File: 1540421198555.jpg (194.41 KB, 692x788, 1525099159673.jpg)

No. 720444
Old Threads:
>>>/snow/570991>>>/snow/465430>>>/snow/276054>>>/snow/45564>>>/snow/26392This thread is for posting and discussing cringey fakebois who may or may not deserve their own threads.
Fakebois are girls who pretend to be boys for attention, either as trannies or biological males (usually the former).
Fakebois style and present themselves as androgenous or feminine-looking young men, even wearing girls clothing and make-up. They insist on being addressed with he/him (or occasionally they/them) pronouns and take great offense at being misgendered. Some are SJW transactivists, but for most their identities are entirely superficial.
Reminder to "truescums" and "transmeds": no1curr about how
[[[100% REAL]]] your or any other tranny's ~dysphoria~ is. don't derail about that bullshit, save it for your tumblr blog.
No. 720520
File: 1540427587270.png (510.79 KB, 1656x1198, homestucksatitagain.png)

Inb4 "who cares about homestuck" but homestucks are at it again, they released and confirmed Fakeboi: the character from their spinoff was a troons. Cue an endless swarm of smug girly fakebois giving people shit for daring to have assumed the character was a lesbian before the reveal because it wears fucking makeup and looks like a girl.
No. 720545
File: 1540430263126.jpg (19.12 KB, 300x230, IMG_2263.JPG)

Oliver in 3 years, Ash now
No. 720715
>>720699No, that's just fanon. It was never actually canon. They likely just have regular dicks/vaginas because everything else points to them just being gray humans, that's the whole joke.
Sage as well.
No. 720737
File: 1540448579491.jpg (45.81 KB, 768x388, 4-2-768x388.jpg)

>>720726Anon it's a photo of Macaulay Culkin, the OP anon was making a joke
No. 720749
File: 1540451666288.png (107.24 KB, 640x748, IMG_2271.PNG)

>>720726Speaking of Ash, I guess she stopped taking T kek
It must get less exciting past 22 to try and pass yourself off as a bishie dream boi
I expect everyone to start dropping T soon I think 2019 is going to have a lot of callouts about how people's friends made them think they were trans or needed HRT
No. 720765
>>7207492019 sounds a bit too hopeful tbf, they're neck deep in echochamber and with the trans right activism that got so big in the last years. If this is just a 'phase', now think of 50+ years old goths who are still very involved in the scene, act a bit milky and edgelord beyond their age? They can just say no to the society and there's someone validating them.
I have seen a self-professed transtrender who looked like a NEET neckbeard. Too masculine for Fakeboi thread but this is astounding as a look for someone to aim for.
No. 720873
>>720865I guess it has to do more with the changes in fat distribution/fat cell structure and muscle building making you look stockier. Testosterone doesn't really make you get fatter, but it might make you look pudgier as, correct me if I'm wrong, but it kind of inflates your gynoid (female) fat cells to be bigger resembling android fat cells. That's why women tend to get fatter after menopause.
But of course this is something they don't think about, just like they ignore the hair loss, acne and other non-kawaii things testosterone injections cause.
No. 720898
>>720873Not only is it the hormones but also they're often going from being unhealthy teens to unhealthy adults. The glory days are over where they could maintain slimmer silhouettes easily and even the ones who claim to starve themselves like that Sage girl have gained weight. They just say it's recovery for asspats.
>>720881They have all the qualities society doesn't want in men. They're short, feminine, no dick, no chin. They all look like fucking short Leafy.
No. 721033
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She’s a mess
No. 721045
File: 1540491192948.png (8.81 KB, 279x79, tumblr.png)

Some advice from someone's tumblr profile.
No. 721327
>>721149In canon it states that they have two different sexes, plus the canon trans, and they use a 3rd party bio-engineered (Like all their tech) creature to reproduce. It's properly explained in the wiki somewhere.
Anyway STFU and stop
triggering my autism.
No. 721532
File: 1540547448451.png (194.95 KB, 257x563, yoshi1.PNG)

I'm surprised how kiwifags are willing to call this a 'he' because she's getting top surgery. Also a camgirl
No. 721535
File: 1540547630634.png (367.45 KB, 489x325, tumblrtrans6.png)

>>721532The ones at kiwi thought that this is 'passing' for Fakeboi lmao, they all dress like this.
No. 721558
>>721327They wanted to introduce a male jadeblood, but forgot that jades a female-only class.
>>720520>>720715This was neither confirmed or denied, but vulgarities in troll language seem to imply that both sexes have whatever a "bulge" is.
Literally the only 100% confirmed canon sexually dimorphic trait trolls have is breasts.
So yes, you can have a trans troll. Why the hell anybody cares is beyond me. Like
>>720573 said, Homestuck isn't relevant anymore.
This milk is also like half a year old.
No. 721590
File: 1540558270871.jpg (59.31 KB, 540x960, 38257364_2310269572323478_7366…)

>know a lesbian couple in h.s
>one transitions to a man
>the other one, who is smart but follows crowds easily also "transitions"
>theyre both in a "gay relationship"
my brain is absolutely fried
No. 721643
>>721031These are my "love to hate" fakebois because at the same time they're just straight out trashy thots but because they're ~bois~ they get a free pass and delusional tranny chasers are all over them. They basically get to do what cis women can't without stigmatization because of those he/him pronouns on their profiles.
>>721555This. KF is a cesspool of AGPs and NLOG fakebois.
>>721591Internalized misogyny and lesbophobia has nothing to do with "le fetishizing gay men", anon. If anything, lesbians and women in general are fetishized to the point a ton of these "gay" FTM couples are so hellbent on escaping the stigma they're willing to change their gender to feel better about themselves.
No. 722444
>>721613There have been studies conducted that indicate that women have the same neurological response to sexual media regardless of the gender of the subjects.
This is why there are lesbians who read yaoi and straight women who watch lesbian porn.
Also, yuri is usually written by men for men, whereas yaoi is written by women for women. So it's especially understandable that lesbians would want to read erotic media penned by other women.
No. 723890
File: 1540914684484.jpeg (Spoiler Image,274.29 KB, 1125x1335, 75971CC5-218A-45CA-9D47-4325CF…)

>>721532I understand that keyhole takes a couple of months to look right, but that’s still a lot of swelling(?) even for 5 days post op. And the nipples are still huge.
No. 724111
File: 1540941309977.jpg (Spoiler Image,75.22 KB, 852x852, 43322627_2106134409409371_2846…)

bleach my eyes plz
No. 724239
>>724225Outside of tumblr and TRA no one really does. Or else go by this logic, if you say you are a boy you are a boy, other argument is transphobic
>>724206They are just advanced version of 'Not like other girls'.
No. 725216
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A fake boi calling someone out is priceless. No you need to grow up. Take your own advice
No. 725217
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He/him do not misgender
No. 725218
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No. 726913
>>726698Zerodomon is still around and believe it or not, doing the exact same thing she was doing back then. She still makes shitty softcore "trap" porn of herself wearing the most obnoxious 2008 tier western weeb fashion and she still draws shitty fursonas and hasn't improved one bit. Just check out her deviantart page, it's survived to this day.
Other fakebois I'm not sure about because Zero/Gutterface are the only relevant ones I can remember. I guess NanjoKoji (the one who photoshopped shitty manchests on herself and threw tons of her millionaire daddy's money at everything) is a functional adult now and fully presents as a girl. Her instagram is full of her living a luxury life and being a rich basic bitch.
No. 726958
>>726913Oh wow, zerodomon has to be in her early to mid 30s at this point. Does she have a bunch of dumb weeb fangirls fawning over her? Or have they largely moved on like kazakai's fantards?
That's just sad that ten years later some of these girls are still fakebois.
No. 727887
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What about this cazfhey person, they been on here yet? I honestly can’t tell whether it’s a man or woman, but either way it still fits the styles of other fakebois I seen on here.
No. 727926
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>>727887Go to the beginning of their account. The effects of T are obvious.
No. 729043
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Oh boy
No. 729319
File: 1541741737773.jpg (212.19 KB, 495x708, Screenshot_20181109-013317.jpg)

>>727887Obviously a girl lol. Her face is round as fuck in tagged pics she just gives herself that typical yaoi doujin face proportion in photoshop.
No. 729783
How long do you think these people will move on from it? Because it's always embarassing when they do. I know this girl who used to be a uwu transguy but now she seems really comfortable calling herself a woman. I'd post pics, but I'm too much of a pussy to do so.
It's obvious she regrets trooning out, but now she is too embarassed to admit and is going by GEndERfLuID, calling herself a man once every month.
Bonus points: she named herself after a planet.
>>729777It's obvious. Yes. We don't want to know about truscum and how oh so different they're, but we're here to laugh at cows. We don't give a shit about your personal beliefs either.
No. 730777
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No. 730779
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No. 730786
>>729785They want to be cute bishie boys.
>>730777Imagine going through all the trouble of "transitioning" just so you can look like a child molester.
No. 730862
>>729783I'm nearing my 30's and even I have friends aged 25+ turning to this shit. You see some extremely feminine person suddenly come out as "nonbinary" and before you know it, they have a buzzcut and male pronouns only uwu #supportsoftbois. A lesbian girl I've known for 10 years suddenly decided to fully transition at 30, with HRT, surgeries and juridical changes. I don't know, it just seems to have no end. The transgender organizations have a ton of money going through them and a lot of universities are receiving funding from certain parties to produce flattering research for medical transitioning. Maybe in 10 years when we have a ton of Aidens regretting their psychologists MAY speak up how the trans cult messed up their psyche and pressured them into transitioning in their late teens because they wanted to live as a gay anime boi. Someone made a pretty good analysis of how it'll end up and I feel this is the most probable outcome, basically people will just forget about it all and the detransitioners will be left to live as mutilated hermits, too embarrassed to speak up and would probably be silenced anyway.
>>729785It's similar to what all the AGP MTF trannies do, they fetishize being a little girl and only use "women" as a derogatory term. Similarly fakebois are afraid of men and don't want to be one, but ~bois~ are associated with the cuteness they approve of.
>>730206>the worst part was no matter how hard my little friendgroup of fellow fakebois validated me and told me i was a handsome boy and all that shit, i was MISERABLE. it sucks to hate your body that much and in that way.And this is why using male pronouns on a fakeboi, even in this thread, is retarded as fuck and only feeding into the self-destructive collective delusion that this sort of thing is real. However, I'm glad you got out.
No. 730899
>>730862Just my two cents but I think a lot of the problem is that gender stuff wasn't really discussed in the mainstream until now, like, it's traditionally been relegated to "lol womens' studies who cares about that shit." Which is really kind of sad because girls aren't learning about internalized misogyny and how to deal with it. There should also be more discussion of the fact that what defines gender is different in different countries and different eras. You don't want to act like how modern American women act? Fine! Be you! No need to feel pressured to change your pronoun and body unless you honestly do feel alarm every time you, for example, menstruate.
That said, I do think some people are legit transgender. It's just not as widespread as Tumblr would have us believe. And I suspect that disphoria is equal parts hatred and "oh lord wtf is this"–if you just hate your tits, you're probably just internalizing misogyny (or have large enough ones that they're causing back problems, in which case, by all means get a reduction.)
No. 730991
File: 1542045909002.png (4.08 MB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_2018-11-12-12-04-47…)

>>730779I seriously don't get how Tabby actually feels comfortable looking like this now.
He also has a Momma's Boy tattoo. The delusion is too strong.
>>730206I had a pretty brief fakeboi phase 4+ years ago while dating a troon. Unsurprisingly, all I wanted to wear were clothes that looked like something Darien from Sailor Moon wore. Everything else was me sperging "I hate my period, I can't even relate to other girls, I have some guy friends, I don't want children REEEEEEEEEEE" and one of the other main reasons why I wanted to fakeboi it out is because I had parents who wouldn't let me apply for certain jobs because they're "for men". It was a coping method of me trying to escape from sexism. Once I moved out of my parent's house, I didn't feel like I had to be a fakeboi anymore. Online was different, I had tons of SJW friends so I kept my identity on the down low, still pretending to be an enbie fakeboi. I think once my hair started getting longer and I stopped talking about SJW politics, a lot of interactions between them started feeling tense.
TBH it's very cultish, I have one internet friend who went as far enough to start taking testosterone. I'm actually kind of worried for her since she fell off the internet after starting T, but she probably realized the damage she was doing to herself and didn't want to upset everyone's expectations. She's still on Tumblr, but she rarely ever makes text posts like she used to, just only reblogs things now.
(blogposting) No. 731002
File: 1542049036533.png (616.51 KB, 813x599, 1_Zeeve.png)

Oliver/Criedwolves "boyfriend" Zeeve. And yes, this is a recent pic. "I go exclusively by he/him pronouns". For what purpose…?
No. 731006
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>>731002Eh, could be more recent… here's an even newer one.
No. 731007
File: 1542049481470.png (189.29 KB, 1266x654, Screenshot_2018-11-12-13-04-07…)

>>731002Because she's a fucking trender. Of course she'd talk about evil plastic straws, because it was the trendy thing at the time.
No. 731027
File: 1542053773421.jpg (117.17 KB, 768x1024, 66e29bcb-4e3b-411f-9f0a-b68162…)

This is Luc. She's a nb transmasc artist.
She's known as peachdeluxe/deluxepeach on Tumblr and Twitter. Most of you might know her for her fanart and tutorials on how to draw black people, which she rarely ever practices what she preaches.
No. 731668
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No. 731669
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No. 731670
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The caption was too good not to include this
No. 732069
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>>731670I’m sorry but this Shion Ji person is just peak weeb embarrassment. Check out her yt featuring “voice acting” clips. Farmer who finishes the whole thing without vomiting out of pure cringe wins a prize. No. 732704
File: 1542314621936.jpeg (268.57 KB, 750x931, 329C1F9A-F34C-4806-ADEC-D29999…)

That IG name
No. 733148
File: 1542367912978.jpg (91.5 KB, 960x960, 29683206_1912314552158603_3795…)

>>732723 I know another Oliver, don't have any milk on them since I don't follow them but they are a she 100%
Bonus points: insists they are male, butch male, love fakebois, really into fucking vkei once upon a time and a god damn furry. No. 733149
File: 1542368060873.jpg (75.89 KB, 500x667, 483216_401694153220658_6912291…)

Such manly
No. 733740
File: 1542475420700.png (513.79 KB, 587x598, 1_Criedwolves.png)

Tell them what, exactly? I don't get how this is "amusing" what so ever, even. Basically got hard clocked!
No. 733996
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still cant tell if she is blind or no
No. 734088
>>733996I guess her echochamber wasn’t giving her enough attention.
At a glance though, I’d guess she’s not blind, or at least nowhere near as visually impaired as she claims to be. Glancing through some of her posts, she switches through “I’m soooo blind!!” And “that’s so cute!!/I love the colour/something else that implies she’s can see.”
No. 735040
File: 1542682148197.jpeg (214.95 KB, 750x1033, D084B891-E713-41E2-A8D9-415FD3…)

Wears only girly clothing and has long hair, muh dysphoria!!
No. 735109
>>735040If having long hair and wearing pink sparkly things makes you dysphoric don't do it jfc
ngl she would be cute without that glitter on her face
No. 735855
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No. 737263
File: 1543076145468.jpeg (1.46 MB, 1242x2078, 7C257D83-B3DA-40A1-A62B-F74DCE…)

Forget the fake trans thing for a second—what the fuck is on their head?
No. 737329
File: 1543082895468.png (755.18 KB, 683x629, dumb.png)

There's a subreddit called /r/FTMfeminity and they're so delulu. I bet those creatures get angry when people refer to them as miss despite making no effort whatsoever to appear male. When radical feminists try to paint ftm as poor lesbians full of internalized misogyny, i have to laugh. They all are ugly dick obsessed fujo who couldn't cope with life as women.
No. 737471
>>737329Agreed, most insane FtM are just like MtF. Straight in their original sex, porn obsessed bunches. A lot of them definitely have internalized misogyny but their hot gay fantasy surpassed anything else.
Do I feel bad for them? yes. But if they are going to all come out as detransitioned after getting their tits chopped and beard growth realizing this is not what they want I'll just laugh.
No. 738856
File: 1543285029401.jpeg (1.31 MB, 1242x1858, EF7F3963-C99B-41BC-898F-1EE98F…)

Do you ever think the reason you’re always being misgendered is because you look and act like a female?
No. 739031
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Not very cow, Twenty One Pilots fan. Must stumbled in the wild
No. 740168
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Not completely related to fake boy shit but since Sei isn’t milky enough for a thread of her own (yet)
but a blind mutual posted this response in the comments to some v-kei tea and Sei responded
SHE hasn’t added my mutual which is hilarious so i guess Sei believe she is the only blind in the community both v-kei and fairy kei but my mutual is really up to date with blind-user friendly apps
I know Sei lurks here so
hey Sei! why not put some of your effort into helping the blind community since well, your apps give you the amazing ability to read these posts here
No. 740886
File: 1543535500049.png (1.44 MB, 1538x750, FbIj (2).png)

theres only one "cisgirl" in this pic
No. 741725
File: 1543638830532.jpeg (1.32 MB, 1242x1727, 78F3F5BE-2444-4778-A6F0-3740E4…)

