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No. 1400739
Old Threads by order of recency:
>>>/snow/1366943>>>/snow/1338847>>>/snow/1303022>>>/snow/1251681>>>/snow/1208873>>>/snow/1137677>>>/snow/1095226>>>/snow/1032764>>>/snow/979294>>>/snow/895014>>>/snow/720444>>>/snow/570991>>>/snow/465430>>>/snow/276054>>>/snow/45564>>>/snow/26392This thread is for posting and discussing cringey fakebois who may or may not deserve their own threads.
Fakebois are girls who pretend to be boys for attention, either as trannies or biological males (usually the former).
Fakebois style and present themselves as androgynous or feminine-looking young men, even wearing girls' clothing and make-up. They insist on being addressed with he/him (or occasionally they/them) pronouns and take great offense at being gendered as female. Some are SJW transactivists, but for most their identities are entirely superficial.
Reminder to "truescums" and "transmeds": Nobody cares about how [[[100% REAL]]] your or any other tranny's ~dysphoria~ is. Don't derail about how you're actually a true troon unlike everyone else, save it for your twitter feed.
No. 1400842
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>>1400824I should have just googled it, thank you it does mean that
No. 1400933
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>>1400235>How Anybodys' Trans Identity Fixes A Problem With The Original
>In the 2021 remake of West Side Story, Anybodys' character, played by non-binary actor Iris Menas, is no longer a tomboy and is instead a trans man, fixing a MAJOR PROBLEM with the character in the original. The musical-turned-motion-picture West Side Story takes the story of Romeo and Juliet and sets it in 1957 New York City as tensions are rising between the Puerto Rican Sharks and White American Jets
>The original 1961 movie version, directed by Robert Wise and Jerome Robbins, differs greatly from the 2021 remake of West Side Story, directed by Steven Spielberg, mostly to appease a modern audience. Spielberg adds a few characters, like Valentina played by Rita Moreno from the 1961 film, and he changed the order and staging for some of the songs. Most importantly, many of his changes add sociopolitical context that's necessary to understand the nuance of the musical. One of those changes is taking the tomboy character Anybodys and making him a trans man, which fixes the problems with the character in the original movie.
>Anybodys in the original West Side Story doesn't make a lot of sense as a character, and that's mostly because she doesn't serve much of a purpose. While other characters have direct roots from characters in Romeo and Juliet, Anybodys doesn't have an equivalent, so the addition of her character was a choice Ernest Lehman actively made in the original, but then they don't do anything of substance with her. In the original 1961 version of West Side Story, she doesn't sing, and her subplot of a girl trying to join an all-boys gang is played for laughs. The gang is terribly rude to her, declaring that she's a girl and will always be a girl, and they exclude her from their group even though she's desperate for their acceptance. She does eventually earn their respect by warning of Chino's plan to kill Tony, but then she immediately participates in the terrible things the Jets do, calling into question if earning their respect was even worth it. In the end, she's again exiled from the Jets to protect her from the other boys in the gang, ending her story in the same place it began. The character is a strange choice in the original movie.
>In the 2021 remake of West Side Story, director Steven Spielberg and screenwriter Tony Kushner decided to make Anybodys' character a trans man. This decision fixes a lot of the problems with the original character because it adds meaning and nuance to his subplot. Instead of the story being played for laughs as a girl tries to be one of the boys, it's a serious and heartfelt story of a trans man seeking acceptance and trying to prove himself to the Jets. The rejection from the Jets when they call Anybodys a girl who will always be a girl is no longer funny but instead cruel abuse from a group Anybodys trusted and looked up to. When Anybodys warns the Jets of Chino's plan to kill Tony, he's recognized and validated as not only a member of the gang but as a man. In the biggest change from the 1961 West Side Story, Anybodys isn't exiled by the group, but instead, his story ends in a better place than it started as an accepted member of the gang. He actually has a character arc.
>By making Anybodys a trans character, West Side Story adds a layer of representation that wasn't there before. The LGBTQ community already saw themselves in Anybodys' gender non-conforming character in the original. For many, the character was already trans. Confirming the character's identity validates what viewers already saw and related to. Without these changes, Anybodys' character would just be a throwaway joke like the original. No. 1401022
>The rejection from the Jets when they call Anybodys a girl who will always be a girl is no longer funny but instead cruel abuseThis CAN NOT be real. Holy shit I want to A-log so bad.
>a female character experiencing misogyny doesn't matter and does not make for a good story, but now that she's a man instead it's heart-wrenching sociopolitical commentary.>in the end she's validated as a man and is finally accepted as a member of the gangYou hear that ladies? Just become a man instead and escape misogyny! There is so much wrong with this on so many levels I could rant all day.
No. 1401166
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Either this never happened or she needs to fire her therapist. I'm scared for the future of psychology if therapists are taught to encourage trans delusion and shut down any actual critical or dialectical thought around it.
No. 1401256
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a personal cow of mine who claims to be an asexual nonbinary transguy or whatever and jerks the usual 'enbies don't owe you androgyny' mantra. also writes funny blog entries about how she's going to deck someone for calling her miss or lady, because she's so very obviously not a miss or a lady. these are recent pics and in the middle of her profile, not hidden or anything so it's obvious that she makes no effort to transition. she also frequently cosplays female characters in dresses and with her tits very visible, and of course she calls herself elliot.
No. 1401341
>>1401166i hope this is lying for views but a part of me believes it, since a lot of typical therapy these days is hugboxing (speaking from experience sadly). i've read when it comes to gender, therapists try to be affirming from the start in order to not risk being accused of practicing "conversion therapy"…
>>1401337you're onto something, but i also think when it comes to agp vs fakeboi interest in femininity, they come from different places. a lot of agps think performing it will make them "more suited to be" women or a form of personal degradation to them and is thus sexually exciting to them, while fakebois want to be feminine in the way a twink or even drag queen would be, aka they want to look the same without being mistreated for it like a woman (although a lot of "gay man" fakebois do sexualized being a so-called "twink", and there's a whole reddit sub for TIFs who want to be degraded, so in some ways it could be two sides of the same coin)
No. 1401372
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No. 1401373
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No. 1401473
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What too much Yaoi does to a bitch
No. 1401563
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so i was looking at r/detrans out of curiosity, and i found what appears to be a TIF counterpart to buffalo bill trying to soak up pity/advice… if you look at the rest of her post history (at your own risk) she posts in necrophilia subs and talking about wanting to eat women (asian women specifically? i think she uses that chinese slur in one of the posts)
No. 1401572
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>>1401565yeah, cannibalism/sadism because of her internalized misogyny, and racism to boot. i can't tell if this is edgelord posting or someone extremely sick in the head, or both. she also posted about a violent CP producer being her "hero" but it was taken down. i tend to pity pornsick TIFs but this woman needs to be institutionalized or something lmao
No. 1401587
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>>1401584this screenshot i mentioned in my last post SCREAMS "moid" but her post history are also in subs like "truscum" and "xenogender" (some moids are in trans subcultures like this, but they're mostly female), so for now i'm betting she's a pornsick female. i don't understand why some TIFs think being porn-addicted and misogynistic will make them seem like convincing men when they act identical to the nymphomaniac pickme NLOGs i used to know
No. 1401635
>>1401584>>1401587Either this is a really convincing moid larp, or she's schizophrenic, sociopathic, NPD,
and pornsick with infinite internalized misogyny. If she's actually a woman, I doubt she's anything larger than a psychological threat to the people around her, and she's more of a threat to herself. She needs to be institutionalized either way.
No. 1401641
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>>1401635her pity posts in r/detrans were talking about wanting to make female friends or be in female spaces but having "sexual problems" towards them, so i think she's aware she's a danger to people. another post i found in another reddit sub has her admitting to thinking a gore video of a woman was hot and saving it. maybe she'll get busted for illegal possession of something and get v&'d is another best case scenario.
No. 1401648
>>1401641I don't know, I just read this as a pornsick woman who gets reminded of her misogynistic porn fantasies when talking to women and wants to jack off to it, but also struggles to make female friends because she's an insensitive freak. I don't think she would actually go through with hurting anyone for her fetish like a moid would, unless
maybe she somehow got consent for regular sex from a woman, but it doesn't seem like she'll get that far, considering she can't even make a single female friend. She's still crazy and horrible, but I can't consider her the same threat that a moid posting this same shit would be, since she won't get the same benefit of the doubt moids do and doesn't have the tard strength that moids have. She still needs to be locked up, though. And if she ever roams free, she shouldn't have access to the internet and should have restricted media intake.
No. 1401775
>>1401658>edgy 14y/oAre tifs really that fucking immature/young? Why are there less adult women who troon and more who are detransitioners kek
>>1401675Of course she's a girl plus too bad for her she can't be more masculine if she wanted to. A few butches who dont troon can look like a teen guy/a moid but most troons know they can't so therefore they troon
No. 1401795
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>>1401563Kikomianon needs to draw a new picrel inspired post. Because the most passing(kek) of TIFs are one who act like TIMs (peaking irony) but of course which woman would commit that irl? The transgirl roleplay here
No. 1401899
>>1401587Eww Peter Scully’s CP is what Josh Duggar got arrested for. And the child
victims were Philippino, so that checks the Asian hate box.
No. 1402001
>>1401782AYRT, that's sad and interesting but what i meant is that TIFs who think being obsessed with porn and sexually inappropriate will make them seem more like men, to me, they end up acting more like the nympho women i knew who were also addicted to porn and hated women (but it manifested into a NLOG mentality instead), since inappropriate sex-crazed behavior manifests in specific ways depending on sex (but there are exceptions, these TIFs just aren't one of them)
>how is the correlation of fakebois who act pornsick become so sex-crazed and therefore attracted to men too?for the fakebois who actually take hormones, i think that's a factor in why they become sex-crazed… i knew a TIF who was initially modest and "asexual" (she claimed to be "biromantic but preferred girls") end up losing her shit with sexuality/inhibition when she started taking testosterone, and later decided she was "gay" aka becoming more sexually interested in men now (i know some bisexuals have their preferences shift and consider that normal, but it was like the hormones flipped the switch instead of a natural flow)…of course she still considered herself "asexual" while taking nudes and tweeting about constantly masturbating, though. that's for the prudish ones though, i know a lot of TIFs had high libidos before and after trans-identity, usually from hormone imbalances or sexual abuse which are sometimes why they go down the trans rabbithole
