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No. 1303022
Old Threads by order of recency:
>>>/snow/1251681>>>/snow/1208873>>>/snow/1137677>>>/snow/1095226>>>/snow/1032764>>>/snow/979294>>>/snow/895014>>>/snow/720444>>>/snow/570991>>>/snow/465430>>>/snow/276054>>>/snow/45564>>>/snow/26392This thread is for posting and discussing cringey fakebois who may or may not deserve their own threads.
Fakebois are girls who pretend to be boys for attention, either as trannies or biological males (usually the former).
Fakebois style and present themselves as androgynous or feminine-looking young men, even wearing girls' clothing and make-up. They insist on being addressed with he/him (or occasionally they/them) pronouns and take great offense at being gendered as female. Some are SJW transactivists, but for most their identities are entirely superficial.
Reminder to "truescums" and "transmeds": Nobody cares about how [[[100% REAL]]] your or any other tranny's ~dysphoria~ is. Don't derail about how you're actually a true troon unlike everyone else, save it for your twitter feed.
No. 1303027
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Made a new thread so I could a-log about this lunatic who is actually a professional journalist who writes for Slate. This is actually straight up evil, testosterone isn't a magic drug, it fucks up your body permanently and gives long term health conditions like eventually needing a hysterectomy.
And yes, I have noticed that every single tumblr/lj anachan I knew from five to ten years ago is now a trans man. That's not an improvement.
No. 1303062
>>1302984>So can someone explain to me why pregnant ftms are a thing?Their desire to have a child overrides their internalized misogyny for 9 months. There's also retarded pooners out there who still have PiV sex and assume they can't get pregnant anymore because their period became almost non-existent after a few months on T.
>Where the hell is the logic in this?There isn't. They just repeat "men get pregnant too" ad nauseam and pretend pregnancy has nothing to do with being female.
No. 1303148
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>>1303094kek I called this thread "please use contraception" partly because of that fakeboi. She also self-posted in the last thread a few times too.
Also one of the girls on the banner (the one feeding the baby) says in a video about her that she didn't even realise she was pregnant. picrel
>>1283308That said mpreg is a pretty common thing in ABO fic, so maybe some of them get off on it too.
No. 1303292
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This is tragic.
No. 1303333
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>>1303314She’s a trans man, formerly named Vanessa. I’ve come across so many disgusting MtF coomer rapists and yet somehow this woman promoting transition as a “miracle cure” for self harming young woman to parents makes me feel the most ill. I guess it’s true sometimes that the most evil shit had a smiling, earnest face.
No. 1303611
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No. 1303675
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I'm a former figure skater this gave me a huge laugh. There's such a massive difference in tech between men and women and the scoring for men is more heavily based on quads/jumps/endurance compared to how you can sometimes get talented women who get better overall scores even with less complicated jumps than their competitors. (See: the YuNa Kim vs. Mao Asada rivalry, I highly recommend watching their competing routines if you wanna see some sublime competition in women's sports.)
That said, part of me is kinda tempted to troll True and Honest twitter by claiming it's another sign of trans man privilege.
(On a more serious note, I do have some major concerns around this opening up the sport on the female side to things like puberty blockers. Puberty is one of the things that can seriously derail a female skater's career, many girls never recover. I wonder what would happen if someone claimed to be trans/nb and went on blockers, would they be taken out of the women's div the moment they took T? It would be doping.)
No. 1303731
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>>1303292the logic makes no sense
No. 1303840
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>>1303292so she transitioned into Keith raniere
No. 1303856
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>>1303731Her endocrine system is working overtime to keep her sane, but it's all just a game for her. Just some bodymod, just a little bit of T, teehee~ if you're not the girliest girl who had ever girl'd you should do it too!
Btw, but this crazy logic ("i'm butch therefore i'm trans") isn't new. Picrel, published in the 90s.
No. 1303860
>>1303856>>1303857In a way I almost prefer this… yes it is absolutely still fucked, but much easier for girls to come back from this than from being FTM. They still identify as girls somewhat, there won't be a huge pressure to continue with surgery as there's no expectation for it, no need to publicly detransition because they already publicly ID as lesbians, and it's easy to stop T without anyone noticing when you don't pass to begin with.
It's still insanely harmful to the body and I hate to think of what it does to them psychologically, but idk, if they have to do it at all at least this is the 'safest' option.
No. 1303869
>>1303860Past a certain point it's almost like extreme body mod. I don't think it's common among HRT-users, though.
>>1303856I took a class in college where we read another of her books and I struggled to grasp a lot of the xi/xir gender stuff at the time (10 years ago) now my youngest sister knows numerous classmates who identify this way. Crazy.
No. 1303901
>>1303853Oh yeah that's a very butch outfit there, a womans top showcasing her tits. Fucking idiot can't even figure out what butch is. I hate this twisting of specific labels definitions. Like how fat chicks on T think they're twinks because they look like 12 y/o boys.
>>1303856Feinberg is a dark stain on lesbian history. In Stone Butch Blues (technically fiction but heavily inspired by her life) she writes about how when she lived as a "man" she had sex with a straight woman by stuffing a strap on in her trousers, that's rape by deception and it's never touched upon that maybe, just maybe, that's a little bit fucked up.
>>1303860Yeah this is marginally preferable. Still harmful but I think it would be easier to talk sense with someone who at least acknowledges their womanhood.
No. 1303923
>>1303860Unless these women have a shitload of money, it won't be easy reversing male-pattern baldness, excess body hair and the damage done on their reproductive system (if it isn't completely destroyed during their ~journey~, like it happened to Buck Angel). Also, the effects on their voice are irreversible. Deep frog voice for life.
Yeah, they've only drank half of the Gender Cult's kool-aid and so they won't be pushed down the path of deleting their tits or getting a fleshsock attached to their groin, but they're still fucked either way.
Whoever is pushing this (T for XX and E for XY), they're making bank. It's a gold rush and I don't see it stopping any time soon.
No. 1303924
>>1303731she can call herself a butch lesbian all she wants. Now I don’t speak for all lesbians but I like my butch women to still look like women.
If she only thinks she looks sexier 40 pounds heavier and with so much hair she’s either got the brain rot or she’s just straight.
No. 1305008
>>1303901>she had sex with a straight woman by stuffing a strap on in her trousers100% a degenerate fantasy. It being in a shitty book doesn't give it any more credibility than Reddit posts where post-op AGPs claim to have to have passed during sex with "lesbians."
In old photos, I suppose she passes as a really unfortunate looking, terminally ill man. However, straight women generally aren't attracted to "guys" who look like prepubescent cancer patients. This nonsense also reinforces the retarded narrative that gay people are chomping at the bit to rape and/or "turn" straights.
No. 1305053
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Another day of no self awareness on the bird site
No. 1305362
>>1305138IKR. If a lesbian started tweeting about tribbing with her gf she's be hit with "umm ok good for you but it's the way you associate pussy with womanhood for me". Fucking depressing.
>>1305342That's another thing about SBB, there's a very clear correlation between trauma and trooning out but it's never mentioned. You can only discuss gender shit as a positive.
No. 1305547
>>1303323sounds pretty good ngl
i hope mine grows soon
No. 1305590
>>1305342>>1305362>i don't know why people always gloss over horrible trauma in a trans person's history and never connect the dots.Because if the trauma aspect is discussed their ideology begins to crumble (right along with Big Pharma's dirty business with TRAs). Abigail Shrier pointed that out on Irreversible Damage and people went at her throat.
>>1305575Ignore it, it's either a TIF or a scrote.
No. 1305628
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This is just wearing different outfits, How can anyone take this seriously ?
No. 1305862
>>1305621>why are you lurking this threadbecause it's amusing
same reason you might lurk in tranny threads or follow tranny twitter
>>1305588at least I'll pass as male (pussyboy), that's good enough for me
No. 1305906
>>1305758kek I would love to see this happen, do you think anyone has?
>>1305590It's so painfully evident that it's trauma telling these girls that their feminine nature is "bad" so much that they feel they need to do this to feel comfortable.
No. 1306269
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>>1306122>I was a severely dysphoric woman and it's always interesting for me to see the mental gymnastics and "arguments" y'all come up with to reassure yourself that you're "truly trans". Jokes on you, that's what I thought as wellLol figures lolcow is full of ex-transmeds. "Transmedicalism" is a woman's mentality, excluding other women because of jealousy and your own self-loathing. Men don't care about that kind of shit.
Being a cuntman is based. Sorry it wasn't for you, but your thought process of "Well
I regretted I'm gonna make sure no one gets to enjoy it," is part of the reason no one took you seriously as a man. And why in general people don't take women (especially straight women) seriously.
Living as a man is easy if you conform to the societal expectations of men. Which none of you did, as is evident.
Guess which thread subject I am.
(no1curr) No. 1306329
>>1306269this is so funny. trannies are so damaged, mentally ill, worthless individuals. men dont see you as male. Youre still a roastie to them and you’ll never escape misogyny kek
Let me guess, you have trauma which is why youre trans? Kek
No. 1306330
>>1306321 am a different person you glue-eating retard
No. 1306333
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No. 1306337
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(pooner autism)
No. 1306339
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>>1306329Misogyny doesn't exist lol.
I used to think people were misogynistic towards me, but turns out that was homophobia and straight women were the worst perpetrators of it
Lemme guess, you're a straight woman turned gayden returned political lesbian?
>>1306350kek do you think
I'm a transmed ayden? Don't worry I think you're all equally retarded, just saying your view of gender roles is very strange and unnatural and warped into a sad cope for why you're totally not like the other girls. Hope you get better
No. 1306387
>>1306333Kek I'm saving this
Also fucking stop responding to the hatescrolling coping /tttt/ aidens, they want attention and that's what you all are giving to her
No. 1306389
>>1306357Well you see more ugly fat girls doing it because they can't compete with pretty and average girls so its easier to say fuck it "I'm a man/they" than admit you're ugly.
They're mostly white girls because of more liberalism in high income western societies or at least subcultures, they don't have much issues and have more free time to focus on inane shit that'll feed their ego.
I do think the individualistic irreligious nature of some anglo cultures can make people feel isolated and aimless so its easier for trends like this to flourish to feed people's ego.
They also want to be taken more seriously and be seen as edgy but they get away with this behaviour because no one is threatened by a fat white girl calling themselves they/them and crossdressing in the west therefore people don't really care.
No. 1306393
>>1306389How the hell do you deduce that they're "competing" with the "prettier girls"? A woman's worth shouldn't be based on how attractive she is to the scrotes around her and the reason they troon out is exactly because they're constantly ridiculed for not conforming to the expectations of performative femininity or feel insecure and fake doing so. And as for why they're "all white girls" it might be because they have the best access to the online anglosphere you visit unlike a lot of the non-English speaking fakebois. Young women trooning out to escape the openly misogynist society is a massive phenomenon in India for example, pushed by various big pharma lobbyists. There's a whole ass documentary about it and it's called "Dysphoric" by Vaishnavi Sundar, it's available on Youtube.
>>1306362Why are male troons hatescrolling this thread anyway? Angry that these cisbitches threw away and dismissed their femininity while you're stuck being a fridge with a rot pocket?
No. 1306427
>>1306393Uglier women are not valued to the extent of prettier girls at all and can't compete. I didn't say women's worth is based on attractiveness, but that's how it is irl so its easier for some to give up early on and rebel in the opposite direction.
I've already stated that more income and a liberal environment helps these girls troon out in the west, are you really trying to say non-liberal cultures outside of that will make it easy for females to troon out, most non-western cultures with third genders are for gay men.
Trooning out is not a big phenomenon outside of Japan, Thailand, Iran and the West.
No. 1306444
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>>1306321>F-fucken roasties..!Whew, you sure got us there buddy.
No. 1306549
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Ftm loli artist here.
When you motherfuckers gonna retrans so I can have more hot boyfriends? Detrans is a Jewish psy-op. All women should be transitioned for the sake of the empire.(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)
No. 1306578
>>1306433>Enbies have it hard cause of how Spanish and Portuguese is gendered lolI’m glad, but the tranny cult is really pushing hard the ~mby speech~ with shit like “elle” or “latinx” not everyone buys it, but it’s on social media and such.
I miss the satanic panic days.
No. 1306657
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Why does every TIF artist have the same fugly ass style with the same fugly ass version of hairy manlet with dark hair for an OC that they obsess over? You can spot them from a mile away, it's so pathetic.
No. 1306679
>>1306657>>1306660The first one
I unironically liked the concept, this character could work in a freaky graphic novel.The second one I saw countless clones on tumblr, it's same art style and alt aesthetic (piercings, tattoos, a bit of blush on lips, nose and cheekbones) minus bodyhair. lol
>Why does every TIF artist have the same fugly ass style with the same fugly ass version of hairy manlet with dark hair for an OC that they obsess over?Idk, maybe it's their default man-sona.
No. 1306724
>>1306365Good ol' male vs female socialization.
>>1306679>man-sonaHad a hearty kek at that, it's exactly what it is.
No. 1306747
>>1306736Reminds me of Onision's wet napkin Taylaineykai trooning out but iirc when probed, she said she only wants a deeper voice.
>>1306740Theydar on point, kek.
No. 1306792
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It's funny when fakebois keep whining about misogyny, refering to men as "you guys"
Aren't you supposed to be a 'man', too? lol
Also that profile pic, I never watched danganropa but I always associate that charcter with trannies. Even if the flag wasn't there it would still be a dead giveaway
No. 1306885
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>>1306882Same, he seems hard as fuck to project onto since he’s always been depicted as not a tranny and just a gay guy.
No. 1306904
>>1306657>>1306660It's autoandrophilia at work. Get close to whoever draws this, and you'll eventually find out they also have some kind of intense gore/mutilation fetish, among others.
Many TIFs are (or used to be) furries, too. Like half of them would draw spakledog OCs and shit back in the day.
You know how TiMs have the whole HSTS vs AGP thing? Someone needs to make the same dichotomy for TIFs. There's AAPs (women with paraphilias, ranging from soft fujoshi "I'm an uke" types to the more "extreme" range, which typically have a lot of kinks all at once, and a big thing for hair and muscles) and then there's very tomboyish/masc-leaning self-hating lesbians.
No. 1307244
>>1306792sage for weebsperg but
>nagito All the girls/fakebois who like him are certified yaoi brain rot basketcases.
No. 1307403
>>1307244He’s literally the only good character in DR2 though.
Sage for more weeb sperg
No. 1307576
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Gotta love how much this shit specifically targets young children
No. 1307578
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>>1307576Next step: GnRH analogues and continuing to be groomed by random pornsick adults via discord
No. 1307614
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This is the library where they have those troon-groom books for children.
Indianapolis Public Library - West Perry Branch
6650 S Harding St, Indianapolis, IN 46217
(317) 275-4390
No. 1307621
>>1307614Brb, going to replace those shelves with Harry Potter.
Why are libraries (and bookstores) always at the forefront of societal rot? When I was naive I thought they were supposed to be sacred places that housed the sum of human knowledge. Sage for non-contribution.
No. 1307715
>>1307621They want to couch that nu-gender brainrot in stuff like "science" and "knowledge." Only stupid people believe in two genders,
nonnie! Smart people who read know that Aiden is a real man!
No. 1308023
>>1308012brain dead, rotten. she's actually reaching for some sort of representation to a show aimed at little girls, sad. there's been cases of cats barking, or meow that resembles like a bark. however, it's just basic behavior, animal observing and mimicking other animals, especially if they've been raised in a mix species home.
they've also been saying the same with the show, my life as a teenage robot. since jenny, who was shown hating being a robot and wanted to be a human girl, resonated with what's like being trans. even the creator or someone who worked on the show agreed with the theory.
No. 1308056
>>1307873Transing your kid is child abuse tbh, any kind of unnecessary medical intervention on a perfectly healthy (or unhealthy, y'all get the point) child is gross, predatory and
abusive. A child is too young to know if they're trans - there are a billion other reasons why they might be or feel non conforming: being gay, autistic, peer pressure, family expectations, coping with trauma or neglect, having sensory issues, being bullied, disability, being a minority… literally a never ending of list of possibilities. The child will only know "I don't like having long hair" and the
abusive adults are the ones saying "oh that means you're a boy because only boys want short hair" but in reality they probably just had sensory issues.
No. 1308250
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Come on lil baby girls, take just one and try, for uncle ayden
No. 1308346
>>1307479She and Mallory Ortberg fall into the category of “woman who trooned out because she was terrified of turning thirty” IMO.
The way Mallory especially writes about “how terrible it would have been to become a thirty year old woman with interests like gardening, it’s so much better that I’ve become a guy who plays warhammer and has group sex with my two girlfriends.”
No. 1308579
>>1308565That's not a clit
nonnie, that is the clitoral hood / labia minora poking out and is completely natural and normal.
No. 1308597
>>1308346>two girlfriendslol Joe and that blonde only use her as a prop, they don't give a shit about her.
Mallory was already insufferable pre-trans, now she's just coping 24/7.
>>1308534Suburbian libfem brainrot.
No. 1308601
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>>1308312This comment, lmao. Now, if someone had said this about a transbian doing the same shit, all the pink-haired kweer theybies would be out in droves to yell about transphobia.
No. 1308627
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>>1308611That he should have tried to fuck a young girl instead. EZ prey.
(bait) No. 1308684
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These trannies are overdosing on the copium, jfc.
No. 1308848
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>>1308534She’s even said that her past self would clutch her purse and cross the street if she saw her current self but takes that… as an own? I feel bad for her in the sense that in the past her mother straight up forced her to get a liposuction, but also she went from “women’s intellectual interests are important” to “only men are smart.”
She’s and her disgusting husband have got a pretty comprehensive thread on KF (although there’s also a certain amount of tradthot autistic sperging there since evangelical types are ex toast fanfigirls lel).>>1308597Yah it’s a little depressing how the actual man with two girlfriends is her “wife.” Honestly the whole thing makes me feel slightly bad for her since he’s clearly very
abusive but also I think the way she capitalised on her brother maybe being a pedophile for publicity was disgusting.
No. 1308943
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>>1308848I love and hate that thread, you can find anything the Laverys are up to but there's so much useless sperging.
The only thing that makes me feel bad for her is that she clearly jumped from one cult to another (evangelical to libfem queerdom) and so that
may be one of the reasons she ended up with Joe, but all the rest? Eh, not so much. Everybody goes through some shit and finds healthier ways to cope, but getting married to a narcissistic bong and cutting her tits off is clearly not the answer.
All she does these days is seethe at her family online… she's in her mid 30s, therapy when?
No. 1308965
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From 16 to 22. This is so sad. The girl obviously has untreated mental illnesses, openly shares videos of herself having mental breakdowns on Instagram, brags about psych hospital admissions, and still thinks she's happier because she looks like a hairy manlet now? How has the mental health system managed to neglect her so badly?
No. 1309117
>>1308946After of her extremely dramatic family estrangement she got rid of the Ortberg last name. Originally they didn’t take each other’s names.
>>1308943So many of them post long essays about their feelings there instead of content about either. There’s also the private r/laverysnark on Reddit but it’s full of trannies watching every post in order to report anything the tiniest bit disparaging towards Joe’s behaviour as twansphobia. They sometimes discuss Mallory’s terrible advice on r/advicesnark. Maybe they’re both ripe for a thread here even though they aren’t the usual e-thot cosplayers.
No. 1309683
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Compelling argument.
No. 1309688
>>1309683Guess the uterus,ovaries, fallopian tubes, cervix don't exist. Because having those would make a difference. But that would be living in reality and that is not allowed cuz it's not faaaaaaair. Don't you know that the prostate is a butt womb that's almost like a uterus??? Suck it terfs. I would not be shocked if they claimed that.
If you can get a haircut and change your clothes to be treated like you don't have the organs that are the axis of women's issues, then you aren't oppressed at all, prissy male.
No. 1309922
>>1309117>trannies defending Joe's slimy takes>no one bothers defending Mallorylol I guess "presenting as a man" didn't grant her some sweet male privilege.
I'm interested in a thread about those two over here, tbh.
>>1309683>>1309701I've seen plenty of genderist weirdos who happen to be STEM graduates saying similar takes. It's like they read "X is an analogous organ to Y" in a basic biology or human anatomy book, assumed that means "X is literally the same as Y" and ran with it.
No. 1309959
>>1308943… Am I retarded or am I just out of the loop?
>m*therBitch, what?
No. 1310145
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>>1309922Honestly it might be worth it just for the fact that apparently Joe’s “security team” keeps a dossier of everything said about him on the internet for “safety” purposes, so every time someone on KF calls him fat he’s paying someone to print it out and put it in a binder.
He’s definitely the bigger cow of the two but Mallory does give some insane advice at Slate.
No. 1310181
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>>1290247I don't know how many times this has to be said but male sea horses don't get pregnant
The female seahorses lays the eggs and The male seahorse has a POUCH that he carries the eggs and later babies in so they don't get eaten by predators
No. 1310190
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>>1310181Well like everything trans related, if they actually had any working knowledge of biology they wouldn’t be doing this.
Mostly it’s also worrying what the effects of T might be on fetal development even if the women stop taking it for pregnancy.
No. 1310234
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>my closeted tranny chaser husband loves it when I wear a packer
No. 1310251
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The no nipple top surgery just sets off my fight or flight instinct tbh.
Just so much medical malpractice going on.
No. 1310255
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>>1310234>that stereotypical pooner>i don't have penis envy>my wife… but with a cock!She condensed half of the trans crazy into a single strip.
No. 1310327
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>>1310234Her husband is going to troon out and from then on her comics will all be about her "wife" and how she actually
was a lesbian all this time after all. She might even start calling herself a gold star.
No. 1310372
>>1308312This was amusing as fuck.
What a mentally ill degenerate.
Hopefully they neck themselves one day. Absolutely sicko. Goes to prove that fakebois are obsessed with youth and not growing up.
No. 1310669
File: 1630187868353.jpg (71.97 KB, 469x500, 20090217trans.jpg)