YOU’RE!! NOT!! A!! BOY!!
No. 741728
File: 1543639042493.png (793.75 KB, 720x956, Screenshot_20181201-052623.png)

No. 741801
File: 1543654300670.jpeg (404.73 KB, 2048x1365, 33497319-10D0-483B-BF50-0CFA12…)

he/they, will bitch you out for using she
No. 741802
File: 1543654337971.jpeg (106.97 KB, 960x639, B4354596-FF5A-4E10-B0CA-B15667…)

still he/they.. don’t see how
No. 741803
File: 1543654373945.jpeg (234.42 KB, 960x1280, 76538D27-06D7-4188-8988-BF86B2…)

blonde, he/him
No. 741804
File: 1543654408388.jpeg (226.87 KB, 810x1080, C12F83CA-4FF0-4B1D-99D4-12F46D…)

serious fakeboi
No. 741805
File: 1543654459545.jpeg (374.03 KB, 1440x1440, 3D6B1191-3279-4DC5-AEF0-C67DBE…)

trying harder to pass as a boy….. she’s still a fakeboi
No. 741806
File: 1543654507481.jpeg (286.29 KB, 1200x1600, CD9493DF-F9CB-47A9-A36A-648996…)

they/them, has a twin sister that isn’t delusional
No. 741807
File: 1543654538555.jpeg (262.87 KB, 1200x1556, 5C1D815D-4F77-4F69-995C-8ADEED…)

i wonder if her boyfriend knows she’s a fakeboi
No. 741808
File: 1543654564712.jpeg (147.93 KB, 750x750, ACF0233C-E383-4F7D-861D-0B8881…)

No. 741809
File: 1543654607950.jpeg (356.48 KB, 1381x1809, A62FAB37-A106-4AD6-A421-17FAE5…)

newest picture, i think she’s trying to be more boyish
No. 741810
File: 1543654648352.jpeg (183.91 KB, 952x962, 3A3ACE44-FD74-42B0-98AD-DA0A1B…)

not even a passable boy…..
No. 741811
File: 1543654686771.jpeg (146.16 KB, 620x1280, 8BC4070B-02C7-459B-A499-D8D0A3…)

claims to be a lesbian but also only goes by he/they?
No. 741812
File: 1543654760305.jpeg (243.41 KB, 1136x1136, 4B5CD276-D39F-408D-8D0B-8A6574…)

don’t misgender, only he/they. likes to be called daddy. sexworker, does camming and nude shoots. in a poly relationship with a man and other women.
No. 741813
File: 1543654787693.jpeg (192.5 KB, 1080x1080, B57D1FBA-0DEE-41DC-BDD9-29DE0B…)

totally a boy guys, don’t forget.
No. 741865
>>741801>obligatory collarthis one could be cute if it weren't for everything and they seem annoying
>>741808so dramatic haha
No. 742297
>>742200being feminine woman is nothing special
being a feminine boy (and being trans and top of that) makes you break the rules and slay and shieeet
No. 742323
>>742215it's the new thing for teens who would be fakebois but have the self-awareness to know they're never going to transition. maybe it's a sign that this is dying down but idk
>>741805sis looks straight up like dahvie vanity
No. 743174 super like a cis girl without a drag makeup. they're a cis dude.
Sure, every cis dude keeps talking they're cis. Sure, sis.
(read the rules and usage guide) No. 743624
File: 1543945726194.jpeg (691.27 KB, 1538x2048, B3F08BAD-2F91-41BE-927C-7ACC01…)

@gothfruits is on Twitter complaining that no one respects her male pronouns while looking like this. Straight girls with neon hair will do anything to try to be part of the LGBT community
No. 744404
File: 1544053371086.png (296.41 KB, 582x637, zellgod.PNG) boy, Zell's on T. The fucking sneeze in the beginning, lord. I honestly think she's just lowering her voice on purpose.
No. 744406
File: 1544053537114.png (16.66 KB, 257x360, zellin.PNG)

>>744404these comments lol
No. 744694
File: 1544104700966.png (42.77 KB, 320x302, 9267858@2x.png)

>>744672That voice editing, dear God
No. 745009
File: 1544149294095.jpeg (839.92 KB, 2040x2048, 7A1667FD-0244-42B5-A9DB-D194B2…)

There are no words
No. 745360
File: 1544213651072.png (815.87 KB, 935x598, 1_gothfruits.png)

>>743624Gothfruits is max cringe
No. 745442
>>745360>nb>boypick one
gothfruits is a whole ass cow I'm surprised she hasn't been mentioned in the MUA thread. Sad that women hate themselves this much to claim being boy to cope with the fact that they're just a girl who's into girly shit…
No. 745702
File: 1544262734974.png (249.54 KB, 1080x1195, IMG_20181208_115138.png)

>>745360Yeah while ago gothfruits got into a fight with some transguy on insta cause the transguy guestioned does she even have body dysmorphia. Now she has been complaining on twitter and insta how she is valid.
No. 745703
File: 1544263020136.png (95.8 KB, 1080x436, IMG_20181208_115607.png)

>>745702I meant dysforia but u get the point. Here is her another tweet, she really is clueless.
No. 745710
File: 1544264585028.jpg (238.78 KB, 1080x1810, Screenshot_20181208-112205~2.j…)

Just recently stumbled across this account, has this uwu vampire prince been posted before?
>used to be a kawaii pastel Decora
>uses uwu
>calls self vampire prince
>loves yaoi
>seemingly not planning on transitioning
No. 745886
File: 1544303380949.png (425.45 KB, 398x533, tumblrtransbad7.png)

Having gross ass neckbeard but otherwise looks like a girl, she's about 6 months on T.
Also KF calling this a he again, because for them T = always trutrans.
No. 745915
>>745886Lmao the only example of NB, it looks simultaneously ftM and mtF
triggered by Kalvin Garrah
No. 746118
File: 1544335729158.png (4.31 MB, 1242x2208, FA73B44B-F7A0-4E28-BE46-C81630…)

one criedwolves newest photos—photoshopped, right? i feel like i can see the binder marks but i’m also blind
No. 746130
File: 1544338760268.jpeg (604.89 KB, 750x1000, file.jpeg)

So because someone mentioned earlier that she's still a fakeboi, I checked out Zerodomon's dA. Holy shit, that receding hairline.
Also she apparently has a patreon, in case you want to pay to see pics of a 30 year old weeaboo girls ass.
No. 746148
>>746130How after all these years does she still have the same basic 12-year-old-boy face?
Also please ppst links, holy shit
No. 746425
>>745443No she doesn't. The lens distortion elongates her face a bit in this pic, but if you go on her IG, she looks 100% like a hyper-feminine girl.
>>745861Well, he did make a video about being called called a girl by some random person in a shop, so he's well aware that he doesn't pass all the time. His nickname is also Kale that's derived from his girl-name and he frequently calls him self a biological female when he explains trans stuff in general, so I'd say he's not the worst offender on that area.
No. 746427
File: 1544386374176.png (1001.76 KB, 1021x768, 1_Criedwolves_4.png)

>>746118Got top surgery at least a year ago. Periareolar, so no scars other then around the nips (which typically turn out a bit wonky, but better then those long double incision scars)
No. 746479
>>745435If it's a guy in an art school circle then he's probably gay but hasn't come out yet so he hides behind a fakeboi gf. I know a gay guy who has done this before but instead of a fakeboi, it was a masculine lesbian lmao.
>>746427What a dumb hoe, cutting your tiddies off just to LARP as a pretty yaoi boy. Hopefully she doesn't start T, otherwise she'll be balding with cystic acne and will probably get fat which isn't kawaii at all.
No. 746496
File: 1544393460287.png (652.57 KB, 564x1001, 1_Criedwolves_2.png)

>>746479>What a dumb hoe, cutting your tiddies off just to LARP as a pretty yaoi boy. Hopefully she doesn't start T, otherwise she'll be balding with cystic acne and will probably get fat which isn't kawaii at all.Well, she actually is/was on T. But my guess is on low dose or just for a period, then stopped. Because god forbid they should actually look like a dude! Without fortunate angles, the passability is even more crap.
No. 746509
File: 1544394784260.jpeg (1.83 MB, 2592x1458, file (1).jpeg)

The actual fuck is going on with her chest
No. 746516
>>746427She looks like a flat chested girls. All these delusional ass ftms do. It's pathetic, but like mtfs, you cannot escape your biological anatomy.
>>746496She looks 100 percent female here especially.
No. 746979
File: 1544474189764.jpg (73.37 KB, 960x1200, 43770112_346383206118275_37795…)

This girl got big into Homestuck cosplay (Dave Strider) and promptly decided they were really a man. The makeup and photoshop is just astonishing. They had this whole little clique of fakebois that were all just spergy girls that couldn't into social dynamics.
This was tagged with #gaywerewolf. Of course, she's dating another petite FTM.
No. 746987
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>>746979The tragedy of the brows.
No. 746989
File: 1544474619012.png (527.28 KB, 922x577, bbb.png)

>>746987… And from 'before she learned how to do brows.'
No. 747256
File: 1544493942368.jpg (91.31 KB, 1080x607, Screenshot_20181210-162818_1.j…)

>>747024That came out a year after that photo was taken, but it really does look uncannily like that. Guess that's what happens when you base your idea of masculinity on gay anime boys.
>>747077You'd think they'd realise they're just enacting a cliche by listening to that bilge, but apparently not. Goes hand in hand with the theory that these people are all just autistics trying to find community.
(One more including more of the group cosplaying 'mob psycho 100')
No. 748088
>>748059i was wondering the same yesterday, anon. like, if you're a fakeboi and you date a guy, then you're…a straight female, in a straight relationship (according to any logical standards). it's a sweet irony, really. they become fakebois because they want to be speshul but end up staying in the mold and being as dime in dozen as they could be. AND if they date women then yes, technically they'd be "queer", but since they consider themselves boys then they're just…straight boys, so it's still not special at all.
fakebois are the ultimate snowflake paradox, lmao
No. 748121
>>748059>>748088Many of these fakebois are expressing as uwu yaoi (because that's all they can do), but still pinning for typically masculine men or even bear. some of them ended up with a straight guy and detransitioned… for some ironic reason. We have these examples in a few thread back. (Jude and Kaden came to my mind) Considering how they are going for all validation I'M A REAL GAY MAN and could mentally broke down with a hint of "Ma'm", it only gets to mean that they deeply know of themselves as a straight girl.
Or sometimes straight/bi guys pretended to be exclusively gay and these fakebois are so impressionable enough to believe them.
No. 748182
>>748152Take your pick:
>A. Been bullied for being masculine and invalidated as a woman>B. Considered ugly as a girl but pretty as a man>C. Scared of male treatment of women, becoming a boy as a coping mechanism>D. Confused with sexuality and hasn't had the chance to figure it outMost of these problems are solved with meeting someone that's right for you and makes you feel comfortable and beautiful in your own body. If they're not lesbians in denial, they're insecure straight girls.
No. 748286
>>748182A. and B. are pretty spot on. a lot of them are just ugly women with no self-esteem, so they think that ""transitioning"" will make them feel better about themselves bc they'd have an excuse to change their appearance and fit into a community that's incredibly supportive of them and won't question anything about them as long as they put up the act.
i once read a testimony of an ex-"transman" that confessed they thought they were trans bc they felt like shit about themselves, but once they lost weight and started looking better they realized it was just a self-esteem problem. the truth is they hate being women because they're ugly and get treated like shit for it, so they think being a man will fix all their problems.
No. 748633
File: 1544723871369.jpeg (1.36 MB, 1242x1809, 2325FB06-04A6-4F39-AE8C-97D32A…)

>>748631sorry dropped picture
No. 748640
>>748633fuck she's
so embarrassing. she needs to stop hanging out with college kids and get a life that's not this weird performative gender bs. i liked her better with regular eyebrows tbh.
No. 749164
File: 1544803712950.png (626.39 KB, 636x661, capitnexttimefaggit.png)

>>749161here. i did the work for you.
No. 750483
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Oh boy
No. 750840
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Calls herself a prince
No. 751286
File: 1545259035107.png (1.26 MB, 1440x1169, Screenshot_2018-12-19-16-35-07…)

No. 752481
>>752305'cis' GNC dudes got nothing to hide, they know they're men, that they're always one regardless what they do. The same thing happening to 'cis' GNC women too.
Their gender is all about identity, and can't hide the fact they're just straight girls playing dressup
No. 752492
File: 1545466585674.png (134.77 KB, 483x442, 1488670147748.png)

>>723890fucking hell those were like perfect breasts
triggered No. 752529
>>752042I'm not sorry
you hurt.
No. 752692
File: 1545509180147.png (114.72 KB, 640x1136, 50FBE53D-7425-4C09-945F-F255B2…)

I honestly thought this a was troll account because it was so stereotypically tumblr
No. 752693
File: 1545509233636.png (1.1 MB, 640x1136, 0E197ED4-65D7-4410-9FFD-9FE460…)

>>752692Totally a Gay Man. Yep.
No. 752717
File: 1545510758216.png (229.02 KB, 640x1136, 587470B9-FB3C-4119-982E-429A62…)

>>752693When you’re so awful even other fakebois hate you
No. 752881
>>745702Kalvin just released screenshots of their messages and despite Kalvin being incredibly civil, Rin was still an immature, illogical brat who couldn’t answer a single question without insults or going off in another direction. I don’t believe her at all that Kalvin’s “100k” fans came after her. It was actually the reverse and her fans did the harassment, getting Kalvin’s Twitter account suspended again and bragging about it.
Gotta love how Rin has to resort to using white as an insult against Kalvin, who is mixed race. That’s when you know you have no valid arguments against someone. And Rin the narcissist is obsessively retweeting her followers’ ass-kissing comments today. Of course, they’re all “trans” and “enby” females. Strangely, Rin has not provided screenshots of “100k” Kalvin fans attacking her. It’s probably another lie from this drama queen.
No. 753031
File: 1545579278666.png (63.18 KB, 640x584, Screenshot_2018-12-23 RIN⚡️ on…)

>>752881Apparently Elliot Fletcher was the one who got Kalvin's twitter deleted. But to be fair, Rin and her fans tried (and are still trying), though.
And when it comes to "people attacking her", she posted screenshots of people saying her one needs dysphoria to be trans and invigilating her. Sure, there were some rude remarks, but to say she got viciously attacked was such a stretch.
Anyway, she claims her wanting a hysterectomy makes her transgender (non-binary male, supposedly), despite thousands of cisgender women wanting to have their "baby making materials" (Rin's words) removed/feeling uncomfortable with their periods.
No. 753045
File: 1545582332722.png (123.66 KB, 1438x554, Screenshot_2018-12-23-10-24-53…)

>>753031She's so unaware it's hilarious
No. 753080
>>753031I’ve known plenty of women who never wanted children or wanted to be sterilized as early as possible. Even girls that had a hatred of babies themselves and everything related to childbirth. None of these women were trans or wanted to be men.
The swarm of fakebois descending on Kalvin’s video comments is hilarious. A lot of girls with anime and kpop avatars, repeated the same exact words and phrases while obnoxiously using AAVE and drag slang. All of them claiming that Rin is the greatest, kindest, most down-to-earth and talented person who ever lived. Where? She’s shown herself to be a petty, insecure, rude asshole with birthday party face painter makeup skills. Is she really that popular because of her male pronouns and being conventionally attractive? The cult mentality is frightening.
Why can’t these dumbass fujoshi admit that they are just too obsessed with yaoi?
No. 753097
File: 1545590478521.png (13.68 KB, 667x160, tumblrbad6.png)

No. 753103
>>746979Wait, is this Maggie/letsmakeout or whatever? I thought her Dave cosplay was super hot. What the fuck.
>>753097>gay stuffCause men can't enjoy these sorts of things without being gay I see. This whole movement is so backwards.
No. 753185
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>>753045Funny how she didn’t mention her claim of being “non binary AND a boy!!!1” and just said pansexual
Has rin ever even dated someone that wasn’t a tumblrina trans trender ftm? Or is she one of those who dates straight cis dudes and then yells “IM STILL LGBT EVEN THOUGH I DATE A CIS DUDE BECAUSE IM A BOY THEREFORE WE ARE IN A GAY RELATIONSHIP!!!”
>>745360>my gender expression has nothing to do with my gender
>non binary“I will embrace my femininity”
No. 753323
File: 1545620995504.jpg (168.05 KB, 1200x1200, t79nrkd.jpg)

>>753185The latter. She’s just another heterosexual woman role-playing as a “totally gay gay boi” while falling into the traditionally submissive sexual role with a biological male. Pictured here with her boyfriend.
No. 753508
File: 1545667542058.jpeg (1.44 MB, 1242x1869, B47FF426-46A0-40E3-B1C2-2CD84B…)

looks bad, fam.
No. 754114
File: 1545798898490.jpg (782.52 KB, 1242x1791, wX0SVDi.jpg)