>>1401795someone has to show the artist, i'd love to see her spin on this lmao
>>1401899i found out about him from various true crime youtubers i follow, and apparently the CP he made was so violent it traumatized the FBI, and the philippines almost brought back the death penalty for him. anyone who sees him as some "hero" should be shot
>>1401911not to be a moralfag but that might be because i actually reported her reddit post about wanting to eat chinese women, because it used a racial slur and therefore considered hate speech
No. 1402096
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i'm straight. how the fuck does she think any straight women are going to be attracted to her. delusion
No. 1402241
Where can I read about this?
No. 1402346
>>1402260Yeah this shit is common in fandom/oc circles unfortunately lol.
Tbh with these cases it can sometimes be hard to tell but I feel like a good chunk of the time they end up being bisexual. Could be a lesbian deep in the bullshit tho.
No. 1402358
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Do you anons think Conor Mason from the band Nothing But Thieves is a TIF? Or is he just a male that happens to look and sound weirdly feminine? I look at pictures or videos of him and end up so confused because all I see is a butch lesbian.
No. 1402393
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>>1402370Here's another pic. I read that a lot of speculated that they are trans.
No. 1402395
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>>1402393*a lot of people
No. 1402397
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>>1402358>>1402393>>1402395Seems like an ugly moid from old HS photos?
No. 1402398
>>1402346She ID'd as bi for a long time vefore this, but I couldn't get a good read on her, since she always talked about how horny she was for men but only ever seemed to show or portray what kind of women she was attracted to. She's not attractive and doesn't dress femininely (both of which are okay), so I don't think she could get a whole lot of male attention. I've seen some vent art from her that implied she's desperate for approval and love, but also she's posted about how she knows her art is becoming more flat and boring, and she's losing energy and passion for art. I think she's fallen in love with the idea of the queerio crowd and thinks she can find unconditional love there, but is killing her creative drive trying to appeal to them, and possibly driving herself into a downward spiral in doing so. She seems lonelier than ever, honestly, but also draws distance from others. I just wish I could have the messy, passionate, creative autistic woman friend I met back, "
problematic" parts and all, but I'm left with a distant case study of how the gendercult breaks people down and destroys creativity.
No. 1402477
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i hope her ex-wife is thriving.
No. 1402512
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I have so much to say, I don't know where to begin
No. 1402543
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>>1402413>>1402542yeah this is a girl she doesn't even sound like she was on hormones
No. 1402546
>>1402543Wait until u hear Chase Strangio's voice
No. 1402550
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>>1402546i mean look at those hands, this is a woman
No. 1402570
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>>1402358If that is a woman I want to know what surgeon he went to
No. 1402586
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>>1402570yep, no scars as far as i can see. god why are we so autistic.
No. 1402704
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>>1402693keyhole incision top surgery
No. 1402715
>>1402693>you're delusionalsays the person convincing herself some random androgynous moid is a tif. go outside
>>1402704that looks nothing like a male chest
No. 1402813
>>1402715look at that fucking hand and a wrist.
>>1402550that is not a man
she doesn't even sound like a man
No. 1402815
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LMAO look at this shit her old pictures, no one but lesbians had/have this hair!!! she's a dyke guaranteed. see you in the future when some kind of ShOcKiNg nikkie de jager-tier revelation happens again hahahaha
No. 1402841
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>>1402815>>1402813This thread is for fakebois not for your weird conspiracies about everyone being trans
No. 1402857
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>>1402852Agreed anon. She almost got me, but that soft face comes through in certain pictures. Plus the dainty hands.
No. 1402883
>>1402542I seriously can't tell if this is a TIF or just a really weird looking bloke.
>>1402624He's 28.
No. 1402898
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>>1402883It's very obvious she's a woman when she's around actual dudes
No. 1402911
>>1402909i think he's intersex. 0 evidence apart from "hmmmm i think he's a woman". no pics of him as a girl, no visible scars, 0 mention of him being trans anywhere. he looks more male as a kid.
plus if he was on T he'd be able to grow facial hair.
No. 1403107
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I feel bad for conor when I found this ftm professor here
No. 1403110
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>>1403107I saw a video of her before knowing she was a troon thought she was a slightly shorter than average old men. Most old men are short anyways
No. 1403293
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TiFs comparing the mutilation of healthy body parts to high art and aesthetic beauty is one of the most disturbing things of the trend imo.
No. 1403308
>>1402901>none of us are tranniesYou have no way to confirm that, we are anonymous
>it's conspiracy theorists like you who fuck up the whole discordDiscord? Wtf are you talking about?
>People can be GNC and intersex people legitimately existI could believe "he" is intersex, but is kinda suspicious that so many people have asked if he's trans but there's no answer from him, if he was just some guy he would disclose it "oh I'm just intersex lol" but the fact there's all this mystery is very strange
>>1402923She has normal sized head, stop forcing it because no one is buying it
>>1403293Even when they're trying to larp men, they want to be seen as aesthetically beautiful beings
No. 1403320
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>>1403293>>1403308>Even when they're trying to larp men, they want to be seen as aesthetically beautiful beingsI mean who wouldn't, I can relate to certain TIFs cause I think of myself as some one who appreciates male beauty
not the way Fujos or gay men lust after male bodies, I appreciate the aesthetic more then anything
the oh-natural muscles, the straight or curly hair and the clear skin
Young male beauty is truly unique and great in its own way but no woman could ever replicate it, just as no man could replicate female beauty
No. 1403335
toxic femininity is showing, kek.
>”suffering” but I’m so uwu aesthetic and totally beautifulIt’s seriously hilarious how their “male brains/souls” won’t filter out the female socialization to let them act like “true and honest males”
No. 1403352
>>1402861There's a schizo scrote (who unfortunately visits lolcow) who's developed a conspiracy theory that a bunch of random celebrities are actually trans. Most of the 'this celeb looks trans' posts are probably from him or a fellow schizo, though this guy
>>1402857 truly does look like he could be FTM imo.
>>1403102Kids are increasingly failing to learn how to cope with their circumstances, body dysmorphia included; it's going to cause serious problems for them when they have to leave the nest.
No. 1403396
>>1403387Gross wtf, and i'm literally defined as the opposite sex of all women why should i step in women's doors
Plus since you said that it would mean women with bros are in constant lookout of if any of her brothers would grab a chance to steal her undergarments. Also if I need girly panties I would have purchased my own. I too have enough of AGPs so I came here. Idiots
(tranny) No. 1403418
>>1403396from my old post
>I have a sister so i do understand womenAnd she isn't any different from the majority of women here who overuses "moid" and more recently "chromoid" as if XY is a chromosomal disorder kek.
No. 1403435
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oh, the joy of roleplay
No. 1403438
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>>1403425What are you even saying. Go away.
No. 1403560
>>1403354There is a lot of speculation that he is actually female and Conor has responded to people saying his voice and body resembles a woman’s with “HAHAHA thats crazy! I can’t believe you would think that!”
He also likes the color pink and wearing feminine clothing because he said it’s comfortable for him. I mean men can do that too but Conor is just really suspicious to me.
No. 1403643
>>1402911Might not even be on T to be honest. I know women on T who look more masculine than that. Conor looks like a butch lesbian who had top surgery, and "Conor" can be a female name too.
>>1403642That is possible
>That mechanism appears to be housework. Watching their sisters do the chores “teaches” boys that housework is simply women’s work, and that leads to a traditional view of gender roles ― a position linked to a predilection for Republican politics, say Healy and Malhotra. Boys with all sisters were 13.5% more conservative in their views of women’s roles than boys with all brothers.
>When the boys with female siblings were seniors in high school, they were nearly 15% more likely to identify as Republicans, but as they grew into middle age, that effect diminished sharply. On the other hand, having sisters instead of brothers has no significant effect on girls, Healy and Malhotra found. Other researchers have found that people with traditional views on gender roles are 25% more politically conservative.My own brother used to tell me I should wash the dishes and he shouldn't because he was boy.
No. 1403661
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>>1402883Ok I was like 90% convinced this Conor was a stubby, doughy man with an unusually butchy vibe. Like this guy was just on the extreme feminine end of the spectrum and that's fine, everybody's body is good.
But then I heard the voice and that's actually just a whole ass lesbian! Not even a froggy testosterone edge.
No. 1403674
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>>1403661>Ok I was like 90% convinced this Conor was a stubby, doughy man with an unusually butchy vibe.Opposite of me. I thought 90% chance of being female and 10% chance of being an unusual-looking male. Conor with "his" gf look like a butch/femme lesbian couple lol.
No. 1404123
>>1402911>no pics of him as a girllol all of """his""" pics are of her as a girl she doesn't look like a man at all.
also i actually know TIFs in real life and lot of them can't be able to grow a proper beard even after taking T, some of their voices don't even drop properly. i wonder if many of you actually know and have seen TIFs in real life and that's why you can't clock them.
No. 1404140
>>1404126I dont think that butches or ugly women don't exist, I've never seen one with Adam's apple tho. I admit I didn't know it's apparently possible for a woman to have it. To be fair, it's barely visible in the photo.
If this person is FTM, how the fuck did they manage to keep it a secret tho?
No. 1404385
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I wonder why the homophobic woman is is cool with your totally 100% gay relationship Ayden
Its a mystery
No. 1404454
>>1404385>just a few surgeries Ok, how many are they? From top to bottom
>Face masculinization surgery>Breast removal>hysterectomy >phalloplastyBut then you need to get a nosejob too, because just doing the jaw throws everything off balance, and I’m guessing that the phalloplasty can’t be done at once with the hysterectomy like the face masculinization surgery and the nosejob.
It might be a short list, but I’m pretty sure you can’t just do all of these surgeries in a week without some horrifying consequence.
At this point, I can’t help but find this ironic, because if another woman said that she just needed a boob job, a nosejob, a bichectomy, her labia reduced and a butt lift to feel like herself, she wouldn’t be considered brave and stunning.
No. 1404618
File: 1640829168521.jpg (446.49 KB, 1920x1080, Ezra McCandless.jpg)

