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No. 1208873
Old Threads:
>>>/snow/1137677>>>/snow/1095226>>>/snow/1032764>>>/snow/979294>>>/snow/895014>>>/snow/720444>>>/snow/570991>>>/snow/465430>>>/snow/276054>>>/snow/45564>>>/snow/26392This thread is for posting and discussing cringey fakebois who may or may not deserve their own threads.
Fakebois are girls who pretend to be boys for attention, either as trannies or biological males (usually the former).
Fakebois style and present themselves as androgynous or feminine-looking young men, even wearing girls' clothing and make-up. They insist on being addressed with he/him (or occasionally they/them) pronouns and take great offense at being gendered as female. Some are SJW transactivists, but for most their identities are entirely superficial.
Reminder to "truescums" and "transmeds": Nobody cares about how [[[100% REAL]]] your or any other tranny's ~dysphoria~ is. Don't derail about how you're actually a true troon unlike everyone else, save it for your twitter feed.
No. 1209107
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LGB = sexual orientation
T = gender/sex identity
No. 1209486
>>1209394true but it was full of misogynists of the old kind.
I hate it here, just want normal LGB people in this industry.
No. 1209637
>>1209394>remember when animation was mostly devoid of that garbage?Oh yeah, back when John K was abusing his teenage students and there was a high chance that you had to work with male coomers who hated women. Good old times.
>>1209521It's a chicken or the egg kind of question. Did the animation industry turn its workers into this or are the people like that attracted towards the industry? The animation field is notorious for being historically anti-woman and even with the current wave of woke lip service women are massively underrepresented in the industry and sexual harassment/sexism is widespread. 60% of animation students are women, but once they enter the industry the whopping majority of them quit their field entirely. Only 20% of the professionals remain female. Imagine being in an environment like that and what it does to you, not surprised at all that they're trooning out in hordes.
No. 1209654
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>>1209649>>1209652Some receipts
here's her stalking and lusting after a 14 year old
No. 1209660
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>>1209657She's still active on Instagram and her website, often posting cringy NLOG shit, she's recently gotten into socialism
Like anon
>>1209658 here said, I feel she's a huge cow and deserves her own thread
No. 1209674
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>>1209668>>1209672I mean Rebeca Sugar is a gender queer NB flake who inserted her IRL brother as Steven Universe(without his consent btw) and drew Edd and Eddy Porn when she was younh
Alex Hirsch(creator of Gravity falls) dumped his girlfriend and is now dating Dana Terrace(who is the creator of Disney's The Owl House) where she also has her own self insert in the show
and Justin Rolland is a huge coomer weirdo who inserts his fetishes onto every show
No. 1209704
>>1209696the industry is incredibly tight knight, filled with woke-tards who all either know and or dated and or fucked each other
plus they all live in California which makes the latter much easier
No. 1209731
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Terje is pregnant
No. 1209997
>>1209825canadian industry is just as bad anon
but to focus on the topic at hand. Yes there are a lot of nb/fakebois in animation and animation programs across the country.
No. 1210029
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this ftm who constantly posts cope about her "giant cock" makes me cringe
No. 1210292
What does she look like?
And what does IT look like?
Trannies of both genders are so delusional, I wonder what they see when they loon at themselves
No. 1210451
File: 1618652517440.png (731.98 KB, 737x808, yaoi larping.PNG)

It's always the yaoi larping. No you're not a femboy. Just a girl with short hair that likes to pretend she's a femboy. It's tiring that these women have to change up their whole "gender" to feel extra about themselves
No. 1210555
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>>1210292she just looks like a typical small faced ftm. she only posts selfies on her story so no one outs her I guess? she also seems to think she is the most "trutrans" ftm ever.
she thinks when she gets phallo shes gonna sleep with people without telling them shes trans and they won't realize her frankendick is fake somehow. and she doesn't have to tell them because "I'm jUsT a NoRmAL mAn wItH a MeDiCaL cOnDiTiOn"
which is a retarded argument and I don't even need to explain why. she literally thinks she could marry someone without them knowing she was trans. she seems almost delusional.
AND she advocates for phalloplasty for literal children lmao
No. 1211072
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No idea why whoever edited this outlined the age so hard (other than this person using the word "boy") but kek
No. 1211095
>>1211072Now THAT'S a neckbeard lol
(Reposted because I forgot to sage)
No. 1211167
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>>1211072>>1211084She looks incredibly miserable. I mean it's normal when you look like this but damn, might be the first time I've seen a TiF that looks THIS devastated
No. 1211246
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>>1211179it's not just her mouth, it's the eyes. her eyes just scream "i hate my life".
this is what she used to look like.
No. 1211273
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>>1210717glad someone else is aware of her antics. its so fucking funny to me that she literally thinks she could marry someone and stay stealth to them. i have no idea how she could be stealth to any of her family unless they are steps I guess?
here's some of her… merch..? can't wait till she gets her precious frankendick and then realizes how dumb it looks and how useless it is
No. 1211287
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>>1211273her followers are weird asf as well. i noticed a lot of them mimic her speech pattern and dumb memes. it's a borderline hive mind of totally passable stealth bros like picrel (if she lives stealth then i'm the fucking pope).
No. 1211508
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I wonder how many fakebois are just totally normal women irl who stick he/they in their internet bios so the "activist" fakebois will let them enjoy yaoi in peace
No. 1211512
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>>1211494It's a popular way to represent "bad boys" (fuckboys) in anime.
No. 1211991
>>1211508>>1211953Can confirm some people do it to slip by, I've even started doing it myself recently even though I don't consume BL. Nobody can call you out for twansphobia or anything, and you don't have to change anything about yourself. You just use a funny title and piss troons off because they know something's off but will get eaten alive if they voice it.
>>1211508Who are these people that sit all day looking at/reading gay porn enough to consistently "relate" or "resonate" with it enough to attempt larping as a male? I just want to know. There's mental illness there.
No. 1212384
Fuck thank you!
I can't tell if it's just my tiny mobile screen, but I feel like the facial hair part of the face doesn't move properly with the lip movement. I half wonder if it's…. A filter? Is that possible?
Like, the voice says not that far into testosterone use to me: ie. if they'd been on test long enough for that full of beard growth, their voice would be less female.
Fuck I'm usually of the sort where I don't give a shit about "quiet trannys" who just try to "pass" as the opposite sex and don't promote shitty trans ideals to others/youth since it's only their own bodies they're fucking up, but it really is just too goddamn jarring.
I really enjoy these kinds of youtubers (video subject wise) but goddamn this person should not show themselves in the videos it's way too uncanny valley feel…
No. 1212477
>>1209731She's like 90% larping rn, however terje does have a history of becoming what she hates, kinda like the closeted christian homophobe trope. She protested profusely that she was not into the guys she used as her avi, mocked male attracted ftms but is now getting fucked piv by guys off grindr. She will likely become pregnant and a mother in the next 5 years.
She also 100% has a breeding/feminizing fetish
No. 1212543
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I’m pretty sure Tabby has been posted before in older threads but jfc she’s really just straight up using the F slur for herself now ew
No. 1212756
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ah i was going to post this girl earlier but forgot to. shes a mutual on tumblr. i had seen her selfies before. a few days ago she got this anon calling her out. i had to double check her profile cause i couldnt believe this bitch was really asking to be called a boy when shes average tumblr goth thot.
>just a dude in a boobtube
>i feel 100% a boy
dude at least TRY. just a little bit TRY. i know you think its transphobia that i dont find a woman in skimpy clothing a man but please try. so fucking annoying. how are you going to get so annoyed at people not respecting your stupid pronouns when you look like this.
No. 1212808
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>>1212756Oh I remember her. Pic related is why she "feels" like a "feminine boy".
No. 1212849
Tinfoiling here but I swear gigaclit is faking her voice here:
No way she's not either "voice training" and damaging her throat/vocal chords, or straight up lying and posting this Totally Real Manly Voice clip for her minions to fawn over.
No. 1212851
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samefag. forgot to check comments and yeah, voice training. still doubt her voice is that deep in her normal everyday life though. seems put on like the rest of her twitter feed and the lame "flexing" pics she used to post showing off her miniscule biceps.
No. 1212960
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>>1212943her limp necrotic MALE arm flap frankenweenie is gonna be manly as fuck and cis as fuck
also very realistic that her family would not notice her voice dropping like that lel
No. 1213117
>>1212326I'm not sure, they have a pretty prominent adam's apple and they have mannish hands. But everything else points to tif particularly their wannabe scene style. They could just be a mtf.
>>1212433I have seen tifs with adam's apples but they usually start during puberty, and if this person started it that early their voice would be more manly.
No. 1213214
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>>1213014it gives her gender euphoria, transphobe 😈
No. 1213216
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>>1213214or my improved version
No. 1213217
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No. 1213462
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the titty tatts really floored me. these girls just wanna remind us how special and unique and brave they are, huh. it's not about replicating a man. it's NLOG in it's purest form. it's just an endless attention grab until the dopamine stops hitting and it's 41% time.
No. 1213543
>>1213535sage for blogposting but yeah, all that stuff about being dysphoric as a toddler seems like horseshit to me. as someone who used to struggle with dysphoria, when i was a toddler my focus was on how i was treated negatively for being a tomboy and why i couldn't just dress how i wanted and play with the toys i wanted. my body wasn't an issue until just before puberty. i grew up to be a butch dyke, no biggie. \_(ツ)_/¯
at times i have got self-hating dyke vibes from her but the dick obsession is next level. who knows what she is, bitch is bonkers.
No. 1213571
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>>1213543she's apparently bisexual. lmao at her claiming she made a bunch of biologically accurate playdough penises in pre school. I'm surprised none of the teachers got involved and questioned why a little girl was making a bunch of realistic dicks. maybe because it's bullshit and she is insane
>>1213552this combined with the fact she thinks her parents don't know she's on T. yes because most females voices drop like that without hormone treatment
No. 1213820
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>>1212477I'm 99% sure it's a larp as well but what do you think she's using to fake the belly? In some of the photos it looked real but changed sizes constantly.
No. 1213879
>>1212477>mocked male attracted ftms but is now getting fucked piv by guys off grindr.I know bi men are a thing but isn't grindr mainly a gay hook up app? Also wouldn't getting pregnant
trigger their dysphoria or whatever?
I swear these people change the rules to this shit every time
No. 1213886
>>1213879>Also wouldn't getting pregnant trigger their dysphoria or whatever? "Dysphoria" by definition doesn't exist, or rather it's just discomfort with female-specific things that most women experience. Almost no woman likes her period, having her breasts oogled at, or having both straight and gay men making fetishistic/offensive comments about female genitalia. Very few women enjoy the body changes of pregnancy either, unless they've got a breeding fetish like Terje. So all of this coupled with a classic "not like other girls" mentality makes it seem like a whole new disorder but really, it's called being a woman who's fucking sick of the way she's treated by men and the unpleasant bodily functions that come along with it (which men happen to fetishize and/or look down upon us for).
The sooner these women and girls realize this, the less ftms there will be in the future.
No. 1213920
>>1213879>I know bi men are a thing but isn't grindr mainly a gay hook up app? Grindr isn't just "gay" anymore, its basically an all lgbt male app, so mtfs and ftms use it, "straight" men hooking up with mtfs use it, straight couples interested in mmf threesomes use it. So there's plenty of bi, pan or "straight" men on there, even a lot of "gay" men would hookup with an ftm.
>Also wouldn't getting pregnant trigger their dysphoria or whatever? Depends, most hate being pregnant but are still attention seeking enough to do it, there are some who are absolutely narcissistic and don't care. For ftms with breeding fetishes like terje I guess they feel extremely ashamed of this desire since it makes them feel mentally female but then the shame further intensifies the fetish, since it is ultimately a humiliation kink, until they give in and explore it, and don't care anymore
No. 1214024
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>>1213973Can’t handle this. I just want to fucking punch her in the nose when she’s mid sentence. How can anyone be this insufferable?
No. 1214076
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i'm calling animal protection services.
No. 1214313
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>>1214247This is unbelievably hard to listen to
No. 1214347
>>1213973>Or you will not refer to meok
Why do all these NBs have stereotypical Karen energy? She even speaks like one. Aren't they trying to get away from that?
No. 1214350
>>1214347The average Karen has more balls than these TIFs ever will, regardless of surgery. This bitch probably wouldn’t breathe out of turn if she was out socialising in real life. Probably gets people to order for her at Starbucks.
Karen’s are chads in comparison.
No. 1214360
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>>1214339>unsexyHow could you, we're talking about someone who didn't lose their virginity until 27-28 to some 4chan "boyfriend" who's probably as much of a disgusting slop as she. Nothing wrong here! /s
No. 1214369
>>1214360>Getting my cervix rammedSounds painful.
>I bet you're cut.>Can't even feel real sensationAh, I see she's trying to adopt the male "all my nerve endings are in my removed foreskin" like of thought. Absolute retard.
No. 1214372
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Speaking of 4chan ftm cows
No. 1214382
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Lena Dunham’s sister is a theylet with an insufferable attitude:
> Some things about me are that I'm white, that I have relatively famous parents, and that my sister is a celebrity. I also have a vagina, which makes people think I'm a woman. I have an intimate relationship with a black trans activist, Reina, who by being in a public collaborative relationship with me validates my perspective and—despite my whiteness, my class, and my proximity to fame—makes my critique of power seem legitimate in ways it otherwise might not. In other words, as a commodity, I have power through my associations with social capital; in addition, I hold a set of marginalized identities which give me intellectual authority and increased use-value in contexts seeking "diversity."
I guess I shouldn’t be so harsh on her since I’d also hate myself if my sister sexually abused me as a child
No. 1214383
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>>1214379>MRA uprisingThis had my sides soaring
No. 1214387
>>1213973What’s with the retarded pseudo-accent
She looks like she doesn’t brush her teeth and gets bullied a lot
No. 1214429
>>1214360> getting my cervix rammed I have a tilted uterus and PIV sex is very painful. Clearly she's never actually had her cervix rammed. What a fucking retard trying to appeal to scrotes. Female coomers are so weird.
>>1214364Doesn't HRT stop fertility? Forgive me for being dumb. I know a lot of TiFs don't even take testosterone, because they want to be pretty anime boys and not disgusting scrotes with terrible hairlines.
No. 1214474
>>1214285Could make chad sons that they secretly seethe about and vicariously live through
>>1214429>Doesn't HRT stop fertility?yes, they get pregnant when they go off of it
No. 1214477
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>>1214437I'd say this neatly sums up the creation of a fakeboi
No. 1214482
>>1214475Its not a meme, testosterone does suppress the menstrual cycle more so than birth control, however they'd have to consequently take it on time and in proper dosages which many tifs don't. Those bearded tifs decided to get pregnant intentionally and went off testosterone. The only cases I've ever heard of tifs getting accidentally pregnant was because they quit taking hrt a couple months ago but still fucked dudes.
It does seem to be true that hrt isn't guaranteed to cause permanent infertility, I've seen a tif get her period back after being on hrt for 17 years, I don't know if she can get pregnant however.
No. 1214503
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>>1214471she's only 29 and has some intense wrinkles despite being pretty pale, is it stress? drugs? all these tired women who can't stand who they are
No. 1214520
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>>1214382>I have an intimate relationship with a black trans activist, Reina, who by being in a public collaborative relationship with me validates my perspective and—despite my whiteness, my class, and my proximity to fame—makes my critique of power seem legitimate in ways it otherwise might not.How likely do you think they banged
No. 1214568
>Testosterone levels during early fetal development might program certain behaviors later in life, according to a new study that found high levels of the sex hormone in the womb might boost boys' impulsivity later on.
>Researchers studied a group of boys ages 8 to 11 whose fetal testosterone had been measured from amniotic fluid when their mothers were 13-20 weeks pregnant. Sex hormone levels, which increase during adolescence, are also heightened during critical periods of fetal brain development.
>The boys in the study were shown pictures of negative (fearful), positive (happy), neutral, or scrambled faces while a functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) machine tracked changes in their brain activity. In the boys who had higher levels of fetal testosterone, the brain's reward system was more responsive to positive, compared with negative, facial cues, the researchers found. This suggests those boys have a greater proclivity for "approach-related behaviors," such as fun-seeking and impulsivity.
>"This work highlights how testosterone in fetal development acts as a programming mechanism for shaping sensitivity of the brain's reward system later in life and for predicting later tendency to engage in approach-related behaviors," study researcher Michael Lombardo, of the University of Cambridge, said in a statement.
>For males, such behaviors are often heightened in teenage years and are found in extremes in many psychiatric conditions, such as substance abuse, autism and even psychopathy, which tend to affect more men than women.
>"These insights may be especially relevant to a number of neuropsychiatric conditions with skewed sex ratios and which affect approach-related behavior and the brain's reward system," Lombardo added. (Testosterone is present in low levels in females and the hormone substantially impacts sex differences between men and women.)
> John Krystal, editor of the journal, commented, "These remarkable data provide new evidence that hormonal exposures early in life can have lasting impact on brain function and behavior."basically their gonna end up with very Impulsive and slightly above average height kids
No. 1214664
>>1214503>>1214657Women age. Surprise.
It's the cold, dead eyes that get me. She has the same cold, vacant stare and miserable smirk Ellen Page has started wearing since she trooned out. If T makes you so happy, why do TIFs always look like models for suicide awareness campaigns?
No. 1214893
File: 1619194741456.png (405.87 KB, 750x1334, 2B5C9C77-B833-4860-A80D-B3EF0F…) found this batshit insane FTM’s blog today…theres a lot of shit about being attracted to men being a gift and having sex with random male strangers.
Handmaidens truly have gone off the deep end.
No. 1215073
>>1214731They cling to the hope of becoming a kpop yaoi hottie while still being treated like the good/desirable parts of being a woman. Instead, they become kinda ugly short guys with teenager voices, meaning they have absolutely 0% chance of becoming the admired alpha Chad, but they also get the treatment men usually do re: popularity, showing emotions, etc.
Basically tifs become the incel from the chad/incel meme, and being the incel is in many ways more depressing than being a kinda unattractive girl.
No. 1215200
>>1215180She whinges a bit about how other people clog up conversations about disabilities by talking about psychological conditions instead of physical conditions, so I don't think so. Though, as a former tumblr user, pretending to be wheelchair-bound was a very common way of getting clout there. A lot of retarded girls would vaguely talk about being disabled, mention they hate people who talk more about psychological conditions than physical disabilities, and maybe reblog other people's posts about being wheelchair-bound to imply that they themselves are wheelchair-bound. They can't get called out for lying about having a specific disability if they never directly say they have it, after all. Lying by omission shit.
Sometimes they also do it with blindness, but it's not as common. Pretending you don't have functioning legs is the easiest thing to fake online, especially if you're a NEET loser who never leaves home.
No. 1215385
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>>1215032This reminds me of something, if you go on Tumblr and Instagram and spearch for "Male positivity" pages of hashtags, like half of the pages will e run by TIFs and if you search for "boy positivity" then 100% of them are run by the TIFs
>Its always boys are so cute>I love boys who wear make up>I love short boys>I love muscular boysand always a "I love trans boys"
its kinda funny I guess, there's never any NSFW stuff but those posts are always so unbearably girly that you can tell no real male wrote this
No. 1215578
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Not a huge figure in animation, but I present one of my favorite personal cows, Angela Vondra (@handsomehugs on Twitter, and some of her other handles include @politepuppet and @glitternewt).
>27 year old non binary they/them
>Extreme munchie that has pretended to have several mental and physical illnesses such as DID, fibromyalgia, and now pretends she has Ehler-Danlos Syndrome, a munchie favorite, claims she’s been a victim of CSA and child abuse in general
>“Identifies” as a lesbian despite being weirdly invested in yaoi and porn of little boys
>Lives on the payroll of her incredibly rich grandparents because she got blacklisted from the animation industry
>Spends her days drawing and talking about underage cartoon porn (the main reason why she got blacklisted)
>Claims to have been stalked and to have PTSD over some other loser NEETs wannabe animators who had exposed her gross porn to industry people
She went to an art college and then worked for CN on Mighty Magiswords as a board artist, but she allegedly got an auto immune disease (she used to claim it was fibro/MEFCS and now claims it’s EDS) and was too ill to work. Spent some months couch hopping at friends’ place in LA before eventually going back to her grandparents. Says she’s too bedridden to do anything most of the time, yet is able to spend 23 hours a day on twitter drawing shitty porn of cartoon children and whining about antis and about how much she’s a victim. She also worked as a boarder for VivziePop a year or two ago, but nothing too milky from that period.
No. 1215586
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>>1215578looked up her twitter and she posted this… the brain rot is real, and it’s even more embarrassing because it’s very clearly a self insert, even if she doesn’t want to admit it. anyway, finally some representation for coombrain NEET women i guess!
No. 1215685
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have y’all ever discussed kaiisyourhomie/zoeisyourhomie on tik tok? she popped up on my fyp today and i remembered all her bullshit. she used to lie about being trans and now she’s the poster child for fakeboi weebs. she pisses me off so bad
No. 1215705
>>1215578The girl that called out Ang is just as milky, Holly Disch is a histrionic retard that accuses every person who does something she doesn’t like of being a pedophile, is obsessed with Simpsons yaoi (more specifically Smithers x Burns, eugh), spams shitty Mr. Burns memes like an autist over and over, cries that despite having tons of “friends” in the animation industry, she cannot break in. Holly doesn’t have the bare minimum skill to get into the current animation industry as is because she draws like a literal child. Look up her webcomic “Lemonhead and Lollipup” so you can see how shitty her art is.
This is more set for the animation or art thread though, I just wanted to add in that everyone in the Ang situation is a cow.
I do find it annoying the amount of fakebois with sexualities that don’t match what they draw lol, it’s contradictory and stupid. Bitch I see you.
No. 1215939
>>1215586>finally some representation for coombrain NEET women i guessI mean it's basically Alphys 2.0
>>1215898That makes me wonder when will the transgender trend die off. Generation before me had goths, my generation had bisexual emos and this generation has genderspecials and egirls/OF thots. I give it 5 more years.
Hope it's not here to stay though
No. 1215942
>>1215898Just my take about the troon trend thing but it's getting more and more accepted that you can be trans even if you're absolutely not interested to go on hormones now, so she might take that route and still be seen as a
valid genderqueer something
No. 1216083
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What do you guys think of Vivien Vuong? Was a Trump supporting Asian girl, did some how to get a white bf and did some pro MRA stuff dressed as a man. Eventually she decided to trans or at least thats what her YouTube implies.
No. 1216101
>>1214192You're confusing dysphoria with dysmorphia. They can be comorbid, but they're two entirely different phenomenon. BIID & AN are each their own separate diagnoses in the DSM-5
(sage for medfag)
(Medfag) No. 1216105
>>1216101unironically it would be more accurate if you used dysphoria instead of dysmorphia anyway, because dysmorphia implies there is something actually physically wrong.
(sage for Greekfag)
No. 1216111
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Has this been discussed yet?
No. 1216194
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Just came across this on tinder. She doesn't even try, and she expects straight girls to buy into it. It's so pathetic it just makes me laugh tbh.
No. 1216223
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which one of you crypto trannies have been cow tipping?
No. 1216459
Do you guys remember the It Gets Better Project videos? It was basically a bunch of gay and trans adults telling gay and trans kids not to kill themselves over bullying because it gets better, right? We need a new It Gets Better Project for teen girls on the verge of trooning out. They need to know it's OK to be a lesbian, be butch or a tomboy, be "masculine", be autistic, hate your boobs, hate sexism, not want to get pregnant, be straight and white and "boring", like yaoi, etc. and they don't need to cut their tits off and grow a beard.
No. 1216549
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No idea who made this but it's floating around on tranny twitter. Are they implying that ftm athletes end up becoming stronger than male athletes?
Sounds like bullshit, big if true
No. 1216593
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stop trying to control who people date
No. 1216638
>>1216549>>1216564>>1216586I mean hypothetically a woman on steroids could physically out perform most average untrained men but likely not a trained male athlete
It would be interesting to see the Limits performance enhancing drugs with regards to biological women competing against males
No. 1216802
>>1216785So only trans are allowed to make a distinction between genitals when dating, cis who do it are just bigots.
That explains why there are so many non binary lesbians right now.
No. 1216826
>>1216812I've always seen people explain it in the sense that woman is a "social role" in our society, so you can be nonbinary in your brain and have your little special gender or whatever but still have the social role of a woman and be solely attracted to other people who also fill that role.
It's a huge crock of sexist shit and I can't believe I was memed into believing in that when I was younger.
No. 1216830
>>1216812It's essentially peer pressure, in that most lesbians I met that ID as nonbinary now would have just been… your standard butch or femme back in the day. There's an inherently different experience with womanhood as a lesbian, and instead if acknowledging and embracing that, these girls think that means they aren't/can't be women, because being a cis woman is Awful, so says the internet.
So nonbinary lesbian typically is a way to Not get called out by "woke queers," even if they still embrace and love their womanhood.
No. 1216833
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I thought this bitch was crowdfunding for a family… no. These are all her. She’s a “multiple” apparently. I fucking can’t with that top right beard filter.
No. 1216840
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>>1216812"Nonbinary" is what you call yourself when you want all of the privilege and "special status" as a tranny, but none of the requirements of actually being trans. It's like being an honorary tranny without actually doing anything.
No. 1216841
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Also some more of the cringe monster that is feministhistorian on Instagram
No. 1216846
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>>1216842No but she has a child alter. Bottom left.
No. 1216848
>>1216842Sage for samefag as
>>1216846 yes, it seems pink hat is a child. My mistake, it looked red at first glance and had to confirm. She’s private but her page is a goldmine of cringe. All she does is e beg and talk at her selfie cam on her story all day.
No. 1216852
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maybe this world is another planet's hell
(cropped out twitter id because op is 16)
No. 1216874
File: 1619447111994.jpg (22.19 KB, 529x94, well.JPG)

