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No. 1541490
This thread is for posting and discussing cringey fakebois, fujo male larpers and FTM snowflake behavior who may or may not deserve their own threads.
Fakebois are girls who pretend to be boys, either by becoming trannies or larping biological males (usually the former).
Fakebois style and present themselves as androgynous or feminine-looking boys, or wearing girls' clothing and make-up while insisting on being addressed with he/him (or occasionally they/them) pronouns and take great offense at being gendered as female. Some are SJW transactivists, but for most their identities are entirely superficial.
Back off all trannies and your dysphoria because no1curr.
Thread pic credit
>>1516761Old threads by order of recency:
>>>/snow/1509413>>>/snow/1474951>>>/snow/1432686>>>/snow/1400739>>>/snow/1366943>>>/snow/1338847>>>/snow/1303022>>>/snow/1251681>>>/snow/1208873>>>/snow/1137677>>>/snow/1095226>>>/snow/1032764>>>/snow/979294>>>/snow/895014>>>/snow/720444>>>/snow/570991>>>/snow/465430>>>/snow/276054>>>/snow/45564 No. 1541551
>>1541490>that imageKEK
its so insanely accurate
No. 1541631
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This tif is convinced that talking about feminism is somehow grooming. And convincing people they aren't their sex because they don't confirm to sex stereotypes somehow isn't grooming???
No. 1541644
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lmaooo I just noticed the packer on chaotic enby. That picture just gets better and better.
No. 1541745
>>1541631Grooming originally meant preparing someone/something for a particular purpose or outcome - athletes, employees, students, politicians, etc. and became synonymous with "child grooming" by pedophiles.
But is attempting to influence someone toward a particular opinion on an issue "grooming" in any regard? Are all attempts at being influential in a person's life "grooming"?
Troons always try to flip anything their favourite bogeywomen do into something evil-sounding and buzzwordy. Speaking of abusing buzzwords, soon "groomer" will go the way of "
trigger" and "gaslight" and be rendered completely useless. Gee, I wonder why they are so invested in destroying the language people use to describe abuse and its effects…
No. 1541792
>>1541745Honestly the bastardisation of "grooming" just makes me laugh now. Seeing trannies screenshot TERFs giving solid advice on how to deal with dysphoria and internalised misogyny and labelling it "grooming" is hilarious when viewed through the eyes of someone who doesn't drink the kool-aid.
>How terrible these terven wenches are, they're grooming young AFABs to have mental stability and self-esteem! It proves they have zero rebuttals and it's actively shooting their movement in the foot as a baby Aiden might read those screenshots and peak, or at least become more curious about terven viewpoints.
No. 1541799
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No. 1541802
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>>1541799>Most post-op penises trans men end up with aren't at all dissimilar to penises cis men have.Suuuuure.
No. 1541822
>>1541802Lack of awareness is what makes them ugly? Babes, use your eyes! They're absolutely hideous! I can barely stomach unspoilering one and you want some poor girl to put her
mouth on it?! Why dot they always shift to "I'm right, it's your perception that's wrong" about stuff that is objective and visible?
No. 1541832
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Reposting with context. What is the obession with Jesse from breaking bad with him being trans? It is mostly ftm making these headcannons and posts about how he is either mtf or ftm. The latter being more common.
No. 1541847
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>>1541832>>1541838yeah, somehow I never got the impression that Jesse was super woke and PC
No. 1541854
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This aiden on Instagram is so unhinged, I've posted one of her posts before but everyday she has these long ass diatribes over random images. I don't know if I should just say her username here, but the comments on her posts are also priceless, such as seethe about how boypussy is transman cultural appropriation.
>>1541853Nuuu you don't get it, the fact that he was unhappy with where he was in life means he's trans!!!!!!
No. 1541889
>>1541832Drop the link,
nonny! I have to read this, it looks funny as fuck.
No. 1542036
>>1542018Okay. Just because there's a lot of funny shit on that account and people comment under her posts often, meaning there's a bunch of different branches of troonery you can explore.
It's "tboyswaglord"
No. 1542067
>>1542060“You should get therapy to accept your body instead of cutting up a square of skin and rolling it up to attach it to your pussy and pretending it’s a penis; self harm and indulging in delusions is not okay” is plenty beautiful, imo.
Google BIID or anorexia. Advocating for its acceptance would be ugly. Saying it should be normal would be a lie.
No. 1542180
>>1541551Tho why the focus on chaotic enby
Lawful enby is full cow
No. 1542220
>>1541832As a Walt/Jesse supporter
not a fujo either I think they’d make a great TEHM/male
terf-like couple. No way either of them would like troons
No. 1542223
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Is it some kind of requirement for TIFs to be sluts? This girl went from e-thot to transman to barren detrans tradwife. Slit her wrists because she couldn't be male and is now trying to get pregnant and pretending to be a baker
No. 1542333
>>1542223Placing a grossly oversized value on sex and sexual attention seems to be a requirement for both kinds of troon.
>>1541745I wish women weren't so gunshy about grooming in the original meaning. Imagine if more girls were told things like:
"You don't ever have to do something just because a boy asks you to."
"You aren't wrong or dumb just because a boy disagrees with you or laughs at you."
"Just because somebody doesn't like you, that doesn't make you a bad person."
No. 1542417
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No. 1542731
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>>1542572*as they observe how men are granted worth. Oops.
To make up for my double posting. I will never get over the way that some TiFs will indulge in the most misogynist, violent fetishes.
No. 1542824
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No. 1542921
>>1542380Also note how a Lotr fanclub for her is not a place where you can take apart the books and cross reference them with the Silmarillion or the Unfinished Tales, or a place where you can discuss the movies and all the interesting background about how they were made at length, not even somewhere where you can make your own slash fanworks and show them to others, which at least would have some value in the creativity involved. No, with such rich material at her disposition, she can't manage better than endlessly discussing her sexual fantasies that some hetero married movie guy or another is totes gay.
I frankly resent this being called a "nerdy activity," it's just typical teenagers being typically obsessed with idols as imaginary boyfriends, only the wires in their psychology got somewhat crossed along the way and they want to imagine their dream husbando being fucked by another man.
>>1542881Kek, it was the
TERF feminist lesbian aunt, I guess? Frankly, I really loved the parents at first because they seemed such a ideal, loving, accepting bunch, but after the discussion in the last thread, I realized that they weren't worried about their daughter being illiterate at 11yo or neglecting her hygiene to the point that people complained at school, so maybe not so ideal after all.
No. 1543198
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I'm reading it and the start is basically about her growing up without stupid gender norms, those gender norms being pushed on her when she stopped having a hippie upbringing and went to school and her having a culture shock. It's kinda sad, I get hating having to perform as a girl but many of us did. The answer is to be gnc and battle it.
No. 1543227
>>1543214You're the 'men are being better at being trans because male are better at everything' unsaged sperg aren't you. If you go to mtf reddit, bunch of males is just them putting a lipstick on and that's all. Not even shaving their beard. They don't put any effort in either. Stop lying.
>>1543205I don't think chopping of your breasts and being a transsexual is any less lonelier. There's a lot of women who don't like female socialisation you can bond with. Maybe in hs you're gonna be an outcast but once you become adult, it isn't really any isolating existence.
No. 1543234
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We know tomboys who are indoctrinated troon out because of the current socially acceptableness is one thing, but usually "lesbian" ftms who troon out are the femmes. It has always been the girly girls and femme lesbians trooning out, butch lesbians and masculine girls who troon just raises the point because it is easier to connect the dots. Picrel is Ellen and her ex-wife, where you can easily guess the butch and femme.
No. 1543235
>>1543227>I don't think chopping of your breasts and being a transsexual is any less lonelier. It's not, but it's obvious that a lot of people have 0 empathy for why a lot still go into that direction.
>There's a lot of women who don't like female socialisation you can bond with.You seem to misunderstand, it's not about liking it or not, it's about not receiving it. If you haven't received it, you cannot communicate properly with each other.
>Maybe in hs you're gonna be an outcast but once you become adult, it isn't really any isolating existence.Adulthood is more isolating than secondary school, since everyone is getting married, having kids, have well established friend circles which they don't want to add to. If anything, that is when female socialization comes fully to fruition and everyone fulfills the destiny they have been groomed into their entire lives. Isolating themselves from their friends to live in a nuclear family bubble and only interact with other mothers. It's only in their late 40's and 50's when women realize that maybe it's not that great and they want to spend time on themselves and their hobbies again. The only people who are on a different timeline are in the LGB(T) community and you know what's going to happen there when you try to make friends as a VERY gnc woman. Or autists, which are also difficult to find and a lot of them have already fallen
victim to this stuff too.
>>1543229Yes and no. Autism makes it difficult to near impossible to learn female socialization later in life if you're not the mimicking kind, but even without autism you're going to have lifelong problems if your parents don't socialize you as female properly.
No. 1543302
>>1543271And butch lesbians like myself and other GNC women who dress completely masc (especially those of us who are over 30) are seen as "upholding negative stereotypes" and "promoting
toxic masculinity"; yet divorcing myself from my femaleness and calling myself a "feral bug boy" would earn me praise. Kill me now.
No. 1543362
>>1543198All her parents had to tell this kid was that people expect girls to behave a certain way that may not come naturally to them. She didn't even know that there were rules so she thought she was broken.
What really got me about this book was the obvious painful disconnect she felt from her body, throughout the whole thing she was behaving in a way that was trying to cope with it, like all her sexual experiences are based in dissociative fantasy, even the real life ones (pretending to have gay male sex). Fucked up that these hippy parents didn't notice their kid was really struggling with puberty and having a body. She's basically stuck as a child now
No. 1543438
Lol that was a stupid thing to say even by anon board standards, only-heterosexual-sex-is-healthy-chan. Women having sexual fantasies about gay men as they are imagined by women existed since 50yo at least and probably earlier, but people started trooning massively only circa 2012-2014. Clearly the discourse shifting from shipping M/M pairings being the most girly and delusional thing you can do to omg real true gay rights activism hurt many people, along with the banishment of 2nd wave/radfem discourse from general online spaces, a discourse which helped women to differentiate between being the female sex and following the female gender role that female are massively indoctrinated into. Now people really believe that if you don't loooove make-up and laugh while eating salads then you can't be a woman. I really hope queer discourse will die.
What is sad with the woman from the comic is that she was aware that shipping is just a fetish and that gender roles are just that, roles, but she still felt the need to troon. It's probably half because of a Peter Pan syndrome of refusing her female puberty because she associated her childhood with freedom and loving acceptance when school came with its humiliations and vexatious demands because of her female sex, and half because everybody around her in art school was doing it, so she felt that she had to, as well. At least, she has 85% chance of detransing because she don't want surgical mutilation or hormones, and apart her "I'm very special pronouns" I don't even remember if she wears a binder regularly. She even has sympathy toward women who misgender her, so I have high hopes! What a shitty timeline to be an autist in.
No. 1543445
>>1543302How are you even upholding negative stereotypes by dressing in practical clothes and not doing all the stupid grooming rituals woman are supposed to do? I always felt this kind of criticism comes from women who heard about the feminist theory that it's the patriarchy that enforces the excessive attention women must always pay to their appearance through elaborated clothing, make-up and all other kind of over the top standards, but still follow those standards because they want to please men or keep their place in the female hierarchy of desirable women, so in order not to feel bad or conflicted about it, they try to pretend that it's the butch and GNC women who are actually promoting
toxic stereotypes.
No. 1543461
>>1543214This is probably a 4chan copypasta
>>1543271>Zendaya>butchWtf, this never crossed my mind. Sure she is quite tall but thats about it she ain't particularly masculine
No. 1543478
>>1543205>>1543235Thank you for writing this nonna, I was an autist who grew up part actively rejecting female socialization part just totally missing the unsaid rules and what you said resonated a lot with my experience and what I thought I was the only one to think.
>I don't think chopping of your breasts and being a transsexual is any less lonelier. I would argue it is less lonelier nowadays and that's why you have especially autistic women trooning in mass (troons are at least 6 times more likely to be autistic from a study on a mixed male&female population iirc, which, since males troon out because of fetishes, means that the female autism correlation is even stronger).
It's because as a GNC women you are the one weird out in a sea of normy women and the consensus is that you are this way on purpose, because you chose it, which also means that you are often bullied for your gender non compliance or rejected from friend groups because of it or if you are hetero, excluded from dating. Since more or less extreme performance of femininity is seen as the natural consequence of being born a female, there is always this undercurrent of "why are you choosing to make things difficult, are you better than us" and "what is wrong with you, uggo" and "why are you this weird reject," but troonism explains GNC away as a magical gender soul, it gives it nobility and purpose, while online troon spaces, already a natural socialization place for lonely young people those days, brazenly lie about how you drown in sexual partners after transition and create a false sense of community, where even weird or off-putting people are tolerated.
No. 1543505
>>1543483Nonny, I think there is a difference between being pornsick and being a sexual addict, especially in women. You have certainly seen in fandoms women who only write/read the most pornographic, humiliating and degrading sex fanfics and are in a thousand M/M shipping fandoms, but then say that they are asexual and never want to date. That's the pornsick part since they are clearly interested in romance and have sexual urges, but those are either distorted through their porn consumption, or those women have prior issues they refuse to face and escape from them into delusional porn (delusional because they are not gay men and the gay men in BL stories written by women have nothing in common with any man or gay who ever existed)
The woman from the comic does have an issue with penetration and penetrative sex, not particularly linked with dysphoria, though she never really explains why either so all bets are open, but her whole experience even with lesbian sex is mediated through her obsession with BL/slash stories and her fetish for imagining herself as a man, probably as some kind of protecting mechanism (she clearly calls it a fetish, not dysphoria). She even decided she wanted to have her first kiss and try dating in order to be able to write about kisses and dating in a One Direction fanfic she was in the process of writing.
No. 1543535
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Saying vaginas "get infected left and right" like it's perfectly normal and happens to everyone… what are you DOING.
No. 1543606
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>>1543461it's because of her old 2012-2013 photos where she used to dress more tomboyish
No. 1543635
>>1543453It's also that they believe that it's regressive to date a butch and no different from dating a man. When you try to date, you get treated like a man and you're assumed to be a fuckboy, even if you're practically a virgin. You can be an outspoken feminist, but because they once met or just heard about another masc woman being misogynistic, you get assumed to be massively misogynistic too and you're constantly under a microscope. You are held personally responsible for femme4femme being looked down upon in working class lesbian culture in the 50's. They say if you don't like the extra misogyny you receive, just femme it up then! They see it as oppressing yourself and a sign of internalized misogyny if you don't want to perform femininity.
>>1543478>Since more or less extreme performance of femininity is seen as the natural consequence of being born a female, there is always this undercurrent of "why are you choosing to make things difficult, are you better than us" and "what is wrong with you, uggo" and "why are you this weird reject,"This is basically the same behavior you still see from the weird anti masc brigade within L&B spaces. There's a group which specifically push to get masc lesbians to transition, because they think we give lesbianism a bad name. They really believe that everyone will totally accept them and take them seriously, once they have gotten rid of butches. So they have an unholy alliance with the T. So many butches have already disappeared, if you're not being accepted now, it's never going to happen and it's not the fault of butches existing.
>brazenly lie about how you drown in sexual partners after transition and create a false sense of community, where even weird or off-putting people are toleratedIn progressive areas you're not going to drown in any partners before transition either if you're really masc. Oddly enough butches are more accepted in LGB spaces in more conservative countries from what I've heard and are a lot more popular.
No. 1543662
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No. 1543674
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No. 1543683
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This is so incredibly nonsensical lol
No. 1543710
>>1543620Nta but I never really understood why fujos get caped for so hard on here, like, the justification is some bullshit about how male characters have more developed storylines in series so.. therefore.. you self insert as gay teen anime boys? That's always been so fucking deranged to me, why not just make your own lesbian OCs? But, I say that and I get hit with the, "But moids sexualize them!" Men sexualize the fucking shotas, too. And animals. Is it not a common thing said here that men will fuck a chicken sandwich? Like goddamn the self hate and denial is real.
>>1543461She isn't, but people will reach for anything.
No. 1543872
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>>1543198genderspecials always felt so selfish to me. "Remember my pronouns or else!!!! uwu"
Later in the comic, she wonders if she's being an inconvenience to other people but she keeps up with her dumb neo-pronouns. Hope this shit dies down one day.
No. 1543925
>>1543876Frankly, I'm amazed that she herself doesn't forget about her own pronouns sometimes. Is it some new kind of OCD or does she really have nothing else going on in her life to think about?
>>1543771Co-signed, the "99% of women hate BLs" anon and the "gays have STDs and are so yucky" anon always flood their same old boring derails in this thread anytime someone talks about the links between fujoshis and FTMs, without any care about the actual topic of the post they are responding to because they both seem to suffer at once from low intelligibility and low reading comprehension, which is never a winning combination for a text-based board.
No. 1543944
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>>1543876outside of academics and social media, it seems that no normal person thinks about their pronouns
sage for blogposting, but a few semesters ago, I had a course taught by a she/they. She took attendance and asked for us to state our pronouns. The first girl on the list just said "here". When the teacher asked for her pronouns, she just repeated her own name a bit awkwardly. After that she didn't have it in her to ask anymore kek, clueless normies might be our last hope
No. 1543964
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imagine hanging around someone this self-centered and having to police your own words whenever you're around her. Insufferable. Reading this comic was borderline unbearable.
No. 1544000
>>1543484I'm the one who wrote the original post but i'm not
>>1543438 calm down. I'm not gonna blog about my life but let's just say that watching straight porn fucked me up way more than being into retarded shipping and fandom shit for a while. Why are you so obsessed over fujos? Afraid you're gonna troon yourself? Blaming everyhting on pornsickness isn't going to help anyone nor explain the current trans trend. Imo it's a lot more complicated issue.
No. 1544033
>>1541706This is definitely the case with the young, conventionally attractive ones. There are gay men pit there interested in long-term relationships in my experience, but they've typically been more introverted and considerably less handsome. Basically, the sexy uwu hunks Aidens fantasize about are generally being gross in the way all men are, while the non-slut ones look like Danny DeVito.
I don't know any old gay men personally, so I can't speak on that. But my guess would be that they wait until they're balding and forty to settle down, because that's the only way they'll keep getting laid at that point.
No. 1544122
>>1543944I hope that girl was a crypto-
terf playing confused tbh. Maybe this is how we win.
No. 1544142
>>1544122Playing confused is a great tactic, I get asked my pronouns a lot because I'm butch and I usually just stare and try to look confused while throwing my hands about in a "idk wtf you mean" fashion until they drop it. If I do speak I turn my accent up a couple notches and pretend I have no idea what pronouns are kek. Both scenarios have been successful so far without getting me labelled a
TERF; which is important because I do a lot of volunteer work and there's usually a lot of these liberal types who can't comprehend a GNC person who hasn't trooned out yet. I'm like an alien to them.
No. 1544246
>>1543944my pronouns are he/she/it/lord/lady/penguin, I hope I will be addressed correctly with the pronoun I feel like at the given minute without having to notify people what I feel I am at that time.
Kek, I just can't with the pronouns bullshit anymore and I won't be able to keep it to myself if someone ever asks me what my pronouns are.
No. 1544276
>>1543944She could be a crypto
nonnie… I deliberately do something similar when people ask me my pronouns kek. It's unbelievably awkward but it's so funny to make them squirm when they realise they might have to explain their nonsense to you.
No. 1544330
>>1543235>>Yes and no. Autism makes it difficult to near impossible to learn female socialization later in life if you're not the mimicking kind, but even without autism you're going to have lifelong problems if your parents don't socialize you as female properly.The fuck does it mean to socialize a child as female? If you mean try and shame them into conforming to gender stereotypes lmao I definitely got that and it was the biggest source of internalized misogyny I dealt with.
Personally I think autistic girls troon out at such high rates because they tend to be under such ridged pressure to conform to bullshit gender stereotypes.
No. 1544523
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The sims community makes me sick.
No. 1544544
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Nipple removal is so cursed.
No. 1544552
>>1544523I remember the time when the transmen in trans groups on the internet would share what to use and what to not do so to make the scars almost invisible. Now it's the opposite, they just love having these big ass scars that out them as trans and putting that on everything, even fictional people. It's sad.
>>1544544So uncanny I thought it was photoshopped for a sec.
No. 1544571
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You guys remember this? That's right motherfuckers, it's back for season two.
No. 1544609
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based bird lady.
No. 1544622
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>>1544552>>1544561>>1544563It's not about transitioning to male, it's about showing everyone that you did.
No. 1545146
File: 1654020631997.png (341.83 KB, 572x560, autism heaven sur Tumblr.png)