In honour of this very special serial killer edition, here's Ezra McCandless. Fakeboi who flipped out, stabbed her ex-boyfriend to death, mutilated his penis, and then carved the word BOY into her own arm kek.
No. 1404629
>>1404618I can’t help but feel bad for fakebois, most of the times they seem to have gone through some shit that made them go insane. Unlike male troons, who are driven by coom, with the exceptions being the ultimate fujo idiots who are into larping their Yaois.
It’s probably just me being sensitive I guess.
No. 1404857
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>>1404737as anon said
>>1404853 they seem to have a warped view of Jewish males, viewing them similar to how they view korean guys
also being non-threatening, ~soft~, not hyper macho and always being skinny pale with dark curly hair
No. 1404883
>>1404872tbf not all men are even capable of growing beards, just a bit of fuzz on their face
probably only european and MEAN men can grow proper beards and even then its a crap shoot cause many grow awful pube beards as well
No. 1404966
>>1404950Its why I love it, its such a ridiculous conclusion that only some one drunk of TRA kooaid come up with
In fact I love ftm headcanons
No. 1404981
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>>1404961sorry meant to write in MENA and in terms of body and facial hair growth Caucasoids are the only one's who grow a significant of either
No. 1404983
>>1403661This whole topic reminds me of an obvious tif youtuber that larps as a cis man
I don't know whether Conor is trans but it wouldn't be shocking, Nikki was stealth, and currently there's that tim netflix baker but hardly anyone knows
No. 1405050
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the lack of self awareness is so perplexing
No. 1405057
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>>1405050>> Your favorite autist>> Obsessed with American Psycho >> Probably cosplays as Patrick BatemanThese types scare the shit out of me. I know it might just be edgy creep crap, but it’s giving psychotic.
No. 1405068
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>>1405057>Cannibalistic vorist>chronic masturbator>Has jerma/gygis iconI know this is coming from a girl, but all this gives me the image of some /R9K/ basement fiend
No. 1405128
>>1404967>>1404922It's a little more complicated than that. She'd jumped between a variety of gender identities since her teens. She changed her name legally but to my knowledge never medically transitioned. During the trial she dressed all in pink and really femmed it up as part of this weird narrative she was pushing that her ex-boyfriend had preferred her in fakeboi mode and attacked her because she wanted to desist, forcing her to kill him in self defence (another big-brain move she made was pretending to have amnesia). She had short hair during her sentencing but judging from the instagram page where she sells terrible art from prison she seems not to be doing the fakeboi thing currently.
No. 1405314
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The new matrix movie got me thinking about buck angel being left by his dominatrix wife for one of the wachowski’s. How is being objectified in porn better than doing the same in modeling?
No. 1405418
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>>1404981Here's another map but it counts indigenous populations instead so the Americas are way less hairy now haha.
No. 1405581
>>1405458That's fucking hilarious. In Finland Matti is an old man name as in picrel. No or very few fakebois or NBs would pick that name.
They go for neutral (Viima, Sumu, Kuura, Otava, etc) or retarded (Panda) nature names or cutesy young man names.
No. 1405890
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>>1401166this would fuck up my brain forever as a teenager. i absolutely hated my body growing up, hated my boobs, hated being female and thought of transitioning even back in the early 00s when i was in hs. i shudder to think of all the pro-self-hate shit i see regarding this online these days. there's been multiple studies done on how ftms often transition in groups, as in, friend groups, to a disproportionate degree. these are self-hating girls and women mutilating themselves. it is fucking horrifying. i wish i could remember the name of the woman doing this research. she has a book on it.
No. 1405896
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>>1405657i have absolutely no clue why jerma is the genderspecial favorite. i think because he's an "attractive" (quotes bc i dont think he is but the internet does) cis white man "ally" or something. i don't know, i find him and his humor fucking obnoxious but he is beloved by women so of course fakebois love him too. actually a lot of mtfs shill him too.
No. 1405994
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kek why does she edit her jaw and mouth like this she looks better without all the editing
No. 1405996
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>>1405890you might be thinking of this! one of my best irls is letting me borrow her copy and I have been reading it
No. 1406005
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Anyone else here keep tabs on thiingamajiig on tiktok/IG? She’s so obviously a fakeboi larping as a gay man who is “into dilfs”, I don’t understand why so many fakebois claim that they’re attracted to the same 7 middle aged male characters, is it the ftm equivalent of being an NLOG? This is the cover for her “BL” furry webcomic kek
No. 1406025
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>>1406005Does she seriously wants to fuck Ed, but as an elephant? This is a new low.
No. 1406035
>>1405996>>1406007i want to support this author but i'm genuinely afraid of owning anything that could be hysterically misconstrued as "anti-tranny" and having my life ruined, somehow
i will check out that link and try to donate to her in another way. thank you
>>1406005damn this has a lot of attention for such ugly characters, even by furry standards
No. 1406067
>>1406055this just sounds like genderspecial shit.
femininity and masculinity are real, but men and women should not be expected to conform to them. if this was the case there would be no trans people.
No. 1406070
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>>1405996Three decades ago, these girls might have hankered for liposuction while their physical forms wasted away. Two decades ago, today’s trans-identified teens might have “discovered” a repressed memory of childhood trauma. Today’s diagnostic craze isn’t demonic possession— it’s “gender dysphoria.” And its “cure” is not exorcism, laxatives, or purging. It’s testosterone and “top surgery.”damn.
No. 1406094
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>>1405743am Indian and I guess should explain, the entire south population of India(the Dravadians) are just African-tier hairless, same with the the north east and the untouched tribal groups
If you factor in those population group then India in terms of % does start to little less hairy
No. 1406099
>>1406025You'd be surprised, ed edd n eddy in the early days was full of slash ships and self inserts
the most popular character was double D but Ed was also pretty popular, he was always the designated Top in any pair
No. 1406107
>>1406096>>1406098You two are really reaching here by reading "gender is real" or "all women are feminine/all men are masculine" into what that nona said and disregarding the more eloquent post on the matter right above it. All she said is that the concepts of femininity and masculinity are real and applicable to people, she never said that they should be associated with either sex (in fact, she said the opposite).
>>1406099Now, this isn't coming from personal experience, and I think the attachment to the show is quite silly, but could this have something to do with the whole "romanticized perception of boyhood from the angle of a woman who had to endure girlhood" thing? The show is fairly free of any actual sexuality, outside of the occasional joke, and is mostly about being young, stupid, and chaotic, which seems to be a primary target of envy from TIFs.
No. 1406155
>>1406089TIFs and TIMs are transgressive, which makes them better than normie feminine women.
In both cases the answer is the same: a woman presenting as a feminine woman is buying into
toxic patriarchy, trying too hard, competition, attention whore, and if you fail your presentation by being dowdy, slutty or ugly, that's just embarrassing.
If you're
not really a woman while presenting as a feminine woman, you're cool, transgressive, radical, enlightened, and if you fail at your presentation it just adds to the transgressivity.
No. 1406173
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>>1402883Very conflicted. Absolute sperg ahead. Looks like he has a masculine brow in that video that is rarely seen on a woman but that's his only masc-leaning feature. Look at this tiny torso vs hips. And literally everything else. Voice doesn't even sound masculinized when talking. Singing voice is androgynous (I have heard men produce some of the same tonal qualities, but not all of them - the more extreme the sound they are making, the more sexless it becomes). I probably wouldn't have thought of it at all if not prompted, though.
Honestly, looking unfortunate for either sex makes such a thing hard to gauge for me.
No. 1406250
>>1405314I wish things were different. Being a woman shouldn't be that difficult. Men need to go. kek
>>1406112>>1406188Femininity and masculinity are collections of behaviors. Femininity sucks more because it's used by men to dehumanize and exploit women. Cooking is considered as feminine when it's done domestically but it becomes masculine when done professionally. The only difference is that men are paid and women are expected to do it because it's "natural" for a woman to cook. Fashion is another example. It's a feminine interest and an obligation to women but high end fashion is dominated by men. It isn't as simple as something being masculine or feminine. A woman and a man wearing heels don't have the same meaning. Women are excepted and even forced to wear them. Men on the other hand are free to do it. No one is going to be mad at a man for not wearing heels.
No. 1406258
>>1406250On the being forced to wear heels, it's always been very difficult to buy flat shoes other than sneakers/trainers or ballet slipper/slip on shoes. Everything else has at least a 1 inch heel, usually more. So you're very right in that we are forced to wear heels (aside, men's shoes are better quality if you can find ones in your size)
With the fashion industry it's also insidious because men are choosing what we wear and then judging our morality by our limited options, for example selling lacy underwear, bras and thongs to women and then judging them as sluts for wearing them, when that was their only option other than a black cotton 5-pack of briefs.
Bras usually come with thongs/g-strings rather than a full brief so if you want a matching bra and underwear you're now a slut.
Most women's clothes are short skirts and sleeveless with flimsy material, whoops you're a slut again despite that being all that's available. (Again, try the teenage boys' section if you want more variety in shirts and such)
And then wearing more covered up clothes used to be ok, maybe you're a tomboy or career woman.
Fetishists now tell women who don't want their ass and titties hanging out while wearing stripper heels that they must be a they/them/he and reject feminine gender roles when they are over-enforced. They even manage to sexualize stuff like gym leggings (so many thots doing coomer livestreams in gym leggings, and men leering at women on social media or even extrapolating that they're sex workers for wearing gym leggings) and sweater-dresses/bodycon dresses.
The workforce is a huge problem, statistically it's more like 50/50 male and female line cooks but the head chef is more likely to be male. Yet
get back to the kitchen is a common sexist throwaway statement. They can't decide if fashion/cooking/art/whatever is a feminine thing but you can bet any high paid role in those areas will be occupied by a man. The cognitive dissonance is unreal.
No. 1406285
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>>1406173Note her skull to face ratio. It is absolutely, definitely a woman. She doesn't have a masculine brow at all. Interesting how she got away with it for so long.
No. 1406312
>>1406143where are they? female politicians wear makeup, heels, get plastic surgery and wear stuffy skirt suits
call me when you see a normie chick in flannel speaking up at a podium
No. 1406317
>>1406312Think about my post a little more, anon. I didn't say politicans are tomboys.
It's a joke about tomboys who think their tomboyhood is a political stance. Not liking femininity is
valid, but it doesn't mean femininity itself is Satan and everyone who wants to have kids or likes pink is brainwashed pozzed slave of the patriarchy lmfao
No. 1406323
>>1406258A woman can wear anything and a man will call her a slut. It isn't cognitive dissonance. It's not a bug, it's a feature. Men are
victim blaming and controlling women's life.
I wear masculine clothes and men still treat me like a whore and even worse if they think that I'm a lesbian (a woman who refuse to fuck them). That's because the "problem" is my body, I'm female. That's why women like Buck transition. There is no way to escape men's control as long as patriarchy isn't abolished.
>>1406317Not conforming to femininity is a political stance. It doesn't make anyone better but a woman performing masculinity isn't treated the same way as a woman conforming to femininity (that she wants it or not). Why do you think that we have so many labels who normalize and naturalize women's gender nonconformity? There is a reason why women don't describe themselves as tomboys now.
No. 1406331
>>1406323You should probably reread the conversation from
>>1406112, your reply to me kind of seems like a non-sequitur. Femininity is not inherently evil. It's a construct that either men or women may fit based on their own personality/tastes/etc, that's all anyone has said
No. 1406361
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>>1406355Alright alright anon you have a point. This story is about a month old, but wtf is with the correlation between transness and pedo/furry shit? They don’t want to research that huh?
> The politics of sexual identity permeate the introduction of “A Long Dark Shadow.” There, Walker advocates for the inclusion of MAPs as part of the larger LGBT community by approaching attraction to minors as an orientation, and stating that “the fact of children’s inability to consent to sex is irrelevant to the application of the term ‘sexual orientation’ towards attractions to minors.”This is homophobic as hell, disgusting, and I see now why the LGB wants to go their own way.
No. 1406375
I cant believe the sperging about this man is sill going.
>>1406285This site has been going to shit for a while now.
When lolcow was at its peak clutter spergy posts like this by schizoid males would be deleted and banned.
So many threads are becoming unreadable because they either filled with so much sperging, bait, trolls or the frequent gore and p0rn spam.
It obvious that the admins are barely active now so this site is starting to be filled with newfags who wont integrate, males, trolls, trannies. nlogs etc etc.
No. 1406395
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Why do they always look like that
No. 1406435
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>>1406375So sorry you feel dykey because your uwu softboi fave is a woman.
No. 1406524
>>140639599% of ftms i see look really stinky. sometimes they clean up well and present as decently unclockable but those are one in a million.
>>1406439the cope is real
No. 1406562
>>1405314>>1405567i always wondered if buck angel doing trans-porn was some kind of maladaptive coping mechanism for something. i watched multiple interviews with her scattered all over youtube and i know in a few she talked about how she used to be a prostitute to pay for a drug addiction and was almost murdered by a john; it makes me wonder if her claims about how the porn industry was so good to her and the only people who were mean about it was other TIFs are just lies, and her trying to reinvent herself into a more unique object (a "man" with a vagina) is just an evolution of that. sage for armchair psychologist BS lmao
>>1405687i know several butch and GNC women who were sexually harassed by men with fetishes for "fixing" or forcing them to be feminine. it's not surprise these same men go after fakebois
>>1405890i think you might be referring to lisa littman's study on rapid-onset gender dysphoria. i honestly think if i was a decade younger, i would be transitioning now and ending up like all these detrans. when i was a teenager i actually wished i could just get surgery and be a guy but i didn't know transgenders in real life, i just read about it online or saw them on shows like jerry springer (lmao), and i knew i wouldn't look "convincing enough". if i saw these fakebois with wide hips and curves using he-him when i was 15 i definitely would've jumped onto that bandwagon. puberty was also traumatic for me due to abuse and if i was a younger kid i would've begged my parents to put me on blockers that so-called "paused" puberty
>>1405996this book is a decent introduction to the trans subject but i personally disliked it since it came from a very conservative angle. i know the truth is the truth no matter who says it, so i'm glad someone is talking about the dangers of puberty blockers and whatnot. i think "trans" by helen joyce is much more logical since she comes from a more free-speech perspective than a republican one
No. 1406721
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>>1406562Sage for slight derail but re: Abigal Shrier - Yeah she is obviously coming at this from a conservative perspective (picrel) rather than a radfem one. Yes, 'the truth is the truth no matter who says it,' when it comes to facts and statistics, and it's good that she's getting the truth out there, but radfems should be cautious of aligning ourselves with conservatives, IMO, because a) they are against gender ideology for different reasons than we are (namely to uphold their own traditional, misogynistic form of gender ideology) and b) because it will give liberals another excuse to decry 'TERFs' as racist, misogynistic etc. and further alienate libfems/prevent them from peaking.
No. 1406865
>>1406803a lot of tifs are actually more feminine than your average woman.
just like how a lot of tims are more masculine than your average man.
No. 1406898
>>1406891it seems like TIFs and NLOGs have this in common. they’re just as if not more feminine than the average woman but their own misogyny keeps them in utter denial. they see femininity as somehow
toxic or terrible so they go to extreme lengths to hide it.
No. 1406906
>>1406898I often see most fakebois being "
toxic femininity" (as a phrase) as if they are proud of it tho…
Also male misogyny has a different dynamic with female misogyny
No. 1406944
>>1406891If you’ll excuse the blogpost, I (used to) fall pretty squarely into very feminine tif trying to compensate. I hate being small and how small my features are, this was (is) probably the biggest aspect of my dysphoria, and I definitely overcompensated by LARPing as super edgelord masculine (mostly online because I’m terminally shy lmfao, shocker). For me it was absolutely a kind of self protection as well, I didn’t want men to view me as a little girl they could harm easily so the edgelord masculine LARP was a way of trying to put them off. Trying to puff up my fur and seem bigger and scarier, so to speak.
I also wanted more than anything to be seen as masculine and handsome to women (the “man” in the relationship like previous anon was talking about), particularly because my first gf dumped me to try to go through conversion therapy which fucked up my view of gay relationships really seriously.
I think the former at least is probably true for a lot of tifs. You feel like you have a target on your back being a woman who is distinctly fetishised for being small (in general too tbh), and it sucks so much to be constantly considered by people/described as “delicate”, “weak”, “like a little bird”, those sorts of things, when all you want is to be just considered a person who is strong and capable and powerful.
No. 1406976
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>>1406435>>1406285>>1406173Wasn't he accused of sexually assaulting minors along with other members? Woman my ass.
No. 1407183
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So I don’t know if it’s been posted, but Onision’s fakeboi may have another fakeboi on the side. Muh bad if there is a dedicated Onision thread for this sort of thing.
No. 1407219
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'Non-binary' mother grooming her daughter.
No. 1407368
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>>1407219Looked up the profile but it's only a couple hours old so nothing else there. There are some people half talking sense in the comments, picrel, but from the way the original poster typed they're either fake or extremely immature mentally. She drove the father away by coming out as gender special and now is forcing this shit on her child. I feel sorry for the kid.
No. 1407391
>>1407367not saying this is 100% what is happening to your friend, but when someone close to me was in an
abusive relationship, she literally threw away her personality, interests, and values for him. she was a typical liberal progressive and he was aspiring to join the military (back when trump was in office) or do shit for ICE, and they still stayed no matter how much me and others protested this was against her views lmao
>>1407303i've had multiple ex-friends who went from being terfy to genderist (or they were in a weird in-between transmed space but still went back to gender identity in the end), the reasons were usually being under 25 (no offense lmao), being rejected from one group and wanting to fit into another, and general emotional/mental instability so their opinions were easily swayed
No. 1407402
>>1407219If its not bait, the mother is legit just a coping tranny that's bitter about not being able to troon while she was young so she's vicariously living through her daughter now.
This is just about her own unresolved conflicted feelings.
It would have been better if she got her wish a decade ago so she'd be too infertile to fuck up her kid (yes I know some tifs can get pregnant but many get infertile).
No. 1407597
>>1407391This actually makes a lot of sense for her. She's not in an
abusive relationship but I do think she found a group that makes her feel good and now she doesn't have to fret about having the "wrong opinion".
No. 1407626
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This is the most dramatic narcissistic rant I've ever read lmfao…. Has a trans person even been murdered in cold blood in the UK in the last couple years or is that just complete horseshit? No. 1407648
File: 1641212331329.png (374.19 KB, 1440x1968, sarah.png)

