File: 1680219806897.png (172.54 KB, 412x600, 1679666265414.png)

No. 1799203
This is a series of threads about fakebois and trans-identified females (TIFs).
"Fakebois" are girls who pretend to be boys, either by becoming trannies or larping biological males (usually the former). Fakebois style and present themselves as androgynous or feminine-looking boys, or wearing girls' clothing and make-up while insisting on being addressed with he/him (or occasionally they/them) pronouns and take great offense at being gendered as female.
These threads are also now a catch-all for any minor TIF cows without threads of their own. Even "serious" troons, (like Kalvin Garrah and Ellen Page) are fair game, as are horrific troon surgeries and pregnancies. Just remember to spoiler that shit.
**TIFs, no one cares if you think you're ~more legit~ than the cows posted here.** Additionally, occasional discussion of fujoshis is fine, but don't sperg and infight about it.
Notable FtM-related subreddits: threads by order of recency:
>>>/snow/1794365>>>/snow/1742308>>>/snow/1718961>>>/snow/1698862>>>/snow/1675940>>>/snow/1642478>>>/snow/1611177>>>/snow/1585143>>>/snow/1565584>>>/snow/1541490>>>/snow/1509413>>>/snow/1474951>>>/snow/1432686>>>/snow/1400739>>>/snow/1366943>>>/snow/1338847>>>/snow/1303022>>>/snow/1251681>>>/snow/1208873>>>/snow/1137677>>>/snow/1095226>>>/snow/1032764>>>/snow/979294>>>/snow/895014>>>/snow/720444>>>/snow/570991>>>/snow/465430>>>/snow/276054>>>/snow/45564 No. 1799211
File: 1680220676986.jpeg (10.37 KB, 200x214, DC4F1CCE-0EC8-4350-B85A-B1FA11…)

Both the thread pic and title are funny af. WHERE MANIFESTO!?
No. 1799227
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>>1799125sorry anon I'm fckuing rtadaded
No. 1799228
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>>1799211The police ate audrey's homework
No. 1799248
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>>1799238nobody expects sporty women to look like bodybuilding men, but even thin sporty women don't look like ana-chans. the ana-chan tinfoil wasn't even based on her body but her face in picrel.
>it sounds like a bunch of people are surprised she didn’t fit a tropepersonally i can find only three anons being surprised by her getting the title
>>1798783 and one of them is surprised for this reason
>>1799242 so
No. 1799258
>>1799257>>1799238plenty of athletes are skinny or nerdy or whatever else, i don't think anyone isn't aware of that here. but when you're trying to build a picture of someone, sometimes things take you by surprise, when it deviates from a stereotype or whatever. nothing wrong with that in itself obviously. esp since this whole thread is based on the stupidity of stereotypes.
>Maybe she has IBS?I hope she suffered with
really really bad IBS
No. 1799262
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picrel from audrey's linkedin. I never went to uni/college so I'm not sure… is this a normal amount of time to be to stay in school? 8 years at arts and crafts college seems a lot
No. 1799274
>>1799264right, i guess that makes sense. cos my second question was gonna be "how the fuck did her parents afford to keep her there that long?" but if it's part time then I guess it amounts to the same.
i think spending that much time in school, especially the same school, and then having to leave and be almost 30 must have been part of what broke her though. might have been the only thing giving her structure all those years. then she had a lot of time on her hands to plot, kill and ruin people's lives, I guess.
No. 1799285
>>1799282It could’ve been a pity superlative because of her autism. I don’t remember the popular kids at my school even caring about superlatives or yearbook shit at all.
Look at her nona, between her interests and how we’ve seen her interact with people.. I seriously doubt she was popular
No. 1799286
File: 1680227711115.jpg (34.3 KB, 853x198, wow.JPG)

>>1799260>>1799273Holy fuck. This was an insane fixation. The part about her following the other girl to her car after the funeral to "hang out" and not grasping that she was supposed to act sad is extremely creepy. It seems like she did care about the girl who died though, due to her posts and drawings after her death, but must have been extremely autistic and doesn't process emotions the same way normal people do. This part (picrel) was also unsettling, it looks like she was obsessed with the team constantly through high school until her death at 28.
You show an autistic social outcast compassion once, and you're signed up for a lifetime of obsession. Like, what are you supposed to do? Be mean just so they don't attach to you? That feels cruel, but the outcome is so negative on your side and so positive on theirs, which makes for a very weird dynamic.
I'm glad the autist who attached to me in middle school was not quite this intense. No. 1799306
>>1799282what highschool did she go to? if it was some tiny christian school and she was a tomboy obsessed with basketball and sports, skating, etc not that surprising she could've gotten most athletic girl
she wasn't at some powerhouse public school that goes to states every year
No. 1799307
>>1799306read the article
>>1799260 it was a small school that didn't even have it's own teams for many sports, meaning she had to join other school's teams. So your theory makes perfect sense.
No. 1799319
>>1799316The girls in the article say she was shy but nice and good teammate back then.
All the weird/creepy stuff is from more recently when she kept showing up uninvited or sending them things.
No. 1799328
File: 1680229965935.png (23.5 KB, 966x568, Screenshot 2023-03-30 at 10.31…)

she's listed as (3) on the 4x400 relay team that won the AA Tennessee state meet in in 2013
so I don't think she was one of the reserve runners but maybe she was
rare autistic person that is also athletic
No. 1799346
>>1799339the cops said in their vague statement that she had plans to kill family, a mall, and another school
but her mom also said that she talked to her when she left home that day so it doesn't really make sense
compare to elliot rodgers who killed his roommates first then left
No. 1799348
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this might be her, I think that's the MLK uniform and this was the only white girl that ran in the relay for them
if not she was a reserve and didn't run No. 1799353
>>1799343give it a rest, will you? You sound like a hurt autist who's insecure all the people who were nice to you in school could have been pretending. It's a common phenomenon (at least it was in my schools) to be nice to spergs in your classes while also being unsettled by their behavior, it's just common decency and conflict avoidance. It's not shocking that people are talking about some of those weird behaviors after the fact, especially the
victims of her deranged stalking.
No. 1799422
>>1799414The girl clearly said that she contacted her via social media after high school, but it was innocuous enough. She really went off the rails in 2022. Possibly she grew tired of being ignored by her and crashed her birthday party. She also picked up a new hobby- guns.
No one's saying autism is a sole reason, but she clearly was fixated on some random people on her high school team and probably felt hurt and angry at them for ignoring her all these years.
No. 1799483
>>1799476I don't think her parents were controlling, I think they treated her like a child because of her autism. I see them letting her indulge in whatever she wanted, they were aware she had a gun (and mistakenly thought she sold it) and they let her live at home rent free, they bought her all her anime stuff and videogames. But giving your child every material thing they want and feeding them isn't enough if you aren't teaching them how to be a responsible adult. It really is a parent's job to teach their child how to survive, even if they have a disability, and they failed as parents there. Her autism wasn't even that bad that she wouldn't have been able to live on her own.
I think she went nuts after graduating college and losing the structure and routine school gave her. Not having anything to do, no friends, no job prospects, and isolation in her parents' house would drive anyone crazy. Maybe she was a bitter incel, and that hatred grew seeing her middle school friends live normal lives after college.
No. 1799556
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The mentality difference between TIFs and TIMs is just so indicative of the gender they were born as. If the situation were reversed and this individual were a TIM, he wouldn’t be caught dead in a support sub for dads.
No. 1799623
>>1799618if that's true, it has to be a coincidence
i mean i don't know the details yet but how could she find those children distinctively among the classrooms and other kids. I just haven't heard yet that there was time or effort to deliberately target people
No. 1799633
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don't scroll
No. 1799636
>>1799623we know she had maps, a plan and surveilled the school beforehand so I think she knew which part of the school (and
possibly which people, if she knew what class or staff rooms to look for) she wanted to target. even though the reports say she was planning to target other places, she still had plans drawn out for that particular school. if she just wanted to kill randomly she could have burst into the school and shot anyone on sight, but instead she plotted and trained at gun ranges for a long time before the attacks and seemed to be searching once she got inside the building.
my feeling is that it perhaps wasn't totally random and some of them were deliberately targeted
No. 1799639
>>1799618It's a tiny private Christian school with a student population of around 200 kids.
I guarantee that at least 1/3rd of the kids going there have some family member in the faculty or school board. That's just how those schools are.
No. 1799755
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just speculating… in all the photos where she is posing for special occasions (family gatherings, graduation etc.) she is wearing these hair bows. I get the feeling her mum made her wear them, or bought them for her at least. Or maybe she just went through a phase of liking the ringlets + bow look. But i can just imagine the mum encouraging her to look more "ladylike" which might have played a part in her fucked up ideas about what being a woman means.
No. 1799774
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She pulled the fire alarm to get more
victims. She didn't target anyone. She was sick and just wanted to kill little kids. No. 1799795
File: 1680285120842.png (8.45 KB, 598x256, shutup.png)

"Cis people don't typically wish they could be trans" People in general know they can wear a random piece of clothes not meant for them and still be their own sex, tucute.
No. 1799819
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>>1799799>KFDo yourselves a favor and spare the KF thread, it's full of retarded OT scrote ramblings, larping and shit like picrel, Coomer moid shit.
No. 1799884
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This tweet and pic reads like a cutesy ad aimed at kids. Comparing taking an unnatural amount of hormones to fashion.
No. 1799970
>>1799260>Hale is now the third member of that team to die in the past eight months. wtf
why are they trying to connect dots with this
No. 1799979
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both are the NYPost lol. Says a lot about the troonism movement.
No. 1800015
>>1800006matt walsh has just piggy-backed off of all the research brought forward by women and now has become the fucking face of being gender critical. and straight up turned it into transphobia, mixed with sexism and homophobia.
it's sad that detransitioners have to rely on right-wing media or moid tranny-haters to amplify their stories but even when feminists and left-wing people create space for that to happen, they are "exiled" and called nazis. I do feel like the tide is starting to change though. I hope.
No. 1800017
>>1800006You get Jesse Singal and Glenn Greenwald (is he still sane?)
>>1800015The Matt Walsh thing is very unfortunate, every one of his mannerisms are skin-crawling and oily.
No. 1800048
File: 1680309193003.png (773.78 KB, 1012x673, prisha.png)

sorry if this was already posted recently. a 25 year old woman named Prisha Mosley is detransitioning. her story is like a checklist of almost everything that makes a girl vulnerable to this trans ideology.
“I thought womanhood was unsafe before ever experiencing it. I was afraid of a life I hadn’t tasted yet."
>difficult childhood>found solace online speaking to adults who groomed her into trans shit>diagnosed with ROGD at age 12>“I literally hated every aspect of who I was and what I was and what I looked like”>sexually assaulted at age 14>enjoyed the attention, compliments and "support" she got when transitioning>history of self harm and anorexia>mastectomy on her 18th birthday>now has detransitioned but lives with vaginal atrophy and vocal cord pain No. 1800078
File: 1680311171672.jpg (39.05 KB, 596x652, Untitled.jpg)

i don't love jack krauser or anything, but trannies are so fucking funny thinking they could ever look like him.
No. 1800081
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the delusion to not only draw it but mod it in yourself
No. 1800087
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Tif art is so viscerally disturbing. It’s like looking at those paintings by schizophrenics.
No. 1800271
File: 1680319493058.gif (1.94 MB, 245x246, 1496103141007.gif)

>>1800267And most of the time they have nipples or are fully healed or isn't too noticeable, yet they still draw female body with wide shoulders and narrow hips like… a man?
I swear these people have too glorified it that do not even think how it is in the case of breast cancer. Women lose everything, cannot feel nothing in the chest and they feel they lost something big for an illness.
(I know is not the same, but knowing that due covid pandemic some trannies whined that cancer patients had priority over their surgeries, I do think tif see a sad woman with no breasts and think "God I wish that were me").
No. 1800292
File: 1680325843665.jpg (Spoiler Image,44.39 KB, 633x767, m4nrb15cwk991.jpg)

I've seen pics of newer TIFs that got "keyhole" surgery for breast removal and looks really good in terms of scarring.
Silver lining if it can be offered to breast cancer patients.
No. 1800297
>>1800288Sage for blog but I have c/d cup and I remember when a yaoi fan called a female character from an anime we both loved a "slut" because… She has big breasts, like me. Yet she was strong and she didn't no one touch her without her permission and even beat any man that dared to hug her. Why was she "slut" because she loved to show cleavage, that's something still haunts me.
So I'm not surprised when yaoi fans want to be twinks with flat chest because having breast is "slutty" or "too feminine", when you can be androgyny with breast (see Shirley Manson).
No. 1800298
>>1800278>>1800288Kek in my language there are no gender-neutral pronouns and all words are gendered so local enbie girls just use the male-gendered ones and lose their shit when you point out how they are "
problematic" for insisting that the male should stay the default.
No. 1800300
>>1800292I have to admit that surgeon did an amazing job. Sadly is one in one hundred.
>>1800298Spanish is based as fuck too, but people are whining that we should use "e" for a gender neutral when there are words with e that ARE gender neutral (estudiante, dibujante, jefe, conserje, etc).
No. 1800304
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>>1800302Each time I see pic related cannot understand how TIFs can see it and think "that won't be my case". Girl, surgeries are dangerous as Hell in the wrong hands. For every good photo, there are tons of failures.
No. 1800315
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No. 1800316
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Heh, love how quickly they backtraced.
No. 1800333
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>women aren’t people
No. 1800335
File: 1680336970083.jpg (90.26 KB, 1280x720, a704af11ba.jpg)

A Fujoshi mutual of mine trooned out.
No. 1800378
>>1800372Yeah idgi. Molested by men and so kill adult men? Sure. Blast the pickme female admins or teachers who probably admonished her and shamed her? Why not.
But she shot children. Little girls who faced the same vulnerabilities she did. She is a monster. And no tragic cool fucking backstory can redeem her for that.
No. 1800385
>>1800372"Childlike obsession with being a child"
More like a disgusting pedophile's obsession with children.
Victims of childhood abuse stop being owed even an iota of sympathy the second they THEMSELVES START VICTIMIZING CHILDREN
I'm getting sick of autists being given free passes. Bring back asylums.
No. 1800402
File: 1680349259148.png (558.53 KB, 1080x1816, markup_1000002298.png)

I posted the wrong image but here's Twitter radfems pranking tifs on spaces. I'll post the videos next.(racebaiting)
No. 1800403
File: 1680349321196.webm (2.37 MB, 480x582, RXLJpCaqhNxwcPxg (1).webm)
Part 1.
No. 1800404
File: 1680349468593.webm (1.94 MB, 480x572, Bp6p04uRY5449kpz (1).webm)
Part 2.
No. 1800407
File: 1680349594931.webm (1.24 MB, 480x626, ikOZU3iGH8rtsyU3 (1).webm)
Part 3.
No. 1800423
>>1800403kek as long as you cloak racism, sexism and homophobia in woke language, then it's
100 and
solidarity fist No. 1800444
>>1800327>the mere presence of breasts makes someone a slutIt has to be this, doesn't it? Maybe this is the end result of our porn saturated internet (which disgusting conservative men crying about tit-chops are also responsible for)
The constant sexualization of a body part you can't hide with clothing. The constant shame of seeing breasts that are too big on you (when you're not a slut!) sagging, misshapen, "useless bags of fat" that cause perverted men to treat you like shit. Society has given girls and women an easy medical solution, no critical thinking required. This might be the most misogynist modern era, I hope the tide changes soon because it's suffocating.
No. 1800447
File: 1680355253714.png (24.09 KB, 1434x567, FsQ8i_AAEj0ds.png)

