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No. 1642478
This is a series of threads about fakebois and trans-identified females (TIFs).
Fakebois are girls who pretend to be boys, either by becoming trannies or larping biological males (usually the former) Trans-identified females who are serious in their transition (a la Kalvin Garrah) are relevant too, so are their surgeries.
Fakebois style and present themselves as androgynous or feminine-looking boys, or wearing girls' clothing and make-up while insisting on being addressed with he/him (or occasionally they/them) pronouns and take great offense at being gendered as female. Some are SJW transactivists, but for most their identities are entirely superficial.
Back off all trannies and your dysphoria because no1curr.
Notable FtM-related subreddits: threads by order of recency:
>>>/snow/1611177>>>/snow/1585143>>>/snow/1565584>>>/snow/1541490>>>/snow/1509413>>>/snow/1474951>>>/snow/1432686>>>/snow/1400739>>>/snow/1366943>>>/snow/1338847>>>/snow/1303022>>>/snow/1251681>>>/snow/1208873>>>/snow/1137677>>>/snow/1095226>>>/snow/1032764>>>/snow/979294>>>/snow/895014>>>/snow/720444>>>/snow/570991>>>/snow/465430>>>/snow/276054>>>/snow/45564 No. 1642533
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>FTM femboy
what did she mean by this
No. 1642537
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>>1642534key word being "boys", despite being an adult woman, she purposefully makes herself look like underage boy, something coomer scrotes seem to prefer
No. 1642566
nonnie i don't have my tranny radar on 24/7 to sniff out troons while i slave away at my job. shes the only tranny ive seen that genuinely fooled me. we have 2 obvious ftms and 1 very obvious mtf at my job too
No. 1642580
File: 1662667465659.jpeg (185.99 KB, 1170x1436, Fb_G_K8WAAAlqol.jpeg)

This Netflix cartoon with a TIF lead is coming back for a second season (ignore the "renewed," it was a 20 episode order they split into two seasons)
Did any of the TIFs actually like this show? You have the obligatory OMG THE REPRESENTATION posting but I barely see any actual fan content for it, where as anything that's actually good will inevitably be overrun with terrible zippertit fanart of the designated sexyman.
Also there's two of the TIF lead now, another Onecest situation impending…?
No. 1642639
>>1642580christ the designs are so fucking ugly, imagine the L you would take if you said you felt represented/identified with them
if i was a tif id be too ashamed to be associated lmaooo
No. 1642665
>>1642351>effeminate gay boyWhat? He plays with firearms, likes to wrestle, and is obsessed and with action movies. Also he's clearly bisexual, but that's neither here nor there.
I wouldn't describe any of the gay or bisexual guys in the comic as effeminate. Jake's crying and cowardice at that point in the story is a result of the emotional breakdown he has after Jane and Dirk blow up at him.
No. 1642688
>>1642639These girls have incredibly low self-esteem, I wouldn't be surprised. Ever see their ugly artstyles?
>>1642647This. This is exactly it. Hell some of them are still drawing Stephen Universe and that show ended a couple years back. Ugly characters only count when they're uglyfing existing characters, apparently.
No. 1642698
>>1642661They pretty much only aspire to be non-threatening boys for a number of reasons:
-Men are scary in ways they know they'll never be.
-They want to be the quirky soft bf.
-A generally romanticized is of what a boy is.
-There's a sort of Peter Pan syndrome associated with transing in general, where you don't have to grow up if you wish hard enough.
-The majority of TiFs are under 30, especially the online ones we hear most about.
-Arrested development from being a painfully awkward teenage girl
No. 1642699
>>1642580I can't get over how objectively hideous the art is. Who decided that all the characters needed to be shapeless blobs with clown noses and zits?
Really baffling because I thought the creator of this show was some kind of TiF chaser too, and anyone who's spent any time around TiFs (or in fandoms that they've infested) could come up with character designs that are far more likely to appeal to fakebois than this thing.
No. 1642714
>>1642698Well yeah, I think they’re hoping towards something that they deem realistic or attainable at some point for them. The problem is that they become terminally online and it becomes some sort of roleplaying expression rather than something they strive for irl. Transitioning is a pretty serious process, and I think the ones that are afraid of the actual side effects (acne, excessive body hair, bottom growth etc) are going through a phase where they just want to escape womanhood but be some sort of softboy tender twink which isn’t really a thing outside of the fiction they read. They want to have their cake and eat it too, but unfortunately as women you will never receive the same sort of respect as men at any point. I believe if we reached a middle-ground where it wasn’t taboo to voice more fragmented issues of dysphoric behaviors (and whether or not transitioning could repair it or if it is an
actual matter of gender identity at all) rather than some sort of black and white war between trans-positive vs transphobia, it wouldn’t become an epidemic among teenage girls who regret it so deeply. I will always approach this issue with empathy because it’s just sad, it isn’t funny to me. We desperately need to have better resources for young girls so that they don’t succumb to delusion and make decisions that they regret. I myself genuinely do believe that transgender people whose goal is only to live their lives comfortable in themselves should be left alone but I never argue about it or try to get anons to agree with me. I just think lost teens need guidance that isn’t hateful or making a mockery of them for wanting to escape from misogyny. It can be infuriating but to be ridiculed in such a way simply for being born a woman sucks. I’m not saying they’re
victims or saints or anything but it’s really genuinely sad to see that we are living in a world that enables and encourages using us all as punching bags to the point that young girls think it will be alleviated through transition and when they realize it can’t it’s already too late and they’re left in a body they despise and cannot turn back. Transgenderism as some sort of decorative phase is cringe but the consequences can be so serious that it’s just depressing.
No. 1643012
>>1642989I have 5.
A lot of their transing dates back to tumblr 10 years ago, and teen me decided to practice my art so I could draw them the right way instead of giving in to what all my peers deemed popular and cool.
Definitely the right decision. Not even because of the trans lunacy, but it's led to many new opportunities and most importantly? It's just a thing I like to do. It gives me a sense of accomplishment.
No. 1643050
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>>1642550>She hates her own female body and is trying to escape it through fantasywith the way she flaunts her body on social media, I don't think that's the case
No. 1643051
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>>1642661>>1642698part of wanting to be boys rather than men is definitely due to so many of them being obsessed with twinks imo which is really an extension of the obsession with gay men and becoming the unobtainable gay bf
No. 1643060
>>1643050Lmao, I guess I thought this was one of those "chop off your breasts" types, I forgot about the "looks/behaves exactly like a woman, but is a totally
valid transboi uwu" category. Well good for her, I hope she grows out of it before she does something really drastic to herself
No. 1643081
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>>1643051Imagine risking your mental/physical health by taking testosterone in order to grow a ton of hair all over your body, only to shave it all off again because you have an anime twink fetish
No. 1643200
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>>1643193so just this but irl?
No. 1643236
>>1643051>>1643225don't they know that most "pretty boys" only last till their early 20's, after that they are simply discarded by the Industry, like the OG pretty boy who was in that one pedobait arthouse film, was literally considered too old when he was just 19
>>1643234>The actual problem is that horrifically unflattering haircutlikely on purpose, so she can look like a young boy
No. 1643245
>>1642989There are several good characters here. There's no shame in liking Frodo Baggins or Dorian Grey. The characters Aidens project onto are typically from whatever they liked before trooning out, so basically any IP is game.
Makes me sad to see Lestat on the list, though. With the new show coming out, you just know there's going to be a bunch of fuckugly fanart of him with titchop scars. Kill me now.
No. 1643438
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Genuinely so confused
No. 1643473
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>>1643438Mike Wazowki? The fucking eyeball monster guy from Monsters Inc? What?
No. 1643492
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>>1643438context, I guess
No. 1643540
>>1643492i’ve seen a few tifs get mistaken for tims when they say they’re tens and they’re like “so affirming they thought i was a man”
no they just think you’re ugly
No. 1643700
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Is this even true? Generally, “historical trannies” seem to usually be misunderstood gay or GNC people.
No. 1643747
>>1643700I'm sure thread regulars know but just a reminder that Eli Erlick is a man who raped women and who's
victim killed herself
No. 1643911
File: 1662763713549.png (67.44 KB, 1248x346, wtf.PNG)

I was looking into organizations that help poor women and girls, and many of the websites I visited referred to women as "menstruators" and "bleeders". Nonnas I'm fucking tired of self-hating women erasing us.
No. 1644162
>>1644066Tell us more.
The only TIFs I've seen praising this character are the hyperfeminine ones who simply slap on different pronouns… which seems to be telling, going by what you're saying lol.
No. 1644361
>>1644188You need to type ‘Sage’ in the email field only
nonnie. If your name thingie is green then you didn’t Sage.
No. 1644366
nonny I didn't know there was a Vampire Chronicles show coming out, I hate this so much. You'd think Louis and Claudia being black might have had a tiny bit of effect on the plot of a novel set in New Orleans in the goddamn 1700s lol
No. 1644655
>>1644531don't reply to scrotes. But it's true she could be cute if she did actually work out and dropped the moe catboy costume. tbh a lot of TIFs would have looked fine as regular tomboys but are under the (wrong) impression that the reason men don't like them is because they're "boyish" when it's actually because they're unsufferable weebs with poor hygiene who can't hold a normal conversation.
>>1644066Trans representation is a joke. If the TIF main and her boyfriend looked like bishonen they would like them, even if everything else was exactly the same.
No. 1644722
>>1642698You forgot
- the majority of moids are pederasts and being a preteen/teenage boy is a slight tier above (especially gender nonconforming or unattractive) women in the "being treated like shit by adult scrotes 24/7" department
No. 1644816
>>1644066Of course the TIFs hate it. It's like holding up a mirror to them. This design being made by a man only adds insult to injury. Their precious "cis" bro/king/dudes view them as doughy, titless, Steven-Universe-shaped blobs that, despite it all, are obviously female. And the regular women themies like
>>1644162 stated like this show because they don't see themselves and they aren't the punchline of a confusing joke.
No. 1644822
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trannies stop doing this to male characters challenge (impossible)
No. 1644872
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>goth gf
pick one retard
No. 1644880
>>1644816The kicker is that they will portray themselves as the doughy titless blobs fairly often, and they've even claimed Stephen Universe as one of their own since Rebecca Sugar said his plotline about his mother's gem was intended as a trans allegory… but now it's bad when an outsider does it.
>And the regular women themies like >>1644162 stated like this show because they don't see themselves and they aren't the punchline of a confusing joke.I'm that anon and I want to add: yep, all themies (she/theys included) with one exception… A fujo-to-FTM who is just a straight tomboy. She insists that yaoi merely gave her a way to express how she truly felt, there is no fujo > ftm pipeline. Furthermore she's one of the specimens who actually DOESN'T trans all the boys in her art, almost like subconsciously she knows there are differences between men and women and slapped zippertits and a pussy on a regular man causes an uncanny valley effect…
…all that to say yes, she also knows she's not part of the sick joke.
>>1644847They're "representing different kinds of surgeries" because body positivity!! (couldn't have been body positive enough to avoid unnecessary surgeries, though)
No. 1645008
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No. 1645064
victim of the fujoshi to fakeboi pipeline
No. 1645275
>>1643911I've literally only ever heard the most aggressive misogynists refer to women as 'bleeders'.
Watch me start referring to men as'jizz-drippers' and 'impregnators' and see how far I get.
No. 1645293
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>>1645275>>1643911there's literally an episode of criminal minds, where the villain of the week is a misogynistic serial killer who refers to women as "bleeders"
>The unsub is a white male aged in his 30s to 40s who, judging from his knowledge of circuitry wiring, works as an electrician or an electrical engineer, a job which gives him access to his victims' homes or workplaces and therefore enough time to observe them. He targets successful career women because he finds them strong, righteous, and unattainable, so he seeks to tear them down, reduce them to basic sexual creatures, and punish them. He is a clear sexual sadist of the anger-excitation typology, meaning that he becomes sexually aroused by his victims' suffering. Technically, the killings come afterward for he is actually after the pain his victims feel, and he takes his time to exact maximum stimulation. It is believed that he takes his victims' clothing for rehearsal fantasies; by dressing up as his victims, he can relive the torture, and it is during this time that he most likely pleasures himself in order to reinforce his association between suffering and gratification. When he eventually becomes dissatisfied with reliving the torture, he seeks out a new victim. He has been killing women for a long time and has also been thinking about killing for most of his life. He will continue to evolve his M.O., finding new ways of challenging himself and increasing his stimulation threshold; there is no bond holds for him. It was also revealed that Jeremy frequently called women "bleeders", which is a misogynistic term that refers to menstruation.This is from Season 3, Episode 13 of Criminal Minds and it aired in early 2008, I'm sure the writers wouldn't have expected that just a decade later, "bleeders" would become the more politically correct
No. 1645342
File: 1662910240015.webm (11.68 MB, 960x720, KenzAbelizados.webm)
I think I discovered the the first recorded case of a fujo who trooned out, so they can live their fantasy of being a yaoi boy,
>KenzAbelizados is a channel of two boys originally from Spain.
>The content of this one is just showing some blogs of them doing something that people like to call "Cute".
>Even so, they also show the odd life lesson among other things.
>The name of the channel as such is composed of both names of the creators, Which are: Kenzo Lloret and Abel Soriano Belmonte.
>Kenzo is a very energetic and tender boy.
>He is usually somewhat temperamental, but is in love with Abel.
>In addition, Kenzo is nothing more and nothing less than a transsexual boy. Knowing all the implications Regardless of it, Abel loves him very much.
>Kenzo has already explained the situation he has with his sex change process with a video inside the channel, after photos of him when he dressed as a woman came to light, as mentioned above.
>Still, he keeps going with the support of his family and friends, no matter what.
>Because Kenzo is like that, brave!!
>‡ Curious fact ‡ Kenzo loves yaoi and extracurricular activities, as well as cosplaying.
>Abel is a gay boy (as far as is known) who met Kenzo through the social media site Instagram, Through that they began to relate and get to know each other better. And so over time they fell in love. Cave clarify that Abel knows about Kenzo's transition and supports him with his whole heart. Abel is an expert in the maintenance of electronic devices and is very fond of technology. In addition, Abel is studying a Nutritionist degree at the university.
>Without a doubt, they are one more proof that gender and sexual orientation are not an impediment to love. Acclaimed by its millions of followers, KenzAbelizados is a channel that we hope will last a long time and spread happiness everywhere.
No. 1645344
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>>1645342this was them btw
No. 1645385
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Imaging living your life as a lie
No. 1645571
>>1645342>>1645520Believe it or not, I encountered fujo girls like this as far back as the early 2000s on anime forums/livejournal/gaia.
One specific forum I went to in particular was full of them, and it was just a normal anime/manga forum so I'm not sure why. Also lots of kinning before it was really called that. Interesting how far back this stuff goes, really.
No. 1645843
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>>1645342I mean, just off-hand, I know youtuber Alex Bertie did the fujo-to-troon pipeline back in 2009. Unless you mean a female with a male pretending to be uwu sexy gay ship. Otherwise, her and her girlfriend would pretend to be yaoi boys.
Tbf, before I peaked, I was a fan of hers, but nowadays, I see that she would have been a cute butch. Otherwise, nowadays, she's seemed to become one of the few semi-normal troons who actually kinda passes well, despite being a "manlet".
Actually, come to think of it, she was one of the reasons I believed in gender ideology for so long
No. 1645858
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Scrolling in Twitter, found this masterpiece. Lmao
No. 1645951
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An Australian couple refused to let a doctor announce their child’s gender in the delivery room. The enby wants to be called Pom Pom instead of mom or dad. They wanted to raise the baby girl without anyone ever knowing her biological sex, until they realized that was impossible kek.
No. 1645979
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My 13 y/o female relative wants to troon, how can I help her stop?
No. 1645981
>>1645979Get her parents to enroll her in extracurriculars that are usually 60%+ male. She'll realize real quick that she's nothing like most boys her age.
Or maybe she'll cope shout how the true difference is that she's a "queer boy" and the other boys are cis.
It's probably best to expose her to the real world as much as possible. Talking to her about it directly won't help, especially at her age.
No. 1646026
>>1645951the pink sped… what is this fat rebecca sugar chromosome abomination. the teeth all over the place, the cheesy shirt, the shitty sherlock haircut.
we need to bring back shame.
No. 1646036
>>1645979If you're close to her, ask her (or tell her parents to ask) why she thinks she's a boy and then explain why all those reasons are sexist bullshit (because they all are). And how it only means she agrees with those bullshit gender roles if she wants to troon out. Be gentle and listen to all she has to say first though, being too aggressive will only make her refuse to listen lol
For example the most common reasons:
>I don't like girly things= All girls must like girly things, or they're not "real" girls / less of a girl than those who do.
>I like boy things= only boys are allowed to like these things, therefore anyone who likes it IS a boy.
>I don't want to be a sexy slut for the boys + I don't like the sexual attention I get = Girls are sex objects for boys to gawk over, if you don't like that you're not a real girl. Real girls love being treated like sex objects.
>I like girls like myself and not boys= being gay is not a thing, or it is unacceptable to be gay.
>I'm unhappy with my body (especially female parts like boobs)= every other girl thinks she's perfect and is happy with her body, and doesn't struggle with puberty.
Basically ask her if she agrees with the "= statements", she's probably smart enough to eventually see why they're wrong. Often with these kids they've never been allowed to even question troonism before and this will give her a chance to think.
No. 1646138
>>1645979Hard agree with
>>1645981The less time she's off the internet, the better.
No. 1646140
File: 1662992327010.webm (2.21 MB, 720x1280, 1.webm)
awkward live poetry reading from my girl tranny potter
i want a transcript please
No. 1646371
actually get her doing male-dominated activities or being in male-predominant social contexts
woodworking, coding, martial arts, paintball, hell even shooting
she'll see how different she is psychologically and physically from actual males pretty quick, but also gain the masculinity and competence she wants
No. 1646385
>>1646302blossoming, bleeding and death.
Wash your ears, wtf nona?
No. 1646508
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I am so sorry to spam this comic but I am phone posting and unsure how to make a collage large enough to fit the handful of photos that stood out to me from this stupid comic
No. 1646519
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>>1646518again sorry to spam these in separate posts but I felt they were appropriate to share here
No. 1646644
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>>1646519>>1646510I really was not expecting her to look so haggard wtf
No. 1646690
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>>1646644>>1646670Her cutesy hypersexualized “art”
No. 1646719
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>>1646644Aw she has a Nigel to affirm the delusions.
>Most likely has the tism >Weeb and studied in Japan>Furry>Daddy kink>Identifies as a twink demon kek “twinkubus” No. 1646794
>>1646719Bunny series being this stuff
No. 1646810
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>>1646794Yes I believe so. Kek before she started going by Ai Valentine she was Aiden Moore. “Boys in bondage” makes me so uncomfortable.
No. 1646889
>>1646670Spot on. She's one of those girls who thinks "I'm too ugly to be a girl, but I'd be a cute boy (because boys are uglier)" with a huge scope of attention craving special snowflakery poured on top.
>>1646519These comics are honestly so gross. She knows she doesn't belong in the mens restroom, proven by her insecurity, but still goes there just to bother the men to fulfil and validate her own fetish identity.
>>1646659I hate being a 'tist because of these people, I much prefer being associated with the ones who are actual drooling retards.
No. 1647018
File: 1663074757883.jpg (572.77 KB, 1080x1933, 385257577547557.jpg)

