File: 1525181631481.png (275.56 KB, 1125x1416, 1525056459169.png)

No. 570991
last thread:
>>>/snow/465430third thread:
>>>/snow/276054second thread:
>>>/snow/45564first thread:
>>>/snow/26392This thread is for posting and discussing cringey fakebois who may or may not deserve their own threads.
Fakebois are girls who pretend to be boys for attention, either as transmen or biological males (usually the former). These girls are not really transgender because they experience little or no gender dysphoria and usually don't transition, although some of them take male hormones (made possible by informed consent transgender clinics which require no diagnosis) and later regret it.
Fakebois style and present themselves as androgenous or feminine-looking young men, even wearing girls clothing and make-up. They insist on being addressed with male he/him pronouns and take great offense at being misgendered. Some are SJW transactivists, but for most their identities are entirely superficial.
No. 571487
File: 1525223544205.jpeg (350.89 KB, 1079x1088, B9A0945C-9F9E-4108-AC86-1BA433…)

No. 571488
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No. 571489
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No. 571491
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No. 571492
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No. 571493
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No. 571510
File: 1525225752770.png (Spoiler Image,130.39 KB, 540x708, tumblr_p6b6fmCseh1wegbcro1_540…)

Are we seriously trucking with this thread? OP a shit
As contribution, I'll post some art from tumblr user chimera-bones, the fakeboi who drew the OP pic. She IDs as a cuntboy and draws FTM porn of star trek characters.
No. 571557
File: 1525229460705.jpeg (300.27 KB, 1080x1080, 1F2FA8F9-74AE-44E5-AD40-91BBAA…)

No. 571558
File: 1525229475377.jpeg (234.46 KB, 1079x1079, 93C65A91-B25D-4671-A69F-EBF6E8…)

No. 571672
File: 1525239074026.jpeg (194.14 KB, 750x885, 9D353A1D-8471-4738-88C0-CCAECD…)

This is sad
No. 571694
File: 1525241718485.png (256.76 KB, 954x1800, brainsex pseudo-science.png)

>>571510Just looked through her blog a bit more out of curiosity and like… From what I gather, this bitch is a fat, NEET, 29 y/o fakeboi who is also unironically a satanist, a fujo/weeb, a skeptic edgelord, and most likely a munchie on top of all that judging by her 'surgeon's log' tag. Why does she think she's any less embarrassing than the teenagers she's making fun of? Autism?
No. 571714
>>571557I can't pinpoint why but as I stared at this picture it feels to me almost like that guy photoshopped himself into that background lol
>>571493A very unfortunate face shape.
>>571672>>571677Yeah, wtf? Testosterone themed…what the heck does that even mean? that's basic menhera BS and nothing more
>>571694I just lost a few braincells reading that post. What a tool.
No. 571823
File: 1525269578232.jpeg (96.56 KB, 640x1136, F03AA089-ED6B-4901-8F38-D4C2DC…)

>>571801>invade a space filled with cis men looking to hook up with other men>complain when said cis men talk to you in a sexual manner>make your whole online identity around being trans/put trans guy in your bio>get mad when asked about itThis is fucking bonkers. This screenshot though, kek
No. 571828
>>571823>invade a space filled with cis men looking to hook up with other men>complain when said cis men talk to you in a sexual mannerI always laugh at this, I mean, the app is called
grinder, not “gay chat over tea”.
No. 571926
File: 1525284148903.png (146.43 KB, 773x1205, a-logging 'fake' trans…)

>>571894Meh, she's kind of boring save for the sperging at kids. I'll still post a few more caps though. This has taught me that anyone who regularly posts or reblogs truscum art on tumblr is probably a cow themself.
No. 571927
File: 1525284223890.png (42.02 KB, 797x311, google.png)

>>571510i've tried finding out more about this cow and did a reverse google image search for a pic she posted. even google knows she's a girl
No. 571928
File: 1525284229331.png (78.35 KB, 764x669, satanism.png)

>>571926Oh, and she's actually 30 now, not 29. Claims to "value the truth above all else," yet larps as a doctor and believes in the pseudoscientific "neurosex" theory, which has less legitimacy than PJW-sama's soyboy theory. Her only real source for it is a bunk tumblr post by dasha-loses-it (who honestly deserves his own thread).
No. 571932
File: 1525284350113.png (144.01 KB, 907x880, kiss_by_chimera_bones-dbql0uc.…)

>>571928Some of her kawaii art
No. 571933
File: 1525284401999.png (397.3 KB, 776x838, lol.png)

>>571932And here's my last cap
Like I said before, she really does seem like a munchie. If anyone knows more about that shit, maybe they can confirm. I quit lurking those threads early on; too much cancer.
No. 572131
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No. 572826
>>572808The gay transboys who date other gay transboys tend to be confused lesbians. The ones who lust after cock are the narcissistic straight girls who fetishize the gays, and yeah, in typical het fashion they would never touch another woman.
God, I feel so bad for the gay men who cross paths with these disgusting fujos. They often have the worst personalities.
No. 572848
>>572827it's more like, the way these tumblr bois define sexuality and gender identity is almost completely at odds with what they actually practice. its transphobic by their own definition. it's ridiculous that she expects cis mlm to date her and be chill, and then turns around and behaves like she's only going to be happy when cis gays date her. she's being a hypocrite tbh
>>572841mlm is a blanket term to cover gay/bi/pan/snowflake sexuality
No. 572878
>>572867There's this excuse among trans people that because they never got to experience a childhood as their identified gender they can infantilize themselves.
Or maybe autopedophilia is comorbid with autoandrophilia/autogynephilia.
No. 572914
>>572808>she wants to date a cis mlm guy, that's her measurement of success hereHAHAHAHAHA
nah, majority of fakebois date each other, men are too icky and not uwu yaoish enough
No. 573022
>>572984Yeah they whine about how impreg is their fetish but also
triggers their dysphoria. I don’t even know how that works
No. 573078
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No. 573140
>>573130Being trans in general is mostly just a white people thing, but the soft pastel mlm fujos are like
exclusively white. same with transbians.
No. 573166
>>573130there's def nonwhite transmen and women. and nonbinary ppl have existed for years they just didn't obnoxiously hook onto a label or cry about pronouns. tilda swinton is one example.
but the culture behind the whole nonbinary fakeboi bandwagon was born like 3 years ago and exists exclusively on tumblf so the demographic ends up catering only to neet white weebs and steven universe stans. so that's who this ridiculous fad attracts. in general a lot of ""nonbinary"" nonwhite people just stick to the classic labels of butch and femme depending on their sexual orientation. but also like… normal people on general don't bother with the tumblr special snowflake gender glossary. james charles could eeeasily count as a demiboy, nonbinary, they/them she/her queer cutie uwu by tumblr standards but he just calls himself a femme gay lol.
No. 573280
File: 1525402793538.jpg (315.77 KB, 1245x2176, cock-starved.jpg)

Update about chimera-bones, she (along with most truscums) is the epitome of #notliketheothertroons syndrome. Same god awful fujo art, same weak chin and small mouth, same heterosexuality, same autistic fandom obsessions, only real difference is that she believes she was born with le male brain while other fakebois weren't and she doesn't wear pastels. Highkey reminds me of that guy who orbits wig0nhead.
No. 573302
File: 1525405007202.png (1.22 MB, 1080x888, womanlybunny.png)

"manlybunny" (he/him do not misgender) is constantly posting instagram stories where she has full faces of horribly done makeup, but the funniest part is they're always done in this format that imitates fuckboy musical.lys. it's fucking grotesque.
No. 573303
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she also likes to jut her jaw out laughably far to diminish her dumpy fujo potato face (seen here)
No. 573306
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what she tells herself to soothe the inner guilt of being a straight who intrudes on gay spaces and ease the cognitive dissonance between reality and her boi-sona
No. 573331
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No. 573333
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He/him they/them
No. 573334
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No. 573336
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He/him do not misgender
No. 573339
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More Hayden
So edgy
No. 573340
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No. 573475
>>573340I know the pants are that high up to cover her gut bump, but why the hell does she think this looks okay?
She looks like she's wearing a fucking diaper.
No. 573482
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the fact that over 90% of mlm hashtag on tumblr is not even male is pretty fucking poetic
No. 573526
>>573516i've always thought mlm was a catch all term for any guys that liked guys
so bi dudes, pan dudes, gay dudes, etc.
No. 573527
>>573516all i ever read it as is multi level marketing
>>573526it's not
No. 573532
>>573482It’s the same with the wlw tag, all transbians.
Really, no one but trannies and their orbiters call themselves mlm/wlw, they just say gay or bi. Only trannies feel the need to come up with “inclusive” terms for everything.
No. 573593
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Why do so many of them look straight up inbred?
No. 573654
>>573593This looks like a 12 year old who finally found the alternative side of the shopping mall
Too many kids are stumbling across this tranny shit online anyway, and in their confused minds they believe this is the way to look cool and get popular. Then by age 20 they're going to wonder where the fuck they went wrong
Most of these kids/teens have no direction in life, that's why they end up like this.
No. 573657
>>573654I meant, I used to be like this when I was around 15, while there are a reason I was like that back then I can't stop cringing looking back.
Some of the bois are already in their 20s, idk if I should be worried.
No. 573716
>>573593That awkward facial expression screams autism.
But she’d be an average/mildly ugly looking girl if she got a normal girl haircut and replaced those Costello glasses with normal ones. The reason she looks like a complete uggo is mostly because of the amount of unflattering shit she has on her body.
No. 573766
File: 1525460349146.png (395.84 KB, 473x595, fujocommie.png)

>>573340why are there so fucking many fakebois and troons in Chicago? this chick
>>573340 manlybunny, i see Milo Stewart walking around downtown all the time, (she looks like the kid from Stuart Little irl btw) even my friends are becoming fakebois (as i slowly and awkwardly pull away)
i hope the nukes hit Chicago
No. 573800
File: 1525463867514.png (415.67 KB, 595x373, canada.png)

Speaking of places where there are a lot of troons, does anyone know who this is? I've been laughing at this picture for weeks.
No. 573814
>>573698Please join us on
>>573707If you don't think postmodern trans ideology and transactivism is a threat to women and gays, then you haven't been paying attention.
No. 573994
>>573800this is from Zanderqueer's instagram, same as
>>573766 . which by the way is filled to the brim with lols, i highly recommend. No. 574196
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Hayden dump
No. 574197
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No. 574198
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No. 574199
File: 1525500366093.jpeg (247.32 KB, 1035x1379, BB99B07F-AFA1-4EFB-83D2-6F1015…)

No. 574200
File: 1525500417209.jpeg (149.49 KB, 720x1184, 55EEC0D6-F04F-4ED8-8755-B328DA…)

No. 574249
File: 1525506221465.png (160.83 KB, 750x1101, IMG_3207.PNG)

This thing. Almost 30 and living off her elderly parents (who are obviously sick of it from the screenshots of texts she posts from them). Claims to have mysterious health problems no dr can get to the bottom of so that she can get pills, is in the ER at least four times a month. Claims to be trans but is a "lesbian". Used to have quite the following til they got tired of her begging/guilt tripping them for money and posting pictures of her on the toilet and fake crying in the ER. Got mad at me for calling her and her girlfriend out for giving away a cat they "could not afford" and then getting a puppy TWO DAYS LATER.
No. 574257
>>573698It's not just "any" kid who falls into this. A lot of fakebois have munchie parents that eat up their bullshit or they come from families with strict, conservative gender roles and they're rebelling. Normal, supportive parents rarely end up getting these pieces of work.
>>573707This. The trans craze is going to be over in 8-10 years or so and a lot of supported laws concerning trans kids are going to be pulled when we get a massive amount of suicidal detransitioners who have ruined their bodies with puberty blockers and hormones already in their prepubescent years. I can't believe how shortsighted the politicians are.
No. 574310
>>574257This is so true, I talked to my fakeboi friend and it revealed that her family is very religious with strict gender roles, as well as she fell for an abusive ex-boyfriend, which also believes in extremely strict gender roles and hated her for dressing masculine, being taller than him in heels and every superficial things possible.
I asked her if she really did think of being male, she told me 'If I was just a rebellion girl I would know it before'. And that she 'has already made her mind'. (Not to mention she reblogged a lot of 'valid', reassuring posts about feminine gay transman. She also had history of occasionally misgendering herself… If that's possible).
The type who likes being feminine in all things but would hulk out if someone misgender her. Like a reverse gay in-closet.
A lot of fakebois/trenders, seem to gloss this past trauma, combined with gay sex fetishism and social contagion on tumblr. It's more sad than anything. I just want this bullshit to end more than already, hormones have permanent effect.
There's too many things to lose from this
No. 574983
File: 1525601936074.png (743.05 KB, 917x601, 1_Zeeve.png)

Olivers "boyfriend" Zeeve? Yes, this isn't the newest pic, but also yes, she looks exactly the same now! Long hair, make up, no binder, no hormones, looks 100% womyn, but "He/him pronouns! We're a gay male couple!" Blows my fucking mind, how delusional can you get…
No. 575074
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>>573716>>573593Confirmed autistic in her blog. Why the hell she reminded me of that Goonies guy so much?
No. 575217
File: 1525634034388.png (975.72 KB, 1440x1323, mlm.png)

>>575209this thing is fucking hideous, love how she tags every pic of herself with "mlm selfie" kek
No. 575218
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No. 575219
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No. 575318
>>575218>cripple punkWhat the hell..
>>575309Trans and trans trenders have a bingo at this point.
No. 575565
File: 1525661588242.png (238.99 KB, 750x1103, IMG_3270.PNG)

This bitch lol I cannot. "I already know what to expect.." (the rest of the hashtags are "#hopeless" "#helpme" "#ihatemyself") then whining on Facebook that she isn't a drug addict with posts two days ago about how the hospital was treating her like a drug addict/wouldn't give her anything for pain so she just lett
No. 576054
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No. 576157
>>575567A bit of a blog but this hospital experience is not abnormal. Of course hospitals are wary of ANY druggies or munchies.
In February I woke up with the first kidney stone I've had in my life, had no idea what was wrong (thought my appendix was going to burst or something), and had to call an ambulance for myself and wait in the ER in agony, then wait til they'd let me pee (which I really had to because I then passed the stone). Then my pain immediately decreased but then they gave me some pain med that was non-narcotic. Idk what it was.
This shit about having panic attacks at a pain level 8 is weird to me, though. I was in the waiting room thinking I'd die in front of the other people waiting, or vomit in front of them (which I really didn't want to do). I doubt her pain level was actually an 8.
Anyway tl;dr: way to make typical hospital protocol about yourself and then have a "woe is me" rant which makes your story sound exaggerated as hell.
No. 576159
>>576157Samefag/continued blog but to be clear: the vomiting part was because that's a side effect of kidney stones, which had been occurring before I called an ambulance, not because of anxiety/panic (and I do have GAD).
Sorry just didn't want that taken as a "THIS is what true anxiety is like!" kind of remark upon rereading what I'd written.
No. 577001
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It's a shame too because I think some of her outfits are legitimately adorable, but it's so hard to look at that face.
No. 577204
>>575261I guess if they feel like they’re not girls then they’re men. I just feel like they go along with something else as a way of not fitting or rejecting gender roles while making them stronger by relying on them.
>>575295I understand, but what you’re talking about is still gender. XX is female XY is male, but ok.
>>575321Oh, wow anon. Thank you for the great revelation. I didn’t know that you, I and everyone else here is very comfortable with being referred to and feeling like what they were born as, not something that they take on later. Real trans people exist and you can’t deny that. I’m kind of iffy about non-binary people it depends on what they do and say that makes them look like jokes or not like most of the people in this thread.
File: 1525837975150.png (538.32 KB, 931x585, zanderqueer.png)

i can't believe she's serious and not trolling
No. 577510
File: 1525892470056.png (750.81 KB, 750x1334, IMG_3320.PNG)

Dear God. This thing is constantly begging for money on twitter because she "hasn't eaten in days", gets her benefits and then brags about spending it on wine and makeup. Secondhand embarrassment lol
No. 577514
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I can't imagine why..
No. 577515
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>>577510Found the tweets. What a sad lil train wreck
No. 577555
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>>577541"Chronic pain and fatigue" according to her GFM asking for the small amount of 3,000
No. 577556
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"Being effeminate" lol
No. 577612
>>577556I'm glad the German doctor didn't fall into this bullshit.
And it's chronic pain again lol.
No. 578244
File: 1525977702150.png (636.15 KB, 933x598, 1.png)

she keeps covering her face nowadays because her nose is tragic
No. 578248
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>>578218found her myspace account and it has her old pics No. 578256
>>578218That is the same person as
>>578244That? It looks like they changed race from a white girl to an Indian girl. Or did she just seriously abuse photoshop?
>>578248Kek, it looks like she just fell into the fake boi fad
No. 578268
File: 1525979146560.png (578.9 KB, 812x593, kek.png)

>>578256yeah it's all her lmao and funny that you mention her race: like she wants to pass as white with all the skin whitening and covering half of her face in pictures
No. 578743
File: 1526004653366.jpg (6.96 KB, 342x148, download.jpg)

