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No. 1366943
Old Threads by order of recency:
>>>/snow/1338847>>>/snow/1303022>>>/snow/1251681>>>/snow/1208873>>>/snow/1137677>>>/snow/1095226>>>/snow/1032764>>>/snow/979294>>>/snow/895014>>>/snow/720444>>>/snow/570991>>>/snow/465430>>>/snow/276054>>>/snow/45564>>>/snow/26392This thread is for posting and discussing cringey fakebois who may or may not deserve their own threads.
Fakebois are girls who pretend to be boys for attention, either as trannies or biological males (usually the former).
Fakebois style and present themselves as androgynous or feminine-looking young men, even wearing girls' clothing and make-up. They insist on being addressed with he/him (or occasionally they/them) pronouns and take great offense at being gendered as female. Some are SJW transactivists, but for most their identities are entirely superficial.
Reminder to "truescums" and "transmeds": Nobody cares about how [[[100% REAL]]] your or any other tranny's ~dysphoria~ is. Don't derail about how you're actually a true troon unlike everyone else, save it for your twitter feed.
No. 1367052
>>1367015It's in the last thread towards the end. It's "antidotefortheawkward-art" on Tumblr.
Also nitpick but it's typically spelled Taoism, not "Daoism" (even though the latter is how it's pronounced.) She's not strictly wrong about Guanyin being genderless, but historians typically describe the deity as such because there are some regions and periods of time where she is depicted as male. But that more has to do with the natural shifts in cults ("cult" in the historical sense) over time. There are also Greek and Egyptian deities who were interpreted as different genders, or even different people.
Calling Guanyin non-binary is just being willfully ignorant about how religions, particularly ones as old as Buddhism, work historically. It also smacks of the noble savage trope, implying that binary gender was invented by the evil colonialist powers or whatever.
No. 1367205
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I’m sorry but if I ever leave the house dressed like this I hope someone shoots me.
No. 1367333
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I like how they always look more dead inside after in these videos.
No. 1367365
About breast amputation:
"Mastectochism: The Platonic Ideal of Self Hate"
Odyssee link: No. 1367400
>>1367394NTA But it's okay
nonnie, I agree. The only reason I'm offput by her is because she's genderfucked. I love a good butch, but not if she's got so much internalized misogyny and lesbophobia that she thinks her butchness makes her a man or a "non-woman".
Of course, this is if she's HSTS at all. Otherwise who cares, she's an AAP coomer. No. 1367415
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>>1367205love how all the fakeboys that make these edgy over the top "misgender me and i'll cut u" threats end up being about 5'2" and built like shrimp
No. 1367472
>>1367333it's because in the after they've already gone through some transition and realized it doesn't solve any of their problems, but they can't just go back to being evil cissies/detransition because their entire online echo chamber that groomed them into transing out wouldn't approve. said echo chamber is also their safety net that offers constant validation so they much rather stay trans and unhappy instead of dealing with their actual problems.
also re: video, it's a shame because she looks nice with the buzzcut. too bad she's fucked in the head.
No. 1367530
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>>1367415Loving that Pee Wee Herman drip. Why is it FTMs are allergic to tailors though? I get all my suits tailored and I look much better for it. It's like they actually enjoy looking like picrel.
No. 1367633
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I'm saying this as someone on the spectrum, autists should not be allowed on the Internet
No. 1367693
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Found this in the wild on moidchan
No. 1367930
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The gigacoping
No. 1368156
>>1367970Pieces of media with a cast of edgy larger than life characters with crazy designs, that lend themselves to OC creation by having an explicit set of simple, autistic design rules, always attract the kinds of people who desperately want to be their OC because they don't like themselves or lack a sense of self. Obviously this has a big crossover with theatre kids, autistic people, BPD-chans, terminally online people, the severely mentally ill and troons.
Incidentally, this is why the danganronpa fandom was suddenly full of insane DID aidens as soon as homestuck ended- they all migrated.
No. 1368189
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>>1368180OT, but James gets married to Jesse, Pokémon feels like the kind of story that doesn’t really try to make their characters reach some sort of conclusion for the sake of money. I wouldn’t be surprised if there were to appear some qwerty representation in the future.
No. 1368624
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@beevanian formerly @frankievanian got her boobs lopped of and started claiming trans without hormones, now back to they/them, and not even trying to hide her womanhood. Mostly feel bad for her kid, who I will obviously not post here. Just weird. She’s popular on IG and tiktok but then her Twitter is straight porn
No. 1369769
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I was like “oh wow cool Lisa cosplay” then the bio said he/him!!! Like can we be done with this timeline already for fucks sake he / him yeah not with those milkbags bitch
No. 1369804
>>1367633This is what riles me up the most about terminally online TIMs and TIFs. They talk big games about how they’re oh so tough but they can’t even take the mildest of heat without bursting into tears. One minute they’re reblogging posts about knifing TERFs and knocking out transphobes teeth, the next they’re suicide baiting and posting a link to their gofundme because the old lady at GoodWill called them “miss” instead of “sir” and they’re so traumatised that they need to take three days off work to recover.
If you’re going to make a whole reddit post begging for sympathy because someone said something sarcastic to you from the other side of a fucking screen, don’t even bother transitioning.
No. 1369848
>>1369546Homegirl is annoying just for being an NLOG they/them and ticking all the prototypical fakeboi boxes, even the Garfield one (what is it about mtfs and that character?). Everyone in the comments of her videos runs around correcting pronouns for her which is always a laugh.
>>1369548I hate when people spew this misogynistic garbage about things meant for little girls. Cant they have
one thing they don't have to relinquish to males (gnc or not) and attention-starved thembies?
No. 1369928
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>>1369848>even the Garfield one (what is it about mtfs and that character?)OT but with Garfield, what happened was that Garfield became popular "ironically" among the online leftist memesphere a couple years back, basically the whole thing started out as a joke about how unfunny and generic Garfield is as a comic character but after a while it stopped being meta and they just stuck using him for their memes and then also started buying Garfield merch
No. 1369945
>>1369928People in those kind of spheres are terrified of making an off-colour joke and getting turbo-cancelled, so instead of jokes they make meaningless absurdist meme pseudo-jokes about the most inoffensive things possible (e.g. Garfield) and pretend to find them funny.
Then you get weirdos like quintonreviews who are so terrified of being engaged with intellectually as one adult to another that they base their entire persona around putting way too much effort into these kinds of bland abusurdist memes about family media, interspersed with uncomfortable monologues about how pathetic his life is so you feel sorry for him.
No. 1369981
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>>1369974>>1369945Honestly he's a waste of good genetics, he's 6'7 and seems to have a decent enough looking face
he could be fairly attractive dude if he just stopped being a fatty but instead this is his existence
No. 1370022
>>1369848MTF and TIM are referring to males trying to be female, and FTM and TIF refer to females trying to be males.
>>1370000You have to be some level of crazy or narcissistic to try to develop a game more complicated than a small walking SIM by yourself, and openly market it to an audience before completion.
No. 1370113 know if vidrel works with ig links so forgive me if it doesnt - but does anybody need very masculine and very
valid poopstache grooming tips
No. 1370134
>>1368053My sister was the one who introduced me to og homestuck, and I actually ended up reading it with her until the end. She always loved it more than me though, and grew up into a full on far-left sjw mindset, yet also has no interest in the sequels/epilogues/whatever because of how ridiculous they became. Shit makes me sad because I still look back on the og comic fondly (though I was way too young to be reading it), and if they had handled the sequel stuff better instead of letting it fall into tranny hands it could’ve been a good way for them to capitalize on nostalgia. It was a huge part of a lot of people’s lives. I wish they had just let hs die instead of what they ended up doing to it.
For some reason I’ve seen a lot of millennial/older gen z fakebois cite Dave Strider as their “trans awakening” or whatever, which makes me die a little inside.
No. 1370186
>>1370159This was exactly what I was going to say to that anon, lmao. Dave is the exact sort of character TIFs like to skinwalk, which is to say the kind average nerdy girls develop crushes on. He's masculine but in a dorky, non-threatening way, and he has a sad backstory about being abused/neglected. He's also bisexual, which draws fujoshis to him like flies to shit.
There's little difference between "Tumblr sexymen" and characters Aidens view as their transition goals. They don't want to be actual men– hairy, dirty psychopaths motivated mainly by putting their penises in things– they want to be ~soft~ GNC anime boys.
No. 1370199
>>1370134>>1370186Fujo TIFs target the Striders in general, there are many cases of het ones claiming Dirk as 'transmasc' and so on and so forth. The funny thing is one of the biggest fans of this delusional headcanon insists that Dave
isn't transcoded (whatever that means). It is interesting to see the schisms in their tranny headcanons, I wish they openly fought with each other more.
No. 1370235
>>1369546Sage for OT but
Every female friend similar in age to me played this while I don’t think a single boy has ever heard of it.
It just annoys me how they have to gender preface everything even if girls were the only people playing these flash games.
No. 1370285
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>>1370278>>1370278I wrote decent as him having not a particularly ugly or deformed face, its an "alight" face
If he wasn't fat with his height could be somewhat handsome, cause the biggest problem with tall dudes is they often have weird disproportionate features which makes them look "odd"
No. 1370286
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Fakeboi Jedis
No. 1370310
>>1370278NTA, but the super wide set eyes and naturally downturned mouth just combine with the fat in an unfortunate way that makes him look like blobby the exploded blobfish. He'd look quite nice if he pulled a Jay Bauman.
It's like a breadtube thread in here.
No. 1370532
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The netflix live action cowboy bebop cast a fakeboi as Gren, who in the original series is a man (male) with gynecomastia from abusing drugs (sounds weird but it's apparently a thing IRL). She also got cast as Desire in the new netflix Sandman, a character who can change their sex characteristics at will (and is supposed to be super hot kek), despite having never been in anything notable before.
No. 1370540
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>>1370532I hope netflix does a new adaptation of Fight Club and casts a fakeboi as bitch tits bob.
No. 1370547
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Why'd Mae Martin have to be a tif? She's so adorbs.
No. 1370551
>>1370532Quickly browsing her twitter gave me faildaughter vibes.
I guess the main tactic these days for "gaining" a personality and salvaging your career is to join the kweers.
>>1370540Pooner Bob.
No. 1370566
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>>1370547crazy bitch eyes
she's a cute butch lady though
No. 1370568
>>1370565Oh wow,
oof. That's hilarious and will age poorly.
No. 1370796
>>1370761Approximately 38% of adults in the United States sought out recovery for drug addiction, so representation of potential side effects like
>>1370532 noted is valuable. It is also worth noting that roughly 35% of men experience gynecomastia, in total. Compare those to 3% of trans-identifying people in the US, which I could have sworn was 2% not that long ago, and less than 1% shortly before that (social contagion is real). Trans is a disease that spreads the more you talk about it, whereas addiction is a disease that becomes less prevalent if spoken about honestly, and gynecomastia is a disease that will exist at the same rates whether it's spoken about or not. This change shouldn't have been made, and I feel that men with gynecomastia (and possibly intersex men) will be offended by the show comparing their health condition with troonery.
No. 1370807
>>1370796I mean that's true and untrue, gynecomastia has highest rates in the middle east and south asia
a consequence of extremely high gluten diet of these regions, lack of exercise and they don't grow boobs or anything but about a quarter of the men here have puffy nippels
source live in the region and I've seen it with tons of guys
No. 1371020
>>1369951Riley? Riley is a fakeboi herself and a nasty piece of work from early tumblr who would dox black teens for telling her to stop being such a hateful asshole, before that she was a bane of weeb RP circles on lj in the mid-00s and would do shit like harass minors into rping yaoi shotacon rape.
Surprised to see people trying to stan Riley here, I thought people were still generally aware that she's a piece of shit.
No. 1371075
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>>1370532>DesireWow, amazing similarity.
Casting a random troon in this role for the sake of woke points will just bite them in the ass. People won't be impressed - real life isn't like twitter.
No. 1371131
>>1370532Gren is specifically a gay man who developed gynecomastia after being forced to endure experimental drug trials after being framed for war crimes. They turned a canonically gay male character that's just a
victim of human rights abuses in a dystopian setting into an NLOG genderspecial girl
Something something erasure something
No. 1371368
>>1371131nta, and I haven't watched the anime but after reading his struggles it sucks it's being downgrade to a fakeboi playing dress up…
i bet they'd erase his entire identity and character and replace it with something transgender-align. because they easily can. because despite how cherished cowboy bepop is, i'm sure there's only a few who have watched it these days than the amount of people praising it as a classic.
im sure we will see more adaptations like this tbh. i already thought of sailor moon for some reason, idk. I can see it having either one of the girls being a man playing dress up.
No. 1371541
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>>1370532>>ShePretty sure the actor is male. The face, the voice, all the childhood photos available on the internet, everything points to man, but do correct me if I'm wrong
No. 1371545
>>1371541I think you're right, looks like a feminine gay man.
There are topless pics of him and I don't see any scars.
No. 1371553
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>>1371541Definitely male, but the particular photo used did look kind of TIF-like. It's funny, that even with all the obfuscation (scrunched up face, tilted away from camera, posing to make himself smaller, far away), he can only pass as an Aiden with a particularly male jawline. But literally any other picture of him makes it obvious. Picrel, he's much clearer here. Maybe original anon just got confused because the indistinct picture, NB status (instead of TIM), and fakeboi haircut, so I don't think it was a tranny psyop this time.
No. 1371596
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i absolutely guarantee none of this happened. kids do not care about your pronouns. a ten year old boy is not gonna apologize bc he dared to misgender you.
No. 1371726
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>>1371541>>1371553No offense, but are you both legally blind. You know people can shop out titty scars? There's also a kind of surgery where they go through the nipple so there aren't any scars.
No. 1371737
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>>1371726Also, Kalvin Garrah sometimes gives herself the illusion of a jawline by sucking in her cheeks + jutting her jaw out + photoshop. Does that make her male?
No. 1371747
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>>1371726>>1371553Its possible he's a male with some serious Hormone deficiency
Picrel is Andy Milonakis he is a 45 year old man with Hormone deficiencies
his body basically produces no testosterone or growth hormones and so he looks like this
No. 1371886
>>1371726Yeah I literally know
and fucked a TIF who had this and she passes phenomenally well. Legitimately thought she was a gay man, looks more like one than this person. Very very possible it’s a woman, but if the baby picture is real there’s no point speculating.
No. 1371911
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>>1371726>>1371886This is not a man lmao. The delusions
No. 1371981
>>1371733I mean I guess she succeeded at looking NB, since the reaction here is confused and upset. That doesn't change her chromosomes or medical needs, though.
>>1371911Kek is that her? I guess it's true that troons can only pass as masculine older women and feminine teenage boys when they're not seen with actual women or men.
No. 1371997
>>1371981More like genderspecials or chronically online anons being "confused".
>>1371987>Regardless, Mason is a talented person Are you a fan or something? Literally no one knew who she was.
No. 1372253
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Ah yes the 2 Genders, Blonde bimbo Stacy or Emo boy who looks like he hasn't slept in days
No. 1372407
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Found this genderspecial tif’s account which is full of this kinda shit. Worth to look at if you want some good laughs
No. 1372438
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>>1372427This is her explanation
No. 1372447
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Her explanations are truly great
No. 1372484
>>1372455what did the straight men say?
>>1372450mspec is "multi-gender attraction spectrum" ig
No. 1372488
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When are these people gonna stop using intersex people for their validation?
No. 1372495
>>1372488I actually an Intersex woman, though she was XY she was still 100% woman, there were no TIM characteristic or interests were about her, she still suffered though due to her condition
It sucks that Intersex people gets used by these narcissists for their selfish self justifications
No. 1372500
terf island twitter an intersex man recently got his business effectively shut down by TRAs bc he was gencrit:(((
No. 1372651
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>>1372612Fair enough. I called them genderspecials or chronically online because this whole trans fantasy is shattered whenever you interact with regular people IRL. Also, real men at Mason's age (mid 20s) wouldn't look like teenage boys. It's like people forget that healthy men still age like shit.
>inb4 hormone deficiency or some autosomal/genetic crapMen with those issues tend to fat/pudgy and they still age (slowly, but they do). Andy Milionakis and Gary Coleman in their 20s looked like prepubescent children.
Btw, Kalvin takes T inconsistently because picrel. TIMs can gorge on E2V and the worst that could happen is an unstable mood (that's why they're always suicide baiting or thinking that literally everyone is out to kill them), while TIFs on any form of testosterone will be all messed up.
No. 1372705
>>1372651Original ayrt who shared the childhood pic. I was confused just because she looks a lot like a flamboyant gay guy I went to university with and I hadn't realized how much T can change a person's voice (I've never interacted with a TIF IRL and I never watch them on YouTube). Also as
>>1372129 said, there are quite a few childhood photos of Mason looking like a boy.
In terms of talent, I had never heard of Mason before but in looking for a video of her speaking voice I ended up seeing stage performance videos. I'm not a theater person, but she seemed good. I like what
>>1371993 anon said, though, that being a visible gnc person who identifies with their own sex would be so much more powerful than being a gender special.
No. 1373260
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>>1367015i have a friend who's a practicing buddhist who recently explained this to me too bc i was curious. the deities in buddhism are not "nonbinary" they are just beyond gender and will choose to call themselves male or female, but they're really "nothing". except it's not "nonbinary". they aren't human. such a reach lol
No. 1373638
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Tell me you're a fujo gay LARPer without telling me you're a fujo gay LARPer
No. 1373759
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These three troons found JK Rowling's house and took photos outside it, doxxing her address.
>don't be a cissy
wtf even is this message.
No. 1373772
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>>1373765I don't think they expected JKR to stop being "a cissy", but I think they wanted internet points since it's popular to harass this woman. It backfired, JKR tweeted about it and now they have all hidden their profiles. No. 1373777
>>1373759lol I really hope JK gets her lawyers together to get these people a restraining order. It must be a nightmare to have these types fucking around with you all the time.
>>1373772I love how JK isn’t backing down. She shouldn’t. She’s not even wrong.
No. 1374236
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same dumb black girl sperging in shock bc she was called the girl that she is…so desperate for attention it isn’t funny. “he/they” my fucking ass
No. 1374359
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I knew that “both” genital SRS was increasingly common but I didn’t realise they had a name for it and think it’s an identity. Subreddit is heavily FTMS who want phallo but also to keep their vag.
No. 1374415
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>>1374385Love this response to the "activists"
No. 1374559
>>1373841>She hasn't even tweeted (twittered?) anything about them in months.THIS
She kept quiet and didn't wanna cause any further conflict, all she's been doing since her essay was promoting her new Children's book, an innocent Christmas adventure story that she was inspired to write by seeing her son and his pig plushies and yet rabid twitter trannies still replied with porn in those threads
I'm sure Rowling thought that ignoring was the best option and these retards would soon forget all about it but they didn't, they stalked her and went to her house
No. 1375032
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Found a troon who watched interview with the vampire once and made it her whole personality. I'll let this photo speak for itself.
No. 1375170
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Hannibal may be a viscous serial killer cambial but at least he's not a transphobe, said without a hint of irony
No. 1375182
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>>1375171Yeah I understood that, but I'd be willing to bet some of these "people" would be the types to stan actual serial killers
No. 1375199
>>1375182Oh my god what
I’m laughing bc what the actual hell, I stand corrected nona my bad
No. 1375319
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imagine putting a fake silicone penis in your pants just to sit on an airplane. then being shocked when TSA has to make sure that foreign object isn’t dangerous. lmao just lmao.
No. 1375334
>>1375240She and her boyfriend are still in jail, waiting for the appeal to higher court. But they just got the denial in this week. So their life sentances (i think its 20 years in Sweden) are now final so they Will be transfered to a real prison soon. The girl was registered female when she was taken in by the police but is now legally a man. Good timing! We dont have any high security female prisons in Sweden anyway so in guessing she
Will be placed in a male prison for a few weeks, get what she deserves and then off herself or kindly send a new letter to the gender office to change back, maybe she can get a two in one deal and change her name to kikomi while shes at it
No. 1375346
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>>1375032She is my fav cow. Also deludes herself into being an "artist" (her skills and techniques are nonexistant - see pic related) and tries to sell shitty craft projects at inflated prices. One mental illness brings another it seems kek
No. 1375445
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Gotta love when fakebois talk about their non existent dick to their simp base 🤌
No. 1375463
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Pretty much, his name used to be Emilia. Putting up a picture previous in one of these treads.
He's trying very hard to upkeep his emo/anime fantasy guy look. After he went on T he got acne (which he has complained so much about and is a massive side effect to taking T), chin pubes and a deeper voice. Which is why he did a voice reveal so late after being recognised. Personally I wouldn't pay too much attention to fakebois like him, but he is making his followers pay for NSFW pics of a silicone body pretending its his own. if his followers knew he wasnt this big dick cis emo guy lol
No. 1375701
>>1375662They do, I guess she added the striped socks to show solidarity with male troons kek.
>>1375334I'm really interested in what's going to happen, this is the first time I've heard of a TIF who wants to be in a male prison.
It was outrageous how the murderer Kristoffer Johansson was moved to a lower security women's prison after trooning out.
No. 1375709
File: 1637850611775.jpg (191.98 KB, 1280x721, Anatoliy Petersson.jpg)