I love how they're always trying to make it seem like this makes the "cishet" men gay, when we all know its because they can easily tell whos a woman
No. 1647042
"i hate being a woman and im totally a boy but i wear female clothes and makeup and nails and everything else"
what's the point? i can't even point to severe sexual trauma bc a lot of people, a lot of us posting itt right now, have suffered sexual abuse and never came out like this. is it a weird coping mechanism or is it just mental illness?
No. 1647089
>>1646143The awkward hand gestures, too close to the mic so you can hear all the plosives, the cringe poem about oh woe is me and womanhood, the hearty cheers at the end don't make sense kek. Agree with
>>1646274 though she could have potential as a gnc poetry girl if she let go of being milo snatch.
No. 1647098
>>1645979She probably has a friend group, either online or irl, that is encouraging this. you and her parents need to identify this group and separate her from it. If it's online, find a discreet way to get her off line. If it's in person, don't mean ban her from seeing them, introduce her to a different, cooler friend group that is not infested with troonery and don't do anything to help her spend time with the other one.
And check out the resources for parents with troon kids here: No. 1647115
File: 1663086867474.jpg (229.37 KB, 720x1377, 20220913_133152.jpg)

>>1647092Inside Job is done by staff and volunteers, meaning she worked or volunteered there, while it feels like a bit of an easy way in into such an important museum, looking at inside job's Instagram, most other pieces aren't as low effort as this, I'm not in love with anything but most are obviously more laborious to produce.
No. 1647119
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>>1647115Or maybe not I don't know
No. 1647120
>>1646716it's so telling how much of the angst is centered on public bathrooms too. like they just aren't that important. they aren't that hard to avoid and most of them are constructed in a way where you can just go in, do your business and leave with zero social interaction. that's the norm. the most routinely embarrassed people in a public bathroom are just people taking really loud poops.
but it's like they are trying to recreate the sort of mental trauma that would justify the rest of their persona and make it feel real. if she's going to wear the girly stuff it isn't really even about being a boy anymore. it's whether she can justify in her head that trans is a real thing. in other words is it even worth it to try and cobble together a personality out of aesthetic quirks?
No. 1647219
File: 1663098434634.jpeg (Spoiler Image,1.18 MB, 1058x2100, draw a girl call it a boy.jpeg)

>>1647199its kinda like that anon from 4chan that posted real woman photos on MtF subs, but not directly malicious. All femboy art is drawn in a completly unrealistic way for real moids, but the Tiff actually has the desired bodytype for fags, sadly for her these fags are only into traps because they want to choke on dick.
No. 1647279
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nonas don't you love the smell of gender in the morning? that feeling of waking up with a gender in your mind? and then just dress in basic ass alt women's alt clothes and throw the big sad because they make you (a woman) look like a woman?
>one of my genders is femboy
>is a literal 30 year old woman
bonus bonus
>clothes = gender
it really is just a sub culture to these fucks isn't it? a fun accessory you put on to make yourself feel special. consoom as much gender merch as possible to show you're a good AFAB and not one of those basic boring terf bitches who (gasp) use she/her pronouns smdh
No. 1647286
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>>1647279Jesus fucking christ being this retarded every waking hour must be exhausting. Also
>Woke up with a gender on my mind … can never achieve it>wanted to look like a man in a dress>bulge under skirtMega fucking kek that's some straight up Kikomi shit
No. 1647288
>>1647279Holy body image issues. She needs to learn to accept that you can only do so much to control the way you look and, by extension, the way others perceive you.
Also kek at her assuming that people are gonna see her bulge and freak out. Is she actually delusional, or is she revealing that she intends to flash a bunch of people?
No. 1647296
File: 1663106847825.jpg (646.92 KB, 1080x1674, umbrella.jpg)

>Is she actually delusional, or is she revealing that she intends to flash a bunch of people?
i think she is dreaming of being le sassy camp male with eyeliner arousing both men and women alike which is so much more exciting than boring basic woman wearing makeup and all that jazz, just good wholesome misogyny
picrel posted by different woman in same group, captures it really
No. 1647407
>>1644366They changed the setting. It's 1910 New Orleans now. They probably didn't want to deal with all the drama and baggage that comes with Louis owning slaves.
At first I had my doubts, but despite the change in scenery you can tell that they're trying really hard to capture the characterization. Louis owning slaves really isn't important to his character. All that matters is that depression from the death of his brother sends him down a self-destructive path of gambling and debauchery.
No. 1647423
>>1647247Um duh
nonnie girls are boring, to the point where they can't fathom one being interesting without being a boy, whether that's actually being male underneath, or apparently even just a boy in name but with full female anatomy. Interesting that both tims and tifs think this too, with the amount of tims grunting about "girldick" and the amount of tifs trying to market themselves as feminine uke uwu bois.
No. 1647435
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No. 1647444
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the sub in question is largely handmaidens asking how to walk on eggshells better around their aidens or alices
No. 1647501
File: 1663122802249.webm (7.06 MB, 540x960, FullSizeRender.MOV.webm)
I fucking hate this shit nonnies. People in the comments are eating this up and saying that the weird white women were right. The pick me vibes is of the fucking charts. This country is fucked.
No. 1647553
>>1647501Love woke writing where you end up liking "teh evil strawman" more, lmao.
>>1647511AMPLIFY BLACK VOICES! Unless they say something to hurt the gendies feelings. Then they need to be put in their place.
No. 1647627
>>1647511>>1647551>>1647553honestly it's actually more realistic this way than having the black woman be the woke mammy for white trannies and blow up on "
terf karens"
No. 1647773
File: 1663154944283.jpg (434.39 KB, 1080x1695, Screenshot_20220914_052830.jpg)

This bitch turned mulan into a troon, and of course she has to do it ""yaoi""
No. 1647836
>>1647501I'm confused, they say all terfs are white but then make a black
terf character who terrorizes the poor whites
No. 1647847
File: 1663164856133.webm (1.02 MB, 640x634, 1649200198105.webm)
>>1647279she is litteraly this
No. 1648030
>>1647501Those conversations felt so manufactured. Even in my heavy TRA days I can’t imagine acting like the women in the clip who were doing their own “scoffing”. The second clip felt like when religious extremists start talking to you to try and re-educate you about Jesus. I’m sure this ended with the full re-education of the evil black
No. 1648078
File: 1663180427931.png (54.12 KB, 730x449, 1.png)

TIF i used to be mutuals with who always talked about being such a boiii while wearing fairy kei clothes every. single. day. to class RTed this nugget of wisdom. as if the only concern about T is being hairy or having acne and not, i don't know, vaginal atrophy?!
No. 1648212
>>1647501>>1647553They have to know how this looks, right? The "good" women being passive aggressive and fake and the strawman
TERF being confident and carefree. And not only that, the white girls are too cowardly to directly disagree with her and the black girl is like
>lol silly troons, periods are for women No. 1648287
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tifs posting on grindr like
No. 1648396
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>>1648338>>1648367nta but ftms who draw nothing but butch lesbians are so baffling to me. what is their intent
No. 1648515
File: 1663215387416.jpeg (148.65 KB, 960x1113, 59EF1DF0-16E0-46EE-AF5A-E46A5D…)