>>1216852saw this as one of the replies…the only euphoria i have getting out of costume is that i can take off my contacts and fucking wig…
all I learned from cosplaying dudes is that its just clothing…and binding is uncomfortable
No. 1216920
>>1216852with this logic, everyone would be trans. then no one would be transphobic. therefore, no
victim card. they play themselves everyday.
No. 1216965
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>>1216852checked out the qrts and they're all like this it's so depressing
No. 1216974
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>>1216965It's always a unfemenine/gnc girl that goes for the they/them pronouns and then gets groomed into troon shit because she doesn't identify with what "women are supposed to be". Let me off this ride, aren't tomboys supposed to be a thing ? What happened to the tomboy concept?
No. 1217058
>>1216965So, a tomboy. Kek
These muskrats’ explanations are all the same. Not liking femininity 100% doesn’t make you trans, or a new made up gender. It means you’re a girl who just likes what she likes. Silly how someone’s delusion and made up identity somehow means it actually exists, in real time, and that people must respect it or they’re “transphobic” for not wanting to completely restructure their vocabulary over a fad.
No. 1217290
>>1217058when I was younger, I was on some genderfuck message boards and pronouns were not really a thing there yet. I guess it was just starting It's weird how this is some way you must define yourself now. I rather like the idea of abolishing gender expectations and gendered fashion but I don't like the idea of telling young girls who don't fit some fake stereotype that they must be nonbinary or trans.
I'm not that old but I somehow feel way too old for this shit. Isn't it embarrassing when people eventually change their minds and they have to adjust pronouns?
I also am no boomer apologist but I think it's shitty to expect everyone around you to immediately be perfect regarding your pronouns. A student in my course reported a tutor for misgendering them repeatedly. It was clearly an accident; the tutor was really apologetic about it. But it's like there's no room for learning with these people. I remember the first time I accidentally said "transgendered" and got an earful about it. I wasn't even looking to offend.
No. 1217424
>>1216965>nothing bad can come of itok hopefully sis
every time I come to this thread I’m thankful I was born about 10 years too late for this shit. as a mentally ill teen in mid 2000s I cut off my hair and larped as a gay boy on the internet, jfc I easily would have been convinced I was actually a tranny. 2 spooky
No. 1217443
File: 1619489105722.jpeg (984.43 KB, 3386x2127, DAFE9293-5202-4A59-9439-82B9BD…)

Lazy and pathetic.
>he/him they/them surejan.gif
And some of these tumblr lesbians are spineless jfc
>acknowledging only lesbians bc it’s their day…haha jk jk i don wan to exclude any1!!
No. 1217607
>>1217443funny how all these freaks have an unstable and
abusive home life. the con is getting too obvious now.
No. 1217654
File: 1619519865482.jpeg (338.9 KB, 739x776, 0681660D-BD66-4907-A328-E3C5EE…)

The absolute fucking gall of some of these they/them bitches
No. 1217660
>>1217654fuck it i'm trooning out, this shit looks profitable.
for real though, how much money do you think these bitches make? guilt spreads as fast as ROGD in these circles so they gotta be making a little bit of pocket change at the least.
No. 1217662
File: 1619520846948.png (3.09 MB, 828x1792, 57BDDA06-0D2A-4C51-A97B-F6C1C7…)

Okay pedo
No. 1217670
>>1217662praying vigilante justice makes a big comeback and these degenerates are targeted.
off topic slightly but does this account ever post anything about the history of feminism? or is the username just a big cope to feel important?
No. 1217706
>>1217447no nonbinary person is attractive
>>1217607yeah i had an
abusive household too since my mom told me to stop smoking weed and do chores. lmao. so abused and unstable yet has time to selfie-whore and beg for money on the internet all day
No. 1217753
>>1217654and i bet she “can’t work cause uwu my anxiety chronic pain” and other such bullshit.
Christ i know people in chronic pain who if they couldn’t work they became self employed so they can pick their own workload. is shocking that anyone can be shameless enough to think their life is so hard they deserve handouts. get a fuckin job.
No. 1217841
>>1217757No one
needs any amount of weed at all, ever.
No. 1217955
>>1217654One of these things is
CBD for her dog.
And just a straight-up vacation, uh, I mean, Recoop/Pain Relief Stay
No. 1217966
>>1217955that's it, i'm creating a troonsona so i can spunk the donation money on vidya. err, i mean…
emotional support media.
No. 1217968
>>1217662Reminds me of that girl from Girl, Interrupted who was a burn
victim as a child and that's why she acted like a child to escape the horrifying reality
No. 1218147
>>1216083I don't think she was an actual MAGA or white boy obsessed, it was just an act for her asian male viewers. She's very into performance, I'm not sure whether she's really trans but it seems like it since she cut her hair.
If you check the woman vs man video it doesn't seem to try to imply a singular viewpoint, its just 2 personas of hers sharing their conflicting opinions
No. 1218327
File: 1619568407410.png (47.78 KB, 637x512, tumblr_5ba636b575af3c87132f1a9…)

Bunch of fujoshi actually got a gay man's book cancelled because he said that maybe women shouldn't write fetishy books about gay men. An Island Without You was a upcoming book by Malulani Moreno but his publishers cancelled it because of his opinions on twitter and the women attacking him blaming him of creating sockpuppets when people tried to defend him
No. 1218486
>>1218327I honestly think everyone in this situation is a retard. A man is telling women what they can and can't do, but it's somehow woke because he's a fag? And then a bunch of retards decided to go on a witch hunt instead of ignoring this irrelevant scrote. What a shitshow.
If a woman wants to write about men fucking each other in the ass, that's her prerogative. If it bothers you, block her and ignore it. It's not rocket science.
No. 1218491
>>1218486Gay man expresses opinion that it's weird and creepy how straight women fetishise gay men like they're unicorns and not people, acting a lot like straight men in that respect, and so then he loses a book deal over it, because they can't just block and ignore it either.
Who gives a fuck if it's woke or not. It's the stupidest reason to cancel a book. People should be allowed to find your interest cringey and dumb, especially if you're the subject of it.
No. 1218521
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>>1218414doubled down on the weed. needs $600 worth for pain management apparently
No. 1218522
>>1218327>>1218486>>1218491>>1218508For once, I think it's good - so far it's been only MtF cancelling lesbians, if it starts affecting gay dudes, maybe more of them will start to speak out too.
But if woman were able to cancel a gay man, then maybe it also means things are just turning worse…
No. 1218536
File: 1619586632262.gif (45.96 KB, 220x123, tenor.gif)

>>1218414The prioritizing of weed over the dogs vet bills & surgery. Yikes…
>>1218521>"& Who won't steal for me"Jfc…
Sage for no contribution other than bashing my head into the wall over how delusional this troon is & how even more deluded anyone actually contributing to their degeneracy is.
No. 1218621
>>1218491This "stop fetishizing poor gay men" bullshit is unbelievably retarded. As long as there's porn and smut of any kind online, people will fetishize other people. If we're going to tell fujos to stop fetishizing gay men, we should be telling straight men to not fetishize lesbians, or straight women even.
The whole discourse surrounding it is stupid and I hate it. If porn that constantly fetishizes women can exist without those fakebois and ex-fujos throwing a tantrum, fujos can fetishize gay men.
No. 1218632
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Samefag, but back on topic.
No. 1218639
>>1218629I agree with you, but I'd like to address the root cause which is coomerism in general.
By telling a woman to stop fetishizing fags, you're telling her to go back to straight porn where fetishizing women is so normal that nobody even talks about it.
If the people complaining about this had the same passion towards porn in general I wouldn't think the "don't fetishize gay men" is an incredibly hypocritical statement.
Besides it's usually fakebois that spout that shit because they want to cling to any semblance of oppression they experience, considering that they're now men kek.
No. 1218641
>>1218639Oh I totally agree. We need to strike at the root of all this shit and that's why I'm firmly against pornography. No good can come of ANY porn. That's the problem with liberal views towards this, they think it's ok as long as your personal brand of degeneracy doesn't clash with their identity politics. Fucking "ethical" coomers. It's nonsense.
Also on a slight tangent: fanfiction depicting smut is 100% a gateway drug. I spent enough years on tumblr to witness the effects of it first hand.
No. 1218731
>>1218705I don't understand why fujos get so defensive over this, like yeah its fucked up to read porn of underage Shonen boys fucking(I don't even know why someone would wanna draw think that shit in the first place)
>>1218727 psychologically your not any better then an average male coomer
No. 1218771
File: 1619623446040.jpeg (1.25 MB, 1242x1818, 5C9AB9C0-B22F-4C65-AF19-D1DB26…)