>>578634i'm sorry your sister had to find posts about them but jsyk white knightning never ever works on image boards
No. 578932
>>578634Little sister you mean, you mean SHE.
you don’t like the internet? Tough. We speak the truth here. Sorry you can’t see that. The more you feed your sisters delusion the worse you become
No. 579277
>>573489Also that art school comment, I used to want to go there as a kid. Then years ago there's a big surge of these SJWs/shut-in loons that I backed out fast to another career path just before my high school graduation.
It feels like this is another teenage trends, maintained by peers and most would eventually grow out of it. but unlike Emo phase and ect. It has a social activism/political slant that doesn't invite criticism. (look at quoted thread, transphobia!1!1!)
I think there can be legit transgender, but not in this way.
No. 579370
File: 1526052933611.jpg (143.14 KB, 768x960, photoshop is miraculous.jpg)

>>576054I tried as well.
I'm curious, are there a lot of fakebois in the spoonie community? And do they post mostly on the fakeboi community or the spoonie one?
No. 580022
File: 1526090563917.png (119.09 KB, 640x984, IMG_8336.PNG)

"I'm a man" but "I want to feel pretty and feminine" ….makes total sense
No. 580214
they don't want to be men, because man are hairy, sweaty and not uwu yaoi at all
they just want to live out their jap cartoon fantasy
No. 580812
File: 1526169778216.jpg (56.6 KB, 720x960, 20245986_1118432018288145_8442…)

"Iggy Oddity". Popular in some circles on Facebook. Goes by he/him and has some disease that makes her look like ET. Major munchie always whining about feeling sick and always convinced she has some random illness. Celebrated when she got diagnosed with autism. Says that modding a bunch of Facebook groups and watching shitty art films makes her interesting.
No. 582257
>>576054All that money spent on ridiculous FEMININE clothing and still asking for donations.
>>576222I have chest dysmorphia and I am 100% female lmao it pisses me off when these fakebois don't like their tiddies so they wanna be dudes instead uhhh ok sweetheart.
Pretty much what
>>576249 said. It makes them look more legit, I have even been asked if I wanted to be trans/NB and was like wtf no ?????
No. 583908
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It really irks me when boi just kept repeating gay/homo every 2 words
No. 584225
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This response to the question "how/when did you know you were trans" from a 24-year-old, make-up-wearing, "soft boy," enby MLM ticks nearly every box on the stereotype checklist. From slashfic fan to "men are toxic" Tumblrina to having their trans awakening after watching a gay ice skating anime. This individual is starting testoterone via informed consent today.
No. 584226
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No. 584227
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No. 584228
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No. 584401
>>584318There are people who hopped the fad because of homestuck. The whole Tumblr is curse on itself
>>584225Age 23… Got this,bad feeling she's a lost cause now.
No. 584435
>>582257i hate fakebois for this reason. legitimately trans guys, i'm fine with. i'd totally date one. but these stupid assholes who just go "well i'm not like other girls and i hate my vagina and my boobs so i'm trans now CALL ME MALE"
fuck you. i hated my vagina and my boobs for a long time too. i felt like other girls didn't "get me" for a long time as well. that isn't being trans and i'm not respecting you throwing your gender under the bus and simultaneously hating yourself by calling you a man. you're a girl with no self-esteem or life skills.
No. 584599
>>584225>I stumbled upon the world of m/m fanfiction..I wanted a relationship like thatHello? Just peg him? Why do these people think they need to be male to fuck a guy
>I googled about wanting to transition, but all the information pointed to wanting to change your bodyBecause that's what transitioning means?
>>584227>yaoi showed me a relationship free of stereotypes or toxic masculinity. the kind of relationship I cravedHELLO?? This is infuriating. You don't have to be "trans" to date a guy who isn't "toxically" masculine oh my fucking god. Oh my fucking god. Just date a submissive. What the hell is going on? I can't handle this thread.
Is this really what's popular now??
Do these girls really think there's only one way to be a woman? I can't believe this. I genuinely can't believe they think like this
No. 584672
What's pretty funny is that most of, or at least huge part of, fakebois seem to be manhaters to some extent. Like not full on crazy misandrists or some shit but more lite "men are icky" type. Bitch, don't you want to be a man?
>>584599>guy who isn't "toxically" masculine and what do they even fucking mean by "toxic"
>>584452meh, it's not bad (I mean anime, not fandom)
No. 584759
File: 1526475492686.jpeg (44.63 KB, 743x208, B77EEBF9-EE97-40A2-BC4D-862134…)

Anyone else see this before it was removed?
No. 584772
>>584759No I wish i did though. Is it fuck face Phoenix in the background too?
What is she up to nowadays? lulul
No. 584939
>>584772It's Caspian now because she got mad that too many fakebois were called phoenix, no lie.
She's on T now so can't wait to see how that plays out. T is all fun and games until you turn into a big scawwy man uwu and not a kawaii pastel boi
No. 585729
File: 1526523331131.jpg (38.96 KB, 720x960, 20246030_1118431964954817_9117…)

>>580812No not the makeup she literally has some disease that makes her look small with no neck
No. 585731
Meant to reply to
>>584315 sorry
No. 585793
File: 1526530060881.png (1.16 MB, 640x1136, IMG_8365.PNG)

Diebreado….voice on stories reveals all
No. 585802
File: 1526530804340.png (1.68 MB, 996x1462, Screen Shot 2018-05-17 at 12.1…)

Not a transtrender but I think it's funny that fakebois fetishize gender dysphoria even in the sims.
No. 585860
File: 1526536754530.jpeg (560.77 KB, 750x971, 28EC9E7E-29BD-480A-B856-AF237B…)

Has this one been brought up yet? Insists on presenting like a woman & being at one point identified as a "lesbian" despite having a long term male partner, while bitching & moaning daily about being misgendered. They were catcalled as a male & had some kind of problem with being seen as a cis man? No. 585862
>>585860Usually this thread is about bio female I'd as male in a cringy way. But occasionally there would be glaring example of troons like this (>>571491,>>571487)
Perhaps we need a thread for them too.
No. 585900
>>584939Holy shit I had a tumblr fakeboi coworker named Caspian a couple years ago lmao
She had ~panic attacks when confronted about anything and being told to do her job
Was a completely slobby mess person who never wore deodorant too, and several customers complained about her stench even to her face yet she never made an effort to clean up even after management told her to shape up
No. 586318
>>586166It's even more sad that as homosexuality has started to become accepted, this stupid trend sprang up to latch on the right gay people fought for years. This is also the same for transbians type who keep invading the spaces for women who made it clear that they don't want dick, and get on rage when they can't get girls.
Of course, they'd argue that 'They're transgender! they're must more discriminated' which I don't know how to refute about this.
No. 586377
>>586318Check the gender critical thread in /ot/. There's loads of evidence in there that they are discriminated against less than any other people group.
They're also the reason why the public's aproval of the lgb community has gone down recently. Unfortunate that they're still looped it with lgb people.
No. 587260
File: 1526647618328.jpg (908.82 KB, 1068x1596, Screenshot_20180518-084133_Ins…)

>>576054This girl showed upon my ig explore page. I feel so bad for ftm who have witness this kind of fuckery. I know it has make them physically ill and angry to see it. I don't know why these girls can't just be traditional tomboys and leave it at that.
No. 587294
File: 1526652374691.jpg (1 MB, 1068x1596, 201805181313450283.jpg)

>>587260I tried to get rid of the gross facial hair, but got bored and ended up erasing her dimple in the process lol. She'd be pretty cute without it imo.
No. 587320
>>587260>>587294I actually feel so bad for her falling into this shit, she'd be actually cute without that gross stache.
Real ftm these days seem to be quite rare nowadays, it's all smol uwu gay boi over the places
No. 587391
>>587260Tabby is actually on T. But I still don't get why someone who is anxious about being perceived male would wear the most feminine clothing style. That's why I can't take the fakebois who wear fairy kei seriously.
>>587320MtFs used to be way more common than FtMs but now FtMs have been more common recently. Makes you think.
No. 587396
File: 1526659410480.jpg (71.13 KB, 640x480, tumblr_m8aluxHClU1qc6ky1o1_128…)

>>587294 this is her a few years back
No. 587461
>>587419Husband might have had something to do with it. But iirc they were nonbinary for a while.
Someone told me they asked for donations or did a fundraiser for The and would talk about being poor despite having thousands of dollars worth of brand j-fashion clothing.
No. 589877
>>584939Caspian LMFAO
Oh god her on T is going to be fun since isn't she half turkish or something? She going to be hella fucking furry then lulul I also am surprised since her dad was super against this shit too. Is she still living in the uk as well?
>>585900 This also sounds like Phoenix HAHA
"My boss gave me a FEMALE shirt so I quit my job" bitch what it is a fucking shirt, I thought clothing had no gender. She is a hypocrite. But really does sound like her being a vegan (no hate)
Why are all fakebois some eco warrior vegan loser (no hate on vegans btw)
>>587391 Thats because their kawaii style has no gender desuuuu~
I literally hate this mindset they have
>>587461Isnt husband also a girl though lulul
Can anyone confirm if this fakeboi is legitimately blind? No. 589890
File: 1526867345854.jpg (409.97 KB, 1280x1600, yikes.jpg)

No. 589954
>>589890What the fuck is so bad about having a sex drive? Depression made me fucking long for any inkling of wanting to have sex.
I get the no body odor or hair, but from her it sounds like she is choosing to be asexual and isn’t that what all this orientation/sexuality shit is NOT all about?
No. 590144
>>589890>flannel and bowtieEVERY
No. 590403
File: 1526932346169.png (834.16 KB, 915x598, 1_imzeev.png)

Oliver/Criedwolves "boyfriend"… ex"boyfriend"? I dunno if they're still a couple, but how do people like this expect anyone to take them seriously? Do they really walk around thinking that anyone other then their snowflake friends/following would see them as male?? She looks like any basic girl ever! I don't fucking get it. What's the point? I'm baffled…
No. 590592
>>590534I don't think there's a clear line, even dysphoria can be induced by social contagion like eating disorders. So there's weighing in many aspects.
I'd say that 'mental health' and little tidbits are the best proponent. And I would give more creds to the one who clearly shows gender nonconforming tendencies since childhood.
My personal signs of someone who shouldn't yet pursue transition would be. Porn/fandom obsessions and fetishism of preferred gender.(fujoshis/AGP transbians). Centering self around gender identity as a hard concept and feel like it is 'chosen' rather than a natural progress. and many things.
No. 594263
>>593160I am guessing it is just short sighted because there are apps for blind people to use, but the fact Sei does pixel art and shit makes me question whether or not this is just one of those
"lol i am a non binary gender queer #heplz #autism #ftm" but rather than autism it is I AM BLIIIIIIIIND
and I have blind friends and know how difficult life can be for them and need a written description of pictures while Sei is just….
No. 594336
File: 1527344200053.jpeg (581.49 KB, 1242x1983, 0749DFC4-89EB-4D5B-A716-C55D79…)

I know why’ve been posted here but I get a kick every time this person tags #trans on any of their photos.
No. 594813
File: 1527386507715.jpeg (98.48 KB, 783x958, 7DB358EE-CA65-4C0E-A3D0-CCA092…)

she can see just fine I believe. If she can see the photoshop toolbars she is fine. She uses a laptop not a big desktop
No. 594815
File: 1527386584582.jpeg (59.2 KB, 640x480, 40491420-198E-4F48-B0EA-1D21FF…)

She used to be a normal girl
No. 594963
File: 1527402903094.jpg (110.31 KB, 326x253, Disasterina.jpg)

>>594336>>594797She's trying to be Disasterina, I think. Some "bioqueens" hide behind gender labels in order to justify their gentrifying ways.
No. 595108
>>590534“Transitioning” while claiming to hate cis men.
Only dates and/or associates with other fakebois.
Having outdated and surprisingly gendered ideas of what being a woman is.
Showing misogyny towards women that are not lgbt (with the occasional snarky comment towards cis gay people)
Fandom obsessions and headcanoning almost all of their favorite male characters as gay and/or trans.
No. 595112
File: 1527430162247.jpeg (460.23 KB, 1242x1882, 80911810-AF74-4139-A23A-FD3C3B…)

>>594890She could actually be pretty though if she figured out what ‘subtle’ makeup is…
Aside from that, funny that she doesn’t put trans or femme on something like this with her tits out. Don’t say anything about it though or she’ll call you out publicly for ~misgendering her~.
No. 595633
>>594963To be fair: drag queen or not, this is bad.
Are “bioqueens” even taken seriously?
No. 595732
>>595123that was tongue in cheek on my part but I have seen it said for real
No. 595821
File: 1527508621570.png (3.27 MB, 1800x1360, IMG_9939.PNG)

Isabelmusidora on Instagram. I used to follow her and decided to look her up again. She goes by He/him now and I'm mad because she used to be really fucking cute.
No. 595902
>>595859I don't think she's that fat to make it not work, a lot of her pics look spot on and it could've been worse.
Let's hope that's not real stache though
No. 598988
File: 1527815946610.jpeg (125.21 KB, 960x960, A3113933-B577-4B79-BE7F-E3364C…)

This girl popped up on my feed. I think she is in confetti club? I wish my friend suggestions weren’t so weird
No. 598989
File: 1527815973533.jpeg (171.84 KB, 960x960, 514CAB48-D425-49C3-A71A-AEE5C9…)

She goes by Edward
No. 598990
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Trans is not a fashion
No. 599667
File: 1527889940985.jpeg (230.69 KB, 750x1066, F9145469-F762-4B5A-A719-429E82…)

This cringy girl keeps popping up. The spilt wig look is a ‘cosplay’. But she is really a cute gay boy.
No. 599669
File: 1527890040038.png (751.49 KB, 750x1334, 292C2CD4-54A7-431D-A129-D4A745…)

>>599667Her Facebook is just her in lots of girl cosplays. Jesus Christ.
No. 599672
File: 1527890342491.png (376.3 KB, 530x659, Screen Shot 2018-06-01 at 22.5…)

>>599669Dear god why are so many people mentally ill. Looks like there's fungus growing out of her head!
>>599669 No. 599712
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Anyone familiar with Ryan Cassata?
No. 600027
File: 1527931711504.png (106.47 KB, 622x1003, IMG_4928.PNG)

>>599846Yeah Ryan's reasons for not going T are ridiculous, I've heard 'him' say things like "my mom doesn't want me to", or "my producer doesn't want me to", which sounds likes bull and makes me doubt he's FTM at all. He put up a video once having a mental breakdown over something someone said on Tumblr about him not going on T, it was so cringey. I think he's about 24 now and his body has gotten more feminine looking, so he can't even pass as a little boy anymore. How could a trans man be ok with that.
No. 600149
File: 1527956955996.png (102.28 KB, 640x959, IMG_8497.PNG)

Lmao only ugly girls are trans
No. 601644
File: 1528113261993.png (78.5 KB, 1116x881, 2018-06-04_12-20-56.png)