Saw this going around kek
No. 1648549
>>1648530They absolutely do and you look dumb rn. Either you haven't spent any time around these people or your primary contact has been hetero uwu enbies because there are a shitton of lesbians walking around as ftm trans4trans bois. It's pretty much the only way they let you 'get away with it' and stay in the community (or what passes for it these days). I also feel the need to add that a lot of lesbians very vocally do NOT like gnc women and there is a lot of disgust for the stereotypical butch dyke. Very easy to push people into these mindsets. Especially if they want very badly to be accepted by the people who are supposed to be their peers.
>>1648536It makes me so fucking sad. I typed up a long thing about it but it's the fucking fakeboi thread it doesn't deserve my deep thoughts.
No. 1648680
>>1648593Why do you anons feel the need to constantly bring up fujoshis? It has fuckall to do with the post you replied to.
I swear to Christ, you think about them more than they think about yaoi.
No. 1648704
>>1648680NTA but fujos make a significant portion of fakebois
>you think about them more than they think about yaoiNow that's some seething hyperbole…
triggered much?
No. 1648728
>>1648549>Either you haven't spent any time around these people or your primary contact has been hetero uwu enbies because there are a shitton of lesbians walking around as ftm trans4trans bois. It's pretty much the only way they let you 'get away with it' and stay in the community (or what passes for it these days). what in the fuck are you talking about. where do you live. i live in a city with one of the highest gay/lesbian populations and this is not true at all
in lesbian spaces. no gnc woman who draws lesbian art would be shunned for how she presemts herself and yes it is weird for a ftm to choose to draw lesbian art instead of t4t or m/m. you seem internet-obsessed.
No. 1648736
>>1648704>>1648680obligatory Not All Fujos(tm) but really
omegaverse shit in particular is definitely a gateway drug to aidenism especially in this western individualist identity-obsessed context. it illustrates the gayden mentality perfectly
>rapey hetero smut with submissive feminine woman getting abused and impregnated by dominant masculine man = EW CRINGE>rapey "gay" smut with submissive "omega" (basically a feminine woman in every way except for the he/him pronouns) getting abused and impregnated by dominant "alpha" = OMG SO BASEDi don't even care about yaoi/slash/bl/whatever where both characters are obviously unambiguously male but when the "bottom" is turned into a pseudo-female (yet still treated better by the fandom than any canon female character) it's getting into aiden territory
No. 1648747
>>1648736Thanks, and this. I'm heavily into anime and I watched some shounen ai here and there, and every single woman I ever met IRL that was a fujo is now (10-25 years later) at the very least GNC-towards-butch, if not fully "male-presenting". Somehow they hate women in general and this hate becomes hate for themselves over time, despite remaining interested in men, while also hating men, so they end up in lesbian relationships with other GNC/TIF/fakeboi because that's the only level of identity they can handle. Closest one is a cousin with a kid, and she went from a loving mother, to a misandrist, to a GNC, to a genderfluid he/him, to LARPing as my niece's brother. That kid doesn't have a chance in hell to a normal life.
No. 1648883
File: 1663260807053.jpg (944.63 KB, 2986x2299, jaxxxxxson.jpg)

jaxson here just came to the realisation that being a trans male doesn't take away your rights to express yourself through makeup and be able to dress how you want
it's almost as if… you can dress however you want anyway. you can dress like a stereotypical guy and wear makeup if you want to. you are still a biological woman and it has nothing to do with how you express yourself.
it's like, so often often they aaaaalmost get it but then flip and reverse into just plain mental illness.
also peep badges like every stereotypical guy obvs
No. 1649074
>>1649017>it's just a stereotype that white people like mayonnaiseThat's what I was asking, do non-whites in the USA not like mayonnaise?
>I always thought putting mayo on everything was more of a japanese thingI'm half vietnamese half amerindian and we put mayo en everything, even rice.
>>1649037Why? I thought (at least Jack Stauber and Cavetown) got popularized by tiktok, but didn't know there was a TIF element to them.
No. 1649132
>>1648728NTA but just have to chime in, yes it's fucking weird for a TiF to draw lesbian porn. I know one ftm artist who draws occasional lesbian stuff, but most of her output is hetero porn where the woman has short hair and male pronouns therefore everyone has to pretend the couple is "gay".
Also as a butch/gnc lesbian, I've never gotten shit from other lesbians for being butch. Willing to believe it could be a generational/regional thing in some places tho.
I know there's lots of t4t TiF couples around, but I always assumed that these types were either A) engaging in some sort of elaborate LARP to avoid acknowledging their lesbianism, due to internalized homophobia/misogyny, or B) hetero women who are simply "jailhouse gay" for a bit because those coveted gay moids aren't interested in them. I can't fathom either type of TiF expressing any interest in lesbian art.
No. 1649304
File: 1663289533913.jpg (420.13 KB, 1080x1487, Screenshot_20220916_015231.jpg)

>>1649092The lyrics are so what a shy awkward girl thinks tween boys are like
>I'm a dumb teen boy who eats sticks and rocks and mud>I'm a big boy now and I'm very scary, I stay out at night and punch my walls and do karate>just turned 14 and I think this year I'm gonna be mean>I'm not very strong but I'll fuck you up if you're mean to bugsAnd it's not even satire, apparently cavetroon is serious about it and is getting others to be serious about it lkke this article calling it witty of all things? Picrel
No. 1649335
File: 1663290934140.jpg (99.3 KB, 567x760, yeah.jpg)

>>1647711fun fact actually really really sad fact:
You will never be a real woman. You have no womb, you have no ovaries, you have no eggs. You are a homosexual man twisted by drugs and surgery into a crude mockery of nature’s perfection.
All the “validation” you get is two-faced and half-hearted. Behind your back people mock you. Your parents are disgusted and ashamed of you, your “friends” laugh at your ghoulish appearance behind closed doors.
Men are utterly repulsed by you. Thousands of years of evolution have allowed men to sniff out frauds with incredible efficiency. Even trannies who “pass” look uncanny and unnatural to a man. Your bone structure is a dead giveaway. And even if you manage to get a drunk guy home with you, he’ll turn tail and bolt the second he gets a whiff of your diseased, infected axe wound.
You will never be happy. You wrench out a fake smile every single morning and tell yourself it’s going to be ok, but deep inside you feel the depression creeping up like a weed, ready to crush you under the unbearable weight.
Eventually it’ll be too much to bear - you’ll buy a rope, tie a noose, put it around your neck, and plunge into the cold abyss. Your parents will find you, heartbroken but relieved that they no longer have to live with the unbearable shame and disappointment. They’ll bury you with a headstone marked with your birth name, and every passerby for the rest of eternity will know a man is buried there. Your body will decay and go back to the dust, and all that will remain of your legacy is a skeleton that is unmistakably male.
This is your fate. This is what you chose. There is no turning back.
No. 1649471
>>1649370Yes and her troid status does not preclude her from being a homosexual and being drawn to lesbian topics and themes.
>it rejects the theory we all haveWe're not doing research here we're observing cows. Lesbian ftms certainly exist. Why don't you put your replies in the same post next time?
>>1649304>a (…) challenge to toxic masculinityYeah she's a woman. She has a different perspective, shocker. Where is this article from out of curiosity? I want to know how much this person got paid to hype her up.
No. 1649481
File: 1663303458277.jpeg (151.52 KB, 750x750, 1662257120761.jpeg)

TIMs and TIFs have ironically convinced me that there is a fundamental difference between men and women that will always be noticeable
No. 1649496
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>>1649481>>1649488samefag, i looked her up and thiw was one of her early comics, she's a full-on pudgy neckbeard thing with rainbow glasses now so there's no turning back.
this is one of her recent comics and it's unintentionally funny. did she think the queen would have been immortal if she didn't have colonizer ancestors lmao ?? or did god strike her dead for being a rich white lady ??
No. 1649593
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>>1649496Are those some cancer tumors on her chin?
No. 1649619
File: 1663325226279.jpg (420.34 KB, 1440x1800, FZ1BdUxX0AAK1YL.jpg)

>>1649496 said, she's
>full-on pudgy neckbeardpicrel is from her twitter.
No. 1649629
>>1649618>freshNo, but always a good one.
>>1649619Why do TIFs are always sporting nose piercings? Don't they get that's a dead giveaway even if they somehow passed? No self-respecting scrote would get a nose piercing.
No. 1649631
>>1649304I posted this before, but "boys will be bugs" makes no sense from the perspective of a teenage boy. like only a teenage girl or young woman could have made this song, It captures all the feelings and thoughts one might have as a 14 year old girl
when I was a 14, I thought boys were dumb but I still found them cute and even endearing in a way, "Boys will be bugs but I like bugs" is exactly what a straight 14 year old thinks boys are like, the song works way better when sung its sung by a female singer, cause it makes the song more tongue-in-cheek with the lyrics
No. 1649647
>>1649593>>1649619Yeah, that explains a lot, actually.
Draw yourself as a comic figure.
No. 1649697
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the fujocoomer phenotype
No. 1649742
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got some mental illness for you nonas. picrel popped up on my tl asking people to use her very
valid and true pronouns, i went for a lil look and she is 100% pure snow whitest of whites lol. not only cosplaying male (i think?) but also larping as muslim lmao.
also very autistic if you couldn't tell by the phenotype
>>1649704GNC women really are a dying species huh
No. 1649744
File: 1663340744425.jpg (Spoiler Image,739.17 KB, 1079x1444, jill.jpg)

>>1649742love of xyr life
>jill>sheobviously a troon, no surprises there
No. 1649781
>>1649742They love cosplaying as Jewish, guess it was only a matter of time before they started cosplaying as Muslim too for muh extra oppression points. Maybe she was taken by all the "Liberal Muslims" that have popped up on tiktok, who cherry pick the palatable parts of the religion and ignore how the majority of Muslims don't accept LGBT.
t. ex-muslim
No. 1649809
File: 1663344736167.webm (1.28 MB, 640x360, ATCRLhf0EuNVqtpm.webm)
>I'm not only gay, I'm trans as well!
Thanks for telling, we really couldn't tell.
No. 1649847
File: 1663345793288.webm (5.38 MB, 640x480, XgxWoD_iKczo85cq.webm)
>>1649809The gay guy who used a lesbian woman as a beard solves his situation… by using another girl as beard? And the "masculine presenting" girl explains how much different she used to be when all that has changed is that she got a pixie cut and started wearing less make-up (something most women do as they mature).
No. 1649908
>>1649744They look like siblings, gross.
>>1649745Same reason gays desperately want to be accepted by Christians - to oppress a subset of people unwilling to virtue signal in favour of your insanity to get validation from them. Queers love the high of getting people to capitulate to them.
No. 1649987
>>1649969Mentally ill is what you are.
>>1649973So? "Not a scrote" claimed it'd be sus if anyone dated her, which an extremely superficial statement and categorically untrue. It's not that girl's fault she looks like she does. What is she supposed to do, smoke 300 cigarettes per day until she looks haggard enough for "Not a scrote, totally a gnc" to give the thumbs up so she can now date?
No. 1650028
>>1649996I'm surprised that for someone claiming to be GNC, you're unable to see how GC and transtrender-aligned your rethoric is.
>she looks like a ten year old boy and she knows it tooWhy is that relevant to her dating? Are you implying that because she doesn't look like a conventionally mature woman (exactly the kind of talking point a GNC should shun) then she shouldn't seek a relationship? Is she forever locked out of it? Should she engage in paranoid delusions and automatically assume anyone who ever looks her way with interest only finds her attractive because "she looks like a ten year old boy"? And that's just her part. What about someone who realizes they like her, should they go "Oh, no, nona think it's sus… I surely must be a pedo, that's the only possible explanation to my attraction"? I agree with nona, you seem like you're projecting or virtue signaling, or maybe you have a whole tangled mess of internalized misoginy you need to work through.
>shut the fuck upThis is a forum, if you don't like what other people reply to your bigoted, male-gaze-centric views, then ignore them or leave.
No. 1650089
File: 1663361968960.png (606.17 KB, 711x793, 299079116_585778913295339_3484…)

>i love my feminine body
>i just want a magical weight loss pill
>any advice on gaining muscle fast?
admit you're just a girl, stop eating so much, and go to the fucking gym
No. 1650103
File: 1663363962368.png (517.91 KB, 749x709, 302257306_640995840702223_9705…)

>>1650090this was in an FTM trans group (i'm in it for content like this, don't alog me) so no, she wants help being pushed further into her delusion
No. 1650105
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>>1650103>hisevery picture with at least this many jewelry and makeup, completely fem presenting
No. 1650135
>>1650089Someone should recommend her steroids.
>Inuyasha sweaterYou can't get more femenine.
No. 1650378
>>1649742>a male female mix cover my hair but not my neckThis is a very acceptable and form of hijab that many women wear wear
I don’t get it
No. 1650416
>>1650105There's no way this person is "trans" anywhere but the internet. Aside from her ~`☆kweer☆`~ friends, not as soul has looked at her and gone "that's a man" and she's probably completely fine with it.
Could you imagine looking like this and trying to tell scrotes that you're a "boy"? I doubt she does.
No. 1650432
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No. 1650676
>>1650511So just enbies?
Most of them don't opt for medical intervention/surgeries.
No. 1650714
>>1650511there definitely is, and trannies that believe you have to medically transition to be
valid are vilified all the time by these idiots. except it's not to dissuade anyone from mutilation, it's because these fakebois want to be pretty yaoi boys and not get acne and ass hair.
>>1650240testosterone causing weight loss is functionally a myth, because it also increases appetite, so they just end up eating more and staying the same. the ones who get on testosterone and transform into gym rats look that way 90% because of diet and lifestyle, 10% testosterone, and these fatties look at them and think it's the magic testosterone pill that did it. if anything, it makes it easy to build muscles, so she'd look even thicker, especially after fat redistributes. see my point above, lol
No. 1650886
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>>1650864I guess tumblr sexyman lightmode, but related to this, I have always found it entertaining in how often TIFs infantilize/feminize the men they kin, to the point they just ignore the reality that those biological men tower them IRL and really muscular as well
No. 1650924
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>>1650921Samefag but I forgot to add the third screenshot
No. 1651349
File: 1663639234728.jpeg (399.3 KB, 1536x2048, D4444611-D87D-4428-8E2C-C08A91…)

Should have been $41.00
No. 1651683
>>1651349no TiF in history has that frame and that big of a head. Nice try to the manufacturer tho kek.
>>1651660this but unironically
No. 1651754
File: 1663681669014.jpg (Spoiler Image,1.91 MB, 3464x3464, nonipnonflat.jpg)

nonnies i am going to clutch some pearls here. apparently there is such a thing as "non flat no nipples" top surgery, meaning nips are removed but some of the breast tissue is kept. fakebois in picrel specifically asked for this to be done to them. just peak mental illness. doctors really do just anything if it's paid for don't they.
spoilered for breasts ig? i am too disturbed to make coherent decisions lol
also imagine asking your friend to catsit and they then just go on taking a bunch of topless pics with the poor animals
No. 1651760
File: 1663682223739.gif (57.34 KB, 268x268, oev6kfXtKq1utsakio3_400.gif)

>>1651754Reminds me of the American Mary movie where a woman wanted her nipples removed to desexualize herself.
No. 1651790
>>1651754I'd expect a bubble head nurse's tits to look just like this.
>>1651780Istg I'm not a scrote but I've seen nippleless breast threads on some porn 4chan board before. Can't remember if it was /e/ or actual humans regardless,real or drawn, this shit creeps me out.
No. 1651810
File: 1663687344148.jpg (470.18 KB, 1449x2048, EbPWXRsVcAAsOnb.jpg)

