File: 1611204994139.jpg (2.32 MB, 1536x9008, 1607530100227.jpg)

No. 1137677
Old Threads:
>>>/snow/1095226>>>/snow/1032764>>>/snow/979294>>>/snow/895014>>>/snow/720444>>>/snow/570991>>>/snow/465430>>>/snow/276054>>>/snow/45564>>>/snow/26392This thread is for posting and discussing cringey fakebois who may or may not deserve their own threads.
Fakebois are girls who pretend to be boys for attention, either as trannies or biological males (usually the former).
Fakebois style and present themselves as androgynous or feminine-looking young men, even wearing girls' clothing and make-up. They insist on being addressed with he/him (or occasionally they/them) pronouns and take great offense at being gendered as female. Some are SJW transactivists, but for most their identities are entirely superficial.
Reminder to "truescums" and "transmeds": Nobody cares about how [[[100% REAL]]] your or any other tranny's ~dysphoria~ is. Don't derail about how you're actually a true troon unlike everyone else, save it for your twitter feed.
No. 1137764
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Class traitors
No. 1137963
>>1137685I think there could be enough milk for a truefaggot thread, she deleted her tumblrs and her sockpuppets are inactive but I'm betting she's going to remake soon
Either way she's definitely one of my favorite personal cows kek
No. 1137972
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Why are they like this
No. 1138079
>>1137677Sage but this comic makes me so angry
I looked up the original artist and her school bullying themed graphic novel was picked up by Dark Horse Comics of all places?
So I spend literally 10 years studying draftsmanship in order to draw in an appealing style to that genre and this style, this fruity softy little kids roundy, unchallenging, art gets picked up by Dark Horse of all places?
Like fuck learning to be a draftsman, just draw like Steven Universe and make stories about your uwu gender feelings and somehow you’ll get a book deal.
And it’s not just the drawinf style. The original comic is essentially her just saying “uwu I’m gender non binary I guess but i guess I’ve learned to accept myself” you don’t need to make this into a comic, that’s basically the length and style of a twitter post. It’s one paragraph of dialogue. It’s NOT a story.
(no1curr) No. 1138096
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>>1138079the author her and boyfriend, totes a super queer gay couple
No. 1138552
>>1138546Somewhat OT
but the dude in that picture is now a MTF troon, one of the really agp disgusting ones like Kevin.
No. 1138931
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wow brave and stunning
No. 1138955
>>1138931God, these girls and women are insufferable. It’s the ultimate NLOG, we like to think we’ve come so far as a society but we have people like this having near-breakdowns because pink = feminine to them and they’re just *~*so special*~*.
Buy the fucking water bottle you want. I thought gender was a social construct and nothing has an inherent gender assignment and all that jazz. No need for the hand-wringing over the fucking color.
Their identities are so fucking fragile that they need to write all this shit just to convince themselves that the lie they’re living is
real and they’re so brave and stunning.
Mental illness is one hell of a drug.
No. 1139196
File: 1611334914317.png (1.32 MB, 828x1792, 360941B4-52D2-4844-8DB3-6B26E0…)

Accidentally put this on the old fakebois thread, sage for repost
No. 1139297
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How does one end up this fucking retarded
No. 1139318
>>1138931ignoring all visible autism:
she said pink things cuses ''muh dysphoria'', but nevertheless bought it
oh, right: she sometimes like it
No. 1139327
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>>1139297Wow, this retard tweets every second. What’s with this word salad?
No. 1139328
>>1139297Show me a Transwomen that was forced by ger mother to go through an operation that is traumatizing, unhealthy, unnecessary, leaves you with a feeling of punishment for being a girl and to have rights to enjoy sex.
Fuck you and your misogyny. Fuck you to your axe wound and back.
No. 1139346
>>1138955I think she feels bad for not having ~dysphoria~ despite transitioning and try to look
valid with this mental gymnastic.
Her imaginary argument is completely retard tho nobody gives a fuck if a man have a pink item
No. 1140762
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Fresh twitter NLOG for the new thread
No. 1140771
>>1139297This is it. The peak of internal misogyny.
Also ofc shes "ace" and has "kweer" in her user.
No. 1140778
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No. 1140796
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Wow it's almost as though women are socialized like this or something. Who'da thunk it
No. 1140920
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>>1140906yes but most Trans-men who actually transition end up on the lowest totem pole of male hierarchy, short, scrawny. weak voice, viewed as feminine by other men and no dick
I mean even the most masculine "TIFs" seem inherently feminine next to any normal man
No. 1140923
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probs late but anyone watching drag race get weirded out by gottmik the tif queen trying so hard to emulate gay men? like we know full well gaydens do it but actually seeing it on a mainstream show like this is jarring. also the skull size + frame comparison to the others kek
No. 1140954
>>1140923My friend told me I liked like her, and I had to sit and smile like it was a fucking compliment as to not be called a “transphobe.” Christ.
I’m so annoyed by most gay men that talk like that, and to see her emulate it in such a hyperbolic way. I almost wish she were doing a performance art piece on the way drags often seems to be mocking women and therefore mocking the men that do it back at them, but I think it’s more like when laganja was called out for playing it up to fit in.
(no1curr) No. 1141004
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>>1140967>sis really snapped huh gurl? omg slay hunty teaaaa and thats that on that chile!pictured here with fellow fakeboi nats getty
No. 1141014
>>1141008Her craftsmanship is great. I followed her on Instagram, because while I enjoy the look of drag, I find most maledrag queens insufferable, and her stuff was good.
I got one episode in to this season and found her to be so fucking annoying. I’ll just admire the costumes in photos.
No. 1141034
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Sage for ot
I did an edit of this comic where the girl is a normal fucking person
I posted the whole thing in ot here
>>721503 No. 1141037
>>1141034FUCK NEVERMIND that links to a Shayna thread. Guess they don't work across boards.
Its in the dumbass shit thread in ot
No. 1141040
File: 1611513721114.jpeg (59.71 KB, 768x960, EsfAiypVEAA3fh_.jpeg)

So radfems and gcs on Twitter are going on about how pedophilic this non-binary style looks.
Notice how only the female nonbinarys get surgery for it???
No. 1141053
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>>1141041She came out like 5 days ago, with Gigi posting video of her masectomy. It's something that seems to happen a lot with women dating troons, either due to the whole egg-cracking cult pressure from their husbands or just noticing that your SO talks about having a woman-spirit and woman-feelings and realizing you don't feel some internal sense of womanhood, so obviously you're nonbinary.
No. 1141114
>>1141092I think you're absolutely on point anon. There's that detransitoners photo article (its on medium for free now) where some actual former ftms talked about why they think they felt the need to go trans; one of them was suffering from childhood sexual trauma.
Too bad men are flexible with what can make them horny, and there will still be plenty of them willing to sexualize their female breast-free chests.
No. 1141168
>>1140923every single facet of her personality is literally just her attempting to emulate the most effeminate, stereotypical 'gay man' ever, and it makes me cringe every single time she's on screen. you can tell she's made no effort to properly socialise herself among cis gay men and has literally just ripped her personality from whatever 'gay best friend' trope she could. it's so weird
>>1141152rp didn't change his mind on trans women, no. it makes no sense though, because he says trans women shouldn't be allowed on since they're essentially 'cheating' the game by gaining breasts or getting implants, but then he lets gott on who is like 5'4 with obviously feminine features even despite the hormones and whatever. gott being on is obviously just rp's management team trying desperately once again to prove he's definitely not transphobic, kek
No. 1141193
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Just got made to see a post from and reading this fucking word salad everything at once bio is a trip.
No. 1141269
>>1141264If all those girls got the surgery in the last few years that makes sense, the scars take a bit to fade (to a closer color but not totally gone) topicals can help healing and with proper muscle development in the pecs the shadow can help conceal it.
…not that any of these women are that committed. They seem prideful of their scars and want to show everybody asap… even tho they might as well have "female! i used to have tits!" written on their chest. Idgi
No. 1141298
>>1141152>>1141168I think he just went where the money and views were. I do agree that it feels like a PR move. I think putting them in the spotlight to prove WHY they shouldn't be there isn't a bad idea. Case in point:
>>1141153 She's probably going to get sent home early. But not TOO early. Don't wanna look transphobic.
No. 1141449
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>>1141243Some of them deliberately make their mastectomy scars as visible as possible, pic related.
No. 1141549
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culty vibes
No. 1141594
>>1141053Wasn’t Gigi the one claiming to be more woman than actual women because he worked for it more? It doesn’t surprise me his gnc wife would end up believing she’s not a real woman.
>>1141566She prefers to date other trans people but if she does get into a relationship with a “cis” person she’ll groom them into thinking they’re trans too.
No. 1141604
>>1141449Fwhat? You're lucky enough to be able to get the minimal scarring type and you decide to
highlight you're scars? Looks like me mastectomy was just another body mod for them. Infuriating if she got any insurance to help ugh
No. 1142073
>>1141844He was the entire LGBT kek
First he was just your run of the mill feminine gay dude, then he came out as transgender, then in 2015 he said he was bisexual, then finally when he met Nats getty he came out as a lesbian.
No. 1142609
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Even ethot streamers are them/thems now apparent. This girl needs to chill with the fake tanner.
No. 1142681
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Couldnt find an IRL pic glancing through her media but this bio and her feed alone scream self loathing white girl.
No. 1142686
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>>1142681This isn't even her full list of pronouns, it's only like a 4th of it (and it includes fucking emoji pronouns).
No. 1142688
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>>1142686I've noticed a lot of fakebois lately claiming to be native. They usually pic a specific tribe and shit but I kinda doubt most of them actually are.
No. 1142689
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>>1142688"Eww girl words are bad and yucky" self loathing white weeb girl confirmed
No. 1142698
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Someone on /mu/ made a thread about a girl that was mentioned a few threads back.
The pronouns make me thonk this is a self post
No. 1142773
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>>1142698This could be a joke but you never know.
No. 1142791
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>>1142775Supposdly this is the rea one
No. 1143133
File: 1611725188022.gif (Spoiler Image,1.54 MB, 535x250, AmpleFloweryHousefly-size_rest…)

Literally out of a horror film, its got the same uncanny gross look of the ending of Sleepaway Camp.
No. 1143135
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Is she trying to look like L from Death Note? That's all her makeup with the wide open eyes reminded me of.
No. 1143139
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I think this is the worst one, it looks like some matte painting to promote the world's first pornographic film, minus the fake dick and balls. Why do they all look like they were taken in the middle of space, anyway? Who could ever possibly jerk off to this even if they did believe it?
No. 1143251
>>1143139>>1143038Just wanna link this video of her again. She's a basic cringy goth girl, who is she trying to fool. The gap between how she looks and acts in the video and in the photos is jarring.
It's also creepy how she's trying to look like a 13 year old boy. Imagine you had so little self respect you actually alter your whole personality to appeal to gay pedos. What a life to live.
No. 1143257
>>1143254Simple: scrotes lose all common sense once their dick is hard.
I vaguely remember her getting posted on /fa/ or something where everyone was foaming out the mouth over wanting to fuck her but then one person chimed in and said "I'm a gay man and wouldn't fuck that, he looks too much like a girl". "Femboy" chasers are all horny straight men and the closer something looks to a woman, the more they want to fuck it without thinking twice.
No. 1143381
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What kind of yaoi brainrot is this?
Also, seriously. You have to be some sort of slack-jawed braindead coomer scrote to think any of these are real.
No. 1143608
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>>1143151pretty sure you're talking about yao and alma. they still do this shit. spoiler for obvious reasons
No. 1143609
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the obvious chest plate always makes me laugh when i see it
No. 1143627
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>>1143620love that it says on their weibo and most other social media that they're both girls yet…
No. 1143633
File: 1611780905276.jpg (Spoiler Image,7.9 KB, 183x275, jjjjnj.jpg)

>>1143627samefag but here's a super blurry picture of the other one with a very pale winky
No. 1143700
>>1143633ok so now lesbians are photoshopping themselves into men to make weird fetish porn? and we are supposed to applaud this like it is normal.
these day time talk show guest freaks just do all the work for us now huh
No. 1143791
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>>1143641>>1143694Fujos and the random straight guy w/ a kink is my guess too. Reminds me of picrel. There's plenty of ""IRL yaoi"" Japanese porn which is basically just lez porn with crossdressing and hilariously censored rubber dicks. Same audience IMO.
No. 1143897
>>1143251Seeing her in motion, with no attempt to hide her female voice, body and mannerisms, is a trip. She just has to be trolling, but coomers and virgin fujos are just too stupid to realize it.
>>1143608You’re absolutely correct! That was who I was thinking of. They’ve been around for a while and I’m still surprised at the level of prosthetics, warping and body part pasting they do. Is it even cosplay anymore when the majority of it is digital manipulation? At least somebody is talented at editing.
No. 1144020
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Huh what's this
No. 1145315
File: 1611944185906.jpg (274.03 KB, 540x960, 141793152_5786436018049044_108…)

Personal cow of mine. She recently ran into some financial problems so she's selling her manly lewds while my libfem friends cheer her on. You may not like it, but this is what peak women's empowerment looks like.
No. 1145700
>>1145680I bet most of these types will say FUCK CAPITALISM I HATE JEFF BEZOS then see nothing wrong with buying cheap ass slave made lingerie and slutty outfits from Amazon and shein.
This almost proves that these people will do anything if they see other people doing it and supporting it.
No. 1147552
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The heck MrSoundlessVoice is 30 and still in that phase
No. 1147649
>>1147552jfc i thought for a second that was me but i'd never do that to my hair.
sage for blogpost.
No. 1150367
File: 1612332299941.jpg (323.69 KB, 1220x813, GD_selects_019-1.jpg)

So I dunno if this DMO milk is too old but I just found out that the parents are evangelical megachurch preachers, which is probably why Ortberg felt the need to become male because women are subservient in the church. Then little(?)brother confessed to being attracted to children, and the dad let him work with kids at the church anyway. DMO to his credit peaced out after that.
Terrible wedding outfit with trans wife unrelated, it's just such a series of bad fashion choices and very much not passing on either side
No. 1150413
>>1147735>>1149794As a a fellow slav I imagine it's just hard for them to go on T without having social problems even if they have the access so the ones that would normally troon out in the west settle for fakeboism rather than the population that would be normal women in the west going fakeboi in russia, I mean imagine being a tranny in russia vs a normal girl that pretends to be a trap online, obvious choice
>>1147877The only country that still does is poland and it's not that we have more FtMs than the west (probably less) it's that we traditionally don't really have MtFs so the ratios get skewed
When I looked it up it was like 8 FtMs for 1 MtF in the 80s but that had to be like 10 people a year or something at the time yet shit like that get reported as "more women transitioning" when the actual number on both sides is negligible
No. 1150524
File: 1612348991975.jpeg (302.32 KB, 750x926, 7A49735D-33B5-4B71-96DB-9DDF85…)

