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No. 2016968

>Admin note: Please remember this thread is not to discuss general grievances and phenomena of the trans "community". Only post here if you're talking about specific trans cows and are able to provide screenshots of their behavior. Generalized vents don't belong here, nor do your personal experiences. Use the appropriate threads on our off-topic boards for this

This is a series of threads about fakebois and trans-identified females (TIFs).

TIFs are girls and women who take on the 'trans' label to any extent, including undergoing ("gender-affirming") surgery under that label.

"Fakebois" are girls who pretend to be boys, either by becoming TIFs or larping biological males through the screen (classic move). Fakebois usually style and present themselves as androgynous or feminine-looking boys, or wearing girls' clothing and make-up while insisting on being addressed with he/him (or occasionally they/them) pronouns and take great offense at being gendered as female.

These threads are also now a catch-all for any minor TIF cows without threads of their own. Even "serious" troons, (like Kalvin Garrah and Ellen Page) are fair game, as are horrific troon surgeries and pregnancies. Just remember to spoiler that shit.

**TIFs, no one cares if you think you're ~more legit~ than the cows posted here.**

Additionally, occasional discussion of fujoshis is fine, but don't sperg and infight about it. Report and ignore bait.

Notable FtM-related subreddits:

Old threads by order of recency:

No. 2016979

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The sheer delusion is just making me cackle. One of the moids is straight-up mocking her and the other is both mocking and sexually harassing her (I do think flashing your dick to a woman counts) yet she thinks they're envious of her 'masculinity' and that it came 'naturally' to her.
>I kind of felt like he was jealous that normative masculinity came more naturally to me as a trans man than it did to him as a cis man.
But then she goes ahead and admits that
> I have long hair, I like to wear jewelry and occasionally crossdress.
Like yeah sure… moids are jealous of this kind of 'normative masculinity' I can imagine a moid being insecure enough to feel like shit in front of some female bodybuilder or simply someone taller than them (since I've seen it myself and we all know that moids are deeply insecure in general kek) but a tif in a dress with long hair and jewelery activating jealousy mode in two different moids? As if it wasn't eyebrow raising enough, she makes it even weirder by adding this
>But I do also respect that his internalized homophobia probably runs deeper than mine and he's definitely experienced more overt homophobia than I have as someone born and raised in a very liberal area. So I wanna give him some space to figure that out for himself. But I hate feeling like my manhood is being belittled.

No. 2016980

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Tif discovers friendship for the first time in her life and still wants it to sound extra special

No. 2016982

This reads like she has BPD and either found a covert narc or a doormat bestie to be codependent with KEK.

No. 2016985

>guy is having his woman friend touch his arms and feel his muscles
>offers her dick in the bathroom
how can she not see that he just wants to fuck her?

wtf is a QPR?

No. 2016986

Pretty sure it's Queer Platonic Relationship. So a friendship.

No. 2016989

Yeah, especially since he's bi and bi moids are… well, a species of their own. You could throw a sandwich across the room and a bi moid would fuck it before it even hits the ground. It's funny that she took his blatant harassment as envy though, she's either the most clueless person to ever exist or a narc kek.

No. 2016993

That has to be one of the dumbest things these idiots have invented. They're soooo special that they need a whole new term for friendship. Retards

No. 2017000

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Are then queers so unlike the rest of humanity that they cant just say 'friends'? Like what is, tifs bonding about really being guys? Idk, a sexless relationship? The acronyms and terms that come from the queer community (especially the tranny and they them adjacent shit) are painfully immature, dorky af, pseudo intellectual and just plain stupid sounding. lmao and then they have the audacity to get mad at the average jane and joe looking at them like some retarded kid out in public

No. 2017071

How much of a cave-dwelling NEET do you have to be in order for the concept of having a best friend to be this foreign to you?

No. 2017084

I think the difference is touchiness. QPR touch each other a lot in non sexual ways like hugging and cuddling but wouldn’t kiss or fuck.

No. 2017085

That's still just how female friendships work anon

No. 2017108

And here i thought tifs are the jealous ones when a woman who isn't a tif displays unapologetically gnc behavior would cancel off the tif's 'man' pass (e.g. having a chance of experiencing the sweet moid socialization they desire) according to tifs?

No. 2017110

I think QPR is more like a lifemate-civil union thing

No. 2017137

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No. 2017138

Kek anon do your friends still follow that covid social distancing rule? Hugging and cuddling is so common among close friends.

No. 2017139

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>My afab parent who birthed me, came out to me as a trans man
>I'm also transmasc
Retardation runs in the family.

No. 2017142

you cuddle with your friends? i've never heard of that being a thing, must be cultural differences.

No. 2017148

Doubt it's anything cultural since I come from a culture that doesn't value female friendships (or kinship of any kind among women), yet female friends cuddle all the time if they're comfortable around each other. This is just a matter of personality and personal preferences I guess. If you don't like to cuddle and also don't have friends who cuddle, then no cuddles for you.

No. 2017151

Just depends on personality types. If you're a hugger then your friends are likely huggers too. In my country everyone hugs, but my friends don't, so Id say it's just about who you are not where you are

No. 2017156

I wish more friends would cuddle with me. I’ve only had like two who wanted to. It feels so comforting when it’s someone you trust a lot.

No. 2017158

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What happens to Moira Greyland was such a heartbreaking case, her mother was at one time a respected "feminist" fantasy writer and her father was a "wizard" who used to set up fantasy roleplays, he was also a pedophile who used to rape little boys. Both her parents started abusing her as well and tried to gaslight her into thinking it was revolutionary, her father used to make her pretend to be a boy while he molested her

>What they did to me is a matter of unfortunate public record: suffice to say that both parents wanted me to be gay and were horrifed at my being female. My mother molested me from ages 3-12. The first time I remember my father doing anything especially violent to me I was five. Yes he raped me.

>He told me unequivocally that no man would ever want me, because all men are secretly gay and have simply not come to terms with their natural homosexuality.
>I grew up watching my father have “romances” (in his imagination) with boys who were a source of frustration because they always wanted food and money as a result of the sex they were subjected to, and didn’t want HIM. (OF COURSE!) I started trying hard to leave home when I was ten, after the failure of my first suicide attempt, and to intervene when I was 13 by telling my mother and her female companion that my father was sleeping with this boy.
>Now it should be noted that boy lovers do not think of what they are doing as “molestation.” To them it is sex, they imagine it is consensual, and any objections will certainly be overridden by the orgasms they are certain they can produce, and it is the shame of these orgasms that silences the boy-victims, and persuades them they “must” be gay.
>My observation of my father and mother’s actual belief is this: since everyone is naturally gay, it is the straight establishment that makes everyone hung up and therefore limited. Sex early will make people willing to have sex with everyone, which will bring about the utopia while eliminating homophobia and helping people become “who they really are.” It will also destroy the hated nuclear family with its paternalism, sexism, ageism (yes, for pedophiles, that is a thing) and all other “isms.” If enough children are sexualized young enough, gayness will suddenly be “normal” and accepted by everyone, and the old fashioned notions about fidelity will vanish. As sex is integrated as a natural part of every single relationship, the barriers between people will vanish, and the utopia will appear, as “straight culture” goes the way of the dinosaur. As my mother used to say: “Children are brainwashed into believing they don’t want sex.”


No. 2017166

This is the most depressing thing I've ever read. Such a fucked up mindset of two fucked up people who wanted the world to be just as fucked up. I feel so bad for her, it sucks that her pedo parents didn't have the most gruesome deaths or ever got the torture they deserved.

No. 2017175

Contagion. It doesn't come genetically.

No. 2017182

No. 2017185

Why is she worried about this lol like she isn't an ex pick me anachan who's known to jump on latest trends

No. 2017188

We are seeing this play out in society in real time with online pornography and drag story hour for kids

No. 2017191

she has so much cow potential, like it's crazy that literally all she posts about is her transition. vidrel sends me because the differences between her body compared to her bf's are so stark, like their hips, the way they store body fat etc. when will these women realize that even though they remove their breasts, the rest of their body will still be that of a woman.

No. 2017199

Her "bf" is also a tif though…

No. 2017202

I got so much secondhand embarrassment from your post, anon. I get that not everyone is good at clocking but jfc.

No. 2017203

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samefag, most of the larger Sci-fi/fantasy new-wave organisations were all aware of this, I'm sure most people have never heard of the Science Fiction & Fantasy Writers of America, But they’re one of the main SFF tastemakers, They award the Nebula Prize, which is the premier award for Science-Fiction and Fantasy authors.
Marion Zimmer-Bradley was central to the SFWA clique and was on the board in the 70s, at that time MZB her work was considered instrumental in lesbian and feminist fantasy literature, she was also a founder of the Society for Creative Anachronism,(which was/is a major LARP group) and her husband was the “Grand Master” of Creative Anachronism Berkeley Society(The LARP group for children)
her husband was the subject of a letter called “The Breendoggle” in which the SFF crowd debated what to do about his frequent "incidents". her husband was eventually arrested and convicted for this. Their daughter has made it clear that MZB, her step-mother and everyone in that clqiue knew what he did and either just ignored it or actually tried to help him cover up.

No. 2017216

The point is kek at Ez's body. Yes there are women with more masculine physique than others, if you want to compare a tif to regular women it is still fair game.

No. 2017220

You made me remember this woman crying because her daughter is not going to use her pronouns and that's she's not an ally.

No. 2017228

Grotesque and evil, but not surprising considering how much of a misogynistic boy's club SFF was and continues to be. Unfortunately I have the type of autism that draws me to 50s-70s scifi and almost every depiction of women (by male authors) during that era was either some sort of incompetent doll or sexually-charged vixen.

No. 2017238

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repeating my post from the booktok thread, most ear;y fantasy and sci-fi stories were written by people who lived interesting lives and had a good understanding of the world. For example, H.G. Wells wrote War of the Worlds as a critique of Darwinism and the author of Conan was a sharecropper. These writers had rich life experiences and were influenced by history and scientific advancements that they would read and research about. but during the 'New-wave of science fiction' starting from the 60's, stories began to be written by people who were disconnected from the context and approached their works as a form of escapism. Some men, who read Tolkien for instance, completely missed the Christian symbolism and solely viewed it from a fantasy escapist perspective(picrel).

No. 2017239

that's an interesting interpretation, makes a lot of sense from that perspective. thanks for sharing

No. 2017278

Would it be creepy to you if a male friend suggested platonic cuddling? There was some talk of this in the gender ideology thread, trannies wanting to cuddle with their friends

No. 2017290

Straight males are incapable of giving platonic affection towards females. Either he will keep his distance or act downright cruel to you if he's not attracted to you. Or he will want to fuck you. No in-between.

No. 2017315

I would rather eat a table piece by piece than trust a moid's 'platonic intentions' behind cuddling. I'm sticking to my girls.

No. 2017342

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No. 2017345

>im a trans gay man
kek you should’ve killed yourself already, speddy!(sage your shit)

No. 2017346

Do it lel

No. 2017351

The ”bi” guy just wants to fuck her.

No. 2017353

Even supposedly 'suicidal' troons crave attention more than death. What is she even expecting out of this post? Trump's supporters would stop supporting him just because they want a spicy straight woman on reddit to live?

No. 2017354

I know the TiF is the cow here, but fuck the people in power who intentionally engender this level of fear in people. Even when the U.S. has a retard president, it's still a pretty good place to live in the greater scheme of things.

No. 2017381

I don't usually see tifs hating on illness fakers, who cutesify being retarded with names like neurospicy, cos there's such a crossover between those people and tifs.

No. 2017383

>akshully it's everyone else's fault for not telling me it was wrong!!!
Typical moid.

No. 2017398

It's just the flowing of trends. Calling yourself neurospicy and other cutesifing things is starting to fall out of fashion, so the people you usually expect to trend chase are starting to follow suit and calling it out for gentrifying neurodivergence and in essence for being cringe. Plus, by making fun of the fake neurospicies, they're reasserting themselves as true and honest neurodivergents and defending their own porfolio of minority labels.

No. 2017435

Wtf is a neurospicy

No. 2017439

What fear indoctrination does to a mf, this is so embarrassing and pathetic. You just know she’s white and lives in the suburbs comfortably. How do posts like these not tip people off that the newest iteration of trannyism is a fringe doomsday cult? The only other people who talk like this in the first world are nutter Christians thinking abortion being legal is “coming for them”. Same religious persecution martyr complex. I hope being exposed to rhetoric like this makes more people connect the dots

No. 2017441

What the fuck is wrong with these people? Why did not a single person call the cops when he was abusing their children?

No. 2017450

Relocation is hard, but relocation underground is easy apparently

No. 2017465

It means neurodivergent, adhd or autistic and whatever else is under that umbrella

No. 2017550

r/suicidewatch being an acceptable subreddit while lesbian subreddits get banned is insane. She won't kill herself. Trump being president would allow her to victimize herself even more than she already does, no way she's not going to be around to get the dopamine hits from that.

No. 2017562

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If she's not a kid, she might have survived just fine during his "evil reign" from 2017 to 2021. I hate these people using suicide for "please tell me everything will be daijoubu".

No. 2017564

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They seem to forgot that Trump can't do shit without the government refraining any new law or any "anti-trans" stuff during four years, or think he'll do a Hitler thing and make all trannies go to a concentration camp (oh, wait! We are in a real genocide against trans people!)

Probably is me being an old hag but I have seen the same "I'll kill myself if Bush wins" or "I'll move to Canada" back in the ol' days.

No. 2017600

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posts like these where they brag about how much hrt changed them always send me. so much more masc uwu

No. 2017605

lmao anyone can get this from taking collagen/biotin supplements without any exogenous steroids being involved

No. 2017613

Just looks like they stopped plucking their brows and cared less
Also not them drawing flowers on their face and being the most girliest girl ever like every other tim. Like these girls need to troon out so they can be feminine without shame.

No. 2017619

Kek it took her 11 months for that?

No. 2017624

These people are too mentally ill, the way they delude themself on a regular basis never fails to baffle me. The belief that body hair somehow makes a woman masculine is retarded enough in itself, but after the mid to late 2010s thick eyebrow revolution tons of women stopped plucking their brows and embraced their natural form. If anything, she should shave them as having non existent brows will give her the ultimate gender euphoria or whatever considering how rampant male alopecia is.

No. 2017648

i was about to say that i hoped she'd kill herself but then i remembered this probabbly is an influentiable and broken girl and felt bad about it

No. 2017683

my thoughts exactly. I don't care about TIMs's 41%, but TIFs really made me feel sad about they taking that route to escape about anything they want to avoid to.

No. 2017697

My eyebrows are thicker than the bottom image even when I tweeze them. You can tell she totally ruined her eyebrows by overtweezing and that's why they've grown back so patchy.

No. 2017756

Crap i thought it's something similar to spicy straight.

No. 2017767

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No. 2017770

Copium… and they say that until they start balding

No. 2017776

This has popped on my feed and it's incredible how much they are on coping. 10 years and still the smoking frog voice, 10 years and still round eyes and delicate grow area. Even after 10 years, if I met this person, I would still be able to tell that's something off.

No. 2017788

Maybe its my own imagination but why is it that so many tifs have watery eyes? Something about their eyes just makes it a dead give away, that or I've been looking at too many pooner memes.

No. 2017789

Many "neurospicies" are self diagnosed so it's not far off

No. 2017797

Oh shit I'm >>2017776 and I was about to say it but I was afraid I would've look as a schizo kek anyway yes, idk what's the deal about it. Tif eyes are always so sad and watery/shiny, they always look miserable or like they just stopped crying, of course giving it away it all, moids don't have that gaze and always the most rounded eyes girls troon out so it doesn't work and look right. What's up with them. T is truly poison.

No. 2017823

It is also easy to get the diagnosis by reading the symptons online and saying you have them. Many fake ADHD to get that medical amphetamine. At least in my country since "neurodivergence" is trendy the actual experts on it have too many patients so regular doctors diagnose them instead and they are easy to lie to. Sorry for the ot but could apply to many cows posted here kek.

No. 2017840

>You'll have vascular problems, osteoporosis and fertility issues.

No. 2017860

Can we talk about the amount of tifs that infiltrated the band ghost? It’s all yaoi fanart and it’s crazy. Someone brought up tifs obsession with alt stuff and it made me think about the ghost band in particular

No. 2017867

She has the testosterone levels of a woman with a slight pcos (women normal levels are from 0.86 to 9.0 and she's at 2.8), meaning that she most likely is faking her deep voice and not shaving and wasting her money on placebo gel. She's been on testosterone for a year and almost and half with no results, "hrt" factories are truly evil.

No. 2017871

Tifs ruin everything they touch

No. 2017875

The original comic was made by a mtf who bitched about people having issues on giving hormones to minors; not beating the "Ts are a hazard to children" narrative there Tif.

No. 2017935

I mean, fujos have been a thing in bandom forever like frerard and ryden and larry, wouldn't be surprised if 60s girls shipped the beatles. But I do bet the fujo to tif pipeline makes them 100 times more cancerous

No. 2017944

Blog but I was a Frerard girl and that definitely fed into my thinking I was trans for about 3 months, band fujos are definitely still fujos. I even started binding with headbands before I realised it was retarded. There but for the grace of god go I, that's why I'm so passionate about this shit(blog)

No. 2017951

Nta but can I ask what about frerard and fujoism made you troon out? I was a frerard fan girl and fujo'd the shit out of every piece of media I consumed but most I did was contemplate being nonbinary before I realized I hated men amd that by denouncing my female-ness I was getting "closer" to manhood which skeeved me out. I was wrong about all of that of course kek but the hatred of men saved me from a full troon-out.(blogposting)

No. 2018043

NTA but Gerard Way has been quoted saying if he were born later, he would be trans MTF

No. 2018070

What's it matter when he was born, he should live his truth or does he realize and acknowledge it's a trend therefore it'd be embarrassing for him to troon out now as he's ugly and old kek

No. 2018080

I've seen people headcanon him as trans right now, call him they/them, and show lyrics where he calls himself girl or mentions cross dressing as proof. But in the 00s any emo guy was called gay and cross dresser so of course that made its way into his lyrics. And now in the 2020s you're called trans, and somehow it's progressive this time? Yeah right.

No. 2018102

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terminal brainrot

No. 2018116

Aren't bad side effects of the scrote juice just a TERF myth, though, by their logic? They constantly flip-flop between saying that T will make you into an elf prince but when reaching effects, being fatass with multiple health issues is desirable? Insane amounts of cope. Have a feeling they know transition has failed them, especially the trutrans types know it the best.

No. 2018209

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for a whole decade of her life, she proudly declared herself an asexual lesabian/enby, only to have a sudden epiphany that she was actually attracted to dudes all along, once she trooned out

No. 2018210

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No. 2018214

I understand grown adults will say "boy dinner" or "girl math" as a joke but the way that gendies constantly use "boy/girl" for everything instead of man/woman is so weird and juvenile. Even actual men with fried brains taking roids wouldn't be calling it something stupid like boy juice, and saying boy clothing is usually only in reference to children's clothes. It's like she simultaneously fears aging but willingly takes drugs that'll speed her aging up 10x

No. 2018218

She desperately wanted to be kweer and speshul, so when she presented as a woman she called herself a lesbian, and now that she's LARPing as a man, she can express her attraction to men and still feel unique. I think that these women who grew up on Tumblr are ashamed to be straight, because the LGBT wss the cool kids club, and straight people were boring oppressors. It's interesting how TiFs are so desperate to be unique and nonconformist, yet they're all the same as each other.

No. 2018220

Doesnt injecting testosterone make you “gay”? Apparently it’s a common phenomenon among TIFs where they start experiencing attraction to men after being on T. She could just be bi or whatever too though.

No. 2018227

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"I'm a tomboy but that's so 90's"

IIRC they tend to use "boy/girl" because "now they're living the childhood they were denied to have for being assigned by the wrong sex". That, and other reasons.

I do remember Tumblr trying straight people, specially women, like the oppressors and privileged for living without worries for being shunned or killed by their sexuality, ignoring the misogynistic problems and more. To the point that you can use any word with "sexual" and "is valid". Tumblr should have stayed like a web page where you could just upload pics or videos and have fun.

No. 2018230

I don't think so. I believe that the women who go from "lesbians" to "gay trans men" were probably bisexual all along, but when T raised their sex drive, they were unable to suppress their attraction to men. So in actuality they went from being febfems to bisexuals who only fuck men. Remember that this is a community that confers social capital on people who purport to be attracted to only one gender, because it validates the identity of opposite-sex troons they date.

No. 2018235

>asexual lesbian

So she never felt any attraction towards women, she just didn't want to be straight on tumblr. Now that she's a "boy" she can finally express her heterosexual desires in a way that's still progressive with her peers.

No. 2018274

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pretty much

No. 2018277

istg this whole meme about "I wish to not be perceived" has to be weirdly one of the most psyche damaging things also
>Leaves out when she got on tumblr

No. 2018278

This shit wouldn't be happening at all if these retards could just accept the rainbow flag, instead of creating microlabels and microclubs for them to loudly circlejerk around.

No. 2018297

>I don't want people perceiving me the same way as before
Why can't these people just try a new nail varnish or buy a cool shirt? Why can they not just try things that aren't being a faggot?

No. 2018316

Whenever I feel like I'm terminally online, I remind myself that there's women older than me who have trooned out multiple times in their lives. Brings solace to my soul.

No. 2018331

>I wish to not be perceived
This is literally the opposite, though. "I don't want people perceiving me the same as before" just feels like psychology-speak for "I want everybody to pay attention to me and know how special and individual I am".

No. 2018337

>"i love having a dick, do you want one?
a real gay/bi man would have recognized this as an awkward invitation to sex just fucked him instead of being offended kek

No. 2018355

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>I fought and worked to be a man they simply were born with a dick between their legs
KEK do tifs ever realise how embarrassing they are? The whole 'I had to give myself hormone imbalance, chop off my tits, and sew a meat sausage to be a true and honest moid while you have to do nothing and simply exist as a moid because you were born as one' isn't the flex that she think it is. Being yourself takes zero effort.

No. 2018356

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Samefag and also, as expected, this same tif ticks all these boxes. It didn't even require a deep dive into her account, she posted and admitted this herself kek.

No. 2018357

Tbf this probably does work with worthless weak scrotes because existence is a competition for most moids.

No. 2018359

>self-inserted in yaoi stories
>likes boys kissing boys
>was "not like the other girls"
>very into fanfic
>aroused by wearing a packer
>the kind of man you're attracted to is the kind of man you want to be
After reading all this, I'm not surprised that she played alone as a kid. But then again, she also ticked off the 'played with boys as a kid' and 'played male characters often in childhood role play' so… she played with imaginary kids or what?

Honestly, I doubt it. Nothing can a bigger ego boost for scrotes than a woman butchering herself to larp as them. She said that they belittle her, she's too retarded to realise that it's because of misogyny and not twansphobia but those moids know it and would continue to bother her anyways. I wish it did, but I don't think it affects them as much.

No. 2018360

>I fought and worked to be a man!1!!
Yet you still aren't one, because an actual moid would have thrown a punch instead of lecturing them like a schoolmarm.

