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No. 1251681
Old Threads:
>>>/snow/1208873>>>/snow/1137677>>>/snow/1095226>>>/snow/1032764>>>/snow/979294>>>/snow/895014>>>/snow/720444>>>/snow/570991>>>/snow/465430>>>/snow/276054>>>/snow/45564>>>/snow/26392This thread is for posting and discussing cringey fakebois who may or may not deserve their own threads.
Fakebois are girls who pretend to be boys for attention, either as trannies or biological males (usually the former).
Fakebois style and present themselves as androgynous or feminine-looking young men, even wearing girls' clothing and make-up. They insist on being addressed with he/him (or occasionally they/them) pronouns and take great offense at being gendered as female. Some are SJW transactivists, but for most their identities are entirely superficial.
Reminder to "truescums" and "transmeds": Nobody cares about how [[[100% REAL]]] your or any other tranny's ~dysphoria~ is. Don't derail about how you're actually a true troon unlike everyone else, save it for your twitter feed.
No. 1251701
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Words don't mean anything anymore
No. 1251710
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Welcome to a new thread, enjoy your stay.
No. 1251718
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Butthurt NLOGs and agps out in full force in the comments on a video that suggests children shouldn't be rushed into medical transition without careful evaluation (the horror)
No. 1251727
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>>1251718Seen so many of these girls claiming to be Jewish, I wonder if they actually are or it's just another label they like to slap on themselves for woke cred.
No. 1251818
>>1250007maybe you should think about how creepy and weird it is to objectify anyone… the whole “hehe one hot person and ANOTHER hot person is even better!” is such a coomer thought. don’t lesbians find it creepy and annoying when straight men fetishize them that way? all you fetishists are mentally ill and in denial.
>>1250012you understand you dont have to be some kind of radfem lesbian to get annoyed with how men objectify women right? like i dont enjoy getting catcalled or creeped on any more than you would…did you read my post? why would a lesbian want to watch two gay men fuck anyway? i wish lesbians would stop acting holier than thou than us evil straight girls and that we “just don’t understand” being a dyke. i dont care if you’re gay, no one does. and i dont need to understand anything regarding that lol.
why is it okay to objectify anyone again? im against fetishizing or sexualizing people in general.
No. 1251964
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This girl @reckless.dads on tik tok who goes by the name Fred deserves a thread. Sadly forgot her IG, I remember seeing she had an OnlyFans too.
No. 1252071
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Yesterday Noelle posted this on her story
No. 1252282
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>>1251756because she's a lame tryhard ayden wannabe blaire white who thinks she's a gay man and literally calls herself theoffensivetranny. like the OP caption says, even the "trutrans" ftms are not exempt
No. 1252290
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No. 1252313
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>Voluntarily doing this to your tits
No. 1252890
>>1252313Fuck me, how are they proud of this shit? It took me years to get over the disgust of my heart surgery scar and I'm still not too comfortable with it peaking out my shirt in summer. Imagine destroying your chest like that
and feeling good about it. Oh, to have the confidence of a troon.
(no1curr) No. 1253003
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>>1252918it's just accurate to how many ftms look
No. 1253273
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>>1252071She looks like John Mulaney. She should transition into him and be unclockable
No. 1253822
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I've been wanting to post this one but I kept delaying it. You have this one (Nobunaganoran/Ranmaru on cc) who think she's a trap because "soft feminine feature almost wonder why uwu", I remember back in the day when I thought she was an actual androgynous male kek because she kept claiming to be male yet so feminine. She did ended up being open about that lately along with "trans safe space no terfs!!" but she's still delusional about how she is totally not a girl and just a femboy or some sort of thing. Of course her being into BNHA is no surprise, and for that little bingo card her name is actually Aiden.
No. 1254163
>>1252163This is what really gets me, She-ra was an obvious last-ditch cope to assure herself that women can be strong and also love each other and it didn't work, she trooned out anyway. It's so sad and a testament to how overpowering internalized homophobia and misogyny can be.
>>1253353HRT basically shuts down your reproduction system and sends you into a premature menopausal state which ages the fuck out of you real fast.
No. 1254633
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What kind of retarded logic is this from fakebois?
No. 1254831
>>1254633I get that pronouns don't mean shit but being non-binary goes directly against
terf values kek so idk how that makes sense
No. 1254846
>>1254831It doesn't need to make sense as long as it fuels the genderspecials constant need to play the
No. 1254925
>>1254726By their logic, the gender abolitionists they call “
terf” could just as easily call themselves “agender” and suddenly be queerio-approved. In fact there’s a lot one can get away with just by using their lingo. Why admit to being a gender abolitionist radfem when you can just say you’re an agender egg-cracker
No. 1255000
>>1254969This. Trannies and libfems are some of the worst at self-cannibalising. You
will be cancelled for something sooner or later. Better to grow a backbone and be honest then tiptoe around them on borrowed time.
No. 1255352
>>1255340Who's Jerma?
I see them project a lot onto anime boys who are feminine though, even if they don't have chest scars….
No. 1255373
>>1255352just look it up and sage your posts retard.
the previous 13 threads have been broadcasting how fakebois latch onto anime boys.
No. 1255547
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Yet another female artist, probably GNC, who falls into the gender cult from internet social contagion, why do all the good artists turn to this shit? She's Russian too, aren't fakebois a widespread phenomenon in Russia?
No. 1255864
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It's sad, you can tell that in former times when this whole thing wasn't a trend they would just be nerdy teenage girls.
No. 1255974
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>>1255923>>1255961She said Theo anon, but I'd bet there are probably some fakebois who named themselves Ciel out there, I got these result's from a one minute search on twitter
No. 1256243
>>1255547>She's Russian too, aren't fakebois a widespread phenomenon in Russia?Very much so.
>>1255800Russia really has some of the biggest cows lmao.
No. 1256330
File: 1623690472004.png (293.24 KB, 648x667, enbysnowflake.png) hope this belongs here because I don't want to be the only who had to see this special unique nonbinary transman talk about herself and how amazing and not like the other girls she is while she plans her second hetero wedding
No. 1256394
>>1255864Jesus it's kinda scary how much this attracts weird lonely teenage girls who want somewhere to fit in. It's irritating to watch them pretend they aren't female, but I can really understand how having a bunch of people cheer for you and tell you they love you while you make a heroic gender revelation to this echo chamber crowd would be very attractive to awkward friendless weeby highschoolers.
Best case scenario, she matures a lot and in five years this is an incredibly embarassing memory for her. I genuinely hope she doesn't amputate anything in the meantime.
No. 1256514
>>1255864>I only realised this a couple of days agoOy vey, the fucking stupidity… she's barely even GNC! Oh, but she dyed her hair! Yeah it's not like that's seen a traditionally girly thing to do or anything, you mental midget. Imagine conforming to stereotypes this hard and still getting them wrong kek. Detransing imminent, once she leaves that cult anyway.
>>1256330>As I settled into what I am, I changed my terms: I identified as a dyke, a tomboy.Ngl I actually hope this one commits 41%. Fucking breeders thinking "dyke" is a fun lil identity make me mad as hell.
No. 1256609
>>1256602She's a pampered American and lying out her ass. Ok, playing devil's advocate, she
could have super old school strict parents who hate altering your body like that but she'd probably get grounded or something, not thrown out.
No. 1257024
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>>1253822>gaijin misinterprets game dev's intentions (again)lmfao in the first Inazuma eleven game the 'trap' characters were either pretty boys (Kazemaru) or narcs like Aphrodi, who had a god complex over taking illegal drugs so their team can win competitions. You can even see what they were clearly going for in the concept art.
In the sequel they eventually had to drop the original team members and create new ones instead. There was some division in fans who felt that the designs were a downgrade vs ones who thought they were okay. Kirino was an obvious trap bait character because of how much traps blew up in that game, even having people joke about how anime like inazuma eleven made them gay.
No. 1257137
>>1255864Christ, this looks so culty. "Abandon your former vessel, ascend to your higher self"
Also, why is peer pressure so powerful in female friend groups? One girl comes out as trans, and within the year, so does the rest of the friend group?
Is it because of socialization or something else?
No. 1257152
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>>1257137social contagion but also: you're in a group of friends with other girls and you feel deeply connected to them. then one starts trooning out and you wonder what makes that connection. is it female socialization and the inherent kinship through having a pussy? nah, must be because i'm a transboiii uwu too! and then more and more in the group troon out because since they're all on the same wavelength (+ you get a lot of validation) they must not be icky girls, but cool transboiz!
>>1257024i used to love this show but everyone who liked the pretty boys of the seasons (kazemaru, kirino) was always insane. same for fans of picrel. pretty sure level-5 traps gave people permanent brain damage. most fandom people i knew back then have trooned out by now, even though they are all 25 and older now.
No. 1257163
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>>1257152This isn't a pretty boy, this is the "draw a girl and call it boy" trope, the early character designs of Inazuma had pretty boys but looked reasonably fit as well
No. 1257223
>>1257152 said, their (female) friends group is often the most important thing in their lives (since many of them have bad relationships with their parents), they bond with said friends over certain characteristics/interests, then one of them troons out and uses said characteristics/interests as a means to explain that they've actually "always been a boy" which will make the rest of the group troon out as well since they "share those things that make one a man and not a woman"
Not to mention that these people usually love to claim they're so ~different~ while also wanting to fit in with a group and naturally it has to be a very cool, oppressed group so they can feel special. They then see their troon friend sperg about how oppressed they are for being a gay transman and getting asspats for it and wish they could be the same in order to be less boring. Plus, taking into consideration that there's a big chance not all of the women in such a friends group are straight and there's always the possibility they have a crush on one of their peers, the only option to be with one of their "gay trans guy" friends is to become a gay trans guy themself.
No. 1257274
>>1257223Idk I feel like MTFs also run in herds and turn their friends.
Teen girls changing gender en mass isn't surprising, they want a break from misogyny and their friends inspire them with a 'way out'.
No. 1257820
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these are gonna get to princess points level confusing pretty soon
No. 1258010
>>1257954>>1257820For anyone else interested, the other painting is
Study after Velázquez's Portrait of Pope Innocent X. Both of these have some pretty interesting additions to OPs intended message, despite this being a shitpost.
No. 1258014
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fakeboi i know shared this on her instagram story. as if being a troon is an honorable thing to be.(sage non-milk)
No. 1258132
>>1258108(saged because im autistic + newfag + a hint of tinfoiling)
its a simple premise with a lot of confusing poonlore. it's saying that many pooncomics are drawn by poons themselves who think drawing them will help them escape being called one. from the time i've spent lurking on /lgbt/ these ftms are often autoandrophilic (aap) for all intents and purposes its just a lvl99 psycho hypersexual ftm. unlike agp's most aaps are self-identifying and proud of it.
reading some of this poonlore symbolism, i can dissect:
>poon comic itsself basic smug consumer culture jab. ftm thinks that by buying a highly overpriced floppy rubber wiener and putting it down her discharge encrusted walmart boxers that people will see her misshapen and crooked bulge and be like ah yes, thats a man obviously. like a hot sexy real one.
>raft of the medusa + body pillowthis is going to sound like quite a stretch but this is supposed to be dennis nilsen. (source: years of being a true crime podcast consumer retard) aap can overlap with something called ahb (autohybristophilia) like the bitches who want to put cat ears on jeffrey dahmer, except these ones want to be him. dennis nilsen sited the raft of the medusa as a kind of personal inspiration due to a number of corpses in the painting being posed, like, seductively i suppose (his words not mine)
>screaming popethis one is. is uhhh. i dont know about this one
i look forward to seeing more of this persons work
(Reddit spacing) No. 1258173
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>>1258132The Bacon study of Pope Innocent X has always given off a "screaming in a cage/trapped in one's role" vibe to me, plus Bacon was gay (the ~troubled gay softboi artist~ stereotype is common in ftm art circles), had a fucked up father, and was promiscuous, hypersexual, and sadomasochistic when he was younger - maybe that has something to do with it?
Thank you for opening my eyes to the horrors of Dennis Nilsen No. 1258178
>>1252073She-Ra creator
>>1252071Is it just me or did anyone else feel like the female character designs in She-ra looked like guys with wigs?
(sage non-milk) No. 1258205
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trans men are men is trending on twitter right now for some reason.
sage bc no real milk but i thought the juxtaposition of people who at least /try/ to pass as men and fakebois was pretty funny. and i have to admit the second one threw me a bit for a loop, but i guess being 44, 11+ years of T and a sense of style can fix a lot of things
(image spoilered bc it might be a lil big soz. no graphic content)
No. 1258208
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>>1258178I'm gonna give it the benefit of the doubt, the animation of She-Ra due to budgetary constraints wasn't that great or dynamic, it was perfectly serviceable but they cut a lot of corner's Including with the character model's
No. 1258209
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>>1257820>>1258132I'm not the anon who wrote that post but here's how I see it
>>1258202it's the logic of "men are violent so if I act more violent I'm seen as more of a man!" and a mix of testosterone. Fakebois identify with serial killers as their inspo because they want to be careless and violent, and it makes them stand out from the crowd of yaoi fakebois. it's like men identifying with the joker or school shooters.
No. 1258219
>>1258209this reminds there was a GC thread where we discussed the possibility that just like TIMs have misogynistic beliefs in what they think women are like, TIFs might have misandrist beliefs in what they think men are like and I think it might be true
Its the reason certain TIFs adopt a a
toxic male attitude or attempt near comical level's of male chauvinism, they think That's what men are all like
I mean the Average TIF might hold more negative beliefs about males then Even the most staunch male hating radfem
No. 1258240
>>1258202Sage for blogpost but this is kind of insane because I knew a batshit crazy ftm who was like this too. She was physically abusing her girlfriend, choking her, beating her etc… Her explanation for doing this is "she cannot coom because she doesn't have a dick" therefore the only way for her to have some sort of "rush" is to engage in
abusive shit like that. She also told me that she went to rekt threads on /gif/ and overall consummed a ridiculous amount of gore (irl stuff, not fabricated gore althought she liked that too) because it was the only thing that could "get her off". This is fucked up. Is this a common phenomenon among pretty depraved ftms?
(no1curr) No. 1258259
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>>1258202Yes, is this a common thing with TIFs?
Reminds me of this girl we discussed in the previous thread. Leonard Höglind who helped her boyfriend murder his father. She clearly based her look on Jeffrey Dahmer.
No. 1258292
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I'm tired of this already
No. 1258360
>>1258219Ive known two ftm and one of them hated women so fucking much. i cut that shit out quick.
The other turned into the most aggressive nasty cunt but I’m not sure if that was trying to act like a man or cause instead of looking like RDJ she got fat and a neck beard.
(blogging) No. 1258367
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>>1258292Google a bunch of superficially esoteric stuff like Thelema and art with spooky backstories, skim the Wikipedia articles for them, throw it in the same image.
The Revelations-themed pretty princess points artist did this better No. 1258402
>>1258292>the fucking stigmata under the right boobwe shall have a summer wedding, anon
>>1258360This is known even troon circles and is the subject of many posts about perpetuating
toxic misogyny and examining your newfound privilege as a man. They also claim it helps with dysphoria lol.
No. 1258447
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>>1258410looking back it was kind of weird that none of the female characters literally had no breasts, including the adults one's
also the male characters look liked FTMs as well
No. 1258498
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>>1258447Noelle trooning out wasn't a surprise if you've been following her/her art. She does not like Other Girls.
Even my 13 year old niece and her friends noticed. Characters that could reasonably have bigger tits don't, like the water princess, spin princess, and arguably Glimmer. She looks, and I quote a God darn 13 year old girl, "100% like [name, busty fat girl] with a binder". A lot of the linework and clothes design emphasize her bust and make her look chesty/hourglass but then in 3/4 shots she's flat. It's fucking weird
No. 1258509
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>>1255864>tfw I work with a ftm tranny named theo aswell and she looks just like herIs-is this her or I'm trippin'?
(sage your shit) No. 1258522
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>>1258506Preteen girls need examples of unpornified tits, it's a part of body diversity. Some girls grow boobs around age 10-11 and those girls who do so while being awkward/nerdy/ugly are prime targets for teen trooning and mastectomies.
Hell even stories where boobs are acknowledged may have value if it's not treated as scrote spank material. I remember Irma from the early WITCH comics was important as a preteen because her storyline touches upon the whole changing body/others' changing perceptions/don't go to high school parties when you're 13 kinda thing. Now it's just no tits and no acknowledgement of the painful but relatable process of puberty. And masses of confused girls trooning out.
(Derailing ) No. 1258579
>>1258522Oh I agree. The solution to girls's breasts being objectified in media isn't to draw girls with no breasts. It's to simply draw breasts in a normal way.
I noticed the lack of breasts in both She-ra and Steven Universe.
How sad that the She-ra creator trooned out, but the designs makes sense now.
No. 1258678
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>>1258292Big sage for this sperg but that's Elagabalus, I think. He's usually touted as the first and only "twans" Caesar because he was said to be a hermaphrodite and cross dressed lol. He makes the historical kweer rounds on twitter often.
No. 1258724
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>>1258678nah, that`s Bacchus by Caravaggio
sage for arthistory
(unsaged) No. 1259315
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ywnbaw reference??(this is ftm thread not mtf)
No. 1259454
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>tfw you can't creep people out by being sexually aroused in public(sage your autism)
No. 1259482
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No. 1259557
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sage goes in the email field.(unrelated to any cows)
No. 1259783
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No. 1260005
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Some brain dead child wrote to Nintendo asking them to make non binary Pokémon and this is their response.
No. 1260006
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>>1260005Results of shitty parenting
No. 1260027
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>>1260012>Nintendo doesn't really do identity politics. Treehouse do, they have been changing sex/male/female/boy/girl options in multiple games to just say appearance or other shit not mentioning gender despite the Japanese version doing so.
No. 1260034
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>>1260006Most legendaries don't have a gender, is that not inclusive enough?
(Pokémon derail) No. 1260039
>>1260006the absolute retardation of it all.
non of this bullshit is authentic.
No. 1260090
>>1260011all of the above queen. youre assuming its one "artist".
>>1260006immensely fake and gay. but who knows, maybe heralding for incoming nintendo retardation.
No. 1260356
>>1260034>>1260078There were a lot of people replying to the original tweet that Ditto was genderfluid and all the sexless Pokémon were either enby or agender, too. It strikes me as completely autistic to have to make obvious breeding mechanics about being genderspecial, though. Ditto exists to breed Pokémon that are hard or impossible to get a second time, or don't have an opposite sex counterpart. The legendaries are less definite to explain, but I would hedge my bets on it being precisely
because GameFreak didn't want to gender/sex the most important and powerful Pokémon; making them nonbinary would still count as doing so. You only get one of them, you can't breed them, and they're not designed to be one specific sex/gender, so it's best to let the players decide on an individual level.
Sage for Pokémon autism.
No. 1260824
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The blatant narcissism with these women is so pathetic it’s laughable
No. 1260887
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>>1260870She did a whole photo shoot like this (saged)
No. 1261037
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> constantly shows off huge surgery scars
> never had big breasts to begin with
> self proclaimed dykefag
Why are so many people in the alt community like this? Just be a GNC woman or whatever. Though she's not even that.
No. 1261386
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When I find ones in the wild I always laugh because they barely get attention on their posts, which is what they become gender special for.
No. 1261396
>>1261340It's a shame that you're both adults and have mostly contact over social media (from what it sounds like). Massive blog incoming but I was a fakeboy 8~ years ago as a teen and my sisters had absolutely none of it. Refused to call me by my "male" name, didn't ever use male pronouns for me, etc etc. And looking back I'm so fucking glad they responded like that. Made detransing way easier. But we were all living at home then, going to the same school, so I couldn't exactly cut them out of my life for transphobia crimes.
Weirdly enough, as the tranny stuff has entered more into the public eye, they've both become way more "accepting" of trannies and get pissed off at me when I talk shit. When I remind them how they responded to me they justify it as [I] wasnt trutrans cause I desisted (despite being diagnosed, on hormones, extremely typical presentation of GID, etc etc). We sure do live in strange times. Good luck with your sister, anonchan.
No. 1261416
>>1258292>>1258132I genuinely do not understand a single word about any of this and the words on the wall hurt to read. I feel that is a good thing.
Though I feel oddly self conscious about reading house of leaves now.
No. 1261555
>>1261488Enlighten me.
Enby lesbians will forever
trigger me because of oxymorons tho, they are the only people I truly think want to be special.
No. 1261563
>>1261555Are you kidding me, newfag? They're the
only ones who want to be special? I suggest you go and read through all the threads before this and get back to me on that. Yes, they're annoying as fuck, but so are the other types. Gaydens are arguably the ones who desire to be the most "special" since they're desperate to escape being a plain old heterosexual. In a world where being LGBT is seen as cool, being a straight girl is at best seen as boring and at worst seen as being an "oppressor".
No. 1261574
>>1261563I AM new, I was just talking about shit ive seen from the tumblr days (and recently met one of these irl), not trying fight you. Must have avoided the other stuff or it's recent.
Wtf is a gayden though
( No. 1261774
>>1261414By typical, I mean what was considered typical psychiatric presentation for that time- consistent, persistent, insistent bs. Like the classic calling myself a boy from a young age, refusing to wear feminine clothing, refusing to have long hair, "masculine" interests, that stuff (turns out im a fucking autist lesbo kek, who could have guessed).
