File: 1574101037595.png (99.56 KB, 500x605, l-call-myself-a-smol-gay-bean-…)

No. 895014
Old Threads:
>>>/snow/720444>>>/snow/570991>>>/snow/465430>>>/snow/276054>>>/snow/45564>>>/snow/26392This thread is for posting and discussing cringey fakebois who may or may not deserve their own threads.
Fakebois are girls who pretend to be boys for attention, either as trannies or biological males (usually the former).
Fakebois style and present themselves as androgenous or feminine-looking young men, even wearing girls clothing and make-up. They insist on being addressed with he/him (or occasionally they/them) pronouns and take great offense at being misgendered. Some are SJW transactivists, but for most their identities are entirely superficial.
Reminder to "truescums" and "transmeds": no1curr about how [[[100% REAL]]] your or any other tranny's ~dysphoria~ is. don't derail about that bullshit, save it for your tumblr blog.
No. 895021
File: 1574101575459.jpg (25.34 KB, 576x575, final-rainbow.jpg)

No. 895324
>>895263She now looks like a butch lesbian, which is so funny and ironic because this thing used to bully butch lesbians and didn't she say some nasty stuff about that butch Ariana radfem?
It's funny because kalvin doesn't even look like a good looking butch…..she looks plain ugly.
Because most young butches have nice bodies but kalvin's face looks like melted clay and her body looks like McDonald's.
No. 895351
>>895339She just joked about her voice but thats it…there is no shred of self awareness in kalvin.
If they were self aware they would get
triggered when reading the ''he/him pussy'' part because kalvin is a self-hating lesbian who wants to be a man.
Kalvin is also such a shitty and bitchy person,she reminds me of those passive aggressive people who always start fights/arguments.
Also i hate to be that person but why does kalvin look like she smells,idk she looks like someone who smells bad.
No. 895359
>>895351Like soup, right? She looks like she smells like soup… At least to me lol.
>>895324What did Kalvin say about Ariana?
No. 895378
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>>895359(pictured ariana)
I dont remember everything since it was almost a year ago but kalvin went on a hate tirade against Ariana Reeves by calling her a man,saying she looks like a man and some other stuff.
Kalvins followers actually called Kalvin out and said that Kalvin should not missgender people but kalvin backtracked and said ''Terfs missgender people so im allowed to missgender terfs''.
Kalvin seemed so jealous and mad that Ariana a gnc lesbian radfem passed more masculine meanwhile kalvin has to take her hormones everyday and still looks like a woman.
No. 895425
>>895378lmfao, goes to show how flimsy their principles are - “You can’t misgender anyone ever but I can if this one person makes me mad!!!”
I would expect more from Kalvin if she weren’t an emotionally stunted woman child whose obsession with becoming a real boy backfired to the point where she looks more feminine than not.
No. 895713
File: 1574254736676.jpeg (Spoiler Image,500.62 KB, 750x1058, AEC52270-7F95-42C5-A248-648229…)

when ftms post shit like this it makes me cringe. u don’t have a dick and those are ur tits
No. 895725
File: 1574261826773.jpg (105.2 KB, 733x1279, photo_2019-11-20_15-54-58.jpg)

when you 'transition' just for the sake of cosplaying yaoi and doing fanservice…
No. 895726
File: 1574261945284.jpg (82.33 KB, 760x1279, photo_2019-11-20_15-55-01.jpg)

This fucking clown changed his official name from 'Michela' to 'Matthew EREN' i'm gagging
No. 896350
>>895725>>895726would bang the shit out of her tbh
I have a yuge fetish for fakebois/femmy FTMs/wannabe irl ukes
(male) No. 896602
File: 1574455957670.png (857.71 KB, 600x938, img.png)

Remember, she's totally a guy suffering from muh dysphoria.
How do these girls function outside of their social media hugbox? There's no way anyone addresses her as a man offline.
No. 896604
File: 1574456295229.png (119.95 KB, 601x904, so dysphoric uwu.png)

>>896602More whining. If it weren't in the context of ~transmen~ then I would agree with her point.
No. 897216
File: 1574600074088.png (83.02 KB, 574x363, screenshot1.PNG)

I'm dyyyying she literally posted a story at the pride back in july with the trans flag on her shoulders. There was a drawing of herself with the "trans rights" text as well of an old pic of when she was a little girl to compare to her present self (now deleted). I hope it's just a private joke, the desilution hurts if she's unironic
No. 897217
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Aw shoot, I forgot to link this as well.
No. 897281
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No. 897889
File: 1574725572603.jpg (112.78 KB, 1080x1350, 74656350_278201653083125_12818…)

Yeah this is her now, (the pretend asian) and it's funny how she has old pictures online that basically prove she's not a guy. Even some of her close "friends" admit that she's faking her gender…
No. 897944
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Some older photos
No. 897946
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No. 897948
File: 1574731005335.jpg (28.14 KB, 400x400, 61r8gMr1_400x400.jpg)

Finally, her before becoming a fakeboi.
(she was honestly quite pretty)
No. 897950
>>897361Sorry for late reply. She has a thread on
the other gossip site. She basically was Asianfishing and when people were calling her out for not being as asian as she claims she started dressing up as "her super totally asian cousin" which due to beauty marks, backgrounds, and general similarity had people speculating that she is dressing up as a dude for the sole purpose of claiming to be PART asian at least. Lmao
No. 898025
File: 1574749695565.jpg (49.78 KB, 898x898, ewwanthea.jpg)

Anthea lee/ lee/ Anthea Vanmoriel
>claims to be FtM and uses male pronouns
>constantly wears wigs and dresses in overly feminine clothing
>draws self as a knock off kat von dee
> was told what a fat ugly pig she is, overly cringy facebook stories gloating about looking "sexy as fuck" in response
>constantly claims to have a new mental illness
>e begging and selling nudes
No. 898031
File: 1574753564309.jpg (108.98 KB, 960x960, what.jpg)

this mess is "rory mae" self proclaimed male that flip flops genders on the regular
>every mental illness under the sun
> sells shitty kindergarten crafts for top dollar
>extreme sjw that will claim anything is sexist, misogynistic, cultural appropriation you name it
>"I'm homeless uwu"yet posts online every second of everyday
>collects others tragic backstories and strings them together to make a trainwreck full of plot holes
>Wears straight up clown outfits and tries to pass it off as art
>cancels anyone who refuses to donate
>"I cant work or walk send me money and food"
>selling nudes until breakdown then resort to e begging
No. 898287
File: 1574810623660.png (206.82 KB, 469x456, reply.png)

>>898057it took me a second
No. 899288
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No. 900067
File: 1575211144756.png (361.43 KB, 480x960, Screenshot_20190824-195353.png)

These are the same people who love calling radfems/terfs ugly.
No. 900077
>>899685Not sure about the ones not on T, but it’s super common for trans men (and women for that matter) to start becoming attracted to people of their current gender after starting hormones. It’s likely cuz they were bi to begin with, but dysphoria limited their attraction to something that reinforced their gender identity (being the butch partner in a f/f relationship or being the more effeminate partner in a m/m relationship). Once they start feeling less dysphoric, their comfort with other partners expands.
With these fakebois though, I think it’sa matter of just finding someone else willing to call you a dude
sage for no milk
No. 900205
File: 1575235234435.png (35.48 KB, 651x544, 01.PNG)

Same girl from last time, I wasn't aware of the guideline sry. (As long it's not a picture it's ok?)
It only took her a month to transition to a "B O I", but what are those tags? Who do you want to attract??
No. 900242 Can I post a tiktok. "oh my god i'm such trap
No. 900260
>>900242>>900243"Cosplayer ‼️HE/HIM‼️ Pansexual/ace 🖤Taken🖤 Lgbtq+ safe" for fucks sakes
i could POSSIBLY understand if she was actually masculine looking or androgynous but she looks and sounds unambiguously female. dysphoria is one hell of a drug i guess
No. 900303
File: 1575247607660.jpeg (507.53 KB, 750x958, 3C6E7207-48F3-413A-A523-2F2E21…)

What happens when these people try to interact with actual gay men irl
No. 900420
File: 1575265900088.png (303.71 KB, 1280x964, fu1.png)

>>900303why don't these girls just pursue bi men instead? i don't get it, at least a bi man would have more chance of being attracted to them. is it that they get more validation from being seen as attractive by "gay" men? or is it all part of their fujo fetish for gay guys? someone help me out here.
No. 900632
File: 1575313740183.jpg (89.18 KB, 1080x1085, 73024781_429281334638374_59458…)

Spotted this one randomly on FB. She was whining about being misgendered in a group because how dare not everyone realize someone that looks like this uses he/him pronouns only.
No. 900667
File: 1575322003601.png (532.83 KB, 1024x768, fakeboi_83942834723.png)

>>900420>i'm a gay man, i've always watched enough Simon Curtis Super Psycho Love AMVsCan we also talk about how many of these fakebois like to say "as gay men" or "we gay men" as if they're some sort of authority? They also seem to love to pretend they're better than fujos even if they act pretty much the same. These girls have such a high level of narcissism it's not even funny, they brandish being a "gay man" like some sort of war medal, lmao.
>pic related is Boyonetta, a semi-famous tumblr funnyman No. 900730
>>900303This is actually fucked up. It amazes me how this is literally the inverse of straight men becoming "transbians" and feeling entitled to lesbians attention.
As another poster here mentioned why can't they just date bi men? And when you think about it more? It's obvious it's a fetish. It's autoandrophilia. They want to be seen and treated as gay men even though they don't have the right genitalia.
>>900424Pretty much what you said yes.
>>900355Probably. It also shows the poster wanted to be the center of attention
No. 900814
>>900682No idea, just some random fakeboi I stumbled across in a group. Saw her whining about being misgendered, had a hunch she was probably a fakeboi, clicked her profile, and yep. Fakeboi. I think her FB name was like Eren something (which I only remembered because it was like ofc a fakeboi names herself after a popular anime character).
Honestly like 9/10 times when you see someone whining about being misgendered on the Internet it's a fakeboi.
No. 900824
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This hurt my brain
No. 900868
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>>900864Testosterone tantrums don’t make you intimidating. If they don’t want to be picked on, they shouldn’t post their mugs publicly along with a list of their biggest fears, their school address, and their antidepressant regimen everywhere.
No. 900880
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Why do they usually have this expression if they aren’t grinning like a clown?
Stoned? Stupid?
No. 900902
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>>900754t. girl who calls herself "tedward" and looks like pic related
No. 901655
File: 1575486135572.jpg (124.98 KB, 704x552, gutsgod.JPG)

I'm so tired of this tryhard. So embarrassing. Transtrender EBOY DADDY from tumblr. Girl you're ugly as fuck who are these people kidding
No. 901976
File: 1575540745168.png (330.28 KB, 1080x1807, Screenshot_2019-12-05-17-11-02…)

So, emoji is a pronoun? I hope this is satire
No. 901979
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Update: it is not
No. 902007
>>901976i also thought this was satire. i couldn't stop laughing. there's something truly special about this that I couldn't put my finger on. is it the fact that by this logic one in theory could be transcene? as in practically "cis" but perhaps uses h3/h1m with close friends as they acclimate? slowly opening up….a bracelet…a single streak of dyed hair until one day your (hair) teasing and eyeliner are done/on and you finally see what you've always wanted to see in the mirror…. or is it the whiplash of remembering that's pretty much exactly how middle school was and probably about as seriously as kids take this gender shit now?
Sh3/Pwurr/Owo for me thanks!
No. 902024
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>>902007I thought so until I saw this.
Also I was looking up their personal account to search whatever the fuck transcene means, and the whole acc looks like comedy. I really do hope it's just some hard satire.
No. 902026
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some selections (also wtf is trendercore?)
No. 902191
File: 1575584639065.png (317.23 KB, 539x801, Untitled646-2.png)

>wears dresses
>gets acrylic nails
>wears loads of make-up
>whines about not passing and not getting recognized as a gay man
can't believe debs/ferris/emiyannn is near their mid 30s and acts like this
No. 902195
File: 1575585272539.png (272.18 KB, 529x500, Untitleasfsadd-2.png)

>>902191Honestly don't understand how this is "trans masculine"
No. 902203
File: 1575585982059.jpg (105.42 KB, 760x736, efag.JPG)

>Columbine serial killer fangirl, calls herself godlike >Led people on to believe she was a real boy until she got exposed, then suddenly becomes trans all along>Hops on every bandwagon trend>Fakes drug use and self harm for attention>Fakes mental illness. You guessed it, borderline>uwu I'm going to make out with cute boys from therapy>Sends hate anons about herself to everyone to start drama because shes uninteresting on her own>Started looking for fuck buddies on tumblr before she turned 18>Harem of underage and teen girls on instagram all calling her "handsome boy" , flirts with all of
No. 902205
>>902024I will admit if people are willing to get this Dada with gender maybe it will just get cancelled. Like all of gender will be a stupid meme we get over and people can just have sexes and personalities again?
(edit forgot to sage)
No. 902289
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>>902064Looking up the term is like opening the hell's gates
No. 902338
>>900601Aspergers isn't a mental illness, but a neurological difference.
Though there is a huge overlap between trans people (especially trans men) and autistic people.
No. 902395
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No. 902400
File: 1575614923020.jpg (706.52 KB, 2289x2289, PicsArt_12-06-01.45.02.jpg)

they migrated from tumblr to instagram apparently. This account for example is not a clown, it's the entire circus. I'm more surprised that their followers actually take this shit seriously rather than the fact they have 3k of them.
No. 902419
>>902400is this girl really using the strawberry emoji as a pronoun???
No. 902441
File: 1575629753500.png (1.41 MB, 1080x1536, IMG_20191206_115317.png)

God I just bought these same pins yesterday and now I gotta throw em away
No. 902563
File: 1575655403154.jpeg (229.03 KB, 1242x1486, E8D08AA1-B295-4AC1-92FD-7CB4B4…)

>>895014Not sure if this belongs in the personal lolcow thread but I have posted about her before in the fakeboi thread so I’m posting again.
I’m getting real sick of this girl in my city. Her music career is taking off locally and it’s all because she’s pretending to be trans.
>not on T>always been skinny, didn’t change body >posts pics like this in her binder >seems like she thinks of herself as a “trans activist” / has a savior complex >released an entire single based around people being “transphobic” to her >pretty sure she’s dating a man No. 902586
>>902563It honestly looks like she's just wearing a sports bra kek. Also, wouldn't those panties
trigger her alleged gender dysphoria. Wouldn't taking a photo like this be impossible if she were actually a trans man?
No. 902623
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how old is this character??? he's from a kids game so he's probably a minor…… and she's over 30… hard side eye
No. 902793
>>902563I'm surprised no one seems to have any info on her, because she was huge on Tumblr/4chan in the early 10's. Her semi-nudes got leaked (not sure. She might have sent the photos to the guy who posted them on /fit/)
Never thought I'd see her on this site.
No. 903024
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>>902949yeah she’s “actually married” to someone from Fate
I’m almost starting to doubt that she actually started HRT, and talks about it for “woke points”. The facial changes look like aging is catching up to her vs testosterone taking effect.
Her act of “uwu im a soft JAPANESE boi, even with testosterone i still look like a feminine kitty MEOW!!!!!!!!” is honestly sickening.
No. 903158
File: 1575770399361.jpg (194.41 KB, 692x788, 1540421198555.jpg)

i'm a dysphoric lesbian but recently i've been feeling some envy towards fujos aka gay trans guys. i don't really know why this is except that i have a lot of self-hatred over my sexuality and the way gay women are treated right now in the lgbtqiapasdfgh community. an acquaintance recently "came out" as a trans ~mlm~ after saying they were a lesbian for a long time and it makes me feel something i don't know how to name.
pic pretty much unrelated, i just think it's funny. which cows could get a bingo here?(blog)
No. 903224
>>902395I was going to say at least her blending is nice but when you view the pic in full size, it's really obvious her whole face has been smoothed out with facetune.
>>902441not going to acne shame this girl, but letting your hair get this greasy makes it worse.
No. 903319
>>903024Yea emi is a good poster girl for someone who should be fucking institutionalized.
While I'm not sure they are on HRT they did have top surgery.
Usually these fakebois want to larp as gay men and get fucked as validation for their larping.
But emi is confusing. How is one married to a fucking fictional character. Wtf?
No. 903488
File: 1575847555776.jpg (388.34 KB, 1080x1485, IMG_20191209_062512.jpg)

HRT acne?
No. 903492
File: 1575847900996.jpg (250.2 KB, 1080x1341, IMG_20191209_063118.jpg)

i'm actually shook she had top surgery
No. 903582
File: 1575865175712.jpg (1.47 MB, 1920x2560, 19-12-09-14-39-55-414_deco.jpg)

Idk if this counts as a personal lolcow because I technically know her irl, we actually went to the same school. But that's largely the reason I know she's full of shit. Myself and many others watched as she jumped from progressive bandwagon, to bandwagon always at the height of it's popularity on Tumblr. Now she's gone full blown retard (not even kidding) Romany, as it's called now identifies as a disabled man as some substitute for actual personality, and partially because she gets high on appearing morally superior. From her humble beginnings as a pansexual poor kid who spends way too much time on Tumblr, to her transformation into a physically/mentally disabled man and self proclaimed antifa - in typical fashion you can be sure there's been a slew of GoFundMe's along the way. Her link is: and it's a gold mine of crazy. Pic related. She started captioning her pics like this a few years ago to seem more like an authentic autist kek.
No. 903584
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>>903582This is a tame example of her posts over the years (this isn't her only public transport themed post kek)
>r/thathappened No. 903585
File: 1575865628832.jpg (252.84 KB, 1080x1708, Screenshot_20191209-152616__01…)

Last one I swear lmao
No. 903625
>>903585What sort of human chooses to name themselves after a group of people who are fucking hated?
Like people naming themselves gypsy wasn’t gross enough.
No. 903892
>>903734Kek she used to be a personal cow of mine anon. Haven't kept up on her since a few years ago. Is she still whinning about muh
abusive family despite being 30 and refusing to get a job because "muh disabled liver"?
No. 903960
File: 1575952971001.png (25.2 KB, 512x286, 2019-12-10 01_33_40-Don't forg…)

>>903908Tbf i feel bad that he has a shit family but this is a 26 years old who hasn't worked a day in her life, and has been for more than 10 years now LARPing as a gay male and getting into various autistic internet slapfights. She is almost /snow thread worthy kek
No. 903961
File: 1575953093697.png (37.72 KB, 568x314, 2019-12-10 01_37_25-Don't forg…)

Also she is getting a little terfy saying that gay males have penises kekk i see she is still as milky
No. 904155
>>903511Well… her results are far from perfect, so I'll guess she was a borderline candidate for the procedure. Meaning her breasts were probably a bit too big for that kind of surgery, which is why it's lumpy, there's some tissue left and the nipples are a bit oval.
>>903559This. What she ended up with really isn't a great result. Just look at… littlesunflowerboi or what ever the fuck their called. Small tiddies, but still went with double incision and now that the scars have faded, it honestly looks a hell of a lot better then this!
No. 904358
>>904354are you self-posting looking to be called a totes “100% real kawaii trap” and not some fugly fakeboi whose totes 100% real penis bulge disappears in and out of photos ???
who female proportions and has old photos taken in women’s restrooms?
or are you some retarded newfag who brings 0 milk and posts a link to an account on an imageboard??
please, please prove to me that you’re not an attention-starved female looking for online pretend yaoi boy validation points
No. 904359
File: 1576039186971.jpeg (564.04 KB, 750x1095, FD33D4D0-F6CC-47FA-BA7D-C16B46…)

>>904354she’s on the right in the blue tank top with bleached hair. obviously wearing a binder underneath. it’s very easy to tell she’s a fakeboi if you look through her older posts and especially the old tagged photos.
there’s a lot of inconsistent photoshopping of bulges but this is fairly common with fakeboi cosplayers.
No. 904402
File: 1576052296078.png (733.76 KB, 588x620, 0101.PNG)