>>1375703Seriously why do all of that shit for this ugly moid.
>be a rational autistic woman>troon out>base your look on fashion icon Jeffrey dahmer>fall for mentally ill, paranoid and balding scrote>murder the man who financially supported you both>demand being placed in men's prisonAh, love.
No. 1375780
>>1375238Tough luck, one of the few perks of being a woman is the decreased chance of being
victim of a very unhinged gay scrote who comits horrible sexually charged crimes.
No. 1375915
File: 1637879404052.jpg (1.28 MB, 3464x3464, PicsArt_11-25-11.29.03.jpg)

>>1375445Expectation vs reality
No. 1377103
I’m mutuals with someone on Twitter who retweets from a user who does this. She always talks about “jerking off” and mentions her “balls”. I mean she’s also a ham planet so she might think her sagging fucking labia flaps are deflated balls :shrug emoji:
No. 1377605
>>1377449It's more about being a yaoi man than a gay man. Both straight and gay people constantly shit on bisexuals (especially bi women), and if you ever bring this up you get accused of thinking bisexuals are more oppressed than gay people (?) so a lot of bis end up internalising other people's dumb prejudice or getting very hair-
trigger about 'bad bisexuals' (those who embody one or more common negative stereotype about bi people) making other bis looks bad.
No. 1377650
File: 1638130841504.png (82.7 KB, 220x275, 1637665697036.png)

This fakeboi Lachlan Watson (you may know her from the Netflix Sabrina show) is on the cover of this French magazine. Crossposted from the celebricows thread (1/5)
No. 1377651
File: 1638130878540.png (Spoiler Image,655.14 KB, 790x874, 1637665753813.png)

This one is creepy. (2/5)
No. 1377655
File: 1638130984642.png (Spoiler Image,73.35 KB, 275x180, 1637668593099.png)

>>1377650>>1377651>>1377653This one is also creepy. (4/5)
No. 1377661
File: 1638131149958.png (Spoiler Image,67.02 KB, 156x275, 1637668967584.png)

>>1377655(5/5) Apparently this is her dancing shirtless in an elevator with some scrote before going to dinner with him
No. 1377751
File: 1638140007320.png (1.56 MB, 1077x1472, imagen_2021-11-28_184942.png)

new ellen page pic just dropped
my mental health is being challenged by the people lovebombing her for her disgusting new torso
No. 1377791
>>1377751she looks photoshopped, especially with the scars and the fake abs. She looks like she's working out her arms but it's still skinny for some reason.
Honestly, I won't be surprise the pic is heavily ps and they just put her face and scars on top of a man's body.
(learn2sage) No. 1377857
File: 1638147904425.jpeg (305.17 KB, 750x853, DE134E7C-5659-4BA9-85B8-6634E1…)

>>1377751ah. such visible joy and gender euphoria
No. 1377873
>>1377770Learning about gnc women who understand that masculinity is a social construct helped immensely. I can finally feel great about being a buff lady who dress comfortably.
>>1377791She looks edited because her torso is uncanny as hell. It looks somewhat muscular but the rest of her body is skin and bones. It's impossible to gain muscles without gaining fat at that weight. I have bigger arms after working out six months and I'm not a rich hollywood star.
No. 1377931
File: 1638155531882.jpg (32.33 KB, 600x400, hard candy.jpg)

>>1377751I don't get why she chose ab sculpting when it ends up looking like random lumps of fat later on.
Picrel her real abs when she wasn't sickly thin.
>>1377791No shoop, imo. She didn't have a defined waist before, but combine that with surgeries + being underweight and she looks uncanny.
No. 1377983
>>1377881I've never read anything more true than this. Never stop writing
nonnie. kek
>>1377961Every moids does this in their selfies but it shows how short her mid face is.
(sage) No. 1377994
File: 1638160632352.png (1.11 MB, 1375x1776, Screenshot_20211128-233312~2.p…)

Are you a straight 16 year old boy who has a genderspecial girlfriend and you're trying to be supportive while navigating your own sexuality? Well, r/mypartneristrans is here to tell you what a fucking monster you are
No. 1377998
>>1377994This cult of entitled retards changes its rules of engagement every 2 years or so. How the fuck a teenager is supposed to know ALL about this crazy shit?
The cultist on the right said the right thing at the end, though (break up with the NLOG and move on).
No. 1378068
File: 1638173548807.jpg (266.73 KB, 1500x874, Yt3u3u2u2828.jpg)

Fucking sigh. The Sims fandom is so bad about this. it's chock full of autistic girls, AGPs and hatred/fetishism of girls and girlhood.
No. 1378187
>>1378068havent watched her since she joined the crowd of people shitting on jkr w/o reading anything she actually said about troons. not what i came for when i click on a sims makin magic video
>>1378072i admire your optimism but this is a fully "drank the koolaid" take she has here
No. 1378241
File: 1638207523256.gif (1.73 MB, 209x213, 1468307407612.gif)

>>1375170"I can excuse murdering and cannibalism, but I Draw the line at transphobia".
No. 1378255
>>1378068The sim fandom is full of weirdos. They were talking about adding pronouns to the game & people got mad at a modder who rightfully said there's so much else they could be focusing on.
I always see angry grooms who act like they have no choice but to buy Sims dlc\play the game &complain about it all day. Not surprised she's on some weird shit.
No. 1378283
>>1378278Who knows, but they rather put dumb meaningless shit in the game, the person who complained Zero Mods is a TIF I believe, so everyone got mad at her for thinking it's dumb and EA is pandering.
>>1378267I would there's so many people who keep shit behind paywalls for absurd amounts of time, then act like they are doing the world a favor by modding a game.
No. 1380354
File: 1638349070191.jpg (Spoiler Image,141.6 KB, 1280x737, 19477KlpMPJJN.jpg)

Her nipple is one of the worst results I've seen. It's almost like a spiral
No. 1380402
File: 1638354114226.jpg (118.28 KB, 640x1136, cavetown.jpg)

I recently discovered her music and I was very disappointed to find out she's a troon
No. 1380481
File: 1638366114597.jpg (124.52 KB, 1072x1240, 8fce6b69-15e2-5c34-b5d7-fa3f1f…)

>>1377994I've seen at least a couple examples of this phenomenon, you know the well meaning liberal supportive straight boyfriend whose girlfriend gf decides to identify as he/they and demands they call themselves a queer and or gay couple
Its not even in the same level as the suffering and humiliation transwidows have to deal with but it seems pretty infuriating
No. 1380990
>>1377994i like how this comment says the phrase "fully transition" is transphobic when that's literally the wording OP's TIF girlfriend used according to him? i thought policing trans identities was bad?
>>1380887have you seen erika moen's comic about how she used to be a lesbian but has a boyfriend now, and one panel had them both making perverted comments towards a woman? it's something like that
No. 1381190
>>1381120gay twinks listen to ariana grande, taylor swift or shit like that. as long as the artist is a talented or attractive female then its twink music.
aap fakeboisthink that listening to some TRVE MALE shit like metal or the most
quirky and boring indie music you can find, is peak gay male behavior
No. 1381599
>>1381120Cavetown. My Chemical Romance. Mother Mother. Anything about being a rebellious self-destructive but sensitive teen boy (think jesus of suburbia). Some god-awful punk band you've never heard of comprised entirely of ftm that imploded after the drummer and the singer had a messy breakup.
The only real crossover between gayboys and fakebois is musical soundtracks.
No. 1381826
File: 1638425798888.png (236.37 KB, 1234x1248, Screenshot (285).png)

>>1380534>>1380887the comments are even worse
No. 1382482
File: 1638471660418.jpg (545.93 KB, 1144x2144, 1638471398291.jpg)

never forget Jack Black and Jewish males have "transmasc" swag
No. 1382674
File: 1638478851175.jpeg (241.96 KB, 1536x2048, FFn81u2WQAoPJi7.jpeg)

Gender is on their mind 24/7. I thought clothes had no gender? Quit stressing out about it and just wear what you want. If you want people to use they/them just tell them. But nobody will ever not be able to tell you're female.
No. 1382695
>>1382674It must be exhausting to be constantly obsessed with how other people perceive you. Gendies are experts at creating pointless problems for themselves.
>>1380481This is a consequence of alphabet clout becoming the edgy popular trend with teenagers. Anyone who looks cool and hot must be kweer because everyone knows straight people are dumb and boring.
No. 1382732
>>1380402>>1380469>always portray boys as soft and innocent. It just screamed those 'male positivity' tumblr blogs run by horribly naïve teen girls in the 2010s.I honestly find TIFs perspective on boys and boyhood to be fascinating, TIMs fetishize girlhood and make into a pornographic fantasy and let's be fair TIFs also fetishize boyhood as well(I mean many are Fujos) but they go can beyond that
they perceive boyhood as innocence and adventure, they believe it's filled with understanding, compassion and "sexual tension", its an unbearably naive way but you can understand it
No. 1382770
File: 1638483177415.jpeg (1.07 MB, 1170x1165, 634549A7-C0F4-45E0-89EA-1F2544…)

>>1381599> Some god-awful punk band you've never heard of comprised entirely of ftm that imploded after the drummer and the singer had a messy breakupyou can say GRLwood
No. 1382798
File: 1638484248728.png (74.26 KB, 149x500, Horikawa-1.png)

>>1382732Her "boy" version look exactly like that kid from Token Ranbu. Those fujos has no shame.
No. 1382808
>>1382780I don't think its on par with asian guys, Jewish men stereotyped as being ugly and grotesque with their features
though I've never seen this phenomenon of women lusting after Jewish men for whatever reason, is this a recent thing ?
No. 1382833
>>1382815I think they headcannon these boys/men with a level of hidden emotional depth and sensitivity that just isn't there. Like the 'bad boys' in romance fiction.
There's also an element of just wanting to be gross and free like boys are without being restricted by femininity.
No. 1383063
>>1382482Yeah, but he can also grow a full beard.
lol at the argument that men being fat and mediocre-looking is gnc now.
No. 1383365
File: 1638536675797.png (78.5 KB, 866x576, 655656.png)

This is totally nor mass grooming
No. 1383382
File: 1638537736231.jpeg (354.57 KB, 1536x2048, F107B6AA-5A01-4EF2-B8CC-BF5C3F…)

>>1382674 I used to follow this person years ago for her art. She is a storyboard artist and used to post a lot of artwork pertaining to that, fanart, little diary comics. The latter wound up overtaking her work. All of them are about gender. I don’t really care about troons much but she made being non binary her whole personality and it’s so annoying. No. 1383389
File: 1638538389718.png (993.2 KB, 913x1024, E8jAPG_UcAMI87F.png)

>>1383382Am I being uncharitable or is this just internalised homophobia
No. 1383393
>>1383389No this is totally internalized homophobia. She's basically "I wasn't comfortable being gay unless I wasn't a woman or
fully gay", hence the tumblrified use of "Sapphic" instead of "lesbian". Those terms mean the same thing to any sane person, but tumblrtards treat "Sapphic" as "non-men loving non-men", and "lesbian" as "TIMs and TERFs".
No. 1383395
File: 1638538911366.jpeg (266.89 KB, 1052x1940, 3B0152C2-8957-44D4-8898-0FC0BA…)

Looking through her comics and found this lol
No. 1383413
>>1383397I suspect the former, most actual lesbians who troon out tend to desire to be men as quickly as possible
seeing as she draws herself as more androgynous bit still feminine and her focus towards on a specific "type" of male(skinny pretty boy)
I suspect she's actually straight/Bi and has unrealized feelings regarding her genuine attraction towards men
No. 1383415
File: 1638539901811.png (282.4 KB, 540x405, 5AD9E4CC-95EC-4E1E-9201-1B7F51…)

Digging a little shows that before she trooned out, she did a lot of comics on asexuality. NLOGism at its highest.
No. 1383429
>>1383415 because I think a lot of women (especially autistic women) in the information age become so desensitized to sex/sexualuzation and unfamiliar with the difference between a romantic connection vs a friendship that they no longer consciously know what they're attracted to, focus on the social implications of their choice in romantic/sexual partners, and end up having a completely sterile pseudo-partnerships with their best friends. It's the same reason so many straight women claim to be bi or "pansexual". Speaking as a lesbian, the dating pool is just as full of straight women who will recoil at any actual attempt at intimacy as it is transbians. I can't even say I blame them, since the internet fucks us all up with regards to socializing and sexuality (porn culture is overwhelming and confusing).
No. 1383436
>>1383397I don't think the line between AGP/AAP (in it for the coom) and HSTS (internalized homophobia) are as clean-cut as people make out, at least not for women. It's possible for a lesbian to hate herself for her sexuality and fantasise about being a man to escape it, while also having terminal weeb/fujo brainrot that makes her want to be an anime boy. Plenty of lesbians are into yaoi (after all, male characters as written by women are just women with the construct of femininity removed). Sometimes HSTS men like Blaire White seem turned on by the whole bimbo thing as well.
I know in a strict Blanchard sense AGP and AAP refer to wanting to become one's own erotic object (and thus require heterosexual attraction), but people tend not to use them quite like that.
I don't know anything about this woman beyond a quick scroll through her twitter, but she seems to have a strong desire to become a self-created fictional character.
No. 1383453
>>1380402TIF/FTM music: "i wish i was just a little bug, just a little boy in the dirt…"
TIM/MTF music: I'd rape you and have sex with your bloated corpse with my massive girldick, punch a
TERF in the face. Stupid whore.
No. 1383456
>>1382937 didn't want to admit the truth of TIM-written lyrics.
No. 1383491
>>1383473This is definitely something of high importance,
nonnie, who cares about the rampant sexual abuse in office jobs? Or the annoying ass schedules and terrible working conditions in shitty ass cubicles? we need bathrooms for the mentally ill so they can jack off in peace. I’m so fucking mad.
No. 1383493
File: 1638545585995.png (151.98 KB, 600x800, img-0077-1_orig.png)

>>1383473She's so obsessed with how people see her. It's worse than normal FtMs.
No. 1383517
File: 1638546815422.png (57.92 KB, 611x519, untitled1.png)

I know this seems like something a moid would say, but it's a braindead TIF. She's a bit of a personal cow of mine, also a DID-chan.
No. 1383519
File: 1638546916817.png (26.6 KB, 607x252, Untitled.png)

>>1383517Here's some more internalized misogyny. I think she goes so hard for TIMs because she was married to one for a while.
No. 1383766
File: 1638556833724.jpg (385.54 KB, 886x886, Tumblr_l_15073409446530.jpg)

Do you ever see an artwork and just know it was created by a self hating TIF?
No. 1383801
File: 1638558266681.jpeg (283.12 KB, 640x730, A334B399-5DE3-4FA4-B610-7885CC…)