>>1544523check her tumblr and damn
>autistic>troon>riddler cover pic No. 1545171
>>1544446yeah, the library had it shelved as an adult graphic novel. what's so annoying is that i believe this book was the catalyst for the big book ban that's been happening. and yes, this book should be pulled from middle school shelves, but now books like maus and persepolis are getting added to the list. leave it to a troon who couldnt keep their gross fetish to themselves to ruin it for fucking everyone else
sage for blogpost
No. 1545398
File: 1654035331806.webm (16.48 MB, 576x1024, tumblr_r2vl97oDt91z7ukda.webm)
>TIFfy Turner
>tme Turner
>Timmy Trooner
alright, I'm done
No. 1545735
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What's the name for the brand of FtM who constantly talks about how manly and not like other queers they are but is just an average TiF? Twitter specimen as an example
No. 1545801
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I just can't kek so she was always a lesbian but to avoid invalidating her fakeboi partner(s, poly) she became bi
No. 1545806
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>>1541490Wasn't sure whether to post it in the art salt thread or here. The artist has she/her pronouns.
No. 1545819
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Checked on a personal cow of mine and now she's had her tits chopped off she's posting "thirst traps". Imagine being on a literal PED and being this flabby and unfit, pathetic. The inverted cross necklace that looks like it cost <£5 on ebay is the cherry on top. She better not cut herself on all that edge.
No. 1545868
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I don’t want to start infighting about fujoshit again, but sometimes I do feel like this kind of shit stems from it. It always makes me think of the girls at anime cons who would cosplay Ciel and Alois and get sexual with it. I’m not a BL hater but there are plenty of series like that with more shota-style characters and a lot of FTMs seemed to have been into or are currently into those kinds of media, because they don’t often seem to go for the look a real teenage boy would have, more a curated “pretty boy” look as that meme suggests. Reminds me too of that omocat shirt I saw so many fakebois own.
No. 1545873
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>>1545806Makes me sad, I find that art pretty. It reminds me of the artist iliothermia who makes gorgeous art but there’s never one that doesn’t include the top surgery “scars”. Spoilering because the genitals are visible on this one too, and a lot of self-harm scars. I would be so into this if it weren’t so overtly fetishizing TiF mutilation.
No. 1546043
File: 1654104966959.png (1.06 MB, 876x883, Screenshot (161).png)

New tboyswaglord schizo rant dropped, this part is my favorite
No. 1546072
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No. 1546081
File: 1654108085947.jpeg (2.63 MB, 6930x2160, 0E819785-640E-4524-A74B-080892…)

>>1546072Does not compute. My brain sees photoshopped masc woman. Silicone abs are killing me kek.
No. 1546129
>>1546103Yep that's exactly what it looks like, those fake silicon chests some female cosplayers use. Though at least those aren't permanently attached to your body.
What percentage of junkies are ana-chans? Not just wannarexics like Tuna. I'll be shocked if she doesn't have and eating disorder, and hasn't had it for most of her life.
If she's added opiates to the mix, I wonder if it started with the meds she got to recover from tiddie chop+fake ab surgery
No. 1546221
>>1546081This will never not make me sad. Her eyes are empty and her face still looks like a woman or at least a very young boy.
I imagine how bad it feels to be her because I was also severely depressed when I was trans after the coming out novelty wore off. I guess it's worse for her because everyone is watching and the moment she stops supporting this crap she will be attacked like jkr, except ellen doesn't look stable at all to handle any repercussion.
I'm done feeling sorry for most troons but I do feel bad for ellen. Her future doesn't look good and I doubt she will ever detrans.
No. 1546348
File: 1654122873282.jpg (46.11 KB, 306x743, 55881517-10658445-image-m-66_1…)

>>1546081It doesn't matter how sweaty and muscular and expertly posed she is in every men's magazine because we've all seen her award show appearances. She is 5'1" and hilariously dainty in any other context!
No. 1546410
File: 1654126652379.jpg (81.64 KB, 500x750, ellen-page-hair-2-500x750.jpg)

>>1546081She was so pretty. I want to scream
No. 1546449
File: 1654129590092.jpeg (968.06 KB, 1170x1034, E529E8DE-8B70-438B-833C-4439AD…)

When it comes to TIF musicians, there is no greater tragedy than Mal Blum. Her 2010 debut album I hold a really special place in my heart and her whole aesthetic was like, peak Lez-Twee and just really precious. Like every young butch approach their 30s, she started on T and chopped her breasts off. The real milk is in the re-recordings of her early music, the way that T ruined this amazing talent, nonnies it’s painful.
No. 1546533
File: 1654135360527.jpeg (549.13 KB, 2048x2048, ACE9514F-C636-48B5-97D4-5A1D55…)

>>1546081>>1546072Reminds me of the tomboy from west side story.
No. 1546534
File: 1654135620004.jpeg (792.87 KB, 1284x838, DFA0A815-A143-41F5-9C33-969E02…)

>>1546533The tomboy they trooned out in the remake? kek yeah I guess so
No. 1546537
File: 1654136023812.jpeg (1.3 MB, 1170x1478, BD16FAF3-F881-416A-96B3-698820…)

idk if this belongs here but are they already they/theming jojo siwa for dressing butch
No. 1546546
File: 1654136696780.jpg (70.75 KB, 800x800, bca1d41922544e6406639f9f1f6f58…)

>>1546399Saged for probably being unrelated but this made me remember of picrel
No. 1546586
File: 1654139694655.jpeg (77.01 KB, 810x296, E6DF7CC3-4C61-4334-A0B8-91A08E…)

the average liberal woman sliding into my dms as an open lesbian
No. 1546675
god we're only one day into this month and i'm already sick of it, have had several tifs ask me if i'm going to make art for pride month. i'm ignoring it for now
>>1546586anyone who uses that many emojis is a red flag
No. 1546720
>>1546705There's a reason most end up T4T.
Aiden needs to find herself a non-op trans dude.
No. 1546739
>>1546449Would it be cultural appropriation to want to be a butch cowboy without being an American?
>>1546537She looks good, seems like she has been working out, pity they're trying to they/them her though.
>>1546716She hasn't even trooned out yet and you're already complaining. Some of you just hate gnc women and it shows.
No. 1546785
>>1546081she always looks so miserable,
oof. this is what homophobia does to a woman
tifs showing off their scars never wanted to be a man, they just want to fit in with the nlog crowd by denouncing their gross icky femaleness.
and her hairstyle is still fugly and makes her look even less manly
No. 1546820
File: 1654162079822.png (1.34 MB, 992x1465, Untitled293.png)

Its very editable
No. 1546842
>>1546348Oh boy she has those really ageing lines around her mouth that chronic anorexic get.
I'm wondering if trans saga Ellen Page isn't just a cover for a not-very stealth ED.
No. 1546845
>>1546820I kek'd.
>>1546842That theory has been floated before. Makes sense as TIFs and detrans women have admitted that getting a mastectomy was a goal more because of their ED than dysphoria. Ellen has now insulated herself from anyone publicly commenting on how sickly she looks as they'll immediately be labelled transphobes even though it's nothing to do with being trans or not. She's locked in that echo chamber 'til death now.
No. 1546851
File: 1654166894748.jpg (Spoiler Image,135.23 KB, 1000x1500, ezgif-3-46642f54ba.jpg)

>>1546081on the last one she looks like the male aliexpress sex doll that I've seen. It's the silicone torso, I think.
No. 1546949
>>1546820this is the EXACT convo we had to have at a place i used to work with this tif who wore a binder and refused to ever wash it and smelled rank all the time
customers would literally comment to her face how bad she smelled and she had no reaction
No. 1546995
File: 1654180721013.jpeg (83.39 KB, 265x200, EDF1978E-B7AA-446A-B4FD-5159E7…)

I sure love how YT is showing me body mutilation when trying to rec “pride content”
No. 1547030
>>1546883Nah, fuck off with that shit. You said "just say you hate gnc women".
I don't hate gnc women, I've only dated gnc women. This one looks like a child.
No. 1547083
File: 1654184423520.jpeg (503.35 KB, 750x762, AA81D581-6356-468D-81EA-BFA0CF…)

>>1547049It’s literally a YouTube banner that pops up every time
No. 1547114
>>1547111I'm still laughing that she hasn't bothered to improve her arms and shoulders yet. C'mon, Ellen, put some
effort into this LARP. Your plastic surgeon can't fix everything and you should at least try and make it look like you got those abs the hard way.
No. 1547192
File: 1654193005277.jpg (164.29 KB, 828x1792, 284904848_497989598778908_6203…)

Saw this on my live. Both of them talking about their husbands. The one on the big screen saying how its ok the other one has a husband because she does too even though she rarely shows him on tiktok. And the one in the tiny screen calling her husband hubby or baby daddy and then she shows him and her kid for a brief second as he's turning away.
No. 1547449
>>1546537she's not trooning out, it's just a photoshoot
however the blue checks are swarming around these pictures looking for "eggs"
No. 1547589
File: 1654222030488.jpeg (139.47 KB, 1223x821, EA970140-EBF8-4977-9EDD-1771E1…)

Did any nonnas catch the newest South Park episode where Cartman has top surgery?
No. 1547662
File: 1654230658096.jpeg (232.41 KB, 1170x721, 42CB2346-8D07-447B-9A74-0B8F1E…)

And nobody laughed
No. 1547702
>>1547618Butch lesbians transition because of lifelong being pushed out of womanhood by society and getting constant shit for being masc. Femme lesbians transition because they consider butch to be worse than FtM and won't even try it.
>>1547679T causes increase in sex drive
>>1547681She just looks like a baby butch imo and it's nice she can be herself after years of mandated glitter and alopecia side ponytail. It's a pity that people won't allow such changes though and instinctively recoil because they don't know what gnc teenagers look like and either want her to femme it up or transition for their own peace of mind.
No. 1547714
File: 1654238793661.jpeg (113.19 KB, 744x944, A1C23A5E-2B99-4668-A13D-A07D70…)