I found a Splatoon youtuber who makes extensive lore videos such as this: was nice to hear a female voice so I went to check more content from her and turns out it's a cringe themlet who is a major japanese to english translator in the fandom.
Compare her old voice to her new one: she on T or is she faking a deep voice?
I don't think I ever saw a regular nerdy girl who likes these games, only fakebois and themlets clearly wanting to be male, but this one takes the cake because now I understand why so many extremely minor side characters on the wiki are referred as they/them: because she translated the bios of blatantly male or female characters and decided to slap they/them on her favorites.
Pic related is her work, look at the boyband on the bottom part of the page and how the two emo non-threathening boys are turned into themlets (like her youtube persona) while the ugly fish one is a regular ass male.
No. 1651813
>>1651780Everything is a fetish if you consider moids "opinions". No nipples, small nipples, big nipples, only nipples, multiple nipple, scarred nipples, hairy nipples, inverted nipples, pierced nipples. All of them, everything will be a fetish for moids because they can't comprehend anything outside of "does this makes my dick hard or nah? It doesn't? I will meme myself until I'm into it".
These girls have probably gone through some terrible shit, or just some shit that should be considered terrible but is always underplayed by everyone like getting catcalled as a child/teen or just being aware of how the mind of the average moid acts.
If there isn't a huge wave of doctors, surgeons and "therapists" getting their licenses revoked and banning them from ever touching a medical school, then there's no hope.
No. 1651846
>>1651832At least she has been officially localized as female.
Still, you bring up a good point: these games have the opportunity to bring up legit themlets as characters thanks to species that reproduce asexually, but they don't do it because this japanese dev team in particular has yet to be influenced by kweers and they have no idea about the whole gender culture (aside from gender nonconforming fashion, but that's far more mainstream).
So to suddenly have extremely side characters be themlets sticks out even more as fan rewriting.
No. 1651975
>>1649697Self inserting in BL is the Aiden pipeline
Not self inserting in BL is the man hating radfem pipeline
No. 1652048
>>1651975Holy shit you're right
T. man hater
No. 1652095
>>1651754The absolute mental gymnastics behind wanting to be seen as attractive to men but not wanting to be sexualized by men. It just seems like these women are caught right between the two dualities of how men see women and are trying to play all sides: madonna vs whore and fuckable vs worthless.
But I've also seen TIFs ask for this so they can have top surgery and still bind (because they romanticize self destruction)
No. 1652312
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No. 1652431
File: 1663716491984.jpeg (Spoiler Image,288.71 KB, 1216x1216, CAA3AB16-805E-4F09-8BEC-6E1C48…)

>>1651754I know some moids who are into extreme bodymods get their nipples removed but this is the first time seeing it on biological females. Disgusting.
No. 1652494
>>1652334Aw nonna, same realisation happened to me about a year ago now too. It’s a hard blow, but you’ll be way better off and mentally healthier in the long run. Especially if you were nuts enough (like me) to ruin your body with steroids, get that shit out off your system, it’ll take a really long time and yeah most of it’s forever but things naturally will still level out.
I’m getting my pube beard lasored off soon and am peaking woman and moids everywhere I go. Bless.
No. 1652500
File: 1663720168431.jpeg (239.77 KB, 1975x412, 2D49308C-078F-4D75-910A-3925B3…)

Dollsperg ahead
It’s fine that they gave the girls’ countries of origin but making Frankie a they/them so she doesn’t seem like a basic white girl is kek.
Derail - wasn’t Lagoona Australian? If they wanted a Latina why not introduce a new character?
No. 1652788
File: 1663733567553.jpg (344.35 KB, 1079x1006, Screenshot_20220921_001230.jpg)

Is there a kind soul that would be so nice as to point me towards a screenshot about the rape accusations against Eli Erich or be able to tell me which thread it's in? I saw she was on Dr Phil today and I can't seem to find any documentation of their degeneracy just through google especially since KF went down. Thanks Nonnas
No. 1652796
File: 1663733908802.png (641.06 KB, 730x1400, Skelita_Calaveras™.png)

>>1652500She was and there already is a "latina" character. Skellita Calaveras but, of course we can't use established lore in current year.
No. 1652808
>>1652788>shenope, try again
>theyone more time
nonny, you can do it
No. 1652990
>>1652966pronouns literally NEVER matter, mans a man
No. 1653049
File: 1663751848818.jpg (666.62 KB, 1065x1726, Screenshot_20220921_121508.jpg)

> fae/faer
No. 1653140
>>1647501They could easily compromise with the whole 'menstruator' discourse by just saying 'biological females' or hell even 'AFAB'. Not that I agree, but it's almost like they have this Umbridge-esque enjoyment for correcting language and having 'rules' of etiquette so they can feel morally superior and have a false sense of control.
It's like those who've been abused by narcissists especially from parents as children usually develop this sort of anxiety where they become aghast by anyone who doesn't follow the rules and then scolds them as a subconscious way to project power and control. It's like a trauma response for survival. Just something I've been thinking about with this troon shit; seems like most of the people drawn to it have dealt with some sort of abuse.
No. 1653164
>>1652788If you don't want to have a reduxx link because some people might object that it is biased, here's the archive link of the
victim's post, complete with messages of Elrick's admission of guilt: issued DMCA takedowns of the message screenshots to cover his ass, and the original post is either deleted or exists without any of the incriminating screenshots.
No. 1653210
File: 1663770874451.png (15.42 KB, 324x338, firefox_zSPm85lIi3.png)