No. 2018367

>Now that she's a "boy" she can finally express her heterosexual desires in a way that's still progressive with her peers.
These women are so ashamed to be straight, it's baffling. What kind of brain worms even causes this? It can't be yaoi, because I've seen this behavior from non-fujos. Is it peer pressure? Desire to be unique?

No. 2018370

Really feeling like these "asexual" people are really hyper sexual. They want everyone to know their sexual status at all times, in a way normal people don't. They need you to know if and when it changes, and how it affects them. They treat it as a core part of their identity that they need to showcase wherever they go.

No. 2018399

It's very obviously caused by hanging out in terminally online spaces where everyone is pretending to be non-straight so they also have to. Basically, mentally weak people that submit to peer pressure and have no sense of self.

No. 2018401

>I believe that the women who go from "lesbians" to "gay trans men" were probably bisexual all along
Only if they actually felt sexual attraction to women and weren't just LARPing/jailhouse gay (like the TiF in question). From my observations probably over 90% of TiFs that go on T and start to lust after men are just straight, the others might be actual bisexuals, but usually from these you hear that they keep dating/fucking women after T. If the TiF troons out and only fucks men after she's just fucking het and the roid horniness makes her unable to continue her lesbian LARP.

No. 2018460

File: 1721872845743.gif (631.23 KB, 275x267, 1715370146494.gif)

>loves Mulan


Did she miss the point of the whole movie??? Even in the real lore she returns to be a woman.

No. 2018501

Its typical of tifs to see women who had to pretend to be men, and not see the societal problems that caused it, but think it's something wrong with the woman herself. It's how they see their own transition after all.

No. 2018583

it doesn't make you gay but makes you hornier. That's a fact. These are all probably asexual girls (or low libido, being ace as a sexuality isn't a thing) that since they didn't like boys they be like "omg I'm a lesbian then!" and then when the teen like horniness hits, they feel the heat for boys. They're straight on extra steps.

No. 2018598

I…..wow. She mad bio men don't take her seriously then freaks out in the most says the weirdest shit. Shes jealous biological men can see what a joke she is mutilating herself.
Freaking out in the most feminine way.

No. 2018599

Sometimes they DO see the societal problems and connect it to their own experiences in a misogynistic society, but because they're retarded it just adds to their oppressed minority LARP.

No. 2018660

Thanks for all this info, I’ve been reading Moira’s book and it’s insane what she went through. Her parents are horrible people. For anyone who wanted to know what happens to her she catches her dad molesting a 12 year old boy when she’s like 20 and she calls the police, there’s a whole investigation and as another boy comes forward the dad is sentenced to 13 years. He’s old and in poor health due to a cancer he refused to treat so he dies in prison. He disowns Moira but forgives her on his death bed, and his money is split between his son and the 12 year old previously mentioned. All Moira asks for is her harp tuner and two books. She’s incredibly talented and artistic but I’m at a part where she’s still going through intensive therapy and struggling with romantic relationships. Will update if anyone cares, kek.

No. 2018674

I care anon, if you find anything else that you believe is interesting enough to post, then please do so. I'm not sure if my google skills sucks or what but I'm having a hard time finding enough info about her.(derailing)

No. 2018681

>She’s incredibly talented and artistic
Could you post some of her stuff please?(derailing)

No. 2018699

File: 1721935661885.jpg (225.62 KB, 790x613, Untitled.jpg)

checking in on my personal cow, white girl who lies about being native american and takes constant internet donations claiming to be homeless due to DV/abuse/whatever with her ftm girlfriend instead of getting a job. the larp continues

No. 2018817

I like that she drew one of her nipples half-missing for realism.

No. 2018950

File: 1721985203558.jpg (184.45 KB, 1080x630, 7e8rjdje.jpg)

So do you want to be treated like a true and honest man or not? Make up your fucking mind already.

Funny how FTMs want to be men until it's time to be associated with atrocities men commit while MTFs get ladyboners over getting catcalled

No. 2019008

They don't want to be seen as men, they want to be seen as TRANS. Being trans means you're special.

No. 2019017

I checked this person's account. She calls herself a t4t lesboy, so this doesn't even apply to her. Like make up your mind are you a lesbian or a totes valid boy? If you say "both" then you're just being disingenous and don't believe in your own "manhood"

No. 2019063

This is exactly it.

No. 2019080

Just finished the book! Her mother is diabetic and in terrible health, after multiple strokes and/or TIAs her lover Lisa (began dating Marion Zimmer-Bradley (MZB) when she was 26 and MZB was in her 40’s?) stops sleeping with her and dates a man named Philip, and those two start giving MZB all sorts of documents for her to sign that are covered with a piece of cardstock with only a small cutout for MZB’s signature. She essentially has no idea what she is signing. Lisa pretty much fleeces her and ends up with half her estate, the other half goes to the Berkley Opera I believe. After MZB dies of course. She does die terribly, Lisa is having work done on MZB’s house so MZB must stay at an apartment where she has no caretaker, and ultimately either eats herself to death (diabetes and she would not regulate her blood sugar, she thought 400 was a low blood sugar at one point in the book) or dies of another stroke or heart attack. She was using diapers and would leave them all around the house and had a terrible memory. So she dies alone in that way, not at her home as Moira says she wanted. Then Lisa has MZB cremated and carries her around in a tupperware until she can make it to Ireland to scatter her ashes (this takes months). Moira says Lisa tells her at one point that she catches herself (Lisa) speaking to MZB’s ashes.
I love the 70’s and the hippie ideals but this book was very shocking. The adults in it discuss how children should retain the rights of adults (Walter Breen) or how children do not have erogenous zones so cannot be harmed by molestation (MZB) or how children above the age of puberty should be allowed to decide whether or not to have sex with adults (also MZB in her deposition) especially if they are physically larger than the adult propositioning them. Moira is a real hero in the story, albeit she did write it, but at one point I gasped as she is the only one who can interpret her dad’s journals (bad handwriting and short-hand, she calls it Walterese) for the police. Just incredible the role she played. She states at the end of the book that she went through hundreds of flashbacks to write the thing and utilized a litany of coping mechanisms. She is still afraid of the dark and is embarrassed but cannot help it, it gives her flashbacks, as does being cold (her father raped her in the cold bathroom when she was 5). She is against gay marriage as she states all children from gay families that she’s met have gone through similar experiences to her. She believes LGBT and their ilk are founded on the belief that all sex with anyone is permissible and encouraged, hence her repudiation of it.

No. 2019083

Sorry, regarding the 70’s the Breendoggle email sent out to try to quash the warring factions of whether Walter should be allowed or not allowed at Worldcon included information about children Walter molested that is framed as “X was so young nobody thought Walter was doing any harm and as she got older we asked him to stop” and “I am not a puritan and I don’t want to tell anyone how to live their lives” alongside the belief that “children who are emotionally healthy will not be harmed by sexual contact, but how many children are emotionally healthy in our puritanical society?” essentially the vibe I got was that the man who wrote the Breendoggle letter believed that children felt shame about sexual contact because society told them so, not because it was wrong. It was full of language like “I’m still one of you all, but I think maybe sort of kind of Walter may be harming these kids by molesting them, er, I mean, touching them…again, I’m still an outcast just like you all.” Very shocking. Apologies for the long posts, but I want to convey the information so anons don’t have to read the entire book or Breendoggle document as it is disturbing. I think we will see more books like Moira’s from detrans kids.

No. 2019088

Throughout the book she is a prolific seamstress, making elaborate Ren Faire costumes starting at age 12. Her preteen years in the book is punctuated by these descriptions of beautiful clothing she made, here are some:
>In any case, my ability to sew was not lost on the Faire people around me who needed costume pieces, and I began to earn money sewing costumes. When I was twelve, I became the youngest person ever to appear on the Renaissance Faire’s approved list for people who could be commissioned to make costumes. That meant the things I made were not only known to be well made, but historically accurate enough to look right to the Faire patrons: natural fibers, concealed seams, period colors, naturally period shapes and designs, and awareness of sumptuary laws—No purple, no scarlet red, no cloth of gold unless you were royal, and no velvet unless you were noble! Rohana worked at the Dickens Fair with me after I had learned to sew, and I got to make some dresses for our use. Recently she showed me pictures of her daughter wearing a black-and-white plaid taffeta dress I had made back then, when I was twelve. It had a border of knife-pleated hard pressed pleats: it was a thing of beauty, even all these years later. She remarked on how quickly I had cut it out and put it together. Mostly what I remember about that dress was the endless plaid-matching, where the seams have to line up one line on the plaid with the same one on the other side so it looks nice, not messy.
>The things I made were not what one might have expected. I made a white Victorian ballgown for the Dickens Fair with a satin underlay below white eyelet lace for the bodice, a lightweight canvas lining, and a three-tiered skirt. It was gorgeous. I also made a corset from a pattern one of the ladies at the Renaissance Faire had given me. Stupidly, I showed the ballgown to my mother. I had put a narrow black velvet ribbon around the knife-pleated Bertha neckline, and my mother went insane because she hated my wearing black. She thought it meant I was depressed, and that was not ok. She screamed and yelled, and I cried. I knew perfectly well that what I had made was glorious and did not need her “help,” but she absolutely forbade me to keep the ribbon on it, so I had to find a way to appease her—she would not allow me to wear it or keep it with the black ribbon.
> I wore a red military-style jacket covered with miles of gold braid, and a short yellow satin skirt. Since my character was meant to be a Christmas doll, I wore white face, red spots on my cheeks, and bright green and gold eyeshadow. It was the most unusual stage makeup I had ever done to that point. My hair was done in braids across my head, and I had mistletoe woven in among them. The following year, I made a new Princess Mistletoe costume with a longer skirt, again loads of gold braid, and epaulettes on the shoulders with gold fringe.
>Eoin MacKenzie did me a huge favor while giving me a rather substantial challenge. I told him I wanted to learn how to make kilts, so he gave me an old kilt of his to turn. He was left-handed and kilts typically fasten on the right side, so my challenge was to take it apart, and put it back together inside-out, thus hiding all the worn parts of the fabric. I would mend all the moth-holes using military darns and hair-canvas, a fusible tailoring cloth used in wool jackets to add stability where necessary. I would also re-line it, hand-stitch all the pleats, and make new buckles and leather fittings and sew them on. I let it sit in my mending basket for months out of sheer terror. Once I finally got to it it was not as bad as I anticipated, and by the time I was done I knew more about kilt-making that I ever would have if I had simply gone from a pattern. After all, everything was where it was supposed to be already. I did not have to figure out how many pleats, or how deep, and I could measure their width at top and bottom rather than experimenting.
She is also an amazing fencer! She “gives up sharp objects” (needles and foils) because her harp instructor tells her to. She was a harp performer through college and is a harp teacher now, here’s some of her music and her channel is https://youtube.com/@moiragreyland?si=FRCo4XgTZRBWa-4A . She has also been an opera singer (college years) and took piano for a year prior to voice lessons. Her mother wanted to be a famous opera singer, so she makes that her focus in college. But she discovers harp and changes her focus after she becomes 23, the same age as the youngest opera singer to win some award her mother wants her to win, so Moira can’t be the new youngest winner. She says in her book she became a workaholic around 10 to cope with the abuse at home, and she ends up staying with lots of nice Faire-goers to avoid being home.(off topic)

No. 2019107

The funny thing about that, is this is part of a larger thing Tim’s on twitter have been trying to do. They’re painting female to “”male””transition as problematic and keep trying to smear all tifs as sexual predators while simultaneously being misogynistic towards them.
I’m Hoping this will cause more TIFs to detransition(sage your shit)

No. 2019125

She also has a Celtic album, Avalon’s Daughter, available for purchase and free on Soundcloud https://soundcloud.com/moira-greyland
Sorry for the multiple posts, farmhands, I’m on mobile and wanted to share this woman’s story and resilience! I believe she is relevant to this thread as trans ideology began to take root with her parents’ generation and she is an expert on the destruction it causes.(derailing)

No. 2019128

Seems like those shitheads got what they deserve. I only wish that Breen had suffered in prison for even longer.

>She is against gay marriage as she states all children from gay families that she’s met have gone through similar experiences to her.

Good thing her personal anecdotes are not the basis for laws. Of course people who went through the same stuff are going to reach out to her and vice-versa: that's not a representative sample, that's selection bias. Also, gay marriage was illegal when she was a kid, and she still got molested by her bisexual parents in a heterosexual marriage. Denying people the right to marriage doesn't prevent molestation, it denies a civil liberty to millions of law-abiding citizens.

I'm getting really sick of the increase in homophobia on this site in the last few months. Go to Kiwifarms if that's the kind of discussion you want to have. And don't you retards try to justify this with man-hate, because in this case, lesbians are also being targeted. People attracted to their own sex aren't the problem. Men and troons are the problem.

No. 2019129

>I believe she is relevant to this thread as trans ideology began to take root with her parents’ generation and she is an expert on the destruction it causes.
This is a massive reach. This would be better suited to the book thread in /m/, the terrible parenting thread, or the gender ideology thread in /ot/. Snow threads are for milk from the community at issue. This lady's parents weren't troons, and the elevator music she makes isn't milk.

No. 2019138

File: 1722019610228.jpeg (339.18 KB, 608x762, IMG_4749.jpeg)

i love how you only have to click the first link in any if the ftm subreddits and any post you find is sure to be an absolute doozy
Based and true

No. 2019173

Of course she can't work through her sexuality herself, she has to ask the cult's council if its OK, so that she can keep her super special "gay man" label with them

No. 2019190

the ftm (and mtf) threads attract a lot of homophobic, misogynistic and conservative anons, even more so in recent times it seems. fucking hate seeing this shit shilled in one of the only places online where you can expose troons and gender ideology for being horrific and predatory without having to be grouped in with tradthots and alt-right dickriders.

No. 2019221

Preach anon. Being able to clown on troons in a lefty environment has kept me sane. There are a million places online dedicated to conservatives hating everyone who isn't straight or gender-conforming. There are very few places for leftist women to criticize troons specifically.

No. 2019344

seriously, why is that other kind of baiting for example related to race etc is taken seriously by the mods but homophobic baiting isn't?

No. 2019393

No. 2019438

Unfathomably based. With how insulated and cultish trans shit is, though, I wonder how many victims of gender ideology it will actually reach.

No. 2019451

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this is the woman making the "hrt is so great for me! Im the happiest i've ever been! comics" btw

No. 2019460

Jfc isn't she like 5'2" or something? If her BMI is higher than 35, that means that she's 200lbs!

No. 2019461

Idk, I know for a fact that it used to be cause for redtext. This is probably a better discussion to have in /meta/ though

No. 2019474

I discovered this rubbish tiktok band named "The Pussyboys". The members are all TIFs, and the lyrics and the music video are have the girliest vibe possible.

No. 2019475

They look cute, ngl.

No. 2019487

Weren't "two-spirit" identities usually reserved for natal males? Besides that, the tribe she's claiming to be from doesn't seem to have had two-spirit identities to begin with.

No. 2019495

"Two-spirit" was literally a psyop created by two white pedophiles.

No. 2019496

I'm 100% convinced tifs are physically incapable of producing good sounding music. They just can't do it.

No. 2019500

I swear the alignment with conservatives is what will keep gender bullshit raging for decades. Like the whole problem is men and women being forced into stupid stereotypical boxes in the first place

No. 2019641

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Something tells me she's a tif. No one would be that ignorant to say "gay is an umbrella term".

No. 2019687

> I got nothing in my brain / but I just stay smiling / cuz I know you'll always be talking down to me / I'll get by on my dumb boy energy
Boys can be dumb and remain charming but if a woman is dumb she's a bimbo.

No. 2019726

Tit chopping needs to fall out of fashion ASAP because the #1 thing that stops women like this from being attractive is that they don't have boobs

No. 2019729

idk about you but I've heard genderspecials and other insufferable little tq+'s say "gay is an umbrella term" since as early as 2015. I know several bi girls who would talk about how gaygaygay they are and then whine about their boyfriends or thirst after dick immediately after. Insane people are really timeless

No. 2019740

I think that's why it's more heated in the US than it is in the UK. It became a wedge issue for Americans, so now people are just going with whatever their team thinks instead of thinking for themselves. Many such cases.

No. 2019755

Wasn't she also that one tif who reblogged (or liked) a post where some creep was making their little brother do inappropriate poses? I could never feel even a shred of sympathy for her after that. Fuck this nlog landwhale.

No. 2019758

I'm trying to say it in the nicest way possible, but their voices are the exact same and they all sound like kermit on coke. Who allowed these three frogs to form a band? It's truly the most boring, untalented, terminally online girls who troon out. These tifs knew they won't even gain 4 concurrent viewers if they sang THIS fucking awfully as ordinary female artists, so they decided that coomers shall pander to other coomers and named themselves pussyboys. Nobody is there for the music anyways, they just want to desperately believe that being trans is fun because three women with pubestaches told them so.

No. 2019774

No. 2019775

Especially if its irony where the tims call themselves lesbians. They're attacking her for dating a tim in this way too.

No. 2019779

Yet you wanna talk like a moid yourself? The longer I stay in female spaces the more I find a portion of women unreasonable. Thanks, I understand troons better now.(infight bait)

No. 2019831

>boohoo not every woman is a perfect little angel that behaves exactly how I want her to! She must be disgusting or evil!
I agree, you do understand the misogynistic mindset.

No. 2019865

>visuals: edgy 2000s grunge
>lyrics: uwu I'm a dumb wittle boy and my life is so nice!

It looks like all "third genders" are for natal males. If they were seen as not real males by their cultures at the time for being gay or eunuch or doing socially female designated things, they became pseudo "women". But the only gendies I see caring about "third genders" in the west are natal women.

No. 2019870

Tinfoil: "third gender" stuff was a massive cope so that muh masculine warrior types wouldn't feel gay for fucking effeminate males kek. See how "straight" men act about traps and femboys nowadays.

No. 2019896

File: 1722183006441.png (84.07 KB, 394x140, Screenshot.png)

Not surprised she would be a genderspecial too.

No. 2019906

Honestly, I agree with you. The other anon's whining about titchop didn't come from a place of genuine concern but rather how unattractive they are. We get it, healthy women with their healthy body parts intact are always going to be hotter than tifs (that's coming from a lesbian), but there's better ways to say it without reducing them to just boobs and going 'no boobs? so unattractive, that's the problem with tifs!' it was more than obvious where that anon's priorities lie.

No. 2019920

File: 1722186029804.webp (24.82 KB, 1051x866, r-sinkpissers-supports-trans-r…)

Learning about the actual medical issues of testosterone on women's bodies is interesting, such as learning that incontinence is a guaranteed outcome - meaning every t-taking tif you've ever seen is literally either currently pissing herself, or will in a near future.

No. 2019928

>This thing is dead, we should bring more public.
>How about we say "(shit) support trans rights"?

No. 2019947

>In the queer community (that I am a part of)
This made me laugh for some reason

No. 2019955


No. 2020063

It’s extremely depressing that these girls think you can’t have the exact life they try to recreate in their videos as women without trooning out and LARPing as men. You can dress and act masculine, skateboard, be in a band, and date women. Shocking I know

No. 2020270

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>words most used by men

No. 2020283

where? feel like its more common to see stinky whale tifs than bone rattlers

No. 2020292

that graphic specifically applies to proana communities.
if a proana says they're a man it's guaranteed to be a tif

No. 2020319

lot of proanas are actually fat though trying to develop anorexia to lose weight

No. 2020412

I have known few cases of bullimia and anorexia in men, but seeing "malesp0", "meme", "tumblr" and "enby"? Nah, these men are totally tifs. No scrote use another as "inspo" unless they're in a gym.

No. 2020481

You're right in this case but scrotes totally use each other as inspo, you should check out looksmax. org, it is a perfect mirror of deranged proana forums but with moids who have gigachad plastic surgery abominations and patrick bateman as their profile pics instead of delicate dainty waifish coquettes or whatever. It's a pretty terrifying insight into the male psyche but it explains a lot of their behavior.

No. 2020520

File: 1722315219207.png (445.8 KB, 2018x1038, Capture d’écran 2024-07-30 à…)

you can always trust the totes legit gaybois on r/gaytransguys to spout the most heterosexual bullshit imaginable

No. 2020566

Kek she really thought she found a way to escape misogyny

No. 2020671

File: 1722344281709.png (625.88 KB, 1122x807, d4PsvLF.png)

good for her, I guess

No. 2020678

Tifs being feeble minded, what else is new.

No. 2020685

This is depressing. I wonder how old the man who "treated her right" is.

No. 2020687

yet another case of "trans because other people are pieces of shit so I have to be the one to escape my identity"
I want to fast forward 10 years to see more studies about this

No. 2020689

Imo the issue is that many women are raised to believe they don't have to be strong, and things like being dainty and getting treated like a princess is acceptable for an adult. It makes them weak-willed. They can't fight, so they flee. That isn't to say you have to dress like a butch lesbian or anything, you just have to have a strong personality, stand up for yourself and think about your decisions.

No. 2020730

Her father was right. All males are bisexual pedophiles and that's why all hetero relationships are abusive and doomed from the start.
I don't know what the probably homophobic male who posted this hoped to achieve but as a bi woman this definitely solidified my decision to only date women.(baiting)

No. 2020745

No. 2020754

TiFs continue to be the most heterosexual women ever. You'd have to be lost in a fairytale het fantasy to believe all women should be feminine dainty princesses and if you don't fit this mold, you're actually a man. I'm glad she avoided the tit chop.

No. 2020774

Kek at the people here who think this is legit. I've spent enough time on /tttt/ and /pol/ to know this is a troll from either of those places.

No. 2020828

>All males are bisexual pedophiles and that's why all hetero relationships are abusive and doomed from the start.
Look, I hate moids as much as anyone here, but you desperately need to touch grass.

No. 2020884

I wonder how many TIFs are peaking from reading all these stories. The fleshlight comparison is an apt one considering that scrotes go on Tinder to be ghei for easy pussy and nothing else. I have to give her props for giving other mentally ill women a go, even if it won't work because they're straight women who want actual dick. It probably peaked some of them to turn up to a sexy transmasc doood's bedroom to find a mousy little woman with a pair of socks in her boxers and a mascara-enhanced pubestache instead of the 3d animu boy they expected.
Probably, but I know enough TIFs who really did detrans after growing up and improving their lives. Some of them went back to being normal after finding a scrote, but most of them got jobs with coworkers who don't live online and suddenly developed self awareness.

No. 2020892

You're right too, but seeing the tags I don't think a real scrote would use a thin enby twink with scar chest as "inspo".

No. 2020894

File: 1722381938511.jpg (14.83 KB, 472x264, 1719258299774645.jpg)

>As for trans men, I've been on dates with a few, but we didn't click and they didn't want to sleep with other trans men (it is what it is).

One dollar no one have called her "transphobe" or bullcrap like that. Of course you didn't click each other, you both were heterosexuals.

No. 2021172

If she switch to shot she will inject a very low dose of testosterone and keep the same results, it seems like she doesn't want to actually up her dose to a normal male level.

No. 2021391

Straight woman surprised that she hooked up with straight moids, more news at 2:30am.

No. 2021429

File: 1722489739785.mp4 (2.71 MB, 576x1024, 10ec01eed5a905fe106ac54ad07eba…)

Imagine being comfortable with your body to do this cosplay and remark that "you're not a girl".