I know her. She’s a transtrender at 100%. She started this year the trans thing. Before all of that she was alterhacker on tumblr and instagram and you can find old pictures of her. This cow can have her thread tbh ther is a lot to say about her.
No. 1150606
>>1150540I mean both Iranian mtfs and ftms are majority gay men and lesbians who transitioned as an alternative to being well executed or lashed, there's even a Novel written by an Iranian author about a young lesbian girl who transitions to male so that she could be with her girlfriend in public
>>1150545Women still get stoned to death in my country and suffer from honor killings, but you can find women wearing western clothing in the capital, so likely an exception
No. 1150663
>>1150647I downloaded this a while ago for the shits and giggles when I saw it on Tumblr, anyone can download it and flag anyone as a
terf or as trans-friendly. They claim to review each flag but they really don't.
No. 1151206
File: 1612391607455.png (186.5 KB, 1202x669, wtf.png) this belongs here. Girls on T afraid to go to the dr to get their female organs checked up on because "I'm a man, don't associate me with woman even though I have dying ovaries!". Then blaming the drs because their bigotry and ignorance killed them, not the hormones they decided to experiment with with no concern for their bodies.
No. 1151224
>>1151206This bitch it's their own choice to not come, they are being excluded by themselves.
>transphobic by their ignorancewow they don't owe you that. Gynecologists don't have to study effect of T on women bodies because it became trendy.
No. 1151278
>>1151206this is like when men are afraid to touch something because it has "for women" written on it. maybe
toxic masculinity is gender affirming
No. 1151404
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>>1151206If you won't get yourself screened for cancer because you don't want to go to a women's center that's your own problem lol. It's just Darwinism at that point.
Also found a "what about the TiMs" in the replies
No. 1151434
>>1147877You're probably talking about sworn virgins, it's a thing in Balkans (mostly Albania).
>>1150541I live in a major city, and I've met 2 MtF troons out on the street so far. One was typical HSTS and genuinely hard to clock at first glance, another one was pretty obvious agp. My mother knew several MtF trannies in the eighties. Then again, we live in the most LGBT friendly city in Poland, so this isn't particularly indicative of MtF troon tolerance here.
I know a number of fakebois tho. All of them coming from fujo circles. I'm pretty sure it's the same case in Russia.
No. 1151473
>I dont wanna go anywhere that’s aimed specifically at womenWell that’s too fucking bad cause you were born with female organs.
>It makes me uncomfortableProceeds to complain about literally risking death rather than being uncomfortable going to a women center
>I don’t want to make women uncomfortableIt’s a health center not a shelter or women only bath. I’m sure there are heaps of women going with a spouse or a male parent there. Newsflash, a lot of doctors or even gynos are men as well.
And the worst part is I 100% know that even if people bent backward to rename shit like Bleeder health center they’d move goalposts to rename it something else, then still complain they wanna kill themselves because of the evil cis.
No. 1151541
>>1151206they say shit like this and then throw a huge fit any time a group for women doesn't want them around because "they deal with sexism too"
you can't eat your cake and have it too, dumbasses.
No. 1151690
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> pronouns =/= gender> base their entire identity and will scream bloody murder if you don't use the right pronounsThis twitter thread is so exhausting to read through, a bunch of people (mostly women ofc) asking if they're trans if they are slightly uncomfortable in their body and trans people policing what you are and aren't allowed to do. No. 1151706
>>1151541reminds me of a girl i used to hang with before she trooned out. typical self hating fujo who embraced her newfound fakeboism by adopting every
toxic masculinity trait in the book. when she got called out for being misogynist she cried transphobia cus she too had experienced sexism as a woman so somehow she was just like us and we were mean for saying we didn't want a sexist dude around. it's funny how they are literally never their birth sex and never have anything in common with it until it's time to answer for your shitty behavior. then they're just like us because something something transphobia.
No. 1151857
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>>1150524i remember this girl, she went by crispy and used to get a lot of threads on 4chan years ago. her real name is chris washington. i think she craves internet attention but also resents how moids treat her for it, so she lashes out at them on twitter and started larping as a man to cope. a lot of her tweets are snapping at men for sexualizing her non-lewd pics, (which is
valid but like, they are intermixed with lewd pics so its going to happen) or gaslighting fans about how shes definitely a man. tbh i dont find her super milky,
i have kind of a soft spot for her bc we share interests and i find her and her gf very cute together just a mildly interesting case study on the effects of being an attention seeking 4chan pickme, perhaps? i imagine it must be hard not to get screwed up somehow growing up and forming your identity around being the "goth 4chan waifu" and never being perfect enough to actually live up to that fantasy. im interested if theres anything more milky on her though? off topic but the way her ocd seems to come through with her weird cosplay/cartoon interests kind of reminds me of nemu a tiny bit
No. 1152005
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>>1150524i'd love a thread on her…
No. 1152299
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No. 1152458
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>>1151404oh shittt, are ftms and mtfs going to have a civil war of their own?
No. 1152882
File: 1612516793486.jpg (Spoiler Image,487.21 KB, 1080x2018, IMG_20210205_101925.jpg)

Why does everyone in this picture look like a wannabe Soundcloud rapper
spoilered because blood
No. 1152896
>>1152882>an eternal playground Yeah, nothing better than publicly showing how unstable you are, peak mental stability, totally not insane.
How do these people even get a job when they don’t even take themselves seriously? Imagine having one retard going to an office and saying that their name is Gerard until 12pm because then they’re Beatrice since they’re playing in the kwerr playground.
Truly, that statement sent me.
No. 1152913
>>1152882people have periods, and people got breasts too… how are half of these people even comfortable showing off the fact they bleed?? the menstrual cycle is usually the
thing that makes you dysphoric
>>1151970Pretty much. Also, OP is right about all the she/theys and he/theys being purely performative, but the point is missed.
No. 1152918
>>1152882>my queerness is my favourite thing about myselfSad, but very telling.
>>1152909No screencaps atm but this subject does come up occasionally in general trans and FtM subreddits. Many of them are very aware that FtMs get steamrolled by MtFs in practically every shared discussion, but they don’t want to come off as mean and “transmisogynistic” by calling them out. It’s very eye-opening to see the differences between male and female socialisation on full display.
>Excuse me sorry I don’t mean any offense but we were talking about a problem only faced by transmasc individuals, not transwomen, not that transwomen aren’t super valid and their problems way worse than transmasc problems, but there are currently 15 active topics about transwomen and only this one topic about transmen so can we maybe please keep this topic about transmen please, thank you in advance and sorry about my male privilege! <3>NO FUCK YOU>o-oh ok sorry No. 1153046
>>1152882>some men have periods uwuwhat they think it means
>mentally ill women are still womenwhat it actually means
No. 1153276
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No. 1153310
>>1152918A very realistic description of how the discussion always goes down like. Poor dumbasses trip over themselves trying to lick the boots of their MTF overlords just to be able to talk about female-exclusive issues.
>>1153280>if they were they'd be overcompensating and acting like macho straight dudes.I… That's basically how you would act with internalized misogyny and homophobia though? Like all the HSTS MTFs who become overly performative bimbos talking about how they'll steal your man.
No. 1153398
>>1152882Please. Take ALL traits from us until we are only wombs on two legs and end ourselves rather than be seen as subhumans.
Fucking degenerates.
No. 1153581
File: 1612578097903.jpeg (24.44 KB, 320x180, DCEF1B3D-DC21-44C4-9592-3F394B…)

Why do so many of these FTM youtubers roll their eyes like this?
No. 1153582
File: 1612578129614.jpeg (27.98 KB, 320x180, 6D0EF9CC-50F0-4B96-B020-6EEC55…)

Here’s another
No. 1153585
File: 1612578210838.jpeg (27.09 KB, 320x180, 95552BA2-BDB8-4D7E-8584-C8A27D…)

Oops forgot the image
No. 1154129
>>1151206ime womens health centers are usually the main test centers for std/sti's unless theres a gay/lgbt test center extremely nearby.
Which means men also go there to get tested, to support their partners and to look into birth control methods/pick up cheap condoms.
I can see not feeling comfortable with gyno offices as a "man", but dont most doctors also do at least the basic/life threatening checks themselves or ahve another doctor in their office/clinic who is able to do it?
No. 1154171
File: 1612638673549.jpg (28.7 KB, 380x518, h1.JPG)

No. 1154489
File: 1612662504552.jpeg (239.98 KB, 1242x2132, D2BF7AB5-B6FA-4488-8D17-08B188…)

the level of delusion…
No. 1154573
File: 1612669028837.jpg (143.57 KB, 540x580, 20210206_223653.jpg)

Why do all these girls insist on ebegging fof black people
No. 1155351
File: 1612745038584.png (94.52 KB, 1279x298, 2021-02-06 19.38.23.png)

An update on Terje:
Apparently someone from the last thread said they knew her, so here was her response.
No. 1155468
>>1155351Is she still claiming to be Scandi?
I remember her posts in Norwegian and the wording was off.
No. 1155475
>>1155468I don't think she ever personally claimed to be. She mostly just ran with it when other users asked where she was from.
It also seems like she finally found out that her e-boyfriend had been cheating on her with another user all along.
No. 1155481
File: 1612753963812.jpg (88.93 KB, 1406x443, Capture.JPG)

>>1155475>She mostly just ran with itShe also goes by Terje, which is a semi-common Norwegian male name. I always figured she was a boring white American who was pretending to be Norwegian to get attention from the sea of Scandiboos on 4chan.
>It also seems like she finally found out that her e-boyfriend had been cheating on her with another user all along.Just found this. She seems pissed.
No. 1155485
File: 1612754418621.jpg (103.58 KB, 355x639, 1612733846527.jpg)

>>1155481That repressor lives in her head rent-free. It's actually been a while since I'd seen that particular anon (they coined her as "homewrecker anon") post, so I'm assuming they'd just got back from an extensive ban.
They also enjoy trolling her with photoshopped pregnancy pictures and lewd drawings. It's quite entertaining.
No. 1155503
>>1155486At first, I denied. Then, I went digging. Found the alleged dick pics.
Anon…they're Photoshopped as fuck. So obviously edited that even simps/neckbeards called it out. Why would you fall for that? She's a fakeboi from Tumblr.
No. 1155505
>>1155501Her name is Hayden Cross, and she apparently got a sperm donor online to have the baby as a single 20-year-old.
Here is an article on her if you're curious:
>I may have very mild dysphoria and would rip my skin off if I ever got one cares
No. 1155516
File: 1612757445725.png (15.9 KB, 511x159, 5756685665.png)

An unintentionally appropriate metaphor, given that it costs an additional fifty cents to use a penny press, and the penny literally becomes worthless afterward.
No. 1155562
>>1154573Because they are piggybacking off the civil rights movement , just like they leech off the progress made for gay rights. They try to draw comparisons with those movements to justify their existence when they actually have very little in common. The modern TRA movement can’t stand on it’s own so it needs to attach itself to a host all the time. Notice how they try to force BLM, gay rights and feminism to become trans-centered?
>>1155486The dick doesn’t belong to her, you idiot. The editing is also horrible on purpose. We already know what she looked like as a teen cosplayer. It’s clear you have never been with a man before.
No. 1155686
>>1155684Yeah, who do they think they are? Image board users?
No. 1155692
>>1155686this anon gets it
it's cringe when they pridefully call themselves faggots outside of 4chan because it gives them some kind of euphoria using a homophobic slur on themselves, but this…saying fag on an imageboard is what literally everyone does. gay, straight, man, woman. we do it here where we call people newfags, samefags, etc.
No. 1155701
File: 1612777330673.png (1.63 MB, 1281x814, 1612766090998.png)

Someone commented in the thread "you look like you washed your hair with bird poop".
She's been sperging at people telling her to get help for her amphetamine addiction if she's worried about repeating her last psychotic breakdown No. 1155706
>>1155692It was a joke.
Like you said, there's a big difference between using "-fag" as a suffix in board culture and running around squawking about "uwuw I'm a fag" on Twitter with your real name and face attached.
No. 1155744
File: 1612783877190.jpeg (428.21 KB, 750x1005, A0938E63-4AE2-4D93-9F4C-32E791…)

this bitch is beyond cringe
No. 1155842
File: 1612792423297.jpg (54.08 KB, 1763x181, Capture.JPG)

>>1155725>"Tweak" is more like it. Delusional.kek anon
Though she's claiming she didn't say it. She does admit she's been checking back on this thread routinely, though. HPD trannies always need to know who's talking about them.
No. 1156977
File: 1612884237802.jpg (95.14 KB, 1454x543, Capture.JPG)

>>1156029Not to sound like a whiteknight but if someone was harassing me like this I'd probably lose my cool too.
It also
does seem like
>>1155485 is talking about herself if I'mma be real. Milk is cool but vendettas are cringe.
No. 1157001
This. She has very few allies hanging around and this stuff aside has done far worse.
No. 1157218
File: 1612898118704.png (105.51 KB, 720x934, Screenshot_20210208-234350_1.p…)

No. 1157395
File: 1612913224578.png (20.3 KB, 837x252, 1612911950359.png)

>>1157390all I'm seeing is Terje telling a tranny that he shouldn't email strangers to compliment their genitals. that is kind of a gross thing to do.
I think this is better suited for the mtf thread.
No. 1157406
>>1157401>Hardly anything to call someone a creep over. That's reaching. I don't know about mtfs specifically since their entire identity seems to circulate around fetishizing female genitalia but personally I would be creeped out if someone sent me a message like this.
I really don't care either way, I'm just saying this is the fakeboi thread and you're bringing /lgbt/ tripfag drama that's unrelated to fakebois.
No. 1157421
>>1157406Terje IS the fakeboi
A very entertaining one at that.
The entire thread was pretty much confirming everything negative mentioned about him before it was nuke, but we can pretend this never happened right? I see you being one of two people from those threads both of which meet the requisites for being posted here.
No. 1157936
File: 1612965750044.jpg (30.41 KB, 470x216, twitterpost9.JPG)

Why are they so against dating bisexuals? Like…either you chase gay men and end up alone/bitching about it forever or you can choose a partner from the only group of people that's attracted to you. your choice.
No. 1157938
File: 1612965794985.jpg (61.23 KB, 1080x1176, Et3rk3TXIAMtoeS.jpg)

>>1157936Person owning this account. yeah, exactly gay mens' type, amirite?
No. 1157958
>>1157938no wonder no ones messaging her on grindr. this is literally just a butch. try like a tiny bit for fucks sake.
altough i think nothing could actually make her look good for a gay man (or anyone for the matter too). like, she shaved her fucking head and she still looks like a edgy 13 year old girl. i cant imagine a hairstyle that could help. just give it up and drop your fujoshi dreams, like its not happening for you girl.
No. 1158149
>>1157943>trans people>narcissism and entitlement Pick two.
This is true for everything. If """cis""" people don't bow to their every whim, they lose their shit and cry transphobia.
>>1157401I can't vouch whether or not that was Turd you replied to, but just because she's been posted in this thread doesn't mean other tripfags should think of lolcow as their personal army when she disagrees with you. Take it to discord.
No. 1158601
File: 1613004220648.jpg (105.76 KB, 540x455, 20210210_194312.jpg)

"they/he" "lesbian" no
No. 1158603
File: 1613004284760.jpg (263.49 KB, 538x818, 20210210_194338.jpg)

>>1158601Lotta words for "bored awkward fat white nerd girl"
No. 1158607
File: 1613004382401.jpg (124.19 KB, 540x541, 20210210_194325.jpg)

>>1158603And of course, she is a dumpy fat nerd girl.
Imagine claiming to be exclusively attracted to women but still too full of internalized misogyny to identify as one even tho u call yourself a lesbian. These girls need therapy.
No. 1159206
File: 1613075301881.png (235.11 KB, 418x504, Capture1.PNG)

What the fuck
No. 1160776
File: 1613240737958.png (509.67 KB, 760x831, Screenshot_20210213-152233.png)

This is straight up sad…they were a perfectly fine looking couple and now looks she dresses like Gibby from Icarly.
No. 1160893
File: 1613249392991.jpeg (196.58 KB, 828x728, C7BC4F09-8CB2-4280-893A-88DF43…)

great shes gonna photoshop a new dick over her cunt for internet clout
No. 1161395
File: 1613308692760.jpeg (1.19 MB, 828x1488, BF756FFB-5FFB-480D-9A22-3EBA18…)

ah yes… totally a boy…
No. 1161458
File: 1613319684440.jpeg (789.79 KB, 1170x1802, 2542A80E-DC00-43A7-8977-B630A4…)

