: 1593583581884.png (126.14 KB, 1174x574, 1e8f1d2dd57ccb37b9e33e79840b39…)

Seeing this tweet be regarded as a hot take is legitimately embarrassing.
No. 1000430
File: 1593618240184.jpeg (Spoiler Image,337.92 KB, 1536x2048, EVXfVToWoAAeF0A.jpeg)

These have to be the worst top surgery healed scars I've ever seen, it looks like she got butchered specifically for some kind of fetish. Add this to the self harm scars and the shitty haircut, who are these nudes for?!
No. 1000434
>>1000430Who sexualizes scars and trauma like this?
I look at this person and just feel sympathy not arousal. The only person who can really get something out of this is someone who’s mentally ill.
No. 1000451
File: 1593620863367.jpg (18.37 KB, 526x204, 01.jpg)

>>998613The first thing you see when you go on her links… bruh
>>1000444Guess we found her archnemesis lol
No. 1000568
>>1000430Pretty sure those are keloid scars. Some people have scar tissue that, when healing, gets bubbly and goes above and beyond the cut. These people get scars bigger than their wounds and they are very noticeable in that they stick out from the skin, are hard and often red, and can hurt even long after the wound is healed.
I know someone whose ex was a fakeboi, and she like every other tranny was mentally ill and covered in the same type of keloid SH scars like this one. Their arms look identical. Anyway, when she was elected for top surgery, her surgeon told her at their first meeting that with her type of scar tissue, she cannot expect a good result. So yeah, that's most likely what's happened here too. It's impossible to say what kind of work the surgeon actually did one this one since even the cleanest cut would be fucked up by keloid tissue.
No. 1000615
File: 1593637203807.jpeg (957.56 KB, 1539x2048, Ebz869QUYAAFd8M.jpeg)

"he/him tired goth dad" no you're a girl who drew a moustache on with sharpie
No. 1000651
>>1000615looks like mix between a generic instathot and vito corleone, wtf
also tumblrqueers have given me an undying hatred for half-shaved hairstyles
No. 1000843
File: 1593654300022.jpg (373.78 KB, 1024x1426, 20200701_214406.jpg)

Anybody post her yet?? She always Bitching about being misgendered and being a man but looks like this. She also does sex work and has all her titties out on Facebook. I believe she a stripper
No. 1000857
>>1000430Every exhibitionist post-top surgery trans guy that I have ever seen is always covered in self harm. It’s like you can’t have one without the other.
>>1000434There most definitely is a large number of young trans men online that fetishize their scars. They will have no problem editing their face to alien proportions but they will leave their scars in plain view. Even tumblr artist will not draw their themselves or their trans men characters without super obvious scars. Which is weird because even their idealized self does not look like a cis man.
No. 1000932
>>1000430>>1000703Yea those are some intense scars for a relatively small person (ie. Prob had smaller breasts). Reminds me of people who have skin removal surgeries after losing massive amounts of weight, but the surgeon takes a bit too much skin
>>1000857They don't want to look like those evil cis men, everyone must know they are TRANS men!
It's (sadly) the core of their entire identity
No. 1001067
File: 1593707404129.png (2 MB, 750x1334, CB0B6BFA-9B46-47FD-A828-3C94AF…)

ascher just confirmed reading lolcow kek.
No. 1001111
>>998615My guess is that the cute girls get harassed and abused since childhood which affects their psyche considerably, or that being attractive becomes a personality trait since they might believe "that's all they're good for". I don't know, really.
>>1000255This is literally on par with those tranny egg discords that brainwash lonely young gay guys into taking estrogen and sending sissyfication pics. It's a cult.
>>1000294Isn't that what a lot of male AGP troons had happen to them? They watched too many cute girl animes and suddenly started thinking it's t-totally a-about their lives ;w; and made them realize they were a prepubescent anime lesbian in thigh high striped socks all along.
>>1000430yikes. I've seen straight out body horror tier tit surgery scars but never anything this bad. It literally looks like a wolf mauled them or something. Sort of thinking the same thing as
>>1000703 , could've been a fucked up post-surgery aftercare like not wearing the compression bandages properly. On the other hand with the rise of people looking for body alteration surgeries all sorts of backdoor quacks have started offering their services with little to no expertise. Could be that this person just went for the cheapest option because holy shit.
No. 1001589
File: 1593799779471.png (1.02 MB, 739x722, 1_C.png)

Imagine being in your mid twenties and actually bleaching your hair and eyebrows to look more like the anime-character you "kin" with…
No. 1001606
>>1001589she claims she'll be 5 years on t next month. unfortunate. i know a lot of people think shes lying and i see why, but i think she just didnt get any results from it. regardless of your beliefs on trans people, objectively there are a lot of trans men on t who look like actual men, and even the ones who dont usually still have a different face and deeper voice even if it reads as ugly chain smoking woman instead of male.
i feel like her body changed but her face and voice have not. she still talks about being "misgendered" regularly and chooses to dress in a feminine way and have long hair. what is even the point? she probably passed better years ago without hormones when she had short hair and kind of resembled a young boy.
No. 1001667
>>1001606I'd say even her body has had minimal changes.
>>981541 she still gains weight mainly on the lower body. The most bodily change is from top surgery, not testosterone. I strongly suspect she's been on a quite low dose of T for all these years, never really matching male levels, for that "uwu soft-boi aesthetic" (that will not hold up well with age)
And yeah, she did pass a bit better when she was younger, less body fat and shorter hair helped. But she's never really looked male. I'm pretty liberal I guess for someone who is gender-critical. I find it no problem to use male pronouns when talking about someone who actually looks like a dude. But for these female-presenting Tumblr/Twitter tranners, I just don't have it in me to bother…
No. 1001886
>>1001606I agree. Most trans men don’t facially pass even after half a decade, it’s just swept under the rug.
If you don’t already look like a man, you’re not going to. It’s hard in dysphoria but this is why self acceptance is so important.
No. 1002113
File: 1593878614986.png (15.07 KB, 596x96, 1_C.png)

Confirmed for lurking. Was always mad before about being misgendered, but I guess kinda realized now that it's a lost cause. Looks like a woman, talks like a woman, acts like a woman, you gonna get "she"d. But you know… gotta be snarky about it and pretend it's some kind of "gotcha"!
No. 1002179
File: 1593891249937.png (432.25 KB, 603x608, delusion.PNG)

>>1002113>>1001589So I decided to go through that cow's twitter and I cannot believe the absolute delusion. What is up with jojo and fakebois?!
No. 1002337
>>1001667yeah the fat placement does read female, but in a lot of photos its clear she's hairier than the average woman (and how she was before hormones). i dont know if she just had bad genes or what. would a doctor let someone stay in a weird low range like that? i feel like having both hormones in that scale would have a lot of bad side effects.
and i do agree she never really fully passed, but there were certain photos i could believe she was a boy before, even if anything in motion would clearly prove otherwise. now she just looks like a weird woman even in posed photos.
No. 1002439
File: 1593942390544.jpg (10.93 KB, 263x143, sage4nomilk.JPG)

Girl cosplaying girls be like
No. 1002570
File: 1593971237057.png (277.74 KB, 480x854, Screenshot_20200705-134434.png)