No. 2021465

I swear I saw that swimsuit on shein. I did not know it comes in XXXXXL.

No. 2021679

File: 1722553431894.png (818.87 KB, 720x1194, 2312112.png)

I feel like I've been seeing a lot of old-school fakebois again lately. This one isn't even trying.
>rare hormonal disorder
Yeah, you and every other straight Twitter girl who couldn't even commit to being a TiF.

No. 2021772

File: 1722566325810.jpeg (272.28 KB, 749x1098, IMG_9255.jpeg)

Ah yes the most punk man dresser possible

No. 2021774

File: 1722566356762.jpeg (205.8 KB, 750x1146, IMG_9256.jpeg)

With the most OI PUNK tags to match

No. 2021779

File: 1722567254152.jpeg (293.32 KB, 750x1155, IMG_9257.jpeg)

God this is truly the best fakeboi blog I’ve seen in quite a long time, truly they are 2deep4u

No. 2021781

We need to bring back gatekeeping. Years ago this retard would be a laughing stock for calling herself both "punk" and a "man".

No. 2021782

What seeing life through only aesthetics and labels does to a mf

No. 2021783

The meticulous arranging and re-arranging of pink bullshit on a grimy dresser reminds me of Luna kek.

No. 2021784

Music based subcultures aren't a thing anymore, everything is just an aesthetic costume. Words losing their meanings means anyone can put a label that's incorrect, like this would never be considered punk or male. Just willy nilly scraping for a personality. Lack of identity definitely has contributed to it.

No. 2021785

Punk died in 1990 when there was no more Margaret Thatcher to rail against.

No. 2021792

I'm a 1950s movie but also a renaissance painting but also detroit become human but also ratatouille but also melanie martinez and lana del rey but also edgy slurs because I'm so kweeeer. And I'm not describing my Pinterest board by the way it's my gender.

No. 2021793

>i'm a narcissist

No. 2021796

Based and true. Every subculture is diluted and manufactured so quickly we've been left with fleeting aesthetics and tiktok micro-trends that are just shallow death rattles of things that already existed.

No. 2021803

Looks like Luna's hoards back when they were still squatting Roger's place.

No. 2021809

File: 1722573380180.png (710.19 KB, 565x682, 1000026858.png)

Kek I remember coming across her before, she trooned out because of danmei and it's the goofiest shit possible for a straight woman to do after reading works by other straight women, the T isn't going to turn her into a pretty boy by STARember for sure. Also, is she cosplaying Sha Hualing from the scum villain's self saving system here? Damn it looks like shit. She really went on taobao and bought the cheapest costume available…

No. 2021811

These girls be like 'I was born with a rare hormone disorder' and then it's just pcos.

No. 2021837

this is so true, im in a couple invite only pro ana discords (since im an ana chan unfortunately), and its maybe 70% twans men/non binary. its so sad to see girls getting their tits cut off and other asking how much they weighed. it boils down to men can naturally maintain lower body fat percentage (better spo) and women want to be able to not face misogyny. i mostly stay in the server bc some of them are so fucking fat in the most womanly way, like lunch lady jiggle level LMAO, and want to be uwu anime boys, and are so so delusional. The fat ones are always wannarexics who have zero self control and join the servers just to try to lose weight and just cycle maybe 10lb up and down. feels bad sometimes, but its free ego spo for me.(blogposting)

No. 2021838

being anorexic makes you just as pathetic as being a tif kek

No. 2021840

File: 1722583508333.jpg (195.39 KB, 1080x1027, 1000026888.jpg)

>I'm not like the other girls, I'm akhcually a boy
>I'm not like the other boys either, I'm akhcually so different and special even among moids
Incomprehensible level of brainrot.

No. 2021841

Some of the girliest shit I've read in a while.

No. 2021843

dont flatter this word salad lul

No. 2021865

if you enjoy elitism then seek out "avant-teen" types who post on rateyourmusic lol

No. 2021867

Not wrong

No. 2021871

>noo I dont want be seen as boring straight
>soo im lesbian with women and gay boi with men because that is queer
>damn im special

No. 2021884

kek too true

No. 2021909

Stop hanging out in hugboxes that enable your illness and get some actual goddamn therapy.

No. 2021930

still find it crazy that those characters originally started as jjba part 5 ocs before being goonerfied LMAOO

No. 2021952

File: 1722615478125.jpg (75.3 KB, 1080x533, 1000026906.jpg)

Found this comment under fucking mimimi by Serebro out of all things and I can't stop laughing. She literally said the girliest thing imaginable and then went 'oh I trooned out btw' kek what the fuck.

No. 2021955

File: 1722615709765.mp4 (3.51 MB, 1080x1920, Snapinsta.app_video_An-9BnKNgf…)

I don't get how anyone believes this obvious woman is a femboy? Scrotes are so fucking gullible. You can literally see her tits in over half of her videos.

No. 2021966

To be fair, she's kinda ugly in the face and uses it to her advantage kek. It's like some mean girl in high school once told her that she looks like a dweeb dwelling in his mom's basement and she took it personally. The body, mannerisms, style, hobbies, and everything else gives it away but the face is quite moidish, not because it's masculine, it's just… ugly.

No. 2022029

There's a second TIF that made JJBA trans AU/headcanon fanart just to gradually turn them into actual OCs??

No. 2022080

We talked about her not long ago. She tries to pass off pictures of her brother as herself "before" becoming a "femboy."

No. 2022138

Yaoi/Danmei/Webtoon. Not even once

No. 2022165

File: 1722658440999.jpg (509.21 KB, 1080x1050, ndjsixh.jpg)

are you talking about the one who made kakyoin into a brown 5 foot tall "femboy" ftm? a few months ago she doubled down and just turned him into her girly girl oc but still insists it's an ftm kekkk
her jotaro rip off oc is also a tif

No. 2022171

The lengthening/slimming filter making her arms so long at the end

And tbh braindead pornsick men are just asking to be taken advantage of. Though, at what cost when it's by a mentally ill gendie woman sexualising herself, and being the one vulnerable to being taken advantage of? At least get some money out of it like that natal female "femboy" streamer, before she was caught.

No. 2022181

Wonder how her little brother(s) would react if they find out her posts

No. 2022288

File: 1722707307022.jpeg (844.82 KB, 828x828, IMG_7560.jpeg)

Im so tired of the narcissism that comes with trannies. I used to enjoy being friends w/this person before their flip from butch lesbian to ftm. She used to have such a creative feed and now its multiple selfies and stupid trans tags every damn day.
She also dox people who “make them uncomfy” at the gym. She has doxxed several people as revenge for migendering them. Including older ladies and a teenager. Imagine being this insane. Ive seen ss from the works security cams she saves to show people how manly she looks irl. I feel for every worker who has this hotmess as a manager. I would quit in a heartbeat kek.
I censored the one photo that included someone else as a courtesy

No. 2022294

I'll never understand the tif obsession with ear gauges, it's like they want to be clocked and yet complain about being misgendered. They don't make someone look "masculine" in the slightest and I don't think I've seen a single cis man wear these in public since the late 2000s.

No. 2022296

probably because they're trying to skinwalk a 2000's alternative man who they had a crush on (or if they're lesbians, to try and attract women who are into those men)

No. 2022307

Real male gym bros are already annoying as fuck, a TiF gym bro is that obnoxious behavior turned up to 100.

No. 2022315

>TIF smirk
It's a certain type of HSTS trutrans TIF who does this.

No. 2022332

She's not FtM anymore, she's some schizoid type every pronoun genderqueer that requires an essay to explain + she was retconned to only transition at age 30 kek. Her current pined post is a "meet the character" type post and it almost read like a parody because of how extremely feminine gendered the language is.

No. 2022360

Power tripping assholes and troons are overlapping circles on a Venn diagram. Who is she? What kind of stuff did she post before trying to become a frat reject? It's hard to believe that someone who's so addicted to attention and micromanagement could ever have had an ounce of creativity.
Back in my day we had Quizilla to provide answers to which element we aligned with and what our auras looked like, maybe she should do a few quizzes to figure out which aesthetic she aligns with before posting this drivel.

No. 2022403

File: 1722731140585.jpeg (1.17 MB, 828x1114, IMG_7563.jpeg)

She used to post good photography of nature and day to day moments. Then she got married and it all changed. All of a sudden her persona changed. Tbh she was skin walking the men around her in the social circle. I think she kept getting rejected by straight girls who were friends and it made her snap. Maybe after marriage she realized her wife liked men more?
Heres some photos from the photography era- not they were mind blowing, but still such a difference.
Its like 2020 really bombed her mental health and now she tries so hard to be a man.

No. 2022444

I’ve been on and off test and other androgens at all kinds of levels as a former trans and current female bodybuilder- once the voice drops it drops. I’ve been completely in female range and even above normal in terms of prolactin and estradiol with a low voice from when my levels were male range.

No. 2022449

The problem with gel is that it takes a while to absorb , most of it ends up on clothes etc. I had Ezras endocrinologist, he tells you it’s as good as shots so it’s likely Ezra believed this. In the uk getting the blood tests is a nightmare as you have to do it through your local nhs gp (the private clinicians aren’t allowed the level of power that would let them do everything- they’re basically third parties to the nhs who still have to do DEXA scans 1 every 2 years, blood tests once every year, ultrasound 1 every 2 years and other stuff admin wise. NSH gps obviously put trans blood tests to the bottom of the waiting list so you can have a waiting list of about 6 weeks+ for the test and then longer to get them to get sent to an nhs endocrinologist and analysed (when I was trans it was about 3 months for results- as someone living in a small city-population 20,00 compared to 134k where Ezra lives- and you get tested once a year-standard trans rules and here you can’t really just ask for extra tests for the hell if it unless you’re paying. So you cannot really know your levels at any time. Not slagging off the nhs of course.

No. 2022515

>skinwalk a 2000's alternative man who they had a crush on
Imagine being this retarded even for tifs when a 'gay'den would dress as some gay man's type in the past

No. 2022603

File: 1722797439109.jpg (962.86 KB, 1220x2199, Screenshot_2024-08-04-14-48-22…)

>i don’t think i want to be trans anymore

No. 2022659

Yet another tif who thinks girl = pretty princess, and so she must not be a girl at all. And now she's fantasising about being pretty again and having an identity crisis?

No. 2022673

>pass well except for voice
>met guy who thought I was a girl for some mysterious reason despite the clothes and haircut
>wants to be a woman in the future but confused because short hair is man, wheeeen will my reflection show who I am insideeeee
>pls help me internet, getting random strangers to make major life decisions always works out so well for traumatized insecure women
I hope she doesn't decide to go ahead with it after all, you never know with retards, maybe her realizing that it's all due to trauma and self loathing will have inspired her to seek therapy from an actual therapist and leave the cult behind. And hopefully another retarded woman will read this, have a beautiful moment of understanding, and peak.

No. 2022891

why did this retarded shit pop up on my recommended

No. 2022895

File: 1722885799055.png (94.05 KB, 298x530, Trentcropped.png)

ah yes, the common fictional character tif skinwalk

No. 2022898

Why do troons always want to be the goth/alt version of the opposite sex kek. Surely some of them have other fetishes.

No. 2022909

idk it's the same thing with mtfs. i think most internet trannies are nerds and they think alt fashion is the height of cool and sexy

No. 2022984

>Makes being a tif a major personality point if not the only one
>Makes all tif content, dropped off her previous content
>Constantly about tif things and struggles
>Has tif friends
>Has tif girlfriend
>Goes around showing off chest mutilation scars


As if it's not clear from froggy voice, small frame and big hips, troons in general think that everyone is stupid.

No. 2023127

File: 1722960447248.png (722.66 KB, 445x795, manwithboobs.png)

I can't stop laughing at her manly boobs.

No. 2023225

kek I bet the friends introducing her are saying that as a warning for the new person to play into the larp so ezra doesn't have a meltdown

No. 2023323

File: 1723029299014.png (2.32 MB, 945x945, sillygooze.PNG)

This is Silly Goose, a 30+ years old adult disney superfan who mostly tattoos Disney characters in the most feminine way ever.

No. 2023324

File: 1723029380576.png (694 KB, 828x614, engayged.PNG)

She's dating a balder, uglier, hairier other woman and pretending they're gay men together.

No. 2023325

File: 1723029665716.png (Spoiler Image,1.47 MB, 557x1076, delicatessen slices.PNG)

In browsing qweer tattoo artists I also came across this portrait gallery of lunacy, all by @soft.point, another they/them tattooer. What's with TIFs and wanting to make major surgeries cutesy?

Spoilered for disastrous nipples.

No. 2023337

Another one bites the dust.

No. 2023346

Self harm but make it cutesy

No. 2023361

Since @theycallmebeefcheeks was posted here they havent posted a single thing kek; is she a lurker?

No. 2023516

Kek they're all such feminine tattoo designs. Obviously either sex can get whatever tattoos they want, but you'd think if these TiFs wanted their LARP to be more believable, they'd go for more "guyish" subject matter, like skulls or pinup girls.

No. 2023563

File: 1723080940429.jpg (Spoiler Image,291.67 KB, 954x796, BlackworkTattooForMen_-@aladre…)

I wouldn't say they're too different from moid tattoos (picrel), but the ones with the stitches and the "dyke" one really scream tif.

No. 2023652

File: 1723113352831.png (1.79 MB, 2143x1717, 1693451834020.png)

No. 2023654

>tattoo so bad it reads foggot

No. 2023662

She’s going to be one of the “3%” that regret transitioning AND one of the 24% that regret a tattoo. Tifs stay stupid.

No. 2023670

They always twist it in their minds so that they aren't just men, but they're special queer men who are in touch with their femininity so it's fine for them to get girly tattoos

No. 2023672

No. 2023676

westoids discovering VNs is the worst thing that happened to the medium

No. 2023682

the joke write themselves dont they kek

No. 2023698

They are all so fucking ugly, why the hell would I hookups up with these doughy TIFs?

No. 2023719

>xer xim pronouns
>"gay twink"
>implied mc will transition too because of social contagion

Is this even real kek.

No. 2023720

It would have been a million times better if they were just allowed to be butch lesbians.

No. 2023735

Because making the all girls Christian school reunion lesbians is just too passive for current year.
Tifs need to stop making VNs

No. 2023750

damn I love her hips

No. 2023774

She's so full of shit. "I stopped eating due to chest dysphoria!" yet she showed them off constantly and had an onlyfans with her tits out.

No. 2023780

File: 1723136937477.png (25.09 KB, 275x206, 1715184173666.png)

Is like that TIF that got tattooed faggot in her belly and in metal group font.
And back in my old days, people warned you that tattoos are forever and you should think twice about it's design.

No. 2023808

File: 1723140212317.jpg (57.94 KB, 1080x1276, screenshot.jpg)

Can you even be assigned male at birth when born with a vagina? this is ridiculous.

No. 2023815

Even butch lesbians would get no girls if they were that doughy looking.

No. 2023853

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No. 2023854

File: 1723146059508.png (323.87 KB, 595x577, 1000006381.png)

To be fair to this tid, men DO notoriously write fanfiction. They're just extremely autistic about it kek.

No. 2023857

>I've never felt so confident in my body
>troons out
Quite sad it didn't last

No. 2023866

nona you gave me Dipper goes to Takobell Vietnamese flashbacks kek
Same nona. Such an elegant outline most women can only dream of. And she fucked that up lol

No. 2023867

>But what pisses me off the most is that I genuinely can't argue with it. I don't know a single person who isn't AFAB, personally, that writes and reads fanfiction. I couldn't combat him, I couldn't say anything because in my personal experience, he was correct.
Anons hold my hand I can't stop laughing. This is so fucking embarrassing I bet it'll keep her awake every night.

No. 2023870

File: 1723147989402.gif (3.96 MB, 890x500, 1000006385.gif)

> I'm a trans man, and I don't hide that I both read and write fanfiction.

No. 2023871

does this really count though? thr only men who write fanfic are turbo autists who are so far off the deep end they can't even find animated porn that suits their coom needs anymore so they turn to writing (i assume this is the case with the loud house fic moid since only pedos like that show) in that regard i have never ever encountered a bio male who wrote "fluff" fanfiction like what that tif probably does.

No. 2023873

This artist did a "fanfic" from David Bowie's Spaceman.

That post reeks of NLOG

No. 2023874

kek also her username is so unbeliavably feminine as well. aren't something like 90% of hypochondriacs female? she also has a banana fish pfp… tifs try not to be more feminine than the average female population challenge

No. 2023877

Moids don't write fanfiction like women do, but it's still funny how this tif is being so melodramatic and losing her sense of self when the autist moids who do write fanfiction don't give a single fuck even when they're laughing stocks kek
Look at her wig/outfit. It appeals to the weaboo pedophiles who want to believe that young boys look like Astolfo irl.

No. 2023885

Not like she would've been able to hide it to begin with kek. Anyone who troons out is bound to be a terminally online retard who consooms corny fictional content 24/7 and genuinely believes that they can make it their reality by chopping off their body parts.

No. 2023905

Kek ever since getting with a normie moid I’ve realized how much that scene is like 100% female. Even basic shit like AO3 is basically unheard of to men. Fanfic is, in itself, just an extension of romance novels because women don’t have to see shit to get off to it unlike moids. Asides from turbo autists the only other moid that writes fanfic is TIMs but most of the ones I’ve seen give up pretty quickly because they’re shit writers who then go on to throw tantrums that women are writing stuff they like instead of stuff that caters to men. Very funny.

No. 2023906

File: 1723155596056.png (612.5 KB, 1280x720, ftm.png)

No. 2023913

She has some serious issues. TIFs who use excuses to not take T but still get mad when no one treats them like a male are so ridiculous. Also is that ol’ Macon on her shirt there? lol

No. 2023915

They are the ultimate pickme's of gendie retards.

No. 2023937

KEK this is your brain on trannoidism. She's upset at some moid stereotyping her not because stereotypes are inherently offensive (despite being based on truth) but because fitting into the female stereotype makes her female according to tranny logic, just like being not like other girls makes her a totes proud and handsome BOI. Cue le hecking dysphoric moment.

No. 2023962

>is that ol’ Macon on her shirt there?
Kek I wondered the same thing

No. 2023966

I recently saw a TiM bitching about how all of the most popular ships on Ao3 are m/m and how "male-centric" it is. My response to that is the same as it is to this Leddit post: Duh. The site's userbase is like 80% straight women. They want to fantasize about their Tumblr sexymen in relationships. Are there some men into it? Sure, but they're usually autists or perverts like >>2023854

No. 2023968

She's been posted before. She's straight-up lying, like most troons who claim to have a DSD.

No. 2023970

The gay fanfic I've read written by actual men are nothing like what's written by women. They've been devoid of romance and feelings and are purely focused on sex. They're also gross to read, because moids fixate on the physical sex act so much, and love to describe body hair and smells. The het fic I've seen written by men are also just porn. You'll never see fluff written by men because real men don't care about romance. It's so funny when TiFs claim some gay yaoi romance made them realize they were men all along.

No. 2023979

Are these types of gendies even aware that they just… look like normal girls? When people see a white girl with an eating disorder (skinny or doughy) they instantly assume she is a gendie because her style lets them know so they prepare to walk on eggshells to avoid an autistic melt down. With this one people will be  shocked she is a gendie while she thought they saw her as a true and honest man all along.

No. 2023987

Yeah for all their posturing that gendie bullshit is so ahead of the curve and special, it all hinges on stereotypes. Stereotypes they're so desperate to get away from because for some reason tifs are so much girlier than the average girl.

>love to describe body hair and smells
Barf, what's even sexy about that

Yeah the style lets you know most of the time. Usually they dress ultra feminine, or like a 13 year old boy, or both. And round glasses for some reason, I instantly think they/them when I see those and most of the time I've been right.

No. 2023998

Holy shit this thing is OOZING with female autism. The retarded Steven Universe art styles, hearts and pink roses everywhere. Most girls being shy and timid (and fat) and hope that the evil Stacy won't show up (who is also and incredible autistically drawn Tumblr sexy man) Terminal pickmeism with the Stacy girl thinking that men who look at her are gay and she is stealing another woman's boyfriend.   The player is the only woman and and its clearly meant to be something to be shamed of. Nuclear level of cringe.

No. 2024036

That show is a fucking crack to male autists.

No. 2024038

I hate that ugly fat fuck and his retarded fans trying to convince themselves that he's """sexy""".

No. 2024040

ot, but where are you finding these actual gay male fanfic writers? I’ve wanted to do this sort of style comparison myself out of curiosity, but I don’t think I’ve found even one real gay man in a sea of “gay” tifs to do so.

No. 2024041

Nta but they're out there, they just don't do a good job so people ignore them. I found one by accident, he was so proud of being probably the only male on ao3, said women write too fluffy and have no sexual desires unlike men, and he'll show us how Real Men have sex. And it was nothing special, just lots of physical descriptions from an uncreative bi moid

No. 2024043

Tbh, they're probably not on Ao3 because as anon said, they're not interested in story, just getting off. You'll probably have more luck finding gay stuff by men on some written porn site like literotica or something

No. 2024047

Don't forget about Jeremy Peet and his likes of "lesbian" fic writers. No matter the flavour, moids writing fics are always some kind of retard and/or degenerate. Not even the most disgusting and autistic woman can get on the level of what the average moid fanfic writer puts out.
>>love to describe body hair and smells
>Barf, what's even sexy about that
It can be hot if it's not about moids.

No. 2024066

kek this showed up on my YouTube recommendations and when I checked the comments the skinny she-twink was the only character that people were talking about. It's so funny how trannies criticize BL/otome for not having enough "unconventional" love interests but the moment one of them makes a game that's exactly like what they claim to want they all hyperfocus on the token white sadboi twink character and ignore all the fat PoC with body hair and scars. Pretty sure the exact same thing happened with that Validate game.

No. 2024078

His? he's?

No. 2024082

I think she's talking about the bearded dwarf guy in her Twitter header

No. 2024104

4'11 is literally midget-tier height for a man wtf is she thinking kek

No. 2024125

File: 1723222563106.jpg (1.38 MB, 3264x2176, MEITU_20240809_105024609.jpg)

No. 2024128

I mean isn't this the (il)logical conclusion to all their "pronouns don't equal gender, everything is valid" stuff, any random normie can be a pronounie and they have to accept it? But suddenly they don't want to?

No. 2024129

"Im not like other straight white girls"
terminally online and bored I swear

No. 2024130

File: 1723223112802.jpg (153.98 KB, 1092x1200, 1000006401.jpg)

I honestly don't know what she's talking about. Men write fanfiction on Reddit all the time.

No. 2024146

Kek. You’re kinda onto something, though! Men don’t write “fanfiction” about fantastical settings, they write it about themselves. Hence why so many reddit men are somehow put-upon underdogs that have been targeted for being ackshually way smarter and more logical than everyone else around them (especially their “nag” wife or gf, if they have one). Or whatever else their favored wish-fulfillment may be.

No. 2024153

Not just bored, but also boring. Have never seen a tif who was genuinely interesting as a person.