No. 1547733
>>1547085NTAYRT but
They all want to be teenage boys. Consider the 30-something weaboo lolicon pedo-baiting cosplayer but swap the character for fujobait little boys instead of coomerbait little girls.
No. 1547758
>>1547744Some anons here are tradthots that think gnc women are mannish and disgusting as if that's not the reason why most gnc women feel pressured to transition. Ignore them, I don't know where they came from but they're in /ot/ too, one of them posted a gay redditors picture as her christian husband larp even. They're bleak.
Women will always look feminine and womanly no matter what and acting like we have to put in a ton of effort otherwise we look like men is just not a good outlook.
No. 1547774
File: 1654245867445.jpg (635.32 KB, 3300x2200, 181357.jpg)

>>1546446She always looked like that?
No. 1547791
>>1547780Freaking out the moment a woman or girl dresses gnc and saying she looks like a little boy and ugly and disgusting is what causes them to want to transition. People make girls and women feel like they're not allowed to be GNC, because being an unattractive (to them) woman is the biggest sin of them all.
>>1547778> It's not hating on her to say she doesn't look like a man.It is hating on her to say she looks like a little boy in a still image, when you know she's a gnc girl/woman and you have no excuse. You know better.
>You cape for trannies saying they can be mistaken for men in anything other than passing on the street.You literally just said that women can NEVER be mistaken in passing? See
>>1547762>Nobody mistakes a women for a man when in passing>>1547778>no one insulted her unless you think saying she at best could pass for a teen boy as troons have been trying to say she isn't a woman is soooo mean.She never fucking said she's trans or wants to transition and you're already freaking out and trying to call her a little boy and saying she looks horrible and you can't just be fucking happy for her and let her be. You're no better than the fucking TRA's.
No. 1547793
File: 1654247930896.jpg (700.93 KB, 1080x2280, Screenshot_20220603-083039.jpg)

Phew, thought I was one of those terrible normie straight women for a second… imagine that.
No. 1547798
>>1547795>No one said she was disgusting or looked like a boyYou really want to play this game? Okay.
>>1546542>She looks like an 8 year old child>>1546716>why do exactly adult women look like 12 year old boys when trying to troon out(she isn't even trying to troon out?)
>>1546867>I don't think women that look like small boys>>1547657>How did she turn into the bully kid from every eighties movie?>>1547717>Trans men & cross-dressing women look like little boys No. 1547802
File: 1654248575105.webm (Spoiler Image,886.01 KB, 853x480, 1654247193486.webm)

oh no no no no
No. 1547807
File: 1654248804989.jpeg (42.49 KB, 612x612, e6848a50-2970-4e2a-be18-5181cf…)

>>1547802Reminds me of having picrel as a kid and poking holes in it when I got bored.
No. 1547810
>>1547805She isn't trying to be a man nor a boy. She's just trying to be a gnc woman. Yet you all accuse her of looking like a little boy. What is your problem? You think a woman dressing gnc is being groomed? Only a handful of anons actually focused on the groomers, none of the posts I linked did.
>>1547770>>1547681>>1547449^ those are some sane nonnas who are rightly calling out the groomers and blue checkmarks, the posts I linked here
>>1547798 obviously just hate gnc women. No, having dated gnc women in the past, doesn't give you a pass to immediately shit on gnc women you don't think are attractive and call them a little boy over it. Especially when they're probably far from your age demographic anyway and it's kinda disgusting to act like a woman is only allowed to be gnc if you think she's fuckable
No. 1547820
File: 1654251773764.jpg (38.89 KB, 563x556, 9fb60c4dd5ed0e9597af47f6837988…)

>>1547815Thank you, you get what I was trying to get at.
No. 1547841
File: 1654255793491.jpg (22.58 KB, 604x413, 3fpzp3.jpg)

>>1547802At first I was horrified but then I saw the side.
41% imminent.
No. 1547867
File: 1654258383024.jpeg (31.89 KB, 640x388, 1651869572417.jpeg)

>>1547815There are probably more than a few of us here with the experience of growing up GNC and being called gay or a man constantly as a kid. It used to be considered rude bullying. Now as GNC adult women who may or may not be gay, we are being called men/he/they as a "kindness" without any consideration for our "actual identities"
And interestingly enough, people are upset when you correct them by saying you're female, even worse if heterosexual. I've been approached by people asking for pronouns, assuming LGBT affiliation, and becoming cold when I say I'm a married heterosexual woman. Same shit different asshole. Constantly reminded you're abnormal. It was easier to constantly called a "dyke" in school for not fitting in. I can't even imagine what it must be like to be under 25 and dealing with all this. It's repackaged homophobic misogyny. This culture will never be able to accept butch women, no matter the label or role they fill in life. Females are not to deviate from their assumed roles.
No. 1548033
>>1547867>people are upset when you correct them by saying you're female, even worse if heterosexual.I've had many occasions in which upon finding out I'm an "evil cishet" they immediately start questioning it in a manner that seems to be pressuring one to change their answer, ie "oh but are you SURE?" No doubt that that will pounce on you and start the egg hatching if you express even the slightest doubt of yourself. It's very very easy to see why so many young and socially awkward girls get sucked into this.
I've decided to have some fun with this, and remain polite while using a bit of their logic against them: "It doesn't matter how someone identifies as long as they're comfortable and happy, right?" We've heard things like that from the tif softbois who are female in everything but pronouns, or the catgender people. Pretty much every time I've responded with that they have to acknowledge the statement is correct (otherwise they contradict their own bullshit) but then start acting bitchy and passive aggressive to me for not falling in line with the agenda. Once one of them went mask off and admitted "yeah but not if ur cis" and I'm sure that response helped a couple of the young adults she was pressuring into becoming nonbinaries realize what's actually going on, because they thanked me afterward.
No. 1548221
File: 1654284491357.jpg (419.12 KB, 929x1687, 285161786_335864325363105_8274…)

I love when they try to be all like gotcha on men they had sex with because haha now youre gay because i am actually a man!! All they did was have sex with a woman who now has her tits chopped off years later. Its really not the gotcha you want it to be
No. 1548303
File: 1654290589700.png (11.07 MB, 2904x2426, 1.png)

Today's spicy cis
No. 1548338
>>1548225It's sun screen.
But more so, it's blue and blue is for boys and it draws attention to how much if a boy she is, SEE?!?
No. 1548342
File: 1654293440640.jpeg (2.38 MB, 1779x1500, 1EB4BA74-D634-4B7D-B284-F7958D…)

A friend I grew distant from..decided to check her Facebook recently.
She trooned out completely…
No. 1548508
File: 1654310260990.jpeg (734.88 KB, 2048x1669, 334EBC57-49A9-45F0-B6E6-32D59C…)

Jesus Christ this is horrifying
No. 1548588
File: 1654317591106.jpg (97.41 KB, 1090x622, Untitled.jpg)

anyone watching the matt walsh documentary? this bit is heartbreaking
No. 1548602
>>1548573why on earth would a piercing be a red flag, idiot?
>>1548342seems like she jumped from one flavor of trend follower to another. these girls always get tons of flak for their attention seeking but are too narcissistic, naive or deluded to care.
No. 1548638
File: 1654324631758.jpg (313.17 KB, 1600x1200, 10e42e80cd31ceea432ca5791034ee…)

>>1548602If you have to ask that you probably look like picrel
No. 1548649
File: 1654325821630.jpeg (445.71 KB, 960x1116, 7A00092F-A517-4ABC-B2FD-ED8A0C…)

This is so fucking gross looking
No. 1548704
File: 1654336315613.jpeg (Spoiler Image,606.12 KB, 780x3210, 2B156B66-4FEA-4A97-AB98-6BDB8F…)

Spoiler NSFL I mean it. I’m not sure if this has been posted before but of all the botched mtf of ftm surgeries I’ve seen, this is easily the worst.
No. 1548706
File: 1654336597691.jpeg (64.65 KB, 568x679, B65FBC52-953B-440E-8CD4-183232…)

>>1548704jfc you weren’t kidding
No. 1548741
>>1548704It's the third time this crime against humanity has been posted but I'll let you off because I haven't seen the posts before. Watching her cope and seethe is quite amusing.
>"my surgeon's own unique process"Where did your surgeon study? Institute of Sexology circa 1930?
No. 1548753
>>1548508>>1548303My favorite part about the comics is always how feminine the art styles are, they're not fooling anyone for even one second lol
>>1543674How can she be so self aware yet not see it…
No. 1548835
>>1548704What is even the point of this? So it can maybe be used to pee (I mean we already saw that other video how well that works out) but this will never ever serve any pleasure purpose, its just a flap of meat and normal skin. So it cannot serve pleasure, cannot ejaculate, cannot get hard on its own, at best it might be able to sorta pee out of.
Like whats the point??
No. 1549109
File: 1654370516700.png (358.25 KB, 971x1263, nlog.png)

I find this extremely sad.
The last commenter is at least showing some sanity. Hopefully she wakes up soon.
No. 1549118
File: 1654371530200.png (395.2 KB, 980x1630, comments.png)

>>1549109As a bonus, a bunch of them took the thread as yet another opportunity to sperg about BL and being totes gay.
No. 1549135
File: 1654372581136.png (84.6 KB, 913x551, fhjdhf.PNG)

>>1548508i came here to post this. it's so unsettling.
the irony in saying this under that comic is somehow lost on every one of them lmao
No. 1549179
>>1548956sage for OT. but everyone in this is retarded.
>women r mYsTery!!1!WHat about being a woman is confusing?? It's extremely straightforward.
No. 1549200
File: 1654377103616.jpeg (277.35 KB, 828x1020, 926784F4-8FAD-4459-956F-F10649…)

a he/him i went to school with kek
No. 1549243
>>1549109Yep it's pretty obvious part of being a fakeboi is NLOGism. Putting other women in a box so they can pretend to live outside one, instead of growing self confidence or a personality.
>my compassion for women improved 1000% when I realised I wasn't oneSo she projected her self hatred about being a woman onto other women, and only managed to stop when she convinced herself that akshully she's not a woman. So brave!
No. 1549297
>>1549118>I felt so gross and like I was fetishizing themwell… you are, sister.
>>1549247i think this was discussed in another thread (maybe several threads ago) but i wondered that too. apparently it's a cope, either because T makes them ugly and unappealing or because they experienced sexual harassment/assault and think that they only got targeted for being pretty and not for having a vagina. basically danger hair to emulate danger color in
toxic frogs and shit.
No. 1549623
File: 1654400070831.jpeg (321.14 KB, 1536x2048, BD8B6597-9BB3-4AEF-9208-3F8768…)

Dorian Electra comes to mind
No. 1549627
>>1548704This is the most disgusting ftm surgery that I have ever seen. This might actually be the worst. Imagine being the supportive boyfriend and then seeing this gross shit. If he hasn't already, he should have run for the hills.
>>1548835Exactly. I see no point for this attachment. It looks like a birth deformity. This is body horror. It makes me want to throw up thinking that she probably wants to stick it up someone's ass.
>>1548945I think that is a poorly drawn sponge, to soak up blood with. Looks like she is trying to mimic Omocat's art style. Wouldn't surprise me if she was a fujo that followed her.
No. 1549686
>>1549623Probably the worst thing about these freaks is that they will have you thinking a surgery that results in THIS is some nbd, casual thing (and the doctors fucking agree with them). Young bi/lesbian girls are absolutely fucked. Imagine you come out and this is your first glimpse of your supposedly safe and loving community, and if you're uncomfortable with your growing body or have trauma to do with your breasts, your friends are telling you to just get them removed in a simple cosmetic surgery that all the cool progressives are getting.
Not to be a wimp but I'm getting to the point where this is legit body horror to me, not to mention the tenacle upthread.
No. 1549716
File: 1654408298631.png (Spoiler Image,4.01 MB, 1334x2195, uggo.png)

Reminds me a bit of my personal cow, Raichel Wolfe / Charles Vincent Wolfe / VCR_Wolfe
No. 1549731
File: 1654411045861.jpg (15.49 KB, 540x611, tumblr_c70c38fcd2084346d31f952…)

>Unable to comprehend or relate with actual men
>Chooses product that sounds like Little Timmy's first deodorant instead of something an adult would use
>Still wants to be femenine but as a gay boi uwu
Holy Christ, I will never not be amazed by the way TiFs are so tone deaf about actual males. Do they legit believe that fully grown men, even the most femenines of gay twinks, act like Disney star boys?
No. 1549738
File: 1654412478719.gif (73.66 KB, 851x642, 3C0AC4BB-5024-43BF-9858-4AAD72…)

Actually kek’d at this one. It could be satire
No. 1549771
File: 1654415977656.jpg (224.46 KB, 596x597, Untitled.jpg)

a troon from my country living in the UK who also has a bf who now is a troon too. i was totally not surpised as he seemed to be into crossdressing/sissy shit. they are in an open relationship but haven't managed to date anyone else for years. wonder why
No. 1549813
File: 1654419919984.gif (86.94 KB, 851x642, 2011-06-06-Gender-At-Rest.gif)

>Some of the best days are when I don't even end up thinking about gender.
Gee, I wonder why! If only she thought more deeply about that and realised that gender is a sham and you can dress how you want without it having to be your whole identity.
No. 1549878
>>1549873Honestly, this whole place looks like a joke. Stuffed animals and stim toys at a tattoo place? Seems unsanitary. I've worked in tattoo shops for over 10 years now and if I walked into one and saw this level of childish unprofessionalism, I'd walk out. It makes me shudder because they're so big on being 'welcoming' and women owned, but this is laughable… There are plenty of women owned shops that arent like this at least.
And why do they always advertise their autism?
No. 1550024
>>1549686This happened to me. When I was buying sports bras for a heavy labor job, I was complaining to my ex (who began drinking the troon koolaid too much and eventually transed later as well) about how I was uncomfortable with my breasts and hated how sexualized they are by society, and the first thing my ex suggests is “maybe you have dysphoria and are trans and should start looking into that”. WTH? I was already sort of a ‘
terf’ at this point so I kept trying to explain to my ex that no, I’m not a troon, I just hate the sexualization and objectification of breasts, and how I did not want any attention to be drawn to them, for fear I would be sexually harassed or looked at in a gross way. It just went one ear and out of the other, and it really hurt that someone close to me, my ex, really kept repeating I should think about if I’m trans and to get surgery to remove them. I can’t imagine how the poor girls and women feel who may not understand yet the effects of misogyny from society, being told by peers that because they have discomfort around their body, they might actually be “boys” and to just cut off their breasts.
No. 1550147
File: 1654453337173.jpg (1.18 MB, 1338x2220, 22-06-05-19-20-47-959_deco.jpg)

I'm so tired
No. 1550165
File: 1654454241572.jpeg (Spoiler Image,2.2 MB, 1339x1952, 4F568B8B-1F3C-42EF-A8D9-4D420C…)

Internalized misogyny driving girls to self harm. Nothing new or progressive.
No. 1550242
File: 1654459660851.jpg (Spoiler Image,519.56 KB, 2048x2048, FUT5dqqVUAUPeSP.jpg)