Which is why I find it so funny that they lecture me on being le transphobic. I should prob take this sort of venting to /ot/, jannies pls excuse me I won't blog here again uwu.
No. 1262169
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This saddens me(no1currs, not a cow)
No. 1262307
File: 1624400126077.webm (2.17 MB, 576x1024, cursed arachnid.webm)
Not sure if anyone noticed already but cursed arachnid has been posting tiktoks with her voice and she seems to have developed the ftm frog voice probably from taking testosterone. She's no longer genderfluid uwu but a self proclaimed man. At least she's not a full on gayden?
No. 1262353
>>1257820Since no one wants to answer you, here you go.
>>1260011 onward the artist is drawing self portraits. She herself is a FTM who is schizophrenic and obsessed with both the serial killer you have all pointed out and the Marxist(?) character that looks identical (in the following image on the verifiably male bones image the character asks her directly where her bones will lay.) She face revealed (partially) on /lgbt/, which is why we know this. She's also posted her journals, which is where
>>1258292 partially comes from.
Sage due to me being unsure if this is milk and for me knowing this.
No. 1262386
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>>1262307This is crunchy or whatever her name is right? the one that would get posted on r9k? What a fucking shame that she ended up this way.
No. 1262432
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I'm never ready to look at this face or body
No. 1262471
>>1262307>get a gorlfwendkek. Is this uwu speak or is a side effect of T developing an elmer fudd accent.
>>1262386A damn shame.
No. 1262530
>>1255864It's also infecting "late zoomers", the ones who were geeky weebs but missed the gender craze by a year or two. Maybe it's because they've gone stir crazy in the pandemic.
I still follow some of my former high school classmates on instagram and more than half of them trooned out or are nb now. One girl got their tits cut off (someone else posted them on on here before, surreal to see some you know personally on lolcow) and some are on testosterone. All of them were weird™ art hoe types with wealthy parents who had tumblrs and liked yaoi, real life cliches.
A lot of girls also gained a significant amount of weight, but I think that is almost universal. I hope the trooning trend actually is a phase and doesn't go the way of the obesity epidemic.
No. 1262793
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>>1262499Sage for OT
But that's Cody Rhodes and his wife, he's a wrestling promoter and he's a pretty cool guy, he manages a wrestling organization called a AEW which is sort of a competitor organization to the WWE which features a lot of great wrestling as well as being more politically correct while still being more adult focused, so it female performers who aren't overly sexualized which is a pplus but it has some pointless woke shit as well, like letting a TIM wrestle in the women's division
No. 1262836
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Found one in the wild. The ugly fairy kei girl to ugly clown fakeboi pipeline is a real phenomenon.
No. 1263008
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>>1262836>>1262793Honestly I can't wait for the first TIF performer in AEW, cause even the masculine and "manly" TIFs that TRAs post as proof that gender can change always look tiny and disproportionate next to average men, compared to professional wrestlers who are walls of muscle and even a "masculine" TIF who takes testosterone will look like a child
No. 1263121
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Olilondon identifies as transracial now and all the genderspecials are having a tizzy and insisting that she's not a true tranny. Oopsie daisy! All of the "not the other girls" neopronoun girlies are not happy. No. 1263143
>>1263131Nah this guy's been around for ages and have had every surgery imaginable to look Korean, no doubt he's serious about his delusions.
It's honestly a good thing that this has blown up because people might finally start discussing how being transgender uses the exact same logic as being transracial, only difference is one is seen as woke and the other seen as extremely racist kek
No. 1263167
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>>1263121>>1263131she? i thought oli was male. anyway, this is hilarious.
No. 1263560
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Saved for no milk but recently learned about Ezra McCandless, a genderspecial retard who murdered her ex and accused him of carving "boy" into her arm (she got caught because did it to herself kek). Immediately went back to full female in court to try to manipulate the jury. When she didn't fool anyone, went back to being genderspecial.
No. 1263688
>>1263584There not actually Jewish themselves but they do it to appear more slightly "ethnic", I mean they don't wanna be just boring white men, its fucked imo
to claim the history and aesthetics of a historically persecuted people
No. 1263954
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this dumbass nlogged so hard she started identifying as male but she's still on tiktok shitting on other nlog women
zoomers are so fucked lmao
No. 1263958
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imagine being a narcissist and looking like this. Classic fakeboi
No. 1264155
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>>1264129No they were 2 different Trannies, one was a full on FTM that killed 3 people, her name was Snochia Moseley, the other was a fakeboi who could have killed a significant amount of people but was stopped at the last moment when another student lunged at her, which gave the others time to escape but the student who stopped her sadly died of his Injuries, her name was Alec McKinney(cause, of course it was)
No. 1264795
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Reposting in the right thread//
This was one of the first things I saw on twitter this morning
Since when was fakeboism a thing in Japan?
No. 1264804
>>1264801I think people just think if they don't feel 100% like the ideal cultural presentation of their birth gender they think that makes them nonbinary
It's the 21st century version of "not like the other girls"
No. 1264908
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>>1264795Wow, I bet this has nothing to do with growing older as a woman in the legendarily terrible Japanese pop industry.
No. 1265301
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I hate it here
No. 1265453
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During the pandemic and conveniently shortly after having a child (who she is raising “non-binary”) this woman decided she’s totally non-binary and also is in a relationship with another gender sped who chopped off her tits. Ran into her online and watched her fast-paced descent into using the worst examples of inclusive language and behaving in a way that is constantly performative. Strikes me like an identity crisis. Wonder if either of them dream of meat tube surgery. It’s a shame because she was really pretty before pulling this shit. She looks like she’s been abusing drugs.
No. 1265455
>>1264907Considering the amount of “non-binary” lesbians I see, I genuinely believe this is a way to be GNC and only into pussy without being called transphobic
It’s still not enough for trans, who are now complaining about the exclusion of AMAB NBs, or non-binary meaning woman lite. Anything that excludes penis is not allowed to exist.
( No. 1265552
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>>1264018as a defense, i have prepared this image of aeon flux, a boney women she so graciously compared her own body to
No. 1265553
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>>1264801>one of the voice actresses from Idolmaster came out as nonbinaryIf you're talking about Shiki Aoki she came out as ftm last year
No. 1265576
>>1264155>Snochia MoseleyShe wasn't "full on ftm", she wasn't on testosterone at all or had any of her legal documents changed after 2 years of coming out.
I think she backtracked on being trans cause her family and her friends referred to her with solely female pronouns, so does the media.
Its kinda like Randy Stair's case
No. 1265854
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This is Bridgette aka Bee or Frankie when she was still claiming to be trans. She lopped her tits off and started making “trans” porn despite not doing anything else to transition socially or medically. She’s begun to back pedal and changed her handle from frankie back to beevanian or whatever and is going by she/they now. Also she had a kid. She’s just a total mess. It’s really sad too because she’s actually a beautiful girl and her boobs were good looking, too.
No. 1266037
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i wonder if all of the zoomer he/hims demanding gay fanart stop existing realize they'll have no content to consume if the evil cissies finally cower to their retarded demands. these fujos in denial need to stop whining, nobody is fetishizing teenaged ftms in binders when they draw stucky fanart lmao.
No. 1266119
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Fucking Christ
No. 1266131
>>1266119Hurry the fuck up and die then. Imagine a gay guy or lesbian posting this, they'd be told to stop being so fucking dramatic (the lesbian would probably get called a
TERF too, just because), yet people refuse to acknowledge it's bad behaviour when a troon does it. Literal cult behaviour.
No. 1266149
>>1264801>what even makes you non binary at this point? Not being a Marvel super hero or Porn actress??.Yes, and even a macho man and a feminine princess can be non-binary if one like romantic movie and the other like wrestling.
Everyone is non-binary with this definition, and if everyone is non-binary then nobody is.
No. 1266183
>>1266102This is exactly the attitude that makes ppl transition tbh… the value of the "attractive" cis woman body w/ "great tits" is chiefly for the ppl looking at it. Frankly it's very easy to get a negative body image when ppl reduce you down to parts (the way your comment does even if u don't realize it.)
I mean it's no coincidence a lot of ppl in this thread were at least standard looking "cute " b4 transition. Lolcow for whatever reason think that, once ppl are conventionally attractive (especially the BDDfags) they're going to be universally adored. More likely the men and women in their life will look at their body to consume it in someway (aesthetically, sexually, etc.)
Probably top surgery felt like a relieving "Fuck you" to that kind of mentality. I'm surprised it's a mystery to the ppl in this tread.
No. 1266244
>>1264801>the author of Oyasumi Punpun considers himself one too, despite looking like a any other scroteI know I'm super late to this so apologies, but this was a mistranslation and he's not a tranny or enby, he literally said he wished to be a little girl a la /a/ and some tranny translator said he's trans.
Unless he literally came out as nb in the past year and I missed something, this was a definite mistranslation and I think he confirmed he wasn't trans in some interview even
No. 1266391
>>1266261Sometimes it's
> be a teenage girl> get a crush on hot male character> imagine said male character as gay to distance yourself from the sexy (what happens in yaoi basically)> project yourself on the male character's male love interest (hate any canonical female love interest)> internalized misogyny, purity culture, etc.> "I must be a gay man"No Becky you're a straight girl with a crush
No. 1266403
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>>1266336Let's be real here, tits are sexualized and it's creepy to comment on people's bodies, especially parts that are sexualizdd in society. You hopefully wouldn't tell a random dude his bulge/butt/pecs is looking good.
So girls try to escape sexual objectification/control how they're sexualized by removing parts that are both sexualized and reviled, like natural tits.
No. 1266408
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Teaching kids how to get hormones without medical professionals care at the trans pride parade.
No. 1266455
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>>1266432Forgot to add this, but they also endorse black market hormones and say you can use the fact you "self med" to persuade your GP to give you a prescription as "harm reduction." Seems incredibly shady to me.
No. 1266482
>>1266455The fact that they named a doctor who supposedly "helps" and where they work in this could cause that doctor some real issues, are they fucking dense?
>>1266467Where in the country are you? everything I've seen/heard through friends/family is the complete opposite, They basicly require you to get therapy before they even think of looking into hormones/GRS
and it seems to be like that in most of the country since I contantly see people Reeeing about it on twitter and people trying to "transition" in my friend circle constantly complain about it
also if you think GPs give a shit about a complaint unless it's Sexual assault or Malpractice level you'd be dead wrong
No. 1267392
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imagine looking like an actual 10 year old but being so mentally ill you think pretending to be a man is more viable than being yourself. geez
No. 1268005
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sage bc not milk but holy fuck tumblr won’t stop showing me this ad for hormones and this is the model they chose? an obese woman with pubes glued to her face? like holy shit they can’t be serious this has to be a joke
No. 1268007
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This post is sending me.
No. 1268048
>>1268012there is. i just don't think all of them were posted online. i used to go to an lgbt club in my hometown when i was a teen and there was an ftm there, one of the old school ones. she was way older than the rest of us (over 25, the rest of us were teenagers) and she was straight. every meeting we had she talked about "how to empower men with pussies" (yes those exact fucking words, how's that for reducing people down to their body parts huh?) and she loudly complained of the lack of cis gay men for her to date. she identified as a gay man and was strictly looking for cis gays. a young ftm in our group asked her if she had
internalized transphobia since she wasn't up for dating other ftms and this chick had a full on meltdown. she would always regale us with her sob stories, one of which was when her best friend - a self hating gay guy from a conservative family who thinks he's not gay if he just wears makeup and calls himself nonbinary while dating other men - invited her to a sex club for gay men that was held in a nearby bigger city. she went thinking she'd get tons of dick, but ended up threatening suicide because she didn't get laid. she walked around naked with her pussy out and from my understanding, the guys at the club were polite but avoided her, just like these ones. but it was totally a transphobic hate crime and she was gonna 41% about it, stop the cis gays reeeeeee
No. 1268163
>>1268095Totally possible he did it on purpose after she spent their entire friendship shrilly reeing about how she was totally also a gay man, how he should center her experiences when talking about gay guy stuff, giving him advice and telling him what to do as a gay dude. Trannies do that kind of thing all the time, enter spaces and demand the topics and experiences of everybody already there aren't
valid because uwu trans problems first.
If so, he obviously cooked up a scheme to put her in her place. Pretty ingenious.
No. 1268240
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They're downright admitting to body mods in the pursuit of being "anime boys" now. I know that's been the speculation here but wow.
No. 1268257
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but it's totally not just a phase/an aesthetic/a fandom, you guysss
No. 1268321
>>1268069It’s okay for them to not want to date other trans people because of ~dysphoria~, but neither trauma nor sexual orientation are
valid reasons for ‘cis’ people not to date trans. No wonder so many people (mostly young women) are coming out as asexual.
No. 1268827
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Boyonetta anon just making the rounds because I checked her blog after 1-2 months. Have you ever seen an FTM get so close to the truth? It's like she's surprised misogyny didn't stop after tacking on pronouns to herself. I thought you were a man, right? Men don't experience misogyny, stop crying.
No. 1268839
>>1268827There's so much to unpack here.
>Misogyny didn't stop when I said "He/him please!"How can you say this out loud and not get it? How can you write a whole ass post about how self-identification doesn't work because the world doesn't just stop revolving when you tell it to, yet won't open your eyes? How the fuck can you look at all the narcissistic, misogynistic MTF incel troons telling you you have "AFAB privilege", even admit that it's the TRAs doing it and not the evil terfs, yet
still buy into this shit without peaking?
It's absolutely fucking amazing how far deep into cognitive dissonance these poor dumbasses are, they practically say "Yes, the sky is unquestionably blue.. but that said, it's still green to me and should be to you too".
No. 1268860
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>has a baby
>identifies as nonbinary
No. 1268888
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This is aboustetly hilarious>Through clothes and makeup, my idols in K-pop music videos were able to express a level of androgyny. They were challenging the notion of the gender binary and associated stereotypes. These men WERE JUST LIKE ME, and for the first time in my life, I was able to relate to someone’s gender expression. Through their performance, I realized that being a pretty boy was okay, which led me to finally see myself as a trans man over the following years. Now I’m 20, and without my exposure to the South Korean music industry, I’m sure it would have taken me much longer to accept my truth. No. 1268905
>>1268888Love it when these girls get so close to self awareness
>>1268896SAME it's like they get so mad at those evil terves and truscum even suggesting that some people might be transitioning solely to LARP as an anime character or kpop boy but turn around and admit to doing exactly that. And of course they still hate on those evil fetishizing fujoshi.
No. 1268947
>>1268888It's almost as if gender was a social construct who isn't the same in every countries.
I hate americans.
No. 1268961
>>1268827Failing to mention that these "trans women" are largely cross-dressing male prostitutes which, while not deserving of death, are killed bc of their line of work.
Also failing to mention that the "transmen" are WOMEN who are far and away the majority of murder
victims. Tranny brain worms just don't compute.
No. 1268970
>>1268961Prostitutes in Latam countries, aka countries with a strong homophobic culture, so these guys are classic HSTS who are
victims of gay hate crimes perpetrated by males, but troons make you want to believe all the game dev Alices and NEET Lilys are the
victims of
terf murder squads.
No. 1269161
>>1268888This is side splittingly funny and sad at the same time. The majority of nb/transmasc girls I've seen have been fat/flabby, which contributes to the trooning out. Testosterone helps with fat loss, same for double mastectomy. and there's a very real streak of fat positivity along the ana in those circles.
And then those same people think they could be like BMI 17 Asian boys.
No. 1269197
>>1268961Failing to mention that white ginger compsi transwomen have HIGHTER MEDIAN INCOMES THAN CIS MEN, and are less likely to get killed then both cis women and cis men. In fact, I wouldn't be surprised if they're more likely to kill than to be killed.
They are by every metric one of the most privileged identity groups in existence.
>>1268827>Terves are the reason why afab oppression isn't recognizedI don't feel bad for aidens at all. They stay blaming the only group that actually gives a fuck about them like the lowly, bootlicking, sucker punching worms they are.
No. 1269354
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>>1268257god can they please leave Howl and Link alone. old article, but even with the botw2 trailer drop people tried to convince themselves that some of the shading on link's chest were actually top surgery scars. i'm all for headcanons and general fandom stuff but some people delude themselves into think that Nintendo, a Japanese company run by older men, would actually have a trans character
No. 1269389
>>1269161I dunno
nonny, I've been following a few junior FTM cows who have ballooned since starting T. I mean some also claim muh fibromylagia but still.
No. 1269439
>>1268888this is literally the female version of how futa porn influenced my trans identity
>>1269389if youre too lazy and pathetic to work out on t you get fat as fuck lol
No. 1270434
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painful to see girls hate themselves this much
No. 1270439
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>>1270434forgot to include their "alters" aka how they… see themselves? it's a bunch of fictional characters and OCs and all of them are male or "nonbinary" idk this is such a ridiculous mess.
No. 1270477
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>>1270434>blm/blmself>they/paw/paws>mads mikkelson fans btfoomg dying
No. 1270714
>>1270647>Doctors aren't even sure it existsIt's in the DSM-V. The psychiatric community as a whole have acknowledged the existence of DID as a
valid diagnosis. However, it's very rare (DID fakers dispute this and claim it's present in up to 7% of the population bc they're morons), and only appears in individuals who experienced severe and ongoing trauma in early childhood (another fact that's denied by the fakers, many of whom claim to be "endogenic systems", formed from something other than trauma).
A lot of these fakers have "alters" who are anime/cartoon characters or even just straight up real people like YouTubers, and then a bunch of retarded OCs who are all genderspecials with over the top personalities. There are way more of these idiots than you'd expect, it's the new social contagion amongst fakebois, who as we all know thrive off of identity theft and appropriating mental disorders. r/fakedisordercringe is full of these people.
No. 1270723
>>1270718>>1270714sage for medfag but as someone who did study Psych, DID is more closer to switching between different stages in your life, the most common one being your childhood self
DID is real and the people who suffer from it have a rough time in day to day life but most of these people are fakers
No. 1271328
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I didn't realise FtM's were also obsessed with being bimbos? Also how are oversized cotton shirts "bimbo"?
No. 1271355
>>1271328Pink is for girls, anon,
duh. So obviously this strapping young lad is a bimbo now.
This is a joke, autists and newfags. Please don't reply with an essay. No. 1271845
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This is literally hurt me, pure fucking Cringe
No. 1271868
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terf anon, dudeself is
VaLiD, ok?!
No. 1271884
terf sounds pretty righteous, dude!
No. 1272011
>>1271845imagine being a hs teacher next fall when the hundreds of genderspecials that "found their true selves" during the pandemic start 10th grade
no wonder teachers party so hard, what a nightmare job
No. 1272425
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I know there could be more to the story and her mom could have been shitty, but this makes me sad.
No. 1272463
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Kaoru Kitsune and her content makes me so confused. She has always lied about being a biological male and definitely not trans. Even when her voice started to change due to T, she said it was a late puberty thing. Now she seems to have changed her style from softboy to fucking jirai kei of all things.
No. 1272548
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>>1272463She's been my personal lolcow for a while. I remember people debunking her bio male shtick with a newspaper article that had her clearly feminine name and appearance on display kek.
No. 1272728
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Kalvin garrah is back and seems to have had a change of heart. Do you guys think the fakebois will forgive her?
No. 1272741
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Does anyone keep up with this Redditor, UselessAltThing?
>18 years old
>had both a hysterectomy and genital nullification surgery in the past month or so
>makes the same posts across a bunch of different subreddits (r/lgbt, r/teenagers, etc) about her surgeries, facing transphobia, etc.
>says she's rich, lives in Manhattan, and her dad totally support her and paid for her surgery
>in her insane posts like pic related hardly anyone ever asks what the actual fuck is wrong with her
My personal tinfoil is that her dad molested her and she's gone through lots of mental health/behavioral problems as a result, and he's enthusiastically paying for her to mutilate herself out of guilt/some fucked up idea that it will somehow absolve him of what he did to her.
No. 1272750
>>1272746Or a troll
>my gender therapists gave me the thumbs up on this.Are american therapists fucking insane? The fuck you guys smoking over there? I refuse to believe that this is true
No. 1272771
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>>1272750Please let it be a troll like terfsbeware.
This other Redditor, MelancholicRyeBread, has also amused me this evening. She's a lesbian in denial practicing how to lie about gender dysphoria to therapists to gain hormones. She's totes a man but is too shy to be out in high school because people might be mean uwu - very manly right there. She's also wearing a modern-day corset, excuse me- binder, to ruin her chest, basically self harming. I can't wait to read her posts on r/detrans in like 2 years.
No. 1272774
>>1272741Same tinfoil here. Either her dad is the culprit and he's trying to hide it all with an excuse ("my daughter wasn't abused, it's just dysphoria"), or someone else abused her and he's showering her with money because he doesn't give a shit.
>>1272750Plenty of young adults are getting the chop, anon. Older and young trannies share advice online how to find a "therapist" who can greenlight their surgeries; they're all over reddit, discord servers and tumblr.
Transexual surgeries are a money making machine, any coomer or abused individual can find someone to hack off their healthy body parts.
No. 1272778
File: 1625629069271.jpg (97.55 KB, 912x550, bread3.JPG)