No. 1383887
>>1383517>>1383835oh my god, this person is a mild cow of mine too. i respect her skill with pixels and colors (also i do enjoy some of her story concepts that don't revolve around gender shit) but her hatred for TIFs (despite being a biological female who got surgery and takes hormones) that identify as "men" is insane to me. i'm somewhat sympathetic to her since she claims to be intersex and went through medical abuse as a result (which might explain the hardcore genderism) but the internalized misogyny is why i can't stand following her main accounts
the TIM she was married is apparently a DID-chan too, but they suddenly divorced for reasons i don't think were ever spoken about publicly. gray started going through an "asexual" phase (despite doing literal porn commissions in the past and having a now-deleted sideblog for horny posts) and claims she never had a partner that respected it, so i wonder if he was coercive in the way that's typical for a lot of TIM+TIF relationships
No. 1383893
File: 1638562465891.jpg (240.17 KB, 1920x1080, EcBRwhdU0AAwVsV.jpg)

>>1383801Like if it wasn't obvious she was an awkward kid.
No. 1383894
File: 1638562506060.jpg (203.76 KB, 1920x1080, EcBRwhcUcAAfcnR.jpg)

>>1383893Also lol at keeping the stereotype of troons not liking showers.
No. 1383901
File: 1638562674063.png (26.44 KB, 783x597, tantrum.png)

>>1383835Do you remember when some TIF on tumblr (who in fairness also comes across as a cow) wrote a negative review of her comic and she got so butt-blasted that someone wasn't worshipping the ground she walks on that she removed every individual panel mentioned in the review from the comic, and replaced it with picrel? (despite what it says, she never redrew anything and they're still like that)
here's the review btw: No. 1383917
>>1383887She hates everyone except TIMs. She's always complaining about lesbians having beauty standards that don't include her (liking boobs, liking muscles, liking skinny women, liking women who aren't buttass hideous). She hates 'cisgender' women for ever acknowledging their sex in any context (see tweets posted above) and obviously she hates 'cisgender' men.
I refuse to believe someone who draws porn that viscerally depraved doesn't have a libido, anymore than I believe someone who lusts after cock is a lesbian. He probably was coercive and treated her like shit because it's a TIM-TIF relationship, although I'm sure she's an absolute black hole of misery to be around.
No. 1383931
File: 1638564401418.jpeg (708.98 KB, 1034x1639, 5E1DFDEF-56C4-4EFF-9F74-CE9335…)

>>1383887Apparently Jeff was cheating on her with an actual man. Picrel is from a comic she made about one of her "alters" "splitting" into two over her divorce.
>>1383901Yes holy fuck, she is so fucking sensitive about any criticism she receives. Even just neutral non praise comments can
trigger a day-long twitter rant. After she finished Drop Out, the ratio of "this was the best comic evar!!" to "I didn't like how it ended" comments was 100:1, but she took the negative ones so personally she swore off talking about the comic for like a year.
No. 1383939
File: 1638564817403.png (25.36 KB, 540x732, tumblr_86b10b39aa05bf27bb95c0b…)

>>1383917the "queer" definition of "asexual" is "someone who isn't sexually attracted to people", so therefore in that easily-exploitable definition someone can have a libido and enjoy porn and be "asexual" at the same time (it's bullshit, i know).
however i've followed gray for years and she's been on various cocktails of medications including antidepressants and antipsychotics, sometimes at the same time, so it's possible that the reason she deleted that side blog and doesn't draw porn/fetish stuff (it used to be on her main art blog but is deleted now) anymore is because she truly lost her libido and doesn't want to have sex anymore, but it kind of contradicts how she claimed to always be asexual at the same time. especially if she goes by the "isn't sexually attracted to people" definition but then turns around and draws a comic about how her alter ego finds random women in public sexually attractive and feels guilty about it (picrel)
No. 1384190
>>1384165It's so funny how their sphere of the internet approaches conflict using their oppressed identities like pokemon. "I have three indigenous transgender wives and I'm a
POC" "Oh yeah, well I have a trans
POC wife and I'm poor and anorexic AND jewish!" all while barely discussing the actual issue at hand.
No. 1384198
File: 1638577917587.jpg (577.2 KB, 1280x1707, tumblr_o1q6m2gQvs1qes0fho4_128…)

>>1384190>trans POC wifeHe looks pretty fucking white to me
No. 1384209
File: 1638578604630.jpeg (1.62 MB, 1242x1796, 1637548468735.jpeg)

>>1384202I'd give her the benefit of the doubt if troons converting to Judaism so they have something else to be oppressed about wasn't such a thing (for example this lovely lady from the MtF thread).
No. 1384241
>>1384228If you've been following her for a while, do you know if the stuff about her mother abusing her is true? She seemed very vague about what actually went down, which reminded me of a schizophrenic I know who randomly decided his totally normal parents had always been
abusive (I know schizophrenia is one of the million things she's diagnosed with). But I don't really want to assume anything.
No. 1384297
>>1384241she never tags her posts (and when she does they're usually
trigger warning tags followed by shit like "/-/-/-" so it's not searchable) so it's hard to search, but i do think her claims of abuse are legit when they're not sandwiched between cries of transphobia, i used to watch her drawing streams from back when she lived with her mother and i've heard noises like muffled yelling from another room being silenced in one. the gist seems to be that both parents suck but the father is slightly less shitty
>>1384247some less strict sects of judaism accept people who are patrilineal
No. 1384304
File: 1638586794888.png (703.9 KB, 1157x1920, tumblr_a3a50025101522708a2d8dd…)

>>1383391>both Zelda and Link are FTMI thought you were joking but Jesus Christ
No. 1384324
File: 1638590531735.jpeg (997.89 KB, 1242x1280, 9803575A-9C26-4323-A179-3E61B3…)

>>1384315Yeah I have to agree, she posted picrel ( as a flex but she just made the image completely unparseable. Her style has become more and more illegible as she goes on.
No. 1384329
File: 1638591291116.png (83.42 KB, 800x985, 1.png)

>>1384324>>1384315Her comics are better looking fwiw. I found her art through her comics, I'm pretty sure they're what she's best known for, and it really looks like she half asses everything outside of them
No. 1384332
File: 1638592193852.jpeg (432.41 KB, 1936x1936, 966A4E2D-CBD8-4BDA-8848-C68D7E…)

>>1384329I was extremely disappointed with how the art turned out from the start to the end. Supposedly it was because of Gray's eating disorder recovery but like…just take the time to accomplish what you set out to do. I guess we're derailing with this art sperg but I've never met other people interested in this artist lol.
No. 1384688
File: 1638621592846.png (7.19 KB, 348x259, e3c818a0424b8af11389c0f53240e4…)

if any of you like looking at embarrassing identity obsessed dumpster fires: listography's (aka what everyone used before carrd) homepage lists the most recently changed lists and you always find the funniest nonsensical shit on there.
No. 1384702
File: 1638622724897.png (137.57 KB, 640x810, tumblr_27a2c9d7384cb865d3c05a5…)

>>1383391>>1384304>She changed her name to something her wife said in passing, stopped celebrating her birthday, started celebrating the day she chopped her boobs off as her birthdayShe calls it her "Lake day" as that's the name she gave herself
No. 1384738
File: 1638628187709.png (315.31 KB, 731x963, 1611078920454.png)

>>1384702reminds me of this and the TIF who took the name of her sister's dead son as a way of honoring him
No. 1384758
>>1383473>>1383493I want to shake her and tell her to just be a GNC butch. She's making her life difficult for herself completely on her own.
>>1383766Not wanting to be perceived is the ultimate female experience. You will not change my mind. Funny how they tell on themselves: it's clear so many of them have a trauma related to being sexualised as a woman. It's very sad
>>1384175Kek I didn't even think about! Doesn't make any sense, unless she is taking a photo of what's in front of her. But that's a reach
No. 1384805
File: 1638632539856.jpeg (212.46 KB, 640x809, F1912C2F-6C81-42EF-9E21-5898B3…)

