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/snow/ - flakes & mistakes

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No. 2041204

>Admin note: Please remember this thread is not to discuss general grievances and phenomena of the trans "community". Only post here if you're talking about specific trans cows and are able to provide screenshots of their behavior. Generalized vents don't belong here, nor do your personal experiences. Use the appropriate threads on our off-topic boards for this

This is a series of threads about fakebois and trans-identified females (TIFs).

TIFs are girls and women who take on the 'trans' label to any extent, including undergoing ("gender-affirming") surgery under that label.

"Fakebois" are girls who pretend to be boys, either by becoming TIFs or larping biological males through the screen (classic move). Fakebois usually style and present themselves as androgynous or feminine-looking boys, or wearing girls' clothing and make-up while insisting on being addressed with he/him (or occasionally they/them) pronouns and take great offense at being gendered as female.

These threads are also now a catch-all for any minor TIF cows without threads of their own. Even "serious" troons, (like Kalvin Garrah and Ellen Page) are fair game, as are horrific troon surgeries and pregnancies. Just remember to spoiler that shit.

**TIFs, no one cares if you think you're ~more legit~ than the cows posted here.**

Additionally, occasional discussion of fujoshis is fine, but don't sperg and infight about it. Report and ignore bait.

Notable FtM-related subreddits:

Old threads by order of recency:

No. 2041214

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No. 2041217

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I know the pipeline of fujoshi and tifs is a long ass thread, but is always funny when these women claim "yeah, but what about US?? We are a fetish for straight women and no one think we are real gay men!"

No. 2041221

Totally happened, you guys. Of all of the things to lie about on the internet you choose a poop story? Very well. But let's say it's real for a second: what is the point of it? That the manager was so kind she "correctly" identified her or that you shouldn't "correctly" identify troons because they will be outed? Or that male bathroom is scary and you shouldn't let a vulnerable ftm in there? Like what's the point? I am so confused.
Fujocoomer to tif pipeline is crazy. I remember when saying you trooned out because of yaoi was a sign you were a faker and didn't want to be a man (not that majority of them wants to be male, they want to be TRANS men, the girly sensitive below 5'3 cosplay uwu guys) and then it was also a "transphobic stereotype". We don't even need to do anything, they will ruin their own movement with circular and nonsensical definitions kek.

No. 2041224

is this person male or female? face and voice say tif but story says tim

No. 2041233

When the women's bathroom is gross or out of service I feel no issue using the men's, I don't get why she's making such a huge deal? You'd imagine that as a TIF she'd be elated to use the men's shitter

No. 2041237

>I feel like I need to poop this is dangerous
Never knew I'll have to hear this sentence one day. She was going to drop a nuke from her ass or what. Just take a shit and go away like a normal person, there's no need to have a discussion about your shitting rights with two fast-food employees.

I think it could be a they/themlet? Judging by that 'when she wasn't wrong, but she was wrong' line.

No. 2041239

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No. 2041240

What terms was she even talking about? Fujoshi? That's a cringe term that I can't see anyone above the age of 12 using unironically to describe themselves, not a homophobic one. Nobody walks over to a gay dude and calls him a fujo with mega homophobic intentions kek. It's just used for tifujos who post about yaoi all day, and you can't be homophobic against straight women. Troons want to be oppressed so bad.

No. 2041242

>I'm built like C
Says the whale.

No. 2041244

Why are they looking at drawings to correlate with their bodies. The last 3 are coomershit, unrealistic bodies. Woman don't build muscle like that without roids and strict dieting.

No. 2041245

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No. 2041247

>big doe eyes
Sorry but where?

No. 2041250

File: 1727846305592.png (141.76 KB, 581x360, no it isn't.PNG)

wait why would she post this, does she want to de-troon?

No. 2041251

Holy fucking shit. Why is it a prerequisite for so many tifs to have the most nonexistent chin in the world. She doesn't even pass she just looks like another dysfunctional NLOG.

No. 2041254

not necessarily. a lot of tifs tend to say stuff like "any pronouns" because nobody clocks these delusional girls as the men they wanna be and it hurts their feefees

No. 2041256

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another one

No. 2041258

yeah, built like c alright. if c ate 8000 calories a day kek

No. 2041259

Surpsingly this is an actual moid who seems to have some intersex disordse, tifs wish lol

No. 2041262

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The way it's a creepy ass shit to say, but this coomer knew that adding the 'him' would make all the tifs view it as a compliment because they're that desperate to be seen as moids. This is so pathetic from both sides.

Checked the twitter account after reading this but it still looks like a tif? Tifs also love to claim that they've got some 'rare intersex disorder' (aka pcos) and those 'dick' pics are badly photoshoped, it's like the second coming of that arachnid girl who still pretends to have a dong between her legs kek. I'm willing to give this one benefit of the doubt though, because the photoshop is too much in general.

No. 2041263

She passes—as an underage boy. Hmmmmmm.

No. 2041269

She doesn't really pass as a boy of any age, but she sure does try to make herself seem underage in all her pics. I won't be surprised if she's a creep like every other troon.

No. 2041279

No. 2041282

Imagine dressing like that. What a fucking clown. And the hairstyle is atrocious. Out of all looks these people could adopt, they really go for the ugly blob no one could ever be attracted to.
Also, why would you ever think of posting a video like that?!(sage your shit)

No. 2041289

From my tif days I know that a lot of them say that they have “any pronouns” because they feel like they’re asking too much by saying they want to only be called he (and some percentage of wanting to be seen as a speshul qweer), and then get upset over the fact that everyone calls them she or they rather than he, as is shown in this comic. Such a female pattern of thinking kek, a male would never be concerned over asking too much of other people.

No. 2041292

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>tif "femboys" when they try to fit in with actual moids

No. 2041308

Don't flatter yourself stank ratz, we know you reek and have your own orbit at this point

No. 2041310

Their audiences are FULL of trapshit pedos who want to believe that underage boys genuinely look like this, and they're fully aware but don't give a fuck

No. 2041311

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Kekking at this(sage your shit)

No. 2041323

they usually say "any pronouns" as a trick because in reality some of them wrong. she's upset in the comix because the other character didn't automatically use "he" and therefore saw her as a woman. the only reason she gave the option was is to get validation when someone picks "he". it's basically fishing for compliments. tims skip this entirely because they know they have to force people to call them women since no one actually feels this way.

No. 2041327

She should know of course women have a based view on what femboys should be, but males have awful taste. She yearns for the prettyboy.

No. 2041333

This TIF is one half of a lesbian couple (I think called coupleagoofs) that recently had a baby. I saw a few of their videos pre-troon and thought they were mildly cringe but whatever. Then I caught a video of the wife saying her wife's transition was none of her business and I immediately blocked them. I feel terrible for her wife, this shit is a plague on lesbians.

No. 2041369

I actually watched quite a few of their videos because I’m interested in lesbian parenting and that’s essentially what they were doing, and honestly TIF shit aside they seemed competent and involved (although cringe) future parents. UNTIL I realized the TIF is getting top surgery NOW, a few months or so after her wife gave birth, so she’ll be unable to hold her baby in a meaningful way for months. Thats so fucking selfish. Your wife GAVE BIRTH which probably put a lot of stress on her body and you’re willingly getting cosmetic surgery two months later. They literally almost had me with the “Well, I don’t agree with this, but they seem like nice people…” NOPE! It’s always me me me, there’s no exceptions, and now I’m worried for their kid.

No. 2041370

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Maybe Ai should rule the world after all.

No. 2041390

on her face

No. 2041397

>Shirt is about tits
>Ai draws tits
>Why would AI do this to me
Also, the AI made no mention of wether she is a man or woman. I thought tits weren't inherently female and men could have them. What is it, trannies?

No. 2041399

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>game features a crossdressing woman disguised as a man who is literally pregnant by the end of the game
>assume she's a tif

No. 2041413

Both are retarded. This is the mentally ill tif calling the anti woke moid kettle black.

No. 2041421

The femboy pedo sissy fetish scrotes are all childish and submissive because that's what they think being a woman is, and are repetitive about what they like such as thigh highs and cat ears because it's part of the fetish. Good luck finding androgynous dressing moids who aren't gay and aren't ugly degens I thought I'd found one myself randomly on a dating app but he's a themlet now and whoring himself out to fags on grindr, many such cases. Tough times to be an androgyny lover, they're all trooning now

No. 2041432

I noticed that too nona, I feel like moids are starting to be more aware of tifs and using the fact that they're mentally ill and desperate to be "a cute gay boi" to get into bed with them. Men have probably been doing this for ages but these derogatory sexual memes aimed specifically at tifs have been taking off in normie spaces as well and no one seems bothered by it? You'd think people would find it transphobic or something.

No. 2041449

Kek what did she even expect? If you're going to write down that your skills are being whiny, then don't get surprised when people don't want your whiny ass. These terminally online retards really believe that the world works the exact same way as the internet, where you'll be put on a pedestal for being the most 'qweeer' of them all, despite being a straight woman with a pronouns pin and dyed hair.

If you can't relate to moids, then maybe rethink why you believe yourself to be a moid. What truly gets me is that none of these 'femboi' tifs are even gnc, neither in appearance nor in behaviour, so their trooning out is entirely based on coom and delusion.

No. 2041456

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Does she know what masculine means?

No. 2041459

She thinks "femboys" are the underage looking soft bois in her yaois written by women. In reality, they are skinny, druggie looking white boys who like to dress badly and fetishize womanhood while still being as misogynistic as your average jock dudebro

No. 2041492

Ever noticed that none of those girls act like "normal" guys, but rather anime femboys.

almost like they aren't actually male-brained…and they barely understand anything about moids.

No. 2041521

Ayrt, wow that's even worse than I thought actually. The last surgery I'd get just months after my wife gave birth is one that makes it so I can't lift more than ten pounds. Aka, everything a mother who's recently given birth shouldn't be doing.