>>1272771uwu I'm a man and my identity is totally 100% for real serious and now just a teenage rebellious phase but I'm scawwwed to get a short haircut while wearing pants uwu
No. 1272783
File: 1625629500630.jpg (104.44 KB, 917x653, bread2.JPG)

>>1272778Godddddd I can't wait until 10-15 years from now when teen and twentysomethings' "queer phase" is remembered as a bad generational trend like emo or scene and not a serious topic that warrants government hearings.
No. 1272862
>>1272784Seems like it. Apparently she’s a “queer” they/them.
It’s creepy to see these young actresses known for playing female characters subjected to sex-based abuse (thinking of Ellen Page and Sophie Turner in particular) going “nah actually I’m not a woman tho”. Too bad it didn’t occur to Princess Diana, Sansa Stark and the girl from Hard Candy to simply identify out of misogyny. Must be that darn societal transphobia.
No. 1272896
>>1272778why do fakebois get so uwu scawwed of shopping in the men’s dept. women do it all the time the pants have pockets and the t-shirt’s are sturdy and loose.
But he lesbians and gnc women have been doing it for years.
No. 1272966
>>1272962It’s like the people who claim they are too autistic/disabled to get a job but somehow find the wherewithal to go out clubbing, attend My Little Pony conventions, and type thousands of words on the internet to argue with strangers.
Also to me one of the most fucked up things to see is girls who allegedly have “dysphoria” and hate their female bodies, so they sell nude photos to men to afford top surgery. How can anyone praise that as empowering when it’s clearly psychologically damaged girls engaging in self harm?
No. 1273020
>>1272741Tinfoil but you are probably right. A significant number of fakebois are csa
victims and pointing this out gets you branded a
No. 1273028
>>1272728A (hideous) skirt! You totally owned us, bro!
No way though, no redemption, good fakebois must publicly disavow her ableist racist
abusive behavior or they'll be excommunicated
No. 1273075
>>1273071Likewise, male troons are almost always software engineers or military. Twenty percent of all troons have served, with male-to-
female transitions being two to three times more common than female-to-male.
No. 1273078
>>1273076The only actually 'masculine' women/girls who troon out are self-hating butch lesbians. Straight women with masculine interests/careers/hobbies seem perfectly fine with being women, unlike the average lilliputian fujoshi fakeboi.
Which reinforces the theory that these girls troon out to escape the vulnerability they feel as small, feminine women. Though if the tranny stats are anything to go by, they're even more likely to be abused by men than the average woman.
No. 1273091
>>1273032Remind me of this video.
I hate this clown world.
No. 1273094
>>1273087>"[Preverbal children] are very action oriented. This is where mirroring is really important. And listening to actions. So let me give you an example.
>I have a colleague who is transgender. There is a video of him as a toddler–he was assigned female at birth–tearing barrettes out of then-her hair. And throwing them on the ground. And sobbing. That’s a gender message."Little girls regularly have double mastectomies performed on them for "gender dysphoria": your shit non-contribution next time, r-slur.
No. 1273376
>>1273346"didn't want to scare people transitioning"
delusional, just delusional. the truth is
triggering now, God almighty.
No. 1273444
>>1273346>she and her partner use the same diva cup.I want to puke.
Saying bleeding makes it sound as if it was a problem to be solved. Periods aren't a disease.
No. 1273602
File: 1625771163830.png (141.66 KB, 1435x1162, Screenshot_20210708-210218~2.p…)

