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No. 1474951
This thread is for posting and discussing cringey fakebois, fujo male larpers and ftm snowflake behavior who may or may not deserve their own threads.
Fakebois are girls who pretend to be boys, either by becoming trannies or larping biological males (usually the former).
Fakebois style and present themselves as androgynous or feminine-looking boys, or wearing girls' clothing and make-up while insisting on being addressed with he/him (or occasionally they/them) pronouns and take great offense at being gendered as female. Some are SJW transactivists, but for most their identities are entirely superficial.
Back off all trannies and your dysphoria because no1curr.
Old Threads by order of recency:
>>>/snow/1400739>>>/snow/1366943>>>/snow/1338847>>>/snow/1303022>>>/snow/1251681>>>/snow/1208873>>>/snow/1137677>>>/snow/1095226>>>/snow/1032764>>>/snow/979294>>>/snow/895014>>>/snow/720444>>>/snow/570991>>>/snow/465430>>>/snow/276054>>>/snow/45564>>>/snow/26392 No. 1474992
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They really eat their own, don't they
No. 1475013
File: 1647787916323.png (Spoiler Image,254.13 KB, 850x488, Composite-phalloplasty-using-a…)

I have a question Ive been wondering about, how does these neo-penises work??
Like I get they take a graft from the poor womans arm or leg, but like… how does the penis become hard?? Arm/leg muscle dont have the ability to swell up like a real penis muscle does. Can it just not get hard?
No. 1475014
>>1474992Why is anyone even in the gender cult when it's just nonstop competing to see who can be the wokest and most pure?
>I rarely see black/dark skinned characters being called gender envyYes because you are surrounding yourselves with aidens who are 99% of the time white, that is why.
No. 1475021
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>>1475018>they inflate itI'm sorry what ?
No. 1475029
>>1475013I knew it was going to be bad, but I wasn't expect that
people are doing this to themselves willingly and I'm going to vom
No. 1475109
>>1475044The poor clit is either still present behind the surgically made sausage, just hanging out in all of its testosterone elongated glory over the smoothed skin of the false balls, or even worse, is buried deep under the horror sausage with the idea it will somehow get stimulated this way.
Frankly, burying a clitoris seems like the worst thing to do, like horror movie scenario level, but what do I know as person who can have normal, satisfying orgasm whenever she pleases, right?
No. 1475116
>>1475109>>1475013>>1475058This is nothing close to a human male penis though, It doesn't even look like one
there is nothing to be gained from this
No. 1475141
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>>1475044The clit is left at the base of the cronendick. They sometimes hook up the nerves from the graft to the pelvic nerves, allowing the patient to have sensation in the flesh sausage itself, but it costs extra.
No. 1475161
File: 1647796739876.png (Spoiler Image,183.42 KB, 570x426, penileprosthesis.png)

>>1475021When they squeeze the ball pump, the saline is forced out of the reservoir and into the cylinder, simulating an erection. The pump has a button on it somewhere that releases the saline back into the reservoir when they're done having a boner.
No. 1475184
>>1475013it doesn't get hard. Penis tissue is different from any tissue on your arm, leg, stomach and you can't really recreate how specialized it is.
These thangs either: have a rod inside them, which is attached to some bone; or inflated. You get a pump in the "balls" and like squeeze it til it sticks out… slightly. It doesn't change in size like an actual dick. It just sticks up a bit.
With these fake ones, the size you see is what you get. Without internal structure like a rod its just floppy meat chunk prone to UTIs and weird hair growth. I would be amazed if they had any erogenous feeling in them at all. Like just get a strap or one of those stand-to-pee thing for when you're camping.
No. 1475199
File: 1647799586733.png (355.46 KB, 405x565, no.png)

as a mads appreciator, this fills me with rage
No. 1475309
>>1475199This is such a cope lmao. Mikkelsen agreed to star in a movie written and produced by a terrible
TERF bigot who is LITCHRULLY GENOCIDING TROONS, he doesn't give a fuck. Also he's clearly a man IDK why they troon out the most man-looking men every chance they get.
No. 1475336
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No. 1475396
>>1474992>>1475047i know this is just SJW/woke stuff but this doesn't make any sense because most vocal transgenders (especially enbies) in US/UK are bored white people, who are more often than not weeaboos/kpop stans/etc, so that's why their "gender envy" characters are white or light-skinned asians. if a white or even non-black person took a pic of a black character and said their hairstyle or features gave them "gender envy" that would be read as "trans-racial" (which is equally logical as transgender but it's more taboo for some reason) and therefore
No. 1475459
Here's a reddit post by a woman whose neophallus rotted off: archive only saved the pics as thumbnails, but if you want to see them in all their glory the other farms has got you covered: screenshots because I don't want to get banned.
No. 1475461
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Why does the tranny trend attract the most ungodly looking creatures?
No. 1475476
>>1475459I don't know whether to thank you or not, but you certainly answered my question
No. 1475485
File: 1647819608219.png (1.49 MB, 1153x1191, 6.png)

Somebody please take her daughter away.
No. 1475491
>>1475461>caneEVERY TIME
I feel like fat danger hair trannoids have a very high chance to use a cane while virtually no regular fat people use one, it's insane. I'm convinced it's a prop for their victimhood larp.
No. 1475496
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>>1475459Another necrosis case (due to loss of blood flow from a clot). Thanks to swift medical intervention, 'only' two inches rotted off.
Pics: No. 1475501
File: 1647820390305.jpeg (450.74 KB, 828x656, B1B7125E-3030-45BD-AE32-C2A142…)

>>1475485lurked to find age of daughter, found this hilariously. censored daughters “name” because this kids clearly underage still, even if it’s a larp
No. 1475639
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>>1475501>>1475485seeing this lady here is a surprise because i've been following her for a bit. i thought about posting her in the personal cows thread, but stephanie's entire online presence basically milks her tif daughter for clout, and i didn't want to spread her page more because the kid is so young (pretty sure she's 16 or 17 at the moment?) and her mother already plasters her name and face all over the internet.
the daughter clearly has intense trauma (picrel) and instead of stephanie getting her into trauma therapy, she is validating her transness and convincing her daughter that the way to be happy is cutting off her tits. i would bet the whole trans thing is a coping mechanism for this poor kid, who allegedly has ocd, ptsd and more, which her mother openly talks about yet insists has nothing to do with her daughter feeling trans. stephanie loves to get a ton of clout from being a "transmom momma bear" and drags the daughter to all kinds of pride marches for attention. she is also generally annoying on twitter and frequently spouts takes such as "texas should secede from the united states since they are genociding trans children". it's really sad to watch and i hope in a few years the daughter grows up, breaks away from her crazy ass mother and somehow gets her name and the countless pictures her mom posts of her off of the internet.
No. 1475726
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Personal cow of mine, havent seen them in many years. The hashtags kill me
No. 1475785
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>>1475773>She talks about her frankenweenie like its her sickly infant son.kek
No. 1475788
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This is the most Hetorsexual post I have ever seen, like this girl is just 100% straight and yet she refuses to acknowledge it
No. 1475876
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>>1474951From normal to frog
No. 1475910
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>>1475899what is it with all the self-hating girls trying to be nonthreatening dainty fake-asian boys from their preshus animus? the mental dissent between that and the ddlg obsessed tumblrinas in other threads is a small margin.
pic semirel. ~smol bean~ behavior,
wants to be a man but not a scawwy big man unless those are the ones that want to fuck
No. 1475929
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>>1475916the boyfriend needs to be studied in a lab
No. 1475987
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>>1475788r/FTM is such a gold mine for unironic uwu fakebois, seriously no actual male on reddit has ever made an account like this No. 1476013
>>1475910>>1475987the differences in tranny syntax are fascinating to me and extremely telling every time
mtfs sound like entitled men obsessed with sex, ftms sound like insecure women obsessed with being "soft"
like why bother
No. 1476047
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Saw this going around on Twitter. Practically reads as a parody of the stereotype of a yaoi-loving Aiden who wants to be a gay boy like their Japanese animes, but no, this is a completely serious comic. No. 1476056
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>>1476047at least she drew her self accurately
No. 1476060
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>>1476047Kek at the last panel. Why do some lgb people support trans people when they're literally fetishizing them?
No. 1476061
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>>1476058Why do TIFs always have this ugly cartoon style when they draw?
>>1476060Look at the scars, it's her and another TIF.
No. 1476062
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>>1476056>>1476047here's the basic sctory for anyone confused
>Yaoi porn addict from a young age >convinces herself she's gay cause of too much internet and for the aesthetic >has first interaction with IRL male and realizes she's not gay >doesn't know how to comprehend her own heterosexuality and so convinces herself she's trans after immediately discovering the concept >LARPs as a gay boy now what porn addiction does to a mfer
No. 1476074
>>1476071yeah, i rarely see them dating a gay man. It's either a straight/bi guy that they've dated before they transition or it's another tif. There's the rare instance of them dating a girl, who identifies bi/asexual/etc.
Rarer if it's a tim.
A gay man actually said that tifs act like guys the same way "a middleclass white girl pretends she has lived in the hood/ghetto all her life." So, that's why he's not attracted to them.
No. 1476077
>>1476060>i wished my life could be like a gay romance storyand i wish my life was like a cheesy hallmark movie where i move to the boonies and meet the local grumpy hottie and when i finally leave to go back to the big city he stops my cab and confesses his undying love to me. but you don't see me mutilating myself or actually moving to the boonies because that would suck.
also i guess she got her gay romance story, it's just a lesbian one since the other character has tit scars too.
No. 1476090
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Kanye west is trans cause he's short and likes going to Broadway
No. 1476113
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>>1476106also most men around the world right now, the average height for SEA males is 5'3, only slightly taller are hispanic mestizo men, hell many male ethnic groups in Africa are short and yet their still all still undeniably male
No. 1476140
The FTM fujos couples have always confused me since in their own comics, they always show themselves as 100% straight, falling in love and dating boys their age willingly, with all their drama around it coming from not wanting to be like the other girls. So they clearly seem to have a firm, strong sexual orientation, and yet they end up paired up with a woman deformed by injecting testosterones and cutting her own tits, hardly a partner that anyone of any orientation would want, unlike the MTFs with dicks who at least enjoy some popularity among bi male degenerates.
So for those FTM fujos, is it some kind of pseudo bisexuality like in straight MTFs? Do they really find the mutilated bodies of their fellow Aidens attractive (because even if you like the girly men in yaois, the FTM Aidens are not it)? Is this just a pairing of despair because no one else was interested?
>>1476060The bad anatomy in the panel is bothering me so much, it looks like the left character is lying on her side and the right one put her butt over her knees and is holding her bended legs up in the air, which seem super painful for both.
No. 1476173
>>1476147she's a
triggered Fujo
No. 1476240
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>>1476121The era when yaoi was at its most popular in the western world happened to overlap with the era when people made those edits of anime characters with scene/ emo aesthetics and gifs of emaciated whiteboys with terrible, terrible scene hair making out.
Plus, the anime Gravitation was pretty big in the early American fujo scene, and that had possibly the worst fashion of anything ever.
No. 1476269
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>>1476056In case anyone was wondering
No. 1476301
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It's a callback to this page, I guess to establish the passage of time.
No. 1476407
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>>1476121It's such an interesting thing that has been around for a long time. Every time I see an OC with colorful + edgelord shit tacked on I automatically assume woman. It's not just OCs either but they also do it to kpop idols or streamers, where they make them wear bright colored girly shit the dudes would never actually wear in a million years. Like, they don't understand that IRL men simply don't dress like that, even the gay ones.
No. 1476433
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>>1475929>bf didn’t even request thisthe autoandrophilia of it all. i get the feeling amazing boyfriend is only supportive for internet clout and self delusion.
i cannot imagine any man blindly asking for his girlfriends non-functional frankendick to be twinsies with his own, not if the person in question took two fucking seconds to google what those things look like.
No. 1476450
nonnie, whenever I see someone draw gross fanart of minors it's an ftm so never be surprised by this shit. It's so disturbing
No. 1476460
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>>1476407with kpop idols i can kind of understand because they are sometimes styled to wear colourful pastel outfits, but outside of what they’re styled in for their jobs that are usually not dressing that way. what i don’t understand is drawing them in these types of outfits (picrel)
No. 1476508
>>1476140Lesbian who has always liked femenine looking girls since before puberty here: just my two cents but they ain't gay. They just use other frankentroon failures to emulate the delulu shit they see on yaoi, since no living man, gay or straight, would put up with this and if they would, you can be hella sure they don't remotely look like the ones in yaoi so they are not interested.
I was confused for the longest time as well regarding TIFs who became "lesbians" through yaoi addiction, cause despite both of us being lesbians, i had nothing in common with them neither their experiences matched mine growing up, but theirs matched those of a straight woman. Then i realized it is because they are straight women, but just very very mentally ill about it. Through accidentally stumbling onto these specimens and dealing with them over the years I realized they have this very distorted image of GNC women/butch/masc lesbians and/or tifs where they see them as a straight woman would see a man. I don't fully get it myself as I'm not fucking mentally ill like that but i think i got pretty close to figure out what the fuck is wrong with them. Think about is as the Tims who end up fucking each other to enact on their extremely delusional Yuri fantasies and you'll get it. That said, take into account i frankly doubt most fujotifs even have actual lesbian sex with each other other than cuddling and maybe probably making out a bit since they are probably disgusted as the sight of each other's vagoos lol, so that's probably how they delude themselves into it.
No. 1476557
>>1476508You know, this clears up a lot about why futa became so prevalent in f/f fic written in female dominated spaces in the last 10 years or so.
I still think it's hilarious that /u/ bans it but you get cancelled for saying "nobody wants to read about dick in f/f" in AO3 type places.
No. 1476754
>>1476140i haven't read those comics but i used to follow random troons on tumblr and browse tags and that's literally just jailhouse gay, or psuedo-bisexuality. these fujo-to-males identify as gay men, want to date gay men, but gay men don't like them for obvious reasons (vagina). some of the fujoTMs who brag about having "cis gay" boyfriends are either lying or fucking bisexual men who call themselves gay. but the ones who aren't that "lucky" to date an actual man just settle for pretending to be gay with another woman who pretends to be a gay man. from what i read from detransitioners and whatnot, these couples are almost never actually attracted to each other or enjoy sex (either because both are straight girls or because they're ugly), but no one else will date them
>>1476159i knew an "asexual" TIF who drew fetish porn and posted photos of her sex toy collection. they're usually just horny celibates who are more interested in looking at porn and masturbating than dating, which is why they call themselves asexual
>>1476508i've known some weird lesbian fujos who imagine the guys in yaoi with vaginas and crossplay their shippings with other fujo women, so it's like they're TIF-chasers. but they're self aware about it to know they're not men
No. 1476771
File: 1647918871402.jpg (Spoiler Image,217.27 KB, 1280x1024, Anonymous voresexual.jpg)