>>600149Don't think she's that ugly. It's just what they made themselves to be uneek.
I found fakeboi psychology to be extremely fascinating. Internalized misogyny is showing here. This is one rather weird case where on her page she seemed to worship butches/strong ladies a lot, yet when it comes to herself she only wanted to be uwu smol gay boys who dressed in drag. (Who just keeps saying gay every sentences)
No. 601664
>>601360nta, but i copied it because it was so funny kek. it was a wall of text written by an extremely
triggered, edgy troon:
>Hey maggots faced dick shit who the fuck let you out of your fucking ass eating Herero cage of asshole brain dead ignorance. Why the fuck does your crusty unwanted shit covered mouth suck so much inbred cock? Perhaps because your attracted to your own kind motherfucker? Feel like perpetuating your condition? Go cry into your cousins ballsack and stuff your mouth with them, it’d be more productive then what your doing with it now. It’s funny how you talk about him looking “unflattering” when you are literally spewing up vile poisonous menstrual blood out of your rotting diseased opening you call a mouth while getting a sad handjob from the homeless man out side of your local Macy’s.>It’s a good thing y’all don’t want to have children. I literally think you should be sterilized so the human race won’t be subjected to your many rotting chromosomes. Besides, it’s not like you could ever get anyone to willingly fuck you. You ought to be furiously masturbating to yeasty pussy or grandmas farting or whatever the fuck it is you gross as fucks get off to these days instead of wasting your time pretending like someone cares about what ever counts as an opinion for someone who has syphilis brain. Do your keepers A huge favor: do a triple summersault through The Air,and disappear up your own Asshole. That’s be an immense improve to rather then listen to the long list of bull shit you have spewing out of your mouth. In fact,I would literally rather masturbate with knives to a snake eating a mouse then have you ever type anything ever again. I realize you must be living a sad, dreary, empty existence and believe it or not it’s not the excessive cock you want to suck, or your sever lack of intelligence or creativity, or even the fact you look like a rotted slimy mushroom and a 67 year old woman who’s been using crack for 39 years had hate sex and left you behind the liquor store that people hate listening to you. You just have a terrible personality. You wanna talk about having no direction in life? Why don’t you look at the fact you are on fucking reddit, talking about a teenager you have never met, scrolling through his blog, and going back to reddit to bitch about something you pasty ass lonely hateful thing. You are clearly incapable of even the most basic human decency and therefore don’t deserve the title of human. You think your so fucking above it all why don’t you look all the fucked up shit you’ve gone through. “But I’m different!” You say to yourself while you sit at a computer you probably didn’t buy or earn or deserve to have in any way shape or form. Well hello. I’m here to tell you your wrong. You aren’t special. If you think the fact that your life is a river of shit and vomit from people who have to listen to you guess what. You are wrong. You aren’t special. Maybe instead of spending time perpetuating filth on the internet you go tell someone important to you that you love them or pet a dog. Maybe try and be positive instead of orgasming at the thought of being cruel to another human being who you have never met and hopefully never will meet. Go fuck yourself.edit: sorry for reposting so many times, i deleted all the extras so just refrest the page
No. 601686
>>601664This is perfect, my eyes are having cancer after reading this post.
Should've been a copypasta
No. 602000
>>600149I almost feel bad for this one because the boyfriend or whatever is dating five other people kek
Also the whole Sid the Sloth thing
No. 603107
>>584435>>586166>>587320>>590571I'm a legitimate trans man undergoing transition (top surgery and t-shots, meaning, when I'm done, I'll actually look like a 5 foot 7 man. I want the extra body hair and the weird smells and all the "bad" that comes along with transition. The head hair loss sucks, but I'll just have to deal) and while I advocate for people to do their own thing and do what they want, the idea of me personally wearing anything feminine/pastel/etc like this really makes me uncomfortable and amps my existing gender dysphoria to sky-high levels. I just can't do it. I tried being feminine for a long time and while I was good at it, it never ever felt genuine. I still cosplay regularly and do makeup from time to time - usually along the more dramatic and not pastel styles, but most of my clothing and hair and even my glasses are all "traditionally" masculine now with maybe a colorful hat and jacket for a convention or something.
T-shots are interesting. If you hate needles (like I do!) you can do sub-cutaneous injections with something like a half inch needle, or have the doctor inject you for you. Or get gel. Or get patches. There are so many routes you can take to do T. Sublingual delivery is even making a comeback. No excuse.
The only discrimination I've experienced thus far is I've been fired for coming out to my manager a few years ago, and my dad thinks I'm insane, but I also keep it on the DL and don't define myself by it and don't yell about it all the time. I tend to keep my personal shit to personal spaces and situations where I know it's OK. I don't exactly keep it a secret, but I don't go around telling everyone about it, either.
Most people just think I'm a lesbian at the moment, especially at work, but I'm OK with that for now.
>>599629In the US, I needed to see a gender therapist at least once a month for a year and a half to get a letter for top surgery. :/
>>603099Men wearing makeup isn't remotely weird anymore, my dude
(cool story bro) No. 603154
>>603103Polyamory is liberal and hip. Nobody owns any one person. Having sex with as many people as possible at once is progressive, free love is the best love. If your partner doesn't want you fucking around, they don't love you, they're holding you back. It's so close minded to only love one person.
The increase in individuals who are poly seems to correlate with the increase of individuals with narcissism.
No. 603877
>>602000Of course there's a Tumblr.
It's all kid toys and what looks like shota porn.
No. 605386
>>573166>non binary ppl have existed for years uwuShut the fuck up 3rd genders have almost exclusively existed in extremely patriarchal cultures as a means of dehumanising gay people esp. gay men LOL
And don't compare being butch to being "nonbinary". Shut the fuck up and go be straight somewhere else idiot
>>573336Ageplay alert
>>573641Fakeboys arent butch. They're just ugly fat yaoi fans
No. 605398
File: 1528487474902.jpeg (Spoiler Image,348.36 KB, 1125x1477, C5AE9685-E045-4E9C-BAC7-B86597…)

Pudgy fujoshit walking around a convention with her mutilated tits out
No. 605440
File: 1528490551372.jpeg (179.61 KB, 640x1136, image.jpeg)

A fakeboi I know who is married to a cisgender man recently posted her t-shirt collection. I'm not sure if she's trying to say she's gay because she's a "man" married to a man or gay because she has poly relationships with women (but she's a man tho). If she's dating women wouldn't that make her a straight man?
No. 606741
File: 1528639158767.png (847.23 KB, 887x600, 1_Crieswolves_1.png)

That regression… I guess the "concept of passing" is so "problematic" in this day and age that fakebois are now trying to look as girly as possible!
No. 606918
File: 1528660066474.png (11.14 KB, 586x78, 1_Crieswolves_2.png)

>>606790She should have just stuck to being a cute tomboy, but she's way to far down the fujoshi-gay-boi-hell-hole to detrans any time soon (her parents must be so proud)
No. 606999
File: 1528666474374.png (69.93 KB, 637x554, 1_Crieswolves_3.png)

>>606960"at least she's still cute and doesn't look like a real tranny yet" Doesn't make her any less cringy. (Also, the tits are chopped off and she has permanent Milo Stewart voice and excess body hair from low dose T, so it's not like she can easily revert back even if she wanted to.)
No. 607018
is on t AND titty surgery? nvm, then. the gross scars and the 12 y/o boy voice kills any remaining cuteness rip
No. 609212
File: 1528861508785.png (116.64 KB, 640x1003, IMG_8604.PNG)

'Nuf said
No. 609448
>>609446>>606999Meme or not, still cringey as fuck.
Not that she couldn't get even more cringier
No. 610736
>>600149>leichenfressercorpse eater
No. 613140
>>605386>Shut the fuck up 3rd genders have almost exclusively existed in extremely patriarchal cultures as a means of dehumanising gay people esp. gay men LOLGod, THIS. I'm so infuriated over tumblrites bringing up "le 3rd gender" because it only exists to enforce strict, patriarchal stereotypes and rules. People fought against gender stereotypes and roles for decades and now we have a bunch of progressive assholes wanting to bring them back again.
>>605398To be honest the surgery results look pretty good (no sunken in tits and horribly mutilated nipples) but this is just… unsettling. Every time I see a fujo cosplayer go this far to fulfill their yaoi fantasies at like.. 19-21 I feel uncomfortable. You can be a girl and cosplay male characters and be a fujo, you don't have to mangle your body for the rest of your life.
>>609221So much this.
No. 613234"he/they" and obviously another weeb.
about a week before she claimed to be a boy, she had bought lingerie and posted a photo on Instagram wearing it with her tits out. such a boy.
Genuinely feel sorry for actual trans people who suffer with dysphoria to have these poster children claiming things they do not know anything about.
No. 613779
File: 1529289315343.png (193.4 KB, 750x1015, IMG_4068.PNG)

"Chronically ill" drug seeking fakeboi starts premium snap with freaky looking girlfriend
No. 613781
File: 1529289399909.png (1.03 MB, 750x1334, IMG_4070.PNG)

Imagine posting selfies crying while shitting lol
No. 613785
>>613184When someone so desperately tries to conceal their typing style that it doesn't even look like English
I hope that's the case here at least
No. 614132
File: 1529340198158.png (114.05 KB, 637x871, IMG_4970.PNG)

>>613797>>613781The cringe is too much, wtf is wrong with her anyway? Says she's 'disabled'.
No. 614188
>>613151I had a feeling this was the case. I'm not too familiar with fakebois since they tie in with non-binary crap and I think Non-binary is a load of crap so I don't look for it. But I definitely notice a lot of these fakebois look like they're trying to be anime characters and seem to think that just because they like to dress up in crossplay, it makes them trans when it really doesn't.
The fact that some get surgeries to alter their look for their hobby baffles me because what'll happen when they turn like 30+ and they may not be as heavily into anime anymore? Or at the very least, not wanting to dress up as much? They pretty much fucked their own body up.
>>613174That is hilarious and sad. Sad because she lost her identity trying to be this character.
No. 614236
File: 1529347856348.png (182.89 KB, 640x992, IMG_8663.PNG)

So much cringe
No. 615129
File: 1529434720195.jpeg (44.82 KB, 748x421, B4F4A0DF-41A4-4DAE-977A-397244…)

>shit that actual cis men never say
No. 615136
File: 1529435349610.jpeg (176.49 KB, 960x960, 5BBCD083-87BC-4DC3-9780-4E8E5E…)

>>615129>>615132I don’t understand why they picked that swimsuit if they want to convince people that they have a penis and that they’re a trap. With something that high-waisted, you wouldn’t be able to completely hide a bulge even with tucking. They should have gone with a swim skirt or board shorts if they wanted to keep up the “trap” illusion.
Oh right, that wouldn’t have gotten as much attention.
No. 615137
>>614188Honestly, they just want to be traps they saw in a doujin. It's pretty obvious from these posts here
>>615132 >>614236 and multiple more in this thread.
No. 615144
>>615137I’ll never understand ftms who pretend to be mtf “traps”
>Be born female>Try to convince people that you’re male>Once people start believing you’re male, dress like a girl and pretend to be female >Once people start believing you’re female, convince people that you’re actually male It’s a full circle of unnecessary bullshit. They should just do an online role play or write Fanfiction to fulfill their trap fetish.
No. 615316
File: 1529445415046.png (549.75 KB, 1439x1473, Screenshot_2018-06-19-16-55-21…)

>>613174Either she's lurking or someone she knows told her. 6 hours after this was posted, she makes a thread about needing hiatus. Very suspicious lol.
No. 617117
>>617114tranny accusing someone else of hating themselves? funny.
also you don’t need to keep typing “anonymous” in the name field you fucking retard
No. 617121
>>617117doxx urself
also im not typing anonymous lol ur shit says that too are you too stupid to realize it puts that automatically
>>617121baby’s first day on an imageboard
is this what you do to distract yourself from the fact that you’ll always have a vagina and never pass?
No. 617168
>>617114Hi, you seem retarded so let me help you there mam
You don't have to have problems in life to laugh at others. I take it you're one of these dumb bitches who goes around parading to be a man right? You're not. You're a woman. Most likely, a tomboy. Women don't have to be feminine to be a woman, you can be anything you want. Anything but a man, which you will never be as you are a woman. Doesnt matter how big your bad dragon strapon dildo is. Still a woman. Probably a badly dressed one at that. Any questions
No. 617297
File: 1529617620417.png (680.79 KB, 510x835, 15t425253.png)

No. 617445
File: 1529622500717.gif (1019.55 KB, 320x250, IMG_0167.GIF)

>>617297No bangs in the world could hide that forehead
No. 617829
>>615137Oh for sure. I totally get it the more I'm looking at these fakebois. I decided to go ahead and look on Tumblr just to get a general idea and yep, just attention whoring girls trying to live out their yaoi obsession.
>>617091Oh pipe down. Most people aren't laughing at all trans people, just these attention whoring spastics who are trying to live their delusional anime uwu boy fantasies and even go as far as fucking up their bodies to do so which you know they'll regret when they mature.
>>617100No such thing as a "boy pussy".
Vagina = Woman
Penis = Man
Deal with it. You want to be trans? Be trans. But don't be delusional about biological anatomy.
No. 618472
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Anyone been keeping up with Jude/Sarah?
No. 618502
File: 1529705807101.png (477.63 KB, 480x596, cringe.PNG)

>>618472This is so funny. It always cracks me up that fakebois default to the most pathetic 12 year old boy mustaches. So manly, so sexy.
No. 618989
>>618472I need some eyes bleach for that stache.
>>618964I've got my friend like this, not on T yet. Hates body hair but feel like 'shaving legs is too unmanly'.
My guess? Some only do it because they want to be socially seen as male, so people would call them He/Him. At least from some of the bois' blog.
I don't know if detransition rate would shoot up though, tumblrinas like echo chambers and they wouldn't see other perspectives. With T and surgery, their body would also go to far to be back as women easily. It's easier to keep going by then.
No. 619933
File: 1529850296266.png (30.17 KB, 585x319, 1_Criedwolves_4.png)

"slightly feminine looking dude" The level of delusion… I'm not going to argue that it was kind of rude and unnecessary of the man to say any of that out loud in front of Oliver, but dude… You were born the female sex! You have been taking a small amount of T that only vaguely has affected you physically! Having top surgery doesn't automatically make you pass either, there actually exists women with very small breasts! You don't look like a "slightly feminine dude working at a make up store", you look like a slightly androgynous woman, that's why people think stuff like that man did! Get your head out of your ass!
No. 619935
File: 1529850554788.png (692.41 KB, 797x599, 1_diebreado.png)

Your "schlong" was showing… What schlong? Jeezus, I'm baffled anyone would believe this shit! Also, noticed the topless shoops have been deleted, guess there was too many call-out comments for their liking, heh.
No. 619999
File: 1529858156257.jpeg (Spoiler Image,327.93 KB, 900x1280, 90F93B2C-1DB0-4910-AD5F-F32B53…)

totally a boy
No. 620179
File: 1529871786644.jpg (71.62 KB, 540x403, 1511915072710.jpg)

>>609221>imagine getting irreversible procedures done just to fit in with a tumblr aesthetic fad that will most likely die out within a few years… this thread is depressingPretty sure the fad is already starting to die out along with tumblr itself, looking forward to seeing what on earth these people plan to do with their botched selves
No. 620455
>>617859I have never heard of that before lol Sounds ridiculous though.
>>618964I think there will be a significant increase. YouTuber Prince of Queens made a video talking about this article where some ex-transtrenders who actually transitioned were complaining about how the doctors didn't "adequately" warn them about the side effects. It was such bullshit really but yeah, I'm sure it's going to be a thing by 2022-2025. That or we'll be seeing blogs about it.
>>618989> I don't know if detransition rate would shoot up though, tumblrinas like echo chambers and they wouldn't see other perspectives. With T and surgery, their body would also go to far to be back as women easily. It's easier to keep going by then.I can see that. I remember reading a comment on Blaire White's video when she talked about De-transitioning and one of the comments was a person who thought she was trans but when she discovered she wasn't, a bunch of her tumblr friends (she mentioned she was on tumblr) abandoned her for some reason. So I can see some of these people wanting to pretend like de-transitioning is not a real thing or at least not a common thing.
>>620179Oh I'm pretty sure these people botched up people are going to whine about what they did to their bodies and cast blame on anyone else other than themselves.
No. 620866
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No. 620895
>>620874They're transgender in modern meaning, in fact I don't know what gender means anymore. It's a shitty word on its own.
If you say you're a man, you are one. No dysphoria or trying to pass needed because that somehow reinforce gender roles.
They don't 'pretend' to be trans, they really think they are.
No. 620913

>>620455These women are getting their hormones and mastectomies through informed consent clinics where a diagnosis of gender dysphoria is little more than a formality for insurance coverage.
And soon gender incongruence will no longer be a mental health condition in the next edition of the ICD which reinforces the validity of informed consent.
Gender incongruence, meanwhile, has also been moved out of mental disorders in the ICD, into sexual health conditions. The rationale being that while evidence is now clear that it is not a mental disorder, and indeed classifying it in this can cause enormous stigma for people who are transgender, there remain significant health care needs that can best be met if the condition is coded under the ICD. article about women detransitioning (video related) No. 621016
File: 1529942496569.jpeg (1.63 MB, 1068x1596, B7AC8E01-9BC7-485E-BB18-1D070F…)

>>587260Bit late but gave it a go
No. 621340
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No. 621632
>>621101That's actually a fair assessment and I think you may be right. Because considering how a lot of these girls are heterosexual, it's obvious that a lot of men are not going to be attracted to their masculine look. Not saying that there aren't men who are attracted to masculine/butch women but they're not the majority. And they may have internalized being called ugly or manly and jumped aboard the trans train to gain popularity and attention.
YouTuber Prince of Queens that I mentioned earlier, his friend actually came up with a definition for "Non-binary" people that actually made me chuckle because I feel there may be some truth to it.
"Non-binary = Ugly as either gender".
Granted it's harsh because I've seen some gender nonconforming girls who pull of the androgynous look but uh… Yeah…
No. 621958
>>621816>>621904I don't wanna be that guy, but it's not a new thing gender and sex have always been separate terms in english, although you are right in that often gender is used where it would be "impolite" to say sex. It is technically incorrect though; a medical form should never ask your gender for example.
The distinction is useful because although across all cultures sex is the same, you get male or female, gender is not. And I'm not talking about third or special genders or any of that bullshit, but the cultural idea of what it means to be a man or a woman are different. Saying you don't fit in with your gender isn't the same as saying you don't fit with your sex.
No. 622880
File: 1530120721328.png (Spoiler Image,703.78 KB, 494x670, Screenshot_918.png)

half of these assholes look like they're trying to mimic criedwolves if they're not 24/7 cosplaying anime boys
No. 622882
File: 1530121007402.png (1.66 MB, 1920x1080, Screenshot_20180627-133631.png)

No. 622895
File: 1530122409675.png (Spoiler Image,485.56 KB, 495x588, Screenshot_919.png)

Okay i'm posting a lot of this one but she's really fucking really gross. What a fetishizing piece of shit. The ONLY one where she pretends to look like a guy is one where she fetishizes 'outing' a trans man only for him to be sexually abused as result.
No. 623089
>>622895This is so uncomfortable and some self internalized shit wtf
I'm suprised there's no callouts for this
No. 623169
File: 1530147810677.jpeg (398.45 KB, 750x611, 00418500-B10A-4502-812D-97A46F…)

I really hate this fakeboy. I’m glad he’s getting called out. Always so rude to his followers
No. 623171
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No. 623335
>>623275I wouldn't even say they want to look Bishie after seeing them, if you described to me a fakeboi maybe I would have thought that.
They straight up want to be chestless girls, they all look like Sailor Uranus.
The ones who went on T went bald if they stuck to it, the others are "not like other girls" gone wrong.
No. 623628
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>>623290another ftm lurker opinion
No. 623756
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No. 623759
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No. 623766
>>623759ugh isnt it obvious im a MAN under all this makeup, feminine hairstyle, and vaguely androgynous top? fuck boys smh
>every fuck boy in 30 mile radiuskek
No. 623953
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No. 626317
File: 1530453409309.png (1.05 MB, 797x1143, 1_D_1.png)