No. 1002766
File: 1593983922828.jpeg (Spoiler Image,164.49 KB, 750x1073, 0EC8D0FD-04AA-4B2B-92E6-7EB433…)

This nonbinary SJW bullshit is getting out of hand. I don’t see why females always swear they don’t have a pussy
No. 1002971
File: 1594010176554.png (468.33 KB, 1080x1742, Screenshot_2020-07-06-00-33-16…)

>>998613someone's obsessively searching her tumblr url on google and backtracking about faking race and sex at birth
No. 1002997
File: 1594015635351.png (64.13 KB, 520x524, 4354985675.png)

>Waah why do gay guys expect men to look like men waaah. I should be able to be a ~ghey man uwu~ while having my tits out.
No. 1003092
>>1003020youre thinking of ascher, who went off t for a very long time supposedly due to the cost (even though she could still afford cosplays and cons?) but went back on a while ago
criedwolves posted just the other day about being 5 years on in august
No. 1003235
>>1002997God I hate this shit, I really hope a lot of gay men get peak trans'd from this type of BS and don't give into it.
>doesn't just mean making room for the trans men that have medically transitionedFucking kek at this being "not even enough acceptance uwu". Have you guys seen the phalloplasty pics from the MtF thread?
>>950899>>951066>>950955I would have fewer problems with transactivists if they stopped pretending that even the most fully transitioned trans person ever could ever be indistinguishable with someone who was born their sex. It's not possible and that's okay but insisting on a blatant untruth just hurts so many people.
No. 1003326
File: 1594083538522.png (541.67 KB, 508x640, Screen Shot 2020-07-06 at 7.56…)

Anyone familiar with Magentah Killer? Thought it was a guy dressing in cute alternative fashion but after looking a bit I think it's just a chick with a masc face. I love to see guys dress up pastel but I'm so tired of all of them being fakebois.
No. 1003537
>>1001606Thought of another possibility… Finasteride. This is just me purely speculating, but a lot of the "pretty soft-bois" are very afraid of loosing any hair. Fin blocks DHT by 70-80%, DHT is what is responsible for all the major changes the body goes through in FtM HRT, voice, body hair, facial hair, fat redistribution (which takes time), you name it. But off course, it's also responsible for hair loss. Say a soft-boi panics after 1 year on T when they notice their temples going slightly higher/more hair on the pillow in the morning and hops on Fin… You're basically flushing most of your testosterone vials down the toilet the coming years, there just won't be enough DHT left in your body for much progression, you're stuck in limbo. It's generally not recommended for FtM's to try Fin until many years on T and when they are "done with second puberty". But some doctors can be push-overs and Fin is also very easy to get illegally, heck I've even seen it on eBay. Anyway, just me speculation and thinking out loud regarding fakebois who doesn't really masculinize after many years on T.
No. 1003693
File: 1594148175681.jpeg (167.87 KB, 750x1075, C1E22884-9344-419E-A695-AA39CA…)

Don’t call me queer.
No. 1003695
File: 1594148440923.png (Spoiler Image,1.26 MB, 750x1334, D61E8A2A-CEF1-4EE6-A65A-C84CBA…)

Photo of the person triggered by the word queer
No. 1003698
triggered by being called "it" though, topkek. she's been butchered.
No. 1003781
>>1003326typically when i cant tell if fakeboi or comfey cis gnc male i check whether they have any shirtless pics, xy males will flaunt natural flat chests while le fakeboi crops the pic under their collarbone
that persons' XX u can sorta see binder peeking out thru some pics+ no adams apple nor fully shirtless pics
dude lucked out with that masc face
saged for retarded detail work
No. 1003816
>>1003756Based on her weight, she may have had really large breasts before, which makes a complete mastectomy really hard to do without leaving mega scars. Attaching the tissue in the middle is meant to draw the remaining skin and fat toward each other to create a more male-looking chest.
Someone I'm friends with on facebook just got "top surgery," this person is also pretty fat and also had an incision that meets in the middle of the chest.
No. 1003928
File: 1594212807023.jpg (136.47 KB, 1500x1500, 104536116_828082374386309_5511…)

They/he white American girl spotted bitching about people saying "identifies as" and "preferred pronouns"
No. 1004137
I think I just became able to put into words exactly what rubs me the wrong way about many fakebois and they/thems. From my experience, most girls who decide to "transition" (Let me clarify I'm referring to the girls without plans to go on hormones or get top surgery. The girls I'm referring to generally just "transition" by adopting an "androgynous" name, wearing baggy dad shirts, and getting a pixie cut) are well aware of systemic sexism, and how Western society stacks the deck against women in many ways. The fakebois are aware that they, being born as women, have faced discrimination in their lives, but rather than being bold enough to speak up against the sexism every time they encounter it, they think changing genders is like a magic wand, basically saying "Since I'm not a girl now that means you can't treat me like one!" Basically they're too much of a whiny baby to stand up for themselves, so by transitioning they place the burden of discontinuing sexist behavior on everyone around them.
I'm aware that all of the words I just vomited are just a longer way of saying "I'm not like other girls!" I just wish the fakebois weren't so selfish, and that they were able to grasp the inherent misogyny of their transition plans. Maybe I'm just salty that so many of the fakebois in my social circle keep getting asspats for how stunning and brave they are for changing their Facebook name to Aiden.
No. 1004920
File: 1594335887538.jpg (191.15 KB, 1015x539, 20200709_170252.jpg)

Why are people like this
No. 1004959
File: 1594342132524.png (1.69 MB, 1080x1077, Screenshot_2020-07-09-20-47-08…)

>>1004953samefagging bc pic didnt upload
No. 1005025
>>1004959bitch is just white and has a chin for days
time to wake up, you're a white straight girl who cannot keep the word fag out of her mouth for 5 minutes because you believe that it obviously makes you such an irl femboy trap cis intersex man
maybe the snow filters on the first selfie were good enough to give her the beloved asian eyes she desperately craves for. tumblr is straight up fucked for deluding these people into thinking they can pretend to be so many races at once because being white online is boring now
No. 1005028
File: 1594356477729.jpeg (98.82 KB, 750x634, 3B5567F7-C305-4424-B1A9-BDD9E2…)

>>1005027some fakeboy pretending to be an actual man online by stuffing her boxers and pretending to have a dick as some sort of "proof" No. 1005050
File: 1594366350282.jpeg (373.07 KB, 808x1240, 5A9C8B6B-5D7C-4AD1-A091-D7AAFB…)

My god what a narcissist
No. 1005085
File: 1594384851441.jpg (52 KB, 589x690, 456.JPG)

I probably shouldn't want to post here everytime I see a fakeboi because uhg
No. 1005089
>>1005063Agreed, but that anon hit the nail on the head. Lots of these types of fakebois (particularly white ones, sorry) are like that.
>>1005085>FemboyBecause being a masculine woman is… wrong, I guess?
No. 1005113
File: 1594389426287.jpeg (101.14 KB, 750x342, 2ADD0CC7-060F-4718-B636-E6D458…)

no actual gay man wears a derogatory slur all proudly on a shirt unless they want to get attacked and endlessly harassed. and also notice how she even has to mention being a "cishet gay" in this as if this matters in this context at all. why are fakeboys like this
>>1005063looking back at it, i really did sperg a little too much (sorry) but dealing with these people and seeing them over and over is very exhausting
whoops No. 1005154
File: 1594395969118.png (144.87 KB, 1080x860, Screenshot_2020-07-10-11-43-35…)