>>1310285I think Erika and her husband Matthew are fairly good about keeping any ridiculous emotional outbursts/cowish behavior off of social media (or at least limiting them to subscriber-only Patreon posts).
Erika recently announced her intention to quit writing their webcomic Ohjoysextoy without going into much detail as to the reason why. For the comic's entire existence the authors have bent over backwards to make it as "inclusive" as possible - pretty much all of their strawman OCs are black disabled genderqueer Muslims, or something equally "diverse" - yet Erika has incurred dedicated hatred from the same uberwoke people they seek to appeal to because she drew a "transphobic" comic fetishizing FtMs like 15 years ago, picrel.
I wonder if Erika finds it difficult to function in woke society as a white woman married to a white man, she's throwing in the towel because her target audience doesn't find her woke enough?
No. 1310744
Continuing my tinfoiling from
>>1310669, maybe Erika's quitting Ohjoysextoy because she feels burnt out because she's handmaiding as hard as she can, making comics about being sex-positive, kinky, and gender diverse, yet her target audience keeps shitting on her for being a vanilla white woman in a cishet marriage with a white man.
No. 1310878
>>1310869That comic is from her old site which she stopped posting to in 2009. Which I just checked to see it's still online only to be reminded of this: Calling her heterosexual marriage "queer."
No. 1310904
>>1310869Erika transitioning from libfem to radfem and making comics about it would be amazing. She could replace JKR as new supreme
TERF queen.
No. 1310930
>>1310925Her husband. He's gonna provide material for her comics and up her handmaiden game.
Perhaps she could even become a he/they pooner, since being a filthy cis white woman < stunning trans woman.
No. 1310990
File: 1630218717374.jpg (59.61 KB, 1068x601, gigachad.jpg)

Ladies why can't you accept that deep down you want to be a handsome little boy with a cute and well sized tdick ready to recieve BBC
Become a cute mpregger KING insted of remaining an ugly ass foid.
Nobody wants some weak,smooth, booba riddled freak, the dfc and cute little pussy a pooner can offer WHILE being the superior gender on the streets is just too much to compete against.
Join the winning team, you will be happier, you will actually have sex.(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)
No. 1311001
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>>1310990kek at the filename
No. 1311209
>>1309683Is the "advanced biology" they always rant about and say TERFs don't know just the premise of all babies starting off developing the first X chromosome features first, then the extra X or Y after that? It would explain why anyone, especially a college educated person, would make this argument, as retarded as it is. They forgot that step two of that process is more crucial, though. The uterus/eggs and testicles/prostate are more indicative of sex than the outer parts, hence intersex people still being identifiable as their actual sex.
>>1310234She's a retard who wants very badly not to be perceived as bihet, and her husband is either a chaser or going to troon out.
>>1310916They always had her, it's. ot a loss. She's a woketard sex addict.
>>1311001I don't understand how the guy is supposed to be "GIGACHAD", he's ugly as shit. Then again, I guess most TIFs are attracted to/"want to be" caricature-level, nasty representations of masculinity, see
>>1306657 and
>>1306660 No. 1311360
File: 1630271085931.jpg (48.57 KB, 461x529, lavlienandwolfoty.jpg)

@Lavlien and @Wolfoty
>skinwalkers of Levi and Eren from SNK
>Lavlien cut her tits and hides the scars, got a nosejob and went through transition
>very weird marriage
>fanservice and +18 photoshoots of the shipp of these characters
>delete every comment that exposes them
They're a couple. Both live in Russia, Wolfoty is registered as a woman and didn't go through any kind of treatment. Lavlien had surgery and went through transition, registering as a men.
Cosplayers from the anime Shingeki No Kyojin / Attack On Titan.
They've a history of pretending to be the characters Levi and Eren, skinwalking, lying about their ages, heights, and physical characteristics in order to look more like them. They never clarify that they're trans and hide it, claiming to be biologically real men.
They photoshop absolutely all their photos, exaggeratedly and deliberately. The photos of the conventions and some old ones show how different they're and how edited all their content is. They use Patreon and other platforms from which they make enough profit to afford all the luxuries. They find themselves constantly traveling and taking photoshoots to make even more money.
Homosexuality in that country is illegal so they traveled to another country and got married there.
According to their claims, Lavlien and Wolfoty have a lot of age difference, they got married when Lavlien was 30 and Wolfoty had just turned 18, but they already had a relationship for years.
Taking advantage of how famous this shipp is, the explicit +18 photographs that often deal with kinks and fetishes, manage to gain popularity. Most of his audience are minors and fujoshis.
No. 1311390
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Some candids and comparations i did.
No. 1311391
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No. 1311396
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No. 1311439
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>we're totally men, and gays, and we do yaoi
No. 1311444
File: 1630279648336.png (1.11 MB, 1500x1500, candids3.png)

Above there's a photo uploaded by Lavlien and a photo taken by another cosplayer. Below is Lavlien before transitioning, when she had her nose and tits.
No. 1311468
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>>1311394I agree.
>>1311444I noticed Dantelian/Lavlien's shoped pics vary between having an L shaped jaw and V shaped.
Good on them for making their fujo lifestyle into an actual business kek, but living through a fake image must be exhausting.
No. 1311506
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>>1311468you could cut a paper with these sharped giant chins
No. 1311537
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did they just give themselves away? lmao the lack of brain power is amusing
No. 1311546
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>>1311537It took me a long hard stare for me to realise this that the TikTok wasn't Deadwingdork
No. 1311552
>>1308965This has probably been said before but I'm so sick of them "reclaiming" the word faggot. I know another one who has that word tattooed across their deformed post-op chest.
Even if they're "hetero transmen" and not "gay transmen" they still love to cop that as a proud phrase. Like… that's not your history, sweetpea. That privilege is for gay actual men and nonnies
No. 1311577
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>>1310181Seahorses are also monogamous and mate for life, which is the exact opposite of trannies, who are content to torpedo their marriages and form autistic polycules. If they want to be like seahorses so bad, they should work on their relationship skills.
No. 1311587
File: 1630298977869.jpeg (Spoiler Image,40.15 KB, 800x800, DC74614E-4ECC-402F-A120-3B22B6…)