Imagine hurting yourself like this for a limb meat flap that you cant use for shit
No. 1550254
>>1550242Not to mention everyone will either instantly know that you're trans and that you had the surgery, or they'll ask what happened and you have to tell them about your meat roll or awkwardly explain it away/lie. Your arm is also permanently damaged so you won't necessarily be able to workout, play games, work, do house chores or perform hobbies as well/at all again.
A person wanting this surgery is in itself proof that they're not mentally well enough to have this surgery.
No. 1550265
>>1550242guys wth…i don't know anything about skin graft surgeries, but why are some of these arms (especially far bottom left) look so horrific? I guess there are a lot of layers to the skin, but it's like they cut out fat or something, so many of these are bulging arms and then a harsh strip close to the bone. My wrist is almost as thin as some of these after-photos and I'm not underweight, what does a surgeon do in that case?
>>1550254I think TiFs put less emphasis on "passing" than TiMs do. I see a lot of cope art by TiFs that these giant scars are somehow a thing to be proud of, like a "trophy" for making it so far into the trans journey (insanity). I suppose because they know deep down, people will always know they are female.
No. 1550280
File: 1654461101947.jpeg (716.85 KB, 2048x1669, FUXt33IUYAEEd8M.jpeg)

Repost from kiwi farms kek
No. 1550285
>>1550242is there really no better spot to take fat from? why such an obvious to see spot and one that fucks up a super important bodily function (using your arms)
complete insanity
No. 1550316
File: 1654463279095.jpg (223.53 KB, 660x925, tin-foil-hat12.jpg)

>>1550285>>1550298well, i genuinely believe that corrupt medical/drug companies are taking advantage of the tranny craze and thats why theyre approving so many dangerous surgeries, and so, of course they have to take the skin from an area that will cause more problems in time so they can get even more money. these people are literal guinea pigs generating profit.
No. 1550351
>>1550277>she felt really sexualized>she was already an established sex worker Ah, such an insolvable quandary! Clearly there was no other solution than cutting her breasts off to solve it!
For real tho, its not the first TIF I see complaining about being uncomfortable being sexualized by moids, a real issue, but then do sex work or post constant porn of themself on SM, which seems like a 100% self-created issue.
No. 1550357
File: 1654465791371.jpg (342.19 KB, 1080x1804, Screenshot_20220605-144811_Chr…)

Decided to check up on my favorite fat, soft, feminine fujo cow twannyboy and this shit was everywhere
The comments are full of self hating girls praising the scars
I really hate the internet now this shit is so bleak
No. 1550368
>>1550316sure I'll agree with the fact that big pharma is now content to take their money, but this tranny craze has been going on independently from their involvement I think
I simply don't believe they have orchestrated this whole thing from the ground up, it's just easy to co-opt now
especially the therapists can just hop on the bandwagon by saying they are now gender specialists, without any extra effort required on their part
No. 1550371
File: 1654467016478.png (Spoiler Image,315.22 KB, 643x636, pp.PNG)

>>1550285They can (and sometimes do) take a thigh or even lower back skin graft, but the arm skin is more sensitive, so there's more hope for some sensation in the frankenpeen.
And yeah bc of the mainstream visibility of trans stuff, nearly everyone is going to look at your freakish scarred arm and instantly clock you as trans. I saw someone in a local shop the other day who at first glance looked like a normal mid-40s moid (albeit with bizarre green curly hair that no sane adult man would ever wear), but then I noticed the tattooed-over arm scar. There's no hiding it.
And all the expense and pain and medical complications only get you a deformed non-functional skin sausage which has little sensation (if any) and can never possibly pass for the real thing. I'll never understand why they don't just get something like picrel, which is vastly cheaper, more realistic, and doesn't involve mangling their genitals.
No. 1550413
>>1550371>the arm skin is more sensitive, so there's more hope for some sensation in the frankenpeen.So they do this insane arm butchering with real risks for the TIF arm's strength and mobility, without saying anything about the disgusting esthetic results, only in the fleeting hope that the oversized flappy flesh balloon that can't penetrate anything and that no one want anything to with sexually anyway might maybe have more sensation!? I thought that they didn't do the back or thigh methods more often because they had some real draw backs and the arm method was medically superior, but this is really short-sighted and irresponsible on the surgeon's part, trading an arm for the potential for more coom.
But then the whole transgender trend is short-sighted in the extreme.
No. 1550504
>>1550024Good for you for not falling for that kool-aid. Men are retarded and incapable of their own thoughts. A woman complaining about their breasts being painful and sexualized means troon? Ok, how about we change society so women dont have to feel uncomfortable in their own bodies, not force women to change. It reminds me of the 'no, the children are the wrong ones here.' from the simpsons meme.
>>1550165This is so sad. Men troon out because they're porn sick scrotes. Women always do it to try to escape sexism. There's such a massive issue with women who need mental help to deal with this.
No. 1550522
File: 1654476327933.jpeg (86.1 KB, 768x1024, B1535B66-0410-4166-8518-969CDC…)

Why are they always obsessed with children’s media?
No. 1550551
File: 1654479497832.jpg (242.35 KB, 1080x1031, Screenshot_2022-06-06-02-35-37…)

On jammidodgers recent vid about bottom surgery. The cope.
No. 1550566
>>1547955Late boomerposting, but this has been true for decades. In the 90s, butch/masc lesbians were ostracized from lesbian groups, and told they were "doing it on purpose" as some sort of tryhard behavior to "prove they're as good as men", which made them "actually sexist". The only acceptable lesbian was a very neutral one (aka, the Soccer Mom: normal feminine but with a short haircut).
It's not the entire cause of Tranny Event Horizon, but it seems pretty common that lesbians/queers refuse to recognize this anti-masc shit or take any responsibility for it. "Other people may have done that, but not me~~"
I feel bemused every time I see these online comments praising "soft butch uwu" etc, because damn, I almost never saw ANYONE who thought butches were attractive.
No. 1550664
>>1550551they'll regret the physical complications and cancer, give it some years
>>1550357man this sucks the art could be fine if not for the trannery. seeing a good artist waste their skills is sad
No. 1550683
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Lips looking like they’re blowing spit bubbles wtf
No. 1550686
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I think this enby from the What Is A Woman documentary is the most pathetic handmaiden in the world.$/download/whatisawoman/5375ab943b8ad7a50aca201181d94d21d24d71fe No. 1550732
File: 1654500155614.png (425.9 KB, 948x518, whatisawoman.png)

>>1550686I hate the "I'm not a woman so I can't answer that question" argument that she and a bunch of other people in this documentary use.
The most insufferable person (even though they were all very rage-inducing) to me was probably the gender studies teacher, I kek'd when he amost started crying because he felt violated and threatened by a simple question.
The worst part of this documentary for me was all these people pretending that reality is somehow subjective, that we can all have "our own truth" yet these are the same people who will scream "disinformation" as soon as you question anything that doesn't align with their worldview. I have no hope left for the western world
No. 1550805
>>1550331And who is it popular with?
Thats right! onlyfans whores and they/thems.
No. 1550842
File: 1654513989951.jpg (405.39 KB, 985x1798, Screenshot_20220606_140946_com…)

99.9% of the population wakes up and do not immediately 'feel' like their gender. I feel tired and annoyed at having to get up and go to work, not a single thought crosses my mind about how I feel like a woman.
No. 1550854
>>1550732This guy made me want to leap around my living room like an ape and start screaming. I had an ex who was on a bullshit "women" and gender studies course and their arguments are the exact same circular nonsense and they both also assume that anyone looking for the truth is being mean and a bully.
>>1550842By her own retarded logic, doesn't that mean she isn't non-binary? Given that she didn't feel male or female either?
No. 1550952
>>1550316I completely agree with you, tinfoil-nonna. The aftercare for that stuff will bring in more money than therapy could ever provide, because therapy might "heal" them one day. It's funny how much money could be made with trannies, guess I will have to think of my own way to milk some cows.
>>1550371>>1550474Honestly, I was thinking about a skin graft for my self harm scars some weeks ago and that is one of the reasons I'll never do it. I'm more okay with people assuming that I have BPD (which I don't have) than them thinking that I was a woman turned into a man and now being a woman again. It's sad how hard they make their own lives and those of other people, too.
No. 1550979
File: 1654527944776.png (Spoiler Image,841.91 KB, 814x669, 05BBECAF-EA4F-4E3A-8EBE-D7D21E…)

NSFL found a surgery pic of what the arm looks like during surgery for the sausage noodle graft. It’s fucking bad.
No. 1551019
>>1550316The pharmaceutical industry created the tranny craze in the first place. Everyone failed butches, completely abandoned them in the 70's, purposefully ruined working class bar culture, even radfems barred butches from meetings (no, the polilez shit doesn't count, they fucking hated butches too, read a book, they literally spell it out how much they hate butches). So the pharmaceutical industry preyed on them in a vulnerable moment. Welcomed them with open arms, found ways to monetize the hurt. Polilez worship of behavioral femininity and hatred of butches led to third wave cultural liberal feminism and general femininity worship (it also led to retarded ideas like "sexuality is fluid", since polilez started with the "it's a choice" bullcrap). So it became progressive to shit on gender nonconforming women and see it as a form of treason to be gender nonconforming. Then the tranny craze exploded even more and it also got popular with (autistic) straight girls. It suits the powers at be too. Much easier to milk a group of undesirables for profit, than to actually substantially change society to be less hostile to gender nonconforming people.
No. 1551117
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i can’t stop laughing help kek
No. 1551155
File: 1654539197240.png (31.85 KB, 508x612, IMG_3587.png)

>>1551117refrainbow (the artist/author of the boyfriends comic) is such a cow. she is a tif and a proshipper who used to draw incest and necrophilia art, and drew porn of jungkook from bts when he was a minor. the jock character in boyfriends (the one getting his makeup done in that drawing) is also based on member of bts, see picrel. the goth character (the one doing jock's makeup) is refrainbow's self insert, who is canonically a tif who never gets bottom surgery and all of the actual gay men in the comic constantly talk about how hot they find her body and how she's better than any other man they've been with. basically the entire comic is self-insert fanfic about jungkook and her tranny oc
No. 1551166
File: 1654539644000.png (85.69 KB, 660x716, bts.png)

>>1551159oh kek sorry i'm retarded
still it's basically bts self insert fanfic either way though. she drew porn of all of the members of bts, jungkook was just the only one who was a minor at the time so she got the most flack for drawing him
No. 1551564
>>1551517That's kind of like saying the American civil war was about states rights to try and avoid acknowledging it was the state's "right"
to have slavery. Both sides can get pretty cringe but imo there's no reason for someone to explicitly identify as a "pro shipper" unless they want to defend a pedo/rape/whatever ship that would be opposed by the "antis." there's just no reason to invite the backlash that follows the title unless you're someone who really values that stuff.
No. 1551802
>>1550805and 2020s emo kids, cyberpunk fans, half the millennials I meet and my hippie cousin.
Just because most Aidens and OF girls have septum piercings it doesn't mean that they're the only ones that have it. It's just the piercing du jour atm.
No. 1551895
>>1551864What the previous nonnas said, but also they always identify with men from women-created or at least women-targeted media, and so with men who are totally unlike any moid in real life or like a man written by a man, be it the yaoi ukes who are weird male-bodied women or the sensitive, utterly kind males in slash or other media.
Is it the female form of AGP, desiring an ideal man that they would want to date and who has all the qualities of women and none of the defects of men, which somehow become identifying with him and then wanting to become him? Or is it just envy and desire toward the physical strength, freedom and respect that males get in our society?
No. 1551934
File: 1654604591773.jpg (Spoiler Image,75.68 KB, 800x800, 285799108_1180245379426513_546…)

Totally looks like the real thing and totally worth mutilating yourself for
No. 1552063
>>1552005I went to undergrad for performance art and since I graduated about half the girls I knew trooned out or defaulted to "they/them." Doesn't suprise me in the slightest. Sad that talented female singers and stage performers–
Dorian among them, honestly, she's not bad–feel the need to do this to be taken seriously as artists.
No. 1552080
File: 1654613738412.png (74.5 KB, 483x431, FUp10v0WAAE7MRl.png)

Zero sympathy yet they think they deserve everyone to cater to them. Disgusting people
No. 1552082
>>1552018Because they all rot off kek
Joking (maybe) but I have seen a “finished” one a few threads back, by a Ftm trying to be a “gay bear” wearing gardening gloves and having hair everywhere. It still looked like a moldy floppy sausage. They never look good even “healed”.
No. 1552086
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>>1552080This reminded me of a post I saw yesterday on detrans, someone sent this to a girl there. Troons are their own worst enemy, attacking literally everything who doesn’t bow to them or who breaks free. No. 1552108
>>1551895Some very good points nonna. The thing that made me think about this was I was watching this Twitch Livestream of this girl who brought on her friend who is trans-identified and throughout half of their talk, she was going on and on about Spider Man and using all this gay lingo because she considers herself a "gay" man ("Gay Transman") and it was just annoying and obnoxious but with the way she was geeking out over Spider Man and how obsessively into it she was, it made me feel like she might've imprinted on this character or something… And it made me thnk of other "trans men" I've come across and noticing how many of them seem obsessed with male characters from media and not so much real life.
Side note, does anyone else cringe with the deluded women who think they are gay men and refer to themselves with gay stereotypes like calling themselves "twinks" and "Bears". Heck I saw one unironically refer to herself as a "himbo" (I know it's not necessarily a gay term) and I just can't help but mega cringe at the delusion and was wondering if others have the same reaction kek
No. 1552119
>>1552004>Obsessed with JRockI admit that I must've missed this. I was really into Jrock back in the late 2000s but I never frequented any boards or forums around it so I'm assuming that's where these troon women were? Were they really thinking they were men because they wanted to look like JRock musicians? Or were they the Fujo crowd?
>Obsessed with Kpop menNow this I have seen. They spread so many gay memes and crap about them and how they relate and want to be (insert Kpop member).
>ver half of the ones I know are white girls who think they look like korean menThat sounds funny as hell. The delusion must be unreal for you to put up with when you're around them kek.
But taking this into account, JRock musicians KPop idols are still acting to a degree. Like they're exaggerating their personalities for the gimmick of their music and these girls are attaching to that rather than the guys themselves. Like would these girls still be obsessed with them if they got to know who they really are and learn that they aren't all that animated in their day to day lives?
No. 1552137
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>>1552109They say that those guys have “trans masc” energy, mainly because of shitty stereotypes and whatnot. Here is a tumblr post about Jack Black at least, bc I could remember saving it at one point. Sorry it’s long as hell or if it was posted already.
No. 1552182
>>1552119They were first just fujos crossdressing or cosplaying but many would evolve into full on troons. I know many Jrock cosplayers who have done all the troon surgeries now, it's really sad. A site similar to myspace had these weeaboo meetups that were full of them, but I've heard there were forums too. The obsession was pretty much always someone like Ruki or Kyo or whatever short japanese moid lol, I guess because it was more "realistic" because of the height? with koreans height seems to matter less though.
First the delusion was honestly heartbreaking as many were my close friends but I distanced myself when I realised there was nothing I could do. I believe autism has to do with why someone would not see through the act of a musician, back then I didn't even know autism was a thing but looking back it's so obvious.
No. 1552185
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No. 1552404
File: 1654629095998.webm (18.02 MB, 1280x720, Boyfriends. Animation Ground R…)
No. 1552434
>>1552182Got you anon, this makes sense. I'm guessing the site you're thinking of is maybe LiveJournal or Xanga? I vaguely remember these sites being popular with fandoms but I never was on them myself.
I think you're onto something about the autism thing. I'll be honest, I am autistic myself and in my past, I did obsess over media. Not to the point of deluding myself of thinking I was something I wasn't but just being hyper fixated on certain anime and video games. It seems like these unfortunate women don't listen to the common sense that helps explain and differentiate reality and fiction.
No. 1552439
>>1552404AHHH Oh my fucking god I've seen ads for this webcomic on YT but never actually watched a suspended scene on it. Watching this clip, this has FakeBoi bait/pandering to the max.
Men, even gay men do not talk like this. They don't talk like they are tropes in a cartoon but these fakebois don't understand that and I can see them latching onto this webcomic (if they haven't already) and thinking that acting like this makes them gay men.
It sucks too because I would find this cute eve if it's unrealistic but knowing how you just know fakebois would salivate over something like this brings on the cringe for me.
No. 1552488
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>>1552404I literally want to crawl out of my skin this is horrific and has straight fujo written all over it. Who is the voice cast?
No. 1552601
File: 1654642946143.png (3.72 MB, 2518x1889, 1632780831246.png)