>>623759Repost from old thread, but… here's that huge dick of your lurking? Also deleted her horrible chest shoops from her IG, but they are so hilarious they deserve to be seen again.
No. 626394
>>626131I feel like a lot of these girls are also too influenced by the people around them. And they're all the same type of people who love yaoi/being creepy and shipping irl men together and seem like over the top sjws.
I've seen so many girls who were once "I'm agender/non-binary" but they: kept their long hair and got new names and they would get upset say that they're blocking you just for asking what their gender is, other girls would cut their hair and dress "androgynously" and get binders. I've even seen siblings and friends go fakeboi together and simply say "I'm non-binary/trans" get hormones and surgery. And most of those girls have their real names again, grew out their hair, don't apply gender to clothing and never mention how they thought they were non-binary/ boys for at least 6 months to a year or so in their lives. I feel like it's hard to tell who's actually trans now.
No. 626678
>>626131they're 99% of the time weebs who are obsessed with yaoi and slash fics. they want to be a boy, date men or other fakebois and live their fujoshi dream.
kinda like weeb man obsessed with anime girls deciding to become traps so that they can
be the anime girl.
No. 627939
>>626498>and their cishet boyfriends you mean their fakeboi "boyfriends"
most of them only date each other
No. 628338
File: 1530671788879.jpg (483.2 KB, 1920x2496, _20180704_033438.JPG)

Why is it always the kawaii pastel princesses that decide they need a stache tho?
No. 629792
File: 1530836983231.jpg (1.26 MB, 1602x2080, lilith-amaraa.jpg)

I will just leave this prince here.
No. 629940
>>629792Wants to be called prince and boy. Has almost nude picture of her boobs squished together.
No. 630959
>>630885they're never a lost cause, even the ones who have taken hormones or had surgery. people forget fakebois are straight girls who never emotionally matured past the age of 12, they're extremely impressionable and will detransition as soon as a dude gives them dick and convinces them to start being more feminine
expired milk but search for the kaden thread and you'll see an example of that
No. 631583
>>630959I'm ngl if they're just girls with chest dysphoria they can still detransition but they'll just be butch/way more masculine.
The good thing is they'll just be able to talk about the lesbophobia of Tumblr and how it impacted their life and body in the future so nobody else goes through with it.
No. 631963
File: 1531100376825.jpeg (243.9 KB, 750x1097, 9DD3DA01-65DD-4871-A161-363142…)

I just found this they/them with a hyper feminine face who doesn’t mind being sexual/showing off her body.
No. 631970
>>631963Girl with short hair = they/them?
Also venus symbol…
No. 631973
File: 1531101132727.jpeg (481.86 KB, 750x1034, 5EB1673C-204B-4C16-B466-33A5AB…)

>>631963samefagging but her “brother” seems to be a he/they also but she don’t show off their boobs/acts sexual just the midriff and thighs. The sibling seems to have been “trans” first. Seeing siblings go through the “I’m trans” phase together is so cringy because they always do it in way that it’s easy to misgender them and are obviously influenced by their siblings. Can’t these people ever think for themselves? There’s nothing wrong with being a “femenine” they them but if you’re a they/them then why be sexual with your feminine boobs? And if you’re a he/they then why not bind your boobs? It’s like these people don’t want the label of “woman” for some reason and would just look like a regular feminine girl or tomboy and go about their days instead of looking passable so they can be taken seriously. You hardly ever see nonbinary male people.
No. 631985
>>631963literally just a chubby dyke
>they're extremely impressionable and will detransition as soon as a dude gives them dick and convinces them to start being more femininenah a lot of them seem like closet lesbians to me, considering they date other women but call it a "gaaaay" relationship just because they use male pronouns.
No. 632079
>>631985Lot of them, yes. But the 'straight' ones are hilariousy common.
My friend is a stereotypical fakeboi and she just kept whining about having gaaaaayyyy crush on a straight guy and told me how much she wanted his dick but she's hopeless because she's a 'gay trans man'.
Constantly misgender and contradicting herself just to whine about feminist issues. (Also 'depression')
I enjoyed her company but jeez. The lack of self awareness is pathetically hilarious.
No. 632086
>>631985a few of them are like that yeah, which i don't understand. like alright you already like women, and you are one so you're gay, just not a gay male. can't they just be happy with that?
but most fakebois are obsessed with dick and "cisgender" gay men and will either choose not to transition or detransition once they've gotten a bf. they always go on about their "identities" as gay men being so important and meaningful, but will drop it as soon as they find some poor sap who will put up with them
>>632079kek i feel bad that you have to deal with that
No. 632147
>but if you’re a they/them then why be sexual with your feminine boobs? And if you’re a he/they then why not bind your boobs?In this post modern era of gender theory informed by third wave choice feminism, words can mean what anyone wants them to mean. Breasts can be "male" just as penises can be "female".
Gender expression is now synonymous with gender identity. Adjectives have been supplanted by nouns.
Describing oneself as an "androgynous" woman or man, as in previous generations, is not unique enough.
The overwhelming myriad of identities these people claim is also a product of the internet age. Previous generations of young people did not exist in a readily visible global community of millions against which they compared themselves.
>It’s like these people don’t want the label of “woman” for some reasonExactly. See
>>626402 No. 632232
File: 1531141698103.jpeg (730.89 KB, 2048x2048, 70F28DFF-8B06-47DE-9B0E-8B63E1…)

Check out this tranny, they think they can’t get any hate because they don’t post much I’m sure we can find something to prove them wrong.(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)
No. 632258
>>632232Kathan.. I'm seriously questioning this name. It's some Ayden/Caspien level of shit.
Seems more legit than most boi we've got here, but also feel pretty immature otherwise.
Btw, I've got some question. Is it still fakeboi if she's into bear/huge buff men, although would still dress as uwu softboi herself? (Otherwise hitting all the trender checklist)
No. 632959
File: 1531216761731.jpg (678.16 KB, 1440x1908, Screenshot_20180710-165812.jpg)

Sadly an actually good looking one here…
No. 633841
File: 1531326179005.png (3.55 MB, 1242x2208, A3D4E659-42B5-416C-8987-0E26D0…)

Posting my favorite personal fakeboi cow again. It’s pretty funny when they’re “in so much pain” but they’re still feeling good enough to post on instagram?
No. 633848
>>633115The huge amount of misogyny these fakebois contribute to the community is hilarious. They will always go through weird mental gymnastics to avoid being addressed as a woman despite outwardly appearing as one.
I always cringe at the amount of “NB” women that overwhelmingly present female but insist you use any pronoun except she/her since apparently being and not just looking like a woman is so awful.
No. 633953
File: 1531339200920.jpeg (213.79 KB, 640x1095, 9BD010C4-C9D0-4154-846B-1C8A7B…)

This user makes gorgeous art but what the fuck kinda mental gymnastics
No. 633966
>>633962I'd understand if they were, like, one of those women who are
actually forced to cover in islamic countries, and is now poorly coping with their oppression but going "i'm actually a dude!!" but I've seen numerous case of, like ""genderfluid"" muslims in the western world who would go "me wearing the hijab/niqab doesn't make me a woman uwu it's entirely part of my nonbinary identity uwu uwu owo" so. I don't know man.
No. 635071
File: 1531447875185.jpg (855.35 KB, 1440x2078, Screenshot_20180710-165542.jpg)

No. 636380
>>636324Her voice is so obnoxious, I don't know how anyone can stand to listen to it for more than a minute.
The reason she and her wife are both in 'questioning' or whatever else modes about their gender is because they are coming so close to the reality that you can't fit yourself and all your uniqueness under one banal little label that is supposed to explain and express everything about you. Seriously they're both grown women, you'd think they'd get a clue. But they probably both echo all this gender feel crap off each other all day every day with no break for self realisation.
No. 636515
>>636324I remember when she did a collab with Hannah Hart back then she had a boyfriend so I doubt shes even a lesbian, back then she was doing the whole 'im still queer!!(but im in a hetero relationship)'
I knew she would probably go down the tumblr hole further but to go from claiming 'lesbian' over to full blown troonism is wild.
Good to know my instincts still worked even back then lmfao
No. 637323
File: 1531680180552.png (334.18 KB, 598x398, 1_diebreado_2.png)

Found this gem. Expectations vs reality…
No. 638051
File: 1531743356145.png (670.95 KB, 1000x600, 1_diebreado_7.png)

>>637774Not as terrifying as this!
No. 638055
File: 1531743582101.png (884.23 KB, 1000x598, 1_diebreado_3.png)

>>638051"Totes a cis guy, bro! Just ignore the fact that my male body shape is a shoop, as is my happy trail, my sharp jaw line, and my chest!"
Who the fuck is (s)he fooling?
No. 638892
File: 1531813007312.png (447.97 KB, 642x782, diebreadobingo.PNG)

>>638055A surprising amount of "cis guys" refuse to show their full torso these days I see. For some reason they always pull their shirt up only to a certain point or pose for shirtless photos while cropping the image just below their collarbones. Gee I dunno, maybe they're just burn victims and had their whole chest burnt off so they don't want to show it!
I swear this bingo is way too easy. Imagine being so naive and retarded you actually think these people are legitimately male.
No. 638897
File: 1531813508119.png (83.39 KB, 635x810, IMG_0592.PNG)

I think the funniest thing about these people is how they can do this shit and nobody says a word. This person is still popular after this.
No. 639112
File: 1531841492487.png (94.87 KB, 640x805, IMG_0602.PNG)

they do it all the time, purple hair 16 and the other one 21.
its like they were too old to relive high school, so they date high school people and hang out with teenagers.
No. 639127
File: 1531842740331.jpg (60.54 KB, 530x837, IMG_0604.JPG)

They don't even believe their own genders
No. 642277
>>642207Mistaking body dysmorphia for gender dysphoria. When she checked in for surgery she found an acquaintance of hers there who happened to be getting her mastectomy the same day. It came across as a casual coincidence.
I wonder if she and the other gender theorists listen to the experiences of
>>620913 if only to reify their own ideology. Or is it head in the sand?
No. 643025
>>642912Was posted in a group chat of Canadian cosplayers (including fakebois naturally), apparently this person said this last week thinking the person they were messaging was "truscum" so they all mass blocked.
Apparently there was this whole plan to trick a popular ex for followers and revenge. I don't know all the details.
No. 645641
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No. 646572
File: 1532485998247.png (985.46 KB, 830x839, Screenshot_994.png)

Found this one arguing in FB comments white knighting trans women over an innocuous post about periods. They post screenshots of their white knighting arguments to their public facebook profile for attention
No. 646574
File: 1532486107463.png (600.15 KB, 505x510, Screenshot_996.png)

>>646572The only other shit they post about is anime boys & their cosplays of them. Most of them are completely casual.
No. 647127
File: 1532548190570.png (90.92 KB, 633x924, IMG_9062.PNG)

Such manly…Blynn is always a drama queen
No. 647273
File: 1532556234641.jpeg (125.93 KB, 750x839, 8B7E825F-9482-4174-A009-11F6C2…)

Boi who only cosplays girls
Bought a dress
Got mad at pride when she wore a skirt and got called a girl
No. 647276
>>647127Boobie top. Wants to be called a man.
Yes this is fine
No. 647295
File: 1532557115576.jpeg (181.97 KB, 750x1076, 4CDE419D-BF36-4D49-B69F-3D0CF4…)

No. 647297
File: 1532557191160.jpeg (180.43 KB, 750x981, 810C817A-76F7-49FC-9205-8F1638…)

Are you a boy or not?
No. 647552
>>647297I noticed this trend among bois here that they like to shares 'women don't have to follow gender roles' posts.
Just commit to what you 'feel' jeez.
No. 647584
>>647406She dates trans girls and apparently posted a lot of weird trap lover stuff on either tumblr or Facebook
I'm sure she's pretending to be trans so she can fly under the radar with it
No. 648119
File: 1532623482820.jpeg (402.87 KB, 1242x1899, image.jpeg)

Has this fake boy been talked about yet? Always bring up she's a boy, followers actually fall for it. When in PULL someone mentioned that it was actually a chick, claimed to be Korean Chinese and Swedish and wanted to study abroad in Korea when they actually just look 100% white
No. 648519
File: 1532660358267.jpg (28.1 KB, 330x328, 134543243565.JPG)

>>648119Obviously a girl. I have a theory about why there are so many trans-trenders that present overly feminine: It's easier to push off any insecurities you have about yourself to an alternate persona. Instead of coping with the normal hormonal changes and self image issues associated with being a teenage girl, fakebois find it easier to excuse their insecurity by self-diagnosing with transexuality. And our social justice oriented society won't stop them because of that 0.001% of the population that does struggle with transexuality and making sure everyone feels valid and gets warm fuzzies.
>pic related - another one No. 648558
>>648519Not really. Most of them have just seen a bit too much yaoi and interpret their infatuation with gay men as
being a gay man deep down, so they start larping as one larping as them. Just being a fujo is considered
problematic on tumblr nowadays.
Also, ""real"" transsexuality is just as much of a meme as this shit is, if not more so. Idk why you're acting like it isn't. This isn't a trucum thread.
>>648528>too unattractive for [men] to be interested inLiterally impossible. Males will fuck anything with or without a pulse.
No. 648565
File: 1532665386638.jpeg (185.66 KB, 1183x555, image.jpeg)

>>648119Lmao I look at the cringy tags fake boi adds under all of her pics
No. 648604
>>648594They very much would if said weeb would just go outside. Fr, 6/10> males (which is most if them) have no standards, they can't afford to.
Half the girls itt aren't even
that ugly to boot. Many of them could easily pull off girl characters, but they only get off to being dressed like bishie yaoi twinks.
No. 648612
>>648604nta but you're missing their point here.
all these fakebois (a few of which i knew before they turned) want to be the pretty anime waifus and get a weeb guy who will want them to do stupid anime girl shit all the time. they are too insecure/ugly for those guys to want them, so they decided to play dress up as "kawaii yaoi dudes" in the hopes some gay version of those guys would want them. i know it sounds insane but weeb girls want those gross "incel" types of weeb dudes, who have ridiculous standards and only want 10/10 2.5D girls.
No. 650640
>>648612I barfed in my mouth because if they wanted a weeb bf they would present femininely and not cut their hair.
theres two types of fakebois.
1. Ugly and/or fat women who think being a fakeboi could give them attention they never got.
2. Women who want to follow the instagram twink boy style so they decide to be fakebois. and most of the second are always lesbians.
No. 650774
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No. 653403
File: 1533125877567.jpeg (566.34 KB, 1242x1880, BC0C716E-8462-4991-8E26-C2A15D…)

“Transcendent queer energy”
No. 653773
File: 1533155694279.png (1.49 MB, 750x1334, 88A92518-0C45-452B-9D89-DF2338…)

What do you guys think of actual trans-boys doing girl cosplays? Wouldn’t something like this worsen dysphoria?
No. 654398
File: 1533187862629.jpeg (261.39 KB, 1334x750, 8C9DFDC5-93DE-49FD-A7F1-B5C217…)

>>654353Samefagging but I went through his account I found these female cosplays and posts about transitioning and dysphoria. I’m just confused. I can understand that maybe thinking that female cosplays are ok bc cis men crossplay? But if you want to feel like a cis male by doing T and binding then why would you do these cosplays where you don’t bind or look like a girl?
No. 654512
>>654398Being on T doesn't mean she's an "actual trans boy". I looked her up and she acts like the typical fujoshi with a fakeboi gf. They're just lesbians that watched too much anime. If she actually had dysphoria she wouldn't be ok with making her breasts visible in cosplay…
But she seems genuinely confused, like she has body dysmorphia and isn't doing this for attention.
No. 654545
>>654398From what I've looked, feels like a typical fujo. It's easy to claim self-hate from other issues, or 'social dysphoria' from gender role as actual dysphoria when it's not.
>>654183But unlike scene phase, medical procedures are irreversible. I don't know if I should feel sorry or laugh when these fakebois detransitioned
No. 654632
>>654545Scene came with its own shit though, brass knuckle implants, eating disorders, pedophilia from band members, stretched ears, shitty tattoos and piercings
These girls didn't want boobs, they might stay happy with that or they may get implants one day.
It's not that irreversible people are already detransitioning.
No. 655730
File: 1533320944123.png (703.13 KB, 533x955, Bez tytułu.png)

>rn my ratio is more not dudes than dudes which is funny cuz i'm a gay guy
No. 656271
>>655730Cuz I’m a gay guy.
No one cares
No. 659032
File: 1533681673646.png (617.06 KB, 811x597, Kbau7V6.png)

>>617297I know this guy! …person. He says he's cis on both his main and cosplay account, even posted pictures with himself in underwear to… prove it? I guess? Even though it's very obvious from his voice changing throughout his timeline he got testosterone.
>obvious binder is obvious No. 659307
>>659032Love the fake ill look, it's interesting how she applies it to every cosplay too
No. 660259
File: 1533788694897.png (121.42 KB, 239x248, 7OkdIFb.png)