>>904358Calm your tits her post back in 2014 showed flat and she seemed to look like a underage male asian (other pics) since she was 14 at the time
No. 904506
Is a fakeboi? Or is it a rare example of an actual dude that just shoops himself to the point of looking like a fakeboi?
No. 904514
>>904506Anon, if you even have to ask…
This is most definitely a fakeboi.
>really feminine waist/stomach area & weight distribution>super faint body hair>dainty girly hands>short, wears platform shoes to look taller but is still the same height as the girls next to them>shows off collarbones or lower stomach but never the actual chest, nipples always conveniently covered by clothes or stickers No. 904539
>>904514You know I was about to disagree with you and refer to the "voice reveal" video but now I think you're right. I think the "voice reveal" video is straight up fake, like lip-synced. The music over it and the light background noise used to mask the fact that the voice-over was recorded on higher quality mic located much closer to the mouth, likely without any associated video. And probably by an actual man. If it was just a recording with a webcam mic, the quality would be much tinnier, and the background noise much worse (notice the running fan in the background). Even with editing to reduce noise, not sure it would pick up the mouth/breath noise like this one does.
Hilarious if this could actually be proved.
No. 904850
File: 1576176583453.png (169.58 KB, 608x1222, boyo.png)

Boyonetta has talked about her server suffering from a brief unsuccesful raid, was it one of you? I wouldn't really bother unless you have a plan, Boyonetta and her friends run away to her exclusive private server to shit talk the public server.
Here's her talking about god knows what (may be related to the falling out in her private server) and possibly backtracking a bit on her identity. Pure conjecture but she might be setting up to detrans but still stick it to the bigots and ebil fujos
No. 905265
>>905228Pretty much. I'm sure a few fakebois have wandered into places where gay men hang out but it isn't common. Fakebois stick to places that are more or less taco parties. Gay men aren't interested in shit like Voltron shipping and pastel kawaii shit. Even feminine Gay men aren't interested in that shit.
As much as fakebois like to think they're just feminine Gay men when you compare a typical feminine Gay man to a fakeBoi they're not even remotely similar in terms of looks, interests, mannerisms, etc.
No. 905461
File: 1576299049129.jpg (80.97 KB, 900x435, 87.jpg)

found this on twitter. all the milkiest fakebois are either skylar, neo or of course ash
No. 905625
File: 1576347740828.jpeg (340.81 KB, 1239x1379, 1D387A94-6CB4-4577-AD91-4C14C3…)

debs, you realize youre a woman right?
No. 905627
File: 1576348200306.png (502.91 KB, 1080x1423, IMG_20191214_192851.png)

>>905625also fond of this dude following her instagram probably assuming shes an actual guy dressing up as a girl like bruh
No. 905739
>>905632ironically years ago she set her gender as male on facebook as a “joke”. Someone made a comment about why it’s set to male and she replied with something along the lines of “I like to confuse people muahaha >:3”
It’s just so bizarre to me that someone who was a trap as a joke, is now a virtue signally freak who shoves trans rights down people’s throats. Glad I cut this bag of crazy out of my life.
No. 906674
File: 1576597962717.jpg (151.28 KB, 675x900, IMG_20191217_164524.jpg)

"started my period, first catcall of the season"
This thing identifies as a they/them yet introduces its selfies by proudly proclaiming it's having its period. It also got totally catcalled u guize straight men everywhere totally want to fuck this living amorphous blob
No. 906677
File: 1576598233592.jpg (139.2 KB, 675x900, IMG_20191217_165422.jpg)

>>906674Gender is over because she ate it
No. 906694
there's too many posts to reply to and i'm too lazy to >> them all but:
i'm a transitioned gay trans guy who's been living as such for the past 3 years in a LGBT-heavy city. i can confirm that its very rare to see fakebois in predominately gay male spaces like gay bars, they're usually scared by the men and the dicks (many of them are "i hate men" people and just use being "gay" as an explanation as to why they're feminine). i've had success on grindr, but i'd bet that most of the guys i've hooked up with are "gay-leaning" bisexuals. i do not expect ALL gay guys to want to fuck me and i'm not offended at all when they don't, because i'm realistic about the world and my genitals. but, in my experience,
more gay guys are fine with dudeginas than you might think. it's just a hole, and like another trans anon said, strap-ons are a thing. although, as some people have said, the "i'm totally a guy even though i wear eyeliner and skirts and bows!" people get mostly ignored by gay men (including me).
inb4 "who cares", y'all keep talking about it so i might as well input my actual literal experience(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)
No. 906842
File: 1576627959117.png (265.23 KB, 1196x1212, boyo2.png)

Ok, now that the gayyden retard got banned we can go back to making fun of fakebois
saged for just being boyosperg being herself
No. 906924
File: 1576645661464.png (234.4 KB, 1080x1303, Screenshot_2019-12-18-12-06-05…)

No. 907481
File: 1576758185977.jpg (Spoiler Image,259.32 KB, 1500x1000, EDICXAAA7.jpg)

Something I saw on twitter
No. 907505
>>906842i can see the projection visibly seeping from this post
1000/10 bet this bitch reblogs shit-tons of yaoi and decided she “was a gay man” from the fucking penis envy she got from reading yaoi
if anything, these “trans uwu softboi mlms” and “trans gay men” are the ultimate fetishizers, they fetishize gay men so much they want to literally wear their skin ewwww
so fucking glad i got away from the retarded fakeboi scene, it’s just all girls cutting down each other and narcissistic delusion
No. 907524
File: 1576770945504.png (1.56 MB, 750x1334, 2736139D-9D5E-42BC-8F8C-DCF57B…)

why must this bitch complain every damn time ppl unfollow bc they dont wanna see that rancid “trans posivity” microbikini and furry art? take a fucking shower
No. 907580
File: 1576781231729.png (196.65 KB, 426x541, wattt.png)

It was a while ago I found on a random ""male"" instagram account. Technically straight so.
No. 907597
File: 1576785250121.jpg (72.83 KB, 500x667, tumblr_3bee8504baa67bc01fbfc13…)

#gay face tag #nb selfies #bi selfies #gnc selfies #transtrender selfies #transtrender #trendercore
No. 907647
>>907505She used to have a guro blog filled with gay porn, but it seems to either have been deleted or moved. His little fujo fakeboi friend seemed to also have a yaoi blog before trooning out called melons-yaoi, but again, it was either moved or deleted. I know they existed about a year ago, so they must have been working hard to erase their tracks to appear "pure".
This "Socksu", then "Melon", now "Lee" friend of hers is really interesting too, huge ass fujo in denial but as soon as she trooned out this year she went and erased any mention of yaoi. It appears some of the drama that originated from the private server was because someone got upset at Lee because they were trying to get them to like yaoi(?), and ended up leaving. It would be really interesting to find concrete proof that boyo has a tryhard fujo friend in her server, despsite him going on her blog to shit on random fujos. I wonder if she'll move the goalposts while trying to defend her transmasc nb friend being creepy kek
No. 907660
>>907580This shit grinds my gears to no end. "I'm a hetero woman, but this cis man who calls himself nonbinary is attractive so I guess I'm bi"
No you're not. It doesn't matter what the guy calls himself when he's a cis man who fully looks like a man.
No. 907684
File: 1576799535915.jpeg (Spoiler Image,309.62 KB, 412x698, CE807DCD-9AE8-46C8-BCE0-B4B7A9…)

>>907524the shitty sasuke tattoo looks like extreme armpit hair
No. 908736
File: 1577053372173.png (601.18 KB, 460x590, 05.PNG)

Have some They/He ~twans artist~ drawing flags on everything
No. 908765
File: 1577057744465.jpg (Spoiler Image,231.26 KB, 750x563, tom-of-finland-750x563.jpg)

Tom if Finland eye bleach
No. 909925
File: 1577331156026.jpg (106.45 KB, 674x897, asdfghjkl.jpg)

Much misgendered…such boy…
No. 909955
File: 1577340318921.jpg (649.38 KB, 1080x1381, 20191226_010501.jpg)

I've never met a trender that wasn't a fat they/them weeb.
No. 911773
File: 1577735106300.jpeg (256.38 KB, 1242x762, 021D5014-5C9B-4619-91E8-FCD88E…)

No. 912585
oh my fucking god I know some of these people I'm literally gagging
>>895021this clown is an acquaintance of mine… used to cosplay as a man and put on tons of make up and heels even in male cosplays, totally speared and then… she got pregnant and named the poor child ORION… was talking all the time during the pregnancy of how she could not wait until the child was out to do cosplay with him… god that was a wild ride, I still have her on facebook and it's absolute
>>895725>>895726I also know Sas'ke!! S/he an italian cosplayer who did some disgusting borderline porn videos with the gf at the time… total yuck, still has a yt channel somewhere, but those videos man I really hope they're lost
No. 912739
File: 1577975745406.png (253.65 KB, 520x580, Screenshot 2020-01-02 at 14.35…)

>>912738had to modify all cosplay plans around her being pregnant…
No. 914819
File: 1578419529735.png (923 B, 95x30, wat.PNG)

I keep scrolling at some he/him crossdressers (" ") but I'm getting disturbed at this
No. 914914
File: 1578437229612.png (3.58 MB, 2105x1200, retquits.png)

Artist found on twitter ft how they draw themselves
No. 915244
File: 1578505179273.png (366.64 KB, 605x523, 88616446-0CD8-4E52-B57C-626C32…)

Anyone seen this snowflake? Yet another ftm who took after Blaire White by trying her hardest to be the biggest edgelord on Twitter.
Now I’m not someone who usually shits on others for politics but her whole “the far right has done more for LGBT acceptance than the left” attitude is kinda lol.
>inb4 “but she’s real twannzz not a fakeboi!1”
If we can discuss “Kalvin” here then certainly this should be allowed?
No. 915245
File: 1578505264619.png (49.8 KB, 602x430, 2DFD07D0-199A-47D2-B550-72F9CD…)

>>915244I’m sorry but I can’t take anyone who looks up to a cow like Blaire seriously.
No. 915628
File: 1578598884455.jpg (201.19 KB, 1080x1495, sketch-1578598990867.jpg)

No. 915784
File: 1578617601701.png (753.27 KB, 553x730, Screen Shot 2020-01-10 at 00.4…)

This is Lev and Alexei. They are 'husbands' so at least not attempting to date actual gay men.
They are also Jewish converts who have, over the years, gone from regular white Americans to now refering to themselve as 'brown' . They had a lot f GoFundMes, and of course have a Patreon for people to indulge their hobbies. Obviously they're both handicapped for oppression points.
No. 915912
File: 1578645013582.jpg (316.28 KB, 2289x2289, PicsArt_01-10-03.29.37.jpg)

Checked the patreon of people in
>>915784"Pls donate bcs I don't wanna work" kek.
No. 916157
>>915913>>916140Cause they're all closet weebs/yaoi fangirls who think they're flowery ukes. It's an attempt to make their yaoi fetishes/
victim complexes seem less degenerate because "I'm a boy inside uwu" and lumping in bullshit politics.
>>915784>>915913>with a Mexican grandfather of Sephardic and indigenous ancestryGod this is hilarious. It's literally the thing basic bitches do where they go "I'm actually a cherokee princess muh grandfather was 1/16th native". Tfw being Filipino-American isnt oppressed enough and you have to mention your grandfather's 2% Mexican blood.
Pretty depressing that people actually donated to them though. What a waste.
No. 917983
File: 1579001801076.png (1.44 KB, 257x34, ah.PNG)

update, went back to he/him with an important statement (yet still cosplays only anime girls pretenting it's crossplay)
No. 919625
File: 1579260827514.jpg (583.93 KB, 1852x1574, ECmDjZ9WkAUgKm3[1].jpg)

Three grody ass lookin' they/hes for the price of one
No. 919626
File: 1579260861447.jpg (200.26 KB, 1123x960, Dio-C3jXkAYxCBm[1].jpg)

>>919625all of these people are trans, apparently.
No. 919828
>>919632Could be history of ballet, could be adaptive dance for people with disabilities. Strange nitpick.
“Suffering” is an odd word choice, but there is a lot of academic work in sociology, neurology, biology, and philosophy on the topic of pain.
No. 920192
File: 1579383343130.jpg (466.77 KB, 1080x1189, 20200118_143109.jpg)

>>919626Those eyebrows, I can't
3 facial piercings? Amateur.
No. 920388
File: 1579431802509.jpg (229.6 KB, 2048x1365, EORpPRCVUAIJ7oc.jpg)

I have no idea what debs/ferris/emiyannn thinks she's doing but she looks grotesque
No. 920397
>>917983yes honey, yes you are.
also what is it with these fakebois and their obsession with being underage? is it part of their yaoi obsession and being a smol uwu underage uke? is it part of arrested development ? somebody please elaborate for me because even in my fakeboi phase i couldn’t figure it out.
No. 920469
>>920435It's basically
>>920397 and an element of what you said. Nowadays, putting "minor" (rather than just whatever age they are, even if they are a minor) in their social media bios gives them an opportunity to be seen as a
victim in any possible controversial circumstance, and fits along with the "smol frail shota twink" image they try to achieve, even when they're a "minor" who has a car and a job.
No. 920537
File: 1579469275713.jpg (211.7 KB, 2048x1364, EOmHvezWkAAyB_I[1].jpg)

I know you're wondering - yes, this they/he does their/his makeup like this every single day.
No. 920538
File: 1579469304807.jpg (453.37 KB, 1536x2048, EMpPJqaWsAEKg9c[1].jpg)

>>920537She dressed like this for Christmas… her poor, poor parents…
No. 921427
>>920538>he/theyThis is the worst! As much as I dislike the "preferred pronouns in bio" nonsense on Twitter in general, can't you at least pic ONE and stick with it?!
And that makeup is really doesn't look very good without careful lighting and editing, yikes… (not that it looked that good to begin with)
Very majestic cat, tho.
No. 921459
File: 1579643063899.jpg (587.15 KB, 1080x1882, 20200121_223846.jpg)

what is it with fakebois and bad makeup + bad editing?
No. 923574
File: 1579935549624.png (5.42 MB, 1242x2208, C868C565-D6B4-4195-BBF7-E4D967…)

Wow you can really see how testosterone aged and wrecked emiyannn’s face is outside of the heavily edited selfies. I don’t get why anyone would do this to themselves.
Also in this video she’s talking about why she’s so into pink despite being a ~gay man~
No. 924121
File: 1580058396402.jpg (56.72 KB, 886x902,…)

>>924093This is why tomboys need good representation in the media since nowadays we get told we're FtM by internet gender psychologists.
I'm half joking but not really.
No. 926318
File: 1580486896864.jpg (11.54 KB, 247x45, 5456456.JPG)

She only does that when she's cosplaying male characters
No. 927812
File: 1580769076427.jpg (204.11 KB, 740x1063, IMG_4408.jpg)

this shit pisses me off
offered the surgery for free, "can't wait" three years for a NON ESSENTIAL SURGERY so gimmebux
not to mention the waiting time is psychologically beneficial, rushing into it can lead to regrets as this is a phase in some people
No. 927960
File: 1580801863701.jpg (16.17 KB, 631x100, uok.JPG)

No. 928810
File: 1580983803248.png (10.4 MB, 3064x4096, unfortunate.png)

this is a self-proclaimed man. she dresses up like this every day afaik
No. 928822
File: 1580988983250.png (2.04 MB, 828x1792, 7E84C92B-17DD-4EAD-A73D-6B5B12…)

Do I have a Fakeboi for you
>Infamous in associated fandom for wanting favorite character she self inserts on to be gay, had a meltdown when he had sex with a woman for plot purposes
>has spent six months or so claiming to be a victim of homo/transphobia for ranting and main tagging the cast for not validating her OTP
>the extra irony is her fave character DOES have subtext with a male character, but that male character is GNC /possibly ace (and portrayed by an out cis bi man!), rather than the Straight Passing Masc Guy type she likes
>Also attacked the main f/f ship getting subtext and blocked a bunch of lesbians who called bullshit on her behavior
No. 928823
File: 1580989090745.png (728.8 KB, 828x1792, 8F2EF073-456E-4426-A24E-3AE8DF…)

>>928822Bonus: regularly claims that the guy portraying the character her self insert face down is Homophobic for shitposting on his main
No. 929568
File: 1581138360881.png (174.34 KB, 669x1157, pb.png)

This is legitimately weird and bad.
No. 929631
File: 1581162207151.jpeg (521.95 KB, 750x1057, 7311D5C3-F463-4986-80CC-D30AD3…)

wow epic dysphoria dude pushing ur tits together for a desperate instagram pic
No. 929832
>>929600Not Mercer, Taliesin Jaffe, been out for a couple years. The loads of characters make it confusing, I know
It’s been days and I’m still seeing vagueing about the related fakeboi. This is why I don’t go near reddit or any discords for that fandom.
No. 930451
File: 1581351316524.jpg (183.93 KB, 1304x673, aaa.JPG)

Don't let the fujos be aware of this
(this pic related is just a random cis girl cosplayer not related to the fakeboi mess)
No. 930704
File: 1581394855031.jpeg (332.83 KB, 795x950, 6DA8F8D0-32E9-4574-BF7B-D03068…)

Sorry if I sound autistic, but can fakebois be classified into groups? I know it’s all fake but you have your Aschers, Tabbies, Olivers, Kalvins, Geheichous, and mini cows like each individual one which, although they share traits, they all seem to be different breeds of stereotypes/milk.
I saw pic related posted on 4chan’s /lgbt/ and it had me thinking. Maybe a similar meme could be made featuring our bois with their individual categorization/description and it could be the next OP pic? I kinda like it when OP pics feature the actual cows, but maybe that’s just me
I probably sound like a retard, but what do you guys think?
No. 930791
File: 1581420511251.jpg (251.77 KB, 1080x1350, 1581338198162[1].jpg)

Encountered this beast on /cgl/
No. 930801
>>930795I agree.
I don't really mind cross-dressing, to each their own, I guess, but he could have at least shaved those Chewbacca legs…
No. 930810
File: 1581425340399.jpg (48.67 KB, 540x405, 1529447793663.jpg)

>>930791>>930792expensive outfits wasted on a human abomination
No. 930921
>>930850possibly unpopular opinion but i don't even see anything bad in that. isn't that a well established concept in butch lesbian communities to take T just enough to get hairy and big while still obviously being women? a lot of these fakebois have a hard time letting go of the image of their womanhood despite obviously having serious misogyny and self hate issues to admit it.
have like…. any of them toyed with the idea that they're just lesbians? 2woke&progressive4u butches?
No. 931857
>>931729I've thought about this before. They all want to be an uwu soft small boi, but none of these girls have thought about being an adult man.
I think that's when they'll start to regret it.
No. 931951
Nice to see this image is getting so much mileage.
No. 932690
File: 1581831067722.jpg (940.78 KB, 1440x2243, Screenshot_20200216-002940.jpg)

>>914847If you seriously think that SJW trash would be on here that's laughable. Trash heap tried to add me on Facebook and was all pissy that people didn't want to call her a stud because she looks like clown vomit
No. 933121
File: 1581962506406.png (196.17 KB, 606x429, wtf.png)

TIF, who takes a lot of "erotic" photos with her pussy out, had her breasts cut off and now wants to buy plastic breasts in order to cosplay as female characters.
No. 934420
File: 1582241379873.png (173.59 KB, 1124x682, 1486548238124.png)

>>930704My BF's online friend in an Aidan and hates how much of a degenerate she's becoming and made an edit of her
No. 934709
File: 1582296873747.jpeg (293.72 KB, 1365x2048, 0FF68FBC-38A7-4BF3-B684-0A4530…)

Wow she looks so haggard. HRT really fucks up the skin of TiFs
No. 934941
>>934714The real kicker is when they start start calling themselves twinks.
I genuinely wonder what actual gay men think when they see that shit. Can't imagine it's anything nice.
No. 935907
File: 1582481349314.jpeg (7.51 KB, 225x225, images.jpeg)

do they/thems count as fakebois? Heres emiyannns friend “chas“ (@rockolla on twitter) staring into your soul
No. 936293
File: 1582543225766.jpg (181.39 KB, 1080x1446, IMG_20200224_181922.jpg)

"Intimidating" my ass.
No. 936337
>>935907no, because they aren't pretending to be boys. sage this dumb shit
>>936293always makes me kek when they have to post their pronouns along with their cringe ass pics because they so obviously don't look like men
No. 936793
File: 1582622642798.jpg (262.98 KB, 1288x2289, fujoshi.jpg)