>>754089This seems like a good idea now. Kalvin's Twitter and backup account have been suspended for days yet she and her followers are constantly referencing him, leaving almost identical rants all over his YouTube and Instagram, and really showing what kind of manipulative person Rin really is. She's retweeting ass-kissers nonstop and stalking all mentions of Kalvin even on Christmas! All this over being called a she once in snapchat. I don't know if she's the type to eventually delete embarrassing tweets but she has become so ridiculous that I now see more of her fans publicly saying they are unfollowing her or they never realized she was this bad before. The more negative attention she gets from this, the more she doubles down.
It seems like her most aggressive supporters are Latina "non binary" weebs that latch onto her solely for cultural representation and they're telling everyone in their groups to get the word out about a "cis-passing white man" questioning their POC idol.
No. 754132
File: 1545802673792.jpg (229.06 KB, 1080x793, SmartSelect_20181225-015910_Sa…)

She's also constantly shiting on men, isn't she supposed to be one?
No. 754285
>>754132>also constantly shiting on menmost fakeboi are almost always ubercringy "twitter feminist" types
No. 754364
File: 1545866310710.png (1.93 MB, 2048x1536, PicsArt_12-26-01.04.13.png)

she's not trans at all, she hated being and feeling masculine and isn't willing to go through any changes to transition, the most that she wants is a hysterectomy, so many other women want one too but that doesn't make them trans and neither does it make Rin trans either, all she did was go through a fujoshi/tomboy phase and that's it
No. 754405
File: 1545881079891.jpg (473.49 KB, 1068x1329, SmartSelect_20181226-120047_Sa…)

No trans man would talk about their "titties" so comfortably.
No. 754406
File: 1545881138806.jpg (286.65 KB, 1077x1130, SmartSelect_20181226-140849_Sa…)

Pay her to pass, ridiculous.
No. 754470
>>754285Not speaking of her only, but why is it? Especially the ones who tried to dress masc most of the time (although they occasionally put on makeup and feminine clothing because it's drag!1!1) but still hold cringy uwu views.
Aren't you 'a man' now, why are you shitting on 'cis' men?
No. 754755
>>754746not gonna sperg about this too much but anon could of just of easily said "how do you know that's HER real name" which is better grammar and makes it clearer for people to know who you are referring to as, like you said, 'their' refers to plural and I'm fairly certain Rin is just one person.
Sperg complete, sorry for derailing.
No. 754829
>>754778it is 100% pandering. pronouns aren't even used to the person directly.
also this is a
fakeboi thread, it's about gender bs,
No. 754845
>>754823>Pansexual isn't real anyway, it's just a pretentious way for people to say they're bisexual.obv were all on the same page here, but can anyone actually explain the difference here? never understood
it might be my reluctance to accept that troons are anything other than biological males/females "getting in the way" here, but it just seems so redundant to me.
No. 754860
reads to me like when many western liberals try to pretend theyre "color-blind". its like a socially acceptable way to pander/patronize people who they obviously see as different at a fundamental level (but were all the saaaaammeee duh). seems so backhanded from where im sitting. im surprised more of these idiots in the oppression olympics arent complaining about it yet
No. 755061
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They come so close to getting the point, and yet remain so far from doing so
No. 755158
>>754829Yeah this, using male/"genderneutral" pronouns for a fakeboi is just validating their delusions and we don't want to do that here.
>>754887lmao the best way to spot a straight girl is to see if she calls herself "pansexual" or "gender doesn't matter to me uwu".
No. 755186
>>754860I know we can't racebait in /snow/ but now most liberal hate the concept of colorblind due to the reason you're speaking of. (I don't, but it's not the point here) Also while it's a big issues in America the definitions of race is nebulous to be "fundamental" in biological sense as genetics don't fit perfectly in to our commonly spoken categories. Race is a much less scientific rigid concept than sex we're talking about.
I prefer people to not be pigeonholed in basis of race.
No. 755226
>>755204I'm sorry! I think you are confused. This is the fakeboi thread, not the gender critical one. Not a place for discussing ContraPoints either.
>>755167You do know they/them is also used to refer to a single person in the third person, right?
No. 755261
>>754887>>755158>lmao the best way to spot a straight girl is to see if she calls herself "pansexual" or "gender doesn't matter to me uwu".lol
>>755186>I know we can't racebait in /snow/ sry wasnt my intention
was just trying to draw a parallel
>>755258>They is singular ONLY when you don't know the gender of the person you're talking aboutngl i use em interchangeably quite often. i dont like using the same exact pronouns repeatedly so ill vary it up with a "they"/"their" every once in a while for flow.
>Nonbinary isn't a real thing,correct
No. 759912
File: 1546752362222.jpeg (1.49 MB, 1242x1860, 1E0A1E57-CBBB-4242-BFD8-0B0636…)

You’re either a boy a girl, Amy, pick one.
No. 760013
File: 1546784783823.png (3.19 MB, 1440x2629, Screenshot_2019-01-05-11-09-16…)

Happy New Year from kawaii fakeboi Tabby!
No. 760376
File: 1546865387505.png (777.42 KB, 931x553, Capture.PNG)

>>760375 Saged for double post - I looked it up, yup a pair of fakebois at least the partner seems a little more dedicated to transitioning but seriously why cant these lesbians just be okay with themselves.
No. 760388
File: 1546872036886.jpeg (128.21 KB, 750x421, 0D18D802-8E8F-4408-B53B-ED977D…)

This person is hasn’t noticed that transtrenders are real, and won’t let anyone explain to “him” how someone can be a fakeboi.
No. 760438
File: 1546884518401.png (7 MB, 3087x3087, 97B2FBDB-A280-4553-9B74-004868…)

This one is bothering me. She started the #TransLooksLikeThis tag on twitter and it’s full of Fakebois and she is trying so hard to cash in on Rin’s drama while also making fun of transgender teenagers, begging for money, and being horribly racist.
No. 760814
>>760802what's with all these fakebois and begging while being well off more than the average person? it's such a mockery of being actually poor lol.
i mean, all fakebois are narcs so i'm not completely surprised
No. 761243
File: 1546999338202.png (617.83 KB, 803x587, ouuy8.png)

Not nesscarily a "hardcore fakeboi", in that she doesn't make any effort to appear masculine or like a dude, just spams "emoboy" or "alternativeboy" hastags along with other lolzy tags like "lilpeep" or "model". Abuses photoshop too.
No. 761245
File: 1546999544210.jpeg (145.62 KB, 750x652, D2F6FA6C-F318-4FD3-90F1-9EBEA4…)

This is a piss poor excuse for wanting to be special. Is not being able to transition for medical reasons even a thing? She’s invalidating all the own people in her tag by saying the only reason she’s not cis-passing is because of medical reasons, while they’re not transitioning because they aren’t actually trans. This girl is dumber than a sack of rocks.
No. 761279
>>761245I don’t see how you can medically not be able to have top surgery? Unless they’re allergic to propathol (anesthetic) but in that case, they have other anesthetics for people with propathol allergies. Besides that I can’t see a reason.
Now for bottom surgery they could have some sort of pre-existing bladder or vaginal issue. But I highly doubt it tbh.
No. 761301
File: 1547006209877.jpeg (567.58 KB, 1936x1936, DF560442-33BB-4C07-94F1-6308CE…)

Introducing trans couple ‘Tyson’ (left) and ‘Anna’ (right)
They’ve both been on HRT for 9 months. Anna was the one who came out first (MTF) and everyone believes they manipulated Tyson to transition too (FTM). It appears as though Tyson takes it far more seriously than Anna does. Anna is your typical weeb, and is obsessed with the idea of having big anime tiddies, but won’t even make the effort to shave their facial hair. They constantly waste their money on pointless Disney toys and going out to eat, then had the audacity to set up a gofundme page and asked people for $43,000 (Australian dollars) for gender reassignment surgery!! They both they say they’re too mentally ill to work and are trying to apply for government disability payments, which is bullshit, they’re just lazy fucks. They also both believe there should be a FREE program which allows trans couples to simply ‘swap’ body parts. It’s a fun train wreck to watch.
No. 761501
>>761301The actual fuck? Why are there such people on earth I just don't understand. There are so many 'troon couples' like this on tumblr I've found and they've all have been with some kind of mental illnesses and strange obsessions. Guess no employers want them either but this is where I don't want to put my tax money to be spend on.
Can you show me more of their posts? I smell some good yet tragic milk.
No. 762656
File: 1547184543664.jpg (57.37 KB, 446x591, emiyannn.jpg)

emiyannn on twitter is a goldmine. 30+, has been a fakeboi for almost a decade, got their tits lopped off and spent a year on t, daily crying and furiously reeing that cis gay men won't date her, dresses like this on the regular and looks 40 when they're dumb enough to post photos without makeup+filters.
(They also constantly talk about being A Queer Japanese Man despite being like a quarter white and half Chinese. Their fam's lived in america for four generations but they're a real nihonjin, honest. I think they lived there for a semester in college tops, maybe.)
No. 762657
File: 1547184833459.jpg (240.78 KB, 900x1200, DvIjMIoVsAABwBu.jpg)

>>762656Shit, I forgot the best part: she's also convinced she's going to get murdered for being trans despite working a white collar job and living with her parents in a safe and affluent suburb near LA.
Also constant whining about being misgendered, naturally.
No. 762704
File: 1547204212959.jpg (549.65 KB, 2048x2048, IMG_20190111_204824.jpg)

>>762684Not sure on both counts; I know she's worked in the manga/comics industry? She got mad recently that some comics job never got back to her after she did a proofreading interview that in her own words she flunked lol.
No. 762712
File: 1547204550845.jpg (192.9 KB, 1079x1186, IMG_20190111_204955.jpg)

>>762689I know anon, I know. Reading is so hard. Doing a basic twitter search is even harder. Let me help you with that, you poor thing.
For future reference: if there's an upwards-pointing arrow next to the number 20 on someone's profile, they are trying to communicate to you that they are older than 20.
No. 762962
File: 1547250420162.png (261.45 KB, 583x394, aogu8u.png)

>>762656wow she's full of herself and just an all around cringefest. It's scary how many 30+ year olds still act 13.
No. 762963
File: 1547250573601.png (686.33 KB, 926x587, 1-11-19.png)

>>top 9 photos of 2018
>>only 1 looks remotely male
No. 763041
>>762962>>762712"Tee hee I look so young young young! Can't help these Asian genetics! Young!"
If that's your thing, how are you dumb enough to post photos like
>>762704 that directly contradict your entire shtick? I used to follow her before I peaked and she never shuts up about how ~hard~ it is to be a soft, baby-faced trans man when she doesn't even look like that.
There's so much milk on her she might be worth her own thread, because her ridiculous appearance is probably only her third biggest cow trait.
No. 763652
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>>763645>tumblrNo, the joke is that I've only seen people on 4chan ironically love that character because he's a rapist and abuser, just pointing out another special snow thing she does. Then she every once in a while she complains about people confronting her about it, saying how she's better, yadda yadda
No. 763689
>>763652Pretty much; of all the characters to get edgy and aggro about people not liking, why the character whose sole purpose is to unlikeable and unrelatable?
She used to be like this about Gil, but then caster Gil happened and I guess people softening on her former number disgusting man simply wouldn't do. Talk about a fake fan.
No. 763762
File: 1547407399687.jpeg (150.59 KB, 649x960, 1684D709-212D-4E22-8E52-423EA8…)

their logic never ceases to amaze me.
No. 763851
>>763762No1curr but, when I was being a SJW, I remember fellow Tumblrites saying “hey, non-binary, gender neutral, agender aren’t actually trans they’re just teenage white girls obsessed with yaoi”. It’s wild seeing this being so widely accepted now, it’s like the moment you slap an ‘uh I’m oppressed uwu’ people fall for your shit. I mean, damn. We’re seeing this same thing with fucking pedophiles now. “I just fap to CP, I don’t harm actual kids! We’re an oppressed group, y’know?”
>>753155Ew, is this why FTM tranny porn was popular for like a millisecond? Real boiz drink gallons of cum uguu~
No. 766035
File: 1547511259648.jpg (84.09 KB, 768x1024, DwrxipbWkAEgAE-.jpg)

Good god emiyan's hands are rough
But she looks just like a child you guys, for real!
No. 766037
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No. 766218
File: 1547554444847.jpg (451.58 KB, 1536x2048, IMG_20190115_215109.jpg)

Am I going crazy or does the fakeboi of the moment not look all that japanese OR chinese?
I know happas can miss out on one parents genes, but something about her face and body seems really out of place?
idk maybe I'm just not as familiar with han chinese features.
No. 766310
File: 1547574868933.jpg (924.81 KB, 1199x1570, Screenshot_20190115-185147_Twi…)

>>762656Honestly the tweets to these pics are even better, she also says she wears a lot of omocat. How come these people always hang out with each other? More of her friends are very feminine looking they/them girls and a male crossdresser.
No. 766322
>>766314This is why all of the race speculation here (and on PULL especially where it seems like everyone gets accused of faking being asian)
triggers me so much. It's not always that neat and tidy in real life. I guess it's also due to weebs putting so much emphasis on race when it's really one of the leaat interesting things about a person.
No. 766689
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>>766322I only brought it up because her twitter is nonstop "AS A JAPANESE" when she's a fourth gen american who barely looks japanese to begin with.
She's definitely secretly feels like a banana, just look at who her childhood friends were lol.
No. 766692
File: 1547609647037.png (33.81 KB, 585x132, download.png)

Bonus fresh milk from today: unfortunately fetishists are all you can ever attract when your personality consists only of garbage.
No. 766807
>>766803Your friend needs to accuse her right back, of sexual harrassment. Because that's what this is. And since ~everyone knows~ trans men are just as icky as born and raised men, she's made herself fair game.
I'm completely serious, these incels can't keep getting away with this. Hit back.
No. 766817
File: 1547633537714.jpg (4.27 MB, 3000x2155, oh boy here we go.jpg)

>>766692You have no idea what kinda fresh milk you've tapped into. She's talking about this dude from her friends circle who targeted fakebois and thought of them as shota. He contributed to anime news sites and was an "anitwitter personality", attended cons and targeted teenagers and bought them alcohol.
Other fakeboi featured here:
>he bought me line stickers and little things I couldn't afford>I didn't cut him out because I was struggling with moneyAnyway this is just the tip of the iceberg a lot of female cosplayers, enbies and fakebois are writing about him so you might find more.
No. 766826
File: 1547634570479.png (31.07 KB, 623x413, incident.png)

>>766820He was trying to get close to a lot of anime journalists and big bloggers to give the impression he's somebody in the industry. It worked because people thought he was too popular to speak up against him.
I don't think he should get his own thread because he deleted his tweets and will probably play silent and dead now, but a lot of fakebois are coming out with info about their experience with him so it's on topic.
Bonus milk: he did a thread about his #metoo experience while he was doing this shit
>>766823I'm pretty sure this is about that because they interacted on twitter and hanged out. If you check her profile she also RTed that idolmaster fan who did a thread on this guy. No. 766830
>>766828Nah that's fair to assume because she is really avoiding mentioning him by name or warning people against him, she's vague on purpose which seems suspicious.
If you search on twitter, you'll see there were hundreds of tweets between them so I think it's safe to assume she knew his kink twitter and is trying not to ruin her reputation by staying quiet.
No. 766831
>>766830Ohhhhhh shit you're probably 100% on the money, Ferris is the horniest person I know and a VERY loud "FICTION DOESN'T EQUAL REALITY I LOVVVVVVE
No. 766833
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No. 766839
File: 1547636588737.png (42.75 KB, 631x472, new2.png)

>>766833Nice catch, these two were close.>uwu I keep attracting trans fetishists>this guy who openly talks about shotacon and fetishizing fakeboys is my friendShe was too old to be targeted, bu you have to wonder how much she knew.
No. 766849
File: 1547639147037.jpg (176.45 KB, 1079x1317, IMG_20190116_211322.jpg)

How sweet, they gushed over their favorite rapist together.
No. 766853
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Oh the irony.
No. 766858
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>>766853The tasty, tasty irony.
No. 766864
File: 1547640679549.jpg (240.55 KB, 1080x1641, IMG_20190116_214241.jpg)

>>766862posted too soon oops
>>766861 No. 766866
>>766817I read this all thinking it was some fakeboi writing about his imagined penis, then I realized "hanzu" was this bigass CIS male on the left and he wants to have sex with a "shota" aka a child, or a fakeboi, and that he already did non-con things with females (caps on right)
He types like a teenage girl on tumblr. Holy predatory creepo
No. 766898
>>766849Literally his only purpose is to be a plot device to show how tormented Sakura is and how much suffering she has to suppress. He's a douchebag rapist who assaulted his sister on a regular basis. He's supposed to be an awful character that makes you angry. These people dying on the "uwu you just don't understand how ~deep~ shinji is!!" hill are just trying their best to be 2edgy.
>>766817Are there any trannies who aren't sexual predators and/or complete degenerates?
No. 766916
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The shinji stanning is the most fun thing about this situation for me tbh
Anyway, our girl remains the pinnacle of maturity and self awareness while avoiding direct conversation.
No. 766917
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No. 766919
File: 1547653421808.jpg (123.17 KB, 1199x485, Screenshot_20190116-164337_Twi…)