Another fat ebegging troon just covering up her being a lazy lard ass by saying she’s a sex worker.
No. 1218774
File: 1619623568900.jpeg (746.44 KB, 1242x1115, 5E4F0BE6-1D2A-4F2A-BCDB-EF96A1…)

>>1218771>>1218772>he/him>just a fat bitch wearing lingerie and stripping kek
No. 1218931
File: 1619631497729.png (69.36 KB, 925x550, Screenshot (43).png)

Literally what even is the point, why would you want to be a FTM femboy
No. 1218954
>>1218774I know this bitch did not combine Aphrodite and Adonis together to use as her name!
The delusion is radiating.
No. 1219161
>>1218705i read a lot of m/m smut when i was young and i’m a lesbian. how’d that happen?
sage cause blog
No. 1219214
>>1219161Ridiculously common, surprisingly. There’s a section of My Lesbian Experience With Loneliness where the author talks about reading BL doujinshi for years while not wanting to confront her real world attractions because she was a shut in
Sage because this is pinkpill/OT talk and there are autists on this board who believe any erotic content made for the purpose of masturbation supports the patriarchy.
No. 1219217
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It’s not really FtM but this came up in Lesbian Visibility Day posts on twitter and I’m still trying to make sense of it
If the gender feelings crowd had their way they only people who would willingly call themselves women are those who enjoy the association with female stereotypes and expectations, and lesbians would be the “other”
No. 1219276
File: 1619657502057.png (28.62 KB, 487x328, caption.PNG)

>>1218414holy fucking shit, this person lives a more privileged lifestyle than a lot of people who i thought were upper middle class…
SO many things that can be omitted here, such as the dog's raw/fresh meat cbd shit and a car payment if you just opt in for a junker, which you can easily find many that work for under $2k. gas being $140? do they drive a truck? on their instagram it says they're disabled… but they aren't eligible for disability, but they are good enough to provide community support and do sex work…? if you were truly in chronic pain wouldn't you want to do the least amount of physical work?
i'm tired.
also this instagram post had me rolling this person has me convinced they are a narcissist larp
No. 1219447
>>1218491Maybe if you're in an industry that's very connection-oriented, you should keep your retarded opinions about other people in the industry to yourself. He shat where he ate, and that's exactly the sort of shit that happens when you do that.
It's not just that he ripped on TiFs and fujoshis– apparently he Tweeted about how he thinks the author of Love Simon is a fake bisexual or some shit like that. I'm sorry but if you publicly talk shit about someone else in the industry totally unprovoked like that, you shouldn't be shocked that it gets you blacklisted.
No. 1219649
>>1219583Nta but why does it matter what the author's gender/sexuality is in the first place? You don't see men who write about lesbians being harassed to the point of lying about their gender/sexuality.
Since when are people disallowed from writing about groups they don't belong to personally? Why does this retarded logic only seem to apply to women writing gay men, and not people writing about other cultures for instance? I've never read it, but from what I can tell, Love Simon is just another teen coming of age book. How is that "fetishizing" gay people?
No. 1219664
>>1219649>You don't see men who write about lesbians being harassed to the point of lying about their gender/sexuality.They do get criticized for it, I see more lesbians get pissed about straight men writing lesbian stuff than I've ever seen gay men with straight women writing their yaoi novels. However straight men do not give a fuck about getting "canceled" unlike women. Unless they're agp like clymer they're not gonna larp as some queer space gender they're just gonna say tough shit and keep doing whatever they want since their self esteem isn't eradicated if someone on the internet doesn't like them. With women however they have this need to appease everyone.
>not people writing about other cultures for instance?have you ignored what's been happening for the past several years
No. 1219721
File: 1619719193133.png (261.94 KB, 1080x816, Screenshot_20210429-195517~2.p…)

This is the first time I'm seeing "that" as a pronoun, I sometimes see "it" but only for the most terminally cumbrained troons (mostly AGP), but "that"??? That girl must be dealing with severe internalized misogyny (even more than the usual aiden).
No. 1219858
>>1219669This is the most disturbing part of the whole thing to me. I know it's a tinfoil but I really think she has an ED, she sounds like her brain is starving.
>>1219772Well firstly scarring, I've been wondering if we're ever gonna see her bare chest.
I think people can end up with chronic pain if something goes wrong with surgery or healing but idk how common that is for mastectomy.
Most importantly though is depression and regret. A while back on twitter I saw a heartbreaking post by a detrans woman about how she had to formula feed her child because she didn't have breasts anymore, and that's just one facet of the possible regrets you can have. I've also heard detransers talk about never fully adjusting to the loss and always feeling like they weren't whole anymore. But imagine the pressure to act like it was the greatest decision of your life.
No. 1219917
>>1219070i wonder if something traumatic happened, or she wasn't getting mental health support which made her troon out.
She obviously doesn't look okay and what ever problems she has transitioning doesnt look like it solved them
No. 1220014
>>1219070She looks absolutely miserable. How empowering!
>>1219917Probably. She probably trans to avoid the creepy sick fucks in Hollywood. Either that, or the creepy sick fucks already got to her, and she's so traumatized, she saw transing as a way out.
No. 1220310
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Not exactly fakeboi, but genderspecials are just hate being women
No. 1220319
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>>1220310kek what an ungrateful and overly dramatic idiot
No. 1220521
File: 1619807807314.jpeg (603.98 KB, 828x1391, 9CFB676D-817A-4C11-8831-21B8E1…)

Maybe if I decide to be a they/them and cut my titties off I could ask people for 25k so I don’t have to work, either
No. 1220569
File: 1619813341262.png (65.47 KB, 591x683, ghreqgsghsedc.png)

We are not mad, we just like to laugh at idiots who make a clown of themselves for everyone to see lol.
No. 1220577
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Funnily enough it feels just like having a clit in my mouth. Have fun lurking tho babes.
No. 1220581
>>1220569Is this what happens when you get a concussion when you're thirteen?
>>1220577Kek. What if I'm a lesbian? She'll have to choose between whether we're two women having consensual sex, or if she's a man raping a lesbian.
No. 1220902
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Just sane person things.
No. 1220984
>>1220902this is so sad, it's the kind of thing detransitioners are warning us about but nobody wants to listen bc they'd rather pay cosmetic surgeons to help them self-destruct and self-harm
nauseating that people are enabling her and enabling this in general
No. 1221187
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I was watching the last interview of Ellen Bald. She was speaking about joy.
No. 1221193
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>>1221190Honestly she might 41% even sooner, she's making a surprisingly quick progression to becoming a living ghoul
No. 1221219
>>1221216It doesn't look like she's on T so I think she's just gonna stay as is. She doesn't strike me as
that fucked up. Like a lot of her issues just seemed to stem from her breasts and wearing feminine clothing.
No. 1221229
>>1221219I hope you're right, if the only change she does is chopping her tits off there's a chance she can at least comeback to "normal" in her private life once (if) she gets her shit together.
This whole thing is very sad and an obvious cry for attention. Feels bad.
No. 1221436
File: 1619930459329.jpg (52.22 KB, 594x413, 20210502_004044.jpg)

Sage for sperg and irrelevant shit but this thing has a "lesbian" girlfriend who is a cow herself, there's a lot of heat surrounding the 2
gf is orquidiaarte who is a white woman pretending to be a trans woman and also has 100 ethnic identities or whatever
the hole for scrotes is a pedophile, if not mixing this shit up, who saved a nude selfie of 17 year old and posted it on tumblr anf wants to get into an animating career (can't find source right now)
No. 1221447
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>>1221436this doesn't prove anything, don't have time to dig it up
No. 1221452
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>>1217757It's not just any weed, it's RICK SIMPSON OIL. Vaping weed is a bad idea for your lungs, I thought? I had a look at her instagram… "my page is NOT FOR WHITE PEOPLE" but we can give her our money of course. She doesn't actually say what's wrong with her, autism aside.
I don't think she's getting all these ridiculous needs sorted.
No. 1221723
File: 1619972068094.jpeg (Spoiler Image,129.53 KB, 750x849, 35BE0551-635B-4CA4-96DD-B95999…)

>>1221452I think this is definitely a contender for “best slide” holy shit. Imagine admitting to overpaying for random opiates by the pill on your fucking Instagram. She’s out of her mind.
No. 1222241
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Censored the username and pfp as OP is 15 years old but holy shit. How are none of her friends saying "hey maybe this a bit dangerous and something you'll regret"? No wonder so many nonces and other assorted perverts are drawn to the troon crowd.
No. 1222452
File: 1620063223397.jpeg (157.29 KB, 634x823, 296AEA67-4FFF-4D8C-8A23-37CB00…)

A bunch of girls I went to high school with are starting their ~gender transition journey~ and it’s so funny to see them post captions like “I finally feel good about my body now that I’m on T :)” under photos that look like picrel. They’re all so miserable and gaunt looking that I’m half wondering if they’re just pretending to transition in order to cover up an eating disorder.
No. 1222581
>>1222542Ever since Ms. Richard Levin emerged as a health secretary, the ED and FTM trans overlap is glaring in FTMs. Dysphoria from unwanted fat associated with being born a female… It must be the boy brain!
ED's and ftm transition is the same internalized destruction but with 'acceptable more steps' and coddled narcissism
No. 1222740
>>1222711Is the CSA
victim to ED patient to FtM pipeline.
No. 1222836
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>>1219070I will never understand why women with Ellen's physique decide to troon out. Seeing her sitting across from Oprah perfectly highlights just how ridiculous she looks. Yes, Oprah is a full figured woman, but she's not particularly tall. Ellen is what, 5'0"? She's below average height even for a female. What's the point of transitioning if you will never pass?
No. 1223361
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Don’t know if this has been discussed on a celebrity or youtuber thread already, but who else isn’t buying this? She’s claimed she had DID and was a trans gay man… and then Twitter stans attacked Gabbie Hanna for not using Trisha’s “they/them” pronouns
No. 1223363
>>1223361i don’t really think this is the right thread since she’s not technically doing anything but going by them, but i agree with thinking that it’s a load of shit. i’m not going to call her they but i do respect the schtick she’s pulling - the easiest way to get the woke boring SJWs on your side is to pretend your pronouns are non-standard, and by doing this she’ll stop most of them from spamming ‘SHES
PROBLEMATIC!!!!’ under her tweets. she’s in it for the long con kek
No. 1223370
>>1223361As with most of Trish’s personality being “non-binary” is a fashion trend to her. Non-binary is really just a way for boring people to gain attention.It’s just like the emo phase and the bimbo phase. (Remember that one video where Trish asked if dogs had brains?)
Whatever Trish can do to get the attention she craves. Now that she’s non-binary it’s just getting more boring.
What’s next, Trish? Gonna open up as a closeted furry?
No. 1223490
>>1223410I'm 5'8 but when I was seriously considering trooning out a factor of it was that I wanted to be treated better by men. Growing up with an
abusive father fucked me up and my retard logic was that scrotes would respect me more as a Fellow Male, so I can definitely see how short women would be perhaps even more inclined to think like that.
No. 1223681
File: 1620175980974.jpg (514.59 KB, 1000x1778, kellan4.jpg)

Author KM Szpara. "Author" is a loose term, since she wrote an extended gay erotica but because she's trans (pronouns him/himme, insufferably) nobody has called her out on the fujoshi to trans pipeline. The novel Docile is basically the worst tags on AO3, omegaverse autism, and communism. Also, in an ironic twist, she's obsessed with Harry Potter lol
No. 1223920
>>1222836it's so bizarre, but i also understand why she hates herself. she got a lot of flak for coming out as lesbian despite what you may have seen on twitter/tumblr circles, and she was objectified like fuck by SO many men. i wouldn't be surprised if she was a
victim of sexual assault from someone in the industry. it's not hard to see that she fucking hates herself, like all ftms/themlets do. a real tragedy.
No. 1223990
File: 1620229357383.webm (1.12 MB, 576x1024, Snaptik_6958520724780813574_no…)
Me when I'm a woman
No. 1223993
File: 1620229735215.png (426.55 KB, 1440x2960, Screenshot_20210505-114749.png)

Saw this in my fb feed and the comments section was full of reee-ing gender specials. Based Hot topic, definitely hitting their target of quirky attention seeking teenage girls.
No. 1224052
File: 1620236340131.jpg (369.37 KB, 1080x1448, Screenshot_20210505_193727.jpg)

I just recently joined a Lolita Facebook group and it's a goldmine. A sad goldmine, but still.
No. 1224090
>>1223730This way of thinking is rampant in alternative fashion communities as well, especially hyperfeminine weeby ones like lolita and fairy kei. Being a girl in a frilly pink dress is lame and basic, but being a ‘boy’ (who looks and acts exactly like a girl and is indistinguishable from other girls aside from he/him pronouns in bio) in a frilly pink dress is cool and revolutionary. Don’t misgender me, bigots!
I’m sure that for most of them it’s just another way to stand out from the crowd and that few of them try to enforce this nonsense in real life outside of their little weeb circles.
>>1224052Depressing, isn’t it? I still keep tabs on my local comm for sales and it seems like at least half of them are nonbinary/genderqueer now. I hate that my phone autocorrect knows what genderqueer is.
>>1224062It’s a girl.
No. 1224104
File: 1620241342808.jpg (957.58 KB, 1080x1769, Screenshot_20210505_210041.jpg)

>>1224062Yeah, no. Even MY face looks more masculine than this.
No. 1224355
>>1223361Nonbinary is the way for upper class white girls to claim oppression without harming their bodies. I want to say it's based in its own way because it makes the mutilated, hairy goblin TIFs seethe, but Trisha should be like that one fat Asian actress who shamelessly claims to be a proud faghag because that's exactly what she is. Why is being a faghag so taboo now? Teen, 20, and 30-something faghags were everywhere in the 90's and 00's. Come 2010 they adopt the term "ally" and by 2020 they're all nonbinary or full FTM, making angry, homophobic tweets any time some Grindr gay blocks them or says "pussy" in a DM instead of frontsnatch or whatever kindergarten language they use for vagina. I don't know about other farmers but IMO I don't see anything wrong with being a straight woman who prefers the company of gays.
Sage for unnecessary rambling
No. 1224463
File: 1620287273392.png (1.47 MB, 952x629, tabbibbb.PNG)

>>1224090your post made me remember about tabby, so i had to see what they were up to.
their hair gets longer on their head and their legs each time.
No. 1225001
File: 1620339915428.jpg (80.08 KB, 564x752, Tabby.jpg)

>>1224463Tabby is a tragic case because she was genuinely cute before she trooned out.
No. 1225046
File: 1620342911609.png (907.06 KB, 1440x2504, Screenshot_20210506-191110~2.p…)

In today's new speak news. "B-because not everyone who gives birth is a woman"
No. 1225375
File: 1620398350559.png (675.14 KB, 720x1096, Screenshot_20210507-192741.png)

Maam that's a soft butch lesbian with a bad perm
No. 1225381
terf has ever been threatened by a 5'2 neckbearded lady kek
No. 1225878
>>1223993kek i love this.
sage for blogging but i hate how accepted this troonery is now. i rp with someone (yeah i know, cringe hobby) and sometimes they send me troon shit like tiktoks where TIFs make weird jokes about being tops or bottoms or whatever and it always feels so awkward. it's the equivalent to people sending you bible verses out of nowhere because they think everyone needs the gospel.
No. 1226170
>>1226154I don't think it's a good idea for any woman to take T unless they medically have to (and i have a hard time imagining a scenario where she would). Ruining your chances of conception and other problems relating to the failure of your sex organs is a high price to pay for not liking your features. I wouldn't take any life-altering drug just for vanity reasons tbh. You shouldn't be giving money to the people profiting off of your internalized misogyny/homophobia and insecurites anyways.
It's fine if you were on T, stopped, and were just a butch woman the whole time, too. Even if you detransed, I don't care. I mean, the past's the past, you can't change that.
No. 1226589
File: 1620584722668.jpeg (86.25 KB, 828x305, B258F599-FC8C-4EBC-B5A6-D897E0…)

Straight cis white woman posted this. Seriously how full of yourself can you get?
No. 1227049
>>1226899Do you have a way to talk her out of that? She needs to be told it's ok to be a damn woman. It's so disturbing, this mindset of butch meaning man. And every tomboy or young girls think they are boys. Which I can only blame this culture for; not the tomboy girls.
I highly doubt T changed your friend's mind so much, is she too far gone now? It would have to be the pressure from the cult mentality of these people.
No. 1227127
File: 1620654630142.png (38.54 KB, 640x178, Screenshot_20210510-164105.png)

Its so unfair my dad isn't a Sexist shithead and thinks women are just as capable as men!!! Now I cant justify my sterotypted ideas of gender
No. 1227479
>>1227049as far as I can tell it hasn't made her more aggro or anything, just facial hair – I haven't noticed a vocal change really either
I honestly don't know what she planned to accomplish by going on T, she's already tied down her chest for years, and I don't have it in me to ask if she still has them. she's suspiciously flat now, which makes me think she's had them removed.
She's never been crazy, which is why I'm 100% sure someone told her this is what she ""HAD"" to do because she didn't feel like a regular girl, and I want to punch them in the throat for it
No. 1227629
File: 1620708764249.png (23.2 KB, 981x182, 1589263352164.png)