>>1800440I think you should see picrel
No. 1800448
>>1800440It doesn't take a masters degree in psychology to figure out why a (alleged) female csa
victim would have trouble getting over her childhood and unable to dress and act like an adult
No. 1800454
>>1800444You clearly have never experienced dysphoria in your life. Which is a good thing, but outside of enbies this is blatantly fucking untrue kek
Imagine waking up, and seeing a woman's body and hearing a woman's voice when all your memories have a man's body and man's voice. The terror is something nobody should experience.
Honestly, trooning out should be the very last resort, if allowed at all, but at least try to understand the mental disorder and don't pin it all on the opposite sex. I get that we're all terfy but there's a point where it comes off borderline scrotish.
No. 1800459
File: 1680356888576.png (Spoiler Image,504.07 KB, 1002x638, furry account.png)

spoiler for furry shit. but has this been shared here yet? some people are adamant this was Audrey's account but i am skeptical. first, that she would use her full name (albeit her TIF name) and second, it doesn't fit with the rest of her art-style.
archive here: No. 1800461
>>1800454>at least try to understand the mental disorder and don't pin it all on the opposite sexA mental disorder that appeared in the past 15 years. Just like anorexia, sexist media created by men and male sexual perversion is the cause of this disorder. Not "pinning" anything, this is the truth.
>Imagine waking up, and seeing a woman's body and hearing a woman's voice when all your memories have a man's body and man's voice. You're speaking nonsense.
No. 1800462
>>1800455It's moreso hyperbole than anything, but dysphoria can first be spotted at puberty and properly diagnosed only after it's done. I'm extremely tired and probably making 0 sense, but it's like your head was transplanted to another body, and you have no recollection of that, or your voice, and every time you get called your legal name or referred to by your sex, it's confusing at best.
Not condoning trooning out or trying to derail, but in most cases misogyny has nothing to do with it, and in the cases it does they're usually enbies, not fakebois, and never trutrans.
But to wrap this shit back, we need a containment thread or ban on the shooting. It feels like Kiwi scrotes are half the posters and tinfoils are annoying, honestly.
No. 1800470
>>1800466>sounds like an episode of psychosisi thought the same thing. if someone is having memories of things that never happened then gender should be the the least of their concerns.
>>1800462>dysphoria can first be spotted at pubertydysphoria is usually described as not feeling comfortable in one's body. like their identity doesn't match what they see in the mirror. it's extremely common among those going through puberty (in fact almost all women I know have described this), and particularly common among people who are autistic/adhd/ocd and has a huge overlap with anorexia. if you're at the point where you don't recognise your name or memories, then that sounds like a seriously mental health issue. the treatment of which does not involve hormones or surgery.
No. 1800471
>>1800466My source is personal experience. I didn't troon out, but I feel like if I felt this exact way, of worsening intensity for over 10 years and had a GID diagnosis for 3, and tested negative for schizophrenia on multiple occasions, it was relevant. I also have Autism and OCD on top, diagnosed for 12 years, so I have no doubt they both make the symptoms more severe.
I was just trying to shine some light on how it feels, I did not mean to start a fight nor did I mean to derail, I merely saw an incorrect detail and tried to correct it. I apologize
No. 1800477
>>1800471Ok, but have you ever thought that our sources are also personal experiences besides all the stuff posted here, and you go telling us we're scrotish for knowing that the exact cause of our wanting to troon out are the men? Porn is made by men, for men, and it sexualizes us, imagine growing up to that? I mean, you don't have to, right, you probably experienced it. Every boy you meet at school will probably have watched porn already and he will sexualize your growing body, of course girls will be uncomfortable with that and just try opt out of womanhood because we don't "identify" with that crap pushed onto us, and want to be seen as human, then you have the trans community basically reinforcing gender stereotypes "girl pink, spinny skirts, long hair, makeup teehee so bimbo", they make woman to be a set of impossible expectations and harmful stereotypes and man to be human, with emotions and varying interests. So you feel uncomfortable with your shape, your growing breasts, all the expectations, then the path is clear "I am not a woman after all."
No. 1800485
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No. 1800489
File: 1680361750861.png (488.33 KB, 711x803, Screenshot_20230401-110728~2.p…)

No. 1800502
File: 1680364336812.jpg (1.17 MB, 1148x1295, 3rd-place-celebration.jpg)

>>1800494Same image then.
No. 1800515
File: 1680366458119.png (84.21 KB, 587x634, Screenshot 71.png)

she left out the fact that she was/is an autistic Fujo who shipped kpop boyband members.
No. 1800549
>>1800462>in most cases misogyny has nothing to do with itThis is just blatantly untrue. If anything, the dysphoria you're describing is extremely rare, even among troons. When you really boil it down and listen to their reasoning as to why they trooned out or how they first knew they were trans, nearly all of them fall into a few camps - all of those motivated by misogyny or homophobia (which you could argue is fueled by misogyny in and of itself).
1. Growing up in a very religious/traditional environment where homosexuality is unacceptable so they troon out in a misguided attempt to escape this and better fit into societal norms.
2. Fetishism - this is much more common among TIMs
3. Very young ones being influenced by social contagion and treating like a new fun trend.
4. They will never outright say it, but it's so clear that many, and I'd even say most, TIFs transition to escape the social role of women. Upon reaching puberty, you're suddenly thrust into this whole new world where you cease to become a full person. It feels like yesterday you were just a normal little kid, but now adults (mostly moids) are being weird about your body and heavily sexualizing you. You get your period and realize you're stuck with this shitty painful thing that makes you "unclean" in the eyes of many for the next few decades. It also introduces the risk, and fear, of pregnancy. It was so common in middle school for my friends and I to describe having a nightmare where we suddenly wake up pregnant. Your friends start entering relationships and you're now old enough to recognize the fucked up dynamics at play in relationships between girls and boys and women and men. You're taught that hetero sex is often dangerous, degrading, and inevitable. You're shamed for doing it and not doing it. The boys around you act like complete menaces and face little to no consequences for it. So do the adult men. And a bunch of your female friends, and even female adults, will more readily side with them over you. Puberty is not fun for anyone, but it's straight up traumatic for little girls. I believe that is the biggest motivator for the surge in teen girls transitioning, not their brain wires getting crossed and making them desperately want a dick. They'd only want a dick anyway because it would mean no longer having a vagina and therefore being much less vulnerable to sexual violence.
No. 1800557
>>1800553nta but anon never said or implied that and I feel like this thread is currently being overrun with trutranses trying to convince users that hating yourself and by extention hating all women and wanting as little do with them as possible because you think they're inheritely shameful and slutty is a
valid mental illness. If your mental illness causes you to become a misogynist so rabid that you cut your healthy tits off then you are not owed sympathy by any woman here
No. 1800564
>>1800551If anon is who I think (all descriptions match) she's a cow who's deeply terrified of grass, ironically.
>>1778636I'd argue she's a very rare case of genuine mental illness, not trying to "escape misogyny" if so. She's got like 6 fucking mental disorders and a good chunk of them significantly reduce QoL (BED, MDD, CIAD [GAD but exasperated by caffeine addiction], OCD, and GID. Everything but Autism)
I'm kinda shocked she was only posted in the Vocaloid thread and not in any of the previous TIF thread before getting one of her own, especially with her track record of threatening to rape & murder radblr bloggers.
No. 1800566
>>1800557>>1800558>hating all women and wanting as little to do with them as possible because you think they're inheritely shameful and slutty is a valid mental illnessbeing dysphoric doesn't automatically make you a misogynist, neither does it mean you've medically transitioned. they may not be as common, but there are causes for gender dysphoria that don't stem from misogyny.
>they don't have real problems to worry aboutare mental disorders not something to worry about?? this is no different from saying that rich people can't possibly suffer from depression since they're privileged. they are called illnesses for a reason; it's not something you can control. anyone can have them.
No. 1800570
File: 1680373859946.jpeg (135.98 KB, 1080x1080, nhs troon protest.jpeg)

I gotta hand it to troons. they are organised. our national health service in the UK is in absolute tatters. there are people currently on waiting lists for chemo, surgery and other treatment of life-threatening diseases but there are zero demonstrations or protests. TIFs have to wait a year to think about whether they want to fuck up their lives forever and they're straight out onto the streets complaining about it. if only they could be this up in arms about the more important things.
No. 1800596
>>1800591they want nonas to bow down and be like yes tifchan you are the one true trans you are the only
valid one
No. 1800600
nonny sounds terrible, better kill a bunch of kids then neck yourself
No. 1800609
File: 1680380523087.jpeg (164.98 KB, 634x849, audrey-hale.jpeg)