Forgot the best one
No. 767356
File: 1547780374364.jpg (123.44 KB, 1080x898, IMG_20190117_164929.jpg)

There's so much to unpack here, but making this tweet the day after your buddy and fellow shinji matou stan was revealed as a rapist is one hell of a spicy meatball.
No. 767634
>>767511I saw this too. But after the tweet was deleted and after the person was relentlesaly attacked and "called out" and made to tweet an embarrassing grovelling apology.
And this emiyan person lead the charge and they were clearly enjoying it. It really kinda come of to me as bullying. I never understood callout culture.
No. 767673
>>767511OT but I'm laughing my ass off at the thought of Shinji in a MAGA hat. He'd fit the insufferable incel part perfectly. Please post caps anon, I need to see this shit show.
>>767356I usually don't shame people for their fictional preferences or agree with the whole ~
problematic characters~ discourse but if you go this far on your way defending a sociopath rapist you're SUPPOSED to hate and wish a painful death upon, there's definitely something wrong with you.
No. 767809
File: 1547845882216.jpg (233.04 KB, 900x1200, f.jpg)

I've been seeing "traggot" a lot on Twitter. Yep you guessed it, it's "trans faggot", used exclusively by fakebois like this. I wonder how actual gay men feel about this?
No. 767927
File: 1547855239164.jpg (157.76 KB, 1080x1080, FB_IMG_1545587636541.jpg)

Crazy Clown Fakeboi. Seems to go by Zander.
No. 767929
File: 1547855334786.jpg (210.1 KB, 1080x1100, FB_IMG_1545587810549.jpg)

When you try 2 hard to be artsy and cool. UwU
No. 767931
File: 1547855606877.jpg (767.35 KB, 1080x1826, Screenshot_20190118-165423_Fac…)

Edgy n kewl
No. 767993
>>767936Drag queens are
problematic trash and should be called out instead of being worshipped. they are caricatures of women.
No. 768048
File: 1547875235281.png (1.05 MB, 617x1656, little miss sunshine.png)>post a cos pic baiting for compliments>kind people give the compliments>tell everyone a day later that they're probably transphobic racists for giving compliments rather than empathetic people who wanted to make an insecure girl feel better>profit???What a fucking narc.
No. 768095
File: 1547883630132.jpg (192.07 KB, 1080x1920, IMG_20190117_073644.jpg)

>>767678I'd be up for a weeb thread after this
>>766817 happened, if people have material. There's apparently a lot of shit on that ANN trans-guy for example, but she wouldn't fit this thread I think.
Anyway, this was more about her social circle and how she lashes out on anyone outside of it.
No. 768099
File: 1547884028308.jpg (418.49 KB, 1199x1056, Screenshot_20190119-084505_Twi…)

>>768095And she keeps using this as an excuse to flex her "moral superiority" while vagueposting that no one should PM or question her in regards to her rapist friend.
No. 768110
>>767936I don't hate drag queen, and the work into costume can be an artistic effort.
However I hate fakebois who use it as their justification to be cringy.
No. 768117
>>768095The maga shinji guy is a headcase who wants to be a hero and martyr "like shirou emiya" and has caused needless drama before, but imo that's exactly why it's tasteless to go full guns blazing against a literal spastic. Like, good job, you kicked a retard until he cried and then kept kicking to teach him a woke lesson. Are we supposed to be impressed?
emiyan's cruelty is the only mannish quality she possesses.
No. 768229
File: 1547914161388.jpg (468.2 KB, 1199x1326, Screenshot_20190119-170706_Twi…)

Oh my fucking god, this is her on the topic of "western fans associate loli and shota with pedophilia". You can't be fucking serious, in other tweets she's saying she's a shota who is a loli and that's when she was already 30+
>>768114If somebody can dig up enough old dirt on her, sure.
No. 768235
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>>768229Speaking of old dirt
No. 768237
>>768229This fucking fakeboi is not a shots, she's a fetishist KEK
She's only projecting this stuff because she knows she has a thing for young boys.
No. 768241
>>768144How do you know? It's pretty hard to get top surgery in Finland and seeing how she presents herself as I find it difficult to believe that any sane doctor would look at this person and send them to have her tits lopped off. And as far as I know you're not even allowed to get top surgery before at least 6-9 months of testosterone (plus another 3-6 months of queuing for the operation) and she has a very high pitched, feminine voice in her recent videos so she's definitely not on hormones. If she's actually claimed to have gotten surgery, she's lying.
>>768178Judging by her audience they seem to be very young as in 12-15 year olds, girls who know she's a girl but want to pretend and fetishizing trap chaser males. So a generic boring instafamous fakeboi all in all.
No. 768454
>>768229Ah yes.
>>762704 is truly the face of a young boy.
kek she was absolutely enabling that predator friend of hers who got outed
No. 768481
File: 1547944301901.png (156.32 KB, 613x835, download.png)

>>766826The thing that's so fucking shady about all of this and pic attached is: this was her initial reaction to her very close friend being outed as a predator.
Where's the shock? Where's the outrage? Any normal person would horrified and grieving over that kind of betrayal. If a normal person realized they'd shared and discussed kinks with a person for whom those kinks formed the basis of their predation, who wouldn't be disgusted in addition to all of the emotions above?
Ferris jumped straight to "friends of predators are blameless angels who dindu nuffin"
There's something deeply, seriously wrong here and we've barely scratched the surface.
No. 768546
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No. 769144
File: 1548055146024.png (3.73 MB, 1920x1080, Ferris_Anime.png)

Did she seriously name herself after the trap character from sword art online
No. 769261
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>>769144She says she didn't, but I doubt it. Changed her name in 2018 and was "debs" until then.
No. 769290
File: 1548088338580.png (34.49 KB, 603x158, download.png)

Always a classic: Ferris claiming that treating her the way she wants to be treated is nowhere near enough, and that nothing less than a complete and total invasion of other's privacy via actual mindreading can set her at ease.
No. 769623
File: 1548119323429.png (1.03 MB, 1440x2784, Screenshot_2019-01-21-19-06-26…)

KEK, look who I found in a Facebook ad. Just today I found Wen, Zellfae's fakeboi partner in a different Facebook ad. No way it's coincidence.
No. 770458
>>767927Actually looks like a man. Just an avant garde drag queen. Any proof it's a fakeboi?
>>768144In unshopped pics looks super femme. Also, all colabs also done with people who have "MALE" in their bios and look femme on unshopped pics. If you're a trans guy, putting your pronouns or MALE in bio will make you seem super NOT LIKE a man. But Kaoru is defo a fakeboi,she enhances female aspects of her body. Some people posted here might be trans men, but defo not her lmao.
No. 770513
File: 1548267166004.jpeg (1.28 MB, 1242x1708, 336323C6-CDAF-4458-BD04-48E378…)

What kind of day-to-day makeup is this? She wonders why people look at her mockingly and yet she does this shit.
No. 770660
>>760013I used to follow and even like Tabby some years ago when I was still into Decora and stuff, and I mean if she likes the way she looks rn (which is unimaginable to me but okay), fine… but she is def not trans I mean she just looks like a bearded girl?
She used to look cute in 2016 or sth and now she looks like a 40+ sexual predator
+ even if she was an actual man, that beard would look terrible (same goes for
No. 771242
File: 1548362376452.jpeg (1.47 MB, 1242x1845, 9AE35C1A-5FDB-403E-AF75-1DB909…)

even when she’s not pretending to be a boy, she has to have a special tagline next to her name that makes her ~unique~
No. 771299
>>771242I’m not sure where her idea that to put on makeup is tricking her mom is coming from? If she had dysphoria she could have dressed in something baggy and not done what she thinks is makeup that’s “more feminine” than the shit she’s already doing.
The only thing she’s doing is not dressing with clown makeup
No. 771863
File: 1548469308499.png (Spoiler Image,497.09 KB, 617x533, fakeboi1.PNG)

>p.s. if you're gunna be rude and say trans boys cant show their breasts and body without being ashamed of it then just leave you're not wanted here these are for my boyfriend NOT FOR YOU
No. 771998
File: 1548488424210.jpg (85.21 KB, 750x1334, IMG_20190126_083454.jpg)

Back to LA and out of the weeb dream
No. 774256
File: 1549058600672.jpg (Spoiler Image,99.74 KB, 675x1200, C7QzgVW.jpg)

dysphoric trans boy btw
No. 774276
File: 1549063308143.png (81.18 KB, 1019x370, somanly.png)

From the photoshop thread. This chick is a wonderful mix of horrible photoshop, weeby goodness, and of course bullshit gender cluster fuck. It's kinda sad cause she used to be a normal kinda butch chick that was kind of cute, but ever since getting into cosplay and transtrending has turned into an attention seeking shoop addict.
No. 774298
File: 1549066761387.png (247.32 KB, 500x741, tumblr_omcvhms0sq1tir2ddo1_500…)

>>774260I sure hope it isn't. I wish the fakebois would stop trying to rub their grubby little mits all over Link. I've already seen some retarded fanart where Link has those huge exaggerated top scars. It's like they can't relate to a character unless they project their insane gender cult onto it.
As an aside, Tumblrinas clearly have no idea how mastectomies work. The kind where a huge incision is made on the bottom of the breast is really invasive and not very common anymore. Most doctors do a keyhole or periareolar incision. I'm convinced that people started drawing those huge scars for fetishtistic reasons, and then fakebois who don't understand science just started assuming that it was the norm.
They're just turning Link into a fakeboi because they're fujoshi who think he's a "hawt trap" and want to validate their delusion that people with vaginas can be "kawaii yaoi traps".
No. 774299
>>774298What are you talking about? Peri-Areolar and Keyhole surgeries aren't possible for patients that have bigger than an AA cup and next to no excess skin on their chests, only around 5% of all top surgery is done that way. The double incision type is still used almost always unless the candidate lucked out and has a moob chest that allows keyhole. Most patients end up with huge, ugly scars across their chests.
However the scars are definitely being fetishized within the troons and seen as an ~aesthetic~ similar to tattoos and ear gauging though which is sick, the whole procedure is painful, irreversible and like every other surgery, life-threatening. But unlike surgeries you actually need to become healthy again, completely useless. I've honest to god seen fakebois talk about the scars like it was a cool new tattoo.
The reason why Link is such a popular target is just because he's cute and pretty despite being male, which ~obviously~ means he's a transboi
No. 774306
File: 1549069296617.png (6.34 MB, 1125x2001, FE81202C-AE64-4BE4-BAB8-951A63…)

>>774276!!! How can you dispute the bravery of young woman like this man
No. 774323
>>774299Fair enough. But even on C or larger women, it's common for the incision to be in the underarm area. Tumblr is obsessed with the large, cartoon-y under-breast scars to an almost fetishistic degree.
Also, most trans men go on HRT for a while before top surgery, which often reduces the breasts to a size for which less invasive surgery is possible.
Like you said they pretty much view it as both a body mod and a badge of "speshulness".
No. 774439
File: 1549113024839.png (563.29 KB, 815x581, 0889.png)

>>774306Feel like this guy is trying to be like Elai Menai except with less talent, no originality and double the attention seeking cringe. Elai might not be for everyone but at least he doesn't prance around labelling himself as "super fem nonbinary space fairy she/they" nonsense. He goes by he and that's that.
No. 774621
File: 1549155792733.gif (9.3 MB, 667x417, 6vs32vp46nky.gif)

>>774298To be fair, while Links have always been feminine, BOTW Link has a ridiculous hip to shoulder ratio. Him being shorter than everything else in that game doesn't help. I can see where they get it from even if it's stupid. Wish they would just make a female Link playable instead of this half-assed shit.
No. 774718
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>>763689Ha, I remembered this post when I saw this. Muh
problematic faves hypocrisy.
No. 775148
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Funny how quickly they turn on each other.
No. 775182
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…but what does capitalism have to do with trying to be a boy?
No. 775197
File: 1549343447003.jpeg (1.06 MB, 1242x1868, FFA1DEDB-DF41-47C2-A73F-A4C8B5…)

this one is pretty cringe. obviously a girl, a hambeat, and a fakeboi.
No. 775935
File: 1549579134805.jpeg (327.03 KB, 744x713, 47F20550-0E40-4E1A-BDE2-2595AB…)

>>775934hey, so I have this screencap that the victim sent me because we were mutual friends on Facebook. I have further info from our conversation, but I don’t want to out myself. I have the date the charges were filed and the type of charges, but they must be under a different name because I can’t find them.. I know they were filed in New York. I know over the years she’s gone by Ike, Kenny, and Ciel. Also on the same day the charges were filed she posted a patreon message that said “Bad News” but I’m not a donater, so I can’t read what it says.This all happened when she was big in the South Park fandom. there’s still videos of her on youtube from that time, and also I know she had some drama in the Homestuck fandom where she was accused of abuse of an ex but I don’t think anything ever came of it.
No. 776099
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>>776085I found an old screencap in reference to the head injury. i am continuing to look for more stuff..
No. 776114
File: 1549614037424.png (654.25 KB, 1087x633, Screen Shot 2019-02-08 at 12.1…)

>>776103No luck on the facebook but i found some old tumblr accounts.
No. 776115
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>>776114Just cringey not really any milk
No. 776117
File: 1549614396478.png (34.52 KB, 400x482, Screen Shot 2019-02-08 at 12.2…)

>>776116Heres some caps about the fiance from our old pms. Apparently they had a miserable relationship but were semi tumblr famous so kept up appearances. These were also messages sent to me when i was underage and she was 19. seems just kind of weird and tmi to send to a kid youre talking to online.
No. 776361
>>776114"kids are cute I want to kiss them"
just, lol, what a fitting post for someone being accused of pedophilia
No. 776986
File: 1549884185524.jpg (45.08 KB, 1080x377, IMG_20190211_122204.jpg)

Wow… they literally see transition as some cool aesthetic thing.
This is, she has a thread here
No. 777500
File: 1549978034232.png (172.55 KB, 1080x1920, download (1).png)

I guess every girl is a trap now
No. 777615
File: 1550002022230.png (3 MB, 1440x2044, Screenshot_2019-02-12-12-03-52…)

ebeggar that calls themselves a "boi" and "man." Truly oozing with masculinity
No. 777631
>>777615Is this some kind of weird reverse psychology thing for girls who are insecure about their femininity (or lack thereof)?
I've noticed a lot of fakebois who try to be feminine often have very masculine faces and bodies, do they think calling themselves a boy while trying to be feminine will some how highlight what little femininity they have?
No. 777657
>>774621OT but seeing this cute gif was a nice palette cleanser after scrolling through all those selfies of ugly girls with peach fuzz and dangerhair.
Anyway iirc someone on the design team for LoZ mentioned that they wanted to make Link look slightly feminine so he'd be easier for female gamers to relate to. He's not androgynous because "OMG he's trans', he's androgynous because it improves his mass market appeal.
No. 777742
File: 1550032841501.png (2.12 MB, 948x1188, Screen Shot 2019-02-12 at 8.39…) this kid through the local cosplay community, used to be semi-close with her but found out she'd been dating a 15 year old (she's twenty) for the last three years. she's super hardcore into the ~* drugs are kawaii uwu *~ aesthetic and makes her own fursuits. a 'selfshipper' (someone who ships themself with fictional characters). wasted twenty minutes to find her side blog. sadly she unlinked or deleted her 'kink' tumblr where she posted a lot of rick and morty vomit porn. she hasn't started t yet but is trying to which sucks because she's a super cute lesbian ):
No. 777799
>>777795I just knew some fakeboi who's basically head over heels into a straight guy (in a DnD group) and they ended up in relationship started from just friendship. The fakeboi is actually the one pursuing him so I'm not sure how much PUA shit is involved but it kills my rational logic at the moment.
As much as anything fakeboi/troon related kills my logic.
No. 777835
>>777820Not on hormones, no. Looks like short haired girl in streetwear on daily basis but sometimes will dress 'in drag'.
Wanting to be drag queen.. like any fakeboi here.
No. 777957
File: 1550096889056.jpeg (479.46 KB, 750x1334, E8420CFB-5364-4C35-AE1A-D9588E…)

I’m like 90% sure this cosplayer is a fakeboi, they play up the whole “anime trap” thing way too much and not only that their voice is way too high for a 17 year old male and they just look way too feminine, I’ll post a few more pictures of them.
No. 778033
File: 1550114395681.jpeg (20.75 KB, 250x248, DACA4859-A88B-469A-B3B0-6BFE35…)

>>777958Why do the eyelids look taped to fake monolids
No. 778040
>>777957>asking for donations so they can go to a conThese people really are all the same huh?
Just a bunch of e-begging weebs
get a job ffs
No. 778115
File: 1550146307009.jpeg (160.77 KB, 750x1189, 671077ED-7B26-4164-A7B0-075E34…)