No. 2041598

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Imagine saying something homophobic and taking being posted in Know Your Meme like a honor medal.

BTW, her pronouns are "It/Its".

No. 2041599

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No. 2041618

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She looks like picrel

No. 2041619

She wants people to call her "he," but no one ever does, and she knows she's won't look like a Chill Dudeboy if she gets upset about pronouns, so she lets people call her whatever they want.

No. 2041621

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Sick Carl Weezer cosplay

No. 2041624

Of course moids "celebrating" their sexuality is just getting their ugly dicks out in public, who wouldn't be repulsed by that, homophobia my ass.

No. 2041664

Don't say that, she made older women the most charming thing to me as a kid.

No. 2041665

i swear 99% of these people's problems comes from an inability to just use their words.
''hey sorry i would like to use the women's restroom please''
is it that hard?? to just be a normal human?? people cannot read your mind …

No. 2041676

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>what too much yaoi does

No. 2041678

>women can't love men like gay men!
>tfw any gay man around you is going on random hookups not even looking for love
>the ones that are looking for love are depressed nerds because no one wants to stop having random hookups to date and settled down
They seriously do not know any gay men at all kek. The only exposure to them has been their Percy Jackson fanfiction.

No. 2041679

genderspecials preach about breaking the gender roles and how 'gender is a construct' but they correlate eye shape with femininity? why are they so retarded

No. 2041683

If it was a common pride, I get it. This was a full BSDM gay parade. Although she even commented "if it was a tim, that would be ok".

No. 2041684

Girl, gay men love in yaoi the same way women do because most of the time they're written by women.

No. 2041688

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Holy shit, the crab bucket mentality on this girl.

No. 2041689

this, it's either a story between a man and a woman in drag or just two women in drag

No. 2041701

>13 years
That's more than the expected life of a tranny. TRAs truly don't live in a reality that makes sense. Their goalposts are all over the place.

No. 2041712

Pretty much every "what I look with he/him in bio" post is made to fish compliments. Can't even say most of them are "humblebrags" because a lot of them are just blatantly proud to show off their tits and makeup skills and cunty outfits or whatever so they can have a bunch of comments going "yaaaass king you ate"

No. 2041730

It's true. All women in deep down wants to bang a chick. They will never lust men the way they lust women

No. 2041754

this is a MTF

No. 2041768

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A whole jumpscare kek

No. 2041781

why did she transition into a unwashed discord mod

No. 2041782

What the fuck is she transitioning into? A gorilla? And ape? Not even the hairiest men ive ever met have THAT much hair and in such odd places and patterns?? How many of the 41% are women who regret their choices because they end up like this and no one wants them because they have ansolutely NOTHING to offer?? Tragically bleak. Horrendous.

No. 2041793

Tf is there to even brag about though? She's got 2015-esque instagram eye makeup on her face in 2024.

No. 2041805

Isn't that a good thing? If more and more troons are ok with being called anything just let them troon out and further their path of destruction, it's not your lives(sage your shit)

No. 2041811

Female to Kyle Carrozza

No. 2041812

women don't kill themselves because no one wants to fuck them

No. 2041814

Thats not what i said or meant. But in the end women are conditioned to value themselves through what they offer to others and through positive attention. Im sure she was raised and socialized female. In the end we all want to make connections with others. I doubt they get partners or make friends easily. Im sure her choices are going to affect her for the rest of her life and perhaps one day she will snap out of it, realize what she has done, regret everything but know there is no going back. I didnt mean it as if she is never getting fucked again.

No. 2041820

Christine Chubbuck begs to differ.

No. 2041843

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>true and honest man

No. 2041847

fujo altar

No. 2041861

the hairline, the shoulder hair… why would you willingly do that to yourself

No. 2041863

Look I get that moids are naturally hairy but I never saw a man that hairy, what the fuck? What does testosterone even do?? And I'm from the Mediterranean area so I know what I'm talking about, how do they not feel gross like an ape? Imagine paying for this and doing it willingly I am so baffled about what mental illness can do

No. 2041865

The fuck is a bingus

No. 2041868

We're not having this retarded debate again. It doesn't matter whether you think the characters in stupid yaoi are male or female. TiFs are delusional and want to live in yaoi manga, that's the only relevant issue.

No. 2041871

I get the gist of what you're saying: gay men are more promiscuous and sex-oriented than women because males are the less selective and more-risk taking sex, so they go nuts with no women in the picture. That's true. But it's retarded to say that all gay men are either nymphomaniacs or incels. Why would they have campaigned for marriage or ever bother getting married if that were the case? Gay men are more likely than straight men to stay with a terminally ill significant other. Duh they're sex-crazed in the way all moids are, but they still have the capacity for romantic love. They're human beings ffs.

No. 2041890

Where did you find this nonna? Some tif's insta? For some reason it looks familiar(sage your shit)

No. 2041893

Of course the Mazamuno art on the walls lmao.. speaking of, anyone got any milk on her? She's been ID'ing as a tif, then nb, and now who tf knows. Or should I prob go to artsalt thread for that?(sage your shit)

No. 2041900

File: 1728006098732.png (275.51 KB, 1560x1030, Screenshot 2024-10-03 at 7.41.…)

fucking lol

No. 2041903

Bring back the sigfrid68686 foiling, nonnas. I know that autist is milky on discord, who will take one for the team?

No. 2041917

“Woman troons out in an attempt to escape sexualization by men and to be recognized as a fully realized human being worthy of respect” - many such cases. I wish I could shake all these girls and tell them that cutting their own tits off isn’t the solution.

No. 2041924

Women aren't a monolith. I'm pretty sure there's a retard out there who has done that, is about to do that, or will do that.

No. 2041926

Holy shit, not just a consoomer but also a huge coomer. All this money wasted just to you can have stupid anime statues to get off to while deluding yourself into thinking you're a moid. Why couldn't she buy herself a brain with them dollars?

No. 2041933

Isn't this a tim? The weird sink fetish clocks it.

No. 2041934

Anon there's no point in even bothering with this, troon threads are often brimming with casual homophobia because it's obvious that some people who visit this place are the same ones to make faces at a rainbow flag hanging outside some random cafe during pride month. They want to say this kind of stuff regarding lesbians too, but they know it'll be harder to mask it, unlike when it comes to oddly specific and stereotypical remarks regarding gay moids, if someone points it out they can just go 'b-but muh moid-hating!! you're just a pissy handmaiden, go serve your scrote' or something.

No. 2041939

>sees a fetish
>it feels so fetishized to me!!
No shit sherlock. There's a reason why the femboy subreddits filled and run by moids, that you can't relate to, are just porn, and other gay moids who just happen to be feminine don't automatically call themselves femboys for it.

No. 2041979

I pointed this out in the other thread. He used to post about his orchi and ffs on Tumblr regularly. They won't listen.

No. 2041992

i stole it from some "femboy" vtuber tif called joeiwanko long ago

No. 2042007

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Went to search her up and of course, this is the vtuber design she chose for herself kek.

No. 2042008

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Even her youtube account looks exactly like how you would expect. Most coomer shit in existence.

No. 2042009

Is she like… trying to claim that she really gets mistaken for anything but a girl irl? Tiffany please, nobody thinks you're some androgynous being that people can't figure out, you're just a pornsick woman in shein clothes.

No. 2042013

>human beings

No. 2042019

I think it might be referring to this hairless cat a popularish handmaiden youtube lady owns.

No. 2042040

File: 1728033234097.gif (6.95 MB, 640x640, bingus-cat.gif)

ftm as in female to monstrosity?

No. 2042055

Ohh that's who that's from I see I see, thank you nonny. I thought that was a TIM, like someone else said too lol

No. 2042056

Hmmm…does sound oddly like a froggy tif, but could also be a really gay moid(sage your shit)

No. 2042060

File: 1728041336946.jpg (1019.96 KB, 2021x2695, totes a moid.jpg)

>but could also be a really gay moid
how can you be so bad at clocking? the other big red flag is this bitch is also a shotafag kek, whats with tifs and their fascination for little boys?

No. 2042066

it's easier for a tif to look like a boy than a man, presumably

No. 2042071

Many younger male characters are also voiced by women so they have an easier time sounding like them too

No. 2042073

also, literally every boy character is usually played by a short woman in theater as well

No. 2042074

>whats with tifs and their fascination for little boys?
bl and yaoi, but as someone already posted, the 'boys' in those stories are basically women in drag

No. 2042091

tif on tif violence kek

No. 2042107

She got that My Hero Academia fan accent

No. 2042123

>Liking musicals but not liking rap is racism
Someone give these people real problems for the love of god

No. 2042152

Yeah, I would too take it as a medal of honor too, unrestrained bdsm exhibitionist idiots are enough, but when they are also male - bury

No. 2042158

Her commitment to buying merch that perfectly fits into her pastel goth color scheme is impressively female kek

No. 2042170

No. 2042193

>whats with tifs and their fascination for little boys?
It's the same case as tims and their obsession with little girls. Anons can feel free to believe that there's some kind of innocent reason behind it or they find it more 'attainable' to look like a child rather than a grown adult ver of the gender they want to be, but I think it's simply the fact that troons are pedos. Many pedophiles also have autopedophilia.

No. 2042210

File: 1728072703017.jpg (3.2 MB, 3395x3417, 1000029999.jpg)

Kek does being extra gay makes someone sound unmistakably female? She's even using a voice changer on her mic, making her sound almost like a shitty ai. No way you genuinely thought there's slightest bit of chance that it's some random gay moid's natural voice.

Damn, her videos have a lethal amount of brainrot. She just wanted to show off her tits in her shein clothes again, but did a whole mental gymnastics to convince her viewers that 'um ackhually, I don't have boobs, I'm flat and have my 'boy tits.' Believe me guys I'm totally a moid, I just stuffed a bra with socks to fake this look' like girl… you ain't fooling anyone. I could have slight sympathy for tifs who troon out thinking that they can avoid sexualisation through this way, however I'll never be able to feel anything but disgust for bitches like her who troon out for the coom and continue pandering to the other coomers.