No. 1005162
>>1005154>i have a dick>look too masculine for a girlSaid no one ever.
>>1005156I don't think so. Aren't most actual traps around redpill spaces anyway? Why would they even go on tiktok?
No. 1005188
>>1005089she isn't even masculine, she's just ugly. she has no jawline or chin - nothing but a sizable honker, tbh. even a real man with a face (and taste in fashion, christ) like that would still be ugly.
>>1005154sorry, for some reason their blog won't load for me - what the fuck is this person? amab with a dick but then tits and femininity? are they intersex or something?
No. 1005357
File: 1594424354774.png (272.2 KB, 1047x1766, Screenshot_2020-07-10-19-36-53…)

what does any of this shit even mean?
No. 1005363
>>1005357>>1005359Holy hell the narcissism.
And yeah too many labels thrown left and right for me to really follow what she's saying or trying to say. Then again, not really worth the time to take a post seriously when it starts with "If I was a fictional character".
No. 1005382
>>1005357from what i could vaguely decipher, she’s crying about how she hates trans women and cis gay men AND bisexuals ANDDDD asexuals and also straight men. this is because she’s SO misunderstood and nobody out there can understand her retarded ass fucking ‘fag girlboy homosexant’ whatever the fuck bullshit she has going on. also… everyone wants to fuck her at the same time!
what she doesn’t realise is that she literally just translates to ‘straight girl who needs to be medicated’ to any sane person
No. 1005388
>>1005357>>1005359It's just word garbage someone with too much free time in her hands and unmonitored internet access came up with to sound
smart in some way, I guess. It feels like I'm reading an academic paper.
>people have already done this to meWhat a way to victimize yourself nonstop, lmao.
No. 1005473
File: 1594459014483.png (832.58 KB, 874x605, 1563011181099.png)

I don't like trannies but I'm wiling to give a pass to those who still make some effort to look like the opposite sex, but this is just dumb. Does she lose her shit when a retail employee calls her Maam?
No. 1005479
>>1004964But anon! Butch dykes are sooooo gross and predatory, they all want to look like 15 year old fuckboys and prey on young femme lesbians!! and they're so nasty, they don't even wear makeup like EW!!! I don't want to be like that! women are supposed to be soft and pretty uwu
In all seriousness the hate thrown at tomboys and butches is unreal, it's no wonder why masculine and gender-nonconforming women don't want to identify as such. The rare times media actually portrays butches they're seen as
abusive and/or violent, unstable with the looks of a homeless person and a bad case of penis envy. Growing up with representation like this makes GNC girls horrified of what they are, so becoming a broken man with a pussy sounds like a much palatable deal, especially seeing how softbois and sassy gay men are celebrated as fun and attractive personas.
No. 1005488
>>1005473the entitlement of these people is so insane
they think everyone has to immediately call them pronouns and things they prefer
without even knowing about it in the first place, even if they're not even presenting the gender they want to be. that's like some big muscular man getting upset because people see him as a muscular man and not as some sweet little uwu girl
No. 1005514
File: 1594476867725.png (129.38 KB, 402x782, hmm.png)

seems like transition really helped!
No. 1005525
>>1005503unsurprisingly, gender dot wikia is, in fact, wrong. this anon
>>1005507 is right - nonbinary people can only be labelled as trans if they've transitioned in some way. being nonbinary doesn't make you automatically trans. of course, this doesn't stop fakebois who will never transition in any actual way or even attempt to look like their 'real' gender, but we ARE on the fakeboi thread after all.
>>1005514this is kinda depressing but at the same time these people REALLY need to understand that their inherent issues with absolutely hating themselves (usually in part due to being straight girls who don't realise that masculinity and non-conformity to mainstream femininity is okay) can't be fixed by magically swapping sexes.
then again, they also don't seem to understand just what HRT actually does to a person. i've never seen a real trans person ever complain like this about their transition because they actually have the brain cells to understand that HRT isn't a magical girl transformation into exactly what you have in mind. then again, real trans people never go on like these fragile little fairies, constantly crying about how they're 1) misgendered but also how 2) everyone who does gender them properly is lying and being performative. they're so obnoxiously dumb.
No. 1005672
File: 1594515387546.png (134.44 KB, 1080x837, Screenshot_2020-07-10-21-13-22…)

an older screenshot i have of this clown, I really dont know what shes implying
No. 1005676
>>1005672She’s hooked up with every man in Mississippi and Alabama and they’re all pedos.
Don’t these assclowns know TERFs don’t really give a shit about transbois? For the most part they just pity them and resent the world that doesn’t “let” them be masculine women. She’s obviously a straight girl so it’s not like she’s some cute butch that the lesbians are butthurt about the loss of an opportunity.
No. 1005690
File: 1594520532030.jpg (20 KB, 568x207, 01.jpg)

Ah yes, bisexuals and (especially) lesbians are not hated at all.
Nope, not even a tiny bit. It's not like lesbians had to literally beg for people to include them in pride (because everyone always loves to replace the lesbian pride flag with some asexual/intersex/whatever bullshit), it's not like lesbians still get sexualized into oblivion and cannot even say they're not attracted to dicks without some wokester clown coming and sperging at them for being a "TERF". It's not like biphobia is also a huge thing in the LGB community, also among people who love to call themselves pansexual, or anything!
Trans people are already dominating every single social media with their rights and it's starting to affect IRL too. People keep excusing all their behavior out of fear that they'll get attacked for "transphobia" and their lives ruined like endless other people who stood their ground and refused to lap their bullshit up. Trans people basically get stuff served to them on a silver plate at this point.
Also one thing I don't understand, how does she even experience "transmisogyny" when misogyny is actually directed to women and in this case, "transmisogyny" is directed towards ~trans women~. I thought she was this biggest ultra cis gay boy twink femboy trap to ever exist who has massive "cis privilege".
Imagine being so far up men's asses, you say stuff like this. This is so sad.
Also if you don't know, "tme" stands for "trans misogyny exempt".>>1005672I wonder for how long she'll keep the "I'm a-actually a cis twink b-boy who's very fe-feminine!! NOT A STRAIGHT GIRL AT ALL!!!!!" game running because it's getting so pathetic. Incredibly pathetic. She acts like she's so incredibly hot and desired by every single man to ever live on this world and they all wanna fuck her
of course.
No. 1005766
>>1005690what the fuck does “transmisogyny exempt” mean? does she mean cis bisexual women and cis lesbians? i’m sorry i’m old and dumb.
plus on another note, there have been so many stories I’ve heard where lesbians go to pride parades and see nothing and no one representing them. i’ve seen the fucking intersex flag at a parade, I have yet to see a single lesbian flag.
No. 1005811
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Amelia rourke went from pretty girl to jeffree star, how depressing
No. 1005828
File: 1594551969248.png (767.24 KB, 989x1048, 1_C.png)