Posting an oldie but a goodie because the OP pic reminded me
No. 1552611
File: 1654643945229.png (207.3 KB, 960x386, Screen Shot 2022-06-07 at 4.16…)

Pinterest comments under a post about dealing with top surgery scars kek
No. 1552707
File: 1654653544349.png (27.61 KB, 736x282, tif.png)

straight tif mad at actual lesbians typical
No. 1552767
File: 1654662231920.jpeg (Spoiler Image,710.21 KB, 750x1091, DB41F9DC-A855-4EB1-8483-17AF1B…)

You know what? Good for her.
No. 1552789
File: 1654665555841.jpg (536.03 KB, 1080x2400, Screenshot_20220605-063847_Twi…)

>>1552404This was posted by Webtoon's official twitter account for Pride. You can guess how well it went. Not only did it get ratio'd but also sparked controversy amongst LGBT people on there too
No. 1552802
>>1551155No fucking way, so this webtoon is actually being made by a TIF? That explains a lot behind the awful dialogue that no man talks like. Not even the more soft-spoken gay men act like the characters in this comic at all.
I'm not gonna knock on the art because I unironically think it's cute but it's just the subject matter really that is obnoxious.
>>1551155>Goth character is the artist's self-insert>gay men in the comic think she's so hot.Definitely Wishful thinking on her part since I don't know any gay men who would fuck a TIF and even if one did, he wouldn't really be gay now would he?
No. 1552856
>>1552404>the mallgoth talking with Shadow voiceI'm dying nonitas
Thank you for making my day
No. 1552878
>>1552853This kind of fujo TIFs grew up reading all kind of weird porn on the web day in day out all the while hating her own female body, so it's no wonder that she has all kind of dumb fetishes and an inability to parse or even imagine normal human sexual relationships.
>>1552845Kek that's the most hilarious part of the modern discourse about how BL/slash is totes queer representation and people who read the genre are fighting for the acceptance of the LGBT while actual BL readers exclusively read stories about cis gay men written by other women and have no interest in anything written by real gay men or for or by any other letter of the acronym.
No. 1552905
>>1552853Tifs are usually the ugly/awkward girls who don't get much if any romantic attention, but they still crave it. Poly is the dream that multiple people simultaneously find you hot and you can date them all like in an otome game.
Incidentally these types of 'polys' end up with tons of drama because every single one in the polycule sees themselves as the PC and the others as the love interest NPCs.
No. 1552908
>>1552853>>1552905i also can't help but think that many of these people are poly because they want to keep their options open in case they get a chance to dating up.
like these are awkward people who aren't that high on dating market scale but who still wish they could date someone better than what they can get but since they don't want to be alone they start these polycules with other awkward people on their own level who are all just waiting for the opportunity to jump ship if they manage to get someone better. like fakeboys are in poly relationships with each other while waiting for the real gay man to come along.
No. 1552926
>>1552707Oh no, lesbians want to assimilate? To be accepted by heterosexual society rather than judged and hated? To marry and have children and live the lives
they want? How awful! And they also don't want women degrading themselves with casual sex and kink? Wow, that is just… I am appalled. I'm cutting up my lesbian identification card ASAP.
>>1552784Same. Working out at home has tit-pilled me, gym wear feels constrictive and itchy to me now.
No. 1552985
>>1552645Found the original post
>>1490219This is 1 year post op. Not much better than the non-healed ones. And this sausage casing is still after many revisions. She claims to “stealth” with it kek. And has apparently used it on people, which if true is very gross and those people probably got infections immediately
No. 1553022
>>1552968My breasts are only a touch bigger than the Aiden in this post
>>1552767 so for me it's never been a problem but I can see how women with average to large sized chests would find it annoying.
No. 1553082
>>1552878>Kek that's the most hilarious part of the modern discourse about how BL/slash is totes queer representation and people who read the genre are fighting for the acceptance of the LGBT while actual BL readers exclusively read stories about cis gay men written by other women and have no interest in anything written by real gay men or for or by any other letter of the acronym.And that's why these TIFs are so full of shit. It's clear that they just like the idea of masculinity and since being a tomboy is not in vogue anymore, they latch onto thinking they are men and use these women-written/women created stories of "gay men" to validate and satiate their delusions.
Like I said in another comment, I find it so telling that these TIFs don't ever seem to look up to men IRL. And when it comes to media, tend to avoid things that are geared towards men in general.
No. 1553166
>>1550024God I'm so sorry to hear that. I usually make race analogies whenever I try to explain sexism to people.
I wouldn't condone bleaching your skin to get people to treat you better, so why spend money getting your breasts sliced off?
No. 1553190
>>1552080So they're mad because conservatives use detrans stories to push their narrative? If I post my detransition story (I'm really detrans sadly, and nowhere near a conservative) and some random conservative karen uses it, it's my fault even if I didn't consent to have my story used? Wow! Way to
victim blame. So progressive!
No. 1553207
File: 1654708738616.jpeg (274.74 KB, 1563x1992, 20E0EA1E-1A40-41A5-9BCA-AEF706…)

Obligatory shitty comic of the day
No. 1553365
>>1553338she also kins him so it's mostly projection.
cynthia nixon's trans daughter used to be extremely active on tumblr too and is also obsessed with judaism. idk why tifs target judaism, but they do. i saw one on tv a few weeks ago, she said she's not converting to it but really likes its culture and wants to make a living out of it by studying and doing research.
No. 1553395
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Everything about her just makes me so utterly sad.
No. 1553399
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No. 1553405
>>1553365Autistic, trans and a kinnie? That's the terminally online tumblrina holy trinity, kek. What bothers me the most with this obsession with Judaism is that they completely avoid the bad parts while only amplifying the bad parts of Christianity (not caping for it, I am a convert but I'm not devout and I know all religions are fucked up to an extent). "it's more welcoming than Catholicism/Christianity" yeah? 'cause I grew up Mizrahim and around a lot of orthodox Jews and hoo boy, do they have choice words to say about troons and gay people. What amuses me the most though is the whole "I'm just speaking the truth! Christianity BAD!" while they bend over backwards to never comment on Islam, our fucked up Abrahamic cousin that's gotten out of control.
>>1553395Oh yeah, he looks really content in that picture there. Also I'm almost certain anons in this thread or celebricows (maybe both) commented that she didn't want to age as a woman. Aiden's are a hivemind.
>>1553399>just hasn't come out yetThis has the same energy as when these types tell us butch lesbians we're closeted straight men, kek.
No. 1553407
>>1553399they're trying to convert our fujosisters, this has to stop..
but seriously this is textbook grooming, majority of fujos are women that enjoy being women, ftm fujos aren't as prevalent as normal women in there.
No. 1553495
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>>1553395the article itself is tragic. she is in too deep and definitely will not detrans. she takes shots at dave chappelle, insists that juno is a queer/trans icon, whines about wearing dresses to movie premieres, and admits to being ana-chan. the interview ends with her gushing about eating broccoli for dinner. No. 1553509
File: 1654722765638.jpg (15.79 KB, 342x199, MR.jpg)