>>1476754The great Anonymous Asexual herself has a vore fetish of all things
No. 1476777
>>1476775i agree, there's a study about how autistic people tend to have a more overactive imagination (especially with regards to sexual fantasy), and sensory issues, so typical PIV or genital stimulation and whatnot can feel either really good or really bad, which i guess leads to developing fetishes that are clearly sexual but involve non-genital body parts or types of interactions.
the fact they still think that qualifies as "asexual" is still funny to me, though.
No. 1476779
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>>1476777Maybe we should let the mogai people have this one
No. 1476892
>>1476140I'm positive it's just desperation and I think I've figured it out, but I can't tell if they're conscious of any of this or if it's only something that can be observed. They're straight women and addicted to fetish porn that they can't embody because they will never be men and deep down they know that, but their addiction is so strong it just makes them even more desperate to emulate it. Unless every example I've seen has been the same type or I have a selective memory, doesn't most yaoi use non-gendered terms for shit like "hole" because they know their demographic is a bunch of Aidens anyway?
I can never remember if its TIFs or TIMs that say "boypussy" or if TIFs stole it from TIMs or what, ugh vomit They know their sexuality but it isn't married with their identity because in retarded attempts to validate themselves (coping with sub/consciously knowing they're a straight girl addicted to gay porn kek) they think how can they be a girl if they get off to reading/watching/hearing "boy" all the time, not realizing it's just Pavlov's porn bell. They threaten to become self aware by realizing they don't have the primary sex characteristics but immediately cope with "I could probably look like a twink" and fixate on the secondary sex characteristics that can be developed with T. By this point, straight men don't want them, certainly gay men don't want them, and like
>>1476508 said
>they have this very distorted image of GNC women/butch/masc lesbians and/or tifs where they see them as a straight woman would see a manAs a result of being so undeniably straight but still wanting the social credit for the demiromantic clownsexual "uwu i luv everyone idc whats in their pants" along with mounting desperation, they try to perform but as they are not attracted to women, they can only bring themselves to seek women that look like men in their eyes, and obviously no lesbian in her right mind would ever want to be with a science experiment freak either.
All of that means their dating pool is now exclusively other Aidens with the same fetish because they're the only ones that will actually go along with their sick fantasies. The pool is not large enough for them to be selective about attractiveness because it's not like they'd be attracted to a woman's body anyway, let alone another science experiment that could potentially be more "passing" than their own. If their insecurity doesn't outright drive the other Aiden away, their frankenstein bodies are probably too mangled to even masturbate anymore anyway so they probably just cry and hump in the dark kek
No. 1477002
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>>1476894Blanchard (who coined the term AGP) thought women had autohomoeroticism, rather than straightforward autoandrophilia. This is based in part on his correspondence with Lou Sullivan in the 80s, who told him that AIDS gave her gender euphoria because it meant she was a real gay man.
No. 1477030
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>>1475910I know what you mean, no male acts like this
No. 1477117
>>1477097Not all that much, Blanchard is one of those types that believes most women don't have a sexuality or something along those line
So to avoid too much comparisons to men/transwomens he made up ahe.
His speciality is strictly with men, so I wouldn't really listen too in-depth on what he has to say with women
I think Lou Sullivans tried to claim not all his fetishes were about being a gay man, other times it was about being man but Blanchard didn't wanna go that far with his diagnosis
No. 1477128
>>1477105one time i posted that i felt this autoandro thing bc i definitely have gotten off on the idea of being a man and having sex with another man, and it was deleted by mods lol. i think it was some tranny sub that pushed the idea that all women are turned on by their own bodies. i was posting it to be like, nah, and in fact i fantasize about being male sometimes
i think if women were able to just say this without being shamed maybe they wouldnt mutilate themselves
(no1curr, sage your shit) No. 1477339
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>>1475396>>1475047>>1474992the further replies, one of the wokies is mad that aydens don't kin fatties
No. 1477350
>>1477339This whole argument is really stupid but
>litebrites + yts can't extend the same enpathy?I don't get this part, she wants white fandomfags to pity kin and pity gender envy darkskinned characters? How would they not be torn apart by other wokies for doing that without having experienced the struggles of being a black/dark skinned person? The only way to win this game is to not play at all it feels like.
No. 1477457
>>1477388Nonnie, you're optimistic that the current crop of libfems would want to read a book that isn't YA or at least where there is no fanfic-level romance, they just have heard on Twitter that 1984 was a right wing book, so they reflexively shit on it. The modern discourse is all about fitting in with the current crowd, not about really knowing what you're talking about or deepening your understanding of the various causes you purport to defend.
After all, we have always been at war with Eastas…TERFs!
No. 1477623
>>1477002Sage for sperg but while I'm happy the guy who coined AGP is also bringing awareness to women who want to be gay men, I think both AGP and AAPs can be that without being "autohomoerotic". There are AAP TIFs who want to be straight men fucking women and AGP TIMs who want to be a woman being fucked by a man. AGP-TIMs who want to be lesbians and AAP-TIFs who want to be gay men are the most common so they overlap but it's possible to not be both.
>>1477117>I think Lou Sullivans tried to claim not all his fetishes were about being a gay manLou Sullivan's diary is archived online somewhere, and I skimmed parts of it. The only times she talks about wanting to be a man was when she was having sex with men, and at one point in the diary when she was exploring LGB communities in the 80s and talked to drag queens and transvestites, she didn't see what the point of getting a sex change would be if she couldn't get a penis. So she most definitely had a fetish for being a gay man the most.
No. 1477624
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the arrogance… not to mention the stench
No. 1477732
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>>1477641>>1477686It's because as many detransitioners have pointed out, there's a certain "personality type" of girl that gets caught up in the ROGD trans-craze, picrel. This post is locked for subscribers-only but what I can see publicly is pretty accurate, as someone who has most of these traits and questioned gender a lot. No. 1477748
>>1477732no offense
nonnie but that is kinda… General. That could be a list of traits of women that spend a lot of time online and it would be almost the same imo. I think there is something deeper running with ftm. I think that poor home life, lack of undestanding of puberty, overall distant relation with other girls of the same age, early access to pornography & grooming experiences are more important archetypes. Without to mention any neurodiversity of course.
No. 1477854
File: 1647996251550.webm (1.4 MB, 720x1280, 277017111_541305227304121_4091…)
you're straight, it's not that deep.
No. 1477902
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>>1476779This is so annoying, we used to have definitions in order to DEFINE things. Why every "newfound identity" doesn't indentify with ANYTHING in particular… even when in the tile says Autism, it goes back to: it's not even about autism at all, more about your feelings…
I'm so done.
No. 1478133
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Its so funny you can instantly pick out the fakeboi just by their profile picture
No. 1478370
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most normal ftm
No. 1478380
>>1478370just eat more fiber and all your problems are solved.
but I bet this one is also ana-chan.
No. 1478402
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The comment section of boys will be bugs by cavetown, I wonder if their is an actual teen boy in the world who related to these songs No. 1478412
>>1478402>>1478405I posted this in the previous thread, but really only a teenage girl only a young girl could have made this song. It captures all the feelings and thoughts one might have as a 14 year old girl
when I was a 14 year, I thought boys were dumb but I still found them cute and even endearing in a way, "Boys will be bugs but I like bugs" is exactly what a 14 year old thinks boys are like, the song works way better when sung its sung by a female singer
No. 1478482
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>>1478402Do fakebois ever even wonder why no actual "cis" male (and especially a cis-gay male) are into the same stuff most fakebois are into, actual gay men aren't into sad boy indie bands, in fact those bands target demographics are alternative teen girls(which is what they were)
No. 1478534
>>1478524It's more like the impression the lyrics give is "boys are actually sensitive deep down and don't know why they do the things they do" is a teen girl's
idea of men rather than it being a syntax thing with the English language. Like "oh boo hoo, I ghost girls and punch walls because I can't share my TRUE FEELINGS" rather than the reality that hormones and a lack of proper socialization make young men lash out inappropriately. Also a man would never say "I'm very scary," that feels more tongue-in-cheek and sarcastic when a girl sings it.
No. 1478537
>>1478357lmao, isn't that cartoon written by a TIF? wouldn't that make it
valid represeshuntation then? i love how they eat their own
No. 1478540
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>>1478482>>1478513at this point they are all trying to be dan humphrey.
No. 1478617
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imagine being this fucking entitled, you can't even pay them a compliment that is supportive of their male identity, cause its somehow the wrong type of compliment
No. 1478624
>>1478133Whenever someone says
>as a…>insert random label here hereI disregard their opinions.
No. 1478803
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>>1478671Because this stupid crewneck has lived in their heads rent free since tumblr 2013.
No. 1478866
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>>1478803i'm convinced these omocat sweatshirts are legitimately cursed in some way. something about them makes ftms/enbies way more insane after purchasing, saw it happen to 2 people irl
No. 1479010
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>>1478617It's like they want to get bullied. I'll never understand women who like being feminine but still want to be seen as male. Males don't even see them as males
they see them more like easy pussy than anything, it's a scrote thing to say but it's true. Even retards can smell the insecurity from a mile away. No. 1479633
>>1478617>>1478621not to be autistic but i never understood why this was considered a double standard. people can technically call themselves anything they want, but there's nothing about charlie's "gender" being a boy besides her self-declaring she is one. they're not both boys with different bodies, that's not how it's work since brain sex isn't 100% proven, one is a boy and the other wants to be one, so of course people will walk on eggshells around the girl to not hurt her feelings
also, i never understood the weird control freak shit about wanting certain compliments at a certain time, or wanting to be referred to in a specific way, like do you want me to pretend you're a man or not? why do i have to ask what kind of nice words you want at that moment? but that could also be because i grew up an autistic weeb that was bullied a lot… beggars can't be choosers if you're going to be a dork
>>1478658>>1479337i'm unironically obsessed with that one tweet that says something like "i hate when people use my pronouns but it's obvious they see me as a man"… they don't want basic respect, they want to police people's thoughts and perceptions. gay people don't suddenly stop being gay if someone mistakes them as straight, so it shows how fragile their identity is
No. 1479665
>>1479633>they don't want basic respect, they want to police people's thoughts and perceptionsExactly, and their identity is solely based on external validation.
If a tranny falls in a forest but there's no-one around to hear them, are they still heckin'
No. 1479852
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>>1476022really based dad
No. 1479901
>>1479808i remember the whole “being perceived” and “the ordeal of being known” fad lol you couldn’t escape that shit in 2019
at the end of the day these spergs are just self conscious with learned helplessness, they just come up with a new stupid trend once every few years to lazily pretend what they are feeling is normal instead of picking up some self help books about self discipline and confidence
No. 1479994
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I posted in the previous MTF threads but it truly fits better here
So this is "drama' that happened over a year ago but its still perfect example of why you can't ever win with TRAs, Joe Hawley the former frontman of the 2000's Indie pop rock band Tally Hall(the one's that made the Ruler of Everything song) got DM'd by an underaged nb Ayden who asked him if he could put his pronouns in his bio, he politely refused and got into argument regarding non-binaryism and pronouns and in this conversation his "problematic" views were revealed
see he thinks trans people are "valid" and believes Transphobia is real, but he doesn't buy into that Idea that anyone can be non-binary, he also believes that children don't have the mental capacity to know if their trans or not and shouldn't allowed on hormones and referred to some "trans affirming" surgeries as multination(which they are) and that got him cancelled, like the whole of woke twitter fucking hates his guts now for views that aren't even remotely offensive and likely what the average normie lib believes in
No. 1480000
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TIFs and enbies especially were heartbroken cause his music was already popular with that particular demographic
No. 1480199
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I don't get it
>troons out to be a male
>still an e-whore
they always undo the male they try to become just to e-whore.
No. 1480232
File: 1648160376629.png (Spoiler Image,423.7 KB, 727x559, if you gaze into the abyss the…)

>>1480199jfc i made the mistake of checking out her twitter. she's just an e-whore with funky nipples and an enlarged clit. peak female behavior.
No. 1480270
>>1480017Yeah, those NB and assorted gendertrenders would never have existed at a time when being LGBT was actually dangerous and limiting socially! There were no asspats to be had, for one.
It's weird how conservatives used to fearmonger that legalizing gay marriage was going to be a slippery slope to us pushing for legalizing some degen stuff, but instead it's just straight people who started to go full retard and play pretend at being LGB because it became trendy. I hate this timeline.
No. 1480329
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So close
No. 1480502
File: 1648174027667.png (940.77 KB, 528x827, kekytjy.PNG)