>>1407626There were 0 transgender people killed in the UK in 2021 (and 0 in 2020, 2019) this stat is specifically mentioned frequently on Twitter because the UK police posted something about honouring a trans day of rememberence in Nov 2021, meanwhile a working cop in London raped and killed a woman walking home in Spring 2021, Sarah Everard.
So more women have been killed by cops (1) in the UK than trans people killed by anyone, which is 0.
102 women have been murdered in the UK last year SINCE MARCH according to picrel.
So what news exactly are they reading with LGBT attacks on the front page (which implies UK physical newspaper) or
transgender murdered in cold blood which is literal fabrication and has literally not happened in the UK nevermind been on the front page, and lesbians beaten on the tube(?), all I can find is a story from 2019 where two lesbians were beaten on the
bus, but statistically your chance of getting beaten on the bus is gonna be non-zero due to it being cheap and easy for criminals and youths to board and escape from+likely to be going through disadvantaged areas, people tend to not get beaten on the tube for the opposing reasons.
And that story was from 2019, they wrote this in August 2021.
This is all invention from a self-victimising fool.
If you read the whole post it's even worse:
>NHS has a wait time from two years to ten yearsFor one I've never heard of a ten year waitlist, two years is right, and hardly anyone was getting gender treatment ten years ago since it's a recent fad, so? How can this possibly be verified?
>7 years from one appointmentThey are a compulsive liar, there's no other explanation.
>illegally obtaining hormone drugs from dealers.HAHA you can just borrow some horsepiss pills from your mum, it isn't that serious. Many women in the UK have had hysterectomies so HRT is common, or is this dealer OPs mum?
>Transgender people are dying everydayLike…from suicide because 0 transgender murders? Or are we counting crimes from other countries while you specifically claim the UK is so dangerous for transgender people with absolutely no evidence? Not one statistic in their post.
No. 1407656
>>1407648Samefag, I just realised they're a transmasc so they'll be wanting testosterone, I'm sure that's easy to get too but not as easy as female hrt, I'll give them that. All medication in the UK is very cheap, literally a few pounds a month so whatever they would want won't cost them much either.
I think they're sorta collating all their self-induced fear into a narrative which implies all these things are happening
in the UK which they aren't, if they're afraid to go outside it will be because they're a ciswoman and see picrel for murder stats, there's also been a rise of street harassment in the UK to the point politicians have been publicly sympathising with women in their droves, and considering law and rule changes regarding women's safety.
But this post is about them being a
victim due to being trans? Nope.
No. 1407658
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>>1407649It's under 10
a decade and 0 in the last three years, it seems insane to even need to verify this, such is the self-victimising narrative, but op is well and truly talking out of their ass.
No. 1407659
>>1407656The narcissism and lies is really off the charts
Amazing how people just believe this shit with no sources posted
No. 1407850
>>1407626I've only seen 2 trans murders, in like over 1 decade in the UK and one of them was just a gay crossdresser not even out as trans or identified as one
>>1407648There was 1 killed in 2019 and the other in 2018
No. 1407864
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@acethetransmascenby16 on tiktok
No. 1408048
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No. 1408150
>>1408048Thanks a
TW is more likely to rape us than some small immature girly "edgelord" larper who fakes this for the sake of recognition
No. 1408292
>>1408280>I just don’t want to push it too much and have him worry I’m turning against him or turning into a TERFWhen will they realize it doesn't matter how politely skeptical you are they'll call you a
terf anyway
No. 1408311
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No. 1408362
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Dem nails doe, super manly
No. 1408400
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based nepal
No. 1408419
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>>1408400But UK has a literal 0 for trans murder rates, Is jK rowling really this effective at negatively mindbeaming troons? Also this is a 56 year old scrote not a fakeboi kek
No. 1408434
>>1408432If it makes you feel any better
nonny I only noticed I'm also in the wrong thread now that I read your post lol
No. 1408494
>>1406114>Nax was a skater chickThat is true for the first 3(?) seasons. She was the chill skater girl but in the 4th season when they all go back to school, they changed Naz's personality and made her into a ditzy, airheaded cheerleader stereotype. You're right about the rest though.
But I feel like the other anon might be onto something because the she mostly revolved around the male characters and when you take the Kanker sisters out of the equation since they weren't in all the episodes, the main gang only had two female characters who fit some negative and/or unrelatable stereotypes. Not so much Naz in the first few seasons but definitely in the school seasons. The male characters were one dimensional as well but there was variety so a potential TIF could glob onto one of them be it the smart guy like Edd, the "cool jock" like Kevin, the sensitive feminized boy like Jimmy or even Ed who in recent years I've seen referred to as a "himbo" in some of the shipping fans put him in…
No. 1408683
>>1407898>>1407904Sounds like social contagion in a different way
That anon that said women often completely change themselves to fit their partner was right
>>1407367Don't get me wrong its much better than mutilating yourself but it still screams no sense of self
No. 1409004
>>1408576You don't even have to wait for the conservatives do it. Alongside this uglyfing Aidenism we had the "woke bimbo" shit they tried to make popular. Of course this goes without even mentioning the hyperfeminine they/thems, see:
>>1408311These are also the same demographics who cry about "girlbosses" and any kind of assertiveness in women.
No. 1409096
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wearing a sweater vest does not make you read as male lmfao. Being a nerdy alt girl doesn't make you male
No. 1409114
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A piece of bizarre creative writing from Tumblr. I feel like if a guy was taking a crap and a rubber dick rolled into his stall, he'd assume it was a prank. Also the idea of her putting the packer back into her underwear after it rolled around on the floor of a public restroom makes me want to puke.
No. 1409126
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>>1409096Men don't dress like this, but artsy teenage lesbians do.
No. 1409129
>>1409103Then wtf is the point of "transition" if mtfs and ftms don't wanna blend the fuck in kek
>>1409127TOPKEK gender equality lets go bash her for being a faggot since she wants to co-op male experiences
No. 1409135
>>1409111We live in a world that is a big tsundere (torturous hell; no one can take a tsundere head-on irl) to women as a whole, and then some women attempt to escape that torturous hell and troon but you're right the cowardice is there
>>1408057God lolis are the biggest cowards.
No. 1409192
>>1409183>not sure? just fake!>general consensuous: don't assume anyone is fakeI'm pretty sure 90% of them are fake, and fake and real (kekwtf?) alike the reasons are almost the same: misogyny
>>1409162The homophobia is actually justified but with an extremely weird reasoning, e.g.
>>1406944 when this nona was a tif
>>1409135>loliwho allowed moids here
No. 1409202
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>>1409096I see what her inspiration was..
No. 1409474
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>>1409307I remember one of those TIFs on youtube talking about her "Frank Iero lip piercing" and honestly.. I get it. It's always the same fucking lip piercing, every single time. Once you see it, you can't unsee it.
No. 1409549
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i can’t imagine being chronically ill to the point of needing a cane and still making the big girl decision of pumping myself full of cross sex hormones
No. 1409582
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Is Casey mongillo a fakeboi?
No. 1409613
>>1409549>Squishmallows.Truly manly kek. Could clock by interests alone.
>Collection net.Consoomer rising.
>#comedyYes, a black comedy.
No. 1409634
>>1409622>Blaire White is considered a HSTS but is aesthetically AGP due to the amount of surgeries he hasBecause he's trying to gain the sexual attention of straight men, but the men into that look are just gamp chasers and often agps themselves.
>I've known lesbian TIFs who have AAP behaviorMost of them turn into gay trans men once they transition, identifying as a lesbian pre transition is cope to feel more masculine.
I once chatted to a lady like that, very odd lol
To have stuff like agp/aap one cannot be exclusively homosexual, but individuals can often larp as gay due to dysphoria especially if they are bi and hetero relationships can
trigger them.
No. 1409708
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In today’s episode of, why are they like this? This is a he/they actor from star trek. Reminds me of the fakeboi who was ebegging to escape her abusive religious home, and the parents blamed her autism on her lack of faith.
No. 1409714
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>>1409708Testosterone really does make you age like milk
No. 1409715
>>1409708terrible acne, terrible hair, terrible style and she's 5'0, absolutely delusional
her old height rage tweets is funny, some shit she said below
"i'm SICK and TIRED of cis men saying they're short/small/little because they're 5'7 or 5'8"
"im trying to love all of myself but im so insecure about my height ):
maybe not [tall] in the US, but in vietnam i’m definitely average height"
"“omg ur soooo cute and tiny, ur so small i could put u in my pocket!” some of us have height dysphoria, Karen"
No. 1409736
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>>1409715>height dysphoriaKek
No. 1409752
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>>1409715>terrible acneI can barely picture the pain, testosterone is a curse
No. 1409762
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>>1409752holy fuck this is painful. i know she's trying to act like she doesn't care about her acne but tmi/blog ahead, as someone who had bad hormonal acne, that shit is soul-destroying. not only does it make you feel disgusting and ugly but it's so incredibly painful. looks like she had decent skin before, only a few zits at times like a normal person. now it's cystic. how awful.
No. 1409799
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ofc she's straight. I've never seen gay men call themselves fruity in the same numbers as these tifs.
No. 1409838
>>1409582Hes a dude who is a they/them special and photoshops his pictures so heavily to look like a fakeboi.
Its pretty damn obvious.
No. 1409942
>>1409799>>1409856She and other tifs could have got it from queer spaces or even lesbian spaces since most formerly identified as queer/pan/bi girls
Gen z queer girls love to copy gay men and their terms often like top/bottom, even fruity which doesn't even make sense when directed at a female
>>1409901Yeah they kinda sometimes get it from black gay guys/trans who get it from their family members
Or from black female singers, some of my white gay friends say they think they're sassy and cool
No. 1409988
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Glad people are talking about how i/me/myself isnt about troonery but about a “cis” gnc man rejecting his genderqueer identity
No. 1410572
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>>1410390i don’t have snapchat, is it aliaxismail? she has the troons assmad on tiktok all the time and i’ve seen plenty of people ripping on her in video responses for not being a tru twans
No. 1410577
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>>1410390Was it this one?
No. 1410605
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>>1410578>>1410434Oh my god she sounds more like a man than some bio men I know!
No. 1410637
>>1410605I fucking know him/her/ idk what the fuck their og gender is
They're from Montana and in my "group", try to fuck around with other people's boyfriends and then get rejected. Their tits look like sad deflated balloons and their boyfriend sexually harasses rando underage guys about their feet. Not even joking. Their name is Laurel? If I'm not mistaken. I have tons of milk on them. They also have an STD
No. 1410640
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>>1410630I couldn’t find it, but this twitter exchange is so telling.
No. 1410701
>>1410645>>1410646I’m honestly not that surprised. Her Twittersona was very different from how she came off on her videos. I remember her sperging about her right wing Nigel boyfriend on Twitter. She would constantly give little nuggets of her personal life on Twitter and then delete them within the same day.
Nonny please spill the beans.
No. 1410750
>>1410701>>1410681My memories of them were just them being very
problematic, they also recommend sex work to my boyfriend when he was underage. Elle goes to school for some bullshit degree and they were into BDSM community and constantly trying to discuss with minors.
Elle, is a complete spoilt failure of life. The only way I know her is via a group I will not name made for kids who essentially flunked high school. Her and her boyfriend cheat on each other all time like crazy and are
toxic towards each other. Other than being failures my biggest problem with them is how much they try to butt into others relationships and have weird bizarre sexual conversations with minors well past 18-19 and when she was going to college. I do know where her college is located as well and ofc she goes to some shitty low tier uni like the shitty low tier person she is
No. 1410770