>>1160844The heritability of GERD is 30-40% and I unfortunately won that genetic raffle.
No. 1161708
>>1161395So now that she's on testosterone and gotten mastectomy she's going full on girl mode? Why the fuck does this happen every time? Like half a year after getting the tit snip they always start presenting as fully female
but a boi! with a full on coomer pandering e-thot look.
No. 1162225
File: 1613403898159.jpg (549.89 KB, 1242x969, 1613393349257.jpg)

>>1161933Another anon posted this in the mtf thread. This tweet is by a male troon so even they notice it.
No. 1162284
>>1161933>>1162225I mean anime and vidya makes troons in general
Japanese media is just autism incarnate
No. 1162309
>>1162284Not Japanese media in general, but specifically Otaku culture. Even in Japan– perhaps
especially in Japan– anime is for losers.
No. 1162325
File: 1613415448488.jpg (287.67 KB, 828x809, 20210215_135806.jpg)

why are fat white girls like this
No. 1162327
File: 1613415692801.jpg (Spoiler Image,39 KB, 773x683, makeout.jpg)

>>1162325Of course she has to post pics of her sad udders. So masculine
No. 1162422
>>1162325radical self love is deciding your body is a they/he because you're too ugly and insecure to be a she/her.
you sure showed society.
No. 1162546
File: 1613435573574.jpg (107.49 KB, 535x509, 20210215_193220.jpg)

"it/ey/he" imagine preferring to be called "it" than she
No. 1162962
File: 1613489663447.jpg (28.72 KB, 604x268, lol.JPG)

Another fakeboi complaining how evil fujos hurt poor gay men
No. 1163023
>>1162962Fakeboys are truly delusional thinking that fujo's fantasies involve women with chopped off tits lmao
I legit have never seen an actual gay man crying about fujos it's always a fakeboy. It can be safely used as a gender marker
No. 1163027
File: 1613495229907.png (205.93 KB, 720x1218, Screenshot_20210216-220520.png)

>>1162962>>1163023Kek, just look at the replies, actual gay and bi men saying they have literally no issue with yaoi or Bl
No. 1163037
>>1162823Agree. Most of these people are performing peak consumerism and it's every level of pathetic to act like they're ~fighting against evil capitalism~ when they're doing nothing but consooming whatever mass manufactured pop culture ideal is put in front of them.
>>1162962>>1163027Sometimes I'd love to see all the woke TRA fujos squirm when trying to debate tweets like this. Like I don't believe for a hot second that they see these crazy fucks as "legitimate gay men" and instead are well aware that they're women but can't deny them their "gender identity" or "
valid experience as a gay dude" in fear of being called out as transphobes. At least I can hope plenty of them peak this way.
No. 1163161
>>1162962Honestly it seems like old-school fujos are more chill these days, the really annoying ones you have to watch out for are the ones in denial who now feel entitled to shove their gross porn in your face. Why else do they feel the need to keep sperging about ebil fujoshis when they have the same attitude people hated fujos for in the first place?
>>1163027The mental image of some delusional fakeboi getting told to sit the fuck down by a gay man is really funny to me.
No. 1163167
>>1163161Yep, 15 years ago the "anti-fujo" girls would be the ones smacking strangers on the asses with yaoi paddles and other infamously awful fujo behavior. The fujos that are honest about what they are tend to be pretty chill and older. The badly behaved creepy weebs are all fakebois and genderspecials now.
Pretty sure Japan has little tolerance for troon shit and that's why you don't see Japanese girls trooning out.
No. 1163390
>>1163377Both sides are fairly regarded though, fakeboism is just the end result of fujoshi brain rot and degeneracy
I mean Japan has more FTMs then MTFs and you know bl plays a part
No. 1163400
File: 1613529051599.jpg (365.55 KB, 1840x2048, ETv1WzWXYAYG3Te.jpg)

>>1141449WAY LATE but i was scrolling through and recognized this person. ive followed her for years because i liked her art (liked is a key word). she glorifies the shit out of self harm, it's featured in all of her art one way or another. its unsurprising that she does even more attention seeking shit like this
it's also really fucking funny to me that she's this far gone, done this much damage to her body, just to wind up looking like quinton reviews
No. 1164359
>>1162546Oh honey you need more than a a haircut.
>>1162962The projection is real lmao. I bet you a large amount of ex-fujoshis have tried to explain and rationalise their obsession for gay men by deciding they are in fact gay men themselves. That way, whenever someone makes fun of them they can cry "transphobia!!1!1!" and get everyone to kiss their little oppressed ass.
No. 1165673
>>1163647Hate women, absolutely. Internalized misogyny has been one of the biggest reasons girls become fakebois since day one. Even way back when you had Kazakai being a raging misogynist in between insisting she was a kawaii yaoi boy.
I've some of the really SJWy ones hate on men, but it always seems like they're just parroting bog standard woke shit. I do think a lot of them are afraid of men though, which is why it's somewhat uncommon for them to pester actual gay men.
No. 1165710
>>1162962damn if you check her replies its basically other fujos telling her to shut up
>>1163027They're all fakeboys too, gay men aren't replying to her. They're self aware to know that they themselves are just advanced fujos so when they see someone criticizing fujos it hits them personally
No. 1166052
File: 1613797460203.jpg (10.63 MB, 1448x22684, aap comic.jpg)

It's okay to be an autoandrophile if you make a pretentious comic about how you imagine you had a cock while jerking off No. 1166509
File: 1613807947028.jpeg (64.35 KB, 1285x204, B33FA585-C6D2-4A91-86A5-C13F8D…)

>>1166052Lmao,the comment before she posted before that
No. 1166555
>>1166052The internalised misogyny in this comic is astounding. She says she wants to be allowed to take, allowed to have a normal life and good sex.
Hinestly I get it, as you get older, you get more and more screwed over because you're female. It's depressing as fuck though.
No. 1166568
File: 1613811185490.jpg (3.29 MB, 3264x2691, BeFunky-collage (4).jpg)

>>1166052what she looks like and her boyfriend for three years
No. 1166603
File: 1613814120437.png (218.56 KB, 936x340, hiokve1.png)

>>1166052Oh no, pelvic floor muscles. God, this and the fucking pussy void panel where she describes being referred to as "she/her" like it's some sort of insult have me rolling.
It's irritating how she writes being female out to be some horrible thing. Fuck off, you literally make it that way for yourself by living a life of depressing, lame sex and refusing to ever satisfy or stand up for yourself. Your body was never the problem, but your brainrot is. This person would be just as retarded and sad with a meat stick, if not more. Then we'd just have a comic about how women have it so easy because "I dream about escaping the suffocating grip of my foreskin and torturous testicles".
No. 1166606
>>1166568She looks very bland. No wonder she opted for fakeboi attention seeking.
To quote Naomi Campbell:
"She's just a bitch with a face"
No. 1166620
>>1166603Not trying to wk because the comic is insane regardless but based on how she words the line about her pelvic floor muscles I think she's talking about having vaginismus which makes sex painful/impossible due to muscle spasms. I can't imagine the anguish having this would cause but I can see how it could lead to hating one's own womanhood.
It's really fucking sad because I honestly like the style and presentation of her comic, it's refreshing and original. And there are things you can do to help vaginismus but our culture has led her to fixate on an impossible fantasy solution instead…
No. 1166701
>>1166052>"10 filipino comics you need to read right now>And i'll still be called a she or a her in the profile>A ma'am and miss in the comments."Wow, lol, I mean if you don't want to be misgendered then don't post your face when you look like a generic straight girl and don't make comics about your pussy.
Gee why they are always like that
No. 1166725
>>1166052Yeesh. About 10 years ago I suffered from a health problem that caused me debilitating vaginal pain, and it fucked my sex life up for many years. At the time I definitely imagined it would be better to as a man and have a penis. But I eventually got physical and mental health treatment, and I'm much better now. I hope this girl can get help as well so she can learn to be comfortable with her body.
I could see an anorexic easily making the same type of comic, except it'd be about her fat thighs and stomach instead of wanting a dick. A psychiatrist would never tell an anorexic "You're right, you are too fat, let's get you signed up for diet pills and liposuction" yet psychiatrists regularly give FTMs as young as 15 access to testosterone and breast removal surgery. It's so sad.
(nobody cares) No. 1166833
>>1166052Ugh. So you want to have sex "like a guy", has nobody told you that pegging is a thing? You have a fetish, just own it + get on with your life.
I think the reason most dick-fetishizing fakebois get stuck in a body-hating spiral is because they are so poisoned with vast amounts of internalized misogyny that they can't bear the thought of "uhhh buying and wearing a strap-on", because only
girls do that, ewww gross. Breaking news: your kink + your misogyny do not make you a man.
>>1166620Maybe I'm retarded, but isn't vaginismus sometimes a psychological thing? Trauma/anxiety/whatever makes the muscles tense up. And there's things you can do aside from penetration.
No. 1167022
File: 1613879634782.jpg (155.72 KB, 539x539, 20210220_225212.jpg)

#mlmartists more like taco party of girls whose art all looks the same
No. 1167023
File: 1613879688807.jpeg (716.2 KB, 2048x1499, EuoETqdXAAAPGzI.jpeg)

>>1167022I like how even in a drawing she has her boobs out
No. 1167168
File: 1613892824473.jpg (2.77 MB, 3264x2350, BeFunky-collage (5).jpg)

i scrolled my twitter page for the first in a long time and saw this
No. 1167190
File: 1613896414150.png (27.03 KB, 1161x163, Screenshot_20210221-092142~2.p…)

>>1167022you mean hello fellow straight girls
No. 1167317
File: 1613920180343.png (3.9 MB, 828x1792, BC65D2E6-0AB6-425B-8F61-FA7685…)

Found this in the wild and felt it would be appropriate here
No. 1167319
File: 1613920280767.jpeg (51.93 KB, 815x295, 1B84353E-C097-41D4-BAB1-377D82…)

She is onto something here kek
No. 1167353
>>1167317How are you a they/them "cherrybomb"
It isn't just a cute phrase
No. 1167548
>>1167022"MLM" is just a dog whistle for troons at this point. No actual gay men use that acronym.
>>1167168I came across this creature a while ago and is she actually Japanese? She's located in Australia, speaks native level English without an accent and even the Ko-Fi currency is AUD so that makes me a bit suspicious. So many people love to larp as Japanese that anyone who's currently not located there and tweets mostly in English
triggers my bullshit alarm.
No. 1167565
File: 1613941810038.png (38.46 KB, 600x324, google translate-jin.png)

>>1167556Samefag from
>>1167548 because I actually went to research her account. The rare times she actually tweets in Japanese her grammar is absolute garbage and very obviously Google translated straight from English. So in conclusion it's not an actual Japanese person, at least far from "bilingual", just some Australian larping as one. Pic related, this is 100% machine translated. The most embarrassing thing is that it's not the first or the last person I see doing this while claiming to be a "trans nonbinary totally authentic nipponese person", I guess they just think nobody would find out?
No. 1167852
File: 1613975527592.png (31.61 KB, 600x265, tumblr_037774d8ae6fddf688dbed2…)

>>1160776Saged for late, but imagine earnestly posting this peek into your revolutionary kweer relationship.
No. 1167854
>>1167828I think it’s honestly way more common for girls because of that. I feel like the common denominator is young girls drawn to internet who can’t cope with their sexualised body.
Online 15 years ago, I was pretending to be a boy (to play on mmorpgs, to join online comics groups, etc). I was treated way better that way and didn’t have to cope with a weird body transitioning through puberty that was a constant source of mockery from school boys.
Nowadays most trans kids are young girls, which isn’t really weird when you see how young kids are sexualised. Whether you want it or not, people will catcall you on the streets as young as 10. It doesn’t surprise me one bit that TIFS and Enbies suddenly feel ok being hyper sexual or putting their body on display once they convince themselves that they’re not women anymore.
Thankfully for 90s kids, we didn’t commit to our fake online persona and the trans cult was not as deep. I just kinda grew out of this one day and there’s no major record of my old online boy persona, nobody saw me as a traitor for giving that up.
No. 1168106
>>1167852im struggling to understand the term transphobic. it’s transphobic to assumed a transitioned person is the same gender they were before. but it’s also transphobic to assume your transitioned partner is the gender they want to be???
like what she described is misogynistic which would be validating to a mtf I thought? I’m so confused.
No. 1168251
File: 1614033890238.jpeg (626.24 KB, 750x1196, CE22828F-F582-4368-9047-718D4B…)

I keep getting this ad on tumblr. This should be the spokeswoman for the dangers of testosterone
No. 1168448
File: 1614056155072.jpeg (1.12 MB, 1242x1854, BD0899D6-9D31-47A7-9788-4D0ECE…)

>pregnant "guy"
>in comments she clarifies she's never been on testosterone
Apparently even if you get pregnant and you look and sound like a regular fat dyke whilst doing so, you are still a man if you say so.
No. 1168770
File: 1614103343478.png (Spoiler Image,1.26 MB, 1206x1216, eqf.png)

>i so pale
No. 1168917
File: 1614117693976.jpg (123.3 KB, 533x556, 20210223_165927.jpg)

"they/them" girl this your pinned tweet
No. 1169413
File: 1614178945118.png (Spoiler Image,84.09 KB, 198x266, tumblr_inline_ph4i0uko1s1qibp0…)

the fate of a frankendick
No. 1169557
File: 1614191087773.jpg (272.26 KB, 1080x1128, Screenshot_20210224-102008_Chr…)

No. 1169770
>>1168965FTM surgery look way more botched but MTF surgery would look the same if it wasn’t hidden inside the body.
If you compare a normal healthy vagina and uterus it’s so different and more complex than whatever pocket hole with limited depth they create. And the fake labias are often horrendous too. So sure it might look sometimes ok from afar, in the dark, with their legs closed, but all in all it’s the same botched thing.
At least some FTM keep their original vagina sometimes so I hope they can undo the fake dick thing with minimal damage to their original organs.
No. 1170158
>>1170061Its a full thickness skin graft. Pinch your forearm between your fingers and look how much gets pulled away thickness wise. Now double that thickness, because they make a tube with it, and that's where the "girth" comes from. If you're talking about the urethra, they delaminate skin from the same area and wrap it with the outer skin.
The surgery as a whole is incredibly interesting, just comes out looking tragic as fuck in most situations.
No. 1170535
File: 1614295586635.jpg (Spoiler Image,577.27 KB, 4032x3024, whygodwhy.jpg)

I went through a fakeboi phase many years ago, but even at the height of my insanity I never wanted one of these surgical frankendicks like picrel. Who wants to pay five figures for a "dick" that needs to be inflated like a balloon animal, likely has no sensation,
and has hair growing over the entire thing? Not to mention the arm/leg scars and the massive risk of complications. All that for a result that looks less realistic than a high-end dildo.
>>1170061>>1170158Sometimes they use a graft from inside the mouth for the urethra, I think. Different techniques.
>>1170298Yeah, I was thinking that surgeons must have done actual reconstructions for dickless men in the past. Kind of a shocker that surgical techniques aren't any more sophisticated than this.
No. 1170576
>>1170535jesus h christ.
How do people do this to themselves and then think a cis person is going to want to fuck them.
"oh wait, baby, I gotta blood pressure pump my dick real quick"
No. 1170659
File: 1614303055536.png (405.74 KB, 1048x1660, redpill.png)

No. 1170743
File: 1614308512146.png (2.66 MB, 2080x1292, pregfakeboi.png)