>>1311578Why would they get discharge on them? You're not supposed to put them inside the vagina, they go on the mons (pubic bone) and are typically worn inside the "boxer dick pocket"
No. 1311611
File: 1630305193355.png (Spoiler Image,35.6 KB, 524x586, wip.png)

Last saturday i made some bad OC inspired by some past ftm friends who fell into the pipeline
>>1311552Was it kinomatika? I remember her doing something like that but I think it might've been a tramp stamp. How's she doing, anyway? I haven't been keeping up with these old timer ftm artists like her and yaoigoddesskale/kalematsuba because they haven't been making milk. Begging for these chicks to make vtubers or something.
No. 1311710
>>1311537You'd be surprised
nonnie, i've seen my woke TRA friend admit they prefer TIFs because it's like having a boyfriend that understands the shit women go through. I think the "trans men are better bfs than cis men" narrative isn't considered transphobic
No. 1311737
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>>1311537>>1311544What's kinda funny about TIFs is their shallows attempts at trying to be men, they try to conform to every sort of superficial western standards of manhood and masculinity and comically fail
for e.g their stupid pube beards, many men in Africa and Asia are incapable of growing facial hair and yet their still undeniably male, the male populations in South East Asia are short then most women in the world and their still undeniably male and there are even cultures where men wear make up and make themselves beautiful but they are still undeniably male
what do they have makes them male in any sense
No. 1311916
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This is no nasty. I don't know how these creeps manage to get past Instagram's nudity and adult content rules. So many of her followers are barley legal girls and she makes it blatantly obvious that she wants people to comment on her hairy, deformed body. The pubes on her face are so unsettling alongside the boobs.
No. 1311920
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No. 1311922
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No. 1312040
File: 1630356611824.webm (1.35 MB, 408x720, non-binary-tiktok.webm)
imagine actually dealing with someone like this IRL, how can any human being be this insufferable
No. 1312281
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>>1311916This is her boyfriend. She calls him "girlfriend". Does she not have eyes? Lmao. He posts softcore porn on Instagram, but he's fit and hasn't been tainted by hormones, so not nearly as gross as deformed rolls. They started as a fairly normal straight couple before the devolution took over both of them. I'm not sure who started it, but it hit her harder. It's such a shame because he's a pretty conventionally attractive guy and has to settle with, well…this.
No. 1312315
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They’d scream their heads off over fujos objectifying gay men and then tweet this shit
No. 1312359
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>>1312315>bakugou pfp >catboy in username why are they such clichés
No. 1312421
>>1312365Yes it causes atrophy. Not a question of if but when, look what happened to buck angel: he had bad cramps after sex, turns out his reproductive system fused together and got infected.
but knowing them "he/him pussy" just means sex with a girl that has short hair.
No. 1312930
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>>1311611Ah Kino, yeah she still posts her art but goes by nb they/she lesbian. Her UN is kinodraws now and recently bought a house with roachpatrol. I think she's still trying to run from people calling her out for scamming furries a couple of years ago and deletes tweets frequently. She's working on something with ironcircuscomics and STILL begs her followers to buy her things. She still screeches about terfs and tranny rights , but at least she's not claiming to be a man.
No. 1313277
File: 1630507985995.png (293.25 KB, 310x620, download.png)

I wonder why. Clown outfit, obvious trender makeup, he/him pronoun pin, I wonder why you'd be looked at twice. If you want to go to a public bathroom, maybe make an effort to blend in for your own safety? Maybe.
No. 1313278
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No. 1313870
>>1309922 this is the brutal truth for every FtM. They can screech all they want that they're NOT GIRLS. It will never, ever protect them.
The TRA handmaidens treat them dismissively while fawning constantly over the brave transwomen.
TW still get the male privilege, and TM get ignored. Because the whole movement is based on affirming men's feelings.
You can see FtMs almost realize it sometimes, but in order to grasp what is really happening, they would have to admit to themselves that no one in the trans movement really believes that trans people are their chosen gender, and they can't handle that.
No. 1313899
File: 1630588142302.jpg (2.73 MB, 1523x6542, 11.jpg)

A NB Smol bean comic, about how she struggles explaining her LARP to regular people, also claiming Colonization is the only reason we have for the Gender Binary
No. 1313914
File: 1630590069583.png (330.17 KB, 487x273, 2021-09-02_15-30-51.png)

>>1313899When I was a kid, we called those kinds of people "humans".
>energy >vibrationsNice colonial, materialist language. For all their pontificating about foreign cultures the people who bitch about colonialism are some of the most myopic and culturally blind people I've met. It continues to baffle me how someone can live in the modern world and have no clue about the lived experienced of other peoples. I guess certainty really is not the result of knowledge, but of the absence of questions, and the greater the ignorance, the greater the blindness to that very ignorance.
Sorry for sperging, but these people annoy me a lot.
No. 1314062
File: 1630603279977.webm (1.68 MB, 408x720, non-binary-tiktok-s-720p-hd_W1…)
>>1313998True 99% of their identify is based around "aesthetic" and what clothes are in their closet
No. 1314108
>>1313899I have a feeling this encounter
did happen in a way, but that the therapist was more eloquent, direct, and on-point than the TIF would like to remember or admit.
As for her examples
>Hinaleimoana Wong-Kalu is a modern TIM (born in ~1972) who is HSTS (has a husband)>The "third gender" used by Wong-Kalu, Māhū, is a male to female identification used by (primarily homosexual) males who teach hula (they were allowed to perform in some temples that women weren't), and were known to "always be available for sexual conquest by men"; It is a role for gay men who act as performers and sex objects for other men>Naomy Mendez Romero is a modern TIM (I couldn't find a birthdate, but he looks younger than Wong-Kalu; I would say he was born in the 80's)>The "third gender" used by Romero, muxe, is a male to female identification used by (primarily homosexual) males who dress in "female" clothes or otherwise behave "like women". They do jobs associated with females. It is a role for homosexual and GNC males.>Keyonce Lee Hang is a modern TIM (again, I couldn't find a birthdate, but I would say he's around the same age as Wong-Kalu, so 70's or 80's)>The "third gender" used by Lee Hang, fa'afafine, is supposedly an identification used by males to signal "being between male and female", but the term itself means "in the manner of woman". So, once again, it is a male to female identity. Fa'afafine are known to do housework, care for families, and only having homosexual sex (sex with other men). It is a role for homosexual males.Every single one of these roles was homophobic and an attempt to "correct" GNC males. They are all seen as "inferior men" or "men who are similar to women".
No. 1314307
>>1313899Additional frustrating details about this:
>Specifying that the therapist is "cis-hetero" and giving her an ugly silhouette because she dared to…ask questions (part of her actual job)>Being stopped almost entirely by someone questioning why they're relating to the gender binary (she says "spectrum", but it's just shades of grey between two extremes), weakly replying "w-well, I mean, I see it differently–" then sperging out completely to try to derail the therapist's train of thought>"Defining our identities with gendered stereotypes is good, actually! So long as the stereotypes were made by people with dark skin. S-So what if they're the same stereotypes used by light-skinned people, white people are bad, and black people are good!">Using "femme", a lesbian term/identity, as shorthand for "feminine">Referring to native Pacific Islanders as "black", and relating her African American experiences with theirs>Only gives a brief, vague mention to gender in Africa after spotlighting 3 Pacific Islander people and identities>"My gender queerness is influenced by a non-Western experience" claims an English speaking (presumably exlusively) American woman who lives in LA, trying to explain why she's lifting her identity from cultures completely unrelated to her own>Relating exclusively to (gay) men>Ending with the therapist being a stupid bumbling transphobe, when in reality she probably was genuinely trying to understand, but just got more confused by this literal retard's incoherent babbling throughout a session with her No. 1314310
>>1313899>>1313913>claiming Colonization is the only reason we have for the Gender Binary>Also what the hell does colonization have to do with this? This is the woke version of the "noble savage" myth.
*"Poor [insert non-western european/non-white ethnic group here] were so understanding and innocent until the whitey came along, bringing them the destructive awareness of their own bodies and their distinctive functions, which created evil cultural roles~ oh no."*
Ironically, it's a bunch of white western genderspecials or old bag orientalists saying this shit, while pretending the elders of said non-white cultures aren't around to contest it; also, it's usually the younger ones (born in the mid 20th century) who adhere to these… guess it's better playing along with whatever Western academia is making up than acknowledging the glaring homophobia in their own cultures.
No. 1314509
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>>1303027Today Vanessa is backtracking on her original Slate reporting on Wii Spa calling it a hoax that was picked up by other news outlets.
Truly I mostly just feel bad for most fakebois, but this chick is actively making the world a worse place. Also truly it’s “protect black women/BLM” until a black woman doesn’t stay in her place huh, then she’s “squirrely.”
No. 1314513
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>>1314509Also the woman who posted the original video had social media, she could have reached out and done some proper reporting but I’m not expecting too much from Slate’s LGBT vertical which once published an article claiming that being into BDSM is “queer.”
No. 1314547
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>>1314513Soon enough, everything will be "queer". And when everyone is queer…
No. 1314563
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>>1314509So she's comfortable calling someone else a liar in the national press without investigating—although imo the journalists who just copied her take without fact checking themselves are retards too—but now locking because people are pointing out that she's actually the one doing the hoaxing… ok.
No. 1314581
>>1314577Even the 2012 forum types were all about dudes wearing stripper heels, pencil, skirts and lipstick a la Jacob Tobia or Alok V Menon. Like I think people should wear whatever pleases them, but in hindsight it was all about attention seeking. Also the fashion was bad lol, like there are loads of dudes who wear stuff from designer women’s lines—shirts, suiting, coats, etc—who don’t look like clowns and also don’t think it means something about their gender.
I will say the current mode of pushing genderqueer/nonbinary/etc types to medicalise and take HRT as fast as possible and get double mastectomies is definitely worse though.
No. 1314590
File: 1630661096868.png (63.53 KB, 1045x697, fa'afafine.png)

>>1314108Anyone who thinks fa'afafine are a trans thing has never lived in an area with a sizable Samoan population. It's something a son is designated if their family has no daughters, they usually aren't gay at all and many of them would have been far happier being raised as a normal man.
No. 1314637
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She just looks like a hairy girl…
Does anyone know what surgery she got? Her tits already got chopped off a while ago. No. 1314708
File: 1630677207659.jpg (50.64 KB, 480x640, 945038_1387372021561269_832903…)