>>1227127From this thread, can't believe I'm actually siding with the dad
No. 1227722
>>1227720>>1227719>>1227368Also take note on this comment
>"Playing video games doesn't make you a man" Seems like he's telling her that playing vidya games all day isn't the male gender experience you think it is
No. 1227740
>>1226864>>1226864My experience as a straight woman who trooned out was that I am very masculine (more than acceptable "cute tomboy") but since I wasn't a lesbian I couldn't identify with butch "culture" or anything, obviously. And I knew 0 straight women who were as masculine as me and felt like me so I came to the conclusion that I must be a gay man… lol
I hope the girls on this thread realize that it's okay to be a masculine woman. Meeting women who are like me saved me from being an unhappy person playing pretend all my life
This "gay FTM" phenomen worries me, GNC representation and acceptance is so fucking important, it avoids all this bullshit
No. 1227751
>>1227740I have your exact same thoughts regarding the gay FTM phenomen, in most films the masculine female character gets a "makeover" midway, Is a lesbian and in most recent cases is kweer or nb or some other shit, honestly it would be more revolutionary to have a masculine GNC girl to be paired up with a masculine male character
Its kinda wierd that there's been very little representation of these types of relationships cause as someone who used to do Karate and then MMA pretty much majority of women their were fairly masculine women who were dating/married to masculine men
No. 1227850
File: 1620750236179.jpg (5.82 MB, 3412x14064, imgonline-com-ua-twotoone-Tr1L…)

This chick watches ways too much Chinese BL shows
No. 1227863
>>1227850This reeks of adolescent angst.
As a comic it’s format is hard to fallow and the script is written poorly. She’s trying way to hard to sound poetic.
No. 1227911
File: 1620754781602.png (525.33 KB, 720x438, Screenshot_20210511-174316.png)

>>1227896>she's Chinese American >she watches a lot of Chinese BL shows that have a lot of pretty boys in them>she wishes she looked like her Chinese BL characters >she wants to keep her hair Long and wear skirts like her characters, but knows that will clock her as female >This she blames western masculinity on this But she's never gone look like guys like this, no matter how much she changes her style
No. 1228010
File: 1620761110034.png (460.71 KB, 1089x2248, lol1.png)

Damn, reddit can be fucking based.
No. 1228061
>>1227850I can tell in my fucking bones this is some second generation ABC bitch who hasn't taken a single class in Chinese language or culture in her life other than watching Disney movies or reading xianxia fanfic on AO3 lol
>only referencing the horrible disneyfied mulan movie>the horrible top heavy handwriting proportions on her chinese characters>not knowing that the queue was imposed upon us by invaders and therefore not a fucking chinese value to "conserve">crying in general about the ancient confucian ideal of not cutting your hair to honor the body your parents gave you when obviously all chinese people today still get haircutsCant stand these people go put some fruit on the altar and honor your ancestors instead of going "Guanyin was totally a nonbinary kweer icon lol xD" for fucks sake
No. 1228222
File: 1620778236509.jpeg (438.39 KB, 750x1115, 84E3C88C-00C9-4A02-870F-128AEC…)

>>1228098I regret to inform you that the very same artist did in fact say this
No. 1228230
File: 1620779356494.png (1.14 MB, 1334x750, 15707679-7CC1-4896-BF9C-98F729…)

Some retarded fakeboi pretends to be a Japanese midget/elementary schooler who can speak in forms of text?
This made me laugh so hard I had to post it here.
No. 1228278
>>1228010Please, normalfags, please rub your two braincells together and figure out that these kids keep falling into fads, and that being trans is one of those fads. Please god.
>>1228230>"Stfu fujoshi, go fuck a different anime boy">acts like a fujoshitI'm so confused. Maybe this "romanji" speaking chick is a cousin of that one other girl who larped as a rich gay korean businessman on reddit.
No. 1228405
>>1228010>us ACTUAL trans peoplekek
>>1228230>I'm not a fat western girl, I'm an actual midget Japanese gay twink, look at me speaking romanji[sic]!!! Fuck you fujos you need to believe me with absolutely no proof or else you're racist and homophobic!Many such cases. Funny how it's always the terminally online autistic effeminate gay guys who speak perfect English, know all the western memes and are online lingo savvy yet never post photos of their environment or themselves.
No. 1228504
File: 1620823410548.png (860.79 KB, 1334x750, B29D6B0D-ADD5-47B2-B5CB-A235B9…)

>>1228405Japanese boi with a rad Japanese dad, I thought they were a full blooded Japanese who lived in Kyoto but now they’re claiming to be Japanese American? Make up your mind.
Still saying you can ‘speak’ romaji though despite it being just romanized version of Japanese…
No. 1228521
>>1228519I just thought it was funny anon.
And the pic is supposed to be a parody of S.Kelly's comics, you're not supposed to take any of it seriously.
No. 1228545
>>1228517Tomboys are a childhood thing. There are no grown woman tomboys. A lot of women who are tomboys as children also grow up to be completely average feminine women.
Sexualizing "tomboys" is pedophilic.
No. 1228551
>>1228519Is this how you process every meme?
You must be “fun” to hang out with…
No. 1228562
>>1228545Or butches or soft butches, gnc, whatever.
Can't really take seriously women who label themselves with the word tomboy when they are full grown ass adults
No. 1228582
>>1228562I'd say it goes farther back, highschoolers referring to themselves as tomboys are immature. Shit like refusing to wear dresses is laughable above the age of 13.
I don't think it's him, but isn't someone who also makes this style of parody comics dating a troon?
No. 1228715
>>1228703I'm an adult, I dress myself, I don't take requests. The only event I can think of in which I'd be expected/asked to wear a dress is being a bridesmaid, which is something I would politely turn down because I fucking hate wearing dresses for a variety of reasons. That's not being immature, on the contrary putting your foot down and standing by what
you want to do and not being swayed into doing what is expected of you as a female is the mature thing to do. I'm curious as to when you think women should be wearing dresses and not anything equivalently smart looking? I'm genuinely trying to understand your line of thought here.
No. 1228788
>>1228703>but being unable to compromise when asked to, I think, is immature.Why should women compromise to do something they don't want to do? And how the fuck wearing a dress when asked correlates to being mature?
Shit take.
No. 1228920
>>1228519Based anon. Men saying "can't you just be a cute tomboy, I like cute tomboys and find them hot!!!" is only solidifying the reason why so many GNC women troon out to escape sexualization by males.
>>1228582>>1228703The "butches should just grow up and learn how to be proper ladies" mindset strikes again. This is some tradthot level discourse holy shit. Pack your bags
No. 1229030
>>1228703You are literally the reason these women troon out. Women ABSOLUTELY MUST wear feminine dresses when demanded, unless you're a man/NB of course!
Identifying with a "tomboy" subculture was the way girls used to push back against shitty social expectations like the one you're spewing. Nowadays they just troon out instead. Imagine if we just let women do whatever the fuck they want.
No. 1229378
File: 1620928403736.jpg (70.44 KB, 457x589, Untitled.jpg)

I know it's been said before but it bears repeating: trannies and their supporters really are thick as pig shit. Imagine believing even a single fucking word of this lmao.
No. 1229545
>>1229533You're not alone, anon. Quite a few women on here have spoke about being ex FtM/Not Women. I'm dysphoric myself and came close to trooning out a few times. My advice would be to try and limit contact with other trans people, or at least the ones you're not close friends with and/or are
deep into the cult. ROGD is most definitely a thing and it's a very hivemind like setting. Seek out dysphoric women and detrans women. I wish you luck, anon. ♥
(sage for no1curr, blogpost, etc)
No. 1229875
>>1229533>>1229873Samefag, sorry, I just wanted to say that I'm glad this thread helped you, it definitely helped me too and I'm always glad to see people starting to question the things they were fed through echochambers. I've seen way too many people suddenly come out as trans in their twenties or even thirties within the past 2 years and I'm sad that I don't actually have anyone irl I can talk to about this because I'd instantly be labeled ~
Good to know there's a community of dysphoric/detrans women on tumblr, I'm definitely going to check that out
No. 1230383
File: 1621036679307.jpeg (302.72 KB, 1276x793, BF1EB06C-180C-4986-9686-93E20A…)

Do any of you know Avery from the indie band Girlpool? She transitioned around 2018 I think and I can’t figure out where her tits went. Never had top surgery as far as I know. No scars. Can T do that? Picrel.
No. 1230395
File: 1621037758924.jpg (197.77 KB, 1080x1350, ffrankcadillac_157946570_12923…)

>>1230383You sound like an underage Aiden. Avery very obviously had top surgery, because breasts can't melt away with testosterone. You can see how her nipple is deformed from surgeries in the photo you posted. You can also see faded horizontal scarring better in this photo that Ali Micheal posted on @ffrankcadillac.
Ali Micheal needs her own thread because she's become an online BPD mess since she started dating Avery. No. 1230406
File: 1621038572911.png (521.11 KB, 597x843, 6E255685-3695-4F19-B5D0-6E5123…)

No. 1230420
>>1230406He looks like the result of a time travelling crack addict that landed in Rokoko time.
(also holy shit the support you girls give each other warmed my dead cold heart, I love you all sisters <3)
No. 1230431
>>1230401Scars from a double mastectomy are unavoidable if you have larger breasts, the keyhole top surgery only works on smaller chested women. I think the ones who play up the scars and show them off are just trying to cope with and normalize what they've done to themselves.
>>1230395You can discuss ftm milk here. Don't leave us hanging anons!
No. 1230852
>>1230406jfc, i literally thought this was a very bad joke. It's the end of the f
*king world
No. 1230871
File: 1621110219689.jpg (251.36 KB, 1198x1680, E1XgPlpWUAkeBI6.jpg)

The last point is actually right but not in the way OP intended lmao. Your medical condition doesn't have to ruin your quality of life if you get a genuine therapist who helps you address the root cause of your dysphoria instead of a shill for big pharma who sends you off to get artificial cross sex hormones and mutilating surgery kek.
No. 1231144
I missed this last year when it happened but the Aidens have started ganging up on Kaley Garrah leading up to her pulling a "muh mentulz" and leaving YouTube afaik. Embedded is probably the milkiest of the numerous callouts, because good fuck I can smell that dress through the screen
Here's some other callout videos from 20-somethings who all look like autistic 12yo boys: No. 1231320
>>1228545Damn can't believe I don't exist
Not realizing you can continue to be a tomboy as an adult is a factor in girls trooning out
No. 1231411
File: 1621194122605.jpg (169.19 KB, 307x845, 20210516_153745.jpg)

Saw this on r/duggarssnark, while its not funny at all it reminded me of this thread. It's like you don't think the fact that you were raised in an extremely misogynistic cult, horribly abused and blamed for the abuse might have something to do with why you don't want to identify as a woman?
I hate how pointing out obvious shit like that gets you treated like you just murdered a baby and exiled from most LGBT/geek circles.
No. 1232021
File: 1621274662870.jpeg (215.44 KB, 750x744, AC075AEA-F0C2-4082-8BED-E50809…)

Sage Incase this was already discussed but this was my first irl catch of the absolute cope.
Just reminds me when they said lobotomy victims were just so happy. I feel so bad for all the young mentally ill girls who see this shit.
No. 1232029
>>1232021LMAO this is priceless. Good catch,
nonny. This is seriously dangerous levels of cope. Just go and google "Ellen Page" and then "Elliot Page", the spark in her eyes is gone, she looks like an emotionless fucking husk now. OP couldn't even pick a good screencap to lie about kek.
No. 1232200
File: 1621286655343.png (130.66 KB, 935x391, lwjfnglhdu721.png)

>>1228297They'd be ridiculed the same way a weeaboo would. But I think they'll be extra salty because they're touching religion here
No. 1232274
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>>1232021 The true face of happiness
No. 1232431
File: 1621308964679.jpg (254.92 KB, 1080x1896, screencap.jpg)

Getting kicked in the crotch is gender euphoria now
No. 1232467
File: 1621313446147.png (497.92 KB, 2236x1270, aita.png)

u-uwu my grandma with dementia doesn't remember my new special name, the terf bitch
No. 1232539
File: 1621325833017.jpg (153.44 KB, 1080x547, Screenshot_20210518-031349_Fac…)

>>1232470AYART here, it's her infant daughter. It's very obvious she likes forcing other people to participate in her fetish, picrel.
No. 1232551
File: 1621328214208.png (1.11 MB, 738x919, 1611473974658.png)

>>1232021I see so many before/after troon pics where they used to look like normal happy people and once transitioned they have those dead miserable eyes while claiming to be the best they've ever been. How do you expect to fool people when you look like this? Does nobody dare to talk them out of it?
>>1232467At least it looks like everyone is dogpiling on her, what a bitch.
No. 1232560
>>1232274LMAO, ily
>>1232439Ackshually us womxn have pubic bones made out of steel. Only the menfolk know the true pain of getting cuntpunted. Smh learn basic biology, anon.
No. 1232699
>>1232664Description of her reddit page:
>He/Him, 18. (…) I'm an artist, author, autist, bass player, costume maker, etc. (Discord is Harvest Chestable#4849)Of course another autistic girl who thinks she's a male. God. I feel sorry for autistic women in this day and age.
No. 1232703
>>1232699I've been browsing her Reddit, she seems to be going through the trans thing quite quickly for a girl her age, already on hormones for a while and has had top surgery. She is quite uneducated about things though - asked if her facial hair will grow more after top surgery and asked if top surgery can prevent breast cancer.
Honestly I'm so happy I'm an oldfag because as an autistic butch I'm almost certain I would've been trooned out had I been raised more recently. The absolute state of this fucking world.
No. 1233109
File: 1621379129737.png (4.98 MB, 3000x3000, belledelphine.png)

Found this fakeboi Belle Delphine lookalike @/strawberrynekobun (tiktok and instagram) recently.
> typical uwu kawaii e-girl but desperate to differentiate herself by using they/them and he/him more recently
> "bunny boy moment" "my massive schlong"
> presents as hyper-feminine and makes no real effort to appear gender neutral, but acts passive aggressive to those who refer to her as a girl and constantly posts about non-binary activism
> wears nearly exclusively skirts and dresses, cutesy harajuku maid outfits and pastel wigs
> does makeup to accentuate feminine features
> acts in an obnoxiously put on "soft" way and regularly talks in an annoying high pitched voice
> obviously wants to be seen as a "cute s-shy loli anime girl owo"
For someone who says she doesn't want to fit into so called gender roles, she's trying prettyyyy hard to come across as a girl in every way possible.
No. 1233133
>>1232898 and
>>1233104 said, plus for women there's the aspect that a lot of what goes into socially acceptable femininity can be extra difficult to adopt if you're autistic (sensory difficulties making the tight or intricate clothes and making up your face and wearing perfume unbearable, social difficulties meaning you fail to keep the peace and bite your tongue like women are expected to do). Add in the long-running "masculine autistic brain" myth and the possibility of getting obsessed with gender ideology as a special interest and it's not too surprising that autistic women believe they've failed at womanhood and so must obviously be men.
No. 1233184
File: 1621384048236.png (683.78 KB, 822x1200, 3283A71E-DB9A-4A4E-8025-D7C7A7…)

I wasn’t sure if this could go here or in the manga thread, but there’s this short manga called Stripping the Flesh that’s about a FTM. Has anyone else here read it? My first thought was that it had to have been written by a guy because of how misogynistic it is but all the writers/artists involved are women. hate how it completely skips over treatments like breast reduction surgery and birth control for women, and after the MC gets their surgeries they’re completely fine with none of the complications a real person would have. They should have made it about the MC getting over their guilt and realizing how much of an asshole their father was.
No. 1233292
File: 1621393773787.jpeg (187.98 KB, 750x830, CC800EC7-1D17-412B-840A-0939BE…)

>>1233184They got one thing right kek
No. 1233346
File: 1621401135193.jpeg (1.24 MB, 2008x2550, 557E3686-9E1B-487E-AF96-EB3932…)

Yes, I’m mad, but can any anon tell me fucking WHY women do this??
I knew her pre-transition. She started hormones, got top surgery, and honestly, she looked better. But what confuses me is why the fuck go through all that bullshit and ID as a man when you go and constantly make yourself back up as a woman.
I swear to god it’s like she’s larping a fucking drag queen.
No. 1233348
File: 1621401460179.png (710.78 KB, 503x585, Screenshot 2021-05-19 at 06.17…)

found one in the wild (she commented on a friend's instgram post). yes trans not just unfortunate.
No. 1233354
>>1232431No you don't "get a dick" on testosterone. You get a painfully enlarged clitoris.
Fun fact: Female hyenas have clitorises so large they look like dicks, and they are larger than the male hyenas actual dicks.
No. 1233433
>>1233354Wait is that why so many Aiden's have hyena fursonas? I remember being in troon adjacent circles and seeing so many fucking hyena furry drawings. Now it all makes sense.
>>1233356I'm 30 and up until last year I was
still considering trooning out because I'm sick of being othered by people. Young autistic girls now don't stand a fucking chance.
No. 1233434
>>1233346honestly it's
>>1233351men ar cool when they do feminity, women are vapid.
No. 1233544
File: 1621429477004.jpeg (283.74 KB, 828x1472, 3D8B2A7D-FABA-456C-BEB9-E60BB6…)