>>1553495I just started reading it and then I saw the shirt open picture and the "MR" tattoo. I read further and apparently it's her friend Mark's initials but it's hilarious to me that this troon is walking around with "MR" tattooed on her chest, kek.
No. 1553532
>>1552968I've got
very small boobs (AA cup?) and have 100% stopped wearing bras, including when I work out (I'm not doing any cardio, just bodyweight/free weight strength training). They just aren't large enough to move around that much. I can definitely see larger-breasted women wanting to keep stuff from moving around while exercising tho.
No. 1553605
>>1553452Because of modern dumb SWJ politics and the self-appointed thought police on social media.
Fujoshis can't just go and admit that they have a fetish for seeing 2 men fucking anymore, which is the real and simple truth, because gays are perceived to have more points in the Oppression Olympics than straight women, which leaves fujoshis open to accusation of all kind of thought crimes by other women who think that cancelling people on SM for consuming the wrong media or loving it in the wrong way is how you bring forth justice and fairness in this world.
It's really about protecting gay men at all, but rather about gaining more status in the current political climate, either by denouncing the double plus wrong fujoshis fetishizing gay men on one side or by pretending that they read BLs as ~queer solidarity~ on the other
No. 1553636
>>1547867I honestly think people are only accepting of gender non-conformity in women if it's "not a choice." Like it's okay for a woman to be masculine if she has the "excuse" of being a troon or being gay. But if you're a bisexual or straight woman who chooses to be GNC, you're treated like shit all around. Straight people treat you like crap for being "homely" or "weird," and ~kweer~ zoomers online call you an egg, accuse you of appropriating lesbian fashion, or shame you for being a "boring" bihet.
Radfems and other old-school butches are the only people who truly understand and accept GNC women.
No. 1553660
>>1553651Thank you, this. I’m not a fujo but I hate seeing people picking on women who are enjoying a genre that’s literally written for them and involves fictional characters. Meanwhile, scrotes are obsessed with lesbian porn, and as we know a huge majority of women in porn are raped, trafficked, and generally treated like absolute shit. If someone is developing an actual addiction to BL or is questioning their gender bc of it that is a reason to show concern for for them, but I get so sick of people acting like it’s anything like the way moids relate to lesbians and pornography that fetishizes them using real women, especially when it’s so fake and the women involved aren’t even enjoying themselves in any way. In the grand scheme of things, a teen girl reading her yaois in private has no affect on actual gay men, esp when gay men (at least in the US) are extremely privileged. Hell, men in gay marriages here make more money than any other married group because men get paid more. Does anyone actually think they care about some woman drawing anime boys fucking or whatever?
No. 1553695
>>1553660Thanks anon. I honestly think the hatred towards fujoshis is a big part of why the younger ones are trooning out; they do it to create a defense mechanism for themselves. We've all heard them insist that they can't be evil "fetishizers" if they're True and Honest gay men. That's why I don't understand the anons here who say that people need to be bullied for liking BL. It doesn't get these women to quit the hobby, it just makes them hate themselves more (thereby more susceptible to trooning.)
Bitching about how it "fetishizes homosexuals" also reinforces the idea that BL resembles real gay men in any way when it really doesn't. Maybe fewer of them would troon out if they understood that the kawaii bishonen they aspire to be have more in common with women than they do with gay scrotes IRL.
No. 1553738
>>1553722"about us" oh man you gotta love the TIF forced teaming bullshit lmao.
>does it give me the creeps when some cis woman w no boundaries tells me how hot it is to think of two men fucking? sometimes!pretty sure women aren't visualizing your pubestache and vag combo when they're thinking about two anime dudes boning, jojo.
No. 1553842
>>1553695Agree. As a former fujo, I think fujoshi should just own it. Unless you're out there harassing real people trying to get them to play along with your kinks, who cares. Society is already so fucking hostile towards any sort of media aimed at women. Bullying fujos is just going to make them troon out faster so they can have their smut without feeling guilty about it.
>>1553699This is reminding me of some old slash fiction drama revolving around published m/m erotica novels (not fanfiction), where one slash author made this huge callout blogpost about another slash writer who was posing as a gay male but was
really female IRL and how deceptive this was. And then someone pointed out that the woman who wrote the callout
also published her own m/m fiction under a male pseudonym too, and she was all "B-but but I never actually
claimed to be a guy, this is different, and my pseudonym is androgynous ackshully, etc etc".
>>1553722Serious question: has anyone even heard of a non-TiF fujo who was into fakeboi art/fiction? Because I'm thinking that the audience for this is exclusively Aidens who are putting self-insert troon characters into their "BL" ships as a form of cope.
No. 1554129
>>1552885Hey! Sometimes they do have sex, as sexual surrogates based on the mutual understanding of one's burning fujo desires.
>>1552905>>1552908Basically this, but also their insecurity that they'd never be enough to satisfy someone for real so they go poly so they can get validation by being in a relationship while pre-empting rejection by downplaying their desire to be more than a sidepiece.
>>1553601Didn't you know? Being gay is a fashion statement, not a sexuality. That homosexual stuff is icky.
No. 1554146
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>>1553722>"ohhh it's absolutely horrific to imagine a gay teenager in a sexual situation" Okay but i was a gay teenager in sexual situations. that was my life. i wasn't bad or dirty or wrong bc i was a gay teen interested in and engaging in gay sex?Ignoring her "I was a gay teen" bs kek, What does this bitch even means by this word salad? She's having a mental breakdown over fujos saying that they don't want to imagine minors fucking and shit?
No. 1554214
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>>1554211God this is tragic. She thinks a man wanting to kill her for being a "gay guy" is somehow transphobia, and not homophobia (which she says isn't as bad as transphobia). He's straight up calling her "faggot" and she's like "must be because I'm trans!". She's probably just happy to have passed though.
No. 1554222
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No. 1554225
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No. 1554231
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>>1554229>>1554227The comics they make sound exactly like a tumblr post attempting to me meaningful and deep. No. 1554239
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Wow a button up AND flexing? I see the difference.
No. 1554241
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>>1554239>>1554240Why can't you just cosplay? Why does that make you a man?
No. 1554264
>>1553636>Radfems and other old-school butches are the only people who truly understand and accept GNC women.I'm sorry to derail the thread but I have to kek at this. As a butch lesbian about half of the so-called radfems I've met (both on and offline) haven't understood me and have accused me of all sorts ranging from copying men to being someone who will troon out eventually and I've seen them be even worse to straight masc women for it. The only true ally GNC women have is other GNC women. There will be exceptions and thank god there are but I trust no group, especially political ones, to understand being GNC when they themselves aren't.
>>1554256Sherlock, Supernatural, Good Omens and that shitty pirate show have a lot to answer for, kek.
No. 1554265
>>1554257I think you're absolutely right. All these "gay trans men" hang out in female-dominant spaces, so they aren't as exposed to male behaviors that are a million times more "
problematic." They're also subject to female socialization, so they're too intimidated to go after scrotes for being gross, and even when they do, men view them as nagging women and ignore them anyway. Hell, men barely even take criticism of their behavior seriously when it's coming from
other men. So Aidens just pick one people their own size so to speak and crybully other women because they're pickmes and/or top chickenshit to stand up to men.
Additionally, men use social justice to defend their own disgusting behavior, while women use it to bully other women mean-girl style. That's how you end up with the cognitive dissonance of male TRAs getting away with being dogfucker diaper fetishists while female TRAs run around crucifying women for liking BL. Women actually give a crap about how they're perceived by others, while scrotes will sacrifice literally anything to enable their coom habits.
No. 1554284
>>1554264If someone is calling you an egg for being GNC, they are categorically not a radfem. Conflating gender with stereotypes and roles is antithetical to radical feminism.
I'm sorry you've had those experiences. Sounds like the "radfems" treating you that way are actually just libfems who call themselves radfems because they don't like trannies. That's the upshot of more people peaking– radfem spaces are going to experience an influx of retards who use the label because that's what troons call them as an insult and not because the understand the basic tenets of the movement.
No. 1554292
>>1554257Yes, that's basically it, BL gets criticized in SWJ spaces because women who consume BL are massively present in those spaces, and those past years have shown that SWJ spaces are mostly about endlessly nit-picking your allies rather than standing up against real enemies, just like trannies always cry about TERFs genociding them and try to unperson us but do nothing about the moids who really do kill them. The narcissism of small differences.
Also it stays a topic because about everyone would agree that moids with lesbian fetishes are gross or at least won't try to defend it publicly but many people try to debate that BL is aktually a victory for gay men representation or a fight against sexism in media or what have you.
>>1554265>Additionally, men use social justice to defend their own disgusting behavior, while women use it to bully other women mean-girl style.That's a interesting point about moid solidarity and self-centeredness about their fetishes! But tbh on the female side, we also do have a hypocritical discourse defending BL using SWJ talking points coming from people who would eviscerate someone who was into a genre similar to BL but exclusively centered around, say, black or disabled people, but think it's ok when it's something they like. It's half that 100% SWJ standards are unapplicable in real life but half "what I like is good and righteous, but what others like is awful and discriminatory." Both TRA diaper fetishists and those kind of people are trying to weaponize SWJ talking points to validate their life style choices, especially in case of TIMs who were shown in a couple of studies to actually have way more conservative positions on feminism, homosexuality and race issues that non-trans men, to say nothing of women or even TIFs.
No. 1554306
>>1554284No need to be sorry, nona. Not your fault. I didn't mean to sound confrontational, I just hate that this is what it's came to - radfem groups being infested with libfems who hold archaic views on gender roles and think the sole purpose of the movement is hating troons. Like I said, I know there's exceptions and I'm thankful for the ones who do support GNC women. But for me personally it's not worth the hassle to get involved with these groups anymore, despite being predominantly rad leaning. I stay on the periphery and financially support some causes but that's it.
>>1554279I thought the same. No one sees a 5'1 twig like Ellen and thinks "faggot". If anything they'd yell "dyke" which would hurt more because it would remind her of her unescapable reality. Maybe I'm nitpicking here but as someone who does occasionally get read as male by homophobic moids I have never had someone threaten to "gay bash" me. Haven't heard that term in a long while, come to think of it.
No. 1554559
>>1554265>All these "gay trans men" hang out in female-dominant spacesThis is a very important point.
It took me awhile to realize that TIFs aren't actually trying to be like men, that they don't actually think they're men because of their percieved masculine interests. They often have typically female interests. Usually they spend time with other girls in fandom spaces and with other TIFs. They're simply trying to fit in with the other girls. And the current trend is being gender special.
No. 1554858
>>1554717See, and I was going to say that "someone wanting to do a cosplay means that they assume they can grow a gigantic beard" is a weird ass leap of logic, so here we are.
>Blackbeard was a real person with a real beardAnd? Is that supposed to be some kind of gotcha? If he also had a wooden leg, would you assume cosplayers were going to get an amputation?
No. 1554937
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Something that totally happened
No. 1554944
>>1554858Not to be autistic, but Edward Teach didn't have a wooden leg in real life. I don't know if he has one in OFMD because I have zero interest in that Tumblr pander-y trash.
Anyway, we all know this NLOG isn't even going to dry growing a beard. She'll just buy a costume beard from party city and draw a mustache on with eyeliner.
No. 1554968
>>1554937>>1554939TOP KEK. Even at a
glance no one would read her as male. And as someone who has got abuse in the ladies room, it literally never goes like that. Most women just call you a dyke or a freak and be done with it. She really expects us to believe that a woman got right up in her face and said she's hiding a penis? Jesus Christ, she needs to ground her fiction a lil bit if she wants people to believe it.
No. 1554978
>>1554937The way she draws herself and the way she looks aren't anything alike. If she gets fatter when she's older and keeps dyeing her hair blonde she'll look just like the other lady.
If it's real (it's not) the lady probably would yell at anyone who looks like a Tiktok influencer-wannabe chick about trannies for no reason since those two things aren't connected and there's a lot of women who look like her in women's bathrooms nowadays. Also how was she Male passing when the lady called her a Lesbian? This will age like milk, jesus.
Is this post implying older women yell at Autistic women in bathrooms for existing? Because she is gender conforming so it can't be that, and she's overselling the dinosaur wrist thing that Autistic people are said to have in every panel. That behavior will only be perpetuated if the only people talking about it frame it as, "at least I'm not Female anymore like she is, staying on the sinking ship of being not a TiF, unable to accept spergs as the same sex as them," instead of something established to exist already like Ableism. Very insulting to everyone involved.
No. 1555041
>>1554559Spot-on. I first started running into TiFs in the cosplay scene, where girls LARPing as idealized fictional gay boys have always been immensely popular with other fujos. There's really no equivalent with moids; I've never once seen a group of dudes all cheering and taking pics because two crossdressing guys are making out, but the opposite-sex equivalent happened all the time with fujos. I'm sure it's no coincidence that entire groups of female friends seem to all troon out around the same time.
>>1554968Yeah I don't buy it either. I'm far more butch than this girl and I've had women come into the restroom and walk right out (assuming they'd wandered into the men's on accident), or come out of a stall behind me and kind of gasp, but that's pretty much it. I don't think anyone is going to get up in some stranger's face and potentially embarrass herself by calling out someone who turns out to be an actual woman.
No. 1555497
>>1554858You were sperging about an actor having to wear a prosthetic beard. Obviously there are men that can grow beards and not everybody is trying to cosplay as some actor. You’re a retard for infighting in a shitty attempt to derail conversation on a dumbass TiF. Go outside.
>>1555455Every single female I knew that crossplayed as popular gay boys all turned into TiFs. Reminds me of when there were a thousand Dave Strider’s from homestuck kissing other crossdressers (usually Dirk).
No. 1555666
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A 'model' for a clothing brand I came across. She got top surgery but because she's so fat shes got some weird side boobage going on
No. 1555669
>>1555666the cow tattoo on her gunt. i'm in tears, god bless
but holy shit, how does she look at herself and think "i'm sexy"? she looks horrific. if she was wearing normal men's clothing she could pass…as a low functioning autistic mexican man
No. 1555695
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>>1555666>that tattooRemove the stone of shame… attach the stone of triumph!
No. 1555704
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Can someone please explain this shit to me? I legitimately want to understand the psychology behind it.
No. 1555724
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they're immature girls and women, they want to be seen as cute. you have some weirdo pervert ftms of course but this stuff really isn't on the level of the agp trannies, these looks typical girls drawings like you have normal girls too usually drawing themselves looking way more cutesy than they actually are
No. 1556037
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>>1554959She probably feels guilty for being white because the woke environment she’s grown up in tells her that being white, cisgender, and heterosexual means that you have privilege AKA you’re basically Satan. I think a lot of girls troon out, call themselves queer (while having only boyfriends) and nonbinary, draw themselves brown, and play up their 2% Jewish/Native American/whatever heritage because they’ve been told they should feel guilty for having white privilege.
No. 1556049
>>1554978>If she gets fatter when she's older and keeps dyeing her hair blonde she'll look just like the other lady.She must have internalized that being an adult white woman you're an annoying "karen". So in order to avoid that and being a
victim, she identifies as a brown trans boy.
No. 1556337
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>>15556665 year difference damn
No. 1556496
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>>1555695Kek I wanna be your friend
>>1555704It might be kind of interesting to be able to discuss this and the connection to things like rising numbers of FTM pregnancies combined with the special interest they have in being feminine gay men, but I don't know when that'd be able to happen off anon and outside of terfy circles because it's
Problematic Wrongthink to make connections or question things too much
No. 1556550
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>>1551864in japan the male gay crowd doesnt read yaio, they read something called bara which is about manly hairy men having sex. a lot of these girls have had their brain rot from yaoi which is just feminized pretty boy male relationships. the same way a lot of men get porn sick. No. 1556729
>>1556720I don't get that "it's ok because I'm the
victim in the fantasy!!" like it's a fantasy, it doesn't have to be moral, why would it matter if you're the perpetrator? kek
No. 1556762
>>1556665Actually pretty sure a lot of the fujos I knew who liked those pretty yaoi bois
were closeted lesbians.
It was true for me as well, kek. And that's the stereotype in Japan too.
I feel like the closet cases have a higher chance of getting over their troon phase before it goes too far. They're usually t4t anyway, not just because moids don't want to deal with them, but because they're also secretly not attracted to IRL dudes anyway, only other TiFs. Whereas the straight TiFs are often genuinely AAP (and some are into bara as well), so it's harder for them to abandon the dream of being an actual gay dude IRL.
No. 1557067
>>1556496Anyone who gets my silly little Simpsons reference is automatically my friend.
>>1556651I think it's also the result of the "ew, straight people" outlook that is so prevalent on social media. It's textbook repressed sexuality. They want to be desired as women in the most heterosexual way possible - impregnation.
No. 1557070
>>1557067Who would’ve thought bullying campaigns online geared against heterosexuality and it’s expression would cause harm to women???
Jeez it’s almost like bullying is bad or something.
No. 1557184
>>1556762>Actually pretty sure a lot of the fujos I knew who liked those pretty yaoi bois were closeted lesbians. And that's the stereotype in Japan too.That's absolutely not the stereotype in Japan what are you talking about kek The pretty boy/bishounen esthetic has originated in and is still a staple of heterosexual romance manga aimed at young Japanese women, predating BL, and so BL is drawn this way because it targets the same hetero female audience. It now appears as a gimmick in many other media trying to attract a female audience.
The stereotype about BL in Japan is that's it's porn for straight women, which in turn is seen in Japan as really funny and weird or even disgusting and off-putting as women aren't supposed to have sexual desires of their own or at least broadcast them, and all the obsessive excess buying/reading of the genre and squeeing over 2D characters is mocked as well because it's linked to being an otaku, which carries a big stigma in Japan as being anti-social, childish and undesirable.
No. 1557357
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Someone in the celebricows thread brought up TIFs loving Pete Davidson because he’s “Transmasc coded” and I had to do some mental gymnastics to figure out what the hell that means. Transpassing…
No. 1557466
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Some busted troon got a comment under her deformation surgery flex post from a man calling her a “deviant”, and obviously he was a soyful scrote posting himself reading 1984 and wearing fuck ugly trench coats so the troon jumped to make fun of him to her followers, and I hate stupid annoying scrotes just as much as the next woman but it’s just really poignant how this severely mentally ill woman is trying to dunk on a born male but is ultimately unsuccessful because she’s still the one who will never be a man. Kek
No. 1557517
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Chrabi aka Decoffinated who chopped off her boobs (picture was posted in some of the threads) is totally a guy and not just a girl with a mutilated body.
No. 1557543
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>>1557517Here her picture of getting her boobs chopped off for reference.
No. 1557578
>>1557562NTA but that is not what they said.
The goddamn issue is not criticizing men, it’s saying heterosexuality is wrong and you’re uncool unless you’re gay. With this toxicity it’s no surprise straight girls who have no friends outside fandoms end up trooning out.
No. 1557706
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Went down the 'subliminal' rabbit hole and look what I found nonnies kek.
No. 1557746
>>1557700Learn what "transracialing" and "en masse" mean, and then we can talk. Whatever self-hate some black women go through is not the same as low-level troonery where some terminally online fandom girl goes by they/them on twitter, and maybe cuts her hair while dying it blue all to get some online clout.
>>1557698Precisely! It's so bizarre to me because the "haha straighty" jokes are lighthearted. In comparison, a lot of homophobic sentiment has some real malice behind it. Hell, "men are trash" and "ugh I hate being attracted to men" literally almost always comes from straight women themselves because, like you said, scrotes are trash lmfao. These are the types of sentiments that come from middle aged women from all backgrounds so I'm not sure how tf this was the cause behind fakebois trooning out.
No. 1557748
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These bitches all have the same artstyle istg
>Transphobia: Is it good?
No. 1557766
>>1557614So far in this thread we've only seen the following reasons for following this path: fetishization of gay men (yaoi, straight tifs), the acceptance of being girly (usually just straight tifs), trauma (either), homophobia (bi/gay), insecurity (either), eating disorder (either but usually straight or bi), social contagion (adopting the new popular phase, usually straight), rebelion to be seen as different popular ala spicy straight (usually straight or bi, gay but only for more clout in lgb't' spaces). No one's really trooning due to people making fun of straights. It's like men saying women can't talk about sexism because it oppresses men.
No. 1557770
>>1557755It's not. Sorry that you are mentally ill enough to fall for troonery based on jokes though.
>>1557760Oh come on. If I am currently in my 20s and ended up on an imageboard arguing with other autists over the origins of troonery, then I most likely was online in my teens. I would have been a teen in the early to mid 2010s, which is when the transtrender troon crazy took off. Like I said, straight jokes and talking about how "men are trash" isn't new.
No. 1557809
>>1557789Straights aren’t oppressed you retard and even then that’s not a justification for bullying impressionable autistic teenage girls. “I’m sorry you are so mentally ill that jokes make you troon out.” Loving the
victim blaming attitude, how about we just don’t fucking shame teenage girls?
No. 1557842
>>1557833What the fuck are you even talking about?
>probably a tradthotWhere the fuck did you get that from, retard? Seriously I don't understand the uptick in schizo finger pointing. No, I'm not whatever anon was screeching about polilez "lesbians" or whatever the fuck. Also did you read my post? I'm not talking about lesbians and bi women bullying straighties. I'm talking about GAYYYDENS, STRAIGHT WOMEN mocking other STRAIGHT WOMEN because they think they're totally
valid yaoi boys. The reading comprehension is abysmal.
No. 1557874
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The Yeasty Bois
No. 1557879
>>1556708my TIF ex-friend is into shota kek
Started with Snarry (Snape/Harry)
projects onto the
victim boys
(sage) No. 1557899
>>1557890Gonna need a lot of autotune for those voice cracks kek
>>1557893Maybe they want larger ears and not ‘small girly ones’? I don’t know.
No. 1558022
>>1551864Late but I had two tif roommates who were obsessed with 80s goth and new wave artists, particularly rozz Williams and Adam ant. (Gen p Orridge too)
They kept trying to get my husband to wear fishnets and makeup, because he had a goth phase as a teenager. It was super fucking creepy.
No. 1558026
>>1557959Straight women are afraid to be joked about their sexualities, gay women are afraid of being beaten, excluded, ostracized, sent to conversion therapy, correctively raped etc. over their sexuality, don't get to see themselves represented often (especially if gnc or butch4butch), literally don't get mentioned during sex-ed (meanwhile gay men and trans shit is mentioned) etc. If they transition,
>they're just a self hating lesbian who fell to "globohomo corporate brainwashing" because she's a bad and weak person, no idea why she would even want to transition, no clue, could definitely not be heteropatriarchy.Straight women transitioning as a result of being on Tumblr too much and reading too much yaoi?
>Feminists shouldn't have shat on men so much, shouldn't talk about how fucking dangerous they are and shouldn't have made jokes online.It's obvious there are some tradthots going around.
No. 1558030
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>>1557517Lol I posted her before, she talked about removing a "unnecessary organ" was she talking about her chest or did she even got her womb removed?
What's so weird about her is that she used to be the most "uwu cute neet animu lifestyle" girl to being super insecure about being perceived too girly, I guess isolation and being terminally online does that. Picrel was a post she reblogged in her old tumblr (circa 2015/2016) sad kek.
ngl I really miss her old vibes No. 1558033
>>1558026>gay women are afraid of being beaten, excluded, ostracized, sent to conversion therapy, correctively raped etc.are you saying straight women aren't afraid of any of this? you sound fucking retarded kek. it doesn't matter if the reason behind the rape is conversion therapy/corrective rape or not,
all rape is rape and straight women have to deal with rape just as often if not more than lesbians do. every woman has to deal with rape, regardless of sexuality, and one kind of rape isn't more justifiable or moral than the other. it doesn't matter if the reason is conversion therapy or corrective rape or reaction to rejection or just plain anger towards a woman, all rape is bad and straight women aren't immune to it. stop trying to turn everything into a lesbians vs. straight women thing
No. 1558046
>>1558039women are punished for being straight all the time. moids only care that a woman likes
him, if a woman shows attraction to any other man or anyone else in general they sperg out and get violent (which is also why they don't lesbians, they reject them). it's entirely possible for a woman to be straight in "the wrong way." seriously just stop, straight women don't systemically oppress you and this isn't tumblr where oppression olympics psyoped lesbians into thinking teh evil straight women were in any positions of power to be plotting against lesbians nor is that how reality works.
all women are oppressed by
all men, gay or straight.
No. 1558049
>>1558046I get what you mean
nonnie but you’re sounding like asexuals/demisexuals (always all girls) when they say they’re oppressed because they’re raped to correct their ‘prudeness’, shamed for not picking a man to be with, forced into marriages.. that’s not oppression for being ace/Demi/straight, that’s oppression simply for being women.
No. 1558054
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>>1557959 I meant for
>>1557760Also picrel.
No. 1558056
>>1557755Sorry to bring back 'why black girls don't transracialise' but if it was medically supported and easy to get into, then a lot defenitely would. Now you would have to import shady brands or have a lot of money to get the products from sea. If it was encouraged through pharma and as easy as starting to transition…
As a teen I looked into what Jackson did. Glad I was forced to grow out of it without a chance to inject myself with something.
No. 1558062
How did lesbians become part of this conversation? If it's about straight girls trooning out because they're ashamed of being straight, what the fuck does that have to do with lesbians? Like this anon said
>>1557842 it's usually straight girls with internalized hate projecting onto each other.
>>1557959>>1558026They didn't say anything about lesbians or gays. I don't get the comparisons.
No. 1558064
>>1558061How am I a polilez for saying that heterosexuality isn't a persecuted sexual orientation? I didn't say sexuality is a choice or that women should stop being straight or that straight women aren't oppressed. Just not for the heterosexual bit.
>>1558062Not in this specific conversation, but I've seen the shitting on HSTS TiFs here and other threads, where they get
victim blamed, can't even mention how SSA is persecuted without being called a polilez. Meanwhile straight women transitioning is all the fault of feminists talking about how women are oppressed and some teen girls making jokes online about heterosexuality?
No. 1558075
>>1558064Have you ever considered that maybe both are reasons that could contribute to a young girl trooning and
valid explanations? There's never just one true reason for any phenomenon and saying that it's all because of "same sex attraction being persecuted" seems extremely myopic especially since we know a sizeable number of Aidens identify as gay men and were normal straight girls before they trooned. Anons have already discussed in this thread the differences between straight and lesbian TIFs and I thought it was interesting. Maybe instead of obsessively comparing which has it worse you could understand that they're both bad phenomenons.
No. 1558077
>>1558072>>1558075I didn't even fucking say that is the only reason TiFs transition? My whole fucking point is that the impact of heteropatriarchal society on HSTS TiFs is downplayed regularly in this thread and others, they're regularly
victim blamed or treated like weak bad people who just fell for the "globohomo corporate conspiracy", just selfhating, no idea where it came from, silly lesbians just need to learn to love themselves. Meanwhile in reality the reasons why HSTS TiFs transition have been going on for over a century, it's not a new phenomenon at all. However when it's about straight TiFs, oh no it's suddenly the feminists fault for talking about how men treat women and it's women's fault for joking online about heterosexuality. Like I said in my original post, I think there are tradthots going around. Then I get accused of being a polilez who thinks straight women aren't oppressed at all, when I said it's bullshit to shit on feminists for talking about how men treat straight women?
No. 1558082
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>>1558079You're probably right
No. 1558095
>>1558065some TIM trannies who don't get clocked as men receive similar treatment like women. it's not a contest. we are all hated.
seriously, your point is exactly what trannies think about women when we talk about specific female oppression, that we are just evil bitches who want to keep all the oppressions to ourselves. somehow straight women recognize what bullshit that is and then turn around and do same shit to lesbians when they point out that hey lesbians face their own specific kind of issues. what happens to you if you admit that some women face issues you don't? what exactly do you lose in admitting that hey some women might have it worse than you in some aspects?
No. 1558096
>>1558095Same thing with white women in feminist spaces, they never want to admit
WOC might have it worse because someone called them Karen
No. 1558099
File: 1655029718223.jpg (77.1 KB, 850x400, quote-there-s-always-someone-a…)