Audrey and her basketball team
No. 1800619
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>>1800372Or maybe she just happened to be a sperg that didn't want to die alone in her bedroom so she decided to kill others as a way to cope with her loneliness. She gives off Olga Hepnarova vibes to be honest.
No. 1800623
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This account is so annoying and is obviously a fujoshi/TIF larping as a gay man to try to give her opinions validity. They never post selfies and literally no gay man talks about BL and "protecting trans men" and "being a fujoshi ally" 24/7
No. 1800625
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What TIF category does this one fit in? not the usual Fujotroon IF but not a lesbian AAP either. she seems to be a rare TIF that wants a masculine bf and tries her best to be the masculine as well/
No. 1800638
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>>1800619Olga Hepnarova at least sent her edgelord manifesto to newspapers instead of leaving us hanging.
I think Hale's manifesto is probably similar in content.
No. 1800670
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>>1800591No, they should stay. The more they are exposed to 'wrongthink', the more doubts they'll have. It would be cruel to deny them enlightenment.
No. 1800677
>>1800591TIFs are not like TIMS anon, they are
victims and this is the best place for them to question their identity and become peaked.
I'd rather have a hundred TIFs questioning their identity and sperging about gender dysphoria here than a million TIMs spamming cp and gore while invading women and lesbian only spaces online. TIFs are women and are
victims of patriarchy no matter what misogynistic moid larp they spin. Denying them this reality is misogyny.
No. 1800681
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>>1800495as always, these parasitic cockroaches appropriate the language of actually oppressed groups
No. 1800710
>>1800677I don't understand people like you. Tifs hate women. They hate themselves because they think being a woman is disgusting and shameful. They think any woman is totally okay with being abused and raped and that we enjoy and invite it. They resent you for being a woman. Tifs are nothing but incredibly cold and cruelly apathetic to other women. They think that if we didn't like misogyny, we would just transition like them. They hate you, they think you're a disgusting whore, they think you're dumb as fuck, they think you enjoy being reduced to being a fuckhole and they are absolutely and collectively convinced that they are better than you on every single level there is.
The "tifs are
victims" narrative is completely outdated by now. Most tifs transition because they can't stand to be in the same category as you and they'd rather massacre their bodies than he like you. Please open your eyes
nonnie No. 1800715
>>1800710Adding also they don't want nothing to do with women's body problems, but they ask to health orgs to recognize menstruation or breast cancer or pregnancy as "MEN/ENBY ISSUES" when they know quite right that men cannot menstruate or get pregnant outside of their mpreg shit (they can get breast cancer, thought). And even if you mention that women cannot menstruate, they will insist "yeah, but is not the same for US".
Is the new "not like other girls" but to the extreme.
No. 1800753
>>1800681Black Joy to Trans Joy
Black Lives Matter to Trans Lives Matter
Women's Rights are Human Rights to Trans Rights are Human Rights
AIDs Die-In to Trans Die-In
Jewish genocide to Trans genocide
Trans invasion on the gay rainbow flag, obviously
Just their theft off the top of my head, I'm sure there's more.
No. 1800757
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>34 (yes really)
Yeah that’s not very hard to notice
No. 1800771
>>1800753World menstruation day must include tif, enbis and tims.
Women's day must include trans people (ironically, men's day (Nov 19th) is not even mentioned so Trans people do not say shit about it).
No. 1800774
>>1800762No such thing as a troon, TIF or otherwise, who is not a lost cause. Don't try to convince them to detransition because they'll try to silence you in any way they can, namely deplatforming and life ruination.
The ones who detransition are very rare and you're best off cutting the TIFs out and assuming all of them will never change.
No. 1800776
>>1800677Tifs aren't
victims, but some of the most dangerous pickmes out there who jump for joy at the thought of harming more young women, thats the only moidlike thing about them in fact. Audrey was just an autist who could not process these ideas symbolically and brought them to real life, but in the heart of every tif there is the desire to harm (young & vulnerable) women. We should act according, the tifs reading this can peak in silence and stop vomiting their virulent (born of self-hate, yeah, but still virulent) misogyny on this site.
No. 1800792
>>1800776TIF's are like the fuckers in history that let the door or the gate open for invading forces and got everyone killed.
Victims my ass.
No. 1800794
>>1800792Go outside and touch some grass.
>>1800788This is Justin wrong on many levels. First of all who cares if they continue being hairy women after detransitoning. A very lookist take.
Also many tifs are able to detrans succesfully it just takes time until their body goes back to normal.
No. 1800877
>>1800753GirlsLikeUs was originally for Black women, SayHerName was originally for Native American and Black women who were
victims of violence or femicide. It’s insane how nearly everything has been co-opted by them. I’m seeing TransExcellence being used and TransGirlMagic was popular for a while (right off the backs of Black women, again)
No. 1800883
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>>1799556LOL HOLY SHIT
didn't expect my personal cow to pop up here; papdiaries is actually the latest in a multi-year series of sockpuppet/fake accounts created by the same person. you can always tell it's them because of the disturbing storyline consistency (yes, there's actual fucking lore here) between accounts/similar and very specific themes (among them being TIF moms with multiple autist children + an autist husband, extended breastfeeding, having kids extremely young, and other very weird shit).
if any of you are interested i can dig up my schizo documentation i've compiled + clean it up to make it actually readable, this is an insane rabbithole and i've been dying to tell people about it. picrel, it's from one of the past accounts this person made.
No. 1800887
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>>1800609crazy. shes like totally a normal girl in those pics
No. 1800905
>>1800896 apologies for the denseness, I tried to condense it but this is already pretty truncated as is. anyways, tldr of the doc is that this is about the previous account/saga before papadiaries; you can tell it's the same person though due to the typing style + narrative thread reoccurrence (ex. papadiaries's husband + MIL are also mexijewish and from cali, most likely being related to the same character(s) from the solid_ad and teenparentvent accounts; like i said, this shit has lore!!!!!). plus, papadiaries was made the exact same day as teenparentvent's last post, feb 16th 2023.
there's at least three more accounts other than the one's i've touched on, btw, but getting into their weird fucked up storylines would require another 36 pages.
No. 1800916
>>1800904She/they is somewhere in between giga normie straight girls and ultra autistic they/them enbies and fakebois who are full-on troons and want to chop their tits off.
Kinda like just a girl wearing comfortable clothes and probably a short hairstyle.
No. 1800958
>>1800905that was a great read, thank you.
I actually remember seeing some of her posts on reddit before and thinking how insane and far fetched it was lol
No. 1800981
>>1800794>>1800793No one gives a fuck
nonnie. This isn't daycare. This isn't "lets be nice so the bitches that threatened to murders us might detroon". We're not their fucking mothers. Most of them are complete cunts and make other women's lives exponentially worse. And a lot of them look fucked up after taking testosterone. Let's not pretend it's all fucking rainbows and fuzzy feelings like they do on troon boards.
No. 1800991
>>1800987You're one of these morons who think that shooter is a
victim. Even when a lot of shit happens to you at the end of the day there is still a limit of the bullshit you can get away with before your moral compass should take over. Some TIFs a vulnerable kids sure, but that shit ends when they show up at let women speak events with signs like "decapitate terfs" and try to get women fired.
No. 1801003
>>1800991victims can obviously also be bad people. autistic women disproportionately face sexual violence so there was a real chance, even if not a
victim of CSA, a man did something else to her at one point. what she did is still evil annd premeditated, but look at her art, she is clearly so mentally unwell and probably at a far lower maturity level due to autism.
No. 1801006
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>>1800928I mean look up people like James Hampton or early scientists in fields that weren't even invented yet, they were most likely autistic but they could function well enough in society in their own way, now their stuck in home all day and obsessing over sonic and frying their brain with hentai and yaoi
No. 1801007
>>1800996I think sports team environments are great for that because you're there to do one thing only, the conversation topic is set, everyone is likely to be excited and getting "in the zone" for the game. everyone has a role and reason to be there. there is little ambiguity in that kind of setting, which helps make things less awkward. plus, for Audrey, basketball seemed to be one of her special interests so it doesn't surprise me to see her looking more relaxed and happy in these pictures.
she should have just stuck to shooting hoops and not innocent people.
No. 1801009
>>1800987Some of you handwringing anons don't seem to realize that young and vulnerable tifs desire to "escape misogyny" comes from hatred and disgust for other women. Some of you are just not making the connection that these tifs think YOU as a woman are a complete dumbass for not transitioning and therefor consenting to and inviting to your abuse. And guess what, most of us aren't very sympathetic to anachans who pathologically tear down other women either. If you see someone here who defends fatspo collectors they're probably one themselves.
The whole grooming and cult
victim narrative only goes that far. You can call little girls or boys getting cut up by their own parents for attention
victims. But even teenagers will tell you they envy males and dislike women, are disgusted by women, think gonzo porn is their inevitable reality once they become older. And that's their motivation for transitioning. If you can't see the blatant hatred and misogyny in this then I don't know what else to tell you. Look at tif spaces and come to your own conclusion on the misogyny present. They hoot and holler each time a notable eceleb woman gets publicly torn down, they have complete apathy to women's pain. It doesn't take a lot to recognize and see this.
They think a pronoun change makes them completely exempt from any and all misogyny, and you as a woman are the retard for not changing your pronouns as well and thus making yourself exempt too
No. 1801018
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>>1799884This woman is 28 years old and has a husband . I swear she’s not seeing how fucked up this actually is.
No. 1801033
>>1801018This is such a common and typical teen girl mindset. Every insecure average tomboyish teen girl has thought they would make an above average cute boy. They think they are "better" at being a cute boy than real boys and that gives them confidence. They're trying to cope and bargin with the social hierarchy and make themselves out to be higher on it.
You see the same mindset with other insecurities like how insecure fat girls think they're "hotter" than the skinny girls because they have bigger boobs due to being fatter.
The funny thing is none of them actually make cute boys. They all just end up looking like pudgy manlets at best.
No. 1801059
>>1800987Other anons already explained this to you, but i'm going to add another point: because it's a social contagion we should cut all tifs from the start. You don't let a pathogen grow under the faint hope that it will get better. Shutting down tifs and their memetic misoginy is not only the right thing, but the only thing to do to prevent more
victims. Think about it like Jehovah's Witnesses, yes they're persons (whatever) but you don't open your door to them because they will try to indoctrinate you and your people, because thats all they can do. With the addition that trannies are lot more quickly destructive than JW's. ROGD can develop in a few weeks and ruin lives forever, is no small thing.
"But they're mentally unwell" ok, that means literally nothing. A lot of JW's are ex-addicts and obviously mentally unsound too. still, you don't open your door to them,
because they're memetic agents of their (destructive) ideology, trannies are literally the same.
Anas can go fuck themselves too, for fuck sake they're routinely banned here when they step down their containment threads. No one cares about anas nonsense and the overall consensus in this site and pretty much everywhere is that they should keep their vile antisocial shit to themselves. In fact there is a large subgroup of "self aware anas" who keep the proanas in check. Most anas know they have to drop the proana shit if they want to talk to a normal person and exist in normal spaces. As long as tifs don't have an equivalent to that, they have no room to speak. At all.
No. 1801083
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anyone seen or listened to this yet? pro-trans podcast ran by TransLash media just did an interview with a detransitioner about the de transition movement. it’s not a good look
No. 1801109
>>1801099so true. and for the people who trooned out for attention (whether it's narcissism or a result of abuse/neglect etc.) they might notice how popular transgederism has become and not feel special enough anymore so detransitioning could become the next way for them to get people's attention and admiration. and then
retransitioning again, and so on. ideally, like you say, detransitioning would involve more emotional support through the process, less politicising and focusing on ways for them to develop better critical thinking skills before they jump into the next cult.
No. 1801171
>>1800928lmao fun fact about that, the account she used prior to solid (mamaaandbabyhelp, the character then was a 14 year old lesbian who had a baby at 12 and who was also ambiguously brown and whose entire family was autistic) was a FREQUENT commentator in the Supernatural subreddit. Said account also has a “sequel” now, jackandbabe, that is currently active around the same hours as papadiaries despite allegedly being in the UK.
The Dean and Misha names also popped up in (what I believe was) her oldest account, aitathrowawffee; back then she was a TIF mother of two married to an
abusive lesbian spouse who liked to tell her two autistic kids about her self harm scars.
>>1800959if you’re interested in hearing about that sort of chaos you’re in luck! iirc both papadiaries and solid_ad (though you’ll have to search the other’s posts via camas) were/are fond of submitting posts to breakingmom regarding their absolute shitshow lives and how everything around them is crumbling and they ~just want to cry~. but don’t you dare suggest that maybe deciding to have 7+ autistic children was a bad choice, you heckin ableist shitlord
also thank you to everyone who’s enjoyed my schizoposting!! i wasn’t sure it’d land but seeing ya’ll enjoy it warms my cold dead evil transphobe heart <3
No. 1801185
>>1800407>my gender is dildo and my pronoun is nigAnd they all took it seriously lmfao, even one of them saying don't worry I'm sure there are white people who'll call you "nig" cos they'll understand black struggles
>>1800489>a lot of our team hadn't played sports since schoolYet they were put on the team? Bet you weren't so joyful when you were thrashed on the pitch but ig all that matters is omg we're all twans
No. 1801186
>>1801041A bunch of loons invaded the Nashville capitol and held up 7 fingers counting the TIF as a
victim. Trans day of vengeance was cancelled in Washington but a bunch of antifa nutjobs held up Hollywood Boulevard for 3 hours and harassed several people
No. 1801260
As long as society exists women will keep on altering their body to be accepted by society.
Whether that be becoming a tif and getting your breath reduced/removed.
And whether you be a normal woman getting fillers, lasers,plastic surgery, bigger boobs, ass injections, skincare , haircare , extensions, rhinoplasty, photoshop,skimpy clothing, hyperfeminine clothing, feet destroying high heels, waxing or shaving every week , plucking any facial hair, dieting, or reverse-dieting by forcing yourself to ingest more calories , skin bleaching , tanning , contact lenses , luxury bag collecting, V-shape jawline surgery etc etc.
No. 1801264
>>1801245Even if the focus changes, conservative retards and the likes don't consider women capable of critical thinking so they'll blame trannies, the orgs, and everything else involved. TIFs are always going to be poor and confused girls in their eyes that are easily manipulated and they'll never see the irony of that.
>>1801256It's the most hilarious shit whenever anons ITT talk about (internalized) misogyny. What site do they think they're on? It's much easier to change yourself than to change the world and considering the current state of things it's not going to get better any time soon. Women are still going to be valued for their looks mostly and both men and women enforce that status quo. All the talks about promoting women and feminist values is fine and dandy but reality paints an entirely different picture. Any GNC woman can attest to that.
No. 1801273
>>1801268Anon I'm sorry to tell you but this has existed since the times of when humans were cavemen or in tribes.
This is not a new thing.
Women in african tribes since many many years ago have been doing dangerous beauty procedure to attract men.
Women in the middle ages were also destroying their organs with tight corsets.
It's a innate human biological thing.
To stop women from doing that is to change biology and to suffer bullying and ostracazition from others. It's so easy to talk shut on the internet but in real life things are different and most women succumb to misogyny or
toxic intra-sexual competivness with other women.
No. 1801284
>>1801274I'm not not a tif you moron.
Also you sound like a seething tradthot, aww did you have one the surgeries I mentioned, does it hurt for your implants to be compared to what tifs do to their bodies.
You are beyond brain dead if you think someone like a Kardashian would be more feminist than a tif. They are on the same level.
>butt implantsThese are actually very dangerous and leave many women botched.
Nice to know the wannabe instathots trad women are coming out of the woodwork.
>>1801276Anons are right when they say most anonymous here are tradthots. They don't actually care about feminism. They're just mad that the tif is a "ugly Hairy disgusting monster" instead of a plastic bimbo who still looks 50.
No. 1801294
>>1801287>childYeah so much better…like pimping out all their daughters when they are still underage to sell sex-appeal, that only their looks matter , to get extreme copious amounts of plastic surgery the moment they become legal, to live a vapid life. To motivate other women that they also can become famous by doing porn or being naked in a playboy magazine. By letting your sister/daughter date creepy old men.
So much better for children.
Also for some of the things you mentioned tifs don't even care about, your getting your terms mixed up with mtfs.
>>1801290There is not a bigger hatred than getting plastic surgeries to make your body look more pretty for scrotes.
No. 1801295
>>1801273And women have been subjugated in all of these societies, I'm well aware misogyny is incredibly old, but I believe if women have pushed as far as we have, we can push further. Humans will always value attractiveness but this is variance to the degree that women and men compared to each other are pressured to take artificial measures to look good. What are the supposed reasons that women biologically must be the sex to take extreme measures of beauty? Men want to have sex with women regardless. In countries where women have more freedoms outside of men, more and more are choosing to not be associated with them. Men have subjugated women and forced us to rely on them for resources, but when women have our own resources, we have the ability to exercise choice in partner. Certainly our biology is what has made us vulnerable to this subjugation, but I have no clue why you think it impossible to advance further given where we have come, women in the middle ages likely never thought our current status to be possible. I'm not sure what purpose your argument even has, "it's all pointless", thanks very helpful
>>1801285>thinks "women are not biologically inclined to mutilate themselves" is a trad takeit may not be saline, but something is in your brain that shouldn't be there
No. 1801300
>>1801295Don't get me wrong, I do believe changes are possible. I just don't think women want to deal with the bullying and loss of opportunities they receive if they go against that.
Do you know how different I get treated on days I look good and on days I look bad, it's such a huge difference.
No. 1801305
>>1801301Do you think it's beneficial to a male mantis to let himself get eaten alive by the female mantis….
No it's not. But that's how biology is like, it's brutal, wrong and doesn't care about morality. Because if it did then the majority of men wouldn't be pedos and neither would they be closeted homos with a g-spot in their prostate.
No. 1801313
>>1801290She wasn’t hating on the female body, kek. She was hating on the saline that people, often women, choose to put in their bodies due to societal preassure. You’re an idiot,
nonnie. All of it is bad, including TIF surgeries. Women need to stop changing their bodies in hopes of being accepted by society. That’s common feminist talking points, so of course you reek of tradthottery.
As for the contact lenses, I assumed she meant how brown eyed people will wear blue eyed contacts etc. not so they can fucking see you dim wit
No. 1801316
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I don’t understand this logic at all.
No. 1801322
>>1801300I certainly don't have any delusions about being able to change the status quo quickly, I agree that women currently have it very difficult attempting to go against the status quo. I take issue with the idea that women have some inherent biological imperative to be the sex taking extreme measures to look beautiful. Men have taken advantage of us through our biology and oppressed us for thousands of years, and one of our currently remaining shackles is that of beauty. If other shackles have been removed in parts of the world with time and effort, this one can too. I don't get the utility or logic behind trying to argue that Things Will Always Be Like This
>>1801315exactly, useless defeatism in the thread
No. 1801329
>>1801323There is a overpopulation problem. Men and women nagging other women to feel ugly and always try to be the most beautiful and perfect does benefit men in mating strategies because it allows them access to women because those women think they are just as ugly as whatever men that want to impregnate her.
That's why when you look at so many couples the women tends to be the better looking one and in rare cases where the man is hotter then the woman gets bullied by men and other women for daring to date a attractive guy when is "ugly".
No. 1801332
>>1801313>All of it is bad, including TIF surgeries.Nah, TiF surgeries are worse because of the anti-female death cult ideology its attached to, and having the passing thought that wearing colored contacts would even be comparable is retarded.
Anon wanted to paint TiF surgeries as equivalent to any other self-hating plastic surgery and beauty practices women go through which is not true. TiF mutilation is closest to anorexia, if we're comparing.
No. 1801333
>>1801323true and based but also I care 100x more about women than the continuity of the species and I think all the women in Korea not having kids and saying a sexist society deserves to collapse are mega based
>>1801325You're right, I can't tell whether its real or an artificial meatsock but this thread smells like unwashed penis
No. 1801337
>>1801332You sure seem hyporfocused on the colored contacts. This is like your third time mentioning that. Colored contacts was one of the many other things I mentioned in my example, not the only thing.
Do you know what a procedure is? Do you know how a procedure looks like? There are many health risks. Boob jobs have been shown to give women health issues and many women die from having a bbl.
You trying to paint plastic surgery as better is….weird.
No. 1801352
>>1801350They’re equally as bad, but I’d say that making breasts or butts bigger to the point of willing to risk your life like a BBL entails, is much worse. It’s rare for a woman to die from a masectomy she gets regardless of the reasons, compared to what? 40% of women dying from BBLs, yet they’re still not banned?
What health benefit even comes from having a man jam a needle into your ass fat to shape it as HE sees desirable? It’s repulsive and much worse than a woman who removes her breasts for any reason- though you’re right, none of these things are healthy or sane to do.
No. 1801360
>>1801345Daily reminder that a anon here literally posted a picture of a old woman that had a mastectomy after having cancer and said how disgusting that was and gave it as a example of tifs with "bad tit chops" which is offensive on so many levels.
Tells you all you need to know. Yes this place is filled with tradthots who think women disfiguring themselves is okay as long as they are doing that to be sexy for men. Remember if you do dangerous procedure it's okay as long as you identify as a woman
No. 1801377
>>1801370I agree, I get defensive about it though because I have felt preassure to get a boob job after transitioning, while I detransitioned, and I find that it isn’t the right answer either. I wouldn’t be able to breastfeed either, but nor would a woman who only ever got implants.
I have more of an issue with the ideologies that lead us to change our bodies, regardless of what it is. I think there’s a very real issue of detransitioners not learning these lessons though. I appreciate your answer, it was very kind, though I didn’t expect that either.
>>1801367Pretty sure it was in the last two threads, I saw what
nonnie was talking about the other day.
No. 1801379
>>1801378At least I didn’t encourage a pornified view of women like the ones who risk their lives to get a bigger ass do, all because they saw the Kardashians do it. I have very little sympathy for OSA women, and the surgeries they get to further sexualize their existences for men all at the expense of other women who refuse to edit their bodies either which way.
I may have been the other side of the same coin, but I have clarity unlike the trads in this thread.
No. 1801397
nonny you must be a coping tid bc these bitches dont deserve sympathy when they literally hate other women and think they are above us and actively work to undermine our rights and safety. There is plenty of evidence that this shit doesnt work but these deluded shitbrains actively ignore it in the pursuit of becoming the ultimate nlog and living out their yaoi fantasy at the expense of everyone else. Literally read the threads
No. 1801406
>>1801400I’m a detrans woman. Maybe the reason why I struggle to have sympathy for women who parade as bimbos and celebrate plastic surgery are as immoral as TIMs are because they… do the same thing? TIMs are more insidious, but the amount of women who asked me when I’d be fixing my chest have blackpilled me. I’m here to laugh at fujoshis and deluded women, but it’s funny whenever a trad woman acts like she’s better when she’s just as
toxic as the TIMs I’ve known. Does it hurt your feelings to know that some women just don’t give a crap about women who mutilate their bodies for the male gaze?
No. 1801469
>>1801245>>1801252>I feel like the tide of focus is now being directed from mtf to ftmYou're both stupid. Whether your pro-trans, anit-trans, left wing, right wing your focus will always be on MtFs/TiMs. The public will always be more aware of TiMs. How many normies remember that Cher and Sonny Bono's daughter Chastity became a man named Chaz in 2010? Those same normies, however, know Bruce Jenner is now Caitlyn Jenner. How many normies know who Elliot Paige is?
>obsessing about young girls breasts being removedAllison Bailey, one of the founders of the LGB Alliance, voiced this concern. She was called a pedophile by TRAs. It is a concern as Bailey put it, these girls will have a double mastectomy before they experience intimacy. Same with adolescent TiMs like Jazz Jennings and Kim Petras who get GRS before ever experiencing a orgasm.
No. 1801472
>>1801334yes, men watching hardcore porn from the day they turn 11 and women trying to look like filtered anime characters is a new thing. people wanting to look well groomed is not comparable to cosmetic surgeries being pushed on teenagers, some of which starve themselves or troon out to escape beauty standards. civilization will not collapse tomorrow if women refuse to let things get even worse. men are actually able to coom to women as they are if they don't fry their brains on porn and tiktok filters. also the appeal to nature is kinda retarded, we can justify literally any behavior just by saying "humans have always done X, surely it's natural and we have to accept it". plus some of the most extreme past beauty rituals that have been cited previously were only for the highest classes of society, not for (almost) all women like it is right now.
No. 1801493
>>1801482Anon said perpetuation of the species, not the best genetically fit children. Likewise I hate this argument because
1.) Usually the most "genetically fit" in darwinist terms males are just the strongest males most able to beat up other males and it also means they are able to rape or monopolize the most women before getting killed
2.) This assumes that everyone not capable of reproducing at the moment is worthless and supposed to be killed off which means nearly all women over the age of 45 are also worthless and deserve to die
3.) In eugenics (basically what you're talking about), it's not only the genetic runt males that shouldn't breed but also the genetic runt females. Bad genetics don't only apply to males
No. 1801510
>>1801406You're reaching to relieve your guilt en you still have some serious misogyny ingrained in you
nonnie. You are dismissing other women now no longer as terfs but as "trads" and "bimbos" now. You are delusional if you think skinwalking TIMs, destroying women's rights and getting off on making women uncomfortable, aren't way more
toxic then some desperate women chasing beauty and immortality
No. 1801520
>>1801331What's wrong with OPs assertion many pickme trad thots botch themselves, why make a bizarre distinction that doesn't exist?. Some of the most prolific misogynist trad thots are botched e.g Lauren Southern.