No. 2042211

Yagami Yato sounds better, and afaik (and I hope) she isn't a tif.

No. 2042218

Sorry for OT but omg another fairy godmother older lover ayyy

No. 2042222

Might not be a tif, but she seems to be the kind who unironically believes in gendie ideology and would yell at people for not using they/them for ham smith under his videos kek. Can't expect based behaviour from a mha fan.

No. 2042343

Idk,ultra gay moids sound similar to tifs when they try to sound girly if that makes sense? Idk, anyway, it's first time I hear of her being a shotafag.. seriously, another pornsick fujo..(sage your shit)

No. 2042349


Okay but dropping Hazbin Hotel and immediately moving on made me lel unironically.shame about her intellectually disabled accent tho(sage your shit)

No. 2042362

File: 1728100473469.png (113.97 KB, 751x1004, IMG_8709.png)

>abortion is a trans issue
I wonder why

No. 2042394

Clean that mountain of earwax out of your airpods. I'm not even joking or trying to be snarky right now anon, this is concerning, go and grab that damp q-tip for your own sake. Do it. Seriously, do it.

>having doctors who can communicate with us without invalidating us
>without invalidating us
The priorities, the desperation, the sheer retardation… this is so fucking PATHETIC I can't believe my eyes. And how did a tif even manage to outretard a tim out of all things? What the actual hell? Is this real? Did I unknowingly die in my sleep last night and just woke up in hell or something?

No. 2042397

i wish actors wouldn't bring their characters with them when they transition.

No. 2042400

no lowly female can love fags like Jeffrey dahmer did. because true love is mutilation and rape. >>2041871
the stay with their sick husbands because they are males and not disposable females. they actually see them as humans unlike us. They would never do it for a woman.

No. 2042401

File: 1728111521873.jpg (116.03 KB, 1080x619, 1000030014.jpg)

>I wear pants to school instead of a skirt
How revolutionary kek, give her a cookie for being so brave and special… unlike the other girls who have skirts superglued to their skin and would faint at the thought of pants. I heard one of them attempted to wear it about a week ago, unfortunately her body spontaneously combusted upon the first contact with such a genderless clothing as she couldn't handle the power.

No. 2042403

>They would never do it for a woman
Nta but gay moids obviously wouldn't treat a woman the same way they'd treat their male partner. And it's clear that the other anon wasn't even talking about those who stay in the closet and use poor women as their beard, but rather openly married/dating gay couples.

No. 2042411

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No. 2042421

yeah and also she’s cute as fuck

No. 2042422

This is so sad

No. 2042437

File: 1728125791650.jpeg (839.1 KB, 3196x2400, 3D387DF4-7930-4425-BC31-B20220…)

Normalize selfharm

No. 2042438

this is just sad. mutilating your body like that..

No. 2042444

her face is so pretty, too bad she ruined her body.

No. 2042447

I don’t get this shit whatsoever. Guarantee her breasts prob weren’t even big, I have the same kind of frame. This mental illness of “I can opt out of harassment and rape” is so fucking scary because all it does is mutilate women and not make them any less likely to be victimized by men.

No. 2042448

Her face is mid. Her body is great tho. İ would lick her abs(thirst)

No. 2042451

common t4t straightoid l

No. 2042456

Nah, both are great. That voluminous hair on the before pic made her even hotter.

No. 2042467

Outie bellybutton ew ew ew

No. 2042470

Post your bellybutton(derailing)

No. 2042471

Stop thirstposting and using this thread like a chatroom, this isn't /g/.

No. 2042473

Mods are jealous because they are fat(take it to /meta/)

No. 2042481

This isn't tif hate anymore nona. You can't control this, some of us have it because docs fucked up on us.

No. 2042482

Why aren't you banned like >>2042448 ? You lot call butches handsome but tifs pretty?

No. 2042483

File: 1728137157522.jpeg (Spoiler Image,2.05 MB, 2387x2404, GPKZQ0WbcAAooH7.jpeg)

From the "Boyfriends"'s author. Once again proving that tifs do not like to draw women bodies, even if the character is a tif like her. Spoiler due everything.

No. 2042484

r*pe by deception gay moid victim edition(do not self censor on lolcow)

No. 2042485

Same energy. No teen moid is going to act like she does.

No. 2042490

She's not TiF, she's enby. Yes, androgynous women are more attractive than butches. Didn't you know this? Are you a butch?(derailing)

No. 2042500

They draw TIFs like this because they believe that T will completely transform their body. Why do some of you want to see realistic TIF porn so badly?

No. 2042520

>consumerism vlog
a tranny classic

No. 2042523

I cannot believe people are ok with taking about their bowel movements in great details like this with their real faces and voices on video willingly. Fakeboi or not she could have have a "funny" post on twitter or tumblr or whatever about that but now she's running the risk of meeting people irl who will know she nearly shat in her pants once just by seeing her face and recognize her from the video.

No. 2042527

>They draw TIFs like this because they believe that T will completely transform their body.

The one way it will transform their body is giving them osteoporosis and health issues kek

No. 2042528

She could've achieved this shape with a binder, no butchering needed. Come to think of it a lot of physical things about "transitioning" have much less painful and less ugly counterparts in cosmetics, shapewear, etc.

No. 2042529

This is the girliest picture I've seen this week.

No. 2042531

The problem with binders is that they compress your chest with each breath, so is not possible to wear it 24/7. That's why some of them end with saggy tits for wearing binders for so long.

No. 2042541

It's just fun to see the disconnect that they all sell to each other, these girls truly believe they will have a male swimmer's body by just injecting a magical drug in their bloodstream.
These depictions are hurting the permanently online girls that truly believe they can just get testosterone in their bodies before puberty or after stopping puberty to look like their beloved anime bishies.
If trannies were more sincere and showed the truth of what they really look like, lots of kids wouldn't fall for this shit they sell.

No. 2042554

They would learn a thing or two about female bodybuilders using steroids and the damage it cause, but they don't. "It won't happen to me", they say. "My doctor told me that I can revert it anytime", they say.

No. 2042562

why does she have frostbite on her fingers kek

No. 2042563

And according to her profile she's apparently only 17 too what the fuck?? Who wants to bet the disgusting tranny moid who raped her was several times her age…

No. 2042571

How is she trans when she keeps her vagina? Probably too young for the surgery. Dating with a creepy predator TiM on top of that. I wonder how is she rationalizes all of this. Ugh I can't wait to die and pass out from this world

No. 2042580

File: 1728158835864.jpg (148.34 KB, 1038x394, 1728065616620.jpg)

Stole it from the fandom thread..fuck the troon contagion for ruining so many girls life. context the op of the tiktok was calling out totes real twans men harassing young girls or straight girls into bl and saying that they are festishizing them (kek) and cuntboy shit I'd totes valid! Just generally the usual retarded shit

No. 2042581

>I'm more attracted to men
Not 'more', you're only attracted to men like the spicy straight tif's self-insert you are. This tif (the artist) is the type of retard who believes a lesbian relationship is just constant handholding and longing gazes.

>I hate my body so I don't want to be pleased in the bedroom, but I'll please the moids instead if they want

Another day, another fail by a tif. Bet she consider herself 'dominant' because of it too kek, many such cases. If you're solely focusing on a moid's pleasure, you aren't dominant. You're an idiot, a proper insecure idiot.

No. 2042588

She's complaining that not specially acknolwedging troons is dangerous, but doesn't specify that her repulsive rapehon ex"girlfriend" was a troon. Isn't that equally dangerous?

No. 2042598

>Bet she consider herself 'dominant' because of it too
I don't remember exactly when, but she has indeed refered to this trans character being the 'top' in the relationship with the faggy uke male characters. It made me cringe back then as well

No. 2042623

cant you just look like an elf and be GNC? why enter a moids domain and try to change how they do things?

No. 2042624

cant tell if shes ESL, autistic, or trying to hard to sound like a quirky white boy youtuber she obsesses over.

No. 2042665

File: 1728180845297.png (515.42 KB, 598x1010, lesboys.png)

No, because poor TIMs are more oppressed than straight women. If she says it was her "girlfriend" who raped her, it makes her look transphobic to make that tim go to jail for abusing a minor.

No. 2042667

that's a new one for me lmao

No. 2042685

I can't wait till this shit starts not being trendy again in 5-10 years.
literally just this generations emo phase.

No. 2042690

File: 1728186684634.jpeg (80.92 KB, 750x354, IMG_1821.jpeg)

>I have the average strength of a cis man
This is industrial grade cope.

No. 2042717

>trans men have rounder features
Isnt that typical peak dysphoria in a r/ftm sub?

No. 2042727

do you think she knows her joints are weaker now

No. 2042733

File: 1728203271986.png (800.77 KB, 663x1522, IMG_8646.png)

No. 2042787

Lots of athletes look like D. The other two are unrealistic even for roids as you wouldn’t have that level of gynoid fat storage and that little leg development.

No. 2042810

File: 1728222717755.png (382.84 KB, 1075x734, Screenshot 2024-10-06 215017.p…)

Case in point: picrel. From a ftmtf detrans youtuber. I'm surprised no one in the comments called her drawing transphobic.

No. 2042876

File: 1728232813299.jpg (288.21 KB, 718x1302, Screenshot_20241006_103926.jpg)


No. 2042878

>How revolutionary
I know this isn't what you meant but in some cases it is, I won't go into detail but we had to protest in my school to be able to wear pants, I almost got suspended a couple of times

No. 2042879

File: 1728232965918.png (1.23 MB, 818x1190, FtM Femboy2.png)


Female-To-Femboy are especially cringe.

No. 2042891

File: 1728234448549.jpeg (775.91 KB, 828x1574, IMG_5579.jpeg)

>industrial strength of a man
>is 5ft2
>looks like this
careful not overdosing on that copium mate

No. 2042894

You can tell sis would panic the moment a dude gets all up in her face and try to hurt her. Her fat little legs would take a fortnight to even try and kick him in the balls before he grabs her and tosses her aside.


