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No. 1742308
This is a series of threads about fakebois and trans-identified females (TIFs).
"Fakebois" are girls who pretend to be boys, either by becoming trannies or larping biological males (usually the former). Fakebois style and present themselves as androgynous or feminine-looking boys, or wearing girls' clothing and make-up while insisting on being addressed with he/him (or occasionally they/them) pronouns and take great offense at being gendered as female.
These threads are also now a catch-all for any minor TIF cows without threads of their own. Even "serious" troons, (like Kalvin Garrah and Ellen Page) are fair game, as are horrific troon surgeries and pregnancies. Just remember to spoiler that shit.
**TIFs, no one cares if you think you're ~more legit~ than the cows posted here.** Additionally, occasional discussion of fujoshis is fine, but don't sperg and infight about it.
Notable FtM-related subreddits: threads by order of recency:
>>>/snow/1718961>>>/snow/1698862>>>/snow/1675940>>>/snow/1642478>>>/snow/1611177>>>/snow/1585143>>>/snow/1565584>>>/snow/1541490>>>/snow/1509413>>>/snow/1474951>>>/snow/1432686>>>/snow/1400739>>>/snow/1366943>>>/snow/1338847>>>/snow/1303022>>>/snow/1251681>>>/snow/1208873>>>/snow/1137677>>>/snow/1095226>>>/snow/1032764>>>/snow/979294>>>/snow/895014>>>/snow/720444>>>/snow/570991>>>/snow/465430>>>/snow/276054>>>/snow/45564 No. 1742376
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Girl I went to school with. I checked up on her and was sad to see she trooned out. She looked so beautiful before.
No. 1742403
>>1742376sage for OT but I have a mutual whose based on 99% of issues but for some reason she won't comprise in being "respectful" towards troons TIMs and TIFs, her logic being that gender is a social construct
her exact quote
>i don't understand the obsession with upholding the category of woman, which is social and constructed around inferiority and subordination to masculinity. femininity is the 'other' and will always be inferior to the universal masculine. 'woman is not born: she is made' as dworkin said, so female liberation can't be achieved as long as the concept of womanhood and manhood remain untouched, since they only institurionalize male sexual domination. sex and gender reinforce each other and women's oppression has both a biological and a social component. while it's primarily sex based, it is reinforced by the hierarchy of gender. it's reductive to ignore any of the two, because anyone who is born female experiences misogyny, regardless of how they identify as, but so do the people who are percieved and 'pass' as women. i agree with catherine mackinnon's stance for the most part, she offers a way better explanation than i could ever do in a few paragraphs.>i believe in gender abolition, so different sex characteristics will be treated as neutral, without being assigned roles, since this always leads to oppression. but until we achieve a genderless, utopic society, i think that gnc people should be allowed to express themselves how they want, which includes dysphoric trans people and their right to transition. No. 1742427
>>1742403it seems like she hasn't examined what drives people to transition because in all cases it ends being pathological and dysfunctional, plus I don't think she has researched and evaluated the safety profiles of the medications and surgical procedures, which are dreadful. also how does transitioning itself not reinforce a binary?
the social component of women's oppression is merely an epiphenomenon of their biology, which is inescapable (unlike for TIMs who may opt out at any point).
No. 1742432
>>1742403samefag but you can also point out to her the absolute paucity of any
valid neuroscience studies backing up the existence of transgenderism, there is simply no good evidence for distinct biomarkers nor have any consistent patterns been observed in trans-identifying individuals besides comorbid mental illnesses and developmental disorders
No. 1742504
>>1742403>Transsexuals, and transsexually constructed lesbianfeminists, drag us back to answering such old questions by asking them in a new way. And thus feminists debate and divide because we keep focusing on patriarchal questions of who is a woman and who is a lesbian-feminist. It is important for us to realize that these may well be nonquestions and that the only answer we can give to them is that we know who we are. We know that we are women who are born with female chromosomes and anatomy, and that whether or not we were socialized to be so-called normal women, patriarchy has treated and will treat us like women. Transsexuals have not had this same history. No man can have the history of being born and located in this culture as a woman. He can have the history of wishing to be a woman and of acting like a woman, but this gender experience is that of a transsexual, not of a woman. Surgery may confer the artifacts of outward and inward female organs but it cannot confer the history of being born a woman in this society.>One should be able to make choices about who one wants to be. But should one be able to make any choice? Should a white person attempt to become black, for example? The question is a moral one, which asks basically about the rightness of the choice, not the possibility of it. Should persons be able to make choices that disguise certain facets of our existence from others who have a right to know—choices that feed off others’ energies, and reinforce oppression?>Ultimately, women must ask if transsexually constructed lesbian-feminists are our peers. Are they equal to us? Questions of equality often center on proportional equality, such as “equal pay for equal work,” or “equal rights to health care.” I do not mean equal in this sense. Rather I use equality to mean: “like in quality, nature, or status” and “capable of meeting the requirements of a situation or a task.” In these senses transsexuals are not equal to women and are not our peers. They are neither equal in “quality, nature of status” nor are they “capable of meeting the requirements of the situation” of women who have spent their whole lives as women.>Transsexually constructed lesbian-feminists challenge women’s preserves of autonomous existence. Their existence within the women’s community basically attests to the ethic that women should not live without men—or without the “reconstructed man.” How feminists assess and meet this challenge will affect the future of our genuine movement, self-definition, and power of being.Send her a pdf of the transsexual empire. Whiteness and blackness are also socially constructed and it's obvious that no one should be advocating for transracialism and for black people to stop calling themselves black.
No. 1742611
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these are the same women who read yaoi and obesseded over her "gay boys" as teenagers
No. 1742711
>>1742678Women are 32% more likely to die with a male surgeon. That risk isn’t present for AMAB.
We have a different frame and immune system and weren’t used in med studies till 1993 or as car crash test dummies till 2022 which means female car crash
victims were 26% more likely to die. Your friend sounds idealistic and stupid. She’s grandstanding to feel safe but if we lose the ability to define our biological reality in law we lose the ability to fight for our specific needs based on physiology.
No. 1742721
>>1742678>sex trafficking, domestic violence and sexual assault are victimising the women in my country on the daily.You cannot state that these issues affect women specifically if you refuse to acknowledge women as a category that can be defined by some other means than identity or performance.
I'm sorry your friend is a retard, nona.
No. 1742731
>>1742678Transsexualism/transgenderism necessarily reduces female existence into flat stereotypes of personality traits and outward presentation. Being female, from girl to woman, is an entire life experience beyond that.
Gender, as an oppression marker, and the biological differences that made way for oppression, will not be abolished if we spend time reinforcing its very structure to validate others.
No. 1742769
>>1742678>the social manifestation of oppression is gender, which is a metaphysical concept that often reinforces the rigid distinction between sex categories and not the other way around?That's why we want sex-based rights. Women could stop calling themselves women but they will still need sex-based rights because they have a female reproductive system, they have different needs than men. How can women fight for those rights if they can't define themselves as a group and organize? They can't. You can't protect a
victim if you refuse to identify the perpetrator. Men are the perpetrators. Your friend is blaming women by refusing to understand that TIM are men. Women shouldn't have to prove who insult, assault, rape and kill them.
Victims shouldn't have to share safe spaces with their perpetrators. Stating the obvious that women are physiologically different from men doesn't mean that they are inferior to men. Even in a perfect world where misogyny and sex-roles don't exist, female humans still have different needs. Is it dehumanizing to recognize that women have on average smaller heads, so they would still need smaller hats? By wearing a hat that fits my small head, I'm accepting the reality that my head is small, not that I'm dumb because men believe that women are dumb because their heads are smaller. lol
No. 1742902
>>1742403Anon this isn't an outstanding opinion at all, adjacent beliefs were common among older TIFs about a decade ago, before AGP propaganda created the current obsession for the evil
TERF boogeyman and turned gender abolitionism into a "
TERF dogwhistle".
>until we achieve a genderless, utopic society, i think that gnc people should be allowed to express themselves how they want, which includes dysphoric trans people and their right to transitionThis right here gives me straight up nostalgia. Maybe I was just blessed to interact with a privileged bubble of TIFs with braincells but the first specimens I met were more or less blackpilled abolitionists who either thought we were too far gone and would never obtain this so called genderless society, or were tired of working towards an utopia they would never witness for themselves and decided they'd rather find a solution for the present time. Permanent solution to a temporary problem, sort of, but since the temporary problem would likely last beyond their lifetime, they considered it the best course of action. Non-binaries would have had no arguments for their existence if not for these people honestly (although they don't even need arguments anymore…)
No. 1743205
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~ t h e b u l g e ~
No. 1743272
>>1742678Even if you showed a devout Christian all of the places where the Bible contradicts itself, and made a list of 100 reasons why Heaven and Hell can’t possibly exist, they’d shrug and say something like “God works in mysterious ways, you just gotta ~believe~, Anon. I hope you accept Him into your heart one day.”
Think of your friend as a religious extremist but with trannies. She’s gonna keep believing in gender identities no matter what you tell her if she’s committed to those beliefs hard enough, because otherwise a bunch of inconvenient truths about the reality of men’s oppression of women would come crashing down around her. Some women don’t peak from merely listening to feminist reason, they have to be personally sexually harassed by a greasy moid in a dress claiming woman status before they’ll agree that the TERFs have been right all along.
No. 1743299
>>1742678>womanhood is a political, patriarchal construct before it's biologyWhy the fuck does she think patriarchal structures exist in the first place? To control a woman's body is to control her progeny. Women have been subjugated throughout history because we're the sex that gives birth. Gender roles and stereotypes are just tools to reinforce that biology-based oppression.
Your friend is a smug, pretentious pseudo-intellectual and she sounds insufferable. You must be incredibly patient to keep someone like that as a friend.
No. 1743388
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Got myself a computer, so I coloured in my TiF timeline (and fixed the first one's orangutang arms ok kek)! Share this helpful info graphic with your friends!
No. 1743414
>>1742403>because anyone who is born female experiences misogyny, regardless of how they identify as, but so do the people who are percieved and 'pass' as women.The argument that only the men who actually pass as women experience misogyny, whereas anyone born female no matter how they present themselves experiences it, proves that you only experience misogyny when people know or think that you're female, it's not related to which gender stereotypes you fit. Which is why
>i believe in gender abolition, so different sex characteristics will be treated as neutral, without being assigned rolesis a weird take. Sure, things would be better without gender stereotypes but it doesn't mean that suddenly sex characteristics would be treated as neutral and equal. Being female in itself is what has negative connotations for men, and the stereotypes about women are just an extension of that. Also, I can't imagine what kind of mental gymnastics you need to do in order to say "I believe in gender abolition but I support the trans ideology and transitioning", there's nothing that reinforces gender more than that.
No. 1743531
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No scroll porn bump
No. 1743593
>>1743466No "feminist" tranny gets offended when women are insulted and generalized, because trannies don't even see themselves as women. They know misogyny is only targeted at "cis" women, not their own inclusive definition of woman. Every trans wammyn is literally misgendering herself in her head 24/7.
Something to tell your libfem friends. Once you pay attention to this, it cannot be unseen.
No. 1743832
>>1743824It's so funny, down to the awkward way it is phrased. "Manipulate the bulge", yeah that is the sex to do, mhm.
TIF has this bizarre obsession with packing to the point they freak out at the prospect of going through airport security, meanwhile I doubt anyone has ever looked at someone's pants to see whether they're a man or woman.
No. 1743842
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IF my my sister did this, I would never speak to her again
No. 1743919
>>1743873Ohh wow, thank you my brain misfired, I thought the two are teenaged sisters and the nephew is one of their parents' sibling's child.
I don't even know why, my own sister has children lol
No. 1744076
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I wonder why she got nominated for playing a woman
No. 1744165
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>>1744076I saw Bella Ramsey said this and every libfem on Twitter is acting like she's a trans icon. I don't care what people call me either, does that make me a TIF now?
No. 1744209
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>>1744077Omg this king was so ahead of their time
No. 1744221
that image just flooded me with nostalgia holy shit
No. 1744242
>>1744234I don't know, I doubt there's enough roles to warrant such clowning, I think it's just a fashionable brain worm these people get. Artsy ultra liberal people are probably more at risk than the average person.
On a side note it's really annoying to read they slash them (the only modern tranny movie I watched, it's kinda funny retarded) pronouns in a text, it's confusing and creates ambiguity about who is being talked about.
No. 1744297
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>>1744227Huh, she has a good point you know, I definitely always thought you needed long hair and makeup to be an actor. I'm glad this woman with shorthair and thick eyeliner wearing a skirt over her pants is there to be the first non hyper femme woman in Hollywood truly groundbreaking stuff
No. 1744310
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>>1742711>>1742909>>1742769I brought up body size and these was her responses
No. 1744338
>>1741554 in the last thread mentioned a hypothesis that TIFs prefer fat blue haired characters and neg on that tif welcomic with the 5 way stereotype poly yaoi webtoon.
The blue haired fatty tif is not only attainable. These are deeply insecure NLOGs we're talking about here, so if the TIF character is hotter and gets all the boys, she's competition.
No. 1744379
>>1744310The audacity of saying "I don't think you understand how gender and sex are constructed" right before implying that the differences between women of different sizes are comparable to the differences between men and women lmao. Men's and women's clothing sizes aren't the same, men and women don't have the same fat distribution, men don't have female hips and breasts etc. Sure as a woman you can wear loose sweatshirts and t-shirts from the men's section (men almost always look ridiculous in clothing fitted for women though), what's her point? How is all of this an argument in favor of trannies? If anything they're the ones who think that putting on a skirt makes them a woman.
Also, off-topic but damn, I would be so irritated to argue with a friend who writes like this in private conversations. The whole "i- :crying emoji:", "let me introduce you to clothing sizes, bet you've never heard of that before!!", "you're just saying stuff" etc., doesn't sound like a genuine debate and more like a teenager/TRA being defensive on Twitter.
No. 1744511
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They finally made a FTM version of the bathroom defense PSA
No. 1744803
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FTM culture being what was popular among teen girls a few years ago. Also id-pol is just a marketing tactic nowadays no wonder corporations adopted it quickly
No. 1745149
>>1744803Classic example of a hit dog hollering, kek. I'd pay to see her try to explain why her mansona is more
valid than the others
No. 1745204
>>1744818They don't, lmao. Most actual gay men aren't even aware that fujoshis exist because they're jock/normie types. Gay scrotes who
do know about it are ambivalent at worst and fudanshis at best.
No. 1745221
>>1744310Jesus Christ, I can't even tell what she's trying to say here. We're trying to say that the historic basis for oppression is the physiological differences between men and women, and her rebuttal is
>But clothing sizes!1!What the fuck about clothing sizes? If you're shaped like a brick and you can shop in the men's section, good for you. But some of us have wider hips, larger breasts, or are pregnant. We have to settle with whatever crap is in the women's section because it's what fits. But clothing is such a minor issue compared to all the other shit we have to deal with. I'm not even sure why she brought it up or how it's relevant. Is she trying to say that women are functionally the same because she likes to shop in the men's section? Good lord.
Women have a higher mortality rate for basically every common disease because scientists historically only used male subjects in clinical trails and only describe male symptoms in textbooks. We're often forced to choose between children or our career because scrotes
still barely contribute to child-rearing in this supposedly "post-feminist" country where there's no public childcare. In many states, women now have to carry a fetus they can't afford or care for to term, sometimes without exceptions for rape. Feminine hygiene products are taxed as luxury items. Companies will often decide whether a woman deserves a promotion or extra work based on how likely she is to get pregnant/start a family. And that's just in Burgerland. When people kill newborns in India, it's because they have vaginas, not because of how the babies will probably identify as adults.
Your friend is profoundly retarded and you're wasting your energy even discussing this topic with her.
No. 1745362
>>1744310Does she wear oversized masks to protect other from covid? Does she think that female workers should wear ill-fitted protective clothing and risk their own and others' life? Your friend is in denial. I'm way taller and bigger than her and most of the time I can't wear men's clothes because I'm not shaped like a man. By refusing to name the problem, she is gaslighting women and actively supporting white men.>The problem is that most PPE is designed for men, so finding appropriate sizes and shapes for women can be a struggle. Protective Clothing is often manufactured to a standard male model, rendering it a poor fit for women as well as for some men from specific ethnic minority groups. The same can be said of other types of PPE, including boots, eye protection, hard hats and gloves.>When the pandemic hit, Caroline Criado Perez was inundated with messages from female healthcare workers telling her that their PPE – things like masks and goggles – didn’t fit. In this first episode of her brand new investigative series, join Caroline as she goes on the hunt for missing data and asks: can we fix PPE?That's why TIFs calling themselves men is ridiculous and fueled by internalized misogyny. They are denying themselves the possibility of liberating themselves from men. They can't conceptualize a free woman. Being a woman is intrinsically negative. It's the absolute opposite of feminism.
No. 1745517
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No. 1745529
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>>1745517Huh? That's a strange thing to wonder about, even stranger to not ask if it comes to mind, yet stranger to associate it with patriotism.
No. 1745575
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Literally a whole identity attached to clothing which is unnecessary because I’m pretty damn sure women wearing suits wasn’t abnormal when she was growing up
No. 1745578
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>>1745576Which was most likely not an issue for her. She grew up in an environment where women wearing dresses, pants, hoodies, wasn’t weird. I’m pretty sure she grew up with a handful of tomboy characters in tv as well.
I really do not understand where people like her are coming from when she focuses on clothes to that extent. No was that the US was that strict. Maybe it was her parents but schools and their community impact individuals more than family/household according to this one psych course I took.
No. 1745671
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>>1745578These people are so milquetoast and uncurious they don't even explore pop culture outside of current top 10, just watch Kardashians and listen to TSwift and think that's all there is. The only literature they're aware of is Harry Potter. They're incredibly sheltered, that's the only explanation.
No. 1745923
>>1745575Are these people from
abusive households or something? Since when is a western woman wearing a suit new or rebellious? You can wear what you want because you don't live in a country that forces women to wear head coverings or face death. You have always been able to wear what you want. You rebelled 0.
No. 1745934
>I'm so good at playing women but also i'm so special and Not Like the Other Girls!!!like stfu you're just another female actress playing female roles.
No. 1745967
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>>1745671>>1745918>>1745923I could give you a mirror
To show you disappointment
I could give you a history
Could you ever listen in to me?
- Annie singing to gendies, probably
No. 1746148
>>1744511Lmao, like a bartender would even care that much.
>>1745517>No whorish spaghetti straps and short shortsOh lord. Yeah, definitely a child growing up in a conservative religious household.
No. 1746156
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No. 1746203
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>Twitter user claims there's no "good queer representation"
>Everybody and their mom mentions Heartwhatever as sample.
>No one seems to mention Boyfriends and their toxic story.
Both stories sucks, but do Boyfriends get a pass because the author is ftm?
No. 1746207
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>>1745671I see your Annie Lennox and I give you another androgyny queen.
No. 1746261
>>1746241same anon and sorry for OT, while I was looking up the author, I found this funny thing about some changes she did in her first book, Solitaire:
"In the very beginning, Becky and Evelyn are talking about the Harry Potter Snily thing, in the 2015 version, Tori says something along the lines of 'So would it be better if Harry didn't exist and there were no movies or books?'. But, in the 2020 version, she says that we should just get over it."
lmao ofc
No. 1746431
>>1746261alice oseman's books are full of cringy modern day references and are preachy as all fuck, loveless especially was a fucking nightmare when it came to it - each and every single character in the book was insufferable in one way or another and there were multiple scenes of the lgbt head 'owning' a terfy gay a in a very r/thathappened way
not to mention her self-insert character in loveless is basically an aroace version of a fakeboi who's of course, into fanfiction, masturbates to it, and wont shut up about it given every opportunity to talk about fanfic and how horny she is for it.
No. 1746443
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TiFs are too easy to spot. Username and tattoo lol
No. 1747955
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this makes me want to die. WHY would you not get laser hair removal first?
No. 1747983
>>1747955The thing is that she had a part of her body flayed to create a non-functioning abomination that vaguely looks like a penis if you glance at it from a distance out of the corner of your eye, and that has a better than 50% chance of making her permanently disabled.
The answer is probably something like "I couldn't afford it" or "My doctor said we can do that later" or "I can just shave it, it's no big deal".
No. 1748022
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>>1746545I used (and still am) a tomboy. I swear these tifs would be the same people that tell me I'm a "man" because I have "different" hobbies and because men clothes are more comfortable than dresses and heels. I'm not less of a woman for it.
No. 1748055
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We already know that agp smirk means narcissism. But why do tifs always have this retarded grimace?
No. 1748090
>>1748088nta but can you please stop being retarded and constantly going
>it's okay to say shewhenever nonnas are using "they" to refer to a group. In this instance referring to the "tifs who always have this retarded grimace" having an "in-joke" and looking "girly".
No. 1748093
>>1748090 said, I was referring to "they" as TIFs plural
No. 1748100
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>>1748055I've noticed that unattractive, insecure people tend to double down and make ugly faces intentionally. Eg the soyboy gaping face, fatties like Pheebs who take incredibly unflattering photos of their double chins, etc. It's like pre-empting insults, "you can't call me ugly because I'm being ugly on purpose!".
>>1748090NTA but to be fair, it's a pretty easy mistake to make and I respect commitment to misgendering.
No. 1748154
>>1748052Sage for sperging.
My native language is gendered. I always used swapped gender to refer to myself since I can remember myself and never had any issue swapping language for somebody else. Might be controversial, but I strongly believe grammatical gender is related to the concept of gender as a whole. Language shapes the way we think and perceive reality around us in really subtle ways and gendered language works the same as other types of gender conditioning, hence why objects perceived as feminine are often described with feminine adjectives and associated with women/femininity; and vice versa. Same works with names too. Many, if not most, names are gendered because they have heavily implied gender stereotypes behind their history and etymology.
Neither changing names nor swapping pronouns feels like a big deal that requires mental gymnastics to justify doing so because the whole thing on itself is same as wearing pants instead of skirts: it's all aspects of gender construct and swapping language (which, once again, does shape the way we perceive things) is a normal thing for gender non conforming people or even as just a way to break stereotypes imo. That is also why I think misgendering isn't a thing altogether, there's no "wrong" way to refer to oneself or people around you since gender isn't real.
I am however aware that we don't live in vacuum and that apart of subtle gender markers pronouns still refer to sexes, so I use sex based pronouns to avoid muddying waters and I do misgender trannies at every given opportunity. I might be reading way too deep into this, but could it be that the way society treats name/pronoun swapping nowadays became a part of general reactionary knee-jerk reaction thanks to TRAs? These things usually work like pendulums, one side getting radically insane inevitably breeds radicalized opposition. I did notice through past 10 years that the louder trannies are, the more gender conforming a lot of self-proclaimed gender criticals become on average. The way pronouns and names are treated nowadays is just one of small ways it manifests. We have people who think that changing them somehow makes you biologically a whole different entity, making the opposing side to believe there's no way for people to swap pronouns and change names without massive cognitive dissonance and delusion.
No. 1748179
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>>1747955It's cause it's from her skin, which already had hair and will grow more hair especially due to testosterone. They try to take a piece of skin which doesn't have too much hair but of course it can still grow hair later. So this happens. Even if they do the laser from what i read it doesn't help much?
(About the image) Not really milky but i've noticed every time someone randomly drops into a conversation to say their name it's some flavor of troon. I just click on the profile and see pronouns or the trans flag right away. Like here the context was a video of Spencer's the store and she just jumps in to say it's her name in a quirky way. I've seen this happen now so many times, in non trans related places, such a weird way to validate yourself?
No. 1748212
>>1748154>> I strongly believe grammatical gender is related to the concept of gender as a wholeGendering words is related to gender?? Well fuck
nonny that changes everything!