I woke up and saw another case of “it’s better to be a they/them than a lesbian”
The fact that she just got out of rehab and has documented mental illnesses doesn’t help
No. 1233593
>>1233544She's definitely not a lesbian, just a mostly straight woman with a lot of trauma and that makes poor decisions.
I thought she already said she was nonbinary before. The nonbinary shit is so sad since everyone can tell they're just attention seeking women. She's been desperate to remain relevant for the past few years.
No. 1233622
File: 1621435101514.png (109.45 KB, 1222x466, 70c2adc5-7e5b-5fa3-8649-cb8625…)

>>1233433>>1233354Yeah but their not dicks, as anon said their enlarged outward clitorises likely evolved so that Male Hyenas wouldn't be able to forcefully rape them and they could control sex and reproduction on their terms
I've seen so many TRAs use Hyenas and sea horses as examples of how "The gender binary doesn't exist and is a construct" but their taking things extremely out of context
Like with male sea horses, they don't get pregnant, The female seahorses lay the eggs and the male seahorse has a POUCH. Which he puts the eggs in for protection
No. 1233763
File: 1621445314337.jpeg (90.33 KB, 475x640, 4DE57B5F-5DD8-4236-AF01-02565C…)

>>1233544She said her friend Alok “helped her” figure out her nonbinary identity. This is the same man who also “helped” Sam Smith arrive to the conclusion that he is nonbinary because he wears makeup. He’s a groomer at this point, on top of being a pedo.
No. 1233775
File: 1621445741648.jpg (71.46 KB, 427x427, Jjv3e5G.jpg)

>>1233763I can't stand Sam or Demi, don't get me wrong, but it's pretty public that both of them suffer with mental health issues and this ugly fucking scrote literally takes advantage of them and fucking grooms them and no one says anything. It's fine, just let the people with mental health problems join a cult where 41% of the members attempt suicide. Nothing to see here, just a bunch of brave and stunning folx.
No. 1233975
>>1233593IIRC she’s come out as pansexual before and, since she’s friends with Alok, many people correctly guessed that her coming out as nonbinary was only a matter of time.
>>1233776The context of that quote is a post where he’s lamenting that MtFs in women’s spaces are seen as perverts and little girls as innocent
victims. He’s saying that little girls can be perverts too and basically implying that they can consent to or even initiate sexual interactions with adults.
>That little girl came onto me, officer!>>1233913In certain circles I know of more they/thems than “cis” people. The majority are girls aged 16~23 who spend a lot of time online and present very stereotypically feminine except for a short haircut or occasionally going a few days without shaving. I also feel bad for them, because it seems like it’s impossible to exist in these circles as a “cis” girl without constantly being painted as a villain. Identifying as nb is the easiest way out and fortunately most of them don’t get surgery or HRT.
I only know a few older (30+) nb women and they’re much more annoying not only because they should know better, but because they tend to be bullies both towards younger genderspecials and random normies in their vicinity who can’t keep up with the latest woke language.
The handful of nb men I know are your typical creepy “ally” types who use nb identity as a shield against getting called out for shitty behaviour. They present exactly like any other man except for maybe dyeing their hair blue or green.
No. 1234025
>>1233935>>1233955>>1233975>>1233913Holy fuck is NB just the get out jail card of being an “evil” cis person but you don’t want to do jack shit? Kek
What a
valid identity
No. 1234055
>>1233913My estranged sister is one and she's a fat angry white woman. She considers herself a "trans enby" and uses male pronouns and neopronouns and insists that people alternate them. She is your typical dollskill goth chick only she likes to publicly shout about her imaginary big dick like this woman does
>>1233109 but IRL, usually to service workers and often in front of children. I'm pretty sure she adopted the troon identity because of her social media obsession. Tumblr and twitter taught her that it wasn't cool to be a straight white woman, but if you're a tranny you can get away with anything. She's 28, unemployed, and desperate to be popular with teens on tiktok and spends most of her time bullying randoms on Twitter and demanding money from them. She doesn't get any attention from either group and has frequent meltdowns over a lack of likes and follows. I wish she would get some help for her unchecked mental illness because it really spiraled out of control after she adopted the trans identity, before she trooned out she could at least hold a job. According to other family members she has developed a concerning anime merch hoarding problem and lives in absolute squalor. The saddest part about all of this is that she's not really a stand out among older NB women, I've met several others who she has tried to befriend and they act pretty much the same as her and see no issue with their behavior. Which means there are a lot more families having to deal with these people. If they can manage to convince these women to get help they're most likely going to be met with 'gender affirmation' rather than address the underlying issues and disturbing behavior. It's pretty depressing to watch.
No. 1234135
>>1232786>>1233133Additionally, being autistic without knowing you are (much more common for women) can lead to many mental, social, and identity issues that people misidentify as gender dysphoria.
Another aspect is desire for a place in a community - many autists want this but find it hard to achieve, and the trans community is super
full of grooming welcoming and tolerant of autist behavior.
I have a lot of empathy for undiagnosed autistic women and girls who are lead down the troon path because I can see how that could've been me, but I'm confused at the ones who know and still troon out.
Imo high functioning autist women don't get enough understanding or sympathy in general so I wonder if for some, trooning out is a maladaptive way of getting that.
No. 1234208
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This 20-something troon raised the bar for fakebois by helping her boyfriend murder his dad for unreasonable financial reasons. Testostorone must be a hell of a drug
>it was my job to cut up the body while A cleaned up the kitchen as best as possible. There was thick, very dark blood all over the floor. He had to use a broom, that we later threw away, obviously. I used a kitchen knife and a saw.
>The head and the arms i put in the orange bag,the legs in the black bag and the torso we manage together to squeeze in to the suitcase. It just barely fit, we had to really squeeze the both of us.
But its not a mental illnes guys!!
No. 1234248
Except on Tumblr you get in trouble if you call yourself NB for gender because that is only supposed to stand for 'Not Black' and everyone insists you use Enby instead.
No. 1234346
>>1234121Social contagion is a bitch.
Seriously, bring back mall goths, scene kids, emo, otaku without gender shit whatever. No matter how cringy it is, it's 100000% better than this. This gender fixation is nothing but another fad confusing vulnerable people about their identities and in some cases making them opt for unnecessary surgeries before they're even an adult.
It hurts me to see young people being so confused about their identities because of this bullshit. Life doens't have to be so complicated
No. 1234355
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>>1234208Is this TIF Jeffrey Dahmer?
No. 1234365
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>>1234208My Friend Dahmer lookin ass
No. 1234372
>>1234208>>1234355>>1234365She probably copied this look.
Who is it? Did she truly kill someone?
No. 1234590
>>1234372Yes, the images and the text is from Police protocol shared on a swedish forum. The case is in court right now so i couldnt find any news article that arent in swedish. The
victim is Mikael Petersson from Karlskrona. There will probably be a lot of news article about it in a couple weeks when the trial is over. I wonder if she gets to go to male prison,since she is stated as a man in the media but according to rumors have not yet changed her sex legally.
No. 1234614
>>1234590Oh god is she Swedish? Is the forum flashback?
Like we need another murderous troon. Unlike the other, I doubt she wants to be in the opposite sex prison.
No. 1234636
>>1234135And ones who are diagnosed early are under even stronger pressure to conform to gender stereotypes, especially by non-autistic "autism specialists" who primarily focus on trying to force autistic kids to conform as rigidly to social norms as possible. That means if you're a nerdy girl that cares more about anime or dinosaurs or playing outside or whatever than boys or makeup, you get told your interests "aren't appropriate for a girl your age" and strongly pressured to give them up and focus on other shit instead. Especially once you start hitting puberty.
Not to blog too much but I was diagnosed autistic young and got put through that crap, and have seen many other autistic women who were diagnosed young talk about going through the same shit. I can easily see why so many autistic girls would say fuck it, I'm not a girl if that's the only way they can continue to enjoy what they like without constant crap from their parents/teachers.
Shit, I had a phase of questioning my gender/wanting to be a boy largely because of that shit. Had I been a kid in the last decade I probably would've trooned out.
No. 1234873
>>1234636Blog but I am one of those early diagnosed autistic women. I was pressured out of my authentic interests/behaviors much in the same way you've described, and now I would describe myself as a normie (or at least I can fake being one convincingly). Thankfully I was born before troonacy was a thing.
You know what this makes me think of? How much autistic moids are coddled. Autistic women are able to condition themselves to be palatable, autistic men just straight up choose to be impossible to be around.
No. 1234925
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>>1233913NB people are just severely insecure people who aren't happy with their bodies. The more severe cases are people like Noelle
>>1210070 >>1210042 a married lesbian who was abused/manipulated by her spouse to the point where she trooned out to appease her partner.
The most common I've seen is from fat people who are deeply uncomfortable in the way they look (which is a common trait in fat people), so they use Non-Binary as an escapism to avoid being the ideal person they want to be. Pic related
No. 1234980
>>1233544Didn't Demi admit to having permanent brain damage from all the drug using or some other issue to the point she's almost blind or something? Or am I remembering things wrong?
>>1233763Of course it was this guy. Jesus christ, this is a disease.
>>1234772>I'm not against NB people in general so I ended up dating and having a few friends that identify as such.Integrate
No. 1235120
>>1235106Oooofff sorry anon. Lolita fashion sounds like a fun and cute hobby.
I wonder if the extreme subculture look is what attracts all the gender exceptionals? Is this happening in like the goth scene too?
No. 1235264
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Whenever I see someone saying some crazy unintelligible buzzword salad when I check the profile it's always a they/them or they/he without fail
Also like most of them this girl seems to be a massive ebeggar
No. 1235281
>>1234873Disagree, lots of autistic men go through the same kind of shit. Some get coddled esp if they have shitty parents like Chris-chan, but I feel like lots of older autistic men esp have also gone thru shit (my dad was probably also autistic tho never diagnosed and got treated pretty bad most of his life).
That said I feel like girls in general tend to be rushed out of their childhoods much earlier than boys, and with autistic girls theres a laser focus on them. Like you turn 11 and suddenly you get shit for liking Pokemon because it's "babyish" and girls your age are supposed to start liking fashion and makeup instead. On top of uncomfortable body changes and the shit that comes with that (like getting sexually harassed by adult men).
And if you try to fight it, you get more pressure/bullying. I ultimately managed to win out in the end and managed to get away from those shitty teachers/family members, but I realize lots of autistic girls aren't that lucky. Like I'm tomboy still but I can see why lots of girls would give in and become more normie.
I guess tl;dr theres a perfect storm of factors autistic girls deal with that's making them troon out so much and ultimately I think it'll keep happening until the source of the problem is dealt with (i.e. people need to stop treating autistic girls, and all girls, like shit).
No. 1235596
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>>1235120>Is this happening in the goth scene too?Yeah, very similar to what you've all described in lolita communities. picrel
No. 1235747
>>1235596Definitely happening in goth scenes, but depends on where you're at. Sage for blogging, but I'm in a major city, and while there are a solid amount of trans folks, most of the "enbies" (who pretty much present as NLOG girls or femme goth boys) avoid discussing it in public (but will sperg on social media) and the "binary trans" folks who are Open about it are typically trans men who shockingly pass well, because they look like your standard goth/punk scrotes, and go out of their way to not tell Anyone (unless they deem you Very Trustable, ig)
I dont spend much time in online goth spaces anymore, but there was at least some hope before The Pandemic shut things down.
No. 1235753
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No. 1235761
File: 1621696250274.webm (1.89 MB, 576x1024, snowflake.webm)
Usually only see men transitioning forcing their wives to come out as "lesbians", refreshing to see this dumb shit done to a man.
No. 1235775
>>1234208I wasn't expected to see Leonard Höglund posted here. I've been following the case and I truly hope both of them end up in prison for life under the most horrific circumstances possible.
>>1234614This one, in fact, wants to do time with the men. Not sure whether she thinks she'll be treated like one of the boys or if she just has some fucked up prison gangbang fetish, but either way, I'd be fine with this absolute waste of flesh to rot away among males. Neither she nor her boyfriend deserves any mercy; their crime is one of the most vile ones ever committed in Sweden.
This woman helped her boyfriend kill his father, in the hopes that she would inherit the apartment the father owned. She then cut the body up in pieces in the bathroom while her boyfriend was busy vomiting in the kitchen. They're currently on trial in Sweden. She is autistic and the boyfriend (a locally well known pathological liar and arsonist) qualifies for both Antisocial Personality Disorder as well as Narcissistic Personality Disorder. They murdered the only person who cared for them, who helped them, the person who took out a six figure loan to help save their failed business adventure and who even moved out of his own apartment just to let them live there, in hopes that his shitbag of a son would finally grow up and do something with his life. And they murdered him in cold blood by hitting him in the head over and over with a large wrench. They hit him 11 times in the back of the head while he was completely unprepared. 11 times. How do we know that? Well, because as this bitch told the police: she counted the beatings with the wrench, to be sure they hit him enough that he'd die as soon as possible. This case is fucking nightmare fuel.
No. 1235815
>>1235775It's only been reported in the news as a crime by 2 men from what I've seen. So I guess she will get her wish and be kept in men's prison. Good luck in there Aiden.
It's a horrible case. Why did they murder the only person who helped them?!
No. 1235829
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>>1235815>>1235815And how does a person go from "selling candy to combat the prejudices against autism" to commiting murder?
No. 1235845
>>1235829Because she's thoroughly fucked up, that's why.
The hearings with her family revealed that she has been lying about stuff ever since she was a kid, the whole family including siblings and aunts and the like know her as untrustworthy. Even the police officers questioning her noted that she changes her story all the time depending on what new information she is given, trying to pass herself off as clueless but it's a facade.
She ran off with a 25+ years older man whom she met at a psych ward when she was 17 and got to move in with him after lying to social securities that her parents were
abusive, so they just had to watch their daughter be taken away. They naturally didn't approve of the relationship. When she met her current boyfriend she ditched the previous one without much explanation, and then starting throwing rape accusations at him. This was AFTER the guy had pooled in a hefty sum of money to help her and the new guy start a vegan classical music cafe. They tried to sue him for 750k SEK when he started asking for his money back after she cut all contact with him, and finally the new boyfriend's dad (the murder
victim) took out a huge loan to pay back the debt to this guy as well as to help support the café.
Both her and the bf try to blame each other and mental illness for the murder, but they have both been found to not have been significantly mentally unsound at the time of the murder. She came up with the idea to kill the father after he started demanding she move out and he get his apartment back. They planned the murder together for about two weeks and then killed him, cut him up and buried the body on an island near a campsite. After burying the body parts they stayed there to grill sausages before heading home. The next day, his son reported him missing. The search for his body took almost half a year and is the largest police operation in the city of Karlskrona to date.
No. 1235851
>>1235839>the tranny who stabbed his parents to death a year ago after listening to sissy hypno porn>an aiden randomly stabbed a guy in a public bathroom and wrote a message with his blood on the mirror. Oh my god, I haven't heard of these cases, only the Johansson case as Aftonbladet etc reported about him.
English-speaking GC fems are good at documenting this stuff, but is anyone in Sweden keeping track of these murderous troons and if they end up in male or female prisons?
No. 1235932
>>1235851Josefin Nord who stabbed his parents to death ended up in psychiatric care. Probably for the best. He had previously stalked an ex girlfriend, and believed his parents had raped him and that his mother wanted to have sex with him, due to "repressed memories" that he had "uncovered" when listening to sissy hypno porn sound files.
Jacob Svensson who stabbed Seid Rahimi to death and wrote "Why so serious?" on a mirror with his blood was sentenced to 12 years in the Swedish maximum security prison for women, Hinseberg.
I haven't heard of anyone keeping track of it here. I'm not a radfem myself even if many of our views align.
No. 1235988
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No. 1236020
>>1211084Damn, the standard american diet + T is not a great combo.
I feel sorry for this woman, she looks like she's about to die at any moment.
No. 1236100
>>1235775Lmao it's Scandinavia. Prisons are hugbox 5 star resorts there.
I'd like to see her say that she wants to do time with men somewhere in Russia, or even the US.
No. 1236221
>>1236217Is not about being ugly you retarded, it's about being obviously unhealthy.
I give 0 shits if someone is pretty or not, but it's obvious that that woman is destroying her body.
It's way easier to heal from depression and mental issues in general in a healthy body.
No. 1236657
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No. 1236770
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>>1236657Same vibe as picrel, kek.
No. 1236820
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No. 1236822
>>1236820>"consider the privilege of not having to answer questions like this to prove the validity of your gender identity"As a butch lesbian that's a crock of shit lmao. Troon cultists question me all the fucking time for having stereotypically "male interests" and wearing mens clothes. I've heard the "closeted straight man" line far too much. How is this person chronically online yet unaware of the harassment GNC normies face? I guess they see it as they're "helping" us discover our
true gender feewings and we're just stupid and stuck in the past.
No. 1236839
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Twitter is convinced the “no such thing as 2 pretty best friends” guy is trans, despite his nudes apparently going around a while back. Check out the replies and qrts, the phalloplasty cope is in full effect. No. 1236854
File: 1621871970168.jpg (35.64 KB, 796x724, E2GJIRgWQAE_-SB.jpg)