Old news but pregnant fakeboi posts on r/malefashion. Most of the comments are simps telling her she's cool and the mods deleted all the comments asking why's a pregnant chick posting on a male sub. She constantly posts there, at first I was wondering whether she was just a mtf but her body gave her away even if her face is mannish
Its not surprising since r/malefashion has a lot of queer lefty guys posting on there. However one thing that's interesting is that most male orientated fashion subs have gotten overrun by women or fakebois, like 3 years ago on r/streetwear there were girls but they were a minority. Now most posts are women and fakebois.
No. 1170753
>>1170743is this really a fakeboi?? she posts about being a woman on ig, and malefashion allows non-male posters.
femalefashionadvice is full of chicks who don't really pay attention to fashion and mostly wear greige sackcloth jumpsuits, crossposters from redpillwomen, and "traditional femininity" related subs, so people who arent into that post on malefashion instead
No. 1170772
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>>1170768Actually it was a promo, but yeah that was her pronouns at the time.
No. 1170810
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twinfools, a cosplayer, have come out and transition as a man before the fakeboi craze so i kinda forgive them for seeing themselves as the opposite sex. however, i still think their presence would justify fakebois from pursuing what they have done to their body, especially since they have done phallo either 2019/2020.
his transition was decent, imo, as well.
No. 1170860
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Totally not a fetish or mental illness
No. 1170939
>>1170860Please keep us updated for the regret
>>1170810I remember twinfools even when I discovered her ~2011 she was already presenting as a boy, but looking at her recent pictures she's still kinda butchy. She's doing a lot of (trans) activism so you're right about this point actually.
No. 1170970
>>1170810hold up. they don’t even pee through the frankendick? so they can’t orgasm (i’m assuming it’s the same as mtf), they can’t pee through it, and they get huge nasty scars on their forearms from the skin graft.
what even is this surgery? this is lobotomy level medical fuckery.
No. 1171881
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>>1169419I know we all like to point and laugh but this person's blog posts really made me sad. They got duped by doctors who told them complication rates were 5% when they're actually 50-60% and by a community who told them all frankendicks are perfect uwu – and ended up with a rotting meatsock, PTSD, thousands of dollars spent in aftercare and further surgeries, and no sex life whatsoever. This is the reality of transition and it breaks my heart that women get deceived into doing this shit to their body.
No. 1172053
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No. 1173149
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>>1173134I barely knew of this girl but it was so easy to find YEARS of photos and discussion about her in /r9k/ .The simps there followed her far more obsessively than anyone here would care to. Her attempts at erasing her online history are bizarre.
An interesting post I found in one of the numerous threads about her. They claim she is a spoiled daughter of a rich, white-passing Mexican family? The year this was posted, she started becoming more SJW online and adopted they/them pronouns. It seems like there was backlash from her orbiters and she had to find a new gimmick. Her/her friends constantly report Twitter comments pointing out she’s not cis while trying to spread her hideous pictures as a “real life trap”.
No. 1173233
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Decided to do a little experiment and its exactly how I thought it would be, like 90% Aidens
No. 1173340
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It's so weird to find straight women who write shit like that. You were nerver "gay". This is your brain on yaoi.
No. 1173350
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>>1173340Kinda related, look up nblm or n-blm which stand for non binary Male loving male, Its not even just "heterosexuality with extra steps" its "heterosexuality with a single half step"
No. 1173362
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>>1173352You mean this one, its my personal favorites and the fact she was around her 30's when she made this really is the cheery on top
No. 1173661
>>1170810>Behind the scrotumMedieval butchery. How anyone willingly goes through with this is beyond me.
>>1173381>>1173396Basically this. A lot of fakebois are autistic (like literally, not as a derogatory insult) and are easily manipulated and have severe trouble mentalization or figuring out their own motivations. There is a ton of research on the subject of transgenderism being linked to autism but since this isn't the GC thread I won't go into medfagging about it. But bottom line plenty of them think a genre created mostly by women to other women to offer a safe escape from their daily sexualization, harassment and objectification means they're actually, physically gay men.
The current ultrawoke "if you're a cis woman and like BL you're literally killing gay people" mindset enforced by other brainwashed not-like-other-fujos makes them submit, as nobody wants to be a bigot. Or a woman to begin with, since you'll always have the losing hand in everything.
No. 1173704
>>1173381I had a super-long talk with an old friend this past weekend on this exact topic. We're both lesbian fujoshi and have seen countless other fujos turn into fakebois.
Like other commenters are saying, IMO it all comes down to internalized misogyny. Young girls tend to be ashamed of just being female, and especially of having sexual desires while female. BL/yaoi appeals by offering a good way to get off while avoiding anything that could
trigger one's internalized misogyny; notice how female characters are pretty much 100% absent from BL, even as non-sexual side characters. That's on purpose, to make sure that readers never confront anything that reminds them of the stuff they hate about themselves.
But most people aren't content to just read/watch voyeuristic porn forever. At some point they want to have sex themselves…but trying to accept themselves as sexual beings necessarily forces these girls to confront their fucked-up beliefs about women. This is a painful process that most people would rather avoid, but up until the early 2000's there wasn't any popular way
to avoid it, so older fujos had no choice but to work through it.
But now that trooning out has become mainstream and trendy, there's an escape! Just label those icky feelings "dysphoria" and start your transition, and you'll never have to confront how much it sucks to be female in a patriarchal society. /s
>>1173661Pretty much this. Internalized misogyny is why we have brigades of "trans mlm" telling other, less-delusional fujos to stop "fetishizing them" by enjoying yaoi. Yaoi/BL has always a female hobby, and this knowledge makes fakebois deeply uncomfortable, so they want to stop all the other girls from openly enjoying it. The attempted guilt-tripping really shows you how fakebois never got over their own shame at liking the stuff.
As if BL readers would fetishize dickless, balding Ayydens. Kek No. 1173832
>>1173704why are there so many lesbian fujoshi? hell i've been one for years and it doesn't make sense to me
do you read the porn too or are you just a pure-hearted romance type
No. 1173862
>>1173832lol, ikr? And I'm into BL for the smut personally.
I think so many of us are into BL because most yuri/Girls' Love content is unrelatable. I'm not into "innocent chaste schoolgirl romance uwu" or porn featuring hypersexualized lolis with gag boobs, and that eliminates like 99% of yuri out there. The vast majority of the gay content drawn/written by women, for women, is BL.
No. 1173937
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>>1173832Because a lot of yaoi has guys that look more like girls, has no male gaze and is usually more emotional based over anything else (at least the popular ones).
Personally I’m a bisexual fujo but I hope this kind of sums it up?
No. 1173962
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Fujoshi to Aiden pipeline in action. OP implies that you're only allowed to like BL if you're not straight, so basically… women aren't allowed to like things for sexual reasons. If you have a vagina and like BL, they will harass you until/unless you chops your tits off, basically.
Meanwhile, crickets on the droves of straight men jerking it to lesbians.
No. 1173985
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>>1173937>>1173862maybe so
it's just an interesting fact to me. i've seen it pop up in a few yuri manga (written by female authors, this is from:
No. 1174064
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>>1173149family pics are easy enough to find via facebook, the 4chan description is spot on. she seemed to have a cushy homelife and an rich/artsy/eccentric family from what i saw on there. no way they didnt accept her as a lesbian. if she really quit school, trooning out is such a weird life choice for her considering her "career". if she really wanted to sit back and rake in simpbux for a living, why work against what they want. i just dont get it. is it middle child syndrome? shes like the emo version of belle delphine and im curious to see what happens when they both inevitably age out of favor with their fans and find themselves with no skills or education to fall back on
No. 1174065
>>1173704It's really no coincidence that the most hardcore fakebois are
always from some bible thumping conservative family or environment that hates homosexuals and thinks women are made to serve men. When your sexuality awakens and you want to experiment in such a world you still think your only option is to date men. Even if you're not a lesbian horrified by the thought you still know it would mean abandoning your own needs and aspirations to lick scrote boots and bear children. Of course you decide becoming a man yourself is a good way out of it.
>>1173715Critical voices are silenced immediately. You see all these influencers who take a microscopical amount of T (or lie about taking it) and claim to have an ottermode body with chiseled faces simply by the magic of HRT that turned them into elven princes despite all of it being angles, photoshop and filters. They don't talk about losing their hair, going through severe cystic acne breakouts, voice sounding like a chainsmoking 50-year old woman instead of a man etc. How are they supposed to figure out that you're probably being sold snake oil to?
>>1174023Troonism is a pretty western concept. Japan has the traditional Asian "a nail that sticks out gets hammered down" mentality so attracting attention to yourself like a lot of narcissistic western troons do would be considered losing face. Plus liking BL there is traditionally pretty much synonymous with "you're a lesbian" so it's not like they need to do all these stupid mental gymnastics about how they're actually a gay man who's only attracted to other trans gay men but totally not lesbians ew.
No. 1175944
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>Reading Code:Realize as Queer Allegory>Yet it spoke to me, an enby transgender man>Written by Naomi "Bez" Norbez |Who would have thought that a game written with female audiences in mind would resonate with a woman? Shocking!!!
You can always count on AnimeFeminist to deliver the cringe.
Link in case someone wants to read the article No. 1175972
>>1175944oh nooo C;R is one of my favourite games and now it's suddenly an Aiden allegory?
The protagonist is a
homunculus who carries a bomb in her chest designed to destroy an entire country, can poison anyone just by touch or if they stay on their proximity without ventilation for a while, was modeled after a dead girl and has never felt human affection before the game starts is totes the same as being an Aiden on Twitter. Holy shit just enjoy the game and please no one tell her about Hakuoki where the protagonist crossdresses
sage for useless otomege knowledge
No. 1176450
>>1168965There's a reason that surgeons say "it's easier to dig a hole than build a pole".
Anyway, question. The MTF thread has regular posts from r/mypartneristrans, where handmaiden wives post about their husbands trooning out. Many seem to stay way longer than seems reasonable. Are there any sex-flipped versions of the same phenomenon? Or do dudes always leave when their girlfriend starts taking T? I know a fair number of guys are willing to be "gay" as long the fakeboi stuff stays fake.
No. 1176461
>>1176364I hear you, anon. I live in a somewhat liberal area and have an undercut + dyed hair (dark red, not pastel) and sometimes I do worry about being marked as some sort of dangerhair fakeboi, esp since I don't dress femme. But having my gf with me makes it more obvious that I'm just a lez, I think. And anyway I wish there were more women out there rocking some of these styles
without all the gender stupidity that comes with fakeboy-ism.
>>1176450It's really rare that the guy stays after the girl starts on T. Many leave as soon as she says she's gonna start. Most scrotes aren't even willing to pretend to be "gay" either; you hear lots of fakebois complaining that their boyfriends won't switch pronouns, won't use their new name, keep referring to them as a "girlfriend", etc.
(Blogposting) No. 1176751
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what’s your fakeboi situation like in your country? (outside the usa)
No. 1176798
>>1176751They're all cosplayfags in a lesbian relationship (usually the gf ends up id as non binary).
I only saw one irl in a Uniqlo store (dyed blue hair) returning a bra sport she probably wanted to use as a binder
No. 1176808
>>1176791this one tries to skinwalk jungkook or whatever his name is. I have only guessed she might be a fakeboi because of the overlap with kpop and becoming the boyfriend ect. It just seems a bit autoandrophillic. I think people who hang out on this thread would know that.
Gnc women usually just dress in unisex clothing and often have short or unfussy hairstyles. They don't actively try and look like or skinwalk men.
No. 1176868
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No. 1176973
>>1176868why is it always a moustache. the first thing they do is grow out body hair then lop off their tits. it feels less like seeming masculine and just making themselves as unattractive as possible.
like good job sis. you’re a doughy boy with a pubey stache.
No. 1176999
>>1176751Canadian here and we're cucked backwards by troons. I graduated HS in 2012 and most of my old friends trooned out and the one who didn't married a fakeboi (they're divorced now kek).
It's also illegal now to misgender someone and you can be dragged online for "twansphobia". I hate it here and I can't wait to leave.
No. 1177086
>>1176751Wales (England, same laws)
Sperging teen gets criminal record for
triggering troon police halfling. No. 1177160
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Seen in the wild(emoji)
No. 1177268
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>>1177086>A teenager has been fined for abusing a transgender police community support officer by yelling: ”Is it a boy or is it a girl?”
>The teenager, 19, was ordered to pay £590 at Mold Magistrates’ Court on…You can’t make this shit up…
No. 1177876
File: 1615057448780.png (Spoiler Image,678.91 KB, 800x978, kjn1.png)