It's not a crush DUH it called gender envy!
No. 1273682
>>1273607I’m no Norse mythology scholar but did he ever shapeshift into a humanoid woman, or even a female animal aside from that one time he became a mare to lure away a stallion? Afaik Sleipnir is the only creature he ever gave birth to and in every other instance he was the father. Maybe I’m missing something but it seems like everyone is latching onto this one story where he shapeshifts into a female horse for purely practical reasons. You may as well say Thor is trans or genderfluid because he once disguised himself as a woman to get his hammer back.
Of course these are mythological figures but people do the same thing with female historical figures who wore men’s clothes or armour for practical reasons, like Anne Bonny and Jeanne d’Arc.
No. 1273764
>>1273682sage for mythology fagging but …
after Baldr's death, Hel agrees to let Baldr come back to the land of the living if every being weeps for him; one giantess does not and it's implied to be Loki in disguise so … yes Loki does shapeshift into a woman.
No. 1274462
File: 1625909918404.jpg (167.22 KB, 1284x1914, lub6k2y.jpg)

I was watching a video from CDawgVA, a British voice actor who is popular for his cringe and Yaoi-baiting videos. His video was about going on a date with a Japan rent-a-boyfriend. Without fail, the wild Gayden appeared to decry the fetishization of “Us gay men”. Without first looking at her profile, I 100% knew what kind of “gay man” we were dealing with.
No. 1274463
File: 1625910273746.jpg (168.17 KB, 1239x2048, GBedsKp.jpg)

>>1274462What Just Someone, valiant protector of gay cartoon dicks and object of evil cis girl fetishization, looks like. Non-passing they/them, boobs out, autistic, and one of their
triggers is Fruits Basket cosplay. Every fucking time.
No. 1274465
>>1274462Time and time again they show themselves up by not acting like a moid ever would. Most gay men, even the terminally online ones, would just be fawning or making jokes in the comment section. Even troonsbians blend in better than this, jfc.
>>1274463KEK. And of course her body type is sack of potatoes and she looks completely feminine.
No. 1274468
>>1274463>>12744629 times out of 10, when a comment on fujoshit starts with "As a gay man," you can safely assume its a TIF. They're mad that other women aren't ashamed of liking BL to the point that they chop their tits off. They feel like they "earned" the "right" to enjoy BL by mutilating themselves and are trying to shame other people into dropping the hobby or trooning out themselves. Desire to "fit in" with men by bullying women also plays a role here.
The only time I've seen an actual gay man complain about BL was when Julian from Oneyplays bitched about Dream Daddy. IIRC think his issue wasn't that it catered to women so much as it "sanitized" gay men, though considering Julian is a furry with an inflation fetish, everything would probably seem vanilla and sanitized from his perspective. Also I think he didn't like that Erin was bankrolling the game to virtue-signal.
No. 1274529
File: 1625924621308.jpg (547.45 KB, 1180x2048, 20210710_164118.jpg)

>>1272463I remember seeing a screenshot from Kaoru's Twitter mentioning about top surgery and asking tips. It was tweeted in 2018, iirc.
This is old picture from Kaoru's Twitter also and looks exactly like
>>1272548 No. 1274531
File: 1625925625205.png (83.61 KB, 979x678, bleh.png)

From /r/truscum. Never believe anything about them being better than the 'trenders' they mock.
An existential crisis because a woman told the truth, must mean she's "dumb, or blind".
No. 1274863
>>1274531>I'm very average-looking, but I know I look like a dude.>I hate looking at myself in the mirror without clothes, I hate looking at my face.Sounds like delusions of passing to me. Many such cases!
>>1274764Yeah this doesn't sound like the normal "I'm a man now, don't you dare remember the truth", it's like she's running from who she is and thinks she can just befriend people whilst "stealth" and never tell them. I'd feel bad for but quite frankly she's a total bitch for calling a woman who's known her since childhood dumb just because she didn't play along with her bullshit. Gotta love how Aidens just forget that GNC women exist and think that wearing mens clothes and having short hair means you
must be male.
No. 1275129
File: 1626045572501.png (108.79 KB, 757x571, Reddit2x.png)

FTM groomers active in r/twox again. "Are you struggling with the legacy of the patriarchy and feeling commodified for your body? Have you tried not being a woman?"
No. 1275612
File: 1626120376958.png (435.7 KB, 750x1047, lunacy.png)

What the hell is this? They are now promoting a totallly painful, dangerous and straight up evil surgery. The person running this account must be part of Big Pharma
No. 1275632
>>1275612i remember my mom trying to cheer tall me up by saying some people get leg lengthening surgery just to be taller but then end up in wheelchairs, and a couple years ago i also saw a documentary of this super risky leg lengthening surgery that is only done by shady doctors in china
and now they shill it to young girls in the west…
>>1275615was just about to mention how this is pretty unwoke of them to use this poor dude as human measuring tape
he probably doesn't mind tho, making 100s of 1000s off of these retards kek
No. 1275873
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>>1251681This may have been posted in a fakeboi thread but I just found out that Alyssa Bustamante, the 15 year old who murdered a 9 year out girl in Missouri is now a fakeboi. There sure seems to be a correlation with fakebois and insane people.
No. 1275896
>>1275612this surgery is called leg lengthening surgery and has existed for a long time.
The surgery is high-risk and can lead to becoming a cripple and gives permanent health side effects for the rest of the persons life.
Either way if fakebois want to do this surgery i say go ahead .
No. 1275902
>>1275855apparently there is surgery for limb shortening. surgery is mostly used for correcting leg anomalys and not cosmetic unless troons start asking for this to be cosmetic.
>>1275899its can also take up for 2 years for the legs to fully heal and until then people with that surgery arent allowed to do most exercises or sports until their legs heal but i dont think most ftm care about not exercising kek
No. 1275997
File: 1626194318117.jpeg (301.01 KB, 1047x1034, 443F62F5-4668-4D01-A2A2-465243…)

some faggot i followed posted this and i cannot get over it. even gay men really do hate gnc girls i’m so tired of them never being an ally to us when women are the biggest supporters of them. no wonder why so many girls transition.(Not milk)
No. 1276048
File: 1626201879700.jpg (Spoiler Image,387.38 KB, 1080x1127, 20210713_203151.jpg)

>>1276010Pretty sure it's a just a regular male. I guess they stole his photo for the tweet because he was the most Ayden-looking guy on the surgeon's website but those are clearly male hands and feet. Spoilered bc irrelevant.
No. 1276067
File: 1626204550976.jpeg (86.23 KB, 720x960, 214418815_134309695417703_5039…)

Why do trannies need to be told if something is/isn't for them? They know they have vaginas and get periods so why do they think this book magically wouldn't apply to them if it used ~gendered language~ ??
No. 1276082
>>1276067They do know. But reminding them that they're women (or at least, that they have body parts associated with women) is
triggering so we all must change the way we speak to make them feel better.
No. 1276168
File: 1626215170832.jpg (38.73 KB, 800x533, CS2UXN6KXNECVF3CZHA5LT6ZVM.jpg)

>>1276162this surgery was created in the 1950's to help people with dwarfism (like the girl pictured) and people with leg anomalys.
Some people use it for cosmetic purposes but the surgery does have medical value too.
No. 1276177
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>>1275612This account has to be a fucking larper or something jesus christ. I understand why T and boob removals are considered 'trans healthcare', but how the hell does height play into that? Not to mention how risky this shit is, just like every other thing they use and (mostly) disregard the horrendous side effects of. At least one person had some sort of sense.
No. 1276180
>>1276168That's actually really nice to know it's not just cosmetic purposes, girl in pic looks very cute!
>>1275612Make people insecure about an integral part of themselves, sell them a product they don't need, marketing 101
No. 1276324
>>1274468>I've seen an actual gay man complain about BL was when Julian from Oneyplays bitched about Dream Daddy. IIRC think his issue wasn't that it catered to women so much as it "sanitized" gay menIronically I think dream daddy was made more to appeal to TIFs, since you can play as a troon and the majority of the characters are pretty squeaky clean.
saged for off topic.
No. 1276337
>>1274468DingDong was the one bitching about Dream Daddy, not Julian.
Ironic that the game grumps friendly uwu fanbase consisting mainly of TIFs outed DingDong as a gay to his whole family over this super inclusive gay tranny game.
No. 1276582
File: 1626289540251.jpeg (115.81 KB, 828x412, CC708722-F22F-4F2A-851F-2DFFAE…)

serving cringe
No. 1276583
File: 1626289614827.jpg (174.85 KB, 1310x1258, E6Re5x9WQAADliX.jpg) tweet linked shows a video of the incident. utter insanity
No. 1276722
>>1276583The utter delusion to
>be female>be in gay club for males>use male bathroom>get offended when male tell you to fuck off>go to Twitter to call him a faggot(I doubt the rest of it happened, but that's still bad enough)
No. 1276723
>>1276722Samefag, I'm wrong, she really did it (video at Tweet, can't upload here) your life goal is to have the shit beaten out of you by a drunk gay man, do this!
No. 1276727
File: 1626306713551.png (439.73 KB, 1440x1847, stupidity.png)

>>1276723The friend in the comments:
They're really trying the same shit TIM's do, except this will go much worse for them since they lack the male strength to back up the unwarranted aggression and invading of other people's spaces. Do they really expect a gay club to be a welcoming space for women? This is not a fujo manga, this is real life and these are men looking to shag other men? They do not want you there? Go to a gay club with a lesbian section if you want inclusion.
No. 1276732
>>1276727>Cis male gays take up too much spaceIn the…gay…club…designated for…them?
This is putting delusional women in danger who think male spaces are "for them" and doing shit like this
(I'm done samefagging now)
No. 1276895
File: 1626321318758.jpg (195.36 KB, 540x694, 20210714_235256.jpg)

I miss when awkward 16 year old weeb girls just rped gay sex over aim and said shit like smexy
No. 1276933
>>1276732They do the same thing in lesbian or women-only spaces too. FTMs and enbys walkz in and demand that they cater to them now. I've seen groups forced to change their names because using the word 'woman' is too exclusionary, even though the space was originally made for women
Shockingly none of these genderspecials are willing to put in the work to create their own communities. So much easier to just make the world bend to you instead.
No. 1276950
File: 1626331551462.png (7.22 MB, 3264x2741, BeFunky-collage.png)

already on her fifth month on testosterone and she's been complaining of the acne she's getting.
No. 1276967
File: 1626336429340.jpg (Spoiler Image,276.45 KB, 1510x2048, bleak.jpg)

Spoilered because chest I guess
No. 1277059
File: 1626358585051.png (8.9 MB, 1125x2436, EDD8667D-F455-4C1F-B7E6-431CBB…)

hmm, i wonder why this girl is so obsessed with "cancelling" trap bunnie bubbles for transphobia?
No. 1277061
File: 1626358634644.png (4.15 MB, 1125x2436, E02A1AB9-801C-45BA-BCF2-42508A…)

>>1277059oh of course she's a fakeboi
No. 1277092
File: 1626361141313.jpg (29.3 KB, 400x520, RhluGNY.jpg)

>>12758996 inches is difficult but still achievable, it'll probably fuck you up tho
picrel got 7 inches and looks weird
No. 1277130
>>1276727>Go to a gay club with a lesbian section if you want inclusionThese girls don't like girls lol
Tbf most gay clubs allow women in, I'm not sure how they managed to find one that excluded them. Should've just gone on to the next one and not be an asshole.
No. 1277304
>>1277178You're making the mistake of looking for any consistency and logic. I'm not joking, this is intentional on their part.
Misogyny and cis men taking up too much space in a gay club. It doesn't make sense even to them but that's the point.
No. 1277541
File: 1626395918530.jpg (1.12 MB, 3000x3500, E6VCW0rWYAADdLw.jpg)

new emojis just dropped … with mpreg included
No. 1277612
Did anyone archive the video linked by
>>1276583? OP locked her account so I can't see it anymore. Damn anons.
No. 1277704
File: 1626420232273.png (646.34 KB, 734x469, fakeboi-top-surgery.png)

>>1276583>i strongly desire to be feminine in the way men are, not feminine in the way women are, if that makes sense.All. The. Fucking. Time.
No. 1277710
>>1276337>TIFs outed DingDong to his familyUh… what? I never heard about this part. I thought DingDong was still mostly anonymous aside from his first name and weirdly specific trombone-vore fetish. How would TIFs have gotten in contact with his family? Sorry for spoon-feeding but this sounds like interesting milk.
Is this the real reason DingDong and Julian quit? If so, that's a shame. They were pretty funny, and I always liked how Chris and Julian played off of their opposite personalities.
No. 1277746
File: 1626430639878.png (5.3 KB, 311x431, letter variants.png)

>>1277541>>1277595The Unicode Consortium only specify the description of the emojis, not what each one should actually look like. Think of it like how there are alternate ways to write the letter "a" or "t" but they're still the same letter. The standard only says it should look like the letter "a" not whether you should give it a curly bit on top.
This how the "gun" emoji looks like a realistic handgun or a water pistol or a sci-fi raygun depending on exactly where you view it.
Maybe one day countries like Russia and Saudi Arabia will object to emojis like these and demand alternate implementations to sell stuff their country. I reckon enough markets are socially conservative enough that Apple and Google would do it.
No. 1277810
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No. 1277831
>>1277825>I wish I was a boy so I would look good in dresses and skirtsPathetic. Just take a look at all the AGP trannies/femboys and tell me how "good" most men in a dress actually look…
These people don't want to be an actual man, they just want to be an anime boy. Go outside, for gods sake.
No. 1277834
>>1277825Kinda funny and kinda sad, see I have 3 younger brothers and so I know first hand what boys are like, and no boy acts like this, even the sensitive boys aren't this unbearably fucking girly
These girls don't wanna be real boys, they wanna be the idealized version of anime boys they are attracted too
No. 1277878
File: 1626449714693.png (2.48 MB, 1300x1358, jesuschrist.png)

I don't tend to post here but this whole thing has just made me so sad I feel like I HAVE to. She's not neccesarily a somebody on the internet for as far as I know, but definately acts like a huge fucking clown All The Time, and likely is trying to be a big part of the trooncommunity/get all the victim points in her home country.
But if this is not allowed, so be it/just delete it. But have this piss poor collage anyway.
Knew this kid back in the day via another friend of mine (who also later, unfortunately went completely off her rockers, just not in the troon way), just your tipical, cute girly girl.
Suddenly (*note: after her dad passed) labeled herself as 'trans' around 2016 ('oh no'), went on T right after, following her descend into looking like a complete fucking monster, still wearing the same feminine clothes, everything she posts is about troon-related nonsense or "femme anime bois uwu", she's losing big chunks of her hair quickly and is badly trying to hide it.
Her poor mom.
No. 1277975
>>1277704why are trannies so lazy and work shy.
“uwu i can’t work while transitioning getting called miss
triggers my disphowia”
sage for sperg. i’m just so tired of these lazy money grubbing cunts.
No. 1278013
>>1277746cool story sis but the descriptions are "pregnant man" and "pregnant person" according to
>>1277615 so …
No. 1278029
File: 1626461022864.png (825.26 KB, 1114x634, dorianelectra.png)