>>1236839>>1236850Don't know this dude but the info is from his official account? True, faking or trolling?
No. 1236861
>>1236820I truly do not understand this challenge.
Cant this backfire with the whole “there is no difference between the genders” concept. So why does there need to be trans, NB, cis or whatever. Why change anything or identify as anything if there is no difference.
Wouldn’t the troon line of gender euphoria be a crock of shit too since boobs/double mastectomy and axe wound/Frankie weenie does not a female/male make?
I am tired.
No. 1236865
>>1236820Trans and non-binary gender challenge:
>Describe your gender>Explain how you know you’re that genderX you can’t use gender dysphoria nor body dysmorphia (I.e: “my dick makes me dysphoric” “I hate my tits”)
X you can’t use gender terms (I.e: “I know I’m trans because what the opposite gender wears/does/“can do”/says makes me euphoric” “I know I’m nonbinary because I like to do/say/wear what both genders do/say/wear”
>Consider any past trauma and mental illnesses (aside from body dysmorphia and “gender dysphoria”) that you might have/self assigned after using a 5 minutes online quiz.>reflect on your experience. No. 1236880
File: 1621874309206.jpg (86.19 KB, 893x455, theres autism in the tapwater.…)

>>1236839Oh, come on! If "he" had tits that huge you'd know, surgeons always botch mastectomies on women with larger breasts. Thank god the most stupid thing I believed as a teen was that there was a bigfoot in Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas. I'm a Mensa candidate by comparison.
No. 1237027
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Elliot Page looking euphoric
No. 1237054
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>>1237027>Twig arms>Bulging defined abs>Toothpick legsThis had to be tampered with somehow it looks off no matter how you look at it
No. 1237071
>>1237027This is the worst shoop I've seen in a while lmao. The abs aren't even blended in right, almost certain the top surgery scars have been airbrushed too.
>>1237046Yeah this is super unproportional. I've been bodybuilding since I was 15 this shit ain't right at all. Even dehydrated and flexing it just doesn't add up that she could have abs like that while still being stick thin everywhere else. Very clearly just trying to make her look manly and play down the anachan vibe. I can already hear the twitter gaydens screeching about what a "hunk" she is though.
No. 1237086
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>>1237078Never underestimate tranny stans. And no, I'm not bodybuilding-chan, but I'm glad I'm not the only meathead on here lol.
No. 1237097
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>>1237027The abs look so unnatural. Skinny guys with low body fat can have defined abs like picrel (using male example assuming Ellen is on T) but hers look so weird, she can have some abs but there's some photoshop or sugery to make them pop like that going on here
No. 1237116
>>1237097She's not on T (I expect she's not for anachan reasons), though not even T would justify that body type as you'd gain weight and muscle more evenly like in your picrel. Also I've worked out with Aidens and they always want to gain muscle in the shoulders region first to help their body shape look more inline with that of a male and take the focus off their hips. I've never known any focus
solely on abs. It's gotta be a shoop.
No. 1237134
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>>1237027Those are obviously abs implants. There is no way this can be achieved with noodle arms and legs. I’m laughing my ass off those people congratulating her after probably chopping tits and had this cosmetic surgery right after.
No. 1237149
>>1237027Every new image of Ellen is progressively more horrific and grotesque
Wonder if she'll 41% within 10 years. Do fakebois even 41%?
No. 1237440
>>1237226This is why I get so annoyed by people who give FTMs a pass just because they're female. Not being as rapey as a biological scrote doesn't mean they're not causing harm in other ways. I'm genuinely concerned for young lesbians and tomboys.
>>1237236Yeah it's a big red flag. I'm dysphoric and when I was considering the troon pill the first thing I wanted was HRT. The fact that the first thing she did was remove her breasts makes me think this is her response to sexualisation and creepy Hollyweird scrotes.
No. 1237580
>>1237549I agree with pretty much all radfem opinions but god they can be so joyless. I'm not commenting directly to Ellen's twitter or instagram, that would be a dick move, I'm shit talking her in obscure places, if she goes to such places that's on her. Let me have my fun or
I'll 41% because the future is so fucking bleak for young tomboys and lesbians.
No. 1237586
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Samefagging but god, I wish my life had so few obstacles that this was something I was concerned about.
No. 1237650
>>1237244I haven't heard about that but yeah as another cosplayfag I keep my mouth shut about my opinions on troon shit when around other weebs unless I know they're cool. I'm not even a
TERF (my beliefs are closer to truscum than anything else), but I know believing that anyone isnt the TRUE and HONEST gender they say they are is enough to get you treated as a pariah.
Its really sad, I feel like I'm one of the only weeb chicks under 35 in my area that's not on some flavor of gender koolaid. It's like the only weebs these days who identify as women are gross hairy balding men
No. 1237651
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Why are they so obsessed with saying slurs
No. 1237689
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No. 1237788
>>1232759sage and late but kai is a common german boys name (short for/stems from kaiser?). Its also very common nickname/name in Hawaii. As a nickname it can be used for girls too though.
ime its more commonly "western" (if you still count hawaii as western) than japanese.
No. 1237971
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Watching the Swell Entertainment video from a couple weeks ago "tiktok and the omegaverse" and I find this comment. Jesus.
No. 1238074
>>1237732I read the meme as a black girl who embraces being a femme girl being sick and tired of her white nb idiot friends
>>1237730in a way gay men are less degenerate because they're all equally into the same fucked up stuff and are only interested in doing it to each other, and everybody is mutually okay with and consenting to the degen. meanwhile with straight men how many /r/relationship threads happen when a poor girl is like, "my boyfriend started choking me out of nowhere am i the asshole for crying?"
No. 1238088
>>1237580I think they have good intentions, a lot of radfems are very image conscious when it comes to things they feel are worthy criticisms (such as shaming a very mentally ill woman for her appearance). I'll defend your right to poke fun though, it's insane how nobody will point out the obvious.
>>1237689I thought this was going to be about historical 'third genders' that were really just ways to degrade and differentiate homosexual men from the rest of society. It really is interesting to watch handmaiden
poc debate about gender with upper middle class white trannies using their parents insurance for hrt, they're always a hair away from snapping and going full
terf in public lol.
No. 1238094
>>1237650Same here
nonnie. It fucking sucks, and I can't even start a family foe medical reasons either to fit in with the older crowd. (Not that I would have kids solely for that reason, but it's another separation to sane people in the hobby who grow.) The woke crowd is like dogs who jump on any perceived threat, it's always sad as hell when they're shitty callout posts about people get more traction than the supposed art people follow them for kek
No. 1238232
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straight woman calling herself a fag and a sodomite
No. 1238284
>>1238074Same, anon.
It's a pretty big coincidence the rise of white female nb's (and MTF trannies) has also been tied to the promotion of White guilt. Just another way to not be a "bad" white person is to be genderspecial is some way.
I don't see alot of black enby females, to tell the truth, mainly just closeted dudes.
No. 1238356
>>1238232i have no words. this is like larping as a jew during the holocaust and flexing it as some woke statement. it's so disgusting.
>>1238284it's because all the black enby females are hiding in my online circle, it seems. i don't know a single black female who doesn't identify as enby.
No. 1238396
>>1238074Yes, that's what I meant when I said gay men were "more degenerate". I'm that anon, I worded it all wrong, thanks for clearing it up lol
I know all men are degenerate, but in gay spaces they don't make an effort to hide this side like straight guys do, so when some clueless FTM enters a gay male space and starts interacting with them as "one of their own", she's in for a surprise because they don't hold back their degeneracy. They think it it's so cool and dandy to be a fag hag on twitter with their other FTM gay and enby friends who live in a bubble, but they have no idea what the majority of gay men outside of twitter are like. Most of the time they don't even give them time of the day anyway though, they want nothing to do with someone who has a "stinky pussy" and other lovely words they use to refer to vaginas
I kinda feel sorry for FTMs because they put themselves in situations where they'll continue being victimized whereas MTF invade spaces to victimize others. When will this troon fad bullshit end?
No. 1238842
>>1238453Take your
TERF goggles off, bigot. You can literally see the raw masculinity radiating off of him.
No. 1239368
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Remember Sith Lord Ali? one of the first Aidens to ever grace the internet
No. 1239397
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>>1237054Sad. Ellen used to be so pretty and she became emo Peter Parker from Spider-Man 3.
No. 1239630
>>1239397it’s so fucky that she looks like shinji but her speaking voice is so clearly female. it’s jarring.
did she even take T or just jump straight to chest mutilation?
No. 1239653
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I wonder if this they/them lesbian is actually native or if she's just another bored white girl lying about being native for woke cred
No. 1239672
>>1239630She said in her Oprah interview that she isn't on testosterone.
>>1239653Find a picture and get back to us.
No. 1239688
>>1237440FTMs are still female. They’re severely mentally ill but still female, so they’re nowhere near as predatory as MTFs nor do they behave as outrageously in public. At the end of the day, if society accepted butch lesbians, there would be no need for these women to troon out. They’re mentally ill
victims, not perverts and pedos like MTFs. They’re a whole other category IMO.
No. 1239756
>>1239692I was ana-chan in early 2010s but the community has shifted a lot in the past years, I'm not active anymore but I look sometimes and it's full of NBs and FTM girls now. EDs can be mistaken for gender dysphoria, like if you want to get rid of your boobs, curves and have a very straight, "genderless"
body and you see all those trans people who fixate on the same thing, you might think you're trans too when you're just a regular ana-chan. Specially considering how EDs can have a root in trauma, say if you were sexually abused and you want to get rid of your female traits that draw unwanted male attention like boobs and ass
No. 1239853
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No. 1240166
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not all people with sexual trauma are nonbinary, but all nonbinaries are people with sexual trauma.
No. 1240171
>>1240107The only old tranny I can think of is buck angel.
Prob not the shining exemplar they want tho Kek.
No. 1240200
It's the new fad and that's to be trans. Half of these kids, I can BET you will regret this shit come 10 years down the line. When they don't have time to go on Twitter and watch yaoi. They'll be working jobs and crying at how they butchered themselves from a young age lmao
No. 1240227
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No. 1240626
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i'm surprised i never see this cow on here. katzun is a furry youtuber who animates cringe shit on being alphabet people. she claims the same "muh conservative upbringing" for being oppressed and chopped off her tits months after leaving for art college.
all these fakebois always want to teach the ignorant cissies about why their way of life is so much better but… why the fuck would i ever want to look like picrel, some meth head looking retard who wears pajama pants to walmart??
No. 1240728
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No. 1241257
File: 1622295507764.webm (1.16 MB, 640x360, drfrankenstein.webm)>"trans-affirming" medical doctor:>teens make life-altering decisions all the time! most of them are good.>compares getting double mastectomy to the cinammon challenge>compares it to taking the SAT test>if you want boobs later, you can just get them!I wonder if she was aware that she was being filmed talking this much bullshit
No. 1241261
>>1241257>compares getting double mastectomy to the cinammon challengeBut wasn't the cinnamon challenge deemed to be dangerous and potentially life-threatening due to the possibility of inhaling the cellulose and scarring your lungs or
triggering an asthma attack? So it's not all wrong kek
Anyway this is so ingenuine and dishonest, how does this man sleep at night? "They can just get new breasts if they change their mind" spoken like a true businessman, it's a win-win situation for plastic surgeons and gender doctors to first tell them they need an operation to remove the breasts and then another one to replace them. What the fuck, actual doctors would never recommend vanity surgeries like it was as simple as cutting your hair or something.
No. 1241410
>>1241399spend more time in the MTF thread. Youll be more willing to be called a
I wouldnt openly put
terf on my profiles, but im at the point if someone asked my opinion, i would them them know that i think male troons are fetishists, homophobic or both.
I saw more normie mutuals posting about how demi is friends with that mtf who said little girls are kinky. Im hoping more women are peaking from this.
No. 1241490
>>1241399You don't have to be a right winger to see the bullshit in TRA logic, or even a radfem.
>>1241410God, Alok or whatever his name is? It's crazy how all these troon activists are basically caricatures of themselves and the exact type of people troons insisted are just 'vocal minorities' or
terf fearmongering.
No. 1241580
>>1241399no anon, you’ve just been slapped with reality after drinking the koolaid for so long. it’s hard to desist, don’t get me wrong. it doesn’t make you a
scary conservative bigot. gender roles have been so skewed on both sides that any acts performed outside of gender norms are considered indicators of being trans (or degenerate in conservative cases). please love yourself and stop living in fear, it’s just your brain trying to accept basic pattern recognition despite ideological indoctrination screaming against you. when in doubt, follow your gut. nothing wrong with being gnc, but something smells like shit when there’s an entire medical industry banking on irreversible life-altering surgery from insecure young people. hope you find yourself either way though.
No. 1241634
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>>1239397Why did her "transformation into a man" include lip injections/lip lift as well as obvious mascara/full face?
No. 1241664
>>1241634I think the transition is just a smoke screen to cover up her ED and her wanting to lose weight. Because "oooh well men have a lower body fat percentage so I can be skinner"
It's weird with fake boys. They either go skele or they're just massive. I rarely see one that has a healthy relationship with food.
No. 1241696
>>1241686the mpreg is weird. MOST japanese artists wont draw the guys with a baby bump or just skip ahead to the child. Yaoi is meant for women so of course omegaverse is a thing.
I can't speak for all women, but gay comics that cater to men don't appeal to women because most bottoms in them don't look like girls. So zero chance of self insertion.
No. 1241698
>>1241691most of them are
victims of sexual assault
No. 1241797
>>1241698Most normal women are
victims of sexual assault. A lot of these women also sexualize themselves, while also trying to make their face appear as feminine as possible.
No. 1241942
>>1237732>>1238074I read this as the kind of frustration and impatience you experience when somebody acts like their ~gender issues~ are totally unique and complicated and require a special kind of redress while "cis" women are ~basic~ and uncomplicated and have a friction-free, privileged relationship to gender. And how you may have to conceal your thoughts or approach the subject with kid gloves to avoid being
TERF'd or told your feelings indicate you're actually not a woman after all.
No. 1242013
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She's gone and botched herself now No. 1242018
>>1241257> If people want breasts later on life they can go and get them!It's alright ladies, if you decide to get a mastectomy for shits and giggles you can go and get yourself some
toxic bags of silicone later on. You won't be able to nurse your children and they could totally damage your health or even kill you but they appeal to the male gaze like your real boobs did so the rest isn't important enough to get a mention.
No. 1242095
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Not to intentionally blog but I'm so relieved not to be raising my children in the UK where I grew up. Do parents even have the opportunity to take their child out of this part of the curriculum I wonder? Not that I think this should happen to begin with, but do parents even have the ability as individuals to protect their children anymore?
There have been multiple attempts to get this whole transgender ideology off the ground where I am currently living. It seems like abusing and grooming kids and stripping parents of their authority in favor of that of the government is the only thing that can be seen as 'progress'. No. 1242120
>>1242020Women with body issues are usually told they're trans and you can tell it fucks with a lot of their heads. Women who identify as women aren't allowed to express their insecurities, if you're insecure about your breasts? Obviously you're trans and need to cut them off. On top of that women who tried to become men who want to be women again are more accepted if they wanna put it effort to be more feminine
My concern is how fast all of this went down. She went from extremely girly to full blown Twink overnight, probably didn't even bother testing the waters or took time to think about if this is what she actually wanted