>>1384738Oh man, an artist I followed a few years ago trooned out a while back and did something like that but chose the name of a dead uncle. Can’t imagine how weird that must be for the parent whose brother that was.
No. 1384811
>>1384702If I gave birth to and raised a whole child I'd be pissed about this shit. I know she can't appreciate parenthood/childbirth unless it's a beautiful
valid seahorse dad doing it tho
No. 1384815
>>1384805I strongly suspect that the reason she's choosing her dead uncle who she has no memories off is specifically cause he was likely a gay male
It's like that so called "TIF pioneer" who would trick Gay men into having sex with her and then felt validated by getting AIDS, she even sent a letter to Blanchard talking about her experiences
No. 1384946
>>1382732This just made me sad, I was an awkward girl as well and I can somewhat understand what their feeling but this is just a false identity (gender is already loosely fabricated) on top of a fake structure. With a narcissistic and egotistical perfect simulation view of the acting out of being a certain gender.
I don't know if I have the vocabulary to get the point properly across. But it's just saddening.
To me TIFs are just like the awkward and nerdy girls who try to desperately copy from make up gurus and act out like an e-girl when she just wants to read YA or something. I don't know. Maybe I'm misunderstanding it, but it's simply what I see and I just hope these people can stop acting like this one day.
No. 1384971
>>1383443I've known a lot of lesbian couples that act like roommates. One is always asexual while the other is bisexual. The "asexual lesbian" one always lusts after anime and vidya boys but has no desire to fuck a woman/her girlfriend/wife.
I've known multiple actual married couples like this. One thing they all have in common is that they all met online in their teenage years. Is this the female version of prison gay?
No. 1385023
I believe there are actual asexual people but I think it’s rare. I used to think I was until I got over my repression and got on meds, I’ve known a few people with similar stories. I remember going into ace groups on facebook back when I thought I was ace and the majority of the user base being incredibly horny but swearing up and down they weren’t actually attracted to the people they were constantly fucking.
>>1384971I had an ex (met online) who was like this. She trooned out (NB theythem) and claimed to be bi but rarely showed any actual interest in women (me included) but had a bunch of male actors she was obsessed with. Last I saw she had changed her orientation to ‘gay’, which I assume here means straight with different pronouns.
No. 1385040
>>1385023>>1385001The only "asexual" person I have ever had an honest interaction was a guy who reveled me that he was molested multiple times as a kid and was deeply uncomeatable with human sexuality including his own, IRL as well he was humorless, rarely displayed any emotions and disliked being touched
He's probably the only self described Asexual person that I understand and I think their genuine in their identification
No. 1385055
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>has ugly boyfriend
Yup. I give it a few months before she comes out as a they/them or he/they.
No. 1385062
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>>1385055does her bf look like picrel, this is Khadija "I'm queer, I'm non binary, I'm dark skin, with a Muslim background, who is now more spiritual" mbowe's ex-boyfriend btw
No. 1385066
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>>1385062Nope, he's in pic attached. That corny yin-yang tattoo kek.
No. 1385068
>>1385066I mean he's not handsome but I wouldn't describe him as ugly, definitely not on par with
>>1385062needs to get rid of that pedo mustache though and also cut his hair(long hair works on some guys but not him)
y'all gotta stop random people related to cows Ugly even though their just average looking
No. 1385090
>>1385065I'd agree it might work for most people but not him, other then the molestation he's still seen some other shit that just made him the way he is
he's in his 30's and seems to hate everybody for the most part
No. 1385095
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>>1383835The constantly writing incomprehensible essays on her tumblr blog about the complexities of the butch experience and those evil cisnormative lesbians while her entire dating history appears to be a gender conforming autistic man who just had ratty long hair and pronouns is the funniest thing about her. Even funnier than the several metre long comics about her imaginary friends arguing with each-other that she honestly seems to expect people to read/ take seriously, or "furry vore is a complex metaphor for queer relationships". She's so constantly hateful and bitter on social media, so smug while saying the most profoundly retarded things,
and so perpetually miserable, I don't know how anyone could stand to be around her IRL.
>>1384333Same. The colours in the comics are sometimes nice, but everything else is on a scale from derpy to incomprehensible. Plus it's furry art.
>>1383931She got cucked for dick? That's hilarious.
No. 1385109
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>>1384198>that Kikomi-chan hair-textureShe was the blueprint
No. 1385111
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>>1384815>It's like that so called "TIF pioneer" who would trick Gay men into having sex with her and then felt validated by getting AIDS, she even sent a letter to Blanchard talking about her experiencesYour thinking of Lou Sullivan, here's the exert of the letter she sent Blanchard about tricking gay men into fucking her and feeling validation as a "real gay man" by her AIDS diagnosis
She is considered a Transmale activist and Icon
No. 1385135
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>>1385095maybe this is because i'm a meanie
terf but what makes her different from an evil terfy lesbian-identified transman when she also takes hormones, got her tits chopped off, and claims to be a lesbian too? the pronouns she uses? even though she's functionally the same as a transman in any other context, and is aware of this according to one of her recent alter ego diary comics (picrel)?
also literally most of her recent horny posts on her blog are talking about pussy (so much for being "asexual"), so who is the "pussy for pussy"
terf there?
No. 1385146
>>1385144it's funny to me since a lot of these identity-obsessed troons are all about communism and whatnot, and while i'm no commie i still know "material reality" is a big part of their political analysis on society. why is gender the exception (rhetorical, obviously)?
it's also funny how she argue that if a cisgendered man started identifying as a lesbian to have sex with lesbians, that would be fucked up in predatory and therefore the same as a transman that's self-aware that surgery doesn't change her sexuality, but the thing is, men already do that, they just claim to be "butch lesbian transwomen", which gray supports and even has an OC of…
No. 1385151
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>>1385146She's not very good at critical thinking, to put it mildly. I suppose her idea is internally consistent: if literally the only thing that matters is what you identify as in your head, then transmen and actual men are completely indistinguishable (see her tweet upthread about how it's meaningless to talk about biological sex). Therefore, the men who identify as butch lesbians unironically are 100% butch lesbians, and the ones that say they're butch lesbians but are actually just lying to get into some gendery girls pants are 100% the dreaded cishet man. Nevermind that they're physically the same, and there's no way you could ever know what's actually going on in their minds to tell which is which, she's delusional enough that she probably thinks she can read minds anyway.
She literally married a butch trans lesbian, I'm pretty sure that lion character was based on him because they both have a long mane of hair as their one 'feminine' feature.
No. 1385176
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>>1385164TBH I know nothing about him (don't think I've even seen his tumblr), I'm just going off pics from her blog where he just looked like an average schlub with long hair and the fact that she portrayed the character as a self-absorbed autist. You're probably right, having your beloved wife be your self-inserts ex in your comic would be a bit much.
I hope her next romantic conquest is peteseeger. He's even jewish now!
No. 1385217
>>1385095Literally the only people I've seen using "he/they lesbian" unironically are genderspecials and TRAs. Interesting how her first impulse when she sees her own community being retarded is to assume that it's a
TERF psyop and not the sort of hypocrisy that arises from how logically inconsistent TRA principles are.
No. 1385223
>>1385217it's also funny in these hardcore gender spaces, you can basically be a "transman" in every way besides identifying as one and still be considered a
valid lesbian. you can use male pronouns, male name, take hormones, damage your ribs with a binder, get your tits cut off, wear a fake penis in your pants, but as long as you don't use the "M" word (man) you're perfectly fine. they're so obsessed with labels that reality doesn't matter anymore
No. 1385309
>>1385288That was one of the most odd aspects of the song, I mean some of the things she desired were understandable but shit like
>I wish I could put on eyeliner and glitter and actually look good>And I wish I were a boy>So I finally look cute in dresses and skirtslike what the fuck, does she really believe that schlubby or scrawny boys look "cuter" in clothing that is designed for women first and will always look better on a woman
No. 1385407
>>1385322I think its also getting an instant community and support as well. When my mental health gets bad I want support or control over anything. The easiest thing you have control is your body. I've totally spiralled into like, what if I'm not butch and i'm a trAnS. lmao. I'm LGBT (lesbian/ace) so like I know a lot of trans people from that community and 100% none of them transitioned during a point in their life that was good and stable.
Would they have done that had they had stability? Health wise, financially etc? Honestly, I don't think most would have. Only like the true trans people, not the fujos and flabby moob boys.
(sage) No. 1385413
>>1385309Girl wearing girl clothes = giving into heteropatriarchal gender norms, being like the other girls
> plus the fact that wearing girl clothes while identifying as a girl does not guarantee desirable girl treatment, actually you may be laughed at, just ask any ugly girl or TIMBoy wearing girl clothes = so subversive, so brave, not afraid of emasculation, avant garde
> also why so many TIMs get the yaas girl so stunning and brave treatment in leftist spaces(sage) No. 1385417
>>1385001Hello, lesbian ace woman here. Welcome to my blog. For me, its like I'm just not interested in sex or sexuality. I've never looked at someone and felt the urge to fuck them, or even kiss them. I've had a few sexual relationships with people (men, women, one trans girl regrettably), more out of obligation but it never really did anything for me, emotionally. Sex over all feels kind of pointless, I can genuinely do it better myself.
I'm not sex repulsed, I don't have trauma, sex just isnt interesting. lol. I had a girlfriend until recently (broke up because I moved and don't want LDR), we were good though. she's wasnt ace and wanted me so she asked for some every now and then. I'd just get her off because I liked her and it made her happy.
and no I'm not an autist, and yes my hormones' have been checked and theyre fine.
(unsaged derailment ) No. 1385516
>>13854071. you're allowed to have your stupid labels but it's kind of bold of you to announce you're "lesbian/ace" when this thread was loling over how asexuals are liars earlier
2. you have a point about mental/financial stability but there's no "true trans" since brain sex hasn't proven in the way transmeds argue it and "born in the wrong body" is a borderline religious concept
3. please sage your shit
No. 1385620
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>>1385111>and in some… way feel that my condition is proof that I really attained my goal of being a gay man – even to the finishImagine being so brainrotten you're glad you caught AIDS.
Thank god straight TIFs these days are undersocialised and/or autistic to do this shit to themselves.
No. 1385624
>>1385622I suppose that's
valid, but is it not a helpful indicator of the kind of relationship a person is looking for or offering?
No. 1385636
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Fakebois are so lacking in self awareness it hurts sometimes
You're right, nothing bad ever happens to men in real life. That's the whole reason you want to be one so bad kek
No. 1385642
>>1385636The porn even the most coombrained women create will never come close to the depravity of the porn men create, and the things men actually do. Cope.
Also where the fuck are the fujoshis fetishizing trans men?
No. 1385661
>>1385642Yeah lets not defend porn usage here, sure it will never reach the same levels of male depravity but it will still mentally fuck up its readers after too much exposure
Fujo culture is the reasons we have aidens in the first place
No. 1385666
>>1385322also blog but similar. when i was at my lowest and my mental health was fucked i had no sense of identity and though it was nb.
turns out just lonely and depressed.
No. 1385714
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>>1385642>Also where the fuck are the fujoshis fetishizing trans men?They’re not, it’s just Aidens projecting really hard.
No. 1385881
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This girl who's a nsfw artist but mostly draws ggay porn and is constantly shifting identities between FTM, non binary, whatever the fuck. etc
Apparently drawing gay porn does that to ya. And they say it's not a fucking fetish/motivated by coomerism, even in women kek
She has a nice artstyle though, it's a pity. It's just that it's hard to appreciate art when it's men fucking each other in the ass all the time.
No. 1385921
>>1385642the only fujoshis who "fetishize transmen" are TIFs self-inserting themselves. people like to use rcdart and whatnot as proof but rcd was an "agender" TIF last time i checked. i've seen some "cuntboy" art drawn by women (with no special gender identity), but that's mostly a thing i see bisexual men be into, and the whole point of that kink is that they're
not transgendered, they're biological males with vaginas aka a fetish version of intersex (doesn't make it less weird/gross but that's their logic)
No. 1385980
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Did you know detransers are now in the genderspecial pokedex?
No. 1386007
>>1385980is this from a TRA blog? i've seen some terfs make ironic pride flags but i don't think most detransitioners would want a
pride flag for something that was a bad experience for them?
No. 1386043
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>>1386007I found it reposted in r/detrans
A lot of users there dont seem happy about it, and detrans already has a flag with a salamander on it apparently. I think troons couldnt handle that it didnt use the lgbtqasdf template so they created an "official" one. Imo it seems like theyre noticing people deprogramming and are trying to keep their hooks in
No. 1386045
>>1386007NTA, it seems to be from this blog can't really make sense of it, but I'm not sure it's a troll blog.
No. 1386048
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>>1386043i've seen the salamander used as a symbol for detransitioners, which i think is interesting and meaningful because it actually means something as opposed to a bunch of mspaint colors thrown around
>>1386045i think they're just weird centrists since they appear to be kind of TRA but kind of
terf at the same time (picrel)
No. 1386177
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>>1385111That is just pure homophobia! You don't get AIDS from having sex with only a handful of gay men! AIDS, Syphilis and Donovanosis are not primarily spread by gays
No. 1386180
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>>1385620Jeremia Butler, FTM
No. 1386183
>>1385881Are you a new follower of her, anon? I've been following for a while now and it's only recently she started drawing gay porn again.
She used to draw gay outlast fanart, then detransed, and then most of her porn includes a petite girl and like 3 other dudes. Sometimes i wish she'd realize she's just a fujo lol
No. 1386376
>>1386373i'm quite sure this
was the dominant rhetoric among TRAs until like 2014-ish or so? idk what changed and why
No. 1386394
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Fakeboism is a resort for those who inherently can't butch themselves because they know whenever they lez out they're always the femmes so their only resort is transition.
No. 1386400
>>1386376It's weird because I think most normal people would have been okay enough with "we just feel more comfortable living this way" to not think about it. But then suddenly there's all this postmodern stuff about being a real man and woman and I'm walking into the kitchen and my female relatives are gathered around talking about how men need to be kept out of women's sports. Surreal.
>>1386394What are you on? Most fakeboi are terrified of looking butch because it means they failed in their goal of becoming the anime boy (plus they're lesbophobic).
No. 1386432
>>1386379No way wouldn't it sound more truscum than tucute tho? tucutes want to fuck gender up yet claim biological sex is immutable while truscum have delusions of actually changing sex
>>1386265>>1386394turn up the cope factor kek
But sadly some butches aren't taken seriously for not being butch enough
>>1386020wouldn't this be the start of a downfall? seems like even foojomers have standards since cuntboys are "eww it's back to gross icky yucky bog standard girls" and boring side characters
No. 1386457
>>1386412How tf are you so sure
nonny, that AGP truscoomer is going nowhere and so are you
>>1386436They know who exactly to push back into the kitchen
No. 1386474
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>>1384738>who took the name of her sister's dead son as a way of honoring himfound it
also if my my sister did this, I would never speak to her again
No. 1386639
>>1386432>wouldn't this be the start of a downfall?NTA but in my fandom, the fujos I've talked to don't like trans men shit but we just keep to ourselves because expressing any dislike of it will automatically get us dogpiled for "transphobia". But another fandom I'm in surprisingly has little to no tranny shit in it. I even saw some fics where it's tagged as cuntboy instead of "trans male character" (TIFs rage when a fic is tagged with cuntboy or futa because it invalidates their TMAM or TWAW ideology. They claim those tags are
problematic because they fetishize trans people when though their whole existence is the fetishization of the opposite sex). I think most fujos don't like the idea of trans men and only genderspecials do, but genderspecials tend to congregate better. Still, it's fucking hard to call this shit out for the homophobia it is because you'll have a bunch of "trans and totally gay" TIFs coming after you.
No. 1386830
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Huh, interesting
No. 1387172
>>1387132I understand the worry. Some of them swear up and down it's radfem grooming for some reason…? It must be tranny cope because who
routinely gets caught with pizza is male troons, I imagine even more so in discord and reddit. I hope there isn't actual ex-gay shit though, religious organizations of any kind always want to pounce on those stories fast.
No. 1387200
>>1387196Same person, lemme add up just look at their fantasies, a lot of them are based on the female gaze and women's POV of two moid characters fucking each other
Same for male troons, their femininity are based on male gaze. And coincidentially they look like towering gorillas, and have hypermasculine faces. Coincidence much?
No. 1387253
>>1387233i know, i see new detransitioners pop up frequently, but the issue is
did they turn conservative/homophobic and blame the "LGB Agenda"? ignore this reply if they have, buy that's the thing some worry about. i actually saw a detransitioner on r/detrans who converted to christianity and went ex-gay but i wrote it off as one person, but will it happen more and lead to backlash?
No. 1387261
>>1383894I think honestly it comes down to sensory issues. Trooning out and autism have some pretty strong connections so it doesn't surprise me that autistic women who think they're men don't understand it has nothing to do with "dysphoria". It has to do with not understanding sensory issues are at their worst when your brain can't process overwhelming sensations in combination with processing stress or a stressful environment. Water/Showering is a huge sensory overload even to normal functioning brains (it's why most people don't just randomly want to jump into a cold pool or why it's hard for people to shower in the morning) but non autistics can process sensations way easier just like with sounds and foods. It makes a lot of sense in her comic if you see it as a young girl who is calmed by water (like a lot of autistic children are) suddenly experiencing intense sensory overload while adding unnecessary confusion/stress (aka "disphoria") to a brain that's predisposed to being overwhelmed by outside stimulus.
Sorry to sperg, it genuinely makes me sad that autistic girls are so overlooked in society that they are forced to play their own psychologist and figure out why their brains are different from their other female peers. That and the shame involved. Men are allowed to be shamelessly autistic no matter where on the spectrum but women have to be either low or not functioning to even be considered autistic. It's a diagnoses that could save a ton of young women from experiencing a lot of confusion and self hatred growing up but I'm sure some of you nonnies don't need me to point that one out.
No. 1387310
>>1387008I will never defend AGPs, those degenerate fucks. But in the case of TIFs, it could be the smallest most feminine women try to transition to male because they want to escape abuse they experienced as a vulnerable class. They believe they were preyed upon for being "weak" and female. But it's much "easier" to try and escape the reality of the female condition and troon out than it is to accept the harrowing reality of being a hair away from being victimized by 50% of the population all over again.
But that's only a small portion of TIFs. Many of them are just yaoi coomers.
No. 1387326
>>1387253It happens sometmes.
I would say bouncing from one ideology to another like that is a sign the psychological distress that made them transition in the first place (sense of community often being a factor) hasn't been treated. "Dysphoria" as nebulous a definition it has, is often a factor. Additionally, IDing as trans comes with a built-in support community of other trans people and supposedly the broader "queer" community. This can seem appealing to people who are feeling out of control, isolated, and having severe mental distress.
I could see someone converting to Chirstianity, or another religion, for similar reasons. There is the built in community around the religion. You have built in activities like attending church, church organized events, you have similar topics to discuss. There's bonding things, too, including holidays or ceremonial things like communion and baptisms.
They're latching onto things again because they feel lost and isolated. Whether that be oscaliting from one political extreme to the other, or just joining a new ideological group (a religion rather than a more "social" ideological community like trans shit) the motivations are similar, and can indicate the person is still feeling distressed/lonely. Detransing and being part of the out-group can probably extenuate that distress and make someone lean harder into things they used to disagree with, like conservatism, because that political alignment may welcome a detransitioner as "proof" if you get me, and do the same lovebombing shit as the initial group did when they decided to transition.
I find people who fluctuate from one group like to the next tend to not only be mentally ill and not receiving adequate treatment, but they also tend to be very uncritical about the ideas they are presented and the things they read online. I can't say if it's because they're too fucked to exert the mental energy to be thoughtful, curious, and think for themselves, or if it is because of a particular online culture that encourages disengaging completely from dissenting opinions in order to maintain purity of thought or some shit.
You see it a lot in TRA shit, where they tell you not even to glance at gender critical writers, or won't engage with gender critical creators even if the GC shit is irrelevant to what they produce. Online spaces that are influenced by algorithms are especially prone to that sort of gormless, insular thinking imo.
No. 1387427
>>1387403Nta but I've seen more "straight girl thinks she's gay if she identifies as male since she still likes sex with men, and man + man = gay".
Sure many of these girls are pornsick or have indeed developed a weird fetish but most of those I know (who aren't pornsick, just jumping on the "oh there's a get out of misogyny free card?" identity bandwagon) it's as simple as "man + man = gay, me man so me gay" since they don't suddenly become lesbians by being "men". Ouch my head.
No. 1387449
>>1387407Aren't there just more nonwhite hsts because most white mtfs are now agp?
Unironically if transgenderism was restricted to them, the whole movement would've not taken off.
I blame tumblr white sjw liberals personally
No. 1387490
>>1387132The LGBT
as a whole was used to ultimately shill the trans movement, the gay/trans experience was sold as ~special and unique~" so of course teenagers would like it, with all the pride shit shilled everywhere, constant propaganda by corporations, celebrities and even media, i can understand why they would think the whole LGB is at fault even when actual gay people where never behind all this craze, is very unfortunate.
This was bond to happen, if the trans movement disappears, all the (fake) acceptance of diversity will too because is the only reason it got so far in the first place, this was all a massive larp where a bunch of mentally ill retards got to feel special at the expenses of a minority, with how insidious all this is, you could theorize zoomers are actually way more homophobic than older generations, i can see them devolving into conservatives.
No. 1387721
>>1387680nta but transitioning is basically conversion therapy and favored by homophobes, it's insidious to tack a form of conversion therapy on the end of LGB but here we are.
Transitioning is all about pathologizing gender nonconformity and same sex attraction and making money from the ensuing medical procedures, nobody makes money from a gay person living their life so it's obvious why the mostly conservative and capitalistic media jumped on board so readily.
No. 1387766
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>Complex multi-layered female character who resents the patriarchic society she lives in, said patriarchic society constantly undermines her and punishes her harder then her male counterparts >well that proves she's clearly a transman yeah I got back into the GoT fandom and apparently this is a thing now, the shit smearing kweers have now almost universally decided that Cersie is a closeted transman, you have TIFs going "Cersie is clearly trans cause she had gender envy against her brother" but even an Idiot could understand she wanted to be her brother for 1)the societal benefits and 2)the physical strength of a male(Cersie has this whole thing of desiring the strength of a male warrior)
the whole fucking essay is every thing wrong queer theory, so much reaching and taking aspects of a character out of context to create their own narrative
Like Cersie is resentful for being born in a fucked up world but even she knows the problem is not her womanhood but society, She thinks men are mostly Idiots and It never once a came across in her POV's that she ever wanted to a man rather just wanted to be taken as seriously as men
also the essay also tries to use the fact Jamie and Cersei were identical twins and claim it as an example of how the "heteronormative gender binary" is made up cause they looked identical when they were pre-pubescent children and their current sex roles is only due to arbitrary choice(which in the essay's view are genitals), ignoring the fact they started developing vastly different when they were teenagers, Jamie is tall, muscular and extremely strong, It wouldn't matter if Jamie or Cersie were raised as the opposite sex cause Jamie would always end up bigger and physically stronger then his twin sister. its like these people have no understanding of how the insecurities all people have regarding their sex roles and also human puberty
also last note, a big part of Cersie's character is that despite everything she did somewhat enjoy motherhood, she was happy to bear Jaime’s babies, in being a mother to them, and nursing them at her breast, I don't know how a transman or enby could relate to that
No. 1387794
>>1386830Hell no the holocaust
victim on steroids again, at least not shirtless again. I was kinda ashamed of hating Ellen Page for dragging me down with her dead bottomless depression pit eyes but now that she is this monstrosity i just want it dead. Friggin animated mummy
No. 1387863
>>1383491Honestly this though.
Sage for blog, but at my previous job I had male co-workers tell me they wanted to shower with me, ask how frequently I had sex with my boyfriend, rub my thigh as a "good job" after presentations…and whenever I tried to bring it up to HR or even the union I was just told "that sound so hard and you're so brave for telling us" while the company went on to fix nothing. But they installed gender neutral bathrooms on all floors and implemented tranny friendly sexual harassment training and so were labelled as a "gender friendly company." FTMs just trying to opt out of misogyny by calling themselves boys and fighting for tranny rights makes me so angry when women are still subjected to so much harassment than any tranny ever will face.
No. 1387884
>>1387766>she did somewhat enjoy motherhood, she was happy to bear Jaime’s babies, in being a mother to them, and nursing them at her breast, I don't know how a transman or enby could relate to thatFor what it's worth, there are transmen who happily do all those things post transition. I don't know how common it actually is, but I've seen a hand full of big media stories about it.
These people are utterly deranged.
No. 1387885
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>>1387766Its interesting they took this line as a some deep comment regarding gender and Its also "interesting" that they don't give any context and seem to subtly imply that she's making this comment too Jamie as further proof about how biological sex is somehow fake cause adult male and female twins could easily pass as each other, when that's not the case
she's saying this to Robert(who in a way the most traditionally masculine character in the series) and its both in a moment of anger and meant as an insult towards him, its just a paraphrasing way of saying "you're not a real man" in order to goad Robert to take rash actions against the Starks
No. 1387918
>>1371404saging for late response but
1. Jupiter not Juniper, are you dumb?
2. Pls don't let this happen to Saturn my favourite I would cry
No. 1387984
>>1387261There's a higher standard deviation in the female avegrage brain pattern than the male one, therefore autism would be harder to detect, that or female socialization would force every girl into a profile and finding out that they can't keep up to fit is distressing. Also, even if the extreme male braim theory holds true, it doesn't apply to all autistic females. There is another subtype for those who are still princess-like and feminine while autistic and it tends to be this group who troons in the new '10s and '20s
>>1387310>>1386394Notice tall butch strong women never troon and proudly accept their womanhood? Because small feminine women can't butch well to be taken seriously and the oppression from society as a whole for being so "weak" (ironically not just gay/gnc men are seen this way, the femmephobia) that they feel like they have to delete their femininity. Strong butch women have one less problem that blocks them from resorting to troon.
No. 1387991
>>1387980No1 would say that unless u're a feminist kek.
MTF are better in putting more effort to be trans plus they're mature perverts (fakebois lack this perversion) who knows what they want. Fakebois (all pics so far) well… thing is both genders worship Astolfo/the drag queens where it ends up females falling back on their own gender while males can turbo boost their transness. See the big pic u foid
No. 1388022
>>1387326Most fakebois are uncritical and may detransition at the drop of the next hat. Don't expect the easily overwhelmed to go through a life-altering experiment only to kill themselves after it goes wrong.
>>1387253>>1387490>>1387680Narcissism happens to be found much more in the TRA group today than the general population, so once gays thought trans were like them they include them, only to find out they're completely different and also AGP are fucking vile alomg with the SJW. Therefore they're separated into those who believe biology and those who deny
>>1386639Remember most fujos are normies with an additional yaoi fetish, of course trans people would look ugly af in porn and yaoi. It kills the mood to have a "reverse trap" since yaoi centres around anime men (therefore dicks), just as transwomen are classified as "shemales"/femboys in porn
>>1387984Explain NLOG,
nonny>>1388001I too can see the growing number of moids here since yesterday but that doesn't mean you can defend both troomers and male truscoomers alike
No. 1388035
>>1388007Idiot you don't understand kek. All trans are bad trans because their attitude is shit and all but there's a diff between "good trans" and "good at being trans". HSTS of both genders aside, most AGPs don't pass but most fakebois don't bother to pass is what's making it cringe. Yes, AGPs can spam but you can tell whether it's a (usually) more rational male or an attention-seeking teen girl. Most are blog-styled tweets but u women are so
triggered by simple narc-like blogposts going on their day. Understandable if they're making cringy girldick/suck muh ladydique threats and boasting about how a "female penis" feels "different and much softer" and wanting women to die and calling them t*rfs and all but there's no other fake disorder/xenogendercringe/neopronoun, about them, as if they're not interested in being special. Not saying they're great. Cope and seethe, men are better than girls at being trans but sadly everyone's only dancing around these few words.
No. 1388055
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No. 1388068
samefag of
>>1388022 here
>>1388035I met this scrote's genderbend(idk kek but the use of "moid") version, except she's a female misogynist. Is the overall environment in mtf thread different from here?
No. 1388081
>>1388002>It is because mostly of us live in the global south and are less likely to troon out because we got real problems?You answered your own question. Can't live this bougie fantasy when faced with a crude reality 24/7.
Also, there's no way to be a part of the Trans Economy (e-begging) if you don't speak fluent english and gets to stay at home, chronically online and jobless, rotting away in your room and whining about imaginary troubles. There's only a few who gets play with kweer nonsense like the gringos(as) because all their basic needs are taken care of.
No. 1388262
Sister of
>>1387973 here, while I have no problem with actual real trannies, but my little scrotebro needs to grow the fuck up and not dump his shit here. we know there are nice trannies who aren't anymore shit as the next narc, but just because he's a moid there are too many assumptions about him before he clears up. came here to see his tough guy facade dissolve each time he gets misunderstood kek
One too many mtfs act like serial killers and creepy coomers which no woman would, for them just stepping out of line is a horizon crossing and would earn accusations of internalized misogyny and much more backlash. fakebois inherent disservice to all women and aren't any more harmless either. some of them co-opting male-like behaviors turns out it was only roleplay, but that doesn't mean it's an ant sting. A trans man raped some girl before.
(scrote) No. 1388385
>>1388286different anon but i know some but i don't see the point in sticking up for them on an imageboard dedicated to laughing at people. it's like chiming in a thread making fun of someone with BPD saying not all people with that disorder are bad. who fucking cares?
>>1388262what do you consider to be an "actual real tranny" anyway? the transmedicalist cope that some people are born with an opposite sex brain hasn't been proven
No. 1388471
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>>1388185yet these troons know nothing about when girls are perioding their hormones are at the lowest
No. 1388586
>>1388385>>1388397>unproven people are born with opposite sex brain>"brain sex doesn't exist"This,ironically makes me believe brain sex more, albeit not in the truscoomer way. If brain sex isn't real, then more women should be acting like scrotes. However, the scrote's sister (confirmed, either that or it's a troll larp) is somewhat clockable (NLOG, believing in transmedicalism, and not sure a derailed post in another mtf thread is hers too) As in we know she's female. This is the case too for many fakebois trying to pose the manliest(kek?) they can. And TIMs (even HSTS and male truscoomers) aren't immune either. All females are fembrained and all males are manbrained.
>>13883903rd-world countries are more conservative, example many romance languages (Spanish in mexico/portugese in brazil) are gendered, many latins spoke up against latinx because it sounds outright insane. Liberals make obvious satire real because of constant whining.
>>1388471And yet troomers claim they've done extensive research about hormones. Sigh, moids are such simple creatures
No. 1388888
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i checked in on one of my irl personal cows a while back and this happened, rip. classical fujoshi to ftm pipeline. weird that she draws herself very feminine still and edits her images to look more like her previous self, she must regret this so hard. sage because personal sadcow.
No. 1388964
>>1388900its an obvious larp
nonnie. browsing lolcow isnt exactly my idea of sibling bonding
No. 1388979
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a TIF begged the world to see her pov, but do u think she's immune to misogyny herself?
No. 1389004
>>1388979>in-group, kekOf course not
nonny, this bitch isn't special. We're only tied to the same biological sex, not secret witch cults.
No. 1389016
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cast a 5'0 scrawny he/him womanlet as a character whose supposed to have the physique of an olympic gymnast
No. 1389018
>>1388979as if I could call a female serial murderer a man because her rap sheet is "too dirty to be a woman's". same logic
>>1388900Update: she (in the case it's really a she since idk anymore) got banned but as a scrote, lmfao I understand NLOG/moid apologia but how did the rest of you clock this girl? Now I can only doubt my internet clocking ability
No. 1389022
>>1388964Still me
>>1389018 but they seem to have contrasting views how are these types of people supposed to get along irl
No. 1389046
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>>1389023tbf a 5'0 woman can be an olympic gymnast but I get what your saying with regards to nightwing, he canonically is supposed to be the best looking out of the entire bat family and is supposed to have a "perfect" male physique which is both masculine and beautiful
I don't think 90% of scrotes could have nightwing's physique and a TIF is out of the question
No. 1389055
>>1388979>I share the same capacity for empathy or for lack of empathy towards women. KEK because even this moid loving sperg still has to acknowledge the inherent lack of empathy men have for women. All the copium in the world and yet she still remains a biological woman albeit an openly sociopathic one. Men will never see you as a man because of their "lack of empathy" towards fakeboi women like you. They might try and groom you though into an
abusive relationship to appease their degenerate sexual appetite and the only group that's going to feel bad for you then is women too. Good choice aligning yourself with the gender that commit 80% of violent crimes.
No. 1389124
>>1389087yeah i always listen to other women talk about this but i think they're just fucking insufferable themselves and that's why they don't have female friends like
>>1389108 how the f are you gonna make female friends with that attitude. you already have a negative opinion on people you don't know, oh why the hell don't they want to be good friends with me
No. 1389152
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>I am not an abomination, I have autism
No. 1389160
>>1389152>I have always been your son I just didn't have the parts to matchSkylar, are you inferring that men can't have breasts and vaginas? Tsk tsk. If you wanna hop cults you gotta get your pseudoscience right!
>>1389159I was just about to say I bet they're a munchie.
No. 1389258
>>1389016>33 year old man who still looks like a teenager didn’t she get her tits lopped off cause she kept getting parts as sexualised teen girls?
that aside she’s now ugly as sin and dead inside. she looks like a malnourished victorian child.
No. 1389468
>>1388262 and Bella Janke has better larp potential than picrel TIF lmao, would only start believing TIFs are men if the first TIF gets the scrote label.Yet the furthest they as a whole can go is… beg everyone to see "hey look i know big words and women are shit therefore i'm a man!". I can't anymore the irony
No. 1389583
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>>1389574Never forget someone wrote this unironically
>Through clothes and makeup, my idols in K-pop music videos were able to express a level of androgyny. They were challenging the notion of the gender binary and associated stereotypes. These men WERE JUST LIKE ME, and for the first time in my life, I was able to relate to someone’s gender expression. Through their performance, I realized that being a pretty boy was okay, which led me to finally see myself as a trans man over the following years. Now I’m 20, and without my exposure to the South Korean music industry, I’m sure it would have taken me much longer to accept my truth. No. 1389613
File: 1639135779720.jpg (1.16 MB, 1956x2888, this is your brain on fanfic.j…)