>>1478803It honestly sucked seeing girls I admired get into this and try to convince everyone they're men. Omocat was a plague
No. 1480605
>>1479010sage for OT but holy shit that bodyline bag from twenty years ago takes me back
>>1479268can't believe i'm not the only one who recognizes it, damn
No. 1480627
File: 1648184460530.png (914.01 KB, 1080x1617, Screenshot_20220325-124027_Sam…)

I found a goldmine of tifs being homophobic because gay men won't fuck them in the vagina or be pegged by them.
h t t p s :/ / / S g z 9 a R 2 B x P H 4 J g q A 7
No. 1480633
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>>1480248This is just a heterosexual relationship. Male tranny + female femboi. It's not surprising. This is no different than smelly gamer boyfriend and bisexual e-whore gf.
No. 1480637
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>>1480633Omg. I totally can't tell who the biological male and biological female are in this situation!!!
No. 1480702
>>1478803damn, i was on tumblr during these dark days. didnt the artist turn out to be a shota loving pedo too? lol not that anyone was surprised.
>>1479115yeah, its a way to cope with being a woman. it fucking sucks being a woman sometimes because people treat you like shit and they see it as freeing to be a "man", that theyre not bound by how their gender is perceived. these girls really need to have more positive female role models and see a therapist about how societal trauma is affecting them.
they think that if you cant beat them join them, but no one sees them as any thing other than a soft/pastel butch at best
i feel for them, I was like that for a year or two when i was like 19-20. i learned dressing in mens clothes and wearing short wigs stopped harassment, and i got positive attention from women. I didn't troon out, thank god, but many of my IRL friends did and now theyre all hella depressed/drug addicted he/theys and she/theys now in their late 20's, early 30s with one that committed suicide. some have shaved heads, apparently gender is stored in the hair.
at least its all relatively harmless compared to tims who prey on women, tifs only hurt themselves and get victimized by others.
No. 1480706
>>1480633This is extra funny to me as someone who has spoken to her. Afaik she identified as a gay boy kek. She probably views her partner as male just as much as he probably views her as female.
On a side note, has anyone noticed that T4T hetero couples are often just dating each other because no gay man would date a FTM and no gay woman would date a TIM? If it isn’t that and the ftm isn’t bi, she’s normally a self hating homosexual that’s going to come out with trauma from having to touch a weiner
No. 1480777
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>>1480627Holy shit, I thought TIMS were bad kek. I didn't realise the homophobia among TIFs was so widespread.
Also you can tell they haver had sex with an actual man before when they talk about "all the dicks I have in my drawer to choose from" Like they seriously think a dick is just a phallic object you stick in a hole, just like the TIM logic that is "strap-ons and girldicks are totally the same thing!!"
No. 1480884
>>1480432AYRT, agree, you can plainly see, even in all the pics posted in this thread, how more people started to identify as trans not because it's easier to come out but because of the definitional shift that happened in what trans even mean. The slightest discomfort with your birth sex or the stereotypes associated to it mean you're trans. I have even seen that to be a woman you're supposed to be taking some kind of active joy in your femininity because MTFs do and for some reason they are the arbiters of womanhood now.
And yeah, spicy straights' take over is ruining things for the real LGBT because they play into the slipping slope arguments and because they push for the stupid discrimination argument since people accept them as friends but do not want to have anything to do with them romantically or sexually. Frankly, many modern rights movements from trans to fat activists are more about trying to convince unwilling people to fuck said activists than anything else.
I was going to say that there was still hope for Biden being reelected because I feel that the Ukrainian crisis will play a big role in the next election, but maybe it's not that big of a hope kek
No. 1481371
>>1481369That's terrible, I'm so sorry for you.
Normally your sister would need mental health care and probably institutionalisations since it sounds like she has some severe mental illness going on, but nowadays they would shoot her up with testosterone and mutilate her body with surgery if you sent her for help.
What is one supposed to do? Can you maybe cut her internet?
No. 1481391
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They are all so annoying
No. 1481402
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are we allowed to post personal cows here? anyway:
-former anachan
-shitty fried neon hair
-cheap e-thot/lolita outfits
-true and honest he/him gay man (fujoshi)
-uncomfortable with feminine terms but calls herself a bimbo
-majoring in forensics because it’s the closest she’ll get to living out her necro/eroguro fetish
No. 1481479
>>1477731based psychoanalysis queen. come over
>>1477746i would always recommend klein, kristeva, cixous (not a psychoanalyst but heavily influenced by freud, although she was also influenced by d*rrida). riviere is wonderful too, womanliness as a masquerade is super interesting and her understanding of the oedipus complex in women is so legit.
please excuse the kind of necro response
No. 1481766
>>1481721the gay male online community is extremely terfy, every time an ftm tries to post on a gay subreddit they're like fuck off, we're not into pussy you homophobe. they then always go back to trans reddit or tiktok to cry about the evil cisgays kek
i'm not surprised though, the way the trans community treats cisgays is so narcissistic and entitled. gay men have been brutally murdered and suppressed for thousands of years for their sexuality and they continue to be opressed and murdered outside the liberal west, yet some white middle class troon that will never face real violence and is oppressed by "misgendering" wants to lecture them on how drag is transphobic against mtfs and not eating pussy is transphobic against ftms and how cisgays are all privileged KKK members that need to shut up and make way for the so much more opressed troons.
No. 1481798
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What did she mean by this
No. 1481985
>>1480892Two theories:
1- obsession with being uwu, so smol and consooming too much nasty ageplay shit
2- bone rattling pro ana behaviour masked under the socially acceptable guise of heckin’ gender validation
No. 1482227
>>1481803yeah, that's what i was thinking, endometriosis. see a gyno oh my God it's fine, i'm sure nowadays there's gynos out there who call themselves andrologists so they don't
trigger you
No. 1482651
>>1482481Pretty much. Same reason fakebois will have the girliest tastes in jfashion while insisting they aren't girls. Being sexualized and feminine as a girl=you're a yucky boring shallow slut, doing it as some flavor of Not A Girl=Stunning and Brave.
It's cope to deal with internalizing a bunch of fucked up ideas about women and femininity.
No. 1482897
File: 1648353699176.jpeg (Spoiler Image,271.64 KB, 1049x940, D5F3C281-59BE-4ED9-9362-585902…)

Posting from the mtf thread, this tif claims she can ejaculate post srs. Its a pretty impressive result compared to most phallos, apparently taking four surgeries and two medical tattoos
No. 1482931
>>1481766Gay men are privileged moids kek
Im glad women are treating them like garbage. Gay moids are some of the most sexist and nasty moids out there. They have a whole culture of calling vaginas fishy and gatekeeping femininity from women. Fuck them.
No. 1483009
>>1482934The formation of pouches in the extended urethra is not an uncommon side effect, since the donor tissue is not designed to handle the pressure of urine, has no muscles to keep urine/ejaculate moving through the skintube, and has suture-puckered scarring all along its length and where it joins the actual urethra.
If I recall from years ago, the complication rate for this surgery is 80% with an average of 5 revision surgeries and a 60% failure rate. It shouldn't even be on the table.
No. 1483622
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it will hurt forever
No. 1483653
>>1483622I feel you,
nonnie. I wish she would have been happy to remain a GNC lesbian instead if trooning out. I wonder though if this was her way of trying to escape scrotes fetishizing her, reddit was super obsessed with her as their tomboy manic pixie dream girl for a while.
No. 1483715
>>1480702>soft/pastel butchThere are no classic stone butch-to-TIF trannies? This era is fucked up, TWAF (Trans Women Are Feminine), TMAF, most TIFs claim to "crossdress", while TIMs just want to be women and nothing more (even at the expense of shitting on women catastrophically becauae theyre men and their masculinity when juxtaposed is like a man playing unfair sports against women because curbstomp) while TIFs dont want to be proper men.
>tifs only hurt themselves and get victimized by othersAre they able to hurt non-troon women? A lot of us are talking about how misogynistic they are too. Misogyny from TIFs is harmless? But they sell us out to men wouldnt that be collateral damage too?
>>1482931Most gays are m4m, they are all "no femmes no fats" therefore they shame women and gnc men.
No. 1483718
>>1480892Ah yes when #20 comes we can change the desc to
"This thread is for posting and discussing fakebois, fujo yaoi larpers, e-whoring with extra steps and ftm snowflake behavior who may or may not deserve their own threads.
even the nonfujos are ewhoring, god.
No. 1483790
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>>1483715>Most gays are m4m, they are all "no femmes no fats" therefore they shame women and gnc men.see i always wonder what kind of gay men go for these uber feminine gay men that have all these weird sassy black woman mannerisms and act like mean girls (the movie). there's nothing more unappealing than a guy who acts like mateo from superstore and i just can't imagine any gay guy liking that sort of behavior either
>>1483718kek i agree, we should include this.
No. 1484144
>>1484126They mean children, like prepubescent. The younger the better, really, there are kids transitioning under the age of 5. The entire argument is the eariler kids transition, the better chance they have at passing successfully. Allowing your GNC kid to go through puberty normally- instead of prolonging it indefinitely and putting them on a regimen of lifelong cross sex hormones- is
literal violence now.
No. 1484285
>>1484126And transing young, prepubescent children is integral to the communication strategy of MTF AGPs and become-the-yaoi "gay" FTMs because transed children cement in public imagination the made-up idea of an inner, soul-like gender in contradiction with your material body. Because children are prepubescent, they obviously can't trans for the coom, so the logic goes that they can only trans to follow the dictate of their ~inner gender~, and the older troons expect the general public to apply the same logic to them and not look too closely at how many panties stolen from their female relative they have masturbated in.
And of course you have the brain dead retards who think that for some reason children are immune from outside influences from society and more in touch with their true nature, so if a 8yo says they are a boy, then it's a pure, deep truth and not a 8yo getting influenced by parents or not understanding how the world work, which also serves the AGPs by once again validating the existence of ~gender~
No. 1484334
File: 1648436830822.jpeg (774.25 KB, 1170x1843, 78376DE2-49A8-4206-9C50-B34F78…)

>knife kink & pyrophiliac
this bitch isn’t gonna live to 25 even if she doesn’t take the 41%
No. 1484443
File: 1648441708149.jpg (781.47 KB, 1303x1629, 2022_03_27_23_27_35_552.jpg)

>>1483622Speak of the devil.
Looking nice and fresh on the red carpet.
No. 1484535
>>1484443She looks like a ventriloquist dummy and giving me Chris Kattan vibes. She looks as small, stiff, and high off opiates as he does.
>>1484449Seriously. Looks like some pedobait shit. She looks like an "erosmenos"
No. 1484715
>>1484443god she looks like a moron
i wonder if she's the same type of fakeboi to love being ~smol~uwu~ though and this doesnt embarrass her
No. 1484718
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>>1484535oh god i forgot about chris kattan u rite tho
No. 1484801
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>>1484799which one. all i came across is this
No. 1484814
>>1484443it's so tragic to see her like this. if she feels dysphoric she has made sure she will never heal or overcome it. being a tiny skinny feminine looking "boy" AT BEST, chasing the ideal male body (as we know she does or she wouldn't have gone full speed into several intensive surgeries) that she can never achieve no matter what. and as a lesbian it's gonna be nearly impossible to find someone who's attracted to her, lesbians don't want a mutilated body made to look male and straight women don't want to date a woman. i hope she hasn't been so brainwashed she has "unlearned her genital preference" and has to date girldick transbians, although the milk would be great kek
i wonder how long it will be before she detransitions
No. 1484832
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>>1484443Not trans related but Kristen Steward on the other hand, looks amazing with her fiancée.
(derailing) No. 1484925
>>1475029There’s a reason why “you don’t need surgery to be
valid” has become a popular position. Can you imagine if those images were spread around in discord and queer spaces instead of “packers uwu” and fanart
No. 1484963
File: 1648481199197.webm (3.58 MB, 720x1280, y2JtheFk163eHQOM.webm)
>>1484953>>1484443Its even funnier in motion, Gyllenhaal isn't even that tall of a man(5'10 1/2) and yet he towers over her, not just in terms of height but body proportions as well
No. 1484964
>>1484832god she is perfect
>>1484930honestly? feels like japanese women dont sperg out on each other about liking m/m. like i have never seen a man in any culture start screaming at other men who like lesbian porn that they're fetishizing lesbians and women and are so fucked up and wrong to do that. western women especially love to just rage at other women for liking things.
No. 1485005
>>1484973I also noticed that about the height of FTMs! I wonder if it's because small women are treated even more condescendingly by men and like ~cute children~ so for them, the usual misogyny is even more difficult to put up with. You do get some more respect being a tall woman.
>>1484964Wow, thank you for your insight that men, white or other wise, don't give a shit about other men's fetishization of women! Truly examples to follow for women all around the world.
You can also maybe consider what the word fujoshi means in its original Japanese and how even otaku media (not BL itself) always has the fact that women love m/m as an hilarious oddity or an extremely shameful thing that must be hidden. The other nonna
>>1484951 has it right, the issue in the West is not with people mocking someone else's fap material, but with how Western fans for some reason decided that reading BLs has anything to do with gay men or protecting LGB rights and coupled with the modern trans discourse plus misc factors like SM, social isolation, autism, NLTOGism, etc created a breeding dish for "gay" FTM.
No. 1485016
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these girls are like caricatures. they all look the same, all draw the same. i've seen this art style at least 200 times.
No. 1485018
>>1485005>I also noticed that about the height of FTMs! I wonder if it's because small women are treated even more condescendingly by men and like ~cute children~ so for them, the usual misogyny is even more difficult to put up with. You do get some more respect being a tall woman.Definitely. As a 4'11" woman who almost became a themby, even in a 3rd world country where most people are already short (women are five foot even on average) I definitely do wish I was like the taller nonas so people could actually take me seriously, especially abroad.
>>1485016I swear, there are only 3 fakeboi artstyles: the one you pictured, extreme cartoon proportions with lots of bright colors for "eyestrain" and soft pastels with kawaii uwu proportions.
No. 1485042
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>>1485005>>1484964I don't get this, are you really claiming that a bunch of wokies calling out the fetishes of some fujos online is somehow leading to girls transitioning, like really ?
>>1485016what porn sickness does to a mfer
No. 1485048
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>>1485018Don’t forget the fakebois that do the dark and broody type art, that can feature things like self harm, EDs, and of course gay dudes also thrown in. They all seem to draw the same things too.
No. 1485052
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No. 1485138
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TIFs desire to be their ideal male partner is truly fascinating to witness, picrel TIF's type is one that majority of girls have been interested in since forever but instead of trying to peruse that guy, she instead wants to become him
No. 1485150
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>>1485138That's pretty much all they do. They call it "gender envy" whenever they have a crush on a male celebrity or fictional character, too. AAP is real lol
No. 1485168
>>1484963She literally asked to be in the middle, making herself look even shorter. They look like two parents and their child, there's no way she doesn't know that (especially with all the other post-transition event photos where she looks ridiculously small).
I didn't even realize how short she was until she transitioned. Is she doing this on purpose? Why?
No. 1485175
File: 1648498224152.jpg (73.78 KB, 800x533, 9da21-16267778990148-800.jpg)