>>778033Found one of their older accounts, they definitely look more white. Also if you look in their tagged photos you can see screenshots of their account where they just claimed to be American and German but iirc they recently claimed to also be part Korean and Chinese
No. 778636
File: 1550281368093.jpeg (136.93 KB, 750x529, 81513163-741D-4306-AF80-E87CF8…)

>>778527I checked, it’s the same person…
No. 778672
File: 1550289358295.png (2.06 MB, 1361x2141, Screenshot_2019-02-15-21-12-15…)

Why do these fakebois go to these Facebook groups meant for posting heartfelt and cute things for validation?
No. 779419
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No. 780123
>>779485They get really into anime and specifically anime about boys so they decide to become boys just like their animes. Getting on T actually turns you into a (kinda) man though so that's a no-no. They want eternal youth like you said.
The difference between these girls and troons is that troons usually don't start doing it until their 20s and also tend to at least have some education or skills.
These girls are, just like a lot of girls who grew up online, pathetic NEETs. They have never had a job and never will, and instead they spend all their time trying to get E-famous so they can leech money from people.
No. 781166
File: 1551134208406.png (177.16 KB, 618x500, 20181231_052005.thumb.png.ed8e…)

fakeboi rin/gothfruits is currently under fire because it was revealed that 2 years ago she was dating a rapist & told 2 of his rape
victims (who were her close friends at this point) that they were liars and even made one of them attempt suicide from her bullying. YIKES
more detail here: No. 781426
File: 1551228437433.jpeg (16.68 KB, 225x225, 6D8D249A-EBD8-4298-BB89-657160…)

>>781166Holy shit this is so fucked up.
Game over for her in the community she decided to be apart of if she can't get this to blow over with either not acknowledging it or a boo hoo apology. Unlucky for her to be in the middle of trying to be a nonbinary icon to have this in her recent past.
She won't fully recover from that misstep but if she, ”Waa he abused me and manipulated me into believing him ~” that's her only leverage here where she might save some face.
No. 782018
File: 1551411783173.png (435.81 KB, 597x495, Capture.PNG)

not sure if this has been done yet, but is this person a fakeboi? claims to be male (hence the he/him) and uploaded a photo of btow link cosplay, but i can't tell.. No. 782212
File: 1551461792777.png (893.2 KB, 921x600, Capture.PNG) has just dropped in the news, can't help but feel bad for her. Has had top surgery but clearly is in the fakeboi camp - but has now decided she's an agender alien…
No. 782236
>>782067I’d vote yes, I think some fakebois post themselves if their role models with more followers get posted so they can hopefully be seen or reach out to them.
“Omg they’re posting about us here !!”
Also the constant addiction to being “invalidated” so they can virtue signal.
No. 782279
>>781166Oh gee
That's bad. Gotta look twice at all those virtue signalers on Twitter
No. 785625
File: 1552352540776.png (1.2 MB, 1916x1080, 4ggnvdsxy3l21.png)

found this being shared on on some Pro-Trans subreddits
any idea what this is referencing cause I can't figure it out ?
No. 785661
>>785653oh shit there is. There's barely any posts in it though.
>>785640 you should post whatever milk you have in that thread.
No. 786681
File: 1552598634894.jpg (308.34 KB, 1081x1254, 19-03-14-15-19-40-824_deco.jpg)

Looks like we got a shoutout from bigbucky (ruitzk is her url now). I looked and no one mentioned her for over a year so it's obvious she went through the old threads just to find herself. Of course she went ahead and deleted all of her bitching about lolcow.
No. 787876
File: 1552901946366.png (52.89 KB, 720x300, 20190318_103204.png)

I can't wait until she finds a doctor who's unethical and money-hungry enough to cut off her tits because at least then she'd experience REAL dysphoria.
No. 787924
File: 1552924467028.png (555.19 KB, 1208x1194, 4e2799de-7c6a-44ed-9673-2ed4ab…)

I'm not a transmed myself I just thought this was funny
No. 787925
File: 1552924522099.png (377.98 KB, 1210x1196, 5bbf49fb-ac51-414f-a16e-e1c797…)

I wanted to save the best part for.last
No. 787993
File: 1552946210720.png (74.15 KB, 886x395, Screenshot_2019-03-17-08-04-43…)

saw this yesterday and wondered how you could fuck up your life that badly
>>787924wow a transman and a literal snowflake girl
No. 788008
>>787993>saw this yesterday and wondered how you could fuck up your life that badly It's not uncommon; being non-cis is trendy among youths, the trans community encourages people to transition and largely sweeps the negative side effects under the rug/shuns detransitioners, health professionals have to affirm transpeoples' identities lest they be accused of conversion therapy, and even 'light' transitioning like binders can fuck up your body. In a decade there's going to be a large group of people who've done irreparable harm to their bodies because they somehow came under the impression that transitioning would make them unique, correct their body dysmorphia, or solve their problems. Even people with legit gender dysphoria sometimes end up regretting it (though due to the nature of the trans lobby, collecting statistics on detransitioners or people who otherwise regret their transition is off-limits for now). Everyone posted ITT who isn't a total histrionic nutter is going to regret altering their bodies or trying to become something that they are not.
the /r/detrans subreddit has some interesting takes on this matter.
No. 788178
File: 1553006001988.png (81.79 KB, 1080x638, Screenshot_2019-03-18-22-20-16…)

found this gem while trying to find an article about bi men
i dont fucking see why this was even relevant to add in the first place
>>788174not sure if youre refferring to a tweet she previously posted or not
No. 788924
File: 1553188754112.png (1.29 MB, 1440x1560, Screenshot_2019-03-21-12-15-47…)

I swear to God why do they want to be so unique. She's just a regular cosplayer who cosplays men too, it's not that deep.
No. 789613
>>789392lars and jasmine are infamous in the melbourne lgbt scene for being pricks, jasmine (lars' fiance) raped/assaulted women and then blamed the backlash on transmisogyny
their house burnt down and they started a gofundme for themselves and not their housemates, who lost more in the fire, and then spent the gofundme on docs and birkenstocks and other luxury items. constantly whine about a low uber rating because theyre gnc and disabled despite having two giant dogs they bring in the uber with them
oh and also said that someone in their polycule got lice so now they all have lice too
No. 789705
File: 1553440606369.jpeg (895.07 KB, 1084x1522, 9956E34A-F423-4085-9263-7B89E5…)

thought this was a fakeboi
No. 792409
>>792375She can't afford testosterone, which isn't that expensive, but she can afford cosplays and starbucks and makeup?
At least the ones ebegging for surgeries actually can't afford them but this is just blatant lying.
No. 792629
>>724121Because tits are still tits. There is a major difference between a female frame with small boobs and an actual flat male chest. Maybe it's because of the desire to have an actual masculine chest when topless or just the feeling of having a smooth flat surface and never having to wear bras again (cause yes, as a fellow a-cup, let me tell you we still need bras when playing sports).
That said, even if it might look like a waste of nice tits, if this person really is a transgender man then by all means it's good that he is actually willing to transition. Most of these fakebois/transtrenders would never dare to do stuff like this, because deep down they know they actually want to remain being female and keep their boobs. Which is silly because that just makes you genderfluid at the most.
No. 792668
File: 1554118867840.jpg (77.61 KB, 598x644, fuckurgendernormsuwu.JPG)

And of course all the Aydens and Skylars and Chases and Brookes use TDOV to flash their ~non binary tits! fuck ur norms uwu~ and bitch about how much they're masculine males.
I get being feminine. I get being a femboy. Cis or trans, either way, I get that, I respect that, I like that.
But downright being a cis female flashing your tits and having no dysphoria and crying you're oh so trans and oh so oppressed? It just ain't it, and this shit riles me up more and more by the day.
No. 792670
File: 1554119364101.jpg (33.78 KB, 398x531, D2_2RRXWwAAQdCD.jpg)

No. 792671
File: 1554119394500.jpg (50.08 KB, 578x531, yaaaaaaaaas queeeeeeeen.JPG)

No. 792686
File: 1554128547039.png (1.47 MB, 1440x1506, Screenshot_2019-04-01-09-21-45…)

This fujo thinks she's a bear…
No. 792690
File: 1554129070983.jpg (Spoiler Image,17.35 KB, 236x354, actualbear.jpg)

>>792686Truly the burliest bear I have ever seen.
No. 792895
>>792668>I get being feminine. I get being a femboy. Cis or trans, either way, I get thatanon i hope you realize the "femboy" term doesn't include ftms. it's literally meant for people with male bodies.
saged for obvious reasons
No. 792918
>>792686Should have said "hi my name is jake and i wuv stealing from gays and making a mockery of their terms and culture"
I bet this dumb bitch has the nerve to complain about appropriation too
No. 793918
File: 1554225742732.jpeg (837.91 KB, 1125x1514, 73A15605-EF14-4E12-9C26-0B444F…)

>>789613lars took to her finsta to try and cover jasmine’s ass!
it’s all fine now, because of reparation $$$ and giving marginalized people a free chance to “learn and grow from mistakes”
No. 794215
File: 1554305997463.png (637.07 KB, 598x598, 1_saelah.png)

>>789715In some pics she can look a bit andro, but next to a dude, it's pretty obvious this is a girl.
No. 794219
>>794215Also the fact that she has a male-symbol in her Insta bio is a pretty telling sign that we're dealing with a fake-boi.
>>789705(and jeeze, perhaps it's because I'm from a country where humbleness is more the norm… but I can't stand this kind of bragging about ones appearance. Just post the damn pic without so much narcissism!)
No. 794908
File: 1554457696835.jpeg (110.9 KB, 750x622, 2E1FEE0C-6A99-4315-98D6-151BDE…)

Ascher’s dysphoria is so bad guys we must donate money for a name change! otherwise we might not get…. lewd content….?
No. 794914
File: 1554462385931.png (812.19 KB, 882x546, Capture.PNG)

Has anybody posted about "lars" before? Used to go by chaoticthemme on instagram and recently changed their @ to
Seems pretty milky, recent stories have included a lot of shit towards "truscum" for being mean to trenders (she seems to actually identify as a trender?) and she's a total munchie.
Also winner for world's fugliest hairstyle/eyebrow combo
No. 794960
>>794951Please spill the milk
Also is this a male or female? I thought female but maybe I'm wrong?
No. 795002
>>794951>it’s moderately popular at local Facebook group
>woe me no money
>buys expensive teeth treatment
>woe me fake deep
>starts talking about needing money, always begging for money but buying tattoos and other unnecessary shit
> woe me anarchist punk
> woe me almost being homeless One person of the group houses it for a bit and helps it with everything from food to clothes etc
>woe me I need more money and help Person continued helping it until they saw Sebastian had 7k in its bank account
~ cut to spongebob “sometime later” ~
(can’t remember well because I suddenly had a life, but people from the group that hated it started compiling screenshots around a few months later)
Suddenly there’s a thread with 500+ comments
“Seb set the house on fire with a candle”
> woe me homeless go fund me pls help.
> raises a couple of thousands >suddenly has expensive everything Housemates lose everything have get nothing from the go found me
No. 795018
File: 1554481952164.jpeg (94.38 KB, 750x402, 77678BF2-DB59-4C34-A3EA-45D105…)

No. 795165
File: 1554504827188.png (919.91 KB, 750x1334, FCD4C5C5-4EF0-4C1B-B22B-99EA76…)

so i looked at ascher and they got the full amount for their testosterone story, but now suddenly claim they need more money for new appointments? ok sis. cashgrab much
No. 795328
File: 1554556758447.jpg (77.09 KB, 593x790, notlikeotherfujos.JPG)

>>792686>A big gay bearI sense high amounts of cognitive dissonance within this chick. She also looks like one of those mlm troons who "call out" other fujos for ~fetishizing her~ while larping as a gay man.
Oh look, I was 100% right. What a shock.
No. 795342
>>795328>I'm not a fujo, YOU'RE the fujo!Why do they always do shit like this?
>Calling me a fujo because I'm transLiterally… she's calling people fujos because they're "straight white" women, what's the difference between what she's doing? Why doesn't she ever think of "calling out" the men who fetishize lesbians? She's definitely a lesbian.
No. 795346
>>795345She has a girlfriend who happens to be half Japanese,
>>712050 someone made a post about her in the last thread. She's probably more delusional.
No. 795369
>>795346LMFAO this is embarrassingly delusional holy christ. I think there's a certain new level of being fucked up when you change your name to a video game character's, copy their tattoo and name your cats after the characters. And these are the people who are shaming other fujos for fetishizing?
Also loving the "I'm Japanese!!!" larp when she admits she doesn't even speak the language or live there. What did she and her "big gay bear" girlfriend say about fetishization again?
No. 795478
File: 1554596936233.jpeg (851.04 KB, 1242x1055, A49E2200-DB06-4E04-B2FA-5E4BD5…)

b-b-but it’s he/him!!!!!!!!11!
how does oliver think she’ll get away with this fakeboy shit?
No. 795636
File: 1554657759644.png (1.13 MB, 828x853, 1_Criedwolves_1.png)

>>795478Hasn't he supposedly been on T for more then 3 years now? He has to be on a really low dose and/or was on it for a period, then quit. He has a small adams apple, somewhat of a voice drop and a little belly hair (never seen a hint of facial hair), but the math for "3 years on T" really doesn't ad up. Not really my bussiness what people put in their bodies, but it seems kind of deceiving to his followers, in a way. And even tho I say "he" and consider my self fairly liberal by lolcow-standards, my brain has a really hard time seeing anything other then a flat chested female, I must admit.
No. 795650
>>795636what is he even up to lately? Going through his instagram, just realized that's his face I've seen plastered in Sephora a while ago. wtf?
but yeah, he's (been?) on a really low dose - someone confirmed that in previous threads if I recall well
No. 796550
File: 1554912885612.png (343.08 KB, 732x519, behold a man.png)

Nothing says "'he/him' pronouns" like wearing female lingerie and makeup and posting hundreds of videos in which you stick things up your cooter.
No. 796784
File: 1554948689408.jpeg (537.35 KB, 750x1207, F809E371-A8CC-4D5A-BC67-ACFAF8…)

Nothing is more dyke NB technoqueer than an ethereal stock photo presenting femme. She's in a "gay" relationship with a transwoman of course.
No. 797066
File: 1555005996799.jpg (Spoiler Image,685.63 KB, 1080x1510, IMG_20190411_200429.jpg)

>>796784she literally has her pussy out here
No. 797247
>>720444every time some tweet gets popular about gross straight fujos fetishizing mlm with yaoi i check the bio of the OP and sure enough: early 20s and Gay Trans Man
"you are what you hate" indeed.
No. 798069
File: 1555313783422.jpg (260.51 KB, 959x1280, tumblr_ok3hycrNuM1uaa0rgo1_128…)

hate this idiot. There should definitely be more of the 3dgy fakies here. Theyre my favorites(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)
No. 799408
File: 1555896402676.jpg (7.12 KB, 205x246, downloadefea.jpg)

is it me, or do a lot of annoying kagamine len fangirls grow up to be fakebois?
No. 799421
File: 1555902686755.jpg (64.32 KB, 460x920, D4lK9shUIAAgxsQ.jpg)

you guys know zoeisyourhomie? yeah, it's a girl pretending to be a cis guy, in order to get attention. when called out she gave a bullshit excuse on twitter. shes seriously mentally ill.
No. 799422
File: 1555902846907.png (241.12 KB, 643x657, et.png)

No. 799425
File: 1555904582572.png (103.04 KB, 287x509, dwr.PNG)

>>799408>>799410>>799420girl who does fucking shota asmr
No. 800213
File: 1556190802166.jpeg (259.25 KB, 717x1121, B2D65379-4905-43EB-9DD9-FA8652…)

Can someone explain what the heck a non binary LESBIAN is when they refer to themselves as HE/HIM like I always assumed lesbian was for females ya know?
No. 800223
>>800213A he/him lesbian is basically just a fakeboi with enough self-awareness to know that they're not really a man, but not enough to recognize that they still look stupid
>>800217Their "proof" is always drag queens and women who lived as men, as if any of that is related to their pronoun autism
No. 800576
File: 1556306389927.jpg (69.37 KB, 550x745, 7d87798bc495d99bb23f500bca34b0…)

>>799408>Female voice actress >Vocaloid is newfag shit >Cute design >Looks like his twin sister, the main difference being that he wears shorts>Is a shota I think the main basis is just because he's an easily easily digestible (as in that he doesn't have any
problematic elements to him unless the song writer wants him to) cute normalfag anime character.
No. 801263
File: 1556577740914.png (72.73 KB, 225x205, lainey.PNG)

whats up with her voice in this video. is she on testosterone? or just ill
No. 801960
File: 1556885393164.jpg (452.33 KB, 2048x2048, 1556752995758.jpg)

What about geheichou/Julia? Looks like they started T
No. 801970
File: 1556895442394.jpeg (146.21 KB, 471x394, 07C63EDA-EB68-4DF7-912D-6CC01A…)