>>1801331>>1801305>>1801408>>1801290>>1801273>>1801296>>1801297>>1801330This thread is an absolute misogynistic dumpster fire of shitting on women, catty unsaged infighting, supporting retarded MGTOW "sexual market" shit aka women are catty and compete against each other for plastic surgery attracted moids, misogynistic libfem and retarded pickme appeals to nature about tit implants, defending moids coomerism with epic science and logic or evolutionary biology according to moid logic, and shitting on autistics including accusations that everyone and their uncle is autistic because xyz. One has to ask if you are spewing low emotional intelligence shit about other women as cruel as a moid maybe you're on the spectrum too. Unlike retarded 4chan, KF moids I see nothing gained from bashing female autistics. Women are already shit on from all sides, why add to the pile like an average moid? This thread is full of misogynyistic retards concealing their misogyny under the guise of hating trannies, in the case of the one retard arguing all women are catty stupid bimbos that compete to have the biggest surgically inflated ass as the nature female competition I can only kek. Hales manifesto can not come any sooner. Also the retard complaining about women removing their breasts over germ line caused mutant forms of breast cancer needs to eat a cactus. Though I think this entire thread should be nuked, fuck it, it's already a complete mess who cares at this point?
>>1801493I'm not advocating for eugenics, I'm arguing that allowing males to breed indefinitely is not "evolutionary superior", which is quite obvious as it's retarded. You are a retard if you assume that females of species cease being valuable after menopause. Regardless of what moid copes will tell you females are always more valuable than males because they do not murder each other commonly in humans. Reproductive fitness doesn't apply to females, in fact most mammals do not undergo menopause, humans are an outlier in that they've adapted menopause purposefully, yes it was selected for how's that work against your perpetuating the species rape ape logic? Menopause was purposefully selected for and modern humans adapted a valuable system of child rearing so that older females are always fulfilling a valuable role. Females are always more valuable than the males of a species because they are capable of all things that males can do in a civilized world with technology and knowledge without raping, murdering and mass killing each other. The perpetuation of a species is not the barometer it's success, it is for a bacterium but not for the human race. Only the pathetic runt of the litter would tell you this, though I'm sure applying the logic of rape apes applies to a highly intelligent species like the human race, rape ape defending classical genetics anon. This is the most retarded eugenics moid shit I've read insofar. It's literal MGTOW shit, so I'm baffled you'd assume I'm advocating for eugenics. I'm advocating for common decency and reality, not your moid celebratory envisioned idea of the human race. It's painfully self explanatory why females are more valuable than males in the human species it doesn't even need to be discussed, we all know it we see it everyday in crime statistics.
No. 1801538
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>>1801529to be fair nona, i was a trutrans/truscum when I came here a few years ago. these threads did a lot in starting me on desisting and learning about radical feminism. to every trannie lurking this thread, see you on the other side in a few years!
milk tax
No. 1801553
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tifs make the worst memes
No. 1801574
>>1801556It might not be that. I think breasts and other secondary sex characteristics are
triggering for some women who have been raped or abused or sexually harassed, or are just in FTM cases, dysphoric. I remember trying to flatten my tits during puberty because had been sexually abused in childhood and I absolutely hated the idea of becoming ‘womanly’ and having men and even other women comment on and looking at my body. I remember my neighbor, who was this really loud extra woman from Jamaica, seeing me coming home from school and saying ‘Oh my nona, look at your breasts! You’re growing into a woman! I’m jealous of how perky they are!’ And it legit
triggered me for months and made me feel sooooo uncomfortable, even though it’s normal in her culture to say such stuff I guess. I hate trannies but I can understand feeling deeply uncomfortable with your own body, of course the solution is they need therapy and self love, not cutting their boobs off with the help of awful amoral surgeons.
No. 1801576
>>1801574Also, while saying this, I am aware there are a small minority of women who have been brainwashed so thoroughly that they genuinely believe femininity and female characteristics to be worthless that they want to throw away all their female traits like trash, which is gross. But even those women were probably abused or groomed and brainwashed by a
toxic male in their life from childhood to end up thinking that way, nearly all of these issues lead back to childhood abuse.
No. 1801577
>>1801493> Usually the most "genetically fit" in darwinist terms males are just the strongest males most able to beat up other males and it also means they are able to rape or monopolize the most women before getting killedYeah and this is why Darwinism is such a garbage scrotey system and theory to promote. It dehumanizes humans by reducing them to a pack of upright chimps, and justifies all gross and
toxic male behaviors like rape, murder, pedophilia, war etc with its nonsense just-so fallacy.
No. 1801581
>>1801510>You are delusional if you think skinwalking TIMs, destroying women's rights and getting off on making women uncomfortable, aren't way more toxic then some desperate women chasing beauty and immortalityThey are both
toxic. At the end of the day there are way more plastic bimbo bio women and MTF trannies than tifs with surgery, and tifs are already so mocked and sidelined even within the LGBT community that their voices are barely heard. Bio female bimbos and tranny moid bimbos do way more harm to women because their image is based off of porn fetishes and designed solely for the male gaze and they dehumanize themselves as walking sex dolls for men to use, which harms all women in the process and increases male entitlement to womens bodies and their standards for what women should look like. Tifs engage in harmful practices too but are mostly ignored or mocked by bio males, and although a tiny amount of them do it for fetish or sex work reasons, generally most of them dont do it for the male gaze.
No. 1801585
>>1801482Yeah this. I don’t care about eugenics as it’s generally a scrote and polcel subject. But if you want to go at it, women being more selective is actually pure eugenics, as women actually select for things like intelligence, strength, height, good bone structure, body symmetry, adaptability, wit, bravery, independence etc.
Male sexual selection is dysgenic because male sexual preferences are predicated on pedophilia, women being dumb, weak, physically small and frail, passive, submissive, introverted etc.
There are studies that show people are getting taller, more beautiful, smarter etc because of female sexual selection being practiced more widely.
It’s funny how when you bring this up with moid ‘eugenicists’ they shit themselves in rage.
No. 1801722
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Looks like it was a Dylan cosplay and she had Randy Stair accuracy.
No. 1801765
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TIF MacHale joining the new cast of Doctor Who
No. 1801835
>>1801812While I agree with you
nonnie, I think what you’re saying is still practicing sexism like another Nona said.
No. 1801841
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i fucking hate the way these people talk
names censored because private chat
No. 1801892
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One of my ex art mutuals became a shotafag and simultaneously trooned out. I wonder why.
No. 1801900
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>>1801488aw shucks, you're gonna make me blush nona! you inspired me to mosey over to the personal cow thread and crosspost what i've written + pen a more consistent timeline of accounts:
>>>/snow/1801893but, anyways, in the interest of not getting too sageworthy + staying on topic, i bring another gift: a TIF telling the very real story of how nurses told her husband to fuck her with cum-covered fingers while she was screaming and trying to push a baby out of her boipussy. if this isn't a rewritten excerpt from one of OP's fetish stories i'll eat my fucking hat.
(sidenote in case it's mentioned: yes, sex during early labor/before a woman's water breaks is A Thing that even trad doctors/nurses will recommend to speed things along; fingerfucking your partner with cum-hands while the baby is crowning is very much not.)
No. 1801911
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>>1801910The whole thread in a gif.
No. 1801940
>>1801926Dogs can actually be feeling stressed, anxious, angry, or uncomfortable while still wagging their tails. That's why some people are bitten by surprise when they thought "but the dog seemed happy".
Now if the dogs were playing or "protecting a territory" or something, that's another thing. But I think if the grid get closed again, the dogs would start to bark again.
No. 1801963
>>1801931I like how you said they weren't performing gender and then began to list off all the ways that in modern societies it is performing gender because it's unnecessary lmao. Just because something is based in biology doesn't mean it can't be exaggerated through performance in the division of labor just like women can be promiscuous even though sex is costlier for us because we get pregnant which means we should biologically be more prudent. Men are able to care for children and forage, they just usually don't. Women are able to do dangerous and risky jobs and risk their lives, they just usually don't.
>most men don't risk their lives by going to their office jobs,No, but men make up the majority of the workforce in dangerous occupations
>women can do any type of work,Except women usually don't do dangerous jobs for… the reasons both you and I mentioned, still
>there's no need for everyone to reproduce.There's never a need for everyone or even anyone to reproduce. People literally continue the human species just because they want to, there's no rationale behind it
No. 1802009
>>1801963>>1801964Well it was confusing because you replied to a post where "gender" was used in the tranny sense. Only women are capable of giving birth so it will always be a "role" that only women can have, and men are physically stronger so they will always be more suited for physically demanding jobs. It's a biological reality. It starts becoming an ideology when women's actions are artificially restricted, a performance of "femininity" is requested of them, men are given more freedoms etc. So yes unnecessary gender roles & stereotypes still exist but I'm not sure that was the best example of it and I don't see how it relates to the initial argument about trannies "performing gender" on an island by putting flowers in their hair.
>There's never a need for everyone or even anyone to reproduce. People literally continue the human species just because they want to, there's no rationale behind itThere is in fact a need to reproduce for a species to be perpetuated, that's an instinct animals have, but unlike a lot of other animals, humans don't rely on reproducing as much as possible to survive (in modern societies) and they can see beyond their instinct. The more a society is developed and the less people reproduce for this reason.
No. 1802013
>>1802009>Well it was confusing because you replied to a post where "gender" was used in the tranny sense.We weren't, we were talking about labor differences in gender
>It starts becoming an ideology when women's actions are artificially restricted, a performance of "femininity" is requested of them, men are given more freedoms etc.I guess the question is when does it stop being biological and start being a social construct? You and the other person already agreed that women are biologically tied down and tied with children. That in itself means "less freedom" in a sense: on top of taking care of yourself and watching your own back, you'll have to also look out for a small, dependant human too and provide food and care for it. Men don't have to do that and don't in most societies
>I don't see how it relates to the initial argument about trannies "performing gender" on an island by putting flowers in their hair. Did you even read the chain of posts? I said what that anon said was stupid because the heaviest gender division isn't usually clothes, although that is a component, it's labor and types of labor
>There is in fact a need to reproduce for a species to be perpetuated, that's an instinct animals have,It's not an instinct humans have. Humans have an instinct for sex and masturbation, but we know how to prevent reproduction and often do. Continuing the species isn't an instinct (especially not for women), it's ideological in humans or else we wouldn't be able to control it
No. 1802028
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This girl goes by he/him. I will never understand this chronically online mentality
No. 1802037
>>1802013>We weren't, we were talking about labor differences in genderYou brought up labor differences in reply to this post
>>1801872 where I was talking about trannies and women performing femininity so I didn't immediately get that you switched to gender roles but I get it now.
>I guess the question is when does it stop being biological and start being a social construct? I agree with you.
>It's not an instinct humans have. Humans have an instinct for sex and masturbationAll animals have an instinct for sex because that's what lead to reproduction. That's how species keep going on. Humans are of course different from other animals in their cognitive abilities. They learned how to prevent reproduction and they have sex/masturbate for pleasure. They developed technologies/medicine which extend life expectancy and reduce infant mortality, and people don't need to have as much children as possible for work/survival. I agree that reproduction has always been used by men to restrict women's role/place in society but it doesn't mean that continuing the species is in fact an ideology (which would have been formulated by the first humans everywhere?), it's inherent to all life forms.
No. 1802056
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Just some random twitter shit about some tif hoping troons will invade womens' spaces.
No. 1802238
>>1802227I agree. Whether it's women writing it or just watching and idolizing real gay men like RuPaul, it's
toxic and makes them hate being a woman because they project themselves onto gay men and start to want to be one because that's all they ever talk about, read about, write about, watch etc. I had a few friends irl who were like this, obsessing over RuPaul's drag race, adopting the language and calling themselves "tops" and "bottoms" even though they're women, and generally not giving a fuck about women's rights and dedicating all their energy to "gay rights". Unsurprisingly two of them identify as nonbinary now
No. 1802267
>>1802104There was a news about how some trannies wanted to join a women-only river pool when it was meant for women and kids only. Except they have also another river pool for all public at few steps far of that pool.
That kid will have a horrible awakening when a TIM calls her a woman and to stfu because "she knows more than her about being a woman" even if she claims over and over that she's a man.
No. 1802277
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>>1802056From the same Tweet:
"Women wanted our spaces to be seen as equal, we didn't let them so now they're making their spaces so we are going to raid their spaces to be equal like them".
I know this is more for /xx/ but what the Hell was that.
No. 1802289
>>1802277Public bars are male spaces??
>>1802056Her face screams "I was bullied by mean girls in high school and now I pretend to be a male so I can feel superior".
No. 1802342
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>See cute Drarry fanart
>Comments are surprisingly tame except for one themby claiming the art is supporting violence against trannies
>Another tranny that is a yaoi artist, claims that she's trans and still loves HP
>Themby then tweets about said yaoi art tranny and says she's never getting to heaven KEK
>Themby pictured at the bottom with her "boyfriend" who's obviously just a woman on testosterone (complete with upper arm self harm scars)
I'm amazed there are still women drawing Drarry with the tranny shit going on. Not even trans rights could stop the Drarry coom.
Can someone answer me why these women will still claim the lesbian label despite not wanting the female label? I see this a lot lately.
No. 1802436
>>180134423:28 akshully there are several genders, they're celebrated in cultures around the world
Oh not the cultural third gender shit again. Genuinely annoys me when I hear it now. Saged for rant of course. They aren't proof of a million genders, many of them were for males who were eunuchs or homosexual or just effeminate, to perform the female roles of that culture. Sure maybe they can be celebrated for what they are, pieces of cultural history that in some cases were attempted to be erased by colonisers, but they certainly aren't proof of troon shit. Stop forcing them through the western lens of "wow I think historical pee oh see were pure divine gender shifting beings just because their culture is slightly different to what I'm used to." Ironic that it's a
poc saying this in the video as well.
>23:51 but intersex people though And not again with intersex. Intersex people aren't a whole new third sex, they're a combination of the two existing ones.
No. 1802570
>>1802436>wow I think historical pee oh see were pure divine gender shifting beings just because their culture is slightly different to what I'm used toThis actually reveals how ignorant they are and how they don't care about making other cultures sound "exotic" for the sake of their shitty cult ideology. Most "third genders" were male child prostitutes or gay men who had to be in women's spaces because they weren't considered men enough. It's just plain old bigotry, but it's from another culture (most often a "non-white" one) so it's actually about divine demigod twans ppl!
>they're a combination of the two existing ones.In most cases it's not even that, they're just underdeveloped males or females. Or people with hormone/chromosomal disorders, who still are either male or female (examples are people with Turner or Klinefelter).
No. 1802575
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What is that with fakebois trying to "reclaim" the genderspecial memes? They just reinforce the idea that this pronouns thing is just a little trend among girls.
No. 1802614
>>1802414>TiMs going on grindr and calling themselves faggotKek tims really are faggots, just like
>TiFs calling themselves lesbiansReally are lesbians as a lot of them only date each other and not actual moids. I just don't understand why they need to jump through another loop and claim they are "transmasc".
I will never let go of a tinfoil that "transmasc/nonbinary 4f4 lesbians" are literally just lesbians who want to stay away from male troons and spicy straight normie girls.
Also I have a tinfoil that "lesbian transmascs" don't want to be normal lesbians because they associate lesbian relationships with retarded scrote gaze porn and/or spice straight e-whores pandering to scrotes but claiming to be SSA.
No. 1802618
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I have a weird tinfoil about how yaoi loving tif4tif girls are actually lesbians who don't understand that they like masculine women. I kinda was like this and I never understood why I couldn't relate to other lesbians who liked normal female characters because I only liked really GNC women, and I read yaoi because a lot of twinks there are so feminine they are basically look like tomboys, and the fact that all the non-normie girls claim to be something else these days didn't help. Also untreated autism.
No. 1802640
>>18026371. Sterilization and/or hysterectomy can lead to asexuality
2. A lot of TIFs are autistic, a lot of autistic people are asexual
3. Of course, female sexuality in general being stigmatized
4. Them being secretly straight but only wanting to fuck gay men (this happens a lot??) but getting rejected thus being fujosexual aka asexual
No. 1802665
>>1802640very good summary nona. Adding
5. They troon out because they hate their bodies (BDD, ED, GD) and can't even fathom ever being comfortable having sex with another person so they identify as asexual to not have to deal with it
No. 1802698
>>1802665I would also add
6. They got on the pill to help with acne and it ruined their sex drive
7. They are weirdo's and no one is interested in them and it's just less embarrassing to say "I'm asexual" than noone wants to touch me because I creep everyone out
No. 1802706
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Don't know if it's been posted already but I saw this article. Most of it is saying things that are already known/obvious but I found it interesting that they are using they/them and even male pronouns for her in this particular article. Also it seems to have been confirmed that this was inspired by past incidents… tinfoil but maybe she was a school shooter stan on an alt tumblr like some anons have been saying?
No. 1802744
>>1802706What I'm getting :
>hated the school Reason for target
>considered the actions of other mass shootersColumbine fangirl, explains the method
>friend died + preexisting "mood disorder" (makes no mention of her past stalking though kek)Why she snapped now
No. 1802748
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someone please help this girl with her trauma
No. 1802787
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>a 16 year old girl self-mutilated with a razor and almost bled to death
>"king shit"
the responses to this are disturbing.
she had "an insurmountable disgust for the feminine aspects of her body. [she] would like to stop menstruating and above all does not wish to possess breasts" - Hirschfeld, the doctor who eventually gave her the surgery.
No. 1802823
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hi every1 im new!!!!!!! holds up spork my name is audrey but u can call me t3h PeNgU1N oF d00m!!!!!!!! lol…as u can see im very random!!!! thats why i came here, 2 meet random ppl like me ^_^… im 28 years old (im mature 4 my age tho!!) i like 2 watch invader zim w/ my girlfreind (im bi if u dont like it deal w/it) its our favorite tv show!!! bcuz its SOOOO random!!!! shes random 2 of course but i want 2 meet more random ppl =) like they say the more the merrier!!!! lol…neways i hope 2 make alot of freinds here so give me lots of commentses!!!!
DOOOOOMMMM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ←- me bein random again ^_^ hehe…toodles!!!!!
love and waffles,
No. 1802923
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>>1802850>"if I look feminine"Because you ARE female, ffs.
Picrel, she admitting she has a fetish for being a "twink" after an assault.
No. 1802983
>>1802959This. Are gay men actually straight if they fanboy over Ariana Grande or Kpop girls? No. This double standard only ever applies to lesbians and it's so annoying. I think people forget that lesbians still enjoy things that are created by women & for women because newsflash, we still are women despite our dykery, so when something is mostly targeted towards hetero/bi women they get offended if lesbians also wind up enjoying it.
>>1802939Why is it always bihets who get to dictate what lesbian sexuality is? There's absolutely nothing heterosexual about exclusively dating women as a woman kek, doesn't matter what your hobbies are. You can wax poetic all you want about fictional interests, but in the end, a woman's only bi/straight if she fucks men. Sorry to break it to you, but looking at two drawings getting it on will never change a lesbian's goldstar status. You sound like the crowd who thinks enjoying GTA makes you more likely to actually commit crimes IRL.
No. 1802991
>>1802987Yes, but anon is clearly talking in a general, non-case by case sense. I'm merely stating that if a woman isn't attracted to any men at all, would never touch one or have sex with one, would never date or be intimate with one but she enjoys yaoi couples, it doesn't all of a sudden make her bi. Blogpost, but I used to be TIF4TIF and I almost exclusively read yaoi back then, and realizing that real life men and anime boys
aren't the same thing is what made me realize I was actually a lesbian with internalized misogyny. A lot of this discussion reminds me of the common "If you like tomboys, why not just date a guy?" homophobic remark. "If you're okay with reading about two fictional men, you probably think about REAL men, too."
No. 1803032
>>1803013>Is every virgin asexual then? Sexuality is based on attraction first and foremostVirgins are attracted to/in love with real people also. It says much more about their sexual orientation than the fictional anime characters they ship on Tumblr.
>if you spend all your time watching male bodies depicted in sexual situationsExcept these women are not looking at real burly gay men getting it on. There's a reason it's always yaoi because the characters are very effeminate and written by women. Plus you're forgetting that tifs are mentally unwell and hate being female.
No. 1803051
>>1803038The fact that it exists doesn't prove that no fujo can be lesbian. Acting like all fujos look at real men getting fucked in the ass is disingenuous, even straight fujos are rarely ever into it.
>>1803043>Effeminate men aren’t the same as GNC women, holy fuckNobody said that, stop insisting with the fake outrage. TIFs, straight or gay, hate themselves and the female body which is why they read romance written by women but played out by drawn effeminate men, get over it.
No. 1803056
>>1803051It isn’t fake outrage just because you don’t understand how GNC women aren’t Men Lite, and you did say that “it’s not like they’re watching big burly men get it on”. You told on yourself right there, men are men no matter how they look. If you like seeing men get it on, but you wouldn’t fuck one, you’re still bi because lesbians don’t like seeing men in sexual situations enough to seek out yaoi, unless they truly don’t know where to find lesbian stories, but it’s the internet, are you really that stupid? Once again, your bi experience isn’t a lesbian one because lesbians don’t like men, even if they’re fictional, maybe you should be getting over that, kek.
No. 1803061
>>1803050this confused me at first, wdym? that the content produced for gay ships are part of the female gaze because theyre written by women, for women? i never denied that, i was just saying that lots of women end up being into ships from series that were not written for women as the intended demographic, so the male characters don't come off as female-gazey. whatever female shippers do to the characters afterward is their own projection.
i realized i said "men in yaoi" in my earlier post but i was speaking more broadly in terms of gay ships in general. characters from BL genre are written with a female-gaze, i'll give you that, but there's a lot of gay ships that just seem to boom in popularity from shounen series, and it has nothing to do with those characters being written by women, for women. they're just relatable characters that can appeal to anyone regardless of gender, they're not actually "butch women" or whatever people say.
No. 1803070
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>>1803061I was referring to how in most yaoifics and dojunshis the designated uke essentially becomes a female version of himself, both in mannerism, how he's treated in story and sometimes in appearance
No. 1803072
>>1803055It's weird but it happens, there are lesbian TIFs who date other women but at the same mutilate their own bodies (top surgery etc).
>>1803056>you did say that “it’s not like they’re watching big burly men get it on”. Because anons' argument was that fujos can't be lesbians since they're attracted to men fucking each other in the ass, as if fujos are seeking out porn for gay men instead of content made by women where characters aren't even masculine looking. You're so upset about the idea that a lesbian could be a fujo, what next, are you going to deny that there are lesbian TIFs? Are you going to say that straight women watching lesbian porn have had a "bisexual experience"? Literally everywhere else on lolcow, the idea that watching gay romance means you're bi would get anyone called a spicy straight but now you're basically agreeing with the idea that women's sexual orientations depend on what they watch simply because it supports your argument that lesbians, even TIFs, would never be into anything else than lesbian romances. Also, you can give your opinion without acting like the representative of all lesbians and The Lesbian Experience™, it's embarrassing.
No. 1803074
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>fujoshis can be lesbians too! Yaoi is butch4butch!
>the yaoi
This has a OVA series too, kek. I guess it was just that popular among bihets.
No. 1803085
>>1803072>Are you going to say that straight women watching lesbian porn have had a "bisexual experience"?You talk and talk on not realising how you’re exposing your obvious fluid sexuality.. yes those women are bisexual. You clearly do not understand the nature of someone exclusively attracted to one sex that is why you’re asking all these fucking retarded questions & seem genuinely confused on how homosexuality functions.
>Also, you can give your opinion without acting like the representative of all lesbians and The Lesbian Experience™, it's embarrassing.Multiple lesbians itt disagree with you, do not relate to you & have been explaining why?
No. 1803093
>>1803082The point is that the goal of TIFs is to escape the female body even in fiction, as opposed to seeking out & being attracted to masculinity.
>>1803085>Multiple lesbians itt disagree with you, do not relate to you & have been explaining why?And I'm not the only anon that said that lesbians can be into yaoi, I'm also not the anon who made the original post about lesbian fujos (literally talking about her own experience), but I am indeed the only anon that kept replying kek and it's useless. Lesbians on lolcow care so much about their "image" it goes as far as tinfoiling that fujotifs dating each other are in fact straight women who couldn't find a man (?) instead of admitting that some women caught up in the gender woo are lesbians. In fact they're one of the main
victims of the gender BS. But let me guess, chopping off your tits and pretending to be a man due to severe internalized homophobia/misogyny is not relatable to you so it's probably just repressed bisexuality.
>seem genuinely confused on how homosexuality functions.Again, if an anon claimed to be bi because of some shit she watches despite dating only men, she would get mocked, "spicy straight" etc. It's known that a lot of straight women watch lesbian porn or solo women because it's less violent and focus on the woman. We can say that these women are in fact bisexuals if you want, it doesn't change the fact that this is something that anons would usually disagree with because they don't like it when there are too many women claiming to be SSA. Now they're switching it up ("your sexuality is fluid if you read non-straight romance!!") because it supports their argument.
No. 1803099
>>1803088The seme is but as
>>1803089 and
>>1803070 pointed out, the uke essentially becomes female in all but name
No. 1803106
File: 1680763929922.jpg (170.95 KB, 946x2048, FejlNE-XwAIijjn.jpg)