This may be the worst thing I've ever seen regarding this topic. This is genuinely fucking evil. explain to me how it's not child abuse or mutilation. What kind of surgeon or parent would do this?
No. 1177890
>>1177876It's just some picture with no context.
If it really was a 13 year old then 'medically indicated' could mean extremely high genetic risk of breast cancer or actually having it. Learn to think more critically.
No. 1177915
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>>1177890Did you actually click the link/read the replies? replies were saying it was there under the "top surgery reveal" tag on TikTok, and this was the source, but it's private now: No. 1177916
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>>1177915Samefagging because people also ID'd the doctor. He specializes in transgender surgery. Also, the bio on @n1co_th3_bull's profile apparently read "13/TX" before they removed it and locked their account.
No. 1177918
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>>1177916Samefagging again. Googled the username and got all this in the image results, proving it's the same user.
>dysphoriaaway HashtagSo…no, I don't think this is breast cancer or a midget. Looks like things have just reached peak hellworld in the US.
No. 1178868
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Why does it feel like every Fakeboi wraps back around to being hyper feminine, they go through all the effort of transitioning just to call themselves femboys in the end No. 1178877
>>1178868the only femboys I see are asian boys who are 16-25 years old. Most are in porn and half transition to female.
Other than that small percentage all other "femboys" are delusional ugly men dressing like toddlers in thigh highs or girls who are too ugly/insecure to compete with other women.
No. 1179146
>>1178868Literally what even is this reality, like I'm struggling to understand the mindset you need for this
So she likes certain feminine aesthetics, there's nothing wrong with that, why does she feel the need to identify as a cross dressing underage boy, what even is this reality
No. 1179151
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>>1178870She really copied My Lesbian Experience With Loneliness, huh? Shameful.
No. 1179155
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>>1179149From Google, again. Image for ants, but you can see "13/TX" in the user's bio from before they locked it.
They also look like a typical chubby 13 year old to me.
No. 1179194
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>>1178868she's literally just a normal girl I'm kms
No. 1179389
>>1178868so she rejected dresses because she rejected being a girl and now that she doesn't use she/her pronouns anymore she…circles back to just being a girl?
and we're just supposed to think this is totally
valid and not at all a mental issue? bitch
No. 1179924
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We cant even have a day
No. 1180274
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Because you are women with vaginas
No. 1180522
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a she/they reflects on how the very existence of women is actually patriarchal and racist on this International Women's Day, underlines mine
No. 1181294
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>>1147877>>1150640>>1151434Old posts, I know, but I guess it's time to dig up pics of Albanian burrneshas: Women who pledged celibacy to live as men in a patriarchal society.
It's not really a thing anymore (some still dress up for tourists), but it used to be both, a subversive but deeply oppressive system. Sadly, western journalists turned it into
>omg look at Albanians destroying gender norms for centurieswhen that's not the case at all. Albanian patriarchy is so extreme that they
had to give up their lives as women and their sexuality to gain some freedom.
No. 1181323
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>>1181294It seems that this ~enlightened
PoC third gender~ nonsense happens exclusively in cultures with extremely rigid (and female-oppressive) gender roles to the point where GNC people are just placed into another rigid and usually less dignified 'male' or 'female' category. There's a great article from a native author dunking on the new concept of 'two-spirit' for these reasons, but I can't remember where to find it.
No. 1182168
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yes. i'm sure you only relate more to women because you are simply not macho. absolutely "king"
No. 1182172
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samefag and sage for blogpost but when i trooned out (desisted before T thankfully) i relished in the fact that i didn't feel pressured to wear make-up at all as it's something that i was never interested in spending all my money on. imagine being affected by both trans and beauty industry propaganda. now you have to pay for hormones AND hundreds of dollars worth of makeup to feel comfortable in your own skin for the rest of your life. congrats!
No. 1182377
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I want to know how this person thinks
No. 1182513
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No. 1182639
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>>1182531The ~trans mlm femboi~ ones really set off my bullshit detector. I don't understand the girls who want to be hairy bearded lumberjacks (fetish? autoandrophilia?) but the ones who want to LARP as girly anime ukes are transparent as fuck. Especially the ones who keep wearing skirts and makeup and expect you to believe that they're "crossdressing". Why yes, I too would like to magically acquire male privilege, stop hetero dudes from sexualizing me, and generally get taken more seriously by society, all without having to change
anything about my clothes or body. Just slap on a pronoun pin and you're done!
Except that's not how society works. Nobody is going to look at a girl in a dress and and go "hmm, my psychic powers tell me that she thinks she's a guy, better treat her like one." At least male trannies are usually out there wearing female clothing, so there's some visual hint that the person wants you to read them as female.
Picrel, the "ftmfemininity" subreddit is full of pics like this. Yes, you're supposed to pretend this person is a boy.
No. 1182649
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>>1182639Samefag but this shit almost makes sense as some sort of elaborate cope. Sure, nobody IRL is going to read them as male, but their internet hugboxes will reinforce their fantasy of being a faaabulous gay male drag queen instead of a boring straight girl in basic girl clothes, and maybe that's enough to keep them going. I stg what so many of them think is "dysphoria" is just their internalized misogyny.
Back in the olden days we just RPed as yaoi dudes online, same deal tbhAnd then they get out in the real world and realize nobody wants to cater to their delusions, nobody will treat them like a dude unless they actually pass for one, so they have to jump on hormones to keep living the fantasy. And it's clear that so many fakebois don't want to actually
look like men, just be treated like one. I think for some of them the makeup/skirts/long hair really come into play when they realize they're losing their feminine looks thanks to T and start freaking out.
No. 1183718
>>1178868>>1178870It's sad. They feel objectified and sexualized which drives them to troon out and become men, and once they're settled in with their new identity and mentally distanced themselves from "being women" they're now free to explore their sexuality and feminine styles they always wanted to wear without the danger of being objectified like a woman, and instead be glorified like a man. Then they have this whole horseshoe hoop ripping their cognitive dissonance at the seams. Happens all the time. The people who claim women are fully sexually liberated in this day and age don't even realize how wrong they are because if women really had sexual autonomy, shit like this wouldn't happen.
Like compare their situation to any popular male femboy. Even the milkiest maleslut cow will never have to deal with such roasting and constant ripping apart regarding his looks like a female thot would. He can walk away from the screen and just be turned on by rape threats and sleazy messages while a woman is much more likely to be assaulted and she knows it.
No. 1184118
>>1182832you probably can't tell a TRA from a
TERF if you think trannies are the same ones behind superstraight/agree with it. literally any google search of superstraight is filled with 1000s of retweets by now from any lgbt person with internet access ever calling out how it's a 4chan dogwhistle sockpuppet psyop or whatever new flavor of the week it is to troll the lgbts
if you're going to make a facetious point at least understand that the ideology in context is legit the opposite of the people behind shit like clovergender and superstraight, things literally made to make genderspecials piss their pants and cry over fake outrage.
No. 1185144
>>1185123They may have angrily vagueposted about it on social media afterwards but most of these girls would never dare to confront someone in real life.
The only gender-neutral pronoun in my language is extremely archaic and sounds very silly when used in a modern context. Online, many NBs will insist on everyone using it (or some neopronoun) anyway but in real life they’re suddenly fine with she/her again. They know nobody’s going to humour them then so they don’t even bother asking.
No. 1185453
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This is the world we live in now.
No. 1185895
>>1178870>>1178868i kind of understand what she's saying here (gonna be ascribing to her trans fantasy too, to try and make it easier to understand – i don't agree of course but anyway). basically "he's" trying to mimic what actual gnc men feel: they want to wear dresses and stuff while retaining the fact that they're men, similar to how i'm butch, but obviously still a woman.
in her case, it's "extra difficult" though, because "he" was born a woman and became a man. "he's" addressing and crying over what some people in this thread are questioning: why even transition into a man if you're still going to act feminine and wear feminine things; femininity was never gated off to you!
No. 1185950
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>With deep respect for those who came before me, gratitude for those who have supported me & great concern for the generation of trans youth we must all protect, please join me and decry anti-trans legislation, hate & discrimination in all its forms.> a time to be alive, she transitioned into short hair
No. 1185968
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>>1185962Who wore it better?
No. 1185981
>>1185950>>1185968still looks like a lesbian woman
No. 1185983
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>>1185976The article truly hits all the notes
>they cut my hair and I liked it, so I knew I was a boy>I knew it all of my life>I was uncomfortable with directors sexulizing me and made less revealing clothing one of my conditions for roles, because I was a man deep insideShe also got top surgery already by the time she first came out
No. 1185986
>>1185950>>1185983She looks like Tobey Maguire's Peter Parker jfc. The Spider-Man 3 meme version.
Also my god I can't believe people will still write this shit out without realizing how regressive it sounds. "I hated directors sexualizing me and was a lesbian, therefore I'm a man inside", I'm so sick of this.
No. 1185992
>>1185950He truly looks miserable. It kind of makes me feel bad for him. Wonder if he has some kind of substance abuse problem.
Maybe that’s why I’m being generous with pronouns..
No. 1185996
>>1185983She is so full of shit
I bet you she knows deep down what it is but wants to go the troon route for attention
No. 1186005
>>1185950I'm genuinely trying so hard not to read into this but she looks absolutely miserable.
>>1185968 And here she just looks sickly, like a cancer patient. And to add to all that she got surgery
before coming out. This all makes me so sad, I feel bad for her but also slightly disgusted. The pressure butches go through these days to transition is insane and she wasn't particularly butch to begin with, just kinda tomboyish.
No. 1186013
>>1185983Sometimes I wonder if she trooned out to gain some autonomy back. I feel like she may have not wanted to be sexualized anymore. She played Juno, a pregnant teen, and in Hard Candy, she had the upperhand but was still being targeted by a predator. In Beyond Two Souls, a video game, Ellen tried suing them for making a naked model of her body and using it in a shower scene. She also accused the creators of another video game called "The Last of Us" for ripping of her image. Not sure if anyone has anything else to add, there could be more examples I'm unaware of.
I also wonder why she came out as "gay" publicly, if she always knew she was a man. By "gay" whe clearly meant lesbian since she began dating women.
It all seems like she's struggling with mental illness and trying to gain autonomy for herself. Hollywood has proved to be a fucked up place so I can only wonder what made her take extreme actions to mutilate her body for male privilege.
No. 1186143
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>>1185983Burn Gorman looking ass
No. 1186172
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the detrans women weighing in. a bold take in a sea of “elliot page is hot”
No. 1186175
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>>1186172i love this song. it’s shitty these women were forced into transitioning but i love that they can’t be called TERFs cause they’ve first hand experience.
No. 1186180
>>1185950Uggghhh please. "I hated all the forced-feminization and sexualization I endured as a kid/teen/young adult, therefore I'm really male." It's always the exact same shit. The only girls who
don't have this kind of history underlying their transition are the ones who want to be sparkly gay femboy ukes; in those cases it's just straight-up internalized misogyny.
>>1186001>>1186172I notice this with women who troon out in particular. I don't know what it is, but they always look really depressed/defeated in the "after" picture. Males sometimes look more upbeat in the "after" (the high from living their fetish, maybe) but women never do. They also tend to lose all sense of style in their "after" pictures.
No. 1186185
>>1186180She hates being feminized/sexualized by, likey, men, so she became a man? Doesn't seem like a logical solution. Why not stand up for yourself and other women in your position? Nah, she chose to troon out.
Any bets on how long it'll take her to detransition?
No. 1186233
>>1186218someone pointed out its cause she could still be recovering from the surgery.
why do so many women rush into cutting their tits off. it’s the second brought after “i don’t like being a woman”
delete tits. as if getting rid of them solves all life’s problems.
blog but it’s almost upsetting to see women who despise their femininity so much they want to mutilate themselves. is being a woman really such an awful thing? it’s bad enough with that but trying to find a girlfriend and all the pretty butches are actually fake boys.
No. 1186244
>>1186233In almost every country you are less of a human being by law, and in all countries women suffor from rape culture, unpaid care work, rape, violence, etc.
I like being a woman but I fucking hate the price me and my cisters have to pay.
No. 1186253
>>1186250God you’re right tho. Ellen’s tired of being sexualised and all the little fakebois on twitter are falling over each other to say how hot and handsome she is now. for ~~~validation~~~
cause doughy-faced twinks are hot i guess?
at what point will she realise she’s just dug a bigger hole for herself by trooning out. she still looks like a skinny little girl just now with a shitty hair cut and no sense of style.
No. 1186266
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>>1185968“Transgender people are so very real.”
No. 1186313
>>1185983Ellen, you brainlet, almost every woman is uncomfortable with being sexualized, unless she is a legitimately broken cumbrained woman. It doesn't make us men.
Do you think she'll get the frankenpenis to go with the top surgery eventually?
No. 1186452
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>>1185950Stolen from kiwifarms
No. 1187217
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>>1185969Doubly hilarious because Shinji was a slightly modified design of an earlier female character. It's fakebois all the way down.
No. 1187284
File: 1616059095307.webm (5.63 MB, 640x1136, 156429404_1605785962959120_801…) "you become sexually attracted to men after starting T" is so dumb, and so many fakebois in the comments were agreeing to this… Can anyone explain why this would make any sense whatsoever
No. 1187324
>>1185950they photoshopped the dog's asshole out
digital proctectomy
No. 1188217
File: 1616170873838.jpeg (1.85 MB, 2880x3840, F03FC2B1-F7AE-4B20-B64B-1DF9D9…)

sorry for shit edit.
i found a FTM that ticks all the boxes.
-either munchie or not built to live
-he/they lesbian
-MUST be supportive of her flavor of troonism but also don’t talk about discourse
-gender is actually just "fat and ugly"
No. 1189752
File: 1616358996786.jpeg (1.19 MB, 2880x3840, A81DBE8B-7578-4F03-8BAD-0982F9…)

Fakeboi thinks this trending hashtag is somewhat relevant to her. No one thinks you’re a man, love.
No. 1189932
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They're so close yet so far.
No. 1190083
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starting to hate fakebois almost as much as agps
No. 1190289
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>Orochimaru answers Mitsuki with a surprisingly poignant explanation of genderfluidity and non-binary identity: “There have been times when I was a man, and times, a woman, as well as something not of this world.” With this admission of an experience of gender outside of the binary, the scene was quickly labelled by fans and news outlets alike as Orochimaru’s coming out.
I LOVE how the author accidentaly highlighed the delusion that many FTMs/nonbinary snowflakes have: that by being a confused mess, they somehow become ~space princes~, some cosmic beings of pure light that cissies can never compare to nor understand. Meanwhile they look like that one chubby kid in your class that always smells.TLDR 'Queerness' was a mistake
No. 1190333
>>1190289space prince enby starchild fakeboi-ism is just being a wannabe religious saint in new packaging, change my mind
they wish they were chaste pure beings without the burden of icky sinful womanhood
No. 1190459
>>1190451I just posted about this a couple hours ago
>>1190071 since late 2015 or so everything you do has to do with politics now, this is epically true for women creators who want to prove how woke the are
No. 1190661
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>>1190083No way is this them. Don't even know why I'm surprised.
No. 1190671
File: 1616453017546.png (372.4 KB, 950x2450, its boring to be cis.png)

>>1190451Probably cause they spend so much time in Tumblr/social justice circles they feel peer-pressured and encouraged to troon out. Being a cis girl means you're boring and priviledged, and fakebois and all other types of trannies are put on a pedestal.
Pic related, stolen from kiwifarms
No. 1190677
File: 1616453637700.jpg (177.33 KB, 1280x732, poptimism__ftm_tf_tg__by_solar…)

>>1190333I think you're onto something here. A lot of fakebois seem to fancy the idea of being somehow (magically) acknowledged as male without having to change anything about their appearance, style or mannerisms. Being female is the original sin, and if they can purge themselves of that, then the rest is fine.
Picrel. I love how they have to draw the male symbol over the head, because otherwise there's no fucking clue that anything other than a hairstyle and clothing change is happening here.
You don't see this trend in MtF troons, who pretty much want to change
everything about their hairy dude selves and come out looking like Stacy bimbos or qt goth gfs.
>>1190653Internalized misogyny, anon. I think a lot of fujos who troon out are ashamed of their sexuality
I think BL draws in a lot of girls who are like this in the first place tbh. And somehow "not being a girl" transforms all their fetishes from "gross creepy girl fantasies" into "normal healthy gay male desires". So when they get to the point of thinking they're Real True Bois, they finally stop repressing themselves and go buckwild.
No. 1190723
>>1190677so if i wear pants, cut my hair, and tape my tits im a pop star? kek
Is she just envious of not being a male kpop star? i dont get it.
No. 1190728
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The sheer mental gymnastics these bitches use to avoid being a “woman”
For the record, this is a cis hetero woman with a cis hetero bf who does hair for a living and presents as female (giant tits and makeup, skimpy clothes etc) so this categorization is beyond me.
No. 1191208
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I swear the TIFs are the most annoying group of NLOG on this planet No. 1191269
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>>1191222anon you can wear schoolgirl skirts and fishnets without looking sloppy and tacky…….. just saying……
No. 1191352
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damn that’s crazy it’s almost like impressionable teens want to fit in with their friends
No. 1191442
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“excellent result” of FTM GRS
what the actual fuck
No. 1191473
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>>1191442"Surgery has gotten so good that you can't tell the difference!"
No. 1191486
File: 1616544639729.png (Spoiler Image,254.3 KB, 666x574, fuckedup.png)

>>1191442I knew phalloplasty was horrific but I didn't realize until I was browsing trans subreddits for myself the extent of bodily mutilation required to get the needed skin. How is this shit legal?
very graphic wound pic under spoiler be warned. the post has a video: No. 1191515
File: 1616547190037.jpg (1008.84 KB, 1125x1491, 1616456036545.jpg)

/lgbt/ has a new "boy" in town. Meet bidenmoder:
>just turned 18 this month>claims to only have social dysphoria rather than physical, but still wants to butcher her body with testosterone and surgery>brags about being malebrained even though she types with excessive emoticons and acts like a girl in every possible wayThe only good thing about her presence is that Terje is seething about being replaced by bidenmoder after she lost her simps because testosterone made her fat and ugly.
No. 1191565
File: 1616553522341.jpg (Spoiler Image,103.6 KB, 478x640, AzS68BlCcAMmR6j.jpg)