No. 1748231
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Any nonas here 90 Day Fiance fans? The franchise will have it's first couple that consists of a trans person. A American TiF is moving to Colombia to marry her girlfriend. When I first saw the trailer for the upcoming season I thought something was odd about the American Gabriel. Tuesday I learned that the weird feeling I got from Gabriel was because "he's" a transman. franchise has already had gay and lesbian couples so it was only a matter of time before we get a trans perosn. Looks like the major storyline for the Gabriel/Isabel couple will be Gab coming out to Isabel's parents. 90 Day Fiance has gotten very trashy these past years so this season of The Other Way should be very interesting.
No. 1748374
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No. 1748395
>>1748177>are you going to start proposing that there's no wrong way to use that word since gender isn't real and blah blah who cares?I don't think you read my post in full.
>I am however aware that we don't live in vacuum and that apart of subtle gender markers pronouns still refer to sexes, so I use sex based pronouns to avoid muddying waters and I do misgender trannies at every given opportunity.>>1748271Yes, this is exactly what I meant! Indicated by this bit
>Language shapes the way we think and perceive reality around us in really subtle ways and gendered language works the same as other types of gender conditioning, hence why objects perceived as feminine are often described with feminine adjectives and associated with women/femininity; and vice versa.Ways language shapes the way we think has been talked about god knows how many times in various different contexts, ex. we know that sexist, pornified language is a subtle way of shaping a mind, especially among porn addicts. The way we talk and think about ourselves is crucial when it comes to mental health, be it inducing illness and sabotaging yourself through negative talk or recovery through reshaping your mind by simply switching words that bear specific connotations.
Combine that with the fact that we live in a world where cultures are inherently built on sexism and gender is shaping our perception of sexes through socialization, clothing, activities, etc. I don't think it's a stretch to assume that language itself isn't free of gender and every negative side that comes with it. And frankly, I don't understand why so many people are afraid of exploring this idea. If anything, diving deep into watching troons further highlights this issue, one of the most common examples of it in English being tifs preferring to be called "handsome" as opposed to "pretty". They don't change anything about their appearances (usually), and yet the way you call them matters because a lot grew up in conservative areas where "pretty" carries heavier implications. These descriptors are gendered, and connotations
trigger them, cause dysphoria, etc. Of course, alone these words (or gendered languages, or whatever) don't do much, but they're clearly a part of a greater pattern of social constructs and interactions that builds sexism piece by piece.
No. 1748515
>>1742650Sheila Jeffreys recorded that she was disturbed by TIMs calling themselves lesbians in the 1960s. By the 1970s Janice Raymond wrote a whole book about the issue of trannies and how they will eventually have a major clash with feminists. In the 1970s, a TIF called Lou Sullivan was raping gay men by deception, campaigned to get homosexuality removed as a requirement for gender transitions, and formed an organization for TIMs in the 1980s.
Third wave liberal feminists in the 1990s starts accepting "tran women are real women". Liberal feminists win out over the radical feminists after the "feminist sex wars" which debated the morality of pornography. This turns radfems into a massively hated group in the male-dominated landscape and sends them underground ("ree radfems tried to take out porn!"). TIMs start clashing with traditions that were established during the Women's Liberation Movement starting around the early 2000s, like trying to get Michfest shut down and forcing Dianic Wicca to accept men.
Transgenderism grew massively and was normalized on Tumblr throughout the 2010s. Tumblr was THE libfem hotspot and really brought social justice activism to the mainstream. So it's really been something that has been growing in strength over the decades and after same sex marriage was made legal in the US, a lot of people were looking for something new to advocate for.
No. 1748522
>>1748271Cats and dogs being associated with gendered stereotypes is not linked to their grammatical gender in many regions.
While the link may exist in some places (Germany?), I would not call it common. The top 4 Romance languages do not have that grammatical gender distinction, for example, and are some of the most spoken languages on earth. Doesn't stop us from associating cats with women.
No. 1748529
>>1748515*formed an organization for TIFs in the 1980s.
Sorry, made a typo
No. 1748636
>>1748271>being seen as female and dogs as maleWhat country do you live in where this is the case? Or did you just make this up? I'm a native English speaker and I've never heard of this outside of people here claiming men don't like cats (which is not only not a stereotype anyone in wider society knows but it's no based in reality).
>because in many languages those nouns have the female and male gender respectivelyNo they don't and if they do it has no relation. The names used in grammatical gender are misnomers.
No. 1748823
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>>1748569Not entirely true,
nonnie. Some have a pump fitted inside them that simulates getting erect. So it can get "hard", but not from sexual stimulation.
No. 1748826
>>1748678You're using one of the only languages where this is actually the case as your example. It's pretty uncommon in gendered languages for cat to be a feminine noun.
>>1748636When lolcow was down and we all flocked to, there was this one anon in the bunker threads who was saying violence against cats is more common than violence against dogs because we stereotype cats as female, and people hate women. That comment caused a lot of discussion and infighting and a lot of comments in this thread are reminding me of that one. I wouldn't be surprised if it was the same anon, honestly.
No. 1748856
>>1748823Omg just like the real thing!
Tifs make me so sad because they would put this into themselves out of pure hatred of womanhood.
That Ezra bitch two years ago made a tiktok about she didn't like how she was sexualized by men and now she wants people to refer to her as a man. Terrifying.
No. 1748880
>>1748837>>1748875NTA buts it’s a British suffragette thing. Cats even became a symbol for the women fighting for their rights and for a time the most popular animal seen. It just wasn’t as popular as more known symbols like the colors. (Edited because it’s early and I’m dumb kek) you go
>>At first, cats were an anti-suffrage symbol. In the 19th century, cats and dogs had gendered associations. Dogs, known for being active, were associated with men, and cats were associated with women, who were expected to remain within their designated sphere of hearth and home. Women who deviated from social norms were sometimes portrayed as hissing outdoor cats, the antithesis of the placid housecat. Anti-suffragists feared that men’s masculinity would be diminished as women entered public life. As a result, cats often appeared on postcards that depicted men forced to perform “feminine” tasks such as the laundry, childcare, or cooking. No. 1748884
>>1748880Yeah but the idea that men target cats with the idea that they're woman associated is insane.
I doubt that cats are abused more to begin with, google finds no such statistic. In many islamic countries, which are some of the most woman hating in the world, it is dogs that are seen as ritually unclean and treated poorly by many as a result.
No. 1748928
>>1748907Spanish and French? El gato, le chat
Feminine version exists but the default/neuter for nouns that have both genders is generally masculine
No. 1748947
>>1748942Maybe stop calling things you don't understand retarded.
Using language correctly is the norm. Deviating from proper usage of sexed pronouns, and sexed pronouns only, while claiming to be above gender is self contradictory. If you really did not care you would simply use words with their proper definitions and move on, instead of making a show of how you use them wrong on purpose.
Misusing words muddies and confuses conversations. Without a common idea of what words mean you cannot communicate.
No. 1749050
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>>1742308I always appreciate how bad their explanations of gender identity is and why they’re not women. The rest of her comment just goes on using a nickname/name analogy
No. 1749061
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Living in a slob apartment with crusty dirty dishes gathering mold in the sink is gender affirmative care
No. 1749066
>>1749061also samefag
>gncmen just get called soyed, only Aidens have a monopoly on tranny victimhood
>11-16 are the most important years of your life, no important interpersonal development re: yourself and the way you relate to people happens after then
>forced concentration camp feminization did not work b/c autism and internalized toxic masculinity
>having personal autonomy and being able to walk around at night isn't feminine I'm too lazy but the same user has another comment on the same thread were the future trans genocide is brought up and forced in pregnancy of Aidens is discuss as Aidens are the ultimate soldiers against white supremacy
No. 1749092
>>1749061>thanks to my autism>also thanks to my autismSo she realizes she's more masculine due to autism but comes to the conclusion she's really a boy? Does she think she's just magically both as if autism isn't the main issue?
>By transitioning I feel like I'm getting that little boy backStop. Also at the end, did she just say that transmen are the gay best friends of female friend groups? That literally explains so much, that is literally the motive for transitioning.
No. 1749129
>>1748928Portuguese and Italian too. It's a male noun in most Romance languages, as a general rule of thumb. I think with that said, women tend to like cats more than men do, but I also just think women like animals more in general. Hell there's even studies to show that women find men who own pets more attractive.
>>1749092I don't understand how trans individuals, regardless of bio sex, are so disproportionately diagnosed as autistic (like 50-70x more than the average population) yet it doesn't ring alarm bells in anyone. The two have such heavy correlation but it's considered taboo to mention it.
No. 1749177
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This person sounds young and naive to me and I wish I could tell her this is a totally normal female experience without revealing my terven nature. Unfortunately everyone commenting is telling her she's trans and to look into nonbinary shit. So far the terms genderfluid, genderqueer and demigirl have all been mentioned kek
No. 1749181
>>1749177I thought demi stood for something you are not, like how transwomen are men, demigirls are boys.
Has Kikomi gotten the blessing of the gender cultists?
No. 1749205
>>1746611It's been discussed many times before, but trannies completely infested that fandom. Early on it was mostly TIFs, but these days it's mostly TIMs. There are a lot of insecure zoomer girls who say that Dave "transed their gender," and now LARP as gay men. He's literally just a Tumblr sexyman, and they modeled themselves after the character they wanted to fuck, just like AGPs do. Hilarious, really.
I love to look at a "ghey man uwu" TIF and try to guess which Tumblr sexyman she's skinwalking. I know one girl who basically just LARPs as Carlos from WTNV.
No. 1749209
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Aiden: I'm just saying that gay men should have sex with trans men!
People: You sound like a conservationist with "gay men should have sex with women"!
Aiden: But when I do it, is cute!
No. 1749255
>>1749177i always read "bigender" as "big gender"
it usually ends up being an appropriate designation
No. 1749298
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>>1748892I'd honestly be offended if people spoke about me like this, like i'm a retarded baby.
No. 1749329
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>>1749129>>1749147>>1748678It depends on the language, in my languages cats do have a masculine pronoun and are generally well treated and cared for, dogs on the other hand are hated(due to Islamic influence)
like the one thing about Islam is its fondness for cats
No. 1749330
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>TIF Transwashing a young male character + slight Ukeization/Feminization
interesting combination
No. 1749353
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The TIF I know at my college posts poetry on Tumblr about the male gaze and how she desires sexual attention and hates for herself for it, makes Snapchat stories about hookups, and “ironically” makes the same joke where she says “I hate women!” tons of times while being extremely left. I’m so fucking tired of it. I feel extremely bad for her seeing that she clearly hates herself but I also wish every side of the political coin didn’t hate women.
No. 1749377
>>1749329The Spanish words for cat and dog are both masculine and you don't modify them even if the specific animal you're referring to is female, but the words for kitten and puppy
do change based on the gender of the individual animal.
Literally everything is gendered in Spanish, including inanimate objects. That's why "Latinx" is such a retarded term. By that logic, you would have to stick "x" on the end of literally everything to make it PC.
No. 1749386
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The mental illness just radiates off this post, good grief. Her hair is falling out and her first response is not "holy shit these drugs are making m sick," it's "reee being bald means I look like my dad, who I hate now because he can see that I'm sick and doesn't enable me!!!"
Unsurprisingly She's also a ~gay trans man~ who LARPs as a Jew.
No. 1749400
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>>1749386Picrel is the same cow. TL;DR: Straight girl tries to LARP as a lesbian and later as a gay man, gets angry when she doesn't fit in with actual gay people, and finally lashes out at other women (mostly lesbians) for it. I love the bit where she joined an LGBT Facebook group because she "felt fruity" despite being a straight woman, then turned around and got all "nOt AlL mEn," when the women in the group (many of whom have probably been mistreated by men) say that they dislike men. She wants to be oppressed so bad, but when she encounters actual responses women have to oppression, she can't handle it.
This is one of the things irritates me most about troons and spicy straights. They shoehorn themselves into spaces where they don't belong, and when they don't like the culture of those spaces, they demand that
everyone else change to accommodate them. And typically, they
do change to avoid being branded as bigots, but in doing so they alienate the people the space was originally for. Then you end up with "lesbian" spaces full of AGPs and "gay" TIFs where it's verboten to say a single critical thing about scrotes.
Finally she closes it off in true tranny fashion, basically saying that FTMs will kill themselves if there's not enough positivity for men.
(Sorry for the editfails, jannies)
No. 1749444
>>1748901of course not. but the confusion generated by misusing an extremely well-established and important part of the English language is value-neutral - it's not a fault or a sign of bioessentialism, unless you're going to start arguing that the words "woman" and "female" are also
problematic for the same reasons. the person who started this whole argument said that radfems are radically insane extremists for their opposition to pronoun-swapping (because "pronouns = gender" and "gender do not real") and that simply isn't the case.
No. 1749459
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God this is fucking embarrassing, mao would have sent this delusional retard to a fucking labor camp
No. 1749479
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>>1749183They take the bone out of the person's leg like in some kind of horror movie. It's called the fibula free flap technique. Imagine walking with that leg post surgery.
No. 1749505
>>1749495Doesn't make sense really. Both animals are dirty and cat scratches are generally more harmful because they carry more bacteria. Cats can also catch rabies, they hunt wild animals just like dogs (actually now they do it more because cats are allowed to free roam more). In my country (europe) people used to eat cats, but not dogs because they were considered valuable for work, and dogs were always seen as great domestic animals (think of how many royals kept small lap dogs as status symbol).
I still dislike that women are compared to any animal. Animals are animals. Female dogs and male cats exist, the cats = women and dogs = men association is retarded and based off of nothing. Everything female will always be better than any male counterpart.
>>1749329>one thing about Islam is its fondness for catsNot sure if I'd praise islam for its "fondness" of cats while they consider women worse than dogs and about as "dirty" because of periods. But in islam-dominated countries people kept good care of some dogs like sighthounds.
No. 1749566
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>>1749559>>1749541It actually seems to go even before that, Orwell wrote this in 1939
>The typical Socialist is not, as tremulous old ladies imagine, a ferocious-looking working man with greasy overalls and a raucous voice. He is either a youthful snob-Bolshevik who in five years time will quite probably have made a wealthy marriage and been converted to Roman Catholicism; or, still more typically, a prim little man with a white-collar job, usually a secret teetotaller and often with vegetarian leanings, with a history of Nonconformity behind him, and, above all, with a social position which he has no intention of forfeiting. >To this you have got to add the ugly fact that most middle-class Socialists, while theoretically pining for a class-less society, cling like glue to their miserable fragments of social prestige. I remember my sensations of horror on first attending an I.L.P. branch meeting in London. (It might have been rather different in the North, where the bourgeoisie are less thickly scattered.) Are these mingy little beasts, I thought, the champions of the working class? For every person there, male and female, bore the worst stigmata of sniffish middle-class superiority. If a real working man, a miner dirty from the pit, for instance, had suddenly walked into their midst, they would have been embarrassed, angry, and disgusted; some, I should think, would have fled holding their noses. No. 1749640
>>1749058Good numbers of Aidens don't want to be men, they just want to be bastards.
They don't have what it takes personality-wise to stick to the archetype however, so they put on their clown costume, act like brats and hope the LARP is convincing enough (it's not)
>>1749566I think these greasy commie types are more incel-like and their whole feeling of being an oppressed class or whatever comes from being unfuckable (especially when it comes to TIMs) and having only one screen on their gaming setup
No. 1749660
>>1749584As someone who likes both cats and dogs, I have to agree. Dogs might be dirtier in the literal sense because they go outside, but cats' saliva has
so much more bacteria in it, and like you said, they walk on tables and countertops.
There are a few threads in /ot/ for this topic if you anons want to get deeper into it.
No. 1749761
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>>1749543>they just want free shit and to not workIgnoring that they have to share their free shit and work for it.
No. 1749765
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>>1749543They don't want bi-pan guys because that means their partners still see them as woman. Nothing more like REAL gay people to reinforce they're a man. Which explains also why they don't date each other neither.
No. 1749772
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>>1749697That's traumacore for you, kek. They base their entire personality around trauma rather than seeking professional help. I've never seen anyone who suffers from trauma brag about it so much like TIFs, TIMs and gen Z as a whole do.
No. 1749788
>>1749541Could be because some communists view capitalism as responsible for all the ills in the world including transphobia. To them there will be no discrimination of any kind in a communists society.
Or maybe the pro troon commies aren't real commies just anti-west. It's like those "atheist" that bash Christianity all day but won't dare criticize Islam. They're not really atheist, just anti-Christian.
No. 1749801
>>1749788Reminder that not only gender, pronouns and sexual orientation, but also ethnicity and political ideology are things you claim for yourself as an "identity", for aesthetic and in-group signalling purposes. they are not things that
describe the person claiming them in any way nor need have any connection to reality.
No. 1749949
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>>1749911"anti-man sentiment" kek
No. 1749957
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>>1749949TERFs are "violent misogynists" like men?
No. 1750037
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>>1750005>>1749985talking about fujos is not derailing cause there's a huge overlap between fujoshis and FTMs, like you have thousands of posts of TIFs admitting they were fujoshis themselves
No. 1750077
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cp bump
No. 1750139
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No. 1750185
>>1749940"treatment for pcos forces bodies back to gender binary"
They can't be this retarded, right? PCOS isn't a fucking aesthetic. How about diabetes and heart attacks?
No. 1750251
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>>1748098late but it looks like she deactivated on december 5th, there's another comment alleging that it was so she could deal with the legal issues privately
No. 1750356
>>1750251Thank you so much for responding, she's connected to someone I know irl so all of this has been oddly personal. She's fucking foul for mocking that detranser but what that surgeon did to her is worse by a mile. I saw those pics circulate on tumblr and was shocked. Ironically
>>1750306 I think this will only solidify her trans label. I know that sounds backwards but I think the trauma of this surgery will create a sunk cost fallacy. Before going dark, she made a few vicious tweets ripping on the terfs who expressed concern for her and questioned the validity of this surgeon. She had a gaping septic hole in her side and still found time to get assmad at feminists for pointing out that these surgeons are experimental at best, butchers at worst.
No. 1750363
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>>1749960Is like that "Manhunt" book written for a TiM. Is "thriller" and "sexy", but full of misogyny from women and TiF. You would think a "pro-LGBT" book would save TiF too if they're men, but alas, the author do not felt that way.
No. 1750398
>>1750356Her and spacelazarwolf
>>1749400 should battle it out gladiators style for the title of Ultimate Jewish Larper TIF Cow
No. 1750433
>>1750372Who doesn't want to fuck Edge,
No. 1750556
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>>1750554Damn, that's too spicy for Europe.
No. 1750574
>>1749957The only way a
terf would be violent is if "she" was a transwoman kek
Being trans is just being a misogynist. You have men who think women are such simple creatures they can just morph into one with some makeup and breast implants, they don't think we have our own special circumstances and needs - we're just "weaker, dumber but prettier men", what misogynistic men have been saying for centuries. Then we have the tifs who hate themselves for being female, and they hate the female body so much they do everything they can to not seem like a female anymore. The biggest trans "enemy" are good ol' feminists fighting for women's rights, yet there are no "trans-exclusionary radical meninists" being blamed for anything despite men being the ones who abuse them, kill them, and the ones who have all the political power.
No. 1750625
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No "Benji." People shouldn't have to give you $15,000 just for being a troon in a household where one of the traumas you claim is that your mom hugs you. Stop making furry art on instagram and get a real fucking job.
No. 1750631
>>1750625Do these tranny gofundmes get traction anymore? Everytime I see vague gofundmes about "surgery" or
abusive households, with ugly tranny selfies alongside, I scroll past.
This one only got $100 in 20 days so it seems at least for TIFs there is no interest.
No. 1750998
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This is just plain sad, even by reddit standards
No. 1751386
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>>1750625 actually know of this person from other circles and they used to date an old man. I remember they made some art of themself and him and he was balding with grey hair in the image. She even had a disclaimer to not talk badly about her relationship and the age difference. She'd later on in her instagram story cry about the fact that she lost followers. Think its safe to say that relationship didn't work out since she doesn't mention him anymore.
Guaranteed the old dude said what ever she wanted to hear to take advantage of her. Lmao. I can't believe how badly this tranny shit deludes their minds.
No. 1751397
>>1750554It's not just the terfs tbh there are a few gay guys who for some reason are dragging him.
As the old saying goes, be gay do crime.
No. 1751429
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You can pretty much get away with saying very terf or gc talking point and talk shit about gendies and spicy straights if you call them tenderqueers on tiktok.
No. 1751477
>>1751386She did mention him awhile back. I follow her in some art circles. Their breakup was messy and she was as expected "devastated" and even ended up deleting her account or trying to migrate over to a new one. Obviously it didn't work out because she ended back up on her serval account. No screenshots since it was awhile ago but at the time I remember thinking why this barely relevant furry artist freaking out about "changing" and apologizing to her audience kek. Guess now I know why. Scammy gofundmes she deletes when her "family is doing better". How can you go from being so in danger living with your violent
abusive family you need 15k from strangers but on a whim you can delete it and say "things are better now jk". Like the fuck.
No. 1751517
Why don’t you go back to where you came from?
No. 1751586
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Checked-in on one of my personal cows. Appropriating TiM culture with workplace restroom nudes.
No. 1751645
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Randomly saw on twitter. These sheltered retards think if a couple doesn't conform to stereotypes, the couples are secretly kweer themselves, or are straight couples made for kweer people.
Are they aware of this pattern, that they cling so hard to stereotypes that anything outside their narrow expectations must be omg so gayyyy? Is that why they have to screech and cry that they're so progressive? Or is it that they're genuinely amazed when something normal is really progressive compared to their regressive minds?
No. 1751759
>>1751746Bisexual men are rare as hell compared to bi women. When I think of bisexuals, I always think of bi women. I forget bi men even exist.
Also, I'm straight and it's weird that the bi women I know always complain about how horrible straight men are and yet they always choose to date straight men even though bi women are fucking everywhere. They could just date each other and yet they don't. Idk.
No. 1751782
>>1751704>>1751670It's ridiculous that people insult each other over shipping straight pairings in the first place. If I didn't know better, I'd assume that these people were middle schoolers, but most of them are adults. Why do people think that they have to tailor all their hobbies to fit their political beliefs? It's okay to enjoy "
problematic," or even just less diverse media. You're not a bad liberal for liking a white character or a straight pairing, Christ.
The relationships I like most in fiction are the ones with an interesting dynamic and/or involve character development. The gender of the characters is irrelevant to me so long as they're well written. Enjoying fiction is just a hobby for me, and I generally try to keep it separate from my sociopolitical beliefs.
No. 1751823
>>1751489go google nahuatl or bolivian people. shes whiter than 90% of latin america. burgers do really believe 1% of some random ethnicity heritage actually makes them ethnic or some shit.
>>1751429is this ambrose??
No. 1751845
>>1751429I've actually been seeing kweer retards calling people who say words mean things and their ridiculous identities don't make sense tenderqueers as if tenderqueer doesn't apply to their mogai tumblrtard self. Especially tims crying that twans wammen are the most oppressed and everyone else is a tenderqueer for not treating them like gods 24/7.
>>1751645Shouldn't this be in the spicy straights thread or the fandom drama thread? There's nothing milky in the second half. It's almost as if they're so obsessed with t4t and bi4bi because no matter how much they want to be gay men in gay relationships deep down they know they're straight women who can only ever relate to m/f couples but still want their kweer brownie points.
No. 1751867
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>>1751823Nta, but why would you compare Native American ethnic groups in the US to Latin America? I agree that the dude just looks like some Euromutt, but there are Native American ethnic groups with lighter skin complexions. There's thousands of Native American ethnic groups and they are highly diverse in appearance with the major genetic split being between North and South America.
Picrel is Rico Lanáat’ Worl who is Tlingit and Athabascan.
No. 1751956
File: 1674651573877.jpeg (495.75 KB, 828x1368, 52890CE7-4CE6-4F3A-AE15-C3530B…)