Troons that name themselves after fictional characters always make me laugh but this chick who named herself Trevor, after the guy from GTA V who's a meth addicted murderer, canonically a cannibal and also hinted at sexually assaulting someone is absolutely hilarious kek. At this point, cosplaying should be considered a sign of mental illness.
Tiktok: trev.or.treat.cos
Tumblr: vampirebandmate
No. 1389619
the poop stain to hide her soft face
No. 1389635
>>1389583this shit pisses me off. first of all the majority of male kpop idols do not wear make up or dress particularly feminine outside of music videos and performances. most of them are probably raging misogynists and conservatives and being actually gay, bisexual or remotely feminine in your day to day life is not treated with any respect and you can even lose your career for it. it’s actually so annoying that girls are realising that it’s “okay” to be feminine (in a trans way) from watching random men dress feminine for a cheque.
kpop idols are not for the most part challenging gender roles in any meaningful way in korea because it’s basically accepted as the norm to dress like that in the industry.
No. 1389636
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>>1389613Now compare her with the actual Trevor
No. 1389651
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>>1389613sadly the trevor bit seems to part of some LARP cosplay she does(she to do a lot of other cosplays), picel seems to be how she really presents herself
even then I can tell exactly the look she's going for with the song choices and appearance, the misunderstood, angry(but not in a
toxic way), long haired small town rocker, its the type of guy she probably had a crush on growing up but she never had the guts to talk to them and so now she's "becoming the bf" No. 1389694
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how to say your a retarded overly-online white girl without directly saying it
No. 1389766
>>1389748Funny thing is she ain't even the first Trevor skinwalker I've seen. This other troon actually legally changed her name to Trevor and got at least one of his optional in-game tattoos done kek (unfortunately I found that girl before I found lolcow though and I can't remember any of her usernames). And yeah, what
>>1389751 said, basically. These kinda girls are often very sheltered, they've never met the bad boy they wanted to fix so they became the bad boy they wanted to fix. They haven't had enough irl experience to understand that their coveted bad boys usually have the emotional depth of a puddle.
No. 1389831
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Love going through IG stories to see stupid shit like this posted by my friends. I don’t think she’s she one that scribbled it, but the pandering is still fucking cringe and annoying to see as a woman that doesn’t hate herself lol
No. 1389862
>>1389810Fair enough. I don't think it's specifically drug dealers, but I think it could extend to any absolute piece of shit scrote.
>>1389832Kek I never said that. I just think that women's behavior wrt moufs is heavily influenced by the patriarchy. That doesn't mean latching onto shitty moids isn't a mistake, it just explains it a little imo. Are you that excited by the prospect of blaming women for something, though?
No. 1389871
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>>1389651I get the look she's trying to go for, I know cause I'm attracted to the same type of guy she is
she probably thinks that she's just like her crushes just cause she's skinny, has a mullet and no distinguishing curves but there's one crucial difference, she's actively trying and making actual effort to look like that, with editing and posing, meanwhile a guy just looks this this is just "are", they make no effort at all
No. 1389893
>>1389844Nah, she’s feminine and girly and goes by she/her, but she puts it in her bio bc handmaiden shit
>>1389845I agree that menstrual is fine, it’s the context of crossing out feminine and literally writing “trans rights!” like the right to use different words for period products is even remotely a problem. My bad if it came across more aggro about that
No. 1389931
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>>1389651Kek it seems like she's trying to skinwalk the bully from Stranger Things. They really get their idea of what men are like from fiction, don't they?
No. 1390308
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this is kind of interesting, i think. old thread on aarinfantasy (a once popular yaoi forum) where a bunch of straight women discuss whether or not they'd want to be a yaoi character. lots (so far) classify themselves as either 'ukes' or 'semes'. think it's all kind of endearing in a way. but also. lmao
No. 1390318
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>>1390308Need an account to access that site but I think I get what the girl in screenshot you posted is trying to say
she's a straight girl whose attracted to men but doesn't wanna perform arbitrary femininity and there's the wrong with that, cause that's the natural evolutionary state for women i.e to be attracted to males without either make up, uncomfortable clothing and garments
I've always viewed Yaoi as just a coping mechanism, though when certain girls read too much they eventually become coom brained and eventually troon out
No. 1390320
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>>1390318>Need an account woops, didn't realize that when i shared the link.
but you're spot on, quite a few are voicing the idea that female sexuality is just too limiting/unsatisfying.
No. 1390325
>>1390320>Some Fujo brain rotted femcoomer will be a children's school teacher That's a grim thought
but she did make half good points, she's uncomeatable with her body and think that her features are inherently "less", she'd rather imagine herself as some impossibly feminine uke rather then a woman
No. 1390441
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>>1390424samefag but i searched for myself, i hope she's doing better now
No. 1390444
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>>1390441This might be a controversial to certain radfems but I've always believed that a lot of these girls just need to find understanding boyfriends, I feel potential aydenism would decrease by 70% if they got good bf's
No. 1390453
>>1390444it's controversial but it's the sad truth. we as a society put so much worth on being desirable to men that when we are not deemed desirable, we think we are failed women or simply ugly, unattractive and hideous monsters. see: the minimal twinge of sadness i feel when women complain about being hit on by men when i have never received a single shred of male attention. i used to id as nonbinary on the internet, thank god never irl, but i still feel completely invisible and that certain aspects of womanhood just don't apply to me because i'm so utterly unfuckable to the male gaze. but unlike aidens i don't identify out of womanhood (anymore) because class consciousness and wanting liberation for all women is more important than a single person's fee-fees.
but i still wished someone made me feel attractive every once in a while kek and of course there's tons of extremely attractive women who troon out to escape being so extremely desired by men. you can only lose as a woman.
No. 1390476
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>>1390453That's the thing. our attraction towards males and need for companionship is natural, its part of us, weather you choose to remain celibate or embrace it one can't ignore that it we can't ever ignore that it is part of us
What's unnatural is the male desire for plasticized human sex dolls, men's modern desires are what's unnatural not our attraction
No. 1390604
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>>1390308I'm still going through it, but it's nice to see most of these women didn't troon out. They either came to terms with what they were, or accepted that they can't simply identify out of womanhood.
No. 1390659
>>1390617>>1390577you know what? that's totally true. all the female characters in that game are really good. it's kind of pathetic though, the characters that get transed the most are zagreus and thanatos, the two gay characters they're most attracted to because they're all closet fujos
sage for absolute zero contribution to the thread
i just really wanted to rant about this shit No. 1390732
>>1390441I'm happy for her. These feelings of inadequacy have a big impact on people, and I'm glad she has found a partner that doesn't shit on her interests and loves her. It's so significant to just find a bf/gf that appreciates you. It's one thing when the zoomer babyfujos troon out, but the old school fujos? Kind of a doompill.
>>1390707>Why do women only like stupid jerks who treat them like shit?That's who she sounds like. Absolute topkek
No. 1390745
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>>1390707she draws herself with tits, perhaps the pronouns are a cosmetic/rp thing for her
No. 1390928
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>>1390660I don't think transitioning and the behaviors of trans people will go away, but I do think that we're going to slowly forget the current prevailing narrative of the trans movement, which imo is one of the most harmful parts of it. Unfortunately, we won't forget the narrative because it's a bad narrative. We'll forget it because it will no longer be needed.
There's a lot of conflicting gender ideology, but I think I can safely characterize the mainstream woke trans narrative as such:
>Everybody has an internal gender identity that is correlated with but also completely separate from their sex. This gender identity is entirely self-identified and has nothing to do with a person's gender expression. (If you want to read more, check out the criticism of the "genderbread person" model of gender on sjwiki. wiki is incredibly barebones overall, but despite that, there's a massive section criticizing this model. It's pretty much the most coherent and consistent popular sex =/= gender model, but many trans people still fly into a rage about it because it states that sex exists and because it's not inclusive enough of genderfluid people. (Specifically, the genderbread person allows for gender identities that are a combination of 0-100% man and 0-100% woman. However, there's no axis for how much in 'flux' these identities may be, or for genders that are neither man nor woman nor both nor neither (???), which is exclusionary of genderfluid people and therefore
extremely problematic.))
Most concisely, the Twitter idea of gender seems to mostly be how you conceptualize your own personality and role in society, regardless of how society views you.
blah blah blah.
Anyways, this narrative in which one has an internal gender identity that is mostly (if not completely) separate from your sex absolutely cannot last in its current form. It's blatantly contradictory, and even the most lukewarm, somewhat old-school truscum narrative of "people being born in the wrong body" seems obviously untrue with the current wave of trans people, who don't seem to be able to behaviorally pass. Most "gender critical" (or whatever) people that I know arrived there because they either observed predatory male behavior from one too many transwomen, or they met one too many hilariously meek and effeminate fakebois. The majority of both mtf and ftm recent transitioners have a bizarre idea of how to perform their desired gender that's largely informed by coomer and/or children's media.
(A common trans talking point is that trans people are held to a higher standard of "behaviorally passing" than "cis" women. While I do think it's true to some degree, I maintain that most online trans people would fail to meet the most generously low standards.)
This narrative of people "being" trans or cis will slowly fade into the background. It's the natural conclusion of a super fuzzy ideology that ultimately boils down to "let people do what they want with their bodies, let people wear whatever, let people include themselves in whatever group they want to be included in, and force those groups to include them." I think the group of "womanhood" is already eroded beyond repair amongst liberals and most leftists. Children are growing up in societies with an ever-increasing proportion of trans people, and some of them pass reasonably well. They will only pass more well as time progresses. Eventually, there actually will be enough trans people that the average person genuinely wouldn't be able to tell a natal male from a natal female, as they would never have been exposed to the true differences between them as they were growing up. Though the basic tenets of trans ideology don't currently align with reality, at this rate, we will create a society in which you actually
cant assume what somebody will eventually choose to present as based on their sex, since we're forcibly decoupling sex and gender.
Of course, sex differences are obvious once puberty starts kicking in. The conclusions of the previous paragraph are predicated on us having the technology to more convincingly alter sex characteristics, society allowing people to drastically alter their appearances at a young age, and medicine no longer restricting "gender-affirming" care whatsoever. I think all three of these things are not all that far away.
Altering your appearance to look more or less like a certain gender will become commonplace. Initially, an industry will spring up to support top surgery for ftms and mtfs without requiring any trans diagnosis or anything. This is the sort of thing trans activists are pushing for the British NHS to cover right now. Their stated reasoning is that the gatekeeping process is simply too long and difficult to navigate, but their proposed solutions would eliminate any and all requirements to get this surgery beyond simply wanting it. (I think this is intentional to a degree.) Some private healthcare offices in the US are already leaning into this. Different doctors will hold themselves to different ethical standards regarding what operations they'll do, much the way it is with cosmetic plastic surgery today. For example, the most morally upstanding non-corrective cosmetic plastic surgeons believe that what they're doing ultimately helps their patients by helping their self-esteem and helping them live up to their self-image, despite the fact that the hundreds of nosejobs and double eyelid surgeries that they carry out obviously contribute to and help maintain
toxic beauty standards. On the other hand, unethical plastic surgeons will give a male KKK-sized tit implants and 50 ccs of lip fillers. Doctors currently giving 16 year-olds mastectomies are undeniably butchers, but this is already becoming normalized, and the medical community will soon see a safer, more-reversible version of this procedure as a good thing. Just as cosmetic surgery was more of a taboo in the 90's and widely accepted today, "gender-affirming" care and operations will likely be commonplace and completely elective in the next decades.
This isn't completely a negative, as procedures will likely become more easily reversible as time goes on. The greatest argument against youth transitioning is that they might be permanently altering their bodies only to regret it later. When this is no longer the case, there's no longer a real argument against an individual modifying their body in such a way. After all, nobody gives a fuck when teens dye their hair or get piercings nowadays.
When everybody is gender non-conforming in some way, gender and gender non-conformity won't really mean anything anymore. Your claimed gender and gender presentation will be given barely any more thought than we currently give to the way in which you choose to style yourself. The transitional period (that we're currently in) would be super rough societally. There'd be problems created by this, of course. People who can't afford these procedures would be looked down upon. Choosing not to get these surgeries would be seen as almost as much of a choice as radically altering your body. (I honestly believe males choosing to remain traditionally masculine would be especially stigmatized.)
And honestly? I don't think that would be all too bad. I do have some attachment to my female body, but I think I could let go of it and start taking T and get roided up so I can more reasonably defend myself. Hell, by the time I'd consider this, there'd probably be easy and cheap ways to gain male levels of muscle mass without getting other male sex characteristics. Maybe I'll even live long enough to try out a fully-functional penis.
tl;dr getting gender surgeries is going to be a thing from now on. fujos won't necessarily believe that they are metaphysically a man like they do currently, but they will get top surgery and use he/him pronouns just because they can.
No. 1390932
>>1390745I'm not sure. I checked her Twitter and she surprisingly doesn't list any trans crap or pronouns in her top header but in the video I linked here
>>1390708 , she refers to herself as a "small boy" and "king" so she might be trying (and failing) to do the stealth thing?
>>1390864I can kinda hear it lol I was honestly thinking she sounds more like a wannabe Tara Strong Dill Pickles voice when she voiced him in the Rugrats spinoff All Grown Up lol.
No. 1390983
>>1390707>>1390718>>1390864all I'm hearing is Tara Strong's Ben 10 Voice
>>1390932>she refers to herself as a "small boy" and "king" so she might be trying (and failing) to do the stealth thing? Of course, they can't be regular men
No. 1391003
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>>1390928>Maybe I'll even live long enough to try out a fully-functional penis.why? Curiosity? Also. What you described sounds hellish.
No. 1391057
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>>1390928"Xenofeminism" tranny accelerationism will never work because the end goal is not possible. Nor should it be desirable, sorting people with transition between "bottom" and "top" genders is something only a porn sick mind could conceive of or want. You need to mature outside of your conditioning. You will never have the dense bones that could survive a blow from a natal male, no matter what vanity muscles you build on T. All those roided up scrawny manlets you currently see on /fit/ as transformation success stories don't have functional strength. Fetishists on /D/ are already bored of futa and are on to more extreme, humiliating bodily transformations, so the demand and financial incentive to troon for low status males (and females!) will wane. Extreme plastic surgery is already getting blow back. Women wear less makeup and are getting away from the drag queen style just to separate themselves from ugly troons. Fillers now seem to cause bone loss where they sit on the face. Breast and buttock implants gather a shell of thick scar tissue around the implant that need to be sawed through to remove. Even Kim K got her ass removed. I bet you think you're really smart because you have the stamina to write out in full your nonsense. The logic you hinge everything on is so out of touch with reality that it is amusing. I hope you're young and have a chance to get back in touch with reality because I pity you.
No. 1391087
>>1391057Kinda off-topic, but the image you added incredibly repulsed me. I wish I never laid eyes on it. I need bleach. Porn-sick men continue to disgust me with their degeneracy.
>>1390928Your troon views on plastic surgery and your future projections on it are incredibly idealized. There will never be medically consequence-free and fully reversible surgeries that will allow one to perfectly and fully imitate biological aspects of the opposite sex.
No. 1391129
>>1390476Go back to /pol moid
>>1390928Take your meds
No. 1391253
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>>1391230Some FtMs literally just seem like extreme heterosexual women to me. Like male worship to the core
No. 1391265
>>1391230>my fiancé called me handsomeBig fucking deal, just because it's used towards men most of the time that doesn't make it a compliment that is
exclusive to men. My wife calls me handsome all the time, still female though. Aidens get "euphoric" over the most minor and weird things. It's amusing to read those threads as opposed the absolute horror show threads of what makes male troons "euphoric".
No. 1391805
>>1391785>fujoshis don't hurt gay menTell that to the gay men who have to deal with psychotic trans mutants on Grindr who rant about the "boxer ceiling" being a thing.
The whole thing is cancer, either way. Don't try to make excuses for it.
No. 1391817
>>1391810Being braindead, drooling enablers is how we ended up in this shitshow with mtfs to begin with, nona.
Give literally any troon an inch and they'll later try and rip out a mile from you.
No. 1391835
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Why can't TIFs ever draw males right, look at those waistlines, those breasts and curvy bodies
seriously they draw males as pseudo-females
No. 1391840
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>>1391836Samefag but I just realized this is Johnny Test fanart. How autistic do you have to be to make shit like this?
No. 1391872
File: 1639407385140.jpg (441.32 KB, 2002x1280, 3434.jpg)