Shoutout to all the tall normal GNC women just being themselves out there making TIFs seethe on the daily. I've known some tall masc lesbians who admit to hanging around TIFs just to mog them lmao.

No. 2042895

So when straight guys say they like femboys, they actually mean delusional feminine women. That makes sense, honestly. No wonder they're banking so hard on their grift.

No. 2042913

>but in some cases it is
And it obviously isn't one of those 'some cases' here with that tif, so what's even your point? 'Don't use this word ironically in this scenario because it makes sense in the other scenario'?

No. 2042915

nah they usually mean crossdressing boys that have penises. its a way to be gay/bi but still hold the title of being called straight.
mentally ill flat chested women giving themselves away on a silver platter is just a bonus.

No. 2042921

Why is it always the tiniest of tifs who always try to larp more as a manly man than your average height one's? I've never seen a 5'7 tif larp so badly like that?

No. 2042924

Neither hot nor a 'femboy' the only thing she's getting arrested for is being stanky in the public.

No. 2042925

Short men do it, shorter people have more anger issues

No. 2042960

Napoleon syndrome

No. 2042962

Kek the duality of troon brainrot

No. 2042991

File: 1728260371985.jpg (80.64 KB, 620x960, tumblr_5d3d3105cd7856678fed85b…)


No. 2042992

> My sexuality
Fujo on fujo violence

No. 2042994

why do tifs think fujoshis want to sexualize them so bad? the average fujoshi is reading junjou romantica not looking at tif porn

No. 2042995

I miss when the cringest thing you can do as a fujo was to buy a yaoi paddle and call yourself a proud fujo..now fujos lop off their breats to larp as fags..not even actual moid fags but literal pseudo woman fags..why

No. 2042996

I'm the other anon you're referring to, and yes, that's what I meant. The people at issue are men who openly self-describe as gay, because that's who TiFs chase and idealize. I think we can all agree that closeted gay men who trap unknowing women in loveless marriages are evil (although the solution to that is more gay acceptance, not less). Anyway, TiFs just fundamentally fail to understand how male sexuality (gay or straight) works, because as we've established many times before, they're fed a steady diet of gay fiction written by women for women. However, I don't think that the fiction itself is the problem– it's people being unable to distinguish fantasy from reality (likely in part because of mental illness). The internet needs to accept that anime is not a realistic portrayal of either sex, and that's okay in the context of fantasy. Shit doesn't have to be realistic, and people shouldn't delude themselves into believing the reality is like fiction.

No. 2042998

transitioned into the comic book store guy from the simpsons kek

No. 2043015

File: 1728265138426.gif (26.12 KB, 640x360, kokkuri-kokkuri-san.gif)

It goes to the pipeline, but they don't want to be seen as straight women fetishing gay moids since that's so 00's and straight people are evil. Better be a moid so I can enjoy my porn drawn non-ironically for a straight woman.

No. 2043024

I'm always blown away at the narcissism of doughy TiFs who think that they're irresistible to women who like yaoi bishies. It's like post-twink-death gay TiMs who think that they're the fantasy of every married straight man.

No. 2043026

Why do her proportions look so strange? Her head is gigantic and her arm is a toothpick. Is there some kind of weird shoop going on here?

No. 2043029

Like 99% of TiFs don't get phalloplasty

No. 2043035

better to larp as a man online than to waste thousands on a vaguely phallic arm-skin tube that will almost definitely be completely useless if it doesnt wind up rotting off her body.

No. 2043038


I don't share your or the others opinion on this joeiwanko, here. I've heard his voice on other videos he sounds just like some dude to me. I don't see what everyone else is seeing here with their transvestigations on him(sage your shit)

No. 2043043

Go back

No. 2043044

You would think that after what happened to Gruffin most of them would just not get a phalloplasty, but people learn nothing.

No. 2043075

File: 1728277920536.mp4 (1.42 MB, 576x1024, joeiwanko 2022.mp4)

You're telling me this is a man?

No. 2043078

File: 1728278653245.mp4 (7.96 MB, 1920x1080, pitching voice up.mp4)

And here she is pretending to pitch her voice up.

No. 2043082

The random sticks on the sand really adds to the visuals.

No. 2043083

I feel like the voice is actually one of the most obvious tells. Her voice doesn't come from the throat, it's too deep in her ribs and it's like she runs out of breath from it. What guy speaks like that. You can tell with words that end with some vowels, she tries to pitch it down and it makes it breathy it's so weird. Gay guys are the most common to have unuptick in their voice so it stands out how you can hear the conscious effort to do the opposite. It's obvious she uses it to overcompensate.

No. 2043096

Her tryhard voice is like nails on a chalkboard, it's always as if siri is having seizures and someone decided to record it to post online. Honestly, I'm not trying to hi-cow here so jannies… please turn a blind eye to me just this once but I kind of feel like anons who are desperately claiming that's she's a super ultra gay moid with a super ultra gay voice instead of your typical tif despite so many things proving otherwise (like her literal room kek), is just her shotafag shein ass defending herself. It goes without saying that many tifs lurk these threads, many even admitting it on reddit and crying about how it's a form of 'self harm', plus it's a bit suspicious how none of them know how to sage and/or integrate properly.(you know it’s against the rules )

No. 2043112

She was seething at some lesbian saying her attraction is different from men's and could only come up with this kekkk
Sigfrid8686 is a TiF????? No way what's her or his discord

No. 2043115

File: 1728293074579.jpg (9.45 KB, 474x197, we know what you are.jpg)

>"he sounds just like some dude to me"
is it her liking little boys that makes you think that? heres a surprise for you! women can be pedophiles too especially mentally ill women who think they are "ukes" and totes a real moid

No. 2043134

File: 1728297859215.jpg (1.13 MB, 3024x2887, FtM Femboy.jpg)

>So when straight guys say they like femboys, they actually mean delusional feminine women. That makes sense, honestly. No wonder they're banking so hard on their grift.

I wouldn't know about that. But the most popular femboys/twinks are women with top surgery.

>Why do her proportions look so strange? Her head is gigantic and her arm is a toothpick. Is there some kind of weird shoop going on here?

Weird angle and haircut? This is also her.

No. 2043137

ok nazi cum(infight bait)

No. 2043138

Kek she kinda looks like Shoe

No. 2043143

File: 1728299484312.png (305.63 KB, 521x569, scramratztumblr.png)

Scramratz reblogged this, how are they so fucking stupid

No. 2043156

Shes short

No. 2043158

I was talking about males in general. Bihet males abandon their wives after they get sick and can't be their domestic servant anymore. Meanwhile fags stay with their male partners no matter what. Because they see us as a house appliance and not a human that can be loved.

No. 2043179

thank god I grew up in an era where fujos could cosplay/make AMV's on their yaoi pairings and at worst some moid online would call them obsessive fangirls but wouldn't really do shit about anything. now there's all this narcissism disguised as political activism. no wonder fandoms as a whole in the west are dead as shit.

No. 2043180

they have to delude themselves into thinking they're desirable to non chasers and young girls, otherwise they chopped their tits off and destroyed their hormonal balance for no reason.

No. 2043183

the way tifs are so delusional they think fujoshis (or anyone really) look at them the same way they look at picture perfect idealized androgynous anime bishies. if they weren't so hopelessly retarded i'd be impressed at how they manage to be so delusional on all fronts

No. 2043214

Because not many are 5'7 and above in the first place. If it does, they believe being tall or masculine looking makes them overdose on the copium that they are the "moid" flavor of man.

No. 2043215

To young girls? Wtf

No. 2043217

>men troon out because homophobia
>women troon out because they think being straight is boring
>in 2024
Gender equality was a lie and a mistake(bait)

No. 2043232

Agreed(agreeing with bait)

No. 2043235

Men troon out due to porn addiction, but I'm sure you are intimately aware of that sir

No. 2043239

>men troon out because homophobia
Kek one glance at the tim thread would've proven this is false. Tims troon out because they're coomers and pedophiles

No. 2043246

Totally a man desk.

No. 2043247

For some difference, here's a moid with a cute setup.

No. 2043257

File: 1728325558310.jpeg (92.52 KB, 674x377, 75EF0897-C71E-4783-A627-78DDB9…)

Trooning out has really highlighted her FAS face

No. 2043261

No. 2043262

Nooo Anatola…hers was the only trooning out that disappointed me

No. 2043267


No. 2043273

so based she'll die before reaching 40! yasss get those life long chronic pains! cancer! and the repulsion of everyone only to 47% yourself eventually so based and tifpilled

No. 2043282

File: 1728330302658.mp4 (1.15 MB, 720x1280, Video-788.mp4)

no comment

No. 2043284

>so based she'll die before reaching 40
Who cares. The earlier the better. Periods also cause chronic pain in some women(a-logging)

No. 2043285

is she mentally retarded? genuinely looks Down’s syndrome

No. 2043287

Look up PMDD buddy. Some women have to get hysterectomy because of their painful periods. So you're wrong

No. 2043294

>soft music
>anime and manga obsessed
>huge consoomer of plastic knick knacks
Yeah you can clock her not just as a girl but as a tif

No. 2043319

Not the retarded toddler behaviour for her coomer audience…

No. 2043324

It doesn’t look like FAS or Down’s to me. She’s just a little babyfaced(sage your shit)

No. 2043338

this is literally pedobait

No. 2043355

bro what happened to The Rock. She's giving The Pebble.