>>1485016I've said it before and I'll say it again: the supposed mysterious "male" creator of the Walten Files has the most emblematic FTM art style I've ever seen. Apparently "he" had a brief Tiktok face reveal and demanded no one screen shot or share it out of respect. This is an FTM troon, right? Just based on the way "he" draws "himself?"
No. 1485229
File: 1648502584409.png (1.07 MB, 1080x1565, Screenshot_20220328-172142.png)

Why are TIFs so cringy?
No. 1485475
>>1485229They always resort to femininity like "whore" and being in a relationship with a man, why? Men are more fucking independent and has a straight fucking goal nothing else even if theyre trash. Its so funny
>>1485253Most mtfs are straightlaced agps, why brand the fujos as female equivalents? Its fucking unbalanced
No. 1485535
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>>1485048This one is super weird considering the artist looks like this
No. 1485583
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>>1485150why are all three of the live action guys asian dudes ?
No. 1485601
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I love Manlybadasshero but his audience contains so many fucking annoying gender kweer girls
No. 1485634
>>1485443Yeah hated that too! Why not have one of the male pirates be played by a TIF ugh…
They are all cheering for NB lady pirate, as if one any of the actual women who disguised themselves would have done so, if crews were actually accepting of women…
No. 1485740
>>1485150Though Crona isn't canonically male nor female so hard to be said which gender this girl really envies
Though AAP can be real but its vanishingly rare because women suck at finding men attractive and know that the perfect male 9s and 10s are out of their reach including metamorphosis to "become" those men. So most of this kind is like becoming trans for the sake of being trans, and their real crush is a real living moid instead of transforming into their crush which at least they know the boundaries are impossible for them, like being trans for them is a pickme for their crush. Don't overestimate them. Fucking tsunderes, these zoomers.
>>1485475Because men think straighter and more to the point. Yes including AGPs therefore seemingly more real. Girls love trends and are lazy therefore trans is the next available thing for them.
>>1485316Because girls love romance while guys love emotionless sex or hard matters such as being goal-oriented while women find the men they want before they start to work towards their goal. I bet their men or fathers pays for their top surgery in most cases.
>>1485048Lol she give men self-harm scars to make men relate to her, is this some kind of cope or what
>>1485016Wtf why is her content so crass and gross? AGPs only draw single women as if representing themselves, like a high-class lady they cope, seethed and dilated super hard to become. I don't encourage AGPs but goddamn, fakebois and their boyfriends are homophobic as fuck.
>>1484801Irrelevant here anon but this troon has put women on pedestal therefore hating them because he wants the pedestal for himself. Their hate is because they want to troon in peace but due to being freaks of nature he should 41% like all troons.
>>1484799Which one? I can kinda understand
>>1483710 has a point but can't properly elaborate it, probably referring to innate realistic sex-based mental traits
t. completely straight anon
No. 1485805
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I want to get off Mr Bones's wild ride
No. 1485810
>>1485805They're girlier than us regular girls and yet more horny… is that either genuine or a cope
>>1485740Is this a scrote or a 4tranny? No sir you ain't welcome
No. 1485961
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>>1485832>>1485885its actually a little more complicated then that, in the original Japanese Crona was referred to with gender neutral pronouns, In Japanese using a specific pronoun isn't definitive proof of one's sex, though the english translations of the manga defaulted to male pronouns, In the last chapter of the manga, it was revelaed that crona was biologically female
crona's sex was never meant to be some deep commentary about non-binaryism, it was nothing more then a running gag
No. 1486024
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Why do TIFs have to ruin everything I like? I can't even look up content of Nu:Carnival, a yaoi game with an all-male cast, where everyone very explicitly has a dick, without these freaks infesting the fandom and projecting their insecurities onto the characters. I don't want to see these beautiful men with frankenpussies and chest scars. I find them attractive because they have dicks and pectorals. You will never be real men, and nobody will ever want to fuck you except other mangled, insecure, terminally lonely women.
No. 1486027
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>>1486024I mean you go to a space filled with retards and porn sick people and your surprised that its filled people acting like retards, kinda your own fault in this case
No. 1486028
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hoe go to the dentist
No. 1486031
>>1485042>wokies calling out the fetishes of some fujos online is somehow leading to girls transitioningLiterally yes. Fujos troon out so that they can continue to coom without being “girl who fetishizes gay men”. Truly female behavior. A man wouldn’t give a single fuck about his fap material being considered
problematic by dangerhair tumblrinas.
No. 1486040
>>1486027Eh, you're right on that. I miss when women could consume erotica without feeling the need to mutilate themselves and distance themselves from womanhood though. As
>>1486030 said, they're basically inescapable. Ironically, the most actual men follow something, the less TIFs are in the fandom. Both because of female socialization, and because actual men call fujos out all the time, trans identified or not.
A good thing about NU:C is that the game producer seems pretty based, they explicitly said the game is targeted to women and written by women. They even sent in-game gifts to the players for International Women's Day. I hope the trannies who played it seethed cause of it.
>>1486031>>1486036These statements are both true. Tumblr and its unique intersection of identity politics and fandom has been a major factor imo. You had to be socially and politically aware while reblogging anime boys, there was no distinction between your real life politics and what you enjoyed in fiction. Not only it's the reason why so many tumblrinas troon out, it's also why there's so much discourse, to this day, about 'consooming
problematic content'. All the people who reeee about '
problematic ships' are trannys, literally all of them. It doesn't help that everyone who believes having
problematic ships is some revolutionary political act is also a tranny. They're sides of the same coin. You can't escape.
No. 1486105
>>1486040>Ironically, the most actual men follow something, the less TIFs are in the fandom. Both because of female socialization, and because actual men call fujos out all the time, trans identified or not.Exactly. I used to be active (and still lurk) in this Discord server dedicated to moe anime (or at least a gacha game associated with moe anime) since 2018 and almost everyone in there is male, surprisingly none of them have trooned out in the years I've been active (if anything they seem to be either critical of it or third worlders that don't know/don't have any sort of desire or resources to troon out) and/or lurking there, and none of the female posters, especially the active ones are TiFs.
If anything, I've noticed that TiFs actually avoid communities that consist of mostly men, such as 4chan even more that other females do. Some pick-me enbies do post about Love Live and 2hu but that's the absolute most they do.
And overall I just like watching just how girly their interests usually are, to the point that I can clock them through that alone, and it unironically makes me prouder of not being an Ayden.
No. 1486125
File: 1648580026125.jpeg (593.85 KB, 1170x1445, 37B00F4E-1951-4C85-9781-B179BB…)

>sanrio icon
>pink platforms
>acab tattoo
No. 1486133
>>1486031>>1486051>>1486046Kek for calling an Asian company publishing yaoi games as "based" for recognizing that their public is 100% female and acting in consequence. Like double kek. In all of Asia and even the West until about 10 years ago everyone knows that BLs/yaoi/danmei is just fanservice for women and has nothing to do with gay men or is something that could even interest gay men. That's why it's called BLs/danmei in the first place; genres for gay men have a different name. Saying something is BL is exactly the same that saying it's for women, and is probably made by other women, too.
It's true that you can always find gender specials on Tiktok/Tumblr/whatever making claims about how yaoi is totally for real trans men only, and we in this thread love to see them to laugh at them, but pretending that it's some kind of overwhelmingly existing content that shames people into transitioning is ridiculous. First because on site like Tumblr and Tiktok, you customize what you see on your feed, if you don't want to, you can literally never see that shit. We don't even get to see the reblog/views numbers in the picrels, if there are low, it doesn't mean anything. I can find literally any existing opinion on Tumblr with 3 reblogs.
And yaoi fandoms are isolated from the SWJ discourse except some outliers; I have been in one recently that has a surprisingly decent live adaptation where they rewrote the main relationship as a normal gay love story which attracted a normy public, and you could see clashes between OG book fans dismissing everything they perceived as criticisms and gushing about all the romanticized noncon, even when being super woke on topics relating to race, and LA fans who were like "wow the book was extra gross." Gender specials and SWJs were parked somewhere in their own little corner of the fandom where they cancelled each other and had no influence on the discourse unless you sought them out.
The issue is that the exclusive consumption of BLs seems to fry the brain of a given category of autistic girls that have issues with their womanhood (understandably in your society!) and conceptualizing their attraction to men, coupled with the exclusive consumption of porn when too young as their only model of relationships, being too online without real life friends, self-hatred (as a psych diagnosis), troonery as a current framework governing our understanding of our sex and gender, the death of real feminist discourse in the mainstream, etc. They glomp to yaoi as the only thing that makes them happy and offer them a way out of being a woman by becoming the uke but without becoming men, which as we have seen many of "gay" FTM don't want to be. No one normal would look at an Asian porn genre for women and go "wow, totally me IRL" without other factors. Yaoi fans were shamed and mocked way harder 20 years ago, people really kept their interest in it on the downlow, and no one was transing because you'd be laughed at by everyone if you said that porn cartoons made you realize you were a man. Not anymore.
Bring back shaming and good safeguarding practices for transition.
source: was considering trooning +15 yo ago, thank god for therapy and radical feminism.
No. 1486186
>>1486131>>1486140Yes, I think that this certainly plays a role, maybe even double so when you're autistic or just not interested in fashion/make-up which is something that you feel even more pressurized to do when you're not objective beautiful. It's like in our society, if you're not physically beautiful, are you even a woman? You're disadvantaged on both sides, you get the full brunt of misogyny but none of so-called advantages that beautiful women get (not that they are worth getting but you get my drift).
There are some rare very pretty women who trans too, but imho those are just BPD women who latch on the latest current thing as an identity.
No. 1486217
>>1486133This game was localized in English though, I think they're perfectly aware that their english speaking playerbase attracts a lot of trannies. For fuck's sake the main character's name is literally Eiden.
>on site like Tumblr and Tiktok, you customize what you see on your feed, if you don't want to, you can literally never see that shitI wish that were true. The mute function of Twitter and Tumblr is ass, and they censor a lot of words so to evade it. Idk about Tiktok, I don't have it.
>We don't even get to see the reblog/views numbers in the picrelsSorry about that but my interface is not in English and I don't want to be clocked.
@NuConfessional has 2k followers and 100~400 likes per post. @NUCarnivalHCs is way less popular but the other account follows it and reposts its stuff, so some tweets go to about 100 likes as well.
No. 1486258
>>1486189>theybies insists they're totes-not-a-women until they find a guy.KEK it's true though
it's like that one girl who use to get posted here years ago on here that would go through lengths to shoop her chest to prove she was a real dude. When she ended up getting a boyfriend she did a complete 180 and is now a feminine woman and ditched the fakeboi act.
No. 1486281
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Vanya is now Viktor
No. 1486389
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>>1485961Crona had an identity in flux that caused him to lash out and struggle with obsession and rage issues. Constant suicide baiting and fishing for attention. No wonder cringe enbies identify with him, it's not an admirable thing.
No. 1486460
>>1486446You're predicting "get woke, go broke"?
I never watched it or wanted to watch and know nothing about the audience.
No. 1486612
I'm not someone who stops watching something out of outrage but I legitimately have no interest in the show now. Like what are they even going to do with this.
>>1486296 and
>>1486297are right this must have been such a pain in the ass and I feel bad for the writers, they probably had to do a major scramble.
No. 1486645
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>>1486536>>1486189>>1486640This might be a controversial to certain radfems but I've always believed that a lot of these girls just need to find understanding boyfriends, I feel potential aydenism would decrease by 70% if they got good bf's
No. 1486816
>>1486557Sage, but the character in the show has been the biggest emotional/psychological mess of the whole cast, struggles with self-worth issues, used by the only man she dated, tried lesbianism but society punished her for it, feels worthless and useless compared to her siblings and is the least interesting and popular of the cast.
so the typical desperate Aiden, actually. kek.
No. 1486897
>>1486816Haha, it really is fitting for an Aiden character! At last, they'll finally get realistic representation, but not the one they wanted lol
>>1486834NTA, but kanojo/kare are very rarely used because Japanese will use names or titles or just context when English would always use pronouns. Picking one of those amongst available choices also gives information on your closeness and relationship with the person you're talking about. This also allows Japanese writers to not come clean about the sex of a character if they don't want to for basically as long as they wish. From the top of my head, Kurapika in Hunter x Hunter (on purpose) and Hanji Zoë in Shingeki no Kyojin (unvoluntary at first, but then the author played into it) were those kind of characters where the Japanese fandom couldn't make up their mind about their sex.
I just realized that Japan is the ultimate shitlord country for non-binary attention seekers kek
No. 1486925
File: 1648653668362.png (7 MB, 1841x4035, Terfs fucked my gf.png)