>>1391840>How autistic do you have to be to make shit like this?autistic enough to call herself a "alt femboy" when looking like just any other random frumpy girl
No. 1391948
>>1391901>>1391872what's weird is she also draws her self-insert getting pegged sometimes, but most of the times "it" gets fucked by regular dudes
does that mean she's Bi or something ?
No. 1392019
>>1391656>>1391421Modern fujoshi are largely about shipping rather than porn (especially in the west). The most popular series among twitter fujos are primarily joseimuke, games that usually have a female MC and no canon BL (which is hilarious to me as someone who got introduced to this whole thing over Togainu no Chi). This birthed a rivalrly between female fans that enjoy hetero ships and those that enjoy BL, on jp twitter the two sides basically don't interact aside mocking each other. This got slowly reflected in the west where you have a similar division (4chan fujos calling anyone else "hetfags" and twitter users mocking "the straights").
So when a modern twitter Ayyden opens her feed she will usually see a bunch of male characters she is attracted to having normal human interactions, a lot of talk about queerness and inclusivity and memes like "the female character is just there caring for her gay babies so they can get married in peace". On top of that, porn became frowned upon in such circles because most characters are teenagers. Therefore the messaging they get is
>I like men and porn of men>but that's bad! I'm a creep>I am not a stereotype, I am a unique individual so I must be non-binary or trans>if I was a man I wouldn't be a creepy hettie, I would be desirable No. 1392029
>>1392019as a former Fujoshi I massively disagree with you, especially regarding the porn aspect
I remember is that in the past ships were less "diverse" in the sense that only the hot 2 male main characters would shipped but now people start shipping characters who have never met and one was a fat middle aged man, take
>>1391835 as an example
Also its gotten way more raunchier and disgusting, like new fetishes getting invented everyday
Honestly this is just a an obvious result of frying your brain with porn
No. 1392038
>>1392029>Also its gotten way more raunchier and disgusting, like new fetishes getting invented everyday Oh
nonnie, those were a thing as well if you look at certain games and manga. A lot of fanwork "proof" from the old days has just been deleted because of people scrubbing their accounts, the VN nukige scene influenced BL titles too and in the west I remember a creepy HxH shotacon community on livejournal over a decade ago. But nowadays the mainstream audience for fan content is teens and young adults who do sfw exclusive stuff, like that controversy with zoomers banning anyone who has ever done porn from their zine.
No. 1392071
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from the mom group i’m in. maybe people “misgender” you bc you’re a female married to a man and have a child that you birthed. just a guess.
No. 1392229
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>>1390928Take your pills schizo
No. 1392321
>>1391656this is true, i do think SJW culture is another aspect of why most fujoshi become trans-identified now. why be a boring privileged straight woman that fetishizes a minority when you could be a cool, oppressed, "gay" "twink" "transman" who draws "queer representation" artwork?
>>1391805i'm pretty sure that anon was referring to the fujoshi who know they are women and just like anime, some of them do tend to be fag hags but they also know what "gay man" means unlike ayden TIFs. i've read fucked up rapey posts from TIFs who talk about rape-by-deception things like giving head at gay male glory holes, but the average SJW zoomer would be too prudish to go that far, so i think those modern day lou sullivan types aren't as common (while the inverse is true for the TIMs). feel free to correct me if i'm wrong
No. 1392419
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>>1391872what the fuck is up with the anatomy in her art
No. 1392423
File: 1639457711429.png (9.27 MB, 2238x3378, No.png)

What’s up with female they/he’s and looking like they stink? Is it the glued pubic hair to their dewlap?
No. 1392688
>>1390928Completely disregarding that massive spergout, I
hate the idea that biological sex is like some slider in a video game character creator or something like how it is displayed in the picture, that's how you get women and girls feeling like they're "less female" for not looking and acting like a porn caricature and trooning out because they think there's something wrong with them for not naturally wanting to spend hours making themselves fit within beauty standards. I wish fakebois would understand that you either are female or you aren't and there's no "grey area" with being born female that needs to be medicalized and treated with hormones and unnecessary procedures.
No. 1392721
>>1392688it's a symptom of people pushing "sex is a construct" or "sex is a spectrum", when that's not true.
phenotypes have a broad range of traits, but that doesn't make females who are born with broad shoulders or big hands etc "more towards male" on the "spectrum". we need to go back to teaching sex is about developed gametes, not solely chromosomes or physical characteristics (those are just an aspect), because i noticed it's pushed a lot of people into gender confusion
No. 1392762
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>>1390707She sounds like Moral Orel
No. 1392833
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I personally hope that r/Short to be taken over by FTMs, it would be fucking hilarious No. 1392861
File: 1639510975801.jpg (84.12 KB, 819x305, Untitled.jpg)

>>1392833Checked out the chick who posted that last thread ( and she's seriously fucking crazy. If you want a good drinking game, read her post history and take a shot every time you see the word "cock". I might catch heat for this but I genuinely believe she's bisexual. I've been through that self-hating lesbian "omg I have dissfouria!!!" phase and I never met any other self-hating lesbians who were
that unhinged and obsessed about having a cock. It's fucking weird. I'd feel sorry for her if she wasn't a retard who thinks dressing butch and liking certain things cancels out your sex and makes you a man.
No. 1392864
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>>1392833This is one weird mother motherfucker, her moid larp is pretty good.
No. 1392872
File: 1639511999310.jpg (885.26 KB, 1920x1047, PhotoGrid_1_20211214194559.jpg)

>>1392864I keep deleting and reposting because I'm a retard and keep fucking up
No. 1392875
>>1392861 and you're absolutely right about her being pornsick. She talks about vids of men masturbating citing that women love it and sounds very enthusiastic about it. The sheer amount of times she brings up dick definitely makes it seem like she's interested in men, even if out of curiosity. Maybe her psychosis about being a man runs so deep she represses those urges? It's hard to tell. The stuff she says about men and women fitting together though is exactly what I used to say when I was self-loathing so there's also a genuine attraction to women there I'm sure. She's most likely bi but the problem with pornsickness is that these people will watch just about anything. They're like animals.
No. 1392887
>>1392880Welcome to the club,
nonny. I used to feel sorry for them too. As a butch lesbian who considered trooning out I thought I was similar to them… until I talked to some and saw the shit they post online. I wish GNC women (and women in general) would stop getting suckered in by these freaks. They are not like us and they wouldn't extend a shred of concern our way as we're evil terfs to them. Fuck 'em, they made their bed and now they gotta lie in it.
No. 1392896
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Don't know what the original post was because it's deleted but it seems she also wants to scare women?
No. 1392903
>>1392894Who said I wanted to protect them from anything? I thought they were self hating lesbians trying to cope. I felt sorry for their struggle but I wasn't going to do anything about it, weirdo. Now I can see it's not a struggle at all, just a pornsick larp they want everyone to play along with so they can coom. They're to straight women exactly what TiMs are to lesbians: predatory pornsick freaks that no one wants.
>>1392887Yeah I can see that now. They're nothing like butches and lumping them in with you ladies is shitty. Fuck TiFs and drop the T.
No. 1392912
>>1392872>He's satisfying himself with herSomeone should tell her that sex where the guy doesn't give a fuck about your pleasure and just pistons in and out of you until he cums isn't very fun. Straight women don't date guys
because of that, it's something they put up with of they're attracted to him enough.
Straight women don't care solely about cock, they're just attracted to a man's body in general. They like tallness, broad shoulders, square jaw, etc. TIFs aren't getting rejected just because they have no cock, they're getting rejected because they lack
most conventionally sexy male traits.
>>1392880I don't have a ton of pity for them because I'm a fujoshi and I have to deal with them screeching at me and my friends for ~sexualizing poor gay men like me uwu~ on a regular basis. Internalized misogyny is one thing, but TIFs often extend that to women besides just themselves, hence their propensity to mimic
toxic male rhetoric. TIFs and tradthots are two sides of the same coin.
I only ever feel sorry for TIFs on an individual basis– like if that particular person is decent and just got groomed or molested. Typically these are really young TIFs who are "non-binary" or whatever. The longer they're in the cult, the more
toxic they tend to get. Some people are also just assholes from the get-go.
No. 1392986
>>1392912This. The idea that sex requires a penis, and that women get off primarily to men using their bodies for pleasure, is 100% a moid fantasy. They use it to excuse all the bad/shitty sex they put women through, i.e. "she can't get enough of my cock!" while the woman lays there watching the clock and waiting for the jackhammering to stop. EVERY straight woman has experienced this, yet this TIF thinks they know what they like better than they do. She's either a moid, or so pornsick she has adopted the worldview of one. Sad! Many such cases.
>>1392950I feel like people who make this claim haven't had really good strap sex. If you do it right, both parties get off and it feels amazing.
No. 1393053
File: 1639532492826.jpg (65.74 KB, 818x475, 1621770019782.jpg)

>>1392833>My body is a tiny useless piece of shit worth literally nothing with no value or purpose whatsoever. It has no meaning and neither does my life. I’m so small I feel like I don’t exist. Every single man on earth has more to offer than me by just existing. Despite my job, house, car etc. I want to fucking kill myself. I know I’m not the only one with these feels, what do I do, don’t want to relapse on heroin but that’s definitely the route it’s looking like. Can’t talk to my friends. Don’t know where to turn>No, she does not feel anything even remotely close or near to scratching the surface of what she feels when her body has completely connected, intertwined and combined physically with another, two puzzle pieces designed to fit perfectly together by god, linking and exchanging eachothers insides, hot firey rampant passionate needful life pumping inside of her; from a cold lifeless rubber monstrosity>Two holes will never go together, she will never feel full of my life>Now, add not having a cock. Look, youve entered into the realm where suicide is absolutely the only viable option. Look, I don't want to feel bad for the coombrained try-hard fakeboi, but this is horrible and the self-hate is ridiculous
No. 1393142
File: 1639543945074.png (86.41 KB, 256x256, profileIcon_vpxqg3v9q6031.png)

>>1392861Here's what she looks like, she still looks like a woman
>>1392885>well it's safe to say she's never had sex. this is some nerd virgin girl shit. also incredibly self-hatingwell she admits it herself in her post she says "I’ll never know what sex is like"
No. 1393150
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>>1393053Anons please stop feeling bad for this person, it's embarrassing. The whole account is fetish porn. Nobody writes dissertations about hot, throbbing cock due to "dysphoria." They are getting off to this dumb shit. Case in point.
No. 1393163
>>1392956>incel moid roleplaylmfao obviously fake, gender brain is obviously a real thing but not opposite gender brain. Granted males are "the default" it's easier for the average woman to larp as one than the average man larping as an avergae girl, but that doesn't mean one can be good at larping
>>1393142She got me this once kek. Until the context is given i thought that looks like a man in first glance
No. 1393250
File: 1639562031288.jpg (168.32 KB, 768x786, Screenshot_20211215-091024.jpg)

I was on Instagram earlier and American McGee (of 'American McGee's Alice' fame) is either pozzed or likes money, judging by this ugly, 2000s deviantArt tier design for a new plushie he's making.
The comments are full of fat Aidens and she/theys with names like 'ash_sm0lbean' and 'flowercrown_shyboy'.
I do like that he's somehow managed to capture the haunted, regretful look in the bunny's eyes, but I think it needs tit scars.
No. 1393308
>>1393250>>1393298Have you seen the whole series of the plushies? Literally mental illness as cute bunnies:
>OCD>bipolar>sleep paralysis>hysteria (that one is an Alice throwback, but still)IDK how is that a win for troons lol. IMHO he is cashing in on them, maybe he thinks that trooning out is a cure but it's still nice to see dysphoria being treated as what it is and not some egg bullshit.
Irrelevant, but he isn't even designing those (though probably he is the idea guy).
No. 1393359
File: 1639576795184.jpg (19.55 KB, 260x312, 1629002812742.jpg)