No. 2024180

I hope she's ragebaiting, this is hilarious.
I'm convinced that trooning out is a party trick for the terminally bland. Not a single gendie has anything going on in their life except navel gazing about how they're a boy, but a girl, too, and also a photo of champagne on a balcony, except when they're a goth teen in a blurry photo from the 80s, or kinning Bakugo.

No. 2024297

File: 1723262299821.png (47.47 KB, 848x419, poor your wife.PNG)

I have but pre troonhood. They lose everything that make them cool once they start focussing on being wee opwressed valid boys.

No. 2024318

Well yeah what mentally healthy woman wouldn't be alarmed by those painfully engorged clits?

No. 2024332

>I'm not sure she'd actually date a man if we weren't already married when I came out. I'm okay knowing date because ultimately I want my partner to desire me for me and not my gender
Jesus, I know it's a way of coping but it just sounds so selfish. "I don't mind forcing my SSA wife to date a man (=mutilated woman on hormones) even if she normally wouldn't, I just want her to desire me no matter what"

>Troons: believe that humans can change sex; are against female spaces and rights; promote surgery, HRT and harmful stereotypes
>Anon: I'd be attracted to women like this if they had boobs
>You: It didn't come from a place of genuine concern, you are reducing women to their boobs, I understand troons better know
Respectfully, you should stop being so dramatic. No space will ever be perfect, if you find LC to be more unreasonable and misogynistic than troons, you were already troon adjacent before reading that random post.

No. 2024334

good lord! they're so ugly

No. 2024338

>implying no intimacy in 9 months
yup sounds like your wife is totally cool with your new voice a facial hair and it's just the big clit that's going to be a problem kek

No. 2024394

I'm not the anon I was replying to, I merely agreed that the other anon was being weird. Where did I say I understand troons better now? Or that I you find LC to be more unreasonable and misogynistic than troons? Are you illiterate or just retarded?

No. 2024406

>merely agreed that the other anon was being weird
kek as a reminder this is the comment you replied "I agree" to before adding the "reducing women to boobs" part
>Yet you wanna talk like a moid yourself? The longer I stay in female spaces the more I find a portion of women unreasonable. Thanks, I understand troons better now.
don't backtrack or project your retardation on others now

No. 2024424

Turns out it was both illiteracy and retardation in your case kek. I agreed with the part that she talked like a moid and I thought elaborating on exactly what I found moid-like (literally the rest of my post, while you're clinging on to 'I agree' and trying to ignore the paragraphs) would make it obvious to anyone with above room temperature IQ that I was merely against reducing women to their body parts because someone's having a hard time finding them attractive. If you can't grasp such a simple concept, then I can't do anything about that, I'm not some doctor who's in charge of treating a lobotomy patient. If you had a problem with the original anon, you could've directly replied to her instead but you didn't, so yeah have fun with your stupid infight that you dragged me into. I still think that anon's priorities weren't in the right place and her concerns weren't about the well-being of those tifs, but rather how attractive they are to her, which is and would forever remain retarded. Just like you, for defending her (or more likely, yourself, although I'm pretty sure you'd like to deny it kek)

No. 2024482

take your own advice, if you just thought that it was weird/moidish of anon to say that she would be attracted to tifs if they had boobs, why not reply to her instead of the anon siding with troons kek. this really got you worked up and rewording your paragraph 3 times so i'll leave it there but the entire point was that you don't have to be so dramatic just because one comment isn't prefaced with a disclaimer about how health is more important than attractiveness, which is continuously discussed itt

No. 2024570

File: 1723329013041.png (263.93 KB, 539x1080, 134211453.png)

My god, the layers to this retardation, like she's so wrong she shot the moon and came back to being unintentionally half-right. For the sake of avoiding an infight, let's say that this is in reference to Castor Semenya (it's not, but just pretend it is). The TiF is of the position that it's logically inconsistent to defend Semenya and attack troons, not because they share the same athletic advantages (which is actually the case), but because they both "identify as women." Her argument is basically, "It's hypocritical to defend unfair advantages in some cases but not others, so let's just do away with the whole goddamn concept of fairness as it pertains to sex differences." She was so close to getting it, jfc…

No. 2024571

Their marriage is toast. Many such cases.

No. 2024572

>Generic blond Instahoe calling herself "they" and kweer"
Unintentionally based. Maybe if this crap becomes popular enough with normies, it'll stop being "cool" and the trend will die out.

No. 2024580

>would you support a man beating the shit out of a woman for sport

No. 2024583

I really don't see the gotcha that she's trying to portray here. No, if she was trans I would not support her.

I'm sure she's going to peak soon, she's so close to getting it.

No. 2024584

File: 1723331020683.mp4 (1.9 MB, 576x1024, 1000027464.mp4)

Based doctor.

No. 2024585

File: 1723331092095.mp4 (875.58 KB, 576x1024, 1000027465.mp4)

Also, of course she's straight just like majority of tifs kek.

No. 2024586

Let me guess…they went to Mount Holyoke. That school's turning into a troon factory.

No. 2024587

File: 1723331345620.mp4 (2.53 MB, 576x1024, 1000027466.mp4)

Samefag (obviously), I just find it funny that a grown woman trooned out to larp as a gay moid and still dresses like that. When was the last time she saw a moid wearing any of this shit?

No. 2024589

I've literally never said this in one of these threads but oh god she is adorable please someone stop her before she destroys her body I could fix her

No. 2024590

I can't believe I've lived long enough to see TIF liquid chris

No. 2024591

File: 1723331706583.webp (19.89 KB, 225x350, IMG_6265.webp)

Looks like Liquid Chris.

No. 2024593

File: 1723331924412.mp4 (1.88 MB, 576x1024, 1000027467.mp4)

So getting she/her'd bothers her here but not in vidrel? Dysphoria my ass.

No. 2024595

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>TIL there's a movie about a tif and it's literally called 'Fanfic'
I also heard somewhere that the mc trooned out because she wrote a bunch of fanfics or something kek.

No. 2024597

dont compare my smug twink husbando to tifs

No. 2024600

The ’male’ celeb they mistake her for is probably Elliot Page.

No. 2024601

File: 1723333621956.png (449.16 KB, 450x630, image.png)

okay but imagine

No. 2024612


No. 2024613

disturbingly accurate

No. 2024618

Kek could be next thread op

No. 2024707

made my night ily nonita

No. 2024721

File: 1723368273275.jpg (119.55 KB, 754x519, bandicam 2024-08-11 12-19-45-0…)

This girl was posted in the  thread before, but damn her creative writing sucks. What kind of fantasy is that?

No. 2024725

reminds me of "gender-queer", which is literally the story of a fujoshi who trooned out and had pretend gay sex with another TIF

No. 2024729

Why did she write women doing what men typically do to women? Wtf?

No. 2024732

File: 1723371651361.png (655.51 KB, 634x1063, 32523532.png)

@Milkmeray has to be the most obvious TiF larping as a 'trap' I've ever seen and people eat her shit up. It's even more obvious in videos but she pretends to be a real male because being a woman who sells her body to men online is too degrading for her.

No. 2024735

There's been a few natal female traps posted, and I agree it's degrading to pander to moids no matter what costume you wear, but I'm also not surprised they fell for it cos males will fall for anything. Women and men in anime are drawn so similar from same face syndrome, but if you say the female one has a penis, moids will eat it up. When a hulking gigachin tim performs the bimbo stereotype and claims that's what a woman is, moids will eat it up. They're ripe for being scammed tbh.

No. 2024739

Well, at least she didn't get misgendered, she should be feeling euphoric for passing well enough to be a target of allegedly homophobic women, like coomer men are happy to experience misogyny.

No. 2024793

Aside from the fact that this is a woman, these photos are photoshopped to hell, she looks like an AI generated anime girl. Weeb men have forgotten how real women look so they're easily exploitable.

No. 2024806

I grew up in the wrong era to be attracted to tomboyish/masculine women. Here's to a midlife lesbian romance renaissance in a like a decade or two.

No. 2024859

Stupid, but a tiiiny bit based to steal the spotlight from real troons, especially if she still knows she's a irl and it's all fake but I'm guessing these types of girls are mentally wacky enough to think they're real vagina men most of the time

No. 2024891

>What kind of fantasy is that?
The fantasy about things that never happened and would never happen to her. There's higher chances of finding a bunch of mermaids in the ocean than two women walking up to her, genuinely believing that she's a homosexual moid, and then harassing her with sexual undertones. Even the shit story aside, her writing style is terrible. Please don't tell me she ever steps outside of ao3, I'd die laughing if any of her works are actually published.

No. 2024899

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If whatever she's saying is true (unlikely or at least exaggerated but still), it kind of sucks that even kids have to walk on eggshells because their parents don't want to offend the troon teacher so badly. And when she talked about how kids are as simple minded as to believe that 'short hair = men, long hair = women' it was funny because that's exactly what troons think. But it's also terrifying because they know it and you can see any of these troons who scream about 'protect the twanskids and give them hormone blockers!!' on top of their lungs, are using it to their advantage so they could groom kids into the gendiecult. Some kids already feel like outcasts when they don't fit every gender stereotype (I know majority don't give a shit but I've known some women who were made fun of for not being girly enough during their childhood years), the last thing they need is adults telling them that it doesn't mean that the world is wrong for forcing rigid gender roles on kids, the kids themselves were just born in the wrong body.

No. 2024901

Amen to that

No. 2024965

I would be extremely surprised if it was true, unless she's working at a school that prides itself on being progressive I don't think parents would gladly accept a troon teacher, parents are known to nag schools for whatever reason.

No. 2024984

Who is this?

No. 2024985

Why does it look like her head was edited on her body?

No. 2025017

File: 1723437062997.mp4 (1.54 MB, 576x1024, v12044gd0000cqju1pnog65h5j787g…)

Fat TIF documents her journey from ugly fat lesbian with bad hair to ugly fat lesbian with worse hair and a frog voice

No. 2025053

how does anyone mistake troons? i saw that vladimir guy on youtube and wondered the same- they ALWAYS look and sound so obvious how is ANYONE surprised?
she could just be honest and say she’s a girl who likes traps. why the theatrics?

No. 2025074

The actress is also a gendie and I always kek at her tif logic. All polish female names end with the letter "a" so she just changed hers from Alina to Alin and called it a day. That name isn't even a thing here, not a single polish moid is named Alin

No. 2025083

Why do they always look like that? The same type of face of those girls who cosplay male characters.

No. 2025104

What an awfully punchable face, plus those wannabe fuckboi expressions, ew
Nice cottagecore dresses in the room though, totally not dysphoric I guess to have it on display like that

No. 2025112

Besides all this being a narc wet dream for her, did she ever saw herself talking? She made a video and, I assume, rewatched bits of it for editing and stuff. She see herself talking with gestures like that and hands over her mouth and all this aww-ing. What she expects exactly from people around her

No. 2025122

How exhausting. Imagine being so obsessed with yourself, constantly thinking about what you identify as and making that the main topic of conversation with those around you. What does feeling like a man even mean? she is a very feminine woman, I don't get it.

No. 2025169

Lord Miles(twat) Physiognomy

No. 2025180

Why do TiFs waste so much money on T and the tit chop but never invest in braces to fix their insane overbites

No. 2025236

>Works with 3 or 4 year old children
Christ the sheer narcissism that enables this woman to confuse literal toddlers with her gender nonsense

No. 2025391

She's so shamelessly ecstatic about forcing people to give her special attention.

No. 2025392

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Kek(this is not milk)

No. 2025416

Dae with gender dysphoria lurk these threads? I mean normal people who live as their real genders and just deal with it. I socially transitioned as a kid (parent who identifies as genderfluid or whatever the fuck didn't even talk to me about it first) but have basically found peace as a female with gd. I wish Aidens knew how easy their lives could be. Yeah, gd is not easy to live with but neither are real delusions caused by schizophrenia and shit.(blogging)

No. 2025422

I think that all females experience gender dysphoria at some point during our lives. Like no shit, it sucks to know that you are physically weaker than men, you bleed and experience pain once a month, men see you as a walking pair of tits and ass, and you are expected to go through intense physical pain in order to give birth at some point. Name me ONE woman who is excited/happy about all of these things. But it’s like…at a certain point you just need to accept that yeah, all of these things are true, but that’s just life, and those are the cards you were dealt with. Wishing you could be a biological man is a pipe dream - it will never happen, there is no magic wand you can wave. The best you can hope for is to become a mutilated female with a lifetime reliance on drugs (HRT) who is able to fool people by doing a very convincing 24/7 man cosplay. It’s as fruitless of an endeavor as me wishing I was Japanese and had been born in Japan because I like anime and sushi. It’s a whole lot cheaper and better for your body to just accept reality and find other things to dwell on/ways to make your life feel meaningful and enjoyable.

No. 2025424

Well when people really like Japan they can move there and become sucessful there like trevor pedo brown so, not to defend trannies, but for some women life really is better this way. I mean, white people who live in Japan without pretending to be actually Japanese still like it better this way. i wont lie, i would troon out if I was taller and could cosplay a moid in a convincing way. Feminism and resisting is good and stuff, but life on easy mode would be too tempting(derailing)

No. 2025425


No. 2025434

Liking Japan and moving there as a white person =/= the same thing as being born and raised Japanese, in the same way that cutting your hair short, growing a beard, and cutting your tits off =/= being born a man. I’m sorry but I wish I could tell every TIF and wannabe-TIF woman with dysphoria that that’s life, you need to suck it up and get over it. Go volunteer at a homeless shelter if you want to see what living with real problems looks like.(derailing)

No. 2025500

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Her situation is shitty, but $9000? Specially when she mentions that she is going to have a top surgery? Yeah, I smell bullshit.

No. 2025522

I'm so tempted to do this. scam money out of retards just like how tifs are doing and then donating it all to terf organisations

No. 2025528

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It would be easy anyway.

No. 2025544

>Seattle, WA
Why the fuck is she choosing to move to one of the most expensive cities in America?

No. 2025562

How convenient that she needs 9k, around the average cost of a tit chop.

No. 2025580

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>looks like they are finally openly starting to regret

No. 2025589

I can't wait for more of these vicious pickme retards to regret their needless mastectomies and make boo-hoo, woe-is-me posts on social media about it. It'll be like when lobotomies started going out of style kek. Was the puny instagram clout from obese clowncore, froggy voiced freaks worth it? The answer is no, and I can't wait for them all to realize it a bit too late.
My empathy for enby women is pretty much totally depleted at this point.

No. 2025616

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The thing is, people who got lobotomized were mostly done so against their wills (either by the state or their family ) and I have sympathy for lesbians with genuine issues who might have thought transition could have helped them be normal, but if they transitioned due to yaoi or porn, then it's entirely their fault

No. 2025620

Eh, I read a book called “Desperate Remedies: Psychiatry's Turbulent Quest to Cure Mental Illness” and the author talked about how some poor who underwent lobotomies to treat their major depressive disorder agreed to do so in hopes that the lobotomy would kill them in the process. It reminded me of how some detransitioners have said that they wanted to transition into a new person as a way of committing suicide without actually killing themselves. I have no doubt that many of the people who opted for lobotomies in the 1950s would be the same people identifying as transgender in the 2020s, and vice versa for the trans identified people alive today.

No. 2025635

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The jotaro kakyoin tif thing is going to be a series. Can't help but wonder if the success of the troon catnip hazbin hotel/helluva boss was an inspiration.

No. 2025636

100% Agreed. Also considering how awful they’ve been to women and homosexuals and how much they’ve made our society regress, I don’t feel pity for them. They always say to reap what you sow, so it should work that way for them too. Gendies don’t deserve the same pity that women who were lobotomized got. Not even a close comparison. You know damn well the moment they begin to regret things they did, it’s only in regards to themselves and never the women and gays/lesbians they got fired from jobs or ostracized from friends and families, and they’ll just continue playing the victim. Never feel bad for retards.

No. 2025646


No. 2025683

>(…)and is getting a top surgery later this year,
>Needs to get money for run away from her abusive parents.

Not amurrican, but probably because some states are more "LGBQ+ friendly", but I consider that like a bait.

No. 2025686

>I wish i could mold my body for different days
You can, it's called drag and cosplay. It's the same amount of playing pretend, and this time without medical bills. But they'd rather give in to their extreme BDD for one reason or another, and still be the same insecure retard on the other side.

No. 2025693

>It reminded me of how some detransitioners have said that they wanted to transition into a new person as a way of committing suicide without actually killing themselves.
That's literally the plot of that movie I Saw The TV Glow but it's framed as a good and righteous thing to do. Just death cult things…

No. 2025729

I feel so sad thinking that I would probably witness a wave of suicides due to this. TIFs are cringe but I'm still human and thinking that there are girls and women that hate their bodies so much they mutilate themselves and then find out it's not the solution makes me sad

No. 2025735

a lot of these girls transition because of cosplay though. they get gassed up by their friends molesting eachother in their yaoi cosplays they believe they will become a sexy yaoi boy with surgery. it starts with binding for a hetalia cosplay and then they start wanting to be called kai and using zir/zim pronouns. they only realize it was a mistake after they experience instant twink death and come to the understanding that men aren't soft and "kawaii".

No. 2025737

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No. 2025771

>points to her arthoe girl decorations with her feminine hand
Kek you sure showed us. Identifying as a yaoi character doesn't make you gay, or give you a free pass to force yourself in other people's sexuality, sis.

No. 2025772

>That's literally the plot of that movie I Saw The TV Glow but it's framed as a good and righteous thing to do
I know I'm going really off topic (sorry jannies, I'll take the redtext) but damn really? Do they show it as something good? And is the gendieness in the movie obvious? I was planning on watching that movie because I'm interested in the visuals but I would need to go in with zero expectations if it's just some troon nonsense.

No. 2025773

Kek seems like someone just got rejected by a gay moid who tried to soften the blow with 'um, it's just because I'm not pansexual' so she won't jump out of the window right then and there, but too bad she's the kind of homophobe to rant about it online. We're back to homosexuality being considered some genital-fetish or a hate crime itself. Can't love those you love anymore, it's transphobic to not give up your bodily anatomy for the rapey troons.

No. 2025774

Yeah cosplaying as your husbando can be like a gateway drug into the whole do I want to be with him or become him thing. And once they've fallen in, they see transitioning as the ultimate way of becoming him, oblivious to how ugly they look at worst and how like a regular woman they look at best.

The main character is a tim because his alternate reality self is female or some shit

No. 2025775

Ew a fucking tim mc out of all things? that sucks. Thanks for letting me know anon, I'm just going to avoid the movie altogether now. When it's a tif, I can roll my eyes and deal with it but I don't have it in me to watch a tim.

No. 2025776

Oh don't worry the character doesn't actually transition, but it is directed by a tim who harps on about muh egg cracking symbolism.

No. 2025786

ayrt, the movie's about two abused and mentally ill high school outcasts, a boy and a girl, who bond over obsessing about a buffy the vampire slayer ripoff which is cancelled after a ciffhanger where the two female MCs are buried alive. The girl claims that they're actually the buffy MCs in an alternate universe and need to bury themselves alive in order to come back as the tv characters and be their true selves. The male of the duo is too scared to die so he ditches the woman, then he has an unsatisfactory adulthood and becomes even more mentally ill. It ends with a chalk message left on a road that says "there is still time", topping off the unsubtle message of the film. So yes, the moral of the story is that the male MC should kill himself in order to become a fictional female character in a cheesy television show, and that he will be extremely miserable until he does so.
It is admittedly a visually appealing movie. Watch it if you want, just don't pay for it.

No. 2026069

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No. 2026073

Why do so many of them love that levi ackerman/kpop boy bowlcut

No. 2026111

Because that was probably the reason behind them trooning out. Troons love to skinwalk those they're attracted to, simply because they can't have the real person or the character. If they can't have it, they desperately try to become it. It's like peak coomerism.

No. 2026151

I see they're still on this 'you're gay if you like gnc people' train. Yawn. It's really disrespectful too.

No. 2026154

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The Binguscat tif must have pissed somebody off cause now there are unfiltered photos of her circulating

No. 2026155

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No. 2026159

Literally who

No. 2026170

File: 1723707640836.jpeg (1.22 MB, 1125x2061, 828AE33B-A0B5-47B2-8E8B-E7D7EF…)

This TiF, she was posted a few threads ago for larping as a femboy

No. 2026174

File: 1723708847755.jpeg (700.39 KB, 828x1319, IMG_0803.jpeg)

ladies, for those who remember, ascher lucas has basically detransitioned. she goes by her “deadname” irl again and is now dating a man.

No. 2026175

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samefag but ever after coming out for not being a transboii uwu anymore she has been struggling with her post surgery chest which is a little sad

No. 2026176

> Made a career off pretending to be a man
> Looks like this
Men are so fucking retarded kek

No. 2026184

This is gold. I want to go and personally hug the person she pissed off kek.

No. 2026186

>and is now dating a man.
>I'm agender idk does it matter I'm just queer
>'I'm just queer'
It's surely an improvement from her previous mindset and at least she isn't treating her health badly, but she's still retarded to be honest. Also, the fact that she said this in the post
>Even physically, I LOVE that I'm masc up top with a feminine lower half
But went ahead and confessed that she, indeed, does still regrets chopping off body parts next >>2026175 is both a bit sad and funny. Girl really can't make her mind up. She looks like the kind of tif who knows that she fucked up and trooning out wasn't the best choice, yet wouldn't hesitate to throw the 'evil terfs' under the bus whenever she can and remain the troon-hugbox for as long as the trend stays alive. Overall, good for her for coming back to her senses a bit, but I don't have much expectations or sympathy for someone like her.

No. 2026187

Could they make it more obvious that being trans was simply a fashion? At least when you were punk or emo or scene you could just dye your hair back and change your style once society moved onto the next trend. I feel sad for TIFs who will be made fun of in 10 years for falling for mutilating themselves because of a social contagion just like millennials get made fun of today for liking Harry Potter.

No. 2026199

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No. 2026205

File: 1723716021996.jpg (162.63 KB, 922x2048, GSYa7-SXAAAb2Ba.jpg)

supposedly it was because she sent her horde of simps after a child so they leaked her real face in turn kek

No. 2026210

>she needs to get a life
Says the one who photoshops herself to larp as a femboy online and is left seething by a literal 13yo. Also the fact that her horde is filled with coomer moids and she's telling them to harass a child, I don't even want to know what those fucking creeps said to the poor girl after this bitch leaked both her face and username. Moids love to dm rape threats to any girl they disagree with and she definitely knew it, I'm glad her ass was handed over to her this way.

No. 2026212

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No. 2026228

File: 1723725302321.jpeg (102.33 KB, 828x362, IMG_2573.jpeg)

You had me curious about another famous TIF in the social media realm—lmao at her calling herself a man, then a drag queen using she/her pronouns. Just say you’re trans for attention, we can all see it.

No. 2026246

built like anorexic king tut

No. 2026255

Why would anyone want to transition into an Indian man

No. 2026302

Kek she thinks she's speshul for having her husbando as her "transition goal," when practically all TiFs do that.