Lainey actually looking decent. Just embrace the fact that you’re a 24 year old mom with a pixie cut, not a boy.
No. 802121
>>802056With this I can agree; I remember gehe's ex spilled somewhere that she's on the low dose, so maybe she's taking more now, hence the more noticable changes.
But still for me she's a trender. There's a plenty of fakebois on T, and no one suddenly thinks they're legit because of that sole fact of getting hormones, right? Gehe played the cis twink card for a crazily long time and I believe it all stemmed from fetishization rather than gender dysphoria. She built her whole instafame and career on it. Now she's just too far gone.
But that's just my opinion.
No. 802149
>>802121I guess that's true, she's just fetishizing anime twinks, like the opposite of a transbian.
I wonder if she even thought about the future. She can have fun pretending to be a twink now, but being a 30 year old balding man isn't cute, and if she goes back to being a woman her voice is ruined.
No. 802623
File: 1557146571860.png (1.32 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2019-05-06-14-41-51…)

I found this obvious woman that has "male" in her bio and tells people she's just a trap.
Really weird.
No. 802845
File: 1557228238646.png (867.77 KB, 597x605, gayboiiiii.png)

UWUUUU why could i possibly feel like a fake ///
No. 802860
File: 1557237382084.png (21.72 KB, 599x193, cringe.png)

>>802845>>802859shit i didnt even notice the discussion upthread, i thought i was the only one following her escapades lol. anyway how can one person be this embarrassing
No. 808957
File: 1558273659284.png (2.26 MB, 1440x1951, Screenshot_2019-05-19-06-38-33…)

>>799408lesbian rin lover but now stra- a gay boi lel
always and only presents feminine
No. 809681
File: 1558390217118.jpg (198.74 KB, 1080x953, IMG_20190521_000940.jpg)

>>808957She's literally just trying to be an anime shota lmao, if she actually goes on T she'll regret it so much, does she realize there are more changes than just voice and facial hair? Plus most trans men have a weird voice
No. 809682
File: 1558390503251.jpg (131.11 KB, 1080x630, IMG_20190521_001506.jpg)

Also has no dysphoria
No. 810874
>>809681>>809682seeking to be a real life yaoi shota boy i see
> cool baby anime boy voicecringe
No. 811767
File: 1558645086416.png (509.22 KB, 882x707, grtdfe.PNG)

<growls in disgust>
it's so fucking obvious this is a woman(growls in disgust)
No. 811887
File: 1558653231828.png (686.27 KB, 816x509, fackboiiii.png)

sometimes this idiot come in to my timelime becase i guess i follow her girlfreind/freind
No. 812063
>>812012I can explain that. A popular undertale artist I met (my personal cow) explained that they love being female. They just use male pronouns for attention and so their female fans will bust their ovaries. That and it makes them feel special because unlike other yaoi artists they are actually "male"
so yuh, all for attention
No. 812231
File: 1558713278969.jpeg (1.18 MB, 1242x1307, 985D140F-2711-4D5B-B68E-DBC66B…)

found this good one on facebook the other day. posted this in a group dedicated to get in other people’s pants, absolutely flipped shit in the comments when female pronouns were used but she blocked me before i could cap lol
No. 812232
File: 1558713305673.jpeg (581.06 KB, 1242x1724, 813A6772-B3B7-4A9E-A802-45E1F5…)

No. 812246
>>812232Nobody: …
Some random: Um, by the way guys I'm genderfluid
They really love the attention lmao
No. 812427
>>809681I fucking hate girls on T voices. I have 3 friends that I honestly can't tell their voices apart. Ofc I'm a dumb bitch and am also on T. Fuck these girls saying they're on T and getting voice changes after 6 months. I was on forbarely 2 months when my voice lowered enough for my customers to notice.
Also I have this one friend who told me that me coming out inspired her to be her true self. A they/them that. .. Sometimes wears feminine flannel shirts and uses the same name and pronouns. She was fucking crying when she told me. I was like bitch, you're even more confused if you think I care. No you ain't trans. She also only goes for men, but says she's totally gay. Like gtfo of my pride
No. 812640
File: 1558780840699.jpg (20.64 KB, 400x400, 1472528499413.jpg)

>>812427You realise you are just as bad, if not worse than the people in this thread, right? You realise you are worse than your fakeboi friends because you're going on lolcow, on the fujoshi thread, to bitch about them?
Your little "who's more trans" competition is fucking embarassing lol. Get help and get a personality trait that isn't being trans
No. 813363
>>812427Respectability politics not paying off for you, huh?
No one cares if youre the better tranny. People who dont like trans people dont like any of them. You're completely alone, aren't you? That's what you get when you play this stupid game.
Make some trans friends. We don't want you.
No. 813375
>>813363I want them here. Their post is dumb but it's good for
>>812427 to challenge their echo chamber by visiting a totally different time of one.
We don't progress if we stay alienated from either other.
No. 813591
File: 1558981459300.png (1.46 MB, 754x1130, Screen Shot 2019-05-27 at 2.22…)

on the right, loves saying you're gay if you like them but only dates/fucks boys. calls self a faggot, tells everyone they "gaslight femmes", ask 4 their premium snapchat
No. 813673
>>813375Yeah I've been doing the troon thing for a few years and I've recently been feeling like a fucking idiot. Like ofc I was a weeaboo in school and had cringe stuff, and I'm starting to realize this cringe fest tumblr gender is the same sort of shit. But like. How do I get back? I'm honestly so fucking stupid. I drank the kook aid and now I'm waking up and thinking "well fuck"
I work at a coffee shop, so I have customers.
But yeah. Don't know how hating on myself and friends and talking about it here is worse than others talking about fake bois. I'm as fake as my friends. I just wanted to input that when you wreck your body with T it happens way faster than you'd think. And I was on a low does.
But yeah, I drank the dumb bitch juice and I'm fucked.
(no1curr) No. 813843
File: 1559014881342.png (706.23 KB, 922x793, bitch what the fuck.PNG)

This is a very fiery take my good men, but is it me…or are there more and more fakebois in the furry community?
It's weird, because there was a survey saying that the majority of furries are biologically male.
>calls herself a 'boy' despite being 23
>shitty furry art, bad by even furry standards
No. 814203
File: 1559066495717.jpeg (1.47 MB, 1242x1845, 863847B6-210C-4C81-91ED-1E6624…)

continuing the trend of trenders being obsessed with being smol little bois and not a grown, functioning adult
No. 814217
File: 1559067284729.jpg (Spoiler Image,378.46 KB, 1080x1382, IMG_20190528_200940.jpg)

>>814203There's nothing smol about this kek.
I scrolled down her instagram and she was an average weight lesbian in 2016, wtf happened?
No. 814221
File: 1559067444464.png (232.98 KB, 1080x1427, Screenshot_2019-05-28-20-15-25…)

>>814217Also this is kinda sad. The tattoo used to just be a female symbol, but she "fixed it" by turning it into a trans symbol. They're literally trying to erase women.
No. 814410
File: 1559076440197.png (1.03 MB, 986x722, Screen Shot 2019-05-28 at 4.46…)

fucking kek
if a girl likes you is it straight?
No. 814422
File: 1559077450001.png (52.43 KB, 986x204, Screen Shot 2019-05-28 at 5.04…)

>>814419sorry m8, not joking
No. 814590
File: 1559093467281.png (1.04 MB, 990x1164, Screen Shot 2019-05-28 at 8.57…)

The binder really offsets literally everything else from this photo
No. 816552
File: 1559436907208.png (595.26 KB, 483x687, TABBY.PNG)

/ourfakeboi/ tabby has showed up on my instagram feed
No. 817232
File: 1559564092923.jpeg (78.83 KB, 676x900, D7_plRhVUAA_FyF.jpeg)

uncanny valley edition
No. 817786
>>801960Can't wait till her hairline starts receding and she's hit with the T acne. You can already see it in this photo.
Can't even really feel sorry for her or any other FTM larping as a gay man, iirc her old boyfriend came forward saying that she was a piece of shit, she absolutely lied about being a cis man and shat on cis female fujos extensively for ~fetishizing her struggles as a gay man~. Overall she is just your basic ass twans fuccboi who will most likely detransition once nearing 30 and not being able to play the kawaii twink part without ten layers of photoshop and ending up as a half-bald 5ft4 gnome with a vagina. Have fun Julia.
No. 817899
>>816421You should def talk to a professional about this. There's also a sub on Reddit for detrans, perhaps check that out? (would normally recommend Reddit, but in this particular sub you might find someone to relate to)
>>817232>>817825Looks like periareaolar - they cut around the whole nip. Just looks a bit fresh (there's scabbing) but not botched.
No. 817966
File: 1559676275603.jpg (62.12 KB, 798x575, 1559640174917.jpg)

This one's pretty hilarious. I found her in the Phoebe Tickner thread. She actually has "He Him" badly tattooed on her neck, but then posts plenty of pictures with her boobs out. More pics incoming.
No. 817968
File: 1559676383381.png (Spoiler Image,1.38 MB, 1458x1070, Screenshot 2019-06-04 at 20.21…)

>>817966This is her with her boobs out on instagram. Very manly. Also a snippet of a rant she posted about things people say to her regularly. Most of them are things like "calls me a girl". I'm gonna post some of the best ones because the cognitive dissonance is amazing.
No. 817970
File: 1559676473052.png (117.25 KB, 564x768, Screenshot 2019-06-04 at 20.21…)

>>817968More things she's shocked about people saying to her, a girl
No. 817971
File: 1559676563482.png (89.03 KB, 508x622, Screenshot 2019-06-04 at 20.22…)

>>817970Last bit of the rant
No. 817991
File: 1559678211507.jpeg (619.05 KB, 750x2617, 3B75E5C8-80C2-494C-839B-AF3C8E…)

This girl is also from the phoebe threads, ig name “fibrofag” (it’s ok to say fag because she’s queer and uses they/them pronouns obv) who dresses exclusively in loud ass feminine clothing (Because she doesn’t owe you androgyny), wears ten pounds of makeup to her ~pain specialist to get opiates and posts videos of her rubbing lidocaine on herself in the bathroom with “cupping marks” to show how disabled queer she is
No. 819975
File: 1560072733515.jpeg (242.65 KB, 743x1194, CE46464C-6467-429E-9254-FB0CFD…)

why do these tards always make premium snapchats to sell their botched bodies. lol nice going ascher it must hurt that no one cares about your “makeup uwu boi” looks in 2019
No. 820079
File: 1560097487198.jpg (35.83 KB, 455x457, 1.JPG)

>>819975She should just cosplay being a man like her whole account. Pretty fug to be hawking lewds, but looks okay here. I say keep the tits.
No. 820306
File: 1560132913601.png (76.19 KB, 210x185, this is ugly af.PNG)

>>820115imagine paying money to wear this garbage on a shirt
No. 820908
>>820306if you block it out from the eyes down it doesn't look so bad
If you look at that nose though, top kek
No. 821338
File: 1560365337747.jpg (807 KB, 1653x1122, Screenshot_20190612-144707_Chr…)

Sorry for samefag but does she realize that wearing your apron in the bathroom is a fucking health code violation? "Petty ass baristas" it's called actually caring about the health and safety of your customers, dumb bitch.
No. 821687
>>821668kalvin is one of the milkiest of them all. she loves to get involved in other people's drama for click like with that retarded MamaStef callout video and the Onion saga. called out Onion for using "terf propaganda" in a video but recently hosted a radfem on his channel. (respectable) loves to fence sit about the "non binary" shit because it keeps a captive audience. shits on fakebois for not passing when she looks like a young, bloated jodie foster. acts hurt when people point out that
at least she isn't storm ryan, who's "gay boyfriend" has PIV sex with her like lmfao
No. 821694
>>821687kalvin kind of used to make sense but nowadays she's just making the same "real dysphoric trans guy reacts to crazy transtrender" video over and over with the same boring arguments. if you've seen one video of hers you've seen them all. i also find it weird how much she goes on about "all transtrenders are female because females love attention". it's like.. i have bad news, kalvin.
if i was a gay man i would be annoyed at how ryan goes around calling herself a faggot and shit. you are just a straight girl and you'll never know what it's like to actually grow up gay. when you look at her and her boyfriend they just look like a straight couple
No. 821697
>>821668Kalvin could almost get her own thread. The amount of times I've heard her talk about how male she sounds and looks… girl your friends might tell you that but you look like a chubby lesbian to me. 'I pass' Err.. no
She's so good at dishing out bitchy impressions of other people but can't take any criticism back. And it has always been painfully clear that she tries super hard to keep her voice low and sit like a guy.. like painfully clear, but then she constantly touches her hair like a girl lol
No. 821698
>>821668Whole vid is like two twelve year olds messing about, who watches this?
I feel like barely any FTMs on youtube are over the age of 18/19 so this is their sad representation…
No. 821703
>>821698sam collins seems like the only normal ftm on youtube. she's not on any super weird shit like gothfruits and them and doesn't prostrate about being the only real tranny like kalvin.
>>821697i can't get over how she talks with her hands. it's one of the most clockable mannerisms i've seen and so fucking irritating.
No. 821712
>>821703Noticed her over the top hand gestures in her latest onision vid, she actually looked high as fuck in it too..
Sam is pretty ok, I like that they admit to sometimes being read as female by strangers.. they don't bullshit about being 'super passing'
No. 821741
>>720444It was some autistic teen that Kalvin called retarded, she claims she didn't know about the autism but she sure has a habit of picking people with intellectual disabilities to mimic..
I really think she's a fat insecure bitch that feels like life will be easier as a guy than an ugly girl.. anyone think she's on something in her latest vids? I know she has adhd but she was manic looking in her most recent one. Does she have parents?
No. 821756
>>720444Kalvin talking about that autistic teenager "I've never wanted to punch someone so badly in my whole life"
After the backlash she tweets about how she's learning and growing all the time, bitch get off youtube til you grow up considerably, she's forever picking vulnerable people to laugh at and then her followers go and bombard them with direct tweets. Her followers are lil shits. I love how even the tweets that I've seen giving out about Kalvin always use he/him pronouns out of respect..
No. 821858
>>821795thanks. that's so… pathetic lol.
Kalvin wants to be ~so manly~ he's acting just crass.
I guess he didn't know about the disability and it wasn't to ridicule the person for their autism, he used it just as an insult from what I'm understanding? Honestly lolcow is the last place to moralfag about the usage of "retard", he just goofed but posting pics of youtself crying with "uwu people tell me to kms" is pathetic and fucking weak. You're not as tough as you want to appear like, Kalvin, huh? Imagine being that fragile while taunting Onion for a debate. Bitch you would cry at live
No. 822082
>>817232And she seriously wonders why no one wants to fuck her? yikes.
>>802859Is she trying to change her name again? She went by Debs for a long ass time, then she was Ferris, is she Emi now?
No. 822133
File: 1560513993633.jpeg (61.03 KB, 1080x809, 8FFC9CAE-9791-4FFB-ADA5-1D3E34…)

Isn’t Storm Ryan’s ‘boyfriend’ also a tranny?
No. 822194
>>821741i know she used to do benadryl gels (talked about it in a stream about a year ago) and she looks dazed as fuck so maybe that's it
>>821795lmaooo it looks like she got a bottle of visine and squirted it down her cheek
>>822133wouldn't surprised me, they look like a 16 year old boy? i never considered that when ryan said her bf fucks her boi pussy she meant with a didlo
No. 822204
File: 1560531416979.jpeg (Spoiler Image,29.48 KB, 500x522, 300005C0-FD3D-4526-8301-D8CBBF…)

>>822194>>822196I should have just googled it, lmao
No. 822205
>>821703>>822028I agree, Sam Collins and Ty Turner are pretty okay, and that Jamie guy…Jammidodger?
>>822133Yup, he is.
No. 822209
>>822204Wait so Ryan is always calling himself a massive faggot (his word) but they both have vaginas.. okay lol
Jammidodger is prob the most normal of all the ftms, it's almost like the better an ftm passes; the more normal they start to act. All the non-passing ones have chips on their shoulders and act like pricks (Kalvin)
No. 822286
>>822275I remember watching Kalvin a good while ago before they were really known and my memory is of this non-passing fat transman making comments about how 'women are this and that, lol silly women and their ways'
I also remember them dating a girl that looked waay out of their league and making shitty comments about women in front of her while she awkwardly smiled
No. 823295
File: 1560799974794.png (795 KB, 868x600, 1_girlfriend.png)

Oliver/Criedwolves "boyfriend" of 5 years or so… A seemingly well adjusted ADULT,zero attempts to present as anything other then female and has been doing this for years "but he/him pronouns only". Why, just why…
No. 823923
File: 1560928194361.png (Spoiler Image,1.32 MB, 750x1334, F85161F9-14EF-452F-98E5-C6740F…)

and so our asch has shamelessly started posting full nudes for free on twitter, probably expecting some yass sexworking queen slay! customers
No. 825565
File: 1561295542440.png (152.09 KB, 584x207, 1_Twitter.png)