I lost my braincells trying to make sense of this.
It's just funny those fujoshi are just shamelessly gonna call themselves fudanshi when they troon out. Bonus point the username is IRL-uke.
No. 936855
File: 1582644110472.jpeg (Spoiler Image,454.15 KB, 750x839, 202891D5-8081-4898-9BBD-A384BD…)

gotta hide that desperate bnha porn ur making behind a paywall now thanks to the sjws right asch? the deku jizz icon is already yikes
No. 936878
>>936855Ash is such a sad human being lmao
I can’t imagine there’s many people into this kind of thing.
No. 936884
>>936793This happens so often and it makes my brain melt.
>I hate fujoshis, but I'm a FUDANSHI so I don't count! It's okay because I'm a MALE FUDANSHI!!Like what the fuck? How are you lacking so much self awareness? Not even self-proclaimed fujos are this retarded.
No. 936924
File: 1582659761612.jpg (7.82 KB, 243x208, images.jpg)

>>936855what is this penis? is this an animal penis? it looks like one of those all-natural strawberry rollups. is this for furries?
No. 937020
File: 1582672437925.jpeg (Spoiler Image,214.93 KB, 750x1106, F47ED502-4DF4-441B-BA63-54B602…)

he’s so fucking disgusting sexualising a 15 year old in a desperate attempt for clout. also nice tits melon headass
No. 937021
File: 1582672637165.jpeg (Spoiler Image,430.58 KB, 750x996, 0B9FAAA2-8ED3-4413-A310-EFEAA1…)

people are already commenting deku is 15 years old on twitter. watch them delete this and whine about how antis are destroying their “livelihood” on their story again
No. 938178
File: 1582863952620.jpeg (290.25 KB, 1522x2048, 62E93D76-DC73-4BF6-9AB1-717CC0…)

Yeah I can now empathize with why criedwolves copped out of womanhood and transitioned. I always knew she had an unfortunate mannish frame but after seeing this I’m shook, looks like a mtf from a clearance shemale porno. /lgbt/ may have been on to something with their cis hon meme.
No. 938242
File: 1582878528688.jpeg (89.81 KB, 720x960, C80A680F-9728-4C3E-92A7-15A4F4…)

Got suggested an artist named Jazmin Bean via Spotify and it turns out she is actually a transtrender ""they/them"", which is a shame, because I like her makeup (which is usually a lot freakier and more horror like) and aesthetic. Sadly she's also already had top surgery and chopped her tits off.
No. 938314
File: 1582901539773.jpeg (Spoiler Image,445.88 KB, 828x796, 771146CE-4BD0-48D6-B90C-1DE8C2…)

>>938286>>938180No she did have the surgery, the wrinkly nips from hell do not lie.
No. 938456
File: 1582920245538.png (573.68 KB, 597x599, 1_C.png)

>>938447Another recent photo. You'd think she was detransing just by looking at this, but still insists she's a "boy". Even admitted on Twitter to being told she was in the wrong bathroom recently when in a public men's rest room. For someone who's been at this for so long, it's kind of impressive how little she passes!
No. 938620
File: 1582934080711.jpeg (235.83 KB, 828x1443, AF1C96D1-280D-48DD-8180-194431…)

don’t know if y’all have ever discussed them before but this is “kaiisyourhomie” on tik tok. used to be “zoeisyourhomie,” then they took a break for some reason that i don’t remember, now they’re back and cringier then ever
No. 938640
File: 1582937013737.png (1.14 MB, 1080x1603, Screenshot_20200228-173803~2.p…)

I wonder how long Zander will stay in denial? He was close last time by going off T. At this point I think he's only doing it so nobody can laugh at him for fucking up his life.
No. 938832
File: 1582973782767.jpeg (278.1 KB, 750x776, 8B68F509-8713-4939-9BF6-A11278…)

saw this galaxybrain take on another cows thread
>throws fit if called woman
>wants to use womens resources
No. 938851
>>938620tiktok is absolutely heaving with these girls. Is punker_irl 16 yet? because she absolutely belongs in this thread.
does itz_jacob_33 count as a fakeboi? She makes a genuine attempt to pass but I kind of get the vibe that she's an isolated autistic lesbian from the middle of nowhere who latched onto the trans thing because it's more popular to be a twans boi than a butch lesbian.
No. 938874
File: 1582981879228.png (175.65 KB, 765x635, cringe.png)

>>938873sorry i'm a retard and forgot the screenshot
No. 938875
File: 1582982019659.png (270.05 KB, 766x613, cringe.png)

>>938874same anon but 'he/him' while still looking like a fat dyke… at least half of the fakebois on this thread cut their hair short if nothing else
No. 938884
>>938881its a group where you post pictures of long animals/object and you type with m's instead of n.
But her post is still stupid since it has nothing to do with the topic of the group.
>>938655Oh thats interesting what was she like?
No. 938955
File: 1583003715804.jpeg (1.64 MB, 3264x1840, 94B96DB2-B861-45EA-87A2-C982D7…)

Felt like this would be funny to post here, does anyone still browse the shithole that is 4chan’s /lgbt/? I recently went back to lurk for lols and they have a new queen named “Boris”, an ftm tripfag who identifies as “transmasculine bisexual woman”. She’s on T, currently getting a round of transitional surgeries that have gone horribly wrong. She’s clinically obese and instead of losing the weight to pass better she decided to get lipo on her hips to make them narrower. The lipo proved to go haywire and she’s been bleeding like a stuck pig, making multiple threads about herself to whine for sympathy crying “I’m gonna DIIIIE” and all the ftm chasers are trying to comfort her. Like you should have just stopped eating so much, you fucking pig.
Other fun facts about Boris:
>REEEEs at other any other ftms who get posted, especially skinny or better looking ones, calling them ugly or unpassable when she looks like picrel because she’s a jealous, insecure cunt
>is incredibly rude and snaps at people who try to be nice to her
>posts pictures of her ugly, obese dyke face in threads where it’s unasked for, calling herself “hot” (lel). she’s done this in threads about other ftms claiming to be hotter or “pass” better than them
>makes threads about herself to blog about her dull ass life everyday because some of the ftm chasers for some reason will act like they care, so she keeps going back for more, once got posted on /fit/ and made a thread “any /fit/ and /lgbt/ crossboarders here, I just want to continue the discussion about me here since the thread there archived…” it got about 3-4 replies of people telling her to piss off
>is a crazy vegan who also REEEEs at people who eat meat
I might be forgetting more, but yeah she’s a fucking whackjob and half the board hates her guts, but she returns for the positive attention she receives. Proves that even ftms who go through transition are crazy too.
No. 938988
File: 1583015376203.png (62.45 KB, 1861x519, wowie.PNG)

>>938955>/lgbt/Glad you brought it up because everyone on that board is batshit. It's funny how similar /ftmg/ is to the more unhinged lolcow users.
No. 939038
>>938988Thank god these women will sterilize themselves and die alone.
It's a shame they had to be born at all, really.
No. 939195
File: 1583045913058.jpeg (73.58 KB, 600x549, B40D1721-6E38-4323-A6C3-4FDD5C…)

>>939038imagine being this mad about cringe ass girls online. pic related
>>938955i thought that board hated trans and bi people? either way that is one fucking hot mess
No. 939271
File: 1583066901865.jpeg (75.49 KB, 750x314, 0891DDA2-790C-4928-9B41-F05B1A…)

>>939225ntayrt but i found their tripcode. “Boris !lEW022ox.I” would be nice if anon uploaded screens though because I can’t find a lot of pictures of them.
No. 939274
File: 1583067478568.jpeg (511.16 KB, 828x1251, 18F79C24-48A2-4C41-BAE7-4D8692…)

>>939225Yeah sorry, I was gonna but got sidetracked.
No. 939276
File: 1583067685265.jpeg (583.54 KB, 828x1324, 08B4B500-E44E-41C8-A935-47FEC4…)

>>939274Here is thread on the liposuction.
No. 939282
>>939271 Do you have context? Else we can't prove the first thing.
>>939274 Nothing interesting apart from posting a selfie. I guess it proves the name tho.
>>939276 Nice receipts, but someone getting surgery isn't really lolcow. Can someone post proof of the obesity? Not that being obese is lolcow either, but if we also have receipts of outright shitting on people over being skinny while being obese that'd be retarded.
I used the trip to find threads via Google: - nothing interesting, just posting about snails - /fa/ - someone linked screen of her posting selfie thread - just made a comment
Nothing interesting much. Hardly a lolcow. More of an average 4retard.
No. 939284
File: 1583068924840.jpeg (393.35 KB, 2048x2048, 8EA2E8A0-7D15-4E5D-97D3-2983E9…)

>>939282She makes some “normal” posts but also plenty of cringe to go around. I’m having trouble finding a post in the archive where she brings up her exact weight but all the other anons will call her fat, obese, etc. and she doesn’t argue with them. This is a photo that gets passed around often.
No. 939287
File: 1583069830289.jpeg (593.38 KB, 828x1476, B36B0F06-1A45-4CB5-B313-FA0FE5…)

>>939286Don’t know anon, thought she seemed like a cringelord myself and plenty on the board agree. Do you mind at least saging your shit if you’re not gonna contribute though?
No. 939296
File: 1583071250415.jpeg (1.02 MB, 828x1549, 61E41457-AA16-4BA9-A4CA-6D7C84…)

>>939282Lot on this but
>sometimes I get mad that I can’t rape people because #tfwnodick>but I am still a staunch feminist and not like those other commie ftms, huehueNot defending other trannies but seeing people turn against their own kind to make themselves look “good” when they’re just as retarded makes me lol
No. 939305
>>939284lol even when they say they don’t want to look like women they always have to brag about how curvy/thicc/feminine their bodies are
gotta remind the males that you’re totes still fuckable and hot
i’m gonna puke; these girls are so delusional. “boris” seems like she’s stuck in a deep hole of denial she just can’t crawl out of; she admits to sex being immutable and how she doesn’t think transition really does anything.
she’s SO CLOSE to breaking free but she fucked up her body all for a combo of fetish and extreme body hatred. what a shame.
No. 939326
>>939287I don't know much about this girl but you made me curious so I searched her up and I found a post of her talking about how she wants to brutally murder her father because he is Jewish so she can steal his DNA.
No. 939459
File: 1583098877156.jpeg (188.14 KB, 828x386, F90B7BFB-EEE2-4977-A3D7-878271…)

Speaking of her going off on other ftms, I found an old post of her going off on Geheichou in the /ftmg/. Don’t know if this is
hugely milky since Gehe is well, another fakeboi known for Photoshopping except hasn’t it been confirmed at this point that she’s on testosterone as well? Videos of her speaking in a male voice and all. The facial hair is more than likely real if that’s the case. Though the other ftms were calling Boris butthurt, accusing her of being jealous as usual, etc. because Gehe isn’t really bad-looking outside her Photoshopped pics (if you see her in motion).
No. 940460
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anyone know why kalvin got suspended?
No. 940562
File: 1583283695669.jpeg (1.08 MB, 1600x2409, 61AC44FF-F09B-4418-8E28-238498…)

>>940460Her original ban was for going apeshit after this freak, right? Elliot Fletcher, the troon from Shameless, just because she made some tweet about nonbinary genders?
Kalvin is insane. There’s responding with criticism and then there’s flat out harassment.
No. 940838
File: 1583336907296.jpg (492.5 KB, 1275x1650, ESOBIKTXsAYcP4A.jpg)

Girl dresses like a girl, acts like a girl, likes girly things. Girl needs to feel uwu special. Girl decides she's not a girl. Girl realizes she doesn't feel comfortable with not being a girl. Girl continues to insist she's not a girl nevertheless because SJW brownie points are the only things that matter in life.
No. 940839
File: 1583336942819.jpg (624.3 KB, 1275x1650, ESOBI3bWsAAYYOS.jpg)

No. 940840
File: 1583337062511.jpg (587.52 KB, 1275x1650, ESOBbDxWsAEcNrG.jpg)

No. 940947
File: 1583354955561.png (314.13 KB, 568x852, why.png)

26 year old grown ass woman who claims to be trans, autistic, have multiple personality disorders and bpd will rather spend her money on ahegao hoodies than therapy and looks like a complete wreck.
She also has panic attacks over animal crossing
>>937211 No. 941645
>>915784lol, they found this and are blaming an entirely innocent person for 'doxing' them, like there could only ever be one person who dislikes their bullshit
woke warriors labeling someone they don't like as a Nazi and a TERF b/c they couldn't possibly think of anyone else who might find their dramatic batshittery eyeroll worthy
fuckin love it
No. 942008
File: 1583526561512.jpg (15.24 KB, 781x33, hh.JPG)

No. 942318
File: 1583583927639.jpeg (109.3 KB, 750x417, DBD851A4-64B2-4F40-8F94-BB6144…)

this is so delusional. transition goals!
>anime character
>anime character
>that’s it
No. 942382
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No. 942900
File: 1583710511949.jpeg (378.51 KB, 1242x2005, AB4271BB-C8B3-415D-A0B5-800A5F…)

this is the quite possibly the dumbest shit I have ever seen.
No. 942901
File: 1583710580626.jpeg (1.43 MB, 1242x1519, F7024BAB-12B7-481C-899D-4850DF…)

>>942900this is the gender-expansive enby bemme in question.
No. 942922
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No. 942929
>>942827a fellow queer Jewish author, believe it or not.
they've been DMing people about it and providing no receipts whatsoever, unless outrage counts as receipts
I wonder what she did to piss them off so bad. probably called them out on their bullshit lmao
it honestly never ceases to scare me that there are literally people out there who call anyone who disagrees with them nazis. like you expect it to be a bullshit stereotype but nope. even if you're openly Jewish you can be a nazi to these types of people
No. 943435
>>937020>>937021Could all these "this ambiguous cartoon character is actually 15 what a pedo!!!!!!!" spergs just be banned? Pretty sure you're the same newfags who blogpost about their totally real non-ayden dysphoria.
>>938955I mean she looks like an ugly man and has the aggressive, entitled male behavior down to a T so good job passing I guess?
>>939195>i thought that board hated trans and bi people?You were dead wrong. 4chan's /lgbt/ isn't nicknamed /tttt/ for nothing. It's literally all AGP hons and self-hating FTMs.
>>940838>>940839>>940840>>940842Woof. The art is too cute to be wasted on this.
>I'm a feminine girl who loves traditionally feminine things but hates the societal pressure and fetishization placed on me because of my gender so instead of working on that together with other women I'm just gonna be a not-girl, so progressive uwu No. 944471
So I have a question for you lot, I'm a NB person. But I don't agree that non binary people are Trans, or are like trans w/m. I've been called a turf for a while, because of my proclaimed self hate. I've tried for the longest time to get people to understand why I feel NB, but because it isn't the traditional stance on NB. I am called a Terf. But I do nothing put respect trans people. I recognize that being NB and Trans are two different things. But NB people have filled this stigma that being NB trans is gender non conforming, but then turn around and use (she/her/him/his/he) pronouns. This confuses me. Because I don't resonate with that stigma. When I claim to be NB I don't want to be a man or woman. I am a biological woman by the way. I don't want identifying features that show me as a man or a woman. I actually hate being called she/he. That is a very hard thing to achieve, I know. But to put it in a visual aspect I don't want breast/pectorals, or a genitalia/genitals. Removing all forms of my sex/gender completely, because that is the body I feel comfortable in. But I know that, that is impossible in this day and age, we just don't have the research or the technology. I don't like Transtrenders, and NB's that claim to be trans, when NB is to not want to be in the binary. It completely contradicts the term "non-binary". Maybe I am confused. But I feel the Trans NB are confusing NB with gender fluidity. I feel that is far more gender conforming as to how they say they are. I apologize for the wall of text by the way. I know forums like this don't really like stuff like this,but I am new and I really don't know the etiquette. I would like the insight on people who don't Like trans trenders, and NB's that do what I stated above. Because I've been told by NB people that I am not NB, I'm just a Terf hurting the NB agenda, but their agenda is really confusing with all the contradictions that they spew. I thought going to the other side of the spectrum would help me understand why I feel the way that I feel. I have been going to therapy for this for 3 years, and I am sure that is this how I feel, and what I want. I just need to find a safe way to achieve it. If this make sense to you. I'd like to have a discussion about it. Thanks for your time, and insight.(blog)
No. 944480
>>944471Don't get your titties chopped off for the love of God.
I went through a phase of not wanting to accept my gender, you're probably fairly insecure- maybe look in to why you can't accept yourself for the way you are instead of looking to change it
No. 944482
>>944471Like it or not, unless your intersex which is a disorder, your one of two sexes so you're just gonna have to get the fuck over it. Maybe get a job or hobby instead of pondering gender all day. I promise, with a fuck load of work you wont give a shit what made up gender you are. You dont havecto be a feminine woman or masculine male, either just do what you want. It ain't hard.
And this is a gossip board so do, please tell us about your friends. The embarrassing ones.
No. 944486
>>944482I do have a job, and I do have hobbies, that's silly thing of you to assume so, I'm working as we speak. I can just multitask. I know what intersex is. That's why I want to get surgery to remove those features. I know I will always be female sex wise, but to feel more comfortable in my skin, I'd like to removed those telling features.
As for a friend, she is the one that called me a terf. She identifies as Male, even though she presents as female. At first I was very supportive because I thought she was pre opt, she doesn't have dysphoria (as far as I can tell) I have trans friends who I've asked about, and they said what she was describing as dysphoria is so shallow and surface level that it's laughable. But she still claims to, and claims that she is trans. I asked her when she's getting surgery. She said never, and that she didn't need to. And she started asking to be called he/them around a 4 years ago. She claims to have dysphoria, and I for the life of me can't see how that is. She wears dresses, She doesn't take hormones, nor does she present as male. Now in the present, she no longer claims to have dysphoria, and that you don't need it to be trans. She respects me as a older friend (underclassmen), and I don't want to hurt her feelings, but I feel it's going to result to that at some point and time. << That a good enough story for you?
No. 944498
>>944471>>944479This is so not the place for this but I feel bad for you so, ur prob an old school gnc tranny, read stone butch blues and testo junkie by Beatriz Preciado which r two wild different takes on the sameish gender or lack thereof, and read actual rad fem lit.
I’m of a similar condition? I guess? I’m transitioning but I have no desire to do the social song and dance, it’s basically really gatekept cosmetic surgery to me. If you go thru w any sort of treatment you have to really truly understand and come to terms with the fact that androgyny is a lie and you always be gendered as either a woman or a man even if ur a weird one, the gender binary isn’t something anyone chooses to live under. And since you don’t want to move your social position in the world as a woman this means that if you do go through with any sort of procedure you then have to live the rest of your life being seen as a freak ass woman, or maybe man. If anyone clocks you as a tranny it’ll rarely be what you hope.
No. 944524
>>944486You know what? Sometimes I think it would be fun to be a squirrel instead of a human. Think about it, squirrels don’t have to get a job, they don’t have credit cards, student loan debt, they don’t care about how they look, and they don’t know anything about war or genocide. They just run around and eat nuts all day! Unfortunately there’s no surgery that will make me into a squirrel so I’m just gonna have to suck it up and get over it.
You should probably stop spending so much time wishing a fairy godperson could magically zap your genitals and boobs away because this is how dumb you sound.
No. 945137
File: 1584136887202.jpg (222.38 KB, 540x960, Screenshot_20200313-175900_Chr…)

Spotted on FB. Sigh.
No. 945313
>>944471>I am a biological woman by the way.Shocking. I could've never been able to tell by your obvious repulsion of being sexualized like women are. Call yourself a "nonbinary" all you want, it won't make your sex go away. Learn to live with it like the rest of us and help change the society to see women as respectable people. And take your blogposting elsewhere.
>>944499TERF is a catch-all muffler for anyone who trannies dislike now, even if you're supportive of trans people. It doesn't mean anything anymore and it's basically hijacked by trooncels to demonize women.
>>944524>You should probably stop spending so much time wishing a fairy godperson could magically zap your genitals and boobs away because this is how dumb you sound.This. These people can throw tantrums and write bleeding heart vents all they want about how they wish to get rid of all traces of their sex but it will not happen, sex is a biological binary and people will always assign you one no matter how androgynous you are. Accept it and move on, it'll make your and everyone else's lives easier.
No. 945318
File: 1584180119616.jpg (486.31 KB, 1080x1169, 20200314_110059.jpg)

Stumbled upon this complete horror show on twitter,enjoy this mini dump.
No. 945323
File: 1584180583059.jpg (784.18 KB, 1080x1843, 20200314_110759.jpg)