This was a gnc dyke a few years older than me that I really looked up to growing up. So tragic to see her subject herself to this, she was such a sexy soft butch now she looks like a retarded baby in her early 40s great job lady… feminism and shit….
No. 1752103
File: 1674666070414.png (425.59 KB, 652x783, 57.png)

this brand of tifs is absolutely the craziest one, at least the other fujotroons with ugly haircuts are trying
No. 1752113
>>1752103>>1752110It is very clear to me TIFs never want to be men per se. They never even try to integrate into general male circles, manospheres, etc. (Whether men will accept them as men is another issue, but the point is the TIFs don't really even try.) They just want to cosplay men, then hang in queer circles where everyone automatically validates and affirms each other's delusions. They just want to walk around looking like men, without actually being men. They "live as a man" as in how a man would be in their imaginations and yaoi comics, much like men who are love interests in commercial romance novels written by women. These "men" don't exist except in women's imaginations. No men really acts or talks like that. But in romance novels they offer women a bit of fun escape. For TIFs, it takes a different turn. They become "men" as they imagine, not as a romance novel love interest, but a pseudo-females found in BL and they assign the word "man" onto it, then call their transed selves "men". None of it has anything to do with reality.
No. 1752264
>>1752113How would they hang out around men? All their interests are exclusively female. I spend my time in mixed sex circles and I've never seen one, while TIM are common.
You have to ultra feminine in order to become aware that TIFs exist outside of social media.
No. 1752281
>>1752113>>1752249There's a subset of TIFs (specifically the autistic straight ones) that are/were into it. We've established this many times.
Much like how AGPs base their view of women on portrayals written by men for men, the reverse is the case for many TIFs. They aspire to be the idealized version of men depicted in media with a female audience in mind, if not written by women to begin with. The fact of the matter is that most straight trannies (TIFs and TIMs alike) are disinterested in emulating or even just understanding the opposite sex as it actually is in reality. Some TIFs do LARP as chauvinist men, though, but that's more just the internalized misogyny and NLOGism showing through.
No. 1752382
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Why are they all the same
No. 1752402
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Shit goblin from my town who moved away and changed her name, says she's trans and non binary but doesn't show any sign of being either, publicly admits to eating her own shit and has been known to send videos of that, also pretends to be a SJW as well as trans because she needs to be quirky and unique
No. 1752480
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No. 1752487
>>1752480i'm so glad i'm not a child right now
90s kids uber alles
No. 1752554
File: 1674707107822.jpeg (59.24 KB, 1241x549, 498E8947-AA4F-4DC1-96E3-20C2CE…)