Just a bit more autism from this flake.
No. 1005833
File: 1594555205926.png (1.27 MB, 952x864, lol.png)

The jokes write themselves.
No. 1005868
File: 1594563644569.png (156.58 KB, 847x355, 1.PNG)

>>1005833Glad I'm not the only one who noticed that. So many of her posts include phrases like "ugh stupid white girls", "white bitches", "white TERFs" and such. It's clearly important to her in some way to let people know she's not white, but on her "about" page she says she's "mixed" with the only clarification offered being:
>native + a lot more + jewishand then on her page:
>mixed native (+more) + ethnically & religious jewishIt seems so… intentionally vague? Not to accuse someone of racefaking solely based on appearance, but so many fakeboi Tumblr kinnies have been caught racefaking, and squinting her eyes in selfies to look east asian on top of that is suspicious… If it's important enough to clarify to people that you're mixed and Jewish, why not clarify the "a lot more" part? What's less important about that part(s) of your ethnic makeup? If you're native, what tribe? I've lived in southern USA (she lives in Alabama/Mississippi) for my entire life and rarely do I meet people with any partial or full indigenous American background, but those who are know what tribe they're from.
No. 1005869
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No. 1005878
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>>1005868heres the full list of all her supposed races. her claims that she bleached her skin are…kind of shitty
No. 1005903
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>>1005833>>1005878She just be bored I think
No. 1005926
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>>1005925Anon, I genuinely thought you were bullshitting but-
No. 1005931
File: 1594571798917.jpg (229.32 KB, 717x686, 2020-07-12_12.35.35.jpg)

>>1005925Why do I have live on the same planet as people who do this
No. 1005951
>>1005156The ones people find "cute" are always female, the fugly ones are men who failed as feminine twinks and now eat estrogen daily in hopes they'll look like a flat chested woman.
>>1005085I honestly thought this was a 14 year old boy who's going through puberty. I don't think anyone would've clocked her if she weren't dating a stereotypical SJW lesbian, talking about taking testosterone, and flashing her binder. She looked more androgynous pre-t and kinda cute (IMO), now she's just ugly.
>>1005878It seems she's basically saying she's Mexican and white. She kinda looks it, I doubt the skin bleaching thing. Probably just upset she was born white looking and not brown skinned lmao
No. 1006084
>>1006000haha, thank you for remembering me! i also remember you too, you fucking bowling ball shaped morbidly obese TERF cunt. you were in that same hotel room bragging about taking photos with other uncomfortable cosplayers while dressing in your stupid fucking "uwu niico nico niii“ lolicon cosplay and you smelled like ranch dressing, barbecue potato chips and BO the whole time with your shitty thigh-highs nearly ripped apart.
of course i was drinking and if your microscopic radfem brain can recall, everyone else was too. if you ever thought about why everyone, including me and your parents were alcoholics, maybe you just tend to bring that out in people
File: 1594594233092.png (196.86 KB, 1056x1410, Screenshot_2020-07-12-18-48-16…)

Now how's a straight gal gonna get a Jacob's ladder piercing?
No. 1006113
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>>1006084Okay, keep going, I’m curious.
No. 1006121
>>1005868lmao are her pronouns seriously "sal/salem"?
because that would be clear as mud using "salem"
>>1005875honestly this is pretty accurate for bpd though…
No. 1006128
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>>1006084can you point out which one of these is you?
No. 1006135
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>>1006084Talk about throwing rocks from glass houses
No. 1006153
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>>1006084Go put on some lotion on those titty scars and wash your hands
No. 1006205
File: 1594612562808.jpg (283.41 KB, 714x930, IMG_4997.jpg)

I interrupt your argument to bring you hairy boobs. If I had to see them in my Instagram Explore, so do you.
No. 1006213
>>1006121> lmao are her pronouns seriously "sal/salem"?Are you stupid
Her name is Salem, Sal is for short
No. 1006240
File: 1594618056290.jpeg (Spoiler Image,346.97 KB, 1152x2048, EY0IB8NX0AAEk_n.jpeg)

>>1006084The audacity of this bitch to call someone morbidly obese when her body looks like this. And kek at her judging anyone for smelling bad when she lives in a fucking dump.
>>1006156lmfao anon ily
No. 1006289
File: 1594630016282.jpg (1.81 MB, 1800x2400, pt2020_07_13_10_40_31.jpg)

This girl- excuse me, "very handsome boy" can compete with Moo for the title of "best at looking like a braindead mouthbreather because you think that's sexy"
No. 1006307
File: 1594633606814.png (20.82 KB, 136x102, 1566504632913.png)

>>1006084Holy shit I just woke up to witness this shit. You made my morning. It's nice to see trannies embarassing themselves.
>>1006128KEK and now this ? This is comedy level shit.
No. 1006323
>>1006098Maybe she wants a clitoral hood piercing but is referring to her clit as her "penis", sort of like how MtFs call their post-surgery wound a "pussy" and the head of their penis a "clit".
>>1006101>>1006211So much for trannies and their "body positivity!", right?
>>1006289I've seen a lot of fakebois make this type of face when taking selfies, as if to suggest they don't care whether they receive attention or not even though they're posting them online.
No. 1006358
>>1006205Idk what this girls deal is but pcos can cause excess body hair, lots of girls end up looking like this without any tranning
Ya'll dont have to be this bitchy.
No. 1006391
>>1005162A lot of traps who look like bio women with girly voices are asian ftm who are in porn or selling it on the street. And usually they are forced into that life style at a very young age and look horrible by the age of 25.
Natural traps who don't take any hormones are unicorns but still have some male facial features. They are almost always some type of models.
No. 1006592
>>1006351I am idiot and did not save it.
>>1006358I know many girls with PCOS, I've never seen a hairy chested one (I have seen excess facial hair, arm hair etc)
>>1006360from the tags/bio they definitely identifid as male
No. 1006798
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ascher made a new instagram bc he didn’t get any attention and he’s gone from 100k to a sad 2000 followers now. chimping out about the algorithm when
No. 1006801
>>1006213>Are you stupid>Her name is Salem, Sal is for shortitayrt and sure, I may be stupid, but with trannies and "trenders" it is entirely - unfortunately - now reasonable to think someone's pronouns are "sal/salem" as it fits and is written in the same syntax. And that is far and away stupider.
I've seen just as ridiculous personal prounouns. So honestly it's a toss-up to me and either possibility is stupid. Just one is stupider than the other. Idk why you're so defensive about that though, anon. Chill.
>>1006156Keep fighting the good fight anon.
>>1006289sameface syndrome
>>1006358>Ya'll dont have to be this bitchy.Do you know what site you're on? Does she have PCOS? If so, there may be a bit less judgment about some degree of hairiness I'm sure. But fakebois are fakebois and all are fair game for mockery in this thread.
>>1006389Welcome to the nightmare of tranny hypocrisy.
No. 1006803
File: 1594719913930.png (497.78 KB, 1067x761, honiboy1.png)

I'd like to bring to your attention a truly egregious iteration of the fakeboi. Had the misfortune to attend a 'live performance' by this individual a few years ago.
No. 1006805
File: 1594720256594.png (Spoiler Image,912.54 KB, 1060x643, honiboy2.png)