Why is every anime zoomer on twitter like this?
No. 1653215
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>>1653214>>1653213Nah it was this acc, now it's locked because she's involved with art drama. Pretty sure it's a TiF
No. 1653250
>>1653164This is exactly what I was looking for. You da best, thank you o' mighty
No. 1653357
>>1651780I could write a whole essay about this, but in a way it's like malicious compliance. like "nipples are sexy? and not allowed? okay, let's take them off but go topless. no nipples, so it's okay, right? happy now? no nips."
plenty of other anons have noticed the the they/thembies seem to have loads of trauma related to being female but still hate men. they don't want to be associated with societal gender norms or follow the rules, so what?
No. 1653885
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>>1652796Jinafire Long-Chinese
No. 1653887
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>>1653885>>1652796Kiyomi Haunterly-Japanese
No. 1654144
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So I was on ao3 and remembered talk in one of the threads of tifs taking over male targeted media like tf2 just to make fanfic of them, so I searched it up and wouldn't you know it, a good few were tifs. Picrel ticks all the boxes even, trans, disabled, autistic, and when I skimmed it the self insert turned out to also be 30 and a Jew named Ezekiel, lusting after the nazi inspired doctor character whom she also turned Jewish. A mad scientist doctor would be into a troon sure but not for the reasons she'd hope.
No. 1654195
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The one, singular ftm absolutely dwarfed by multiple ogres. The stupid little bang on her head. Awkwardly pushed to the side, totally alone even in a community of extreme degenerates. Such is the fate of the Aiden, and has been so for exactly a whole century now.
No. 1654202
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Saw this on ig. The delusion is strong
No. 1654246
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Always a jumpscare when this thing shows up on tiktok
No. 1654281
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>>1654246I actually thought this was a moid for a second before I enlarged the image a saw her face and titty scars. My God who would actually do this to themselves and strive to achieve a characteristically hairy male gunt? Picrel same energy.
No. 1654316
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I broke a friendship with and blocked a long-time internet friend after she announced she was transitioning and going to take testosterone. AITA?
Sage for blogpost.
No. 1654362
>>1654316You don't owe anyone your time and attention. Trannyism either goes away on their own or get worse, you have no obligation to be there for her dumb decisions. Trust me, someone who is trans is only going to talk about being trans until the novelty wears off, and that can take up to a few years (the so called euphoria). I'm saying that as my own experience when I was troon, even if you were still her friend, you can kiss gooodbye any shared interests you had, it's all about gender feefees now.
>>1654351Kek do you cry when you get misgendered, sweetheart
No. 1654774
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being female is fucking yourself over apparently
No. 1655190
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>>1654774These Aidens wouldn’t even exist if Buck Angel didn’t. One of the few troons who speaks some sense and has dealt with far more than these self-hating women have (based on society’s “progress.”) Maybe it took their artificially enlarged testosterone clits to realize they truly aren’t the anime boy of their dreams
No. 1655268
>>1655229I have so far only been asked my pronouns in a Healthcare setting but I did in fact find it horribly offensive and basically just snarkily said "what do
you think/what does it look like" and got kind of a lukewarm response at best. I might try not to bite the head off a 17yo but then again who knows, I really would be intensely put off by that, especially if I am just trying to check out at a store.
No. 1655297
>>1655292ayrt I live in a conservative part of the US so luckily I don't have to deal with this cancer IRL, it sounds so bad from anecdotes I hear online from liberal areas. On the other hand a new "youth center" opened up recently that is festooned with tranny flags and such. I honestly wanted to rip them down but even here that might get me charged with a hate crime or something and worse give the troons more
victim status so I refrained. It's the even uglier troon flag with the triangle bit too.
No. 1655440
>>1655263Buck definitely isn't the beacon of common sense because she's an incredibly traumatized woman who "coped" in the most violent, terrible way possible, the only difference is a) she didn't took the queer academia koolaid (because it didn't exist back them) b) doesn't try to hide the fact that she's an extremely traumatized woman, and that's mostly related to point a.
I don't have anything against extreme GNC people/people who want extreme body modifications, like Blaire or Buck, but please don't call them "one of the good ones" because they aren't. They know that the troon community is a cesspool of faliedhumans and deny biological sex is retarded as hell, true.
But they "stay" in the trans community for the sake of monetary gain and clout, even if it's about talking shit about them. They profit of the
victims of psychotic groomers all the same than TRAS do. Listen i know being GNC is hard and probably is the only thing they can do to work now but never forget that puting an end to gender ideology isn't on their best interest, because if troonacy ends so does they gift. They need trooned out kids as much as pedotroons do. Trannies and their ouroboros relationship with each other is not only not our business, is useless for anything that isn't a mid kek.
No. 1655714
>>1655225Obviously that was the real reason she was killed. The English wanted to humiliate Charles VII, but one of the charges in Joan’s trial was wearing men’s clothes. It was argued that a woman wearing men’s clothes was blasphemy. And as a minor aside, her captors shaved her head before she was burned at the stake, so I don’t think they cared about her hair.
Importantly, Joan never claimed to be anything but a woman. Before her calling she wore woman’s clothing and she claimed after her mission was completed she would go back to women’s clothing.
No. 1655919
>>1654144I bet the tifs it attracts haven't played the game because the characters say stuff like you fight like a woman, did I hit you in the ovary, which would
trigger them immediately
No. 1655964
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>>1654967Sage for TF sperging
Opposite is true actually at least for Cybertronians in IDW (who are all male), the majority of their 'race' views women as aliens and hate them because they didn't participate in the autobot/decepticon war.
Basically they're all gay by default, only straight guy is Skids.
No. 1655998
>>1655861this I believe, girls in TF fandom are still a minority, even if they're the ones drawing the porn kek
sexuality within the robot fandom has been a fixation for years now, not surprised they decided to include "transbian-coded" anything
>>1655964oh yo that's my boy rattrap, I've never figured out where the heck to start with those comics
>windblade is an alienok I guess
sorry I saw TF and got excited
No. 1656098
>>1655998>oh yo that's my boy rattrap, I've never figured out where the heck to start with those comicsStart with last stand of the wreckers, death of optimus prime and then just read post war stuff like mtmte to avoid boring garbage. The stuff near the end gets pretty trash with the tranny pandering but the stuff like RID, mtmte and windblade stuff is genuinely great
>windblade is an alienWell, she is in the sense that her people where on a different planet for millions of years, they did start out on cybertron though. Majority of Autobots/Decepticons just hate anyone who didn't participate in the war and automatically consider them aliens.
No. 1656308
>>1655440siding with you nonna.
everybody here forgetting that buck created a porn empire founded on the exploitation of young women. she's the og "man with a pussy" and inventor of ftm porn. some of the women who do porn for her started hrt when they were minors too. buck has been pivotal in spreading troonery since the 90s. older detransitioners (ex "trans gay men") have been vocal about it.
>>1655645how is taking testosterone to the point of being mistaken for a moid "the exact opposite of gnc" and how is it not extreme body mods? fucking up your body for the aesthetic is the definition of extreme body mods.
No. 1656531
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ftms on their way to be as feminine-presenting as possible, moreso than even most women
No. 1656548
>>1656542yes, she posted a new comic recently in the mtf thread.
>Does she have any public pages/accounts?doubt it, at least none where she posts kikomi. i've seen kikomi profiles but obviously unofficial
No. 1657434
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The_Cytherean on twitter, what do you think. Is it a TIF or not?
No. 1657563
>>1657528the voice is pretty deep tho: person also has a receding hairlin, pretty big head, but the lack of adam's apple bothers me. With this one, I'm torn.
No. 1657633
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What are the kweer rights they’re even fighting for
No. 1657665
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I'm going to say male, even though it's a little suspicious his online activity on instagram starts around 2019 which is very typical to tumblr sexyman troons who start pretending to be (biological) males, like gehe and knitemaya did.
No. 1657678
>>1657563Testosteron can do all that if it's taken very early. Some tifs have pretty deep voices. In the pictures beard and pecs look fake and airbrushed, the face is more feminine than any feminine man I've ever seen and not that big imo.
>>1657665 just looks like a tall woman who works out to me, but I could be wrong.
No. 1657746
>>1657434Men's nipples are further apart, if a man's arms are that size they will have a wider torso, it's belted exactly where women have a waist and men do not, and that face seems unmistakably female with some light shoop, reminds me of that one on /pt
>>1657436The spot in the middle where they have a soft belly despite otherwise being mildly muscular is a tell, muscular men will always have a taut area there
>>1657684Testosterone is very effective at increasing hair growth and speed on women
No. 1657989
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Am I understanding this right? did she have sex with someone who thought she was a man?
No. 1658053
>>1657665Any picture's showing the crotch @ all?
(Can't believe I just said that.)
I just can't really make out what's happening there. That might settle it. & if there aren't that's a little sus.
No. 1658289
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Cope harder, real gay men will never have sex with you and thats completely fair
Also note this person is both trans, has the word "bussy" in their username and a furry profile pic, the boss of chronically online
No. 1658324
>>1651810Oh my god someone else noticed her too? She has such a high, squeaky voice that she desperately tries to lower in pitch. Just watch her earlier videos and her voice is so much more high, now she's forcing it as low as she can which sounds silly AF.
Also I could just feel the tism coming from her. Her fakeboi OC too. I knew so many weird girls like her in highschool.
I wish there could just be normal women into games I like. They all get pressured to troon out. I know she hangs out with TIMs and gay degen furries on discord because she showcases them on some of her videos and they just screech like rabid moids. She needs to surround herself with better friends.
No. 1658421
>>1658316Every now and again some women gets convicted of rape for stealthing, but I think in each of those situations the woman knew but was in denial and just desperately hoping it wasn't true.
Woman who pretended she was a man during sex with a friend has been found guilty of sexual assault in retrial
Gayle Newland tricked her friend for two years using bandages, blindfolds, prosthetic penises and a woolly hat. No. 1658496
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Nothing about you says man maybe besides the poor hygiene
No. 1658646
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>>1649809>>1649847>iVe BeEn EveRy LeTtEr oF tHe lGbT acRoNyMpure retardation. I would hate to be in the same room with either of them.
>>1658496glaringly obvious that people like this were never told 'no' as a child. Everything is always 'how dare you not do that! I WANT IT!'.
No. 1658791
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>>1657434Looks like a woman's hairline to me, and that's definitely a photoshopped top scar.
No. 1658908
>>1654811The only praises I've ever heard from the TIFs when they actually talk about this show revolves around "omg the representation! He is fat and trans and gay like me!" so that checks out.
Note that none of them actually fixate on this show like they do with other series… and they project onto the actual good characters to make them gay, fat and trans "just like me uwu" anyway, completely ignoring the WONDERFUL REPRESENTATION that this show allegedly brings, lol.
No. 1658927
>>1657434>>1658791the shoulders look way smaller here than here:
>>1657436so weird. there's definitely men who look extremely feminine, but women are better at being androgynous like this
No. 1658932
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No. 1658967
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Not milk but I finally figured out who Ellen reminded me of
No. 1659253
>>1658324Didn't know it was this bad. It' depressing to think she'll probably go on T if she hasn't already. She does show traits of T voice mixed with shitty voice training.
I never interacted with the Splatoon fandom but hearing her friends are either degen furries or degen timmies is unsurprising seeing as apparently the fandom has a problem with groomers.
She is an adult now (21) but that implies she was just a teen when Splatoon 1 and 2 came out, so God knows what kind of ilk she met and got groomed by.
The plaza in Splatoon 3 is also extremely cringe with how much of fakeboi central it is. It's full of male characters with female haircuts and names like Jayden constantly posting about how they kiss men and how gay they are, some of the most female behavior out there.
It's embarrassing and kind of pitiful how they use the game to live out their fakeboi life instead of just making a cool or cute character (male or female) and let it be the end of that.
No. 1659294
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Maybe because those guys are gay?
No. 1659331
>>1659261Kek, anon, this is the main reason I think it's a woman too. Like when was the last time you saw a good looking man.
>>1658908This is a common theme with trans and other people who go on about representation. When there is media that canonically represents them, sometimes even with well created characters and plots, you hear little to nothing about it, meanwhile you'll have people imposing their headcanons that some anime character is actually a fat black trans gay man who is into pastel goth. If you truly want to appeal to tifs just make an animesque show with conventional bishies and only a couple of background female characters who aren't love interests.
No. 1659502
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TIFs literally can't be more female if they tried, no TIM or male pretending to be a girl online could type this
No. 1659512
>>1658932the whole post but especially
>Society tells us that we're only supposed to be one way… so close. she is SO CLOSE.
No. 1659520
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Padded bras are retarded but at least they don’t cause irreversible rib damage
No. 1659523
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A 74 year old gay rights activist was attacked at a pride parade in Vermont.
>>'So, I went to Pride to protest their misogyny, homophobia, exclusionary policies and divisiveness. I was met by screaming, multiple assaults, ageist comments, shoving, slaps to the back of my head, pouring coffee on me and repeated attempts to steal my signs.
>>'Being unsuccessful in their attempts to disrupt my protest and drive me away, the mob pushed me to the ground as the parade ended, further injuring me.'
No. 1659617
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>>1659593>>1659523You’re right anon. The more I read about him the more I couldn’t believe they would do this to him. How can they be this gross and ungrateful?
No. 1659753
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>>1659617>>1659638she looks exactly what'd you expect her look like
No. 1659815
>>1659617Because for them their only true hero is that black transvestite man who they mistakenly call trans woman.
I don't know why I'm surprised to see someone like him with a message like that, I wonder what made him say "enough"?
No. 1659816
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I swear its like these people think that life is like a 2D anime world, where a simple change in clothing and a haircut can just completely negate clearly noticeable natural sexual characteristics and features
No. 1659843
>>1659759Respect Stonewall riot veterans! (but only the Black Trans Women™ who threw a brick at the end, not the evil cis gay
terf™ who was there from the beginning and continues to fight for gay rights whilst weak and nearing the end of his life, putting his safety on the line).
No. 1660060
>>1660053Once, in my handmaiden days, I went on a date with a transbian from Her. I actually assumed he was just a masculine-looking woman, since the app gives you the option to identify as a transwoman and he didn't. I seriously didn't think someone would lie about that, kek.
It was abysmal. He was seriously a towering giant, built like a linebacker. Super awkward for me to sit there and listen to his vocal fry and look at his pudgy man face and wonder "why am I not enjoying this? I'm on a date with a woman, right?" Weirdly felt like I was in a hostage situation, I just smiled and nodded to everything and then ghosted him. The beginning of a fast and violent peaking.
No. 1660134
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An non-binary identified Latinx lesbian who has been claiming to be intersex for years got backlash from GC intersex people for spreading misinformation about intersex conditions.
No. 1660307
>>1659294mfw you find out gay men are just Men and not cute yaoi anime boys. Gym bro is literally the prevailing gay guy stereotype, secondary is twink/effeminate/arty and thirdly the guys who look straight but have several boyfriends. Imagine hopping online to complain a gay club was full of
checks notes gay men
No. 1660539
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i'm in a nonbinary fb group (don't come at me nonnas, i just laugh at fellow autists) and the fakebois in there just love calling literally everything euphoric. the most mundane experiences. everyday fucking life.
so i made a quick compilation of gender euphoric moments such as
>getting a tattoo
>getting your IUD replaced
also would like to point out
>29yo NB
>they/them pronouns
>(Legal sex: F)
mogged by the medical system
(setting aside that i don't get why it says "legal sex" anyway as that can be changed now… shouldn't it just be biological sex? but whatevs)
No. 1660586
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Jesus Christ her poor sister, being brainwashed and forced to refer to her older sibling as something she's not. It's even worse that the fakeboi is apparently 14, could you imagine being a parent and finding out your literal child wants to bind their chest, take dangerous drugs and skin their arm for a fake useless dick? I feel sorry for her whole family
No. 1660773
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No. 1661211
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Chopping your tits off is already insane, imagine willing to spend 10k for it.
No. 1661354
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>>1661211Reap the whirlwind of debt, you stupid bitch
No. 1661521
>>1661294imagine talking abt them being cult like for having a shared vicab when you talk like you're part of a hivemind
"muh" "spicy kweer" "kek"
maybe try having some self awareness before you take on the task of criticizing cultists, channer.
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i was trying to find a specific cosplay vid to watch out of nostalgia then i bumped into her channel… don't get why she calls herself a himbo when she identify as nonbinary. but i guess fakebois clings into the himbo trope because it's less sexualized and degrading than the bimbo trope which tims are obsessed with.
but still, himbos are literally men, thembies should come up with their own version of the himbo/bimbo trope.
No. 1661572
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>>1660837Leonard Höglind, what about her? She and her bf (picrel on the left) are gonna spend a while in jail. Didn't she switch back to female or at least go to female prison? Fucking kek if she did.
No. 1661588
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>>1661570tifs and tims in fandoms always takes the fun out of liking or crushing over fictional characters. and makes it about them instead of the characters they're into. and i hate that they're responsible for reviving kins or just a diluted version of otherkins called kins or kinnies as if to say that character is like them to the extent of being them or the character is the ideal version of themselves. i don't see it as often these days but i avoid any content catering to kinnies or kins.
No. 1661663
>>1661294>If yes please share what groups you find these in, I lurk in a few like the "bi fashion" group and the shit I see in there always makes me kekit is i indeed lmao, glad my autistic collages are being appreciated, i'm also in the bi fashion group, the nonbinary one is called nonbinary social space
best thing about the nonbinary group is that you have to agree that you won't use "NB" for nonbinary because apparently that means "non black" in woke speak which was complete news to me
No. 1662054
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It’s not trendy guiseee
No. 1662211
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Sorry for the shitty manip I’m on mobile.
Who wants to bet this woman has never spoken to a gay man IRL
No. 1662225
>>1662211She's either talking to TIFs larping as gay men or straight men pretending to be gay to catch a retarded TIF.
>I find myself uninterested in what straight men have to offerSaid no gay man ever
No. 1662245
>>1661556Also, no one uses chanspeak to
express their worldview. At most, i've put a "kek" here and there while blogposting in /OT/. Those people judge their whole life in the basis of gender dysphoria and euphoria and you can tell that it shapes their daily life.
No. 1662273
>>1662211she definitely goes on aggressive gender screeds constantly and the people around her have learned to smile and nod
>"I don't really consider [sex with transgender people] like that. There's something different about the way a trans man wants it than the way a woman wants it."this is the only one explicitly referring to TIFs and not even this guy can bring himself to equate them to men
No. 1662437
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>>1662211I wonder what her job is?
No. 1662440
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>>1662211Looked up OP out of curiosity and it’s one of those DID schizos kek
No. 1662525
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No. 1662575
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>>1661211is that the pedo thats obssesed with drawing some children's cartoon boy ninja as a FTM? the style feels similar to me
No. 1663373
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>>1662054Saw this on my dash today. Artist is Gawki, a they/them who ripped the fuck off of Feverworm's (now Gremuir) art style back in the day but became massively more popular than her, leading to Feverworm being frequently accused of ripping off of Gawki.
Sage for nearly 10 yr old milk lmao
No. 1663374
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>>1663373on a more trans-related note:
Her response to the t-shirt lashback, art from June where a commenter very clearly glorifies the self-harm aspect, and a picture of her– and she hasn't even gotten top surgery.
No. 1663871
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Asian guy from Disco Elysium should have been in thread pic
No. 1663882
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>>1663871…I'm starting to notice a pattern that the other anons posted about breaking bad. Well written male characters who are still masculine but don't constantly brag about being men are "transmasc energy". You guys were right. It is literally just well written male characters that attract, well, women. Haven't seen any Harry Dubois girls probably because they know they can't become a hairy alcoholic middle aged man with an actual mustache.
No. 1663894
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>>1663882Well, you're in for a surprise.
I originally saw a break down of his character design and how he has Mastectomy scars actually! in either here or cc. I found this and plenty more on a google search anyway.
No. 1663895
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>>1663894They're everywhere.
No. 1663913
>>1663894>>1663900sigh. this is peak autism. i can see how tifs headcanon kim as trans (cause heaven forbid a man doesn't present with 100% pure masculine energy) – but harry? i can only imagine they see something of themselves in how pathetic a character he is, honestly.
idk why i thought the fanbase of disco elysium might be a little bit more rational but shows my naivety i guess
No. 1663955
>>1663900>>1663913>…this is me in 10 years.>been trying to grow mutton chops my whole life… (LMAOOOO)It has some very good and talented fanartists which I love. But it sucks that this it what happens when a well written male hits the market. I think disco elysium just has less children in the fandom (letting middle schoolers have a say in fandom discourse was a mistake) but that unfortunately doesn't filter out the really autistic troons.
>>1663925Eh, the fujos just sit off in the corner and draw good artwork for once. It's the ftm troons that sit in the bargain bin and put masectomy scars on the "gender envy" characters. You should be more worried of these bargain bin tenants than anyone else in women-dominant fandoms
No. 1664564
>>1664092there is a small difference between wanting implants and wanting zippertits, and the difference is that women naturally have tits, even if the beauty standard/sexualization is limited to a very specific shape of tits.
Implants will take you to that beauty standard.
Zippertits? not only show a rejection of that beauty standard, they are a show of rejection of everything boobs are associated with: womanhood, and by association, sexualization and objectification. And because in troon circles you now have this choice, keeping your tits means you're NOT rejecting your relation to womanhood and objectification and sexualization. so your fellow troons get to treat you more like a dirty bimbo cissy, unenlightened, subservient, etc. Because both TIFs and moid troon fucking hate women.
No. 1664567
File: 1664699189478.jpeg (Spoiler Image,355.96 KB, 1500x1500, Penoid-Haare-Harnröhre Kopie.j…)

spoilered because absolute nightmare!!!
i looked up what needle hair removal is and google just decides to throw this pic into my face. at first i unironically didn't know whether this is a part of a moid or a woman, apparently hair is growing inside "her penis"… these surgeons are basically all frankensteins.
No. 1665222
File: 1664760010859.jpeg (87.56 KB, 829x1105, E97A4503-AB9B-421C-95E2-224FFA…)

>>1661572>>1660837Kek yes. The dahmer series and the thought of tifs lusting over him again, reminded me of her.
No. 1665250
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>>1665240Leonard Höglind previously Ruth Höglind.
No. 1665521
File: 1664793184662.jpeg (383.58 KB, 1220x2048, 67422B96-41BD-4965-BCE6-DF9B3F…)