>>1752421>>1752488She also has a grimes stan account, an eating disorder romanising account and an account where she's just cringe and complains
No. 1752604
>>1752480she has a bluey profile picture. it's like mlp again, this time tifs are loving bluey, giving them gender vibes and all because the main character is blue dog girl that gets confused as a boy because of her fur color. thankfully, they're still small in terms of being a community and all, some still make yt edits on bluey being gender-something whatever that gives them euphoria or sth.
some don't like it though
No. 1752650
>>1752480>"trans people aren't groomers, how dare you imply such a thing! but anyway i'm teaching my small child about sexual organs for no reason other than for my own affirmation and fetish"A kid in kindergarten doesn't need to know the word vagina. The vagina is not the vulva and it's not related to peeing, it's part of the sexual organ which a kid that young shouldn't have to think about at all. All they need to know is if anyone (adults especially) tries to touch you there they have to tell mom and dad right away. But the fact that the kid knows that her "dad has a vagina" is even worse, she told her kid details about her own private parts. I really think there's a portion of trans identified women who aren't "dysphoric" about their sexual parts, but rather hyper-fixated on them. Such as Buck Angel who proudly did porn as a transman showing everyone what parts she had.
Her kid immediately shouting it out loudly to everyone literally proves she doesn't understand the implications of private parts, or that they are private. If one of the kindergarten teachers, or another parent/uncle who happened to be around was a groomer and heard that, guess which kid they will now know is an easy target?
No. 1752715
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No. 1752720
File: 1674736721305.jpeg (745.69 KB, 828x1628, 917487A0-F508-43D2-8626-E943AE…)

>>1752480Have a scroll through her tiktoks, she’s disgusting and I feel so sorry for her daughter having that thing as a “dad”
No. 1752743
>>1752604fucking kek'd at "comments are off because of
toxic people"
Who's gonna bet those
tOxIc people were saying that gender is a big pile of steaming shit and that girls can also "be blue" without falling into troonism?
No. 1752744
File: 1674740025091.jpg (344.5 KB, 2400x800, 79Y5QfFIcX3AUNX.jpg)

>>1752720ngl she probably "passes" better then 99% of TIFs, but the eyes always give it a way, Tifs always have a certain “light” in their eyes that real men don’t have. That’s what usually clocks even the most masculine looking ones(picrel) for me.
No. 1752760
File: 1674745330337.webm (5.12 MB, 320x576, cUv1gskfRsh2JdOt.webm)
>>1752532honestly, anything is better than ending up like vidrel
No. 1752772
Imagine transitioning into Kyle Rittenhouse.
They need to make another version of this where leftist activists chase her down the street and jump her because they think it's Kyle. Then they steal her wallet and see the ID saying it's not only the wrong person but also a female, ending with them shrugging it off and saying "Shouldn't look so much like Kyle if you don't want your ass kicked."
No. 1752852
File: 1674755997204.jpg (340.46 KB, 1442x1250, gE4M2LcNjQA.jpg)

what's category of TIF is this ?
No. 1752870
>>1752866pickeism and not having any other personality points to make them likeable.
You can see either autistic girls or "just pretty" girls transitioning because they can't fill their head with normal to everyday things, so they just think what they could do with their bodies.
While autistic girls have a condition that loops them into "fixations", these girls are just craving attention and will jump on every bandwagon.
No. 1752944
>>1752937She needs a thread of her own.
Totally dysphoric trans man in bra and skirt buying flowers and being totally
valid!!!! I need testosterone for my crippling dysphoria!!
No. 1753118
I'm gonna share something personal and lmk what y'all think. So I had an uncle who was married and had 2 kids, but his wife divorced him and they estranged themselves from my family when I was a baby. So I pretty much forgot these people even existed.
Fast forward about 23 years. My mom gets a DM on Facebook from some guy. The DM is something like "It's me, your brother's ex. Just letting you know that he passed away last night." My mom was understandably confused. So it turns out his ex wife completely transitioned, has a beard and a new name and everything. Here's the weirder part. My female cousin, her daughter, is a complete TIF too. They transitioned together. My uncle knew all of this bc he was somewhat involved in the kids' lives, but he was too ashamed to tell anyone. I feel really bad for him, knowing that his biggest secret was revealed by his death (unexpected, aneurysm at age 49)… I imagine it was painful for him to hear his ex wife call herself a man and see his daughter do the same.
Anyway, I have never heard of anything like this where the parent and child transition together. Judging by pictures I do think my cousin started when she was still a minor. Do you think some form of abuse occurred or do they share a genetic mental illness? Btw, at my uncle's funeral my grandmother kept loudly asking where the ex and daughter were while they were standing there the whole time kek (the trans thing was a bit much for her)
No. 1753138
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No. 1753166
File: 1674771700393.jpg (357.93 KB, 1080x1139, Screenshot_Twitter.jpg)

>>1753138what a lovely couple
No. 1753226
>>1753118This is strange but I remember seeing at least one tiktok weirdo where both the mom and daughter transitioned. I think parents play a huge role in whether their child transitions so it's likely they both just drank the kool-aid.
Such a strange thing to happen to your family, I like that your grandma just refused to process it "where are they?" kek
No. 1753227
File: 1674773581420.jpg (Spoiler Image,541.29 KB, 1080x1480, Screenshot_20230126_174621_Ins…)

Ugly TIF floatyspacecat has become an ugly drag king which is weird to me because if she says she is a man, why her drag persona would be also a man? Spoiler image because ugly
No. 1753235
File: 1674773783107.jpg (Spoiler Image,195.18 KB, 1080x1206, Screenshot_20230126_174733_Ins…)

She is also obsessed with the idea of Paul Dano being a fat TIF
No. 1753474
>>1752402>eating her own shit and sending videos of itI'm going to need some context here
nonny. Didn't know she was britbong either, going by that pic she looks 'murican
No. 1753627
File: 1674803507641.png (21.24 KB, 1018x398, fujo recipe.PNG)

>>1752757Anon explained it really well a while back. Basically it's the combination of autism, living in a fantasy and trying to cope with the fact that the society sucks for women.
No. 1753629
File: 1674803942557.jpg (Spoiler Image,464.68 KB, 1920x1440, ezra-butler_0007.jpg) course Ezra Butler has an only fans where she sells her tits but wants everyone to believe she will get the chop lmao
No. 1753712
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>>1752402She somehow used to be grosser and publicly admits to eating her own poop and stomping it down the shower drain
No. 1753716
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>>1753712>eating her own poop and stomping it down the shower drainWTF
No. 1753732
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>>1752103says the pickme with an extremely coomer icon. There are tifs into bimbo aesthetics but I can’t believe they’re retarded enough to believe that the world will perceive them as male despite dressing up like a porn star.
Like miss, your misogyny is showing
No. 1753856
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>>1753732She's one of "those" annoying twittards who learnt gender and race theory all from twitter, makes sense that she's delusional
No. 1753899
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>>1753856bet she's dating(or will end up dating) some ugly pale white dude IRL a well
No. 1753962
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>>1752604>I headcanon Bluey as a FTM because she's quite tomb-Let girls be tomboy, please!
No. 1754131
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That feeling when retarded gender specials take over lesbian tags. Like you don't even consider yourself a woman, why call yourself lesbian? I feel like it's some kind of a trick to avoid troonsbians or something.
No. 1754278
File: 1674867789895.jpg (351.26 KB, 720x1161, Screenshot_20230127_195834.jpg)

Furries are now giving their fursuits mastectomy scars
No. 1754285
File: 1674868582706.jpg (Spoiler Image,644.64 KB, 1152x2048, why.jpg)

>>1754278And I thought putting massive boobs on fursuits was the worst that could happen
No. 1754286
>>1754278Isn't it weird since they usually just have fur there. At least from what i've seen, is it that other furries don't have nipples except the tif ones? kek
And don't mastectomy scars ever heal or fade like normal surgery scars or why do they keep doing things like this and drawing them everywhere? If they don't heal how is it going to look like a mans chest?
No. 1754298
>>1754286After two years and taking good care of the skin the scars can fade, and you can do treatments to lighten the skin. But even if the color matches the skin there will always be subtle signs of the surgery.
Here's the fucked up thing though from experience. When I went to collage I met a few ftm who didn't wash, clean the sweat or let the scars breath. You can actually smell the rot from a few feet away. When asked why they didn't take better care of themselves they said "it hurts to much to move and take off my shirt. Sides, it'll leave pretty cool scars heheh"
Like they were making it worse on purpose just because they thought the scars were cool
No. 1754486
>>1754267I really like butch/masculine women and I feel like every time I see a cute tomboy it's a tif. Every fucking time it's a fakeboi. We truly are going backward.
I could even deal with the gender bullshit for a cute girl, after all, it's just a phase, but what if she loops her tits off
No. 1754613
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"Mom it's not a phase!!1!"
No. 1754714
File: 1674916182518.jpg (24.4 KB, 423x423, FMj3eG_X0AIQWuX.jpg)

>>1754669Back in our old days when you had to lie when someone asked you a/s/l.
No. 1754859
File: 1674928811713.jpeg (Spoiler Image,100.68 KB, 804x957, 6DB23757-AF0A-4A10-9BC0-8ACD1E…)

Lmfao what is going on here
No. 1754891
>>1754613>>1754655When I was a kid I'd pretend to be 18 when I was 11 and pretty much never gave personal details of myself… Nowadays kids list their whole mental illness,
triggers, weaknesses and location on their little blogs, it's very dangeorus
No. 1755274
File: 1674957102130.jpg (575.95 KB, 1080x1737, Reddit.jpg)

Not sure if this belongs here, but just sounds so horrible being a young tif realising she's a woman but dating another tif who doesn't support her but questions and puts her down like this? I assume this is not the only time something like this happens now. I've seen posts that the girls wanting to go back to normal nearly always feel like they are liars and lied this whole time and afraid of how the people close to them will react. "Needless to say i reacted very poorly" Why? She says it like the girl did something wrong to her personally by overcoming the fakeboi phase. So mentally ill, both of them need therapy and not hormone therapy.
No. 1755360
File: 1674964772109.gif (1.24 MB, 257x200, 1505826510612.gif)

>>1754891MTE Seeing all those cards with
triggers, "DID" people with "headmates" (that happens to be imaginary friends that resembles any animu character that live in their imaginary world like bff) and all the jazz just makes me feel like a boomer.
No. 1755380
File: 1674966419988.jpeg (548.82 KB, 750x1177, C0CB3DC3-248B-46A5-B2AF-BB0ECD…)

wow that's depressing
No. 1755393
>>1755387I dunno nonna, I know a lot of TiFs in that age group who act like this. Very
toxic and need to be avoided.
No. 1755467
File: 1674975879272.jpg (1.2 MB, 1125x2042, b.jpg)

I get some sort of mix of both schadenfreude but also sadness when I see TIFs meme themselves into thinking baby age regressing will help them cope with being a woman. Some of them like pic related are probably very mentally ill and traumatized, while other ones like
>>1754859 are just like the MIF age regressing pedos and it's purely for cooming.
No. 1755470
File: 1674976162122.jpg (226.71 KB, 1125x1205, 9.jpg)