>>945321So many horrifically disfigured-looking fakebois insist on calling themselves ultra hot and it always seems like a desperate cope to me.
No. 945376
>>945323Guy probably moved because she reeked of BO or something, not because she's soo attractive. Or maybe he got up because he realized his stop was next, or wanted to make room for people who need to sit more than he does. Or any other mundane reason to move on a train, because the world doesn't revolve around one cookie cutter fakeboi.
It's so embarrassing when cows try to involve strangers in their delusions, like I guarantee these people are just going about their daily lives and never gave you a second glance. You're not special.
No. 945380
>>945319>>945321>>945323Do trans-men trannys have some reverse BDD where they all think they are hot and the most beautiful thing on earth when in reality most of them are ugly incel looking dorks.
Even a trans-man that i knew in real life was just like this and she would call everyone ugly while talking about how ''hot'' and ''handsome'' she was.
Trans-men are just vapid,insufferable and shallow,narcissistic clowns.
No. 945438
>>945401if only you know how that fakeboi looked like anon…they looked like a rat and they were super short but they out of all people would constantly comment on other women's and other fakebois appearance.
One time i got tired of that shallow bitch constantly shitting on other people's appearance so i called her out and told her that she shouldnt be the one to talk and you should have seen her shocked reaction and her ego wounded.
Oh and she was also a yaoi shipper before becoming a tranny.
No. 945474
>>945401Hey there's one now
Fuck off back to /lgbt/
No. 945770
>>945438AYRT, its always the ugliest fujoshits who think they’re hot shit ain’t it?
calling themselves MLM’s, thinking the equivalent of a social game makes them more woke than the average fujoshi and they have entitlement to gay male dick bc they “identify” as such
No. 945914
>>940838God about this comic I sadly stumbled upon the artist the post on instagram jesus:
"i wanted to make an accessible piece that didn't lead with gender, that framed things in a way that didn't strictly define things with terms or jargon. i wanted to make a comic everyone could read and empathize with. 🎀 labels can be confusing! i haven't even found mine yet— i don't even know if i'll ever find one… and that's okay! to be honest, i was really nervous to post this… i only recently thought about my gender, and it scared me! i thought i was faking it… i was scared! 🌸 but i guess these are just my thoughts in the most simplest of words! i hope in the future that media like this will become commonplace, so that kids growing up will have access to it… i'd like to share this kind of thought with everyone!"
No. 945919
File: 1584300434674.png (1.64 MB, 1275x3300, impressionable.png)

>>945914The first part of this comic as well, how can you be this easly influenced and focus so much on gender where it doesn't even freaking matter lol…
No. 946760
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>>945919>>945943this is literally the "Draw a girl, call it a boy" meme
No. 946765
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>>945137 popped up on FB again. I guess at least she's not wearing makeup this time but lol@"masculine". Honey you look like a perfectly average girl, not the hot gay man you imagine yourself as.
Curious if her fiance is another fakeboi or if she's ones of the ones with a (straight or bi) cis dude.
No. 947344
File: 1584600162442.jpg (526.78 KB, 1080x1853, 20200319_023629.jpg)

Not 100% cow but cringe nonetheless.
>Netflix actress from that wokey bastardization of the CAOS comic
>enby and "trans guy"
>insecure tomboy/butch vibes
No. 947345
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No. 947346
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No. 947347
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Of course she is.
No. 947378
>>947347>I think gender is a man made conceptUgh, these people don’t understand that they’re propagating the exact belief systems they
claim to be against.
No. 947760
>>947663These girls would be on the lower tier of women in society and were almost definitely bullied for it.
Hey you can't lose a race you're not running in.
No. 948741
File: 1584926969490.jpeg (372.46 KB, 1800x1198, D65BE955-35AE-43A1-8256-DE13D7…)

Has everyone seen this already? It’s a girl who took her kpop obsession too far and got PS according to twitter but I can’t find any sources.
But I love how everyone is saying “he” and “guy”.
No. 948743
File: 1584927200481.jpeg (75.96 KB, 750x740, 68303519-1079-4475-BB67-EE5634…)

>>948741It looks like latex but it’s still a troon I want deets on
No. 948835
>>947346?just because my body is female, doesnt mean my mind is too
uhhh?? except i understand people not catering to gender and social norms, but this non binary shit is always the total opposite, it seems. You can be a woman and not care for gender stereotypes or you can be these fake bois and do more harm to women than good. i hate how dumb these bitches are. You cam be a woman and not be a stereotype set by a man made system
No. 949021
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>>948741This is all I can find and since the tweet is deleted and I’m a smoothbrain, I can’t see more.
No. 949024
File: 1585013750685.jpeg (170.06 KB, 750x979, E49EE80F-B518-4F11-877E-8DA6C5…)

>>949021Maybe “”””he”””””” really did it lol
No. 949039
File: 1585017783143.jpeg (19.39 KB, 600x311, F62C8A6B-11BF-4294-8DBE-610888…)

>>949036Fire in the sky head ass alium
No. 949042
File: 1585019082521.jpg (40.01 KB, 634x390, 3C12451B00000578-0-Heart_wrenc…)

>>948741Is this what she was aiming for???
No. 949047
>>949021I found the cache version of her being
abusive but not the PS shit
(It looks like she deleted completely because her account is gooone)
No. 949048
File: 1585024539358.png (32.08 KB, 180x219, 38502037-4a04-468b-9352-ad73a2…)

>>949047>>949021She threaten to commit suicide if the OP didn't take down the thread lmao
If anyone wants to read the thread about her, it's been archived already: The cached version doesn't work for me anymore.
She was known as nintendicc on instagram (deactivated when her pictures went viral) and she goes by Misha. The surgery really fucked her up. She used to look like a cute e-girl before she started cosplaying as a kpop boy.
No. 949066
>>949048>Is of Navajo decent Bitch where? if she was substantially Navajo she wouldn't need that monstrous PS. Dumb bitch is just LARPing what ever she can to not be a basic white bitch.
I'm glad she fucked up her face
No. 949097
File: 1585055407340.png (75.58 KB, 589x764, fgd.png)

>>949054All her accounts are on lockdown so sadly not.
>>949079Yes lol.
No. 949139
>>949097Hoooooooly shid I thought there was no way it could be real.
How do you explain to a surgeon that you want to “look asian?” How does a surgeon agree that “yes, I will make you look like another race.”
Ah, but how could I forget. Surgeons will cut tits and dicks off for money. Of course.
>yo what you want>just fuck my shit up with that asian face fam>say no more No. 949249
File: 1585085307385.png (1.04 MB, 861x1011, 1_Fake.png)

>>948741Come on guys, this is just someone (or several people) trolling. In this pic in particular, it's very clearly a thin latex film and makeup. Here, I increased the contrast and marked where the edges are. Perhaps it's hard to see on a phone screen, but on a proper monitor it's clear as day.
No. 949267
>>949261Skin graft is an actual surgical procedure (mostly used on burn
victims and to cover large wounds in general), but I reckon you meant the latex. The areas around the nose I think is just a missed spot where the make up didn't stick. A typical spot to miss when using a sponge to apply foundation.
No. 949330
File: 1585102480588.jpeg (266.92 KB, 750x923, 6AC6BD62-461D-4231-8355-1A436F…)

Disgusting as always
No. 949401
>>949330I saw her online last week but wasn't sure if she was just a dude with terrible taste. She doesn't use any trans hashtags or mention it in the bio. But my first thought was female due to the body size, facial expression and eyes.
The bearded lady trend is definitely the weirdest one.
No. 949405
>>948741Not only does it look fake AF, but how can anyone seriously believe this random kid would even have the money to afford multiple surgeries to achieve this look? These racist lame cosplayers never have jobs and they refuse to pay for anything themselves. Definitely wouldn’t have sugar daddies funding them. It’s just makeup and PS.
>>949261They don’t use skin grafts to create a fake epicanthic fold, they use hyaluronic acid(dermal filler). That’s how that Brazilian guy, Xiahn, shaped his eyes and a few others have done it. Especially look how bizarrely the “skin” lays over Misha’s eye corner, creating a pocket that would be a infectious hazard or just tear in real life.
No. 949425
File: 1585139094619.png (135.82 KB, 590x1212, boyonetta1.png)

Boyonetta is back to sperging about fujoshis, so here you go. It's funny, considering her discord server is literally a fujo den full of aidens. Also, I'm disappointed she doesn't post more selfies. Kiwifarms gave her one little scare and she nuked all of her selfies and never posted any publicly again. Reminder that this bitch is almost 30 and has never worked a day in her life.
No. 949426
File: 1585139187895.png (997.43 KB, 1224x2220, boyonetta2.png)

>>949425She also did a fujoshi tag dive with her spicy opinions. If you're not interested in my hack job montage, here's the post
No. 949443
>>949330probably an unpopular opinion but tabby could be a cute girl if she dropped the fakeboi shit
ain’t nothing gonna save her hairline though; she fucked herself with that
i wish these girls would love themselves and realize that they don’t need to be men to be
valid human beings (which is the impression i get from a lot of them)
No. 949465
File: 1585151592097.jpg (689.4 KB, 1080x1728, 20200325_114122.jpg)

I always find it funny when some modern native Americans look at their own culture with noble savage vision. Hate to break it to you but NAs had gender roles too. Every society does. It's almost like the way to change gender roles is to stop obsessing over it and do whatever. Society will adjust naturally.
No. 949475
>>949465How does any of this shit even correlate?
Two spirits is not the same as trans mental illness loonies. Once we stop focusing so hard on gender roles, we can stop this bs, but it's never going to with people who are so obsessed with trans
No. 949484
>>949479Hell in some cultures, women who couldn't get pregnant or didn't want to were social pariahs and deemed as "not women".
Nonbinary is just sexism with extra steps.
No. 949658
>>949483Two-spirit is more like a term created to encompass a bunch of diff terms/identities that are Indigenous.
Tho, pretty sure anyone who isn't Indigenous would get mocked for using the term
No. 950089
File: 1585272298655.png (81.72 KB, 617x367, Screen Shot 2020-03-27 at 01.2…)

Lev Mirov spins another tall tale. Not content with being queer, trans, disabled, indigenous, Jewish etc. he's also a cult survivor! Three times over!
No. 950092
File: 1585272324486.png (86.95 KB, 622x320, Screen Shot 2020-03-27 at 01.2…)

>>950089double post for second image
No. 950195
>>948741Fuck that's some creepypasta material. Wow.
>>949139underrated post
>>949192Boy bands and BL existed within girls for decades without this tranny bullshit. It wasn't until girls were excessively shamed for liking it for the faux-woke muh fetishization reasons that they were guilt tripped and manipulated into changing genders (and in this case even races) so they wouldn't be evil people anymore. If people would just shut the fuck up about it, young girls would be comfortable with themselves and their interests without going down the full Ayden route.
>>949425>>949426Yeah this is the shit I was describing above.
>these OTHER girls are just cringey fujos who need to turn in their LGBT card right away, they're fetishizing US, the gay men! And by gay men I mean the female fujoshis who took their yaoi RP way too far and crossed the line to troondom, thus earning our God-given rights to shit on other LGBT women endlessly! As a funny tidbit I actually saw some people blaming TERFs for the anti-fujo movement too. The word doesn't mean anything anymore.
>>949479This. Knowing this I always wonder if these ~two-spirit native princes~ are the white americans that have 0.0005% native blood and are now out to ~reclaim their noble heritage~.
No. 952183
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>>950204No, she doesn't. She is not a virgin however, she has hooked up before. I don't know when or how (she might be lying) but she sure as fuck doesn't have years of experience in the gay dating scene. A few posts back she was bragging about how good of a wingman she'd be, wtf. I'm pretty sure her "years of being in the gay dating scene" is doing yaoi ERP with other fakebois and trannies.
>>950345Lmao, she's "an extremely dysphoric trans man" closeted because of her "extremely transphobic family" that takes pictures of herself in dresses. She also admitted to feeling almost no pleasure from anal, so she wants to do exclusively vaginal sex. That's a woman if you ask me.
Another fakeboi, apologies if this was posted before.
No. 952316
File: 1585679877214.jpg (132.32 KB, 640x1136, EUdRbJCUYAAYgGa.jpg)

This is a 27-year-old he/him "gnc trans man" — or, as anyone who doesn't have brainworms would put it, a woman.
No. 952538
File: 1585708210429.jpg (765.17 KB, 1080x1673, 20200331_222627.jpg)

I don't even know what to say. Major transtrender e-begging bullshit.
No. 953108
File: 1585836672406.jpeg (561.08 KB, 828x1258, A054D08D-6E0A-4366-BD77-AE9A34…)

Let me out of this mortal coil
No. 953157
>>952538“Black trans post your info in the comments so I can get more visibility, interaction, boosts, and likes for and on
my post. With
my cash app in the bio, so I can get more money than usual. But im actually totally doing this for others, I’m so selfless!
P.S. ppl will barely see your small scrolled down ass comments so GL thx don’t forget black trans are the creators and beautiful n stuff lol
No. 953204
File: 1585849226595.png (17.49 KB, 602x140, ugly.PNG)

>>952538I didn't know she was back on social media, I found her twitter and fucking yikes. I love how she brands herself as a lesbian feminist but retweets stuff like this, all while being TOTALLY NOT A WOMAN, YOU GUYS.
No. 955158
File: 1586202979672.jpeg (182.53 KB, 733x399, E8ABB8B3-8C79-419C-99F8-9ABE30…)

ascher lucas gets grosser every day
No. 955674
File: 1586305177678.jpeg (477.08 KB, 750x973, 1D34854F-10AD-4AE7-AD1B-0F5D62…)

>>955587ascher is actually engaged to a 28 year old woman- sorry i mean a manly transmasc nonbinary, kieran. she took down most photos but the proposal was as cringeworthy as the rest of their existence
aschers weird ass shiro wig will never fail to make me laugh
No. 955681
File: 1586305726033.jpeg (542.73 KB, 750x1012, FB060C3C-C5BC-4197-8431-ADF159…)

sorry for double post but i understand why ascher never posts this mug to their instagram
No. 956731
>>956678i don't know about that. it seems like fakebois would be especially targeted by predator creeps, because most other men would want nothing to do with them. all these men have to do is lie and say they're soooo gay to get into the pants of a desperate chick who looks and acts just like a girl (because most of these girls will never go on t). seems like something that would happen regularly: straight man says he's gay so he can fuck a woman or date a woman who's delusional, as long as he calls her a boy all the time.
but i do think the guys who started dating these chicks before they became fakebois and continued dating them after seem mostly normal. that's probably who you're talking about, but it's in no way representative of all of them.
No. 956987
File: 1586567024033.png (16.77 KB, 1235x165, psa 1.PNG)

>>956731Just came out of an enlightening and slightly alarming thread on /lgbt/ that both confirmed the existence of FtM Ayyden chasers and also let me know what the appeal is. I almost feel bad now, whenever I thought of them hitting on dudes I thought of them invading gay bars, but imagining anyone who hooks up with someone who thinks of them like this is kinda sad.
Apparently boys with a thing for this kind of person are on the rise because of TikTok cranking up their visibility, it's like a tomboy kink with bells and whistles attached.
No. 957060
>>956678They seem pretty split between users/players who know they'll get an easy lay by calling an obvious woman "they" and desperate soyboy nerd dudes who get into a relationship with a nerd chick who drank the tumblr kool-aid and then get browbeaten to come out as pan. There's maybe a smaller portion of chasers, but most of them go for MtFs.
A friend of mine is the second type, it's been supremely depressing to see him get slowly pressured into "coming out" since he's dating "a boy".
No. 957078
>>957069>who are attracted to femininity rather then female sexThere's some legitimacy to that. A lot of chasers are Gyno Andro MorphoPhiles (GAMP) meaning they're attracted to the femininity of MtFs and their estrogenized male bodies rather than being attracted to women and counting MtFs as such. This also has a large comorbidity with AGP, with many chasers popping boners for someone "transforming" into their ideal sex object because they wish to do the same and they can project onto the MtFs they date.
I don't know the equivalent in FtM chasers, other than a general fetish for someone transforming.
No. 957081
File: 1586594473786.jpeg (Spoiler Image,569.12 KB, 750x980, 4E7E665D-196F-4A1C-8913-289875…)

that tailbone. the butthole tattoo. click at ur own risk
>>956773they’re still together, screaming about antis in kid shows communities together. kieran comments under aschers nudes on twitter
No. 957098
>>956678The male SOs I've seen so far have been, for the lack of a better word, co-dependent cucks. They never object to their girlfriend's whims and the relationship always ends up with the girlfriend wanting to go polygamous and taking another fakeboi into the relationship, which is where the male SO either retreats completely or hangs into it while being left out in the new relationship dynamic.
>>956987And the chasers are an entirely different thing and they're the ones who make me fucking sick. There are so many predatory men who know young aydens are desperate for validation and will spread their legs for any cis man who tells them what a handsome gay prince they are. It's essentially grooming and these men get to play the woke card if anyone ever questions their intents.
>>957069Nah, they're attracted to the power trip of taking advantage of people in vulnerable positions. I don't think sexuality plays that big of a role with them.
No. 957420
>>957081what the fuck is geniunely wrong with their tail bone? every time i see a nude of them from behind it looks like they fucking chopped off a legitimate tail from that thing.
also peep that arm muscle shoop, i know shes flexing but thats so fucking fake looking
No. 957663
File: 1586715995661.jpg (244.38 KB, 1536x2048, EVaWqu9XQAM-bGm.jpg)

Sometimes I see people on twitter and just immediately know they're pretending to be trans. Like this supposedly human example, who uses they/them pronouns
No. 957743
File: 1586731946450.jpg (Spoiler Image,257.37 KB, 1192x1825, EVb6i4PWkAEdssP.jpg)

I'm always wondering why fakebois tend to post nudes all the time. This is from a french non-binary they/he retard on twitter. (If you understand french you can always try and peak a look:
No. 957755
>>957743Same boring crap that's on the English speaking sphere, really, troon memes and lingo have infested every part of the internet. What I find extremely funny is that french is a heavily gendered language (with no gender neutral pronouns), so french enbies always use the masculine and the feminine forms at the same time when talking about themselves, they sound so spastic.
I love how she posts some nudes and then complains how fetishist accounts are following her.
No. 957946
>>957775>>957916well it can't become any more mainstream cause were going through a pandemic, as well great depression and its only gonna get worse
The unique cultural circumstances that led to the rise of TIMs, TIFs, Inceles e.t.c are ending now, cause now we are all in Dire straits
No. 958163
>>957759It's so hilarious though, across the globe, no matter the culture or society, troon communities are the same everywhere, MtFs, FtMs and enbies alike. They all look the same kind of ugly, they are all unkempt/jobless/"mentally ill", they all use the same speech patterns, they complain about the same "problems" (despite each country having different laws and norms)… I know, american soft power and all that jazz, but it really looks like they are coming out of a clone factory.
No. 958511
File: 1586852616967.png (293.71 KB, 2048x1536, cool.png)