Dorian Electra has pushed the "I am a flamboyant gay man" schtick for years but is now "genderfluid" in an attempt to justify this aesthetic. A few months ago she did a music video dressed as a "basic Christian pumpkin spice latte girl" and passed it off as satire. Now the featured image on her google panel is her as a tradwife and she's posting this loli shit. The comments are full of "wow king you're so breedable and fertile."
No. 1278281
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>>1278029this bitch doesn't pass, she's not even gay
No. 1278284
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>>1278281picrel the queer women we want vs what we get
No. 1278310
>>1277878Which country is she from? or area, if you don't want to be specific
She ironically looks more like a trans woman now.
No. 1278351
>>1277878>>1278310Ugh literally transitioned into an MTF.
Kikomi-chan come to life.
No. 1278463
File: 1626486511602.jpg (168.38 KB, 540x621, 20210716_214614.jpg)

And of course her pinned tweet is ebegging to get her tits chopped off
No. 1278783
File: 1626520721013.jpg (250.85 KB, 1080x1920, E6csn1NXEAEvM3x.jpg)

This is what the "man" who thinks JK Rowling should learn from the twitter mob and shut up looks like. Just like the statue of David.
What's up with all of them identifying as jewish? No. 1278835
File: 1626528940696.jpg (389.24 KB, 1079x1169, Screenshot_20210701-123435_Chr…)

No. 1278910
>>1277878 Don't know any exact whereabouts, but Spain.
>>1278310 You're both right yikes/uwu
No. 1278914
>>1278827Based and truthpilled.
>>1278856A lot of jewish people live in California and are in the film industry, porn or in journalism. The gender-bullshit runs rampant in those communities. I'm sure the fakeboys claiming jewish identity are not all really jewish but I wouldn't be surprised if a large majority of them was.
No. 1279074
>>1279068Yeah I get the impression that most woke kids and genderspecials that claim to be jewish are half-assed converts at best. It's another oppression point they can claim.
Legendary genderspecial fakeboi NPD trainwreck Becky Hernandez-Gerber has been LARPing as a jewish convert for years in between steak and lobster dinners at Disneyland.
No. 1279302
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>>1251964Found this. Pretty standard I suppose.
No. 1279309
File: 1626578945191.jpeg (1.62 MB, 828x10504, BE98B159-6617-4863-8973-91BF06…)

if i didn’t know any better, i’d say that whoever edited the wiki did it to make the genderspecials peak faster. alas, it’s probably just your run-of-the-mill retardation. i wasn’t sure which thread to put this in, but i figure since no one is threatening to jam a cock down anyone’s throat, it goes with the uwu fakebois
No. 1279357
>>1279309I am extremely online and still don't know what half of the """"lesbian""" terms they give in these articles are. Have they tried inventing new words for m-spec allosexuals instead of appropriating existing words? Every word doesn't need to apply to every possible, vaguely connected use.
Considering actual lesbians are often the most attacked gay group, usually called transphobes, genital fetishists, terfs, and so on and so forth, it gives a malicious edge to this attempt to co-opt the word.
No. 1279362
>>1279359(still samefag) they also tend to add elaborate disclaimers about how you can be gay and asexual (yes but you are claiming
asexuality itself is gay) or you are questioning your gender therefore blah blah.
The world we live in where people find "lesbian" "queer" and "women" offensively exclusionary so therefore need to have multi-year campaigns to render the words meaningless and take away any spaces those groups have carved out for themselves
No. 1279368
File: 1626589587564.png (62.82 KB, 698x467, 87979.png)

All the replies to this post say something like "you're probably a trans man" or "if you feel this way, you're most likely not cis, have you tried HRT?" when OP's problem obviously is struggling with gender roles. It's so sad people like this go ask for help from brainwashed groomers.
No. 1279375
The way I see it Hyper-femininity is a lever which to push troubled women INTO transgendered nonsense. Hyper femininity takes a radical position of "Women are either radically, super feminine, completely pink dresses and super girly, or they are men", this all or nothing position creates an environment that tries to push people out of their proper place into bad places.
If I say "That guy over there is a bit feminine, but he is normal and moral person. That is OK, he is still a man and doing the right thing", or "That girl over there is a bit masculine, but she is a normal and moral person. That is OK, she is still a woman doing the right thing" I am creating a healthy tolerance of "Just because you aren't radically masculine as a man, or radically feminine as a woman, you are still a man, or a woman". This creates the sane rational path of "You are a man because of your genetics and chromosones, not by how hyper masculine you are" and "You are a woman because of your genetics and chromosones, not by hyper feminine you are".
No. 1279567
nonnie. I'm so sorry. I can empathize with the confusion and distress you're feeling, since I had one of my own friends come out as a gayden in '14.
My suggestion: try being there for her, but don't feel bad she makes your friendship impossible to maintain. For a lot of women/girls, trooning out is a way of coping with abuse or trying to escape misogyny, but they're still capable of being awful, insufferable life ruiners as seen by all the fakeboi threads. Maybe, when you feel comfortable, try asking her what spurred her to make this decision- you'll get a better sense of where she's coming from, and how you should address the issue on your end. But keep in mind that no matter what she's going through or has gone through, her choices are still her's and her's alone- you are not responsible for what she does to herself. Seeing my ex-friend fakeboi destroy her body with testosterone and ruin the lives of those around her hurt more than I can describe, but there was nothing I could say to get through to her.
Stay strong,
nonnie. I wish you the best.
Sage for blogpost
No. 1280170
>>1280145Ok after reading your rant you're a trutrans male
and you're in the wrong thread, enjoy your ban
No. 1280271
>>1280201She wishes she were a scrote kek
>>1280161I thot trucum pooners were extinct kek
No. 1280620
File: 1626750024866.jpeg (161 KB, 1125x493, C1C99194-81B6-4873-BD99-E8B38E…)

> oh my god she admit it!
No. 1280880
>>1280145>>1280161Kill yourself scrote, nobody cares about your tard take
>>1280846Please let her detrans, the milk and tranny butthurt would be absolutely glorious.
No. 1280964
File: 1626803123417.jpeg (320.64 KB, 929x1668, B6BB49B3-8C44-4F46-B7AA-A43121…)

>long hair>makeup>tiddies>feminine clothing>”I’m making it clear I’m not female!”>>1280846I’d love to see how trannies react since they either loved or hated her for being tru-trans or whatever. I’d be happy for her, she looks cute here too.
No. 1282318
>>1281101It’s so frustrating after women had to fight to be able to wear whatever. They’re just making it worse for all of us and now kids think showing an ounce of femininity makes you a woman instead of you know, having the biological reality that all women share. Doesn’t matter what you wear, still gonna be treated like shit. Can’t opt out of misogyny and all that.
>>1282281I have seen it before, unfortunately it’s not just you. Idk how fucked up a girl has to be to do that.
No. 1282549
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Lesbian (kind of) to gay ftm. Noticed this repeating pattern and researched it deeply. It's defenetly has to do with concept of “the gaze”. Desire/being desired.
Let's discuss it.(newfag)
No. 1282572
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>>1282549Don’t post your email.
No. 1282593
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I’ve read pic related three times now and it still doesn’t make sense
No. 1282651
>>1282593>as you try to step out of the bounds of "woman" and get violently pushed back"whoops identifying as trans didn't make me exempt from misogyny and that was my reason to transition and it didn't work"
just an aiden high on copium
No. 1282757
>>1282734no benefits, only oppression
that is how these things work for them
No. 1282781
>>1282593But then you have people like Chimamanda Adiche getting called violent transmisogynists for saying “trans women are trans women.”
So which is it? Are we transphobic for acknowledging the difference between trans and cis, or are we transphobic for saying they’re the same/comparable?
No. 1282859
>>1282593Yeah trying to invade male spaces seems to result in some self awareness of being
not a man which MtFs lack since their pushback is naturally cloaked in female socialization and deescalation. A man will just punch you and tell you to gtfo. Kinda removes the ambiguous aspect MtFs thrive on.
No. 1283014
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>>1280964Please don't use the phrase 'tiddies' ever again anon. Makes me think you are a scrote. No actual woman uses that phrase.
No. 1283049
>>1282973"twink", from 'twinkie', is basically derogatory and always has been. (there is a grindr category for twink, but in that case its only being used to describe a certain type of body.) its also obviously a racial term, so its pretty funny to see white tifs parade it around like a legitimate identity label.
theres a profound lack of understanding of gay male culture, both historical and contemporary, from tifs. they will go onto grindr and then complain about ppl being too sexually aggressive. theyre also responsible for lots of the grindr profiles that are like "im NOT here to hook up, just looking for friends!" they treat it like tinder or okcupid lmao. obviously they only get attention from bi/str8 men.
i think a lot of it has to do w/ the fact that these girls' first exposure to kweer culture is tumblr lesbian sapphic adventure time stuff. they see "wlw", they see the aesthetic blogs, they see the shipping fandom drama, and they try to reverse-engineer what they believe to be gay culture from lesbian teen culture. so they think 'twink' is just like butch or femme.
No. 1283083
>>1283049''twink'' literally just means young feminine gay man.
Thats it. I cant believe some anons are that dense here.
No. 1283093
>>1283086>>1283090I totally agree.
The only racial connotation for twinkie is people who are "yellow on the outside and white on the inside." AKA Asians who are culturally white/whitewashed. Never heard of any racial connotation besides that.
No. 1283119
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Surpised no one has called Snowbunnyem / Matty em out for being trans yet.
>no shirtless pictures, only from the collarbone and up
> Super short guy
> Small hands
> "Femboy" look
> Makes sure to tag "boi" in every tag on insta
He gets mad when people call him they/them, yet has never been honest about being trans. Now he's selling nfsw pictures ofc with no nipples/dicc, claiming to be a cis guy and keeps talking about his boner on his socialmedias…
Pretty sure he is on T now since he has some pubes on his chin recently
It's just so typical that hes gaining followers and money from girls thinking hes this cis "irl life" anime guy
No. 1283153
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>>1283144Considering his/her previous insta name before Snowbunnyem was Snowbunnyemi
No. 1283154
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>>1283119It's a bit obvious tbh
No. 1283268
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>>1282593Saw a similar take. This is about the recent Activision Blizzard lawsuits. It's obvious it's all men who do the harassment but yet another fakeboi needs to make it all about her.
No. 1283293
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>>1283287>>1283268In contrast, a male twans blizzard employee tries to spin a different narrative
No. 1283357
>>1283268This picture alone proves that this twaw and tmam slogan is a lie. This micro aggression she’s putting on women is so disturbing and disgusting. Imagine having so much internalized misogyny that you want to be grouped in with peverted sexually
abusive scrotes just because they’re men. And let’s face it even if women considered ftms evil like men are, they would cry transphobia any fucking way.
With TRAs it’s either damned if you do or damned if you don’t. Might as well don’t because you only have one life and these TRAs are wasting theirs trying to control your mind when they clearly lost control of theirs.
No. 1283361
>>1283268what the fuck do these people want like seriously…
Saying that we shouldn't treat them like ''cis'' men but then in the same sentence telling us to treat them like cis men.
Also interesting how they never make posts about how men should act around them its always ''Woman do this or else, woman do this or
No. 1283407
>>1283268Rory, I assure you. No one is even thinking about you with regards to this or even in general. You’re just a sad lost woman. It’s also really fucked to make this about yourself instead of the actual fucking
victims in the matter.
No. 1283452
>>1283308>my given name, wearing skirts and the color pink will make me want to kill myself because I'm a twoo and honest man>gets knocked upTroon logic never ceases to crack me up.
>>1283323Testosterone might have lingering effects on the body that can affect fetal health. The famously doped up East German female athletes were all off testosterone for years by the time they had children, and their kids suffered from mental and physical disabilities at a much higher rate than average. TIFs are at least not on the same kinds of roids that those women were on, but there's always the possibility that their own grug regimen can cause the same or similar effects. Sadly, we probably won't know until decades from now.
No. 1283551
>>1283456It's this. She's trying to distract anyone actually paying attention using oppression points, but the solution she (and other TIFs) would propose for this "problem" is for women to just not talk about how dangerous men are, or how evil they can be. That's why this
>>1283378 wouldn't work. She's saying she experiences misogyny "as a man", so we can't say men, as a group, are misogynistic, because it "hurts some *~vulnerable~* men". The women hurt by misogynistic men, in a misogynistic society, are just an afterthought, at best.
No. 1284117
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the bottom post popped up on my fb so i did some digging. apparently the op is the mom to a 17 year old “ftm” who had too surgery done at 16.
the poor kid got staph infection from the botched top surgery and had to go to the hospital numerous times afterwards to get the infection healed up.
the bottom screenshot shows a picture of their child shirtless (WHO IS A MINOR) showing off how brave they are with really nasty looking scars… comments were all praising the poor kid. i’m repulsed.
No. 1284214
File: 1627249371370.webm (4.25 MB, 720x1280, cringe.webm)
i spent a few minutes trying to caption this with something but i truly can't articulate how absurd this looks.
No. 1284221
>>1277825"I wish I were a lanky 125lb boy with fluffy hair!"
"But not like the 125lb boy I watched get his ass beat on the regular in HS I mean qt anime boy with tons of simps!"
No. 1284274
>>1284098The only hormone exposure that shapes who you are occurs in utero and during puberty.
It's obviously evident in case with troons and they begrudgingly agree with it when they whine for puberty blockers, but actually taking it to heart would also require them to admit that le period hormone personality changes aren't real, and that's a cope hill most moids will die on.
No. 1284360
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>>1283877Help I’ve fallen down a rabbit hole of these and I can’t get up
No. 1284664
>>1284535I assume you were talking about this that was posted in another thread. I agree with everything they said but honestly from a PR point of view this statement is a disaster. They shot right out of the gate with "AGP males controlling trans healthcare and media" and shoving trans-humanism in there too? Total wreck. No sources, no testimonials, no examples of what they're talking about. For a statement this bold you have to write it carefully, consider and prove every point you make before building your argument further. JKR did that masterfully btw.
Like I said I agree with their stance but they sound like lunatics to the average TRA-sympathetic normie. Whoever advised this needs to be fired because they've just destroyed what could have been a trending story that peaked a lot of people.
No. 1285076
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what're all your thoughts on the recent trend of gaydens taking up radfem talking points? it's a little funny to me that they're parroting blanchard's typology, claiming to be somehow better than agp males even though blanchard would write them off as autohomoerotic fetishists as well.
No. 1285090
File: 1627353269816.png (39.86 KB, 1029x223, tyler jace vine.png)

does anybody know what happened to this person? her videos were cited in Abigail Shrier's Irreversible Damage and i looked on youtube and twitter but everything is scrubbed. deleted the post bc i forgot to sage
No. 1285093
>>1285077She is. She grew up in a religious home and allegedly her wife is a straight woman. So according to blanchard's typology Newgent would be a classic HSTS.
I get "not like other trans" vibes from Newgent and she blames the medical industry for her health problems, but from what I've seen she's especially dedicated to keeping children from transing out, probably because of her own kids. I can respect that, to be honest.
No. 1285170
>>1285076I don't think this is a recent trend, back in time before trenders became a thing all FTMs were like this. Scott Newgent, Buck Angel etc. are all old school trannies who identify as transsexuals who are biologically female rather than "transgdenders".
The first pooner I met was somewhere in mid/late 2000s and he seethed about fujoshis who think they are men because they read yaoi but aren't trying to be masculine enough, now that would probably be seen as transphobic among trannies.
No. 1285217
File: 1627376760832.jpg (540.45 KB, 1466x2840, Lifechanging.jpg)