>pfp of an asian man being infantilized >just entered adulthood>username is a childrens cartoon>goes by a common trans name that is also the name of a cartoon little boyAlmost a perfect blend of the average internet pedo and average tiktok TIF
>>1755467And yes that was on MY fyp lol. I don't give likes or search up tranny shit it just always finds a way to me
No. 1755472
File: 1674976440361.png (528 KB, 598x615, ts.png)

And just in case any Anons somehow like Taylor Swift's bland music she had a TIF in her recent music video.(derailing)
No. 1755474
File: 1674976896250.jpg (178.26 KB, 1024x1466, taylor-swift-bruno-mars.jpg)

>>1755472I'd love to see a pic of Taylor standing next to "him" she towers over most men, how small would that TIF be next to her
No. 1755482
>>1755376kek if it was a male you would get fired
anyways good job nonna, maybe if this teenage girl will get "misgendered" often enough she will consider dropping the cult
No. 1755704
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Even when whining about height they don't come across as seething men
No. 1755705
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>>1755704Average male height in vietnam is 5'4, so even if she was born in the vietnam she'd be the equivalent of a 5'6 male in the west kek
No. 1755712
File: 1674997068211.jpeg (271.61 KB, 922x1561, 21F77523-81F6-405D-8DF7-A72A96…)

Not sure if she’s been posted here before but this is a cow from over in the pro-ana thread. Hayden. A troon so ugly that nonas have decided to spoiler her face from now on kek
No. 1755717
>>1755490That's just Bruno Mars, not a TIF, what are you on about? Unless Bruno Mars is secretly a TIF but I sincerely doubt it, he's just a short man. I guess it leads FtMs into thinking they can pass when they see a man this short though, even though 90% of men are taller that him.
>>1755712She's really called Hayden? I have never met a moid with this name in my life, only TIFs. I don't know why you'd make yourself so clockable with your name alone.
No. 1755844
File: 1675010813944.jpg (Spoiler Image,82.91 KB, 441x641, gq168.jpg)

This is "queer art" that libs are fighting to defend be shown to kids, two fujocoomers pretending to have gay male sex
No. 1755926
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No. 1756054
>>1755930kek you may be onto something anon
mtf can't scream transphobia to lesbians if they're trans as well
No. 1756205
File: 1675044073207.png (864.77 KB, 1126x2048, chrome_screenshot_167504344915…)

fucking morons. if you believe you're a man hard enough then you'll magically become infertile? ugh
No. 1756206
>>1756129>funny how these people will scream about how gender and sex are differentThey don't even do this anymore. TRA's whole base ideology completely shifts every couple of years. Now they don't even want to admit biological sex, they genuinely want everybody to think it's completely normal for "women" to have dicks and there is literally no difference between a woman and a man if they both call themselves "woman".
Similar to how the general accepted thing was that "people are born gay/trans" but now there's starting to be a push for "umm actually your sexuality/gender can change". They probably do this because they realized that they can get away with more bs now
and in my example it's probably an excuse for why it's totally normal for girls that never showed signs of being gendies suddenly to suddenly get ROGD, or for the even schizoer gendies to get new genders every month, and maybe also a preemptive cope to explain away detransitions No. 1756250
>>1756205what a fucking idiot. he thought he could magically just cum in his gf and the testosterone would act as free birth control. like im sure the comments are kissing his ass but he absolutely SHOULD feel deeply guilty for impregnating a 19 year old student in a state with anti abortion laws.
im trying not to get too mad but god what a horrific situation
No. 1756270
File: 1675051259896.gif (2 MB, 286x186, awhell.gif)

>>1756250Even then, nothing stop them to buy condoms.
The lack of Sex education is quite worrisome.
No. 1756525
>>1756206This is what made me peak, because I was more understanding when they said things like “gender is what’s in your brain, sex is what’s in your pants”. I could work with that in the past even though it sounds stupid saying it now. The moment they started to shout that TiMs are really biologically female and TiFs are really biologically male is the day my brain tuned out because it makes no sense. What’s the point of transition if that’s the case? This is why shit like
>>1756205 happens, because naive, desperate people really believe HRT is magic and really turns you into the opposite sex. It’s so stupid.
No. 1756734
File: 1675111072272.jpeg (293.33 KB, 1170x899, A163A022-CCF6-412C-86F8-979D66…)

Wow so special not a universal female experience at all
No. 1756827
File: 1675116372227.gif (1.37 MB, 320x194, 1425142607370.gif)

>>1756781Not mention also when doctor or people do not even bother in think "if it hurts so much, there's something wrong with your body", but "you are only faking it". If a period is quite hurtful, there might be endo or pcos.
But nooooo, women love have periods, only tif can hate them.
No. 1756926
>>1755926In about 4 days all of Twitter will accept this as fact. It takes just one post if “new flag” or “new sexuality dropped” and twitter will act like it’s been part of their Qweer History since Stonewall.
>>1756338kek nona
No. 1756990
File: 1675129334054.jpg (102.97 KB, 1080x1120, 1674700849189.jpg)

>>1756524AYRT I'm bi too and imo the term genital preference only makes some sense when being used in a neutral way to describe a bi person with a preference, like I prefer pussy but it's not a requirement for me. A lot of troons who are obsessed with hating "genital preferences" seem straight with a fetish for lesbians (TIMs) or gay men (TIFs), but as for woque folx who aren't troons but still hate the thought of someone not wanting the opposite sex's genitalia I have no clue what's going on really. Semi-related, picrel is a gay dude I saw on Twitter recently.
No. 1757207
>>1540757 and in the thread after that is where most of it can be found.
No. 1757214
>>1753118>where the parent and child transition together.It's becoming more common. Here's a 5 year old story from a major news outlet covering a mother/son transition.
Here's one from the Truly channel. This one is a mother/daughter transition.'ve seen a pic that was making the rounds on social media of a father and his small son who both trooned out.
No. 1757275
File: 1675169111922.jpg (700.31 KB, 1440x3038, bd8-f1fbe8565cf5.jpg)

>>1757214Reminds me of this case about a 10 year MTF transmodel(basically a pedophile's fantasy), the boy's biological mom (the dark haired mustached one on the right) started dressing him in girls clothes when he was 4 and was telling everyone that he was trans, she claimed the biological father wasn't acceptive of his identity and tried to force him to wear his brother's clothes. The father lost custody and the mom (Dee McMaher) later got together with another woman, the mother later "came out" as a TIF and other woman came out as an enby. So these two are now parents of McMaher's two sons and the enby's baby
also despite being 10 and on puberty blockers the boy still looks more masculine then his TIF mom
No. 1757299
>>1757275what they are doing is wrong but
>envy and jealousy of the real male in the family.This pickme comment took me out.
No. 1757314
>>1757311Sorry, I usually post on /ot/, so I forgot to sage here.
We don't know whether they would troon out a girl, so that's speculative.
No. 1757486
File: 1675190364891.png (27.5 KB, 771x138, Capture.PNG)

Sims 4 added top scars in a free update. It's for teen-adult males only (Maybe you can use it on any body type) I hope so, because I plan on using it for like a breast cancer story line and I hope it doesn't show up for random sims
No. 1757489
File: 1675190466798.png (34.36 KB, 762x146, Capture.PNG)

>>1757486oh and binders kek, I'm going to use all this shit for my own story that has nothing to do with troons, I may share to watch them seethe.
No. 1757492
File: 1675190697928.png (690.49 KB, 754x423, Capture.PNG)

>>1757489>>1757486kek of course they used an obvious scrote in a wig to "Promote" the shape wear, which makes me feel like it's some kinda tranny tucking underwear? He looks fucking amazing, lol.
No. 1757571
File: 1675195867488.jpg (140.54 KB, 921x856, FnwOK9dXwAE1KOR.jpg)

How do these people have lives, jobs, careers, friends ect when theyre always on the verge of breaking down crying at any little comment at any point
No. 1757574
>>1757571so this person has shown all signs of accepting this person yet has a
valid critique of some aspect of their ideology and somehow the tranny interprets this as them "denying their existence" or whatever. This is like the core of why it's so hard to work with troons, any slight amount of criticism is literally considered the difference between life and death.
No. 1757857
File: 1675207383853.jpg (Spoiler Image,970.43 KB, 1080x2019, _Instagram.jpg)

Why do they all get their tits out and then write they/them in bio
Reposted to spoiler image
No. 1757903
File: 1675211596973.jpg (242.62 KB, 1164x1132, FnPWrZiWIAQWlU-.jpg)

sage for mild ot but seeing oliver twist ass TIFs try to be "threatening" will never not be funny
No. 1758021
File: 1675222573490.gif (700.07 KB, 828x1299, 1675190433125.gif)

>>1757903Awwww, they look so cute! such big boys
No. 1758198
File: 1675249741194.jpg (25.73 KB, 480x240, zoe-terakes-on-joining-the-mcu…) confirmed for Marvel. Though, interestingly, it's for a shitty Disney+ that no one will actually watch, rather than a proper movie, and it's a nonbinary they/them, rather than a hulking Chad-jawed gigahon.
Presumably because it's easier to sell a girl with short hair than a dude in a dress to the lucrative Asian market.
No. 1758215
File: 1675251682112.png (60.38 KB, 1050x700, 66666.png)

Some FtMs literally just seem like extreme heterosexual women to me. Like male attraction to the core No. 1758235
>>1757574>she said men can't get pregnant and this made me shake really badly and want to cryThis is so funny though, I mean this is no different than a Karen being horrified that you have a satanic image on the band shirt you're wearing. Satan is objectively evil and wants to punish all good Christians like her, how could you wear that! It's against the gospel!
I don't know why these people admit so openly that they are mentally frail and can't think for themselves.
No. 1758237
>>1757486>>1757489>>1757492For teens. "Kids don't transition medically, it doesn't happen!!!! We totally never encourage it either!!!"
I actually considered getting the sims 4 because I enjoyed the sims as a kid, but this has put me off it completely. Not gonna support a game actively promoting child mutilation.
No. 1758410
File: 1675274128265.png (48.79 KB, 717x409, e.png)

>>1758215TIFs are so ridiculously girly that I still don’t understand how the male brain shit makes sense to these retards, Its like being a "boy" made enjoying feminine and straight things cool to them.
No. 1758450
>>1758253>these are not my PREFERRED pronouns…… these are my pronouns.What is this anger? If you're this
triggered by the term "preferred pronouns" then go take it up with the trannies who invented the phrase? This isn't a hateful slur that we forced upon you and your pronouns. Your people did this.
No. 1758550
File: 1675286848507.jpeg (813.7 KB, 1170x1289, 3E9D544E-13E6-45CB-AAA6-27C5AE…)

No. 1758557
File: 1675287504616.jpg (105.83 KB, 1600x1068, s-l1600.jpg)

>>1758040Same. I loved rubber lizards and dinosaurs as a kid because I liked animals in general. I was in middle school when the silly bands craze hit, and I recall plenty of boys wearing them. Slime used to be considered a "boy toy," before it got popular with kids on Youtube. Adults are incredibly out of touch with what children actually like; the most successful toys have generally been things with broad appeal.
No. 1758567
>>1758198A lot of people were annoyed that they cast the ugly kid from Heartstopper as Wiccan, but I'm just
so relieved it wasn't a tranny. Turning gay characters into TIFs is becoming alarmingly common. Sorry to the fans of whatever comic book character the TIF ends up playing in Ironheart.
No. 1758579
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No. 1758624
File: 1675291883988.jpg (611.55 KB, 2880x2880, Collage_1.jpg)

Who looks at this dog eared (the droopiness on either side) ugly shit and thinks yeah I want that
No. 1758675
File: 1675295042290.jpeg (85.1 KB, 828x809, 0061F5ED-E513-4F17-819E-FF4FE1…)

You don't respect transwomen because they're "women" and hate yourself, I don't respect them because I'm a terf. We are not the same
No. 1758828
File: 1675303290686.gif (1.82 MB, 300x264, fMiwV8h.gif)

>>1758624>We are a canvas, let ppl do what makes them feel godlyThey wouldn't be saying that if that person were mutilating their arms.
No. 1758976
File: 1675307745761.jpg (419.12 KB, 929x1687, 16.jpg)

>>1758579>@gay4dimitrievery fucking time
>>1758410Why are trannies obsessed with trying to claim their past partners are ~gay~, also I love when they try to be all like gotcha on men they had sex with because haha now youre gay because i am actually a man!!
No. 1758999
>>1758866Except a mastectomy for breast cancer saves women's life while mastectomy for "my breasts make me feel like I'm trapped in this body" are not the same. The first is for a physical pain and women feel empty without their breasts.
The second they don't understand the risks of removing healthy tissues and how the result will screw their mind even more. See that pic, by sample. Without the nipples it looks like an alien, that's something no right woman in their mind would want to look if they have to get a mastectomy for cancer.
No. 1759069
>>1758976But who is dimitri
Only one I can think of is dimitri from fire emblem, whom I've seen some people infantilise as a soft tortured boi uwu which I can see a tif get behind
No. 1759070
File: 1675317751850.png (517.47 KB, 1156x1940, 16.png)

>>1759049The only ayden I know and have interacted with IRL was a 31 one year old work colleague, she is married to a man and has 1 child, as cringe inducing aydens can seem online seeing one IRL is on a whole other level, she is an adult woman who calls herself a "boywife" and claims to be in queer relationship with her husband, Its an astonishing thing really, I don't know if she was into BL(likely was) but she was a shounenfag, into mha, baruto, demon slayer(anything flavor of the week)
No. 1759084
>>1759080Wow. Fake scene
and fakeboi.
No. 1759129
File: 1675328745542.jpg (182.24 KB, 1080x932, Screenshot_20230202-100447_Twi…)

>>1759069It is the one from Fire Emblem kek
No. 1759350
>>1758866In addition to what other anons have said, part of what makes cosmetic mastectomy "mutilation," is the experimental nature of it. Doctors can't seem to agree on a consistent way to perform it, and results vary wildly. This is the case with all SRS surgeries.
Removing part of all of the breast is a pretty common part of treating advanced breast cancer. The surgeon doing that isn't taking advantage of someone's mental illness for a quick buck, he or she is doing what is necessary to keep the cancer from spreading.
No. 1759363
>>1758866I think mutilation vs mastectomy is like the difference between murder and killing.
Both can lead to the same result, but the context makes a big difference in how they're regarded and treated.
Also it's normal to feel dysphoric about surgery aftermaths. It's not "whatever" to have parts of your body cut away. People don't do that because they like it, but because they have to choose between either that or death.
IMO that underlines how looney the people who
WANT that for effectively spiritual reasons and how depraved the people who do it for them are.
No. 1759393
>>1758976I can't fucking stand this shit it's so insidious and obnoxious in a way I can't fully describe but I fucking hate it. Yes Olivia you are totally retroactively queering these dudes. Slay.
>>1759384This has gotta be bait lol but yeah anon it's fine, I promise the police won't come to your house or anything. The only pitfall is that sometimes people assume you're a troon anyway.
No. 1759452
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No. 1759460
>>1759384Yes. It's called being a tomboy/gnc woman, wear whatever you want and present how you want without being indoctrinated into the gendie bs. For using "they/them", don't be retarded. You're a woman, a she.
>>1759452How anyone can look at this degeneracy and not immediately think mental illness is beyond me.
No. 1759850
File: 1675396502131.png (732.87 KB, 743x731, noooo.png)

idk if this has been posted before but this such a downgrade, it makes me sad. Actually the whole thread is sad No. 1759901
>>1759850This was literally posted yesterday, newfag. You can't be bothered to scroll up just a
No. 1759944
File: 1675407061222.jpg (612.38 KB, 2160x1803, 46868rr5853753775e77e575e75e7.…)