>>659032 samefag
Thought I'd go ahead and add onto this once more because I found his yt channel.
(2 years ago) months ago)
>Wild Adams Apple has appeared!I don't know why these fakebois always try to pass as cis, especially when you have posts up that go against your word.
No. 660323
>>659032We've been talking about this Royalkaz since the previous thread, this person is spectacular mess. There were a few pictures that showed photoshopped out tits, it was bad.
'Never grow up' that shirt means a lot.
No. 661360
>>571672Okay, but making a testosterone themed
menhera outfit implies trans is a mental illness so lmfao. These loons.
No. 662589
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No. 663206
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Another "Demiboy" who looks…like a girl
No. 663590
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in other words "being trans is my main personality trait"
No. 664367
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So this is why all of these people who are trans boys think it’s ok to enhance their biological feminine traits. A cis man getting hated on and called a girl, sissy, or weak for doing something that’s not traditionally manly like crying, liking makeup, or fashion is toxic masculinity. You can tell that those people are biological men because of their faces, voices, and bodies. If a guy (cis or trans) has a feminine face or features and can’t do anything about it then that’s fine. But you would think that a trans man who hasn’t transitioned yet or still looks girly wouldn’t want to be doing stuff like putting on makeup, not hiding boobs, or being ok with showing their body pretransition because being reminded that you have feminine features when you don’t want them and being afraid that you’re going to get misgendered would cause dysphoria. If a trans boy says that they have dysphoria then don’t mind binding their boobs, or put on makeup or have long hair then I don’t believe them. If you’re trying to get away from looking feminine wouldn’t you avoid those things pre-transition? When a girl has small boobs, short hair or doesn’t wear makeup you can still tell that they’re a girl. But when trans men say they they’re men during pre-transition they either look like prepubescent boys or girls with short hair. I feel like wanting to look and associate with the feminine things that should give you dysphoria especially all at once seems so ridiculous.
No. 665239
>>665221>Extremely masculineBecause not wearing a dress and not wearing makeup is extremely masculine now.
I wish they could hear themselves because if they met a feminist she'd rip their hair out.
These chicks have "I'm not like other girls"-ed themselves into thinking they're men but they've fucked up and started dressing like other girls.
I think the majority of them are inspired by the attention the older eff tee em women who got popular and the rest think they're trans because of eating disorders. Hating your chest seems like a common thing for lesbians and people with eating disorders, but these kids are learning to hate their chests from other people. That binder company is probably making hoards of money.
The older people like Haku, Cain, Oliver, etc seem perfectly happy in lesbian relationships but just have the aesthetic of looking what they decided is what a guy is supposed to look like.
Cain and Em bailed on ig though, which is kind of sad because I loved comparing their shoops to their candids.
No. 665318
Whats happened to that person? I haven't heard that name in a while
No. 665825
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Gets mad when they call her a her
No. 665828
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Those eyebrows
No. 666814
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look at this monstrosity (pedochan) who even has it's own thread
>>>/snow/412346 No. 666990
>>666918A lot of them are under 20, but many that are shown here are already in their 20s. I have never seen any fakeboi in their 30s though. I guess at that point they either drop this BS or transition.
Or that it's a new fad that hasn't been long enough to have older members
They can grow out of it, search Kaden for example. But I'm predicting a lot of them will learn a hard lesson before that (unsatisfactory transitioning, social consequences etc.)
Most of them don't show their all their real identity online, luckily. From the stories anons are telling here a fair number of them are employed, although I won't guarantee how long they'll keep the job. So many of these are about them getting fired.
It's a stereotype they're in art school/theatre kids, these are 18-19 or early 20s. Bonus point if in animation course.
I just hope they grow the fuck up to, I don't know if I should feel bad for them anymore seeing what kind of mess the future have for us to see.
>>666814Worse I've seen yet, why they go hand in hand with munchies..
No. 666993
>KadenLol. She's an amazing example. Theres a thread on her here somewhere.
I follow her insta and she's basically deleted all her old pics of her during her "trans" phase.
No. 667014
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>>666918this one is over 30 and still won't change their "uwu genderqweer demispaceboy" schtick.
No. 667033
>>667014amy didn't even
start this till recently. her whole MO is being "hip with the kids" a few years ago she befriended my male friend and convinced to do burlesque shit when he was 18. if she were male there'd be way more red flags.
No. 667036
>>667014What I'd really like to know is how is she so bad at makeup? she looks more like a mtf than an actual female.
>>667033That's pretty fucking creepy anon ngl. 30 year olds shouldn't even be talking to 18 year olds. Let alone help them take their clothes off in front of people.
No. 667068
>>666918Surprisingly a lot of them are 20+. I guess being exposed to all the communities online long enough fucks you up in the head so badly that when you pass the 20+ threshold you start sinking deeper into it. As you're out of high school and probably sort of lost with your life you start experimenting with crazy shit. The 14-16yo fakebois are mostly rebelling like your basic ass teenagers and grow out of it when they become older, but older fakebois do it because.. that's all they have, basically? The validation it brings to be the uwu trans victim/kawaii fashion icon uwu gives your life purpose when you don't have anything else.
A lot of people ITT are kind of oversimplifying the issue with fakebois, it's really not just "fujos who read too much yaoi". Some of them are lesbians who feel uncomfortable expressing their homosexuality as a woman, some of them have a boatload of internalized misogyny, some of them are in it because they feel left out when all their friends are doing it, some of them are just histrionic bitches who latch onto every fad there is.
No. 667074
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>>667033> she befriended my male friend and convinced to do burlesque shit when he was 18. wew lad
No. 668512
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Don't remember which thread she was mentioned, but did you know cumpuppy is selling porn now? Shit, I wonder who are those pervs jacking off to videos of fake bois? It's all cringe. Check it out on manyvids.
No. 668849
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I've been wondering, is Haku still active online? Did she already drop the fakeboi thing?
No. 670343
>>578218haha reminds me of this boooi
also claims to be cis male No. 671012
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>>670343yeah… that totally happened
No. 671019
>>670343haha oh, just saw that that is pastelbats "bf"
she("he") cheated on a FAKE GURL to be with PB hahaha
it was a shitstorm, wish I had caps
No. 672096
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No. 672313
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I sort've can't believe that this person hasn't been brought up yet, but no fakeboi makes me cringe harder than Love Prelog.
> Was a pretty cute dyke> Hopped on SJW bandwagon and started taking T illegally (ordered gels online) > Insists on full eyebrow makeup/dyke outfits/long dykey hairstyle despite "being a man"> Never passed and started legal HRT through insurance> Makes many cringey videos of themselves dancing in heels and singing about ~daddy~> Botched top surgery> Constant whining about being "misgendered" and refusing to work as a result> Posts several embarrassing and feminizing semi-nude selfies with queer erotic "poetry" captions> Never grew facial hair despite three years of HRT and decided to publicly give up on testosterone. Blames society for ever wanting to pass as male in the first place> Second botched top surgery leaving her with no nipples and shitty asymmetrical scars> Has shared openly that they might regret it, but is going ahead with surgical consultations for bottom surgery anyway> Nude selfies intensify> Got a job as a teacher??> Got weird hair transplant procedure done & posts incessantly about it along with erotic captionsInstagram: No. 672319
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samefag but can you blame me
No. 672345
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"'Beware of dirty old men' my dad always told me
And now I say "dad" to dirty old men"
No. 672403
>>672381I think it's because most FTMs start out as lesbians & therefore rooted in a gay identity, but lesbians have never really been taken seriously even in LGBT spaces. Most of the irl LGBT scene (bars, media, etc) cater almost exclusively to men, lesbians have always been cast to the shadows.
So I think a lot of these fakebois have internalized misogyny on top of admiring the attention that gay men get. Plus, nobody really wants to fuck FTMS except gay men, so there's also some settling at play here.
It's really sad. Butch lesbians becoming men, only to end up taking dick out of desperation and loneliness.
No. 672621
>>672403Most FTM started out as lesbian, but most fakeboi type of FTM started out as straight girls, cosplay is always involved… I wonder. These are the one who clearly want dicks.
Internalized Misogyny is real of course, but these fakebois seem to be caught up in gender roles/expectation of women and them being ~Not like other girls~
No. 672827
>>672478And reading the rest of the poem provides no clarity:
Not in general but to ensure when they ejaculate
To the bigger of mine because I'm not a woman
But can I play "pussy"? Or is it too real?
Too similar to the terminology
Of the shapes we learned in the biology
With focus on phobia, tell me
Did you take it is as well?
On the other hand- it's obligatory
No. 672982
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I’m pretty sure this person is interested in men now, although they just broke up with a woman they had been dating for years and had exclusively been with women before transitioning.
This is actually something I see a lot in FTM circles, lifelong lesbians becoming curious about men now that they think they are one.
Many FTMs I know lose their gold star a year or two into transition, no matter how gay they used to be. It’s not just the cosplaying fujo types that want the D
No. 673112
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>>672403>I think a lot of these fakebois have internalized misogyny on top of admiring the attention that gay men getok but this tho, gay men a shitton of attention and so these people see this and probably think; I want that attention too. I want to be a cute uwu gay boi, so I can get a qt gay bf and not have to deal with the baggage of being a woman (or god forbid a gay woman.) The trans label is also a plus, it's kind of like a safe guard so if you criticize them they can just label you as trans-phobic and have their tumblr friends/followers come after you.
>Plus, nobody really wants to fuck FTMS except gay men, so there's also some settling at play hereIs that really true tho? I thought gay men were completely put off by FTMs, which is why a lot of fakebois usually get with woman or other fakebois. Or in rare cases they had a bf beforehand who is just playing along with the sudden trans thing.
No. 673168
>Not have to deal with the baggage of being a woman (or god forbid a gay woman.)Precisely this.
>I thought gay men were completely put off by FTMsAt least on the West Coast, this is not the case. I've had lots of different guys explain their attraction to FTMs to me, and they all sort've say similar things.
First, there are a lot of men out there actually specifically looking for trans guys. These men usually ID as bisexual, and are attracted to men physically but for whatever reason don't actually enjoy gay sex/anal. For them, FTMs are truly the ideal situation. These types of guys are mostly attracted to masculine/passing FTMS and are just as confused as the rest of us about the fakeboi types.
Second, there are a lot of desperate bisexual men that just don't care if they end up with an FTM. It's just pussy to them.
>It is a pretty well-reported thing for HRT to affect your orientation or attraction, even flip it in some cases.Thanks for bringing this up, you're absolutely right. Transbian MTFs deal with this too
No. 673196
>>673161There's a little bit more to this.
The plain truth is that most trans people have little to no experience with the gender they hope to be prior to transition.
Transmisogyny is a pretty well documented phenomenon, in which transwomen demonstrate hatred towards actual women in small and big ways. Consider that most transwomen start out as gay men or nerdy shut-ins. The truth is that they actually have very little experience or understanding of actual women- their bodies, their struggles, their lives. All they know is how women are represented in media, etc, and they idolize the image of woman. So, once they feel confident that they've achieved their perceived image of woman, they consider themselves to be one.
Once crossing that bridge, that they feel they have attained womanhood, perhaps it becomes easier to get closer to women and be intimate with them. Gigi Gorgeous and her girlfriend Nats Getty come to mind, Gigi was a gay man growing up, but after 4 years of transitioning is now engaged to and having PIV sex with a cis woman.
My argument is that once the "foreignness" of womanhood wears off, transwomen feel more comfortable actually achieving intimacy with real women. And the same for transmen.
Am I making sense? Feel like my points might be getting lost in the sea of buzzwords, lol
No. 673268
>>673262Nta, but transwomen don't face any type of misogyny. They can face misandry and homophobia and they sure as hell can be misogynists, but since they are men, they can not and do not experience any form of misogyny.
TL;DR the term "transmisogyny" only exists to humor them. It means misandry/homophobia.
No. 673314, did they send this fakeboi into a loony bin?
>>673279why not?
No. 673351
>>673262Can't keep up with these terms, sounds like you understood the point that I was making.
Tinfoil but from what I've seen a lot of transwomen hate women & transmen hate men, deep down inside
No. 673679
>>571932>McCoy the CuntboyI'm dead, Jim.
>>572826If half of the men they meet online are some humpty dumpty looking females with PCOS and no sense of style, at least the gay bar scene will flourish again. Can't fake a dick if someone's grabbing it. These spoons and enbies and wtf ever rarely take their Tumblr convictions out for a tour in the real world.
>>572920Real talk: there's plenty of men who will literally fuck anything, and once incels figure out they just have to pretend they're gay to get their dicks wet in fakeboi puss, we'll have a rash of more trauma.
>>572984Mental illness. In the future we'll have an AI that can figure out which people should not be online for their own mental health. Until then, we have lolcows.
No. 674289
>>574197Heaps of these people conflate queer with fat.
>>585729Someone took its precioussss.
>>622895Ouran high school larp.
>>673262It's not misogyny if they're male.
No. 674332
>>674265No she's not, people keep saying that because they think she has Turner Syndrome but I'm FB friends with her and that's not what she has. I don't remember what it is but it's not Turner's. She's definitely AFAB but insists on being called he/him.
Totally a cow in other ways too though, major MAJOR munchie hypochondriac and a major case of "I like art films and listen to weird underground music, I'm INTERESTING and UNIQUE"
No. 674492
>>674467Mate, that's the whole point of entertainment, it makes everything more attractive than in real life. Just to name a few:
Breaking Bad,
Game of Thrones,
The Sopranos etc. If you think that drugs dealing, middle age life or being in mafia is as fun as they picture it, think about it twice. Girls are impressionable and they will copy any dumb shit if they think it's cool. Esp if they are retarded, too. Plus ideas spread faster on the internet nowadays. If people can't differentiate between real life relationships and what they see on a stupid show — that's their problem, not the show.
No. 674760
>>674272>>674519Perhaps I'm less GC than many of you here, and I've seen bad things done by gay men to women. But I feel like it's this overgeneralization that made GC viewpoints so detested. Although I could see that in this situation the harm would be mostly done on these girls who thought they're becoming 'their real self'.
Real question here, Is there a way to stop these fakebois from doing more harm to themselves? They're in the social circle that encourages it. Especially the groups where 'normal people' can be demonized and they take honor the f being an outcast.
In a few years time how would society deals with these dysfunctional detransitioners? Now it's so easy to get hormones/surgery with money. Which undoubtedly these girls do.
No. 674995
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@respectful_toasting on IG. Redeemable or not? She doesn't explicitly say she's trans in her bio but she presents as a fakeboi nonetheless.
No. 674996
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No. 675056
>>675004I agree with this fullheartedly and I'm glad this came up.
It looks like tumblr fakebois are women-hating women who have taken gay shipping way too far, and that your average ftm is a he/him lesbian. Nobody told these girls what these feelings meant, nobody told them wanting to be androgynous was okay and they were told pronouns and gender don't mean anything in the same breath as the idea that if you are gnc that means you're trans or nonbinary. It's practically one idiot grooming the next and I'm almost excited for when these people grow up and realize they weren't deterred by their role models and actually encouraged by them to undergo surgeries.
If you're looking to make money in the next few years I'd get into hair removal, breast augmentation, or start some kind post-ftm support group. I'm expecting a few books by every sad ayden and kaiden.
These girls aren't ruining their life just because they're doing surgeries, they're ruining their lives as well by roleplaying gay boys online. Don't get me started on how they all think they have BPD for feeling normal dramatic teenage emotions. This is what poor research and poor education gets you.
No. 675803
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>>675118>>675745Butches and tomboys make sense, but making people call you "he" but insisting you're a woman seems like a bigger leap in logic than just being a trans man. Can't you just be butch and go by she? From an outside perspective it makes no sense and people already struggle so much to conceptualize trans stuff as it is. There's nothing wrong with being a woman, you can still be a woman and dress and act any way you want.
No. 675851
>>675056A+ post anon.
>I'm almost excited for when these people grow up and realize they weren't deterred by their role models and actually encouraged by them to undergo surgeries. I agree. I, like a lot of other people, went through my fakeboi phase before I realized I was gay and after hitting my peak trans about a year ago I got mad at the whole trans craze. But now I'm just rubbing my hands together waiting for all of them to realize what they've done to themselves after a total double mastectomy and losing all of their head hair and gaining it everywhere else in their body thanks to the testosterone treatment. But without even reaching for any convoluted big pharma conspiracies the whole trans "industry" has a lot of money flowing through it at the moment though so we might have to wait for a while.
>>675803It's not as easy as to just come terms to not meeting the societal expectations placed on women. People might claim that sexism is over, but young girls growing up as butch lesbians don't receive much support. Instead people keep telling you to try to be more feminine or else you can't be a girl. Of course you SHOULD be able to live as a butch woman. It should be encouraged instead of telling these young girls that they should cut off their tits and start injecting hormones. As someone who went through this shit since early childhood, it not having any role models or anyone telling you that it's okay to be a.) non-ladylike b.) a lesbian you start doubting if you were supposed to be female at all.
No. 675897
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Just found this one.
No. 675899
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>>675897 Honestly, I don't get it.
No. 675955
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>>675901lmao "petrichor" is tattooed on her face
No. 676681
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>>675901But come on, at least she has a name of a satanist dude, must be a man then!
>>675897Thank you anon for bringing in more lulz. I dunno if she's milky, but there is another fat SW who claims autism and disability, and being THEY/HE, while presenting herself totally feminine, because it's good for her work and it's too tiring to explain every client that she's a man. It seems even in porn it's a trendy leftist thing now to be a fake tranny.
No. 677490
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Shocking news! Back to being a girl that she's always been.
No. 677520
>>677490they always go back to being women. rofl. All trans people are the same, really.
Did she get her tits chopped off too?
No. 677536
>>677524Samefag, but
>"That's when he (trans boyfriend) brought in non binary..Which helped me understand where I fit in"
At around 6:23 in this video in short, yes.
No. 677539
>>677520She will never chop off her tits, because she spends all her fans' money on makeup and clothes and drugs.
>>677524>>677536Exactly what it got me thinking. You remove those genderqueer people from those girls' surrounding and they become normal again. I knew several of those girls who got impressed by all this "I'm a dude living in a wrong body" so they converted within a week and some go even further turning themselves into freaks and later regretting them. Always true for trans trenders.
No. 677566
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Feel free to check out a girl, pretends to be a boy transitioning into trans girl. It's so blatant it's almost ironic but she never really drops the act and she keeps constantly referencing it.
You can go back down her timeline and see tons of cases of her arguing that she really is a boy and has no clue why she has breasts and looks like a girl.
No. 677590
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>>677566She’s on estrogen? Weird. Her Tumblr is and filled with #trap and nonsense about “feeling dysphoric.”
No. 677768
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Maybe the most clichéd and to the letter fakeboi just followed me on insta
No. 677786
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>>677566>>677590Looking at their old tumblr selfies they definitely look more mannish and have no body shape or breast compared to recent so it’s obviously them just lying about just starting on hormones when they’ve had steady breast growth before “recently starting”.
It doesn’t help when whenever someone asks them about how they have boobs with no estrogen they don’t even answer it directly, they just mention being on puberty blockers which has nothing to do with them growing boobs since they claim to be trans? Stopping testosterone production in your body doesn’t suddenly make it produce estrogen on its own lol
that or they shoop/use bra inserts.
No. 677797
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>>677786Also here’s a comparison of their face from when they most likely started estrogen vs recent. As you can see their bangs do a lot to hide their unfortunate guy eyebrows/forehead and they generally got better at angles and also boosting the contrast so you can’t distinguish their features
No. 677942
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>>677786>>677797No, anon. Titty skittles are not some magical pills that give you "thicc thighs" and wide hips with a thin waist, or soft facial features and big, feminine eyes. Good god she's even bullshitting that estrogen and testosterone blockers are the reason she's not growing any facial hair on her tumblr. She's lying out of her ass and cashing in on the trap fad lonely, misogynistic neckbeards have latched on. She's not the first one to do it, nor is she the last one that will do it.
No. 680184
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No. 680223
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He/him do not misgender
No. 680945
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Clearly Japanese and clearly a man
No. 680946
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No. 680947
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False eyelashes so manly
No. 681454
> did a study on this shit, and it's everything you'd expect. It's just a social contageon trend like emo or goth shit.
>Along with the sudden or rapid onset of gender dysphoria, the AYAs belonged to a friend group where one or multiple friends became gender dysphoric and came out as transgender during a similar time as they did (21.5%), exhibited an increase in their social media/internet use (19.9%), both (45.3%), neither (5.1%), and don’t know (8.2%). For comparisons, the first three categories will be combined and called “social influence” (86.7%) and the last two combined as “no social influence” (13.3%). Nearly half (47.4%) of the AYAs had been formally diagnosed as academically gifted, 4.3% had a learning disability, 10.7% were both gifted and learning disabled, and 37.5% were neither. Sexual orientation as expressed by the AYA prior to transgender-identification is listed separately for natal females and for natal males (Table 2). Overall, 41% of the AYAs expressed a non-heterosexual sexual orientation prior to disclosing a transgender-identification. No. 681458
>>681454>The average age of announcement of a transgender-identification was 15.2 years of age (range 10–21) (Table 5). Most of the parents (80.9%) answered affirmatively that their child’s announcement of being transgender came “out of the blue without significant prior evidence of gender dysphoria.” Respondents were asked to pinpoint a time when their child seemed not at all gender dysphoric and to estimate the length of time between that point and their child’s announcement of a transgender-identity. Almost a third of respondents (32.4%) noted that their child did not seem gender dysphoric when they made their announcement and 26.0% said the length of time from not seeming gender dysphoric to announcing a transgender identity was between less than a week to three months. The most striking examples of “not seeming at all gender dysphoric” prior to making the announcement included a daughter who loved summers and seemed to love how she looked in a bikini, another daughter who happily wore bikinis and makeup, and another daughter who previously said, “I love my body!”
>The majority of respondents (69.2%) believed that their child was using language that they found online when they “came out.” A total of 130 participants provided optional open text responses to this question, and responses fell into the following categories: why they thought the child was using language they found online (51); description of what the child said but didn’t provide a reason that they suspected the child was using language they found online (61); something else about the conversation (8) or the child (7) and don’t know (3). Of the 51 responses describing reasons why respondents thought their child was reproducing language they found online, the top two reasons were that it didn’t sound like their child’s voice (19 respondents) and that the parent later looked online and recognized the same words and phrases that their child used when they announced a transgender identity (14 respondents). The observation that it didn’t sound like their child’s voice was also expressed as “sounding scripted,” like their child was “reading from a script,” “wooden,” “like a form letter,” and that it didn’t sound like their child’s words. Parents described finding the words their child said to them “verbatim,” “word for word,” “practically copy and paste,” and “identical” in online and other sources. The following quotes capture these top two observations. One parent said, “It seemed different from the way she usually talked—I remember thinking it was like hearing someone who had memorized a lot of definitions for a vocabulary test.” Another respondent said, “The email [my child sent to me] read like all of the narratives posted online almost word for word.”This is a great read but sad/embarrassing.
No. 681475
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>>681454And Brown caved and removed the study.
Full statement here from the article that was removed on KF:
Rapid-onset gender dysphoria might spread through groups of friends and may be a harmful coping mechanism, a new study suggests, but more research is needed.
The pattern of clusters of teens in friend groups becoming transgender-identified, the group dynamics of these friend groups and the types of advice viewed online led her to the hypothesis that friends and online sources could spread certain beliefs.
Examples include the belief that non-specific symptoms such as feeling uncomfortable in their own skins or feeling like they don’t fit in— which could be a part of normal puberty or associated with trauma — should be perceived as gender dysphoria; the belief that the only path to happiness is transition; and the belief that anyone who disagrees with the teen is transphobic and should be cut out of their life.
No. 681504
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>>681454wow what a bunch of fucking cunts
i feel so bad for their parents
No. 682011
>>681504It's really unnerving that papers investigating detransitioning and the possibility of peer-pressure-influenced transitioning keep getting taken down.
Transitioning is a serious, irreversable medical procedure. It is crucial for everyone's safety that it be carefully and critically investigated.
A lot of this reminds me of the Lobotomy craze in the first half of the 20th century. An unecessary, overhyped procedure turns out to be a huge mistake that ruins thousands of people's lives.
This isn't to say gender dysphoria isn't a thing, but it's certainly much, much rarer than people would have you believe. In a world without the internet, 99% of the "trans" people online now (no matter how "legit" they think they are) probably wouldn't be trans.
Shit like this is why parents need to lay closer attention to what their kids do online.
No. 682284
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We have another fakeboi, her name is supposedly Casmire?? She doesn't even look like a boy?? Lolita is something girls typically do
No. 682798
>>682284They'll say,
it's what they feel inside regardless of expression, or that's a drag.
I don't understand this full circle cross-cross-dress eithe.
>>677490I don't know if I should be happy of these recovered fakebois… They say at least they were just exploring gender identity but they'd probably get out with a bullshit brand of social justice.
No. 682991
>>682284sigh. does anyone else get disappointed when fakebois are actually cute girls? i know these types don't usually go full aiden but it's kind of baffling to me, they're the last ones you expect to get drawn in to this crowd
>>677490could've fooled me, this one just looks like a male tranny with a lot of money
No. 683579
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Someone I know through friends. Seems to make an effort to pass so probably not that fakeboish. Sadly I couldn't find a more cringy photo.
At one point their facebook is spewing 'so gayyyyy' shit we are seeing from bois. They used to run an election for student council of sorts but campaigning material is tumblr-style memes and dancing around. Almost everyone on her course knew it was cringy af.
No. 683617
>>683610True. And a lot of modern "progressive" culture is just narcissism, and not any genuine concern for social issues. Generally the more someone goes on about how woke they are, the more they have to hide.
>>683612Are you one of those people that think a woman liking m/m pairings is inherently fetishizing?
No. 683631
>>683629>>683630To be fair to that anon, they may be going by the bastardized definition of fujo that's been floating around Western woke fandom discourse lately.
I don't want to derail the thread too much but if that's the case I'd like to make it clear to them. The proper Japanese usage of the word fujoshi is just a female fan of BL or m/m shipping. That's it. If you're a woman, and you like m/m pairings, you're a fujo. Period. It doesn't mean "cringy fetishizing fangirl" or exclusively refer to them. If you got confused because the literal translation is "rotten girl", that's because it was originally used by straight male otaku to refer to these girls doing shit they found disgusting/impure before the girls reclaimed the word for themselves.
No. 684526
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No. 684546
>>683631having m/m ships is fine until it borders into fetishization of gay men. there are plenty of straight men to go around, no excuse for treating gay men as sex objects. we call out hetero men for doing the exact same shit to lesbians all the time, it's no different just because the sexes are reversed. i won't say anymore on this though since it's pretty ot.
>>684526that person didn't even seem to be commenting maliciously why are fakebois so sensitive to everything? "cis" crossplayers get comments like this all the time and brush it off, i wonder if they realize getting
triggered by it just makes it more obvious that they're female lmao
No. 684907
>>677929They're crazy enough to counter the crazy from fetishist AGP hons with more crazy, so props to them. It's fighting fire with fire, and mighty entertaining.
Ogre-ish old men are campaigning for their right to be accepted as honest to god women if they just claim on any given day that they feel like a woman, anyone has to give up their reality and replace it with that of the hulking manbeast tranny who steals used tampons to jerk off to, so they don't have the right to say this girl who says she's a boy who wants to be a girl is not who she says she is, that's a violation of her human rights and hate speech.
No. 684916
>>684546Absolutely, people who can't tell the difference between fiction and reality, between characters and living, breathing people, are functionally retarded. That's not even a dis on yaoi, since gay fiction and porn made by and designed for gays isn't realistic in any way either, and extremely fetishistic too. But that random ass gay dude in your college class is not a porn actor and can't be expected to act like one, and he's also not a seme or uke from a tumblr fantasy.
It is this functional and fundamental retardation, this level of having serious difficulty telling fiction from reality, not understanding that no one in the real world gives a single shit about a Voltron ship, that has this purity and anti BS, as well as fakeboi trend go wild on tumblr.
No. 684925
>>684565>>684802Going on T often causes wicked acne and hair loss, and the hair loss is often non-reversible. Let's see them be a kawaii uwu trap with a receding hairline and pizza face. Worst case scenario, the T kills their kidneys. Put them all on T as fast as possible, it's the reality check they need.
>>684597Like her fat, cellulite ass and her moobs can fit into burando.
No. 685336
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No. 685470
>>685336lmao at that "hm, casually waking up in my bed with a choker and a man boob showing"
This is like the advanced version of the typical fakeboi shot (upper body naked cut at the shoulders) but yeah tits go flat when laying down, now try to take a pic of you pecs standing up
No. 685567
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i honestly cant stand this kid, i've seen them on cringe comps alot and i managed to find their instagram which has 300+ followers. They have about 10k followers on and they became popular after being featured on Clouts "Emo cringe compilation" They go by the name "Nao" and it's obvious that they are a wannabe kpop fakeboi who's using their "FTM" transformation for a following and attention. They are so addicted to manipulating their fans and their own boyfriend that they try to be a kawaii xd cute loli girl to make their transition legit lol.
No. 685653
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No. 685664
>>685653Because all that shit is meant to accentuate FEMININE features.
If the trans men just used makeup to make themselves look more manly (Like the ones some crossplayers use) then no one would complain.
No. 685693
>>685671Yaoi was a gateway into a femdom lifestyle for me because I mainly ogled the bottom, and once I found out that women weren't obligated to be submissive I realized I could be female and have my cake and eat it too. Before that I used to have penis envy, because I was under the impression that only men could be dominant and thankfully got over it. This was when I was 15, back in 2005 or so. If I had been that age now I 100% would have fallen into the fakeboi/trans trap and would probably be on HRT, which is why this shit is extra unsettling to me.
I guess my point is that while it's probably not the majority of them, there are girls who I guess identify more with the top or have the potential to. They just have internalized shit about having to be submissive or haven't even been exposed to a different way or didn't think of it like I was.
No. 686322
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Medically transitioned doesn't mean no shit
NSFL> No. 686341
>>686322>trying to mimic a character specifically drawn to look as feminine as possible with big hips, butt and thighs, small waist, narrow chest and feminine nipples despite having a small chestSuch dysphoria uwu
Good thing they have narrow hips and a wide chest though, they easily pass
No. 686348
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>>686322i was curious to know what the artist was doing in the manga to draw that pose, and… is a rape manga lmao , i love this, the link juts in case No. 686421
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more Glitter… they/them pronouns only btw
No. 686581
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>>686580oops, dropped pic
No. 687779
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Blind fake boy publicly says he doesn’t always make it to the bathroom. Gets asked about diapers then freaks out
No. 688031
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Aiden GD Moore, It's always this fucking Aiden name. Just saw her comic shared by a friend (An emo turned they/them).
No. 688205
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>>688031Holy shit I was just about to post about her.
Fucking cackling because of how delusional they are. this isn't how bunnies look. They have 6 nipples and they're not big ol gazongas like a human's.
No. 688538
>>688205It's not the anthromorphic bunny for me. That's somewhat acceptable.
It's the message. The whole comic shows how fakebois are fucking pathetic and oblivious.
No. 690291
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No. 690357
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>>614236This creep and her crossdressing fetishist boyfriend looking like pedophiles once again the only time this one tries to look male is when she's pretending to be a ~schoolboy~
No. 691890
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My favorite fakeboi phenomenon is how they girl up whenever a normal guy is interested in them. I guess it’s better than insisting you’re a gay couple.
But you’d think it would be upsetting if they really were trans to play up acting like your birth gender and would be upsetting if your partner treated you in such a gendered manner but I guess it was all about the attention from the get-go.
No. 692405