>>1006803This account just sort of keeps on giving. Hard 2 find just one thing to screenshot honestly.
No. 1006818
>>1006803>trans >""fag"">with BPD>gofundme link for top surgery>tiktok user>bizarre sexualized contentIt's like there's a fakeboi zombie going around biting people and turning its
victims into this carbon coby fakeboi prototype.
No. 1007500
>>1006407Bullshit, just like this
>>1007000 anon said.
>>1007288But how many cis gay men do you see put "fag/foggot" in their Twitter or Insta bio's? Or buying t-shirt or jewelry with the word on
for casual wear? Fakebois actually do this tasteless shit.
No. 1007532
>>1007288Even if there are some who reclaim it and call themselves one, I have still yet to see an actual gay man wear that word all proudly on a shirt and do other acts that fakeboys do when it comes to that slur because most people have been
actually hurt by that word and associate it with horrible times - compared to fakeboys who treat it as some sort of accessory and revolve their entire identity after being some fagboy faggy fag fag. I wonder if they'd still obsess over faggot as much as they do now if they went through the same discrimination gay men face still to this day.
Same could be said with how troons are so obsessed with dyke.
No. 1007590
File: 1594826716233.png (Spoiler Image,1.4 MB, 868x1045, 123456789.png)

>allegedly 5 years on T
>still gains all weight on lower body
Either there's some truth hidden here or T isn't a miracle drug for all FtM's after all…
No. 1007650
>>1007630He DOES have some body hair, also on the arms. But the amount is quite small for someone who allegedly has been on T for that long, especially for someone who's natural hair color is dark brown. At first I thought he had only been on T for a while and then quit, but then he blatantly said he'd been on T for 5 years, so the only conclusion from that is that it's a tiny dose. Looking at other trans guys who's been on T for the same amount of time, Oliver is WAY less masculinized then them in every way, so somethings fishy.
No. 1007656
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>>1007655Goddammit… here's the pic.
(cat's cute, tho)
No. 1007717
>>1007665>>1007666(Yeah, Oliver's shoulders have always been slightly wider then the hips… but the hips are starting to catch up)
Yup, somethings off with this whole testosterone story. I don't think I've ever seen anyone masculinize less then this after that long on T. Face and lower body is actually looking more womanly with the years.
No. 1007731
>>1007630Probably took the lowest dose then stopped taking it after top surgery. That's what it looks like to me
add to the fact that most ftm's don't work out at all. It's a weird thing I noticed with them. like they want to remain soft or somethin
No. 1007836

I stumbled across this YouTube channel called “Troy and Chase” which is just a gay couple documenting how gay they are and posting videos of them making out and stuff to get attention from yaoi-blobs.
Anywho the shorter, bottom twink (“Chase”) looked unusually feminine and ayyyden-like and I felt like an idiot at first clocking him as trans but then I noticed in videos where it shows him shirtless in the thumbnail, nipples are hidden and they aren’t ever shirtless in the video. Then I saw this video of them in the bathtub together and you can see he’s trying to hide his small supple tits with bubbles the entire time. Everyone in the comments was like “awww Chase there’s no need to hide your body u r beautiful:^)” but I’m here like bruh…did I just see a tit flash me?
I mean he could be one of those “femboys” on HRT or have gynecomastia for all I know but the fact that he likes yaoi and has a dakimakura of his anime husbando screeches ftm.
What do you guys think? No. 1008035
>>1007655Me thinks she stopped taking T in 2018. I scrolled through her account and that's the last time her face was
kinda masculine. Now she's all soft and doughy. Most likely didn't like that she was starting to resemble a man and not an androgynous yaoi character.
No. 1008680
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Awhile back Tabby threw a fit over clothing being labeled as boys style. I also don’t see why she keeps her girl name if she is such a man
No. 1008681
File: 1594963474424.jpeg (65.78 KB, 750x330, C5B34EBE-D96F-4A9E-A5AE-44FCB3…)

Only those approved by Tabby may call clothing boys style
No. 1008711
>>1008680It's the same reason she insists on dressing in an incredibly feminine pastel way
Ngl, super jealous of her wardrobe
No. 1008722
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No girl. Just no.
No. 1009416
File: 1595097616064.png (1.82 MB, 1080x1780, Screenshot_2020-07-18-14-25-58…)

she said she wanted a shirt with two guys grabbing each others dicks on it kek
No. 1009587
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>>1009416the lies she's telling everyone (including herself) is just so funny
No. 1009589
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>>1009416samefag but it's so clear that she's using these labels to win an argument and doesn't even have half or quarter of any of these but
sure, if it helps you win a fight and look like the
victim in the situation then you must bring them out and present it for everyone to see and pity you!
>"nonwhite">see picwhy is she so obsessed with labeling everyone she hates as "white bitches" and making herself out to be some nonwhite person? it's clear from first glance that she's white. also her claiming to be experiencing "transmisogyny" even though she's a totally cis twink man.
No. 1009604
File: 1595120929765.jpg (155.3 KB, 1080x720, tumblr_b090ad912d058ab7431ecaf…)

I usually lurk this thread silently, but wanted to share this fakeboi gem after stumbling across her in the notes of
>>998613>Tumblr url is "catgyrle">Says she's both a feminine bisexual man and a masculine bisexual woman>Regularly calls herself a slut/whore/faggot>Appears to be slightly obsessed with her self identified trans woman and a femboy trap at once bff, constantly making and reblogging posts about "transmisogyny" to get attention and validation from him>Constantly talks about being both a "tme wlw" and also in some way being oppressed by "tme wlw" No. 1009608
File: 1595121340921.png (30.74 KB, 423x502, Untitled.png)

>>1009604Samefag but had to include her desperately woke word salad about
No. 1009982
File: 1595192895728.png (275.68 KB, 1080x1751, Screenshot_2020-07-19-17-01-43…)

i wonder what the eevul lgbt community did to hurt the straight girl's fee-fees, conversion therapy isnt a joke or a token to throw around (1/2)
No. 1009984
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No. 1009994
>>1009984>>1009982Why does she treat her Tumblr blog as if it were a diary and overshares to an extreme (or makes lies up) to appear like the
victim 24/7
No. 1010009
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>>1009994its all lies kek
No. 1010138
File: 1595230991393.jpg (3.16 MB, 1920x3536, CollageMaker_20200720_03414117…)

getting real tired of these "boys" showing up on my timeline.
why do fujos obsess with JJBA?
on another note, these two consistently get attacked on curiouscat and it's hilarious
No. 1010149
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>>1009604gen z dawn wiener
No. 1010155
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>>1010140 / sperging out on JoJo and final fantasy so not much milk from their profiles, seems like they delete any drama that plagues them or at least use a separate spam account
No. 1010156
File: 1595235281236.jpeg (52.84 KB, 828x518, Eby-kgwWAAAkIRR.jpeg)

>>1010155samefag here but at least someone called them out for it.
which one of you was it?
No. 1010246
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>>1010177Funny you mention that, she has gotten comments on her skin tone in pics. She'a black but only when it's convenient (aka cosplaying or saying white people suck).
Why did she choose the absolute lightest possible skin tone in animal crossing?? this baffles me greatly.
No. 1010256
File: 1595258254911.jpeg (590.42 KB, 640x1096, ADFF7653-635C-49C1-98C2-04BC88…)