I swear fakebois seems to think that reality is like a 2D anime world, where a simple change in clothing and a haircut can just completely negate noticeable sexually dimorphic characteristics and features
>usernames also ends with "fujo"
No. 1759955
>>1758802The Last of Us 2 live action tif will need to be a 10 year old for the story to work (as they need to be a child compared to Ellie/Abby).
Showing that a preteen girl is trans because she didn't want to be forced into an arranged marriage and conform to the horrific treatment of women in a literal cult is not going to go down positively for viewers.
No. 1760096
File: 1675435672232.jpg (149.54 KB, 1058x1058, c1qpf8vr13541.jpg)

One of the top rated posts on r/FTM
No. 1760104
>>1759452I love that one of them is fucking bald. Jesus Christ.
The scars and bodily decay comes across even in such a simplistic art style because it's very important to her to show off the in-group markers.
No. 1760118
>>1759452This is supposed to be genuine? This is not supposed to be grotesque at all? This is FOR trans activism?!
I hate this.
No. 1760361
File: 1675458939734.jpg (332.17 KB, 1047x624, Screenshot_20230203_151418_Twi…)

this shit makes me want to A-log. female is when dress and male is when hoodie.
No. 1760485
File: 1675468140071.jpeg (376.59 KB, 828x1193, CFFD859A-CFCC-48EE-AEA6-04BA52…)

was this tweet from this retarded nonbinary theythem rat talking about “i dont see the point in sex segregated bathrooms” posted? seriously what is it about theythem women ?? she has been raped herself too so you’d think she’d KNOW the importance of female only spaces & the risks it reduces but her excuse was “akshually ive been raped before & that never stopped my male abusers!” so .. what now? women like you just roll over & give them free reign? the fuck?
No. 1760490
>>1760487I think she's lying about having been raped as a way to "gotcha" those other women.
Anyway her point is retarded, with that same logic we might as well legalize rape because having it be a crime didn't stop her rapists hurr
No. 1760533
>>1760518Yeah, people lie about all kinds of shit online, so I won't believe something happened just because they say it did. That doesn't mean I straight up assume people lie, there's always the third option of suspending judgment.
In this case it doesn't matter whether anything happened to her personally because it has no bearing on the question, and her bringing it up so flippantly serves no purpose beyond trying to browbeat her opponents in this discussion into silence, because what are they supposed to do, tell her she's full of shit, or that her experience is irrelevant (I agree with both statements)? She can make a whole circus about that if it happens and can smear the people she's arguing with as being evil and not really feminist because they don't fall to their knees and kiss her feet even though she claimed the biggest victimhood in the conversation.
Either way she doesn't need to actually defend her position with arguments anymore and "won" the argument in a twitter sense of "winning".
No. 1760868
File: 1675510684297.jpeg (526.69 KB, 1170x2099, 64285449-1BB5-499B-A224-5EFA8B…)

This is supposed to be a cardigan in a masc style
No. 1760876
>>1760838Ntayrt, but what the fuck does porn have to do with what anon said? I absolutely agree with her. When a scrote calls me "little lady," or "sweetheart," it immediately raises my hackles because it's infantilizing. I had a male coworker who called me "pumpkin," and it used to unnerve me.
Trooning out to escape misogyny and doing it to be a yaoi boy or whatever aren't mutually exclusive, nor is the latter a requirement for it. A lot of trannies are just autistic or extremely self-hating homosexuals. I'd definitely say that a large portion of the straight TIFs are into BL or slash, but misogyny plays a role in every TIF's "transition" to varying degrees. Accusing anon of being a TIF for thinking that is TRA behavior.
No. 1760885
>>1760868Looks like a kid who walked into her parents' closet and threw on a bunch of clothes to play pretend as an adult.
>>1760361Boy is when you stop shooping your nose and waist, apparently.
No. 1760899
File: 1675515226983.jpeg (176 KB, 828x1130, B482099B-2964-4E7B-9557-9B831B…)

Trannies are so entitled. Here are some TiFs pissing and whining about how a children’s video game is the worst thing to ever happen in their lives. I am not sure how to create a long collage with these so I’m going to make multiple posts
No. 1760942
File: 1675522059538.jpeg (Spoiler Image,363.13 KB, 1536x2048, 2AE3708E-1F5D-451A-90C1-2E5D79…)

>>1760361Calls herself a femboy
No. 1761018
>>1760770Why the fuck so many tifs end up whoring themselves up on of? I understand when tims do this (because men troon out to get sexual attention in the first place) but those sad traumatized women? I thought women troon out to escape sexualization/harassment. Also, they would make much more money if they got bolt ons instead of chopping their tits off. And who the fuck buys it? Men date tifs not because they are attracted to them, but because they are easy pussy. On of every whore is 3$, so why pay for something weird and deformed?
>>1760814Kek nonna where have you seen 30$ onlyfans thots? They are all 5$ at best.
No. 1761056
>>1761018TIFs reach a point where they come too close to de-trooning and need enabling, sex 'work' is shilled as a good thing in their cult circles, and they get to pretend they're owning TERFs/society as a whole/other, lesser women who still identify as female. Before trooning out was common these girls would brag about cutting themselves on 4chan before going down the junkie prostitute route.
Men will coom to humiliation porn. Obese HAES kweens, TIFs, junkies are all the same to them. They like to dangle their $3 subscription in front of the most desperate women to watch them fight for it.
No. 1761104
>>1760900>before she donates to hate organizations>organizations that hurt people????? What hate orgs is Undesirable no. 1 donating to? I seriously want to know and I wonder why nobody is talking about this evil woman using her money to fund evil organizations. That is very serious. First things first, lets start naming these evil orgs that probably hurt so many…
Also kek at this retard talking as if the video game industry is not full of companies that actually hurt people and by people I mean women. Are they planning on boycotting blizzard already or a TIM needs to get fired for it to happen?
I'm honestly losing more and more sympathy for TIFS each passing day. They are the ones doing TIMs dirty work. It's funny how they can't see the roles didn't change at all, they look like married straight women doing all the house chores while their lazy husbands have fun. Still stuck in the same old dynamics.
No. 1761362
>>1760899Picrel she doesn't give a shit about the boycott which seems to be failing anyway.
>>1761314Half the time they cope by making the characters tranny softbois and ignore all the sexist voice lines, like TF2. The other half they're quiet about the games that make them piss themselves like wolfenstein because the large fanbase will laugh at them. The outcry about Rowling in the past has them braver about this I guess.
No. 1761476
File: 1675590583206.jpg (92.1 KB, 1080x333, Screenshot_2023-02-05-10-47-43…)

One of my (gnc) friends posted this and it's sad as fuck….
BL really makes female brains deteriorate.
No. 1761599
>>1761364She’s great, and to take her point farther, there’s not a single human creation in this world that doesn’t have something “
problematic” behind it. You could get upset about the slave labor that comes from clothes or electronics being made, you could get mad at an endless amount of artists or authors or any celebrity because almost all of them have some kind of dirt attached to them. It’s absolutely insane that all this woman has done is defend other women and donate to a buttload of charities and she is essentially Hitler, but every male celebrity who has abused women or children or minorities or done any other fucked up shit is just let go. TRAs have the most fucked up priorities I’ve ever seen.
No. 1761604
File: 1675615336801.png (430.71 KB, 413x2000, hugbox.png)

Fall all the hyper wokeness of TIFs, when they actually try to be the end up tryingto conform to every sort of superficial western standards of manhood and masculinity and comically fail
for e.g their stupid pube beards, many men in Africa and Asia are incapable of growing facial hair and yet they are still undeniably male, the male populations in South East Asia are shorter then most women in the world and they are still undeniably male and there are even cultures where men wear make up and make themselves beautiful but they are still undeniably male
No. 1761605
File: 1675615378490.jpg (643.72 KB, 2658x794, 1646232470122.jpg)

>>1761604native andean men are short, hairless, can't grow beards and sometimes they let their hair grow to a length superior to the average of latinas, but not even a tourist seeing them for first time can confuse one as a woman, because they have the rectangular anatomy and features that all males have
No. 1761620
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No. 1761694
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>>1761643the only woman who ever fooled me is Dylan Mulvaney's friend. I couldn't believe she wasn't a troon, but I'll take the L on that one.
No. 1761743
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Idk if this belongs in the MtF thread or here but barf
No. 1762003
File: 1675656001954.webm (1.51 MB, 320x432, 26Y9CRxWh-yrgcvq.webm)
1 year on T and she still only sounds like a 13 year old boy(at best)
No. 1762026
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>>1761486And they're not even afraid to use faggot/fag when a gay man says he doesn't like vaginas, but poor of them if someone call them "straight" or tell them "you're still a woman".
No. 1762265
>>1761763To clarify, it’s not “forced sterilization” on its own; that’s the wording that TRAs use to cry about it and make it sound insane. They just require you to medically transition or get the chop if you’re a TIM before changing your legal gender. With all of the sex segregated safe guards built into things like public baths, some doctors offices, spas, etc., they can’t be legally letting a bepenised individual waltz around Brie to the 女 on his family registry. Hilarious, because most of them want to do this and more in the first place! But once it’s required, it’s inhumane and scary and horrific? The added fucking irony of getting called a
TERF when you voice some opposition to the gender doctor approved, potentially-sterilizing hormone experiments in the west too kek.
No. 1762273
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Why is it always the lesbians who have to bear this shit, why do these fuckers not call themselves gay or "queer"? You can't have your cake and eat it too.
(Sorry for the spoiler, I can't post screenshots otherwise)
No. 1762358
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>>1762342>sexuality isn't a choiceHey, what about transphobic genital preferences? I guess when we talk about an aiden and a straight male, this isn't a preference but a indisputable fact isn't it lol? pathetic
No. 1762362
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>>1762342a tale as old as time
No. 1762374
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>>1762364Yeah! Or that he was suffering all his life and she should understand poor-poor him. He's the
picrel is also hilarious. It ok to be het and wanting a family when you're men, but if you're a woman - call yourself lesbian.
Aidens are one of the most pathetic group I swear. No one cares about them, and they just refuse to see this.
No. 1762378
>>1762358When a guy comes out as TIM people will tell his gf to hang on in there, not to give up right away, to work on it and that's its so incredibly brave for him to even come out. To be super supportive and gentle and coddle them through it
When a TIF comes out, run away from this horrible liar, this manipulator, gtfo of there right away and cancel all plans. So so manipulative of them to lie!
The gender roles (their og gender roles) are still very much at play in the replies and its painfully obvious. Go on, call her manipulative bitch. You know thats what you want to say but you can't kek
No. 1762380
>>1762379He claims she came out only 24 hours ago but says she plans on having ALL the surgeries. Something isn't adding up. But then he also says there were no hints.. and goes on to say she kept asking him questions like "what if I were a a man, would you still love me??" Is that not a strong hint?
They both sound retarded
No. 1762403
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>>1762342>Op partner sounds manipulativeThat's pure manipulation.
No. 1762430
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>>1762253This happened to me on Amazon
No. 1762657
File: 1675741046283.webm (1.23 MB, 432x768, Feeling_like_skater_boy_o9uxoz…)
How can she even think she looks male in anyway?
No. 1762790
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She’s convinced she’s Hitler reincarnated as a super cute yaoi gay transguy and pretends to know German with google translate.. she also used to defend pedophilia on tumblr before getting chased off. She’s in the process of scrubbing her social media again right now.
No. 1762793
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>>1762790I think she maybe trolling to an extent, I mean just look at her Amazon page
No. 1762818
File: 1675757712322.png (1.48 MB, 1056x740, felixcipher.png)

>>1762790Her tiktok is a wild ride. Some highlights:
>from an upper middle class American family>is 21, still lives with parents>bedroom is decorated with very stereotypical "oriental" decor>parents buy her pokemon cards, trips to disney, and lots of ugly boots>claims bipolar and autism diagnoses at 19>top surgery at 19>was dating some fat TIF but broke up within the last year>ex might have been living at parent's house with her>used to or still does horde snakes, one of which is clearly obese>wrote some awful fantasy book with self insert half demon character>seems to have spiraled further in the past year resulting in the weird hitler larpingThere are also some videos where she clearly has excessive bleeding scratch marks all over the side of her face. One of which she's in the car with her mother who is acting like nothing is wrong or unusual about any of this.
No. 1762821
>>1762818Samefag, but also forgot to mention that she's been on HRT for at least four years now, which means her parents allowed her to begin to transition as a minor. It seems like they also paid for her top surgery and for the publishing of her book.
>>1762814Definitely caught that vibe too. She made a tiktok saying the ex called her manipulative and made a point to say that she obviously cared because she "bought stuff for them". I do wonder if the hitler larp was beginning and that's why the other TIF bailed or if the hitler larp is a direct result of the break up.
No. 1762936
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No. 1762986
File: 1675782354286.jpeg (Spoiler Image,665.92 KB, 1440x1525, 8D6025A9-2AAF-413D-92B8-47948C…)

>>1762936made the mistake of looking at her insta and of course she has onlyfans
No. 1763010
File: 1675785270289.jpg (Spoiler Image,506.14 KB, 1080x1849, IMG_20230207_185109.jpg)

Words cannot describe how much I hate this retard. I know I have already posted her but she is so retarded and homophobic. I wish she killed herself. Okay I need to stop following her, it's not worth my personal milk.
No. 1763012
File: 1675785376596.jpg (184.87 KB, 1080x1148, IMG_20230207_185137.jpg)

At least someone is not completely brain dead
No. 1763013
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No. 1763053
>>1762818From a tiktok comment deep dive people were saying she's half ethnically jewish. Imagine hating yourself so much you try to become both a female man and a jewish nazi.
>>1763020I saw someone say they worked with her at Starbucks at one point and she now works at Tokyo Joe's (I think it's a small restaurant chain but I've never heard of it)
No. 1763253
>>1763010"lesbianism in the caption"
So they're still women lol
No. 1763336
>>1763010has anyone called her a
terf? that's kinda terfy haha
No. 1763684
>>1763012>I'm not a woman but I am a lesbian??
Make it make sense. Or do they mean they are still lesbians because of sex based attraction. If so, why doesn't this same shit apply to TIMs
No. 1763778
>>1763012they say shit like this because to them woman is not "woman"
"woman" means "non-man"
I actually heard shit like that and I know people who are enby (sigh) but have the lesbian flag in their room because "they're not a man".
You have to catch these hands if you call women "non-men" in front of me.
No. 1763808
>>1763012"And he's nonbinary, but we don't identify as men"
Sure Jan
No. 1763901
>>1763012>trans masc lesbians exist and have been getting top surgeryYeah, they're trying to "transition" from gay women into "straight men." It's called internalized homophobia, and isn't really something we should be cheering on as a "
valid" identity.
No. 1763948
>>1763785This makes me so sad, the word woman really has become a slur. Being a lesbian seems to be okay, even female pronouns are okay for many of these genderconfused girls and women, but calling themselves women? No that's very uncool apparently. You have to identify as some "(trans)femme", "(trans)masc" or genderfluid entity. Please don't let it take until next generation for all this nonsense to become uncool.
>>1763778It's weird: they hate the term men because genderwoo includes criticism of "cis" men as the ultimate oppressors so they define everything as non-men but you definitely can't be a woman! The bad word!
No. 1764018
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>>1763901Nonbinary women are never trying to be men, they are just uncomfortable with body fat and using different labels to cope with misogyny. 90% of trans mascs never use the "man" label, but everyone else pushes it on them because they need a comfortable box. look at Eliot page
No. 1764139
File: 1675911494865.jpg (662.82 KB, 1429x1630, EqvhQKdWMAAP-kT.jpg)