Found this gem, name's Dorian (and his trans partner Alex). This documentary is a major cringe.
> Dori calls herself after Dorian Gray and thinks that her voice has anything to do with being a boy.
> In a relationship with another fake-boi.
> Alex doesn't currently transition because it would make them be two 14 yo men in the house and she didn't like her first puberty.
> Dori comes up with a term chestfeeding.
> Only after giving birth, they discovered that registering a baby for them is a difficult process, because legally they are both mothers.
What strikes me is how those fakebois assume what transition is like if they never transitioned themselves. All this crap they describe: "being emotional", "too much", "difficult", "undesirable", bitch, you just
1. Inject yourself with testosterone.
2. Become a man.
3. …
4. Profit!
I like it thought that people in the comments called her out on her bullshit and didn't buy into it. I don't know any legit trans man would voluntarily want to be pregnant and if it happens by accident, fine there is an abortion possibility. This kind of goes against their instincts and being a pregnant tranny is the last thing those people want.
For fuck's sake, those confused lesbians cosplaying male characters and making it their identities make me sick. How privileged and self-centered are you if you demand from people special treatment and get pissed when people call you "she". If a bitch looks like a woman, sounds like a woman and is curvy like a woman and acts like a woman — it must be a woman! Otherwise bitch get yourself a mirror, if you cannot see it. D-A-M-N.
But I think in general it is good that TV broadcasts these nuts ideas to show us there are crazy people out there too. Makes me feel sorry for the baby to have crazy ass mothers as parents.
No. 692439
>>692405Are you okay? The only thing these fakebois get right is that they have a realistic idea of what transitioning is and what it does to your body.
Do you really think that injecting yourself with hormones that you don't need, increasing your risk of cancer and osteoporosis in the process as well as generally fucking up your body and mental stability is a cake walk?
No. 692462
>>692439>injecting yourself with hormones that you don't needI have problem with this statement. Consider this: there are fatties who turn into gym rats, because they are uncomfortable in their bodies and then set goals to become more muscular (be it steroid supplements + diet + exercises). If it makes them happier, then they NEED it. It's their decision and their bodies. Problem with these lesbians is that they are demanding to be called men and doing zero effort to look like men. You are on the fakeboi thread, remember?
> increased risk of cancer Estrogen increases risk of cancer too, so does it mean you don't need it? Women with breast/uterus cancer are treated with testosterone too. Says anything to you?
No. 692478
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>>692405>legit trans man???
>>692462>if it makes them happier, then they NEED it…Anon, this could be applied to many different things. If heroin makes an addict happy, then do they NEED more heroin? Or maybe it doesn’t matter whether or not it makes them happy, because it’s unhealthy and unnatural, kind of like the bizarre concept of “”transitioning”” itself.
No. 692578
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>>692405Regardless of what that anon is saying the two are obsessive Les Miserables LARPer. I feel bad for the child that's going to be born into these two nutcases.
No. 692579
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>>692405>>692578Read that tagline and judge them by yourself.
No. 692601
>>692405>>692578>>692579Ew,and this is why so many republicans don't want sane gay couples in long term relationships adopting children because of people like this giving them fuel. It's really gross.
Like, if they want to be gay and larp, do it. But why bother being trans or getting pregnant if you arent even mentally stable to be an adult? trans people give every gay people a bad name.
No. 692842
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Does anyone notice a lot of fakebois are also furries?
This one(apparently crying at the sight of all the yaoi stuff in Japan) actually has 'furry club president' on her resume. She's also dating another fakeboi and they're both vegan/poly/furry/weeb/fujo/kpop spergs and they apparently went to Japan to buy yaoi crap.
No. 692844
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>>692842Her 'boyfriend.' They'll be 30 in few years. Do they ever grow out of this shit? It honestly reminds me of 14 year olds roleplaying as their ocs thinking it makes them cool and different from 'normies.'
No. 692851
>>692842i am unfortunatly part of the furry twitter community
and i wish i wasnt, you have NO IDEA how rampant the fucking fakeboi shit is with furries, especially this new younger generation. they all are super feminist, crazy pro-trans-anything-no matter how stupid it sounds, hate sex most of the time to the point of "its a fetish itself and icky" (legit had that said to me), the outrage culture they seep is the most toxic shit i've ever seen and read, and i wish it would just die, it's brought such a bad look on gays and the furry gay community especially, like we are all crazy nu aged trans-freaks because of it now.
saged my ot rant is done
No. 693228
>>692578>>692579Thanks anon(s). Dori sounds so full of herself, that's even worse than in the video, vomit inducing.
>>692842>>692844That's so weird. I was unfortunate to meet a group of role players from an online forum, they were all male characters. In reality they turned out to be a group of females, but still calling each other after male characters they were associating with. Some of them were even married to dudes and were seeking an escape in their "gay life online". Pfff. Some of those lesbians just never outgrow the role playing shit and live in their delusions.
No. 693878
File: 1537573782812.jpg (43.54 KB, 1129x1200, are you for real.jpg) This person dress like a girl, drwe her self as a girl and then cry over people "missgender" them please…
No. 693884
>>693878From the way she types I thought she was a 13 year old, not a college student. Fakebois are so mentally immature.
And why are they always fucking art school students?
No. 694039
So I came across this fakeboi on Facebook and I'm dying.
Absolutely no attempt at all to pass, BUT DO NOT MISGENDER GUIS. Also, "bro handshake", do these people actually leave their house and watch how actual guys communicate or? They're all just stereotypes of 13 year old boys. No. 694042
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No. 694047
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Half of her dance crew are also fakebois. This really is a disease.
No. 694259
>>688036>>688205This is what happens when parents stopped disciplining their children. wtf
>>694040and then everyone clapped.
No. 695571
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No. 695577
>>694042>>694041wait, these are
>>694040 how many fucking filters is she using? she goes from looking like your grandma to looking like a fat weeb slut, to fake azn girl.
No. 695609
>>688036>>688205Shit like this is legitimately sad to me. Like this girl got an expensive, irreversable double mastectomy for basically no reason. Probably because she wanted to be a +~kawaii anime trap boi~+.
Imagine being a straight girl so sexually repulsed by women and so obsessed with men that you want to cut off your own tits. But otherwise do and like all the girl things you did before.
The voyeuristic aspect of yaoi has gotten way out of hand.
No. 695864
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>>695571Her facebook statuses are something else.
No. 696564
>>696479There's no character trait or interest which is exclusive to either gender. For me dysphoria is about looking how you feel matches your
spirit, whereas your comment suggests there is a way to match a
gendered brain when every person is unique and brains don't have a gender, aside from hormonal influences on behavior, such as increased aggression due to testosterone.
No. 697075
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i follwo this trans dude and sometimes i wander is he really like real man ot only like the idea of yaoi lmao ( is in T for abute 2 years new and he look the same as before so idk)
No. 697101
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Dollzkastle claims they are cismale then they were agender then trans. They only do it because they know its "popular"
No. 697125
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>>570991behold a non binary they/them allegedly intersex gay gray asexual and panromantic
No. 697183
>>697176an oxymoron for sure
bonus fact: they only found out they were pregnant a month ago
No. 699366
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Why is burlesque the haven for ugly girls? Especially fakeboys.
No. 699440
No. 700027
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Does anybody else wonder what happened to her and why she's so quiet nowadays? Not gonna lie, I kinda miss fresh milk. Remember while being with her previous bf she was making her vagina casts for sale, but it all vanished now together with him. A pity. Or am I missing something? Even her fatty admirer is not losing weight… I hope she soon gets bored and gets back to being friends with troons to produce more milk.
No. 700071
>>614132Ew this trash is 30 miles down the highway from me
No. 700249
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>>700163>>700223Scrolled through her Tumblr and damn she's crazy. It's so obvious that she's a fujo who's obsessed with this fetishized ideal of being some 19th century gay pretty boy.
Pic related made me lol. Yeah I'm sure Victor Hugo's intention with Les Mis was to write his character as a self-hating body-mutilating woman, how dare BBC
ruin Enjolras by not portraying him as a tranny…
No. 700637
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>>672313"Or maybe I’m just angry that I was so willing to ”pass as a man” in my esthetics in others eyes I took detour. .
But, I’m on track now again. Less flexing. Less comparisons. Less new followers. But I’m not here anymore to grow a platform. I’m here to grow within me - but I have to be honest, I love your company on my way. Our way breaking the binary. So feel free to join me"
Damn, after all the years of trying to "pass" she realizes she misses looking feminine. Reading how many supportive comments on this post from other fakebois and how much they relate is amazing. Is this the beginning of the detransition wave we've all seen coming?
No. 700654
>>700223We need more actual milk on them maybe from people who know them, but I think they qualify for a thread. Let them stay on the internet, let the baby grow older and this shit show promises being satisfying.
>>700637That's surprising she misses being a lady. She acts extremely feminine in her last vid, has small muscles, big fat ass and thighs. Nowhere near Schwarzenegger, lmao. Maybe looks more like a freak though, or a very ugly lesbian. Needs a reality check anyway.
UwU, I am tired of flexing and looking angry on my photos… Jeez, those sick freaks! It's true though this tumblr scum is extremely aggressive towards everybody who is not on the spectrum being nuts.
No. 700713
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Lmfao this bitch really thinks she's a boy???? She's literally caking her face with makeup and expects people to actually believe she's a boy?? I'm pissingf
I can't imagine her on T, she'll probably start crying the minute she develops thick body hair
No. 700842
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I'm super dysphoric even though it was my choice to put my tits out, but also how dare you call me a girl when I choose to look as female as possible.
Why do they do this.
No. 700853
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Ugh so masculine 😩
No. 700860
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>>700713Fixed up her bio so it's more accurate
No. 701210
>>701186I wish she'd stay as a girl
Like seriously being cis isn't gonna melt your skin off or some shit
No. 702213
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>>573766My guess with Chicago is that it is generally a large liberal city and a lot of them go to art school there, that is the case with manlybunny (who grew up in suburban Dallas). Or it could be that the City of Chicago tap water is turning the frogs gay.
Also notice the class of many of these transbois. Usually upper middle class, live in bubbles and have never faced a single real problem in their lives. They are directionless because their lives and personalities are just blobs, literal Dittos, hence why they all look the same. For example, manlybunny is an only child and both her parents are Ivy-league educated professors, she had an
extremely sheltered upbringing and is practically inventing her problems.
No. 702450
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>>702292Their self-validating mantras just makes it look like they're insecure because they know what they really are.
No. 702454
File: 1538484810069.jpeg (274.62 KB, 750x736, BB6D6220-2902-4C6B-9B73-BBF9C5…)