>>1558096Probably was Audre Lorde's point and critique the whole time
Diclaimer, I'm white, I might be talking out of my ass No. 1558121
File: 1655034534605.jpg (249.99 KB, 1081x541, copium.jpg)

Our old friend Mr. GigaPenis69 isn't so active on Twitter anymore but she does have a Medium blog with which she's
"hoping to fix the disastrous representation of transsexualism through proper education surrounding the disorder and what it’s like." because obviously if you want to be well informed on these topics, a young woman with a picrew avatar is your best bet. She's only posted four blogs so far but I enjoyed her latest one in which her thinly veiled misogyny is used to prove that she's a totally
valid and real tranny unlike those whores with green hair and piercings. This level of copium might kill her before 41% does. No. 1558233
>>1558122Kek just goes to show that reading porn comics and AO3 fanfics all the time actively worsen your reading comprehension; I tried to follow the slap fight because I don't mind the yaoi sperging when it brings up interesting points, but the sperging anons were just arguing past each other and seemed unable to even get what the others were talking about. Fandom, not even once.
>>1558121Only doctors can tell reeeee Haha, seeing the tranny in real life instead of social media or at most seeing them naked in a non filtered photo will be enough for anyone to clock them. The disillusions those people live with.
No. 1558297
File: 1655053117271.jpg (54.54 KB, 656x330, Untitled.jpg)

trannies try not to jump to the most extreme goalpost challenge
No. 1558399
File: 1655061192392.png (935.06 KB, 665x933, Capture.PNG)

>>1558253100% it's a cope. There's zero difference between most "FtM femboys" and boring gender-conforming straight girls, but calling herself a femboy lets the girl envision herself as an uwu BL uke and mentally evade that internalized misogyny. Picrel.
No. 1558555
>>1558538Oh shit, I thought I recognised "Ethan"! I remember my ex trying to prove to me that transmen are totes real men because
"look! she does porn with gay men!" like those "gay" men wouldn't fuck a catchers mitt if you gave them $5 for it.
I actually find her quite cute and I hate it, kek. Being butch4butch in a world full of Aidens is nothing but pain. Shame there's no music vids though, I really wanna see that musical car crash.
No. 1558571
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>>1558566actually here lol
No. 1558609
>>1558581he's comparing transmen who want to center their oppression to gc ppl who say "drop the t" but also the second part…
>what rights for trans men are we fighting for that wouldn't be beneficial to trans women too?if this is true why is he so mad mad about trans men talking about their oppression loool
No. 1558659
>>1558121Idk who Laith Ashley is but using Blaire White and Laverne Cox as examples of unclockable trannies is hilarious to me. They both still look like men.
>>1558297How the fuck does one make a jump like this?
No. 1558745
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>>1558329Sage for Autism.
"Dinosaur wrists" isn't the right term and gives no results on Google, the right term is "raptor hands."
From some Tumblr, it says, "Raptor hands (also called raptor arms, meerkat hands, and many other things of this format) are a way of holding one’s hands/arms at rest. It’s when a person has their arms in a resting position where their elbows are bent… autistic people tend to be the ones who do this naturally. I’m not sure what causes it, but a lot of us find it much more comfortable than having our arms hang down to our sides."
It's like stimming in that it's mostly only an online talking point and is so little concern to most people diagnosed or who know someone diagnosed. There's some cartoon characters as of recent however who are animated with it to show the audience they're high-functioning without them saying it.
To keep on topic, some TRAs use this as proof that being Autistic and being a Homosexual Male are super-connected. Magically, this does not apply to the Autistic TiMs out there.
No. 1558798
File: 1655088645940.png (256 KB, 760x959, Screenshot_20220612-194943.png)

So you agree you're a woman
No. 1559025
>>1558972I've never actually seen a high functioning autist do it, but it's supposedly related to hypermobility which is common with autism.
>>1558798They use such weird backwards logic thinking it's a "gotcha" when it just proves they don't understand it. If a black person says they're white and does stereotypical white people things they're still upholding white racist values. By her logic this black person is "not conforming to black racist stereotypes" and that makes them "not black".
No. 1559192
File: 1655131096878.png (23.33 KB, 738x213, itsthemoustache.png)

>>1558895Oh my god, he wrote a full 20 tweets thread executing her delusion of being male and then going after the psychological underpinning of the tranny craze, which the TIF reads in full and reblogs with a weak retort, and it's here he goes for the kill kek
Again amazing how those oh so male women always have the most female way of writing, no man alive and not many women would have through of writing this kind of cutesy retort
No. 1559194
File: 1655131333662.png (82.9 KB, 878x318, E8C3CB52-76B5-4EFE-B6A8-0694C2…)

Girl wants to have sex as a man but her megaclit isn’t big enough, so she feels like she’s having sex as a lesbian which is sending her into hysterics.
No. 1559200
File: 1655131539486.jpg (36.72 KB, 750x745, shesnotunderageiswear.jpg)

And I looked into this TIF and of course it's a tiny tiny woman (and unfortunately, a lesbian) which looks exactly the way you'd imagine, from posting """"thirst traps"""" that looks they were taken by a 8yo boy because of her height and build, which makes me feel like I belong on a list for having them on my hard drive
No. 1559205
File: 1655131803332.jpg (97.38 KB, 736x920, whattransingdoestoamf.jpg)

>>1559200to that clinically retarded looking face that many TIFs get because the unfortunate combination between shorter female mid-face, generally softer female features and male facial hair pushes it firmly into missing a few chromosomes territory
No. 1559332
>>1559250Where's the misogyny? I didn't notice anything.
>>1559261She really is. I'm sure her gf is a basic lesbian who considers her a butch wouldn't want a man anyways.
No. 1559565
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second hand embarrassment
No. 1559628
File: 1655158213497.jpeg (164.84 KB, 826x953, B12C5FE5-8CE0-4501-9F7C-9C216C…)

Saw this posted in the movie thread and was wondering if anyone else has seen it kek I hate this so much
No. 1559828
>>1559597I’m not a lesbian but I’ve wasted 3 years dating a TIF (gotta be at a certain level of self hatred to settle for a narc troon.) I tried to make things work but it was never enough for her.
At one point she thought I was a lesbian because I was talking to other girls in a friendly manner but she was honestly so insecure (and very traumatized) about being seen as a lesbian. This is like a special kind of lesbophobia bc I swear she’s into butches yet the moment I do anything to make her feel “lesbian” then she’ll treat me as if I’m nothing.
Sage for blogpost
No. 1559842
>>1559834My bad, but I’ve already broken up with her for about a year now. As to how bad it was, she looked liked the chaotic trutrans like in the OP
I’ve been turning my life around and got into a relationship with someone that actually cares about me. I haven’t spoken to her since we broke up and I doubt that she cares that I’m even alive at this point. She only lives for people validating her mpreg fetish fics.
Sage for blogpost, again.
No. 1559846
>looked like the chaotic trutrans
>mpreg fetishjesus christ… the neckbeard larpers are the worst kind. glad you got out of an
abusive relationship anon
No. 1559861
>>1559846I’m pretty sure that I got gaslit into getting into a relationship with her if I’m being completely honest. I was emotionally vulnerable when we met and was dealing with a lot of shit from my family. So many red flags throughout the relationship that I could make a whole thread on lmao.
>finds out the ex bf that dumped her also trooned out into his dream anime waifu >proceeds to schizopost on why she didn’t meet her twanz gf>kins over 366228x skinny anime boys but is over 300 lbs>nearly passed out in the shower jerking off after discovering the magic of sarazanmai cop pornKeep in mind that I knew all of this after breaking up. Again, it takes a special kind of self hatred to settle for a self hating tif that “validates” her masculinity through consuming the bottom of the barrel porn you find in baraag. I look back now and I can’t believe how much emotional labor and bullshit I went through. It made me appreciate the people who genuinely wants to be around me, even my current SO who loves me for my
terf self.
No. 1559897
File: 1655178323206.jpeg (263.02 KB, 827x1428, A56DD53C-AC21-4B33-8598-4D773A…)

>can’t fathom butches calling themselves women
>favors butches mutilating themselves and going on t
No one hates GNC women more than the gender squad lol
No. 1559945
File: 1655182769579.jpg (155.16 KB, 707x678, Untitled.jpg)

i truly hate seeing a talented artist who draws a lot of sexy men sneak in their trannyshit
No. 1560009
>>1559945Same. I've been editing out the scars/flags and have seen my edits out in the wild, feels good.
>>1559987You must cater to them or become one of their gender crew (and THEN cater to them)
No. 1560034
>>1559907>>1559906She literally detransitions as the end of SBB and is happy to be called sister. The only ones who said that butches are practically men anyway were polilez (and rest of society), who then went back to men, had daughters who started the third wave while again excluding butches. Since the murder of working class lesbian bar culture by middle class polilez, butches haven't been accepted by other lesbians anymore either. You have to femme it up or transition and fuck off out of the lesbian community, because butch lesbians were suddenly seen as the only thing standing in between acceptance. Just like gay men have no fats, no Asians, no femmes, lesbian have "no butches", but at least feminine gay men have their own culture and events away from masc gay men, butch lesbians have fuck all. So the pharmaceutical industry preyed on the isolation. It's not the fault of one individual who happened to write about about transitioning and detransitioning, when the problems were already going on before that book and she just talked about butches going in that direction due to the death of working class lesbian bar culture and everyone listening to polilez.
No. 1560138
>>1560086It's autobiographical and at the same time an apology letter. Trying to explain the position of detransitioned women and why they would transition in the first place. Like a more modern "well of loneliness", talking about what isolation and butchphobia (idk what else to call it, since it's specifically towards masc women and girls) does to a butch. It's like after a lifetime of being told she's not a real woman, she started to believe it, that was her point.
She originally coined "nonbinary" for detranstioned women and female bodybuilders who roid, because testosterone can make someone look very ambiguous. It wasn't meant as an identity, because most female bodybuilders consider themselves just regular women who happen to bodybuild. It's about how you're perceived. She even talks about how most transitioned because they were trying to pass as men at work to not get too much shit, or to avoid lesbophobia. She talks about how she wanted to join radfems, but was barred for being a butch by polilez. Her claims about polilez wrecking the lesbian community, increasing butch isolation, are corroborated by other books like "boots of leather, slippers of gold" and several studies.
The weirdest thing about SBB really is a scene with a TiM which reads like pure fiction and idk why it's in there. Maybe to throw her lowest point in there, maybe to appease the TRA's, who knows. Yeah you can say the apology comes a little too late in the book, but it's autobiographical and not everyone is a master writer. I doubt she meant it maliciously, or else she wouldn't have included it in the book at all.
No. 1560263
>>1559877Absolutely. I feel like it's overlooked a lot how TIFs can do mental/emotional damage to GNC women around them. I've yet to meet a TIF (or any troon for that matter) who doesn't talk about transition nearly all the time and when they're talking (lying) about how amazing it is and the community they have that can almost make it sound tempting if you're isolated from other GNC women enough.
>>1559906It is. Granted a lot of SBB was taken out of context (like how troons only quote the parts when she was full on FTM) but lesbians that praise it seem to magically forget about the rape-by-deceit bit. If that's one of the true parts from her own life then she can rot. Butches live under the shadow of the predatory stereotype their whole lives, why should we be praising a woman who is part of that problem? Honestly I don't see any true regret about the gender stuff expressed in Feinberg's life either. Especially since she was content to call MTFs her sisters.
No. 1560294
File: 1655207680702.jpg (128.85 KB, 859x630, Feinberg73.jpg)