>>1665357I always thought most yaoi characters are supposed to be just slightly whitewashed Asian men?
No. 1665550
>>1665531Yeah you’re probably right, I don’t like blonde hair or blue eyes on men either because I’m not really into white men, I always see those guys as the kind of side character. I try to find yaoi with black haired men or men who look more Asian coded because I find them hotter.
I’m a boomer and I have a feeling the yaoi genre has become more whitewashed in recent years because in the past yaoi was heavily overlapped with being a weeb or into kpop. Nowadays it’s become more mainstream and normiefied and you have way more western artists trying their hand at it so they tend to incorruptible more blonde blue eyed characters.
No. 1665573
>>1665531> Also this is a complete aside but lately there have been more darker skinned guys in BL but it’s super racially coded because they make the dark character live in a jungle, be a demon, or come from another planet. It’s annoying. As a brown fujoshi idgaf as lo'g as they're hot as fuck. Give me more dark skinned yaoi guys.
>>1665546>and kind of inexplicable as japan was never colonized by anglos or other white nationsIt's unrelated to Europe. Most countries all over the planet prefers white skin. Why do you think the lower castes in India have darker skin on average compared to the higher castes? Why do you think Algerians were hurling colorist insults toward Miss Algeria 2019 for not being as pale and (fake) blonde or ginger as a stereotypical Kabyle girl and for having 3A curls even though she's very pretty? It's a more universal problem than you think.
No. 1665624
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No. 1665949
>>1665935Yeah, when you look at places like Deli, India where everyone is brown there still a caste system based on whose darker or lighter in skin tone totally based on class differences. Some people don't understand that light skinned preference isn't just an issue of white colonialism, it's rooted in classism throughout.
Similar with "fatphobia", it's not a western beauty standard to be thin, historically fat people are derided because before first world nations made it affordable to be fat it was considered a symbol of being over indulgent and greedy because only the wealthy were fat. Learn some context people!!!
No. 1666316
File: 1664857333782.png (58.08 KB, 509x214, 1663349388203.png)

>>1665949>>1665935sage for super OT, India is a weird case though, the original inhabitants of the Indian subcontinent(the dravadians) were naturally pure jet black skinned, they couldn't be pale if they tried but then then became the Arayn Invasions happed(these Indo-European Aryans weren't blonde haired blue eyed nords the way Hitler and the Nazis envisioned. but they were much lighter skinned and hairy but they were a completely different racial group then the Dravidians) and after killing the men and raping the women en-masse, the Dravidians the native inhabitants that created the civilization on par with Sumeria were reduced to a permanent helot class, of course inter-mixing still happened and likely wasn't consensual on the women's part and so various forms of caste system were created, with the lighter skinned and bereded Aryans at the top among the warrior and priest caste and everyone else below them,
and this story didn't stop with the Aryans, the Turks, Persians and finally the British all conquered parts of India at various periods, the "Caucasoid" worship in engrained in every aspect of our civilization
No. 1666762
File: 1664904436547.png (898.81 KB, 1080x2827, Screenshot_20221004-101843.png)

>"I am a male with a high pitched voice that sounds like a girl"
>Posts on tranny subreddits
Hate to break it to you sis–you are female and you get harassed like a female in a female hating world and no amount of aiden cope can fix that
No. 1666778
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>trans print pad bag
No. 1666886
File: 1664912305935.jpg (622.16 KB, 1079x1419, 2ndhandeuphoria.jpg)

you heard it here first nonnies, you can now get 2nd hand gender euphoria! from how other people do their makeup! times really never stop being excited
No. 1666972
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>>1666897tifs have the most stereotypically girly interests too like…
No. 1666979
>>1666972>polo shirt>boxersHuh
>realistically proportioned and hairy ass body>chibi smol faceWha
No. 1667069
>>1666972Gotta love how all these terminallu online uwu "meet the artist" types are totally devoid of personality. the likes/dislikes are just the most basic shit.
"I like being warm and hate being cold" "i like candy and hate veg" "i like music and books" bitch which ones?
you can tell that despite trying so hard to be quirky and unique they're just vapid with 0 personality
No. 1667205
>>1665687Yep put it still damages the breast tissue and compress the lungs and ribs.
Ironic that the progressive era will make women wear a garment that is all what the supposed backward corsets were propagandized to be…
No. 1667288
File: 1664937129475.png (34.31 KB, 730x424, stealth.png)

Hopefully this kind of behaviour will peak more gay moids although I'm doubtful many will be that vocal about it
No. 1667306
>>1666972dislikes vegetables and the sun. checks out.
>>1666897i can legit tell when a tif draws something vs a woman or man.
>>1665677losing weight wont reduce breast size. these bitches just hate their boobs/being sexualized for their body. which is completely understandable, but they need real therapy not gendie shit.
No. 1667888
File: 1664992341635.jpg (421.72 KB, 1080x1749, IMG_20221005_124912.jpg)

Really sad every time I find some female YouTuber rambling about fandom things and being overall chill, turns out she's a they/them.
It's annoying when you wanna follow them on Twitter and they just keep sperging about pronouns and troo shit
No. 1667905
File: 1664993778556.jpg (Spoiler Image,471.7 KB, 1080x940, Screenshot_20221005_191534.jpg)

Saw this on my home page, that picture is disturbing but I'm glad bullying works.
No. 1668461
>>1667888>I literally don't care what you call me>use whatever pronouns as long as I don't have to see it>would rather be misgendered foreverOk then Izzy so what you're saying is that pronouns don't actually matter that much, being called the "wrong" pronouns isn't a hate crime that harms people, and using the "wrong" ones when the person isn't around is fine because they won't hear it anyway? Sounds like you don't "believe" in pronouns either kek
You know what would make you NEVER have to see another debate about it again? Just remove it from your bio and accept that language categorizes you as she/her like every normal person does - you clearly don't care what people call you anyway so what's the point in "having pronouns".
And she lists her pronouns as they/she, so the only way to "misgender" her is by calling her he/him (or using neo-pronouns I guess) which I haven't even seen anyone do because she's clearly a woman.
No. 1668468
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>>1668439>>1667913>i wonder how healthy will those wannabe seahorses' spawn turn out in the long run considering the mothers' self inflicted hormonal imbalancewe do have some similar data, mostly from Eastern belt Olympic athletes as well as female bodybuilders, who had children years after taking steroids, most of the data showed that children born from women who had taken steroids had higher rates of being born with intellectual disabilities and slight physical deformities like clubbed foots or cleft chins No. 1668479
>>1667888There's something so silly about insisting it's "MY pronouns" like these people all individually own these words. As a non-native speaker of English it amuses me that everyone in my country would call her our words for she/her, but since it isn't literally the words she insists are "her" pronouns we're all technically misgendering her. Unless Izzy and other genderspecials want to claim they own the use of other languages too, that their white English ideas are superior to the inferior non-white people's languages and they get to dictate how it's used over the native speakers.
Many languages don't even differentiate between "he/she" anyway, or have gender neutral words like "they". These people can insist they own words of their own language but the rest of the world won't ever care, to us you're just a woman like every other woman. You will always be ella, hun, ona, lei, ajo.
No. 1668481
>>1667888She was very obviously a gendie, this is pretty tame for them though. I'll take this over your usual female youtuber unpromptedly sperging about hating Jk Rowling for tranny brownie points in every video. That being said
>you don't need to write a literal essay in the Youtube comments about itMaybe people wouldn't do that if you didn't feel the need to shove your tard sexist gender nonsense down our throats when we're trying to chill and watch a video about mysteries on the sims 2 you fucking dumbass.
No. 1668504
File: 1665050007112.jpg (1.77 MB, 3464x3464, fashionablemen.jpg)

just dropping a lil highlight real of recent true and honest men in this thread for nonnies to laugh at
also, I know it has been beaten to death but I had to include the jew larper
No. 1668584
>>1667888how is she being misgendered if "they/she" is her pronouns?
>>1668504why would you want to larp as a jew. is it a mistaken idea that jews have some culture that white people as a whole don't? is it the false idea of oppression?
No. 1668817
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I think this man is pretending to be a ftm.
No. 1669045
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Imagine getting they/them knuckle tats
No. 1669500
File: 1665152580218.jpeg (455.47 KB, 1284x759, 91538C61-40D5-4E4E-9C81-A6B148…)

I saw this thread posted on ovarit, it’s NB-identified people talking about how the subreddit twoxchromosomes is terfy, which is already hilarious since it’s been around for so long and now caters to people of any gender ID instead of women’s issues like it was originally intended for. This particular comment was funny.
>what does me being AFAB have to do with my gender? nothing! >lists nearly every way being female affects her lifeDo they not hear themselves at all?
Here’s an archived link to the thread. No. 1669813
File: 1665180225711.jpeg (259.87 KB, 750x980, B600AAE1-8667-423A-9396-47D290…)

I guess we all know this. Doesn’t help that many TRAs see disability as another intersectional identity to be glamorized.
No. 1669831
>>1669172late but to me it’s because women rejecting their femininity is gross.
she could look like the twinkiest faggot but if she still calls herself a woman that shit is hot af. sage cause blog.
No. 1669863
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He wouldn’t fucking say that
No. 1669889
>>1668504What's with SJWs and autistically describing the pictures they post? I've seen whole blogs dedicated to it on Tumblr. I doubt they actually give a fuck about blind people. It's just virtue signalling. Like, "Oh, I run a blog that describes inane Twitter posts in excruciating detail for the poor bwind people. I'm such a wonderful human being." Nevermind that blind people already typically have software for this sort of thing and don't need to be coddled by smug teenagers online.
Looking at this fat tard's selfies makes me
wish I was blind.
No. 1669901
Parents must be having a real hard time these days.
Like seriously. What do these people's parents think? I desperately want to know.
No. 1670077
>>1669965NTA but it's alright anon, I got the gist of what you were saying. I kinda figured you meant "femaleness."
Imagine how much Aidens could lower their stress levels by just accepting that their gender has no bearing on their fashion sense, hobbies, or individuality. It's so much easier to be a homely girl who likes fairy kei than it is to destroy your body in a futile attempt to be perceived as a high-femme gay man.
No. 1670164
>>1669826Here here
nonnie. Make this 'autism is cool' trend fucking die already.
No. 1670169
>>1669529In a perverse way I tend to enjoy these "let's overanalyze a literal children's movie to death" type of essays, but the level of secondhand embarrasment some of her takes give me is insane.
>I relate to Megamind as an autistic man>I relate to Megamind as a queer manFucking kek.
No. 1670354
File: 1665247465580.jpg (486.3 KB, 2880x2880, 20221008_173903.jpg)

Excuse the shitty collage, on mobile. Found a cute cosplayer, but of course she had to turn out to be a they/them "himbo" with an OF. I guess since she can become the anime like many tifs dream of, and her comments are full of other they/thems questioning their sexuality because gender is just clothes to them, she felt it was the logical conclusion?
No. 1670376
TiFs where I live are very open about being transgender and "queer". They're very judgemental about others and believe they can see how "queer" you are just by looking at you. Gets on my nerves because you cannot see who someone's fucking just by looking at them. A man/boy who likes doing makeup and speaks in a high pitch? There are plenty of women/girls who'd love those qualitities in a man/boy. What they're really doing is seeing someone's alternative, not completely normie, and saying that's "queer" when homosexuality isn't involved at all. They see Autistic people living their life, not fully interpreting reality on account of their Aspergers, and think that's "queer" too and Autistic people are totally "queer" by default.
They try and out people in public. They ask for pronouns, flick their wrist, say they're "fruity" and ask to the effect of "are you part of the club teehee?"
On Tumblr there's some posts complaining about this behavior, but since all the TiFs are on TikTok now there's not much older people can tell them because they aren't popular enough to have followings.
Children are the only ones doing this, but it's a symptom of how children want to go against their more mainstream peers. There's no future set in stone for them, so they florish in what they see as unknowns, taking dangerous substances and flaunting it in their peers faces saying they're ahead of the curb. It's hyper individualism and an inability to create unions of people under shared goals, which is why their projects fail, they're particually drawn to social media and they never organize anything. Truly negative personalities even before any testosterone. They project their frustrations onto gay people, explaining why they feel the need to "out" GNC strangers by asking invasive questions in front of other strangers instead of reading the room.
No. 1670459
>>1669863Zoomers being introduced to breaking bad is one of the worst things to happen, I'm sorry. Seeing them in abhorrent tif/fujo style is soul-sucking.
>>1670354>HimboFucking where???
No. 1670559
File: 1665268946912.jpg (Spoiler Image,26.1 KB, 608x1080, hfgkgdksgfkjs.jpg)

>>1670354Oh my god she was the one pretending to be a femboy, tttt went crazy for her at one point
No. 1670765
File: 1665292588342.png (7.99 MB, 2054x8499, ugh.png)

>I'm Toby, I'm an e-boy but a girl! Also a drawer from Mexico (Baja California), >I draw a lot of lesbians and love horror games and movies.
>If ur wondering what I use to draw btw it's all clip studio paint. If you wanna >know what brushes I used you can always ask me!
Why are these handmaidens so homophobic. I hate it here.
No. 1670846
>>1670376My teenage cousin is a TIF, and she says "faggot" and "queers" constantly, typically in a derogatory way. I asked her if she's ever gotten in trouble for talking that way, and she said no, because she only hangs out with "other queers" (by which she means her friends at school who are also TIFs via social contagion.)
Obviously I say faggot here all the time because it's board culture, but I'd never say it out loud in public places the way my cousin does. She's just begging for trouble doing that. Her and her friends all just look like frumpy high school girls, so to an onlooker it would probably just seem like a bunch of teenagers being bigoted.
It makes me really uncomfortable, like if Rachel Dolezal started saying nigger constantly.
No. 1670959
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>>1670765What's the deal here? Are they meant to be butch women? The retarded coomer speech makes it more unbelievable than the design.
No. 1670981
File: 1665330830879.jpeg (Spoiler Image,855.29 KB, 1269x1575, C2729D0D-44C6-474D-BA3D-B70CF8…)