>>1191442ftm goes through the "choose your dick" catalogue
No. 1191583
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There are more and more instances of trans men playing non-trans boys on tv, but most of the time they're instantly clockable like pic related from Tell Me Your Secrets. (Tbf i just started watching so if the character is supposed to be trans my bad)
They're always playing teenagers i guess because the patchy facial hair and squeaky pubescent voice precludes them from being believable adult men. Elliot Page next (this one's name is also Elliot kek)
No. 1191616
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>>1191600She also calls the gay character a faggot as he/hims love doing.
No. 1191697
>>1191663neo vags are freaky but at least if you steer clear of fucking trannies you can live your life without ever seeing one irl.
but this? horrifying.
No. 1191707
>>1191700I think it’s all about anal since they like to pretend they’re gay men, which leads me to another question
won’t those things fall apart the moment someone squeezes too hard? I mean, at the end of the day, those things seem too short to have sex with.
No. 1191716
>>1190728Ftms doing drag makes me wildly uncomfortable because drag is literally just "celebrating" harmful, sexist stereotypes of women. These women must have incredible amounts of internalized misogyny to not only opt out of womanhood but to also actively mock it and present themselves liking feminine things as a performance and a parody. Like the only way they can accept themselves as women is to add a "jk lmao" to it.
I know this girl who has a girlfriend and they both used to just be gnc/butch. But now one of them came out as trans gay man and also a drag queen. But they're still together because being gay means being attracted to masculine presenting people apparently, so her girlfriend counts. Oh and she no longers presents as masculine herself because she's a drag queen, remember? I just don't understand. The amount of mental gymnastics they have to go through to cope with being a lesbian couple… The level of self hatred is a sad thing to witness.
No. 1191758
>>1191729That one's got to be thigh, not forearm, which is what girls who prioritize length and girth over… anything else, go for. Usually when fatties get it, they end up having to get lipo after the fact, and between how much fat there is and the length, there's pretty much no feeling, no chance of erectile device, even HIGHER risk of complications, plus it looks like a Junji Ito monster with those pores.
It'd be funny if it wasn't so depressing.
No. 1191912
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So TIFs are now finally trying to force themselves in male spaces and discussions
No. 1192158
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You know, it’s not lost on me that the fujos saying these things probably wouldn’t go near a vagina themselves.
No. 1192240
>>1191515I like her haircut. So many cute tomboys have been lost to the FtM meme, it's sad.
She probably has the same mental issues Terje does, though.
No. 1192287
>>1192158Even in a clown world where this isn't homophobic, it's still laughably shitty to call people spineless cowards for not wanting to fuck you. Not a speck of self awareness on the horizon, how embarrassing.
>>1192270You'll be comforted to know that nobody cares about your tif problems then.
No. 1192308
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>>1192240>cute tomboyShe looks like genderbent Tommy Wiseau.
No. 1192606
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>>1192308or the "I'm in me mum's car" girl who is coincidentally a tif as well lol
No. 1192637
File: 1616674939397.webm (1.86 MB, 640x1134, 161901953_2516994911938548_656…)
Me when I'm a fujoshi
No. 1192720
>>1192714women around the world are still fighting for pads and tampons to be more accessible, even now in the US where homeless women struggle to acquire any, and we're supposed to cry because a Woman: Bald & Woke Edition(tm) feels sad that the package is pink and references women.
Top fucking kek.
No. 1192723
>>1192714Hell yeah! Fuck those women and girls constantly mocked and treated like shit for having a period, who the fuck cares about that? Let’s focus on mentally ill retards that has the outmost
need to have female hygienic products called
>bleeding person productsOr how about?
>products for bleeding holesMaybe
>hole productsAll in gray and black and maybe we could have a section for “men” with boyish colors like deep blue and green so they don’t get mocked for having a period, because men suffer a lot because of that!
i will just kms, thanks No. 1193160
File: 1616709856678.png (386.21 KB, 492x677, LKKlFyx.png)

enby woman on my tl just retweeted this. she's only a few years younger than me (so mid 20s) and she never struck me as the yaoi sick kind, but i guess i was wrong. being terminally online plus touching even less grass because of the pandemic manipulates them all into trooning out.
No. 1193170
>>1193166gender here means how people perceive them and also how they look on top of their personality.
one of the biggest tips to be happy is to stop chasing after impossible or incredibly difficult things so we're not torturing ourselves over unattainable shit.
but somehow wanting to become a male anime character when you're a 5'2 pear shaped autist is the key to happiness. aight
No. 1193403
>>1193190SAME I'm so tired of it, like what do you mean elias/elliot/eli/elohim #231, are you referring to STYLE?? Motherfucking AESTHETICS? I've seen the whole "omg gender!" thing applied to kids, adults, animals, paintings, random ass decorations, it's embarrassing lol. Gender identity is so holy and concrete but also a cartoon frog is omg gender.
>>1193278 Yeah it's literally that. It's a way of expressing approval and admiration, like vibes.
No. 1193469
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>your brain on internalized misogyny
No. 1193610
>>1193469Terj must hate herself a lot to say all that retarded shit kek
Oh well, hope she has fun being ugly and bald.
No. 1193687
File: 1616764865019.webm (10.79 MB, 640x800, enby.webm)
I don't even know where to start with this one.
No. 1193691
>>1193687So gender stereotypes only affect you if you're "cis"? This implies that identifying as nonbinary is the only way to opt out of living a life dictated by archaic, sexist stereotypes.
Also kek @ the -mon suffix being a digimon thing and not a pokemon thing
No. 1193741
>>1193687the pacing on this is so terrible and the stereotypes are so…stereotypical. pure cringe.
someone please tell her that you don't have to be an "enby" to be above dumb scrotes comments.
No. 1194170
>>1193536>Lately I've seen my troon friends retweet "bl" where the uke character is a pussyboy.Wut? Tell me this was drawn by western artists. I really haven't seen any Japanese mangaka fall into the whole "this flat-chested girl in a hetero relationship thinks she's a boy and therefore this is BL" nonsense.
There's this Twitter artist one of my friends keeps liking, and their art is allll "trans masc gay bois", aka girls with no boobs. Actually sometimes their characters still
have boobs and look 100% like women (soft curvy bodies, no facial hair, lingerie), and the artist still has the nerve to whine about people ~mIsGenDeRIng~ these characters.
No. 1194390
>>1194170Nope, japanese artists. And to make it worse a lot of it was fanart/doujins of established male characters.
And yeah that's what's throwing me off too. Pussyboys are pretty much expected from western fujos at this point because they're all aidens anyway but idk what the situation is like in Japan. Tbf my troon friends are all degenerates so they probably dig pretty deep to find this shit. It's kind of hilarious though how they feel uwu validated by it and still don't realize it's because pussyboys are literally just women and they themselves are women too. The denial goes deep.
No. 1194402
>>1194170Some Japanese mangaka do cuntboy art once in a blue moon but it’s definitely treated as a fetish thing not a trans thing. Most of the ones I’ve seen are usually into western fetish stuff like abo where the boys have something kinda like pussy on top of a dick so it probably comes from that. It’s all pretty rare tho and tagged as cuntboy or hermaphrodite/abo if they got a dick too so people can avoid it when they do draw it cause azn artists aren’t gonna spring it on u & try to pass it off as just like normal yaoi!!!!
I’d say overall it’s pretty rare tho, i think if the avg jp yaoi artist wants to draw pussy they’ll do genderbent yuri. I actually had no clue abo had fantasy hermaphroditism until I read a dj without looking at the cover properly a while back. I thought it was all about dog dick shit lol
No. 1194540
>>1147735I once met a ftm in serbia, she was extremely sexist/misogynistic, was into yaoi, very narcissitic and she was really short like 5.0 inches or lower.
She also thought she was hot and that she passed compared to other ftms who she thought were ugly (she was a short girl with a pizza acne face)
I just checked up on her and now she is going for the softboy aesthetic by wearing dresses and dressing uwu.
No. 1194600
File: 1616855768389.png (Spoiler Image,807.93 KB, 882x782, 2D5F2BDB-2B2B-429B-BB25-4F046D…)

I’m having trouble wrapping my head around this…
Apparently being on T for a long time makes women’s clitoris turn into a small penis?
No. 1194629
>>1194600at least a micro-penis is
shaped like a penis, despite being tiny.
that clit is…that’s a weird worm. that’s a homestuck alien penis. that’s a mystery appendage you’d find on a dead deformed animal. how do you even feel proud or satisfied with that thing?
No. 1194638
>>1194600Thats obviously someone after a phalloplasty or metoidioplasty surgery.
Keep on coping ftm's, T wont make you get a penis.
>>1194629Yeah T just makes women get a fat pussy, either that person had surgery or they are intersex.
No. 1194644
File: 1616858146775.jpeg (Spoiler Image,88.53 KB, 933x789, B6407FA4-736C-42A7-AF8D-A82D59…)

>>1194613Lol I knew that, idk why I called it a penis. They’re like female hyenas
>>1194629This one looks a bit more penis shaped but is still fucking gross. Better than a fake dick made out of arm meat though.
No. 1194911
>>1194644I still vastly prefer this to that uncomfortable tentacle upthread, this doesn't look surgically altered or raw at least. Salvageable if she decided to present as a hypermasc stud.
>>1194908You're right.
No. 1194922
File: 1616874910887.jpg (Spoiler Image,203 KB, 2560x1440, 0mebpdlxi5m11.jpg)

>>1194600Like all large clits, the T-enlarged ones tend to be vaguely penis-shaped. Few are ever that big though; most are just like an inch or two. Possibly the woman had a large clit to start with, some are just born that way.
Also, they pump their clits with vacuum pumps too, you can bet a lot of the "huge" ones you see are pumped beforehand to make them look larger. Picrel (very NSFW of course).
No. 1195119
>>1194600Holy shit this looks so
wrong. The other I can identify as large clits, this one looks like a horror movie practical effect.
No. 1195294
>>1193536There's a former personal lolcow who draws nothing but yaoi and FtM shit to the point where she kins a favorite character of mine. Even to the point of drawing said (male) character as a loli being raped pre-transition. They really, REALLY need therapy. I want to namedrop them but they were so disgusting that I actually forgot their twitter handle (and I really don't want to pour through their account for caps and breakdowns). Might be a good thing. Might be better for the personal Lolcow thread, too.
>>1194590Essentially. I've yet to see an exception. They may be hermaphrodites, or might be males who take a potion to become cuntboys. Or just subject to mpreg.
>>1195229It's like what all that yaoi LARPing at anime cons inevitably turns into.
No. 1195314
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>>1194968It might shrink some if they go off T, but for the most part the growth is permanent. Just like how man-tits don't go away when male troons stop taking estrogen. If you browse the detrans subreddit there's tons of posts from women who regret their transition and are desperately researching surgeries to reduce clit size.
>>1195182Agree. I'm much less grossed out by the monster clits than the horrible surgically-created skin hotdogs that pass for 'dicks'.
No. 1195841
>>1195724Try to have some empathy anon. Imagine having so much internalized misogyny that you destroy yourself like this and only realize your mistake after you've irreparably changed your body. Adding one more 'mutilation' to the pile probably doesn't seem so bad in those circumstances.
Sage for sperging but detrans people are treated horribly both by outsiders and by their former community. I feel terrible for them and I think they deserve more support and encouragement than they receive. What a miserable place to be in life.
No. 1195895
>>1195808It’s like fancy tribbing when they fuck other girls so kinda yeah. a few places do special mini flesh light things they can actually penetrate too
idk what the straight ones that fuck men do lol
No. 1196005
>>1195808>>1195895The straight ones who fuck men, I'm pretty sure their megaclits never get any attention. I've never heard of a fakeboi trying to get their clit into some dude's ass
gag. The hetero ones are obsessed with LARPing as totemo gay sparkly ukes and for them, it's all about feeling validated by having their allegedly homosexual ~cIs GaY boYfRiEnDs~ use them as a hole.
FtM porn exists
extremely NSFL, do not search for it, and 100% of it is the fakeboi doing PiV with some real dude. There's no fakeboi-on-girl and nothing with the fakeboi on top.
No. 1196088
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>>1196068Super fucking sad, I agree. Like it's supposed to be "affirming" that you've become a niche-fetish sex object for weird creeps.
No. 1196101
File: 1616980581111.png (226.8 KB, 862x470, Capture.PNG)