>>1393250>>1393298>Oh damn I thought he would be troonpilled because of his mom abandoning him for a TiM, this is so disappointing.Wait What ? how does your mother abandon an adult man for a Troon
No. 1393379
>>1393373>a lot of lib women are like thisWhere did I say they weren't? lmao
>where's your sisterhoodNot with liberal women, and not with conservative women, you do realize there's a whole group between the two right?
>focus on men instead of scapegoating mentally ill womenJust because they're mentally ill doesn't mean they get to have zero consequences for their actions. The combination of being mentally ill and narcissistic means that they believe they are always in the right. These women have helped TIMs gain footing in violating sex protected spaces and defend rapists. Why are you defending them?
No. 1393380
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>>1393249She looked pretty normal as a girl. Wonder what happened to turn her into a grotesque parody of a male coomer.
No. 1393382
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No. 1393404
>>1393379>These women have helped TIMs gain footing in violating sex protected spaces and defend rapists.Just like normal lib women have.
>Why are you defending them?I'm not, I'm just not pretending a minority of mentally ill lesbians are somehow the worst kind of women.
No. 1393422
File: 1639582414028.jpg (893.89 KB, 886x1920, 1547459374618.jpg)

i feel really bad for them sometimes, there are so many terrible side effects to hormone therapy but medical professionals dont ever talk about it because its free money
kek at the last line though, i bet this was a lego ninjago fujo that "discovered her identity" through it
No. 1393429
>>1393422For any lurking TIFs, here are some recorded side effects of elevated T in females (which you are and always will be):
-Severe major depression
-Liver damage
-Type 2 diabetes / PCOS / cancer
-Acne Vulgaris
Not to mention, the inevitable hysterectomy can lead to prolapse. And it's been shown that hysterectomy leads to early onset dementia in normal women. I say "normal women" because women who have their uterus removed for reasons besides mental illness will take estrogen to make up for what they have lost.
Interestingly enough, there is a higher chance of onset dementia the younger you are when you have your uterus removed. The next decade is going to be a shit show.
No. 1393459
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>>1393359>>1393250>His only interaction with his biological father was on his 13th birthday, a meeting which turned violent as McGee's father drunkenly assaulted him that night.>McGee had a number of stepfathers when growing up until his mother finally settled into a relationship with a transgender woman. When McGee was sixteen, he came home from school and found his house empty and abandoned; the only things left were his bed, his books, his clothes and his Commodore 64 computer. His mother had sold the house to pay for two plane tickets and the fee for her girlfriend's sex reassignment surgery, leaving him on his own. He packed up his computer, dropped out of high school and took a variety of odd jobs, finally settling on a Volkswagen repair shop.The guy had a really crappy life
No. 1393484
>>1393459Oh my god, imagine abandoning your kid and selling your house to pay for some troon's genital butchery
His mom deserves no forgiveness
No. 1393521
>>1393250Well, he does like making gothic horror art.
I'm not sure the dysphoria bunny is supposed to be something positive.
No. 1393581
>>1393357I'm a fan of McGee's work, so perhaps I'm being overgenerous here, but I've always seen him as being an 'ends justifies the means' kind of guy, where the 'ends' is getting another Alice game made.
I think he tried to play whichever side he thinks is most likely to give him money to create his art.
He tried it with NFTs, now he's trying it with the troon squad.
I even recall, back in the Gamergate days of 2016, when being a reactionary, right wing, anti-SJW type was the easiest way to make money fast, seeing Alice Asylum's Kickstarter on Facebook being marketed with the words 'The SJWs will be furious about this game!' or something to that effect.
The irony being, of course, that most of the people backing that Kickstarter (and indeed, most of the sort of people who enjoyed the Alice games to begin with) were likely to be left-wing social justicey types themselves.
No. 1393599
File: 1639596897343.jpg (130.9 KB, 960x683, AM.jpg)

>>1393581He's been trying to get the third Alice game made for the past decade now, he's been providing for himself by making mobile games in China
He's doing something out of genuine passion and you can't put him down for that, though I'll always the outfit designs for the Alice games though, they were imaginative and a way to do it right when it comes to alternate costumes with a cat or bunny theme.
No. 1393736
>>1393378Assuming all TIFs wish rape and death on TERFs is a reach. Hormones and surgery are tools to relieve gender dysphoria, not some kind of yaoi magic. Too often people access treatment that's not appropriate for them and fuck themselves up when they should have gotten therapy instead of permanently altering their bodies, and for some people that therapy doesn't work and they're happier being a particular kind of visibly busted for the rest of their lives. I don't think it's fair to say women who troon out and realize their mistake are ruined though; they have to live with the consequences. They may be physically masculinized but they're still women, they're still people, and if you're that personally threatened by their survival you might benefit from some therapy too.
Your tinfoil is like assuming anachans all hate fat people and want them dead just because they don't want to get fat themselves, as if that's what being anachan means. Hating your own body doesn't mean you hate everyone else for theirs. That's just not how body dysmorphia works.
No. 1393823
>>1393736… have you even looked at this thread? With the multiple TIFs that have threatened to rape women? Or the multiple TIFs wishing JKR would drop dead or burn in hell?
Anachans don't have a history wishing "fat activists" would drop dead.
No. 1394039
>>1393688>The Chad American McGee: Incredible backstory where he overcomes immense trauma and tragedy, truly dedicated to his art, very talented, capable of writing good female characters/narratives and is eager to do so, doesn't sexualize his female characters, such non-moid writing that he's capable of writing about oppression of women/rape/treatment of the mentally impared without feeling exploitative, had a terrible mother but didn't allow himself to become misogynistic, capable of empathizing with women while still recognizing himself as male>The Virgin Porpentine Charity Heartscape: Uninteresting backstory of a normie coomer moid gaining a porn addiction, clearly cares more about cumming and getting attention than any actual artistic endeavors, not talented at all, incapable of writing female characters that aren't fetishy stereotypes strung together by juvenile "writing" and deranged ramblings, all his characters are sexualized all the time in all the most unforgivable ways, "writing" is completely insensitive to the plights of any human being who isn't a well-off pornsick scrote, doesn't have any noteworthy trauma involving women but is criminally misogynistic, incapable of empathizing with women and yet "identifies" as a woman/lesbian No. 1394078
>>1392721Teachers and lecturers are being attacked and forced to apologize for teaching stuff like that because it "excludes trans people." You can get banned from a lot of online spaces just for saying stuff like "there are only two sets of gametes" because that stuff is now classified as a "
TERF dogwhistle"
Of course the end result of sex-as-a-spectrum will be a return of the view that there is only one sex (male) with an inferior variation to it (female). All for the sake of a few male coomers being able to get off by degrading themselves into becoming the "inferior" sex.
FtMs are tolerated for the sake of ideological consistency and because they don't threaten the men in power, since nobody takes them seriously. I wish more of them would realize how much of a joke they are to their "trans sisters."
No. 1394135
>>1394078ayrt, it's fucking insane because the transgender rhetoric a decade ago was "gender and sex are different, transgenders are biologically one sex but identify as the opposite" - but the goalposts have moved so far that
that is considered offensive?
i've used tumblr for an embarrassingly long time i watched the language change from "gender =/= sex" -> "female/male-bodied" -> "people with penises/vaginas" -> "afab/amab" -> "cafab/camab" -> to "TMA/TME" which i think is the worst of all because it frames men as the most oppressed by gender roles…
No. 1394191
>>1394135AYRT, I've seen it happen too. It's part of what convinced me that transgenderism isn't an identity anymore (if it ever was), it's an addiction. You gotta keep chasing that dragon and breaking down those boundaries, because the NEXT hit (being validated as a member of the opposite sex, not just of the opposite "gender") is the one that is
finally going to make you happy and then all your fantasies will come true.
It's terrible, but I do find some entertainment in watching them try to square this new circle. If sex is a social construct, does this also apply to non-human animals? Is it
TERF rhetoric to say that only hens can lay eggs? If sex is a fuzzy undefined spectrum, how is anyone "cis"? How can you be "born in the wrong body" when sexed body types don't exist?
No. 1394227
>>1393823>Anachans don't have a history wishing "fat activists" would drop dead.Kek have you seen the reaction to Tess Holiday claiming she's in recovery from anorexia? Lolcow seeks out the loudest psychos to have a laugh at. Don't mistake a curated handful of a demographic's biggest losers as a representative sample of that population. That confirmation bias has you more paranoid than you need to be of people who usually only hurt themselves. It's not normal or socially acceptable to wish rape on somebody. Death maybe, since they see terfs as gender fascists, but not rape, even among genderspecials. At least deathfats vs skellies is mental illness vs mental illness, but just like there are several wannarexics for every hopeless anachan there are several trenders for every hopeless troon, yet they all think you're attacking them for their true unchangeable self. Being openly hostile to them only pushes them deeper into the larp just like making fun of fatties for being fat only pushes them to eat their feelings and get even fatter.
TL;DR most troons actually don't want you raped to death and assuming they all do in some misguided belief it's self-defense only alienates lost women. It's lolcow, not madcow. Don't seethe,
nonnie. Have a kek.
No. 1394237
>>1394156According to google/reddit, cafab/camab = coercively assigned female/male at birth?
TME/TMA = Trans Misogyny Exempt/ Trans Misogyny Affected???
What the fuck am I reading? Honestly I don't understand how some people deny that being transgender is a mental illness I feel like I'm trying to make sense of schizophrenic delusions. Samefag as last post but for the record I'm not saying "don't make fun of crazy people," just that you can't jerk people out of insanity, and I tend to prefer cow redemption to cows roping. Can't milk a dead cow after all
No. 1394248
>>1394237>cafab/camab = coercively assigned female/male at birth?>TME/TMA = Trans Misogyny Exempt/ Trans Misogyny Affected???When people are coming up with shit like this it's time to shut down the discourse and simply put them in the loony bin where they belong. Nobody is coercively (implied harm/abuse) assigning sex to a baby, sex is assigned to enable the best medical care in early years since males and females have different internal as well as external anatomy and physiology, however much TRAs try and deny this.
TME/TMA just sounds like utter nonsense, is this a new word for the claims from penis-havers that they suffer worse misogyny than actual females because??? reasons??
This is the only mental illness where (sane) people are currently encouraged to agree with whatever delusional shit the person says even if it entails (the insane person) destroying their body and mind.
The good thing is no normal person can keep up with the moving goalposts; if the "right" way becomes the wrong way, to address or communicate with someone, within a matter of months, the only thing you can do is avoid communication with those people in order to avoid "getting it wrong". So all the well-meaning inclusion will start to dry up as more and more demands are made which become impossible to accomodate.
No. 1394752
>>1394248the "coercively assigned" shit is heinous to me since that phrase was coined by intersex activists to describe having their genitals mutilated at birth (interestingly enough a lot of those infant surgeries use SRS techniques), but TIMs took it to mean "they saw a penis when i was born and coercively considered me a man"
>>1394237>>1394333the "TME/TMA" thing is basically a queer way of saying "men are the most oppressed women". if you see a TIM complaining about "TMEs" being stupid or privileged or whatnot, he almost always is referring to biological females in a more queer-accepted way. which is funny since "cisgendered" men are technically "TME" since they don't identify as women, but they're usually left out of the conversation since a lot this rhetoric is MRA in a dress
No. 1394850
File: 1639702027420.png (119.56 KB, 1079x494, Screenshot_2021-12-16-17-05-53…)

Big win for the trans community! The majority of the population agrees: short hair=male
No. 1394873
File: 1639702849713.jpg (408.39 KB, 1538x2048, FGvk400X0AEQFtC.jpg)

Looking through her twitter I don't sense even the slightest bit of masculinity.
What's the point of claiming to be a guy if you're so hyperfeminine in everything?
Also half the woman at my work place have shorter hair than that and nobody ever misgenders them. It's not a particularly manly hair cut or hair length.
Imagine being some poor service worker and sweating bullets trying to guess how you're supposed to address the lunatic in front of you to avoid a meltdown. I hope she lies about being sir'd, I'd feel to bad for the person who did it.
No. 1395000
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>>1394039damn, another day has gone by where charity porpentine heartscape the man who loves the idea of killing and raping women hasnt killed himself
No. 1395074
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The world is truly incredible. TRAs are narcing around and claim misgendering is wrong but only for themselves. Rules for thee but not for me!
No. 1395076
>>1394752"TME" is functionally identical to the word "femoid," prove me wrong.
>>1395000Why is this in the fakeboi thread? He's an MTF.
No. 1395301
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Clearly still an nlog
No. 1395373
File: 1639759161932.png (4.43 MB, 828x1792, 079F4542-B54D-44B7-AC37-F77DF3…)