>>1285090she certainly has thoroughly scrubbed herself from the internet. her main username seems to have been tyince and while her own posts are all completely gone you can still find some remnants of her tumblr blogs in other people's reblogs. these quotes in particular stood out to me as sad in hindsight. I also included the only photo of her post-phalloplasty I could dig up. those are some regretful eyes.
This reddit thread quotes her detransition video and seems to be the only remaining quote of her own words:
> No. 1285225
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>>1285090From “I shouldn’t have transitioned”
No. 1285283
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>>1285217things like this is why i will never hate ftms in the way i hate mtfs. ftms are hurt women who have suffered abuse and trauma. they are coping as a response. meanwhile mtfs are just moids with a fetish. i don't doubt the existence of fakebois who are only conveniently gay men to fetishize, but women who transition are fundamentally broken and i feel for them.
No. 1285465
>>1285283I know people will rush to bring up the Aidens who want gay men to fuck them but those are so goddamn rare, and the ones who actually threaten gay men and physically enter their spaces are even rarer. They're more of an anomaly compared to all the male AGP Lilies and Stephanies who invade every female space they could possibly find. FTMs, having been socialized as women, are too scared of men to feel comfortable staying amidst them for longer times than necessary. Even if they did try to do what AGPs do to lesbians to gay men they would be shot down so fast and nobody, including other troons, would
never cape for them the way everyone bends over to defend MTFs.
No. 1286024
File: 1627489249289.png (494.8 KB, 1125x1724, pooner with rage.png)

Twitter pooners are melting down over Lil Nas X, a gay man, saying he likes dick kek
No. 1286064
>>1286050Also wondering wtf pooner is.
>>1286024Aside from the usual troon "what about me" homophobia -
The question is why does she think children should be reading NSFW tweets about dicks and sexuality.
No. 1286103
File: 1627495544305.png (9.08 KB, 210x240, pooner.png)

>>1286073it's from /tttt. I'm pretty sure it's the same schizoid that makes those PT/contrapoints drawings
No. 1286120
>>1286073I always thought it was a portmanteau of poon and coomer.
>>1286103Autistic, but actually a pretty realistic depiction of TIFs kek
No. 1286438
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But transing is definitely not a trend. Bleak.
Also lol at the username. You sure cured your boring uncool heterosexuality by larping as gay men, well done.
No. 1286455
>>1286438>fashion mastectomies make you look cool!they're (unintentionally, but that doesnt matter) catering so much to kids/teens it's so bleak. Also lol at the woman on the right wearing a shirt with what looks like a male chest.
>>1286454No but i am very interested
No. 1286456
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>>1286024This just sounds like a personal problem.
No. 1286469
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>>1286455looks like the t-shirt design from the TIF drag queen Gottmik
No. 1286579
>>1286566I've considered it because of this, and I've never been under any delusions of maleness. That was before I knew how invasive it was and how fucked the results can be
>>1286476I saw a woman on tinder ages ago who'd had mastectomy for aesthetic reasons, to become a more androgynous female, according to her bio. Ngl it worked for her. But considering the number of other ridiculous and harmful things we delude ourselves into thinking is 'our empowering girly choice!!', it was hard to look at without seeing the internalised misogyny.
No. 1286595
>>1286455>>1286469No, it's an old design (showing female breasts) that was big in punk circles in the 70s/80s, classically worn by one of the Sex Pistols guys and I think Siouxsie Sioux? Was famously appropriated by Vivienne Westwood. Millions of knockoffs since.
She's definitely wearing it as some sort of ironic ~queer~ androgynous punx uwu statement, but it comes off as rather distasteful imo. sage for fasion spergery
No. 1286643
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>>1286455Alana Smith who represented the USA got dead last during the event. Kept doing only ollies, one of the easiest tricks, and couldn't even land them. The podium was won by two 13 year olds and a 16 year old.
Most commentators ignored her pointing at her pronouns on her board whenever the camera was focusing on Alana and kept using she/her the whole event.
No. 1286669
>>1286655Used to be good from the sounds of her wiki: found this quote from her:
>"My goal coming into this was to be happy and be a visual representation for humans like me. For the first time in my entire life, I'm proud of the person I've worked to become. I chose my happiness over medaling. Out of everything I've done, I wanted to walk out of this knowing I UNAPOLOGETICALLY was myself and was genuinely smiling. The feeling in my heart says I did that."What a dumb thing to say. In any sport you need to acknowledge when you've done a shit job if you want to get better. There's no shame in sucking but you need to own it. She apparently "discovered" her gender feelies during the pandemic though so it looks likes she's been focusing too much on that instead of fucking practicing.
No. 1286673
>>1286669that's a really short bio for someone that's supposed to be good lol.
honestly, before reading the wiki, i thought she got inspired by the anime, sk8 and somehow managed to find someone in the olympics committee to help her be the representative for the us in skateboarding.
No. 1286681
>>1286454i did and as an ESL-chan it was absolutely annoying hearing the handmaiden narrator try to accommodate her stupid pronouns even though that's undoable in my language. the male narrator didn't give a shit tho.
i actually get pissed at anglophone trannies trying to impose this shit on the rest of the world. i refuse to change my language to cater to these retards
No. 1286690
Stop fucking sperging about muh fahshun. zoom in and see that it's clearly the Got Milk's t-shirt like
>>1286469 said.
No. 1286697
>>1286595There's something extra insulting about pronoun sperging in a WOMEN'S SPORTING EVENT.
They/them pronouns are always insulting because it implies everyone who talks about you is using "she" as shorthand for "I secretly think you're a weak pathetic stupid ladygirl" and you can somehow Uno-reverse them out of that sexist outlook by telling them to use a different pronoun. Which implies normal women are opting into that sexist (ahem, gender-conforming) experience.
The joy of sport is we compete with our BODIES, not our identities. But she really had to spend her precious mental and emotional energy on an international stage to remind everyone she's not like the other girls, she's not a girl at all, she's so much better than that unfashionable label. Fuck the women and girls around her for opting into oppression, am I right ladies?
No wonder she came last, at Olympic level you can't be preoccupied with your fucking personal brand in the middle of the event.
No. 1286713
File: 1627574232207.jpeg (1 MB, 923x1479, ECF6E913-C9CF-4DBF-8F39-7972D7…)

has anyone been keeping up with the biden drama in ftmg?
> 17 year old “ftfemboy” bragging about getting spitroasted by her 25 and 36 year old coworkers
> janitors will not consistently ban her despite her being underage
> constantly bragging about her DDD breasts and posting traced outlines of how curvy and feminine her body is
It would be funny if literally every ayden wasn’t like this pre-transition
No. 1286721
>>1286703It's funny because I've seen a lot of Aidens call their swollen clit a dick and post about how a clit is totes just an undeveloped dick anyway so getting assmad at the mention of dick is hypocritical as by their logic they have a dick. Same with MTFs, like hang on now he didn't say
ladydick so what's the problem, ladies? kek.
>>1286713Jfc, these girls are gonna get murdered by picking the wrong scrote for validation sex. I wish they'd at least understand that emulating gay mens casual approach to sex is much more dangerous as a female.
No. 1286732
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>>1286721it’s genuinely depressing to see teenage girls delude themselves to this level. i don’t understand hypersexuality as a cope when it literally is so dangerous and sets you up to be in a position of submission from the get go… any scrote can do whatever they want to you once they have you there, without your permission. the worst part is they think they’re fine since they’re “one of the boys” as if the men they’re having PIV with consider them that
No. 1286810
>>1286566Like all of them.
Titties are super demonized in media and woke circles, although in the former is prudishness/mainstream beauty ideals and in the latter circles it's internalized misogyny + although beauty ideals which means mainstream beauty ideals plus tattoos. By demonized I mean not having perfect perky boobs you're an ugly with ugly saggy grandma boobs. Tits can't even be exercised to be perkier because there's no muscle to train, once your ligaments stretch the only way to fix them is surgery.
No. 1286833
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>>1286713Look mom I’m on lolcow
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>>1286842reminds me of picrel
No. 1286986
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>>1286455> catering to kids/teensmiles McKenna is also obvious in doing this. lately she has been posting as many topless photos as possible and insists that she is a gay man(?)
No. 1286994
>>1286986her "how do you do fellow kids! Watch this video if you're a sad gay teen uwu" shtick is so fucking cringe, it was one thing when she was 19-20 and had just came out as a lesbian but it's just embrassing now
>insists that she is a gay manKEK does she really? Does she only fuck other zero effort fakebois? What a shame, she could have been a good role model for young lesbian/bi girls
No. 1287001
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>>1286994yeah. it's honestly confusing, but I think so. one of her latest stories has a caption "I'm gay" and there were a few posts with photos of gay men in the 80s. picrel shows a photo of a gay father wearing the same shirt in the next slide
No. 1287077
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>>1286986man i miss the good old days back in like 2016-2017 and before, when miles still used to go by the name "amandachronicles" and she made videos like "I'M A HOMOSEXUAL" and "WATCH THIS IF YOU'RE GAY". she was one of the super openly lesbian youtubers and had so much pride in being a gnc lesbian snd now look at her. sad.
No. 1287083
>>1286902I've seen a fakeboi admitting that its okay to stop or not take T to be a transman, while already starting testosterone for a couple of months now.
It's like they are starting to become aware that the fantasy they want can't be implemented in real life even with hrt.
No. 1287241
File: 1627650379159.webm (8.1 MB, 576x1024, tumblr_qq74d1fQw91qjj7xg.webm)
holy mother of cringe. apologies if this somehow has already been posted
No. 1287257
>>1287241>my monster cock vibrates and glows in the darkOh honey sweetie no, who told you a strap-on is a dick? Did you take your body pillow to prom because you don't know the difference between humans and objects?
>you guys are all like "ooh don't touch it"This screams the fact that the only dick she's touched is her highschool boyfriend's
Also is she shoving the camera in her face to seem masculine and intimidating? Because it just makes her cheeks look chubbier and emphasizes how girly her bone structure is.
No. 1287291
>>1287241>"Why do gay men not want me? I'm better than other men, because dick isn't that good and I have a vagina">Is a straight woman>Likely no real sexual interest in other TIFsWhy don't
you eat out some pussy and get railed with dildos, Tiffany? Or is it ~*myteriously*~ only good sex that people are allowed to want, if it involves one "penis haver" and one "vagina haver"? Get out of here, you musty homophobic rat.
No. 1287578
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>>1287241I swear it's hilarious to an absurd degree when these girls try to flex their strap-ons from aliexpress, or their "top level" designer strapons that they busted their wallets for that gay men don't even want. lel
>We gotta extra hole ON DECK>ON DECK BRO No. 1287622
>>1287257>Did you take your body pillow to prom because you don't know the difference between humans and objects?KEK
>>1287526Seriously dangerous levels of cope. "W-w-well I don't even like gay men anyway! You're all stinky and have AIDS!" Bitch please you girls post about being so cwushed by dysphowia that you can't even shower regularly so I bet that "monster cock" of yours is a fucking germ farm. I see 41% in this ones future, like on deck, bro.
No. 1287748
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>>1286024>>1286456It's almost like they think he was gonna fuck them or something
No. 1287876
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>>1286643her at 20 and her at 14, she really became unrecognizable, she was pretty good at 17 don't know what happened
No. 1288000
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>>1287998The video in question
No. 1288013
>>1288000Clown world, this is crazy, it’s a bunch of fakebois and I think just two normal girls, unless they think they’re guys as well.
This is the kind of things that makes homeschooling a good idea, trannynism is a social disease, and i think it will never be cured at this point.
No. 1288201
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>>1288000These girls look like the typical teen anime fans you'd see back then, just with tranny shit added in.
Even the drawings scream that they spend a lot of time on the internet.
No. 1288236
>>1287876>>1287992Genuinely, I would be more than happy to support her if she stayed tomboy, or went more GNC. If she looked 100% butch, she would still have my respect. In fact, I would probably respect her more.
The weight gain is concerning. She was
very thin in the older picture, to the point that losing weight was probably dangerous for her, and gaining a bit more weight would be fine. But she's obese now, despite supposedly being an athlete. Quarantine must have hit her like a train, and she covered up the resulting insecurity with "gender feels". I think if Covid hell ended soon(er), maybe she could get more training, exercise, and in-person socializing with other skaters in, and the NB stuff would be washed away. But, the longer this goes on, the worse it'll get.
No. 1288388
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>>1288250That's OK, none of you do either
No. 1288391
>>1288388Are you selfposting now? She even has an Aiden haircut.
You will never be an anime boy, lmao.
No. 1288396
>>1283119her real name is emilia huerta, btw.
i really need someone to leak her supposed “lewd sets” since it seems she’s “shirtless” in some. probably using a fake chest.
i wonder if the fat bitch she fucks is satisfied with rubbing clits lmao. her @ is princessbunbunx, a fattie who also abuses filters. her voice is fake as fuck too but that’s another topic.
No. 1288561
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Words have no meaning anymore. Literally a quirky straight woman.
No. 1288795
>>1288388still looks better than 99% of you roided fujos even though you're all trying to look like yaoi boys, tragic
>>1288561she needs to take better care of those teeth before flip flopping around gender and sexualities
No. 1289354
File: 1627903919094.jpg (584 KB, 2160x3840, 20210802_072653.jpg)

Fb fashion groups are the worst. Even the non-lolita, non-jfashion neutral ones are being bombarded by the he/they Aydens like this
No. 1289476
>>1289354I was on tumble for years, actually drank some of he “enbees are
valid uwu” kooliad and yet even now I still don’t know what NB is.
By their own words gender is a spectrum/social construct. How can they be without gender if gender is made up anyway.
I know the answer is already a way for hets to feel special and be part of the lgbt club. but still. almost every nb ive met is a fat women. is it them trying to feel comfortable in their bloated body?
sage for sperging
No. 1289602
File: 1627931995196.jpeg (1.67 MB, 1242x1898, C39B0FA7-C50D-4645-97D4-8AB74B…)

Probably cause you’re a girl, Emilia.
Why do these girls troon out just to be “pretty femboys”? Can they not be pretty as women?
No. 1289736
>>1289476Yes, all trans/nb women fall into either:
1. trying to escape female oppression and stereotypes("can't be a fat ugly woman if i'm not really a woman!!1!")
- also includes autists
- pickmes/nlogs
2. trying to distance themselves from trauma (related to 1, "if the sexual assault happened to a woman but i'm not a woman it didn't happen to
3. narcs who needs attention 24/7, and jumped onto the current popular trend of being trans (would have been goth, a hippie, or whatever was trendy if born into another era)
- includes anime fujos/gay fetishists
- trenders/rogd
No. 1289861
File: 1627961211441.jpg (81.06 KB, 622x595, 29o1a4.jpg)