>>1314637Lol funny to see her being posted by someone else, she used to be super weeb and well, girly with no problem but ever since she transitioned she started to be super insecure about it and would go "fuck gender norm i can have a pink bottle if I want uwu"
I mean she used to try to avoid telling her gender even around 2013/2014 with it/its pronouns But to answer I don't know if it's related to troon surgery she used to mention bad health
No. 1314776
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>>1314563She’s back and now angrily tweeting that actually the crime is so rare that it doesn’t matter but is entirely conflating statistics for sexual assault and indecent exposure. Retards gonna retard.
No. 1314787
>>1314776>neither is confiding women to single sex spaces>not a strategyTIFs are the ultimate handmaidens, jfc.
Btw, she's slowly being ratio'd because Glenn Greenwald @ her and posted screens of her Slate article lmao
No. 1314839
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We moving real fast damn.
No. 1314904
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It’s so tiring…it’s okay to “generalize” when only like .001% of the population identifies out of womanhood and is somehow fine with getting pregnant. I liked how Lil Nas ignored people butthurt about his penis preference but I guess if it doesn’t have to do with getting his dick wet he’ll be progressive.
No. 1315211
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Repost from the Celebricows thread at /ot/: TIFs are mad at Lil Nas X. Again.
No. 1315215
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>>1315211Samefag, there's more.
It's a ton of whining (+10 text posts), so I'm not gonna post everything here. See for yourselves: No. 1315253
>>1315211"Lil nas is literally killing trans people."
I think he did this on purpose because of what TiFs were saying about his dick "preference", this was a way of getting them back and making them seethe whilst also pretending to be an innocent ally. The way this guy hides behind the fact that he's gay is irritating but I guess that's the point. What a troll kek>>1315211
No. 1315475
A TIFs perspective on masculinity and manhood
>On the subject of “What Are Men, Really?” and “why do I relate and connect so strongly with gay/bi men, but straight men feel like a strange alien species to me?”>I’ve partly clarified what the difference is between my strong affinity for masculinity and whatever it is straight men are doing.>Straight men’s attachment to masculinity is reactionary. They lean in to masculine norms out of fear of being perceived as unmanly, as gay, as effeminate or feminine, as inadequate. They fear demotion, loss of status, loss of privilege, a fall from grace. They’re not embracing masculinity so much as they’re backing into it, out of fear of what lies outside it, as one might back into a safe compound while brandishing a gun at an approaching zombie horde.>Whereas my attachment to masculinity stems from 2 sources:>1) “I’ve had femininity crammed down my throat my whole life without my consent and now I’m freeeeee” AKA sort of reactionary, but in an empowering, liberating sense. Throwing off the chains and rebelling against society’s rules.>2) Sincerely relishing and enjoying masculinity, enjoying things like suits, waistcoasts, neckties, leather jackets, sweater vests, pocket watches, cologne, visible sculpted musculature, showing off one’s physical strength, sitting or standing with one’s legs spread, direct blunt communication, confidence, assertiveness, taking the lead during sex, a million little things society has arbitrarily coded “men stuff,” are things I take enthusiastic delight in, like Ariel gushing about her collection of human paraphernalia. I’m like a weeaboo, but for masculinity.
>(And yes, there is a heavy element of eroticism for me in a lot of what I listed above.) (Insert autoandrophilia joke here)>In Daniel Lavery’s book, he noted that Gomez Addams has FTM energy because Gomez seems to relish being a man so much, whereas Herman Munster is simply phoning it in, and therefore lacks that vibe. And it’s true! A lot of cis straight men really are just phoning it in. In fact, if they put as much energy and enthusiasm into performing masculinity as I do, they’d probably be perceived as gay! Or at least as a dandy. (Gomez is something of a dandy.) The straight male role seems to demand phoning-it-in. They have to sleep-walk through it.>And the thing is: Women aren’t like this! Some women phone it in, but I can think of plenty of women who sincerely enjoy certain types of femininity, and aren’t doing it because society told them to, or to please men. Femme lesbians are an obvious example, but also straight women who are into goth or lolita fashion, or who volunteer to be surrogates because they enjoy being pregnant and participating in motherhood, or who buy sexy underwear purely because it makes them feel good. Or look at the way women who are hardcore into makeup culture react when some man, unsolicited, says “You know, men think you’re prettier when you don’t wear makeup.” Said man usually gets thrown to the wolves for his impertinence. They’re not doing it for you, bro!>But it’s hard to think of any men in my life who really relish masculinity in that same way except for, well, the gay and trans ones. I feel like the few straight men who do that in our culture get labelled “dandies” or “metrosexuals” and are seen as proximal to gayness.another different TIF replying
>here’s my take on the situation:>men with traditional views on gender have largely painted themselves into a corner. they only find affirmation of their gender in expressions of male supremacy, and there are fewer and fewer of those all the time, because men aren’t actually inherently better at anything than women are, because it turns out gender doesn’t work like that. men as a class have to actively suppress women as a class to maintain superiority over them, and even then, as we’ve seen, women can still push back effectively, and gender variant people throw wrenches into the works too.>joyous, voluntary expressions of masculinity are gay because they’re not reactionary, because they’re not violent, because they don’t respect the established hierarchy of strong men over weak men and all men over women. finding men beautiful, being a beautiful man that loves other men, is not traditionally how it’s supposed to work. taking the outward forms and gestures of domination and repurposing it into something reciprocal is scary to people who have only ever seen the binary of hurting and being hurt. playing with gender has to be taught to people who only know it as a fight.>i’m a trans man. i’m also a committed feminist. i’ve had to come to masculinity after a lot of thought. i’ve had to learn to like men and to forgive them. i’ve had to figure out how to be a man apart from the forms and functions of men trying to be better than women. i’ve had to try to explain this to my dad. adherence to male supremacy isn’t the only way to express your masculinity. it’s just the only way a lot of men are ever taught.>i do like being a man, though. it feels good. i’m not zipping around with the ecstatic abandon of gomez addams, but i’ve got time to learn. No. 1315491
>>1315475What a mess. There's so much mental illness in those lines. That girl gives so many details that should suggest to any normal person that she's just a larper and that the concept of gender itself is oppressive and mostly a larp even to """"cis""" people, but then goes sideways and draws insane conclusions. Most of the "masculine" things she listed are just aesthetical things she admits she thinks are hot, but she doesn't step back to think about whether wanting to become the thing you think is hot in others is maybe not a sane thing. It reminds me of the AGPs.
>if they put as much energy and enthusiasm into performing masculinity as I do, they’d probably be perceived as gay>like Ariel gushing about her collection of human paraphernaliaLol.
No. 1315498
>>1315475It just sounds like she wants to be a drag king.
>women who like femininity so much they become surrogates because they love being pregnant and motherhoodWhat rich romantic planet is she from? Most people become surrogates out of financial motivation. You don't see rich women being "hobby-surrogates" for random infertile couples.
No. 1315502
>Sincerely relishing and enjoying masculinity, enjoying things like suits, waistcoasts, neckties, leather jackets, sweater vests, pocket watches, cologne, visible sculpted musculature, showing off one’s physical strength, sitting or standing with one’s legs spread, direct blunt communication, confidence, assertiveness, taking the lead during sex, a million little things society has arbitrarily coded “men stuff,” are things I take enthusiastic delight in, like Ariel gushing about her collection of human paraphernalia. I’m like a weeaboo, but for masculinity.You can do and wear all those things and still be a woman, you reactionary dolt.
She throws in some lip service about "society has arbitrarily decided these things are male," and then shows by her actions that
she thinks society is right: that only men do these things, and doing these things makes you a man.
There are fundamentalist churches that are less sexist than this, I swear.
No. 1315509
>>1315505weaboo = western person obsessed with Japan and its culture in an overly stereotypical manner
It's actually quite a self-aware description for transgenders. At least these tifs are less obsessed with the organs and bio aspects, unlike the creepy tims.
No. 1315511
>>1315475Such a lot of words for "I'm a masculine woman"
Also, correct me if I'm wrong but isn't the whole e-boy aesthetic basically just being a more "feminine" man? And from what I've gathered most of them are straight, and lots of teen girls seem to desire them? Sure, they will be ridiculed by certain parts of society, but I feel like nowadays "feminine" straight men are accepted more than ever before (except by trannies who are trying to push them to "admit that they're just a trans woman in denial", of course)
No. 1315524
>>1315475So they aren't fond of cultural roles applied to females… like most women on the planet feel every once in a while.
I can't decide if the first account is a verbose confession fueled by autism and trauma or just the innermost thoughts of a sheltered womanchild who used to throw tantrums whenever she heard "no" from her parents. Hell, maybe it's the second since she quoted the living example of bourgeoisie boredom (Mallory/Daniel).
What's the point of becoming a "man" if she refuses to
see the world beyond her perspectives? I mean…
>sincerely relishing and enjoying masculinity, enjoying things like suits, waistcoasts, neckties, leather jackets, sweater vests, pocket watches, cologneWtf. Yeah, most social norms suck, but she could've joined an urban subculture (steampunk, goth, lolita) or become a cosplayer.
The second one is just an insane straight fujo. She didn't even try hiding her fetish lmao
>>1315514She's hyperfixated on whatever it's culturally attached to males. That's just it, she tried making it sound like a deep self-realization with a dash of sarcasm (calling it a "weeaboo" thing).
No. 1315588
>sincerely relishing and enjoying masculinity, enjoying things like suits, waistcoasts, neckties, leather jackets, sweater vests, pocket watches, cologneFunniest thing is that almost none of these thing are commonly worn by men these days except suits and neckties, and most men hate wearing those. And cologne I guess, but that's just perfume with a different oil concentration.
Not worth chopping your tits off and going bald over.
No. 1315637
>>1315475God, these people need to get dicked down
Anyone notice how they are always "gay" and "omg boys are so hot" but they are usually virgins or they have only dated either girls or other TIFs because straight men are "a strange alien species" like the one in this post said. I just read this kind of insane sperging as sexual frustration
No. 1316015
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>>1315253I'm not convinced
No. 1316131
>>1315211he prob got bullied for his sexuality as a kid, had to fight back to be taken seriously after coming out in his singing career and now fakebois are screaming at him with insults and slurs because he's not attracted to them. the dude's probably tired dealing with bullshit at this point. but i don't think he'll say anything to offend to troons though.
also when james charles did the pregnancy bump, people got offended for pregnant women or women who can't. but when it comes to lil nas, it's transphobia. i'm sure his tweet from before caused all this, but not one have brought up women getting hurt for seeing a man with a fake bump.
(sage) No. 1316549
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Porn under the spoiler text
On twitter dot com, gay male sex involves vaginas, and lesbian sex involves penises
No. 1316578
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just gonna put this here because the venn diagram of "woman calling herself a they/he and also being asexual and needing to feel oppressed" is constant
No. 1316589
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>>1316578Ffs, I wish these girls would understand that they're not being threatened with corrective rape because they're an asexual, it's because our society hates women, especially women who won't put out when men demand it. And calling themselves they/he doesn't make the problem go away, it just sidesteps the issue by allowing them to believe "now oppression of women won't impact ME because I'm nOt a WoMaN". The obvious solution for these girls is to stand up and say "Stop telling women what to do, women are human and allowed to say no to sex if they want" but then they'd be an evil
TERF and SWERF and that's bad.
Liberal feminism is basically accommodating to the demands of patriarchy - telling women that they should say yes to sex (and yes to men buying sexual consent) and yes to men being in women's spaces (as long as the men "feel like" women) - but reframing it as empowering to do so.
No. 1316604
>>1316589yeah idk i've never heard of "corrective rape", like sweetie that's just a thing women have to deal with. men will push you into having sex no matter what. that isn't an asexual exclusive form of oppression
i still dg why asexuals think they belong in the lgbt group since a lot of them are just straight people either but that's for a different thread
No. 1316616
>>1316578>>1316585>>1316589This isn't the "shit on every type of woman you hate" thread, it's the fakeboi thread. If you want to make an asexual thread, go ahead, but I guarantee most of your milk will be about TIFs/TIMs being genderspecial or autistic instead of just asexual, rendering the thread pointless.
>>1316606Most of the actually asexual people I've met have been the options you've listed and highly autistic, non-genderspecial people. There's also a subgroup who uses it as a step to disconnect themselves from performed heterosexuality (like claiming they have crushes on the opposite sex, when there's no real intent on pursuit) and internalized homophobia before coming out as gay, which I don't think should be shamed (it's hard admitting to yourself that you're gay, in a homophobic society). The only cow-like asexuals I've seen are milky because they're genderspecial, retarded wokies, or their behavior actively counters their claims of asexuality, not because they're asexual. Not sure if they belong in LGB, because most of the abuse is misogyny, but I do also know a moid IRL who got disowned by his parents for being asexual, so I'm not entirely sure.
No. 1316636
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>>1316616ayrt. Reason I say they don't belong in the community is because whether or not you belong in it isn't really dependent on the mistreatment you face. LGB isn't a sanctuary for the mistreated or anyone who calls themselves not cishet. Asexuals can't really make their own community because of all the people who claim to be asexual but aren't really, but they could try I guess. The LG and B experience mistreatment differently but they formed a community because they all share same sex-attraction. Most asexual-identified people don't.
>>1315215I genuinely don't know what to say. Picrel
No. 1316659
>>1316636AYRT And I can understand that. Honestly, I find "ace-het" women annoying, too, even though a lot of them genuinely don't have sexual attraction or any desire for or comfort with sexual contact, because they
do tend to label the misogyny they face as "aphobia" and claim to understand/relate to LBG people. I was irritated by this even when I IDed as ace (mix of sexual trauma, low libido,
and stepping stone to admitting I'm gay), but couldn't place why, at the time. It's just frustrating, because there seems to be no way to distinguish between "people who want to be perceived as oppressed" and "people who are genuinely troubled", in this case, and most people from the outside seem perfectly content with the "burn them all" strategy.
No. 1316680
>>1316660It’s not cuz he’s black it’s cuz he’s a sick
man appropriating (I bet you love that word) women’s
culture No. 1316692
>>1316680Kek, pregnancy isn't "women's culture", unless you consider impregnating women "men's culture". Biological functions aren't a culture. I don't think he was being serious in any way with the prosthetic belly, though, the TIFs are probably right in that he thought the image if a pregnant man was funny. The initial tweet here
>>1316015 was also based as hell, even if the "correction" he did was retarded. He didn't have to extend help/offer use of his platform to pregnant women, but he chose to.
Not a stan, I don't even listen to his music or know anything about the guy, aside from what's posted here. No. 1316695
so ftms are mad about biological women's rights or something? weird how mtfs never are
No. 1316712
>>1316659I exclude asexuals only on technicality. Just like how TiMs even if they are HSTS can't come in women's single sex spaces. It doesn't matter how respectful or at risk you are imo. Saying this as a woman who doesn't have a hormonal imbalance/sexual trauma (or any trauma) yet lacks any sexual interest. Was raised in a liberal household and had lots of lgb friends. But yeah, I wouldn't say LGB for aces.
(sorry for the derailing)
No. 1316752
>>1316739I sure am. I felt it was extra and uncalled for. Call me a 4chan dunker and you make me really wanna talk like one. I’m fucking black but I’m tired of this race bullshit. You’re in a MTF thread that explicitly shits on men. Because they’re men. And act like it. And do stupid shit like this(which frankly idgaf.) it has nothing to do with race though.
>more specific You get the gist from either post.
>racial slurShut up faggot. There’s a sexual one for ya.
(infighting) No. 1317153
File: 1630945148942.jpg (172.34 KB, 852x475, Screenshot_20210906_120145.jpg)