If you really have dysphoria then you wouldn’t be showing your boobs, showing off your feminine figure, or continuing to dress like a girl. A real trans man wouldn’t do something that would give it away that he’s a biological female-causing him to possibly get misgendered. Showing any feminine features and claiming to be dysphoric of it or not having dysphoria proves that they’re not trans. You can wear what you want but you also have dysphoria, as cis people do not.
No. 702479
>>702454But this is the new generation of trans for whom dysphoria is not necessary to identify as trans which is validated by informed consent clinics willing to sell them whichever treatments they so desire.
The entire concept is a like a grammatical double negative. But androgyny for either sex is apparently too mundane, and they have to reinvent that wheel.
Cis is a tool of trans ideology used to redefine biological reality. Don't validate it by using the term.
No. 702841
File: 1538520075227.jpeg (197.42 KB, 750x882, AF323168-5AF9-45CB-B77D-C48069…)

Hayden changed her name
No. 703012
>>702454Be careful my friend, despite the name of the board "fake-boi" they don't believe here in the concept "true trans man" either. And I agree with you, those fags who make these sort of posters should be killed with fire. Why can't they come up with something that has to do with intellect or skills, why is it always about looks?
>>702479What's wrong with the term "biological"? That's what old-fags used and nobody was against it. Every time I hear "
cis this cis that" I wanna slap them in the face honestly. What a degenerative term.
No. 703168
>>703012What's wrong with the terms
woman and
No. 703179
>>702187Loki is a shapeshifter and has been both male and female in canon. Therefore Loki is trans or something, so of course has become their icon.
Plus in the marvel films he’s super femmey and emo so the character appeals to their totally heterosexal attractions to sexually nonthreatening men.
No. 703180
>>702454If gender is a performative construction then surely there
are relationships between gender expression and gender identity such that a femme trans dude still wouldn’t literally dress like a woman and continue to do the social dance of gender performance with all the gestures of the construction of “womanhood.”
Like, I’m not full on terf like most folks on the site, but even within
their own theories of gender this “I’m dressed exactly like a girl and act exactly like I’m a girl and I have no gender dysphoria but I am absolutely a transgender male” shit makes no goddamn sense.
No. 703241
>>697075lmfao she really wants to be special huh
i'm so sorry girl ur straight
No. 703255
>>696479>medical conditionIt's a psychiatric condition, just the same as any other body dysmorphic disorder. You think the government should fund my lipo because I feel like I belong in a thinner body? Dumb ass. Seek therapy that might actually help you, instead of medical yes-men who'll only enable you to permanently fuck up your body and give you chemical induced balding lol
>>692844I just feel so particularly bad for these "gay trans boys who only date other trans boys uwu". Like I've absolutely been there as a lesbian, hating myself and my attraction to women so fucking much I have to completely divorce myself from it in all ways possible, but now this is viewed as healthy and ok and nothing to do with the deep seated discomfort literally every woman and lesbians feels or has felt about exist as a woman/lesbian? And the medical world is supporting the mutilation and sterilization of these people?? Like don't get me wrong, they as individuals are annoying as hell and hugely setting back the gay rights movement, but jesus christ situations like this are so immensely sad.
I am so fucking glad I backed out of transition after one T shot at age 16. I'm so much happier just being a lesbian and dressing however I want and knowing that my personality and interests aren't devalued by being female. I just feel so terrible for all these lesbians and bi women in this thread, and the women who are aging… like we've got people 30+ here and they've set themselves up for lives of constant discomfort, constant obsession with validation they'll never truly get, living in this fucked up fantasy world trying to escape being a woman. I can't imagine spending so long running from yourself. Literally would not be surprised if many of the women and girls featured in this thread realize the horrible truth that the damage they've done is irreversible and after having relied on external validation because of their looks for so long just kill themselves. There is no lesbian community, no haven, no safety net for these women. It's going to be an absolute shitshow to watch unfold, mark my words.
Fujos I feel pretty bad for but fetishizing gay sexuality to the point where you permanently alter your body thru cosmetic surgery? Massive lol, perish
No. 703257
>>703180Don't try to make sense of it, anon. Everyone knows they just say things to justify whatever they chose at the time.
These people don't see any issue with people claiming they are male even though they don't present as male and instead present as extra feminine females, while at the same time accepting things like gender queer, which is solely based on presentation. Even though those both completely contradict one another.
No. 704427
File: 1538697768384.jpg (61.2 KB, 576x418, IMG_2265.jpg)

Thought this note was funny, because who likes fakebois anyway besides fakebois themselves?
No. 704525
>>704427"Grow a trans guy penis"
I wouldn't call a grotesquely engorged clitoris a "penis" but go off I guess
No. 704697
>>704690"womanlybunny" binch i'm cackling lmaooo
i can't fucking stand her sanctimonious ass voice, it wasn't even worth the hate follow after a while
No. 704826
File: 1538750456736.png (216.85 KB, 743x817, yaoi.png)

Wow what a coincidence
No. 704903
>>704829she doesn't pass in any way. it doesn't help she's literally less than 5ft tall and wears full faces of poorly done instahoe makeup (bois can wear makeup too uwu)
the only men's bathroom she goes in is at SAIC which is riddled with upper middle class troons and fakebois. more so than any school down here including the other art school Columbia. probably because a lot of Columbia kids are working class there on scholarships, whereas SAIC kids come from money and have to invent problems to feel oppressed to cope with the fact that they're white, straight, and well off.
No. 704954
>>704903At this point she might as well detransition before it's too late. There's absolutely nothing wrong with being cis, and I highly doubtful she even has dysphoria and lying about it too.
I can't imagine the day she posts a selfie where she gets the shit beaten out of her because she wanted to showhorn herself into the LGBT community and entering the men's restroom with a full face of makeup. (Sorry that went too far but I hate her so much
No. 705059
>>700713Isn't demonhound a demiboy though?
Like I'm not gonna sit here and respect her pronouns because she clearly isn't a boy at all, she's a girl who wants to feel just as opressed like the rest of us
No. 705132
>>703239>>703241i dunno what's up with these bored ass straight girls.
>>703613That's horribly sad. It is absolutely a mental illness. Thinking you are born into the wrong body is a mental issue, just like thinking you are obese when you're average or underweight.
I don't understand why it removed. It's causing so many problems now with bullshit gender terms that dont exist.
>>704826Anime obsessed weak willed people with no personality are like this, yes.
No. 705243
>>705236Can you like, learn to use an image board before being a total tard? It’s literally one single click to reply to a specific post.
All fakebois are teenage girls.
No. 705247
>>705243No doubt it’s a young woman. There are genderspecial women like Laineybot who aren’t in their teens.
>>705236Well, don’t wanna sound like a dick or nothin’… but, uh, it says on your chart that you’re fucked up. You talk like a fag, and your shit’s all retarded.
No. 705260
File: 1538801125043.png (1.3 MB, 2000x2000, hayden.png)

>>705251Mad cause you're 5', bald, and fat aren't you?
No. 705296
>>705295Imagine being this dumb tho..
You’d have to reveal yourself, track down hundreds of strangers, and physically transport yourself to houses that are potentially across oceans, to physically assault some adults who don’t take your dressup game as seriously as you want them to.
It’s like the spoiled teen screaming over the wrong iPhone at Christmas meme times 10,000. Pretending you’d assault people is just pathetic. How do you take yourself so seriously when you dress like someone vomited baby colors and spend your whole life role playing in front of a computer?
No. 705303
>imma beat your assexcept you’re a doughy girl with no muscle mass role-playing as a kawaii anime boy because you hate being a straight girl
stay mad fujo
No. 705315
>>705295t. out of shape white bitch
drop your ig though pls
No. 705367
File: 1538824329220.jpeg (548.42 KB, 750x1168, C6A85FB9-E2CE-4ADF-A7E0-539600…)

Watch out guys, she’ll fuck us up. Look at those T-gains!
No. 705368
File: 1538824422684.jpeg (128.23 KB, 742x855, 37731392-9DE9-4930-9667-F2BA9E…)

>>705357said tranny mooing about being exposed for the larp’er she is. bonus sperging in the comments by mini-heffers about how they should be posted.
it’s like a gold mine.
No. 705392
>>705134I can't imagine her on T lmaooo
Imagine if she did though, she'd probably gonna rub it in on the legitimate dysphoric trans people and complain how a cis man breathed her air the next day
No. 705468
Someone please remember to tell trucums to fuck off in the OP of the next thread, I'm sick of seeing retards like
>>705392It was supposed to happen last thread, but whoever made the thread completely ignored everyone requesting it and used a fakeboi in denial's fugly art as the OP pic.
No. 705906
>>705475Say that again, Anon? 👂
I couldn't hear the bullshit that just came from your mouth lmaoooo
No. 705912
>>705906Fuck off you mentally ill degenerate.
You are a disgrace to your family.
No. 706089
>>706058I love a good desperate "sweetie" reply, just missing the laugh-crying emoji to really drive it home you're not bothered.
Sorry you came here to talk shit about trannies and got
triggered in the process. It must really suck to go out of your way to not be like other girls and still get looped in. You might as well be a gay republican.
No. 706156
>>706098hmmm given how easily
triggered and constantly pissy they are maybe they really are true mens uwu
No. 706159
File: 1538943297969.jpg (614.07 KB, 5295x3022, bunnyblock.jpg)