No. 1242190
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I'm gonna assume everyone here has already heard of the new Blue's Clues short.
They probably know about the 80% detransition rate of FtM women, who once hit 18 realize that their femboy gig was just a phase. But compared to things like goth or being a weeaboo, where you can just wash down that eyeliner- you can't reverse your voice, your genitals/hormones getting fucked because of unnatural chemicals, and the heart/blood health defects that come with it.
And the troon community defends this shit by saying "oh but they can just get plastic surgery for dem boobs, its like magic :^)"
At this point there's no excuse to being naive, anyone who pushes this shit on children should be treated like sadistic psychopaths who can only have enjoyment on this planet by seeing young people suffer. There's no other fucking way and people should stop acting like there is.
I'm so fucking done jfc
No. 1242210
>>1229875Sage for medfaging/blog post
I thought I was autistic and trans for a while. I did/do suffer dysphoria, but the trans movement makes everyone believe that the ONLY form of dysphoria is gender related which isn't right. Turns out that I've been dealing with undiagnosed and unmanaged ADHD, which with that can bring rejection sensitive dysphoria and premenstrual dysphoria. Adhd symptoms are over 9,000 the week before your period because mood regulation, working memory, and dopamine are all directly affected by estrogen and progesterone.
With all the trans positive shit I was under the impression that my dysphoria was gender, but nope! I'm in therapy and doing a lot of work to counteract the rsd with self love and combating it, not giving in and just saying "ope guess everyone DOES hate me because I'm different and I should kms!"
Going on T made me think I was going crazy and that I had early onset dementia. I asked my Dr if this was normal and she just shrugged and said that I'd either have to deal with dysphoria without T or take T and also take antipsychotics and deal with the side effects. I chose no T and just stopped taking all of my meds because intuitively everything felt wrong. post) No. 1242332
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>things that never happened
No. 1242336
>>1242332probably more pissed that there’s an adult dressed like a schoolgirl in the CHILDRENS playground.
No. 1242345
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>>1242332>ugly troon in shitty dangan ronpa cosplayThe ride never ends
No. 1242368
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No. 1242441
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>>1242440I blame retards projecting onto Chihiro, even though he's a cis man.
No. 1242460
>>1242452I always assumed it was too
problematic for troops to flock to
>>1242441Which is dumb. The whole point of the character is that he wanted to be more manly so he wouldn’t be teased for being feminine. Also be sure to add “sage” in the email field when you don’t have bee milk
No. 1242578
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Cross posting from the MtF thread since the book is especially about fakebois. "Irreversible Damage: The Transgender Craze Seducing Our Daughters" by Abigail Shrier. Halifax Library. I wonder if there's a way to donate. Also check out the creatures in pic related.
(Not milk ) No. 1243124
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>>1242691I think they gravitate more towards Chiaki
Chihiro would make more sense though since he's actually a computer programmer
No. 1243160
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Have you ever noticed that Demi Lovato is the exact same gender identity as Ezra Miller, but no one ever makes fun of Ezra for being non-binary? They were born in the same year, 1992. And yet, no one has decided that Ezra has passed his prime years. In fact, Ezra Miller slammed a woman to the ground in a chokehold, but I see more people outraged about Lovato being mean to a small business than they ever were about actual assault that was captured on video. Almost like there’s some indescribable something that differentiates Lovato from the other two. Almost like being “non binary” doesn’t mean shit in the real world and people will still treat you like your birth sex. Hmm…
No. 1243418
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Nats Getty looking authentic
No. 1243495
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>love how my face is all baby and my body is dad who drank too much beer
No. 1243502
>>1242691Troons seethe over Chihiro and claim he's transphobic propaganda because he actually identifies as male and wants to become more masculine so he doesn't have to disguise himself as a woman anymore. Also because he's not as coombrained as a character as someone like Ferris or Astolfo.
>>1243124Yeah Chiaki is a big tiddy computer waifu so that's usually their go-to target for skinwalking.
No. 1243526
>>1243502Yeah Chihiro has too clear of a narrative that goes against his identity being close to transgender compared to more fan service bait characters that’s only appeal is being an anime girl with a dick slapped on them.
Characters like he and Naoto from Persona actually are pretty bad for the trans narrative since their motivations imply they present the opposite gender because they don’t want to be forced into gender roles because of how they’re perceived rather than they actually feel that’s their gender, which a lot of trans don’t want to admit is a big reason they troon out.
No. 1243643
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This is interesting, a TIF commissioned this forced masculinization transformation comic
I've seen a couple others as well, women being magically transformed into males
Its a very recent and niche phenomenon
No. 1243653
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>>1243643Someone paid actual money for this
No. 1243737
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>>1243723>>1243675You know the reason she transformed into a gross looking guy was cause their unironically attracted to these types of males
I think the term used is trash daddy or roach daddy but its basically attraction towards semi-good looking dudes who are also kinda gross
No. 1243754
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>>1243737>>1243747>>1243643This is a niche fetish, but these women do exist and they are fascinating in their own way, mostly cause of the novelty
No. 1243756
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Today on fakebois getting dangerously close to self awareness
No. 1243758
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>>1243756Of course she's butthurt that some people are pointing out the obvious that's she's just a self-loathing straight girls and had to remind everyone she's totes ~not a girl~
No. 1243776
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>>1243754KEK there's so much autism on this pixiv
No. 1243832
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>>1243643og tweet replies are full of coomer brainrot. Also the artists draws and rts a ton of loli/shota art, I feel like I belong on a list for looking through her accounts
No. 1243873
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Lost another one. My heart just fucking sank, she was so cute before
No. 1243882
>>1243832One of the ftm commission was by a lesbian… lmao
They're soo far yet so close..
No. 1243896
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Looks like pajerok has decided to become a he/him after a month's haitus, and has created a new account.
No. 1244281
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So there's this tumblr writer I follow who identifies as they/them although she's a woman (she's also engaged to a woman) and defaults to writing female readers in smut yet she's so uncomfortable with acknowledging the fact that she's a woman?
I was tempted to send a similar ask like anon to her to tell her there's nothing wrong with being a woman who is uncomfortable in her body like many women are but looking at how she responded without any bit of introspection about her internalized misogyny I see there's really no helping her. These people dont want to be saved.
No. 1244354
>>1244281I lost my period and I am still a women. I can’t imagine this amount of internalized misogyny. Does she really think women who don’t have periods, because of menopause, BC, illness, etc are
triggered by periods? I hate when the fakebois and gender specials pull that card,.
No. 1244361
>>1244354Literally no one is “
triggered by period talk” apart from hypersensitive Tumblr troons.
No. 1244377
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>>1244281>engaged to a womanSo I did more digging and found her fiancee's tumblr. They identify as she/her. They look like a man to me, but I honestly dunno with fat people in general (the aesthetic is definitely suspicious tho).
No. 1244384
>>1244361Even if we pretend trannyism has any merit, it would only make sense for them to be
triggered by their own period. Women aren't allowed to talk about their lives in your presence because you're NLOG? Give me a break.
No. 1244455
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Incredible how the most educated people can often be the most retarded
No. 1244495
>>1244377i feel bad because her outfit is cute, but i absolutely cannot stand pale pink and baby blue shit in combination anymore. the trans flag really ruined a color combo.
also the decorated walker…??
No. 1244514
>>1244495>her outfit is cuteNo. I completely understand why that other anon thought this was a MTF troon. I've only ever seen pedo males dress like that.
…the "muh fibro" walker is a dead giveaway its a female however
No. 1244531
>>1244485in bioinformatics? pretty close to an even gender split there, it's not exactly CS or math
>>1244511leaving pronouns aside it's reasonable for a podcast to refuse to re-record on GP because that takes a lot of extra time and like any other quantity over quality medium you gotta crank em out and move on or the margins will vanish.
not only that but if you do it for one person everyone's gonna want you to re-record to fix small shit, and there are
always mistakes
No. 1244599
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fakebois and internalized misogyny, name a more iconic duo
No. 1244997
>>1244615i listened to this song out of curiousity and one of the lines is "what's it like in a female world, i bet it's just so much better"
but you chose to troon out??
No. 1245116
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Speechless at this facebook ad. It’s only since I’ve started lurking here that I’ve noticed the “grooming” that really goes on. The language used in this is absurd. Also it says free but the website says $99/mo. Imagine a confused young person throwing money at this instead of a real therapist.
No. 1245145
>>1245116this dead ass sounds like cult recruitment??
>authenticity>countless of surgeries to alter "authentic"/natural body>??? No. 1245187
>>1244441This, and also the "ew she totally ruined herself" posts when some conventionally pretty girl goes full bulldyke or butch. Anons here being absolutely oblivious to why these girls tend to troon out.
>>1245116It's like a multi-level marketing natural remedy snake oil scam at this point holy shit. Pay a fee to be included in this special club to feel whole as a person!
No. 1245245
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>>1245231Samefag. I don't understand trannies at all, like when women talk about their periods they chimp out and have a temper tantrum, but then they pull shit like this. Like pick a lane??
No. 1245258
>>1245231This is just depressing. It feels like these babies are being treated like science experiments. But of course the article is all about "muh misgendering" and "reee female-centered language" in typical selfish troon fashion. All those years that the mother was exposed to T and we're supposed to believe it's totally natural and safe?
Are there any updates on the kids born to the og "pregnant man" Thomas Beatie or other early FTM mothers? I've seen news about Beatie getting divorced and legal sex status drama, but nothing on how the kids are doing. Hopefully there are doctors keeping track of all of these poor children and their health.
No. 1245435
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UK tifs on Twitter having a collective meltdown bc doctors arent have other priorities right now and cant build disgusting flesh sausages for them
No. 1245449
>>1245435this makes me so mad oh my god.
people are on waiting lists for nhs surgeries for years; hospitals and medical practices are incredibly stretched right now, in what world is grs even remotely a priority when other people are out there already waiting so long for surgery that will save their lives?
'the uk lgbt community needs to be aware and vocal about this' maybe you guys could actually, yknow, become doctors and medical professionals and help our struggling health system, instead of doing nothing and making stupid demands?
sage for complete spergery
No. 1245453
>>1245435A flesh sausage is no necessary medical treatment like idk, ANYTHING else.
Since when are people entitled to get fake dicks? Abortions are a human right and not twannies uwu and their botchered genitalia.
No. 1245470
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"this is beyond a dire situation" it's really not
No. 1245513
>>1245470>faggy mcdykepuffsmy sides
>>1245471why is everything LITERALLY life and death. it's not a mental illness but if you can't get your meat sock stitched on asap you'll jump out a fucking window??
No. 1245522
>>1244635No? Not only was their fanbase disproportionately trans and non-binary, but there has been discussion about their gender for years. There was just a lot of fans who were quick to shut down any Twitter threads about it because you’re not supposed to publicly out someone. Also, around the time Robin(Cavetown) screeched at a concert “You don’t need dysphoria to be trans!”, it pissed off a bunch of transmeds and they began to talk more openly about it.
>>1244737>“I’ll cut my hair/I’ll hide my chest”Yeah, this was no secret.
>>1245145That was exactly my thought! I’ve read religious pamphlets with such eerily similar language. Become your authentic self by destroying your old self and paying lots of money in the process!
>>1245471Because they’re utter narcissists with the emotional development of toddlers.
No. 1245545
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>>1245435>UK is dealing with a (possible) covid mutation>troon community whining about not getting their cosmetic surgerythere's nothing more self-centered than those Ts. Anyone noticed how shit the LGBT community has become once Ts and the other Q+s became mainstream? Polysexual makes no sense because there's already bisexuality, and I can go on.
No. 1245613
>>1245258>>1245231I mean the kids born from former Doped up Eastern Belt Athletes ended up with clubbed foots and slight intellectual disabilities
just imagine how fucked up the kids born form TIFs chemically altered will be
No. 1245713
File: 1622788654154.png (5.44 MB, 3728x3016, cringe comic.png) chick is back at it again with her cringe comics. I'm laughing but also crying at all the "girl who wants to be a boy who looks like a girl" snowflakes comments, knowing very well that they probably won't be able to pass it off without looking like either just a regular girl or a creepy pedo groomer like that fakeboi with the gross facial hair and lolita dresses that gets posted here every now and then
No. 1245756
>>1245713>I never felt the feelings of being a girlWhat feelings are those anyway? Because usually when they try to explain this they resort to gender stereotypes like wanting to wear makeup and dresses…
Hating your body doesn’t make you a boy either. Most teenage girls hate their bodies. These girls’ internalised misogyny is telling them that wearing makeup as a girl is stupid and basic but wearing makeup as a guy is cool and revolutionary. They want to do the same things all girls have been socialised to be interested in but don’t want to be like those
other girls, they want to be special. This idea of “no no it’s totally different when
I do it” is common enough in teenagers but it’s kind of sad how many people keep it up well into their twenties and thirties.
No. 1245904
>>1245756Yeah it's one thing when teenagers are pulling this stupid shit but ive seen women in their thirties with husbands and children identifying as nonbinary and it's so fucking embarrassing. I just imagine them having meltdowns because their toddler calls them "mommy" and female coded words
trigger them
No. 1245961
>>1245730People pretend non binary exists outside of the west when in reality its normally just gay men being forced to live as women to justify their sexual inclinations and lesbians being murdered or going undetected because people don't think they exist.
These aren't people happily choosing to fiddle their gender around. These are people who have been exposed as a homosexual and banished from the moid community.
In western Europe, we have a "thriving" LGBT community. In Eastern Europe, you will get smashed up for being a gender special. For whatever reason the east just didn't develop a tolerance for being faggy
No. 1246060
>>1246035I live in one of the most iconically catholic countries in the world. I also live in the country the furthest west in Europe. You would not believe how quickly Catholic views dissolved when LGBTards started going nuts
I'm not catholic myself but having grown up in a catholic environment it's crazy to see my country get praised for being the first country to legalize gay marriage
(derailing ) No. 1246180
>>1245231wtf is a "birth worker", some untrained SJW/hippie doula POS who waves herbs around the room and says "pregnant people"?
How is the medical system "not set up for transgender parents pregnancies". Only females get pregnant. OB departments are set up to help pregnant females give birth. There is literally no other sort of "pregnant person", no matter how super speshul they think they are after taking T and growing a beard.
No. 1246886
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Killing two birds with one insult
No. 1246908
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No. 1246931
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>>1246908i'm fucking dead, anon
No. 1246981
>>1246093at least bi lesbians hasn’t hit mainstream popularity like pansexuality. that shit straight up makes me wanna kms
>>1246886still can’t get over how fucking abhorrent those weird ab implants are. like what the actual fuck
No. 1247000
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>>1246886>Talking about a celebrity Instagram post might hurt the ftm fee fees so don't do it okay?Must be exhausting to be this self absorbed
No. 1247564
File: 1622979629923.jpg (972.41 KB, 1080x1329, Butch girls having fun.jpg)