What's up with fakebois and their obsession with picarto/avatar makers.
No. 1317160
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>>1317153Those are the suffragette colours, how strange.
No. 1317165
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>>1317160I think this is what she was going for but that's a funny coincidence lol
No. 1317166
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In my personal experience sharing time with a bunch of TiFs, it's as if they didn't feel like they're attractive enough as women, so they rather transition into a "cute boi" to cope with their body dysmorphia.
That's why they don't really seem to try nor to struggle to appear as an actual man.
No. 1317238
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This isn't really that milky, but the original artist who drew the original shooting stars Mordecai/Twilight Sparkle pic is a gay transboy
There's something so "girly" about her and other transboys
No. 1317323
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>>1316549this is the ftm version of this lmao
No. 1317341
>>1317166Trans is conversion therapy, that last bit about "huge LBGT ally" confirms it. As if there's something inherently odd or suspicious about being an LGBT ally,
trans 'em quick before they come out as lesbian, for god's sake!Women dressing in black, wearing trousers, having short hair and not enjoying bleeding or being sexualized by scrotes doesn't mean we're men. 100% of all females on the planet do this at some point in their lives, usually quite often to constantly depending on their personality.
Transing females is incredibly misogynistic as a trend, as it assumes unless you wear pink spinny skirts and love being fucked 24-7 you must be male, (and if you
do like doing those things and have a penis you are in fact female) since obviously those two things dictate your gender more than the body and its related sex-specific hormones and organs you were born with.
No. 1317353
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This probs belongs in personal cows but idk. There’s a gay trans man who moves in the same circles as me on twitter. One of her favourite hobbies is writing m/m gay smut where one of the participants has a vagina, and never putting it in the tags, because as we all know, trans men are men.
Well a few weeks ago someone dared to question her on this and the resulting tantrum went for days (1/2)
No. 1317358
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>>1317355And bonus content of a different reader asking the same question and the writer refusing to even acknowledge that they made a mistake.
Given that a popular argument in defence of fujos is that they’re survivors of abuse/have hangups about their own sexuality and that m/f turns them off at best and
triggers them at worst, tagging it at the very least seems completely reasonable.
No. 1317466
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>>1317358Here's the full convo here. So she thinks creating an a-ha moment for fujos is more important than just making a transgender tag so that she can be seen by people who’d actually be interested. That’s a special level of petty. She knows damn well piv sex will never be homosexual in any context and her story will get less hits if she mentions trans so this is her way of getting back at the fujos. What a bitter so and so.
No. 1317489
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>>1317466>>1317481samefag but would you believe me if I told you they’re one of those freaks who think people should be allowed to write and draw porn of whatever they want (including rape, violence, and underage sex) because “don’t like don’t read” and “fandom is not activism”? And yet here they are trying to bring about universal trans acceptance through the medium of bnha fan porn. I’d laugh if it wasn’t so pathetic.
No. 1317499
>>1317466>I'd love to help change the notion that all characters are cis unless tagged otherwiselike okay, except you're writing fan faction for an existing franchise with existing characters who already exist a certain way? I don't get this logic, just fucking tag it
or idk, write your own original story and tag it however the fuck you want, this is just intentionally deceitful
No. 1317534
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>>1317506>lmao they really just take regular male characters, give them a vagina, and act like that's what trans men areCase in point, they wrote a fic that tried to sell picrel as an ftm. Kek.
No. 1317562
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>>1317534they can't do this to my boy michael mando
No. 1317566
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>>1317556Anon that’s - that’s his whole character down to a tee. The past three seasons have revolved around him trying to keep his dad safe from the cartel. Are they really that predictable??
No. 1317568
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>>1317353kek i've been waiting to use this
No. 1317576
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>>1317556Would you also bet that the guy she ships him with his bigger older kingpin boss who’s also a violent sociopath?
No. 1317597
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>>1317534anons who are in fandom spaces, post the most ridiculous instances of this you've seen. I'll start kek
No. 1317600
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>>1317597I’ve seen tumblr and Twitter weirdos argue that Octane from apex must be a FTM because he’s built like a woman kek. Way to stereotype.
Same with Seer from the same game. It was fun seeing 15 year old he/theys loosing their shit over his voice actor following and liking tweets by apparently ‘twansssphobiccc’ creators. The solution to that was apparently to headcanon him as a trans guy
No. 1317617
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>>1317353Goddamn it who cow tipped
No. 1317620
>>1316636LOL the fact these people don't see how stupid they look. What's the point of her being shirtless though? This is too good.
>>1317355disappoint's comment was a good read and had some based points that break their fantasy. All Rrismo could come up with was "fuck yew!1" Typical response. They never want to face reality.
No. 1317621
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A little bit a fujo projection, sage because no milk
No. 1317623
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these are the same girls who make will graham trans art in the hannibal fandom. i will never understand
No. 1317625
>>1317597oh god why, I don’t know if I want to imagine how much worse it could be if gk was more popular in the west. Thank you Noda for the bara filter.
>>1317600>15 year old he/theys loosing their shit over his voice actor following and liking tweets by apparently ‘twansssphobiccc’ creatorsIt’s always funny to me when idiots who are trying to be edgy get mad about shit like that
No. 1317633
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>>1317353What an entitled retard. Her stupid cult is mostly an US & UK thing, there are readers all over the world and literally no one wants a tranny surprise. Is it so hard tagging as AU or leaving a note in the 1st chapter ("he's twans~ uwu")? People are going to be nice to her face for woke points, but readers in general are going to see her name and ignore her from now on.
>>1317534>straight guy, quiet>knows the nature of his business but isn't into excessive violence>only wanted to make money and look after his dad>therefore, he's actually a womankek wtf
I won't be remotely surprised if Jesse was transed in their sick minds too. No. 1317653
File: 1631007406289.png (667.02 KB, 1151x1078, 4B1F97D0-F39B-47CB-BB1B-76A030…)