The absolute state of TIFs.
No. 1803127
>>1803085could you please shut up about "fluid sexuality"? lol no, watching lesbian porn made for moids doesn't make a woman bisexual, stop acting like you're some kind of an expert on human sexuality.
>inb4 you don't realize you're binah I'm bisexual but i'm pretty sure all those women who occasionally admit to watching "lesbian" porn but would never have sex with a woman irl are not.
No. 1803134
>>1803066There's a difference between ships and actual yaoi. Shipping is just fan culture, yaoi is an actual genre, by definition homoerotic media created by women for women.
Fic writers and fan artists use the term yaoi to describe their fanworks which is somewhat accurate (since they take non-yaoi medias and essentially turn it into yaoi) but that doesn't make the male-written source material yaoi. Thus the yaoi aspect is still created by women.
No. 1803154
File: 1680771592324.png (109.9 KB, 1065x973, 73.png)

>>1802787She was a patient of Magnus Hirschfeld, a pedophile who frequented child brothels and openly advocated for adult men to be allowed to rape children. she was most likely groomed by that sick pervert.
No. 1803155
>>1803056I am the nonni who posted
>>1802618 and
>unless they truly don’t know where to find lesbian storiesIs my situation, I guess I'm just retarded and don't know where to find the right thing but the only f/f I've seen is either gross hentai for moids or uwu sapphic girls in flower crowns holding hands for spicy straight women.
I guess what is attractive to me in yaoi is the female gaze itself and not the characters, the way women depict sexual situations.
No. 1803200
File: 1680782286572.jpeg (78.33 KB, 1125x1111, 43FAB587-D517-45DF-B528-177DA2…)

>"If you're attracted to depictions of males you're not a lesbian"
>"Getting aroused to and spending all your time obsessively preoccupied by men in sexual situations with each other doesn't mean I'm attracted to men because uhhh they look like butch women (except they're male)! Or they're fictional men or ""unattainable"" celebritiy men! Or it's written by women for women btw even though most fujo ships are ships from popular male written stories!"
No. 1803213
File: 1680784095106.png (710.38 KB, 2544x1928, holyprojectionbatman.png)

>>1803200Okay retard, you can quit posting about this and post some real milk instead. Could you speds please find somewhere else to infight and stop shitting up this thread? Picrel is milktax, i.e. fakebois projecting upon another tumblr sexyman.
No. 1803225
>>1803200you really gonna argue this isn't hetorsexuality
>>1803074 with extra steps
No. 1803267
File: 1680791262245.jpeg (147.25 KB, 828x1143, EB50965F-FBDE-4529-A113-990D36…)

>>1803260nta yes.
anyways, just because it isn’t happening to you troon doesn’t mean it isn’t happening at all. also I always found it so disturbing how eager they all are to destroy their bodies, it is one massive death cult.
No. 1803289
>>1803261(is that blogpost?)If I am a giga autist and have no interest in real women but like fictional women, does it make me lesbian or asexual? I will never date anybody so by the logic of
nonnie№1 I am asexual as it doesn't matter what content I consume but by the logic of
nonnie№2 (you) fictional affection is just as important as real one.
No. 1803336
>>1803289ayrt what
>>1803298 said is right. you dont need to have sex with someone to understand who you are.. there are other ways our sexuality is expressed that doesn’t require sex & dating.
No. 1803361
File: 1680800534116.jpeg (62.44 KB, 750x557, 506A2377-4F89-4C60-AA41-ADE866…)

>>1802923This bitch is manic. i cant decide if i’m disgusted or concerned
No. 1804103
File: 1680802106441.png (8.65 KB, 960x199, So tired of being a woman.png)

I have been dealing with health issues and doctors do not take me seriously. Is it because I'm a woman? No, is the doctors that are racists.
No. 1804105
File: 1680802268333.png (6.82 KB, 598x289, Skitarii yaoi agenda.png)

>>1803361>>1803370She's getting funny, but not "ha ha" funny.
No. 1804114
>>1803207nta, but what i assume that anon means is that shippers fall in love with male-written characters and become obsessed about them, but lesbian fujos will try to justify their attraction by saying the characters are drawn and written as butch women and that's why they can ignore the male aspect. nobody is denying that women consume fics and art by other women, but the biggest fujo ships originate from non BL media. fan content of gay ships have a female gaze the same way hetero stuff written by women have a female gaze, but nobody will say the man in a het ship is actually a butch woman just because the story was written by a woman.
what people mean to say is that the romance (in BL and het) is written with a female gaze and that's why they enjoy it, because men are fucking awful at writing romance, but you cannot conflate that with gay male characters actually being characterized as lesbian women just because they're "more emotional". lesbian fujos can enjoy BL because the romance is written with a female-gaze, but other anons are talking about how certain lesbians will make their entire fandom experience about sexualizing men's bodies, talking about their dicks, and producing porn of them. straight women can enjoy lesbian romance that is written by women, but you will not see straight women making oversexualized porn of them on the same level.
i have a bi friend who calls herself a lesbian just because she never wants to date a man again, and all the content she produces is BL or her self-insert getting fucked by a man, but it's okay she's a lesbian because she's e-dating a woman. these are the "lesbian fujos" that anons are calling out.
No. 1804130
>>1803361>ana to FtM pipelineUhhh it's kind of scary how common this is. She still has an ED but now it's based because she's trannie gender and she SHOULD lose unhealthy amounts of weight because it "makes" her a real
boy (not man obviously), I guess.
No. 1804144
File: 1680806329315.jpg (455.09 KB, 1147x2105, celestialfang.jpg)

>>1804105Man this woman is so laughable. I'd feel bad for her if the mental illness shit didn't also feel like a LARP.
No. 1804176
File: 1680809882418.jpeg (202.77 KB, 1200x880, hale inventory.jpeg)

here is the inventory police seized from Audrey's room. they also found a man's driver's license… wonder who that belonged to.
soooo many electronics. i guess she just hoarded every electronic she ever owned?
No. 1804250
>>1804176Woah, Wonder what the redacted item was. I added up like 20 journals in total. (wasn't sure if #11 said 4 or 9 though.)
I bet 30$ the cops find some really fucked up transcel alt accounts when they unlock her tech. It's like the whole "Harmless Autistic Disney adult" thing was a mask for when she was around people.
No. 1804266
File: 1680819811601.png (177.18 KB, 985x739, ew.png)

>>1804260>Wants to get top surgery>she's flat chestedThey have these "trans man scars" too glamorized at this rate. Is like not gender dysphoria for having breast in first place, is like breast in general is horrible to have and you're not a real "man" without these scars.
No. 1804277
File: 1680820340474.jpg (67.92 KB, 1073x477,…)

sage for an absolutely retarded post but the profile of this girl made me kek
No. 1804284
File: 1680820472966.jpg (15.03 KB, 810x484, sFYqSUA.jpg)

>>1799273macbook is expensive as shit and brand new with a full warranty.
No. 1804302
>>1802637At least in my experience, it’s usually an excuse for being horny all the time
Sage for blogpost I have a pseudo handmaiden friend like this who is constantly thirsts over random male e-thots and talks about wanting to get slammed into the wall and fucked but she claims to be asexual at the same time.
I really don’t think anyone believes her with that being said though.
No. 1804327
>>1804277>norwegian/cuban i’m not saying it’s impossible to be that mix but it’s certainly rare. besides tifs love racefaking so there’s that.
i do hope the parent part is fake.
No. 1804338
nonnie the game this is on, everskies, is a goldmine for this stuff. I got into it because of the nostalgia of pixel avatars and found out very quickly that it's full of xenogender neopronoun and nonhuman bs. A lot of people have emoji pronouns and it/xe/they shit. Most of the "males" are tifs and gaydens. Tiktok rhetoric about gender and race are popular, and so is tiktok level reading comprehension, toxicity and virtue signalling. Some of the outfits are nice, though.
No. 1804344
File: 1680824495493.png (72.3 KB, 620x595, Grace Jones.png)

>>1804324I think I mentioned many women that were famous for their masculine attires and androgynous looks but they're still women. Grace Jones, Annie Lennox and Shirley Manson are the ones I can think of (oldfag). Is sad that women think to look androgynist you must have a male body too.
No. 1804352
>>1804345sorry anon. there was someone in the previous thread that was getting really angry about the use of "they" and I thought they were getting riled up again kek
>>1804347i'm also 30 and agree it's very normal for people I know to use "they" in that way, even when they know the sex of the person. eg "what are they doing?" when you are confused by a person's behaviour. you see what sex they are but you can still use 'they' to refer to them.
the genderqueer stuff didn't start coming in til mid 2010s so maybe the understanding of the 'singular they' has been overshadowed by that now.
No. 1804459
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From the mtf thread.
No. 1804527
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>>1804277>>1804327I went on the blog, she talks like the parent part isn't fake…
No. 1804602
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No. 1804604
File: 1680865637888.png (1.7 MB, 784x1812, Female to incel cringe…)