Why are ftm either twinks or fat asses? Why don't they take advantage of all the T they take and go to the gym? Wouldn't hurt them to put a little of effort into looking masculine.
Twinks girls specially look extremely feminine when they can't control the angles like picrel.
No. 1247568
>>1247564Twinks are uwu smol fujoshi living their fantasy, fatasses are just attention seekers or just slippery slope lesbians, Joe dirt looking ones tend to just be molested as a kid and confused.
Even if they do try to bulk up they cannot do it well because men and women build muscle differently, even freskishly roided up ones.
No. 1247571
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Warning: frankenweenie
It never looks right. so it stays like that all the time? Kek
No. 1247574
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>>1247572>>1247571Would this even be NFSW? Doesn't even look like a human organ.
>>1247568There are buff FtMs. But just like most of humanity are either skinnyfat or fatfat, so will be fakeboys.
No. 1247581
>>1247573There's a video of her "wiggling it" on her twitter, very disturbing and funny. I'd post it but I'm on mobile.
Not like the real deal at all.
No. 1247683
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No. 1247728
>>1247713sage for medfag but yeah a surgically build frankenweenie can't get hard on its own. It's possible to have a some sort of rod or pump installed that will get it "up" and usable for penetration, but it is not functional the same way as an actual dick is. The only way to have a natural hard-on is with the natural overgrowth of the clit, but that usually doesn't grow longer than maybe a thumb length. So basically with this type of surgery you only get a limp extra part of meat hanging between your legs that can't be used on anything without extra help, like you can't even pee through it. Idk about how good sensation that kind of frankenweenie can have, but an educated guess is that it's nowhere near actual genitals. The only good side I can think of is that you can get something resembling a dick that probably will heal okay, compared to a surgery where you get the urethra re-routed through the limp piece of flesh and last time I checked this operation has a succession rate of 50/50 and it will look exactly as gruesome as an axe wound, it's prone to leaking and developing fistula aka you will have your pee to leak everywhere from holes that shouldn't exist. It's a hell og a gamble between something that looks moderately okay but has no sensation and doesn't get hard or up on its own, and an extremely painful and inflammation prone pile of tissue that leaks piss and just doesn't fucking heal.
Source: I thought I was a trans man once and researched the surgeries pretty extensively.
No. 1247751
>>1247581oh no i went and looked. it’s so sad.
there’s also so many videos of her using a flashlight with it. can she even feel anything??
No. 1247944
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it's because all surgery is more dangerous when you're severely overweight not because doctors have a vendetta against obese people you fat retard. god some people want to be oppressed so badly.
No. 1247946
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>>1247944their bio is exactly what you'd expect
No. 1248116
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does anyone else use they/them in ~*kweer*~ online circles so it’s easier to evade criticism? people just let you get away with so much more if you say you’re not cis kek
you get clout from the other trenders for being sooo brave, you can call people faggots, and nobody will question you because then they have to question the whole system
picrel knows exactly what the fuck she’s doing and it’s so funny
No. 1248136
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grown woman headcanons her favorite kpop boys as trannies as if they aren't REAL PEOPLE
No. 1248138
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a completely different user with a similar but worse thread
No. 1248146
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>>1248136are they real people at this point? they’re basically characters selling a fantasy to sad, lonely fujos, right?
they’re pretty much prostitutes except they sell their name and image instead of having to fuck anyone
No. 1248255
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>>1248138sage for blogging, but I wonder what's the purpose of writing these types of troon fanfictions? Are the Aidens getting off to it? It is truly bizarre.
ngl, what helped me peak were troon fanfictions on AO3, they weirded me out and ended up angering me
No. 1248304
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I just discovered /r/ftmfemininity
No. 1248305
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No. 1248309
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No. 1248312
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No. 1248337
>>1248116honestly have considered doing this, but i think that sort of cynical larp, while very funny to watch, rots the soul metaphysically to perform.
i think a lot of trisha's performance (binge eating, pronouns, did larp etc) while admirable are only possible because she is also genuinely quite fucked in the head and thus willing to sacrifice inner peace for the sake of comedy. regardless, we must salute her, she is the kaufman of today.
>>1248304lmao if not for the woman-on-t flat moonface she would have the autogynephile redditor look downpat, which i guess is kind of passing.
No. 1248363
>>1247683Amazing. The characters are explicitly written as these "insecure cis people" who are the
victims of gender roles yet these people nevertheless claim them as troons, judge them on that basis and throw a fit over it. These people love to pretend that cis GNC people don't exist and if they do they're closeted trannies anyway. The crab cope is real.
>What fucking guy insecure about being too feminine puts on a skirt and feeds into it instead of hitting a gym?kek the lack of self awareness would be hilarious if it wasn't so depressing
>>1247714They love to racebend characters so that they can call out anyone questioning their shitty narrative racists and use this fictional character's fictional skin color as a shield against all criticism.
No. 1248394
>>1248359Honestly, I fucking peaked when they wouldn't stop talking about how "gay" it was while they wrote about a guy getting his "pussy" licked and fucked, kek. There was one fic I read where the trans character was insecure about having sex because he was pre-bottom op, and the other character was supposedly gay as fuck and therefore only into dicks. The author made that character say that just because he was gay didn't mean he wasn't okay with pleasing a pussy. This is the type of shit where you know it wasn't written by an actual gay man and it was written by a woman larping as one.
It really does sound like conversion therapy. I have a feeling most of these "trans queer" shitters are just cis straight people who are afraid of being called boring, and because they outnumber actual gay people, they've pretty much hijacked the LGBT movement. Their whole personality is talking about how trans and gay they are, because being one or the other isn't enough; they have to stack oppression points. They're the most boring and exhausting fucking people to interact with.
>>1248384It's just an excuse for these people to write straight sex while still claiming it's gay because of the dogma of straight bad gay good. They larp being trans and gay and then act like they have any say over gay people because they're part of the gay community now, too. Funny enough, I would have never peaked if it wasn't for one trans larper forcing herself onto a character and claiming he was trans. These people never shut up about how they're trans as if that's their only personality trait.
If it's any consolation, I think the silent majority feels that way about trans fics, depending on your fandom. Most of the slightly-woke and left leaning people I've talked to pretend they're okay with it, but they actually think PIV "gay" sex is wrong and a form of homophobia, and they hate seeing it in fics.
No. 1248405
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>>1248344what absolutely baffles me is that the troons writing this type of shit act like its so “uwu progressive~” when in actuality (from what I’ve seen personally), they tend to “trans” effeminate/androgynous males more often. God forbid a fictional male acts non accordingly to his gender…must be a troon!!
really sickening
No. 1248425
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No. 1248499
>>1248484In one of her tiktok someone said she looks like "a dude and a chick at the same time" and as a reponse to that she lifted her shirt to show her chest but hasn't figure she had woman hip + female fat distribution.
"I'm not happy in my transition" start to go to the gym because this belly is not going to age well.
No. 1248776
>>1248405Yeah, that's why I believe it's just them self-inserting. Ever wonder why they always trans the bottom guy and write about his pussy getting fucked? I've yet to see a fic where it's the top who's trans. In fact, I've yet to read ANY fic where the bottom guy has had bottom surgery done. Trans men who've had bottom surgery should still be considered trans by their logic, but it's funny how they'll never write about a trans man with a dick in their fics. Any time you see the trans character tag, it's codeword PIV sex. 10 years ago, this would've been considered homophobic. Now it's progressive.
>>1248579The fakebois in my fandom get upset when a guy writing f/f uses tags like futanari and girl!penis because it's "fetishization," even though it's the exact same shit as the trans female character tag. A majority of trans fics are smut and not about dealing with shit like gender dysphoria. It's clearly a fetish but they won't admit it. They want to imagine a cis man with a pussy getting fucked, not a FTM "trans man".
At least cisgender fujos don't bother gay men aside from being creepy and asking personal questions. Trans fujos unironically think gay men want them. You can tell they don't interact with cis gay men because most gay men don't put up with this bullshit, kek. They make their degeneracy for dick very clear.
No. 1248876
>>1248796In a fic, they can write about a trans man with a perfectly functioning penis, especially if it's a universe with magic. It's fiction; there's nothing stopping them from doing that. They trans characters all the time who pass perfectly as cis (because they were originally cis), but bottom surgery is off-limits? It's like reverse futanari, but woke authors latch onto the trans male character tag to pretend that their kink isn't a homophobic fetish (especially if their kink is shit like mpreg and breeding). At least straight men who write girldick porn and tag it as such admit it's a fetish. Fakebois want to act like they're so progressive and it's all about ~trans rep~.
I've always wondered how they'd react to a fic tagged with a trans character, but it was same genital sex (basically regular gay sex). If they complained that the trans character tag was misused, they'd basically be admitting they only see pre-bottom surgery people as trans. And that they were only there to read PIV sex.
I wouldn't mind this shit as much if they'd just admit it's a fucking fetish instead of forcing their shitty trans agenda for woke points and larping as gays and lesbians.
No. 1248951
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Oh no
No. 1249055
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Came across this on tumblr and it made me lol. Deep down they fucking know everyone is right.
No. 1249123
>>1249052Maybe after you’ve been on it for over a year but I’ve only seen that getting on t makes it super easy to get shredded as fuck
More reason to mock all the fat transmans tbh they’re handed a cheat code for getting fit an still won’t do it
No. 1249124
>>1248405Too bad avoiding those tags is not enough, because those bitches obsessed with their vagina don't even use them.
Sorry to derail but I really hate what the fujoshi/yaoi community has become, none of these girls will write a gay man correctly even if her life depends on it, just self insertion.
No. 1249167
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This appeal turned up on my IG frontpage today. Pressing links here has fucked my insta up for life kek
> hate asking for help
> give me 15 fucking thousand pounds
If a vagina can be a boipussy and troons call their dicks their clits then can they not just call their tits boybies or something?
No. 1249397
>>1248876Agree! These fakebois fujos should just be honest with themselves and admit they like "cuntboy" fetish. I would be less angry with them for ruining the fujo space if they tag their cuntboy fics properly.
On another note, I also detest how most fans that are part of the trans community are getting so bold as to pester the creator/author of certain fandoms. I wish most creator/author would ignore their constant request (and sometimes threat!) to turn a character's sexuality/gender into something else. Can't these people just keep their own headcanons to themselves? Why are these people so selfish? It's not your characters in the first place. It's actually quite insulting to the author/creator who I'm sure worked very hard to create their characters for their story/art/cartoon etc.
No. 1249434
>>1249417>from cool gnc lesbian to an obnoxious troon overnightI feel you anon. I had a very close gnc lesbian friend that turned into a schizofakeboi. It's sad shit because she is going against everything she used to claim when she was a based lesbian. (she also seems much more miserable a TiF as if changing her "gender" would make her psychological problems disapear instantly). I straight up told her that I am a
terf though, it went surprisingly ok and we still talk to each other. I suggest you doing something similar and going the honest route. Doesn't guarantee that you'll still be friends after that though. Having to walk on eggshells around your friends isn't real friendship imo.
>80% of my friends are some sort of genderspecialI feel you on this one as well. All my female friends slowly became troons over the years, it's actually crazy to see this shit happen before your eyes. Sage for blogpost aswell.
No. 1249468
>>1249052No overweight women have fat distribution like this, an overweight men would have a more upper fat on his chest rather than down to the hips, fat distribution only happen after a long time on testosterone and this person seems to start like maybe 1year ago/this year.
Also I think person is not fat because of T but is fat because of lazyness, T does not turn everyone into fat blob, if you are a fat blob you stay a fat blob.
No. 1249469
>>1248136K-pop fans are demented. These idols are so objectified and fetishized by the industry itself and they're eating it up and treating them like they were fictional characters you can just headcanon uncanny shit for.
>>1249397I don't really think it's a cuntboy fetish, that's pornsick scrot shit. They're just absolutely desperate to have their "manhood" validated. So they make all these trans headcanons about their precious comfort characters to feel better about themselves being troons lacking a dick and trying to hold on to this vain hope that they're "
valid as gay men" when everyone knows they're a woman.
>>1249417I've often been autistically armchairing the psychology behind this "fujos are straight cis women fetishizing us gay men (FTMs dating other FTMS i.e. lesbians)" cope. Is it because enjoying fujoshit with other women is deemed the quintessential weeb lesbian experience and combined with the pressure of lesbians being coerced to troon out it causes a perfect storm of all these fakebois projecting their bitterness towards straight faghags who want a cool gay bestie but consider lesbians disgusting because we've always been taught to attack other women instead of men?
No. 1249728
>>1249397Fuck, thanks. I didn't know it was called cuntboy fetish. It's clear "trans male character" is used in the context of a bio man with a vagina, not an AFAB who has transitioned into a man (and I have a feeling they know it). They talk so much about how trans people deserve free surgery, but never write trans characters with bottom surgery done. If bottom surgery is so important and life-saving to them for their gender affirmation, why do they never write or draw it? (Rhetorical question, it's because most of these fujos are self-id and don't actually want to medically transition).
In fandom, you can tell 'trans' is supposed to mean "character with the opposite genital of their born sex" instead of "character who identifies differently from their born sex". They could write a man with a dick and claim he's nonbinary or some other made up gender, and by their logic that would count as trans for their shitty ~trans rep~, but they don't. Because it's a fetish.
>>1249417>she is in a relationship with another gay ftmHoly fucking kek. Of course these people don't interact with cis gay men who would turn them down instantly. They always pretend they're gay men with other girls.
>>1249469>I don't really think it's a cuntboy fetishimo, a lot of these are fujos who think calling themselves nonbinary or softboi and slapping he/him pronouns on makes them trans. Some of them unironically blogpost about their vaginas and post selfies where they present 100% as a woman, but screech about being gendered as such. Fujos like that take up most of the fandom space from what I've seen, not actual FTM who are serious about transitioning. They're just hijacking the trans man tag to validate their fetish, acting like they're championing trans rights while writing and getting off to "trans" people getting fucked, kek. I really do think they're the female equivalent of men who write girldick porn, but they think tagging something as cuntboy would be offensive, so they abuse the trans male character tag instead. They mean the same shit anyway.
>FTMs dating other FTMs i.e. lesbiansI don't understand fujo lesbians who talk about characters' dicks all the time and only gush about gay men having sex. Can any lesbians here enlighten me? Why do they fetishize men so much? At least I can understand straight fujos, because they like dicks, but I genuinely cannot wrap my head around lesbians who talk about dicks all the time and hate on any female character that interacts with their boy ship.
No. 1249930
>>1249728>They're just hijacking the trans man tag to validate their fetish>Wall of text sperging about muh ACTUAL FTMs Read the thread OP, nobody cares about your or anyone else's true and honest gender dysphoria. There are no real trannies, they're all mentally ill.
>Can any lesbians here enlighten me?This has literally been explained in every thread so far. But to reiterate, men in BL are created by (often lesbian or bisexual) women and allow women to explore sexual and romantic situations without being put under objectified male gaze. Lesbian media and female characters in general are always sexualized by cumbrained men, the only way to escape it is to use male bodies as stand-ins.
No. 1249941
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it's never really about "real dysphoria" it's just fetishism and too much porn, they are the same as autogynephilia
No. 1250004
>>1249930>true and honest gender dysphoriaI don't believe in gender dysphoria because trans culture seems more like a product of social contagion. I worded it poorly, but when I said "actual FTMs", I was trying to make the distinction between women who want to be labeled as trans because they fetishize "gay" trans porn vs. women who are neck deep into this shit and want to surgically change their bodies. Not that one is any more trans than the other in terms of it being real. My issue is how a fetish that should've been contained like most kinks has somehow turned into a political movement that you can't criticize.
>men in BL are created by (often lesbian or bisexual) womenI had always assumed it was created by straight women, for the consumption of straight women, at least in Japan where BL shit originated and boomed.
>the only way to escape it is to use male bodies as stand-insI get the idea that women can't relate with female characters in media, especially if they're written poorly by men. It always just confuses me when I see some of these lesbians thirsting over dicks and talking about their sizes. But thank you, anon, it does make more sense to me now, and I apologize for the wall of texts.
No. 1250007
>>1249993It's not the fujoshi's fault that a bunch of retarded autistic teenagers decided to troon out so they could become the anime boy of their dreams. That's all on them.
As for why anyone would like seeing two men together, it's really not that hard to understand. If one man is hot, two is hotter. An added bonus for some people is that there aren't any women involved so one can completely detach themselves from the dynamic instead of inadvertantly projecting themselves upon one of the characters. Unless you're a fakboi, that is.
No. 1250017
>>1249930>Lesbian media and female characters in general are always sexualized by cumbrained men, the only way to escape it is to use male bodies as stand-insExactly. But also how many books, TV shows, movies, etc. show gender non-conforming women and girls at all. Back in the day, a lot of them got the "socially acceptable feminizing" treatment and nowadays they get trooned.
It's off-putting for straight tomboys and
extremely off-putting for lesbians (especially the ones in denial). It's n coincidence that their male stand ins are the nontraditional masculine types. They internalize what society says. "gnc girls are gross, but gnc are cool and counterculture"
No. 1250024
>>1250017Blogposting here but a major catalyst for my "dysphoria" was how I was treated for being a tomboy as a kid, it was either hideous and disgusting and wrong or a silly little phase I needed to grow out of. Seeing no GNC women in media amplified my loneliness and detachment from self. Being a lesbian just heaped on more discomfort, so naturally it was much easier to tell myself I'm actually a guy instead of accepting that the world is fucking shit to GNC women and even worse to lesbians.
Not to be all "won't somebody please think of the children" but we
really need vocal and proud GNC women out there telling little girls it's ok to be a tomboy. We get drag queen story time and literal child drag queens but a masculine girl? Oh no, that's too much. Too foul, too unorthodox.
No. 1250025
>>1250004>I had always assumed it was created by straight women, for the consumption of straight women, at least in Japan where BL shit originated and boomed.This is the misinformed cope being spread by "MLM" fakebois projecting their own insecurities. How many Japanese BL mangakas have a husband and not a female "assistant"? Japan is so homophobic that you wouldn't believe it, a lot of female BL mangakas lie about being straight and enter lavender marriages because it would hurt their business otherwise and fujos are largely seen as bisexuals or lesbians in Japan. Before they were called fujos in Japan they were referred to as members of the lily tribe because so many of them were lesbian, even the term fujoshi was a derogatory term to refer to women deemed unmarriable by men. If these smoothbrains were actually invested in BL as a genre instead of just shipping whatever popular shit their friends are currently obsessed with and got all their discourse spoonfed by their Twitter timeline they would know better.
This has been explained so many times and this thread keeps getting recently peaked newfags who go on about muh autoandrophilia like they learned a new word and confuse correlation with causation. Every time someone starts sperging about how fakebois are "just straight girls fetishizing gay men" another not like other Aidens reads this thread and goes "damn right, I'm not one of those fake trans people, fuck these straight cis strawmen!". You maybe get an oddity of some crazy pornsick female troon obsessing about being a gay man and wanting gay dick but if we're on the topic of weeb trannies the majority of them are terminally online T2T kids who conflate being a woman with being sexually available to scrotes and they're attempting to escape it. The idealized 2D anime men they lust after aren't the same as predatory, ugly, male socialized real life moids.
No. 1250032
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>>1250004>I had always assumed it was created by straight women, for the consumption of straight women, at least in Japan where BL shit originated and boomed.Obviously straight women also like it, but BL has always had sizeable lesbian and bi fanbase
No. 1250399
>>1250077Of course not all BL mangakas are lesbian, claiming that would be disingenuous. But it's confirmed in a legendary interview by veteran geikomi creator Gengoroh Tagame that he knows plenty of female BL mangakas who are not straight in private but fake being one due to aforementioned homophobia in the Japanese society. That's why Lavender marriages are a thing there, you enter a sham straight marriage with a gay man, maybe get a few kids, to success in life since as an unmarried person (especially as a woman) past your mid-30s you're deemed a freak who's given no opportunities. This isn't a meme, it's an actual, well-documented issue.
>zoomer fujos trying to imply that the BL movement was an attack toward trannies and is problematic for excluding themThey're doing this now? At this point I'm pretty sure some male discord groomer trooncel is feeding them this narrative, no woman would be this blind to how big of a part BL played in female sexual liberation. What do they even base this on? Because they don't feature men with vaginas?
No. 1250463
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Found on r/ftm. Where are the nipples??
No. 1250518
>>1250486>To draw that you must have to have some kind of attraction to male bodies, and that would make you bi or straight.Literally a clueless male "put penis in pussy" way of believing that women get off to self-inserting into intimate situations and get off to the bodies instead of preferring the dynamics and how they more often than not
don't want to self insert. They get sexualized enough in real life and for many it's better to have no female characters than badly written ones. and kek I wish real life males looked like BL characters and not like the shapeless goblin trolls they are
>>1250491When it's two male characters scrotes think it's repulsive and I'm liberated as a woman to enjoy it with other likeminded (non-straight) women instead of having heterosexual moids and their equally nasty handmaidens ruining the community and being disgusting about it. That's exactly what makes yuri shit, it's essentially what delusional twitterfags claim BL is.
No. 1250526
>>1250491I mean, many yaoi fans are lesbians, so if there were a lot of properly made yuri stories they would flock to those and make them popular, no? They're both kind of niche genres too (because of gay content) and it's not like one is particularly more accepted than the other. I don't know, it's kind of a complex thing it seems.
>>1250518Listen, yaoi isn't and never was about the dynamic, but about seeing two exceptionally good looking men fucking and being attracted to their bodies without self inserting. "Yaoi" as a term even means something along the lines of "no story, only porn". If you talk about BL where explicit sex is barely present and there's a lot of romance going on, then you would be right. And let's not pretend now that BL/Yaoi is for non-straight women only to enjoy, especially if the majority of fans and creators are in fact horny straight girls.
No. 1250578
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When will these freaks learn that normal people needing reconstructive surgery after a severe accident is in no fucking way similar to their rampant, unchecked mental illness. It's the same line as thought as "hurrr terves think men that had their dick blown off in war aren't men any more durrrr".
No. 1251220
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lil pooner from /lgbt/
No. 1251223
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another lil pooner at the gay orgy
No. 1251365
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they always sound the same