Finally I get to sperg about this. Trans dirk strider makes me so autistically angry I hate the homestuck fandom
No. 1317655
>>1317645Hah, of course they would. He's the perfect TIF mansona (white, skinny, somewhat attractive, troubled, empathetic).
Thanks for reminding me of staying away from that hellhole.
No. 1317670
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Sage bc old but this topic abt fandom and fanfic reminds me abt this 'a guide to write ftm sex' post. Topkek the delusion No. 1317678
>>1317670>He is a man. He has a penis.UH-OH! Way to be transphobic linking in this manner having a penis to being a man! Don't you know not all people with penises are men and not all men have penises? This is SO invalidating and
triggering to your trans sisters. Go to your room and recite 10 Hail Marsha's and 20 Our Fxther Who Art In Heavxn.
No. 1317686
>>1317670ffffucking. what is it with dicks?
tims push their “girl dicks” in lesbians and tif will insist their hormone wrecked clit is a dick.
Dicks aren’t even that great. they either look sad or angry.
No. 1317689
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>>1317597they think that giant X scar (which he got from the guy who killed his brother so… this scar has a lot of meaning to it and all) looks like top surgery scars. there's also fanart of ftm luffy running around with his shirt open and a binder underneath.
No. 1317724
>>1317670>2017Funny how this whole post would be deemed
problematic today.
This subculture is so unsustainable, must be exhausting being in it.
No. 1317736
>>1317670lmao imagine spending your time worrying about what words
other people use for genitals in their weird fanfiction
Also note that MtFs mostly don't give a shit if people refer to their dicks; in fact most of them love talking about their dicks
Gosh, it's like for one side it's largely a sexual fetish, and for the other it's a desperate flight from femininity in an attempt to feel safer and more powerful, and this might affect how they want people to talk about their genitals?
No, that can't be true: they're all simply true and honest transgender heroes who were tragically born in the wrong bodies, because that makes sense.
No. 1317741
>>1317731And then they call out other women for "fetishizing" gay men like them, kek
(Funny how MtFs never call out anyone for fetishizing lesbians… FtMs might be cringey, but MtFs are too coombrained to criticize
any type of porn or fetishization)
No. 1317745
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I post in the Fujo thread on
>>>/m/ but my god what I wouldn’t give for TIF free fandom spaces. I swear they want to relabel BL as a TIF only fandom and kick out any women who doesn’t adopt a trans label, which leads to arguments like pic related.
Good luck doing that to all the Japanese/Korean/Chinese women whose BL comics you don’t spend real money on. I saw at least one Korean artist go nuclear and refuse to take her comic off hiatus because the illegal translations were getting more traction than the official English release.
No. 1317780
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was watching and really enjoying the show The Nevers on HBO Max until this ftm showed up with her woman-voice and the audience was supposed to believe her character was a ~cis~ guy. straight up looks and sounds like a soft butch dyke.
No. 1317798
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>>1317780same vibe. Tumblr culture has truly taken over the real world kek
No. 1317801
>>1317786oh I had no idea the character was meant to be trans kek I guess I wasn't paying attention
>>13177901896, I think? it's a sci fi AU but there's def an emphasis on realism otherwise (so a canonically "trans" character is ridiculous)
No. 1317807
>>1317801Yeah it's completely historically inaccurate. There were no transmen back then.
There were plenty of women who dressed as men for different reasons though such as taking on male-only jobs, comfort and protection from rapey men. But fuck context, they must have been totally trans.
No. 1317814
>>1317745Trannies that entrench themselves on fandoms are terminally online and wanna make everyone as miserable as possible, so unless people become anti-woke and bring back the edginess of the 00s and early 10s, they're here to stay.
Good luck with the fujo wars, though. I think it's easier kicking them out than TIMs.
No. 1317826
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>>1317597Maybe not the most egregious, but I still find it baffling that trans Shinji stuff is so common when the most infamous scene in the series is the aftermath of him jerking off to his comatose friend. But given that he's a near perfect fakeboi magnet it's not too surprising.
No. 1317843
>>1317830Shipping "wars" are just normal slapfights kek, they're not as destructive as TIFs wanting everyone who reads BL to be a miserable pooner just like them.
>>1317831Gotta do it outside of twitter though.
No. 1317977
>>1317623I really hate what the hannibal fandom has become and I feel like it's bryan fuller's fault for giving attention to the worst part of the fujoshi fandom, I'm surprised he hasn't tweeted anything related to hannibal or will saying some shit like " trans rights "
>>1317597I don't know if it goes here but I remember an artist who drew tom hiddleston being fucked by an ftm
No. 1318004
>>1317977Fuller definitely has to see his fujo fans for the weirdos they are kek I hope he stays silent
>>1317803AYRT I absolutely love femdirk but the ftm abomination homestuck gendies come up with is horrid. I want my beanpole flat chested lesbian dirk, not the het female they self-insert into to ship with jake
No. 1318136
>>1317623This seems like just a weird alternate way of self inserting at this point. Like you'll make this character a transman (basically a woman) so you can live out your fantasy without getting called out for trying to make it hetero.
>>1317830Very true.
No. 1318364
>>1317830I've always found fujos annoying for going out of their way to harass other female het shippers, but they're becoming unbelievably based by slam dunking ftms in a dumpster these days. Any fujos ITT please keep doing that, much better target!
>>1317670This is so pathetic, desperately begging fanfiction artists to call clits "dicks". What are you going to do if they don't? Spend all day crying in their AO3 comments until they change it? Hahaha
I dig the accelerationist cryptoterf artists/writers too who pretend to be pronounies and tell troons to sit down without accusations of twansphobia, mad respect.
No. 1318368
>>1317814Fujos are cringe but at least they're just standard weirdos that you can ignore most of the time. The TiF horde is like a cancerous growth that can't handle the existence of anything that does not constantly validate their bullshit.
Sorry to get metaphysical-sounding, but today's trannies can never be "whole" because their existence is built on a lie (that they are actually the opposite sex) so they're constantly leeching validation and assurance off others and lashing out when reality doesn't line up to their beliefs. They will fuck up any group or system they join because they can't function in it like normal people.
I'd take a hundred fujos over a fandom TiF any day.
No. 1318371
>>1317822If you didn't tell me I'd never think this character was supposed to be read as a man. The voice, the mannerisms, the body shape/size? Even the way they animated the hair looks like it could be a bun in the back under the hat.
Hilarious and accurate in terms of being a non-"passing" TIF tho
No. 1318414
>>1318368Ayrt. Now I noticed I didn't word that properly, sorry.
I meant kicking out TIFs from a fandom is easier than kicking TIMs. These girls don't really have hordes of handmaidens at their beck and call.
Fujos are alright when they're not in a slow descent into madness for too much coom in brain; also, their shipping slapfights are hilarious.
No. 1318471
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As somebody said last time I posted this girl, she has definitely suffered some sort of trauma, most likely sexual. I cannot confirm or deny, but it's more than likely. As I said, she claims that she has BPD and many other disorders, flaunts her psych hospital admission sheets, posts videos of her having mental breakdowns, and has a full stomach tattoo of some scribble scrabble with the word faggot in it because we can't forget how much of a gay man she is, etc. It's astonishing how far down the drain her mental stability has gone. Please, somebody put this girl in treatment. Holy shit, how do her parents cope with this, lmao.
No. 1318507
>>1317814Ayrt, don't worry I see what you're saying. I've never actually seen a TiM in a fandom but maybe I'm just not in the ones they target.
It's hilarious how the trans movement is full of women simping endlessly for TiMs, but no one gives a shit about the TiFs even when they're supposedly being targeted. Take away the dresses and makeup and binders and it's the same boring patriarchal shit with everyone fawning over the white males and getting nothing in return.
No. 1318560
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>>1317780Sh0eonhead unfiltered and without makeup
No. 1318644
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No. 1318688
>>1318507TIMs are all in fandoms, too. At least, the AGP ones are, due to their extreme coomsumer nature. You're right about probably not being in any of the groups they're in, though. It's mostly extremely male-coded or coomer shit.
Here's a list of fandoms AGP moids are regularly in, for anyone who doesn't already know
>Furry>Moeshit anime (slice of life, yuri, idolshit; mainly "cute girls doing cute things" stuff, with little to no male characters)>Military/Weaponry/History of war (there's a particular fixation on the world wars, Roman history, and Chinese history, but mostly just the violent or nationalist parts)>Video games (mostly FPS or strategy games like Civilization, but they also like MMOs, nostalgic shit like Zelda and Pokemon, and popular indie games like Undertale or Doki Doki Literature Club)>Programming>PornWhile they mainly stay in these "safe" places, many of them also invade communities for hobbies that are perceived as being female-only. I mostly see them in knitting, makeup, fashion, cooking/baking (mostly bread baking for some reason), or yoga/pilates communities, when they do branch out. They're never all that good at these things, though. You'll never really see a TIM who's a fujo, or into trashy shows with male leads bihet women like (Supernatural, Sherlock, Hannibal). If you did, I can all but guarantee it's a HSTS.
No. 1318711
>>1318708AYRT and thanks for adding this. I spend time in both the MTF thread and this one, so I didn't think to mention that joining the "female-coded" hobby spaces was done for "validation" or sexual gratification. It was just common knowledge to me, but not everyone here might know that.
To try to re-rail this, can someone provide a list of FTM hobbies? So far, I've only seen them in fujo spaces and those same "trashy show with attractive moids" fandoms I mentioned before.
No. 1318720
>>1318644good job they didn't post a 'before' pic because
that would've been illegal and obscene
No. 1318756
>>1318004wow anon we are both farmers and femdirk appreciators. we should kiss…
>>1318644this is just evil
No. 1318879
>>1318756Anon I'm obsessed with her so I might fall in love with you js
>>1317822This could have been so based if only she were an explicitly gnc female character
No. 1318923
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>>1318879The worst thing is there even existed a famous and influental 19th century English GNC lesbian: Anne Lister. If the character was a butch lesbian it would be more historically correct, but they went with modern genderist nonsense instead. Isn't it amazing that they managed to be more regressive than an early 1800s lady?
OT but Lister was based as fuck, there is a great tv show about her life, Gentleman Jack.
No. 1319019
>>1318507>>1318688TIMs try getting their dirty hands on traditionally female hobbies like knitting and embroidery, but their crafts are shit so they don't get enough attention. lol
When it comes to fandoms, yeah, they're all over yuri, but it's easy to dodge their cancerous presence if they're 100% about moe or porn-y shit and completely ignore josei stuff (which they always make sure to tell you without ever being asked).
I've seen a few TIFs and themlets on GL fandoms and other female-oriented hobbies but they usually behave. I guess they don't feel like LARPing as being super manly since they just transed their gay away but still wanna be around women.
It's a weird phenomenon but it happens.
No. 1319405
>>1319388Why do gendies keep using this nasty oily curl look? It's so genuinely repulsive. Her hair looks like you dipped a partially cooked ramen block into canola oil.
Also kek at "I have a very similar experience to bi men as a pansexual man". Girl, no, bi men and bi women face very different treatment. Also every single comment about making men feel bad is weak. I don't care about men feeling bad, scrotes are all shit. If they want to stop being called shit, they ought to stop being shit. I don't get paid to lie, they just expect me to.
No. 1319406
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>>1319388Some shit-slinging from the comments. Context (from what I can gather) is that she pinned a comment on the first video that said something like "I'd rather bisexuals disappeared than this".
No. 1319470
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Pitchfork writer and previous Tumblr fandom monster Peyton Thomas (I think her real names Beth) finally released her debut novel, which was quickly outed as a fucking South Park gay trans boy fic with the names changed.
its luckily getting ripped apart by book people on Twitter lel
No. 1319507
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>>1319470is that miles mckenna too lmao
No. 1319514
>>1319470Anon you can't just mention something like this without posting the milk lol. I want some excerpts about Tranny Kyle Brofloski.
>>1319507Ngl the guy on the left is pretty hot. Shame he's an Aiden chaser, he probably fucks them because they have low self-esteem and are more willing to do anal than normal women.
No. 1319652
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>>1319470I love how the person who wrote the thread cancelling the book for racism is……. a fakeboi weeb.
Cancellation: No. 1319654
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>>1319653honestly just search beachdeath on Twitter the whole book is like this
No. 1319656
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>>1319514Kyle is trans and Cartman is persian (?), the rest of the milk is just Peyton trying to be progressive throughout the book… and failling.
It's being hated by wokies on twitter but praised by other wokies on Goodreads. the fuck did this get published? lmao
No. 1319659
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>>1319514The entire thing is on libgen free to download if you're interested btw (epub but you can covert to pdf)
No. 1319672
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>>1319514Oh god which one of them is fucking Filipino omfg kahangalan
No. 1319684
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>>1319659>>1319668>>1319670This book was written by a fujo virgin with a gay conversion fetish.
>>1319676Yep, it's her.
>She got published because she has connections That explains why people are kissing her ass on her profile and no one is @ing her.
No. 1319686
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>>1319676nta but I'm not at all familiar with fanfic/BL/fujo stuff but I looked up this person and most of the results for "lalondes" were talking about how she was an evil
terf lol
No. 1319697
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The main character is a selfish little brat too, her family's struggling for money and she complains about her "life saving" surgery (having her tits lopped off) being delayed
No. 1319698
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>>1319697This entire book is a mess
No. 1319704
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>>1319686>>1319695>2012 and 2013lmao are they trying to retroactively cancel her? She fucked herself over by saying "AMAB", but the anti-organized religion stance was normal at the time.
Picrel, the weirdest shit about her that I found is that she was obsessed with Finn Wolfhard.'s more old milk here, but most links/images are broken.
No. 1319711
>>1319698I love how there's an asshole dude bro memey character that makes no sense for them to hang out with, but the guy still has a
POC name
No. 1319745
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>>1319742Should’ve gone full Randy instead
No. 1319770
>>1319759Kek this was a south park fanfic?
>self inserts as a 10 yo character >Obsessed with child actor Red flags everywhere
No. 1319957
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For context, this is supposed to be a character from an R-18 Chinese BL Novel
At this point I prefer they just say they find two men fucking hot, than jump through all these hopes to appear woke
No. 1319976
>>1319767>These people have never interacted with gay men irl and it shows.You sometimes see them complaining that actual gay men are nothing like the uwu sensitive pretty boys in the fanfictions and are too cock and butt obsessed, too vulgar, too… male. Kek. They don't seem to realize that gay men are just men, but gay.
>>1319957How did all this nonsense begin? I remember fujoshis being super common in fandom as recently as 2015, but after that it was like a switch was flipped and now all of them are fakeboi Aidens and Calybs, even the older ones in their 30's and 40's.
No. 1320049
>>1319976My theory is that a little part of them envied those BL relationship because it's something that they could never have because they were women and all..which was feeding their self-hate more.
Then trans propaganda started getting more louder around 2015 and they bought into the whole "You can change your gender and be whatever you want! Dream about being a anime homosexual man? Of course that's
valid tm"
(Except the real reason why BL is something they can never have is that the BL is FICTION and FANTASY and has very little to do with real life male homosexual relationships)
No. 1320214
>>1319976i think a lot of it started when tumblr and other internet spaces got really woke about ‘fetishizing gay men’ in fanfiction/manga etc. because so many girls and women wanted to still enjoy this content about fictional dudes fucking without appearing unwoke they decided to trans themselves to escape scrutiny
i have so much respect for self aware and sincere fujoshis who stay women and enjoy their gay content. aidens and enbys and tifs are so cringe and annoying
No. 1320228
>>1319652>danmei avatarI remember enbies, aidens, queerios, and myspace bis having a spergout when the Wikipedia entry said that the danmei genre was "typically created by, and targeted towards a heterosexual female audience" because they don't want their genre or themselves to be considered heterosexual.
There's a mini edit war now with fangirls constantly removing the "heterosexual" part of the Wikipedia entry or even changing the "heterosexual" to "homosexual", kek.
No. 1320305
>>1320257>Responding to a conversation from 4 days ago with a provocative responseYou deserve a long ban, if this thread gets derailed because of this.
>>1320228Kek, I wonder if TIMs also seethe when the read that lesbian porn is produced for heterosexual moids. This is the funniest seethe I've seen so far. I hope to see more people saying outright when a piece of media is made with a certain sex in mind, it would cause a lot of tard rage if it became a trend to discuss how K-pop is most popular with girls in the West, yaoi-lite like Black Butler is written for girls, and moe anime is made for moids.
No. 1320399
>>1319507I thought that Miles McKenna was a self hating lesbian with a very religious family so she trooned out hmmm…
The dude she is dating is also a drag queen.
(sage) No. 1320981
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I love going on r/truscum when I need a laugh. It's all transmed/binary trannies REEEEEEEEEing about younger kids who use star/bun/rockself pronouns and "cis people pretending to be trans bc it's trendy" without realizing/acknowledging that they're doing the exact same thing.
No. 1320986
>>1320981self righteous busy body girls policing other girls, name a more iconic duo
bet you this chick's parents are taking the piss after all the shit this self absorbed snowflake has put them through
No. 1321011
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>>1320981>"i'm just a regular man">trooned out and still suffering from NLOGismWhat's wrong, Aiden? It's just their journey, those kids just wanna
escape womanhood explore their ~gender~… just like you.
All that seething and can't even realize her mother is most definitely trolling. lmao
No. 1321024
>>1317653Andrew himself already ruined Dirk by undoing all his character development from the original comic and turning him into a cartoon villain in the prologues.
>>1319676Speaking of which, so many Aidens are former Homestucks. That fandom was truly overrun with SJW clownery back in the day, and when the comic jumped the shark the fans spread like a cancer and ruined other fandoms in the same manner. Now everything has retarded tranny fanfic and racebent fanart.
No. 1321070
>>1320981>aidens NLOGing other aidens part 500000This will never not be funny to me. Imagine living your whole life as a snowflake and getting ditched for shinier and sparklier snowflakes. How embarrassing honey, just detrans since you want to be transphobic against heckin'
valid xenogenders
No. 1321699
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Another day another gay conversion therapy tweet.
No. 1321750
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>>1319704>>1319676Lol the author is probably most known as Beachdeath and used to be a huge cow in big tumblr fandom spaces Johnlock or Homestuck. Also might be seen referred as "Bill Hader tulpa guy" as she once commissioned ship art with her and her tulpa Bill Hader. This one is the tame one but she also commissioned art of Bill Hader eating her pussy.
No. 1321827
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>>1321750Hetero nonnies, can you tell me if Bill Hader is attractive enough to create a fictional head version of to eat your pussy out in your fantasies, or outright aspire to troon out into? He looks like a concussed big toe to me. I've been thinking about this post for the past two hours.
No. 1322065
>>1321827I’m 100% straight and no, that guy looks disgusting with his huge ass 10head, his weirdly beady eyes, his nose is too small for his weird ass squared face and that ugly, pubic hairesque beard makes him look like he will take away xanax anon’s xanax with a plastic knife and tard strength.
No. 1322660
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>>1322384The pussy eating art was never published as far as I know, she just ”threatened” to commission such art and posting it in public. Anyway here’s the infamous tulpa story.
No. 1322736
>>1322660Basically, Bill Harder is her imaginary friend..
This is not fun anymore, this is just sad.
No. 1323443
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Damn, between her ill fitting suit and dead eyes, I'm more convinced than ever that Ellen is about to 41% any day now. She isn't even trying.
No. 1323461
>>1323443To be honest, this just looks like standard red carpet behavior, if not a bit more attention-seeking. As a celebrity, you're supposed to pose for
some pictures, but she listlessly goes back for more, on demand. In order to obey the paparazzi like this, she's either very desperate for more attention, or she's a living doormat.
No. 1323555
>>1323539Look at your naked body and put a sausage between your legs and see how stupid that looks.
Gay men will be repulsed by you and hetrosexual men will not even humor you. The only people who hate trannies more than TERFs are men so there is no way you could be a man.
It's ok to be an ugly girl and find your body ugly, especially now days where people actually think being ugly is some sort of progressive statement.
No. 1323580
>>1323539Please ask yourself why you think that "being a man" and "being a woman" are mental states one can be in, rather than just biological realities. There is no answer to this question that isn't reductive, sexist, and vaguely religious. Confront your internalized sexism and misogyny. Confront the anti-science nature of trans ideology. You cannot make a man into a woman (or vice versa) any more than you can turn a frog into a newt. They are simply two different biological realities, everything else is cultural fluff that we're better off without (most if not all of it is harmful to women). If your therapist is encouraging "exploration of your identity",
get a new therapist. Any encouragement comes from an ill-informed place, at best, or a capitalistic/opportunistic mindset, at worst. Allow yourself to be a gender nonconforming woman. You are allowed to have short hair, have body hair, go makeup free, wear "men's" clothes, enjoy hobbies and careers that are trafitionally male, all while being a woman. Being a woman doesn't define your whole, it just defines a part (your biology). Remember to love yourself, even if you're confused.
>>1323552>>1323555>>1323557Kek, NTA but you're all so aggressive, it probably won't help.
No. 1323612
>>1323460False anon. Lesbians are into women. Not whatever Ellen’s turned herself into.
She’s so dead behind the eyes she looks like a sleep paralysis demon.
No. 1323614
>>1323443not only did she show up to the met gala in a suit. but an ugly suit.
she’s like a little boy playing dress up. i want to be sad for her but she chose this.
No. 1323639
>>1323539I was in a similar predicament. Growing up gay and GNC in a strict religious country did a number on me. I ended up getting diagnosed with "gender dysphoria" about 4ish years ago (I'm 30 now) simply for stating my discomfort at being an """unconventional""" woman. So that tells you what the medical industry think of FTM's - broken women. But what's important is that trooning out will bring you no joy. You're here, you're posting, you
know it's all a sham. I know this sounds like libfem BS but you really do just have to embrace who you are. Why should I care what other people think? I love dressing masc, I love my hobbies. It's society's problem that I'm seen as defective, not mine. In the mean time try reading some radical feminist stuff, I don't ID as a radfem myself but trust me it's helpful to hear from people much older than me that you can carve out a niche for yourself no matter how different to other women you think you are. And trust, you're not
that much different. NLOGism is easy to fall in but hanging out with other butches and GNC women made me realise we share a lot of the same neuroses.
>>1323443Most celebrities get crucified for not putting in effort for the Met Gala but watch her get praised for dressing like a 10 y/o boy at a family wedding.
No. 1323642
>>1323539Could you elaborate on why you think you're trans? I'm detrans and I was 100% sure I'm trans. I even got diagnosed (which doesn't mean shit, obviously). If you have any specific questions I'm fairly certain I could answer them, seeing I went through the whole thought/emotion process of "I'm trans" myself. I also strongly recommend r/detrans on reddit.
One of the many, many things that were really eye opening to me was that "cis" people do in fact not have a gender identity. According to gender ideology they would be agender. Because, surprise, it's your biological sex that really matters.
No. 1323646
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>>1323443Almost all the comments on Twitter look like it, complimenting her like she's a ten year old boy who put on a suit for the first time for a relative's wedding. It makes me feel uneasy, not only are they staying blind to her obvious discomfort since she started her transition, but also treating her like a retard.
No. 1323673
File: 1631615483127.jpg (Spoiler Image,274.25 KB, 3000x3000, EE7Ol0lXYAEQufm.jpg)