Dear fakebois,
The men who date you do not see you as men and they put up with your nonsense for free pussy No. 1395398
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>>1395373I almost feel bad for these dudes, cause with rare exceptions it seems most of these dudes got in relationships with these girls when they still identified as female and just midway they started as identifying as non-binary and then as gay transman
I don't know as someone whose been roped in to their partner's fandom shit I can sympathize with them
No. 1395408
>>1395404>why feel sorry for them? 99% these girls are never gna transition, just wear baggy clothes and ree about pronouns a bit. nothing much changes for them.all that is true but Its still fucking cringy for them and I relate to having cringy partners, hell I have cringy interests that my husband just "puts up with"
Imagine these guys having to roleplay as a gay anime character
No. 1395422
>>1395398I think it’s funny, this isn’t like a male tranny getting a woman pregnant and then hitting her with a bloody dilator while shouting obscenities at her.
It’s hilarious how these males won’t just dump the larping girls, hell, it’s even nice to see them put up with their cringy shit, you could even say it’s sweet because most males would just beat their girlfriends or leave them until they get what they want.
I really doubt there’s any stigma for men from dating a girl pretending to be a guy, if it was a woman, I would pity her because lesbians always get the shit end of the stick, but I’m sure a guy can defend himself and just cut her off if she ever wants to do something he doesn’t want to do, then go back to society as if nothing happened because guys always get a slap on the wrist at worst, if not, the whole thing is forgotten after a few jokes here and there.
No. 1395432
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>>1395373>>1395398The face of the dude… it says it all
No. 1395447
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Top surgery scars as patches. Are you meant to iron them onto a plain shirt? What the fuck
No. 1395618
>>1395598Doesn't she say she started T, which causes her acne?
Also general comment, I think it's incredibly cringe how they talk about "second puberty". You're not going through a second puberty, your body is adjusting to you pumping it full of artificial hormones it doesn't know what to do with. It has nothing to do with puberty.
>>1395476Because they probably still love their partner and are invested in the relationship? Men are human beings too, I know third world nonnies don't see it that way, but if they're raised properly they're not bad lol
>If they had half a sack or actually cared for their girlfriend, they'd keep them grounded in realityThere isn't a whole lot you can do when your partner goes insane.
No. 1395872
>>1395618>f they're raised properly they're not bad loli'm not s pinkpiller or anything i think the issue is that most moids are not raised well, the "boys will be boys" attitude coddles and lets them get away with a lot of bullshit
>>1395810i've read horror stories from women about how straight men will intrude LGB spaces claiming to be "queer/bisexual/polysexual" or whatever because they date women and TIFs. i think most boyfriends of gaydens are either those (lying about being totes queer to get snowflake pussy) or just confused normie guys who don't know why their girlfriend thinks wanting to be called "they" makes him bisexual now
No. 1395939
>>1394873Sage for blogpost but
>Imagine being some poor service worker and sweating bullets trying to guess how you're supposed to address the lunatic in front of youThis was me about 5 years ago at some shitty retail job. I accidentally cornered myself into having to use a pronoun, so I chose “they” as a safe option. The look of absolute fury in that woman’s eye was insane. The female socialization meant she still bought everything I recommended her and never said shit though kek
No. 1396039
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That's just sad
No. 1396113
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>>1392419>>1395263this is supposed to be a man somehow, I just don't get the appeal
No. 1396147
>>1393250>The comments are full of fat Aidens and she/theys with names like 'ash_sm0lbean' and 'flowercrown_shyboy'.This sort of thing is always so funny to me because if the trans shit was real, you'd probably be seeing way more MtFs getting excited about this. But nope. Something about this game primarily appeals to young women, rather than men. Even the delusional ones who want to chop off their breast
The most you can expect from males is that they'll jerk off to porn of the main character (and also claim to be her, if they're schizo enough)
No. 1396151
>>1396055Why would you want girls making a misguided attempt to reclaim feeling like they don't meet typical standards of femininity to screw up their lives and bodies, just for (negative) male attention? Most NLOGs are dumb kids, not grown pickmes. If this misogyny doesn't get redtexted for a-logging the mods have been infiltrated by TRAs
You're fucked up for that one, nona. Linking this instead of embedding because I don't want to derail further but most NLOGs grow out of it: No. 1396201
>natural female desire to be a man
Why do so many women think their desire to be a man comes from anything other than social dynamics. If men didn't beat, rape, murder, and socially oppress us, almost none of you (except body builders maybe) would be thinking about this. Aidans do it more, but even in these threads I see nonas passively agreeing with the sentiment without specifying why it happens. It's like they don't think about it, or even when they do admit that it's because of how horrifically men treat us, there's an underlying sense of "but I still want to be big and strong (and cool) and not a small and frail (and lame) little girl" internalized misogyny. There's nothing wrong about being a woman except how men treat us, and that isn't our fault or a cosmically unavoidable issue. Men being bad is men's fault, not ours, and not the universe's.
No. 1396344
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>>1395398I bet he's question If he/him pussy is really worth it
No. 1396488
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instantly clocked from the eyes alone kek
No. 1396493
>>1396486I think it might be easier to troon out children because they're so gullible. It doesn't even have to be any deep brainwashing, just tell them if they are into stereotypical hobbies they're actually the other sex and that's cool, they just need to take some medication later, for now just do what you like and pick a name to fool around.
Then they get lovebombed for a couple years and they'll think they are actually the other sex because why doubt something so apparently universally accepted and noncontroversial?
No. 1396693
>>1396652I mean that sound like she's faking it right? She explicitly said she loves other women who's like her (those who don't troon), before i call her a NLOG. But I see zero girls (fakebois) doing this to get men to like them. She isn't giving straight girl vibes. It looks like she's naturally this GNC. Which man will like a woman that acts exactly like a male pervert anyway? Fujos who're way less coombrained are already repulsive (female standards are held higher)
She is possibly lesbian in denial by rule of thumb. More like she doesn't matter and is more concerned about the partner's reaction toward her. She said she doesn't mind guy or girl to partner with. Easygoing but is not a coward and can be confrontational with moids. But most fakebois give off thr impression that they're chronically online amd would fear an actual man irl.
>>1396692God ouch can't tell if it's a shooped moid or the same woman
No. 1396703
>>1396698Here I was expecting some radfem to point out there's nothing wrong being a girl with the mind of a male pervert (by speculation, i dealt with too many gross moids). The case of my sister can sound too much like fanfiction here.
Also the mentioning of attracting moids when I questioned her behavior makes her suddenly uncomfortable and crying and that moids would degrade her and see her as a woman, and that she hates being treated like a honey trap.
I thought it was good to point out the existence of such people because even though there are GNC women someone can easily jump to the conclusion of guessing one's sex online without pics.
No. 1396838
>>1396693>>1396644>>1396703That's not agp, she's just taking on misogynistic male behavior in an attempt to pass. Your fakeboi sister is not special or uncommon.
>Which man will like a woman that acts exactly like a male pervert anyway? Its a common fetish for failed terminally online males, they think they have a chance.
No. 1396893
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>>1396644>>1366943>in an attempt to passNot OP here, but I'm curious what draws the line of being GNC and adopting opposite-sex-typical behaviors just for the sake of transing?
>Its a common fetish for failed terminally online malesIncel moids think of Lizzie Velásquez as "better than nothing", male normie would be squicked out. Let alone a girl who "acts like the typical male coomer".
Whatever described by OP just reminds me of pic above
No. 1396992
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Kek these images are so jarring to me. Elective surgeries to ease your mental illness aren’t healthcare. It’s honestly the exact opposite. If someone had “racial dysphoria“ should we have to pay for their skin coloring treatments and facial reconstruction surgeries?
No. 1397004
>>1396893>Not OP here, but I'm curious what draws the line of being GNC and adopting opposite-sex-typical behaviors just for the sake of transing?You can be GNC without being trans.
Plenty of ftms that were feminine as girls have to overact male norms even though they still like feminine things.
Also most GNC females/tomboys are still much much more feminine than the average male, what is GNC in a female is very feminine in a male.
That's why most ftms that used to be masc butch lesbians are often viewed as flamers if they pass. Even they don't act like most straight guys.
There's numerous guides directed to ftms on how to act more male because it doesn't come naturally to them.
>Incel moids think of Lizzie Velásquez as "better than nothing", male normie would be squicked out. Let alone a girl who "acts like the typical male coomer".Lizzie Velásquez is deformed, what are you going on about. Plenty of males like a short haired girl that acts like an edgy 13 year old boy.
Many males particularly loser males find girls that act like "coomers" attractive because they view them as an easy lay. Just go on 4chan and the amount of fetishizing tomboys/coomer girls is huge.
No. 1397007
>>1396992meanwhile actual women are dying of breast and cervical cancers daily because they can't afford their
gender-affirming LIFESAVING medical procedures.
I hate it here.
No. 1397011
>>1397004>butch woman=flamer gay manTo be fair butch fashion des look like stylish posh masculinity
>how to fakeboi like a real man 101If the trannies keep claiming they know how to act naturally like the opposite gender then the guides would be useless kek
>easy layFakebois usually stem from sexual assault trauma, why do they make themselves easy tho? how weird
No. 1397039
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>>1389247Detroit Become Human, I mean it's in a way to be expected cause 99% of the people who even talk about it after its release are Fujoshis but DBH still comparatively has a disproportionately amount of TIFs
cause of the cyberpunk, AI android aspect of the game and the heavy handed themes of "what it means to be a human" its attracted a large amount of Aydens who headcanon Conner(the android) as a trans allegory
No. 1397042
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>>1397039Fun fact these fujo-aydens were the ones who ultimately drove off redkatherine(the radfem artist) from Tumblr
No. 1397135
>>1397042Were the fujos also the ones who drew gore of her and reported her as gay to the Russian government? I don't remember if she got rape threats or detailed murder threats, but if she did (she probably did), were the fujos also doing that? Because I'm going to be real, that sounds like the work of TIMs. I can believe TIFs were the first to find her and get mad at her (they probably posted a bunch of "redkatherinee is a big meanie
TERF" cancelation posts and bombarded her with "why are you such a stupidhead, go away" messages), but I think it would make more sense if the actual hell she went through that drove her off the internet was the result of TIMs hearing about her from TIFs and escalating the situation several levels, as men are known to do.
No. 1397221
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>>1397042kek i didn't know about that artist but did she really draw pic related? what a based queen.
No. 1397244
>>1396170Which country do you live in where women are more likely to become a
victim of violent crimes?
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So even fakebois who KNOW they have autism don’t realize it effects their perception of gender?
No. 1397265
>>1397221Yeah, she was very based. All of the art I remember from her was
TERF stuff and lesbian ship fanart.
No. 1397297
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>>1397258I guess I’m happy for her to finally get the diagnosis after 32 years, but the whole reason that probably happened is because she’s female. How are you such a champion for autism and totally oblivious to the fact that it definitely has something to do with your transness. No it just means I get to stack oppression points.
No. 1397438
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>>1396893This reminds me of one of my fav cows this fake boy furry who keeps trying to shoehorn this bimbo woman oc as a gay man. Kek spoilers for bimbo balloon boobies
No. 1397514
>>1397011>stylishI don't know about that
>Fakebois usually stem from sexual assault trauma, why do they make themselves easy tho? how weirdLots of girls that were sexually assaulted become promiscuous.
Many fakebois were never sexually assaulted but they're coomers from yaoi brainrot.
Being unattractive also makes them susceptible to being promiscuous since it's validation in their eyes.
No. 1397547
>>1397520Is that just from your personal experience? I'm NTA, but there is a lot of credence to the theory of people with sexual trauma becoming hypersexual
or nonsexual, with very little data for what percentage falls into which camp, and what could possibly be a deciding factor when it comes to which a
victim will become. If you need a concrete example of this phenomenon, though, male
victims of pedophilia often become pedophiles. I think it has to do with desensitization and a desire to take control of their sexuality and body (and on occasion, those of other people's).
No. 1397594
>>1397547I've seen some researchers say many pedophiles lie about being sexually abused as children in order to look sympathetic and that it's a manipulation tactic.
Still there's probably a correlation.
No. 1398067
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kek good luck, zir
No. 1398326
>>1397004>GNC girls are still much more femininine than moidsMy fakeboi sister said she can't simply be GNC because of this reason therefore must transition, however if she were to say it she would fear being accused of internalized misogyny.
She was feminine as a girl because there was no noticeable tomboyish traits, but once she found out she was trans (she claimed it scared her too) her interest in whatever femininity had dwindled. She isn't a tumblrian, nor is active on social media. Sage for blog again
No. 1398334
>>1396698i thought "nlog" is more of an attitude and active distancing from girls (but also claiming to be better) while the standards for what's "gnc" in women is pretty low bar (ex: not shaving and wearing pants)
>>1397438i looked at this person's profile and how high on the gender juice do you have to be to call yourself "trans-gay" but this is literally a whole ass woman with different pronouns lmao
No. 1398499
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>>1398496One woman is of average height the other slightly taller. Ellen? Hell nah she's so dainty yet she troons out
No. 1399045
>>1398713But men don't want to give off the impression they dared to date another man, even a fake troon one. Fakebois on the other hand still have real man bfs. Because normie moids want real women who look like women
Also don't give women ideas, they can use this to excuse from their husbands forever
No. 1399076
>>1396838>that's not AGPAGP in women is unheard of because men haven't experienced the female experience by virtue of being born male and will neverr get to, therefore AGP is a pipe dream. Women are already women so there's nothing to fantasize about.
There are men who enjoy femininity without being perverted but women who do aren't perverts (if there is a true AGP female that would be unheard of). More likely is a woman who is forced to take upon male behavior to retrieve lost power.
No. 1399084
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>>1399076Cross-post from MTF thread but try to fit all fakebois into a category, they fit squarely into one of them
No. 1399237
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Found a tranny in the wild. Why do all of them look like they never wash lmao also why are trannies either severely obese inbred-looking cows or pro ana faggots
No. 1399270
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A personal lolcow of mine(and a minor cow in the LoTR fandom in general) I have seen her degradation in real time and its been rough to witness
She used to be a quirky nerdgirl who seemed genuinely happy, then her husband died and afterwards she really went on the deep end, she started identifying as a "queer elf boy" and is known for producing "queer" translation/interpretations of Tolkien's work
Its overall just sad more then anything No. 1399648
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Sorry if this has already been linked, but here's some troon talking all about his meat tube surgery featuring one of the worst neckbeards I've ever seen. No. 1399658
>>1399237Because they never do and they romanticise their depression by doing so.
>>1399645I've seen her around, it's actually a ftm. Why can't they fucking bother to at least try to pass?
No. 1399706
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>>1398067This person's family life seems…err, dysfunctional to say the least.
No. 1399707
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>>1399645i think its supposed to bea vib ribbon cosplay. though the only time ive ever seen this character be relevant was by the hands of coomers
No. 1399710
>>1399707lmfao, also she's fat af
what is the psychological correlation between coomers and obese faggots i wonder?
No. 1399711
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>>1399648Damn the leg scar is nasty and obciously her hips are made for childbearing and are one level with her belly button. Why anybody would ever trait in a functioning genital against a completely useless, disgusting looking skin tube that doesn't resemble a human penis at all is so beyond me
No. 1399713
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>>1399711Best not to have your tattoos lasered
No. 1399717
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>>1399711I think "the cactus" is the best look for a penis, prickly for her pleasure
No. 1399789
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>>1399711holy shit
how can people willingly mutilate their genitals to that point and not be considered as mentally ill?
No. 1399791
>>1399783Honestly I blame the scrote. Maybe it’s irrational but reading between the lines he sounds
abusive, both his wife and son trooned out and clearly can’t stand him.
No. 1399869
>>1399706Poor dad, those mentally ill genes infected his family.
This is why you have to make sure your partner doesn't have a family history of mental illness before you get married or have kids.
No. 1399870
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No. 1399900
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Women ≠ human lol
No. 1400020
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>>1399713my leg hurts from looking at this
why would you ever put yourself through being absolutely butchered for a rotting numb meat tube
ftm elf pretty boiz if you're reading this: you can turn back, its not too late
No. 1400028
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Here's TrashyMunster larping as a man, while ironically having a pregnancy/miscarriage fetish and showcasing her naked fat hirtuistic body publicly/on YouTube for everyone's pleasure. The funko pops and consoomer merch in the background is a wonderful touch I think. (also some poor soul please explain to me where the bulge is coming from in the simulated birth videos) No. 1400038
>>1400020Ironically i see no elfujoomers wanting bottom surgery, only the "masculine" lesbian ones. People with bottom surgery are truly mentally ill and insane. They can't dish out on the fujoomers and AGPs, the hypocrisy.
>>1400028God what? She had top surgery(presumably, cuz pregnancy enlarges breasts) and gained boobs back?
No. 1400107
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>>1400045ok, I have gone too deep into this, there actually may be a baby involved
No. 1400138
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>>1400107It's as if there is only one spot left in hell and all these freaks are competing to get in.
No. 1400143
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>>1399648>>The 31-year-old went to see a therapist in her home of San Francisco and despite getting treatment for post traumatic stress disorder, she told her therapist that all she wanted to do was have incredibly violent sex.Her therapist suggested it was a good idea and told her to find someone who she trusted enough to do it with.
>>Ms McClelland believes that it was this staged violent rape with a close friend that cured her. She even wrote an article about for the online magazine Good.>>In it she explains how her sexual partner mercilessly pinned her, beat her about the head and brutally violated her.>>She wrote about the rape: 'I did not enjoy it in the way a person getting screwed normally would. But as it became clear that I could endure it, I started to take deeper breaths.'And my mind stayed there, stayed present even when it became painful, even when he suddenly smothered me with a pillow, not to asphyxiate me but so that he didn't break my jaw when he drew his elbow back and slammed his fist into my face. Two, three, four times.
>>'My body felt devastated but relieved; I'd lost, but survived. After he climbed off me, he gathered me up in his arms. I broke into a thousand pieces on his chest, sobbing so hard that my ribs felt like they were coming loose.'>>She told ABC: 'I was not crazy. It was a way for me to deal in sort of a simulated, but controlled situation. I could say "stop" at any time. But it was still awful, and the body doesn't understand when it's in a fight.' No. 1400156
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>>1396147>This sort of thing is always so funny to me because if the trans shit was real, you'd probably be seeing way more MtFs getting excited about this. But nope. Something about this game primarily appeals to young women, rather than men. Even the delusional ones who want to chop off their breast That reminds me of this review channel/blog, its called Unicorn of war and everything about her channel is just super girly and normie(and there's nothing wrong that) and yet she insist that she's actually she's just a feminine man
Like Analyzing Taylor Swift, Disney Movies and Winx Club, even the most feminine gay males don't do this, what's the point of even pretending to be a man if your still gonna act like a normie girl
No. 1400171
>>1400143“Retraumatizing myself cured me!” (Mutilates her body beyond recognition to escape the trauma)
Also that moid should be put to the gallows
No. 1400235
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They transed the tomboy character for the new west side story movie. No wonder young girls are trooning out everywhere now when they're constantly being told that if you're not girly, you're not a girl.
No. 1400255
>>1396156Oh man i love the the Alice games and was so thrilled when it got a sequel. I also would try to look for reviews to watch and noticed the same thing you pointed out where if i was watching a review by a man, a good many of them would miss the themes and at most just call it "edgy". Women on the other hand were much more positive and praised that the game tackled the themes it did while not gratuitously sexualizing Alice.
I'll be fair though, I did come across one male reviewer who spoke positively about the games and seemed to totally understand the subject matter. You should check out the review of the games by GrimBeard, you can tell he really was a fan of the game but aside from him, yeah you're pretty much right.
No. 1400273
>>1400156blog incoming but i've noticed in a lot of spaces, myself and other women tend to act a lot more dominant and "masculine" compared to the aidens. idgi either. i've been commonly mistaken for a male for the way i talk and chat which is apparently just how i present online sometimes, yet the people mutilating themselves and driving themselves insane with gender stereotypes can't manage to come off as masculine.
i can clock mtfs and ftms pretty fucking easily just by looking at their syntax and interests.
No. 1400316
>>1400156Shit I remember this bitch, she made a video that got pretty popular in the RWBY fandom, it was a topic that was done to death, the awful Faunus storyline
Now during the video she for no reason at all brought up how Irish oppression and "European racism"(as if the entire continent had one single method of oppression) and said that they while "it sucked" for them, POCs had it much tougher and if you disagree then your a white superracist
she also continuously brought up real world issues like mircoagressions, race passing and colorism to a fantasy series about anime catgirls and lastly and most controversially(for the fandom at least) she justified Adam(the most hated character in the series who was an
abusive prick) by stating he was an opressed minority(even though he was an
abusive shithead to his girlfriend)
No. 1400395
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>>1400107Reminds me of picrel
No. 1400401
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>>1400395They recently changed the description btw, probably as damage control but I know a lot of FTMs are very into mpreg
No. 1400474
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>>1399648>>1399870>>1400143>simulated>controlled situation>I could say stop>the body doesn't understand when it's in a fight.>"i'm cured lmao">[hacks off her tits and uterus, builds a flesh sock made of flayed skin of her leg years later]Congratulations, you've pavlov'd yourself into absolute desensitization for physical abuse on yourself… and other people.
Ms. NLOG was using Sybille (the Haitian rape survivor) as a prop for her career while she's been repeatedly told to stop this shit since 2010. No. 1400486
>>1400474Not only kept flogging the survivor's story for her own gain, but put her in danger by doing so.
>Sybille had sent clear communications to Mac shortly after she had published her initial story in Mother Jones in 2010. >In her continued use of Sybille's story, Mac had begun giving details on Sybille's exact location, and other personally identifying information which put the victim's life at extreme risk. >Mac had also suggested Sybille was a drug user, which was untrue. >Mac apparently ignored Sybille's appeal, and continued to utilize her story for almost a decade while promoting her own work.That's some seriously extreme misogyny if you not only feel the need to be violently beaten for experiencing empathy with a woman, but to punish the woman who made you feel that way in the first place.
No. 1400502
File: 1640309905723.png (2.76 MB, 1920x1080, A700DB30-E318-48B3-B494-4872DF…)

>>1399648Someone needs to study this level of insanity. As much as I hate this woman for using an actual rape
victims experience in such a disgusting fetishized way, no doctor should have been allowed to do this to her body. All SR surgeries remind me of dr. mengele.
No. 1400507
File: 1640310737305.jpeg (623.42 KB, 1242x1209, 2F933A16-1A2A-401F-A136-015B4F…)

Fakeboi art that makes me want to unalive myself. This reads exactly like satire to me and yet, is completely serious.
Inb4 anyone says it, this is an edit of a pre existing image of two gay men. Love how they made it straight but with extra steps.
No. 1400572
File: 1640317005052.gif (2.22 MB, 400x287, 33d1626e7403be72b8795c0246b59a…)

>>1400395I demand that everyone who uses this shit be on a government list
No. 1400639
>>1400421>feminine gay men are TIF role modelsThey don't bother to lust over their content like men do? Kek
>>1399084Based picrel, even if this is about moids
I would only respect TIFs if they manage to fill in the other 5 (you know which 5) categories (read:pass better). Fucking useless if they were to still act like normie teen/womanchild girls. If TIFs wanna be men so bad they can just forcd themselves into moid fandoms like Hyperdimension Neptunia but it doesn't fit them. They only go so far to act like "nice guys" (if a moid were to share their personality).
No. 1400672
>>1400374I can see that, women are kinda forced to grow up quicker than men due societal conditioning and the biological clock, even if they're not ready.
Men can act immature into their 50s and then settled down and have kids with a naive insecure younger woman.
No. 1400690
File: 1640329468722.jpeg (150.54 KB, 634x634, 8DD0B3FB-A143-4FB4-B168-266F5C…) someone explain to me how Impregnating an egg with your jizz makes you a “gay couple” I’m struggling
>they misgendered him even though he has a flat chest and a beard!!>”he” has pushed a fetus thru “his” vaginaFucking clown world we’re living in, jfc
No. 1400700
>>1400502At first I thought it was her that was sexually assaulted and that's why she did what she did but to use an actual
victims experience to justify her rape fantasies is just weird and horrible. Therapy. Now.
No. 1400732
>>1400707>>1400639This… women will never turn a female-oriented show into coombait. Their act of passing is "feminine uwu gayboi" kek… they're scared of becoming real boys and men because it's "too gwoss unu" but too bad passing tips(acting like AGPs) just fly over them because it's disgusting even to them.
>>1399084Of course most are simply "the enjoyer" because they lack the lust towards feminine stuff. (bec they're straight lel)
On a side note fakebois and TIFs on grindr is jarring.