>>825491I can't find the posts anymore, but Zeev HAS said "only he/him pronouns" in the past and when Oliver mentions "boyfriend" it's in regards to Zeev.
No. 825848
File: 1561348972019.png (404.81 KB, 1440x619, drgjuds.png)

>>825628I zoomed in to investigate as the ribcage looks too long for a female. Squiggly black lines, artifacts on arm and side of ribcage where she has dragged and reshaped the ribcage down in editing.
Aside from that, posting full nudes totally free on Twitter seems like a waste. She could probably get some money for that.
No. 826154
File: 1561411906002.jpeg (135.3 KB, 750x569, E4FAAFCE-C48F-4C45-9307-A91696…)

kek, yes, lainey the cis guy.
No. 826566
>>825848>>825628I don't see anything abnormal, just general skinniness.
>>826205Nah, Ash's actually one of those people who are reverse. Loosing weight on T, actually gained a bit in the period off T, but has lost it now when on hormones again.
>>826154Either these people are near blind or just hugboxing embarrassingly hard…
No. 826846
File: 1561518121460.png (Spoiler Image,1.02 MB, 1334x750, DD47FDB2-B6F6-4D97-9D5B-8A13F5…)

>>826566She lost weight in her tits and moved farther from the mirror is all
No. 828281
File: 1561675451580.png (1009.96 KB, 750x1334, 50BC02CA-B1F0-48FC-8EF8-8E77FC…)

don’t you have more nudes to take and more ebegging to do asch?
No. 828434
>>828281Wow I completely forgot about her lmao. Guess she’s trying to stay relevant by bringing it up.
I wonder how long these people will keep this up for. With tumblr chilling out, I’ve only really seen fakebois hanging out in cosplay communities.
No. 828618
>>828616Yes, there's a lot of 21+ fakebois. I haven't checked grindr but tons of them on tumblr. Most bois posted on this thread are over 21
Mu ex friend who became the first example of fakeboi is 23 now
No. 830393
File: 1562036151803.jpeg (168.02 KB, 1200x1233, 756060A0-6E08-4C8F-8242-DAD405…)

I found this person from a certain foot’s “naming trans people” video.
She’s a musician who’s turning fakeboi for (I think) publicity. Seems like her career started to grow after she started claiming to be trans and talking about it a lot. Not particularly milky, so saying, but potential.
No. 830394
File: 1562036247830.jpeg (96.3 KB, 1242x408, 2D96AC36-5B9C-4D66-B037-A9A433…)

>>830393the vid in question.
Her insta is @adsume
No. 830663
File: 1562079992210.jpg (358.04 KB, 1055x1442, Screenshot_20190702-110444.jpg)

Imagine thinking that this is a flattering picture. OP uses he/him kek
No. 830824
>>828616This one's 31? 33? I forget
>>817232 >>802845
>>768546Sans makeup she looks rough
>>762704 No. 830865
File: 1562097799892.jpg (71.66 KB, 610x662, hypocrite.jpg)

Getting real tired of these fujo in denial trannies larping as ~gay men~ and constantly taking a very aggressive shit on ~the other fujo~ strawmen. Bitch you're fetishizing gay men to the point you're blackfacing as a stereotypical caricature of one. Don't try to be slick you walking gay minstrel show.
No. 830888
File: 1562101176550.jpeg (13.6 KB, 182x278, 4799F5B9-6823-4D93-BC46-6A6326…)

>>830663is this beans from even stevens
No. 830933
File: 1562105239995.jpg (9.42 KB, 236x234, 54b7362f51120f5d3eb99baeb82097…)

>>830888Looks more like Lil Xan
No. 834061
File: 1562645029040.png (2.03 MB, 1394x1578, trapped.png)

You are wrong if you ~* miSGenDeR *~ her because you're the one with the problem if you don't support her delusions, duh! She's obviously a ~mentally ill kah-waa-eee animu soft ~trap who just loves wearing pastel feminine fashion! uwu
I found this girl some years ago. She is dating a cis man she publicly calls Daddy which is why she calls herself "gay", is in a poly relationship, and is an adult baby. But none of it is sexual or done for attention, of course!
All these fakebois seem to always dress in the frilliest, most feminine, little girlish clothes they can possibly find, and insist on being seriously seen as a man, just so they can feel entitled to complain about something when people correctly identify them as female. It's so fucking tragic.
No. 834223
File: 1562676835441.jpeg (79.65 KB, 828x327, BA3D47AC-E767-45CE-A8A8-006075…)

I knew this bitch years ago who groomed me and left me for dead.
Girl plz, as if. No actual gay man would want to go near your attention-craving, megalomaniac, otherkin ass, you’re straight.
No. 835423
File: 1562821073589.jpg (93.17 KB, 1280x720, lulu.jpg)

>>834223I hate this 'holier than thou' for being gay mentality fakebois have, first off you're straight not gay and second off sucks that my two favorite boys are on her icon and on her username, why do fakebois have to like the things I like?
No. 836283
File: 1562927903346.jpeg (62.8 KB, 828x232, 858C8588-287F-4504-BAD4-B8B201…)

>>834223Sage because I’m not sure if it’s that milky but jesus she’s reaching. Also she’s going on T so, uh, good luck with getting the men she’s so obsessed with (?)
No. 837451
File: 1563049566072.jpg (552.81 KB, 1536x2048, 1561156147894.jpg)

>>837210Read the POV manga/FTE mate, if he's not gay he's definitely bi.
No. 837454
>>837214Who said anything about normalfags? I'm just talking about general attitudes on tumblr and how a lot of them just play love live.
Gonna assume you're just projecting or something because I said neither of those things.
No. 839908
File: 1563473292424.png (977.09 KB, 1074x866, Screenshot_20190718-130411(1).…)

I've seen so many fakebois with this specific style. Always button ups with loud patterns. Normally the only people who wear this besides fakebois are those chubby dudes who try to act like a dad who just sits around drinking beer in the garage all day.
No. 840288
File: 1563511341736.png (400.24 KB, 811x599, zander.heart.PNG)

It's been over a year since ZanderQueer/Zander.Heart has been posted.
>likes clowns now
>got a clown tattoo
>got T
No. 841696
File: 1563736578454.png (822.17 KB, 812x1100, 1_why.png)

One of the most ridiculous fakebois I've seen… What's the point? Just why? The mental gymnastics just blows my mind!
No. 842437
File: 1563829209247.jpeg (715.42 KB, 750x1076, 294C6AFB-BFCF-4F8C-9D60-F7FDEC…)

>>840288she’s actually been detransitioning for a while now, kinda surprised no one posted anything about it sooner
No. 842447
So she spends these past few years pushing people away including myself for being "transphobic" and here we are years later.
No. 844214
>>836283I'm so fucking done with these fucking losers. I want to call these motherfuckers out for their shit but I don't want to commit social suicide for being ~twansphobic uwu~ so instead I'll just have to scream here. I often see people who are tired of the "anti-fujo" movement on Twitter but beat around the bush with their frustration, just fucking say it's women larping as gay men and demanding recognition over those icky cis whores. THIS
>>792686 and THIS
>>712050 are the fucking faces of those "gay men". Deranged chicks with mega autism and internalized lesbophobia with misogyny on top.
>>842437I honestly wish more people came out like this. Like
>>842451 said this will definitely be happening more and more in the next 5 years and I'm only hoping that they will be more vocal about the reasons of internalized misogyny that drove them to transition, not just "oh right I go by she/her now lmao, BYE" like they bought a new coat.
>>842604I'd much rather have a woman walking around looking like a literal clown than a tranny.
No. 844335
File: 1564157684967.jpg (157.15 KB, 708x963, large_Photo_Jun_07__6_30_36_PM…)

>>821687Storm Ryan literally looks like a child, whoever fucks her should most certainly go to jail immediately.
No. 844726
>>844399For me, Kalvin or Ryan were quite convincing with this whole "real dysphoria" thing (that they apparently experience) vs the "fake dysphoria" that is mostly body dysmorphia. BUT if Ryan is ~suffering~ so much then having a boyfriend with a vagina wouldn't be extremely
triggering? I imagine it would be like looking at yourself, and you see a man with female organs and it's like a constant reminder of not being "wholly" male. Maybe I'm reading too deeply into this lol but it just convinces me even more that they're both the same bullshiters as the rest of fakebois.
Also, the fact that they target fakebois but never fakegirls? I guess it's okay to attack vulnerable mental women, but it's a nono to even dare to criticize men.
No. 844943
File: 1564265965664.jpeg (424.01 KB, 750x1035, C4D5E5E2-2139-4E41-8F2D-88CD67…)

ascher got a new tattoo like 2 days ago but is now posting about paid shoutouts and selling nudes for the “upped costs of testosterone”! being trans sure is a lucrative business
No. 845114
>>844943testosterone does not cost a whole lot out of pocket even without insurance so… i think someone is just broke.
>>844951100% did. it looks very obvious and i dont think even if u were a trender on hormones that would ever happen with ur arms
No. 845167
>>844943it's so weird that she goes to all that trouble to photoshop her entire body to look more masculine (including the veins, which are so badly done and some of which are in the wrong place) but then her face is so obviously female. it looks like she's tried to shoop her face as well, but she's blurred it, making it look more feminine. clearly wants to be a bishie boy but just looks like a masculine girl.
also what's going on with her right elbow in the first picture?? it looks like there's a flesh covered scale sticking out. it's the kind of thing that happens when you don't know how to use the clone stamp tool.
No. 845168
File: 1564321090152.png (1.35 MB, 750x1334, F059C3BE-F3AD-462D-959A-CBDA98…)

this is either some retarded trans boy flex or aschy still lurks here after complaining this is a site for “fat incels”
No. 845249
>>844943I doubt she shooped beyond excessive face smoothing (Aging fast, i’m guessing acne as well), otherwise you think she’d do some colour correction to even out the weird circulation shit she has going on with her arm.
Too bad she thinks she’s hot because Tumblr gave her a false ego boost, not even bothering to style that grandma hair or pose in any appealing way? Does she do anything besides keep her mouth closed to hide her ratty yellow teeth?
No. 845752
File: 1564443064664.jpeg (255.79 KB, 1920x1080, 8403ACC6-8DDD-43C7-853B-4EBA06…)

>>845693ha, it literally looks like the butthole flag from community
No. 847987
>>741805 what's wrong with her body. her head looks too big. she looks like a potato.
also, i've never seen a man wear those clothes. or a woman.
No. 848786
File: 1564971638834.jpg (75.86 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg)

>>847164>vocaloid oliveryeesh. are there any who name themselves after kaito or len? that'd be hysterically funny.
No. 848828
File: 1564984256444.jpg (64.03 KB, 720x960, 62258271_144312466688863_85314…)

>>847987Funny enough I used to kind of be in her circle. She's such a trip.
She's literally just shaped like that. That wig also makes her head look even more massive.
From what I know and remember(she deleted me long while back), her current ""boyfriend"" (another troon, surprise surprise!) also wears the most feminine 'manly' clothes she can fucking find.
No. 848853
File: 1564990401676.png (1.67 MB, 1440x2198, Screenshot_2019-08-05-03-03-26…)

>>848786len is the more kawaii baby boi twink, it's expected to find a bunch of fakeboi len fans named len.
rarely is there a kai, but they exist.
No. 848863
To be fair,
>>848853 seems to be a regular femalr crossplayer, who happens to like len. she's also actually asian, so…
>>848843 doesn't seem to claim to identify as male anywhere either.
No. 850961
File: 1565376640390.jpeg (481.83 KB, 750x1116, 13FBBB09-8383-41C7-90CB-F48B21…)

>>842437well that didn’t last long.
No. 853809
>response to sexual media regardless of the gender of the subjects.could you link a study to that?
>lesbians want to read erotic yaoiOr maybe they're just self-denying bisexuals? I've heard the main reason for lesbian fujoshis is that they're for the romantic side, not erotica.
No. 853818
>>821668I don't get why the scientific community takes this shit seriously. Is it dysphoria or extreme dissociative disorder?
Are we the real cows for refusing to believe? I've never seen a conclusive objective study about transsexuals.
Expect maybe that genes from the opposite sex may influence sexual identity, and that male and female brains exist.
But everything still is up in the air.
Tranny's don't change or even react to antipsychotics, and they relate more to their identity on antidepressants.
I don't fucking get it.
No. 854517
File: 1566078186569.jpg (523.76 KB, 1536x2048, ECM7Ox7X4AE1khg.jpg)

Remember when Kinomatika raised thousands for top surgery for her self-diagnosed deliberating dysphoria and now, two years later, she still has her tits and parades them around at every opportunity? Pepperridge Farm remembers.
Not like it's the first time she's scammed people out of their money since even way back when she was a furry she was notorious for ghosting people who commissioned her, after she'd gotten paid of course, but that's only tangientally related to her being a fakeboi.
No. 854632
>>854517Is she still dating roachpatrol? I used to feel really bad for her because she was married to an
abusive shitheel of a man but they divorced ages ago.
No. 854705
File: 1566106904849.jpeg (219.73 KB, 750x1092, 7252DA8D-1248-41E1-AA22-CD8ECC…)

>>817966Update on this bitch, she got this tattooed.
No. 854771
File: 1566124415341.jpg (118.21 KB, 800x331, it2017120[1].jpg)

>>854705Jesus Christ. That looks like something a villain would forcibly tattoo onto someone in a movie.
No. 854972
File: 1566160009118.jpg (88.45 KB, 500x666, 1559373862727.jpg)

Posting from gender critical in ot, because i thought it would fit here.
>>854705To think i used to enjoy her non-furry art… gross. I wonder how she'll feel about this tattoo in 10 years. Looking forward to the tattoo lazer removal fundraiser.
No. 854974
File: 1566160075711.jpeg (21.41 KB, 356x355, 1508114172570[1].jpeg)

>>854598I don't really have any milk going beyond her e-begging and fakeboiing, both of which have been constant for years. She's a career scammer first and foremost and fakeboi second. She has eased up in the genderspecial area and currently accepts female pronouns again- I'd wager to guess it's because the 'trans' hook isn't working anymore and she needs a new grift to con people out of money with.
Last year an anon with inside knowledge stepped up and provided us with a delicious flood of finely aged Kinomatika milk:
>>404359>>404362> know someone is a cow when fucking FurAffinity deems it necessary to ban them.
No. 854976
File: 1566160295733.jpg (772.07 KB, 1548x2064, ECMarJsXkAUhyDP.jpg)

'Gender is fake but sickass ren faire outfits are Real'
'Current gender identity: swashbuckler'
You don't have to keep repeating yourself- we get it already, your parents didn't pay enough attention to you when you were a child.
No. 855567
File: 1566297917244.jpeg (297.93 KB, 750x769, F301A51B-D19F-45F7-936A-671314…)

the mental gymnastics… you’re a straight girl. it’s that simple.
No. 855960
>>853818Personally I go by that trans women generally are actually trans so I don't have much of a problem with them while transmen are 99% cis girls with internalized misogyny who think pretending to be a boy and saying 'fuck cissies uwu' makes them interesting for some reason. I'd say there's probably way more fakebois than actual tranny guys at this rate anyway.
It's like how in the 2000s every emo kid would pretend to be depressed to make them seem more mysterious, same thing just with trannies and internalized misogyny.
No. 856031
>>855973I remember like 10 years ago I was on fetlife and in a local bdsm scene, the adult babies, furries and genderqueers always mentioned autism in their bios.. this was before being genderqueer got real popular too
Alot would be genderqueer baby fox pups..they'd just mash it all together
No. 856037
File: 1566389733486.png (79.23 KB, 761x621, screenshot-20190821-0.png)

>>854632Seems like she is, she just retweeted this.
No. 856066
File: 1566396158011.jpeg (368.22 KB, 1125x1680, 8E3B4AB6-175D-4935-8AB4-165CC8…)

This dude is a treasure trove.
No. 856078
File: 1566398336980.jpg (25.82 KB, 640x356, 2302-1532336922.jpg)

>>856068sick nice guy Eddie cosplay
No. 856147
File: 1566410862675.jpeg (1.25 MB, 1125x1677, 7C655AB6-486C-4A25-A4F8-0881E9…)

This chick insists on being called he/him but only cosplays female characters and constantly has her tits out
She just caused drama in the Irish cosplay community complaining about a gofundme for a popular photographer who had all his camera gear stolen, because people were donating to that instead of trans kids kek
No. 856476
File: 1566457252403.jpeg (166.92 KB, 750x1019, 6CDF1C66-CB10-403E-8E88-A3ECEC…)

ascher 3 weeks ago; boohoo i need money for hormones i’m a sad wittle twans boy i want to feel like myself again
ascher now: has already gotten 2 butt ugly tattoos including this ugly ass sasuke. come on dude.
No. 856564
File: 1566483726139.png (1.03 MB, 1000x975, 1333678673489.png)