No. 2026306

Do moids seriously not realize that it's physically impossible for a fully grown xx male who went through testosterone puberty to look like this? It's not even feasible for males with hormone deficiencies to look like this, because having low t won't give any male c cup tits or a tiny female waist and wide hips. Kill all braindead moids, they don't belong among us

No. 2026307

Doublepost, meant to say xy* male lol

No. 2026318

File: 1723746808831.jpeg (299.53 KB, 1170x1265, IMG_8802.jpeg)

>nonbinary is when you wear a hoodie with no makeup but also skimpy outfits with a full face

No. 2026321

Unintentional honesty that nonbinary is about pickmeism kek

No. 2026330

>man is when hoodie
>woman is when linguine

No. 2026336

File: 1723753486412.png (11.87 MB, 2048x3464, image (21).png)

I've come across this TIF who draws questionable content (nsfw of minor/adult pairings with rape elements) and she is super tiny in pictures and even with a beard still looks like a woman. She dates a hulking beast of a troon and they look hilarious in pictures. I love how even her posing is feminine. Surprisingly, this is the first TIF/Troon couple I've ever seen where the girl is more coom brained than the male. Wild.

No. 2026340

Kek I see it

No. 2026354

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No. 2026357

honestly, they both pass. you could have told me this was a weird little nerd and a fat lady and I wouldn't look twice. the tif has perfect male pervert face. glad they found each other I guess.

No. 2026371

File: 1723761856312.jpeg (1.6 MB, 1242x2109, IMG_8706.jpeg)

I hate this woman so much it’s unreal. Literally all her content is milky and beyond parody kek

No. 2026376

each of these are worthy of mockery. but "sunscreen your scars" actually made me roll my eyes

No. 2026379

If they wanted to actually "pass" (a fool's errand kek) they'd pick a name that was actually popular when they were born, like Zack, Jason, Josh, or Brandon. But those aren't uwu soft boi names. So instead you get TiFs with names that are popular with granola moms now, like Julian, Oliver, Noah, and Gabriel.

No. 2026383

Maybe the TiM does, because he's so obese that his blubber absorbed most of his visible male features (I bet he's like 6'2", though). The TiF on the other hand is obviously female and tiny compared to him, I have no idea what you're on about.

No. 2026385

>perfect male pervert face

No. 2026396

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Will they ever realize how clockable that makes them?

No. 2026410

File: 1723767284871.jpg (370.65 KB, 720x1173, Screenshot_20240816_021221_Ins…)

Kek just saw this, girl nobody is intimidated by you

No. 2026411

a tif I know irl is called Castiel and it kills me every day

No. 2026418

She named herself Eric Chandler? That's a horrible name but at least it's not Dante or Fennrys. I guess if your government let you change your name as you please it will inevitably end up with Trash Boats, hopefully it's as easy for them to get their names back when they grow out of this

No. 2026421

The tif does not pass. She’s way too small kek

No. 2026432


Holy shit this chick is popular with the NYC TiF scene. She’s VERY jarring looking IRL and blocked me over some gay bar drama on IG last year after a lesbian bar held a “self defense for women and femme folk” event and her going nuts in the comments along with her insufferable friends who prowl all the NYC lesbian bars because they seemingly didn’t want trans men at the event. A bunch of people argued with her and disagreed, and then she posted a story of her walking down the street and saying she was never visiting that particular bar ever again LOL. It’s so funny bc I didn’t even comment, just liked comments disagreeing with her, and she blocked me

No. 2026437

It’s hilarious how she naturally assumes all her fellow trannies are cutters - what a way to get away from the “uwu bad stereotype” of them being mentally ill self-loathers

No. 2026443

nona I think she means top surgery scars

No. 2026446

andrew is… fine.

No. 2026453

No. 2026454

File: 1723772714512.png (9.54 MB, 1242x2688, IMG_8724.png)

Samefag but I just need to show more of her retardation because seriously what shows more of how the twans community is just repackaged misogyny and gender stereotypes than this…

No. 2026460

At least he’s honest

No. 2026483

These are so stereotypical kek. We have tumblr sexyman with howl's moving castle, quirky internet horror with fnaf and mandela catalogue, christianity with dante's inferno, soft girly media like Steven universe, and mythology with the norse one and percy jackson.

No. 2026515

dyingdollyz. so manly kek

No. 2026521

File: 1723791026350.png (45.39 KB, 914x632, humliiation.PNG)

Samefag, it keeps on giving

No. 2026529

No. 2026537

Go back.

No. 2026550

>My surname starts with the first letter of name of guy who ruined me […] his surname starts with first letter of my name. His middle name starts with H. We would keep having reversed initials [so it] would be weird [to change her middle name to Howl]
You know what, I actually believe in the autism label with this one. Because that's some autistic ass thinking.

No. 2026574

How dare you cut off the andrew garfield thirst post

No. 2026664

kek in her parents suburban ass home
surprised to see john before dave or dirk (or… hal) which were all booming in the post-gigapause homestuck mass troonout

No. 2026714

File: 1723833276358.png (13.66 KB, 774x175, doctortifandmistercow.png)

Tell me you didn't read the book without telling me.

No. 2026729

Kek did she just mix up Jekyll and Hyde with fight club

No. 2026791

I bet she was inspired by fight club, I've seen it garner tif fans cos they insist it's a metaphor for being gay (too much AO3). But Tyler sounds less pretentious and quirky than Dr Hyde

No. 2026850

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Tif logic

No. 2026877

Is there not a term yet for autistic people who want to transition into literal cartoons?

No. 2026890

>my name is knives
I remember back in 2014 Ireland it was popular for all tifs to name themself Jackson. At that point I thought it was bizarre that being in any fandom friendgroup meant you knew a handful of Jacksons. If you had told me back then that it would become a social norm to have names like Knives, Bunny, Gutz, etc. I would not have believed you, but here we are were it is celebrated for ol' Pissrat Kavanagh to wear "his" name badge at work

No. 2026902

File: 1723880318300.png (1.03 MB, 702x906, Screenshot_2024-01-26_202843.p…)

….like the girl from Scott Pilgrim?

No. 2026917

They're called tifs.

No. 2026921

>how to do something like a boy
>be as lazy and disgusting as possible

No. 2026922

File: 1723886684846.jpg (87.94 KB, 640x807, 191002-twiggy-subjective-ep01-…)

Are they seriously implying this woman resembles an ugly moid in any way shape or form? I hate genderblind autists so much, it's like they only exist to piss you off.

No. 2026958

I think they're so obsessed with gender roles that they see short hair as inherently masculine. In their mind, long hair makes you a woman and short hair makes you a man (or nonbinary). That's why they get so triggered when they don't pass after cutting their hair short, that's not how normal people see gender/sex

No. 2026986

No. 2027030

File: 1723909066352.webp (11.54 KB, 360x408, IMG_4909.webp)

Or maybe they are naming themselves after their husbando Millions Knives from Trigun.

I used to have a TIF friend who named herself after a One Piece character.

No. 2027082

Kek this seems to be more likely, don't they also headcanon these two fuckers as tifs for some reason?

No. 2027134

File: 1723928699699.jpeg (Spoiler Image,1.22 MB, 1179x2145, IMG_2977.jpeg)

Nonas, if you’re eating do not click this image.
Why the hell do TIFS think any of the bottom surgeries will make them look like a real man? One surgery just gives you a micro penis and the other is this frakensock.

No. 2027135

TIFs will headcannon literally every biological male character in existence as a TIF. They do this because they are sexually/romantically attracted to the male character, and they also want to be the male character because they imagine it would be so much cooler to be a magical superpowered vampire prince elf pirate man having sexy adventures and mutually respectful male camaraderie with other handsome male characters from his series instead of Katie, the socially awkward girl who sits by herself at lunchtime and gets bullied by the popular girls in her high school.

No. 2027137

I should really read posts before I click on spoilers..this fucking looks a creature you'd see in silent hill..

No. 2027138

There’s like nipples on the hips

No. 2027146

I was eating granola, damn. Are tifs always so unhealthy or why the hell do they always have such angry wounds and scars

No. 2027147

At this point those realistic packers would be a better choice than this. I usually don't care what people do to themselves and I'm use to seeing stuff like this. But whatever quack did this is a butcher.

No. 2027148

Why are there so many cuts? Why is the skin laying poked up like the corners of a plastic bag? Seriously, I can’t make sense of what they did to her.

No. 2027154

I swear the surgeons are even more mentally ill than these delusional people, how can you butcher someone like this and not feel bad about it? And she will end up needing to have 100 revisions to fix the neverending complications

No. 2027160

I don't even know if it's mental illness as much as it is sociopathy. I also suspect that many of them secretly (or not so secretly) look down on these people and see it as just an excuse to play Frankenstein for fun and profit. There is literally no guise under which you could call taking a perfectly healthy body many people would kill for and butchering the flesh to make a strange flesh penis facsimile a medical treatment. There just isn't.

No. 2027190

>I don't want the weight of my penis with gravity to put any strain on that open wound below my bellybutton.
That's a sentence I never wanted to read below a picture I never wanted to see. If this is two months after the surgery, I'd hate to see what it looked like before this point.

No. 2027191

Looks like some shit from Dorohedoro where people get casually sewn back together wrong, what the fuck…

No. 2027197

File: 1723946779329.jpg (Spoiler Image,393.16 KB, 714x1188, ew.jpg)

>if this is two months after the surgery, I'd hate to see what it looked like before this point.
You don't need to wonder.

No. 2027199

am i the only one weirded out by how trannies are always so casual when it comes to posting their open festering infected wounds on reddit and acting like they look completely normal??? like how can you look at any part of that botch job and be okay with it, let alone be so giddy about it?

No. 2027201

The human condition is that we can normalize the most heinous shit in order to survive. Group normalization speeds it along and it becomes a social bonding experience, it’s why gym bros and tifs shoot up T together. Sharing their traumatic surgeries/wounds is a bonding experience for tifs (tras) and a sign that they’re true trans so they must be better.

No. 2027206

This is just so sad how they think this is okay. Like I feel like there are 100 things better than what these doctors are doing. I think anons are right when they say these doctors are sociopaths. These are hack and slash jobs.

No. 2027207

>it’s why gym bros and tifs shoot up T together
Lol, what?
I've been kind of wondering, it can't be purely the fault of surgeons, no? Aside from properly taking care of post op wounds, do they make sure, before heading fpr surgery, that they have clean washed/sterilized underwear, clothes and bedding ready? Because that's what would make sense to me in that situation.

No. 2027212

Dopers doing steroids (T) together is a pretty common thing, they’ll even post images/videos where they get together and give each other shots in the ass.

No. 2027216

They all look malformed or infected because the type of surgery being performed is entirely experimental. Statistically 75.6% of phalloplasties have complications and that number sounds positive in comparison the type of results these people present. Over half never gain back any sensation and all of them lose sexual pleasure (i.e. “feels like the inside of my elbow” TIF). You see posts where they brag about being preyed upon as medical guinea pigs being “the first” to have some new procedure where the surgeon decides to slice off their ass or thigh or stomach or back as opposed to the usual arm. I can’t tell if it’s batshit or just sad.

No. 2027218

The hairy sausages always crack me up, how does it look like if they don't shave it?

No. 2027220

They're already mentally ill and out of touch with reality so I guess it isnt a big deal to them. It's kind of like how shit smearers and cutters dont have any self awareness either because theyre so mental they think their weirdo behavior is normal especially when they have a community of others who do it too(sage your shit)

No. 2027243

This is outright body horror. I know some anons feel no pity for these women but I can’t help it. What horrific shit has to happen to you in order to love this sort of reality? It reminds me of some sick thing that AM from “I Have No Mouth, and I Must Scream” would inflict on Ellen.

No. 2027253

Holy shit. The way the skin sewn together at the hips ends in literal points. Her skin is literally pokey. I didn't even know skin could do that, I thought it'd always just lay flat. Absolutely fascinating in a Frankenstein way… Completely horrifying to do that to an actual person though. Genuinely looks like something from a horror movie or game. Wow.

No. 2027263

You can get an infection no matter how clean you are.

No. 2027265

They're the most cultish when it comes to these surgeries TBH. It even feels like the more gory the result, the more of a dude they are, the more they suffered for their truth, and so they brag anyway - and this is mixed with covert reassurance because there has to be a part of their brain that realize the crazy, hideous life changing surgery they submitted themselves to, right? It's a mix of "look at how true trans I am" and "Look, I made it! It was worth it right guys? Guys?"

No. 2027270

Samefagging to add, it's also eerie how docile they are about these surgeries. The moids are raging and throwing tantrums and harassing their surgery staff any time there's a problem (and it's every single time), but the Tifs are just… Silently taking it, ressorting to communities and just sharing their woes religiously, very very rarely daring to pipe up and say they're totally botched. It's crazy how deep the gendered socialisation runs. Literally flayed martyrs versus commer mantrums.

No. 2027273

And because there's no real medical goal it's impossible to have a fully healthy result, it's a ticking time bomb of complications. Hell even tifs don't know the goal when it's just for ~euphoria~ and they clearly don't know what a penis looks like outside yaoi, so surgeons won't care how ugly the result looks either.

No. 2027280

File: 1723966563347.jpg (465.12 KB, 720x1275, Screenshot_20240818_093516_Ins…)

Lesbian and not even with extra steps

No. 2027300

Transbucket going down didn't help at all. Not like it was a huge catalogue, but there were a couple butchers that got name shamed on there. With that site being gone, not everyone wants to display their horrific sores

No. 2027307

I looked it up and apparently it's back

No. 2027330

Be real, have you ever seen an ftm shooting T nest to a bodybuilder?

No. 2027340

One of these girls is going to pull a Timothee Heller on TikTok about the other I can tell by the haircut on the left and the outfit on the right

No. 2027361


They look so dead eyed

No. 2027362

Piper Sweeney/Crow comes fully clean about her past and current mental problems

No. 2027366

shes saying that tifs shoot up their t with other tifs, and bodybuilders also shoot up with other bodybuilders. theres obviously next to no crossover in those two subcultures despite their shared interest in anabolics kek

No. 2027374

This is literally modern day high school fujos who roleplay yaoi together kek. Not even sure if they're lesbians (the fujos typically weren't, they were just desperate) or one of those to say 'ehem, I'm ace actually' around other girls and their whole relationship is based on affirming each others delusions.

No. 2027386

Isn't this the 30 year old Melanie martinez fan? Of course she's a tif
>I have a female side as I like female coded things but I'm mostly male
Lemme guess, because you like "male coded things" like not wearing makeup all the time and the colour blue.
>I wasn't myself, it's like I was a character from bojack horseman, but wait actually I totally am
Oh she's one of those people
Every time

No. 2027395

File: 1723998265510.jpeg (1.29 MB, 1125x2105, IMG_2835.jpeg)

A Tif died last month due to complications with her flesh sock surgery. She couldn’t pee and needed dialysis.

No. 2027400

Isn't it hilarious how only rare troon deaths (always male trannies) get the special SJW treatment and not the deaths of trannies who die due to "life saving surgery", or female trannies who die due to domestic abuse? Funny that! Almost like the TRA movement is nothing but a woke, lefty version of men's rights activism kek.

No. 2027401

imagine willingly naming yourself fucking Bengly
shit.. RIP tentacle dick

No. 2027421

Dont be so mean nonas. A woman just died. Surely she was delusional but i will still feel bad for any woman.

No. 2027423

I don’t think >>2027400 was being mean about that tif, merely lamenting how bottom of the barrel women are in a supposedly “feminist” movement.

No. 2027424

>entire personality was vidya funko pops and dressing quirky
"tentacle dick" may sound mean but believe me, there was no other way to describe that thing. it was lovecraftian horror.
iirc she made a shitload of posts about how great her surgery was and she how didn't regret a thing.
sure dying young frop hotched surgeryvisbsad but there tifs are also trying to psyop other women into the hormones and mutilation cult so my sympathy is limited.

No. 2027431

They, just like most of the genderspecials their age, will grow out of it. It'll be a cringe phase they had as teens.

No. 2027442

>I will still feel bad for any woman
Not any of those anons, but then go and feel bad. Who and what's stopping you? The fact that others have limited sympathy for troons? You can feel bad for someone, doesn't mean everyone else needs to feel the same way, and that's coming from someone who also doesn't find her death a laughing matter.

No. 2027467

File: 1724012853085.mp4 (12.26 MB, 404x720, tumblr_sfjsf0fwiV1zvr8as_720.m…)

She must be huffing copium at best and spreading misinfo at worst

No. 2027488

No matter what other anons say, I agree. It's a sad death and joking about it after finding out, using words like tentacle dick is cruel, tasteless and says a lot about those doing it. Trans or not.

No. 2027520

This is grim. I hope her death is a warning to other women considering this surgery. The worst part is that only one of her friends wrote a tribute post- gendies are incredibly self absorbed but I thought they'd have some decency and write a few lines about missing her.

No. 2027529

evil al yankovic

No. 2027534

Is this the lifesaving surgery they speak of?

No. 2027555

File: 1724036097200.png (285.76 KB, 652x744, 1723422497014.png)

Imagine having tons of achievements in life only to be remembered like the dangers of SRS and why people should think twice before to do it.

And they'll do it anyway.

No. 2027563

It’s so telling they always make the black and brown characters ugly for woke points and create the problem they complain about

No. 2027605

File: 1724053758216.jpg (57.9 KB, 704x361, Screenshot_20240819_012906.jpg)

why are teenage tifs obsessed by calling themselves transfem somehow "intersex amab" related this was written by a tif last year but now moved into the hethey transmasc alt girl identity

No. 2027606

Are these people even old enough to be posted here?

No. 2027609

Bet my entire life savings that her 'intersex' condition is just pcos.

No. 2027610

probably due to the popularization of TME/TMA in tranny spaces putting tims at top dog spot again

if not that, then just plain labeel hoarding

No. 2027612

Women were trying to imitate men to escape misogyny but it didnt work, so now they imitate male trannies. Kek.

No. 2027649

File: 1724069476597.mp4 (3.39 MB, 394x854, Xnibn3K.mp4)

not the own she thinks it is

No. 2027657

so..we were right? kekk

No. 2027658

She also went bald, stress and hormones.
This should be played in front of every tif.

No. 2027660

I can’t believe it TT exulansic used to cover her a lot and the complications I remember were pretty bad. But I thought she would trudge along until 30. She probably got a bad set of cards, and her body wasn’t strong enough to withstand the surgery, which isnt her fault. I only say that because there’s one who have gotten sepsis and lived. This is horrible, they’re actually murdering lesbians.

No. 2027665

>"TERFS: your body is going to kill you"
And they were right, while her "friends" watched her slowly fucking kill herself cheering her on.

If you ever see me cheer a trans person on in their transition, that's how you know I hate their guts and want them dead.

No. 2027674

The way tifs desperately want to seem stern and intimidating while being small pudgy women is tragic

No. 2027705

Transitioning to look like a 12 year old boy who says slurs on x-box live

No. 2027720

File: 1724083678298.jpg (48.96 KB, 714x749, 1717481818769.jpg)

Terfs: Posting the risks for having certain kind of surgery.

This mf: Look! I have them but I regret nothing.(sage your shit)

No. 2027721

Even in her deathbed she was still praising her surgery on reddit to other TIFs. She belived that lie till the end and textbook case of victim becoming the abuser. I feel no sympathy for her. She suffered three years and died awfully young from her own delusions

No. 2027722

And in a big debt for a LIFE SAVING SURGERY!

No. 2027724

RIP. You have to be seriously fucked in the head to die this way. The delusion she had about how her surgeries were going great even while they killed her is so sad. Trans ideology is killing women (the men can die though idc)

No. 2027728

this, they remain the same fat, sheltered, yaoi-obsessed losers like >>2025616, but now they have even more health complications

No. 2027739

She cannot be this delusional?

No. 2027748

her parents spent a total of 630k to kill her in two years.

No. 2027764

She’s not anymore

No. 2027765

I wonder how they’re gonna cope with knowing that they funded and encouraged all the unnecessary experimental procedures that killed their 23 y/o daughter

No. 2027776

the worst thing is that these butchers get away with it because "she signed a informed consent!"
They killed her.

No. 2027778

If my friend wrote an obituary stating that I loved funko pops and wore crocs I would come back to haunt them until they'd kill themselves.

No. 2027794

Those jaw implants look so ridiculous omfg, I nearly spat out my coffee when she put her hair up.
It's honestly really sad because they were probably told their daughter would kill herself if they didn't, and now their daughter is dead anyway.

No. 2027796

Her Life Saving Surgery™ killed her? Who could've seen that coming?

No. 2027798

>they took a NERVE
Oh my god what? The doctors just got in the room and said
>Yeah let's remove a fucking nerve from your arm and some veins so you can feel shit in your sausage
Nightmares, it's a fucking Nightmare, just horrible sci-fi body horror shit.

No. 2027800

Still looks so female sorry girl ya eyes give it away, she probably had a beautiful face before. Sad.

No. 2027830

I posted that without checking upthread, jesus christ the butchering is alive

No. 2027848

eventually a parent is going to snap and kill one of these surgeons. i hope it's a male one.

No. 2027895

This is a huge loss for their cause, they will pretend it never happened or insist it's a freak accident or as a result of the medical system discriminating against troons for not being properly educated to treat their complications. I still can't believe how strong the troon psyop is for them to go ahead and think these surgeries are a good idea considering you never hear of such surgeries going right, only complications. As much as we can blame troons for being delusional, more criticism should be levied towards doctors who are basically using these people as lab rats, especially in the case of women who already are already prone to urethra infections more than men since they are shorter. I am also sure i saw a video from one of these surgeons saying that phalloplasty has a 50% success rate which was likely an overestimate. My biggest wish is to see these surgeons be thrown under the jail since a lot of troons were already mentally unbalanced prior to trooning out, which explains why many of them act like lunatics and are incapable of making good life decisions.

No. 2027909

Wish this would get picked up by some minor news outlets. Insurance should not cover this mangele-ass bullshit, and it's a total joke to call it "life-saving."

No. 2027911

I hope they turn on the movement and write a memoir, though it's unlikely given that they drank the kool-aid so hard they went over half a million dollars in debt to kill their daughter with cosmetic surgery. I truly wonder how they cope. Do they think it's better their kid died from a brain bleed than from suicide?

No. 2027915

Can someone explain to me why these people’s fantasy of what their life can be like post-transition is always some Victorian mad scientist/vampire aristocrat bullshit that isn’t physically possible? Like is there some multiverse switch that happens when you take T long enough to where you go outside one day and the streets are full of lithe modelesque husbandos instead of the usual mass of normal 21st century people? I could understand some Noel Felding circa Mighty boosh esque fantasy of being a cool guy actor that hangs out at gay bars all night wearing glitter eyeshadow. At least that’s something you can actually do in the real world.