>>1410750ngl makes sense. For a sec I had a phase where I consumed a lot of ftmtf detransition content, and initially most of them seem like they've gained a great deal of self awareness in a short amount of time.
But keeping up with them, I've seen
>many boobjobs>retransition>severe mental illness>mental illness larping>countless disappearances and reappearances on social media>constant suicide-baiting >hypersexual asexuality>onlyfansRecently, I watched a detrans video where a woman said all sorts of crazy shit. (Linked)
Before her detransition, she
>had autism>had "'chronic' fatigue syndrome" intermittently>went to cons and cosplayed but couldn't go to school or work About 6 months before this video, she went on an all meat diet because of Joe Rogan and Jordan Peterson which
>led her to detransition>cured her autism>cured her chronic fatigue syndrome >turned her into an extrovert But in the video she
>claims she cannot experience emotional pain, only mental pain>had delusions of being a cyborg a WEEK before making the video >spergs out about the Aliens franchise, Transformers, and Detroit: Become Human many timesSure, I respect detrans people more than people currently living the trans delusion. And I do respect the choice to make videos and speak out against transition. But most detrans people are still fundamentally very, very unwell.
No. 1410771
>>1410770I've seen a number of women detrans and then jump back into gender shit it's always sad and seems like a cope.
Crashchaoscat or whatever her name was slide back into being a rampant TRA. It feels like they all need ideology to cling to and have very black and white thinking. That or they lose their sense of community and it makes them lose their sense of self it seems unfortunately.
No. 1410803
>>1410771>they lose their sense of communityi think this is it. i watched a bit of detrans content and many people talked about the "lovebombing" aspect of TRAs, how you are "so brave" and "so
valid" for coming out as enby/transmasc/ftm and how every step you take is being cheered on by hundreds of others on twitter or tumblr. you try a new name? that's so cool! you use new pronouns? that's so amazing! you call yourself a sexy hot boi? damn right you are! and then when they detrans, all this falls apart, you are the enemy now, you are on the "ftmtf to
terf" pipeline, you are litchoorallee killing dozens of poor vulnerable kweer black transwomen in america every. single. day. just by committing thought crime. suddenly your friends are no longer your friends because you are no longer just as miserable and self-loathing as they are. of course the easier thing is to retreat back into the shell of gender woo and continue calling yourself an enby transmasc soft boi called ezra-poseidon who talks about his (non-existent) fat veiny cock on twitter all day.
No. 1411259
>>1411232Yeah, sounds about right.
One of the more sane people I followed was one detrans woman who just made a few vids before stopping, since she said all she had to say and just wanted to move on.
She was going to leave them up, but even after a year, she got countless dm's from fakebois in full-on crisis mode. It was exhausting, so she completely got rid of her channel and locked down her socials, which probably looked like a bpd instability thing to viewers that didn't know the reason behind it.
It's hard to be sane and have an online presence tied to your IRL identity. The parasocial insanity of the internet will push you to delete everything or get you hooked on the attention. Sometimes, it'll do both.
No. 1411392
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been noticing this for a while. being a tranny is a goal in and of itself now. freaks who can't pass have convinced some people that being a weird mix of a dumpy woman and a teenage boy with huge scars and hideous stubble is a "look".
No. 1411401
>>1411392I'm completely fine with that look. I don't care if she looks like shit. It's just this cope that evil cissies can't deal when she tells them she loves being trans. If someone is the kind of person to directly reply to tell you that you will never be a man, and your response is basically "I know", that's the desired outcome. No one's having breakdowns or "frothing at the mouth" about it.
Not to mention the "We get treated like men and still get to look pretty" cope. No one's treating you like men. No one really believes your shit.
No. 1411418
>>1410770>hypersexual asexualitywhat exactly do you mean by that?
i think one of the things about why a lot of detrans end up sometimes equally crazy as trans-identified people is because gender identity is becoming less niche and more mainstream, so the stereotype of "butch lesbians who get pushed to transition and become radfems after detransitioning" is not as universal anymore, now that people with different sexualities and political views end up getting introduced to transitioning and regretting it. a lot of detrans straight girls who go conservative (like helena on twitter) are lolcow material in my opinion, same with this "robosexual" or whatever woman you linked to here.
>>1410771crashchaoscat/ky schevers was a huge disappointment because i thought her past tumblr posts were very insightful and mature even when i disagreed, but then she suddenly cycled back and became a hardcore TRA. i lost all respect when she called a big name radfem on tumblr's zine about writings from women abused by TIMs to be "propaganda"
No. 1411430
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>>1411418When I said "hypersexual asexuality," I was poking fun at how many detrans women (and snowflake women in general) claim to be asexual while actively seeking out sex, having hookups, doing sex work, and posting coomer-bait.
I don't think that having had sex (or even semi-consistently having obligatory sex for a partner) disqualifies you from being asexual. But if you're taking the initiative and looking for sex, you are way closer to allosexual than asexual.
No. 1411532
>>1411521the other women in that detrans group seemed really thoughtful, I hope they're doing well.
people hop onto the gc label as their new group identity like with the gender shit. seems like helena found a new group identity
No. 1411589
>>1411521Ha, that's interesting, deets on how she really is in private? I wonder if the "politically homeless" stuff is a LARP and the tradwife stuff isn't actually a joke. I know she went downhill after she and her ex-gf broke up and she "came out" as straight afterward, it seems to be a private affair so I don't know a lot, but I do remember her ex tweeted that she used to listen to Ben Shapiro type shit a lot, so maybe her right-wing awakening started sooner
>>1411532She's been on my radar for awhile after that Youtube channel she did with other detrans, and her politics shifted a lot, according to her she went from anti-SJW, to SJW "gay transboy" communist, to bisexual radfem, to anti-vaxx straight tradwife conservative, which is probably a result of growing up in Tumblr groupthink and being young. I wonder what her next phase will be, maybe a diet white nationalist if she isn't already in secret lmao
No. 1411738
>>1411730Nah, it was someone much smaller. Below 1k views on most videos.
From what I understand though, Lee was in a similar situation, but I think she got more out of helping people and didn't mind spending a bunch of time helping other detrans women.
I think her disappearance might be more due to other personal issues. Her behavior seemed kind of… odd toward the end of her channel's life.
No. 1411794
>>1411644she and other "anti-woke" people like james lindsay and benjamin boyce praised trump for banning critical race theory, so it makes sense she likely voted for him because of that. she also was heavily implying being anti-BLM for those same reasons up until she got backlash for her tweets about how racism is natural to a degree because humans are naturally tribalistic, which the radfem detrans memed on her for
>>1411639i'd be all for a detrans cow thread, it'd only be fair if we have ones for the femboy and radfem crowds since they're just as milky despite having seemingly opposite identity politics
>>1411730>>1411738i used to follow lee and she deleted her channel and social medias after having some breakdown over how she regrets being featured in a documentary against transing kids and feels so guilty for "being terfy" - which was weird as hell since she was actually not "terfy" at all in my opinion, she self described herself as a transmedicalist and thought transpeople were
valid, but the most radical stance she took was that puberty blockers are bad, which should be common sense… she's older than most women in the detrans-sphere (mid-30s) so seeing her record a video of herself crying over thoughtcrimes and reassuring the viewers that she now believes TWAW and TMAM seemed very immature and left field
No. 1412052
>>1409091The problem is "girlboss" has joined the 2010s feminist-y buzzwords that don't mean anything anymore and can just be a punching bag for whatever you don't like. There is a very real phenemenon of these progressive aligned women (troon or otherwise) who are practically sleepwalking into tradthot nonsense just because they are uncomfortable with women embodying traditonally masculine qualities (leadership,assertiveness).
>>1411392Well, I suppose they need something to feel better about themselves.
No. 1412135
>>1412052the word feminism has become so diluted. people keep coming up with these brainless woke takes like "homelessness/climate change/communism/protecting moc is a feminist issue!!"
we're at the point where people can claim to be feminist activists without supporting women. i agree that many social justice issues affect women and
woc disproportionately but they need to be recognised as separate issues.
the conflation of multiple issues with feminism is what got us into this troon mess. we've come full circle to the point where people are closing down rape crisis centres in the name of feminism because of troon tears.
No. 1412174
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Sage, but imagine how much these a holes seethe at gendered languages. It’s inherently elitist and fascist to tell other countries to change their language because of muh dysphoria. “Latinx” is considered offensive and dumb by over 70% of Latinos/ Hispanics and libs are forcing it on people.
No. 1412215
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Not sure whether to put this here or in the DID thread, and I normally don't agree with the trans hate, but I would rather be a monkey than whatever the fuck this is. Any doctor who enables this needs their license revoked urgently. I am disgusted I really hate it can we go back please
No. 1412219
>>1412215I've interacted with trans DID people and they're harder to interact with than those who solely identify as trans. One case I can think of is when I joined an 18+ server. I made a sex joke and was scolded because people had headmates that were underaged.
Anyway, is it wrong for me to feel bad for this person? They seem to be in legitimate distress but deciding to pursue medical surgeries is such a wrong way to go about it.
No. 1412223
>>1412215assuming this person isn't being edgy for attention, wouldn't some kind of therapy to merge the alter egos together help avoid this? since it's a maladaptive coping mechanism? but i feel like some of these people are such snowflakes that they enjoy the aesthetic suffering of it
>>1412219the concept of having no ownership of your body is a scary one no matter what
No. 1412236
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No. 1412277
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>>1412223Sage for OT but her explanation for various discrepancies is that it's "old science" despite fucking right off as soon as anyone asks for sources on her convenient interpretations
>>1412219Can't knock you for sympathizing but how she responds in the comment section comes off as martyring herself for her imaginary friends to me. I feel worse for
>>1412236 personally, how bad off do you have to be pre-op for a lopsided frankendick to make you feel better about yourself?
No. 1412294
>>1412236Body horror and nightmare fuel
How is she even going to wear pants?
No. 1412348
>>1412215i know this gets said every thread but
why do they always look like that
No. 1412383
>>1412204My country has a gendered language (even plural pronouns are either male or female, even the word "non binary" is gendered) and I'm very thankful because it does stop it.
Unfortunatelly I have seen some libtards (by some I mean one or two) try to do the x ending thing but it's so awkward reading that I think we're completelly safe.
I go around art communities and I swear more than half the girls from my country there have tried to do the they/them stuff before, so I know that if the language weren't gendered we would have a wayyy stronger nonbinary community.
My country is sorta small, but from spanish speaking people online I notice they'll usually just resign themselves to she/they
No. 1412424
>>1412277i know there's a lot of reasonable skeptism about DID but the whole point of the disorder that it's from childhood trauma that's so intense that someone's personality fragments into different roles to cope with it…? it just seems like an attempt to be special for clout to claim that having a fragmented identity is just naturally having multiple people in your head (not possible, especially when tulpamancer shit is memeing yourself into schizophrenia) or that's functional to live with "multiple personalities" that want to do different things
>>1412383honest question, do the ESL genderspecials pick the the identity things up from talking to western/english-speaking people? that seems to be the case for most of them but i'm not sure
No. 1412524
>>1412424um sweaty you're repeating traumascum rhetoric right now, which is super harmful to non-traumagenic systems. also, every one of my alters is a completely unique personality that developed just as organically and naturally as your singlet personality.
-komaeda, he/they, protector of the orion system
No. 1412614
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> pink TIF
> blue TIM, also tallest and without girl eyelashes
> AFAB nonbinary (girl eyelashes)
the jokes write themselves
No. 1412624
>>1412424They pick it up from exposure to twitter, queer/progressive instagram accounts, or/and university courses. Then the social contagion happens.
At least this is just from observation. Its kind of wild because if you speak to them in English they’re going to hold a grudge against you for using gendered pronouns because you caused feelings of dysphoria but switch to our highly gendered native language and that problem disappears. You end up talking with a “decolonise this and decolonise that” person entirely in English .
Very rarely does anyone question the whole ordeal because no one is critical except homophobes and they don’t want to be seen as regressive/uneducated.
No. 1412628
>>1412614Actually quite nice to represent trans people with those accuracies instead of coomer fetish fantasies or ugly Tumblr art. Trans men and trans women will always be anatomically distinct from cis men and cis women, and those differences are medically important. Presenting realistic expectations of what transitioning can achieve seems a lot more responsible than telling young fujos and femboys they can become the impossible sex objects they saw in hentai comics.
Why does the TiM have to be in the middle though? The flag puts gnc's in the middle. Amabs still need to be the center of attention no matter how they look huh?
No. 1412629
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>>1412623's not out yet. They said on the 5th that all the art was finally finished, and they expect to be shipping around Feb. We might be able to get a digital comic as early as late Jan.
No. 1412641
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>>1412629Surprisingly based.
I know this is probably supposed to be a "closeted trans man" perspective, but it's presented completely without context lmao No. 1412655
>>1412641Absolutely thought it was an mtf with some self awareness, but your explanation makes more sense. "Other girls look all cute and stuff but I look like a potato" is very much an nlog experience
>>1412647Too late! Looks like the creators are primarily afab. They could have made the gnc tallest but then the trio would be majority amab and it seems like afab gncs are more common
still think awarding amabs undue focus betrays some sad realism though, art imitates life I guess No. 1412658
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>>1412277sage for OT but seeing genderspecials and their creativ make up attemps always makes me think of a speacial someone from german reality tv
No. 1412669
>>1412204"elle" is "she" in french. But worry not, the gender cultists creeped into our language aswell. It sounds atrocious, but libfems and wokies are adopting it and pushing it unto everybody.
To give you an example, to say "I'm happy because I made a friend", you would usually say :
"Je suis heureuse car je me suis faite une amie" (female form)
but now they want to push us to write :
"Je suis car je me suis fait.e un.e ami.e"
or even worse, make new words that sound like shit:
"Je suis heureuxe", I don't know how you're supposed to say the rest and I don't want to learn. They're basically changing the whole language. It's some 1984 tier shit. Scary.
No. 1412728
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>>1412710Mfw every new interpretation makes my experience of this comic worse. It does look more like an egg than a potato but that term is new to me, I only know "cracking" as having a mental breakdown so that doesn't seem like a good look. Why? Why this humpty dumpty looking ass, fuck
No. 1412763
>>1412569honestly as someone who used to follow barnes she's not really that milky besides her "asexual with an onlyfans" schtick, but she actually deleted it since she didn't like doing it anymore. she's detrans but mostly posts gaming streams and isn't radfem or conservative or political in general besides pissing off SJWs once for wearing dreads in a few vids, she just moved on and doesn't bother with trans politics. she seems to be a normie since in an interview with her mom she admitted she doesn't understand the enbie genderfluid thing
i think the detrans that are milky and thread-worthy are helena and her orbiters (there are other right wing detrans who agree with her), daisy chadra (more lowkey politically but she became a christian and is an aspiring tradwife now), ky schevers and the other "repentant TRA" types, james shupe (most detrans men tend to be cows if they're AGP), courtney coulson (the robosexual who cured her autism), laura reynolds was a huge personal cow of mine but she got suspended and doesn't post youtube videos anymore, probably more honestly…
No. 1412863
>>1412728yeah, they call the period before you start ruminating about gender being an egg, and when you "realize" your trans is when your egg cracks
see r/egg_irl
No. 1412881
>>1412289I'm a pagan and I see this shit as a crime against nature lmfao.
What is even the point of attempting these insane procedures? How validating can it possibly be to have a necro-crotch? Stuff like that has to be why the suicidal ideation rate gets worse post transition.
No. 1412896
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>>1412614This is from one of their other comics Magical Boy. The trans boy main character is really supposed to be some goddess warrior like her mom, but all she wants is to be a boy.
No. 1412921
>>1412896> Aineso is this person not even burger and wants a hyper American name like Max Owen?
that's kind of sad. why don't gender people appreciate their own cultures.
No. 1413438
>>1412424This isn't exactly the answer to your question, since I've never heard of non binaries in my country outside of the internet and this is more about old people but I have a story I heard from a university that I think is kinda related:
The council of the university was having a reunion and they asked if anyone present had suggestions. One teacher suggested gender-neutral bathrooms (for the nb's) but everyone else thought he was joking and laughed at him (he was being serious). The teacher that suggested it was actually from an english speaking country. And I should also mention this was in a uni considered to be one of the most leftwing in the whole country.
No. 1413549
>>1412921Owen is a celtic name/surname
>>1412883thug mé, thug sí,
thug siad, thug life>>1412450its only a matter of time before theres a need for a detrans idiots thread, I love a cow with a cause
No. 1413739
>>1413511You're conpletely right, but personally that's why I'm not surprised they're mentally ill, I just find them trading one unhealthy obsession or form of groupthink to another (like Helena going from trans sjw to
terf to conservative) or trying to mask their guilt for past behavior by being martyrs to be funny in it's own right. Some people seem to think they "should" be more logical for not being trans anymore, but by that logic the femboy thread wouldn't exist despite those types still knowing they're men, or the radfems still being prone to drama despite making more sense than libfems
>>1413715Mental healthcare in general is awful, all they do us give you pills at ages young as 10 and shrug you off if you get side effects, and sent to therapy that coddles you. And the trans lobby has lumped non-affirming therapy for dysphoria (a mental issue) under "conversion therapy" so any therapists who questions why someone is uncomfortable in their body can get in legal trouble.
No. 1413837
>>1412903Nobody wants to use this. Nobody uses it. Yet it's in our fucking dictionnary, supposed to reflect the language used by french people. It should be obvious that by pushing the language to change, this small group of wokies try to change the way we consider the world, and ultimately to make us lose our grasp on reality, and think their delusions are normal.
Sage for rant.
No. 1413852
File: 1641836183368.jpeg (264.02 KB, 383x627, CD381A3A-9C2B-408D-A590-6898CC…)