Nona in mtf thread was asking about how many troons lurked these threads. In relation a while ago I found a whole advice subreddit of usually anonymous trannies asking how to avoid obsessively lurking lolcow. Picrel one of its least tarded posts that I badly edited because it gave off extreme horror cult vibes
No. 1487166
>>1486989>>1487012>>1487041>>1487100Whoops it didn't occur to me that there were newer anons in here but she use to have a thread on here way back when LC was new.
Here it is:>>>/snow/70404
But basically she was a fakboi that would hang out with other fakbois, only to then get a bf and drop the act altogether. The shift was insane. This is when the whole fakeboi thing was rampant on tumblr in 2015. It's a shame it's only gotten worse tbh.
No. 1487715
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This is why watching porn is bad for you, imagine feeling oprsssed cause people find your shota porn disgusting
No. 1487953
>>1486897Yeah that was not what I was saying. Anon said
using gendered pronouns doesn't indicate sex. When you use the gendered pronouns kare and kanojo, you definitely indicate someone's sex.
You can skip pronouns and use names and titles instead but when you do use them, it indicates sex.
No. 1488332
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old milk but this author thinks that their gender identity exists in a vacuum
funny how other people's sexualities (see: gay men who don't want to date TIFs or lesbians who don't want to dates TIMs) only feel that way bc of mean old society's influence, but no TIF's gender identity is ever influenced by society
No. 1488349
>Join a discord for a show I like(first mistake)
>Very small, maybe 50 people and 20ish regulars
>Most prolific poster is the most sterotypical gayden ever, to the extent that it makes my head spin
>Won't shut up about her gender, is open about a 14 year old anime boy being her "transition goals", thought she was a fujoshi but only likes "gay" pairings between a real man and a fakeboi, spams her awful titmangle genderbent art of the anime boy she's trying to skinwalk getting fucked in the pussy by a (canonically gay no less!) male love interest in the art channel-no, it's not intended to be nsfw but no one stops her. she also nonstop overshares about her period, being a huge fat fuck, and how sad the evil 'cis' gay and bi men not wanting her in "MLM spaces" makes her kek
>Gets constant validation despite being a normal nerdy girl in every respect, laughed about her mother crying after she announced her intentions to transition
>Calls her older sister 'terfy' for not being unquestioningly supportive of her decision to destroy her own life, also is clearly upset that older sister is more gnc than she is but is still perfectly comfortable as a woman
>Recently made a big deal about finally settling on her "true name" after "a lot of soul searching"
>It's fucking Rufus
Sage for blogpost but goddamn, these girls are so fucking predictable. Are they forced by law to be as hilariously, stereotypically feminine as possible? It's like they're made in a factory somewhere. I feel so bad for her poor mother and sister
No. 1488440
>>1488430They're unavoidable, it's so frustrating. If there are any fellow terfs in the fandoms I'm in, they're certainly hiding it well. Though so am I kek
Though even the genderlets are unintentionally 'transphobic' sometimes. I was reading a popular fake dating fic(I know, I know…) written by one of the dime a dozen NB NLOG in my fandom, and one of the lines has the gay male character offer to let the questioning-his-sexuality-but-clearly-bi male character practice on him to see if he "really likes dick or not". I was surprised none of the gaydens were screeching in the comments about equating dicks to men.
No. 1488450
>>1488440gaydens only care about "some men don't have dicks!!" outside of their porn. when it comes to fanfic, they still wanna read good old fashioned swordfighting it seems… interesting how that works! and i could never make fun of you for your taste in fanfic anon, mine is the same. i'd be curious to know what your fandom is, though…
we need to invent some ACTUAL
terf dogwhistles so i can befriend women who aren't at risk of putting he/him in their bio. i can't even enjoy my fujoshit in peace anymore.
No. 1488500
>>1488349Rufus? That's only one step above naming yourself after an anime character. A long-time friend of mine wanted his name to be exactly like his favorite fictional Japanese boy for a while. It was so stupid, and later he admitted it was stupid, yet he was considered smart enough for testosterone? I feel negligent for just avoiding him until I figured he'd come to his senses instead of telling him to his face his "chosen name" was stupid and he was too young to take T.
Though he may have already sussed me out for not wanting to be called a bitch. He calls his female friends that now when he didn't before, because having many female friends makes it harder for him to pass to teenage boys, so he's pushing them away. Its sad seeing his younger friends take it because they don't know better, no one ever thought them they should grow a backbone when they're called bitches unprompted.
I wonder if pushing old female friends away is common in fakebois when they start transitioning, especially younger ones who don't realize having friends who give a shit about you is rare in adulthood.
No. 1488521
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licensed mcr rib breakers. truly the darkest of timelines.
No. 1488540
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>>1488521lol made me think of this
No. 1488561
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so close to getting it yet so far
No. 1488585
>>1488349Its either Rufus ShinRa or Rufus the naked mole rat from Kim Possible.
To be fair, some phalloplasties look like naked mole rats so…
No. 1488642
File: 1648780237757.jpeg (Spoiler Image,385.98 KB, 750x886, 2672E937-3889-47F9-8B3A-D72FA0…)

I think I’ve seen it all, they straight up removed her nipples
No. 1488646
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>>1488642it's becoming a trend.
No. 1488654
>>1488644She is a dwarf.
>>1488646>>1488648I don't think it's a trend. I may be wrong but probably the nipple died after the surgery. It's one of the complications of a mastectomy.
No. 1488675
>>1488349>only likes "gay" pairings between a real man and a fakeboiFucking projection, this is what separates the fakebois from regular fujos. They also scream 'le evil fujoshi' along with 'evil cis gays'
>also is clearly upset that older sister is more gnc than she is but is still perfectly comfortable as a womanThough howso is her sis more gnc? By having more normie activities? Or being a huge tomboy
No. 1488683
>>1488654>don't think it's a trend. I may be wrong but probably the nipple died after the surgery. It's one of the complications of a mastectomy.No, it's a trend. Exulsanic has some videos on it. They call it "free the nips"
This subreddit is two years old: No. 1488684
File: 1648782961727.gif (565.67 KB, 498x399, rufus-kim-possible.gif)

>>1488500Nona I think Rufus is based on this:
>pushes female friends awayI think this is the pressure of 4chan calling fakebois "fembrained" and clocking her for having a bunch of female friends and no male ones because it fits the model of female socialization, which to ftms are a detriment for being called "fembrained". Most mtfs on 4chan are still proud of their "malebrain" (as in not giving up masculinity) and retain in their frathouse, as if being mtf is just am extra layer.
No. 1488956
File: 1648821503024.jpeg (292.85 KB, 1242x1599, 4B674D2E-EF16-4850-9105-1ED902…)

what a joke
No. 1488958
>>1488432Unfortunately not even after having children, you will then have the next stage of the annoying gaiden/themby lifecycle, the upper-middle class SAHM with 2 non-toddler children and a white picket fence and a husband who never has to do any chores or childrearing, an icon of straightness and Amuhrica, who tries to dispel the existential ennui and extreme banality of her existence by adopting pronouns other than "she," almost never physically transing, and harassing everyone she can about the kweerness of her hetero family unit and the terrible discrimination they suffer. Usually met in fandom where she criticizes the horrible sexism in the way female characters are written in the media while exclusively reading or writing about ukes getting raped or dubconned or kidnapped by alpha semes.
I think that we can come to the conclusion that the main thing that creates gender specials is not any experience they had or not in their life, but only their own desire to be oh!so-special. This stupid desire naturally decreases as one ages, but in some, it never disappears.
No. 1489021
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wow so creative and insightful
No. 1489068
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>>1489049she definitely cut this herself
No. 1489081
File: 1648830588297.jpeg (141.11 KB, 828x749, 9F5A2EAD-E2D4-4BD5-8B2B-F52321…)

>>1489070100 gecs troon is with a different tif who calls herself Gabriel
No. 1489085
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>>1489081nope, that's 100% her with "laura les". what do you think "riel" is short for? gabriel. hello. she switches between mason, riel, gabriel and hides her last name, etc. it's the same girl
No. 1489110
File: 1648832250770.png (293.34 KB, 506x469, gecsone.PNG)

>>1489099the gabriel/any version of it is likely the same as for its origination in the efamous case too w "laura's" wife. amazing how they look exactly alike facially though. then they often go on to copy the same exact styles of dress, hair, even glasses. it's so bizarre. i guess this type of thing probably necessarily attracts the type of girl that has a sqaureish jawline that they mistake for masculine (which is unfortunate because they should be appreciated for their aesthetic nature) and they all just go off the same stupid art school aesthetic from there i guess because she literally looks exactly like pre-t gecs one here pictured. their commitment to having 0 actual individuality while trying so hard to be individual remains incredible
No. 1489176
>>1488561I completely thought the same thing as>>1488571
People aren't avoiding you because you "pass" as a man. It's because women see a self-hating, mentally ill woman whom they pity, and men see a mentally ill woman they don't want to be friends with.
No. 1489328
File: 1648845034605.jpg (39.6 KB, 409x548, dfb2d96633d107b74e1effcf79e724…)

>>1489110Don't fakebois call themselves gabriel because of the archangel and their desire to be androgynous but only in the way that pale skinny men can be. The same reason they thirst for apollo and achilles.
No. 1489423
>>1488521frank iero is such an annoying manlet
reminds me of that one time he opened a tweet with “while i’m not a lesbian in the classical sense” as if he could be a lesbian in any sense.
No. 1489495
>>1483715>There are no classic stone butch-to-TIF trannies?I used to know a few of those but they just identify as women on steroids for aesthetic reasons (which isn't healthy but at least they're aware) instead of "straight transgendered-men".
>This era is fucked up, TWAF (Trans Women Are Feminine), TMAF, most TIFs claim to "crossdress", while TIMs just want to be women and nothing more […] while TIFs dont want to be proper men.I don't believe in "misandry" as a systemic thing (or an actual issue at all, lmao) but I think the superficial woke backlash against men (while still worshipping them) is why so many soyboys and white incels turn into TIMs out of male guilt and why TIFs either call themselves agendered or want to be anime prettyboys instead of actual manly men
>>1484144>>1484285The ironic part is that "puberty blocking" would only theoretically benefit TIMs to be able to look like women, for TIFs it won't even masculinize and they make them seem even more childlike. I honestly think the "transkid" obsession is being pushed by pedophiles since kids tend to be really shallow about gender (I used to want to be a boy because they had cooler toys), and therefore easier to groom
No. 1489570
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>>1488648Because animu boys don't have nipples,
nonnie No. 1489845
>>1489328Gabriel, Ollie, and Aiden makes one imagine the guy you're talking about, the guys these girls are attracted to. A non-threatening androgynous dude. Meanwhile names like Brock, Michael, or Chad immediately makes one think of a big hairy muscular man, which is not kawaii nor are they what these girls are attracted to.
>>1489653They think Jewish dudes are all kawaii ukes because they're attracted to mainstream femboy guys in media who are all oddly of Jewish descent. Timothee Chalamet is very popular amongst these kinds of girls, but so is Finn Wolfhard, also Ezra Miller. I think it's like AGPs where the girls can't have these guys so they morph into a hideous Jewish stereotype, complete with an old man name like Mordecai.
No. 1489981
File: 1648910364149.jpg (270.36 KB, 1080x1107, Screenshot_20220402-170042_Ins…)

they really enjoy complicating things. idk what this means.
No. 1490047
>>1488432They’re miserable with their scrote. Being in a long term relationship with a man induces early onset of midlife crisis, especially if they had inferiority complex about being plain and boring. Theyre women who get their sense of self erased in relationships. Same thing going on psychologically like Lainey.
>>1489981In classical terms, speshul snowflake.
No. 1490219
File: 1648924453281.png (Spoiler Image,664.61 KB, 465x622, 1irufhn2ihrvdfn.PNG) rest of the photos are nightmare inducing, so beware. imagine getting your boobs removed only for them to grow back. still has female fat distribution and apparently has a fistula that leaks urine.
i can't imagine this being a better option to therapy.
No. 1490227
File: 1648924730242.jpeg (Spoiler Image,39.07 KB, 400x300, 4102EDF0-8443-4D2E-9DEA-1D6888…)

sorry for semi blogpost but i decided to check on an ex-friend of mine and
No. 1490342
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>>1490327forgot to mention this but she’s one of those new age pagans and takes acid often to speak with her “spiritual parents”
No. 1490488
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No. 1490635
>>1490488behold, the root of all ftms.
all of them cannot deal with the sexism and trauma of being a woman, so they try to escape. truly sad
No. 1490845
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As soon as I saw Paul Dano’s incel getup in the new Batman movie I knew he was going to be a TIF magnet.
No. 1491330
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No. 1491333
File: 1648998057509.jpeg (354.57 KB, 828x1307, CE13F6FE-EF57-48F9-A7EB-FE3D49…)

>>1491330She lives vicariously through her GTA character and majority of selfies posted are full body shots complete with lingerie. I wonder how soon the regret will set in enough for her to de-transition.
No. 1491338
File: 1648998588897.jpeg (Spoiler Image,206.53 KB, 828x1385, E79292B1-11D0-4F43-B075-ED08FB…)