No. 1804609
File: 1680866293960.jpg (352.85 KB, 2048x2048, PhotoGrid_1665922983498.jpg)

Faghag fujo TIFs are the imo the worst subset of fujotroons.
No. 1804677
>>1804609These kinds of fujotroons make me so sad, it's like watching an ouroboros made of madness.
They act like faggots, who are already anoying because they larp as females to get moid attention while being a …woman who doesn't need this kind of shit. They're mimicking their haters to get a crumble of validation from men that don't even want to fuck them, tragic.
No. 1804679
>>1804602even that ezra bitch did this
"Ooww I hate that I was a normal girl who didn't have to inject synthetic hormones that will make me bald, didn't have to compress her chest and didn't rely on online attention :( Boohoo!!"
No. 1804995
File: 1680911042048.jpg (110.47 KB, 720x1600, Screenshot_2023-04-08-00-42-54…)

the state of this tif kek
No. 1805042
File: 1680917666223.jpg (49.33 KB, 482x886, lol.jpg)

ok fess up which one of you posted the bottom one to cause dysphoria lmao
No. 1805078
File: 1680924245912.png (Spoiler Image,538.16 KB, 576x968, Screenshot_20230408-001847~2.p…)

Spoiler because of fucked up imagery.
Saw this girl on Instagram who is of course a ftm and one of the pictures on her profile was this shit. I saw it so you have to see it too. I hope it's fake blood.
In other post she mentions something about not being a girl and eating poop and the video attached she's eating something that I hope for everything that's holy it's chocolate pudding or something similar.
Wtf is up with todays youth
No. 1805086
>>1805078hyperindividualism-induced psychosis
you have to viciously and often times derangedly carve out your very specific niche to generate enough memetic energy to sustain your brand. these kids are ferocious marketers of their own identities to a quite literally insane degree
No. 1805194
File: 1680951116930.jpeg (44.91 KB, 585x372, C66CD367-498E-4A9E-8CCE-2CDD52…)

Show me these hyper masculine, 6 pack having trans men. I’ve yet to meet a tif who isn’t painfully skinny or a doughy mess. They all hate themselves too much to go to the gym.
No. 1805202
File: 1680952121285.jpg (24.41 KB, 400x209, 400px-Michael_Brandon_and_Scot…)

>>1805194I think every should see this pic of Buck Angel(the most masculine TIF for some people) standing next to 2 average bodied men
No. 1805239
>>1805194That argument is so demented.
>you don't want men in the women's changing room? well we surgically and chemically mutated women into horrors beyond human comprehension, where do they go to take a piss? The obvious answer is to not create these creatures in the first place because there is little in the world that is more evil than this process, but in the end a mutated, mutilated woman is still a woman and not a man and this has entire question is a red herring that doesn't support at all their desire that men should be able to hang out in women's toilets and changing rooms, unconditionally, so log as they say they want to.
But the reality is that the police is called to arrest women who speak out about those men and the media portrays them as bigoted monsters, while the sex perverts are free to live out the fetish in peace.
No. 1805287
>>1805285I was sexually assault by someone who was my "friend" that was tif if that helps
There was def no actual overpowering it mostly happened because it my complete shock that someone I trusted was touching me like that
No. 1805322
>>1805285Rape doesn't have to involve having a penis. These tif can easily use a dildo or anything phallus shaped on her
victims. Rape is about power and make your
victim feel worthless and it was her fault or reserved it.
No. 1805330
>>1805326South American
nonnie, can confirm. Sometimes I feel smaller than my (USAian?) friends and then I remember that I'm way taller than other women in my country. A south American TIF might be taller than other women here, but in USA or even Nordic countries, she can pass like a dwarf.
No. 1805332
File: 1680972831825.jpg (431.12 KB, 2658x794, 1646232470122.jpg)

>>1805326>>1805330Yeah like native andean men are short, hairless, can't grow beards and sometimes they let their hair grow to a length superior to the average of latinas, but not even a tourist seeing them for first time can confuse one as a woman, because they have the rectangular anatomy and features that all males have
No. 1805355
>>1805194>actual menThose are women who messed around with their hormones and may/may not have had some cosmetic surgery, not men. Huge difference. The outside doesn't matter because they actually belong. They always have, and always will.
Do these people think women with PCOS don't belong in women's bathrooms, too?
No. 1805370
>>1805194A woman with a lot of body hair is still a woman. An extremely muscular woman is still a woman. A woman who cut off a chunk of her arm and sewed it to her groin is still a woman (though these surgeries are so rare it isn't even worth taking into consideration.) I'd rather share a locker room with Buck Angel than with Dylan Mulvaney literally any day.
Irony of ironies, many TiFs continue to use the women's room anyway out of– you guessed it– fear of males. Men and women have to have separate spaces because one is constantly victimizing the other.
No. 1805374
>>1805194Why is always the "
terf in bathrooms are always checking on the genitals on people when they just want to pee" when a normal person can distinguish the diferencie between a woman and… whatever a tif or a tim looks like?
No. 1805387
File: 1680979293769.jpg (154.48 KB, 631x960, tumblr_d067b5aaba4f274f4ad9a3d…)

>>1805374You made me think of this awful comic
No. 1805389
File: 1680979541754.jpg (9.6 KB, 200x200, ce04e622396f16552e5db35537b165…)

>>1805387i know they aren't to be posted anymore but the way the artist of this depicts herself bears a hilarious resemblance to the pooner memes lol
No. 1805421
>>1805042Holy shit, look at that abdominal, android, panniculus, potbelly paunch she’s developing.
Troonerism os truly a mental and physical disease that destroys female bodies.
(learn to sage) No. 1805516
File: 1680997103479.png (78 KB, 549x308, 21442141.png)

Looks like Audrey was possibly an edgy Columbiner like Lindsay Souvannarath.
>Authorities have yet to release what was written publicly. But TBI director David Rausch did talk candidly about the contents of the manifesto at a Tennessee Sheriffs' Association meeting. Rausch said what police found isn't so much a manifesto spelling out a target but a series of rambling writings indicating no clear motive.
>Investigators searched the Nashville home of the Covenant School shooter leaving with among other things — a number or handwritten journals, some videos and computer hard drives. Rausch told sheriffs that the review so far of the material finds that the killer did not write about specific political, religious or social issues. In fact, a primary focus in the journals is on idolizing those who committed prior school shootings.
>She appears to have followed their lead planning for months and acted alone. No. 1805605
>>1805516OT but
>Lindsay Souvannarathis a name I haven’t heard in ages. Didn’t she have a thread here?
No. 1805627
File: 1681007479557.png (14.8 KB, 680x229, 3942349823.PNG)

>>1805516they're bullshitting us hard. No one randomly warms up to commit an act in which the main focus is to humiliate and attack an institution, a group, or a society. terrorist acts are not committed on pure desire to harm. otherwise, you could just kill individual people like a serial killer. I don't buy it for a fucking second
No. 1805777
File: 1681045571213.jpeg (386.99 KB, 2048x2048, 989B0FD6-C373-4133-8486-B33BF2…)

So she just wanted to be thing basically since she’s a they/them and dresses very fem which makes her feel good about herself.
One of the comments said her surgeon was so good the other comments were saying how they can’t wait to get rid of their breasts to look flat on dresses.
This is just depressing but Euphoria!
No. 1805834
>>1805322We know that rape doesn't always involve a penis, but again tifs are women and women aren't dangerous to other women like a man would be. We know that there are some cases of woman on woman violence, but 90% of rapes are committed by men. And again, most tifs aren't physically strong enough to cause serious problems to random women in female bathrooms.
>>1805326>height as a determining factor in masculinity is largely a western judgementI'm not american, but I'm pretty sure that even if men are shorter in some areas, they're still taller than the average woman in that same area. Still, men and tifs are anatomically very different even if they have the same height.
No. 1805892
File: 1681061820461.jpg (62.69 KB, 1077x1053, 691bea05868f9363.jpg)

>>1805887>there were already a bunch of post on the detrans reddit about people posing as documentarians to try and get photos of the women there.i wan to a-log
No. 1806032
>>1805322Rape isn't always or even mostly about power, that's a scrote-pushed idea. Rape usually is a person feeling entitled to another person's body or about explicit hatred against the
victim's demographic/personhood using it as a hate crime with the added sexual drive (if it was just power and they got no sexual gratification they'd beat the woman not necessarily rape her, that's why for example scrotes mostly rape in alignment with their sexuality and beat not rape men they hate usually). While obviously a woman can feel this way they overall don't which is why rapists are like 98% male.
And even ignoring the male v female stats, the likelihood of a transmed tif, especially post phallo (like the tweet indicates) raping someone would be low on its own just on a practicality perspective which is why it's funny the troon is acting like a tif being forced to stay in a female washroom means women are in more danger than around normal women, I'd honestly expect more rapes out of females who haven't mangled their bodies to remove proper sexual function. Tifs would need a tool and they couldn't physically enjoy the experience to the point of hurting themselves as much as the
victim if they tried. On the various parameters set to create a rape in the first place you'd need a serious woman hating serial rapist who gets off purely on the sexual humiliation and sadism, I could see a tif raping out of brain rot from sexual frustration after their clit gets covered in the fake penis skin and unusable and also hating other woman as a projection of themselves. But I think there would have been a case of that by now if that was in any way a likely event. Especially since in reality fakebois and transmeds don't have the same restrictions the tweet claimed with them being "basically men who can rape with a penis too"
No. 1806105
File: 1681088667357.png (12.95 KB, 616x387, Skitarii yaoi agenda.png)

>facial masculinization surgery
>twink pipeline
And they say denial is not just a river in Egypt.
No. 1806239
File: 1681114894012.jpeg (193.97 KB, 1124x836, 9347ABDC-A6FB-4D14-877B-2CCDE6…)

No. 1806247
>>1805777It's dystopian to look at. It doesn't even look more neutral or male, it looks prepubesent and anorexic. You just know in the future her mind will have switched and her chest will give her real "wrong body" dysphoria only this time she can't fix it and have her breasts back. If she has a child she can't ever breastfeed it, because as a young woman she hated women and female bodies too much to think breasts are even worth having. If that child is a daughter, how will she explain when she's older why her mommy doesn't have breasts? Will she encourage her to amputate hers too? Do these girls realize that’s what they're doing to young teen girls on tiktok? Spreading hatred of the female body and promoting harming it permanently, just to look less female.
Even though some women are happy never having any, statistically she and all of these girls will grow out of this phase, and they'll end up wanting kids. That's just reality.
No. 1806311
File: 1681134408570.jpg (122.59 KB, 800x3737, brave.jpg)

>the braver footsteps are walked with high heels
No. 1806357
File: 1681143011019.png (127.81 KB, 650x603, da8wAdK.png)

>>1806314You made me remember this secret. "Porn made me realize I'm a trans girl and I would be desired" sounds akin with "Porn made me realize women like it that way".
No. 1806368
>>1806324I feel like this comic is a Rorschach test - viewers can interpret it in many different ways depending on where they fall in pro- or anti- TRA ideology. Maybe the high heel means that women who accept that they are women and don’t cut their tits off due to internalized misogyny are braver. The pessimistic side of me thinks that Noelle, still totally brainwashed by TRA ideology, is trying to say that the men who dress up as women are braver because these stunning and brave laydees are being genocides by TERFs every day, while TIFs like her are relegated to the back of the bus in conversations about troonery.
My dream is for Noelle to grow a backbone, detransition, and write an autobiographical memoir about her time in gender hell. I bet that JKR could help her secure a publishing deal lmao. If Ellen Page ever detransitions she could play Noelle in the movie adaptation of her comic.
No. 1806373
>>1806321Honestly I have lost sympathy for her, she is a
victim of her own shitty life decisions and should be treated as such.
No. 1806397
File: 1681148177329.jpg (292.79 KB, 1288x1600, s48ebrkllPeu1rDdXBVnzKQ9ZRR7u4…)

>>1806392Sometimes dramaturgy or method acting can make us believe we are if we go for it hard enough (for the sake of warding off predators rather than making asses of ourselves).
It's obviously a double edged sword because then we can't be taken seriously once we prove our hardest how we're NOT dumb, decimating us to shit when it's used against us.
>>1806339A lot of tifs seem to want the tit chop because they think boobs are for whores and they'll be seen as people if they're removed, it's deeper than just "aesthetics". Judging by the results, their surgeons don't care about aesthetics either.
>>1806354>I also sometimes want to lop off my breats because I don't like them but then I think, is this normal?Same nona. Slight blog, it started with wanting a reduction for back pain and sagging but has become wanting a flat chest, I don't want children anyway, but breasts aren't just for children and the surgery and complications aren't to be taken lightly so can I justify it?
No. 1806399
>>1806339>>1806342>>1806345You probably think the uterus is only for growing a fetus huh
Your breasts are complex organs just like the rest of your body jfc pick a book and learn about your body, you
need to know your body. Sincerely hope you're underage or lurking tifs psyoping those are extremely mentally ill takes
No. 1806432
>>1806339>if they want to get rid of their tits?>prefer the flat chest look anywaysPick one and only one. Because removing your breasts and having small, healthy breasts are completely different situations and look completely different as well. It's like comparing cutting your hands off because you wished you had smaller hands.
>>1806345Get psychiatrist help before posting on the internet again. Now.
No. 1806446
File: 1681152933002.png (92.1 KB, 450x582, ijedfwqee.PNG)

a tif got caught faking being a intersex man because of taking a selfie with a dildo inside her pants
No. 1806447
File: 1681153113352.jpg (5.07 KB, 168x300, iuu0pu.jpg)

>>1806446sorry for the low res i forgot to archive
No. 1806568
>>1806546Bizarre you don’t mention sexual pleasure? Plenty of women including ones with larger breasts get sexual pleasure from having their breasts touched. Whether you’re attracted to men or women, it’s a major erogenous zone that a partner can make use of.
Also little toes are useless yet we would think anyone wanting to get rid of them to make their feet slimmer has issues. The body is not plug and play, and the idea that parts should be removed or added for non medical reasons encourages viewing the body as the problem, and not the attitude towards the body. Every time a woman child her breasts off to avoid sexualization, she is telling other women with her body and story that this is a viable response to being sexualized, just like how every woman who gets an ethnic nose job reinforces the notion that ethnic noses are ugly and ski slope noses are the only beautiful ones.
No. 1806574
>>1806552No, I don't think I will
>>1806568>Bizarre you don’t mention sexual pleasureThe other anons already mentioned not wanting sex either so I didn't see the reason to. I'd say maybe consider that women often do things out of their own desire, no matter if those things are good or bad, and not to send a message to other women or whatever, but it wasn't my point to argue anyway, I just wanted to express my support for those three anons and I really don't see the reason for all the hate and infighting
No. 1806670
>>1806546>It's low key misogynistic to dismiss or straight up make fun of other women's genuine feelings of discomfort like that nglYes.
>It's like female biology is built to serve others No. You could say that about dicks but you didn't. Wonder why.
No. 1806695
>>1806546being uncomfortable with your breasts because of the patriarchy is no different from anorexic girls being uncomfortable with their own bodies because of unrealistic beauty standards, or even the TIFs being uncomfortable with being perceived as women. you agree that your discomfort is socially constructed and is the result of your own thinking; there is nothing inherently wrong with your breasts or body, you just don't like it because of how society perceives you. men will fetishize ANY body part; should you amputate yourself until your body doesn't physically exist at all, just so you are finally free of male objectification?
if your breasts cause you physical complications due to size, then i understand why they're not just something you can ignore because they affect your daily life, but otherwise you need to learn to accept yourself for who you are and accept your body for what it is. i don't think about my breasts the same way i don't think about any other body part. they're just there. i don't see the point of attaching all these meanings to them because you're just going to stress yourself out the more you think about it.
No. 1806754
>>1806752Sage your autism.
I’m not making a speech, I’m simply saying a reality of dealing with overly big breasts? Do you seriously not care about back pain, how it can hurt to run, and actually exercise? Have you never experienced being unable to do sports because of your body hurting suddenly, and being unable to stop it? It’s one thing to be an A or B cup, it’s another to be an F cup and have it severely impact your life. My “speech” was about how GNC women are pushed into believing that this means they’re men, when in reality it has nothing to do with that. I never considered my chest useless at any point, you need to gain some reading comprehension and learn to integrate. You sage unless you have actual milk to share, idiot.
No. 1806786
File: 1681193499706.jpg (99.4 KB, 1200x1422, b5a.jpg)