>>954885her twitter is thotacchio, idr her tumblr but she used to be semi-popular in anime kin/rp circles there and i think she's been posted to a few cosplay threads before too.
i wish i had screenshotted it, her carrd used to say something about how dressing up like a jjba character (and previously a danganronpa character) every day was how she relieved dysphoria as a totally legit trans man or something like that but it's since been changed. it's definitely NOT all about the yaoi guys, i NEED the crusty makeup and $100 wigs to transition!!!
No. 958551
>>957773yeah i hate it too. especially when they/thems say shit like "singular "they" pronouns have always existed in the english language so you're transphobic if you don't use them". like yeah singular "they" pronouns have always existed…to refer to someone whose sex is unknown to the speaker, or someone androgynous who an observer can't immediately tell is male or female. they've not been used to refer to some special snowflake who looks like a chick and is obviously a chick when you speak to her.
in that case it's unnatural and clunky. you have to be constantly thinking in order to use the right pronouns and that goes against the reason why pronouns even exist. of course attention whore troons love that though. everyone has to go out of their way for them. little do they know that everyone's calling them by she pronouns behind their backs.
No. 958561
>>958551I was specifically talking about the french inclusive language, where if you don't use both masculine and feminine forms of words at the same time, you are a sexist monster. It's usually written like "The actor.resse.s", it's redundant as fuck, impossible to render aloud and most of all a grammatical heresy. Keep in mind that literally everything is gendered in french, so you get tedious twitter threads where the person puts inclusive language on 1 word out of 3, it's exhausting to read. I 've seen people use inclusive language even when the definition of a word is tchnically neutral (like "person" is a feminine noun, but can still refer to a man or a woman), it's ridiculous.
There's also no gender neutral pronoun in french, so they try to push for one ("iel") they made up a few years ago, but I don't think it will catch on.
No. 958977
>>958561Totally agree. What is funnier is that those assholes don’t understand that they’re making it even harder for foreigners or minorities to understand even half of what they’re writing because they’re making it so much more confusing than it already is (And French is already hard to grasp in the first place).
And I’m not saying that as a bleeding heart SWJ but just as someone with many friends who are trying to learn the language to be able to live in France and adapt.
No. 959022
>>957773I hate it too, and this is even funnier in spanish. Our gender neutral pronoun is the equivalent of "him" for english speakers, if you try to use "they/ellos" in spanish it's immediately explicit that you're talking in plural.
The non-binary shit is bullshit, there's nothing wrong with having an adrogynous look and swinging between both female and masculine aesthetics should mean that you DON'T CARE about how you are percieve as a gender, being trigered just because you want to feel special is stupid.
No. 959100
>>958561The worst part in that is that inclusive language has always existed in a way that was natural (like saying "Madame, Monsieur (family name)" at the beginning of a letter when you don't know the person's gender). And before putting dots everywhere when I was learning how to write and read in primary school we used to use parenthesis to show how to write feminine and masculine adjective. Like for exemple "il/elle est doué(e)" instead of "doué.e" but that's just for the purpose of teaching the language. They're so retarded that they don't get that written language is supposed to transcribe what you would say out loud. And I say that as someone who automatically say "elles" instead of "ils" when talking about large groups of people when there's obviously more women than men.
What I hate the most is that when French troons try to write in inclusive language on social media they use so many dots that sometimes the websites will automatically think the fucked up words are links to other websites that don't even exist.
No. 959171
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>>959137Always thought it was because they are fans of Black Butler for some reason lol.
No. 959306
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Not surprised anymore
No. 959387
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So know they relate to AI robots 1/3
No. 959388
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No. 959392
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No. 959396
>>959387>>959388>>959392Maybe i'm dumb af but none of this made any sense to me.
>not wearing a dress>I'm non binarywhy do they all do this?
No. 959429
>>959388I haven't seen the show but is she really equating a character who is a robot and thus can technically be said to be "not a women", with her just not wanting to be referred to as a woman?
I've seen it said before, but these comics just come off as being uncomfortable with being women even though they act, talk, and look like one.
No. 959449
File: 1586982806580.png (471.97 KB, 800x1178, f-f-f-fakebois.png) saw this one get posted on cgl a while back. But this fake boi also likes to fake stutter. If you listen to any of the tiktoks that she actually speaks, it's a painfully forced stutter. Anyone with a real speech impediment doesnt sound like this. They clearly do it to go along with the uwu I'm a-a-a-a s-s-s-soft boi
No. 959461
>>959449is that amount of followers the norm on tiktok?
jesus this kid gives me second hand embarrassment
No. 959636
>>959404That always has reeked of internalized misogyny to me. It's like these girls are ok and even like girly shit but they don't want to be girly as a girl. I guess because they think girls are yucky gross shallow sluts or something.
I think it's pretty telling that it's always nerd girls that do the fakeboi shit. Like you never see preppy, popular girl cheerleader types doing it. Other than the yaoi aspect I think a lot of these girls being nerds felt like outcasts or were bullied, particularly by other girls. Resenting other girls for picking on them evolves to resenting simply being a girl, combine that with flicking the bean to yaoi, and you get fakebois.
No. 959669
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The link doesn’t work when I try to copy and paste it, but I found a video of her talking with her fake stutter. It has a thumbnail like this if anyone wants to get some second-hand embarrassment. Anyone who has met someone with a stutter or has seen videos of real stuttering knows that it sounds nothing like this.
No. 959691
>>959669Holy shit they always stutter in the same rhythm it's always two of the syllable before the actual word they say. That is the biggest giveaway it's fake as fuck.
Also looking at the other videos where she talks its always has the same intro with the same pattern "Hi! M-m-my n-n-name is Rhys!"
Stutters are uncontrollable and random this isn't how it works. I'm just shocked how gullible people are to think this is real.
>stuttererThat's not how people with speech impediments label themselves but okay.
Search up Drew Lynch he's a comedian who stutters and you'll find the most part they can speak well with only occasional stutters per every 10 words or so. Not every other word like this fucking mongoloid.
No. 959791
File: 1587029227371.jpg (440.15 KB, 1152x2048, 54564.jpg)

Not-a-cow but she lusts on Sylvain from Fire Emblem just like all of the other they/he you can find on this community. It's just funny that once out of cosplay they completely look like and ARE just chicks… (it was always the case but they aren't ~naturally androgynous~ as they want to believe)
No. 959846
>>959691adults that actually stutter have normally been stuttering since childhood. they know they have problems with certain words and sounds, and by adulthood they have the vocabulary to pick words they are comfortable with to replace them, so they rarely stutter. i've heard it described as "saying everything in your head first and then replacing words that would cause problems with words that are easier to say before you say them" by an adult with a stutter.
no surprise that a fakeboi would also fake something like this. just like there's tons of them with "d.i.d" and every single one claims to have some sort of mental health problem (beyond delusion).
No. 960063
>>958511Her Carrd: "I don’t like to use the word kinnie but I strongly identify with Abbacchio".
That's cringy af.
I think she's pretty… But has a gf.
No. 960172
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I know this isn’t a cow, but how do we feel about Saff from Tiger King? I don’t know nor care if he’s on hormones, but his entire approach to not giving a shit what “pronouns” people call him and genuinely dressing and acting like a dude make me way more willing to accept his preference, even if I did think he was a cute girl while watching the show.
I just don’t get why more of these fakebois don’t just chill and do their own thing like he does. It’s like they need outside validation to back up that they’re actually “a guy”, almost like they deep down don’t really believe it themselves.
No. 960576
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>>960380She's also a big fan of shuwu for reasons but another nlog liking someone whose entire brand is "cool girl" makes sense
she is pic
No. 960598
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>>960576 >>960380Sh0e is an absolute doormat and hates women, it's no wonder why enbies and trannies latch to her. It's just some weird form of self harm and further enforces the "not like other girls" trope because, well, of course i'm not a girl! i don't want to make my boyfriend a sandwich or be objectified! They're probably the most insufferable type IMHO.
If you have any pictures of her feel free to share. Also, remember to put the word "sage" in the email field so it doesn't bump the thread, newfriend.
No. 960605
File: 1587149444708.png (31.73 KB, 600x336, Screenshot_2020-04-17.png)

Why is it that every time someone wants to whine about muh MLM fetishization by the evil icky straight women it's always a fucking fakeboi? (Seriously, do any actual gay men ever even use the term "MLM", because to me it seems like only Aidens use that term…)
Do they not realize that literally deluding themselves into thinking they ARE a cute soft gay anime twink is way more fetishizing and disgusting than a straight or bi girl who simply likes to draw two male characters boning? It really enforces the idea that 99% of these fakebois are NLOG to the extreme. "Yeah I also create and/or consume copious amounts of yaoi but I'm MLM and not like those dumb straight girls doing the exact same thing! It's okay for me to do it because I have he/him in my twitter bio!"
No. 960619
>>960605nah, actual, real gay men don’t use ‘mlm’ in the same way that only weird insecure dykes, ‘pansexuals’ or mtfs use ‘wlw’
>>960598kek at that thick ass eyeliner
No. 960698
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>>942318Also semi-related to this one
No. 960849
>>960605This was one of the things that moved me into a suspicious space in the beginning in regards to some Ayydens. They’re absurdly precious about keeping ‘maleness’ as a safe space where no-one can even think of them unless they give their consent or something, it’s a dead giveaway that they’ve gravitated to it to escape from the ‘straight male gaze’ and don’t like that some women can sexualise stuff with vigor as well.
All this is aside from the fact that I’ve never had any of these people in mind while I was making the fake anime boys kiss, yet they always act like I’m victimizing them personally because they see themselves as inseparable from their romantic ideal. They think that just because they’ve got more ‘sensitive’ taste in fanfiction that they’re somehow more entitled to command authority over the people who want to use art and fiction for their own personal ends as well. Fandom <i>made</i> these people by giving women a space to freely fantasise, and now they want to turn around and censor it based on the frail pretense of identity politics. This particular branch of ‘MLM’ drives me nuts.
No. 960955
File: 1587183664449.jpg (Spoiler Image,1.12 MB, 1547x850, Screenshot (113)_LI.jpg)

>>960598wouldnt shock me if she likes Brittney Venti
No. 961073
>>960605Because they're mad that the evil straightie white cis heterosexual fujoshi/fudanshi strawman doesn't find
them attractive, only the men in the comics who aren't pictured as 5ft4 pudgy natal females with a vagina. From what I've seen that's pretty much all there is to it. They don't only hate the "mean straight fujoshi staceys", they're also surprisingly hostile towards cis gay men. It's basically a mix of NLOGism and penis envy. The fakebois know they will never become the fictional male characters they're trying to model themselves after so they're sort of lashing out because of it and overplaying how much of a ~real gay man~ they in fact are. Think back to that one Reddit post some FTM wrote about being hurt for not being invited in a gay male gangbang because they saw him as a woman.
The fact that a fair share of fujoshis and BL artists are lesbian/bisexual only seems to make them ever madder for whatever reason, can't count the times I've seen the "YOU CAN FETISHIZE GAY PEOPLE WHILE BEING GAY YOURSELF YOU KNOW REE" spergout happen. I don't know, maybe it's because of internalized homophobia and being jealous of how someone else can be gay and cis while still enjoying BL material. And some are just going with the flow because it's the woke thing to do.
>>960988They really do. I love how these ultra woke "MLM" activists claim that fujos are fetishizing for the "I made a heterosexual man gay" trope when it's like the most common power fetish for actual gay porn created by gay men. They seriously have no experience interacting with homosexual men at ALL because they're afraid of men to begin with, and the men don't have an interest in someone without a dick. Yet they try to rebrand themselves as "the gay males" in the court of deciding what's wrong and what's not.
No. 961170
File: 1587216731949.png (532.63 KB, 643x619, grfefrh.PNG)

She is dating a TiM, so the classic hets with extra steps, but since they both identify as NB, they are "super gay" together.
No. 961179
>>961044Wow I’m glad I’ve avoided your internet circles. I’m seeing an almost militant resurgence of ‘lesbian’ among the people I follow, and I love it.
Also rant time, but there have been ‘he/him lesbians’ for a long time. A lot of butch women a generation and two back were more comfortable being seen as pseudo male, even with no desire to change physically. I don’t think its always internalized misogyny; the few older lesbians that I’ve spoken to that feel this way expressed that they align themselves with a sexual and social role that is more ‘male’ than ‘female.’
I think this is a different breed entirely from the Aidens (who are usually ‘gay’ anyway), but I’ve met a few dykes that have questioned identity to some degree for these reasons, but they all seem more fluid and carefree á la this one
>>960172>>960172 No. 961643
File: 1587297283111.jpg (621.55 KB, 1080x1778, 20200401_213051.jpg)

She's super cute but retarded kek
No. 961738
File: 1587319886273.webm (1.53 MB, 640x800, 93166526_226223665480773_74859…)
Stumbled upon this cringy fuck on instagram
No. 961740
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>>961738And the stereotypical fujoshi choker and agheao face lmao these fakbois are really proving our points.
Also her tags are even WORSE her tags consist of kpop,bts,gay boys and anime.
No. 961741
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>>961740ASKSKSK ONE OF HER TAGS IS #JUNGKOOKCOSPLAY im laughing my ass off….
Bts really out here with the most fakeboi fans who fetishize them.
File: 1587373364516.jpg (697.82 KB, 2040x2048, 93475500_266927491134112_56213…)

found this one in the wild on a facebook group. yep this is a "he/him". a few people were discussing military uniform fashion in goth, and her opinion was that people should be more considerate of what they wear as to not offend others (comparing uniforms to nazis). clearly she hasn't taken her own advice, looking at her profile pic lol
one girl disagreed with her and then she did the typical ayden thing of REE-ing about being misgendered and transphobia even though she was the only person bringing her gender up.
No. 962170
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>>962169this is the first time gender was mentioned at all (by her) because clearly when you're not winning an argument, all you have to do is cry "twansphobia!!" and "misgendering!". the other girl was generally pretty polite but then she started to defend herself from the transphobia accusations and it all went downhill cos then ayden (claudius lol) could play the
victim, no doubt as usual.
No. 962179
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Fakeboi expectation vs reality
No. 962250
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Spotted this they/them on FB. I like how she has a nlog frame and everything. In all her pics she looks like a basic white girl because of course she does.
No. 962257
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Apparently she's aussie but ofc she's a white chick whining about "colonization"
No. 962269
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>>962257is this her? She seems like the basic sjw,her fakeboi-ness seems more influenced by her ideology.
No. 962296
File: 1587401184027.png (967.76 KB, 1456x1062, Screenshot 2020-04-20 at 17.42…)

"flaming faggot" ew. this one's dating a cis man, who no doubt has a thing for butch girls. she also recently got top surgery. she seems to larp as a gay man in a bunch of her pics and it's just gross.
No. 962340
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>>962307Here's a post she made whining about how people will never instantly realize she's infact a super special nonbinary snowflake instead of a bored white chick
I come across girls like this all them time in certain parts of FB, I think I'll make it a habit of posting them here when i find them (as well as the weeby yaoi ones).
No. 962351
>>962343I assume the reason these girls keep doing this shit into their 20's and beyond is because they never matured beyond the level of a dumb teen. They're probably coddled by their parents/families and thus never really forced to mature and grow up. They don't have any real problems and never developed a personality outside of dumb SJW idpol bullshit, and at this point are too deep in it that they don't want to leave because if nothing else other SJWs would eat them alive. It's kinda sad.
I'm willing to bet money that this girl, along with most of the girls ITT, probably grew up comfortably in the suburbs and had a more or less healthy, if not mundane upbringing. She desperately wanted to feel special and like a
victim so she latched onto SJW gender bullshit. 15 years ago these girls would've been on dA and Myspace claiming to be bisexual soulbonders or some shit.
No. 962421
>>962258Most of the fakebois I come across are white or half black (actually quite surprising how many of the latter exist), it just seems like such a suburban teen issue to me. We could go into ridiculous depths analyzing why this happens but I think it boils down to not having developed a proper identity to hang on to and feeling rootless, and the tranny cult gives them a feeling of belonging. I've noticed that a lot of them don't have consistent hobbies or passions or even career goals to help form their own unique identity, they just sit on social media all day and seek their purpose for existing from their peers. I guess that's also why they all are such carbon copies of each other.
>>962351The correlation between gender dysphoria and autism has been proven a lot of times at this point, it's really no wonder a lot of them are immature and underdeveloped. Girls are much less likely to be diagnosed with autism or even suspected of suffering from it, which causes them to act out in other ways.
No. 962447
File: 1587417280442.png (204.3 KB, 328x552, ee.PNG)

Just found this shit
No. 962735
>>962179>"asexual heteroromantic"so, a lesbian then?
i love how obvious and recognizable the aiden artstyle is, all their art looks the same. i can clock someone just by looking at their art style for two seconds, whether it's ftm or mtf. is it just me?
and all their blogs and interests are the same too. these are just evolved versions of the girl who was too into warrior cats in 5th grade lmao.
No. 962740
File: 1587441589681.png (1.22 MB, 1305x1160, 790FA944-C6BA-433B-AC8B-2BA208…)

>>962735>so, a lesbian then?Yes, a lesbian who doesn’t have sex, I’m assuming. It’s “hetero” to her though since she thinks she’s a man.
>i can clock someone just by looking at their art style for two seconds, whether it's ftm or mtf.Anon YES ME TOO. All of their art is very steven universe/cal-arts/cartoon network-esque but with especially shitty anatomy. Found pic related on tumblr’s “#mlm art” tag.
No. 962774
File: 1587451885657.jpg (129.57 KB, 1024x1024, EGzfZWoUYAAXpVZ.jpg)

>>962735>i can clock someone just by looking at their art style for two seconds, whether it's ftm or mtf. is it just me?It's not just you. Even when there's not the obvious tells of fakebois drawing like Steven Universe or TiMs drawing like knockoff yuri, I feel like I can clock from drawing style pretty consistently. Men and women construct faces, bodies, and expressions differently; I'm curious as to why though.
No. 962789
File: 1587454735488.jpg (39.14 KB, 297x444, fytgu.JPG)

>>962735>>962740>>962774There's a whole thread on kiwifarms dedicated to this.'s almost unreal how easy it is to recognize them.
No. 962792
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>>919625this cow is unbearable, constantly begging their "friends" for money and as asspats because their life is soooooo hard guizzzz
No. 962819
>>962270Holy shit, this bitch. I found her through her constant ass-kissing of a nonbinary lesbian who, despite needing to remind everyone 24/7 that she's GAY GAY GAY 100% GAY, only seems to date men.
Lex is absolutely fucking exhausting. She's the perfect example of the young neoleftist Melbournian who uses social issues to replace the existence of a personality. She didn't need to tell us she's autistic, it only takes a minute of scrolling through her twitter to see that she is.
No. 962841
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No. 962954
>>962819Personally I'm always suspicious of whether or not these types are actually autistic or just self diagnosed snowflakes who slapped the label on themselves because its trendy in SJW circles. Just like with gender and sexuality nonsense kids like this will falsely claim to be autistic even though they almost certainly aren't. It's a huge part of why they make such a big stink about self diagnosis being totally
valid and you're an evil ableist if you say otherwise. They're all self diagnosed because deep down they know a doctor isnt gonna give them a diagnosis.
Not surprised at all that she only dates men, I would expect no less.
I'm an Amerifag and I know fakebois are pretty bad here in nerd and LGBTQ circles, how bad are they in Australia?
No. 962993
sorry fast typing lol
No. 962995
>>962702another fakeboi who nlog herself to being a boi. what a irrefutable pattern here that fakebois will deny
she apparently ids as "queer" and not straight
hmmm i wonder why
No. 963076
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>>962841How are they a fakeboi when they don’t even claim they’re trans
No. 963132
>>962702I used to absolutely love Amanda, and it meant so much to be able to watch her when I was younger and have a lesbian to look up to. Didn't help when she came out and I was already questioning the whole gender shit.
She keeps saying she's so much happier, but I honest to god can't see it. Maybe one day there'll be a detrans, but until then…
No. 963144
>>962447I would expect fakebois like this, who LARP as ~*Kawaii trap yaoi boiz*~ 24/7 to be in pain, those binders are fucking uncomfortable and annoying to be taking off. This one's IG is hilarious, pics with socks shoved in her coochie lips and the comments are full of cumbrained men who honestly believe this is a man.
>>962739Honestly, at this point I've come to the conclusion these butch girls think becoming a tranny will fix their lesbianism. They're trying to be normal, meaning straight. It's sad to watch, and it's the same thing with the MtF who seek other men. However, in that case it's usually ugly masculine gay men who didn't look as feminine as they wanted.
>>962821Lol, I think that anon is a kid. Probably 15-16, they don't know any better, kid'll have to lurk a bit more.
No. 963180
>>963144>I would expect fakebois like this, who LARP as ~*Kawaii trap yaoi boiz*~ 24/7 to be in pain, those binders are fucking uncomfortable and annoying to be taking off. This one's IG is hilarious, pics with socks shoved in her coochie lips and the comments are full of cumbrained men who honestly believe this is a man.I mean their have been cases of women/girls pretending to be traps on 4chan, just to mess with scrotes, hell I've done it once
but lately I have seen women/girls pretending to e traps on twitter and reddit, unironically
No. 963255
>>962421Tbh there seems to be a pattern with some ftm transtrenders being autistic straight white girls into yaoi, feel some kind of guilt for it so they call themselves gay men uwu so they don't get their shit called out
>I assume the reason these girls keep doing this shit into their 20's and beyond is because they never matured beyond the level of a dumb teen. They're probably coddled by their parents/families and thus never really forced to mature and grow up. They don't have any real problems and never developed a personality outside of dumb SJW idpol bullshitThis too. The ones I knew irl were just like this to the t. Very socially awkward too.
No. 963312
>>963255This 100%. People without problems get bored and make their own in an attempt to convince themselves that their lives aren't totally boring and that they're completely devoid of any interests or hobbies.
I can't stand people whose only personality trait is 'gay', who need to bring it up every 5 seconds because there's nothing else that makes them remotely interesting. Being gay or trans or whatever isn't a personality, but these people seem genuinely convinced that it's a good substitute. Plus, it means they're soooo oppressed! It means that if anyone says anything mean to them, they're a MEANIE TRANSPHOBE!!! It's an easy way to win any argument, which is great when they haven't evolved beyond using buzzwords to shut up anyone who disagrees with them.
No. 963644
>>963461>I'm always happy when I don't see any pronouns anywhere in the descriptionThis. I feel relieved every time I come across someone who doesn't list their pronouns. I refuse to follow anyone who does because that's how you know you'll be into countless RTs about muh transphobia.
>>963312>People without problemsTo be fair I think you have to have at least
some developmental or mental problems or trauma to even buy into this tranny shit. They might be living a comfortable middle class lifestyle but normal, healthy minded people don't get roped into this shit.
No. 963701
File: 1587593247963.jpg (416.02 KB, 1538x2048, ETXCxZsWAAEsR7h.jpg)

wutheringsufjan/godhandjotaro on Twitter.
She insists on being called "Bones" or "Guts." Dates another "trans" man who seems to put little effort on transitioning or presenting as male. Uses Twitter to voice how offended she is by everything in an unnecessarily aggressive manner, while pulling the trans and autism card to absolve herself from any criticism. She tries to police the evil fujos because muh fetishizing, despite constantly trying to include herself in gay male spaces. The cherry on top is the literal daily ebegging in the form of new tweets with her paypal/venmo/cashapp, retweeting said posts, and replying to those scammy "free money! drop your paypal!" tweets. Seriously, this is an every day thing. She's posted less frequently lately, but I'm suspecting it's due to small suspensions here and there by Twitter for her aggressive/violent tweets and comments.
No. 963835
File: 1587607747950.png (324.17 KB, 1063x1397, 1118BE1B-CAF4-4457-95C0-C14ED7…)