>>1491333oh no she has a troony tim gta character too
No. 1491362
>>1491352Sounds like delusion…I think it’s just aidens claiming their vaginal fluid is “totes a males uwu”
And if they had the surgery, there’s no way “cum” is coming out of their fake penis because that penis hole is only connected to their urethra and bladder.
>>1490219Her whole photo shoot is cringe. It looks like she’s trying to emulate a manly gay bear taking a manly porn shoot (that photo of the underside of her “penis” nearly made me barf), but her figure is still obviously womanly. She tries to flex, but has noodle arms. The yard gloves make me kek. Apparently she has a boyfriend that she pegs too…is this an actual male fail or is it another tif?
No. 1491567
File: 1649012955515.png (8.29 KB, 80x53, 673335880903163915.png)

>>1491547apparently she identifies as "salmacian" which is a horror show in its own right..>A subreddit for people who desire a mixed genital set (for example, a penis and a vagina).its her vagina….
No. 1491794
File: 1649032677824.png (29 KB, 589x368, 1iedrufhds3.PNG)

>>1491763how does she even "stealth"?
i can't imagine any sane girl wanting to have sex with a hairy, floppy armsack. and there's degenerate males, but would one really try to fuck her vagina when there are a set of balls right there? she's either lying about having sex or finding insane trannies and/or tras
looking at her post history, she could be a cow on her own.
No. 1491797
File: 1649032834895.png (13.9 KB, 605x226, 1ewuerhdfj2.PNG)

>>1491794samefag, but this has got to be a larp. no way is she getting into gay bathhouses and having sex with men in said gay bathhouses.
she's got a "femboy" fetish too.
No. 1491914
>>1491682Do you mean she got her breast removed and then paid to get breast implants again? The answer is maybe in your link, but I'm afraid to go in there.
And if I remember correctly from seeing her being posted on the other farms, she dates a tranny but now I see that she speaks about having a boyfriend… does that means that she dates a woman as porn sick as her?
No. 1492209
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>Nurses would call him a “mom” despite having male identification and a beard
Hm I wonder why that could be?
No. 1492604
File: 1649107006130.jpg (19.62 KB, 640x350, holy-water.jpg)

>>1490219Can we have a trans day of invisibility please?
No. 1492680
>>1492209Poor baby looks so small and vulnerable on the chest of some bloke and not that of a mother with breasts. Even a newborn born to a mother with double mastectomy looks more fulfilled, bonded and safe than this.
The newborn already looks so pissed off that they're denied basic human rights, while the mother only considers her own.
Good luck kid.
No. 1492692
File: 1649112410132.png (264.69 KB, 1040x916, nytimes.png)

if a soft yaoi twink shits in the woods and there's no one around to validate it is she really a soft yaoi twink?
No. 1492704
File: 1649113339703.jpeg (555.43 KB, 1170x1689, 4F797306-34FA-4F19-AE53-5A03BF…)

they’re not even trying to hide it anymore
No. 1492707
File: 1649113444362.jpg (Spoiler Image,780.92 KB, 4032x3024, mboc2ach0s581.jpg)

>>1491797she has obvious top surgery scars. she is not stealthing lol
No. 1492715
File: 1649113899442.jpg (Spoiler Image,553.05 KB, 2342x2919, izbui1900aa71.jpg)

I found the funniest account this dork draws is shitty coomer misogynist TIF x normal woman porn, except her obsession just feels like cope
No. 1492838
>>1492715Holy shit, I fucking thought this was drawn by a TiM at first.
Ew, wish I had never seen that in my life.
No. 1492849
>>1492838Just like the "detrans" kink tumblr was probably made by a moid. I refuse to believe this was made by a woman.
>>1492715>normal woman>only men can be pervertsUmm… in this case it's probably a GC woman being depicted. But I think most TIFs still are vain and have the female bodyform envy but can't express it lol. They can be perverts but most of them are not in the way moids are.
>>1492807Timmy when did you side with the conservatives? They hate you so much and yet you're against us.
No. 1492868
>>1492853Yeah when all the normal women went full handmaiden
>>1492838But though i feel sexist stereotypes can exist even outside the trans circle like "only men can draw porn", yes there are certain TIF art styles covered in many of the fakeboi threads but if a woman can draw it she doesn't exist? Maybe, but truthfully speaking this is an outlier. How is this different from TIMs aside from maybe different socialization or something
>>1491797Why do all of them have the femboy(tm) fetish all the time? Moids have "being woman" fetish yet the reverse is poorly mirrored.
No. 1492878
>>1491280They dont hide their love for lolita fashion, dressing up and camwhoring. Some are straight and genuinely love men.
>>1491317Because they pick the ones they can skinwalk. The real obsession they want are the hot guys.
No. 1493219
File: 1649146750707.jpg (87.24 KB, 462x632, haku.jpg)

>>1486983slight necro and OT but speaking of her, whatever happened to haku ?
No. 1493249
File: 1649149993741.png (38.34 KB, 1096x375, Tiny brown TIF.png)

>>1490509>>1488561OT, I don't know if that fakeboi was non-white or not but I have seen this rhetoric every now and them from different wokies, implying that current standards of masculinity are inherently western and imperialistic and so inherently racist towards non-white peoples, so liking a guy whose tall is racist cause white people are taller on average, liking a guy who can grow a beard is racist cause black and asian men can't grow full beards and liking a guy who has muscles is racist cause certain non-white races have higher storages of fat
its comically really
No. 1493296
>>1492226The only people interested in them these days are mostly fakebois that love the emo aesthetic and the homoeroticism in bandom
These guys are pretty much has beens now
No. 1493506
File: 1649178080759.jpeg (724.82 KB, 828x1384, 079BA910-7AE0-4CCC-A4C2-CDBA45…)

There was an anon who posted this cow before but i checked and was not disappointed
Looks like a pig
No. 1493621
>>1492868Most gc women believe in those stereotypes. They think all women have this female solidarity and can't be depraved, and ignore anything that suggests the opposite lmao. Same way they think not as hideous male troons are all automatically "hsts" and all the plain ugly ones are "agp". I don't get it either.
>>1492868Women can always pull of being androgynous, I think that's why most tifs claim to be femboys, less surgery and less hormone usage. It doesn't help the most popular "femboys" online are obviously women in binders with short hair.
No. 1493681
File: 1649190688045.jpeg (160.73 KB, 1080x896, 6112AD0A-5BE4-4FA8-A331-F94071…)

At least she knows it’s an inconvenience. I know this is one that IDs as NB and not a man but it’s all so tiresome.
No. 1493747
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>>1493681a "straight" scrote might doubt his sexuality when perusing femboys or trnnies but I am 100% assured no male has doubts when you look like some trashy mall goth from 2003
No. 1493994
File: 1649208309080.jpg (99.58 KB, 1104x824, Capture.JPG)

originally posted in the mtf thread, my mistake
She calls this "roachification"
No. 1494209
Sage for blogpost / venting / bs
I'm super upset. If there's a place I feel comfortable to rant about this, it's here. Anywhere else, I feel I will be judged, and have been judged.
I've just lost my girlfriend of years to this shit. We just broke up a few days ago. We were in a happy, lesbian relationship one day, and the next she tells me she wants to start taking T to transition and "become a femboy". I really fucking wish I was exaggerating here. Those were her exact words, and I was aghast.
I, a lesbian go "uhhh well what does that mean for us, I'm not attracted to men?" and she freaks on me, saying that she can't help what she feels, and I go "well… neither can I, I'm attracted to women" and she gets super pissed at this, and when I bring up the very real complications of T to her. But, she's blind, and wants to become a uwu kawaii yaoi femboy.
Things got messy, we broke up, and now I'm crying. I feel so unwanted, and blindsided. It came out of nowhere. One second she's my lovely girlfriend the next she wants to ruin her body with T. I'm just sad. I'm gonna miss hugging her, cuddling her, and running my fingers through her hair. (She chopped it all off w one of those stereotypical nb hairstyles yesterday too lol) I don't think she understands how much this hurts me, and I don't think she ever will, or ever will even care… I can't even vent to anyone because somehow I'm the asshole for not loving someone who wants to transition to a man even though I'm a lesbian.. (I also have trauma with men and my now-ex knows this, and was still trying to force me to love them as a man)
Life sucks right now lol we are losing way too many to this shit, and they are being engulfed in their own egotistical narcissism, and not even caring what those around them think, or feel.
Sorry for blogpost, just had to get this off my chest.
No. 1494240
>>1493994her last pic almost passes, not as an adult man but if you told me that was 14 year old boy, I'd believe you
that's as best as they can do, they can pass as little boys but not men
No. 1494272
>>1494209I find it interesting that they expect the world to change for their silly little rules.
>"um sweaty lesbians aren't attracted to transmen that would make you bi duh same sex attraction isn't real lol">k if you troon out, i'll stop being attracted to you>"no! you're straight now! you aren't allowed to reject me! ever!!!"MTFs do the same thing when they force their hetero wives to pretend to be "lesbians". It's like they want you to be props in their narcissistic fantasies.
The best you can do is show her the results of trooning like those hyper intense euro psas and if that fails, just let her go ig.
No. 1494368
>>1494209Isn't this what that Arachnid girl did to her gf? Why are so many girls trooning bc of femboys, they're literally ugly af. All one has to do is look at the femboy threads on here lmao
>>1494365I feel like Tumblr is the origin of a lot of this stuff, tbh. Even on 4chan's troon board they just regurgitate shit that was said on Tumblr in 2013-15.
No. 1494509
>>1494209Sorry for your loss. Same thing happened to me. I know how much it hurts to see someone you love turn into a completely different person, body and personality. It will hurt for a while, but it’s better for you in the long run. You wouldn’t want to be with a hairy, angry T-addled woman that will never be pleased. You even acknowledged she would be a ‘man’ and she got angry about it. It’s not worth it. Troons take and take and it’s never enough.
> they are being engulfed in their own egotistical narcissism, and not even caring what those around them think, or feelYou described so well what it is like. When my ex started “transitioning”, she stopped caring about me or my feelings. She stopped thinking about how her actions or words could possibly hurt me or have consequences. She became more reckless, and did things that she specifically knew would hurt me. If I confronted her about this behavior, she got mad and said I wasn’t “letting her be herself”. We were together for years, so seeing the sudden shift of mutual love to completely disregard and selfishness was extremely difficult. I’m not sure if trannies were narcissists all along before “coming out”, or if the ideology brings out the narcissism in them. She used to be selfless before becoming a narc monster. She’s an alcoholic and drug addict now and I just know she isn’t happy, but she can’t figure out it’s because of the trans nonsense. She thinks they “love her for being herself” and whatever bullshit, but she’s not “herself”, she’s a husk that only talks about herself and troon nonsense.
No. 1494643
>>1494365During the years I was living in Ethiopia I never saw a single gendercultist, so yeah, without social media, the cult can’t thrive. So the question appears again
>If a tranny needs validation in the middle of a deserted island, is there really a tranny looking for validation?If they were actually busy, trying to survive, to avoid starving and getting murdered during an eternal war between tribes, they wouldn’t be trooning out. Trannies are so, so utterly, extremely
bored that they troonout because they have absolutely nothing else to do with their lives, they’re the ultimate high class people who to get some excitement in their lives, they need to experiment with their bodies in a way that will get the attention of everyone, in such a different and “special” way, that tattoos, piercings and wacky hairstyles will never compete.
No. 1494799
>>1494365I’m a third worlder and to respond to you and add onto what the other nonas said, I have noticed TRA rhetoric is an indicator of privilege around me. I grew up poor with null internet access until my early puberty in late 00s internet, but had a shift because of my parents. My father moved to a first world country and I nearly succumbed to the social contagion when I temporarily lived there (like other nonnies have said the sexist violence when you’re GNC makes it very hard not to fall for the rhetoric). I find it hilarious how troons are brought up as this ultimate minority of sorts when, back in my third world shithole, it was mostly upper middle class and above people who had enough acquisitive power to be bilingual (which I acknowledge is a privilege I have). TRA nonsense is very contained to rich nations. My country is still concerned with women not getting raped and killed, same with LGBs. It feels like a parallel dimension sometimes and what I hate is it sets the debate on sex-based discrimination back.
A cosplayer I knew locally trooned out in 2020, changed her name to Noah (despite living in Latin America speaking Spanish) and paid for a double mastectomy out of pocket in the middle of the pandemic, all while her mom was battling cancer. She now posts on TikTok about being a transboy uwu and how to transition, most of which refers to private clinics. She was in a longterm heterosexual relationship, ready to marry and have children, and gender conforming before that— but a massive fujo, so one of the standard fakeboi pipelines. Most of the poor troons are HSTS TIMs who very often prostitute themselves. It’s a rich people thing, nona.
No. 1494831
>>1494209I'm so sorry nonna, you don't deserve this. Same thing happened to a close friend of mine; her girlfriend semi-spontaneously decided to take T and they broke up over it. I don't know your situation at all, but in my friend's case the girl had other issues so their breakup was ultimately a good thing.
The ones who take T because they want to be "femboys" just blow my entire mind. Like OK, if you're an AAP who happens to be into hairy balding manlets, maybe you'll be satisfied with your appearance after a few years on hormones. But actual moids take estrogen and androgen blockers in pursuit of femboy androgyny. The only silver lining is that fujos who start out with the goal of looking like a "feminine guy" are playing a game they can't possibly win, and most of them realize that sooner or later.
No. 1495455
>>1494799Thankyou anon and others for replying. It’s sad but, I suppose kind of interesting to see how this is literally on par with fancy accessories. Not to tinfoil but I suppose sometime in the future when fancy, cyberpunkesque implants/treatments etc become a thing there will be top of the line ones marked fo rich people with featured that make you ‘pass better’ or some shit whilst those less well off will have to settle for the less ‘real and validating uwu’ ones and they’ll be opening gofundmes and all that crap even then.
I saw a petition recently for my country’s medical system to start including gender affirming surgeries in its Medicare. One dude in the comments said ‘I’ve always identified as a stallion, can I get a massive 10 inch cock for free?’ Hate this term, but all I can say is based for making people seethe kek. Any arguments anyone tried to make against him could so easily be twisted back against TRA
No. 1495480
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The worst takes are the ones that pop up on the timeline with no warning
No. 1495504
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Your mother should have disowned you.
No. 1495527
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This thing showed up on my feed and if I have to see it so should you.
No. 1495682
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>>1495629>>1495572>>1495651Reposted for nsfw but there's a drawing for it aswell kek
No. 1495715
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No. 1495734
>>1495682LMAOOO you know the friend did it just to be mean. like saying, take ur shirt off. WILD.
you'd think she would know gay men who go to sex parties are just degenerate coomers, but I guess tifs don't really know that many actual gay men.
No. 1495769
>>1459645late but
>the voice of Nagito, THE tumblr sexyman, and uwu ukes like Makoto and Shinji has become heckin' cute and validShe interacted with her w*stern fans too much, didn't she? The Great Satan's tentacles know no limits.
No. 1495775
>>1495682In the comments there were other gay orgy enthusiasts
But why girls want to go to gay orgies specifically, if they want to have sex with a bunch of male strangers
No. 1495820
>>1494209I'm so sorry, anon. This is heart breaking. I feel as if we are losing so many lesbians and women in general to this gender pandemic. Women always get the short end of the stick and we should be fighting for our rights. I dont know why trans stuff is so bad in places like America, Canada and the UK. I really hope she'll realize her mistake and de-trans. I hope you'll find someone better and is a
No. 1496297
>>1495969Well for one, straight TIMs' coom comes from AGP, so they get turned on just by imagining themselves as women - dating "as a woman" just comes with extra coom. The bonus element is that at least subconsciously (mostly consciously) TIMs know they can overpower a woman who might dare to point out they're in the wrong bathroom, for example - if they're ballsy enough to overcome their own female socialization habit of keeping quiet. They don't assess the threat of rape from women. So if they want to intimidate a handmaiden into dating them for any reason, they can theoretically do that.
Straight TIFs not only know they can't beat most men in a fight, they transition because of it. A lot of these TIFs are obsessed with the idea of being a specifically gay man - their coom lies equally in the "man" part as well as the "gay" part. Also, they're brainwashed into thinking that gay men are all super nice since many of them act feminine. As you already know, gay men can be as nasty and misogynist as straight men. The only benefit is that they won't want to rape you (if you're a woman).
Straight men are often attracted to TIFs because they're women and 95% of them don't bother trying to convincingly pass, but if TIFs go for het men, that won't fuel their fantasy. If anything, they'll say it makes them more dysphoric - they know they're straight women and they know that's why most straight men want to fuck them instead of the gays that they desire.
No. 1496533
File: 1649460120515.jpg (Spoiler Image,1.51 MB, 1106x2031, That's a yikes from me.JPG)