No. 2027951

The phone battery is at 41%…

No. 2027953

much like most tifs she has exhibitionism

No. 2027955

File: 1724144940948.jpg (211.13 KB, 1080x1918, 1000115193.jpg)

I got the totally not fake femboy on my explore page, checked the comments and it's full of males falling for it saying "it's not gay I'd hit it amirite", but even a couple women are fooled for some reason picrel

No. 2027958

Samefag a tim commented "why are femboys my transition goals", funny considering so many of them are biological women, keep wishing timmy. It's sad though that these biological women are helping to fuel moids' pornsick fantasy of "zomg anime pretty boys that are better than women!" Imo the reason moids are so weirdly excited about femboys is they used to think a woman's value is her appearance but now boy can have woman appearance too??? How edgy and taboo, and I don't even need a woman to coom now! They'd fuck a mouldy shoe if it wore eyelash extensions. Tifs transition to escape misogyny, to dress this feminine without feeling like they're lesser, and end up helping it instead. I don't know how coherent this was but I've kind of been thinking about this for a minute

No. 2027971

What are the tummy scars for

No. 2027992

Coomerness knows no bounds, even though more moids tend to be coombrained than your typical terminally online woman, as we all already know. Some of the women are just handmaidens who'd give the same treatment to danny devito just to prove how much of a nlong and nicer-than-those-vain-bitches they are for supporting the so-called 'unconventional' moids, their compliments are fairly boring too because they can't think of anything special to describe these boring wooden planks of human beings. But the others, who are thirsting over her while genuinely believing that she's a scrote (so I'm not talking about lesbians before anyone gets on my ass), are more or less the same as her coomer male audience. They share one similarity — they both link femininity to submissiveness. That's why you have moids being violent towards women in general and making a bit similar (again, similar, not the exact same) remarks towards barely-legal looking twinks in dresses who they consider to be weak and submissive, and then you have terminally online girls, whose interaction with men is limited to character ai bots, unironically using terms like 'malewife' for their fictional husbandos when he isn't a total abusive jerk, because how can a man be submissive? That's a 'wife' thing, a wife's role, therefore he's a malewife rather than just a submissive-scrote (this kind of has a ring to it kek). After putting femininity and submissiveness in the same basket for so long, these women are more than happy to believe that she's some submissive moid because she wears frilly dresses, rather than just your typical girly girl as it would break their fantasy.

No. 2028013

they do know they're basically admitting they're a bunch of gay pedophiles?

No. 2028015

Right? Just look at the anime wig kek she's appealing to the pedos who think real 12 year old boys look like Astolfo.

No. 2028050

You're trying to distract from how you're just an unfortunate looking woman with no makeup, and everyone knows women are just caked up bimbos which means you must be a man. I bet it inflates her ego to see women believe her.

No. 2028100

File: 1724176049948.jpeg (849.28 KB, 828x1427, IMG_0930.jpeg)

talking about fake femboys, the arachnid girl is back on her bullshit. she totally looks like an adult cis man here guys trust her

No. 2028125

>unironically using terms like 'malewife' for their fictional husbandos when he isn't a total abusive jerk, because how can a man be submissive? That's a 'wife' thing, a wife's role, therefore he's a malewife rather than just a submissive-scrote
Slightly off topic but I could never pinpoint exactly why I was annoyed by these retarded terms until I saw this. Ig it feels great to know what I was mad about all this time KEK. I also agree with the rest.

>we're not lesbian or trans!!
Ah yes, something that nontroon straight couples have to clarify everyday.

No. 2028126

What the fuck is wrong with her face? Is she drunk? High? Both? It's unsettling and demonic

No. 2028128

File: 1724183032117.jpeg (661 KB, 1179x2126, IMG_3036.jpeg)

Fakebois dating other fakebois being annoying in a movie theater

No. 2028129

File: 1724183100196.jpg (53.75 KB, 418x617, 1000027913.jpg)

It's probably just me but there's something so weird about the way they pose and stuff. Not because of their height difference itself (since I know plenty of lesbian couples with a height difference who don't come across like that), but just the vibes are off-putting. Maybe it's either because both of them are pornsick or the tif used to do nsfw 'shota' cosplays back in the days, especially victorian ones (Ceil? Idk I never watched black butler) and she still dresses in the same manner. I don't think anyone sane would settle with a tif to begin with or that a tif would be able to find a normal longterm partner, they probably match each others freak or some shit. Good for them I guess, but bad for my eyes whenever these weirdos show up.

No. 2028131

File: 1724183186182.jpeg (2.11 MB, 1179x2113, IMG_3037.jpeg)

Why do these biological women put in no effort in androgyny anymore if they want the whole pooner/non binary bullshit so badly.
It’s like when men with a beard get upset if you call them sir.

No. 2028133

File: 1724183342971.jpeg (1.35 MB, 1179x2161, IMG_3038.jpeg)

If you only call her she, do you think she would lose her shit?

No. 2028136

>Trans kids deserve to grow up
Well their bones sure aren't growing after the hormone blockers that the adults made them take.

No. 2028137

The tif looks like a malnourished, starving child. I think that's whats unsettling

No. 2028142

Yeah, perhaps that's the case. I know there's a huge overlap between the anachan community and tifs but I'll never get why she still chose to be underweight instead of bulking up or something to 'pass better' since she's that desperate for it? What kind of moid does she even aspire to look like? I don't even know enough fictional ones who look anything like that. Tf she's skinwalking?

No. 2028153

File: 1724186302828.jpeg (231.86 KB, 1201x1601, D4y-VNxWsAA_GQo.jpeg)

she’s on a little tiny dose of testosterone now for her south park goth boy larp but you can tell from her old pics she was never a man. this is from her own twitter

No. 2028154

also it looks like theyre really playing up the height difference for pictures tf(learn how to reply + sage your shit)

No. 2028156

now you making me wonder how calcium absorption, bone density and so on. i guess we'll find out in 10 years.

No. 2028165

File: 1724186874865.jpg (120.99 KB, 360x865, faafcb6e0fc3d07e4fe2da286d1751…)

>tf she's skinwalking
maybe johnny the homicidal maniac lol

No. 2028172

Because she wants to pass as a little boy, not a man.

No. 2028183

Nah she’s definitely manipulating the camera to make herself look like an emaciated child next to the wife because these two women are not anywhere near as different in size than she plays off. I just hope she does it because she thinks it’s cute or something instead of fulfilling some freak’s more sinister fetish

No. 2028194

Ah, the girl who photoshops dicks on her photos.

No. 2028206

>her girlfriend wearing a telnyashka with the camo tunic

No. 2028211

File: 1724199227828.jpeg (52.15 KB, 400x400, 1719189113740.jpeg)

Good thing they were alone. I can't imagine the triggering spectacle they would have done if someone told to security "these girls are being annoying".

No. 2028226

I feel like Ray is the spanish equivalent of every white girl changing their name to Oliver or Greyson

No. 2028231

LatAm nonna here: never heard a Ray here. But tifs go for names like Leo or the masculine version of their "deadname".

No. 2028239

>the masculine version of their "deadname".
I personally know two Latina TiFs who did this. I guess it's slightly more tasteful than going by Noah or Kai kek.

No. 2028241

Given her track record of editing cocks on herself, I agree that this height difference is fake. Based on the proportions, the taller girl is either wearing platform shoes or standing on something. Their actual height difference is probably like three inches, just looking at >>2028153

No. 2028242

No? They're straight men thirsting after an adult woman with small breasts.

No. 2028332

they don't know she's an adult woman, they genuinely think she's a male "femboy" and since no adult man looks like that either, they probably assume she's an underage male

No. 2028455

>award winning non binary for hire
Idk what that means, but I'll just imagine it's like when you hire clowns for kids parties

No. 2028456

The comments in the screenshot are from women though, that'd make them straight women thirsting after what they think is a little boy

No. 2028495

Kek exactly. It'd make sense if they were talking about moids or something but it looks like some anons didn't read the post at all. Even if you scroll through her posts in general, you might find worse thirst comments by women who don't know what a female body looks like.

No. 2028509

I looked up the actual post and majority of the comments are from moids

No. 2028514

Obviously? I didn't say the majority of her fanbase was women, I just said you'll find more comments by women if you went searching for it and the og post, which everyone else replied to, was talking about women who couldn't tell she's a tif.

No. 2028603

I'm the anon that posted >>2027955 yes my point is that as dumb as scrotes are, which is a given, I'm confused that even some girls are falling for this girl's larp. In the screenshot one is literally claiming to be a girl, and the other's pfp is a woman that I'm assuming is her.

Lowkey makes me sad because in a lot of jokey videos of natal males wearing cheap ugly maid dresses or their gf doing some bare minimum makeup on them, there are girls in the comments being jealous and insecure that the males are better at the one thing women are told they're "supposed" to be good at. And now even other women are making them feel that way, petite hyperfeminine tifs pretending to be natally male, and they believe it. Hopefully they're just chronically online and stupid but it made me think.

This was an interesting response thank you, especially the last sentence

No. 2028659

File: 1724301533786.jpg (1.14 MB, 2048x1967, 1723714991622 copy.jpg)

i am so bored and felt like altering this to fit what i have personally seen kek

No. 2028665

Not enough yaoi for transmasc

No. 2028670

I also suggest Steven universe, yuri on ice, banana fish, hazbin hotel, gerard way, the onceler, and haruhi from OHSHC (they think she is a tif)

No. 2028684

next thread pic

No. 2028688

needs some riddler and batman yaoi on the left and more lolis on the right

No. 2028696

File: 1724314953185.jpg (2.96 MB, 2048x2367, poop.jpg)

ok i added some more
god anon i feel like i looked through too many cursed search terms in an incognito window already but i added some more. note how even though tifs are annoying, tims are much more disgusting and degenerate. they all wish to be the little girl.

No. 2028700

File: 1724319630029.jpg (1.19 MB, 3000x2240, 1000115514.jpg)

>gerard way
Ironic that their goal is him when he was emo but they transition to what he looks like now picrel, when they aren't looking like his colleague ellen paige that is. The emo girlies broke their backs pretending to pity thirst for this it was sad

No. 2028796

I at least have to give the TiFs credit for being slightly more reasonable with their "goals," which seem to mostly be dorky alt guys. TiMs on the other hand are completely delusional, trying to be moeblob anime girls when they look like offensive linemen.

No. 2028826

File: 1724354852843.jpg (94 KB, 450x562, Ew7hlcZWQAITx9c.jpg)

I'd also add the onii-san from Kaneoya Sachiko's illustrations to this. TIFs love her work and I've seen too many of them comment on how "gender" it is and how they want to skinwalk this character. Also, Randal from Ranfren since he is pretty much a stand-in for the gendie author and the zoomer TIFs want to be him too.

No. 2028829

god I want to molest him so badly(no1currs)

No. 2028830

same, nona

No. 2028833

File: 1724356226703.jpg (2.93 MB, 2048x2367, fart.jpg)

i think even if i showed this to mtfs after specifically putting a bunch of gross lolis on it theyd still think it was a compliment

No. 2028836


No. 2028840

TIMs are too blinded by their coom-filled brains to have that level of self-awareness. I guess the same could be said about the extremely creepy TIFs who want to be little boys.

No. 2028894

I hate that I immediately knew who you were referring to without even seeing the pic

No. 2028930

File: 1724374994957.png (914.7 KB, 1080x980, 1000028013.png)

While reverse-image searching something, I came across an amino community with the toothpaste flag and I just knew that it's going to be filled to the brim with tifs. To no one's surprise, it indeed was kek.

No. 2028931

File: 1724375070139.jpg (219.83 KB, 1080x1554, 1000028014.jpg)

Of course, she's also a DID faker and one of those weirdos who should stay far away from kids.

No. 2028932

File: 1724375113374.png (133.87 KB, 300x300, 6d70af38-4af0-4688-9650-66e6f4…)

I can't believe yungcynical trooned out

No. 2028933

>Kodomo no jikan
>Ro kyu bu
It's like they want people to know they're pedophiles

No. 2028934

KEKKK throwbackk

No. 2028936

File: 1724375833961.jpg (122.6 KB, 1037x1067, 1000028017.jpg)

Another user from the same community (I still don't know if that's what these animo things are called, I'm surprised animo is alive to begin with) not as milky but I found this post so funny. She be talking about having 'more man boobs' when she's just built like a girl.

No. 2028940

File: 1724376292812.jpeg (62.77 KB, 1024x576, EI8O8UcUYAAxPg9.jpeg)

I would mention Dazai from BSD but most of the cast is "gender goals" to TIFs.

No. 2028986

>homestuck dave and dipper
>wanting to transition into a 13 year old fictional boy

Extremely accurate

No. 2029151

File: 1724427764203.png (197.17 KB, 460x595, J2kvBBQ.png)

I wonder how many pretend to "traps" for the sake of getting more engagement, there are probably tens of thousands of streamers already, so it would be tough competition. but even the worst-looking girl could pretend to be 'femboy' and get tons of engagement

No. 2029160

File: 1724428760409.jpeg (216.16 KB, 800x1120, GS0yPnmaoAA6X3Y.jpeg)

i just know she named herself after wilbur soot kek
YWNBYY - You Will Never Be Yoiko Yokochou

No. 2029221

File: 1724440679242.png (1.82 MB, 1029x1920, 1716029995230.png)

picrel is an unironic example

No. 2029222

File: 1724440691481.png (556.81 KB, 598x688, verdantsculpts.png)

>being in an abusive situation

No. 2029235

File: 1724441528357.jpg (76.08 KB, 1017x1017, GUA-6TBXkAAYupv.jpg)

>but even the worst-looking girl could pretend to be 'femboy' and get tons of engagement
even the worst designs can have coomers supporting it. this is a deathfat tif btw

No. 2029239

This looks like every TIF stereotype rolled into a single abomination kek.

No. 2029267

Ironically, pretending to be a gay boy on the internet for clout is a purely female experience. There were girls doing it on neopets and gaiaonline in the early 2000s.

No. 2029280

in this case it actually worked(sage your shit)

No. 2029281

im against women whoreing themselves for male attention but if theyre gonna do it, may as well larp as traps, milk tranny chasers for all their shekels, make real trannies seethe and kill themselves because theyll never look that feminine, etc. if trannies wanna invade female spaces then they have no right to cry about women invading tranny spaces and larping as traps for money(sage your shit)

No. 2029348

File: 1724456584711.jpeg (232.21 KB, 2048x1346, IMG_0264.jpeg)

They aren’t even trying anymore

No. 2029368

No. 2029375

yep, older farmers knew charlotte charms from the gaia days when she would post all about her "boyfriend" Aoi

No. 2029379

she keeps her nose piercing and a mole in her hair?

No. 2029438

Of course kek
>Brain for storing yaoi
I'm looking forward to the day these tifs would be in their late 30s and unable to fall asleep because their cringe phase keeps haunting them. Tifs' digital footprint is horrendous.

No. 2029515

File: 1724509584137.png (64.02 KB, 598x541, 1724207112882.png)

I can count how many women I knew loved to hide their identity with either a male OC or an Anime character. And now only one or two have trooned out. Kids these days treat being trans like a phra- wait.

No. 2029534

tbf outside the west this is not an unusual height for men, like I'm consider very tall for a woman, with my height of 5'6

No. 2029538

File: 1724512493972.png (166.78 KB, 749x658, JsCMaNW.png)

very manly

No. 2029545

In most countries in every continent the average height for a scrote is not 5'4. Average height for a woman worldwide is recorded as being 5'3-5'4. 5'6 for a woman is within the range of average in the west and in Europe. The average recorded male height worldwide is 5'7-5'8.

I live in southeast Asia and 5'4 is still manlet height. I am 160cm which is 5'3 and the vast majority of adult males are still taller than me.

No. 2029548

>Trans rights are hardcore
>They cry at the first time someone misgender them.

No. 2029551

What is it with trannies (tifs specifically) being obsessed with using all caps? Do they think it makes them cool, punk, and intimidating? Because all I get is annoying and retarded, kek.

No. 2029557

Which picture is the new one?

No. 2029558

I hate the way her lips are drawn. They look like a big blister.

No. 2029559

>Take the medicine. Get new clothes.
Yes. Give money to pharma companies, Amazon, and fast fashion stores. Purchase your identity from these corporations, sheep!

No. 2029560

sage for ot, but I went to Indonesia when I was younger and I surpassed more than 90% of the men there

No. 2029575

File: 1724517413820.png (52.26 KB, 1200x1269, Star_of_Chaos_Warhammer.svg.pn…)

What a shitty design, it looks like the chaos symbol from Warhammer 40k, and that's not a compliment.(sage your shit)

No. 2029594

Ayrt, I live outside of the west, a 5'4 moid is still a manlet and they never give up on the opportunity to whine about it. I don't even get why this was brought up to begin with though. Yeah, there's short scrotes in this world and it can be the average height for moids in a few countries, does that make her an average moid in any way? Due to the mere existence of manlets, is it suddenly not kekworthy that a possibly western tif is short and checks off the typical tif stereotype? Anon be fr.

No. 2029596

Looks like one of those wacky late night as-seen-on-tv products that are for slicing off bananas in a very needlessly convoluted manner. This is supposed to be hardcore? For what? Bananas?

No. 2029789

Of course

No. 2029948

No. 2029950

That's an ironic description considering the topic kek

No. 2029966

File: 1724610531860.png (541.77 KB, 751x752, IMG_4698.png)


No. 2029969

I know tifs are retarded, but she can't possibly be serious with that name choice at the age of 25. I get a teen themlet naming herself after a mha character but 25? Just plain bleak.

No. 2029973

>another brujoari clone has hit the towers

No. 2029977

please say sike

No. 2029980

I would be suicidal too if one part of my brain told me to name myself Deku and the other actually wanted me to go through with it.

No. 2029982

the funniest part is OP would pass as a low-t male if they named themself a generic white dude name, or even anything that wasn't a fucking anime character

No. 2030012

A lot of them never left their Homestuck or Invader Zim phase (or moved on to Hellaverse) and cite Karkat as cracking their egg

No. 2030025

File: 1724625389378.jpg (644.25 KB, 1080x1989, 1000115928.jpg)

Found this girl saying igbo women who married women in pre colonial times was a win for gendies? Can they stop trying to gendify homosexuality throughout history, and noble savage-ify pocs including their own ancestors, for one second

No. 2030026

>they named themself
Just say she and herself. I assure you, nobody would jump on you for doing that. It's not some genderless being that you're going to have a hard time figuring out and thus resort to gender neutral or ambiguous pronouns, it's a tif in a tif thread.

No. 2030038

Why are they obsessed with him?

No. 2030051

>Empathetic, emotional teenage softboi
>Naturally green hair (and generally has a TIF-like appearance, sorry)
>Starts out as a bullied weakling and slowly gets stronger throughout the series
>Infamous for being a target of fujoshis, who ship him with the bully
>Secretly given powers later on instead of being born with them like everyone else (maybe they see this as a trans metaphor?)

Seeing this while reading MHA is hitting me like a truck filled with secondhand embarrassment.

No. 2030171

how could pre colonial Africa be "queer" when queerness was invented by bored white Americans in the 2010s (yes I know the term queer is much older than nonnies but you'll agree with me that the current understanding of the word has nothing to do with its origins as a homophobic slur). are you against white colonialism or not? or are some forms of colonialism good? why do you need to use the language of the oppressor to define these pre colonial experiences? don't you have any words for those ancient views on gender that weren't given to you by some mentally ill white American teenage girl on tumblr dot com?

No. 2030210

The basis of these "the gender binary is white supremacist colonialism" arguments is:
- 19th century white supremacists believed that white men were most masculine and white women were most feminine and this proved white people were superior (despite humans being the least sexually dimorphic apes and this contributing to our intelligence, kek)
- Many cultures had "third genders" which were almost always effeminate gay men in patriachal cultures with strict gender roles, and missionaries disapproved of this due to homophobia

And that's it.

No. 2030226

File: 1724686507829.jpg (239.63 KB, 1080x1381, 1000028110.jpg)

Causal misogyny is so ~euphoric~ especially when it comes from your father, who's talking shit about his own gf behind her back over something as minor as packing for a trip. This kind of shit is exactly why I'll never have any sympathy for these nlogs. Girl needs to realise that he isn't engaging in some 'light misogyny' and including her in it because she's a moid and they're having a bonding moment, but because she's also misogynist and he knows that she'll agree with whatever he says.

No. 2030230

File: 1724686940541.jpg (174.66 KB, 1080x1232, 1000028112.jpg)

Also this autist to autist conversation under the post is sending me kek. Is it even autism at this point or just straight up medically recognised retardation?

No. 2030235

File: 1724687220817.jpg (153.8 KB, 1080x1322, 1000028114.jpg)

I don't even know what to say about this one. These girls couldn't even fart in peace until they've got he/him pronouns in the bio.

No. 2030238

File: 1724687527368.jpg (86.49 KB, 1080x489, 1000028116.jpg)

Alright this is the last one. I'm going to stop spamming screenshots now.

No. 2030315

File: 1724699349588.png (75.54 KB, 1157x318, denial2.png)

Sup, I posted about this retard in the last thread (she's since "upgraded" from twinkwife to cuntboy, charming, huh?). I got a little more unprompted backstory from her. She dislikes fujoshis, kek, but I smell denial.

No. 2030321

They want to be buddies buddies with men, but they don’t know that those men will still see them as women. TIFs are pathetic.

No. 2030345

Funny thing is, women who relate to 'girly' autistic traits often have 'boy autism' aswell. 'Anime and vidya' aren't that sex segregated, especially for autistic kids. They're in denial about female-typical traits coexisting with male-typical traits because it would shatter their LARP

No. 2030461

Do tifs all read from a script or something, they all say fujos are sooo gross and fetishy, but not me I swear because I'm a real gay boy

No. 2030466

>is a fujo
>trooned out because of yaoi
>hates other fujos
Incomprehensible. You don't even need to insult her at this point, whatever she says about fujos applies to her own fucking self. You can't possibly hate her more than she hates herself.

No. 2030557

File: 1724713657026.webp (88.78 KB, 1080x1080, pre-t-9-months-on-t-2-5-years-…)

No. 2030564

I felt physical pain looking at this image… Tfw the cool masc woman now looks like a depressed male

No. 2030600

These girls never ripped ass?

No. 2030679

$10 says the anime is Yuri on Ice and My Hero Academia and the vidya is Animal Crossing, Mario Kart and Stardew Valley

No. 2030701

That first picture has to be filtered, right? How can someone so hot turn into… That?

No. 2030706

the "computer science" is carrd

No. 2030735

god damn it. All the sexy masculine women are ruining themselves with testosterone and there's not gonna be any left for me. This is not fair.

No. 2030753

KEK nona

No. 2030783

I feel you nona it's a sad time to be a masc woman enjoyer

No. 2030949

Excess testosterone makes women ugly, simple as that

No. 2031207

Additionally, the most intense and stinky farts are from women on their periods! Women are also more likely to have IBS

No. 2031225

Don't take this the wrong way, but what the fuck?

No. 2031290

>I used to be silent like a ninja in the restroom
I've never understood this mentality. You're in the place where shitting and farting is supposed to go. Nobody will be surprised to hear it. But these girls get told by their aunties that it's unladylike or whatever, and they believe it so hard they troon out to escape their own internalised misogyny.

No. 2031335

File: 1724837494066.png (312.49 KB, 592x838, 66fujo.PNG)

This post has been up for a while and it's making people with zero self-awareness coming out again. How can you think it's a good thing your porn addiction is making you question your entire identity?

No. 2031336

File: 1724837595740.png (313.7 KB, 593x754, 67fujo.PNG)

No. 2031337

> I was a massive retard before, but then I transitioned into an even bigger retard!

No. 2031340

File: 1724837971642.png (36.66 KB, 588x288, 4421.PNG)

She then explains she thought she was a lesbian before it but as most fakebians, she couldn't be attracted to women, so naturally she must be a gay man then. She just didn't want to be a normal straight girl. I don't get how someone can't have the slightest of logic and realize that maybe this is because you've been shamed for being a straight girl with normal straight girl hobbies before in your community.