Had to make this after constantly encountering these types of people on tumblr. These types are probably common on twitter too.
No. 963990
>>963962Virtue signaling, as said earlier a lot of cis allies put them in their profiles to show how NOT transphobic they are.
Reminds me the last time I went to an anime con, I came across a lot of people, mostly young women (visitors and dealers) with pronouns badges, and a lot of booths at artist alley had pride merch. I was so disappointed, it was not like that even two years ago and I don't even live in an english speaking country.
No. 963994
File: 1587642197533.jpg (766.61 KB, 1673x1345, EWRLN30WkAAUHTH.jpg)

They are not the same person, both trannies
No. 964011
>>963990>Virtue signaling, as said earlier a lot of cis allies put them in their profiles to show how NOT transphobic they are.Yep, not to blog but my ex-bf ended up putting he/him in his bio (he didn't even have a twitter when we were together ftr). I tried doing some subtle jabs about it being obvious he is male since he actually uses a photo, but it went over his head and his reasoning was that it was recommended to "show support."
I agree with the anon that said it should not need to be said if the goal is to "pass". That's obviously why trannies want "cis" people to put pronouns in their bios as well - so it's a little harder to discern. Aside from the whole pandering thing of course.
No. 964052
>>963970but according to these genderspecials pronouns ≠ gender .
the reasoning i’ve heard for making cis people put their pronouns in their bio is so if everyone does it then transgender people and non binary people won’t stick out like special snowflakes for being the only people who do it
No. 964697
>>964277I don’t agree that this should be done, but that comparison is stupid. They argue that putting pronouns up front for everyone makes it easier for trans people who do need to present pronouns to blend in. Sexuality isn’t used to address people.
I agree that it’s stupid, but this is an easy point to argue and makes us look ignorant instead of people with basic common sense.
No. 964774
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Fresh nlog from FB
No. 964948
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Girl put her pronouns on her goddamn cats Twitter account. What the fuck.
No. 964953
File: 1587794140528.jpg (205.41 KB, 540x960, Screenshot_20200425-015345_Chr…)

More twitter fakeboi nonsense.
No. 965171
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This description alone is enough for me to know these are two straight girls and not actual gay men. No idea what their comic is like but I imagine it's pretty cringey like everything created by fujo-turned-SJW types.
I don't even really need to dig to find these girls either, it's like you throw a rock on any social media site and you hit 10 of them.
No. 965331
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>>965220Yeah Elliot is like the most common fakeboi name after Aiden, I swear.
Looking through their media it's just the same couple drawings of their shitty OCs, who are all 20 minority pileups like most shitty SJW OCs. Like this is apparent a trans ADHD multiple system. To their credit, at least the character actually looks male unlike other "trans man" OCs other shitty SJW artists create that are just busty, feminine bimbos ala rcdart and fairytale's abominations.
No. 965332
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That description, what the actual fuck.
No. 965714
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Just spotted this winner on FB. Who wants to bet she's a middle to upper class trust fund kid with approximately zero non-white friends?
No. 965717
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>>965714She must be a blast at parties
No. 965720
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Images you can smell
No. 965722
File: 1587937309956.jpg (206.49 KB, 540x960, Screenshot_20200426-173705_Chr…)

And of course she's buddies with other fakebois. Here's another one I found replying to her posts.
No. 966033
>>965833Yeah I'm sure her social circle consists entirely of other fakebois/troons and their enablers. I'm sure she fantasizes about being the hero of a and then the whole bus clapped story taking on a mean, evil transphobe though.
Even just thinking you need dysphoria to be trans or snickering at painfully obvious trenders is enough to get you excommunicated from certain circles these days. Particularly nerd/weeb circles.
No. 966381
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No. 966430
File: 1588106005419.png (846.26 KB, 1572x775, why.png)

What the fuck is wrong with straight women.
No. 966460
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No. 966540
File: 1588123728392.jpg (693.5 KB, 1280x1514, 1.jpg)

Fakeboi comic
No. 966541
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No. 966542
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No. 966543
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No. 966544
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No. 966549
File: 1588124850133.png (111.02 KB, 1122x739, spicy heteros 1.png)

>>966544Don't forget OP's defense.
No. 966550
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>>966549And a picture of the totes queer couple.
No. 966557
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>the art is good
No. 966563
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>>966544but you missed the best part in the replies
No. 966566
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>>966564>>966562>>966552sage for off-topic but reminds me of this meme, overly woke woc dating a generic white male has become a cliche at this point
No. 966656
>>966549>>966550>being straight is now "queer" uwufuck. i just. no.
>>966552Lmfao I was thinking the same thing. Need to get those extra woke points to make up for the cardinal sin of dating a white boi.
>>966563Holy shit this had me laughing way too hard
>>966587From what I've seen this is usually an issue mostly in relationships that are based on the female partner's gender issues when the male one finds an opening to exploit someone in need of validation. When it's a straight couple that has the female falling into troondom it's usually the male being too much of a pushover to create a conflict or voice his true feelings about it and defaulting to the "Oh well, it's just a phase" mode before they break up completely when she demands him to refer to her as his boyfriend or something.
No. 966666
File: 1588166835067.jpg (50.83 KB, 530x850, hehimcisgirl.JPG)

Bio as "cis male😳😜"
I really wanted to give the benefit of the doubt and searched older tiktoks to see I dunno, a voice that sounds legit, or Adam's apple? Maybe that's an actual male somehow really androgynous?
Well that's what she want to believe. Trap fetish all over this app and generation
No. 966678
File: 1588169028925.png (1.16 MB, 1180x757, 24J7EDP.png)

>>966658I don't know how she's hiding her age because if she's really only 30 she looks rough. it's like if present day pixyteri was still into kawaii shit.
(sorry for comparing the queen to this peasant)she doesn't seem that active? this is from 2018 and I didn't scroll down that far.
No. 966723
>>966550These dudes stay around and go along with the roleplay because theses woman almost never go on T or get surgery. The only sacrifice made is that her clothing choices and hairstyles become uglier, but all the rest stays the same. Only when these “queer” hetero women bring up HRT or top surgery do their boyfriends bail.
>>966666Lol. That’s obviously a pudgy little teen Fujoshi, drawing on blocky “boy” eyebrows and constantly hunching over so you don’t notice her figure. Besides, actual cis-male traps never whine about being mistaken for a girl, don’t get angry for people not thinking they’re boys and would never “explode” at the fact that straight men were in their dms. They instead wear all of that like a badge of honor.
No. 966826
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>>966666This is the most obvious case of binder bod I’ve ever seen
No. 966832
>>966666This is a girl cuz no Adams apple, small hands and round face. These features might work if they were asian, but it's a white chick (of course)
That and in gay culture, cross dressers love going by she when they are dressed up. In fact gay cross dressers find it VERY flattering when someone confuses them for a girl. It validates they are just as pretty/attractive as a real girl.
These chicks who are more feminine than other girls just want something to be offended about
No. 967523
File: 1588322979439.jpeg (Spoiler Image,802.56 KB, 1242x1869, 2D0C348E-C805-4CB5-A0A4-EC9D24…)

funny when they/them females think they're doing anything by posing for playboy in drag. you're still a woman and men are still jacking off to your tits, taped up alongside hairy armpits or not.
No. 967555
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>>967523Oh my god Dorian Electra is such a cow, I think she should be posted more.
She's almost 30 and is the epitome of a straight woman rolplaying as a flamboyant gay man, it gets to a point that its kinda gross.
Just look at that tracklist. "Flamboyant." "Guyliner" "Adam & Steve."
Also her music is utter garbage.
No. 967558
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how can a soul be- nevermind
No. 967563
>>967555oh wow i never thought id see Dorian here.
I stumbled upon her ''music'' a year ago and i thought ''wow a girl who is a drag king thats cool'' and then i see her correcting how people gender her in the comments and saying she is non-binary.
I felt kinda disappointed when i saw that.
If she said she was just a drag king who made her music for fun i would like it but knowing that she actually takes herself and her ''music'' seriously is embarrassing
No. 967683
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>>967555omg this bitch is hilarious. I went to her HS in Texas, and have been been acquaintances for years.
> has rich parents and has been making music videos (her early shit was really funny feminist parody stuff) forever, but until at least two years ago, she wasn’t paying bg dancers.>she still doesn’t pay bg dancers in live performances in houston.>recently said bg dancers are all men or trans women. she is the only masculine/gender bending female allowed. >when I spoke to her about politics last (about 10 years ago) she was a fucking libertarian, contradicting all the political shit she was saying publicly, because she truly only cares about her and her parent’s money. >her bf (picture) is disgusting. I personally find it hilarious. No. 967863
File: 1588381665927.png (19.53 KB, 595x186, dd143b8446178e8d4851c531d31e1d…)

>>967514sage for off-topic, I used to know someone like this, according to her she hated "whiteness" and "cis white hetro patriarchy" but not white people, she explained that its the same as some low-tier feminist tweeting "menaretrash" on twitter while still having male friends and a boyfriend
honestly its a lazy justification imo
No. 967867
>>967683 oh, god. I really love her man to man song, and a few others but i think she's overdoing her drag make-up and I CAN'T why she's putting a false gap between her front teeth, it's getting more obvious and worse tbh.
Her song album isn't the same as her previous one. The quality is going downhill.
No. 967904
>>967867I’m fine with her makeup. She’s always done pretty extreme shit, and I think she intentionally tries to look ugly/uncomfortable for a lot of things. I don’t have to think she’s cute to respect the choice. It’s this recent attempt to be political and weasel her way into lgbt recognition when her shit is generally mediocre otherwise that’s milky to me.
Also how she rips off the people in “tha community” when she has the money and dates an ugly cuck so she can feel superior in every aspect of her life.
She also used to collaborate with a lot of cool feminist artists and has slowly favored more and more male collaborators. I think she wants to be “the” nonbinary girl in pop, so she’s stopped trying to give others any sort of exposure.
No. 968111
File: 1588436979534.jpg (22.42 KB, 302x446, 52.JPG)

The fuckboy smirk™
No. 968132
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>>967769>and they are still fatyeah they fetishize pro-ana, and want to be dainty fragile soft boys uke….and then you look at their profiles and they're all fat.
No. 968370
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weird Dorian Electra tinfoil because I was reading this thread yesterday then looking at Jonny Craig’s baby mama’s IG… Dorian follows that account… and Syd doesn’t follow back. Dorian doesn’t follow Jonny or anyone else that would signify that they’re somehow friends & if Syd doesn’t follow her/isn’t a fan, why would Dorian follow Syd?
Tinfoil = Dorian Electra is a farmer who is following Sydney for the drama (like I did) bc there’s p much no other reason for a bigger account who mostly follows celebrities/other artists & fans to randomly follow Sydney, who didn’t have any sort of following before dating Jonny. Just a weird ass fact I noticed. Maybe I’m going insane. If a bored farmer wants to cross reference some more cows/cow adjacent people & see if Dorian is following more, I feel like that’d be kinda interesting lol.
No. 968436
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So uhh
she forgot the tag crossplay as she used it on other girl cosplays
No. 968713
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Our society really hates tomboys,huh?
No. 968714
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No. 968784
>>968713And we're supposed to respect that mindset and think it's "
No. 968826
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No. 969206
File: 1588649099264.jpeg (Spoiler Image,171.91 KB, 640x806, 91F375F7-D89B-49D7-82FF-E45ADE…)

Ascher’s onlyfans is a waste of money. Did he seriously see this and think it was sexy or cute?
No. 969242
I really don’t know who she’s trying to appeal to with these pictures? It must just be a small group of fetishists. I wonder how many subs she has.
No. 969279
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Lul ascher lurks and is still pissed about people calling her out about the pedo baiting
No. 969418
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this is truly a read but not the read they think it is.
No. 969420
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>>969418the responses are what you'd expect.
Big fan (/s) of the mindset of "REEEEE FUJOS REEE EW EW EW F*JOS" but when it's pwecious transmasques doing it it's just fine. Big fan of how the only acceptable outcome is to troon out, otherwise you're a pervy disgusting cishet fetishist.
Not that there's any difference, anyways.
No. 969510
File: 1588708966020.jpg (1.37 MB, 2392x1546, 20200505_210216.jpg)