>>1196092Yup. The hurting is either your vaginal walls getting thin/fragile enough to bleed from regular sex, or the wicked fucking cramps you get post-orgasm, both caused by your internal organs freaking out from lack of estrogen. Just like a real boi!
/s>>1196089By far the vast majority are straight, but also the straight ones are the most obnoxious too. Lesbians often troon out from internalized lesbophobia, thus they tend to want to quietly blend in as hetero dudes and go stealth. They're totally different from the Ayydens who OD on yaoi doujinshi and transition from boring str8 girls into gay bishies; those are the ones running around in glitter eyeshadow and rainbow binders pretending to be "drag queens".
No. 1198189
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I’ve seen several tiktoks on this subject and it’s horrifying that it’s something they think about. These kids need mental help not encouraged self-mutilation.
No. 1198205
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>>1198189This girl is so funny, I mean in a sad way. She has a tiktok where she basically uses a gc talking point to explain that she thinks gender roles shouldn’t exist. Not because it’s generally constrictive, but because her parents wouldn’t let her do “boy” stuff. So in order to dress how she wanted… she had to become a “boy”. GC is only good to aidens when it’s used to apply to their personal traumas I guess? She had her mom pick out her tranny name too. How does your “abuser” who wouldn’t let you troon out choosing your new name not count as some major dysphoria catalyst but the letter “F” does? kek none of this adds up.
No. 1198288
>>1197984straight people and stories about same sex attraction never go well together. they just don't get it. i'd put more lesbian content (about the lived experience of lesbians i mean) on my social media if all my irl friends weren't straight girls who see ssa people like a weird fascinating fantasy race in a book. they just don't understand but they think they do, so they cover themselves in pride memorabilia and read tons of books about queer stories uwu because they think that makes them woke. at the end of the day, they will never get it. i always feel like a zoo animal or a strange exotic pet when they talk about their wokeness.
>>1197992i read a lot about aidens who don't date other aidens because their aiden bodies
trigger their aiden dysphoria. that's why transbians are preying on lesbians and aidens are on grindr harassing gay men with pussy pics.
No. 1198348
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>>1197984>it's partly because they grew up straight and were used to not having trouble with their sexualityI hadn't thought about it this way before, but that makes sense. Also how they're outraged that gay men aren't into them…as straight girls they're used to attention from men, even if they're average-looking, so it must be a real shocker that most dudes on grindr just aren't interested.
It always gets me how fakebois breathlessly insist that their yaoi doujins are sooo ~relatable~ to them as "gay boys". Congrats, you're relating to an idealized romance story drawn by women, for a female audience, that probably features a less-sexist power dynamic than most stories about hetero relationships. Oh, you hate the thought of being viewed as some guy's girlfriend? That's called (a) internalized misogyny and/or (b) scrotes suck and don't treat their partners right. None of that makes you male
or "gay".
No. 1198468
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>>1194185I knew one that is already 31. She started out as a lolita who loved yaoi (even boku no pico). Eventually she got into the kaweewee pastel style and finally trooned out. She's never dated anyone or worked and lives as a NEET.
No. 1198533
>>1198380I hate this, God hori can you just beef him
up and have him SMASH that thicc ochako girl already?
No. 1198562
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sage for semi blog but a lesbian friend I've known online for a decade said this after I replied to her ig stories promoting hrt and surgery for children. I guess ig deleted the message when she blocked me but I mentioned that girls getting bilateral mastectomies at 13 is not cool
No. 1198697
>>1198562i'm so sorry this happened to you, but like
>>1198607 said it's probably better that way. people have to peak trans on their own, you can't force or reason with them, sadly.
No. 1199014
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This is so upsetting, i used to follow this girl years ago, she was gorgeous and had big boobs. No. 1199090
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wtf is bigender suppose to mean.
No. 1199095
>>1199090I'm guessing the opposite of nonbinary? Nonbinary being not adhering to the binaries and bigender identifying as both binary genders? Not sure how that works though in comparison to genderfluidity or whatever where you feel like one or the other at times. Like are you both all the time? What pronouns would that even be?
>>1199014Honestly just looks like a cute lesbian now. I don't get the desperation to become scuzzy dudes instead of just being cute dykes. It feels like all the cute dykes transition out these days.
No. 1199098
>>1199090I think it’s like one day, a girl wants to be a guy but the next day she wants to stay a girl. And if she transitions, which means chopping, it’s just a way to justify wearing dresses when she’s supposed to be the manliest of men amongst all men.
But like, she’s either one or another, not *“~in the spectrum of le gender~”* so I’m guessing she’s either a she or a he, never a themlet because that’s for the mentally ill i guess.
No. 1199103
>>1199071An anon pointed out these names are often jewsish male names
They have the right amount of uniqueness to seem different but familiar. and also allows them the appearance of opting into oppression and adopting the ‘nice soft Jewish boy’ stereotype
you know the meek, scrawny, glasses wearing sorta of unmasculine young man
No. 1199118
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>>1199108Well Jewish boys are often stereotyped as nerdy, so there is an overlap but either way it reveals that they cause they can't ever be masculine males they opt to become sort nerdy boys
No. 1199162
>>1199014I can imagine absolutely hating your life for being known simply for "being gorgeous and having big boobs". Shit like that really causes girls to troon out, I'm currently witnessing a process of a semi-e-girl dabbling between transitioning after she kept being creeped on by men since young age for having an amazing body and a good fashion sense.
>>1199071>At least trans girls seem to have a bit o varietyKek sure, it's not like all of them are named either Alice, Sophie or Lily. The rare cases that don't pick one of these stole the name from a female relative or anime character they're skinwalking.
No. 1199247
>>1199157I know fakebois who decided to convert to Judaism too. I think it's more that Judaism is seen as a "trendy" religion nowadays. It's distinct from Christianity, which is seen as boring, but is not so exotic that people would accuse you of cultural approritation like Buddism or Hinduism. And like
>>1199173 said you get to claim oppression. It's all just another way of making themselves more special and oppressed.
No. 1199355
>>1198439Yes, yönsupi if I recall right. She also hates butch lesbians, wonder why.
>>1198572A lot of lesbians I knew as a teen are now trans guys. They usually pass as manlets so not as easy to spot as uwu gay bois.
No. 1199387
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>>1199302I've noticed the naming thing too and I think you're right, they want to be the sorts of guys they find attractive. In the case of the Aidens and Eliotts and Ashers, it's clear their 'type' is meek and nerdy ambiguously Jewish softboi.
IMO, fakebois trying to reach for a nerdy twink style are slightly better than the ones who seem to embrace being as repulsive as possible. These ones tend to go for the filthy unwashed look they try to pass off as being punk/grunge/goblin/feral/whatever, usually with green hair. You also see them dress like retarded MtFs like picrel.
I'm convinced that some of the most carnival-sideshow-looking fakebois are secretly freaked out by how fucked-up they look and are coping by making themselves
more hideous with awful fashion choices, in an effort to convince themselves that they actually choose to look this way and enjoy it. Either that, or they're going back to the clothes they used to be able to get away with before hormones ruined their bodies.
No. 1199522
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This is literally sad
No. 1200039
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>>1199327I mean I don't get why you're so shocked, certain women/girls have always had a fetish for "nerdy boys" especially on Tumblr in the early 2010's, howover those nerdy boys were always skinny, good looking, clear skinned and generally had just the right amount of quirkiness so they were purely fictional in a sense
Either way anons right about these women wanting to be their own boyfriend
No. 1200088
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meanwhile on /lgbt/
No. 1200146
>>1200088>>1200143if she got preggo while on accutane she's got worse things to worry about than side effects from t
accutane causes major birth defects, it's why they make you take pregnancy tests
No. 1200803
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Another happy transition from reddit
No. 1200834
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>>1200803this entire subreddit is a goldmine, wow
No. 1200852
>>1199090Honestly feel sorry for her because she's a lesbian woman who was manipulated to transition by her
abusive bisexual wife who was disguising cheating as "open relationship".
This is why you stay away from bi women when you're les.
No. 1200932
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>>1199090She's so cute with short hair, it fits her very well. And if top surgery makes her feel better then good for her but it's obviously a result of insecurity.
>While they say that girl power is still “a part of me,” Stevenson is glad they don’t have to play a specific role anymore. “I went into an office, every day, I put together my outfit and I was like, ‘Will people respect me when I walk into a room like this? Is this going to make me look like the professional woman who's bad-ass and, and feminine and this and that and that?’” No. 1200990
>>1200956Not really, at the start Molly had a bf or fwb with some guy and then dated Noelle but she didn't want to commit to Noelle and leave the guy in the beginning, then she later chose Noelle and broke it off with the guy. It's still pretty pathetic on Noelle's part. I wouldn't be surprised if they have an open relationship but it's not likely.
>>1200968Isn't she saying the opposite, don't fuck bi women ?
No. 1201060
>>1200847>>1200834These people sound like guys who think they can fuck gay girls straight because they're so amazing.
So not only so they want to paint their relationship as higher up on the lgbt totem pole they've created, but they want the bragging rights for turning their partner more gay. Also:
>The idea that if you date a NB person you MUST be biDid these morons forget that their own snowflake gender was designed to be an absence of social gender, not all genders and physical features at once? Imagine demanding lesbian spaces make room for you, only to turn around and declare that anyone who dates you is no longer a lesbian.
No. 1201082
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>>1200956>>1200968I'm talking about the comic about her wife literally cuckolding her with a man which resulted to her top surgery. She allowed this to happen because she wanted to keep her wife happy even though it made her miserable.
That's why I really can't like Catradora either in She-ra because they're based on her and her wife (her own words).
No. 1201095
>>1200847>>1200834>>1200803Someone just posted a similar story about one of their exes in the lesbian thread over on /g/. It's incredibly fucking arrogant to think that you can redefine your partner's sexuality based on your imaginary ~identity~. If I wake up in the morning and decide I'm really a cat or really a five-year-old, does that mean my girlfriend retroactively transforms into a zoophile or a pedo? If I decide I'm really her mother, does that mean our relationship is incest? What if I tell her I'm one of the above, does that make any difference whatsoever? That's their ridiculous logic here.
Like, okay, I'd feel something was a bit peculiar about a guy who was dating a hairy, bearded, musclebound FtM while claiming to be 100% hetero. Not that the pairing itself was gay, but that the dude might actually prefer real men and is clinging onto his super-butch wife so he can pretend she's a guy while still remaining "straight". But for all we know, the troon partners in these posts still look perfectly female, which makes the whole "u can't be exclusively attracted to women if you're with me" even more insane.
Humans aren't attracted to the fantasy alter-ego personas that live in people's heads, they're attracted to the physical reality. Which, for these troons, is female.
No. 1201158
>>1200852Wait wait what? Molly Ostertag is an
abusive cheater? I need the tea.
No. 1201171
>>1201087Judaism is patriarchal as a religion, but liberal cultural Judaism is basically just being a Brooklyn hipster who eats bagels at brunch. Aidens probably want to emulate all the nice Jewish boys in Hollywood like Finn Wolfhard, Joseph Gordon-Levitt, and Zac Efron.
Orthodox Judaism is definitely extremely patriarchal. My family is liberal (Democrats) Jewish and we're pretty egalitarian, although back when my mom was growing up there was blatant family favoritism for sons over daughters - maybe for young liberal Jewish girls, becoming a fakeboi is desirable because then they'll be the preferred sex?
This is a bit of a blogpost but I have a friend, born and raised liberal Jewish, who started leaning harder into Judaism around the same time she trooned out. I think she decided to clinging harder to her status as an oppressed religious minority would negate some of her white privilege and give her another woke point to use in the Oppression Olympics.
No. 1201221
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>>1201158She was just poly and Noelle got into it because she couldn't say no.
No. 1201225
>>1201221Which celebrity do you think will hit peak trans and publicly desist OR slip up and do trans wrong (like tweeting something
pRoBLeMaTiC), angering the troon hive enough to dethrone JKR and become Supreme
TERF enemy # 1 first:
>Ellen Paige>Noelle Stevenson>Rebecca Sugar No. 1201226
>>1201171>liberal cultural Judaism is basically just being a Brooklyn hipster who eats bagels at brunchKek, I get it now. And I wouldn't be surprised by a girl who was
raised Jewish/Muslim/Catholic/Mormon trooning out, because none of these religions have particularly favorable views on women. It's just the notion of converting to one of the above, post-transition, which was a little baffling.
>clinging harder to her status as an oppressed religious minority would negate some of her white privilegeMakes sense to me. I'm sure your friend felt that becoming a white "dude" made her some kind of oppressor, esp. if she was into girls and therefore became an ebil str8 white man.
No. 1201404
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One more permanent disfiguration, coming right up
No. 1201416
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micah nemerever (author of a gay ya novel) is a prime example of trender disease. ftm 1) obvious name, 2) judaism, 3) very clearly obviously a biological woman rping as a gay male. her voice is untouched by hormones you can look her up on yt
also pretty sure her entire debut novel was her self inserting into a gay male romance kek
No. 1201441
>>1201087you're assuming any of these girls know jack shit about the religion. they all grew up in vaguely christian households and American Christians assume the "judo-christian tradition" gives them any insight on what Judaism actually believes, and Jews are "white enough" that they can pick it up like a costume without getting accused of cultural appropriation.
That said most reform Jews are pretty progressive and have been on certain issues before the general culture was. Orthodox is a whole other story.
No. 1201622
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Stole it from KF.
No. 1201653
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>I wasn't born in the wrong body
Then how are you trans? Jfc. Along with the level of narcissism of everyone being gross for not caring about her attention seeking bullshit.
No. 1201721
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>>1201653Some days I actually want to encourage more retarded fakeboyism like above and picrel. IMO, while the trans bandwagon still has mainstream appeal, it might be better if girls start identifying as "totes gay bois" without feeling the need to mutilate themselves with surgery or inject dangerous hormones. And in a few years all these non-op, non-hormonal, non-passing FtMs can quietly grow out of their trans phase and just become cis lesbians, and wouldn't have to live with the consequences of having fucked up their bodies.
No. 1201739
>>1201725As far as I can tell, person on the right is some sort of femme ""cis"" gay guy. Which…yeah, I've never met a dude who doesn't pass as male and is just chill about it, unless we're talking about drag queens, who
still pass as male once they take off their costumes.
The one intersex guy I knew who consistently did not pass as male, was subjected to untold amounts of shit from other men.I do occasionally see genderweird weebs at local stores and legit can't tell if they're femme dudes or butch women, but let's be real, these people (A) are not attractive and (B) are gonna face all sorts of hostility. Outside of drag events and certain LGBT spaces, society doesn't just "allow" femme dudes to "be men" in any sort of sense.
No. 1201768
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Related to precious surgery talk, but, for the ones who want to pass as ugly fat men, apparently "meta" surgeries are pretty decent at mimicking micro dicks (Picrel), so why not go for that? Is the forearm tube purely to look as gross and inhuman as possible? You'd think a "functioning" micro dick would fit the incel fantasy better.
No. 1201780
>>1201768Probably for the same reason that mtf trannies don't want to be mature women dressing appropriately, but hot teenage girls instead.
It's all about fulfilling a fantasy, why be a man when you can't have a giant coke-can dong?
No. 1201799
>>1201653So this is just body modification? ie people with double tongue, extreme tatoos, etc.
Honestly if they're freaky enough to enjoy hormonal injections purely for the aesthetic the problem would barely be here. It's like that grown woman who did several plastic surgeries to look like a cat/tiger but she never forced anybody to consider her as one, forced her way to have a place at a zoo because "muh kinnie right" or was insufferable to people in general. But they're not "just" asking to be left alone when it comes to their bodies they over cross people's bondaries (women's rights etc) and the problem lies here.
No. 1201824
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This peaked me so hard. Found her account today where a tweet she had made said “ sometimes I forget I’m a famous person” and was complaining about how googling herself led to a suggest search of ‘before transition’ pics.
Clicking on the account led to another ftm that tries to present femme? Like what the fuck is the point of transitioning for women when now almost all of them have started doing this
Plus the description tweet underneath is retarded
No. 1201961
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>It's like that grown woman who did several plastic surgeries to look like a cat/tigerI think you're talking about Dennis Avner, who was a man. He killed himself in 2012.
No. 1203508
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why do all "enbies" look the same. just these unstylish lumps who figure they simply cannot be icky females and have to identify as a "nothing".
No. 1203547
>>1203525>>1203508sadly that's something too many women share regardless of the troon shit.
i think a lot of them are also autists who don't feel a connection to anything feminine or womanhood and decide that whatever blurb on non binary genders is totally them.
No. 1203568
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>>1203508What ever happened to just being butch? Butch women are fucking awesome and usually extremely based. Why is it more popular now to pretend to have no gender or even sex?
No. 1203651
>>1203568sadly, i think the word butch has a lot to do with it. has negative connotations. pop culture using butch/bull/masc/husband to describe women who don't want to dress "ultra-femme"
the kind of culture that labels michelle rodriguez as "too butch" for some roles ffs
No. 1204110
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(if not a troll) this has to be unresolved trauma from sexual abuse, right? ofc troons in the comments are encouraging her to go through with it. No. 1204422
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>>1204145medical drawing, nothing too bad
it would probably be something like this but the orifice would only expose the urethra and clit which has gotta be awful having your clit exposed like that
there will be a ton of uncomfortable dryness
No. 1204432
>>1204422A lot of girls fighting against female genital mutilation and this bitch is mutilating herself because of her fee fees. Her parents are complete idiots and in the following years when she is depressed and suicidal because of her choice she is totally going to blame then saying that they mutilated her and they were
No. 1204443
>>1204110This is pathetic.
>>1204432>>1204438Seriously, I can't even comprehend the level of delusion you have to be on to support this. Mental illness. It seriously makes me so sad nobody can see what this is.
No. 1204485
>>1204457mentally ill kid "yes, doctor, I want a cloaca"
dr, looking at bank balance "no problems, post it to twitter and it's official"
No. 1204713
>>1204422Any doctor who willingly performs this on a healthy adult woman should be treated akin to how we view Mengeles experiments on humans.