Tell me your "deeply ingrained gender identity" is a fetish without telling me it's a fetish.
Courtesy of "jockbuns" on Twitter for the morbidly curious.
No. 1323703
>>1323539Your therapist will inevitably tell you you
are FtM because if she says anything else she is in danger of losing her career.
Congratulations on being in your 30s and literally never noticing you were "actually a man" until now lol. Being born in the wrong body is not a thing. You
are your body. I can't believe we even have to say that.
Start figuring out the actual sources of your issues, because growing a giant clit and getting male pattern baldness is not going to help with those issues, no matter what your love-bombing friends tell you.
No. 1323724
>>1323448Yes! I recently found a (very cute) lesbian couple on tiktok and one of them posted a video of her as a little girl saying something along the lines of "mommy, I'm a boy!" with the caption "how did anybody ever think I'd grow up to be straight". Since fortunately the video didn't make it to the troon/sjw side of tiktok the comment section was just lesbian women saying they made the very same experience, as a child they always expressed the wish to be a boy until they realized they're really just lesbian women when they were older
I'm bisexual but I can relate to this as well, not to blogpost but as a child I too went through a "I want to be a boy, please let me wear boys clothes!" phase. Back when I still identified as trans I'd often bring this up as "proof" that I've been trans all along when actually I'm just a gnc female who loves women
No. 1323735
>>1323448Many gay children desire to be the opposite sex because they are surrounded by heteronormativity. A little gay boy might have crushes on other boys but because he has been told that girls fall in love with boys then he might start thinking he is actually girl and try to mimic feminine behavior. Same goes for lesbians trying to mimic maculine behaviors.
This isn't the case with all gay people and you can also get straight kids who act gender non-conforming, but there is a strong connection between gender non-conforming behavior and homosexuality. Homosexual children demonstrate the most gender non-conforming behavior, and heterosexual children the least. Bisexual children are in the middle. Though of course, homosexuality itself
is a type of gender non-conformity.
Nearly all children who get trans'd are actually gay and they would have grown up into healthy gay adults instead of mutilated "straight" people.
No. 1323737
>>1323642I didn't realize until I got out that just the idea of having a "gender identity" is a fucking cancer, it literally just pushes you into a role that you then have to conform to, and those roles are really fucking sexist and constraining.
And that includes 'nonbinary' as well, having to make a big deal about the fact that you are not 100% stereotypically masculine or feminine, like that is
unusual instead of the norm for everyone, that's sexist as fuck AND it messes you up. Constantly focusing on gender roles is unhealthy and stunts your personality.
People who haven't fallen into the cult (or been raised in it) don't think about their "gender" every day, because their sex is physically male or female, and thinking about that would be like constantly thinking about the fact that you have two legs.
No. 1323748
>>1323539Drop your therapist, transitioning is the newest gold rush and you will be hooked on meds for life. Also, plenty of therapists fully believe on the sexual inversion theory (masculine souls on female bodies and vice versa) and modern trans ideology heavily relies on that, even though the whole human body is sexed.
If you're a lesbian or bi with a preference for women, transitioning is just gay conversion therapy; if you're straight or bi with a preference for men, transitioning is just a way of getting rid of gender non-conforming women… and gender is just
sociocultural norms and stereotypes, which no one is 100% comfortable with. Like this
>>1323597 anon said, if you transition you will be trading a stigma for stigma. A woman can't possibly know how being a man really feels and vice versa, we only have an outsider perspective of the opposite sex.
Besides, did you ever notice that whenever you listen to/read someone's reasoning for transition it's always a short list of sexist stereotypes? This whole thing isn't progress, it's just misogyny with shiny clothing.
Whatever you do, I wish you good luck and I hope one day you learn to be comfortable with yourself, even for a few moments. You should check out /r/detrans on Reddit (asap, tranny jannies are constantly brigading that sub), there are plenty of accounts of people who actually went through the process and can speak about it better than I do.
No. 1323768
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>>1323735Psychology works. People just need to follow Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs and Myers and Briggs
No. 1323776
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Totally not edited double mastectomy scars lmao
No. 1323779
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>>1323443got them crying cat eyes
No. 1323783
>>1323769Psychiatrists go to med school, not psychologists. And anon is probably seeing a therapist, not a psychologist.
That said, you should not trust any of these three professions for tranny issues, because even if they don't believe in gender woo, all of them know that a wannabe tranny might report them or complain if they feel that the mental health professional is "gatekeeping".
So even if you are obviously mentally ill, and transition is obviously going to make you worse, they will not tell you that, they'll just give you a referral to a gender-woo professional of some type because you are not worth risking a career over.
No. 1323792
>>1323781I replied before and I was trying not to be too mean but imagine thinking about becoming FtM in your 30s lmao, that's like getting into pokemon when you're 25
Have fun crying about being rejected by 'cis gays' with a bunch of 15 year olds called Noah, anon
No. 1323803
>>1323783From my experience a lot of medical proffesionals like psychiatrists are pretty based. Trannies complain all the time how their doctors tell them gender is bullshit and try to have them focus on the obvious mental issues instead. Sadly it only takes a few bad doctors to create a generation hooked on artificial hormones.
Psychologists and therapists generally believe in esoteric bullshit like gender though.
No. 1323812
>>1323796tumblr radfems >>> twitter radfems imo
way more batshit, way less concerned with niceties or looking approachable for the most part.
>>1323803psychiatry on the whole is a fucking scam to be honest. everyone who has any illusions about the benefits of the psych industry should read up on thomas szasz. clinicians/medical doctors do tend to be more reasonable about the gender bullshit. thats changing, though. plenty of fresh brainwashed registrars chomping at the bit to be the worlds wokest good doctor, kek.
No. 1323836
>>1323803Lmao my psychologist kept trying to convince me to accept TIMs as women even though I was a
victim of sexual assault and terrified of men. She said that not everybody fits gender stereotypes and said “look at lesbians for example, they are still women even though they are not attracted to men”.
I don’t trust psychologists. My psychiatrists were also shit. If anon tries to ask the psych industry to free her from dysphoria, she might end up trooning out instead because they all validate gender feelings.
No. 1323840
>>132353930s is too old for that shit. You should consider assisted suicide if you're seriously a grown ass woman thinking your life would be so much better if you just had a penis.
Why can't men be feminine and women be masculine if that's what makes them comfortable? All these labels and hormones and surgery, do y'all not see this is all a money grabbing scam?
No. 1323932
>>1323646It's so…inhuman. You see someone who's clearly unhappy, but to fit the narrative, you type, in allcaps, "IT MAKES ME SO HAPPY THAT THEY LOOK HAPPY TO BE THERE". This shit is like a cult.
Worst part? If she ever detransitions, these same people will let the misogyny loose and fling shit at her, call her an attention whore, etc. Abuse and objectification of the dysphoric. I don't think she can go back, even if she wants to. This is a horrible predicament.
No. 1323980
So Leonard Höglind the Swedish murder TIF is getting a life sentence.
Does anyone know if it's in male prison? The news refer to her as "the boyfriend". No. 1324058
File: 1631643623171.jpeg (75.88 KB, 750x312, F23E90DE-D99D-4770-B1EA-C9E412…)