>>1560282I really want to believe that the rape was fiction given that Feinberg still looked obviously female like in picrel but back then people didn't really know much about trans people, and if they did they probably thought of the male ones. I just don't know what to think about it being truth or fiction but regardless, it's a fucked up thing to put in the book. I don't blame Feinberg for everything but I think SBB did impact the US butch scene quite a bit and it continues to make waves in the west thanks to the aforementioned FTM bits taken out of context that spread like wildfire online. It was definitely lesbophobia and polilez shenanigans fuelling the bulk of butches transitioning but I think SBB has played it's own part, even if it is due to misinterpreted meanings. Anecdotal, but I've met a lot of older butches on testosterone and/or had double mastectomies at lesbian gatherings or GNC womens gatherings and they love to hold up SBB as this incredibly important piece of literature. I partly get where they're coming from as it was nice to read about a butch woman even if I do disagree with her some of the time because there's fuck all out there for butches to see ourselves in. I just wish we had more variety so we weren't stuck with both sides of the trans debate dissecting and fighting for this one book. Fucked up thing is you probably couldn't publish something like SBB nowadays because it's not 100% in support of trooning out. Butch representation is doomed.
No. 1560487
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I yoinked another anon's screenshot from the lucinda thread. Someone on kiwifarms noticed activity on Soren Hayes' pinterest account. It could be a glitch or have some other explanation. If soren is alive that would mean she got her family in on the scheme and somehow got a legit funeral home to post an obituary so it seems very very unlikely… but still
No. 1560972
File: 1655257049024.png (113.26 KB, 760x587, Screenshot_20220614-183709.png)

Embarrassing behavior
No. 1561249
File: 1655282300812.png (Spoiler Image,570.44 KB, 525x700, Screenshot 2022-06-15 at 04-06…)

>>1561248forgot to spoiler :)
(:)) No. 1561288
>>1560294Fake or real the rapey content should just leave the book
I know femme lesbians on testosterone though… it's usually the ones who don't wear the pants taking testosterone somehow here
No. 1561346
>>1560282>most TiMsdoubt.jpg
Blanchard's research spans 40+ years and he assures us that many mtfs were AGPs even as far back as 1930s-1950s.
No. 1561439
File: 1655302650041.jpeg (1.38 MB, 1284x2268, 59F77394-27AF-44BF-AEC0-A9FA35…)

I’m aware this post is from MtF, but since the final sentence this personal claims to be a TiF I’m posting it here. Imagine being such a huge handmaiden that you go to the men’s sub to tell them what brave and stunning women they are while also saying woman essentially is meaningless. Some of these girls truly feel like gender traitors.
No. 1562039
>>1550522You know why,
No. 1562373
File: 1655356807046.jpeg (1.52 MB, 1242x2022, 526E7FD6-F4E6-47CB-B7E7-D350D9…)

i don’t understand why they have to constantly remind people that they had a mastectomy
No. 1562436
>>1562373Attention whoring at it's finest. Gotta remind people how speshul you are. I have a feeling this is going to catch on.
No. 1562565
>>1562382Even though that's pretty damn difficult (forgetting that passing in itself is an act of deception and denying reality), the current generation of them is so far off that goal. They live off attention which is why so many of them are terminally online. You often don't need a profile pic to clock them cause so many have similar mannerisms.
Ironically this fixation on being trans is why nobody normal will actually see them as the gender they want to be, regardless how much they pretend to be nice.
No. 1562676
>>1562521>>1562557I'm in the same boat when it comes to being clocked as male. Ever since the gender brigade started invading everything, the reaction to the reveal is now to try and "convert" me because they can't have a regular woman being comfortable (or as they put it, "You have such amazing queer energy!" or "You're too cool to be cis!")
The fun thing is that I usually get accepted as "one of the lads" because I want to chill and discuss whatever the community is for, and in fandom cases can hide my autism when it comes to screaming about how hot a guy is. Meanwhile everyone knows what they are, no matter how hard they push the he/hims on everyone.
No. 1562772
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Sage for blog but an update: my fakeboi sister bought a sex doll that is supposed to look like a woman in her 20s, she dressed and styled her doll like those anime characters picrel and acts like a "pretend boyfriend (sic)" towards the doll. She occasionally brings it to sit beside her during dinner in our parents home and holds its hand every time our parents said something "uncomfortable" to her. I feel this is unhealthy because she seems not mature enough. Nonas do u have advice?
No. 1562788
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sage for tinfoil
have any of you ever noticed how even the small minority of aidens who like stereotypically masculine media (fps games, filmbro movies) engage in it in a specifically feminine way? things like getting into a certain show/game for the sole purpose of shipping two male characters and turning them into hot yaoi boys, gay fanfics etc (all cornerstones of female nerddom)
example: i recently came across this aiden on instant gram who liked call of duty and i thought to myself huh well thats rare. i soon realized that she was not unique in her liking of cod as her only way of interacting with the fandom was making soft pastel gay fanart of the male leads. so basically: even when tifs try to cope by posturing as super manly dudebros by liking formula 1 or 2000s fps games or 80s shounen animes theyll inevitably reveal their female autism
No. 1562791
>>1562788It isn't a small minority, even COD isn't immune. There are many female COD/borderlands fans so naturally this group would act like fujos. The media they are being exposed to do not change their natural ways. You can expose a girly girl to some moidish game but she wouldn't do a 180 to become a tomboy overnight. And not everything is autism, sure fujos are autistic but. The only thing that bugs me is that they love gay/trap media while mtfs don't go into female fandoms to make lesbian ships.
>>1562782Is she a lesbian who have internalized issues?
No. 1562858
>>1562780I've gotten a few "omg so you're a transgirl too?" yeah.
>>1562788I've definitely noticed that too. It's always surreal to stumble upon the Aiden side of a fandom's stash of terrible fanart.
No. 1562886
>>1562772You have got to be trolling at this point. Pics or it didn't happen.
>>1562788Yes and as an autist who is very much into dudebro cinema and some dudebro games it's super fucking annoying. I just wanna look pretty screenshots and 2deep4u plot analysis so I can pretend I'm smart, not see shit like your picrel. Thank god for the block button.
No. 1562932
File: 1655409043621.jpg (Spoiler Image,364.49 KB, 1075x1777, IMG_20220616_214528.jpg)

Anyone remember Oliver (Trip now, I guess) criedwolves, the original tumblr fakeboi? She reactivated her instagram to hoe out fansly.
No. 1562978
>>1562918kek i asked a girl why she was upset people used she/her when she is a woman and made no effort to look otherwise besides cutting her hair short.
she closed anon asks and “logged off for a few days”
chafed my ass ngl cause she raved on about performing femininity and seemed really gnc then one day Boyname out of nowhere. silly bint.
No. 1562989
File: 1655412879979.jpeg (449.73 KB, 827x1436, 5F32FC3C-E5FB-494D-A9DD-E5735E…)

There’s a “butch” landscaping / moving service in Portland but afaik every employee is a tif or a literal scrote.
Most of them are my personal cows, their instas are ripe with gender bullshit etc. Just disgraceful to butches.
No. 1562999
>>1562951>YakuzaI miss the Yakuza 1-3 days. It was mostly men talking about the games online then, but I'll take sperging out with my fellow autists even if they are male over fujo Aidens clogging tags and discussions with shipping bullshit any day of the week. I avoid the fandom like the plague now. Sad state of affairs.
>>1562978KEK. I love the faux "break" from social media meltdown where they're almost always back hours later. I don't get why they get so butthurt over being she/her'd though when they make little-to-no effort. They really are conditioned to expect an echo chamber in which no one challenges them. Sad. I know how ya feel though; I hate getting my hopes up about a GNC girl who seems like she
knows only to find a novel length post about how she's always been a man deep down or w/e. Also you better write "sage" in the email field if you have no milk. Unsaged replies can get you banned, newfriend.
>>1562989Don't a-log, don't a-log, don't a-log, don't a-log, don't a-log…
No. 1563066
>>1562901Exactly why I would be clocked as male, even a gay man. Definitely tickles me how effortlessly that happens when I'm just being me, a gnc straight woman, while the TiFs put all this emphasis on "I'm such a soft gayboi u guys" only to 200% be read as female. I've been vagueposted about, it's hilarious.
>>1562999>KEK. I love the faux "break" from social media meltdown where they're almost always back hours later. I don't get why they get so butthurt over being she/her'd though when they make little-to-no effort.I like it when the only effort they put in is shaving their heads and getting pissed when someone thinks they're a poor girl with cancer.
No. 1563116
File: 1655421820195.png (49.19 KB, 786x347, 4C14F429-DFDF-48FA-A160-D2D929…)

I’d feel bad for her parents but they let a child get a mastectomy so my sympathies towards them are limited.
No. 1563119
File: 1655421981358.jpeg (173.36 KB, 1170x597, BDF47126-CAD4-4A18-BD6C-A2B171…)

Straight TIFs are so unbearable. You don’t want to be him - just say just wanna fuck him.
No. 1563183
>>1563096Does anybody know why they type like this? It is so fucking obnoxious, not charming or quirky like how they want it to seem like. To be brutally honest I get secondhand embarrassment from grown women typing like that, it makes them sound like they have brain damage.
>>1562676I really hate when this happens to me. "Omg you don't act like a caricature of a woman? What are ur pronouns?"
No. 1563245
File: 1655432122781.jpg (1.02 MB, 1912x1404, Untitled.jpg)

very manly backpack pins
No. 1563700
>>1563245Wait do moids who love hentai have the same bagpins too?
>>1562433It went a long way for the new TIFs to claim "uwu u don't need dysphoria to be trans" to getting "gender dysphoria" over the slightest things that remind that remind them of their femaleness?!?!?
No. 1564001
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>>1563116Lol I don't think anyone's going to have a problem not saying "he" to refer to this. Imagine going through a mastectomy & HRT and still looking like this. Her parents should be ashamed of themselves though.
No. 1564250
File: 1655502286236.jpg (150.7 KB, 1907x1080, fucking queers.jpg)

>>1564211So true. My wife and I have good careers, our own place, normie tier friends including straight people and want kids in the future and multiple people we used to hang out with have told us that we're "assimilationist", not queer (like that's a bad thing kek) and "betraying the community". It sure is a real headscratcher why we want to distance ourselves from people like that!
No. 1564299
>>1563700re: the pins, idk anon, i just find it really funny when an aiden attempts to be chauvinistic and stereotypically objectifying of women while also putting shit like "cum hunter" and other female coded things on their bags
i also dont think men usually make ita bags
No. 1564379
File: 1655511576778.jpeg (Spoiler Image,398.7 KB, 2000x2000, E395B670-F39E-45D2-87DC-6274C4…)

found this posted by a twitter user who draws spamton and full metal alchemist amputation porn
No. 1564467
>>1562788Yep, I've noticed this as well tbh though for me, I mostly saw it with comic books. Like when it comes to Spider Man and X-Men or many other Marvel properties, especially back in the day when Deadpool was popular in the mainstream because of the movie. A lot of these Aidens love to o their gay shipping
with the male characters, especially with Spiderman as of late.
>>1562951I've never played the Yakusza games but I have seen this as well.
No. 1564540
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>>1564299ita started with obsessive waifufags in JP before it got taken over by girls. I think it just makes things worse to think about though, because the only people shameless enough to sell their futures and bank accounts for fictional girls, especially in Japan, at first were men. Dedication through consumerism is a whole bag of shit not worth getting into in this thread though, could have just stuck with pointing out the coomer pins
No. 1564545
>>1564379I really hate how the trans crowd relates to body horror and uses it to feel "empowered".
Samefagging what other nonas said above, but body horror is and always has been such an inherently female concept. I wish they'd back off and find something else to cope with.
Blogpost, but on a related note–
in college I did an essay on how werewolves are closely related to women because of moon cycles / periods, and I got huge backlash from the transmen in my class. This shit makes me go ballistic
No. 1564603
>>1564545They've never seen Ginger Snaps huh? lmao
Even going red is on theme.
No. 1564708
>>1564379I actually felt a twinge of physical sickness looking at that. Also what is this meant to achieve? "oh you think we're mutilated and mentally ill? allow me to prove we are" fucking dumbass. Should've been a gif where the frankenweiner falls off for added realism though, IMO.
>>1564460Most of them had never been in a proper relationship and wanted life to be a party so they have little clue on how relationships work, let alone marriages. Last time I check at least half live at home with no job and two are unsuccessful onlyfans whores. I couldn't be happier to have cleaved this people from my life.
No. 1564842
>>1563245The kate bush revival sucks. I hate zoomers and stranger things
No. 1565151
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Sage for OT because I'm not sure if this was a troon but it reminded me of tifs, or at least what tifs wish they could do
>>1564833Yeah these lost spicy straights are really trying to turn the current lgbt community into "be who you want to be" not "be who you ARE". I'm tired of attenrion whore zoomers making up arbitrary labels and warping existing actual labels, all in the name of feeling special. I'm an older zoomer and feel like a boomer.
>>1564842Kate Bush's running up that hill song was in the troon TV series Pose too, but for some reason it didn't start a revival like this
No. 1565201
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No. 1565335
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who wants to bet this is a white woman
No. 1565339
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>>1565335op’s “””art””” btw
No. 1565466
>>1565335What "abuse", being uwu misgendered? Having been in a physically and verbally
abusive house I know words can sting too, but terms like abuse and trauma are so overused and misused by these idiots that I don't have it in me to believe them or to empathise.
No. 1565488
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>>1565396The con artist raped her by deception so I don't know how much kudos she deserves, but again, tifs wish. Its funny how a probable non troon has lasted farther than they usually do.
No. 1565492
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>>1565327I looked it up. Excuse shitty collage, on mobile. There's videos on it too but I'm not sitting through those. Yes there's growing pains and increased sensitivity, all for 2-4cm that wouldn't even pass for a micropenis, no matter how much they insist it does or how "sexy" they claim it is.