>>1806546>It's low key misogynistic to dismiss or straight up make fun of other women's desire to chop off healthy body partsYeah, and it's high-key misogynistic to normalize it. Go be mentally ill somewhere else.
No. 1806833
>>1806546>I am an incredibly insecure woman and I think my body only exists to serve men, so I think it's right for me and other women to cut off the parts used for serving men so I can be free and superior.And women with breasts and uterus are all whores right? They all secretly love being cock sleeves for the superior male, otherwise why would they choose to keep their cock-accomodating parts and not mutilate themselves to be free from sexualization?
Your body is already yours. Your boobs are simply a part of your body, your uterus and vagina are just how your body is built. They'll be useful in case you want to have children, but they do not belong to the child or to males. Plenty of things in your body don't have purpose, yet you're not going on about how you want to cut off some fingers, toes, ears, lungs, or other organs. You hate breasts because male view them as things that belong to them and you believe them. It's insane how some of you come here to laugh at tifs while behaving exactly like them and spouting woman-hating bullshit left and right because you can't help being disgusted by the icky whores who keep their bodies intact.
No. 1806851
>>1806342>Me and a lot of women I've talked to wished they had small or non existent boobsand that's not good nor is it normal. it's a sad effect of a misogynistic society, which is the actual problem.
you guys need to learn to accept your body as normal and default and unlearn all the horrible shit that scrotes associate with your body parts.
yeah congrats, you are self-aware enough to realize that you hate your body because of how women are objectified, but instead of thinking about it deeper and reaching the correct conclusion (that misogynistic ideas in society need to be destroyed), you just stop there and decide to "solve" the "problem" by removing the healthy body parts through which men make you feel like an object as a shitty temporal solution (you will always have female organs and female internal anatomy, and if you were able to remove all of them you would probably wish you died due to all the unnecessary pain and complications you went through) and promoting the idea that it's a good solution and shouldn't be criticized. your logic is basically blaming your own female body for getting sexualized by moids, and punishing it (yourself) by mutilating it. that's basically like blaming women who dress a certain way for being raped instead of blaming moids for being rapist animals.
also you all sound really young. wait till you grow older to seriously consider mutilating yourselves (and we use the word "mutilate" because that's literally what it is, don't sugarcoat it. how can you be aware that plastic surgery exploiting people's insecurities is bad for women but think removing your breasts isn't the same shit?)
>>1806790the idea of women being able to become men in real life did not spread through slash fanfic you retard. slash fic and yaoi already had existed decades before 2010. particularly insecure girls from misogynistic societies are attracted to those genres because it provides escapism where women aren't the subject of sexualization, but slash and yaoi weren't created to promote gender ideology. gender ideology was first promoted in western post-modern academia and later western medicine because it turned out to be profitable. also not all TIFs are fujos, especially older ones, so how do you even explain that
No. 1806907
>>1804338>>1804646I use dappervolk since I like the art and the fantasy setting for dressing up avatars, but there's so much gender bs (I also play flightrising and there's less wokeness on there). It seems like the average user claims to be 18-30. But I know I used to lie about being an adult on Gaia and all the petsites that I used as a kid.
Pretending that trans shit is real for a moment, it's only supposed to be like 1% of the population. But every misfit teen who dresses alt is trans? Okay.
No. 1806923
>>1806546before you start asking for sympathy, know that many of us taking issue with what you are all saying are detrans or have struggled with dysphoria. we’ve struggled and fought hard to come to the understanding that our discomfort with our bodies are irrational responses to the way society treats us and we’ve fought to have other women come to this realization. so naturally, when you come onto these threads with the semi apologetic tone talking about “Well… can we offer some exceptions?” without a fucking ounce of critical thought on why removing a significantly large part of your body would be bad, we’ll get pissy with you. stop doing the irresponsible thing and giving these thoughts credible voice where other women on their path of resolving dysphoria can see it. the easy thing to do for these women is to see what you, someone who is masquerading as someone with her best interests in mind, posting about how “if a woman wants to do it, there’s nothing wrong with it,” and giving into those thoughts instead of the difficult work of accepting her body.
you and previous anons seem to be very misaligned with why the transgender movement is bad for women. It’s not because they’re funny and cringe and thinking they’re men when they’re not, it’s because they’re all cultivating and encouraging a discomfort so strong that they’re disassociating from and altering their bodies. it is on the level of anorexia sprouting up in women by droves (sometimes both at the same time) in that the body most often changes for the worse in terms of health and function. the tranny encouraging you to get a double mastectomy on your healthy body is no different than the GC/trans critical/radfem poster telling you the same because the end product is the same, the thought process is the same. a tranny telling you that boobs are useless and only function to serve others is the same exact thing as a woman on this thread posting about it to a woman with gender dysphoria reading this thread. stop being so fucking careless and flippant with your words if you really care about misogyny. I hope you step back from what everyone is telling you all and listen.
No. 1807003
File: 1681231222335.jpg (128.36 KB, 1079x1071, Screenshot_20230411-183224_Sam…)

>>1806822Oh so now they're admitting trans surgeries and care are "harmful requirements" and "invasive medical procedures"? I thought they were life saving, you know, like they've all been preaching for years?
I would like them to specify exactly what about the procedures are bad, and if they're so bad why are they the ONLY solution for some trans people but not all trans people? And how exactly can they be sure what kind of trans they're dealing with, the ones who's life will be saved by it or the one who has to endure these invasive and harmful events?
No. 1807055
>>1807003My knowledge might be a few years old but I am not quite certain what they mean by "invasive medical procedures" as the only actual medical requirement was that you are infertile. If memory serves, being two years on hormones was enough to classify as being infertile. No surgery or other "invasive medical procedures" were ever required.
As for the "psychiatric procedures": you first had to go through the trans clinic route that used to take around a year but since the increase in patients takes forever now. At the clinic you would go through different psychological evaluations regarding your gender identity, your general life situation, if you are ready both in mental and physical sense, your wishes on the transition and so on. After that you would do a so called "real life test" where you would live as the gender you identify as for about a year, after that you would need a second opinion from the other clinic you haven't been to yet, and after that you could be referred to hormone therapy and surgeries.
Now you can just freely apply for having your juridical sex changed on paper.
No. 1807358
>>1807319I think you don’t understand what back pain is like from breasts that quite literally limit the function to do simple basic things like running. Getting a reduction for overall health isn’t some slippery slope into gender ideology. My point is that doctors push women INTO gender ideology when we express wanting a reduction, especially if we are GNC and lesbians. Did you miss the part where I said it’s one thing to be an F cup compared to a B cup?
>>1807348>The problem is that even a lot of women refuse to put themselves in the shoes of other women who developed earlier or larger than they have and have views about it similar to men's.And it’s happening in this thread, kek. Thank you, nona.
No. 1807379
>>1806833That reads like projecting to other women that they should follow a tif's footsteps bruh…
And there's a logical fallacy; if "my body only exists to serve men" part fits with tifs trooning, wouldn't the purpose of tif existence be defeated and obliterated?
And then normal, intact women (like ~49% of the population) are "whores" unless they become tif? Like there is no escape; as if their only way to live as a woman is no longer viable.
We live in a period of insanity; in the form of now there is an easy pipeline/overlap of women and tifs, and tifs are no longer just an edge case.
No. 1807381
>>1807358>The problem is that even a lot of women refuse to put themselves in the shoes of other women who developed earlier or larger than they have and have views about it similar to men's.They don't unless internalized.
Some women feel jealous, and want it for themselves. In no part without male intervention would they think like this.
No. 1807406
File: 1681288835533.png (20.38 KB, 890x306, delusional woman.png)

Can we please go back to making fun of tifs and fakebois
No. 1807428
>>1807408I'm an A cup who likes women with larger breasts, I just think they're sexy. I wouldn't want a woman to be uncomfortable or feel degraded by my attraction to her though, it's not like boobs are everything but people are gonna always think body parts are sexually attractive, it's just about having decency to not stare and not act aggressive towards girls with larger chests with the fucked up assumption they're inherently sluts for just having big breasts. Most women I've met who were uncomfortable with their chests weren't just DD they were BIG like F+.
And touching on the topic anyway, I think reductions are totally good to get if you're uncomfortable with your chest size be it due to pain or unwanted attention. Anons here are giving very little sympathy to those with big chests and are basically saying since it's so misogyny that causes the issue of discomfort you're not ALLOWED to want a reduction and you must suffer at hand of it or else men win. Men are already winning because they just want to ogle tits anyway.
No I don't think mastectomies are the answer unless medically necessary (much more complicated, awful healing procedure, often heal weirdly with excess fat on the sides or are misshapen), but I 100% support girls who want reductions if it makes their lives more comfortable. We deal with enough!!!
No. 1807479
File: 1681304212018.jpg (40 KB, 630x630, Tumblr_l_285517305872071.jpg)

i really thought it was a joke but it's tumblr so ofc it wasn't and everyone reblogging it just say 'my gender' or any other gen z gender related words.
No. 1807505
File: 1681309785006.jpg (93.66 KB, 579x863, ninini.jpg)

imagine if you all "there is nothing wrong with women wanting to get rid of their big whorish attention taking boobs" nonnies just went "well of course it is completely understandable if some woman with big, hooked nose wanted to get plastic surgery for it, how could you blame her! society views her nose as ugly so why wouldn't getting rid of it be a
valid solution?" like are you listening to yourselves
>>1806822anyway, this girl seems like she's gotten worse and worse after transitioning and she's got phantom nipples now
No. 1807621 waiting on that manifesto.
Surprised that her tumblr went into 2022.
Thought that site died.
No. 1807648
File: 1681332057272.png (84.14 KB, 575x411, danny birthing person.png)

from a just-aired dr phil segment on 'Are Women Being Erased?' this TIF literally says "Hi, I'm Danny, I'm a non-binary birther. I gave birth 20 months ago. I did it as a non-binary person not a woman"
No. 1807820
File: 1681352839114.jpg (737.49 KB, 1483x2048, FtXLKPIX0AEiRSJ.jpg)

seeing talent drown in "transmasc swag" is so sad
No. 1807831
File: 1681354403214.png (265.23 KB, 1280x1893, tumblr_c59bc491dd744e1167ebcfe…)

>>1807820I feel the same. I never really ran into tims in art spaces but I ran into a metric fuckton of tifs and a lot of them were extremely talented. To me the subject matter doesn't erase their skill, but it is a bit disappointing to watch someone develop their art so well just to draw women with golden mastectomy scars and greek "boys" fucking in a field over and over again. Did anyone here ever come across foulserpent on tumblr? She had some pretty incredible worldbuilding and creature design and mostly used it to draw comics about trans lizard furries having sex lol.
No. 1807881
>>1807634There’s a surprisingly large
terf community on there
No. 1808164
>>1808043I feel sorta the same when tifs or tims love "old and peaceful
poc culture until evil people arrived". Hell, I'm even surprised when TIFs think the gender surgery you'll have if you live in any Islamic country will make you happy for being recognized as a man. No, Aiden, you're going to still be a woman in those countries and with zero talk in anything.
No. 1808412
File: 1681445398741.jpeg (Spoiler Image,120.78 KB, 908x970, FsHI-cJXgAEBtbj.jpeg)

Today on "Tattoos people will cover when they're in their 50's".
No. 1808463
>>1808043I have two diffrend tinfoils for diffrent kind of tifs
1. Tifs love how male-centered previous times were, they think if they were born in those periods they would be handled with kid gloves as males do. Look at the text on this image, it's styled as vintage advertisements when people would use the word "man" instead of "human". Tifs want a piece of that, they want to feel superior too.
2. You know how male trannies who are into the 1950s fetishize female oppression and act like sexualized tradwifes, tifs want the opposite of that, they feel like they are "reclaiming" the aesthetic of old times by adding "progressive" things to that.
With this particular tif
>>1807820 it's definitely the first one
No. 1808493
File: 1681474898726.jpg (50.5 KB, 1080x1157, 157503761_1090320528119167_145…)

>>1808134Apparently kek. Here's some TIF fashion cringe from ig
No. 1808496
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No. 1808525
File: 1681481478907.jpeg (48.24 KB, 1180x659, 354ACB97-76FE-40D0-B44C-1F6387…)

>>1808519chap-hop enthusiast also
No. 1808554
>>1808412>communist>has a bunch of random shit in her roomI’m not even a communist but I’m pretty sure real communists, or hell, performative communists would try to do shit like give her plastic crap away to the impoverished or do community work to help others. You know, stuff that aren’t posting ugly ass pictures of herself on the internet for clout, which is very anti-communist and more capitalist than eating McDonald’s while wearing Mickey Mouse ears and listening to a podcast with an iPhone.
Why are trannies always thinking that they’re communists? (It’s a rhetorical question, I know they think they will get free shit)
No. 1808590
File: 1681491337304.jpg (36.55 KB, 360x480, full.jpg)

>>1808493kek is she wearing jorts over jeans? kind of nailing the "pickup artist from mid-2000s" aesthetic, though
No. 1808598
File: 1681492949249.jpeg (Spoiler Image,163.46 KB, 1151x2048, FtiqUmBagAAqcAB.jpeg)

>>1808554>Why are trannies always thinking that they’re communists?Is not only for the free shit (when they ignore they will end in the Gulag if they don't move their ass).
Is because they think Communism is the reverse of National Socialism (Nazi) and Capitalism (while buying shit). Besides they haven't live in the URSS to experience the "real communism".
>That communist tattooMy sides.
No. 1808603
File: 1681493748714.jpeg (Spoiler Image,52.06 KB, 575x680, FtiT-rDacAEcMPV.jpeg)

QUITE NSFW pic, but this must be the first time ever I see a healed phalloplasty that doesn't look like a Pringles can.
No. 1808612
File: 1681494949728.jpeg (12.04 KB, 248x275, 61B8EA0C-5CB3-437B-BBE8-6DE01F…)

>>1808603a-are those shriveled up wrinkly things supposed to be balls?????
No. 1808613
File: 1681495086972.jpg (79.78 KB, 581x1024, Miesten-pukeutuminen-frakki4-5…)

>>1808590lmao it kind of looks like she is, but looking closely I think that's just her $20 jacket from Wish mimicking white tie jacket back cut (picrel)
No. 1808624
File: 1681497007094.jpeg (30.43 KB, 713x644, 96A8AA80-2B09-44D0-AF03-00F4FC…)

>>1808603Funny how with all the hair and beard you can still tell that's a woman kek
No. 1808632
File: 1681498213948.png (Spoiler Image,194.43 KB, 827x822, hjtrrdh.png)

>>1808603>>1808621Reminds me of something..
inb4 shitstorm No. 1808657
File: 1681502028432.jpeg (Spoiler Image,374 KB, 2048x1536, FtpzH1bagAAENV5.jpeg)

>>1808619Found another angle and yes, still a corn dog. But looks way better than those non-healed corn dogs posted in prior threads.
>>1808632Now I cannot unsee it.
No. 1808660
File: 1681502162063.jpeg (Spoiler Image,661.78 KB, 1536x2048, FtXoeeTaQAAO-hF.jpeg)

>>1808657NVM I take back what I said.
No. 1808680
>>1808639Kek I wanted to post the same.
>>1808660Anime is mental illness.
No. 1808692
File: 1681505905627.jpeg (12.04 KB, 248x275, 61B8EA0C-5CB3-437B-BBE8-6DE01F…)

>>1808689I swear to God if she reveals she's actualy "gay"(i.e actaulyl straight) I'll fucking lose it.
No. 1808746
>>1808660She's got a zippertit tattoo and still needed to inflict a bloated play-doh tumor on herself? Tumblr is a disease.
>>1808736Sunken cost fallacy (phallusy in this case). The other troon thread is full of men who suddenly regret replacing their dicks with pus-filled scar tubes as soon as the meds wear off from surgery. Women have been taught to never disagree with anything ever, so of course they have to love love loveeee their wonderful new heckin boi weewee, they've never wanted anything more than a corpse-tinged non-functioning Pringles can awkwardly sewn to their groin and now their lives are complete.
At least this one still has a vagina, there are horror stories of women getting serious medical complications after their frankendick surgery because their periods have nowhere to go.
No. 1808793
File: 1681523911059.gif (242.32 KB, 480x270, 1417384452811.gif)

>>1808723I'm a straight nonna and that weisswurst really turned me off. Granted, penises in general might end in a YMMV category, but it looks so fake, a dildo has more details than… Whatever the doctor tried to do.
No. 1808798
File: 1681525351819.png (432.1 KB, 500x568, 638a6e3fed6c35eb208308ef3d2680…)

>>1807831i loooved (and still do, honestly) foulserpent's works. if you remove all the gender shit her characters are pretty interesting and most of her compositions are stunning (i know she got the tit chop too i think? sad shit) i remember her from her mgs days and seeing her improvement with art was really nice
No. 1808801
>>1808657>>1808660horrific weisswurst aside, I actually can't help but be impressed by the rest of it kek
better beard than I've seen on some guys, and that's shoulder-hip ratio would probably fool me tbh if it isn't edited
and that's probably the best tit chop I've seen?
shame about the disgusting dick and the dumb tats
No. 1808887
File: 1681546947125.jpeg (159.02 KB, 1200x1534, 2659A1AE-D00D-4BD3-AB2A-F3F69F…)