>>1287241Omg you're so right Damien!
Now, why don't you go tell this exact thing to all the Alices and Lilys who can't comprehend that their bubonic wursties will never be more interesting to dykes than a vibrator?
No. 1289963
>>1289602Because if they were "pretty tomboys" people would hate them for being disgusting and/or immature for not being gender-conforming with the addition of being accused of fetishizing gay people for skinwalking a cartoon man. So what does one do? Troon out. You see people ITT whining about women ditching the cute girl look in favor of being masculine all the time even though they go "why couldn't they just be tomboys instead". You know the answer why. They would be despised just the same, just marginally less if they became men altogether.
>>1289736Why would a pickme or a NLOG troon out? If anything she would stay ultrafeminine in order to desperately please the male gaze. People throwing terms around like they meant nothing anymore, the way Aidens don't "identify" with women isn't about "not being like other girls" to stand out for moid attention, it's about "not feeling like a girl at all" because of their traditional gender stereotype brainrot. Female troonism couldn't be farther away from attempting to cater to men.
No. 1290000
File: 1627989570234.png (311.13 KB, 505x881, Screenshot (7).png)

>>1288000>Mason>OdinWhy can't they choose normal boy names, also kek at the fact that the only actual male in the classroom, seems completely uninterested in what TIFs would consider "male bonding"
No. 1290021
>>1289476Gender is a load of bullshit pushed by academic pedophiles in the 60s.
The only thing that matters is Sex and sexual preference.
Anything outside of Male and Female is fake and gay.
No. 1290164
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>>1286713>>1287654surprised this hasn't been brought up.
No. 1290187
>>1290167is this the self-posting ayden from before.
No one cares.
No. 1290222
File: 1628016624393.jpg (2.25 MB, 2506x4422, 1627926881044.jpg)

what is it?
No. 1290232
>>1290222who cares. if that's you, stop dyeing your hair stupid colors.
>>1290230doubt most ftms have the metaphorical balls to compete against men.
No. 1290241
>>1290232>>1290230The sweet irony is that both mtf AND ftm love invading female spaces and making it all about themselves.
ftm love adding themselves in female spaces, female competitions and even criminal ftm'w dont wanna go to male prisons and instead they go to female prisons.
The only time i see ftm trying to be in any male space is aydens who want gay men to fuck them.
No. 1290247
File: 1628018226048.jpeg (543.59 KB, 828x1346, 97B07124-0A80-48B9-833B-24428C…)

>>1290241speaking of ftms reeing over not being included in wombyn spaces, the #seahorsedad tag on insta is a fucking goldmine.
No. 1290390
>>1286024I'm late & gay, but holy shit-
>Idk if all this dick thing is just a performance>think about how trans boys will feel about you liking dicks!Like what the actual fuck? Even being "Woke" about it, are people not allowed to have preferences? Can he not be a "Dick only" gay?
No. 1290438
>>1287241Terrible, no logic at all. Aren't MtF&FtM the ones that complain about tolerance? When they invade already established gay/lesbian spaces?
The worst part is they claim to be part of this rainbow, but if you want others to respect you, also you should respect their boundaries.
I remember back in the day there was gay and lesbian pubs, bars, nighclubs, until these people showed up, invaliating other peoples preferences and identities.
No. 1290454
>>1290285Max in Stranger Things?
No I'm not a pedo.
No. 1290503
>>1290495I have heard of similar cases, the 2 probable explanations that I've heard are
1)Testosterone and other Hormones fucks up their sexuality and they start becoming attracted males
2)They were always straight/bisexual but were never comfortable with their heterosexuality and that by "becoming men" they can better express their sexual attraction towards males without hating themselves
(Armchairing) No. 1290538
>>1290474I'd count that as more waif-like akin to Mia Farrow in Rosemary's Baby. Short hair and jeans, but in a delicate way.
apolz for deraling
No. 1290647
>>1290247despite wanting to become men and do the necessary steps to be one, some fakebois sure are okay with the idea of becoming pregnant which is the most 'womanly' thing possible.
have they never thought of adoption? foster kids?
No. 1290676
File: 1628086587586.jpeg (550.68 KB, 828x1354, 19248D61-7322-43DE-8ECB-8AD8AE…)

Decided to check in on our longtime favorite boi. Lol "Trip" is tripping hard.
>>1290647I can sympathize with ftms giving birth when the pregnancy was unplanned (trannies deserve the right to body autonomy just like any other human being) but yeah, there's so many foster kids in need of a nice home and because the foster system is fucked, they're typically left to garbage excuses for foster "parents" who neglect them and selfishly waste the gubment money on themselves instead of the kids. Maybe you can argue a delusional tranny wouldn't be the best caretaker, but after looking at the tag on Instagram, at least most of these preggo "men" seem like they at least care about their children.
Lowkey can't tell if it's their own mpreg fetish or whichever scrote they're married to pushing "muh lineage" on them. No. 1290688
File: 1628087400226.jpeg (153.51 KB, 1072x1078, B727DD3B-3916-479C-A09F-56AC5E…)

Sorry for samefagging jannies
>>1290676 but how much longer is this bitch going to pretend she's anything resembling a male?
>that face>those hipsImagine pushing 30 and still being a fakeboi
No. 1290692
>>1290676I even thought of mpreg fetish as well. Breeding kinks aren't nothing new so i dont doubt troons with mpreg related kinks took this as a way to finally relive their fantasies.
I would prefer adoption tho, especially if it meant lesser risks for the fakeboi and the baby in a fucked up situation. But like yeah, I'm still wary for someone with delusions of being the other gender to handle children. Since, puberty blockers are slowly becoming accessible and im sure some of them would likely implement the child to use it if ever they show signs of being gender-nonconforming or have interest that doesn't align to what they believe a cis kid would be interested in.
No. 1291028
>>1290676>gay little frogIf I see ONE more fakeboi having "gay frog" or any variation to that as their username I'm gonna fucking scream
Also names like "gayhomofaggyboi" or whatever really piss me off as well
No. 1291036
>>1291028I mean she
is a lesbian. Only dates other pooners
No. 1291656
File: 1628187403879.jpg (49.97 KB, 576x842, 225880073_348507416878463_2848…)

>>1288396Its actually suprising how no one is talking about, especially since she's now selling "fake lewds" with most likely a rubber body
Also showing a picture that came up when I googled her real name, lmao
also her facebook group has alot of cringe drama posts about people calling her they/them
No. 1291660
File: 1628187522231.jpg (43.34 KB, 675x890, 222653660_1813919645447361_478…)

>>1289602What dick is she implying got mid way up exactly? her deformed clit?
No. 1291700
>>1291660It's not about the dick, but more about how TIMs got boner from wearing lingerie, when she says "I got a boner mid through lol" it means she is a real man because TIMs are like that too.
It's funny fakebois us TIM's "experience" to feel more masculine, being transphobia is okay but only if it can validate your gender identity.
No. 1292089
File: 1628245550896.jpg (248.35 KB, 1080x1739, Screenshot_20210806_122115.jpg)

I just found this Instagram page and each and every post sounds so stupid it could be satire
No. 1292441
>>1292089>Aromantic>Asexual>Gay>MLMHow the fuck can you love, and presumably date, specifically men if you don't feel romantic or sexual attraction? I still believe in asexual, as I've met plenty of people who have never felt sexually attracted to other people and don't want sex, and aromantic is one of those things you could make an argument for (for certain cases of people with autism or other disorders that disrupt social connectivity skills), but claiming you're asexual, aromantic,
and somehow gay is absurd.
This isn't even the first time I've seen shit like this. I've seen a handmaiden who was dating someone who claimed to be aromantic, and they claimed to be "WLW", "wives", and that they were going to get married. If you don't feel romantic attraction or love, how and why are you "dating"? Why on earth would you get married if you don't feel any special attraction to anyone? I'm going to a-log
No. 1292484
File: 1628285064122.jpeg (432.82 KB, 1242x1079, 66FDB256-D3FD-4B7F-BE4B-986A4F…)

How’d this conversation happen when you don’t even have a dick? I swear, that landwhale this fakeboi fucks is as big as a lolcow as her
No. 1292493
File: 1628285601500.jpeg (593.13 KB, 1242x1626, CB428168-D714-48C4-BD7E-858255…)

>>1291656The facebook account linked in the deviantart that picture is from is her old account. I’m surprised she’s dumb enough to leave it up.
No. 1292495
File: 1628285662736.jpeg (899.99 KB, 1242x1706, 134A0399-B48F-4511-AC3F-24A6DB…)

>>1292493Sage for samefag but yeah
This is so 100% a male
Lmao fuck off snowbunnyem
No. 1292570
>>1292089>questioning i’d laugh if it wasn’t so cringe. how can you assign yourself 12 made up labels, 6 fake pronouns and still say questioning.
This has to be trolling at this point.
No. 1293242
File: 1628358202380.jpg (197.2 KB, 540x663, 20210807_134155.jpg)

"he/any" who wants to bet she'd still flip her shit if you called her she?
No. 1293271
>>1293242Her carrd is an eyestrain nightmare that could probably give someone an epileptic seizure. Some highlights:
>"I like kpop and communism">Favorite artists list is nothing but kpop gifs>Things that should be abolished lis includes capitalism, time, sex ("no elaboration"), and "the constructs surrounding romance and friendship">"I don’t care about what cursed thing somebody writes in fanfiction, as long as it’s not in real life (aside from paedophillia, because it’s fictional imagery of a child)." (way to gain very limited self-awareness at the last second; what about brutally sexist or racist imagery, that exists only to be hateful?)>"Cishet asexuals are queer. Neopronoun users are not oppressing you.">"We live in a society where a cis person’s comfort is prioritised over a trans person’s safety. The fears of somebody should not be the final decision in law.">"Clothes do not sexualise, it’s literally just misogyny." (explain why there are male equivalents for many "sexy" clothes, and why else someone would wear lingere, then)>Claims to be hijabi Muslim>"Hating Zionism isn’t antisemitic in the slightest, but I understand that many fascists use hating Israel as a guise to hate Jews in general. Zionism sucks btw."All the quoted sections are directly ripped from the carrd. It' funny that she's into kpop and Taylor Swift, but claims to "hate capitalism and love communism". Weirdly, though, she's got a few based, extremely non-libfem takes.
>Is anti-pedophilia (including fictional representation of it)>"Porn is not liberating as a whole, rather for the individual. Stop attacking sex workers, attack the industry that capitalises on these people, who are often desperate.">"Boobs should not be sexualised, asses should not be sexualised." No. 1293306
File: 1628364621657.jpg (184.79 KB, 600x436, large-112349-screenshot-202108…)

Surprised this hasn't been posted already
>UK trans rights protest yesterday
>This 33 y/o FTM was co-organiser and attended in this outfit
>Pins say 'slut' and 'catboy'
>Public protest in daylight hours with minors present, including a trans child giving a speech, and while discussing children's medical intervention, clearly risky clothing choice
>Mumsnet and twitter users say she's def an adult baby
>She takes this as an attack on her wearing pastels and being gender non-conforming, not based on the fact that she's combining a Jigglypuff T-shirt with a 'slut' pin in a public venue
>Blackmilk (who made her terrible dungarees) step in to defend her on Twitter
>A quick scroll down her profile reveals images of her BDSM collar, as well as graphic hentai stickers
>This is the same profile where she organised and promoted the protest to attendees, including minors, who did not consent to be exposed to kink at all
Seems like nearly a candidate for her own thread
No. 1293324
File: 1628365672120.jpeg (Spoiler Image,551.42 KB, 2048x1394, E7pwfPvXIAgwegC.jpeg)

>>1293306She posted this image on Twitter (Felix_F_Fern) a week before the protest (spoilered for disgusting hentai stickers)
No. 1293343
File: 1628366898014.jpg (Spoiler Image,72.89 KB, 1078x1078, E8NWTQMXMAQf3Vx.jpg)

>>1293306What a tragic girl…the face shape screams female. And somehow she wants to larp as a man and an adult baby at the same time.
No. 1293745
>>1290247I've met several Aidens IRL, but today I had the misfortune of encountering a
pregnant one. She had a shaved head and a gross Pedro 'stache, but was very obviously female otherwise. She was like seven months pregnant, five-foot-nothing, and carried a purse. The had the weird pubescent voice, too.
Nothing baffles me more than FtMs who decide to get pregnant. Talk about a way to make yourself more instantly clockable than you already are. Allegedly, steroids can't harm a fetus if they're at a low enough dose, but I have my doubts about that.
No. 1294017
>>1293710 said these people are very meek irl, so it wouldn't bother me. The most they'll do is cry type about you side eyeing them on twitter. My problem is the blatant fetish, I do not want my sisters or any other young girls sharing a bathroom with coomers. But this isn't just a trans problem, look at the video of that woman being walked like a dog in Starbucks. My feelings are the same about her sharing a bathroom with young girls. IMO kinksters and troons should all share a gender neutral piss troth. Bathrooms are for the sane members of society.
No. 1294112
File: 1628429868217.jpg (545.2 KB, 1080x1749, 223422106_161363256105111_4883…)

>>1292495>>1292493Can you just imagine the shit show that would happen if the fanbase of "matty" knew all about this fakeboi catfishing?
She actually went so far with to take some T too to go along with her fantasy about becoming a real life anime/emo boi. Lying to her fans about being cis and taking money from them by giving them fake lewds of her silicone rubber body..
No. 1294175
>>1292441>asexual>aromantic= Irl dating preference or lack of
>gay>mlm = Preferred genre of porn
No. 1294268
File: 1628441053239.jpg (92.65 KB, 643x709, E8ISkIYWUAc5JEU.v1.jpg)

based polly
No. 1294280
File: 1628441838224.jpeg (94.83 KB, 828x419, 6D684962-F29A-489E-8A3F-CBD2BB…)

>>1294268This was one of the comments on that post. Even fucking
parrots are capable of hurting Aiden feelings, kek
No. 1294288
File: 1628442498275.jpg (105.5 KB, 720x1116, 20210808_180342.jpg)

>>1292493The deviantart itself is full of pictures that are obviously female kek
No. 1294488
File: 1628451149378.jpg (127 KB, 960x1280, b2be4c18a920_July2020.jpg)

Because I've seen more than one person ask about the abomination on the top left of the thread image, it's from this comic made by this fakeboi and/or her "husband" for no milk
No. 1294875
File: 1628459694555.jpeg (1.06 MB, 1242x2163, E389AFE7-4204-40D9-937D-62DE11…)

This is rich coming from someone who tries so hard to imply they’re “cis” talking about their dick every 5 seconds
So “trans is valid” but hates the fact she’s trans herself lmao
No. 1295206
File: 1628466433292.png (1.8 MB, 952x1488, dorian.png)

>>1293306holy shit i'm mutual friends with someone they know. it's been my personal cow for a while now, i've seen it go by dorian and nate but every time i see it i feel sick
No. 1295216
File: 1628466735423.png (913.64 KB, 1496x886, consent.png)

>>1293306samefag but i didn't consent to you displaying your disgusting kinks in public you retard
No. 1295229
TW consent? I get
TW sexual assault, but consent?
No. 1295341
File: 1628470860622.jpeg (190.63 KB, 828x1137, 204A7F75-7D81-47D7-BCFC-1DBEC9…)