>>1763684>>1763012apparently this goes way back, even in Dykes to watch out for there were "bisexual lesbian" characters and gay transmen
No. 1764140
File: 1675911742726.png (504.23 KB, 1011x465, Screenshot_14.png)

>>1764139damn it's incredibly frustrating to see this discourse have such a history
No. 1764269
File: 1675926546980.png (14.51 KB, 540x88, evabraun.png)

>>1762818Apparently the Hitler TIFs ex is going around telling people that she made her roleplay being Eva Braun during the relationship.
No. 1764282
File: 1675928141755.jpg (11.04 KB, 443x449, 0e803f7b0e65a5ba.jpg)

>>1764269>Apparently the Hitler TIFs ex is going around telling people that she made her roleplay being Eva Braun during the wait, she identified as a male and made another TIF pretend to be Eva Brain
No. 1764291
>>1764282>eva brainkek. But yeah, that's what the ex is saying I guess. Apparently the ex has a tiktok too, but I don't use the app so I cannot confirm.
The comment was found in RTG's comments for this video. Hitler TIF is either going to be run off the internet from the attention or double down on the ridiculous larp.
No. 1764339
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>>1764273has this guy always existed
No. 1764346
File: 1675944982781.png (33.34 KB, 1182x242, 1675944246169.png)

Just saw this on /ot/ about how a TIF that is a self-proclaimed truscum is using the farms and despite knowing that she'll never be a true male and afraid of TIMs, she still defends this shit.
No. 1764421
File: 1675957756301.png (45.89 KB, 965x434, ohnoImpeakingaboutroons.png)

The podcast is blocked and reported. The co-hosts still believe in True Trans but they both catch hell for questioning the narrative about troons e.g. acknowledging that detransitoners are thing, that affirmation only is bad idea, most of the studies done on troons are crap, etc.
No. 1764430
>>1764356You sound like a recently peaked person, welcome to sanity!
If you look a little closer you'll see that trans people are hyocrites about literally everything they say
No. 1764516
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No. 1764584
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No. 1764616
>>1764584holy shit batman how does this even happen? are those bruises or bloodclots? either way i agree with
>>1764599 - it looks like op isn't injecting it right which is bananas because they literally teach you how to inject it when they prescribe it + outline what area is safe/unsafe to inject, especially for leg shots which have a higher risk of injection issues than stomach shots. this person should be asking the doctor that prescribed this to them, not randos on reddit, since this is most definitely user error
No. 1764745
>>1764421nayrt but kek yes this is exactly how peaking starts. you feel a bit guilty for it at first and catch yourself using they/them etc automatically out of habit but once you get into the swing of it it feels good and like a huge relief. i wonder if this sub will catch a ban for not troon ass kissing sooner or later
>>1764273still not 100% sure what bi lesbian is supposed to mean but assuming it means a bi woman with a preference for women, how come their male exception is always a soyjak? you'd think their standards would be higher
No. 1764793
File: 1675995010546.jpeg (361.55 KB, 750x1522, 50CAAA8B-92CB-41AB-8D3E-16A136…)

> Now these people who could've possibly been allies or didn't have an opinion on trans people now think trans people are annoying privileged crybaby gen z'ers who just want to control people.
where is the lie?
No. 1764803
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No. 1764843
File: 1676000393215.png (4.17 MB, 750x1334, A7064635-5A67-428E-919A-8D1E3F…)

what is with the tifs always trying to look like little boys?
No. 1764912
File: 1676010897028.jpeg (177.36 KB, 1125x863, 59F09453-4647-4262-A11C-BEA06F…)

>>1764516What kind of a fucking idiot shows a work aquintance their yaoi porn hoard with ”Killing Stalking”
No. 1764921
>>1764516Confused by the reactions itt, is the gay man in the story not a TiF?? All the gay men I know are into way worse shit than Killing Stalking and I've never seen males say stuff like "
toxic gay porn" which is very zoomer twitter rhetoric. Seriously, if you look up and gay porn art made by men, you will find something more outrageous than anything she listed almost immediately.
No. 1764938
>>1764921Gay porn is written very differently compared to yaoi, so yaoi tends to disturb men. It's some sort of uncanny valley effect. Some gay men are really good at snifing out yaoi/gay porn written by a woman since, well, the characters don't 'feel' like men. Kind of like even the most physically masculine tif could never pass as they lack the male socialization.
It's a different thing to read porn made by 'your kind', with fetishes that appeal to you, vs porn made by and for women, with fetishes that appeal to them. Like scrotes can never write yuri without putting their weird fetishes and male gaze into it.
No. 1764960
>>1764843>little boyIs it the overalls? Jfc, women wear these all the time in the summer and spring. This is a nitpick,
nonnie. The only thing that makes this outfit bad is the amount of shit brown overwhelming the colour palette. Do you not leave your house in the summer?
No. 1764970
>>1764745I really hope they don’t get banned but I’m sure they will at some point. The mod is very strict for good reason but their reoccurring weekly thread runs wild with discussion.
The podcast alone is nice, despite bring True Trans they’re both very aware of the environment and climate of the gender discussion, Katie herself is very snarky.
No. 1765032
File: 1676033491734.jpeg (227.23 KB, 1087x2048, F3F0D820-4D62-436C-82EE-6DF0E5…)

A book about transitioning that’s aimed at children, mostly girls
No. 1765033
File: 1676033543653.jpeg (241.06 KB, 786x1048, E639C2F9-5853-4527-A04F-0D16B1…)

>>1765032Mocks detransitioners and is filled with misinformation
No. 1765034
File: 1676033598712.jpeg (Spoiler Image,184.72 KB, 941x1255, D18E654E-9583-4444-A0C8-D04007…)

>>1765033Fails to understand that, shocker, most girls feel awkward during puberty as their body changes!
No. 1765035
File: 1676033697783.jpg (41.06 KB, 636x358, 34045452-0-image-a-30_16019808…)

>>1765033Send this to Keira Bell lol, they're referring to her. She'd be happy to show how crazy that shit is.
No. 1765068
>>1765034>>1765033>>1765032I need to see a picture of this woman, kek, TiFs always look so gross.
And I seriously hate the "body map" or whatever, it feels like an excuse to draw a naked girl so it gets attention from coomers into angsty highschool girls. Plus, moids shave their legs too, that doesn't make them any less moids than they are, it's just these girls' internalized misogyny.
Like, do they really think that body hair suddenly makes their body look like a moid's? Like some super special makeup?
It's kind of a nitpick I guess, I just hate how they assume that if a woman doesn't look like raw chicken or cooked chicken, she's not a woman.
No. 1765075
>>1765032Things like this always make me incredibly sad because I relate so hard to the experience of being an awkward self-hating teen girl, except that I made it without trooning out. It's so sad to see my sisters fall for it and join the cult.
>>1765068>it feels like an excuse to draw a naked girl so it gets attention from coomers into angsty highschool girls.I don't see it. The picture isn't coomerish at all and while this comic is gross, I don't think the body map is the problem here. That would basically mean women aren't allowed to depict ourselves naked ever in the fear of some random coomer getting off to it. The comic clearly isn't aimed at moids.
No. 1765080
>>1765075Then I guess I'm a puritan because I don't see the need to show a naked girl in a comic directed to girls with sub zero self esteem. The details feel coomerish, the description makes the female body seem like the most terrible thing ever, the context makes it even worse.
This isn't a woman drawing a picture of a naked girl with self-deprecating humor that then changes to a positive note or that gives hope to any girl that things may seem gross and annoying as a teenager but it isn't too bad once you grow up, it surely continues talking about how she was right about the descriptions in her "body map" and how she ends up chopping her body and deluding herself into this whole thing being the best thing ever.
No. 1765164
>>1765068Found her. Apparently she has a youtube channel with an extensive history. Here’s a video on the comic that I didn’t actually bother to watch kek
>>1764598What are you talking about? This absolutely can be because of testosterone and wanting to be an oppressee. Instead you took it upon yourself to sperg about bisexual women being the only cause. Great job
No. 1765192
>>1765034“my imaginary willy”
It will always be beyond imagination for me why some women wish to have such a disgusting body part as penis is. Either brain fucked up by extreme trauma or hyper misogyny and being a coomer.
This whole book is absolutely gross, but that’s how the trans community is.
No. 1765418
>>1764912This isn't really so unusual except the work acquaintance bit I guess but most of these people are autistic and don't know how to act anyway. I was friends with they/thems over 30 whose whole trans identity hinged on fandom/kink and being a uwu queer boy. These people are usually academically smart but impressionable and very online.
>>1749566Late but fucking kek this comment goes hard as a twitterfag might say. Based chain-smoking britbong Orwell. It is true though that there aren't many people wimpier and snootier than leftist men who tweet how much they want to murder terfs. Plus points if they say they're vegan, kinky, poly etc.
No. 1765431
File: 1676080555748.png (Spoiler Image,229.16 KB, 1313x1060, 2B56B0E0-B09E-45A9-99D6-7FCA4A…)

Holy shit they’re so fucking girly. Also disgusting.
No. 1765541
File: 1676096411106.jpg (352.34 KB, 720x978, 20230211_063532.jpg)

There's massive problems with protests in Ireland between people pro and anti refugee. One of the big videos being passed around by pro-refugee groups is an aiden who in a classic display of how narcissistic and unself aware of FtMs got up in a trans flag and made a speech about how transphobia is not coming from Africa or the middle east. She really seen videos of protest marches and said "how can I make this about me?"
No. 1765587
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No. 1765588
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>>1765587fucking spam detector it's been 2 minutes already you electrial shit
No. 1765614
File: 1676107189932.png (2.65 MB, 1956x1663, autoandrophilia_stevenson.png)

>>1765587Sweetie, honey… that's NOT what you look like. You are delusional, let's get you some help.
No. 1765624
>>1765603This, lol. You can tell these people must be incredibly bored and sad.
Btw, anyone notice how this shit is all Noelle talks about now? Before she used to post little comics about misc things like LOTR and lesbian relationships but since trooning all she does is post comics about MUH GENDER DYSPHORIA
No. 1765634
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>>1765614she's a 30 year old 5'4 lesbian trying to LARP to be a teenage dreamboat, is this like "reverse-autoandrophilia" where they want to become the guy their teenage crushes would end up liking instead of them
No. 1765640
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Okay time to unfollow lgbt hashtags
No. 1765641
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This generation is beyond salvation
No. 1765642
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No. 1765677
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>>1765653reminds me when twitter was calling the characters in turning red a platonic polycule
No. 1765795
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Does anyone else just get sad seeing more and more people fall into this shit. Picrel is a semi-popular fashion designer on twitter that makes clothes that look like gore that has of course fallen down the gender rabbit hole like everyone else. I don't get it and it makes me sad seeing interesting and creative women reject womanhood
No. 1765842
>>1765795I understand why they’re doing it, every other women that’s like them is doing it and they want to fit in, maybe they felt alienated as children for whatever reason.
A lot of my closest friends fell into the rabbit hole and there’s no helping them
No. 1765844
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>>1765735"So Friends" "no, but is way more deeper than that!" "oh, big friends!" "NOOOOOO BUT QUEEEEER!" "so friends?"
No. 1765848
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>>1765735>speech about how transphobia is not coming from Africa or the middle eastWho is gonna tell to this Aiden that "trans people are ok" in Africa or Middle East because being gay is punished with death and is better to change your sex to save your life FOR REAL and not because "I feel like a woman/man trapped in a man/woman body"?
Oh, no, I forgot they don't even care about gay people in these countries.
No. 1765895
File: 1676141481861.jpeg (998.38 KB, 1170x1885, AA6865D2-A688-4031-95BC-017AAF…)

Because this is how boys look like. Obviously if she dressed in such a feminine way is reducing her dysphoria and iTs tOO cOmplIcATEd
No. 1765897
File: 1676141578259.jpeg (1.15 MB, 1170x1957, D2228A11-3669-4956-9C0A-399C12…)

>>1765895Peak Not A Woman
The full video is her saying “i wouldn’t say I’m not a lesbian more like I’m not even a woman” so if she trying to pass off as a gay man?
No. 1766113
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transgender phone
No. 1766114
>>1765493>>1765484BUH-GUHHH? WHAAAT? YOU WANT TO
HAVE SEX WITH ME? uwu b-but no one's ever s-said that…
No. 1766206
>>1764598>>1764367>>1764150I remember reading a similar story once when I was a teenager on Tumblr, it was by an "ex-lesbian" who only realized she was a lesbian when she was in College and made it part of her political identity only to later realize she was actually straight all along when she was 30 and had an affair with a 19 year old boy
even back then I realized how stupid the story sounded because she just jumped into the lesbian label for the sake of her political identity rather then her actual sexuality
No. 1766300
>>1765264sage and OT but thank you nonna, this is a great point that I'll keep in mind if I'm ever in a conversation like this again. I tried to very gently push back by saying a lot of detransitioners are gay, trauma
victims, on the spectrum and/or mentally ill and that we need better healthcare / support for everyone in general. It's just really unfortunate that the conversation on trans topics has gotten to this point. I don't hate trans people, I just think it'd be better if people recognized that societal gender norms are absolute bullshit and just behaved/dressed in whichever way they want instead of denying biological reality and making irreversible medical decisions in most cases.
( learn to sage) No. 1766322
>>1764367In addition to what
>>1764382 said, being straight is not only seen as “boring, normie” in these spaces, this is also regarded as being a predator, someone who discriminated others based on their own nature. It’s like the “white = automatically racist” but in regards to sexuality.
This is also an issue based on bringing sexuality to matters which it doesn’t affect, like thinking that all homo, bi and non-het queer orientations are people capable of being more sensitive, more rebellious, creative, all that stuff. They project the idea that not being straight makes then special and also
victims of an evil system. In some spaces, being straight also equals being a religious fundamentalist to such people. Being straight is connected with all the worst things they can imagine.
I’d say that even if there’s some straight person in the group who supports the queers, such person might be made to feel isolated due to closer bonding of those who make sexuality all of their identity, possibly might be guilt tripped too for belonging to the majority of the “oppressors”.
In addition to fakebois, this can be seen in the dimension of “gender” too; they repeat the cliché that all women must conform to certain behaviors and trends, so not confirming to these must mean “I’m not a woman”. Social contagion, communication issues, lack of understanding others/society and teenage angst. But most importantly, grooming and narcissism. This has been discussed many times.
No. 1766325
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>>1761604>>1761605Men in Afghanistan wearing eyeliner with long hair and beards
No. 1766375
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>>1766335problem with that assumption is that yaoi/bl is just heterosexuality with extra steps, the brutalized uke is functions(and is usually drawn) as female in all but pronouns
No. 1766413
>>1766399My Hero Academia
Deku and skinny All Might
No. 1766414
File: 1676200454907.jpg (26.14 KB, 529x580, kill.jpg)