Bidenmoder from /tttt/ aka u/Skippymoder2's body progress
No. 1496652
File: 1649471996201.png (Spoiler Image,3.42 MB, 1624x750, C03EA21C-E3D5-4D93-A7C7-DD1D05…)

Idk if someone else here watches Good Mythical Morning, but today they posted a clip of an Aiden with freshly chopped off tits at the end of the episode and congratulated her for it. I feel sick to my stomach, why are we congratulating people for self-harming? I finally unsubscribed.
No. 1496738
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This Twitter thread is so fucking annoying and gross. Picdump incoming.
No. 1496742
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>>1496738So basically just short men, pretty men, etc.
No. 1496745
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>>1496738Last one. The medical daydreaming is too much. Ehgg.
No. 1496845
File: 1649489749983.png (3.65 MB, 750x1334, 1643804817320.png)

>can't be feminine as girl, instead be feminine as gay uke boy
No. 1496848
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>>1496845There is truly no hope for women in this world.
No. 1496855
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>>1496845>>1496845minus the elf-ears, I knew tons of girls in the 2000's who had the exact same style and despite being labeled the "weird kids" they were normal, had relationships with boys and weren't identifying as kweer gay bois
wtf happened in a decade that changed all that
No. 1496927
>>1496297Unbeknownst to them gay moids are ultramasculine because m4m and no femmes, they have this idea of gay moids wanting moids = women because they too want moids (except lesbians) therefore they attach traits commonly feminine to the idea of a gay man and it turns out it is an easy costume for them to skinwalk.
And no one cooms at the idea of being a man, moids are uncoomworthy fucks (except to gays). For a moid to be "attractive" he seemingly needs to be equated to women somehow
No. 1496929
>>1496873can I give my own two cents on this, I don't have sort of gender dysphoria and have never desired to be a male, but I still hate my breasts and If there was a method that could just remove them from my body without surgery I'd take it, there's a feeling of unnaturalness with breasts that never went away for me, they just don't feel right on my body and I have always felt like this, I would constantly look up how to remove my boobs. I found out about chest binders and briefly considered it but then decided against it because I didn’t yet have a credit card and I didn’t want my parents finding out.
I also would pray (I’m not even religious, and never have been, but I gave “God” a shot bc that’s how desperate I was to rid myself of boobs).
It’s not that I dislike being female, I like “feminine” things, I always have. I feel comfortable in my gender besides the fact that I have boobs, its just because actually I enjoy every other aspect of womanhood, idk I just have this weird thing abt boobs.
I feel like your friend may have been similar, they didn't hate being female but had issues with their boobs and wanted to remove them and thought that made her trans
No. 1496943
>>1496933>I've also seen teens silently switch their pronouns back to she/her.Same, I've recently seen an artist in a fandom I'm in change her pronouns from he/they to she/they (that is, no longer being a TiF and just downgrading into a handmaiden)… just to come out as an anachan and end up breaking one of her closest friendships over that.
So just because they have desisted doesn't mean everything will be roses and sunshine for them after that.
No. 1496947
File: 1649508380274.webm (4.05 MB, 720x1280, 1988168015_NJTsToei.webm)
>>1496933>>1496943yeah, "If if you wouldn't love at my "thought i was a trans guy' then you don't deserve me at my yassified bimbo nonbinary slut" trend on tiktok, I really hate zoomers so fucking much
No. 1496967
>>1496929Yeah I can understand that because I'm kind of the same (sorry you felt that way too anon) but I'm talking beyond boobs here. I get that someone can be attracted to boobs without wanting them on themselves, but this person relates to women a lot (calling herself cowgirl, putting "this is me" captions on pictures of women etc) and even draws lesbian softcore porn. Maybe she hates herself too much? Or is afraid to be a lesbian? It's like she's trying her hardest to go the opposite way of what and who she's attracted to and wants to be (which she already is). She says she wants to be a man but male and masculine stuff aren't anywhere among her interests, her identity and behaviour.
I can kinda understand the fakeboys who are into yaoi and bl wanting to become uwu uke boys because they're autistic and that's what they're attracted to, but what if they're lesbians wanting to transition?
>>1496923She indentifies as a male.
No. 1496972
>>1496967I think anon memes like, is she actually masc.
I'm kind of like the woman youre descibing (L). love breasts love women simple as, but not on me, despite being detrans now I still love it when I pass as male to strangers. It's probably because it fucking sucks being a lesbian a lot of the time and sometimes you just think, wow none of the awful shit that has happened to me would have happened if i was male. This has already been discussed at length in previous threads tho.
No. 1496975
>>1496933i know a cosplayer that recently refers herself as she/her now. she used to an enby and was dating a tif but i guess going to a diff college and town made her mellow down and actually surrounding herself with a group of normie woman with 'masc' hobby like hockey helps too iirc. she broke up with tif and rarely does she hang out with her former tif-infested friends anymore after graduating.
tif just need friends that defy their logic but i doubt. troons sure know how to lure people into their club so my hope is split.
No. 1496978
>>1496913Depends on whether she strictly refers to herself as male or whether she’s enby.
If she enby or hyperfeminine like wears dresses/makeup then yes it’s a phase, but if she’s tries to be masculine and only refers to herself as a male, no he/they then yeah very likely to get on hormones.
Not much you can do, she’ll have to realize she can’t be male herself to stop.
No. 1496986
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>>1496967>>1496972well I'm straight, I have attraction to dudes but don't want to be them but I sometimes wonder how comfortable they are not having to deal with the awkwardness of breasts, even the guys I dated who had pectoral muscles(which I know some ayden on twtter would refer to as bara tiddies) were hard and flat in a way that my soft breasts just couldn't be, male chests just seem so more functional and practical, I don't think that's gender envy cause I don't wish for anything else related to maleness
No. 1497002
>>1496986someone posted in another thread? an earlier iteration of this thread? idr that women with autism struggle with growing breasts because it's a nonconsensual surprise change to their bodies, and they go on wishing to reverse it. im not a
TERF like most posters on this thread, but i wish both sides could understand that it's okay for women to present in a masculine or non-binary way without having to ID as those genders. i feel like the real peak is going to be when people stop trying to label themselves to fit their every mood and stops caring about the issue and it'll just become normalized, same as gay/lesbian marriage. tying gender roles to appearance is stupid and the world will get better once everyone stops screaming about how you have to be a lesbian/nb/closet trans if you're a woman who wants to be flat again
No. 1497044
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they always look like this
No. 1497048
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No. 1497114
File: 1649528923504.jpg (Spoiler Image,9.74 KB, 314x133, ftm_ba4_thumb.jpg)