>>1010246she looks black without all the snow filters and litre of makeup
No. 1010697
File: 1595352786442.png (177.67 KB, 738x744, 1_Detrans.png)

Stumbled across this on Reddit… and boi, I have a feeling there's a lot more stories similar to this and there will be more in the future. Luckily this girl figured it out before actually physically transitioning.
No. 1010711
>>1010156ngl This reads like something she'd send to herself to get sympathy points, especially because her reply is so restrained and forced. Like "Oh no. Please don't call me that. I'm so shocked. Noo."
>>1010253Kek, yep. They're two girls being ~gay bois~ together, if she was dating a cis guy she would've dropped the act a long while ago just like every other fakeboi who suddenly becomes a girl again after a guy pays attention to them. The "boyfriend" was quite pretty pre-hormones tbh, testosterone didn't treat her well.
>>1010259Gonna say yes. She looks like a basic amerimutt who has a drop of black blood from some great great grandfather and has full lips and a slightly darker complex because of it.
>>1010705Agree. She just sounds like a closeted lesbian who blames it all on "yaoi" for "brainwashing her" into the sin of homosexuality to the point she "can't enjoy heterosexual relationships". This is why the tranny cult needs to be stopped, before young fujos experimented with gender expression and exploring the possibility of same sex relationships and then just grew into regular gay women. Now the journey gets stunted by all this bullshit about having to surgically mutilate yourself and start living your make-believe fantasy life while forcing everyone around you to partake in it.
No. 1010750
>>1010697>>1010711I mean Japanese fujos don't troon out the way Western fujos do. This is a really weird take to blame it on solely on yaoi.
I don't think she's closeted, I just think she just has a fetish for gay men similar to how men fetishize lesbians. My tinfoil is that current internet is super cut-throat about what you can and cannot enjoy based on your birth identity, people are quick to "cancel" over cultural appropriation or fetishization. If you're not part of X, you cannot enjoy X type shit. These people just need to spend some time away from this part of the internet and make some non SJW friends.
No. 1011579
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No. 1011654
>>1000615sage but where is that shirt from?
w2c some of the button ups ITT
No. 1011685
File: 1595530839105.png (393.94 KB, 589x497, 1_ebegging.png)

Not really milk, so sage, but holyshit, is Twatter flooded lately of "queer trans people of color" e-begging for money!
No. 1011733
>>1011685Why do they all begin with shit like "I'm a queer trans nonbinary disabled autistic black person"? Like jesus christ it sounds so pathetic. Just say why you need money and go. These people are just all ugly girl passing, no one cares about your 300 labels and identities.
>>1011717Other trans nonbinary sparklesexual people I assume. They really have no shame putting this shit out there attached to their name and faces, do they think they can just freeload off pity points the rest of their life? If I was HR and saw this shit it'd immediately set off alarm bells for them wanting preferential treatment over everyone else once they're hired, otherwise the company is a shitlord.
No. 1011781
>>1011717Nobody. If you look at all the "EMERGENCY TOP SURGERY FUND I AM AN AUTISTIC DISABLED TRANS NONBINARY 1% POC DEMIBOY" gofundmes they never reach their goal, they can manage to squeeze out maybe a handful of dollars. First of all the people who would fund that crap are as broke as they come and secondly they're selfish and would never share their wealth even if they did have the money. The moment these lazy fucks get their hands on some cash they spend it immediately on luxury items for themselves.
The gofundme goals are insane to begin with, the surgery costs maybe 5k in total and these greedy fucks have a goal of 15k or so with some bullshit thrown in about vague living expenses they need to cover. The most ridiculous share are the British e-beggars who honest to god write reasoning like "I'm having this fundraiser because the NHS waiting list is so long and I just can't wait for the six months, I need them off tomorrow, at a high-end private clinic in the US no less!!!!!". Bitch you're only 22 and "found out" you're trans two years ago, you're in no hurry to mutilate your body irreversibly.
No. 1011787
File: 1595543989425.png (1.23 MB, 750x1334, file.PNG)

>>1011685because if you don't pay lifelong reparations to black trans people you're literally killing them.
No. 1011883
>>1011667>probably sounds like a girl with a perma-cold. Any anons know why testosterone makes so many TiFs sound weird and nasally? They rarely ever sound like men. They always develop this high-pitched, nasally 14yo boy voice.
>>1011685Ew her mouth
No. 1011933
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>>1011787>”paying reparations should disrupt your comfort”That’s really going to encourage lots of people to pay reparations to trans black people
No. 1011968
>>1011824Sometimes their gofundmes go viral via some news story or something and they manage to hit their goal with trusting normies donating money to a cause they believe is noble and rare, but it's like one in a million chance. Your basic geeky-looking Ayden Johnson from the UK asking for £10 000 to fly to the US to get a designer chest rarely manages to collect more than maybe a couple of hundred pounds.
>>1011883Having a male sound isn't simply about your vocal chords, your body structure in general affects how the voice is formed. Your body height, the size of your chest cavity and the form of your facial bones for example. A lot of FTMs also don't do voice therapy which would train them to speak with a lower tone. Because they're women who are like 5ft4 on average with narrow shoulders it's not necessarily possible for them to advance past the teenage boy voice.
No. 1012031
>>1011883Girls generally speak "higher up in their throat", so to say. Many think that FtM's don't need to voice train, but some really need to learn how to speak more relaxed and from their chest. If they don't, they end up with that annoying nasally sounding voice.
No. 1012037
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A little bit ironic
No. 1012038
>>1011787Is this a joke? How can they write this and be 100% serious?
>>1012037>No fujoshisHow does she run her own account, then?
No. 1012065
>>1011885Oh lol. Well, I mistook her for mtf because she presents female.
It could also pulling the “I’m black” card. Twitter retards actually fall for donating to any black person because of ~reparations~. I doubt if she were a white girl she’d get that much money. Not even criedwolves got to $1500 on her fundraiser and she was the most popular tumblr and Instagram ftm for a long time.
No. 1012085
>>1012038>How does she run her own account, then?ummmmmmmm, because
HE is a genuine gay man who hates those evil middle age 22 year old karens who fetishize his tender sexuality by reading that nasty, impure, sinful YAOI!!!!! He only reads the finest wholesome MLM coffeeshop knit sweater fanfic AUs with no icky things like s
x thus doesn't count as a gross fjoshi freak uwu
Browsing her instagram I honestly have a hard time believing she's actually 18 and not 14. Do 18-year olds really act this way now? I keep seeing fakebois who are closer to 20 and they're mentally stunted somewhere around 8th grade, it really supports the hypothesis of gender dysphoria being more prevalent within autistic people.
No. 1012592
File: 1595699198902.jpg (38.13 KB, 464x818, 456123.JPG)