I fucking hate these people, this is just making light out of why these legislations are important. It’s kids we are worried about, the government doesn’t give a fuck if you choose to get the surgery once you’re grown, and they certainly shouldn’t be paying for cosmetic surgery before paying for people to get adequate mental health care too.
No. 1808935
File: 1681560488307.jpg (168.92 KB, 700x1050, d2q7tug-51f3c04d-23cc-45d8-a3e…)

>>1807820>>1808798Sighhh it reminds me of Tessa Stone of Hanna Is Not A Boy's Name fame. Should have known; it attracted all the fakebois on Tumblr back in the day.No surprise she trooned out and her new comic is about being trans.
No. 1808941
>>1808887I’m pretty sure the “detransition” is just not letting them get hormones to fuck up their bodies chemically (which fucks up their bodies physically).
But because of their persecution fetish they have to pretend they will get their tits or their dicks and balls stapled back as if anyone gave a fuck about the adult trannies and as if that would actually reverse the serious series of damages they all did to their bodies.
Like it’s not even about reproduction or attractiveness, it’s more like the fact that they removed healthy parts off their bodies that makes this whole transition thing so grotesque, these people act like they weren’t considered freakshows for the tv not too long ago and think everyone just magically decided that this is 100% healthy and normal.
Like, no, thinking that in order to be happy, you need to remove a part of your body that’s healthy, isn’t normal or something that should be encouraged, specially to children.
No. 1809284
>>1809211It's not about her performing femininity, it's the complete destroying of herself through self-hatred for the female body. It makes her ugly because she's sick and mutilated. It makes her ugly because she's encouraging young girls to hate and harm their bodies they way she does. She's the embodiment of severe self-hatred, of course she will be compared to when she did express some femininity and wasn't captured by the self-mutilation cult yet.
I sadly think Ellen will be one of those detrans/troons who commits suicide in silence without coming out as detransitioning. She'll realize the harm she did to children for encouraging them and that she can't ever undo it. I don't think she'll be able to bear it.
No. 1809410
>>1809338>Oh wait, nobody cares about tifs like that.The only thing they manage to do is erase women from products and awareness campaigns because oldfashioned and imprecise terms like "pregnant" and "woman"
trigger he/them.
No. 1809416
>>1809412I think she has that vegan ED look, like her skin lacks collagen because of her shit diet, so she looks 20 years older. I think many people simply didn't pay attention to her inbetween her successes 10+ years ago and her trooning and think the trooning is why she looks so much older than she is.
The first thing she did when she trooned was get a shitton of absurd plastic surgery all over her body, so she clearly had massive body image issues. Something nobody addresses, because they can just handwave it as "becoming her authentic self", which is an utterly retarded and nonsensical expression. It's like Madonna who says she shows the middle finger to the patriarchy and supports feminism by getting insane amounts of plastic surgery to the point she looks like a scary monster, so the people who point that out are the misogynists. Complete clown world. Up is down and dry is wet.
No. 1809456
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No. 1809532
File: 1681620734733.png (23.49 KB, 533x558, Untitled.png)

No. 1809617
File: 1681633061394.jpg (166.13 KB, 1080x1351, Screenshot_20230416_101130_Chr…)

Yeah I'm sure all those gay dudes will be totally fooled, unless she's going to one of those "queer" bars mostly frequented by TIMs and handmade bihets.
No. 1809689
File: 1681641992193.png (73.74 KB, 781x739, image_2023-04-16_034649637.png)

No. 1809708
File: 1681644713729.jpg (206.12 KB, 1080x1987, Pooner gay tttt.jpg)

No. 1809918
>>1809703>I have sex with straight men that feed my disillusion by claiming "I'm totally into femboys", so I'm better than those faggots thanks for porn made by women for women.Her disillusion is over 9000.
And I have to admit the preview made me read "butt friends" rather than "buff friends".
No. 1810020
>>1810017Google Translator bullying me again.
>>1809942No kidding. Most of them are now quite vocal with how repulsive vaginas are and no "boy pussy" will make them change of opinion. Homophobic people tell them "they need to learn to love vaginas so they can be straight" and these tifs tell them "they need to learn to love vaginas so they can date tifs".
No. 1810294
>>1810213She's 21, the parents could definitely have legally kicked her out of the house. The fact that they're giving her a place to live, and didn't kick her out when she was a minor, means they care. Don't know what parts of the world you're from, but homophobic parents who find out their kids are gay can do so much worse.
Your parents disliking you is not "abuse", many children dislike their parents and find their morals and personality disgusting too.
No. 1810381
>>1810294>your parents disliking you is not "abuse">homophobic parents who find out their kids are gay can do so much worseAyrt. I'm aware nona. I have such parents and such a family, I'm deep in the closet around them all. Dislike can lead to abuse.
>The fact that they're giving her a place to live, and didn't kick her out when she was a minor, means they careI could be wrong but you sound American. My parents slutshamed me for moving out and said single women in our culture "don't do this", I've become westernised and I'm abandoning them.
Again, this tif could be a liar but I said all that because strict homophpbic families can attract one to trooning, like me.
No. 1810585
>>1810555What's more she is very conventionally attractive and a femboy, that is to say, she dresses and styles like a woman.
So she is a good looking young woman who dresses in revealing clothes, who wears make up and does her hair. And she manages to have one night stands with men.
Who are obviously gay, because she is a man.
So that proves that gay men are fakeboi accepters, and twitter is being transphobic by saying gay men wouldn't have sex with her.
No. 1810772
File: 1681791983317.jpg (30.26 KB, 1080x320, IMG_20230418_072250.jpg)

Kek about words not having meaning anymore, this is a comment under a video of a buff half naked man
sure Susan, liking a man while being a woman totally makes you gay and all the spicy straights agree
No. 1810944
File: 1681830196069.jpeg (Spoiler Image,476.78 KB, 1536x2048, FtcpRxRaMAE3d4U.jpeg)

I know there is no tif that wouldn't hate herself in some way, but this is outrageous. Imagine you're a doctor, you see a woman with legs like this and go "yea she is totally sane enough to inject this dangerous unnecessary drug in her body and totally can deal with the consequences. We should sew a kielbasa to her crotch next Tuesday".
No. 1810987
>>1810957- Either is a kink.
- Reaffirms that having no tits/flat chest means they're men (when men can have tits and even can get breast cancer).
- "Big boobs are for sluts"/Misogynist views against boobs
- etc.
No. 1811103
>>1810987Ayrt ok but I'm not talking about mastectomy scars, I'm talking specifically about arms and legs. A lot of pictures I've seen of tifs trying to sexualise themselves always make sure their self inflicted arm or leg scars are the highlight of the picture. This one
>>1810944 doesn't seem to even have scars on the other leg, they have specifically chosen to Disney them and in doing so somehow managed to make them the same level of eye catching as the monster dildo
No. 1811152
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>>1811090I'm not American but I thought SNL was one of the most popular political satire shows in America so hearing them saying trans rights is kinda weird considering the phrase's origin. "Gay rights" became a meme amongst gay people online to make fun of influencial people who acknowledged gay people bit didn't do anything to fight homophobia and just wanted to cash in on the gay movement to make more money. Later it evolved to a tounge-in-cheek way to address straight celebrities who did something vaguely homoerotic or addressing straight authors who accidentally made their characters gay-coded. It was never really a serious phrase. It started out as a lightweighted joke to mock pinkwashing but then it just became an overall funny phrase to say.
I miss that time people would say "he said gay rights" rather than "he is behaving fruity"The meme came from picrel which is a fake quote.
The trans community co-opted the phrase and used it in a similar joking matter. Then they started to pay streamers to say it. It then became widespread. It's surreal to hear it on one of the most recognised political TV show since it started as an internet meme
I think there is a point to be made that one of the trans community's main slogans originated from tumblr fandom bloggers No. 1811352
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>>1811248>These Bluey plushiesI'll scream if I see another "I think Bluey is a FTM because she's blue like her dad and she doesn't act girly!" No, she's a girl and a tomboy, let her be a girl!
picrel me
No. 1811353
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>>1811248>These Bluey plushiesI'll scream if I see another "I think Bluey is a FTM because she's blue like her dad and she doesn't act girly!" No, she's a girl and a tomboy, let her be a girl!
picrel me
No. 1811362
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>>1811359That's because is not a human dildo in the first place.
I hate myself for recognize picrel
No. 1811623
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Again with "omg genocide!!!" If you have time to whine about it on tiktok and write little messages on underwear, what genocide are you going through? Social media dilutes important words and makes them into jokes like gaslight, this is nothing new sure, but pretending to be uwu oppressed annoys me particularly.
No. 1811653
>>1810944I know who this is, omg. Their art is super fucked up. She has art of one of the girls from DDLC fucking a knife, lots of lolicon homestuck art and just a bunch of weird fucked up shit. Her art style could be nice if she didn’t use it for this shit.
I saw this on main page and was shocked she made her way over to this thread just now. She’s kinda a pet cow
No. 1811785
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>>1811623They have no idea how a real Genocide even works. Not only they would have forbidden to comment in Social Media, but there would be many stuff they wouldn't do stuff like buying groceries, walk alone or even wear glasses like Pol Pot forbid.
>>1811598IAMAL but most of these dildos are made with a 3D model and imagination, no casting the real genital of the animal, so unless you can prove a real animal was used, it's legal.
No. 1811973
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He/him I’ll never understand girls like this
No. 1811975
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Bunni is shaped so weird. But remember he’s a man
No. 1812130
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I don't think they understand not everything in life for normal people is about gender identity this and gender identity that
No. 1812132
>>1811973She hates herself for being fat. Simple as.
One could go even further and speculate that she might be fat because she was sexually abused (some people get fat as a defense mechanism - they think being fat will make their abusers not attracted to them), and she doesn’t want to be a woman because she thinks woman = weak
victim, on top of hating her body for being fat. Many such cases.
No. 1812158
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This is beyond depressing.
No. 1812167
>>1812158Kek she thought she would be a hot giga chad the way ugly incels think they will be sexy anime girls with five hot young lesbian girlfriends in a polycule if they troon out.
Tifs don't understand that scrotes have a strict hierarchy where you always have to fight to not be considered a "beta" otherwise they will eat you alive, it's like with apes. When you're an ugly becky the worst thing you can possibly get from other women is "you can't sit with us" in high school and most women literally don't care.
Also, there is something sad about tifs who are not straight. Kek I remember that one lesbian tif who was literally female-to-incel. When a tif is straight she can easily find a boyfriend because men will fuck anything, but sadly for lesbian tifs, women have standards, especially SSA ones, so dating another tif is the only option.
No. 1812172
>>1812167There's an article occasionally reposted in these threads, by a lesbian TIF who assumed
Testosterone would turn into a handsome, strong young man that women would swoon over, instead it gave her adult acne, mood swings, pubic like facial hair and she even started balding.
No. 1812228
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>>1806822>makes herself highly visible at all times completely unprompted>"I don't want to be visible poor me boohoo"When will troons shut the fuck up forever?
No. 1812345
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I don’t know where to start with this person
No. 1812348
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No. 1812439
>>1812392Actually yeah it is. Nobody said you aren't retard. BBLs are feminizing procedures, women who get them do so because they somehow think it enhances their beauty. Female rhinoplasty is performed because it is to make the face more feminine and harmonious.
>>1812383Yes it is. Rules for thee but not for me. If you want to be angry at transgender cosmetic surgeries, then be angry at the industry as a whole. Don't dabble in hypocrisy. Go full radfem if you want to be full radfem.
No. 1812561
>>1812439>Female rhinoplasty is performed because it is to make the face more feminine and harmonious. You sound like you've been around troons for too long. Plenty of people get rhinoplasty to fix a birth defect or accident that made it different, such as a crooked nose from it being broken. You have this hyperfocus on that being "feminizing" simply because it's performed on a female, but it's just what troons want you to think. They want you to see every little thing as fem/masc so they can keep roleplaying gender and sex. I understand why you think it, but it's not healthy to have this mindset and most normal people do not see these things as masculine or feminine. Troons don't understand that, they end up thinking everything is about gender and they assume everyone else thinks like that too. Mtfs are fixated on sex and to them that means all real women are fixated on it too. Ftms are usually instead fixated on gender in itself and assume all men are too.
There's also massive difference in doing something cosmetic because you want to look better, and in doing it to pretend it's a different body part than what you actually have to affirm literal delusions. One is like repainting your house, and the other is painting a 2D house on a flat wall pretending that means it's a real house now.
No. 1812620
>There's also massive difference in doing something cosmetic because you want to look better, and in doing it to pretend it's a different body part than what you actually have to affirm literal delusions. Both are bad. Your features are genetical and you can't erase them. My mom had rhinoplasty but the fact that neither her parents nor children have the same nose as her is a dead giveaway.
Beside shit like reconstructive surgery or breast reduction most plastic surgeries are doing for self hatred purposes by people who can't accept their are aging or even worse, by people who hate their own ethnicity.
(sage your shit) No. 1812655
>>1812654Rhinoplasty is %99 done for cosmetic purposes
or you know…to help breathing…
No. 1812658
>>1812620In the end it’s stupid to even think about equating tranny surgeries with other plastic surgeries like breast reductions or rhinoplasties.
Do they both end up being a solution offered to women with low self esteem and complexes about their own bodies? Yes
Are they invasive as fuck? Yes
But seriously, I think that grabbing a tiny bit of bone or cartilage to fix a broken nose, isn’t as fucked up as taking skin off your arm or leg to create a new appendage that just doesn’t belong there.
So what if you mom and dad don’t have your same nose? At least your mom isn't walking around with a flesh tube attached to her belly and asking you to call her Elliah and your dad isn’t dilating 24/7 locked in a room and wearing a wig that looks like your mom’s old hairstyle.
No. 1812661
"I want bigger boobs, a BBL, etc" is "I want to be a less 'ugly' woman", not "I know I was born a man but I want to be a woman, this increases my Gender Points, I feel so female everyone". Having nasolabial folds or other signs of aging and hating them isn't gender dysphoria, neither is having a small ass or a wide nose because either sex can have them.
Ugly men who want to be women are not comparable to actual women who want to look more sexually attractive, and the same is also true if the sexes are flipped. I'm critical of plastic surgery, but it's not "gender affirmation".
Now, if you want to argue that trannies actually go for surgery to be more fuckable, and they try to redefine the idea of being sexually attractive as "gender euphoria" because of their gender obsession and/or in a bid to try and convince the state to pay for their procedures, you might have a point. Buying into their euphemism is retarded, though.
No. 1812668
>>1812620>Both are bad. My mom had rhinoplastyWell that explains why you are obsessed with it. Vanity is one thing, absolute delusion and denial of reality is a whole different thing. They are not the same.
>>1812658>In the end it’s stupid to even think about equating tranny surgeries with other plastic surgeries like breast reductions or rhinoplasties.Amen nona.
No. 1812675
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kek she’s so pissed bc she knows its true. that struck a nerve. most moids don’t give a fuck about your “neopronouns”, not even the liberal ones especially if you’re still having sex with him oops
No. 1812869
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This shit is so retarded, when will it end?
No. 1812910
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>r/WitchesVsPatriarchy is a woman-centered sub with a witchy twist
>Republican politicians are especially known for suddenly being cool with the gayz as soon as their children come out
>Plenty of old people in conservative areas are able to get the picture.
>They love YOU not the package you came in.
Nah, they just hate women.
No. 1812936
>>1810944God, this feels almost like parody.
>Pony shit everywhere>Homestuck fanart>Animal cock dildo>Old-ass grandma furniture>Filthy mirror>Bluey plush (?)>Thighs covered in self-harm scars>Combination of saggy tits and stomach hairEverything about this just screams "autistic woman who got groomed by 4chan degenerates."
No. 1812968
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No. 1813111
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Checking the "fakeboi" tags on tumblr was a mistake.(namefagging)
No. 1813140
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cp in snow & m, scroll with caution
No. 1813179
>>1769285Tho from #30, but this is somewhat based
hear me out, being the eldest daughter (women only, duh) is more likely to be a troon if the daughter has not matured or has autism and think in black and whites, like eldest daughters in a family full of girls are more likely to be raised as the opposite sex.
No. 1813341
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No. 1813374
>>1813341Even disregarding the rape fantasy, thinking that
>a forever ugly, flabby stomach is the worst thing that could happen to someone is exactly the kind of egregious misogyny I'd expect from a tranny.
No. 1813413
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So do you love or hate your body?
No. 1813415
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Not a (fat) girl
Bunnii was complaining about a fat toddler photo in a women’s group she was part of. But remember she’s not a girl