No. 2031341

She's retarded, but at least she does say that normal fujos aren't "oppressing gay men" or whatever. It's not much, but it's better than her becoming one of those TiFs who chimp out at other fujos for fetishizing homosexuality as if they're not doing the same thing but worse kek

No. 2031344

File: 1724839108235.png (311.42 KB, 595x770, 68fujo.PNG)

>I thought I was sexist because I found actual characters with personalities more interesting and engaging than a bunch of fanservice babes and didn't even think it could be because shonen manga writers can't write women for shit

No. 2031363

Female authors writing men that have the emotional depth and need for romance like women do, and male authors writing compelling male friendships while treating women like sex objects/boring girlfriends, existing simultaneously in media was a deadly combo to the autistic girlies crafting their entire sense of self in accordance to fiction. The female yaoi author and the male shounen author both glorify the humanity of men/male characters over women.

No. 2031643

Apologies for the blogpost, it's on topic I think. There's a guy who works in my local pharmacy, quite young I'd say 25 at most. Looks like your average slightly nerdy skinny bloke. I never got fakeboi vibes from him like I do with some guys seeing as I'm from a very liberal town with a large university. The other day though i checked my recipt and his name from the register login was Lucius. LUCIUS. Confusion abounds.(blogging)

No. 2031682

It doesn't matter if it's "on topic," your personal anecdotes aren't milk. Also, what do you mean you get fakeboi vibes from "some guys?" Are all the people you're describing here TiFs, or did you just meet a moid with an uncommon biblical name and assume that he was a TiF on that basis?

No. 2031683

yaoi is for straight women and shonen is for elementary school men, so ofcourse they are going to focus on the male characters more. I honestly think how women are depicted in the music industry and hollywood is miles worse because those are real women. There is only one modern female musician who doesnt whore herself or talk about being sexy for men. Its pretty rough being an impresionable young girl nowadays.

No. 2031689

>I had such an enormous shame complex about fetishizing gay men
This is what happens when women are obsessively policed for their sexualities, among other experiences of misogyny. They troon out to try and escape it. A lot fewer yaoi fans would troon out if this retarded "fetishizing gay men," line of thinking didn't exist. Women are not a danger to gay men, especially not in the way men are a danger to lesbians.

No. 2031690

I remember an anon posting in the confessions thread that she was so ashamed of the sound of her poop splashing in public restrooms that she'd wrap her hand in toilet paper and poop in her hand so she could delicately place it in the toilet without sound. There's something deeply wrong with our culture if people are this neurotic about pooping.

No. 2031696

I think it during was a sleepover as a teen, but we did a confessions thing and more than one person admitting "padding" the toilet with toilet paper before going so there wouldn't be as much sound when visiting someone or when someone was visiting them.

There's also a Marilyn Monroe anecdote about the same kind of this, IIRC.

No. 2031697

Sad, they should try taking a violent splattering adderall shit before class, experiencing your professor come in to the restroom and comment on the stench while you're doing it, then continuing to specifically go there to shit before every class out of sheer spite. It's a freeing experience.

No. 2031698

Not nitpicking, but Lucius isn't a biblical name in the vein of the faux Jewish FTMs. It is a Harry Potter name, however.

No. 2031703

It's both annoying and interesting how they go fully mask-off with their internalised misogyny the moment they think they're "one of the guys." Honestly it's no wonder why nobody respects TIFs kek

No. 2031704

Man she has great cheekbones

No. 2031706

Samefag but she looks like an Edgar now

No. 2031707

transitioned from hot to a second-rate sam hyde character, rip

No. 2031730

She was so beautiful before, she gave herself a receding hairlines and osteoporosis for nothing…

No. 2031739

>I realized that I was being delusional about one thing
>so I moved onto being delusional about the homophobia I experience as a straight woman

No. 2031813

There have been popes named Lucius, and the name does appear in the Bible. Although I'd say it's more of a Roman name than a biblical one. The French version, Lucien, is more common with TiFs in my experience.

No. 2031839

Yes, but the girls influenced by female pop singers and celebs will go out and get botox and breast enlargements, not start pretending to be boys. Both are bad, but at least a breast enlargement is reversible, a tit chop and T poisoning isn't. It's even worse when all this is done to emulate fictional men, just layers of delusion.

No. 2031880

They don't even understand how much they tell on themselves with memes like this. I was a coomer and my coomerism caused my troon out. Remember when saying you transitioned because of yaoi was a clear sign you weren't trans? And that it was a "terf" rhetoric? Now it's the staple of tiffany community kek.

No. 2031901

i don't care if i fetishize mlm because men aren't good for anything except silly fictional things to pass my time with(blog/no1curr)

No. 2031913

It immediately made me think of Lucius Malefoy which would be surprising for a TIF, but it sounds like a generic vampire name too.

No. 2031924

File: 1724926939030.jpg (3.28 MB, 4096x4096, kdiej.jpg)

the way these "femboy" tifs always subtly tell on themselves is always funny. it's clear they have 0 idea about the actual reasons why pornsick moids become femboys. an actual moid femboy would be in over his head if someone called him a girl since they're all repressed trannies and always come out sooner or later. xy males who look indistinuguishable from women and wear girly clothes AND insist on he/him pronouns are literally nonexistent. these tifs live in a fantasy world

No. 2032181

File: 1724960885673.mp4 (1.78 MB, 720x1280, 984B0210DDE927F2F2BD1BB507FEFC…)

found this gem scrolling through instagram. she looks genuinely shocked someone would mistake her for a fujo rather than a gay man lol.


No. 2032188

>i am a gay man
>wears makeup and has the girliest nails ever

i will never be able to comprehend that these women genuinely believe that larping as a gay man while conforming to gender roles is less embarrassing than just admitting to being a fujo.

No. 2032197

Laughed at first, but then saw that she's 16 and that the most recent post is her posing in a bikini. Genuinely depressing, hate to think about how so many kids are gonna have their faces attached to this for their whole lives.

No. 2032386

Yippee lolcor back

Part of these girls being able to say "I'm a gay man!" with their whole chest is people going along with the delusion, probably to not trigger a tranny chimpout. I saw a conversation in some Instagram comments, someone with a feminine profile pic said "I'm a gay man but women are pretty" and women were replying it's nice to see a gay man say that. Clicked the profile, of course it's a chubby frumpy girl with full body pictures of herself. But people were politely pretending to be oblivious.

No. 2032573

File: 1726088615294.jpg (94.44 KB, 1080x992, 1000028624.jpg)

Too afraid to even click on her channel. Hope she got over her insanity after 3 years.

No. 2033049

File: 1726164924946.png (253.42 KB, 593x680, EIA168Y.png)

>im in love with genders you cant even imagine

No. 2033051

>What's it like to see a bunch of funny looking straight people
Like a day ending in "y", one would assume.

No. 2033149

Maybe some people don’t build their life and personality around their sexuality, because they’re much more interesting.

No. 2033167

By how she wrote this, it's so telling it's the opposite. She saw gay men as the "cool and queer" ones (but no mention of gay women of course, they're only ever obsessed with men), felt "vanilla" in comparison to them, and by these fake genders hopes she can one-up them. Sad, but what else is a straight woman with no personality or friends to do? You go girl, you're the queerest of them all! Their inferiority complex to gay men in particular needs to be studied.

No. 2033281

>I have mental illnesses you can’t even imagine

No. 2033303

Being gay isn't about not being vanilla, it's about being attracted to the same sex. Even the stuffiest married conservative man is gay if he loves sucking cock.

No. 2033331

File: 1726205495434.jpg (221.81 KB, 1000x1000, 20240913_072840.jpg)

I love Yaelokre but her latest post makes me sad. It's basically about how one of her OC's eyes symbolize her "struggle with gender identity" and how she "realized she can be neither or both". I wish I could tell her there's nothing deep about realizing you don't have to be a stereotypical girly girl to be a woman. Such a talented artist got sucked into a cult…

No. 2033345

File: 1726211931927.jpg (2.34 MB, 3264x3264, whyyyyy.jpg)

The epidemic of "cool artist gets sucked into the gendie cult" is so sad. I used to love bogthonnach's work and the way she incorporated traditional Irish culture, until she (former butch lesbian) fell victim to the cult, got fat and slobby, and now posts on her public Instagram about prioritising DIY testosterone over her heart medication. Sorry for the shit collage, the one on the right is supposed to be a "self portrait".

No. 2033358

>I'm in love with genders you can't even imagine
She means she likes a variety of traits in people. Wow, so hardcore and radical.
Yeah, this is what I was going to say. They want to "out-man" actual men. Same reason some pickmes become porn addicts, it's very performative.

No. 2033360

Stud to Sam Hyde

No. 2033366

And yet you know, the two boys have boys names and the two girls have girl names, but they're all "agender" or some bullshit.

No. 2033371

File: 1726224199676.jpg (55.76 KB, 640x848, 266306f47178e748275796e22db22d…)

oh my god i used to love her art. now all she does is claim talk about trannyism and being a bear. ot but it's such a shame she keeps changing usernames and DFEing, her old art is almost impossible to find in good quality. her moomin fanart was adorable. sad…
forgot to sage

No. 2033440

Oh wow nonnie, you and I are in the same boat, didn't think others would know about her antics. Would be lying if I said I didn't think her acting like she's totessss the same as a gay bear because she's fat and has a pubestache isn't hilarious though.

There's something to be said about how tifs go through a total personality change. They can be cool, unique, and have an actual personality, but as soon as they go full tif suddenly all they talk about is trans stuff, it's kinda sad

No. 2033471

>prioritising DIY testosterone over her heart medication
This reads like a slow suicide attempt. What the fuck.

No. 2033490

When I heard her songs she struck me as a tif immediately because of the soft acoustic music, and the girly artsy woodsy tif archetype, but hoped I was wrong. If you have a talent in something, you're not so low self esteem and empty that you need to troon out surely? But mental illness doesn't go by logic or reason.

No. 2033493

She was more masculine and hot before she transitioned.

No. 2033512

for real, going from masc woman to soyboy guy is such a downgrade. literally went from the most desirable subcategory to the least.

No. 2033524

Saying the quiet part out loud, that they're constantly trying to one-up each other with how ~speshul~ and ~yooneek~ they are. She is the most special, you see, so much more special than the boring gay men she desperately wants to be. Such a teenage mindset, yet a lot of these people are grown-ass adults.

No. 2033708

File: 1726284487892.jpg (35.56 KB, 663x579, c2d.jpg)

>While LCF was offline, I have seen five women giving the "big news" about getting a surgery to remove their breasts.

Jesus Christ riding a bike, is like an illness.

No. 2033777

honestly that art looks creepy as shit, in a bad way.

No. 2033811

Also notice her hairline started receding. Idk what women expect when they take T except to hit the speedway to becoming fat and bald.

No. 2033906

File: 1726338112209.jpg (16.91 KB, 314x475, self-made-man.jpg)

this seems to be the common experience with butches who transition, norah vincent (who wasn't trans but pretended to be a man as a social experiment) talked about how, while she was considered very butch, while pretending to be a man she came across as 'effeminate/gay' to men and women, recounting that she was called faggot on the street more then eve before

No. 2033934

Ugh this is that one social experiment misrepresented by MRAs and troons alike. MRAS love to use like, see how she killed herself because she couldn't stand how tough and raw it is to be a scrote?! Feeemales really do live on easy mode!! And troons use it as proof of dysphoria like, see how she killed herself because she got dysphoria from being the wrong sex?! She's just like me!! I wonder if anything significant can actually be said about it, or if this was an overrated experiment where retarded takes are all there can be. Still a shame she ended her life though, of course.

No. 2033937

Any "experiment" with a sample size of 1 can only invite retarded, generalizing takes.

No. 2034057

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The way going makeup-free and not shaving is a “radical genderfuck uwu” move for these girls is just tragic

No. 2034059

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Samefag but I need to show more of this utter bulllshit. No sweetie, no one is looking at you and thinking you’re a dashing prince

No. 2034060

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No. 2034070

No way. A woman wearing clothes. Wild, it broke all grounds.

No. 2034079

>incessant use of "femme" and "masc"
>speaks like a terminally online teenager
>haha yeah fuck the rules! gender doesn't matter
The second you stopped being conventionally feminine, you had a identity crisis. You need society to tell you how to dress and act or otherwise, you'd lose it. The most subversive thing you can do is be a woman who isn't feminine and still be proud of your femaleness.

No. 2034082

File: 1726364718966.jpeg (131.52 KB, 736x972, IMG_0102.jpeg)

Yet more

No. 2034106

"What do you mean I'm a tomboy??"

No. 2034129

Ha, this bitch is as effeminate as they come. No one is looking at her and thinking "androgynous" even.

No. 2034142

I know this person and she’s fucking around and spending all her savings on new tattoos and adoptables. She made 4,000+ dollars at both conventions she was just at. She is super privileged and lives with her rich parents. She legitimately doesn’t need any of this money she just wants to fuck trannies. I’m so serious.

No. 2034146

>that user
oh fuck i remember her from way back when, i think watching her awful descent from generic theyfab to true and honest man in real time contributed to peaking me (i did not know her personally but she blogged so much i might as well have). it was genuinely a progressive loss of her personality and of everything she held dear in favor of the fucking troon cult. from what i can remember:
>deeply adored fashion and had a bunch of "fem" outfits curated over several years, grew more hesitant about them because they werent "guy enough", in the end ended up throwing them away
>was hesitant/unwilling about taking testosterone (understandably so) and didn't want most of the typically masculine physical changes, slid to NEEDING all the procedures NOW
>did choir, prided herself on her singing voice and was afraid testosterone would ruin it…guess what ended up being abandoned as well
>even progressively let go of her aromantic activism in favor of more trans navelgazing on main (btw she ended up being a gay trans man or straight woman kek)
its been a long time so i might be iffy on the timeline but im pretty sure these radical changes all took place in less than a year. scary stuff.

No. 2034169

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About that anon, she just made an announcement stating she'd change the Lark to be "they/them instead of any" because people have been, in her words, "abusing" the any pronoun option. Picrel is ironic because she stated several times that pronouns don't equal gender. Sage for non-milk

No. 2034187

She’s actually so cool and creative if you look past the genderwoo nonsense. I hate her fans and I don’t keep track of her stuff but from what I’ve seen I can tell she’s a really talented person who puts a lot of thought and effort into her work. It’s a shame she’s been hoodwinked by the cult, as most geeky women seem to be nowadays

No. 2034219

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I cannot stand this this bitch.

No. 2034221

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No. 2034223

File: 1726408055864.jpeg (156.55 KB, 1063x840, IMG_3063.jpeg)

>was encouraged to explore my gender identity
>hyperfeminine gender conforming woman

No. 2034226

I’m so glad I deleted that app it was so hard for me not to leave hate on chicks like this’s page

No. 2034227

why do they always choose Kai as a name. what is it about Kai that attracts them like a moth to a flame

No. 2034244

File: 1726409359523.jpeg (188.8 KB, 720x1156, temp_image_CCF27AA9-2836-427B-…)

ikr! i don't understand how people buy her shtick. she posted picrel claiming that it's her 6 years ago kek. the pic is either photoshopped or it's her brother. like where did the adams apple go?

No. 2034253

none of this would ever beat the "masc" combo of slighty oversized graphic tee and jeans

No. 2034257

kek the last sentence is so terf coded

No. 2034266

>it took me a long time to realize i could just enjoy feminine things also be a man
Guess what… You can also enjoy feminine things and also be a girl. But I guess that's not special enough

No. 2034285

Ironic that she's copying what feminine gay men say, that they don't need to be pushed into trooning, but doesn't think she can be femme without pushing herself into being kikomi irl. I've even seen women in her comments jealous of how much better "he" looks than them. It's easy to trick males who've never spoken to a woman but she's somehow got some women to believe her and I find that sad.

No. 2034286

I’m guessing it’s literal children or pornsick women who hate themselves. That’s the only audience of girls I could see her having.

No. 2034297

Kek she's now pretending she used to be a TIM. Okay. Kai Nalani Drechsler aka Maya Drechsler from Tucson, Arizona.

No. 2034355

Damn. Do you know her irl or something?

No. 2034361

I wonder how ppl irl act around her and tifs similar to her, knowing she's faking all of this.

No. 2034378

Huh, must be an insane coincidence how you're the exact copy and paste of every other "mystery hormonal imbalance" tif.. Must be a mystery..
It's like an open secret. Everyone knows it, but they don't want to talk openly about it to avoid consequences aka endless lectures from people with social skills of a hair dryer. Considering this is a strong turbo kikomi case, you can only imagine what the consequences of calling out might be

No. 2034422

So she sucks at both names and usernames

No. 2034450

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No. 2034451

>becomes a balding whitie with Dracula’s hairline and a scraggly pubestache
>wow, I’m finally like a beautiful Asian twink

No. 2034491

i don't know but they seem to go for anything that is monosyllabic and vaguely exotic sounding. someone getting a bullshit postgrad degree needs to write a post-structuralist essay about the harmful orientalism in how TIFs choose names i think.

No. 2034548

I googled that and it came up with some graduation thing with that name, did she for real change her legal name to that, I wonder if she tried the cis male larp on her classmates and teachers

No. 2034567

File: 1726461101090.png (Spoiler Image,3.96 MB, 1525x3597, 136202B9-2659-41FA-9D78-EC738A…)

Obviously this is exactly what a teenage girl expects when a doctor tells her that testosterone might worsen acne.

No. 2034569

has she not seen the endless cases of roidfags who get body acne from testosterone injections?

No. 2034575

thats not acne..thats something else.

No. 2034576

It is. Flesh eating bacteria just kill you in days.

No. 2034577

For some reason, a lot of people don't think to connect "gender-affirming" testosterone to the "body-building" testosterone, it's like they think they're completely different things with wildly different side effects, other than growing muscle.

No. 2034595

This made me cringe more than the phallo pics. Like what is that… can't be just acne, right?

No. 2034622

What the hell? I've never seen acne like that, and I had to be treated for severe cystic acne myself. Why is it so dark? Are the huge purple spots just basically scars from having several cysts clumped in one spot? What in the fuck. Testosterone is poison.

No. 2034626

holy shit… how does she sit or lie down? all her clothes must be ruined too

No. 2034628

literally looks like shes been severely burned from boiling oil splatter, thats so sad

No. 2034629

Wow her hair migrated to her upper lip like 60 years in advance.

No. 2034690

Did she transition into fucking Deadpool holy her back looks like a trypophobia edit

No. 2034697

This genuinely looks like a burn scar, jesus christ. I wonder if she had an allergic reaction to her "medication."

No. 2034713

I wouldn't go that far. I would rather have terrible acne than have a rot dog. They literally turn themselves into freaks and nothing is worse than 'bottom surgery'.

No. 2034715

it looks like acne congoblata. I have small psuedocystic acne breakouts every now and then that are not bad enough to scar. They are seriously painful. I cant imagine how much this would hurt and she can't reach her back to pop them for some relief.

No. 2034728

Bring back shame. Some people need it desperately.


No. 2034740

File: 1726508536804.jpeg (551.13 KB, 1179x882, IMG_9320.jpeg)

This artist again. Drawing yourself crying in the bathroom when people can’t read your mind about your pronouns, how manly!

No. 2034742

> Histrionic personality disorder (HPD) is a mental health condition marked by unstable emotions, a distorted self-image and an overwhelming desire to be noticed. People with HPD often behave dramatically or inappropriately to get attention.

No. 2034744

this can also be read as a former gendie cringing at their past self kek

No. 2034746

Jesus that's disgusting. I wonder how many poor girls deal with some shitty troonery induced condition like this but are too afraid or embarrassed to speak about it in public

No. 2034748

>"I'll never admit this to ppl irl"
girl we all knew

No. 2034750

I keep seeing gendies who claim to use any pronouns but it's actually a shit test and they get mad if you don't refer to them by three different pronouns in one sentence.

No. 2034753

>why do they always choose Kai as a name
Sorry for blog but a person I know's 12 year old (suspected autist) daughter who is a furry is also going by Kai now, which she obviously got online from some gross furry troons. The thing is we're scandinavian and Kaj (same pronunciation) is actually a name here, but it's a very "old man" coded name. It's the equivalent to her choosing to be called something like Burt. It's an uncommon name and since she's so young I wonder if she doesn't even know it's an old man name, she might actually be terminally online and autistic enough that she accidentally chose an old man name at age 11 and her "affirming" parents just let her do it and I can't get over it…(blogging)

No. 2034756

Kek I think this is exactly it, Kai is both a Japanese given name and a given name in a lot of European languages, so white TIFs can give themselves an anime boy name without getting in trouble for appropriation.

No. 2034774

troons should get a whole fucking slideshow of these images and rot pockets before they get prescribed hormones. like how smoke packs have disgusting images of the gorey side effects. so much for "informed consent"

No. 2034796

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No. 2034814

i hate the retarded faceblind moids who enable these delusional tifs moreso than the delusional tifs themselves at this point

No. 2034817

no fucking way lmao i googled her name and the case file for her name change came up on google, this is so funny

No. 2034820

I know most moids are face-blind, but how does a single person believe this larp? these are not how human males are built irl

No. 2034832

Ah yes, referring to them as objects is definitely better than calling them a human being who happens to be either male or female. Frankly, I find her quite retarded and I'll never get the hype. Her music isn't straight-up bad, but it's like people were drowning in ice spice songs for centuries so something as mid as her music became their sole saviour, bringing something 'new' to their boring lives. I seriously can't imagine someone who listens to more than top 5 spotify artists dying over how deep and artistic her autistic ass music is.

No. 2034834

Kek she's done for. Her larping was obvious already but if that doesn't prove that she's a tif rather than a former tim, then idk what will.

No. 2034841

How many of them are there, like they're mass made in a factory. Thin and dainty, kawaii and anime inspired, dressed in cheap shein, and insisting they're biologically male. Literally kikomi but wannabe femboy version. I don't want to blame it all on the animu but with the amount of traps that are drawn exactly like the female characters in the show but just tell the audience to believe there is a dick, and in the case of futa fully draw a biological female and then add a dick, I guess they want to try it irl and evidently other pornsick people are primed to believe it. Grift is grift sure, but it's sad how much hentai brainrot it takes to get there.

No. 2034843

File: 1726525610360.jpg (323.42 KB, 1080x2027, 1000028889.jpg)

>My parents always wanted a son, they had 3 daughters until they finally stopped trying. Someday I hope to have the courage to tell them they've always had one in me. I will take the family name forward.
Women who troon out in third world countries sadden me for some reason. Probably because I live here myself and I know that it's absolute hell for women. People used to still do, if they somehow find out they're carrying a girl abort girls so much that they banned prenatal sex determination in india, but then came female infanticide, which is still common today. Of course, this kind of shit society and upbringing is going to lead these women into thinking that they must be men because they desire equal rights, freedom and want to be respected by their parents.