I was surprised they live in northern US and not a more liberal state, but I guess it’s all over burger land at this point.
No. 1413874
>>1409708Yeah, most people who escape
abusive and religious households become junkies.
No. 1413900
File: 1641839956731.gif (18.76 KB, 112x112, 9214-pepe-puke.gif)

>>1412236America discovery was a mistake. No offense to burger terves here but how sick in the head did a population have to be to come up with shit like this
No. 1413944
File: 1641844726363.jpeg (274.26 KB, 1170x640, 1933D3EF-4575-47AC-BC34-7C04EE…)

apologies farmers if this doesn’t post correctly but literally anyone else been seeing a clip from this video on all over twitter? it’s going around bc its cringe inducing.
>animation of a webtoon comic called ‘boyfriends’
>written and drawn by a stereotypical pastel rainby he/they fakeboi (if it wasn’t obvious from the art style.)
>the goth character is supposed to be trans but is given a voice like he smokes 40 a day
No. 1413981
File: 1641848213260.jpeg (349.7 KB, 449x1412, 089D4D49-9BF9-4642-AD0A-483991…)

>>1413945KEK why do they make gay male characters like this?!
No. 1413985
>>1413944this is the most female thing i have ever seen. whoever made this has clearly never interacted with a gay man (or a man at all).
the goth sounds like corpse husband
No. 1413986
>gay tennis player looking ass character >he moans and whines >me wanty hot choccy>uwu nestles his face into some other boy's chest>blushy wushies!>emo catboy vocal fry gayass>pink cat headphones and pink controller plus le epic gamer chairAh yes this is exactly how I remember gay people
No. 1414011
File: 1641850451308.png (309.69 KB, 540x540, imagen_2022-01-10_172752.png)

>>1413944the amount of actual young gay male teens that do relate to this kind of shit isn't to be ignored, but the fact that this was made by a fakeboi is what makes me feel repulsed.
How much do you want to bet that the creator is a coomer woman in her mid 20s
No. 1414015
File: 1641850653982.jpeg (114 KB, 720x988, 807E190B-2D0E-4610-98C2-3CB8C8…)

>>1413944There are girlfriends too uwu. The faux gay fantasy world they create is frightening.
No. 1414043
File: 1641852951377.jpeg (296.08 KB, 1170x850, 143551F4-28B8-4EAA-B0C3-6F2045…)

>>1413944author on twitter wrote this banger too lol
No. 1414045
File: 1641853002527.jpeg (440.3 KB, 2048x2048, 4D6A8E41-7BD8-44D2-B7E2-FF557C…)

>>1414011Yep, you were right kek.
No. 1414049
>>1413944Did they just (poorly) edit the goth fakeboy's voice instead of getting someone with a deeper voice? This is like those terrible fansubs, is it just a passion project or meant to be something professional? But I do admit I find the art cute even if the aesthetic is already dated.
>>1413981When not even twitter takes you seriously
No. 1414340
Also why do trannies appeal to the neko gamer aestheitc? Like they dress like leftists
No. 1414385
File: 1641888220563.jpg (36.98 KB, 828x408, FIrpoZlVkAAPNd1.jpg)

>>1413945blog but one time a friend said that i sounded ftm whenever i had laryngitis and i was deeply offended because no i don't. but now that i heard this TIFs voice - yeah. i do sound exactly like that when i get laryngitis. i hope i never get laryngitis again.
No. 1414404
File: 1641890929695.jpeg (Spoiler Image,49.61 KB, 487x629, C80CA72A-2826-42B0-B132-2B5ED3…)

>>1414045holy shit i used to follow her when she drew bts ship art. i can’t believe she made that comic. her art is cute though i can’t lie
No. 1414427
File: 1641895690668.jpg (178.85 KB, 1080x1311, Screenshot_20220111-120617_Ins…)

This was in a post about how to get better at remembering people's pronouns.. cringe
No. 1414439
>>1414427you've gotta be deep in the trans cult to use they/them pronouns in your own thoughts. it'll just give you a headache because people are so obviously biologically male/female.
fakebois would probably hate to know that as soon as they leave the room, everyone refers to them as 'she'. you can't make yourself the main character in other people's lives.
No. 1414472
File: 1641905174900.png (81.07 KB, 280x594, Tiger_Anime_Profile.png)

>>1414341>>1414340This, and I almost mistakenly call this bulky ass anime troon a 'he' kek. Fiction is unrealistic
No. 1414503
>>1414045no way. she's indonesian ? or malay ? what happened to LGBT is in danger and stoned/lashed there. you'd think they'd do something about this…
but to be fair last i went when i was younger some tranny prostitue terrorized me for money when i rode on a bajai i am so ashamed.
No. 1414675
File: 1641926625798.jpeg (124.83 KB, 1049x828, EECBB679-40FD-4F1E-AC6F-49B2A4…)

>>1414551When I watched the full video with pics of the mom pretransition, all I could notice were her disgusting crusty yellow teeth. They’re “affirming” the child’s gender but are they teaching her basic hygiene?
No. 1414777
File: 1641937003161.jpeg (571.19 KB, 1936x1936, 4DDE6374-084E-4AEB-8F40-833958…)

I couldn’t decide if I should spoiler or not…
No. 1415074
>>1415070It does… but whenever a tif does moid stuff they seem to be damn tame compared to even the normal "non-perverted" moids, e.g. brothers and male friends
Why do female perversion work in odd ways? Like it's pedoish but compared to the conventional male gazings they're really tame tho. I guess brain sex is real but these trannies aren't acting like the opposite brain sex most of them claimed to be.
My belief of the uttermost GNC women are those with moidish fetishes and act like AGPs.
No. 1415110
File: 1641971638001.png (45.28 KB, 1402x179, lel.PNG)

>>1415086found the pic, i think she dropped it
No. 1415315
>>1415312What do lolis have to do with anything? What do you mean ftms are inferior?
>>1415086 this shitzo rant is more than likely yours as well, you make no sense.
No. 1415323
>>1415086Translation: TIFs are jealous when sane women treat them like little girls who don't know any better, and are jealous and mad of normies because they are not treated like a normal adult human instead of being seen as childish (which most are)
sigh for this anon, idk if this is a pornsick scrote who lurks
No. 1415538
>>1415318i'm not a
TERF but most of them kind of treat them the same as tradwives or republican pro-life women - yes, they're women, yes, they are in danger and oppressed, especially in ways that will backfire on them (TIFs bending down to TIM politics with the "transmisogyny exempt" deal, tradwives idealizing dynamics that statistically lead to financial dependance on men, and pro-life women who vote for republicans that only care about rich people will be miserable if they are forced to carry an unwanted pregnancy) but both of those demographics don't listen to women who criticize their lifestyles, so what else can you do but educate those who want to listen and hope they change their mind one day?
>>1415462especially when "loli" is pedophilic? weird thing to call a real person. TERFs and trannies are both cows but so is this person too, lmao
No. 1415838
File: 1642048775908.jpeg (261.78 KB, 1242x932, 61688B6F-E80C-48DF-96F0-10B8F7…)

So it’s made by a straight girl with short hair. This is some dumbass shit.
No. 1415971
File: 1642059646240.jpeg (136.93 KB, 750x469, 2D357DEF-AA95-4A2B-B15F-EB6145…)

>desire to sexually harass
idk nonnies maybe there is something to this(namefagging)
No. 1415986
File: 1642061828752.jpg (Spoiler Image,575.37 KB, 1280x1920, 21111.jpg)

How can you look at this artwork and not see it as anything else but an example of self-destruction, self-hatred and internalized misogyny
Spoilered for mild artistic gore
No. 1416001
File: 1642064876782.jpg (91.1 KB, 748x960, 70957882_1228905057291756_5403…)

>>1415971Lol testosterone is rotting their brain.
Also this reminds me of the "excluding trans people from your dating pool is stupid because you can't assume what genitals they have" discourse.
Yes I do know, actually. If you're a trans "man", I know for a fact that you either have a vagina, or a rolled up piece of skin stapled to your crotch. Both are things I'm not attracted to, so cope and seethe
No. 1416027
>>1416001i'm only attracted to dick that looks 100% bio. if there's no way of knowing what a trans person's genitals look like, as troons claim, then why would i take that risk. the chances of a cis man not having a bio dick is nearly zero, whereas it's a lot higher in trans 'men'.
if i agree to hookup with a tif, get naked and she has a vag, what do TRAs want me to do? leave? they'd think that was transphobic as well.
No. 1416049
>>1416043Don't wanna date a tranny? dIE
Be a pedo and trans? OMG I LOVE YOUUUU
… I want this all to end immediately
No. 1416096
>>1415986Why do I get the vibe this artist draws degenerate porn too?
>>1416001Do troons not realize that gay and straight people are attracted to biological sex and not traditional gender stereotypes, and that most bisexual people wouldn't want to deal with "mismatched genitals" even if they like both (and the bisexuals I know who do like that are not into most transpeople's immature personalities)? A transperson could superficially fit the bill for "my type", but being the wrong sex and getting a million surgeries would leave an awkward uncanny valley appearance. I wouldn't date someone who had plastic surgery either, if that's a prejudice then oh fucking well, the bedroom is not a civil rights protest
No. 1416125
>>1415986honest to god like, i believe this artist THINKS they're doing something tasteful by posting this shit online but all it does is disgust me. it screams soft fakeboi all over and the fact that the human in the drawing still looks like a female haunts me.
sage btw
No. 1416491
>>1416096Even if you're bi you can have a strong "genital preference"
t. bisexual who prefers vagina I'm not sure how attraction even works for some of these people. Not convinced they're not just attracted to anime bishies and famous men they'll never meet.
No. 1416652
>>1416491i feel like young trans are socially stunted and sexually stunted by prox, instead of going out and interacting with people and figuring out who or what they like they just sit at home and think about their pronouns, or consume porn and make up theoretical self-insert fantasies that are impossible since they involve a body they can't have.
>>1416180the bar of "gnc" is low for women since being a hyperfeminine barbie isn't naturally possible. masculine=/=pornsick scrote behavior (since a lot of incel men are pretty soy, in fact), and masculine=/=empowered. you honestly remind me of TIFs who think being a porn addict and acting horny constantly makes them "real men"
No. 1416874
>>1416209Gender roles being socially constructed means literally the opposite. It means gender isn't tied to sex. There is nothing inherently female about skirts and make-up. Gender is context dependent and changes based on the time period and culture.
Sexuality is based on sex more than gender, a lesbian may be into femmes or butches (gender performance) but she's never going to be into penises (sex). Even if the penis haver is dolled up like a high femme (sex).
Judith Butler has since bowed down to the almighty girldick but that doesn't mean Gender Trouble isn't a useful framework.
No. 1416928
File: 1642155124702.png (9.6 KB, 331x234, 5.PNG)