No. 2043361

File: 1728346563818.jpeg (251.45 KB, 1152x2048, IMG_6484.jpeg)

Ok true, I still kinda think this is a girl though
(Also I don’t have Discord receipts he/she/whatever blocked me on everything lmfao)

No. 2043366

File: 1728347210323.jpeg (147.49 KB, 1600x900, IMG_6485.jpeg)

Female hands and skull shape

No. 2043367

Are you seriously nitpicking the goddamn beach instead of the cow

No. 2043374

>fags stay with their male partners no matter what
We're getting offtopic at this point, but this is probably at least partially due to the long-term cultural effect of the AIDS crisis, during which gay moids pretty much only had each other because everyone (including the government) treated people dying of AIDS like shit. I can see how something like that would prime a group of people to be uniquely accommodating when it comes to terminal illness, and I wonder if the trend will persist twenty or fifty years from now, when there are fewer people who survived the AIDs crisis.(derailing)

No. 2043384

To be fair, the random sticks really do add to the visuals, biodegradable waste right next to a useless hazardous waste.

No. 2043416

that anon wishes they were at a beach rn

No. 2043430


No. 2043443

No, it’s someone who’s fairly big in the underground black metal scene. He/she/it doesn’t even speak much English

No. 2043456

most everyone does

No. 2043464

Wishing you had a dick is literally a female-only thing because moids already have dicks kek. Even those who might've gone through, say, botched circumcision don't exactly wish for penis, they just wish to not have mutilated genitals. Sigmund Freud still wouldn't have minded talking to her if he were alive though, since he was a proper retard who loved to pretend like his views were facts and was always more than eager to generalise, including when it came to his own degeneracy ('Oh how can I be an abnormal person? Everyone else feels exactly like me, they just hide it') so he would've hit it off with troons pretty well. They both have one thing in common after all, pure narcissism.

Honestly, you're so based for this. Sometimes there's a couple anons on here who walk on eggshells around this topic, do mental gymnastics so they can portray tifs' creepy obsession with kids as something innocent or innocuous, or straight up deny that female pedophilia is a thing not to mention we had a nonce defender some threads back who was ranting about how a convicted toddler-molester and cp creator was the true 'victim' in the whole situation and it's annoying… to say the very least. Male pedophiles have always been/are going to be more and moids do commit more crimes than women ever do, but 'less' doesn't mean nonexistent. Female pedophilia is a rarity in comparison, but it unfortunately still exists and tifs like her have a high chance of being one.

No. 2043465

>But the most popular femboys/twinks are women with top surgery

No. 2043483

File: 1728380731653.png (282.98 KB, 304x433, sig.png)

I don't see it, he looks like a typical man in every picture. The lower part of his/her face is unmistakeably male. There's a noticeable brow bone, his hands look male on other pictures, nothing about him is really TiF-like. His profile is the final nail

No. 2043585

Is this person famous or something? I see you guys discussing if he/she is a woman a lot but none of the photos look produced, idk if I'm making sense.

No. 2043586

Underground musician, you would only know this person if you’re in specific circles. This is them https://rateyourmusic.com/artist/sigfrid

No. 2043589

nta but that anon is right, as someone who uses instagram you'll notice very quickly that this is the case. i haven't seen a genuine moid femboy hitting big on the internet in a long time, they're mostly relegated to the dark corners of reddit now ever since tifs found out they can cut their hair short and trick men online into thinking they have dicks

No. 2043610

File: 1728409763367.png (529.32 KB, 899x805, M0pQkNu.png)

>not like other tifs

No. 2043614

isn't joei an actual guy?

No. 2043618

totes! as much as elsie is real!

No. 2043624

curb the sarcasm. I follow a bunch of male vtubers and vlofgers on Twitter and YouTube who have a somewhat similar aesthetic and the voice didn't ping off as a tif to me either, but I'm willing to take the L

No. 2043635

Do they all consciously mimic each other or what, you could use this to describe a whole archetype of tifs

No. 2043641

Take the L then, because how did >>2043075 >>2042060 and >>2041843 not ring the alarm inside your head? Kek. I can't figure out how come some anons are genuinely so bad at clocking tifs, especially when even her voice isn't moid-like and that's still the exact thing you anons are falling for.

No. 2043646

None of these troons have any original personalities at all. Oh wow, now you LARP as a chronically online channer. You're so unique and not like the thousands of other channers with the same lingo and hobbies.

No. 2043648

File: 1728416619334.jpg (316.28 KB, 1119x1038, 1728041336946~3.jpg)

Yep, very male. Just look at her very male hands.

No. 2043650

>I am a fujo
Whoa, what a surprise. Next you're going to tell us that the floor is made out of floor and water is wet.

>and like old men

Kick lana del rey out of your spotify playlist girl.

No. 2043656

>I follow a bunch of male vtubers
well i work with these fags and i can tell you most moid vtubers are fugly rat faced gas station workers sexpests and most femboy vtubers are mentally ill women who larp as ukes who post nudes for moid attention in discord servers my bad the piss drinking vtuber isnt a femboy tuber but a lolituber

No. 2043660

>I follow a bunch of male vtubers and vlofgers on Twitter and YouTube who have a somewhat similar aesthetic
So you've been fooled by tifs more than once KEK

No. 2043667

It makes me so sad she started transitioning. She used to draw cute little lesbian comics and gnc female characters. I only realized she began taking testosterone because she started drawing facial hair on all her butch characters. It makes me a lot sadder when actual wlw troon out

No. 2043674

You can identify a tif if they either obsessively love or obsessively hate this guy. One side deems him a racist complicit in Native genocide and the other thinks he's their dad

No. 2043681

What's her name?

No. 2043723

File: 1728431486796.jpeg (32.46 KB, 190x266, IMG_3703.jpeg)

Of course a chubby girl drew herself like this. Lol at her drawing herself almost entirely like a fit anime guy except for the gut. Her yaoi addiction is so powerful that she’s basically ousted herself from having any sex life because it will never be like the fantasy gay boys she’s trained herself to. Does being a webtoons author at least make any money?

Anatola Howard or maroonracoon

No. 2043748

Sage, but fun fact: this is the girl that apparently could have been patient zero of the Vinesauce allegations in 2021. She made a post on her Tumblr “emopit” in 2020 saying that she hooked up with Vinny (she was 19), which riled up the Vinny fans there apparently. This potentially snowballed into that doc calling out Vinny. She has since deleted the post, and her Twitter “coolfest1999” makes no mention of Vinny since 2019 kek. She probably wants the internet to forget

No. 2043755

Kek that's her? It's funny how she isn't a emo or anything either. She and her self-insert don't even share 1% of the similarity, except for both of them being retarded tifs.

No. 2043774

File: 1728441991492.jpeg (482.06 KB, 1911x2480, GKFmdJmaMAA7Afz.jpeg)

I remember when I heard the Webtoon cartoon of Boyfriend, the voice of Goth sounds like if she smoke fifty cigarettes per day to sound "deep".
She can claim this character is not her self-insert, but she can't fool someone.

No. 2043870

>Her yaoi addiction is so powerful that she’s basically ousted herself from having any sex life because it will never be like the fantasy gay boys she’s trained herself to.
Not related but I feel the same except the addiction part and men. It's frustrates me sometimes

No. 2043891

it's honestly sad. Tifs are self aware that men are scum and incapable of loving, instead of turning themselves celibate they want to escape the hells of womanhood through transitioning.

No. 2043895

>Does being a webtoons author at least make any money?
No. Allegedly, the fine print in webtoons' contract states that at any point should a comic become popular enough, the company can do whatever they want with the ip because they technically own it. So while an author might make money based on the monetization of the hosted comic, they make squat with royalties as they essentially no longer own their own creation. Allegedly, TIFfany here had no say in the creation of the Boyfriends cringe marketing campaign, which would be funny if not for the reality that so many artists are subjected to the same corporate grindhouse bullshit.

No. 2043903

Maybe they are also aware that women are incapable of loving too(bait)

No. 2043909

She might not make any substantial money from webtoon, but last time I checked (a couple of years ago) she was making five figures a month from patreon alone. So she probably doesn't care anyway. Tranny pandering is the new furry pandering

No. 2043925

Oh wow, that was a thing that happened. His and Jerma's fanbases are both parasocial TIF cesspools, but then again "tranny cesspool" applies to most streamers' audiences, probably.

No. 2043939

She had said she saw the concepts and tried to change them, but Webtoon refrain her and continued like nothing. So at least she has fans that could cover the horrid voices from the original ads.

No. 2043943

File: 1728484898733.png (187.66 KB, 613x1529, girlfriends.png)

No. 2043948

File: 1728485811726.png (Spoiler Image,654.05 KB, 2739x2304, GTBBG_BagAAbdKc.png)

>"I don't mind if they ask me to do the other way round, though. There's something about it…"

Fetish, that's the word you're looking for.

Spoiler because porn.

No. 2043951

Did she draw this one too? She left out the pudgy stomach from >>2042483

No. 2043953

If this was a woman instead of a tif it would be hot(derailing/thirstposting)

No. 2043957

Yes, she has a "secret not secret" +18 Twitter account.

No. 2043983

File: 1728491740979.webp (28.78 KB, 640x619, IMG_3710.webp)

The way she talks about this (and just the Boyfriends webtoon in general) really makes me doubt that she’s ever had sex or been in a serious relationship. Her self insert is dating three softboy tropes who totally want her to peg them because she’s such a real gayboy. It’d just be sad if it didn’t appeal so strongly to preteen fujoshis who really think that trooning out will let them live that life. These poor saps are going to mutilate themselves for the sake of an impossible yaoi larp

No. 2043988

Normie women are memeing themselves into choking, slapping and anal to not seem ''vanilla'' to their coomer moids and tifs are memeing themselves into thinking men will see them as human and not want to the things they do to the normie women if they chop their tits off. The 2020s is a horrible time to be a straight woman.

No. 2043999

you feel free to have fun playing around in the haemorrhoid filled faeces splattered blown out pozzed sphincters of dl porn addicted scrotoids but keep it to yourself
undoubtably the drawing of a shy neurotic woman who has never had comfortable, pleasurable, consensual sex

No. 2044012

I don't get what she's complaining about, the ads have the same vibes as her stupid comics.