>>1497002>>1497005Relatable af. For so many women with ADHD and autism
self included, puberty is an unwanted and unwelcome change: periods suck, strangers stare at your chest and make comments on your body, etc. Another thing you notice in before/after pics for top surgery is how many TIFs had huge, back-pain-inducing breasts. Like, it's almost no wonder they wanted them gone.
I think this is a big reason why so many fakebois want to be sparkly gay ukes rather than manly men. Because for so many of them it's not about gaining male qualities, but about shedding the unwanted "burdens" of female biology and misogyny.
No. 1497510
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when u look like an unkempt coomer male troon more than an uwu fakeboi…why do they always show off their gross ass scars?
No. 1497622
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>>1497117Because transing is easy and actually addressing your ED and body image issues is hard. Picrel is case in point, 2018 vs. 2021.
No. 1497624
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Stumbled upon an unironic FtM otherkin with a very large portfolio of art and fanfic about her fetishes
The author:
>34 year old FtM that's "pretty damn gay">has gender AND species dysphoria, identifies as a transgender otherkin guy>obsessed with sonic>"I can get hormone replacement therapy, I can get surgery, but my body’s still gonna be human shaped, and most of my dysphoria is still gonna be here, always. It absolutely sucks, it hurts, and there’s approximately fuck all I can do about it."Notable bits and quotes from a cyberpunk transformation fanfic where the author uses custom gene therapy referred to as "mods" to transform herself into Sonic (picrel)
>Laws enacted by "skin-pure human" lobbyists are about to go into effect, making unconventional body transformation mods illegal. The MC decides to undergo a full-body transformation before her most reliable modding connection skips town.>MC gets misgendered by the receptionist at the modding clinic and chastizes the receptionist for not using augmented reality so that she can see clients' preferred forms. >"I sighed, scowling as she checked me in, and hoped the large, AR dragon clipping through most of the back wall ate her once—I checked their pronouns in my HUD—once zi was done. Sure, zi might be getting a less bulky form modded, but a guy could dream.">MC's modder friend is a doctor that has modded himself into a squid.>"My doctor replied, undulating forward on ten orange tentacles. Jer, or Dr. Jerald Cone, was the most heavily-modded individual I had ever met. […] He’d shown me photos, including from the few years he’d spent as a particularly blobby human with tentacles and a beak. His trek to squid-dom had been a truly awkward one, but he was a beautiful creature now, his arrowhead-shaped head nearly five feet tall, his rounded diamond-shaped eyes large and deep.">Extended transformation sequence where the MC becomes a more realistic, 3 foot tall Sonic>"My proportions continued to redistribute as I shrank, my torso and arms maintaining more relative length as my body began to edge its way towards a shape that would be just as comfortable on two legs as four. Bone popped and separated in my backside, and I groaned as a tail, at long last, started to form. […]My organs fizzed as they readjusted, and my previous female anatomy flowed into a new configuration. I reverently ran a digit over the new growth, finally satisfied with what was between my legs. As the changes slowed, the satisfaction spread, and for the first time in my life I was wrapped in a deep, pervading sense of peace. Everything was alright. Everything was good. I no longer needed to block large parts of my experience out, or filter from myself, or just be aware of feeling absolutely terrible in my own body. Because finally…finally everything felt right."
>The MC is invited to work at the squid's clinic for the remaining month that it will be open.>A friend of the squid comes into the clinic. She has a PhD in marine biology and is (non-morphic) trans-orca. Unfortunately, she commits a microaggression by assuming that the MC is unskilled at her job for no clear reason. >The clinic shuts down but the MC and squid doctor continue performing mods illegally. No. 1497625
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>>1497624She's working on a comic that was last updated less than a week ago. It's about a girl who inexplicably transforms into the creature she always felt she was on the inside.
No. 1497626
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>>1497625Last post.
Canonically, when she's talking, she's actually communicating telepathically, as she's only physically capable of whinnying.
No. 1497628
>>1497624Deffo not a mental illness.
>FTM troon>Autistic sonic obsession>34If only she and Chris Chan had met, maybe it could have all been prevented.
>Sonic Spirit StudiosKEK.
No. 1497632
>>1497624>Non-modded trans orcaEven in fantasy land trannies don't try.
I can't believe this woman is a decade my senior. No one gets to tell me that older people are smarter and more put together from experience jfc.
No. 1497637
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>>1497632The orca was indeed non-modded at the start, though she did have an orca avatar in augmented reality. She did intend to fully transition into a
non-morphic orca, meaning she literally just wanted to look like a normal orca. Contrast this with the MC, who transformed into a slightly physically anthropomorphized blue hedgehog.
No. 1497718
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>>1476060>I wish my life could be like a gay romance storyDreamy.
No. 1497737
>>1497002> i wish both sides could understand that it's okay for women to present in a masculine or non-binary way without having to ID as those gendersThat’s entire point of gender criticism or
TERF‘s gender abolishment. That people can present/express however they like without it having to be a greater identity. Gender, being the cultural associations made to sex, is what creates these boxes. It’s why radical feminists for example, specifically acknowledge ‘sex based oppression’ rather than letting “woman” or “lesbian” become generic terms that don’t represent concrete groups. “TERFs“ have also been trying to highlight the forms of gender dysphoria that specifically affect girls who are physically uncomfortable with puberty and a wider, stifled understanding of what womanhood means. Sorry this is long, I just felt that you had a misguided idea of real feminism.
No. 1497745
>>1496652I used to watch them but i guess they're part of the tranny pandering crew now
>>1496672Why is it always normal women and lesbians who get shat on but we must celebrate mentally ill people?
No. 1497758
>>1497002puberty = nonconsensual
Go back troon, you're implying that puberty is akin to rape.
No. 1497786
>>1497114I am yet another autistic ex-TIF with the same experience. I wish autistic ressource pages would talk about this instead of encouraging us to troon out.
It's also why a lot of us latch onto NB labels rather than going full FTM. It's some kind of fallen angel syndrome (as cheesy at it sounds) what we want is to go back to an ideal "above and beyond all this dumbass shit" state, not transform into a lame earthly moid lmao.
>>1497117It might not be the case everywhere, but in my country at least, surgeons usually demand or at least very much recommend losing any excessive weight before top surgery for optimal results.
>>1496909I think they're a weird type of pick me that wants to be loved for the things they hate about themselves (and are often harassed/bullied for) but the despair mixes weirdly with porn addiction and creates fucked up fetish crap.
No. 1497925
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Not as extreme as some of the other shit ITT but here's some fresh he/they cringe. It never ceases to amaze me how TIFs always manage to fumble spectacularly right when they're on the cusp of being actually GC.
Source: No. 1498067
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>>1497925I don't know if you've seen her but this is what heartmush looks like. I think she was brought up in saltart several months ago or near the time that comic came out. People thought she was a gay boy and then got mad at her for pretending but are ok with her he they shit.
No. 1498399
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>>1496738>>1496742>>1496745they think just cause these men are thin and or short that must mean their somehow like FTMs, but there's one crucial difference and I'm not even talking about sex organs, the biggest and most crucial difference is that they have a male skeleton and robust structure, the fakeboi is doughy and has soft features no matter if she was even an anachan she would still be "soft" compared to men
No. 1498438
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Why is it always Jerma?
spoilerd for rape fantasies
No. 1498610
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i had yet to encounter a neo nazi fakeboi. jfc.
No. 1498634
>>1497624>>1497995this is the kind of autism that always reminds me of the crystals guy. there's something kind of melancholy about it.
deviantart nostalgia aside though, there's something really sinister about how ubiquitous transformation fetishes are at the moment. forgive me my tinfoiling but i think its psychic priming to force people into metaverse shit. some autists are just less able to repress their fantasy lives than normies, so dA shit is a good represntation of whats going on in the cultural unconscious.
>>1497803the whole concept of nonconsensual puberty is like nonconsensual shitting. i didnt consent to taking a shit so its actually traumatising kek
No. 1498681
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this is what too much yoai does to a bitch
No. 1498736
>>1498610I've met a couple. One was white, the other was some self hating hapa girl. The white one envied the "masculinity of nazis" and wanted to be filled with it (this is a double entendre) and the hapa one really hated brown and black people for whatever reason and wanted to be a "vampire twink"
shocker surprise, trannies are mentally ill.
No. 1498782
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what's with fujos and having the worst taste in men imaginable
No. 1498823
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>>1496947I hated that trend just as much as regular fakebois
No. 1498879
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>>1498836's only about 50 pages right now so it's a pretty quick read, and there's easily enough insanity to justify the time spent.
No. 1499382
>>1498926These people are so down on all positive, nonpornified types of women. Moms are embarrassing mumsies with no life, career women are
toxic white feminism bossladies, old women are embarrassing and disgusting hags who should not exist in public, self care 'that girl' is
toxic white feminism and ableism, sport girls are either body negative fitness bimbos or pickmes, and on and on it goes
No. 1499410
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>>1477732I've never seem someone describe my personality but this is me 110 %. Doctors think I might have autism or BPD and I've been diagnosed as bipolar too. I've been bulimic for 9 years. I used to be a selfharming lonely fakeboy fujo as a teen. I constantly feel suicidal and empty. I get bad anxiety attacks and I seriously believe I will kill myself during one sooner or later.
Maybe I should get help for a possible BPD? I'm so sorry for offrailing. I've just never seen someone describe my personality like this before and I've had these issues since puberty and I'm soon 22.
(my fav fakeboi kaokitsune in the video. has been on HRT for over 1 year.)
No. 1499450
>>1499410Well there's huge overlap between autism and being a TIF, and it happens for autistic women to be misdiagnosed as bipolar. I think you should go to one of the dedicated mental illness threads.
Also, is she really on HRT ? She looks the same as in 2019 and really sounds like someone who couldn't handle the extra body hair.
No. 1499460
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>>1499450Thanks for help, I will go and look for them.
Roni (formerly Rebekka) started HRT a little over 2 years ago, judging by her youtube videos. Don't know how consistently she's been takin T. She indeed hasn't changed much after starting it, still has very feminine figure and face. I don't know how she manages to tell herself she's a male while acting and looking 100 % like a woman.
No. 1499482
>>1499478I've followed Roni for 5 years now. Yes, she has larped as a cis boy the whole time. Even pre-T she always talked about her past as a boy. I can't imagine how her larping has affected her very young finnish audience. Majority of her following is like under 11 yo. I think she has made quite a many young girls larp as a boy too. She truly has a genetic condition called episodic ataxia. Other than that, she's a master at larping.
Her boyfriend is quite a lolcow too.
No. 1499500
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No. 1499815
>>1499800>why do NONE of them ever latch onto straight romances with male POVs and stuff like that? Its the same thing, except the love interest is a woman, so why do we never see aydens saying shit like "[insert random romance with male pov] made me realize im a straight man"?Most romcom anime is nowadays aimed at straight moids, and lesbians don't like dick.
I think that's the simplest way to explain it.
No. 1499897
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No. 1499946
>>1499677oh shut the fuck up, i'm enjoyed m/m all my life and turned out completely normal aside from being a nerd.
>>1499941seriously some of the 4channer dorks are/were beautiful
No. 1499954
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>>1499947asian fujos are based and we should all be proud to be fujos. look hot and piss off retarded moids while you're at it. win/win
No. 1500173
>>1499800I'm a lesbian who consumes entirely gay content/ships when it's anime.
Female characters in anime suck; they're 1 note personalities with their main goals wrapped around the main male character. Unsurprising when they're writen by Japanese male creators who don't leave their bedrooms. An anime obsessed girl will always have male characters as her favorites, it's no surprise she wants to be one of them rather than the pitiful female characters.
On the flip, straight romance geared at men is embarrassing. The male character is always designed to appeal to the lonely incel moid so that they can pretend an anime waifu would actually love them. No girl is going to want to be that even if she thinks she's a straight man.
No. 1500298
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>>1500173>>1499947call me crazy but have you ever thought of gee I don't know, consuming actual good m/f or f/f written by women, rather then reading doujins of anime boys or rlp fucking, also shit like that nagatoro and that pedo big boobed series aren't even romance marketed towards women, they are very clearly meant for a male audience, its kinda disingenuous using them as an example of modern romance
No. 1500327
>>1500298Hence I said anime. I consume f/f fantasy books,shows and movies but when shonen is your favorite genre of anime sue me for only liking the male anime characters enough to pair them together (fmab and jjk being some of the exceptions where I do prefer the m/f and f/f ships more).
Anyway, female anime characters rarely make the top 5 in Japanese popularity polls. Like I said, it's very easy looking at male vs female rep in mainstream anime to see why an anime obsessed girl would rather be a boy and relate to male characters. Now we also have the community supporting kinning characters we have girls thinking that relating more to male characters makes them boys.
No. 1500624
>>1500173I'm the same anon. I was just talking to my gf about this yesterday. It's difficult finding media centering around female characters that doesn't center on them being female (either their sexual appeal or their place in society), and I really think that's one of the problems. Stories with male characters don't have to center on their 'maleness' or their sex appeal, they can just be bomb ass stories about people with all the other stuff sprinkled in instead.
It's hard to find that with stories centered on women, even in ones with female leads or are f/f, and it fucking sucks. People who say jUsT cOnSuMe F/F are REALLY missing the point. Why can't we have cool shit like Fullmetal Alchemist but with a woman lead? Why can't we have Haikyuu! or NGE but it's all women? I've yet to find anything equal to something as badass that treats women characters not as sexual objects ("she's cool but still cute/sexy/pretty!"), not as empowering ("she can do what the boys can, see! She's a strong woman!") but just let's them do those things without saying any of that. That just takes men and misogyny out of the question entirely.
Anyway sage for ranting on this. I don't really care about fujos who like m/m porn b/c who cares about policing what women sexually enjoy. I think the fujo pipeline stuff is just a symptom of the actual problem. I highly doubt if yaoi stopped existing women would stop trooning out, even if it seems to be a facet of it.
No. 1500698
>>1500624> It's difficult finding media centering around female characters that doesn't center on them being femaleAMEN. I keep trying to find good f/f content (or even shows with good female characters) and I keep getting let down, so I go back to m/m. Tons of shows I had recommended to me as "good yuri-ish anime with zero male characters" either turn out to have female characters who look/act like pedobait wank fantasy stereotypes, or somehow those "nonexistent" male characters still manage to screw with the plot anyway. (I am going to lose my absolute shit if I have to hear "oh our pure lesbian schoolgirl romance can't last bc I'm engaged to a moid" one more goddamn time.)
Yuri is basically just a subset of the romance genre. If you want anime with some plot/action besides relationship drama, but don't want to put up with sexist female characters who exist as props for male power fantasies, you have few choices aside from BL stuff. And guys in BL are written by women so of course lonely fujos can identify with them moreso than "women" written by dudes.
>I think the fujo pipeline stuff is just a symptom of the actual problem.Agree here too. I think BL is (in many cases) just an escape valve for girls who are already so sick of societal misogyny that they want to flee into a fantasy world where their gender is irrelevant.
No. 1500794
>>1499800I've only heard of one ftm who said they realized they were trans and liked women (aka lesbian) when they wanted to be the male lead and date the girl instead of the reverse
Straight identifying ftms are quite rare honestly
>>1499815Most of them aren't lesbians, they're just hetero or bi
This doesn't just apply to anime, it also applies to western chick flicks
No. 1501226
>>1501056Not exclusively just a yaoi issue but this is part of the reason women would rather pretend to be boys. We can't enjoy anything without being judged for it. No one is going after the loli loving middle aged men on twitter at the same rate that a 16 year old girl will be treated like scum for liking m/m.
Apply this to every other hobby too; sports, books, activities. It's either a girl doing it for the attention of men, being fake or being judged for being too girly.
Why would anyone want to be a girl when you can get the world celebrating you for a touching a book as a boy. Thank fuck I'm not a teenager, social media has only highlighted the way the world praises men for the bare minimum, I can't imagine what living as a 14-16 year old girl is like right now.
No. 1501318
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>>1501056>country where the age of consent is 13You're a fucking retard
No. 1501330
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>>1501056Does turkey count as a Muslim country?
No. 1501334
>>1501332Lolz depends. If they're in Turkey or Indonesia, I wouldn't be surprised but if you asked my friend from Afghanistan what anime is she wouldn't have a clue wtf ur talking about. generally most of the Muslim girls ik aren't even into regular Manga let alone yaoi.
And the actual religious ones would stay away from anything gay.
No. 1501350
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This is just fucking sad
No. 1501361
>>1501358She probably wanted it done as cheaply and as soon as possible because ROGD, plus fakeboys wear their disfiguring scars as a badge of pride for the two or three years before they detransition kek. Still, can’t wait to see the butchers who perform these “surgeries” on the chopping block once enough actual men start detransitioning because god knows nothing will be done so long as the bulk of
victims of this are young girls.
No. 1501365
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Lol it used to be cool to make fun of men for being unable to use hygiene products not explicitly targeted at men, but now male fragility is woke! Win!
No. 1501431
>>1501395Oh I can answer that, but back in the Gulf we had a lot of what would be called soft Butch lesbians, who would often troon out because it gave them more freedom in general.
And fr I know so many Muslim girls (both Arab and like especially Malaysian/Indonesian girls) who are INTO yaoi + kpop so pour one out for the bts members from the sick shit I've seen them featured in if you can understand the languages these girls write in
No. 1501545
>>1501401The most disgusting thing I've seen online today.
>>1501428She is so obviously a woman, although one that has gone through an uglification process. Tragic. NO gay man will lick your pussy despite this unappealing propaganda.
>>1499954Isn't that an otome game though?
No. 1501563
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