>>1766375Sometimes I wonder how the world would be if only jump canceled hero aca if only..
No. 1766417
>>1766399Deku (child/student) and all might (mentor-teacher figure).
They’re from my hero academia
No. 1766467
File: 1676208711241.jpg (237.34 KB, 1516x670, ByEc9UOvcvB6.jpg)

>>1766399nah its izzy/vee, she's an enby who is really into shipping child characters with adults and drawing rule34, picrel is her
No. 1766469
File: 1676209272670.jpg (2.54 MB, 2500x1331, 1670099877788.jpg)

>>1766468tbf Noelle is a unique case among TIFs, she was a proud lesbian but was just overly attracted to a bigirl and couldn't tolerate not being her partner's ideal preference
No. 1766470
>>1766063I've heard a theory that autistic girls tend to be smaller than average. That could explain why most tifs are somehow womanlets.
>>1766113>gets hoesTifs trying to sound like edgy teenage boys are pathetic.
No. 1766473
>>1766468I think a lot of women would prefer to opt out of womanhood but it got "possible" only now, so insecure/ autistic adult women still try it. Also, older lesbians with internalized homophobia since they grew up in more conservative times.
I wonder what autistic girls did back in the day. In the 2000s-2010s they were just into amine/bl I guess, but what did they do even earlier, before women could get diagnosed with autism?
No. 1766493
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No. 1766533
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>>1766516oh your right, but its funny who she "devolved" from a regular fujoshi to one who shipped underage boys and adult men to one who now mostly ships brosis(but still occasionally draws old men and little boys)
No. 1766617
>>1766468I know a 48 years old nonbinary they/them and from browsing her old blogs it's clear she used to identify as a lesbian but also has fujo tendencies and is autistic with obvious masculine interests. I'd say besides autism, misogyny and homophobia being at play here, the biggest issue is the lack of diverse female representation during our lives. Makes so many women think there must be something wrong with them if they're not like the hyper feminine women we see all the time on media.
This woman I'm talking about is a quite sad case because she was cancelled for associating with fujos and only didn't get as much flak as the fujo associate because she is a "non woman" but she is so close at getting it but is still subscribed to troonism without any critical thinking. She could've been a good female representation for all the young girls that idolize her but are trooning out instead. This kind of thing drives me nuts!
No. 1766623
>>1766473Sage for blog, but back in the '90, my autism was taken like "she's not like other girls", but not once my parents got told that they should give me puberty blocks because obviously I was a guy, but to understand that it was OK if lil
nonnie had different hobbies, ideas and opinions as long as they don't hurt no one.
I'm glad that's why internet wasn't popular here.
No. 1766628
>>1766617Yeah, I even remember that there was a lack of female representation until animu/video games arrived, and even then, you would be bullied for being a nerd or "anime/videogames is only for men" (when there are tons of anime / videogames with strong female characters)". Sorry, lil
nonnie, misogyny called and you cannot be happy as a girl with a different hobby.
No. 1766631
>>1766627Ugh you remember me when I started to like wrestling because it was soap opera with wrestling and women fight too (in the Raw is War/WWF attitude era). I would be mocked for liking the good looking wrestlers (well, of course I'll like the good looking wrestlers!) or the common "you know wrestling is not real, right"? (movies aren't neither, duh).
It breaks my heart that, still in this year, there are many teen girls thinking that they are the wrong gender for their hobbies or that they are "posers" if they enjoy anime/videogames. And even more if they are tomboy.
No. 1766664
File: 1676231632667.jpg (58.78 KB, 642x722, Chris-Jericho.jpg)

>>1766636Chris Jericho back in the Attitude era, Jeff Hardy (before the drugs), Shawn Michaels… I can't recall, but I really, REALLY loved Chris Jericho.
No. 1766705
File: 1676235159163.jpg (Spoiler Image,222.86 KB, 1020x1274, FoQHQF1aEAEZsao.jpg)

this has almost 4,000 likes. delusion. warning it's porn but it's so unerotic you know it was drawn by a tif.
No. 1766707
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>>1766636>>1766664Nonny.. you post that oiled up goofball when this dude exists?
No. 1766717
File: 1676235595932.jpeg (130.5 KB, 827x997, 1660165075401.jpeg)

>>1766375Is this the same person who drew picrel?
No. 1766870
>>1766375Can you fucking stop derailing the thread with the same retarded talking points about how ukes are "functionally women," and how much more "violent" yaoi is than the shit scrotes like? You do this bullshit at least once every thread and it's obvious it's you doing it every time because you use the same typing style and attach some shitty art as an "example" every time. There's a fujoshi cringe thread for this purpose, take this shit there.
For the millionth time: not all fujoshis are into seme/uke dynamics, and even fewer are into Mpreg/ABO. Most BL isn't violent, and in fact Bara (often made by ~le true and honest fag scrotes~) is way more likely to be rapey and violent. Is BL a weird fetish? Sure. Does it depict gay men realistically? Obviously not.
Your retarded unending crusade about it makes me suspicious that you're either a seething Aiden, or some faggot like Blaine trying to intentionally derail the thread. I can't think of any other reason you'd make the same goddamn post about ukes multiple times in several different threads barring severe autism.
No. 1767038
>>1766335Not trying to wk her but you do realize that
>Most people aren't into porn beyond some eroticism.sounds ridiculous when scrotes are jerking it to rape on tape 24/7, right? Ofc it's very different from fujoshit, but you can't honestly call mainstream porn enything else than rape in most cases.
No. 1767289
File: 1676304900940.jpg (25.06 KB, 612x290, 330601292_585190209847049_6721…)

>>1766707I thought they said only the attitude era, sorry.
Another case of "but you failed biology!"
No. 1767682
File: 1676346791031.png (13.74 KB, 445x178, 195c2053_500.png)

>>1767546From the same IG: Lesbians are forbidden to use sex toys, according to minors.
>>1767620Intersex: I was assigned as female at birth because I had two genitals, but my parents decided that I should keep my vagina and keep an eye in any health issu-
Intersex person: what?
No. 1767777
>>1767620Fuck, reminds me of all the case of the gravesite of "transgender finnish woman", because it was a male skeleton given a proper burial but found with female clothing and artifacts, and TRAs used this as evidence that ancient societies were tolerant and included transpeople, later expect genetic evidence showed the person buried was an intersex individual with androgen insensitivity syndrome and so this person's body would have appeared female for most of their life
>Androgen insensitivity syndrome (AIS) is when a person who is genetically male (who has one X and one Y chromosome) is resistant to male hormones (called androgens). As a result, the person has some of the physical traits of a woman, but the genetic makeup of a manand I feel for intersex people(past and current) whose identities get co-opted by troons and tras to serve their narratives
No. 1767796
File: 1676361816353.png (279.04 KB, 648x881, hmmmm.png)

This could go in either tranny thread, but let's be honest this is only shit TIFs care about. TIMs are psychotic and don't know or care, they blame the world being transphobic for their shitty behavior and insanity.
No. 1767849
File: 1676380661893.jpg (392.14 KB, 1168x1280, jes.jpg)

>>1767796It's nice that we just let psychotic people do what they want now. Can we also please stop oppressing the people who think they're the 2nd coming of Christ? It's not nice to trap The Savior in a mental hospital and try to drug The Light out of them. Imagine if they put Jesus Christ himself in a men's prison? If I say I'm Jesus you build me a church to live in or I will kill myself. These are the rules. Respect me, Christohobes. I died for all of you, and you die for cross sex hormones. Who is suffering more? Me.
No. 1768029
>>1768001this is horrifying but this part
>And it smelled. just too poetic and so fitting for trannies kek
No. 1768130
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No. 1768276
File: 1676420801950.png (77.45 KB, 810x805, not a man.png)

this nonbinary nlog in my fandom has been making polls all day about whether or not you'd fuck various characters, and they're worded so fucking weirdly.
imagine telling yourself ten years ago that supposedly progressive people would be calling lesbians "not a man, primarily into women", kek
No. 1768320
File: 1676423254856.png (179.97 KB, 350x279, Untitled.png)

i want you all to know that aidens are sexualizing the characters(?) of this game and i want to fucking kms
why are we so autistic, girlies?
No. 1768333
>>1767796Most vocal and logged on "psychotics" are self diagnosed and faking imho in my
BPD opinion. A lot probably self dx with that because it's less mainstream than autism and most personality disorders are currently and similar to trooning it's considered
problematic gatekeeping to act like every other teenager on tumblr doesn't have at least 5 mental illnesses now
No. 1768336
File: 1676424702483.gif (2.13 MB, 518x273, 1470351881519.gif)

>>1768276>Not a men>Into women
>imagine telling yourself ten years ago that supposedly progressive people would be calling lesbians "not a man, primarily into women", kekTen year ago you would expect that kind of poll from the most conservative homophobic pricks.
No. 1768368
>>1768276>yes (man into men)>yes (woman into women)FTFY Tumblr user in OPs post. Next time try these as well if they're allergic to saying the word woman…
>yes (sexual beast, ovulating)>no (sexual beast, ovulating)(Also what does Asexuality mean anymore? Didn't demi-sexuality die out as a thing? It feels rude to suggest any Female "asexual" secretly wants heterosexual sex with two dudes. Most people who say they are Asexual are women who wants scrotes off their ass. Scrotes will scrote but having any sort of fallback sexuality for yourself to believe in helps. Two 20yr women I work with say they're asexual for this purpose when in the past it was instead a "lesbian card" or "I already have a boyfriend")
No. 1768427
>>1768320bit of a tinfoil but i dont think theyre actually attracted to them. it's like theyre trying to emulate how guys "joke" about wanting fuck literally anything. They don't want to seem like girly girls gushing about normal looking men.
idk maybe it's really is just the tism
No. 1768468
>>1768368offtop in regards to fakebois but I’ll tell you about asexuality: the progressive queers view it as a “spectrum”, so if you don’t agree that asexual people can desire sex and even have lots of it, you would be called acephobic (or even aphobic which is another form of that and I find this word stupid because it would mean “fearless”).
I guess demisexuality isn’t as popular as casual sexualities or asexuality. I always perceived demisexuality as made up name for a more reasonable approach to life, just hijacked by queers. But dare to suggest it’s not good to engage in sex with whoever you find hot without knowing them and you’ll get called “slut-shamer” by the queers. They know no logic.
This is a reason why I understood how cringe the term asexuality became and how it harms regular people who just live their lives, just aren’t interested in sex with anyone.
BTW the sexual/romantic distinction feels tricky to me. I can see some people can be in a relationship but don’t have sex but having sex without any connection to another person just feels wrong. Yet that distinction of orientations allows one to say they are for example x-sexual and aromantic aka desiring sex but not romantic connection. All sorts of wild combos can be now protected under the LGBTQ umbrella and considered “heckin’
No. 1768512
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Presented without comment(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)
No. 1768532
>>1768468>BTW the sexual/romantic distinction feels tricky to meThis is spergy but the genderspecials drive me nuts with this.
There is no split, it's the same thing: sexual attraction. When you want to kiss someone (which they consider "just" romance) that's actually just from sexual attraction. It's technically even considered a sexual act, it just doesn't involve genitalia, much like how touching boobs or someone doing some foot fetish shit (ew ew ew) is a sexual act even when genitalia isn't directly involved in the act. Naturally you can touch boobs or feet without it being sexual too if there's no attraction going on there.
If you want to kiss a child or a dog that's an affectionate display but it doesn't come from "damn I really want to make out and touch that dog over there". Same can be said about girls wanting to kiss a friends cheek and hug them, the same way they'd kiss and hug a baby: it's not attraction based, it's affection based. A lot of girls go wrong there because they think their affection and natural human need for skin on skin contact must be a form of attraction. It's like they forget the vast majority of human interactions are with friends and family and we evolved for affection, you're "supposed" to feel affection for friends. Even monkeys groom and touch friends and family.
Romance is only a real thing when it's defined as a genre or action, something like "showing affection with attraction based intent" which is why the exact same scenario (a picnic for example) is romantic with a spouse yet platonic with a friend, even if everything that happened was exactly the same.
If you ONLY feel platonic affection towards someone you're not a "biromantic asexual" just becasue you like cuddling certain but not other friends. That's just… being friends and having different boundaries for different people, like every other person on earth has too. People can be asexual for real if they're literal kids, developmentally stunted or have medical issues. If they want to try to get it medically fixed (not the kids obviously) or not is up to them, like you can have acne but not give a fuck and just let the acne exist on you if you don't see it as a problem.
No. 1768624
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a lot of TIFs remind me of girls who fetishize being slightly below average height
>i'll forever be a tiny tiny twink uwu
No. 1768675
nonny this was my first thought too.
No. 1768868
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>>1768512>>1768633>>1768675I was thinking image related, that fits.
No. 1769038
>>1768624Just my observation from irl but a lot of zoomers seem to be naturally taller than millennials and fucking duh most men or any male who's hit puberty are going to be taller than women
>i'll forever be a tiny tiny twinkShort forever sure, but anyone who's spent 5 minutes looking at gay stuff knows "twink death" occurs at age 25 kek, probably sooner depending on how young you start poisoning your body with T
No. 1769178
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>>1764150found it, not exactly how I remember it but still interesting nonetheless and Griffin(the TIF) now identifies as pansexual
>A audio interview (This American Life) with Griffin Hansbury, who started life as a butch lesbian woman, but began taking massive testosterone and now lives as a "man". It’s just 17 minutes long, and quite "interesting" in a way. You won’t find any real science here but it remains an interesting glimpse on the mindset of TIFs>The most striking change was she described having this incredible boost in her sexual desire. Where as before she would fantasise and embark on constructing a long inner verbal narrative around the women she would find attractive, she now simply objectifies, and lusts after their beauty. Everything she now touches turns to sex. She describes how she can now see that even cars can be sexy - their artful forms. She described herself as previously being very much a butch feminist but has now even been called a misogynist because of her newly found desires, and behaviours. She now identifies as a “post-feminist”, and describes her inner battle between what she was told to think as a feminist, and her now newly found powerful lust.>She claims that she even found a new interest in science after taking testosterone - that she finally understands it for the first time.>She now finds she cannot have a good cry anymore, that she can’t befriend women with the same closeness as her prior self.
>This American Life: Testosterone - scroll right down the page to find “ACT 2”, and play it from there. No. 1770685
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Some real sad looking zipper tits on this poomer, feel bad for her non mangled girlfriend
No. 1770687
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>>1770685I mean pooner ofc. She has a very ape like skull shape and posture
No. 1771873
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No. 1772264
>>1764516lmaooo i am trying to imagine, as a lesbian into anime like. going to a male friends house and they are like 'oh!! i have some manga you might like!!' and then they show me yuri hentai. how does she not realize what an weirdo she is being here, i'm surprised reddit rated nta. they usually jump at the opportunity to start yelling about 'if the roles were reversed'.
>>1764912i tried reading killing stalking a while back but found it disturbing - not because of the subject matter but because it felt fetishy while this twink was being raped and tortured, which was jarring considering i was told it was a horror/thriller. i went on for longer than i should have hoping for some sort of substance but it was just torture porn (and actual porn). i feel like most normies would be irked by this kind of shit, gay or not. just so odd to show your friend porn anyways-but she's qweer not gay so she might have not understood real gay people aren't like the ones online.
a lot of this was off topic i just love complaining about fujos and spicy straights lol sorry.