Totally a boy, guys. Jeez, those fucking hashtags
No. 969693
>>969206hot tip: foot fetishists don't want gnarly feet, they want delicate non-hairy feminine feet with painted nails
(source: my friend is a foot fetish model)
No. 969861
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This is sad
>My mom doesn't accept me being a lesbian so i will ''become'' a straight man
Tell me how this isnt conversion therapy……
No. 969897
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"He/him". Because y'know, nothing says "male" better than having your tits out in almost every photo
No. 970027
>>969897But anon! Look at those armpits! Would a woman ever grow out their armpit hair? No, never! This is clearly a he because women shave!
But seriously, I hate how often I see women "realizing" they are nonbinary and somehow the next logical step for them is either shaving their eyebrows or letting their armpit hair grow.
No. 970488
>>969895i thought peak degeneracy was entering friend groups that's only purpose is being "about" lgbt issues or some other social issue
you should be making friends to be friends with people. sounds like you set yourself up to be in an environment where you're surrounding yourself with people who were sexist and homophobic. them being ftm is just an afterthought.
No. 970752
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imagine walking into the bathroom and seeing ur coworker do this
No. 970810
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Apparently this is a "trans nonbinary demiboy"(?)
The bio really says it all. Someone needs to tell these people that gender isn't a personality trait. All they seem to talk about is how trans and oh so gay they are
No. 970851
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>some of yall have never spoken to a single gay/bi man before and have learned your viewpoint on us through shitty yaoi fanfiction or gay stereotype media and it Really ShowsQuoted from the very masculine, virile hunk of a “Gay man” who draws trans-centric yaoi and lectures gay men on what it means to be gay. Really hates femboys for some strange reason. Most recently garnered attention for her one of many rants against gay men only liking men. Gay men hilariously dragged her. No. 970862
>>970851Holy fucking shit, I'm wheezing, this is hilarious. They're calling her a trans incel - transcel lmao. That tweet sounds so rape-y. "Sexuality isn't a choice but you HAVE to fuck me or you're a transphobe uwu".
I feel so sorry for actual gay men who have to put up with this bs. Her art is also disgusting
No. 970930
>>970851>ok incelThe replies are wonderful.
Her bio made me laugh:
>fujoshis, "problematic" artists DO NOT FOLLOW >>970867Because male troons turn into some of the most vicious creatures on earth when their entitlement to lesbian vagina is questioned.
No. 970936
>>970851What kills me the most about these people is that I just want to bust the party and scream how they weren't born male, they're not perceived as male by the society and they have no experience of the life of a gay man, but I can't. I'd be executed on the spot for being ~twansphobic~. Instead people dance around the subject and try to come up with any other reason to tell them to shut the fuck up instead of addressing the ginormous elephant in the room. It's both infuriating and mindblowing to witness what lengths people are allowing their cognitive dissonance to reach.
>>970867Because gay men have their male socialization and can aggressively tell these little cunts off with no ramifications, after all ~transmascs~ are women and socialized to feel smaller to men. Women always end up trying to reason with them because we know we'd be doxxed, ostracized and attacked until we're in shambles if we stepped out of the line and refused to lick girldick or questioned a he/him tumblrina trying to lay down the laws of being a gay man.
Anyway I'm going to start using the term "transcel" someone coined in the replies to refer to these kind of trannies in the future lmao. And christ her art is nasty, bitch trying to be all woke but if this shit ain't fetishizing then nothing is.
No. 970938
TIFs take inspiration from all the TIMs that shout about how "genital preference" is transphobic but what they don't get is that this pressure won't work with the opposite sexes. There hasn't been a culture of women pressuring men into sex and acting violent and threatening towards any male who dares to speak up. Men don't have to fear women, TIFs have no social status either. Men can just tell them to fuck off. An increasing amount of women are telling TIMs to fuck off though. I hope the tide is turning.
No. 970947
>>970936I've always thought of it as an "Emperor's New Clothes" type deal. These fakeboi tards come along and say "I am a man and if you can't see that then you must be a -insert buzzword here-". So of course everyone pretends to agree because if they disagree then they'll be labelled as transphobic.
But secretly everyone can see that this fakeboi is a woman; she looks like a chick, acts like a chick, dresses like a chick etc. Even she knows it, which is why she gets so defensive.
As soon as a couple of people stand up, the filter is turned off and everyone is allowed to say the truth.
No. 970951
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>>970851"Gayness is my whole life i just love men so much uwu"
bitch is a straight fujo lecturing gay ppl on how to be the right kind of gay, fucking wild
No. 970972
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lololololol how retarded can you be. Also I swear bara is primarily made by gay men for gay men. That's real gay men, not whatever she is.
The more of her tweets I read, the more braincells I lose
No. 970984
>>970981Calls me a tumblr tard. Is the one saying "if you don't fuck fat people, you're fatphobic reee".
Go sit down. You're just as bad as the fakeboi we're discussing.
No one has to fuck anyone they aren't attracted to. Period
No. 971046
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>>970851>>970951>>970972Her twitter is insane, all she does is shit upon gay men all day long bc ~the community is bigoted~ or some shit
She's literally just a homophobic straight girl
No. 971106
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No. 971107
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Reupload with some censor
No. 971116
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>>970972Curious of what kind of progressive "Bara" art she draws and immediately regret it.
No. 971118
>>971107"""trap""" ftms make me want to rip my hair out
how the fuck can they call themselves that when the whole point of being a trap is having a penis
they're not traps they're just disappointments
No. 971137
>>971118i'd personally let that pass if that person was in T like you know, not having the advantage of your fully female body because the point of trap is to look like one without being one?
>>971119Her excuse in comment about the lack of adam apple was "not all men have one"
No. 971206
>>971107How the fuck is a female bodied, non-T girl a trap to anyone? A man sees a female person in a dress and then he gets exactly the body he expected. Does she whip out her he/him badge in the middle of sex and go “Gotcha! This female reproductive system is a BOY’s female reproductive system!”
There are many of these girls that are just trolling but others are serious about demanding to be seen as a real life femboy and basically erasing a niche of GNC gay men.
No. 971258
>>971116god this makes me vomit. How the fuck is this progressive? This just looks disgusting
"progressive" is such a buzzword nowadays
No. 971300
>>970851Fake bois hate femboys bc they r for the most part very edgy if not genuinely conservative/racist often homophobic reactionaries who get everything a fakebois wants even if femboys to the rest of the world and even their mean little nerdy boy peers r usually very odd sad people
I also imagine it has something to do w the fact that they can’t breach this new breed of feminine cis boy subculture because it’s so goddamn male fakebois can’t wrap their heads around it, I’ve seen fakebois that try to pass themselves off as femboys and just end up getting trolled by these cliques of awful nerdy boys that are all to happy to rip apart some idiot woke girl who will never be one of them, even if they’re wearing the same shitty cosplay skirt as one of them
No. 971353
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>>970951Hmm wonder why so many people are transphobic?
No. 971414
>>971362"emotinal vagina and spiritual uterus"
>>971410More like edited but yeah, irony on point
(more like a femboy (right) killing a transmasc)
No. 971508
>>971314The west at large has this edgy right wing reactionary association w femboys but yeah it’s mostly a thing in twitter/discord/ig
It’s also weird bc like a lot of the young ones r like, genuinely not gay like you’d imagine and chase after girls and stuff it’s like some weird character they play. Some are gay and likely struggling w themselves ovbs but yeah it’s a really weird mutation of alienated suburban white boy. I’d say at least for now femboys firmly belong to them too, it’s really rare that a fakeboi will try to infiltrate outside of tiktok tags bc it’s a battle they will lose.
No. 971541
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>>971538Guys who identify as femboys usually base their identity around looking like girls and sexualizing themselves. They don't have a lot in common with mainstream gays, and most of them are honestly pretty terrible at makeup and fashion. Girls will pretend to be them from time to time just cos their standards are so low.
No. 971722
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>>971716Normally it's to fish for compliments from fetishists. But I'm going to guess Tiktok got a hold of it because one of their first e-celebs was constantly mistaken for a femboy.
No. 971739
>>971508>>971541I just went looking on Twitter to see what Western femboys look like(most don’t show themselves but only have avatar)and you are right. They are way more low effort than Japanese or other Asian ones. Now I understand why the fakebois think they can troll them. I even saw a thread where femboys were upset that some small YouTube trap turned out to be a girl. But in all her pictures it was super obvious she was just a young female who was binding and using filters! It’s like they turned off their brains when they read “trap”.
>>971503There is a blonde OC she makes that is obviously supposed to be her and she made them getting gangbanged by all cis male characters. She rants against gay men for this fantasy, but it is clear she lusts after men the same way and is ashamed of it. So she pretends to be a “masc” male to disassociate herself from a slutty female label. It seems to be the case with most of these young trans masc “Hello, fellow gays” people. They’re afraid of their own sexual desires and the stigma of being seen as a slutty, submissive woman.
No. 971750
>>971739Lmao look up catholic femboy on twitter if u wanna see what I mean by the femboy community being mostly young white western reactionaries
>>971722I feel so bad for that girl she's just a normal lil weeby kpop Stan teenage girl that became some fucked up meme and got doxed and shit
No. 971859
>>971669Dang, you know when I checked her comments she kept saying "Je suis super imberbe 😭"/(aka "I don't grow a bear for a boy") to comments about how well she pass as a trap (they think that's an actual dude) like, she's trying too hard lol. I checked her first pictures to see if she used feminine pronouns before but she's a fakeboi since 2017. She kept posting on that trap group but I already left (it was just to look at her comments), they pretty much shower her with compliments so she'll most likely going to stay and post more.
>ftm don’t need dysphoriaAnd she doesn't want to get misgendered lol
Yikes at the dad tho, creepy incest fetish shit
No. 971887
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>>971859So masculine. This bitch is a cow she can literally have her own thread with all the shit she say…
No. 971890
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>>971887Her parents don’t know she’s trans so she use her dad underwear because she don’t have boy underwear. This is so funny because literally in some of her photos you can clearly see she have boobs. I hate this kind of ftm. They are just some random girls who like yaoi anime boy but they want to be this cute shujo boy in yaoi. Stop.
No. 971934
>>971541They never look like that image rip
Yeah pretty much. Most of the femboys I’ve come across online are usually white and the pure definition of a cumbrain. Was surprised at how so many of them were bi tho.
No. 971995
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Why is it that so many of these straight women specifically go after gay men? There are bi men out there who would date the ones who aren't landwhales, and even desperate straight men who wouldn't care as long as they got some pussy. It's like they're trying to live out their escapist fetish full-time and are unable to do that without bragging about fucking a "cis gay" man. I know someone IRL who used to be a lesbian and is now calling herself a gay man and using the word fag to describe herself. How do you even go from one to the other like that?
No. 972028
>>971995They can’t reconcile being straight, realizing men are dog shit and a woman’s place in society. Deep down they know they can never escape being female or being straight, it broke them. Their mind yeeted itself into fantasy landscape where they believe irl gay men are the same as female-coded BL characters portrayed in media, a specie so divorced from stinky (straight) men and boring oppressed karens, and that they themselves are one such character. This way they can finally allow themselves to act female-brained and male-attracted like the straight woman they are. I’ve only ever seen that level of cope in serial killers lol
In the case of lesbians, just good ol internalized lesbophobia and misogyny, tragic really.
No. 972061
>>971966Kayleigh "Ophelia" Brown
She was posted in the munchie threads back when we had them. She's still munching, just super committed to turning into a genderless blob right now.
No. 972145
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Just saw this posted on KF. It’s equally parts hilarious and horrifying that young women delude themselves so much that a little non-op “sort of passing” ftm thinks she can show up at a gay men sex party and she would have a chance to live out her fujoshi dreams. Of course, she ends up doing the manly thing of locking herself in the bathroom to cry and is basically angry at her male friend for validating her identity. It’s crazy that there have been a few similar reddit posts of emotional, delicate ftms crying about big gay horny dudes not making exceptions for them in their orgies.
No. 972227
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I don't really understand this statement, there's no food mentioned at all but ok
Kinda weird to see them trying to be super inclusive and "safe space" but it kinda feels hypocritical to me
No. 972235
>>972145Fakebois are nothing but women trying to larp as gay dudes, but that doesn’t erase the fact that they’re still women and still used to feminine treatment.
While women are conditioned to try and not offend other people, men really don’t give a fuck.
Clearly this bitch has no idea how hard it is even for other gay men who aren’t thin white dudes. Lots of gay men who don’t fit the typical gay standards are struggling to date. Most people don’t want to say it, but gay dudes are very horny and very picky (except for other ugly or old dudes who just take whatever they can get)
I found they are very very accepting of drag queens and MtF because it doesn’t impact them in the slightest, but they want nothing to do with hairy girls with a pussy and no dick.
Her friend probably couldn’t spell it out clearly for her because he knew the anti-bigotry police would come down hard on him if he even hinted at anything, so he just set her up to learn all of that by herself.
No. 972253
>>972182nobody cares about you being an annoying dyke or your hatred for FTMs, nor does it have anything to do with the thread.
>>972227while it is a desperate attempt to seem woke, ramadan isn’t just about avoiding food and fasting. a basic google search would’ve told you that. they usually label their blogs/twitters/whatever with that if they swear/discuss sexual topics/stuff along that line.
No. 972266
>>972253Pretty sure anon
>>972182 meant that if the genders were reversed a predatory transwoman would've loudly demanded sex or even attempted to rape someone depending on the degree of male socialization and entitlement to female bodies and that's why lesbians don't invite them, while the gay men in the story did invite a woman despite her having no place in their all male sex party.
>>972258Sure, the masc lesbians are the ones insecure because they're not catfishing gay men and lying about their gender.
No. 972350
>>972145fucking lol and of course she does the girliest thing imaginable by shutting herself in the toilet crying
what was her friend thinking? did he just want to humiliate her lmao
No. 972423
>>972242Just imagine being a man trying to have a gay sex party and there is a girl lurking around staring at you and flashing her boobs. Gotta kill the mood. They were too nice, she should've gotten thrown out.
>>972260Careful anon, she likely takes "fag" as a compliment.
No. 972513
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No. 972576
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>>972516Definitely needs to lay off the doughnuts.
>>972543I imagine at 30-35 or maybe a little older when she really starts to age. It’s already begun because clearly she isn’t cute anymore - hairline looks like it’s beginning to recede, face becoming uglier, can’t seem to manage her weight, etc. Most 26-year-olds I know irl are still attractive but she’s definitely going down the gutter outside of her edited/filtered pictures. Trannies are narcissistic in that they transition to become their ultra attractive,
ideal versions of the opposite sex rather than just looking like any average person of that sex. If she becomes a typical fat and bald man in his 30’s and 40’s you know for sure it’s either detrans or 41%.
No. 972643
>>972145>2 months on T>pre-op>i sort of pass though!!!doubtful. 99% of ftms don't "pass" until around 2 YEARS in. 2 months in, you might have slightly hairier legs and that's it.
from what i've seen, gay guys don't even mind ftms a lot of the time as long as they actually look like men but having a buzzcut, unshaved pits and boobies doesn't make you attractive to anyone except maybe lesbians.
No. 972680
>>972359And this comment in that thread:
> I’m sorry you had to deal with this. I definitely wouldn’t hang out with them again. I hope you can find a group of people that make you feel included.Gay men being nice to her, inviting her hobbit ass to their parties, giving her a room to stay in AND being surprised when she left because they wanted to continue to hang out her the next day are not inclusive because they did not give her their bodies too? Trancels are insane, emotional vampires.
>>972513Nevermind the vagina, trans men’s horrific franken-nipples are enough to turn off anyone. Then the alternative is when they’re pre-op and they have flattened boobs covered in hair.
No. 972715
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>>972145>validGod damn I hate this word so much. You’ll never be “
valid” to gay men in the sense you mean because underneath the body hair and B.O. you’ will always be a woman with a vagina.
No. 972718
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>>972715>>972145another gem from r/FTM
No. 972725
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>>972718from the same thread
No. 972752
>>972643>99% of ftms don't "pass" until around 2 YEARS in.Even after 2 years, ftms only pass to normies. I can basically clock them all now (except for rare exceptions like Buck Angel). Their short statures and
especially the shrill/rasping voice they get from taking testosterone. Video shows what I mean when I talk about the ftm voice.
>>972725>Like I’m being sexist by being transLol, she is being sexist. The trans ideology itself is sexist.
>>972722You just know she never will. Every time someone “invalidates” her identity irl, she will come crawling back to her internet echochambers so she can hear everyone telling her how right and ~
valid~ she is
No. 972863
>>972788I do too (provided this is an honest account). They were pretty realistic about knowing at first glance it wasn’t a space for them but was continuously encouraged to keep trying, only to be treated, honestly just impolitely. I’ve been to sex parties with plenty of people that aren’t my thing, and I do my best to passively ignore, not recoil. It’s just tacky. And who doesn’t cry when drunk?
IDK that friend is a dick, and it really does seem like he was intentionally humiliating the kid.
No. 972885
>>972863>I’ve been to sex parties with plenty of people that aren’t my thing, and I do my best to passively ignore, not recoil.Yeah but at risk of
triggering some lurker itt I'll say gay men tend to be impertinent pieces of shit in that sense. Which is still understandable in that context, but they seemed to do their best to make her feel like shit. Still she may be exaggerating their reactions from her memory since she was drunk and was obviously self-conscious, who knows.
But yeah even if her friend is one of those liberals who are completely tone-deaf what he did to her was simply nasty. You have to be very out of touch with reality to do this accidentally.
No. 973004
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sage for ot but i posted
>>972145 in the /ftmg/ on 4chan’s /lgbt/ board and they all had pretty much the same responses as people here. it’s funny watching other trannies eat each other alive.
No. 973027
>>972885I'm going to bet that the friend realized he fucked up royal but it's not like he could just say "You're right, this is a cis only space. Now leave, woman" so he kept trying to save face with falsified pep talks and wishing that it'd get better while he knew damn well it wouldn't. He was between a rock and a hard place in that situation, either you crush the girlboy's dreams of being accepted or you keep acting like everything's fine and she just needs to go a step further. A nightmarish situation to be in to be honest but that happens when you let your cognitive dissonance cloud your judgement.
>>973004From what I've seen, especially the ~true trans~ FTMs of /lgbt/ are so full of internalized misogyny that they even hate other FTMs. You see them shitting on delusional Gaydens on the regular like they were any more sane for mutilating their bodies and trying to shake the icky femaleness off of them.
No. 973040
>>973027As someone who is gender-critical but in “queer” spaces, I at least know that there are ways to politely deal with this. Gay friend had the opportunity to take gayden aside after the first few “ewws” and say “I didn’t know it was going to be this way. Wanna watch TV in another room? Or do you want help getting home?”
Regardless of the legitimacy of this kid’s (or anyone’s) transition, humiliation isn’t going to help her, just drive her to people that validate her. I find 25+ y/o deluded fujoshis a more deserving subject of ridicule. They’re who these kids look up to.
No. 973128
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More goofy fakeboi pics
No. 973295
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>>972629Hknter on Instagram is the closest I’ve seen to a trans person without horrific chest scars. I’m pretty sure they shoop tho.
No. 973324
>>973201Starting with a few observations and one of the main events that led me to quit unless more people ask. I’m not a doctor (I dropped out of psych) but I am a social worker, and I volunteered to lead a support group a few years ago. My attitude is still “do what you need to feel comfortable,” but the people I dealt with were awful.
>Most discussions about the “trans experience” were just about clothing. It made sense for trans girls, because they seemed concerned with finding the right balance to avoid ridicule, but the “boys” echoed the same talking points as though anyone gives a shit about a girl in “masculine” clothes. It felt more like dress up.
>Trans guys spoke about crushes like incel nice guys. Like they decided they should adopt men’s worst traits. And many trans women never dropped this shit either. My attempts at calming these tirades and asking they assess the harmful ways they’re dealing with rejection and blaming other people for their preferences were met with complaints. I was doing everything right according to the CBT I was being trained under, so I wasnt let go, but I was told “this is more of an open talking space” so I had to just let them say this stuff.
>I had to institute hand-raising to make sure cis people had an opportunity to speak. The transes that came took up almost all of the limited time group. I got complaints for this but nothing ever happened.
There were always little fights, but once they pushed a female sexual assault survivor into a panic attack because they didn’t like her use of the term “men” when describing her struggle with intimacy and her identity since, because she mentioned in passing that her attraction to transmen hadn’t been affected. The transes berated her, forcing her to go into detail about the exact things that set her off, (dicks, P in V, discomfort with masculine physique) and she had a fucking breakdown trying to justify her feelings, eventually going over the event in detail, but she got no forgiveness. She moved to a SA support group after, but her main struggle was with her sense of identity since the event (she previously called herself bi), and I don’t know if she ever got what she needed. I should have shut that situation down earlier, but it quickly got out of control, and people were yelling over me.
I’d be worried about this story outing me, but I have seen multiple similar stories, so I don’t think this instance even stands out.
No. 973401
>>973324>The story about the sexual assault victimWhy are transes always such vile pieces of garbage? Let them be from either sex. I can't imagine a situation where a raped girl is trying to open up about her issues and having a group of people throwing themselves to her throat because they feel their fucking feelings are above her trauma instead of shutting the fuck up. What the fuck, these people should be tested for personality disorders before getting the gender dysphoria diagnosis.
Were these people minors? Kudos to you for having to deal with these mentally ill brats and not losing it. Not everyone can do a job like this.
No. 973417
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It's always uhh something to read he/him's carrd "There's something I'm extremely uncomfortable to talk about but since you can't guess what I'll mention it so you know, but don't talk about it!"
There was this girl on insta that would OFTEN mention her arms and apologies about them being ugly and ask to not comment about them. I didn't understood why but this catched my attention and went checking her old pic, it was just self harm scars.
No. 973423
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>>973417Some extra, nice way to confirm you're a girl.
(and Arashi is that okama from an Idol game)
No. 973434
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I’m a BoY BuT I wAnT tO bE JoAN oF ArC. she’s nothing like a boy or transgender. She’s just a gof girl
No. 973458
>>973401It was a group for “young adults,” but that definition was liberal. Most people were up to about mid twenties, but there were a few trans women in their thirties.
Another fun one was that stalking was super common! It was actually most common with trans women, so this is not the best board for those stories. The trans men were less direct when they did it, but I had to talk to a few about respecting people’s boundaries. I had to straight up ban some trans women from group, though.
No. 973462
>>973324Some days I worry/hope that I’m exaggerating all this in my mind and that the irl sphere isn’t as
toxic as the online sphere, but hearing stuff like this is really concerning. The only solace is that if this keeps up more and more people are probably going to reach their tipping point with what they’re willing to accept.
I would personally like to hear more stories and observations because I think it’s kind of grounding to hear tales from an actual physical gathering space; just as a reminder that the ongoing rhetoric has more consequences than a questionable Instagram page.
No. 973534
>>973462There was a lot of toxicity among all parties (for example some cis participants also stalked, gay men consistently shut lesbians down, bi people were disregarded). I think a lot of it came from competitive victimhood and a demand to be catered to.
I will 100% admit that I’m ranting about it here though, because the trans people particularly rubbed me the wrong way, and I feel invalidated a lot of feminist work. I’m not here to say there are no legitimate trans people. I have enough common sense to know I can’t judge people like that. But I suspect at least 50% of the people that identified as trans in that group were narcissistic attention seekers that wanted to be The Most Oppressed.
No. 973580
>>973458That only makes it worse then. I swear by the words you used and the behavior you described I thought they were teenagers. Adults acting like that is disgusting, I can't imagine someone in their mid twenties having a meltdown like that at a rape
>stalking.What the fuck. Totally not sexual deviants, yep. Also not surprised you had to kick out some TiMs in the end. These stories of yours would have been perfect for the GC threads, sadly they are gone and I don't know where else we could move this conversation to even though I'd love to hear more. Thanks for sharing, in any case.
No. 973605
>>973580>These stories of yours would have been perfect for the GC threads, sadly they are gone and I don't know where else we could move this conversation to nta. the gc discord was still active last time I checked.
I think social worker anon's story would also do well on r/gendercritical but they're pretty spergy over there.
No. 973609
>>973605I took one look at r/gendercritical and found my own concerns there…. here the culture is less active, so I feel I can vent without inspiring some 45 y/o political lesbian to out a trans college student to their family. Laughing at dumb behavior is one thing; harassing a confused attention-seeking queer youth is another.
Anyway, I’m old. Where do I find the discord channel?
No. 974066
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I'm cackling.
No. 974124
>>974100I don't think it's a gendered thing. I think both men and women are bad about dropping hints and not being direct, imo. And I still think pulling her aside and telling her directly even if it was in a very blunt way would be better than having her stick around and make people uncomfortable while she was getting the message. But that's just me. I prefer being direct and honest over dropping hints.
>>974066That shirt is cute. Anyone know where she got it?
I'd love to see more guys irl wear pastel clothing but the only ones who do are ftm.
No. 974430
>>972718This part specifically raises alarms
>"Playing video games doesn't make you a man" Ayden probably can't even conform to male standards or masculinity and thus has to go to the nerd community for validation
No. 974464
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Another FB they/them, spotted her in a group whining about pronouns.
No. 974498
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I hate attention seeking fakebois. It’s GRINDR. Get the fuck off a hookup app for gay men and you won’t get these ~horrible~ messages!
No. 974532
- chaser!"
No. 974535
File: 1589571196706.png (1000.4 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20200515-213028.png)