Meowriza / Barkriza / Mariza is a fake trans girl from Germany that caused some drama on /lgbt/ last night when people began to find clues that she is in fact not trans like she claims.
Instagram: @meowriza or @barkriza (selfies) or @meowrizart (artwork)
There were multiple threads posted about her yesterday but here is the now-archived thread of her sperging at people calling her fake (be warned of mild misogyny from troons): conspiracy started when an anon pointed out that her feminine frame could not be achieved by a biological male, especially one that didn't start estrogen until the age of 20. She also has a Patreon where she sells "lewd" photos of her "dick" but she is never naked from the waist down in them, always has on panties or a body suit of some sort. She does seem to have no problem exposing her breasts and butt though, so there would be no reason for her to resist posting a naked dick pic unless she didn't have a dick.
Her leaked Patreon "lewds" are on Reddit if you search for them, I would link but I'm in a public place right now. All they are are ass pics with a fake bulge in panties.
She also tries to use this YouTube video of her "talking" in a male voice, but her face is not on screen so there's no proof that it is actually her voice or a recording of someone else's.
So now begins the trend of fakeboigirls.
No. 856595
File: 1566487876450.jpg (Spoiler Image,329.68 KB, 1263x960, 1530213407605.jpg)

>>856564Ngl, I'm on the fence about this one. Waist down looks very feminine, but waist up just looks like a chubby boy. There's zero boobs there from what I saw. This is the closest thing to a "dick pic" I can find and I don't really want to stare at it that closely. If they do have a dick, the unfortunate thing is all balls.
No. 856654
File: 1566494083742.jpg (342.04 KB, 1538x2048, D-pvpsDXkAIoFGm.jpg)

>>856564>>856595She posted this claiming it was her before hormones, looks very female to me. No. 856655
File: 1566494152610.jpg (307.74 KB, 1538x2048, D-pvpryWsAIKqv4.jpg)

>>856654She also posted this one claiming to be from around the time she started hormones - she just started hormones and yet she somehow is completely hairless? I doubt.
No. 856692
File: 1566498870270.jpg (Spoiler Image,174.54 KB, 1280x900, 0urA3w8.jpg)

>>856564this…. this is just a girl
No. 856756
>>856595>>856702Literally Google ftm packers you fucking morons. They're cheap as hell, flesh-colored, and can look very real when covered by mesh panties. She makes good money off of Patreon and I actually wouldn't be surprised if she had one of the more expensive packers in the $50-$100 range, although you can get a good realistic one for as little as $15.
How do I have the strangest suspicion that both of you are male?
No. 856824
>>856756If that’s a packer, there’s also some good editing at play. The “seam” as it were where the packer would meet her pubic bone looks pretty convincingly like a hairless sack.
>>856655Also do we know her ethnic background? I’ve been with some pretty hairless white boys, and they’re usually mixed with something (native or Asian).
I’m still on the fence as I’ve seen some weird proportions before, on men and women (the number of fakeboi girls I know that have traditional V-shape male bodies that just feel generally unfeminine is honestly sad).
I’m not promoting private info be shared, but I’d be curious to know if there’s any evidence she is trans, like a previous legal name?
No. 856981
File: 1566557245926.jpg (Spoiler Image,94.79 KB, 783x1280, fB66BiY[1].jpg)

>>856658You can see her "dick" here.
No. 857076
>>856564Okay, so I found more photos on this archived /b/ thread (warning, lots of popups) and each picture with the dick looks too "hidden". Like, there's a bit of shadow between the groin area and the actual genitals. No one's posted photos of Meowriza showing full on hanging dick attached to their skin, just pics of it hanging out and covered up by a photo sticker. Also, it looks like the erect dicks are at the same semi-erectness, making it seem even more fake.
No. 857089
File: 1566584458191.png (Spoiler Image,1.03 MB, 1849x870, screencapture.png)

>>857076Ultimate tinfoil but hm. Interesting.
No. 857636
>>857089Those are definitely different. On the left, it’s pushed down compared to the right. If that were the case, the left would be shorter than the right.
The other thing is that the left is thicker than the right. If you’ve owned a sex toy made of cyber skin or similar material, you’d know the soft material “shrinks.” You can’t see it on the shaft, but if you have one where the balls are soft, they’ll slowly but surely compress, depending on how you store them.
Not saying it’s not a packer, but it’s not that specific one. Maybe custom?
No. 860423
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>>859240There are def people crazy enough to use packers and shoop. This oldschool Tumblr cow did it and got busted by old posts confirming she grew up as a girl jealous of trans people
No. 869351
File: 1568637108766.jpg (179.56 KB, 900x1200, D7ttXHvW4AAWnUT.jpg)

Is there a new thread already or this one is just dying?
Anyway I stumbled on this 100/10 cutie, but she goes with neutral and male pronouns tho.
No. 871002
File: 1569007114466.png (497.28 KB, 930x591, Screenshot.PNG)

oops i'm such a fag forgot to link the pic
No. 871240
File: 1569051826879.jpeg (Spoiler Image,206.13 KB, 1024x894, BE57813A-BE09-42A9-95AC-FC7074…)

thread seems a little dead bc it’s idiots do the same shit all the time. begging for money, joining the lewd pics for sale fad, being triggered all the time about how hard it is to be trans and how brave and courageous they are to hulk out on some rando who comments that they’re a cute girl in their instagram comments.
spoiler is for an update on ascher lucas, whose sets look more disgusting each day and he chimps out all the time about losing followers and how no one buys his crusty stained sets even when he prices them 10$
No. 871295
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No. 871421
File: 1569109677553.jpeg (188.59 KB, 749x1093, DAC43A7A-0EB1-4AD4-BCC5-5F39E3…)

>>871364his “sex worker” twitter is incuberry if you want to have a laugh. all he does is post the most repulsive pics and then try to guilt ppl into buying them
No. 871429
File: 1569111819605.jpg (265.94 KB, 1110x1090, 632065ee8ef322b80f01b41e5f206b…)

20 year old He/They lesbian with a special shelf on her wall for her FNaF Funko Pops. Dropped out of teaching because she couldn't be her AuThEnTiC kWeEr SeLf while herding kindergarteners. Works at Lush because of course she does.
No. 871454
>>871240Is that a fucking
Sasuke tattoo? How is a human being capable of having this little self awareness?
No. 871578
>>871421He really fucked him self over with this "sex work" nonsense. I used to find him annoying, but decently attractive, but now I'm just repulsed and I can imagine I'm not alone. I don't want to see your hairy "boypussy" and "mantits" and I'm sure as fuck not gonna give you any money for it!
So now there's all kinds of explicit pics and video's of him with the potential of being spread all over the place and he barely got any cash out of it. What the hell did he expect to get out of this? I knew he'd tank, it's incredibly hard for transmen to make a profit in online sex work, a lot harder then it is for transwomen (the target audience will always be men, and they prefer a chick with a dick over a man with a hooha) He should have looked around more, most who try that shit is just struggling and complaining, it's not worth the risk of having a bunch of explicit nudes floating around. Too late now, tho…
No. 871619
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No. 871682
>>871615This. It's quite a narrow fetish and not a lot of people are in to it. He didn't have a lot of followers on Twitter to begin with, I have no idea how he thought he was going to get any significant amount of cash out of this.
>>871619Bloody hell posts like that annoy me… and they're gonna annoy what little customers he has.
No. 872161
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>>872160Forgot pic because I'm retarded.
No. 872402
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> sorry feminism i want phalloplasty
so zander's just admitting to being a misogynist now or?
No. 872468
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Saging for vendetta (don’t know if she’s popular enough to post here) but I’m so sick of this chick I follow faking trans for popularity. It’s like every day I see her udders and I don’t know who she thinks she’s fooling.
No. 872470
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>>872468and then she posts stuff like this. Like shut up
No. 873424
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>>836283Posting this bitch again (she’s the Miku icon.) No, you chose to become a “gay man” you fucking narc. You pretend to be an anime boy bc your life is going nowhere and you’re complaining about being a “gay man” and how hard it is to find a byf when you are incapable of having romantic feelings for anyone
sage for vendetta
No. 875598
File: 1570033876710.jpg (158.07 KB, 1080x1080, D0O6Lb8UYAAS6FA.jpg)

from @dinoraye
No. 875921
File: 1570094041977.jpeg (218.62 KB, 750x501, 571A9E41-9073-4E18-ADB2-F2C9C7…)

inbe4 crying bc no one buys ur garbage so you have another breakdown bc ur not an anime tumblr soft boi anymore
No. 876272
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No. 877336
File: 1570433151190.jpeg (Spoiler Image,268.98 KB, 750x857, 4D04F8EB-DF8C-44B9-82E3-F0FBEB…)

only click this image if you want to see the effects of testosterone on a vagina. hays really is the epitome of dumb and desperate because these pics are online forever and that boypussy will never return to normal
No. 877465
>>877336I don't get why anyone would do this for a few lousy dollars… unless you were an addict/really fucking desperate.
>>877405Was blessed with good height, narrow hip bones and angular facial features. But the pussy and tits leaves little to be doubted. Why would anyone do this if they actually have dysphoria about their gender and absolutely don't want to be seen as female? Also, pretty sure it's straight males with a thing for tomboys/butch women who is buying this kinda stuff.
No. 877470
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No. 878014
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Off topic, but worth mentioning: Well then… this clears up some weird tweets earlier. This is sad no matter what. Feel bad for everyone involved.
No. 878318
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No. 878347
File: 1570644630432.png (506.96 KB, 737x445, dkd.png)

ig meowriza has given up pretending to have a dick?
No. 879376
File: 1570878042782.jpeg (Spoiler Image,726.08 KB, 1577x1391, 47F6BF60-A60C-4AE7-859B-54EEFE…)

mfw i brag about buying an ipad and then whine about wanting food but having no money 1 tweet after
No. 882114
>>856564It's not at all unheard of for girls to fake being a male tranny, it's been done a lot of times before. Dickgirls are a huge fetish with a wide audience so of course someone unauthentic would want to profit off of it. Cumbrained men will buy it though because they 100% think estrogen pills will magically remold your body frame and whatever bullshit these people love to feed them.
>>856702>>856824I swear the people posting these replies are either male or have never seen other naked females. That's 100% a vagina. It's certainly not testicles or a dick. Plenty of women have a thick protruding labia, not everyone looks like a barbie doll with their pants off.
>>857076It really looks like a packer, if she has no trouble taking photos of her "dick" then why doesn't she take photos where it's NOT awkwardly pushing out of her panties clearly being held in place by the waist band.
>>859240Yes. People are that crazy. It's been done so many times, girls photoshopping a fake male chest on them, using packers as dicks and so on. If you're not attractive enough to be a generic e-thot, pretend you're an e-thot with a dick. Someone already mentioned this but she's pandering to shadman's audience, they're all extreme tranny chasers and closeted bisexual men who want to believe that fucking a man is not gay if he has a big, feminine ass.
No. 882538
>>877470This bitch is hilarious, I have been following her descent to fakeboiness since she was still embracing the androgynous model style, to be honest she was really pretty and have a good body for lingerie modeling but was extremely annoying with the NO-BUHNARY tag, that has become the only aspect that defines her whole being, then she started to wanted to be a boy and began to say that 1 month of testorone (on gel of course) was enough to change her entire anatomy, bone structure and voice.
Now is mode full pinnochio saying that is a real boy, but still non-binary that is not afraid to embrace her femenity but at the same time get gender disphoria when used white clothes bcs reasons.
No. 882541
File: 1571575487084.png (Spoiler Image,3.12 MB, 1498x1335, tr7t3546277766474comp.png)

1 years ago/ I'm a boi now mom.
No. 882561
File: 1571583849950.png (865.48 KB, 693x852, IMG_20191020_170025.png)

a homosexual male
No. 883056
File: 1571695308839.jpg (123.94 KB, 1024x820, EHWT5eFXkAsIsH_.jpg)

VanigliaRy on Twitter. 21-year-old woman that says she's "Bi/Pan and Trans Masc" with "He/They" pronouns, but makes no effort to look masculine.
She claims to be dysphoric but then dresses up like pic related. Guess you have to get attention somehow.
No. 883061
File: 1571695896132.png (65.6 KB, 600x562, img.png)

>>883056And of course, she still has to be shitty even when people refer to her as 'they' when it's in her own bio.
No. 883117
>>882889Interesting that the modeling company is finding gigs, I guess Trinity already looked androgynous so the hormones won’t be a big deal
I’m not gonna lie just happy to see that user recovered from anorexia
No. 883236
>>883117Yeah, as long as she keeps her body shaved (which will get more and more tedious) it shouldn't be a problem.
If she didn't post stuff like that girly underwear photo with "Men can be pretty, uwu" bullshit, I wouldn't really care much. But seems all these people do that shit. "I'm 5 min on T, time to post half nude selfies with my tiddies out and represent all men!" Makes me fucking cringe and appriciate gender non-conforming cis dudes like James Charles and Jeffree Star, can barely believe I'm saying that…
No. 883320
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I don't get the logic.
No. 883547
>>883061If she really wants to be called he, then only ask for he pronouns, dipshit lmao. She's seriously asking to be offended by giving people an option and when people use the "lesser" option she
provided she flips. All these fakebois are narcs.
No. 883697
>>883320I think it's more that binders show up easier under white tops and white pants can emphasis the hips. But it makes no sense with this person as she CLEARLY has no problems posting selfies in lacy bra's and thongs. It makes no fucking sense.
>>883566She always posts identical selfies. Slanted mirror, one foot closer to it, 3/4 angle, leans back… It's a trick to seem taller and slimmer. Also her face-selfies are all identical. Same expression, same angles.
No. 883753
File: 1571853826903.png (549.53 KB, 570x912, 1242341257870790.png)

Pretty much as
>>883697 and
>>883566, her new self is more focus on be a bishonen anime character. She was totally fine being an androgynous model and using her current features, even after T she doesn't look different AT ALL, same poses, same face and the same pouting/bitting inner cheeks expression to make it look like she has a more angular face.
Reading her tweets she says that a couple of month were enough to drop her voice to the manliness leven and that T is giving her super masculine strength.
No. 884241
>>883753She just posted a clip with her voice on Twitter, I was shocked… by how NOT-male it sounded! It's absolutely possible it is a bit deeper then it was (I haven't heard her voice before), but it still read 100% like a womans voice to me. If you would have played me that clip in a "guess the gender"-game, I'd say grill without a shadow of doubt. She seems to overestimate the changes she's having on T. I mean, good for her for being happy, but chill just a little bit…
Side note, that voice-pitch analyzer people love to use is garbage. I've played around with it my self and it's way to easy to manipulate. Not a good way to determine the pitch of your voice at all.
No. 884259
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why tf ascher got a hump …
No. 884393
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>>884259I usually try to be pretty nice about people’s bodies but seeing this genuinely disturbed me.
Idk why there’s no filter?
Is the ego that big?
No. 884413
>>884259She's like that one character from Shallow Hal with the nub tail.
>>883753Literally cosplaying Seto Kaiba in the second set of photos lmao
No. 886159
File: 1572351783160.jpg (848.03 KB, 2048x2048, EGtp9r-WkAEXBg-.jpg)

This girl calls herself "they/he" and a lesbian and says this outfit was her doing "drag"… girl you're literally just a girl, sit the fuck down
No. 886160
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No. 886168
File: 1572354546629.jpeg (334.37 KB, 1242x1032, 1CAC6B5C-AE5B-463B-AE4E-37FD3E…)

on today’s episode of “how many special uwu quirky tags can i have!!”
No. 886173
>>886168Why do all of these genderspecial uwu types have sex work accounts… oh wait I know why, it's because they're vain, narcissistic, don't get enough dick to actually get laid so they have to resort to fucking themselves and because they're also lazy as shit they figure they might as well sell their ugly ass nudes for some easy cash
Truly the end of times
No. 887394
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Went from she/it to they/them for a week (literally) to he/him to he/they and now they/he apparently
No. 892941
File: 1573674639418.png (Spoiler Image,285.34 KB, 292x592, _sakuoi.PNG)

their instagram basically consist of fujoshi yaoi cosplay, like Bunny Deku. Her "boyfriend" is the exact same shit. _sakuoi & crowley_morningstar (insta)
No. 893921
File: 1573845662672.png (1.66 MB, 882x1023, 1_C.png)

So how long is it since this person said they started on testosterone? 3 years? More? I some how think that ended long ago, tho. Just looks more and more like a woman, honestly. When I see tranners that's been on T for that long, they usually end up looking at least male-leaning. This tho…
No. 894735
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Anyone seen this one?
Calls herself "Theo" or "genderpunksap" online. Has an SJW YouTube channel that can provide a good laugh.
Yeah, hon… you definitely look like a Theo…
No. 894915
>>894735Came across her a few months back when she was sticking up for Yaniv. She spends so much time in her comments sections hearting any comment that agrees with her and arguing with any person who has anything else to say
Pretty sure she has a fake account that she uses to back up her own comments too, either that or another user (who claims to be cis) is spending hours parroting her comments and talking about how right she always is.. kek
No. 905232
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No. 912382
File: 1577894630798.jpg (Spoiler Image,663.57 KB, 2448x3264, qwm7nOd.jpg)

>>856564did you guys forgot about the dick pics that she did early in patreon?