>>1413944>>1414011Even fakebois don't like it kek
No. 1416953
File: 1642160179965.png (286.33 KB, 500x714, 5611d9f9c99a52ee500621de5bb365…)

I swear there's never been a fandom that has had a higher density of fakebois then the Percy Jackson series, I mean say what you wanna say about Harry Potter but at least there are some actual males that are into it but with PJO my first assumption is that I'm speaking to a fakeboi If I'm interacting with anyone with male pfp in fandom spaces
idk what even attracts them to the series, it was quite literally made for hyperactive 12 year old boys not 20 something women pretending to have DID
No. 1416987
File: 1642165643325.jpeg (406.96 KB, 2048x2048, 9C33E200-3E81-4F3D-9BF6-529BBD…)

>>1414011It reads like a fanfic where all the Fujo’s favorite gay male ships are the only focus. Empty fetishized characters.
No. 1417002
File: 1642167453190.jpg (230.05 KB, 1600x900, cover6.jpg)

>>1416987for some reason that art style is so flat and devoid of any life, it reminds me of corporate art.
No. 1417019
File: 1642169004507.jpg (29 KB, 298x499, Nico_di_Angelo.jpg)

>>1416953One of the main character in the series is almost tailor made for fakebois, he has every single fakeboi character preference that I can think off
>he's short>he's edgy cause of his dark past and uses dark humor as a coping mechanism>scrawny, pale skinned and has black curly hair >he's canonically gay >his love interest is kinda normie and more masculine male and people would describe said character as having "golden retriever energy">picrel is actual art from the series depicting him No. 1417032
File: 1642170866306.jpeg (70.46 KB, 422x750, 750x750bb.jpeg)

>>1417002It reminded me of the art style of this app called Pastel girl.
It's looks really 'robotic' to me. Idk i can't explain it
No. 1417066
File: 1642174895287.png (4.48 KB, 335x125, binding at 13.PNG)

hell world
No. 1417093
File: 1642176977096.jpeg (25.47 KB, 225x225, 3DA48468-6105-4F3C-9B00-16918E…)

>>1416996>>1417032It looks like that one shitty picrew that every troon uses as their avatar
No. 1417154
>>1416874AYRT, i agree with you but something circled backwards and now people think gender=gender roles and sexuality=attraction to gender roles, so therefore a lesbian "should" be attracted to a hyperfeminine man but not a masculine woman
>>1416928i actually thought a
TERF or TEHM wrote this but this appears to also be a transperson lmao… it seems like even people who drank gender kool-aid have some kind of pattern recognition
No. 1417202
File: 1642186185369.jpg (240.69 KB, 768x920, Screenshot_20220114-182848.jpg)

It was mentioned in a previous thread that to raise money to finance the next Alice game, American McGee is selling a series of plushes. He's now unveiled the prototypes on Instagram, starting with the 'dysphoria bunny'. It looks every bit the hideous cheap shit you'd expect. So naturally, thousands of Aidans will fork over their money to clutter their rooms with one.
It's funny, because a couple of weeks ago, dude was trying to make money for his next game by trying to sell NFTs, and pissed literally everybody following him off. Personally, I find myself wondering just how much worse for the environment NFTs are than Chinese sweatshop produced future landfill plushes for mentally ill fat girls who've convinced themselves they're boys.
No. 1417203
File: 1642186238626.jpg (46.83 KB, 768x194, Screenshot_20220114-183047.jpg)

>>1417202Typically manly responses common of masculine macho men in the replies.
No. 1417211
>>1417202honestly i don't see this as trans-positive as others do, wasn't this design in a series of dolls based on
mental illnesses? pretty "transphobic" to imply that's a mental disorder in the TRA view
No. 1417213
File: 1642186889443.png (315.65 KB, 425x636, Nico_di_Angelo.png)

nonnie that's the fanart all the fangirls want to be real. that is the image all the fakebois who like this series skinwalk but hilariously enough that character looks like pic.
No. 1417220
File: 1642187357709.jpg (92.51 KB, 800x480, homer.jpg)

>>1417202>>1417203>>1416953Do fakebois ever just realize that no actual "cis" male (and especially a cis-gay male) are into the same stuff most fakebois are into it
Like American Mcgee's Alice and the Percy Jackson are all series that I remember having a majority female audience
same with the music they like, actual gay men aren't into sad boy indie bands, in fact those bands target demographics are alternative teen girls(which is what they were)
No. 1417221
>>1417214to be fair i think it's fair to be against pansexual since it's a redundant label, but these same people tend to support "nonbinary" too so where is the line on dumb labels?
i saw the disclaimer on her carrd about how she thinks voltron is bad but she's still attached to klance shipping, and while "proshippers" tend to be gross i can't imagine how miserable "antis" are with how they have to justify every media interest that isn't 100% PC. you can like your retarded yaoi all you want, it just doesn't make you a man lmao
No. 1417223
File: 1642187683953.jpg (201.05 KB, 768x879, Screenshot_20220114-182911.jpg)

>>1417202>>1417211The virgin dysphoria bunny and the Chad mad cow.
No. 1417243
File: 1642188938943.png (53.17 KB, 748x407, nsync.png)

>>1417220>same with the music they like, actual gay men aren't into sad boy indie bands, in fact those bands target demographics are alternative teen girls(which is what they were)reminds me of this tweet lmao
No. 1417482
File: 1642205749642.png (689.07 KB, 1080x1344, 1637045472248.png)

>>1417294>>1417448That's why if a TIF does like Ariana Grande and Barbie dolls, it's only proof that she's actually a real gay man!
Post hoc validating your transness has never been easier!
No. 1417489
File: 1642206100399.png (81.26 KB, 925x554, lol.png)

>>1417482wow, this subreddit is a treasure trove of milk.
No. 1417733
File: 1642231249203.png (256.23 KB, 604x579, nope.png)

>>1409708>maybe not [tall] in the US, but in vietnam i’m definitely average height"Average male height in vietnam is 5'4, so even if she was born in the vietnam she'd be the equivalent of a 5'6 male in the west kek
though her post reminds of some non-binary black fakeboi who claimed that beards were an inherently racist standard of masculinity enforced by white masculinity that other "males" can't conform too, cause asian men, black men and "transmen" can't grow full beards
I don't know if any black guy has ever been insecure about his masculinity cause he can't grow a beard
No. 1417773
File: 1642238069507.jpg (217.01 KB, 1000x1676, Jason_Grace.jpg)

>>1417764That's the funny thing, despite them admiring the "representation" of the queer non-white characters in the later book, they still seem to prefer the mostly straight and white characters of the first five books, hell probably the most popular character that wasn't established in those first books was a straight, white male "All American boy" whose also a Jesus allegory
No. 1417821
>>1417609I love how the video starts off with "I'm just a guy on the internet who plays genshin impact"
Yeah, I can tell…
No. 1417999
>>1417987Also if I were to be a troon i would have hesitated in calling myself a man.
>bro>horse pills>=exposing me and blaming me for things i am not =aka. being a tranny when i'm just a """moid""" normal passerby who enjoys lolcowI'm not this
>>1417841, stop calling me horse pills and estradiol pills whatever. what makes me give off the tranny vibe? I can strip off my anonimity at a crucial time, I have enough of this bullshit. Turns out lolcow is made of raging foids, when the ""moid raid"" has just ended.
No. 1418637
File: 1642327228564.png (1.24 MB, 858x1221, jzru.png)

whats even the point of transitioning
No. 1418686
>>1418438nothing wrong with being a plain tsundere lol, instead they trooned to cope
>>1418683Yeah it looks like the general aesthetic of trannies and fakebois and girls who pretend to be "cIs MeN"
>>1418332I hope relationships are not all just vanilla… For example i come from a family where my grandpa and grandma most of the time argue even thought they're married 50 years ago
No. 1418743
File: 1642340843293.jpeg (182.52 KB, 828x784, B686773A-1635-4E20-91B0-2DB0E9…)

This woman just posted a long rant about how some girl her boyfriend knows is transphobic because she continued to misgender her for a while by not calling her a “them/he”…I wonder why.
No. 1418745
File: 1642341105588.jpeg (429.85 KB, 828x1489, BDBA2409-DF04-4198-B119-A49215…)

>>1418743here’s a portion of her rant kek
No. 1418861
File: 1642352256247.png (201.92 KB, 607x1007, sdad.png)

>>1409708>>1409715even when whining about height she comes across as a girl
No. 1418944
File: 1642358852360.jpg (223.76 KB, 644x1500, FTM Case Study .jpg)

I saw a degenerate post in a normal subreddit and thought, "This seems like a troon thing." It was, but an FTM instead of MTF. Anyway, you can see how a girl with mental health issues and addiction problems winds up trooning out and becoming a piss fetishist.
No. 1419008
File: 1642362811549.jpg (391.77 KB, 1079x1257, Screenshot_20220116-135010_Twi…)

Looks like this is making rounds. Hilarious how assmad the TIFs get when people dare insult their "totally kweer" comic made by a real "gay man"
No. 1419060
File: 1642366033083.png (124.66 KB, 800x565, 8E42B78B-D006-4865-B174-054165…)

>>1419011We've been discussing this in depth after somebody saw the same ad around a week ago
>>1413944Just a normal hyper-feminine fujo comic by a "gay trans man," complete with a self-insert and polyamory.
No. 1419081
>>1403293lmfao OF COURSE they chose the martyr St Sebastian, paintings of his execution were popular with gay men flying under the radar as a way to signal their sexuality to one another
OF COURSE the TIFs want to be St Sebastian
No. 1419196
File: 1642379443756.png (348.33 KB, 590x598, g.png)

No. 1419426
>>1403931it's unironically based tbh, as women obtain more economic independence they're more likely to select against untrained cumpeddlers
>>1403643yfw mothers are kinder to boys, prefer boys and put undue pressure on their daughters in presence of male offspring. boymoms are cancer because they have chromoid brain contamination. it's dangerous to assume that every cumgargling poster on lolcow is a moid because sometimes they're boymom scum with leftover y chromoid tissue in their brains from being infected with moid larva for 9 months: No. 1419656
File: 1642437529410.png (75.86 KB, 767x579, dgdgg.png)

>Dumbass TIF has sex with men and didn't realize she could still get pregnant
>still took testosterone and the baby was exposed to testosterone
>baby girl comes out with likely signs of reduced IQ and autism
what a goddam moron, she potentially ruined the life of her child just so she could live out some fake gay fantasy
No. 1419746
>>1419710we do have some similar data, mostly of Eastern belt Olympic athletes who had children years after taking steroids, there was a higher of instances of males being born with with XYY syndrome
mostly they had children born with intellectual disabilities and clubbed foots
>XYY syndrome is a genetic condition in which a male has an extra Y chromosome. There are usually few symptoms. These may include being taller than average, acne, and an increased risk of learning problems. The person is generally otherwise typical No. 1420108
File: 1642467601165.jpg (338.99 KB, 972x2192, 20220118_005855.jpg)

I found this in the wild. Dont know whether to kek or just feel sad. At least she acknowledges her friend is still a woman but isn't smart enough to question the rest of the bullshit and neither do the replies. One reply is close to getting it but just accepts it too. What is this timeline
No. 1420217
>>1420061Not really… it's more of pitiful cope for most with the ftm preggers thing
>>1419811It extends to asians too? Is it 1st world or even 3rd world asian countries?
Imo the premise of ftm saying reproductive rights is not just for women, it opens a gateway for mtfs to attack women.
No. 1420227
>>1420217Kinda off topic but East Asia and SEA(Korea, Japan, Hong Kong and Singapore) are in a odd position
they aren't part of the west but they are extremely westernized but still have traditional asian levels of misogyny and a lot of the current zoomer generation is taking a lot of influences from western woke spaces and trying to force those ideas on their own nations
No. 1420257
>>1420227>what has to be done to protect transgender students in schoolsNonnies, what should be done to protect unmedicated paranoid schizophrenics in school? The other students avoid them and sometimes tell them there are no tracking chips in their salad and nobody is shooting them with microwave guns. How do we stop this bullying and gaslighting? The schizophrenics are far more likely to suffer from depression and anxiety and many of them die from suicide! This is purely because society doesn't accept them! We have to take action and normalize their perceptions! All realities are
No. 1420315
File: 1642494256995.png (345.31 KB, 609x505, 1642486498032.png)

tragic when fat before is much better than thin after
No. 1420380
>>1420320TIM reactions to pregnant women in irl social settings like work, friend group or family reunion is hysteriously funny. The seething when women are bonding over the pregnancy and cooing at the baby bump is just mwahhh delicieux.
TIFs are more likely to be r/childfree style vocal baby/mommy haters though, because internalized misogyny and knowing they could end up pregnant.
A TIM that starts spewing anti-motherhood stuff in a group of women risks being called out even by handmaidens, a TIF less so because women instinctively see TIFs as in-group regarding pregnancy
No. 1420419
>>1420227Sg troons tend to be all HSTS
>>1420417I wonder why tho, asian parents seem to choose simple english names
No. 1420533
File: 1642525382991.png (324.6 KB, 682x647, Screenshot (439).png)