No. 2044022

*if it was two women

No. 2044024

File: 1728496315932.jpeg (115.82 KB, 800x800, IMG_3711.jpeg)

Yeah, her major complaints are that the models were ugly and the ads weren’t representative of the comic, but they look exactly like the comic. I just don’t think she’s ever read her cringey dialogue out loud.

No. 2044090

Well, you're not much different from her.

No. 2044092

>I just don’t think she’s ever read her cringey dialogue out loud
Kek she really hasn't. But I hope she does so she can finally understand the amount of secondhand embarrassment other people are suffering from after taking a single glance at her sorry excuse of a comic.

No. 2044128

Sounds like someone else making content of the characters showed her how cringe they really are, cos she was seeing it outside her own head for the first time. Good lol

This isn't even sexy? The poses and expressions are stiff and boring. I see the same problems in any "porn" made by tifs itt.

No. 2044192

No. 2044204

My boobs are getting sore just from watching that

No. 2044205

We need to bring back shame and normalize disgust.

No. 2044206

I didn't know tits were allowed on TikTok

No. 2044216

File: 1728532624177.jpeg (1.44 MB, 1179x7149, Image.jpeg)

“he/him lesbian” trying to skinwalk the two popular guys from my chemical romance. Lmao

No. 2044224

How it feels like sleeping without a bra at night

No. 2044225

That's lowkey sad. Her dad might've some old-fashioned beliefs and he surely isn't the most feminist person out there, but he seems to genuinely care about her wellbeing and wants her to be at least old enough to become aware of the consequences before she starts ruining her health for a retarded larp.

No. 2044226

File: 1728536498196.mp4 (4.59 MB, 576x1024, 1000030164.mp4)

Don't mind me. Just posting the downloaded version of this utter cringe in case the original gets deleted in the future, or some anons aren't able to watch it because tiktok is banned in their country.

No. 2044232

With the crossover of emos and gendies I'm surprised we don't have more frerard fujos trooning tbh

No. 2044234

File: 1728538627102.jpg (220.17 KB, 1220x1259, Screenshot_2024-10-10-02-35-54…)

TikTok showing once again how hypocrite it is.

No. 2044247

What the fuck even is this? Tribe dance?

No. 2044261

them: having fun out dancing with their friends
you: alone on the computer(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 2044266

I'm jealous of her going tits out in public like that kek. The world truly is unfair.

No. 2044281

I know her back hurt

No. 2044283

Kek at her trying to vogue and just succeeding in looking like a fish out of water flopping about on the floor. No coordination. She wishes she was like those emaciated effeminate twinks

No. 2044289

The new Olympic breakdancing try-outs start strongly I see.

No. 2044313

shut up faggot

No. 2044327

her dad is clearly a stupid sexist faggot. if he didnt want his daughter to be self destructive and mentally ill, maybe he should have raised her with dignity. sad!
kind of based i wont lie

No. 2044343

i agree it is based

No. 2044349

If she was a good dancer, and not a mentally ill tif, it would've been

No. 2044353

She's calling herself a man because her cunt father types things like "I know you're a girl because you didn't want to jet ski. Males are bolder and more adventurous" and every item on his 'female trait list' aside from artistic is neutral to negative

No. 2044354

why? shit dancing and her being fat elevates it.

No. 2044355

I thought this was a TiM

No. 2044383

Is this some kind of special needs musical version of One Piece?

No. 2044385

>in reaction to a TIF
>you're pandering TMAM indirectly

No. 2044488

Agreed. I noticed one of the judges covering his face with his fan… I like it when men are forced to deal with the consequences of their actions. This is where male solidarity gets you apparently, having big tits flashed in your face at what was once a gay men's event.

No. 2044492

File: 1728600157277.jpeg (1.22 MB, 1179x2129, IMG_4196.jpeg)

Why do they believe they can fool people kek

No. 2044495

Female to fat gamer

No. 2044497

Gays must be malding women are all up in their spaces now kek

No. 2044503

I wish I could live on the moid-free planet the woman who drew this was apparently raised on.

No. 2044504

File: 1728603409555.jpeg (Spoiler Image,160.4 KB, 740x900, GZjmrOyXQAUPFef.jpeg)

Cool art to show how awful is having a peri- of course it has to be a tif.

No. 2044505

File: 1728603754376.png (1008.05 KB, 809x596, tumblr_oszuj6bgpm1qh2uoro3_r1_…)

Holy shit, that's MaroonRaccoon? I drew Sanic fanart with her on iScribble over a decade ago, and I always envied how precocious she was. I remember buying and playing Maggie's Apartment, her indie game. I lost track of her a little after that for some reason. I had no idea she did this to herself, that's really sad.

No. 2044508

Why are the cute ones always insane.

No. 2044513

>haemorrhoid filled faeces splattered blown out pozzed sphincters of dl porn addicted scrotoids
Nta but you should keep sentences like this to yourself. I'm actually nauseated by the detail with which you think about moids' anuses. Get help

No. 2044514

Apparently breasts are only obscene if the woman they're attached to doesn't have "he/him" in her bio. Also, you shouldn't cowtip like this.

No. 2044525

I never liked her and I’m not surprised she went this route. She made an RPG Maker game years ago, Penpals or whatever, but just saved over Space Funeral which was proven so because you can still see catamite’s original assets in the files. She didn’t get the message where it was him basically making a statement about custom graphics and terminology versus the RTP/default graphics which was a common debate on the website RMN.net where Space Funeral was first released. This is also further highlighted in the ending where it goes from silly graphics to default graphics to show authors and reviewers on the site that unique RPGM games can be made just by doing something as simple like changing assets and terms even when it’s still just a regular JRPG plot. Instead, she went “MS Paint graphix just so quirky!” route and made a fake deep sadgirl game saved over the original. She never had critical thinking skills and just runs headfirst into trends, as do many artsy tumblr girls tend to be. It’s not surprising she trooned out considering she’s just another trend-hopper straight girl.

No. 2044560

File: 1728614215882.jpg (55.64 KB, 462x460, tumblr_3019b9eda4d8b9d2acf826a…)

Tiktok must've followed tumblr's lead in banning female-presenting nipples, in spite of the glaring loophole. Only he/him hairy manly masculine mammaries are suitable for public view.

No. 2044565

Funny but it has some logic to it. A TIFs nipples and breasts are hardly a reproductive organ anymore if they've atrophied from T and she's had a mastectomy. However the one doing gay vogue dances hasn't removed them so its just awkward flip flopping exhibitionism.

No. 2044567

Right I hope tifs keep doing this in all their fat ugly bad dancing glory, I'm tired of gay men making fun of lesbians being invaded by tims, they need a taste of it too

No. 2044621

So if I put "he/him" in my bio on TikTok, I could theoretically post endless pictures of my tits with impunity? That's all I would have to do, no hormones, no surgery, nothing. Do they realize how fucked up it is that they believe that the thing that makes breasts obscene is the words used to describe the person who has them?

No. 2044623

That screenshot from her dad is so telling. I wonder why she wants to identify out of being a woman?

No. 2044626

To be fair to the company that has no wants but the desire the make money, banning “females presenting nipples” is probably an attempt at preventing sexual content. I don’t think anybody is getting off to that tif’s flopping hairy titties as she dances like she’s having a seizure.

Repost because I’m a dumbass who forgot to save.

No. 2044659

Honestly, I found this rather embarrassing and humiliating (for her, obviously) it's video of a mentally ill woman surrounded by a bunch of moids in drag laughing at her. She's not making them 'uncomfortable' she's making them cackle, she's soothing their egos, she's bringing them entertainment. They're watching a woman trying so hard to be something she isn't and can never be, with their own health and everything else intact (unlike the tif who's overdosing on T as we speak), she's doing that much while they can just wear skirts, mock women to their faces and still have people, unfortunately mostly women themselves, fawning over them and calling them 'iconic' for their blatant misogyny. At the end of the day, they'll pack up their clothes and makeup, go home, and continue enjoying the (very easy) life of a man. Meanwhile, she's never going to live a moid's life, have a moid's rights, or even get treated the way moids do, she has butchered her health for nothing and is attempting a stupid dance to be part of the 'cool kids club' despite all the others members of this club viewing her as a mere laughing-stock. It's not really comparable to, say, tims forcing their way into female/lesbian spaces, because tims are intimidating, rapey, and still moids. She's as unintimidating as one could be, there's nothing scary about her floppy tits. The drag moids at there aren't afraid of her or at the risk of violence and rape like the lesbians are.

No. 2044660

File: 1728627819605.webp (297.04 KB, 1125x1655, 1000030167.webp)

Kek she changed her username from Binguscat to this after her actual face (picrel) got leaked for harassing a minor?

No. 2044732

kek i thought soren was back from the big kingdom hearts game in the sky for a sec

No. 2044742

Why does she always wear this one outfit? Sad wig and cheap plain black clothes where you can clearly see her breasts despite the lengthening filter to make her look thinner. Wow such boy.

No. 2044765

File: 1728660667985.jpg (18.28 KB, 594x88, nonbiny.jpg)

this one got the girlies read mad

No. 2044772

Jesus nonna we had the same thought. She looks so much like soren that I have to ask if we're absolutely sure it's not her ?????

No. 2044779


that genuinely looks so much like soren, i swear she's dead though?

No. 2044794

File: 1728668131141.jpg (33.32 KB, 500x376, 25nktb.jpg)

2024 and tifs still think their straight moids like to being called "gay/bi/nb" for dating them.

No. 2044798

kek yes, i bet their souls die a lil bit more when people know Inxi Prodigy, an ebil cishet hwite woman, better than any other drag queen.

No. 2044812

>Inxi Prodigy
I don't think their souls are going to die any time soon because even I don't know her kek. Granted I don't know drag qweens either, but barely anything about her pops up when you look her up on google and she has even less followers than those low quality, mass produced nail-tapping asmr influencers out of all things, is it subtle self-posting or she somehow happens to be popular in your area?