There is no health purpose to this, the hysterectomy on a freshly turned 18 year old woman alone is a bastardization of a necessary medical procedure we need as women. Taking away a humans ability to have sex to appease their current trauma is the cruelest thing I can imagine another human inflicting upon someone else. No matter what the wokesphere TRAs try to convince anyone science and human biology can't be argued with when it comes to a humans psychological needs. You can go 5 years without having sex and feel like you're "asexual" but an entire lifetime of 70+ years of never even having the choice to experience something humans consider vital in healthy relationships sounds like a recipe for emotional suicide. This is more horrifying to me than FtM meat tunes, at least I can somewhat convince myself some fool thinks they're helping a poor twans but removing all genitals completely? That's some evil shit right there to do.
No. 1204721
>>1204432>>1204438A lot of FGM is done as an adult, with the woman's consent. The social stigma (misogyny) and expectation for it makes them think that their natural vaginas make them "unclean." Many who get the procedure done claim that they feel more clean after the fact.
This procedure and labiaplasty are the Eurocentric (includes the US and Canada) version of FGM. We aren't superior to people in Africa or western Asia. The shame and abuse young girls face still results in the destruction of the vagina. Our doctors are more than willing to slice us apart needlessly, and our government has nothing to say on the fact that we are shamed by porn and abused by men into believing our vaginas are filthy and ugly, and that we are allowed (or even expected) to get cosmetic mutilation.
No. 1204753
>>1204110What kind of parents would
approve of this? Like I can't look at something like this and be "lolololo check out the dumbass coomer fakeboi", this is actual mental illness in terminal stages and it's being supported by the people close to her.
>>1204115I'm guessing that it's because if you get your ovaries removed pre-menopause you'll have to deal with all sorts of health issues it'll cause you. I don't know, really.
No. 1204754
>>1204457I saw someone on a bodymod forum years ago who had this done. She only kept an opening for the urethra however. There was visible scarring. The woman who had it done was into hardcore body modification and had the procedure done by a like minded friend in the bodymod community who had studied medicine in order to better be able to perform extreme bodymods like tongue splits, pointed ears, implants and such.
I don't know if doctors actually do nullo surgery, I've only ever heard of it done by bodymod people, and not everyone is down with it.
Her family supporting this decision are the definition of uncaring. She will regret this. 100% sexual trauma of some kind has
triggered this.
No. 1204775
>>1204485>>1204713they won't. not at all worth a future lawsuit for a massive and completely unnecessary procedure.
>>1204754body modder i can understand. not a doctor. unless she flies off to some third world country.
No. 1204845
>>1204766It's a choice by technicality. Yes, young girls have FGM forced on them. Yes, that's horrible and needs to be stopped. But pointing at the greater of two evils and saying "the other one is a personal problem, this is the only one
we should focus on" is cruel. Women aren't born hating their bodies or thinking of themselves as filthy. It is
not an intrinsic problem. It is a societal issue. Don't blame women for the mental damage done to them by a society that hates them, and don't place the burden of responsibility on
victims just because they "chose" to mutilate themselves.
No. 1205185
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What a fucking idiot.
No. 1205191
>>1205185Did she only read the first handful of pages and miss the entire rest of the story about the Creature being fucking miserable and wanting to die and/or take bloody revenge on his creator?
This reminds me of a tumblr post I came across once where they quoted lyrics from the I’ll Make A Man Out Of You song in Mulan and said “See, nowhere does it say a man has to have a penis! Being strong is enough to make you a man!” Way to miss
the entire point of the movie holy shit.
No. 1205312
>>1205185>in 4th gradeEither this is made up, or she needs to reread it now that she's older and (hopefully, but not presumably) has better reading comprehension and analytical skills, even if just by a little. Who knows, maybe she's literally more retarded than she was in 4th grade. HRT rots your brain, after all.
>>1205191>>1205193Basically, Doctor Frankenstein was an over ambitious jackass who chose medical malpractice and unethical science over quite literally everything else (friends, family, god, love, ethical science), and then couldn't commit to the bit when he actually did something new. Dude made the monster, got freaked out by its eyes, an ran away from university, abandoning it. The monster itself ends up wandering around with a child brain for a long time, having to learn how to be human. Unfortunately, every human is terrified and revolted by him, so he lives in hiding. The monster educates himself by listening in to other people's conversations, and becomes cripplingly depressed and lonely. At the end, the monster gives the Doctor an ultimatum: build him a wife that he can start a family with, or he will do something bad to the Doctor (presumably kill him). The doctor gets started, but realizes he's not sure pregnancy could happen between two corpses, and he doesn't know what kind of monsters would come from it if they could get pregnant. So he scraps the whole thing, and the monster kills his fiancee, leaving the doctor himself unharmed. Honestly, I think it's a quite fitting image of transition, but I don't think it paints the picture OP would like it to.
No. 1205328
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Came across this drawing tutorial on twitter, notice the "dicks" on the bottom right. Pretty shitty tutorial if you ask me
No. 1205426
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>>1205329Stfu janny we do what we want. This thread will go on forever whether you like it or not
>>1205187I think its because humans have been obsessed with sex that we've gone down this route, particularly pornsick males. The sex industry makes so much fucking money off of teen boys being conditioned from when they first hit puberty (and are the most hormonal) to think porn is as necessary to a happy quality of life as having access to clean water. No man I know in 2021 would advocate for any restrictions on free pornography and they would absolutely lose their minds if they were told they were going to have to pay for it like their dad's probably did with smutt mags and videos. It's extremely telling that when another man says he doesn't like typical pornography you see on pornhub that his friends immediately say "he's lying".
The next step to cooming so much you can barely get hard at normal sexual situations or looking at a normal naked woman is too take it even further. Hard-core BSDM, anal, fantasies of emotionally or physically hurting their partner become almost impossible to avoid in relationships with men in their 20s now. No wonder women who are abused from their youth have such deep ingrained trauma about their genitals they want them gone.
If I was maladjusted and had a cocktail of physiological issues only exacerbated by the unwavering male need to sexually objectify anything that walks within view distance of them I might want to get rid of the very thing that they think they can "take" from me so to speak. I can empathize with this feeling (only slightly) when our only function and value to normal men is how and when they can fuck us. Fuck the male society that did this to us and all FtMs and that now reaps the rewards of our progressiveness in the form of AGP men invading our spaces.
No. 1205458
>>1205328An enlarged clit is a penis? They really do think biology is just a suggestion, don’t they?
What’s the size cutoff for considering your clit to be a penis? Or are we just calling genitals whatever we want now?
No. 1205729
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>>1205655Seethe, tranny femcel
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This is bleak. What dystopia is this
No. 1205943
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No. 1205955
>>1205936A tubby young gimpgirl on the left
>>1205943Shouldn't balding like a scrote be 'gender affirming'?
No. 1205966
>>1205944kek. i know a TIF with that exact same problem. she even went to a doctor and the (female) doctor just squinted her eyes and said she can't help her with that and that she should stop taking T then.
>>1205936this is what they put on the wikipedia page about unfuckablity.
>>1205962"your cishet yaoi fangirl who fetishizes mlm is a cishet yaoi fangirl who fetishizes mlm" tell us something we don't know yet.
No. 1205973
>>1205943>cosplay>photography >design workSo get a job doing the two later options? And what kind of cosplay would she even do as a retard on a
wheelchair I mean, what kind of job is
cosplaying Anyways? Unless she’s talking about sex worker type of cosplay, I don’t see how her putting on a wig and rolling in her wheelchair would be worth of any money.
No. 1205979
>>1205943Tired of e-begging crips who ask for the most ridiculous shit as they aren't barely scraping by with their disability checks. Even from a TRA perspective like ok get your weirdly flat chest on a doughy body and your coke can dick but why try and get something almost all men don't try to get? They just live with being bald or having a recessed hairline.
Oh well that's not very kawaii huh.
No. 1206006
>>1205962I mean I'm a hardcore fujo which means I can't avoid this discourse dogshit so I constantly see the "pro-shippers" claiming that the "anti-shippers" are terfs, and then I constantly see the "anti-shippers" calling the "pro-shippers" terfs due to whichever reason they happened to pull out of their asses that day. But this is nuts, she's basically saying "Now see here, people calling the sky blue: the sky.. is actually blue! Take that!" and it's so embarrassing, jesus christ. It takes actual effort to be this deep into your cognitive dissonance to say this shit out loud and not just pause for a moment to listen to yourself.
That twitter thread is a doozey to read through anyway. I actually had to take a moment to laugh at the "Pornsickness is a SWERF term" one. There's room to debate why the "yaoi to trans" pipeline exists and how young girls are driven to hate their bodies and believe that as women they can only exist to please men instead of themselves but she's hit the sperg wall at full speed, imagine derailing to defend terminal coomerism instead of addressing the actual issue at hand. I don't know, at least I can hope that this is her desperately throwing her weight around before she starts peaking hard.
No. 1206042
>>1206027Well, that's the thing. Female sexuality is still such a taboo that women finding something they find erotic and worse yet, is strongly associated with lesbianism, without including male gaze at all is deemed so disgusting you need to have an actual fucking movement to put a stop to it and pressure all the consumers converting into non-women. Because female sexuality only needs to serve men and men only. It's a woke rehash of the early 00's male-driven "yaoi fangirls are disgusting" narrative and nothing more. If these same women were into finding two hot chicks fucking nobody would find any fault with it but the fact that they're feminine-coded male characters most
men don't find attractive is what causes the harsh pushback.
While fakebois and transbian AGPs have the same motivation of "I want to coom without being judged" fueling their transition, for fakebois it's based on separatist values of wanting to be liberated from centuries of repressing female sexuality and for men it's "I want to retain and grow my power and male entitlement over women without being called out for it". When fakebois see "cishet women" being interested in something that offers them an exit door from objectification they get enraged because they feel it still gets them associated with the oppression they're trying to escape.
No. 1206101
>>1204900>>1205187nah body modders are out there. they'll mutilate whatever you want if you find the right person (aka someone mentally fucked who has no morals).
>>1205443i too have felt the desire to get rid of my genitals solely to escape sexuality and male gaze. i feel bad for this girl.
No. 1206130
>>1205962this is sooooo funny. they’re just mad that people are actually seeing through their shit. i can’t count the number of times i’ve seen self proclaimed “trans mlm he/him enby whateverthefucks” say that reading BL made them realise that they’re gay men and how for a while they were worried that they were fetishizing gay men but it’s okay because it turns out they were gay men all along.
most normal people know this is a lie and can see straight through it. it must hurt them to know that they never had to mutilate their bodies in order to justify reading bls. given that there’s entire online communities of women who read bl and i’ve even seen real gay men defending women who read it (but who are still happy identifying as women. i doubt these trans skin walkers would get any sympathy from gay men especially as they try to pressure gay men into sleeping with their “boy pussies”)
No. 1206138
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we should change this thread name to "ftm/fakeboi general" or smth since no one here actually gives a fuck about retarded concepts like ""transtrenders"" vs ""trutrans"" plus a lot of these chicks would be considered "real dysphoric trans men"
No. 1206196
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>>1206164Oh shit I actually know this Stone Roth girl IRL. She's one of my personal cows and an absolute goldmine of milk. Probably even deserving of her own thread.
Some things about her:
- White, yet identifies as Romani
- Married to a man yet calls herself a non-binary bisexual lesbian, used to call herself a gay man
- Practiced witchcraft and Asatru (Nordic Paganism), decided that it was too racist for her, now is converting to Judaism. Puts "curses and hexes" on people who disagree with her
- Her white husband also claims to be a
POC and is in an open BDSM relationship with other people
- Claims to have DID, multiple personalities, and "alters"
- Is skinwalking her husband's ex girlfriend from 7 years ago and obsessively stalks her
- Her real name is Rebekah, but she changes her name pretty much every single week, has gone by Ash, Raven, Iris, Stone, and a couple other names I'm forgetting
- IRL she claims to be a "representative of the queer community", complains about "oppression" and "lack of visibility" of her "queer identity" while living in bumfuck nowhere Alaska
Oh man I could go on and on, this girl is an absolute riot. Fun to laugh at, until you realize that she has a kid who she is indoctrinating into all this bullshit (her kid is a toddler and she's already calling him "genderless", homeschooling him, and said that she will put him on puberty blockers)
No. 1206396
>>1206130>i doubt these trans skin walkers would get any sympathy from gay men especially as they try to pressure gay men into sleeping with their “boy pussies”They should really start doing that now, using transbians as an example. Come on girls, men are doing the heavy pushing for you, just follow them.
That's when the real trans pushback will happen lol.
No. 1206403
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from professional tard and harrassment leader @succulentbud
No. 1206575
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>>1206403she deleted it lol. the internalised misogyny is so transparent
No. 1207440
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for fucks sake
No. 1207673
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>>1207613this is so messed up. i feel like the book series in picrel became real but instead of plastic surgery, everyone undergoes medical transition at age 16.
No. 1208305
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Goddamnit, why does every somewhat talented female artist turn into a themlet or a fakeboi? The art community is pozzed with woke shit, and she was already proudly calling herself aro/ace, she was well on the slippery slope, but still, it's sad to see. She's a typical nerdy woman, but she's probably thinking "I'm not stereotypically hyper feminine, guess I'm not a woman after all", disheartening.
No. 1208400
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No. 1208594
File: 1618441551554.png (881.67 KB, 562x1007, killantz.png)"spent middle school thinking i was a f€tishizer when really i was just closeted #mlm #transmasc"
this has 1,1 million views. she's 16. i hope she'll understand it's still just a fetish before chopping some tits.
No. 1208603
>>1208594some comments from this tiktok:
"im so confused with myself"
"I called myself a fujoshi and now I'm a nonbinary man"
"i saw a post on tmblr like "Im a girl but I want to love men like how men love men" and i FELT IT. Now I know why lmao"
Getting aroused by two gay men makes you a man? that makes you a typical cis hetero girl.
Thank god these are just stupid kids.
No. 1208614
>>1208606makes it sound less like they're straight up fetishizing gay men.
Also it makes gay relationships sound more romantic which girls like.
No. 1208630
>>1208606it’s more ~inclusive~ because it encapsulates gay men bi men aromantic asexual men or whatever
but it’s pretty much an instant indicator that the person is female
No. 1208636
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>>1208633>it’s okay to fetishize gay men like who caresthis. and it's also okay to be straight because lbr these girls are always out there talking about being in love with a boy and yearning for a boy and loving a boy and kissing a boy and shit. blogging but i used to have a friend who always called herself a PrEtTy BoY but would run around in girly pastel outfits like in the pic. and she constantly talked about how comphet made her feel afraid of acknowledging her attraction to "other" men. like girl, you have an entire pussy and two tits, what the fuck are you talking about?
No. 1208736
>>1208633the thing is from what I've seen and the gay men I've talked to, they don't actually seem to care about fucking Yaoi or fujoishness, like 9/10 gay men do not care
unless fujos are fetishizing IRL gay men then had objections, of course
No. 1208782
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>>1205944reminds me of this TIF who got both hair and beard transplants
No. 1208832
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Straight with extra steps
No. 1208849
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>>1208397Sabrina Cotugno, artist in Disney TV animation, director of Star Vs announced she’s going to take T.
Good luck with the frog voice!
No. 1208854
>>1208619Yes. It's why so many girls are trooning out.
>Find a niche genre that caters to you as a woman>"Wow I really like this, I'm not sure why but I find it a lot interesting than the old-fashioned straight romance stuff that treats the woman like shit and makes me feel bad!">Hold on budding fujo, you're a young white cis girl! You can't like this stuff, you're fetishizing homosexuals you evil colonialist! It's your reason gay men are being killed, it's all because of you staceys liking BL!>"Oh no, I don't want to be an evil fetishizer! I'm sorry for being cis, but I really like this genre and I'm not sure why it's so appealing to me. Could it be because it doesn't objectify my own gender and thus I can keep a physical distance but still be emotionally invested in the story and characters?">No, actually, it's probably because you're trans. Have you considered that? You find the female-written, female-minded characters so appealing because you're actually a boy?>"What?">Or, if you want to continue being an oppressing, fetishizing cis bitch..>"No no, actually, I think I've always been a boy! That explains why I preferred to play with toy cars as a kid and why I hated my body during puberty, and still continue to crumble under societal pressure placed on young women and their looks! Please, I'll change my name to Aiden and put pronouns on bio, just let me have this one thing!">>1208636To be fair when these people talk about being gay for their attraction towards men they mean they're attracted to other trans men i.e. being lesbians with a lot of extra steps. I fail to see a lot of these girls as straight when their "boyfriends" are just other women larping as boys.
>>1208849Whenever I see something like this I remember that one anon who works in animation and said that the industry is overridden with troons and it's only a matter of time before any prolific person follows suite.
No. 1208869
>>1208864a lot of these creators are in an
abusive relationship with the environment that created them, aka the hyper woke cartoon nerds.
they don't dare speak out on why they think it's wrong to harass show creators, or pretend they'll be woker and less
problematic than rebecca sugar or whoever.
they only learn a little when they get dogpiled for dumb shit, but even then they'll still say people need to be "held accountable", lol.
No. 1208876
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>>1204110Follow up post from the same person.
No. 1208884
>>1208876Holy shit. People aren't "desexualizing" or infantilizing you because you're a woman, it's because there's nothing sexy about a surgically created human cloaca. They don't know
how to think of you sexually. It's already unsettling enough to think about or see a human body that is so clearly disfigured in a nonsexual context. Frankly, it's probably worse if you're going specifically for women as a woman with this "no genitals" shit. They would suffer empathy pains, and likely be upset at the thought of their own bodies being mutilated like that. It's a terrifying concept, and immediately kills sexual energy. To make it easily understood: They assume you're asexual (or adjacent) because they find you sexually offputting, and can't imagine having healthy or pleasurable sex with a surgically-created mammal cloaca.
No. 1209023
>>1208876>"I don't dress in a way appealing to men, they assume it's because I'm avaresd to sex"No it's because you want your sex removed? So people assume you're not into sex? Because you want it gone? Why bringing men, definitely a problem related to that as
>>1208968 mentionned.
No. 1211931
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