No. 2034845

She doesn't even bother hiding her titts. She's too boring as a girl. Her whole personality is "femboy" and only cosplays traps. So annoying

No. 2034846

File: 1726526235227.jpg (270.88 KB, 1080x1497, 1000028890.jpg)

Too bad there's also nlogs in here. There's no 'protected world' of women, there's no certain amount of respect given to us when martial rape is still not criminalised to this day, and there's no men holding back from using abusive language in front of us when their abusive language itself is filled with terms for dehumanising women. Literally 90% of Indian swear words are just 'your mom/sister/daughter's genitals' or talking about raping them. This girl just wanted to be called bro by her male friends so bad that she trooned out kek.

No. 2034849

Literally the same ideology as 4channers who think that chivalry = uber oppressive matriarchy.

No. 2034861

even if someone cowtips and she makes a response to it, she's gonna deflect and deny it hard. she's probably gonna come up with some retarded excuse like "ermm my parents gave me a really feminine name even though i was born an uwu boy because they're flower power hippies so i wanted to reclaim my masculinity. oh what masculinity you ask? why, my he/him pronouns of course"

No. 2034948

>hormonal imbalance
These retards deserve to have PCOS, endo and thyroid disease to know what an actual hormonal imbalance feels like. They deserve extremely painful heavy periods that last two weeks, getting 300lb overweight, grow a neckbeard, witness their hair fall out in chunks and generalized anxiety and depression.(a-logging)

No. 2034984

File: 1726538075266.png (585.91 KB, 2160x1080, IMG_9327.png)

I’m starting to suspect “transmasc lesbian” is code for “detransitioner afraid of backlash” in these online spaces.

No. 2035015

I cannot fathom the amount of pain she is experiencing. And to think she is actually considering going back on testosterone even though her body is screaming no. It looks like it's infected too.

No. 2035018

File: 1726541793212.png (215 KB, 760x867, Rude-Transition5297.png)

No. 2035020

God this art style alone already makes me angry

No. 2035022

Darkest Dungeon called, they said their party's looking for a new Leper to tank

No. 2035024

Yeah it's already one thing for bored white girls to fake oppression with made up genders, or insist they're biologically male because they want to be applauded for wearing dresses like the ugly gay men on rupaul are. But in places where misogyny is even more rampant, women blamed for harassment even if they wear the sad trashbag that is burqa while scrotes are never held accountable, the silly gendie shit might look like a genuine escape. I'm diaspora but my mother made sure I didn't miss out with the amount she objectified me until I hated my own body, just as I'm sure she was taught to in bangladesh, and I even began calling myself enby.

No. 2035026

>doctors advised me to stop taking T immediately
>which I did unfortunately
Go fuck yourself. You learned nothing. You're brainwashed through and through. Reap what you sow, Aiden.

No. 2035033

am i reading this correctly? it says her name change was filed in 2017, she recently posted about an 18th birthday meaning she would’ve been just 11. how long has she been doing this larp for?? if it’s been going on this long she seems deluded into believing that she is actually a boy. kek that she’s been a tif this long but still hasn’t taken hormones because clearly has no gender dysphoria, but at least that means she will be able to forget this all later on once she escapes this larp she seems too deep into now

No. 2035038

File: 1726545474652.jpeg (149.23 KB, 750x825, IMG_1584.jpeg)

It's like she's forcing herself to be trans against her own will. There was another comic she did where she said she wanted a beard so badly, and then when it finally grew in she immediately hated it and shaved it off. You know you don't have to do all this, right? You can just be a butch lesbian?

No. 2035041

File: 1726545646049.jpeg (304.78 KB, 750x1206, IMG_1585.jpeg)

samefag, I don't feel bad for her though, she's insanely misogynistic (picrel) and projects her hate for herself onto detransitioned women.

No. 2035043

It's more the fact she's a multi-skilled artist (singer, illustrator and musician), can draw really well and produced her music at such a young age. I assume she's in her early 20s? Most of us couldn't have done it at that point of our lives. She also has a very advanced vocabulary.
Her project is not deep (it's literally just about kids frolicking) but it's how she managed to achieve her work, hence why it's so sad she wound up being abother weirdo tif. The it/its shit seems to come from a place of self-hatred though so I wouldn't put it past her to be mentally ill in some way. She seems pretty insecure about herself and her looks too

No. 2035052

She uses big words yes but in an unnecessary word salad-y way >>2033331 like those medieval larpers. At least her lyrics are better and her art is pretty good, the OC art tif you usually get is averse to improving skills at all

No. 2035066

it 100% is, i know a former TIF irl who calls herself the exact same thing

No. 2035068

I noticed that whenever she tries to draw herself looking unbothered she’s always eating something kek. Why does she have to always draw herself looking smug too

No. 2035079

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No. 2035080

The fact that shmorky made this is very funny to me

No. 2035088

>"Am I trans or do I just need to get a life?"
>Asks the type of people who need to get a life themselves
I don't even need to check the comments to know most of them are encouraging her to troon out or 'explore her gender' which is, again, just a subtle way of telling her to troon out. Misery loves company, and these miserable girls are the same as her so how can they bear to say it's not 'valid' to troon out because of their self-insert fanfics?

>I know this isn't a unique experience. What I'm describing is probably pretty common…among 15-year-olds

Kek who's gonna tell her that it's also common among womenchild like her? Look at yourself and the people you surround yourself with, all those 'cool twansmen' are either teens or terminally online adults who are having mid-life crisis before they've even hit the mid-life.
>It's just embarrassing because I'm 35
It is and you know what? Unlike those 15yo kids who don't know any better, a grown woman like you is more than aware of how retarded this shit is.

Also, is it just me or it seems like most of these tifs in their 30s-40s actually, deep down, just can't accept aging? More often than not, they consume content targeted at teens and/or have teens as the main characters. It's also why after trooning out they dress like mha anime dudes or tiktok e-boys rather than men their age. It's just like tims who overdose on wish-fulfilment isekai and high school yuri while dwelling in their mom's basement and having no job.

No. 2035089

>she recently posted about an 18th birthday
Nta but honestly, I feel like she's one of those women who lie about their age online because their coomer audience is looking for barely legal teens to get off to and they know it. She looks like she's in her early 20s to mid 20s.

No. 2035090

>i am no longer allowing
bitch nobody needs permission to speak how they want. so narc.

No. 2035091

Still don't get the hype. Still a retarded gendie. Still autistic ass music. Couldn't care less about her big vocab or multi talent when even saying she/her would bring her to tears. Some anons feel bad for tifs so easily kek.

No. 2035117

You have to be mental MENTAL to prioritise some hormone syringe over HEART MEDICATION and your health. Usual T is already full of disease imagine a DIY one.
You're probably also getting STDs that are unheard of from fucking all these "genders don't even know" because taking in all the info in this thread troonies aren't fan of personal hygiene and healthy habits…

No. 2035121

The funniest part is these people are either virgins or only have penis in vagina sex

No. 2035137

They're all carbon copies of one another with no self awareness whatsoever. They don't actually want to be men, they want to be the fantasy they have of men. They manage to make everything they do look so feminine no matter how manly they think it looks. I always thought that being trans is about trying to pass and blend it but this 21st century gender cult is just mass delusion and mental illness.

I couldn't imagine being parent and being powerless to stop your daughter from doing this to herself.

No. 2035153

>She also has a very advanced vocabulary.
kek are you her kindergarten teacher? Knowing big words is not impressive for an adult

No. 2035191

Nta but for me it’s because I have friends who tiffed out and I sympathise with the mental illness and discomfort in their own lives they must have for them to do this. Ultimately most of them aren’t all that bad and have rather been groomed from a young age into this cult due to mental vulnerability , or have suffered a great deal of sexism/homophobia and misogyny that has made them want to opt out of being a woman.

Really all they are is a subset of sad, brainwashed, mostly nerdy women deep into their own delusions - most of them are irritating and insecure but don’t have anything inherently bad or malevolent about them unlike tims. It’s fun to laugh at them and their cowish behaviour but I do not have any hatred for them in the same way I do for mtf trannies. Most of them I don’t care that much about but with yaelokre there is something about her that seems quite earnestly juvenile (and not in the same way other womanchild tiffies are) and invokes in me a sense of protectiveness or idk just a feeling of warmth towards her. It’s so clear her whole universe without gender thing/everyone is nonbiney uwu thing stems from an underlying desire to escape the patriarchal system of our society. But she’s probably misconstruing her feelings around it for troonphobia rather than plain old sexism hence why everything is they/themified. The whole thing seems like some fantasy genderless utopia I’d have come up with at age 11.

No. 2035199

In a tiktok she explained that the 4 Lark kids are essentially parts of her and that she "couldn't chose which kid to be". She said she "didn't want to be put in a box" and wants to be able to be "either or none". Typical enbie bullshit of thinking you're outside the box when in reality you just created yet another box. Let's hope she drops the act as she gets older or falls down a terf pipeline

No. 2035202

File: 1726591278764.png (20.44 KB, 883x169, waititi serial pooner.PNG)

Lmao. Of course.

No. 2035221

Isn't it so fitting that gendies would be indoctrinated into gender ideology through fanfics and written tumblr texts. That's how every religious person is born, by reading stories in a book. Humans seem to be predestined to believe in something no matter what. With the decline of Abrahamic religions in the west among young people, something had to fill the void.

No. 2035224

these people will burn their harry potter books because jk rowling said women deserve rights and then go out of their way to express their love for a male sexual predator's mediocre works of writing

No. 2035329

But people told me that T in women bodies is not dangerous at all!

No. 2035331

>smut is fun to read and write
This is just another woman calling herself asexual cos her sex drive and the things she finds sexy don't fit what pornsick males would demand of her, isn't it

No. 2035380

File: 1726617825840.png (127.56 KB, 362x530, skddjwjf.png)

Tiktok TIF, Judah ("butchpuppyboy" kek), is allegedly a pedophile. she also claims to have POCD. more evidence provided by tootgrouppoop on tiktok because I don't know if i can embed tiktok slideshows. Judah kept making sexual comments around this woman's daughter. Apparently after she told judah to get the fuck away from her daughter, she found a new set of young parents to harass. Also for more information, the woman who made the tiktok exposing Judah for being a pedophile is dating a TIM, seems that she surrounds herself with a lot of weird ass trannies.

No. 2035447

>Profits while using a song about a woman cheating on her boyfriend while he was in the army.


No. 2035455

File: 1726625746810.png (914.9 KB, 1232x742, lolno.png)

picrel: Gurl, we just need to say you're a woman to make you cry and whine and be triggered, don't need to use that shirt to looks tough.

No. 2035508

File: 1726631512600.jpg (272.61 KB, 720x2090, why.jpg)

I hate this

No. 2035514

Testosterone is life saving medication.

No. 2035529

Inspired by that tif who actually did it, or what? I was gonna say I bet she was trying to be edgy, but the article sounds like she named a particular school she had in mind…

No. 2035533

File: 1726633723029.png (167.93 KB, 720x1273, y.png)

The complaint didn't state the reason but I could see her using Hale as a reason. Very fucked up regardless.

No. 2035535

File: 1726633883693.png (254.89 KB, 692x576, o.png)

She picked Maxwell for her tranny name. There is no bond either.

No. 2035541

Is there a way to post the tiktok without linking directly? I don't want to give this girl any money.

No. 2035547

File: 1726635180053.mp4 (6.78 MB, 576x1024, 1000028927.mp4)

Nta but here, I'll post it as mp4 so you can watch the video without any worries. You obviously can't read the comments through, I'll try to see if there's another way or if any comments are milky enough for me to screenshot and post.

No. 2035564

File: 1726640465763.webp (84.93 KB, 1080x596, bd4418512fa49e9c3d39ac4e6b9844…)

Looks like she won't be on Tik tok for a while…

No. 2035602

Redheads shouldn't be allowed to transition. High T makes them so ugly, this is infuriating because you can still picture what she looked like before taking roids, but her fugly facial hair gets in the way

No. 2035607

Massive kek at the uwu thank u twansphobes bit at the end. She's malding at being called a woman when she convinced herself she passes.

No. 2035614

I'm not even surprised at this point. Troons targeting kids again. When it's not sexual abuse, then it's literally just them pulling out the gun and shooting the innocents.

>That's a woman
>Ahem, actually acts even girlier than most girly girls alive and blows a kiss to her viewers towards the end
She really showed the evil twansphobes huh.

No. 2035641


Or it's because they know they can't say they're straight men

No. 2035658

What does she mean, it's literally the perfect place for her and any gendie who lives in a quirky make believe world

No. 2035675

All these loops to avoid to be called "straight".

No. 2035710

Most of her videos are replying to any "transphobe" comment. You would think the smart thing to do is block them and continue your day, not feeding the "trolls".

Nothing milky, most of the comments are boost this or tell me that.

No. 2035748

she's trying so hard to appear unbothered KEK
I've been following bogthonnach/saorla since her tumblr days but was she ever not fat and not a gendie? she's very indecisive and has genuine autism and has been a major label hopper for a long time constantly switching between nonbinary and transmasc and transman and lesbian and bisexual (even the "butch lesbian" label was just a phase and she's currently dating an "it/it's pronouns" man) also lmao yes her current "trans bear" cope is hilarious. were you or were you not there for her fixation on fankids of pregnant TIF snufkin?

No. 2035762

her aesthetics with her art and music have always felt extremely tryhard and manufactured even before I knew it was made by a TIF (her being a TIF does explain it kek). 0 whimsy. 0 soul. 0 magic. literally "folkcore" shit for people who don't actually listen to folk.

No. 2035775

To me they just seem like fujos who got the yaoi brain rot. They're either obese or have an ED to be the ultimate femboy bottom. No inbetween.
They traded the yaoi paddle for femboy fashion… which is actually similar to E girl fashion kek. They're e girls.

No. 2035778

In her defense most moids, especially the red heads are fucking ugly. So mission failed successfully.

No. 2035898

You put into words what I was thinking, I was drawn in by the art style and saw her fans being like omg this is so cottagecore fairytale storybook, but it's kinda hollow actually. If she's as chronically online as most tifs are she's probably just copying empty aesthetics on pinterest instead of liking actual folksy stuff. Come to think of it maybe that's why most of her fans are also other chronically online kids and/or tifs.

No. 2035972

Can't even call her eyes souless, she was already a ginger.

No. 2036249

She was so inspired by uwu caldre teeceecee columbiner shit on tumblr

No. 2036251

Her shoulders are so small and sloping. Looks like she has that thing gaten matarazzo does

No. 2036280

this is terribly written, it's clunky and has no flow or sense of euphony

No. 2036283

>sparsely distinguished
Did she mean barely distinguishable

No. 2036311

my theory is that she used a thesaurus on "barely" because it doesn't sound cool enough lol, this shit is unreadable and not in a dope postmodern deconstructive way because she's clearly trying to emulate more traditional writing styles. it is true zoomer slop media.

No. 2036313

File: 1726797261254.jpg (624.69 KB, 1080x1781, 1000120219.jpg)

On all levels except physical I am a wolf! I remember when gendies used to run away from that meme being used against them, my sparklegender delusion is totally different from trans species and trans race you guys, but it really isn't. You made your bed. Crazy the school is going along with it but not surprised, otherkin therian furry types have existed for a while and have latched onto the gender stuff too.

No. 2036314

No. 2036327

can you post something from a legitimate news source so you don't make us look like yokels

No. 2036336

I bet you believed that “news” that public schools have litter boxes for the children that identify as cats too? Common anon.

No. 2036356

nta but I recognise it, it's a legitimate news radio show in britbong. googled for different sauce and it gave the daily fail, but idk if that's better. probably small story either way

No. 2036365

seeing as how her fans praise her “advanced vocabulary” you can tell none of them actually read kek. she’s trying so hard to make her writing sound traditional it’s almost pathetic

No. 2036368

File: 1726808080996.png (46.72 KB, 719x469, bestofRedditorUpdates.png)

Context: OOP saw how her ex and her ex-friends tried to rape her ex's bff. This tif has seen how men can say the most misogynist thing, but still want to identify as one because "not all men"? Right.(wrong thread)

No. 2036388

Nonnie that's no tif, that's a tim! So it's literally a guy saying "men are bad… not me though! Please let me into women's spaces."

No. 2036428

This is a tim. Funny how he had to reveal just how male he is and wedge in “not all men”

No. 2036439

I was the anon who praised her vocabulary, my bad, i thought it was good because english isn't my first language. I thought it was hard to read due to being a foreigner when in reality it's just actually convoluted. Some of her lyrics are nice and poetic (Hartebeest) but the good ones clash with the more basic texts (And The Hound and Harpy Hare) so i'm not sure if she's just inexperienced or if she was helped by someone when writing the better texts
It's most likely so manufactured because it's not actually an independant project. She's discrete about it but she has a team, which is probably why some aspects of her stories seem artificial. She's an adult but she doesn't say how old she is, but what's certain is that her and her producer are related (they look very alike) and she's probably rich if vidrel is her house. The best thing to come out of her project in my opinion is the Bellringer's design, it's very good, but other than that i have to admit that the project is overhyped kinda in the same way Billie Eilish was in her teens

No. 2036441

> We all know about suspenders. Now put them on skirts or don't wear them properly
Such big imaginations these revolutionary kweer people have kek

No. 2036492

>Interview with the Vampire (the AMC show, I haven't read the books yet)

No. 2036595

File: 1726854400517.jpeg (1.94 MB, 1179x2090, IMG_3739.jpeg)

This TIF who claims to be “they/them” now used to be a “he/they”. The narcissism reeks off of this one. Also hides her balding and thinning hair.

No. 2036630

File: 1726859224799.jpg (200.94 KB, 1280x960, IMG_20240920_220231_945.jpg)

enjoy my personal cow's bedroom

No. 2036634


No. 2036656

File: 1726864465662.jpg (718.33 KB, 1080x1780, 1000120338.jpg)

She could be ESL too, she's half Filipino half Icelandic

No. 2036657

theres nothing more masculine than a worship shrine board thats all decorated with tumblr aesthetic stuff

No. 2036663

I assume her Filipino mom was a mail order bride for an old Icelandic man, would explain the autism

No. 2036672

File: 1726866056671.jpg (70.42 KB, 1080x342, 1000120335.jpg)

I hope not, but

No. 2036697

lol i thought the same thing, mail order brides and incredibly common in the faroe islands so i wouldn't ne surprised if this was also thr case in iceland. i feel like this also applies to that "femboy" tif strawbaby boy who's half german and filipino. what is it with westoid germanic/scandi males and mail order brides?

No. 2036708

Is this someone you know in real life?

No. 2036712

>>2036708. No, This bitch claims to be a micro celebrity. She’s kinda milky but not consistently flowing with milk.(sage your shit)

No. 2036714

Mental. Illness.

No. 2036851

That’s so funny, I just rewatched that movie. Love how he’s supposed to be a play on the school-shooter archetype, but resonated most with the mentally ill girls, just like real life really lol I swear all the girlies who self-insert as him are made in a factory.

No. 2036858

If it's true, I wonder if she knows. Maybe her mom being a mail order bride (if true) is why she does the whole genderless utopia shit, since it seems to stem from trauma. She's skilled but I'm surprised her father let her get away with the whole enby shit

No. 2036932

File: 1726932291337.jpeg (1.12 MB, 1179x1962, IMG_2851.jpeg)

Disgusting. Also note the username

No. 2036941

This sounds like a Family Guy cutaway KEK
The picture she chose of Finn Wolfhard make me kind of uncomfortable.

No. 2036967

she was less concerned about splashing her clothes with piss while at work, and more concerned about muh dysphoria and being found out. priorities.

No. 2036969

Everything tifs do is retarded but these 'packers' are extra retarded to me. It's essentially just a dildo laying around in underwear, how the fuck does it even help? It's not going to attach itself to your vulva. You're still dickless, because you're a woman. And it seems like every other day there's a reddit story about 'oops my packer fell out in the bathroom/somewhere else in public' which is so fucking weird, are these retards typing that with one hand? For someone who's so afraid of losing their fake dick, tifs sure do drop it at random places a lot.

No. 2036972

These are the "people" that have the audacity to say that we're obsessed with what's in their pants. Meanwhile they wear fake dicks and take them everywhere…

No. 2036979

Literally the plot of a King Missile song

No. 2036980

Instead of getting infected rotdogs and trying to make lesbians sleep with them because they're a "he/him wlw", I'd rather they live in la la land with their flaccid dildos. If only they didn't keep dropping them in public places though, gross.

No. 2037032

Girl nobody's staring at your crotch, everyone knows you're a woman, and you stink of piss at work because shoving your arm into a toilet is second nature to you, but somehow that's not the problem here. I hope that this is the plot of some deeply uncomfortable booktok porn she's writing, but TIFs really are this retarded.

No. 2037039

File: 1726955320763.jpg (134.99 KB, 1080x939, 1000029108.jpg)

I love scrolling through edgy books on goodreads that are obviously written by and for 'muh dark romance' women, 8/10 times it turns out to be a gendie kek.

No. 2037068

File: 1726962568439.jpg (454.8 KB, 720x1600, Screenshot_2024-09-22-02-45-35…)

She could get away with murder by utilising her chompers as the weapon of choice, the dental forensics would incriminate an innocent pony with dwarfism instead

No. 2037076

File: 1726963401508.jpeg (Spoiler Image,249.42 KB, 572x618, IMG_3765.jpeg)

No. 2037081

Kek unless something better comes alone, I hope a collage of these two pics becomes the next threadpic.

No. 2037087

Do these people genuinely think their sex is not immediately obvious to absolutely any person that sees them? Like she's not even slightly androgynous

No. 2037088

Wait is it her tongue and bottom teeth, or her gums and top teeth

No. 2037103

Youtube's algorithms can be funky sometimes.

No. 2037136

i thought all the dano tifs would already be dead by now

No. 2037137

I would gender her as some sort of rodent, mayhaps a beaver

No. 2037179

File: 1726995026397.png (Spoiler Image,1.31 MB, 1800x1350, the ideal tif form.png)

the same delusion that makes tims think they can grow curves makes tifs think they can have broad shoulders and a small waist
also lmao at the testosterone tattoo(spoiler this)

No. 2037185

The tif obsession with prosthetic limbs is so confusing. I wonder if thats why the latched on to Hiccup as a transition goal

No. 2037186

As an artist I fuckin hate seeing these idiots disregard anatomy. Yes there is a spectrum of shapes for both genders but the sheer disregard for dimorphism is so annoying. That artist just did a stylized MALE body no matter what way you look at it.

No. 2037206

The way she describes herself is word to word how gen X/older millenial women in the '10s would describe themselves on tumblr. Hell, I had a professor like this when I was in university and she was a massive potterhead. Also
>their husband
Every. Single. Time. It's always the heteros, kek.

No. 2037207

all trans woo aside, the insanely retarded “mixed for the sake of being mixed” that abound these days never ceases to tire me. The drawing has red hair because it is Irish, even tho having an Indian parent at all would cancel that out real fast lmao they’re so retarded

No. 2037252

Literally she just drew an Irish guy with a tan

No. 2037299

File: 1727023943111.png (149.3 KB, 1000x1000, Types of female body shapes.pn…)

MTE They can hide all they want they misogyny or fear to draw a female body, but drawing tif characters with a male body is laughable.
That's why I can't take tif characters seriously. Most of the time is like that art and not like picrel. Even if you don't make the waist thin, they still look female!