Spoiled for (badly drawn) zippertit scars. Kek.
No. 1671051
>>1670981Is this supposed to be an own? This is just proving conservatives right.
Why are majority of troons (whether MtF or FtM) furries?
No. 1671171
>>1670956i talked about this back when i still used twitter because it annoys me so much when tifs talk about fags and shit and it's so embarrassing how they're obsessed with being morally pure and then are just dying to use a slur that doesn't belong to them. and this mutual of mine (very very VERY old fandom friend who's an absolutely porn brained asexy nonbinary woman) said that this is SO true and one time someone told her transmasqué friend that she couldn't say fag even though she was transmasqué. girl, your friend is what i'm talking about…
another mutual of mine is currently bawling because despite all her surgeries, actual gay men prefer other gay men and do not perceive her as a gay man even though she got that phallo surgery with the pump thing. it's almost painful to see her pine after gay men irl and she just refuses to accept why they are not interested. she keeps saying she's ugly or that she has a bad personality/vibe, but it's literally the fact that she's a woman. a mutilated one but still a woman.
No. 1671281
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>>1670981I googled the caption and this is what I found
No. 1671403
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A random tif popped up on my instagram. I have to give her credit for being fit though.
No. 1671418
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>>1669863Reminds me of this
No. 1671420
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>>1671403is she turning herself into her idealized bf? I mean I get the appeal, I'm in fit alt dudes as well but normal people would just make OCs, aidens want to be them
No. 1671428
>>1671420>>1671403Its interesting seeing the difference between the types of male, lesbian TIFs want to be compared to what straight TIFs aspire to be
straight TIFs often go for an almost fictional type of male, an IRL version of men portrayed in Yaoi or BL stories, being male for straight TIFs is a fun experiment for them
Lesbian TIFs meanwhile seem to view being male as a means to an end(which for them is to be accepted in society as normal) but their idea of manhood is shaped by mainstream culture and not much else, they seem to buy in to many
toxic masculine standards of what a man is supposed to be compared to hetorsexual TIFs and I think that's why lesbians TIFs seem to have higher rates of depression and self hatred cause they will never live up to those male standards
No. 1671440
File: 1665377317097.jpg (419.12 KB, 929x1687, 285161786_335864325363105_8274…)

Today's spicy straight TIF
No. 1671477
File: 1665384967916.jpeg (858.69 KB, 986x1329, 317825CC-57DF-4E79-B323-AD9AC0…)

>>1671420She has a she/they girlfriend so maybe
>>1671428 is right about lesbian TIFs.
No. 1671482
>>1671403I was going to post yet another lament about how it's always the cute alt looking girls who troon out but this
>>1671477 is just too cringe kek.
No. 1671599
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No. 1671670
File: 1665413533362.png (32.3 KB, 593x279, Screenshot 2022-10-10 10.48.26…)

why is she acting like those women on tiktok can't blatantly tell she's female?
No. 1671672
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>>1671670those women on tiktok don't think you're a straight man… they think you're a gay woman
No. 1671696
File: 1665416370284.jpg (213.58 KB, 1984x2048, 1629648772248.jpg)

>>1671672tbh I won't say that I get lesbian vibes from her either, she seems more like a quirky straight women whose probably into polyamory
No. 1671705
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This response to a detrans made me lose my shit considering that crater of a hairline
No. 1671727
>>1659816you will never be a man. you have no cock, you have no balls. your entire anatomy was designed specifically to carry and deliver a baby. you are a female, and you will always be.
>>1660188kek, nonna, i didn't even notice this.
>plants>fairy lights>pictures of flowers(?)>homemade drapes/window decorations>neat bed with tons of pillows and plushes No. 1671784
File: 1665423367230.jpeg (Spoiler Image,536 KB, 828x1433, 5D98F6B7-5A2A-4DAE-86F1-8600B6…)

>>1671403Spoilered for chest scars but here’s her a little after she got the titchop
No. 1671843
File: 1665429501073.jpg (451.68 KB, 809x755, Tumblr_l_432451528673075.jpg)

When lionesses grow manes, it's typically as a result of hormone imbalances. Calling them trans is basically like calling a woman with PCOS a man because she has more body hair. It also implies that TIFs naturally have a surplus of testosterone when in reality, they have to take drugs for it.
It's the fucking clownfish thing all over again. TRAs cherrypick things in nature that they misconstrue as transness when it's either sequential hermaphroditism or a deformity. Idiots.
No. 1671902
>>1671897to emphasize that despite her thin appearance, anon thinks she's being unhealthy, hence also mentioning that she looks like she doesn't go outside enough
again, skinny fat is still skinny, so i dont think anon meant to say she looked fat by any means
No. 1671949
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Sorry for daily mail. But even in the woke troon psa you can tell which is the tim and which is the tif kek
No. 1671990
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I thought balding acceptance was for cancer patients, not self-hating women who think they’re men.
I should really delete twitter kek
No. 1672095
File: 1665457812063.jpg (86.17 KB, 496x491, 606ffb929491e__880.jpg)

>>1671990>>1671705>>1671599This is one of the biggest factors why I thankfully didn't troon out, when I did have thoughts about gender dysphoria, I wanted to have a beautiful male body, I wanted muscles, I wanted the naturally low body fat, I wanted to look like an idealized version of the men in my life(my father, my brother and even some boyfriend's here and there) but even with positive depictions of FTM transitions I knew that even in a flawless sceneaior I would still never come close to looking like a naturally fit and beautiful male that I wished to be, so I gave up
No. 1672229
>>1672095Good for you nona, it's easy to get sucked into delusions but you got out of it because you thought about it realistically so I'm proud of you
>>1672197chill, she said WHEN she had those thoughts and that she thankfully didn't troon out
No. 1672271
>>1666778It's all about consumerism at the end of the day.
People with good disposable incomes buy into the latest fads and one of them happens to be gender bending. What you purchase becomes your whole personality.
Underneath all this overpriced junk and all these procedures that you have purchased you look like any other person of your biological sex or whatever image you want to project.
Putting your sanitary pads in a striped zip up bag or buying testosterone gel and putting it all in your overpriced back pack will never make you anything other than what you essentially are and it only makes you more interesting to other superficial, insecure people.
No. 1672289
File: 1665482418118.jpg (366.64 KB, 1080x1921, Screenshot_20221011_115547_com…)

Theyre all mocking a detrans woman with zero mercy, the moment you speak out against it they rip you apart, dox and bully you like theres no tomorrow
No. 1672299 are laughing at ftm detrans girls because they are secretly happy that the male hormones and other addons ruined a teen girl from blossoming into a beauty and now she has to resemble some middle aged moid but no penis.
Some shitfucking trannies will even admit that openly, but all it does is reveal their cope that they know they are still male and have to get weak ass flexes on ftm detrans women just to feel a bit of sadistic gladness about their miserable non-afab bodies and faces.
Seriously think these trannies just want to make cis girls take T on purpose in hope it makes the girls as male-ugly as them, then they laugh about it. Trannies should have a bigger taste of their own meds then!
Hopefully TERs compile a list of these troons tweets saying such things on female detrans ppl and peak more normie women and handmaidens pronto! From sock accounts larping as trans women of course.
Also: if yall see any woman who claims to be cis but capes too much for trans women online, just know that theyre trans too, mostly early before-12 age transitioned. Like this fugly moid: yes Lynda Carter may have been a TiM androgyne in the 70s too.
(this is an imageboard. post screencaps) No. 1672300
File: 1665483885249.png (1.48 MB, 1162x1130, Capture d’écran 2022-10-11 à 1…)