No. 2044820

File: 1728670763995.webp (216.88 KB, 1125x1410, 1000030197.webp)

Here's her face from another angle. Honestly anons, I never kept up with soren so I can't really help with figuring out whether it's actually her again or not, but these cows do look alike to a suspicious degree.

No. 2044832

Soren had scars all over body so its most definitely not her. Terrifying that they look so alike though.

No. 2044850

File: 1728673300344.jpg (511.32 KB, 1892x2048, GV45CAMW8AAF5D2.jpg)

kek so after being outed for sending her coomer brigade on a 13yr old camile comes back larping again kekk how pathetic

No. 2044861

I need to find the correlation of tifs with wolves/dogs in their stupid art I need to understand this phenomenon.

No. 2044865

Wolves and dogs is a common allegory to the wild/caged female and tifs are all super feminine in denial.

No. 2044869

It goes beyond even that, edgelords have loved wolves for literally thousands of years

No. 2044901

And also the period being considered the "full moon phase".

This is the same artist who drew that werewolf eating a "terf". No misogynist at all.

No. 2044908

File: 1728694991715.jpeg (534.69 KB, 733x983, IMG_5065.jpeg)

Cavepoon is looking especially clockable as of late. I cannot understand for the life of me how everyone didn’t immediately clock her as a TiF

No. 2044912

You hit the nail on the head, I feel like other anons try too hard to find something based and just end up accepting anything. I feel like sure they’re pretty annoyed that now they’ve had to open up and allow tifs in but I don’t think that’s worth the embarrassment of the women that perform. It’s not a statement, it’s not a fuck you because the men have the last laugh. They’re definitely laughing at her and saying some heinous shit behind her back to to others, how is that a win in any sense? They for sure think they’re humiliating her and enjoy that, especially in spite if they are annoyed that women take up their drag shows. A retarded fat woman dancing around in this context is not based but some anons reach for anything.

How are they all so misshapen. Look at melting play doh here all the way to the left. How can a set of people look so much like factory defect dolls

No. 2044930

Shame, the art looks cool, but of course it had to have the craft scissors scars
You know, for someone who's supposedly "totally trans", they really like highlighting the fact that they are biological women…hmm…..
Also, nonna, what's the name of the girl who drew this btw?

No. 2044940

They need to hear it though. The type of moid that goes after a gendie girl, the last thing on his mind is her identity, and the first thing is how easy mentally ill women are to get in his bed

Why is this kinda giving pedo bait? And no, I'm not just saying that because she's petite

Knowing tifs it might just be regressive stereotype thing, canines are a boy thing cos they're mean and scary just like me uwu

No. 2044944

File: 1728703754571.jpg (68.8 KB, 532x490, cis men jelly.jpg)

"Cis men are totally jealous of me!" says the tumblr poster with he/him/hann/hans pronouns in bio.

No. 2044967

Tifs weren’t as widespread a phenomenon as they are today. Plus she was younger and it was easy to pretend she was a boy whose voice refused to drop.

Her style hadn’t changed much through the years. Shes till had the same fluffy hair, baggy clothes, and round glasses. She’s basically the default tif that all current tifs are based on.

No. 2044982

Hann/hans is just he/him in Icelandic.

No. 2044991

kek. Sorry it's just sounds funny

No. 2045004

Because most tifs are furfags not in the moid sense but more so they think the animal is cool and "le manly" like how horse girls love horses,although some are just furfags

No. 2045036

>there is also a cis man rn insecure about the exact same things
If any of these sheltered women interacted outside of their internet hugbox they'd realize quickly that EVERYONE is insecure about the exact same things

No. 2045064

kek my bad, i just mentioned her because she's the one sailor moon voguer, and that was my introduction to vogue tbh

No. 2045079

Ah, got it. She does seem cool though, hopefully she does get popular in the future.

No. 2045082

File: 1728740596661.jpg (311.5 KB, 1428x2000, 1717735757038.jpg)

Cannot remember the name, but she made these two too. I hate how this art works well with the LGB flags, but with the Trans flags feels like it says "I'm not sorry for being a degenerate homophobic moid".

No. 2045083

File: 1728740624634.jpeg (377.39 KB, 1423x2048, 1689459965335.jpeg)

Because writing "bigot" is too much.

No. 2045100

File: 1728742831192.png (2.56 MB, 1080x1704, 1000017142.png)

Speaking of troon/tif artists…
Mazamuno posted this on her insta
She's soooo ftm yaoi twinkboi uwu
I'm seething each time I find an artist who draws good but of course they have to either be a tif or include tranny shit in their work

No. 2045107

Oh I've seen her too, she's great fun to watch. The fat tif just throwing hersrlf around could never.

No. 2045125

File: 1728746597439.jpeg (436.01 KB, 1434x701, IMG_7518.jpeg)

Sometimes I hate being able see right through the TiM facade of false bravado and lack of self identity. I can just tell this person is contributing to the insufferable atmosphere of Bushwick.

No. 2045126

Not related but am I the only one who doesn't get what's so appealing about anime girls? Like they ain't cute to me(derailing)

No. 2045127

It's because there are so many different elaborate and beautiful styles of anime to appeal to every flavour of pedophile.

No. 2045141

What a shame, her art is so detailed.

No. 2045144

She's a unxxi copycat anyways so even her artstyle isn't hers.

No. 2045157

tbh, her singing doesn't ring off as a women's when you listen as a normie or outsider. yeah it sounds obvious in deviltown because she's younger, but if that wasn't the first song you heard of hers and then went there, it makes sense someone would think oh it's just a boy who hasn't hit puberty yet. reminds me how a bunch of people bullied Bieber when he was starting out because they insisted he sounded like a girl so it'd be something similar to that I assume

No. 2045161

the appeal of the anime art style in general and exaggerated cuteness/moe factor you can't get from western styled art. it's like how some people who dont like furryshit might like kemono styled art because they're drawn in an appealing cutesy way that doesn't look like a football team mascot

No. 2045164

Nah, it's just looks meh to me regardless of the style
>you can't get from western art
Anime is western(derailing)

No. 2045169

>Anime is western
Anime is japanese kek are you retarded?

No. 2045172

>I think it may be less the "woman" part I'm into and more the "queer" part

I hate these NLOG straight girls who larp and continue to larp as gay. As always, it's the most boy crazy girls that claim to be queer. The word "straight" is what they don't want to be called most of all, it's pathetic.

No. 2045211

nta, it's not really her appearance or voice that clues you in, but her lyrics, she sings the girliest songs ever written, her idea of ​​how males behave comes entirely from fanfiction and bl stories

No. 2045271

>wanting men I would have never looked twice at before
I've seen posts like this before, where tifs who identify as asexual or lesbian or whatever suddenly realised they like males, and it makes them all excited cos they're just like the yaois now. Is it just the increased sex drive raising what little attraction to men they did have? I'm thinking of women who read smut of anime boys all day, but call themselves asexual in terms of irl males because most males are so fucking butt ugly. Or am I reading too much into this

No. 2045280

I'm a believer that what you like in fiction is not inherently ties to what you like irl. so yes there are woman who id as asexual because they don't find irl men or anyone to be in a relationship with, but they like anime men and fictional husbandos because they are idealized version of what a man is like. I don't think even if they were to find a guy irl who fits that mold, they still wouldn't be into them anyways since they're only interested in nonexsistent men and this doesn't apply to tifs, more so people who call themselves fictosexuals or fictoromantics

No. 2045317

increased sexual arousal lowers disgust sensitivity

No. 2045324

File: 1728772341333.jpeg (224.44 KB, 739x1280, IMG_9754.jpeg)

Tifs are the weakest links I swear

No. 2045326

I dress like this when I have my lesson in uni and I have short hair, no one gives a fuck

No. 2045341

File: 1728774963041.jpeg (18.4 KB, 680x477, GZfq8btWYAAisY9.jpeg)

>Zero feminine energy
>Still looks like a tomboy

No. 2045345

>I'm trying really hard to pretend I'm not a girl
jfc these aborted fetuses are such a headache. where tf has this idiot been- oh right terminally online. so she legit has no fucking clue that women of virtually every damn background wears this to damn near everywhere.

No. 2045356

File: 1728779398793.png (741.48 KB, 1440x1807, n6NMmjT.png)

their memes are always just porn addiction or killing people who disagree with them

No. 2045357

There is literally nothing masculine about this look

No. 2045381

File: 1728783150043.gif (1.6 MB, 228x180, 1505523200514.gif)

They always pose with "kill terfs" or weapons with trans flag colors on it. But you only need to misgender them to make them whale and cry in the floor. Who are they kidding to?

No. 2045399

i swear it's not that hard sweetie, a graphic tee and straight cut jeans is more than enough to cosplay a moid. but i guess that doesn't make you quirky special manic pixie fairy uwu enough.

No. 2045404

exactly lol why can't zoomer tifs figure out how to wear a band tshirt under a flannel, jeans, converse, and maybe a beanie

No. 2045415

No. 2045430

File: 1728795393958.png (Spoiler Image,3.41 MB, 1170x2532, IMG_9828.png)

can’t imagine when the realization sets in… I’ll pray for her

No. 2045431

he's entirely to blame for her trooning out. something i've noticed with tifs is they always have very old-fashioned parents who push gender stereotypes at them full force. of course their kids are going to troon out as an attemt to escape all that pressure. what these kids don't realise is they still operate by the rules set by their parents, switching from one set of stereotypes to another
blog but i had a normie moid friend who was genuinely SHOCKED when i told him she's a tif. if you're not chronically online enough to become familiar with tifs and their obsession over being a smol bean gremlin teenage boi who likes bugs and playing in the dirt it's entirely possible to not clock her
besides i was a big fan of her since "this is home" blew up which is very obviously a trans vent song

No. 2045434

what in god's name happened to her bellybutton

No. 2045439

This is one of the most tragic cases I've seen, from the dull empty pain in her eyes and face to the most obvious. I just actually feel bad saying it because she must be hurting so much but the chestne and gut The way her shoulders literally cut off at some point, it's like an almost perfect demarcation of such a small frame to blob.