Bio reads: "🌸CIS BOY🌸"
No. 1012599
>>1012305A lot of UK ftms are complaining about the wait list to get into the gender clinic in the first place, demand for gender services having rocketed in the last few years. It's not that hard to see that such a sudden increase can't be natural and short-term tranners are flooding the waiting list, taking T for a year and then fucking off again.. but no it's totally the NHS at fault. Hate it when shit is free but it's just not quick enough lol
Found this channel I used to watch, they bitched so fucking hard about waiting lists, wouldn't shut up with the usual suicide baiting.
I can't remember whether they eventually went private but now they're wearing makeup and talking about finding your style as a transman.. they admit to constantly changing style, buying and throwing out clothes, wearing girly shit and then rejecting it. I see a future detrans here but then I saw that even when they were pre-hormones
No. 1012603
File: 1595702280436.png (257.17 KB, 1687x713, 8525C0AA-6D95-43FC-881C-1A6B75…)

>be lesbian female autist
>become “straight male” autist
>discover your life has gone from cute spergy tomboy to being a dickless incel
Like poetry.
No. 1012605
>>1012599>It's not that hard to see that such a sudden increase can't be natural and short-term tranners are flooding the waiting list, taking T for a year and then fucking off again.. but no it's totally the NHS at fault. Hate it when shit is free but it's just not quick enough lolThe irony is that if the procedure was something they
really wanted and needed, they wouldn't mind waiting for it, considering it's elective. Not trying to shit on the dysphoric women who may fall into that region, but your superficial elective mastectomy (nor the emotional distress of ~not being a real boy~ and ~not passing~) is never going to be more important than women who actually need mastectomies for various medical conditions.
No. 1012623
>>1012603One of those posts is talking about not wanting to have a vulva, so she plans on getting a full phalloplasty and then returning to cool lesbian relationships.. how can this person legally consent to anything? I don't think they have the mental capacity to make decisions.
I felt for them on the 'I don't want male attention' part but now they've switched roles and they sound like the creepy weirdo talking the ear off of strange women. You can tell their head is all over the place.
No. 1013197
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Not really a “fakeboi” but still an FtM, has anyone seen Kalvin in Blaire’s new video? She looked especially feminine in it. Also the nonexistent forehead.. I think I’ve heard a few anons saying that Kalvin might’ve gone off T and I kind of see their point.
No. 1013294
File: 1595830063521.jpeg (999.75 KB, 1536x2048, Ed2eI5yWAAA-izT.jpeg)

The embodiment of unfortunate and poor decisions.
No. 1013296
File: 1595830126469.jpeg (704.47 KB, 1536x2048, Ed2eJZAWsAEST9t.jpeg)

>>1013294Up close shot of the fembeard
No. 1013329
>>1013197Her lack of facial hair at this point is odd to me. I mean she has the voice change which happens pretty quickly anyway but then all other changes that follow.. seem to be missing. I've suspected for a while that she's either no longer on T or is on too low of a dose.
Wasn't she complaining about periods not that long ago? Not something that should be happening if the dose is ok.
No. 1013365
>>1012603>men are only successful if "they have a talent" (translation: this lazy bitch apparently expected to get through her whole life without developing any sort of valuable skills nor becoming good at anything, shuwu style…?)>if i stayed as a girl i wouldnt have to worry neither i did nothing because i would still be liked and appreciated>neither I did nothing.>"oh noooo I need to have redeeming qualities now I can't pretend to be a dumb girl anymore!!!"This is literally the same rethoric incels use to claim women have life con easy mode lol.
I am being remembered of all of those obnoxious so quirqy and unique types who tend to be massive leeches towards their female friends (or girlfriends in her case)'s work, and tend to make your life so incredibly difficult ie that one workmate who won't do any work and the little she does will be spectacular fuckups yet constantly gets away with it cause she'll play it dumb to avoid responsibility. I always knew these lazy pickme types know exactly what they are doing.
I'm honestly glad this particular retard played herself by turning herself into an autistic dickless incel and she isn't getting a free pass anymore because lazy idiots are a disease. I can't think of a better karma for people like her, wish all the leechy coolgirl types followed her example
No. 1013501
>>1013487the part as well when they're crying about m/f relationships not being equal… because the man has to make a bare minimum fucking effort for a woman? not because of all the shit that women put up with in m/f relationships?
also the part where they're talking about only wanting to harass lesbians with their fucked up genitalia and only being interested in lesbians blah blah blah… do bisexual women not exist? not that bisexual women would get with someone like this or deserve to have this freak chase after them, but their emphasis on lesbians make them sound like a fucking weirdo. it's like those freaks who go on tinder exclusively to harass bi women into joining their threesomes.
either way, it literally does sound either like a straight incel man with a fetish. i don't even know what to make of it.
No. 1013651
File: 1595898591549.png (381.73 KB, 554x617, Screenshot 2020-07-27 at 7.08.…)

this bitch really has a wild fucking animal in her house…
No. 1013772
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Can you imagine going from being a moderately cute lesbo (at least I thought she was cute) to a fat ugly neck beard?
Seriously I feel bad for her. She transitioned and immediately started balding.
Good thing ugly troons attract ugly troons so I'm sure she'll find someone.
No. 1013793
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another example of a straight girl calling herself a fag because she likes dick
No. 1013866
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No. 1013891
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Suddenly come out after no hint of disphoria, ebeg to get tits chopped off. Steal girlfriend from best “bro”, force her to transition. Liken their relationship to Hannibal and Will without an absolute hint of irony.
Probably abuses partner and only wanted to date her cause she was talented in the cosplay scene and could win him awards. Typical BPD narc uses manipulation to keep friends, cries and suicide baits whenever criticised.
Apparently can’t work while transitioning. Wants to be a cop (despite being bpd) Thinks Disney is a personality.
Is really just a chubby ftm with a sad neck beard. Triggered by the word “moobs”, had lipo that didn’t take. Projects self-loathing into fat shaming others.
No. 1013942
File: 1595957552570.jpeg (904.27 KB, 2048x2048, 44AD30AA-3719-48B5-B918-85EC3E…) has to be a girl, right? I can’t really picture s 19-year-old man looking this round and feminine (not to mention all the “I’m so gay lololol posts). All of the popular Twitter femboys follow them and they’ve got over 4,000 followers on top of that so obviously fooled a ton of people.
No. 1013946
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>>1013944And cringe Twitter bio
No. 1013959
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>>1013949It just looks like a fat stumpy little girl to me.
No. 1014014
>>1013978he has a very obviously male voice on his twitch clips (when he's not putting on a cringe "uwu anime girl" voice)
>>1013999trap fetishists will stick their dick in anything
No. 1014022
>>1013942Why do people this ugly seem to plaster their face as much as they can on the internet?
There isn't a single redeeming feature on this potato fuck.
No. 1014027
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>>1013942these thighs and hands scream female
her tweets scream bpd
No. 1014092
>>1013942obvious male is male
fakeboi traps at least put effort into their image beyond just growing their hair out like most mediocre xy traps do
No. 1014139
>>1014096Seeing them down play the seriousness of it all in the comments is really disturbing.
"some people just need to find themselves and maybe horomones aren't the right path for everybody uwu"
The effects of hormones and surgery are permanent ffs
No. 1014489
>>1013922'butch genocide' go back to tumblr you overdramatic dyke
>>1013944these outfits… the one on the right with his skinny ass elbows and knobbly knees… why can't these people dress normally? i know they only speak to other fakeboi troons but jesus
No. 1014543
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No. 1014781
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it’s always the ugliest women who insist they’re twinks
No. 1014845
>>1014781Isn't a twink supposed to be a skinny, hairless (i.e no beard) young
boy? I don't understand people who call themselves twinks when they're fat or have any kind of hair other than arms/legs/top of the head.
No. 1014850
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No. 1015001
>>1014092It's quite obvious he's a dude, idk how anon fell for that one. Shitty Claire's jewelry, big male head, stumpy fat boy legs, overall male frame, and the most obvious one, his horrendous fetishistic style? Come on, lmao.
This is the 3rd time an actual dude has been posted, are the fakebois trying to discredit the thread so when their edgy 'trap' buddies expose them as girls they'll just say "But the fakeboi threads have posted cis men before, therefore I am cis! I just pass as a girl uwu" next time I come in here will someone try to claim that dude cafebeef is a female larping as a 'trap'? Lmao.
No. 1015228
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>>1013197Kalvin has admitted to being somewhat lazy with T shots in periods/simply forgets to take them on time. Also weight gain. The lack of beard isn't that weird considering the age (19, I think?) Most bio dudes don't sprout anything worth keeping at that age either. I get more suspicious when older tranners show a remarkable lack of facial hair after years on T.
Speaking of quitting T… Miles "I'm so fucking queer" McKenna recently posted a video admitting being off T for two years now (thought the face looked rounder and softer nowadays). Apparently some of the reasons were acne and fear of the aging-effect of T… I swear half of these people have some sort of Peter Pan syndrome!
No. 1015230
>>1015228Whoops, sorry.
Skipped over that this anon
>>1014096 had already posted about it.
No. 1015540
>>1015264"transmen are boys, uwu"
Yeah, bio dudes look like… bio dudes, not "smol lil' soft beans" aka girls.
No. 1015790
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>no fun allowed
No. 1016074
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>>1015790Samefagging but her friend came to the rescue.
No. 1016194
File: 1596396416758.png (1.71 MB, 1080x2160, Screenshot_2020-08-02-13-18-32…)