what the fuck is this thing
No. 1672303
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It’s blowing up on Tik Tok and they’re doing nothing but victim blaming lol. It’s almost as if literal children cannot make responsible and informed decisions about taking hormones. No teenage girl is thinking about baldness when they decide to take T.
No. 1672329
>>1672300Love how she just had to add "smarter" even though this whole discourse has just been about appearance, particularly balding. They always tell on themselves.
>>1672303Also love how they act like she's some kind of idiot for not being aware of all the side effects of testosterone. A lot of doctors do not warn them. And it can be hard, especially for a teenager, to parse through what information is accurate online because these losers always lie about how great everything is and how it works like some kind of miracle drug.
Buck Angel almost died from vaginal atrophy and no one ever warned her that could happen because there were no studies on it because TRAs insist those kinds of studies are transphobic if they ever reveal anything negative.
Bet none of these girls know about the effect of testosterone on pancreatic β cell function. You really do not wanna fuck with your pancreas and they will learn that the hard way
No. 1672330
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She’s so close
No. 1672375
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>>1671990Imagine taking steroids to look like a sad, balding alcoholic ex wannabe rock star with moobs.
No. 1672390
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>>1671705I went to look at her twitter account some more and kek at this hairline
No. 1672416
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>>1672373What's the point tho? Are they trying to say HRT wouldn't make you bald that badly at 21? Or that no one detransitions and gets upset about the side effects? I get people theorizing that the canadian breast plate teacher is a gayop against the trans movement (it's not but still) because of how ridiculous it makes them look, but that video is so not inflammatory.
>>1672403I actually think that is secondary in comparation to how disingenuous their online communities are, they downplay the bad side effects, curate and edit their pictures and if someone says anything critical they gaslight them or play dumb. I'm almost expecting some tim to complain about how srs ruined his body and other troons start crying that no one ever said a neovagina was just like a real vagina.
No. 1672557
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Snapchat promoting these pregnant sexist TIFs who are upset some other people are sexists. Yeah, you went to a "woman's" clinic because you are a woman. You can be as bearded and burly as you want to be and still be a woman. Isn't it amazing and wonderful women are not restricted to expectations? Isn't it?
No. 1672623
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i'm sure every school had that one annoying homophobic girl who called you a dyke and refused to get changed near you in case your evil lezbo xray vision looked through her clothes.
well, i've just stumbled across the twitter account of my "that one girl", and she's now a gay trans man who cosplays as harry potter to dunk on jkr?? kek.
(saged for personal cow bc i know no one cares but me lol)
No. 1672625
>>1672623Kek she isn't even just cosplaying Harry Potter, she thinks she looks just like him. Way to show JK R
ng that you *hate
Harry P**er by wanting to look just like the main character.
No. 1672636
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absolutely delusional
No. 1672658
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I don’t want and don’t need to know this thanks Twitter.
No. 1672669
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>>1672623I mean he's an 11 year old boy, many petite adult women have been playing boys in theater as well as being stunt doubles for child actors, e.g this is Chandler Riggs when he was 14 next to his stunt double, a 30 year old woman, just 2 years after this they had to stop using her cause the difference in body size was too large, by trying to look like "boys" they unironically prove their femaleness
No. 1672709
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>>1672687i'm looking back through her account and the shorter her hair gets the more obviously female she looks, kek. i know she's mad.
No. 1672756
>>167241030 year olds SHOULD stop using twitter though. twitter is for unemployed zoomer shut-ins. at 30 you should have a job.
>>1672730taking tranny hormones does the opposite of making anyone fuckable lol.
No. 1672767
>>1672416I can't believe this is the video they're making fun of, I thought she'd be having a meltdown like
>>1659816 but she's literally just explaining what happened to her and yet they're still acting like it's just hilarious. Do they not care that their massive overreaction looks incredibly creepy to normal people?
>>1672623>>1672709Kek she just looks like a lesbian. If I saw her on the street male wouldn't even cross my mind.
No. 1672819
>>1671672>>1672709Anons often say that straight TIFs are homely girls who troon out because they think they'll make handsome guys but like… every once in a while, someone will post a TIF that's legitimately pretty (typically one that isn't on steroids yet.) I think this goes beyond beauty standards, though that does play a role. The pretty straight ones must either have BDD, other mental illnesses, or be super over-exposed to porn. I totally believe that
>>1672623 is a "former" mean girl. It's not hard to see how someone with NPD or BPD can go from one bad coping mechanism (bullying) to another (trooning out.)
Also while we're here, fuck septum piercings. They look awful, and ironically when women get them to be "unique" they just end up looking like every other suburban college girl with a Tumblr account.
No. 1672844
>>1672751Oh we'll definitely start hearing more and more about the disastrous consequences on people's health from this nonsense. Particularly for TIFs since testosterone seems to have much more potent effects on the body. But watch as the blame will be put everywhere else but on them. Feminism in general will be blamed (conservative moids are already doing this) and I bet they'll somehow even find a way to blame the TERFs. Mostly likely they'll still defend trans ideology and the concept of gender, but criticize doctors and the medical industry for not studying the side effects enough or not sufficiently warning people.
Oh if only the evil TERFs and conservatives didn't try to sabotage trans healthcare. Then maybe we'd have more knowledge on the side effects and ways to prevent them. These ways of course would not include discouraging transition altogether though. They'll just push for more drugs and treatments to counteract the side effects and make even more money.
No. 1672970
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oh my god
No. 1673049
>>1673032Those are the most embarrassing of all.
>>1672970>curly hair>testosteroneWhat.
No. 1673101
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gnarly chest scar surgery someone had posted as her contribution to national coming out day. Fucking bleak.
No. 1673177
>>1672970never heard a single
terf ever say that testosterone makes you ugly, it will make you unhealthy though. enjoy your athrophy, balding, cancer, etc…
No. 1673237
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this woman is almost 30 years old and trying to be her goth teenage crush
No. 1673266
>>1672970why do they always make that ugly face? and her head looks shooped on
No. 1673277
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>>1672658Do TiFs actually grow micropenises?
No. 1673282
>>1673260nonna if you feel a strong pull/conviction towards senior care, i could not ever say you should quit, bcus as im sure you know– the RNs and UAPs that could not give less of a fuck are running that show. but also personal health/income/safety comes first.
idk all i can say is: the people deluded into taking drastic & experimental operations are going to have
nothing but regret/pain by the time they turn 70.
No. 1673337
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>>1673312>I refuse to believe this is an adult.that's exactly what she wants
No. 1673351
>>1672416Why are they all crying about her? She isn't the first detrans woman speaking out about balding.
>>1673006I'm sorry nona but people don't change that much when they get older. Most women "stop" using social media when they are older from your pov because you don't see them since you probably don't give a shit about children. They post online, you just don't see it.
No. 1673361
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No. 1673365
>>1673361Damn, I gotta give her credit for standing her ground. I honestly expected her to delete all of her socials.
The harassment she's experiencing is extreme even when you compare it to the level of shit detrans people normally have to put up with. At least when trannies dogpile on JKR, they can attempt to justify it by pointing out that she has a large platform. But what's their defense for tormenting this Literal Who? Do they seriously think they'll change this woman's mind by screaming at and threatening her?
It's obvious what they're actually doing here. They're making an example of this woman. This torrent of targeted harassment sends a clear message: "this is what we do to defectors." They're struggling to keep people in the cult with hugboxes and false promises alone, so now they're resorting to fear and ostracization. This thing has to be reaching critical mass, I can't see this lasting into the 2030s with the trajectory it's following.
No. 1673395
>>1672970If testosterone made her ten times hotter, I'd hate to see her before she trooned out.
>>1673046Fellow bong and I'm convinced these mean girls are made in a factory because they all look samey and follow similar paths in life, kek.
No. 1673438
>>1673436Get off the internet child. If you think life ends at like 23 you’re in for a big shock or a mental breakdown when time comes for you too.
You’ll realise when you get to 25-30 you’ll still have the same hobbies and interests and desires as you did at 18. Normally with more funds and knowledge, so maybe even more so. If you want to give up at that age to try and fit your societal norms that’s on you but don’t try and bring other young adults down that don’t wanna pop out a family or lay down in a corp job.
Next time you go out to a bar or a gig (if you’re old enough) have a look at all the folks 30+ having a good time and shut up with your bullshit.
No. 1673507
>>1673461Your projection shows you have no idea how normal people use social media.
Every normie has a FB page or an Instagram profile, even everyone's grandmas and grandpas.
If anything, people below 25 should not use social media, because social contagion spreads like a plague thanks to it and they're the first not just to spread it but to get infectef(as this thread shows). Before we had things like twitter/instagram/tiktok spreading ROGD on teens and young adults, there were tumblr blogs dedicated to proana and promia.
Laugh all you want at adults using social media to put a like on their friends' photos and minion memes, but remember that some of the shit we have to endure today like pronouns language fuckery, identity flags, trans cult behavior and gender bs also became huge because 10 years ago socially infected teens on social media laid out the basis for it while they were being groomed by pedo trannies. If there were no guillible teens to groom and turn into cultists they wouldn't even have half of their support.
No. 1673566
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It’s almost as if the therapy they have you go through is completely pointless and arbitrary. You can think you want something one point in your life, and then realize what you wanted was a mistake.
No. 1673657
>>1673557I recently discovered 2 family members who aren't very tech savy are fully peaked because they actually read what Rowling said and then realized terfs are based kek
>>1673565keep feeling high and mighty my anonita queens!
No. 1673672
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I was at a party recently where a TIF and some enbiez were talking shit on Bechdel’s name. Bechdel is literally an OG handmaiden, been dropping TIM characters and words like genderqueer in Dykes to Watch Out For since the fucking nineties. But these girls were giving her shit because of an article where she said she’s glad she wasn’t brought up now, because most people would’ve assumed she was trans and not an “unusual woman”. As someone who is also gnc and has been pressured by my peers to look into being trans…well
The article: No. 1673728
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>>1673672all I know about her is she wrote an awful autobiographical comic about her closeted gay dad and didn't seem to dwell on the fact that her father raped teenagers, its alluded to, but only presented factually in a couple lines like. “some of them were underage.” but that’s it, so I'm not surprised she supports TIMs
No. 1673763
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>>1673728samefag, I get he was her father and played a large role in who she was as a person, but the story remained fixated on his life and the alison’s desire for connection with him and the aspect of him SA teenagers is barely brought up, I could not sympathize with the alison's mom who was solely focused on the pain of being abandoned. And the ending of the book, sentimentalizing the rare moments of tenuous, father-daughter connection, left me stone cold.
No. 1673778
>>1673763Imagine accepting your father fucks men like a whore and rapes teenagers and then just picturing your mother as someone who just feels abandoned.
Revolting. I'm glad trannies are cancelling her.
No. 1673869
>>1673728I rarely get
triggered over lolcow but you just hurt my 13yo baby lesbian self who snuck out to public library’s adult section to find this book.
No. 1674277
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>>1673909Be the change you wanna see,
nonnie. But let me help you. Spoilered for tit chop scars.
No. 1674299
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No. 1674300
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genderspecials are such a mess
No. 1674341
>>1673728>>1673763I appreciate the artistry of it (the literary references, the non-linear structure) but something about it rubbed me the wrong way. I got the impression she viewed her dad a lot more favorably than her mom, despite the fact that he's a much worse person and an equally shitty parent.
Even in the 70s, people knew it was wrong for teachers to fuck students, especially male teachers. I don't care what his sexuality is or whether he's alive; if I found out my dad fucked teenagers, I'd wash my hands of him. She's viewing her horrible father through rose-tinted glasses because of his untimely death and the (1) thing they had in common. It's such battered-housewife behavior, presented with shockingly little self awareness from an otherwise insightful author.
Like other anons have said, it doesn't surprise me that someone who blithely defends her
abusive pederast father also capes for trannies. I'm surprised she was even able to acknowledge that lesbians were being groomed into trooning at all, but she's going to regret saying it because now she's on record as speaking against The Narrative.
>>1673825Agree anon. I personally would've phrased it as "your father rapes teenagers and cheats on his wife like a sociopath." Whores aren't inherently bad people, so it feels like an understatement to call a rapist a "whore."
No. 1674420
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>>1674360I mean look up bi4bi tag about fictional characters, its always related to healthy hetorsexual relationships being hc'd as being bi pro-shippers who have consumed so much BL/Sapphic fan-fiction that they literally cannot comprehend a healthy hetorsexual relationship
No. 1674476
>>1674360Absolutely this. I'm a straight gnc woman and I constantly get these people trying to convert me.
>you have such amazing queer energy!>you've never questioned your gender before?>at least try "they" pronouns>but you have such amazing and powerful queer energy!>i'm only friends with queer ppl and i like you, therefore you are also queer. you ust don't know it yet.>you're too cool to be cishet>yeah but X used they pronouns when referring to you and you didn't correct her, so you must be queer!>i WILL crack your egg. i have never at transing someone's gender.All things I've gotten at some point. They literally can't comprehend someone who is comfortable with themselves.
>>1674420Supposedly "Woke" fandoms have a real problem with claiming any straight couple they like is bi4bi just so "the straights can't have them" but any same sex couple is GAY they were just confused before they are 100% gay do NOT call them bisexual ever.
No. 1674498
>>1674476I've been told I must be a queer bi/lesbian for being gnc too
>yeah but X used they pronouns when referring to you and you didn't correct her, so you must be queer!They used to treat they/them as a neutral word, but now it's kind of just pronouns. Calling a he/him tif "they" makes them flip a table because you're avoiding their real pronouns, even though it should still be a neutral word to use. Or using "he/she" too much and avoiding calling them "they" sometimes when they're he/they makes them flip out too. Idk if I explained this in a way that makes sense
No. 1674563
>>1674522total blogpost but whatever this thread is dying, my coworker is bisexual but thought she was straight for years because one of her sisters was one of those extreme tryhard enbie kweers who made great strides to be a part of the community but only fucked and dated men and looked just like a normal girl. everything about her sexuality was so performative that my coworker assumed because she didn’t act so retarded about women, didn’t have a drive to wear rainbows or the bi flag or only date kweer men, she must be straight.
she came out last year and has already eaten more pussy than her sister has.
No. 1674632
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haha! permanent mutilation! how quirky and wholesome!
No. 1674659
>>1674299It’s the same as running into gay enbies that ONLY date or thirst after people of the same sex
Words mean nothing
No. 1674668
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No. 1674728
>>1674668ngl the thought of an Aiden sputtering out that she actually uses he/him pronouns and is totes a
valid man…! kinda makes me laugh. But then I remember that this is yet another case in the endless sea of workplace harassment that women face and probably the reason she wanted to escape womanhood in the first place. Some moid making her feel uncomfortable to the point she's torn between leaving a job she loves or keep facing unwanted attention.
No. 1674752
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this is what too much internet usage does to socially inept teenagers
No. 1674766
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Imagine being a straight woman who shames other women for being straight because you chopped your tits off and they had the sense not to.
Also, I've only ever seen Aidens use that retarded toothpaste flag.
No. 1674808
>>1674766I swear, these memes mentally ill trannies make are not memes, it's just a bunch of text with meme images under them that really don't have to be there. Why is the trad girl wojak representing a fujoshi, do we really need the uwu emo boi wojak saying he isn't uwu emo also with two pride flags just on his hoodie.
MTFs do the same thing and it's all over tranny spaces online it's just insane ramblings with little figureheads.
No. 1675001
>>1674766They’re the same picture
One just has an extreme case of NLOG syndrome.
No. 1675004
>>1674618These conservative moids only care about detrans women when they can use them to criticize trannydom in general. They lament the loss of a sexy teen girl/young women who could have been barefoot and pregnant, hyperfeminine, and serving males.
If this was a woman with a hormone imbalance or some genetic issue that made her go bald, these men would mock her and think of her as completely worthless. Anti-tra males are entirely cynical and self serving.
No. 1675088
>>1674668>"instead of figuring out why he's attracted to me"maybe you should be the one to figure that one out kek
I'm tinfoiling that the guy is secretly anti-troon and is doing it on purpose to annoy her. If he just wanted to get laid he could just go "yes, you are totally a big strong handsome man and I'm totally bi/gay", and if she says she's "straight" he'll just say he's nb/trans too so she has to be attracted to "her".
No. 1675277
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Came across this true and honest male on my twitter timeline
No. 1675284
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No. 1675289
>>1675277Kind of cute, but also holy sensory overload
>>1675284I haven't even read Harry Potter, but every time I see JKR I love her more and more lol. I've been considering reading them just because of stuff like this.
No. 1675293
>>1675289Do it, it's fun- though the first books are very childish. They are a fast read, though.
There is also A Casual Vacancy and her Cormoran Strike novels.
No. 1675331
>>1675089It's rassicas, a Splatoon youtuber.
Before: (fakeboi OC rping and her trying desperately to deepen her voice) hyper autistic furrymoid thread. how male and female they both act despite being gender specials. The moid does not give a fuck and just screams like a banshee over her the entire time while she tries to be polite and speak when it's her turn.
I want better for her but she's also extremely autistic, it would be extremely difficult to convince her to stop.
No. 1675390
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>>1642478Sorry for an underage cow, but it's bizarre to see 13 years olds in this cult. I hope it's just a phase and she will grow up without being groomed into actual troondom
No. 1675437
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>>1675403Quick scroll through the insta and almost every single one of them is underaged. Pedogram won’t block this account but they should
No. 1675439
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>>1675403What happens when you try to report (sage for double posting)
No. 1675451
>>1675437Weird to think about two 14 year olds meeting on Instagram for a relationship and pretending to be 3 years old together. Which is why this account is obviously followed by pedos who will look for whatever child wants a long distance relationship and a romantic relationship and will contact them pretending to be their age. They even have age-range listed so the predator knows exactly what age to larp as. Same with giving the location.
>>1675440What do they mean by SFW only? On the account itself maybe. The fact you can't even report it because it's just broken is fucked. It's so obviously wrong, an account that disguises itself as a dating hookup for children is already fucked enough, but you know it's really for adults. Especially since it's for abdl shit! A sexual fetish. I can't wrap my mind around how this shit is so blatant and yet not contested by anybody.
No. 1675456
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Found another account like that
Literally any scrote will be able to diddle her by just telling her how she is valid in her kweer uwu boi LARP
No. 1675465
>>1675457It's exactly what creeps are looking for, it's easier to groom a retarded autist teenager than a normal kid with friends and a life outside of uwu safe space
That's why troons always have some kind of a mental illness long before trooning out, it's the vulnerability cultists are looking for
No. 1675483
>>1674985It was a thing on Tumblr around ten years ago. Despite being a retarded fad catchphrase that was only popular for a couple years, Aidens treat "sin" like something literally all fujoshis say all the time.
From what I can tell, the whole "sin" thing caught on as a playful way to mock homophobia. Like drawing a wholesome piece of slash fanart and sarcastically calling it sin as a way to mock people who view it that way.
No. 1675510
>>1675390>>1675451>>1675457A lot of zoomers today have lost their childhoods because of how quickly girls have to grow up and how sexualized every aspect of them and their childhood is. Every generation likes nostalgia, it's why you see "kidcore" which is just nostalgic images. But holy shit zoomers (or pedo moids) have almost gendie-fied age. Do you still like stuffed animals and Disney movies? Well that's not normal for a 14 year old so you must be an age regressor. Don't worry, this is a normal coping mechanism and totally isn't a community full of pedophiles preying on vulnerable children!
When I was a teen on the internet I liked my little pony dolls (this was before FIM thankfully), so I'd go to those adult pony collecting sites. I knew it was okay to like toys still even if I was 15 and that actually many grown woman like childish things and it didn't even cross my mind that it could be something that was sexualized or wrong because I was lucky enough to not come across moids trying to spread their DDLG ABDL kinks as something normal or therapeutic. It's easily comparable to how tranny shit used to be all porn and a weird fetish. Now it's widespread and normalized that even kids are doing it because they found a way to sanitize it so no one can see their evil intentions.
No. 1675511
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Look at her fucking scalp kek.
No. 1675562
>>1671834She could not be skinwalking Peter harder
>>1672687They're the girls who sneered at lesbians and tomboys and accused them of wanting to be men. Their gender identity is an onion of homophobia
No. 1675580
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we are reaching new heights of fakeboi gaslighting
No. 1675668
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>>1675580If she can make male trannies kill themselves it's a net positive for me.
No. 1675686
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leave my autistic childrens movies alone reeeee
at least they know they don’t pass
No. 1675842
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I'm so worried they're turning my butch tomboy idol into a they/themlet.
Sorry for blogging but Nami in the Bokujou Monogatari games was formative for me bc I was a major tomboy and she was the first tomboy character I saw as a serious love interest in any media. Fuck these clown times
No. 1675884
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>if you’re weird and not a stereotype of a girl you MUST be trans later in life
No. 1675913
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>>1675580Please stop doing this make up that makes you look like you sniffed shit