No. 2045441

It's a red piercing, which is never a good choice for navel. at least it matches her face

No. 2045449

this one's rough, i almost feel bad

No. 2045464

Her dad is wrong for being so obliviously sexist, but he's not wrong that her daughter is so stereotypically girly.

No. 2045468

clownzter baby if you're reading this: lower your t dosage or stop if your voice already dropped b/c nothing else will fix the acne, get rid of the bellybutton piercing, get rid of the nose piercing (others can stay), dye your hair a natural color, get it styled in a nice clean trendy men's cut, fix your diet, start working out.

No. 2045474

Good GOD this is such a bad case of trooning out. I feel sorry for her. Also on an unrelated note, most of the transmen who are pretty and beautiful don't transition. So here's that.

No. 2045478

Those deku hair kek

No. 2045482

>justify your happiness to me!
is this what happiness looks like?

No. 2045502

Whats… going on with the belly button….

No. 2045509

Being a tif must be some sort of self harm thing kek

No. 2045527

>keloid scars
>cystic acne
>infected boil in navel
its so over for her, i genuinely dont know how she could ever look… not even normal, even just not like a literal leper ever again.

No. 2045541

Against my better judgement I zoomed in. Under the word "feel" that looks like one end of a piercing. But it still looks like she's bleeding. I don't get it

No. 2045544

File: 1728829113140.gif (1003.88 KB, 500x281, f0df6c531ff1a00e6c8ec5d6ec0add…)

>Skinny trans men
Today on: Why having cartoons as "transition goals" is anything but healthy.

No. 2045545

10 years ago these would have been on pro-ana Tumblr.

No. 2045554

don't fucking post this shit to make a point the internet is not forgiving.
um I'm really not sure what can be done for her. uhh take away her phone for one but even then…

No. 2045559

>charlie pfp
why does that show attract so many tifs

No. 2045571

File: 1728835664667.png (409.18 KB, 598x671, archon.png)

10 years ago? I'm not surprised that some of them are pro-ana but hiding it under "transitions goals".

No, Archon, you're gaining shoulders due muscular mass, not because you're a man.

No. 2045573

I feel like we can all agree transitioning for a lot of girls is really just an extension of body dysmorphia. Isn't she supposed to be jumping for joy, now that she can finally be her "true self"? Oh, right, her true self is supposed to be attractive too. Bummer.

No. 2045574

remember when her name was oncha something and it refers to female anatomy or smtg and just broke down, i must say tho, i like her pink and zebra sluts

No. 2045575

I was so dissapointed when i found out it was a tif, ugh

No. 2045580

it's already set in nonna
this is just sad, can't imagine doing the transies as a copium to not compete with Stacy, but the mentality is still there and now they have to compete with the Aidens lmfao

No. 2045596

>now they have to compete with the Aidens lmfao
Yeah their obsession with looks doesn't magically disappear after transition. If anything it gets worse. Like remember on twitter the detransitioner who talked about the depressing effects of T like balding, and all the tifs like noahwaybabes eagerly jumped on her to say "You're just detransitioning cos you're ugly and bald unlike me! I'm prettier than you!" And all the balding tifs in the comments, who were fed the cope that all tifs are beautiful from their fellow tranners, were getting whiplash. These girls still think beauty is their worth. They want to be attractive, whether it's in a girly way or the "become my dream husbando" way, and don't want to be harassed as a woman for it. Understandable yes but mutilating yourself to escape isn't much of an escape.

No. 2045611

Not gonna lie, if I'd done this to myself, I would feel incredibly tempted to rope.

No. 2045612

If she snaps out of this, she's going to kill herself. She looks like a bloated, mutilated corpse, but one that is undeniably female. After all of this self destruction, she still doesn't pass. None of them do.
I predict we'll be seeing a lot of suicides once this phase ends.
Talk about out of the frying pan and into the fire. They go from one set of unattainable beauty standards to another. Are the TIF Stacies Aidens and the TIF Beckies Kais?

No. 2045614

Cavetown is the most stereotypically TiF act on Earth, I don't know how you guys are surprised. Or why you listen to that trash, frankly.

No. 2045648

i was underage and i still had hope men could express emotions besides wanting to hurt women and children

No. 2045649

Immediately reminded me of this song and tbh this makes the lyrics feel very different in hindsight
>I'm a sour little boy With a fragile masculinity Insecure, destroyed Anytime that you're above me
>You're a sour little boy Absolutely no fun You saw me as your toy Now that I'm not, you throw a tantrum
>When life gives me lemons I don't make lemonade I use them to make you cry (there’s another line that says “use them to make girls cry from the other perspective) Can't process my feelings Made 'em circle the drain So tonight, I'm gonna ruin your life

No. 2045657

It makes me think when someone comment how chest scars are drawn so unrealistically and tifs go and comment "I'm happy with mine" or post their horrid art proving the op's point. Now they're living in a crab bucket mentality, if you don't like how your body changed due T and removing your chest is because you're an ugly woman and much more. I want to say that this could be solved if mental health were available, but you can find any John Doe to tell you that yes, you're a man and no one can't stop you to find a butcher for a "life surgery".

No. 2045681

Am I weird for finding their stupidity cute?

No. 2045687

You all kinda exaggerating. She just have acne and fat and balding. All of them are reversible. Eh as long she's not naked who cares about her tits

No. 2045696

My 30 year old TIF coworker is balding and she frequently wears hats to work, and she wears foundation and those little star-shaped bandaids to cover her acne from T. It's soooo obvious that she transitioned because she's a lesbian from a conservative religious family, and she felt insecure about her curvy female body being scrutinized/sexualized. I totally get where she's coming from but there's no way for me to tell her "Gurl you don't have to do this - please quit the T and love yourself" without her crying to HR that I'm a big meanie transphobe who needs to be fired because I made her feel unsafe.

No. 2045699

Why do people (almost always twitter troons) take the time to add two spaces between each word kek

No. 2045702

There is something really weird about copying a specific artist's jewelry in your coomer art

No. 2045703

It's kind of endearing how naive they are.

No. 2045748


An extremely malebrained way to describe other men, for sure

No. 2045787


No. 2045794

No. 2045804

checking in on an old friend who used to have a full head of beautiful long hair, she trooned out, now she's fully bald except for a spot on the back of her head with a disgusting beard. she's 30.(wrong thread)

No. 2046159

I don't think balding is as reversible.

No. 2046205

File: 1728978216343.png (552.87 KB, 749x938, img_9683.png)

what the fuck

No. 2046207

Why are they seething at Mitski now?

No. 2046215

Minoxidil can help. If not she can wear a wig or topper, there are many women who's balding even before reaching thirties

No. 2046221

Because she's a pickme for dick and mosts of her songs are crying about not getting picked by a schlubby white man because she's asian and 10lbs overweight or something.

No. 2046225

Ah. I don't really listen to her so I didn't know that.

No. 2046229

literally no reason, as with all degenerates, they have to project their fetishes onto others, they'd do the same to taylor swift if she was caught wearing baggy clothes

No. 2046240

File: 1728986032037.jpeg (721.56 KB, 735x1401, IMG_5385.jpeg)

This one has all of the mannerisms and speech patterns of a regular ass girl. Plus I can still SEE her female face clear as day.

No. 2046241


Sorry, forgot to spoiler the image, she also went without nips for her top surgery. IME the choice looks scary IRL when the women who got top surgery go topless at the lesbian bar over here

No. 2046244

female intrasexual competition.

valid reason but the only seethes were over her appearance not her ass music.

No. 2046250

I wish you retards would stop blaming everything on 'female intrasexual competition' most of us dont care about scrotes that much. Some women are just straight-up annoying and insufferable, and seeing them as a 'sexual threat' doesnt even factor into the equation, only in the moid mind where everything revolves around men.

No. 2046270

>female intrasexual competition
stop browsing incel forums pls

No. 2046271

This is a fancy way of saying "the h8erz is jelus" kek. I'm sure some of them are envious of her voice/success but I highly doubt it's sexual competition.

No. 2046306

Short hair now equals trans masc/man in retards' minds.

No. 2046320

The kind of acne she has leaves you with permanent scars. A lot of the marks on her chest aren't acne, they're scars from healed cysts. While it's possible for her to lose weight, she's going to be left with a bunch of loose skin if she does. Her chest is totally butchered even by TiF standards.

No. 2046353

Female intrasexual competition is so real and probably really pronounced in young girly TiFs but this just looks like retarded projection to me. Sometimes (often) women project things onto other women and it has nothing to do with competition. These histrionic gendies deal with their psychological issues by turning themselves into a permanent spectacle and they need to embark others into their performance

No. 2046408

File: 1729009511765.jpeg (218.66 KB, 1284x858, 6F19D0BD-AB97-4EF1-9595-468B51…)

wtf since when did ginjanonjaowo troon out?

No. 2046437

She has been for a while now nona, but last time I checked she only used they/them pronouns. Who on their right mind would call her a he? Kek

No. 2046495

File: 1729025901417.jpeg (Spoiler Image,222.63 KB, 1105x1030, IMG_9774.jpeg)

Why are they so retarded

No. 2046508

File: 1729028883526.png (609.91 KB, 512x863, 221.png)

I think this thembian was going for a gothic look, but she mostly just looks like the unholy lovechild of a mime and a juggalo

No. 2046533

I actually kinda dig this look from a unique/artsy perspective kek

No. 2046572

I had more defined shoulders when I could only lift 8 pounds dumbbells kek

No. 2046715

"Man is when short hair"

>muh capitalism
Do they know the American Communist Party wants to abolish prostitution?

No. 2046774

>modern cultural erasure of sex
Bitch where
>I like my fucking job
Just because you like it doesn't mean the problems with it stop existing. But tifs live for male validation and being objectified by them, even while trooning out to escape it, so…

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