Ellen page calls herself a man. Cuts her tits off and wears a suit and it’s a statement.
She wore suits when she was a normal woman.
No. 1324060
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>>1324058pic rel
and she looked fucking good.
now she’s a malnourished twink wannabe
No. 1324077
>>1323992I hate how no news source (that I've seen)acknowledges that she is female. I really want to know where she ends up.
>>1324058The trans movement loves erasing the past.
>>1324060It's so fucking tragic. It's obviously not helping her mental health. I can only hope she wakes up and detransitions.
No. 1324100
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>>1323980Flashback doesnt seem to know yet of its male prison or not, but am i crazy or is this not a female social security number? Taken from public court documents but i scribble out the year/date part of the number and her last name because its not relevant. As far as i know the second-to-last number is even for females aand ought ro be changed after a sex change. She is consistently refered to as a man in all official documents, but what the hell? If she is in the process of having it changed om sure shell quit that process in a hurry. If she is still registered as a female legally then its fucking wild how the court refuses to acknolodge that.
No. 1324126
>>1324100She changed her legal sex while still in custody. I don't know if that changes anything; might be her old number. You're correct about the third number being even for women and uneven for men; so unless they're using her old SS number something's really weird. She's listed as male on Ratsit and the only way that could be is if she actually had it legally changed.
Still gloating over the fact that lying, sniveling, manipulative little cockroach didn't get her sentence lowered because of her pussy like she hoped she would. She initiated, planned and helped complete the murder, and then cut up the body and grilled hot dogs at the burial site after having put the body parts into the ground. Have fun in male jail Leo, you chose it yourself.
No. 1324279
>>1323443Ahahaha, she looks like a freaking clown. Like a little boy dressed up in his father's clothes and the family laughs and takes pictures because it looks so silly. Except this little boy is a sickly, deeply distressed looking middle aged woman.
>>1324202Get a job.
No. 1324294
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saw this on twitter. i’m confused because if ellen was a lesbian doesn’t her now being a man mean she’s a straight guy?
No. 1324295
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Not the obvious jawline implant… Along with the abs and shoulders she's gotta be 80% silicone now.
No. 1324315
>>1324294You gotta remember "queer" means anything but homosexual these days.
Regular straight guy with an alt aesthetic = queer
Regular straight woman who says she's bi but will never, ever date a woman = queer
Straight couple into BDSM = queer
Shinji Ikari having a mental breakdown and refusing to get in the fucking robot = queer
No. 1324331
>>1323641I looked into Scrambled_Eggs_Irl, and god, what a depressing place. It's full of people who are only on the cusp of peaking, and are constantly dancing around the elephant in the room so that they don't hurt the feelings of their tranny lurkers
or get banned. The AGP/AAP detrans ones will flat out say they transitioned for sexual reasons, and the HSTS will say they stopped having issues after they admitted to themselves tgat they were gay, but then they turn around and say "TERFs are bad because they stereotype us as being in denial or sexually degenerate, and that's wrong". Meanwhile full on still-trans people post comments like "haha I'm still trans though uwu" or "trans is still
valid though", in the world's most obvious reminder that detrans spaces on reddit are not safe spaces for dissent, and you are being watched. What a shitshow.
>>1324315If she were really being radical or challenging, she would be wearing a suit
as a woman, perhaps with a violet on the breast.
No. 1324371
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>>1324294No, she can't be a straight man because you can't get oppression points out of that. There was this male athlete who "came out" as "bisexual" but said he's "not attracted to cis men". He is just straight with extra steps.
No. 1324450
>>1324331It's a shame; on one hand, hosting this stuff on reddit means that it reaches a MUCH wider audience than it would anywhere else, but otoh the usual suspects are breathing down their necks at all time.
>>1324367You clearly don't work on a product team, otherwise you would understand the difference between clinical psychology, experimental/research psychology, and the exploitative shit that gets implemented to boost key metrics.
No. 1324680
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It's extremely amusing to me how people on twitter dare to call this a man.
Even is she passes as male, she has the look of a damn 12yo.
Oh to be a petite lesbian with aap.
No. 1324711
>>1323539I’m 19, almost 20, and I’ve always said if I was a few years younger I would’ve been a FtM. I wasn’t very…female, when I was young. I thought Barbies were so dumb and stimulating and mutilated my classmates’ dolls. When they cried, I’d tell them to grow up. I was ugly, bullied, and I hated dresses. My teachers would sometimes join in on bullying me. Or they’d mimic my speech disability. When I painstakingly worse a dress for a school dance/performance, my teachers told me to change and not come back.
My family was worse. They couldn’t understand why I acted like a “boy”. When people hit me, I hit back. When my siblings cursed me off, I’d tell him to off himself. When a boy cut in line in front of me, I pushed him off the stairs. When I took a huge shit in our school’s bathroom and all the older girls in front of my stall to bully me, I went out and said, “What, so you don’t shit?”
Point is, I didn’t feel like a girl. At all. I wanted to be a boy. So bad. I felt like one. Or rather, I didn’t feel like a girl, so the natural thing would be a boy, yes?
I became online, and I discovered NGC historical women. Non-gender confirming ones. Julie D’Aubigny was my favorite: she was a bisexual swordswoman who died after her girlfriend died, presumably out of heartbreak. Did you know she set a convent on fire too because she wanted to sleep with one of the girls, too? Crazy bitch. There’s also Anne Lister, her diaries are interesting (lots of NSFW content). Reading about those women helped me, showed me that there’s a different way, that no matter how hard my life became I’d shut up and move on because if Julie D’Aubigny was wilding in the 1600s, then I sure could get over myself, no?
It’s fine to not feel comfortable with your gender. To want to become a cute anime boy. No one is home at their body, anon. What is being a woman, anon? Besides some biological differences and material signifiers?
There’s also the terminally online. I’ve been noticing a pattern: extremely online tween girl develops dysmorphia due to being online, online girl becomes convinced she is a hulking male-like creature with a huge alien head, online girl binds her chest and wears oversized clothes and becomes convinced she’s a trans boy. You have a normal body, I promise. Join a BJJ gym or take some dance classes, put on some muscle and take take of your body. You’ll realise it’s fine later on.
The best thing I could tell you is that you prolly don’t have a concrete self-image. What can you do to cultivate one? The first step is to become independent-minded. The only validation you should get is from yourself. And the rest depends on you, to be honest, and what kind of person you are.
I recommend reading this: If you don’t want to click on the link, google Norah Vincent: the Woman Behind Self-Made Man. It’s about a butch lesbian who foes undercover as a man. It might
trigger some uncomfortable feelings in you. However, these feelings are normal, and you should develop enough mental stamina to properly deal with conflict.
No. 1324735
>>1324711I want to be your friend, nonna.
Reading this thread makes me so sad for all the genuinely lesbian and GNC women. And Elliot page still looks her age to me, just now she's also a bobblehead with a bad haircut who wears ill fitting men's clothes.
No. 1324748
>>1324202Everything you said is correct. The psychiatry industry has been a scam ever since its conception.
>>1324333Lmao I saw a post on tumblr saying all the men showing up wearing basic black suits need to be punished and everyone in the comments was like "b-b-but not Elliot!!1! He's different because of the extremely complex relationship with gender and clothing and he's just starting to dress like how he feels" and all this bullshit. They really trip over themselves flailing around like morons desperately trying not to ever say anything bad about genderspecials.
(derailing) No. 1324847
>>1324711this post should be hang up in all gender clinics lol
anon i commend you for going through all that bs and not changing who you are to suit other people. being gnc female is hard for basically the whole life but you giving me hope
No. 1325117
>>1324748>>1325087So what the fuck are you supposed to be? A fucking NEET who lives with your parents forever? I'm sorry, but if the psych industry is designed to help with the mental strain of capitalism, I'll take that help! The system isn't going away any time soon, as much as I hate it, and I'd rather have help for the problem instead of no help at all. Yes, the world would be way better without the root problem, but we can't uproot it at the moment. I wouldn't need boots to protect me from poison ivy, bugs, and thorns, if none of those things ecisted, but they do, and I can't change that. I can't believe this thread is getting derailed by this stupid shit.
>>1325055Holy shit, idislikecispeople was an irl Kikomi? That's quality milk, even if it's a bit old.
No. 1325186
>>1324202i love you anon
this is so based
>>1324295she looks so tired… so weird
No. 1325230
>>1324699Sage for sperging but its not uncommon for aaps or agps to claim to be homosexuals before trooning.
The whole agp/aap thing is way more complicated than it seems, even the main researcher for it said agp gay men exist.
I'll be honest I don't know what's up with Ellen's case, the appropriation of gay male culture and calling herself queer screams aap, but that is in vogue in sjw circles. Being a "straight" masc ftm is heavily frowned upon in these circles.
No. 1325480
>>1325293Yeah Blanchard, he's stated he's seen one patient he believes was truly homosexual and agp, so its rare but not impossible.
Can't find the direct source anymore but he did make a comment on it when answering questions on 4thwavenow.
No. 1325592
>>1325117> The system isn't going away any time soon, as much as I hate it, and I'd rather have help for the problem instead of no help at all.Genuine question: why do you outsource your help? I can see how therapy is useful for those who suffer from PTSD and paralysing anxiety, but if you’re a NEET who wants to kill yourself on some days and is perpetually demoralised, how do you think therapy is going to help you?
In such cases, therapy is just palliative. You go there to jerk yourself off emotionally. Actually, it’s like an ouroboros, where you’re both emotionally jerking yourself off forevermore, stuck in a feedback loop. And in the end, you get that weary, gross, deflated post-jerk off feeling. You’re still in paralysis.
The thing is with “talking your feelings out” and “introspection” is that you can do it forever. In fact, you can do it for so long, you start avoiding doing anything concrete to improve your life a little bit. That’s the whole shtick of a lot of online self-help/therapy/improvement businesses, actually. Maybe it’s “feminine healing” blog subscriptions that you have to pay for every month, or maybe it’s emotional counselling from some equally unstable retard, or maybe it’s a “How to Be a Masculine Man” self-help bs for undersocialized BPD guys whose parents divorced at an early age. Dress it up however you like; it’s all the same, and it’s hard to trust someone whose business model entirely depends on you never getting better. You need to keep coming, after all.
So, why do you think you’re helpless?
No. 1325916
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Anybody think the Walten Files guy is an ftm? He apparently facedoxxed briefly but nobody caught it and he "respectfully asked those who saw not to share it." He draws like an ftm. If ftm had an art style it would be this.
No. 1326044
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The replies were filled bishounen anime characters
No. 1326365
>>1326044A lot of kpop boys being posted too as if they don't unambiguously identify as men. It's very strange. Why can't genderspecials just admit they like someone's aesthetics or fashion choices?
>>1326343Just imagine all the fakeboi seethe about being put in a dumpster by an actual gay man and not some sad fujo larp. Look how personally they took it when Lil' Nas talked about liking dick, they acted as if he personally broke into their houses and shit in their rice bowls, ftms are about as easy to offend as toddlers.
No. 1326518
>>1326480>Some claim that the success of South Korean and Japanese pop culture lies in attempts to make it mugukjeok or ‘culturally odourless’ by downplaying their national specificity. But for many others its popularity can be largely explained by its representations of Pan-East Asian soft masculinity.>Pan-East Asian soft masculinity has its roots in the Confucian tradition of scholar masculinity shared by many East Asian cultures, such as the wen (literary attainment) masculinity in China or seonbi (scholar-officials) masculinity in Korean history. The talented scholar is physically weak, delicate and handsome, with androgynous beauty. He is desirable to women by dint of his knowledge and literary gifts.>At the same time, the current popularity of these images of masculine beauty also reflects the influence of the metrosexual trend from the West. This indicates that masculinity has become increasingly pluralistic and hybridised in a rapidly globalising East Asia.
>In her book Korean Masculinities and Transcultural Consumption, Dr. Sun Jung defines the key aspects of what she calls East Asian soft masculinity:>Soft masculinity is a hybrid product constructed through the amalgamation of South Korea’s traditional seonbi masculinity (which is influenced by Chinese Confucian wen masculinity), Japan’s bishonen (pretty boy) masculinity, and global metrosexual masculinity.>In traditional South Korean seonbi and Chinese Confucius wen masculinity, the exemplary man is one of the culturally refined gentleman/scholar. His values could be described as the exact opposite of the traditional Australian male. He is theoretical, intellectual, culturally nuanced, self-restraining, and obedient to authority, especially that of the father and other elder men.>Rain personifies those seonbi/wen values first in terms of his personal motto – “Endless effort, endless humility, endless modesty” – and second by the completion of his music degree from Kyunghee University. Education is so important even in the K-pop world that most K-pop agencies require that their idols and trainees complete undergraduate degrees at the minimum and preferably complete a Masters degree.>Physically, the Japanese “pretty boy” phenomenon, which is mostly consumed by women, enables a play of gender possibilities by erasing the lines between male and female. Metrosexual grooming frees men to care about their physical appearance through the consumption of clothes, cosmetics and accessories.>All of which is present in the male images in K-pop. All K-pop men rock serious guy-liner. On the pretty boy spectrum, G-Dragon, the lead singer of the K-Pop group Big Bang, models for the make-up line The SAEM — becoming their first male endorser of red lipstick. On the metrosexual spectrum, Rain endorses the Metholatum grooming line. No. 1326613
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>>1326518super interesting, however I'm confused regarding the bishonen thing, I've often heard that general bishonen archetype was based on the looks of Björn Andrésen, like Bishounen existed before Bjorn but when he came, part of bishounen in Japanese media was inspired by him.
mostly in Shujo manga depictions before also further migrating into Yaoi
No. 1326875
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Accidentally posted in the mtf thread because those moobs sure fooled me. In her second to most recent post she says she's a lesbian and in another said she's now trying out she/her pronouns so maybe she regrets it all. Instagram is ty._lowell
No. 1326888
>>1326613Damn he was utterly beautiful though
and he was also the old guy who was sacrificed in Midsommar.
No. 1326890
>>1326875I'm very confused by this picture.
Maybe they're a FTM with PCOS.
No. 1326935
>>1326925Looks like a really botched mastectomy. You can't see the scars very well, but when they remove your tits they have to paste the nipples back on. You completely lose nipple sensation.
So if these stupid girls ever want to be women again, they won't be able to breastfeed. This combined with TIFs ripping out their wombs really makes me wonder if TIMs support this shit to get rid of competition kek
No. 1326968
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>>1326875>>1326925maybe it's the anorexia, here she talks about it messing up her development? so maye she got sad boobs from ED and taking T after that didn't help No. 1327277
>>1327221Death in the Venice, the summary of the film is
>In this adaptation of the Thomas Mann novel, avant-garde composer Gustav von Aschenbach (Sir Dirk Bogarde) travels to a Venetian seaside resort seeking repose after a period of artistic and personal stress. But he finds no peace there, for he soon develops a troubling attraction to Tadzio (Björn Andrésen), an adolescent on vacation with his family. The boy embodies an ideal of beauty that Aschenbach has long sought and he becomes infatuated. However, the onset of a deadly pestilence threatens them physically and represents the corruption that compromises and threatens all ideals.A lot of pretentious film snobs will give seem deep meaning to this film about how its actually about the nature of beauty and art and some other pseudo-intellectual bullshit, when its just some pedophile stalking a young boy
No. 1327698
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>>1327664And torched her career in the process. After coming out as a lesbian in 2014 she still had acting roles two or three times a year.
Now? Only Umbrella Academy and voice acting. No. 1327699
>>1327698Because casting her as a woman would be
problematic but she doesn’t look like a man either.
No. 1327761
>>1327751>>1327755And Peter Dinklage, shorter too. They're exceptions and found their niche.
I wonder where will Ellen land, if she can even salvage her career…
No. 1327812
>>1327786It's not about trying to look masculine, it's about trying to look more "Western" and "international". Also East Asian beauty standards prefer men who are more youthful and beautiful. Women get it the most because they get put under stricter beauty standards but it's still pretty common for Korean men to get double eyelid surgery too. Some big businesses in SK won't even hire people if they don't have double eyelids.
t. korean
No. 1327829
>>1327824I think its possible she'll get small roles originally meant for men.
There's always been a history of rewriting male characters into female.
Its gonna be hard for people to take any roles she gets seriously tho.
No. 1327884
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>>1327849That ill fitting tux was Balenciaga (it's supposed to look gaudy), that green flower was probably her idea since now she's all about advocating for transness/queerness and all that…
No. 1328193
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>>1327884Transition goal reviewbrah kek
No. 1328300
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>>1310251i swear to god i hope they never regret this in their entire life because the unholy guilt you must put yourself through after turning yourself into an uncanny looking humanoid has to be unberable.
i feel so bad for these people and how they believe without a doubt that this will make their lives better
the transgender agenda grooming insecure teen girls has to stop at some point in time.
No. 1328332
>>1328300Why picrel? You think they took anime guy physiology literally and think men have no nipples kek?
Also concerning anime rotbrain: I looked up a manga character to check something yesterday and there were comments on the page saying how he's "gender goals" and they feel "gender envy". What the fuck does that even mean, it's just a manga guy in a bodytight turtleneck.
No. 1328345
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>>1328332We could take the idea that nipples are considered a sexually stimulating part of the body and that society gives lots of attention to them alongside the breats.
Knowing how traumatized with sex TIFs are, it wouldn't be surprising to me that they straight up decided to remove their nipples so they wouldn't have to deal with the uncomfortable scenario of "being sexualized thanks to my nipples being visible".
Ask any woman if they have ever been ashamed by the reactions men have when seeing their erect nipples under their clothes.
>You think they took anime guy physiology literally and think men have no nipples kek? I wouldn't doubt it, knowing how mainstream anime is nowadays and how it has distorted the reality of many socially recluded teens.
No. 1328590
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has anyone ever noticed that TIMs online frequently adopt this "sarcastic grumpy asshole" persona as if they think that makes them more masculine… idk all the TIMs i see either act way too girly and friendly still and dont pass, or they have this weird tryhard personality of attempting to emulate what they think a badass is
No. 1328595
>>1328560Like other anon said, it's mostly homophobia. Hollywood can be as liberal (and degenerate kek) as possible, but the rest of the world isn't. Filmmakers will hire gay/lesbian actors, so long they're closeted.
Also, it's not like people
really care about actors' personal lives, it's about the strong parasocial bond some audiences may feel with their entertainers. Even though it's literally an actor's job being someone else, the attachment may be "ruined" if they're gay.
It's so stupid, but it is what it is…
No. 1328600
>>1328590oh i knew a tif who doubled down on being the most abrasive cunt as soon as she “came out”
she bleeds friends then cries
victim if anyone tries to call her out. was posted on here once and tried to blame an ex partner shes obsessed with. She’d be cow worthy but she’s also dull and boring.
sage for no real contribute.
No. 1328622
>>1328345Some do, actually. I think there some examples upthread and I've seen one in person, it's very unsettling and sad to look at.
>>1328332It just means they want to look like him. Although they'll say gender about anything really.
No. 1328653
>>1328560Yes, part of the appeal of an actor is often their manufactured images that their fans can fantasise about romantically. Being gay ruins it, and usually prevents you from getting leading roles. Its better to stay closeted.
The tide is sorta changing in the West, but China is now getting more control in the film industry and they're tightening codes on onscreen same sex relations, so its probably not gonna change in a long time.
No. 1328944
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I keep seeing this retarded post on IG and it's annoying as hell. This doesn't make you look cool or badass, it just proves that your entire identity is built on trying to police how other people perceive you.
No. 1329658
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It's just in: if you don't enjoy Tooka and Bertie, you're a man apparently.
No. 1329677
>>1329658(kinda spoilers)
I wonder if the author has even watched Tuca & Bertie because a major theme of it was sexual abuse/assault of women and how we're expected to just suppress it and carry on.
Even if you no longer identify as a woman, it's something anyone raised female would identify with.
No. 1329840
>>1329155>fakebois think being a rude snarky, edgy asshole makes them a guy.They also want to become this kind of guy because that is what they find attractive in males. the traits you described are basically the default for the quarter of male love interests in YA fiction, even the drawing of guy in pic
>>1328590 looks like a YA love interest
No. 1329903
>>1329788Pretty much. I imagine Shelby was the first and only woman Amber ("Danny") dated seriously and she elected to call herself a lesbian based on that. After trooning out, being a trans "man" exclusively into women would make her straight, so she decided to be open about being into men so she could say she's "queer" or "bisexual" or whatever instead of being a yucky straight.
Not sure if the concept of pseudobisexuality would apply here since neither of the people she's dating are troons.
No. 1329967
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Still one of the funniest comics I've ever read
No. 1329968
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>>1329967Her defense of the comic
No. 1329970
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>>1329968And here's a picture of the "queer as fuck" couple
No. 1329986
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>>1329967bringing this back from an earlier thread kek
No. 1329997
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>>1329980>>1329986Yeah, the bf isn't some enlightened woke person who see's past gender, he's just a guy who is cool with his girlfriend not wearing make up and wearing comfortable clothes
Also tell me this isn't her literally self inserting as an "Uke" in her Yaoi fantasy
No. 1330020
>>1330013Mormons tend to be religious and pick names out of the Bible, names like Joshua, Ezekiel, Caleb e.t.c but there are a lot of OC donut steel misc actual Semitic/Semitic sounding names that were in the Book of Mormon
names like Cohor, Ethem, Emer, Nephalat e.t.c and TIFs given themselves Semitic anglicized names as well, so there is an overlap
No. 1330028
>>1329967>>1329970>>1329997I cannot explain how angry this makes me, as a lesbian. She is straight.
>"He loves me, for who I am, queer as fuck"I'm going to a-log.
No. 1330034
>>1329967>>1329970This was this discussed the last time this was posted but It still bugs me, she depicted her super white bf as being ethnic looking in her comics when we all know he's a white guy
you go though her twitter page and its just wokeism after wokeism with the conclusion always being "white people bad" end of discussion
No. 1330042
>>1329967This is the girliest shit I've ever seen, right down to the shoujo manga poses and the dialogues.
>>1330034She even drew herself whiter than him with pale skin and blue eyes, but she just looks like any other SEA girl.
No. 1330086
>>1329970I don't know if this counts as racebait, but in terms of WMAF relationships this is actually a fairly decent match
in most cases the white guy is just awful looking and in this case while the white male partner is a bit generic looking he's still some good looking at least and clearly is willing to deal with girlfriend's LARP