>>704690Tell me about it. It's not just censoring but she always sends out her followers to report people. A couple months ago she went after another trans boy that disagreed w/ her on little specifics about non binary genders and she made the whole thing super dramatic but i lost all the screenshots :'(
Not to mention the fact that she gets
triggered every time you use the word
trigger because it's "disrespectful to people with ptsd."
Idk how her parents are doctors tbh because she doesn't have many brain cells herself.
No. 706170
>>706159She looks cute in that photo.
…I'm into girls.
The only way she could look more female in that photo would be to show cleavage. I wouldn't think for a second that she was a fakeboi without the context.
Speaking of the context, it's a shame she seems like some bitter hyper-sjw dunce. Granted that DM she received was absolutely dumb, though I grasp the sentiment. The spelling/grammar is atrocious and lol "real trans".
But blocking everyone who says something you dislike is cow material and reminds me of Shoe and others. Except she's even bragging about it and telling others to follow suit.
If she wasn't so brainwashed into trans/tumblr bullshit, she would probably be a lot less miserable, especially since she's decently attractive. So many of these trans folk are so miserable and ready to hate at the drop of a hat. But they'd rather be like that and feel "special" because it's sjw law to praise trans people. But everyone knows it's the cuter girls who get more attention. I wonder why hmm?
No. 706206
>>706170yeah she doesn't pass even remotely and is well aware of it, hence the overcompensating behavior and censoring. Did get a slightly more boyish haircut since that photo though. I would say that a lot of the shit she gets sent is really dumb considering that a lot of it comes from 11 yr olds, but the reporting is over the top.
Makes me a little sad that there are people like this, wonder if she is as confrontational about pronouns irl.
and it's a lot more than just the sjw bullshit, it's really deep rooted narcissism, the sjw stuff is just an easy way to say "im better than you."
No. 706498
File: 1538979571779.jpeg (868.87 KB, 1242x2038, DAFE3CDF-DDEA-4333-8A87-6241B2…)

No. 706761
>>706745funny how you post about what a victim you are on facebook but fan the hatefire against you and threaten to physically assault people here. also funny how you conveniently left out those screenshots from your whiny little posts on facebook.
gotta play up that victim card as much as possible. fakeboi fairy kei princes with uwu such disabilities can never do any wrong, amirite
No. 706770
>posts countless edited selfies with stickers and filtets and edits galore>uses tiny text to blog and types up a multitude of paragraphs even for mundane fucking outfit posts >rarely seen wearing or using vision aids aside from blatant usage videos >posts constantly about vision issues to silence dissent, a common symptom of munchies >comes to an imageboard with small text to complain about haters thinking she’s not actually blind Hmmmmmmmmm……. Maybe if you were actually blind, you wouldn’t feel the need to prove yourself so much….?
Just a little thought.
No. 706802
being blind isn't interesting, nor is it a personality trait. and most blind people sure as hell won't be treating it as a badge of honour.
No. 706896
File: 1539031937347.gif (33.42 KB, 250x433, 20-200.gif)

What is it with snow cows and claiming that being near-sided is the same as being blind? First sparrowsong, now this kid.
Legal blindness is defined as being unable to see from a distance of 20 feet letters someone with "normal" vision can see from 200 feet, even with corrective measures like glasses.
Pic related is what an eye chart would look like to a legally blind person wearing glasses. Given that "Sei" doesn't even wear glasses, she theoretically wouldn't even be able to read the top letter if she was telling the truth.
I highly doubt someone with that level of impairment would be able to photoshop selfies and draw.
For somebody who requires a screen reader, you sure use and understand a lot of words and phrases a screen reader couldn't.
No. 707262
>>706745 LMAO HEY SEI GIRL. I ignored your video because yeah right a screen reader? How many people in the fairy kei group even use image description bullshit? Literally no one is writing a description for your dumb ass "blind" self.
>>706896 Fucking this. Didn't Sei even once want to wear fashion lenses? What blind person legitimately wants to wear FASHION lenses. My blind friend wears lenses to make her white blind eye look like an actual eye. This Sei shit is talking… shit.
>>707020 Because now Menhera is the kawaii way of life thanks to uwu ugu menhera chan created by an actual ugu kawaii gay boy yayayay
No. 709216
>>709168YiKeS KaReN Die MaD aBouT iT SoRRY i DoNT MaKe THe RuLeS
don't you have anything better to do than go on tumblr/instagram and post about how kawaii desu smol gay u r
No. 709306
File: 1539213676408.jpg (71.9 KB, 537x399, qJFr0qe.jpg)

>>709168your kind is not allowed here fakeboi, you guys are just girls who want the atention of gay men. plus if you dont like it you can just close the window.
No. 709550
>>706745Oh Sei can you see?
>>709168Read my byf, I'm chronically ill and have BPD
No. 710593
File: 1539305371442.jpg (91.45 KB, 800x430, gen-utNZoKG8t0gL9yAs.jpg)

here's what criedwolves would look like as an actual male lmao
No. 710940
File: 1539330143568.jpg (301.17 KB, 749x1331, fakeboi.jpg)

kinda disappointing 99% of kagamine len cosplayers are girls. would love to see a biological male dress up as him e_e
No. 710944
>>710940ot, but if you want to find actual men cosplaying cute characters you'll have much better luck looking for japanese cosplayers. there's def still crossplay but none of them are involved in the kweer nb pretty boi stuff
which brings me to another thing, all these girls are huge weebs but fakebois are nonexistent outside of western culture kek. i'd love for some of them to go to japan one day and make complete asses out of themselves there
No. 711109
File: 1539360917982.jpeg (334.18 KB, 1125x1134, 0FE5091A-7DE8-4664-B504-3E5CA5…)

>>710940Did she get tit removal surgery or just get better at taping them down?
No. 711119
File: 1539362136776.jpg (1.38 MB, 2048x2048, pixlr_20181013013247337.jpg)

>>711109I'm almost certain this was posted in an earlier thread but she's been very open about having had top surgery on her Instagram. This is from June 2nd.
No. 711168
File: 1539365795414.jpeg (811.24 KB, 2880x3556, AB210399-EE7D-4DCF-8ABA-B52BBB…)

>>710940That Len pic is pretty old. I haven’t seen this fujo on /cgl/ in a few months. Any idea what the hiatus is about?
No. 711232
File: 1539370560282.jpg (157.36 KB, 372x540, len_kagamine_cosplay_by_blonde…)

>>710944yeah but len is actually a dude…doesn't make sense as to why most people who cosplay him are ugly ass fujos
the one cosplaying him in this pic is a guy tho, a biological male
No. 711255
>>711246i mean…first off, len is 156 cm. second off
you wouldn't be to tall if you're still under 170cm…
plus, girls can't pull off the androgynous soft boy look.
No. 711260
>>711232>the one cosplaying him in this pic is a guy tho, a biological maleI'm going to stop you right there. Joey Blondewolf2 is biologically female, she just enjoys cosplaying as male characters. I subscribed to her YouTube channel when I was younger, she said before "Guy clothes are just more comfortable" (this is before being trans was accepted and considered trendy in weeb circles).
In your poorly veiled lust for this 14 year old anime boy and search for ~*softboi androgynous shota cosplayers with real dicks uwu*~, you shot yourself in the foot, kek.
No. 711263
>>711260Corroborating my claims with some proof.
"…And of course, girls don't have sideburns. At least, most of us don't."
No. 711316
>>711306Attractive, non-neckbeard/hambeast men typically aren't weebs with attraction or attachment to underage anime boys. The men who do look like uwu bishie shota characters IRL are either near-exclusively homosexual, or they find that shit profoundly off-putting and just want to be seen as normal guys.
Your only option if you're this dedicated to dick is probably kids who haven't hit puberty or grown masculine traits yet (ie actual pedophilia). I pity your soul.
No. 711391
File: 1539381472481.jpg (52.08 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg)

>>711268it's usually super fucking obvious they're girls most of the time
No. 711394
>>711387>i'm a cis guyAgainst the rules.
>when i was like 12Important factor. Like I said, the only option for shotafags is actual pedophilia.
No. 711408
File: 1539382612970.png (502.64 KB, 394x576, gof.png)

anyone follow gothfruits on twitter/instagram?
she claims she is somehow both nonbinary & male and goes on rants on twitter about how offended she is when someone doesn't refer to her as "him"
also goes on rants about white people despite being white passing…. No. 711411
File: 1539382819830.jpeg (481.11 KB, 1125x1849, CAB9E913-CD24-4E07-B162-F44F81…)

Why are we bickering about cosplay instead of posting fakebois?
No. 711462
File: 1539387419005.jpeg (523.28 KB, 1125x1543, 2AA7FC50-E027-48FF-B7AE-677E59…)

Y’all sleeping on oni because he’s semi “attractive”
No. 711484
File: 1539388338194.jpeg (81.11 KB, 750x207, C8703DF8-208D-474A-A088-DC02CD…)

Shit like this gives me an aneurysm. How can you call yourself a male lesbian?
No. 711498
>>711466Of course.
>>711462This creature is not attractive, anon lmao
No. 711615
File: 1539396448350.png (91.71 KB, 280x280, 41371627_327884831291532_19670…)

the creator of high guardian spice is a fakeboi
No. 711637
File: 1539398339493.png (955.53 KB, 1188x2283, chimera.png)

lmfao i just noticed that that 30 y/o fakeboi who's kin with star trek characters posted it in the last thread. please remember to not use art made by a lolcow for the next op.
No. 711728
>>710987Totes. We get it some of you are lesbians who tried to transition because of false ideas, and you regretted the hair growing on your boobs, like
>>703255 says.
Sorry for your experience, now move on. Now kindly sod off to your own thread here
>>>/ot/296475 where all you radfems can shit on transgenders as much as you want. People here are having fun with fakebois, you are turning this thread in a mess with your
"woman is a woman, no matter how much testosterone you inject". Your experience doesn't necessary apply to all. And if you don't see a difference between fakebois and transmen, it's because you never met one.
No. 712050
File: 1539462036157.png (2.52 MB, 2476x1792, justicekazzyfull.png)

>>613174Ok, so I know I only brushed upon JusticeKazzy a few months ago, but after some searching there's some extreme denial going on. She also has a dreamwidth account under the same username, it's all LARPing. No. 712052
>>712050I'm legit playing through Yakuza 0 right now. I'm pretty sure Justice Kazzy is a radio alias Kiryu Kazuma goes by and his entire thing is trying to get revenge for his father Kazuma who adopted him.
this bitch is seriously trying to larp from a japanese game for ps4.
No. 712060
>>712052Yep, i've played all the games and i spotted the larp from 20 miles away.
she's actually the person who "translates" all the Japanese Yakuza news (halfassed Google translating since she admits she doesn't even know Japanese) for RPGsite.
Her tattoo, which is her first, is also traditionally done like the way Kiryu has his done too
No. 712457
File: 1539510175187.jpg (123.15 KB, 707x960, 0982587196.jpg)

>>711462This is "him" a few years ago.
No. 712470
>>712467I’ve seen photos from when she tried to defend smella.
Got posted on CGL a while ago
No. 712542
>>710940>>711387Fucking kys you retarded scrote, let your ban be an example to others like you
>>711615>trans kawaii magical boy uwuTotally not a fetish.
>>712471This ain't /cgl/ though fam, /cgl/ is the land of milk and honey to fakebois and "enbies" at the moment. I haven't even seen this chick before, if you have some milk on her then please share instead of sperging out.
No. 712624
File: 1539540097774.jpg (518.67 KB, 1080x1686, 20181014_135204.jpg)

I'm tired of wannabe boys in fairy kei. Everytime I look there are new ones popping up. Their username says boi, I checked their pics from last year and they tagged as #fairykeiboy but now they tag as #androgynous and want to be called she/her?
No. 712801
File: 1539555284728.png (111.75 KB, 579x855, suddenly.PNG)

>>712050Who keeps touching the poo? Every time she gets mentioned, she pulls a "muh BPD" tweet thread like
>>615316 mere hours afterwards
Kinda sounds like she lurks on here regularly lol
She's dating a fakeboi too. Looking at older tweets it seems like JusticeKazzy was the one to push it onto her.
No. 713070
File: 1539591637144.jpg (Spoiler Image,566.44 KB, 2048x2048, nhujh52ppw611.jpg)

>>704525Whatever they are they're horrifying.
No. 713453
>>713104I personally think uncut dicks are cute, but
>>713070 is just disgusting.
This is one of those pictures you can smell. The ingrown hairs on the hood make me want to vomit.
No. 715777
File: 1539841456153.png (1.95 MB, 1030x2249, ugh.png)

"Get u a guy who can do both??"
Found this on tumblr
No. 716466
File: 1539913402020.png (953.47 KB, 1040x1684, Screenshot_2018-10-18-11-08-21…)

>know this fag from elementary school
>claim she was a transboy
>raised over 300 to get her named change from cassie to jackson
>now some other identity b.s
No. 716558
>>716501Next thread really needs to keep a warning that we don't entertain the truscum/real trans agenda, How many posts has there been in this thread complaining about 's-shitty radfems! ' cause the trannies got their feelings hurt when we universally shit on these basket cases instead of just the people they hate.
I kek everytime though cause you could make wild assumptions in this thread based on pure ignorance and be correct like how the trannies who post here ends up outing themselves as racist, hating/bashing their own community, can't handle criticism etc
No. 716597
File: 1539922060651.png (2.24 MB, 1826x1096, Screen Shot 2018-10-19 at 3.07…)

>>711462looool same with knitemaya both girls have more shoop on them then makeup
No. 716719
>>716658I'm not whining about anons laughing at this type of person because yeah it's pretty milky, it just doesn't make sense when they start sperging out of nowhere about how "all trannies are fake!! girly cunt vagina havers girls !!"
Like yeah, we get it Heather, you think these people BeTrAyeD you, move on, this isn't the thread.
No. 716751
>>716729Well said.
None of the "real trans" that come here say anything new or original. It derails and proves their own insecurity.
This thread is very different from the gender critical thread. Small cows are tracked here and their shitty attempts (or lack thereof) of remotely passing are mocked.
That doesn't mean we're going to be some hugbox to a tranny who comes here and wants to be reassured that
they are "one of the good ones." It's derailing whether you agree with them or not.
>>716719All trannies are fake, but they were never my people.
>if they would stop doing that, the other anons would stop saying "you're all the same. fuck off, ugly."Cannot be emphasized enough.
No. 719349
>>719293holy shit kek @ her godawful "boys make the best girls" laptop sticker, these pieces of work need their own goddamn thread because they're surprisingly many in numbers. I guess you could technically count them as fakebois though because they're playing into the trap fad while still larping as male.
It's disgusting though, how much internalized misogyny and self-hate do you have to possess to actually fake being an actual tranny taking it so far as to argue about it on /lgbt/ and to show your "m-muh prescribed estrogen" and shit instead of the old-fashioned "I'm totally a boy who dresses up as a girl tee hee" act. Literally people like this asshole here
>>710940 are the reason why girls have to fake being boys in order to avoid being called whores or disgusting fujos online. Wanna be a complete slut? Just say you're MTF and it's okay because boipussy is the best! Wanna cosplay as a cute/sexy dude? Better change those instagram profile pronouns to he/him first!
No. 719360
>>719322Meeting up with troons in real life may actually exacerbate their troonism due to social contagion and seclusion from 'normies'. You have a group of friends that's basically a hugbox… in real life too that says everything is going well. Keep reinforcing their beliefs.
One tumblr fakeboi I knew have told me one of her best friend is a 2m tall troon. I haven't met her in real life though… so can't say much. One of my friend I know in real life joined LGBT club in the universty and suddenly came out as non-binary. She started off as just a generic feminist. I have also seen groups of colorful hair kids that looked straight out tumblr enbies walking about together in the city.
So, not really in most cases I experienced.
No. 719367
>>719322Google Rapid onset gender dysphoria. It's actually contagious and I've witnessed it myself multiple times. A lot of straight cis girls turned into pansexual transguys/nonbinaries once they started hanging out with others like that.
>inb4 it just made it easier for them to come out as what they truly are!!!!uwuA lot of these fakebois are "gay" with other fakebois too because they keep validating each others' delusions.
No. 719404
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>>719367>It's actually contagiousthis, it's fucking mind virus, a legit memetic hazard
No. 719414
>tfw weeb fudanshi>tfw love tomboys and androgynous girls>tfw like 50% of those girls in fandom are fakeboisrip
>>719412it's the same with MTFs, they always look "dollish" and plasticy to me
(No1curr) No. 719416
>>719406Yes, you're totally gay, but not that kind of gay you wanted.
However I still find fakebois who are going for dicks more common though, and it's fucking hilarious when they may have a chance of dating cis guys but they just stomped their own chances because they don't validate their identity.
No. 719631
>>719540i think this is one major type of fakeboi and then another type are the girls that are mostly feminine looking and interested in very feminine things, but have so much more shame in associating those things with themselves as women than they do with men. like
>>716466 >>711408
>>700853 >>694041 etc. my theory is that they're too shy to wear heavy makeup and/or revealing clothes as a girl, for fear of being considered a bimbo, shallow, a thot, a sexist stereotype, whatever else. but if they wear this shit as a "man"? suddenly a girly girl is breaking gender norms! and slutty? oh honey! that's no slut! only women are sluts! that's a fabulous gay queen!!!
it makes me sad
No. 719797
>>719658I wonder how does her boyfriends, or any other guys dated before thought of her. Did they really buy into her being legitimate guy (regardless of whatever she doss), or they just play along to get their dick in? Especially the previous 'gay' one.
This is beyond milky, and homestuck… It's always homestuck.
No. 720055
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>>720052i can't believe Tabby and Roman went on T because they wanted to be the real life version of their yaoi cosplay ship
No. 720358
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>>711693>>711408"He" just quit his job to be a full-time influencer.
No. 720435
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This girl is a semi popukar cosplayer she always get in my timeline
"He/they" but dress in the most femine and weeb way posible No. 1213118
>>1213115That was
2 years ago let it go, retard.