27 and larping as a shota like the fujoshi pedo she is. She really thinks she doesn't look like a woman trying to pass as a child lmao
No. 1016260
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>>1016194what's even going on with that cluttered room in the background?
No. 1016276
File: 1596404342732.png (135.41 KB, 1080x2160, Screenshot_2020-08-02-13-18-35…)

She didn't need to announce that she's mentally stunted but thanks for clarifying what's already graringly obvious
No. 1016447
>>1016074"Gay men"
Meaning botched fujos with no tits mad normal women can like m/m pairings without trying to larp as a fake dude.
>>1016276>TentacleshotaLol, I remember this freak from a previous thread, this is still her username? There's a reason why trap stuff is popular over shota, no one wants a connection to pedo shit. Still obsessed with teenage boys, I see.
>>1016106Are you the FtM? If that's you, why does anon have that pic if it's just you being sexy for your husband? And would would you respond, yet again, a whole month later? Why do severely mentally ill people love attention so much, even if it's negative? I'm wondering if this stuff is just a fetish turned mental illness, tbh. Like they get so obsessed with the fetish they have to become it.
No. 1016847
File: 1596484886198.jpeg (588.65 KB, 1125x1569, 646724B7-6EB0-4319-8E98-4B3CE0…)

Mentioned him in another thread and someone suggested posting him here.
Jaxx, or Abigail, claims being 17 ever since he got backlash for dating minors when he‘s actually 19
Thinks he is/looks like/dated??? Finn Wolfhard and makes tiktoks about what he‘ll tell him when they finally meet up. (Good luck on that)
He apparently also is racist and claimed DID in an attempt to put the blame on his alter, who‘s, shocker, going by his birthname.
Also once said that he only realized he‘s a boy when his father killed himself.
His tiktok goes by the same @ but if you look his name up anywhere you find tons of pages where people call him out.
Sorry if I did anything wrong, never really posted a new person here before.
No. 1017019
>>1016074>which gay men are uncomfortable with And not a single one of those offended gay men has a penis. What’s worse, she says she is representing minor “gay men”, which means she is outraged on behalf of perverted, inexperienced young girls who have no business dictating what a grown real gay man’s life is like. It’s hilarious how these miserable, non-passing girls devote their lives to protecting gay cartoon porn depicting men they will never look like and characters that have anatomy they will never possess. I’ve never met an actual gay man that cares about this shit. Maybe because they’re out having sex with real men?
>>1016194Even with filters, she easily looks like a 30 year old woman. Not haggard or anything. Just her age. It’s disturbing how these women are obsessed with being perceived as young boys, not men their age. The weird thing is that she is in a heterosexual relationship with a normie man where their traditional gender roles are super obvious.
No. 1017470
File: 1596568784341.png (542.2 KB, 930x446, jaelvinc.PNG)

This TikToker recently decided that her pronouns were no longer he/him and is now back at being a girl.
No. 1017499
>>1017470Honestly this needs to be encouraged. It’s obvious that a lot of girls catch on to this trans shit and run with it due to slight internalized misogyny, but so long as other trans people AND people who make fun of trenders shit on people that come to their senses, fewer will.
Not saying you posting her is inherently negative, but a lot of de-transers are laughed at, which I don’t think helps anyone.
No. 1017528
>>1017499I for one like seeing them have breakdowns on social media.
Play dumb games get stupid prizes
No. 1017905
>>1017019The disturbing thing is that so many straight people will pick this narrative up and start telling people how "gay men" actually hate BL and fujos and how women must stop enjoying it, never stopping for a moment to check how many of these "gay men" are actually mentally ill Aiden AFABs being angry that someone shipped their kinnie with the wrong character.
>>1017499What really fucks me up about this scenario is that whenever someone decides to detransition (which alone takes a whole lot of balls when all your friends are deep in the trans ideology) I've seen multiple people go "Hmmmm but you could be just nonbinary did you think about that????". Like are you serious? Weren't you people supporting the narrative that gender dysphoria is the worst fate anyone could experience? Wouldn't it be a good thing if someone came to terms with their birth sex? Fucking crabs in a bucket I swear.
No. 1018381
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No. 1018397
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this one looks undeniably female to me but all of their simp followers think it's actually a male crossdresser (clearly why it has so many followers) @CursedArachnid on twitter
No. 1018398
File: 1596717029847.jpg (48.44 KB, 510x680, Eer3Zr8WkAIPkU4.jpg)

>>1018397they think that because of pics like this. i'm not good enough at photoshop to tell if this is shooped or if she just has no tits but i'm pretty damn confident she's female (unless i see a dick)
No. 1018404
>>1018397>>1018398Just a girl with no tits, god that photoshop is atrocious by the way, she edits her upper body to ne anachan spoop levels but its pretty obvious shes kinda fat from the thighs and stomach, also bug eyes lol
>>1018403I keked so hard
No. 1018406
File: 1596718141015.png (951.93 KB, 584x704, lol.png)

>>1018398100% a female alright
this bitch is so cringy
No. 1018502
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Amelia is so weird Jesus Christ