>>1420478Japan is actually one of the few countries with a higher FtM population then MtF, another one is Serbia(which is actually the Hub for cheap FTM surgeries the way Thailand is for MTFs)
one thing you'll notice about these nations is they are westernized but also less egalitarian and far more misogynistic, caught between 2 clashing eras in a way
another factor might be that there are many Fujo online communities for young girls who stay at home all day, reading Yaoi 24/7 and becoming more brain rotted
No. 1420569
>>1420551Japan has a interesting situation, its a societal level don't ask and don't tell policy, as long as gay men don't flaunt being gay they are ignored and that seems to have worked
there is no big "out and proud" gay culture like in the west
No. 1420634
>>1420108the one comment on the bottom saying "That's pretty smart tbh"
Jesus christ do all zoomers share one braincell or something???
No. 1420748
>>1420421maybe if your conception of masculinity is the
toxic kind
No. 1420790
>>1420748ntayrt but literally all masculinity is
toxic kek
No. 1420815
File: 1642543561630.jpg (58.1 KB, 1080x1080, lackofintrospection.jpg)

>>1420783wow trannifyied mulan really makes me want to kill myself
No. 1420967
>>1420315the tif moustache activates my fight or flight response.
I’ve been called a moid for this before but how can any woman be so “disphoric” that tit and stomach hair suddenly makes them feel more comfortable in their body?
No. 1420973
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Trans act so obtuse when it comes to surgery, tifs and tims alike. All their expectations are based on a fantasy that doctors are magicians who can transplant any organ into anybody but simply choose not to because they're so mean and transphobic. They would absolutely agree to get paid do it if they could, but they can't because sexual dimorphism exists. Literally making up reasons to be mad.
No. 1420992
>>1420973>What is the difference between reconstructing the body of someone who was mutilated through injury, and experimental plastic surgery as treatment for mental illness?The real travesty is people who get mutilated through accidents or illness have to jump through hoops and get told at every turn to deal with it, to get even minimal aesthetic support, while you retards get a million dollar worth of surgery for your flavour of the year mental illness.
>>1420990Men have front poles, women have penises.
No. 1421074
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No. 1421077
>>1420973literally what is so offensive about that blurb? reconstructing a natal penis that was lost or damaged is so much different from building an imitation of one using arm/thigh skin lmao. but gynandromorph/gray folie is such a huge biological sex denier of course she would be
semi unrelated but are the anons in the previous thread who follow the person in that screenshot still here? i love this person removed their breasts, takes testosterone, and wants a neo-penis but still hates and denies being a transman lmao
No. 1421082
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>>1421076reminds me of this retarded take, this actually fills me with rage
No. 1421144
>>1421139oh wow, that's sad in hindsight since i think the annoying "aromantic asexual but also still a lesbian at the same time" thing started was before the divorce happened. literally every woman i knew who dated an
abusive TIM were able to realize it was a man, even the ones who still supported transpeople, but she won't. some kind of stockholm syndrome i guess
No. 1421154
>>1421149which makes sense, autistic people tend to not understand social roles/cues, have black-and-white thinking, feel like outsiders to their social group, and can even have sensory issues regarding their body parts.
that's kind of one of the many reasons why the "transkid" thing is so insidious because if they're not gay or uncomfortable with their bodies because they've been sexually abused (or both), they're autistic and have a black-and-white thinking of "girls/boys are like X, but i'm not X, so i must be Y" which the munchausen-by-proxy parents take advantage of
No. 1421346
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>be browsing art of Parappa on instagram
>see some really cute and well done art
>check into the artist's account
>see suggestive drawing of him, and it doesn't help that he is basically a minor too
>the artist is a 15 year old he/they fakeboi
I could be a puritan, but when I first saw this image I pretty much got the fucking creeps.
God, at this point almost no male character can escape the fakebois' gaze.
No. 1421421
>>1420861honestly, ftm utena would make more sense than mulan, since the trauma of her parents dying, but its still retarded, because at the end she realized that the root of her and anthy problems were always men and patriarchy, and that there's was nothing wrong with being female or butch
that retarded headcannon ruins the whole purpose of the show
No. 1421499
>>1420973sometimes i wish doctors would just do these procedures
but then troons would just cry about how the inevitable organ transplant rejections are transphobic doctors fault
No. 1421542
>>1421346the artist is the same age as the character so it's only slightly weird, but i know for a fact pedo adults are jerking to this because they like that a kid drew it lmao
>>1421499i actually hope a uterus transplant on a TIM happens, and he ends up dying from it, so everyone (even the liberal allies who want to be on the "right side of history") finally realize that it's impossible for a male body to be able to accommodate and use a female organ. even intersex men with persistent mullerian duct syndrome have to get their uterus surgically removed because its placement can cause cancer
No. 1421597
>>1421542liberals are willing to sacrifice thousands of troons and thirdies (for the organs) until they realize that its impossible to make fully functional sex organs into the other sex without getting necrotic or sepsis reactions because…sex is real and immutable
firstly, were the fuck can the prostate be placed in a woman? how can you connect brain stimulus to make an erection with the new stolen penis of a trafficked brown person? troons are anti-science and pro mengele tier shit after all
No. 1421619
>>1421597>firstly, were the fuck can the prostate be placed in a woman?i've honestly never heard of a "prostate implant" surgery for TIFs (but i wouldn't be surprised if at least one tried to do it), but in general they seem to have a very childish view on biological sex in general. you'd think if they wanted to get plastic surgery so badly then they would do research on how the procedures works, but it's literally just trying to make an approximate replication of a body part, it doesn't rewire your skeleton and chromosomes and makes you change sex like a clownfish or frog. it'll just be a woman who looks like a man with a non-functioning sausage made of arm skin sewn on your crotch and a fake ballsack made from labia.
>how can you connect brain stimulus to make an erection with the new stolen penis of a trafficked brown person? troons are anti-science and pro mengele tier shit after alli guess if the troons are transmedicalists (which they usually aren't, since they're becoming more fringe) they would argue that they have dysphoria because they were born with the opposite sex brain and body map, so if you implanted someone's penis onto a TIF then it would work, but that's not founded in actual science. if it was then brain scans would be required before surgery, but they're not, so it's a theory rooted in emotions
No. 1421825
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>>1403335understanding one's socialization requires self-reflection
No. 1421843
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i often forget how some of the gayden stuff actually isn't all that new. i saw a bunch of trans zines ("gendertrash from hell" or something like that) from the early 90s archived online and the first issue was basically a pre-internet gayden crying over how she wishes she was a gay man and that gay men are too penis-obsessed to give her a chance. i can find the website if anyone wants to see this for themselves. i really wonder what happened to make this go from being niche queer theory that was discussed in zines to leaking into actual gay rights and communities (not that TIF queen lou sullivan didn't rape-by-deception gay men and got "gender euphoria" from getting AIDs but i highly doubt it was as common back then as it is now)
No. 1421856
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nah sis, it's just misogyny
No. 1421882
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>>1421856she is an incel now, all tifs become incels
No. 1421915
>>1421882this is the fate for straight people who troon out to fuck gay people of the opposite sex. gay people won't like them for obvious reasons, they refuse to date bisexuals because they'll see them as the sex they really are, and detransitioning and trying to date fellow straight people isn't an option if they've been changed by hormones or got surgery
>>1421902he was probably just trying to be a typical liberal ally and "validate her gender", but if was a get-together with the intention of hooking up instead of hanging out he was at least very stupid for bringing a female there
No. 1421929
>>1421542>the artist is the same age as the character so it's only slightly weird, but i know for a fact pedo adults are jerking to this because they like that a kid drew it lmaoAnd furries, because he's a cartoon dog.
And since both pedos and furries would probably fap at this kind of stuff, it's not hard to assume that pedofurries would too.
No. 1422018
>>1421856my experience with having PCOS was always not feeling like a woman because of being hairy, having hell-like periods and overall greasy skin. it's hard to connect to a retarded ideal of womanhood in these conditions, so these rhethorics become true when you have seriously low self esteem. however, once you grow out of it or start taking birth control, the realization of how stupid the whole femininity is strikes quickly.
but since that agenda is being pushed into teen girls with autism and/or PCOS, being clearly young enough to not grow out of it or taking birth control, and also disconnected of "femininity", social contagion takes place
No. 1422061
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>>1421915>this is the fate for straight people who troon out to fuck gay people of the opposite sex. gay people won't like them for obvious reasons, they refuse to date bisexuals because they'll see them as the sex they really are, and detransitioning and trying to date fellow straight people isn't an option if they've been changed by hormones or got surgeryYou would think that tifs would be able to look like non-incel men, but they can't pull it off.
No. 1422109
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hardly defending CMBYN, i just find it really funny when women try to lecture other women on gay male issues.
No. 1422131
>>1422121projecting and over-compensating. they know deep down that they are the predatory straight women who fetishize gay men.
and yeah, 100% of discourse you see on Twitter/Tumblr of "gay men" whining about women objectifying them comes form fakebois. as if anyone is fantasizing about their gross ass.
No. 1422133
>>1422130welcome to what's become of fandom discourse these days. people throw terms like "pedo", "
abusive" etc in regards to basic-ass things in fiction.
No. 1422135
>>1416001what do they say to people who aren't interested in dating blondes? or people of a certain height? or white people? are those not
valid preferences too?
No. 1422342
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I hate Noelle (ND now, apparently?) Stevenson so fucking much, putting on a fanny pack does not make you a man. >shirt with Xs over her chopped off tits
Trooning out really is just a fashion statement for them, huh?
No. 1422368
>>1422342Did she seriously troonout just to wear baggy clothes? It’s seriously retarded, I bet she can’t even go out on a walk shirtless because she’s still self-conscious about the negatits.
I just don’t get the aidens that just wear layers upon layers of clothing, they never show the confidence that trooning out was supposed to give them, they wear ugly, baggy clothes and never workout.
No. 1422407
>>1420245Women transition because they hate being women. Girls who have a hard time getting used to getting sexual attention from disgusting men, getting looked down for being a woman, suffer from internal misogyny are going to transition. Yeah fujos are a thing but I can't help but think most ftm do this as a coping mechanism, just like how, teen girls used to be anorexic in 2010s,it's now transitioning.
For men it's a fetish. Either gay or straight.
No. 1422431
>>1420245There's tons of TIMs trooning out in their teens, they get brainwashed on discord, 4chan or with porn. You're just not in those spaces.
Trooning out in your 30s or 40s is getting less common amongst TIMs, its usually mid 20s now.
Biggest difference is there aren't scores of older women trooning like in males
I think its because women with families are less likely to want to abandon or burden them unlike men.
>>1422407I think its a combination of misogyny and a fetish, I'd say the majority who aren't gay do have a fetish and are coomers but they also have internalized misogyny.
No. 1423285
>>1420973I know this woman is a diagnosed schizophrenic who thinks there are real people that live in her head, but does she honestly not understand why it's different transplanting an organ that was never supposed to be there? Like she thinks people work like Mx. Potato Heads?
Also yeah, get a cronendick, that'll help your chances of finding a girlfriend.
No. 1423429
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>>1423342I'm pretty sceptical about DID as a legitimate, distinct condition. I think it's a delusion brought about by a psychotic disorder, BPD disassociation, retard disorder, or some combination thereof. I don't buy the idea that there are actually a bunch of personalities in their heads with different memories and shit.
I'm glad she draws that comic about her furry DID headmates though, both because it's a window into her personal life (getting cucked by real dick and such) and because it reminds me of Sonichu.
No. 1423446
File: 1642805093205.png (20.41 KB, 604x254, my genitals don't get caught i…) really funny thread (posting it here because the replies are primarily female).
No. 1423479
>>1423429AYRT, i'm a skeptic but i'm also not going to rule out the possibility of DID happening in very extreme cases of early child abuse (aka it's an unnatural coping mechanism and not something that's inborn or healthy to live with, like some who claim to have it say), but at the same time it's considered very trendy to pretend to be and it's easy to use as an excuse for bad behavior to claim your "alter" did something bad, so i take things i read about it online with a grain of salt.
is that second tweet referring to her TIM ex-"wife"? because i checked his blog before and he claims to be "pansexual" now, so even if you pretend he is a woman, that would count as a bisexual (pansexual is snowflake bi) cheating on a female for a man lmao…
>>1423455she hates actual lesbians (aka female homosexuals, bi women who like women and TIMs and transbians are fine) and hates TIFs, but she strongly identifies as the former and is actively getting surgeries to look like the latter. very confusing, it's sad to me how much she hates herself but every time i see an MRA-tier post from her part of that sympathy washes away
No. 1423517
>>1423479No idea, I just used it as a picrel because the bald-faced assertion that there's an epidemic of lesbians having sex with men behind their girlfriends' backs is absolutely psychotic seethe.
What's his blog BTW? Has he ever posted anything interesting?
No. 1423525
>>1423517i think it really was a vague about the ex since i think he used to identify as transbian but left her for an actual man and identifies as pansexual now, kind of unhinged to act like that's something that happened to tons of lesbians and not just a "her" problem
the tumblr url is kitsunerokko, it's similar to gray's blog in the sense it's mostly untagged personal posts, i don't doubt there's something interesting (especially if you go back in the archive to whenever the divorce happened), but it's mostly boring DID-chan stuff