Pick one
No. 1295848
File: 1628507901192.jpg (Spoiler Image,579.45 KB, 1236x916, b05872303f75b47ca103256b803794…)

Anything but straight. Gay men must be so attracted to her.
No. 1295858
File: 1628508419865.jpg (Spoiler Image,373.66 KB, 838x934, fd75df0988d2f646aa858fd38edc87…)

Uhh, stop.
No. 1295870
File: 1628510359391.gif (5.27 MB, 640x360, kiryu-desk-slam-kiryu.gif)

>>1295858I gotta stop browsing these threads, trannies are making me lose the will to live.
No. 1295872
File: 1628510890291.jpg (42.93 KB, 1010x239, inbound6119465994228934957.jpg)

>>1294875Like he doesn't mean himself, and only his friends
No. 1295933
Are you retarded?
No. 1296004
>>1294875"some trans folk don't have body dysphoria or give a fuck about genders norms"
Why pronouns matter so much then? If you don't give a fuck about gender norms, why do you care to be called he/she/them or whatever?
No. 1296029
>>1294875Why can’t we just wear whatever we want without it meaning we are trans? If clothes have no gender and all.
>>1295871Also the term “Achillean” lol
No. 1296327
does testosterone make so many fakebois blimp up, anyways? One of the main benefits of TRT(in men at least) is increased metabolism, and plenty of men start using it specifically to lose weight. Maybe gaydens just get that teenage boy-level appetite and pig out, but don't use all those calories since they aren't growing and live sedentary weeb lives.
No. 1297301
File: 1628621835038.jpeg (428.69 KB, 828x602, C5BCAEDF-9400-4396-BD46-6C22C4…)

I would like to introduce @Dadcomplex , aka Benjamin Dasilva, Or Victoria Dasilva a “trans” lesbian (somehow she claims to be a lesbian even though she also claims her pronouns are he/him) who is also poly sexual that resides in Canada and had a promising start to becoming a successful influencer during the riotgrrrl feminist era of 2014-2016. Before that she was a heavy and serious advocate sporting the famous shaved head while also claiming Romanian/Russian descent, being a first gen American and dating straight white men. She was amassing a following with her girl power and sex positivity as well as fat positivity (she was 50-60 pounds less during this time) until she started getting into drama with her own followers. This than spiraled into her larping as a trans male (FTM) once she started dating her actual trans “fiancé” she got left in the dust and ruined her upcoming career as an artist and feminist advocate and went into obscurity. I’ve checked up on her after seeing herself trying to get attention on sites like SHEIN in reviews in order to get her face out there and start up her infamy again. She’s seemed to have gotten herself a facial tattoo but is stuck at 6k followers, it is also clear she moved onto another partner as her once fiancé and her do not communicate on social media anymore. She is known to mooch off as many people in the lgbtq+ scenes in Canada, living off them, using them for travel and she isn’t known to have an actual job besides in the past hinting at prostitution as well as being a furry artist. She also claims to be the “new Jesus”
No. 1297413
File: 1628628405358.webm (12.46 MB, 320x568, This-is-how-easy-it-is-to-love…)
Silly me thought this video would be about hair color. Posted on twitter with the caption "This is how easy it is to love your child unconditionally".
No. 1298111
File: 1628714832534.jpeg (79.5 KB, 940x818, E82DD2AD-751C-400F-99F7-2FEC1C…)

>>1297301I can’t believe Ben hasn’t been on here/other lolcow following sites sooner. She also currently (or last I heard) claims to be Latino and is more commonly known in furry circles as serialdad. I haven’t seen her call herself a lesbian before but I unfollowed her years ago after she drew size difference porn on fur affinity that looked suspiciously like cub.
She HAS however been calling herself a trans man for as long as I’ve seen her online, in spite of always looking very feminine and making zero effort towards transitioning beyond using he/him pronouns.
No. 1298176
File: 1628720042631.jpg (95.96 KB, 485x750, tumblr_p6zu5tDSOc1rfg12jo1_500…)'s a nonbinary TIF's comic about how liking a boy's stuffed animal makes her special. sage for blog but my favourite stuffed animal is a dog toy that i stole from our dog. please use paw/paws for me <3&
No. 1298195
File: 1628721998710.jpg (79.79 KB, 485x750, tumblr_p6zu5tDSOc1rfg12jo7_500…)

>>1298176I find pic related hard to believe. she may have been bullied, but for sure not because she had an iguana plushie. unless she made that her whole personality, but even the. the reason wouldn't be her liking "boyish" plushies
No. 1298240
>>1298176>femme toysI will kill all heterosexuals, if TIFs keep using femme this wrong. The word you're looking for is "feminine". A chilx would not have anything you could describe as a "femme toy".
Also, agreeing with
>>1298195 and
>>1298201, kids don't bully each other for what toys they like, unless they're old enough to think having a security blanket type item you always carry around is weird. Chances are, she was getting bullied for being a retard and carrying around a stuffed doll at all times, well past age 9, when it would seem age inappropriate. She probably would've gotten bullied
worse if it were a hyper-feminine toy.
No. 1298550
>>1298484This isn't about whether or not a kid could feasibly get bullied for having or relying on a certain toy, it's about whether or not kids were bullying this TIF for having a "boy's toy" when she's a girl. I could see several much more plausible reasons than "gender incongruity" as to why children would bully a young girl for having a stuffed lizard.
>The toy was designed for children younger than her>The toy looks ugly>The toy is in disrepair or smells bad>The child is more attached to the toy than other children in her peer group are to their own toys (sign of stunted/delayed development or neurological disorder)>The toy takes abnormal precedence to the child, in comparison to work, play, or peers (same as above)The assertion the TIF makes is that the bullying was absolutely the result of "transphobia", and that she's some sort of brave troon survivor for clinging to the toy. The more likely possibilities are that she was acting autistic, or the kids around her recognized how ugly the toy was.
No. 1298893
>>1298195I don't understand why this is such an outlandish experience to a lot of people, it happens all the time and I know multiple people with similar stories from their childhood. Gender nonconforming kids get the shitty end of the stick all the time and they usually get it (metaphorically or not) beaten out of them. Only now in addition to that they're being transed because god forbid should a woman enjoy anything that's not stereotypically effeminate. And kids learn this shit from the society around them, of course they're going to stack pressure on other children to conform just like they do for other reasons as well. Literally the problem here isn't "stupid NLOG not knowing her place and thinking she's better than us reee" which is exactly the motivation behind her peers' behavior but the overall gender role expectations that
triggers their desire to escape womanhood.
No. 1298942
File: 1628814935883.jpeg (210.44 KB, 828x1472, 97008923-2FCA-48CD-98AC-2E38D4…)

Isn’t this AAP? They keep telling on themselves and have no shame
No. 1298987
>>1297428Shut up nerd.
>>1297432Parents are suppose to say "no that is stupid" and actually stop kids from being dumb instead of enabling their delusions.
Where did it go so wrong.
No. 1299105
>>1298942They always try to justify their past very Female behaviours to shoehorn in transness to fit their agenda.
Attracted to men? totally didn't happen, and if it did it's because I wanted to BE a man
Loved wearing dresses and makeup? i was totally just challenging evil gender norms
Favorite toy was slightly more common for boys to play with? clearly no girl would ever touch anything but a barbie so i am a boy
No. 1299202
File: 1628860059929.jpeg (152.06 KB, 750x745, F29CD199-B4A8-4973-90A4-32CB77…)

I know it’s a meme but I think this baffling logic is one of the many tributaries that lead to the descent into Aidendom.
No. 1299252
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No. 1299255
File: 1628867146299.jpg (50.1 KB, 480x648, IMG_20210813_105212.jpg)

>>1299252This fake mustache looks so gross and tacky
No. 1299301
File: 1628874291733.jpeg (1.13 MB, 1242x1170, 9ABAF47F-B5B0-41A7-A2B1-E7549E…)

Straight woman with godawful eyebrows openly calling actual gay men faggots. the state of this decade.
No. 1299304
>>1299301I bet the 'salon faggot' they're talking about is probably Brad Mondo who is completely right, you shouldn't cut your hair with kitchen scissors. not that using hairdressing scissors would've saved this mop.
do gay men ever talk about being called faggots by fakebois? I can't think of any examples
No. 1299527
File: 1628893399046.jpg (154.71 KB, 540x605, 20210813_121702.jpg)

who wanna bet this another fat white girl that doesnt even have any significant Jewish ancestry
No. 1299560
>>1299527This might be the worst twitter profile ever made
>>1299536It's a viable way to opt out of being a boring white woman I guess.
No. 1299725
File: 1628923045195.jpg (85.69 KB, 720x647, somehow_not_surprising.jpg)

Sage because I'm not sure how milky this is. Famous misogynist druggy retard Eminem's daughter, from a woman he openly says he hates and wants to kill, is now genderspecial.
No. 1299757
>>1299725I would try unwomaning myself too if I was a teenager/late teenager, my father figure was a professional misogynist and everybody gave me asspats for hating myself
>>1299739She found out he's not her real dad, then announced she's non-binary lol guess becoming a fakeboi is how zoomer girls have a mental breakdown. Hope she feels better and grows out of it.
No. 1300530
>>1298195This sounds so much like an autism thing. Like if she was carrying around the plush every day like a security blanket, refusing to put it away or clean it I could see mean kids trying to hide it or take it away to upset her.
Isn’t it also said that most girls don’t even know they have autism because they’re forced to be more internalized about it compared to boys acting out
No. 1300544
>>1300530That's a viable theory because I could see this scenario happening for an autistic girl.
>Carries the lizard plushie everywhere and stands out for it>Mean girls want to bully the weird kid and throw the lizard toy she loves into the trash to get a reaction out of her>Child grows up with untreated autism, later drinks the gender kool aid, figures the girls probably did that to her toy because of patriarchal values as she's oblivious to certain social codesThere are studies proving the link between gender dysphoria and autism, especially in young girls as their autism often goes undiagnosed and is instead misinterpreted as gender dysphoria when they don't feel like they fit in with their female peers.
No. 1300577
File: 1629041120733.jpg (423.51 KB, 2000x2000, Elliot-Page-Shows-Off-Abs-Tran…)

She looks so off
No. 1300588
>>1300577So uncanny. Like a rectangle box with little sticks for arms and legs and a woman’s face.
This oozes such a nightmarish sadness, I hope she gets help soon and somehow learns to live with this self inflicted body horror.
No. 1300592
File: 1629042080405.jpeg (527.54 KB, 1125x953, 28983FCD-6C05-4425-9A76-8FEE06…)

>>1296376So a couple of edgelord streamers went to this girl’s OF (username is Gaasuba) and tore it apart
NSFW obviously, be wary of nasty pussy, disturbing kinks, and streamers dropping the N-bomb. It’s pretty long, jump to 8:00 to skip the Abby Shapiro sperg No. 1300623
File: 1629044733042.jpg (200.91 KB, 1080x1070, Spotthetroon.jpg)

Clocked at the "BIG COCK", only a dickless troon would write that to overcompensate for not actually being male
No. 1300774
>>1299527As a Jew I didn't think it was possible for us to look any worse from the outside… and then the pooners started LARPing as us. To be fair though, liberalism has rotted the fucking religion, it attracts weirdos rebelling from Christianity. Reform Judaism now has a "circumcision" for these freaks in which they prick the roided up clitoris with a needle to extract blood, "symbolically" circumcising them. Imagine explaining that practice to a
victim of FGM or one of the many men who got butchered getting circumcised. Hell, circumcision is a barbaric practice! Surely any fucking "activist" worth their salt would know that. Also I'd bet anything that this "activist" does next to nothing offline and thinks retweets count as activism. At most they attended a BLM rally and left before dark because mommy said it was time for dinner and also because The Ethnics scared this WASP motherfucker.
No. 1301486
File: 1629154334285.jpeg (673.8 KB, 1866x1460, 9BD78078-C81D-4A11-AE1E-EBE5BD…)

I find this pretty funny. This whole sub is for calling out people faking disorders like ODC, DID, PTSD and Tourettes for attention. Most all of these people are FTM, NB or have trans “alters” and a lot of them use neo and xeno pronouns. But the sub draws the line at “invalidating” their gender. How can you sit there and acknowledge that they are doing X for attention but not realize that it also applies to the rest of their identity?
No. 1301778
File: 1629194855696.jpg (139.05 KB, 1080x1900, aug14.jpg)

>>1300577The fact that she gave herself an 8 pack with liposculpture while other parts of her body had no muscle definition is top comedy to me.
Recent pic from this month. Looking less ana-chan but still looking odd with those ""muscles"".
No. 1301782
File: 1629196288196.jpeg (20.13 KB, 326x400, MUSCLE-MAN-adult-size-Carnival…)

>>1301778I love the unmistakably female face plopped on top of a surgically masculized body. Looking like a whole photo op cutout. Good job, Ellen!
No. 1301784
File: 1629197110839.jpg (5.57 KB, 400x400, 31Wn1xfEaQL._SS400_.jpg)

>>1301778This looks so, so wrong… It looks like one of those silicone chests that cosplayers use
No. 1302925
>>1301778How can she widen the slim part of a woman's hourglass? She looks like a terrible photoshop job and her 'pecks' look like they're drawn on too high up.
Well done, you got yourself a hackjob and you're stuck with a fake body forever.
No. 1302968
File: 1629315494074.jpg (636.78 KB, 1080x1280, SmartSelect_20210818-153709_Re…)

Saw this on Reddit this morning lol
No. 1303137
File: 1629328534063.jpeg (190.54 KB, 1080x1716, D6ED3EBE-7802-458C-91A0-1DA9A4…)

this kind of bullshit is why normie people fall so easily for this nonsense.
No. 1383564
Cringy af "dude". I've meet him before. All he does is stay at home and mooch off his parents. No job, highschool dropout and listen to this: he use to bark at people when he was in highschool. His relationship with princessbunbunx is just for show too.
No. 1446206
File: 1645198605670.jpg (59.58 KB, 669x690, black chick criticizes jew bei…)

>>1251727they're a blm supporter. of course they're jewish.
No. 1446210
File: 1645199196372.png (11.82 KB, 227x222, steven universe.png)

>>1258208god dammit i fucking hate that imitation animu art style. it just looks like steven universe but with a slightly upgraded art style.
No. 1446218
File: 1645199888177.jpg (1.28 MB, 2048x1365, gaijins.jpg)

>>1265553>>1264801>>1264795for fuck sake really? american gaijin scum has affected the japanese this much so that they're becoming trannies too? god i hate this fucking degenerate nation so much. american liberals are unironically imperialists/colonizers with their trashy alphabet ideology cult.
No. 1446222
File: 1645200087603.jpg (8.05 KB, 224x250, son im dissapoint reaction ima…)

>>1266119i don't support any of these alphabet cunts to begin with and the entire lgbt lifestyle should be highly dis-encouraged due to the amount of mental and physical damage it does to people.
No. 1446225
File: 1645200407303.jpg (28.47 KB, 385x401, i found the cure to transgende…)

>>1266408>trannies have their own parade since they think they're above the rest of the lgbtlmao, the amount of entitlement these fuckers have.