Another obvious woman who goes by he/him and calls herself gay.
No. 974536
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>>974535She also only cosplays scantily clad female characters, who does she hope to fool like that?
No. 974639
>>974563The thing is that even the cis male-chasing aydens
don't want gay men to be attracted to them. They know they can't give a gay man what he needs and it would be awkward as hell if some gay man actually hit them up and wanted a relationship. They know they're not male and don't want to be treated like one no matter how much they scream about being "a guy with a guy's body". What they do want is a
straight man who will ~validate~ their special gender identity with sweet little lies, how they're totally gay boyfriends and how he really does see him as a handsome, sexy fairy prince, while they live in a 100% heterosexual relationship with heteronormative dynamics. They both know they're a straight couple but the gender roleplay gives the girl just enough distancing from her issues regarding her female sexuality that she feels liberated to be a sexual being. Don't know if I'm explaining it coherently enough but basically straight girls look for straight boys to pamper them and make it so that their internalized misogyny doesn't make them feel like a slut for being a normal woman.
It's an ample opportunity for chasers to strike though, there are already many cases surfacing regarding all the predatory men who charm young transboys i.e. girls off their feet by telling them what a handsome ~*boy*~ they are. All you need to do is to use he/him pronouns and you got a vulnerable, mentally unstable 17-year old worshiping the ground you walk on.
No. 974736
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Oh no
No. 974860
>>971676True. There's one who calls himself Eva on Twitter with a Nazi fetish. Dude is almost 30 and is stuck behind kawaii filter apps teenage Japanese girls use. Meanwhile you can see his gigantic shoulders, wide jaw, and very narrow legs. He's obviously male and facially looks like a very clockable MTF tranny.
>>971934Also true. Some are just cumbrained depressed white nerds who've likely been groomed in a discord anime server, but I'm noticing the majority are ultimately just badly dressed bitchy twinks in disguise. This has always been a thing for some reason, I remember Myspace having a sizeable racist twink community, they were obsessed with ppl like Jeffree Star and Sharolaid, referring to themselves as fags and bothering women for no real reason etc.
>>974498>No hookups uwu>Literally on a gay hookup appGrindr isn't exactly a gay friend finding app, kek. Jesus, did the fakebois evolve? I always thought it was a joke about them being on Grindr or invading gay clubs, but it's seems they're actually doing it. They used to only be in majority female communities on Twitter and Tumblr.
No. 974879
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>>974860>>971676Plus many adult women(some in their 30's) play the roles of teenage boys, mainly for stunt work, e.g this is Chandler Riggs when he was 14 next to his stunt double, a 30 year old woman
just 2 years later they had to stop using her cause the difference in body size was too large
so in conclusion a fakeboi quite easily can pass as a twink/trap far longer then a natural male
No. 974983
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I crossed recently with this one, is a friend of SSSuccubus,claims to be a man and that she doesn edit her eyes in her photos (sure, han). Her body is clearly very feminine and has a female voice that can be heared perfectl in her streams, but still has to be an "e-boy" and "have a dick".
No. 975053
File: 1589661965891.jpg (83.39 KB, 720x522, EYIjREuWAAI6QVH.jpg)

I posted about @anocaineboi on the personal cows thread but I feel like she deserves a go here.
She's like the mangled child of the proana and fakebois thread, i think the photoshop on this one speaks for itself yet she claims to "TOTES BE A MAN GUYS", spergs both on portuguese and english about muh transphobia and makes unbelievable claism every 3 days such as:
>finished university at 18 years old
>speak over 10 languages
>plays over 10 instruments too
>also a hacker who knows alot about programming
>weights 68 lbs
>had a russian sugar daddy
No. 975057
File: 1589662285943.jpg (127.93 KB, 637x808, EX3BT83WkAIBxYZ.jpg)

>>975053sage for samefag
the mickey deer-esque shoop is just quite something really
also believe it or not, she's actually black.
No. 975075
File: 1589664661522.jpg (119.05 KB, 728x1024, EX3BSNbWoAIFCO1.jpg)

>>975071Here's an unedited picture back from when she was fat.
Lightens skintone and edits nose into oblivion.
No. 975088
>>975057>>975053>>975075At first I was like meh another ddlg anachan, but then
>actually blackKek anon do continue! Post some caps of her brags.
No. 975093
>>975049I'm not sure how old she was at the time, but female furry cow Cuteosphere definitely had a whole thing about hoping minors had "sexual awakenings" from her porn art. There's also been several small-time Tumblr cows like RabbieDee accused of doing it over the years, I'd be willing to believe Boyonetta could have run into the type.
However these two weren't basic fujos, they hid behind the excuse of "I'm not a predator, you're just targeting me because I'm a brave oppressed queer enby" so I doubt she'd call them out the same way.
No. 975094
File: 1589667964495.png (34.09 KB, 588x368, anocaineboi.png)

>>975088She also likes to say that she's not black but indigenous lol
No. 975101
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>>975095>native and white uwu>4a hairsure thing hun
No. 975324
File: 1589735944545.png (384.82 KB, 480x854, Screenshot_20200515-124704.png)

Saging because she's not massively milky, more of a personal fakeboi cow.
>Started following her in 2016 for her art, she was 100% cis female, calling herself bi
>Gradually became more self loathing and started drawing herself more masc
>She and I were good friends then, but she suddenly asked me to be her girlfriend and posted that I was publicly (I had been in my own unfortunate fakeboi phase and she was obsessed with me, but I decided to be comfortable with myself and just be a girl)
>She was super clingy, messaged me every time I was online, threatened suicide if I "left" her, typical bs
>I faked my own death and left all my old accounts to get rid of her (it was corny but she fell for it and she still visits those accounts to leave RIP messages)
>Started going by he/they and dressing androgynously
>Cut off her hair "im boi now!!1"
>Constantly refers to herself as "ya boy!" to remind everyone she's totally a boy guise!
>Does cosplay of mostly feminine characters, wears dresses and makeup constantly
>pretends to be an expert on trans/lgbt because she loves the new she-ra and anyone who doesn't is "phobic!!1" (pic related)
She's pretty mild compared to others here, just another "tOtaLly a BOI he/them oNLy!1" but I do get enjoyment out of seeing her in my feed, looking female as always.
No. 975326
>>975324> I had been in my own unfortunate fakeboi phase> she was obsessed with me> I faked my own death> Started going by he/theyI see that you involuntarily made her start that shit.
Also it's way simplier to just ghost.
No. 975361
>>975324>until she asked me to be her gfHas she asked so many people to date her that this isn't a huge giveaway to who you are to this cow anon?
Usually people with personal cows don't go into such detail about their personal relationships with said cow because you can be identified.
Faking your own death instead of just telling her to fuck off is pretty lolcow worthy in itself kek. Wtf
No. 975383
>>975308In short yeah, it is, people avoid calling themselves black the maximum they can.
Just plain institutional racism tbh, black features aren't seen as "beautiful" while ironically they are pretty common, uber white girls are seen as more exotic and attractive (simping over redheads on the internet is super common lol).
No. 975414
>>975057jesus we have another one
>actually blacki need more of this pls
No. 975468
>>975326>I see that you involuntarily made her start that shitWas thinking the same thing. Probably not directly, but has to be a contributing factor, especially if she continues posting RIP messages.
Jesus, I just feel bad for this girl. Her only crime supposedly being "super clingy" and maybe? (it's unclear) claiming someone as her gf against their will.
Faking your own death though is not "corny" and then
continuing to hatewatch her is even more pathetic.
Is that the agender flag behind her in that pic? Something like that I think. Certainly not the trans flag.
No. 975528
File: 1589768866377.jpeg (601.23 KB, 2048x2048, 9F68B4EE-F284-4429-8FBB-EA169F…)

classic case of a trender invading spaces for gay men
No. 975566
>>975468Faking your death to escape your online girlfriend is stupid and weird, but someone threatening suicide over a break-up is definitely more than "clingy".
Also pretty sure it's the asexual flag?
No. 975619
>>975618Also meant to reply too
>>975468. Sorry for double posting lol.
No. 975624
>>975566Just cuz the person was threatening suicide to leave, does not mean it is okay to fake your own death. That's just getting on the same level of stupidity and plain being mean. Anon at
>>975324 could have left her in a reasonable way, like a normal human being without having to run away from her by faking her death. It just means that she didnt want to confront her and tell her everything wrong with her. Not only did she choose the easy route, but she also choose the most damaging one for the girl. I dont understand how some people think it's okay to be absolute assholes to others because they're unstable/edgy or fakeboi or anything else.
No. 975678
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What is human anatomy right
No. 975680
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>>975678these shoops are genuinely uncanny
No. 975760
File: 1589826491188.jpg (220.15 KB, 540x960, Screenshot_20200517-182741_Chr…)

Random FB fakeboi, seriously why do these girls all call themselves goblins/gremlins/cryptids/etc?
No. 975778
File: 1589828652097.jpg (66.88 KB, 522x789, 2001.JPG)

Talk about being insecure (he/she, is that a semi-fakeboi?)
No. 975892
File: 1589841148437.jpeg (190.82 KB, 640x1386, C3CB40F4-97C2-4CF8-B429-F4C567…)

what the fuck
No. 975935
>>975566Yeah, threatening suicide is not ok, but I agree with
>>975624 and
>>975629>she also choose the most damaging one for the girlyep.
I mean, as much as threatening suicide sucks, this seems to have all been online, and nothing can be done about what someone ultimately decides to do. But I'll bet anything that it was an idle threat to manipulate. Self harm is possible, but suicide extremely unlikely.
Literally why not just ghost.
No. 976113
>>975760>why do these girls all call themselves goblins/gremlins/cryptids/etc?Lmao, you’re right. They’re all so similar. You can clock someone online from the vocabulary they use at this point.
>>976102It’s a good way to spot TIFs though. If you see “goblincore” in their profile it’s
almost always a TIF or a “nonbinary” female, for some reason. A lot of “-core” aesthetic accounts are also TIFs. If any of them have “mlm” in their usernames it’s basically a dead giveaway that it’s a TIF. Just some phenomena I’ve noticed from my time on tumblr.
No. 976379
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Are you certain about that Ashleigh?
No. 976644
File: 1589986476590.png (422.59 KB, 537x446, cap.PNG)

Got a "nonbinary" cis girl posting this on my feed. And had another one from a different person go on about how because they were exposed to yaoi as a teen they started having "gender identity issues" later in life lmao. They were getting pretty close to what t*rfs have been trying to tell them, but once some trans person came in crying about it the whole convo stopped. Deep down all of them know what's wrong but just use these labels to take the easy way out like
>>966563 No. 977639
>>977634you're right, sorry. I was hesitant to name them cause I don't know if it was okay or not.
huxxuki is the ex.
casyrosemary is the girl that left.
the_little_toot is the new girl in the group.
those names are from their instragram accounts.
sociallyawkwardcosplay is their cosplay group.
No. 978037
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This "not a girl" apparently writes for Teen Vogue
No. 978067
>>978061more likely
>>966723 situation
>These dudes stay around and go along with the roleplay because theses woman almost never go on T or get surgery. The only sacrifice made is that her clothing choices and hairstyles become uglier, but all the rest stays the same. Only when these “queer” hetero women bring up HRT or top surgery do their boyfriends bail. he's likely a boring straight white guy who watches the office and Parks and rec and chooses to just ignore his girlfriends delusions
No. 978176
>>966723>These dudes stay around and go along with the roleplay because theses woman almost never go on T or get surgery. The only sacrifice made is that her clothing choices and hairstyles become uglier, but all the rest stays the same. Only when these “queer” hetero women bring up HRT or top surgery do their boyfriends bail. Spot on. I love how I just witnessed a relationship end like this. The previously femme woman started identifying as nonbinary, the boyfriend went along with it for a few years until the woman started talking about wanting to get top surgery. Took like 2-3 months and he dumped her, their relationship of 6 years was done with. I sort of feel bad for their boyfriends for being essentially forced to hang on to the hope that it's just a phase and waiting for it to be over, and then later publicly smeared as being "
abusive and transphobic" when he leaves.
>>978055This. Teen Vogue has been a joke for years.
No. 978242
>>978037>ukulele Watch out, everyone!
“They’re” different
No. 978437
File: 1590326092537.png (6.23 MB, 5511x2344, thing.png)

>>978247I'm the other anon mentionned but here's the one I was talking about (she did a comic too)
No. 978629
>>978437>'it was there causing me to think bad things about myself boo hoo' these girls really don't realise that the thing making them feel badly about themselves is their own self hatred and internalised misogyny? they really don't understand that having such a restrictive, stupid ass view of femininity and womanhood (because we all know women can't be tomboys or have short hair!) will obviously lead to them hating themselves
also kek at the new name. why can't any of them choose something normal like fucking james or jack
No. 978639
>>978629>why can't any of them choose something normal like fucking james or jackgod the names are such a dead giveaway most of the time. ash, aidan, ezra, elliot, charlie, rhys, luke, cole, connor, max.. it reminds me of those terrible ocs 13 year olds on deviantart would create, but they completely ignored naming conventions of the show they like so between the takeshis and momokos there's suddenly a chick named evangeline or sapphire.
No. 978669
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No. 978672
>>978629kek idk where you're from but jonah is a pretty normal guy name.
>>978639i see your point but a lot of those are also extremely common guy names. luke, cole, connor, max, charlie, elliot?? of course ash and aidan are go-to fakeboi names, and i've heard of ezra, but who tf is out here naming themselves rhys?
No. 978732
>>978685The only Elliot’s in zoomer/yung millennial pop culture I can think of are Elliot roger who would b pushing 30 rn and Elliott smith who’s also old and dead.
I think it’s cohort appropriate but popular because it can be shortened to Ellie which is a common girl name?
No. 978773
>>978183I think "forced" is a flawed word choice but when you love someone and have your life planned out with them you tend to hang on to the hope that they will get over it, maybe go to couples' therapy and sort things out. You don't want to throw a long, loving relationship out the window immediately just because your partner went down the tranny hole. I doubt anyone would just stand up and walk out the moment someone comes out as trans to them due to the strong emotional attachment to this person, especially when they first talk about being "nonbinary" implying they're just experimenting and not neck deep into it.
>>978437>I hated the oppressive role I was assigned at birth and it caused me anxiety and self hatred just like any woman who doesn't adhere to the very strict expectations placed upon my gender and couldn't put it into words because my environment didn't encourage open dialogue about it, but then I found out that you can strip yourself of all conventional femininity and be suddenly considered a real person instead of just a dumb young woman! He/him pronouns please uwuThis kind of stuff always reminds me of the time I saw a documentary about a trans kid (FTM) who deadass was telling a tale of how growing up as a tomboy she was constantly told how she's not a girl at all due to her behavior and appearance, and instead of addressing the blatant sexism and persecution of GNC women it was supposed to be seen as a brave stand of a stunning trans child who had a clear sense of identity since childhood. Her mother was nodding along herself. This was a 12-year old kid talking about how she wants to get top surgery and hormones as soon as possible.
>>978732I don't think they're picking out these names from artists or characters or something, most of the names they give to themselves have an universal connotation of being a young or a feminine boy's name. Pretty sure they're reaching for their lost teen years they spent hating themselves and being ostracized by their peers, so now they want to be the 16-year old Elliot living it up. Same goes for Oliver, Ash, Luke/Lucas, Elijah, Elias, Levi, Julian, Nathan, Mica and so forth. Coincidentally a lot of these names are topping the "most popular baby names" charts of the recent years so naturally they have a ring of youthfulness to it.
No. 978821
File: 1590405875320.jpg (95.02 KB, 1200x457, DgX_FzhW4AAnDtq.jpg)

>>978752I should mention she is from Germany then, I heard they tend to be pro therapy and let transitions easily over there. I tried to look for the tweet but can't find it anymore, probably from her deleted curiouscat then but she told that she managed to skip the waiting list (kinda 3 months?) and get the hormones ealier than excepted thanks to her therapist.
I find kind kinda funny that as soon as she started that she then began to be that LGBTQIA+ qweer artist (she used to have a moe/cutesy artstyle prior)
No. 978836
File: 1590410514776.png (2.55 MB, 750x1334, D1B2B8A3-D3C6-4CB0-BC47-1DAE86…)

does anyone know what the fuck this crackhead means? antis refer to ppl who were mad when ascher flashed pussy lips dressed as deku i guess
No. 978865
>>978821 >>978773i like her current art anon but it's also disappointing. I think they were all her original OCs before she transitioned to be a fakeboi. She just changed them along with her phase. Simply adding a few oppression points.
And i think therapists are giving these kind of people a leeway rather than finding the core of their problems especially when gender dysphoria was questioned years ago of whether it's a mental disorder (which it is, there's medical proof) or just something as homosexuality. Homosexuality was deleted by the DSM (basically a book diagnostics and statistics on mental disorders, the recommended book when diagnosing a patient) considering there was a lack or zero evidence of correlating same sex attraction to the dysfunction of the brain and body, physical, social, mental, and etc aspects of human being. I'm just writing what I understood and have heard before, so I apologize if there were some things incorrect or inaccurate.
That, and germany has a lot of famous proponents in regards to psychology. psychologists and therapists whose theories, counseling tactics, schools of thoughts and etc. are still used to this day. So, maybe that's why they are pro-therapy but even then, I still question as to why a lot of people are taking up hormones so easily.
That, and this people are aggressive when questioned their credibility. Therapist could also have disagreed with the wants of these people and rather than listening to the professionals they immediately change therapist who would cater to their selfish desires. I also heard from a video before that the fakebois or transtrenders, who all live in the same area, would warn others on therapists who don't get what they want and only recommend a person who would give them an easy pass for hormones.
No. 978895
File: 1590423191555.jpg (577.26 KB, 1920x2227, 20-05-26-01-51-26-272_deco__01…)

>>903582I posted this cow 5 months ago but forgot to mention her vast acting ~skillz~. I just stumbled upon her again and thought why not share the autism around. Bit of a dump incoming. I wish I could still find her GoFundMe, it had the most generic fakeboi title "~Romany wants to get something off her chest~". No explanation needed and virtually no donations kek.
To start here's her acting profile and a brief rundown.
>Australia>The land of racism and bad humourBig KEK
>2012I have no idea why she's lying about the year, I knew her back in at least 2010???
>I sometimes use a wheelchairAs you may have guessed that's a new addition, gotta get them intersectional
victim points.
>Non binary but transBoth definitely non-conflicting concepts, kek.
>Sanpaku stare >Unironically named herself Pip to fulfill her dreams of larping as an Oliver's Twist character>Doesn't register Southpark already did that joke No. 978904
>>978901 sorry for samefag, forgot to mention the contents in the last post.
>Good afternoon ladies>NothingMan:
>Hi ladies I'm happy to be here>Autistic screechingRomany:
>YEAH UH, can you not say ladies please??? Just because I'm wearing lipstick, doesn't mean I'm a lady~I have no idea what this shit is supposed to be. If it's satire, it's the worst attempt at satire I've ever seen. Enjoy.
No. 979016
>>978986Escapism seems like a good word for it, because a lot of the talk surrounding this particular branch of gender identity is a lot of trying to move away from the hold of mainstream culture. I’m sure most of us here agree that a lot of the realities of moving around in the world as women can suck in a lot of ways, and it can even be hard to have faith in the notion that ‘women can be anything’ if you haven’t been around long enough to see it in real life. Just look at the number of people who think an aesthetic change is a whole new gender- they’re already in deep enough to have conceptualized that ‘gender is a construct’, but not the unspoken ‘so that leaves physical sex, which is just a coin toss, so do whatever.’ They know that their bodies and social identities when they’re observed make them feel unsafe, but they can’t find the words why. (Until someone says the word ‘dysphoria’.)
People fuck around with the concept of their identity when they’re young adults, this in itself isn’t new. Add the moral imperative of the ongoing social justice dialogue where the value of who gets to be treated with sympathy for being ‘misunderstood’ is treated with almost mathematical rigidity and you’ve got a powerful cocktail; moral superiority and being able to assert identity boundaries with authority.
I think the most appealing aspect of the process is being able to tell other people who you are instead of having to go through the burden of being observed, and being able to say that someone is objectively wrong if they’ve observed you in a way you don’t agree with. It’s revoking other peoples rights to think of you in ways you didn’t agree to, which is basically what it is to live in the world with a body. Nobody doesn’t have the ‘being observed on a shallow level’ experience, it’s just part of living that can really suck, but this way of thinking attempts to override it with moral imperatives.
It’s also a way to try and finesse their way into the young LGBT+ subculture, who (in a VERY specific subsection of the online sphere) boast about being more gender-equal and progressive by nature of being LGBT+. I would say that can be true, but that particular subsection also frequently dunks on CisHets for basically being shallow-soulless-conformist-idiots, so if someone wants to see themselves as part of the movement by right of identity, suddenly they’re incentivised to do some ‘soul-searching’. It’s a way in as well as a way out.
No. 979046
File: 1590447179910.jpeg (546.98 KB, 750x1029, 7846F86F-B8C9-489B-83F6-8AAF05…)

>>974536Toooooooootally a boy. I also realized she removed her he/him pronouns on her Twitter when you posted her anon KEK
No. 979060
>>979046i noticed that the fakebois i followed on instagram have been erasing their pronouns on their bio/profile. twitter too but i don't go there as often. they haven't been mentioned on this thread either. but they have decent followings in the cosplay community.
what's going on? Has some fakeboi made a post about threads similar to these or something else?
No. 1256510
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i went to a small charter high school and this is the tip of the iceberg of the UwU soft bois that went there. this person would bring up how opressed they are every single chance they could get their hands on. if i can remember the full list they claimed they were: trans,autistic,jewish,asian,gay,OSDD1b, disabled, depressed, and had severe anxiety. whenever the teacher asked how our weekend were theyd flaunt the fact that they were called slurs in their instagram dms like a trophy.